Pain in the Flank

by Shrinky Frod

First published

Applejack is as honest as the day is long. But when the sun is down, and she’s away from all the ponies she knows, just what does she get up to?

Every summer Applejack takes a break from the farm work to travel to Manehattan for the annual Cultivators and Cooperatives Conference, one of the biggest agricultural trade shows in Equestria. A full week of presentations, seminars, sales pitches, and networking opportunities, everything that could possibly drag a farmer kicking and screaming, forced away from home and field, to endure the hustle and bustle of the big city.

Or does she?

CW/TW: M/F sex, Autumn/summer romance, Oral, Vaginal, Cervical penetration, Incest, Infertility, Cheating

Cover art by the multitalented Snow Quill!

Story written originally as an entry into the Aunts & Uncles, Nephews & Nieces contest

Update: And winner of same! Work will continue after April entries are complete!

Now with ko-fi link!

Next Stop, Manehattan!

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Applejack shifted uncomfortably on the train bench. It wasn’t so much the seat that was bothering her; she may have been riding third class, but the trip to Manehattan wasn’t that long. No, it was an itching, almost burning sensation she felt, centered right smack in the middle of her cutie mark.

“Dagnabbit, Ah ain’t lyin’ to nopony,” she muttered to herself, discreetly trying to scratch herself against the wall. “Just ain’t tellin’ ‘em everything. Ain’t nopony’s business but mine.”

The itching sensation started to die down, just in time for the train to toot its whistle twice, signalling that it was approaching Manehattan.

The farm pony stood up, quickly pulling down the lone suitcase she was going to be living out of for the next week and taking her seat again before the brakes went on. The Friendship Express began to squeal to a stop, the towering buildings of Manehattan flying past, then merely running, and finally crawling to a stop as the train reached the platform.

“Grand Central Station, Manehattan!” The conductor called out, walking through the train. “Everybody off who’s getting off! Next stop, Fillydelphia!”

Applejack made her way to the door, suitcase gripped in her mouth, and then climbed down to the platform. She looked around, dropping the case as she spotted a familiar face.

“Auntie Orange! There y’are!”

“Applejack!” The pale orange earth pony smiled warmly as she rushed up to greet her, leaving behind a cart full of luggage. “So good to see you!” She drew her niece into an embrace, patting her back.

“Good to see you too, Auntie,” Applejack smiled, biting back a wince as she felt her flank spasm again. “Y’all ready for your tour?”

“As always.” Aunt Orange smiled as she drew back. “So glad that you could still make it to join Mosley at the Triple-C. Every year, I worry you’ll have trouble with the harvest at just the wrong time.”

“Aw, he’s a big stallion, he can take care of himself,” Applejack smiled.

“That’s what I’m afraid of, dear.” Aunt Orange leaned in close to her. “If one of us didn’t have to go check on the late Valencia harvest, I’d stick around myself. Every year, those salesponies are more and more brazen about flirting for attention! It’s a comfort to know family’s here to make sure he behaves himself.”

This time, Applejack couldn’t fight the wince, her back left kicking hard as the muscles twisted under her pelt.

“Oh my, are you all right?”

“Y-yeah,” Applejack gritted out through her teeth, working the leg until the pain passed. “Might’ve strained somethin’ while I was practicing my buckin’. It’s been givin’ me trouble all the way here.”

“Oh, well, let’s get you a cab then!” Aunt Orange frowned, turning to start back towards the station house.

“All aboard for Fillydelphia and all points west!” The conductor called out.

“Fiddlesticks - Auntie, you get on the train, I’ll take care of the cab,” Applejack said quickly, grabbing her aunt before she could get too far. “No use sendin’ your luggage if you won’t be there to use it!”

“All aboard the Friendship Express for Fillydelphia!”

“Pips and peels,” Aunt Orange grumbled, turning to give Applejack one last hug before rushing to the train.

“Last call for Fillydelphia!”

“Yes, yes, I heard you!” Aunt Orange snapped, hurrying on board. “Take good care of my Mosley!” She called out, turning to wave from the steps as the engine started to heat up again, the smokestack puffing out potent clouds of smoke.

“Ah will, Auntie!” Applejack called back as the train started to pull away, the conductor grabbing onto the rail for the next car as it came by, hopping on board as the passengers waved and called out to family and friends. Applejack waited until her aunt was out of sight before she let her head fall, the smile disappearing from her face as she sighed.

At least that was the worst part of it.

The farm pony picked up her suitcase from the ground, favoring her aching leg a bit as she trotted towards the street. Fortunately, she didn’t have to wait for a cab; Uncle Orange had a private one waiting for her outside, the side emblazoned with the fruit-laden orange tree on the Orange family crest.

“Welcome to Manehattan, Miss Applejack,” the driver greeted her. He hopped out from under his yoke to get the door and let her load her bags in.

“Glad to be back, Easy Ride. Thanks fer waitin’ for me.”

“That’s the job, ma’am,” he smiled. “I noticed you’re limping a bit; would you like some help with your bags when we get there?”

“Ah’d appreciate it,” Applejack admitted. “Got a cramp while Ah was chattin’ with Aunt Cox.”

“Saved by the whistle, hmm?” He chuckled. “Well, your Uncle went over the schedule for the next few days, and he told me to let you know he’d already taken care of your ticket for the conference.”

“Should have the rest of the night off then,” Applejack nodded as she climbed in and took a seat next to her bags. “Feel like takin’ the scenic route? I’d be up for it if you do.”

“Just before the afternoon rush?” He laughed. “Your Uncle’d fire me if I did that without him along to enjoy the delay.”

“Let’s get back to the tower then. No point keepin’ the boss waitin’ if he’s impatient.”

Easy Ride got back into his yoke, signalling with a hoof that he was about to get into the traffic and starting out at an easy trot as soon as he had the chance.

“Ever since I started working here, he’s always impatient the night before the Conference! Must be the stress of the Missus always heading out at the same time. I’m sure you’ll help him relax though, isn’t that right Miss Apple Jewel?”

Applejack winced in the carriage, chuckling awkwardly.

“Quite,” she agreed, switching to her rusty Manehattanite accent. “I’m sure I’ll figure something out, Easy Ride. No need to discuss your concerns except with my Uncle and myself.”

She reached into one of her bags and pulled out a couple of bits, making sure they jingled before she tossed them under the bench seat across from her.

“I’m sure you’re right, Miss Applejack,” he agreed. “I’ll be hushing up now; need to focus on traffic.”

Inside, the farm pony pulled her hat down over her face with both front hooves, sighing into the felt brim.

Why did everything in Manehattan have to be so complicated?

True to his word, Easy Ride was quiet for the rest of the trip, aside from the occasional warning that he was going to make a sharp turn. It was about half an hour’s ride from the station to the foot of the Terraces, a towering hotel where Applejack could already smell the familiar scent of apple blossoms mixed with citrus blossoms that occasionally floated down from the upper levels where her Aunt and Uncle lived.

The marble edifice reached hundreds of feet into the sky, high enough that it sometimes seemed like it should be scraping through the lower levels of Cloudsdale when it passed overhead. Today, the sky was clear, with Celestia’s sun slicing the avenue in front of the hotel into blocks as it shone down the streets crossing from east to west. As the carriage pulled up, one of the bellhops hurried over to it to help Applejack out and carry her luggage to the elevator.

She tipped him when they reached the top floor, and sent him back down after he’d left her bags sitting in the hallway.

“Applejack!” Mosley called out to her as he came down the hall. “So good to see you!” He added as he drew her into a hug.

“Good t’see you too, Uncle Orange.” Applejack smiled and returned the embrace, finally relaxing properly. “The help still here?” She asked quietly, stroking his bac with a hoof.

“They just left for the night.” He drew back, tipping her muzzle up. “After all, you’re such a country pony, you just don’t feel right having servants around taking care of every little thing, do you?” He smirked at her, hints of grey streaked through his already pale green hair,

“And I’m sure it makes Auntie feel so much better knowing you won’t be tempted by the help,” Applejack chuckled low in her throat. She leaned in, kissing him, eagerly parting her lips when he reciprocated passionately. She let him press her back to the wall and slide his tongue into her mouth, the heated sweetness of oranges on his breath mingling with the earthier apple on hers.

“Needed this,” Mosley murmured as their lips parted, kissing the underside of his niece’s muzzle, then her throat, trailing gentle, loving nips down towards her shoulder.

“Let’s at least get all the way inside, y’old pervert,” Applejack teased, reluctantly pushing him back so she could get back onto all fours. “We’ve got all week, and Ah need to get cleaned up from the trip.” She grabbed one of her suitcases, Mosley taking the other as she stepped in.

“Why get clean when we’re just going to get dirty again?” He asked with a playful nip at her flank. Applejack laughed and swatted him with her tail.

“How do you an’ Auntie not have foals, y’horny old goat?”

“The same way you and I don’t. Fertile fields don’t help if the seeds don’t take,” he smiled bitterly.

“Aw, Mosley, Ah’m sorry,” she said, turning to nuzzle him as he walked up next to her. “They’re sure now?”

“As sure as thirty years of childless marriage and the best doctors in Manehattan and Canterlot can be,” he sighed. “Which pretty much shut down your Aunt’s interest in so much as trying, if you take my meaning.”

“Yeah, I do.” Applejack nodded somberly. “Well… on the plus side, it does mean we’ve got more options for us now!”

The two of them stepped into the guest bedroom she’d used as a foal, and supposedly used every year since. She hopped up onto the comfortable bed she’d slept in maybe three times since she’d first run back home as a filly.

“Care t’take advantage of it?” She suggested. “Since y’all say y’don’t care about me cleanin’ up first?”

“You know just how to make an old stallion feel better,” Mosley chuckled, stepping up to kiss her again, climbing half way up onto the bed to press against her.

Applejack wrapped her hooves around him, kissing back, flicking her tail up and dragging it along his bulging sheath to help coax him out of it.

“You ain’t that old, Unc,” she reassured him. “And y’know what you’re doing better than any of the colts Big Mac’s tried settin’ me up with.”

“Flatterer.” He trailed kisses down her jaw and throat, pressing every inch of himself that he could against her as his shaft emerged between their bodies. “Mmm… sweet Celestia, I’ve missed you, AJ.” he slid back, nipping at her shoulder and barrel as his forehooves found her cutie marks and massaged them roughly.

“Show me how much.” Applejack spread her legs, reaching back to undo the ties in her mane and shake it loose. Mosley did the same with her tail, nuzzling her teats before reaching her swollen marehood, drinking in the scent of a fertile young mare.

“Almost as much as I love you,” he breathed. He kissed her marehood reverently, tracing her entrance with his tongue as her breath hitched above him. “Your taste,” he continued before dipping his tongue inside of her, “your scent,” he added as she flicked her long, flowing tail over the mottled orange and white of his shaft, enveloping it in a thousand silky strands, “and the sound you make when I….” Her clit winked out, and he caught it with his lips, suckling on it and working it over with his tongue.

Applejack’s moans and whimpers escalated into a wordless cry of pleasure as her powerful thighs clenched down around Mosley’s head. He slipped his tongue into her, drinking down her sweet nectar hungrily.

“Yes, that’s the sound I had in mind,” he grinned up at her, licking his muzzle clean as he looked up from between her legs.

“Git up here,” Applejack panted, crawling up onto the bed and patting the space next to her.

Mosley followed her up, kissing her as they pressed close together, his cock sandwiched between their bodies. Applejack kissed him back, rolling on top of him and stroking her body against his.

“Auntie don’t know what she’s missin’ with you,” she murmured. “Least now I get to do this!” She slid herself up his body, and then back, shivering at the feel of his shaft against her hypersensitive entrance. “Been waitin’ a long time for it.”

She pressed back, moaning as his shaft spread her body wide open. Mosley’s thick, blunt tip stretched her out, slipping into her like a hoof into a stocking. Applejack bit her lower lip as he slid deeply inside of her, filling her out inside the way he’d always been meant to.

“Sweet Celestia, feels so good,” she panted, pausing at his medial ring to catch her breath.

“Better than making me come in the back door, hmm?” Mosley grinned, hooking his forelegs over his shoulders. “Ready for the rest?”

“Been ready for years stud!” She leaned in for a kiss, and then thrust herself back over his ring, crying out as his head slid forward to hit her cervix. “Hoo, been way too long!”

“Never have to wait this long again,” he grunted, rolling over on top of her. “I’m yours all week long!” He braced his hooves against the foot of the bed and started to thrust himself deeper into his niece’s eager body.

Applejack wrapped her legs around him, reaching up to the headboard to give herself a little extra leverage against his pounding, each of them trying to force his flaring cock through her deepest barrier.

“Rut me, Unc!” She moaned beneath him. “Breed your li’l filly!”

A few more thrusts, and Applejack’s pleas were answered with the wrenching, stretching feeling of her cervix parting around his flare. Neither one held back as Mosley came hard, his balls pouring their contents deep inside of Applejack. She clung to him as he pumped her full, pressing her muzzle into his shoulder while she savored the new sense of warmth and fullness.

“So… much better… than pulling out,” Mosley panted.

“Mmm… never want you to do that ever again.” Applejack smiled as they rolled to the side, his shaft still inside of her as she clenched down around it. “Not after feelin’ what this is like.”

More than happy to oblige, honeycrisp.”

Applejack smiled and snuggled up against her uncle, closing her eyes and letting him warm her inside and out.

“Mind if Ah take a little nap before dinner?”

“Not at all. Not too long, though. I’ve got a vintage Speedplate pie tin that’s really looking forward to meeting its new owner,” he teased.

Applejack opened an eye to look up at her uncle.

“Real deal?”

“Real deal. Cox tested it herself. Actually cooks ten seconds faster when they aren’t half-rusted!”

“Awww, Uncle Mosley, you spoil me so.” Applejack chuckled contentedly and closed her eye again.

“Happy tenth anniversary, honeycrisp,” he murmured, kissing Applejack behind one ear.

All worth it, she thought to herself. Lovin’ somepony this much can’t be wrong.

No matter what mah cutie mark has to say about it.

With that thought, Applejack let herself drift off to sleep, dreaming of another life where she didn’t have to hide what she had with the pony she loved more than just about anything else in life.