Waters: The Equestrian Gangster

by King Genesis

First published

W and Jack, two gangsters from Los Mantos City, are sent to Canterlot High to take care of their boss' granddaughters: Rarity and Sweetie Belle. What would happen if they get a chance to rob the place of their dreams?


Based on a story I made in 2014.

Walter "W" Waters, a young gangster also known as Bedmaker, and his older partner Jack, have to take care of Rarity and Sweetie Belle, granddaughters of an older and more important gangster in the business, Abraham, from three brothers who threatened both girls due to an old debt from the past. W and Jack don't know if they may have other problems while staying in Canterlot.

On the other hand, gangsters everywhere have become quite interested in robbing a mysterious fort on the outskirts of Las Pegasus. Still, nobody knows how to turn off its magical security. Maybe the secret will be discovered in Canterlot High?

Proofreading by Time Reaper

This is the original fanfic. There is a remake with another plot and better development, writing and organization.

Rated T because of:

1st Day in Canterlot

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W's Perspective

Um, hello. I don't even know who I'm talking to but, if you're listening to me, hi. Wait, didn't I say hi before? Um... yeah... well, I'll present myself to you. My full name is Walter Theodore Waters but you can call me W. I am a 21-year-old guy that was born in Maretreal... the best city in Equestria and the whole world, baby! If you want to know more facts about me, I have brown hair, yellow skin, and at the moment I'm wearing some dirty jeans, black shoes and my beloved brown trenchcoat that belonged to my father. Oh, and I am also a gangster. Yes, you heard it right, I am a gangster. Let me tell you a story.

When I was 6 months old, my parents died in an assault in a little city called Wayneville. Since that day, I moved along with my elder brother, William, to an orphanage, where the Bluebloods, the family of Mortimer Blueblood, Canterlot's Governor, adopted my brother weeks later. I stayed in that orphanage until the day of my tenth birthday because of three guys who committed a heist... only to get me. That same day, I found out my parents were big guys in my town. My father almost controlled all of the streets of Maretreal until an unknown rival killed him and my mother. Those three guys who rescued me from the orphanage turned into my family, and their names are Jack, Abe, and Eye Patch.

Since the moment I knew my parents were murdered, I wanted to avenge them...I wanted to become a gangster. They taught me how to be a mafia man since that day, and now, I am a Maretreal fish (or maybe I could say, shark), eating any kind of prey that comes across me. I also want you to know that me and my buddies can do any kind of thing: heists against the biggest corporations, good ol' drug-dealing and also we can be hitmen (only if you pay because if you don't give us the money for what we do, you'll be next).

Now, I'm at a Maretreal party, the best thing ever. You look around with your red eyes filled with weed, and you can be in front of a naked lady or a bucket full of champagne. Crazy drugs may appear in the middle, like cocaine, fentanyl and my good old teenage friend, my boy LSD. I know this is something horrible for me, because I had had an overdose years ago, and I almost died. Jack and Abe want me to leave drugs, but the truth here is that I already left drugs, but they can't leave me because I'm a fucking drug dealer... Wait, does the thing I said make sense? Um... Come on.

It was almost 3 A.M. and a blonde girl with a nice dress appeared in front of me, she wanted me. She's almost on fire.

"Hello," she says. When I hear her voice, I instantly know she's drunker than ever. I only answer her with a smile. She looks at me with her dilated eyes. "Can I sit next to you, please?" she asks.

"Yes, of course," I answer.

She sits on the same sofa I am staying on right now. We are now together watching the colourful lights that are in the house along with the men and women inside it. Everyone is in their own world with rules. Lots of them are drunk, drugged or have already passed out. Other ones are junkies that want money to get something to eat for tomorrow, and the only option that they have is selling ecstasy. God, I hate those pills. "What do you think about this?" she asks me.

I laugh at her. What can I say about this party? I'm happy by now. I'm high and also drunk. I've lost count of how many shots of tequila I consumed. "Oh man, I'm starting to feel like shit..." I say, and I leave the party.

I'm now outside the house. It's cold, windy, almost foggy, a normal night in Maretreal. The only thing that remains is the typical group of junkies sharing their joint I'm gonna tell you about Maretree's junkies: There are only two types of them, good ones and bad ones. The good ones always stay inside a park all night and smoke their joints. The bad ones are different, they attack.

"Yo." I hear. His voice... it feels like he's in a hurry... I instantly know he's a bad junkie.

"What you want?" I tell him, in a very smooth voice. I feel bad as if I'm passing out. The man does not answer, and I know why. Jack's behind him.

Let me present to you... Mr Jack!!! Also known as Grumpy Old Man or the Cutie Inkless Pen. My best friend in this business. He's a blue-skinned 44-year-old guy who survived a lot of misfortunes during his life, such as his father's death or the fact he hasn't got laid since the 2000s. He can be thick as a brick sometimes, but he's a good friend that can hide all of your secrets. Besides, he has a pretty neat circle beard! Man, that's so cool! I wish I could have one, but my facial hair is almost invisible. "Hey, buddy," he says to the junkie. "Here you have." Jacky gives him a hundred bucks. The man looks at him, smiles while grabbing the money and runs away from there. "Great. You are so sane right now, W. Congratulations," I hear from Jack, while he starts laughing. You know what, buddy? I think... um... screw you.

"Jack, I need... I need... an antacid." He gives me one and carries me into a car, where is also my friend Abe. Or I could say... my superior Abe? I don't know how to say it.

Abe is different to me. He's a light, blue-skinned man in his fifties (or maybe sixties, no idea). He's tough, scary, has a cool orange moustache, and now, that Ron's on holidays, he is my boss. He's a tough grandpa with two granddaughters! One of them is Rarity, some kind of fashionista and then there is that other little girl who I don't remember her name. Maybe it is Sweetie Belle or something like that... Well, never mind. I'd like to add another thing here: Both girls were born in Canterlot, a city full of greedy, mean, selfish and idiotic people. It is not necessary to tell you that I hate Canterlot. Viva Maretreal, baby!

Um... well, let's go to another topic. No, really. I need to listen to some music, dude. I'm about to pass out and I seriously need to calm myself down. I'd better listen to the Travellers, that awesome and relaxing band from Manehattan.

"Jack, what do you think about our deal?" says Abe. He remains silent for a few seconds.

"Good," he answers. "The only problem here is... W." Oh... Despite the fact I'm drunk, I can hear them and understand what they are saying. I'm inside that deal, and if they say I am a problem there... that doesn't mean anything nice.

"Hey... W," says Abe to me. He's giving me that weird smile and I don't like that because I recognize it. Every time Abe gave me that smile I had a hectic time after. I know that the deal is not gonna be something I love to do. "I'm going to send you somewhere."

"Um... where?" I ask. I think they will send me to Klugetown, that shithole which is the poorest city of Equestria, to look for some drugs. You know my boss Eye Patch lived there for a while? Yeah, when he was young! And people in Klugetown know him! Now thank me for being your trivia.

"You'll go to a place you hate. A lot." A lot? Oh, I know what you mean, Abe... damn. "I'll send you both to Canterlot."

NO! Come on, kid, do the facepalm.

Why, Abe, why? What did I do to you? I release that long and disappointed sigh. Come on, Abe! Canterlot? The toxicity of that place is worse than any other city inside Equestria. Hell yeah, I even remember the first time I went to Canterlot. I was only 16 years old with the stupid illusion of passing by the best city of all Equestria but once I got out of there, I learned it was just a pathetic city full of rich kids.

"And I'll tell you why: My granddaughters were threatened by the Penknife Brothers. Looks like those damned sons of a bitch don't know how to deal with people without going for the innocent. I talked a bit with Principal Celestia a week ago about this problem."

Well, from my point of view, we have two bad things in that sentence.

First, the words Principal and Celestia. That's related to Canterlot High, as known as Canterlot's Butt (I called it like that... do you like it?). A school whose rooms are filled with the city's waste. What I mean with waste? I'm talking about those students who have that huge amount of Canterlot's greed and lust. Then we the second bad thing there, which is the word Penknife. Uh... those stupid Penknife Brothers, three weirdos that like to sell guns illegally in the black market. It looks like Abe didn't pay them what he had to pay and now I have to save their little granddaughters along with Jack. Of course, leave young W in the mud!

"The only thing I want you to do is to take care of my granddaughters. I know that you, W, are not the best babysitter in the world, but getting you out of Maretreal would be a big advantage for me."

Oh yeah, I love babysitting kindergarten children, Abe! I have a mother inside me, I have a degree in it! Wait, is that Sweetie girl something in kinder or not? Bruh, never mind. The important thing here is that now it's 3:15 AM and we are going to Canterlot while I'm listening to some jams. I begin to feel sober now and I'm not even complaining about my hunger. Thank Star Swirl the Bearded.

"Turn that junkie music down, W. You are making me crazy," says Abe. I want to answer him I won't but... no. I shouldn't. I turn off my phone.

I close my eyes and...

"Wake up. We arrived."

Wait, what? Did I fall asleep? What? Uh... Shit... I feel worse than before. I thought a little nap would fix me, but it didn't! I get out of the car and I look at two women. Oh, gosh, here we go. Principal Celestia and her sister Luna. I don't have many things to say about them... they are just... them.

Abe starts talking: "Principal and Vice-Principal, now that we have already talked about this problem that makes me sick... let me bring you some context. These men, friends of mine, will be only keeping an eye on my granddaughters. They will be at your orders so don't worry... and also don't worry about the boy," he says, pointing at me. "He's just had a long night like every stupid boy at his age."

Yeah, here we go again. I feel bad Abe, but that doesn't mean I can't hear you!

Well, after a long trip of not listening to anything that had been said at that time, I ended up taking a nap along with Jack in the janitor's room. They also told me that the janitor was on holiday. Yeah, you heard it: Janitor on holidays. Ha, ha. Now I'm the new one?

"Wake up, W. It's almost 10 A.M." says a voice. It's Jack, holding a coffee from the cafeteria, I think.

No, please.

I pinch myself to check if this is a nightmare, but nothing happens. It's real. I'm in Canterlot High. I can't even believe it, because it happened so fast... Yesterday, I was in a tubular (my apologies for saying that word) party, and now... Come on. I'm inside this? Really?

The first thing I do is get up of my mattress, which was very comfy, I admit. I don't remember anything from yesterday... not even what Abe said to the principals. Did they actually let us in? I look at myself on my old phone's screen, and I realize that my hair is completely messed up and my face is notorious for its massive eye bags. I try to wake myself up by stealing Jack's coffee and drinking it. He discovers me and punches me in the shoulder.

"How many times are you going to steal my coffee?" he says, angrily. "Now go to the cafeteria and look for another one!"

Well, at least that thing woke me up a little bit. I get out of the room and I look around inside a hallway full of teenage students. Please, no... PLEASE, NO.

Once I put one of my feet in that hallway everyone looked at my face. Holy moly, mom, I'm famous! Like Sapphire Shores! I go to the cafeteria to look for some coffee and I hear things about me. Is he a new student? Is he a professor? When am I going to listen Is he the guy who invented the vodkapple cider cocktail?

I enter the cafeteria and I find her.

I come across Rarity.

She looks at me and recognizes my face, something that makes her angry. I saw her several times in my life and everytime we crossed paths we didn't like each other. I am in the street, and she is in a dress (does that comparison even make sense?). He's along with a big, red-skinned guy with blonde hair who is wearing a red t-shirt and some jeans that look like they were made in 1969. Man, who in the hell is still wearing elephant-leg jeans? Update your mind, man! However, there's something that calls my attention here: looks like everyone inside the cafeteria is scared while looking at him. Who in the hell is that guy? A bully? God?

"You? What are you doing here?" asks Rarity to me.

"Hey, Rarity... Rarity, right?" I only say while raising a thumb like a child. "Good morning."

Rarity growls. "Ok, hello... um... what did my grandpa used to call you?"

Doesn't remember, oh no!! "Call me W," I say while nodding my head. "Or Photo Finish."

She only raises her shoulders. "What are you doing here?"

"I came here to take care of your booty," I say with a wide smile, trying not to defenestrate myself and escape from this hell.

The guy with the red t-shirt interrupts my conversation.

"Hey, you moron. You are talking to a lady."

His voice is rough and he also has a weird accent. And he told me... moron? I have to reply.

"I know... moron."

The weird guy next to Rarity exhales air from his nose as if he were a bull. Wait... what if he's a bull?

Oh! He grabs my trenchcoat. He's strong, pretty strong for a high school teen. "Listen to me, you babyface," he threatens me. "I'm the man who controls all this school so, don't piss me off or you'll pay... And I'll repeat you because you seem to don't understand... I am the man inside this school."

Wait, what? What the hell has just happened?

Did this guy tell me... that he's the MAN?

"What are you talking about?" is the first thing I tell him while drawing a smile on my face. "The man? You mean... the man in this school?" I shake my head and look at Rarity. "See, Rarity? This is why I don't like Canterlot. Look, in my city, Maretreal, when you say you are the man... it means you are a man. You are a high school teenager, dude, and from what I see... those elephant-leg pants really make you look like a stripper."

Some students who were listening to us in the middle of the cafeteria chaos laughed at my commentary but the red guy turned around and shut their mouths with his eyes. He has power and I can see it "Oh no, not again," says Rarity and she approaches me while raising one finger like the fashionista she is. "Last time we saw each other, which was a long time ago, you spent the whole time trash-talking about my town... and I didn't say anything about yours!" Come on! Maretreal is not that bad! It may be full of drugs and hitmen, but... it's a beautiful place!

"So... you are a trash-talker." Now the weird red dude whose name I still don't know takes his turn to spit on my face. "I don't give a damn about what you say but... let me present myself, dude... my name is Cattle Prod." Nice to meet you, Cattle Prod. He stretches his hand but I don't do the same. "Do you know who my uncle is? People call him Bloodswan."

... Oh no. What I was fearing all this time has come true. I'm getting scared in front of a stupid high school teenager. Son of a bitch.

Oh, shit. Bloodswan? Do you mean the real Bloodswan in flesh and bones?

I've never seen Bloodswan in real life but listen... if there's something I know about that madman, is that he's the ruler of Equestria... I mean, if I have to say who is the man of Equestria right now my answer will be him. He can control this whole country with just a finger snap... My younger self would say he was like the president of the gangsters. Abe and Jack always told me that people described him as an intelligent and ruthless psychopath who could destroy everything he wanted... even his own family.

"No shit." My back feels cold while looking at that boy. I can't see myself scared of him! I can't lose! "You are lying. You are not his freaking nephew."

Rarity raises an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?"

"Wait a minute, Rarity... can you leave us alone for a minute?" he only tells her and then looks at me, chuckling like the devil.

She only raises an eyebrow. "Why, Cattle Prod? I mean, he's annoying but... he's not a threatening guy---"

Oh, thanks. Another one on my list: annoying. "Trust me," replies Cattle Prod and she leaves while rolling her eyes. We are now face to face while Rarity observes us from a distance (actually, sitting next to a table) "Are you sure you want to find out, dude? You wanna meet my uncle?"

"You've got to be lying, you sack of... sack." No, my words are trembling! "Everyone can say that... and if you say that Bloodswan is your uncle... tell me his brother's..."

"Chill Breeze." He interrupts me with what I know. What I thought he wouldn't know. He chuckles and nods his head. No, no. "Chill Breeze was my father, asshole. Did you think I didn't know my father's real name?"

This cannot be true. I am not talking to late gangster Chill Breeze's evolved sperm. When I was a child, that guy was one of the toughest along with his younger brother Bloodswan until he died in a gunfire in Manehattan, being what he always was... a mobster.

"This cannot be true," I only say. I'm appalled, defeated. "You can't be the son of Chill Breeze, I thought Sharp Baton was the only child of..."

"You thought, you thought..." he puts his arms on my shoulders. HE'S PUTTING HIS ARMS ON MY FREAKING SHOULDERS... if he was a normal dude I would have already put him inside a trashcan... but I can't. His eyes are telling me the truth. "You thought you were better than me when you passed by the door... but listen, Sharp Baton? He is also my older brother... and I am not as gentle as him so... I will give you a chance to turn around and leave Rarity alone."

"What do you have with Rarity, you son of a bitch?" I ask him, completely shocked. "Are you a friend of hers?"

He laughs at me and says: "I like her. She's hot." He puts a finger on his lips. "This is a secret, dude. Goodbye."

He offers me an insult that drives me mad: he softly claps a cheek of my face with my hand while smiling and leaves, getting nearer Rarity. I felt humiliated, destroyed. If that kid is Bloodswan's nephew... we are in fucking trouble, and when Abe finds out, oh no... I won't like that shit.

I begin to walk and my back is still shaking, so I take a deep breath and head to the place where coffee is served. I'm trying to forget it by asking for the coffee Jack told me he wanted, and when I do it, the old lady who works in there starts talking to me. "I saw you talking to Cattle Prod."

Shock comes again and crashes. "Cattle Prod?" I ask her, and suddenly, a young girl with rainbow hair, black pants, and a white t-shirt with a cloud and a rainbow appears next to me.

"You said that name?" says the rainbow girl while looking at me.

"Me, Rainbow Dash," says the lady from the cafeteria. "I saw this kid confronting Cattle Prod."

Oh, come on, I am not a kid. I'm already 21! This Rainbow Dash is now looking at me. "I hate Cattle Prod so much that I can't even see him... he's trying to flirt with my friend Rarity and I told her so many times to not listen to him but... she looks like she is also lost." She points at me while having a fiery look in her eyes. "And I looked at you for only two seconds... it's the first time I see someone doing that."

I nod my head. It surprises me the fact they are so surprised about it. Did somebody confront him face to face? That guy may be dangerous because he's Bloodswan's nephew but only people like me would understand that. Apart from this... he's just a stupid high school bully. I give them my opinion: "I don't understand something, is that guy a king in this place or what? People seem to be scared of him."

"He is an arrogant bully," says Rainbow Dash and she raises a finger. "Wait right here, please." Seconds later, Rainbow Dash brings a girl with purple hair and glasses who may be her friend. "Tell him, Twilight, what Cattle Prod did to you last week," says the rainbow girl.

The girl, Twilight, blushes in front of me. "Um... well, I unintentionally pushed him because... I tend to be distracted. He lifted me and told me that I shouldn't have done that... a-and Rainbow Dash came there to save me."

Rainbow Dash smiles at me. "Consider yourself lucky, Mister..."

"Call me W," I tell her.

"Well, consider yourself lucky, W!" You confronted Cattle Prod and you didn't finish your day with Nurse Redheart!"

Meanwhile, the old lady gives the coffee to me. I ask myself, what is Jack doing at the moment while I look at that boy again trying to flirt with Rarity but she looks like she is not even giving him any attention. Is she interested in him? "Hey, um... Rainbow Dash, right?"

She nods her head. "Yeah, what's up?"

"Are you sure your friend Rarity is interested in that Cattle Prod?"

Jack's Perspective

I sit down in the janitor's room and I start thinking. Canterlot. A place I love and hate.

The city where I came across many things that were good, bad, and horrible. Being in this place only reminds me of two things. Two freaking things and I cannot stop thinking about them... the first one is my old and stupid (bold stupid) friend from Everton High School, Crescent Bunny, who tried to follow the same path as me and ended up in a body bag. All because he saw in me an image of his stupid little dreams. He had everything! A job, a degree... a great future ahead of him! He also had a girlfriend... the second thing I remember about this place. His girlfriend. I feel guilty about it. I will never forget the day I came across that beautiful woman: A lady I don't want to remember, but now that I am in Canterlot, I think of her all the time. She's here... come on, she works here.

"Jack, I have your coffee." says a familiar voice. It's W, what took him so long to bring me a damned cup of coffee?... but then I realize he doesn't seem like normal W. I grab that cup and instantly the bell rings. Lots of students get out of their classroom and I can see Rarity in the distance... but something's off. I see W and looks like he is not in a hangover, but shocked because of something else.

"What's going on?" I ask while drinking the cup and then I see a kid whose appearance stands out from above the rest of the students in that hall. I saw that kid somewhere but I don't remember anything... did I see him in a photo? Where?

"That motherfucker," says W, pointing a finger right to him. The students are not even watching us, they are watching that boy leaving the hall. "Listen... I was talking to Rarity in the cafeteria and he approached me. He told me he was the man in this school, and guess what..."

"What?" I say. "A bully? You... getting scared of a high school bully?"

"No, that fucker..." I hear fear and concern in his voice. "He told me he was Bloodswan's nephew."

Then I begin to remember. I saw that boy in a photograph. His red skin and clear hair stand out from everyone else... a little child next to his older brother and his late father, a tough businessman better known as Chill Breeze, who died almost two decades ago.

Chill Breeze was Bloodswan's older brother. Bloodswan is right now the man we fear the most. W has a point. "Bullshit," I say." I fastly close the door of the janitor's room and leave the cup on a table. My hand trembles out of nowhere. "This is... tell me he doesn't have anything to do with Rarity. At all."

"I asked that to a friend of hers," he answers while shaking his head. "It looks like... he has been trying to flirt with her several times... and she's slowly falling onto him despite the advice of her friends." Oh... this is great news. "However, another friend of hers, whose name was... um... Applejack, I think?... she told me she was doing that because she knows that if she gets along with Cattle Prod, then he will not harm her friends. I don't know."

I only shake my head. "Abe won't like this. This will fall on him like an anvil."

"Is he really Bloodswan's nephew, man? Tell me he's lying, Jack." He raises his shoulders and I don't know what to tell him. I still see in him that little kid I saved from homelessness. "If it is... I talked to the nephew of maybe the most powerful man in this country."

Suddenly this whole conversation gets interrupted and broken into pieces when four masked guys enter the room and close the door. From what I saw in that slow second that felt like an eternity, the portion of the hall I observed when these guys opened the door was empty. It felt like a desert. Half of that team lifts W and crashes him against the wall. I try to beat the other half up but they easily knock me out and trap me with his arms against the floor. I'm getting old... fuck my reflexes. If they do something to W, I swear I'm gonna kill them all.

"Listen, you sunshine!" says one of the masked guys to W, shouting at him while holding a small knife. "If I see you near Cattle Prod's lady again you are gonna pay!" Then he points at me. "He's gonna pay! Do you want to see him pay?"

"FUCK YOU! FUCK YOUR PAY!" shouts W. He is still not too talented at bargaining.

"Tell us you are not going to touch her!"

"I WON'T!" he replies and everything ends in a couple of seconds. One of the guys who trapped me punches me in the face and all of them leave. The last one grabs that cup of coffee of mine and spills it all over W, who lets out a small and compressed shout because it is still hot.

Goddamnit, this is the second cup of coffee I lose. They closed the door and I tried to chase them... but once I opened it they were gone. The hall is empty. There is no one there.

I close the door again and help W to stand up, saying nothing. He has been shaking his head since they left. "He told me he was the man, Jack," he says while looking at me with his stained trenchcoat filled with hot coffee. "Indeed, he fucking is."

I don't say anything... and I think again about my friend Crescent Bunny who died because he entered this world, just like me. Looks like we cannot escape from the mob. Never.


I've been waiting for this moment for almost an hour. I hate doing this because it makes me look as if I were a creep... but I have to. That motherfucker, Abe Flanks, has been mocking me and my brothers after that deal we made months ago. We won't tolerate anything else. Anything. We are the fucking Penknife Brothers, for Star Swirl's sake... people have to be scared of us! We can't be marionettes, dumb assholes!

I hide in the bushes again, while all the little students are coming out of the school. No, I hate this... I want to look for the older one but I can't find her. I don't know where she is and I can't enter the school. My older brother told me not to. In the middle of that stampede, only one girl calls my attention: Abraham's granddaughter. I think her name was Sweetie Belle. She's my objective right now.

She seems to be playing Hide and Seek along with her friends, like a normal child. Unfortunately, that's a big advantage for me. I don't want to put a child between the sword and the wall... but business is business, and Abe Flanks has to know that for real.

I have everything under control, my behavior, even hers. Now, she starts running and approaches the bush I am hiding. I have to be fast because nobody has to see me. I text my brother to come to the school, I also tell him that I am ready.

She's near me. The car stops behind and I grab her leg. I am about to vomit but my other two brothers get out of the car and we grab her. She shouts, but we fastly cover her mouth with our hands. She can't do anything, I feel tears touching my hand while we get her inside the car... and that makes me sick. So fucking sick that I also want to cry... but I remind myself once again... business... is business, and Abe Flanks has to know that... for real.

This is for you, Abe, from the Penknife Brothers. You son of a bitch, I tell to myself. I get in the car and we accelerate.

To be continued...

Same Sh*t, Different Place

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W's Perspective

Marvellous experiences on my first day at Canterlot High.

I woke up in the janitor's room and came across Rarity and a spoiled asshole who turned out to be... something else. Some guys entered here, beat me and my friend Jack up, and they also threw a cup of hot coffee near my pretty face. Such an incredible morning!

Jack helps me to get up and doesn't say anything. He sits on a chair and I sit on the mattress that was lying there and I try to break this awkward ice by saying: "Looks like he even has people working for him, come on..." but doesn't work. I look at Jack and he is also shocked. As scared as me. I feel afraid, to be honest. Yes, when I was a child I used to say I was Fuckin' W and I didn't fear anything, but this is different. Bloodswan's real nephew may have threatened us. That's not something to celebrate.

We get up and after I get dried a bit, we open the door. At the same time, a lady who was walking around the hall in circles stopped and looked at us. She has purple hair and freckles on her cheeks and looks like she's a year or two older than me. She may not be a student... but a teacher, maybe?

She, whose face also demonstrates concern and fear, asks us something... "Excuse me, um... I know you're here because Principal Celestia told me that you were inspecting the school but... something weird is going on, if I can call it like that, uh... sorry." Her eyes are about to explode in tears.

"Um... what is going on, lady?" asks Jack while looking at me. I also look at him without knowing what's next.

"Um, sorry..." she tries to clean her eyes with her finger. "I'm asking... Have you seen a child with purple curly hair walking around or doing something? Her friends told me she was gone and they couldn't find her on the football pitch. She disappeared after the recess ended."

Oh, no.

My throat begins to get dry and I tremble. Jack does the same but hides it better than me. He takes a deep breath and asks her: "No. What does this child look like, miss?"

"Um... Do you know her? She has curly hair, and clear skin, I think she was... wearing green and purple clothes. Sweetie Belle is her name. Are you sure you saw her?"

"Oh, god," Jack says and almost turns his back on her but he fastly puts a hand over the lady's shoulder. He closes his eyes for a second and I can look at how his legs are now shaking... It may be a surprise if this woman doesn't think of us as strangers... suspects. My stomach doesn't feel too good right now. I feel Mr. Vomit slowly climbing, getting nearer my mouth. "Lost child? Firstly, calm down, miss. We have to calm down. She may have lost her steps while playing hide and seek. Kids do that... Do you want us to help you? Do you want to step into the janitor's room and take a seat?"

Suddenly I feel something vibrating in my pocket.

My trembling hand reaches to that mysterious object and I find out it is my old phone receiving a phone call. Oh, no. This is the worst day of my life.

"Who is it?" asks Jack while still holding the lady in front of her with her hand. His voice broke in the middle of the sentence. I try to smash the phone with my bare hand in my mind while looking at the screen.

"It's Abe," I only tell him. "Look for the child. I have to go."

I don't even look back at him and the lady and I walk as if I were running a marathon. I'm dizzy at the moment I find a men's bathroom and I enter. The phone's still vibrating and I feel the vomit near the exit when I put it near my ear.

And it was like a magical button. I stand in front of a toilet and once I answer the call, it comes out. Abe is now listening to me throwing up on a high school's toilet from Canterlot. I will keep this a secret and carry it to my grave.

"You stupid asshole," I listen on the other side while I close the bathroom door and I sit on the toilet seat. His voice is rough, furious. He's angry. "I'm not going to feel sorry for you because you are throwing up on a toilet of Canterlot High."

I have to make ends meet. "I'm sorry, man... listen..."


"Listen, Abe... we were doing this and then..."

"I have just finished talking to the Penknife Brothers and they told me that Sweetie Belle was in their car. Can you tell me why in the fucking hell is she there, boy? Where is Jack? Where the hell is Jack? Pass me to Jack."

"I'm alone in the bathroom," I tell him. "He was helping a teacher who asked for Sweetie Belle and looking for her... Look, I need to explain everything to you but something happened..."

He doesn't let me finish the sentence. "I don't care about what happened. What matters to me the most right now is my granddaughter."

There is only one option from here: help. "Sorry. I'm so sorry, deeply sorry, Abe. I'll go for Jack and we'll help you right now, at this right moment. Just... tell us where you are and we will make those motherfuckers suffer for what they did."

What he said after hit me like a rock. "No." He said no? "Stay where you are. You and Jack. I'm gonna do it myself." What is this old guy talking about?

"Have you gone crazy?" I fastly stand up from the toilet seat. "Are you out of your mind? The Penknife Brothers are three big dickheads! You can't go on a fight alone! You need our help!"

"You are wrong. You don't know me yet, W. You know what you saw from me... I don't need your help. Once I finish business with the Penknife Brothers, I'll go after you two."

We are really screwed. "Jack would agree with me."

"Trust me, he won't. He will let me do it myself. Now wait for me at the school's entrance."

He is thinking red. He is not thinking straight. "But... Abe! Come on! You can't do it alo--"

He ends the call on my face and that makes me think red now. I quickly kicked the toilet's wooden door but I calmed down when I saw that I wasn't alone in the bathroom all this time. I look in the mirror and I see that next to me there are two kids. A short fat kid with grey skin and a taller one with orange skin and cyan hair. They look at me in silence and I sigh before leaving: "Family," is the only thing I say to them.

Abe's perspective

I officially declare that I hate everyone. The Penknife Brothers, W, Jack, and even myself. Well, my face is at the top of the list because I didn't give those sons of a gun the money I should have given them weeks ago. I feel like an idiot, a big-headed douchebag, I stupidly thought that he would never touch my family, and now, they have my Sweetie Belle inside their car. I feel guilty for what I told myself. Then I remember that I always hated myself like this... all because I could never be a decent grandfather to them... damn, even my son Hondo Flanks doesn't want to see me.

I was waiting for them in a bleak wasteland near the Canterlot-Maretreal highway. I see an old brown car surrounded by smoke coming at me. It stops and they get out, Clean Penknife, the younger brother, is grabbing a scared Sweetie Belle's arm. Why do I have to see this? Well, I remember again that I... I see this because I caused this.

They are three brothers: Sharp, Clean, and Rusty. Sharp is the older one with dark hair, green eyes, and a scar on one of his cheeks. Rusty is a short, bald and plump guy who always smells like alcohol, he's the middle one. And last but not least, Clean, a tall, skinny, pale and scary dude, he's the younger one. Sharp is the first one that looks at my face. "Well, Abe..." he says. "I expect that you made us come here because you have the money and not because of something stupid."

"Yes," I tell them while getting out of the car, "but you know what? I'm afraid we are talking about different topics. I came here and not because of something stupid. I made you come here to let my granddaughter go. The money can wait."

He does an eerie chuckle while Clean grabs a bowie and touches Sweetie Belle's neck slowly. I can't go through this. I'm getting tired. I'm about to set off the day.

"Well, Sharp Penknife," I say while unbuttoning my squared shirt. "I made you come here to fight me."

Clean and Rusty look at each other. I know they will interfere in the fight, it's logical. Sweetie Belle drops her jaw, shocked. My grandpa is going to fight?, she may be thinking.

"Don't make me laugh, Flankman." Sharp Penknife shakes his head. "Don't you know we are three dudes? We are known as the Penknife Brothers because of something, duh."

"Yeah, I know who you are." I clean my throat, trying not to think about this world we are in. "Three retarded cowards who didn't even have the guts to talk to me and threaten me because of what I did. Instead, you went for the most stupid path you could have ever taken. Kidnapping a child."

I look at how their faces get shattered and the innocent Sweetie Belle gets more confused over time. Sharp approaches me and the tension rises. "Do you think I am proud of what I did? Do you think that, man? Of course not. Why would I get a sweet child who doesn't know anything about this? But then I remind myself that... business is business, Flankman. I care about children just like you... but I care the most about what I and my brothers do. This is like a candy store and you are the one who bought a lollipop and didn't pay for it."

"You should have taken me," I tell him. "It wasn't that hard."

"And then what?" shouts Clean Penknife in the background. "Await for the awakening of the Maretreal team that you know?" the brothers laugh and Clean raises an eyebrow. "Oh, by the way, does she know who you are, Flanks?" she points at her. "Or does she still think you are the lovely grandfather from her childhood days?"

"She's still in her childhood, asshole."

Then the voice I would have never thought I would listen to here begins to speak: "No, I'm not!" she shouts. "I'm 12 years old, I have just finished my childhood and according to Ms Cheerilee, I'm about to get into puberty and I have the right to know what's going on here!" Both the Penknife Brothers and I look at her... and I never felt so guilty in my life. "I was kidnapped, grandpa! Why? Can you tell me what's going on?"

The Penknife Brothers laugh but I don't. "This little girl is miles better than you, Abe," says Rusty Penknife on my face, finally speaking with his horrible tone. "Maybe you're right, she's cooler and better than you... morally and ethically better than you, actually." His smile disappears. "Why don't you tell your Sweetie Belle what you did in the last few years?"

I have to break this apart. Now. I'm getting nearer the knife and Rusty's voice is making me deaf... and I'm getting tired.

Clean and Rusty stop laughing when I grab Sharp's neck and I throw him away. His head hits the car's front. His brothers, logically, try to attack me and start following me while I open my car door.


She instantly enters the backseat and takes cover inside while I open the car trunk and get a small crowbar out of there. I hit Clean's head and he falls to the ground while Rusty desperately tries to attack Sweetie Belle by kicking the door. I save her by turning around and throwing him to the floor. I had the lead but not for long. Clean grabbed me by the neck and smashed my head against the car. I try to grab my crowbar but he throws it away and after that, I touch my forehead with my hand and look at my fingers: RED. My forehead is bleeding. I lost. In front of Sweetie Belle.

"Ay, Abe," Sharp says standing right above me. His brothers trap me by stepping on my chest. "Rusty was right. Your granddaughter is miles better than you!" He reaches for something in his pants and takes out a tiny revolver from his belt. "Fight's over."

No, I can't be here watching that asshole who is about to kill me... in front OF MY GRANDDAUGHTER! The gun is pointing at me with Sharp's green eyes looking like death itself... and I'm doing nothing? What am I, a coward?

"WAIT!" I hear a shout and the car door is opened. "NO! NO!" She repeats no one more time after leaving the car. "You can't... he's my grandfather..."

Sharp shakes his head while looking at her and then he snaps his fingers. "Rusty, Clean, cover the granddaughter's eyes, and take care of her," he says. "She doesn't have to see this."

"No!" she shouts while the brothers are approaching her. "Grandpa, no!"

"Don't you see?" Sharp tells me while crouching and stepping on my chest one more time. "I am fair, Abe. I've always been fair. I care about your children."

I hear the gun coming for me and I know that I can't end up dead in front of my granddaughter. I must go to Plan B I must go to Plan B now. I can't waste this chance when only one brother is against me and the other two are chasing my girl, faster than them, like two tired sumo wrestlers. I have to do something.

I punch the leg that is stepping on me. Bad idea, Sharp pulls the trigger because of his reaction and fires the gun. Nothing happens... and his eyes, which looked like death, are now shattered.

"WHAT?!" he shouts, completely angry while throwing the gun to the ground and turning around. He's not stepping on me, I am free. "You motherfuckers! You told me that the gun was fucking charged!"

It's your opportunity. It's my time. I grab Sharp from behind and smash his face twice against the car bumper. Then I throw him away while he is dealing with pain and I see Rusty coming at me. I barely see in the background that Sweetie Belle and Clean are fighting... and the one who is actually kicking the other one is the sweet young girl. I try to attack Rusty but he breaks me easily, tackling me and taking me to the ground again. I often forget that he is the strongest of the three.

Rusty is about to beat me up and I'm getting ready until I see a tiny boulder falling from the sky and hitting his head. He fastly touches his neck and falls to the floor while closing his eyes in silence. I fastly stand up and realize what happened... my granddaughter has two other boulders in her hands. Damn... I have no words.

She comes at me and we both act like robots at that moment. We opened the doors of my car, fastened our seatbelts, and left.

Both of us remain silent. We don't even say a word until a mile later.

"What was that?" she asks me. "Can you tell me?"

I don't know where to start and see, this is why I hate this. They brought her to this side where I didn't want anyone but me... and now I have to do the dishes they broke. If I tell her the truth she will never understand it. No matter if she is 5, 9, 12, 15, or 17 years old, she is still a little girl and she will never comprehend it. I have to tell her a pious lie that I have as my alibi since I do what I do.

"Sweetie Belle..." I tell her while looking at the road. "I had a problem."

"Another problem?" she says while raising an eyebrow.

I can't. I swear I can't. I always tell myself to stop making excuses but I just... can not do that. If my granddaughters knew that I'm inside something like this, I'd be screwed.

"Those men were... old friends. My old friends from the car store I own in Maretreal. They were... drunk and were asking for money, you know. They are at rock bottom."

"And you are hanging out with your old friends again, Grandpa? You told Rarity and me that they were very dangerous!"

"I know, Sweetie, but once you know them, you just can't get out of them... such as your friends, Applebloom and Scootaloo. You entered to that group, and now you can't get out!" I say while laughing. Why did I laugh? It made me feel so stupid.

"Yes, grandpa Abe... but I can't get out because I don't want to do it. It's different for you, you can't leave them because... they don't want to."

I don't answer, and I feel like a devil because of that.

I never drove so fast in my life.

A Pony with an eye patch's perspective

The other side of the mirror is the strangest thing I've ever seen in my entire life. I already knew that this strange new world was filled with colored horses... but I've just found out that this world is filled with magic! I only met a guy here: Calculated Risk, the only stallion that showed me Ponyville and the things behind its back, but the only thing I came for hasn't appeared yet.

I only crossed the Portal because this guy knows about the Elements of Harmony.

Friends always told me that the elements were just part of a tale for children but others, like my late father who may rest in peace, did believe in them. The only thing I know about those elements is that, according to what he told me, if you have all of them in your hands, you can be the most powerful man in Equestria. Those who say that the Elements of Harmony do exist, also explain that there may be copies of them in my world, the human one. Other ones say that these elements are only in this dimension, inside six mysterious ponies.

"So, these elements of harmony may be inside the ponies, right?" I ask Calculated Risk who is still with me trotting around Ponyville.

"Um... yes," he replies. A shy and short grey-skinned stallion with glasses. How bizarre. "...but the elements of harmony may not be the same in your world. Here in Ponyville, the six elements are six mares. One of them is Twilight Sparkle, the princess."

"What do you mean with not the same?"

"Well, most of the time, people who hold the Element may change per dimension, but that doesn't mean that there's no probability that the elements may be the same mares."

"The same mares?"

"Yes, Mr Eye Patch."

I only nod my horse head. Honestly, speaking about it, now I learned how to trot, look, and breathe like a horse. The only thing that still drives me crazy is the nonexistence of my hands. I just can't adapt to that. We come across a big building that he calls the Carousel Boutique. From it gets out a white mare, with blueish strands of hair. "There she is, Rarity," he tells me. Rarity? Abe's granddaughter? "I think she has the element of Generosity. It's one of the elements in this world."

"What? Does this mean the Rarity from my world can also be the element of generosity on... my world?"

Calculated Risk looks at me and nods his head. "She can."


I hear a car on the outside. He's here, ready to kick our asses. We keep walking on this horrible day.

Jack and I already got out of the school when we see his car. Sweetie Belle is not with him. That may be good news because she left her somewhere else or the worst piece of news we have ever heard. Abe is angry, and he has also a scratch on his forehead.

"I left her on the pitch, she's being assisted by her teacher," he says. "You two are the best babysitters in the world, thank you," he says. I feel devastated. I look at Jack and then he points his eyes at me... Shall we apologize? he mentally says to me, through his look.

"Sorry, Abe..." I say. "I... If I saw her I..."

"Look," he interrupts me. "Thanks, Star Swirl and everyone in heaven she's OK. We forget about this. I forgive you."

"And what about the Penknife Brothers?" asks Jack, crossing his arms. "What happened to them?"

Abe is about to reply but shuts up when his eyes point at one direction. Jack and me turn around and there she is. Principal Celestia. "Is she OK?" she asks. "When I was informed about this issue, it was too late for me, I'm afraid. May I know what happened?"

Abe shakes his head. "She only got lost in the big garden near the school while playing Hide and Seek, principal. She felt scared..."

"Are you sure about that?" She approaches Abe and I find out she is taller than the three of us. Wow... intimidating... and sexy. "You begged me to let these two men in my school take care of your granddaughters because of a... family issue... and then what?"

"They are my best friends in the world," he says. Aww, how cute! "They would do anything for me... I was just... I don't know. It was a desperate decision I made."

"I notice," she says, nodding her head with a confused look in her eyes. "I thought they were supervising them, didn't they?"

"Actually," that word came out of my mouth on his own. I didn't even think about speaking right now but I felt that I had to because of what Jack and I saw earlier. The three of them are now looking at me. "We were doing that job but... something else happened that... interrupted us."

Jack tries to touch my shoulder but stops when Celestia asks me: "May I know what happened?"

"Well, I..." Abe also raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms while listening to me. "I went to the cafeteria to ask for a cup of coffee and then I saw... Rarity with this... guy..."

"What are you talking about?" says Abe with a tone that makes me think that he is losing his temper. However, Celestia calms him down with a sigh and she also crosses her arms while shaking his head and turning his back on us.

"I know what you are saying," she says. "Cattle Prod, right?"

Jack and I look at each other. "Yes. How did you know about that?"

She comes back and sighs at me. "I'm... deeply sorry about that," she says, in a very smooth voice. "Cattle Prod is a... loose cannon. A problematic kid. Me and my sister expelled him from this school lots of times, but his uncle always found a way to get him back. Always." Celestia's words approach us to the truth... Cattle Prod was not lying. He is the fucking nephew. Then I saw Abe's face, trying to understand what was going on. "What scares me the most, by the way, it's not Cattle Prod, he's a kid with potential and needs help, but it's always crushed by the fact that... his uncle totally controls him. It seems no one recognizes or even thinks about the power his uncle has not only in this school... but almost everywhere."

"Excuse me, what are we talking about?" Abe is getting nervous. "What is this? I have never heard about a Cattle Prod guy or something else. Which uncle are we talking to?"

I look at him and I witness how his reaction breaks him in half: "That guy, he was with Rarity..." Jack lets me speak by also looking at Abe in his eyes. "...then we were in the janitor's room and some masked guys appeared and beat us up and told us that we shouldn't have messed with him and his girl... and most importantly... he told me his uncle was Bloodswan."

Abe instantly puts a hand on her chest and takes a deep breath while grabbing Jack's shoulder. He only says one sentence: "Oh, lord."

I didn't like that hand on his chest at all. "Tell me you are not having a heart attack," I desperately say.

"I'm not," he furiously replies. "I just can't... believe this."

"You also know his name?" Celestia breaks us again by standing in the middle. "How? I thought his name was..."

"People talk about him in Maretreal..." fastly replies Abe. "A lot. He's a known one from the underworld."

We see how Celestia clearly didn't like that commentary with her reaction. "And do you know him?"

The three of us quickly shake our heads. "Never," replies Jack. "That kind of man never goes out and speaks with nobody... never with normal citizens like us."

"Despite that, he speaks with me," she replies, and we're grounded. "Although in the past few months, he has been sending others to do that for him." A freezing silence stays between us until she turns back and nods her head. "Excuse me. I need to go back to work. I will politely ask you, if you don't have anything else to do here, to leave. Have a good day."

She walks away with her hands behind her back and I witness the length and height of her legs. They look like freaking towers. It may be the tallest woman I have ever seen in my life. That's scary... and sexy. However, I am not here to talk about the legs of a woman. We are in serious trouble.

Abe shakes his head. "This has to be a fucking joke," he says while crossing his arms. "I came here... I sent you here to deal with three clowns that cannot do anything well... and you come across the nephew of the guy that controls the whole underworld of this country..." he begins to roam around the entrance. "And I can't believe you found him with Rarity, is that true?"

"A friend of hers told me she is being with him only because he likes her, and by doing that, he won't harm or mock her friends... it's like," I don't know how to say it with proper words. "It's like she... is sacrificing herself, hanging out with a guy that she does not like, for her friends to be safe."

Abe instantly turns around and grabs my trenchcoat with his iron fist. Fatal decision made by me. Jack gets in the middle of us. "My granddaughter is not a whore."

"I didn't say that!" I desperately say to calm down the waters. "She's not that, and everybody here knows that! I'm just saying, Abe... she is doing this only because of her friends and it's too much for her. She has balls... well, ovaries, actually."

We stay in silence for a few seconds and Abe ends up shaking his head and leaving. "I need to think about this on Maretreal." He waves his hand to us. "Come on, I'll take you to Hop's."

"Wait," I say, raising a finger like the idiot I am sometimes. "It's quite a long trip. Can I go to the bathroom before?"

Both of them look at me like disappointed parents. In this case, Abe's my dad, and Jack's my... my dad. Well, he might be my mom. He would be my mom. I can imagine him with an apron and making cookies. "You have to go to the school and pee there," Jack says. "Hurry up."

"Yeah, I will." I quickly turn my back but I stop to say something that I know it's not necessary, but I have to. I look at them both while standing on the entrance's white stairs. "Don't tell me you didn't see the principal's legs." Jack frowns at me. "They were like... like the towers of--"

Jack raises his voice: "HURRY UP!"

"I will! I will!" Now I run away, just in case.

I'm on my way to the bathroom and I find something surprising on its door. It's not bad, no Cattle Prod or weird masked guys in the distance, but there they are. Those two kids may have seen me throwing up in the toilet where they pee. Their faces are not kind... but also not menacing. They are scared of something once I touch the door. "No!" one of them says, and once I enter the bathroom I realize what's going on. "Don't enter! It's for your own good!"

Cattle Prod is inside, crossing her arms while looking at someone I don't know... a girl? Inside the men's bathroom? This seems to be a horrible signal. The girl raises her arms and points at me angrily. "Who dares to interrupt the Great and Powerful Trix--?"

"I told you to shut your mouth while I'm here," bluntly interrupts Cattle Prod while looking at her. "I called you here, fake, failing magician, because I want you to stop talking like that. You are making me sick with your pathetic phrases. You truly suck." Now I look at how that angry sight of hers fades out until she takes a breath and runs to one of the toilets, closing the wooden door in front of her. Cattle Prod starts chuckling once she does that. "She's so dumb."

I remember myself being bullied when I was a little boy. I don't want to be justice but I hate when this happens right in front of me. The least I can do is say something. "What the hell were you doing?" I ask. The entrance is opened and I think for a second masked men will arrive again and kick me in the balls, but there they are again... the kids.

"Are you blind, deaf? I bet you are both," he tells me while I turn around to look at him. "Firstly, didn't you hear me talking to her? I called her to be here. Why?" He raises his shoulders, getting nearer. "Because I can... then, secondly, I told you to turn around. Don't you understand? Are you also retarded besides being blind and deaf?"

He's spitting right at my face and I won't let him. No matter if it is the nephew. "Listen, friend... I came here because I want to take a piss."

He thinks he is so cool he can grab me by my shirt and clench his teeth in front of me. "Then do it outside, friend."

He passed the limit. "That's it." I push him with my hand and he almost trips over while touching the wall with his back. "Do you think I am your little goblin assistant just like everyone else here? No, man. I also have big balls... and a sense of self-awareness." He laughs at me, and that only makes me angrier. "If I pull you out of this school... are you still the man you say you are? Tell me."

"You are forgetting about something else, dude," he says, regaining his posture and coming back. "From what I saw earlier, you must know who my uncle is... or shall I send my friends again to make you remember?"

He did. He sent them. Son of a bitch. "You motherfucker, we are not talking about your uncle. I am talking about you, who sees himself as God... and you are not God, man."

"And do you know something else?" Our faces are about to crash. "I was talking about him but right now I am talking to you. You don't see yourself as a hero... don't you?"

I breathe and exhale on his face and he doesn't even blink. "I won't say anything about me on this."

"Then you are a dirty, dirty man and I'm telling you... my uncle is the landlord of dirty men." He puts a hand over my right shoulder and passes by me. He opens the door, almost stepping on the kids scared of him. "And you know what?" he says while looking at me. "He'll know about this."

And then he leaves. We are now just me, the hidden girl sitting on the toilet, and the two little kids.

A family.

"You bastard," I hear. I turned around and saw that the girl who was hiding from Cattle Prod was now out of the toilet. She even had a tear running down one of her cheeks. "Trixie feels... offended by what you've just done."

"Why?" I tell her. "I saved your ass."

"I am the Great and Powerful Trixie! I don't need anybody to save me!"

I look at the two little kids and they nod their heads. Looks like they are trying to tell me yep, she's like that. "Sorry but... you didn't seem to be confronting him."

She is hurt by that and I know. She frowns, shakes her head, and leaves the bathroom with her clenched fists. Honestly, I feel pity for her although I don't know her at all, she seemed sad because of this. Wish her luck, at least.

Just when I started to feel alone in the bathroom to take a piss, I see that the two kids are still there, and nearer me like two babies looking at their poppa. "Uh, come on," I say. "What? I need to take the piss."

"Sir," the shortest one, with a black t-shirt which has a scissor on it, smiles. "May we have your autograph?"

Oh, you've got to be kidding me. "Really?" I tell them, rolling my eyes. "Why don't you ask a famous guy for an autograph?"

"You're a famous guy!" shouts the other, taller, kid. "My name is Snails and he is Snips. It's a great honor to meet you in real life."

In real life? What are they talking about? "Listen, kids..." I tell them with my best babysitter voice. "You picked the wrong guy. I'm neither a superhero nor a pornstar, now go and let me pee for once."

Snips shakes his head. "No, um... we know you are neither a superhero nor a... that kind of star. We have been talking about you with Snails and we... think we know who you are."

"What?" I tell them once I open the door and look at the toilet. I'm already feeling tired of listening to them. "The President of Equestria?"

"No, um..." Snails stutters. "We think you are the Bedmaker."

...Oh. That nickname.

Suddenly I decided that there was no time to take a piss.

Welcome to Maretreal!

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W's Perspective


I thought I was never going to hear that nickname coming out of someone else's mouth right here and right now. It's like one of those weird usernames you invented in your teenagehood and then, when you reread it one more time in your twenties and thirties, it embarrasses you.

I haven't used that nickname to identify myself since I was... I don't know, 17 or 18. It summarizes my crazy teenage years where I was just a stupid teenager, jacking off every day and whining like a baby in front of my bosses who turned out to be my metaphorical parents. I never talk about them. My parents... but that nickname always reminds me of them and those first years. My lost childhood. That's why I don't like it.


I lived in an orphanage in Manehattan for ten years. That place is now closed but everytime I pass near all of the memories invade me. I was only a child that used to mess around the place until one of the boys turned into our goofy leader: A douchebag that called himself The Entrepreneur... still such an idiotic nickname. He used to kick our booties and bully us and we even gave him all of our food. He also slept on my bed several times saying that mine was the warmest and leaving me apart. I had to sleep on the floor for the whole night and I didn't have the guts to say anything... until one day I snapped during midnight and took him out of my bed. I even said something I don't remember but my old friend Dream Raider used to say I told him some stupid thing. I think I said that was my bed and I made it... and the nickname was born.

How can I remember that... after so long?


Oh, I forgot. I am in a bathroom of Canterlot High right now with two kids waiting for my autograph... and I still haven't taken a piss. I look at them and I just want to be honest. "Why do you think I am that?" I ask with a smooth voice.

Snips answered. "Well, um... I don't know, uh... we thought that and..."

"I know you don't like talking about her." Snails now has the voice. "Um, to be honest, mister... Our previous boss told us about the mysterious bedmaker and you seem, to us, to be a match. She told us that he always wore a brown trenchcoat and had a challenging personality. Besides, she has a photo of the real Bedmaker... and you look like him."

A photo of me? How? What?

I have to get rid of it. They also told me that the owner of that photo is their previous boss. Previous boss? What do they mean?

"What do you mean with your previous boss?" I raise an eyebrow, crouching to get nearer their height. "Were you... working for somebody?"

Both of them look at each other. I think they don't know what I'm talking about. "Well, we were Sunset Shimmer's assistants," they say.

Sunset Shimmer? I don't recognize that name. I asked them who is she, and they told me that she used to be a really bad girl who regretted what she did and now she is good. I also asked them what she looked like, and they answered that she has "fire-styled hair" that makes her unique and is always wearing a leather jacket. "Where can I find her?" I ask.

Just when Snips started talking another voice answered my question: "Right now she's in the cafeteria, along with her friends." I move my head and I see Trixie, that girl who walked away, crossing her arms. "And I don't know why my assistants call you the Bedmaker, but I'll let you know that the Great and Powerful Trixie is way better than you."

"What?" is the first thing I say. "Didn't you walk away?"

"Trixie did..." she shakes her head. "... but Trixie never left. She is waiting for her assistants to stop this ridiculous show."

Her assistants? These two kids are now working for her? "Your assistants?"

"We've got to go, Snips and Snails," she says while frowning and turning her back on me. Both kids sigh and they look at me one last time.

"So..." says the taller one. "Are you the Bedmaker?"

I shake my head while biting my lower lip. "No. Can you leave, please? I need to pee. That's why I'm here."

"Come on," says Trixie. I look at her and she has one of those angry faces that makes you laugh. He shows anger... but also an innocence that confuses... and concerns me a bit. I know this girl speaking in the third person is not mentally stable. Both kids walk away but Snips stops to ask me something just when I look at the graceful toilet. He runs to me.

"Why would you ask Sunset Shimmer for that picture, though?" he asks.

"SNIPS!" I hear from outside and the kid runs away again. I listen to his voice fading out while the magical sound of the yellow waterfall finally blesses me.

"Wait for me, Miss Trixie!" I hear from far away.

This place is a mental hospital.

Once I finally write the epilogue of this bathroom story, I come out and see that Jack is next to me. Oh, man... when I will have my lonely moment of the day? "I've just arrived two or three seconds ago. How long have you been in that bathroom?" Then he raises a finger like a disappointed parent. "Don't tell me you were... touching yourself in a high school bathroom."

I am offended by that commentary. "Jack... that's disgusting," I tell him while shaking my head. "In a school? Why... why would you think I would do that?"

"Well, I was wondering why were you taking so long and I remembered that time when you were 16 and I found you in the car--"

No, I don't have to get reminded of that uncomfortable moment. "Stop," I tell him. "I don't want you to remind me that, OK? Didn't you see what just happened?"

He shakes his head. "I told you I have just arrived."

"Let me tell you, OK?" I put a hand over his shoulder and he looks at it.

"Did you wash your hands, at least?" he asks.

"Listen to me... I entered the bathroom and I found him again."

Now he is paying attention to me instead of my hand (Dirty hand). "Cattle Prod?" he says.

"Yes, he tried to mock me and I said no. I didn't do anything, he just laughed at me and left."

He sighs. "That is not good."

"I know, we have to get out of here but listen, there is more..."

He is surprised! "More?"

"Yes... two kids outside the bathroom were scared of him, and there was also this weird girl who referred herself as the Great and Powerful--"

"Go straight to the point, W."

Whoops. He didn't want to know the full story. "Well, these kids entered the bathroom after Cattle Prod left and asked me for an autograph."

He raises an eyebrow and sighs again. "That's it?"

"No, listen! There is more!"

"Why don't you go straight to the point? We are wasting our time. Abe wants to go now."

I approach his ear and whisper: "These kids recognized me. They said I was the Bedmaker. Remember that old nickname I had?"

He only shakes his head. "Yes," he whispers back.

"I lied, I told them I wasn't like that." I keep whispering to his ear as if we were lovers... lovers? "And then one of them told me that there was this girl with red and orange hair and a leather jacket that had a picture of a supposed me. He told me her name was Sunset Shimmer."

"I think she's right behind us."

I see that Jack slowly points a finger of his hand over my shoulder and I turn my back. She is not looking at us but at a locker in the hall. She has a leather jacket and red and orange hair. I can see that there is something written in black on that door: SUNSET'S LOCKER!

This is great news. Or horrible. I don't know. I get far from Jack and he shakes his head. "Listen," he says. "We've got to leave. Right now."

"What if she actually has a photo of me and we don't know?" I whisper to him. I am the one in trouble on this, not him. A photo of me that belongs to someone I don't know? No, thanks!

He is now getting angry and his face shows that. He grabs me by my shoulders and turns me around. "We've got to leave," he says.

"But... wait... we have to know!" my voice is getting a bit louder. "What if she has that and she... I don't know, goes somewhere else with that?"

Well, it's too late, I'm afraid, because once I move my head to the right I can see that she's looking at us. Oh, oops! Are we trapped again? I look at Jack and then at her, and my mind slips when I try to come out with an alibi: "Mormons," I say, with a smile and stretching my hand. "Pleased to meet you."

"Hi, um... excuse me, sorry for interrupting but... I know who you are," she says to me with a smile while grabbing a green bag she has over her shoulder. "Me and my friends met a group of girls a long time ago and I remember once they talked about you with me. Just a couple of things but... one of them gifted me a picture of you with them when you were... much younger. I can see that you grew up."

I am completely lost and Jack takes a step behind. I only shake my head while putting a hand over my messed-up hair. "I... I don't even know who you are, I'm sorry..." A group of girls? Which? What is she saying? "Which... which group of girls are you talking about?"

"Don't you remember them?" she raises an eyebrow. "Sadly, they went through the wrong path and then they vanished after the infamous battle of the bands. The girl who gave me that photo talked about how you were learning to play the guitar and that you called yourself bedmaker because you wanted to be a private detective."

OK... things are getting a lot weirder. I never wanted to be a private detective, when did I say that? And which group of girls is she... oh... oh, no... did she say...? I blink twice and my head moves like a machine out of control. "Wait..." I say. "Did you say... battle of the bands?"

She chuckles and nods her head. "Yes, um... that night where... you know." She takes her phone out and I don't know what to do. Every time I look back, Jack is further from me. "Let me look for what I'm talking about on my cellphone."

I can't stop thinking about what she could do with her phone until I begin to remember things. I completely forgot about those girls... but when she said someone talked about how I was learning to play the guitar, images started raining in my head. It happened in the same year I got out of the orphanage. Well, got is not the perfect word here, but illegally adopted by Maretreal's gang due to being the son of a former mobster. At that time there was a gang war with a guy who controlled Fillydelphia and three women who worked for him helped my boss Eye Patch to destroy that dude's business.

Those three women were named... um... yeah, I remember! They were named Adagio Dazzle, Sonata Dusk, and Aria Blaze. "Oh, lord..." I whisper, without knowing that I am looking right at Sunset Shimmer. "I remember when... when Sonata taught me the basics..."

"I got it," she says and brings me back to reality. She shows me the picture I've been waiting for. There they are... the Dazzlings. That was the name that the old Fillydelphia guy used to say. Jack approaches me to see what is this all about and he sees the picture. Yep, that's me when I was 10 years old hugging an angry Adagio Dazzle with the brightest smile I've ever seen. And I understand why those two kids recognized me. My face in that picture... I almost haven't changed at all. I even have the same haircut... this is a joke. Jack takes a breath and closes his eyes. Now he's getting nearer. "I still have the picture because I kind of dig it, it's funny..." and he raises her shoulders. "And I mean, it's kind of weird to see you in person. In real life. The last time I talked about you was a year ago with Sonata, and she told me that you were working for the Maretreal Police Department so... wow."

Jack and I look at each other. Is she... Did she believe what Sonata told her? Why did she tell her that? I am no cop. I am no policeman but... at least she didn't say I am a gangster. I raise my shoulders. "Yeah, um..." I look at Jack and then at her. "It's a job. You see? A job is... uh, a job." What the hell did I just say?

"Um, by chance... don't you have one of the girls' phone numbers?" she asks. "I tried to call them because I've heard they were touring on Minnecolta or somewhere else but I... I don't have anything."

"I'm afraid that we neither," suddenly responds Jack while grabbing one of my arms. He's grabbing me as if he was holding a sword. "I'm afraid we'll have to go, miss. We were called by your principal for something else and... we need to leave. Goodbye."

"Yes, uh..." I nod my head. "We really... we need to go."

"Sure," she says. "Pleased to meet you, uh... bedmaker and... mister. Have a good day." Her sight changes a bit and we turn back once she does the same. However, she is still not finished. "Um..." I stop but Jack does not until he hears something else. "I don't know why are you here right now but... watch out for Cattle Prod."

The heads of us both turn around like spinners when we hear that. Jack stops walking and only nods his head. "Yes, miss," he says.

She crosses her arms. "Is that what you're looking into? Him?"

I look at him and then at her again. Jack shakes his head and I do the same, like a clown. "Bye, miss."

We turn around and leave in silence without looking back.

It looks like this came out well but... there is something I don't like about her. It's just... I don't trust what she said at all. Besides, mormons? What the hell I was thinking about?

"What took you so long?" is the first thing I hear when I see Abe lying against his car trunk, crossing his arms.

Jack only waves his hand to him. "Long, long and stupid story," he says and I nod my head, agreeing with him.

"Why? Don't you tell me that you found him jacking---"

"Oh, come on!" I shout while opening the car door. "I'm not 16 anymore! I don't do that... here! On these places! It's gross!" I close the door while laying on the backseat. Why do they think I am capable of doing that? In public? In a school? In freaking Canterlot?

I can hear Abe's voice when he opens the car door at the same time Jack does it on his side. "Then what happened?" asks the grandpa.

Jack sits on the passenger seat and shakes his head. "Firstly, W went to the bathroom and found Cattle Prod one more time."

"Uh, come on," he says while turning on the car. "What is he? A fucking magnet?"

"He only warned W one more time about his uncle and left. Then..."

"Then what?"

"Then nothing," I say. "Just... stupid stuff. Two kids thought I was someone else and wanted an autograph and then another girl thought the same and..."

"... and that's it?" Abe is looking at me through the rearview mirror. Oh, he's trapping me. "Is there something else?"

"Well, if you want to know... one of the Dazzlers saved my ass once again."

Jack rewrites what I said. "You mean the Dazzlings, W."

"The Dazzlings?" Abe turns around and looks at me, shaking his head. "But... what? We haven't seen them for... I don't know, ten years? They were working for that guy on Fillydelphia... what was his name?"

"Ash Ton," says Jack, and Abe nudges his seat.

"Ash Ton... I totally forgot it... and can you tell me why and how did they save your ass?"

"Well..." I try to relax and I fasten my seatbelt (because real gangsters fasten their seatbelts) on the backseat. "Do you want me to tell you that on our way home?"

Now I am the one who is looking at him through the rearview mirror... and his eyes do show something else too. "Actually," he says. "We are still not going home."

Wait... what? Why? "Really, why?" I ask. Jack also looks at Abe.

"Eye Patch called."

Oh, lord.

He's back. My boss... he went on holiday to that magical world filled with horses.

Abe grabs the wheel and finally says: "He wants us to pick him up in Klugetown."

Eye Patch's perspective

I finally returned from the other side.

Instead of using the Canterlot mirror, I decided to return using a magical device invented by my now new assistant, Calculated Risk, which I haven't understood completely yet. He's a clever guy, and I also wanted him to help me with those elements of harmony we've been talking to so, he's in my world now, trying to have human behavior.

Oh, I found out that I didn't present myself, how stupid. My name is Eye Patch.

I'm the boss of the Maretreal Group, or Gang, or Family... you call it as you want. I'm the city's man. People know me, and I even got my name, because I lost my left eye in an ambush against my father a long time ago and I put on an eye patch, something that makes me a recognizable man. That's why I'm not someone who is outside his safe place all the time.

I'm now in Klugetown because that magical device Risk invented left us here. Besides, he has said it is now broken. Oh, and this town? It is the worst place to get in through a portal, but I don't complain because I need to talk to the one who controls almost everything in this place, Garbage Mouth. That guy, you know, had such an awful childhood that I used to scare my old protégé, W, when he was eleven years old with his story. I also remember one of his best tales: the one where he killed five men biting them to death. How do you kill a man by biting him to death? No idea.

Calculated Risk is frightened because of this place and I agree with him. If you want to survive inside Klugetown, you have to destroy your rivals and when I say destroy, I mean literally.

"Where are we going, Mr Eye Patch?" asks Calculated Risk to me. His voice is trembling.

"Welcome to Klugetown, Risk," I only say. "Be careful and don't get lost, no one knows where you will end up if you take the wrong path."

He looks at me, confused. He's trying not to crawl like a pony and look like an idiot. "So this is the human world..." He says. "A very disturbing one, isn't it?."

"Indeed, it is!" says a raspy, ruined voice. I know those vocal chords are unique in Equestria: They are Garbage Mouth's. He appears with his unique worn-out tuxedo, golden teeth to hide his decays, and also a little bit of make-up to hide his devastating face ruined by drugs. "Oh, good lord!" he shouts. "Is this real? The son of the Iron Man has returned!"

"Don't be too joyful, Mouth," a normal behavior from Klugetown citizens. "I came here by accident... and, now that I'm here, I need to tell you that I gave your boy Snowblind another chance and he sucks so bad at doing his job it makes me sick."

Garbage Mouth laughs out loud while clapping his hands. "I always knew that kid was a gift for all of us." Then, he looks at Calculated Risk hiding behind my back. "Oh, don't tell me you have another protégé sucking your dick every night."

"What?" he says, and I only put a finger on my lips while looking at him. I'm doing all the work here.

"No," I say. "His name is Calculated Risk and he's helping me on a project that I have in my mind."

"Calculated what? That name's too fuckin' long!" I agree with Mouth this time. "Can I call you Larry? Larry's a better name!" he says. Calculated Risk nods his head, frightened. "Besides, I also need to tell you something... Big Baby asked me for you like six times... in two days."

Oh, coming back means having the old same problems again. Big Baby. I wish I hadn't remembered that disgusting man again. The father of Canterlot's Gang. "Why would he want me? Did he miss me?"

"He was talking about a deal... I don't know what, I don't know why and I don't care."

"Well," I tell him with a smile. "Thanks for your time, Mouth."

He leaves without saying anything and jumping like a monkey with his tuxedo filled with dirt. Then, I look at Risk, now known as Larry. "Not all human beings are like him, trust me." If you want me to be honest, I wish I could destroy Garbage Mouth and control this entire town like my father did in the past. Mouth did ruin Klugetown.

Minutes later, I heard a car in the distance. A car I recognize stops right in front of us. Risk gets scared for a moment until I laugh when I see three of my most loyal employers get out of it. Abe Flanks, Jack, and my boy W. The first one who does something is the younger one, who runs and hugs me. "THE MAN IS BACK!" he shouts. "YES! The patch man is back, baby!"

Jack and Abe greet me and also Risk, who presents himself as Mr Larry Risk.

"Patch, well... did you find something new from the other side of the mirror?" asks Jack to me. Then Larry starts talking to them about the Elements of Harmony and their holders and mentions that they may change per dimension.

When he finishes, Abe asks me what I want to do with the elements. It's still a private project on my mind. "I won't say anything by now," I tell them. "I'm still trying to figure out what can we do but I promise I will tell you that next week."

"Is this related to that speech the President gave last year?" Jack asks again.

I only nod my head. I don't need to say anything about it. "So," Now I want to be informed. "What happened here? Garbage Mouth has just told me that Big Baby wanted to see me."

Jack and Abe look at each other. "He visited Rusty Wrench's car store last week while I was hanging out there," says Jack. How strange for Big Baby to come out of his stupid cave. "He was talking about a deal you did and came out wrong according to what his crazy mind told him... I think he is talking about what we wanted to settle with the Dark Spikes who work for him on Scorpan Street."

That is not important for me right now but may be in a few days. I think I know what he's referring to. "I'll talk to him later. Any piece of news from you two and the kid?"

"Well... in fact," Now everybody, including Risk who hasn't said anything after the explanation, is looking at W. "Yeah. Today I went through more things than in the past five years."

Woah. Interesting news coming from W. "Why?" I ask.

W takes a breath and clears his throat. "OK, everything begins when---"

"Let me summarize it," says Jack, raising a hand. W closes his mouth and raises his shoulders. "Firstly we dealt with the Penknife Brothers' problem with Abe and... everything went wrong, like... bullshit wrong."

I don't like when Jack talks like that. "What happened?"

"We'll tell you later about that," now says Abe with a broken look in his eyes. "The most important thing you need to know is that we were in the middle of that and we hit our noses with a wall. We found out that there is a nephew of Bloodswan studying in Canterlot High."

Oh, that's bad. "Sharp Baton?" I ask, shocked.

"No. The other one, Cattle Prod," answers Jack. Oh, the youngest. Easier to avoid. That kid may not even know me. Sharp Baton does.

"Anyway," I say. "We should go back home. That stupid Snowblind and also Hoppy may be waiting for us."

"Don't be so rude with Snowblind," says W. "He's an idiot but... he's a good idiot."

"Don't defend him again, W," I tell him. "Please, turn on the car. I'll be waiting." Then I look at Risk who doesn't understand anything and I nudge his back with my elbow. "Welcome to Maretreal."

Jack's Perspective

4:40 p.m.

I came back.

I'm now in my old Maretreal apartment located near Waldorf Valley where we have the special protection of Hoppy's men. Next to my apartment, it's W's. He always plays music loudly while playing video games. That's how a young gangster lives.

I'm still reading my father's notes about Equestrian Mafia because I'm an asshole. He died almost thirty years ago and I'm still doing this. Now I'm reading his last one before dying. That one is short but very sad and tragic at the same time.

This will be the first and only note I'll make this year.

My name is Epigraph, better known by my pseudonym Edinburgh Tyler, and I worked as a journalist for the Canterlot Daily. I started investigating the Equestrian Mafia in 1982, where I discovered a mountain of stories and people inside this atmosphere that I ended up writing about and sharing in this newspaper. Because of this, I get threatened every single day. I have lost count of the times I almost died because of gangs.

Now, a man called Howlman, who I think is the leader of Manehattan's Dark Club, is looking for me. He will kill me and all of my family. Jack, my son, if you read this, run. Run for your life.

- Tyler, E.

I read this card while I was in the kitchen.

I wanted to save my father but he was already murdered by Howlman's men... and that's why I became what I am now. I am a gangster because of my dad, but then, my main objective of killing Howlman was delayed because of other favors and also Howlman's obsession with being hidden. I turned into what my father hated the most.

Suddenly, I heard someone knocking at the door. Is it Abe, Ron, Hoppy, W...

Her? No, Jack, please! You've been thinking about her since we got into Canterlot High. Fuck Crescent Bunny.

I open the door... it's Rarity. Her face is covered in black makeup. She's crying.

"Uh... Rarity? What, are you OK?"

She shakes her head and I let her in.

Rarity's Revenge

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Jack's Perspective

"What are you doing in Maretreal, Rarity?" She doesn't answer me and only enters the house while cleaning his face with running tears. She's destroyed. I help by giving her a glass of water. "How did you get here?" I ask her. She lends me a piece of paper that says:

If something goes wrong and you don't know how to deal with it, look for me. I'll be there for you.
Here is my address, if you require my help:
258 Hooves Street, WALDORF MOTEL. Second Floor, Room 11.

Your grandpa, Abe.

Oh, normal Abe. Unfortunately, this is not Abe's actual address. He moved a long time ago. "I'm afraid to tell you Abe's not living here anymore. He moved to a... small house on Towers Street. I can call him to come here if you want."

She nods her head while cleaning her face with a tissue and drinking a glass of water. I instantly grab my cell phone and try to call Abe but somebody knocks on the door and a young voice sounds from the other side of the door. I instantly know who he is. W.

"Jack!" he says. "I can't stop thinking about what happened." I approach the door. "I don't know, that girl had a photo of me on my cellphone but... I don't know what could she do with it--"

Abe still doesn't answer, and the call wants me to leave a message. I open the door and I see W... he's half-naked, only wearing those dirty jeans I despise. I look at his infamous, stupid tattoo that says "Bedmaker" around his chest and the shape of a dragon on his right arm. "W," I tell him. "Put some clothes on. Rarity's here."

He looks at me with a surprised sight and takes a look inside my kitchen where he can see her drinking a glass of water. She looks at him and he only waves his hand and runs away to his apartment. Suddenly, I hear the sound of a call on my phone. It's Abe. He wants information.

"Jack! Um... Weird moment to call. What happened?"

"Yes, Abe, how can I tell you this?..." The data begins. "Your granddaughter, Rarity... is in my house. She looks devastated, sad, and she has just cleaned her whole face, which was covered-"

Suddenly, Abe interrupts me with a scarier voice...

"Ok, um... If you are telling the truth, I'll be there right now. I hope this is not a joke but... how could you make a joke like this, I know you. I'm going."

He ends the call and W appears in front of me with his unchangeable brown trenchcoat which belonged to his father (how often does he put that in the washing machine?), unbuttoned and showing his bare torso. He was barefoot when I saw him and now he is wearing some pathetic Daring Do's socks.

"Would you button your trenchcoat?" I ask him. "This is serious."

"Um, sorry..." he says. "It's just... I feel fresh with my unbuttoned trench--"

"I don't feel fresh," I interrupt. "Rarity neither." I release a long sigh and both of us enter the apartment. We find out she has stopped drinking that glass of water and she's there, taking deep breaths, sitting on a chair inside my apartment.

"Why are you here?" asks W to her. I only lift my shoulders.

I hear that someone is going upstairs and I open the door. Is the guy wearing a squared shirt and showing the world his orange mustache? Absolutely, Abe's here. I call him with my hand and he enters the door.

"Ok," he says after seeing her sitting on my chair. "What's going on?" He focuses on her hand: She's holding the tissue covered with black makeup.

She stands up and hugs him, releasing a long sigh and sitting down again... she shakes her head. "I require your help. Help from all of you," she says, almost moaning.

"Help?" Abe wants me to give him another chair to sit in front of her, and I look for another one which is next to the sink. "What happened, Rarity? "We should know what caused your problem."

She cleans her tearful face again and releases a long sigh. Then, she opens her mouth and starts talking slowly. "I'm just... I need to tell you something that you would not like."

Abe raises his hands. "Well... the truth is tough... but is better than a lie."

"There's this... man at school. He is better known to be what I call... a mocker, a scoffer but... he truly thinks he is ruling the school instead of the Principals and the council."

The three of us look at each other and we know what is she talking about. That kid, the nephew. "Yes," Abe says, listening to her and paying attention. "Keep going."

"This man, I do not want to say his name..." she takes another deep breath. "It's not hard to see that he likes me and he is... jealous of my friends who talk to me every day and for the past few months... he has been mocking them, bullying them more than other students at school... and I think it is just because of me."

Abe shakes his head. "That guy you are talking about is a complete mess. A real bad example."

"Let me finish," she says, softly raising a trembling hand. "I made a decision two weeks ago... in a desperate way... to, um... I don't know why but I... I decided to hang out with him and not because I like him, he's... repulsive and always wants to control everything but... I wanted to do it because I thought that would stop him from annoying my friends." She cleans her face again with a tissue. "I argued with my friend Rainbow Dash because she did not understand what I was doing and now I realized that... this was... futile."

"Why?" asks Abe while W and I are still in silence. "Why was this futile? It was not correct, Rarity. I agree with you on that but... you put everything in the line for your friends. You protected them from..."

"No, I did not!" she says in a louder tone. Her voice is breaking apart. "He is still bullying them and... and he is even worse! He is also trying to control me, make me think I belong to him! And I feel like I can't escape from that! It's... I don't know how can I confront him!"

"That guy is a complete motherfucker," says W, crossing his arms and shaking his head. "The full package, Abe. I'm listening to her and I already can't stand that son of a bitch."

The grandpa turns around and looks at him. "Language in front of her."

He rolls his eyes. "Come on, he's, I don't know... 16?"

"17," she says. "My birthday was three weeks ago."

"Don't get distracted." Abe goes back to the beginning. "You can't confront this... guy, if we can call it like that. Have you told your parents yet?"

"No," she says. "I still haven't called them. They are still in Greece."

"Still there?" says Abe, raising an eyebrow. "I thought they were already in..."

This conversation turns a bit darker when Rarity crosses her arms and now, with her almost clean face of makeup, looks at his grandfather and shakes his head, softly touching the ground with one of her boots, sounding like a menacing metronome. "We also need to go straight to the point with something else, Grandpa... Do you think I don't know what happened to Sweetie Belle?"

W covers her mouth and turns his back for a second and Abe closes his eyes. It's obvious, how couldn't she know about this? Maybe almost everyone in the school already knows. "Well, that was..." he says. "... an unexpected issue."

"She was kidnapped, and almost everybody in the school found out an hour later. Don't be surprised if reporters wander around the school now. I do not want to speak about the details of this in front of them," she says, pointing at me and W, "but this lets me know what I already knew and also what Dad has been talking about." This is painful for me, even W is trying not to look at her while she is talking. I don't want to think how does Abe feel while hearing that. "You are always spinning around... these kind of people and a weird world I don't know."

"And I'm glad you don't know," he says, shaking his head and clenching his teeth. "I've been working in the car store since... your age, maybe... and in this city, there is always something wrong driving around the streets. I almost got murdered by an idiot when I was... I don't remember... all because of the stupid money. I've been trying to protect you, your sister, and your father all this time."

"However," she says. "Sweetie Belle was still kidnapped by three men. We are lucky that she's OK."

Abe puts a hand all over his face for a second and looks at the table, taking a breath. "I... I failed. I'm not perfect."

She sighs. "And I'm also not perfect."

"No," he says. "Why do you think that?"

"Can you let me speak? I'm still not finished."

He looks at me and I only raise my shoulders while crossing my arms. "OK," he says. "I'll let you finish."

"I'm telling you that I'm not perfect because... Celestia and Luna may not be at school tomorrow noon. I think they have a meeting at Crystal Prep or something like that... this guy I was talking about told me he wanted to talk to me also tomorrow at noon... and I can't stop thinking about it. Why would he want to talk to me at the same time when the Principals are not there? I told him to talk about this tomorrow morning or in the afternoon but he doesn't want to. He only wants to be with me at noon."

"And you can't do it alone." W comes back, he is the only one nodding his head in the kitchen. "Can you?"

She remains silent for a second and then she keeps talking: "I talked to my friends and they want to help me but... I think this will turn pretty bad soon. I said this man thinks he is the one who controls the school but sometimes... it looks like everything inside Canterlot High goes on in his favor. He always wins, no matter what, and I feel like... I am putting my friends in grave danger."

"They put themselves there because they are willing to help you, Rarity," replies Abe but she shakes her head, frowning.

"But... I don't feel sure about that, Grandpa. If you come across this man in real life, you will know that he is... I do not know how to describe it."

The younger boy replies. "I understand where this is going." Abe turns around and he looks at W. Then, at me. I nod my head. "You need help and you called for help, Rarity... but if you want to talk to this guy face to face... you need special help, don't you?"

... I think we got her. She sighs, stands up, and nods her head. She is looking at us, not at her grandfather. "You still think I am that little innocent girl, but I can easily feel that you are not only friends of my grandfather."

"Rarity, please..." his grandfather shakes his head. "They are my friends from the car store..."

"You are letting me know in a better way that they are not only your friends by lying, Grandpa." She passes by the three of us and now is standing at the entrance door. I still haven't said a single word. Abe also stands up and gives me his chair. "I came here to tell you what happened... I originally did not come here for help but... I am still not sure about it."

"We will help you," quickly responds Abe. "We will, Rarity."

"I do not want you to hurt him or anything. I am not like that. I will not be like him." She shakes her head while frowning. "I just want you to be there for me." That left us shocked and appalled. W and I look at Abe again and we don't say a word. "Can I talk to you in private, Grandpa, about what happened to Sweetie Belle?"

He nods his head and opens the door for her. "Yes, darling. I will." She waves her hand in silence at us and leaves. Abe is about to do the same but once he grabs the handle on the other side, he blinks and looks at us, pointing at our hearts. "We are going to Canterlot tomorrow. Keep that in mind."

"What?" asks W. "Again?"

"Yes, and I want no excuses. We will be in Canterlot tomorrow."

He quickly closes the door and I can hear the sound of Rarity's high-heels walking downstairs. I quickly sit on my chair to think about what happened and W sits on the other one. "Well," he says. "Honestly, I want to kick that stupid asshole's booty so... I don't complain."

"She said she doesn't want us to hurt anybody," I reply. "Besides, we are talking about the nephew of Bloodswan. If we touch him and his uncle finds out, we are dead."

"You are right, Jack... but don't tell me that douchebag doesn't deserve a slap in his face... or two... or three..." He's still thinking. "Maybe four."

"I got it, W. I understand what you are saying." He got me.

Eye Patch

Big Baby's Chalet

Welcome back to Canterlot, I tell myself. Now I'm in the Big Baby's chalet, ladies and gentlemen with my new assistant Mr Calculated Risk, who is right now walking around the house because of how impressed he is. He never saw a house like this in his life, and I understand. What I hate the most about this place, besides its owner, is the fact that there are plenty of walls covered by newspapers related to things Big Baby did in his past. Every single bad thing he did on this business is registered on his walls... and that makes me want to throw up.

Big Baby is the gangster stereotype that people tend to think about in old movies. A big fat and arrogant being, always in smart clothes. A long time ago I was pretty desperate to get Maretreal on my hands and because of it, I started working with him to form a bond and get me to where I wanted... horrible decision. Horrendous. I can easily identify when he is lying but at that time I couldn't. I fell into the trap of a charismatic man at first sight who was a complete son of a gun on the inside. He can stretch his hand to you all he wants... but in the end, he always ends up betraying you. It's the rule... a guy I knew from Baltimare used to always say BB for Big Baby? No, BB is Be a Betrayer. I came here for what Garbage Mouth from Klugetown told me. He was desperate to see me? Strange for him to need me after all this time.

A pale man with green hair and a chin beard appears. He's Butcher, his assistant. "He is busy at the moment. What do you want from him?"

I only raise my shoulders, chuckling. "I don't know. He was calling me while I was on the other side."

"You have to know why he was calling you."

"No, I have no idea... I came back two hours ago, would you tell him to move his ass and talk to me about what he wanted to talk about?" Butcher turns around and walks away at the same time Mr Risk appears behind me with a smile on his face.

"This is amazing," he says, looking at the roof. "My first impression of this world was horrifying but this place... the architecture of this house, how beautiful."

"Trust me," I tell him from my experience. "This place is way worse than Klugetown."

And here he is. The main actor of the house. Butcher opens the door in front of us for him and helps him to walk. He's a little bit thinner, which surprises me (he is still fat as a whale, though), and he is now using a cane to walk despite I being older than him. He is paying for all the things he did overtime... the thing is, am I right now paying for them? I've already lost an eye thirty years ago and I am wearing sunglasses to hide my scar.

"So long, mistress Patch," he says to me while sitting on a ginormous sofa with the help of his assistant and points at Mr Risk. "I can easily see that you enjoyed your ride in the land of horses and glitter. You even came here with your new boyfriend."

Big Baby and his assistant laugh at both of us and Mr Risk, who is still standing up and hasn't got a chair to sit down, shakes his head in confusion. "Well, let me present him to you," I tell him. "His name is Calculated Risk, he is from the other side. He's right now helping me with a project I have in mind."

They stop laughing when they hear that word, project. The boss of Canterlot raises an eyebrow and smiles. "Project? You coming up with a project?" he chuckles. "Which project are you talking about?"

"You know what I am talking about." Ironically he is the only person who I mentioned this project I've been working on alone.

His smile vanishes when he understands what I'm saying. He tries to cross his arms but fails in his attempt and he only moves his head to look at me with his scary sight I don't care about. "Butcher," he says to his assistant. "I want to talk with this man privately."

Things are getting serious. I look at Calculated Risk and he understands what I'm telling him with my eyes. "Well," he says with a smile. "I'll take a look at the roof in the kitchen." He turns around and leaves at the same time Butch closes the door for him... and locks it. Whoops. Locked door. Bad signal.

Now the baby starts speaking. "I'm telling you. I know that the President is an asshole for even daring to pinch our asscheeks... but your idea of getting into the fort of Las Pegasus to leave a message is absolutely idiotic. It's complete garbage. I would love to do what you want to do... but you know that a fort in Pegasus means hell itself."

Well, I want to disagree with him but he's not wrong. I mean, everyone in our dirty world wants to leave a message to Strict Proclamation, the newly elected president, for trying to bring us down since day one and looking for the harshest consequences for our big heads, so we decided to attack him not in a physical way, but holding his most sacred place in our hands. "Las Pegasus' Fort is not a normal place," now says his assistant Butcher. "It is not a bakery. It is Equestria's biggest gold bank. The dumb doll we have as president did even announce that they used magic from the other side to build the entire fort's security. Men died trying to break into that place."

"But..." I say, raising a finger. "No one of them did it with what I have in mind."

"Don't start with that." Big Baby interrupts me, raising a hand, trying to hit me. "I told you I don't believe in that shitty legend of the Elements of Harmony."

"Have you read what I sent you the last time we saw each other or did you use it to wipe your ass?" I take my sunglasses off, showing him the eye I do not have. I'm getting tired of using these glasses.

"You are not going to make me feel sorry for that stupid scar on your face." He chuckles. "And yes... I made Butcher read it for me and he said that's stu--"

"I don't fucking care about Butcher's opinion." The assistant did not like that at all and he pointed at his belt where he was hiding a gun... but I don't get scared. It's not the first time someone has done that to me. "I gave it to you, not to Butcher. I need you to read it. Where is it?"

He shakes his head showing a sign of complete cynicism. "Nah... I threw it away. Why would I care about that?"

"You motherfucker!" I stand up and a second later both of them are now pointing two guns at my precious head. We look at each other in silence until I sit down again. "I sent you an article that talked about an incident that happened months ago in Everfree Camp... Mr Risk explained to me that the magical events that happened in that incident are related to the power of the Elements of Harmony so... that may mean that those elements exist here... and there also may be holders of that magic we can use for our benefit."

Big Baby and his assistant look at each other and they still don't believe me. He laughs at me and keeps talking. "You look like a child telling a story of kindergarten to his parents."

"I'm telling you the events that had happened."

"You know why I was so desperate to call you?" he says with that smile I don't like. "Because I was just waiting for this moment. You see, while you were out there sticking your dick in ponies and picking up flowers, I was thinking about your message. I'm getting tired of the president. He sent The Equestrian Army to arrest Butch and me for the murder of a man we didn't even know who he was. They also got Sabretooth from Fillydelphia who was an asshole... but he was one of us, and what drives me madder is that Bloodswan doesn't seem to fucking care about this. He's just there, laying in his mansion in Butter Valley, with his right-hand man Maschine sucking his cock."

"I tried to call Bloodswan for this and he didn't even manage to give me an answer."

"He doesn't answer my calls either... so I made a decision." Did he decide this without me? Related to this? My message?

"Tell me you didn't spread my idea to someone else." I'm about to beat a fat man and his assistant up with an imaginary bulletproof vest. He smiles again.

"I did but not in the way you think, Patch. I contacted a man that may be here in..." he checks his watch and Butch does the same. "A couple of minutes, maybe." What in the hell did this motherfucker do? "I didn't tell him to leave a message in a place that's impossible to get in using magic that does not exist, so the place that will be the victim in my project I made along with that man is Canterlot's City Hall."

"You're kidding," I say. "Canterlot's City Hall? I was talking about a place that held the entire country on."

"The City Hall is Canterlot."

"It's your place, Baby. Not mine. The president would solve that in a finger snap."

"No, no... in your case the president would find an easy solution." He waves at me with a finger. "Maretreal is a shithole and you know that. Canterlot, on the other side, is one of the most important cities in this country. I have gold, you have hay."

Don't mess with my city. "And you dare to leave me out of this?"

Suddenly, I hear a knock on the door Butch locked minutes ago. They don't seem to care, they think it's just Calculated Risk wondering around... until they hear another voice which confuses me. "Hello?" says the mysterious man behind the door. "Big Baby? Are you there?"

I've heard that voice somewhere. Maybe on TV, and I don't know if that's good or bad. Butch quickly moves out of his place and unlocks the door to let him in.

And then I see him... and recognize him. His charisma flows with his dark hair, light blue eyes, smart clothes, and a cigarette in his mouth. However... why is he here, in the first place? Isn't he meant to be with the good guys? I'm also hearing a beep sound from somewhere outside... and I also don't know what that is.

Is this a trap?

"What is he doing here?" I ask Big Baby, pointing at that man. "Why is Canterlot's freaking governor in your house?"

"Relax," says Baby while looking at me. Butch helps him to get up from the sofa. "He's the man I've been talking to."

"What?" He? The Governor?

That's... now the city hall's decision makes sense. The Governor is also the City Hall so it would be easier for Big Baby to get in there if the talked to the man who controls it... but why? Why would he accept to do something like that? "Wha... Why? Why is he helping you?"

"Um, wait a second..." Big Baby shuts me up and raises his shoulders. "What the hell is that sound? Beep beep beep beep..."

"That's what I'm trying to tell you," says the Governor. "There is a kid in your house with a small device in his hands that is making that sou--"

And then he comes to the scene. Calculated Risk interrupts the Governor, passes by him, and looks at me. He is holding a small stone in his hands that is making that weird sound. "What is that?" I ask him. "Why are you holding it?"

"Listen!" He says to me, not looking at anyone else. "This is a magical stone that I own from the other side that feels the elements of harmony and emits sounds when it detects them near."

I didn't know anything about that stone. "When were you going to tell me that?"

"Now! Don't you see, Mr. Eye Patch?" He is showing me the purple stone on his hands. "This stone... has found the Elements. They are here... in Canterlot."

Next Day

W's perspective

9:00 A. M. W's Apartment.

"Wake up."

That's the first words my brain listens to this morning.

I open my eyes and then touch my dirty pillow. I try to get up but I feel almost dead. Completely dizzy. That happens when you spend all night watching stupid soap operas on TV. "I've heard you watching that stupid soap opera again last night." I recognize that voice. Jack came into my room and woke me up. Mother. He's a mother.

"I don't know, it was cool..." I say... and once I finish that sentence I start remembering everything that happened yesterday. Cattle Prod, the kids, and the other girl, Sunset Shimmer with a picture of myself hugging an Adagio Dazzle that didn't want to see me, Rarity in Jack's apartment... Yesterday was a pretty long day... and I know why Jack woke me up. "Uh, shit," I say. "We need to go back?" I move my head and get up from bed, showing the model inside me. I am only wearing white slips because I like to sleep in that way, sometimes even naked. Then I realize both Jack and Abe are looking at me and they are already dressed up. Really? "What the hell?"

"Go on, sleeping beauty," says Abe. "Dress up. I want to be in Canterlot before noon."

I start dressing up by picking random stuff I have in my wardrobe. I am not a man of many clothes. I always wear the same stuff on me and of course... I don't forget about my late father's trenchcoat, which is always sleeping in its place: that rusty coat rack next to my bedroom door. Jack looks at the rack and sighs. "When was the last time you washed that trenchcoat?"

The dirtier, the better. Can I repeat it? Yeah. "The dirtier, the better," I tell him after picking it up from the rack.

Abe also agrees with Jack. "One day you will have to stop playing the detective with that trenchcoat and put it in a washing machine, for Star Swirl's sake."

Playing the detective. Maybe that's why Sunset Shimmer thought I was one of those.

Rarity's perspective

School's Entrance

I hung out with Sunset Shimmer and Dash at the school's entrance. Rainbow persuaded me to use my powers against him, but I felt it was unnecessary. Besides, why would I use my shield in an argument? Every time I take a step in this place, I feel Cattle Prod has already won.

"Rarity!" she shouts at me. "I know he is not a magical entity or something like that, but he is evil and you know that. You should use your powers! You know that Cattle Prod raises the roof with everyone around here, and besides, you must defend yourself from him!" she shouts.

"I have already told you, Dash, that I won't use my stone to talk to him!"

"Well then, I'll use my powers to defeat him!" She answers, but Sunset Shimmer stops her and agrees with me. We should not use our powers for stupidities like this!

Suddenly, I turn my back and I look at a car stopping at the school's entrance. From it, a young man gets out singing while smoking a cigarette. Oh gosh. It's my grandfather's friend. W... Why would they call him W? It does not make sense. Just one letter? For a nickname?

W's perspective

We gonna dance all night... doo-doo-doo...
We gonna dance all night
Just move, calm down, and dance, doo-doo-doo...
Donkeys gonna dance all night!

I've been singing that song since I woke up. The soap opera's chapter I was watching at 3 AM really struck me when they played that song in the final scene. I finally am at this horrible place where I had marvelous experiences yesterday, and there they are. Rarity, her friend with rainbow hair and... Sunset Shimmer. I thought I would never see her again but looks like luck isn't on my side today.

Abe gets down along with Jack and waves his hand to the three girls. I'm still with my cigarette until they ask me to go nearer. "Hey," says the rainbow-haired girl when she looks at me. "I know you! You were the one who was talking to Cattle Prod yesterday."

"Yeah," I tell her, nodding my head. "Sadly, I am."

"So..." Now Sunset Shimmer speaks and I feel fear inside me. What she is going to say, considering she has a picture of me when I was a kid on her phone? "... I think I'm solving the puzzle right here."

"Don't," I tell her almost unconsciously with a smile. "Yes... we are here because... we were called."

Jack and Abe look at me and Sunset looks at them at the same time. "Called?" she says. "By who?"

Now I look at Rarity, waiting for what she has to say. She looks at me back and blinks, sighing. "I called them..." she points at Abe. "He is my grandfather, my dad's... dad."

The girl with rainbow hair is the first one to stretch her hand to him. He does the same and I am a witness of this first handshake. "Pleased to meet you, Mr... Rarity's grandfather," she says. "... I'm sorry about what happened to... Sweetie Belle, you know."

He only nods his head. "It's OK," he says. "She's OK, that's the most important thing. I know we are doing our best to take care of her after what happened." After saying that, I can see that Rarity is not looking at him with lovely eyes, and despite knowing Abe more than I know her, I understand why.

Now, I need to use that flashforward resource I have in my pocket: What I don't know is that in the next few seconds, something bizarre is going to happen and I will be fascinated.

I can see that the door of the entrance is open and I feel I have to do something... but I can't see who is opening it. It may be invisible or... very, very short. "Rarity," I hear from the entrance. It's not the voice of Cattle Prod, I think, while a dog starts barking at me.

"Spike, it's OK," one of the girls says. "They are with us."

The dog suddenly starts barking and raises his eyebrows. "Wait, really?" he says... he said.

"What?" I ask aloud. "Wait, what the..." I look at my partners and then at the dog. I repeat that one, two, three times. What in the world am I looking at? A talking dog?


"Wait," he says. "Weren't you yesterday at the cafe---?" I can't let him finish what he was saying because I grab him from the ground. "Hey! Put me down!"

"Wow... this is awesome," I say, completely surprised by this. "Are you seeing this, Jack? It's a fucking talking dog! I can ask him his name and he will answer me back! Aren't you excited?"

All of them are looking at each other while I am the only one who can't believe this, it seems. Jack nods his head and raises his shoulders: "Well, honestly, I'm surprised but uh... it doesn't surprise me from Canterlot."

"If I tell you my name you will put me on the floor again, right?"

My fantasies of having a talking dog in my wild adventures get interrupted when Rarity approaches me and puts a hand over my arms. "His name is Spike," she says. "And you can cuddle him all you want later, but not now."

I understand what she said after thinking about how he looked at her grandfather a minute ago. "Ok," I said after a long breath, and the dog Spike went back to what he was saying.

"Well... so, you know them, Rarity? I saw him yesterday when he talked to... him." He starts growling after saying that word... I know we don't like the same guy but... how cute he is when he is growling!

"I know them, Spike..." she replies, crossing her arms. "Where's Twilight?"

"She's in the chemistry room and she told me she would come here," he says. "Applejack is helping his brother to move some boxes and then she'll also come. Fluttershy was in the bathroom and Pinkie Pie... I don't know."

"She will also be here," Rainbow Dash nods. "Don't worry about it."

I'm about to say something until I hear a sound in my pocket. My phone? Who may be calling at this right time?

"Whose phone is...?" Sunset Shimmer looks at me while I am reaching into my pocket to see who in the world is...

... Oh no. I am so surprised by that name that I throw my cigarette and I step on it. Why is he calling me? Right now?

"Who is it?" asks Jack. "Don't tell me it is one of your friends or I--"

"It isn't." This time I had to interrupt. "Why me though? Why didn't he call you? How strange."

"What are you talking about?" asks Rarity, I secretly show Jack the name on my phone's screen and his eyes shrink. "Who is calling you?"

Then Abe sees that name on my screen and he shakes his head. Why is my leader Eye Patch calling me right now? I have to answer the call, there's no choice. "Wait a second," I tell Rarity while I turn my back on her. "Hi, hello," I say after answering.

"W, according to what Jack and Abe told me yesterday... the three of you are right now in Canterlot."

We are. He's right... but why is he calling me? "Yes, we are but..."

"Listen. I had a chat with Big Baby and we arranged something we've been thinking about for a long time. We need the three of you here right now."

"Uh... well, um..." I begin to stutter and lose the words I'm trying to say. This is the first time he called somebody to change a whole plan. I never saw him do something like that... and I'm the first witness to hear the first time. "We were in the middle of something, you know, um..."

"Don't worry about Cattle Prod. We need him too."

I don't know what else to say after that. I turn my back and I see everybody is looking at me confused. I answer back with a much more confused look that catches both Jack and Abe's attention, who now are approaching me. One of them raises his shoulders. "Why would you need him?" I whisper. "We are clearly walking on the opposite side of the road."

"It was not my choice. Someone else wants to get him in. If you want me to be honest, W, I don't like it, but it was two against one."

Two against one. Who were the three? He was the first one, Big Baby may be the second one... "Who's the third one?" I ask him. "It is an idea that you three invented?"

"I could say yes... but... look, I need you to go near the Amphitheatre right now, we'll pick you up there along with Cattle Prod, although I do not want that, and we will tell you everything you need to know."

"And why did you call me? I thought you were calling Jack or..."

"I wanted you to be the first one to know that you will have to deal with Cattle Prod. It's also a warning. Bye."

He ends the call. I have to think about this and give the news to my partners. I turn around and I walk to them... but someone else interrupts what I was thinking about. A girl opens the entrance door and Rarity seems to know who she is... well, I think I also know. She is the girl that Rainbow Dash presented me as an example of the cruelty of Cattle Prod. Spike the Dog approaches her and she lifts him in her arms. "Sorry, I'm late, but listen," she says while fixing her square sunglasses. "Looks like... Cattle Prod is gone. Nobody can find him. I tried to look into the soccer pitch to see if he was there but no... it seems like... he vanished."

The first head who turns to look at us is Rarity. Then Sunset Shimmer. Then Rainbow Dash and finally the other girl with glasses and the dog... they think we have something to do with this... in other cases, I already know why but right now I'm not even thinking about it. Why did Eye Patch call? What was he planning? Who is that third man he talked about?

"Give me a minute," somebody says while passing by the girl holding the dog, softly pushing her to the left so he can walk out. Spike starts barking at him but he doesn't do anything. He doesn't attack... looks like he knows he shouldn't bite him. The girls look at him at the same time two other guys come out behind that new boy. They look like a team. The first one, some kind of leader with light blue skin and green eyes, takes out a cigarette from his pocket and puts it in his mouth. Abe tries to do something when he looks at how the boy is observing Rarity but I stop him. This may cause even more trouble. "I was told by... you know," he says, looking at Rarity, "... that he was called by his brother about something that needed his presence. He left and this means... he is not here to talk to you."

"He has been threatening me to do this since last night." Rarity crosses her arms and looks at the light-blue guy who only raises his shoulders to her and her friends.

"I didn't know this was going to happen. I'm neither Cattle Prod's agenda nor his secretary."

"Yes, you are," suddenly interrupts the rainbow girl, getting in between Rarity and him. "In fact, Little Ace, you love being his secretary."

A couple of laughs can be heard from the boys that came out with this man, whose name, reminding what the girl said to him, may be Little Ace. He points a finger at her and shakes his head. "You shut your mouth... you don't even have to be allowed to talk after that ridiculous thing you did at the Friendship Gam---"

"Ok, that's enough." Abe now approaches the boys and enters in the scene as the old grumpy savior. I try to stop him by grabbing him from his shoulders but Jack does the same with me. I look at how he is slowly walking towards them. "Who in the hell does your friend think he is, huh? Does he think he is capable enough to shake this whole building with just his pathetic and disgusting attitude?"

Little Ace stops talking and looks at Rarity, pointing and her grandpa. His friends start laughing. "He already is doing that, man." He smokes his cigarette and throws him to the floor right below the feet of Abe. "So... you came here to try to repair something that you can't even touch. You think you are... vigilantes?" I know Abe is struggling to beat him up but he resists. He's swallowing every single word he wants to say while Little Ace approaches him with his friends. Me and Jack also get nearer. "Guess what... we are leaving."

Rarity also gets in. "You dare to touch my grandfa---"

"Shut up," says one of Ace's friends looking at her. Abe wants to jump on him but stops when he hears the second sentence: "Do you think we don't know what happened to your sister? It's his fault!" He points at Abe. "... Didn't you also think that, Rarity?"

Her friends start to look at each other and Spike the talking dog hides behind her owner's legs.

OK, we've got to leave. I know this will turn bad if I don't do anything. I touch his shoulders again and turn my neck to look at his scary stare. His eyes are filled with fire and hatred. "We need to leave," I tell him but I think he's not even listening to me. "Now."

"Oh, come on," says Ace at the same time. "We haven't even started."

Abe, however, shakes his head and clenches his teeth. "And I still haven't finished."

"Listen..." I say, taking a breath. "Rusty Wrench, the owner of the car store, called me and he told me that he had an accident on the road.'s OK, he's not bleeding but he told us to go for him and then..."

Abe's face slowly calms down while turning his eyes on me. "So... that was... that call you had?"

Yes... I nod my head but there's a small detail in that... I don't even have that guy Rusty Wrench's phone. Abe knows I am talking about someone else and he takes a step behind. Little Ace and his friends start laughing... and then he winks an eye at me. "Hey, I forgot to ask you something... how was the coffee?"

The coffee.

He threw the hot coffee at me. If it wasn't for Rarity and her friends behind them I would have nailed that guy to a traffic light with my bare hands. An intrusive thought of me spitting on his face crosses my mind but I know that if I do that I will only worsen things. I only snort at them and they don't do anything else. They walk away in silence to the right side of the sidewalk, leaving school as if it were their own house. They can do everything they want.

Rarity looks at his grandfather who can't stop looking at those boys walking further away from where we are. They don't even turn around to see us. She only puts a hand on his shoulder and takes a breath. It was like a metaphorical way of telling him Sorry... I just didn't know what to do.

However, there is a thought that is stabbing my brain once and once again. We need to go to the Amphitheatre on time. I still don't know why.

Back Into the Crap

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"I should have crushed those kids." We are now in the car heading to the Amphitheatre. Jack is now the one driving due to Abe not being able to see beyond his anger right now. "I... I know it's bad. I'm an old guy, they are still young, not even 18 years old, there is also the fact that Rarity was looking at me but... those kids. If somebody from Maretreal talked to me like that he would have been already on a grave. They behave like that because they think they can't lose anything by being next to Cattle Prod."

"They can't," I say. I'm being honest right now, looking at the world we're in. "I mean, Abe... Cattle Prod is, until what we know and all we saw, Bloodswan's nephew... Bloodswan controls the box we're in so... he can do anything he wants. He trapped us."

Abe doesn't say anything and Jack turns to the right corner where I can see a sign on the sidewalk that says AMPHITHEATRE AHEAD. I can see two or three more houses until a big green space appears. I turn my head to look at what I have towards me and I find a huge building with no roof and a scenario that looks like it has the shape of a shell. Before getting into it, there is a parking lot on the right where we head into and park. The place is neither full nor empty... there are just a couple of cars sitting in there. Jack turns off the car and we stay in silence for a second. Abe raises his shoulders and says: "So now... what do we do?" He turns around and looks at me. "What did Eye Patch tell you?"

"He told me to wait for him here. The Amphitheatre of Canterlot."

Jack and Abe look at each other. "Are you sure? This is the amphitheater's parking lot, not the scenario itself. What if they told us to wait inside the theater?"

"Uh, honestly... I don't know." I have to tell the truth because I have no idea. "He didn't tell me further details. He just said... we had to wait for him at the Amphitheatre."

"Then, just in case, we've got to get out of the car and enter." Abe opens the door but doesn't get up from his seat. Jack is about to do the same but stops when he looks at Abe. Then, the grandfather turns his back again to look at me. "Tell me again about that... three part Eye Patch told you about."

We are going back to that... and I don't know how to describe it because I still haven't understood it. "I... I also don't know why. He said he had talked to Big Baby for a deal and then he... made something with him and someone else."

"And do you know who is that someone else?"


"What if it's Bloodswan?" says Jack, biting a lip. "What if it's him?"

Fear strikes my spine when I hear that... but I don't know if that's possible. Bloodswan, that guy, hardly ever comes out of his big house and private place where he lives. Why would he speak with my boss and Big Baby on Canterlot, a city that he rarely steps into? He would never move to another place to speak... we always have to do that job for him. He's the guy. "Bloodswan?" says Abe, raising an eyebrow. "Him getting out of his chair and moving somewhere else? That's impossible for me."

"It may be the exception for his nephew," adds Jack, making me more nervous. I try to distract myself by closing my eyes, taking a breath, and looking out the window.

And that's the moment I saw him. He was standing there, spinning around the same three cars in the parking lot, smoking a cigarette. He almost looks like a lost child looking for his mother.

- - - - UNDER EDITION - - - -

Ok, I've just been arrested by the police and from nowhere I'm with Ron, Gordo (who are capos of the Equestrian Mafia) and Mortimer Blueblood (a governor who I recently found out he is corrupt) in a limousine. Wow. Now they are talking about a project related to those infamous Elements of Harmony.

That new guy Larry, who's holding a weird stone, shouts: "I found one! I found one!"

Ron and Mortimer Blueblood turn around while Gordo sighs. A purple light comes out of the stone. "Purple! What does that mean?" asks Ron.

"Magic. The stone has found the Element of Magic," he answers, but after saying those words the light disappears. The stone is now completely black.

"We lost it," He says, and silence spreads in the car.

"Don't worry," says Mortimer Blueblood, while smoking the same Cuban cigar he had when he arrested me. "Anyway, fellas. Let's go back to our plan, we'll use these elements of harmony to rob Las Pegasus' Fort."

"WHAT?" I shout. Let's be honest, guys, stealing that fort is freakin' impossible! Im-po-ssi-ble!

"Fuck no!" shouts Jack. "We are gonna die in the first step! All of us!"

"I agree with Jack," says Abe. "Lots of men died because of that bank's security, even sovians."

If you don't know, the term sovian refers to Plegovich's henchmen, now thank me for being your dictionary! Oh, and speaking of sovians, Pietro is next to me, confused and without saying a word. He doesn't know where is his spot in this conversation.

"What do you mean with rob, are you going to steal something?" asks Larry, confused.

"Duh, douchebag, yes!" says Gordo. Larry's face changes and looks at all of us. Then, he attacks Ron.

"Fucker! I took care of you!" shouts Ron. All of us find out that Larry has Ron's gun on his hands. He grabs it and points at us, although it seems he doesn't know how to use it. "Come on, Larry! You don't even know how to use that gun!" Ron says.

"Why did you put me in this project?" Larry answers. "The police will arrest me, I don't want to go to prison!"

He tries to leave the limousine by jumping through a window but Mortimer and Gordo grab him.

"Listen, you," says Mortimer. "I am the man who controls all the police, so, unless you commit genocide, you won't be arrested. Understand? You will never be touched by a policeman if you are with us."

Larry calms down, but his anger is still showing on his face. "I don't know why am I helping you to commit crimes. I feel... like a changeling."

Like what? What's a changeling? I want to ask him that but surprisingly, Pietro opens his mouth and says his first words inside this conversation.

"Hey, Larry, I'm not sure that I'm the best man to tell you this but... um... don't you wanna be rich?" Everybody looks at Pietro now. "I mean, uh..." he says. "I don't know why am I here but... I think I'm here because I'm part of this project, and I shall give my opinion on this... Don't you want to be free all your life? To don't work?"

Larry looks at him. "Yeah, but... I don't want to do it killing people!"

"We are not going to kill people," says Pietro. "We are going to rob a place. Just think about it, have you ever been against the system? This is your opportunity to demonstrate your anger!"

Larry starts thinking and looks at everyone. Mortimer looks at Pietro with a smile.

"Um... I wasn't born here but... I do have some resentment to Mayor Mare because of some things... um, look. Thank all of you but, I think I'll abandon this project."

I sigh, and I look at him. "Please, Larry, please! This is not a toast, where you can decide what to do! This is a fuckin' gangster project! If you abandon this, you will return anyway because this is your only way to survive in this Equestria!"

Jack interrupts me: "This is not the other side of the mirror. This is another Equestria, where we are the only men that know you. If you leave this car and try looking for an apartment waiting for the thirty moons, you will last a couple of hours. That's my word."

Both Abe and I agree with Jack. Larry releases a long sigh and wants to cry. "Ok... if you say that, then... I'm in."

"You made the best decision of your life," says Mortimer.

"Or the worst," Interrupts Gordo. The governor looks at him.

"Do you still believe that the Elements don't exist?" he says, angrily. "Don't you remember what happened in last year's Friendship Games? Incredible magic appeared on Canterlot High and nobody knows why."

"The holders may be near or in that school if that's true," says Larry.

Suddenly, the car stops and I look through the window. I look at an enormous mansion where three familiar men are drinking a glass of wine, who was served by also a familiar face: A blonde, pale guy. I thought that guy was Prince Blueblood, Mortimer's son, but I find out he has a scar on his chin. I recognize that scar, and it carries me to the past, to the orphanage. If you are still trying to guess who is that guy, it's my brother, William.

William and I may be brothers, but we are completely different. He is the gentleman, while I am the street guy that survived through the mafia world. He was adopted by the Blueblood family when I was almost a year old. (Yes, I remember his scar when I was a year old). Anyway, he's a gentle and rich gentleman who was raised by the Bluebloods, which also means that he's a greedy and selfish motherfucker, like Prince Blueblood.

I get down from the car and I find out those three men are the Barnes, the gun sellers who were beaten up by Abe. The grandpa gets down from the car and looks at them.

"Calm down, Abe. They won't hurt you," says Mortimer, while all the gang gets down from the limousine.

"Was this reunion necessary?" asks Jack. Mortimer, Ron, and Gordo nod their heads. Butch, Gordo's right-hand man, parks the limousine near the mansion.

Mortimer's Mansion

All of us enter the mansion and we are welcomed by William. The moment that all of you were waiting for: William and I look at each other and I smile at him.

"Oh, crap," he says.

"Yeah, Willy Boy. Did you miss your cooler brother?"

"Man, what the fuck are you doing here?" he says.

Um, well, I am now inside a project where we may rob the hardest place to make a heist.

"He's inside my project, William," says Ron, behind us. My brother's face completely changes.

"Are you still in that world, Walter?" asks William.

I tell him, with a deeper voice: "Yes, bro. Don't you think? I'm here with Ron Delight, Gordito, I didn't come by my own. I'm a gangster. I'm Bedmaker."

He sighs. "I bet you entered that shitty world because of our parents, right?"

I nod my head, and he grabs his face, emitting another sigh. "Calm down, Will," I say. "I can survive by myself in this world. I'm young, strong, tough and sexually active!"

Ron grabs his face while William still looks at me. I do know why Ron is still being here, though. He wants me to do something, so I greet my brother again and I leave the entrance room with Ron.

"What's the matter, Ron?" I ask.

"Here," He lends me a sheet of paper with names on it. "Write your name."

What? I think. I read the sheet of paper, that says:



PLEGOVICH: IN. He doesn't want to appear in public, so he sends his nephews as representatives: Lucas and Pietro. I don't know why Pietro is inside. He's not a gangster.

GORDO: IN. Along with Butch.

BLUEBLOOD: IN. I can't believe this shit!

BARNES: IN. The three of them.

THE RICH FAMILY: IN. Only Filthy Rich!


"Where am I?" I ask.

"You are inside the Commission's consiglieres."

"Like always," I answer, and then I put my name next to Abe's.

"If this project is successful, those men in that list will be your new friends, W.," he says.

"Ugh, being friends with a guy named Filthy Rich. I don't even know him, but he seems to be an idiot."

"He's an idiot," He answers with a smile. "But he's useful. He has a lot of power under his armpits."

Living Room

Both of us enter the living room, where all of the men that were inside the limousine with me are sitting at the table. There are lots of drawings from the fort. For instance, the fort from outside, from inside, from the back, and others. I sit between Jack and Pietro. The kid seems to be very confused, and he demonstrates it when he slams his fist on the table and stands up. "Can you tell me why am I here? I just don't understand this whole situation!"

Then, a man opens the living room's door. It's a green-skinned, skinny guy with dark hair and he is also emitting an evil grin. He also has a tattoo on his neck: Two swans, one of them is red and the other one is yellow. That colours, that fucking colours...

"Lucas? Brother?" says Pietro. "What is this? Why I was called to a robbery?"

He sits down and smiles at all of us. "Uncle wanted you to start in this world, you will have a spectacular future if you decide to participate in this robbery. "

"But, I don't know anything..."

"You will learn, Pietro. Every gangster starts like a piece of shit, and then, that shit turns into gold, day by day."

Mortimer stops their conversation, and Ron starts talking. "Ok, you may ask why I invited you here, at Blueblood's house. Some of you know, and some others don't know what this whole thing is about..."



Ok, it's almost 3 P.M. and this conversation has just finished. The only important thing to highlight is that I'll stay with Abe and Jack in Canterlot High AGAIN, because the elements may be inside that school. That sucks! And do you know what's the worst? I don't know how long I'll stay there, fuck.

There are other important things to highlight, like the fort itself. Not only that place has magical security, but also there are trained guards that work all day and night. Ron thinks that these guys are charmed with an invincibility spell, so it would be really hard to fight them in case they discover us. We have to be cautious and silent during the robbery, but at the same time we can't, because the magic from the elements may destroy half of the fort in seconds. We were planning to destroy the fort from a further place, but we later found out that the magical security can create on these cases a shield that covers the whole building. The only way to do this is by releasing the elements inside, and that can be hard, way too hard.

"Ok," I say. "Can we at least go to Los Mantos on weekends? That school is closed on Saturdays and Sundays!"

"Yes, why not?" says Ron. A smile appears on my face. "Anyway, how do we get out of here?" says Ron.

"Butch will carry you, don't worry," says Gordo. "We'll leave you on Canterlot High, except for you, Ronnie. Oh, what about my meth, Ron?"

Ron's face changes to a more serious one.

"Oh shit, I forgot... I'll pay you tomorrow, maybe. Five million, and that's it?"

FIVE MILLION? WHAT'S THAT, GOLD METH? Oh... unless he bought Lima quality, that's an expensive one. Then, Gordo closes the mansion's door and stays there. We are now waiting for Butch to come out. Suddenly, my phone starts ringing and I don't know why. I look at the screen and it says: "Gimenez" Ron's partner from La Lima? What happened? I decide to answer the call.

"Hi, man. What happened?"

That phrase calls Ron's attention.

"Thank Star Swirl, W. Finally someone answered, Ron didn't answer my phone calls."

"He does not have his phone here, why?"

"I have bad news, really bad news. Please, if Ron's with you, pass it to me."

"Oh shit, man. OK."

"Pass it to me," says Ron. "I've already listened to him," he tells me while I give him my phone.

"Hi, Gimenez. What happened?"

Oh, man. Ron's face changes, he seems to be dead inside... You should see his face! It is shocking! I approach my phone, and I listen to Gimenez's voice, that says:

"Hopkins left, I don't know why but... he did it! I called him lots of times but he doesn't answer! He left with the money you gave to him! The money you wanted to save for you and your pals! He disappeared with it! That's what I call a fucking betrayal!"

"What? I... was going to pay Gordo with that money, how much did he steal?"

"I don't want to tell you the number, Ron, just... go after him.

"How much?"

"Look, Ron..."


"Twelve million bucks. They disappeared like nothing."

Oh, that's a high number. Ron ends the call.

"What happened now?" asks Jack, in the middle of a frightening tension.

"Hopkins. He betrayed us and left... with 12 million."

Jack's mouth opens, he doesn't believe it too. At the same time, Butch comes out with the limousine's keys and we get in the car. All of us don't say anything.

Canterlot High

I'm now at Canterlot High's entrance, along with Jack and Abe. Hopkins, Warloff Valley's controller, disappeared with 12 million dollars, I mean, he took a shit on our heads. That also means that we can't stay in our apartments for a long time, because they are near Warloff Valley and we used to be protected by Hopkins, the same man that betrayed us. On the other hand, no one dares to open that school's door, because we think that Celestia will receive us with a kick in our balls.

And guess what.

The door is opened, and a lady comes out of it: It's Vice-Principal Luna.

"I've heard of that sarcastically spectacular show that you did this morning," she says. "Did you really have a gun, all of you? To confront an 18-year-old kid? Shame on you."

I feel ashamed because of those words. She is right, I think that drawing my weapon in that situation was completely stupid... Well, Pietro had a gun too.

"Listen, uh, lady. He had a gun too." I say, and she sighs.

"Yes, I knew that, but I couldn't do anything. Anytime I want to punish him, his uncle appears to threat me and my sister. It drives me mad."

She looks at all of us, angry. I don't know why, but I think she knows another thing from us. Something that could destroy us, does she know about our jobs? No, I shouldn't think that. It's impossible. Nobody knows!

"What are you doing here?" she asks.

The three of us look at each other, like if we were little children. She nods her head and emits a little chuckle.

"I know why you came here. Something happened with your boss and now you are looking for a hut in Canterlot, right?"

What is she trying to say? I look at Jack and he is thinking the same thing as me.

"Um, look. Yes, we had problems with our car store in Los Mantos," says Abe, in a desperate way to break the tension. "And we were looking for a motel."

Luna smiles at us. "You don't work at a car store, liars. You work for the Pirate."

My blood instantly freezes at the same time she says that. My skin colour fades to white. Jack looks at her, shocked, and Abe gasps.

"U-um... What are you talking about?" Abe says.

"Come on, Abraham, don't be so stupid. Did you think that my sister and I thought that you were just a friendly mechanic? I know you have nicknames and all."

"Oh, yeah?" I say. "Say my nickname, then."

Jack and Abe look at me, and Luna smiles at me and answers: "Sure, bedmaker."

Oh. We fucked up, I tell myself. I feel my hair covered with sweat. Will she call the cops? Probably yes!

"How did you know that?" I say, and after that, she starts laughing.

"I was just expecting that question from you, Mr Waters. We discovered your nickname through Snips and Snails' autograph."

Sssssshit... Jack and Abe look at me, confused. What the fuck did you do?, maybe thinking... but, how? I didn't sign that.

"At first, Celestia and I found out that the Bedmaker legend talked about a dangerous man who made beds for men to rest forever. All those stories came from Los Mantos, where the famous Pirate was ruling the city. With a little bit of research, I found an article in the Public Library that talked about the Mantos' Pirate and his assistants. Guess what, the three of you are mentioned as the Heretic, the Bedmaker and Tough Moustache. There were no photos of you, but relating this with Snips' and Snails' autograph, who told me you were the Bedmaker, W, we came up to a conclusion."

That's what I call an investigation. The three of us look at each other again and we know that we are completely screwed. There's no escape or backdoor behind us, they know who we are.

"Really?" says Abe. "Who wrote that?"

"A man called Ground Invader."

Ground Invader. It seems to be a very familiar nickname. I look at Jack, trying to find a solution, but Abe is looking at the floor, he is thinking. Who is the Ground Invader? Then, he lifts his sight to the sky and emits a groan.

"Ground Invader. I remember that nickname from somewhere... and I know who is him... he has just betrayed us. Surprising." tells himself.

I look at Abe's face. Did Hopkins write an article about us, why? If he wanted to destroy us, he could have easily called the police as an anonymous. I... just don't understand this.

"So, what are you going to do? Call the cops?" I ask her.

I thought she was going to nod her head, but she starts laughing. "I won't, guys. The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Ok. That phrase left us more confused than we were before. What was she talking about? The enemy of my enemy? What kind of enemy is she talking to?

"What? What enemy are you talking about?" asks Abe, in a very confused voice.

"You know, Canterlotian Mafia," she answers. "Ground Invader's article said that you were in a war with them."

Alright, this is getting more confusing. If Hopkins wrote an article to show our nicknames, why would he lie? The only theory I have in my mind to answer this doubt is that he may have listened to Ron's project along with the Canterlotian Mafia, but he understood that we were making that project against them.

"Yep," says Abe, lying. Ironically we are working with the Canterlotian Mafia and our objective is to keep an eye on this school. "May I know why you consider Canterlotian Mafia as an enemy? And also why are you helping us? You know you can be arrested for doing that, right?"

"Listen, Mr Flanks. Celestia and I will help you because of things I don't want you to know, and also... I don't want to see Rarity and Sweetie Belle's faces at the moment they find out her lovely grandpa is a gangster." I feel a lump in my throat after hearing that, and I'm not Abe. She releases a long sigh while he looks at us pitifully. "Ok. There is a motel at the left, two blocks away. I'd like you not to come here lots of times, especially you two, W and Jack. I have enough with Abraham entering Canterlot High to check out if Rarity is OK or Sweetie Belle is better after that horrendous situation she went through." She grabs the door and waves at us. "Good afternoon," she says and closes the door. The three of us stay in silent, in the same place. In only ten minutes, lots of revelations appeared and destroyed all of us from the inside. They do know! All because of Hopkins and his completely confusing articles!

I'm the first one that moves from his place and looks at the left. Today was a long, long day, and I hope that this motel would help me to relax and to think about all of the things that have just happened.


We finally arrived at the motel. I thought that it was going to be just a squared room with a shitty bed, but it turned out to be pretty decent. Even the cheapest motel from Canterlot is better than the most expensive one from Mantos.

The administrators gave us a little room for a couple. I lost a bet and now I'll sleep on the floor. I thought that it'd be the worst place to sleep, but it turned out to be comfy, because of a carpet that lies in the room. Of course, I washed it a little bit before lying on it.

Later, at Midnight

Luckily, in the fridge, there were some phone numbers from pizza shops. We ordered a nice pizza and we finished on our beds. I made a bed, using some blankets, a pillow, and my carpet. I lie in my home-made bed and I start to think. I'm inside this city, to look for some mysterious elements that may not exist, inside a school. I also don't know anything about this city, except for the schools inside it and the fact this place sucks. I do know that Gordo, Canterlot's man, is with us, but he is too busy to show us how Canterlot is in real life. If I want to look for another "guide", for instance, a Canterlot High Student, they will answer me with a wider vocabulary, instead of the words from a fat gangster that usually appears in public.

"Hey, I have an idea," I say. Both of them look at me. "I was thinking that if we will stay in this fucking city for a long time, we should at least know the most important places inside it."

Abe looks at me, confused. "Why?" he asks, while Jack agrees with him through his sight.

"I don't feel that I'm in a city if I don't meet their most famous landscapes. I also do this because of Gordo, I just... don't trust him, especially with the drug problem. It'd be cool to know a place where we could hide."

Both of them stare at me and think about the situation, they know I am right. Gordo may be totally mad now because of his meth and Ron's problems with it. Now, with this Hopkins situation in the middle, things will get worse. That means he is not so reliable with this problem running around.

"And who will be our guide, W? We don't know anyone who can help us."

I smile at them and say: "Well, I do."

Canterlot High, next morning

I hope my plan works. I woke up early and I came to Canterlot High alone, without Abe and Jack behind me. My main objective right now is looking for Sunset Shimmer, because she is a different person with others. Students here only know the nice part of Canterlot, and Sunset Shimmer may know the nice part and also the dark side, especially because his cousin was Red Punch's freakin' daughter.

I enter the school and now the atmosphere is different. Everybody looks at me. Boys, girls, teachers and also the Principals are there looking at my face.

Those famous little kids, Snips and Snails, who told Celestia and Luna my nickname, appear and greet me from far away: "Hey! How is the Police Department from inside?"

Celestia approaches me and touches my shoulder, confused. "What are you doing here?" she asks,

"Um... I was looking for some fresh air." I answer. Really, W? Don't you have a better answer to make, pal? I approach her face and I say: "Um, look... I was looking for Sunset Shimmer for a thing we talked another day, and just calm down, because it does not have to do with any of my works."

Celestia leaves me and nods her head. "Go ahead, and then leave." says with a smile. While I walk through the hallways, Snips and Snails keep asking me questions.

"Hey, kids," I say. "I came for the fire-haired girl, you know where is she?"

All the students keep away their eyes from me but they are listening to what I say. Suddenly, I feel a hand touching my back and I hear a sexy chuckle near my neck. I turn around and I look at Trixie Lulamoon, the weird girl.

"I thought that you would never come back, W."

Oh, now she calls me W instead of inferior. What a surprise.

"Yeah, I came back because of something that I need."

"What? Magic tricks?" she asks with a sarcastic smile.

"No. Information I could only get from a special person, and that's not you, Trix."

She frowns and looks at me. "Oh, really? I am the girl who knows absolutely everything that you want to know!" she shouts and goes away.

One of the kids grabs my jeans and apologizes. "Sorry, she's a little bit nervous today. She needs to calm down."

"No, little kid. She does not need that." I say while I look at the Cafeteria's door. "She needs a long and funny night with a human stick. You know what I mean."

"Um..." says Snails. "You mean fingers? Why would she play with fingers?"

I don't answer to their question and I enter the Cafeteria, only to find out the nerdy girl is there, flirting with her boyfriend. Her dog looks at me and smiles. He runs to me while she goes with her new couple to look for food.

"Hey," I tell him. "Where's Sunset Shimmer?"

His face radically changes. He looks at me with sad eyes.

"She's not here, she is looking for her cousin. Rumour has it that she disappeared and left a note."

Shit, shit, shit. Shit2. That thing means that she was murdered by somebody, and Ron would never do that, especially to a young girl, even if it's Red Punch's daughter.

"Why do you want to look after her?" he asks.

I try to answer, but a cold hand touches my shoulder. It's different from Trixie's. It's colder and a bigger hand. I turn around and I look at a bald man with a piercing in his nose and two big ear expanders.

"Hey, Walt. How are you doing?"

I know him. At the same time I recognize him, my blood just freezes.

To be continued...

Bank or Jewellery?

View Online

"Hey, Walt. What's the matter?" he says. I recognize him. His face, his piercings... I am talking to Disturbance. He is the Dark Spikes' Leader, a gang from la Lima that works for Gordo. Along with him, there are three other members: Turmoil, a skinny guy who doesn't have feelings (literally) because of a magical accident, Tumult, who looks like Disturbance but with a small mohawk on his head, and Riot, a strong, enormous guy that's so dumb he can't do anything by his own.

Spike hides behind my leg while I smile at Disturbance. "Hey, Disturbance," I say. "It is so strange to see you right here, on Canterlot High."

"Yeah," he says while growling. "Honestly, I freakin' hate this place, but today I had to make an effort and come for something."

"Really?" I say, smiling. "What?"

"You." Smile no more. Oh crap. I instantly want to run away and escape to Los Mantos. Spike starts barking. "Tell your doggy to shut up," he says. I look at him with that look. That look called You seriously need to shut the fuck up, and then he stops barking and goes away.

"Look, W. Gordo is seriously mad at all of you because of that meth Ron bought him. Now, I want you to choose only one... Bank or Jewelry."


"Bank or Jewelry, W. You need to work now."

I stay in silence. The question is simple but complex. Shall I go for a bank... or jewellery? A bank is much harder but there is much money inside. Much.

"Um... look, Disturbance. I honestly choose bank, but you need Jack's opinion, along with Abe and..."

"I know," he says, and I look outside the cafeteria and I find out that there is a familiar face: a strong man is trying to open a locker door... It is Riot. "You know that Riot can't live on his own," says Disturbance. "So he came here with me."

Riot looks at me and runs to the cafeteria, only to hug me. "W! W!" repeats while hugging me. Disturbance starts laughing.

"Now, Riot," says Disturbance. "Due to the recent conflicts, do me a favour... attack."

"Wait... what?" I ask. I guess it is time to escape!

"Gordo told me I had to attack you because you were mocking him with his belly."

"You son of a bitch!" I whisper and I get out of the cafeteria. Both of them are running behind me. That's the moment when I get out of school and I stay on the parking lot, hiding under a car and looking at Disturbance's shoes near it.

Parking Lot. W's under a car.

"Shit, is he here?" He asks Riot.

"Nevermind, you don't even know where we are. Let's go to Sugarcube... Tumult told me that we were meeting there again."

Both of them run away, but when I try to get out of that place, I hear some footsteps near me. There are five or six dudes right there.

"Listen, Flash," says someone with an elegant accent. It's a wealthy kid. The shit of Canterlot. "What's the problem? You haven't paid the freakin' pot for two months..."

"Listen, Jet Set, I don't have enough money to pay you."

"Again, Flash? It is the third time that you tell me you don't have money. I don't have a choice."


"Grab him! NOW!"

That Flash guy wants to run, but somebody grabs him and everybody starts kicking at him on his chest. Another guy grabs him by the neck and hits his head onto the car I am hiding.

"If you don't pay me for next week, I'll kick your ass like this..." says the elegant voice. "But worse. Goodbye, you douchebag." Wait...I think I know this guy...

All of them walk away from the parking lot, while Flash starts crying. He gets up and kicks the car front. I slowly get out under the car and he looks at me. "Hey, I'm neutral," I tell him. He tries to kick my face, but I grab his leg and let it go. "I told you I'm neutral."

"What... What were you doing?"

"Hiding from some bastards. I've heard it all, and man... they kicked your ass."

I look at him. He has a purple eye and his nose is bleeding. His black jacket is covered with dirt and it is ripped from behind. They legit kicked his ass. "So..." I say while having a smile on my face. "A canterlotian buying drugs. That's strange."

"I smoke marijuana to get out of my misery."

"Misery?" I say. "You are in Canterlot, man. The city of friendship!"

"Friendship? Yup... but that doesn't mean that all of us are happy. I am sad... because I just can't overcome some things."

"Like what?"

He doesn't answer and just looks at me with anger. "Why do you care about me?" he asks.

"Come on, man... you are too sad to be a guy from Canterlot. You need help."

He laughs while grabbing a cigarette. "Will you leave me alone?" he asks to me.

"If you give me a cigarette, I'll do it."

He gives me one and I touch his shoulder, smiling. I walk away and Spike comes out from the front door, while the nerdy girl and his boyfriend are following him.

"I thought that guy destroyed you... Who was him?" he says, while his tail is swinging up and down.

"I'm indestructible, Spike," I say while rubbing his head. "And that guy was... um... a friend."

"Hey, Twi," says Spike. "He's OK."

"I'm glad you are making some friends, Spi..." She looks at me in silence. She realized her dog has made a special friend. "You?" she asks.


"I thought the Police arrested you."

"No, they released me along with Pietro. By the way, where is he now?"

"He is absent today." says her boyfriend. "Um... and who are you? I don't know you, man... I never saw you in Canterlot."

"He is Walter, Timber," says the nerdy girl. "A friend of Dashie."

"Oh, hi then... I'm Timber, Twi's friend."s

"Friend?" She says while she blushes and starts laughing. Both of them start gasping and walk away. Spike and I look at each other, confused.

"Love. So strange..." I tell him. He laughs and then he climbs to my shoulder and we look at Flash, slowly walking with two cigarettes in his mouth.

"Oh, man... poor Flash." He says.

"What happened to him?" I ask.

"Things." He simply answers.

"Oh, come on... What kind of things?"

"He broke with his band... He crashed his car last week... and he has an unrequited love."

"Unrequited love?" I say. "You are kidding me."

"Yup. The girl she loves is... you know, in a relationship with Timber."

"Oh... Twilight." I say. Spike looks at me confused. "Oh god! Really? Does he get drugged only because of love? How dramatic are people here on Canterlot? For fuck's sake!"

"Jeez," says Spike. "I shouldn't have said it... and, yeah... I think I agree with you. People here are so dramatic sometimes."

"Oh, hi there!" I hear behind me. I turn my back and I look at Trixie Lulamoon smiling at me. I raise an eyebrow.

"You again?" I ask her.

"Yeah, W... I was walking around the school and... boom! Trixie and you found each other... again."

"Um... Ok then." I say.

She laughs again, but everything turns into silence when I ask her something: "Do you have a boyfriend?"

Her face fades into white and also her smile disappears. "W-Why do you want to know?" she asks.

"Um... I'm just asking..."

She laughs out loud after. "What are you talking about? Do you think I, the Great and Powerful Trrrixie, will be your girlfriend?"

"What?" I say while laughing. "Me? As your boyfriend? Hell no! I only wanted to know..."

"Oh," she says, blushed. "And why?"

"Um..." I say, chuckling. "You look like... you are desperate for one. For real."

She approaches me: "Me? Desperate for a boyfriend? Haha! You make me laugh, W!"

The three of us hear a ring.

"Oh! The bell!" She says. "Trixie has to go, goodbye!"

She runs away and enters the school. Spike starts laughing.

"I know... this crazy girl," I say. "Man, it makes me laugh, although that third person thing is making me crazy."

"She is in love," says Spike the Dog.


"Yeah. Guess what."

I look at his eyes for a second and I find out what he is talking about. "Do you think she is in love... with me?"

"Hell yeah."

"Hell no, doggo! She won't be my girlfriend. No girl from Canterlot would be my couple. Besides, how old is she? 15? Hell no."

"She is 18 years old," says Spike and I stay in silence.

"Um... I'm 24. I'm a lot bigger!"

"To be honest, you look a lot younger than a 24-year-old man."

I put my hands on my chest while looking at Spike in my shoulder. "Holy shit," I say. "That's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard from a dog.'"

Both of us start laughing.


Motel. 11:00 A.M.

It's almost 11. I am with Abe drinking some coffee and talking about this whole problem with Ron and Gordo.

"I think there is a way to earn 12 million in a couple of days," says Abe while looking through the motel's window.

"Yeah," I answer. "A heist."

Abe chuckles for a second. "How can we elaborate a heist now?"

"We can't, Abe. It's not a good day to commit a heist, especially with all this shit of the Elements running around us."

"Yes, I know... Anyway, how is W? Did he call you?"

"Nope," I answer. "He hasn't called me yet."

"Uh... That kid makes me mad sometimes. He may have looked for that Sunset Shimmer girl he talked about."

Suddenly, I hear someone knocking on the door.

"W! Finally!" shouts Abe.

I open the door but W's not there. There are other two guys: Tumult and Turmoil, from the Dark Spikes. Two guys we recognize.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask, surprised.

"Finally we found you." Says Tumult. "You have to work for Gordo now. He wants you to make a heist."

"What?" Says Abe, shocked. "A heist? Right here? Right now? How can we do that?" He whispers while approaching them both. He doesn't want anyone outside the room to know.

"Gordo has everything under control," says Tumult. Meanwhile, Turmoil is just looking straight at a wall, with no feelings. "You will only have the power to choose... Bank or Jewelry?"

Abe and I look at each other. Now we will make a heist from nowhere? We don't even know which places are being chosen.

"Can we at least know what bank or jewellery are you talking about?" I ask.

"No," answers Tumult. Turmoil comes back to the entrance door and sits down, doing nothing. He has no feelings or determination. "Bank or Jewelry? Come on, I don't have time, come on!" shouts Tumult.

"We want to know which places are we talking about, Tumult!" says Abe.

"Ok then, here you have!"

He gets out of his pocket a piece of paper. There are two names on it:


"Gordo has been looking for these places," he says. Both of us try to conclude out of this. The Librarian's Bank is easier to rob than other banks in Canterlot but this doesn't mean it's an easy place to make a heist. Security always keeps an eye on that... but wait... If Mortimer is on our side... will the police too?

"Is the police with us?" I ask.

"I don't know. If you are with Mortimer Blueblood, yup, but if you kill someone you will be found and arrested, no matter what."

"Ok. I think bank is a better option," says Abe. "What about you, Jack?" I nod my head while looking at them, and Tumult smiles.

"Ok then... The Librarian's Heist will be!"

Tumult grabs Turmoil by the neck and both of them escape. Abe and I look at each other because we know that this will be a pain in the ass.


Parking Lot

I am sitting on the Parking Lot with Spike next to me, thinking about this Flash guy. "Where is this Flash living?" I ask Spike. He lifts his shoulders.

"I don't know. Do you really wanna help him?"

"Um... maybe. I only care for the pot... I think I know those dudes. I recognized one of them's voice."

"You know them?"

"I think I sold them the pot some... months ago."

He looks at me, shocked. "Are you selling that?"

Oh, I'm a dumbass. Why I always open my mouth and reveal things that should not be revealed? "Not anymore," I say, trying to recover the truth. "I used to because there was no other way to keep going with my life."

Suddenly, I come up with a plan. Crystal Prep... I haven't been there for a while... I instantly get up, while Spike asks what am I doing.

"I'll go for a walk... to Crystal Prep," I answer.

"What? Are you sure?"

"Yup. It will be only a minute or two."

I run away and I go down to the corner of Crystal Prep.

"Wait!" I hear. "Can I go with you?"

I turn back and I look at Spike. "No! It's dangerous. Besides, your owner is here."

"And what?"

"Just... Stay here. Go inside. I'll go for a research thing."

He sighs and goes inside the school, while I run away and I go to Crystal Prep.

Crystal Prep

I finally arrive at this place. I haven't entered this place for months. Oh yeah... The worst place in Canterlot, maybe. This school is a lot worse than Canterlot High. It is filled with disgusting students whose only ability is to criticize. In other ways to say, it is a school made of shit and filled with... Guess what, shit! I enter the school and some guys look at me. They seem to be laughing on their inside. Oh, what a warm welcome!

Now, I must find someone that knows me. Someone who used to buy my products... Suddenly, I see that Trenderhoof is in the hallway. He looks at me and tries to run. "Hey, Trenderhoof!" I shout. "So long, writer boy."

There is a Crystal Prep group inside the school who I used to sell them pot. The principal negotiator with me was Jet Set, a guy with long hair and round glasses. There were other guys inside this group, including this guy, Trenderhoof. I don't know why, but one day they told me they didn't want more, and I left them with only a little bag filled with it. A bag whose content was really hard for me to make. I had to wait for the fucking plants to grow up, but the good thing here is that I earned good money because of it.

"Hey there... Bed," he says.

"Bed? What kind of nickname is that?" I tell him, raising an eyebrow. "I told you my nickname was Poppa Bed."

"Ok then... Poppa Bed."

"Well, writer boy. I came here to ask you some questions."

Trenderhoof's face seems to be falling in pieces after saying that. "What... Kind of questions?"

"I want to know what happened to you, man! The last time you bought me was some months ago and from nowhere I heard that Jet Set is controlling his own business. Did they replace me?"

"No!" he says, while his face is covered with sweat. "Just... Please don't tell anybody this... Um... they are selling pot now."

"Selling? Jet's pot?"

"Your pot."

My face is now blank. I am shocked. That last time, where they bought me that bag with joint... They were reselling my pot. They were doing it... Motherfuckers.

"They told me they would smoke that in Everfree Camp. Sons of bitches..." I say.

"Sorry," he says, trying to comfort me. I touch his shoulder.

"They are playing with fire, writer boy. Have you ever listened to Metallica?"

"Um... not my kind of music," says Trenderhoof. "I prefer Tame Impala or Neutral Milk Hotel."

"Oh, you fucking hipster..." I say, chuckling. "You have to listen to Metallica, writer boy. Especially Ride the Lightning, because there's a song in that album called Fight Fire with Fire, and they are playing with fire, boy. I'm gonna fight them with fire."

"Please, don't kill..."

"Kill?" I whisper while rubbing his hair. "Nah. I will kick their asses and leave them on the floor. You, writer boy, consider yourself saved. Get out of this situation."

"Yes, Poppa Bed."

"Take care of yourself, Trenderhoof. If you want to smoke, smoke Bedmaker's."

I go outside and I light a cigarette, thinking about this whole situation. What should I do? Giving them a lesson, or let them go? They are only 18 years old and they don't even know where is the clitoris. Wait, where was the clitoris in the first place? Um... oh yeah, up there... yeah, yeah... um, going back to the main topic... They are reselling my pot! The one I sold them at a very cheap price!

Canterlot High. Parking Lot

I return to Canterlot High and I look at Flash, who is fainted in the parking lot. He is under a car, so I approach him and I woke him up. "Hey, douchebag. Wake up," I say. He opens his eyes and looks at me.

"Oh... You again?" he whispers.

"Yup, Flash. Come on, stop with this mess and get up. I think you have class now."

"I'm sad."

"Yeah, but class is still going. If you don't go, you may fail your tests."

"I'm sad!" he shouts while he stands up. He almost fell off twice.

"Do you know that this is not a solution? Smoking, drinking..."

"I'M SAD!"

"HEY!" I say, with my fists near his face. "Don't fucking shout to me!"

He stays silent, and at that moment I sit next to him. "Look. I lost my parents when I was 6 months old, and I lived for 10 years in a Mantos orphanage... The worst place you can imagine. I was left alone with nothing, around the worst kids that ever existed except for my friends. And I lived that shit for almost 10 years. 120 months... um... three thousand and... yes, 3,650 days and I'm still standing. If I went through that fucking situation and survived... You can survive a stupid unrequited love, you playwright."

Flash's eyes widen when I say unrequited love.

"You... Know?"

"Twilight the Nerdy Girl," I say, with a smile. "Don't you?"

"Um..." he smiles. "Not only her. I also feel something about another girl."

"If it's Rarity, you are screwed. She has a long list of lovers and also his grandpa is a tough guy. I know him."

"No, no. It's a friend of hers."

"Uh... The Rainbow girl."

He makes a funny gesture. "She's pretty hot but it's not her. I won't tell you."

"Well... if you say," I lift my shoulders. I don't care.

Then, he looks at me and raises an eyebrow."Who are you, in the first place?"

"Uh..." I say, struggling with my tongue. "Call me W."

"W? Is that your name?"

"My nickname."

"And... can I know your name?"


"Walter?" he says, confused. "I thought that you were named... Wilderness."

"I don't have shitty names like canterlotians."

He starts laughing and I help him to walk.

"So... you know Rarity?" He asks.

"Yup... I knew her through her grandpa. He is a good friend of mine."

"And why are you here?"

My mind stops. What should I say? I've got to make an excuse, now! "Um... holidays. Today I've planned to visit Rarity."

"Ok... and sorry for that. It had to hurt... telling me about your parents' fate."

I give him a small smile "No problem."

School's Entrance

While I am helping Flash to enter the school, I look at two familiar figures.

"W! What the hell?" asks Jack.

"Oh, fellas! So long!" I say and I instantly leave Flash on the school's entrance. "Just sit right here," I tell him. He closes his eyes and he instantly falls asleep.

"Who is that guy?" they ask me, but then Abe looks at him and recognizes him. "Wait... I know him," he says. "Flash... Flash something. Rarity told me he was destroyed and man... he looks like a dead man whose soul got trapped in hell..."

The three of us look at Flash, who is sleeping at the school's entrance.

"Did you...?" I ask.

"We were asked about that."

"Bank or Jewelry?"


"Oh yes... I chose bank too!" I say.

"Gordo will call us tonight. I think he has already talked with Ron, so... we will wait."

The three of us sigh. At least we chose the same option and now, we have a chance of obtaining what we were going to use. Seconds later, Jack looks at Flash, sleeping on the school's entrance.

"W, at least leave him inside the school," he says. "It worries me."

"Uh... Well. Ok then," I say and then I approach Flash. I grab his shoulder, open the door and throw him through it. There are no students or teachers. All of them are in the classrooms and I run away from the place and go back with Jack and Abe.

Motel. 9:30 P.M.

"Don't you dare!" Says Jack at the right moment he looks at me with a blunt. "You will fill the room with that freakin' smell."

"Nah, don't worry. I'm thinking. I won't smoke it." I answer.

"Thinking? Do you think?" he says, smiling.

"Yeah, sick fuck. I'm not stupid."

He sighs and sits on his bed. "That can be debatable."

"Fuck yourself," I answer him while raising my middle finger.

"I can't fuck myself, W... And, by the way... what's the matter now?" he asks.

I sigh and look at him. "Do you remember Jet Set? That spoiled dude?"

He reminds of him, seconds later. "Uh yeah. The Crystal Prep one. "

"He has been reselling my plants. Do you know I sold them at the cheapest price?"

"And they are reselling it. I told you, W. You shouldn't have made a deal with Crystal Prep students. They are greedy and selfish. And with that, all in all, you are stupid. Period."

"Fuck yourself, Jack!" I shout, and then the telephone starts ringing. Both of us look at each other and Jack answers the call.

"Hello?... Ah-hah... Yeah... What?... but we chose Bank..."

Mmm... That doesn't sound good for me. He ends the call and leaves the phone. "Gordo chose Jewelry. "

"What? But... Ludmila's? It's smaller and doesn't have lots of money as a bank has. Why would he choose that?"

"I don't know. It's Gordo."

I lie in my home-made bed, grabbing my head. Abe comes out of the bathroom, with a towel covering his body.

"Jewelry?" He says. "Really? This fucking Gordo sucks."

Jack goes outside and starts smoking. Abe dresses up in another room and he gives me a Blue Note's LP.

"Put it on the record player," Abe tells me. "I need to relax."

Freakin' Blue Note. A guy who was born in the suburbs of Phillydelphia and turned into the Equestrian Blues' father and creator. Abe loves him and he considers himself as his #1 fan. I put the LP on the record player and I start playing it. The phone starts ringing again, so I get up and answer.

"Hello," I say.

"Uh... W?" says a feminine voice. I recognize it... Rarity's.

"Rarity? What happened?"

"Um... I-I am walking down the street... and... and somebody is following me... Is my grandpa there?"

Oh shit. "Um... Where are you, Rarity?"

"Near the motel... um... crap! Help! HELP!"

And then she ends the call. Oh shit... How can I tell this to Abe? I need to be quick! We need to save Rarity!

To be continued...

Waiting for Ludmila

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Motel. 9:35 P.M.

"ABE! ABE!" I shout while getting the Blue Note's LP out of the record player before going into his room. He is surprised.

"What happened, W?" he says, angrily. "You took Blue Note out very fast! Is the LP ok?" says Abe, surprised while checking the LP.

"Yes, but..." Now the time has come. What should I say? I'm scared... uh... COME ON! I must not be a coward! "Uh... look... it's bad, really bad. Rarity called me... she told me that she was being followed by someone and then..."

Abe's face is now white. His orange moustache seems to be falling and losing its colour. His lips are now dry, and his mouth can hardly open. "Wh... Where was she?" He asks with a broken voice.

"She was near us, I don't know... How did she call here, in the first place?"

"I... I gave her the phone..." he answers. "Now, we must save her... if she is in danger."

"Now?" I ask. Sorry, sometimes my idiotic side gets his turn to ask things.

"Of course, you fucking idiot!" he shouts. "What were you going to do? Wait for the next day?"

Jack appears on the scene.

"Oh, what happened now?" He asks.

"Rarity is in danger." Answers Abe.

"Oh my... What happened?"

"We think that she was kidnapped... near the motel," I say.

"Kidnapped?" Says Jack. "Oh no... we must hurry up!"

Abe immediately dresses up and opens the door. We finally get out of the motel and run into the street.


Jack, Abe and I are now in the cold street at night. The moon is so beautiful right now. White, shiny, and looks like a magic god or something. "She was near... she was near." I hear from Abe. Jack is illuminating some backstreets with a lantern. There is another backstreet filled with blankets, which is not being illuminated by Jack.

"Shall I look at those blankets?" I ask. Abe does not answer me and I go anyway.


The backstreet is long and narrow. There is also someone sleeping, so I try not to wake him up and keep walking. I find out that there is a dumpster in the backstreet... a locked dumpster, covered with chains and a lock. When I turn around, I hear someone sobbing inside the dumpster. I approach it and try to break the lock, but suddenly, I look at a man waking up.

"Who in the hell are you, dumb?" He asks. His voice is raspy and the way he speaks is weird, he doesn't pronounce the words too well and talks very slow.

"Is this dumpster yours?" I ask him.


"What's inside the dumpster?" I ask again.

I grab my flashlight, which is inside my pocket, and I illuminate him. When I look at his physical appearance, I find out he is... very familiar. He has grey skin. His hair is dark and it is disheveled. He is wearing a worn-out coat and black dirty jeans. He also has trainers filled with holes. I know this man... Lerrick.

Lerrick works for Ron, like me, like Jack and Abe... but his job is to take care of Los Mantos' poorest zones, except for La Lima. One of those places is Bormoth Street. Oh gosh... Bormoth Street. My ass cheeks feel cold every time I say those two words.

Bormoth Street is a place filled... sorry, wrong word... dominated by drug dealers. It is the place where everyone consumes drugs for the first time. The last time I was there, I bought LSD for a party. Lerrick, who is the king of Bormoth Street, has a nickname inside... Mother Pharmacy, because he has all the drugs you need.

"Hey... Mother Pharmacy Lerrick." I say, with a smile. He starts laughing.

"The Bedmaker, Waters." He answers. "What are you doing here? On Canterlot?"

"Holidays. I am looking for Abe's granddaughter right now. I also heard some sobbings inside the dumpster." I hear sobbings inside the dumpster again. Lerrick looks at it with an angry gesture. "What's inside, Lerrick?" I ask him.

At the same time, I realize that three guys are behind me. They seem to be with Lerrick.

"You see, W," he says. "Canterlot's Lerrick is way different from Mantos' Lerrick. We were friends there, and here... we are rivals."

What the fuck? He is an idiot. How can he think that stupid thing?

"Hey, Lerrick, calm do--" I couldn't finish the sentence because of the three guys who grabbed me from the back and threw me to the floor. What can I do now? Think, W. You don't have much time. "JACK! ABE!" I shout. Seconds later, I rise and I try to defend myself, but I can't fight against three men. I beat up one of them, but the other two are still breaking my mood. I kick one of them's face and he falls to the floor. While I was fighting with the third guy, Lerrick appears... with two machetes. The third guy runs away and hides from Lerrick and me. The second one walks away and the first guy gets up and leaves the backstreet with his partner.

Lerrick leaves one of those machetes on the floor. I know what he is trying to do, and it will be dangerous and totally stupid. "Do you think that we will fight to death with machetes?" I ask him.

"I didn't think about it," he says with a big smile. "I did it... and I'll do it."

"Come on, man... don't be such an idiot."

A light appears from nowhere and I cover my eyes from it. The guy that hid behind the dumpster climbs a wall and escapes. Lerrick turns back and looks at Jack and Abe.

"Lerrick?" Says Jack. "What are you doing on Canterlot?"

"Holidays," he answers. Abe approaches him and the dumpster's sobbing is heard again.

"What's that sound?" Asks Jack, while he discovers all the chains that are protecting the dumpster. Then, he illuminates it and discovers the lock. Abe looks at it and grabs Lerrick by the neck.

"Where is the key?" He asks.

"Won't tell ya, Abe!" He answers, laughing.

"Stop with this shit! This is not a joke!"


"My granddaughter is lost, Lerrick! Go and unlock that dumpster!"

"I won't!"

I grab Lerrick's machete from the floor and I touch his back with it. His laugh just stops and he starts moving his arm with the machete. He tries to attack Abe but fortunately he dodges it. Jack grabs Lerrick by his chest, and Abe and I get the machete out of his hand. He is now on the floor, while Abe touches his neck with a machete.

"No time for games. Where is the key?"

"Where?" he answers.

"No time for games, Lerrick! Where... IS THE KEY?"

He doesn't answer. Jack grabs something from Lerrick's pocket in the coat and looks at it.

"A small bag of cocaine. Normal Lerrick... There is also what we need."

Jack gives Abe a small key. He opens the lock and throws the chains away. When he opens the dumpster, he recognizes something.

"Grandpa!" she shouts.

Abe's face turns into complete shock. Jack and I are also impressed. Lerrick tries to escape, but the grandpa grabs his coat and puts his shoe on Lerrick's neck.

"Thank Star Swirl you are safe, Rarity. Now he will pay."

"Please..." says Lerrick.

"Hey, hey... shut your mouth." says the grandpa while trying not to kill him.

Lerrick punches Abe's foot and gets up. He grabs a machete and throws it at me, I think I'm about to die but then... something happens. A white, shiny shield appears in front of me and grabs the machete, making me fall to the floor in pure shock. A shield? Is it... the moon? Or what the fuck? S-Seriously, what the fuck has just happened?

Abe and Jack are also looking at the white shield that instantly disappears. The three of us are now silent. Lerrick tries to escape but Jack grabs him by his back on time.

"You bastard!" says Rarity, while punching Lerrick's face. She seems that she didn't find out that a magical shield appeared from nowhere and saved my life.

"H-Hey, Rarity... Could you tell me what happened?" I say. She looks at me and lends me her hand. She tries to get me up.

"I saved your life, moron," she whispers to me. "And I should thank all of you for saving mine. I truly appreciate it."

Then, she hugs her grandpa while crying... but, wait a moment... She saved my life? How? With a magical shield?

"What happened, Rarity?" asks Abe. "Did you... make that shield?"

Rarity thinks about her answer. I think she doesn't want to tell his grandpa the truth. "I think it was the moon, grandpa. The moon saved Walter."

She looks at me and winks an eye. She doesn't want to tell the truth to his grandpa. Maybe because he would turn into Equestria's most annoying babysitter if he knew.

"What the fuck..." I whisper. This is not normal. I think... I should talk with someone I do know about this.

Motel. 11:00 P.M.

"I... I just don't understand how the moon saved you, W." Says Jack. "I think Rarity's lying. She may have created the shield."

"No, Jack." Says Abe. "Rarity never lies to me. She is telling the truth. Besides, she doesn't have powers or that kind of thing."

"Maybe today it is the first time your granddaughter lies to you. Who knows?" I say. He looks at me with anger.

"Ok. Can we leave this topic aside for a moment? We have a Lerrick in front of us." He says, and then he starts slapping the junkie's face. "Wake up, you bastard."

Lerrick finally wakes up. He is being tied to a chair while Abe is looking at him. The grandpa is now holding a wrench on his hands... he is gonna do some nasty stuff.

"What the fuck? Abe? Jack? W?" says Lerrick. "Where am I?"

"Looks like someone recovered his sobriety," says Jack.

"Um... yes. Sorry if I did something... bad."

"You did something bad, indeed. You kidnapped my granddaughter."

"What? Did I do that? Oh, my Solaris..."

"I should kill you and leave you in the ground, but I'm not so evil, Lerrick. However, I should punish you anyways."

Lerrick closes his eyes and Abe holds the wrench, but suddenly, someone knocks the door.

"Hey, dad! Are you there? I've heard ya, buddy!"

I recognize that voice. He's good ol' Hondo... Abe's son and Rarity's father.

"Why in the hell is he here?" he says, angrily. He opens the door with rage and looks at his son, who is smiling and with a chocolate box.

"Hey... long time no see," he says.

"Now? You appear now? This is not the best moment, Hondo."

Meanwhile, Jack unties Lerrick and leaves him in the bathroom. Hondo enters the house and leaves the chocolate box on the chair where Lerrick was being tied.

"Why, dad? Oh! Jack, Walter! Long-time no see, fellas!" he shouts.

"Man, the last time I saw you, you had a larger mustache," I tell him.

"Why are you here, Hondo?" says Abe, interrupting our conversation.

"Um... I missed you, dad. Come on, the last time I received a text message from you was... two months ago! I looked for you everywhere until I finally found you thanks to the hotel reception!"

"Oh, I thought you came because of your daughters."

"Yes, of course. I missed them too."

"At least you know what happened, right?"

"Uh... no."

Abe starts smiling, but his smile is not a happy one. It is one that looks like it was born in the deepest pits from hell.

"You know that both of your daughters were kidnapped, right? And you also know that they had sequels because of it? I don't remember you in those bad situations... you didn't even make a fucking call, Hondo."

Hondo's face is now blank.

"What?" he asks.

"Yes. Say what. What makes me angry is the fact that you never called them to check if they were OK..."

"Sorry... I had a new job in Phillydelphia and I had to move. These weeks were very heavy to me."

"But you always had your cellphone in your pocket, don't you? Your head is always in the same fucking thing, Hondo. Work, work and work. You always forget about Rarity and Sweetie. Do you know that Rarity told me she does not call you because she knows that you won't answer her? Because you are always focused on your damn job, for Star Swirl's sake."

It seems that those words destroyed Hondo from inside. His face is now a devastating grin. Meanwhile, Abe grabs a bottle of whiskey and drinks one shot.

"I admit that I'm a little bit guilty," says Abe. "Sweetie Belle's one was because of me. Rarity's one has just happened hours ago."

"Oh my god... is she OK?" answers Hondo.

"Yes, but she will have a stain for all her life, Hondo."

"And what happened with Sweetie's one? Why are you guilty?"

Abe didn't even answer that question. He just looked Hondo in his eyes. Now, his eyes are filled with anger. Abe's son is now furious.

"You... You son of a bitch," says Hondo. "I knew it... I knew it since the moment I looked at you with your two friends. You are still in that freakin' gangster world. Did you tell Rarity and Sweetie Belle about this? Or are you still hiding the truth?"

"I am still hiding it and I will, Hondo."

"Do you know that all of us... Rarity, Sweetie Belle, my wife, and her relatives and also me are in danger because of you? This is the last straw, dad. I have no other choice. I'll leave you alone with your friends as mom did."

"HEY!" shouts Abe. "Don't talk about your mom."

"I will talk about my mom, Abraham. You ruined my world, and now I'm ruining yours. All these years, hiding in the shadows because of you and your fear of getting caught by those idiots. You are ruining my life, ruining my daughters... Oh! Guess what! You are also ruining yourself, dad. The gangsters are making you old."

Hondo grabs the box with chocolates while crying.

"Fuck you, dad. Fuck yourself."

Hondo goes away. Abe stays looking at the door for a whole minute, and no one says anything. Meanwhile, we hear that Lerrick is escaping through the bathroom window, but nobody moves.

The Next Morning. 8:30 A.M. A house. Near Canterlot High.

I woke up early just to look up for information. I want to know what happened yesterday... and Abe and Jack are not so useful for this problem. I think that this man is the only one that can help me.

He opens the door and reveals himself. An old, hoary man with vintage glasses and a small, grey beard. He is wearing his characteristic brown pullover and brand-new jeans. His cutie name is Arpeggio, although I always knew him as Mr. Alfred Fletcher, his original name from Los Mantos. He was a friend from my father, and when he found out that I survived that whole situation, he took care of me while Jack, Abe, and Ron were doing their things. He moved to Canterlot in the early 2000s and decided to leave his name aside and start using his cutie name. Now he works at a music store called Arpeggio's, one of the most famous ones in Canterlot, where he taught me guitar and piano lessons.

"Walter?" he says. "What are you doing here? I thought that you hated Canterlot."

"Look, it's a long story, Fletchy... Can I pass?"

He sighs: "Yes." He says.

Fletcher's Living Room.

"What happened, Walter? It is so strange to see you in Canterlot. Did you come because of guitar things?"

"No, Fletcher. I came for another thing... do you still have those strange books?"

His face is more serious now.

"Yes... but you told me lots of times that you didn't believe in them..."

"Maybe not, but yesterday... something happened."


"A shield appeared in front of me, and... do you remember Abe's granddaughter? Rarity?"

"Uh... yes. The fashionista. Isn't she?"

"She told me she saved my life, but... how did she make that shield appear from nowhere?"

Fletcher's face now is covered with a smile. He knows that tale is something big.

"I think that means only one thing," he says, while going to a room and, seconds later, coming back with an old, enormous book. He leaves it on a table and I read the cover:


"This book is older than everything... even older than Equestria, maybe. Anyway, I think that the magical shield is related to this."

"The Elements of Harmony?" I ask him.

"Yup. Let me check..."

He opens the book and dust falls to the floor. There is also a very old and stinky smell around the place. It looks like the book is taking a shit. He looks at one of those pages, where seven black stones are drawn with a word above them. Those words are colors... Orange, Purple, Blue...

"Here it is, Walter. Read this..."

I approach the book and start reading:

"The infamous elements of harmony may be represented into various objects in different worlds.

Inside the world is known as Mirror World, elements may be represented as stones, whose localization is completely unknown. Unfortunately, only one pony, Moonlight Columbus, has survived the misfortunes that only she and the mirror world may recognize. Her declarations are the only ones that can verify the existence of these famous "element stones".

Other declarations from Madam Moonlight Columbus, say that these geodes may offer "powers" or "abilities" to their lucky holders, such as an enormous increase in their strength, speed and also self-defense, with the creation of "magical shields"...

"So... you think she has a stone?"

"Yes, Walter. Have you ever seen her with a stone, a necklace on her neck?"

I remember specific situations where Rarity was the protagonist, and in some of them... I remember she had a necklace... um... a stone. A purple, round stone.

"A purple, round one. Is this important?"

He does not answer to me. He only makes a very suspicious face. "Holy shit..." he says. "I think we have just found a holder."

"A holder? Of what?"

"A holder of an element of harmony, W. Oh my... this is historical."

If she has an Element of Harmony, that means... we would use her for the robbery? Oh no. That's bad. BAD.

"So... is there any way to, I don't know, use the stone's power... even if you are not the holder?"

Fletcher gives a strange look to me. "What are you planning, Walter?"

"Nothing, I just... want to know. I'm curious." I say, with a small grin.

"I think if you use the geode and you are not the holder... nothing will happen. You won't obtain the powers if you are not the holder, unless..."

He opens the book and looks up for information on another page. Then, he finds what we wanted to know.

"...Oh, you can use a small portion of those powers if the holder hasn't discovered the stone yet. That may verify the Everfree thing I read some time ago..."

"And... is there any way to become a holder?"

"No..." he answers to me, quickly. "Wait... I think there is a way... but... I don't remember it. I think this book hasn't got the answer too."

"Uh-huh... Where can I find the answer, then?"

He raises his shoulders, leaving me with no answers.

Street. 9:15 A.M.

I am now sitting on a bench while drinking a warm coffee. I've been trying to realize that Rarity has an element of harmony on her necklace. Come on, how is that possible? Abe is everything but harmony, Hondo is an idiot and her wife... meh, I don't know her wife. How can Rarity turn into a holder of these elements? And also, is there another holder here, on Canterlot? On Canterlot High?

Besides, if Rarity has this, it means that she is in danger. Oh my god. This situation has just turned into a chaotic one. Abe's reaction will be bad... very bad if he is still devastated because of last night's argument with his son. Oh, what would happen if Ron finds out? Will he abandon the project he has been working for a long time? And what about Gordo, Mr. Blueblood and the others? Will they capture Rarity and use her for their benefits? Will they... oh, no... will they get rid of her after the heist? What would Abe say in that situation?... Shit. If Abe finds out, he will protect Rarity and this whole Pegasus Fort project will be destroyed... That means only one thing: chaos.

I have to relax. I finish my coffee while I start walking... and I find out Jack is coming out from a building.

"JACK!" I shout. He looks at me while I approach the building. There is a big statue of a tall, strong man with a very neat beard, wearing an armor. There is a sign next to the statue that says:

"This place is being secured by Lord Solaris and Star Swirl, the Bearded."

"What were you doing?" I ask.

Then, I find out there is another sign above the statue... Canterlot's Cemetery.

"Oh," I say. I know what he was doing... he was visiting Susan.

"What are you doing here?" he says.

"Just passing around, I visited Fletcher too... I missed him a little bit." I say. "You...um... you came for Susan, right?"

He nods his head. I feel guilty, and I know why. I haven't visited my parents last year. I didn't even give them flowers. I feel... bad.

"Yeah..." says Jack. "I don't know, W, I tried to forget her... but I can't... how can I forget my wife? The love of my life? That's why I came here today... I haven't given her flowers since last year when we came because of that Crystal Prep shit..."

To be honest, Jack is right but... being alone your entire life does not mean that you will forget your late wife. I know that losing your love and becoming a widower is not an easy thing to overcome but... come on, man... life keeps moving. You need to keep moving. You can leave her flowers, but you can't think about her all day, Jacky!

Besides, there is something that reminds me of... wait for... Crystal Prep. Hmmm... drugs, a guy called Flash... oh, shit. I remembered.

"Jack," I say. "After this thing, we need to go to Canterlot High."


"There's someone who needs me."

To be continued...

Got ya, Boy!

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Near Canterlot High

"Really... why do you want to go to Canterlot High again?" Jack asks me.

"Do you remember that boy? I think... he can be useful."

"Flash? For what, W?"

"I can use him to attract Jet Set and his boys, and then kick their asses."

"So... you will look for this dude, ignore the fact that he is completely devastated and use him against... stupid wealthy kids."

"Yes. You are right."

We are now on the corner of Canterlot High's street and I look at someone... who's very familiar.

"Hey... isn't she... the girl that wanted your help?" Jack asks me.

I don't answer because I recognized Sunset Shimmer before he did. What drives me crazy is that she hasn't got a devastating face, or a mood that shouts My cousin was murdered. Then, she looks at me and waves her hand. I do it too, nervously. I'm now thinking that she will kick my balls and hate me for life... Oh no! Will she call the police? OH NO!

"Hi, Sunset!" I say, with the fakest smile that I've ever made.

"Hi, guys!" she answers. "How are you? OK?"

She seems to be calm, relaxed. I'm still nervous, though.

"Yes, we are OK," says Jack.

"So... what happened?" I say, interrupting Jack. "I mean... what happened to your cousin?"

"Oh..." she says. "I looked for her, and I found out she is working at Everfree Camp. I called her yesterday and she didn't tell me anything! And I was so scared, I thought you..."

Then, she stops talking. She approaches me.

"Did you do this? Move her to Everfree Camp?" she asks.

"Uh..." Come on, I have to answer... C'mon... "Yes. Yes, I did."

Her gesture changes into a smile and then she nudges my shoulder. "I think you did a good job, Bedmaker. The police won't know anything. See you!"

She walks away and enters college. I stay in silence... Why? Because Gordo had that job, I think, and Gordo always kills that kind of people... what did Sunset's cousin do to avoid that destination? Hmmm... I don't wanna know. At least she is alive.

"Poor girl," Jack says.


"No. Her cousin. Having sex with Gordo must be horrifying."

I imagine that situation and I emit an ugh. What a gross situation, gosh. We keep walking and then we enter to Flash's favorite place: The parking lot.

Parking Lot

"He's not here, W," says Jack. I try not to listen to that phrase at first, but then I realize he is right. He is not there.

"Holy shit!" I hear. It's a recognizable voice with a particular accent... Pietro's voice. I haven't seen that idiot for two days. Then, he gets out of a car and opens the trunk. Both of us hide behind another car. We think that he is doing something bad. "Oh my god, Flash... They destroyed you, man. Thank Star Swirl I was there to save you, man..."

He grabs something from the trunk and we realize it's Flash. I rise and he looks at me. "Woah! Where are you going with that?" I ask him.

Pietro takes a step back while holding Flash. "Waters. Holy shit, you scared me..."

"What are you doing with Flash?"

"Oh... you know him? Flash Shame-try?"

...Shame-try?... Jack rises from the car while I am thinking about that nickname. "Shame-try?" I ask.

"Oh. It's a nickname. I used to bully him until... well, you know... he became this."

"Oh," Jack says. "You are also another factor to that kid's current state and behaviour. Congratulations."

"You too? What... are you doing here?"

"We were looking for the same thing, Pietro. I want Flash."

"For what? He's almost dead, come on... I saved him from those maniacs from Crystal..."

"Let me see," I say.

He leaves Flash on the floor and I realize he is completely unconscious. His head is bleeding, and also his completely naked torso has lots of scratches and burns. His blue pants are now ripped and burned, and his legs are purple because of bruises.

"Oh my god... These kids left him like shit..." says Jack.

"I can give it to you," says Pietro, with a smile.

"Really?" I answer, laughing. "We don't even know if he is alive!"

And then, suddenly, Flash starts gasping. Pietro, Jack and I look at each other. "He is alive, I think," says Pietro. Jack and I go to the left and he goes back to his car. However, I want to ask him something else.

"Wait," I say while Pietro is closing his trunk. "Hey, Pietro... where were Flash and the Crystal Prep band when you appeared to save him?"

"Um..." he says. "In Crystal Prep."

"And what were you doing on Crystal Prep? And why Flash was in Crystal Prep?"

"I was buying, and then Jet Set appeared with him. He was destroyed... and I convinced them to bring him back to the parking lot."

My face demonstrates anger now. "Buying what, Pietro?"

"Pot. Jet Set is really good inside that world."

"Huh. Do you want to know something, little Plegovich? That's my pot!"

"Really?" he says, shocked. "Are you a partner of Jet Set? Oh my god!"

"I'm not a partner of Jet Set. I gave him the best I made and he started reselling it."

"What?" he says while exploding into a burst of laughs. "You made a deal with Crystal Prep students... Don't you know most of them are selfish scammers, right?"

Pietro laughs at me while I have Flash on my shoulder. I strongly push him away and he falls to the floor.

"Hey... what the fuck?" he says.

"Bye, Pietro."

Parking Lot. Ten minutes later. Pietro left.

"What are we going to do now?" I ask Jack.

"Look, we can't get Flash out of the parking lot, but... we can leave him here and call Celestia."

"Are you sure?" I ask him.

"Yeah. Why not?"

Flash starts gasping again and he opens his eyes. He looks at me and Jack.


"Waters? But... you don't know my surname!"

"He's asking for water, W!" says Jack. He looks around and finds a dispenser with some disposable cups. He grabs one of the cups and fills it with water. Meanwhile, I help Flash to get up and sit down next to me.

"You... Walter..." he says.

"We already know what happened to you," I say. "Crystal Prep, Jet Set."

His eyes turn to red when I say Jet Set. He strongly inhales and exhales. It looks like he is turning into a bull.

"That guy... left me like this..." he whispers to me.

Jack returns with the glass of water. Flash grabs it and starts drinking it.

"You need a doctor. Don't you have a nursery here on Canterlot High?" asks Jack.

"I don't need a doctor... I'm fine."

"You are not fine," I say. "If you don't want to visit Canterlot's nurse because your mind is focused on Jet Set and his boys, just don't worry... I'll take charge of him."

"He... is... powerful. He has... lots of men behind..."

"Those men can suck my dick. I will fight him and all of them, and you... you will go to the nursery here! You will call Celestia, and say that you are in a really bad state and you need a doctor. Right? Trust me, kid. I know I can do that."

"But... I hardly even know you..."

"Trust me," I tell him, winking an eye. Jack stays behind Flash shaking his head, and the kid stays in silence for a second, but then he nods his head. He tries to stand up but he can't, so Jack helps him to move.

Flash Sentry

I try to move but I just can't. My legs hurt too much. That's why Walter's friend offered to help me.

"I want to go to the entrance," I say in the best way I can.

"Yes," he answers. Walter waves me with his hand and then he lights a cigarette.

While passing by the football pitch, Principal Celestia and Luna appear from nowhere. Both of them look at me and they start shouting.

"Oh my!" says Luna. "What happened?"

"Was it you, Mr. Tyler?" says Celestia... Now I know Walter's friend is named Tyler.

"No," he says. "I was walking around and I saw this kid in the middle of the parking lot. No one was there."

"What happened to him?" asks Luna.

"It's my fault," I interrupt because of the thing that I've always kept inside me needed to be released. "Since I rejected your help, Ms. Celestia and Luna, I fell... in a darker world and I started doing drugs. Things related to... money happened in the middle and well... here am I, after a beating."

Celestia breaks in tears and smiles. Then, she cleans her face. "I knew you would come back to normal, Flash..." she says. "You will be sent to a hospital and then you will be registered in Canterlot's Drug Intervention Program."

That may be a good decision for me and my future. So, I nod my head and Mr. Tyler, Celestia and Luna help me to get to the entrance.


I am now in the hallway, and everybody is looking at me. The Rainbooms are also there, except for Rarity and Applejack. All of them look at me and they are shocked by my chaotic appearance.



Ten minutes later, the kid is sent to Nurse Redheart. I am now in the Hallway with Celestia and Luna. Both of them are talking to me about how many times they tried to help Flash until he rejected their help. Then, Luna offers to help Flash to get into the hospital's ambulance that has recently arrived. Celestia apologizes for breaking in tears.

"Don't worry," I tell her. "It is normal. Finally, the boy who rejected you has made a better decision."

"I haven't cried like this since... well, something related to a rupture."

Rupture. Is this related to her boyfriend? Is this related to... my old friend, Tommy?

Well, I remember I told W about this man some days ago, but I never told him the whole tale. Tommy Jacks was a man who was born in Los Mantos and became my friend during my years at Everton School. He was loyal and friendly, but he was so rebellious that he always had arguments with his teachers and partners, including me. He liked going out at night, making graffitis against the authorities and he also consumed marijuana and other kind of drugs. He was like a hippie, but instead of giving love, he gave no fucks about everything.

One day, he moved to Canterlot in holidays and met the love of his life: Miss Celestia, the lady who I am talking to right now, but unfortunately at the same time, he found out that I was inside Los Mantos' mafia and he wanted to be inside, just like me. His wish was being a gangster. Of course, I told him the gangster world was dangerous for him, especially if his rebellious attitude was with him all the time. The best decision he could make was being with Celestia and leaving me alone with the gangster things. Nevertheless, his silly mind took all the wrong decisions: He broke up with Celestia and entered to Gordo's mafia, and I don't know how did he do it. Sadly, I found him a year later in a trash bag in Everfree Camp, dead. We already knew it was a score that was settled by someone who was inside Gordo's gang. That's how mafia works.

"Tom," I say. She looks at me, shocked. She knows that name, and she is surprised because I recognize it. I, Jack Tyler, the Heretic Guy. The Son of the Journalist.

"H-How do you...?"

"It was a friend of a friend. A long story..."

"Um... people are still looking for him... I don't know if he escaped or if he's dead..."

Yes. People who are not gangsters do not know if he is dead or alive. He is disappeared and that's it.

"Sorry," I say. "Talking about this must be very bad for you."

"Don't worry, " she says. "And by The way, there's something I want to talk to you about. "

"Sure," I say. "What?"

"I haven't seen Pietro Plegovich since that time the police came to arrest him and Mr. Waters. I've seen his car this morning but he wasn't there. Do you have at least a piece of news about him?"

Oh, so Pietro is absent today. Shall I say the real truth? Um...

"Oh, Jack!" she says. "I have to go back to work. And please don't mess around the school every day. You know why..."

"Yes," I say, with a smile and I greet her.

Parking Lot

"Hey W..." I say although I don't know if he is there. "We should go back to the motel because of Abe, he is still depressed..."

I instantly realize that W's not there and a sheet of paper is on the floor. I grab it and then read it:


Jet Set's girlfriend, Upper Crust, is living near here. I think she has Shit Set inside. You know what I mean.

Bed Bed!


...Oh no.

Meanwhile, Abe is in the motel, listening to the Blue Note's LP while drinking a long glass of whiskey. Someone knocks at the door.

"COME IN! IT'S OPEN!" He shouts, and the person opens the door. It's Ron, along with Larry.

"Hey..." says the Pirate while looking at the motel. "Did you rent this? How?"

"All of our savings. Next week I'll tell W to use his savings too. That will be chaotic for him. You know that he is in love with money..."

"Yes," answers the man. "I've also heard that... you argued and you needed a psychologist."

"I argued with my son yesterday, and the worst thing of all is that he is right. All of my relatives are in danger because of me... even Rarity and my Sweetie."

"Calm down, Abe..." says Ron, trying to comfort him, while Larry keeps looking around the room. "They are not in danger, and if they are... we are powerful enough to defeat our enemies. Just remember! Sweetie Belle and the Barnes, and also Rarity and the idiotic Lerrick!"

"Oh." Says Abe. "Did you...?"

"I found out hours ago. He hasn't been found since last night."

Abe finishes his glass of whiskey, but he is still worried. "You may be right, Ron, but they are still traumatized about that. Applejack, a friend from Rarity, called me and said that she has been crying for hours because she remembers everything."

"That's something bad." Answers Ron. "But... um... well. That case sucks."

An uncomfortable silence invades the place. Then, Larry appears with a sheet of paper. "Shall I...?"

"Yes," Answers Ron.

"Ok. Here it is. The password." Says Larry while holding the paper. "To obtain an Element of Harmony we must find the holders, and get it out of them."

"Uh-huh..." says Abe, confused. "And how do you get it out of them?"

"There are lots of ways but I don't know if they are fake or not. However, there is one completely true way... but it's complicated."

"Which one?"

"We have to kill the holders."

Now, an uncomfortable silence invades the place again. "So... we have to kill innocent people," says Abe.

"That's the only way." Says Ron.

"What about the other ways?" asks Abe.

"They may not be true... and if they were, lots of them would need magical elements that only exist on the other side of the Mirror... if they exist," answers Larry.

"Did you talk with the others, Ron?"

"No. You deserved to be the first one. And now, what about... going to Filthy Rich's mansion and tell him about this? He is the new guy around, and he needs to learn."

"When?" asks Abe, with a tired gesture. "Now?"


Abraham drinks another shot of whiskey and opens the motel's door: "OK then. Let's go."

Upper Crust's House

"I've heard some footsteps! Please, Upper Crust, he may be near!"

"Argh, it's me, Jet Set! For God's sake!"

Jet Set is hiding behind a couch in a cozy living room. There is only a table filled with food next to the couch and all the windows are closed and covered with curtains.

"Why are you doing this?" asks Upper Crust. "This is pathetic. You have all your friends behind you, and you are hiding from one man?"

"Pietro told me he wanted that idiot, Flash Sentry... He also told me that I had to hide."

"But... Jet Set! It's only one man! A weak man!"

"Weak?" says Jet Set, rising from his position. "You don't know anything... he is not weak... he is the Bedmaker!"

"The Bed-what? Do you think I still believe in legends like Sasquatch or Gaea Everfree?"

"He is not a legend, Upper Crust! He is real!"

The conversation is interrupted by the doorbell. Jet Set hides into the couch again, while Upper Crust opens the door and finds out that Neon Lights, Royal Pin, Fleur Dis Lee, Sour Sweet, and Trenderhoof are there.

"Oh, guys!" says Upper Crust. "What are you doing here?"

"We came for Jet Set," says Royal Pin. "We have heard that he is hiding here from the Bedmaker."

"You too?" says Upper Crust. "Come on... are you hiding from an urban legend?"

"It is not an urban legend!" shouts Fleur Dis Lee. "He is real... I saw him with my own eyes, Upper Crust."

"And he is also hot," interrupts Sour Sweet. "I've seen his chest tattoo... oh gosh, it's so sexy!"

"This is not the best moment to talk about the Bedmaker's physical appearance..." interrupts Royal Pin "Can we enter, Upper Crust?"

Upper Crust's Living Room.

All of them are now sitting in front of the couch where Jet Set is hiding.

"Are you sure? Will he come?" asks Neon Lights to Jet Set.

"Yes," He answers. "He entered this house once..."

"Really?" says Upper Crust, angrily. "Did he enter my house without my permission? You are sometimes a moron, Jet Set!"

Everyone closes their mouths when someone rings the doorbell. Upper Crust is the only one who decides to rise and approach the door. Jet Set hides behind the couch while Neon Lights, Royal Pin, and Trenderhoof stay near the door. Royal Pin has some brass knuckles and Neon Lights has a baseball bat in his hands.

"Who are you?" asks Upper Crust, while holding the door handle.

"Upper Crust?"


"Oh, hello! I am the postman. I have a special package for you and it needs to be signed.

"But... I didn't buy anything!"

"Oh! That's a pity. Didn't you buy... the Bedmaker's pot?"

Someone kicks at the door and it's easily opened. Upper Crust falls to the floor while Royal Pin and Neon Lights look at the man who is standing at the entrance.

"Hey! Royal, Neon..." says W. "I don't remember your full names, sorry... Where's Jet Set?"

"You will not arrive to Jet Set!" shouts Royal Pin. W closes the entrance door and finds out that Neon Lights is approaching him with a baseball bat.

"Don't worry, Neon! I came with teddy bears to play!!" shouts W, and from one of the trenchcoat's pockets he gets a crowbar out. W fastly dodges the bat and hits Neon in the face with the crowbar. Upper Crust runs to the living room and locks the door, while Royal Pin appears with the brass knuckles but he is easily beaten up with the crowbar.

"Oh... you..." says Neon Lights, while starting to get up again. W hits him again on his face. His nose is now bleeding and he seems to be unconscious. Then, the Bedmaker grabs Royal Pin and starts striking his head against another door, which is not the living room. Someone opens the door and W stops hitting Royal Pin's head in it.

"Writer boy?" says W, surprised. He finds out that Trenderhoof, Sour Sweet and Fleur Dis Lee were hiding in a bathroom.

"I'm innocent, Bed!" shouts Trenderhoof. "I only came because Royal Pin wanted me to do it... please, don't hurt me... neither the girls!

"Oh." answers W. "I see you were having a private moment with these girls, lucky! Both of them are gorgeous!"

Sour Sweet blushes while W closes the door and Trenderhoof locks it. "He said that I was... gorgeous!" whispers Sour Sweet to Fleur Dis Lee.

"Sour Sweet..." says Fleur Dis Lee. "Royal Pin's head is bleeding... and you only care about an useless compliment?"

Meanwhile, W is in front of the living room's door. He is now using Neon Lights' head to hit that door.

"Will you leave?" asks a female voice from inside.

"No!" he answers with a smile. "Will you open me, please? My right leg is too tired to kick a door again."

"I won't open the door for you!"

"I guess Neon will open the door with his head..."

The door is instantly opened by Upper Crust.

"Oh my!" she shouts. "The entire entrance is filled with blood drops!"

"Oh! Sorry," he answers. "Blood drops can be easily cleaned, though."

"And you... my friends! Oh no!"

"They will be OK, dear... Now, I'll ask it to you." Upper Crust tries to slap W's face but he grabs her hand. "Where is Jet Set?" he asks.

"He is not here! Let me go!"

"I smell... shit."

W lets her go and approaches to the couch. She tries to get him out of there and at the same time, Jet Set decides to rise with a machete.

"Now I'm pointing a machete to you, bitch," says Jet Set. "You will suffer now... You must go through a Crystal Prep-styled punishment!!"

"You will go through a Mantos-styled punishment!" says W. "And trust me, it is worse than being insulted by your pathetic principal."

"That's not the punishment I was talking about," says Jet Set.

"Yes," answers W.

"Yeah, fuck, you are right. Are you happier now?" says Jet Set, while keeping the machete behind him. This is now an advantage for W and a big disadvantage for Jet Set. Then, the Bedmaker hits Jet Set's face with the crowbar. He instantly faints and falls to the floor while Upper Crust starts shouting.

"Hey, Upper Crust!" says W. "Shut up. All of them will be OK." Then, he approaches to Upper Crust and hits her neck with a perfectly performed knife hand strike, that makes her faint. "Yes!." he shouts. "Finally I did it well."

Suddenly, he hears that somebody is entering the house. He looks at one of the windows, opens it and escapes from the house.


Objective completed.

The person who entered Upper Crust's house is Applejack. She entered the house because she heard Upper Crust's shout. Now, she grabs her phone and calls the police. She knows something bad happened.

A street.

W is now walking in a street near Canterlot High. Suddenly, he finds out that all this previous situation made him hungry. Thankfully, has a few bucks in his pocket. He also wanted a bathroom to clean himself because his trenchcoat has a few drops of blood.

Seconds later, he comes across the Canterlot's Sweet Shoppe and enters. He sits near the bar and a tall, thin, orange-haired man greets him.

Sweet Shoppe

"Hello, sir, and welcome to the Sweet Shoppe. I am the owner, Mr. Cake. Is there any beverage or food that you have in mind, or shall I bring you the menu?"

"Um... Just a coffee and... do you have cupcakes?"

"Sure! Chocolate, vanilla, carrot, orange, lemon... everything!"

"Ok... two chocolate cupcakes and a coffee, please."

Mr. Cake leaves and W is now alone. He uses that moment to clean his trenchcoat with his saliva. Suddenly, he listens to a voice. A familiar voice.

"How was your adventure?" someone asks him. He looks around and finds out Jack is next to him.

"Oh, Jack... Well, um... OK."

"I see. Nice blood drops... They match your trenchcoat."

"Thank you," he answers.

Both of them are now waiting for their meals, while W starts thinking about things from the past again.

"Do you remember about the guide thing... right?" he asks Jack.

"What kind of guide are you talking about?"

"You know, our safari... our guide in Canterlot!"

"Uhh... yeah."

"I was about to pick Sunset Shimmer, but I think I found another one."

"Which one?"

"Do you remember Spike?"

To be continued.

- An Old Fall Formal -

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1995. Canterlot High's Fall Formal.

Two formally dressed men are standing on the school's entrance. They are smoking cigarettes while looking at every one of the other students who are arriving at the school with joy. This night is the Fall Formal, where the Prince and Princess of Canterlot High will be designed. Those two men are not students, though. They never studied in Canterlot High, and one of them didn't even visit Canterlot until now. Both of them are 21-year-old boys, and they finished their high-school days on Everton a long time ago. They are Tom Jacks and Jack Tyler. Tom is a purple-skinned, thin man with short black hair and Jack is not like the present Jack we know. His physical appearance is much younger, his head is completely shaved (with silver earrings in both of his ears) and has a small chin beard.

"I think they have already entered," says Tommy while looking at the door.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. They may have been the first ones to arrive. Their father, you know..."

"Is their father the principal?" asks Jack, smiling.


The young man chuckles while touching his friend's shoulder. "You're a lucky guy, Tommy." Now both of them approach the door and throw the cigarettes. They are about to join the party.

"Why did you want me here?" says Jack. "You know I've never been in Canterlot before and I have no idea how is this city from the inside."

"I know," says Tommy, while not looking at Jack in the face. "But I wanted a partner."

"But... your girlfriend is here and you will stay with her all night, man. I'll get bored in minutes!"

"Yeah, I know... but don't worry, I didn't bring you to drink punch and flirt with young girls, I brought you to talk about...the other things."

Jack's face now turns into absolute deception. "You invited me to the Fall Formal because of the gangsters?" he says.

"Yes..." says Tommy, smiling. "I want to know everything!"

Jack rubs his face and grabs Tommy's shoulders. "How many times I gotta tell you that the gangster universe is not a world for you? The mafia is a door with no handle, Tom! Once you enter, you can't return to the other side. It is a stain that lives in your back and it will expand until your finale..."

"Awesome then!" he says, chuckling.

Jack facepalms and stops talking. He decides that this conversation is not worth it. They decide to enter the college and they come across a man who greets Tommy. It's a purple-skinned, tall, hoary man with a grey beard. He seems to have a very tough attitude, just by looking at him in the eyes. Jack thinks he saw him once.

"Thomas." says the man. "It's an honour to see you around."

"Cosmos!" shouts Tommy, and then he hugs him. Meanwhile, Jack is analyzing his environment. He is now in the hallway of Canterlot High, one of the most important schools in Equestria.

"Hey," says Tommy to Jack. "He is Cosmos, Principal of Canterlot High and Celestia and Luna's father."

Jack and Cosmos shake hands. He recognizes his face. "What's your name, fella?" asks the Principal.

"Um... Mike Fowles," answers Jack. "My cutie name is Unique Alternative. I was born in Los Mantos and it is my first time in Canterlot."

"A Mantos guy," says Cosmos with a smile. "The best guys of all Equestria. Tough and strong like this kid right here," he replies before rubbing Tommy's hair.

"Ha, ha," says Tommy, smiling. He knows the phrase was about him.

Cosmos keeps talking: "Do you know your pal is engaged to one of my daughters... my beautiful and sweet Celestia..."

"Yes... he told me."

Cosmos looks at Tommy now and says: "The dance is in the gym. Celestia and Luna are in there." And Tommy nods his head and runs away. Jack wants to go with him but suddenly, a voice stops him.

"Jack! What are you doing here?" says a skinny, blue-skinned man, with orange hair and a chin beard. Jack turns around and recognizes the man... Wade. Wade Waters. The Mantos' Anti-Hero... and also, the father of his future partner, W.

"Oh! Do I know you?" says Jack, nervously. Cosmos starts laughing and hugs him.

"Come on, Jack..." says Cosmos. "I know you, boy. What kind of fake name is Mike Fowles? Pathetic! And also, Unique Alternative is one of the worst names I've ever heard."

"W-What?" says Jack. From the first moment he saw his face, he knew that guy was something else. "You... Y-You, know me?"

"Yes! You are the new kid in Ron and Wade's group," he says. "I know all capos around Canterlot. Gordo, Patch, the Pirate, Nicholas Plegovich and his brother Montreal... I know everything, Jack! I also know that you are the son of Edinburgh... He was a loyal man, I met him once in 1987..."

Jack gasps while thinking of his late father and someone who worked for him a while ago, a girl named Susan, which he thought she was pretty. However, how does this guy know he was Edinburgh Tyler's son? "And how do you know all of this?" Jack asks Cosmos.

"I was inside the Clock a time ago. Do you remember? Um... I think not. You were too young for that..."

Jack finally recognizes him. He is older but he has the same gesture as the photo Jack saw a while ago that was a portrait of all the members of the Clock of Canterlot. One of those legendary gangs from the seventies. They were the nightmare of citizens, governors, and policemen. Everything was under their control until the day the Clock was destroyed because of problems between the gangsters and break into two other gangs. "I remember it," he says. "The Clock of Canterlot... Yes, the ones that robbed four casinos in Las Pegasus in only forty-five minutes..."

"Oh yeah!" says Wade. "That one in 1979... If only I was there..."

"I was there..." says Cosmos, laughing. "Sorry if I wasted your time, Jack, with my old gangster stories. Go and have fun, boy! There are lots of ladies in the dancefloor who are 18 years old!"

"Actually..." says Jack. "There is something that I want to talk to you about..."

"Say it, boy. I'm all ears."

Jack rubs his head. "You know, and also you, Wade, that the gangster world is a heavy thing... and it has consequences..."

"Uh-huh..." say both Wade and Cosmos.

"Well... Tom wants to enter, you know, he's been persuading me for a while to do it..."

Cosmos's face is now pale, but a second later, a smile is drawn on it. "Don't worry, Jack... Go to the dancefloor. I'll talk to him... oh, the dancefloor is on the right... g-g-go to the right."

Jack slowly walks away to the dancefloor, while Cosmos and Wade get out of the school and start smoking.

"Where is this fucking whale?" says Wade, angrily.

"Calm down, Wade. He will be here soon. Anyway, how is Wanda going?"

"Wanda? Um... OK. She's at home with Walter."

"Walter... your new kid must be handsome."

"He is, Cos. I have a photo of him in the wallet, but I don't have it here, sorry..."

"It's OK, don't worry... how about William? Is he jealous?"

"No... Walter and he are getting on well. They will be big brothers in the future... I would like to be a grandfather now, I don't know why... Ha, ha!"

Cosmos's face demonstrates concern.

"Are you worried because of Jack's thing, right?" asks Wade.

"Yes," he answers. "If Tommy enters, my daughters would be in danger, my wife Galaxia will be in danger. Nobody would touch me because I'm an ex-Clock, but... all my relatives..."

"I know," says Wade. "It happened with my father Wilbur and me. You should talk to him..."

Suddenly, a car approaches them.

"Finally, motherfucker!" shouts Wade.

From the car, a young Gordo gets out, with a bottle of whiskey. He has longer hair and is thinner than the Gordo from the present day. "Happy Fall Formal, Cosmito!" shouts the fat boss.

Jack is on the dancefloor, drinking punch. He hates it but knows it's the only beverage inside. He looks at everybody dancing, but he can't find Tommy. He may be somewhere, he thinks, and then continues drinking punch while he gets out a cigarette with another hand. He is still thinking about Cosmos, his father Edinburgh and that new girl he met a while ago, Susan, who told him she was his father's secretary when she was younger. How curious, isn't it? However, Jack is still frightened of Cosmos' words. Not only did he recognize him, but he also knew his father once. Besides, what is he going to do with Tommy? He's afraid of Cosmos, to be honest. Oh gosh... He needs to relax, and now, with that cigar on his hands he will calm himself down for a while.

"Wow!" says a female voice. "Are you smoking?" He instantly throws the cigarette and finishes his glass of punch. He looks at the lady and realizes that she is absolutely gorgeous. White soft skin that makes Jack's heart beat faster, purple eyes that feel like spotlights because of their shine and long hair with a ponytail. It is hard to describe her hair's colour. It is a mix of green, light blue and a light purple colour, all into her perfect hair. She is also wearing a really attractive red dress, that matches with her lips' colour: a bright, flaming red that evocates, wakes up any stupid, 21-year-old guy's feelings. Jack stays frozen while looking at her. It is the first time he saw someone so beautiful. Oh gosh... He, he can't stop looking at her because of how gorgeous she is. He never saw someone so gorgeous. "Are you OK?" she says. Jack is still surprised by her beauty.

"Uh... Um... Y-yes."

"Are you sure?" she says, with a soft chuckle that makes Jack melt from the inside. "I saw something on your fingers."

"Ha, ha..." says Jack, smiling. "It was a toothpick. And... And... I was frozen... just... thinking."

"About what?"

"Um... nothing."

"Oh, come on... you are in the Fall Formal. You can tell everything you think without being judged," she says. Then, she stretches her hand and Jack slowly touches it. It is warm, soft. "What's your name?" she says.

"Uh... Mike," says Jack, without thinking twice. He was about to say Jack but finally he said something else.

"Mike? Sounds like Los Mantos, isn't it? I would like to visit that city sometime."

Jack's eyes shine. He thought that Canterlot girls wouldn't like Los Mantos for being such a different city. "Yeah... I come from Los Mantos," he says.

"Oh, like my boyfriend, Tommy... do you know him?"

Oh. Crap. Eventually, Jack's illusions break in little pieces and fall. Jack realizes that he screwed it up. He's talking with Tommy's girlfriend! And, to make this a lot worse, he's falling in love with Tommy's girlfriend! "Tommy?" says Jack, shocked. "Yeah! I came with him. I'm a friend."

"Really?" she says, with a shining smile. "Oh! That's so awesome!" Suddenly, the conversation is interrupted by a young Luna, who is next to a gigantic and robust man. "What are you doing with Iron Will?" asks a smiling Celestia to her.

"Having fun, sis! Where is your boyfriend? Is it him?" she says, pointing to Jack.

"No!" answers Celestia. "He is a friend of Tommy, Mike!"

Luna softly punches Jack in the shoulder and Iron Will shakes hands with him. Iron Will's handshake is so strong that Jack's hand feels like being squashed. Minutes later, they go away and Tommy appears with a bottle of beer.

"Buddy!" shouts Tommy. "I've found a chick for you, Jack."

Whoops. Tommy said the real name. Jack's face freezes again and he rubs his head.

"Jack?" says Celestia, confused.

"Michael Jack is my full name, dear," he answers, in a desperate way to cover the truth and takes a breath of relief. "And Tommy, where is this chick?"

"There, Jack. Oh boy! She is perfect for you. Do you remember them, Cel?" he says to Celestia. "Her name is Harshwhinny. That girl's for you, Jack... She is waiting for you."

"Harshwhinny?" says Celestia. "Yep, I do know her, Tommy."

"Yeah..." says Tommy. "She is an old friend of Jack and me, from Los Mantos."

He's lying. She never went to Los Mantos. Jack knows Tommy is inventing all of this. Maybe he think this is only a funny joke, but Jack looks at him angrily and doesn't say anything.

"Ok, Tommy, I'll go. Please, take care of your girlfriend... she's a... a... Nice girl. It seems to be. Don't be an idiot."

"Of course I'll do, Jacky!"

Tommy and Celestia walk away. The future principal of Canterlot High greets Jack while he runs into Harshwhinny. He realized that he has fallen in love, and that's not a good thing for him.

Spike, my Guide, and Percival, my Enemy

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Upper Crust's House.

There are two police cars in the house front. One of the cops is calling an ambulance for Jet Set, Royal Pin, and Neon Lights while other three policemen who are helping Trenderhoof, Sour Sweet and Fleur Dis Lee. There is also another cop interrogating the writer boy.

"Why did you lock yourselves up?" asks the policeman.

"I've already told you that we locked ourselves because of the Bedmaker," answers Trenderhoof, and the cop laughs while looking at him.

"Do you believe in those legends, kid?" he says. "Uh, man..."

"He may be right," says a voice behind him. A blonde, pale man who wears a purple trenchcoat, black jeans and leather boots arrives at the place. His face is recognized by all the persons who are standing there. He is Canterlot Police Department's Commissioner, Percival. A really young man to be a commissioner, almost 30 years old, but gained his spot a long time ago because of his responsibility and loyalty to the police department, along with his full-time partner, Femur.

"Are you...?" says Trenderhoof.

"I'm Percival, CPD's Commissioner, mister. Any questions before my interrogation?" No one around him says anything. "Ok," says Percival. "Mister Trenderhoof... I see. I've heard that you locked yourself in the bathroom because of the Bedmaker, is that right?"

"Yes," says Trenderhoof while looking at the girls.

"Did you see the Bedmaker?"

"Yes, Mr Percival."

"Do you remember his physical appearance or any other thing related to him?"

Trenderhoof looks at the girls again, and Fleur Dis Lee slowly nods her head. Then, he takes a breath and looks at the commissioner on his eyes. "Yes... I do remember," he says, and Trenderhoof feels guilty while revealing his evidence: "Yellow skin... brown short hair... thin dude.... um... he had a brown trenchcoat, normal jeans, worn-out sneakers... he also had an earring on his right ear..."

"Ok, ok. That's enough, Mr Trenderhoof," says Percival, interrupting Trenderhoof and before saving a small notebook inside a pocket. He shakes hands with Trenderhoof, greets Sour Sweet and Fleur Dis Lee and walks away along with her partners: his partner Femur, a tall, pale man with black short hair who always wears a black tuxedo and a fedora hat and also his new partner Splinterbone, a young, yellow-skinned lady who wears a policeman suit.

"Did he say something?" ask Femur and Splinterbone.

"Yes," answers Percival. "The guilty's description he gave to me matches perfectly with W. If it was him, he is a fucking idiot."

Suddenly, Percival's loyalty to the CPD breaks in pieces and turns into just dust. "Waters?" says Femur. "In Canterlot? That's impossible. Didn't he hate Canterlot?"

"Yes, I don't know why he may be here... I'll find out after catching his ass... if he is here."

"Why would he stay on Canterlot?" asks Splinterbone to herself. "I just... don't understand.. and why would he fight with Crystal Prep children?"

"I don't know that too, Splinterbone," answers Percival. "We need to calm down. We still don't know if this man is W. It's only one of the theories."

"I have an idea," says Femur. "These kids were from Crystal Prep, right? Don't you think this was because of a rivalry or... a battle?"

"A battle?" says Splinterbone.

"Yes!" shouts Femur, while thinking. "It's only a theory but... who is Crystal Prep's most famous rival? I bet that witch, Principal Cinch, has a lot of enemies out there..."

"Canterlot High," answers Splinterbone. "Do you think this was made by Canterlot High students?"

"It's just a theory, Splint," answers Femur. "What do you think, Percival?"

"As you say, Femur, it is only a theory," answers Percival. "But if you want to go, we can do it. We'll go to Canterlot High."

"And who will be interrogated?" asks Splinterbone.

"I'd interrogate the principal Celestia and the vice-principal Luna. I've also heard Jet Set and all these kids had a rivalry with a guy called Bulk Biceps. We should investigate there. Take a look at it."


A street near Canterlot High

"A dog?"

"Yes! A dog, Jack."

He looks at me, confused. "Dogs don't talk, W. Are you high again?"

"I know dogs don't talk, but this one does!"

"Dogs don't talk, W! That's impossible!"

"It was impossible until I met Spike."

Jack sighs and looks at me, tired, and he just accepts my story and decides to follow my path. "Where is Spike now, then?"

"Canterlot High. That's why we are going to school."

Minutes later, Jack and I enter the school and we find out that the hallway is surrounded by silence. Nobody is there.


The hallway is so empty that even the whirlwind is absent. "All the students are in the classrooms," says Jack. "Is this magical dog you created during your drug trip in one of these classrooms?"

I growl while hearing Jack's voice. "I didn't create the dog, Jack! It's real!" And then or conversation is interrupted when an old lady appears with a box filled with cookies. The lady looks at us and leaves the box on the floor.

"Please!" she says. "Don't tell y'all students I bought these cookies. All of them believe these are home-made!"

I chuckle while looking at the adorable granny carrying the box. However, her arms are not so granny, honestly, they scare me. They are bigger than a whole bodybuilder. "No problem, lady," says Jack, smiling. At the same time, she looks at us and focuses on our faces. I think she has recognized us.

"I know you, fella," she says. "You are Walter... the small boy who fought with that Lil' rascal, Pietro Plegovich. I haven't seen him since that time he was arrested here..."

Pietro has been absent since that day. Interesting.

"Yes!" I answer. "You are... um... didn't you work in the cafeteria?"

"Yeah, lad!" she says, and then she shakes hands with me. Her hands, which look like freakin' rocks, squash my poor thin hands. "Granny Smith for y'all, nice to meet you again, folks!"

"Ouch, it hurts..." I smoothly say, but now she doesn't pay attention to me. She is now shaking hands with Jack, but at the same time, she is looking at his face with a weird grin.

"Wait..." she says. "I think I saw you once..."

"Yes, I am Walter's partner."

"No," she says. "I saw you in another place... my memory never fails, lad... Don't you know?"

Uh-huh. That's suspicious, but this may be only a fantasy from Granny Smith's mind. "Where?" asks Jack, nervously.

"I don't remember... uh... Yes! Right here! On the school's gym!" she says, but then his face changes into total confusion. "Oh... I don't know if it was you, but he had your skin, your eyes... I remember da'boy, yes! I thought he was just a rascal because I never saw 'im in the cafeteria! I remember da boy was with Celestia, yes... she was a goddess during tho' ages, but the boyfriend she chose, oh my... what a waste."

Jack starts sweating and gasps. "No... I d-don't know what you are talking about..."

"It was on a Fall Formal, bu' I don't remember the year..." says Granny Smith, before sighing. "Sorry, lad. I thought that man was you. Keep moving with your life, y'all young men!"

Someone called Jack a young man. That's what I call a funny joke. I smile because of it but Jack doesn't feel the same. He's now thinking about something... his face looks like he remembered the worst moments in his life.

"What's the matter?" I ask him.

"Nothing," he fastly says.

"Are you sure? Your face doesn't say the same."

"I've told you. Nothing is happening to me."

"What about that Celestia thing I've heard?" I ask him, with a smile. "You were in Canterlot without me... now that's a bad friend."

"Look..." he says. "I was here once when you had months old and your parents were still alive..."

Oh. 1995. That fucking year when I lost it all... so, wait, why was Jack in 1995? Was it because of that man... um... who was his name?... shit! I don't remember his name... Oh yeah! Tommy!

"You were here because of that Tommy, right?"

"That's not important."

I raise my shoulders and raise my eyebrow. "Oh, come on! Why don't you want to tell me?"

"We came here because of that magical dog, W. Not because of my past," he says and I shut my mouth because he's right. We must keep moving. I've got to find Spike and convince Jack that he speaks!

I come across one of the classrooms, and I find out that there is a girl that is coming out of it. A pink-haired girl, with a sleeveless white shirt and a green skirt with butterflies on it. There is something special about this girl: She is walking slowly and looks like she's afraid of everything. Her face demonstrates absolute fear. Why? What happened to her? Does she have one of those famous phobias?

"Hey, what is wrong with her?" I ask Jack. "She looks like she has agoraphobia."

"No, W." he answers. "She is only shy. Very shy. If she had agoraphobia, she wouldn't even be here..."

"I think I know her... I've seen her with Twilight Sparkle..." I say, and then I nudge his shoulder. "She may know where is Spike!"

She is walking in the hallway when I suddenly appear. Her pupils now are small points filled with fear, and I look that she is sweating a little bit. Her eyes are not looking at mine. "Um... hello," I say, smiling.

"H... Hi..."

What an awkward moment. She is only looking below her and doesn't want to talk... um... what should I do? "Oh! Calm down, please..." I say. "I'm not a monster or a bad man." Well, I am a gangster, so indeed, I am a bad man. "My name is Walter, and he is my partner Jack."

Jack appears and waves his hand.

"Fl... Flutt... Fluttershy, nice to meet you." she whispers.

"Fluttershy? Uh-huh..."

I realize that she is so shy that she can barely answer me, and that means my questions won't be so perfectly answered, hmmm... I should distract her with something she likes and then ask her about Spike when she is calmer and has her whole attention in my words. I look at her, but I don't find anything she likes, unless... there are three butterflies on her skirt... does she like animals? Or only butterflies?

"Oh! Nice butterflies on your skirt! I do like butterflies." I desperately say.

"Really?" she says, in a louder voice. "I... I really like b-butterflies... um... an-animals in general..."

"Oh!" I say, preparing inside my mouth one of my daily life tales. "I had a pet once."

"That was not a pet," Jack says. "It was a monster. Besides... we only saw that monster one day."

"Am I talking to you?" I ask him and he answers me with a sigh. "And Little Bird was not a monster!"

"It was, W! It was a demoniac bird from the other side of the mirror who was corrupted by Lord Tirek's magic. Fletcher told us that lots of times!"

"Poor little thing..." says Fluttershy about Little Bird's story.

"Uh... just don't listen to him, Little Bird was a good guy," I tell Fluttershy. "Anyway, I've heard that one of your friends had a dog or..."

"Twi... Twilight?" she says.

"Yeah... I think his name was Spike? Isn't it?"

"Yes!... Um... Y-You are talking about Twilight... She is here, but Spike... um... i-is on the football pitch, he wants to be alone... he does not want me to caress him!" she says, almost loudly, and then she covers her mouth again. "Um... That's strange."

Jack and I look at each other. If that's strange, that means something happened to Spike's behaviour.

"Ok then... thank you, Fluttershy."

"You... are welcome... but, w-why do you want Spike?"

"I want to caress him too," I say, smiling and with a lower pitch. I grab Jack by his arm and we run to the football pitch.

Football Pitch

"You did memorize all the path to the football pitch," says Jack. "I can't believe this."

"Yes, sometimes I'm a genius, Jack," I say while taking a look at the football pitch, but Spike is not in there. I start walking with Jack, and then I find him in the football stands. It seems that he's crying.

"Hey!" I say, and he turns around. There are scratches on his face. "Oh..." I tell him. "What happened, boy? Did you have a fight with another doggo? I guess... a bone?" I say while laughing. Spike only shakes his head.

"Rarity," he answers me. Jack opens his eyes, shocked. The dog does talk.

"See, bitch?" I tell Jack while looking at him and pointing at Spike. "He speaks."

Jack covers his mouth. "What? H-How does... he talk? Holy shit..."

"Who is him?" asks Spike.

"It's a friend. Jack, he is Spike and Spike, he is Grumpy Grandpa Jack."

Jack growls while looking at me, and then he looks at Spike. "And what happened to Rarity? W-Why does he...? Why am I... why am I talking to a dog? Oh my god, I need an antacid." says Jack, confused.

"'I've heard that Rarity was kidnapped by an idiotic human and she couldn't sleep yesterday," says Spike, angrily. "Pinkie Pie and Sunset Shimmer have been accompanying her to her house because she can't walk alone. If I saw that man at that moment, I would have scratched her whole face!"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Jack," I say. "He is in love with Rarity."

"I'm not in love with Rarity!" he shouts.

"Yes, you are, admit it, you whiny coward," I say. "But we didn't come because of Rarity's pussy. You should take a breath and thank Star Swirl she is OK at least... she'll get better, big dog. Now, let's go back to the beginning... I came here because I need a favour."

Spike sighs and rises one of his eyebrows. "What kind of favour?"

"How well do you know Canterlot?"

He starts thinking while looking at the football pitch's grass. "I know lots of places inside Canterlot. Why?"

I rub his head, caressing his fur. "I want a guide, a safari," I say. "I want to know what's inside Canterlot. Would you help us?"

Filthy Rich's Mansion. Ron rings the doorbell.

Ron has now some sunglasses instead of his characteristic eye patch. Abe is smoking a cigarette and Calculated Risk (Larry), who is describing the environment in his notebook, is behind him. A thin, pink-skinned woman with purple long hair opens the door. Her face shows that she is having a bad day.

"Yes?" asks the lady, angrily.

"We came here to visit Filthy Rich," says Ron.

"You too? I already have a fat man and four scary and stinky junkies upstairs. May I know why this kind of people are in my house?"

"Business, lady," says Ron. Well, Gordo and... the Dark Spikes, maybe. Ron gasps because this is not a good situation for him. He doesn't have the money to pay Gordo yet, and Gimenez's earned money that was obtained because he sold meth in La Lima is not enough. He needs 5 million to pay... and 12 million have been stolen since Hopkins' disappearance... Fucking Hopkins... He ruined it all! And where is he? Where is that freakin' rat?

The three of them enter the house and go upstairs. Filthy Rich, Gordo and the Dark Spikes were waiting for them.

"Oh!" says Gordo. "I didn't expect that Abraham would come. Where are W and Jack?"

"They won't be here," says Abe. "They are busy."

"Hey, Ronnie..." interrupts Gordo, with a smile. "Nice sunglasses, kid. Are we going back to 1990?"

Ron appreciates Gordo's compliment but doesn't answer. Then he greets everyone in the room.

"Well..." says Larry. "Shall I start, Mr Delight?"

"Start, kid," says Gordo. "I wanna listen to your fantastic tales."

Larry talks about his discovering about the Elements of Harmony and he repeats that famous conclusion that made Abe think: the only way to obtain the elements of harmony is to kill their holders. After that, no one answers. Even Gordo, Rich or the leader of the Dark Spikes, Disturbance.

"So..." whispers Filthy Rich. "We will kill them? That's it?"

"Yes, sir," answers Larry.

"Wow..." says Filthy Rich, taking a long breath. "I've never participated in a murder plan."

"Welcome to your first time," says Gordo, chuckling. "I know that you will be good, Rich. I recommended you because of your attitude... you will be a respected gangster in the future, sir."

Those words enlighten Filthy Rich's face.

"Did you finish, Ummm... I can't remember your name," says Gordo to Larry. "Calculated Risk, isn't it? But they call you Larry, right?"

"Yes, sir," he answers.

"Well, if you finished, let me talk now. I only came because of your boss, Ron, and my business with him. Rich, go downstairs."

Filthy Rich nods his head and leaves the room.

"Turmoil, Riot... you too," says Gordo. "Only Disturbance and Tumult will be with me."

Riot starts crying: "But... I don't wanna leave my boss, Disturbance! I can't be alone!"

"Go downstairs, for fuck's sake!" shouts Disturbance. "It will be a minute... and carry Turmoil with you."

Riot grabs Turmoil by his arms and both of them go downstairs. Now there are only six men inside: Abe, Ron, Calculated Risk, Gordo, Disturbance and Tumult.

"What do you want now?" asks Ron.

"Do you know why I chose Jewelry instead of Bank?"

"No idea," says Abe, and after this answer, Gordo starts looking up for something on his cellphone. Seconds later, he shows Ron a chat between him and another man, whose contact is Plegovich.

"Plegovich?" says Ron, shocked.

"Yup, Uncle Nico Plegovich," answers Gordo. "Read the chat, please."

Ron and Abe start reading the chat:

Plegovich: Hi Gordo. Plegovich here.

Gordo: Hi Nico. What happened?

Plegovich: Did you plan a project related to the Librarian's Bank and Ludmila's Jewelry?

Gordo: Yes. It is something related to a deal. Why?

Plegovich: Do me a favour, please. Get rid of Diamond Ludmila, the owner. He hasn't paid me since May and he's pissing me off.

Gordo: OK.

This means Gordo chose Jewelry because of Plegovich's orders. Not only the men will have to rob the jewellery, but also they will have to kill the jewellery's owner, and no one can reject Plegovich's orders. No one.

"I want to rob the jewellery in two days," says Gordo.

"TWO DAYS?" shout Ron and Abe. "ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY?!"

"Don't worry, it's a lot of time. You will be helped by my right-hand man, Butch, and also the Barnes."

"I don't wanna work with those motherfuckers," says Abe. "They kidnapped my granddaughter."

"Ok then... Disturbance, would you...?"

"Yes," he says while looking at his partners and smiling. "We will help you to rob those jewellery."

"What about Waters and the Heretic?" asks Tumult. "Will they participate?"

"They will, Tumult," answers Gordo. "And what about Lucas? Lucas Plegovich?"

"He will say yes," answers Ron. "He loves robbing jewellery..."

All this conversation is interrupted by Gordo's cellphone. He grabs it and realizes he got a text message.

New Text Message: PLEGOVICH.

"Shit," says Gordo. "Nico has sent a text message."

"Gordo. Talk with my nephew, Pietro. I want him inside the robbery instead of Lucas. He needs to learn."

"What did he say? Is it something important?" asks Ron.

An uncomfortable silence invades the room. Gordo leaves his cellphone on a table and doesn't say anything. "Where is Pietro?" he asks.


W, Jack, and Spike are now in the cafeteria, being sat and talking about Canterlot's most famous places.

"So... you have a mall, a place called Carousel Boutique and a movie studio," says W.

"We also have an Animal Rescue Center and Arpeggio's, the music store. I've heard that it also sells CDs..."

"Oh! You heard that, Jack?" says W. "I'll spend all my savings in CDs!"

"You won't do that. I've been talking with Abe and you will spend your savings in the motel."

W's face is now pale. "What?" he says.

"Say what all you want, but you will."

"Come on! I don't have enough money to pay the rent!"

"You have enough money, don't be a fuckin' idiot."

"Um... I have a question for you," says Spike. "How did you meet yourselves? And how did you meet Abe too?"

W and Jack look at each other, trying to invent a fake story.

"Well, um..." says Jack. "Abe has a... car store in Los Mantos whose owners are only two men: he and me. W is one of our employees since our first day in Los Mantos. That's how we met and we became friends."

"Oh... interesting." answers the dog. "How is the car store called?"

W and Jack look at each other again. A name... They have to invent a name! "The Pirates." says W. "It was... the first name Abraham had in his mind. He told me that... right, Jack?" The bell rings and some students enter the cafeteria. Lots of them look at W and Jack talking with Spike but then, all the students ignore them. W gets attracted by one of the students.

"Holy shit," he says, surprised. "Hey, Spike Rin-Tin-Tin, Who's that?"

Spike looks at the lady that W is talking about. "Oh... that's Lyra Heartstrings. Why?"

"How old is she?"

"This is not the right moment, W," says Jack. "Don't be stupid."

"I just wanna know how old is she..."

"Uh..." answers Spike. "I don't know... she may have 18 years old..."

"Yes!" he shouts. "Finally, a nice girl approaches to daddy..."

"I thought you didn't like canterlotians," says Jack. W now looks at the floor, shocked.

"Oh my god... what's wrong with me?" he says. "I should slap myself... I deserve it..."

"Come on, it's not a sin!" says Spike. "A canterlotian and a mantian can be together, it is all possible. I've heard that Celestia had a mantian boyfriend... Granny Smith told my owner that!"

"He may be right, Jack..." says W while nudging Jack's arm. The elder man does not answer, because he is now focusing on Spike's dialogue. "Jack? Hey! Stop thinking about 1995 and all that shit, we are in the present world--"

W's dialogue is interrupted when a man strongly opens the cafeteria's door. He is tall and wears a tuxedo with a black trenchcoat. He is also using a fedora hat. Jack raises his eyebrows while looking at him.

"Oh shit," says Jack. "It's Femur."

"Why is that douchebag here?" asks W.

Femur approaches Granny Smith, who is preparing the cookies that will be served later in the cafeteria.

"Excuse me, old lady... my name is Femur, and I'm from Canterlot Police Department... my partner, Commissioner Percival, is talking with the principals about the interrogation of some students from Canterlot High. This is because of Crystal Prep's crime..."

Femur's conversation is interrupted when Commissioner Percival appears in the cafeteria.

"Don't worry, Femur," he says. "We have just found the guilty."

"Now?" says Femur, surprised. Percival looks at W and waves his hand.

"Shit," says W. He thinks that an escape would solve this but he decides to give in. "What the hell are you doing here, Percival?" he says while rising from his spot.

"I missed your ugly face, Walt," he says while approaching the table.

Spike looks at Jack, confused. The man whispers to the dog: "Long-time friends."

"Oh," says Spike. "Did he also work in that car store?"

While Spike and Jack keep talking about Percival, W approaches him and touches his shoulders. "That's so nice from you... fuck face," says W while approaching to Percival. They are now in the middle of the cafeteria. Some students are looking at them.

"This is not a good place to talk," says Percival. "Shall we talk alone, in a private room?"

Both of them walk away from the cafeteria and stay in the hallway. Jack and Spike keep talking.


Both of them are now in the hallway, which is a lot emptier than the cafeteria. Percival approaches W's ear and whispers: "Let me tell you something, W. Next time you make a raid against Crystal Prep rascals, make sure that you have all you need to make a perfect crime."

"What?" says W, angry. "How did you know it was me?"

"Come on, you stupid asshole... a neighbour told me that he saw a man escaping from a window who was in the house front and his description of the guilty man perfectly matches with you, along with Trenderhoof's declaration."

"Fucking Trenderhoof!" whispers W.

Percival laughs. "We are not over yet. You also didn't have a mask to hide your identity and you didn't clean the blood drops. I didn't know the Bedmaker was such a fucking moron."

W starts thinking about arguments against Percival's evidence but he knows he's right. He did make lots of mistakes during the raid. "Fuck you, Percival," he says, and Percival explodes in a burst of laughs.

"You know what?" says the Commissioner while laughing out loud. "I should arrest you and leave you in a fucking cell until your body rots because you deserve it. Both of us know that you are a golden, legendary bitch."

"Golden and legendary... that's me. You are the bitch, Percival."

Percival does an evil grin while whispers: "I'd like to leave you in prison, next to the worst prisoners of all Equestria..."

"I'm one of them, Percy-Mercy."

"You were never in fucking jail, W. You can be," says, and then he starts talking with an acute pitch and while moving his hands: "But your daddy Ronnie Delight... pays me to don't send the baby boy to prison."

W growls and takes a long breath: "I'm getting tired of talking to you. Just one more question and you will leave... How's Splinterbone? I don't see her right here. I'm looking at Femur, who always wears that clumsy hat from the fifties... I mean, Percy... he's not fucking Humphrey Bogart! Oh, god... and where is her?"

"That's not something important."

"That's something important. Her ass and my dick know each other very well."

Percival grabs W by his trenchcoat and now their noses and foreheads are touching each other. "Don't talk about that night you had with my partner in front of me... I'll leave you alone with your partners and all these students. Bye."

Now both of them enter the cafeteria before W shouts while moving his hands like Percy: "Oh, good ol' Percy is jealous! Hahahaha!" Percival doesn't answer him, calls Femur and both of them walk away.

Hours later. A street where the Carousel Boutique stays, and it's open for everyone.

W and Jack are now alone, walking on the street. Spike is not with them. Jack is now thinking about Spike and his ability to talk and also he is angry with W because of his attitude against Commissioner Percival. He is also surprised because the last time he came across Mr Percival and his fellow Femur was a long time ago.

"Why did Percival come to Canterlot High?" asks Jack to him.

"Something stupid."

"Stupid? I don't think the Commissioner of Canterlot's Police Department is stupid."

W moves his head. "He came because I made... some mistakes during Jet Set's raid."

Jack's gesture is now a devastating grin. "What kind of mistakes?"

"I didn't kill anybody... I just... didn't wear a mask..."

"You are a fucking idiot," he says, while facepalming. "You. Are. A. Fucking. Idiot."

"And I didn't clean too."

"Oh! Double Idiot! You are earning records, Walter!"

"Yes, thank you but... please, leave this aside. In the past. Can you? Can you, huh? Like the Tommy tale, you haven't told me yet!"

"Oh, shut up," says Jack, and then he finds out his phone has received a text message. It is from Ron.

"JACK. Tell W to be ready. We will take you two to Ludmila to take a look at the place before robbing. It's in two days. We will be helped by Butch, Dark Spikes, and Pietro Plegovich."

To be continued...

Looking for Ludmila and the Elements

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"Pietro?" I say, angrily. Why in the fuck would we use Pietro?"

"I don't know, W," answers Jack. "Maybe it was Plegovich's decision. Now we must wait here... Ron would come for us."

"Now? Is the jewellery store open at least?"

"Yes. It's almost 12. There is something that makes me worry... it's about Abe... I left him alone this morning."

Suddenly, I look at a black car stopping on the corner. From it, Ron, with some neat sunglasses, Abe, and Larry, the new guy, gets out. Both of us go with them.

"Hey," says Jack, while approaching to Ron. "What about this whole thing? And how will we do it in two days? That's absolutely nothing."

"I know that is absolutely nothing," answers Ron. "But Gordo told me the Dark Spikes would do their best."

"Dark Spikes?" I say. "Are they going to be our partners? Come on! We have Gordo's right-hand man, four junkies and a spoiled kid who wears elephant leg pants that doesn't even know how to handle a gun. That's the worst crew I've ever had."

"That's it, W." answers Ron. "I can't hire other men. Plegovich ordered Pietro in the list... and the Dark Spikes were chosen by Gordo, and I prefer them rather than the Barnes."

"Oh. The Barnes," says Jack. "At least we don't have those crazy boys with us."

"But we have the Dark Spikes," I tell to all of them. "They are the same shit as Barnes, or maybe worse. They have La Lima's instinct... they would destroy everything against them."

"Yes, but it was choosing them or Barnes," says Abe. "It's like choosing between shit and vomit."

We keep looking at each other for almost a minute, and then the five of us get in the car... we are now going to Ludmila's Jewelry.

"Oh, I forgot it," says Ron while fastening his seat belt. "Abe and I won't be inside the robbery, but we will be watching you. Not only you will rob jewellery, but also... you will have to kill the owner."

"Why?" I ask, shocked. It is the first time Ron tells us something like this. We never robbed a place and then killed a man... we only got the money and our smiles because of what we did, and that's it...

"Plegovich's orders."

Oh... shit. I hate when Plegovich does that, but the thing I hate the most is that he doesn't even appear to give the orders. He just sends text messages telling you what to do! And you can't say no to his orders because if you do that, you will appear inside a trash bag in Everfree Camp the next day. Give me orders all you want, but give them in person, fucking Plegovich.

"Fuck this..." I say. "I wish Plegovich never existed, so we could do whatever we wanted..."

"Honestly..." says Ron. "Plegovich has been one of the best equestrian dons in the last few years."

"He may be crazy, but he is a lot better than Seductive or the Clock," says Abe. Seductive. The Clock. Those famous (or I should say, notorious) legends who existed in the '70s and '80s. Jack told me that Seductive was one of those evil women who everyone was scared of. Mafia women are not so typical nowadays, but most of them are worse and tougher than men. On the other hand, the Clock of Canterlot was not a person, but a group of people who governed Equestria in the '70s and part of the '80s. Ron told me that my father loved them. They were his idols and referents. Abe turns on the car and we accelerate. This will be a long trip to Manehattan.


Oh, boy! MANEHATTAN, BABY! The Paradise City and the Center of Equestria. A place filled with buildings, selfish people and hot chicks carrying ecstasy in their bags. Street gangs almost don't exist here, except for The Blue Mares whose leader is Lucas Plegovich. Nowadays, Lucas is the man inside Manehattan but before him, there was a man called Rotten Scripture, who had a fake name: Richard Howlman. He is the man that killed Edinburgh, Jack's father, and has disappeared since he committed that murder. This little story I've told you is the answer to why Jack hates Manehattan.

"Uh... Here we go again, Shithattan," says Jack while getting out of the car. There is a man (that I never expected to be here) waiting for us. It is Mortimer Blueblood, wearing a brown trenchcoat from Polomare, a premium clothing store in Manehattan, and also deluxe sunglasses from a high brand, which may be from Polomare too.

"Well, well, well..." he says. "The Pirate and his henchmen have arrived."

"Why are you here, Blueblood?" asks Ron while getting out of the car, near Ludmila's.

"Just passing by..." he answers, with an evil smile. "My son wanted to buy some clothes in Polomare, and I took advantage of his decision... I bought this pretty neat trenchcoat and these cool sunglasses! Aren't they pretty?"

"Yes, but..." says Ron. "I know you didn't come here because of that trenchcoat."

Now, Blueblood is in absolute silence and the only thing he does is smiling like a goblin. "You caught me, Ron. You caught me. I came here because I know you will take a look at Ludmila's. Just be quiet and smooth."

Mortimer now looks at another direction, and from nowhere Pietro appears along with his brother, Lucas. His face shows that he doesn't even know why is he in Manehattan.

"Why am I here? What we will do?" asks Pietro at the same moment he approaches us.

"You are here because Uncle Nico needed you for this plan," says Lucas. "Do you remember Diamond Ludmila?"

"Yes..." says Pietro. "He was that dumb guy..."

"You will have the opportunity to get rid of him if you work with the crew."

Pietro's reaction is confusing. He is smiling but worried at the same time. Meanwhile, Lucas is now standing in the middle of us and points at the men who will participate in the robbery. The Dark Spikes and Butch are not there, so he only points at Pietro, Jack and me.

"Well, only five left," says Lucas and we start walking to the right, where Ludmila's Jewelry is staying.

Ludmila's Jewellery

Jack, Pietro and I enter the jewellery store while all the other guys stayed outside the store. It is a small place, but it is filled with very attractive jewels. There are necklaces, rings, and other products with gemstones... I can't believe the cheapest products here are the ones made of gold... good gold.

"Look at this," says Jack, and then he points at a magical quartz necklace from the other side of the mirror. It is not necessary to say that it's really expensive. A hundred thousand bucks.

"Holy fuck," I say. It is the first time I look at a necklace like this. It looks like it is magical because the necklace's stone is shining like a magic wand.

"Is there something I can help you with?" says a young, yellow-skinned lady with red long hair and freckles on her face. It looks like she has the same age as me... There is also something that calls my attention. Jack is scared by her presence... is she something important?

"Uh... no," I answer to the girl. "We are just looking."

The girl nods with her head and smiles while going away. Jack's face is pale... I think he's sweating and Pietro finds that out.

"Is there anything wrong?" asks Pietro to Jack.

"I'll tell you later," he says and leaves the problems aside. "We should keep going with this."

Suddenly, an extravagant man appears in the scene: He is dressed in a very elegant tuxedo, and he is wearing a white tophat. His black hair looks like it was recently combed with water and his sideburns were fixed. That man is none other than Diamond Ludmila, the man we have to kill.

"Good morning, outsiders!" he shouts to us in a very high-class accent. "Is there anything that called your attention in this marvellous store filled with the most luxurious jewels of all Equestria, better than those fake ones in Phillydelphia?"

Ew... Gross. I hate when people demonstrate that they are wealthier than others, and Diamond Ludmila is a perfect example of that.

"I came to see this famous necklace known as magical quartz..." says Jack. "My cousin from Las Pegasus told me about its existence... it left me so thrilled that I had to look at it in person!"

"Me too..." I say, enlarging Jack's lie. "I'm his younger brother, and my cousin also told me about magical quartz... is this really from the other Equestria?"

"Oh, yes," answers Diamond, while the worker girl smiles and nods her head behind him. "Magical quartz does only exist in the suburbs of a city called Appleloosa. My workers told me that they lived there for a year and a half... their descriptions of the city told me it was a gross place..."

The real W wants to punch him right in his fucking face, but I have to hide my feelings because I'm acting now. The only way to unburden me with this situation is with one phrase. One phrase that will make chaos. I open my mind and ask Diamond: "Was it like La Lima?"

Diamond's face is now something I'd laugh at. Jack looks at me because the plan may be in danger because of that phrase, but, to be honest, sometimes it is better for me being myself than acting.

"Oh... I do not know," he answers. "I never visited La Lima... and I won't ever do it. There are only lots of human failures..."

If the Dark Spikes were here, this jewellery would be on fire now. The only thing I do is nodding my head and keeping my mouth shut.

"And who is that kid right there?" asks Ludmila to Pietro. He must answer quickly.

"Oh... Pietro," he answers. Jack and I look at him... he said his real name! Ludmila also had a bad reaction...

"Pietro is his nickname!" says Jack. "His real name is Flash Sentry."

"Oh..." says Ludmila, while cleaning the sweat that came out of his forehead. "I thought he was another Pietro..."

"No... he is Flash Sentry. He doesn't talk too much." I say.

"I see."

"Oh!" shouts Jack. "We are running out of time! My cousin said he would pick us up in Scorpan Street!"

"Goodbye, mister! Goodbye, lady!" I say, and the three of us walk away. It was not bad, but Pietro almost screwed it.

"You almost fucking screwed it, Pietro," I say.

"Sorry... I was not paying attention."

"You should have paid attention..." says Jack, and then he looks at the street corner. "The guys are on the corner."

While walking to the other corner, I ask Jack. "What happened with the lady? Was she a magician or what?"

"No... she is Raspberry Sweets."

"And who is Raspberry Sweets?" I ask. "Nice name, to be honest. I will look up for it. She's pretty."

"Yeah, but you forgot something, W..." he says while looking at me. "Raspberry Sweets is Ron's daughter. Thank Star Swirl she didn't recognize me."

Suddenly I stop walking. "WHAT?" I shout. "Does Ron have a daughter?"

"Long story," says Jack. "The only time Ron remembered her was during that Red Punch situation."

"Red Punch?" says Pietro. "Wasn't he the gangster?"

"The same one," answers both Jack and me.

Ron, Blueblood, and Lucas approach us. Canterlot's Governor hugs me while laughing. "Ron told me about your relationship with Commissioner Percival," he says. "I've also heard that he visited you yesterday..."

"Yes, but that's something you shouldn't care about..." I answer. "Come on, let's go to Canterlot again. I'll tell you what happened in the middle."

A Canterlot street. Now, the five men (W, Jack, Abe, Ron, and Calculated Risk) are talking about the jewellery store's visit. Blueblood and the Plegovich brothers are not there anymore.

"Was... my daughter there?"

"Yes, Ron," answers Jack. "And she didn't recognize me."

"Oh, thank Star Swirl..." says Ron. "I feel a little bit guilty... I should have visited her after all these years... The last time I've called her was the day I killed Red Punch. She was only 2 years old..."

"What should we do with her in the robbery?" Asks Jack.

"Just don't hurt her. Get her out of the robbery."

All of us nod our head to Ron's words. Abe and Jack look like they remembered that whole day where they killed Red Punch... I was in the orphanage that day, and I had no idea of Jack, Abe and Ron's existence. I am in the same situation as Larry, looking to nowhere. Minutes later, Ron and Larry leave and the three of us are left in the street.

"What do we do now?" I ask.

"I am hungry. I wanna go for a coffee," answers Abe. "Come on."

We start walking. Abe recognizes this street and knows where are we going, and at the moment I started walking I find out that one of my shoes' laces are undone.

"Oh, guys! I have my laces undone." I say, but they don't answer me. They are looking at something inside a store.

"Ok, W.," says Abe. "When you finish, enter here. We'll go for coffee."

I realize this place is a cafe called Sweet Snacks and I start tying my shoelaces. At the same moment, I hear something.


I know someone is calling another guy but I ignore it.

"Pst! Hey!"

Shit... What does he want now?

"W! Come here! It's me!"

Oh. It is personal. I enter the darkest zone of the backstreet and I realize that Lerrick is there, holding a box.


"Yes, Beddie! How you doin'?"

"Fine, but... what are you doing here? If Abe finds out you are next to this place, he will leave you in the cafe's roof with no arms and legs!"

"That's why I'm hiding."

"And why did you call me?"

"Chill out, man..." he says while showing the box. "This is for you."

"A box? For me?"

"Open it," says Lerrick. "It's a surprise."

I open it and I find only one thing: a syringe.

"A syringe? What's wrong with you?"

"Did you look at the syringe? Look at it. Look on the inside."

I look inside the syringe and there is a liquid on it. No. I recognize that liquid. That brown water. No, no and no. "No."

"Why?" asks Lerrick.

"I know what this is."

"Yeah! Good old heroin. Everyone knows her."

"You know that I left heroin a long time ago, Lerrick."

"Yes, but..." he says, laughing. "Everyone can start again."

"Look, man... I almost die because of this. I just don't want to start again."

"Oh, I forgot," he says. "There was a note next to the syringe."

I grab the box again and I find a sheet of paper inside. I grab it and I start reading:


This syringe filled with magical heroin is for you. I'll send it to Lerrick, don't worry...

So, this syringe is not Lerrick's. "This is not yours," I tell him, pointing at the syringe.


"Oh great! Someone with AIDS may have used this and I don't know."

"But... the note said that he didn't have AIDS."

"Fuck it, Lerrick. I won't take that syringe." I say, and I leave the backstreet.

"Hey!" he shouts. "But you won't know the answer to the Elements of Harmony!"

I stop walking. He said Elements of Harmony.

"Did you read the whole card?" he says. I return to the backstreet and I grab the note:


This syringe filled with magical heroin is for you. I'll send it to Lerrick, don't worry. Oh, I also don't have AIDS or anything.

Why am I giving this to you? I know you left heroin because you had an OD with it, but this is the only solution to our problem. I really wanna know if you want to put your life in danger only to know the answer to the Elements of Harmony, so I wanna talk to you in private about them. You will know the answer.

- D.

"You read this, right?" I ask Lerrick.

"Yes. I woke up in the morning and I found the box. I grabbed it and discovered both things: the syringe and the note. I read it and waited for you. Originally, I was going to look for you but I fell asleep. Today's a lazy day."

"And who's D?"

"No idea."

Now, I look at the syringe. Is she the answer? And why do I need heroin to talk with this man I don't even know? "Fuck this..." I say. "Give me the box."

Lerrick gives me the box with the syringe inside and I walk away with it. I keep the syringe and the note inside my trenchcoat and I throw the box in a trash can. At the same time, Abe and Jack leave the café.

"Where were you?" asks Jack. "We've been waiting and we left because you didn't appear."

"Uh, nothing," I answer. "I found an old friend from the orphanage."

"Really?" says Abe. "But Dream Raider is in prison... who was, then?"

"Charlie," I answer. Charlie and Dream Raider were some of my friends in the orphanage. Charlie was a short plump kid who was always behind my back because he was scared of everyone. Dream Raider wasn't like him. He was a courageous kid and he fought everyone he hated then. He was a brave guy but also violent. He was arrested some years ago because he killed his girlfriend's secret lover.

"Good old Charlie," says Abe, laughing.

"Well, W... Abe and I changed our minds. We will go to the hospital. I think the visit time hasn't finished yet. We will visit Flash."

"Why would you visit Flash?" I ask them.

"I want to visit him," says Abe. "Rarity told me lots of things about his situation, and it worried me. I want to know if he is OK now."

"Ok then... Well, I've got to go back to the motel because I forgot something. I will go after that."

I have now the perfect opportunity for heroin.


I'm alone in the motel. Abe and Jack are now heading to Flash's room inside a hospital. The first thing I do is looking for a wire to tie my arm. After a minute, I find a perfect plastic wire in Abe's bed. I take off my trenchcoat and now I'm only wearing a white blank t-shirt. I roll up my t-shirt's sleeves and I grab the wire to tie my left arm. Now, my bare left arm is looking at the syringe I am holding in my right hand. I feel the syringe is going to fall because my fingers are sweating. Bruh, my whole body is sweating now.

I try to touch my left arm with the syringe but the fear does not want me to do that. I remember those moments when I was high, and that moment... that OD... no. I can't do this. I CAN'T!!

I leave the syringe on the floor and tears start touching my cheeks. I clean my face with a towel, and I realize I need something to counter my fear. "Where is that LP?" I tell myself. "Did I bring it here?"

I start searching in Abe's records' box. I'm looking for a record I used to listen while being high. That LP had a song which was my amulet. My talisman. And... Bingo! I think I've found it. The cover has only two colours: orange and black, the title, which is "Techno 90's. Greatest Hits" is in the centre, and below the title, there is a note who may have been written by Abe or Jack: "Don't show this to W. Thanks."

Like I said before, I used to get high while listening to one song. I bet that song was Abe and Jack's worst fear a long time ago. Ha, ha! I read the tracklist and then:

"Born Slippy - NUXX"

"Yes!" I shout. "I've found you!" Born Slippy is track #2. I put the LP on the record player and I move the tonearm to the second song.

Dun dun dun dun...

"YEAH!" I shout while listening to the first chords. Every time I hear this song I feel adrenaline coming out of my body. I'm now ready, I grab my left arm, I sit down on the floor and I grab the syringe. I'm ready! I'll do it, no matter what! "I can, I can!" I say, while I grab the syringe and finally inject it. "I hope this son of a bitch doesn't have AIDS..."

Oh... holy mother of Star Swirl, Solaris, Lord Tirek and every magical legend that has ever existed. This is the best heroin trip I've ever experienced, and it didn't even start. My whole body is completely turned off... I feel the song that's playing on the LP it's hugging me. I lie on the floor while gasping... this heroin is good... better than Ron's brother, Tom, or Lerrick's. D, whoever you are, you are the best heroin maker in the fucking world.

"Thank you."

Who in the hell said that? It was not me. It was clearly not me. Someone was reading my thoughts and I didn't know it.

"Finally you have realized, Bedmaker. I know you... and I came only to tell you one thing."

"Where the fuck are you?" I shout. "Who are you?"

"I needed you to consume that heroin because I told you I needed to know if you wanted to put yourself in danger for the Elements of Harmony. I am behind you."

"But... I am lying my back against the wall..."

"Look behind."

I turn around and I find out there's no wall. Instead, there is a man that I instantly recognize. Grey short hair, chin beard... he is wearing striking and coloured clothes... his yellow eyes with red pupils... Oh. My. God. It's him.

"Do you remember me, W?"

"You..." I say while I gasp uncontrollably.

"Discord is my name. I am the main responsible of your Bedmaker identity."

"Wh-Why are you here? Where... a-are you? Are you alive?"

"I am alive, son, but I'm not in Canterlot, neither Manehattan or Los Mantos. I'm in a hidden place in Equestria. A place you will never find."

"And... why are you here? What's that a-answer you were... were talking about?"

"The Elements of Harmony are six, W. Generosity, Loyalty, Laughter, Magic, Kindness, and Honesty. All of them united are more powerful than anything that exists."

"W-What do you mean with that?"

"Would you turn off that music, please?"

"Come on... it's Born Slippy!"

"Turn that off, and I will tell you what do I mean."

I turn off the record player and I took the LP out.

"Thank you... What do I mean with this is that Rarity and the other five holders are the Elements of Harmony. And guess who they are."

"I don't know, man..."

"Rarity is the element of Generosity, but then... there are other five girls who have geodes on their necks and special powers."

Girls. He said girls. "Girls?" I ask him.

"There are other five girls that represent the Elements of Harmony besides Rarity. Would you like me to say who they are?"


"Write on a notebook."

I fastly grab a notebook and a pen from the motel. "I'm ready," I say while holding the notebook.

"Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, and Fluttershy."

There are names I can recognize there. Rainbow Dash. The first girl who talked to me on Canterlot. Twilight Sparkle. The nerdy girl, and Fluttershy, the shy one I talked to this morning.

"Those, along with Rarity, are the Elements of Harmony."


"What?" he says, imitating my voice. "Do you know what that means? Did Arpeggio told you how do you become a holder?"


"You kill them, W!"

My expression is now a devastating shout. I throw the notebook and the pen to the floor and I grab my head. "No way," I say.

"That means only one thing... you will have to kill six young students with a big future to obtain what you want.

"I... I can't kill Rarity! I can't kill anyone of them! They are not even gangsters!"

"I know you wouldn't, but I know men that would do that."

He grabs a book from nowhere and starts showing me photos of people I do know.

"Look. The left page has a photo of Gordo Jameson. A man you have known for a long time. Do you know he made a school shooting? He can do it again." He says, and then turns into another page. "Those on the left are the Barnes, three crazy brothers. Below their photo, there are four junkies... the Dark Spikes. There is a small photo of Lucas Plegovich on the right... and guess who is the most dangerous man of them all."

"Who?" I ask, and then Discord turns to another page, full of photos.

"These are photos of just one man. The man that will be your worst enemy in this situation.

I look at the photos, and I realize Mortimer Blueblood appears in all of them. "Mr Blueblood? Canterlot's governor?"

"He is the worst of them all. Even worse than Gordo."

"Wow... he is really bad if you say that."

"So... if you don't want to kill these ladies... you should keep an eye on all those men, specially Blueblood."


I wake up from my mind and I feel so bad that I had to run to the bathroom to vomit.

"You are clean now. A good thing from my magical heroin is that it doesn't make you her dependant." says Discord from beyond. "See you in another magical heroin trip, W.

"Bye," I say, while I look at the toilet filled with vomit. "Thank you for the vomit and the drug trip."

"You're welcome. Now, go and tell Jack and Abe about our conversation. They need to know if you want to save the girls."

I look at the mirror. My pupils are still dilated, but not too much. I flush the toilet and I run away. I need to go to the hospital now.


Lerrick is looking for something inside a trash bag when he finds his favourite toy. His angel. His psychiatrist: a small bag of cocaine. He snorts it and starts laughing unstoppably. Suddenly, a man appears in the backstreet. He thinks it's W, but he doesn't recognize it.

"Who in the fuck are you and what the fuck do you want?" says in a really bad accent.

"Are you Mother Pharmacy?" asks the man.

Lerrick rises and nods his head. "Mother Pharmacy Fuckin' Lerrick," he says with a smile.

"Oh... you are the one that moved from Los Mantos and it's invading my zone." says the man, while drawing a gun. "My son told me that you tried to rob him yesterday. May I know why?"

Lerrick's face has no longer a smile. Now he is serious. "I need things to survive."

"And now, you must convince me not to shoot you in the head to survive."

Lerrick gets more and more desperate. He starts looking for his machete, but the man fastly grabs him by the neck. Mother Pharmacy hits the man's stomach with his elbow and he escapes from his arms. Now, he is looking for his machete in the trash bags inside the backstreet. Suddenly, he founds a smaller sharp knife.

"Now you will know, you motherfucker..." says Lerrick, but the man easily defeats him with two shots on his chest. The drug addict is still moving, so the killer finishes him with a third gunshot on his head. Lerrick is dead.

"You knew, motherfucker." says the man while throwing his gun with a silencer in the dumpster and walking away from the backstreet. The sun reveals his face that came out from a dark backstreet. He is Mortimer Blueblood.



Flash Sentry is lying in a bed, watching the TV. At the moment he is watching a Daring Do show with Vignette Valencia as the episode's guest star. Then, a nurse appears in Flash's room.

"Flash, you have visitors," she says, while he switches over to the news channel. Then, Abe and Jack enter the room. Flash Sentry's face drastically changes.

"What are you doing here?" asks Flash. "I know you... you are Mr. Tyler, but... who are you?" he says to Abe.

"My name is Abraham. I am Rarity's grandfather. She told me about your situation and it got me worried... I thought those boys were going to kill you for real."

"Yeah, I thought the same," answers Flash. "But well, here am I, thanks to Pietro, Mr. Tyler and W... where is W, speaking of the devil?"

Jack and Abe look at each other. W should have arrived several minutes ago. What did he want to do in the motel? What was he looking for?

"He may be coming to visit you," says Jack. "Did you hear the news?"

"About Jet Set? Yes. Neon Lights, Royal Pin and he will be arrested, while the others have been forgiven. The man who did the ambush had no mercy, but I think those bitches deserved it."

There is silence after that phrase. Then, Flash Sentry looks at Jack and both of them smile. "No way," says Flash.

"Yes way," says Jack.

"Did he do it for real?"

"W? Yes. He did it."

"Oh my..." says Flash Sentry. "And the news said they never captured him... I owe him one! No... I owe him two! Two favours!"

This conversation is interrupted when W fastly opens the door and looks at Jack, Abe, and Flash. There is something that calls Jack's attention. He doesn't have his trenchcoat, he has only his white t-shirt, which left sleeve is rolled up. There is also a red scratch on his arm, but Jack decides to ignore this. "Abe... Jack... We have a problem." he says while gasping. "Can I talk to you in private?"

"What kind of problem, W? What happened?" says Abe while looking at his face. He instantly realizes something... his pupils... his pupils are dilated...

"Let's go outside," says Jack. He knows that Abe's stare is not something good. "Wait for us, Flash."

Hospital's Bathroom. There is no one in there. They are whispering.

"Your pupils are dilated," says Abe. "Are you high again, you son of a bitch?"

Jack now finds out what happened. The sleeve. That cratch. His pupils. There is only a word for this: HEROIN.

"No.," says Jack. "Tell me you didn't start with heroin again. You motherfucker."

Abe's face is now absolute shock. "Why? Why did you do that?" he shouts while slapping W twice.

"Look!" shouts W. "It's a long story... will you let me talk?" Both of them shut up and W takes a long breath. "I lied to you... I didn't come across Charlie today... I came across with Lerrick. I found him on a backstreet."

"Oh," says Abe. "And you didn't tell me."

"Sorry." answers W. "He gave me... heroin with a card."

"Why did you accept his heroin, W?" shouts Jack. "You know you almost died because of that drug!"

"Will you let me talk, for fuck's sake?!"

"OK," says Jack. "Keep going."

"I didn't want the heroin, but he told me that if I didn't try it, I would lose the answer to the Elements of Harmony thing."

Abe raises his hand.

"Yes, Abe?" asks W.

"We already know we have to kill the holders."

"Oh... the problem is who we are going to kill." says W. "After an argument with Lerrick, I carried the heroin to the motel and tested it... guess who appeared during my trip... Discord.. He said the heroin was magical and didn't give any addiction to the consumer, and he's right... at the moment I'm not having withdrawal symptoms... He also told me who were the six Elements of Harmony, and Abe, you won't like this..."

"Why?" he asks, surprised.

"Because one of those elements is Rarity."

Abe stays in silence for a minute, but then he recovers with a laugh: "Stop kidding, W. You were high during that trip. It's all a lie."

"It's not a lie, Abe!" I say. "Rarity, Twilight the Nerd Girl, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and other two girls named Applejack and Pinkie Pie are the holders. Would you like to kill them, Abe?"

"No.," says Abe. "We won't kill them. They are normal girls!"

"Yes, and I had sex with Countess Coloratura!" I tell him. "They do have powers, Abe! Rarity told me she saved my life using her magical shield!"

"She told me it was the moon, W!" answers Abe. "She doesn't have any powers."

"There is a way to solve this," says Jack. "We need another opinion. One that does not belong to you, Abe, W, or me. We need another declaration. Maybe someone who knows the six of them and talks with them every day."

The three of them think of the same person but they don't say anything. They know he is the best option.

Flash Sentry's Room

"Hello, Flash," says W, while entering the room.

Flash smiles while looking at W. "Oh, hi guys... what happened?" he asks.

"Nothing." all of them answer. "Stupid things."

Flash nods his head and starts applauding. "You are the best, W! You are the best!"

"Why?" he asks, confused.

"You kicked Jet Set's ass and you didn't even get caught!"

"Uh, yes. Expert things."

"I owe you two favours. No... three! How about three?"

"With two favours I'm OK, Flash..."

"No, no, please! You deserve three!"

W looks at Jack and Abe. Their stares clearly say Accept it. I don't want Flash to repeat the same shit over and over. W follows their orders.

"Ok, three, Flash..."

Flash grabs W's hand and they shake hands. "This is incredible," he says. "I survived, my enemies got wasted, and I've just recently entered the drug intervention program!"

"Congratulations!" all of us say. Now, the moment came. I look at Abe while smiling and I ask the important thing:

"Hey, Flash... um... would you do me one of those three favours?"


"I made a bet with Abe related to the popular girls of Canterlot High."

"Oh, the Rainbooms..." He says, with a smile.

"Do they have powers or not? If they have, I will win a hundred bucks."

"Ok..." says Abe. "You will give me a hundred bucks later, W."

"Actually, W wins this one." interrupts Flash. "They have powers."

Abe and Jack's smiles completely disappear. W's the only one smiling in the room because he was right. They do have powers. Now, Flash is the main voice in the conversation at this moment.

"What kind of powers are you talking about?" asks Abe.

"I thought you know what happened at school. Once, my ex-girlfriend went crazy and started brainwashing all my partners. Guess who saved the school... The Rainbooms. Not only they saved the school and all of the students, but also they defeated my ex-girlfriend with some kind of magical rainbow beam... Then, the Dazzlings thing... oh yeah, I remember that... being hypnotized by those sirens... but, answer me, guys... who saved my life and the Battle of the Bands from the sirens...?"

"The Rainbooms," answers Jack.

"Yes! And they also used a giant magical unicorn to save us! I'm not kidding!"

Abe still doesn't believe this, so he says: "This guy is as high as you, W... I don't believe him."

"Wait! I didn't finish yet... I remember that time when Twilight turned into a demon and Sunset Shimmer defeated her, but before becoming that angel she turned into, she used the power of..." he says and then points at Abe.

"The Rainbooms," says Abe, worried. His opinion about this is slowly falling. Meanwhile, Jack is looking up information about Flash's declarations on his cellphone.

"Very good, Abraham... I remembered she said some things while obtaining their power... Honesty, Kindness..."

"HONESTY! KINDNESS!" shouts W. "Discord told me those were Elements of Harmony!"

Abe still does not believe it, but he is not so sure as before. He is now confused. Is his granddaughter an Element of Harmony for real?

"Look at this," says Jack, showing Abe his cellphone:

Canterlot Daily:


Photographies by Photo Finish.

"I found this one too."

Canterlot's Gazette:


You will only know in Canterlot's Gazette.

"And this one too."

Interview with Ms. Golden Spots, a historian who investigated about the Elements of Harmony.

Q: "What do you think about Madam Moonlight Columbus' declarations?

A: I think they are true. The Elements in the ponified Equestria have the same effects and power than the Elements from this dimension, according to Madam Moonlight Columbus' declarations."

Q: And is there a recent event that you can relate to these mysterious elements?

A: Actually, yes. There has been something related to them in Canterlot High. I've heard a magical alicorn appeared to defeat those sirens. That unicorn, according to Madam Moonlight, is the result of the combination of all the elements.

Now Abe is convinced. His granddaughter may be an Element of Harmony. No, no, she may not be... she is. She is an Element of Harmony.

"Flash's not lying," says Abe. "Oh my god..."

A tear comes out of Abe's eye. Now, he has to make a decision. The best robbery of all his life (and maybe of all time) or his granddaughter's life. She starts remembering Rarity since she was a baby... he remembers the first time he met her... he held her... both of them used to go to the Canterlot's mall for an ice-cream... no, he can't! He can't!

"I have to call Ron," he says. "We must cancel the project."

"He will commit a mass shooting if you do that." tells W to him. "He has been planning this for years, but... just don't tell him right in the face. Be slow."

"Oh fuck," says Jack, while watching the TV. "You are late with Lerrick, Abe."

"What? What happened?" asks Abe, and then, the four guys stay watching the TV. W grabs his head in silence. "Shit," says Abe while reading the news' title.


To be continued...

- Red Punch -

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1997. Warloff Valley, Los Mantos. Ron Delight's house.

Ron Delight is alone, smoking a Cuban cigar while looking at a knife collection inside his house. His physical appearance is a lot younger and his characteristic eye patch is on his left eye. He has long hair and a mustard-coloured chin puff beard, and he is only wearing some worn-out blue jeans, showing his light blue-skinned bare torso. "Maybe this is the one." He says while holding a knife. Someone rings the house's doorbell and opens the door. His brother, Tom Delight, who has long mustard hair and no beard, appears. He is wearing a small suit and has an eye shield instead of his patch.

"Ron." He says. "Do you know? Did they tell you?"

"Yes," He answers. "Red Punch is in Los Mantos until next week."

"Can I go with you, please?" says Tom, while holding his brother's shoulders. "Can I?"


Tom starts losing his mind: "Why? I know how to handle a gun and shoot it!"

"It's too dangerous for you. You will stay here, safe."

"But... why? Why do you think I haven't grown up yet?"

"I know you grew up, Tom, but this ambush I want to do is too dangerous. I may lose that battle and die... and one of us will have to live."

"Come on, Ron! He killed our dad! We must sacrifice both of us!"

"I said no, Tom!"

The doorbell rings again. Ron opens the door and looks at his crew: Abraham, who has long orange hair and a full beard, is next to Jack, who has his head shaved and a black chin beard. There is also a wine-skinned man with short brown hair and green eyes. That man is Hopkins. And next to him, a beige-skinned one with short mustard hair. He is Grent. Abraham's son, Hondo Flanks, has just got married three weeks ago. On the other hand, Jack is lost on his thoughts. He started talking to Susan in May 1995, a month before Wade's tragic fate. Now they are engaged but he doesn't know what to do with the gangster world. Shall he tell her what is he doing? Besides, he thinks she is thinner than before. She is pale now, and he doesn't know why. And last but not least, Hopkins and Grent are two old friends of Ron.

"Abe, Jacky, Hopkins, and Grent," says Ron. "Is there another man left?"

"Yes," says Abe, taking a breath. "An advantage. A dangerous advantage."


"Rondo!" Shouts someone from outside the house. He recognizes that voice. That stinky voice.

"You brought Gordo?" He asks his crew. "I don't know if this is good or bad."

"He won't participate in the project," says Jack. "You know why. His fucking tummy doesn't let him move like us."

Ron raises his shoulders, confused. "So, why is he here?"

"Red Punch told him his whole plan," says Grent. "He moved here to kill a man called Fancy Pants. He told me he knew how his men are organized to take care of him."

Ron sighs and opens the door for Gordo. His physical appearance is much younger, with long black hair and sideburns. He's wearing a big shirt and jacket, all black, including his pants except for his brown shoes.

"Hello, equestrian warriors." Says Gordo to the crew. "Let's see... Blackbeard Delight, Abey the Daddy, Edinburgh Tyler with no hair, Hopkins the Babyface, Schizogrentnia and the little Goblin, Tommy Delight."

"Hey, you bitch," says Ron. "If you are going to put nicknames for us, at least be gentle. We are six here to kick your ass."

"And I'm your password to kill Red Punch," he says while staring at Ron with an evil stare and a creepy smile. "I made a deal with you, Ronnie the Pirate... you said you were going to help me with the Canterlot thing... you told me I was going to bring Cosmos down."

Jack is shocked... he didn't know Ron made a deal like that. They will bring Celestia's father down. They will get rid of him. The girl she loved not only will deal with his boyfriend's disappearance... gosh, stupid Tommy... how could he be so stupid, man! He left her for the gangs! He left her! Celestia! The most beautiful woman he has ever seen! No! SUSAN! He mus think about Susan, not Celestia! Celestia is gone, Jack! But wait... but also she... she may deal with his father's death. Shit no, that would be too harmful to her, too bad, too... no.

"Yes," answers Ron. "But I won't help you until I see Red Punch dead on my hands."

"Ok," says Gordo, smiling. "Sit down. I'll tell you where he is."

All of them sit down. Ron and Gordo sit face to face. Ron has Abe on the left and Jack on the right. On the other hand, Grent is at Gordo's left and Hopkins at his right. Tom Delight sits in a corner and that calls Gordo's attention.

"Is the baby going to participate?" asks Gordo.

"Shut the fuck up, whale," answers Tom. Gordo looks at him with a bone-chilling stare.

"Watch out, rascal," he says in a deeper voice. "Don't talk about my weight."

"Leave this shit aside, Gordo." interrupts Ron. "Can you talk about Red Punch?"

"Ok," he says. "But please, educate your brother for me."

"TALK, PLEASE!" shouts Ron, angrily. Gordo starts laughing while getting out a blueprint from his shirt.

"This is the old Apple Acres from the Smith family in Los Mantos. It is on the Mantos-Canterlot Highway, in the middle of nowhere. Nowadays this building is abandoned after what happened with his owners. Red Punch bought it some months ago and has installed there since. There is only an entrance door, which is heavily secured by his men, but there is a sewer outside the place who has a secret hatch door inside the barn, where Red Punch is staying now. The only problem you will have is that the sewer may be full of shit and you will easily get noticed by your smell unless luck is on your side. The barn has also a battalion of Red Punch's men inside. You will get rid of the hitman if you are lucky enough to annihilate those men."

Everybody looks at each other. All of them know that this would be a risky task. A hard one. Ron has already made his decision. He gets up from his chair and grabs his landline phone to make a call. He never called her before this moment, and he knows he will be insulted by her if he calls, but he doesn't even care now. He will call her, no matter what.


"Hi, Amethyst Spark, it's me..."

"Who is talking?"


"RON? HA! Are you really calling me, you bastard?"

"Yes, Amethyst... I just wanted to say hi... and I wanted to say that..."

"Hi? That's it, Ron? You abandoned me for two years and the only thing you say is hi?"

"Yes... this maybe... my last time talking to you because... I will be in danger now and I wanted to greet you and Raspberry Sweets before-"

Amethyst Spark instantly ends the call and leaves Ron swallowing his words. He slowly leaves the phone and goes back to the project. Everyone heard Amethyst Spark's shout from the phone, but don't say anything.

"So... after an awkward situation and a divorce... What are you going to do, Ron?" says Gordo.

"Firstly, Gordo, shut your fat ass up," says Ron, angrily, while Gordo laughs. "Secondly, we will go tomorrow morning and Tom will stay here."

"No!" shouts Tom. "I can go!"

"It's too dangerous for you, Tom!" shouts Hopkins, in a way to avoid an argument between the Delight brothers. "You have to live, Tom, to be the legacy of the group that your brother and his late partner, Wade Waters, who may rest in peace, have created."

Tom calms down. "That means..." he says, before a short pause. "If my brother dies, I will take charge of Los Mantos?"

"Yes," says Ron.

Tom raises his shoulders, having no idea of what to do. "Ron, brother... The only thing I know is how to cook meth and how to shoot a gun, and that's it."

"And that's enough to be a capo, Tommy. If I die, you have lots of men around Los Mantos to help you. Hopkins, Grent, Abe, Jacky..."

"But, all of them will go with you tomorrow..."

"Yes, but you still have lots of people around. You will be safe."

"But... I can't handle that responsibility..."

"I didn't know how to handle this too when I entered the mafia world because of our father! I also didn't know the responsibility I had when I built my empire with Wadey! I learned it alone, Tom, and you will learn it too. It's natural."

"Ok... if you say..." says Tom, while focusing on his reflection.

"Ok, crew!" shouts Ron. "Tomorrow morning I want you here!"

The Next Day.

Abraham, Jack, Hopkins, and Grent are in Ron's house now. Abraham and Jack are drinking a coffee, while Hopkins and Grent are sharing the last cigarettes of Hopkins' box. Ron starts talking while putting on a black shirt. "Gordo told me the sewer has another manhole cover where we can perfectly enter because of its circumference."

"Where?" asks Jack. "Star Swirl Avenue? Mistmane Street? Crystal Street?"

Ron's face doesn't express joy now. "It's not in a nice place..."

"Well..." says Hopkins. "Mistmane, Crystal, Sombra Street are not paradises."

"I am talking about Bormoth, Hopkins."

Everybody stays in silence because Bormoth may be the worst place in Los Mantos. That famous street which is no one's land. Not even the authorities succeeded in turning Bormoth into a normal street.

"What do we do, then?" says Grent, while gasping. "Shall we go to Bormoth?"

"Don't worry so much, guys," answers Ron. "I know someone there."

Bormoth Street

Ron is now using sunglasses to cover his left eye. The five men walk three blocks from Ron's house and they enter the infamous Bormoth Street. The street's appearance is like any other one, but there are fewer houses. Almost every inch of Bormoth Street is just grass, trash, and shrubbery. Some kids are sleeping in the asphalt with only a blanket. These kids are the notorious Bormoth Sleepers, who get drugged and sleep in the asphalt while being high, jailed inside their world during their trips.

"I hope he's awake..." says Ron. While passing through lots of Bormoth Sleepers, he finds the right one. A grey-skinned, malnourished, four-year-old child with black hair and only a pair of jeans. "Lerrick," says Ron. "Good morning."

"Good morning, Ron," says Lerrick. "Have a penny?"

"Don't start already, Lerrick. Where is your dad?"

"Who the fuck are them?" asks Lerrick while grabbing a knife. Suddenly, an older man who has the same physical appearance as Lerrick comes out from a house with a shotgun.

"Don't touch my child, you sons of bitches!"

"Wait, Coke!" shouts Ron. "It's me, Ron Delight!"

Coke throws the shotgun inside his house and smiles: "You should have told me before, Ronnie!" he says, then Ron and him hug each other and Coke greets every one of the crew. "Calm down, you little demon," says Coke to his son, Lerrick. "Go inside, mom's just prepared the lunch."

"Yes, lunch!" shouts Lerrick, before running away to his house.

"Looks like your son is not a sleeper now," says Ron. Coke takes a breath and smiles.

"Thank Star Swirl he is not, Ron. Why did you come here? With fellas?"

"I was looking for the manhole cover you have here."

"Oh..." says Coke. "That one. Yes! The only problem is that it's under one of the sleepers. I think." Coke looks at a sleeper and realizes the manhole cover is under him. "Shit..." he says. "Let me take charge of him."

Coke looks for something in his trenchcoat and then he gets a handgun out.

"No. Are you going to kill him?" asks Jack. Coke starts laughing.

"Are you crazy? Of course not!"

Coke approaches to the sleeper and he slowly moves him. A bad movement can wake him up, and an awake sleeper can be your worst nightmare. He slowly moves him out of the manhole cover to obtain what Ron wants. However, he notices the sleeper has one of his eyes open. He's waking up. The sleeper starts gasping uncontrollably and an indescribable force starts morphing inside the child until Coke stops it, knocking him out with the gun's grip.

"Ready," says Coke. Ron gets some bucks from his pocket and pays him. Both of them hug again. "What are you going to do? You will get out full of shit."

"Do you remember Red Punch?" says Ron. Coke understands what is he saying and smiles.

Sewer. Fifteen minutes later.

The five men have been walking through the sewer with lanterns. Their shoes got wet and full of shit, but at least the rest of their body is not dirty. They are near their destiny, according to the sewer's map.

"It is near. Only right and that's it," says Jack. "Finally we will get rid of this fucking smell."

Ron turns to the right and finds a sign:


They know they have arrived when they find a ladder with a hatch door above. Hopkins grabs a handgun and shoots the hatch door twice, calling the henchmen's attention. They instantly turn to the left and hide. Seconds later, the hatch door is opened and three men climb down the ladder. One of them has a shotgun.


All the crew is counting to 3 while the men are reloading their guns.


One of the henchmen switches a lantern on and starts illuminating the sewer. They will turn on the left.


Ron and Abe easily kill two of the men with their handguns. The third man is beaten up by Hopkins, who is carrying a crowbar.

"INTRUDER!" shouts someone from above. Another four henchmen climb down the ladder and they are shot while climbing down. Two of them instantly die, while the other two don't get affected and start shooting. Abe grabs the dead man's shotgun from the dirty water and kills the two men with only three shots.

Ron knows this is the perfect opportunity to enter. He fastly climbs up the ladder and appears in a secret room inside the barn. It is a small room with only two windows and a cupboard, where two men are armed with crowbars. Ron kills one of them with a gunshot and realizes he has no more bullets. He hits the henchmen's jaw with the gun grip and falls to the floor. Meanwhile, Abe and Jack are climbing up the ladder while Hopkins and Grent are waiting for their turn. They are also keeping an eye on the sewer. They may have another hidden man there.

The room's door is opened again and Ron can see the outside. The secret room is inside a big, two-story cottage filled with rusty objects who have never been used since this factory closed. Another two henchmen appear, and this time they have handguns. Jack and Abe beat them up, while Hopkins, who has recently climbed up the ladder, hits the guy with the bleeding mouth in his face, breaking his nose and knocking him.

"Wait," says Grent, after climbing up the ladder and entering the room. "This cupboard is a gun cabinet."

They didn't even find out. The two men who were beaten up are killed by Ron and Grent's gunshots. There are more and more coming but they won't shoot from their distance, in case there is an ally with them. Hopkins opens the gun cabinet, which wasn't locked, and grabs a shotgun. Abe grabs a rifle and Ron grabs a grenade.

"They are all waiting for us outside," says Jack. "If I move the door just one millimetre, they will shoot."

"Let me, Jack," says Ron. "Here I have a birthday gift."

Ron takes the safety lever out of the grenade and Jack fastly opens the door. Ron throws the grenade in those seconds where the door was open and then they close it. "SHIT! GRENADE! someone shouts. The grenade explodes and everything is now silence. Grent takes advantage of this to close the hatch door and put the dead men's bodies on it to lock the door for a short time, at least. Meanwhile, Ron slowly opens the door and looks at the place. There is a hole in the middle of the room now. Some of the men are dead on the floor, while others took cover in time and survived.

"Hey," says Hopkins, interrupting the tension. "I heard something. A car."

Ron heard the same thing. A car stopping. Four men enter the barn, taking care of a red-skinned, robust man with short red hair and purple eyes. He is the objective: Red Punch.

"What the fuck has happened?" shouts Red Punch, and then Ron opens the door and Abe shoots once with the rifle. He missed the shot and Red Punch runs away.

"SHIT!" shouts Ron. "WE ARE LOSING HIM!"

Now, he has to make a risky movement. He prays to Star Swirl for the first time in his life and leaves the room with no weapons. The survivors, along with the four men, start shooting with their guns. Abe and Grent also start firing their guns against the henchmen from inside the secret room. A mass shooting has started, and Ron must leave the place with no bullets inside his skin. He starts running, he crouches and throws himself through a window who was in the second story. Luckily, he survives because he landed on a mattress. Star Swirl may be helping him now. He rises and takes a look around him. He is in the middle of nowhere.

"You wanted to clean me, son of a bitch?" says a man near him. He turns at his left and looks at Red Punch, the hitman, holding a hunting rifle.

"I came for you."

"Nice scar. Can you tell me who was the man who made it?"

Ron realizes his sunglasses are gone and his eye scar can be seen. "I will cover my eye with your liver," he answers.

"Let's see, Ron," he says while reloading the hunting rifle. Ron takes advantage while he is reloading and attacks on him. Red Punch throws him away while one of his henchmen leave the inside to beat Ron up.

"You motherfucker!" shouts Ron.

"Have fun, bitch!" says Red Punch and gets into the car. Ron punches the henchman in his face and he falls to the ground. Then, the Pirate grabs a rock and smashes it on the worker's face, before rising and hearing Red Punch's car being accelerated. He knows this is his only opportunity.

He grabs the rock and runs to the car, trying to open the back door, but Red Punch grabs a handgun from the glove box and shoots only a bullet. Ron can dodge it, and smashes the rock against the car's window, breaking it.

"You broke my fucking window!" shouts Red Punch, and then he gets out of the car. He tries to shoot, but Ron easily brings him down, throwing himself onto the ground with him. He grabs that rock again and smashes Red Punch's head twice with it, breaking his nose and some teeth. "I won't die so easy," says Red Punch, while trying to grab his handgun, which he threw during Ron's technique. The Pirate grabs it and points him right in the head.

"Get up."

"What the...?"


The hitman gets up, raising his hands.

"This is for my father," says Ron, and then he fires the gun three times to his chest. Red Punch's body hits the car and dies while being sat on the ground. Ron finished with his job, but their partners didn't. He is still hearing listening to the gunfire tunes inside. He grabs Red Punch's car keys from his body, opens the car door and grabs the hunting rifle. After that, he opens the barn door and looks at the only four survivors that were still alive. The rest of them are just blood and flesh.

"Red Punch's dead," says Ron to his four enemies. "You are protecting no one now. We won. If you stop shooting, I'll let you go."

The enemies don't think twice and they throw their guns, running away. The crew goes downstairs, and Abe is helping Grent to walk. He's injured.

"This is a fucking miracle," says Hopkins. "Lots of men against us and we are still alive. Well, Grent was shot in his leg... but we are still alive!"

"Red Punch?" asks Jack. Ron points at his body, who are sitting in silence, behind his car.

"I need to carry that body home. It's the only way I can get my revenge." He says while putting on some new sunglasses that he got out of his pocket.

Ron's House.

After a long day of work, he arrived at his house and took a shower. He also needed Hopkins' help to carry Red Punch's body to his working table. He starts looking for the perfect knife on his collection until he realizes that knives won't be so useful for his special task. He is now looking for his secret tool in his shed... and he found it.

He leaves Red Punch's body in the working table, holds the hatchet who grabbed from his shed and decapitates the dead man. Two or three minutes later, the head is separated from the body and he makes a call.

"Hi, Gordo. Come here. I killed the man and I need you to retire the trash."

An hour later, Gordo arrives along with his right hand, Butch, who is a lot younger. He is shorter, thinner and he has no facial hair. Butch grabs Red Punch's body and puts it inside a trash bag.

"I hope my part of the deal will be accomplished," says Gordo. "I want to get rid of Cosmos and become the new King of Canterlot!"

"You will, Gordo. You will," answers Ron.

Now, Ron has only Red Punch's head on his house. He has been waiting for this moment for a long time, and that's why he bought so much formalin days before. He grabs a big jar, fills it with formalin and puts the head inside. Then, he closes the jar and sticks a label on it.



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Flash Sentry's Room

The four men who are inside Flash's room are in silence while watching the news. They found out Lerrick, also known as Mother Pharmacy, has been found dead on a backstreet in Canterlot. Abe is furious because now Lerrick's punishment for what he did to Rarity doesn't make any sense. He is dead... why would you beat a dead man up? However, he still feels strange, because he remembers those times (2006, 2007) where Lerrick was turning into Mother Pharmacy and started working for Ron. He was an ungrateful asshole, but he was also a partner. Jack thinks the same and W too, but he is also shocked because he had seen Lerrick before his death.

"I... I just don't understand this." says W. "How did he die?"

"Shut up!" interrupts Abe. "Percival's gonna talk."

The journalist who is in the crime scene shakes hands with Percival and the Commissioner starts talking about the situation. "Well, according to witnesses' declarations..." says the Commissioner. "Mother Pharmacy was aggressive and violent to everyone while being drugged, so he may have had lots of enemies and rivals who wanted to get rid of him. His body was found with three shots. Two on his chest and one on his head."

The interview is interrupted when Femur appears on the scene, with a gun. "We found this, Percival. This may be the weapon which was used to kill Mother Pharmacy." And with this, both Percival and Femur leave the interview, after greeting the journalist and the cameraman.

"So, someone killed him," says Abe. "Great."

"Why are you showing too much interest in this?" asks Flash, confused.

"This man was the son of a bitch who kidnapped my granddaughter, Rarity."

"Oh," answers Flash, shocked. "That's deep."

Suddenly, Jack's phone starts vibrating. Someone's calling him. "Someone's calling me," he says and leaves the room. Outside, he gets the phone out of his pocket and looks at the caller: RON. "Hi, Ron," he says, after answering the call.

"Are you watching the news?"

"Yes. I'm with W and Abe. Mother Pharmacy is no longer Mother Pharmacy."

"I don't know what am I going to do now. Hopkins has disappeared and Lerrick is dead. Gimenez cannot take charge of the whole Mantos in the moments I'm not there. He would be alone and it would be chaos for him."

"Yes, that's shit..."

"Where are you, Jack? I'm heading to Canterlot right now with Larry.

"Now?" says Jack, surprised. "Um... why are you heading to Canterlot? What about Los Mantos' situation?"

"It will only be for a couple of hours... we need to have a final reunion before the robbery. Tomorrow's gonna be the day, Jack."

Jack remembers that. The infamous heist... oh gosh. However, Jack remembers something else: "Look, I also want to ask you something we thought W, Abe and me. It's about the Pegasus thing."

"Ask me later when I arrive Canterlot. I'll be waiting in the motel."

Ron ends the call and Jack tells W and Abe it's time to go. All of them greet Flash, and Jack tells them the situation while coming out of the hospital. Now, they have to go back to the motel.

Backstreet. Crime Scene.

Cops are carrying Lerrick's body in an ambulance. Now, Percival and Femur are analyzing the gun that was found on the crime scene. Splinterbone is also there with a notebook, looking up for information in Equestrian Controlled Materials Agency's web page.

"ECMA says that handguns have a registration plate on the gun's handle," says Splinterbone. "Oh! And you can also look for information about that plate... does the gun have it?"

After looking at the gun's grip twice, Percival and Femur finally found the plate: Ez7k26.

"Key the plate in, Splint," says Femur. "E-Z-7-K-2-6."

Splinterbone keys the plate in and the page shows her an unexpected result: "Wow," she says. "Look at this." Femur and Percival look at the plate's information, which only shows a name: Prince Blueblood.

"This is juicy," says Percival, chuckling. "Femur, Splinterbone. We'll go to Blueblood's House now."

Motel. Twenty minutes later.

Abe is looking for an LP from Blue Note and realizes a record is outside his box. He grabs the record, who is in his bed, and looks at it: Techno 90's. Greatest Hits.

"Oh, sorry." says W. "I forgot to put it in the box."

"Nevermind," says Abe. "Did you put that unbearable song while chatting with Discord?"


Abe now points to W. "I hope this is the last time you are with heroin. I don't care if you don't have withdrawal symptoms or other shit. The Discord one was your last and will be your last."

"Yeah, sure!" says W. "I've got to leave it... even if it's not addictive."

"Perfect. Do me a favour now... grab the Blue Note's LP and put it on the record player."

I do what Abe tells me and then I switch it on. The first song is Just Beauty. Oh, man! I remember having 12 years old and listening to this song every fucking day because Abe loved it. Man, I think I can sing it a capella with no mistakes.

"What should we do with Ron?" asks Abe to me. I lower the record player's volume.

"We must tell him, but not directly. We should tell him about the Six Girls, and that's it. He will think about it later. We won't persuade him to cancel the project."

"Do you know we will protect them if the others want their heads?"

Abe sits on a bed, thinking. "I was thinking about it," he says. "We may be their watchers. Their guardians."

Jack gets out of the motel's little kitchen with a cup of coffee. "I agree with W," he says. "We may turn into guardians if things get salty."

Suddenly, someone knocks the motel's door and Abe opens it. It is Ron, accompanied by Larry. He is carrying a massive suitcase.

"Woah," asks Abe. "What do you have there?"

"Things from the robbery, and the head."

"The head?" says Jack. "Why would you bring the head to Canterlot?"

"Gordo doesn't believe that I still have the head. I always stick a new label on the jar each year."

"Oh god!" says W, while trying not to vomit, because W was always disgusted by Red Punch's decapitated head. "Did you bring Red Punch's head? Don't show that to me!"

"Why? Come on!" says Ron, while opening the suitcase. "It is only a jar filled with formalin and has a head inside! What's the matter?"

"Well, leave this aside," says Abe. "I need to talk to you."


"The Elements of Harmony, Ron."

Ron and Larry look at each other. Talk about the Elements of Harmony? Now? "What happened?" he asks.

"We have found the holders," answers Jack. Both Ron and Larry's expressions are blank. They are happy and shocked at the same time. The best robbery of them all is nearer them!

"Wow," says Larry. "I never expected that we would find the holders so fastly. Who are them?"

Now, silence invades the room. No one dares to answer Larry's question until W opens his mouth: "Those Elements are Rarity and her friends."

Rarity. Oh no. That's a problem now... both Ron and Larry look at each other again because they remembered a situation from the past...

We come across a big building that he calls the Carousel Boutique. From it gets out a white mare, with blueish strands of hair. "There she is: Rarity," he tells me. Rarity? Abe's granddaughter? "I think she has the element of Generosity."

"What? Can she be the element of generosity from my world?"

Calculated Risk looks at me. "She can."

Larry was right this whole time. Rarity is an Element of Harmony, and her friends too. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Twilight Sparkle are Elements!

"So..." says Ron. "All the Elements maybe 18-year-old innocent girls."

"They are," answers Jack.

"Murdering them... would not be ethical, even for a man like me. Mantos' gangsters may be violent assholes, but they would never murder an innocent high school student."

"We must reconsider this, Ron," says Abe. "I wish I could rob Las Pegasus' Fort, but I can't kill my granddaughter... neither Jack and W."

"Yeah, I know." answers the Pirate. "Fuck... now, this is a bad piece of news... um... did you talk with another one inside the project?"

"No." answers Jack. "You are the first one."

"We should tell them about this problem after tomorrow," says Ron. "Today's gonna be a very busy day, and tomorrow... more than ever. Now, we must focus on the robbery, guys. We have to be at Gordo's in one hour."

Mortimer Blueblood's Mansion.

Percival knocks the Mansion's door while Femur and Splinterbone are behind him. A blonde, light-grey skinned man opens the door. He is William, W's brother, and he gets confused after looking at Percival. He recognizes him. Why would Percival be here? Does he want to talk with his foster father, Mortimer Blueblood?

"Oh, hi, Commissioner Percival," says William.

"Wait..." answers the Commissioner, with a confused stare. "Aren't you... W's brother?"

William's eyes feel like they are coming out of its orbits. He is tired of his brother. "Yes, but... I didn't do anything! My brother is the gangster... I am a worker."

"I didn't come for that," he says while entering the house. On the entrance, there is only a stair, who leads up to Mortimer's Office and a small living room, filled with trophies and prizes that the Blueblood family earned in the past. "I came here to talk with Prince Blueblood... is he here at least? Every time I came to this house, Mortimer told me he was outside having fun with his friends, his girlfriend and his hookers maybe... who knows."

"Um... I'm afraid he's not here, sir Percival."

"Ha! Jackpot!" he says, laughing. "I already knew he wasn't gonna be here."

"Mortimer is upstairs if you want to talk to him."

"Ok then, thanks... What was your name? I don't want to call you W's brother."

"William, sir Percival."

Meanwhile, Femur and Splinterbone enter the house. William receives both of them while Percival goes upstairs to Mortimer's Office. He knocks the door and waits for an answer from inside.


"Hello, Morty. It's Percival."

"Oh, did you find the gun?"

Percival stays in silence. Did Mortimer know that his son's gun was on the crime scene? But... he didn't even talk with the press about this.

"How did you know?" asks Percival, while Mortimer opens the door.

"The gun was used," he answers. Meanwhile, Femur and Splinterbone are going upstairs but Mortimer stops them. "Percival, tell them not to go up. I want to talk to you in private." Percy does what Mortimer said and both assistants go back to the entrance room with William.

Mortimer's Office

The office is a really small room. It only has a desk covered with papers, Mortimer's diplomas and several sports trophies that demonstrate he was a really good athlete in his teenage years. Percival and Mortimer decide to sit face to face.

"What do you mean with the gun was used?" asks Percival.

"I used that gun."

"When? Now?"


Percival doesn't know what to answer now. Did Mortimer kill Lerrick or not? "Why did you use it? What did you do with the gun?"

"I killed that motherfucker, Mother Pharmacy."

"What?" shouts Percival. "Did you kill him? You?"



"Well... he tried to rob my son's jacket yesterday, but actually I killed him because he was a Mantos' gangster destroying my city, Percival."

"And you decided to kill him."

"Yes, what would you have done?"

"Calling the police."

"Bluebloods don't call the police, Percival. Those things are for men like you."

"Oh..." says Percival, while rising from the chair. "Are you saying that I'm weaker than you?"

"Weaker? Ha!" says Mortimer, while getting up from the chair and looking at Percival right in his eyes. "I'm saying that you are a pussy, Percival."

"Uh-huh..." says Percival, with a chuckle. "I think I'll arrest you, pussy."

"You? Arrest me?" answers Mortimer while drawing a handgun from his pocket and pointing at Percival's face. "You're not going to arrest anyone, motherfucker."

"I will arrest you, anyway."

"Yeah, you will arrest me as you did with Ron Delight, Abraham, Tyler, Waters, and all those douchebags. I know you always receive an interesting amount of money from Ron Delight's hands every month. You have his dirty money while you fulfil Ron's mood with your silence." Blueblood now saves his gun in a drawer. "All in all, if you arrest me now, I will say that you have been receiving dirty money and we will fall together."

Percival stays in silence for a second and then he looks for an answer: "And how did you know that?"

"Come on, Percy... I am your boss. I am Canterlot's Governor. I know everything that happens in Canterlot!"

"Including the mafia problems?" Mortimer closes his mouth and chuckles. Now the Commissioner's mouth is wide open. "Are you inside?" Asks Percival.

"What do you think?"

Percival is about to open the door and leave without a handshake. "You piece of corrupted shit."

"Look who's talking! The man who receives money from gangsters!"

Percival takes a breath and opens the door. "Look, let's make a deal." He whispers to the Governor. "I won't arrest you if you don't say anyth--"

"Ok, Percival. I won't say anything," says Blueblood while Percival stays frozen for a second and then he goes away. "Oh, and I am right."

"About what?" he says while leaving.

"You are a pussy."

Percival closes the door with no answers and leaves Mortimer alone. Femur and Splinterbone realize that he is out of the room and ask him what happened.

"Nothing," says Percival. "It is not him, neither his son. Someone robbed the gun."

La Lima

Now, we are in La Lima's main street, which is bigger than all the other streets in the city. The main street is not paved, so it is only sandstone. It is often used for La Lima's Extreme Fighting Tournament, whose main administrators are the Dark Spikes and Patch, where people from all Equestria can fight against others until first blood, or death in several cases. The winner gets $200,000. Gangsters refer them as duels, and they always take them very seriously. The Dark Spikes are now in the main street, looking at the sunset. There is also another man with them smoking a cigarette. "Look at this," says Disturbance. "Sunsets are truly the most beautiful thing in Equestria."

"I prefer a sunrise rather than a sunset," says Tumult.


"Before the morning, there is a sunrise."

"That's because you like the sun, you pussy. The moon is better. What do you think, Riot?"

Riot joins the conversation. "I do like both the Sun and the Moon because they are round and I like round objects!" he shouts.

"We are talking about sunrises and sunsets, you idiot." interrupts Tumult.

"Oh... um... I like sunrises..." says Riot. "Because I like that song Hopkins used to listen!"

"Which song?" asks Disturbance.

"You mean Heart of the Sunrise?" asks the mysterious man. It is a thin, wine-skinned man with short black hair and a brown moustache... he is Hopkins.

"That one!" says Riot.

"Yeah..." answers Hopkins. "I used to listen to that song with Abe, Ron, Jack, and Grent while we were high."

"Grent..." says Disturbance. "What happened to him?"

"You know, he suffered from depression... he had a loner's life, which is very sad. He decided to install himself into a mental hospital and sadly he committed suicide a while ago. Rest in peace."

"Yeah, rest in peace," says Tumult.


While Tumult and Hopkins talk about Grent, Disturbance and Riot are carrying Turmoil, the Dark Spike that never speaks or does anything, to a car. They are getting ready for the final reunion.

"Gordo was right," says Hopkins. "I was going to be better without Ron. I feel a lot freer with Gordo!"

"I told you, Hopkins." answers Disturbance. "Gordo is more than a capo. He is a loyal friend. He saved my life, and that's why I always worked for him." Now, all of the Dark Spikes are inside the car. "We will go Gordo's now, Hopkins. Be safe."


"Hi, Ron?"

"Hey, Percival. What's up?"

"Look... um... something happened. It is related to Lerrick."


"Yes. I've talked with Blueblood and..."

"Is it him? The killer?"


"Son of a bitch... Why did he do that?"

"He told me he killed him because he was a Mantos' gangster destroying Canterlot. His Canterlot. He said that with those scary eyes... You know what I mean..."

"No. I don't know what you mean."

"He is a gangster, Ron! He looked at me with that mafia stare!"

"Percival, he has been a gangster for 20 years, man... I knew him before Jack and Abe..."

"I feel... he can be worse than you. Worse than Gordo."

"Worse than Gordo? Nah! Nobody's worse than Gordo or Patch from La Lima. Blueblood's just a marionette."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Percival! Blueblood was a little bit tough in the past, but now he's just a canterlotian dog."

"Ok... bye, then. I don't have other pieces of news."


Pinkie Pie's House.

It's almost night and the next day is Saturday, so the girls organized a sleepover for tonight. There is only one problem: Rarity's attitude still hasn't changed. She wants someone to sleep in the same bed as her and also she can't be alone, so she wants to go everywhere with one friend at least.

All her friends know that a situation like this can't be easily overcome and they want to do their best at calming Rarity down. Now, Applejack is ordering two pizzas while Rainbow Dash is looking for the new Daring Do movie on the Internet. Fluttershy and Rarity are watching Animal Planet on TV, and Pinkie Pie and Sunset Shimmer are playing videogames. Twilight is the only one that's studying Chemistry.

A minute later, Applejack ends the call and Rainbow Dash finally finds the movie. Everything is interrupted when someone rings the house's doorbell.

"What?" says Applejack. "But... I just called 'em a few seconds ago!"

"Mmmmh... it maybe those weird guys that want to tell you tales about Star Swirl the Bearded..." says Rainbow Dash. "Let them go."

But Rainbow Dash's words weren't right. Seconds later, the person starts knocking the door.

"Oh, c'mon! Who is outside?" shouts Applejack and then she looks through the peephole.

"Do you know him, Applejack?" asks Twilight, while Rarity is hiding behind Fluttershy.

"Yes," she answers. "It's Pietro."

Every girl jumps because of the shock. Pietro? What is he doing? How he could find Pinkie Pie's house? Why did he come here? Pinkie Pie stops her videogame fight with Sunset Shimmer and opens the door. "Hurray!" she shouts. "More guests to the party!"

"This is not a party, Pinkie," says Rainbow Dash. "What are you doing here, Pietro?"

"Look, um..." he says, while entering the house. "I came because of Rarity. I was really worried after what happened..."

"You idiot! Get out of this house!" Says Rarity. "You broke up with me, you said I was useless and then you replaced me for another girl!"

"Yes, sorry..." He says.

"Sorry? The only thing you say is sorry?" shouts Rarity. "I bet that girl who was better than me was one of those Crystal Prep rascals..."

"No, and that's not a topic I want to talk, Rarity."

"Why? Don't you want to know how am I doing, darling?"

"Can we leave this aside?" says Sunset Shimmer. "Pietro, you came because you wanted to know Rarity's situation. That's it?"

"Yes. I was really worried..." he answers.

"I'm fine, darling," she says. "The only thing that is ruining my night is your presence."

"And how did you know we were here?" asks Rainbow Dash.

"Logic. Rarity told me you usually made slumber parties at Pinkie Pie's house, and then she showed me the address while we were walking some weeks ago. I came across, I heard your voices and.. here we are." he says, and then looks at his watch. "Oh! I am running out of time! I've got to go!"

Pietro then opens Pinkie Pie's door and runs away. Every girl is now confused. Where did he go? Was it necessary to come here and interrupt the sleepover?

Gordo's Chalet

Now, almost everyone is in the infamous Gordo's mansion, where the fat man saves all his achievements and every newspaper that mentioned him. He also has the mention of one of his most infamous feats in the media: That school shooting that happened years ago, and he made because he was so crazy in those times.

The first ones to arrive are Ron and his boys. They sit in a big, round table and Ron opens the suitcase.

"Oh, do you still have the head?" asks Gordo.

"Yes," he answers and grabs an enormous jar filled with formalin, which has a rotten head inside. He puts it in the table. "Do you like it? I called him... Red Punchie."

"Ron!" says W, while trying not to vomit. "Please! We have to talk... about the robbery!"

"Aww... look how crybaby is W," says Gordo.

"What did you say, you son of a bitch?" he shouts, while rising from his chair.

"W, please," says Jack. "Sit down."

"But... he said I was a crybaby!"

"Sit down, please!" shouts Abe. W sits down and Ron puts the head inside the suitcase. The doorbell rings again and Butch opens the door. Pietro appears and greets everyone.

"Look!" says Gordo. "Rookie's here."

"Rookie?" asks Pietro, confused.

"Yes, you are the newbie here. Aren't you?" says Gordo. Pietro nods his head while sitting on a chair. Four men are remaining: The Dark Spikes. "Only four men and we start."

The doorbell rings again and Butch opens the door, but he realizes the Dark Spikes are not there and Mortimer Blueblood is there instead.

"Mr. Blueblood..." says Butch. "But... you are not inside the project."

"I wanna be now."

"But... the project is tomorrow and you don't even--"

"Wasn't this a final reunion, Butch? So... they will tell everything."

Gordo notices that Butch has been several seconds on the door, talking to someone he can't see, so he asks: "Who are you talking to, Butch? Is it Disturbance?"

"No." answers Butch. "It's Blueblood. He wants to participate." Everyone gets confused because of that. Blueblood? Why would he want to participate, hours before the robbery? On the other hand, Ron is angry. He is the only one that knows Blueblood killed Lerrick. He didn't tell it to his band because he knew chaos was going to invade the day of tomorrow.

"In the robbery?" says Gordo. "Yes, I forgot about him, sorry... I told him hours ago... Let him enter."

Mortimer enters the house and waves his hand to everybody. He shakes hands with Gordo and sits on a chair. At the same time, the Dark Spikes arrive and sit on the remaining chairs.

"So..." says Gordo. "The plan is this one. Tomorrow morning we will get prepared to rob Ludmila's Jewellery. You will be here and then you will go to Manehattan. You are lucky, Ron, because I found out your oldie daughter Raspberry Sweets is working there but she doesn't work on weekends." Ron does a sigh of relief while hearing that. "The crew will be W, Jack, Pietro, Butch, Disturbance, Tumult, Turmoil, and Riot... wait... will Turmoil participate, in the first place?"

"What do you say, Turmoil?" asks Disturbance. "Would you like to rob Ludmila?"

Turmoil looks at Disturbance and says in a monotonous, decayed voice: "Yes."

"He will be in our car, waiting," answers Tumult.

"That's what I wanted to talk about..." says Gordo. "You are eight, and eight thieves in a small jewelry store is exaggerated. Two or three of you will be inside the cars which will be used to escape from there. You will grab everything valuable and bring it here... but before that, you will have to get rid of Diamond Ludmila... and that's when Plegovich enters..."

"Me?" says Pietro.

"No, your brother Lucas will be in the Canterlot-Manehattan Highway, waiting for all of you and Diamond Ludmila. He told me he wanted to do something special... I don't know what."

Everybody disagrees with Lucas. That would be risky for every one of the crew because they won't stop moving if the police are behind them. Will they stop during a car chase? Of course not! Besides, that is a complete waste of time! Ludmila is always inside the jewelry, so it is easier to rob the jewelry, kill Diamond Ludmila there and then escape. Why the Plegovichs ruin almost every plan?

"We can't reject that... right?" asks Abe.

"No." answers Gordo. "Lucas told his uncle about this... and Nico authorized him to do it. We can't say no." Now there is an uncomfortable silence on the room. Everyone, even Pietro, doesn't want to do that risky task, but nobody can deny it because it was authorized by Uncle Nico Plegovich. There is nothing to do. "Well... I'll say the last details... Abe, Ron, Mortimer and I will be watching you in Canterlot... Don't worry, Ron, about your territory, Gimenez will do a great job... oh, and sorry for Lerrick's fate."

"Yes!" shouts Disturbance. "I couldn't believe it, man... I was watching the news channel and then Lerrick's face appeared on the TV. DEAD. Oh, my reaction was bad..."

"Me too," says Tumult. "My condolences, Ron."

"Also mine, Ron," says Mortimer Blueblood, with a smile that catches Ron's attention.

"Sorry... I don't know who was Lerrick, but my condolences too," says Pietro.

"Thank you for your condolences. I appreciate it," answers Ron, in a monotonous voice. He knows that Blueblood killed Lerrick, though. Percival told him an hour ago. The only thing that makes him mad now is the smile that Blueblood made. That smile tried to provocate him.

"Now, the final thing... the masks," says Gordo, while Butch grabs a bag from the entrance room. "Fletcher, W's old tutor, gave me these masks some days ago. They are 10 in total and are related to Equestrian Myths and Legends."

Butch opens the bag, and Gordo starts getting the masks out.

"We have... King Sombra, Queen Chrysalis, Prince Rutherford, Nightmare Moon, Grogar, Discord, Cozy Glow, The Storm King, and Scorpan."

"Wait..." says Abe. "There are nine."

"Oh," answers Gordo. "That's because Plegovich reserved Lord Tirek's mask for Pietro."

Butch gets from the bag a neat, well-designed Lord Tirek's mask, which awakes W's anger. "Why? He has the mask of the coolest myth ever and I have to choose between these unknown douchebags! Except for Discord and maybe another... Come on, man!! Who in the hell is Cozy Glow? And look at her mask! You will feel like a douchebag instead of a thief!"

"Choose, W!" says Jack. "You have masks who are as cool as Tirek's here."

W grabs a mask: Discord's. Then, Disturbance makes a choice: King Sombra. Tumult grabs The Storm King's mask and Riot grabs Grogar's one. Jack chooses Prince Rutherford's one and Butch grabs Scorpan's.

"What about Turmoil?" asks Gordo. "What will he choose?"

"Grab Cozy Glow's mask. He will accept it," says Disturbance.

After choosing the masks, the whole crew finishes their reunion with a handshake.

Minutes Later. Outside Gordo's Chalet.

W, Jack, and Abe get in Ron's car, but the Pirate is waiting for Blueblood to come out. He wants to talk to him, face to face.

"Waiting for you, Blueblood..." he says to himself.

"I'm here," he says while standing behind him.

"Oh... I didn't see you, bitch."

Blueblood closes the chalet's door and tries to shake hands with Ron, but he denies to do it.

"What happened?" asks Blueblood, confused.

"I know you killed Lerrick."

"Oh yeah..." answers Blueblood, while chuckling. "Sorry... Now I have two partners of Delight on my dead list."

"Hey, you son of a bitch," says Ron, while grabbing Blueblood's luxurious suit. "Don't talk about Wade in front of me."

"Oh, sorry, Pirate! Do I have to remind you again that I was the man that killed Wade Waters?"

"Hey! Be careful. One of my boys is Wade's son."

"Yeah... the Bedmaker."

"He entered mafia because he wanted to look for his parents' killer... he wanted to look for you. Now he forgot about it, but I know a part of his brain still thinks about them. If he finds out you killed his parents, he will kill you."

"He will never know, Ron, unless you tell him."

"I truly don't want to tell him the truth... I know he is gonna be sad, angry... I'm afraid he would go back to drugs, and I don't want him inside that world again... I had to deal with Junkie Walter seven, eight years ago and that was an odyssey for me, for Jack, for everyone... Besides, if he kills you, Gordo will kill me..."

"Uh-huh... Now, would you stop grabbing my trenchcoat, please?"

"No. I just wanna tell you this... next time you try provocating me, I will kick your ass. I should kill you because you got rid of Wade, but I just can't because of Gordo. I wish I could do that and leave you like Red Punchie."

"The truth here is that you can't," says Blueblood, and explodes in a burst of laughs. Ron lets him go and leaves, without greeting him. Then, he gets in the car.

"What happened?" asks Abe.

"Nothing. Normal conversation."

They will get ready for tomorrow. For the first time, they will rob Ludmila's Jewelry in Manehattan, and three of those guys will not return to Los Mantos after that robbery, they will open the Canterlot's motel door again.

To be continued...

- For Ron, From Wade -

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I don't know, man. I'm worried because I've heard the bitch will send Blueblood to kill me. I'm afraid he will touch Wanda, William, and Walter. I've already sent the boys to Fletcher, but Wanda denied to go with him. She prefers to stay with me on Wayneville.

I know that Fletcher won't take care of the kids for a long time. He will move to Canterlot in a few days and will be all day on that new music house he was building there. I can't leave him with the boys, and that's why I thought about the orphanage. I know the orphanage is bullshit, but I have no choice. Wanda's parents are on the other side of the mirror and won't return until 1998. My mom is not here (rest in peace, momma) and my father, well... my father is crazy. I know you won't visit them because you are too busy, but if you have time, try looking for a place for them to live in proper conditions.

This may be my last letter, Rondo. The bitch is angry and wants to hunt me, and that's why Blueblood was hired. They will kill me, but I know my face will be legendary after the ambush.

-Wadey Waters, the Hero.


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Motel. 8:00 A.M.

"Get up."

I open my eyes and look at a woman who looks exactly like me. Yellow skin, short brown hair and she is also wearing a wine-colored dressing gown. It's a woman I recognize... because it's my mother. It's the only thing I remember from her. I've seen photos, yes, but that face is the only thing Baby W remembers about her. "That's it, Waltie," she says. "Open your eyes, you beauty. Momma's here."

"W... get up. Today's the day.

No! Mom! Who was the motherfucker who woke me up? I open my eyes and I look at Ron, Jack, Abe, and Calcu... um... Larry. Wait! How could Ron be here if we left him in Los Mantos last night? "What the fuck?" I ask. "How could Ron...?"

"I woke up at 6 A.M." he answers. "I came with Larry by car. We must go now to Gordo's. Now, I want you to dress up, and I mean... dress up."

"That means... I won't use my trenchcoat today..."

"No. Use the special suit."

Oh... the special suit. I thought I'd never wear that in Canterlot. I open a small wardrobe and I grab some black shoes, smart trousers, a white buttoned shirt, a black jacket, and a red tie. That's my special suit... well, that's not the suit's real name... the truth is this suit's called Special Suit for Specific Crimes... and it's not necessary to say why do I use it.

"I'm ready," I say. "Shall I take a shower?"

"No." answers Jack. "You will come back here filled with blood and sweat."

Blood. It is the first time they say blood while planning a heist. We never killed someone (intentionally) during a robbery. Why would we do that?

"Blood? But... this is a heist. We are not going to kill any--" Oh, shit. I remembered. Ludmila. I shut my mouth and we leave the motel.

Gordo's Chalet.

It's 8:15 and now everyone is at Gordo's Chalet. Us, the Dark Spikes, the Plegovichs, Mr. Mortimer Blueblood and last but not least, Gordo and his right-hand man, Butch. The first thing we do is to grab our masks and hide it. I check my weaponry: I have my handgun in my pocket. Perfect. A handgun is easier to hide and it's not so exaggerated. However, the Dark Spikes brought three shotguns. Three shotguns! We are going to rob jewelry, not a kingdom!

After grabbing my beloved Discord mask, everyone goes outside, where there are two black cars with no plates. "Those are the cars you will use," says Gordo. "After the robbery, they will be sent to another part of Equestria, maybe Las Pegasus, and will be used in a demolition derby. I organized your positions along with Butch and I concluded the Dark Spikes will be in one car and the remaining members will be in the other one. During the robbery, Turmoil, Jack and Pietro will stay in the cars."

"What?" I say. "He has the coolest mask to rob a place and he stays in the car." I mean... my dream was robbing Ludmila's using Lord Tirek's mask. Everyone would shit their pants if they looked at me using it! That Tirek's mask is freakin' awesome and this situation would be a complete waste for it.

"Plegovich's orders," says Gordo.

"Come on... do we have to do everything Plegovich says? Who the fuck does he think he is?"

"Equestria's man, Waters." says Lucas. "And also, my uncle."

I should shut up. I don't wanna keep digging my own grave, so I let Gordo continue with his speech: "Ok... the last thing to know is... we will be watching you through the news channel in the chalet's TV. We will call you if we had any problems or news. Don't forget your one-use cellphones."

Gordo gives everyone a phone and greets everyone. Now, the moment has arrived. We are prepared. We will rob jewelry, capture Ludmila and send him to Lucas. Jack, Pietro, and Butch get to the car, and at that same moment I open the car door, a voice stops me.

"Hey, Walter." I turn around and I look at Mr. Blueblood. Why would he stop me? "Good luck," he says.

"Oh, thank you," I answer with a smile.

"You know... your father had the same behavior as you. Rebellious, brave, hated everyone who gave him orders..."

Wait... my father. How does he know my father? Why would he talk to me about my father now? "How do you know my father?" I ask him.

"We were friends... a long time ago."

"Blueblood." Interrupts Ron. "We are running out of time."

There is something that called my attention to this weird situation. Ron's gesture looked like he was really angry. That's something I should think about and ask later because now it is not the moment to think about gestures. I get in the car and I sit next to Jack, who is driving. Behind me, Pietro and Butch are getting prepared.

"Are you scared, Pietro?" I ask him, laughing. "If someone catches us, just say you are Plegovich's nephew and you will be free."

"And what about you?" Asks Pietro. Everyone starts laughing.

"Your uncle is our boss, not our protector... If we screw it, we screw it."

Meanwhile, Gordo approaches to Ron. "Ron." He says. "You know why are we doing this, right?"

"For the meth I owe you."

"Yeah, but that's not the only thing. We are doing this for our friendship, Ronnie."


"You know what that means, right?"


"We will be in a better situation during the Fort thing."

Ron just smoothly smiles while Lucas tells the drivers to go away. Turmoil doesn't turn the car on, so Disturbance turns it on and starts driving.


Manehattan, bebé!

"We arrived in Manehattan, Piet!" I shout while laughing. Pietro doesn't answer, because he is so scared that he can barely speak. I mean, I look at his face and I can't stop laughing. His face looks like a crumpled sheet of paper. Butch is calm, to be honest, so I'm not going to say anything about him. Jack looks behind and looks at the Dark Spikes' car, who is getting nearer, but then, someone stops us... and also our joy and adrenaline.

"Oh shit. Fuck." Says Jack. We are now in one of the main avenues, and in one of its corners, there are some cops having fun. There's also a little bit of traffic... Hmmm... I don't like this.

"What is the police doing?" Asks Butch.

"They are checking everyone." Answers Jack. "On a Saturday? Come on!"

Everyone gets more desperate and desperate. We can be caught now because every car is being stopped and checked by them. A mysterious black car with no plates would call their attention. And two? Oh my, it would be worse.

After a minute, our turn arrives. "Hey." Says one of the cops, while we are stopping near them. "Stop." I lower the car window when a pale cop with black hair approaches the car. The policeman looks at the car and something calls his attention: "The plates?"

"Uh... we lost them."

"Lost? Oh... interesting. Both of them?"


The cop smiles. "Would you open the trunk for me, then?"


Jack is about to open the trunk, but the cop is still staying on his position. Another cop approaches him.

"There is another black car with no plates behind..." says the other cop. Shit! Shit! "I don't like those guys."

Now we are fucked. Fucked. The cop now looks at Jack and me with a scary stare. "Oh, look at this..." he says, smiling. "There is another car like yours. Black, no plates."

"Shit." Says Butch. Pietro is about to pee himself. The cop knocks Pietro's door and he fastly lowers it.

"Oh, shit." Says the policeman. The second cop looks at Pietro and sighs.

"I-is t-there... anything wrong?" Asks Pietro, while sweating.

"Pietro Plegovich." Says one of the cops. "Lucas told me we wouldn't touch Pietro and his friends for this weekend."

The cops start laughing and a cop girl approaches to Pietro. "Lucas told me you were going to Ludmila," she says.

"Yes," I say.

"Am I talking to you?" answers the girl and I shut my mouth. "Kick his ass, little Peter. Ludmila's just a greedy idiot. Go."

Jack accelerates and escapes. This was close... very close. Thanks to Pietro for this one... Everyone inside the car is in silence but smiling, except for Pietro, who is very scared.

"Corrupted cops." Says Butch.

"You are lucky, Pietro." says W. "Thanks to Star Swirl you were here."

The cars turn on the left and we finally arrive at our destination. We are in front of Ludmila's Jewelry and at this right moment, we put on our masks.

"Wish me luck, Jacky," I say. "You too, Pietro."

I get out of the car with Butch while the Dark Spikes are waiting for us. I check my pocket again. Perfect. The Dark Spikes open their trunk and grab those three shotguns. We cross the street fastly, calling people's attention, and I open the door.

It is obvious that we are here to commit a crime. Once the employees see us, they call 911. Luckily, there are no clients inside and Raspberry Sweets is not there.

"HEY, MOTHERFUCKERS!" I shout. "THIS IS A FUCKING ROBBERY!" And then Riot starts breaking the windows which protect jewels with his bare hands. Tumult and Disturbance threaten the employees and reclaim for Ludmila's appearance. Butch and I are just grabbing the jewels.

"WE WANT THE OWNER!" shout Disturbance and Tumult. "BRING ME THE OWNER OR I'LL SHOOT YOU!"

Suddenly, a gunshot is heard by the distance, and Butch falls to the floor. His mask has been destroyed and his neck is bleeding. That means... Requiescat in pace, Butch. Ludmila appears under the store's counter, holding a golden gun.

"Don't fucking move." Says Ludmila. "The police are coming, you pieces of shit."

"You are the piece of shit!" Shouts Tumult. "A pal of ours just died... because of you."

"You almost killed my employees..."

Tumult points at Ludmila with the shotgun. We think that there may be a safe behind the shop's counter. "Do you have a safe?" asks Disturbance. Meanwhile, Tumult and Riot get the employees out. There is something that is making me nervous: The police. Come on! All the people who were walking on this street ran away because of the robbery... and this didn't even call the police's attention. I'm not talking about those cops I came across, but every police station in Manehattan, including the ones who don't know who we are and what are we doing here at this moment. This is completely weird. Why is the police taking so long to arrive? Is this because of Pietro?

"Safe? No!" answers Ludmila.

"And how did you pay Plegovich to secure your store from rookie burglars?"

Ludmila's face changes. Now he knows what's going on. Not only we came to rob the place, but also we came for him. "W-With the money I earned every day!" he shouts.

"Stop lying, you dumbass!" shouts Disturbance. "I've heard you didn't want to use the store's earnings to pay Plegovich for your security... so you used your family's savings, which Mr Plegovich told us they are always near you."

"I fucking swear!" he shouts. "My savings are not here... I keep them in my house."

Tumult grabs Ludmila and crashes him against the shop counter, made of glass. His head starts bleeding while Riot punches him in the face and leaves him unconscious.

"No, Riot!" I shout. "You can't kill him now!"

Meanwhile, Disturbance and I grab everything we can. The police haven't arrived yet... this is weird. Even if the police were with us, they always sent at least two or three police cars to make chaos, but in this case, they are not even coming, I think. A minute later, Tumult returns with a smile. "I found a safe. Bring Ludmila to me," he says.

"But... he is unconscious. I punched him in the face," says Riot.

Tumult's face now demonstrates his anger. "You fucking idiot! Why did you punch him in the face? The police may be around the corner and you knock the man we need down!"

"There may be a solution," I say. "How is the code? Numbers? Letters?"

"Letters." answers Tumult.

Behind the Shop Counter.

There is a door behind the shop counter. Inside, there is only a computer, some cups of tea and cookies on a table. There is also another door which may be Ludmila's room if he stayed too late during his work. It has a comfy bed, a TV and... there is a safe next to the bed. A big one. The safe has a keyboard under it.

"Holy shit..." says Disturbance, while taking off his mask. "This is huge."

"How can we find out the code?" says Tumult. "There are lots of combinations... and the police may be near."

I lie on the bed. I'm not hearing any sirens or cars... the police are not here yet. I just don't like that... why would they take so much time? Meanwhile, the three Dark Spikes are thinking about the password.

"Think this," says Disturbance. "Ludmila's a selfish dude. Do you think the password would be...?"

Disturbance keys in LUDMILA and the safe's lock is open. Everyone, including me, start celebrating. Once they open the safe, we find out it has 35,500 bucks. Not much... but something.

"Now, we must go away. Now," I say. Riot grabs Ludmila and all of us get out of the jewellery store. Surprisingly, there are no police cars there... Just nothing.


I get in the car while Jack and Pietro put on their masks.

"Did a police car appear at least?" I ask. Both of them shake their heads.

"Where is Butch?" asks Jack. I point to the sky without saying anything. "What do you mean with that? Is he dead?"

"Yes. Ludmila shot him in the neck," I answer. "He may have survived but... I don't know, I'm afraid we were running out of time."

"What?" shouts Pietro. "But... he's a friend of you! You could have helped at least!"

Jack and me look at each other while laughing... I learned the answer of that question when I was 10 years old, and I will never forget it: "Well, Pietro, unless you know him since your first day or saved your life, the word friends does not exist in this world. The only things you should care about are yourself... and yourself. Fuck the others."

Jack accelerates and is ready to run, but suddenly... I hear a siren. They have finally arrived. Luckily they didn't arrive during the robbery... or maybe, this was on purpose. They were waiting for us.

"HEY!" shouts Pietro. "THE COPS!"

Both our car and the Dark Spikes accelerate and run away. The cops are following us but they are being very kind. It could be because Pietro is inside one of the cars, but actually, I don't know. They are not even shouting Stop the fucking car! or those stupid phrases. And what about the guns? No one is firing their guns, so they are just following us in complete silence.

"What happens with the police?" asks Jack. "Why are they so kind now?"

Suddenly, my phone starts ringing. It's Ron. "Hi?" I say, after answering the call.

"Did you go out? Are you inside?"

"Yes. Ludmila is in Dark Spikes' car. We had a problem... Butch. He was cooked and left in the oven. On the other hand, the police are being very kind... and I don't like it. I feel they have something juicy and we don't know."

That phrase terrifies Pietro. Jack is not paying attention because he is driving. "Actually, they do."

I knew it. "Oh fuck... what do they have? How do you know?"

"I'm watching the news. Watch out, guys. The Rainbooms are coming.

Rainbooms. That word Flash Sentry said to describe Rarity and her friends... Are they also superheroines or something like that? Ron ends the call and leaves me with no answers.

"What happened?" asks Pietro, terrified.

"Turn on the radio, Jack," I say. Jack does this.

"Hello, yes. I'm being informed about a robbery in Ludmila's Jewellery Store... you know, Manehattan. The Rainbooms, the Equestrian superheroines which were protagonists of the 2015 Battle of the Bands Case, have been called and decided to stop this chaos, facing up the notorious robbers..."

Jack instantly turns off the radio. The three of us are now in silence, looking to our eyes while trying not to cry. "Shit," says Jack, with a smile. "Now we are screwed."

That may be the answer to the police's behaviour. They were calm because they knew they would be helped by a higher power. We can't stop now... well, why would we stop? We can't keep moving, because the Rainbooms will still find us!

"Do you see them?" Ask Jack.

I lower the car's window again and I look outside. There are only police cars following us, without saying a word. Suddenly, I see something rising in the sky... seven things rising in the sky.

"Yes," I say. "Go faster!"

We pass next to a sign that says we are leaving Manehattan and we are entering the other side of the Canterlot-Manehattan Highway. A white shield appears in front of us. It's Rarity.

Gordo's Chalet.

The TV reporter shouts:"Look at this! The Rainbooms have just entered to Manehattan! OH! A white shield has appeared in front of the robbers! They got caught... Wait! They are driving back to Manehattan! The famous Twilight appears to elevate those cars with her magic!"

"No! No! No! Fuck!" shouts Ron. He knows there's no escape to this. Everyone is watching the TV in silence, almost crying.


"No! They will discover me!" shouts Pietro. Yes, little Peter, we are screwed. Fucking screwed.

However, something strange happens.

The magic that was elevating our cars is now gone and our vehicles go down slowly. It looks like there's another magic moving us and we look to the Rainbooms, who are as confused as us.

"Girls!" Shouts Twilight. "Did you see that?"

"What?" Says Rainbow Dash, while running very, very fast. "But... what could have happened?"

All of them are running around us, but no one dares to open the door... well, they are not even looking at us... what happened? Why are they not looking at the robbers?

Gordo's Chalet

"What happened? Uh... It looks like the cars disappeared... but, how? You watched it! I watched it! The cars were being elevated and... poof! They disappeared!"

"What the fuck has just happened?" Says Gordo. Even Blueblood is confused about this. Ron calls W's phone.


Ron's calling me again. Meanwhile, Jack is talking to Disturbance. It looks like we have disappeared and nobody knows why. We take advantage of the situation and I decide to escape. Surprisingly, no one reacts to our escape. They are all confused, looking for us. Are we in another dimension or what? Why are we invisible?

"Turn on the radio, W," says Jack. I turn it on and the news is the cars' disappearance.

"Why would the cars disappear?" asks Pietro confused. "Was it caused by magic?"

"I don't know," says Jack. "It could have been anything."

I look behind the car and I see someone next to Pietro. My yellow face fades into white.

"Thank me for saving your ass, W."

"Discord?" I say. Both Jack and Pietro look at me.

"Who are you talking to?" Asks Pietro. I wink my eyes and Discord's figure disappears. Now we are only three in the car. This means Discord made the cars invisible... but why? Why would he save us now?

Meanwhile, Pietro's phone starts ringing. He has a call. "Lucas?" he says. "Uh... okay. Yes. We are OK."

"What happened?" I ask him, after ending the call.

"He said he was under a Canterlot Mall sign in the hallway."

"A Canterlot Mall sign?" Says Jack. "That's almost 3 miles away."

3 miles? Really? I hope there is a reward for this. We are invisible now, but I'm afraid the police will still find us.

3 Miles Later

I see that Canterlot Mall sign and I also look at someone getting out of a car. There is also a chair in the highway. Both cars stop and everyone gets out. Ludmila is carried by Riot and Tumult while being completely tied and also awake. He starts moving unstoppably and gets sat on the chair. He recognizes Lucas' face.

"Holy shit!" shouts Ludmila. "I have the money... I will pay for your security!"

"You mean this money?" says Disturbance, while grabbing the bag which has the safe's money. He opens it and Lucas looks at it.

"Hey!" shouts Lucas, while smiling. "You have it!"

"I was saving!" shouts Ludmila. "Please... no... don't kill me!"

We look at how Ludmila is trying not to pee himself while crying. Lucas and the Dark Spikes start laughing, while Pietro, Jack and I just smile... awkwardly. This situation is kind of uncomfortable.

"Well..." I say. "What kind of special thing did you want to do, Lucas?"

The Plegovich smiles at me. "This will be a historical day, Waters," he says while drawing a gun from his suit. "Today, the Chosen One will kill Ludmila."

"NO!" says Ludmila. "PLEASE!"

"SHUT UP, YOU SON OF A BITCH!" shouts Lucas, before approaching Pietro and giving him his gun. "Your turn."

"Wait, what?" says Pietro. "Do I have to kill him?"

"Yes," responds Lucas. "This will be your first kill. Your revenge. An achievement that must be obtained by every gangster."

Pietro looks at Ludmila and then at the gun. He rubs his head, hair and nose while thinking until he arrives at a conclusion in his mind: "N-No... I-I won't do this... I can't."

"Come on!" says Disturbance. "It's a man who tried to ruin you. Ruin your family... your surname is a privileged one... do you really wanna see that surname with a stain?"

"Of course not, but I... can't kill someone to keep my surname clean!"

"Yes," says Lucas. "You can."

Ludmila is still crying while everyone is watching this soap opera in silence. After a minute who seemed like an eternity, Lucas decides to kill Ludmila. "Ok," he says. "I'll do it, you pussy."

"NO! NO!" shouts Ludmila, but he is shot in the head seconds later and then the Dark Spikes untie him. They put the body inside the car's trunk and leave... that's the exact moment where we have to escape.

"We will leave, Lucas," says Jack.

"Go away, Tyler..." he answers. "And also you, Waters... I need to talk to my brother in private."

Both Jack and I get on the car and leave.

Lucas kept those $35,500 on his uncle's pocket. All of Ludmila's jewellery was sold to Gordo and then turned into a big amount of money. Ron and he are now in peace. Pietro had a long talk with his brother about the gangster world and he left with some advice. W and Jack stayed in the motel for the whole day.

The police found Butch's body, but no one discovered his real identity and name. Gordo ordered a portrait of Butch for a tribute. He will hang it on his Canterlot's secret Chalet.

Monday. Canterlot High.

Pietro arrives at school after a long time. He is now in the cafeteria, hanging out with his idiotic friends from Canterlot High's Rugby Team. He is also watching the news channel, which is talking about the cars' disappearance. Almost every guy is talking about the hot topic of the day: Today Celestia has announced that the Fall Formal will be in three weeks.

"Hey, Pietro..." says one of his friends. "Are you going to ask Rainbow Dash?"

"Nah..." he responds. "I don't know. There are a lot of hotties in this place, you know... You have Lyra, Bon Bon..."

"Aren't they lesbians?" asks a blue-skinned friend from Pietro. Everyone gets confused.

"I don't know." answers another friend. "I wish... Having sex with lesbians is my wet dream..."

"I would pick Sunset Shimmer." says the blue-skinned boy. "She is hot... come on, guys, you have to agree with me. She is hot..."

"Meh..." answers an orange-skinned kid in the table. "I would choose Trixie."

"TRIXIE?" shouts almost everyone. "Are you fucking crazy?"

"I mean, she is crazy but... she is pretty."

"You are out of your mind, Duke Starlight," says Pietro. "Are you sure you wanna hear a crazy girl talking about magic tricks in third person?"

"No..." answers Duke Starlight. "You may be right, guys... she may be pretty but she is crazy."

Then, a short, purple-skinned boy with blue short hair and big glasses comes across Pietro's band while shaking. Pietro nudges his shoulder three times and the boy sighs.

"Hey, Micro Chips..." says Pietro. "Did you know about the Fall Formal thing?"

The shy kid turns around and looks at the bully, exposed. "Y-Yes..."

"Will you go with a girl?" asks Pietro, while his other friends are laughing.

"I don't know..." answers Micro Chips with a very depressing gesture and trying not to run away.

"You don't know? Oh... that's a shame."

"Yes... I know," says Micro Chips while holding himself. "Nobody loves me."

The guys start laughing again. Pietro just smiles while everyone in the cafeteria is looking at Micro Chips. There is also a pink-skinned girl with poofy, pink hair laughing but she doesn't know why everyone in Pietro's table is smiling. Pietro realizes she is laughing.

"Pinkie Pie," says Pietro. "Would you like Micro Chips to be your partner in the Fall Formal?"

"No!" interrupts one of Pietro's friends. "She's not a girl for that weird nerd! She is a girl for me! Look at those legs, come on!"

Everyone of Pietro's friends starts whistling to Pinkie Pie. Her pink cheeks blush and this awakes Rainbow Dash's anger.

"You idiots!" shouts Rainbow Dash. "Don't you dare to talk to my friend in that way!"

"And what are you doing to do, Dashie?" asks Pietro, while chuckling.

This pseudo-fight is interrupted by someone who enters the cafeteria in silence. A yellow-skinned, young man with short brown hair and an earring on his left ear: W.

"Woah, Woah, Woah," says W, surprised. "Are you going to fight? Can I participate?"

"You?" says Pietro. "What the fuck are you doing here? I'm in the middle of an argument with these idiots."

"Hey..." says W, while stopping Rainbow Dash from kicking Pietro's ass. "Calm down, I'll handle this."

"He will humiliate you," says Rainbow Dash. "Like everyone."

W chuckles while looking at Dash. "He? Humiliating me? That's impossible, Dash."

Pietro starts laughing while Pinkie Pie calms Rainbow Dash down. "What are you doing here?" asks Plegovich's nephew.

"I came to check if you were OK. I see you are OK here... you seem to be the King of Canterlot High with that attitude, aren't you?"

"Do you know this clown?" asks one of Pietro's friends. "What did you do with him?"

"N-Nothing..." responds Pietro, while he starts sweating.

"Nothing?" says W, chuckling. "Oh man, that weekend was heavy, boy... wasn't it?"

"Shut the fuck up!" he says while rising from his table. All his friends start doing the same thing.

"Hey, you clown," says the blue-skinned boy. "Nobody called you. Get out of here if you don't want to get your ass kicked."

W starts laughing. "Do you really wanna fight, bitches? Here? On Happiness High?"

Pietro's friends start looking at each other. "Ok then. When?" says the blue-skinned man.

"No," says Pietro. "I will fight him alone, Little Ace."

"Little Ace? HA!" says W. "What an ugly name, come on!"

Everybody in the cafeteria starts laughing, even Rainbow Dash. Little Ace wants to punch W's face but Pietro stops him.

"Say something before I leave you on the floor without teeth," says Pietro.

"Ok, I'll start," answers W, before taking a breath. "You seem to be the King of Canterlot High, but I know that outside this school you are nothing. Your ass is always safe because your uncle is powerful, but if you were alone, you would lose in an argument against a teddy bear."

"I have this," says Pietro, while pointing at his biceps. "What do you have?"

W tells him to come nearer. He wants to whisper him something.

"What do you have?" asks Pietro.

"Come here and I'll tell you."

"I won't."

Little Ace pushes Pietro away to go for W. Fortunately, the gangster grabs him by his neck and crashes his head against one of the tables. The blue-skinned boy's nose starts bleeding and runs away to Nurse Redheart. Everybody in the cafeteria is silent. "Are you going to come now?" asks W. "Or will I break your nose like Little Bitch?"

Pietro and W get nearer. "What do you have then?" asks Pietro.

"I have information, Pietro. Facts. You wouldn't like it if I told everyone what we did this weekend." Pietro is silent now. He knows W may cause chaos. "I came because Blueblood called us. We need to go now."

To be continued...


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Canterlot High's Hallway

W and Pietro are now walking in the school's hallway going to the exit.

"Was that thing in the cafeteria necessary?" says Pietro.

"Yes, that friend of you really deserved it," I answer. "Now, go to the entrance's door and stay there. I will go for Jack... if you move only one inch, I will find you and leave you with no teeth, like you just said."

Celestia's Office

Celestia and Luna are drinking a cup of tea while talking to Jack.

"Are you sure that kid, W, will handle the situation in the cafeteria?" asks Celestia.

"Yeah," responds Jack. "He will handle that perfectly."

"And why are you taking Pietro out? Did he do something?"

"No. It's just a thing from his family."

"The Plegovichs?" asks Luna.

"Yes," says Jack.

"They have been ruling Equestria since Seductive's resignation, right?" asks Luna. Jack nods his head hardly believing that the sisters know so much about the mafia in Equestria.

"Wait..." says Jack. "How do you know that? That's quite specific." He actually knows why, but he doesn't want them to know about that time where he was in a Fall Formal under a fake identity.

"Um... well. It is complicated," says Luna. "We are Cosmos' daughters."

"Oh..." says Jack. "Cosmos, yeah... the Clock guy. Now I know why you hate Gordo."

There is a story behind all of this. Before Gordo, there was Cosmos in Canterlot. Gordo wanted his city and tried to bring down Cosmos. That turned into a gang war which everybody knows as the Canterlotian Gang War, where Gordo won and obtained his kingdom. Cosmos, however, was left in the dust... he didn't die in the war but his wife, Galaxia, did.

"Yeah..." says Luna. "Gordo... that stupid bastard... anyway, we were talking about Pietro... Let's go back, please. I just don't wanna talk about this..."

"I'm afraid they are turning him into a gangster," says Celestia. "His uncle is such a psychopath... I won't be shocked if I find out he is training him."

"He is doing that, actually," says Jack. "And I don't like it. Pietro is not an appropriate dude for the mafia, and also they are forcing him to enter, so this is worse..."

"Plegovich may be scared and wants to train his whole family, who knows..." says Luna. "Maybe that Gordo rat is trying to sit on his chair."

"Gordo?" says Jack. "No. Gordo is loyal. There are lots of people who hate Plegovich but Gordo is not one of them."

"We hate Plegovich," says Celestia. "And we also hate Gordo. I think you hate them both too. Don't you?"

Jack smiles and then nods his head, revealing his true intentions. Celestia chuckles while rising from his chair and then W opens the door.

"Everything is solved," says W. "The only problem is that shit happened during the task."

Jack sighs while rising from the chair he was sitting on. "What did you do now?"

"Um... I entered while Pietro was arguing with this girl, Rainbow Dash, and I broke some douchebag's nose."

"What?" says Luna. "How could you--?"

"Calm down," interrupts W. "It's only a nose. Besides, it was in self-defence."

"But... was breaking his nose necessary?" asks Jack. "Whose nose did you break?"

"One of Pietro's friends. Little Ace..." says W, and then he starts laughing. "Little Ace... pathetic."

"Little Ace?" asks Celestia, surprised. "Oh yeah, a special name around these classrooms... a crazy pervert. He manipulated lots of girls here to get their nudes... he also tried to manipulate both of us..." she says, while laughing. "Come on! Why would you get some photos of me? How can you be so hungry for some stupid photos?"

Luna, W and her start laughing while Jack stays in silence and the gangsters leave the office after greeting the sisters.

Outside Celestia's Office

"I mean," says W.

"You mean what?"

"That Celestia and Luna thing. Little Ace tried to..."

"Yes, I know," answers Jack in a really bad way. "Bloody rascal."

"Yeah, but... you know. If Luna, or... well, Celestia, of course... If they were younger... I'd bang them."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" says Jack, angrily. W smiles and starts laughing.

"Are you jealous?" says W, while nudging Jack with his elbow.

"Of what?"

"Of me, Jack... come on! You wish you had my physical appearance! My body is perfect!"

"You are thinner than a portion of spaghetti, W."

"Uh, come on! I'm that skinny?"

"Yes," says Jack. Both of them keep walking until they find Pietro. However, W touches Jack's shoulder and looks at him, while smiling. "What happened now?"

"You are jealous."

"Are you kidding? I've already told you I am not!"

"No, no... not jealous of me. You are jealous of any man that tries to touch Lu... no, Celestia, isn't she? Aren't you, you fucking jerk?"

Jack grabs W's trenchcoat and crashes him against some lockers. "Don't mock me, you moron, or I'll mock you after kicking your ass."

W shuts up and now decides to calm down and apologize while cleaning his trenchcoat. "But are you jealous?" he asks.

"Of course not," says Jack. "Celestia and I are just friends."

"Friends? Are you sure?"



School's Entrance

Oh my. I think I've just discovered something that Jack never wanted to show. I am looking now to another Jack... it looks like Susan is not the only woman who cares about! Finally, I've seen an improvement now! The widower is not a widower anymore!

I approach the entrance and I see Pietro on the entrance. "I thought you've escaped and I was going to find you and leave you with no teeth," I say.

"I could have gone outside, but..." he says while looking outside. "She's there and I don't want to come across her."

"And who's there?" says Jack. Both of us look outside and we found out Trixie's there.

"Really?" I say. "You don't want to go out because of Trixie?"

"She's fucking crazy," he says. "Why would I come across a girl who talks in third person?"

"She doesn't bite, Pietro," says Jack. "She is only a girl."

"A crazy girl," he answers. I start getting tired of this situation, honestly.

"It's only a fucking girl, Pietro!" I shout. "Just go down and that's it!"

"I won't!"

I sigh while looking at Trixie, and then I point at him with my finger and say: "You owe me one."


"Hey, Trix..." I say, only to find out Trixie is sitting on the entrance's stairs, crying. "Oh... I didn't..."

"It's OK..." she says to me. "Trixie is OK."

"You are not OK, did somebody hurt you? Did... that stupid guy, Pietro, hurt you?"

"No, he didn't hurt me..." she says, while I sit next to her. "I just... feel lonely."


"Yes... Trixie would like someone to invite her to the Fall Formal, but nobody wants to go with her..."


"Trixie asked Duke Starlight to go with her, and he denied going with me 'cause he told me I was crazy."

Trixie starts crying again and I nudge her shoulder. "You shouldn't worry about that..." I tell her. "I mean, it is not necessary to go with somebody."

"You say?" she asks while cleaning her face with a tissue.

"Yeah... you are Great and Powerful, aren't you?"

"Yes..." she says while smiling. "Trixie is and will be always Great and Powerful."

"So... if you are great and powerful... why would you need another guy to go to the Fall Formal?"

Her face just petrifies like a rock after saying that. "You... are right..." she says. "Why would Trixie need someone?"

"Yeah! You should go with the best dress you have and with the best style to make them know who is the greatest and also more powerful in the--"

She interrupts me by hugging me, and I feel she is hugging me with all her force like she's trying not to get off me. "You are right! Absolutely right!" she says while smiling. "I don't know how this conversation began but it really worked out... The Great and Powerful Trrrixie thanks you, W!"

She runs away to somewhere. That's the right moment when Jack and Pietro come out. The kid is laughing.

"Are you happier now, bitch?" I ask him while he is smiling.

"You two are too cute together," he says. What did you say, you motherfucker?

"Shut the fuck up or I'll circumcise you with my bare hands," I tell him.

"Woah..." says Jack, while we start walking to the parking lot. "That's what I call a heavy threat."

Pietro starts laughing. "Sorry if I hit your heart with my words."

I instantly stop walking and look at Pietro with a challenging stare: "Do you really wanna see me out of my cage, Petey?"

"Come on..." he says. "She may be crazy but, she has those legs, you know what I mean..."

"I told you. Shut the fuck up."

"I recommend you to do that," says Jack. "Now we are going to the Parking Lot for your car, Pietro."

"What?" he asks. "My car?"

"Yes. We will go to Blueblood's in your car."

Flash Sentry's Room

"You know... when Rarity was a child, I used to take her with my wife to the Canterlot Mall to have some ice-cream. I always remember the ways she tried to decorate her ice-cream. Chocolate chips, almonds, sweets. She had been designing things since she was a baby."

"Oh, that's so nice, Abraham..."

Flash Sentry and Abe are talking about an old anecdote from Rarity in her childhood years.

"Yeah..." he says while laughing. "It was nice."

"And what happened?" asks Flash Sentry.

Abe rises from his chair and looks at the room's door. "My wife left."

"Oh... did she...?"

"No, no... she didn't die," says Abe. "She left me for another man, and I would have done the same if I was my wife and she was me. I'm glad for her."

"W-Why?" asks Flash Sentry. "She... left you. She lied to you..."

"I had a job," says Abe, interrupting Flash's words. A bad job during those days, and it was obvious that my wife would discover it one day... she did, and she left me." Flash Sentry stays in silence. What kind of job was Abe talking about? "If you want to know what was my job... it was strange."


"Yeah. A policeman who was controlled by a corrupt commissioner with an eye patch. I really did bad things for him. Now that I left...I feel proud of it, but my wife and son don't care about me now."

"Oh.. that's so... I don't know what to say."

Abe smiles while looking at Flash Sentry. "It is not necessary to say anything."

Flash Sentry's phone starts vibrating. It is a message from his friend, Brawly Beats. He decided to make up with his bandmates after he was left in the hospital.

"Bro: Fall Formal is in three weeks. What will you do, man?" says the message. Flash rises from his bed and tries to get up, but one of his legs still hurts.

"What happened?" asks Abe, shocked.

"The Fall Formal... is in three weeks. No! No! No!" he says while grabbing his head. "I will not be in the Fall Formal! Why?!"

"Three weeks, Flash. It's a long time. You will be better by the time the party starts."

"I don't know, Abraham... All my plans, ruined!"

"What did you want to do?"

"I planned to... ask someone to dance."

"The girl you talked to me before? Twilight Sparkle?"

"No, she's impossible... I was thinking about... my ex-girlfriend, Sunset Shimmer."

"Oh... you are a risky son of a bitch."

"Yes, I know... things didn't finish too well but... I'll try it. She isn't so bad as before... you know?"

Abe receives a text message from Ron. He's here now. They must go to Blueblood's. "Look, Flash... Sorry but I've gotta go. Now."


"Job things."

Abe opens the room's door and runs away, laughing while thinking about the job. The corrupt job never left his light blue skin.

La Lima. Patch's mansion.

Patch is looking at an enormous picture of himself while Hopkins, Tom Delight, and Gordo are smoking on a white table inside a comfy, yellow room.

"If you say something about me to your brother, you will die, man..." Hopkins tells Tom.

"Yeah, sure. Don't worry," answers Ron's brother. "I-I won't do anything..."

"I expect," says Gordo. "Hopkins did a great job for me... stole 12 million and also I've got more money because of Ludmila's heist. You also made that article I've told you, didn't you, Hop?"

"Yeah..." he says. "With my cutie name. I wrote that you were against Ron and the boys.."

Gordo raises his hand, interrupting Hopkins' words. "You wrote what?"

"I... Um... I wrote you were against..."

"Against?" asks Gordo, while leaving his cigar on the table. "Against what?"

"Uh... R-Ron."

"I've told you... you had to write that I was with them! I'm not against Ron," says Gordo. "I am working with him with this whole Pegasus shit, so, I am not against Ron."

"Sorry, Gordo, it wasn't my intention..."

"Congratulations!" says Gordo, while hugging Hopkins. "You did a mistake but it was better than we thought. You wrote they were against me, and now... people would think that I am the hero and they are the villains! Very good, very good."

"But..." says Tom. "If you are working with them, why do you say it is better for you if you are against them?"

"I am working with them, Little Tommy, but if someone says that I am better than another, I would be pretty honest... do you remember, Tom? One of the main rules of the mafia?"

"The only thing you should care is about yourself," says Tom.

"Very good!" shouts Gordo while clapping. "Now you are learning, kindergarten kiddo."

Patch starts walking around the room. "What about that project, Gordo?" he asks.

"The Pegasus one?"

"Yeah. What is that?"

"Um... we are planning to rob the Fort."

Patch stops walking and starts laughing. "You are fucking crazy. How will you rob a fort where you can't even walk because of its security?"

"We will use the Elements of Harmony."

"You are kidding, right?" says Hopkins, while smoking his cigar. "I mean, you will rob the most secure place in all of Equestria with... non-existent magic."

Gordo receives a phone call from his assistants, the Dark Spikes. They are outside Patch's.

Blueblood's Mansion.

Everyone is in the living room. W, Jack, Abe, Ron along with his assistant Larry, the Barnes, the Dark Spikes, Pietro, Lucas, Filthy Rich, Gordo, and finally Blueblood. They are defining the heist's day, and how will they do that.

"Before doing the heist," says Blueblood. "We must find the Element's holders and kill them. If we do that, we are ready to do everything we want."

Abe raises his hand, but Blueblood keeps talking: "We must find a way to go inside the Fort and then, destroy every magical lock that maybe there..." Abe keeps raising his hand, but Blueblood has not answered yet. "After doing that, we must grab everything we can and escape to the other side of Equestria using the Elements... um... what do you want, Abe?"

"Um... look, Mortimer," says Abe, trying to swallow his words. "I'm afraid I won't participate."

Every member of the reunion starts hesitating about this. "Why?" asks Blueblood.

"I'm sorry, you know, we've been making this for weeks but I have recently found out who were the holders..."

"Really?" says Blueblood, with a shiny gesture. "And who they are?"

"There are six. One of them is my granddaughter and the other five are her friends." Now no one is talking. The living room is just absolute silence... even Blueblood has his mouth closed. "So... I'm out."

Abe rises from his chair and he stays right there. Blueblood sighs, grabs his head and asks: "Is there another man who wants to go out?" Jack slowly gets up, and W looks at them both. He is scared but knows his best decision would be getting out. He slowly gets up, while being looked by everyone and stands behind Abe and Jack. "Ok... another one?"

Ron stands up but doesn't move. "Why are you doing this?" he asks.

"Because I won't kill my granddaughter, Ron, and I know my friends, W and Jack, won't do it too. What about you, Ron, what would you do? Will you be with me, to your only, your remaining friend since the '80s... or betray me?"

"Hey!" shouts Gordo. "I am also a friend of Ron since the '80s."

"You were," says Abe while Ron is looking at everyone. He looks at Abe, then at Blueblood and Larry at last. He grabs his head, almost filled with tears, and decides to move. He is now leaving his most sacred project. The one he has been making for years. He is now moving to his only friends in his life: Abe, Jack, and W.

"Ok then..." says Blueblood. "If you protect those girls, you know you will be our first objectives... to get rid of."

"Yes," says Abe. "And I don't fucking care, Blueblood."

Blueblood rises. "The ones who want to continue with this project stay behind me."

The Barnes are the first ones to go behind. Filthy Rich is the second one, and then Lucas Plegovich. Gordo starts hesitating about the situation: Shall he go to Blueblood or Abe? A or B?

"Fuck this," says Gordo, before going to Ron's side. The Dark Spikes follow him, but then he changes his mind... he goes behind Blueblood.

"That's why you were my friend, Gordo," says Ron. "You were always and still against me."

"Ha!" says Gordo, laughing. "Welcome to the real world, Blackbeard."

But at the moment, there is another thing which is more important than this: Pietro is the only one left. "Pietro," says Lucas. "Come with us... come on."

"No..." answers the kid. "Is this... a war?"

Everyone looks at each other, scared. "Maybe," says Blueblood. "It will only be defined by your decision, Pietro."

Pietro stands up and looks at both teams. Abe. Blueblood. Abe. Blueblood. Abe. Blueblood once again. He touches his red skin. Sweat. Lots of sweat drops. His white t-shirt is almost wet because of his sweat. He swallows saliva twice and touches the table while breathing.

"We won't stay here like fucking mummies," says Blueblood. "It is only a decision, Pietro. Abe... or me."

"Pietro..." says his brother, Lucas. "Come here, trust me."

"N-No..." says Pietro. "I wish... b-but I just can't."

Pietro moves and stays next to W and Jack. The crew has been completely divided. Will a war start right here, at this moment?

"Ok..." says Blueblood. "Pietro, just because you are a Plegovich... I'd politely tell you to move aside."

Oh no. Oh fucking no. That's the exact moment where W, Jack, Abe, Ron and his assistant Calculated Risk run away from where they were standing. Blueblood and Gordo draw their guns and start shooting around the place. The Dark Spikes and the Barnes start following them while firing their handguns.

"Holy shit!" shouts Abe. "How can we escape from here?"

"The entrance is near!" responds Ron. "I have a car!"

"Wait!" says W. "I can't leave without William."


Motherfucking Abe. Oh yeah... I am now involved in the birth of a gang war because of Abe and his granddaddy things. This place is too dangerous and I need to run away quickly... but I just can't run away without William, my brother. What if my brother was used against me? What if they kidnap him and they kill him unless they kill me? I know I've seen my brother few times in my life, and I don't know him too well, but he has my blood, and he's the only guy that I know from my family that is alive.

Now, all of us are hiding behind furniture. I am hiding behind a cupboard, for instance. There is also a stair behind me. William may be up there, but if I go upstairs, my body will be exposed to the handguns. Um... what should I do? Fuck!

I leave the cupboard and I fastly go upstairs while the others are reloading. There is only a door that says Mortimer's Office. I open the door and I look at William, hiding under a desk.

"Hey, Willy!" I shout. "We need to go!"

"WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!" he shouts to me while handling a gun.

The gun's head is looking at me, looking to his prey. "Woah... calm down, bro. You don't even know how to shoot a gun."

"What did you say? I may not be a gangster, but that doesn't mean I don't know how to shoot a fucking gun!"

"Wait... we need to go now. Understand?"


"Um... it's long to explain, we are running out of time."

"FUCK!" I hear outside. It is Abe's voice. "I ran out of ammo!"

"LOOK! They are getting out of ammo!" I shout. "WE NEED TO GO!"



I grab William by the hand and all of us run away at the same time by the entrance door. We enter Ron's car and run away, while still hearing the gunshots. Jack, Larry, William and I are in the back, while Abe and Ron are in the front. My brother doesn't stop looking at Blueblood's house. "Why... in the hell did we run?" he asks.


"Long story, Will," answers Ron.

"Come on, Pirate," he says, with a certain air of pure desperation. "My job, my life... everything was inside that fucking mansion, and you are taking it away from me..."

"Well... welcome to the real world, bro," I say.

"Fuck you!" he shouts immediately. "For real, man! FUCK YOU!"

"What did I do to you?"

"You ruined my life!"


"Yeah, and where the hell will I go now?"

I don't answer to him, because he's right. His world was just Blueblood's Mansion and that's it. Nobody inside the car dares to talk.

"Wait..." he says. "I actually... know a place to stay."

A place? Does William know a place? What? "Where?" asks Jack.

"It's not the best place but... it's the only one. It's in Canterlot's coast, a house called Sandy Suburbs."

"No fucking way," says Ron, while relaxing himself, smoking a cigarette. "Wilbur?"

Wilbur. I know that name, but I don't know why I know it.

"Yeah," answers my brother. "It is him or nothing..."

"Who's Wilbur?" I ask him. "That name... it's on my head..."

"You don't know him, W?" asks Abe. "After all these years?"


"It's grandpa," answers William. My eyes open as if they were two suns. "Dad's dad."

"Crazy Wilbur," says Ron. "A Clock's gangster. You are lucky, W... Not every equestrian has a grandpa who was in the Clock."

Oh... what? What the...? Oh my... "Which Clock member?" I ask.

"Schizoid," answers Ron. Bloody Schizoid. The crazy but intelligent guy in the Clock. The one that planned everything... and now I find out... Schizoid is my grandpa? I am so surprised... oh my.

"You know what that means?" says Ron. "If you saved William to take care of him... I need to save Tom. I'll leave William in Canterlot's coast, all of you in Canterlot and then I'll go to La Lima. Today, my boys, war has begun."

"Oh no..." says Larry. "I knew... I shouldn't have helped you!"

"Don't worry, Larry," answers Ron. "I'll leave you with William and Crazy Wilbur. They will take care of you."


"I've heard Crazy Wilbur has a portal which connects to the other side, Calculated Risk," says Abe. "You may be safe there, and I think that his portal doesn't require the thirty moons."

Larry's face drastically changes. He does a sigh of relief while cleaning his face.

Canterlot High

My brother and Larry have been left on my newly discovered grandfather's house. Now, Abe, Jack and I are left in Canterlot High by Ron's car. He will go to La Lima to look for Tom.

"Ok..." says Jack. "It's 11. Celestia and Luna may be there."

"For what?" asks Abe.

"If we want to protect those girls, we need help."

The three of us enter to Canterlot High and we follow Jack to Celestia's office. He knocks the door and she opens it.

"Oh..." she says. "I see you replaced Pietro with Mr Flanks."

"We need to talk now, this is urgent..." says Jack. "Really urgent." She lets us in and closes the door.

We told everything we know to Celestia, except for the enemies' names. She grabs her head after knowing our situation. "Is this a kind of joke or what?" she says.

"No," I answer. "This is real, and they are looking for them."

Celestia shows us her eyes of disappointment. Her black pupils shine through anger. "How could you...?"

"Sorry," answers Abe. "I didn't know anything about the Elements of Harmony before this, and honestly, I feel devastated..."

"That means... you will have to protect them."

"We want also your help, Celestia," I say.

"Ha! Help you with something that I'm not involved! Thank you!"

"We are not kidding, Cel," says Jack. Celestia's eyes shine after hearing that friendly byname. "This is big and a gang war may start because all of this, and you know that if a gang war starts, everyone will start calling mafia allies and this would turn into a massive catastrophe. That also includes you, because you are Cosmos' daughter... an ex-Clock's daughter."

Celestia's eyes stop shining after she closes her eyes. Then, while rubbing her face she whispers: "Do you think they would call me?"

"Yes..." says Jack. "Gordo is with them... he can say your name... only to mock you, I guess..."

Celestia's face changes. Gordo, that magical name... the one that changed her family forever. She gets up, grabs a tissue and cleans her teary eyes. "And what do you want me to do?"

"Let us be inside the college," says Abe. "And if someone talks to you about us... just lie."

She thinks it almost thrice but eventually nods her head, accepting our request. I get up with Abe and open the door, before looking at Jack, who is softly touching Celestia's shoulder. I know something's happening there. Is Susan more or less important than Celestia, Jacky?

"Son of a bitch..." I whisper to Abe.

"Leave him alone..." he answers to me. "Let him be."

Both of us go and close the door.


"They left..." I tell Celestia. "I need to go."


I look at her after she said that word in a very soft voice, almost breath-taking. "Yes?" I say.

"No... Nothing," she says while smiling. "You remind me of some weird guy I knew some years ago..."


"It was a friend from Tommy... he looked like you. Blue skin, black hair... well, he had his head shaved but..."

I know who is she talking about. She's talking about me, but when I was using my fake identity, one of my alter-egos... , Fowles. Mike Fowles. Unique Alternative... oh god, that cutie name I invented was so bad and still is... "Mike," I say. "Isn't it?"

"Oh..." he says. "You know him."

"No... I only saw him once or twice, and that's it. After Tom's disappearance... I never saw him again."

Both of us stay silent and greet each other out.

Sandy Suburbs. House's Entrance.

The Sandy Suburbs is a pretty big, beautiful chalet but it is so old and dirty that it looks like it has been abandoned for years. The wooden entrance door is almost rotten and the entrance tiles are all filled with moss. Most windows are broken, shattered or filled with cobwebs. There are also plenty of signs that warn people not to approach the entrance door or call the man who lives inside the house. There is also a sign that calls Larry's attention: BEWARE. CRAZY MAN INSIDE THE HOUSE. DO NOT ENTER OR WALK NEAR HIM.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" asks Larry to William. W's brother nods his head, sighs and knocks the door.Nobody answers. William knocks the door again. Nobody answers.

"Nobody answers..." says William. "Shit."

Both of them are about to leave until they hear something falling inside the house. Someone is walking fastly.

"I TOLD YOU I DON'T WANT YOUR FUCKING COOKIES!" says a man which opens the door. It's an old, hoary man with white long hair and a long white beard using a dark red, worn out dressing gown. His grey skin is dirty and completely wrinkled. His brown eyes are decorated with massive eye bags and his dark, burnt lips are holding a cigar.

"Gr... Grandpa?" asks William.

"I don't have grandchildren. Who in the fuck are you?"

"I... I am your grandson, Wilbur. William Waters."

"How do you know my name?"

"I am your grandson, grandpa."

"You may have my skin, boy, but that doesn't mean I am your grandfather."

"I am Wade's son, grandpa. Wade. Remember him?"

The old man smiles while taking out the cigar of his mouth. "Wade..." he says, pointing to the sky with his right hand and his eyes. "My son... my bloody son. Yeah... he was a good guy. He had the worst nickname, though. Why would he call himself the Hero? Oh, sorry... you won't understand."

"No, no. I understand," says William. "I know my father was a gangster."

"Oh..." he answers. "And are you a gangster?"

"No, but..."

"I don't let normal people in."

The old man closes the door and locks it, but William keeps knocking the door. "WAIT!" he shouts. "MY BROTHER IS A GANGSTER!

"Oh, really?" he says. "And who is your brother?"


"What about his nickname?"


Silence. Then, the old man opens the door, holding the cigar with his hand. "Bedmaker?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yes," says Larry. "The Bedmaker is real and it looks like he is his brother."

"And who are you?" asks the Old Man.

"Mr. Calculated Risk, Ron Delight's assistant... um... gangsters call me Larry."

Now, the Old Man looks at both William and Larry. "Ok..." he says. "If you say the truth, then I'll let you in. I am Wilbur Waters, your supposed grandfather. If the Bedmaker thing is true, I'd like to meet him one day. It would be interesting if one of the new generation of gangy boys is my grandson."

Rainbow Dash is walking near the school. She left Canterlot High for a minute to look for something in her house. Vice Principal Luna authorized her to do that, and she promised to return without escaping. She could use her superpower and run super fast to her classroom, but she's afraid of using her powers too much. She is now calm, walking while whistling a song that she's been thinking for her band.

Suddenly, she hears something. A car. She turns around and looks at a police car on the corner. Police... bruh... what would the police do to her? They are here to take care of us... ]but today is not the case, though. The police car starts accelerating and tries to run over Rainbow Dash, but she instantly finds out what happens and runs away using her powers.

Canterlot High's Library

Twilight Sparkle is reading a chemistry book, looking up information for homework. Fluttershy and Applejack are also doing the same. Suddenly, Dash stops on the library and looks for the girls.

"Oh, Dash!" shouts Twilight Sparkle while looking at Dash's shocking gesture. "Did something happen?"

"I don't know girls... some cops tried to run over me... and I don't know why! Why would a cop hurt a citizen... a Rainboom?"

The girls try to calm down Rainbow Dash, saying that it may have been only an accident. What they don't know is that the cops actually wanted to run over Rainbow Dash, because they were working for Blueblood. That means only one thing: The elements' hunting has begun.

To be continued...

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Canterlot High

"What should we do now?" I ask Abe, who is the main protagonist of this conflict.

"Tell the girls."

"Are you sure?" Asks Jack. "Right now? At this moment?"

"I don't know," answers Abe. "Look... I need coffee now. Let's go to the cafeteria and try to make a plan before lunchtime."

"Ok," I say. "Go. I'll wait for you outside. I need to breathe some fresh air to relax."

Abe grabs both Jack and I's shoulders. "Look," he says. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I am the main responsible for this... I'm afraid a gang war may start because of my decision..."

"It's OK," says Jack while nudging him. "You made the best decision... family. You wouldn't bring Rarity back with the Fort's money..."

Abe nods with his head while sighing. "Are you going to wait outside, W?"

"Yes. I will go later."


This is only the beginning. I feel this simple thing would turn into something massive and will fuck all our lives. My life, Jacky's, Abe's... even Rarity and her friends would not be the same after all of this. My perspective of this is calm... by now. I feel the men have something under their sleeves, something big.

There is something that's also worrying me. A guy is looking at me... well, he is reading a book, but he stops reading it for some seconds, looks at me, he continues reading and repeats the same thing over and over... Who is that guy? It can be a spy, but his worried, shy gesture makes me wonder he is just a normal dude. Wait... I think I know that guy. Glasses, purple skin, a yellow jumper with an atom drawing on it... he was in the cafeteria this morning. He can't be a spy, come on... look at his face!

Eventually, he gets up and walks next to me, but then stops. He just stands there for two seconds and turns around to look at me. "Hey," he says while waving his hand.

"Hey," I answer with a smile.

"Um... thanks for saving me."

"Uh... from what?"

"Pietro. He was mocking me, and then you... well... you appeared and broke Little Ace's nose. That was... truly epic, yeah... truly epic."

"Oh... it was in self-defense, kid."

He stretches his hand. "Micro Chips," he says. I think that's his name. I stretch my hand too and we do a handshake.

"Call me W."

"Woah... and are you new here? I never saw you in maths, chemistry, physics, IT..."

"No... I'm not a student, dude."

"Then who are you?" he asks, confused.

"Um... an old... uh... a friend from Pietro. We... used to mess..."

"Come on, don't be shy," says Micro Chips. "Don't lie to me, I won't tell anybody." I'm an idiot, why did I stop for so long while making the lie? I have to invent another one now.

"Uh... well... Pietro and I were friends until he started talking with those guys from Canterlot."

"Yes," he answers. "Little Ace is an idiot. I hate him... and there are other dudes like Duke Starlight or Dark Specter who are not so stupid but tend to follow Pietro's orders... I don't know if I will put up with them in the Fall Formal... I mean, Pietro will mock me because nobody asks me to dance... *sigh* I'm just a stupid techie."

"Don't say that. There are lots of girls in the school... one of them may like you," I say while grabbing a cigarette.

"How is that possible? I am not you."

I am not you. I don't like that phrase, amigo. Comparing yourself with others is not a good thing for you. "What do you mean with that?" I ask him.

"Come on... look at you, man. You are like a male version of Vignette Valencia. You are handsome and you also have that bad boy personality that girls love. You may be now one of the most popular guys in school... and you are not even a student."

"Really? Why?"

"Come on, man... after Little Ace's incident, everyone started talking about you. Every group of the school said positive things about you because you faced Pietro and his friends... The Rockers, the Techies, the Eco-kids, the Dramatics... even the teachers! Some girls were talking about you... but... how can I tell you this."

"They wanted to fuck me, right?" He-he.

"Um... yeah. They truly wanted to make sexual relationships with you. I remember some of them... Octavia and Watermelody were talking about you, also Spitfire... um..."

"Stop there, I don't care. The thing here is that you are comparing two different guys: You and me. We may be men, but that doesn't mean we are the same. You have your pros and cons and I also have my pros and cons, and I have cons for real."

"Like what?"

"I won't tell you because it's not necessary. I see you have a pro: you are smart." He nods with his head. "You can use your smart head to have a normal conversation with someone."

"Yes..." he says. "I do want to invite someone to dance, but... I just don't know."


"Pinkie Pie."


"The girl with pink, poofy hair."

Oh, the crazy girl whose smile was bigger than her whole face. Yes. "Um, yeah... if you use your head to inspire yourself and to let you know that you can invite her to dance... you will win."

"Are you sure?"


Cafeteria. 11.40 A.M.

Jack and Abe are in the cafeteria, thinking about how to keep Rarity and her friends safe. At 12 all the students will come here for their lunch, so they don't have so much time to plan this. They have to be quick. Suddenly, a girl appears and interrupts their conversation. Blue skin, a yellow and purple star-styled hair clip that holds her white hair and blue tufts, a blue sweater and a purple skirt. Both Jack and Abe recognize her: Trixie Lulamoon... Daughter of the Crazy Lulamoons. She starts looking around and then she waves her hand at Jack, before approaching them.

"Hi," she says with a smile.

"Um... hi," answer both of them.

"Aren't you W's friends?"

Both Jack and Abe are confused. Why would she look for W? "Um... yes," says Jack. "Why?"

"Did he leave?" She says while blushing. "Trixie... just wants to talk to him."

"Um... he went outside to relax. You can look for him at the entrance."

"Ok..." she says while twirling her hair. "Thank you!"

She leaves the cafeteria and Abe focuses on something: "Did you see her?" he asks.

"What?" says Jack.

"Her face. Her cheeks were red. She was also twirling her hair..."

"Don't make me laugh..." says Jack, while chuckling. "She can't be in love with W. You know W doesn't know what unconditional love means. He thinks with his dick, not with his heart."

"Yeah... poor girl. Anyway, let's go back to the plan..."

La Lima. Patch's mansion.

The same four men who were in the yellow room hours ago are now back: Hopkins, Patch, Tom, and Gordo.

"So they left and you are looking for them," says Hopkins. "Look at Ron and his boys... I never thought they were able to run away from you, Gordo."

"Yeah..." says Gordo. "I feel guilty, though. Ron and I are good but... I see in Blueblood a bigger spirit... a better charisma... I think if I stay with Blueblood, things will get better. Ron Delight and his Pirate boys are now histories."

"They haven't died yet, Gordo," says Tom Delight. "And my brother doesn't die easily, you know him."

"He will... Blueblood will find them in less than thirty minutes, but I don't know... he is trying to find the perfect time and place to execute his plan... that's something I like from him... he is so strategic. He reminds of that fucking Plegovich maniac. He will be a very good gang leader in the future."

"So..." says Patch. "I've been waiting for the topic you came for."

"Oh, sorry..." says Gordo. "Blueblood's been thinking about including you two in the project." He said two but three guys are listening to Gordo's words. They know one of them would be left in the dust... and may be killed in that same room too. Patch, Hopkins and Tom Delight start looking at each other. It may be the last time they will be together in this room. "So..." says Gordo. "Hopkins and Patch."

Tom's face fades to white. The other three guys are looking at him, but the tension is interrupted by a sound: the doorbell. Patch grabs his deluxe cellphone and presses his finger on an app. Then, the cellphone shows who's outside: Ron Delight.

"Woah," says Patch. "Ron's outside."

"What?" Says Hopkins, looking at Tom. "Did you tell him, you motherfucker?"


"Don't lie to me!" He shouts while grabbing Tom's white shirt. "You did it!"


"Hey, guys..." says Patch, after finding out his waiters let Ron in. "Hey..."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, PATCH!" says Hopkins. Patch loses his mood and jumps onto him, giving birth to a fight. Gordo tries to stop them but everything is interrupted when someone opens the door.... a guy with an eye patch.

Hopkins and Patch stop fighting. Gordo and Tom just stay in silence while looking at Ron.

"What the..." says the Pirate while drawing his gun. Hopkins gets up from the floor and Ron recognizes him. Finally, after all these days, both men are face to face. "Hopkins!" Shouts Ron. "YOU SON OF A..."

Hopkins fires his gun on the roof and runs away. Ron, who took cover under the table because of the gunshots, starts following him. Tom decides to escape and leave Gordo and Patch in the room.

La Lima


"COME HERE, YOU BITCH!" shouts Ron, while reloading his handgun. Hopkins has crossed the Mansion's Street and is now on the other side, which has old cottages filled with junkies.

Patch's Mansion.


"Yes, Gordo?"

"Call the No Soul Dogs."

"How about Blueblood's orders?"

"Just call them!"

Ron is still chasing Hopkins while getting nearer to the Main Street. Meanwhile, Tom is following Ron, trying to call his attention. "RON!" he shouts.

"Shut up, Tom! I'm trying to get that douchebag!"

"You can't reach him now!"

Ron stops while looking at Hopkins running to the main street. "Traitor... bloody traitor."

"I know he's a traitor but... we have to get out of here now. They may get rid of me! They don't want me inside the project!"

"And why would you be inside the project?" Tom shuts his mouth and doesn't answer. "Why? Did you want to leave me in the dust, you dumb?"

"But Gordo said--"

"I don't care what Gordo says."

"He said the only thing I should care about-"

"I AM YOUR BROTHER, TOM! I took care of you and left you in your privileged place!" Tom sighs and seconds later, Ron nudges his shoulder. "Look, man... I know you did this because you were scared... just don't do it again, OK?"

"Yeah... but has the gang war been born?"

"Uh... I don't know."

Suddenly, a car stops in front of the street. Then another one. Another one. Three cars stop in front of them. All the guys inside are armed and one of them is recognized by both Delight brothers: Rabidity, a grey-skinned, voluptuous man with dark grey hair... he is the leader of the No Soul Dogs, a notorious street gang from La Lima. Rumour has it Rabidity lived his childhood on the other side, as a species named Diamond Dog. Then, he accidentally discovered the other side, met Patch and became friends. Rabidity gets down from the car and the Delight Brothers start running away.

"Oh shit... Where did you park the car?" Asks Tom.

"Main Street."

"Are you fucking crazy?"

"I didn't know bloody Hopkins and the No Soul Dogs would be here!"

Ron and Tom run from the No Soul Dogs, turning on the left and passing through some houses. No one realizes two unknown dudes are passing through their houses, except for one man who drew his shotgun but decided not to shoot.

Main Street

After passing through gardens and backyards, they finally arrive at Main Street and look at a black car. It is Ron's. However, the No Soul Dogs have already arrived in the street. Lots of them are getting out of their cars or drawing their guns. Rabidity comes out with a machine gun.

"This is it, Ron," says Rabidity. "The Pirates' Ship has been sunk."

"Wait, Rabidity!" Shouts Tom. "If you kill me, you won't have my drugs anymore..."

"I don't c--"

Rabidity's words are interrupted by one of the No Soul Dogs. "Wait, no," He says. "We can't kill Tom... he's the Chef! And we also can't kill Ron. I mean, they are the Delight Brothers... if we kill one of them, it just doesn't make sense..."

A discussion starts because of the dude's opinion. Ron and Tom Delight slowly move to their car, but Rabidity stops them again.

"Hey!" He shouts. "Don't move."

"Let us go, Rabidity," says Tom.

"And what are you going to give me?"

Tom looks in his trousers' pockets and gets out a key. "This is the key to my meth shed, Rabidity. I have it outside Patch's Mansion, in a little hut. The best meth that has La Lima is there."

Rabidity looks at his henchmen, and all of them gather to discuss the situation. Ron and Tom slowly move to the car but Rabidity catches them again: "Hey, you!"

"Wait!" shouts Tom. "We are just approaching our car."

"Give me the key."

Tom throws the key to Rabidity and he catches it. They are so easy to convince. The humanoid diamond dog looks at the key and smiles. "Ok then..." h says. "You can go."

"Wait!" says one of the No Soul Dogs. "What about Gordo?"

"Would you prefer Gordo or a hut filled with meth?" says another guy.

"The second one... I'd say."


Ron and Tom get in the car and turn it on.


"Do you think Hopkins is still here?" asks Ron.

"It's no worth looking for him now... he must be in the suburbs of La Lima... I'd like to know how he will survive there..."

"Why would he be here in the first place? I just don't know..."

"Um... it's a long story..."

Ron sighs. "Gordo tempted him to join his group, right?"

Tom nods his head. "He robbed 12 for him, brother..."

"Son of a motherfucking bitch... If I find him, I'll kill him and Gordo. Two fucking dumbasses..."

Ron accelerates and leaves La Lima with Tom.

Las Pegasus. Butter Valley

Butter Valley is the richest zone inside Las Pegasus. It is a small VIP city where all the magnates and millionaires live inside their luxurious mansions. However, four massive mansions are completely apart from the valley. The two mansions who are on the left are painted with red, and the other two are painted with yellow. These cosy and beautiful mansions have an owner: Nicholas Plegovich.

All of the four mansions have a name: The first red mansion is named Public Property, the other red mansion is called Utopia, and the other two are named Montreal and Nicholas. Mr Public Property and Mrs Utopia were Nicholas' parents, while Montreal is his late brother.

Lucas and Pietro Plegovich are waiting outside the Montreal mansion for someone. Then, an enormous, robust, yellow-skinned man with brown hair and a chin puff beard opens the door. That man is Sergei, Plegovich's assistant and right-hand man.

"Sergei," says Lucas. "Is uncle Nico here?"

"No, Lucas."

"Where is he now?"


"But where is he, Sergei?"

"Plegovich ordered me not to say where he was."

Lucas sighs. "Can we enter, at least?"


Sergei has also an eerie nickname: The Robot. Gangsters recognize him because of his monotonous behaviour and also... his sadistic strength while doing work for Plegovich. He has tortured so many people that gangsters say that even Plegovich is scared of his bloodthirst.

The Montreal Mansion


There is a big painting of a light blue-skinned man with black hair and a trident tattoo in one of his cheeks. He also has something special that calls Pietro's attention: his eyes. His left pupil is orange and his right one is yellow. He had heterochromia.

"Do you know this guy, Pietro?" asks Lucas.

Pietro saw him once or twice in his uncle's old photos, but he doesn't know his name or relationship with Nico. "No."

"That guy is Montreal Plegovich... our father."

Pietro's eyes open wide. "W-Wh-What?"

"Yes, Pietro... well, he passed away a long time ago but... he is our father for real..."

"Uh-huh... but... why does he...?"


"His eyes."

"Oh," says Lucas. "Heterochromia. He had it... and Uncle Nico also has it."

"Ok, Lucas... is this why you brought me up here?"

Lucas stays silent and sits on a couch next to the painting. He asks Sergei a glass of whiskey and a minute later he comes back with the glass. Lucas drinks it and starts talking: "I brought you here to tell you that your decision yesterday... was the wrong one. If this Fort project succeeds, we will be rich for life and also our legacy will be the biggest after Nico's retirement!"

"Are you sure our uncle is going to participate?" asks Pietro.

"What do you think, Sergei? Will Plegovich participate?"

"Yes," answers Sergei. "But he is not sure."

Suddenly Lucas' smile fades away... "What do you mean with that?" asks Lucas.

"He doesn't know if he will stay with you or with your brother, Lucas."

"Fuck," whispers Lucas while grabbing his head. Suddenly, Sergei's cellphone starts ringing. He looks at his screen: MR. PLEGOVICH.

"Привет." says Sergei. Lucas knows who is he talking to now. Sergei only speaks Russian when he is talking to Plegovich.

"Они в доме?"


"Передай мне с Лукасом, пожалуйста."

"да," says Sergei, before handling the cellphone to Lucas. "Your uncle."

Lucas grabs the phone and says: "Hi, uncle..."

"I know everything, Lucas, and I've just defined my side."

"Which one?"

"You will stay where Pietro wants to stay."

"B-but... a... are you...crazy?"

"What did you say?" says Sergei, angrily. Lucas apologizes with a gesture.

"But... you know this project is too important! We can get so much..."

"It will fail, мальчик. The Fort is the hardest place to rob... even I failed while trying to rob it."

"But they say they would use the Elements..."

"Oh... so it would be a lot worse, my child... that's why Pietro is more clever than you, мальчик. They will use things that may not exist... "

Lucas stays in silence.

"What happened, my kid?" says Plegovich, while chuckling. "Did somebody eat your tongue?"

"No... no... it's OK but... what about the other dudes? Gordo, Blueblood? How will they react if I leave the project?"

"Gordo, Blueblood and their boys are just a bunch of idiots, Lucas. Now, the best thing you can do is to listen to my advice and leave that group. Now, give this phone back to Sergei."

"Yes," says Lucas, while staying shocked and silent. Plegovich has spoken.


Football Pitch

I am now on the football pitch. I tried to get back with Jack and Abe, but they are too busy making a plan to take care of the Elements of Harmony. I get bored with being in that tense conversation and I'm now watching a match where Rainbow Dash's team is winning 2-1.

I didn't know Rainbow Dash was so good at sports, especially this one. I look at how everyone gets surprised at her moves while she is playing. She looks like a professional girl. The other thing that calls my attention is that the girl who is describing the match has a really low voice. I mean, some whispers near me are louder than her voice. I turn around and I realize Fluttershy is in that spot. Now I know why it is too low. While turning around to look at Fluttershy, I realize some girls are looking at me. I instantly get embarrassed because those girls are not teenage girls... I mean, one of those girls is Abe's younger granddaughter, and the other two girls that are along with her look like her. They may have 12 or 13 years old. Ew, gross!

But then, I realize they weren't looking at me because they thought I was attractive. One of those girls, a yellow-skinned one with long red hair, jeans, and a green t-shirt appears next to me with a card.

"Um... who are you?" I ask them.

"Are you W?" asks the red-haired girl.


She gives me the card and shakes my hand. "My name is Applebloom, and they are Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Someone I can't name left this and it is for you."

"Um... ok. Why don't you want to tell me who is this?"

"She told us not to say anything," says Applebloom, and then Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo look at her.

"You've just said she's a woman," says Scootaloo and Applebloom covers her mouth. Then, Sweetie Belle raises her hand and starts speaking:

"Um... are you one of my grandpa's friends, too?"

"Uh... yes. Why?"

"I want to tell him that... I'm better, you know... I think I don't need three psychologists per week anymore."

"Three psychologists? Oh... your grandpa is sometimes a crazy dude. I'll tell him."

"Bye," they say to me before waving my hand. I open the card and I realize it's only a sheet of paper with a message:

Go to the gym... now! It's urgent!"

Ok... nobody signed this and calls my attention. I think this may be a trap, but it's almost impossible for the other gang to lie to me right here, on Canterlot High. I decide to leave the football match, which is about to finish in less than five minutes.


I'm walking through the hallway and I realize some students are talking about this morning's situation where I was one of the protagonists. I think Micro Chips was right on that... I'm leaving a name in this place. My name. I ignore this and find the gym after ten minutes.


I open the door and all the lights are off. That's not something I like too much, and that's why I put my hand inside my pocket and I slowly start drawing my handgun but suddenly, the lights turn on and I look at Pinkie Pie, the happy girl, along with Sunset Shimmer, a cowboy girl and Twilight Sparkle. There is also a small table filled with snacks and there are balloons that are floating everywhere on the roof.

"SURPRISE! SURPRISE!" shouts Pinkie Pie, while jumping with joy. Every other girl starts clapping. "Thank you for what you did, mister trenchcoat! That's what I prepared for you this surprise party!"

"Wait... what?" I say. Why would they make a surprise party for me? "What did I do?" I ask.

"You saved me from Pietro and Little Ace," she says while jumping in front of me. Then, she grabs my ear and whispers to me: "Rumour has it Little Ace was sent to the hospital."

"Welp, he deserved it," says the cowboy girl, before shaking hands with me and finding out she has an indescribable force that can compete with Granny Smith's. "Mah name's Applejack, folk. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Applejack... Call me W. So... you made this only because I saved Pinkie Pie from Pietro?"

"It was all Pinkie's idea," says Sunset Shimmer.

"MY IDEA! MY IDEA!" shouts Pinkie Pie while eating some chips. Suddenly, Fluttershy and Rarity enter the gym.

"Oh, look who's here..." says Rarity. The spoiled child has come.

"Hi, R," I say.

"R?" she says, angrily.

"How are you?"

"After everything that happened? Including the death of my kidnapper and my grandpa following me all the time because he's very paranoid... fine."

Everyone is silent now. Even Pinkie Pie is not saying anything, but then, the tension is interrupted when someone calls me by my name in the gym... Trixie.

"Trixie?" says Applejack. "What you doin' here?"

"Um... I've been looking for W."

"I'm here, Trixie. What do you want?"

Her face blushes. "Can we talk in private for a moment?"

Every one of the girls looks at me. I approach Trixie and I start talking to her at the gym's entrance. "What happened?" I ask her.

"I realized Trixie's dress is not so... how can I say this... nice."

"Why?" She grabs her cellphone and shows me a photo of a dress that looks like it has been used by an old canterlotian lady in 1936. "Um... well..."

"Don't say it. Trixie knows it is ugly... The problem here is... where can I get a new dress? An impressive dress for the Fall Formal must be very expensive..."

"Um..." I start thinking, and then my eyes focus on Rarity. "I have an idea... RARITY!"

She looks at me with her S.A.S.C (stupid angry spoiled child) face. "Yes?"

"Would you do me a favour?"

"Which one?"

"Do you have enough time to make a dress for Trixie?"

"Wait, what?" asks Trixie to me. "Are you crazy?"

Rarity's face changes to a happier one. "Sure... I should talk to you later about the dress, Trixie. How about getting together after Cranky's class?"

"Um...OK... It would be fine..." she answers while looking at me, and then she says: "Um... Bye... then," before running away from me. I return to my old spot but Rarity stops me with her arms.

"Are you dating Trixie, darling?"

"What?" I say while putting her arms out of my shoulders. "NO!"

"Whoops... I thought you were," says Sunset Shimmer, after all the girls start laughing including Fluttershy. "You two are too cute together!"

"Awww..." says Rarity. "Trixie and W! Wixie!"

"Shut up, please!" I shout. "Would you stop shipping me with Trixie?"

"Don't be so exaggerated, buddy..." says Applejack while laughing. "You remind me of Rainbow Dash this morning when she talked about how the cops tried to run her over..."

My face changes now. I'm worried. Oh. Oh no... That's not a good piece of news.

"What?" I ask Applejack.

"Yes, it is stupid... she said the cops tried to run her over on purpose."

I shake my head while looking to the roof. "What happened?" Asks Twilight. "Is that important?"

"It is," I answer. "Someone's looking for you."

To be continued...]

Watch Out!

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"What do you mean?" asks Twilight Sparkle. "Who is looking for us?"

I think I shouldn't have opened my mouth. I'm about to tell them the devastating fact that their heads are on Blueblood's eyes. If I tell them the real truth, they would get scared and run away... or maybe, they wouldn't believe me, then one of them dies and the other six run from Canterlot or commit suicide. I should grab the truth and lower it... That's the best I can do.

"Well... I've heard there are some strange guys that were looking for you," I say. "And..."

"Are they those idiots?" asks Rarity. "The Diamond Boys?"

I try to answer that question but someone else interrupts me: "They weren't the Diamond Boys, Rarity." says Rainbow Dash, who has recently entered the gym. "I don't care who they are, but you don't need to make an effort for us," she says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Come on, dude! We have superpowers! We can defeat everyone!"

"Everyone?" asks Twilight Sparkle. "I don't know if something with equestrian magic can be easily defeated..."

"Come on!" shouts Rainbow Dash. "They were just some cops..."

"But... if we hit cops... that will be illegal!" says Fluttershy.

"Trust me," says Rainbow. "These guys are not cops... aren't they, W?"

Everyone looks at me now like if I was their guru. "Um... no."

"And do they have equestrian magic?" asks Sunset Shimmer, shocked. I answer no.

"See?" says Rainbow Dash. "We can beat up those guys with our bare hands, girls!"

"Are you sure--?"

I couldn't even finish that question when everyone answered me that they were capable of defeating two corrupted cops... um.. and would they be able to defeat a governor who has a whole gang behind him? I don't think so.

Manehattan. Sombra Jail

Sombra Jail is one of the few state prisons inside Equestria. Everybody knows equestrians are loyal and kind people but they can also be ruthless and sadistic when they want to. That's when Sombra Jail enters: an enormous, sad and completely secured place who has inside the most dangerous people of Equestria.

Sombra Jail's entrance is an enormous steel gate with robust policemen taking care of it from its two sides. A car stops in the entrance and a cop approaches it.

"May I know why did you come here?" asks the policeman, while looking at the man who has just lowered his window... it is Mr Blueblood.

"I need to see a man."

"Which man?" says the policeman, while Blueblood opens the car door and gets out.

"I've heard Sombra has a man."

"Yes," answers the cop. "Our director."

"Your director?"


"Oh, that's so strange... I've heard one of your prisoners fired your director and then he turned himself into the jail's man."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" says the cop, who's mad now. "Wash your bloody mouth if you are saying that we are weaker than those bitches inside, asshole."

"I'm not lying, you dumbshit," answers Blueblood. "I know the Man here is an inmate who's controlling everything, even you, so... can I enter to the jail, talk to him about something and then leave? I will not say anything."

The cop doesn't speak and looks at his partners. One of them nods with his head. "Ok," he says. "Have a good day."

Lunchroom. Sombra's Jail.

The lunchroom is just sad and monotonous. A room with only two colours: grey and black. There are no windows, no TV. Only prisoner cells and four grey tables made of steel. Mortimer Blueblood is waiting in one of those tables when someone rings a bell: Lunch time. Lots and lots of prisoners come out of their cells to have lunch. No one recognizes Blueblood, except for a hoary, fat, purple-skinned man who smiles at the moment he looks at him.

"Blueblood," says the man. "What are you doing here?"

"Hello, Gladmane," he answers, surprised, having a smile on his face. "I knew you were going to be the man."

Gladmane's smile doesn't exist now. "Oh," he says. "I'm afraid to tell you I'm not the man."

"Then who is it?"

Gladmane starts clapping and then, all the other inmates start clapping too. Others start whistling while several ones start slamming their fists against their tables. A minute later, the Man appears. A blonde, thin, grey-skinned boy who has all of his torso covered in tattoos. He has an eagle tattoed, a lion, a drawing of Lord Tirek, a draconequus and he also has phrases like:


"What happened?" asks the Man. Gladmane raises his hand and speaks:

"Someone has been asking for your appearance, man."

The Man laughs while nudging Gladmane with his elbow. "Don't call me man, you moron. Call me by my name, Dream Raider."

Dream Raider sits down in the table and faces Blueblood, and then smiles while the Governor starts chuckling.

"Well, Dream," says Blueblood. "Can I Call you Dream?"


"I've heard you got rid of the Director of Sombra's."

"Yeah, what do you want?"

"Woah, easy," says Blueblood while smiling. "I came here to talk and that's it."

"I know you, Blueblood," says Dream Raider. "Those oldies from the nineties... Gordo, Plegovich Bros, Seductive... I recognize all of them... they were douchebags, just like you."

"Oh, come on..." says Blueblood. "I'm not like those douchebags... I've been in jail once, you know... well, only a month or two but... I know what it feels like to be trapped inside a piece of shit like this."

"And what do you want?"

"I've been thinking about including you in a project," says Blueblood. "You see... yesterday I remembered your story while reading a newspaper... Dream Raider, the Street Orphan who was raised in the orphanage and claimed for vengeance... he killed those motherfuckers who ruined his life inside their mental jails and ironically, he finished rotting in one because he killed an idiot who fucked his girlfriend. It is like a legend, isn't it?"

Dream Raider's face doesn't demonstrate happiness. He is starting to lose his temper. "What do you want for real?" He asks.

"Well, I've been involved in a project that you may like... and I'm desperate for allies, you know..."

"And that's why you are here, right?"


Dream Raider thinks about it. Blueblood is one of those old rascals, but he needs to listen to him first. "Tell me."

"Well, listen... the Fort. Pegasus' Fort."

"Are you crazy?" Says Dream Raider. "It is a magical lock, and we also don't know what's inside it."

"Lots of money."

"Are you sure? Nobody entered there except for authorities."

"And who am I?"

"You are Canterlot's governor, but that Fort is in Las Pegasus. You don't control Las Pegasus."

"Yeah, you are right, but I had lunch once with Pegasus' authorities."

"And what did they tell you?"

"They said they were trying to grab the money from inside. So..."

Dream Raider thinks again. There's a small probability that Blueblood is lying to him, but eventually, he accepts. "Ok," he says.

"Very good, Dreamo," says Blueblood while laughing.

"Don't call me Dreamo."


"Only my friends call me Dreamo."

"You mean... the prisoners?"

"The orphanage boys."

"Oh yeah... I don't remember them."

"Charles, Contact, W..."

"W?" asks Blueblood, shocked. "You mean... the Bedmaker?"


"Oh... well, there is a thing about him."


"He is... against us..."

Dream Raider stands up. "I strongly deny the offer, Blueblood. I will never be against my friend."

"But... it's a lot of money!"

"With that money, I couldn't buy a friend like W. Thank you for coming, Blueblood, but leave before my prisoners smash you."

Blueblood stands up and leaves while chuckling. Everyone looks at him in silence until he passes through the lunchroom's door. Then, everyone sits down and waits for their food. Dream Raider sits in one of the tables and calls an inmate.

"Yes, Dream?" Asks the Inmate.

"Do you still have that phone?"


"Give it to me. I need to make a call."

Blueblood gets a text message from Gordo. It looks like he is desperate.

"Hey, some guys want to hunt the girls before us. Some cops who worked for you, I don't know. They don't want to listen to us and they want the Fort."

That is not good news.

Shoppe Street

The girls are inside the Sweet Shoppe, while W, Jack, and Abe are outside in Arpeggio's, Fletcher's music store, which is almost opposite the Shoppe. Abe's original plan was to take care of the Elements inside the Shoppe, but Rarity answered the same thing she said to W: We have superpowers. However, Abe is so worried that wanted to take care of them anyway. They went to Arpeggio's, who's near the Shoppe, and they also went to visit Fletcher for a little bit.

"So... you are inside a gangster volcano that may turn into a gang war," says Fletcher. "... and Mortimer Blueblood is also in there?"

"Yes," answers W.

"But... how can Blueblood...?"

"Things happen," answers Abe.

"That's... weird," replies Fletcher. "A governor... well, I've heard he was in jail but... it's kinda ironic."

Meanwhile, W receives a phone call. He looks at his phone's screen: Dreamo.

"Why would Dream Raider call me now?" Says W while answering the call. "Hi, Dreamo... yeah..."

While W is talking to Dream Raider on the phone, Abe is just looking at the Sweet Shoppe and Jack is talking to Fletcher. Suddenly, W's smile slowly disappears while talking to Dream Raider. Fletcher looks at that and his attention is called.

"But... how could Blueblood?..." says W. That name calls everybody's attention and all of the guys look at him. "Yeah... sure... thank you for telling me this, Dreamo. If I can, I will visit you on the weekend.

W ends the call while everyone is looking at him. "What happened?" Asks Jack.

"Blueblood... he went to Sombra... and asked for help. Do you know what that means, right?"

Jack and Abe nod their heads. "He is looking for allies..." says Fletcher. "Oh shit, are you really inside a gang war, guys?"

"Yes," says Abe. "We are."

"Did you know what happened in that canterlotian gang war between Gordo and the other guy... that son of a bitch killed his wife and caused chaos in every mile of Canterlot! Do you know that this whole thing may change Canterlot forever?"

"Yes, Fletcher," answers Abe. "And shut up. It was Rarity or Canterlot. I decided."

Abe starts looking at the Sweet Shoppe again and something calls his attention. Police cars... there are four of them. Four? Isn't that too much? Some cops start getting out... they have guns! Guns!

"GUYS!" shouts Abe. "Alert! Alert!" W and Jack look outside and they start drawing their guns. Abe grabs his phone and desperately calls Rarity.

On the outside, W looks at a young, pale lady with blue hair coming out of the café with a phone on her hand. She looks at the cops and enters the café again. That girl was Rarity... and she realized that something was wrong there.

Five cops enter the Sweet Shoppe and they are expelled by some kind of magic. Then, Twilight Sparkle comes out with a Pinkie Pie filled with sweets... explosive sweets. They start fighting against those guys but they run away when they hear a gunshot. That's when the remaining girls appear and start fighting against the cops.

"I've got to do something, quickly!" Shouts Abe, while looking at her granddaughter using a magical shield to protect herself.

"No, Abe!" Shouts W. "They are doing good!"

Abe doesn't listen to W's words and comes out of Arpeggio's with a handgun in his pocket and balling his fists. Jack also leaves the music store behind him and they try to get into the fight, but Twilight Sparkle uses her magic to move them into the music store again. Pinkie Pie knocks down some cops using her explosive sweets while Fluttershy is calling every bird near the street to attack. Eventually, the cops realize they are too powerful and run away. That's the right moment when Abe, Jack, and W get out of Arpeggio's and come across with the girls.

"I told you, girls!" shouts Rainbow Dash. "I told you these guys were dangerous!"

"I just don't understand..." says Sunset Shimmer. "Why would the police go for us?"

Every one of the girls looks at W, Jack, and Abe. Rarity's grandpa releases a sigh and starts talking: "Look, it's a long story. Can we get together in a place and talk about it? You need to listen to my words now."

Sunset Shimmer's House

Everyone is now reunited at Sunset Shimmer's kitchen table. Abe told the Mane 7 that a friend of Los Mantos told him a corrupt family was trying to obtain their powers by using the cops against them.

"That is senseless," says Sunset Shimmer. "How could they use the police?"

"They probably made a deal with them," answers Abe. "Who knows?"

"And do you know who's this family, grandpa?" asks Rarity. Abe and also Jack, who is behind his partner, shake their heads.

A street.

Meanwhile, W and Spike went for a walk to relax a little bit. W knows that the next days are going to be heavy, and he's trying to make this day a good one before all this chaos.

"So... What happened today?" asks Spike, confused.

"It's a long story," answers W.

"Come on..." says Spike. "We have all the time in the world, just you and me."

"It has lots of people involved, Spike," says W. "Including... politicians."

Spike's face is now pure shock. "What? You must tell me this, man! How can politicians be involved in this? Come on! Come on!" shouts Spike, and he keeps persuading until W interrupts his whim:

"Ok! Ok! I will tell you!" he shouts, while Spike smiles. "This is confidential, Spike. Don't tell anybody."

"Even Twilight?"

"Even Twilight."

Spike realizes this is serious, and W starts talking: "Years ago, a guy came up with an idea: rob las Pegasus' fort."

"Wow..." says Spike. "That would be awesome to see if that fort wasn't so hard to open..."

"Well..." says W, and he keeps telling the story: "This guy liked this idea so much that he started telling his friends about it..." W suddenly stops and looks at Spike for a second. He is about to say a hidden truth: "Including me."

"W-What?" says Spike, shocked. "A-Are you going to rob...?"

"No, Spike. I won't. Can I talk...?"

"Yeah..." says Spike. "But you must explain this to me. You should call the police if your friend is planning to rob it!"

"He won't do it... but now the problem appears. My friend told this to a lot of people... including Mortimer Blueblood and other crazy guys from Equestria."

"Mortimer Blueblood?"


"But... what the?"

"I told you," says W. "It's hard and long to explain... I'll summarize it... Blueblood and his friends want your owner and her friends' powers to open that fort and rob it... and that means..."

"They... will use them..."

"Um... yes... but not in that way... they will..."

"Will what?"

"Kill them."

"WHAT?" shouts Spike, before trying to grab his tail to relax. "Do you mean they are looking for them to murder them?"


"That's... oh my god! We must stop them right now! Come on! We will go to Blueblood's house! We've gotta kick his ass!"

"Spike, we can't. He is Canterlot's Governor and he also has lots of men under his hands. If we kill him, all the men under him will go after us. Understand?"

"I never said that we were going to kill him!"

"It's the only way we can defeat him!"

"Why don't you call your fri...?" Spike looks now at W, angry. "Your friend with the beard... Rarity's grandpa... Were you trying to kill Twilight and her friends?"

"What? No! I don't want to kill them!"

"Are you sure?"

"No! I'm not a friend of Blueblood!"

"Um..." says a feminine voice that interrupts W and Spike's argument. Both of them look at the girl who's talking. She's Trixie.

"Trixie?" asks W. "What are you doing here?"

"Trixie would like to know how can Twilight's dog talk."

"Um..." says Spike. "It's a long story..." W chuckles while hearing Spike's excuse.

"Anyway..." says Trixie, while laughing. "I've got some great news, W!"

"Really? What?"

"Prince Blueblood has just invited me to the Fall Formal!"

Now W and Spike look at each other, completely shocked. How is that---? Prince Blueblood? On Canterlot High? What kind of paradox is this? And also... Prince Blueblood inviting Trixie to the Fall Formal? That's strange for real.

"Blueblood?" asks W. "How did you do it?"

"Well, he had Trixie's phone and he called me! Isn't that great and powerful... like Trixie?"

W doesn't answer. He knows there is a hidden plan behind this. Spike just says: "Yes... it is awesome."

"What do you think, W?" asks Trixie, joyful. W just smiles at her and raises his thumb. Then, Trixie greets them and walks away smiling. W starts shaking his head while Spike chuckles.

"I don't like this," says W. "Blueblood hates Canterlot High and then, out of nowhere, invites Trixie to the Fall Formal. That's suspicious."

Spike keeps chuckling and says: "Come on, W, admit it... you're jealous."

"I'm not jealous. I just think... it is weird."

"Don't lie, W! You like her!"

W starts getting mad and says: "Why don't you shut up and go fuck Rarity, for god's sake?"

"Hey, what's your problem with Rarity?"

"Every time you see her your tail goes straight like a fucking line. Don't lie."

The Next Day. Canterlot High.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders are playing hide and seek while on recess. Sweetie Belle runs to the parking lot and hides behind a car. Then, she starts hearing some strange noises and a conversation between three men. The voices start approaching her and then, someone discovers her.

"Hey, did you miss me?" says one of the men. Sweetie Belle looks at him. Brown-skinned, green eyes, dark hair and a scar on his chin. He is next to a plump, bald guy and a pale, skinny dude. They are the Barnes. Sweetie Belle instantly runs away from the parking lot and finds Applebloom.

"Found you!" says Applebloom.

"Girls...! A-A... Applebloom! They are here! They are here!"

"Who? Your... kidnappers?"

"Yes!" says Sweetie Belle, while crying.

"Do you have your grandpa's phone number?" asks Applebloom.

Meanwhile, the Barnes enter to Canterlot High and are received by Vice-Principal Luna.

"Hello, lady," says Marcus Barnes. "May I know where is the principal? Mr. Blueblood has an offer for you."

"I am the Vice-Principal. And you are...?" says Luna.

"We are Blueblood's assistants, madame."

Luna feels comfortable while talking with Barnes, and later she carries them to Celestia's office.

Celestia's Office

"Cel..." says Luna. "There are some of Blueblood's workers that want to talk to you."

"Sure..." says Celestia, surprised. "Let them in."

Luna lets the Barnes brothers in and Marcus gets a sheet of paper out from a folder. "Here it is..." says Marcus. "The Party for the Good Ol' Canterlot."

"What is that?" asks Celestia.

"Well, madame... it is a secret project made by our governor, Mr. Mortimer Blueblood, to celebrate Canterlot's 187th Anniversary."

"Um..." says Celestia, confused. "But Canterlot was founded in April, not October..."

"Yeah, we know, but Blueblood wants to make a celebration this fall. He just loves our beautiful city... That's why he planned to do this party... right here."

"Are you serious?" says Celestia. "We will have our Fall Formal in three weeks."

"We have everything under control, miss. You won't have to pay or to do anything, because we have everything we need... the only thing that we want from you is your authorization to make the party here. We know Canterlot High is one of the best schools around Canterlot, even Equestria..."

Celestia smiles after hearing that. "Well, thank you for your flattery. May I know if there is a specific date for this party?"

"Um... this Friday, miss."

Celestia thinks again... is this worth it?... She looks at her agenda and arrives in a conclusion. "Sure," she says. "No problem, but I only accept this because you said you had everything you need."

"Sure," says Barnes while smiling. "Thank you."

Sadly, both Celestia and Luna don't know that this party is more than a party.

To be continued...


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Canterlot High. 6:30 A.M.

Abe left all the girls in the school, although it is very early. Jack and I told him lots of times that the school starts at 7 A.M. but he didn't listen to us. Just a typical, crazy grandpa.

It is cold and windy outside. Twilight uses her magic to open the school's door and the girls enter, along with Abe. Jack and I stay outside, and we discover something. That guy, Micro... what was his name? Oh yeah, Micro Chips, is sleeping next to the school's statue. Why would he sleep there? Did he arrive recently... or did he stay the whole night there, waiting until the school is opened?

"Is that a student or what?" asks Jack while pointing at Micro Chips.

"Uh... it's a student," I answer while approaching him. I start moving his shoulder, trying to wake him up.

"Leave him alone, W," he says. "He's just sleeping."

"Wait for it..." I say. Micro Chips slowly opens his eyes and I take a breath: "BOOO!"

"AAAHH!" shouts Micro Chips because of my jumpscare, and he hits his head against the statue. "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU, MAN?" he says while I'm laughing. Suddenly, he looks at Jack and me. He recognizes us. "Wait... you are W and you are... his partner."

"He knows you?" asks Jack.

"Yeah... my pal, Micro Chips. We talked about life the other day."

"Life?" asks Jack. "I don't know what you mean with life..."

"Life, man... we talked about... um... beauty, girls... oh, by the way, Micro Chips, how's the Pinkie Pie thing?"

"Hey, shut up!" says Micro Chips, "It's a secret!"

"But, come on, Micro!" I shout. "She's inside that school. I'm not kidding. You must have the guts, Micro... it doesn't matter if you are techie, sporty, rocky, junkie or whatever the fuck you are... if you have guts, you can have everything. If you don't risk it, you lose it."

"He is right," says Jack, chuckling. "You surprised me, W... I thought you weren't able to give advice."

"Fuck you, Jack," I answer him. Micro Chips starts laughing. "And what are you going to do, Shy Guy?" I ask Micro Chips. "Are you going to enter that school and say Daddy's Here or you will stay sleeping like a coward?"

"What did you say?" says Jack. "Daddy's Here? Don't be ridiculous, W."

"It's just an advice," I say while smiling. Suddenly, Micro Chips gets up and I smile. He's doing it! Finally! I feel like if I was his Chemistry teacher and he was just a stupid student who passed his final test. "VERY GOOD, MICRO!" I shout.

He turns around and looks at me while chuckling: "I'll go to sleep in the parking lot until Celestia and Luna arrive. Both of you are cool but... you are a little bit crazy."

Both of us look at Micro Chips walking away. "Nice piece of advice," says Jack.

"Yeah... such a good piece of advice and he wastes it... what an idiot."

"I agree with you, except for the good piece of advice part."

Now I look at Jack, serious. "How many times I've gotta say it?"


"Fuck you."

"I love when you say it... you sound like a 5-year-old child who hasn't got any sweets."

"Fuck you!" I shout. Wait... did it sound like a child? Um... let's try again. "Fuck you. Fuck... you... um... fu... Fu..." Jack starts laughing. Shit.

Canterlot High's Gym. Hours later.

Every student of Canterlot High is inside the gym right now. Celestia and Luna called them all a few seconds ago because they were to announce something special. Now, Celestia is in front of everybody, while Abe, Jack and I are on the gym's doors.

"Students of Canterlot High," says Principal Celestia. "I am glad to announce this Friday will be a special celebration party for all of us." Every student is surprised, even us. Another party? This Friday? Oh... "This party is called Party for the Good Ol' Canterlot and will be organized by our government, administrated by Mr. Mortimer Blueblood."

Oh no... No. This is a trap. "Is this real?" I ask.

"This is a trap," says Abe. "It's so obvious... why would they make a special party in Canterlot High?"

"And why is this a celebration party?" says Jack. "Would it be like the Fall Formal?"

Meanwhile, Principal Celestia is still talking: "...this party has the same format as the Fall Formal. It would be a formal dance where you can invite someone to like for a piece."

I look at Jack's eyes and they seem to be shining while looking at Principal Celestia, but that's the less important thing right now. The main problem right here is that Blueblood is making a secret plan behind this party to get the girls, and if we also are staying that night, we would be fresh meat to him... his men would kill us!

"What do we do?" asks Jack. "Shall we tell them?"

"No," says Abe. "We would let them in... and then, we will kill them..."

"Uh... kill them... at the party?" I ask.


Sandy Suburbs

Larry and Wilbur are inside a dirty, rusty bathroom. The smell that lives inside is indescribable. There is only a toilet and a shower inside.

"This is the bathroom on the second floor," says Wilbur. "I haven't used it for... ten years, I think."

"Yeah... it is noticeable," says Larry. "And where is the portal?"

"There," says Wilbur, pointing at the toilet. Larry's face is an absolute shock.

"In the toilet?" says Larry.

"Yeah," says Wilbur. "In the toilet."

Tuesday Night. Ron's House.

Ron and his brother, Tom, are messing around his house looking for a solution. Both of us realized Blueblood did nothing today, and Ron still does not believe that he saw Hopkins on La Lima.

"Do you know this is a gang war, right?" says Tom. "If things are not solved in time... this would be chaos,"

"Yeah..." answers Ron, while looking at a small sheet of paper he found on the floor. "That's why I am looking for allies, Tom..." Ron then reads the sheet of paper:"Sed. Pegasus." His eyes shine and a big smile is drawn on his face. Tom realizes that and asks.

"What happened?"

"I found an ally."

To be continued...


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Sandy Suburbs

Today's Wednesday. I woke up early, almost 6 A.M. and I decided to go to Sandy Suburbs by taxi because I wanted to relax a bit. Besides, Abe stayed in the motel room calm because Sunset Shimmer told him she was going to carry every one of the girls to the school by car. Both Jack and he will be at the school at 7:30 AM.

That house is really scary, I admit. It is rotten, broken, and the wood seems to be thousands of years old. I knock the door while smoking a cigarette. A hoary, grey-skinned man opens the door. His face is completely wrinkled and his lips are almost black. He is also smoking a cigar and dressing a worn-out purple dressing gown.

"Yeah?" he asks.

I am completely shocked. Is this guy my grandfather for real? He looks like a veteran junkie. "Um... grandpa?"

"Oh shit, not again." He says while facepalming. I start laughing. "What you laughing at?" He says, angry.

"I'm not like William," I say. His gesture is a confused one now. "I am Walter, his younger brother."

He smiles and then releases a small chuckle. "Are you Bedmaker?" He asks. I smile at him and nod my head. He touches my shoulder and lets me in.

"Finally, after all these years, a G in my house," he says.

"A G?" I say. "We are not in 1985, grandpa."

"I prefer saying G rather than mafia dude. That nickname just sucks. Anyway... how's the business?" Um... shall I say the truth? I don't think that the Blueblood-Ron conflict is a fairy tale. "Nah... don't tell me anything," he says. "I know the Blueblood situation. The Pegasus' Fort... and I thought I was the craziest out there."

"We decided to leave that project, and now we are taking care of the Elements of Harmony."

"You're doing good... being here alone, not taking care of them."

Both of us laugh and that calls William's attention. "Walter? What are you doing?" says my brother.

"Small visit... to relax," I say. "Friday would be a long, long day."

"Why?" asks my grandfather, surprised.

"Um... there is a party at Canterlot High that will be administrated by Blueblood... and we think that their henchmen would be there to obtain the Elements of Harmony."

"You mean... there would be a gang fight on Friday," answers my grandpa. I look at him and I raise my shoulders.

"Where's Larry?" I ask, confused.

"The grey guy?" says my grandpa. "He escaped through the magical toilet. A coward... but that doesn't matter now. May a gang fight happen on Friday?"

"Maybe," I answer. "Who knows?"

Instantly my grandpa touches my shoulder while throwing the cigar to the floor. "Just think, grandson. Be smart," he says. "A party inside a school. Blueblood can't carry all his men to that place. It would be senseless and the only thing it would do is revealing the fact Blueblood was there to commit a crime. He will call three, four guys... Maybe five, but more than that... No." My grandpa is right... Lots of strange gangsters in a school... That would call everybody's attention. Goddamn, I love my grandpa! "Just wait, Walt... Let them in... Let them enter school and then... BANG! Deadman. BANG! Another dead man... "

"Are you crazy, grandpa?" says William. "Killing people... Inside a school? Filled with teenagers?"

"Why not?" answers Grandpa Wilbur. "Do you know who are Blueblood's ass-kissers?"

"Yes," I say. My grandpa grabs a notebook and an old pen.

"Name them."

"Um... Gordo..."

"That nasty prostitute!" says my grandpa. "He won't be in school. He won't even move an inch. His tummy doesn't let him."

"Lucas Plegovich."

"Oh... That's deep, but Lucas won't do it. Keep saying."

"The Dark Spikes."

"Ew! Those guys are really gross. They would call everybody's attention. Hell no."

"Um... The Barnes."

"Oh yeah... We found them. Barnes may be an option. The three of them... Bang bang."

"You mean... Kill the Barnes?" asks William. "In Canterlot High?"

"Hell yeah, grandson! Why not?"

"It is too risky," says William. "What would he do with the bodies?"

"Call me," says Wilbur. "Once you killed them, Walter, call me and I will help you."

Woah Woah Woah, what is this kind of offer? It looks like my grandpa never came out of this house for years and now he says he would help me on this project. "But... are you sure? How could you do that?" I ask him. "Besides, it's not only a body... there are three!"

"Just let me do the work, grandson," he answers. "The Waters never fail their promises."

Canterlot Mall

Mortimer Blueblood is sitting on a bench next to his son inside the mall.

"Dad," says his son.


"Are you sure about the Friday thing?"


"But... come on, dad! I don't wanna go there!"

"You will go there, no matter what."

"Why? And also... it is the first time you make a celebration in Canterlot High... you always made them at Crystal Prep... and Canterlot was founded in Ap--"

"I know, son!" says his dad... "I'm just... quite desperate."

"Why? Because of...?"

Blueblood covers his son's mouth with his hand and nods his head. His son understands what he is meaning and shuts up. Suddenly, a familiar figure appears and sits on the bench. He is Marcus Barnes. "I have news," he says.

"Tell me," says Blueblood and then he looks at his son. He knows what he's trying to say, so Prince Blueblood gets up and leaves.

"Plegovich answered," says Barnes. "He won't participate in the conflict. He believes in Pietro, not Lucas, but the young kid is still confused. He doesn't know in which side he wants to stay."

"Uh-huh..." says Blueblood. ", What about the allies?"

"Allies?" says Barnes. "You have the police on your side."

"No. Those guys from last Monday are not my allies anymore. The other cops don't know this side of me, and I won't let them see it... But there is a guy that knows me for real..."


Blueblood nods his head. "We must get rid of him. Call the Dark Spikes after this."

"Sure," answers Barnes. "What about Friday?"

"My son invited a girl. He will go undercover. You and your brothers will work. You will call the elements' attention and kill them, one by one. Once you finished, call me. I'll be near." Barnes nods his head, and Blueblood Keeps talking: "What about that kid thing Gordo told me?"

"Oh," answers Barnes. "Gordo told us that he had a new ally under his sleeves. A young guy, fresh meat. He's not like Pietro, but..."

"Do you know him?"

"No. I think his name was Flash Sentry. Gordo had all the information."


Canterlot High

Finally, we've woken up with Abe and went to Canterlot High. There are some innocent employees and workers (who don't know who is the real Blueblood) preparing the party at the gym. There is also Pinkie Pie telling the employees what to do to make a better party, while her friends are just looking at them, laughing. Suddenly, Principal Celestia and his sister, Luna, appear next to me. I know this party is not a party, but a trap. Someone will arrive here with a machine gun and will kill the Elements. I want to tell them that this party must be canceled, but now it's too late. Everyone is making their effort to help here. The party will be done, no matter what.

"What do you think, Jack?" asks Celestia.

"It seems pretty nice."

"Yeah, these employees are doing a magnificent job here," says Luna.

Meanwhile, Abe is outside, thinking about Friday night. We must prepare for battle. We don't know how many guys will arrive here and how charged they will be. Suddenly, my phone starts ringing and I realize W's calling me. He went this morning to the Sandy Suburbs... what may have happened there? I go outside, next to Abe, and I answer W's call. "Hello?"

"Jack! I've got some great news."

"What do you mean with great news? A great piece of news for you is often a problem for me."

"Why you have to be so pessimistic? I was talking about the Party for the Good Ol' Canterlot..."

"What happened?"

"I've talked with my grandpa about this... and he told me that Blueblood couldn't bring so many guys to the school, just think... it would be weird to see the Dark Spikes or Gordo in the school! He would only call three or four guys to look for the girls, including Prince Blueblood...

"Prince Blueblood?" I say, and I look at Abe's face now. He's looking at me, surprised.

"Yes! He will be there, he invited Trixie to dance..."

"Trixie Lulamoon? Holy shit, your girlfriend..."

"Fuck no, Jack! She's not my girlfriend!"

"Ok, ok..." I say, laughing. "Are you sure? Only three, four guys?"

"Yeah... and my grandpa also told me that we had to kill the guys, except for Prince Blueblood. If we kill him, the media will go crazy... On the other hand, nobody would cry for Barnes."

"The Barnes? Are you sure the Barnes would be here, on Friday night?"

"Not so much, but yes. They would be there."

"And what about the kill thing?" I whisper. "We can't--"

"Crazy Wilbur will take charge, don't worry. I've gotta go now! Bye!"

"Wait, W!" I shout, but he ends the call. Abe asks me what happened. "His grandpa made a plan," I say. He looks at me with concern.

"Schizoid... his plans were the most complicated things I've ever seen. That's why the Clock was so good at robbing things..."

"He told me the Barnes may come this Friday night."

Abe chuckles. "I wish," he says. "I'd love to kick their asses."

"I don't understand. W said... we would kill them."

"Kill?" asks Abe. "Inside a school? What is he planning?"

"I don't know. His grandfather and he are... truly special."

Canterlot's Police Station

Commissioner Percival and his partner, Femur, are in a private office inside the police station, drinking a coffee and eating donuts. Splinterbone is on the entrance, doing some paperwork.

"How can he be a man like that?" asks Femur to Percival. They are talking about that day.

"I should have realized, Femur," answers Percival with anger. "He was in jail in the nineties... and now he is magically Canterlot's governor. He may have a relationship with Gordo or..."

Suddenly, they hear a gunshot outside their office. They open the door and they look at people running away, taking cover and Splinterbone with a bullet in her head. One of the Dark Spikes appears and starts firing his gun to the roof.

"Shit," says Femur. "Dark Spikes... that means..."

"Gordo," replies Percival. "And that means Blueblood. He's looking for me, Femur."

"Splint's dead... oh no."

"We must run away, Femur... but how?"

Percival closes the office door and hides under a desk. Femur draws his handgun, grabs a big blanket to cover the desk and waits for someone to open it. Suddenly, Disturbance opens the door. "You!" he shouts. "You piece of shit, hands up, gun down."

"Good morning too."

"Gun down, asshole."

"Sure, don't worry," says Femur, but suddenly Percival draws a handgun and starts firing to the roof. Disturbance gets distracted and Femur knocks him with the gun's grip. Both get out of the office very quietly. Suddenly, Turmoil looks at them and Percival points his gun at him, but surprisingly, the Dark Spike does nothing and Percival and Femur walk away, confused.

Both cops realize lots of their partners ran away from the place because there are several hats on the street. Percival grabs his face while Femur takes a long, deep breath.

"Splint died," says Femur.

"Yes, I know. Besides, we can't be here now. Blueblood may be looking for our heads."

"What do we do?"

Percival looks at his cellphone. He knows that guy is the only option to save his life for a long time. "I hope he's not with Blueblood..." he says.

"The Middle of Nowhere"

There is a cheap store near Las Pegasus - Manehattan Highway called The Middle of Nowhere because it is literally in the middle of nowhere. It's the only store on the empty highway to Las Pegasus. Besides, it is a store with a long story, related to the most notorious gangsters of all time. Every gangster met each other there. It was (and still is) the mafia's favorite place for a special reunion.

The owner of this place is an old lady called Scotch. She is not a gangster, but everyone inside the mafia considers her a good friend. The police interrogated her lots of times about the gangster's meetings, but she was always saved or considered innocent. Now, Scotch is preparing some pancakes when suddenly Ron Delight and his brother Tom enter.

"Good morning, Scotch," says Ron while sitting on a bench.

"Ron? What are you doing here?"

"Long story... looking for the lady."

"Looking for allies, aren't you?" Says Scotch while chuckling. Ron nods his head with a serious gesture.

"Yes... I can say we are in a gang war," says Tom.

"Uh-huh... yes. You are doing well. Las Pegasus has brand-new meat."

"Seductive? Brand-new meat?" says Ron. "Are you joking?"

"I'm not talking about Seductive."

"And who are you talking about?"

Scotch turns on an old TV and changes to the news channel. There is an ad where a green-skinned, thin man with orange hair appears as the New Pegasus' Governor. He is Grey Footprints, a man that Ron recognizes pretty well.

"Yes," says Scotch. "It is him."

"How can be that monster as governor?" Asks Ron, surprised.

"Monster?" Asks Ron, confused. "He looks like a polite guy."

"He's Grey Blackle, for god's sake, Tom."

"Blackle?" Says Tom. "That son of a bitch? Patch told me he was worse than Plegovich... even Patch was afraid of him."

"The Devil's Fear," says Ron. "He earned and won that nickname." But then, all the conversation is interrupted by Ron's cellphone. He looks at the screen: Percival. He answers the call. "Percival?"

"Ron. We are in trouble."


"The station... has been attacked. They killed Splinterbone... the Dark Spikes did it. Maybe Blueblood..."

Ron facepalms and sighs. "Fuck."

"What can we do? Do you know someplace to hide or something?"

"Um..." Then, Ron sees a map of Equestria and looks at Los Mantos. "I need you to do something for me."


"Do you remember that project we talked about a week ago?"

Percival stays in silence. "Mantos for us?"

"Lerrick is dead and Hopkins is with Blueblood. I want you to control Warloff at least. Bormoth Street can be controlled by itself."

"But... are you sure?"

"Yeah. Look... I am busy right now. I need to end this. Sorry. Go to Los Mantos by car," says Ron and ends the call. Both Tom and he drink a cup of tea, pay and go away. Now, they will go to Las Pegasus to find Seductive.

To be continued...


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Flash Sentry's Hospital Room

Flash Sentry is a lot better now. He is now walking and the only thing he has is a small plaster on his right arm. He hasn't got any bruises and he has small scars on his torso that have been cured. He is happy, because he knows tomorrow is going to be his last day in the hospital, and Friday night was going to be awesome! He will go to the party and won't tell anybody about it.

Suddenly, a nurse tells him that a man is looking for him. Who will be? A friend? Rarity's grandpa? He lets him in, but he realizes he's not a man that recognizes. It is a blue-skinned, fat man with dark hair. The nurse walks away and leaves them alone.

"Hello, Flash," says the man. It is Gordo.

"Who are you?"

"Well... let me present to you myself. My name is Black."


"Yeah, Black. I came for you because... you seem to be an athletic, sporty man."

"Ok... what kind of job offer is this?"

"A job?" Says Gordo, while chuckling. "It is not a job, but a task."

"What kind of task are you talking about?"

"Um... it's hard to explain, but you will understand."

Meanwhile, some footsteps can be heard from outside. They are getting nearer to them. Flash knows that task is not a nice thing, just by looking at Gordo in the face. Someone opens the door and looks at both men and instantly closes the door and pulls out a gun.

"Holy shit, Abe," says Gordo, while smiling. Flash is now scared. "I thought you didn't carry guns to a hospital."

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Asks Abe, angry.


Suddenly, Gordo gets up from his chair and tries to handshake Abe. "Get out of here," says Abe.

"Ok... will you explain to the kid what is happening then?" Says Gordo while opening the room's door and laughing. He walks away.

"What happened?" Asks Flash.

"Um... do you remember that job thing I told you days ago?"


"Well... he was a partner of mine. He wanted something, I wanted another thing... our thoughts crashed and he is looking for newbies."

"And why he...?" Suddenly, Flash gets up from the bed and points out at Abe. "Did you tell him about me?"

"What? No!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Why would I do that?"

"Um... yeah... but how did they find me?"

"I just don't know how did they figure out... they may have followed me."

"But... who was that dude? What did he want? Why his thoughts crashed with yours?"

Abe opens a window and lights the cigarette. "It's a pretty long story, boy. If you want to hear it, sit down."

Las Pegasus. Butter Valley.

Butter Valley is Plegovich's home, but it is also a small, wealthy, private town where the richest equestrians live. Inside one of those houses, Grey Footprints is organizing his speech as one of Pegasus' candidates as governor. He is also looking at a picture of himself while smoking.

"No," he says to himself. "No cigarettes. No smoking. People don't like smokers."

He gets up from his chair and comes outside. He throws the cigarette on the street but suddenly someone starts clapping. He turns around and looks at Mr. Blueblood.

"You are doing good, Grey," says Blueblood. "Leave that stupid cigarette. It will be better for you."

"Who are you?" Asks Grey.

"Don't you remember me?"


"Your other side may remember."

Grey starts gasping and falls to the ground. Blueblood slowly grabs him and gets him up. "Do you recognize me now?"

One of Grey's eyes starts shaking. "Blue... Blueblood."

"Oh, dirty old Blackle... you are still that ruthless motherfucker."

Grey Footprints grabs Blueblood from his shirt and whispers: "I'm not that thing anymore."

"Thing? How dare you? You were Plegovich's Weapon... you were worse than Sergei and all his stupid henchmen... even the Devil feared you, Grey."

"Things change, Blueblood. You know. I am now a candidate. A politician again. The thing that I always wanted to. I wanna help people... not kill them."

"Are you sure? Would you like to do it... only one more time?"

"I am completely sure! Stop!"

"Ok... if you say, alright." says the Governor and walks away. "I would like you not to say anything."

"I think I changed my mind," answers Grey. Blueblood smiles and turns around, but Grey says: "I will be on Canterlot's elections... I wish your city knew who you are... and I would love to see..."

"See what?"


Grey Footprints' pupils go back to normal and he runs away. Blueblood walks away from Grey's house, laughing.

Canterlot High's Gym

The party set is almost complete. Pinkie Pie is now decorating the remaining things while W and Spike are just looking at her.

"Pinkie's ability to decorate is awesome," says Spike. "What do you think of those balloons?"

"Micro is not stupid," says W, while smiling.


"Um... I think she is cute. You were talking about her, right?"

Spike chuckles. "Yes, but I wasn't talking about her physical appearance, although she is kinda cute."

"I knew, Spike," says W. "First Rarity, and now Pinkie Pie."

"What? I am not... You know, in love... With Pinkie Pie!"

W starts laughing and Pinkie Pie shouts with a big smile: "Hey guys, what do you think? Are the balloons OK?"

There are colored balloons all over the roof. "I like it," says W. "You have talent."

Pinkie Pie fastly climbs down the ladder where she was and starts squeezing W's cheeks. "Thank you, thank you!"

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, PINKIE!" shouts W. Spike laughs. "Don't laugh, you!"

Pinkie then hugs Spike and now W is the one who laughs. "I'm truly anxious, you know?" she says. "But I don't know who am I going with... Lots of boys talked to me about it but I still don't know!"

"Really?" asks W. "Who?"

"Gummy was the first one who asked me! I should have known that he was going to ask me that!" she says while laughing.

Pinkie Pie turns around and climbs the ladder again to reorder some balloons. "Gummy?" whispers W to Spike.

"It's... Pinkie Pie's plush toy."

"Um... what do you mean with plush toy?"

Spike's cheeks turn to red now. "I... I'm not talking about that! It's an alligator, you pervert!"

"Oh... sorry," he answers while chuckling. "But... a plush toy..."

"Yes, it doesn't have life. It's just things from her mind. She's cute but crazy."

"That means... lots of those boys may be fake... am I right?"


W smiles. "Micro Chips, here we go."



"W!" shouts Pinkie Pie. "Would you do me a favor?"

"Sure, what?"

"Go and ask my sister for a bag of confetti."

"Oh no," whispers Spike. W looks at him, surprised. Why would he say oh no?

"Sure... who is your sister?"

"Maud Pie. A grey-haired girl... she has a monotonous gesture, you will recognize her."

"Oh no," says Spike again. Both W and him get out of the gym and start looking for Maud Pie on the hallways. W asks Spike why is he so worried. "You see," he answers. "She is kinda special."

"Why? Pinkie told me she had a monotonous face. What does she mean with that?"

"You will understand."

Maud Pie appears at the end of the hallway holding a weird, orange stone. Spike points out at her and W looks at the stone, confused.

"Hi," says W. "Are you Maud Pie?" She slowly moves her head and nods her head. W looks at Spike and understands what was he trying to say. "Um... your sister told me you had a bag of confetti..."

"Yes," she says in a very low voice. "Right here." and pulls out from a locker a small bag filled with confetti.

"Thanks," says Spike but W doesn't turn around and leave. He is just looking that orange stone in shock.

"Where did you get that?" asks W.

"Bought it in a garage store. Called my attention. Orange. It seems to have a small powder around the stone. It was really expensive, to be honest. Those strange sellers told me they used to consume it."

The word consume makes W rave. "Um... Maud Pie... That's not a stone."

Spike is now confused. Maud does not change her face. "What is it, then?" asks Spike.

"That's crack, Maud," says W. "A very dangerous drug."

Maud now looks at the crack stones and says: "Now I know why they were so fragile. It didn't feel like a legit stone. Thank you."

Maud Pie throws the crack in a trash can and stays there, looking straight at a wall. W and Spike slowly go away.

"Wow," says W. "She looked like a drug consumer on rehabilitation."

"I told you she was special," says Spike, and then whispers: "Would those guys you told me before coming to the party tomorrow?"

W's face changes, but tries to calmly answer: "No. Why?"

"Are you sure? Even Blueblood? You know, because this is a party administrated by him..."

"Even Blueblood."

"But are you sure?"

"Yes, Spike!"

After that conversation, W goes back to the gym and gives Pinkie the bag of confetti. Then, both Spike and he sit down on the floor.

"And is one of your friends a famous burglar?" asks Spike to me.

"Um... No. I do recognize burglars because of their stories. Why?"

Spike looks at W, laughing. "I know you."

"You don't know me," answers W.

"Come on... I know you are lying."

"What do you want to know?"

"I know some famous burglars. Twilight had a book called The Infamous Story of the Clock which talked about lots of gangsters. "

"The Clock lived during the '70s, Spike."

"But then, the Clock was destroyed and created two clans: the Benvenuto and the Red Beast."

Benvenuto. Red Beast. Those two clans came out from the Clock and W remembers them because of their faces. The Benvenuto was the place were Ron, the infamous Pirate, was born as a gangster. His father, the notorious Iron Glass, started working in that place and taught his sons how to survive inside the mafia. Other famous figures like Gordo and his father Wade started there On the other hand, the Red Beast's captain was Public Property, who was Plegovich's father.

"Yeah," says W while looking to the roof.

"You recognize them, don't you?"

W looks at him with a serious grin. "What do you want me to say?"

"The truth."

W gets out from his pocket a sweet and puts it in his mouth. "My father was born in La Benvenuto, and he educated me like a burglar. Is that what you want?"

"Oh," says Spike. "I thought you... were lying... who... who was your father?"

W realizes he committed a stupid mistake. He just said the truth when he could have lied and get away with the true facts. "Wade Waters."

Spike nods his head. "Wow... I'm talking with the Mantos Hero's son... That's awesome," he says, and then smiles while moving his tail. "And why are you here then?"

"I am here now to take care of your owner and your friends."

"Oh yes, how stupid from me... Oh, and do you know any other gangster?"

"Um... I don't remember," he says while smiling.

"Gordo? Um... who was his name... um... Cosmos? uh... I remembered Twilight was scared of one, and I agree with her, to be honest..."

"Really, who?" says W, laughing.

"Grey Blackle. I think he was his name."

W's smile disappears and looks at Spike in shock. "Do you know him?" asks Spike.


Las Pegasus. Golden Horse's Casino. Friday. 1 A.M.

It's now Friday night in Las Pegasus. Streets filled with wealthy people going to casinos or having a drink in enormous bars. The town is more illuminated at night than the whole day. And what about the noise and visual pollution? Geez. It is torture.

There are more than fifteen casinos in Las Pegasus, but one of the oldest and most famous inside the town is the Golden Horse. A giant, yellow structure filled with neon signs and jazz music. Inside, people playing blackjack and poker, slot machines, and croupiers.

Two men are running around the chaos inside the casino. Both of them are carrying sunglasses while they are inside the building. They are the infamous Delight Brothers, Ron and Tom. They are looking for a specific man. Robust, blue skin and, light blue eyes, and bald. He always wears the same black tuxedo with a red tie. After looking around for decades, they found their man drinking a martini while playing on a slot machine. They sit in two chairs which are between the man.

"Nice martini, Ghetto," says Ron.

Ghetto looks at both men and laughs. "What the fuck are you doing here, Ronny? Oh... and you came with the Assistant," he shouts.

"Assistant?" says Tom.

"Stop," interrupts Ron. "This is not a joke, Ghetto. We didn't come here for hookers or money."

Ghetto finishes his martini and leaves the glass in the slot machine. "You are in a war, right?" he asks. Ron nods his head. Ghetto gets up and goes into a lift which is near the machines. The three men enter the lift and close the door. There are three buttons on the lift. First Floor, Second Floor and Parking Lot. There is also an alarm button and a light switch. Ghetto presses the alarm twice and switches the lift's light off. Suddenly, a radio voice appears.

"Welcome to the Golden Horse Casino."

"Seductive," says Ghetto. "We have visitors."

The voice appears again, but more distorted: "To the Golden Horse Casino, Welcome."

The lift starts elevating and the doors open in a cozy room filled with sofas, alcohol, and cigarettes. There is an old, purple-skinned, orange-eyed woman smoking a cigar while playing the piano. There are also three familiar girls next to her: Adagio Dazzle, Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze. Ron gets surprised because of the Dazzlings' appearance in the room.

"What?" says Ron. "What are the Siren Sisters...?"

"We are not the Siren Sisters anymore, Ron," says Adagio. "Oh, good evening too. We haven't seen each other for a long time."

Before the Battle of the Bands, Adagio Dazzle was Ashton's wife, a man who was inside the Ashton Clan who controlled Phillydelphia 15 years ago. Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze were Ashton's wives too, and the three of them were mistreated by this whole family. Ron, his partners, and a young W fought against that family and defeated them, and that's how they saved the Dazzlings from that hell. Ron has called them since that day the Siren Sisters.

"Yeah, I know," says Ron. "You are now the Dazzlings. I prefer the Siren Sisters' nickname. It is a lot better."

"Fuck you," says Aria Blaze.

"Aria!" shouts Seductive before playing the last note in her piano. "No swear words in front of me, especially to friends of mine... and saviors of you." Seductive gets up and hugs Ron. Sonata asks who are they but no one answers. "I know what's been happening for days, Ron. I can't help you."

"What? Why?"

"Ghetto is my only man left. You know Las Pegasus isn't mine anymore. All my men... went to Plegovich."

Ron sighs and grabs his face. Tom just looks at the roof. "I can't talk to Plegovich... it would be a long way to get nothing."

"I know, Ron, and sorry. I can't help you with anything. I don't have guns, men, anything. The only thing Plegovich gave me was the Golden Horse. I could have had more casinos, but he wanted Adagio and Sonata as a barter. He said he didn't want Aria because of her attitude. I denied that offer."

Ron doesn't listen to her now. He is just thinking about what he can do.

"Don't worry, Ron... you have one man left," says Seductive.

"I won't talk to Grey Blackle."

"It's an option, just think about it."

Ron and Seductive look at each other, Sonata keeps asking Aria but Adagio gives her a taco to shut her up. Tomorrow is the party, and the gang war is round the corner.

To be continued...

The Story of Grey Blackle

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Canterlot High's Cafeteria

W and Spike are sitting next to Jack, who is drinking a coffee, in a table. Spike wants W to tell the story of Grey Blackle to him but W says he doesn't know it. Suddenly, he asks that again, but this time next to Jack.

"Shut up, Spike," says W.

"He said what?" asks Jack, interrupting the situation. Both Spike and W look at him. "What is he talking about?"

"Um..." says W. "Things happened and... he wants me to tell him the story of Grey Blackle."

"Blackle?" says Jack. "And how does he know Blackle?" W doesn't answer and Jack sighs. "Did you tell him about Blackle?"

"Wait," says Spike. "Is he also one of those friends you talked to me about?"

Jack's face is now shocked. W told Spike the truth. "Why does he know that?" he asks.

"Um... we became friends, Jack."

"But that doesn't mean you have to tell him everything, W," says Jack, accompanied with an angry grin. "You told the dog and that's it. Period."

"Don't worry," says Spike. "I won't say anything. I'm a dog!"

Jack finishes his coffee and says: "Blackle. What a motherfucking guy. He may be a good guy nowadays, but in the past, ha ha ha."

Jack's fake laugh scares Spike. "What does that mean?" he asks.

"Do you want me to tell the story or not?"

Spike slowly nods his head.

Grey Blackle's real name is Grey Footprints. I don't remember where he was born, but I think it was in Canterlot.

His parents, well... I've heard his parents were worse than him. His father was a drunk stupid asshole and his mother was schizophrenic. A whole childhood being mistreated and abused turned him into a monster that was inside a lonely child.

He became interested in politics since he was a child. His dream was being a politician, but his father obligated him to work on the Sweet Apple Acres on Los Mantos, which now is an abandoned building. Inside the apple world, he began to learn things and facts from Canterlot, which concluded in a decision: he wanted to become Canterlot's Governor. But he knew that if he wanted to become a governor, he had to finish school first. His father didn't want him to go to school and told him he was not good enough to go. Since that epoch, his self-esteem lowered... and his depression gained weight on him.

One night, after a long day of work, he arrived at his house and discovered blood tears coming out below the entrance door. He opened it and saw his father holding a hatchet and the decapitated body of his mother on the floor. He went crazy after that day because the only figure that didn't insult him... was dead and killed by his worst fear. He said lots of times his mother talked to him while sleeping. She wanted him to kill his father, her husband.

Grey was tortured and tortured by his father until a man called Montreal Plegovich arrived at his house and told him he could help Grey to kill his father. One night he grabbed a gun, beat up his father and shot him so many times that the cartridge was empty after that. That night, he became Grey Blackle and started working for the Plegovich brothers.

Grey said lots of times, even to his victims, that his father's death was his favorite moment of all his life. The Sovia would turn him into a Pegasus politician if he tortured their victims... guess what, he accepted. Bloody fuck. Lots of torture, blood, and victims. He was so ruthless that his tools and murders he committed turned him into a bloody psychopath with no remorse and regrets. He became in the '90s the Mafia's Pet. The Devil's Fear. The Sovia's Baby. He had many nicknames but you couldn't deny he was the gangster world's favorite pet. Meanwhile, he was doing his job as a Pegasus politician.

I don't remember when he fell. Maybe in 1998 or 1999. I just don't remember. Someone sued him and he confessed. The result: life imprisonment. He was about to be sentenced to death, but the judge said no. Fifteen years passed until the Sovia saved him from prison. Now, I've heard he is doing something at Pegasus again but wants to leave the gangster world.

"That's it," says Jack. Both W and Spike are shocked.

They Have Canterlot High!

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Friday Morning. Blueblood's Mansion.

Hopkins, Rabidity, Patch, and Gordo are sitting in front of Blueblood. Filthy Rich left the group yesterday and the Governor let him go by little.

"Well, you may wonder why I called all of you," says Blueblood. No one answers. "You see, there are lots of members on the crew and we need to get some of you out." The four of them look at each other. They know what Blueblood wants to say with that. He wants to get rid of someone. Suddenly, Blueblood pulls out two revolvers and puts only one bullet in one of them. "This revolver will have only one bullet by now. You will shoot at the wall behind you. If the bullet doesn't come out, you are Team 1. If it does, you are Team 2. Now, I want you, Hopkins, to get up." Hopkins gets up, grabs the revolver and points at the wall. No bullet. Team 1. Then, Rabidity gets up and shoots. Team 1. The teams have been already defined according to Blueblood and he grabs the two revolvers and fills them with six bullets each. "You know what happens now," he says.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" asks Gordo. "To me?"

"Yes," answers Blueblood. "Is there any problem, Gordo?"

"I am the motherfucking man of Canterlot... I can bring your whole government down in just a second, you bitch. And you wanna kill me? Are you out of your mind?"

"I am cleaning, Gordo, and if you are against this, get out by yourself and stop ruining my fucking morning."

Gordo shuts up and looks to the duel. His eyes are almost on fire. He is angry now, but he can't do anything to unburden.

Hopkins and Rabidity hold their guns, scared and silent. They point out at each other, slowly, looking at each other in their eyes. They feel fear and anxiety invading their bodies.


They hold the trigger, slowly and calmly.


Sweat is covering their faces.


BANG! BANG! Suddenly, Rabidity falls to the floor with two shots on his chest. He's dying, and Hopkins drops the gun and starts gasping while falling to the floor. Blueblood waits for Rabidity to die.

"Is he...?" asks Hopkins.

"Yes," answers Blueblood. "Hopkins stays. Rabidity... out."

Patch gets up and touches Gordo's shoulder. "Are you ready bitch?" he asks. Gordo doesn't answer and grabs Rabidity's gun. "I was going to grab that---" says Patch, but he is interrupted when Gordo shots him three times on his chest. Patch eventually falls to the floor and blood starts coming out of his mouth.

"I hope you liked it. Now I won't talk with Flash Sentry ever again," says Gordo while looking at Blueblood, before throwing the gun to the floor and leave.

Friday Night. Canterlot High.

People are arriving at the famous party for the Good Ol' Canterlot, and Abe wanted to be the first to be there. Even the Rainbooms haven't arrived, and Abe, W, Jack and also Pietro are there, waiting for them.

"Why did you bring me at this time?" asks Pietro. "People would laugh! I always come late!"

"Not this year, Pietro," says Abe. "Today we will use guns."

"Guns?" he says. "What... do you want to do?"

"The Barnes may be here, and if we fail in something... we might need your help."

"My help?" says Pietro while laughing. "What do you want me to do?"

Abe approaches Pietro and looks at him in the face. "Don't be an idiot. I know your uncle gave you a gun some time ago. A really pretty gun, to be fair. And both of us know that you have that gun here just in case. You have weapons, and that's enough to fight."

"I won't use that gun now," says Pietro. "It is charged but... it's a golden gun! I can't use a golden gun!"

"Why not?" asks Jack. "Every gangster has a golden gun, and all of us use it. Why not you? Aren't you a gangster?"

Pietro looks now at the three men. "Ok," he says. "But use it. I won't handle that gun."

"Excuse me?" says Abe. "I know you are a Plegovich, but that thing you've just said... it's a mafia sin."


"Golden guns must be only used by their owners," says W. "We can't use your golden gun, man... that would be disrespectful."

"But, I'm letting you to..."

"Sshhh!" shouts W while lighting a cigarette, Jack asks him for one and W gives him a small cigar. Suddenly, a limousine stops in Canterlot High and the Rainbooms get down from it. They are all formally dressed and happy because they will spend the night together. The four men look at them while they are entering the school.

"I will enter," says Pietro. "I don't wanna lose this." But then, Abe touches his shoulder and takes a breath.

"Listen, you," he says. "If you touch Rarity..."

"Uh, don't worry, man," says Pietro, laughing. "I won't do anything."

Pietro gets out of the conversation and Abe goes behind him. "Will you go later?" asks Jack to W. The Bedmaker nods with his head while smoking and then Jack enters the college. W starts running around and finds out the limousine hasn't left yet He approaches it and knocks on the driver's window and it is lowered. The driver is a plump, blue-skinned man with green eyes and black curly hair.

"Wait," says the driver. "Aren't you...?"

"You know me?"

"Yeah... Beddie!"

"Beddie?... Holy shit, Charlie!"

Charlie, one of W's old friends from the orphanage, gets out of the car and hug. W hasn't seen Charlie since he was between 10 and 11 years old. "Man!" shouts Charlie. "So much time! You look sexier!"

"And you look like a fuckin' whore."

"Thank you, your flattery makes me nervous."

"What are you doing here?" asks W, while sitting on the floor and lying his back against the limousine. "Working for the Rainbooms?"

"I work for Granny Smith, ya know," says Charlie. "One of the Apple family adopted me and I magically ended up in Sweet Apple Acres from Canterlot. I began working there and I'm officially their driver. I carry Big Macintosh, Applejack and Applebloom everywhere they want. Now, I carried Applejack and her friends here and come on, man... the weather is calm, fresh... A perfect time for a beer. That's why I stopped here."

"Uh-huh, very good. At least you are better than me."


"I'm still trapped inside the gangs," says W with a lower pitch.

"Really? What a pity." Then, W gives Charlie a cigarette and both of them start smoking. W's friend opens the limousine and gets out from it a bottle of cold beer. "Like the old times," he says. W smiles and chuckles.

"Oh yeah," says W. "Beer, friends and cigarettes. Pot is better than these little killers but well, we are on Saneland."

"Yeah..." says Charlie, while looking at some girls entering the school. "Canterlot girls are so beautiful... aren't they?"

"Um... yeah. I don't like Canterlot so much, but I admit some girls are pretty here."

"Holy shit, look at that one. She's marvelous with that blue dress," says Charlie. W looks at the girl and realizes it's Trixie, wearing a blue, shiny dress. Her presence is just absolutely stunning, and W's cigarette falls from his mouth. Charlie finds out and starts laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" asks W, angry.

"Chill, man," answers Charlie while chuckling. "I won't mock you. I agree with you. She is stunning, man... A gorgeous piece of gold..."

"Yeah... It's a shame Prince Blueblood invited her to dance."

Charlie looks at W, surprised: "You are kidding me."


"Son of a bitch... He was clever, Dubs."

Charlie is the only man who calls W Dubs, and that's something that always makes W laugh. He chuckles and waits for the Barnes... He knows they may be here soon.

Inside the School

Pietro is dancing with two girls while Jack and Abe are outside the gym, taking care of the place. Both men have a glass of punch who was provided by Pietro.

"This punch..." says Jack. "It reminds me of that night."

"Everything reminds you of that night."

Jack looks at Abe. "Not everything. I just think it was a... Missed opportunity."

Abe chuckles and says: "Why don't you want to repeat that night?"

"Tommy's dead."

"Tommy was the less important thing on that night. Just think."

"I don't know, Abe, it would be stupid..."

"Stupid?" says Abe. "Come on, Jack! Do it at least! She's inside, drinking punch, feeling old like you, come on!"

Jack looks inside and realizes Celestia is doing the same thing that Abe told him. He looks at Abe again and decides to step inside the gym.

He feels now in that old Fall Formal in 1995, before things went down, before W, the Canterlotian Gang War, Red Punch and also this gang war. He looks at her and suddenly she does the same. He touches his beard, drinks his punch and approaches her.

"Hi," says Jack. "I see you are alone."

"Yeah," she answers. "I am just standing as a vigilante."

"Why? Why would you be the party's guardian?"

She lifts her shoulders while smiling. "I don't know," she says. "Students don't like asking her principal for a piece."

"Uh-huh... I will ask you for a piece."

Celestia is now surprised. "Really? With this electro music?"

"Yeah... why not?" says Jack, and he slowly turns his head to the right, looking at the dancefloor. It seems to be a funny place, but suddenly he finds a familiar face between the students: green skin, a swan tattoo on his neck... his name is Lucas. Lucas Plegovich. He looks at Jack and waves his hand on the distance. Jack looks at him in silence. Celestia does the same but doesn't identify the man, and she also thinks Jack's just taking a look at the dance.

"Is the dance--?"

Celestia's words are interrupted by Jack: "I forgot something. I'll come back."

"Something happened?"

"No, everything's OK."

Celestia looks again to the right and Lucas Plegovich is not there anymore. Jack runs away and realizes Abe is not in the gym entrance.

Outside the School

W and Charlie are talking about stupid things when suddenly W's phone starts ringing. He looks at the screen: Jack.

"Jack?" says Charlie. "Was he...?"

"Yeah... and this may not be good news," says W before answering Jack's call. "Yes."

"Have you seen Abe?"

"No. He entered with Pietro and you."

"You see... I have bad news. Two, to be worse."

W sighs and grabs his face. "Tell me the best of the worst."

"I have no bullets. I've grabbed my gun and I realize... it has no magazine. The only thing I can do is to ask Pietro for his gun."

"Well, it's not that bad. At least we have Pietro's. What's the other one?"

"Lucas is here."

W gets up from the ground. His eyes are almost coming out of their orbits. "WHAT?"

"I haven't seen anyone of the Barnes. Lucas was inside the dancefloor. He looked at me and smiled. That's why I am looking for Abe... and I should go for Pietro too."

"Oh shit, fuck," says W, but then he looks at someone opening the school's entrance door. He identifies him: Lucas Plegovich. "Wait! Wait!"

He looks at Charlie and points out to the left. Charlie doesn't understand what he is trying to say. "What do you mean?"

"Behind the limousine, Charlie."

Both W and him hide behind the limousine. Luckily, Lucas Plegovich didn't find out they were here. The Bedmaker slowly moves his head and looks to the spectacle. Lucas is going downstairs and lights a cigarette.

"Who the hell is him? What happened?" whispers Charlie.

"Long story," answers W. "That guy there is one of Plegovich's nephews."

"Plegovich?" says Charlie. "Are you against Plegovich? The media says he is the most dangerous of them all..."

"The media can suck my dick." W looks at a black car stopping on the street's corner. From it, four men get out: The Barnes Brothers and Blueblood. They gather with Lucas and start smoking cigarettes together. They are having a quiet, calm conversation.


"Listen, Jack," says W. "My grandpa was right. He brought the Barnes. They are outside with Lucas and Blueblood. I am behind a limousine with Charlie."


"Yes. Charlie, say hi."

Charlie holds the phone and whispers: "Hi, Jack."

"Oh. Hi, Charlie."

"Did you find Abe?" Asks W.

"It's in the cafeteria. He answered me."

W looks at the men again and realizes they made a smart move. Barnes Brothers are holding some guns and they are about to enter the school. On the other hand, Lucas and Blueblood are leaving. They get into the car, turn it on and leave by turning into the right. "The Barnes entered, Jack," says W. "I'm in."

"Wait, what?" says Charlie. W draws a handgun and checks if it has a magazine. It is complete. He loads it and hides it again in his pocket. "Are you going to enter?"


"What about me?"


Both men get up from behind the limousine and start walking to the school. "Are you sure? Don't you want help or something?"

"Yeah," says W, while hugging Charlie. "Leave, this is no land for you, my friend. You have a job, I have my job."

"But... you only have a freakin' handgun, Dubs. These guys are three!"

"Yeah... and what?"

"Wait... are you going to do a mass shooting inside a school?"

"Um..." says W, while trying to think an answer. "I hope not."

"Are you crazy? There are lots of students there! Just think if you shoot a bullet and kill a student!"

"I know, Charlie! I won't shoot anybody unless those three stupid assholes! Leave! You will be safe."

Charlie sighs and touches W's shoulder. "Good luck. You don't need it, though."

"Why?" asks W, confused.

"You are the Bedmaker, man," says Charlie, and then he gets in the limousine and leaves. W throws the cigarette to the floor and enters the school.


Pietro is at the moment dancing with Octavia Melody. He is so happy that he thinks he is the King of Canterlot High. Octavia tries to reject him but Pietro persuades her to follow his game. After a third try, Pietro leaves her alone, angry. Suddenly, he feels a hand touching his shoulder. He turns around and looks at Jack.

"Oh, look," says Pietro, laughing. "A Sugar Daddy at the party."

Jack's hand moves into Pietro's t-shirt and strongly grabs him. "Don't mock me, you bitch. Where is your gun?"

Pietro's face is now a surprising smile. "I thought golden guns couldn't be used by others."

"Just give me the fucking gun, you son of a bitch."

"Chill, man," says Pietro. Behind Jack, two friends from Pietro, Little Ace with a bandage on his broken nose and Duke Starlight, appear and start punching Jack's back. "What you gonna do now?"

"You are playing with fire, Pietro."

"You? A fire? You are wet, cold ash, you grandpa. How many years old do you have? 157?"

Pietro's friends start laughing and Jack's anger raises the roof. Duke Starlight wants to punch him in the face, but Jack grabs his arm and smashes his head against Duke Starlight's. The teenager falls to the floor, unconscious.

"What the fuck?" shouts Little Ace. "You son of a...!"

Little Ace is interrupted when Abe touches his shoulder. Now, Jack and Abe are looking at Pietro, but the kid still doesn't want to lend them his gun. They go outside the dancefloor just to manage things.


"I won't give you the gun," says Pietro.

"I'm not asking," says Jack. "I'm telling you to give me the gun. It's an order."

"Don't do it, Pietro!" says Little Ace. Abe smashes him against a locker.

"Would you shut the fuck up, you son of a bitch?"

"My partner's right," says Jack. "You are not inside this topic, broken nose. Leave this place if you don't want us to shoot you twice in your anus."

Abe draws the handgun and Little Ace slowly walks away to the dancefloor. Now, Pietro starts laughing and grabs the gun. "Here it is, the gun."

Jack goes for it but suddenly Pietro points at him. Both gangsters start laughing. "You are making me angry, dick boy," says Jack. "Give me the gun or I'll leave you like a dead, rotten slave."

"I bet you like to be an awful jester." Jack grabs Pietro's neck and smashes his head against a locker twice. Pietro doesn't stop laughing and throws the gun to the floor. Jack grabs the gun and now he is the man that points at Pietro. "What happened, Canter Zoom?"

"You will come with me," says Jack. "I will use you like a fucking shield."

"Chill, Jacky," says Abe, laughing. "Your mood is like a volcano."

"Look who's talking," says Pietro, while being on the floor. "The guy with a dramatic granddaughter."

Abe's laugh now fades into anger. "Now I understand what is happening to you, Jack," he says and then kicks Pietro's chest once. Both men get him up and carry him to the cafeteria.

W had been following the Barnes Brothers for almost five minutes, but suddenly he lost them and now he doesn't know where they are. He goes to the dancefloor and finds out Jack and Abe were there, carrying Pietro.

"So... what happened here?" asks W.

"Long story," answers Jack while holding Pietro's golden gun. It is a shiny, golden revolver. W gets surprised because of its beauty.

"Shit, Pietro... nice revolver."

Pietro falls to the floor and slowly gets up. "Thank you," he says while smiling.

"Are you sure the Barnes brothers are here, W?" asks Abe.

"Completely sure."

"The Barnes?" asks Pietro, while getting out from his pocket a cigarette and lighting it.

"Yeah," answers W. The three gangsters know that it would be strange if Pietro knew the Barnes. "Do you know them?" Pietro shakes his head, denying it. "Ok then," says W. "So..."

A gunshot is heard and the four of them run away. They haven't even seen who was the shooter. While running away, Jack turns his head around and looks at the Barnes following them.

"Fuck!" shouts Jack. The four of them enter the library and hide under a desk.

"Holy shit, holy shit," says Pietro.

"Now you are scared, you little whiny prostitute," says Abe. "If they discover us, you will be the first to die."

They hear someone opening the door and loading a gun. They are Barnes, but the oldest one, Marcus, is outside the library, so there are only two brothers in the battle zone.

"What do we do?" asks W. Suddenly, Abe slowly gets up and points his gun at Pyle. Freddy opens fire while hiding under a desk, and W and Jack also start firing their guns.

"Hey! My golden gun!" shouts Pietro, and then he suddenly moves to another desk. A mass shooting has started. Abe and Jack ran to a bookshelf and hid there, and W is running upstairs to hide behind one of the bookshelves on the second floor. Meanwhile, Pyle and Freddy are loading their guns. Nobody died by now. Pietro is still hiding in a desk, but the Barnes brothers don't do anything to him... and he doesn't do anything to them either.

Pyle starts moving slowly and enters the bookshelf section on the first floor while Freddy is going upstairs. He tries to look for Jack and Abe while being on the stairs, but he doesn't find them. Abe and Jack hear their footsteps, and they also start moving. Jack realizes Pietro's golden gun has only three bullets left.

"Fuck," says Jack. "Only three bullets."

"Let me do the work," answers Abe."

Another gunshot is heard and a book falls to the floor with a hole in it. Both Jack and Abe don't make any sound... they know Pyle is near them.

"1..." says Abe.

Jack hears that Pyle is taking some books out of the bookshelf. "2..." he answers. The gangsters are now looking at each other. They are ready now. Jack looks at Pyle's shadow coming to him and shouts: "3!"

Pyle wants to shoot first but Jack shots twice to the Barnes brother's chest. He tries to keep standing up by holding onto the bookshelf but he falls with a book on his hand. He starts gasping while spitting blood from his mouth.

"Marcus... " says Pyle. "...went for the girls... you fuckers... he will go... to the dancefloor and will shoot..." Abe knows they must hurry up, so he touches Jack's shoulder and nods his head. Jack understands what he's saying and shoots Pyle in the head. One dead man.

"Stay here and save W," says Abe. "I will look for Marcus."

"But... I don't have ammo, Abe." So Abe gives Jack his gun. "No," is the first thing that comes from Jack's mouth.

"I don't need this."

"You need that. Marcus has a gun."

Abe winks an eye and says while chuckling: "I have an idea. Trust me. Do you have your swiss knife here?"

Jack looks for it inside his shirt's pocket. He thinks he doesn't have it but suddenly... he touches something sharp. He knows that thing is what he was looking for. He gets the knife out and gives it to Abe. "Good luck," he says to his friend before he leaves.

Meanwhile, on the second floor, both Freddy and W are not moving from their comfort zones. There are twelve bookshelves on that floor. Freddy is into the third one, while W is hiding behind the eleventh one. Pietro slowly gets up after looking at Jack getting out of the bookshelves.

"What happened?" asks Pietro. Jack gives him his golden gun.

"This happened," he says. "Your golden gun just fucking sucks." Both men start getting nearer the stairs. Freddy finds out they are talking and also starts walking to the stairs, but slowly.

"Thank you..." he answers with a fake laugh. "Hey, what about the fat guy?"

Jack looks at him and emits a small, serious chuckle. "You mean Pyle Barnes?"

"Um... yeah, if it was his name."

Jack turns around and points one of the bookshelves. Pietro doesn't understand what he is saying. "He is sleeping. Right there. I was his hairdresser tonight. I cut his hair and... well, shot him on his head."

"What?" says Pietro. "You... killed him?"

"Yeah," answers Jack. "It was gross, I admit."

Jack and Pietro go upstairs and come across Freddy, who is pointing the gun at Jack's head.

"You killed my brother," says an angry Freddy. "Now you must pay."

Then, Freddy pulls out another gun from his pocket and starts shooting. Jack and Pietro fastly hide and W moves from the eleventh bookshelf. He is now on the seventh one while loading his gun. Freddy and Jack are about to make another shooting.

"Take cover, Pietro," says Jack.

"A... Are you sure?"

Jack looks at Pietro now. "What do you think, you bitch?"

"Ok, ok!" he says while going downstairs. There is something that calls Jack's attention: Freddy didn't even shoot Pietro while he was running downstairs. He may be a Plegovich, but not even a bullet? Come on. Besides, Barnes brothers can't be so loyal to Plegovich. They love Gordo... Gordo is their god! Anyway, he tries to ignore it and starts firing his gun against Freddy and running from one bookshelf to another one.

Eventually, Jack arrives at the seventh bookshelf and finds W. "Finally," he says.

"Yeah," answers W while getting up. Freddy arrives and W shoots at him four times. Two shots are missed, but the other two finish on his chest. He falls to the floor and tries to defend himself, but W shoots him another time on his head, killing him. W takes a long breath and grabs his phone.

"What are you doing?" asks Jack.

"Calling my grandpa."

"For what?"

"He told me he would be here to clean."

"What? But he lives on the Sandy Suburbs, W! It would take a million years for him to arrive here!"

"Wait," says W, interrupting Jack's words. "Grandpa? Is that you?"

"Come on! How could this voice not be me?"

"Whoops, sorry. Look..."

"Yeah, I'm already downstairs. I'm looking at you from here."

"WHAT?" W looks at the first floor from the balcony and looks at his grandpa with a trash bag. "What the fuck, grandpa?"

"Yeah! It's a-me, grandson!"

Both W and Jack go downstairs and greet Wilbur. "Well, Schizoid," says Jack. "One of the bodies is behind that bookshelf." Then, W moves Pyle's dead body out of there. "And there is also another body upstairs."

"So... two bodies," answers Wilbur.


Everyone turns around and they look at Abe, who is covered in blood, has his shirt ripped and has a rusty machete filled with blood tears. "Three bodies, Wilbur."

A Hallway. Ten Minutes Ago.

Abe is running around the hallways when he finds Marcus Barnes loading his gun.

"MARCUS!" he shouts. It calls his attention and points the gun at Abe.

"Abraham," he says. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought that fight we had weeks ago didn't have a proper ending."

Marcus slowly puts the gun down. "I think the same."

"So... what about... doing it again?"

A smile appears on Marcus' face as he keeps his gun in his pocket. Then, he takes his brown sweater off and reveals he has a machete under it. "Do you like it?" says Marcus. "I call this trick the Barnes' Sticky Machete."

"Not bad," says Abe, while pulling his swiss knife out. Marcus looks at it and explodes in a burst of laughs.

"Are you sure you wanna fight with that piece of shit?" he says and pulls out a small dagger from his pocket and throws it at him. Abe grabs it and smiles.

The Fight Starts. They start moving around the hallways with their weapons. Marcus tries to attack him, but Abe successfully avoids him. He attacks again but this time the machete rips Abe's shirt and leaves in him a small cut. Marcus starts laughing while Abe runs to him for the first time in the fight. Marcus jumps and dodges him while he prepares his machete to attack another time. Abe slowly puts his hand in his pocket and waits for Marcus to give in.

"What are you doing?" asks Marcus.


Marcus smiles and runs to him, but Abe stabs Jack's swiss knife on his liver and he falls to the floor.

"I thought that piece of shit didn't work," says Abe. Marcus furiously gets up and grabs the machete, but Abe grabs the dagger and stabs him again, but this time on his hip. He tries to grab the dagger, but Abe smashes his head against a locker and grabs his machete.

"You know..." says Marcus. "There is a fourth man here..."

"I know. Lucas," says Abe while holding the machete and touching Marcus' neck with it.

"No..." he says. "Blueblood is here... Prince Blueblood."

"Ok then," answers Abe. Marcus grabs Abe's legs and makes him fall to the ground, but fortunately, he grabs the machete and stabs Marcus in his chest while being under him. Marcus spits blood from his mouth and stains Abe's face. Then, he gets the machete out of his chest and blood starts leaking and staining Abe's ripped shirt. He falls over Abe and dies there.

Abe moves his body, gets up and robs his gun. "This is for Sweetie Belle," he says, and he shots him in the head.

"Wow," says W. "So... we killed all the Barnes. I can't believe this."

"Yes," says Abe. "And he also told me there is a fourth man."

W has just remembered something he had forgotten and runs away.

"Wait!" says Jack. "Where did he go?"

"Maybe to the dancefloor. Prince Blueblood may be there."

Jack also remembers what W told him. Trixie. Prince Blueblood. But then, another doubt comes out of his head.

"By the way," he says. "Where's Pietro?"


Pinkie Pie is having fun, although she was worried when Duke Starlight fell on the floor saying that he had a headache. She is taking punch while talking with one of Blueblood's workers, a funny guy called Cheese Sandwich. Suddenly, she looks at W entering the party and Pinkie points at him, happy.

"See that guy?" she says. "He is one of my friends."

"Um... I don't know why, but I feel he is very angry," says Cheese Sandwich, worried.

W gets into a massive group of people. He can see Trixie alone and sad, drinking a glass of punch but it is not the perfect moment for helping her, but that image makes him mad. He turns to his left and looks at Prince Blueblood dancing with Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon. Prince Blueblood looks at W and gets scared. The Bedmaker just smiles and sarcastically waves his hand.

"What's wrong?" asks Lyra, and then she looks at W. He gets nearer them.

"I see you are with hot girls, Blue," says W, smiling.

"Yeah... thank you," he answers in a very smooth voice.

"And what about Trixie?" asks W. Blueblood laughs.

"That girl is crazy, man. How could I dance with a chick like that?"

"Oh, you prefer... the superficial ones."

Lyra and Bon Bon look at W furious and move behind Blueblood. "What are you doing? Underestimating my friends?" says the Prince. "Who are you, Trixie's boyfriend?"

Lyra and Bon Bon start laughing, but W answers to the beef: "No. I am the man who will tell you that you should leave this place because I know everything about your daddy's plan... Especially because your guardians are not here anymore."

Blueblood doesn't know what to answer, and the only thing that he can do is to pull out a gun and shoot to the roof. Everyone takes cover except for W and he runs away. Vinyl Scratch, who is the party's DJ, didn't even find out about the gunshot. W grabs Blueblood by his back and throws him to the floor. The Prince grabs his neck and starts strangling him, but W punches him in the face twice to get free.

"STOP!" shouts Principal Celestia, and eventually Luna appears to separate them. Luna tries to take the hands away from W's neck but Blueblood pushes her. W takes advantage because now there's only one hand on his neck and traps the other one with his arm. The fight is interrupted by Principal Celestia, that grabs W and takes him away from Prince Blueblood. The wealthy student gets up and runs away, leaving the gym. W goes after him.

"I'm going to grab you, you son of a bitch!" shouts W while chasing Blueblood. The Prince is trying to get out of school. W follows him until he catches him at the school's entrance. He has him, but suddenly...

Clang. Ouch.

W falls to the floor because someone hit his head with something. He slowly opens his eyes and looks at the man who hit him: Pietro Plegovich, who is holding a baseball bat while smiling. W is now angry as hell. He thought Pietro would be a good guy because he wasn't a gangster, but now he knows that nobody can trust a Plegovich. He feels betrayed.

Both Pietro and Blueblood run away while W gets up and realizes his nose is bleeding. He goes outside but looks at a car disappearing by turning to the right. They escaped, and also Pietro betrayed not only him but also Abe and Jack. Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna appear.

"May I know what happened?" asks Principal Celestia, angry. "Why did you want to fight with Prince Blueblood in the middle of the party?"

"That party is a trap," answers W, angry. "It was always a fuckin' trap."

"What do you mean?" asks Vice-Principal Luna.

"Blueblood... fucking Pietro. Bloody Pietro."

"What did Pietro do now?"

"Betrayal..." says W, while touching his broken nose. "It is the worst sin."

Wilbur put the three bodies inside two giant trash bags and Jack and Abe are helping him to throw the bodies to the parking lot. They are using the cafeteria's windows to throw the bodies through there and then Wilbur and Abe carry the bodies to the parking lot, where Wilbur's car is staying. Suddenly, while waiting for Wilbur and Abe, Jack receives a message. It is from Mr. Fletcher, the owner of Arpeggio's and W's first adoptive father. He opens the text message and reads it:

"Hey Jack, I don't know if this is important but I have just seen that kid you told me about, Pietro Plegovich, hanging out with Prince Blueblood and his father, talking about the Fort."

Jack's mood automatically changes and calls out for Abe to tell what has just happened.

To be continued...

After Party

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Two weeks have passed since the Party for the Good Ol' Canterlot. The Fall Formal is in two days. Surprisingly, the Blueblood Commission hasn't attacked since that night. They are completely silent.

W, Jack, and Abe are still in Canterlot, taking care of the Rainbooms, although they say all the time they don't need personal protection. All of them are creating a small friendship between them, especially W and Spike. Meanwhile, Ron is in Los Mantos, taking care of Percival and Femur's decisions on Warloff Valley, where they are the controllers.

The relationship between Gordo and Blueblood has worsened, and the fat man has been thinking about leaving the project, even if it has lots of money around it.

Pietro has turned into a rookie gangster, although Plegovich is not in favor of his decisions.

Flash Sentry has been completely forgotten by the Commission. They haven't talked about him since the Barnes' death.

Micro Chips is still being shy. He doesn't wanna talk to Pinkie Pie.

A Canterlot High Hallway

"You should go, W. Everyone will be there, even me."

"I've already told you, Fluttershy. School parties are not for me. I don't like dancing."

"But have you ever tried dancing? It can be relaxing."

W laughs while walking with Fluttershy in the hallway. "Maybe it would be relaxing for you... but me? I don't know."

Suddenly, Fluttershy turns his head to the right and gasps. "Hey, W..."


"Little Ace is looking at me... again."

Little Ace slowly approaches her but W turns back and smiles at him. He stops, looks at the Bedmaker, nods his head and walks away.

"That stupid won't invite you to the Fall Formal," answers W.

"Yeah... since Pietro disappeared, everyone has been behaving well."

W nods his head while smiling, but at the same time, he has a worried gesture because he doesn't know where is Pietro.


W is sitting with Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. Jack appears with a cup of coffee and greets Granny Smith.

"I've already received five invitations to the Fall Formal," says Rainbow Dash. "Two of them from Zephyr Breeze."

Everyone starts laughing except for Fluttershy, who blushes.

"Don't worry, Fluttershy," says Sunset Shimmer. "Everyone has that kind of person in their family."

"Yeah..." says Rainbow Dash, and she suddenly points at W. "You."

"Me?" Asks W, confused.

"You must come to the Fall Formal."

W laughs loudly and Jack sits next to him, doing the same.

"And you too, Jack."

"Me?" says Jack. "I'm too old for those things."

"Oh, come on, dude!" Shouts Rainbow Dash. "The Principals and the teachers would be there! You can dance with Luna, Cheerilee or Celestia!"

W looks at Jack and smiles. Rainbow Dash now points at W with a fork. "You must be here that night."

"Why?" Asks W.

"You know... you are young, handsome, you seem to be tough... girls would want you!"

W and Jack look at each other and both of then chuckle. "Thank you for the flattery, Dash," says W. "But I won't be on the Fall Formal."

"Why?" Asks Sunset Shimmer. "You should be here..."

Suddenly, Jack receives a text message from someone... Ron. He opens it and reads:

"Need you and W in Los Mantos. It is safe now. We need to talk."

Jack drinks his coffee cup and touches W's back. He knows that touch is a kind of code. "Well, girls," says W. "We need to go

"Really, why?" Asks Rainbow.

"We'll go to the gym," says Jack. "Celestia called me earlier. We need to help her."

"Um... shall we help you?" Asks Sunset Shimmer.

"No, no, it's OK," says W, winking an eye to her. She knows what he is meaning.

Outside, in the Hallway

"Alright," says W. "What happened?"

"You miss Los Mantos, don't you?"

W doesn't answer. He just looks straight at Jack and smiles. "What do you mean?"

"You miss the city, don't you?"

"Hell yeah."

"Why don't we go there for a while?"

Ron's House

There is a big room filled with paintings and the only thing it has is a big, wooden, squared table. There is also a smaller room next to that room filled with cupboards and boxes. There is also a record player inside, which is playing a song: I'm not in Love, by 10cc. Meanwhile, Ron is carrying a big box to the table. Percival, Tom, and Femur are also helping him.

"What do you want to do with these boxes?" Asks Percival.

"I want to look for something," answers Ron.

Tom tries to get the LP out of the record player but Ron stops him. He leaves the box on the table and opens it: knives. Lots of knives.

Percival opens another box and finds a katana under ten knives. "Holy! You have a pretty nice knife collection!" he shouts.

"Why do you have so many knives, Ron?" Asks Femur.

Ron grabs a shiny knife filled with runes and says: "Since I killed Red Punch, I've been waiting for my next sacrifice and I've found the perfect man. You know what I mean."

Tom starts laughing: "Canterlot will cry on Ron's shoulder after this."

"And then he will turn into Canterlot's governor," says Percival.

Ron chuckles and keeps looking for the perfect knife. Suddenly, a car stops and Ron opens the door. W, Jack, and Abe are there smoking and drinking some water. The weather today is warm.

"Woah," says Ron. "It is hot here,"

"It is because Dad has arrived," says W, joking.

"Dad? More like... the Grandson," interrupts Jack.

Everyone enters the house and finds the boxes filled with knives, while Percival, Femur, and Tom are carrying them onto the floor.

"Why are the knife boxes outside?" asks Jack, and then he slowly moves his head and looks at Ron. "Are you going to do... The Redpunchization?"

"What?" says W, trying not to vomit. "With who?"

"Blueblood," answers Ron. "He deserves it for being such a motherfucker."

"Uh-huh..." says W. "A corrupt governor. He caused chaos during the nineties, went to jail and now he is against us... Mmmm... You have to think about it. Is it worth it, Ron? For real?"

Ron nods his head while holding the same knife for a minute. "I think I'll grab this one. W, do me a favor. Take this box to the other room."

"Sure!" he shouts and then grabs the box. Ron approaches Abe and Jack.

"Blueblood's been switched off for two weeks," whispers Ron. "And you know what that means. He is planning something big, massive. They will unleash their power, and the Fall Formal is in two days, right? Be cautious, careful. That Fall Formal thing may be fresh, good-looking meat for them."

"I agree," says Jack. "We have to focus on the Fall Formal."

"The only thing I have to tell you is that if things will be like the way I am thinking, Canterlot High will be a slaughter. A big one."

"If we don't let them enter Canterlot High," says Abe.

"It doesn't matter," says Ron. "There will be blood anyways, Abe. I repeat: Be cautious. The Fall Formal may be a pretty long day."

Ron's Small Room

W is looking around the room. Everywhere he sees is covered with cardboard boxes filled with papers, files, blunt objects, knives, and bullets. There is no space to put another box inside.

"Ron!" shouts W. The Pirate opens the room's door and looks at the mess. "Where can I put this box?"

Ron does the same thing as W and starts looking around. Finally, he finds the perfect place. "Um... You can put it on that corner, next to the cupboard. Watch out for the pile of boxes."

Ron leaves and W slowly carries the box onto the corner. Half an hour later, after leaving that box and cleaning a bit the whole room, he realizes the cupboard is open. He slowly opens the door and looks at a small box filled with letters. There is also a jar behind it, which calls W's attention. W grabs the box and looks at a rotten head, which is Red Punch's.

"Fuck!", shouts W and unintentionally he drops the box. "Fuck you, Ron! Why do you still have that head?"

W grabs the letters, but he stops doing it when one of them has a familiar name on it:

WADE. His father's name. A letter from his father? What would that be?

He opens the letter and looks at the sheet of paper where it was written.


I don't know, man. I'm worried because I've heard the bitch will send Blueblood to kill me."

W suddenly stops reading it and folds the letter. He is now looking at the cupboard which has Red Punch's head and keeps going.

"I'm afraid he will touch Wanda, William, and Walter. I've already sent the boys to Fletcher, but Wanda denied to go with him. She prefers to stay with me on Wayneville."

Wayneville was a small town inside Manehattan. It was neither a poor town nor a rich town. It was a middle-class city filled with antique, vintage houses. Jack told him he visited Wayneville in 2003 and said it turned into a ghost town, where everything was abandoned and rotten.

W can't believe Blueblood is mentioned on this card. Prince Blueblood wasn't born in 1995, so this Blueblood his father was talking about us only one man... Mister Mortimer Blueblood.

"This may be my last letter, Rondo. The bitch is angry and wants to hunt me, and that's why Blueblood was hired. They will kill me, but I know my face will be legendary after the ambush."

"The Bitch," whispers W. Who was the Bitch? Ron told him about the Bitch when he was a child. The Pirate told him the Bitch murdered his parents. However, Ron never mentioned Blueblood during these 14 years. Ron never told him Blueblood was involved in this. And most importantly, Ron never told him Blueblood went for his parents. Killed his parents. Why would he hide that? Ron knows everything inside this room, so this letter must have been read by him.

W leaves the room and leaves the letter on the big table. There are only two men inside: Jack and Abe. Percival, Femur, and Tom went to Warloff Valley to take care of the zone.

"Where is Ron?" asks W, angry.

"He went to Las Pegasus, I think," says Jack. "Why?"

W looks at the letter again, slowly moves his head to look at Abe and Jack on their eyes and says: "Blueblood killed my parents."

Both Jack and Abe look at each other. Abe approaches the table and slowly grabs the letter and reads it. Then, Jack grabs it and does the same. Now, the three of them are in silence.

"Isn't this... Wade's last letter?" asks Jack. "I think Ron told us about this a long time ago."

"Yeah," says Abe. "He never showed the card to us, though. We didn't know Blueblood killed Wade and Wanda."

"So..." says W, trying not to cry. "Ron knew this all this time? Since 1995?" Both Jack and Abe do not answer, and that awakes W's anger. "FOURTEEN YEARS! I'VE BEEN WORKING ON THE GANG FOR FOURTEEN YEARS LOOKING FOR THE MURDERER!... And you hid me the truth?"

"We didn't--"

"This was not a day or a week... This was a hundred months and more! Almost fifteen years, man! YOU CAN'T HIDE SOMETHING LIKE THAT FOR A LONG TIME!" W smashes his fist against the table. "Fuck Ron! And if you are with Ron, fuck you too! Fuck Canterlot! Fuck the Pirate!"

"Wait, W!" shouts Jack. "Don't go!"

W does not answer and leaves the house. Abe instantly grabs his phone and sends a text message to Ron.

"We have a problem."

Canterlot High's Entrance

Vice-Principal Luna comes out of the school and takes a breath while being outside. He looks at a lonely sheet of paper that's being carried by the wind and grabs it. She realizes it is a note and unfolds the paper. There is a message that says:

"Give us the Rainbooms on the Fall Formal and nobody will be harmed."

Luna's pupils shrink because of shock and she enters the school again. Blueblood's master plan has just started.

Manehattan. Evening.

Ron arrives at Manehattan in the evening. It is almost night and the sun is setting. The streetlights are switching on now and the casinos are opening.

He starts walking and enters a bar called "The Wooden Hoove". He stays there and waits for someone. Suddenly, Seductive appears along with Adagio Dazzle and sits in front of Ron.

"What is she doing here?" Asks Ron.

"She's old enough to know what are we talking about," answers Seductive.

"She is a teenager..."

"I'm not a teenager!" shouts Adagio.

"Yeah, I know," says Ron. "You are a thousand-year-old siren, but that doesn't mean you can hear our conversations, Adagio. By the way, where are the other two?"

"I left them home," answers Seductive. "That's why I'm in a hurry, Ron. What do you want?"

"You know..." he says. "Our conversation hasn't finished yet..."

"I've already told you I can't help you, Ron," answers Seductive. "I'm busy and I don't have anything for you."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course!" says Adagio. "We don't have anything to help you."

Ron sighs and nods his head while drinking a glass of whiskey. "Did you talk with Grey Blackle?" asks Seductive.

"How can I talk with that bitch? No!" answers Ron.

Suddenly, Ron's phone vibrates. He grabs it and looks at a text message from Abe:

"We have a problem."

"Wait," says Ron. "I've got to make a call."

Ron's House. Night

Jack has been trying to call W several times but the young man does not answer. Abe is sitting on the table looking at the moon when his phone makes a sound. Ron's calling.

"Finally," says Abe after answering the call.

"What happened?"

"It is related to W," says Abe. Jack looks at him now.

"W? What did he do now?"

"He found Wade's card while cleaning your room."

Ron does not answer now and stays like ten or fifteen seconds in silence. There is a female voice on the phone. It is Seductive asking what's the matter. Ron doesn't answer her too.

"Where is he now?"

"He left," says Abe. "I don't know where he would go."

"Maybe..." says Jack. "I think there is a place he would have gone."

Abe looks at Jack now, and both of them repeat the same words: "Sandy Suburbs."

To be continued...


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Mantos' Mistmane Street. Night

There is a bus stop on Mistmane Street, where W is staying. It is a dangerous place to stay at night, but W knows they won't harm him because he is the Bedmaker. However, he is not thinking about that now. He feels exhausted, depressed, disgusted... disappointed. Ron lied to him all these years, and now he needs a shoulder to cry. Suddenly, he hears a car stopping and realizes it is the man he needed. The car stops in front of him and Fletcher is inside, looking around him.

"Be quick," says Fletcher. "A burglar must be out there."

"Don't panic," says W. "I'm with you." Then he gets into the car and Fletcher accelerates. They are going to Canterlot.

"What happened?" Asks Fletcher. "It is so strange that you called me, W... especially at this time and with that face. Tell me what happened."

"Um... Ron lied to me. He didn't tell me something. A very important thing."

"Ron? Lying to you? It's common. Gangsters lie to everybody. What did he hide you from?"

W looks at Fletcher now and whispers: "Blueblood killed my parents."

Fletcher stops the car in the middle of Mistmane Street, on Los Mantos during its midnight. Both men are looking at a street light in front of them, which is flickering. The old man slowly moves his head and looks at W, only to say: "Wow... I... I didn't... know he was inside that."

"Yeah," whispers W.

"And why did you call me?" asks Fletcher, while looking at the street light.

"I wanted to... you know, tell my family this."



"Where is he, then?"

"Sandy Suburbs."

Fletcher sighs. "Your grandpa is also there."


"And will you tell..."


Fletcher nods his head, while slowly accelerating the car. Once they get out of Mistmane, the streetlight stops flickering and switches off. The lamp is no longer working.

Canterlot High.

The Fall Formal will be tomorrow. Every student is anxious because they know that it will be an excellent party, but Celestia and Luna are not so good about it. Both of them know about that mysterious letter someone left on the school's entrance but they haven't told anyone of the students yet. They don't know what to do.

Meanwhile, Jack and Abe, trying to relax and forget W's problem, appear on Canterlot High while walking on the parking lot. Both of them are smoking, drinking water and breathing fresh air. They are really nervous and kinda depressed too. W's argument lowered them.

"Why don't we talk for a bit?" says Abe. "This is very uncomfortable."

"I know," answers Jack. "But we can't talk about anything because our minds are only focused on yesterday and tomorrow."

Abe sighs and drinks some water. "W was very angry. We should have looked for him at Sandy Suburbs, but I don't know, I wouldn't like three angry Waters..."

"Me too," says Jack. "And what about Ron?"

"He hasn't answered my phone calls this morning. I don't know what's happening now. Everything is now fight, fuck, conflicts... we may be screwed."

Suddenly, Jack looks that there is a sheet of paper under a car's wheel. He ignores it at first, but then he looks at it again and realizes it has a phrase. A familiar phrase...

"Jack, what are you doing?" asks Abe. Jack grabs the sheet of paper and reads: And the meek shall inherit the earth.

That phrase appeared on lots of Equestrian books. Legend says Star Swirl said it a long time ago. However, he recognizes that phrase from another place... his father knew it, he told him... that time the Benvenuto Gang killed Mr. Shiny Estate, Canterlot's Governor, on his house during 1986... there it was... his body covered in blood, three or four gunshots, and his bedroom's walls, ruined by a graffiti that read: And the meek shall inherit the earth. This is a message from la Benvenuto, a gang where Cosmos, Celestia and Luna's father, lived but then... Gordo! This may be a letter from Gordo!

He slowly unfolds the paper and reads:

"Final Warning:

Give us the Rainbooms tomorrow or everyone will die.

And the meek shall inherit the earth..."

"Holy shit," says Jack. "We are more than screwed."

Abe looks at the sheet of paper and instantly runs away and enters the school.

Celestia's Office.

Celestia and Luna are in silence until Abe opens the door. "You two!" He shouts.

"What's the matter?" Asks Luna, shocked. Abe smashes his fist against the table while gasping.

"A letter..."

Celestia gets up from his chair and looks at Abe and Luna now. Jack enters at the same time while having the letter on his hands. "We know who wrote this," says Jack.

"Who?" Asks Luna. Jack and Abe don't answer. Luna closes her eyes and whispers: "Gordo?"

Abe nods his head. "It should be canceled, but... it's too late. We can't cancel the Fall Formal now. It's everything ready."

"We can't do anything," says Celestia, while sitting again and leaving her hands on the table. "I don't want to give him the Rainbooms but..."

Suddenly, Jack touches Celestia's hands. "We'll take care of them."

"A...are you sure?" Says Celestia, while blushing.

"Gordo's got a great army," says Luna.

"Yeah, and what?" Says Jack. "We are against them. We are an army too." Then, he slowly moves his hands and Celestia grabs a tissue and cleans her cheeks, also to hide her blush. Abe and Jack look at each other because they know the Fall Formal will be, as Ron said, a slaughter, and they are afraid to be finished there because they both are also fresh raw meat.

Sandy Suburbs.

This is the moment. Everyone is inside: Wilbur, William, and W. Fletcher left a time ago because of his music store. W is smoking a cigarette while Wilbur and William are waiting for his words.

"So..." says Wilbur. "Why are you here? You were under the weather last night."

W releases the smoke from his mouth while looking at a broken window. He notices something that is not very common around here: There is a car near the house. He knows people are afraid of his grandpa and his house, so nobody stays on Sandy Suburbs. Finally, he decides to ignore it. "This is about mom and dad," says W.

"Mom? Dad?" says William. "Do you know that the killer may be dead? 14 years have passed since their deaths, W!"

"Well, guess what," says W. "I found the killer."

Wilbur and William are now in silence. He captured their attention. Wilbur approaches W and touches his shoulder. "Who killed my son, then?" he asks. "I hope you are not lying because this is not funny."

"I'm not lying, how could I lie to my grandpa?" he says, and then he throws the cigarette. "Mortimer Blueblood went for them because of the infamous Bitch who ordered him to do it".

Now, the three of them sigh. Wilbur goes to a corner, grabs a box and gets out a cigar from it. He lights it and then, he continues looking for something inside the box. Finally, after a minute, he gets out a golden gun, that looks like a real S&W 500, filled with six bullets. He opens the cylinder, and counts each bullet. "Three for Mortimer, two for his son and one for his wife," he says.

"So... I've been working all my life for my parents' murderer," says William while looking at the floor.


Someone has just rung the doorbell. Nobody knows who is outside, and the Waters look at each other, surprised. Wilbur has an idea: scare the person.

"The fuck do you want?" shouts Wilbur. "Leave or I'll fucking shoot you."

The person outside does not answer, so the men think he ran away, but suddenly... Ding-Dong. The doorbell rings again. W draws his gun while Wilbur aims his pistol to the door. William slowly grabs a pocket knife and goes to the door. Ding- Dong. The doorbell rings one more time.

To be continued...

The Canterlot High War (Part 1)

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Sandy Suburbs.

"May I know who is outside?" asks William, while staying in front of the door, holding the knife. He is nervous.

"William!" says Wilbur. "Get out of there. You are in front of the door."

The doorbell rings again. W is getting paranoid. "William! Grandpa is right! Get out of there!"

"Why?" says William. "I'm the weakest only because I'm not a gangster like you two? Come on! I will stay here!"

William's words are interrupted when a familiar, scary sound appears: Bang. The wooden door has now a hole in it, and William's pocket knife falls to the floor. The man looks now at his chest: the white t-shirt he was using is now changing its color to red. Sad news: he got shot in his heart. Another bullet comes in and ends up in his chest. And another one. The poor, innocent guy starts gasping and coughing while falling on the floor.

"NO!" shouts W, and both his grandpa and he start firing their handguns. A minute later, they run out of ammo and go outside. The car W saw minutes ago and called his attention is now gone. He finds out someone left a note on the door. He grabs it and reads it:

"Nice house, prick.
- Pietro."

"Wal... Wal... Walter..." whispers William.

"Hell, no, you son of a bitch," says W while he grabs William. "You are not going to die."

"I'm... I'm dying already..."

"You won't die while looking at a gangster!" shouts W while having a tear on his eye. "You must die looking at your wife and your children, you don't deserve this, you are not a gangsta..."

William grabs his brother's shoulder. "Kill Blueblood for me... I'll miss you, man... brother..."

"We have to carry him to a hospital, grandpa!" he shouts.

"Walter..." he answers. "It is too late. William will die anyway."

"But... he is your grandson, grandpa! HE'S MY BROTHER! WE CAN'T LEAVE A WATERS ON THE FLOOR!"

"Your father would say," replies Wilbur. "Live and Let Die. He liked that song so much that he started using that phrase. Let Willy die."

"I can't..." he says, but then he realizes William is no longer responding. W gets up and hugs his grandpa. First, his parents... and now, his brother. Three Waters have died... all because of the same man. "HEY!" shouts W, while crying. "Man, wake up! YOU SON OF A BITCH! WAKE UP!"


W and Wilbur are outside the house. The young man has been digging a grave for his brother, and now he is resting while having a big shovel on his hands. Wilbur looks at the note.

"Who is this guy?" asks Wilbur. "Pietro."

"Plegovich's nephew," answers W. "A miserable, stinky, motherfucking betrayer. A gross rat from the deepest zones of hell."

"Like all the Plegovichs," he answers while sitting on the floor, looking at William's grave. "Want a cigar?"

"No," replies W while cleaning his face. The grandfather grabs a cigar and starts smoking.

"Requiescat in pace," says Wilbur. A minute later, after an uncomfortable silence, he starts talking again: "You know... If you want to kill Blueblood, you need to know we are not enough. We are two, W. Blueblood and his men are a whole city. We need allies to fight... do you know any friends or something? Weren't you working with the Pirate?"

"I won't call that motherfucker," interrupts W. "He lied to me. I found out Blueblood was the one because of a letter he hid from me since I was born."

"Well..." says Wilbur. "That sucks, but maybe he didn't do it intentionally. He just... didn't want you to know..."

"No," says W. "He did it intentionally. He knew that if I found out that, I would kill Blueblood and cause a war between Los Mantos and Canterlot. He hid that from me for the common benefit of everyone."

"And do you know other men who can help you?"

W gets up from the floor and looks at the grave where his late brother will rest forever. He looks at the Equestrian sea, which is near Sandy Suburbs, and realizes he needs help, no matter what. He grabs his cellphone and calls someone: "Hi," he says. "Come. Sandy Suburbs. Right now... with Abe only."


A car stops in Sandy Suburbs. There are three men inside: Jack, Abe... and Ron. W looks at the three men getting down and he draws his gun and points it to Ron.

"Woah! Woah!" says Abe. "Chill! We can explain!"

"I've told you I only wanted you two! Not this son of a bitch!"

"W!" shouts Wilbur. "Calm down!"

"I only came because I want to talk," says Ron. "I know why are you angry... and you are right. I committed a mistake."

"You have to be glad... because my gun is unloaded now," interrupts W.

"Look," says the Pirate. "I hid that letter from you because of two things. You may know one of them already."

W chuckles. "You hid it because you didn't want a war with Gordo."


"You son of a bitch..." says W. "I know you want to be calm, I also want a comfy situation for alk but you can't hide this for twenty-five years. When I was a child, 10 years old... you told me the Bitch killed them, and I joined you and your whole fucking world because I wanted to look for the Bitch... and now, this. There was another man besides the Bitch. You said the Bitch was the only one. You lied to me. You lied to a 10-year-old orphan, you lied to a 24-year-old man."

Ron sighs. "Sorry."

"Yeah, apologize all you want but... you did it, and that's it. What's the other reason?"

Ron grabs his face and replies: "Sorry... I just didn't know how to manage with the letter. I wanted to throw it away but at the same time, I didn't want to. I wanted to show you the truth but... I was afraid you will ... Do you remember when you were 15? 16? When you were into drugs? When you had that heroin OD? That day was one of the worse days of my life, you know why? When you were in the hospital, I thought you were going to die... and I felt like... a son of mine left the planet." Everyone is silent. "Man, since that day we broke in the orphanage and robbed you... I knew I was going to be responsible for you... Not only I took care of you, but I also raised a man... a gangster... I treated you like a son, W. I raised the Bedmaker, I raised you like my son."

W is looking at everyone again and sighs. "Ron," he says. "You know you committed a huge mistake, hiding the truth of my family's murder from me, but in the end... I gotta admit... you are my family too. Jack, Abe and you... you are like my older brothers. We may not have the most common relationship in the world but... if one of us gets lost, the other three will not be the same anymore." W stops talking for a second and then continues: "I forgive you. However, if you do it one more time... I will leave you and I won't come back."

"I will never lie to you again, W," says Ron, and all of them shake hands.

"Um... may I know why did you dig a hole?" asks Abe. "You had a shovel on your hands when you arrived."

W's small smile fades and looks at the entrance door. Jack slowly opens the door and discovers William's body. "Shit..." he whispers. "You kidding me... No..."

"NO!" shouts Abe. "He wasn't even a gangster! Who was the motherfucker?"

"Here," says Wilbur, while holding the note on his hands. Jack and Abe read the note.

"SON OF A BITCH!" shouts Jack. "He messed with an innocent man, he will get what he fucking deserves."

"We can't kill him," says W. "It's a Plegovich. If we murder him, Nicholas will go after us."

Nobody answers to W's words. Ron looks at William's body and says: "He killed your brother."

"I know," he answers, angrily. "He fucking did it. I admit I didn't have the best relationship with him but... I shouted when he got shot. A painful shout. I felt that... An innocent version of myself died in front of me. It was my blood leaking from his chest. It hurt, man. I don't know if we can kill Pietro but... Someone has to pay for William's death."

"He deserves a better grave," says Ron. "Why don't we go to Canterlot's cemetery and bury him there?"

"Oh yeah! Breaking the law!" says W.

"You always break the law, W," says Abe.

"But I never entered a cemetery and buried someone without authorization."

"Fuck the authorizations," says Ron. "We will bury him there. That's what he deserves."

"Are you nuts?" says W. "That will be completely stupid! Besides, I have already done this. Don't make my work time a piece of waste."

Ron looks at the grave and nods his head. "Yeah. Bring him."

Wilbur and Abe grab William's body and throw him to the grave hole. "Bye, brotha," says W while covering his body with dirt.

3 P.M. now. The Fall Formal will be in 24 hours and a little bit more of time. The five men are now sitting on a bench outside Canterlot's Mall. Ron is now using sunglasses instead of his enigmatic eye patch. W is speechless, while the other ones are just in silence, making this a very uncomfortable moment. W's brother passed away hours ago because of a gunshot he received on his heart.

"What do we do now?" asks W.

"You? Nothing," answers Ron.

"Why?" he says, angrily. He wants to take revenge now.

"You need to relax for a little bit, W. We will wait until tomorrow. Today you don't have to do anything... prepare for the Fall Formal."

Walter sighs while looking at the floor. His grandpa touches his shoulder while the other three men get up from the bench. "We will go to Canterlot High now, along with Ron," says Jack. "You are free. You know what? You can finally go to The Middle of Nowhere. You told me lots of times you wanted to go to that place."

"What?" says Wilbur. "You never went to The Mid? You are such a rookie!"

"Uh, come on," says W. "I don't think it is the best moment now."

"It is, W," says Wilbur. "The Mid always solves problems."

"Will he bring William back from the dead, then?" asks W, sarcastically.

"Sadly no," answers Wilbur. "Nevertheless, the Mid will have something that will help you against Blueblood. The Mid always finds good things. Is Scotch still alive?"

"Yes," says Ron.

"Excellent," he answers. "You will feel like if you were in Las Pegasus but 1978."

"Wow, that's awesome..." answers W.

Wilbur, his grandfather, gets up and touches his grandson's shoulder. "Walt," he says. "We need to take a breath and plan your revenge. If you want to destroy Blueblood and his empire... we must do it using our brains. Let's go to the Mid, buy a coffee or what you want and plan everything there."

W keeps thinking and gets up. He looks at his partners, then at his grandfather and takes a long breath. "Ok. I'll go, and I'll do it only for Willy, who may rest in peace now, wherever he is."

"See?" says Wilbur, while chuckling. "Relax and tomorrow it will be our day."

"Be careful," says Ron, and both men look at him. He approaches them and whispers: "The battle will be in Canterlot High, during the Fall Formal. Lots of civilians, innocent people will be inside the school. We must be clever and kill the men we need to kill. It is not necessary to say that on Friday night and the day after it, Canterlot High will be Carnage High. There will be blood, corpses, guns, bullets... it will be a scary, scary slaughter. You knew it. Moreover, that means... you are fresh meat too, guys. We must take care of ourselves, go ahead... buy some vests... bulletproof vests. You'll need them."

W nods his head while he feels his heart stopped because Ron is right. The Canterlot High War is a war, not a celebration. There will be a fight, a murder, a dead man. The war is going to end when one of the sides is annihilated by the other one. If W and his friends don't kill or beat up everybody on the other side, they will do the same to them... which will be everyone's fate after this? Who will die? Who will survive? Everyone is legitimately scared, gosh... even W is feeling nausea at this moment. "Sure," says W. "I'll take care."

"Abe," says Ron. "The other Chevy."

Abe looks something in his pocket and he gets out a car key. Wilbur chuckles. "I have a '59 Sunliner on my garage. We don't have to."

Everyone starts laughing. W says: "Grandpa... that car may be a fucking fossil right now. It is better to use the Chevy. Where is it, Ron?"

Suddenly, an old woman appears in the Mall and touches Ron's back. She is Seductive. "Here it is, Ron," she says. "The car keys. Why did you want them?"

Ron points at Wilbur and W, who are confused because they don't recognize the woman who is in front of them. Jack and Abe shake hands with the lady and stay behind her. "Oh," she says. "Isn't the young man the child who was in the Fillydelphia thing years ago?"

"Wait..." says W. "The Ashton thing? Is she talking about that? That was..." Suddenly, W's mouth opens and he whispers: "A... A-Aren't you Seductive, the Pegasus' Lady?"

The woman smiles and nods her head. "You must be W, the kid. Oh my! You did grow up, mister!"

W smiles. "Yeah... Eleven fucking years have passed."

"W!" says Abe. "You are talking in front of a very important lady! Be polite!"

"It doesn't matter," she says. "And you must be his... grandfather?"

"Mr. Wilbur Waters," says W's grandpa. "Also, infamous, notorious... Schizoid Man."

"21st Century Schizoid Man," she says, while laughing. Both of them shake hands and then she points at a smart, cozy, light-blue Chevy car. "There it is. The Masterpiece."

Ron asks Wilbur and W just in case: "Do you know how to...?"

"I went like a hundred times to the Mid, pirata," says Wilbur, and both he and his grandson get into the car. Ms. Seductive greets Ron and his partners and goes away, using another car who is being driven by Aria Blaze. Ron planned everything at the moment he got out of the cemetery. Jack, Abe and he get into a third car who was left there by his brother and leave the mall. W and Wilbur looked at everything from inside the light-blue Chevy.

"Holy shit," says Wilbur. "Your capo's a mastermind. He planned this very carefully. Three cars!"

"Where did he get two cars from nowhere?" asks W. "How is that...?"

"Ignore that, grand," says Wilbur. "I hope this radio works..."

Wilbur turns on the radio and looks for his favorite program until he finds a radio station which is playing a John Coltrane song.

"Holy!" says Wilbur. "Welcome to 1958, Walt."

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"John Coltrane, kid. Don't you like it?"

"I know it, but I'm not keen on that kind of music."

"Well, at least you know it..." he says, but then he sighs. "Willy knew some songs of Coltrane. He told me he bought a record once. Giant Steps. I didn't know him a lot but... he was my blood, Walter. It hurt when I looked at my blood fading."

"I said it in the house. He was my brother, and I can't think of my brother like a piece of dust. He was a Waters, and he needs to be avenged."

"You are right. Viva Los Waters." Then, Wilbur starts playing with his long beard while turning on the car.

The sun is setting. There is less time for the Fall Formal to start. Jack, Abe, and Ron are waiting on the Mantos - Canterlot Highway for Percival and Femur. Tom, Ron's brother, is inside the car with them.

"So... We are waiting for Percival and Femur, and then we'll move to a motel until tomorrow night," says Tom.

"We need to go to Canterlot High before," says Abe. "I wanna know how are things going there. The principals know about the situa.."

Abe stops talking because he saw something on the highway. Everyone saw it and are doing the same as him: observing.

They find out that thing is getting nearer. It is a big black van... No, two black vans. They stop in front of them and from one of the vans gets out a policeman, grabbing Percival by his back.


Suddenly, the vans open their doors and lots of armed cops get down from them. The four men get out of the car with their hands up and are arrested.

"Finally, Pirate," says one of the cops. "We looked for you in Los Mantos and we found you on our way back. That was a lucky thing."

"What were you doing on Los Mantos, you Canterlot cops?" asks Ron. "That's my territory!"

"You see, Ron," says a familiar voice. "We are with Blueblood. We are gods now. We can do whatever we want." Hopkins suddenly appears and touches Ron's back while laughing. Ron tries to attack him but he is easily beaten up by a cop with a taser gun. "Where is the young man?"

"In a place, you will never find," says Jack. "You son of a bitch."

"Woah," says Hopkins. "We have an ex-Commissioner, an ex-detective, the son of Edinburgh, Tough Moustache and the Delight Brothers in my pocket... You are arrested, motherfuckers!"

The cops carry them all inside the van and Hopkins sits next to the driver in the van where Ron, Jack, and Abe are in. The three men can't look at Hopkins because there is a glass separating both parts of the car.

"The only one left is the young kid," says Hopkins. "Pietro and Lucas told me they killed someone at Sandy Suburbs, but they are not sure he was him."

"Shall we go to Sandy Suburbs, then?" says the Driver. "Rumour has it a crazy old man lives there."

Hopkins shakes his head. "Nah. Not necessary."

"Ok then..."

The driver turns on the car and goes to Canterlot's Police Station.

The Middle of Nowhere

Wilbur stops right in front of the canteen. He parks the car on the right side of the road and turns it off. W looks at the small bar. "So... is this the Middle of Nowhere?" he asks.

"Yes," answers Wilbur. "Isn't it beautiful?"

Both men enter the bar. It is empty now. The only person who was inside before them is Scotch. "Morning," says the lady.

"Scotch! Do you remember me?" says Wilbur.

The lady looks at him. "Ummm... wrinkles, long white beard, hoary man... Certainly not."

"Yeah... time has run over me but... I'm Mr. Wilbur! Schizoid!"

"Oh," says the lady. "From the Clock? Yeah. And is he your son? Grandson?"

"Grandson," answers W. Scotch nods her head and both guys have a seat.

"Where are we going to go now?" asks W. "After this?"

"Nowhere," answers Wilbur. "We will stay here."

"For the whole night?"

"Yeah. Why not?"

"But... I think she wouldn't like that. She has to close this at night."

"No. Scotch lives here too. Calm down a little bit, we'll relax here and tomorrow..."

Scotch appears and leaves two glasses of water on their table. "I've heard what you've been planning," says Scotch. "You can stay. Only one night."

"Marvellous!" shouts Wilbur. "This is awesome."

W tries to look for a Wi-Fi connection or maybe signal to receive messages. He thinks it can be important just in case.

"This place doesn't have... Um..." says Wilbur. "Is it called Wild File?"

W chuckles. "No. Wi-Fi."

Scotch interrupts the situation while drinking a coffee next to them. "You can go outside. There is a place where you can send text messages. Shall I turn on the TV?"

"Sure!" says Wilbur. "The news channel, please."

W greets Scotch again and gets up from his chair. However, when Scotch turns on the TV, everyone stops moving. There is a shocking piece of news at the moment.

"I'm Ms. Golden Spots and now you are watching Canterlot's Globe. Channel 8.

We have an excellent piece of news that has been communicated by the Police Department: the infamous Pirate from Los Mantos has been captured and arrested in Canterlot. What was he doing in our beautiful city? We don't know.

Not only he fell in the trap, but also his right-hand men, including the Commissioner Percival, which was considered a missing person weeks ago because of his mysterious disappearance, along with his partner Femur.

This is unbelievable, in my opinion. Why a policeman, a Commissioner, would work with Mantos' gangsters. What was he thinking?"

W keeps his phone inside one of his trenchcoat's pockets and looks at his grandpa. "Holy shit," he says.

Final Chapter: 1/3

To be continued in Part 2...

The Canterlot High War (Part 2)

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"What do we do now?"

"Just calm down, W," answers Wilbur. "Scotch! Where is the place you talked about? The text messages thing?"

"Outside," she answers.

W instantly leaves the canteen and goes outside. He grabs his cellphone and rises it. After a minute or two, he gets a text message.

New Text Message from Dreamo:

"Watch the news."

W thinks now. What can he do? His friends are all arrested, except for him. He can call Dream now, but it isn't the best option, because Dream Raider is also arrested. Meanwhile, the news channel is still broadcasting:

"According to Canterlot's Governor, Mr. Mortimer Blueblood, there is only one man left: the Bedmaker is the remaining member of the Pirate's henchmen that is still not arrested. A red notice has been released from the Canterlot's Police Department to seek the location of this gangster. Where would the Bedmaker be right now?"

"Grandson!" shouts Wilbur. "They are looking for you! For the Bedmaker!"

W doesn't listen to his grandpa but he knows that if he doesn't do anything right now, he will have been arrested by Saturday. He makes a very risky decision: call Ron.

Canterlot's Police Department

"They are already gone..." says Jack, while trying to look outside the cage.

The Police Department has a big office on the entrance, a patio and a small room with a big jail cell. There are six men there: Ron, Jack, Abe, Tom Delight, Percival, and Femur. Ron is using a phone he hid on one of his socks. "I've already called him, Abe," says Ron.

"Who did you call?" asks Jack. Ron doesn't answer because someone else is calling him. He answers.


"I knew they didn't grab your hidden phone."

Ron starts laughing and everybody looks at him. "Where are you?"

"In the Middle of Nowhere. Where are you? On the Police Department?"


"I'll be there soon."

"No!" shouts Ron. "Stay on the Mid. Blueblood and the police are looking for you like fucking maniacs. If you do only one step in Canterlot, they will appear on a freakin' helicopter and they will beat you up as if they were Vikings. Stay outside Canterlot."

"And what about the Fall Formal?"

"Wait until tomorrow. Can you do me a favor?"

"Yeah. What?"

"Stay outside until Friday night. Once you look at Blueblood going to Canterlot High on TV, leave the Mid and save our lives."

"Nah. Wilbur and I will arrive too late. Besides, we can't save your lives! We are two!"

"Yeah, you are right..." says the Pirate. Then, he looks at the cell bars. The iron bars. "What about Dream Raider?"


"Can he help you?"

"Um... maybe."

"Good. On Friday morning, go to Sombra Jail. Talk to Dream Raider and on Friday night come here. I think Sombra Jail and the Police Department have a shorter distance than the Mid and us."

"Yeah... you are right," says W. "So... I stay here for the whole night. I wake up, go to Sombra, talk to Dream, save you and then... go to Canterlot High?"

"Yeah. Very good."

"They are coming," whispers Abe. Ron greets W in a lower voice, ends the call and hides his phone in one of his socks.

Afternoon. The Middle of Nowhere.

The sun is about to set now. W and Wilbur are drinking another glass of water while looking at the highway. Suddenly, an old car stops at the canteen's entrance. From the car gets out an old man with a prolix white beard, round glasses, a formal sweater, smart trousers, and shoes. Both men realize he uses a cane to walk... he is a cripple man. Scotch goes outside and greets him. "Oh, hi, Cosmos."

Cosmos. Celestia's and Luna's father. The one who lost the Canterlotian Gang War. Wilbur, who is surprised, finishes his glass of water and leaves it on the ground. "Cosmos!" he shouts. The old, cripple man stops at the entrance.

"How do you know me?"

"I'm Schizoid, man."

"Schizoid?" says, while smiling. "I thought you were dead. Where were you all this time?"

"Being crazy," answers Wilbur while hugging him. W gets up and greets Cosmos too. He says he is the Bedmaker.

"Bedmaker," says Cosmos. "Canterlot is looking for you, son."

"Yeah, I know," he says, and makes Cosmos laugh.

"Don't worry, son. Let's enter... we can have a seat."

"Why are you here now?" asks Wilbur to Cosmos.

"I come here to relax every time I can, although my leg is not letting me go anywhere now. Driving is now torture for me. I can only use one leg for everything."

"What happened on your other leg?" asks W.

"W..." says Wilbur, angrily."

"Don't worry," replies Cosmos. " It's OK. He doesn't know what happened. I know he didn't do it intentionally." Cosmos drinks some water and tells W the story: "I argued with a man. I don't know if you remember the Canterlotian Gang War during 1998. I think you were a little child."

"Yeah," answers W. "I was 3 years old."

Cosmos smiles. He remembered something, but he keeps telling W the leg's story: "One of my daughters, Celestia, was taking care of me in my house. She doesn't know what was happening at that moment. I had Canterlot on my hands, and Gordo was taking it out of them. You know Gordo, don't you?" W nods his head while drinking water. "One of his henchmen broke into my house and tried to kill my daughter. Do you know what I did? I drew my gun and shot him. Three on the chest... but one of his bullets ended up in my ankle. It hurt, and I had to keep going with a cane. I knew since that moment... I was going to lose the war. If the boss is weaker than the midget... all of your workers won't trust you in the same way again. They will leave you, one by one. That's what they did to me. They left for Gordo. They killed my wife. My daughters don't know where am I, and here I am..."

"What?" says Wilbur. "Why did you disappear? Your daughters may be worried, I was worried, man..."

"You know that term, Schizoid... humillation? I was humiliated after the War. No one believed in me. I felt my daughters didn't deserve a father like me. Neither Celestia nor Luna. That's why I left Canterlot and never returned. My daughters know I am alive... I called them a year ago but I told them at that moment I wouldn't return to Canterlot. "

"Woah..." says W. "You should go back. Your daughters miss you.

"I know," says Cosmos. "But sadly Blueblood controls there, and he is with Gordo... I know it... And I am a persona non grata in the city."

"Yeah," says W. "Wait... did you say Celestia and Luna were your daughters?"

"Yeah... They control Canterlot High now. I used to do their job during the eighties and half of the nineties. Shit... I remember I knew one of your partners, Jack Tyler, during one of my Fall Formals... a pity he was captured."

"Yeah... you know what? There's a darker background behind that," says W.

"Really, why?"

"Blueblood wants to get some girls to rob Las Pegasus' fort."

Cosmos laughs. "It's impossible to rob that place."

"Blueblood thinks he can do it with the Elements of Harmony, you know that?"

"I've heard about them... are they real?"

"Yes. Guess who they are..."

Cosmos doesn't answer to W's question, raises his shoulders and drinks his glass of water.

"Six students from Canterlot High."

Cosmos stops drinking. He leaves the glass on the table and looks at W. "What are you talking about?"

"The Fall Formal is tomorrow night, do you know?"

"Yes, I know. I've read the Canterlot's Gazette yesterday..."

"We are against Blueblood's decision, especially because one of those girls is one of my partners' granddaughter. That's why they arrested them. They are keeping them away from the objective. That's why they are looking for me... I am also an enemy. Do you understand what I'm saying? Do you know why they arrested them a day before the Fall Formal?"

Cosmos can't stop looking at W now. He is scared... he is completely focused on his words. He knows what he is trying to say. "He is looking for their preys... at the Fall Formal," he whispers. W nods his head while finishing his glass of water. An uncomfortable silence invades the place for a whole minute until Cosmos talks again:

"If they enter Canterlot High... they will touch everyone. They will touch your partner's granddaughter, her friends, every student... Celestia and Luna."


"I must do something..."

"No, Cosmos," says Wilbur. "You can't. You are too old for this now. You are a cripple."

"I don't care!" he shouts. "That motherfucker won't touch my granddaughters... I know he won't kill them, but he will hurt them!"

"He killed my parents, Mr. Cosmos," says W. Cosmos' eyes start shining. He asks Scotch for a whiskey shot instead of water.

"You know, W," says Cosmos. "I knew your father. A great man. A family guy. He loved you and your brother."

"My brother died this morning," says W. "His men killed him."

"I just can't believe..." says Cosmos. "I can't believe Blueblood did it. I knew everyone could kill Wade but... Blueblood?"

That phrase calls W's attention. He slowly approaches to Cosmos' face and whispers him: "What do you mean with... everyone?"

"Do you know why did they murder him and Wanda?" asks Cosmos. W thinks about it and realizes he doesn't know it. Why did they kill his parents? Why? He shakes his head. "Your father had Los Mantos, and everyone who worked for him wanted the city. That means the Bitch can be any man who worked with Wade, and your father knew almost everyone."

W sits again on his chair. "Did you know that?" he asks Wilbur.

"Yeah," he answers. "Your father had a very nice city in his hands."

Cosmos tries to get up but Wilbur helps him to do it. He grabs his cane and says: "I think it's time to go, gentlemen."

"Sure? Now?" asks W. Cosmos touches his shoulder.

"I know you will do it. You will get your men out of that freaking police station and save Canterlot High, the only thing need... is one thing: balls. If you have balls, your parents and your brother will be avenged."

Cosmos touches W's hair, greets Wilbur and Scotch and leaves. W doesn't move from his chair.

Next Morning.

W slept just two hours and that's it. He looks at the highway while listening to John Coltrane on the canteen's radio. The TV is off. Wilbur and Scotch are sleeping. The light blue Chevy is parked next to the canteen, outside the highway. He gets out a cigarette box from his pants and looks that there is one cigarette left. He grabs it and looks at it. Shall he smoke it now or later?

"Light it," says a voice from behind. It is from Wilbur's. "You won't have time to smoke later."

"Don't you want it?"

"No, thanks."

W lights the cigarette and starts smoking it. "We won't leave now. I think we'll go to Sombra at 6 PM."

"6 PM? Why?"

"If we do it earlier, they may capture us. We have to be quick."

It is 5:30 PM on the Middle of Nowhere. W decided to go to Sombra Jail earlier. He prepares himself and gets into the Chevy. Suddenly, he looks at Cosmos' car stopping again in the Mid.

Scotch helps Cosmos to get down and Wilbur approaches W.

"We are ready, grandpa," says W.

Wilbur nods his head while looking at Scotch and Cosmos approaching him.

"W..." says Cosmos. "Here you have. I looked for this the whole night."

Cosmos gives W an old pistol and brass knuckles. "Wow," says W. "This is... cool. These brass knuckles..."

"Made of bronze," says Cosmos. "I know you will use them soon..."

"They are fucking awesome, Cos!" says W. "Can I call you Cos?"

"Sure," says the old man.

Suddenly, Scotch greets W and gives him a bag of chips. W turns on the car but focuses on something: "Grandpa... stay."

"Wait... why?" asks Wilbur.

"Trust me," interrupts Cosmos. "He can do it alone."

W moves the car and goes away, although Wilbur doesn't want to but shuts his mouth.

W went to Sombra Jail. The Canterlot High War is about to begin.

While driving on the highway, W is looking for some music on the radio until he finds John Coltrane again. He stops the car on the right side and whispers: "Mom, Dad, William... here we go." He accelerates the car and stops twenty minutes later, in front of Sombra Jail, outside Canterlot.

He calmly stops the car in front of the steel gate but he finds out something: there are no guards. He gets down from the car and keeps Cosmos' pistol in his pocket. A minute later, he looks at two tall, slim prisoners running to him. He draws his gun and aims it at them. Both men stop in front of W with their hands up. They are Flim and Flam.

"Wait," says W. "I know you. You're Flim and Flam, the scammers. You were with Dream. Where's him?"

"Don't you know that?" says Flim. "There is a raid inside. Now."

"And why are you running away?"

"Gladmane..." says Flam. "Gladmane and his men are beating Dream Raider up. Thanks to Blueblood, Gladmane's the man. They want to kick our asses... that's why we are running away."

"Not anymore," says W. "Carry me to Gladmane."


"I'm not going to say hi, you moron," he answers. "We will beat him up. I need your man."

"Welp, you will beat him up, Bedmaker," answers Flam. "By the way, how could you survive all this time without being captured?"

W doesn't answer and enters the jail. The jail's entrance door connects to a small office and a stair. Once you go downstairs, there is a long room with twenty-four small cells and a door in the end. If you open that door you will find the lunchroom, surrounded by bigger cells who are secured by cops. There are more and more cells above the lunchroom, making it a seven-floor room, although the tables and chairs are only on the first one.

W realizes there is no one at the office. He hears people shouting and fighting in the lunchroom. There is a small cubicle that saves files, so W enters it to see if someone is there... a dead prisoner.

"Oh no!" says Flim. "That one is... Machito!"

"Machito's dead!" shouts Flam.

"Machito... he was one of Dream's assistants," says W. The Bedmaker grabs Machito's body and discovers his death cause: shot in the head and heart. He discovers a small gun, a Five-seveN, inside one of Machito's corpses.

"Man," says Flim, while looking at Machito. "He was a good man. He didn't deserve this... Besides, he was about to get out!"

W sighs and closes Machito's eyes, which were open when he found it"Does anyone know how to fire a Five-seveN?" he says while holding the gun.

"No," answered the brothers. W keeps the Five-seveN on one of his trenchcoat's pockets and goes downstairs. Flim and Flam slowly follow him.


W slowly opens the door and someone starts shooting. He draws the Five-seveN and shoots all its bullets from behind the door. Flim and Flam try to run away, but W shouts: "Don't panic you pussies!"

"Sorry!" says Flim and slowly opens the door. No one is shooting now, so W enters the room and finds out all the cells are open. Flim and Flam were right, there is a raid. The three men can't stop hearing shouts and gunshots that come from the lunchroom.

"Once I fucking kill you, Dream fucking Raider, the Canterlot Kingdom will rise and will have the name of Gladmane chiseled in history!"

"Shut the fuck up, Gladmane!"

W opens the lunchroom's door and draws Cosmos' pistol. He looks that the whole lunchroom is divided into two groups: Dream Raider and everyone. Dream Raider is lying on a table, being held by three men and a big old man is slowly touching Dream's head with a revolver. Everyone goes silent. Prisoners point at W with what they have: knives, small guns, blunt objects, etcetera.

"Ok," says W. "Who in the fuck is Gladmane?"

No one raises his hand. Suddenly, a prisoner says: "This is not related to you, Bedmaker. Get the fuck out of here..."

W doesn't know how to react to that. Then, he chuckles and shots him in one of his shoulders. He falls to the floor. "Shit!" he shouts. "I wanted to shoot him right in the chest."

"Don't shoot, don't shoot," says the old man who was pointing at Dream's head with his revolver. "What you want? Do you want to step here? Lots of my men are aiming his guns at you. If I say shoot, they will shoot. They will fucking kill you. You have two choices: leave or die. If you want, I won't even tell Blueblood you were here."

"I came here to talk to my friend, Dream Raider," says W, while slowly approaching Gladmane.

"Dream Raider is busy now," says Gladmane. "He is about to die."

W emits a gesture of disappointment. "Such a shame. We were about to talk about something that was very important."

"You can talk to him right now," says Gladmane while laughing.

"No, it must be in private. I don't like it when greedy old assholes listen to me while I'm talking."

Gladmane does something that calls everybody's attention. He slowly moves to the table where Dream Raider is and leaves the revolver there. W does the same and keeps the pistol in his pocket. Now, he looks at W and both of them smile and start laughing. The Bedmaker understood what he is trying to do.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" says W.

"Yeah. I learned boxing, taekwondo, and karate."

"Ok," says W, while taking off his trenchcoat and giving it to Flim. "I learned how to kick your ass, and that's enough."

Every prisoner looks at them both now. "First who bleeds?" asks Gladmane.

"First who falls to the floor while bleeding."


Everyone looks at W now. He is not sure. If he says yes, it will be very risky, but if he says no, it will be harder to make Gladmane bleed. Wait... does he have... the brass knuckles? "Sure yeah!" he answers.

"Ok... You, pass me the bat."

Shit. Gladmane with a baseball bat can be dangerous. W slowly grabs the bronze brass knuckles. Gladmane grabs the bat and runs to him, but the young kid dodges him and punches him right in the stomach with Cosmos' brass knuckles. Gladmane stands there, trying not to fall. He spits to the floor twice and takes a deep breath. Everybody in prison goes wild.
W shouts: "How could you convince all these men to fight against their leader?"

"He said he would give us money," answers one of the prisoners."

"Are you fucking kidding me? HAHAHA!" answers W. "Do you think that guy would give you money? Look at his face! Old, greedy, selfish... he looks like he broke in your grandmas' houses to get money!"

Gladmane stands up with his baseball bat. "Do you know how did I finish here, Bedmaker? I beat up a man with a baseball bat... to death."

"Congratulations!" answers W. "Did your wife give you a blowjob after that?" Every prisoner laughs, including Dream Raider. Gladmane runs again to W but he finishes him with a fist right on his face. The old man falls to the floor while his nose is bleeding. W won, but some prisoners grab him from the back and throw him to the floor.

"Hey, hey, hey!" shouts Dream Raider while having Gladmane's revolver on his hand. "Leave my friend alone!"

"Shut up!" says one of the prisoners. "Gladmane will give us money!"

"Are you sure?" says another prisoner. "He promised me he would give me 50 bucks a month ago and he never gave them to me!"

"Yeah, me too!" shouts another one.

"See? I don't know if this motherfucker will give us money!" shouts Dream Raider. "But I know one thing about him... he's a pretty good liar! He lied to the man he murdered! And guess what... he lied to Machito. I saw him when he killed Machito and then he beat me up. I don't forget! He killed Machito!"

Prisoners start whispering. Machito was a good man, he treated them all very well. What should they do? Stay with Gladmane or avenge Machito?

"If he killed Machito," says a prisoner. "He broke the code. Machito was about to get out. You can't hurt people who are about to leave."

A conversation between prisoners starts. Shall they trust in Gladmane or trust in Dream Raider? And should they avenge Machito because of his unfair death?

"You son of a bitch," says Gladmane. "I lied, yeah, but how can I lie to my partners?"

"You lied to me, Gladmane," says Dream Raider, while getting down of the table. "You promised me that you would be a loyal man. You broke the code."

"You are not my partner, you are a fucker."

"Well, let's talk about that time you lied to the Flam brothers, or Circus, or the guards. You lied to everyone here, man."

Gladmane slowly moves his hand and raises his middle finger while laughing. Dream Raider aims his gun and fires it two times. The bullets end up on Gladmane's chest. All the prisoners are now silent, and one of them dares to open his mouth:

"I hope the money doesn't appear," says one of the prisoners. "'Cause if Blueblood wins, we'll fucking riot."

"Don't worry," says Dream Raider. "Blueblood has already lost since this day began." Dream Raider throws the gun, next to Gladmane's agonizing body. "You two," says Dream Raider, pointing at Flim and Flam. "Stay here. I'll talk to my friend." W and Dream Raider shake hands while stepping on Gladmane's body. Both men sit on a table. W tries to say something, but his friend interrupts him. "I know why you came, Walt."

"Yes... I was looking for something else too."

Dream Raider chuckles a bit: "You want a sidekick in your fight, huh?"

"I only need you to save Ron, Jack, and Abe," says W. "But I may need the magic toolbox."

Dream Raider gets up and sighs. "I'm afraid to tell you I left the magic toolbox far, far away."


"La Lima."

W is now shocked. "La Lima? What the fuck were you doing there?"


"We can't go to La Lima," says W. "We have to cross Canterlot and a part of Los Mantos. We are running out of time. What time is it?"

"Half-past six," says Flim.

"No, no, no," replies W while getting up. "We are running out of time. We have to go, Dream,"

"Now? I think the Fall Formal starts at 7..."

"No," says a prisoner. "I went to the '99 Fall Formal there. I think they always start at 6:30."

"Shit," says Dream. "We have to run!"

"What about the magic toolbox?" says W. "We don't have weapons."

Every prisoner starts laughing until a big, well-shaped, blue-skinned man appears with a briefcase. "The cops ran away when all of this happened," says the man. "They left their weapons here. Besides, I have a briefcase with a pretty neat revolver."

The man opens the briefcase and W looks at the revolver. It is a brown .357 Magnum. "Holy shit," says W. "You hid this gun all this time here?"

"Yeah, it was risky," says the man.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Iron Will?" says Dream Raider. "You should have told me that. We could have saved that gun in the magic toolbox."

"That you forgot on La Lima," says Iron Will. Both men laugh, and W thanks Iron Will and everyone for their help. Some prisoners give both Bedmaker and Dream Raider small weapons like knives or Gladmane's baseball bat, but they don't grab them and leave. W keeps Cosmos' pistol and Iron Will's Magnum on his pants' pockets. Dream Raider finds two pistols and keeps them. Suddenly, Flim and Flam appear, confused.

"Wait, Dream!" says Flim. "Who is the man now?"

"I am the man," says Dream Raider. "But please, Flim and Flam, take care of the jail while I'm not here."

"WHAT?" shouts Flam. "We cannot do that!"

"You scammed the whole Fillydelphia's Parlament with your law project. This is a lot easier, guys. Come on! Get to work!"

W turns on the Chevy and Dream Raider gets in the car and they leave the jail.

6:45 P.M. W and Dream Raider are driving to Canterlot. Dream is looking for the news on the radio until he finds a song that W and he used to listen when they were a child: a 2Pac song, Ambitionz az a Ridah, is on the radio.

"Holy shit!" says W. "I haven't listened to that song since 2006."

"Man... he was a god."

Both men start laughing while listening to the song during the recent night until Dream Raider changes it to the news program.

"Well, Donny... I'm afraid I've got terrible news. This is happening in Canterlot right now..."

Both W and Dream Raider look at each other.

"The poor students of Canterlot High were about to start his typical party, the Fall Formal when Mr. Mortimer Blueblood announced the infamous Bedmaker was inside the school, hiding from the authorities.

There are now lots of police cars, cops and even Mr. Blueblood is on the school's entrance. He is about to enter with a megaphone, surrounded by cops."

Suddenly, Dream Raider looks at a sign from outside the car: "WELCOME TO CANTERLOT."

"Where is the Police Department?" asks Dream Raider.

"I know where it is," says W., "A magical dog told me."

Canterlot's Police Department

The prisoners find out no one is there. All the policemen are now on Canterlot High, waiting for W to come out.

"It's all a lie," says Abe. "W can't be on Canterlot High. Besides, Blueblood announced that from out of nowhere."

"He isn't in Canterlot High," says Ron. "I told him to come here before."

"Is there anyone outside?" says Jack. "We can go out, maybe."

"My god, my god..." says Abe, trying not to listen to anyone. "Rarity, Sweetie Belle..."

"Yeah, your granddaughters are inside."

Hopkins appears and stands in front of Abe. "Blueblood is now looking for your sweetheart..."

"You son of a bitch," says Abe. Meanwhile, Ron feels his right foot is vibrating. He has just received a text message and moves slowly to get the cellphone out.

New Text Message:

GORDO: I know you won't answer me but... fuck Blueblood, man. He's a fucking tick. A leech. Is slowly drinking my blood and my energy. I regret my decision. I should have been with you, man.

Ron chuckles and puts the phone on his right sock again. "What you laughing at, Ronnie?" says Hopkins. "I wouldn't like to be in your position."

"I'm laughing at your fucking face," says Ron, while getting up and looking at Hopkins right in his face. Hopkins smiles at him while lighting a cigarette.

"Do you know why I betrayed you?"

"You betrayed us for money!" shouts Abe, while trying to grab Hopkins' shirt. The betrayer smokes the cigarette and throws the smoke in Abe's face, making him very mad.

"I betrayed you because Gordo thought you were not a reliable guy anymore, Ronnie. He told me... If you give me 12 million, I'll let you live on my back and you will eat from all the banks of Canterlot. He was right. I stole your twelve, and I lived the best moments of my life. Ask Gimenez."

"Gimenez?" asks Ron.

"Don't you know that?" says Hopkins, surprised. He chuckles.

"What the fuck did you do?" says Ron, while getting near the bars. Hopkins can't stop laughing, and Ron kicks the bars and tries to strangle him. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO WITH GIMENEZ?"

Hopkins smokes the cigarette again and throws it inside the cell. He takes a breath and exhales, throwing the smoke at Ron's face. Ron tries to strangle him again. "You see, Ron," says Hopkins. "Things were turning pretty bad with Gimenez, so... we sent to the other side."

"What did you do?" says Ron.

"Oh, sorry... you are confused. I didn't send him to that world filled with stallions and that shit. I'll tell you..." Hopkins grabs a chair from outside and sits down. Ron tries to break the cell door but he can't. Jack and Abe are looking at Hopkins while trying to get their head out of the cell. Everyone else is just sitting in the shadows. "Well," he says. "One night, our hero Hopkins saved the world from the ungrateful man called Gimenez. I waited for him on La Lima, broke in his house and shot him several times with a classic Glock. He died instantly. I think he is still there..."

"You killed Gimenez?" shouts Tom.

"SON OF A FUCKING BITCH!" shouts Ron. Abe and Jack try to break the cell bars but can't. Hopkins starts laughing and draws a revolver.

"The first one to reach the wall behind you has 10 dollars," says Hopkins. "The last one dies."

"I won't move from this fucking position!" shouts Ron. "I'll destroy this bars and step on your face several times until your nose is finally broken."

Hopkins starts laughing. "Man, you are inside a fucking jail cell. These bars are stronger than anything... you really make me laugh."

"Shut up, Hopkins." says a voice that comes from the right. Both Hopkins and Ron look at W and Dream Raider, who are aiming their pistols and Hopkins. The betrayer sarcastically opens his mouth, showing surprise.

"Oh no!" says Hopkins, in a sarcastic way. "What I'm going to do?" Suddenly, he starts laughing and fires his gun twice... only to know the gun didn't have ammo. His face completely changes.

"Now who's laughing?" says Ron, while chuckling. After saying that, everyone starts laughing. Jack. Abe. W. Dream Raider. Tom. Percival and Femur. Everyone now is smiling and laughing, except for Hopkins.

"Give me the key," says W while standing in front of Hopkins, touching the betrayer's chest with the gun.

"You will have to kill me first."

"Ok," says W.

"NO!" shouts Ron. "Don't kill him. he has to suffer."

Hopkins doesn't move and W takes advantage of that. He strangles him and throws him to the floor. Dream Raider traps him on the floor while pointing at his head and W grabs the keys from one of his pockets. He opens the jail cell and everybody comes out. Ron stands in front of the betrayer.

"Man," says Hopkins. "Come on, Ronnie... I was kidding. This was a joke. I didn't rob those twelve..."

"Shut the fuck up," says Jack.

"Yeah," says Ron. "Get him up." Both Dream Raider and Abe grab him from the neck and he stands up. "Put him on the wall," he says, and W smashes his head against the wall. Ron grabs the betrayer by his shoulder. "Well, Hop, or shall I say... fucking betrayer... you are not going to die here, because you are still useful... you are going to take us to Canterlot High and you will let us enter there. If they don't let us, we will fucking beat you up on the street, no matter what. Got it?"

"I don't know if they will let you..."

"I don't give a fuck," says Ron. "You will find a way to do it. Now, let's get out of here. You will be the first to come out and we will follow you."

"Hey," says Percival. "Is still the gun cabinet here?"

Now, everybody looks at Hopkins. "Hey, sunshine... do you know where it is?" asks Jack to Hopkins. He denies it and Abe draws a gun.

"Are you sure?" he asks.

"Yeah! I'm sure!"

"ARE YOU SURE?" he shouts while pointing at his head. "I gotta admit your cops suck at finding weapons! They may suck at hiding gun cabinets too!"

"It is there," says Femur, pointing at a small briefcase which is in the middle of the hall. Percival opens it and finds only two pistols.

"It seems they grabbed the whole cabinet when they were looking for you, W," says Percival. "If you want to save those girls, we gotta run. There is no much time."

"Well," says Ron. "That's when Hopkins enters."


Hopkins is walking while having handcuffs. Ron is behind him, kicking his ass every time he stops. Dream Raider went away using the light-blue Chevy. The other men are just walking behind Ron. The cabinet's pistols were grabbed by Jack and Abe. When Ron kicks Hopkins for the sixteenth time, a pair of sunglasses come out of one of his pockets. Ron grabs it and puts them in. "Nice sunglasses, Hoppy," says Ron while chuckling. "I needed them. The other ones broke when you arrested me."

While they are getting near Canterlot High, a small, purple dog appears running to them. Once he looks at Hopkins, he stops.

"Spike?" says W.

"W! JACK! RARITY'S GRANDPA!" he shouts, while trying to jump to W's shoulder. "I NEED YOUR HELP! TWILIGHT NEEDS YOUR HELP!"

"We have to run, bitches!" shouts Ron and everybody start running, including Hopkins. Spike climbs to W's shoulder and realizes the three men are surrounded by people he doesn't know.

"Who are they?" he asks.

"Long story," answers W.

Final Chapter: 2/3

To be continued in Part 3... THE WAR!

The Canterlot High War (Part 3)

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"Oh my God."

These are W's words when he looked at the school's street. It is filled with police cars, cops, vans, journalists, etcetera. They can't enter the school with that massive group of people watching them. What can they do? They are everywhere! On the parking lot! At the entrance! On the pitch!

"Percival, Femur, Tom," says Ron. "Stay here with me."

W, Jack, and Abe look at Ron. "Are you sure?" says Abe. "Only three and the betrayer?"

"It is enough," says Ron. "With Hopkins, we can enter... with you three... we can win."

"And the dog," says Spike. The three men smile and chuckle.

"If you don't give me the Rainbooms... everybody will die." says a voice that comes from the gym's loudspeakers. Everyone inside is scared. Even Vinyl Scratch is not playing music. The lights are off, and everyone is looking at the Rainbooms.

"People!" shouts Rainbow Dash. "We truly don't know what is happening!"

"We must know who is doing this!" says Applejack.

Applejack runs to the door, but Celestia stops her with a shout: "NO! Stay here!" Everyone is looking at Celestia. "We will stay safe here... those men you are talking about, Applejack, may be armed. Even your force wouldn't resist a bullet."

"Uh, come on, Principal!" shouts Rainbow Dash. "Everyone has superpowers! Twilight can move them! Rarity has a shield!"

"I don't care, girls!" shouts the Principal. "You will stay here safe. I don't want you fighting on a mass shooting."

Parking Lot

"Are you sure this is the perfect place to enter?" asks Abe to Hopkins.


"I hope you are not lying to us," says Abe. "'Cause if we fall in a trap, you will die with us. Understand?"

"Yes! I won't betray you!"

"You said that in the nineties when Wade and Ron formed the group," says Jack. "So shut up."

The four men enter the parking lot while Spike hides in W's trenchcoat. They walk near the door which connects the school with the lot. Journalists want to enter but cops are stopping them to do it. Suddenly, Hopkins gets his handcuffs off with Abe's help, and both men appear on the scene.

"What are you doing here?" says the cop.

"Blueblood called me," says Hopkins.

A cop opens the door and the four men enter the school under the identity of detectives. A journalist asked Jack what were they doing there. He answered: "We are the Police. We can enter."

Band Room

There is a stair inside the parking lot's door. Spike gets out of W's trenchcoat. The four men go downstairs and come across the school's band room.

"Ok," says W. "What is this?"

"The walls are filled with magic symbols," says Abe. "And it's big. It must be a band room or something like that."

"Yeah," says Jack. "Drums. A keyboard... Bands may practice here. Where can we go?"

Hopkins doesn't talk and looks to another stair that goes upwards. W points at the stair with his finger and all of them approach it. "Wait," says Abe. "Hopkins, you first."


"Just in case."

Hopkins is the one to go upstairs and realizes there is no door at the end. The three men decide to wait below. Suddenly, once he goes upstairs, someone shouts:


Abe recognizes that voice. It is Gordo's.

"Who are they?" asks Spike. Nobody answers because they are too busy drawing their guns and loading them while waiting for the right moment. Hopkins doesn't answer to Gordo's question.

"Hey, глупый," says a raspy voice with a weird accent. "Did a cat eat your tongue or what?"

No one recognizes that voice but they know something about it: it has a weird accent = it is a Plegovich. It can't be Nicholas, because he never appears in public and it can't be also Pietro, because he has a softer voice. There is only one Plegovich left: Lucas. He must be upstairs.

"Uh, sorry," says Hopkins. "I had a problem..."

They hear someone got up and moved something on his way. "What do you mean with that?" says Gordo.

"I had a problem... downstairs."

"Son of a bitch!" shouts W, and he runs upstairs to grab Hopkins by his back. Spike wants to go with him, but Abe grabs him on time. The Bedmaker realizes these stairs connect the cafeteria with the band room. He looked at that stair several times while being here, but he never went through it. He looks at Gordo, Lucas, and Pietro staying in the cafeteria. The three men also draw their pistols and point at him. "If you shoot, he dies too. You decide."

Abe and Jack are slowly moving their legs to get near W. Gordo instantly hide his gun and the Plegovich brothers look at him. "Go up here," he says. W and Hopkins go upstairs for real and stay in the cafeteria, while the Plegovich brothers are still pointing at him. "Let him go."

"Why I should let him go?"

"Trust me," says Gordo and winks an eye. He approaches Lucas and touches his shoulder.

Gym. Ten minutes ago.

Mr. Blueblood enters the gym and the Dark Spikes go behind his back. He looks at everyone at the party and turns on all the gym's lights. "Party's over," says Blueblood.

"Yah!" says Applejack. "Blueblood's here to save us y'all!"

Blueblood closes his eyes and chuckles. "What's your name, lady?" asks the Governor to Applejack.

"Applejack, sir. Pleasure."

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Mrs. Applejack... but I'm afraid to tell you..." says Blueblood while smiling. "I'm not the man who will save you."

Suddenly, the Dark Spikes draw three shotguns and a machine gun. Everyone tries to run away, but Blueblood shouts: "If you move only one inch I will fucking kill y'all!"

"I thought you were Canterlot's Governor, mister..." says Rarity in shock.

"I am," says Blueblood. "But I am also... a mastermind, a visionary, the one who looks for... the Elements of Harmony." Then, Blueblood approaches Rarity and looks at her geode. "What kind of necklace is this?"

Blueblood wants to touch it but Rainbow Dash punches him in the face. Everyone goes wild and Disturbance loads his shotgun. "No, no, no!" shouts Blueblood. "She has a necklace too... Wait... seven of you have a necklace on your bodies."

"You won't grab our necklaces!" says Twilight while raising her hand but Blueblood does the same.

"If you use your magical thing to bring me down..." says Blueblood while drawing a pistol and pointing right at Twilight's head. "I'll kill you. Give me your necklaces if you want everybody on this stupid gym to live."

"Don't do it!" shouts a student. Disturbance fires once to the gym's floor and everybody hides while shouting and crying.

"I won't repeat it," says Blueblood, while looking at the seven girls in shock. "You move, you die. You give me the necklace, you live. That's it."

Fluttershy slowly takes hergeode off and Blueblood points at her with the gun. "What are you doing? HA HA HA!" he says while looking at Fluttershy's reaction, who is now crying. The Dark Spikes also start laughing because of her. "I'm just kidding, girl..." he says while he grabs Fluttershy's geode.

Every one of the girls wants to do something but at the same time, they are afraid. The Dark Spikes are nearer them every minute and also five guns are pointing at their heads, while students are crying and hiding behind the DJ's platform. Celestia and Luna are just looking at the spectacle while crying. They know if the Rainbooms use just one of their powers, they will lose anyway. Twilight is the only one who can stop them, but he is unsure whether she can move five different objects in five different positions at the same time.

The Dark Spikes and Blueblood now formed a circle surrounding them. Pinkie Pie doesn't have any sweets to explode, Fluttershy is so afraid she can't call any animals, Rarity's shield is useless because it doesn't attack, Applejack wants to use her force but he knows that she will get shot if she moves, and Rainbow Dash knows that if she moves she couldn't do anything. She doesn't think there is help outside, and the school is surrounded by cops and journalists... she thinks she can do it, so she slowly moves her legs but Disturbance grabs her from the back.

"GET OFF ME!" she shouts while trying to escape. Tumult gets the geode from her and she is thrown to the floor.

Rarity and Applejack want to fight, but Riot easily beats them up while Blueblood gets their geodes.

Sunset Shimmer runs to Blueblood but Tumult tackles her on time and smashes Sunset against the gym's floor. Fluttershy doesn't move, and Pinkie Pie is also scared but doesn't know what to do.

Twilight moves Tumult's gun with her magic but Riot grabs her from the back and crushes her against the floor two times. Tumult gets Sunset's geode while Riot has Twilight's.

Pinkie Pie is the only one left. Blueblood sits down in front of her, while having six geodes on his hand. She is hugging Fluttershy and keeps a straight, serious face. "Well, you are the only one left," says Blueblood while stretching his hand. "Shall I?"

Pinkie Pie shakes her head several times, without saying anything. "Are you looking around you?" says Blueblood. "Your six friends have been destroyed and defeated by my men, thanks to Riot's incredible force and the Dark Spike's talent. You don't want five big guys against you. Trust me," he says while smiling, but Pinkie Pie shakes her head again while being silent. Blueblood stands up and checks if his gun is loaded.

"STOP!" shouts Principal Celestia. "JUST STOP!"

Blueblood touches Pinkie Pie's hair and plays with it, while she is in shock. "I know you," he says. "You are Celestia. The Principal."

Celestia walks to him and stands in front of Mr. Blueblood. The Dark Spikes load their guns and aim at her. "I'm sick of this. You are the worst man that ever stepped Canterlot... and it is horrendous to know that you are the Governor!"

"Yeah, it's a fact... but do you know what is also a fact? If you want to traumatize students... you have to kill their principal on their faces."


We go back to where we were before. Gordo, who is pretending to be in Blueblood's side, approaches Lucas and touches his shoulder. "I know you can do it," says the fat man. Lucas is about to shoot but from nowhere, Gordo knocks him out with his gun's grip. Hopkins pushes W to the floor and leaves the cafeteria. Pietro does absolutely the same, following him. Jack, Abe, and Spike go upstairs and the five men follow them to the gym.

Hopkins and Pietro open the gym's door. Everyone goes silent and Blueblood keeps the gun. Behind them, W and Spike enter with a gun. He is looking at the whole spectacle. The Mane 7 are on the floor while all the other students are behind the DJ's platform. Jack and Abe also arrive while Gordo is outside. Blueblood looks at W and the Bedmaker does the same.

"You murderer!" shouts W and shoots once. All the students get up and run to the door. A massive avalanche of teenage kids starts to come out of the door. During the stampede, Riot accidentally throws Twilight's geode to the floor and she grabs it. The Dark Spikes look at her, but she luckily moves them with her magic, and with every particle of her force, she throws them to the street through one of the gym's windows. Blueblood goes after her and traps her arms, but Twilight kicks him in the leg and escapes. The other Mane 6 ran away along with students, Jack, Abe, W, Celestia, Luna, Gordo, and Pietro. Hopkins tries to escape too, but Blueblood shoots him on the shoulder.

"You stupid," says Blueblood. "I thought you would kill them..."

"I was, but..."

"You failed me," says Blueblood and shots Hopkins twice in the head. Four men are outside and one is dead.

"Oh my god, Donny! Four men were expelled by something from inside the building! They are severely damaged! The police are looking at them... but this is strange... they are not arresting them! Where are the handcuffs?"

Unfortunately, the Canterlot cops are not thinking about arresting them, but they are planning to let the Dark Spikes go from Canterlot while being on an ambulance, but suddenly four brown vans arrive and call everybody's attention. There is a van with a sign that reads: LAS PEGASUS' POLICE.

"What kind of sorcery is this, Donny?" says one of the journalists. "Las Pegasus' Police has just arrived! The Canterlot cops are confused! They are arresting the Dark Spikes now! They are using handcuffs, batons, everything, my god!"

Meanwhile, Ron, Tom, Percival, and Femur are hiding behind a police van on the street's left corner. Ron receives a text message and reads it:


"Thank me for saving you. That's what I called my cops."

Ron smiles and laughs. "I love this fuckin' beautiful lady."

But suddenly, he receives another text message from her:


"Your phone call worked. Guess who is with them."

"NO way," says Ron while getting near the chaotic scenario. He looks at Grey Footprints, standing up on a car and using a megaphone to talk to people:

"BULLSHIT!" he shouts. "Blueblood is lying to everyone here! The Bedmaker is not there! He hijacked Canterlot High! I know he can do something like that, believe me! HE HIJACKED CANTERLOT HIGH!"

Percival and Femur listen to that situation and run to the chaos. Both Delight brothers are confused.

"HE RUINED OUR IMAGES!" shouts Percival. "I am an innocent, loyal commissioner... I'm not corrupt!" he says while Ron chuckles a little bit because he is corrupt indeed. "Mr. Blueblood arrested me with those gangsters yesterday because I KNEW he had something under his sleeves! I KNEW he was going to do this! I WILL TELL YOU ALL, JOURNALISTS! HE KIDNAPPED EVERY SINGLE STUDENT OF THIS SCHOOL! AND I HAVE EVIDENCE!"

Now, all the journalists are as crazy as hell. All of them are trying to talk to Grey Footprints and Percival while fighting to the police to avoid their arrests. Moreover, the Pegasus Police is trying to separate both cops and journalists. The street has turned into a massive war.


W stops and takes a breath while sitting on the library's floor. Lots of students are there, calling their parents for help. Vice-Principal Luna is trying to comfort everyone. W doesn't know where is Blueblood, nor Jack, Abe or the Rainbooms. They are all lost somewhere inside Canterlot High. Suddenly, he looks at three girls running to him: Rainbow Dash, Twilight and Rarity. W gets up while checking if his gun is loaded.

"Will you tell me what the heck has just happened?" says Rarity while crying. "My stone disappeared! They beat me up! My beautiful dress is broken!"

"Why did Blueblood do that?" asks Rainbow Dash while cleaning his face because of her tears. "He betrayed a whole city!"

W nods his head. "Blueblood did that because he is a gangster, ladies... he did this, did that... killed people."

"Did you know this all this time?" says Twilight Sparkle. "Is Blueblood a gangster?"

Now everyone is looking at them, even Luna. "Yes," says W. "He is a gangster."

"Are you sure?" says Rarity, while grabbing W's cheeks. "How do you know that?"

W has enough. He grabs her hands and slowly lets them go. He looks at her with fiery eyes and sighs. He looks at everyone around him with that same sight. That scary, tough look. "Wanna know something?" he says. "The things I am saying are true. Blueblood has been a gangster since the nineties. And you know why I know it? Because I knew it in person. I know what did he do. I know... He killed my parents... And... And he will pay for that."

After this, W is the only one who moves and starts walking. The rest is plain ice now. They can't even react to that because of their shock. Luna is the only one who is not so surprised, and she sighs while closing her eyes. W starts messing around the library and looks at the hallways. There are still students crying while sitting on the floor and others are running away. W turns around and looks at the three girls. "Shall we... go to the gym and look for your stones?" he says.

Rarity, whose face is completely black because of her make-up and tears, slowly nods her head. Twilight gets her glasses off and cleans her eyes with a cloth, and Rainbow Dash goes after them. W slowly starts walking. He is angry... he is confused, he got lost during the stampede and ended up in the library... looks like everyone got lost at that point. Where are Jack and Abe? And the rest of the girls? But now that's secondary because his blood is boiling now. He is mad... he feels his skin is burning alive. I may be walking on fire, he thinks, but then he realizes he is a campfire. He saw Blueblood, his parents' murderer, the one who is also indirectly responsible for his brother's death... and he couldn't kill him, the stampede was so extreme and quick that he couldn't even shoot another bullet. However, he wanted to get rid of another man too... Pietro Plegovich. He thinks he was the one who killed his brother, and he always remembers how that young whiny bitch betrayed him. He broke his nose with a baseball bat while trying to catch Prince Blueblood, the fucker's son. Is Prince Blueblood here? He thinks that it may be here at first, but then he realizes Prince doesn't like gang wars... he is at home, drinking wine and having sex with a hooker, that's what he is doing right now... son of a bitch.

"Um... W," whispers Rainbow Dash. "The gym is in that way."

W realizes he was going in the wrong direction and nods his head. "Thank you," he says while he turns around and keeps walking.


W looks at the gym: empty. Except for one thing: Hopkins' body is lying there while drowning in a blood puddle. W looks at him and smiles.


"Oh no..." says Twilight, while approaching the body... "Look at his wounds... two shots on the head, one on his shoulder... it's a pistol, but I would rather say it is a .357 caliber pistol rather than a .45."

"Stop calculating those things, Twilight!" shouts Rainbow Dash. "It is not time to do it. Besides, that man is dead."

"That man was called Hopkins," says W. "I knew him. Worked for Blueblood. Betrayer. Betrayed me. Betrayed you. Betrayed Equestria. Now, he is dealing with what he deserved this whole time: death."

"Girls! Look at this!" shouts Rainbow Dash. "Here are Rarity's and Sunset Shimmer's geodes."

Rainbow Dash grabs them from the floor while Rarity is still crying while standing against the door. Rarity grabs hers while sobbing and closes herself inside a shield made by her. Rainbow Dash keeps looking at W for a second and whispers: "Um... W?"

"Yes, Dash?" he says while opening Hopkins' eyes.

"Did he kill your parents?"

W closes his eyes. Why did he have to be so stupid? Why did he open his mouth in front of innocent people? He sighs and gets up from the floor after opening the betrayer's eyes. "Sorry, but it's no time to answer those questions."

W wants to get another cigarette but finds out his box is empty, so he opens Hopkins' mouth and leaves the box there.

"Ew... why you have to be so disrespectful with the body?" says Twilight.

"Betrayal is the worst sin of all, according to Dante," says W. "That's what he deserves... Anyway, where's Sunset Shimmer? We found her geode..."

Suddenly, they look at how students are running away from something. They also hear a girl shouting and sobbing and a man shouting too. W recognizes the man's voice. It has a weird accent... Nicholas is not here, Lucas is knocked down... Pietro Plegovich. W grabs his gun. Loaded... so he is ready.

"Twilight," says W. "Grab Rarity."

Twilight moves Rarity with her magic, and her shield breaks while she is being moved. She is not sobbing anymore, but tears are still falling down her face. Twilight and Rarity hide behind W and Rainbow Dash, and they discover what was happening, Pietro Plegovich has Trixie on his hands, and he is pointing a revolver to her head.

"Please, no!" shouts Trixie. "Trixie doesn't deserve this!"

"SHUT UP!" says Pietro, while looking at W. "I know you would be here. Waiting for me."

W aims to his head but the young Plegovich laughs. "You move and she will die. I promise."

Twilight tries to use her magic but W stops her. "No," he says. "Don't do it."

"But..." she says.

"If you do it, she will die anyway. He is strong enough to resist your magic."

"Oh," says Pietro. "Thanks for the flattery, Walt... or shall I say... the man that lost his whole family. Hahaha!"

W wants to pull the trigger but his arms are shaking. He is frightened and doesn't want to fire. He fears he would kill Trixie if he does it. What can they do now?


Mr. Blueblood is hiding in the Yearbook Room, an old place filled with old, rusty yearbooks and cobwebs. He figures out there is a hidden ladder on a corner that goes to Canterlot High's roof. When he is about to climb it up, he hears a man.

"Fight me."

He slowly climbs down the ladder and looks at the man. He is Flash Sentry, who has his tuxedo completely ripped off. "What?" says the Governor.

"You ruined my surprise appearance. You beat my crush and my ex-girlfriend up... Fight me now."

Mr. Blueblood explodes in a burst of laughs while looking at Flash Sentry. The boy tries to punch him in the face but the Governor fastly kicks him in the stomach, and while he is lying on the floor, he steps on his face several times. "Congratulations," he says. "You lost." And then he climbs the ladder.

Pitch. Fifteen Minutes Ago.

"W! W!" shouts Jack. He couldn't find anyone after the stampede. He is looking at Gordo, who is being arrested by the Pegasus' Police. Why the Pegasus Police is on Canterlot at first? And why did they decide to arrest only Gordo? Is this... something planned or not? Suddenly, he forgets that way of think when someone touches his back. It is Applejack while cleaning her bleeding nose with a tissue. She is along with Abe, Sunset Shimmer and Pinkie Pie. "Where are the other ones?" he asks.

"I saw W getting lost in the library," says Abe. "We must enter the school again."

"Girls, stay here," says Jack, but Applejack touches his back again.

"This girl right here's not staying here,"

"Applejack!" says Abe. "It is dangerous. Crazy armed men are inside the school."

"And what are you, boys?" Jack and Abe look at her, surprised. She chuckles while grabbing her cowboy hat from the floor. "I knew it... Was surrounded all this time by crazy armed men."

"Got bad news," says Sunset Shimmer. "We don't know where are Fluttershy, Twi, Rarity and Rainbow Dash. They may be in the library like W... or they may be in the cafeteria... or..." Sunset Shimmer tries to talk but a tear falls from her left eye. "They may be dead."

"Don't say that, please," says Abe with a voice crack. His body is completely shaking. If he found Rarity or his little Sweetie on the floor... no! He can't even imagine that!

"It's just one of the theories," says Pinkie Pie, while raising her shoulders.

Jack and Abe look at the situation. The pitch is filled with policemen helping students to get up and keep moving. There is a free door where they can enter. Abe points at the door and Sunset Shimmer nods her head. Once they are about to start their plan, Jack looks at something that calls his attention:

"Holy," he says.

"What?" asks Abe and looks in the same direction as him. "Oh god, tell me this is not true..."

Pinkie Pie puts her head in the middle of them and looks in the same direction: "Hey, isn't that the guy that wanted to be Pegasus' Governor? Which was his name?" she says while looking up on her cellphone. "Oh yeah! Grey Footprints!"

The infamous Grey Footprints stands up while being on a car and turns on his megaphone: "BULLSHIT! Blueblood is lying to everyone here! The Bedmaker is not there! He hijacked Canterlot High! I know he can do something like that, believe me! HE HIJACKED CANTERLOT HIGH!"

Jack and Abe now understand what's happening. The Pegasus' Police. Grey Footprints talking shit about Blueblood. It is all a plan made by Ron and Seductive. Suddenly, Commissioner Percival appears: "HE RUINED OUR IMAGES! I am an innocent, loyal commissioner... I'm not corrupt!" both Jack and Abe laugh because he is corrupt in real life. "Mr. Blueblood arrested me with those gangsters yesterday because I KNEW he had something under his sleeves! I KNEW he was going to do this! I WILL TELL YOU ALL, JOURNALISTS! HE KIDNAPPED EVERY SINGLE STUDENT OF THIS SCHOOL! AND I HAVE EVIDENCE!"

Now, every one of the journalists looks at them. News channels must be on fire right now. Every worker runs at them, pointing their microphones at their faces. The Canterlot cops try to stop them but all of them resist against their force. Cameramen are running all over the place while filming Grey Footprints. Lots of photographers are now taking photos of Grey and Commissioner Percival while he is also trying to rise over the car. This is gold. This is history, they say. Their faces show that.

Jack and Abe take advantage and tell the girls to run to the door and enter the school. Nobody looks at them because everybody is showing their attention to the shocking, impressive Footprints' speech.

Once they are inside the school, they look at Celestia and Fluttershy hugging while being on the hallways, next to them, students who are sat down on the floor while crying and sobbing. Everyone is completely shocked. Fluttershy is shaking and can't stop crying. Then she looks at her friends and goes to them, where Sunset Shimmer hugs her for a long time. Celestia is just looking to the floor. Jack looks at her tears... they are slowly falling from her eyes and touching her pink cheeks. Suddenly, she looks at Jack and he nervously tries to look to another way but sighs and approaches her to talk.

"I am extremely disappointed," she whispers. "It is the first time a governor does..."

Jack interrupts her when he slowly cleans her face with one of his fingers. She blushes a bit and doesn't say anything. "Sorry," he says. "We wanted to help but... we were arrested the day before. W saved us from jail an hour ago."

"It's OK, Jack," she says. "Oh, sorry... Mr. Tyler."

"It's OK," he answers. "I called you Cel a time ago."

She smiles but she instantly changes his gesture when she looks at the whole hallway. Students sitting down crying or running away from something. Abe looks at something that calls his attention and grabs it. It is Applejack's geode. The cowboy girl runs to Abe and puts it on her neck.

"This is strange," says Abe. "I think Blueblood lost them while running over here."

Jack nods her head while looking to the left and the right. "That means... he may have lost other ones on the gym... um... was the gym on..."

"On the left," says Celestia, while smiling.

Jack nods to her answer and leaves her alone. However, he finds out at the same time something strange is happening on the left. A familiar girl is running away. Trixie. Trixie Lulamoon, the girl who he thinks she is in love with W. She is running away from something... then, a big red-skinned man appears that runs in the same direction as hers: Pietro Plegovich. "PIETRO!" shouts Abe while running to him. Jack does the same and calls Pinkie Pie's attention, who starts running behind him thinking that they are just running for fun. Sunset Shimmer and Applejack follow her, and Fluttershy does not want to be alone again, so she does the same.

Abe and Jack are still chasing him on the hallways, but some cops appear on the scene running with students. This stampede makes Jack and Abe stop chasing Pietro and they lose him.


Blueblood appears on Canterlot High's roof and calls everybody's attention. Ron and Tom decide to get inside the scene and look at everything. Grey Footprints looks at him and shouts: "THERE HE IS! BETRAYER! DESTROYER! THE VILLAIN!"

Pegasus' cops are trying to go for him, but Canterlot's police don't want to. Blueblood also has a megaphone, which he turns on and starts speaking:

"How are you doing, Canterlot?" No one answers, even Grey Footprints. "I've got to admit the weather tonight is very good. It's not so windy, it is fresh. No rain. No snow. Nothing. It was the perfect night for this, you know?" "PSYCHOPATH!" shouts a student that is sitting on the pitch. Blueblood keeps speaking: "I've heard you, Grey Footprints. I've heard what you said... and I have to be honest... he is right. I hijacked Canterlot High."

The journalists are on fire again. Cameramen are filming every move Blueblood is doing right now. Photographers are also taking photos and recording the Governor's speech on their cellphones.

"But I did it because of things I won't reveal now... I want to say... someone helped me to do it.

Blueblood looks below him and smiles. He points out at two men who are standing between all the amount of the people. Two specific men. Two brothers. "Those guys over there. One of them has an eye patch and the other one has sunglasses. They are the Delight brothers. They helped me to do it."

Now everyone looks at them both. Cameras are looking at them... people taking pictures of the brothers. Canterlot cops look at them and one says: "You are under arrest."

"Now you say it, you son of a bitch," says Ron. Canterlot cops arrest the Delight brothers and get them inside a van.

Pegasus' policemen don't do anything, but they simulate as if they were shocked. "Now, shall I continue?" says Blueblood, while laughing. "Well, as a matter of facts... I know you are looking for me, Pegasus and Grey Footprints... so... I will wait for you to come here, to the roof. I'll be waiting for you, sitting right here."

Grey Footprints now has his turn to talk. He grabs his megaphone and says: "Sure. I'll send my men."

Now, every policeman from las Pegasus' section enters the school.

"Don't do anything."

"I won't if you don't move," says Pietro while holding the trigger.

"Why is Trixie-?"

"SHUT UP, RARITY!" shouts the Russian man while Trixie is still crying. Rainbow Dash wants to do something, but she doesn't have her geode. Rarity starts crying again and closes herself on a shield, and Twilight is not doing anything because of W's orders.

"You know, Pietro?" says W. "There is a song made by a pop singer. I don't know who is him and I don't care, but the song was called... I Know you Want Me."

Pietro laughs while looking at Hopkins' body. "You Know I want Cha."

"That's it," says W. "I've been thinking about a deal."

"You gangsters think that everything can be solved with a deal," says Pietro. Now, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash are looking at him again. If they find out he is a gangster... "Oh... didn't they know you are the Bedmaker?"

Fuck, thinks W.

"WHAT?" says Rainbow Dash. "Are you Bedmaker?"

"Oh, god..." says Twilight. "Did you kill ten guys with a pillow?"

W turns around. "Why in the fuck I would do that? Of course not! I am not the Bedmaker! "

"HAHAHA!" shouts Pietro. "You suck at lying."

"We left Earth with this..." says W. "I want to tell you that I can be in Trixie's place if you let Trixie go."

Pietro changes his mood now. He moves the gun away from Trixie but he is not letting her go yet. "You mean... I kill you only because of her freedom?"

"Um..." says W. "Maybe."

"ARE YOU CRAZY?" shouts Rainbow Dash.

"Sometimes people have to do things they hate, Dash," says W while leaving his gun on the floor. "Like being killed by a spoiled virgin."

"What did you say?" says Pietro.

"He said you were a virgin," says a voice from behind Pietro. Jack is now pointing at Pietro's head. "One more step and you finish like your partner, Little Hoppy."

W looks at Twilight and winks an eye, so she uses her magic to throw Pietro's gun away. Trixie runs away, and the kid finds out, being a battle born. W strangles Pietro and throws him to the floor. Both men start fighting and suddenly the Bedmaker kicks Pietro's face and leaves him unconscious for a couple of seconds. In that short period, he looks at everyone and says: "Run."

"We won't go away with you, W," says Jack.

"Go for Blueblood," he answers. "I'll take charge of Pietro."


"He said run," says Rainbow Dash. "I know he can do it."

Jack sighs and everyone walks away from the gym, except for W and Pietro. The spoiled child gets up and tries to tackle W, but he luckily avoids it and kicks him while falling on the floor. Suddenly, Pietro grabs W's gun and smashes W's face with the pistol's grip. His upper lip is now bleeding. He touches it with his fingers and realizes they are full of blood.

"You made me bleed, bitch," he says and punches Pietro's face. His rival uses the grip again to hit W's chest and he falls to the floor, taking a long breath, but luckily he gets up quickly and kicks Pietro on his stomach, making him throw away the gun. That's the right moment when an angry W feels his adrenaline on top, grabs the gun and starts smashing Pietro's face with the gun grip. The kid tries to defend himself, scratching W's face, but W is so angry that he smashes his head against Pietro's face, breaking some of his teeth.

The Plegovich does a surprising move that makes W fall to the floor, but when he gets up, the Bedmaker kicks him on his tummy and shots him twice on his chest with the gun... Wait. He shot him. Twice. He shot a Plegovich.

W knows he committed a horrible mistake. A really bad mistake. Is it the worst mistake he has ever made? Maybe. "NO!" he shouts while looking at Pietro bleeding on the floor. Blood is coming out of his mouth and his white t-shirt is covered in blood. "YOU CAN'T DIE! YOU CAN'T!" W is nervous. He is scared. If Pietro dies, everyone will get mad. Ron told him... If you kill a family guy, their relatives will go for you the next day. And if Pietro Plegovich dies because of the gunshots, NICHOLAS PLEGOVICH, EQUESTRIA'S HIDDEN KING, WILL GO FOR HIM! DAMN! HE'S SCREWED!

Pietro smiles while tears come out of his eyes. "It... it hurts, dude..."


W grabs a cloth he had on his pocket and tries to cover Pietro's wounds, but he knows it won't work. "My uncle... if he knows... he will... kill you."

"He won't know, you will live! YOU WILL LIVE, YOU BITCH!"

But suddenly, Pietro doesn't answer to his complaints anymore. The kid is just looking to the roof. His look is... soul-less. Blood is still coming on his mouth, along with pieces of teeth. He is dead. Pietro died on W's hands, and the Bedmaker knows he is in trouble... he has just committed the worst mistake of his life: kill the boss' nephew. He sits on the floor and cries while whispering: "Son of a bitch, son of a bitch..."

He hears someone shouting and opens his eyes. Lucas Plegovich, Pietro's brother, appears in the gym. He points at W, but then... he looks at the corpse who is next to him. His angry face fades... he runs like a bullet to his brother's dead body. W's face is now red because of his tears and he just looks at him. Pietro's older brother looks at W while crying: "You... you are already dead."


"You killed my brother. You will suffer forever... here and in hell."


Pegasus' policemen appear and they surround Lucas and W. They identify Walter as a part of the plan, so they get him up and just let him go. On the other hand, Lucas is arrested but does not resist. While being trapped with handcuffs, he shouts: "WALTER WATERS, YOU ARE A DEAD MAN! DEAAAAD MAAAAN! DEAAAAAAAAAAD MAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNN!!!!"

W has a panic attack and runs away.

Yearbook Room

Jack, Abe and the Mane 7 were in the room when they found Flash Sentry on the floor with his nose bleeding. He was so ashamed that he ran away. Minutes later, they find the ladder which leads to the school's roof. They are about to climb it up, but suddenly W appears.

"Woah," says Jack while looking at W. "That was quick."

W doesn't answer and shows his face to everyone. His ruined face. "What happened?" asks Abe. W starts crying and hugs him... something that calls both men's attention because W would never do that. That means something: W screwed it up. "Calm down, we are here, breathe," says Abe, while still hugging W. "What did you do?"

"I don't know, man..." says W. "I'm scared... I don't know..."

"But what did you do, Walt?" asks Jack.

"I'm scared... they will know..."

"What happened?" asks Abe, scared.

"I..." W gets away from Abe and looks at everyone again. "I killed Pietro... unintentionally."

Everyone is shocked, but Jack and Abe are scared as hell. Both men strongly hug W and they tell him everything is going to be alright. The Mane 7 haven't even talked yet because of their shock.

"Girls," says Abe. "Calm down. Relax. It's everything fine. Now, do your thing."

"Oh, great! Finally some-"

The Rainbooms appear on the school's roof, looking at Blueblood. The seven girls are scared but mad. Journalists get surprised and start cheering for the girls, along with the remaining students.

"I need you, girls," says Blueblood. "I need you for something special."

"Something that you won't have," says Twilight. "Now... give us the remaining geodes."

"You mean... this?" says Blueblood, while showing Rainbow and Flutters' stones. "Why?"

"Because it's not yours, Blueblood!" shouts Rainbow Dash. "You think our power is inside those stones... it is not true!"

"Our real power is on our friendship!" shouts Sunset Shimmer.

The seven girls stretch their hands and start levitating. Journalists and students start jumping because of their joy. Photographers are now taking five photos of the Rainbooms per second. Canterlot cops are trying to stop them, but they know they can't do anything. Magically, an enormous rainbow beam comes out of their hearts and illuminates Blueblood.

"Oh yeah!" shouts the Governor. "Cover me with your power! That is what I want! YES!"

The rainbow beam now expands and starts growing on Blueblood's legs... the rainbow is covering his whole body.


W suddenly appears on the roof and gets between the Mane 7's Rainbow Beam and Blueblood. He wants to push Blueblood because he is on the roof's edge, but he finds out he can't move because he is levitating... and he is also being covered by the rainbow beam.

"NO!" shouts Jack while looking at this. "STOP! STOP!"

But it's too late. A light covers now the whole street and from a second to another... Blueblood and W disappeared.

"GIRLS!" shouts Applejack. "W! WE HIT BLUEBLOOD AND W TOO!"


It's a sunny, normal day in Ponyville. Lots of ponies are doing their typical, everyday work while a young Twilight Sparkle is having fun with her friends, the Mane 5 and Spike.

Suddenly, someone wakes up and looks at that. He is also confused because he is still a human although he is inside the infamous horseworld.

"Where am I?" he asks himself while being nervous.

"Calm down, W."

W turns around and looks at a legend he thought he never existed... a draconequus is in front of him, but he also recognizes that voice... "Discord?"

"Oh... I was afraid you wouldn't recognize me. How are things? Well, I know how are things... but I want to know how are things on your perspective."

"Uh, pretty bad... where am I? Is this heaven? Hell? What is this place?"

"Welcome to Ponyville," says Discord while drinking a cup of coffee. "This is only temporary, don't worry. You are not dead."

"What?" he says, while standing up and looking at Discord. "You know what I did, right? I killed Pietro fucking Plegovich. I may be dead in a couple of days... I AM SO STUPID! AARRGHHH!"

"I told you to calm down, you will win this. I know it."

W is now confused. "I know it?"

"Yeah, come on... do you know I helped you to cope with Blueblood, right?"

"Yeah, the Jewelry's thing, the War was quick, we were lucky... did you help us?

"Not all the time... but a bit."


Discord throws his cup to the floor. "It's logic. Blueblood wanted Harmony... but if he uses all your dimension's harmony into breaking a crappy bank... boom! bye Harmony, hi Chaos!"

"But... you are Chaos, Discord. Shouldn't you be happy because of that?"

"Of course not! That would mean I should be there for everyone, everywhere at every time. Being a God sucks sometimes." Discord checks on his watch and sighs. "Well, time's up. You need to go back."


W is now in real life. Blueblood is pointing to his head with a gun, he seems to be severely damaged. His clothes are burned but he is not so injured. Jack and Abe are also aiming at Blueblood's head with their guns. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy have their stones now, and they are all levitating while having wings and horse ears. Spike is also there, being held in Twilight's hands. Blueblood lost. He has been defeated.

"Okay," says Blueblood. "I lost. What a shame."

He is about to pull the trigger on W's face, but suddenly... Bang! and falls to the floor. His head is bleeding now... someone has shot him from far away... W gets conscious again and looks at Blueblood, who is already dead on the floor. Everyone is silent. The Mane 7 are scared... they have just seen someone dying! And his head almost exploded like a balloon!

Everyone down the street are shocked. Ron and Tom slowly get out of the van and look at the truth: BLUEBLOOD'S DEAD but... WHO KILLED HIM?"

"Look," says Abe, while pointing at a building that is near the school. The Mane 7, Spike and the three gangsters look at a big man holding a sniper rifle, but no one can recognize him. Suddenly, he looks like is calling someone and...

Abe's phone starts ringing. Nobody ever said a word yet. He slowly grabs his phone and answers the call: "H-Hello...?"

"Mr. Nico Plegovich told me he had enough with this stupid war, so I killed your objective for you. Have a good night."

Abe realizes who is talking on the phone: Sergei, Plegovich's hitman. Sergei instantly ends the call and leaves the building. The police want to arrest him, but he mysteriously disappears in the shadows.


"Are you better?" asks Abe to W. They are about to get out of the school.

The Rainbooms are being interviewed by equestrian journalists from every City. Blueblood's body is now in a morgue, and Pegasus' policemen are still in the street and inside the school. Journalists are not only interviewing the Rainbooms but also they are waiting for them to come. People named W, Jack, and Abe as secret agents, policemen with invented identities, along with different dozens of nicknames.

Abe slowly opens the school's entrance door and everyone in the courtyard looks at them. A huge army of interviewers appear in front of them and start asking random questions about the War. What happened with Blueblood? Do you work for the Equestria's Secret Service? Why did Blueblood do it? Where are you from? Why is your partner so pale?

That last question is specifically for W, who is very pale because of what he had done. Only Jack and Abe answer the questions by saying: "We will not say anything. Confidential."

Little by little, the three men walk away from the school, leaving the journalists behind. When they are about to disappear in the shadows, Grey Footprints' right pupil starts shaking and slowly shrinks when he looks at them. He recognizes them. His other side knows their names from the past. Well, the pale one... Is he? Yes! The kid that used to call himself Bedmaker! He is a lot bigger now, especially because 15 years have passed since that day. Mr. Tyler and Mr. Flanks are also with him, and now, that he wants to do the right thing for Equestria, concludes in a decision.

"You three," he says while using the megaphone. "You are under arrest."

The three men stop walking. They turn around and cops are already pointing at them with lasers. They are part of the plan, but they can't disobey Grey Footprints' decisions because Seductive put him in charge. The Rainbooms are now shocked, and Sweetie Belle can't believe her grandpa is under arrest!

"WAIT! WAIT!" shouts Commissioner Percival, while standing between the cops and the trio. "What are you doing, Mr. Footprints?"

"Doing my job."

"Arresting three innocent men? Are you kidding?"

"I know what they did."



"Not only did they that," says Grey Footprints. "They work for the Delight Brothers."

"Wait, what?" says Abe. "Who are the Delight Brothers?"

"I don't know too..." says Jack.

"Keep lying," says Grey Footprints. "You will say that to a judge."

"WAIT! WHAT IS THIS KIND OF CHAOS?" says Percival. "You say that these three innocent, loyal, brave men who took charge of all this along with the Rainbooms are... Gangsters? Are you conscious or what did you say? You said these men, who pointed at a gangster with their legally acquired weapons were gangsters. That makes no sense!"

Grey Footprints is confused. "But..."

"No!" shouts Femur. "We are policemen and we know everything about Canterlot's situation with gang wars, but I have to be honest... I have worked in the police for 20 important years... And I've never seen these men on a file... On in a Red Notice."

"What about the Red Notice that was looking for the Bedmaker?" says a cop. "The pale kid looks like the drawing that appeared on TV news."

"Are you going to judge someone only because of his physical appearance, man?" says Abe. "He is shocked! He almost died while fighting for Equestria and justice... And you say he is a gangster? He is one of those guys who worked with Blueblood? You disappoint me, man."

"Yeah," says Percival. "I never saw you in the Department but... You are grounded. These men are not gangsters, bed makers or that."

Grey Footprints gets down from the car he was staying and opens the van where the Delight Brothers are staying. He closes the van and now the three of them look at each other.

"All the journalists may be listening," whispers Ron. Grey Footprints nods his head and talks to Ron's ear.

"Why did you call me?" asks Grey to the Pirate.

"I needed to do it," says Ron. "If you weren't here, I would have lost."

"Look. I only arrested you for my police's credibility. I am at two fingers of becoming Pegasus' Governor, I don't wanna lose this chance."

"You won't lose it," says Ron. "The only thing you have to do is to let my men go."

"I won't," he says while his pupil is shrinking. "They deserve to live in where they need to live: jail."

"Look at that," says Ron. "You deserve to be in the death penalty, after the Blackle..."

Grey Footprints' pupil starts shaking and strangles Ron while smashing his head against the van's wall. "DON'T... SAY... THAT!!!" he shouts.

"CALM DOWN! CALM DOWN!" shouts Tom while grabbing Footprints' face, which is now Blackle's. Everyone outside the van is scared. Grey Footprints falls and lets Ron breath. He crumbles his hair and starts gasping uncontrollably.

"Grey, my man," says Ron while getting near him. "You leave my men or I'll shout to the world what has just happened here."

Grey nods his head without even looking at Ron. He walks away and opens the door. "Both brothers don't recognize them."

He leaves the van while all the cops return to their previous positions. "And sorry for that shout," says Pegasus' Governor while walking.

"I don't know, girls," says Rainbow Dash. "Do they work as mechanics?"

"My grandpa always says he has a car store," says Rarity.

"But have you ever seen it?" asks Twilight.

"Um... No, but... Uh... Oh."

"They are hiding something," says Fluttershy. "They may be working for a Secret Service."

"Or they may be gangsters," says Sunset Shimmer while laughing. She knows she is saying the truth.

"Are you happy now, W? Blueblood died in front of you."

"Yeah," he answers. "But we are not over yet."

Both Jack and Abe get confused. "Why?"

"We haven't caught the Bitch yet."

Final Chapter: 3/3



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Meanwhile, at Butter Valley...

"Look at this. The news channel. Read it." says a young boy with a robotic arm to an older man with a military uniform and light blue sunglasses.

"Holy shit!" shouts the soldier. "Sergei fucking did it! Blueblood's dead!"

Suddenly, a lime-skinned man with a tuxedo and trainers appears with a bag filled with a rare powder. "Are you kidding?" he says while looking at the TV.

"No shit, Gail," says the kid. "He killed Blueblood in front of those assholes... Look at Bedmaker's face! HAHAHA! Uh, man! He is so dumb!"

"Who are you calling dumb?"

The three guys shut up and don't say anything: "Um... Nothing, sir."

"Something's happening," says a man hiding in a corner of the room while looking at a window. He is wearing a striking and unique red tuxedo with a yellow tie and a white plain shirt while smoking a cigar covered with gold. "You did call someone dumb, Doom Kid. Didn't you?"

"Yes," says Doom Kid, frightened.

"Who did you call that?"

"To this newbie, sir, Waters. Bedmaker."

The man stops smoking. "I like that kid, Doom. I don't want you to call him dumb again. I would like him in my gang. It is fresh new meat for my territory." His voice is scary. He talks very slowly, with a low pitch and with a very weird accent.

"Sure? Sir?" says the soldier.

"Of course, Kobolov. Now, go on with your stupid things. I'll be here waiting for Sergei, Lucas, and Pietro."

Suddenly, the man looks at a car stopping near his mansion. He turns around and reveals his face: A yellow-skinned man with a small red swan tattoo on his neck. He also has heterochromia: his left eye is light blue and his right eye is orange.

That man is Nicholas Plegovich.

Sergei opens the door and Lucas appears with a body bag, sobbing. The three guys look at that and instantly stand up to grab the body bag.

"What happened?" says Plegovich.

"Bad news, sir," says Sergei. "Pietro..."

Nicholas looks at the body bag and opens it. He looks at his dead nephew and realizes he has two holes on his chest.

"I persuaded the cops, uncle," says Lucas, while trying not to cry. "They let me bring it here..."

"Stop," says Plegovich. "Stop crying, stupid. This is a waste of time."

Everybody is shocked because of Plegovich's answer. "He is not an everyday victim," says Lucas. "It is your nephew. He died. He was killed. Assassinated."

"Good," says Plegovich. "I never liked Pietro." Nobody says anything. "He was arrogant, selfish... Gangsters must not be like that. But he also didn't deserve to die... He is my blood and my blood never leaks or falls. Who killed him, Lucas?"

"W... Wal..."

"Faster," says Plegovich, while Sergei touches his head with a dagger.

"Walter Waters."

Gail, Kobolov and Doom Kid look st the TV again. The guy who was laughing to minutes ago is also the man who killed their boss' nephew. "What should we do, Mr. Plegovich?" asks Sergei.

"Well..." he says. "We should visit him."

The Fall Formal

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A week has passed since the Canterlot High War.
Gordo, the Dark Spikes, and even Prince Blueblood are arrested.
Percival and Femur, who replaced Lerrick, Hopkins, and Gimenez in Los Mantos' World, left their jobs in Canterlot after saving Ron's ass from jail, along with his brother Tom.
Two days ago, Grey Footprints became Las Pegasus' Governor.
Mayor Mare is now Canterlot's Governor.
Seductive and the Dazzlings are still living in Las Pegasus.
William was buried in Los Mantos' Cemetery, along with his parents.
Wilbur left Sandy Suburbs and sold it to somebody else. Now, he is living in a small town near the Middle of Nowhere called Appleloosa. Cosmos, Celestia and Luna's father, also lives there.

Meanwhile, on Canterlot High's front courtyard...

"I won't enter," says W after sitting on the courtyard's ground.

"Come on, W!" shouts Jack, while standing in front of the Wondercolts' Statue. "It is the Fall Formal. Everyone will be inside. Besides, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Sunset Shimmer wanted you to be there."

"Well," he says. "If they wanna see me, tell them I'm outside."

"Of course no, W!" says Abe. "You have to be polite with the girls. Stay outside all you want, but at least be inside for a couple of minutes."

"By the way, what are you going to do here? Alone?" asks Jack.

"Alone?" says W, while looking to his right. "Look, there is Charlie."

"Charlie?" says Abe, and Charlie appears from behind with a bottle of wine.

"Hey, Mr. Tyler! Mr. Moustache!" shouts Charlie.

"How many times I told you not to call me Mr. Moustache?" says Abe.

"Sorry, sir!" says Charlie, while giving the bottle to W. "I bought wine to celebrate."

"For what?" says W. "You know we don't drink wine. This is bourgeois alcohol."

"But we have to celebrate, Dubs!" shouts Charlie. "Today's the Fall Formal!"

W sighs and shows to everyone that he is disappointed. "You too? Come on! It's just another stupid prom party from a..." he sarcastically coughs: "school from Canterlot," he says with a lower voice pitch and a weird accent.

"Don't be like that, Dubs!" shouts Charlie. "You can get hot girls on these proms! I've heard about one that is hot... her name is Rarity."

Abe grabs him from his grey t-shirt and looks at him on the eyes. "That's my granddaughter. If you touch her..."

"No, sir! No, sir! It's OK!" he says while trying to get Abe off him. "I will talk to another girl, don't worry, but first... we have to drink a toast."

"A toast?" says Abe. "Come on... Jack, let's get out of here. We'll leave these two bohemians outside."

Jack and Abe, who are formally dressed in tuxedos, enter the school to have fun at the Fall Formal. W and Charlie drink a toast for their long friendship and drink.

"Ew..." says W, trying not to vomit. "This is horrendous."

"It was the cheapest," says Charlie.

"This is fucking vinegar! If you want to buy wine, at least buy a decent one!"

"Sorry, man," says Charlie. "I only had $60 in my pocket."

"$60? You can buy three good wines with that!"

"Actually, because of the recent currency inflation from the last few years in Equestria, you can only buy one and a half." Both men try to find out where that voice came from until Micro Chips appears behind them. "Isn't that interesting?"

"Who are you?" says Charlie. "Do you know him?"

"Yeah," says W, while getting up. "Micro Fuckin' Chips. Long-time no see."

"Why did you say the F-word?" asks Micro Chips. "It is not my second name."

"I know, Micro," says W. "I'm not stupid... why are you here?"

"I came to the Fall Formal."

"Yes, you are using a pretty neat tuxedo. A red tie, you look like a president! Aren't you happy?"

"Um..." says Micro Chips while struggling. "No."

"Oh..." replies a surprised W. "May I know why?"

"You know why..." says Micro. W tries to remember and he suddenly understands what he is saying.

"You haven't talked to her yet, don't you?" Micro nods his head and W sighs. "Oh man, come on! This is your moment, boy... You are in the Fall Formal, damn!"

"I know, but I feel I'm not ready!"

"No one is ready, Micro!" shouts W.

"He is right," says Charlie while getting up. "No one gets ready to talk to a girl. You must jump onto the cliff and see what happens. If you win, congratulations... If you lose, better luck next time... There are lots of girls in the world, my man. Canterlot High must have hundreds of them, and I think most of them are pretty. Aren't they?"

Micro Chips slowly nods his head and walks to the courtyard. "Actually," says Micro Chips. "I want you to enter with me."

"Are you crazy?" says W. "Of course not! Little Ace and those bitches were expelled and... And... P-P-Piet..."

W starts gasping. He remembered the night he accidentally killed Pietro Plegovich. He is afraid because he knows Nicholas is looking for him, but his uncle is an intelligent man. He may be waiting for the right moment to do it.

"Are you OK?" asks Micro Chips.

"Yes!" says W. "Come on, let's get inside."

Charlie is now confused. Why would W enter the school now if he didn't want to? W looks at him, nervously. He begs him to come. The plump man nods his head and walks with Micro Chips to the entrance.


The gym is near. Charlie, W, and Micro Chips are about to enter, but suddenly the techie, shy kid stops.

"No," he says.

"What?" asks Charlie.

"I've just seen Duke Starlight on the corner. I thought every one of Pietro's friends were expelled after Pietro's death..." Micro Chips takes a long breath. "It's hard to say Pietro died."

"Yeah," says W, while touching his forehead. It is covered with his sweat.

"Why are you so nervous?" asks Charlie. W looks at him with fiery eyes, and the Innocent man realizes he shouldn't have done that.

"Yeah, your friend is right," says Micro Chips. "Why are you so nervous..."

"I saw Pietro's corpse while saving everyone's lives," interrupts W. "Are you happy now? You two? I've seen that whiny teenager lying on the gym's floor. His whole body and suit were red. Bloody red."

Now no one talks and they decide to leave Pietro's topic aside.

Jack and Abe look at Charlie, W and Micro Chips entering the gym. Both men are in a dark corner of the gym, being far away from the dancefloor. They are drinking punch.

"Look at that!" says Abe. "The Three Stooges."

W, Charlie, and Micro approach them.

"What happened?" asks Abe. "Who is this kid with glasses?"

"Good night, sir. My name is Micro Chips," he says before stretching his hand. Abe shakes his hand with his and answers :

"Nice to meet you. Mr. Abe Flanks."

"We are looking for Pinkie Pie," says W to Abe. Micro Chips' cheeks blush. After a whole minute looking for her while being on the corner, Jack finds Pinkie Pie on the snacks table, drinking punch. She's alone.

"She's there..." says Micro Chips.

"Now, Micro!" shouts W. "Go ahead, fella! It is your moment!"


"But what?" says Abe. "Come on, buddy! If you don't try, you lose!"

"I agree," says Jack. "I've already lost because I haven't tried to. It is your opportunity. Don't waste."

W and Abe look at Jack now. Micro Chips looks at everybody and walks away. He slowly touches Pinkie Pie's shoulder and both start talking.

Micro Chips has a girl.

W and Abe look at each other now. It is Jack's turn. The Bedmaker finds out Charlie is not there, and now he is talking to Lyra and Bon Bon in another corner. Charlie is talking to girls.

"How are you feeling now, W?" asks Jack.

"A lot better," he answers. "Micro Chips mentioned him once, but I put up with it. Anyways, Abe... Rock, paper, scissors. The one who loses goes for Celestia."

Jack stops drinking his glass of punch and Abe agrees to W's offer. "What are you talking about?" asks Jack.

"The one who loses tells Celestia someone has been trying to date her... Someone who is a fucking chicken! Bawk bawk bawk!"

"You son of a bitch," says Jack. "I don't want to date Celestia. She is just a friend. Susan was and is my wife."

"Come on, Mr. Cel!" shouts W. "Oh, Cellie... Mrs. Cellie... That way you talk to her! You like her, Jacky!"

"You know what?" says Jack, while leaving his glass of punch on the floor and taking a long breath. "Fuck you."

Jack goes away and leaves W and Abe alone. Micro Chips is now dancing with Pinkie Pie and Charlie is still talking to Lyra and Bon Bon, and even Derpy Hooves is on the conversation. Suddenly, W looks at Jack talking to Celestia. Both of them are laughing.

"He's doing it," says Abe.

The moment arrives. Jack stretches his hand to her and she accepts. Jack is with Celestia. Suddenly, Vinyl Scratch makes a fantastic decision. She plays I Wanna Know What Love Is by Foreigner and everyone starts dancing. W and Abe look at almost every student getting together and kissing. Micro Chips and Pinkie Pie are now hugging. A guy called Soarin is talking to Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle is having a great time with his boyfriend, Timber Spruce, Fluttershy and Applejack are dancing together, and Sunset Shimmer is dancing with Flash Sentry.

"Isn't this awesome?" says someone that is under W. Spike appears and climbs to Abe's shoulder.

"Hey, where is Rarity?" asks Abe.

"I don't know," answers Spike. "But she was stunning..."

"Hey, watch out, Spikey," says W. "You are talking to her grandpa."

Spike's face falls into pieces. "For real?"

"Yes," says Abe. "But I know you won't do anything. Rarity doesn't like zoophilia. Besides, it is illegal."

A minute later, Rarity appears with a nice blue dress and asks Abe for a piece. His grandfather emotionally accepts and walks away. Now, Spike and W are alone.

"Life sucks, huh? We don't have chicks," says W.



"I was going to dance with Fluttershy and Applejack. I should go now, this song is pretty good. I hope you find a chick, W!"

Spike runs away and now W is the only one alone. He sighs and looks for punch. "Well, life sometimes sucks," he says to himself.

Once he starts walking to the snacks table, someone touches his back. "Um... W?" says a feminine, bossy voice. He turns around and looks at Trixie, who is using a beautiful purple dress. He looks at her and freezes.

"Holy shit," says W. "Purple suits you, Trix."

Trixie laughs while blushing. "Trixie appreciates that... Um... Can we... You know... Um... Can... We..."

"Dance?" says W. "I'm not using a tuxedo, but well... Sure!"

"Yes!" says Trixie, nervously. W grabs her back and draws the magician to his chest. Trixie gasps while touching her cheeks. They are completely red.

"Hey, don't put your hands on your cheeks," says W. "You can touch my back, ha ha ha!"

"Sorry..." she whispers while touching his back. She is shaking while trying not to cry. She feels so warm and safe when he wraps her with his arms. She is Great and Powerful but he... He is special. "W..." she says.

"Call me Walt, Trix. What's the matter?"

"Um, Walt... Um... I... I wanted... Um... CanIgooutwithyou?"

"What?" says W, confused. "What did you say?"

"Nothing!" she shouts while looking at the floor.

"Oh, come on, Trixie... Don't be shy," says W, while laughing. Trixie slowly moves her head and looks at W in his eyes. Her eyes are shining. W stops laughing and looks at her purple pupils. He is shocked. He is feeling goosebumps while looking at her. "Wow," he says. "I often say Canterlot girls are ugly but... You are an exception."

Trixie blushes and smiles at W. "Um... Thank you... hehe... I said that... Um... The Great and Powerful Trixie... wants to go out with you."

W stays in silence. "Oh," he says. "That is... Um... Surprising."

"Sorry..." she says. "Trixie understands. I fell in love with a guy a time ago and he..."

W touches Trixie's mouth and she stops talking. "Ok," he says. He doesn't know what is he doing, but he is doing it. "I will go out with you."

Trixie hugs him and kisses him on the lips. W didn't expect that and he is shocked, but he can't let her go. He likes her. Now, both of them can't let go of each other.

Meanwhile, Principal Celestia appears on a scenario and everyone looks at her. "Students of Canterlot High, we are about to announce the King and Queen of Canterlot High."

Meanwhile, Abe and Jack are alone again. They look at the gym's door and realize something: Three unknown men are looking at them. Suddenly, a bigger, yellow-skinned man appears and winks an eye to them. It is Sergei, Plegovich's right hand and a hitman. Both men are pale because of fear. Sergei makes a gesture with his mouth: a zip. They have to close their mouths now.

"But we are not going to announce them," says Luna. "Our announcer will be, Students of Canterlot High, please welcome... Mr. Nicholas Plegovich."

W starts gasping uncontrollably. Trixie finds out and asks what is the problem, but W falls to the floor and runs away. He suddenly looks at Sergei on the door and returns to Trixie again. He's sweating.

"What happened?" asks Trixie.

"Fuck. Fuck," whispers W.

A tall, brown-haired, yellow-skinned man using sunglasses and a wine-colored suit, a black tie and a white shirt appear. He is using a golden ring which has a swan. He appears in the scenario and everyone starts clapping, except for W, Jack, Abe, Trixie, Celestia, and Luna. The principals know they would have died if they had rejected Plegovich's decision.

"Students," says Nicholas, while talking through a microphone. "I strongly apologize for my nephew's behavior last week. His death did hurt me, but the horrible things he did before were even worse for me. Nevertheless, I am not here to remind you of that horrible moment you went through, but I am here to celebrate this beautiful Fall Formal." Celestia gives him the card and Plegovich opens it. He takes off his sunglasses, showing his heterochromia to the world. "Sorry for my ridiculous accent," he says and the students laugh. "That's why I would like someone to read this for me... Um... Well... Um... Hey! How about you? Illuminate him!"

The spotlight finishes his path on W and Trixie. W knows he only wants him. Trixie is confused.

"Such a nice couple!" says Nicholas Plegovich. "Who wants to come?"

"Stay here," whispers W.

"Why?" asks Trixie, scared.

"Just stay here. Trust me."

W moves and goes to the scenario. Sergei and his men smile while Jack and Abe are shaking because of their fear. Celestia and Luna try not to show fear too.

Plegovich gives the card to W and winks an eye to him while chuckling. W just ignores him while he listens to students whispering. They know he appeared on the War, that he almost killed Blueblood but a week has passed after that. He doesn't care anymore.

"Um... The King and Queen of Canterlot High are... Uh-huh... Flash Sentry and Sunset Shimmer."

Everyone starts celebrating but W is still scared. Plegovich hugs him and gives him a card.

"What?" says W.

"Read it, my son," he says. "Everything will change after reading it."

Jack, Abe, and W walk away alone, in shock. W is waiting for Trixie to come out while Jack and Abe are looking at the letter Plegovich gave to the Bedmaker.

"Did you read it?" asks W.

"No," they answer. "Read it. You must be the first one..."

W sighs and opens the letter. It has a picture of a red bear destroying a ship. A pirate ship. W understands what he is trying to say. Behind the picture, there is a small written phrase. He reads it:

Dear W "Bedmaker",

I truly want you inside my gang. That's why I sent you this letter, my child. I want to hire you and I look forward to your participation in Sovia.

Yours sincerely,
Nicholas Plegovich.