Spike's Scaled-Up Friends

by TheVClaw

First published

After an accidental mishap with her magic, Starlight Glimmer accidentally turned the Mane Six into male dragons! She and Twilight might be mortified about it, but Spike isn't too upset about seeing six hunky dragons in the Map Room together...

After a disasterous mistake while trying out a new spell, Starlight Glimmer is absolutely mortified when she accidentally turned the Mane Six into DRAGONS! Not only that, but the spell changed their genders so that they were all male dragons too. Starlight and Twilight are both understandably freaked-out, but the other five "guys" seem more curious about their new forms than anything else...

And as soon as Spike walks into the Map Room to see six hunky dragons, HE grows even more curious than them~


[NOTE: This story is the winning entry of my Monthly Patreon Commission Poll for January 2019. This prompt was suggsted by my Top-Tier Patron NFreak, and is a continuation of my ongoing Sluttified Spike series; and like those previous stories, it should be noted that Spike is a legal adult in this story, and is above the age of consent. Because of that, this story is obviously gay clop with great emphasis on spitroasting, belly-bulging, sloppy sex, cunnilingus, handjobs (or clawjobs, more approptiately), and whatever else you'd expect from an impromptu Dragon Orgy. Reader Discretion is Advised.]

AKA: Starlight Glimmer's Worst/Best Spell Ever

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Nnnnnnghhhhh… Man, I need to keep better track of my sleep schedule…”

Even though it was close to Noon in the town of Ponyville, Spike’s long and lingering yawn made it sound like he woke up at the crack of dawn. Fortunately, since the little dragon had the day off from his Royal Assistance duties, he was able to sleep in and appreciate the morning to himself. By the time he did wake up, Spike clearly looked disheveled as he walked down to the kitchen with heavy bags under his eyes; of course, given how the dragon was also limping a little with his tail staying lifted off the crystal floors, anypony who lived in Ponyville for a while would’ve accurately guessed why he was up so late the previous night.

Spike was groaning to himself when he reached downstairs, which was just enough to keep him from overhearing any muffled or alarmed voices from nearby. Instead, the dragon was too groggy to really focus on anything as he walked into the kitchen, and used his wings to fly up to the counter and make himself some coffee. While he was fiddling with the coffee-maker, Spike’s backside could be seen more clearly as evidence of the aftermath of his weekly Ogres and Oubliettes Night. His “Game Night” may have been a means to enjoy more… Safe-For-Work hobbies, but it was unlikely anypony would be shocked at seeing the dried remnants of Big Macintosh’s cum smeared across the underside of his pale-green scales.

After about a minute of brewing, Spike sighed with a tired and blissful smile as he took the entire pot to chug while atop the counter. Even though he knew it was rude to not use a mug (especially when Rainbow Dash bought him that nice coffee mug that read “#1 Slut” in a bold font), the dragon only made enough for himself as he downed the near-boiling brew at an alarmingly casual rate. Since dragons were impervious to heat, all that Spike felt was a revitalized shiver by the time he finished the caffeinated mixture, and sighed with a heavy cloud of steam escaping his mouth. “Aaaaaaahhhhh… Now that’s a good wake-me-up~”


Spike jolted in a panic the instant he heard the sound of several shrill, panicked screams that erupted at the same time. The Castle of Friendship may have been absolutely massive, but the dragon knew in an instant that the screaming came from the Map Room. And if that was the case, Spike’s pupils shrank as he realized it was most likely his friends who were in trouble. So without any hesitation, he shot out of the kitchen like a rocket while still holding his coffee pot.

As he soared through the inside of the castle, he narrowly missed several corners by mere inches while flying with utmost determination. Spike could hear the panicked screams growing louder as he got closer to the Map Room, which seemed to make his earlier guess correct. However, the dragon’s brows couldn’t help but raise in confusion as he realized how... different they sounded. While he was sure it was indeed Twilight and her friends, Spike wasn’t able to determine what was off about it until he reached the outside of the closed doors.

Just as he landed on the floor, and reached out to grab the doorknob, the dragon paused for a second as he was able to overhear more shouting. While he was sure he could guess who was who through the door, Spike’s head tilted as he blinked a couple times and asked himself, “Wh… Why do they sound deeper?”

Nevertheless, since it still sounded like pandemonium within the Map Room, Spike’s question was brushed aside as he shook his head and opened the doors. The moment he bursted within the room, he shouted out, “WHAT’S GOING--”

In an instant, Spike’s eyes grew as wide as his dropped jaw. The coffee pot that was in his claw fell down to the floor, but the metallic clang it made against the crystal floor didn’t even make the dragon flinch. Instead, his eyes were glued to the six new figures who were standing around the Map Table with varying looks of shock and befuddlement. The only recognizable face that could seen was Starlight Glimmer, who was standing on top of the inactive table as her head darted around and stared at the others in a panic. Spike was sure she got up to try and get everyone calmed-down, but he could tell that she was just as freaked-out as the others in the room as she tried not to hyperventilate.

“... on?”

After that weakly-finished question was asked and forgotten, Spike became utterly speechless as he peered around the Map Room, and felt his heart racing far faster than expected. Even though he did just gulp down an entire pot of coffee, the dragon knew that the surge of caffeine rushing through his system was the reason he felt his face growing hotter. Nor was that the reason he felt a very familiar shiver creeping up his spine the longer he stood still…

No, the reason for that was because inside of Twilight’s Map room, there were currently six fully-grown, and absolutely gorgeous-looking dragons for Spike to bear witness to.

One of the dragons whipped their head back to see Spike, and gasped as their claws shot up to cover their long muzzle. “Ohmigosh, SPIKE!” they shouted as their purple eyes shrunk worriedly, and they took a couple steps back from the blushing dragon. Even if the voice was slighter deeper than before, Spike could instantly tell who it was as he stared at them with a gaping jaw. Of course, the fact that the larger dragon had the exact same purple colors in their scales as Twilight Sparkle’s coat and mane would’ve been a big hint too. Nevertheless, the dragon was breathing heavily as they stared back at Spike, as well as all the others as soon as they said that. “Oh no… Oh no… Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no…”

Spike took a moment to stare up and down at the tall and slender dragon, whose build seemed fairly similar to what Twilight would’ve had if she were a dragon. Of course, considering the thick and noticeable sheath he could be seen between the new dragon’s legs, Spike realized that maybe it wasn’t just a species-switching spell. And as he looked around the room in silence, with all six of those dragons staring back at him with varying looks of worry, he didn’t need to ask Starlight what happened at all…

The dragon who was closest to Spike had a short and thin build, but appeared rather muscular behind his cyan blue scales. He also had a trail of multicolored scales that began with a plume of spikes at the top, and went down his back to complete the rainbow-hued effect. The dragon also had piercing magenta eyes, and a faint smirk upon seeing Spike’s evident blush. Even though he still looked fairly frazzled, the dragon raised a claw to wave at Spike and speak with a deeper raspy tone of voice. “Uhhh… H-Hey there, Squirt~”

Spike waved back at the “Rainbow Dash” dragon, and tried his hardest not to stare as his sheath before glancing around towards the others. Beside the cyan dragon was a much taller, and slightly stockier one with distinctly orange scales. The dragon also happened to have a plume of yellow scales trailing down his back, while a familiar brown Stetson was just barely able to fit on top of his head. Even if the dragon didn’t say anything, Spike was sure he had the same country drawl in his voice that Applejack had. Instead, the dragon looked much less comfortable in his new body than Rainbow did, and looked over at the white dragon at his other side.

The dragon who was standing between Applejack and Twilight’s new forms looked absolutely stunning, as his pearl-white scales shimmed beautifully under the light coming from the windows above. The row of velvety purple scales that went down his spine were just as pristine as they carried perfect symmetry in size and shape; of course, that was barely noticed as Spike stared in amazement at the dragon’s thin, but perfectly toned physique that made him look like a model. Unfortunately, despite how gorgeously shaped and cute his face may have looked, the “Rarity” dragon appeared rather disheveled while possessing such a foreign form.

Spike then glanced over to the other side of the table, where the dragons he assumed were Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were standing. The yellow dragon had to look away from everyone else while hyperventilating to themself, clearly trying not to have a breakdown about being among their greatest fear. His rail-thin and gangly form was hunched-over while his arms were crossed over his body, and could only look at Spike with a heavy blush while struggling not to cry. Spike wanted to try and say something to him, but it was hard not to be distracted while the pink dragon next to Fluttershy was hopping up and down rather giddily.

“HEY, SPIKEY!” chirped the pink dragon, who Spike instantly knew was Pinkie Pie. Despite the mare’s seemingly unlimited energy and exuberance, it seemed that her new dragon form was much shorter and chibbier than expected. He still seemed rather spry while he was bouncing and flapping his wings, which caused his plump belly and moobs to jiggle with each movement he made. Spike’s lips tightened shut while his blush deepened, which just gave the Pinkie dragon more incentive to keep speaking. “Ohmigosh, guess what?! Starlight wanted to try one of those weird spells that Starswirl the Bearded had in his private collection, and she turned us all into DRAGONS!! Isn’t that awesome?!”

“IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!” shouted Starlight with a panicked look as she pointed at the pink dragon. “Pinkie I swear I didn’t think the spell would be that effective! I was only trying to do Rainbow Dash, remember?!”

“Well, then go and UN-do the spell, Starlight!” yelled Applejack with a daunting flare of fury in his deeper-toned voice. He huffed with a worried expression as he motioned down at his muscular build and added, “Ah can’t go back to the farm like THIS!! Granny’d have a stroke if she found out Ah was turned into a gat-dang dragon!”

The instant he looked back at Spike, and saw how heavy the little dragon’s blush was getting while staring at him, AJ grimaced uncomfortably before taking off his hat to cover his crotch. “Nnnghhh… And Ah’m really not comfortable with bein’ a guy neither!”

The Rarity dragon huffed as he nodded his head with a fretful pout. “Ugh, tell me about it!” he groaned as he tried to cover himself with his smooth-looking claws, and tried not glance back at the increasingly flustered-looking Spike. “I-I have a very important appointment back at the Boutique in a couple of hours! Do you have ANY idea how badly my clients would react if they saw me like THIS!?!”

Weeeeeellllll, maybe they like dragons!~” chirped Pinkie with a carefree shrug, which prompted a nasty-looking glare from the white dragon. Pinkie then pointed a claw towards Spike and said, “Besides, most of your clients know about him, right?”

“That’s not the same thing, and you know that!” Rarity shouted in a more chastising tone. He tried look towards the yellow dragon beside Pinkie for assistance as he said, “Fluttershy, please say somethi--”

“P-PLEASE DON’T LOOK AT ME!” the dragon shrieked as he curled up into a fetal-position and covered his face with his arms. While he began to breathe in rapid wheezes to keep from hyperventilating, Rarity instantly put his claws up and did exactly as Fluttershy said. Meanwhile, Twilight finally tried to speak up as he took a deep breath, and put out his claws to try and assess the situation.

“A-Alright, ummm… Well… given the circumstances, I… think it’s best for Starlight and I to overlook what may have went wrong with the spell, okay?” He looked over at Starlight to nod in assurance towards her, which seemed to be enough to make her smile and nod weakly in gratitude. He then turned back towards the others and added, “Now, ummm… I’m not sure how long it may be to counteract this spell, but I promise we’ll get this issue settled as quickly as possible!”

Pbbt!” scoffed Rainbow Dash was he gave a dismissive wave of his claw. “What issue? Like, yeah, this whole thing is pretty massive. But come on, guys! We’re friggin’ dragons! How awesome is that?!”

He then chuckled to himself as he put his claws on his hips and stood proudly while wiggling his hips. Spike could only watch with a bitten lip as he saw the cyan dragon’s sheath twitching a little with that extra movement, and he heard Dash add with a shrug, “I mean, the whole ‘having a dick’ thing is a little weird. But I’m not gonna lie, I’m kinda curious~”

“You are?~” blurted Spike with a smile, before he instantly covered his mouth with both claws. The little dragon then pulled himself away from Dash’s line of sight, and tried his hardest to keep his legs tightly shut. Of course, that response only elicited a knowing snicker from Rainbow Dash, as well as a firm glare from Twilight towards his friend. But before either of them could say anything else, Pinkie Pie hopped up on the table quickly enough to make Starlight jolt back with a yelp.

“I knoooowwwww, right?~” The pink dragon stood with his legs spread wide-apart to place emphasis on his crotch, and his sheath that was already stirring due to his excitement. The instant Spike glanced up to see the pointed tip of Pinkie’s member peeking out, he tensed up with an even heavier blush while the larger dragon said, “Like, why aren’t we all more curious about that?~ Haven’t you all wondered what it would be like to have a weiner for a day? And now we actually have that chance!~”

Pinkie then proceeded to bring his new claw down to grope his scaled and twitching sheathe, not caring at all about the gawked stares AJ, Rarity, and Twilight were giving him. Rainbow Dash seemed less offended as he chuckled to his friend’s exuberance, but still had to look away while shaking his head and blushing. Meanwhile, Spike’s eyes glued onto Pinkie’s crotch as he saw the dragon’s cockhead begin to slip out more prominently the more he rubbed at it. Starlight grew a very uncomfortable skew on her muzzle as she hopped off the table, and left Pinkie to shiver in delight while his muzzle grinned shamelessly. “Oooohhhhhh… Ohmigosh, this feels waaaayyy different! Mnnnnghhh… N-No wonder Spike likes these things so much!~”

While Spike winced with a heavier blush and his lips tightly shut, Twilight shouted up at the pink dragon, “PINKIE! I can not believe I have to say this, but please stop masturbating in the Map Room!!”

Pbbt! I’m not masturbating!” scoffed Pinkie as he pulled his claw back up to wave back at Twilight in dismissal. The purple dragon instantly jolted back with a grossed-out grimace to avoid that claw, even though it was already a few feet away from actually touching him. Meanwhile, Pinkie’s new penis was standing out much more prominently for Spike and the others to see in the open. “I was just feeling it a little, Twilight! If I was masturbating, I’d have to jerk it a bunch, right?~”

Pinkie glanced back at Spike, almost as if he was wanting the natural dragon to give a more informed response on the matter. Unfortunately, it was hard for Spike to overhear much as he stared at Pinkie’s half-flaccid member without much subtlety. Much like the pink dragon himself, Pinkie’s cock looked rather thick as the shaft hung downward at around six inches, and his pointed cockhead grew plumper with each throb it made. Even though Spike knew better than to grow inappropriate thoughts on the matter when Pinkie was his friend, he still had to try and cross his legs as a means to conceal his growing arousal.

“Heh~” scoffed Rainbow Dash as he stared between Pinkie’s shameless display, and the way it was obviously riling Spike up. “Ehhhh… I have a feeling that Spike wouldn’t mind giving a demonstration on how to do it~”

“A-Absolutely not!” shouted Rarity as he put his claws out, and made a horizontal swiping motion with both arms like a referee pausing a match. “Girls, we are already dealing with a lot right now, and we don’t need any… u-unnecessary hormones to complicate matters any further!”

Despite how firmly the white dragon made that claim, it seemed that he was growing apprehensive as well while looking away from Pinkie with a growing blush, and crossed his forelegs tightly against his chest. Meanwhile, Fluttershy managed to pull himself up from the floor, and scurry towards his pony-sized chair to try and sit down. Fortunately, nobody seemed to take notice of him while Rainbow and Pinkie were smirking at the increasingly fidgety-looking Spike.

“Okay, Okay!” shouted Starlight as she stood up on her hind-legs, and tried to act civil despite keeping her eyes closed in awkwardness. She made a similar motion of her hooves that Rarity did earlier with his claws, and asked in an uncomfortably blunt tone, “Do we need to have Spike leave the room or something? I mean… given what he usually does, I doubt this situation is doing much good for him.”

Twilight grunted as he rolled his eyes and tried not to grow an offended-looking sneer. Of course, that was probably because he knew that despite his disdain regarding that question, he couldn’t necessarily blame her for asking it. Ever since Spike first went to that Dragon Migration years ago, and returned with a more nympho-centric mindset, Twilight had stopped freaking out about his sexual endeavours a long time ago. Heck, even though he knew for a fact that Spike’s O&O session the previous night went awry (as judged by the countless grunts and moans he heard from the dragon and his “buddies” behind closed doors), Twilight was sure that he was trying not to look at this situation like an opportunity.

“Uhhhh… Yeah, Ah gotta agree with Glimmer on that one,” noted Applejack as he stared at Spike with a look of concern on his face. Of course, he was also looking rather discomforted himself while his hat was still held over his crotch. Fortunately, it didn’t seem like Spike was able to see the notable bump that was pointing through the top of AJ’s Stetson just yet; nor did he or any of the others see the notable damp spot that was leaving a dark dot in the middle of the tough fabric.

“Ughhh…” Upon seeing how hot and bothered Spike was looking, Twilight relented any arguments he could’ve had against Starlight as he sighed hoarsely, and pinched the bridge of his snout with his claw. He then turned his attention towards the natural dragon and asked, “Spike, do… do you need to leave so we can settle this without any distraction?”

Spike wanted to nod his head in compliance, especially when he looked back to see Pinkie giggling and swinging his cock back and forth like a pendulum. However, the only thing that could come out of his closed mouth was an awkwardly-strained groan. But before the dragon could just silently slip out of the room to take a much-needed cold shower, Rainbow Dash caught his attention as he asked with a coy chuckle, “Hey, could Pinkie and I come with him?~”

“RAINBOW!!” shouted Twilight and Rarity at the same time, with both of them staring at Rainbow in absolute shock. Even Fluttershy couldn’t help staring at his friend, despite how scared he still looked from the multiple dragons being in such close proximity around him. Starlight just groaned with a much-needed face-hoof and a shake of her head.

Meanwhile, Pinkie just giggled while nodding enthusiastically back at the smirking cyan dragon. “Ohmigosh, yeah!” he said in a downright giddy tone of voice as he smiled excitedly. “I mean, he has more than enough experience to give us a good first time with these things, so why the hay not?~”

Spike may have been fidgety and nervous at first, mostly for the sake of not taking advantage of a weird situation. However, his attitude seemed to have perked right up the instant he heard Pinkie say that. While the little dragon stared back at him wide-eyed, Pinkie just grinned knowingly and brought his claw back down. But instead of just rubbing his crotch, the pink dragon grasped his growing shaft with his claw as he began to stroke his length slowly. “Hehehehe, wat’cha say, Spikey?~ You wanna give Dash and I a littl--OOOOHHH!!!~”

The instant he gave himself his first legitimate stroke, Pinkie shivered especially hard with a notable buckling of his legs. His grin looked just as surprised as it did enamored, and he couldn’t help beaming back at Rainbow to say, “Holy CRAP! Rainbow, you gotta try that with yours!~”

“NOT IN THE MAP ROOM!!” roared Twilight with an unexpectedly loud tone of voice. Fluttershy shrieked in a panic as he hid underneath the table and tried not to cry. Pinkie was surprised enough by Twilight’s outburst to turn back towards the dragon, which caused his now fully-erect cock to swing about freely for everyone to see. Rarity scoffed as he tried to ignore the sight, but Applejack just grimaced uncomfortably upon seeing that draconic member outright. It was around that time that Rainbow finally noticed AJ’s hat placement, which made him snicker a little.

“Jeeze, Twilight!” huffed Pinkie as he stood with his claws at the sides of his hips, and pointed his penis towards his friend. “I’m just curious, is all! I would’ve figured you would be the most understanding about doing about a little experimentation~”

Rainbow’s cheeky snickering grew more audible, and he glanced back at Spike while he was still standing motionlessly with a heavy blush. However, the cyan dragon could also see the growing smile of optimism that Spike was trying to keep from showing on his face. Because of that, Dash decided to say towards Twilight, “You know… maybe we’d all be a lot less stressed about this if we got some, you know... relief?~”

He then shot Spike a cheeky wink, which made the little dragon shiver with a wider and more strained smile. Twilight looked like he wanted to punch him, but wasn’t able to say anything before Pinkie interjected with, “Actually, yeah! I mean, that would be an easy way for us to settle down, wouldn’t it? And I really doubt that Spike would be against helping out his friends like that~”

Twilight looked like he was at his wit’s end, and groaned bitterly while gripping the sides of his head with his claws. Starlight seemed apprehensive, but was looking around the room worriedly in case the others were growing intrigued by that point. Applejack was looking increasingly fidgety while standing with a tightly pursed muzzle, but kept himself silent on the matter. Meanwhile, Dash leaned over to eye Rarity and say slyly, “You know it wouldn’t be that huge of a deal, right?~”

Despite the fact that both of them had rather… unconventional experiences regarding Spike’s skills when they were both ponies, Rarity tried to give an unamused glare back at Dash while staying firm on the matter. “Rainbow Dash, I do not think now is the time to… to indulge in such things!”

“Well, I do!~” chirped Pinkie Pie before he turned himself around and hopped off the Map Table. Without even asking for permission, Pinkie sat himself at the edge of the table so his waist was at the perfect level to Spike’s face. And while the little dragon’s eyes widened immensely, Pinkie’s thick and twitching cock stood in wait just a couple feet away from his face. “C’mon, Spike! You wanna give my pickle a lickle?~”

Rainbow may have been just as intrigued by Spike obliging as Pinkie was, but he fell to the floor laughing the instant the pink dragon said that horrible pickup line. Since everyone else was just staring at the two and not moving, Twilight grunted in exasperation as he tried to storm around the table towards Pinkie. Unfortunately, the Royal dragon’s pissed-off demeanor did very little to keep Spike from staring at that rigid cock with an all-too familiar look of intrigue. Even though he knew it would’ve been very inappropriate to give in, the situation as a whole prompted Spike to shrug his shoulders, and move in before anybody could stop it.

“You mean like this?~” asked the little dragon as he smirked up at Pinkie with a perk of his brows, and then got close to his cock while his eyes were closed. His reptilian tongue lolled out as it touched the base of Pinkie’s shaft, and then gave a slow and teasing lap up the underside of that ribbed length. Starlight and Rarity had to look away with varying looks of shock, while Applejack stared at the lewd display with his eyes as wide as frisbees. Rainbow looked up from the floor when he heard Pinkie let out a brief and jittery shudder, and smiled wide when he saw the look on Spike’s blushed and enamored face.

Spike may have only given that plump dragon cock a single lick to test the waters, but the taste of that long-missed draconic musk set his taste-buds ablaze as he shivered from the flavor. His smile was unmistakably giddy by the time his tongue swiped across the tip of Pinkie’s cockhead, and he managed to lick up a small glob of precum that spurted out with an unexpectedly hard throb. Pinkie’s legs tensed up strongly while they hung over the table, and it looked like he experienced a full-body bout of goosebumps while he writhed with a surprised and blissful moan. “OooooOOOOOooohhhh!!~ H-Holy moley!”

“SPIKE!!” yelled Twilight with a very appalled look of disappointment on his face. “I JUST told you not to do that!!”

By the time Spike closed his mouth, and shuddered with a blushed smile the instant he took an audible gulp to swallow that taste of pre, he didn’t seem to really care as he glanced back at Twilight with a shrug. “Wellll… technically, you were telling them not to do it, Twi. You didn’t say anything to me~”

Twilight’s fangs were as tightly clenched together as his fists, and he looked absolutely furious while growling with his face turning red. Spike may have been determined to continue, but his expression quickly dropped when he saw that look on the dragon. However, just as Twilight was about to take a breath and tell him off, Spike’s eyes looked up and down the dragon’s form before he pointed a claw towards his waist. “Uhhhh… You’re getting pent-up, Twi.”

“What?!” Unfortunately, Spike’s analysis proved to be correct the instant Twilight looked down, and saw the tip of his cock beginning to slip from his sheath. “AAAAHHHH!!” The dragon shrieked like a filly as he quickly clenched his legs together and covered his crotch.

Rainbow chuckled teasingly as he got himself up from the floor, and shrugged his head as he said, “I told you, dude~ We’re allllllll getting stressed-out here. And as we all already now, Spike is perfect for relieving that kind of stress for guys~ So… what’s the issue here?”

Twilight didn’t say anything, but his bitter stare back at Dash spoke great volumes for how frustrated he was getting with them. Meanwhile, Starlight and Rarity were staring at one another with skewed expressions on their faces, appearing as if they were both giving Rainbow’s words some thought. Fluttershy’s head peeked up from underneath the table, and stared at the situation from afar with caution. Of course, when it came to how Spike was feeling about the turn of events, he seemed fairly content as he grinned up at Pinkie, and invitingly placed a claw on the pink dragon’s thigh.

“Honestly,” purred Spike as his tone grew more confident with each breath he took of Pinkie’s lingering musk, “... I can’t even begin to imagine how hard it must be to experience your first erection like thisEspecially when you all need to think clearly~”

Applejack winced with his eyes tightly shut, and tried to withhold his shaky groan as he quivered from his obvious arousal. With each throb of the dragon’s member between his trembling legs, Rainbow Dash was able to see the top of AJ’s hat sporting a more obvious bulge as that wet spot grew larger. Of course, the cyan dragon’s sights soon returned towards Pinkie, who was already grinning eagerly and nodding his head down at Spike. “Oh, definitely!~” he said as his cheery tone grew antsier by the second. “Mnnnghhh~ Ohmigosh, if your lips are as nice as that first lick you gave me, then I know I’m gonna love it~”

While Spike snickered with a wide and confident smile, Twilight just huffed strongly in exasperation. “Oh… Oh alright, FINE!” he shouted as he threw his arms up in defeat. Since he couldn’t teleport out of the room in his state, and he couldn’t leave the room without walking right past Spike and his antics, Twilight turned around to storm towards the other end of the Map room. He completely ignored the logistics of his move, as well as his bobbing erection, as he added in a sarcastically bitter tone, “I guess we just have to make this a ‘Dragon Orgy,’ don’t we?!”

“Hey!” retorted Dash as he tried to say with a casual shrug, “We have Spike in a room full of dragons with hard-ons! What did you think was gonna happen? A Tea Party?”

Twilight didn’t respond to that question, but he did notice the apprehensive shrug Starlight gave with her shoulders. The purple dragon warningly pointed a claw at her, which was just enough to make her turn away with a blush.

Meanwhile, Spike just let his Guardian-turned-dragon be while he kept his sights on Pinkie’s waiting cock. As he licked his lips and narrowed his eyes on that glistening appendage, he didn’t seem to mind Rainbow Dash waking up towards him from behind. Instead, he just made one last smirk up towards the giggling Pinkie before he took a deep breath, and wrapped his lips over that drooling cockhead. Spike’s eyes closed as he hummed contently from the familiar taste, and used both his claws to grasp Pinkie’s shaft and begin stroking sensually.

Pinkie Pie gasped as he tensed up greatly on top of the table, and had to cover his face with his claws while shuddering profoundly. The pink dragon was barely able to sit upright, and was twitching like mad as he felt the comforting warmth and pressure Spike’s lips were giving to his newfound erection. The little dragon’s soft and slutty lips went to work as they gently suckled Pinkie’s pulsating head, which caused a couple spurts of precum to involuntarily spurt directly to the back of his throat. But despite the small grunt Spike made which caused a hiccup in his enamored hums, he didn’t seem thrown-off in the slightest as he pushed his head in deeper, and began to slide his lips down that thick shaft.

Rainbow Dash watched with a hungry grin while biting his bottom lip, and let out a brief “Unfff~” as he brought a claw down to start stroking his own length. The cyan dragon shivered profusely after the first couple strokes, appearing just as surprised by the welcoming titillation as Pinkie had; however, that action only made Dash stroke himself a little faster while he groaned in approval. Applejack, who couldn’t look away from the action if he tried, absentmindedly scooted in a little closer beside Dash as they watched Spike performing in his natural element. All the while, Pinkie could barely keep himself from falling back against the Map Table while quivering in audible delight. “MmmnnnnMMMMNNNGHHH!!~ Ho… Hol… H-H-Hooooolllllllly FUCK, guys!~”

Spike didn’t falter for a second from that surprising expletive, and just kept sucking his cock at a slow and steady rate. Meanwhile, Pinkie gasped the instant he said the F-word, and had his claws over his muzzle while sporting a heavy blush. He could hear a few of the dragons around him giggling in surprise to his response to Spike’s mouth-work, but it didn’t seem like anyone was upset by his language. Of course, that was probably due to the fact that Spike was shamelessly blowing him out in the open.

“Oh, Hooooo… boy~” Rainbow couldn’t be a wallflower anymore, and decided to join in after spitting into his claw. He then walked up behind the cock-sucking dragon, and slathered his own cock with spit as he said, “If you’re able to make Pinkie drop an F-bomb from how hot that is, then you know I gotta get in on this~”

Spike was absolutely enthused with the taste of Pinkie’s cock, while the pink dragon was left moaning and squirming above him. However, the instant he realized Dash was coming up from behind, the little slut didn’t hesitate to pull his mouth away with a wet pop. He then looked back at the cyan dragon with a wide and lustrous grin, and lifted his tail up high to expose his previously-used hole. “Heh~ If you don’t mind getting some Sloppy Fifths from my O&O game last night, then go right ahead~”

Even if Spike had shared a few experiences with the cocky pegasus before, it was clear from the cocky grin on Dash’s new face that he wasn’t against that measure in the slightest. Instead, the cyan beast got up close to Spike’s back, and made the little slut gasp as his cockhead prodded the outside of that sloppy hole. Applejack got the best view of what Rainbow was packing, and shuddered from seeing the impressive length he was carrying on that thin-looking draconic shaft. Rarity and Fluttershy could only stare in shock when they saw how enthusiastically their friends were already getting into the action; however, Spike seemed absolutely delighted by their exuberance as he heard Rainbow say, “Well, at least we know you’ll be loose enough for what I’m gonna give you next~”

Spike chuckled as he eyed Rainbow’s confident smirk with a grin of his own, and spread his pudgy legs further apart before he spoke. “Well, if you want me to be loose, I’d recommend you give it to me hard~”

Rainbow Dash grinned wickedly wide from Spike’s shameless display, even though both of them could hear Twilight shout out, “Sweet Celestia! Spike, do you actually say that kind of stuff?!”

Starlight Glimmer, who was the only one trying not to stare at the debauchery occurring at the other end of the table, couldn’t help replying with a surprised scoff. “Are you kidding, Twi? I’ve only lived here for a year, and I’ve heard him say way worse.”

While Twilight turned his attention back towards his student, Spike went back to sucking on Pinkie’s cock as the Map Room grew hotter in excitement. Pinkie Pie grew a blissful smile as he shivered with his eyes tightly closed, and grasped the top of Spike’s head with both claws to keep him in place. The little dragon didn’t seem to mind that extra restraint, and just sank more of Pinkie’s length into his mouth to continue sucking. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash spat a couple more times into his claw before he gave himself a little more lubrication, and then got into position with his cock directly against Spike’s hole. “Nnnnnffffff… Oh man, I’m gonna love trying this without a strapon~”

Before any of Dash’s friends could realize what he said, the cyan dragon let out a sharp and primal grunt as he pushed his hips hard against Spike’s body. Despite how well-experienced Spike may have been, he still gave a strained and muffled yelp the instant he felt Dash’s rigid cock shoving itself through his hole. Even with all of that thick draconic saliva coating every inch of his length, both of them groaned from the pressure as Rainbow’s cockhead crammed its way through Spike’s puckering entrance. Fortunately, due to Spike’s earlier sessions the previous night, there was no doubt that Dash would be able to get it in as the little dragon’s hole stretched out around his throbbing head.

While Rainbow continued to push himself into Spike’s inviting hole, and the little dragon himself was preoccupied with trying to deepthroat Pinkie, multiple pairs of eyes were growing more drawn to the action as it progressed. Applejack was clearly looking the most pent-up, but his self-control was rather impressive considering the circumstances; despite literally only having his penis for ten minutes at most, he maintained a firm grimace on his blushed face as he kept his throbbing member unseen behind his hat. As for Rarity, who came up close beside him to get a better view of the action, the dragon’s curious blush helped to counteract against the disingenuous look of disappointment that was fading from his face.

Fluttershy didn’t try to move from underneath the table, but his eyes were glued to the sight of those three dragons getting it on from only a few feet away. Meanwhile, Twilight had his back turned away from all of them while pouting in disappointment, and standing with his arms tightly crossed together. Starlight tried to show solidarity with her mentor as she stood beside him and waited for a response; however, her blush was more than evident while she stood with her face at near-perfect level to Twilight’s still-erect cock. Not to mention, the lone mare’s composure was growing questionable the more she overheard those lewd noises emanating from behind her.

“NNNNGHHH!!~” Rainbow Dash finally got his cock inside of the squirming dragon, and didn’t try to hold back as he began to pump his length in and out of that petite little hole. Spike groaned in strained pleasure as he endured Dash’s quick and insistent thrusts; however, the intensity of the cyan dragon’s exuberance did very little to keep Spike from continuing Pinkie’s oral. As his pillowy lips kept sliding up and down that thick shaft with muffled groans of pleasure, Pinkie’s moans were much more audible as he kept a tight grip on his head and threw his head back.

Aaaaahhhhh!!~ G… G-Guys! You… You goooooootta get in on this!!~”

Applejack’s frustration grew more intense the longer he watched those three, and saw just how hard Rainbow was beginning to thrust into Spike from behind. The little dragon may have been a notorious slut, but it was clear that AJ wasn’t expecting him to be rocked so hard between two massive cocks without the slightest hint of discomfort. Even when Spike’s body was violently bobbing back and forth from Dash’s motions, and his throat was being repeatedly skewered by Pinkie’s cock shoving itself deeper into his mouth, Applejack could tell that he was taking it like a complete natural. But even with how surprised he may have been about Spike’s tenacity around cock, AJ couldn’t stop thinking about how ridiculously hot it all looked from his perspective; he hated to admit it, but he could totally understand why Big Mac was always so eager to plow that ass whenever he could.

“Ohhh… O-Oh, jeezum crow,” he muttered under his breath, before one of his claws thoughtlessly went down to grasp the head of his cock through his hat. Even though he tried his hardest not to make his actions too obvious, Rarity and Fluttershy could’ve seen clear as day that he was guiltily rubbing himself to the sight. While the orange dragon winced and squirmed in place, the top of his Stetson was becoming thoroughly ruined as the fabric was increasingly stained and stretched over his throbbing length. He hoped that he wasn’t the only dragon getting amped-up from Spike’s impromptu spitroast, but it was doubtful he would’ve stopped if he was.

Of course, since his eyes were glued on the slutty dragon’s double-dicking, Applejack wasn’t able to notice Rarity’s blushed and wide-eyed stare pointed towards him. His draconic blue eyes were pinned on that growing wet spot that was spreading across Applejack’s bulge, and his nostrils flared when he caught that increasingly masculine scent wafting from beneath that Stetson. The white dragon wanted to keep his composure, but those elements combined with the sounds of Rainbow’s hefty thrusts were leaving him more susceptible by the second. Not to mention, it would’ve been hard for him to deny his feelings on the matter when his long, and impressingly-smooth dragonhood was standing rigidly between his quivering legs.

While the two blushing dragons stood side-by-side awkwardly, Rainbow Dash was groaning louder in pleasure as he repeatedly rammed his hips against Spike’s pudgy ass. The little dragon’s tantalizing hole kept a tight grip on Dash’s shaft with each thrust he made, and helped to drive the cyan beast closer to an early climax. Of course, Pinkie wasn’t faring much better as he kept moaning direly from Spike’s skilled cock-sucking, and felt just how eagerly those lips were trying to milk his shaft of every drop he could offer. Spike may have been placed into this scenario by surprise, but his eyes were rolled back in pure contentment as he savored such a titillating wakeup.

Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle could only cover his face with a claw while he tried to stay out of the action. Even though his ribbed and modestly-lengthed cock was still standing erect, the dragon tried to ignore it as best as Starlight was. “Oh my gosh, this is so wrong… This is so, sooooooo wrong…”

Starlight Glimmer nodded with an apprehensive look, but she tried not to turn her head up towards her mentor while that dick was dangling so close to her face. Instead, the mare tried her hardest to ignore that draconic musk as she took a breath, and tried to ask, “Do… Do you want to just leave, Tw--”

“Yes,” the dragon said instantaneously, as he quickly tried to shuffle his way around the table to reach the door. Even if that meant going past the three up-close, Twi was determined to ignore what was happening without his approval. Starlight followed suit, but her eyes caught sight of how antsy all the other dragons were getting from watching Spike’s impromptu “assistance.” Even Fluttershy, who was peeking up from the edge of the Map Table to see what was going on, looked oddly blushed for someone who was usually terrified of dragons. Of course, given how hard Rainbow Dash was plowing that slutty little tailhole of Spike’s, the mare couldn’t necessarily say she was surprised by that reaction.

Nnnnghhhh!!” The sounds of hard, meaty smacks between scaled flesh began to echo within the Map Room as Rainbow got more primal with his thrusts. He was groaning hard through his gritted fangs while his eyes were clenched shut, and his cock repeatedly rammed into Spike’s supple hole like it was meant for his girth. With each hard ramming motion the dragon made into Spike’s ass, Pinkie’s cock slid deeper towards the back of his throat due to how hard he was being shoved into it. From AJ and Rarity’s silent and blushed perspectives, they could see just how notably both of those dragonhoods were bulging against Spike’s throat and stomach each time they went in. But from Spike’s perspective, those constant titillating bouts of fullness only caused his little cock to throb immensely, and spurt out thin strings of precum that glistened against the crystal floors.

“Haaaaaa… Ah! Ah! Ah!~” Pinkie Pie was growing close as well, and began to pump his hips each time Spike’s lips slid down the ribbed length of his cock. “Ohmigosh, I… I think… I think I’m… IthinkI’mgettingclose!!~” Since this was technically the first time Pinkie could experience a male orgasm himself, the dragon ended up needing to bite one of his claws as he leaned his head back and clenched his eyes tightly shut. The titillating pulsations of his nerves left him tensed and immobile while he was laid back at the edge of that table, and the only thing he would do was impulsively moan out as he grew closer towards release. “Ohhh!!~ OHHH!!~ Ohhhhhhh!!!~”

“Aaaahhhh!!~” Rainbow Dash was already close himself, but the sounds of Pinkie’s gleeful moans (combined with Spike’s muffled groans between them), proved to be too much for the dragon to take. The cyan beast griped Spike’s plump cheeks tightly with his claws, and he bore down on that ass as he plowed rapidly enough to make their scales smack a few times each second. Even with all the prying eyes on them, including Twilight’s as he and Starlight ended up getting in too close to ignore, Rainbow ended up slipping past the precipice just around the same time as Pinkie. “GgggnnnnnnNNNNAAAHHHH!!!~”

The sounds of Dash and Pinkie’s lingering cries reverberated in the Map Room as they cried out in unison, and Spike was left pinned between them to receive the fruits of their labors. Even though two massive cocks buried themselves deep inside of the little dragon from both ends, Spike looked absolutely gratified as he convulsed widly between them with his eyes fluttering. His member throbbed hard as several strings of precum spurted out without needing to be touched, but it was downright pathetic compared to the copious volumes of cum that erupted from his two friends. Spike’s cheeks instantly protruded outward from the vast amount of cum that shot out of Pinkie’s cock, even as the little dragon’s throat convulsed from how quickly he began to swallow his load. Meanwhile below Spike’s bulging torso, the cumshot from Rainbow was intense enough to be seen through the ripples beneath his stretched-out scales. Each pulsating movement from that bulge was accompanied by a hearty cry as Dash buried himself deep inside of that hole, and gave Spike an intense breeding that caused the other dragons to shiver enviously.

Pinkie’s hips rode up each time he shot into Spike’s overfilled mouth, and his claws were tightly gripped around the back of the little dragon’s head while he kept swallowing. As Pinkie began to come down from his lustful high by moaning weakly and twitching from his overwhelmed nerves, the muscles beneath his pink scales could be seen convulsing with each throb his cock made. Starlight was close enough to the three to see every subtle twitch and squirm their bodies made from that finale, which caused her jaw to gape open and leave her speechless beside her mentor. Twilight looked equally as stunned by the debauchery he and his student just witnessed, but he was left too frozen in surprise to continue walking towards the door. Instead, his legs were trembling just as much as Rainbow Dash’s were, which were locked in place while he was buried balls-deep inside of Spike’s tight hole.

“NNNNGHHHH… Mmmrrrrrghhhh~” Just as Rainbow pushed into Spike with one final fuckstroke, both of them looked absolutely spent while Pinkie Pie was writhing contently above them. While the little dragon tried to overcome his own titillation while sucking the last of Pinkie’s cumshot, Dash shivered in completion as he pulled his softening length out of him. “Aaaahhhh… Y-Yeah, I can feel myself getting more focused already~”

“Ugh!” Twilight scoffed in disgust while standing bipedally, and turned away from his post-coital mates with a sharp motion of his body. Unfortunately, his throbbing erection whipped around with that swing as well, and ended up dangling just inches from Starlight Glimmer’s already-flustered face. She tried to turn away from that flawlessly glistening dragon dick with a strong bite of her lip, but her embarrassed expression just peered back at Spike licking the tip of Pinkie’s cock like a lollipop; and with Rainbow pulled away from his still-presented backside, Starlight was able to get a prime view of the dragon’s tailhole while it was stretched-out, and leaking a copious amount of thick dragon cum.

Starlight’s blush may have appeared to be from disgust or agitation, as judged by the awkward skew of her pursed muzzle. However, despite how uncomfortable it may have been for her to be so close to such a primal and savage example of “friendship bonding,” the mare’s close relationships with them as friends only complicated her lust-addled thoughts. While she wanted to remain composed beside Twilight, Starlight’s close proximity to so much testosterone was making her feel familiarly warm between her nethers. Even with Twilight’s cock throbbing endlessly so close to her snout, Starlight tried not to give any notice to her own budding arousal; of course, she was certain that Twi’s new draconic senses could easily smell the sex wafting from her glistening folds…

Mmmmnnnghhh… Oh-ho-ho-hoooooooooooo~” As soon as Pinkie’s lintering orgasm settled down, he was grinning rather cheekily down at Spike’s post-rutted state. Despite his diligence, Spike still had a couple thick trails of cum down the corners of his chin, undoubtedly from the overwhelming volume of Pinkie’s load. However, even with his face and backside dripping sloppily from his impromptu usage, Spike didn’t look deterred at all as he smirked back up at his friend. While Rainbow Dash stepped away to give himself a satisfied stretch, Pinkie gave off a delighted shudder before asking excitedly, “Oooh!!~ Do you suck off all guys like that?! Because if so, I can totally see why you’re so popular in town!~”

Even though that may have not been the first time he received somepony’s (or in Pinkie’s case, some dragon’s) praise for his skills, Spike still blushed bashfully while looking away from his friend and chuckling. “Uhhh… Heh heh heh… W-Well, I… I’m really glad I was able to make your first time that memorable~”

“Heh~ Pinkie ain’t the only one, Spikey~” purred Rainbow Dash as he grinned devilishly at the freshly-creampied dragon, and shamelessly stood with his flaccid cock still slathered in the remnants of his cum. Even though he was fully spent, the cyan beast still shivered with a satisfied grin before he added, “I’m not gonna lie, dude. That may have been my first time doing stuff with a dick, but you felt friggin’ amazing, dude!~”

Even though Spike seemed grateful for that sentiment, the nasty glare that Twilight had was hard for Dash to ignore. Fortunately, the dragon slut himself was too preoccupied with the aftermath of his session to notice his altered Guardian. Instead, he was too focused on Pinkie’s newfound equipment, and used the pink dragon’s immobile state to take advantage of his plump balls. They may have been rather bunched-up and close to Pinkie’s taint after unloading such a high volume of cum, but Spike was still pent-up enough to bury his little snout underneath that ballsack to get himself a whiff. Twilight openly face-clawed when he caught sight of that action, but Starlight’s muzzle was pursed shut as she found herself unable to look away from the dragon’s involuntary indulgence, While Spike took a couple deep and long-lingering breaths between Pinkie’s balls and taint (and let out a very welcoming sigh from his drooling mouth), the pink dragon himself gasped in surprise and giggled from that unexpected intrusion. “OOOHHH!!~ Hehehehehehe… Jeeze, Spikey! I didn’t know you got so into this stuff~”

“Mnnnnghhhh… Yeaaaahhhh~” Spike’s eyes were half-lidded as he kept breathing in Pinkie’s uniquely strong and sweet-smelling musk, and burrowed his face in deeper beneath those balls to give the wrinkled sac a couple licks. While the dragon above him squirmed and giggled even louder from that curious tongue, nobody seemed to overhear the aroused whine Applejack tried his hardest to muffle with a claw over his muzzle. Of course, despite how diligently the orange dragon tried to withhold himself (at least, as much as any of the other dragons in the room who haven’t gotten a turn yet), all composure went out the window the instant Spike pulled his face back to say with a lustful grin. “Heh… Honestly, I’m more than ready for a couple more rounds if you get yourself all pent-up again~”

Uuuunnnnnnffff!!~” AJ wasn’t able to control himself anymore, and pulled his hat away from his crotch so he could place it back on his head. The dragon’s cock was much longer than Rainbow Dash’s, and carried a massive girth that rivaled Pinkie Pie’s. The instant Spike overheard that frustrated groan, his eyes bulged out of his skull the instant he looked towards Applejack and saw what he was packing. Of course, he was only able to see it for a moment before the dragon rushed over towards his backside hurriedly. “A-Alright, that’s it!” he griped as he got behind Spike, and grabbed both of those pudgy cheeks to squeeze with his claws. “Aaaaahhhh!~ A-Ah’m sorry, Twi! Ah gotta do this!”

Since Spike’s hole was still slathered and dripping from Rainbow Dash’s load, Applejack didn’t need any lubricant as he mounted the dragon to give that ass another round. Twilight turned away from the unexpected spectacle with his claws over his face, not wanting to see Spike taking another one of his friends’ dicks like it was nothing. Unfortunately for the Princess-turned-dragon, he seemed to be the only one showing modesty at that moment. Since Spike was already in full-blown Slut-Mode with his newly draconic friends, Starlight and the remaining dragons could only stare in shock and intrigue as AJ got the pointed head of his cock inside of him with little effort.

Nnnnghhh!!~ Aaaahhh! H… How in Equestria are ya still this tight?!” he moaned as he shoved his thick and rubbed shaft into the dragon’s sloppily-used tailhole. He hissed as he felt that ring wrapping around his length like a vice, but was still able to moan out weakly as he felt that welcoming warmth caress each inch that slid inside of Spike. Even though half of his face was buried underneath Pinkie’s plump balls, Spike still moaned out needily as he let Applejack enter him with such a domineering force. Meanwhile, Pinkie was grinning rather giddily as he marveled at the sight of AJ’s blushed and contorted look of arousal, and saw just how eagerly the dragon was pouncing on Spike’s plump ass. By the time Applejack was able to shove a third of his rigid length inside of the moaning slut, it looked like he was already close to climax as he moaned out shakily in rapture.

Gnnnahhhh!!~ G… G-Good Goddess Ah needed this!~” he exclaimed while throwing his head back, and giving an involuntary thrust that buried himself even deeper inside of Spike. Much like Rainbow Dash had done earlier, the bulge of Applejack’s cock could be seen poking from the bottom of Spike’s stomach. Rarity wanted to keep himself from indulging like his friend had, but the familiarly alluring sight left his pearlescent scales quivering in envy. Meanwhile Starlight had to keep her tail firmly nestled between her hind-legs to counteract her body’s response to Spike’s lustful moans.

Unfortunately, just as the mare tried to take a deep breath to calm herself down, she was hit with a strong dosage of Twilight’s cock-musk while within such a close proximity.

“Okay, we gotta go,” muttered Twilight while his face was still covered, and his legs were trying not to buckle from the overwhelming impulses he could feel coursing through his veins. Even though he knew it was merely a newfound biological response to such a lewd and taboo sight unfolding in front of him, the purple dragon tried to keep himself in control so he could walk away. “St… Starlight, we… we need to go right no--HUUUUHHH!!!”

Twilight gasped loudly as he tensed up and froze from the sudden warmth that wrapped around his member. The only warning he could’ve gotten was the brief moan that weakly escaped his student’s mouth, just before Starlight gave in to her primal urges. Due to the growing scent of sex that was wafting around the room, even the skilled unicorn was growing too enamored to last much longer than Applejack did. So because of that, Twilight was taken totally by surprise as the pony lunged in muzzle-first, and sunk a good portion of that dragon cock into her needy mouth and began sucking.

“MMMMMNGHHH!! S-S-STARLIGHT!?!~” he shouted in a panic, even though his body barely even flinched in response to Starlight Glimmer beginning to suck his cock with a heavy blush on her face. The mare looked beyond embarrassed as she slid her lips down that ribbed shaft with her eyes clenched tightly shut. However, a muffled groan of pleasure could be heard escaping her muzzle while getting a good taste of that draconic member. If Twilight was still in his Alicorn form (or even in a less lust-addled mindset), he likely would stopped Starlight’s advance in an instant and leave the room. Unfortunately, all that the dragon could do was hiss through his gritted fangs, and close his eyes while he shivered guiltily to those soft lips caressing his cock so well. “Aaaahhh! Mmmmmmm… O-Ohhhhhhmygosh…”

Without even thinking, Twilight’s claws came down to grasp the back of Starlight’s mane, and his head pulled back as he moaned from that muzzle sinking even further down his length. Pinkie and Dash seemed equally as surprised to see such an unexpected reaction to Spike’s doings, but neither of them seemed upset in the slightest. Even though Pinkie was enjoying the slut’s enamored worshipping of his balls, the dragon was able to pull himself back and allow Spike to moan more openly. As soon as he made a backwards roll across the table, he made sure there was enough space before pointing at Rarity with his claw. “C’mon, Rare!~ You goooooootta feel his little mouth!~”

Aaaahhh!!~” Right around that moment, Spike had to brace himself against the side of the table when Applejack began to thrust into him. The orange dragon didn’t look as confident as Rainbow Dash did, but his pursed muzzle and heavy blush were accompanied by some hard bucking motions of his muscular hips. Each rhythmic motion made Spike’s moaning voice hiccup as he was thrusted forward against the Map Table, and left to endure that thick cock spearing him with enough ferocity to sate his lustful cravings. Of course, even if he was feeling satisfied with the titillation given to his tailhole, the little dragon still had his mouth invitingly wide-open while he savored AJ’s pent-up session. “Ahhh!~ Ahhh!~ AAHHH!!~”

Rainbow Dash groaned with an impressed grin as he felt himself getting hard again, and began to rub himself while standing bipedally. Even though the action in front of him was getting good, his eyes were locked towards Rarity as he smirked and motioned towards Spike. “Oh, just get in there already! I know you wanna~”

Even though it was clear the white dragon didn’t want to prove his cocky friend right, his blush and throbbing erection were enough proof that Rainbow wasn’t wrong. Rarity tried not to say anything towards him while his muzzle was clenched shut. However, his composure only lasted a couple more seconds before he huffed in defeat, and shook his head guiltily as he went over to the table. “Oh… Oh, curse this new body! “ he groaned in expasteration, before he hopped up on the table to sit where Pinkie just was.

Yaaaaayyyy!!~” Pinkie clapped his claws excitedly as he watched his friend squeeze himself at the edge of the table between Spike’s arms. The little dragon only needed a split-second glance up at the new dragon cock in front of his face, and moaned out more eagerly before he wrapped his lips around that cockhead. Rarity immediately moaned as he leaned himself back, and appreciated the newfound sensations felt around his new appendage. And due to Applejack’s increasingly relentless thrusts that rocked Spike back and forth between them, Rarity was quickly thrown into deeper realms of pleasure as those slutty lips slid further back across his shaft.

Spike, who once again was enjoying the rapturous pleasure of being spitroasted by two massive dragon cocks, was too enamored in his own duties to pay much attention to what his Guardian was doing. Right around the time Rarity joined in on the action, Twilight was growing too entranced in his own pleasures as he began thrusting into Starlight’s muzzle. Even though the mare’s cheeks were heavily blushed from the strain of such a massive cock being shoved into her mouth, brief moans could still be heard each time she was able to breathe out in rapid pants. And due to her standing on all fours while her muzzle was buried between those scaled thighs, her tail was flagged up instinctually to expose her winking and glistening marehood; while the scent of her arousal was barely noticeable among all the dragon musk wafting within the room, it was still notable enough to catch the attention of a particular dragon.

Nnnnnnn…~” Fluttershy whimpered weakly as he crawled underneath the table, and tried to avoid all of the gay dragon action unfolding around him. All of the combined scents and noises may have been overwhelmingly tempting, the yellow dragon was too withheld by his own phobias to even think and join in with the other guys. Of course, as soon as he caught sight of Starlight Glimmer’s presented and dripping pussy from his hiding spot, his body seemed to move on its own to get himself his own relief. Those thick, glistening lips contracted with each guilty thrust Twilight made into her muzzle, and the tantalizing sight made Fluttershy purse his lips shut as he smelled just how aroused she was getting. Despite never having much interest in mares before that morning (or to be perfectly honest, not having much interests in ponies period), his new draconic state left his preferences and apprehensions blissfully clouded as he poked his head out from the table, and went in with his eyes closed and his tongue lolled-out.

MMMPH!!~” Starlight Glimmer trembled when she felt his muzzle press up against her sensitive marehood, and her eyes rolled back with a blissful moan the instant Fluttershy’s exotic tongue plunged between her dripping folds. Much like Spike, it seemed that the mare was greatly enjoying the newfound appendages her friends possessed. Even when her throat was starting to bulge out from Twilight’s cock sinking further past her lips, Starlight was looking just as content being between two dragons as the cock-stuffed dragon getting reamed just a couple feet from her. Even though the four dragons using them looked shamefully pent-up as they used those open orifices for their own needy desires, the raunchy site was beyond satisfying for Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie to witness.

“Aaaahhh!~” Twilight Sparkle seemed especially shameful as he carried a strong grimace on his face. However, he couldn’t stop shoving his cock in and out of his student’s mouth while she made gurgled moans of pleasure between his thrusts. “I-I’m so sorry!” he whined while he kept a tight grasp on her mane, and rutted her mouth like Rarity was doing to Spike’s. “P-Please forgive me!”

Even if Starlight was able to accept that apology, it was clear she wasn’t upset while her eyes were half-lidded, and her body was rocking to wonderfully well between Twi’s cock and Fluttershy’s tongue. Meanwhile, Spike was growing just as enthused in his own spitroast as he moaned around Rarity’s cock and took every thrust Applejack was delivering. His little cock was spurting out enough precum to now leave a small puddle on the floor between his feet. While the orange and white dragons moaned shamefully and used their pudgy friend like the cum-dump he was, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie seated themselves at the side of the table as they watched the double spitroasting with enthusiastically eager grins.

“Oh, man~” growled Dash as he got in close beside Pinkie, and used his claw to start stroking the pink dragon’s revived erection. Pinkie was doing the same with Rainbow’s cock, not seeming put-off at all by the shared clawjob with his good friend. While their digits slid up and down their cum-slathered lengths, their eyes tried to stay pinned on Starlight or Spike as they enjoyed those delightful dragon cocks. Of course, even with how titillating the views in front of them may have been, it wasn’t long before Dash and Pinkie brought their attentions back towards each other; before either of them knew it, their muzzles locked with one another as they held each other in tight embrace, and made out lewdly as they jerked each other off.

Minutes upon minutes passed as the eight friends indulged with each other’s bodies in such a carnal display of lust. Applejack and Rarity’s thrusts began to synchronize as they used Spike’s tailhole and mouth in tandem, and neither of them were able to speak up in defense when their breaths got more rapid and heated. Just a few feet away from the three, the sounds of Twilight’s strained moans and Starlight’s gurgled grunts could be heard as they indulged with the aid of Fluttershy’s hungry muzzle. The yellow dragon’s tongue put itself to great use as he ate the unicorn out ravenously, and used a free claw to guiltily stroke his cock in response to Starlight’s syrupy sweet juices. And with Dash and Pinkie enjoying each other’s company on top of the Map Table, the three separate romps were lost in their own impulses as the impromptu orgy worked its way to its eventual climax.

Applejack was the first to shoot his load, and let out a deep and lustrous roar when he buried himself deep inside of the moaning dragon. Spike’s body quivered in ecstasy as he felt AJ’s thick, hot load shooting inside of him for another hefty breeding. The orange dragon convulsed wildly atop Spike’s body, and nearly passed out from how wildly his nerves frayed in such a newfound pleasure that hit him in multiple waves. Each time his hips pumped in to collide with Spike’s pudgy cheeks, the overflow of his cum could be seen dribbling out to add to the puddle that was already between his little legs.

Aaaaahhhh!!~” Rarity gasped as he succumbed to his own release, and hilted himself inside of Spike’s throat to deliver his own volley of thick dragon cum. He writhed on top of the table just as Pinkie Pie had done earlier, and groaned in unrelenting bliss from each scale-tingling pulsation his cock made inside of the slut’s mouth. He could hear Spike squirming between his legs as he tried to swallow down every spurt that shot to the back of his throat, and it threw Rarity into an even deeper realm of pleasure as he moaned loudly enough to echo throughout the room. In between those two spent beasts, Spike finally reached his own climax as he tensed up strongly between those cock skewering him, and spurted out a few last ropes of cum himself that added to the puddle coating his feet.

Of course, it was obvious that those three dragons weren’t the only ones who reached fruition in that moment. Fluttershy was the next to reach an early release, as he groaned hard enough to reverberate inside of Starlight Glimmer’s marehood and leave her convulsing hard around Twilight’s cock. Just as the yellow dragon unloaded multiple strings of jizz that arced underneath his body and landed between the mare’s buckling legs, the purple dragon in front of them let out a heavy moan as he shoved his length deep towards the back of Starlight’s throat. The pony felt her oxygen cut off in an instant as her mouth was used as a cum-dump for her mentor’s multiple ropes of cum, but she was too enamored with her own arousal as she quivered between audible gulps, and came hard enough to squirt repeatedly inside of Fluttershy’s moaning muzzle.

All of the combining noises and scents of release caught up with the two remaining dragons, who direly moaned into each other’s mouths as they continued to kiss in growing passion. Both of their cocks erupted at nearly the same time while their claws were grasping their shafts, and the secondary ropes of cum shot out wildly to drape all over their scaled chests and stomachs. Their muzzles locked tightly as the two held each other in lingering rapture, and felt their bodies getting coated in their shared loads of hot dragon jizz. By the time both of them were able to overcome the toe-curling pleasures that rocked their bodies to their core from that building climax, the two dragons collapsed on top of the table while latched in each other’s embrace, and continuing to kiss tiredly in mutual admiration for the moment they experienced.

A long, pregnant bout of silence lasted throughout the room as the eight beings laid around the Map Table in various states of post-orgasmic bliss. Some faces were deeply blushed in embarrassment, while others had dopey smiles that indicated they had zero regrets about how they used their new forms. The stench of fresh cum (as well as Starlight’s feminine secretions) was thick enough to taste within the large room, and remained for a long while as the eight tried to get themselves back together. Spike, who was experienced enough to get himself up first, moaned with a deeply-satisfied shudder as he stood up with his face and ass leaking with cum. While Rarity and AJ laid near-unconscious around him, the slut made a quick glance back at his mentor while the dragon was sprawled out next to his student. After making sure Twilight was still conscious enough to speak, Spike huffed with a smirk and asked, “Heh~ So, ummm… hey Twi, you wanna wait a little while before trying to change back to ponies again?~”

Twilight lifted his head up from the floor to shoot Spike a confused, and unamused-looking glare at him. Meanwhile, Starlight lifted herself up from the dragon’s waise while her mane and chin were drenched in the remnants of her mentor’s cumshots. “Mrrrghhh… Ho… How long?”

Starlight didn’t seem to notice Twilight’s wide-eyes stare on her, and kept her focus on Spike as he shrugged his shoulders and suggested, “Ehhhh… Long enough for both of us to experience all of them from both ends?~”

Starlight Glimmer may have not considered herself a slut -- at least, not in that particular moment -- but her face lit up exceptionally bright as she ignored Twilight’s gawked expression, and nodded her head without hesitation.