Sister, Sweet Sister

by Patches in Equestria

First published

The sun yearns for the moon, yet fears to break this oldest taboo.

Celestia comes to desire the touch of her oldest and dearest friend, but her desire never to harm that most precious heart stays her, resulting in a growing rift between them. One long night after tea, something strange occurs. Sometimes it's easier to share the truth bathed in dreamy shadow than it is under the harsh glare of day.

An entry into Incest is Wincest April 2019 Siblings Contest

A Quiet Evening

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The antique porcelain clinks gently as it is placed upon the low polished wood table by a sunlight-warm glow. This very same glow then moves, piece by piece, lifting and placing each element of the set with immaculate, practised precision in front of the two ponies present. Saucer and spoon make way for teacup, soon after joined by the tinkle of the half-empty creamer and its partner the half-full sugar bowl, carefully placed within a hoof's reach of either of the participants, despite the fact that either could grip what they needed with their magic.

Princess Celestia inclines her head slightly, her large eyes shifting to watch her sister who, in turn, watches this ancient ritual unfold before her, as she had countless times before. As it had been since they were young, Luna elects to sit beside her rather than across from her, and the night princess' dusky blue features are relaxed. Her expression is as inscrutable as ever, resting in that ever-so-slight frown that always gave others the impression of a bad mood. Her older sister knew better, though. That was simply Luna's manner, just as Celestia's own expression rested in the slightest of smiles, and to Celestia's mind that contemplative frown gives the younger ruler a beautiful, statuesque quality that made her sigh every time she thought on it.

Celestia winces a bit at her trail of thought, suddenly turning her gaze back to the tea set, each of its eclectic pieces now perfectly in place. She was often questioned on the uncomplimentary colours of the porcelain, on their chipped and stained nature so contrary to her own immaculate complexion, and each time she explained with a smile that they reminded her of all her friends. Each piece is a favoured gift of friends long past, from eras come and gone, and as she looks at their imperfect features she always feels a calmness, even in the height of political crises or now, in her current predicament.

That golden aura finally comes to the teapot proper, an ancient jug with a chipping, faded landscape facade of pre-Equestrian nature, currently laden with steaming water. Celestia's long, swan-like neck swallows as her tongue fails to start on any of the myriad topics that it can, and her pristine pearl wings fidget in some irritation at this failure of cooperation. Instead, she silently pours the hot liquid into each of their cups, careful as ever, seeing that the both of them get precisely the same amount. The scents of their respective blends quickly fill the room; for her, chamomile infused with lavender to relax for the encroaching bed-time, and for her beloved sister, black tea and lemon peel to bolster her against her night long duties still to come.

Beloved sister. Celestia's mind, full of things to say, fixates on those words as they arise, and her magical grasp nearly falters. The day diarch turns her eyes once more towards Luna to confirm that her small slip has gone unnoticed, only to find quite the opposite is true. A pair of cool turquoises are turned on her in unguarded skepticism, the thin line of the moon princess' brow raised in askance. Princess Celestia doesn't quite suppress a wince, hoping instead to hide it behind one of her serene smiles. Finally, her voice comes, as smooth and warm as ever, "Is something the matter, Luna?"

"I had thought to ask you the same, sister," The younger royal's voice comes, deep and cool as a moonlit night, with a sardonic touch to it.

This brings a tinge of warmth to Celestia's cheeks and ears, but the familiarity of Luna's flat-humoured yet concerned manner likewise brings some warmth to her chest. It makes her already warm smile that much warmer still as she asks, "Why, whatever do you mean?"

"You are over-filling my cup," Luna explains frankly. Celestia's gaze snaps from her fellow royalty back to the sight of the newly christened fountain, rich brown liquid and scattered tea leaves running over the side of her sister's favourite cup to fill the saucer below, only to again run its container to dribble on the fine varnish of the table below. The eldest gives a rather un-princessly nicker of distress but it only takes a flash of her horn and a drop of power from her old and vast reserve to evaporate the offending beverage.

"I... Am sorry, sister. Here, allow me to call for more of your blend," Her attempts to climb from her cushion are stayed, though, by the cool touch of one of the other alicorn's silver-shod hooves. She looks to Luna in curiosity, only to find her expression one of sobering concern rather than playful annoyance.

"I care not about the tea, Celestia," Luna assures her firmly, not removing that point of contact with that pearl white coat. The midnight blue mare shifts subtly closer, and Celestia feels herself being drawn down into those blue-green pools, unable to withdraw an inch despite the fluttering this inspires in her heart, and the immediate unease that follows. "This is unlike you, and is not the first I've noticed. What troubles you?"

"Perhaps it's as you often joke, and I'm simply growing ditzy in my age," The light sister suggests, her tone carefully jovial, and she's gratified to find this softens the dark sister's expression at least.

Still, the moon princess does not relent, continuing on a bit more softly, "Be that as it may, I still must confess my worry. Normally, you chatter on like some grandmare, proud of each accomplishment of her grandfoals, and it is each of your subjects who are this in your heart; now, you barely say a word about your day. Has some trouble arisen?" She asks, the concern on her knitted brow palpable, and she leans closer still, seeking to put their faces more on a level. More darkly, she asks, "Is it war on the horizon?"

Celestia gawks at this, her usual composure shattered for several long seconds, which only causes her younger sister's grim look to intensify. She finds her eyes shifting between the wary cool of those familiar eyes and those rich blue lips, their frown deepened by the imagined burden, and resists the compulsion to press closer still, to seek warmth and comfort in the embrace of her oldest companion. Instead, she lifts her own lips in a practised smile, offering a laugh that sounds a bit more fragile than the porcelain on the table. She shakes her head, the long, flowing mane about it following the motion in ethereal laziness. "It's nothing like that, Luna."

The smaller royal relaxes visibly, no doubt dismissing the plans she had already been drawing up in anticipation of the impending invasion. She asks, still quite serious, "Then what?"

It takes the older sister longer than she would like to reply, and it is only by turning her gaze from that infernally beautiful face that she is able to lie, "I... Suppose I have had a lot on my mind, of late. I confess to being quite tired out by even my normal routine."

"And that's all?" There is doubt in Luna's voice, and in her expression too, Celestia sees as that hoof that had been resting on her shoulder touches her cheek instead, carefully guiding their gazes back together.

"I... I suppose I have been slightly... Lonely, as of late," The princess finds herself confessing under the withering familial glare of her sister's lovely long-lashed eyes. This, Luna seems to accept readily, but nonetheless with some surprise, her eyebrows raising inquisitively.

"But you have many friends, Celestia," She soothes, her voice as gentle as a moonlit wind. This gives the older sister some pause, knowing their history. She trembles just a bit as she holds herself from rubbing her cheek to that shape against her face, the cool metal having been warmed by its constant contact with her over the past several minutes. "And you have me."

"I... I know," Celestia assures, swallowing at a lump in her throat that threatens to dispel the natural warmth and tranquility present in her voice. No matter how kindly spoken, few words could have wrenched her heart more. Yet she smiles on, as she always does. She leans in to gently nuzzle the top of her sister's snout--purely to reassure her more fully, of course. "I appreciate each of my friends, Luna. And you, most of all."

The younger sister seems to melt beneath that gentle touch, nestling in as she had since they--and the world around them--were much younger, her own nose rubbing up under Celestia's chin. The shoe against Celestia's face slides lower, to rest at the base of her neck, and its fellow joins it, pulling the taller alicorn a bit lower into a lingering embrace. The eldest smiles on, even as a familiar, near-overwhelming heat grows in her chest and her stomach. She even goes so far as to slip one of her own long, slender limbs around her younger sister's dark-furred neck, holding her like this for what feels like a long time.

Perhaps too long, as the urge to pull her tighter only grows... To pull her tighter than would be right or fair. Nonetheless, when she does withdraw, it feels premature, a sentiment her younger sister seems to share as she looks up at her, her brow drawn low in a look of concern and slight hurt. Most of their hugs had felt this way lately, and Celestia knew she was to blame. It was better than the alternative, though.

The elder princess makes sure to increase the intensity of her smile, and this does abate that lingering look, although those perfect turquoise eyes follow her cannily as she draws back further still, until Luna's hooves return to the floor between them. "Thank you, Luna, for reminding me what you... What all my friends, mean to me. I am not alone." Luna smiles at this, at last, and Celestia feels the grating pain in her chest and the tension in her shoulders and wings disperse somewhat. She bows her head slightly, "I am, however, quite tired in truth. I think I'll make for an early rest. Good night, Luna."

"Good night, sister," Luna responds quietly in kind, watching the pearl-white princess make to leave the room. Her chamomile and lavender tea sits on the table, untouched.

It is well into the night before Princess Celestia, diarch and eldest princess of Equestria, truly retires to her chambers. Although the light of the day only lasts so many hours, Celestia's reign extends well past those, and thus she finds herself working into the night despite her reasons for excusing herself. Not by necessity, she guiltily knows, but instead out of a failing attempt to distract herself from certain other matters. Consuming things such as the many deep shades of blue, or the scent of warm fur and lavender, or the sensation of those usually-frowning lips...

Celestia sighs to herself as she comes to a pause before the large, gilded doors leading into her chambers. She looks left and right down the long stretch of dimly lit corridor in either direction, relieved that there is nopony around to see her frown, but she also feels all the lonelier for it. Her magic provides a shimmer of morning sun in the night, and she pushes the doors open ahead of her, before closing them just as smoothly behind her, mindful of her long and flowing tail. Perhaps sleep might provide her reprieve from her troubling thoughts, from that slight ache of the heart.

When her gaze rises, though, the ache is replaced with a pound as the room around her is not how she left it. In fact, the bastion of familiarity and comfort is changed entirely, down to the dimensions--it is larger by measures--and the sillhouettes of the hoof-picked furniture and keepsakes are all missing from their usual places, the shadowy figures of strange and alien replacements instead in their places. For a flash, Celestia struggles to recall her course through the castle. Had she gotten the wrong room, somehow? She had been so certain.

Just as Celestia has deigned to alight her horn to illuminate the darkness of the unfamiliar room, a familiar voice stops her. "Celestia?" It asks, paradoxically cool and warm. A voice that Celestia would not forget in a hundred years... Or a thousand.

"Luna," The solar sister says, surprised. Some tension comes to her wings and they rise slightly, their downy white span betraying her agitation more clearly than her carefully neutral expression. As her eyes come to adjust, it is easy to confirm just that. The svelte form of her sister lays out, relaxing upon a bedspread fit for royalty, the cosmos of her mane and tail drifting in a lazy nebula about her. Celestia nearly chokes as she continues. "I... My apologies, sister. My mind was wandering, and I suppose I found your room instead of my own."

Even in the dark, Luna's features grow ever more defined, until Celestia can make out those familiar blue-green orbs watching her over a half-moon smile. "Very amusing," The dark alicorn speaks, her voice as dark and smooth as the night sky, while a bright laughter dances in her eyes. "Now come to bed--you are late enough as is."

Celestia cannot quite contain herself at this unlikely response, and takes a visible step back and away from the bed and the familiar figure spread out upon it. Luna's smile disappears at this, that moon disappearing behind a dark cloud. The eldest alicorn feels a pang of guilt at this, despite her confusion, and begins to explain haltingly, "I... Had some work yet to attend before I could rest, so sought to see to it after our tea. I did not mean to deceive you, sister, or... To keep you waiting?" Yes, she hadn't meant to keep her waiting, she realises. But why was she waiting, and why here, in this strange, familiar, unfamiliar place?

"Celestia," Luna beckons, her voice so kindly that her sister can't help but draw that same step closer. The look of concern in her face is genuine, and it soothes the confusion and tension wracking at Celestia's form like a cool breeze. "Are you quite alright? I should know your over-busy schedule well enough after these many centuries, but what's this about tea?"

"Our tea," The sister of the sun begins to explain, only to stumble as she struggles to remember exactly what it was she did mean. Princess Luna looks on, her expression asking for an answer Celestia no longer has. As the moment stretches on in silence, a cloud shifts, casting her sister's soothing moonlight through the large balcony window not far from the bed, its fey silver rays dispelling the darkness in some places and enhancing it in others. As the features of their room are better revealed, Celestia remembers them, although they all remain so strange cast as they are in soft midnight light, as if in a dream.

As if in a dream.

"What's wrong, sister? You look so distressed..." The moon sister says with such genuine, fragile concern that Celestia very nearly scoops her up in her wings to console her in turn. "Will you not join me in bed?" That same conflicted ache in Celestia's heart stays her movement for a number of minutes longer, the metronome of some clock the princess has difficulty recalling ticking out the seconds as they pass... Yet, when she tries to think of what it is that divides her desires from possibility, she can't recollect. So her long white legs slowly carry her over to the bed, where, climbing in on one side, she circles over the sheets to nestle up beside her sister.

"There's... Much on my mind, Luna," Celestia says, hoping that vague offering is enough to sate the younger's curiosity. When she looks over to her, though, it is clear that it is not. The doubt on Luna's face is plain to see, and the slight hurt in her eyes is enough to press a blade into Celestia's ribs. A great white wing enfolds the smaller blue form along the back, and the day diarch finds herself comforted in turn by the warm and familiar press of her sibling's form as she nestles nearer up beneath it.

"Those same doubts?" Luna asks, her voice even more quiet now that her lips are so near to Celestia's ear, near enough to cause a small twitching at that warm breeze. Somehow, the older alicorn knows just what her sister means, and she sighs, lowering her head in affirmation.

"Always... Doubts. I don't doubt what my heart desires, what... My heart needs. And yet... How could I as a princess, no, as a sister! How could I..." Celestia's voice shakes like so many leaves under a dry summer wind, and her body shakes with it, and behind her eyes there is a pressing, welling wetness and pain. She closes her eyes lest tears fall where her sister can see them. Her small, beautiful sister, who she must protect, even from herself. In the murky light of midnight the words that Celestia could never say in the honest light of day all come spilling out from the overflowing vessel of her heart. "The scorn it might bring upon me is not what frightens me, so much as what it might bring upon you, Luna! And more than anything, I could not stand to lose you. Not again. If I lost you--"

"You will not," Luna's voice comes, and where Celestia's shook, hers is firm, so sure that her older sister's bright pink eyes immediately turn to hers again. A small smile plays on Luna's plush mouth, so soft and yet so strong. The white alicorn can't help but gawk, and then begin her own fragile smile. "And that is why you need me, and why I need you, Celestia. Only together are we whole. So let us be whole together on this night, and every other." Those words. Those very words that Celestia so vehemently pushed into the dark edges of her mind echo so sweetly, so lovingly in her sister's husky, breathy manner. The older sister feels an almost scalding heat on her cheeks, something wet mussing that pristine porcelain fur.

"Sister..." Celestia gasps at last. "Sweet sister." Finally, she kisses Luna, and she is whole again. Her sibling does not react in surprise, let alone disgust, but tenderly pushes back into that kiss, yielding those soft blue lips that the elder alicorn had so long yearned for. She is more startled by how intensely her sister presses in after that initial touch, the larger equine's pearl-white lips pushing and pulling greedily, that great white wing shuddering and pulling her closer. Before either sister truly realises, that first tender kiss had descended into a series of long lip-locks only growing in intensity as moments pass towards minutes.

Quiet breaths pass into excited gasps, one of Luna's forelimbs finding purchase against the smooth gold of Celestia's torc. The elder sister feels the younger's pretty lips parting softly, perhaps in the intent to gasp, and seizes the opportunity to non-too-subtly slip her tongue right to the other. She moans quietly as the heat of Luna's mouth seems to spread through her face and chest and beyond, watching with half-lidded eyes the effect that it has on her sibling. Luna's own large eyes press closed in concentration, revealing the powder-blue eyeliner that seems to catch the moonlight they're awash in, and below that is a growing flush to the cool hues of her cheeks.

Celestia herself revels in the sensation of this dance of tongues, the press of her larger muscle deflected carefully by the teasing, prodding evasion of the smaller. She allows herself to get lost in the subtle flavour of her sister's mouth, a light and fleeting sweetness like the impermanent taste of nectar. Rather than being sated, the more that she feels, the more that she tastes, the more she desires. She presses tight as their lips and tongues meet again and again, and rather unsubtly shifts, legs moving, enwrapping, her larger form squirming and pressing. Finally, when Luna feels Celestia's lips leave her for more than just a breath's pause and opens her eyes, she is looking up at her, that larger white form loosely straddling her, their sleek and elegant limbs nearly tangled, with Luna's hind legs jutting up awkwardly to either side of her sibling's pressed-close figure.

The sun beams, and the moon frowns back up at her. Luna's head and her constellation-speckled mane are left hanging off the end of the bed in a position that looks neither comfortable nor sensual. "Sister, pull me up," She demands as neutrally as she can manage in her state of shaky breathiness. Her sister's smile does not diminish, and neither does she move to assist as directed. Instead, she leans down to brush her nose in against the downy fur of that long and slender neck, breathing deep of the familiar scent of lavender and moonflower. Not content merely to take her scent, she steals a line of kisses down that deep blue neck as well.

"Cel-estia!" Luna cries weakly, her hooves uselessly kicking the air at the other alicorn's sides. Her neck was ever her weakness, and Celestia continues to exploit this for a few moments more while she slides the golden shoes from each of her hooves, magically pushing them from the bed lest they become an inconvenience, her crown soon following. Then, just as Luna draws in breath to truly shout, her older sister tugs her up onto the bed.

"I could have fallen," The moon says, her cool tone undermined by the heat in her every breath.

"I would never let you fall," The sun assures her sweetly, leaning in to kiss the other, only to be evaded by a turn of the head.

"My thanks," Luna says as insincerely as she can, a slight pout lingering on her face. Celestia stares for a long silent moment at the sight of her younger, so beautiful and majestic, the galaxy of her mane spread out like a shimmering pool over their bed... All fit with the obstinant look of a filly who wasn't allowed dessert before dinner. The white alicorn's voice comes in such bright, warm laughter that it's a wonder the shadows hanging over them don't flee before it, and it only takes a moment longer for her sister to join in with her own quiet, musical giggling.

They laugh together, mirth shining in each of their eyes, until Celestia muffles their sounds down to smaller giggles by locking their mouths together again. Luna eagerly reciprocates the kiss from the start this time, only to find the other pair of lips suddenly withdrawing, leaving her to look askance upwards with those large blue-green eyes which so brightly reflect the moonlight. The eldest alicorn offers her only a smile in return, a sultry edge enhancing the usually beneficent expression as she shifts her position, pure white fur brushing snug over deep night blues as she kisses where she left off on Luna's neck... And proceeds lower, lips brushing warm and loving again and again all the way down, between Luna's forelegs now, and then slipping over her upturned underbelly.

The smaller princess gasps as she feels her sister's head nestling between her hind legs at last, and cannot help but tense and press her haunches together against the warm, softly flushed white cheeks betwixt, which simply favour the touch with an affectionate rub to either side. The next kiss falls just beside the darker shades of Luna's sex, causing its owner to give a little groan of need. Celestia is in no hurry, however. Even if she can feel her own heart hammering in excitement, and her own need is burning bright in her chest and between her legs, she has all night for these now, and is intent on savouring her sister as she had so long yearned.

She nuzzles there, just beginning to ease nearer to the hot and welcoming center of that mound, pure white lips gracefully brushing against the near-black blue of that exposed flesh. The older princess can't help but smile to the sensation of dampness that greets even her most cursory, teasing exploration, that pretty moonflower already showing its nectar in spades. She breathes deep of that scent, so familiar and yet so new and fulfilling, the floral undertones, the smell of warm, clean and familiar fur that brought her back to younger days, and now the louder notes of something more carnal, the animal scent of a mare deep in need. Luna tenses visibly at the sensation of her elder's long, warm breaths washing over her, anticipating the touch to follow... Only for it to finally fall several inches left of where it is most needed, a long, slow stroke of that perfectly soft royal tongue running the seam of her thigh. Luna swears in a most un-princess-like manner.

Celestia continues tormenting the younger with ill placed and carefully timed licks and kisses, seeming intent of making a mess of everywhere but Luna's sex... Though by this point, it has come to make a mess quite on its own, her excitement near-glistening in the shadowy light, a few drops so bold as to mark the royal bedspread. Finally, her younger sister has had enough, her voice coming loud enough to force Celestia to tilt her ears back.

"Damnation, Celestia! Cease this beating around of the bush this very instant!" That familiar voice shouts, and she squeezes Celestia's perfect face rather rudely between her legs. The older and wiser sister merely looks up at her at first, some youthful mischief glinting in those rose-quartz eyes. Celestia delights in watching Luna's grumpy expression melt away as she carefully applies the heat and length of her tongue to the other mare's need. The slick and dextrous muscle gathers up its first taste of the night on its ascent to the obvious bump of Luna's clitoris. This new flavour is similar to that of the other lips far above and yet so much more concentrated, only further stoking Celestia's own want and greed, yet she proceeds at her carefully measured pace. Finally, pearl white lips press in at this small, night-coloured orb, kissing it with the combined affection of a sister and a lover. Luna's pleased, feminine moan lets them both know just how much the wait was worth it, affirming the older sister's lesson to the younger on patience.

This guidance imparted, Celestia begins in earnest, eager now not only to sate Luna's needs but her own, that heat that had been welling within her spreading well past its previous confines, making her mind misty and her whole body feel hot in excitement. She mashes her lips to her sister's, providing an open-mouth kiss to those now ever-leaking nethers, the sleek form of her tongue delving deeper between and within, eagerly seeking out even more of that captivating flavour. The dark form sprawling out over the sheets beneath and before her trembles and tenses, the snug and slippery passage squeezing that invader in tandem with her flustered movements. Celestia moves her forelegs up and around those well-formed hind legs to lock around Luna's middle, keeping her more firmly in place lest she wriggle her way free from this tongue-lashing.

An eternity plays out over the course of this particularly heated exchange between the royal sisters intertwined on their bed. Celestia inflicts every maneuver her long-lived imagination can contrive on her long-suffering sibling, the slender pink organ drawing over that succulent flesh in an array of sweeps and flicks and flourishes, then delving at once back deep, as deep as it can reach into that dark crevice while above the brilliant white of her nose nestles snug to the bump of her clit. Luna gasps, and moans, and cooes, her legs squeezing her sister's head tight between her thighs, her body twisting this way or that under that merciless onslaught, but it is a subtler tension that gives away her true state. Her muscles tense, tighter and tighter, so that her reactions seem to shrink, yet they are only contracting. Even her voice lowers to meek whimpering and soft, nonsense babblings of praise and affection.

It is then, when she seems to be at the cusp of snapping, that Celestia's pace ceases outright. Luna's large eyes, closed in the near-peak of her pleasure, shoot open. She glares downwards with the hazy things, stupefied desperation showing as clear as daylight in them, even in the relative dark. And then, with relish, Celestia finishes her as she began. One long, slow draw of her tongue, allowing Luna to receive the full anticipation of what they both knew would follow, and then the sensation of that lovely bud pressing, hot and stiff, between her lips. This time it is no mere kiss, however loving, lavished to that black pearl, but instead a drawn out suck, pulling it into the molten-wet heat of her mouth. Luna's eyes go wide and glassy as pleasure replaces thought. Her orgasm spikes to the sight of the other alicorn peering up at her from betwixt her hind legs with those loving, lusting rose coloured eyes.

All of that tension the princess of the sun had been carefully winding into her moon over the course of what felt like hours is at last released in span of a few minutes of trembling, moaning and gasping climax. Luna's body bucks and rocks, her powerful hind legs fortunately trained up and away from Celestia's face, her hips shaking and wiggling against the bedspread. Her older sister's legs, so elegant and strong, keep her pinned tight in place no matter what reflexive action her body takes. Even as Luna confusedly pleads for Celestia to stop--no, to keep going!--to at least take it easy, Celestia does not relent, continuing with her long, firm sucks throughout, punctuating them with smooth, soothing brushes of her tongue, and only gradually easing up as her sister's orgasm stretches on. The younger's excitement marks the elder's nose and chin and cheeks all in hot but rapidly cooling nectar, and Celestia's own eyes roll at the sensations, the scent and taste of her sister's bliss, the feeling of her trembling, the sound of her breathy, husky voice gasping her name... She feels her own lust drip against one of her inner legs, nearly burning, unfulfilled.

Finally, Luna goes limp, quite spent, and Celestia favours her with one last affectionate little kiss to her dusky, dripping sex before withdrawing. At some point Luna had pressed her forehooves down to grip Celestia's head, only for them to get lost in those flowing aurora locks... and it is only with a few moment's strugglings and the giddy, gasping giggling of a pair of princesses that they become untangled. The sun slowly rises to join the moon, the prismatic rays that are her mane dancing about them both as she leans in to nuzzle the other lovingly, lips pursed to kiss.

"Ewww, do not wipe it off on me!" Luna complains.

"But sweet sister, it is yours," Celestia reminds her.

They laugh again, and Luna relents, kissing her own flavour from her beloved sister's waiting lips. Having drank deep of each other's taste, their lips and tongues part once more. Celestia smiles down at Luna, only to find herself suddenly shoved away by a pair of deep blue hooves. When her lips part to protest, still damp with Luna's cooling orgasm, that low voice, still slightly shaky and near panting interrupts, "Your turn."

Celestia emits a little gasp of excitement under Luna's sultry, lidded gaze. She swallows down the lingering flavour of the other mare on her tongue, hesitating before asking, "How?.."

The dark alicorn's blue-green eyes seem to consider for a short while, before she speaks again, commanding, "Standing. Turn around."

"Standing," The light alicorn echoes. Her own pink eyes widen, catching the moonlight from the window. "On the bed?"

"Yes, on the bed," Luna replies with an amused little huff. "You are too old."

The older of the two purses her lips at this but follows through, her own excitement trumping whatever her deep-seated etiquette might say about hooves on bedsheets. She shifts and smoothly stands with the grace and poise of a princess, her long limbs carrying her well up over the shadowy figure of her lover still sprawled out in post-release relaxation. Her turn is the smooth and practised turn of a parade horse, except, perhaps, for the few warm drips that land on the prone form beneath her.

She feels Luna moving beneath and behind her and turns her head to better look, but can see little other than a hint of her sibling's starry mane shifting amidst the aurora colours of her own tail past the wide, feminine swell of her hips and sun-burst flank. Finally, she feels the humid brush of another's breath against her exposed femininity, and the thought of her sister breathing deep of that carnal scent is enough to make her tremble and send another warm droplet running down her thigh. Celestia's own is a contrast to that she was so recently immersed in, white pelt fading smooth into a soft mottled-pink, which seems to draw the dark muzzle approaching it in towards the center.

"Sister..." The pearl-white alicorn's ears twitch at a soft whisper, and her whole body tenses in anticipation of that first yearned-for contact. Certainly, Luna must be seeking to pay her back for the careful teasing before, but even just the brush of lips to her leg would make her whimper. Instead... There is nothing. A few long, still ticks pass.

"Luna?" Celestia asks at last, her voice and legs trembling with need. At her elder's weak pleading, Luna finally moves into action, but as ever the younger surprises her sibling. In a single, smooth motion Luna lifts her forelegs, pushing right up against Celestia from behind, her barrel smoothly sliding up against Celestia's rear and then back, until that pair of lithe legs hook near the swell of the solar alicorn's substantial hips.

"Growing impatient, Celestia?" Luna asks her with smouldering blue eyes over the spectre of a smirk, her full blue wing span flaring a bit as she balances and adjusts herself, before beginning to relax once more. The entire position is quite ridiculous given their relative differences in size, and although Luna's lap fits quite snug up against the full curve of the celestial throne-sitter, there isn't a hint of contact directly where Celestia needs it most. The two are just as susceptible to their pony instinct, however far removed they might be, so that the sun sister's voluminous tail brushes gracefully aside, and that burning desire needs, no, demands all the louder to be sated. Luna merely laughs at the look on her older sister's beautiful, alabaster face.

"What new absurdity is this?" Celestia tries to sound annoyed, but there is a rising hint of laughter on her own voice as she looks back at Luna, grinning as surly as any soon-to-be sire and perhaps a thousand times more lovely. She manages to compose her voice better to go on, offering an aggravated--or perhaps aroused--snort, "Have you learned some new magic, perhaps? Intend to turn stallion?"

"Hardly," Luna's answer comes with a press of lips near the base of Celestia's neck, that gentle contact enough to make her draw a deep breath... and the sudden suck to follow and the accompanying press of teeth is enough to make her moan. The blue-silver shine of her sibling's magic hardly registers as the princess of the night distracts her sister with these love-bites, so that the diarch of the day is once more treated to a surprise as she feels something warm and not-quite-solid rub up the inside of one of her thighs. In her arousal-frazzled state it takes her too long to place the sensation, but when she does she bites her lower lip, the absurdity of her sister mounting her suddenly gone.

Pressed between the courting sisters now is a glimmering blue silhouette of roughly phallic cast, which Luna pumps in smooth strokes between Celestia's legs, teasing. Or, after Celestia figures after a few minutes of the smaller alicorn fidgeting on her back, hooves positioning and repositioning up and down her flanks and sides a few times, perhaps simply missing the mark. Celestia feels her face and ears burning as she willfully shifts her own position, a small wiggle of her hips spreading her stance and a slight bending of the knee bringing their stellar bodies into alignment. Luna's next thrust glances off of her clitoris, elliciting a small cry, and then the next finds its mark, the otherworldly warmth of that glittering blue magic sliding smooth right up into Celestia's long neglected love canal.

The larger alicorn's lips move, attempting to thank her sister, or maybe plead for more, but all she can manage are a few mare-ish murmurs, sounds somewhere between speech and animal noises. Again the little moon's laugh comes, now quiet and musical as a deep night's breeze through chimes, and suddenly she's hilt deep in the sun's molten depths. She practically pauses there, only giving the shallowest of presses against Celestia's rear, again agitating that already maddening arousal, nearly making the sweet and kind princess curse loudly but for two sensations.

One, that of Luna's lips again on her neck, providing a lingering suck while the first several hickeys are forming their hot-feeling pink marks against the perfect white complexion of her exposed neck. Two, a strange shifting and pressing stirring deep, deep inside of her, which she realises with a throaty moan is Luna carefully fitting her magical fixture to perfectly fit her need. She inexplicably feels the urge to whimper her sweet, loving, caring sister's name, but as she draws her breath its forced back out of her as the midnight blue mare behind her finally moves, drawing back and then rather violently ramming back forward.
The shock sends a literal ripple through the softer parts of Celestia's comparatively voluptuous form. Judging by the look on each of their faces, the wide eyed astonishment of the elder on bottom, and the self-assured smile of the younger on top, both are quite satisfied with the adjustments.

Now Luna returns her beloved sibling's earlier kindness in five-fold fashion, tending to the burning need at her very core by plowing roughshod into it, again and again and again. Celestia's own excitement quickly leaves its wet and clinging mark on the invader's lap, which in turn is pounded back against the pristine white fur of the royal rump. Twenty thrusts or so in and Celestia can feel her legs growing weak, and only another ten pass before her front legs give out--fortunately her sister's strong grip around her middle and the already spread-legged posture of her latter half keeps her up-ended, and Luna only drives her pace further seeing the effect she's already ravaging from her fellow princess' pleasure starved body. What is left of Celestia's cognitive mind boggles. Just where did the girl get all this energy?

What must be minutes feels for the bottom diarch like eons stuck in hot, wet, wonderful limbo, and it's truly all she can do to accept her sister's telekinetic cock over and over. Each press sends liquid-lightning pleasure shooting through her, accompanied by a more visible impact as the moon hammers against her plush princess posterior. Her moans grow in volume as a measure of that ever expanding ball of pressure and pleasure in the depths of her body and pressing, ever swelling, in the base of her skull, very soon crowding at all attempts at coherent thought. Then she is left only with overwhelming animal emotions, all of which were directed at her sister. It seemed impossible that anything in this world or even in a wild dream could feel so wonderful, so right!

"LU--" Celestia's orgasmic cry is muffled by down-filled pillow as Luna's magical grip illuminates the white spire of the alicorn's alicorn, shoving that bright-blushing beautiful face right down against the bed lest she inform the entirety of Canterlot how their royalty was diverting itself this night. Instead, only Luna can half-hear her kin's incoherent cries of ecstasy through layers of silk and feather, Celestia moaning and crying vulgarities not spoken on pony lips for centuries in her vain attempt to describe what she was feeling, and how very, very much she loved her Luna. Her larger form quakes and bucks beneath the smaller frame pinning it, and the blue of the night princess' fur just keeps slamming up against the day's white throughout, driving squeaks and whinnies and oaths from the ancient ruler, along with a substantial onrush of fluid bliss that musses the bottom's bottom and the top's front. Celestia's interior contracts and grips near vice-tight about its invader, unclear if its trying to halt it or beckon it on and accomplishing neither as the intangible magical pike drives on heedless, its smooth magical psuedo-surface far too slick to be held, least of all by this particularly inundated passage.

At last, Luna slowly relents as Celestia's pleased noises lapse increasingly into even more incoherent displeased ones as stimulation approaches over-stimulation, and she begins to slowly withdraw, until at last the length leaves her sister and lover with a satisfying pop. The iron reinforcement of her front legs leaves the marble white curves of the other alicorn's sides, leaving those normally poised and elegant hind legs to flounder and then collapse, dropping the still spread-wide sex of their owner down into the already cooling mess she'd made of their bedsheets, resulting in a small shiver. Celestia feels a shifting on the bed behind her, and it's all she can do to turn her head and look with one hazy pink orb back as she feels a familiar warmth settling between her wings and carefully around her neck, watching that impossibly statuesque face approach her own, to meet it not with stony lips but with a damp, tender kiss on her cheek, and then at the base of her ear.

Celestia feels better rested than she has in many, many moons. She smiles wanly to herself in the mirror, the golden rays of her magic providing extra light in the pre-dawn darkness as she runs a brush carefully through her mane, a day-starting ritual older than her raising of the sun. She lets a happy sigh part her lips as her eyes shift to watch the moon beyond her window, that beautiful silver orb descending towards the horizon, soon to make way for her sister the sun and the day ahead. What wonderful magic the moon possessed, allowing each pony to live out their most guarded fantasies in the safety of their own bed, under her soothing, watchful light. How had Equestria survived without that sacred stewardship?

That thought is accompanied by the familiar grip of anxiety, but the princess dismisses it with a small giggle and a shake of her head. It had long been an unspoken rule between them that Luna was not to peek into her dreams, an understanding established long ago when each of them were first coming to grips with their abilities and duties. Finally, she sets her brush aside, pushing herself up onto her already gold-clad hooves. With one last check that she is at her regal best, and offering her reflection a sun-bright smile warmer than it had been in months, she departs to raise the sun and begin a new day for Equestria.

Celestia peers over her stack of cream and fruit clad pancakes to her sister's dark face, as ever appearing darker still after her night of exertion tending the garden of dreams. Yet, when she notices her older sister's gaze upon her, she favours her with an uncommonly bright smile, the moon-white of her teeth causing Celestia to swallow in remembrance of that very same smile, given to her in a room that never was. She relaxes quickly as Luna goes on enjoying breakfast as usual, offering no cold glare of judgement or uneasy evasion. Eventually they lapse into light conversation between bites, and the eldest alicorn shares at length the details of her day before, a sacred ritual between all sisters, not just them.

"And what of your realm of dreams? Did you happen upon any peculiar reveries or unusual nightmares?" Celestia asks, conversationally.

"In fact, I did," Luna answers, fixing her kin with a deep turquoise stare. Celestia's heart pounds and she wonders that it doesn't give her away. Luna simply carries on, "It was a nightmare, about a children's book series of all things. It seems that the author is deathly afraid of the way others might portray their works in times yet to come. It took some time to dismantle the orgy and talk down the florist turned serial killer, but all was set right in the end."

"How peculiar," Celestia comments, quite distracted from thoughts of her own dream the night before. "And what did this author learn in the end?"

"That there is no wrong way to fantasize, and that there is also no accounting for taste," The moon answers, matter-of-factly.

"Quite right," The sun agrees brightly.

"In any case, I thank you for breakfast as ever, Celestia," Luna stands, her plate cleaned--a rare delight to her sister, who often fretted that she did not eat enough. Celestia stands too, and they draw nearer one another. This time, Celestia does not shy from Luna's touch, pressing close into the embrace to nuzzle down into the shining stars of the other's mane, and feel in turn the warm press of Luna's soft fur.

"I love you, sister," Celestia murmurs to the shorter royal's ear.

"And I, you, sister," Luna replies as she draws back, and Celestia's smile is interrupted by the warm, fleeting-sweet kiss of her younger sister's lips. When Luna draws back, she is smiling that same half-moon smile, and Celestia is staring. "Sweet sister."