
by SpyroForLife

First published

That particularly frustrating time of the year comes up for Twilight, and well, what kind of partner would Venom be if he didn't help her out with it?

That particularly frustrating time of the year comes up for Twilight, and well, what kind of partner would Venom be if he didn't help her out with it? He's bonded with her, after all. He can hear all her thoughts, feel what she's feeling... he's more qualified than anyone to help her.

Contains estrus and xenophilia, otherwise pretty vanilla! It is their first time after all.

Also while this is listed as A sequel to The Symbiote, it's not THE sequel. That would be The Parasite which is in progress. This is just a little bonus because I can't ship anything without writing porn of it. Enjoy.

And if anyone wants to listen to a reading, it can be found here.

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Twilight stretched before crossing to the calendar over her desk. Finally, Friday was over and she had the weekend to look forward to. She raised a quill to the calendar to cross the day off and paused as she looked at Saturday, which she had written a note on long ago. She sighed and finished crossing off Friday, then headed toward her bed, wanting nothing more than to just wrap herself up in her blankets and fall asleep.

But then she felt Venom stretch out of her, looking back at the calendar. “Estrus? Estrus is tomorrow? What's...” Then he felt heat rise to Twilight's cheeks and immediately gleaned its meaning from her thoughts. He began laughing. “Oh, estrus! Mating season for ponies!”

Twilight spun toward him, sweeping her hoof under his neck and pulling him back toward her. “Come on, bedtime.”

“Oh no, we're not sleeping yet, this is far too interesting! Tell me about equine mating season!”

“Why? You can look at my memories to find out everything.”

“I know.” He smirked at her. “But I want to hear it in your words.”

She sighed, going to the bed and sitting down. She patted the covers next to her, and he formed a separate body connected to her by only a few strands, sitting next to her. “Alright, well, there's not much to it. Everypony has a slightly different cycle but it tends to start in spring and go on until autumn, with mares coming into heat every 19-22 days during that time. Mine will be starting tomorrow.”

“Isn't it almost summer? You're a little late.”

Twilight shrugged. “Mine's always been a little offset. It doesn't really matter though. So during estrus not much will change, I'm just a bit more, well... horny, for lack of a better word.”

Venom snickered. “I see.”

“And unfortunately it means all the stallions will be able to smell it. Of course anypony civilized won't be weird about it, but sometimes the younger ones kinda... stare. But I can't blame them, it's a very basic instinct. I'll just ignore my urges to find somepony to sleep with, then the heat passes. And then it'll come back a few more times on a set schedule, before disappearing during winter. Not really a big deal, I've been through it before, it's very easy to ignore.”

“But why should you have to ignore it?” Venom cupped her chin, smiling at her and leaning in close. “You have me now.” His lips brushed against hers.

Her blush spread to her ears. “Can... can you have sex? No offense!” she said hastily as he raised his brows. “It's just, well... you're so much different from me, and I've never noticed any, um...” She gestured downward.

“You've never noticed any genitals. No, I wouldn't form those while we're suited up, that's quite unnecessary. And my species reproduces asexually. But, when bonded with a sexual host like yourself, well...” His mouth split into a wide grin. “We tend to adapt a similar reproductive system.”

“So then, if you wanted to...”

He pinned her down onto her back, resting his body across hers. “I could absolutely rock your world.”

She gulped, eyes widening. “O-oh, so you'd sleep with me?”

“Of course. I love you, I want to please you any way I can.” He ran his palm up and down her thigh, and her breath hitched when his thumb brushed the underside of her dock.

“Well...” Twilight swallowed, considering it. She was really tempted, but it had also been a long day and she was tired.

“That's no problem. If you're tired, then rest. We have all day tomorrow for me to take care of you.”

She nodded and moved over onto her side, and Venom wrapped himself around her like he did every night, resting his chin on her neck. She slid a hoof down to his hand and closed her eyes, leaning back against him. Secure in her partner's arms, she quickly fell asleep.

Twilight woke up to find that she had moved under the covers at some point during the night, and Venom had followed along to keep holding her. Which was fine, until she also became uncomfortably aware of the sheen of sweat on her fur and how hot she felt.

“Ugh.” She rubbed her face and pushed up, throwing the covers back and wiping a hoof along her side. As slick as if she had run a marathon. “Gross.”

“Yes, your internal temperature has slightly risen and your hormone levels have significantly changed. I've been monitoring it all night,” Venom said.

Twilight yawned and brushed her mane out of her eyes. “Mm. Yeah, it's definitely estrus.”

“You feel so warm. I like it.”

“Yeah. Well, luckily it'll be over in a few days. Until then...” She smiled and draped her forelegs around his neck. “You're up for helping me out?”

“Of course. I can feel how frustrated you are. It's getting me frustrated too. But I know we can take care of that together. Let me satisfy you.”

“Have you ever done this before?”

“No.” He laid her down, looking her over and slowly licking his lips. “But neither have you.”

“Well, I've masturbated,” she replied. “But I get the feeling this will be a lot better.”

“I'm sure it will be. So, how would you like me to have you? Just tell me what you want and I'll provide.”

“I don't want anything too specific. I just want you.” She pulled him down and kissed him. He smiled and responded, gently moving his lips against hers, mindful of his teeth. His claws went to her mane and she squeezed his sides with her thighs. They've kissed before, but there was a new and exciting desperation to this. It was only moments before Twilight was opening her mouth a little wider, sliding her tongue against his lips, and he shivered. He let his own tongue out, tracing against hers, and kissed her deeper.

Her scent seemed to saturate his every cell, she needed this, and her soft moans roused him like no one else ever has. Her thoughts were clear in his mind, telling him exactly what she wanted, and he had no intention of disobeying.

Venom leaned back when he felt her lungs start to burn, and she took a deep breath, opening her eyes. He smiled at the size of her pupils, the burning lust deep within.

“Feeling good, Princess?” he asked.

“Incredible,” she replied. She gently slid a hoof into one of his hands, holding it to her chest. “I don't know why I didn't ask to do this sooner.”

“You had other things on your mind, no doubt. But don't worry. We'll make up for it.” Venom let her move his hand down, and she placed it on her inner thigh, holding it there while her other front hoof touched his shoulder.

She gave him a nervous smile. “So, you'll be gentle with me for my first time, right?”

“Depends. Do you want me to be gentle?”

She thought about that, and he began slowly rubbing her inner thigh. His fingers traced up and down, and she bit her lip as he moved them closer to the fork of her legs. “I want you... to have a good first time with me. So, whatever you want to do, I'm down for.”

“Whatever I want to do? I don't know about that, what if I realize I have really gross kinks?”

“Well, um... we can discuss them and set some ground rules, then,” Twilight replied. “Have you realized that?”

“Heh, no. Right now I just want to get to know you.” Venom finally slid his thumb against her lips and she jumped, moaning. He glanced down. “Mm, you're much softer down here than I expected. And so sensitive.”

“Ah, Venom...” She kept a hoof on his hand, but only to encourage him to keep it there. He carefully felt her, his smooth fingers exploring between her folds, and she pressed her free fetlock up against her mouth to try and keep quiet.

“No, love...” Venom met her eyes, looping a tendril around her foreleg and gently moving it aside. His voice lowered even further. “Let me hear you.”

She gasped, and he kissed her deeply as one of his fingers slid inside her. It was warm and went in easily, and she groaned as her muscles already squeezed around him, trying to draw him in.

“You're so needy,” he muttered.

“Nngh, n-not my fault,” she panted. “The season, ah... makes a mare more receptive...”

“I'm sure it does. But you can't blame everything on estrus. This is all you. You want me. I know you, Princess...” His thumb softly moved across her clit, and she shuddered with pleasure. “No one else would be making you this wet, estrus be damned.”

Her heart pounded hard. She had no argument for that. She wanted him- no, needed him so bad it hurt.

She gave him a small tug and he slid a second finger inside her. They felt so good, but at the same time, it just wasn't enough. She lifted her back and wrapped her hind legs around him, kissing him passionately.

They were only aware of each other as they made out, Venom pressing her harder to the bed, and Twilight could feel him savoring her pleasure, letting it wash over him. He was learning about her as he pleasured her too, mapping out her nerve endings and modifying his own after them, and when she shifted her mouth down to instead nibble under his chin, he gave a throaty moan of ecstasy.

“Come on, give me more,” she pleaded.

“You're beautiful when you beg for me like this, love.” He sank a third finger into her and curled them, closing his eyes as she groaned and rocked against him. “You want me to give you more? Hm, you want me to fill you up?”

“Y-yes, please...”

“Very well, then. Let's see...” He pulled his fingers back and sat up, and she opened her eyes curiously. “How does this look?” He planted his knees on either side of hers, and her eyes widened as tendrils slid out between his legs and formed into a large, stallion-like cock.

“Wow,” she said softly.

“Yeah, you like that? Or would you like it to be a little more exotic? Honestly I can shape it however you want.”

“It looks good like that,” she said, blushing. She drew his head close so she could nuzzle between his eyes. “We can get more wild next time.”

“Have I already impressed you enough that you want a next time? What a thirsty little mare you are...”

She rolled her eyes, then laughed when he gave her cheek a messy kiss. “What can I say? I love you, and this is just one more way for us to express that love.”

“No argument there.” He leaned in to kiss her, nestling himself between her back legs and rubbing himself between her lips. She moaned as he spent a few moments grinding against her, going at a teasingly slow pace, but it felt too good to complain. Then his tongue slid into her mouth, exploring deeper than it ever has before, and she tilted her head back as she suckled on it. His hips moved and he finally thrust into her.

She bucked, trying to cry out, but his tongue muffled her. She gripped his neck tight and gasped for breath, and he withdrew slightly, giving her some reprieve before burying himself back inside. He felt amazing, thick and firm inside her, and she rolled her hips eagerly to meet him. His tongue slid back, giving her room to speak.

“Venom,” she groaned, back arching as he settled into a smooth rhythm. “A-ah, V... so good...”

He purred, tongue lapping against her lips. “You're delicious, my love... don't hold back, let me hear you.”

She let herself moan for him, and as he went further and further, she found herself whimpering from the sheer pleasure of it. He was large but not uncomfortably so, instead filling her so perfectly and completely it was like he was meant for this.

“You flatter me, love. I am only doing what I sense you want me to do.”

“How about you?” she murmured, glancing up at him. Just the sight of him moving over her, his opal eyes focused on her, made her spine tingle with pleasure. “Is there anything you want?”

He considered, and leaned down to press their chests together, gazing at her intently. His claws slid to grip under her calves, spreading them slightly so he could hook her ankles behind his back. She cried out with bliss as he pounded in harder. “What I want... is to give you the best damn orgasm of your life.”

She laughed at that, tugging on him playfully with her back legs and giving her hips a little wiggle. “W-well, you're ahh... definitely on the right track...” He lowered his head to kiss under her chin, and when he dragged his tongue up her throat, she moaned loudly, beyond shame at this point. “Fuck, that's so good...”

He chuckled. “It's incredible seeing you like this. Mm, you're beautiful.”

Twilight smiled, moving his face so she could nuzzle it. “You're gorgeous too. I love you.” She could feel his happiness, and when he kissed her, his emotions flooded hers. She felt his devotion and affection, but more than that, she felt his physical pleasure at being able to do this for her, and it only made her own excitement grow. She matched his pace, bucking to meet his firm thrusts, thoughts growing hazy as she gave in to him and he gave in to her in turn.

They moved as one, their minds and senses seeming to mingle until they weren't sure where one body ended and the other began. It didn't matter. This was bliss in its rawest form and they let themselves be swept up in its relentless current, whispering praise to each other in between their feverish kisses.

As much as she wanted it to last forever, the deep thrusting right into her sweet spot easily drove Twilight to her peak in minutes. Her back arched and she tossed her head back, whimpering out Venom's name as the tension grew nearly unbearable, and then it released.

“A-ah, fuck, Venom!” she cried out, waves of ecstasy crashing over her and making her entire body shudder.

“Nngh, Twilight,” he growled in return, his rhythm faltering as her body squeezed desperately around him, sending intense shocks up his body. He only managed a few more unsteady thrusts before he finished too with a throaty moan.

Twilight panted as she tried to catch her breath. She was in a daze as she met his eyes, slowly managing to unravel her sense of self from his. “Wow.”

“Wow, indeed,” he purred, a pleased grin curling his lips. “Did that satisfy you?”

She hugged him, body glowing warmly. “Mhm. That definitely was, as you put it, the best damn orgasm of my life.”

He wrapped his arms around her and gave her an affectionate lick across the cheek. “I'm happy to hear that.”

“How was it for you?” she asked. She was coming down from her high, but she still felt really good, and could tell that he was experiencing the same.

“Very good.” He slid out, and Twilight briefly clenched her thighs as he left her, blushing at how wet she had gotten. He gave her a knowing look. “Was that enough or would you like to go again?”

“I'm good for now.” The needful heat from earlier had faded, leaving only pleasant contentment in its wake. She pushed herself up, climbing out of bed. Her hind legs shook when she put her weight on them, and she winced, rubbing herself. “Sweet Celestia, you really didn't hold back.”

“Of course not. You didn't want me to.” He withdrew a good portion of his body back under her skin, only keeping out his head and neck as usual, attached by flowing tendrils.

“Well, I'm glad you didn't. That was incredible.” Twilight did a few stretches, her back popping in a couple places. “Mm, there we go... That was really your first time having sex?”

“Yes. But I learn fast. And you made it easy, with how open you were about your desires.”

“Right. Dumb question, but uh... you coming in me was just to imitate a stallion, right?” she asked as she headed toward the door. “You can't actually-”

“It wasn't sperm and it won't get you pregnant,” he said.

“Oh. Okay, just wondering.”

He chuckled. “So I take it you don't want to make any spawn with me?”

She paused partway through the door, giving him a curious look. “Can we do that?”

“Certainly. In a couple ways. I can very easily produce my own spawn asexually and have it borrow some traits from your genetics, which would make it both of ours. Or I could form my DNA into a sort of spermatozoa and use it to fertilize one of your ova, and just see what happens. We can definitely have children together, if you'd like.”

“Oh, wow. Um...” She considered it, then said, “I'm not really ready for foals right now, but maybe one day? If that's what you want.”

“I would be happy to raise a foal or two with you. I think you'd be a wonderful mother.”

She nuzzled him and kept walking, heading for the bathroom. “You'd be a great parent too.”

“I don't know about that.”

She laughed and opened the door. “Well, like I said, I think I'd be okay with that one day. But not quite yet.”

“I understand.”

Twilight turned her attention toward the shower and turned it on, closing the door behind her. She definitely needed a nice, long soak to get all the sweat off herself. And maybe, if Venom was up for it, they could mess around a little more...

He curled himself around her neck a few times and smirked, a few of his tendrils beginning to trail down toward her flanks. “Whatever you want, Princess.”