Interservice Rivalry

by dirty little secret

First published

A party full of Wonderbolts, Royal Guards, and Night Guards threatens to go completely out of control unless Spitfire can find a way to redirect the energy of their rivalry into a less destructive activity.

After the Equestrian Military Appreciation Gala in Canterlot, Spitfire and the Wonderbolts join a few Royal Guards and even a few Night Guards in the after-party. But as tensions and rivalries begin to rise, she can only see one way to avoid a fight: redirecting the warriors’ energy in an altogether different direction.

Consists of 9 short chapters that will escalate in raunchiness.
Contains: light inebriation, stripteasing, possible impregnation, tight clothing, creampie-eating, some lesbianism, sloppy seconds, orgy.

Chapter 1 - Spitfire

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Chapter 1 – Spitfire

Spitfire took a deep swig of cider from her mug and surveyed the dingy, noisy taproom. Back when she'd been a feisty young recruit, she'd always looked forward to the Equestrian Military Appreciation Gala. Not for the gala itself, of course, which mostly consisted of formal appearances, reminders from her commanding officer to remain civil and remember her etiquette training, and a thousand different ponies trying to find ways to say 'thank you for your service' that didn't sound teeth-gratingly repetitive. The great thing about the gala was the after-party. Not everypony knew about it – certainly, the commanders pretended not to know about it – but the Wonderbolts were always invited, and the raucous party had always been the highlight of her year.

Over the years, though, the drinking, the arguing, and the casual carousing with the paltry selection of mares in the Guard had worn on her. Soon, she knew, it would probably be time for her to join the ranks of the commanders who pretended to know nothing of this party. For now, though, a nice cold mug of cider was still a welcome relief from the stuffiness of the gala.

All around her, Royal Guards, Night Guards, and even a few of her own Wonderbolts chatted it up with each other, all of them talking louder than necessary – all of them eager for the rare chance to meet ponies outside of their unit ... and then prove that they were better than ponies outside of their unit.

Obviously, her Wonderbolts were far more elite and accomplished than all but the most specialized and secretive Guard battalions – and those deadly ponies weren't the kind who'd ever be seen at a gala, much less the after-party. And, sure, that might just be her own biased opinion, but what had these Guards ever done? Stood outside a door and made sure nopony disturbed some princess or other while she took a shit? Big deal. At least half of the Guard could be replaced by a few good door locks and maybe a statue or two.

Not that she was going to waste her breath saying as much to anypony here. The Wonderbolts who'd come with her – Misty Fly, Surprise, and Fleetfoot – seemed to be doing a good enough job of that themselves. From the scowls and bellows of outrage they were getting, they must have been getting in at least a few good jabs at the more decorative elements of Equestria's military.

The Royal Guards and Night Guards weren't giving up without a fight, though. When Misty Fly challenged one of the Royal Guards to do literally anything she couldn't, she must have had a little bit too much liquid courage because she apparently didn't realize that she was challenging a unicorn guard. With a smugly superior look, he used his magic to lift up a mug, swished it around his head a couple times, then took a drink. Misty, nonplussed, picked up her own mug, and whirled it around – sloshing drink on everypony around her – then took a deep drink of her own.

On the other side of the room, a white-coated Royal Guard hoof-wrestled the big bat pony stallion from the Night Guards, with Fleetfoot and Surprise taking bets on which one would be, in their words, “The weakest of the weak.”

The only Royal Guard mare who'd come – a teal green cutie Spitfire might have been chasing after in her younger years – barked out a shout of outrage when the only bat pony mare knocked the Guard's drink over with a swish of her tail. But the Night Guard just hissed back at her, baring her fangs.

Back on the other side of the room, the huge Night Guard stallion slammed the Royal Guard's hoof down to the table hard enough to crack the wood, bringing out a cry of pain and indignation from the Guard and peals of laughter from the two Wonderbolts hovering overhead.

But the Royal Guard had numbers on their side – in just a moment, their unicorn and their mare were tugging on the big bat pony's armor, slurring something about how he was under arrest for assaulting a Guard officer. Surprise took that opportunity to steal and empty both of their drinks.

The air in the cramped taproom crackled with what Spitfire might have called an overabundance of testosterone if it weren't for the fact that more than half of them were mares. In any case, she could feel the tension building, and she'd been to enough of these parties to know how this would end. Dented armor, torn uniforms, bruises, and literally crates of paperwork and reports to explain when the on-duty Guards finally came and break up the brawl. As the senior officer here, it would all ultimately fall on her head, and never mind that she technically didn't have the authority to give orders to anypony in the Guard. That would be no excuse when she was hauled in front of some princess or other to explain what had happened to the cream of Equestria's military crop.

Thankfully, she'd also been to enough of these to know the most effective solution ... even if it was a bit degrading for someone in her position...

A moment later, and the Night Guard mare gave her the perfect opening: “Yeah, right! Just like a Wonderbolt to come in and screw everything up! Now get out of the way so I can squish this dumb Day Guard like a rotten guava! You fancy little flitter-flyers can't do anything right!”

Spitfire leapt up onto the table in front of them. The way a few half-empty mugs clattered down the floor as she did only helped attract more attention. “Oh, I know one thing that Wonderbolts do better.” She eyed everypony in the room, reveling in the way her sudden appearance had brought an attentive hush. Unless she did something drastic, though, that quiet would only be temporary. Thankfully, she knew exactly the kind of drastic thing that was needed. Slowly, she unzipped the front of her skin-tight flight suit and theatrically licked her lips. “Can any of you boys guess what that is?”

She spun around, flicking her tail up and making sure every one of them got a prime view of her flanks. She grinned at the sound of the hooting and jeering from the little crowd. One little dance, and fighting would be the last thing on their minds.

Chapter 2 - Nightwing

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Chapter 2 – Nightwing

Nightwing stared incredulously up at the Wonderbolt Captain standing on the table. Was that crazy day pony really going to...?

Right there in front of everypony, Spitfire spun around and flicked her tail up, showing all of them the little bump in her tight flight uniform. Even though Nightwing considered herself a stallion's mare and preferred bat ponies rather than these bright-colored day ponies, she had to admit that the sight sent tingles through her in places better left unsaid. Whatever thin, stretchy fabric that uniform was made of, it didn't hide anything. Nightwing could see not only the shape of Spitfire's pussy bulge nestled in between her tight, powerful ass cheeks, she could even see a hint of the mare's slit – a slight indentation in that pert little bulge.

It sure got everypony else's attention in a hurry, too. As Spitfire began to dance, swaying and rolling her hips, stallions and mares alike crowded around the table. And if their eyes weren't already locked onto the older mare's body, they certainly started paying full attention when she stood on her hind legs and slid the suit's zipper slowly down. A growing triangle of bright yellow belly fur showed itself – damn that mare was sleek! – and that patch of exposed pegasus kept on growing all the way until the furless skin between Spitfire's teats was exposed. She didn't show her nipples – not yet – but she didn't need to. Everypony could already see the two little nubs poking through the thin fabric, and everypony – Nightwing included – was fervently imagining just what they'd look like.

After just another moment, nopony needed to imagine what they looked like – Spitfire let the loosened flight suit slip off of her shoulders, and it fell all the way down to her back hooves in a rumpled mess. She gave the crowd just a moment to gaze at her pretty little yellow mounds before dropping to all-fours again and beginning to prance around the circumference of the table. “Well, looks like that settles it,” she said, flicking her fiery tail back and forth as she trotted around. “Nopony even comes close to the Wonderbolts.”

That snapped Nightwing out of it. Hey! How dare she? Everypony knew that the Night Guard was where you'd find the really sexy ponies!

Before Nightwing could jump up and defend the honor of the Night Guard, one of the day pony guards – Blue Star – beat her to it, jumping up onto the table right in front of her.

Blue Star was quite a rarity – a female Royal Guard – but that might have been just the reason she knew her way around the stallions in the room. She sashayed back and forth across the table, disrupting Spitfire's circles and somehow managing to move in just the right way to let her pale blue ass cheeks flash out under the golden skirt of her armor. Not that her armor lasted long. The helm came off first, freeing a cascade of blue-striped mane that fell down over her withers like she was in some kind of shampoo commercial. The way she flicked it to the side and gave the crowd a devil-may-care glance quickly made it clear that she was offering something a lot more interesting than shampoo, though.

Spitfire flicked her tail up at Blue Star's nose. “Oh come on now. That's a nice mane and all, but do you think anypony here is going to choose you over this?” She turned, spread her hind legs apart, and blatantly presented her winking pussy to the crowd.

Oh...” Blue Star unhooked the latch on her gold-armored breastplate. “I think they will!” As the day pony's armor clattered down to the table, she performed a series of spinning jumps back and forth, making her now-naked rump jiggle a bit with each snappy landing and flicking her tail up to give them all just a glimpse every time she hopped upward. “There may not be many mares in the Royal Guard, but the ones we do have are the ones that everypony wants!”

Nightwing might have been distracted for a few moments by yet more unfamiliarly erotic thoughts about these two day pony mares prancing about up there on the table ... but that last gibe went too far. She knew what she had to do – she had to put these pegasus ponies in their place and show them who was really the most desired among all of Equestria's military ranks.

She tossed her helm aside and soared up onto the table with a high, gliding leap, startling both of the other mares into jumping back a little. Bat ponies were not flashy, were not showy – she knew her strengths and the one she needed now was being exotic and mysterious. Shrouding herself in her leathery wings, she began to dance for the ponies surrounding this table.

Even as she managed to lose piece after piece of her dusky armor, she kept herself mostly hidden from them by her wings. They'd get a peek of her flanks here, a sultry glance from her eyes there, maybe even a little glimpse under her tail now and then. But she didn't go in for the showy grandstanding of the other two mares ... and it was working. All around the table, ponies were staring at her, not Spitfire or Blue Star.

She shot a glance over her shoulders at the two pegasus mares vainly trying to shake their hips and attract the crowd's attention again ... and she blew them a little kiss – half mocking and half enticing. “Nice try, girls, but you'll never best a bat pony when it comes to things best done after dark.”

Chapter 3 - Blue Star

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Chapter 3 – Blue Star

Blue Star glared back at the bat pony – bat ponies were drab and spooky, definitely not sexy. Star knew her own strengths, and after hundreds of shifts filled almost entirely with stallions, she knew her way around them better than anypony.

“We'll never best a bat pony, huh?” She sneered at Nightwing and turned toward the only other bat pony in the room – the big, dark stallion off to the side.

Oh yes, she'd best a bat pony all right. She'd 'best' both of them at once! When the only other bat pony here chose a Royal Guard over one of his own kind, that would put this little Night Guard hussy in her place!

As she came toward him, she layed the charm on thick. Every hoof step across the tabletop was perfectly placed. She swayed gently from side to side as she leisurely approached his end of the table, giving him a sultry look right in his eyes. He was still wearing his helmet, but that wouldn't stop her. She'd had plenty of practice having her way with helmeted Royal Guards, and a Night Guard would be no different.

Behind her, Nightwing huffed indignantly. Spitfire slipped back into the crowd with a satisfied look on her face. But Star payed no attention to them. She was almost there!

She didn't stop until her nose practically touched the front of the big bat pony's helmet. “What's your name?” she said in a tone of voice that made the simple question sound obscenely lewd. With one feather tip, she traced his jawline through the armor. “Ever been with a Royal Guard before?”

“It's, um, Mango, Ma'am.” He visibly gulped. “And, um... No.”

Leaning out over the edge of the table, she reached one hoof out behind his neck and pulled him in close, pressing the nose guard of his helm into her chest fluff. “Well, then ... you're in for a treat!”

Despite Nightwing's protests of unfairness – which Star completely ignored – Star kept on 'dancing' for Mango ... that is, if you could call rubbing herself all over him 'dancing'. She worked her wings across his face, her soft underbelly against his neck, her hooves across absolutely any part of him she could reach. And all the while, she moaned and cooed as if he was already inside her.

It was definitely having the desired effect. Not only was Mango breaking out into a trembling, nervous sweat, everypony else in the room was watching her intently ... no doubt wishing they were in Mango's place instead. Well, everypony except for Nightwing.

Catching that dirty look from the Night Guard mare made Star decide it was the perfect time to really rub it in her face ... by rubbing a certain something else in Mango's face.

She turned around, secretly sticking her tongue out at Nightwing just as she backed herself up against Mango's face. The touch of his metal nose guard against her pussy lips made her jolt, but it wasn't cold as she'd expected – it was warm ... hot, even. That stallion had been breathing so heavily into it that he'd warmed it up. And now that her pussy was winking and spreading its juices over his breathing holes, he was sucking in more and more, drinking in her scent.

To accelerate things even more, she began gently – oh so carefully – swinging her hips a little from side to side. It rubbed the inner curves of her ass cheeks against his faceplate, and the ridge of his nose guard tugged at her pussy lips. It pulled her open just slightly, right in front of his eyes where he'd have the perfect view of her pink inner walls opening for him.

Okay... Surely that had to be enough...

Without warning, Star pulled away from him and hopped down off the table to land next to the big bat pony stallion. And what she saw under his belly, she gleefully pointed out to everypony else in the room. “Aha! Look – all the way hard and twitching like crazy! How's that for besting a bat pony?”

Chapter 4 - Snowstreak

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Chapter 4 – Snowstreak

Snowstreak blushed as a cheer rose up around the crowd. In all his time as a Royal Guard, he'd never been to a party this rowdy, and definitely never with such ... unprofessional behavior.

He winced at the way Nightwing jumped down to argue with Blue Star, and he wished once again that he'd never let Storm Point drag him along to this after-party. Somehow, even though he was certain with himself that he disapproved of the goings-on here, he'd found himself right up at the edge of the table these mares had been dancing on ... and that ended up being his downfall.

When one of the Wonderbolt mares jumped up onto the table and loudly proclaimed that both of the other mares were wrong and neither of them were a match for any Wonderbolt, Snowstreak just happened to be the closest, most convenient stallion available to her.

The Wonderbolt in question was Misty Fly – that was clear enough from the bits of pale yellow coat showing through gaps in her flight suit and her icy blue tail. She was a celebrity, even among the Wonderbolts.

Snowstreak would have known her anywhere, even though he'd never seen her from quite this angle before! Her tail was flopped over his head to mingle with the tips of his mane that stuck through his helmet, the tightly-clad curves of her ass filled almost all of his vision, and the clearly visible bulb of her pussy rubbed right against his nose. Through the tight, stretchy fabric, he could feel her soft, supple pussy lips pressing back and forth against his sensitive muzzle.

“How's that?” Misty asked smugly.

Snowstreak didn't so much as glance away from her rump. He couldn't, anyway. And he didn't want to – an utterly fascinating little dark spot was forming in the fabric of her flight suit, centered right on the upper bit of her pussy bulge ... and it was slowly growing. He could smell her.

He'd sworn off romantic pursuits for years now, ever since his last special somepony. But this time, his body wasn't asking him for permission. His cock slid out, eagerly joining the party. He hoped nopony would notice ... but of course somepony did – immediately.

Surprise – the Wonderbolt with the white coat and shockingly yellow mane – zoomed right up next to him, dipped her head under his belly, and squealed in delight. “Ooh! Lookie here, lookie here! That was really fast! See – the Wonderbolts are the best!”

Misty Fly laughed in a soft, self-satisfied way at that news, but she didn't stop. Her pussy visibly winked open inside her flight suit, soaking it even more as she rubbed herself off on his nose.

The scent and the feel of this gorgeous mare's pussy was getting to him. He couldn't help it. He was running on instincts now, and his body would have its way, whether he wanted it to or not.

Snowstreak reached up, grabbed Misty Fly's hips between his hooves and yanked her down as his body lunged upward. She ended up with her front hooves on the table; he ended up on top of her, mounting her.

“Hey!” Misty cried out. “What do you think you're—?”

His cock pressed up between her firm ass cheeks, the flat head of it mashing against her fabric-covered pussy.

A slight shudder ran through Misty's body, and her tail flicked upward. “Ooh... Oh fuck yes!”

The way she said that ... the sultry, needy tone to her voice, it broke him free from any inhibitions he may have still had. Without a care, without a thought, despite everypony there watching him, he began roughly thrusting his cock against Misty's rump as if determined to punch right through the fabric of her flight suit and into her desperately winking pussy.

Chapter 5 - Surprise

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Chapter 5 – Surprise

Surprise's hooves danced underneath her in excitement, even as her own pussy winked against the silky, supple fabric of her flight suit. “Orgy time!” she yelled out in glee, diving under Snowstreak's belly.

She wasn't sure if anypony else heard her cry, and she didn't really care. What mattered was the big white cock right in front of her – white just like her own coat! – and the way it pressed up between her wingmare's ass cheeks.

It was so super-duper sexy that way! She couldn't help but come right up and lick that lovely hard shaft. Snowstreak flinched at first, but then he groaned as Surprise slid her tongue up and down his length, and he kept on pushing it up against Misty's rump.

That cock of his tasted lovely. It had been at least a few hours since Surprise last had a cock in her mouth – that formal ball was so stuffy! Now that she finally had one again, she made the most of it. There really was nothing like the thick curve of a stallion's cock held between her lips!

Slathering as she went, and loving every appreciative moan Snowstreak gave out, she worked her way down, down his cock, licking him all the way down to his sheath.

She didn't stop there, though. Oh no, not when she could see his big beautiful balls dangling right there in front of her. They were hypnotizing, swaying gently back and forth as he humped against Misty Fly. With just a slight pause to lick her lips in anticipation, she dove right in and nuzzled right up against the twin swells of his firm, round balls. Her tongue slurped all over them, and her lips tried as well as they could to stretch all the way around, but they were just too big.

The way he shuddered and moaned when she did that, though... Mmm! It was almost as delicious!

And as much as she liked Snowstreak's snowballs, she couldn't bring herself to ignore his nice, thick shaft anymore. She worked her way back up, planting long, smooth licks in the same rhythm as his cock – it bent slightly every time he pushed it against Misty's covered pussy, unable to get inside but trying so hard.

When Surprise finally made it back up to the tip of his cock, she couldn't help but lick her lips in anticipation again ... though, since her lips were pressed against the underside of Snowstreak's cock, it was basically just like licking him again. What captivated her so much was the way his tip pressed against Misty Fly exactly where it should. And even though the fabric of the flight suit prevented him from getting completely inside her, it was pretty stretchy. At least an inch of his cock was inside her – it pressed between her blue-clad pussy lips as they winked around it, every last detail of their shape showing through the soaked and strained flight suit.

And Surprise got a front-row seat to it all as she slid her mouth up and down the top of his shaft. He was starting to flare up – no, really flaring up, and fast! She started touching herself through her own flight suit, pretending as if her hoof was just like Snowstreak's cock pressing against her through the thin cloth. She moaned around the curve of his shaft – it felt so good!

Snowstreak must have liked it as well, because only a moment later, he came. His flare swelled until it completely filled the space between Misty's ass cheeks, he trembled in place, and his cock began to pulse. Surprise could practically see the cum flowing up through it – she could definitely feel it as the bulge passed between her lips. She jammed her face up between Misty's inner thighs, pressing herself up between her wingmare's ass cheeks until she was just below Snowstreak's flare ... and she was just in time for the first gush of cum that came dripping down after it sprayed against Misty's flight suit.

More and more of it came; Surprise drank everything she could down greedily, letting the rest splatter down over her face and body. No matter – it wouldn't show up on white fur or feathers anyway. Both Misty and Snowstreak moaned together at the feeling of his cum unloading between Misty's pussy lips. Surprise would have moaned too – still touching herself – but it was kind of hard to make any sound at all with a mouth sloshing full of thick, sticky cum!

All too soon, it was over. Snowstreak's cock stopped squirting and softened to the point where he couldn't keep it pressed against Misty's pussy anymore. Surprise caught the last little dribble that fell down when he pulled away and slid off, but her eyes were on Misty's soaked pussy bulge. The mare's nether lips kept on winking over and over, begging for more even as a little bit of Snowstreak's cum managed to soak through the flight suit. Surprise wondered for a moment if that was enough to get Misty pregnant.

Whether it was or not, it was clear that Misty Fly wasn't satisfied yet. She looked over her shoulder at Snowstreak as he stood there panting. “I hope you've got another one in you.”

Surprise zipped back down underneath his belly, dodged his swinging cock, and gently prodded at his balls in an experimental way. She was pleased with the results. “It sure feels like he does! A whole bunch!”

“Sure, um...” Snowstreak sucked in a few deep breaths. “Just give me a minute, okay?”

Chapter 6 - Mango

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Chapter 6 – Mango

Mango's eyes were full of Blue Star's ass; his nose was full of her scent. Even after the smaller Royal Guard mare had gotten down off the table, she'd kept on teasing him, and he couldn't help himself. He'd taken his helmet off a long time ago, the better to smell and feel her pussy with. And as she'd winked right against his muzzle, he'd even given her an encouraging lick or two.

This wasn't like any of the bat pony mares he'd ever been with. They were always flirtatious and teasing, always keeping him not quite sure what they really wanted ... until the moment they pounced.

Blue Star wasn't like that at all. She couldn't possibly be more blatantly obvious about what she was doing – her pussy juices were smeared across half his face, after all – and she didn't try to hide anything.

“Well, big batty boy,” she said, flicking her tail over his chest piece, “are you gonna go for it or what?”

In all his time, Mango had never had a mare talk to him like that. But now that one had... Well, it was obvious what he was going to do with her, wasn't it?

He hefted himself up onto her back, his cock sweeping perfectly up into place, and plunged his tip into her steamy pussy. Aided by the juices already spread all over her winking lips, it slid in easily.

Blue Star squealed in surprised delight as Mango's huge cock wedged its way into her ... but she pushed back against him, helping him push even deeper, and she didn't stop until he'd hilted himself all the way down to his sheath.

Mango shuddered and groaned as the Royal Guardsmare's hot, slick inner walls squeezed around his shaft. Blue Star was no bat pony ... but this was as good as it had ever been. She was just so juicy and welcoming! His hooves gripped around her thighs as he began thrusting into her – short, savage thrusts. He couldn't bring himself to pull out of her far enough for proper deep thrusting, but he still wanted to give her everything he had.

Just as he really started getting into rutting her, though, a Wonderbolt came up, hovering right next to him.

It was Fleetfoot – a little bit darker blue than Blue Star, and with a stark white mane ... and the way she was looking at him made him almost feel like she was the one he was fucking, even though he was clearly inside Blue Star. Fleetfoot winked at him and made a little kissing motion with her lips. “Yeah, Guardspony pussy is nice and all – I've eaten my share of it – but that's nothing compared to a Wonderbolt.”

There was something about the smug way she looked at him – and, of course, the lean, muscular body she'd already exposed by losing her flight suit somewhere – that made her seem utterly irresistible, even though he already had everything he could possibly want. Blue Star had been blatant, but Fleetfoot was downright aggressive.

So when Fleetfoot dropped down onto the floor and stood right alongside Blue Star, presenting with her toned legs slightly outstretched and her shockingly white tail lifted over her back, Mango couldn't help but stare at the Wonderbolt's pussy as he had his way with Blue Star.

And after just a few more moments, he couldn't take anymore of watching that tight blue little rump wiggling back and forth – or watching the bright pink of her pussy as it winked open at him. He pulled out of Blue Star's pussy – despite the wordless moan of protest – and used one flap of his bat wings to hop to the side, onto Fleetfoot's back.

“I knew you couldn't resist,” Fleetfoot said, smirking at him over her shoulder.

His only response was to prod forward with his cock, pressing it against her pussy lips. She wasn't quite as steamy and ready as Blue Star had been, but his cock was still slick with Blue Star's juices, and that was easily enough to help his tip spread Fleetfoot's pussy lips apart, beginning to sink between them.

The difference between the two mares was immediately obvious. Despite being a little taller than the other mare, Fleetfoot was much tighter. Her pussy seemed to grip and pull at him as he pushed his cock deeper and deeper inside her.

“Hey!” Blue Star cried out. “He was mine!”

“And now he's...” Fleetfoot took a slight step forward, groaning as Mango's tip pressed a little too deep for her. She panted a little ... but she was still smiling like a jewel thief who'd gotten away with it. “Now he's mine.”

He was. Despite himself, despite how rude he knew it was, he had to admit that he was enthralled by this Wonderbolt mare. With an apologetic glance at Blue Star, he really began going at it, holding Fleetfoot's slim waist between his forehooves and thrusting into her tight depths eagerly.

It wouldn't take long, he knew. Not now. Something about Fleetfoot's confidence and Blue Star's jealousy was getting to him. He trembled and sweated, forcing himself to keep going even as his tip flared out, stretching Fleetfoot even more on the inside. “I'm going to...” He gritted his teeth, trying to hold back long enough for her. “It's too much! I can't—”

Fleetfoot pressed herself back against him, forcing his cock all the way inside her. “Do it! Show them all who's best!”

“Oh come on!” Blue Streak cried out as Mango's moan momentarily filled the room. “No fair!”

It wasn't fair, Mango knew. But it was also pretty much out of his control ... especially now. There was nothing he could do now to stop the flood of cum he was pumping into this Wonderbolt mare. Every instinct he had screamed at him to stay deep, deep inside her as he emptied himself. She was probably on some kind of potion or spell or other to prevent pregnancy – she had to be, right? – but his body didn't know that, and all it wanted was to breed.

Chapter 7 - Fleetfoot

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Chapter 7 – Fleetfoot

Fleetfoot shuddered and sighed as Mango pulled out of her and dropped off of her back, leaving her oozing under her tail. There was nothing quite like the feeling of being stuffed full with a stallion's cream ... but even as she stood there, recovering from the feeling of his huge cock stretching her, her eyes caught onto the orange and yellow form of her captain.

“Thanks, bud,” she said to Mango as she trotted away from him, her tail flagging high and proud. “Keep in touch.”

She had quite another one-of-a-kind feeling in mind – a feeling she knew Spitfire could give unlike any other.

The Captain of the Wonderbolts had retreated over to the bar, where she sat on one of the stools, a blue margarita in one hoof and her own pussy in the other. She'd been watching everypony in the room – she still was – and she'd certainly seen what Mango just did with Fleetfoot, but from the way she grinned, it was perfectly clear that she knew what Fleetfoot had in mind ... and that she was perfectly happy with where this was going.

Fleetfoot would have never dared to do something like this in her early years as a Wonderbolt. But after years of experience, becoming one of the team's veteran members, and quite a few previous encounters with Spitfire, she was no longer the timid little filly she had once been. Now she knew what she wanted and she knew how to get it.

She trotted confidently right up to Spitfire and looked her in the eyes. “Hey.”

One of Spitfire's eyebrows slowly rose ... but she didn't stop rubbing her own pussy. “Hey yourself.”

Both of them shared a soft chuckle between them, then leaned in for the kiss both of them knew was coming.

For all her time in the Wonderbolts, Fleetfoot hadn't actually been intimate with the Captain all that often. It was a once in a blue moon kind of thing – Spitfire had plenty of other admirers after all. When their lips touched, there was still the illicit thrill of devil-may-care breaking the rules, which was only heightened by the other ponies in the room who may or may not have been watching them.

Fleetfoot let her eyes gently close, not worrying about their observers. All that mattered was the soft, warm, surprisingly tender touch of Spitfire's lips and the feeling of the older mare's hoof caressing through Fleetfoot's mane.

Gradually, both of them became more forceful, pressing their bodies against one another's, testing each other's strength even though both of them knew exactly where they'd end up.

Spitfire was stronger, of course. Nopony messed with Spitfire. But it would be boring if Spitfire managed to push Fleetfoot away. Instead, the Captain feigned exhaustion, letting Fleetfoot push her back up onto the surface of the bar ... and up ... and up, until Fleetfoot lay on top of her commanding officer, both of them panting and looking longingly into each other's eyes.

Spitfire grinned wickedly, then stuck her tongue out slightly, making little licking motions.

That was more than enough to light Fleetfoot's fires. She turned around on top of Spitfire, spreading her hind legs over the other mare's shoulders and lifting her tail high to expose the creampie Mango had left there. “Mind helping me clean up a little bit?” she asked, already knowing what Spitfire's answer would be.

Spitfire's answer was, of course, a long, slow lick from Fleetfoot's clit all the way up to the top of her sloppy, dripping slit.

Fleetfoot tilted her head up toward the ceiling, humming to herself in satisfaction and letting her eyes drift mostly closed as the Captain of the Wonderbolts licked that stallion's cum out of her pussy. It was one of those little-known facts that you'd only learn after years of listening to locker room gossip: yes, Spitfire was exclusively into mares and absolutely refused to even touch a stallion ... but she still loved the taste of a stallion's cum. That left the Captain only one real way to get it, a way that every bisexual mare in the Wonderbolts eventually learned and put to very good use.

Spitfire went at it greedily, her tongue flicking into Fleetfoot's pussy and scooping out warm mouthfuls of stallion cream. Not that Spitfire was exclusively interested in the little treat Fleetfoot had brought her – the Captain also took time to suckle and lick Fleetfoot's clit, especially when it bulged outward with her rhythmic winking.

After taking a few moments to just enjoy that sumptuous treatment, Fleetfoot dove her own muzzle down between Spitfire's outspread legs, eagerly returning the favor.

That didn't last long, though. Their little display had drawn a fair amount of attention from ponies who weren't otherwise occupied, including the all-white Royal Guard, Snowstreak.

With the aid of his wings, he jumped up onto the bar in front of Fleetfoot, his cock already swinging out below him and lining up with Spitfire's pussy.

“Hey!” Fleetfoot said. “She's not into that!” The nerve of some stallions, thinking that just because a mare craved the taste of cum, she wanted one of those inside her! “Find somewhere better to put it!” She stuck out her tongue.

At least Snowstreak was polite enough to stop dead at that rebuttal. He looked down at the two of them, one hoof raised in front of him. “Um... Sorry, I just thought...” His white cheeks turned beet red, and his cock began to droop a little. “I mean, um, I didn't mean to do anything you wouldn't want to ... um...”

Ugh, stallions could be so dense sometimes. Even as Spitfire kept eating her out, Fleetfoot opened her mouth wide, holding her tongue out invitingly and pointing at it with her hoof.

Snowstreak looked down at her and blinked. “You ... you want to do that?

Duh!” She rolled her eyes at him.

She didn't have to wait. Before she was even done rolling her eyes, he lunged forward and planted the tip of his resurgent cock against her lips. He might be slow on the uptake, but at least he didn't dilly-dally around once he finally figured things out! She had to give him that much.

Opening her mouth, she gladly took Snowstreak's cock, freely letting him shove it in. Thankfully, Fleetfoot was a veteran at this, too, and she easily let the thick shaft slide down into her throat.

Ah... Her captain licking a fresh load out of her pussy and another stallion face-fucking her and getting ready to blow another load down her throat... Now this was an after-party!

Chapter 8 - Misty Fly

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Chapter 8 – Misty Fly

Misty Fly paced around the room, trotting from stallion to stallion, trying to find one who wasn't already sheath-deep inside some mare or other. Curse these gender ratios! You'd think at a military party of all places, there'd be plenty of stallions, but apparently not at this after-party!

She headed for the big, dusky bat pony stallion, but as soon as she got there, she saw that his cock was hanging limply underneath his belly. It would take some time – and maybe a lot of work – to get him hard again, even though he was busily eating out Blue Star under her tail. Just as Misty was about to go for it and suck him until he was hard again, Surprise beat her to it, zooming in underneath him and swallowing his cock whole as if it was nothing. Blue Star cried out in an orgasm that left Misty more turned on and frustrated than ever.

Misty stomped a hoof on the wooden floor. Surprise always got the good stallions before she could!

She darted over to Snowstreak, but he was busy fucking Fleetfoot's mouth on top of Spitfire. As Misty watched in frustrated longing, Fleetfoot shook, her belly convulsing in what might have been her gagging on Snowstreak's cock ... if not for the blissful look on her face. No – Spitfire's legendary tongue had just worked its magic on the other Wonderbolt, again leaving Misty seething and searching for any stallion who wasn't otherwise occupied.

Why couldn't she find anypony to take care of her needs? That playful almost-dicking from Snowstreak had been fun and it turned her on a lot – way too much, maybe – but the little bit of his cum that had managed to seep in through her uniform wasn't nearly enough to satisfy her.

She found the last remaining stallion – a unicorn Royal Guard named Storm Point – busy giving it to the bat pony mare Nightwing. How could he be busy, too? How was she ever going to get satisfied?

For a few moments, all she could do was stand in place, her back legs dancing back and forth in urgent need as she watched the grey unicorn on top of the grey Night Guard. Finally, she couldn't stand it anymore. Throwing manners to the wind, she stepped right up in front of the two of them and said, “Hey, mind if I cut in?”

The two ponies paused and glanced at each other for a moment. Then, instead of giving Misty any kind of proper answer, Nightwing leaned forward and kissed her!

Misty wasn't into mares. Not at all. At least, that's what she told herself. But when that bat pony's lips touched hers, she didn't resist it. Instead, she melted into it, welcoming Nightwing's inquisitive tongue and then finding with shock just how long it really was. But that just added to the exotic excitement of it. Even the other mare's fangs – which would normally be terrifying – just served to heighten Misty's surprised arousal.

They separated as Storm Point gave the bat pony a particularly firm thrust, pushing them apart for a moment. Nightwing snaked her tongue out from between Misty's lips and grinned at her. “Sure, you can join in ... as long as you're willing to share.”

With an eager nod, Misty whipped her flight suit off and stood next to Nightwing, presenting her very needy pussy to Storm Point. He wasted no time in switching over – Misty took that as a point of pride. Not that pride mattered much to her at the moment. What mattered was the hot, slick tip of the unicorn's cock rubbing up and down over her slit as he moved it with his magic.

Oh yes – now that was the stuff! But she wasn't satisfied with this teasing play for long. Once he was in the right spot, she pushed back against him, enveloping the tip of his cock in her pussy. She felt the tingle of his magic against her lips for a moment before he quit the spell and followed her lead.

He sure didn't need any further encouragement. His hooves grabbed her hips, and he took her like a stallion, shoving his cock deep inside her in just a few strong thrusts, aided by the slick bat pony juices coating it ... juices that were now smearing deep inside her. Misty licked her lips. For some reason, she really liked the idea of the other mare's juices inside her.

Maybe Nightwing misinterpreted that little bit of lip-licking, or maybe she'd planned to do it all along ... but either way, she climbed up onto the table Misty had ended up in front of. Once there, she faced Misty, sitting on the edge and spreading her hind legs to show her freshly-fucked pussy. The lips were all swollen and blushing, and they were completely soaked with her nectar ... though thankfully nothing else – nopony had finished inside her yet.

Staring, Misty licked her lips again. Was she really going to do this?

With firm, steady thrusts that made her legs tremble, Storm Point pushed her toward Nightwing. Misty looked up into Nightwing's eyes.

And that's when she saw the same kind of need she'd been feeling just a moment ago, before she'd finally gotten a nice warm stallion cock inside her. And she knew she couldn't leave Nightwing without that need being satisfied, not after how generous the Night Guard had been.

Misty lowered her head and licked a mare's pussy for the very first time in her life. She started tentatively at first, but as her tongue caressed the plush, springy lips she found that it wasn't nearly as bad as she'd imagined it. Maybe it was just the rush of hormones from having Storm Point on her back and inside her pussy, but she found herself actually enjoying the chance to slide her tongue into Nightwing's warm and tender slit. The taste didn't do anything for her, but it wasn't bad, either. What did do something for her was the way Nightwing squeaked and touched her mane when Misty experimented with licking her clit.

That squeak seemed to encourage Storm Point, too. His thrusts grew more powerful, firmer, and it even seemed that his cock swelled a little bigger.

It must not have been quite enough for Nightwing, though, because after a few minutes of that, she looked up at Storm Point and said, “Bring her up here.”

Misty didn't know what that meant at first, but she found out very quickly when Storm Point slid off of her – and out of her – then used his magic to levitate her up and set her on top of Nightwing, who fell back down against the table and underneath Misty. He'd placed them so their legs spread out, and when their bellies pressed together, so did their teats and even a little bit of their pussy lips. Misty could feel it on her clit when Nightwing's pussy winked.

The two mares immediately went back to kissing, Misty eager to try it again and Nightwing apparently just as enthusiastic. Misty might not have noticed Storm Point mounting them both at all ... if it weren't for the fact that he chose her pussy first, sliding himself back into her in what was a miraculously delicious return.

As rowdy of a reputation as the Wonderbolts held, Misty had never done anything like this before. She let herself float away on the tide of pleasure, kissing Nightwing, feeling the other mare's teats against her own, and above all, Storm Point's hard cock gliding in and out over her inner walls. His medial ring rippled over her pussy lips every time it went in and out, and Nightwing's tongue titillated her in new and exciting ways.

Just as she was getting close, though, Storm Point pulled out of her and slid his cock into Nightwing instead.

At first, her only reaction was outrage at being denied. But when Nightwing let out a low, throaty moan, that brought a whole new aspect of pleasure. Somehow, Misty found herself actually caring how this bat pony felt, even though they'd never met before. Now, Misty could almost feel it herself as Storm Point's cock swelled into Nightwing's pussy.

Actually, if Misty just rearranged herself a bit... Yes! She gave her own slight moan of pleasure as her neglected pussy found just the right spot, where it could rub up against Nightwing's clit and a bit of Storm Point's shaft at the same time. It wasn't the same as being filled, but it still felt amazing ... and for now, listening to the sexy little squeaks the bat pony mare made would be more than enough!

Chapter 9 - Storm Point

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Chapter 9 – Storm Point

Storm Point had been through his share of intimate encounters – the mares always loved a stud in uniform – but even for him, this was something else.

For once, he was the one who was star-struck and amazed at who he was with. Only a few years ago, bat ponies were a thing of legend, the mythical minions of the Mare in the Moon. And here he was now, with his cock deep inside one! And the other mare ... a real live Wonderbolt! Most ponies would be lucky to get so much as an autographed postcard from one of these elite flyers, and here he was, looking down at Misty Fly – the Misty Fly – as she rubbed her pussy on the top of his shaft, dribbling her warm juices on him and just begging for him to put it back inside her.

How could he ignore an invitation like that? Not without a serious stirring of reluctance, he pulled his cock out of Nightwing's pussy, even though she squeezed down on it as if trying to keep him inside. For a brief moment, his length languished in the cold air of the tavern, but only a moment. He pressed it into Misty Fly's pussy, and she let out a gleeful little coo as his shaft glided up between her lips, sinking deep inside her.

He didn't neglect Nightwing, though. That was the great thing about being a unicorn. As long as you studied the right spells, you could take care of any number of partners. He made sure to send his tingling magical touch up and down her pussy lips, even as he fucked the mare on top of her.

Which one was better? That wasn't worth asking. How could he possibly decide? Nightwing was definitely the tighter of the two, but Misty Fly was just so juicy and steamy-hot inside ... and both of them squeezed and caressed his shaft with their inner walls like they were trying to milk him dry anytime either of them got a chance.

Instead of worrying about that, he focused on just trying to enjoy the moment, fucking these two mares as they kissed each other and stopped just shy of fighting each other for his cock.

And the view! Besides the fantastic sight of Misty Fly's pale yellow ass cheeks spread out right in front of him, the whole room was filled with a riot of erotic release. Over on the other side of the room, Surprise was loudly cumming her heart out as Mango shuddered and pumped her full. A little closer, on top of the bar, Spitfire's thighs clenched down around Blue Star's head as the Royal Guardsmare drove the Captain of the Wonderbolts to an evidently much-needed orgasm. Right next to them, Snowstreak – a Guard Storm Point had often worked alongside – grabbed Fleetfoot's white mane as his cock spasmed, pumping a thick load down her throat.

Nightwing brought him back to the matter at hand by moaning needfully up at him. “I'm, I'm close,” she squeaked out. “I need it!”

What kind of stallion would he be if he ignored an entreaty like that? Pulling out of Misty Fly and switching his magical attentions over to her, he lined himself up with Nightwing's pussy instead, plunging back inside. In a way, it was like returning home after a long – and very pleasant – vacation. Her pussy was warm, comforting, and actually ... kind of cozy. And there was nothing like the way she squealed. Was that a bat pony thing, or was it just her?

It turned out, that squeal was more than her just enjoying the return of his cock. Her whole body shook underneath Misty Fly as she held the other mare close, and her pussy gushed warm juices as it clenched down rhythmically against his shaft. She rode her orgasm out in utter bliss, her eyes rolling back up into her head and her whole body squeezing around the cock inside her.

When Nightwing's orgasm finally faded, Storm Point found out that orgasms apparently made her very sensitive. He couldn't move an inch inside her without making her whole body twitch. Seeing her enjoying it that much had brought him close to the edge himself, but now he could hardly move for fear of overstimulating her.

Thankfully, he had a solution close at hoof – a solution named Misty Fly. With a mental apology to Nightwing, he pulled out of her and slid his well-lubed cock into Misty Fly instead.

That seemed to be just what the Wonderbolt was hoping for. She rocked her hips slightly from side to side, making it just a bit easier for his cock to slip into her warm depths, and she finally broke off her long kiss with Nightwing to curl her neck around and give him a sultry look as she moaned.

It didn't take long, honestly. He'd already been worked up quite a bit from Nightwing, who'd started teasing him in order to prove something or other to Blue Star. He couldn't remember quite what that had been now. It didn't matter anymore. What did matter was that he felt the tip of his cock flaring out wide in the depths of Misty Fly's pussy.

He didn't want to be the one responsible for taking an elite flyer down for maternity duty! “Are you...” He grunted and gave her another thrust. “Are you safe?”

“Duh, of course I am! Don't you dare pull out – I need this!”

Flooded with relief – and quite ready to flood Misty Fly with something else – he thrust all the way up inside her, his balls clenching and tingling as they prepared to unload.

But Nightwing had recovered from her orgasm, and she apparently had some ideas about who that load really belonged to. She'd been the one who started things with him, after all. The Night Guard was quicker and lither than he'd ever thought possible for a pony, slipping out from underneath Misty Fly and ducking off the table before either of them really knew what she was doing.

She squeezed in between him and the Wonderbolt, pushing against his hips and forcing him to pull out of her. The moment his cock came free, the flare plopping out with a wet sound, Nightwing somehow managed to squeeze the swelling tip into her mouth ... and that was the same moment Storm Point couldn't hold it in any longer.

He groaned as he felt the first big surge of cum shoot down the length of his cock, and as the orgasm surged through him, he quickly lost interest in where exactly it was going, as long as it was going into or onto a willing mare. Despite Misty Fly's protests, Nightwing eagerly drank down mouthful after mouthful of his cum, letting him pump it straight down her throat as her long tongue wrapped around his shaft.

By the time Misty Fly managed to get down on the floor in front of him as well – holding her tongue out expectantly – he'd unfortunately run dry. Nightwing's lips dripped with thick gobs of white, but Misty Fly hadn't gotten a single drop.

As his now-spent cock swung down away from them and began to retreat, Misty Fly practically screamed. “Ugh! I was so close! How could you do that to me?”

Storm point dropped back down to all four hooves, settling himself down and trying to be inconspicuous in the hopes that the Wonderbolt's frustrated anger wouldn't turn his way.

Nightwing didn't seem afraid at all, though. In fact, she had a rather predatory look about her. A moment later, Storm Point saw why. Instead of arguing with Misty Fly, the bat pony mare grabbed her and spun her around.

Misty Fly must have had some inkling of what Nightwing had in mind because she quieted down immediately, raising her tail so that the Night Guard could have all the access she needed.

Once given the opportunity, Nightwing didn't hesitate. She dove right down beneath Misty Fly's tail, her long – and cum-covered – tongue already snaking out. Misty Fly gave one little squeak as that tongue slid between her pussy lips, but that squeak soon melted into a deep moan as she felt the true potential of that marvelous tongue.

“Mmm, yes. That's the stuff,” Misty Fly said dreamily as Nightwing spread his cum deep inside her.

Despite how distracting that must have been, Storm Point caught the Wonderbolt mare stealing glances at his hanging cock. He'd already been satisfied enough to keep him out of the game for hours, but what would be the harm in letting her have a little bit more?

He came over in front of her, lifting his front legs onto a convenient nearby chair and letting his cock dangle right in front of her. She wasted no time in getting it into her mouth, and she suckled him as enthusiastically as any mare ever had, despite how soft he'd gotten.

Somehow, that seemed to be just the last piece of the puzzle she was missing. By the time she'd managed to slurp his cock up to the sheath, she was already beginning to moan around the soft shaft in her throat. A few desperate breaths through her nose later, and she reached her climax, her whole body shaking.

His cock slipped out of her mouth even though it had been swelling back up a little. As he pulled back and saw the way her teeth were clenching, he was thankful that it had. Nightwing hadn't stopped licking when her orgasm hit, and the continuing motions of the bat pony's long tongue were driving Misty Fly's orgasm to ever-higher peaks. Only when Misty Fly finally collapsed into a shuddering heap on the floor did Nightwing finally give her a rest.

Nightwing stood tall and proud, smiling at what she'd accomplished. “And that's how it's done bat pony style!” She trotted past him with a very conspicuous wink, pausing only to slip her tongue way out and give him a little tickling lick on his balls, and then she was off ... hopefully to find a shower or something. Her face and the whole front of her body was still flecked with drops of his cum.

Storm Point took a deep breath as he looked around the room. This night had completely recalibrated his idea of what a good party was. He'd had 'good' parties before, and even gotten some tail at more than one of them. But this... This was a good party!