Primo protectores eius. (First Protectors)

by Night-Watch-The-DAD

First published

When a cry for help is heard. Thunder will sound, lighting will crack, and fire will rain from the sky.

"Guardians first, Watchers last". That is the motto of the 375th Lightning Defense Trooper Brigade known as the First Protectors. Armed with state of the art energy weapons, power armor, and vehicles. There is no mission too great and nothing they can't over come. Their training and adaptability matched by none.

When times of hardship come, when the innocent are threatened, when tyrants threaten the weak. They will fall from the skies, the sound of freedom ringing in the ears of the enemy.

First to fall and last to leave, that is an LDT.

(There will be romance but I can't put the tag unfortunately.)

Guardians from above

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Location: Drakas system in the third defense ring.
Unit 375th Lightning Defense Trooper Brigade, United States Imperial 78th fleet of the 1st fleet battle group.
Time:13:01 Greenwich time

Humanity is no stranger to war, after all we've been fighting for as long as history has been recorded. When Able first killed Cain, when the Israelite brought down the walls of Jericho, when America fired it's first shot in defiance, when millions died in two world wars, blood was spilled over simply ideology and resources. The loss of our home, Earth, changed our focus. We realized that our ability to wage war could be used to prevent the same disaster that we suffered. Humans are meant to be protectors and creators, destroyers and warriors. Even though we destroy we can still turn that destruction to good, destroying the enemies of freedom.

Our military power is legendary, a galaxy under United States Imperial control, our ears to the cosmos for cries for help. Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is the right of every innocent being. When a cry comes we go, we hammer the enemy back and we hold every inch of ground we take. We are guardians first and watchers last.

"Captain Gerad to the bridge, priority 1 situation". Gerad opened his eyes and groaned as he got up. The room he was in on board of the fleet's flagship, a world burner class battleship, the U.S.I.S Solar Fury was comfortable but he missed home. "Sally, Tell the XO and Captain I'll be up in a moment".

Looking in the mirror Gerad sighed and placed on his under suit before activating his commander class assault armor which formed around his body except his head. The commander class armor was capable of letting the commander keep eyes and communications with the NCOs below him. Taking one last look in the mirror he traced the scar that went along his jaw as his bright blue eyes stared back at him. His blonde hair was a dirty blonde with a white streak through it from the augmentations given to him like every soldier, sailor, Marine, or pilot.

Walking out of his room he headed towards the bridge, he'd get the usual "Good morning sir" from passing NCOs and lower enlisted. He returned the greetings as he continued on his way. He passed engineers, weapons specialists in charge of keeping the weapons operational, the cooks, other combat troops who were on board the ship but ultimately made it to his destination.

"Captain Herald, what is so important that you had to interrupt the first sleep I've had in days". He grumbled with a clear unhappiness. United States Imperial soldiers and others were capable of going a week solid without sleep to increase survivability and combat performance. The look on the Naval officer's face said it all, something was wrong, very wrong.

"Ten minutes ago we received a distress call and it's got to be the most desperate I've heard in thirty years". The naval captain motioned the XO to play the transmission. The XO nodded his head and tapped a few commands into the console before a voice came through. "If anyone can hear name is Princess Celestia. We've come under attack from other countries on our world and they have weapons my people can't stand against. We need help or we will be enslaved or killed off". Came the voice as Gerad's eyes widened and an air of anger could be felt in the room.

Gerad looked at the commander of the ship. "How long ago was this sent"? A tapping of the holo keys was heard. "Estimates say roughly three hours ago with a 88% accuracy rate. We traced the signal back to a planet roughly 55.6 million light years outside of U.S.E controlled space". Another tapping of the holo keys was heard. "There's a good chance they could still be transmitting whether it be sporadic or constant. Either way we can track it if needed". The XO stated as a map of galaxies surrounding the U.S.E appeared and an area was highlighted in red before being brought up. "Estimates say it would take us a half hour to get there since the area is unexplored".

The captain looked at Gerad, his XO, and then everyone on the ship. "XO Let U.S.I.A.N.A.C know where we're going. I don't want them to freak out, Captain Gerad, get your brigade ready to burn, Helmsman set a course bearing Star grid Golf, Alpha , Xray 13356, Yankee 045578 and commence star treading". An alarm sounded through the ship as the bridge and elsewhere on the ship became a beehive of activity. "Got it sir, coordinates plotted in, commencing jump in three, two, one". In a split second a fleet of 100 ships vanished without a trace to fight in a war and protect those they had never known.

U.S.E fleet composition. A standard U.S.E fleet contains 500,000 combat troops including pilots and 100 ships maximum. They are equipped with powerful anti-ship and orbital bombardment capabilities.

50 GFF frigates: Act as skirmishers and troop transports
20 Guardian class Destroyers: protects the carriers
10 World burner class Battleships: The king of firepower in the fleet
5: Solar Flare Carrier: Carries the Azriel bombers and Diablo interceptor fighters and scout variants
5: Planetary Defenders: Orbital command center and packs heavy fire power for defensive battles
5: scout ships: The eyes of the fleet.
5: Restoration ships: Mobile repair vessels capable of repairing ships or "Turning back time" on a planet by ten years to restore some or all land and structures to their original states.

78th fleet information.
The 78th fleet is in good hands with it's captain being an experienced veteran of many battles. It's combat troops are tested and well trained and are just one tip of many spears in the United States Imperial military. The fleet utilizes a powerful energy called Phasna in it's weapons and is extremely lethal. The energy is created and refined by humanity and used in all weapons and in it's power grid. The resource is easily renewable and widely available.

Captain Gerad: is a well known leader in his fleet, putting his men and the mission first in order to protect the innocent. He is a selfless individual who's fought through multiple campaigns and liberation operations. He is a kind hearted soul under his tough exterior and will run head first into enemy fire to rescue one of his own or someone trapped. His ability to think on his feet is his greatest strength along with the fact that his men trust him with their lives.

I know that a General is in charge of brigades in modern military structure but this is a larger force and as such captains make better sense as they have experience and not new to the leadership role like a Lieutenant would be.

Arrival of Vengeance

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Year : June 5th 4042
Time : 1320 Greenwich time
Unit 375th LDT, 78th fleet of the 1st fleet battle group.
Location: Inbound to location of distress call.

To say the hangar or even the ship in general was busy was an understatement. Gerad walked calmly through the organized chaos as M35A4 Archangel MBTs roared past him, Angel mobile fortress shook ground around them, and the Black Sun APCs whizzed by as they went to their respective Unit deployment pads. Gerad stopped in front of his Brigade staging are where the equipment crew assigned to them was attaching the weapons to their newest vehicle. The "Warrior" Infantry Fighting Vehicle had a 55MM automatic cannon that fired 450 rounds a minute with the ability to destroy light armor or blow open holes in buildings if needed. "HANKINS! GET THAT FUCKING 13MM SUPPRESSION GUN FIXATED IN PLACE NOW"! He heard the senior chief yell as a "Yes sir" was heard.

"How're we doing Chief Winslow"? He asked as he watched five out of his ten IFV roll off the ramp and into position behind his first battalion. "We're on schedule sire but are you sure you only need ten instead of the full thirty? Those other twenty crews want to get into the fight too". The senior chief pointed out to which Gerad shook his head. "Tell them they are the cavalry if things go south. The enemy wont expect us let alone another twenty IFVs to drop from the sky". With a nod the chief ran to tell the other twenty crews who were less than pleased but understood.

Once the chief had left Gerad turned to his unit. "ALRIGHT! Listen up and listen up good. We are a go for this mission, we are to burn in and make contact with the endangered nation! Once we enter orbit we will drop the moment we are given approval. Once we establish contact we will provide support and aid to those injured and against hostile forces. You may be wondering how we'll figure out who is friendly. Well, you're going to love this shit because we are going to drop between both forces and figure out who the hell sent that signal at which time we will engage in combat against any OPFOR unless they wish to surrender. If not, then we show them what war really is and who the masters of it are"! He roared out to which his soldiers nodded their heads in agreement and several cheered.

By no means was the U.S.E blood thirsty or unfair but they did not take kindly to good people being hurt. They were driven to do good and good only. Their belief being that no one should harm another who could not defend themselves properly against any threat and it sound like this Celestia and her people were not equipped for war with others if at all. SO whatever the nation had to originally hold invasion at bay no longer existed or the enemy no longer cared about their losses.

"Dropping out of jump in three, two, one. All forces this is the captain. We are once again responding to a cry for help in order to silence it. These people need our help and once more we will embark on a great crusade much like our forefathers. Let us never forget who we are as a people and as a military. Good luck, and may God give you strong winds to bring you home". The next few moments were a flurry of orders and yelling. "YOU HEARD THE MAN! MOUNT UP"! Gerad yelled at his men who ran to their TDS-25 Light Bringer drop ships, the IFVs attaching under the belly of the space craft. Each one carried thirty soldiers and could stay on station to provide ground support to friendly forces.

Through the comms of the 375th they could hear a song, their commander's favorite.

"Move move move. I WANT US ON THE PLANET TWENTY MINUTES AGO"! Gerad yelled as he got into the drop ship himself. "First battalion will burn in, the rest will wait until given the order to fall". He commanded as 10 dropships roared to life and lifted off the hangar floor with their IFVs attached. "All units, green light. I repeat green light to burn"! Came the Hangar controller as the shielding and doors fell. "TDS-25 Alpha 0-1 through Alpha 1-0 are good for lift off". Gerad felt a lurch in motion as the TDS-25 he was in flew forward with incredible speed out of the hangar into the vacuum of space.

As they left the TDS-25s formed a chevron like formation. His helmet activated, covering his face from view as his blue optics glowed faintly, his Personal Mission Display popped up and ran him through the vitals of his soldiers currently burning into atmosphere. "We're entering atmo, be ready for anti-aircraft fire if they have any". The pilot said as a sudden yell of "WHAT THE FUCK"?! Was heard followed by a thud.

Gerad frowned when he heard the thud and cursing from the pilot. "Pilot what's wrong"? He asked as the ship shook lightly as they continued to burn. "Well one, it's dark as fuck but that's not the problem. I hit a fucking Gryphon man. How the fuck"? The pilot responded to Gerad. "Don't worry about it pilot, get us to the ground and give me a thermal view of the ground". He ordered.

"Copy that sir, streaming to you and the rest of the troops now". Below as they burned he realized it was indeed night time and that to the locals they probably looked like falling stars. Gerad activated his tac-gaunt (Tactical gauntlet.) and connected to a recent orbital camera system established when they entered the area. He checked the thermal one more time and saw a massive amount of heat signatures below them formed up in what could only be considered formations. "Pilot, I found a good spot to land. I'm sending you the coordinates, drop us over that area and we'll take care of the rest".

"Copy that sir. I have eyes on the target and a marker set, get everyone ready to drop". The ship went from pointing straight down to flying straight and level. Gerad smiled as he stood up and examined the troop bay. "ALRIGHT LISTEN UP! IFVs WILL DROP FIRST, AFTER THAT IT'S OUT TURN"! He yelled. "EVERYONE UP"! Upon his order each soldier stood up on either side of the bay while the door opened and bright purple energy pulsed from the ship's engines on it's tail. "CHECK AIR BRAKES". He yelled and watched each soldier check each other for possible air brake issues. "ON MY SIGNAL WE WILL JUMP". With his hand up in a closed fist he waited for the green light.

"Dropping IFVs now". A soft thunk was heard as the mag locks were disengaged and allowed the ten IFVs to fall to the planet where their hover treads caught them and made sure they didn't smash violently into the ground. "IFVs deployed". The light inside the Drop ship turned from red to yellow to green. "GO GO GO! GET THE FUCK OFF MY SHIP"! He yelled as he jumped first and dove towards the planet with 4,000 meters to fall. He turned to notice every soldier in the battalion, all 300 jump from their ships. Down below he could make out the ten IFVs set up in such a way to provide over lapping field of fire towards the area the heat signatures had been seen.

"Captain Gerad, this is Sergeant House. All IFVs have landed successfully and have set up a defensive perimeter where you are supposed to land. Be advised that there may be trees or debris from the battles". This brought a wave of relief to the captain. "Copy that Sergeant, maintain you location, we'll be there in a few seconds". He replied and activated his air brakes, and met the ground without issues as others landed around him. A Lieutenant ran up to him and handed him a holo-pad. "Sir, the fleet has sent us troop estimates on what's in front of us". Gerad took the pad and looked. An estimated 200,000 troops laid to the left at 11 o'clock with the other one being much smaller and only having 15,000 to their right at 3 o'clock.

"Alright everyone, we set up here and tomorrow morning we meet with each party. I want three IFVs ready for the crack of dawn and three squads, one for each IFV. If tomorrow proves good we may not have to kill, if not we will fight". He said as his soldiers nodded in agreement and began to dig hasty fighting positions and some deployed waist high energy infused defense barricades.

Meanwhile both sides had witnessed the falling stars and seen things fall from the sky. Both worried that it might be the other side with a new weapon and made plans to send forces out to secure or destroy whatever it was.


TDS-25: A troop transport capable of holding a single vehicle and thirty soldiers each. Capable of providing CAS to ground troops.

F-535 Diablo: The U.S.E interceptor and fighter. High speed, agility, and heavy weapons make it ideal for engagements

B-97 Azriel: The U.S.E main line bomber. Fast and well armored and shielded it is capable of fast strikes.

IFV-113 Warrior: A reintroduced concept from the days of old earth for troops dropping in who needed armor support the moment they landed. Carries a 55MM cannon.

APC-19 Black Sun: Armored Personal Carrier carries a single 13MM automatic suppression gun.

I hope you all like this chapter or page. :)

First Contact? Bullshit it's contact 345,786.

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Year : June 6th 4042
Time : 0500 Greenwich time
Unit 1st Battalion, 375th LDT, 78th fleet of the 1st fleet battle group.
Location: Drop point in front of Everfree forest.

They had been up all night and despite the fact that no military structures existed currently, the position they had occupied was well defended with seven IFVs dug into special entrenchments with hasty fighting positions dug in a 360 degree circle to provide all round fire should an attack come with the IFVs facing the two opposing forces to their left and right in order to provide fire support should either side prove to be the one in need. The soldiers had been pulling 50/50 security rotations which meant half the battalion slept for an hour while the other pulled security or scouted the immediate area in the forest for possible hostiles.

Captain Gerad on the other hand had been up all night, making preparations for the coming day and was surprised to see the sun break over the horizon before looking at his clock. "0500. Damn I've been up since 1300 yesterday? Fuck". He said with a sigh and got up, looking around t see the rest of the patrol base stirring awake with some eating their breakfast for while others continued to watch the area. Looking around more he recognized a fresh morning dew on the ground which made him smile. He always loved the smell of morning dew, it reminded him that it was a new day with new opportunities.

"Sir". Hearing the address he turned to a his First Sergeant who stopped next to him. "The IFVs are ready the previously selected squads are good to go. I've designated each IFV and squad pair with different call signs. One of the squads has two of the three IFVs with them". The First Sergeant handed him a Tac-pad for him to view

Squad 1 (Vanguard): 1x IFV 5x LDT
Squad 2 (Raptor): 5x LDT
Squad 3 (Shield): 2x IFV 5x LDT

Gerad scrolled through and frowned. "With the names I'd say you're expecting trouble with at least one side right off the bat". He said and looked at his First Sergeant who nodded his head. "While primitive it's best to never underestimate your adversary or those with unknown intentions". Looking at his First Sergeant he sighed before looking back at the battlefield in front of them. "Such beauty, it's a shame war was brought here. With a sigh they both turned around and headed back to their lines to mount up onto the vehicles and meet this new race or races. Once they arrived at the awaiting vehicles they gathered the squads around them. "Alright here's the deal, the main mission details and plan have been uploaded to your Personal Mission Displays but our main goal is to attempt a peaceful resolution and if not, force one. We are protectors first and watchers last, which means we take action where we see injustice. Mount up, we're heading out". With that Gerad dismissed his men and boarded the first IFV which belonged to Vanguard.

"Sir, we have a company sized element from each side approaching the base. Are we still heading out or are we going to let them come to us"? Came the voice of a Corporal in charge of Raptor squad. "Negative Corporal, we're heading out. I'd rather them not see our patrol base". Gerad responded and signaled for the IFVs and their squads to move forward. "Vangaurd moving, Raptor moving, Shield moving". Each squad left the patrol base towards the approaching units of neutral soldiers, though for how long they stayed that way, depended on the outcome. "Hey sir. How does it feel to make first contact"? Asked a Sergeant. Gerad rolled his eyes. "First contact? Bullshit this is contact 345,786". He replied to which those in the IFV started laughing their asses off.

On the sides of the Gryphon Coalition, made up of Minotaurs, Gryphons, Changelings, and dragons they couldn't believe what they were seeing and neither could their commander who had remained in their base camp. "What are those and who are they"? He asked as he turned to his command staff. "We have no idea sir but we believe that they came from the forest or...from the stars". One staff member said which made the Commander laugh. "From the stars? Please. Nothing can survive out there and we all know Luna was never banished to the moon like her sister claimed. I find the forest or beyond the forest more plausible. Or even worse they could be an Equestrian weapon or something". He said with a snort and went back to watching the events as the small group from the new comers approached the formation he had sent out and the formation of Equestrians.

On the side of the Exhausted Equestrians they trudged towards the strange things, creatures, or whatever. If they were a Coalition weapon they needed to be destroyed but if they weren't, then Equestria could use every ally it could get as the Hippogrifs were too far away to render aid in the form of military units. The elements of Harmony wouldn't work as the army in front of them and elsewhere was too numerous for them to be effective. "Come on men. I know we're tired but we need to figure out what the hell is going on". Came a Sergeant to his tired men. They had been fighting for three weeks straight and while sleep did come to many, it was far from restful.

"ALL UNITS FULL HALT"! Gerad called through the comms as the squads dismounted, Shield remained further back for fire support if needed. Raptor took up positions around the IFV while Gerad and Vanguard began walking further in the open field a bit more before coming to a stop with two possibly hostile formations not 200 feet on either side. Out of each formation came someone of some importance or at least as far as he could tell. The pony that came out wore a red Roman style helmet with a red crest or Mohawk. Gerad didn't know nor did he care. The Gryphon on the other hand wore black with gold streaks along the armor. "Well shit". Gerad muttered to himself after noticing the Gryphons. They had more or less run over one of them in mid air on the way down.

As the commanders or leaders got closer, Vanguard held their weapons at a high ready. They weren't taking any chances even if they were dealing with primitives. Gerad on the other hand noted the behavior or each leader. The gryphon held himself up with pride and an air of arrogance. The pony or....unicorn? "Holy fuck". Gerad muttered once more. This shit kept getting better. Still though, he noticed the Unicorn hold him self up with pride but it was clear he was exhausted and he could see the humbleness in him, something Gerad admired in a soldier. One that was proud but didn't believe themselves better than everyone.

"Greeting strange creature. I am captain Owl Sight of the Gryphon coalition. I wish to extend a greetings to you and wish to simply know your intentions and why you have come here". Gerad frowned slightly but his helmet blocked the frown. Clearing the frown away he let his helmet deactivate to show his face. "Thank you captain Owl Sight". He said and turned to the pony. "Corporal Bull Heart and well, I guess we're hoping you're not here to add to our problems or might become an ally". He said. For once Gerad felt a pang in his heart though he didn't show it. A corporal leading a 100 soldier unit? Dear God these ponies must have been decimated in this conflict. "Thank you Bull Heart. I do hope we can all come to an agreement and a peaceful one". He said with a smile though it was fake.

Looking over the Corporal he noticed he had a slight limp and there were many cuts along his body where as the Gryphon seemed to be spotless. Gerad understood who here was a veteran and who wasn't, it was very clear. "Well well well. The ponies actually came out today. I'm surprised considering how badly you've been getting your flanks handed to you". The Gryphon said with a snarky tone. Gerad's right eye twitched, it wasn't even two minutes and he wanted to punch the fucker. Much to the Corporal's credit he remained calm and collected. "Rain or shine, Tartarus or heaven we will always be ready for any mission". He shot back but was cool about it.

"Gentlemen, we came here to talk, not to fight unless we have to". He pointed out to get the two back on track. "Ah yes, well I guess back to the questions. Why're you here and what're your intentions"? He asked the Gerad with a curious tone. "Well we were in orbit near one of our battle stations when we received a distress call. The signal led to this planet and was a plea for help. We have come for that reason. Either to find a peaceful solution between to warring parties or to protect those who do not have a chance. Does the name Princess Celestia mean anything to either of you"? Gerad looked them over and he could see a twitch on the corporal's lips. Like there was some hidden elation at them coming just for them where as the Gryphon seemed to frown. "Yes, that is one of our two leaders in Equestria". The Sergeant replied.

Gerad looked at the Gryphon. "So if I may ask, why did this war start to begin with"? With a tone of curiosity but also a tone of 'choose your words carefully' though if the gryphon heard the tone was not shone. "Simple, they are inferior and have used their control of the celestial bodies to benefit them. They have held sway over the world for too long and refuse to become a neutral party. We can not allow such power to remain in control of one side".

Gerad looked at the corporal who seemed to become a little disheartened at the words of the Gryphon. It had truly been a one sided battle with these ponies taking a brutal beating while still barely clinging on. Gerad shook his head and turned to look at the Gryphon. "That I can understand but have you not tried talking peacefully? Is waging a massive global conflict really the only way you can work this out"?

The Gryphon was taken back by Gerad's words. "We have tried and they refuse to become Neutral. Their leaders are too powerful and we cannot allow it. They have sat nice and pretty while we toil and work to the bone". The Gryphon said with venom. "So you're invading them for simply having more land and heir rulers controlling the sun? Have you considered a partnership or better trade relations or maybe that their leaders don't actually control the sun and moon"? He asked as the Gryphon frowned.

Shaking his head the Gryphon looked at Gerad"It matters not, we have been trading with them for a while but we are sick of Pony goods flooding our markets and we are sick of the power they hold over the planet". A clearing of a throat was heard from his right to which he looked at the Corporal. "Sir, from what I understand the Gryphon coalition doesn't understand that the princesses keep the world from being thrown out of balance. We have tried many times to come to peaceful terms with them but all they seem to want is to take from us and have been rather unreasonable. The princesses have always been kind to every being in the world".

Gerad kept his face neutral and looked at the Gryphon commander. "We can end this war right here and now, or we can get involved in it and that wont be good period". He stated to which the Gryphon growled. "Are you threatening me"? He asked as Gerad noticed the Gryphon seemed to turn a bit red with anger. "Not threat, a warning. There is a difference you know"? He responded as he kept his cool. He looked back at his squads behind him, shield squad was a bit further back from the other as they were the protection force and there to make sure Gerad got back alive. Gerad looked back to his soldier and patted his left shoulder pauldron as if secretly warning them to get ready for a fight. Much to his relief he saw Shield move their turrets around so the 55MM was on the gryphon formation. "Got the formation on lock commander". Came the reply as Vanguard's APC only trained it's 13mm Suppression gun on the formation since they dared not point their main cannon at the enemy so close lest the surprise be ruined.

"The choice is once again, peace or war and wouldn't you agree there's been enough bloodshed? We can all go home and no more fighting has to happen. You've proven that as of right now you're the most superior force on this planet. The ponies will take decades to recover". Looking at the Gryphon commander he was trying reason. "Why should we listen to you? For all we know this is just an elaborate farce. What gives you the right to demand anything"?! The Gryphon's voice raised in anger.

Gerad quirked an eyebrow and looked at him. "A farce does not have hyper advanced capabilities or the ability to walk the stars". He warned him. The Gryphon clearly outraged spoke. "You will feel the power of our armies, you will fall just like these ponies and others who have stood against us. Join us and chose your words carefully"! Gerad pulled out his CP-143 Gryphon 6.8 mm sidearm and kept it by his side. "So will you seek peace or not. Id' rather not fight but if you continue to attack these ponies we will be forced to intervene. We cannot allow a mass genocide of a race".

The Gryphon snorted. "Then we may as well remove you as well. No one gets in our way, we have a mission and we will accomplish it"! The Gryphon lunged at him, talons outstretched and ready to try and dig in to his armor. Raising his side arm he fired in to the center of the large quadruped which dropped him. Seeing their commander drop the Gryphons yelled in rage and surged forward. Backing up he watched the ponies leave before grabbing his AR-45 and starting to fire in to the mass.

Meanwhile Raptor squad and Vanguard opened up, their AR-45, MR-61 rifles, and the 55MM cutting down several Gryphon ranks as the rounds punched through their weak armor and exited out the other side of their bodies into the Gryphon behind them. "This is shield squad, we are engaging"! The sound of thumping and bolts of purple arced over Raptor and Vanguard who began falling back with Gerad firing his own AR-45. "Copy that, we may have just started a shit storm". He called out as they broke contact and sped back towards the fire base. "Command this is ground team. We have started a shit storm and have engaged hostile forces. Requesting additional units ASAP"! It was a short ride back to the base and in that time and confusion the ponies had left the area with no clear idea what to expect.

Burning Hope Part 1

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Year : June 6th 4042
Time : 0630 Greenwich time
Unit 1st Battalion, 375th LDT, 78th fleet of the 1st fleet battle group.
Location: Drop point in front of Everfree forest.

The IFV came to a sudden halt as Gerad jumped out and ran towards the entrenched IFVs. "ALL WARRIORS FOCUS FIRE ON GRYPHON FORCES! TARGET LIST IS BEING UPLOADED NOW"! Gerad yelled through the comms as the gunners all turned their 55MM energy cannons towards the Gryphon lines along with the IFVs from Vanguard and Shield began to fire on the Gryphon Coalition forces who seemed to begin their attacks against the ponies anew while sending a large force towards the fire base. Using his optical system Gerad could see a Pegasus leave the town and several civilians leaving in a hurry.

"COMMAND THIS IS CAPTAIN GERAD! NEGOTIATIONS HAVE FAILED AND WE ARE UNDER ATTACK! I AM REQUESTING ADDITIONAL FORCES. LOCATION IS GULF, CHARLIE, YANKEE 1554, X-RAY 4435"! He called too the Solar Fury who's bridge was a whirlwind of activity as orders were sent out for the rest of Gerad's brigade to deploy and burn in hard. The soldiers of the other twenty IFVs who had been originally told no to deployment now started up their vehicles and pulled up to the line to be hooked up underneath the TDS-25s who went full afterburner as they rocketed out of the ship. "Captain Gerad, reinforcements ETA thirty minutes". The fleet captain said from the Solar Fury.

The Gryphons were closing on the pony lines and Gerad could clearly see that they would be over run by the larger force. "FIRST SERGEANT! YOU'RE IN COMMAND HERE! I NEED 50 TO COME WITH ME TIME NOW"! Gerad called as several soldiers left their positions in area of the patrol base that weren't in danger or not part of the engagement which easily filled his request. "FOLLOW ME! WE'RE SETTING UP A FIRING LINE IN BETWEEN THE PONIES AND THE GRYPHONS"! He yelled. Then again he had to yell because the whine and thumps of their powerful energy weapons were deafening as they sliced through and blew up the forces that opposed them.

With those words Gerad designated an area with a Personal Mission Display marker indicating his soldiers were to set up in teams of two every twenty feet in order to provide overlapping fields of fire. The town lay exactly two miles away but thanks to their enhanced speed from both armor and reflexes they were there in only a few minutes. As they took their positions they opened their Tac-guants and materialized a H.D.S (Hasty Defensive Structure) which was simply put a barrier to stop or block incoming fire. "GET THE DLR UP NOW! I WANT THAT 60. PUTTING FIRE ON THE ENEMY FIVE MINUTES AGO"! Gerad commanded as out of the fifty people he had brought, four had the Heavy Machine Gun with them and mounted them up on the H.D.S. As the Gryphons approached the DLRs opened fire first, cutting through the Gryphons before the AR-45s from the other joined in.

"Captain, this is Bravo and Charlie company of the 2345th Light Armor battalion of the 375th LDT. We're on our way to Reinforce you and Alpha Battery is landing now with their Rain Storm artillery platforms. ETA is five minutes till the IFVs land, hold out"! Gerad smiled wickedly under his helmet, the Rain Storms were a deadly piece of war tech and the Gryphons were going to learn the hard way. He continued to fire into the advancing coalition forces though at this point they were beginning to get extremely close. "EVERYONE HOLD ON! FRIENDLIES ARE LANDING SOON"! He called to his soldiers who's fire continued to rain down on the enemy. "Vanguard, I need some support from your big guns near my position, hostile forces are getting too close, Coordinates are Gulf, Charlie, Yankee 1557, X-RAY 4434"! A second later and a burst of twelve rounds slammed into the front of the enemy ranks, putting a sizable dent in their numbers and buying a bit of breathing room. It didn't last long though as the call came over. "Sorry sir, that's all we can provide right now. Their forces are hitting us pretty hard right now"! A muffled thump, thump, thump, thump could be heard through the comm link.

Gerad audibly cursed as he was working with very little and only two minutes had passed by though it felt like eternity. "SIR, THEY'RE ABOUT TO BREAK THROUGH"! Hearing this Gerad saw the enemy push once more towards them like a wave of bodies. He kept firing though as his ammunition tracker changed numbers with each round fired. "ACTIVATE BAYONETS"! He ordered his men who's energy bayonets extended from under their AR-45s and MR-61s. "Captain Gerad this is Alpha Battery, all Rain Storms are online and in place. All 8 are ready to fire on your order". Came a voice though while Gerad was relieved is was briefly as his right flank began to fall back from the shear numbers which meant his line was breaking. Only one thing went through his head and he dreaded what he was about to say. "ALL UNITS BROKEN ARROW! I SAY AGAIN WE HAVE A BROKEN ARROW AT GRID GULF, CHALRIE, YANKEE 15576, X-RAY 44345! BROKEN ARROW IS CONFIRMED"! He called out and began to pull back towards the village. "EVERYONE RETROGRADE TOWARDS THE VILLAGE"! He called as his line began to fall back.

"This is Alpha battery, Broken Arrow confirmed. Firing on coordinates Yankee 15576, X-RAY 44345! High Explosive splash rounds have been authorized". There was a rumble as the air it self shook and a sixteen purple lights arched through the air towards Gerad's retreating line. "HIT THE DIRT"! Gerad yelled and every one of his soldiers dove into a nearby river just as the large 678MM rounds slammed into the enemy line, incinerating and tearing through the enemy lines. If they hadn't been demoralized before then they should have been now. "OH GOD! OH FUCK MY LEGS! WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY LEGS"! A scream sounded through the comms. "OH GOD THEY LOOK LIKE FUCKING SPAGHETTI"! The voice panicked a bit. "MEDIC! HENRICKS IS HIT"! Another call come through as the Rain storms continued to blast the area in front of them. The only thing saving the 50 soldiers was the tench like way the river was and the over hanging bridge stopping any of the burning energy from reaching a few of them.

Gerad ran towards the location where a bright yellow marker tagged his soldier as Heavily wounded. Sliding to a stop and sending water in every direction he deactivated the soldier's leg armor. "Hang on kid, you're getting out of here and going home in one piece". He said calmly while a chaplain came over, a bible in hand a the two medics worked to stop the bleeding and let nanogel seal what was left of his legs and stop the blood loss while the soldier passed out. The marker then went bright red and began to flash. "FUCK! WE'RE LOSING HIM"! Yelled one of the medics and grabbed a patch before deactivating the soldier's armor completely and placing the patch on the soldier's chest making the his body jump once before he gasped loudly and began to breath once more.

"Solar Fury this is Gerad, one casualty, we need Cas-evac. Repate we have a casualty". Gerad calmly spoke since the coalition lines were now being hammered by friendly artillery. "Solar Fury copies, Saint Michael is coming down after Bravo and Charlie Company lands so keep him alive if you can".

Overhead the sounds of artillery screamed through the air while the ponies watched the destruction wrought upon their enemies by these new comers. The new comers had held their ground for twenty minutes with a much smaller force before finally falling back and that's when they felt the air shift and shake before purple lights arched through the air and hit the coalition lines.

For once the ponies felt true fear.

For once they felt hope.

For once, they felt that the elements of Harmony were utterly useless should these new comers become enemies.

Burning Hope Part 2 Preparations

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Year :4042
Time : 1100 Greenwich time
Unit 1st Battalion, 375th LDT, 78th fleet of the 1st fleet battle group.
Location: Drop point in front of Everfree forest.

You ever see those movies and think "Those bad guys are going to get it now". This is one of those moments because there was a very pissed off ground commander who wanted payback. "Gerad this is Bravo and Charlie company, tell the artillery to stop the barrage. We're dropping now".

Up above the jump masters checked the vehicles one last time before pounding the side to let the crews know that they were good. Each of the twenty drop ships released their IFVs, the vehicles hitting the ground and instantly opening fire on the approaching coalition forces who by now had taken on hell of a beating, well whatever they had sent up had taken a beating. "All IFVs are on the ground and commencing the offloading of their squads". One of the company NCOIC relayed to Gerad who felt a wave of relief wash over him meanwhile another TDS-25 landed behind the IFVs who began to fire into the remaining enemy forces who in turn began to fall back. Those who did stay and try to fight were swiftly cut down by a soldier from Bravo or Charlie.

"Solar Fury, one is on their way back, considered critical". Gerad said as he led his unit out of the river and to regroup with the two IFV companies who along with Alpha Company made up 2nd battalion. "What's the status of the patrol base First Sergeant"? HE asked as he began looking through his P.M.D for any casualties besides the one he had sent up and much to his relief finding no others. Then again the patrol base had the IFVs at their disposal and were already dug in for defense where as he had more or less started a hasty defense which had achieved it's goal of sparing the village behind them the attack. "No casualties though IFVs have a few scratches on them but that's it. Hopefully we get some M35A4B's because the enemy can fly and rifles can only do so much for air defense and the IFVs main canons can only elevate 35 degrees. To be honest sir what we need is a fire base down here". Those words made Gerad pinch the bridge of his nose. "I'll put in the request for both, chances are we'll only get the M35s. I know the fleet commander wont risk a fire base with the area being so hot down here. I'm going to talk to the guards and see if they need anything besides our firepower". With that he motioned three soldiers to follow him.

Meanwhile Alpha and Bravo company were already digging as some light construction equipment had been brought with them. They couldn't build a fire base with it but they could easily bolster the defensive line which would soon span a total of five miles starting at the forest and forming a hook around the outer most area of the village. They made makeshift machine gun nests from fallen trees and the dirt, lined the shallow trenches with Nano plating to keep them from getting stuck in the mud while the IFVs from Alpha and Bravo were corralled into a staging area to act as QRF and the original IFVs that landed first were spread out along the line to provide better fire support to each area. Along the front of the trench lines spikes were placed to detour any ground force into kill boxes and slow the enemy.

Gerad POV: He approached the village to see the corporal from before who seemed relieved to see them. "So...I take it you're staying"? He asked with a hopeful chuckle to which Gerad nodded his head. "We're protectors of freedom and the innocent so we wont be leaving till they leave and have surrendered". He said jerking a thumb towards the enemy lines to which the corporal smiled and respond. "You know you took out 10,000 of theirs and only lost one of your own? I've never seen fighting like that or soldiers move so quickly. I'm glad we didn't anger you otherwise we'd be finished by the end of the day". A soft chuckle escaped the LDT commander as he shook his head. "Same, genocide isn't right. So is there anything you guys need such as food, medicine, water, or communications with your higher ups"? He asked.

"I'll have to take you to the captain. He'll handle all that stuff, I'm not in any position to do anything but fight sir". The Corporal said humbly and motioned for Gerad to follow who in turn motioned for the three soldiers to stay put and "Socialize" with the smaller creatures.

Following the corporal he couldn't help but comment. "While you may only be in a position to fight I can tell you're a good soldier and a leader. Some leaders don't lead from the front and instead of sending someone from your group forward you came yourself. Not only that but you put the well being of your troops at a high priority and you were smart for pulling back because it saved your lives and made our job easier. You're a natural leader and I hope they make you an officer out of you someday". He said with a soft smile as they continued through the town. Several civilians looked at him scared or unsure and who could blame them? They were probably shell shocked to hell based on the shaking and there were no sounds of children laughing or playing in the streets.

He hated the sound of a dead city or town. He had walked through too many to count and the silence was always deafening. Sometimes in the cities where terrible loss had happened he could swear he would hear families going on about their lives before they were shattered like glass when hit with a stone. He remembered the broken and burned bodies, smoldering and twisted in unnatural ways, the mass graves he had seen one too many times.

The walk was short but silent as they approached what he could only believe to be the town hall, well what was left of it. Many windows were broken out and there was a hole in the roof of the structure. Something had hit it but what it was he didn't know, maybe catapult. Opening the doors with the corporal leading he could hear the activity in the hall stop as all eye went to focus on him, some readying their swords though it wouldn't do much against the superior armor and reflexes of the LDT.

"Well this is quite the setup you have here". He spoke with a soft chuckle as he looked around. "You all can relax, if I wasn't on your side then the opposing force wouldn't have been stopped. I simply came here to offer aid". His tone was even and cool, no hint of fear nor did he show any contempt for them.

"What aid can you offer us"? The pony commander asked who ,he had to admit, looked exhausted. Gerad smiled softly and activated his tac-gaunt. "What I'm offering is food, water, medical care, and a chance to get some sleep. An army runs on it's stomach and sleep. A fatigued soldier is liable to make more mistakes than one that is well rested". He said and pulled up a display of a ship with the words under it U.S.I.S Saint Raphael.

"This is the U.S.I.S Saint Raphael. It was ordered here by our high command to provide relief supplies to your people with various things Equines can eat such as fruit and vegetables". He said and expanded a menu which he placed on the table in front of him. "In total this ship alone is carrying 24.8 million tons of food, 30 million tons of water, 15 million tons of medicine, and 40 million tons of assorted medical equipment, temporary housing, and beds along with sanitation products". Letting the commander see the list he smiled a bit. "And more is on it's way in terms of building materials so you can reconstruct but that will come after the war".

The pony commander looked up at Gerad and then back down at the listings of various items to which only a few he recognized. "And what do you people want in return"? The commander asked with a sigh. Gerad only shook his head. "Nothing except knowing that another light in the universe hasn't gone out. We don't give and then take things from a tired nation. Their choice to give us anything is theirs alone and we always offer membership into our empire which we respect any turn downs but that too will come after the war. For now I simply am offering you aid supplies".

The Pony commander seemed to think for a moment before looking at Gerad once more. "I accept your offer though what my leaders say is different. I know for a fact that we don't have the supplies to treat the amount of wounded here and people are beginning to starve. Since it is my job to protect this village and it's people I'm exercising my authority on the mission to allow you to bring much needed supplies in to the town".

This made Gerad smile in a friendly manner. He lived for this shit, fighting and protecting. God he loved it but he loved saving lives even more because not only was it good PR but it also ensured that a country could bolster it's forces in the end. "I can have them down here in an hour and medical staff can start treating your soldiers right away to get them back fighting".

Nodding his head the pony commander sighed in relief. "I will admit that I am hesitant to accept your help but we need every good thing we can get right now. Please, if you can save lives and give our people some type of hope, we could use it".

Gerad nodded his head. "I'll send the requisition form up and we'll get your people treated. Thank you for allowing me to speak, I promise you wont regret this". With that he turned and walked out the door back towards the three other LDTs who were currently surrounded by a few children who were asking them more questions than a 35 Mike. "Alright everyone, time to return to the line". He called to the three soldiers who gently set one of the kids down before following him.

"Solar Fury this is Gerad. I have sent up a requisition form for supplies to be landed at the village. Village will be LZ Alamo. Make sure those supplies get here quick, the less time it takes the more lives that can be saved". He said as he continued to walk towards the new trench line that had been dug. "Solar Fury copies all. It's been passed on to the Saint Raphael, ETA is 30 minutes for the first half of the supplies to get down their". As those words were said he entered the trench line where some soldiers continued to work. Some water from the river had been diverted to the from of the trenches to further slow hostile ground forces. Looking over everything Gerad sighed and whispered to himself.

"In war, even the land bears the scars of battle".

Burning Hope Part 3 Proverbs 3:27

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Date : June 6th 4042
Time : 1400 Greenwich time
Unit 1st Battalion, 375th LDT, 78th fleet of the 1st fleet battle group.
Location: Drop point in front of Everfree forest.

It had been clear to Gerad the extent of the suffering both soldier and civilian were going through in that town and it was not something he was pleased with but then again any human being with a heart wouldn't be pleased. It wasn't right for the innocent to suffer but no matter what it was an unfortunate side effect of war. It was one of the reasons he joined in the first place, to put an end to shit like this as quickly as possible.

"FIRST SERGEANT"! He yelled once he got back to the patrol base. "Behind you sir". His First sergeant said calmly and stood there with his arms crossed. "Solar Fury just approved the request for a supply drop into the village. I've designated it as LZ Alamo. When that comes down I'll need a platoon over there to provide security and hand out the supplies. The main reason is because we have medics coming down and they don't need the stress while they treat the wounded ponies". He said to which the first sergeant nodded his head.

"I got that sir. One thing though, did we at least get the M35s"? The First Sergeant asked hopefully. The M35s would fix a major hole in their current defensive strategy which couldn't be fixed even if they switched their current strategy for another. Gerad stopped and looked through the requests he had sent along with the one of them being the Fire base.

"We got the 35s but like I thought, the Fire base was denied for more reasons than I care to list right now or ever will care to". He replied which made the First Sergeant visibly happy.

"How many did we get granted sir? Well I mean they are from your brigade but still". The First Sergeant asked which made Gerad chuckle softly.

"Well we were given permission to have whatever I need from the brigade and while I would like to bring down the Armor battalion we don't have the space. I don't want this grid square crowded and then get a nasty surprise so for now the 1st Combined arms battalion and one battery from the 2nd air defense battalion will have to suffice to begin our campaign".

Not long after her said those words 10 TDS-25s flew in except much more relaxed and less dropping of equipment and soldiers from sky. "Gerad this is Buzzkill, we are inbound heavy with your air defense tanks. Mark a landing point for us to drop them".

"Those would be your tanks First Sergeant. You should go mark a landing zone". He joked to which the First Sergeant pouted in a fake fashion. "But daaaaaaad". Gerad held his hand up. "Don't but dad me. Go mark that Landing point". He said before they both started laughing and gave each other first bump. "See you later sir, I know you have to go mark the landing sites for the relief supplies".

With that both NCO and officer parted ways to complete their individual tasks. Gerad found a nice open field behind their defensive line and placed down landing markers for the drop ships to lock onto so they could easily unload and leave. They didn't have a shielding system so if the supplies got destroyed by a catapult or arrow barrage then the people in the town would have to wait.

"Gerad this is Halo 3-2. We are a flight of twenty TDS-25s outbound from the Saint Raphael with your relief supplies and medical personnel. ETA is a three minutes and we have signal from your beacons". Gerad looked up to see the bright balls of fire that were the ship entering atmo.

"Copy that Halo. See you when you get down here and welcome to a rather beautiful world might I say". With that he stopped talking to allow the pilots to focus on landing while he noticed a commotion in the town. Zooming in with his built in optical systems he saw a rather large alabaster pony in the town with wings and a horn.

"The fuck? Man this shit just keeps getting more interesting by the hour. The last thing I need is for dragons to show and then have a dragon on dragon fight. Eesh". He began to walk away before stopping. "It's going to happen just because I said something. FUCK ME"! He yelled and face palmed which got a few of his fellow LDTs to look at him funny.

"Carry on everyone, just had a moment of realization is all". He waved them all off before continuing on his way as the roar of several drop ships were heard. Some of the drop ships landed at his beacon and those carrying the tanks landed at his First Sergeant's point.

The supplies had arrived and several IFVs raced past him to have the supplies loaded onto them. They were currently the only vehicles they had that could start transporting the relief supplies and that could carry the supplies that had recently been brought down to the surface.

The drop ships were to big to land in the village due to their size and over all load. The last thing they needed was the citizens trampling each other for supplies that were plenty, well that and imagine a huge flying metal craft hovering over your head with claims that it was a good thing when it belonged to the people who just wiped out an entire division of soldiers from the other side.

"Commander"! Came a voice which made him turn around to see a Staff Sergeant run up to him. "Sir the loading of supplies is almost complete and we're set to roll into the town on your command".

Looking behind the NCO he saw the soldiers placing several tons of food inside the vehicles before closing the doors. He estimated that out of the 9,000 tons of supplies brought down each IFV was carrying maybe 50 tons each. Right now he counted 10 of the vehicles so in total that was 500 tons of assorted relief supplies going into the village.

"Sergeant I'll be going with you on your way into the village. They should see the face of someone they met before even if it was brief". He stated and moved towards the light armored vehicles where he got on the suppression gun in the lead IFV.

"All vehicles, form a column and move into the town. These people need these supplies and we're going to get them to em". Came the voice of one of his soldiers. As the vehicles move towards the town a private who was operating the 55mm canon looked at Gerad.

"Hey commander, this remind me of a verse my family taught me when I was kind. Proverbs 3:27 Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act". He said to which Gerad smiled a bit and looked back towards the town.

Vehicles unclassified.

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M35A4 Archangel: The U.S.E Main Battle Tank is a 33rd Generation tank designed to go where no tank has gone before. It uses twin 205mm energy auto-cannons. It is also equipped with a 13mm suppression gun between the two cannons. The tank can hover which removes the threat of Anti-tank mines and allow it to move over water. It's sister the M35A4B is equipped with twin 70mm gatling energy guns. Further information on the M35A4 has been redacted

Warrior IFV-63: A reintroduced concept to give the LDTs some form of fire power. the 55mm cannons are great for anti-infantry operations. It also uses the 13mm suppression gun. The IFV came back in to service due to complaints that LDTs and QRF forces had no means of engaging enemy armor of any kind. Like the M35A4 it can hover. Further information on the Warrior IFV has been redacted

TDS-25: The workhorse of the U.S.E. The TDS-25is used in troop deployment, ground support, and logistical services in the military. The TDS has a folding wing design which allows it to be stored easier. The TDS-25 is capable of taking heavy damage and can continue with supporting ground forces, a lesson taken from the A-10 warthog of the past. Further information on the TDS-25 has been redacted

F-363 Diablo Fighter/Interceptor: Named Diablo for a reason this craft can respond quickly to situations and is equipped with 60mm energy cannons along with Redacted intercept missiles. The missiles can be Redacted by it's production systems. It's most impressive feature is the Redacted on it's wings so it has a better chance of surviving a collision with an enemy craft. Further information on the Diablo has been redacted

AS-781 Rain Storm: A heavy artillery platform that fires three rounds in rapid succession. While large it is capable of being dropped and activated in under a minute. It's secondary function is that of a Redacted defense. Further information on the AS-781 has been Redacted

Meeting Royalty.

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Date: June 7th 4042
Time : 1400 Greenwich time
Unit 1st Battalion, 375th LDT, 78th fleet of the 1st fleet battle group.
Location: Town identified as Ponyville

"Why? Just why does royalty show up now? This is a damn combat zone". To say that he did not approve of them putting their leaders in danger was putting it lightly. If anything it had to be the most dumb idea ever even if they were behind friendly U.S.E lines.

The IFVs moved into the village while slowing down so as not to run anyone over or scare anyone into thinking they were a surprise attack. The last thing they needed was a mass panic from the civilians who they were trying to help. The vehicles came to a stop roughly 20 meters from the town hall where the LDTs dismounted and began to off load the supplies while two IFVs headed towards the hospital with new medicines and equipment for the doctors.

"Let's get these supplies offloaded so we can continue bringing them in. We don't want them out in the open". Gerad said as he looked around and decided to store them under the covered patio that surrounded the town hall. Granted the packages were sealed against nature but a building took arrows better than boxes did.

"Do not interact with anyone unless it's unavoidable. We're not here to chit chat". He called out and grabbed a box, moving to the patio. The boxes weren't heavy, only weighing roughly 50 pounds each so they were off loaded quickly and four LDTs left to guard them in case someone tried to loot the supplies. It'd fail miserably regardless but it never hurt to be safe.

Gerad decided to stay behind and walked into the town hall to get a list of people who lived in the area so he could start pushing out supplies for the civilians that couldn't escape. The faster these supplies got to the people the better public relations would be and the more lives that could be saved.

Searching through some documents he found a roster titled "evacuated and staying". It took him about fifteen minutes to find it but he did. Looking through it he smiled to himself as it had the addresses and names of every individual still in town. Taking this information he walked outside where his soldiers had finished unloading the aid packages.

"Status"? He asked a corporal who turned to him. "Sir the supplies have been offloaded and staged".

Gerad nodded his head. "Four of you are staying here with me to keep the supplies secured. The rest of you will return and load up more before returning here". He told them to which they all nodded their heads.

Four soldiers made their way to surround the supplies while Gerad began to organize the list of the residents in a better fashion of those who stayed and who left. The last thing he needed was to waste time in knocking on doors for people who weren't there.

"Excuse me creature"? Came a rather motherly but tired voice from behind him. He turned around to see an alabaster mare with a mane that seemed to be blowing in a constant breeze and a smaller blue one he had not seen when watching the town.

"Yes"? He asked skeptically. The supplies weren't being handed out and if they were here for a hand out they wold have to wait for another fifteen minutes.

"I jut wished to introduce myself to one of the saviors of Ponyville. We didn't have a chance till you showed up. As much as I dislike bloodshed, your people saved so many lives today. I wanted to thank you". She said with sincerity in her voice.

Gerad smiled under his helmet and deactivated the armored piece so his face could be seen which seemed to surprise many. "It's not a problem ma'am. We do this often".

Gerad wasn't boasting but it was clear he didn't handle praise well. "If anything thank my soldiers. They're some crazy bastards and resilient as hell no matter what". Gesturing to the fire team sized group behind him.

"Well then I thank them as well. I would like to speak to your commanding officer if possible. I hear he's been busy getting things set up". The white mare had no idea he was the commander of the 375th.

"That would be me ma'am. Captain Gerad, it's a pleasure meet you miss...". He left it hanging in the air so she could introduce her self.

"Oh my, my manners. I am Princess Celestia and this is Princess Luna my sister". Gerad watched her gesture to the dark blue mare who seemed to be eyeing him up and down before snorting.

"We will be watch thy actions creature. We may be tired but make no mistake that we will fight". She declared which made Gerad turn to Celestia with "What"? face.

Celestia nudged her sister and cleared her throat. "Forgive my sister, she was up all night watching the Gryphons. I am curious as to where you came from". Celstia asked curiously.

In response Gerad pointed up to the sky. "We are a space faring species and if you're Princess Celestia then you would have been the one who sent the distress signal. I assure you that we are only here to help and protect you and your people". He promised.

Suddenly an A.T.U.R.D (Laugh all you want.) flew over as it began properly surveying the area and running scan of the surrounding area. Orbital imaging systems were great but nothing beat getting closer to the enemy to witness their action and reactions.

Gerad noticed Luna charge up her horn as if targeting it. "THAT'S OURS"! He shouted to her which made the dark blue mare lose focus and glare at him.

She was not pleased with being interrupted by him let alone some being from another world that didn't belong on theirs. If her sister sent the call then she either brought their end in due time or actual saviors. It didn't mean that she had to like them.

"My apologies ma'am. Simple intelligence operations is all. We don't need any surprises from the enemy which might regard our presence as an ill omen or something". He said with a dry laugh. The roar of 3504-D Harmonious class engines was heard.

Everyone looked to see larger transports escorted by the original 10 IFVs. Each of these new vehicles carried at least 500 tons of the supplies that had been brought down. One went straight to the hospital with three of the IFVs forming a wedge around it.

The other transports stopped and began to use their conveyor and grav crane systems to offload the food, water, and treats that would boost the moral of the locals to receive. "Ma'am, please let your citizens know that food has arrived and that we will be dealing it out to each family".

Princess Celestia smiled happily and nodded her head in thanks. "I will captain, thank you for all your help". She said gratefully before walking back down the street, leaving the blue mare and Gerad.

"So creature, tell me your reasons for coming here. Don't lie lest I give you nightmares you wont recover from". She threatened him.

Gerad turned and looked at her with a frown. "Two things. One is your sister called for help, we responded so we came to help. Two, have you ever seen someone turned inside out and then forced to walk and fight by the very being that had done it, all the while they are proven aware and in a state of hellish pain"? He asked her coldly.

The blue princess looked horrified to which Gerad responded. "Be cautious of the hand that gives freely but do not bite the hand that offers itself in your time of need". With those words he turned and began to help his soldiers prepare the food packages.

Beware the shadows

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Year : June 7th 4042
Time : 0300 Greenwich time
Unit 2nd squad, 52nd Special operations platoon, 78th fleet of the 1st fleet battle group.
Location: Drop point in front of Everfree forest.

"Solar Fury this is Star Killer team Advent. We are in position and ready to begin. Star Killer team Nigeria is ready to roll as well. Be advised we are seven hundred meters to your south". Both teams had reported in, now was the time for chaos and hell raising.

"Star Killers. Your job is to infiltrate the enemy camp and destroy their artillery systems. That means catapults, Trebuchets, and Balista. They've been causing these ponies grief and severely weakened their defensive capabilities. We have reason to believe that they have been enhanced with what these creatures call magic. While easily explainable they are still a problem". A small holo map popped up in the hand of each fire team leader.

"They have been enhanced with explosive tips or acid filled. They have people filling each tip with explosives or acid. I want you to try and bring back two of the loaders to be punished under Page 58, section 3, paragraph 15 of the LRBMJ. They will be tried and given summary sentences for war crimes".

The Star Killers in each squad looked at each other confused. "Alive sir"?

A sigh was heard through the comms. "Yes, alive. One or two. We need to let the enemy know that their actions will not be tolerated".

"Understood sir. We'll get it done". One of the leaders spoke while looking around. Deciding to once more check the map he drew a few lines. One was blue that led to the back of the camp while another led to the east side where artillery was stationed in both areas.

"So we'll be getting in, blowing shit up, taking prisoners, and holding a trial for the guilty. Fuck me. This day is just way to complicated for my liking. Alright guys, I highlighted the areas you're responsible for. Get it done fast and perfect".

With that the teams moved out, silently through the Everfree forest they ran. They were ghosts in their own ways, no not ghosts, they were demons bringing chaos with them.

Advent was assigned to the east side of the camp while Nigeria was assigned to the back. "All SKs, we will be executing a coordinated explosion. We want them to be in so much chaos that they don't notice us and split their forces". Advent team leader informed the others.

Each of his members gave soft chirps on their helmet mics to signal that they understood and heard his orders. Good communication was key to unit survival and with special operations, anything could go wrong.

"This is Nigeria team leader. I suggest we maintain radio silence until explosive have been planted. Two chirps will indicate that explosives are laid, one signals that the other has experienced trouble. Stealth is key on this so I don't want any talking from here on out".

All members acknowledge the advice, their radio chatter stopping as they went silent. No one knew where they were except their assigned frigate the Niagra Falls. It was going to be a rough morning for the Gryphons.

Once they made it to the edge of the forest they halted. The teams put their two snipers together on over watch, the SR-98s with their powerful ammunition, accuracy, and fire rate could provide the others with cover while they vacated the camp.

The snipers now paired up moved a bit further into the forest behind a fallen log so they could easily steady their weapons. The location the chose hid them well from above while giving them a perfect view of the camp. They checked their rifles, the ammunition, and began to do basic calculations as they set up markers for when the would fire.

Advent reached the east side of the camp, killing two sentries which they made sure to hide. Advent began to move through the area, laying small THC charges on the artillery pieces. They activated their AC systems which cloaked them from anyone patrolling the area.

The Advent team leader noticed a lone Gryphon walking by with what he could only assume was the acids. He quickly motioned two of his to knock him out and grab the acid to be sent back to a lab. The more they knew their enemy the better.

A soft thud was heard as rifle met the back of head. The two picked up the body of the now sleeping Gryphon and carried him with them. Silently they left the area and returned to the snipers after giving the signal for being all clear.

"Where's Nigeria"? One of the snipers whispered. Nigeria had yet to give their signal that they were good to go.

With a sense of dread a soft single chirp was heard from Nigeria. Advent looked at each other and began to move back towards the camp. They moved silently to Nigeria's position to see one of them struggling with a charge.

The Advent team leader motioned his other two soldiers to watch the area for any possible guards or soldiers walking too close.

"What the problem"? He asked in a hushed tone to the soldier who was struggling with the explosive.

"There's a disconnect between the data stream that connects the signal receiver to the detonator. I'm trying to rig it so it'll still blow". Came his reply as he twisted two of the data streams together. He was trying to write new code effectively in an attempt to get the detonator to work.

"Sir! There's major movement in the camp and it's headed this way! We have about two minutes to get the fuck out of here before we're spotted"! One of Advent's soldiers whispered to the team leader.

The Advent leader looked around for a moment before looking through his suit's inventory. "Everyone give me a head banger grenade". He whispered. Some looked at him weird but tossed him the grenades. After catching them he wrapped a strong string around the pins and ran it across a pathway so it would be tripped. Following this he placed the grenades laying down under the malfunctioning THC charge.

"Everybody move now"! He ordered everyone nearby in which they all complied and began to move.

"HEY! WHO ARE YOU"?! Yelled a voice behind them which made both team turn and see the large group behind them.

"Well...fuck". Said one Star Killer before they opened up with their SMG-75s on the group. The weapon was perfect for it's high fire rate in close quarters but long range suffered.

"Fall back now"! The Advent leader ordered as he fired into the group.

As they fell back they had two members cover the other four every twenty meters. This sent rounds flying into the gryphons and minotaurs who chased them.

As they approached the forest the snipers opened up on the forces as they approached. The higher caliber rounds punching through the thicker bodies of the minotaurs and into whoever was behind them. Granted all weapons could punch through but the higher caliber left a nasty hole as it bored through.

Once back in the forest they engaged the hostile force with their combined fire. It was easily a company sized element chasing them.

"BLOWING CHARGES"! Yelled the Advent team leader who activated the explosive which set them off. From Ponyville several explosions could be seen from the Gryphon camp. Up close it was like the fourth of July. The camp was now in chaos from the reports of enemies in the camps to the artillery pieces they had exploding.

The company element was dealt with, letting the soldiers grab the sleeping Gryphon and slip away. The camp burned behind them brightly. The shadows had struck and it was beautiful as blue and purple fire engulfed the stockpiles for the artillery, sending them up as well.

They had bought themselves time to further upgrade their defenses and bring in more firepower. The coalition camp was still large but they had lost a major offensive capability. The ponies in town could rest a bit easier now that artillery couldn't pound them. into the ground.

One Gryphon stared as he lay dying from the explosions he was caught near., his eyes narrowed. "Even at night, it matters not. They control it, they bend it, they rule over it".

The news report. (Short Chapter.)

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Location: Across the United States Empire.
June 12th 4042
Time zone: Varies based on system.

(Think of the news opening being this. )

Appearing on the screen a female news reporter smiled softly at the cameras. "Breaking news today as the United States Imperial military has announced that for the past several days it has been engaging hostile alien forces on a new world previously believed to hold no life. The commander of the fleet in orbit above the planet had this to say". The view switched to that of the fleet commander aboard the Solar Fury.

"It's a pretty bad situation down there. The people we are assisting are advanced enough to send a distress call to space for help so we intervened. So far they hold only three out of the twenty cities they had in their control. We arrived and attempted to get the other side to cease hostilities but they refused and attacked. As such this is our war now too". His tone even before looking at the crew holding the camera.

"And we sure as hell aren't leaving until these people can sleep in peace and we wont leave until we have brought the enemy to their knees. We do not leave the innocent to fend for themselves and we do not let Tyrants establish the law". He said before turning back to climb the three stairs that led to the 12X13 nanite console which he watched his intel analysts work their magic.

The feed returned to the woman in the newsroom. "Next we have a crew on the ground watching the situation. We take them to you live on the field. Nasta"? She said and switched it to a female.

Behind woman there was a soldier firing his rifle as U.S.E troops ran to and fro to different positions, IFVS roaring past. One IFV stopped next to her and began to fire it's 55mm heavy cannon.

"Tina it's chaos out here. just ten minutes ago the Gryphon Coalition began to attack the Light Defense Troopers stationed around this small town of ponyville. I'm told that this may be an act of desperation or an attempt to show power as last night a successful raid was conducted that resulted in the lost of enemy artillery pieces. We've also been told that a soldier from the other side has been captured and is currently awaiting execution for war crimes".

The sound of several AR-45 automatic rifles filled the air as three round bursts were fired while others emptied their entire 50 round energy magazine into the oncoming forces. The IFV continued to fire before launching a canister shell loaded with high explosive energy fragments which exploded in the middle of a gryphon formation, decimating the group.

"MA'AM YOU NEED TO MOVE! IT'S NOT SAFE HERE"! Yelled a Lieutenant as he fired his BR-34. Right as he said that and arrow bounced off his shielding and he grabbed the reporter. "GET TO THE FUCKING NIGHT PROWLER AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE"! He yelled and pointed at a helicopter that landed right as he spoke. The gunners ever vigilant as they manned the door guns.

The Night prowler waited for the crew to get on board and took off, allowing them to get a birds eye view of the fight below them. Rain Storms barraged the enemy forward formation while the soldiers fired into the group. Gryphons that tried to fly over were shot down by the Anti-air tanks, their missiles and heavy guns blanketing the sky with purple energy. After that everything cut to black and returned to the woman in the news room.

"Certainly a...vicious battle on the surface of that planet. We're going to end it here till we have more details but may our soldiers come home safely. tomorrow is the execution of the soldier for war crimes against civilians. This has been Tina Negusha with your 5:00PM news".

The Moons watch

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Location: Canterlot, Equestria
Date: June 13th A.D 1634
Time: 2305

Luna wasn't sure what her sister was thinking in trusting the strange creatures. So far they had been beating back the gryphons but for how long? For all she knew they would start taking over Equestria the moment the war was over. It would be perfect too. Come as liberators and then liberate Equestria of it's resources and rights.

She decided to look into the dreams of the creatures who currently resided on her world. If they were invaders she'd make them regret lying to her and her people. eye's glowing white she began to search the dreamscape for the dreams of the new comers. It was time to see who they really were and punish them if she needed to. Equestria would not fall on her watch and she would make sure to plague them with nightmares for their crimes. Finding one, she entered the dream.

Entering it she watched the soldier's dream.


The soldier got down as the man above him seemed to chant. "ONE TWO THREE, ONE TWO THREE, ONE TWO THREE"! Each time the person with the brown hat yelled three the soldier yelled 1 drill sergeant, 2 drill sergeant, 3 drill sergeant, 4 drill sergeant, as he counted up. Luna was completely stunned by the intensity she was seeing from just lack of maintaining a weapon. The guards never punished their soldiers like this. Granted it wasn't cruel from the looks of it but it wasn't fun either.

Confused by this creed she left the dream to find another, maybe she could learn their creed to see what values their people held. If the creed was evil in nature she could use that to her advantage to try and kick them out.

Finding a different dream she entered it, the soldier seemingly older and a strong sense of ride and purpose seemed to come from the dream.

Entering the dream she found herself in a large group of eighty people who had their hands raised.

"Repeat after me". A person at a podium said and the person she stood next to repeated everything that was said.

"I, Jacob Nelson swear to support and defend the Consitution of the United states from threats both planetary and interstellar. I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same. I will obey any and all lawful orders of the officers appointed above me. I will follow all laws and regulations outlined in Uniformed code of military Justice and present myself in a professional manner at all times. So help me God".

Luna looked at the person, noticing his lack of military wear. They all seemed to be swearing in, and there were a lot of them doing so. She just stood there as the ceremony conclude and thanked the heavens it was short. It didn't give her any information though. It sure as hell didn't help her figure out if they were good or not.

After all, a lawful order for them could be completely different from what Equestrians considered a lawful order or lawful to begin with. She left the dream frustrated and continued to search. Finding another dream she entered it.

"Soldiers, the creed outlines everything we stand for. It is a guide, it is a set of rules. It provide direction for without direction and discipline an army is no better than a gung-ho militia". The person identified as a drill sergeant snapped to attention in front of a large formation.

"THE SOLDIERS CREED"! He yelled at the group. She watched impressed as they all sounded off together, like a unit and in perfect harmony.














Luna sat there taken back by the creed. She had expected something more brutal but here they were talking about watching out for each other, never quitting, and above all defending freedom it self. Maybe she had been a bit harsh on them, thinking that they were hiding evil intentions.

Luna exited the dream and decided to view a few more. Needless to say she got more than she wanted to see. Some of them were clearly veterans and the war they fought even while helping them seemed brutal and long. Watching the dreams she'd see them burning through the atmosphere of planets, flying in strange craft, charging head first into fights.

In several cases she'd seen them use themselves as shields to protect people who weren't fighters. It's like they wouldn't tolerate any form of oppression or tyranny.

In a few of the dreams she had seen these soldiers get over run and in some cases killed. It was rare when either happened but she could feel the pang of sorrow, rage, and guilt when one of them died. She witnessed the funerals that were performed for every one of them that fell.

With everything she had seen, she found the reason for their drive. They had lost their own world and they refused for others to experience the same. They would rather sacrifice themselves so others wouldn't have to know that lose than watch from a distance. In some cases she had witnessed sergeants or even officers flat out disobey orders to retreat.

She witnessed what should have been the death of soldiers only for their squad to come back to support them, then a platoon, and it would always grow. One soldier, one squad staying back and refusing to give in or fallback would change the course of a battle.

She witnessed when soldiers were about to fall how their brothers and sisters would return with a vengeance, sometimes leaping from buildings. They would risk everything for their brother or sisters, for others. Leaving their dreams she found one more, the captain.

Entering his dream she witnessed his past and character. She saw how many people he had lost in the past as a hoof went to her muzzle in shock. She witnessed everything from his peaceful and happy moments, his fun times, to his loss of friends.

"ALEX"! She heard him yell as he held the chest of one of his soldiers. On his chest there was three upside down V shaped symbols in glowing purple. She had seen two purple bars on his chest earlier so this had to have been an older memory.

"Stay with me girl, stay with me"! He said as he tried to keep her alive. She had a hole in her chest and was bleeding heavily form it.

"SERGEANT! BETA SQUAD IS THIRTY SECONDS OUT! HOLD ON"! She heard a voice come from his armor as he seemed to be applying some type of white cloth to her wounds. He had her on her side as he held her wound still.

"Alex don't close your eyes. The squad isn't far, you'll be okay". He said as the female could only cough and gag.

"G-Gerad don't worry about it. Y-you *Cough* what you could. D-don't let y-youre paast haunt you". She spoke weakly.

"No, don't speak, you're wasting your energy. You need that to stay alive and get back....". He was stopped when she put and blood hand on his shoulder.

"W-e both know I wont get back. AGH"! She cried out in pain as she coughed. "Look. You c-can't save every...everybody. Never". With that she stopped speaking, her breathing stopped, and her head fell to the side.

"FRIENDLIES COMING IN"! A voice yelled as a group of six soldiers rushed into the room.

The captain...well sergeant at the time didn't notice them as he held the now dead female. His hands were shaking as he tried to wake her up.

"Come on Alex, wake up. Don't you die on me". He said softly as he shook her shoulder.

A soldier came over, placing his fingers on her neck before sighing. "She's gone, we weren't fast enough". The soldier said and carefully removed Gerad's hands from her still body.

Gerad fought him, and his other soldiers had to restrain him as he yelled, cursed, and tried to get free. "SHE'S ALIVE DAMN IT! SHE'S NOT FUCKING DEAD"! He yelled as he was held down.

Luna watched as tears filled her blue eyes. She didn't know the person but the scene before hurt to watch.

"GOD DAMN IT"! He yelled as the others held him back.

"Sierra Nevada we need extract. We have one KIA". Came another soldier as the dream ended, expelling Luna who was laying on the floor in shock.

Looking out the window and down at Ponyville she sighed. For a race so experienced in warfare, they seemed negatively impacted for every person they lost and life they took.

"I think, it's time for some peaceful dreams". She said and reentered the dreamscape, finding the bad dreams of the soldiers fighting for her people and soothing them when she did.

You thought the darkness was your ally.

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Star Killers are feared through out the universe. Tails of Humanity spreading far and wide with tails of a species that welcomes all with open arms and who will ruin your empire should you endanger them or those under their watch. those who didn't know, learned quickly whether through peace or making the mistake of war.

Star Killers were the second tier in terms of the military. Soldiers and marines were tier three, Star Killers were tier two, and the Imperial guardsman were tier one. A star Killer in a team is dangerous, a Star Killer what induces nightmares. Star Killers underwent stressful and painful training.

Once you were in, you couldn't quit even when your lungs were punctured or if your bones broke. If you quit you were placed into a standard infantry unit. You were shown no mercy just as the enemy would show you none while you were injured. You were taught to survive alone, wreak havoc upon the enemy, and ultimately lead others in a fight if needed.

Date: June 14th 4042
Time : 2205 Greenwich time
Unit 1st squad, 52nd Special operations platoon, 78th fleet of the 1st fleet battle group.
Location: Outside Gryphon logistics hub in Iron Talon.

Operation: Angelic Reach.
Objective: To eliminate Gryphon commanders in charge of logistical hub and disrupt flow of supplies.
Possible outcomes: 1. (Success) Elimination or Gryphon leadership and reduction of enemy troop moral.
2. (Failure.) Failure to eliminate Gryphon commanders and or leadership resulting in hazardous extraction.
3(Partial Success) Elimination or Gryphon leadership but resulting in hazardous extraction.

Adjusting the site on SR-98 sniper rifle she waited in an outcropping on a mountain. Her position gave her a perfect view of the valley below her, the road where her targets would enter being roughly 4 miles away, a fairly easy shot for her since energy wasn't affected by wind, drop, or rotation of the round as energy was weightless and not totally solid. The only thing she needed to calculate was time to targets and rotation of the planet.

"Adjust five degrees up and twelve degrees left". Her spotter next to her said as he wrote down some notes on a notebook on he had brought. A holo-pad would produce too much light due to the bright blue screen so night vision/thermal and a notebook were what he had besides his MR-61 rifle.

"Thanks Kernan". She said as her communication link came to life. "Sentinel 0-1 this is 0-2. Targets have passed the halfway mark and should be rounding the bend in about twenty minutes. We're moving to keep up with them and get a shot when they get to the gate". Came the voice of a staff Sergeant.

"Got it 0-2, thanks for the heads up". With that she looked over to Kernan. "20 mikes, path bend". Her words short and straight to the point as she gestured to the mountain path bend. She watched Kernan lift his rifle and look at the bend for any movement but to confirm where she was pointing.

"I see it. I take it 0-2 is going to join us for the hunt". Kernan jokingly quipped though he already knew the answer.

"That they are". Her nod to him was simple but after that things got quiet as they prepared.

"0-2 in position, will fire when you do". Cam through her communications system.

She didn't say anything, she didn't need to. They all had a job to do and knew it well. Twenty minutes flew by quickly as they each made sure their weapons were fully ready. The snipers would kill the carriage drivers and then the leadership. The spotters would make corrections and lay down fire on the forces below to disorientate them further and make them think there was a full invasion force in the mountains.

"D.L.R ready. I have 350 rounds ready for these buzzards". The DLR was the equivalent of a Squad Automatic Weapon or SAW. It was accurate and great for suppressing the enemy and even better as a weapons for defensive emplacements. One of their squad mates controlled it.

On the sides of the roads they had placed Thief antipersonnel mines, these acted much like a claymore mine but with energy coming out in a solid wall for about 5 meters before dissipating and destroying the device entirely.

"Eyes on target. I count four carriages bearing the Gryphon kingdom military insignia. Eight targets on each one with twenty foot mobiles flanking the sides. Carriages are being pulled by basic livestock". The staff sergeant briefly reported.

"Kernan, move twenty meters to my left and engage when me and 0-2 take our shots. Our fire needs to be spread out to be effective in confusing them". She explained and felt the space next to her empty as her spotter moved.

"0-2 engage on my mark". She said as they entered the area where they had placed the Thief mines. "Three...". She started to count down as her finger hovered over the trigger and the enemy moved further into the trap. "Two....". She continued as the soldier reached the end of the mines. "Mark".

With that the 60. cal. sniper rifles discharged, a soft fwip left the rifles as to of the drivers dropped off dead and two seconds later the other two dropped dead.

"ENGAGING"! Came the other two as the DLR opened up and cut down the soldiers flanking the left side of the carriages. Meanwhile her own spotter dropped the soldiers on the right side.

An alarm sounded from the logistics hub, the fort coming to life as the enemy reacted in confusion to the attack. This worked in their favor as both teams fired once more and killed the other two leaders, making a total of four of their enemies higher command, dead as a door nail.

"0-2 pull out and regroup at the LZ. I'll mark the fort". With that she blew the mines, destroying the enemy convoy and anyone in the blast radius, adding further to the chaos below.

She still had one more BIG present for them though and tapped her Tac-gaunt. Using her her hand she swept it from the left of the fort to the right, highlighting it in bright red on her Personal Mission Display.

"Target marked, preparing for fire". Came the voice of a Lt on another ship, this one being a GFF (Galactic Fighting Frigate.). "RAINING HELL"!

In two seconds there was a loud screeching sound as several energy rounds slammed into the fort. It melted and exploded the entire compound, instantly killing anyone inside or outside as the 305mm rounds hit it.

"Fury this is Squad 1. Requesting retrieval". She said as she walked into the darkness.

The Watchers

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Operation Daddy's Home

Objective: Make sure that people know law and order have not gone out the window during a time of strife.

"Five minutes till launch". Said a soldier clad in pure black armor. They waited on a roof top overlooking an old farm. It looked like it had been picked clean though there was activity inside the barn. It's red and white paint had faded significantly due to the lack of care.

"Team 1 in position, team 2 ready, team 3 is on the watch for squirters".

Sergeant daley watched the barn for a moment, making sure there was no unseen threats before motioning his team forward. His team, team 1, would breach from the front while team 2 entered in from a side door.

(Inside the barn.)

"I'd say the cute blue and silver pony could go for about 500 bits easy. A filly as cute as her could easily make a stallion happy". A stallion said as he looked over the young pony female. She had been separated from her family in the opening days of the ponyville battle.

The filly was one of fifteen filly and colts who had been kidnapped from their parents when the griffons had first attacked their town. She wasn't dumb, she knew what they wanted from listening in on their conversations about her and the others.

"The bidders are ready for the products to be displayed, I say we send up that cute little green colt. The one with one blue and one pink eye. It's a rarity in and of itself and I'm sure he would sell for quite a bit. After all, everyone could use a tight colt from time to time". Another stallion said.

"Gentlemen you're both right. All the young ones here would sell quite well but we also have a griffon or two here. Supposedly the commander in the other camp is looking for a little fun and a new servant so be sure to save the best for last or give the crowd a show that they wont forget". A mare giggled softly, unaware of the teams quietly moving around outside.

"Well I say we get them up their, the filly first, she can pull off that cute red and white dress well". One of the stallions chuckled and pulled the small filly out.

The filly kicked and whined and squirmed in an attempt to get away but all she received for her troubles was a smack across the face. "Hold still you little shit"! The stallion holding her growled out as he put her in the dress.

Having done so the mare approached the scared little girl and took her chin in her hoof. "Be a good girl and give them a good show and you wont go hungry tonight. I might even give you a candy bar". She laughed lightly and motioned the two stallions to put the little filly out on the stage for all to see.

The filly was shoved in front of a group of fifteen males and about four females. All of them eagerly waiting to see the merchandise. In the small gathering there were indeed two griffons, each one making bids but with a limit. The barn inside was mostly the same as a normal barn except for the ponies who sat wherever in the hay bales or few chairs that lay around.

Through out the bidding none were aware of teams who waited outside the doors, ready to storm in and arrest the lot of them.

"This little filly is a lovely pink and white beauty with high breeding potential. Those of you who might want kids or just desire a good time will find no better a whore or girl to service you and make you feel like a true stallion". The auctioneer called out with a smile.

On stage a new filly with a tag around her neck that said 5 reluctantly showed off her form to the buyers who were oohing and awwing at her looks. Her heart sunk as she knew that some of these males would never treat her fairly and she knew there was no way that she'd see her mom again. All she had done was gone out to pick some flowers for her sick mother.

"I bid 650 for the filly"! Yelled one stallion and soon others joined in, shouting their bids as it climbed higher and higher in price for the young one.

The filly whimpered softly as she heard the word "SOLD"! and hung her head sadly. She just wanted to go home and sleep, to have this nightmare end.

"Please Faust, send someone to save us". She whispered as she was led to the back room and tears began to leave her eyes. All of a sudden she heard a commotion outside of the holding room they were in.

(Outside the barn.)

"Charges set, Team one ready, team 2 ready". Came the reply.

The Sergeant looked at his men and then at the door, rifles at the ready. "Time to show them daddy's in town".

With that he banged on the door. "MDI OPEN UP"! With those words a beep was heard as the barn doors blew open and team on stormed in. "GO GO GO GO"! He yelled as he entered the room.

There was screaming as team two blasted in through the side door and two members from both teams fast roped from the roof. One team member landed on a pony and restrained him while another pony got pepper sprayed in the face. Meanwhile two other ponies got tackled and others were arrested.

"Team 3 has eyes on squirters, moving to intercept". As those words were said a Night Prowler outfitted for recon with light suppression guns chased after a group of four ponies and a griffon. They ended up tackled by the soldiers who leaped from the helicopter and tackled those attempting to escape.

Daley kicked open the door to the room the kids were in, flashlight bright as he scanned the room and his armor checked for heat signatures which he found plenty of.

The Pink and white filly looked at Sergeant Daley surprised, both in fear and in hope. Was this the one that was going to save them?

Daley noticed the children and used his rifle to bust the locks off with ease. Deactivating his helm and held his hand out to the filly. "It's alright little one, we're going to get you back to your family". He promised with a gentle tone. The room was damp and cold, he was surprised the young ponies hadn't died from lack of warmth.

The filly had never felt happy or relieved as she cried tears of joy. She let the strange creature pick her up in it's hooves and carry her outside to the stage once and passed it to the outside. "Command this is team 1. Daddy has arrived home and he's found the baby sitters being mean". He said as he let the code phrase transmit to another ship called the U.S.I.S Gradu.

"Copy all Daley, we have transports on the way to pick the kids up. good work". With that the transmission cut off and a beautiful sunrise peaked over the mountains, signalling a new day and the start of a turning in Equestria's war.

"A bright day dawns, hope has been birthed this day and a great injustice dealt with". He said and rubbed the Filly's mane as she fell asleep next to his leg. In front of them, three IFV Warriors pulled up, soldiers getting out of the back so the children could be sent home while they set up a command post on the hill.

Conversing with the Lunar Princess.

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Date: June 20th 4042
Time : 2130 Greenwich time
Location: Former sweet apple acres barn.
Units: 375th LDT

As Gerad sat on the hill overlooking the valley he sighed. Tomorrow they would begin their offensive. Two entire brigades had been deployed to the surface. His unit the 375th LDT and the 33rd Armored infantry Brigade. The 33rd had a lot of armor and were dropped in behind ponyville and out of site of any griffin forces.

"Hard time sleeping commander"? Came a soothing voice from behind him.

Gerad turned and noticed the blue pony from before and shrugged. "We attack tomorrow, we'll be driving them from the area and moving towards your city of Manehatten. It's going to be ugly, especially for them. I don't want your ponies involved in the fighting, you're not experienced in war like we are". His tone was sad.

Noticing his tone Luna looked confused. "Do you not like killing them"? She asked Gerad.

Gerad shook his head. "No soldier does. Humans despite us being warriors, don't like killing. It hurts most of us to do so. The only ones it doesn't hurt are those who have mental disorders". He said and looked out over the field with his rifle sitting in his lap.

"To be honest we tried offering them a chance at peace and to leave but they chose to fight. It's something they will regret later and something we will regret". He finished as the fires below them from the enemy camp glistened in the dark.

Luna was taken back by this. For the ruthless efficiency that his people had in war she would have sworn that they loved it. "But with how good you are.......". She said and was cut off by Gerad.

"Because with every race you have an asshole who want power and obtains it. They then use it to wreak havoc and the good people have to step in and beat him back. We fought two world wars back when we had our home world. World War 2 was a war of horror. A mad man tried to exterminate an entire people out of anger and the desire to have a pure race. My nation ended up leading the charge to stop him". He finished and looked at her.

"Those who take pleasure in killing are murderers and mad men. Those who kill because they must, because the lives of many depend on it are soldiers. Those Griffins below are murderers, they enjoy hurting your people and young children". He pulled the energy mag from his rifle and looked it over and set it down.

Luna was at a loss for words right now. She had never heard of a race that hated killing even for the right reasons. Part of her felt as if something, maybe the uncertainty she held towards them melted away. She felt guilty almost for judging them but knew she had every reason to be cautious towards them initially.

"It's nice to know that our ally isn't blood thirsty or uncaring. It put my mind at ease to know that you all have feeling within you underneath your armor". Luna said and smiled at him to which he smiled back only a little.

"Princess, no matter what happens, we're here to protect your people. We might offer your people another world to live on if needed but we will not do anything to deliberately hurt your people". His tone was serious. The stars above them twinkled and pulsed softly.

"I know your story princess". He said suddenly and that made Luna freeze up.

"I-I was young and st-stupid". She said and stuttered with fear. Something told her that if he tried he would kill her and her magic wouldn't be enough to stop him.

"It's okay". He said softly. "I understand that feeling of loneliness. It can drive anyone to madness and make anyone behave rashly. Were your actions good? No. Were there other issues that compounded it all? Yes". Slapping the energy mag back into his rifle he finished cleaning it.

"Just remember that if you need anyone to talk to, you have your sister and friends. If you can't talk to them, we have people you can talk to who're professionals and can help you. Just know that you're not alone anymore". His tone was kind and was without any hostility.

"And once this war is over, we can take you out to see the stars without being stuck on a moon. In an actual ship and maybe get you to enjoy some of the worlds we live on". He said with a chuckle leaving him.

Luna was taken back by the offer. "I mean...I would....It.....THAT WOULD BE AMAZING"! She yelled in the canterlot voice which left Gerad's ears ringing for a moment as he sat their stunned by the sudden increase in volume. It didn't help that the hearing abilities of soldiers had been increased for early warning reasons.

Gerad shook his head clear and the ringing finally subsided as Luna giggle sheepishly in embarrassment. "We are sorry". She had briefly slipped into the old english again.

Waving his hand he put his weapon back together, having cleaned it and made sure there was nothing in the way of energy condenser. Looking away from the town and fires below that lit up the plains of the valley he sighed. "Well hopefully this will end quickly but I have a feeling we'll be here for a few months". His tone sounded tired and weary but he still remained watchful.

"Your people are being evacuated from the town, it's not safe for them to stay right now. We have dropships helping them move and take what belongings they can. We'll send an aid detachment to your capital to distribute supplies and help make sure no one gets special treatment when it come to your people". He continued as he popped up a manifest from the fleet.

"Right now I have operational command of all ground forces so expect the unit to arrive at dawn tomorrow with a large convoy. They'll set up in the plaza of your city to begin distribution while a company sized element from our engineers will start reconstructing whatever structures may have been damaged of destroyed". He finished and selected the 39th logistics company and the 988th engineer company to head to Canterlot the next day from a ship labeled as the U.S.I.S Romania.

"Though I have to ask. What is your role in the kingdom"? He asked her curiously. Luna rubbed the back of her head with a hoof and smiled a bit.

"Well I watch the dreams of others and help them when they have nightmares, watch the kingdom, and also raise and lower the moon when it comes time to do so". Her hoof left the back of her head as she explained her role and finally looked at him.

"What about you captain"? She asked him.

This made Gerad pause in thought. "It depends. I guess my job is to lead my soldiers, leap into the fray of combat, and show that there's a greater power out there watching out for those in need of help. I'm just a captain really, there's nothing special in the end". A shrug of his shoulders followed.

Luna tilted her head and frowned. "And yet those are important things that you do. Without you your soldiers would be lost, without someone to fight there would be no one to protect your people, and without someone to show that there's someone watching over them people lose hope. I think you're more important than you realize".

Gerad visibly winced at the positivity and shook his head. "I guess but let's not get too positive about it. My job is to kill". His tone was blunt but it wasn't intentional and Luna knew this. Deciding to change the subject she smiled.

"Do you have a mate back home? A special somepony"? She asked curiously.

Gerad simply shook his head. "Negative. I haven't even thought about sex in almost thirty years". He said as he ran a systems check on his armor for any possible issues that might inhibit his ability to fight the next day.

This made Luna frown and small feeling of sadness hit her. "Why not? Surely you must have a reason. Life is short after all".

A soft laugh escaped Gerad. "Naw. Humans can live to 500 years of age now. Thank future medicine and augments for that. They increased the maximum human life span by 4 times what it used to be". He finished and once the system finished it's check it listed that there were no errors in his systems.

Luna took a moment to process what she had been told and looked at him. "How old are you exactly"? She asked him curiously.

Gerad tapped his chin for a moment. "My birthday was six months ago roughly so I'm ninety five years of age currently. I've been serving since I was sixty eight".

Luna's jaw dropped open and she had to take a moment to close it. "That's.....older than most people live on our world".

"Well medicine can do that to you. There was even a whole debate about it but people decided they wanted to see Humanity grow and change and that it would be better to live longer. Humans have only have this ability for about 120 years now so it's kind of become a thing". Gerad let out a soft chuckle.

"But...don't you at least have your eye on someone"? She asked him. She didn't see a reason for anyone to be alone.

"Not that I can think of. I kind of want someone who likes exploring, having fun, but at the same time will love me to death and in turn I can do the same". Looking over at her he smiled a bit. "So in a way I'm still looking".

Luna smiled back and finally got up, spreading her wings open. "Then I say don't give up hope. I must return to Canterlot though, I need to be there when your soldiers arrive".

"That's perfectly okay. There's no need to explain anything to me". He said as he gave a wave of his hand.

With a smile on her muzzle she nodded her head. "You have a good night captain". A mighty flap of her wings sent her skyward before she adjusted herself and head back towards Canterlot.

Little did they both know, seeds had been sown.

Welcome to Basic Training.

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Date: June 22nd 4042
Time : 0430 Greenwich time
Location: Equestria, Canterlot.
Units: Alpha company 2nd battalion 39th Infantry regiment

Star Saber was a simple earth pony but slept quietly, happily, peacefully. He was a new recruit as part of the war time draft but from what he had heard the basic guard training was easy. Just get through 3 weeks of training and it was an easy life...mostly. He could just breeze through this and not give a........

Without warning there was a loud bang followed by a loud horn and screaming. "WAKE THE FUCK UP TRAINEES! I DIDN'T GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO SLEEP IN! GET THE FUCK OUT OF YOUR BUNKS AND HOOF TO LINE". Star Saber yelled in surprise and fell out of bed while everyone seemed confused but ran to the line that outlined the center of their bay.


To say that some of them were shaking was an understatement. He had never heard a voice so extreme and intense with so much rage or power. Doing as told he got into the position for earth pony push ups.

"OH I'M SORRY! DID I TELL YOU TO GET DOWN YOU FAT FUCKING BUBBLEGUM CHEWING SACK OF SHIT"?! He suddenly heard get directed at him. He saw a pair of light brown or maybe coyote brown shoes enter is field of view.


Star Saber got up and saw not one but five of the new creatures who had arrived on their world. He was completely surrounded. "Uh um I uh". He stammered confused and now scared out of his mind.


Star Saber turned to see a more feminine human, her eyes were cold, hard and terrifying. "Um I-I don't know". He said timidly.

"OH YOU DON'T KNOW?! OH I KNOW WHY! YOU'RE A GODDAMNED INDIVIDUAL"! She yelled at him and growled. "PLATOON.....ATTENTION"! The female Drill Sergeant called. She watched as everyone stood straight. Inside she sighed, glad that the reception unit had at least taught them that.

"HALF RIGHT.......FACE"! She barked out and began walking down the bay while the other Drill Sergeants began screaming and yelling at the other trainees. The one who had busted Star Saber hadn't left and seemed to be eyeing him like prey.

"FRONT LEANING REST POSITION........MOVE"! She yelled and every single trainee got down while the Drill Sergeant in front of Star Saber squatted down to watch him.

Star Saber swallowed hard. Something told him, maybe instinct was telling him that these Humans were dangerous by default. He didn't know why but he currently felt a sense of fear and shock because the past five minutes had just been the most confusing he had ever experienced.

"IN CADENCE! 1...2...3..."! A loud number one was heard as they began pushing.

In total they did about sixty push ups in total and it left Star Saber's body on fire. Once finished they were made to stand up and the Drill Sergeant looked at Star Saber in the eye. "Don't think kid, just do. Thinking comes after basic. We aren't going to make you do anything we wouldn't do". He said gruffly before turning around and walking to the end of the bay.

Star Saber was breathing heavy after the exercise and figured he could go back to sleep now. He was dead wrong.

"YOU HAVE 3 MINUTES TO GET DOWNSTAIRS BEFORE I FUCK YOU UP AGAIN"! Yelled the female Drill Sergeant before leaving the bay with the other four humans.

Needless to say, every stallion moved quickly. No one wanted a repeat and Star Saber was the first to bolt out the door, praying that things wouldn't get worse. In basic are a Drill sergeant's bitch. You do as they say when they say or you get destroyed.

Downstairs another drill sergeant seemed to be looking at a clock on a glowing display. Next to him stood another two Humans who spoke with him. These two wore a different style of hat instead of the weird brown hats the others wore. They hats matched the strange uniforms that the Humans wore.

(Drill Sergeants are wearing current issued OCP Army uniforms. )

Once downstairs they noticed three other platoons who stood in their own ranks. Once everyone was assembled the Drill Sergeants and two other Humans went to the middle of the platoons. They were under a breezeway, the air was warm but not too warm. A sign that winter should have arrived but with Cloudsdale's destruction it hadn't.

"Good morning trainees". Said one of the humans. He had what looked to be a black bar on his chest. "Despite th draft you all are still here this morning which means you're not cowards. That's good, your country needs you, your families need you. The next 13 weeks will be hard but you will be trained to deal with threats not only of the present but also of the future. You are an experimental group, a new breed of soldier". His tone was serious but kind which threw off Star Saber.

"I know you original training was 3 weeks. That unfortunately is not enough time to properly train and equip a soldier for war. Some of you might think that 13 weeks is too long but our training is five years for our military with combat being apart of the training. If you stick through this training, not only will you have the pride of being the best trained soldiers on the planet next to us BUT you will also be the first". Stopping he looked back at the platoons of ponies.

"My First Sergeant will now introduce your Drill Sergeants. All of them are experienced combat veterans, all of them have stories of their own, and all of them are here to make sure that you leave here prepared for conflict. First Sergeant Gomez, take it away". With that the black bar stepped back while a man walked forward.

His rank was well....a mess. It had three chevrons and a triple rocker with some kind of dot or shape in the middle. "The LT said it. They all have stories and skills they can impart to you. I want to make one thing clear, we may be different but you WILL treat my NCOs with respect". He said harshly.

"NOW! Your drill sergeants. 1st platoon is Drill Sergeant Plowman, Drill Sergeant Diego, and Senior Drill Sergeant Jush". He called and each one stepped forward. No one expected Diego to be a female but then again it was a last name.

"2nd platoon is Drill Sergeant Lamba, Drill Sergeant Yunor, and Senior Drill Sergeant Soko". This time Drill Sergeant Yunor was the female as Star Saber started noticing a trend.

"3rd platoon is Drill sergeant Corey, Drill Sergeant Vapos, and Senior Drill Sergeant Sagitarius". This time it was the senior who was the female and honestly Saber found the name interesting, almost...heaven like in nature.

"And finally 4th platoon is Drill Sergeant Roa and Drill Sergeant Kivun (Kie-vune). They are all here to make sure you graduate because even when you give up on yourself we wont give up on you"! The First Sergeant was getting a bit intense.

"We have a schedule to keep! You will show up at the right place, at the right time, with the right attitude! I don't care if a stallion is fucking the shit out of your girl back home! You will do your job and you will train"! He said and looked over the platoons.

"Drill Sergeants, they're all yours. Conduct PT and then get them to chow". He said before turning around and walking away with the Lieutenant.

Great War

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Date: June 29th 4042
Time : 0941 Greenwich time
Location: Equestria, southwestern ocean
Units: 375th LDT and 33rd Mechanized Infantry battalion (The Dead Men of Osowic)

(Listen to the song "Attack of The Dead Men" by Sabaton.)

Operation: Breakneck

Objective: A two pronged attack to break the siege of Ponyville.
Secondary Objective: Drop enemy force to less than 40% of it's original combat force.

Units: 375th LDT Battalion and the 33rd Mechanized Infantry battalion.

Success: The destruction or routing of the Gryphon led coalition.
Failure: Unable to dislodge coalition forces and delay of outbreak.

H hour: 1000 hours.

Legends tell of warriors who burn brightly into the battlefield. Warriors who carry power and the weight of goodness on their shoulders. Warriors who will become your friends if given the chance and destroy you the moment you betray them. These warriors are talked about across the stars, the boogeymen of all those who seek to seize power at the cost of civilians lives.

"First Sergeant, how long till everyone's ready"? Gerad asked as he looked over the staging area. In it were the heavier gunned 205mm cannon M35A4 Archangel MBTs unlike their lighter gunned AA variants the M35A4B.

As the First Sergeant looked everything over he smiled. "Seven minutes until everyone is mounted up and ready to roll. Fleet has given us access to Diablo's for this should we need fast air or someone to rough the Gryphons up". He finished as two of the Multi-role spacecraft roared overhead and reentered the planet's orbit.

"Good. The enemy seems to be just waking up so it'll feel like a hangover after downing six soju bombs". Flipping the rifle off safety and into the three round burst fire option he looked over at some of the royal guards soldiers that would be observing them in combat. It would be a whole new breed of warfare they'd be witnessing, one of fire and maneuver which he knew they hadn't seem yet.

"And so we usher in a new era of warfare, bringing advances and set backs. May we be forgiven for our actions are done with good intent, out of the love of our hearts, and with the hatred not of our enemy but their ideals". The First Sergeant's tone solemn for once more they must take life to preserve freedom and the light in the universe.

Gerad looked at him. "And when their evil ideals have been laid to rest, may we return home knowing we did our best. Our hearts forgiving and our minds wiser. For we are the infantry and while death may follow us, we do not bring it out of choice but out of need". He finished as his helm formed over his head, finishing the infantryman's prayer of forgiveness.

With that they both parted ways, boarding separate IFVs while the Arch Angel MBTs formed a right echelon. The IFVs would provide the command elements of the attack while giving support fires for unmounted infantry. The Arch Angels were tasked with spearheading the attack and punching holes into the Gryphon camp.

"All U.S.I.A forces, this is captain Gerad. I am your commanding officer for this mission. Here's the sexy details. We're going in and we're breaking this siege. That's right, we're going to fist fuck this virgin ass with the hand of the Hulk on a roid rage. After this we'll be more free to move around". He continued as the vehicles got into formation.

"Or in short fast, dirty, and with a smile for those of you with an ASVAB of 2". A voice came over the channel which earned a few laughs. "All units this is the First sergeant, move it out"! He called through the communication system.

The vehicles responded sharply, moving forward the moment the gas was applied. The D-4335 Blitz engines giving them the horsepower and torque needed for the MBTs to go from a complete stop to 50 miles an hour in 2.2 seconds. The weapons on the tanks glowed with power as the Gyrostabalizers kept the guns level, their targets dead ahead.

The engines of the MBTs roared loudly as tanks from the 33rd pulled ahead, massive blood red skulls painted on their frontal armor with red paint as blood spatter. It wasn't regulation but exceptions were made since pilots always got away with marking their fighters. To say they looked intimidating was a bit of an understatement as they led the charge. A mass of angry red skulls charging towards the enemy encampment who in their overconfidence had failed to erect even makeshift walls.

"33rd has targets in sight. Sending the pain"! Came a tank commander who's twin 205s fired simultaneously followed by the remaining tanks joining the salvo. Round after round impacted in the camp and in front of it, blowing up Grypons and other unknown creatures. Screams were heard from the camp as it was sent into disarray due to the sudden morning attack.

The IFVs stopped about a half mile from the camp and began their barrage with their cannons, the auto-cannons tearing through the front of the camp. "Don't give them a chance to recover! Bust through and establish dominance"! Gerad yelled as he took careful aim with his rifle and let off a burst as a flying bug like pony flew at him, dropping it and killing it.

"Captain this is Private Kunitz or Tank company Alpha, we have over run the left flank and are pressing in from the west. Can you let the east attacking force know we're ready"? The voice asked as weapons fire was heard through the radio.

Gerad looked up and downed another insect pony as it seemed they had gotten off the ground. "Thanks for the heads up Private". He said and turned to his first sergeant. "GET THOSE DIABLO'S DOWN HERE"! He yelled at him who in turn transmitted the request to the fleet.

The bug creatures closed fast and seemed to dive down at them. The soldiers below responded with their small arms but they came as a swarm. Before they could get too close a Diablo burst through the group, it's wings glowing as the blades along them had been activated. The bugs were confused by this new arrival but went to focus their attack on it only for another Diablo to start tearing into the swarm with it's heavy guns.

"And Hell's Angels have arrived. We'll keep these fuckers off you, just take out that camp". Came the voice of the flight leader who in that moment flew overhead with his flight of 22 other Diablos before they each broke off and began to attack the swarm. The speed of the Diablo's combined with the cloud cover the fighters used made the swarm confused as they started to fire green blasts of energy blindly.

As the Diablo's engaged the sky lit up with blue and green energy. The Human fighters suited well for the agility of their new combatants and even better was their armament. The twin 60 caliber guns on the space craft made short work of what might has well have been unarmored aircraft. Some Diablos ended up with green stains on their hulls but outside of that they sustained no major damage.

With the swarm occupied there was an explosion from the west side of the camp, indicating that Bravo company tanks sent there had broken through. In front of Gerad the LDTs were advancing with five meter intervals between them as they laid fire on the camp, advancing towards it with the tanks from Charlie and Delta remaining as the spear head.

The tanks while they didn't look pretty, did their job of scaring the enemy and laying down fire. Any Gryphons that got close to the tanks were killed by the LDTs or the soldiers on the turrets. Bayonet training helped their encounters as the energy blades cut right through the Grypons primitive armor or the armor of the Minotaurs and bug equines.

As they got further into the camp Gerad ordered the vehicles to stop and provide covering fire. A Minotaur charged him with a large hammer and swung at him. When the large bull swung Gerad ducked and wrapped his arm with the bull's before using his other hand and punching upwards. This caused a loud crunch to be heard as he shattered the creature's elbow and portions of the arm near it.

He heard it bellow in pain and silenced it with a round in the head before turning around, seeing his first sergeant cut an enemy's sword with is energy bayonet followed through by slashing upwards which sent the 16 inch blade cutting through their face. A sizzling sound was heard as the hot energy blade burned through the flesh and killed it's target.

Around them the LDTs gained control of the camp quickly, taking prisoners and fighting with those who tried to resist.

In the air the smell of freshly burned mesquite wafted. The weapon's discharge wasn't as rancid as gun powder but even the smell of something pleasant can get to be too much. Gerad was just happy for his air filters on his armor which kept the smell out.

It took about thirty minutes to finish the rest of the camp. The only reason it was so quick was because of the lack of preparations and sentries by the enemy. Needless to say that while the battle had been relatively quick, it was far from clean. There was blood on the ground, pooling in some areas as if it had rained the liquid onto the ground from blood filled clouds.

As Gerad moved towards the center of the camp he pondered one thing. They were unprepared this time and without any advantage. What would happen if they were in a city or had hostages. One hings was for sure, as time went on, the gryphons were going to get desperate and do anything they could to win.

As he looked over the battle or more of a massacre, he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning around he faced a corporal who had a holopad in his hand. "Camp is secured, reports indicate that most have been killed or are fleeing from the area". He said as Gerad calmly looked over the pad.

Looking back to the corporal he nodded his head. "Thank you son". With that he walked further into the camp himself, a grim thought in his mind.

Breaking Down

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FFDP Wrong side of heaven (It goes with this chapter.)

(warning. This deals with PTSD and attempted suicide.)

Bedding down for the night they had returned to the town. With the siege broken they took a chance to rest while some patrols and scouts had been sent out to make sure the enemy didn't attempt a surprise attack. The area was secured with ground sensors and with the fleet watching from above, ready to fire now that the enemy was no longer near the village. For some sleep came easy, for others not so much.

Gerad was one of those. He was a veteran by any standard, battle tested and scarred up not just outside but inside. He tossed and turned within his sleeping bag, whimpering softly as his mind was plagued with nightmares. What nightmares you might ask? Well let's just say that leadership is it's own burden, having to order troops into battle knowing full well that your orders will get someone killed regardless of even the best intelligence and weapons.

NCOs and officers who've experienced this turn into one of four people. The perfectionist who strives to make sure everything runs smooth, micromanaging everything. The indecisive who holds back on ordering his soldiers into combat as he tries to reduce troop and equipment loss. The Cold one who no longer cares and treats his soldiers like machines, running them into the ground. Finally the Realist. The one who knows they'll lose people but they do the best they can still knowing not everyone will come home but still treats their soldiers like family.

Gerad was a Realist. He loved his soldiers to death despite every lose hitting him in the gut like a hammer blow. That's why his rest was never peaceful. In his dreams he tried to save them but he couldn't. He watched his friends die again and again, New soldiers fresh from training lose limbs or their lives, some no older than 20 years of age, and he watched the life drain from them as their blood pooled around their bodies with the casevac just minutes away but just a few seconds too late.

(Inside Gerad's mind.)

"Stay with me private, hang on". He said as he drove the damaged armored vehicle through the war torn streets. One hand was on the steering wheel of the IFV while his free hand held tried to keep pressure on the soldier's gut wound. "HEY! KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN"! He yelled as the private groaned and laid her head back in pain. They hit a bump which jostled his hand and that caused another wave of pain to run through the wounded female.

She coughed up blood and it dribbled from her mouth and stomach. The floorboard was slick with blood and intestinal fluids she had lost and she was going into shock. He tried to keep her awake and alive, pushing the wounded vehicle to it's max. He wasn't fast enough as she passed and the memory faded into darkness with only the lifeless look on her face.

A scream ripped through the darkness as a new memory flashed up. "IT BURNS! OH MY GOD IT FUCKING BURNS"! Gerad busted through a wall and shoulder chucked and alien into the opposite end, killing the creature. Turning around he saw a sergeant come through after him and check the soldier. It was a Specialist who looked like his stomach had been eaten through with acid.

The creatures they had been fighting were what remained of the former inhabitants of the world, changed by radiation and some type of virus. It was able to eat through the tough shielding and armor of those on the surface which was a first for the military. Now there was a scramble to come up with something resistant to this high of a PH level. The sergeant took a knee next to the soldier who was gasping and looked at the sergeant with his blue optic system hiding the pained expression beneath.

"Sarge? I-I hurt sarge. T-tell my ma......T-ell her I did". With that he ceased breathing and ceased moving. The looked at the body for a moment and then to Gerad. "I'm going to make these things pay. To be honest, I blame you more than anything. You sent us into a position that was untenable knowing full well that it was". The sergeant said with hostility.

Gerad looked at the body and then at the sergeant. "Look, I didn't want to send anyone here but someone had to be sent otherwise we would have lost our entire eastern flank and half the city. I don't like getting you all killed". He said in retort as he already felt grief and regret. Looking outside the building there were about 20 bodies of other soldiers of varying rank laying dead on the battle field. Their bodies with various acid burns on their bodies and in some cases they were eaten all the way through.

"Well maybe if you had chosen a better defensive site or choke point these men wouldn't be dead! My platoon might still be alive god damn it"! The sergeant roared at him which made Gerad spin around while friendly soldiers came to reinforce the area. "YOU THINK THIS WASN'T THE BEST OPTION?! IT WAS THIS OR OUT IN THE PLAZA OR EVEN WORSE THE GOD DAMNED FIELDS"! He yelled back. He was already upset about the loss of life but he knew he had chosen the lesser of the two evils.

The dream faded and Gerad was left in and empty black space sobbing. Yanking his hair and screaming in his dream as the faces of every soldier he had lost flashed in front of him. He screamed loudly as he reached out for something, anything. His hands touched something cold and metalic and he picked it up. Feeling it up he found some type of grip and the cold metal lit up a soft purple. His own combat knife was held in his hands and it glowed temptingly.

Tears streamed down his face as he apologized again and again to every face he saw. Soon enough voices surrounded him in the darkness. "Failed us. KILLED US. I wanted to go home. HELP ME! SAVE US"! The voices were many and he let out a scream as he raised the knife, ready to end it, to plunge it into his chest.

At that moment there was an explosion of white light and the knife was knocked from his hands. He was blinded and screamed loudly in fear as he cried. He expected to see an unholy terror, a monster made up of the bodies of those he had let down. Instead there stood a dark blue mare with soft blue eyes.

"Gerad"? The voice questioned. It was soft, sweet, motherly almost.

His response was to scream and fall to his knees, rocking back and forth on them as he held his head. "Make them stop. I ke-keep apologizing. I never w-anted t-them to die. Plea-se m-ake them stop. Please kill me". He begged in short broken sentences as he dug his nails into his scalp. His tears formed a pool around him which rippled when it was disturbed by a blue hoof.

He looked up with a tear stained face and bloodshot eyes. Luna stood before him and before he could question what she was doing she dragged him from the puddle with her magic. Gerad squirmed and tried to get free but stopped when he felt her soft blue wings wrap around him, her hooves wrapping around his back and pulling him close.

Luna hugged him tightly to her, refusing to let the man go. He had already turned the course of a war that they had been losing for years and watching his dream she had seen the suffering he had gone through. She wouldn't let him go, she couldn't let him go. She had seen enough death and she didn't want to see anymore, especially by the species that had come to their aid. "What were you doing Gerad"? She asked him and looked into his eyes with her own.

She watched him look away but she refused to let him turn away and made him look at her. "Tell me Gerad". She said softly to which Gerad visibly tensed and swallowed a lump in his throat. He didn't want to say it, no one wanted to come out and say they wanted to kill themselves. It just wasn't Human nature to tell someone something like that lest they be judged as weak.

She wasn't going to take his silence and decided to answer it for him. "You were going to kill yourself weren't you"? She asked him which made him nod his head. "But only in here. Not out there I swear"! He said quickly which made the Lunar princess shake her head.

"Do not lie to me Gerad. What ails you? Is it the loss of your friends, the burden of command, or is it both"? She inquired and laid next to him, keeping him close to her barrel and chest. She watched Gerad fidget uncomfortably.

"Both. I can't stop seeing their faces Luna, I can't take it. They keep growing in number with each passing year and I can't stop it". He said with tears threatening to spring forth once again.

She intercepted those tears with a brush of her soft feathered wings, wiping them away and hugging him tighter. "I know how you feel Gerad. I too have lost good friends from the guard and I miss them dearly. I know it hurts and I know it pains you to know that they are not coming back but take heart in knowing that none of them blame you". She said and nuzzled his cheek softly.

Gerad looked away. "But I gave the order, I put them in those positions". He looked back to her. "And I made them fight".

Luna shook her head. "No, they chose to fight when they joined and while you gave the order I know you did the best you could to make sure they might survive". Nibbling his ear softly she continued to console him. "I know the loss and the memories sting and in some cases it might feel like that's all you'll be able to see. I don't want to see you like this Gerad. Think instead of your victories, of the many you've saved, and of those you'll be able to save in the future. We all make mistakes and we all lose people. The best we can do to honor their memory is to continue living for them".

Gerad looked tired as he seemed to relax from her touch and being so close to her. "But......".

Luna put a wing to his lips. "No buts. Rest Gerad, I will guard you". She gave him a soft kiss on the forehead which she noticed made Gerad blush softly.

"Yes Milady....Is there.....any.....other orders......zzzzzzzzz". Gerad's mind finally reached a peace where the exhaustion finally set in. True to her word Luna guarded his dreams and his mind, letting him sleep peacefully for the first time in years.

Luna couldn't help but wonder one thing. Why the hell did she kiss his forehead?

A Nice Chat

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Date: July 5th 4042
Time : 0334 Greenwich time
Location: Planet of New Wyoming, Capital City of Cheyenne.
Units: 23rd Military Intelligence Company.

Report Begin..............
Recording software online..........
Subjects Vitals: Elevated but at stable levels............
Permission to begin information gathering................Approved, Level 2 Geneva code, TS-Gamma clearance accepted.

Soldiers overseeing information gathering: Private first Class Hargreave, Sergeant Taner, Staff Sergeant Lilina, specialist three Zakienev.

Light flashes on and for a moment he's blinded by the piercing beams. He had been kept in the dark for four days and the light was too bright, making his eyes water a bit.

"Sorry, did I wake you up pedophile"? Came a distorted voice.

He looked around scared for the origin of the voice. He heard footsteps to his left and strained to look only to see a figure in solid black armor, no features or insignia were visible.


Sharp pain ran through his jaw as he felt a heavy force connect with his beak. It hadn't been broken but he doubted that was the point. He saw stars and white spots before his vision began to clear.

"You will remain quiet. You speak only when spoken too. You will answer my questions when I ask them without any sort of backtalk". The voice said.

He whimpered in pain in an undignified way. He didn't know what to expect from these creatures and with them having snuck up on them during the bidding as easily as they had well, he didn't want to push his luck. After all they had swooped in out of nowhere and obliterated several brigades while being outnumbered 30 to 1.

"Now. What are the disposition of your soldiers along this map". The creature said as it activated what could only be considered a magic map. The display lifting from the ground with a large red X and different colors for different areas such as forests or cities.

The Griffin shook his head and laughed as he acted tough. "You think I'd tell you?! HA! You've got another AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"! He screamed as a painful electric current went through him and the large black figure appear with a strange device that sparked with energy in the shape of a baton.

"Wrong answer. Heheheheheh". The black figure laughed as it circled him and shocked him again which made the Griffin scream in pain once more. His body jolted and shook in agony for a few seconds before it all started.

"BUCK YOU"! He yelled and was rewarded with another shock which made him scream in pain.

"Warning, Subjects vitals have skyrocketed. Heart Rate now registers a 230 beats per minute. Recommend ceasing of torture". Came a feminine voice.

The Griffin panted hard as his heart raced and he looked around the room for escape. He could only see darkness and the light burned his eyes. It felt like his eyes were being cooked out of their sockets slowly but surely.

"I will ask once more, what is the disposition of your soldiers"? The dark figure asked as it set the device down on the table where several other items could be made out just barely in the darkness behind the light.

The Griffing was breathing hard, his body heaving due to the pain he had experienced from this dark, demon. He wouldn't give in though, he had to stay strong and loyal to the emperor. "B-Buck you demon. I hope you die in a slow and painful way as your children are raped in front of AGH"!

He was shut up as his gut received a painful hit, knocking the wind out of him in the process and leaving him gasping for air like a fish out of water. His lungs having lost all the air in them and it was terrifying. For a moment he thought he was dying.

"You think your comrades are coming to save you? You're on a whole different world and they can't reach you here. You're alone except for your buddy but we have special plans for him. He'll taste good with a little seasoning", The dark figure chuckled with a distorted voice once more coming from him.

"W-What have you done with Gray Steele"?! He yelled and was slapped across the face which forced a whimper from his beak.

"Nothing yet but if you don't talk then we will". A few seconds later the other Griffin was brought in on a stretcher. He seemed to be hooked up to a strange device.

"Your buddy here is going to end up castrated by an electrical current which will force his balls and dick to explode. Effectively we'll be frying his reproductive organs if you don't talk. After that we'll begin removing different parts from his body until you speak. His survival depends on you".

He could see the terrified look on his friend's face but didn't believe this creatures would do it and snarled. "Once again I wont say a danged thing"! He said in a horse but defiant tone.

The dark figure nodded to another figure in all white and his friend was heard screaming. Soon there was a loud pop and the males genitals exploded all over the wall in front of him and also spattering the other griffin a bit.

"Once again from the top. What is the disposition of your ground forces. We can even save your friend's junk if you tell us". The distorted voice offered him as it walked the room, now with bits of his friend on the walls.

The Griffin swallowed reluctantly. "G-Give me the map". He said as he shivered unaware that the figure was smiling beneath it's armor.

Handing him the map the Griffin began to place the approximate areas of units he knew of. He hoped that would be the end of it.

"What's the equipment they are carrying in he city of Manehatten"? The voice asked which shocked the Griffin.

"But my friend! You said you'd save him and put him back together"! He cried out only for the voice to laugh lightly and darkly.

"No. I said that we CAN put him back together but we're not done yet". The dark figure antagonized. "Now. Standard equipment". It said.

The Griffin looked at his friend who was bleeding all over the table. "Swords, crossbows, Trebuchets, and Balistas! That's it! I don't know what else they might have"! He said as he watched his friend become weaker and weaker.

The black figure snapped it's fingers and the figure in white began to work to replace the male's genitals after stopping the bleeding. Leaning in it looked the griffin in the face. "We are people of our word so believe me when I say we're not done yet. To avoid further suffering for him and you, I want you to cooperate". It said and handed the map to another black clad creature. "Now. I want to know where the children you've bought have been taken and how many".

The Griffin swallowed hard and looked at his friend. "I-I don't know the e-exact number. Maybe thirty to fifty recently. I-It's not just ponies though. It's even members of our coalition. They w-ere probably taken to the capital a-nd other garrisons". He said fearful that his friend might be hurt again.

The black figure hummed and thought for a moment at this new information. It could be used to dissolve the coalition and start infighting between the factions.

"Finally. What races make up your coalition"? It asked him.

The poor Griffin would have laid an egg if he had been a hen. "There's changelings, they can use illusion magic to look like someone else but it doesn't change their actual form. There's the Minotaurs and they walk on two legs and use heavy weapons. There's m-my species the Griffins who lead it and then there's a few factions of Zebras but that's it". He said shakingly.

"Good, I thank you for this information". Snapping his fingers he vanished.

"Virtual scenario ending. Guards, return the prisoner to his cell".

The Griffin gasped as he looked around and saw that his friend wasn't there and that the items and tools had also vanished along with the table and light. He was suddenly picked up and dragged out of wherever he had been. He was shaking uncontrollably. It had all been fake but it felt so real, he was more scared than before because if they could get into his mind like they had then who knew what they could do to his people. For once, he was actually wanting to repent for the wrongs he had committed.

Being tossed back into his cell he looked at the guards with terror. They wore solid black, their eyes seemed to glow green only it wasn't their eyes. It was a mask and one he would never disobey again. "I-Is there someone I can talk to? I-I need to see someone who's a religious figure". He said shakingly and flinched expecting to be hit.

Instead what he got was a simple response. "We will have a chaplain brought to you. Feeling bad for what you did to those children"? The creature asked him.

The Griffin nodded his head. "And if this isn't Tatarus then I don't want to see what awaits me". He said with a hard swallow.

Chuckling lightly the figures turned as one said. "There may be hope for you yet". With that the door shut and he was left in a room with a bed which was surprisingly comfortable to lay on, hot food on the table, fresh water, and a sink. There was a pencil and a notepad and taking hold of them he began to shakingly write down a confession of his deeds, his talons unable to remain still.

Discovery and Choices

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Date: July 10th 4042
Time : 0700 Greenwich time
Location: Equestria, Security Zone 1 (Ponyville.) A.K.A Push back
Units: 375th LDT

Walking into the large black building in the center of security zone one he prepared for some kind of ass chewing. Usually that's what happened when you got called in for a private conversation with the fleet lead or anyone higher than you in general. It was rarely ever to commend you on a job well done or tell you that you could take a break and even a break could mean you were being considered for something but at that point it might be 50/50 you were getting a promotion.

Tapping the holotable up sprang a light before forming into a U.S.I.A.N.A.C symbol of an phoenix with crossed claymore swords behind it and in it's talons bore olive branches. The image quickly faded to an image of the fleet's captain with the table bringing out his features easy enough. Behind Gerad stood his first sergeant. Both snapped to attention before being told to be at ease and rest.

"Gentlemen, we need to speak. It's time I told you the full reason that we're here on this world and this will come as a shock or maybe even shatter foundations. Using scenarios and projections as well as identifying tectonic plates through the ships sensors, analysis of the planet has brought us to one very clear conclusion but before that, besides the tectonic plating and scans we also have identified several similarities between the equines on our worlds, eagles, lions, etcera. We believe there may have been a period of cross breeding, there is the secondary matter which feeds into our reasons for being here".

Next to the fleet captain there appeared a large quadruped creature with the face of a man and the head of a bull. " satan himself. What you are looking at is evil incarnate and the form he has chosen. Whether you're religious or not this is one of three reasons we are here. The Griffin coalition has been trying to crack the gates of hell open to make a deal with this creature or as we have code named him....Uriel".

Gerad looked back at his senior NCO and received a frown and a shrug. "Come again? Are you saying we somehow identified the devil himself? Look, as advanced as we are we have no way of scanning each individual life form like that".

The fleet captain shook his head and held up a book. "This, was gifted to us by the solar Diarch Celestia. It contains the history of the world and her nation within it. Besides that we had sent a Star Killer team to this planet two months ago to scout the planet. This is the first time in a long time that Humans had set foot on this planet. They came back with information of a great war and intelligence that a certain faction believed it had found the gates of Tell or Tartarus or Hades or whatever you call it. Regardless they did a bit more digging and infiltrated deep into the faction's territory".

Setting the book down on a desk out of view from Gerad and the first sergeant he continued. "They confirmed that the gates of Hell had been found and that this faction now known as the Griffin coalition. They believe they can...control him and the powers of Hell or at least cut a deal with him. See what the Griffins want is total and utter domination of the planet and to remain unchallenged wherever they go. This involved capturing four princesses. The princess of the sun, the princess of love, the princess of magic, and a mare I know you've gotten well acquainted with the princess of the moon".

The Image of the creature vanished as the captain brought up the map. "See this Star Killer team has found that the princess of love has already been captured. They were on the verge of capturing the princess of magic but then we showed up. That village you intervened at happened to be the village she resided in. After her it would have been the solar and lunar princesses. In short, we put a massive tungsten wrench in their plans. Gentlemen, we are the stopping point for this".

Gerad gritted his teeth. "So why not move them off planet where they'll be safer? No offense sir but wouldn't it make it impossible to get to them"? He asked.

The fleet captain crossed his arms, cocking his hip to the side. "And what do you think the ponies would see that as? They'd see it as a kidnapping of their leaders and mass panic would ensue. No, they're much better down here where they calm their people and we need them on our side. This isn't the second exodus where we left earth. We can't just kidnap entire families to ensure a species survival or the survival of a race and culture. This fight is one we can not grab and run on. We may have had that privilege in the past where we could evacuate entire civilizations off dying worlds but not this time".

Unfolding his arms the display changed and an image of old earth appeared. The United States exactly where it had been in the year 2020. That was eighty five years before the second exodus where humanity was forced to leave earth.

"Captain....this creature is responsible for our loss of our home". As the fleet captain said this the world began to change to match a secondary planet that appeared. In the span of ten seconds they matched perfectly and flashed green. "This is our home".

Gerad felt like a ton of brick had hit him in the gut. "Wait wait wait what?! There's no fucking way that's possible! We would have been told before hand and........unless this is why we weren't told. It's still at risk of being a total failure. We're fighting to get out home back and if we fail then there wouldn't have been a point in saying we found it again". As realization dawned on him a pit formed in his stomach to make way for the bricks.

"I know it's a lot to take in commander. Trust me, it shocked me too my core but right now we are fighting for the home of humanity. Our foundations and above all, for our soul. You feel it, we all feel it, that hole inside where it doesn't seem to matter what planets we colonize it's never truly home. Haven't you noticed that feeling has faded since we got here"? The fleet captain asked.

Gerad took a moment and thought long and hard. He had been feeling different since he got here. More peace, more fulfilled and complete. "I...I guess captain. What do we do now though? If they bring that creature back it could mean losing our home again".

The fleet captain just sighed and gave a small chuckle. "I don't know captain but if I were you, I'd fight harder than before to make sure we return home and that these being that replaced us don't suffer the same fate. Commander, as of right now you're leading the charge to take back our home and make the bastard that almost destroyed us pay for his crimes. We are not perfect beings but what we are is Human and you know as well as I do, we don't take kindly to when people take what is ours. So I leave the choice to you. Do we leave or do we stay and retake our home"?

It was a a tough question. They could leave and not have to worry about this planet but at the same time he'd be burying part of the past. On the other hand they fight and possibly contend with a beast out of religious history but in doing so save their home and an entire species. One other thing popped into his head, Luna, the moon princess had been kind to him and his men. She had been kind to him and soothed his torturous dreams the night before. It wasn't a kindness he could leave unpaid.

"I say we fight. These people we showed up for have been kind and good to us, fighting by themselves for god knows how long without any proper help. One has even gone out of her way to sooth my soldiers at night despite it possibly exhausting her. I can't bring myself to abandon them and I refuse to abandon this planet once more. We're not children anymore and we sure as hell wont run like it. We'll fight like the big brother we've become". His tone was determined even though he knew it would be struggle.

The fleet captain smiled. "That's what I wanted to hear. Commander Gerad, I am giving you full control of forces on the ground to save not just our home but their's too. As of right now by order of Fleet Battle Group Commander Corona and Fleet Battle Group Commander Phoenix you have a blank check and access to what you need to accomplish the liberation of our world". With that the fleet captains figure vanished and they were left in the dim light of the room.

"Guess we better get to it then captain". His First Sergeant said and pounded his fist on Gerad's shoulder pauldron before walking out of the building.

Gerad shook his head with a a sad smile before walking outside to see princess Luna surrounded by children who were dancing and playing around her. A thought crossed his mind that she'd make an excellent mother before he made his way down the hill and away from the black building.

"It's been read in a book somewhere that the opposite of fear isn't courage the opposite of fear is love". - 1st LT Elliot Ackerman Alpha Company 1st battalion 8th marines after the second battle of Fallujah 2004.

Rough Seas

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Date: July 20th 4042
Time : 1125 Greenwich time
Location: Equestria, southwestern ocean
Units: U.S.I.S Naval craft: Battleship Hard knock, Destroyer Blue Star, Frigate Guiding Arm, Frigate Burning Ember, Frigate New Harbinger. 182nd fighter escort group 60X Diablo Fighter craft.

Operation Dew Drop
Primary Objective: To assault Griffin ships and disrupt supply lines to the Griffish Isles in preparation for an invasion of the islands and the three cities of Buckingham, Manechester, and Trottingham.
Secondary Objective: Draw away Griffin Naval forces from the Equestrian coasts to stretch their lines.

Successful outcome: Griffin naval line stretched and shipping lines cut.
Partial success: Shipping lines cut or Coalition naval power stretched.
Failure: Naval lines are not cut and Coalition forces remain in place.

On the horizon it would appear as a mist or a cloud was covering the ocean, slowly moving across the still waters. All was quiet except for a high wind which came forth from the cloud. To those who didn't know, it was a simple cloud, something you typically avoided. Beneath it though, the powerful engines of five large space craft kicked the water vapor up further camouflaging the purple ships. On the largest of the group the numeral WBBS32467 was emblazoned in solid white.

Blue Star: "Hard Knock this is Blue Star, unknown entities on scope thirty five miles from our position bearing Gulf Hotel X-ray 336, Yankee 458. We have an ATURD on the way to the location for visual, ETA 5 minutes till interception".

Hard Knock: "Copy Blue Star, get in an arrow head. I want Frigates up front Hard Knock in the middle and Blue Star in the back".

Blue Star: "Roger Hard Knock, entering formation".

Burning Ember: "Copy all moving to the tip".

Guiding Arm: "Guiding Arm moving to the forward left flank

New Harbinger: "Copy all, Harbinger moving to the right flank".

Hard Knock: "I want this clean gentlemen, we hit them, drop them, and draw the Coalition fleet away from the mainland".

Blue Star: "ATURD is 1 minute out, tracking it's location. ATURD has located thirty three ships which five seemed armed. Painting them now. The others are large, roughly a half mile long with large sails".

Hard Knock: "Those are exactly what we're looking for".

Blue star: "ATURD has eyes on airships. They may be flying escort. I have twelve right now. All ship are bearing Gulf Hotel X-ray 3677, Yankee 4585. Be advised that one of the airships is fucking massive. If I had anything to guess, they may be carrying arms and heavier weapons on board".

Hard Knock: "Fuck. That wasn't expected. Hard Knock to 182nd command. Get your fighters in the air. We need to stay low and the last thing we need is to get spotted and have them make a break for it. The airships may contain heavy weapons or supplies for the defenders".

182nd fighter group: "Got it. We'll scramble Diablo's to intercept and shoot them down dubbed Intercept one. The rest of us are on standby till we engage the enemy fleet".

For a moment it was just the high wind and in an instant it was pierced with explosions of thunder as four Diablos launched from their bays, into the clouds above which had begun to turn grey with another storm brewing above.

Hard Knock: "The rest of us are to close to a distance of twenty miles. Blue Star keep the Unmanned recon up there as till our boys arrive. Intercept 1, circle the airborne targets until we begin our attack on the fleet. If they begin to move away from the main force I want them destroyed".

Intercept 1: "Copy that, climbing to three thousand feet and arming weapons".

As the battle group closed on the fleet like a storm, the Diablo's flew through the grey storm clouds. Like eagles they moved swiftly and silently towards their targets unknown to the Coalition forces. Down near the water the speed of the ships increased to catch up to the fleet below. Soon a heavy fog fell over the ocean, making their cloud blend in almost perfectly. In a few minutes they were upon them, like wraiths in the night.

Hard Knock: "All ships engage targets and fire at will, sink everything".

Blue Star: "Firing cannons one through three"!

A loud explosion ripped though the air followed by another and another. Bright flashes of purple energy arched through the fog and tore through or into the ships. A moment later a Diablo broke cloud cover, it's engines on fire before it slammed into the water.

Intercept 1: "We have a Diablo down! What the fuck was that?! SHIT! WATCH THE BLUE"!

In the sky there was a flash of blue followed by multiple flashes of purple in the grey clouds. Moments later several air ships splashed into the water around them.

Intercept 1: "Hard Knock we believe they have an electric based weapon capable of frying the systems in the Diablos. It is unknown if they have more of these but it you'll see a bright blue light before it fires".

Hard Knock: "Got it Intercept 1. We're dispatching Search and Rescue. finish those ships up their quickly and get back to the ships".

Through out the fog that hugged the ocean there was flash upon flash as the Human ships fired their cannons. The Frigates quickly moved to encircle the Coalition ships and cut them off from escape, like sharks circling an injured fish. From the frigates they fired inwards while the destroyer and battleship fired outwards. This entrapped the Coalition ships in a circle of inescapable firepower. All that would remain at the end were a few survivors and the wreckage of a fleet that was nothing more than scrap. The survivors were pulled from the ocean and arrested before being put into the brigs aboard the various ships.

The Diablos landed while their comrade was retrieved and his fighter recovered to avoid letting it fall into enemy hands.

Once more the cloud moved.

Where there was once a fleet.

That fleet vanished beneath the waves.

A Dream Walker Lives (Reworked. Hope you like it.)

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Location: Canterlot Equestria
Planet: Earth
Time: Unknown night
Date: Unknown
Units involved: None.
Personnel involved: Unknown entities detected.

Luna stretched and looked around her own subconscious. She was back in Ponyville and a wicked laugh filled the air, ponies screamed and ran past her. It was foggy, cold, and wrong. There wasn't a star in the sky, not even the moon shown it's white light. She knew this all had to be a dream as Ponyville had been liberated and the Humans were still there to protect it. Yet here she saw no Humans let alone guards from her own military.

In front of her a pony was crawling away before a spear went through his face. The sight made Luna wretch in disgust and almost throw up the meal she had before going to bed. Granted the meal hadn't been all that tasty since rationing was still going on and a true ruler suffered with their people. Still though she looked around and cast a spell, her horn glowing a bright blue which had no effect on the fog.

"Oh sweet sweet little Lulu you can't do that here. I'm running this dream". The tone was full of malice and dripped with venom as if the words themselves were trying to infect her.

Luna stomped her hoof and snorted in anger and defiance. "Show yourself fiend! This is no dream but a Nightmare and I know of only one creature that would be as disgusting and grotesque as this"! Luna challenged the creature.

Appearing from the fog came a black mare, her pupils predatory slits, her teeth sharp for tearing, and her laugh wicked and cruel. "We're wounded dear Luna, we though that thee would appreciate our hoofwork, after all you taught us how to weave such wonderful dreams". The black mare cackled as her voice seemed to double or even triple.

"W-we....I did not teach you any such thing! You took over my mind, you created what you wanted. I had no choice". Luna stammered back as she took a step away from the now approaching black mare. There was no way she had taught such a creature such foul magic was there? No, it had to be a lie right?

Vanishing in to the air in a whisp of smoke the black mare divided in to three separate entities and began to circle Luna. "Do you honestly believe that? Do you think they'd believe that or even better, do you think that they believe you're really you? After a stunt like yours it's very unlikely that they would even begin to after you only being back for a few years". It cackled once more.

Luna pinned her ears to her head, trying to shut out the voice before firing an angered blue bolt of energy at one of the clouds. She was hoping to silence it, stop it's games but it simply divide itself out of the way and upon doing so made a fourth. This one flew up in to her face and took on the look of an innocent looking filly. "Why would you do that? That wasn't very nice". It said and giggled darkly before flying away from Luna's forehoof swinging at it.

The clouds danced and giggled, each taking on faces and as time went on Luna began to recognize them. Stewards, maids, guards, and even citizens from their old castle the night she changed. Soon the screaming started, the pleas for mercy and help filling the air around her.

"You can't shut them out Luna. You can't silence what's in OUR head. Listen to them little Luna, listen to the voices of everyone you hurt that night. There's no forgiveness, only your sister keeps the people in line and even your sister fears you. You think she wont exile you again the moment you get a little upset"? The voice called to her from the fog while that various smoke entities circled her.

"Please princess help me"!

"To think we trusted her".

"Mommy I'm scared! Mommy"!

"I'm right here sweetheart, mommy's here".

"Princess get control of yourself. We believe...ack"!

The voices grew with intensity, fear, and rage. Luna shook her head as she tried to ignore them with tears filling her eyes. "NO! I didn't mean to! I'm sorry! I was so angry and I'm so sorry"!

"You lied to us"!

"Hurt us"!

"Betrayed us"!

Luna collapsed, unable to bring herself to hurt those she had hurt that night. Even if it was a horrible dream it was like reliving everything that had happened as the entire night flashed before her eyes. Her heart raced, beating in her ears like a drum as she screamed loudly and in anguish. "STOP"! She pleaded loudly and with that the voices ceased.

Looking up Luna hoped the dream was over only to find that she was still trapped, Nightmare Moon standing before her. Luna's eye still shimmered with tears and wet fur was matted under her eyes where they had marked their trails. So much pain, so much suffering, and she had caused it.

"Do you think Twilight and her friends really care about you? Think about it. What better way to contain a threat than to have the very ponies you consider 'friends' be close to you? With them so close you'll be weakened when they use the elements again. You have no friends except for me little moon. I never betrayed you, I was the only one with you during those thousand years, and I'm still here now. Celestia has failed to protect the country but together....together we can reclaim equestria and save the world". Nightmare whispered to the blue mare, softening her tone towards the end.

Luna looked away in shame and in fear. Nightmare had a point. The friendship from Twilight and her friends had come to easy and she doubted anyone truly forgave her. People still cowered when she walked by at times, like they hadn't had a chance to hide it before she rounded the corner.

"Ssshh sssshhh little lulu. Let me make it all better, let me take over and soon the world will be cheering our names while you take a little nap". Nightmare cooed to the now shaking princess. Not hearing her reject the offer, Nightmare smiled. Her hoof touched Luna's and began to travel slowly up the Night Princess's hoof and frog.

Smiling in victory Nightmare suddenly felt a white heat on her back that made pain run through her hind legs and tail. It wasn't sunlight but it burned and made her hiss in both rage and pain. Without warning she felt her progress stopped as she was suddenly anchored down from behind, suddenly being pulled backwards.

"That has got to be THE WORST offer I have ever heard and not to mention downright manipulative as fuck! Really? She sleeps while you get all the power, all the glory, and all the attention if you succeed. The fuck kind of a negotiator are you"?! The voice questioned with annoyance.

"You take her friendships, her sister, and those she cares for and start twisting their image. You use her pain and trauma against her. You're not fit to be a ruler even if you did succeed in your take over. Don't you dare take all the hard work and good she's done and throw it in her face". The voice spoke with harshness as if chastising a child.

"Who are you to dare enter my realm, my nightmare. I will make your dreams tartarus for the rest of your mffff"! Finding herself unable to speak a something clamped her muzzle shut a sigh of annoyance was heard.

"Couple things before you go on monologuing. One, my dreams are already Hell. Your very definition of a 'Nightmare is child's play to the things I've seen. Two, you're a parasite. You see you're the very definition of insanity. You're what happens when a social creature doesn't have any contact to very little contact with the outside world or with others. You're the loneliness, the sorrow, the depression, the awkwardness, the fear, and the anger. You're every negative thing she was dealing with in silence as she was ignored". The voice spoke with venom. A hand soon released Nightmare's muzzle.

"You're the lack of attention, love, and care. You're the one who convinces her she's weak and no one would care for her. Here's the problem with that statement". The voice continued as a white Pegasus with wings of gold along it's feathered tips, it's main a mix of what seemed to be swirling nebula gasses, stepped from the light. It stood as tall as Nightmare and as the light receded a horn could be seen.

Luna and Nightmare both looked in shock at what stood before them Luna couldn't put her hoof on it but the voice was familiar but it was angry, enraged, righteously so. Nightmare's shock soon turned to rage and as she opened her mouth to speak she was stopped by a raised hoof.

"I'M NOT DONE SPEAKING YET"! The voice roared and glared at Nightmare who ,for once in her long existence, felt compelled to shut her mouth, a hard swallow heard as the fog and entities that had harassed Luna burned away.

"See the one thing this mare never learned is how fucking badass she is. To go a thousand plus years fighting your demons and darker thoughts without help is a glorious feat. It is one no one should have to achieve but if they do they should wear it with pride. She didn't give up, even at her weakest. You just waited till she was just weak enough to assume control. This mare you see in front of you is not responsible for the things YOU forced her through. I have brothers, I have sisters, I have a family that spans the stars and never once have I ever stopped loving them even when there were days I wished for what they had".

Walking around Nightmare to Luna, the strange stallion picked Luna up and glared daggers at Nightmare. "It's time to fix this issue, to do a deep clean and remove the virus, the parasite". The Alicorn spoke coolly, it's pupils narrowing at her the black mare.

Realizing she was in serious danger Nightmare lit up her horn and fired a a blast at the strange stallion who responded in kind, his magic beam a mix of gold and white. In magic duels it was possible to feel the emotions stemming from the user. As their magic battled it out her eyes widened. So much rage, so much love, so The stallion was enjoying putting himself in danger for another. It was enjoying and finding pleasure in being selfless. It cared not for it's life, there was no hint of fear or doubt. The certainty she could feel was terrifying. He was resolved to end her even if it meant his own life.

Luna stood back watching in fear. She had no idea who the stallion was let alone how he was matching Nightmare ounce for ounce of power in a realm she and her controlled. It was a realm where the black mare could call upon infinite amounts of power but she couldn't seem to overpower the stallion. She could Nightmare straining, her magic beam getting shorter and shorter by the second.

"WHY?! WHY AREN'T YOU SCARED?! HOW ARE YOU FINDING BLISS IN PUTTING YOURSELF IN DANGER FOR ANOTHER?! WHAT ARE YOU"?! Nightmare screamed loudly as Luna was shaken from her trance of the light show. The fear in the dark tyrant that had been her insanity had turned to sheer terror. She watched as the stallions magic came within an inch of Nightmare's horn before he spoke.

"Your Nightmare". He stated before an explosion occurred, disintegrating Nightmare as she screamed in pain. The dream burned away and engulfed Luna not in pain but a soft warmth that made her feel light, as if a burden had been lifted from her.

Waking up with a gasp Luna breathed heavily, her heart was pounding in her ears still as her adrenaline still ran through her veins. Looking around her room and looking down to her body she touched her chest, head, and legs. She was here and she felt light....she felt new....she felt like a new mare with a new life. Rolling over in her bed she screamed in to the pillow with glee, her wings flapping excitedly she did. "She's gone! She's gone and I'm free"! She squealed in to the pillow with barely contained joy.

Elsewhere someone was waking up with one hell of a headache and a bad attitude with a need for coffee.


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Date: May 3rd 4042 (One month before Equestria conflict.)
Time : 1125 Greenwich time
Location: Planet of Sky Haven in the U.S.E capital New Washington
Personnel: Command team and high ranking personnel within the U.S.I.A.N.A.C.

FBGC Phoenix: "And You're sure of this"?

FBGC Corona: "I'm certain and willing to bet my life on it".

FBGC Phoenix: "You do realize what could happen if this goes tits up right"?

FBGC Corona: "We can't return for another two thousand years and we can't properly stop the bullshit that's going to come out of it soon"?

FBGC Phoenix: "Exactly. It's home but it's also dangerous. Looking at the scans and simulations of the planet it looks like the tectonic plates have shifted since we've been gone. Then again that should have been expected when we don't eyeball the fucker".

FBGC Corona: "Not like we could have dropped permanent satellites in orbit and maintained communications with them at the time. Between space debris, corrosion, and the distance we covered when leaving it we would have lost contact in the end anyways".

FBGC Phoenix: "I know but it would have been nice if a satellite had survived though I know that in and of itself is wishful thinking. Still though, we need a plan".

Humming is heard as something pings in the background.

Unknown: "Is everything going alright Commander"?

FBGC Phoenix: "Everything is fine Nightmare but could you please bring up the orbital surveillance we took in the last year"?

Nightmare: "Of course commander".

Another hum is heard followed by a click.

Nightmare: "Displaying Earth and it's current readings".

FBGC Corona: "Nightmare what's the climate like on Earth"?

Nightmare: "Earth remains stable having been quiet for the past two thousand years that we know of. Lack of cracks, lava flows, or masses of burning forests indicate Earth has recovered since we left during the second Exodus. Though there are higher levels than normal of carbon, it's small but consistent with the same levels when the second world war was in full swing. Thermal imaging and scans have shown massive cities below though some appear to either be on fire themselves. This leads me to two options. One some of them are having a massive run of bad luck or......".

FBGC Phoenix: "Or we're looking at another world war with millions of casualties which would explain the carbon output. Decaying bodies and factories would produce those types of emissions. Nightmare show us where the carbon build up is highest".

Another humming is heard before several pings are heard.

Nightmare: "I am currently counting thirty five large carbon or above average carbon. Twenty seem to be coming from primitive factories, six are coming from burning cities, and the other nine appear to be....of unknown purpose though are in forests near cities".

FBGC Corona: "Excuse me"?

Nightmare: "Apologies, I am unable to deduce or gather more information as to the reason for these nine existing where they are though I have some theories".

FBGC Phoenix: "I swear if you say mass graves I'm getting drunk within the next five minutes....or trying to. Fucking metabolism, fucking Angelus anti-toxin capabilities".

FBGC Corona: "Yeah no, I've seen you drunk a long time ago. You with your poor alcohol tolerance level ,while funny, is not fun to deal with".

FBGC Phoenix: "Fuck you".

FBGC Corona: "Only if you call me papi".

FBGC Phoenix: "Dude.....".

FBGC Corona: "Don't offer if you're going to back out like a pussy. Remember that one time you got drunk and shoved a Bad Dragon dildo up your ass"?


FBGC Corona: "Fine fine. You're right but I was hoping you'd freak out".

FBGC Phoenix: "You're an asshole".

FBGC Corona: "No I'm not. Assholes take dicks, I don't, I give. The correct term is dick".

FBGC Phoenix: "Fuck this, let's just get back to the matter at hand".

FBGC Corona: "Anyways, since we don't know for sure what those carbon hot spots might be I say we send a SK team to investigate and establish contact with whoever's cities are currently burning. If some other species has moved in or evolved there then we need to either kick them off the planet if they moved in or negotiate a peace deal if they evolved there. The last thing we need to do is slaughter a race that's just starting out".

FBGC Phoenix: "I mean, pretty sure it goes against doctrine anyways".

FBGC Corona: "True, we can't just curb stomp their species with a blood lust missile".

Nightmare: "Gentlemen, if we are sending a team to make contact then who's to reinforce them? Do either of you know a unit capable of getting things done in a short window or that you can trust not to ruin this chance"?

FBGC Corona: "I have no one. Don't get me wrong, my officers and NCOs are fucking fantastic but they wouldn't move fast enough and are better at commanding invasions and defenses against the Drey".

FBGC Phoenix: "I....have someone in mind. I've fought with him several times. He's a good man, moves fast, kind of brash and has butted heads with his higher ups more than once but he gets the job done and likes to forget secrets deliberately. How did he say it? There's no secrets if I can't fucking remember them".

FBGC Corona: "Snerk hahahahaha. Sounds like a good guy and a sarcastic ass. I like him".

FBGC Phoenix: "He's not just kind of have to have a hands off approach with him. Just point him at what needs killing or tell him what needs to be done and leave him alone after that. He hates interference from anyone not on the field with him and hates it even more when they don't know what they're talking about. I watched him smash a major in the face due to him having enough of his shit. Only reason he didn't get in trouble is a good soldier knows when to hit an officer in the mouth, that was one of those moments....well that and I had him transferred to a unit under my chain of command".

FBGC Corona: "What unit is that"?

FBGC Phoenix: "The 375th LDT".

FBGC Corona: "The 375th LDT? Aren't they known as Crippling Anxiety"?

FBGC Phoenix: "Yeeeeaaaahhhh. They weren't exactly the best unit around. I had a lot of officers request transfer from the unit. Kind of why I put him there. He had the rebellious attitude combined with the sense of duty that I needed to get them under control. I mean, if you had an entire battalion who's rep for following orders were about as good as a retarded headless chicken wouldn't you have crippling anxiety if you got assigned to them"?

FBGC Corona: " that. He manages to get them to operate though"?

FBGC Phoenix: "He does one better. After he got there he turned them around I have to say they're one of the best damn units I've ever seen in combat and one of the nuttiest. They are a giant meme to be honest".

FBGC Corona: "As in"?

FBGC Phoenix: "Diese Hundin Leer Yeeeet"!

FBGC Corona: "Meaning"?

FBGC Phoenix: "Meaning they don't give a fuck. They will literally lob grenades like they're fucking mortars or in one unfortunate case...attach them to cows, slap it's ass, and send it in to enemy lines followed by a pack of Cyber wolves. The grenades are great for making a hole but with the cow meat can guess what the Cyber wolves did".

FBGC Corona: "Weren't those a failed experiment that we sent out to get destroyed in the battlefield due to their inability to follow commands"?

FBGC Phoenix: "Yeah and they some how found a way to make it fucking work".

FBGC Corona: "So unconventional, fast, and capable of dealing with a lot shit. I like it. Who's their commander"?

FBGC Phoenix: "Gerad".

FBGC Corona: "Oh shit. You know diplomacy is not his strong suite. If this blows up it's on your ass. I wont even blame him".

FBGC Phoenix: "I have faith. Either he'll learn to talk, Jame T. Kurk the shit and fuck the locals while losing his virginity in the process, or he'll just be as closed off as ever".

Nightmare: "Well that's added to the roster. Shall I dispatch the SK team now"?

FBGC Phoenix: "Go ahead Nightmare. I'll see you later at the end of this Corona. Have a fleet ready in case the Drey try to fuck this up though, I'll have one already there but you know how they like to pop up".

FBGC Corona: "Don't worry, there's a new fleet completing ship production today so I can shift support to you. Honestly a light detail would be good for them".

FBGC Phoenix: "One more thing, Gerad will have total operational control on the ground forces. Anything that involves ground forces or in atmosphere objectives he has control over. He doesn't need any set backs. I don't care if they're a colonel, or five star general, his word and orders will hold more weight. The less bullshit he has to jump through the faster he can get this done".

FBGC Corona: "I'll have to move an officer or two but that shouldn't be a problem. Stay safe Phoenix".

FBGC Phoenix: "You too Corona. God be with us on this one".

A door is heard sliding open before shutting with a soft thud.

Universal Hunger

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Date: July 25th 4042
Time : 0200 Greenwich time
Location: Equestria, Ponyville

It had been a few days since Gerad had spoken to Luna. He had to admit that even though it had been a short time in terms of knowing her, he appreciated her efforts to give his soldiers a peaceful rest. That's part of why he wanted to thank her today with a small gift and also a sign of goodwill from his people to her own. The other reason was that he hadn't seen her out and about lately like she usually was so this worried him. In a time of war and severe trauma this could mean anything from suicide to depression as things weighed someone down.

What he liked about the diarch was her willingness to be down in the shit with everyone else. She didn't stay in a pretty castle and even refused special treatment. She ate what her people ate and made her own sacrifices to ensure her people were cared for. He would have had a hard time liking or trusting her if she wasn't willing to do these things. To him and many others, a leader would have to understand the needs of the lowest member in society and live their lives. To often on the home world would leaders lose touch with the needs of their people and their suffering because they refused to step off the throne for even a week.

These days even the president was required to get in to the trenches and do the most basic of jobs at least once a year in order to make better choices for the people he/she served. Those who refused were replaced with someone else if they did not have a valid medical or mental reason for their choice.

As Gerad moved through the ponyville outpost now bristling with thousands of soldiers, armored vehicles, and gun emplacements he couldn't help but wonder about Luna's past. Sure they knew a little bit but with how well she was holding it together in the mud he could only assume she had seen some type of action though probably not to this degree. He could also be wrong about that though so he was just guessing at this point.

Continuing to walk, he passed the kitchen that had been set up. The local Baker was in the kitchen assisting the cooks in feeding hundreds of ponies and other refugee species at any time. The pink pony seemed happy to bake and cook which Gerad had to agree that she had a knack for. She made some of the best cupcakes he had tasted in a long time. It was a shame that her best friend had been badly wounded just before they landed. Apparently she was a bright blue pony with a rainbow mane, an extremely loyal friend, and a fighter. Gerad liked to think she would have gotten along well with the pilots when she met them.

This news was also tragic for the nation in terms of it's national defense as she was reported to have been one of the elements of harmony. While she survived, she was still in critical condition and the medics had yet to see her due to security concerns. He didn't fault the white alicorn for being at least cautious with their most powerful counter measure being in a critical state, after all, they were aliens to this world and to the ponies they were protecting.

Arriving to Luna's tent he announced himself and got no answer. He knew she had been to and from Canterlot constantly with reports for her sister and to check on her friends. The lack of an answer concerned him even more as he opened the tent flap to see the dark blue mare curled up on the floor wide eyed. She was mumbling something that he could barely make out but to him it sounded like she was saying "What insanity is this? What are they doing"? This made him slowly make his way to the mare. He knew she hadn't rested her mind after that particularly bad nightmare she had a bit ago with herself. She had told him about the situation and the entire dream.

"Princess Luna, are you alright"? His tone was one with concern, he hadn't seen her in this state. He knew she was a strong mare but with everything happening and her lack of mental rest, she could be having a mental break down.

Luna continued to lay there, petrified by what she had seen in their dreams last night. How was their species not rampantly insane or at the very least unhealthy? Everything she had seen terrified her and outside of her most recent dream, this was the only other thing that had. She could hear a soft voice, a masculine one, a soothing one but she barely registered it. Instead she was resolved to trying to console her mind as image after image flashed through it.

Feeling something touch her shoulder she reacted and reacted violently. With a yell of anger and fear she blasted whatever it was with her magic, sending the offending touch flying away with a yell. She didn't know it was Gerad but with it gone she sprung to her hooves, on the defensive and ready to fight. Luckily for her she had taken a spot where there weren't too many people and where mainly Humans resided.

She began looking around as a pain hit her mind and another terrifying image filled her vision. It was a monster, the entire planet was gone, it rose from the cracked shell of the planet screaming it's triumph. During this she felt herself get wrapped up, unable to see past the blinding pain and the image for a moment. She could tell she was being restrained and screamed, she screamed as loud as she could but felt like nothing was coming out.

She watched stars explode, she watched a great star beast eat entire worlds, she saw entire empires rise and fall. Her heart hammered in her chest as she saw images of Humans being torn apart by some of the most disturbing and grotesque things she had ever witnessed. Some were the twisted forms of those who used to be Human, their strangled cries of finding prey or a cry for mercy, she couldn't tell. She saw holes in the universe that swallowed light itself and entire species. The holes were unholy, giant, unstoppable as they each held their own size.

She could see worlds crack from the inside and explode, she could feel the heat as a planet was burned alive by the star that gave it life. She couldn't breath as ash and toxins filled the air of once living planets. The ruins, the bodies, the husks of once great civilizations that never got the chance to run from their fate. She saw the epic scale of the battles that were fought, the violence of the cosmos, the darkness of the universe.

Suddenly she felt at ease as everything stopped and she felt a strange sensation on her neck. It was like a massage and it felt like someone was running their hoof through her mane. She felt calm now and relaxed as this went on, the images fading as she slowly forgot the horrors and greatness she had witnessed.

For Gerad on the other hand, he had to give the princess credit, the woman's magic packed a fucking punch. He could hear her screaming in a fit of rage and terror. There were tears streaming from her face but she stood defiantly and ready to engage. Her eyes betrayed terror while her wing showed aggression. He knew exactly what was going on but not the cause.

Picking himself up he made his way towards the mare. Her screams were filled with terror, sorrow, and awe. As he got closer with his armor scorched in several places. Looking around he spotted a medic running towards him, the enhancements to his body moving him at speeds that would have ripped tendons and ruptured blood vessels two thousand years ago. Chances are the medic had registered the sudden and violent change in his vitals with their own suit systems, the spike in heart rate and increased body heat from being hit directly by the energy blast from the mare.

"Get the Therapy Amnestics now, I think she's having an episode of some kind or maybe she saw something our dreams. Either way we need to get her under control before her own people see her or she hurts herself".

The medic nodded and ran off to retrieve the requested item. The Amnestics were used on soldiers during or after military service in order to prevent damage to brain chemistry and also allow the chance for a semi normal life where they didn't wake up every night in a cold sweat. It was designed to limit or stop PTSD episodes in order to let people live life without over stressing their bodies and lower the chances of suicides.

"Even my own stars want to eat me! The darkness will consume us, the entire universe will burn out. My moon is not my own, it desires to crush our world"!

Gerad stopped a short distance away completely taken aback by this. What the Hell had she seen?

"How are they not insane?! How can one see the horrors of the universe we think is so beautiful from our home and not lose their minds?! We stand no chance if this is what awaits us, we're dead and we don't even know it. This war means nothing"!

At that moment it clicked with Gerad what she had seen and with a sad look to the mare he realized she had seen the darkest parts of the universe from the minds of those around him.

He decided to continue his approach as the medic quickly returned with what he asked. Looking at the medic he spoke in a serious tone. "This stays between us understand"?

The medic nodded at those words and made the gesture for his lips being sealed. With silence of the matter ordered and promised Gerad got ahold of the princess. Reacting quickly he nailed her in the shoulder with the small needle. The adaptive chemicals and biodegradable bots worked quickly to form a chemical and reactive chain that would prevent harm from coming to the mare.

It took a few seconds for the amnestic to work in to her nervous system and shut down parts of her memory functions which induced amnesia for anything within the past eight hours. He just hoped he had gotten to her before the eight hour mark, otherwise she could very well be permanently scarred with this knowledge. He still didn't see her as weak for this as even Humanity was still terrified by what could be out there and that one day they might meet their end. The universe was as beautiful as it was dangerous, like a crazy ex girlfriend. She'd give you something beautiful one second and the next she was blowing up a planet in your face.

He could feel her heartrate before she started calming down, the rapid beats indicating near cardiac arrest if they had remained at that level. He held the mare close to him and ran his hand along her back and neck, through her mane, and behind her ears. It worked on the feral equines back on U.S.E worlds so he was hoping it would here too. Thankfully with the amnestic kicking in he felt her heart rate slow.

He pulled the Princess on to his lap, deactivating his armor so she could lay on his legs without hardened Tyranium jabbing in to her. He sheltered her as best he could while he continued to sooth the mare, his softer side revealing itself as he tended to her sweating and heaving form. As she calmed down she looked up at him with pity before closing her eyes and entering a deep sleep brought on by the drugs in her system.

He didn't understand her look of pity but his hand remained on her neck and back. He continued to massage her and sooth her to the best of his ability, humming softly a little lullaby his mother used to sing him as a child. Needless to say, he was stuck there till she woke up. He just really hoped no one would give him shit for this if they saw him in this state or that things wouldn't become awkward between him and her. More diplomatic tension wasn't needed.

3rd company Embers of the shard

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July 30th, 4042
Location: Equestria, Manehatten and Baltimare
Time: 2150
Unit: 375th LDT Brigade, 4th battalion, 3rd company "Embers of the Shard".

The Shard of hope, that was the name of the ship that jumped into our star system when we screamed as our people were slaughtered by an alien threat, we knew nothing of. We had just sent our first message to the stars, introducing ourselves to those around us in the hopes of peace and cooperation. We were instead met with hellfire, death, and pain. When we were on the brink of annihilation, we prayed to the heavens for some positive omen, a sign that things would be okay. That's when The Shard of Hope came through, responding to our cries for safety and our tears of sorrow. It erupted into existence with a flash of purple light, engaging the ships that laid siege to our world. The crew onboard that ship faced the enemy 20 to 1, and in the end, she was destroyed. The Shard of Hope was reported to have taken two cruisers and a frigate down with her in the fighting; She herself was just a frigate.

Her arrival heralded the arrival of more and more ships that arrived after her departure from this plain of existence. She left with us the Embers that fell from her wreckage, which we gathered as they rained from the sky. To this day, every one of us carries the embers of the ship and the crew that gave their lives to give us one more day. We are her Embers, and we carry her with us whenever we don our armor.

The large avian slid into cover next to a Human, tossing him an energy cell for his rifle before popping out to shoot two griffins just down the road. Overhead, Diablo fighters roared through the sky as they challenged the griffins for air dominance, daring them to fight the reliable and agile fighter craft.

"Marcus, you've got multiple contacts headed this way. You're away they brought a fucking dragon right"? Said the avian as it returned fire before ducking as multiple arrows and a spell flew past him.

"I am aware Chima. Luga has the rocket launcher for the damn thing, we're just waiting for it to get closer, so we don't waist a shot on accident and take out some griffins instead of the scaley bastard of a lizard heading towards us". Marcus stated as he gladly took the ammunition offered to him by Chima, his long-time avian friend.

Chima was more or less a bipedal toucan with bright feathers that adorned his wings, piercing blue eyes, and the voice of a songbird whenever it wasn't yelling orders. He was still capable of flight but could walk just fine. His species had been saved by the empire several decades ago which allowed them time to regrow their population and become a member of the empire they now fought for.

Both soldiers came out from behind cover as they fired their AR-45s into the group of griffins who crumpled beneath the power of the weapons. When the Griffins were clear, a rocket flew out and slammed into the dragon, blowing its chest open in a display of purple energy and viscera.

With the dragon down, all three individuals regrouped with one another. They had been an air assault force, meant to cause chaos behind enemy lines within the large city of Manehattan. There was another offensive going on in the next city over in Baltimare that was seeing greater success due to the use tanks for the initial push. Manehattan was an entirely different story, mainly because of how crowded it was against the water.

While the M35s were great tanks, a city was not a place where they belonged as it would restrict their movements. The other problem was the potential for civilian casualties if a tank fired a 205mm round into a building. They still had the IFVs to help them in their fighting to reclaim the city, but those couldn't climb buildings like the M35s.

Behind them, they heard the sound of one of said IFVs arriving along with the main force. The air assault teams had done their jobs well, even if it had been a grueling fifteen hours of fighting. As the IFVs came to a stop, several soldiers dismounted from the back of the vehicle with some carrying marksman rifles and heavier guns like the DLR machine gun.

As the soldiers regrouped, they received an updated mission order to investigate a large methane signature nearby their position in order to secure it for future use. The other concern was that the Griffins might use it to create a large bomb to kill or injure people in an effort to slow the advancing U.S.E forces. They would speak for a few minutes, getting to know one another briefly while speaking of their plan to take the large methane filled area as they restocked their ammunition.

As they advanced through the city, occasionally engaging scattered Griffin resistance, Chima caught up to Marcus to speak to him one on one with someone who he considered his friend even if he did outrank the Human corporal.

"Marcus, do you think it's possible that it's not just some methane deposit? What if it's something else we're not equipped to handle"? Chima asked Marcus.

Continuing to move through the battered and rubble filled streets, there was silence from Marcus that was filled with the sound of the IFV that accompanied them before he spoke. "I'm more worried about something else, though I hope I'm wrong Sergeant. I don't think they have the capabilities to do what I'm thinking of, but I've been surprised by primitives before in good and bad ways."

There was a screech as a group of twelve Griffins dove towards them only for the sound of the 50mm autocannon on the IFV to open up with its loud "thump, thump, thump" to reverberate off the crumbling skyscrapers around them. The sound alone was enough to shake the dust and some small debris from the crumbling structures. The IFV had been loaded with ammunition belts that held airburst and Flechette rounds mixed together in order to deal with the Griffins. The Griffins didn't have any advanced armor, so using armor piercing munitions were considered overkill and a waste of the ammunition.

The IFV's gun was effective as the eleven of the Griffins were killed while one became seriously wounded and plowed headfirst into a wall which caused quite a mess. With all twelve Griffins dead, they continued to move towards the methane deposit. Behind them, the sounds of energy weapons could be heard discharging as the fight for the city continued with room-to-room fighting being intense.

Chima would grab Marcus and suddenly drag him backwards as a cannonball flew right past his head. The force of the impact would have snapped his neck had Chima not grabbed him in time. As soon as he had tossed Marcus behind him, he opened up on the cannon crew with his AR-45, letting out a screech towards the Griffins who were cut down. One managed to escape into an alleyway where it didn't reemerge after several minutes.

"You alright Marcus"? Chima would ask worriedly to his Human friend and subordinate, extending a clawed hand to help him up.

Marcus took Chima's hand and was pulled to his feet before speaking. His tone was appreciative of the Toucan like avian.

"How did you notice that before I did"? Marcus would ask, only to see Chima tap his beak with a small laugh.

"Sense of smell my friend, we have a better one than you Humans do most of the time. You all have the advantage of sight though; I just smelled the gunpowder that they had lit. I get the feeling that those twelve Griffins from before were supposed to buy them time to get into position". Chima would state before giving Marcus back the rifle he had dropped when he had been yanked back.

It would be several more minutes of scattered firefights before they reach the location of the Methane deposit. It was behind a large number of debris and a couple towers that looked like they had seen better days. Some of the towers still held a semblance of their former beauty despite them having been almost stripped clean of anything with value. The fountains and plants that adorned the once decorated halls now sat empty of any sound except for that of the IFV's engine and those who entered its walls.

The IFV would wait out front with a couple of soldiers in order to cover it should they get engaged. The rest of the squad would climb the outside of the tower and towards a penthouse using their armor's grip and scaling systems. When they reached the penthouse, they made their way to the edge to get a better view of the location from the floor they were on.

Marcus was the first to reach the edge of the penthouse and he seemed to stop cold which caused Chima to notice. As he approached the Human, he could hear Marcus speak in a whisper and hushed tone.

"Those motherfuckers.... who the fuck does this? What the fuck is wrong with them"? Marcus would mutter before jumping off the building and onto the ground several stories below. His armor would absorb the impact as the jets on his back activated to slow his descent.

Up in the penthouse, a soldier gagged and began to vomit into a left-over garbage can. The man was just a private and hadn't seen something like this before, so his reaction was pretty normal to such a sight.

Chima stood still, watching his friend below survey the carnage in the large field of what used to be a massive park. The park seemed to have been the place of a failed summoning ritual, the magical symbols painted all over the ground in bright purple and white. Chima wasn't familiar with magic like Marcus was, so he was fine with letting the corporal get into the area first. Chima would soon hear from Marcus on a private channel.

"It's a god damned blood sacrifice! There're fucking thousands down here, all of them are lining the symbol. God, fucking damnit, THERE'S FUCKING CHILDREN IN HERE! FUCK"! Marcus roared over the communication link to Chima.

Chima could hear the anguish in the corporal's voice and began to speak. "Can you tell if it was successful or not? I'm not experienced with magical anomalies Marcus".

A sigh was heard as Marcus spoke. "Negative, it was a total failure, the symbols would have burned if it had succeeded. This looks fresh, like they did it just as we entered the city. It looks like they were trying to summon something big, something that would have required a lot of fire power to take down. If it had worked, these people would have at least fucking died for something. I know it's fucked up, but their lives were just wasted, like they were a fucking experiment conducted by some lunatic with a novice grasp of magic".

Chima would glide down the building to find Marcus on his knees, holding the body of a deceased colt in his hands. Both of them knew that there was no bringing him back, his body broken by those who were growing desperate. Taking a knee next to Marcus, he placed a clawed hand on his shoulder in an effort to comfort the grieving soldier. He knew Human's took the death of children extremely harshly, which is one of the reasons they had initially shown up to his home despite being outnumbered.

Chima could hear Marcus say a soft prayer for the colt before setting the child back down.

"I'm sorry Marcus, there's nothing we could have done. We can't save everyone we come across, and we didn't know this was going on. I'll let command know about what we found and give you some time to yourself while we secure the area". Chima stated in an empathetic tone to the tortured soldier and his best friend. Giving his shoulder a squeeze, he stood up and began to give orders for the soldiers to secure the area for the Military Division of Investigations.

Marcus sat in the middle of the magic symbol, the colt resting at his knees while he looked at the football field sized symbol with the bodies that covered it. After a few minutes to himself, he stood up and made his way back to help establish the perimeter. On his way, he would pass by Chima who looked at him with a sorrowful expression.

As Chima watched Marcus move to the perimeter, he took his necklace and looked at it before pouring something into it. Opening his claws, he blew some glowing Embers towards the magic Symbol. The Embers of the U.S.I.S Hope would swirl and settle on the ground surrounding the carnage.

The Embers were his hope that these souls would find rest in the afterlife and the hope that they might be able to stop this from happening in the future. As the Embers landed, Chima thought he saw lights float from the bodies and swirl with the Embers before they vanished into the air. After witnessing this, Chima returned to the perimeter they had established around the area, focusing on finding his friend.