Old room, New place.

by Cosmic Flare

First published

Just got my room setup the way I want and wanted to take a nap.... Wake up and things are different.... Fuck.

Just got some stuff that I wanted and fixed my room like I wanted it to be. Wake up and the outside is not the parking lot of the apartment and now I look like my OC for the most part and now I wish I did finish watching the rest of season 8. Now it's just me and my cat.... And I'm not lone.

You all have been around long enough to know ponies by name by now. So I will not be wasting time in color naming and looks unless it's needed. This will run like a show and names will be said. Welcome to the mad house and when the scene is on me it will be first for the most part, on others or when I'm not alone it will be in third person.

And new tags will be added if things turn out to be different than I thought that may need it. Maybe. Don't know.

New Home, Old Room

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"Andddd... Done!"

With my room now set up the way I want, I take a seat at my desk looking around with a small smile as I see my cat on her cat tree at the top sleeping cutely. Now with the old PC towers and TV's out for it to be in. They were never mine anyway and I needed the room back. Looking away from the rest of the room I look at computer screen as I have paused the episode five of the 8th season of MLP. Finally after waiting for it I get to watch the new season I couldn't on TV. Hearing a noise I look over as see I left my game systems on to update and see that the PS4, 3 and 360 is done and turn them all off so no wasted power as I watch the show. Focusing back to the show with my finger on the Space bar I look out the window to see snow fall in the parking lot and someone who lives in the other apartment coming home. Pulling on a blanket for warmth and closing the blinds I get comfy and hope I stay for the rest of it.

"It's February and Lovers day is gone and I see no point being single. But fucking A! Why does the snow have to be late for Christmas and show up now. High desert hell box."

Being only 9:45p.m I could get some episodes in before going to sleep. Pushing the Space bar to watch, I leaned back in my chair to easy my neck and enjoy the show.

With the ending credits for the 13 episode I turned it off and put the computer in rest mode and looked at my cat as she sleeps on my lap in a ball as I turn off the desk light as I lighty rub her ear and pull off my glasses and set them on the desk as I rub my eyes. With my hand on her back, I sleep at the desk with her there to not disturb her sleep.

Third PoV

As sleep took him and he be came dead to the world, that is when the sound of gentle bells in the air started to play with the room lit up gently with a red light and a little wind moved his hair some and as a flash lit up the room briefly and left. With the sound and light gone, so was the whole room and two occupants and what was left was inner wall supports insulation and door frame open to the rest of the apartment.

Celestia was still up working at her desk in her private office trying to play catch up on the stack of papers needing her attention. With the form in front of her read, dipping the qulie in the ink bottle to sign it off. She paused as a powerful magic plus was felt coming from someplace and gave her pause, with a simple tracker spell she checked on her student Twilight Sparkle and sighed softly as she was in her room asleep at her desk and Spike in bed sleeping. So if it wasn't her testing a spell then where did it come from. Quietly thinking about it for at least five minutes she recasted the spell again with more power and a wider range for it to find where it came from. Waiting thirdy seconds came a surprise she didn't see as it seems the spell was reading it came from the little town of Ponyville? With a fix on where it came from she still didn't know who or what happened to cause it. Lost in her mind thinking about the good, bad and unknown of it all. A knock at her office door pulled her out and looked over sitting up straight and called out.


Opening the door was her assistant Raven who walked in and closed the door and and stud by with her clipboard in hand and a tired smile.

"Hello Princess. Are you about done for tonight?" Raven asked eyeing the paper in front of her with a raise brow.

Taking notice of the look and direction of Raven's sight, Celestia looks down and sighs deeply as it was now covered in ink spots from her pen dippings and sets it down and rub her face at this miss take made at her lapse in concentration and leans back as her mane gently flows to the side as she takes a moment to collect her thoughts on what just happened to cost this mess and the ruined paper and Raven waits and rubs her eyes under her glasses for a bit to rid the sleep away from a bit more. With a bit of a plan in mind Celestia looks to Raven.

"Raven is my morning free for tomorrow? There is something that just came up and needs my attention."

Taken by surprise by this sudden request left Raven to take a step back as her glasses and shoulder fall some with her mouth open. Shaking off the daze and fixing her glasses she looks down and sees besides a meeting with her student the morning is free.

"Besides meeting with Twilight Sparkle, you are free after lunch. I will also see to that a replacement document is made for the ruined one. Is there anything else you need of me Princess?"

"Raven plea-"

"I know! But I'm still on duty."

With a little head shake a smile. Celestia had her plans ready and a letter for Twilight to apologise for missing the meeting to check her progress on her studies. Pulling out a clear scoll to write in Celestia waves to Raven to release her. With a bow Raven takes her leave to head to bed for some shut-eye and be ready to go with Celestia if need be. Reaching the and stepping out, before closing the door fully.

"Good night Celestia." Was Raven's last words and smirk at getting it in before leaving.

As Celestia just smiled shaking her head at her assistant and finished up the letter and set it up for tomorrow for Twilight to get and left her office and went down the hallway to her bed chambers with her guards falling into step with her in their night uniforms let them go unnoticed at times.

Coming to her bedroom door with her cutie mark on it. The unicorn standing to the side opened it with it magic and a bow as she passed in and closed it. Alone to herself now. She made her way to her dresser and removed her golded shoes and wristbands and set them beside and on it with her crown and necklace. With them on the little pillows that the maides set up for them to be on. She then undid her dress and let it fall to the floor and in a basket for cleaning and removed her undies as well now standing naked in her room and enjoying the freedom of clothes as the moonlight and fire light dance over her body. The cool mountain air was already making her pink nipples hard and pointy made her feel good for a while. Going to her window and open the curtains and look up to the moon and see the shadow of a mare... her sister still imprisoned on her moon looking back at her.

With a very deep sad sigh Celestia looks away with tears in her eyes and looks down at the small village that has caught her attention this night. She continues to look at Ponyville for a while still naked in her most beautiful glory as a hand comes and scratches her butt. Turing away and heading to bed to sleep. Once in bed and comfortable with the soft sheets rubbing her body making it feel so good to be in bed. Looking to the moon again, she begins to hum a lullaby to her sister in hopes she hears her as she falls asleep hugging a small stuffed figure of little Lulu to her chest from under the pillow as tears come again.



"....ow~ Shit I keep forgetting to turn that off."

Crawling to the nightstand and picking up the phone and slide the alarm button off. With a sigh of relief and the background of Flutterborn as Fluttershy with a sword flys up to meet Alduin the world eater is shown for a bit before the screen goes off and is turned over facing down. With the sound of claws on plastic being made has him looking over to the door and sees Mocha in the litter box covering up what ever she made in there and reaching out to claw the carpet to clean her claws and spilling litter out that will need to be vacuumed up sometime. With her out of it and a good shake, she walkes up to him and stops and just stares... Her tail goes up and flicks to and fro. Blowing a kiss to her gets her purring and a quick nuzzle as she runs to her bowl of food and water and has her morning nibbles.

Thanks to the 7:43 wake up call I'm up but only feeling a little awake, but not really. Still... Sitting on the floor isn't comfortable for very long, specialy since it's cold near the floor. Trying to stretch out my legs and feet to pop the joints is when I noticed the first thing wrong. Some popping happened but not the firecracker pops of my toes. And the feeling of my toes them selves was not there. Just the feeling of one. Pulling up my leg to see why does it feel like it's a sleep had me looking at a dark blue hooves.


Reaching out with my hand to touch it is when I noticed that my hand and arm was the same as the hooves. Not stopping to look at my hand I touch the hoof and feel it. I felt it all. My hand touching it and the hoof being touched. I guess it's real then, it's mine. Before I could look at the bottom of the hooves, I took notice that my chest was pushing out more than it should be in my shirt. It took my sleepy brain to turn the gears in there that I was looking at boobies. I have boobs!


Taking in a deep breath, I lift my shirt up over my breasts and look at them and move to be on my knees and put my thumbs in my night pants waist band and push them down to the knees and take a look at myself and see a dark blue body of hair and see i am now a girl... A female anthro of something... a horse maybe. I kinda look like I may have Princess Luna's body. But I will need to see my face to know. Still looking at my new mare bits, I sigh as a stupid saying comes to mind.

'Use it, or lose!' Well fuck me... So damn literal it is. Not that I was using the guy for any action anyway. Beating it off was the only thing he got to do. Now it looks like I won't be able to have sex the way I want and be a dad. Well shit I could have fun with this for a while but fucking hell the first time I get the chance to have a girl in my room and this naked and it's only me as the girl. Fucking irony.

Hearing a noise that sounds like hair flicking around and feeling like my cat is attacking me, I look back to see her doing that to what looks like my tail as it moving in tune with how I feel and see my bigger butt and see the color of the tail was dark red and light shade of purple streaks.... Wait a minute.

Picking up my other good phone I use for calls and a working camera on it. Pushing the power button after taking it off the charger and seeing it at 100% and the background of Goodra the Pokémon in a swamp and new YouTube videos, flicking left on the screen opens up to the quick camera thing and it starts up and now I see the nightstand. Pushing the switch lens for selfie pics, the screen now shows my new face looking back at me. Blue with a shade of purple to them and same hair colors. That muzzle, big goo goo eyes and ears. I know this face. Pulling off my shirt fully after setting the phone down. I look back and see big blue wings. I'm a anthro pegasus pony of my OC but as a mare. I'm now the pony I made. Cosmic Flare. Pulling up my pants back on and sitting on the bed I look forward to the closet door and space out as my hands lay in my lap as my cat jumps up and purrs at me as she lays next to my leg and starts licking her self clean for a nap as I'm lost in my head at what has happened this morning for one hell of a wake up.

After five minutes of lost in thought the phones screen saver turns it off for power saving and I look down at my chest again and cup my new breast and hold them with a gentle squeeze and find that they are not too sensitive as I thought it would be but still made my wings twitch at this new feeling. Judging by the way they look... My boobs are B cup and the gut I was getting has gone down but I think I know where it went to. With a tsk I get up and open my desk and pull my pocket knife out and flick it out as I take my shirt and look back at my wings and see where on my back they are and cut my shirt in the right place and put the knife back in the desk and put my grey shirt with a Star Wars theme of Dark Vader on drums with two red lightsabers and one white Stormtrooper and Boba Fett the bounty Hunter playing lead and bass guitars to match my black and grey plaid pants on and push my wings out to be free unlike last time. Taking notice that my clothes fit me just fine with the exception of some areas now, it's like I won't be needing to get new clothes to fit this new body of mine. Pros and cons... I am my OC and anthro with hands! Plus for that. But I'm a mare. But I don't have to deal with what human females have as I'm not human. Plus on that. Unknowns, how will my parents take this and the rest of world.... Ah fuck it! What do I care, I'm a pegasus and can fly once I learn how to they can't catch me.

"Need to get a bra for my chesticles here if I can. And...hm?" Sniffing in the air around me, I pick up a smell I don't notice until now and it's my own old human one and it smells so strong in here that it so good! Like a warm blanket over me hugging as I feel a blush coming over me.

Breathing through my mouth let's the feeling go away. Shaking my head some that I can't believe I'm getting this way over my own self. With a hand on my face I feel so down that as a pony I find my human self so hot! Dear God.... With a deep heavy sigh I reach out to pick up my glasses off the desk where I left them the night before and put them on. They didn't fit well as they were made for a human head not a ponys. Reaching back out and pick up my phone and drop it in my pocket and headphones too.

With a look at my new mode for movement, i take a step forward find it is not that bad. To test my hooves to there fullest extent I will have to check it out later. Now! Now I have to see what my parents have to say about this. Putting a hand on the door knob and taking in a big lung full of air and ready myself for what's to come with them and the dogs would do. I twist the handle and open the door.

"I wonder what the-.... Wha?"

Looking out I saw a full wooden wall. Not a white one and that was half left was a linen closet with towels and bed sheets and right open to the living room and in front to the right is the bathroom door and to the left was my parents room. Nope! Just a wooden wall and a left and right hallway. Left opened up to a bigger room and right was a little dark to see. Before I could stop her Mocha ran by to the left and out of sight making a cute noise like a purr going 'bur but bur'. Feeling more nervous now then I was before the body switch I slowly made my way after my cat to see what lays before me as I guess I'm no longer in the apartment but somewhere else with my room and cat.

Stepping out of the dark hallway I see before me a large room that is round in shape and books on selves and floor covered in dust and a table with a bust of a horses head and a area rugs and a couch with a blanket on it and the windows are very dirty and to the right was a door way to the kitchen and to my left I see a staircase that is made into the wall going up and around and running up the stairs is Mocha disappearing again. With my left hand under my breasts holding on my right arm as I bit my lip as I look down and start to walk around thinking to myself out loud as my phone vibrates once in my pocket unnoticed.

"Ok... I'm not home then. I'm somewhere else and I'm not human but my OC rule 63... I'm fine and not hurt for the most part. I have all my stuff that I had in my room and I'm not alone. My little stinker of a fuzz ball is here.... Aw! Now I won't be able to play with my friend from church and play his Nintendo Switch and play Smash Bros and get high with him smoking pot. And I lost a good zombie killer buddy. Shit... Now I won't be able to go to his house and play there like he wanted to do. And now I will never get to play Fallout 4 or 76 and the Battlefield games with Val and Michael or anyone from discord...."

Falling on the couch and casing a dust cloud to cover me, I put my muzzle in my shirt not breathing it in as I lean on my leg rubbing my head thinking about the games I will not be able to get and play or the ones that need internet for as I grown in frustration. Waving my hand to help push the dust away I lean back into the couch as the dust settles down and I look up at the floor of the top one as I sigh again.

"Great... Just peachy keen on toast...."

Coming out of my thoughts and looking around again I take notice that this dusty dirty place looks familiar. Looking at the bust for a bit and to the books back and forth it hits me as I stand up fast with wide eyes and my glasses falling off.

"Oh sweet cherry cheesecake of dreams!!! This looks like the 'Golden Oak Library' from the show! ......A-A-Am I in what I think I am in? Is Ponyville just outside that door?"

Taking slow steps over to the window as the sound of my hooves clip clop on the wood floor as the dirty window gets closer. With my thumb tip in my mouth as I gently bit it in nervousness and my other hand holding my arm again as I take slow breaths to steady myself. Standing in front of window, the built up of dust clouds my view of the outside world but I can see and hear the sounds and colors of ponies going about their morning. With a shaky breath and hand I put it to the window and give one wipe and the outside light shines through brighter and blinds me as I close my eyes some until it doesn't sting that much. Looking out I couldn't really see as now I realize I don't have my glasses on to see things far and turn back and go back to pick them off the floor and walk back to the window and put them on after giving it a wipe down on my shirt off the dust and look again. And I squealed like the mare I am at what I saw. It was!! Ponyville lay before me and all the ponies in it that get scared the easiest and with all the best onces to find. But if... The library is closed then....

"Oh shit.... This is may be before Twilight comes to town and Wuna is in the moon still P.M.S.ing! Snap..."

Backing up as a pink blur goes by I look back to the dark library thinking. As my cat comes back to me and looks at me for a bit and jumps up and climbs me to stand on my shoulders and lays down purring as I winch a little from the claws and reach up and rub her ear casing her to purr more louder in my ears as she rubs back and sounding a little out of breath. Giggling a little she most have been running around up stairs in future Twily's room and stairs up there and here and got a good morning work out. Which is good for her to stay fit. A thought hits me as I smile big and giggle like a super happy filly.

"Hehehe I don't have to clean the dog shit of my lazy parents dogs or feed them and all the loud nosies dad makes at Mom's dogs that he doesn't like. I don't have to be the one to let them in and out of the house and dealing with the fact both of their female dogs don't like each other and fight. I don't have to break it up and get bitten for it and let lazy Mom's dogs in and out of the house and dogcrate because she forgots about them or doesn't feel like it. I'M FUCKING FREE OF DEALING WITH THAT!!! HEHEHE!"

"And I don't have to hear them call me out to spend time watching TV on shows I don't give two shits about. And I can watch my... Aw fuck... No internet connection here so I can't watch what I want anyway now. That's a con and pro.... Cheese balls."

"Well I can play my games at a higher volume now with out hearing dad cry it's too loud."

Losted my happy moment after getting it I look to the books and smile some.

"While at least I will be able to read in peace when I want with out too many distractions now from them. Maybe if I clean this place up and go talk to Mayer Mare about taking over the library and be the librarian for the town. Considering that my old room is now a part of it now. Maybe there is a book on being a librarian in here..." My eyes open wide as my lips become like a cat as I stand there now thinking about what I said and giggle at the Twilight moment. "Hehehe"

In Canterlot Castle

"Aachuu!! Oh my!?" Twilight Sparkle says covering her muzzle after sneezing on the note Princess Celestia left for her on her desk in front of her.

"What is it Twilight?" Said Spike from behind her in his bed being woken by her sneezing.

"It felt like somepony was talking about me I think...?" Said Twilight as she looks down in thought.

"What's that note about in your hands?" He asked looking at it with sleepy eyes.

Snapping her out of her train of thought she blinks once and looks at it and forgets about it as she smiles big and turns around to look at him with it above and beyond head and loud popping is heard form her stiff body from sleeping at her desk again and growns a little and Spike giggles and her as she rubs her sore back and neck.

After thinking about it some more I don't have to hear them and their chairs in the living room as they slamming closed or letting the one chair that clicks in place to hold you place if you kick out the foot rest and letting it make so much nosie closing it as they put weight on it so it closes fast and hard or they try to sit in it and fight with it trying to figure out how to get comfy for the night. Shit I never had much trouble with it and I was careful with it so it didn't make that much nosie. Shaking my head out of the negatives and happy that I can live by myself now and may have a job. I wonder if I can try out for the WonderBots and get in before Rainbow. With a chuckle I move around the library to see if I can find a closet door with hopefully some cleaning tools so I can get started. Looking down at my clothes the shirt can stay on but I will need to change my pants. Maybe shorts would do and my sky blue handkerchief can help with covering my mouth. After seeing outside, everypony is in nice Spring wear. I wonder if they follow our calendar and it's February and Hearts and Hooves day is over as well.

Sighing again for the umtenth time this morning and a recorded for it, I will not be seeing the last 13 episodes of the season. Maybe my computer has the webpage up and I can see what the episodes will be about and names but no idea on how it will play. Guess those will be a surprise for me to see in life, but I will miss what the camera will be on so no before hand knowies. Finding a door I open it and see it's what I'm looking for and go in to see it's a good sized supply closet of folding chairs, box's of things, feather dusters, goves, mop and bucket with some brooms and rages for wiping.

"I don't like to think of the work a head of me that needs to be done here. But I'm the only pony here and as I see it! This is my new home with my old room. Besides I heard it once said that 'The power of music something something something shit gets done faster!' so I have my music and it helps me to get stuff done and it gets me into the mood to kick ass when I play online or off so if I play something with a fast pace I could get this place done and the books organized and shelf in record time."

Heading out of the supply closet and to my room now the hall and going in and stop as I yawn and wonder if the kitchen has anything in it like coffee. Going up to my dresser and open the second drawer with my socks and shorts and pull out a pair of dark blue ones and set them on the desk and reach up and pull Mocha off set her on the cat tree and she sits there looking at me. Taking my phone and headphones out and place them on the desk to I drop my sleep pants and stand there as I kick them up on my normal chair by the nightstand and lamp and get in the shorts and see they fill in well with my butt and my mess tail covers it. Feeling ready for what is to come grab my handkerchief and slip it in my waist band and pick up my phone and speaker for it and head back into the main room and set it up near the bust. Before I pick anything I head in the kitchen and look around and see that there is little food like crackers and a can of coffee. 'Hope it's not to old'. Pulling it out and trying the crackers are stayle but filling. It's not a problem I won't with out much food before, mostly by choice. Checking the can the coffee smelled like coffee. A little old but I guess good. Looking around I found a old style coffee pot that has a basket to hold the grounds and water comes down. Trying the sink was a good sign that the water runs and there was hot too! Filling the pot to the level of full I fill in the basket with 4 scoops and close it and go to the stove and put it on and glory it lights up and now the coffee pot needs time before it perks.

Looking around in the other cubbers let's me find cups but all is left is two good ones and four broken. Taking the two cups to the sink, I wash them out and set them in the rack to dry and head out the door back and pick up my phone and check the time and see it's now 8:40. Unlocking the phone with a flick up I push the clock button and move from the time zones and to the timer and set 8 minutes for the coffee when it's ready and starts to percolate and go in the supply closet and pull out the tools I need to dust, swipe and wipe down. Grabbing a spare rag I tie my long mane at the end like AppleJack has hers and tie the rage at the top of my head to hold my mane in place while I work and I get my blue scarf ready around my neck to pull up when I start. Taking more rages and a bucket for water I go back in the kitchen and hear the pot chugging along and I turn the heat down some so it doesn't shoot out of the spout of the pot when it brews and start the timer with the volume up so I can hear it as I set the phone down and go back and fill in the bucket and get the rages I need wet ready and move it all living room and start by wiping the table with the bust and speaker first and set them back. The other table that looks like a dinning table gets done and the one that looks like the librarians table for check-outs is done and I see a check list for books that are in, out, back and for ones brought back that needed checking in and account for and reshelfing. Setting it up for me to look at when I get done cleaning and hear the timer is done and go back to turn the heat off and hook my fingers in the cup handles I take them the pot and my phone with me.

With a spare rage a lay it down and set the pot and cups on it and set my phone back up to the speaker and set up the music app. As there was no sugar in the kitchen my coffee will be like how my grandma liked it. Black! Pouring a cup I take a sip and cringe at first but take another one. Still hot and strong I look at the time and see it's about to be nine in the morning and look through my music on the phone and the onces from Spotify I download free offline.


Hitting play on this one the music plays out of the speaker and the opening refer gets my hoof tapping and hips moving as a I feel a power over me and I drink half the the cup and within the time of the song I move around at a fast pace that I lose myself in the song as I get the floors clean and shelves book free and wiped down and dust free and the books set back up after a cleaning of them too and moved the area rugs to the door for a dusting outside and the song 'A Friend Like Me' that has Robin Williams as he's part as Genie in Aladdin playing as I move faster to the fast pace song as I go and almost fly though the book checking and reorder the library as it should be. Dumping the dirty bucket of water in the sink and filling it back up, I set it down near the stairs for up there to be cleaned and make my way back to my room and clean up the normal mess in there and dust the fan and wipe down the walls of dust and to my surprise and delightful find in the dark hallway I find the laundry room and see a washer and dryer and cleaning supplies for clothes both colors and whites. Putting in my dirty clothes and adding the right amount of clear and starting the wash i zip out as 'Mystery Dungeon Sky Peak Final Pass(glitch hop X city)' and wipe my brow and go up the stairs and find more to clean.

Finding the room that looks like Twilight and Spike take, I go about the room and clean up the books and shelves and work the windows clean and take care of area rugs here on the balcony patio and swipe it clean of old leafs go back in with the door open so I can clean it down and close it so Mocha doesn't get any funny ideas and or pony that sees a open door. With the room cleaned and the bedsheets off and set by the stairs I find the bathroom and see it dirty and fly through it wiping down and find old but clean toilet paper and towels and set up two for a shower after work and toilet use when I need to go and head out. Passing the room again I take a look at it and see it has a nice big sitting room look below the bed up top that could have a couch set up and a TV for watching and game playing and a nice corner with a better desk them mine for my computer to be set up so I could work on mod my games for the consoles. Shame I never got a Xbox one. No new Halo games to play that I been wanting to. Grabbing the sheets by the stairs, I head back down and put them in the washroom for cleaning with my own for a cleaning. By the time I get back out to the main room for cleaning the this song comes on as it puts a big smile on my lips and I sing a long with him.


Outside Olden Oak

As most of Ponyville was going about their morning business as selling goods and services. It was quite like every other day. Until what sounded like music and the door to the Library opened up and some ponies that were not in a rush to get some place stopped and saw a dark blue pegasus mare set out with dirty clothes and handkerchief on her muzzle a rage holding her very long dark red and light purple mane back as she swipes dust and dirt out of the library and shake clean the rugs at fast pace that some stay at home mares that were watching felt jealous of her and not even using her wings as she moved to and fro in a gray shirt and blue shorts. Now this would've been a big deal for spring cleaning to be going on. But it was the fact that music and a new pony in town that nopony has seen before that had many looking at her fly on her hooves like that mare Rainbow Dash does flying around town or Pinkie Pie zipping around town that moved in one and five years ago each respectively.

"Three Friends, taking on the world together!

Big plans to take on a bigger world!

As this stallion was singing they could hear her singing in time with him as quick as lighting she was cleaning the outside windows and the inside ones. The very Golden Oaks Library looked more alive it's been in a long while as the tree looked more rich in color and shined in the morning light! In the market at the apple stand was AppleJack as she stopped to see the sight pouring more apples she brought out from the farm as Big Mac was busy unloading the cart of it's load and helping costumers with exchanging bits for apples. She took notice that the pegasus had her mane done like hers was tied off and the tail. As fast as she was out cleaning, she was back in the library with the door closed but the cleaned windows let her see a blue bur moving the rugs back and now books were being moved.

Shaking her head some AppleJack got back to her own work with a little pep in her own step and a little smile after seeing a hard worker at work and didn't want slack off in the slightest. The music was interesting to hear but she had a job to do and farm work that still wasn't done. With the apples off and set up in and cart empty, she hooked up to it and waved to her big brother and was back on the road to the farm to finish the work needed her attention.

With her gone back in and the door closed everypony that was watching was back to their own things before and continued on expect for one sleeping rainbow maned mare on a cloud. But among citizens of the town was the Princess with her assistant and the Mayor who was watching as well. The Mayor was wondering who was that new pony in her town and how she was able to get in the closed library. Grateful that the old library was being taken care of and it looking better then it's been in years since it closed as the last librarian left for a different job. With a little mischievous smile coming to her lips a plan in her head was being made to try and get her to be the new librarian. Celestia was looking at the sight before her with a simple smile as tho it was nice to see ponies going about their morning and daily cleaning, but really she was happy to see she has found her target for the magical incident of the night before. It was coming from the old tree library and the pegasus running around inside. The reason for her to be here like this and not send other ponies to look into it was that the magic used was very old and familer to her and wanted to know for herself and to talk to Mayor about setting up plans for the 1,000 year reunion with her sister or the Summer sun celebration as others call it that is nearing and wants to arrange it to be here and have her student Twilight Sparkle be in charge and check off the list of things that will keep her here but really have her here for that moment to meet the other elements in this town that will hopefully be here and save her little sister that she failed to do.

"Good Mayor, it's so nice to see that you have a great librarian that takes good care of her library inside and out! It's good to see a town that takes such good care of it's wellspring of knowledge." Celestia said the Mayor beside her knowing that the pegasus wasn't really and her assistant Raven nodding in agreement not knowing.

The Mayor back from her inner thoughts at hearing the princess kind words about somepony that wasn't really a librarian... Yet. Smiled a little nervously and bows to hind here nervousness. Thanked her.

"Thank you so much Princess! Your kind words humble me."

"I would like to meet her for a moment to talk to her, if that is ok with you? I still want to talk to you about the other thing." Said Celestia as she walked away and Raven stayed to check her clipboard and walked away after her as the Mayor Mare bowed again and left to go back to town hall and wait after giving a answer.

"Yes your highness! I will be in my office waiting for you and getting ready for your return!" With her bit said and her own leaving, the Mayor was quickly thinking about how to fix the little problem of the new pegasus in the library and fix it so she can be the librarian and not let it be known that there was no pony taking care of the library in the first place and was off in a quick trot back to the office and look for the right papers needed.

As Celestia reach the door to library she paused as the sounds of gentle pino was playing with the background of underwater like ocean sounds? And a whale calling out as it filled her with underwater exploring thoughts and seeing things never before. Opening the door let the sounds hit her more and Raven when she caught up as both step in and closed the door and felt like they weren't in a library at all. And sitting at a table was the pegasus mare with the handkerchief pulled down and eyes down on a ledger book running through books next to her check list and looking over each book before moving on to the next one. The organization of the books after being checked and put but on the shelves was very impressive as she was shelving and pulling down ones that were then checked and cleaned up and back on the shelf. And thought it all she never did see or notice her or her assistant. With a little smile on her lips, this reminded her of how Twilight acted when she gets focused on what ever project she wants to do.

Taking this moment to look her over, Celestia see that she a dark blue pegasus. Her mane has light purple streaks through dark red hair. Her mane and tail was very long, the tail was dragging three inches and the mane was below her waist and stopped at her thighs. Her wings were larger than a normal pegasus would have. Her blue shorts weren't anything special but her gray shirt was. It had a ponies? On it and one was in white armor playing a guitar with one that had green damaged armor with red strips. And the one in the back in full black armor was something to see as it a cap and glowing red drum sticks. And they were what looked like a stage playing. Her glasses were black and had seen better days as they had a few scratches on the lens and looked like they were not mint for her face as they slipped down and almost off. Her movements around showed that she never opened her wings at all but moved with speed agility and ease of a fit Earth pony. Her poor wings did look like they never did get used but they did look strong but she wanted to work her legs more than her wing for all this.

Seeing a pot on the the table in the middle of room by the bust and a spare cup as the other was by her work table and take sips of it. She used her magic quietly with her long horn a lit and the pot and cup lefted up and poured herself some and floated the cup over and the pot down where it was and took hold of the in cup in her hands and took a sip from it and cringe at the taste at finding it to be straight black coffee as Raven looked at her drinking.

A nosie from the dark hallway to their right cased all set of ears to turn to it and she was quick to disappear and the sounds of metal banging was heard and a she was back with arms full of bed sheets and was upstairs and gone.

"She's a quick worker Princess. So fast to organize and clean as she goes. And doing housework in the morning. And where ever this music is coming from is giving me the feeling like I want to read something about the ocean!" Raven said in a quite voice.

"Yes! I'm having that feeling as well. I don't think she gets out much and shops. This coffee taste old and there is no sugar."

Raven looked over with a raised brow at what was said at the end of what the Princess said and was going to ask, but just then a black bur came out of the hallway and jumped up in the window by the Princess and her assistant laying down looking outside. It was a young female cat! The bell and red collar with faded gray cat paws was on her neck jingles. The fur looked all black but some area had brown or carmel in others like the base of the tail and on her head. Raven thought it was a very beautiful looking cat and smiled at it forgetting what was on her mind about the coffee for now. Not seeing the face with out disturbing it, they left the cat be as hoof steps came as the mare came back down.

Both watched her go through the hall fanning herself to cool off and return with spare clothes and heading up the stairs but after passing the table and pick up two small objects and the ocean sounds stop. After a while running water was heard from upstairs. Taking a seat on the couch near by Celestia made herself comfortable for the wait.

"Raven. I must tell you that this is the reason why I am here truly." Celestia began as Raven looked at her questioningly.

Hearing new voices behind her Mocha turned her head around to look as see someone sitting on the couch and came over as the mares stopped to see what she would do and cooed as she lay down on Celestia's lap in a ball about too take a nap. And purred as Celestia gently pet her.

"What do you mean Princess?" Raven got in as the cat gave a opening for a question.

"Last night as I was working, I felt a powerful magic plus that felt familiar to me and thought it was Twilight Sparkle doing something but she was asleep. So I used a spell that lead me to Ponyville, now here. I don't know if you can smell it, but there is a strong smell of a stallion on this cat and coming from the hallway. Well we were watching her work. I ran some test and found out that there is a room in this building that does not belong here and the magic residue is on her and the cat. I believe she... Was a he and something happened to him and now as we saw." Celestia answered.

"Oh dear! The poor thing."

"And by the way 'she' has this coffee out. This must be all that there is here and hasn't eaten anything yet. If you would be so kind as to bring some breakfast for my little talk with her would be so nice? I think it be best if I could talk to her one on one for right now when she is done washing up."

"Yes Princess! I will go see what I can find here to get breakfast." Raven bowed and left the library home to find food with the feeling of sadness in her heart the poor dear at having so much change happen to her in one night.

Upstairs bathroom

After finishing all the work in a new record time for myself I was in the shower washing the dust and sweat of my naked body as I run my hands over my fur to rub the dirt out. A blush was on my face as I came to the new girl parts of my body and moan a little as my breasts were moved and the nipples rubbed in the hot water was something new. Just going for a quick wash was not going well when my hand came to rub my mare bits. Rubbing gently wasn't helping me as I was slowly getting into it opening up my pussy and bitting my lip leaning on the wall as the hot water wasn't helping me. From washing to masterbating my head was fogged up from this so new and different pleasurable feelings I was feeling.

My eyes closed a little as a dreamy look was in them as I let my fingers explore my pussy working their own way around the lips and gently rubbing the clit.

Minutes go by my moaning got louder as my rubbing got faster with my pussy getting more sensitive with the hot water and wet fur made the rubbing so much more then I can handle and I couldn't stand up anymore and fall on my butt. Which was a miss take as I landed in a way that shoved my fingers in hard for my first time and made me yell moan out loud as I was speared by my fingers and being hot from the water felt like a hot iron was pushed in and they didn't stop at all in there mindless search for something inside as they ran over the inside pussy walls as more juices mixed with the water coming out. In a full haze of this new mind-numbing pleasure as my tongue was hanging out as I was breathing faster. My fingers together as one were now going in and out at as the sound of wet flesh and fur made so much lewd nosies that made me go fast as hot water ran down my face and chest and my wings open wide on the wall. A feeling in my stomach was getting tight as I kept going bucking my hips into my fingers going in that I could feel the end was coming and this different feeling in me was hurting to break free. The end came when my hot thumb pass over my winking clit and my inner walls closed on my fingers and tried to pull them deeper in me as I called out to the empty house with a long 'Aahhh~' and the sounds of water and hot mare cum was splashing together and slowly draining away down the drain forgotten.

As the fog over my mind slowly lefted away, I sat there as this heavenly feeling left me and my senses came back with even normal breathing. Leaning back on the wall I looked up at the roof and I could only shake my head at how I let this get to far. With a used and sensitive pussy now, I washed up my coat around and on my pussy as best I could being careful not to go to fast and be stuck here for the rest of the day. Because a unattended cat is a naughty cat. And I don't want to have her make a mess after working hard to clean this place by myself.

Getting up on stiff wobbly hooves was a tough one but I managed and got myself out of the shower and took great care of drying my body in some areas and my mane and tail. Looking at the mirror showed a wet happily tried mare with very hair cover one eye. Seeing all my extra hair on me feel sad that I don't have what I need to take care of it or the know how. Doing the best I can think of right now I part it in half and slowly braid my hair shorting it above my tail and on boxers. Not boxer shorts all breezy and free or the tightie whities kind. The one in between, a black one and my worn blue jeans that felt good to wear and my black belt with a stainless steel plate had a peg that held in the belt hole and is a SwissGear. With a nice belt to compliment my jeans I look at my shirt and see I forgotten to made wing holes for it.

Sighing a little I throw it over shoulder for now as I am alone and don't have to worry. With a last look at my mane I couldn't help but think getting knots in it will suck so bad to get out. Setting the town out to air dry and pick up my old clothes, I go back out of the bathroom and head for the stairs and plan on dropping this in the washroom before going to fix my shirt and come up with a plan so I can find a way to get some bits for things I need to stay feed and house things for the library, and maybe see if I can get more food for my cat and have her check by a vet and get her first shots that her owner didn't do before giving her to me and I couldn't do as not having the means to. Maybe that can change being here. No time for crying when things need to be done. Because no one will do it for you if you don't do something first... Or something like that. I don't know all the right words.

Celestia Many Minutes Before


Not looking upstairs at hearing what came down of a mare having fun in the shower, Celestia drank the coffee she kept warm with a simple spell on the cup and pet the sleeping cat on her lap taking notice that she was a little thin and was wondering if it has seen a vet yet. Raven hadn't returned yet to hear the lustful call of her.

"Hm. She must have gotten a bit carried away in there. I don't blame her. The shower can be a magical place to a mare in the right times."

Getting to the top of the stairs Cosmic stopped to take in a breath and ready herself for a new life at the bottom and now will use the name for this pony that she has become. With phone in one hand and the other one on the wall as fingers run over the wood as each step down was setting it up in her mind that this is real. On the couch Celestia looked up to see her come back down and shirtless with a par of jeans and belt that smelled of a male that was already making her very interested in meeting but know that said stallion was already before her now. Halfway down the stairs Celestia finally let herself be known.

"Hello there!"


Morning Coffee with a Princess

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Celestia was holding Flare close in a hug with her head on hers nuzzling it to comfort. Her hand ran through some of her hair as one of her large white wings was around her. Flare wasn't crying as badly as Celestia was but still had tears and a angry look mixed with sadness and fear hugging back for support. Mocha had left scared after when Celestia on accident startled her to jump in surprise and fall the rest of the way down after shrieking in fright. After getting off the couch and gently pull Flare up on shaky hooves went to the couch together and sat as her cup was bought over and filled with hot coffee with a little spell to make it, and they both sat to have a talk while her face was red after Celestia saw why she was shirtless as it didn't have holes in it for wings to go yet. Taking the shirt for a bit she worked her magic to make the holes for her and with it on and no more naked fur they talked as Celestia let her know that she knew about her and that was the reason for her visit. And with a simple smile and look in Flare's eyes Celestia just smiled back and with that aura she worked on for others be at ease around her and feeling comfortable with Celestia. Cosmic opened up to Celestia and answered the Princess on who he was before, how his life in a different world and on what his family was was. And she wasn't prepared to hear the answer was too much for her loving kind heart to take as she was the first to hug her close and protect. Ponies are so emotional at times. Feeling like after saying so much she didn't think would come out, Cosmic tried to distract her with the hobbies she had and why she was ok as a girl or mare and Celestia knew the reason for it and didn't question on it. With nothing else came to mind to talk about they both lapsed in silence and Celestia still hugged her and stayed like that hugging.

After a few long minutes of hugging with sniffles. Both picked up their drinks to finish when a buzzing sound from Cosmic's pants pocket between their legs vibrating. Reaching in and pulling out her phone and looking in surprise that it was getting a signal outside her coverage area. Celestia just looked at it in wonder as she hasn't seen this before even when she went through the mirror her teacher made and lost dear student Sunset Shimmer. Cosmic saw that it was a private number and a text was in. With a pull down motion of her thumb the top menu came down and showed the text as 'Please for give me? L.' and letting go saw it go back up. Looking at private number screen again, Cosmic shrugged at it all and guessed it won't hurt to answer it and with a thumb flick up on the green phone icon the screen changed to more phone options and a big red bar to end the call. Putting the phone to her left ear and close to Celestia unintentional so her ear can hear to. With a unsure greeting a voice of a woman came over the end and Celestia's breath was caught in her throat.

"Hello Cosmic Flare and dear Celestia. Good morning to both of you."

"...w-who is this? You seem to know me and my friends around me?" Cosmic asked and Celestia could only smile and hug her more at being friends already.

"I do... And you can say it's thanks to me that you are were you are now.

"Oh? Really now. And is my new being also your doing or was that because of the jump here?"

"Yes and no. You see...


"I didn't really mean for that to happen. You see, when I was in your room I was gathering the magic needed for your change. But I didn't see your cat was on your lap. She scared me by jumping at me hissing and swinging her claws. It made me use more magic then I needed. And the spell was changed.

"Oh... So it was an accident. Then... I guess I can't be really that angry at you or Mocha. Upset that this happened but I don't care anymore for starting a family. I lost the heart for it and I don't want to try here. But I like to say thank you for all that you did for me. I guess I have to ask so others don't ask why I didn't if I care to tell them. Can I be a male again?"


"I see. Oh well then. Why not for my own curiosity?"

"You see... I can't because when your cat attacked. My DNA got in the spell and your body is new and was reborn as a mare that has my blood in you. And so sometime soon your body will under go another change. You will be a Alicorn. Your body has the traits of Pegasus, and Earth pony.

"B-but... W-what does that mean? Does that mean you?... Are you my mom?" Cosmic asked in uncertainty and Celestia just hug her closer at hearing what her- their mother had just said and smiled at having a new little sister to call family and soon the thought of their other sister soon return.

Plans for the following years to come for that to happen was racing in her head at how to help her new baby sister to settle in and other in protein matters.

"Yes. I guess because of what happened. I'm your mother... If you want me to? I made a miss take, but I will step up and take care of you... But I won't be able to really be there yet. But you will not be alone there."

Cosmic felt a warm hand on her face gently running a thumb on her cheek and very warm love fill her when it felt like a mother's kiss on her head that brought tears and start her heart racing. Looking to see if that was Celestia but see she was not touching her it still felt like the hand was there.

"I-I won't be alone? Who would be here for me?" Cosmic asked as she was wondering who was this and who she had in mind.

"My daughters. One of them for now. She will be there. You will have each other. I believe you have meet her already.

"Meet? I haven't-" Cosmic began but stopped as only one pony she has meet and was still with and slowly turned her head to look at Celestia was looking back with the biggest smile on her that she was shining some with happiness.

Cosmic began to smile herself back as both gave loved filled looks and hug more with Celestia wrapping her smaller sister in her large wings in a white fluffy dome. Both stayed like that for a while.

"I love you so much my dear daughters. Take care of one another and I will call you like this when I can.

As the call ended. Both could feel arms of warmth and love hold them for a while and then it was gone. The warmth still in them but the presents was gone and the phone turned off.

Pulling back so they could look at each other, Celestia let go but didn't move from her sister and picked up her coffee again to drink it in one go followed by Flare doing the same. Setting down the cup Flare pocketed the cellphone in her pants.

"Didn't give us the chance to say 'love you too mom' did she?" Said Cosmic causing both to chuckle. "So..."

Celestia look at her and saw it in her eyes what she wanted to say was going to be hard and waited to hear it and got ready for it when it did.

"... Is sister Luna still in her moon as the nightmare?" She wasn't ready for that.

Looking at her stunned. Celestia was taken back at her knowing where Luna was and now wanted to know how she knew about that secret.

"Yes.. how do you know her name, what she is now and where she is?" Celestia asked back now looking in her eyes for anything.

Looking back Cosmic thought to herself at how to answer. Lie? Truth? Half or all? So lost in her head running it over Celestia began to worry if her suspicious look scared her.

"Please I'm not angry or upset. I just want to know how you know something no one in this age would even remember our sister and where she is now."

Coming out of her inner thoughts blinking. Cosmic hugged Celestia with a warm nuzzle to her neck and Celestia returned the hug and kissed her little sister on the head. Going with the honest thing.

"Sis... The world I came from had a show that was made for little girls 'fillys' and it had you in it and the focus was mostly on Ponyville. And on your student Twilight Sparkle, and her friends she made her. But the show showed all the ponies walking on four. Not two like us." Cosmic said while waving her hand.

"When is the summer sun celebration for the thousand year?"

"In four years. So my and everyponies lives in a different reality is a cartoon show for little foals?" Celestia replied.

"Yes! But the show got really popular with all age groups. So many people watch it. I would guess this world may run with that timeline. And if it does, then I would have to be careful then."

"The butterfly effect!" Celestia nodes as she just pulls her sister on her lap as being much bigger in size.

"Why are you having me on your lap?" Question Cosmic as she looked up to Celestia.

"Because it's been a very long time since I could hug my family like so." Was Celestia's answer that left her smiling and lean back more into the hug.

"Yes! Because of that. Tho it could happen or nothing at all will come of it. But if I could have little to no action in what has been set the best."

"But you do know what is to come when Luna comes back and for my years to come?" She asked. And got a nod as a answer.

"But only key events. All that seem to have a big in packed on Twilight and her future friends and how they help Equestria. Or each other in being better friends. And the one day before the celebration is what I know you will send Twilight and Spike here."

"Oh? Is that so. Well I guess a different time would be best for this kind of talk. We don't have to have it here. Too many ears around to hear. But I think it be best if we get you your breakfast and we talk about us more and what we could do about what plans for the four years before Luna returns." Celestia said as she ran a hand through her sisters damp mane undoing the braid for it and summoning her own brush and be again to comb through it in old memories of the times with Luna.

Finding it to be very comforting Cosmic let it happen as Celestia was gently going through it and removed knots and straight out the mane and with more care to braid it back the way it was but looking much better than before. So much at peace they were they didn't notice Raven come back and had set the food up on the coffee table and was not looking at them pretending to be interested in some of the books hiding her own tears at hearing all of Cosmic's life before last night. She was in fact at the door and was listening. Not because she wanted to but didn't want to interrupt their talk. But being Celestia's most trusted assistant for the work she did ment she knows to keep what she knows quite and only said when needed. But hearing that she may have a new boss and princess to help if asked is ok with her, a great weight she knew is weighting less now on her current bosses shoulders is good enough for her. Work was a head of them all and she will need her skills and wit's about her.

Seeing as there was food and they were not alone anymore Cosmic tried to get off of Celestia's lap but her older sister was much stronger than she was and couldn't even move much from where she was sitting. With a sigh of defeat she let her new bigger sister hold her on her lap.

"Fine! I will stay in your lap. But! Don't think I will let you feed me! I'm 29 soon to be 30! If things were different than yes I would." Was Cosmic's grumpy reply to being stuck there. Making Celestia and Raven both giggle.

"But if you want to comb my mane sis... My tail needs work as well. Can you look at my wings too? See if they are ok?" Cosmic asked nervously picking up the box of food to find hot pancakes with blueberrys in them with whipped cream and Cherry syrup. The side was fluffy scrambled eggs with cheese in it.

Giggling to herself Celestia used her magic to control the comb and run it through the tail and felt happy to share this personal moment again with a family member after Cadence. Taking care of her hand movements, Celestia moved Cosmic's wings open and started with the base of the wing on the primary feathers and moved out fixing and twisted one's. Cosmic had a light blush and was feeling a new sensation from her wings being touched. Working to keep her feels in check and eat the food provide gave a thanks for picking up a meal that was something she wanted to have. Raven not looking at the siblings bonding called back.

"You are welcome. But I didn't choose it. As I was walking around looking for a restaurant to visit. A bur of pink zipped by me dropping it in my hands and was gone before I knew it with a note saying 'Just in case'. And with a little uneas at that I came back." Raven said.

With a finding a spare fork in the box now stuck in Cosmic's mouth after going in with food and looking forward to Raven in surprise began to eat again with a chuckle getting both mares to look at her in curiosity. Finish with the bit of food.

"You just meet the pink one called Pinkie Pie. It's her just being herself doing things only she gets." Cosmic said to them as a faint giggle snort was faintly heard. Raven looked everywhere for the one doing it and Celestia slowed down a bit preening the wings of Cosmic to look around as well.

As the smell of the food reached the hidden cat's nose. She came back quitly and just poke her head up at eye level looking at Cosmic and her food getting her attention already by her doing it many times over looking for milk from her bowl of cereal. Looking back as both looked at each other as the other two mares in the room hadn't noticed the cat enter the room. Blowing little kisses to her that sound like popping and pulled the others out of looking around and Celestia felt a little paw touching her leg and her dress being pulled a little that had her look and see the cat is back and had a claw on the dress, but was not at her but the one on her lap and the food.

"What? Sup little girl. Wat chu want?" Cosmic asked as the cat jumps up and sits like a little fluff muffin looking up with big eyes that Celestia notes are a soft yellow cream.

"What is your pet's name?" Said Celestia.

"Mocha. Like the coffee. See her paw that looks like it was in a cup of coffee with creamer? That why. She acts like she's on coffee when she runs around the house." Answered Cosmic. All giggled as Mocha closed her eyes waiting.

As time passed on, Celestia was done tending to her little sisters wings and tail with it having two brands of tail hair going around like a cage lifting up the tail up so it won't drag like before. And just put her arms around her sister's stomach in a hug waiting for her to finish eating. Raven was busy writing on her clipboard for things that will need done and being ready if they were to be brought up by anypony. The room from a different world in this library, being to whom it is the place will be bought and under Cosmic Flare. Or a room in the castle. A visit to the Royal doctor of the Princess so her health will be checked on and if those damn noses elites of Canterlot find out about her. The clame of her family ties are turn so they can't throw a pissy fit over it. Thinking about them put a frown on Raven's face for a bit. Looking up at Cosmic and watch as the poor mare looked like a foal in Celestia's lap eating and being held. But saw the look in her eyes that she may look grumpy but was loving it. She hope that she will not be like them or like Blueblood. With a shiver she hopes that she be sweet like Cadence. Taking a look at Mocha and putting a note that she will need a Viet visit to and be registered as a royal pet. As Raven got lost in her mind having fun making notes and setting up things she was lost to the world.

Mocha moved over by scooting closer to Celestia's leg as her head turned upside down with a paw her eye cuddling up for warmth and a nice nap. After the food was gone, Cosmic leaned back into Celestia's chest and found her head in between two soft white breasts. Taking notice that they were at least Ds or a little bigger, but as Celestia was taller and bigger than anypony around her breasts could be normal for someone that big and others see them as being big. Stuck between two glorious tits, two thoughts hit her in the head.... Pun intended. One! This will be her first time ever getting her face in between something like this only in his old life wanted so bad. And it being Celestia herself was great and sad at once that made her heart flip and sink. The second! In coming time, soon her body will be getting bigger in some areas. Dear mother! Her rack will be seen as great blue pillows of love by stallions and maybe some mares and be chased after. Life can be so cruel to a mare.

'Ah fuck it for later!'

Even after the meal Cosmic was still feeling hungry. Maybe from the body change last night cleaned the inside out of food and water. Another thought hit. And it may have hurt.

"Sister? Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did!" Said Celestia giggling. Which made her boobs bounce up and down rubbing her face and a blush from the feeling.

"C-cute. No! My question is you know what I was before. I was omnivorous. As I'm now, what am I? And as a Alicorn. Are we still herbivore like ponys or like a human?" Said Cosmic in a low voice and hiding the blush.

Taking a moment to nuzzle her head. Celestia took a moment to think about it. Well yes, as a Alicorn she and Luna did eat meat. But didn't do in front of her subjects as they didn't really eat it them selves. Maybe fish at most but. As her new sister looked now? She will need to visit her own doctor to be sure. As she open her lips to give her thoughts about the question, she was beat to it.

"Being a pegasus the answer is hard to say young 'princess'. Celestia's personal doctor soon to be yours too will have to check you over to be sure. Only a few ponies know Celestia more than anyone. Me being one of the few." Came Raven's voice answering Cosmics question.

Celestia just smiled and gave a playful look at Raven for answering for her as Cosmic was shocked she heard her being quiet about asking.

"Yes dear sister. My doctor will need to check that so we can know. But yes! I'm omnivore." Celestia finished up.

"So... Are all Alicorns Omnivorous?"

"Yes. My niece and I believe your niece as well. Is one." Said Celestia as she felt her nod. Looking to the clock on the wall and seeing the time she gave her own sigh as the meeting with the Mayor can't wait for very long and she will need to be back to Canterlot as well and she was having so much fun with her sister from all the work back at the castle.

"It would seem our personal time is coming to an end and I will be at work dealing with the Mayor and the Courts back in Canterlot. My meeting here was to meet with her and set up the event in four years time. The one coming up soon is in Canterlot then Fillydelphia the next and Manehattan and last Los Pegasus. But you don't have to worry about that right now. What we have to do is see to the deed and ownership of this library be in your name and under the crown. As your room is now a part of it and so no pony try and claim it as their own and all in. I do believe that you would like to come back here and live in town besides also with me in Canterlot?" Said Celestia and receive a node. "And I will need to work on getting your citizenship paperwork done and it will be my pleasure to help you sister. Oh I'm so excited to have you in my life! I get a new little sister. And in time you will learn how to be a princess and I will teach you magic as best I can when the day your horn grows in and my free time comes."

Though it all Cosmic was just sitting there smiling as the big sister was having her moment. Then wanted to throw her two bites in.

"I would like to learn how to fly to! The freedom to do go anywhere sounds fun. Maybe learning from the Bolts would be nice. If that is possible. I know one pony that may be a little green with envy for training with them. And I don't know who can help I don't know about body training with the guard is a good thing but right now that is all I can think of. I want to get stronger and finally learn self defense. I know that it will be very hard work on me. But I don't want to stay the way I was before doing a whole lot of nothing at home because I didn't have money to go anywhere. Because it cost to get anywhere far then walking distance. And if a random portal were to open on me and I fall in away from you I want to be able to stay alive until I get back or you come and pull me back in safe arms." Said Cosmic pushing back into Celestia's chest holding her arm as Celestia held her tight taking in what she said.

Thinking about it for flight lessons and body training for the magics for Pegasus and Earth pony will be a good plan to work on and for magic training she is the best to help another Alicorn and be able to keep it safe for all around. And the thought of her sister falling into a random portal could happen as magic can be unpredictable at the best of times. So much more to work on that didn't come to mind. Raven was adding more things to do on her clipboard and was cheering in her head at hearing that she wants to be active and be better than she was before.

"So are you saying that you want me to come now with you to Mayor Mare's office and be there as you set up the time for celebration and the buying of the library?" Question Cosmic looking up and seeing a node for a answer.

"What then? I'm getting this feeling that you also want me to come with you to Canterlot as well?"

"Yes. It would be best if we have you checked out now then later, yes? And it will give us more time to spend with each other." Said Celestia.

"Ok, but I don't have a cat carrier for Mocha. And I will need to get something from my room first before we go." Said Cosmic.

Celestia gave a happy hum and looked at Raven and got a node back and left out of the door. Outside with the door closed she turned to a Guard standing by and gave him a order that the Princess needs a cat carrier. At once the Guard was off to get said item and was replaced by another one to fill in his spot. Raven stayed there waiting so the sisters can have their time.

Inside Celestia released Cosmic from her hold and both were up off the couch and Mocha still sleeping on the couch both headed for the hallway, not before Celestia grab the forgotten clothes by the stairs. As the walked together she looked over the gray shirt and saw the wing holes in it were cut. With quick work of a spell the holes were closed and reopened to better fit wings and for the shirt to not be a lose. Seeing the laundry room coming into view she sent them in on the washer. Stopping by a door that looked like it didn't belong here Cosmic turned to Celestia with something to say.

"Um.. well the smell of my old male musk is very strong and... Well I almost lost it in there like I did in the shower. I don't know what will happen if you stepped in. I breath through my mouth when going in. You can try and do as I do or if know something of a spell that could help, do so now." She said looking away from Celestia blushing.

Taking her words in Celestia used a spell for air freshener around her and her sister's head. Celestia saw Cosmic flinch back to her and shiver from the magic working on her. Breathing out some, Cosmic opened the door and the spell was hit hard by both the smell of human male and cat. Celestia felt that the spell almost failed on her from the unexpected straight and pull to keep it up. Keeping a better hold on the magic flow to keep the spell going she remembered that a book on home cleaning for unicorns was on the shelf and used a summing spell to bring it to her to see if there was a spell to help on this so she can clear up the air so it's not as strong but more manageable. Looking through the book fast, she kept her eye on what Cosmic was doing. Coming to the closet and open it as it slide to the right becoming one with the other door boots and shoes were with more shirts of different colors and had images of many things on them and jackets. There were boxes and a large black one with a handle and locks on it. Pulling out a par of tan boots that looked worn but still tough even though a patch of the boot's thread work was coming undone at the base of the laces on one of the boots.

Taking a seat on the chair by the desk Cosmic looked over the boots and saw that they were changed to fit her hooves now then the size 12 before. Lifting up a hoof to look at the bottom, she saw a soft pad like on Mocha's foot and felt sentive. Pulling up pants leg up and pulling out the clean boot socks in them out and put them on, she put on the boots and pulled tight the boot laces and hide the rest in the sides of them like normal and pulled down the pants legs so only the bottom of the boot can be seen and stound up grabbing a belt off the desk and tucked in the shirt and put on the belt. Reaching for her wallet like normal she stopped and looked at it as it had things in it of the old life and just looked at it with a blank mind about if still needing to have it when a wave of magic and fresh air blow around and left leaving a fresh scent of a garden in bloom. Hearing a book snap closed behind and a sigh of relief from Celestia left her thinking that a spell was used to help clean up the air of the musk of a man and cat. Picking up the wallet with one hand and the other open a draw in the desk and flipped open the three way wallet and drop in the bank, medical, insurance, expired ID and sliver power GameStop cards, bike lock key. Just in case condom if I ever got lucky but now forever sit in a draw to be forgotten. And one dime that goes in the knockoff Pikachu bank.

With a cleaned out wallet and in the right back pocket. She looked at the black screen of the computer monitor still in rest mode wondering if it was still connected to the internet so she can finish the last 13 episodes to know what is left. Celestia after sending the book back took the time it took Cosmic to put on the boots and mess with a small black object with things dumped out in the desk, looked at what was on said desk and the room it self. The bed was a big enough to hold two ponies or one comfortably and a large dark red blanket that looked like a good warm blanket for winter. A faded blue pillow with a red and yellow 'S' on it and a brown bunny with a sliver necklace double wrapped around it's neck. A recliner next to the nightstand and lamp with a book or two on it and a another small black thing that looked like it was cracked on it and a cable connected to it. The wall behind the tall two light lamp had big frames of posters that had backwards 'C's with a 3 in it. One had blue eyes in the clouds and the other one had a fully armored pony in tan armor and some kind of weapon in it's hands running forward with a golden orange reflective helmet were the eyes are so you can't see it's eyes but your own. The wall by the bed had a towel pinned with the words 'Star Wars' and a very strange creature on it smiling and words at the bottom 'Jar Jar' on it. A red backpack near her on the floor by the door looked like it had seen better days. The fabric was worn out and faded. Holes in the middle and top were the sticking is ripped open. Much more to look at but with Cosmic turned around and closed the closet door looked at Celestia ready to go and was a little taller now from the boots on was ready to go with her to start a new life. In her hand that she slipped in a pocket was that same thing that she heard her- their mother from. With a final look around both sisters left the room and stood outside with the door closed and Celestia's hand on it with it the door and horn in the soft yellow glow of her magic and and sun style lock on it closing it a click and the light fading away.

Giving a audible 'ahh' Cosmic got that Celestia magically locket the door.

"Wait! I forgotten about one thing to bring with me." Said Cosmic making Celestia giggle confusing her. "Wuts funny?"

"Try the door silly."

Doing what Celestia said found her blinking in surprise when it swung open easily.

"It will only open for family of blood. So it would seem we do share a bond. Go on! Get what you wanted." Explained Celestia and Cosmic was quick to to act and came back with the bunny from the bed and closed the door again with the bunny at her side.

"I see. It's best we go now." Celestia said going down the hall with her sister behind.

"By which way do we go back up to Canterlot? Flying chariot or train car? Oh! I need to clean the litter box out before I leave. Don't want that mess to be left here." Cosmic asked then made to turn back. But was stopped and pulled forward by Celestia's tail around her waist.

"I came by chariot, but we will leave by train. I will have a guard go make the arrangements for us and Mocha will be there waiting for you when our meeting is done. Do not fret about that. I cleaned that out of all the litter and around it. It's empty and waiting for a refill for later now come." Celestia informed her letting go at the door and looked back to see said cat was on Cosmic's shoulder laying down watching her which was so cute.

"Are you ready to meet the world behind me my little sister? Ready for a new life to live and do things not possible for you? And you will have me there for guidance or love." Said Celestia watching her face go into deep thought.

Standing there in military winter combat boots with blue jeans and a button down blue plaid shirt with folded up sleeves with a bunny doll in one hand and cat on her shoulder. The reborn pony mare set her eyes in acceptance and smile to her now sister she gave a node that made her smile bigger. Composing themselves, Celestia opened the door with a blinding light coming in so the outside world was unseen to both. Together both walked out of the old library as a family to deal with what will come next.

Train Ride

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Sitting on the soft sit in the private room on the train leaving Ponyville Station for Canterlot with Celestia and Raven in front of her, Cosmic was smiling looking out the window as the country view of the trees went by. This was her first time ever on a working train that was moving. The guted one at the park she went to as a small kid was fun to look at with the tank and fighter plan to get in. And the train museum was cool. But this!! This was so much better! Mocha was out of her carrier and was sleeping on her lap in the sun for warmth. Thoughts of Harry Potter and the first train ride on the Hogwarts Express to Hogwarts castle was playing in her head as a new life will begin for her at the end of the train ride like it was for Harry.

The walk through Ponyville was a good one. Saw a lot of same ponies going about their morning. Golden Harvest selling her carrots. Surger Cube Corner was there and a pink bur was seen zipping around and Mrs. Cake was at the register looking a we bit younger than what she thought but was fine as it was just the beginning of the show and some years. Oh boy, was Big Mac no understatement to his size at all. Mother was bigger than her and was just under Celestia's chin! The flower girls that sell flowers Lily, Rose and Daisy are cute but is all will she think about the beauty of other mares. And in no way in hell or Tartarus, take your pick. Will she be going to look at stallions more then anything else. Couldn't get one in one life, so no relationship in this. Saw Scootaloo racing around on her namesake going for the school in front of her. She is so young right now.

One thing that was noticeable was most of the ponies were looking at her being with the Princess and she took note that she was taller than most of mares around. Even with the boots she was taller than most. Earth pony mares were near her hight but still short any pegasus she saw was short then everypony around. The sound of her boots did get many ponies to look her way and be confused at her shoe wear. Big Mac looked over once at took one look at her and blinked once and shook his head and nodded and was back to work for a moment to him he thought he saw his sister was back and was now a pegasus as both had the same clothes expect the hat of their fathers on her head was gone and different colors to. But the mains were long like each other.

The visit to Ponyville town hall was interesting to say the least. The Mayor in her eyes still looked young and beautiful even with the dye main doo. But guess it was for a reason she wanted to look like that so it wasn't my place to question it, maybe ask when I get the opportunity. Cosmic tried but still zoned out during the meeting. Not on purpose, just that it happens when boredom grabs her. Of course during the walk a guard came with a carrier for Mocha and was put in and curled up and began to sleep and was taken with the bunny to the train station to be put on board and guarded by said guard.

Sitting now bits and pieces came back. The Mayor was very nervous about something and kept looking at me every so often. The celebration was set up for four years from now and the purchase of the library was sent for later when Celestia was but in Canterlot. Blinking as light flash by over her face Cosmic and looked over at Celestia getting her attention with movement that had both looking into each other's eyes. Celestia got the feeling that her sister wanted to talk about something on her mind and gave a side glance at Raven that it was a private one. With a feeling over the sun she knew what time it was at 1:25 pm and lunch was a good way for the privacy needed and quitly asked Raven to see to that lunch was available and to bring some and take her lunch break as well. Once alone Cosmic had to ask the question on her mind as things may not be totally the same as everyone was anthro. And the stories she read gave different out looks on the show and wanted to know if so. Then maybe intervening is somethings is needed to stop lose of life.

"Sister... Something has come up and I want to ask on it now then wait for something that may be true and so something is lost forever." Said Cosmic getting Celestia to blink in surprise at the series tone of voice and nodded for her to go on.

"Besides Luna, is there another sister of ours out there that was lost?"

Celestia was quite for a while as the sound of the train crinked on as her eyes got a far off look. It started to worry Cosmic that she did and said something wrong as she was was about to say something to apologise after five minutes went by but stopped when Celestia came to and looked at her with a sad smile and saw how she looked like she was the one who did something bad.

"Fear not sister. You didn't do no wrong. I was merely lost in my memories of the past, onces that have not been thought of in a long time to dwell on." Said Celestia to calm her. Lifting up her hand a little from her lap to stop for now as the a knock came from the door.

As the door opened a mare in attendance's uniform pushing in a serving table with some food on it left it between us bowed herself out. Picking up a cup of tea given, Celestia held it in her long delicate fingers rolling it in them as she gather up her thoughts on the question. Taking the time she thought her sister needed. Cosmic reached over and picked up a sandwich from the table of random food items. Quitly nibbling on the sandwich and wondering what it is, Celestia stopped looking into the cup in her hands and turned to look on Cosmic as she was nibbling on the provided food looking up like she was getting a feel for the taste. The face she was making was adorable to her making her smile.

Cosmic couldn't figure out what was in it but the bread was very delicious. Smiling as she took bigger bits of it she heard giggles and looked to see Celestia watching her eat. Finishing the last bits up, Cosmic picked up another one and looked at Celestia ready to hear her if she was ready or not.


Blinking in a little surprise of that answer, Cosmic pulled the hanging sandwich out to speak.

"Yes? There is another sister out there?" Question Cosmic.

"No." Said Celestia.

"Wait, what!?"

"Was. There was another sister" said Celestia looking out the window. "It was back when we all started our rule over the new Equestria. Luna, Tara and I."

"What happened sister?" Asked Cosmic sitting up in the sit waking Mocha up some and used a paw to hold on going back to sleep. "What happened back then? Where is Tara?"

"Discord." Celestia said in a sad tired voice. "Him and his partner Chrysalis!"

The sound of a record player being stopped could be heard as Cosmic just looked owlishly at her as Celestia continued to look outside.

"What did they do?"

"I don't know what I know about then as the fighting we all did against him. His chaos magic did many wrong things around us and to us in our fighting. One thing I I remember was Tara wanted to rest in her garden to center herself for the next day after we found a crystal tree in the forest that held six gems that had power in them that we all felt like the edge we needed to win. But when I was on a table being checked out for the wounds I had by Luna and a trusted friend Clover the Clever checking Luna's wounds. We heard screaming from Tara's garden. Clover went to check on her but came back with news that she was gone and half of the garden was hit by chaos magic that we knew who did it and where she may be." Celestia said slowly taking a sip of tea.

'Oh crap! Is this going to be what I think it is and Celestia never knew the truth about what I believe happened! Fuck! I may have to hold off the training for a while. I may have to make a little trip to a desert for a visit to a love bug sister talk... And hopefully we can get together and talk about what happened. But I believe a wedding Crashers moment is still needed. A lesson in trusting ones close friend and family is needed to be put in place. But not end in the same way in the show. Tara may or may not be killed if the love shield Doom's day weapon goes off. Hope what happened to Thorax can work on her or maybe there is a way to get her back to the way she was before.'

"The next day Luna and me went out to meet Discord and found he was not alone."

'Called it.'

"I was not in the right state of mind at that time. Fighting him was not good for ones mental health. But his new company was a creature I never saw before. It was scared? Of him... I think. I don't know to well. He called her Chrysalis. With his rambling and her saying she was Tara and a vision of the future of a city now I didn't know until now as Canterlot was under attack by more of what she was. He was giving us a chance to let it happen and save the future or stop it now."

'oh for fucking sak no...'

Cosmic wasn't showing any emotions on her face when Celestia was looking but when she would look down or outside she was cringing at the poor timing of the past because of Discord and what he did. Discord will definitely need help. Personal she likes how funny he can be. But that was wack.

"In the end we both made a decision and stopped them. Bashing her and sealing Discord in stone as he was eating black seeds. And we both tried to look for Tara but couldn't find her. Discord did something to her and we couldn't find her." Finished Celestia looking down with closed eyes crying and Cosmic was stuck on wither or not to scream in frustration at the level of stupidity of her sisters or slap her maybe both. There was something else she wanted to feel but she was smoking from the ears just smiling.

After a minute to calm down the best she could, Cosmic took a deep breath and tried to relax and fix her family the best she can later and find something else to talk about before flipping out at something she can't prove right now. But before she could come up with something to say Celestia beat her first.

"So! What do you plan on doing first when the doctor is done looking you over and we add your name to records for others to find you if you do anything for a job or entry for the areas you want to go in like the Boots and my Guard? What would you like to do? Explore our land or get right to it." Celestia said throwing Cosmic off.

Looking at Celestia with a blank look like she would with anyone. Cosmic knows what to do but how to do it will be a different thingy for her to get over to get to Tara and then figure out what to say to her before she throws her in pod or what ever she may do. Hoping for the best when it comes time to act, Cosmic focus on Celestia with half of a idea.

"Well... Just so happens I was thinking about that." She begand.

"Hm?" Celestia smiles back waiting patiently.

"Well I was thinking about do some traveling yes! I may get to busy with what we be coming up soon. Take a trip around see what I can on my free free time. Feel what's it like to do what I want for a change instead of what someone's time and wat not. See where my wings take me for a bit. Live a little before I set up a routine of what my grandfather was, my uncle and dad in the military life. But I will have to help me when I get breaks. And I see that as a way to help me make quick discussion if a emergency comes out of nowhere and you can't help I will make princess calls. Not now, but in the future."

Celestia just beamed at my answer that I just winged out my ass. Drinking more of the tea Cosmic takes a cup to to wet her dry throt.

"I understand dear sister. I think that would be a good idea. But don't worry so much on that. You have a long life a head of you to explore more of this world and so many things like magic for one to understand besides the other areas of life for ponies. The other races have interesting facts about their ways of life and the animals here." Celestia explained with a smile.

Smiling back holding her nervousness at what is to be coming some. Cosmic leaned back to watch the later afternoon sun over the trees was slowly coming to evening as they come closer to Canterlot. The statue of Discord and Twilight Sparkle with the soon to be couple and... Oh dear. Blueblood. With a deep sigh at meeting him, she only hopes he is nothing like what he showed and is ok. Don't need that kind of stress right now.

As the sisters were quite enjoying the food and lost in their own thoughts looking out the window. A most awful idea came that paled Cosmic making the blue coat turn a pale blue and eyes sink. Slowly looking to Celestia to ask a very unwanted question. One that comes from not reading the story but heard of it from others and little snippets in some. Feeling the change in the small room Celestia look at her sister and was worried at what she saw of her sister.

"Sister? What ever is the matter. Why do you look so ill?" She question in worry.

"Sis. . . . If I say 'Caribou'. What does that mean to you?" Cosmic asked in a whisper.

Understanding what now worry's her now. She must know something about them from her old world. And gave her a comforting smile with warmth behind it. The look on her face easing up was a good sign.

"It's ok dear sister. The old King of that land that wanted females as slaves is no more. The Caribou is ruled by a good Queen." Said Celestia reaching over to put her hand on a free knee patting it.

With a big sigh of relief and color coming back to her face, she relaxs in the seat with a hand on her chest.

"Oh thank mother. I didn't want to have to come up with a plan to deal with that outcome. Didn't want to worry of my nightmares of sometimes have or the onces heard of being made real in my new life." Said Cosmic.

Celestia now understanding what was the matter moved over to hug her sister.

"It's ok. That was taken care of many years ago and the queen is like us. Immortal. My little ponys and you will not be hurt." Comfort Celestia nuzzling her sisters head.

Both sisters remained quite looking at the outside world go by and the mountain that holds Canterlot was coming up. Raven came back some time later and removed the table to the hallway outside so somepony to take it not coming in to disturb us. As the base of the mountain came up and the train began it's track up to Canterlot. Cosmic asked another question.

"Celestia, do you still know how to fight like in the past still? If a powerful enemy comes and takes the guard out. Can you still show them that you are not a mare to be taken lightly?" Said Cosmic making both mares in the room to look at her looking out the window and for one to look at Celestia.

Dipping her chin down Celestia answered.

"Maybe. I haven't been training myself like I want. My butt is a answer for that. But I still have the skills to pull some tricks out of my crown. Why you ask?" Wondered Celestia.

"Just thinking about you. Maybe when I get back from my trip. We train together as I train with other ponies in the bots and guard. Sisters helping each other out. And if another portal of some kind opens and it's behind me taking me. You won't worry so badly knowing you helped train me to be ready. Or something like that. Just wanted to do something with you is all." Finished Cosmic leaning towards Celestia.

Raven was a little confused about what was said by portals and a trip. When was a trip made. Looks like she will have to talk about it later with Celestia. With must of the paperwork set to be filled in when she gets back to her office, Raven relax for a bit. Celestia kept an arm around her sis thinking about what was said looking out the window as the train was slowly going up.

The quite train ride up was peaceful as all three mares did nothing as time passed. One point Cosmic's ears popped from the higher elevation of Canterlot and was rubbing them. Before the end of ride could come. Cosmic pulled out her phone and played a song. With no music for a while was bugging her and she wanted to listen to it out loud.


Not expecting music to be played Celestia and Raven both started to look around to find it, but found it was coming from the black thing in Cosmic's hand as she was looking out the window quitly singing with the stallion. Hearing metal lightly banging. Raven got up and went to the door and saw when she cracked it open a little both of guards dancing to the music. But it was funny that they tried to keep the stern look of a guard. Closing the door and rejoining the others and listen to the new music and singing quitly with Celeste and Cosmic.

As the music came to an end the Canterlot train station was coming in sight. Putting the phone away, Cosmic got up with a sleepy cat wanting to nap more holding on. Taking the carrier down, Mocha was put in and went back to sleep like a light out. Taking the time to stretch out her sleeping body and joints. Raven joined as well with the taller mare. Soon the train was felt slowing down and the brakes were heard. With the noise of the other ponies on board moving around to get ready to get off and so was the Princesses assistant. When the train station platform was in sight the train came to a full stop and the doors opening up and down the train cars. The call of that one guy with the watch yelling things, Cosmic forgot what was his job was called. But cool hearing him. Taking a deep breath all three left their room and joined the rest of the ponies outside with the guards that were with them taking up position around them and meeting more waiting outside. The walk through the station was interesting and with eyes on them and bowing heads to Celestia the walk was nice. But seeing Canterlot like this in a different way was breath taking. But the nobles were not so. Noses held up high like they were better was funny to Cosmic as she watched them getting Raven's attention. Leaning towards her to whipper.

"What's up? What do you see is funny?"

Moving Mocha's carrier to the other hand Cosmic responded back.

"Oh. Just wondering how they get around the place with out hitting into each other or things while looking up." Cosmic told her with a giggle and getting Raven to laugh at that.

Raven know she was going to like her. And the walk through town was ok as Cosmic was looking this way and that way every so often bumping into Raven and Celestia looking at all of Canterlot has to offer, getting both mares to giggle at her as she was taking in all what Canterlot had.

Feeling something in her pocket, Cosmic pulled out a letter with a party theme. Opening it caused a horn and confetti to come out and rain on her. Smiling to herself knowing who could do this and scaring ponies around her. Raven just giggled as the nobles were scared. Celestia looked down over her sis's shoulder to see what she was reading.

You may not have stayed long. But I will give you a party one day! You can count on me for the bestest super duper funnest time!

Your hopefully friend of some day.

Me! Pinkie Pie!

P.S. Have a cupcake my future friend!

P.S.S. Hello Princess! Sorry I didn't get to see you today! Was really busy. Bye now!

Smiling at the note and cupcake with it popping out. Cosmic leaned forward and ate it whole moaning in delight at the taste. Celestia just smiled at the kind words and promise of a party for her sis when she gets back to Ponyville. Closing the note and putting it away in her pocket, she took the time to brush off the party confetti off herself.

Soon the castle was in front of them and that held Cosmic's attention as they got near. With guards on her left and right and Raven in front with her sis behind. And the guards at the gate, it felt like a dream. It wasn't Disney Castle but it was special to look at. Going through with out being stopped the doors came closer. When they were being opened for them Cosmic felt like so much will change now. Some will be the same as the show, but the other things that are not the same needed to be addressed. Two sisters out there needed help. One that the elements will take care of and the other needed her to get it done. The road looked hard for now. But nothing good and great ever came easy. Stepping in the doors of her new home with cat in one hand and bunny under a wing hidden, Celestia and Raven heard her say quitly.

"Bring it on fuckers! I'm waiting!"

Danger Zone

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On a tower roof over looking Canterlot. Two pony sat looking at the training grounds for the Wonder Bolts as the new captain was going over drills with the new trainees. One kept eyes on her well the other was looking to her companion.

"Why are we watching them?"

"Because Mother Goose. For fun."

"What? When am I 'Mother Goose' now!?"

"When we got here to begin the operation. And I'm Maverick now."

Silence came between them as Maverick pull up binoculars and watched Spitfire as Fleetfoot and Sorin came up with cilpbords for her to look at.

"Really? That is what you want to be called? Cosmic dear why are we doing this?"

Rolling over quick Cosmic was on her looking around to make sure no one else was around. A guard walk by with his armor giving him away and was soon gone. Still straddling the mare below and a finger on her lips gave her the sink eye. Leaning close to her ear to whisper.

"Because sister. You don't have fun too much. And this idea I have will be fun. I will test my limits and with you here you can catch me if I mess up. And don't call me by name. We have code names for now. Or call names. It's form a movie that is kinda like the Wonder Bolts."

Staying on Celestia as a new perch. Cosmic used the spyglasses to watch the Spitfire again. Celestia being amused at how her boobs her a chin rest watched Cosmic spying.

"Ok. But why are we spying? And are you getting off me any time soon?"

Her answer was her sister pushing down on her getting more comfortable and felt her leg being rubbed on and her breast having a face half hidden.

"You more comfortable Mother Goose. And we are waiting for the right time to strike!"

To that point Celestia felt a hand slap her butt with a little nosies following it but not that hard but felt a new sensation and sent a shiver in her having her bit her lip a little.

"You sound like Luna when we were younger watching our enemies." Mother Goose said with a soft giggle seeing how both are so similar together.

Biting her lip with a mischievous smile. Celestia returned the slap on Cosmic's exposed rear with a louder slap then hers was. With a gasp coming out of Cosmic and her going stiff, Celestia closed her eyes giggling to herself. The sound of the spyglasses hitting the roof was small and a passing guard kept walking on. Celestia stopped giggling when she felt wet spots and drops of water hitting her chest. Knowing that no rain was not scheduled for today. Open her eyes to see her sister... crying and looking so small on her looking back scared. She was shivering in fear. Feel a ping in her own chest at her sister. She lifted up a hand to hold her face but when Cosmic saw the hand coming up closed her eyes and shivered harder stopped her for a moment but still cupped her face rubbing a thumb. Cosmic leaned into her hand hugging back.

"Sister? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Celestia asked in a quiet voice.

Her answer was for the free side of her sister's face to lay on her breast like a pillow and her hand to continue to rub her cheek. In a choked voice she heard a stream of 'sorrys' and 'I be good' come out. She could feel her sister's heartbeat going fast against her own chest. Reaching down and pulling down her shorts to see if she hurt her caused Cosmic to freeze up with a whimper.

"It's ok. I just want to see. I'm not going to hurt you sister." Celestia said into her ear.

Looking down at her exposed rump and knowing that she wasn't even wearing underwear under her black shorts saw a very red hand print of her own hand. Her own love pat wasn't light but had some strength to it. For the next five minutes Celestia was gentle rubbing the cheek she hurt while Cosmic cried on her chest.

It wasn't long till Cosmic wasn't crying as much and lifted her head up to look at Celestia with a peeved look and tear soaked cheeks.

"Sister I'm sorr-"

"What the FUCK!" Said Cosmic in a hushesd voice surprising her.


"What was that for? Why you slap my ass like a volleyball?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hit you that hard. I thought I was being careful."

"My ass would like to say otherwise. So what? Is that something I have to watch out for. Being stronger than the normal pony and watch how I interact with others and things around me?" Cosmic asked.

"Well yes. Being a true born Alicorn. As what mother said if you heard her say before at the library. You are a true born Alicorn like us. But I guess you are coming back into your body after being out of it for so long." Celestia said pulling her shorts back up to cover her sister's butt.

Cosmic just looked at her with confusion on her face turning her head like a dog.

"Wait.... What now? You telling me that I wasn't some random person she picked out of many in one world with many more hurt then me. But I am really your little brother well sister for now that I came from here? We really are family." Cosmic asked and got a nod with a 'yes'.

"Well shit. I didn't hear that at all. I heard differently. This will take me a while to accept that what I thought I knew was not it. I was a pony hiding as a human pretending to be like them." Cosmic said out loud hugging Celestia's smaller body for her disguise out for the day.

Celestia just watched Cosmic looking forward to what ever was over the towers ledge and the land below biting your lip in thought as the gentle feeling of the wind blew over them. Breath in deeply Celestia couldn't help but feel bad for hurting her and at how she wasn't paying attention to when mother was talking to them. Feeling like Cosmic needed time to herself, she looked up to the sky above and watch everything around them. It's been a long time since she was able to get out and do something other than work and with family that she put one hand under her head with the elbow above her head and the other on Cosmic's back under her wing rubbing the joint.

Cosmic falling asleep after awhile of nothing to do or say was still on top of Celestia as she kept watching the sky and listening to the castle noises. After so many years of work and trying to help others it was nice of her sister to steal her away like this to do something fun? When ever she wakes up. Her other family members like Blueblood was great to have but the feeling in her heart at having this type of family back was the best and when Luna comes back and is free of the darkness would be even better. If only her other sister Tara could join them. Cadence not of her family blood but is like. Twilight... If what Starswirl was going on about would be true before he and the rest of the other six guardians disappeared going after the pony of shadows then maybe her student can work out what he couldn't and if true she would be a Alicorn. But for now it's too soon for her. What tests can she come up with that could show help in finding out. Lost in thought on nothing in particular an hour or so passes by with nothing but the open sky and the sounds of the ponys training in the field below or in the city. It was peaceful. Looking down to Cosmic still sleeping she couldn't help but notice how she dresses like Luna. Black shorts and gray tank top and no undies. Luna was a free spirit to. Just of resent times did she like to go undies free. It was freeing to not having panties digging into her hips. But in other ways Cosmic was different not just hair color. She flinchs a lot and gets surprised badly. What could have happened to her in that world.

A horn from below went off waking up Cosmic with a snort and looking around with squinty eyes. Leaning up she looked around confused.

"You ok?" Celestia asked still resting with her hand under her head.

Hearing the voice below her Cosmic looks to see her sister under her and blushes a little rubbing under her eyes with one hand looking around.

"Nothing really... I mean yeah I'm ok. Just was... Well surprised of the fact I fall asleep and woke up suddenly. What was that noise?" Said Cosmic rubbing the sleep away and sitting up off Celestia.

"That would be the lunch hour for the Wonder Bolts. Would you like to go out and get lunch somewhere with me since you have me out here or was there something else you had planned?"

"For the day I was going to... 'wing' it! Hehe. But I did have a plan for now. Just as long as they do what I hope they may do we can work on getting hungry for lunch." Cosmic said picking up the binoculars and looking below for her targets.

Celestia just hummed softly while rolling over to her stomach to look over. As both watched the captain leave the feild for the lunch hall Celestia was about to ask something else but stopped when she heard music and watched Cosmic dives in front of her calling out 'Mother Goose on my six!'


And just like that Celestia was flying behind Cosmic as they both came down the tower fast to the base of the tower and pulling up sharply in time to rocket off to the captain and her two followers fast. Just before they crashed, Spitfire turned in slow motion to them in shock as they passed them with high winds knocking them flat on there asses. As both sisters flaped hard to clear out Spitfire was shaking her head to clear the dust and confusion out. Watching as both mares leave the feild and the other two shaking it off does she notices that two things were a miss. Her goggles around her neck and shades are not on her. Hearing a whistle blow made her look up and see both mares back and one with both items on her waving for her.

"Want'em? Come and get them sweetie!"

And like that they were gone heading for the city and turned a corner disappearing. Her hunger forgot as now she was issued a challenge. And before the others could stop her Spitfire was blazing after the mares as fast as her wings can take her. Fleetfoot and Sorin just watched in wonder as there leader was now gone like the other two went to.

"What should we do? Follow or?"

"Go to lunch Sorin. I will assist the captain. It shouldn't take too long to get back her stuff and in time for lunch. Probably some rookies or someone from the guard playing with the new captain." Fleetfoot said getting off her butt dusting off dirt and taking off just as fast with her goggles down.


Sorin was still confused about what just happened and just rubbed his neck getting up and heading in for food and hoped they had apple pie on the menu.

Back with Spitfire and the sisters she was behind them flying as fast as she could but still couldn't catch up. She still hadn't mastered the fast corner turns in tight areas and the mares in front were a head getting away as the distance increase. They didn't look like they were getting tried and knew what they were doing. In truth Cosmic didn't really but was pushing herself to her limit with Celestia near just in case if something went wrong. Just flying over the heads of the residents of Canterlot many were blow and scared of the high blast of wind as four Pegasus flying by with Fleetfoot slowly catching up on her captain.

On the long main road in Canterlot, Celestial drive. All four were flying over more ponies and other Pegasus flying around but dived out of the way of fast moving flyers and high winds behind them. A happy Spitfire was behind them the two sisters as she was now gaining ground closing the gap between them and was now in arms reach of grabbing the blue ones long tail. But now behind the mare Spitfire was now smelling her and she didn't smell like a normal mare. It made her feel a little werid that it smelled familiar to something else but what she did notice was that both mares are bigger than normal. And their wings matched their size in being bigger and that gave them the power to fly fast. Then the blue one turned her head down to look right at her with her goggles around her neck and shades on with a gentle smile. The shades looked nice on her but that smile was a bit of a shock. No cockyness or anything but a mare having the time of her life.

The anger Spitfire had began to leave her and left her feeling a little bad for kinda thinking of any unkind thoughts about the two. In one quick move the shades and goggles fell back to her with a quick grab for the goggles and amazing the shades landed on her nose. Blinking in surprise Spitfire now saw the mares eyes.

"This is fun! Please don't be mad at me. I just wanted to have fun and test myself. Please and keep up."

Before she could say anything both mares flaped hard and really rocketed off down the street and laughter was on the wind. Slowing down some from that encounter and Fleetfoot at her side Spitfire had a smile of her own. Fleetfoot was still going stronge but felt she needed to get in better condition as she watched the two get away with more ground losted between them opening up. Looking to her captain and seeing the stolen items back.

"Did you get back what they took ma'am? Should we take them in?" Fleetfoot asked.

Looking to her with the glasses down to see over in surprise. Spitfire blinked and a gentle shake of the head to focus.

"No. They gave them back." Spitfire said then took off laughing herself as her signature smoke trail with small licks of fire in it before more questions could be asked.

Confused about what is going on now, Fleetfoot didn't know what to do as she watched her commander chase after the pair of ponies in a light hearted manner then before. Feeling her stomach grumbling for food she just left signing to herself and left going back to the lunch hall before she missed out.

Spitfire was catching up fast on them and was impressed with how well they can fly. Not going all out herself but still good. The white mare looked fine with a look like she wasn't putting that much effort into it. But the blue one definitely was trying her best. Her wing movements are not in proper sync for effortless flying. She needs training to help. She could be a great flyer and could surpass her in speed. Pinpoint turns she has down. Well the sync in her wings are there at times but it seems she is distracted by the looks of it. Focusing on what she was doing now Spitfire couldn't believe she was doing this. But it felt so good to be doing it. It's like being around this stranger was bringing out the foal in her to have fun. And she was loving it so much! Taking off her glasses she open her suit and put them in between her breasts for safety and closed it up and put her goggles on and got ready to have fun.

Cosmic was laying on a cloud with headphones in with Detroit Rock City fading to Caught Up In You. It's been a while since she was laying there resting after the air race. Unfortunately during the race passing a building a spider fall on her face scaring her that she back paddled fast and took off fast in a blind panic the next thing she could see was a open feild and no idea where to go as the mountain that had Canterlot was not in sight. Only thing of note was the new hole in the ground lefted by her on a crash landing. The taste of dirt was next.

In all of not knowing how she got there is confusing. Rolling over to look down to see her hole art was her guest. A hydra looking at her in return. Landing didn't do any favors for her. Still in some pain and in the wings. It was a surprise to meet it and flying up hurt some. But suck at not knowing where to go has left her the chance to get a up close look at it from safety. A glint of white on the horizon draw her sight and with her better eye sight then a normal pegasus pony she saw her sister and surprisingly Spitfire making there way to her.

In all. Not a bad day. High speed flying and crash landing with a hydra. And still no lunch yet. What a way to kill an afternoon.

"I wonder how Tia will take it when she finds out I stole her for the day with out clearing her schedule?" Cosmic said watching them come closer.


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Few months later

Cadence walked into the room with the box Celestia requested. Setting it on the table next to her wiping her hands off.

"Is that everything we need?"


"With what my mother was able to tell me. Cryptically, I may add. And your help. We can do this." Celestia said looking to Cadence.

"This will be one heck of a birthday gift, no?" Cadence said with a giggle.

"Yes. And hopefully this week before it comes, we will have our strength back so no one will know."

"I'm willing to do this aunty. What's a little magically drain to helping family!" Smiled Cadence. "But what does everyone think we are?"

"Well, part of the truth really. I received news that a lost family member of my very blood has shown up. And you are coming with me to collect and return home."

"I see you lefted out the gender. That is, if this doesn't work?"

"Yes... I know he doesn't truly accept what had happened. I always try to keep an eye on him. Whenever he catches his reflection in a mirrored surface... On occasion he cringes. And I can only keep news of why she is here quite so long. Ugh! Newsponies! Or a nosey noble."

"Tabloids!" Cadence said hotly, under her breath.

"But aunty I don't understand why you have me get this stuff? How is this going to help?" Cadence asked putting a hand on the box.

"You will see. Come! I will tell you as we set up the spell array."

Celestia and Cadence both left the office and the hall where no guard was in sight.

In a private area of the castle's hospital wing, the royal Doctor sat at a desk with a view of all three alicorns in bed resting. Looking over the flies on her desk on the condition of each one. It's almost been a week since they were brought in at night. The flie that had most of her attention was the newest alicorn and updating the information on it.

Sighing to herself on how strange this all was. But, as a doctor this was worth the experience to have. The greatest magical and medical impossibility rest in front of her. Resting her chin on her hand looking up at the sleeping prince smiling.

"Well my sweet little prince, life seems to play with you hard, uh?" She said quietly, watching him smile silly like and the blanket raising up.

Blinking in surprise then smiling again with smoldering look as she eyes his growing cock.

"Well well well! Someone is having fun dreams tonight!" She said, getting up from her desk and stand by his bed paperwork forgotten.

Biting her lip looking at the other sleeping alicorns to see if they are showing signs of waking up. But with them still still, pulling down the blanket to free his cock giving her a chance to look it over. Blushing a little at how hard it was. He must be having a really naughty dream. For some reason the longer she looked at it the more her head got fuzzy. Not realizing that her fingers were gently rubbing it until the prince gently moan catching her attention looking up with her fingers still rubbing.

'What am I doing!? He is my patience and... Well I do have to give a proper medical exam! No! I must sta-... I'm not hurting him. Still will help both of -!?' Her thoughts interrupted trying to control herself to finding a new taste in her mouth and now see she has his hard cock in and her tongue licking the underside.

Blushing more turning her face red. Her thoughts racing faster as she tried to think what is happening to her to be doing this for no reason. Being pulled out of her frantic thoughts again to hear the prince moan more and feel his whole cock twitch in her mouth. Closing her eyes and breathe in deep from her nose to calm down. Giving up on trying to think about it she reopen her eyes and just went with it and made it to be his medical exam on the working function of his reproduction organ. Taking a spot on his bed her white coat and shirt open with her breasts out began to eat her prince's jucy meat between her breasts.

Off to the side Celestia woke up feeling so dizzy and nauseated with lightheadedness. But catching her doctor next to her on the bed doing something she can't understand with the monster of a headache. And falls asleep again.

Candace was still out but her horn was giving off little hearts that were floating to her side to the bed that the doctor was going balls deep on the sleeping prince and popping over her. She slept on never knowing what was happening or what she started with a smile.

When morning came, Celestia was the first up feeling better for the most part. With feeling back and not so magically drained now, she was about to sit up in bed but was stopped with a weight on her chest that caught her attention. Looking down all she saw was a big mess of rust red hair with a gold line and a white horn poking through. The white horn gave her pause as she can't place who this was! Looking to her left she saw Cadence in the far bed and the middle empty. Feeling arms wrapping around with a face buried on her chest and mumbling.

Still feeling a little out of it, Celestia gently moved the red forest of hair away from around the horn to see the forehead then the face of a very tried colt. Starring at his face a for a while her tired mind only saw a face of someone she remembers a long time ago when she was little. Besides the added gold line of hair it was like seeing her mother! A younger male version of her. But why? Then she became fully awake after hearing him mumble out 'Celly! Stop! That's my piece of cake!? You cakeaholic!'. Her mouth hanging down in shock! The spell worked! But her brother is whole, but looks nothing like he should be! 'What went wrong? Will he be angry at her for doing this with out telling him before hand? Will he hate her? Will he still want to be with her after wards? Will he never talk to her-', her dark thoughts grind to a halt as he mumbled something else nuzzling her chest. 'I love you sis! Please don't hate me... I don't want to be alone again!'. Feeling like a weight lift off her chest and the darkest over her mind disappear. She reached out and hugged him back nuzzling and kissing his head and whispered softly in his ear. 'Never! I love you too baby brother!'.

Leaning up to hug him, she was able to see he was on top of the blanket over her. Hearing the door beginning to open and Cadence was waking too. With little thought she quickly used her magic to move her blanket from between them to over then both to cover him. And add that to the headache she has now using her magic a little too soon before getting cleared up with the doctor.

The doctor slowly walks in looking very tired but her face didn't give away what she was feeling. And Cadence leans up to a sitting position letting the blanket fall of her and looking very out of it at how her hair and feathers.

"Good morning Celestia, Cadence...' looking around the doctor spotted the missing prince not in bed but between two large breasts. 'and sleeping beauty."

Celestia found that funny and Cadence was still out of it looking around confused.

"Good morning Mend, sleep well?" Celestia said gently. "You look like you didn't sleep at all?"

Doctor Mend froze up a little, but recovered fast turning to her desk to hide the small blush on her white face. Getting her emotions under control quick she picked up the clipboards turning around with a stoic look. "Just couldn't get any sleep is all. I have gone on longer with out sleep before. I will be fine." Doc Mend replied.

"But tell me, how are you feeling? I have you know you three have been out like a light for the past week! Are you fairing okay?"

"Wut now?" Slurred Cadence not catching everything said. "I feel numb and my horn feels like it's pulsating. How my throat hurts now it's like I was deep throated hard and fast while they held on my horn too hard!"

Both mares just looked at her quietly not expecting that with Doc Mend adding some notes to her chart as she rubbed her horn looking for water not hearing what she said out loud. Both mares blushed red after hearing the quite sleepy voice of Cosmic say. "Can we play that!"

With Cadence's face deep in a carafe of water drinking fast, Celestia let Cosmic free from his booby trap and looked him over. Looking over his wings and how unkept the feathers are, she help clean, fix and remove every feathers in need. Using her magic again with a ping of pain again, teleported her brush and keeping it in her hold brushed his forest of a mane down. Mend watched them both as Celestia, more of a mother taking care of her five year old son then a big sister helping her teen brother. Celestia's hair was not faring any better looking like her brother's hair.

"Celestia! Stop using your magic so much on big spells! I saw your pained look. You are still recovering." Chided doctor Mend.

"Mend? Why are we three naked with only a blanket over us?" Questioned Celestia in turned.

"You never needed to stay in my care for so long, so we don't have anything that would do.' Answered Mend writing more on a different clipboard. 'Besides. Its only been me in here. I see no problem."

Saying nothing more and continued to pull out bad feathers and working out the knots put Celestia in a more calmer state of mind. Soon both his tail and hair were combed out. By the state of it though the hair needs to be washed. With the last feather set, Celestia hug him close looking up to the doctor.

"Now my dear Mend. Since all believe two of us are out to bring this one back! Is the teleport array ready for us to be in the return carriage?" Celestia inquired moving to stand up holding Cosmic in her arms.

"Take it easy now! And yes, it's ready. I check in with a guard to have the guards on carriage detail to get ready when she goes out for a patrol." Informed Mend going to Cadence's side to get her up.

"There is clothes for us? I don't mind walking out right now and show the glory of both my suns! But Cadence may not be ready to not care of others think like me." Celestia ask moving Cosmic to lay in her arms with his face nuzzling her neck.


"And I was able to get something for the Prince to wear."

"I'm sure you did!" Stated Celestia coolly going to Cadence.

Mend stopped for a moment after hearing Celestia, but played it off breathing out slowly standing up after storing the clipboards away. Moving to stand in front of the three with her horn light with magic of blue light feeding the array.

"I'm not good with this level of magic needed to send you. But with you both setting it up before, it will make this a snap. Remember to take it easy this. And if he has any problems that come up? You know where to find me!" Ordered Doctor Mend.

"Yes Doctor Mend! Have a wonderful day and do get some rest! The stiff, drinks you had last night didn't help much!" Celestia commented before disappear in a flash with a confused Cadence.

Mend stood there in shock. Then cursed under her breath while pulling out a bottle of Granny Smith's hard cider and layed down on Cosmic free bed. With her hair out of it's bun and shirt open showing no bra. Breathing deeply and exhale hard blowing her white hair away and drank hard from the bottle. Taking two more large drinks draining half of it and set it down. Burying her face into his pillow breathing in his scent falling a sleep not caring about it with a smile.

With a small pop and tingling of bells, the three alicorns reappeared far away from Canterlot on a mountain with a team of four mare guards and the royal carriage waited. A cold breeze blow passed doing nothing to Celestia as the sun warmed her and feed her more soler energy for magic and body waking her up more with her hair bearly to starting to move some. But for Cadence to was a shock to her system and a bad wake up call. Now more awake cold and grumpy. She complained loudly shaking. Both her crying and cold wind woke Cosmic up just to wrap his arms and legs around Celestia looking for more warmth and whine into her neck being woken up. Celestia just warped her large wings over him making a warm feathery blanket for him and a kiss to his forehead.

"Cadence, sweetie? I know you feel upset. But please keep it down. Cosmic is still sleeping!" Celestia said quietly with a smile.

Looking over Cadence couldn't see but hear him whine.

"Mom... Five more minutes!"

Feeling a little bad she looked around to have a bag in her face by a guard looking away and took up position by the carriage after others did the same dropping off bags. Blushing red from being naked outside. Cadence disappeared in the carriage with the bag in a pink blur.

Celestia followed in with the other bags for her and Cosmic. Inside with the door closed and blinds down the crew hooked up and took to the air on a slow track back to Canterlot. Cadence was first to be fully clothed and watched as her aunt put clothes on her young uncle. For being a teen, he was packing enough meat to have fun with. Not enough to get her gagging, yet. A smile crossed her lips as she thought it would be for Twilight if she can get her nose out of books and down to his bush. Storing that for later if she gets free time to work on that if possible. She saw that his coat is very different like his hair! Not blue but white! More white than his sister's. Course her's has a pink shade of white. And his mane! Not purple with dark faded red, but dark red like rust. And what cought her eye was the gold strict going both ways back down his head and front. It looked like her color of gold. That was not good. They wanted to help him be normal and make him happy. Not change more of him. Its like the price for changing something to him has a unknown effect.

Biting her lip in worry and like she failed him she helped dress him by putting the shirt on as Celestia was working on the shorts and tail. When he was done, Cadence was hugging him as he slept her lap so Celestia could slip her panties and a white dress with her crown and arm bands.

"Aunty? Your hair is not it's usually self. I don't mind seeing it down and looks good too. But the rest of Canterlot or any pony that see you may think otherwise."

"It will be ok. Just being in the suns light is helping me. By the time we touch down I will have the magic to have it flow. Guards!? Take your time getting there! No need to rush." Celestia called out the window with a call back and the carriage slowing down some.

With the currents open and the light on Celestia she layed back as she felt more soler energy fill her. As by her hair having a shiny look and it beging to flow to the left once more. Celestia watched as Cadence layed Cosmic down with his head resting on her lap. With her hands free she bush her hair out and tail, being gentle not to move so much. When she was done, she put her hair in a ponytail. She thought it was cute seeing both of them wearing the same type of clothes with hers a violet and pink comb and his a white and blue. Feeling something in her hands, looking down to her lap, Celestia saw her brother's phone. As she looked it over, a glow over it turned it white from black. Using a finger to touch it and turning over, her free hand felt a weight and looking to it. Another phone like in her right hand now sat another. But this one had her cutie mark on the back and a small keychain of a piece of cake. Huffing in amusement of the cake she looked over this new phone when the screen came on and a text 'Surpise honey!'.

Knowing who it could be, she did as she learned from when Cosmic showed her how to work the touch board of words and ask the question she wanted to know.

'Mother? What happened? The spell you told me and bag of hair you sent was supposed to put him back! He looks so different from before! Did I mess it up?'

'You did fine dear!'

'But his hair and coat are not blue and light purple with red strips! He looks like you almost!'

'Because that is his normal colors. His looks came out looking like me. My dear baby boy. And missy! You better work on fixing the broken relationship between Tara and you! Because he was planning on trying to by himself for you! He bearly knows any of you and he wants to help. So you both are going. No buts! He has a idea on where to look. You will need each other. As he looks now. She will listen. I will know if you don't. I'm watching little girl.'

'But listen... I can help him very little. Another powerful force is trying to get him. They don't want him there in your world... I can pull him back to you. But I can't do much to stop it. You need to do teach him what you can so he can be ready. He was... Lucky in a way for the first world he was on.'

Celestia sat there wide-eyed in shock. Swallowing hard she looked up at Cosmic as he slept on Cadence lap as she fall asleep again. Reaching forward to put his phone in a pocket. She sat there looking him over thinking over what she now knows. Still have two sisters. One banished to the moon. One some where else. He has a idea of where to start. She runs the country and can't be away for to long. Chance to have all sisters and brother together and be whole as family. Unsure how ever of her feelings she has for him are family friendly or something more. Will her other sisters have the same problem too? He is the only one that will live long like them. Can they live together for so long without the possibility of them start loving there little brother to possible lover? Celestia is unsure about the others. But she has been alone for a long time. Already she is more happy than she has been having a family member but. But! Something out there is targeting him... So much more on her plate now.

Sighing in frustration over her feelings and training, she looks down at her hands again playing with her new phone. Exploring this new device, she fails to see little broken pink hearts float out of Cadence's horn and float over them popping and sprinkling down.

Cadence wasn't having a good time of late. Every so often her dreams left her more restless. She kept having the same day replay over and over of Shiny breaking up with her months ago. Trying her best to push though it didn't help. She thought she found her love. But it would seem he was afraid. No matter how much love there would be for each other. His position was, he would get older and weaker well she stay the same. And no matter how much she argue about it it didn't sway him. Her dreams just made it worse to see.

She woke up with a gasp and tears. Hearing someone waking up, Celestia snapped up from her phone and turning it over and off. Another conversation was going on with her mom before. Hoping to speak with her brother, she looked to him and was disappointed to see he was still out like a light. But seeing Cadence was the one and in destress, she reached out grabbed her knee.

"Was it the same dream?" Celestia asked in a kind tone.

"Yes!" She said in a small voice doing the breathing technique she taught Twilight, moving her hand from her chest out in front of her a few times.

Taking a deep breath Celestia looked down in sadness. Wishing she could help more, but this will be something only Candace can do. Advance can only help so much.

Patting her knee, Celestia withdraw her hand looking out the window to watch the land pass by.

As the wheels touched down in the courtyard, guards moved in to keep the news press from swarming the carriage. As the carriage door opened by a butler that came running, the shouts of ponies and flashing lights of cameras filled the air as the occupants left the carriage.

Stepping down first was Candice looking at the crowd with a smile and waving. Among the guards she saw to her surprise was Shining Armor looking worried at her. Not losing her smile, she continued to walk down the line of guards back in the castle doors, where her smile drops heading to her room to take a shower and sleep more still sleepy.

When Celestia stepped off, everyone went quite with a few clicks of cameras. Celestia smiled at how her ponies act at seeing her brother in her arms. With his smaller body and her larger frame it looked like she was carrying a child much younger.

"Hello my dear subjects! I bring home my little brother safe and sound. Thank you for coming out to see us all return. But I must go. I will continue with open court again to hear you. But, for now my brother needs me for him to understand everything that is happening. Good day, my little ponies." Address Celestia.

Walking down the rug back to the castle doors flaked by guards by her, the sound of the crowd came back to life with a roar with cameras clicking madly and shouts of reports asking questions that went unanswered. The noise from the crowd woke the sleeping Prince, with him holding on and hiding half his face on her shirt.

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When the castle doors closed behind her, Celestia sighed as the noise lowered. Looking down at Cosmic shaking from all the noise kissed his head.

"Brother? Would you like to walk with me as we go to your room?" Celestia inquired.

He looked up at her for a long while just staring at her. It was like looking in a mirror. His eyes like hers, many will think he is her son, not brother. With a node, she helped him to his hooves and held his hand as they began to walk. As many castle staff went about there business, many took the time to stare at the new male alicorn by the Princess, many having hushed chats about him.

In the smaller dining room, Celestia and Cosmic were having a quiet dinner. After leaving him in his room with castle trailer came to take his new measurements for his new wardrobe and said copy of them went to the castle blacksmith for training armor to be made. She spent her time in the vault looking over the old books from the past on combat magic training to survival journals on living off the forest. Everyone has come a long way to not need this for everyday living, but not knowing where you will be is the most upsetting thing. Best to have knowledge on surviving the basic things to make it to civilization.

Shining Armor would be the best teacher for shield magic. He has shown to be the greatest in that field. Spitfire is the newest captain of the Wonderbolts, being a former guard, she would be the best teacher in ariel combat training. And last would be her to teach him the rest. It's been a long time since she had to use fighting magic, but she shouldn't be to rusty. Poor dear, it's going to be a rough time.

"Brother... I have some things to tell you."

Cosmic looked up at her with eyes that had a look of lost. Not saying anything he nodded. And so she explained about what mother said, and what she plains to do to help him be ready. When she was done he just looked down at his food playing with it. She begin to get worried when he kept quiet. Then he looked up at her.

"Just when you think things are not going to get more crazy and have a semi-normal life. The universe throws a dirty curve ball."

"It's not all bad is it?"

"No. I guess not. Far worse could have been done. More so then what happened all ready..." He mumble at the end where Celestia almost didn't catch.

Bitting her lip with anger at the woman that was supposed to be a mother. Taking a steady breath to calm down, with only her to be the one to help him with that mental scar, another thing to help with.

"I would like to give you time to get ready, but it would be best to start in the morning. Even if you are my little brother. Your training will not be easy. Like my own teacher was not easy on us. You will be pushed hard. I dare say your lazy life before will not happen here. And for the for bearable future it won't be. I wish it wasn't so. Learning to be a prince isn't really important for now. Even though many of the nobles in the capital will want to host parties in your honor, the sharks that they are."

"Well... Shit."

She giggled at his flat response.

After morning breakfast was had, Celestia was leading Cosmic down a tunnel in the castle that was never ending. Confusing him on where she is leading him, he went to voice his thoughts to her but held her hand up a sigh to stop.

"We should be far enough to be sure we are not followed." She stated as the sound of magic filled the air.

"What do you mea-!? Ahhh!"

The sound of a rubbling click was heard and the stairs under hoof disappeared and they started to slide down very fast in a counterclockwise with funny music playing and Celestia laughing in happiness.


"What fun! Smell that fresh air brother!"

Breathing hard and holding his chest to stop his heart from popping out. She laughed more at his expense walking to a sealed door with a hand size hole, placing her hand in and the sound of a lock opening with the door.

"This is a special place I made long ago to come to be by myself. When I need to let my grief come out without worrying my subjects. But now it will have a new use for our needs." Celestia explained disappearing inside.

Getting off the floor dusting his new training armor off and taking a deep breath.

"That seem so familiar from somewhere... She's so funny. Hope I can repay her in more fun. I have one good idea on one mare that could help." Finished Cosmic standing up than a faint giggle snort was made with a little chill ran up is back. ".... Ok, moving on"

Letting go the moment of the Pink one for now. He let a chuckle out before following his sister in. After walking in the door closed with a snap and darkness came. A binding light later and blinking away spots, he saw a small house in a vase white area.

"Where the hell am I? Dragon ball Z? Is this that room with a time dilation or what ever it was called.... Oh! That would make sense now for her."

He saw Celestia coming out in full combat armor and her hair in braids. Coming to a stop in front holding two swords and tossing one his way. And missing it just as easily.

"Pick up your weapon!" She scolding him while getting in a fighting stance. "This place has my powerful magic in it for a old spell by my master he taught me. Time itself is crawling at a snails pace. It will be here you learn to fight, fly and cast magic like a real alicorn of old. I can't baby you from here on. Because I love you so much. Mother can get you home, but it won't happen as fast as I would like. She doesn't like it either. It will be like days that we will be here. More than enough time to teach you."

Picking up the blade and seeing it dull he takes a shaky stand. He gave a nervous grin.

"Ok. So what do we-!?"

Next thing he knew he was flying backwards rolling to a stop. Before he could ask what truck hit him, he was scrambling to his hooves and trying and failing to deflect the incoming strikes.

And so this unbelievable training began for Cosmic. Dodging Celestia more than trying to block incoming attacks which would send him flying. That be came the route for them. After taking beaks from sword training, more body training of doing many exercises and hand to hand fighting. True to her words she didn't go easy. And with it being so bright all the time time itself was lost on him. It felt like hell on earth. Going all out and collapsing out of pure exhaustion with his body burning and aching. After falling to his hands and knees breathing hard with sweat covered face, this sword training was more productive as he was able to block half of the incoming strikes and wasn't sent flying now. But it just seemed like it was getting harder. Celestia stopped in front of him as only her hooves he could see not having the strength to lift his head up.

"You are doing well! We have a good start on your form. Rest for now, because magic training is next. Brother... I wasn't the best a healing magic, that was sister Tara's field. So all I can offer is the basic spells. Out of normal ponies of our land and expect those in the army, you will get to learn spells not taught anymore. Not even my own student Twilight is learning this."

Dropping a towel on his head, she turned to the house to change for the next task. After cleaning up and change into normal clothes, her next task was to made a meal for them. Half way through cooking a loud thud was heard, leaving the kitchen she found Cosmic passed out on the floor next to the couch just missing it. Taking pity on him she lifted him up with her magic and a way of her hand water came forth and washed over him as his clothes changed into something more comfortable. Setting him on the couch now clean and comfy she left him to rest until he wakes.

With weeks into magic lessons gone though, Celestia noted that Cosmic is not passing out form magic drain as much anymore. He is doing very well. But needs to learn to control how much magic he pushes into it. He takes to magic learning like dear Twilight, maybe she should expand her magic training to be more. Maybe. Seeing that Cosmic was rubbing his smoking horn after the last try at lighting spell backfired and shocked him. Letting him rest for a little while, she went back to work on the magic storage bag for him to hold the things he will need. Humming a little tune to herself, she worked with the bag remembering the time making her first one.

Looking over her work so far, she was wondering if to put some cute cake images on the flap of the brown leather when a ZAP startled her.

"Ha haha haaa!"

Snapping her head up, the site before her was a blacked, smoking afro brother smiling like a mad pony than falling over.


Rushing over to the his prone body, she inspected the damage done.

"What were you doing?" She questioned.

"Playing with electricity and meeting the consequences for being funny." He answered as puffs of smoke came out his ears.

"Did you want the chicken, well done or extra crispy Ms?" He questioned her in a weird accent before passing out.

"It seems you will be just as dangerous to your self then what will come. Haha." She stated, picking him off the floor and leaving the area and teleport back up to the castle.

Walking in the hospital wing, she placed his unconscious body on a bed calling out to Dr. Mend. Coming out of her office with a sandwich in mouth, Mend saw Celestia and was going to say something but stopped when her eyes laid on the smoking bed.

"And what did you bring me on my lunch break today? Is that a noble that finally made you snap and burn'm?" She questioned well holding her sandwich in her magic.

"Hmm. Not yet. No. This is Cosmic in the after math of a spell backfiring when playing around. Is it noon now?" Answered Celestia looking at the clock.

Mend just stared in shock at seeing the prince in a bad state. Forgetting her meal, she ran over and checked on how bad he is.

"Well besides the smell of burned hair he is fine. He will be fine with a good nights rest." Dr. Mend said after checking over him and going back to her lunch.

"It's surprising to see he is fine. I would have expected to see more damage. He is lucky." Dr. Mend said walking back to her office.

As the door closed behind her, Celestia took the time to clean his face and fixing his hair. Believing this would be a good time to relax for now. She teleport them back to his room and lay him down. She still had much to do and have talks with some ponies. And so she left him to rest, and it's time she checked on Twilight.

On the next morning Cosmic woke with a start. Looking around he was confusing to where he was, until he saw the window and the sun shining in.

"Guess training is on hold for now. She wasn't joking about going easy." Said Cosmic to himself getting out of bed. "Best thing to do is get clean and enjoy the time I have."

And so went to the bathroom and wash up. After getting clean and changing into a suit with a vest. Looking himself in the full mirror to fix his long hair with a comb. Thanks for his time as a mare with long hair it was not as bother some as it would be. When he was done, he left with nothing to do but look at himself and looking over his new body again.

Touching the mirror, he was wondering what age he was now knowing that Celestia is much taller now. Looking to his bed and fix it like he would after getting up, was meet with a surprise as it was already done. Looking around the room looked like someone was in cleaning. Feeling something rubbing his legs had him look down and see that his cat Mocha was here looking up. Catching each other's eyes girl gave a little meow and start rubbing her head on his leg in happiness.

"Good morning to you too Mocha." Said Cosmic leaning down and picking her up. "I miss you too sweetie. How's my coco bean doing?"

Her response was to lay in his arms purring loudly looking up. Smiling at her he gave her head kiss and put her down and watched her play with her favorite Christmas mouse. Looking at her as she plays for a bit. Leaving the room he looked up and down the hallway seeing no one else, he walked off to find the library to find some books to read.

Looking around, the castle looks much bigger now. Well passing hallway side passages going somewhere, he looked everywhere at all things. Some maids that were working spot him and stop to stare at him and talk amongst themselves about him. A pair of guards were standing at one intersection, went silent at seeing him. Noticing them, he went to one and looked up at the Unicorn guard as she did the same.

"Excuse me. Where is the library?" Questioned Cosmic.

Blinking at him, she looked up back from where he came from and seeing no guards following him then back to her partner. Giving her a nob, the older unicorn sent rapid magic pops from his horn gaining the attention of Cosmic. He gave him a smile.

"We can do you one better Prince, we can lead you there ourselves. Please follow us." Said the first guard. Both moved in front and behind him.

"Oh! Ok, thank you."

And taking the lead down the hall, he looked back to see a pair of new guards took the place of the ones with him. With there help he was able to find it fast. After thanking them he went in. Looking back as the door was closing he saw that they didn't leave, but took up posts near the doors. Believing that they will be his guild for the day. Taking a look at the big size of the library, he was left in wonder of all the books to be find. Now not knowing where to even look, he didn't see the librarian come up to him after seeing him enter. Not having many come here except for the princess's student, and said student is in now. Coming up close she was able to see the her new guest is no pegasus but a alicorn that was quite small and heaven above! It was a male. Remembering the Newspaper she was looking at breakfast, she was reading the report about him and how he was the brother to the princess or how some think he was her own child. But that was to ridiculous to believe.

Putting her curiosity away for now, she has a job to do and he looks in need. Making a polite cough to gain his attention, she was trying her best to stop her giggle fit at seeing him act like one of the cartoon caricature in the Sunday paper. It's quit the sight to see a pony stand on one hoof and their hair and tail up like a cat.

"I apologize, I didn't mean you scare you sir. I just wanted to see if you help help, as this is the first time I have seen here in the library. Is there something you wanted to know or find?"

"It's fine. At times I could be easily scared. I wanted to look at some books on magic and potions. I figured will I have the free time from my sister, I could learn some things. I would appreciate your help in finding some in large place." Said Cosmic.

Nodding to him, she turned and went passed many shelf's leading deeper in. Looking back at him, she inquired about some things. Seeing this would be better to get some info about him that would be more true than the papers spinning tails and theories.

"Your sister? Is she one of the guards working here?" She asked.

"No. My sister is the Princess. Princess Celestia." Cosmic answered looking at the name plates on the side of the book shelf to remember where they are going.

Now that is better than the papers. So he is a true prince. And so polite. After going to the right place for books on magic he pulled out books on transfiguration, charms, 1,000 common spells for house and life's uses, basic and advanced magic theory. She took the books from his hands in her magic for him saying she would love to help him and continued to the P's for potions. After finding more books on potions from basic knowledge on potions and the many uses, and the beginner levels on potion making. With the search done, she lead him to a table in a reading section and places the books on a table.

"If you need my help for any book, I'm just a call away~ oh! My name is Quick Note." Said Note as she walked away from him but stopped when she saw a table with a very large pile of books blocking the pony behind it. But she knows who is behind it. "I hope she doesn't make another book fort out of the library books."

When Ms. Note disappeared into the forest of books, he pulled the books apart and took the first one on basic magic and began to read. Looking up he saw the large pile of books with a raised eyebrow for a moment than went back to reading so he doesn't blow himself up again with magic training.

Half way through the book, it was starting to make sense now. The grasp on magic control and use. Well reading, he started to pick up the books around him and began to move them around him. When it was taking away from reading he put them down to continue.

Hours passed and with that time the small book was done. Taking a moment to stretch out with pops from joints he set the done book off to the side and grab the advanced magic book and was about to open it when a noise grab his attention. Looking up the noise was coming from the stack of books two tables ahead. Feeling curious about it, he got up with the book still in hand and moved to see what was making it.

Coming around the table, he was meet with a cute funny site. There was a sleeping girl, snoring quietly on a book. Moving closer, he gently moved her hair to see who she might be. Though the hair and the two color stripes of hair and purple fur, he had a idea on who it was. And there she is, it was Twilight alright. So here she is. The one that will have a great journey ahead of her with friends and the like.

Getting lost in looking her over and how beautiful she looks. He lost his grip on the book in hand as it fall to the floor with a bang. And then Twilight woke up with 'eep' and sat up straight and said she's up the is . . . And fell silent looking around to notice she wasn't in class. Feeling like she was being watched, she turned around to see a pony behind her looking guilty about something. She almost thought it was a mare, with the long hair. But the clothes was a give away that it was a colt. Getting up from her seat to greet him, she turned to him fixing her uniform and was about to say 'hello' but stopped when she looked into his eyes. Those eyes. It reminded her so much of her teacher. The more she looked, he was starting to blush. Never has a girl just stand there and look so deep into his eyes. It was his chance to stare into her eyes to. And it was a beauty to see. It was his chance in a lifetime to do this with out a girl getting mad. After a while though he got a little self conscious and looked away blushing madly. Looking down and saw his book, he bent over and retrieve it. Standing back up, Twilight was even closer now. Leaning away he put the book to his chest as she followed getting close to be just a few inches apart by the nose.

"Your not planning on kissing me are you?" Said Cosmic. "We just meet Ms."

It took a moment, but what he said click in her head that Twilight back away blushing madly.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to get as close. It's just your eyes. Their... Just so similar to the princess." Said Twilight fiddling with the edges of her skirt. Looking at him more than his eyes, she took note of his wings and his fine clothes and her mind ran in over time thinking about crazy stuff like he was Princess Celestia's son! By his looks, he has to be. But then why now does he show himself? Where was he and when did it happen and who was the father. She was bursting with some many questions that she realized she was being rude and bowed before him. "I'm sorry for being rude to you Princess Celestia's son! Please to be mad at me."

Cosmic just stood there looking at her in confusing staring at her bowing figure taking in what she said and start to laugh good naturally. That made Twilight to look up at him still in the same position.

"Oh, I'm not her son Ms. Celestia is my older sister. Not mother. We do have many similar things. Please stand up. My name is Cosmic Flare. What's yours." Said Cosmic introducing himself.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle. Nice to meet you Prince Cosmic." Said Twilight getting up and introducing herself. "I am also the Princess's student. I am learning magic under her teaching. So maybe we will be seeing each other more?"

"I'm her brother. I don't believe that makes me a prince yet. So big sister is teaching you? That must be nice. Hopefully we can talk some more. In fact . . . " Said Cosmic, looking up and seeing a clock and the time twenty passed twelve. "Would you like to have lunch with me?"

Looking at his hand and blushing a bit that a colt just asked her to lunch and saw he had a book. Reading the title was advanced magic theory, her heart raced at finding someone else who was reading head of the class she was in and wanted to go and talk about magic with another pony. But his words about the time hit her. It's noon! She was very later for school. She grabbed her bag and some books and ran away in a blur shouting she was so later and was gone.

Standing there with his hand still out and looking at the empty spot that was Twilight, then to where she ran off to. Dropping his hand and chuckled at how was just acted, he wasn't ready when she teleported right back to him blushing and stammered out a ' Yes! I would love to have lunch with you' and teleported away again getting him to laugh at how funny the situation was. Not knowing when and where the lunch date will happen, he looked at the table with her books and saw some interesting books she was done with. And took a few with him back to his table to read more.

After sitting down and set down the extra books, he was ready to open next book on magic when another polite cough behind him interrupted him. Looking back he saw a maid standing with a note. Getting up and face her she was taller than him and she took a bow.

"Hello my prince. My name Silver Belle. By oder of Princess Celestia, I am to be your personal maid and guide to the castle. I would like to welcome you the castle." Said Belle standing back up and presenting a note. "I have a note from the Princess for you."

Looking her over and noting her gray fur, silver hair and blue eyes. She was very pretty. Taking the note, he gave his thanks and read it.

'Dear brother, I'm sorry but it seems like many things have stacked up and the nobles calling, that it would seem we won't be able to spend as much time as I would have hoped for. For now, I have to deal with equestria. So in the meantime, I have set you up with a weekly allowance of 500 bits. I have made you a special bag for you that is finished and with your maid. Your money is in the bag. I am still forming a guard detail for you, until that is done ask any guards you come across to assist you. By the time you read this, all castle staff and guards have been informed about you. I would ask you don't go out of the castle just yet today. And for tomorrow, you will be going to my school alongside my student Twilight. She will lead you to classes as you will see if you like them, you can continue to attend them. I will try and see you for dinner if I can. Love you little brother.'

After finishing the note he folded it up and put it his vast pocket. Looking done he was in thought on what is happening on. Belle just waited patiently on her prince well looking him over and noting how handsome he is.

"May I have the bag Ms Belle?" Asked Cosmic looking up at her.

Smiling at him, she brought said bag out for him. Taking it in hand, he looked it over noting the size and belts it had. It had some cute cake images stitched on the leather flap and Celestia's cute mark as the buckle. When he tried to get it on, Belle moved closer leaning down to help with the straps around his waist and leg to get it on. With a thank you to her for help he walked around to get a feel for it.

"I guess lunch will be alone. Ms. Belle, I feel like something sweet. I will having a peanut butter and banana sandwich with a chocolate cake slice and tea. If you please get that for me as I find a place in the gardens to sit and read more well being out." Said Cosmic going to the table and picking up his books and see if his new bag can hold some. To his surprise the book just disappeared in and so did the next books. With the table cleared of books, he looked to Belle as she bowed to him and they both left together, with her in the lead making it easy to exist the library. Seeing the two same guards from before out side the library, he asked if they could lead him to the castle gardens. After a long walk they made it. Seeing the beauty of the garden was something. Never was one to really walk in a garden, it was nice. This would be a great place to read. After a short word with guards about a place to sit for tea and reading, they lead him to a private section of the garden that had a gazebo.

Taking a sit in the chair he opened his bag and pulled out the books and reopened the second book on magic and began to read. Not watching the guards move to positions around him in that place to stand guard. By the time he was finished the chapters on introduction and the fundamentals of advanced magic learning which was informed him that it was going to be more tough to get. Starting the chapter on magic and the effect on life, he stopped when Belle came back with a cart and set out his lunch and tea. Using his magic to pick up his food to eat, he enjoyed his meal and Belle made his tea for him setting the cup near.

And the afternoon went by in peace as no one came by and he was able to get far in the book getting a better understanding of magic.

Celestia was busy with her assistant setting up paperwork for her brother. She already had the paperwork for Luna ready to go, but not this. She was going about it so the rest of equestria will know him. Shaking her head at how this was change but it was a pain. Those nobles will not make this easy for sure. But they are but a small piece thorn in her side that will not live long to bother her family for to long. The next generation of ponies will come to love him and Luna. And this will be worth it. For getting them will be so much better than living alone for this long. And with his strange room from that world in that old library, and buying it was a good idea to keep others from it. It will take some time, but the workers she is also getting together will be sent to work on the library and make it into a castle of a sort but as the tree it is. It will be a great land mark for the town. It's a peaceful place for him and it's not too far from canterlot.

A gentle knock on her door came as her head butler came inside with her favorite tea and lunch. After he left and taking a sip of her tea she took note of the note on the tray and read it. It was a report that her brother is having lunch in the garden and studying magic from books. He's taking the initiative to learn about magic and many things from the list of books he took that are listed.

Picking up the form for her school, she went through it filling out the information needed for Cosmic to attend tomorrow. With it filled out she handed it to her assistant to get it to the school. But it was handed it back rolled up waiting for the seal. After it was sealed she left the office for a moment and came back. Next set of forms his finding the right guards to be his. Pulling the stack of folders of the backgrounds of the likely candidates, she set to work.

Getting a quarter of the book done with breaks in-between to think over and reflect on what was explained. It truly was fascinating to learn. He never saw that more guards came in and set up watch. Two by the entrance and in the private area. When he did put the book down and gave a stretch his legs and get the feeling back in his butt. He looked to the sky and try to figure out the time seeing that the sun is not up above but off to the side. Sighing to himself for not having a watch with him but it has to be later in the day. Seeing that Belle is standing by the place he was sitting, he thought that she has to been standing for the whole time. Taking his sit again, he looked to her gaining her attention.

"Ms. Belle. Would you like to take a seat by the table to give your legs a rest? It must be tiring to stand all day." Said Cosmic.

"I am fine, my prince. Thank you for your concern. I will manage." Said Belle. She noted his face looked upset about something. "Is something the matter?"

"Oh. It's just . . . If you are going to be around me so much. We are going to be friends. And I don't want my friends to be so formal. Please Belle, would you take a seat?" Asked Cosmic.

Taking a back by his words of sincerity. She looked down in thought. 'He is different from Prince Blueblood. He's being kind to me.'

Looking up to him she smiled at him and took the extra sit by the table. "Ok sir. I will try to do as you ask. Thank you for your kindness."

Smiling back to her, he went to see how much tea was left in his cup when a tea pot floated over and filled his cup. Saying his thanks to her, he took a sip. And continued where he left off.

As the sun was now lower in the sky, a butler came in and informed Cosmic that dinner is ready. He put the book he was more than half way done in is bag, and after saying his thanks the butler took the tea set back with him as Belle lead the way to dinner.

When they got to the dining hall, it was empty. Feeling sad for her to be this busy, he took a seat at a random chair and waited. Cadence came in and took a seat next to him after spotting him. They talked about the day events about their day. She laughed when he talked about meeting Twilight in the library.

"Oh, she is helpless. She's a sweet girl. But she does seem to forget how to act around others besides her family and teachers." Said Cadence giggling into her hand. "It's nice you had a good day. I am surprised you are studying so hard on magic."

Looking to him as a coy smile crossed her lips. "Are you trying to get Twilight to notice you? Was your invitation to lunch real you ashing my little Twily to a date? Hmm?" Cadence asked leaning into him as her wing came around him in a hug. She giggled hearty as he turned red as his hair fumbling over his words to say something.

"I!? . . . What. I. That's. . . No! I don't think. . . It's too early for that. I just wanted to have a lunch meal with her." He said so flustered for words.

"That dear cousin is called a date." Said Cadence patting his head. His face became more red as steam started to roll out of him as she kissed his head.

"Is that really how it is? Did I ask her on one. Maybe that is why she ran away. . . " He said quietly.

Before she could tease him more, a few butlers and maids came in with food for them. Cadence kept him in her wing as they ate together. It was different for him to eat like this with someone else this close. After a while he stopped freaking out that her breast was resting on his shoulder as it kept moving around with their movements. But it was hard not to when his body betrayed him as he made a tent in his pants that even she took notice of his tent and his red face.

When she finished her dinner first, she looked around and saw that they were alone in the hall. Looking back to him, she took in his new looks. He was very cute, smaller than her. But that was ok. Her aching heart was calling out to be find in. Looking at him now, he was perfect. A sweet innocent kind colt. He lacked experience in many things. She could teach him a few things. She believes she could, it's not like it will be bad.

Snaking her arm around him and up his shirt, her hand rested on his chest gently rubbing it. She felt his heartbeat quicken as he gave a little squeak. Her other hand rested on his thigh rubbing up and down making it jerk. He looked up to her and she stared back leaning in close. He tried to ask her something, but she cut him off as she locked lips. All his squeaks of surprise fueled her to kiss him more. He was puddy in her arms, her tongue explored his. She watched the fight in him die in his eyes and accepted his fate. She loved it. She wanted more. She wanted more of him. Though she should go slow with him. Can't rush to fast. Too in the open. With all her willpower, she pulled away to end the kiss. What she saw made her bit her lip in satisfaction. He was panting hard with his tongue out red blushing face while his eyes unfocused with a happy grin. What surprised her was his shirt and vast unbuttoned showing chest and her hand on his clock gently rubbing the tip. She was really hungry for love. Cadence pulled herself together and stopped playing with his clock and put clothes back on the right way. Shushing him when he started to whine at how it's stopping.

"You be a good little boy now ok~" said Cadence giving him another kiss. "Thank you for having me to dinner. See you soon."

And like that, Cadence got up from the table and left him alone. He seat there for several minutes looking at the door taking deep breaths. That went south really fast! One moment it was about a date with Twilight and now he is left more confused about him and Cadence relationship. Wasn't she supposed to be Shining Armor's girl? What does that make them now. His head was hurting to much and a raging hard on.

"Life is so good damn complicated now!" Cosmic said under his breath.

He finished his dinner and got up and headed straight to his room. Best stay there where it's safe and try to do something else to fill his head and drown out what happened with Cadence.

Sitting at his desk in his room in only pajama pants, he read late into the night to finish the book. It helped. Now that his phone was near him, he had music on that helped in drowning out thoughts and learn. Seeing the time being being near twelve midnight. He put off for now studying and hit the hay. Turning off his phone he got in bed. As he lay in bed with a filch of magic the candle on his desk was out. Looking out the window he saw his sister's moon in the sky with the mare in the moon looking back.

"Soon sister. . . You will be free and happy again with us."

As he turned over on his side to sleep. The door to his room opened and closed very quietly that he didn't hear it. Not until a silky voice called out to him at the foot of the bed.

"Hey handsome~ room for one more?"

Looking to the voice's direction. He saw Cadence by the foot of the bed in sheer teddy gown no panties. In the moon light it made her eyes look like they were glowing pink.

"Oh shit. . . "