Shining's Day Off

by Johnny Walker

First published

Shining Armor reunites with Twilight.

Its been several months since Shining made time for his wife, but a sister is good too.

Unedited smut submitted at the last minute. Damn my laziness.

Contains: Brother\Sister, Impregnation, Changelings

Chapter 1

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“Scritch, scritch, scritch,” said the pen that was floating in Shining Armor’s pink aura of magic. After another check to see if he had missed anything else, the black stained tip of the ink wrote as it wrote his signature onto the drafted spending bill. Said unicorn’s eyes drifted tiredly over the papers on the desk in front of him, trying to stave off the boredom of the legal wording on the document. It was an important bill he needed to thoroughly look over, and after so many hours of going over it, all that was left was to sign as co-ruler of the Crystal Empire.

He had missed her and Flurry Heart over the past few days with the Equestrian Games and now having to deal with another day or two of office work and politics. His time with her had been extremely limited and he was really starting to miss his family. Tomorrow was a scheduled day off, any Emergency not withstanding. He needed it. And so did his wife.


The door to the office opened like a haunted house, making Shining’s ears twitch before looking up at the sudden stimuli.

The hallway outside should have been empty except for some guards and service staff at the end of the hallway. He himself had told the guards he wanted to be left alone except for his wife to come when she felt like it.

Looking around for a second, he just shrugged and used his magic to shut and lock the door. His head lowered back down with his ear flicking as he tried to focus his attention back onto the bill.

A creature, small and slink-like had darted through the opening of the door before the door was shut. Shining seemed completely oblivious.

The creature had gotten into the right spot with the papers stacked high over his desk and the chairs being together close enough to not be seen. It silently stalked its prey with its body moving closer to the base of the desk.

It could sense the stallion and his heated body behind the wooden table. The creatures eyes were hungry, its mouth almost drooling at the succulent prize before it. All was quiet for a minute, except for the pen scratching a note on the side of another piece of paper, as it got ready with its body tensing up like a coiled spring. Shining's ear flicked again.

With its tail flicking back and forth behind itself, it adjusted the amount of strength it needed to go for the kill. It waited. Then pounced.

“Yahhhhhhhh!” it screamed in a high feminine voice as it launched itself over the table to the unicorn. Bracing himself, Shining's magic extinguished itself from around the as he rose up in his chair with his arms outstretched. He caught the intruder in his arms and used his quick reflexes to flare his magic to create a shield behind his back, encasing the chair the would probably have been crushed under their weight or hurt him, and absorbed the impact of both creatures crashing into the shield like a squishing balloon.

He grunted as he hugged the intruder, then felt the shield give back. The pink bubble threw both individuals up away from the desk in a somersault. Shining crashed down onto the carpeted floor with his body weight pinning the offender to the floor. The creature gagged aloud as the wind was knocked from its lungs.

Looking down, he saw his sister’s face gag up at him as she desperately tried to take in the air she felt the stallion’s weight expelled from her lungs. “Twilight?”, he spoke before he tried to untangle his limbs from his sister and help her up. “Are you alright?”

Breathing in deep, the purple alicorn took Shining’s hoof and pulled herself up. “Yeah. I’m fine, Shiner.” she spoke aloud. “Oh wow, you were heavy.”

Shining perked up a little and looked over his little sister one more time, before he smiled and reached out with a forehoof to hug her. “You’ve gotta be careful, Twilight. You could have gotten hurt.”

Twilight smiled back and leaned in to hug him back with her face burrowing into his chest. “Thanks, Shining,” she said softly, breathing in his stallion musk. “I'm sorry I scared you.”

Shining’s hoof glided over Twilight’s back and wings. “It's alright, Twily. Don't spook me like that.” Leaning down, he kissed her horn. “So why are you here? I thought you were in Trottingham with Cadance for the Convocation Of The Creatures?”

Tensing up a little, Twilight smiled with a hint of nervousness as she looked up at him. “Oh, uhh, I was! I mean, I was just there, and it was so great and we had such a great time, that I got done early. I mean, I kinda organized the whole event and I..I had a chance to come.. all the way to the Crystal Empire. I mean-”

A hoof touched Twilight’s lips, silencing her. “You mean, you wanted to come spend some quality with your big brother after not seeing him for so long,” he said with a smile.

Twilight merely nodded at his assent.

Pulling his hoof back, “We can spend some time together. I just got done with my work.” His muzzle came down to brush against her cheek. “I’ve put in a letter saying I have tomorrow off, so we have allll day for us until Cadance comes back from Trottingham.”

Twilight felt her cheeks warming as she spoke back, “C-Cadance will be back by tomorrow.. don’t you want to wait for her?”

The white unicorn breathed in deep to take in his little sister’s lilac scent. It wasn’t the comforting scent he knew when he cuddled up against her when he was a foal. These days it was the scent of arousal that permeated her fur whenever he was around.

“I’m tired of waiting, Twily. I’ve been wanting some stress relief for so long. And I know why you came back so fast.” His teeth nicked at her neck, making her shudder.

“Nnnth~ Shining.. You know we shouldn’t do this.”

A strong hoof traced over her barrel, “You want it too, Twilight.”

She flicked her tail. He was right. It had been too long since she had been with Shining. Her one and only stallion.

Raising her head, she pressed her lips against his along with her soft body. A gentle croon escaped her lips as her elder brother responded with a deep kiss of his own. Strong hooves encircled each others bodies with a needy passion.

It had been months since they had been together. Months of busy work and leading their own ponies and creatures without rest, and occasionally saving the world. This was their time and reward.

Shining's tongue danced and squirmed against Twilight's, wrestling her strong alicorn appendage with his own as they embraced. Their breathing was hot and heavy, needing relief and wanting. But he reluctantly pulled back from her with his nostrils flaring a little as he took in a breath. Smiling, he spoke.

"Twilight.. I want you to have my foal."



Shining couldn't help but chuckle at Twilight's surprised face. Her cheeks going beet red in her fur and her eyes going to pinpricks. It was fun sometimes to see her like this sometimes. When she wasn't in danger of blasting something with her magic or pass out. The large extended wings made it hard not to laugh even harder.

"You heard me," he said with a smouldering look in his eyes and an low authoritative growl. "I, Shining Armor, want to get you pregnant. I want to see your little womb swell big with a foal of mine, and I want to rub your sexy body." The seriousness was evident from what she felt against her lower body with his hot sheath throbbing against her.

"I-I-I, Ssshining..." she said. "I-I don't know if I'm ready to be a mom."

Leaning down, he nipped at her ear as he spoke in a husky voice. "You'll be a great mom... You are a great mother figure to so many." He snorted and nipped harder. "And I couldn't ask a better pony to have them."

Twilight looked like she wanted to combust out of embarrassment as she squirmed in his hooves. But he could still feel her rump practically wiggling against the carpet in excitement. After a moment, Twilight untangled herself from her brother's arms. Looking down, she caught sight of his dark mottled cock now hanging free from his sheath, pulsing with his heartbeat with the flat tip of his head leaking a little precum.

Breathing harder, she looked back up at Shining with her own lidded eyes and nodded. Turning around, she moved towards the desk with her flanks swaying back and forth, giving him a little peak of her moist nethers. Hopping her front hooves onto the desk, Twilight turned her head towards Shining and gave a lustful smile.

Her big brother smirked back at the purple alicorn as he slowly walked towards her with his own member swaying at near full arousal. A drop of clear liquid from under her swaying tail dropped to the carpet. Shining snapped forward, grabbing at her tail hair and pulled. Twilight yelled out with her hooves digging into the wood of the desk. He knew it wasn't a cry of pain.

Leaning under her tail, he nosed at her dark purple slit. Her scent felt like a hot jungle filled with a spicy flavor along her moist folds. At her wink poking out her little clit, he rushed to catch it between his lips. His suckling pulled on the hard nub long enough to where his tongue could trace around the hot bulb. The reaction was immediate with Twilight screaming aloud from the pleasure shooting up from her nethers, causing her back to arch and wings flare wide.

The alicorn's legs shook against the desk in the aftermath of that little orgasm. Shining wouldn't let up though as he suckled and flicked his tongue against her clitoris, making sure his mare was well and truly wet for him. It wouldn't do to not have her quiver for him.

Biting her lip, Twilight slammed her hoof against the table and called out in a ragged voice. "S-Shining! Do it! Just mount me already!"

He pretended not to listen to her pleas as he continued to suckle. Though he knew if did this for too long, she'd kick him with her hoof like before. Pulling away, he licked his lips and smacked them aloud with a teasing smile. Twilight turned her blushing face towards him and gave a slightly annoyed look.

Smirking wider at her, he didn't waste time as he reared up on his powerful legs and grab onto the back of his mare, clutching her to his barrel while his black cock slapped against her lips. The large, heavy stallion panted into her ear as he prodded her dark purple winking lips with his tip. He clutched tighter on her body and ran his flank forward, hard.

Twilight gasped and arched her head back against Shining's neck. A long slow moan escaped her lips as her stallion finally filled her. "Ohhhhh, Shining~"

Her stallion grunted with deep exertions as he slammed his cock into her with slow, deliberate motions that elicited loud claps against her dock. Panting in her ear, he kissed at it as he clutched her barrel hard. "I love you~," he grunted.

A shiver ran through Twilight's spine as she felt those words pour out of him. "I love you too, Shining~" she crooned. Her wet velvety folds clenched harder around his cock, causing Shining to throb harder with his pulsing veins grinding up against the Princess' pink walls. His tip was already banging on her cervix with the fleshy hole opening up with each thrust against it, readying her to take in her stud.

Panting with her barrel against the wood, Twilight whimpered in need as she felt her older brother drill into her. "Yesss~ P-Please make me a mom, Shining..."

The white stallion snorted at his sisters voice, wanting so bad to spoil her womb with incest seed and have her carry his foal. To see the purple mare he was fucking into the desk with walk around Ponyville and the Crystal Empire bearing the hallmarks of a mare who had been royally fucked good enough to bear her first foal for him.

But it wasn't to be.

Grunting aloud, Shining panted and licked his lips as he continued fucking his mare. His eyes bore down into his little sister's pleasured face with his own lustful gaze.

"Stop it."

Twilight didn't hear it for a second before blinking a little, still being fucked against the desk. "W-What? Shining?"

He slowed his thrusts for a moment to catch his breath, still tasting the scent of his sister as he looked down at her. "If.. if we're going to make a foal.." He grunted, "I'm going to knock up my wife."

Twilight slowly turned her head to look up at the stallion above her. His hips were still slowly banging into her in that primal need to breed, but his sweet face smiled down at her and pressed his nose into her ear to nuzzle. "I want to put my foal into my wife~," he whispered in a sweetly seductive voice.

The mare blinked at him for a moment, knowing what he meant. He wasn't afraid as green fire caressed the fur of his sister, tracing up over her body to leave behind black hard chitin beneath. The fire never hurt him, not unless she wanted to. But with his cock inside his one mare, it went all the way up her her sex to caress his dick in a hot bath of warmth. He shook softly at the feeling of her core turning up hotter.

Looking up at her husband with green slitted pupils, Chrysalis smiled up at him for a moment before giving a chirp. "I thought you wanted your sister to relieve you this time, Shiner. Happy Anniversary."

Shining Armor chuckled softly and leaned down to kiss her lips lovingly. "Mmm, maybe another time." His magic flared softly as he reluctantly pulled away from Chrysalis with a wet schlick from exiting her vulva. Laying her down on her back on the floor, he mounted her again with her larger body almost matching his.

"But I want to be a dad some more, Chryssie." His hips slowly started thrusting harder, making dull thudding sounds against her chitinous flanks. A low groan escaped his lips as he started thrusting harder, "Flurry Heart needs some brothers and sisters."

The changeling queen's body jerked back and forth against her husband's hard thrusts. A low purr came from within her chest as she reached up to hug her beloved's body to her with her lower legs wrapping over his bucking hind legs. "Nnngggg, you're going to burden me with a real brood this time, stud." She looked at him with lidded eyes and lips spread wide with her fanged teeth showing off. Flurry was a one foal birth. He knew Chrysalis would be having six or more this time.

Shining smirked back at his beloved Queen, leaning in to bite hard at her chitinous neck. "Huff. More for me and my foal bearing wife to love."

Chrysalis shivered and clutched harder onto her mate, leaning down to kiss and lick with her long tongue. He opened up to suckle on her thinner, more dexterous tongue that was wrapping around on his own.

Her stallion didn't stop as he started to slam harder into her black and green tinted pussy lips. His heavy sack full of royal sperm slapped against her plot with each rough thrust. Within Chrysalis, it was tinted green, but just as moist and tight as "Twilight" was. Her walls clenched and wrapped hard around her stallion, as if trying to draw him in deeper. He was already slamming against her open cervix with his flaring head grinding and twitching against her walls.

Releasing her tongue from his mouth, she grunted as she held onto her stud, feeling how he was close. She hissed softly through her teeth as she looked at her mate, crooning out, "Yesss, Shining~ Your wife is read for your foals. Cum deep inside me, my love."

He didn't need much coaching as he clenched his teeth and gave a sharp whiney. With his arms wrapped around his changeling mare, he slammed and barrelled his way against her sex with no rhythm until he felt that sharp pleasure shoot up from his groin. He arched his back and shook as he slammed himself forward and hilted into her sex.

His flared head slammed deep into his wife, past her loose cervix while her pussy clenched rhythmically around his dick. Shining could only groan in primal joy as he launched several large loads from deep within him, up his clenched throbbing cock, and ejaculating out into her womb. It wouldn't take long at all for the queen to be pregnant with tiny green eggs waiting for his precious seed to fertilize them.

Chrysalis cooed out in an unponylike fashion as she held onto Shining, panting quietly along with her husband in the quiet office. Shining's chest rose and fell against hers as he hugged the large warm body against him. There was still a lilac smell to her.

Neither one of them talk for several minutes as they basked in each others glow. The changeling queen's dark hoof stroked along the white unicorns back, relishing in the extra warmth she felt within her.

"Happy anniversary," Chrysalis said.

"Happy anniversary," Shining responded.

A gentle smile caressed Chrysalis lips. "Did you forget what tomorrow was?"

Shining snorted softly and smiled up at her. "I may have had help this time."

Chryssie giggled softly and leaned down to kiss his horn. "Thank you."

He winked at her, "Ready to go and see our little junebug?"

She smirked wide, "I'd love to."