Luna Feeds her sister into a meat grinder

by Darkdemonlucifer

First published

Celestia and Luna advance their relationship to the next level, which is being fed into a meat grinder.

Celestia and Luna advance their relationship to the next level. They are both big fans of hard, risky BDSM and they take it to the next level when Luna brutally skins her, then feeds her into a meat grinder.

A commission for Anon! IM me if you want one.

Chapter 1

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Luna had expected many things upon returning to her room after a night of tending to her royal duties. Non of these things had included her sister, Celestia, wrapped in chains and leather straps like some kind of slave.

Of course, she and her sister had done plenty of kinky things together at some point, they had been alive for thousands of years and no other ponies had come close to living that long. It did a lot of weird things to your head. This was one of those things.

Slowly, the midnight blue Alicorn stepped towards the mare, giving a soft chuckle as she looked over her sister’s stoic white form, her ethereal rainbow coloured mane flowing behind her as she slowly looked up to Luna with a dark blush.

“Hello Mistress… I hope that I can be a good meal for you,” She said slowly. In that moment, many different thoughts and feelings flooded through Luna’s mind, but the one that made it to the surface was excitement. So, they were doing this again… Perfect.

The midnight blue alicorn chuckled softly and stepped over to her sister, stroking her mane softly with a hoof as she looked around her bedroom slowly. She knew that she had a box full of bondage gear around here somewhere, but she had no idea where she had left it since the last time they had played many moons ago.

While she was busy looking around the room, the pure white alicorn beneath her was looking up at her in a hopeful fashion, normally being quite a bit taller, but this time she was on her knees to give Luna a feeling of power and control over her.

And what a feeling it was. It rushed through every inch of her body and made her tingle all over. She felt ready for anything, almost unstoppable.
“Let’s move this down to the dungeon, dear sister.”

Celestia’s eyes lit up, her elegant form slowly rising off the floor as she rushed straight for the dungeon, galloping past all her guards and staff while still dressed in chains and leather, which was confusing for a great many of them, but even more of them seemed to just brush it off. Celestia did a great many strange things, and questioning them normally led to them being dragged into them.

Luna was much more calm. She made sure that her appearance was good, that her own dark blue mane was flowing elegantly, and all her regalia was in the right place, then she calmly strolled down to the dungeon, taking precise, measured steps to show off to all the staff that she was the one who was in charge.

They seemed to take even less notice of this then her sister, too busy focusing on their work to care.

She was more then a little annoyed by this, but she did not let it get to her. Instead her mind was focused on all the fun and evil things that she was going to do to her sister, already starting to plan out her day of fun mentally.

When she did finally make it down to the dungeon, it turned out that Celestia had already been there for several minutes waiting for her, which of course she was more then aware of as she had made her wait on purpose to get her extra worked up for their play time.

Celestia was slumped against one wall of the dungeon, looking at her with an expression somewhere between mild confusion and mild need. It was impossible to tell for sure, but she did know that she had managed to get her sister nice and worked up before their play session even begin.

“Take off all that gear, dear sister. You won’t be needing it once I turn you into a lovely meal.”

Celestia looked ready to burst as her horn took on a bright yellow glow, wrapping over her body and slowly removing the bondage gear from her body, dropping it to a pile on the ground.

And then she stood naked before her mistress, practically shaking with a mixture of fear and excitement at what Luna had planned for her.
“What does Mistress have in mind for her meal?” She asked in a hopeful, almost teasing tone, tucking her tail tightly between her legs in a show of submission to the goddess of the moon currently stood over her.

Luna looked around the room to make sure that everything was set up for their little play session, then let out a slightly dark laugh as she pulled out a razor.

The look of horrified pleasure that spread across Celestia’s face was beyond amazing. It made Luna so very wet, and she could not wait to get started. But first she needed to restrain Celestia to prevent her from struggling too much and messing up their play session.

Slowly, she moved the razor forward and pressed it into the top of Celestia’s chest. She was currently chained, spread eagled and gagged, to a wall. There was no way that she would be able to struggle free, and all her complaints would fall on deaf ears.

There was nothing she could do. She was totally helpless, unable to do anything but lie there as Luna carried out her terrible work.

As the razor pressed to the top of her chest, Celestia let out a soft whimper of pain, feeling the razor bite ever so carefully into her delicate, perfect white fur. She did not struggle however, or attempt to beg. She simply sat there and stared blankly ahead as the razor bit into her skin.

The smell of her need was already filling the air, and as the razor bit into her skin, the stench of her need only seemed to become more intense. It was almost too much for Luna, who was starting to feel her own cunt drip onto the ground as she let out little gasps and moans in a mocking attempt to tease her sister.

She pushed the razor forward a little harder, and Celestia let out a loud, pained cry into the gag as the razor bit all the way into her skin. The blade was sharp and bit into her flesh like it was made out of warm butter, sending a small amount of crimson blood spilling forward, which stained her fur a deep shade of red.

Luna let out a soft chuckle, then slowly begin to drag the razor down the front of her sister’s flesh, which seemed to part like magic before the sharp implement. Soon she was half way down her chest, and Celestia could feel sharp stabs of agony tearing through her body from the cut, which rather surprisingly was not bleeding much at all, likely down to some kind of enchantment on the blade itself.

Celestia’s cunt was soaked, practically dripping onto the ground as she gasped and whimpered like a wounded animal that was facing death. Of course, Luna would not allow her to die, not just yet. Her fate was far, far more cruel.

The Goddess of the night kept dragging the razor down further and further, slowly moving down from the top of her ribcage to the top of her cunt, before she moved onto her hooves and ran the razor along those as well, carving a cross into their chest with the blade.

Finally, Luna moved down to her rear legs, dragging the razor down them while giving a cold, heartless laugh as she did so. It had been so long since she and her sister had done anything like this, and she had forgotten just how fun it was.

Celestia’s wounds still did not bleed, even as Luna’s horn glowed to life and wrapped around every inch of her skin. Celestia gave her a look that told Luna she knew exactly what was going to happen next, and that she was very scared because of it.

And then Luna tugged, and her sister’s skin begin to peel away like that of a banana, exposing bare muscle and flesh beneath. Celestia, at this point, was forced to express the amount of pain that was currently tearing through her body.

Her back arched hard, and she let out a scream to the heavens as her eyes rolled back in her head. All of her nerve endings seemed to fire off at once, reminding her over and over again that the situation she was currently in was very painful and not healthy for her in the slightest.

Of course there was nothing she could do to stop it apart from scream, howling out in pain and pleasure as an orgasm almost ripped through her. With how painful it was, her cunt could not help but gush, juices dripping down between her legs as she screamed her agony out into the ball gag.

Luna chuckled as she watched all of this unfold, then tugged her skin roughly again, causing a few more inches of it to peel off, and drawing another loud squeal of pain from her sister.

She did not know what exactly it was about the whole situation that excited her, but something about watching her sister screaming and struggling before her, totally helpless as she peeled more and more of her skin off. Well something about it sent waves of excitement rocking through her body.

She gave her sister a moment of respite, pausing the advance of her magic to look up into her terrified eyes. Celestia was panting and sweating rather heavily at this point, the meat and muscle of her chest exposed beneath where her skin had once been, and even with tears gushing from her eyes and her body shaking with pain, she still looked needy for more.

After just a moment of recovery, she looked to Luna and gave her a nod, practically begging for more. Well, Luna was not one to turn down her sister’s demands. Her magic once again wrapped around the alicorn, and she roughly tugged it once again.

Celestia’s back arched, her eyes rolled up and she let out another loud scream into the gag, almost urinating herself from the pain. Luna had teased her enough at this point, and she wrapped her magic firmly around every inch of the skin once again, staring into her sister’s terrified eyes once more before pulling.


The scream that followed from Celestia’s lips was one of pure, unfiltered agony. Her eyes flew wide, her head snapped back so hard that it smacked against the stone wall behind her, giving her a minor concussion.

And her skin peeled away like a banana peel once more, coming off in one smooth, unbroken sheet thanks to the assistance of Luna’s magic.

Luna’s horn glowed once again, neatly folding the skin into a pile before setting it down in a corner for later use.

Then she slowly cast her eyes up to gaze over her sister once again. Her eyes were still wide with pain, which was understandable considering every inch of her skin had just been peeled off, but the pain seemed to have quite the strange effect on Celestia, as instead of discouraging her, it instead seemed to only turn her on even further, her snatch now leaking onto her bare muscle tissue, which caused more pain, locking her in an endless loop of pain and pleasure she seemed unable to avoid no matter how hard she struggled.

Luna watched her thrash about for several moments, then her magic wrapped around the restraints holding her to the wall, pulling them open and sending her poor sister dropping to the ground with a wet splat, her bare muscle pressing into the cold stone, sending even more pain coursing through her body.

She almost passed out from the pain that tore through her body, her back arching as she once again screamed. This time Luna had removed the gag and her screams were allowed to flow out into the open air as she thrashed wildly, once again almost urinating herself.

The moon goddess was busy setting things up, driven forward by the agonized scream of her sister as she worked on a machine. It looked like a wood chipper, and it was basically a wood chipper, with a feed input on one side and a much smaller output on the other side.

Only, it was not used to feed wood into. Instead, it was for putting meat into. And Luna sure had a lot of meat ready to feed into it. First, she floated over Celestia’s skin and used her magic to perform a strange spell indeed. She slowly pulled the skin on over her own fur, using the magic from her horn to help her.

Once the skin was on over her own body, a bright midnight blue glow overtook her horn and suddenly Luna was gone, replaced by the brilliant white form of her sister, who was still currently thrashing about in a pained fashion on the ground.

Her horn glowed to life and she lifted her sister off the ground, looking at the poor pathetic creature as it seemed to tense up from the touch of her magic, the very air seeming to burn at her flesh as she stared at her sister with eyes that seemed to be begging for death and filled with excitement at the events that were about to unfold, both in equal measure.

“Well, my dear sweet sister. I have to say that this was very fun, but we are almost out of time and somebody needs to raise the sun in a few hours… You don’t look like you’re in any state to do so.”

Celestia looked up at her with a soft groan, clearly struggling to deal with the amount of pain that was tearing through her body. Despite this, she managed to raise her head, giving a soft whimper that sound so very pathetic, and turned poor Luna on so very much.

“Y-Yes… I am more then happy to be a meal for Mistress… Please use me as you see fit!” She pleaded. Luna simply gave a soft chuckle upon hearing this, her horn glowing to life with a golden glow that now mirrored that of her sister perfectly. She flicked on the machine, and it begin to spin up, all the while making some kind of horrible grinding noise as un-lubricated parts were forced to move against their will. She really needed to get someone in here to take a look at that, but for now she was instead going to feed her sister into it.

She lifted her up to the intake pipe, lowering her tail into slowly as Celesta stared at her, knowing that the next minutes were going to be very painful for her indeed, and that she was not going to be getting out of it.

Her tail caught in the inner workings of the machine, which begin to pull the poor mare towards them as she let out a soft squeak, knowing that her end had arrived.

“I-I’ll be a good meal for Mistress!” She promised as the machine kept pulling her further and further towards its inner workings, all while making the same horrible grinding sound that seemed to only get louder with every second that passed.

Luna’s ears were ringing from the noise, and her cunt was starting to drip down her inner legs from the intense need that she was being filled with. She wished she could fuck her sister’s face right then and there, but did not want to risk getting splattered with blood or being pulled into the machine herself.

Celestia seemed to stare at her as she was pulled further and further towards the teeth of the machine, and then one of her bare back hooves caught on it, and a scream tore from her lips as her hind leg was instantly chewed up into a bloody red paste.

More agony blasted through her body, all of her nerve endings firing off at once as he heart begin to thud madly, trying to pump enough adrenaline around her body to get her out of this horrible situation. Unfortunately there was not enough adrenaline in the world to save her from her fate at this point.

Now that the machine had gotten hold of her, the real terrible work begin. Inch by inch she was dragged back into the machine, the razor sharp steel blades making short work of the flesh, and the grinders behind those making short work of the bone beneath.

Inch by inch, more and more of her hind legs were pulled backwards into the machine as Celestia squealed and screamed like she was being murdered, which was most appropriate as that was exactly what was currently happening.

As the pain peaked to its highest point, she was pretty sure that she was going to pass out, but she held on just long enough to feel an intense, mind numbing orgasm rip through her body, eyes flying wide as her cunt convulsed and pleasure tried to overwhelm the pain.

It did not do a good job of this however, but the juices she sent squirting into the machine would certainly add to the flavour of the meat that came out the other end.

And then, rather unfortunately, she passed out, falling limp as the grinder kept up its work, taking in the body of the sun goddess and spitting out mince meat on the other end, with a fine bone meal being emptied out into another container.

Luna watched as he body was slowly pulled into the mincer, rubbing herself frantically with a pure white hoof as she watched her sister’s body get pulled deeper and deeper into the terrible machine, the last thing to go being her head, which seemed to stare at her as Celestia’s eyes burst from their sockets, her skull collapsing and being pulled into the machine.

This day had been amazing, but she was not quite ready to climax just yet. That would need to wait until her sister had been revived by the power of the rising sun, then the two of them were going to share a meal of hamburgers and have some more fun together.

She could hardly wait.