Alicorn Estrus: Thou Art a Cormenting Tunt

by DeltaXeno1138

First published

Celestia and Luna are tormented by their heat, and each other. They take out their frustrations with both on the latter.

Estrus is a difficult time for all mares, including and especially the royal sisters. Particularly when they are younger, by alicorn standards. The would do anything or anyone to get even some relief. But with self imposed restrictions and only each other's company, what are they to do?

A frustrating slip up on Luna's part helps them figure that problem out.

Created for the April 2019 Sibling Incest Contest

Contains: incest, some ass worship, squirting

A two part reading: Part 1
Part 2

Too hot. And thirsty.

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"Tiaaa" Luna whined playfully as her sister kissed her neck. "I told you I don't like being teased so much."

"That's why I do it, Lulu" Celestia replied after chuckling. "Plus, you look cute when you're in anticipation" she said as she started rubbing her hoof against Luna's marehood.

"Sister, please. You'll make me blush."

"Uh oh. You shouldn't have said that. Because you're even cuter when you blush, and I love it when you're cute." Celestia trailed more kisses along her sister's neck while still rubbing her hoof on her. And then she started to lightly push in with each rub.

"Mm. Oh, Tia. Oh, Tia.

"Oh, Tia! Ah!" Luna exclaimed in surprise as she shot up in her crescent moon shaped bed, panting heavily. She could already feel that a large portion of her mattress was soaked. She looked down and saw her own hoof was the perpetrator, trapped between her legs, against her wet, red, swollen marehood. "Ugh! Again you plague my mind even in the realm of sleep, accursed biological breeding preparation."

Luna removed her hoof and climbed off her bed. She magically picked up her cover from the ground to wipe her hoof, and her forehead for the sweat. Both she and her sister tossed away their covers every first night of their estrus. Sleeping with literal wet blankets would be bad enough without the strong, lingering scent of their unquenched, carnal thirst.

The princess of the night summoned a large pitcher of ice water and downed half of it in five large gulps. She then dumped the rest on her head with a deadpan expression and threw the pitcher over her head to the floor. She approached one of the windows of her room, magically pulled opened the curtains, and then turned around to plop her rump on the sill. She spread her wings and began flapping them backward to get a draft on her moist, swollen nethers.

Luna shivered as she felt the cool night air on herself. She didn't care if anypony caught sight of her practically glowing, red posterior. In all likelihood they were too busy satiating or fighting their own estrus, or hiding, running, and/or being put into a coma by those doing the former.

Fotunate trollops, Luna thought with a scowl. Having their seasonal curse alleviated by any stallion's lengthy, hardened, thick, blessed appendege. Getting mounted and rammed with great vigor until they release their delicious, foal making- THIS LINE OF THINKING DOES NOT HELP! Luna's head raised in alarm as she felt feathers tracing her flank. She turned her head with a furious expression and whipped her wing with her tail, making it retract and resume fanning. And neither does that, traitorous appendage!

This was one thing Luna had certainly not missed during her banishment. Being sealed in the moon left her conscious without physical feeling. Unfortunately, each bypassed estrus left her feeling very unfulfilled upon her return. Her mane and tail were stuck in their straight, pale blue form for weeks. Her sister certainly didn't mind helping her with that, for all those weeks.

Psh. One would think she had been banished and unfulfilled for a millennium with how eager she was to help me. Except of course for these times. Ascended mother and father, why couldn't I have been born to an elder brother? Or born a younger brother? Who am I kidding? Neither of us would leave each other's company and chambers in either scenario. Nothing would get done.

Luna's head raised again as someone knocked on her door three times. Or rather, they furiously pounded on it as if the castle were on fire. "LUNA! LUNA!" Celestia's enraged voice came through the door before being followed by three more knocks.

Ugh. What in Tartarus could she possibly want at this hour?


"Mm, Luna. Have you been stretching yourself for my hoof? I'm getting in more easily. Ooh yes, start rubbing me with your tail. Your insides feel...fluffy too? And why does your tail feel like mi-

"Ah!" Celestia exclaimed as she shot up from her sun styled bed. She looked down and saw her hoof was wrist deep in the slit of one of her pillows, held between her legs and soaked. And her tail was practically glued to her marehood.

"Damn it, Luna!" Celestia exclaimed angrily as she got off her also soaked bed and used her discarded cover to wipe her hoof and tail. "My own dreams are bad enough during mating season. I don't need yours leaking into my mind." Celestia growled as she summoned a new block and flew up to sit on it. Steam immediately began emanating from beneath her.

Celestia sat with a sour expression, very soon beginning to feel the familiar descent. "Twenty-fifth one in five hours" she grumbled to herself as she soon started to feel like an overgrown filly. Once her sitting position got considerably lower, she made a decision.

"I'm going to go have a chat with my dear sister." Celestia summoned a strap and two spikes to embed in her impromptu chair's sides. She stood up, her seat tied on, and made her way toward Luna's room. The walk felt very awkward, and she wished she could've had someone's dick inside of her instead.

"Just a little chat with my little sister. With her straight, pale...cute mane. And her fluffy tail that feels so good wrapped around my- Get to the door. Get to the door!"

"Open this door! Open this BUCKING door! Right now!"

Luna rolled her eyes before removing her rump from the windowsill and began walking to her door. Celestia pounded on the door once again. "I'm coming, Tia!" Yes. If only. With the aid of a virile stud- Return to my side, wandering wing! Luna only got halfway there when her door was suddenly blown off it's hinges with a golden, magical explosion. Luna quickly ducked, allowing the door to sail over her head, and out a window. "Tia! What the shit?!"

"What the shit? What the shit?" Celestia replied with an angry, crazed expression as she entered the room. Luna noticed her mane and tail had also changed to their straight, simple pink form. She also noticed something else near her sister's tail, which she soon got a close up of when she turned around and jutted her read in her face. "This is what the shit, Luna."

Luna reared her head back in surprise and confusion. Her sister had a block of ice strapped to her hindquarters, and it appeared to be carved to fit her, much like a foal's carriage seat. She saw a distorted version of her sister's marehood through the ice, noticeably red. Her sister's tail hung over the block like a signal flag, and she thought of how quickly she could lick through the ice to get to one of her favorite meals.

Luna shook her head free of her lusty, wandering thoughts and moved back a few steps. "Um...quite an ingenious idea, sister. I'm impressed how well it was carved to fit you."

"Carved?" Celestia said mockingly as she turned back around, Luna's eyes breifly following her rump. "Oh no, no, no. It wasn't carved. It was actually a regular block, and also much bigger not too long ago. It melted from my heat, and became shaped that way, from me sitting on it. And it's the twenty-fifth one I've gone through!"

"That many?!"

"Are you really so surprised? Especially when it's partially your doing?! The way you worm your way into my mind!" Celestia exclaimed as she pointed an accusatory hoof.

"What?! Don't assign me the blame! How can I help it if you're so immensely attracted to me?" Luna said smugly.

"Oh please. Don't flatter yourself, Lulu. I'm talking about your dream coming over to my head."

"Oh. It...It entered your mind?" Luna asked nervously.

"Sister, please. You'll make me blush. Oh Tia. Oh Tia!" Celestia exaggeratedly repeated, making hoof gestures and throwing her head back. She looked back at Luna with a smug expression when she finished.

"Ah...Well, that explains the dripping. And I do apologize for that. But you know it's difficult for me to keep my mental composure during this cursed time! Even in my sleep. And don't act as though you haven't experienced your own mistakes, Tia. Or should I mention how you breifly moved the sun away to try and cool off during the heat season?"

"That was one time!" Luna raised an eyebrow. "Two times! And they happened a long time ago."

"I'm sure many would agree it was a far more serious mistake than unintentionally sharing an erotic dream. One you apparantly enjoyed" Luna said suggestively, shifting her eyes to look at the block of ice. Wait, what did you say?

"Don't test me, Lulu" Celestia warned her sister as she narrowed her eyes at her. "You know both of us are running on too high a temperature to get into it with each other."

"Which could've been avoided if you allowed a guard or two to stay."

"We both agreed to that! We sent ten guards to the emergency room last time! Each! And what did I just say about testing me?!"

I love seeing her get all riled up. With her simple and beautiful cotton candy mane. "What? You don't wish to have it out with your sister? Are you scared I'll beat you, as I have before?" Luna asked challengingly as she stepped closer to her sister. What are you doing?! You know where acting like this will lead-/Shut up. This is riveting.

Damn it. Why does she look so alluring with that mane and confident attitude? "As if. I'm more afraid of having to deal with your crying after I verbally spank you like a misbehaved filly.

Threaten me with a good time, will you? "I'd have you crying after giving you a vigorous and brutal tongue lashing."

Oh my goodness, I can feel the block becoming a sheet. "I'd have you crying out to the heavens, begging me to stop my onslaught on your delici- impudent behind!"

"Oh. You wish to talk about behinds, Princess of chocolate cake that goes right to my derrière?" Both of which I wouldn't mind digging into. "I once spent fifteen minutes attempting to lift the moon until I saw your cutie mark and realized I was attempting to lift the wrong one!"

"How dare you?! At least it's better to look at than your giant, lifeless rock in the sky!"

"At least it can be looked at directly and admired. What does your giant ball of flaming gas do?! Blind anyone who looks at it and make everyone hot! No one needs to be that hot! Especially during this time, Tia!"

"Considering you spend ample amounts of time staring at my ass, my sun lilkely has nothing to do with your increased temperature."

"I only stare at it because I have to be a mile away to get it out of my sight! You must eat nothing but cake to get it so huge and plump!"

Celestia faltered for a bit, stammering and gasping from offense/flattery and trying to think of a comeback. " whore!"

"Sun slut!"

The royal sisters bore daggers into each other's wide, furious eyes, their muzzles practically touching. And then Luna huffed an aggressive breath out her nose onto Celestia's. The strap and spikes fell to the ground with small clangs as what remained of the ice turned to steam. Celestia's pupils became pinpoints right before she charged her horn and flung her sister back.

"Oof" Luna puffed as she found herself against the wall, her forelegs straight up and her hooves pinned, while her hind legs and tail dangled. She reared her head back in surprise as her sister slammed her hooves on either side of her head, their faces once again inches apart. Luna stared at the furious, panting face of her sister, and smirked with mischevious eyes. Then she kissed the air.

Celestia slammed her lips against Luna's and invaded her mouth with her tongue. Luna didn't flinch, in fact she easily reciprocated the action. The kiss was forceful, aggressive, and sloppy. Their lips were pulled against each other, their teeth clacked and scraped, and their tongues attempted to give each other blunt force trauma. It nearly wasn't pleasant, nearly. They were both predators treating each other like prey, and they loved it.

Celestia started eagerly rubbing a hoof up and down her sister's marehood. Luna almost immediately captured her sister's foreleg with her hind legs, directing it in it's rubbing. And soon, she started guiding it inward, breaching her entrance with its tip, easily coating it with her arousal. She released a pleased hum as she did so, pulling back on the aggressiveness of the kiss, if only slightly. Celestia followed suit, and allowed Luna full control of her foreleg, which caused her to falter in holding Luna's forelegs. A mistake that was take advantage of.

Luna opened her eyes and furrowed her brow mischeviously. Then she released her sister's foreleg and bucked her away. Celestia exclaimed as she felt her sister's iron hooves hit her chest and send her flying backward, to land face up on Luna's bed. Luna leaped onto the bed herself, putting her hooves on either side of her sister's head, staring down at her smugly.

Celestia gazed up at her sister's grinning, hungry face, her pale blue mane hanging down like a weighted veil, stray strands sticking to her forehead from the sweat. It was like a lustful version of Luna when she was a young mare going through a rage phase. In that moment, she wasn't sure if she was actually still dreaming or not.

"We were taught not to get distracted from our spells, sister" Luna said coyly. "Is something as small as a kiss from me really enough to make you stumble?"

"That was not a small kiss, Lulu" Celestia snapped back with an annoyed expression. "You don't enjoy small kisses between us with that much enthusiasm."

"You really think I enjoyed that imitation of a starving dog being given a bowl of food?"

"Am I supposed to believe that's sweat dripping onto my waist?"

"Why? Do you hope it isn't?" Luna asked in a low voice before gently rubbing her nose on her sister's.

"Hah-hah" Celestia shuddered before clearing her throat. "Ahem!....n-n...maybe. A little."

"Only a little?" Luna whispered into her sister's ear, before giving it a gentle blow. She saw the ear twitch and turn red, which made her smile. She then felt her sister's hooves grab her face and pull her into a new kiss. It was once again sloppy, but now gentle, and eager.

"A lot! I hope for it a lot!" Celestia exclaimed between kisses.

"I'm certain you do" Luna chuckled. She reached a hoof down to her sister's pussy and started rubbing it up and down. Celestia lightly moaned and started doing the same to Luna. They could both hear their hooves making wet, slicking sounds against each other's marehoods. Their paces increased, making the sounds louder.

"Mm" Luna moaned through the kiss when she felt the tip of Celestia's hoof breifly enter her a few times. She allowed it to happen a few more times before grabbing the hoof in her magic and pulling it away. "Uh uh uh, Tia. None of that."

"But! But I need something inside me! Even if it won't give me any seed. And I know you do too, and would return the favor."

"That is true. But I had something else in mind for us tonight" Luna explained before she looked downward and used her tail to fan her sister's privates. The cool air made Celestia inhale sharply. Luna meanwhile took a deep breath after she finished fanning the scent upward. Then she looked back at her sister and licked her lips. "Mm. You smell ravishing tonight, Tia. I know the heat has likely affected you and you could use a...refreshment of sorts. And let me tell you, I quite parched" she whispered into Celestia's ear, before taking it between her teeth and giving it a light nibble.

"So. What say we help each other quench our thirst?" Luna said before standing up, doing a one eighty jump, and lowering herself onto her sister's body. She hooked her hooves under her sister's legs and pulled them up, giving her thighs a few kisses and a lick, toward her marehood.

"Luna wait!" Celestia exclaimed, peeking her head out from the side of her sister's ass. "You do know this won't make things better, right?"

"And you do know that I really don't care at the moment, right?" Luna replied before gently blowing on her sister's pussy, chuckling at how it made her shiver. "Plus, you started it with the kiss."

"You were flirting with me!"

"You call that flirting?"

"Are you saying it wasn't?"


"But seriously. You know this will only make things worse."

"I don't care!" Luna exclaimed desperately. "We both know our longing for one another, especially at this time, and there's no one else around to aid us. So do you want to keep talking, or do you want to drink me up whilst I do the same?" Luna didn't wait for an answer, instead shooting her head down, puckering her lips over her sister's pussy, and audibly sucking up some of her liquid arousal.

"Ah-ha!" Celestia gasped at the sensation, letting her head fall back onto a pillow when Luna finished. She panted for a few seconds before her sister's magic enveloped the back of her head and lifted it up, putting her face to face with Luna's red, sopping marehood.

Luna slurped her lips and made squeaking noises as she ran her tongue over her teeth. "You still taste as heavenly as always, Tia. Are you not going to take a sip yourself?" Luna asked as she bobbed her rump in the air, causing a drop of her nectar to fall on her sister's tongue.

Celestia's eyes widened and then closed as she speedily closed the little distance between them and repeated Luna's action. But she didn't break away after her suck; she shoved her muzzle into her sister and started lapping at her insides. "Mm! That's it, Tia. I knew you couldn't resist quenching your thirst. Now let me re-attend to you. And make sure you keep calling me Lulu" Luna said before shoving her own muzzle into her sister and licking away.

They were both long familiar with each other's taste by now. But there was something about estrus that gave their nectar a new aspect. It was sweeter, more addictive, didn't taste as though it was spicy, but it had an effect on their tongues as though it was. The also produced much more than usual, causing it to spill out as they gulped down as much as they could.

"Mm!" Celestia exclaimed into her sister as she eagerly ran her tongue up her inner walls. As she felt Luna doing the same, she placed her hooves on her sister's rump, and locked her hind legs around her neck, keeping her top and bottom secure. She opened her eyes briefly and caught sight of her sister's behind under her hooves. While not as big or plump as her own, she still found it beautiful, adorable in fact. And she showed as much by briefly removing her moistened muzzle to give each cheek a kiss. Then she shoved her muzzle back in.

"Ooh, Tia" Luna said. "Appreciating my personal moon, are you?"

"You have a beautiful rear end, Lulu" Celestia said earnestly.

"As do you, my dear sister. I must confess, I did indeed stare at it for fifteen minutes, though not because I confused it for the moon. But because I couldn't help but admire it. And imagine it on my face as I stuck my muzzle between the cheeks to ravish your heavenly honey pot!" Luna created a magical tongue to lap at her sister, allowing her to eagerly kiss and lick Celestia's cheeks. "Feel free to indulge in your cake cravings. It'll make make it even more plush, and soft, and succulent."

Celestia blushed at the attention, before her sister gave her rump a hard smack. "Ah! Please! Flatter my ass with praise and attention some other time. I need you to devour me, Lulu!" With her exclamation, Celestia shoved her muzzle into her sister as deep as she could, licking and drinking from her sister with great fervor.

"Ah! Ahhhh!" Luna exclaimed as she threw her head back. "Tia, your tongue! Who am I to ignore your needs? RRMM!" Luna growled aggressively as she shoved her own muzzle into her sister's pussy.

The royal sisters ravished each other as though it was their last meal, grunting and moaning with great need and enthusiasm. Despite lapping up every bit that she could when it reached her tongue, Celestia still felt her sister's juices drenching her muzzle. They ran down the top of her nose, trailing down her face like tears of joy, going down her neck and shoulders to drip onto the bed. She felt the most delightful tickle when it trailed down her neck. "Hm hm hmm. Mm. Mm!" she chuckled from the tingle, before it turned into an eager moan.

Luna was ravenous, turning her head left and right to get at every angle, every nook and crannie she could. Anything to goad Celestia's marehood to release more of its nectar. She pulled her muzzle out, feeling the chill of the air from the moisture surrounding it, and ran her tongue up and down her sister's lips. She did this only a few times before stopping in the middle and pushing it back in, and pushing her muzzle in again. She felt her sister push into her a few times, as much as she could. She released a throaty chuckle before wrapping her tail around her sister's horn, to keep her in place.

Celestia shuddered, her brow spasming as she felt the hairs of her sister's tail wrap around her horn. Horns were receptive when the owner was aroused, but even more sensitive during heat. Her own tail whipped upward to wrap around Luna's horn on instinct. She felt a moan through her nethers, telling her that her sister was just as sensitive. Celestia ignited her horn and covered her sister's clitoris with her magic, and allowed it to rub her freely. It was as if tiny waves were going over it in any direction, with the magic keeping them from escaping.

"Mm!" Luna squeaked at the sensation, before charging her own horn and recreating the action on Celestia's clit. She pulled her tongue out again, but not to tease like before. This time it was to lap up some of the fluid that started pouring over Celestia's ass. Celestia's legs were hanging limply over her Luna's hooves, bent at the knee, twitching when the latter sucked up her sister's arousal once more before diving back in.

Luna started to feel her sister's cheeks press into her face, and her inner walls constrict and relax around her tongue. Celestia felt the same on her own tongue and muzzle. They both knew what it meant, and changed the use of their magic accordingly. Rather then let their magic cascade over each other's clits, they started speedily rubbing them.

The flow of their arousal ceased, and it became a race for the royal sisters. A race to get everything they had released into their mouths and down their throats. Both their pussies radiated heat in pulses as they ran their tongues over every inch of each other's inner walls. They started to sweat profusely from it. The musk of their exertion and their arousal intermingled into a scent of pure, labored lust. They pulled out of each other and ran their tongues over their soaked plots at a desperately quick pace. They both finished with similar results, and used their tails to pull on their heads to guide each other back in. Their tails tightened on each other's horns, sending a tingling sensation to their brains that supercharged the approaching signal. Their tongues jutted out and inside their pussies, and attacked a light bump they both had.

"MMMM!!! MM!" Celestia and Luna exclaimed into each other, their legs clamping around their heads as they came. And their flow returned like a high pressure hose. Their pussies gushed juice, shooting it into and around their mouths, making it burst out onto the mattress. For Luna, it was like sticking her face over a sprinkler, and trying to catch it in her mouth like a dog, a good amount of her face getting splashed. For Celestia, it was like laying face up under a bathtub faucet, her face and some of her mane getting drenched.

They never once stopped gulping down every drop that entered their mouths. They weren't even licking anymore, just opening and closing their mouths to catch all they could. It was a miracle that Celestia didn't drown. Their tails uncoiled from their horns as they both panted into each other, their orgasms slowly dying down. They removed their muzzles and gently licked each other's lips, only breaching them with their tips. It was like a helpful, loving, and soothing transition.

"Mmmm. Mm" the sisters mewled as they gave each other's nethers a tongue bath. "Your heavenly, estrus spiced essence was as delicious as ever, Tia" Luna said in a loving tone. "How was my own?"

"Lulu, your essence when you're not in heat is so savory, I would drink it every day. Your essence when you are in heat...I would stop drinking water all together in favor of it."

"Oh Tia, you say the sweetest things. Let me give you a kiss." Luna tried standing up, only for her hind legs to not respond. So she teleported herself into the proper position, and gave her sister a tender kiss. "Mm. Hm, you know, my essence tastes rather interesting when mingled with your sweat. A nice bit of saltiness. Maybe we could summon a bowl of limes."

Celestia couldn't help but snicker despite her displeasure at the joke. "Shut up, Lulu. Can you just let us enjoy what little time we have in this moment in silence?"

"I suppose I could" Luna replied before slowly licking her sister's neck, up to her mouth. They moved to their sides, wrapped each other in their forelegs as they kissed, coiled their tails, and enjoyed their moment of blissful, post-coital serenity...