Cabin in the blizzard

by DagiDazzle

First published

Sunset is walking down the street in the freezing blizzard. When she's about to give up, she sees a small log cabin on the hill. She has walked here many times and hadn't noticed it.

Sunset was walking on the street, in a freezing blizzard. She was exhausted and was about to give up, until she noticed a small log cabin on the top of the hill, one never before seen by the girl.

Once she steps in, she encounters an unexpected trio, and a conversation that turns her life around.

Note: Rated this as teen due to mild swearing, use of alcohol alongside the presence of death.

Dead or alive

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In the coolness of a late Saturday evening, Sunset Shimmer was walking down the street, snow all around. The ongoing blizzard was only getting worse, unbeknownst to her.

Time seemed to fade as she aimlessly wandered, cold and tired. Her walking slowed as the coldness plagued her more and more, until she was unable to stand.

"How the hell did all of this happen?" Sunset asked herself in resignation. "Is this it? Am I going to die here, without anyone caring?"

Her walking ceased, ending in but a kneeling down on the ground, apathy striking her with the same ferocity as the cold around her. There was no desire to leave the cold, only for the cold to do her in. She laid down, and passed out.

Soon thereafter, however, she woke up in the same place, wondering how she was still alive. She stood up and looked around her, noticing an odd sight: An unfamiliar log cabin atop a usually-destitute hill.

"That has never been there." Sunset thought quizzically.

Apathy giving way to curiosity, and a fresh desire to escape the cold, she trudged up to the cabin in question.

After a long, slow trek up the hill to the cabin, she arrived at the entrance. Feeling the heat as she opened the door, she went in without a second thought.

Upon entering, she was met with a scene akin to a wild west movie, at least in the sense of the decor. It was like an old western saloon, the bar housing two familiar figures to the wandering sunset, alongside a free seat. These two figures were none other than the unmistakable Dazzlings, sans one.

Nervousness gripped her, but not enough to stifle a question that came to mind, about where the leader of the trio was.

The answer soon came as she appeared from the storage room behind the bar, giving an initial greeting to the gal. Now aware of Sunset's presence, the other two turn to look at her.

"Oh, Sunset. What's up?" The blue haired Dazzling asked.

"What are you doing here..and why all the snow on your everywhere?" Pigtailed one asked, as Sunset was fairly covered in white.

"Just leave, actually," Sunset replied hesitatingly, only to find that the door she had entered from would not respond to her attempted openings.

"I am sure you are already aware of this, but there is quite a blizzard out there. Leaving is not too smart." Adagio said.

After some more futile attempts to open the door, Sunset sighed in resignation, turning back around to the trio, who simply met her with smiles.

"Why not sit for a while?" Adagio asked very friendly tone, which was odd.

Sunset was too tired and apathetic to care if they were plotting something, so she just nodded and sat between the other two sirens.

"What would you like?" Adagio asked.

"I don't have any money, nor usually drink," Sunset responded.

"It's okay, it's on the house." Adagio said and gave her a drink she had been pouring prior.

Instead of immediately drinking the beverage, Sunset eyed it with suspicion.

"What's wrong? You think it's poisoned or something?" Adagio asked.

Sunset shook her head and was about to reply, but Adagio just put finger on Sunset's lips.

"Heh, I can't blame you," Adagio said laughing a little. "But if it helps at all, liability for dead patrons is a touch too high to afford a stunt like that.

Ultimately deciding that she had nothing to lose, Sunset downed the drink in one big gulp, making the trio rather surprised.

"Tell me Sunset, is there something wrong?" Adagio asked. "No one has ever one shotted my drinks like that," She continued.

"Actually..." Sunset was about start talking but stopped right before. "Wait a moment. Why would you even care?" Sunset asked, confused.

"You were wandering around aimlessly out there and drank my drink like it was a one shot," Adagio answered. "Clearly there's something wrong," She continued.

"How did you even know I was.. Ugh, never mind. Everything is bullshit right now, from my life to this situation," Sunset said, proceeding to slam her head on the bar. She only lifted her head when she heard the pouring of another drink.

"How about you not one-shot this one, and tell us what is on your mind?" Adagio asked.

Sunset took the drink and nodded. "Well, It's going to be a long ass story," She said. "I hope you can stand it."

"A millennium of life ends itself to good listening skills," Aria responded.

Realizing the irony of pouring her heart out to her former enemies, Sunset simply took a swig and went "Well here it goes."

Some Anon-A-Miss had been posting secrets and private things on MySpace and hinting that it was Sunset Shimmer's doings.

Rumors spread like wildfire at school, causing Sunset's life to start changing. The stares and whispers around campus were like flies to honey.

With everyone opting to avoid her following the postings, she had held out a fool's hope that her newfound friends would stick by her side.

While they were caring at first when things begun, when secrets spread about their group, they quickly suspected foul play, and disassociated themselves from Sunset.

Unfortunately for Sunset, the crew did not want to hear from her, ignoring both her attempts at conversation and reaching out over the phone.

And just like that, she was alone.

"What the heck!" Aria yelled and stood up. "You mean they just left you like a pile of trash on the street?!" She continued.

Sunset was puzzled from Aria's reaction. She never thought Aria was someone who would have such an caring feels.

"Well that's not all, it starts to get worse from here," Sunset replied, staring at her empty glass with a sad look.

"Could I get another one?" She asked.

"Sure thing Sunset." Adagio answered, pouring another glass for her. "Quite a merry band of friends you got there," She continued.

"If you could ever of even called them that.." Sunset stated and took sip from the drink.

As the weeks passed and the rumors and posts got worse. This Anon-A-Miss was really trying to destroy Sunset's life.

She wasn't only facing mean messages or avoiding anymore. Things got physical. Every morning someone threw a snowball or worse at her and called her "She-Demon," amongst other vulgar titles.

Inside the school she got pushed against lockers and the walls of the hallways. Lots of name callings and insults was thrown to her at almost every turn as well.

At lunches Sunset was widely avoided and usually her lunch was stealed or thrown on her. Sunsets school life had turned into a hell.

Sunset usually wen't to bathroom and waited for the students leave the school. Luckily for her students rarely came to the bathroom after the school day had ended and Sunset could be there alone with her venomous thougts and unwillingness to live.

Due to all this shit happening, Sunset had started to take night walks every evening to clear her mind from this mess and ponder solutions. Every morning she hoped for better, yet constantly got met with worse, any good of her seemed to be only a distant memory.

She was just the toy of abuse, all from what she could not stop nor control.

"That's just bullshit!" Aria yelled again.

"You said it," Sunset replied with a frown, sighing in turn. "Maybe I didn't try hard enough with everything." She continued.

"No, you were trying good enough! Don't you dare to say you didn't!" Aria yelled and turned to Sunset. "I despise people who won't appreciate themselves, it just shows that they are weak! And you are not! You had the balls to stand up against us for crying out loud!" She continued.

"Aria, calm down a bit." Adagio said, trying to calm Aria's sudden burst.

Realizing the extent of her little outburst, Aria quietly went over to get herself some vodka, taking a swig to try to calm down.

"I'm sorry Sunset, I went a little bit overboard," She stated to the girl.

"That's okay, I think I needed to hear that," Sunset said smiling.

"It's not that I care for you or anything, but I also won't to see suffer from what your so called friends did." Aria said and turned to look away. "I think.."

"She's a tsundere." Sonata whispered into Sunset's ear and chuckled.

"Oh, really?" Sunset answered with a bit of a chuckle of her own.

"Sonata! don't call me by that!" Aria yelled.

"Well sorry, it's the truth though." Sonata said and smiled.

"Just shut up! Okay?!" Aria yelled and turned away. "You ain't helping with that."

"Tsuuundereeeee." Sonata continued.

"Oh shush it, both of you," Adagio said. "Sorry, you have to excuse them, they're idiots," She continued.

"It's alright." Sunset said with a genuine smile, which Adagio took note of, being relieved.

"Sorry for the interrupt, please do keep going on and tell us the rest of your story." Adagio said, smiling.

"Yeah, I'll continue." Sunset answered, reflecting on how much she was enjoying the chat.

The weeks passed by in a breeze. Nay, more aptly a whirlwind, as Sunset continued attending the school. Come one fateful Wednesday, however, she decided to cease going. If no one wanted her to be there and get lost, so be it.

She turned her phone off, shut her computer down, and even put the lights out.

Given only some of the teachers knew where she lived, she could be mostly at peace without risk of intrusion.

She simply sat in her dark bedroom, crying silently. Twilight hadn't answered her throughout the entire situation, which made Sunset mad and sad alike. "Some princess of friendship she is. She better have her reasons," She stated bitterly.
Who knew how long she was sitting there silently, consumed by her venomous thoughts on her former friends and the life she was havin. Maybe she was sitting there a day or two.

Once she thought she had consumed her too much she decided to go for one of her therapeautic night walks, Sunset put on her gear and went outside.

Little did she know that the biggest blizzard of the century loomed ever closer to the city.

"And that's pretty much it," Sunset said. "Then I just walked and then the blizzard hit."

"Interesting," Adagio said. "Tell me Sunset, how do you feel now?"

Sunset thought to herself, she felt better than before. But she wouldn't say she was at her happiest and best. "I guess I am better now."

Adagio put hand on Sunset's shoulder. "Well at least you don't wanna die anymore, am I right?"

"Well..not as much as earlier," Sunset conceded.

"What are you going to do to your former friends after this? You have been away for almost three days after all," Sonata said. "Even though they might have been ignorant and harsh towards you, they might still be worried about you."

"Even thou you're friends are dicks, I agree with Sonata." Aria said. "Anyone would be worried about it, if someone just went missing after a harsh treatment."

"I'm not sure, I don't know exactly what I should do." Sunset said. "I mean that, yes I'd like the idea that they're worried about me, but then again how long would it last until the next betrayal?"

"Don't take any pressures, do whatever you see is best." Adagio said in a comforting voice.

"At least we care for your well being." Aria and Sonata said together.

As Sunset looked at the Dazzlings with a smile, she felt something she hadn't felt in a long time, that someone actually might be worried about her. "Thank you, all three of you." Sunset then hugged Aria and Sonata.

"Hey, hey! No touchy feely stuff," Aria said.

"Just admit that you like it," Sonata said as they hugged each others.

"I guess.." Aria mumbled and smiled a little.

When Sunset was done hugging Aria and Sonata, she turned to look at Adagio. "I don't know what I would've have done if I hadn't accepted your offer for the drinks."

Adagio just smiled. "I'm just glad you aren't killing yourself anymore."

"Yeah, It's no use to throw your life away," Aria said. "You have lots of potential in you."

"Yeah, and those dick friends of yours will regret the choices they made," Sonata said. "They will know what they have lost and they will want to get it back."

"Trust us when we say that, right now the problem you have is solving itself," They said in unison.

Sunset felt so many things at that point, one of them being a once-lost desire to live.

Bright light then started to glow from her and the Dazzlings recognized it well.

"Congratulations Sunset, you gained your will to live," The trio said in unison once more. "Unfortunately, this must be our goodbye."

"What, goodbye?" Sunset asked, confused.

All the Dazzlings grabbed on Sunset's hand and looked her in the eyes.

"Your will for life calls you. With that, our job is done," They said. Afterwards, the saloon and the Dazzlings started to fade and bright light filled the room, causing Sunset to close her eyes.

When Sunset opened her eyes once more, she was in a place she did not recognize, a white ceiling and lime greenish walls with white stripes enclosing her, a bed, alongside other equipment and resting places.

She looked around and saw a nurse standing next to her.

"I'm so relieved that you are alright Ms.Shimmer," The nurse' calm voice said. "It's a real miracle that you are alive, you were pretty close to dying."

"What dying?" Sunset asked confused. "Well never mind that, how did I end up here?"

"Three girls brought you here, and I am glad they did," Nurse said. "Any minute later and you might've not made it."

Sunset was really confused. 'Was it all just some hallucination?' She asked within herself.

"You should rest up for a while," The nurse said, standing up. "By the way, there are lots of worried people looking for you."

"Looking for me?" Sunset asked.

"Yes, and they will probably be relieved to hear you're okay. After all, you were missing almost three days." The nurse said before walking to the door, leaving the confused Sunset sitting on the hospital bed after telling her to press the alarm button next to her bed if need be.

Her confusion great, she simply sighed deep and laid back in the bed, closing her eyes.

"Whatever just happened..I am glad that it did."