Diamond Tiara's Padded Secret

by Matt11

First published

Randolph discovers a secret Diamond Tiara's been hiding, she likes to be a little foal. The buttler then takes it upon himself to care for his charge in her new state

They say everypony has secrets, some greater than others. Diamond Tiara is no exception, in fact there's a secret she's been keeping from everypony and her family is no exception.
Randolph is given the task of finding out what that secret is per Spoiled Rich's orders, but even he can't imagine what will lie in store for him when he discovers the truth.
The truth is, Diamond Tiara likes to be a little foal, dressing up like one and acting like one. All she needs is somepony to care for her in her little state. And Randolph might be just the pony for the job.

this is a Collab with: SuperPinkBrony12

Her Not So Little Secret

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Even before his young charge had experienced her change in heart, Randolph had always felt a stronger connection to her than any of the other hired hooves in employment at the Rich family mansion. True, he was hardly the only one to tend to Diamond Tiara. When she had been almost a spitting image of her mother it had taken upwards of ten hired hooves just to keep her satisfied. But through it all Randolph had felt like his bond with the young heir to the family fortune went beyond the expectations of his job.

In short, Randolph had always felt he was like family to Diamond Tiara. And ever since turning over a new leaf he’d felt a much closer connection developing between them. She was always more open with him, even inviting him to come to school for Family Appreciation Day (as opposed to just making him do acrobatics and then bumping him out of the way).

But it seemed like there were still some things the rich filly didn’t wish to share with the old stallion. He couldn’t really pinpoint when it had started, though if Randolph had to guess he would say it had begun not long after Diamond’s change of heart.

On a typical day he would often rouse his young charge from bed, pack her lunch for school, and then see her on her way. When she came home she would briefly greet him if he was around, then withdraw to her room. Always with a statement such as “I’m going to do my homework.” or “I’ll be visiting Father in his study.” Then he wouldn’t see her for the rest of the day.

Randolph felt sorely tempted to investigate, Filthy Rich hadn’t taken much interest in his daughter’s behavior but Spoiled most certainly had. But Randolph pushed back every time. “The therapist said it’s important to set boundaries with your daughter, let her feel like she has some control and independence. If it’s something she wishes to share with you, she’ll tell you. If not then it’s probably not something worth concerning yourself over.” He’d always tell her.

Spoiled Rich, however, was nothing if not persistent. And since being kicked off the Ponyville School Board, her mood had taken a turn for the worse. Most hired hooves were sensible enough to give her a wide berth. Randolph tried to do the same, but Spoiled had ways of getting to him.

So it was that, one day, Spoiled Rich held an impromptu meeting with the old butler in the dining room of the mansion. One look at the mare’s upturned snout was enough to tell Randolph that Spoiled wasn’t taking no for an answer this time.

“You know why I’ve called you here, Randolph,” Spoiled declared with a glare as she motioned for the butler to sit in one of the chairs surrounding the large table. “Diamond Tiara’s behavior is becoming quite a concern to me. She’s hiding something and I wanna know what that something is.”

Randolph tried to push back as best he could. “Mistress Spoiled, I’ve told you this several times. Diamond hasn’t told me anything and even if she did I most certainly wouldn’t be under obligation to tell you. Everypony has secrets, you know. Don’t think I haven’t noticed those spa trips you keep booking for yourself, or the things your husband hasn’t been told about your dismissal from the school board.”

Spoiled growled, locking eyes with Randolph. “You know I would deny any such allegations, Randolph. And don’t think I haven’t noticed the times you’ve been practicing your acrobatics or your juggling,” Then she sighed and her voice seemed to take on a more sickeningly sweet tone. “Besides, you wouldn’t want to see your paycheck be docked further, would you?”

“No, ma’am,” Randolph hung his head. “Celestia knows it’s been gutted enough. If not for the young mistress’ happy face, I probably wouldn’t have much reason to stay here,” Against his better judgement he looked up into Spoiled’s eyes and asked her. “What do you want me to do?”

Spoiled grinned. “Simple, Randolph. I want you to find out what it is Diamond Tiara’s trying to keep secret from me. And when you do I want you to report it to me so that I may ‘correct’ it. Whatever she’s doing it most certainly can’t be anything rich ponies should be concerning themselves with. And how can I hope to connect with her as a mother if she won’t involve me in her life?”

Snooping around her private life isn’t going to magically make her love you anymore, Spoiled.” Randolph thought but he didn’t dare to say it outloud. He’d learned the last time what happened when one was foolish enough to talk back to the mare. He instead reluctantly replied. “I shall do my best, Mistress Spoiled. Just don’t act surprised if it takes me a while to produce results. Diamond may trust me, but I don’t think she trusts me that much.”

The mare just chuckled. “She trusts you more than she does me. Use that to your advantage. Don’t worry, I won’t single you out when I have to ‘correct’ her behavior. Your long overdue raise will speak for itself.” And so the deal was settled, much to Randolph’s displeasure.

“I swaer when I find out what that filly does I am going to take whatever is making her “happy” away Rich ponies are meant to be mean NOT HAPPY!” Spoiled Rich thought and begin pandering on what her daughter was hiding.

The old butler tried his best to shake off the overwhelming feeling of guilt he was currently experiencing. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as he waited for the return of his young charge from school. He felt tempted to check her bedroom and just get it over with, but he feared what Filthy Rich might say if the head of the Rich household caught the butler snooping around in Diamond’s bedroom. He still wasn’t fully aware of all that Spoiled did behind his back, or at least he gave no indication that he was aware.

Besides, it was probably nothing. Most likely Diamond was just smuggling comic books or other common pony hobbies when she was expected to take up ballet and work on her piano keys. So if he confessed to her about his orders, maybe he could help her cover them up so Spoiled wouldn’t confiscate them (what Spoiled didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her, especially considering Randolph could threaten to expose her for sneaking sweets from the fridge after dark).

At last, the familiar magenta coat of Diamond Tiara came eagerly trotting in through the front door. The filly only loosely bothered to wipe her hooves on the mat provided for her and then flashed a smile at Randolph. “Hi, Randolph!” She sincerely greeted.

Randolph tried to be sincere back. “Greetings, Mistress Diamond. How was school today?”

Diamond nodded her head. “It was terrific, Randolph! Miss. Cheerilee says my grades have never been better, and I’m at the top of my class!”

“That’s fantastic! Splendid to hear such a thing, Mistress Diamond,” Randolph replied as he clapped his hooves. “I take it that means you’ve no homework and thus no need to go up to your room? If you wish to visit with Master Filthy, it would be best if you ran by it me first. You know your father doesn’t like to be disturbed unless absolutely necessary.”

But much to Randolph’s shock and displeasure, Tiara quickly replied. “Sorry, Randolph, homework is still homework!”

Not one to back down so easily, Randolph tried to offer. “But why don’t you let me help you with it? Surely, there must be some things you could do better on.”

Tiara simply protested. “No thank you, Randolph, I can do it myself! Please tell Mother and Father not to disturb me, I’ll be down in time for dinner. You can be sure of that.” Then she zoomed upstairs quick as a flash, as though afraid to be caught or otherwise stopped!

It was with a very reluctant heart that Randolph followed the filly’s hoofsteps not long afterward. “Curse that paycheck and Spoiled’s control of it!” He mentally complained to himself. “I shouldn’t have to be held hostage to her demands for the sake of my retirement! Celestia knows I practically helped raise Diamond from the day she was brought home, as the many grey hairs in my mane will attest!

As the old butler drew nearer and nearer to Diamond’s room, he began to pick up on some things that he had previously been unaware of.

The first was a very faint trace of a smell that could best be described as an odd mix of lavender and cornstarch. Scents that were very calming and soothing, but were also usually associated with infantile products.
Was the young filly secretly struggling with damp sheets? It seemed a little odd for her to have bed wetting issues now (Especially a pony of her age), Randolph could remember that Diamond had no trouble staying dry during the nights once she’d graduated to pull-ups. Thus the pull-ups phase had ended within two months of it being initiated. Perhaps the stress related to her new outlook on life was to blame?

Randolph dwelled upon these thoughts for so long that he almost didn’t pick up on the other oddity that had previously eluded him. Despite his old age his ears were still as sharp and sensitive as ever. And he could hear the unmistakable sounding of what could best be described as sucking.

Maybe Diamond was working on her parenting skills in secret? It would seem odd for her to bring a foal back to Rich Mansion, but maybe it was one of those life like dolls that did everything a newborn foal did? It wasn’t hard to imagine Tiara having concerns about her own potential motherhood after coming to learn how little her own mom had cared for her from birth.

Pausing outside the door that led into the filly’s bedroom, Randolph hesitated. He was almost like a second father to Diamond Tiara, a bond that had only grown stronger since she’d befriended the Cutie Mark Crusaders and made a change for the better. Now here he was, about to betray all of that trust the filly had placed in him, simply for the sake of a command given to him by a pony he not so secretly held disdain towards.

But he tried to justify the action he was about to undertake the only way he knew how. “If there’s really something Diamond doesn’t want anyone else to know about, it’s probably best if she had somepony in the know to help her keep the secret. Far better it be me rather than Filthy or Spoiled.” He thought to himself, and then the butler (without even knocking) put a hoof to the door and turned the knob. Slowly, the door opened and Randolph trotted in. Prepared for anything.

Or so he’d thought. The sight that greeted the butler’s eyes was one he would’ve never believed if he wasn’t seeing it for himself right here and now.

Before him stood his young charge, Diamond Tiara, in all her glory. A look of shock could be registered in her cornflower blue eyes as her mouth dropped open in horror! A pink pacifier that had previously been bobbing up and down in her mouth now dangled from a string around her neck, thus explaining the sucking sounds from before.

A pair of magentish-purple pyjamas with white stars printed on them lay on the floor, unopened. They seemed rather foalish and infantile in design, which not only matched the pacifier on a string but also the rather noticeable undergarment currently hugging the filly’s rear. It was a thick, white diaper with purple trim for the leak guards and little purple hearts printed all over it to serve as wetness indicators. Next to the pyjamas rested an entire package of similar looking diapers, which had apparently just been opened.

Randolph found himself at a loss for words. Never had he seen Diamond Tiara (or anypony else for that matter) dressed in such a way.

As for Diamond Tiara, she just stood there while completely frozen in terror. What should she say? What could she say? Her secret was out now, laid bear for Randolph to see. And it was only a matter of time before he blabbed to her mother and father, who would be anything but pleased. “Drats I thought I locked the door!…” Was all she could bring herself to say.Tears started to form in her eyes and she twitched, struggling in vain to keep them from seeping out. It wasn’t long before she was sobbing, the tears flowing without end.

But Randolph, thinking quickly, kicked the door closed and locked it shut. Then he felt instincts from long ago come back to him as he took his crying charge into his lap, allowing her to bury herself into his chest. “It’s alright, Mistress Diamond,” He assured her as he lightly stroked her back with his hooves. “I apologize for not knocking.”

Tiara just kept on crying, unable to stop herself. Her worst fears were about to come true. The secret she’d worked so hard to maintain was about to come out. She wasn’t a big, strong, rich pony. She was just a little, helpless, sobbing foal. A foal that wanted nothing more than to put on her diapers and suck on her pacifier.

A Diamond In Training

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Diamond Tiara continued to sob into Randolph’s chest. Normally she would hate to let anypony see her in such a weakened state, but this was a situation under which she could do nothing but cry. All those precautions she’d taken, all the efforts she’d made to keep her secret a secret, and yet a careless mistake on her part was all it took to ruin it.

Now her reputation was sure to be in shambles. Randolph was certainly going to tell her parents who would certainly not approve of such an interest. And her relationship with Randolph would never be the same again.

But much to the magenta coated filly’s surprise, minutes ticked past and yet even as her sobs diminished Randolph had not moved an inch. Neither had he spoken a word. He had just been gently rubbing her back, like he used to do when she was an actual foal and not dressing up like one. Against her better judgement the filly slowly ceased her crying, dried her eyes, and looked the old buttler firmly in the eyes. “You’re…not going to say anything about this?”

Randolph nodded as he offered his young charge a tissue to blow her nose. “Mistress Diamond, how long have you known me?”

“Since I was two, I think.” Diamond commented before she stopped to blow her nose.

“And in all the years I’ve known you, did I ever once betray you or otherwise turn my back on you?” Randolph inquired.

Tiara slowly replied with a shake of her head. “N-no, I guess not. I remember you cared for me a lot, more than Mother or Father did. You gave me bottles, held me in your lap, even changed my diapers. And even after I made you do all those acrobatics, you still supported me.”

Randolph nodded again. “Exactly, Diamond Tiara. From the day you were brought home from the hospital, I have always felt a personal attachment to you. A bond that goes beyond just the simple obligations of my job here,” And he smiled. “Seeing you like this certainly brings back memories. May I ask what brought all of this on?”

Diamond gulped. The filly wasn’t sure if she wanted to tell anypony about why she did this, let alone the pony who could easily turn around and blab to either of her parents if he so chose. But he seemed to have a sincere smile on his face. It didn’t seem like he had any intention of telling anypony about this. And she supposed there were worse ponies who could’ve seen her like this (she shuddered at what might’ve happened had one of her friends walked in on her like this. She especially feared the teasing remarks from Apple Bloom and Scootaloo who she’d used to bully).

“If you don’t wish to tell me, that’s fine. I shall depart and leave you to the privacy of whatever it is you like to do in this current state,” Randolph informed the filly as he stood up. “I assure you that not a word of this shall leave my lips. It will just be our little secret. After all, everypony has them.” He gave a knowing wink.

But before the butler could take even five steps towards the door (which was thankfully locked), something took hold of the filly and she reluctantly blurted out. “I guess I just like being a foal. I like to feel young and carefree, like I don’t have any big pony responsibilities to worry about. It’s an entire process,” She sighed. “I don’t know exactly what brought it on. All I can remember is that one day, all of a sudden, I looked at baby ponies and something inside me started wishing I could be like them. I saved up my allowance and bought all the supplies in secret.”

“Even the diapers?” Randolph inquired, having no concerns using the term.

Diamond shook her head. “The local foal store doesn’t sell diapers in my size, and I couldn’t risk buying from Barnyard Bargains,” She reluctantly admitted as a raging blush formed on her cheeks. “I bribed Pipsqueak to let me borrow some of his, since I kind of found out he was a bedwetter. They’re really intended more for a colt, but they’re the best I could do.”

“You could've snuck into Barnyard Bagains with a disguise. With the right amount of effort, nopony would've norlticed it was you.” Randolph suggested.

Diamond Tiara shook her little head and replied back with. “No, it's not that easy and it was way too risky… I'm not really great with disguises, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom seem to be, but I'm too afraid to ask them.”

“Ah, I see.” Randolph nodded but said nothing more.

The pink coated filly tried hard not to gulp. “I’m sorry you had to find out about… all of this, Randolph. This is definitely not something a rich pony like myself should be indulging in, as I’m sure my mother would be saying right about now.”

It was then Randolph adopted a most unexpected expression. He seemed to adopt an almost fatherly smile as he approached his still padded charge. “But Mistress Spoiled isn’t here now, is she?” When Diamond shook her head he added in a tone that sounded more like a parent than an old buttler. “And don’t all foals need a mommy or a daddy to care for them?”

It didn’t take a genius for Tiara to realize what Randolph was implying. “You want to be my… my…” She paused and trailed off, almost unable to bring herself to say what came next. “...Daddy?”

Randolph cooed as he trotted towards the diapered filly. “Of course. If that’s alright with you, my little Diamond.”

“You’d really be okay with all of this?” Tiara asked the old buttler. “You’d treat me like a foal? Even play with me, feed me, and…” She gulped. “Change my diapers?”

“If and when it comes to that, yes. After all, that’s why you have all those changing supplies, is it not?” Randolph inquired.

Tiara reluctantly admitted. “I have kind of used them once or twice. Only for number one of course, number two would be way too much of a hassle.” She made a gag face to indicate her displeasure.

“Then I suppose that’s where the line shall be drawn,” Randolph replied as he scooped the filly up. “But while you’re in my care I expect you to tell me when you need something. After all, you’re a foal now and foals are too little to care for themselves.”

Diamond was soon smiling as she felt Randolph inspect her padding with a hoof, finding it dry. She was a good little foal, she didn’t wet herself uncontrollably. And because she was so good at staying dry, that meant her pajamas got to be zipped up before she was placed down on the floor. Of course the bulge in the back of her pyjamas indicated that her diaper was still there. And the crinkles it gave off with every step she took also reminded her of its presence, no way was she going to forget.

Randolph was content to play the part of an observer for the time being, letting his young charge explore her surroundings to her heart’s content. It really made him feel as if he’d stepped into a time machine and traveled back several years. “I’ve almost forgotten how adorable the young mistress used to look in her diapers and pyjamas,” He thought with a smile. “Guess I’m just a sucker for a cute face. Especially when it’s attached to such an adorable body.

Tiara soon opted to slow her movements right down to a crawl, largely because her diaper pushed her legs apart considerably. Such was the trade-off for having such thick diapers, but then again thick diapers meant poofy diapers. Lots of padding to protect her and hug her rear for warmth. Besides, crawling made her feel even more infantile. Especially with that pacifier she had now popped back into her mouth.

Feeling safe under Randolph’s watchful eye, Diamond crouched down beneath her bed and pulled out a huge assortment of carefully concealed foal toys. Rattles, alphabet blocks, plastic tools that squeaked when you hit them against something, even those shaped blocks that went into different holes.

The pink coated filly alternated between her toys, often coming back to the brightly colored rattle. The store clerk had told her it was magical, intended to calm even the fussiest of foals. Diamond had brushed off the comments, but now it was easy to see that the clerk hadn’t been lying. Shaking the rattle always produced a calming effect, like all her worries melted away. She probably would’ve been drooling a little if not for the pacifier.

But whenever she could manage to set the rattle aside, Tiara would crawl as slowly as she could to whatever toy attracted her interest. After a while she began to arrange some of her alphabet blocks and when she was finished she took the pacifier out of her mouth to call to Randolph. “Look, Daddy!” She called as she adopted the best foalish sounding tone she could manage. “I spelled out your name!”

Randolph looked at the carefully arranged blocks and smiled. They didn’t spell out his name, but they did spell out from left to right “D A D D Y” and that was good enough for him. Like a parent rewarding their child for their first words he cooed in exaggerated fashion. “Oh splendid, splendid!” He clapped his hooves. “What a smart little foal I have!” He trotted over and picked her up, tickling her little hooves as he cooed. “Who’s a smart little filly? You are! Yes you are! Yes you are!” He even opted to briefly blow a raspberry into the foal’s exposed tummy, watching her kick her hooves in delight.

Tiara howled with laughter. “Stop!” She pleaded with fake worry when in fact she wanted nothing more than for the tickling sensation to continue. It felt so nice to feel loved and cared for, she didn’t want the affection to ever stop.

Unfortunately, just as the tickling drew to a close (so that Diamond could catch her breath) the filly became aware of an all too familiar need. It was faint for the time being but it was growing by the minute. There was no mistaking it. The subtle twinge in her bladder. The filly remembered that she’d polished off an entire juice box at lunch and it had been a few hours since then. And now it seemed to be on its way out. She groaned and bit her lip as her face became scrunched up.

Randolph knew from experience what that face meant. “Does my little foal need to go pee pee?” He commented in exaggerated fashion.

Diamond removed her pacifier, her cheeks blushing anew. “You want me to use my diaper?”

“Only if you really want to, Diamond. I wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable,” Randolph offered. “The lavatory is just down the hall. I’m sure we could probably make it in time if we hurried. Though it may not be wise to hold it in for that long.”

Tiara still blushed. “But I’ve never used my diaper in front of another pony before, not even accidentally,” She paused and tried to think, which was hard when her bladder kept reminding her of its need to be emptied soon. “I mean, I have plenty of diapers and it would be a shame not to use them. But… I’m not sure I can just go. The times I’ve tried it’s taken me a while to actually do it. Guess years of potty training can be thanked for that, not that I regret them. Can’t stay in diapers forever.”

“Well,” Randolph suggested as he held his young charge. “Maybe there’s a way we can make it easier, if you’re sure you want to use your diaper.”

Reluctantly, Tiara commented. “You’re my daddy in all of this. Daddy knows what’s best for his foal.”

Randolph nodded. “Very well then. Let’s give my idea a whirl.”

A short time later, the old butler had effortlessly carried Diamond (still in her pyjamas) to the bathroom. So as to give her privacy he had locked the door behind her.

The old buttler stripped his young charge down to nothing but her diaper, setting her pyjamas aside for later. Then he lifted up the lid of the toilet and carefully placed Tiara on the seat, letting her legs dangle as her diapered rear was planted firmly over the bowl. “Since you’re so used to using the potty, perhaps it will be easier for you to do what you need to do if you’re sitting on it,” He explained. “It’ll be just like using the bathroom as normal, except your diaper will obviously be the destination and not the porcelain throne itself.”

Tiara sighed even as her blush refused to go away. Now she really felt little, like she was in potty training and her mom was forcing her to sit on the potty until she did her business. This time was different, or at least it felt different. So why couldn’t she bring herself to do it? Why was her body still fighting against her? She was on the toilet, sitting just like a normal pony did. Her body should’ve been able to determine that. Was it really so hard for her to use her diaper, even with Randolph’s encouragement?

The stallion got an idea as he noticed his padded charge still struggling to go. He leaned over to the nearby sink, turning on the tap and letting the water flow from the faucet. “Concentrate on the flowing water. Think about it and not your diaper,” He encouraged. “I’ll even look away if it makes you feel better, just let me know when you’re done.”

Diamond sighed, took a deep breath, and closed her eyes. She tried to envision a flowing stream, like the river near Ponyville that Sweetie Belle’s father often frequented to fish. She concentrated on this vision and blocked out all distracting thoughts to the best of her ability. It took a while but her efforts were eventually rewarded as she could just make out an ever so faint hiss amidst the continuing flow of tap water. She didn’t try to hold back, she tried to let it happen naturally as her thirsty padding eagerly absorbed the waiting drops as they slowly cascaded out.

But after only a little bit and much sooner than she would’ve liked it, it all ended. Tiara was quite displeased. She knew there was more than that. Her bladder was nowhere close to being empty. Yet no matter what she tried to do it seemed like she just couldn’t bring herself to fully let loose. Reluctantly, she sighed. “I...I’m done.” She admitted, sounding much more like a potty training toddler who hadn’t even tinkled than a filly trying her hardest to use her diaper.

Randolph turned off the tap and inspected the padding from afar. “Seems like you hardly went. Are you sure you’re not holding back?” He questioned his charge. “It’s not good to be doing so, you could get an infection.”

“I’m trying, Daddy,” Tiara profusely apologized. “I don’t know why nothing’s working. I guess maybe my potty training is too instilled me in for me to go against it.” But just as soon as she finished saying that, her bladder finally stopped holding back. The floodgates opened and an audible hiss could be heard as her padding start to soak up the steadily flowing drops. Diamond blushed as Randolph quickly turned his head to give her privacy.

After only a minute or so (but to Diamond the process had felt like hours) the hissing stopped. Diamond’s bladder was completely drained and no longer ached. Her padding had acted like a sponge, greedily sucking up the whole soaking. And yet on the outside, aside from the faded hearts it was impossible to tell that anything was different about it.

“Are you done, sweetie?” Randolph cooed. His voice sounding much more like a parent asking their potty training toddler.

Tiara reluctantly nodded. “Y-yeah, I guess I am.” She didn’t dare to move (not that she really could’ve), still trying to process what she’d just intentionally done. She was still thinking about it as Randolph picked her up.

“My goodness, you completely drenched this one!” Randolph exclaimed in only partial exaggeration. “These diapers are clearly of the utmost quality if they can hold up after a soak like that! We’d better get you changed right away before you get a nasty rash.”

Bottle and Bed

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Randolph was as good as his word. Still holding Diamond with one hoof he carefully put her pyjamas back on so that her diaper would be covered up, and his charge would thus be spared the humiliation of being seen in her soggy padding.

Quick as a flash Randolph carried the soggy filly back to her bedroom and this time he made sure the door was locked tight behind him. Then he gently laid her on the floor and stripped her to just her diaper as he procured the necessary changing supplies.

Diamond tried hard not to blush. How many years it had been since Randolph had last changed one of her diapers? Five? Seven? Perhaps even ten? Yet now here he was, about to do it again for the first time in what felt like forever.

The old butler didn’t seem bothered by the task that lay before him though. He had taken the liberty of slipping on some disposable gloves for the change. “Whenever you’re ready, my little filly.” He spoke in the best cooing tone he could muster up.

Tiara just stared up at the ceiling. “Go ahead, Randolph. I certainly don’t wanna explain a diaper rash to Mother, that’s humiliation on a level I’d never be able to live down.”

The butler took that as a sign to proceed and he did so with the greatest of ease. He had no trouble undoing the tabs on the diaper and letting it fall from his young charge’s waist. A nearby trash bag was ready and waiting to accept the soggy undergarment for disposal afterward. It was air tight, so there was no chance of the smell seeping out.

From there, Randolph took some lovely lavender scented wipes and cleaned his charge so that not a damp spot remained and her magenta coat shined once again. After that he unscrewed the lid of the foal powder container and poured a generous portion over Diamond’s rump.

Tiara sniffed as the scent of cornstarch tickled her nostrils. A choked “Achoo!” escaped. “Too much! Too much, Randolph!” She only lightly protested. She had reluctantly accepted that with Randolph as her caretaker she would have to surrender some of her previous independence.

“Terribly sorry, Mistress Diamond,” Randolph profusely apologized. “I just want to ensure you don’t get a rash. It has been a long time since I’ve done this.” He finished the powdering job a second later and screwed the lid back on tight. From there it was a simple matter to slip the new diaper under Diamond’s rump and fasten the tabs. He gave it an inspectory pat to ensure it was on tight and wouldn’t slide off, before he removed his gloves and put them in the trash bag as well.

Diamond slowly sat up. Her spotless diaper’s fresh scent felt so enriching, ensaring her senses. “Thank you, Randolph… I mean, Daddy.” She corrected herself as she gave the old stallion a big hug.

Randolph simply returned the hug and said with a smile. “It was the least I could do, Diamond. Now, allow me to quickly dispose of the evidence while you put your pyjamas back on. It is getting rather late, after all.”

“But I’m not ready to go to bed yet, Randolph!” Tiara whined in a tone that sounded only slightly playful.

Randolph laughed, booping the diapered filly on the nose. “Little ones must get plenty of bed rest, otherwise they become cranky and fussy. And nopony likes a cranky and fussy foal,” Then he offered a proposal to sweeten the deal. “Tell you what? If you put on your pyjamas and don’t make a fuss, I’ll prepare you a bottle of milk for bed. How’s that sound?”

Diamond licked her lips. For some reason (perhaps because of what had just transpired a short while ago) she was feeling awfully thirsty. “Deal!” She declared as she retrieved her pajamas. She had no trouble putting them on even though they only barely concealed her diaper (due to the obvious bulge in the back).

Randolph was quick to take the trash bag out to the curb, placing it besides the rest of the trash due to be collected the next morning. One of the benefits of the Rich family was that they could afford to pay for everyday sanitation collection. A fact that Diamond Tiara would be able to thank her lucky stars for, as it would make concealing the evidence of her secret much easier.

As he trotted back inside, the stallion thought about how he was going to weigh his sense of obligation to the young heir to the family fortune with the promise he had reluctantly made with her mother. Spoiled wasn’t going to be satisfied without details, gossip was one of her favorite pass times after all.

As long as she doesn’t ask for specifics I should be okay,” The butler thought as he trotted to the kitchen to prepare the bottle of milk. “I could always concoct a cover story in case she or Master Filthy starts to suspect anything. Which, so long as I am careful and Mistress Diamond is too, they shouldn’t.

With that he pushed all further thoughts about the secret and his role in it to the back of his mind. Right now he had a deal to honor for his new little one. Diaper changing hadn’t been the only skill he’d been required to pick up during Diamond Tiara’s foalhood. Spoiled had been quite insistent on hoofing off her daughter to the hired hooves for just about everything that a mother should do for their child.

About the only thing Spoiled had taken upon herself had been potty training, and that was more so because she wanted to bring about an end to the age of diapers as quickly as possible.

Perhaps her extremely hooves off approach to parenting, coupled with Filthy’s constant absence from the family scene due to work, was what had planted the seed of an idea that had now taken hold in Tiara. Randolph made a mental note to consult a book on foal care and foal development in the near future.

Soon the bottle was ready, and Randolph carefully brought it up to Diamond’s bedroom for her to drink. He was surprised by the additional condition she threw in.

“Can you hold me in your hooves while I drink the bottle?” Diamond pleaded with her best puppy dog eyes look.

Never able to resist a cute face for long, Randolph caved in. After locking the bedroom door he carefully scooped the padded filly into his embrace and sat on the edge of her bed, before he popped the bottle’s rubber nipple into her mouth. “Drink up, little one.” He encouraged.

Tiara didn’t need to be told twice. She shut her eyes and concentrated on the bottle. It took very little effort for her to start sucking down the delicious, warm milk, delighting in its creamy taste. “Wonder what it would be like if I drank other liquids from a baby bottle? Maybe I could try it with apple juice or chocolate milk?” She thought in between suckles. But those were thoughts for another time.

Soon the bottle was empty, Diamond’s stomach was nice and full, and the filly herself was sleepy. She yawned, barely noticing as Randolph inserted the pacifier into her mouth.

Randolph moved to lower his young charge (already half asleep) back onto her bed and carefully tuck her in, pulling the sheets up to her head. Then he bent down, placing her teddy bear by her side so that it was clutched in her left hoof. That was when he kissed her lovingly on the forehead. “Good night, my little pony. Sweet dreams.”

“Good night, Daddy.” Tiara half called, half yawned as her cornflower blue eyes grew heavy. It wasn’t long before she had fallen asleep, Randolph watching as her little chest bobbed up and down with every snore.

The butler carefully departed the bedroom, his duty to the padded filly now complete for the time being. With any luck, Spoiled Rich would be asleep too and would’ve have forgotten all about her arrangement with Randolph.

Alas, the butler’s hopes for a quiet evening reading the local newspaper were soon dashed. Shortly after he had entered the kitchen, he was greeted by the familiar upturned snout of Spoiled Rich.

Spoiled had traded her usual blueish-green dress with gold trim for a set of expensive, hoof stitched silk pyjamas, and a pink night cap. But she didn’t appear ready for bed just yet, she still seemed wide awake and alert. “Good evening, Randolph,” She greeted in that sickeningly sweet tone of hers. “How have things been with you and my daughter?”

Progress Report and Nightmare

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Randolph struggled not to lose his composure. He had expected this to occur eventually, Spoiled was never a pony who liked to be kept in the dark.

“Well, Randolph, I don’t have all night you know,” Spoiled impatiently scowled as she stomped a hoof down. “What have you managed to find out?”

“Nothing that would interest the likes of you, Mistress Spoiled.” Randolph quickly retorted, hoping to shut down Spoiled’s questions before they could start.

Spoiled wasn’t convinced for even a second. “Randolph, dear, please don’t lie to me. I know you enough to know Diamond Tiara would trust you with her very life,” She commented in a sickeningly sweet tone of voice. “So what has my little Diamond been trying to keep from me?”

The butler worked hard to keep a straight face. There had to be a way to keep Diamond’s secret a secret. The look on her face when he’d caught her in the act was one that would be amplified a thousand times if Spoiled learned the truth, to say nothing of the betrayal she would feel. “Maybe there’s a way I can stretch the truth. Tell her just enough to satisfy her but keep her from prying further.” He thought.

“I’m waiting,” Spoiled snorted. “If you’re not going to tell me, that’s fine. I’ll just dock your pay again and take matters into my own hooves. Is it going to come to that?”

But the butler shook his head. “No, ma’am,” He cleared his throat. “I’m afraid I haven’t found out much of anything. Diamond Tiara is very good at keeping her secret a secret.”

Spoiled arched an eyebrow upward. “Really, Randolph? Is this what I’ve been paying for you? Surely you jest,” And the mare scowled. “Enough stalling! Are you going to tell me or do I have to do all the investigating myself?!”

Randolph reluctantly cleared his throat. “Mistress Spoiled, indoor voice, please. We don’t want to wake the young Mistress Diamond, I just put her to bed a short time ago.”

“Oh, she’s been having trouble sleeping again?” Spoiled questioned in what sounded like a tone of sincere worrying. “Maybe I should arrange an audience with Princess Luna?”

Randolph shook his head. “Oh no, it’s nothing like that. She’s sleeping fine now, like a baby you might say so. Figuratively of course.”

“Ah, I see. But then, why all the secrecy?” Spoiled inquired of Randolph.

The old butler droned on. “Because she has been using rather unconventional methods to try and get into the dream state. Things that you would consider juvenile and foalish. She was in fact so embarrassed about it that she almost didn’t even tell me.”

The mare with an upturned snout was silent for a moment, reflecting on what Randolph had said. “You’re sure that’s all there is to it? There’s nothing else you wish to tell me about my little Diamond? You know that if you lie, I have ways of finding out.”

Randolph defended with a straight face. “Aside from her needing foalish pyjamas, there is nothing about her secret that need concern you. Simply leave everything to me, and in time this will all blow over.”

Spoiled didn’t respond right away. She just looked at Randolph with her strong opal eyes, gazing into them as though trying to detect any sort of sign that would indicate a lie. But the mare didn’t pick up on anything. Randolph’s statement appeared to be true, and considering the arrangement she doubted he would have any reason to lie to her. “Very well then, Randolph. If that is all that’s going on, I shan’t pry further for the time being,” She rose from her spot at the table and stretched. But quick as a whip she spun around and warned. “But know this. If Diamond is not back to normal sleeping habits within a week I shall personally take it upon myself to resolve her problem by whatever means I deem necessary. Do I make myself clear?”

Now Randolph allowed himself to gulp, Spoiled was most certainly scary when she was angry. “Crystal, Mistress Spoiled. I shall inform the young mistress of your warning in no uncertain terms.”

Spoiled smiled. “Excellent. That’s just what I like to hear. I think you’ve earned a raise, Randolph. Doesn’t take much to get you to do what I want, now does it?”

The things I do for the sake of that paycheck,” Randolph thought to himself. “What I wouldn’t give for you to have less discretion over that aspect of my life, Spoiled. I would more easily be able to defy your influence.” Oh well, that wasn’t important anyways. What was important that was Diamond Tiara’s secret was safe, just as he’d promised.

Diamond Tiara had just woken up from a very long sleep. She had to admits she did have fun with Randolph. But it felt like it went by too fast for the foal.

Diamond Tiara got out of bed, noticing her diaper was a little soggy, and just as she got up she heard a knock at her door. “Who is it?”

“It's just me, Randolph.” The butler called.

But when Diamond opened the door she had a look of shock and despair on her face, as it wasn’t just her butler standing by the door, it was also her mother who looked very displeased.

“Randolph here told me exactly what you’ve been doing and quite frankly I can’t believe how immature your acting!” Spoiled Rich snarled! “Diapers, bottles, pacifiers, and even baby toys and clothes?!” She effortlessly grabbed her daughter’s toys, opened the bedroom window, and threw them out! She was not going to have her daughter make her family look weak. “You’re pathetic, Diamond Tiara! A true disgrace to the rich family!”

Tiara gulped and looked at Randolph, who simply smiled at her. She ran towards him and cried out! “How...how could you, Randolph?! I trusted you and this Is how you repay that trust?! By lying and deceiving me?! I-I hate you!”

Spoiled’s eyes twitched as she looked at Diamond Tiara’s soggy diaper, “And as for these... horrible things, I think it's time we get rid of them, permanently! You’re no baby, you’re a full grown mare, so act like one!”

Everything suddenly started to disappear! Diamond saw a light from down the hallway, she ran to it “I gotta get outa here!” She thought as she jumped into the door the light was coming from!

Diamond jumped wide awake! She looked around the room, shaken by the nightmare she’d just had. To her relief she saw her diapers, bottles, toys, and all other things were all still there. She let out a sniffle “Just a nightmare. But why didn’t Princess Luna help me like she did with Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle?” She thought and quickly looked at her diaper, happy it was dry. “I can’t tell Randolph about this, or maybe I should?” She asked herself, completely depressed by that nightmare. “If anything, this is more proof I can’t let Mother find out!” And then she went back to sleep.

Early the next morning, Randolph deviated from his usual morning routine in favor of checking up on his young charge. Of course Diamond Tiara had thought ahead, she had locked her bedroom door tight so that no one else could accidentally discover her secret.

Randolph ended up having to knock on the door and give away his planned surprise. “Mistress Diamond, it is I, Randolph. Are you awake yet, little one?” He called in a tone of voice that sounded not unlike a coo.

Diamond happily unlocked the door as she called back. “Yes, Da-er I mean Randolph.” She didn’t want to risk slipping into her role and accidentally announcing it within earshot of potentially prying ears.

“I take it you slept well last night, my little filly?” Randolph warmly inquired as he trotted inside. “No accidents or other issues?”

Tiara beamed with pride. “Nope, I’m dry as a rock!” She sounded especially proud of that fact, not unlike a toddler marveling at their first ever dry night.

“Then you will allow me the courtesy of the necessary inspection?” The butler asked as he scooped up his young charge and gingerly pressed a hoof to the back of her pyjamas. Just as she’d said there was not a damp patch anywhere.

“See? I’m a big girl.” Diamond happily declared.

Randolph lowered his charge to the ground, patting her on the head. “Indeed you are, Diamond. And because you are such a big girl, I shall prepare a special treat for you for when you come home from school,” Then he cleared his throat. “Speaking of which I assume you will not protest as I help you dress for the day? I doubt you would want to parade your secret around at school, and have your classmates all stare and ask questions.”

The pink coated filly shook her head. “Oh no no no, that would be a nightmare! Everypony would surely laugh and take pictures! Or at least, those who still haven’t forgiven me for all the things I did to them would.”

“Then your…” Randolph coughed into a hoof. “‘Protection’ will have to be removed. We’d best hurry, school will be starting soon.”

With Randolph’s help, Diamond was stripped down to just her diaper and had the tabs removed. From there it was a simple matter to shimmy it down to her legs and kick the padding off, tossing it aside without fanfare. Then she retrieved her saddle bags and dashed out of her room, down the stairs, and out the front gate.

Randolph occupied himself with preparing the special treat for his young charge and the time flew by very rapidly. Soon it was the afternoon and school had let out for the day.

Contrary to yesterday, Tiara came prancing on in to greet Randolph and happily accepted his loving embrace.

“Greetings, Mistress Diamond,” Randolph formally declared, still taking care not to outright refer to Diamond in her role. “How was school today?”

“It was amazing!” Diamond happily declared while bouncing up and down! “But every moment I kept thinking of you, and of all the fun we’re gonna have together!”

Randolph smiled, rustling his little filly’s mane. “Indeed we will. Now, shall we get you properly dressed up for your surprise?”

Tiara firmly nodded, her heart already racing with anticipation at the delightful surprise that was surely awaiting her courtesy of Randolph.

Accidents Happen

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If it was any other pony Diamond would’ve complained about being scooped up and carried in the hooves of somepony that wasn’t her parents (and she couldn’t really remember a time where her mother had ever truly held her for more than a few seconds). But with Randolph the filly felt safe, he would respect her boundaries while at the same time making her feel just like the itty bitty filly she was on the inside.

Randolph gingerly brought his young charge to her bedroom, closing the door and locking it behind them so that no one might accidentally barge in on their secret. “Let’s get my favorite little filly all nice and padded up.” He cooed as he took out one of the diapers from the opened package and quick as a flash he effortlessly slid it under Diamond’s rump, taping it up so that it hugged her rear snuggly.

Tiara just smiled, content to lay still on the floor as Randolph got her pyjamas and helped her into them, zipping up the back to conceal her diapers. “There we go, now nopony but me will know about your diaper-wiaper.” He cooed again, finally allowing his charge to observe her bedroom in all its glory.

There was one big change that the rich filly took notice of. Her bed now had guardrails installed on either side, turning it into a makeshift crib. The filly locked eyes with the old butler! “You got me a crib?!” Her question was answered with a nod and she all but leapt for joy right then and there! “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! How did you ever manage to explain it to Mother?”

Randolph winked. “It didn’t take much to convince her that it was necessary to ensure you wouldn’t slip out of bed at night and try to sneak out.”

“Randolph, you said you wouldn’t tell! It’s Mother’s fault for being such a poopie head!” Tiara playfully pouted.

Randolph just laughed. “‘Poopie head’ is certainly a far more dignified term than what I would refer to your mother as, though I needn’t say it within earshot of you since it is not a word for little fillies to know about,” And then he added. “Besides, I never told her about your not so secret late night rendezvous’ with your new friends. Some things are hard to keep secret.”

Tiara sighed. “It’s okay, I only ever did it once or twice anyways. Now I usually just hang out with the Cutie Mark Crusaders after school, and Mother doesn’t seem to mind, or if she does she doesn’t say so. I just wish she wasn’t so overbearing, why does it matter if my friends aren’t of the highest social class? Father considers the Apples his friends, and they live on a farm. To say nothing of the probably average living Miss. Cheerilee makes for herself.”

The old butler quickly detected the sorrow creeping into the filly’s conversations and he knew he had to do something fast to cheer her up and take her mind off her troubles. Fortunately for him, he knew just what that something was. “Perhaps my little filly would like a special after school snack?” He offered. “Chocolate chip cookies and milk?”

Diamond nodded. “Yes please, and a bowl of applesauce too. Mother packed my lunch again today, and she always insists on that stuffy, fancy stuff from Canterlot that’s so low portioned. You can barely call it a meal.”

Randolph simply smiled. “Not to worry, I shall soon rectify that. You just play with your toys and I’ll be back shortly. Make sure to leave the door locked, I’ll knock three times before I enter so you’ll know it’s me. I doubt you want to allow certain ‘other ponies’ as it were to discover this secret of yours by accident.”

The magenta coated filly shuddered at the thought, especially fearful of what would happen if Spoiled of all ponies saw her daughter in such a state (the nightmare from last night was still vivid in her mind). “Okay, Daddy,” She promised. “I’ll be good.”

The stallion exited the bedroom once he was certain his charge would be occupied and safe from any wandering or prying eyes. He trotted to the kitchen with a spring in his step that he hadn’t felt in years and a smile upon his face.

He gingerly retrieved several fresh chocolate chip cookies from the cookie jar and put them on a plate, which he then set aside. He then opened the fridge and retrieved both a jar of Sweet Apple Acres brand applesauce, and a carton of milk. He opened the applesauce jar and slowly tipped it into a bowl to fill up, then he screwed the jar’s lid back on.

As for the milk, Randolph knew he couldn’t put it in a baby bottle. Not only were there none available but a bottle would attract too much attention. That was okay, though. “Diamond isn’t a completely helpless little one. I can trust her with a plastic cup as long as I’m there to watch her.” He thought, and after retrieving one of the many colorful plastic cups from a nearby shelf, he poured the milk into it. Then he put the milk back in the fridge alongside the applesauce.

With that, the butler fetched a small tray and carefully balanced the snack for his young charge upon it. After placing a metal spoon in the applesauce, Randolph picked up the tray and carried it back to Diamond’s bedroom. Upon reaching it he carefully set the tray down near the bedroom door and gave the coded knock.

The door was opened ajar, just enough for Randolph to come in with the tray. He set it upon the floor after locking the door shut behind him. “Here’s your snack, little one,” He cooed. “I hope I can trust you not to make too much of a mess, especially since there are no baby bottles or sippy cups for your milk.”

Tiara removed the pacifier she’d been sucking on and waddled over, holding something in her hooves. What it was was soon revealed, it was a bib that had cute, pink hearts printed all over it.

Randolph smiled. “Ah, how smart my little one is. I most certainly don’t want you to get all messy either.” He promptly tied the bib around her neck, then sat down near the tray and watched Diamond happily go to work on her provided snack. He knew she wouldn’t normally eat in such a sloppy way, which seemed a further testament to just how deeply into her role she was getting.

When Diamond was finished the pink coated filly leaned back a bit, her face full of crumbs and traces of applesauce. Almost without knowing it she let out a belch. Not a big one, mind you, but enough of one for Randolph to take notice. She was quick to apologize as a look of shame crossed her face and her cheeks flushed red. “Excuse me.”

Randolph only giggled, dramatically waving a hoof across his nose. “Good heavens!” He playfully exaggerated! “On a scale of one to ten that was quite frankly a twelve, maybe even a thirteen! Good thing I planned ahead for such a messy eater.” He retrieved a wet rag that he was always used to carrying with him (it seemed like he was always cleaning up messes left by somepony else, and most of them had an unfortunate tendency to originate from Spoiled without notice), and went right to work on cleaning his charge’s face. The process took less than a minute.

Once Tiara’s face was cleaned up and her tray was empty, she opted to crawl over to her toys for some more playtime. The question on her mind now though was what to play with. There were so many wonderful choices: The rattle that made a lovely sound whenever she shook it, the squeaky toys that could take all kinds of abuse and never be worn out, and of course her many stuffed animals that she loved to collect and dream up all sorts of fun adventures for.

But the filly felt like she wanted to go the extra mile this time, she wanted to get her new daddy in on the play time. And what better way to do than with her absolute favorite toy of all, the alphabet blocks? They could build all sorts of things together, far more than what Diamond could hope to accomplish on her own.

So the rich filly scooped up as many blocks as her hooves could hold and carried them towards Randolph, who had set the tray aside for later. As she did she swore she felt a faint funny feeling in her stomach, almost like a rumbling sensation. But she dismissed it, it was probably just gas. “I made sure to use the potty before I came home.” She thought to herself and so she pushed the odd sensation to the back of her mind.

Randolph, for his part, was quite surprised to be presented with the alphabet blocks. He was even more surprised by the offer that Diamond made to him. “Daddy pway with me?” She asked in the most foalish tone she could muster up.

The butler didn’t have a will to resist before hoof, and even if he had it would’ve melted away after hearing such a sweet plea. “Sure. I’ll play with you,” He told Diamond as he lowered himself down to her level. “Let’s see what sort of wonderful block creations we can construct together!”

Foal and caretaker quickly immersed themselves in the building of what was originally just going to be a block tower, but soon evolved into an entire block town hall. They took turns stacking blocks next to or on top of each other, watching as the construction project towered ever higher.

However, as Diamond stacked what was either her fortieth or forty first block (or maybe even her forty second block, she had kind of lost count) the odd sensation from earlier returned and this time it was much stronger. She couldn’t just ignore it like she had before, it was loud and it was quickly evolving into a strong sensation in her lower rear! She knew at once what it meant and her eyes widened with horror!

Without even saying a word Tiara stood up and rushed forward, knocking the collaborative construction project down without fanfare in her mad rush! She fumbled at the door, her concentration divided between the task at hoof and clearly trying to fight what her body wanted more than anything to do!

“Come on, come on!” Diamond grumbled, not really caring that Randolph could hear her or see the beads of sweat as they rolled down her face. It didn’t take her long to open the bedroom door, thankfully she was still in her pjs. So without even a second’s hesitation she rushed out into the hallway, her destination clear in mind!

Randolph followed, picking up a few of the changing supplies in the process while pushing the rest to where they were out of sight.

Diamond cared about nothing else, she just wanted to make it to the bathroom (and the toilet for that matter) in time! It was hard to concentrate on two things at once but she somehow managed, worrying not about who or what might get in her way. She was able to reach the bathroom in what she was sure was record time, and unlike her bedroom door the bathroom door opened without much fuss.

Once inside Tiara locked eyes on the toilet, victory was within reach! But as she took one step forward her body froze and seemed to develop a mind of its own! To her horror she couldn’t bring herself to move at all, even though she was screaming internally “Let me use the bathroom!”

It seemed that her body wouldn’t obey, however. Instead, the pink coated filly felt her tail hike upwards and without fanfare her urge to go faded away as a strong smell of manure began to fill the air. It lasted for less than a minute, but when it was over the filly could do nothing but cry as the tears flowed without end. In this moment she didn’t feel like Diamond Tiara, a rich pony who sometimes acted like a foal. No, she felt like a helpless, stinky little filly who had tried and failed to prove she didn’t need diapers. She hadn’t had an accident like this since she was two and was still learning how to use what the grown-ups called the big pony potty.

Randolph had never been far away from his frantically rushing charge, he arrived in the bathroom not long after she had. He could immediately smell the source of her distress, but considering the many diapers he had changed and the numerous times he’d been instructed to assist the young mistress with her toilet training, it no longer bothered him the way it would others.

He approached his sniffling charge, making sure to close and lock the bathroom door behind her so that no one would intrude. “Diamond Tiara, it is quite alright. Foals sometimes mess themselves without meaning to.”

“But… but… I don’t want to be messy! I’ve never used my diapers for number two!” Tiara protested in between sobs. “No wonder foals cry when they do this, it’s so yucky and messy! If Mother were here now she’d no doubt be furious and insist I change myself, and take care of my dirty diaper too.”

“But Mistress Spoiled isn’t here now, is she?” Randolph explained, to which his charge shook her head. “Then you know there’s no need to get so upset. One stinky accident isn’t going to make me think any less of you or start treating you differently. You obviously weren’t trying to do it in your diaper and not the potty.”

Tiara reluctantly nodded. “Yeah, but I should’ve known. I completely focused on playing and by the time I realized I had to go it was too late.”

The butler simply stroked his charge’s mane with a hoof and spoke softly to her. “Well, now you know for next time not to ignore nature’s call for so long. If you suspect you have to go number two simply inform me, I’ll be glad to seat you on the potty until you’ve done your business,” Then he added. “But for now we had better get you changed out of that dirty diaper, lest you get a rash.”

“You’re… not going to tell anypony about this, right?” Diamond asked the butler. She was pretty sure of the answer but her recent accident had shattered much of her usual confidence.

The old stallion replied with a wink. “Certainly not, my lips are sealed. After all, did I rat you out when you had your other accidents while you were in potty training?”

“No,” Tiara answered. “I didn’t even have to bribe you like I did some of the other hired help.”

“Exactly,” The stallion gingerly noted. “This will be no different. Now let us get you out of that diaper, and then I’ll run you a nice, hot bath.”

“Can… can it be a bubble bath?” Diamond reluctantly inquired, almost ashamed to ask.

“Of course.” Randolph happily replied.

The change itself did not take long at all. Just like before Randolph had soon stripped Diamond to just her diaper and had set her pyjamas aside. With just his bare hooves he undid the tabs on the diaper, not even allowing it to fall to the floor before he was emptying its contents into the toilet and then throwing the old diaper into a bag for disposal later. Then he took some wet wipes and cleaned his charge until there were no traces of her accident. He then flushed the toilet before making sure the diaper was double bagged and could not be seen.

“I’ll take care of the diaper later. For now I’ll start work on that bubble bath I promised you.” Randolph told his charge and leaned over to turn on the faucet, letting the tub slowly fill up with water. While he waited for it to fill up he got the bubble mix out and carefully removed the cap.

Soon a hot, bubbly tub was ready for a now diaperless Diamond Tiara, who climbed into the tub herself and sighed. The bubbly waters really helped her to feel better after her stinky accident. As she relaxed, she turned to Randolph with a sincere smile on her face. “Thank you so much, Randolph. You really didn’t have to do any of this, especially since you’re probably not getting paid.”

“Young Mistress Diamond, money is not as important to me compared to ensuring you are loved and cared for,” Randolph replied as he locked eyes with the filly. “What kind of butler would I be if I wasn’t willing to go above and beyond what is necessary to take care of you? You obviously enjoy this and it makes you feel happy. You needed someone to be a caretaker for you when you want to act out such desires, and in this case it turned out to be me.”

Tiara slowly nodded. “I’m glad it was you. Truth be told I’ve always kind of seen you as more than just a butler, you’re part of my family. In a lot of ways you’ve been more of a parent to me than Mother ever has, and even kind of Father, much as I hate to admit it,” She added. “I mean, think about it. You spent the most time with me as a foal, you put up with all kinds of abuse when I was as horrible as my mother, and you’ve endured so many docked and garnished paychecks to stay with me. I couldn’t have asked for a better pony than you to know my secret.”

Randolph’s heart melted upon hearing that admittance. He’d always suspected his bond with the young heir to the family legacy was deeper than it was with other hired hooves, but to hear an actual confirmation of it from Diamond was sweet all the same.

When the bath eventually drew to a close, Randolph helped Tiara out of the tub and dried her off. Then he left to take care of the remaining evidence of her accident, making sure his charge did not leave the bathroom without him.

Randolph returned a short time later, picking up Diamond with one hoof and her pjs with another. He carried both back to Tiara’s bedroom where he yet again locked the door, and proceeded to diaper and powder her once again. After which he helped her into her pyjamas, and popped the pacifier into her mouth. He smiled as he held her in his hooves, rocking her back and forth just like he used to do. “The young mistress is so adorable when she’s in this precious state,” He thought to himself. “But I wonder if she might like a playmate? These old bones can only keep up to a certain extent, and all little ones need someone on their level. But would any of her friends be understanding about this?

Well, those were thoughts for another time and another place. In the meantime, Randolph was more than happy to have his little Diamond all to himself. He wouldn’t trade her for all the money and riches in Equestria.

This week had been one of the greatest for Little Diamond Tiara. Before she wasn’t too certain about herself, or even willing to trust anypony with the knowledge of her being into this stuff. But Randolph seemed trustworthy after a while. “If he's trustworthy, I wonder If my friends would support me too? Like the Crusaders?” Diamond Tiara thought. Though that still left the question of how to tell them, and how to do so without exposing her secret to her parents (or at least her mother. Filthy at least might be understanding with time).