Insect is an Anagram for Incest

by semillon

First published

Pharynx keeps trying to bang Thorax.

A few years ago, Thorax beat Chrysalis to the ground (figuratively) and took over the hive, turning taller and more muscular in the process.

A year or so after that, Pharynx transformed into a new kind of changeling and joined the hive in their new, redeemed state. And he realized that Thorax asserted himself upon the hive in the most attractive, evil-changeling way possible.

Pharynx has been trying to bang Thorax ever since, despite the fact that Thorax is dating Ember, and Ember would most likely not appreciate another creature trying to get in on her goodies.

Fetish list: M/M Incest, Light watersports but not really it's like barely a thing I promise, Rimming, Spanking, Excessive Pre-cum, Gay in front of female

Written for the Incest is Wincest April Contest

Pharynx, please please PLEASE get off my dick!

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Ember’s tongue keeps running over my left fang, and it tickles so much I can’t help but giggle aloud. This spurs her on, of course. She pulls our lips away long enough to take a single breath of air before she adjusts her straddle and kisses me again.

We’d been eyeing each other for the entirety of Twilight’s welcome speech to the world leaders she invited to Ponyville for an Annual Friendship Meeting. We haven’t been able to keep each other off our minds for the entirety of the day. This little bit of time we have before the moon rises is all we have together, and we’re going to spend it well.

I can feel her warm, wet pussy grinding against my unbearably hard cock. It feels amazing, of course, but there’s something up.

Eh, probably nothing. Her tongue slips into my mouth. I meet it with my own. There’s no taste that tastes better than Ember’s lips paired with her love.

“Love you,” she whispers in between our frenzied makeout.

“I love you too,” I pant back.

“What do you say we get to the best part now?” She rolls her hips forward, gliding over the surface of my cock, making me quiver.

“Ohhh, that would be really good.”

Ember darts forward and she kisses me again, but this time, something’s definitely different. She’s needy, and she’s rushing. Her tongue darts hastily over mine as she presses her lips to mine—hard. But Ember doesn’t rush. She takes her time, savoring the moment because she earned it and it’s hers.

“Are you okay?” I ask.

Ember leans back and smiles down at me. The bed springs creak lowly. “Yeah. I just need you to do something real quick.”

“What’s that, sweetie?”

“Would you fuck me in the ass today? I really need—“

I put both of my hooves on her side and twist, shoving her off of the bed.

Ember’s eyes widen as she hits the floor, slamming it flat on her back, dragon juice splattering across my chest in the process. For a slight moment she sits there, in shock, before she glares at me and rolls backwards, getting up to her feet.

Green flashes before my eyes. Pharynx stands, still glaring, cock throbbing.

“How?” he demands.

I shake my head. “Ember saves the best for last. She never starts with anal. And I know that you hate getting your pussy filled when you’re a female. I can’t believe you pretended to be Ember for three hours.”

“Why won’t you just fuck me?”

“You’re my brother! I shouldn’t have to—“

“That’s what makes it even better,” Pharynx whines, stomping his hooves on the floor like a child.

“Pharynx,” I sigh. “I’m dating Ember. We’re having our first annual anniversary in two days.”


“So,” I say, for the fiftieth time this month. “I love her, and I’m going to stay loyal to her.”

“Coward,” Pharynx hisses. “You’re fucking kidding me. You come back from abandoning the hive, and you take it from our former queen by force, and then when I’m finally warmed up to the idea enough to notice how hot that is, you deny me that chance for some girl?”

“Ember’s not some girl,” I growl.

Pharynx shivers. His cock twitches as well, splattering pre on the purple floor.

“You used to be so pathetic. And weak. And slim. And look at you now: taller than any changeling I’ve seen in my life, confident and radiant when you’ve calmed your stupid, anxious mind enough to act like a leader, and you’ve completely shifted the dynamic between us,” he says. “And now you won’t give me that giant cock of yours. I’m starting to think that you only said you wanted me back in the hive because me leaving would make you look bad.”

“Please, Pharynx, I love—“

He’s a blur. My door’s thrown open and slammed before I can get my next word out.

I lie in my bed and stare at the ceiling.

This has been going on for months. It started a little bit after he managed to change his form. He’d get weirdly affectionate when we were alone. Flag his tail if he was walking in front of me, which he made sure to do, a lot. He’d come into my room with pony wine and we’d drink it all down until we couldn’t stand up straight, and then he’d try to kiss me.

I let him, of course. Kisses are a the oldest, most intimate sign of affection between two individuals in changeling culture. But then I’d feel his hooves on my cock, and I’d have to throw him off.

Believe me, I love him so, so much, but I just can’t. And our people are actually fine with relationships between siblings—I attended a wedding between two broodmates earlier this month, but Pharynx has always just been…Pharynx. My big, scary, pragmatic brother that I love, but I’ve never seen as a romantic option.

And besides that, I’m in love. With a dragon, no less! I’m head over hooves for Ember, and Pharynx has to learn to deal with that. Soon. Before my girlfriend finds out and tries to rip him to shreds.


What the fuck? I jump and turn towards the glass and—

Pharynx is outside, sneering at me. He’s still hard.

He drags his cock against the glass before smirking at me and licking the window.

I fly forward, grab the pulley for the blinds and I drop them, blocking him out of view.

I’m going to die.

Ember—the real Ember—nuzzles me from her seat at my side. A rare public display of affection for her. If there was any time to do so, though, it’d be now. I’m just about to go up on stage and close out this meeting by talking a little bit about how I helped changed the mindset of my entire species. Any moment now, Twilight will stop her closing statements and invite me up to the stage.

“Good luck up there.” she whispers.

“I don’t need it,” I say.

“Good boy,” she purrs. “That’s my Thorax.”

Her love is the sweetest, spiciest thing I’ve ever tasted, and it’s just what I need to perk me up before this speech. I put a hoof on her thigh, stroking it softly. “I love you.”

“I love you too, bug boy.”

“And without further ado,” Twilight announces proudly, looking at me. “King Thorax!”

That’s my cue, so I get up and I fly onto the stage. There’s a bunch of applause. All I can focus on is the brightness of the light from up here. Weird, considering that there aren’t any spotlights or anything. I wait for Twilight to get back to her seat nonetheless.

When the room quiets down, I look at the diplomats gathered here. Griffon lords, Ember and assorted high-ranking dragons that are small enough to fit in the castle, a few yaks, and even an abbyssinian’s decided to show up.

I swallow and blink my eyes some more, letting myself adjust to the light for a second.

It deosn’t take long before I can see. I start pacing.

‘Thank you, everyone! So, uh, we’re here to talk about races,” I say. “Our own races, specifically.”

There’s movement on the ceiling. I stop and stare long enough to register what—who it is.

It’s Pharynx. Sitting, legs spread, on a catwalk in the ceiling. Only I can see him due to my elevated height and the conspicuously perfect angle to see him from that I’ve found myself in.

I want to yell at him to get down, but I’ve already started the speech.

So I have no choice but to continue. Which I do.

“As you all must know, I’m Thorax. Leader of the changelings. And uh—“

Pharynx’s cock is out. He’s grinning. And he’s stroking himself. I’m too far away to know for sure but from how he’s glistening in the light he’s probably leaking tons of pre.

“I have a little bit of experience when it comes to introducing friendship to a species that doesn’t know the first thing about it.”

I watch as my brother turns around and lifts his ass up in the air.

Is that—no.

He’s got a long, silicone mold of a changeling penis. It’s green. Like mine.

Where did he even get that?

He reaches backwards, guiding the dildo to his butthole.

He’s not gonna—is he? No. No. No no.

“Uhhh,” I cough. “Right. And we’ve all learned so much thanks to Princess Twilight over there,” I gesture to the alicorn. “And today I think has been really eye opening when it comes to just how many benefits that friendship has. I think that the key to today is—“

He must have a soundproofing spell cast on him, because the way that he shoves the silicone cock into him should make a loud, wet noise, loud enough to hear from across the castle, but it’s completely silent. Pharynx’s face twists into a contained expression of pure pleasure as he bites his lip, his eyes closing halfway as the dildo sinks into his ass, sliding up until the halfway point on his first thrust.

“Is…that friendship can take many forms. Friendship is not an abstract concept. Friendship is everything. It’s in the world around us, the things that we do.” I’m sweating. Why am I sweating? There’s no spotlight. “The key to my race’s redemption was letting the entire hive know that friendship can be anything they wanted it to be.”

The dildo bottoms out in Pharynx. He looks like he’s been resisting an itch behind his ear for years and he’s finally got someone to adequately scratch it.

He turns over his shoulder to look at me. We maintain eye contact for a full two seconds before he turns back and starts pulling the dildo out.

It smoothly glides out until only the tip is left inside of him. I can hear the grunt of exertion he makes in my head when he starts to fuck himself hard.

“My changelings were starving. We were overworked, and we had no autonomy of our own. Friendship was the thing that nourished us. Friendship was love, and love is the most important thing to us. It makes us stronger. It unites us as a species. So I ask of you, what is something that you value?”

His cock is twitching madly. He won’t last longer.

There’s definitely a soundproof spell on him. His mouth is open. His eyes are scrunched. He’s groaning dryly at the ground.

I hear him in my mind. I hear his voice. I smell his breath.

“Is it bits? Is it a bigger hoard? Power?”

Pharynx is getting erratic. He’s going to cum.

“Because friendship is better than all of those things. No—friendship can make those things better. What I implore you all to do is to not think of this as a new idea. New ideas can be strange, and uncomfortable. I ask you to think of this new idea as something familiar. Something that’s been there all along, but that you simply just…rediscovered.”

The dildo pistons in and out of Pharynx until he pushes it in as far as he can take it—which is most of its length—and stops. Pharynx quivers and tenses up until his cock begins to throb.

Cum squirts out of his cock, landing on the catwalk underneath. His tongue lolls out. First one string. Then two. Then four. Until it’s not so much strings as it is cum leaking out of his cock like a faucet.

“You should not look at new ideas as something alien. But something that can enhance the life you already have.”

Pharynx collapses. I clear my throat.

“Thanks. Meeting adjourned. I look forward to seeing you all around the summit.”

Applause comes from the entire room, but I can’t focus on anything but my brother in the ceiling.

I fly off of the stage. Diplomats are already across the room, walking out of the door. Ember waits for me by the first row of chairs.

I land beside her, smile and we start walking out.

“S-So how was I?”

“You sounded very confident.”

“Did everything make sense?”

Ember giggles, shrugging a little bit. “It sounded good, at least.”

I groan.

“Hey, it’s alright,” she nudges me and winks. “I’d have a hard time making sense if I were as hard as you were during that speech.”

I stop in my tracks and check myself.


Dripping. Erect. Pulsing.

“Eyes up here, bug boy,” Ember says, putting a claw under my chin and lifting it back up. “Maybe we should tone it down on the pre-public speaking flirting for the next few days.”

“Don’t you dare,” I say with a grin. “I’ll cry.”

“And I’ll lick up your tears.”

We lean in and kiss. I do my best to forget Pharynx’s little show.

Spike sits across from me, sipping a cup of tea. His room’s pretty comfy, and his bed’s really sturdy too. I’m surprised that I can lie down in it without the mattress creaking at all. Especially because he had his growth spurt last year and he's now Ember-shaped. That is to say: long, spiney and spindly.

He stares at me pointedly. “Aren’t you gonna drink your tea?”

“I’m worried I’m gonna spill it on your bed.”

“You’ll be fine. Come on, Thorax! Live a little.”

I shake my head and take my cup off the tray next to the bed. I take a long sip, letting the deep flavors of the black tea wash over my tongue.

“So,” Spike says. “You were telling me about your plans for your and Ember’s anniversary?”

“Oh yeah! I have a reservation planned for tomorrow at Mareton’s and then I figure we can go down to the lake or maybe just hang out back in her room. I know she wouldn’t wanna do anything too fancy.”

“What’s wrong with your room?” Spike asks, lasering in on my choice of words.

I blush, thinking about Pharynx. “Well—“

Fire shoots towards me as Spike suddenly belches. I barely have time to lean to the side and dodge.

A sealed envelope spins in the air for a second before landing on his lap. He picks it up and inspects it. “It’s…it’s addressed to you.”

He hands it to me. The envelope’s sealed with—

Changeling sap. Bright green, smells like roses, completely unmistakeable. This can’t be good. Has trouble broken out at the hive? Oh, geez. I should have gotten Pharynx to stay back and manage things while I was gone, but he just seemed so lonely staying home. I’m a terrible leader, aren’t I?

Holding my breath, I break the seal open and pull out its contents—which turns out to be a single picture.

A slimy, translucent white. A familiar dark green. A miniscule, but permanent crack in the chitin on his underbelly tells me immediately that this is Pharynx’s cock mid-climax.

“What is it?” Spike asks.

I look at him, eyes wide, and put the picture back in its envelope. I place it behind me and smile nervously at the dragon—my best friend. “Uh. Just hive business. Nothing important though. Cornicle just started another orgy again.”

“Oh.” He nods. “Okay. Continue tell me your plans, then.”

“What were we talking about?”


“Ember. Ember. Right,” I chuckle. “Well, that was pretty much my entire plan for us tomorrow. Unless you had any ideas.”

“Boy, do I!” he chirps before burping again.

I’m not as lucky this time. The fire hits me directly in the face. I shut my eyes tight and shake my head. Feeling the surfacemost layer of my chitin get scorched.

“Oops,” Spike winces. “Sorry.”

I flash green, magically repairing the small scuffs quickly. “No problem. What’s it this time?”

Spike holds up another letter.

“Oh no,” I groan.

He hands it to me and I open it.

“Why are you blushing like that?”

“No reason. Cornicle’s being very graphic,” I say as I take the most high-definition, up-close picture of my brother’s asshole I’ve ever seen and place it on top of the other dirty envelope behind me. “She’s really gifted with expression.”

Spike peers at me. “…Can I see?”

“What? No! Spike, you’re a minor.”

“I’m eighteen, actually!" he scoffs. "Do you not remember my birthday? Two months ago?"

"Oh." I grimace anyway. "I'm gonna be honest, Spikey, I don't think I'm ever going to get used to you being an adult."

"You better!" Spike retorts. He puts his hands on his hips. "All that means is that I can talk to you about more parts of your life! We can talk about cider! And cigarettes! And—" He gestures to the pile of photos I'm trying to hide "—porn! What’s the big deal, dude? My old stuff’s getting boring, anyway. Only so many issues of Playpony that a guy can—“

“Ew, gross, stop talking right now.” I suppress my gag reflex. It barely works.

Spike laughs darkly. “Oh, if only you knew what I—ARP,

At least he has the courtesy to turn his head away before he roars, fiery indigestion exploding out of his chubby cheeks. My entire world is a blinding green for a second as he burps again, and again and again and how does Pharynx have this many pictures of himself?

A minute later and Spike’s hunched over, burying his face into the sheets.

“You okay?” I ask.

“Nooooo,” he groans. “What in tartarus is going at the hive?”

“Uhh…” My eyes wander the hurricane’s path of envelopes and—

And he stopped using envelopes past the twentieth picture.

An entire catalogue of every single angle of my big brother’s butt and hard cock in every kind of lighting sits spread out on the floor for the entire world to see.

For Spike to see.

My best friend. Still a smiling little kid in the wilderness of the Crystal Empire to me.

I glance at him. He’s still hunched over.

I can't hide any of this by the time he turns, can I? I sigh. “Shit.”

Spike laughs and lifts his head up. “Did you just curse? That’s not a very Thorax thing to—whoah.

His eyes widen as he takes in the multitudinous naughty images on the floor.

“Is that—is that Pharynx?”

Oh no. Spike was raised by ponies. They don’t really like that sort of thing, do they? Oh no. I don’t remember anything from pony culture class.

“He’s hot!”

“Spike!” I squeak. I can hear the blood rush to my face.

He shrugs at me. “What? He is.”

“You don’t think that I’m cheating on Ember, do you? Or banging my brother?”

“Why would I think that you were cheating on Ember? You love her,” Spike chuckles. “And I know for a fact that you’re not banging your brother because you’d have told me by now. Wow. Wow. He’s––he’s single, right? Because I really like that picture of his ponut.”

Spike steps off the bed to pick up one of the pictures of Pharynx’s butthole. I fly off the couch and slap his hand away.

“Don’t talk about him like that!” I tell him. “Especially not—Ponies don't like it when brothers and brothers and brothers and sisters...get intimate with each other, right? Please don't tell anypony! This could cause a scandal!"

“Thorax,” Spike coos, putting his claws on either side of my leg. “Simmer. It’s fine. It's actually legal everywhere in Equestria except for Canterlot. They hate incest for some strange, stupid reason. All those books about how it's bad? Propaganda. And besides! Even if it weren’t legal in Equestria I wouldn't tell anyone. Come on! You're my best pal. Now tell me: Why is Pharynx sending you dirty pictures in the middle of the day?”

“He’s been trying to get me to mate with him since he transformed!”

“And why haven’t you?”

I blanche. “Because he’s my brother! I’ve never seen him that way. I only just figured out how to not tense up and ready myself for berating insults every time he walks into a room.”

“Sounds like excuses.”


“What? Pharynx is…” He whistles, making a show of inspecting the pictures on the floor. “Wow. Yeah, your brother is hot, dude. Why haven’t you banged him?”

“I’m with Ember.”

“Just tell her about it. Maybe show her one of these pictures.”

“No! She’s a dragon! She’s very possessive! What if she tries to fight Pharynx?”

“You sound like me when I tried to separate you and Ember, you know, that day I invited you two to Ponyville at the same time?”

“This is different.” I stomp a hoof.

He makes a show of raising a brow. “Right. Well, can I keep a picture?”


Spike scoffs. “Not one? Your brother’s ponut looks fuckin’ delicious, dude.”

Gross gross gross gross I cannot believe I’m hearing this right now. “Stop saying that word.”

“I love you Thorax, but sometimes you can be a prude.”

“All your meetings go well?”

Ember gives a contented mhm as she places another hayfry into her mouth.

“Not too much trouble with your public speaking?”

She shakes her head, chewing the fry as slowly as possible so she can savor the salty taste.

“No complaints about intimidation this year?”

Ember smiles and shakes her head again, swallowing. “Nope. Which feels good! It wouldn’t feel good if this were dragon politics, because then I’d have to challenge a bunch of contenders and beat them in single combat to prove my worth, but this isn’t dragon politics. So I feel great, actually! I think I’m really getting a hang of this friendship thing. Would you believe that I shared a sandwich with Fluttershy yesterday?”

“Really?” I ask, smiling. “That’s great to hear!”

“Yeah! She seemed really happy about it. She even thanked me really quick before she flew off to nap. I still can’t get over how fast ponies can go—I’ll have to challenge her to a race sometime.”

I tilt my head. “Did you mean Rainbow Dash?”

“…Fluttershy’s the one with like seven different shades of gray in her mane, right?”

“Oh, sweetie,” I reach across the table and take her claw. “We really need to get Starlight to re-administer that colorblindness cure.”

Ember looks like she’s about to protest, but she gives up. “Fine, fine. I guess it would help with telling all these ponies apart.”

I smile, squeezing her claw. “Thank you for being so open and trusting.”

“Only for you,” she purrs.

Then the call of the wild stirs in my gut. I stand up and start walking to the bathroom, winking over my shoulder. “I’ll be right back, Ember.”

“Hurry, I don’t wanna try my first hayburger without you but I totally will!”

I speedtrot to the bathroom in record time—the place is surprisingly clean. The marble tile’s been freshly bleached and mopped, the mirrors are clean, and when I walk up to urinal and start peeing, I don’t feel dirty in the slightest. Which is…really good, for what I’ve seen of pony cities. I really wish there was some sort of platform where I could write a review of different pony stores and food joints and let my positive opinions be seen by others wondering about their quality. This Hayburger would definitely get a ten out of ten, or the equivalent rating.

“Enjoying yourself, brother? I’ve never seen you hum while urinating before.”

My eyes go wide. I turn my head.

Pharynx is standing not ten hooves away.


“I may not have been the top infiltrator during the times of old, but I was a good changeling, Thorax,” he whisper-growls my name like a tiger that’s caught sight of some particularly delicious-looking prey. “I know how to be sneaky.”

“Pharynx, what are you doing here?”

“I’m catching a show, of course!” Pharynx chuckles darkly, glancing down. “You really need to drink more water, little brother.”

“G-Get out of here!”

“Not an option,” he replies. My stream starts to slow down and he—

He crawls forward before I blink next, and I feel his warm, wet mouth over my sheathe as he drinks the last few spurts.

I gasp from the sensation and try to back away but one of his hooves holds my leg in place and I get to watch as my sheathe pops out of my brother’s mouth and he expertly moves his open mouth to catch the last of my piss stream, arcing in the air, into his throat like we’re some sort of messed up water fountain.

Needless to say, I’m completely horrified.

My bladder finally expelled, I’m able to wrench myself away from Pharynx.

He doesn’t let me get too far though. He stalks me until I’m pressed against the wall, licking his lips clean of my bodily fluids.

“Consuming a lot of love lately, Thorax? Or pineapple juice?”

My face feels like it’s being pressed to a hot piece of metal. “Pharynx, get out of here! I’m spending time with Ember before our joint meeting with the griffons in an hour!”

“Yeah?” he says, looking at the locked door. “Maybe I’ll go outside and kiss her, then? Let her taste you on my lips.”

I breathe steadily and take a step towards him. “You wouldn’t.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“Please don’t.”

“Make me,” he says.

I’m taken back to our childhood. Specifically, the many moments where Pharynx had stood over me and dunked my face into a puddle of water, nearly drowning me before lifting my head up to laugh. The many moments I said “Stop!” and he said those exact words in that exact tone: “Make me.”

Pharynx is attracted to me because I’m bigger now, right? Maybe that comes with respect. Maybe that comes with—with knowing that my decision is final.

Maybe I have to do it his way.

Pharynx steps towards the door. I flutter my wings and fly towards him, grabbing his legs and tackling him to the ground.

I must have caught him by surprise, because he topples over pretty easily. Before I know it I’m standing over him, frowning in his face.

Pharynx’s eyes are full of wonder, and then they narrow into a playful glare. I feel his rear legs wrap around me tight.

The last thing I hear is his giggle before he rolls backwards and throws me into the wall.

My face hits the wall first. Then the rest of my body sloppily crashes into it like a train coming undone after swerving off of the tracks. I barely have any time to recuperate before Pharynx clocks me in the jaw with one of his hooves.

Everything’s blurry for a second, but I see Pharynx wind up for another buck. When he goes to strike I catch his hoof and fall on top of him, putting all of my body weight on him while grabbing at his legs, hoping to trip him.

To my shock, it actually works. We end up in the same position as before—me on top of him, and he’s on his back. I’ve learned my lesson, though. My legs are spread wide and my body’s close to his so he can’t throw me off balance.

Pharynx snickers. “This isn’t quite how I imagined our first time, but I’m a big fan of your creativity.”

I start to ask what he’s talking about when I feel his cock throb against mine, our pre dribbling together to make a single mixture.

Wait. I’m hard?

No. “No,” I shake my head and jump off of him, scrambling backwards into the bathroom door.

“Something wrong?” Pharynx purrs.

“I beat you in single combat.” I stomp my hoof. “Leave this place, and don’t come back. Go find something to do in town.”

He’s about to say something, but then I stomp my hooves again. Pharynx shivers. I see his cock jump, a thin string of pre leaking out of him.

“Have it your way, then,” he pants and smirks. “See you later, Thorax.”

With a flash of green, he’s turned into a hummingbird. I squint at him before I open the bathroom door.

He’s true to his word. He flies out of the restaurant before anycreature notices.

After a minute of waiting for my cock to go back into my sheathe, I finally get back to me and Ember’s table. She looks a tiny bit peeved, but more worried. Looks like she’s ordered more hayfries while waiting for me.

She pops one into her mouth. “You were gone for a while. Everything okay?”

I nod my head. “Let’s not talk about it.”

“Okay! Time to eat a hayburger! Or twenty!”

And eat hayburgers we did. Ember ended up taking down twenty-six. I managed about half of that before I had to tap out.

I’m in a sorry state when we get back to the castle. Ember’s somehow in great shape––flying briskly at my side while I limp down the grand halls of Twilight’s domain. We kiss and nibble on each other in the hallways a little before agreeing to clean up and meet back at my room. Hopefully Pharynx took the hint I want giving out and found somewhere in Ponyville to be while I take care of “business” here.

I limp to the entrance of my room and open it demurely, expecting it to be empty.

Turns out I was an idiot to expect otherwise.

On the far side of the room, Pharynx sits on my bed. His legs are spread, and he’s stroking himself eagerly as I close the door behind me.

“What are you doing here?” I ask. “I told you not to come here.”

“You told me to find something to do.”

“Yes, in town.

“And I did.” Pharynx licks one of his hooves and begins teasing his asshole as well. “I found an erotic paraphernalia store in the outskirts of Ponyville, and I bought lube, a blindfold, and a pony enema. I already used that last one.”

There’s a breeze on my nethers. I’m slipping out of my sheathe.

“Pharynx, Ember is going to be here soon. You need to get out.”

“It’s my room as well.”

“Please?” I whine.

“Make me.”

Shit. Here we go again. I glance at the door, listening for wing flaps or footsteps.

Nothing. I still have time.

I pounce.

Not in the figurative way. My legs are now long enough to leap from the door to the other side of the room, where Pharynx’s bed is. With some assistance from my wings, of course.

Unfortunately, Pharynx is prepared, and I don’t exactly have the jump on him like I did forty-five minutes ago. He bucks my belly full force before I touch the ground, knocking the wind out of my lungs and halting any plans I had for when I got to him. My eyes shut as I wince in pain, and I feel Pharynx’s hooves over my torso.

I’m thrown onto the bed, on my back. I open my eyes again to find that I’m raging hard, and Pharynx is about to go down on me.

I sit up to push him off of me, but that’s when I see the dragoness standing in the doorway.

“E-Ember,” I call.

Pharynx stops as well, glancing back at her over his shoulder coyly, not saying a word.

“Ember!” I say again, after she gives no response.

Her face is varnish of indifference on top of an emotionless wall. The only thing I see from her is a small quirk of her lips before she flies away.

I take off after her, of course. I push Pharynx off and fly out of the room, but she’s already gone. She can be infinitely faster than me when she wants to. There’s no point in chasing. But I should, shouldn’t I? Except she’s probably already made up her mind. I have to explain, but she definitely won’t let me. I…

I’m done. I go back to the room and I glare at Pharynx.

He opens his mouth to say something, but I simply point at the room’s exit.

Pharynx glances between the door and me. I don’t move an inch.

He leaves as well, and I’m left to flop onto my bed, dig my face into my pillow and cry.

That’s when I get a noseful of my brother’s jizz. He must have fucked it before I entered that first time.

Everything’s fucked. I’m fucked. I might as well withdraw the changelings from modern society. I’ve doomed us all, with Pharynx’s help. Ember’s going to break up with me and then declare war and she’s going to break up with me and she’ll never speak to me again.

I haven’t seen her since yesterday. I doubt she’s going to show today, but I have to try.

When I arrive to the table I reserved for us, I’m not surprised to find it empty. I’ve been sitting here for about fifteen minutes now. I’m going to be here all night, if I have to. Anything to speak to her again.

I don’t know what I’d say to her, though. What are you supposed to say when the love of your life thinks that you’re fucking your brother behind her back?

I’ve been sipping water. I thought about ordering a bottle of wine but I’m still a diplomat, at the end of all of this. I can’t be seen drinking my sorrows away. Even if I’ve destroyed everything that I’ve been working for since escaping from Chrysalis and making my first friend ever.

I take the pitcher of cold water that the waitress left for me and fill my empty glass. I reach for it, wanting to take a sip, but a blue claw stops my hoof halfway.

My heart jumps into my throat. I turn my head to look at her.

Another claw covers my eyes. I feel her lips on mine. I wade into the kiss like a pool of healing water, but she draws away before it can get too deep. Then I feel her nuzzle me.

The familiar taste of Ember’s love washes over my tongue. It’s the best thing I’ve ever tasted.

She forgives me. But—

“Come with me,” she whispers.

So I do.

I leave a couple hundred bits on the table and we exit the restaurant, flying hastily to the castle. I lag behind her. She’s avoiding looking at me. Why?

Her arousal fills my nose. Does she want make-up sex?

We get to the castle, and we fly to her room, not stopping to acknowledge anyone or anything, but when we get to her door, she turns around.

Her beautiful, diamond-edged eyes look at mine. She’s smiling.

“Don’t freak out,” she says.


She doesn’t respond. She kicks backwards, throwing her door open before ushering me in.

The room’s curtains are drawn, and then covered with blankets. As a result, it’s mostly dark. The half of the room that I can actually see is lit completely by candlelight, and in the light is a bed, and in that bed is my big brother, looking at me with a smug smile on his face.

“Hi, Thorax,” he says. “Are you ready to wreck me now? You ready to hold me down and fuck my asshole like the big, strong alpha changeling that you are?”

The door closes behind me. Ember’s arm slips around my withers, hugging me tight.

“What do you think?” she asks. “Are you ready?”

“What the fuck?”

She’s surprised. We turn to each other.

“You don’t like your surprise?”

“You’re not mad?”

“Why would I be?” Ember giggles. “Pharynx explained everything after you sent him out yesterday. Did I never tell you that I love watching gay incest?”

I shake my head, backing up. “I—I can’t do this.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t like Pharynx that way!”

“Then why are you hard?”

My cock throbs, happy that it’s been acknowledged. I shake my head. “Ember, I love you. Why is that so hard for everyone to understand? Is that not enough for you?”

Her eyes widen. She cups my face with both claws and presses noses with me. “Of course it is, Thorax. But I can see how much you want each other. And it’s really hot. Plus, it’s our anniversary. Don’t normal couples do weird things on their anniversaries?”

I’m not sure what to say. I try and stutter out a response, but I can’t. I try and I fail twice before I go silent again.

“Look,” Ember croons. “If you really don’t want to, then of course I’m not going to make you. But can you tell me that you don’t want to? Can you say that and really mean it?”

At that, she steps aside and lets me see what Pharynx has been up to.

His slender form’s been turned towards me. His tail is flagged as he proudly shows off the dildo bottomed out in his ass. His smug expression hasn’t changed too much, but there’s a slight flush to his face now. There’s a desperation to the way that he’s breathing. He’s like a female in heat, and he needs someone to relieve him of his need.

He needs me.

I need him. Spike was right—he looks delicious.

It’s like I’m seeing Pharynx for the first time, and I really like what I see. Is this was he felt like when he finally saw my new form as he sees it now?

“Do you love your brother, Thorax?” Ember whispers into my ear.

It’s too much. I can smell her. I can smell him. Their scents mingle in the air, blending into a musky fog that swamps my brain and my mind.

I nod.

“Then why don’t you go show him?” she whispers again, punctuating her point by licking my neck sensually.

“A-Are you sure?” I ask.

“Happy anniversary, Thorax.”

“Happy anniversary.”

“I love you,” she says. “Now go and fuck your brother’s brains out. I’ve been waiting for this all day.”

Who am I to deny her? I walk to Pharynx, who’s looking back at me over his shoulder. He doesn’t say anything—thank the hive. He simply lets me approach, and bend my neck down to explore.

My hoof finds the side of his leg and drifts up, gliding over his shapely form and stopping at his butt. I give it a squeeze, and I’m delighted at the wonderfully balanced muscle-to-fat ratio that Pharynx possesses. In a lot of ways he reminds me of Ember.

Pharynx wiggles his butt, starting to get impatient.

I grab the dildo and I yank it out in one go.

There’s a loud sqlch as it exits my big brother seamlessly. The groan that he makes is a sound I’ve never heard from him before.

“You’re cute,” I whisper. If he heard me, he doesn’t make an indication.

I carelessly throw the dildo away before putting my snout to his taint. My tongue lolls out to its full length: nearly half the size of the average earth pony cock. I press it to the back of his balls and drag it slowly upwards, tasting the salt of his sweat and the slightly fruity taste that all changeling butts have.

Eventually my tongue finds the sweet spot—Pharynx’s butthole, slightly gaping from the rough treatment, but perfectly prepped and lubed and a simple flick of my tongue is all I can give him before I plunge it fully into him. His inner walls clench against me as best as they can.

“HHnngnn,” Pharynx cries. “Yesssssss!”

I love you, brother. Let me show you.

I draw my tongue out halfway, and thrust back in, as far as I can manage to make it go. Pharynx’s legs start quivering. He inches his ass back at me, wordlessly begging for more. I give him what he wants. My tongue starts erratic at first, yanking itself out of his ass and then sliding back in as fast as it left. Each movement gets an adorable little pant from Pharynx. Then I start getting more controlled.

I keep up with the speed, but I make it more consistent. My brother’s ass squeezes my tongue, trying to keep it in place, but the copious amounts of lube inside of him combined with my slippery tongue make that a hard task to accomplish. Moments blur, and in time, so does my tongue—sliding in and out of Pharynx’s ass fast and hard.

“Thorax!” I hear. “Oh, yes yessss…!”

The moans put a smile on my face. I pull my tongue out of Pharynx and give his ponut a little kiss.

“Enjoy your tonguefucking, Pharynx?

“That’s the kind of skill I’d expect from a king,” he purrs.

I stand and mount him, lining my cock up with his hole. I make sure to put as much bodyweight on him as I can. I know what he wants. He wants me to hold him down and fuck him like the big, strong changeling I’ve become.

An idea comes to me. I unhinge my jaws and snap forward, burying my cock inside of him as my mouth crosses the distance from where I was to where his right antler is.

I bite it and drag it backwards, forcing him to bend his head up and expose his throat. I’m withdrawing my cock halfway as I do.

Aah fuck! Fuck! Unh!” he yells. His ass tightens, massaging my cock.

My teeth dig into his antler, threatening to crack the keratine. I growl and I pull my cock out another few inches before slamming it back in.

Our hips make a loud, satisfying clap as they meet. My tongue runs over his antlers while I let out a low groan, grinding against my big brother for a long, beautiful moment. If I’m not careful, I might cum right now. He’s just too perfect. It’s like his ass was made for me. It’s like we were made for each other, and I regret every single moment that I’ve been too blind to see.


I twist my jaws and spit my brother’s antler out, letting him hang his head forward. I pull my cock out of him and drive it back in. Pharynx gives me one long, continuous, shuddering moan as I truly fuck him in earnest, repeating the motions again and again and again. His ass is so fucking warm and it feels so good. He’s so good. I love him so much.

I cry out, feeling my lungs fill up with air again. How long have I been holding my breath?

“I-I love you,” I pant.

“Fuck me!” he screams back, gritting his teeth and digging his face into the mattress. His walls are hugging me too tight. It’s too much. It’s too much.


Those weren’t very good manners.

I pull myself all the way out, my cock feeling like it’s been teleported from a beach to a tundra, and I step back.

Pharynx’s ass is nice and wet with sweat. He raises it in the air, moaning for more.

“Do you like being fucked by me, Pharynx?”


My hoof moves fast. Faster than anything I’ve seen in my life. It slaps his ass as hard as I possibly can, the sound ringing out across the room. Behind me, I hear Ember flinch. Not even she was expecting that, as far as I can tell.

Pharynx whines in surprise. There’s a purple flush on the left side of his flank.

“Do you want me to cum inside of you, Pharynx?”

“Yess,” he says.

I spank him again. Same side. Pharynx’s breath catches. He makes a sound in between a yelp and a low moan of pleasure.

“Tell me you love me, Pharynx. Let your king know that your body is his to use. Let your little brother know that his big, strong older brother is dead, and only a twinky little fucktoy exists in his place.”


Other hoof now. I cuff the right side of his butt as hard as possible, using every bit of strength that my body can offer. The sound that my hoof on his flesh makes is deafening.

“Aaooh, Thorax!”

I spank him again.


And again. His legs are threatening to completely collapse. They look like saplings in the middle of a hurricane.

“I love you!”

My hoof slaps his ass.

“I love you!”

He’s leaking, too. He’s nearly pissing pre-cum.

I spank him again.

“I love you! I love you! I love you! Fuck meeeee!”

I put both my hooves on his back and I crush him under my weight. He comes undone for me like a house made of sticks. It takes less than a second for my cock to line up with his ass again, thank the hive, and I slip back into him.

More accurately, I smash the entire length of my cock into him on the first try and I begin to pound his ass with all the energy I have left. His warmth welcomes me like an old friend. He’s just as tight as a few minutes ago, maybe even more so. I’m not going to last long.

“Thoraxxxxx oh, Thorax! Unh!”

Sounds like Pharynx isn’t going to, either. My cock pistons in and out of his ass, our hips crashing into each other like mad. I’m licking the back of his head, nibbling on his ear, fucking him like I fuck Ember, and then fucking him harder than that. I can’t last any longer. I can’t.

Suddenly Pharynx tightens up, and he screams incomprehensibly. I dig my cock deep into him and we grind against each other. He squeezes and massages my cock with his ass, growing impossibly tight as he unleashes spurt after spurt of cum onto the floor.

I’m not far behind. With a shrill cry I start unloading into my big brother, and holy fuck does it feel good. My cock blasts cum into him with a volume that I could only dream of, pumping him full of my love. Every shot I fire off doesn’t seem real—like I’m on some sort of drug and I’m hallucinating. Not even cumming should feel this good.

I continue jizzing until a full two minutes later, when I can hardly hold myself up and Pharynx down any longer, and I fall beside him. My cock slips out of him clumsily, and there’s a lewd flood of cum that spills out of him when he turns to his side to bring me close.

“I do love you,” whispers Pharynx.

“I know,” I say.

We haul ourselves fully onto the bed and hold each other close, cuddling for countless minutes. It’s not only his butt that’s warm. It’s his entire body. I curl around him, pressing my snout to the top of his head and inhaling his scent. It wasn’t long ago that this was the kind of thing I could never hope to do. It won’t be long before he’s back to not showing this kind of affection, instead protesting when he hugs or merely begging for a simple roll in the hay.

I savor this moment.

I’m nearly asleep before I hear footsteps cross the room.

“That feel good?” I hear Ember ask.

I groan a positive response, nuzzling into Pharynx more.

“You like fucking your brother?”

I nod.

“Good. You going to talk to me when a potential problem arises next time instead of trying to handle it yourself?”

I pull myself away a bit and look into her eyes, smiling. I nod again.

“Good,” she says, smiling back at me. “Because you have about five minutes before I’m taking the lead for round two.”