
by BlackCat Productions25

First published

A decommisioned Equestrian government assassin must rescue her kidnapped son from a Manehattan mob that wants her dead

While suffering from a mistake in her past, a decommissioned government assassin mare, Majesty, is put into a game of cat-and-mouse when a mafia kidnaps her son during an uprising of an militia takeover threatening Manehattan. In order for her to get her son back, she must go through an entire army of heavily armed griffons and stallions that are thirsty for revenge, but she isn't alone on her path when she discovers her, known to be dead, father shows up to help her.

If you enjoy this story, be sure to rate it in the comment section down below. (Honestly, if there was a way to make this story into an SFM film, I would totally do it; but unfortunately I cannot animate.)

Chapter 1- Dark Past

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My life went upside down in a matter of months. I had angered almost every gangmember, militia, and mob out in Equestria. I was a huge target for every pony that wanted me dead. With that, they tried to bait me with the most precious thing I hold possible; my child. With the skills that I have inherit from my family and the challenges that I have went through , I had to overcome the pieces of my broken past; the pieces that had come back to haunt me, to get my child back.

I was an assassin, I killed ponies for a living. I would get paid thousands of dollars just to take out a psychopath that threatens to launch nuclear missiles if he doesn’t get $300 million in the next hour, then calls his bluff when he receives it.
It’s a tough job; sometimes you have to do things that you don't want to do; kill ponies that you don’t want to kill, make bonds that you don’t want to break. I’ve killed many ponies that never needed killing. Some were bystanders or witnesses, others were undercover agents or police officers that were on the same assignment. Some assignments, I had to directly kill the targets at blank point range, which is heart wrenching when you had to become trustworthy to that pony.

I had no choice, I had to do it for the safety of Equestria, and for sake of my child, “Jelly”.
I finally had enough of the assassin life and though I still did late night request, I got a job as a chef. The boss was extremely annoying, and even I, an assassin, couldn’t handle him.
I was hoping for someone to put a contract on him.

I have a dark past, a past that haunts my present.
While being an assassin, the number one rule is that an assassin should never fail at an assignment. And I did. I failed at one assignment, and that cost me my entire life.
I was assigned a contract to kill a CEO of an arms dealer; it was a “grab and go” mission, which meant it was a quick kill and disappear. It was located at the docks in Las Pegasus. The meeting took place on a cargo ship, and I was staged on a container crane. I had a good shot on the pony, everything about it was perfect. No wind trouble, no gun jam, no nothing. It was a clean shot, and I took it.
The problem was, I killed the wrong pony.
I killed the stallion that goes by the name “Draguson”, the most wanted pony in Equestria. He was practically the leader of the villains, and the role models of the gangs. He had enough power on his hooves to control a massive army.
He was there to discuss a $50 million dollar deal along with another stallion named “Slickshot”, a rogue hitman who killed an entire village in the country of Camelu. Slickshot was known for the murder of his own family. He was considered extremely deadly; from that, he was taken to a secret facility, and was wired to do dirty missions for Equestria. Four years later, he snapped from his wiring and disappeared.
After I killed Draguson, I had become a huge target. Mobsters all around Equestria were after me, searching for the mare who killed their “Master of Evil”.
I was exterminated from anymore missions, and was told to proceed to under radar. From that, I got a job from as a chef in a restaurant in Manehattan, while living in an apartment along with my 7-year old colt “Jelly”, hiding from the approaching darkness that was about to entomb my life.

Chapter 2- Pride and Joy

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“MOVE YOUR FLANK!!” Shouted my very irritating boss. “THOSE LOBSTERS AREN’T GOING TO JUST GET UP AND WALK OVER TO THE CUSTOMERS THEMSELVES! HEY JIGGY! GET THOSE SAUCES RIGHT AND PUT THEM ON TOP OF THE PASTA, JUST LIKE I WANT THEM TOO!!” This is the daily routine that I go through everyday. “HEY DON’T DROP THAT TRAY! I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE!!!” Constant yelling and torture in a little kitchen off of the busiest part of Manehattan. “KEEP STIRRING THAT MIX! STIR UNTIL YOUR HOOVES BLEED!” From a little bearded stallion who has a giant fork on his side, waiting to poke anyone who messes up. “HEY DANNY BLUE, I DARE YOU TO EAT OUT OF THAT PLATE!!! I DARE YOU!!! YOU WILL BE EATEN HAY FRIES THROUGH A STRAW!!!” And twenty other cooks who slave over the 400 degree heated stoves, ten of them stallions, who think that I am cute and try to ask for a date for their dream of a future wife to be fulfilled, but is suddenly broken when they find out that I am a mother.
I work in this restaurant called “La Dino Par”, it is a Italian restaurant, ran by this stallion named “Dino Rex”. He is a real hot head when it comes to cooking, he wants everything perfect in his image. Anything he sees wrong, you’ll be lucky if he yells in your face instead of poking you in the butt with his giant fork until you fix your mistake. He is famous for his constant throwing food at an unsatisfied customer who complains about a hair in their meal; he did it once to a royal guard, and it took the doctors three hours to remove the spoons, forks, and even plate from within his chest.

He had a crush on me, but he had a bad way of showing it. He was the most cheap romancer I ever seen, and when I mean “the most”, I mean “top of the charts, not able to be surpassed” most.
He would always give me a raise, but then complain about spending too much money on me, he would give me flowers, but the cheap plastic kind, and then take them back for budget reasons. He would even offer to babysit Jelly, but I would end up coming home to him being hung upside down on the roof, egged.
I taught Jelly a couple of lessons on how to deal with bullies.
He was desperate, but in a “affordable” way.
“THIS IS WHAT I’M GOING TO DO, IF ANYONE GETS A TIP FROM A SATISFIED CUSTOMER, I WILL GIVE THEM A RAISE!!!” He yelled. I could tell every pony in the kitchen wanted to do that, but they were so overworked, they didn’t even bother to try.
He then trotted up towards me as I was chopping up a fish. “Ms Majesty, I need to see you in my office.” He said putting his hoof on the fish.
I stabbed the knife on the cutting board, took my apron off, and headed towards his office, while the other cooks were making obnoxious love noises and shouting comments like “The queen has been called by her beloved king” and “The Majestic Dark Heart goes to claim yet again another victim of her love”.
I went into his office and sat down on one of the chairs that were in front of his small desk. He was sitting there, hooves together, like he was a villain that was waiting for the hero to show up.
“How many orders have you made?” He asked.
“As many that were given to me.” I replied. He chuckled.
“I have noticing that you have been slacking lately. Is there anything wrong?”
“Rent is overdue.”
“Is that so?” He said stroking his beard. “Well if that’s the case, then there’s no reason why I shouldn't pay it, I mean I do pay your rent.”
“You offer to pay my rent, the government pays my rent.” I said.
“Well I chip in just in case they “get lazy”, if you know what I mean.”
“Well thanks, but I’m fine right now. They will take care of it.”
“How’s Jelly? Is he getting good grades?” He said out of the blue.
“He’s getting straight A’s, he’s in the second grade. Everyone in his class is getting straight A’s.” I said feeling proud.
“Well that’s good. I’m proud of him! To me, he’s like a son. You know what I mean, a son that I could never love more, and the same for you. He makes both of us proud ponies, together, like parents.”
I smiled at his effort. “You know Mr. Dino, I like your effort.” I said teasing him. He smiled at my approval. “But you’re going to have to do better than that.” I got up from my chair and began towards the door. “Danny Blue gave me a full bouquet of roses on Hearts and Hooves Day.”
“WHAT?! I’LL FIRE HIM!!!” He yelled.
“Yep, and guess what?” I said, holding onto the door. “They weren’t plastic.”
He jumped from his chair from those last words.
I grabbed my jacket and left the kitchen, through the dining area, and towards the entrance; when I approached the entrance, I heard a faint crash coming from the kitchen, followed by “DANNY, DON’T YOU THINK ABOUT RUNNING! I WILL TRACK DOWN! AND I WILL FIND YOU! AND I WILL KILL YOU!”

Driving in Manehattan was the worst, the road is littered with cars all day, every day. It was agitating, especially when there were ponies who didn’t know how drive for crap. I would always see road rages occur every day, it was always the same, stallion vs. stallion, mare vs. mare, texter vs. texter. I always hated the texters, especially when the accident was both there faults.
It was hell when it came to driving in the city, but once I hit the suburbs, it was pure bliss, especially since I had my 70’ Mustang Boss 429 to help with the mood. It was originally my father’s car before “went to work”, then I started to use it, after awhile it became mine.
I was on my way to pick up my son Jelly from school. He was only 7 years-old, he was a good colt, and he loved me as his mother, even though he knew about my other life. He wouldn't talk about it because he thought it would break my heart. He always acted like the man of the house, and rejected any stallion that tried to date me, not because he thought that he was going to lose me, but because he didn’t trust them. He was like a little protector, an extra set of eyes, he watches my back.

His school was at the very end of the suburbs, just three miles out from the border of Fillydelphia. I made it just before sunset, I parked up right in the front and headed to the lobby; seconds later a cop pulls up behind my car and gets out. “Hey Blue.” I said waving at him. He had a daughter that went to the school, and she is friends with Jelly, so that meant we knew each other.
“Ms. Majesty, how have you been?” He said locking his car and pulling up his belt on his waist.
“Nothing much, just doing the regular. About to pick up Jelly here. What about you?”
“Oh me?” He said as we started to walk into the lobby. “The shift today was the usual, some pony thinking that they can shoplift in a big city, and get away with it. Tried to steal a box of donuts, it was a fat kid.”
I laughed.
“Mommy!” yelled Jelly as he ran towards me. I opened my arms up as he ran into them. I hugged him tight, causing him to suddenly squeak. “And how’s my little guardian today?” I said smiling at him. “What do you say we go home and I make your favorite dish? Gravy-smothered chicken?”
“Yay!” He squealed.
I picked him up and turned back to Blue. “I guess I’ll see you later.” I said.
“Have a good night Majesty.” He said walking towards the front desk.
We walked outside to the car and got in. I sat there for a moment. “What’s wrong mommy?” Jelly said putting his seat belt on. “Oh nothing.” I replied. “It’s just that, we lived to see another day, and to my surprise.” I then shook his mane and smiled. “And to your help, we have come so far together.”

Chapter 3- The Forever Pain

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Almost every day I feel like something was bound to happen to me, like a time bomb, it was bound to go off eventually. I always feared it, the day that the ponies that were after me, would find me; and from that I feared everyone, every pony that passed by me, I would look over my shoulder and stare. I never knew when it will happen to me, but I always knew how it would end.
I imagined ways of how they would end me, many of them I would fear myself into nightmares at night.
Sometimes I would wish upon a star, hoping that they would come, and end my everlasting fear; I would be tempted to take my life to end it myself, but I have been stopped from the thought of my son being alone without a mother to love, a mother to care for him while he is in a world of hiding, a world of running from greedy ponies and killer gangs, a world of bloody money and burning bullets, a world of where evil is born. My world.

It was early in the morning when I went woke up for work; Jelly was at my side, drooling his behind off to a good dream like he always does; he always like to sleep in my bed because he thinks it’s much safer, he would always snuggle up right beside me and put my arm around himself and just, how do you pronounce it, pass out. He is like a little puppy that can’t stand to be without you.
I got up and began getting ready for another day of work, as my usual routine I made my coffee, got my uniform on, and made sure my silenced pistol was fully loaded and ready.
You know, just in case.
After that, I woke up Jelly to tell him to ready for school, and within a few minutes, we were both out the door. That was our regular morning, out average everyday routine; for me was for five years and counting, but for Jelly, his entire life.
He was born while during my career, though I wasn’t allowed to have any babies. He was in danger all of his life, and he had to suffer through it because of me; I feel like I owe him, and I do, for everything I have put on him.
As we arrived at his school, I noticed that Officer Blue was also there. I saw him sitting inside his cruiser with his daughter in the passenger seat.
I pulled up next to them and rolled down my window “I never knew you would be an early bird.” I said.
“I’m a cop, I’m supposed to be up this early; actually this is considered late for me.” He said. “This is normal for you, is it?”
“It is indeed.” I said.
“So, is Jelly there ready for that field trip?”
“What field trip?”
“The field trip to the Crystal Empire, the entire school is going.” He pointed at the line of buses that were parked on the side of the school. “Emails were sent out last night.”
“Huh, I didn’t see it.” I said.
“They posted it late last night, it was literally like a last minute thing.”
I looked at Jelly who had pleading eyes. “Can I go?’ He squeaked. “Pleeeeeease?!”
“Jelly, I don’t know, it sounds a little suspicious.”
“Don’t worry Majesty, one of our officers will be on board.” I was starting to get worried, then jelly lightly shook my arm.
“Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaassssssssseeeeee?!” He pleaded once more while showing off his puppy eyes; yet once again.
“Oh alright.” I said finally giving in. Jelly squealed in excitement. “But be cautious, and don’t talk to strangers.”
One hour went by when more people started to arrive, Jelly started to get out of the car when I stopped him. I pulled him into a hug. “I love you.” I said.
“I love you too.” He replied. As I was hugging him, I put the chip to my cell phone in his backpack, so if anything happened I could track him.
As I watched him run into the school along with his female friend, I began to feel a sense of worry, a sense of suspicion. Why would a field trip just be suddenly scheduled at the last minute? I began to regret letting him go on the field trip.
“Majesty.” Blue said coming up to my driver side window. “You're still worried I see.”
“It just seems way too suspicious. When did they send out the emails?”
“Around 10:10pm. The principal sent it out.”
“The principal? This guy has a gaming Worldtube account that he works hardcore on every night, how does he have time to send out an email.”
“How do you know that he has a gaming account?” Blue asked.
“I, uh, subscribed to him. I like his reactions on the scary games.” I began to blush.
“Ah, you are one of the 33 subscribers he holds.”
We both laughed at it. “So how’s work?” He asked.
“The usual, the stallions always trying to become my husband, the boss always trying to become my son’s father, it’s like a mare’s dream come true turning into a nightmare.”
“Well you are a queen aren’t you? Your majesty?”
“Yeah. Hey can I see your watch?”
“Sure.” He put his hoof up and I looked at it, reading 9:30.
“Crap I’m late! I have to go; would it be so wrong to ask for a police escort?”
“I would, but I have to stay here to make sure the cop for the field trip gets here.”
“Well ok, I’ll see you around.” I said as I started up the car. “If anything happens, call me.”
“A retired government agent asking me, a cop, to call her when she needs help, how ironic.”
“I’m serious.” I said. “I’m not ready to trust the world yet.”
He then got serious. “Alright, alright, I promise I will.” I started pulling out of the entrance, but then Blue stopped me. “Wait.” He said. “I know I shouldn’t be asking this, but what if something happened to you?” I then stuck my hoof out towards him, he grabbed it with his. “Then I trust you with him.” I said. He nodded in agreement. I then continued pulling out of the entrance and onto the main road.
While I was at work I couldn’t stop thinking about the field trip, it was so suspicious, and I started to imagine all of the possibilities that could come out of it.
Would the bus be hijacked on their way over there? What if they weren’t really going to the Crystal Empire, what if all of this was a setup? What if they were planning to take him while he was at the Crystal Empire? Millions of thoughts ran through my head as fear began to overwhelm me.
“Hey you there” My assassin instincts immediately kicked in and I looked for the closest thing of a weapon, and found a long wooden spoon; I grabbed it, turned around, and pushed the pony against the wall, lifting the pony off of his hooves, and held the wooden spoon to its neck; I stopped after seeing the face of the pony. It was Dino. I dropped the spoon in embarrassment and backed up, letting Dino fall to the floor. I looked at the others, they were frozen in shock, but the stallions were smiling though. “ I am so sorry.” I said.
Dino got to his hooves, adjusted his hair, and picked his giant fork up. “It’s alright Majesty, I understand.” He said. “I am an irresistible little stallion.”
“What? I-it’s not that, it’s just that Jelly is on a field trip, and I’m just worried.”
“Aaaaah, you’re worried that something will happen to your little one. I can relate; every time I see my ex-wife off with another stallion, I get worried of her, then after I realize that she isn’t my wife anymore, I began to feel relieved.”
“There was a message sent out ten ‘o'clock last night about the field trip.”
“Oof, well did you get the email? You do have an email right?”
“I do.”
“And you didn’t get it? That’s suspicious right there!”
I began to panic, and sunk to the floor. “You’re making it worse!” I said hyperventilating.
“I know I’m making it worse, but it is the truth, you have to go through the truth to get to your answer.” He set his fork down and walked up towards me. “If you stick to the truth long enough, you will never find your answer. You will be having knowledge without a reasoning.”
I began to tear up as fear began to consume me. “I don’t want Jelly to pay for my mistakes, I never wanted him to; he deserves way more than I could give him.”
“Then give it to him, give him what he deserves, what he needs.” Dino then put one hoof up to my face and wiped off a tear. “He needs a strong mother, a wise mother, a mother who knows right from wrong.” I began to relax after hearing his speech, he then continued on.
“He needs a strong father, a dedicated-!”
“Hold it!” I said putting a hoof on his lips. “You can stop right there.”
“You were doing good.”
“What did I do?”
“You had to ruin it right there.”
“What? I was just saying-.”
“You had to include the “father figure”.”
“I was telling the truth.”
“Yeah well you didn’t have to add that in. I can take care of Jelly myself.” I said getting back up.
“But what if you’re under a lot of pressure? Who will help you?”
“Jelly doesn’t put pressure on me, he doesn’t want to, he feels it could hurt me.”
“What I mean is, what if you’re “under pressure”?”
I then adjust my apron. “I’m never under pressure.”
I looked at the other cooks, who were either smiling at me weird, or continued on with their work. I even saw Danny Blue, who was wearing a sling for his left hoof. I guess Dino got him pretty good.
“We all know why and how you came here. If anything, we will be the first ones to say that we will defend you anyway possible.” Danny claimed. “Here, we’re family. We take care of each other.”
I smiled. “Thanks Danny.”

After my shift ended, I immediately jumped in my car and took off towards the school, I didn’t know what I was going to expect when I got there. Was there a scene? Would something happen WHEN I got there? Millions of thoughts ran through my head as I made the final turn towards the school.
When I arrived, I saw the bus parked in front of the school. “Oh good! They made it!” I said to myself. I pulled into the parking lot to wait for Jelly to get off the bus. I freaked out, thinking that something happened on the bus, after seeing a cop get off, but I calmed down after I realized that it was the cop that was assigned to the bus. I do admit that Blue was one of the very few people that I actually trust. He knows my story, my son, and my life. He respected that I had killed other ponies that were a threat to Equestria, and though I was immune to being charged for the kills, he refused to arrest me after I pleaded him to take me to jail. He was like another friend to me.
Finally, I saw Jelly hop out of the bus, alongside of him was his friend, her name was Daisy by the way. I flickered my headlights to signal to him, he saw them and immediately ran towards me. I unlocked the door and let him in. “Hi mommy!” He squeaked.
“Hey, how was the trip?” I asked frantically.
“It was great! We learned a lot there!”
“That’s great, did anything else happen?”
“Not really, it was a normal awesome field trip!” He smiled brightly at me like he was suspicious.
“Oh.” I sighed in relief. “Ok.”
He then turned and looked at me like he was studying me. “Mommy, what’s wrong?” he asked curiously.
“Oh nothing sweet pea, I was just, you know, worried.” I said.
“Oh, I understand.” He said and quickly turned to the front.
“Jelly, can I ask you something?”
“Do you trust Mr. Blue?” I asked him.
“Yes.” He replied.
“Your teachers?” I asked.
“Yes.” He replied.
“What about, your friends?”
“Yeah, I trust them.”
“Why?” I asked.
“Because they're nice."
I sighed. "Well you can't just trust someone just because they are nice, you have to have a valid reason to trust them."
"Like what?" he asked.
"Like..... you know Mr. Blue? Why do you trust him?" I asked.
"Because he helps us." he replied.
"That's right, and because of that, I know that I can trust him."
"Oh I see." he said as he put his seatbelt on. "I want friends."
"I know you want friends, but the problem we have requires us to limit our social life, you understand that right?"
"Yes momma." He hung his head low. I rubbed his mane.
"I know you want more in your life right now, but until this situation gets settled, we have to keeps our heads down, ok?"
"Ok." he said.
"That's my boy." I said as I kissed him on top of his head.