
by Jest

First published

Spike sprained his ankle and missed the anual gift exchange, leaving Pinkie Pie without a gift. Tonight he is going to remedy this, and at the same time give Rarity a gift that would change her mind completely! What could go wrong?

Spike sprained his ankle and missed the anual gift exchange, leaving Pinkie Pie without a gift. Tonight he is going to remedy this, and at the same time give Rarity a gift that would change her mind completely! What could go wrong?

(First chapter is sfw shippy stuff. The second is the nsfw sauce.)

Fetish warning absolutely nothing, its completely consessual sex between a heterosexul couple. I dont know, condom use?
Done as a commission for a patron

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The Mix Up

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“You really should have labeled them before you finished wrapping.” Twilight pointed out.

Spike groaned, running a clawed hand down in his face. “I know! But I can't rip them up, I used the last of the wrapping paper!”

Twilight lifted an eyebrow. “You know we could just get you more wrapping paper right?”

“No we can't!” Spike whined. “Rarity leaves in an hour remember? She's going to Canterlot with her family. I need to leave pretty soon if I’m going to catch her in time!”

Twilight sighed. “I knew I should have researched that x ray vision spell.”

Spike blinked, looking up at his adoptive mother in shock. “That's a real thing?”

“It's for princesses and other important personal.” Twilight shrugged. “Can't exactly have every unicorn that can cast magic, able to look through walls now can we?”

“I guess.” Spike shook his head. “Do you have any idea how to help me?”

Twilight hummed and hawed. “Not really. Other than removing the wrapping paper and rewrapping them, you don't have much of a choice if your going to catch Rarity in time for the seven thirty express.”

Spike blinked, looking from his two identically wrapped boxes and to the clock. “Wait, I thought she was leaving at eight.”

“We used to live in Canterlot Spike. The train from Ponyville always leaves at seven thirty remember?” Twilight pointed out.

Spike slammed his face into his palm and groaned aloud. “That means I have twenty minutes to get to the train station.”

“Actually about seventeen.” Twilight pointed out, only to earn a glare. “What?”

“Augh. I’ll just find Pinkie after I give Rarity her gift. I can't believe I missed the gift exchange.” He winced. “Do you think Pinkie would forgive the late present?”

“Spike you nearly broke your ankle, I’m pretty sure she would just be happy to see your okay and walking around.” Twilight smiled, patting Spike on the back. “Now you better get out there before the train leaves.”

“Right.” He nodded, grabbing a box under each arm. “Thanks Twilight. Wish me luck!”

“Pisha you don't need luck.” Twilight scoffed. “Go get em tiger.”

Spike grinned and ran through the door, only to stop when Twilight yelled after him. “Don't forget your scarf!”

“Twilight I’m a dragon, remember?” Spike whined.

Twilight’s glare increased, and the teenager found himself withering under the gaze. “Augh fine.”

He put down his gifts and put on his scarf before putting the gifts under opposite arms. “Happy now?”

Twilight smiled. “Yes, very. Oh and I’ll be busy for the rest of the night so I made you some burritos. They are in the fridge!”

Spike groaned. “Jeese, I get it, the whole town knows you Trixie and Starlight are having ‘date night’.”

Twilight blanched. “Are we really that obvious?”

Spike stopped and shot his adoptive mother a deadpan stare, making the alicorn wither. “Alright alright, I’ll check the sound proof wards again.” Twilight capitulated.

“The last dregs of my sanity thank you.” Spike remarked dryly before turning away and running down the hall.

The dragon scampered through the halls, his longer legs allowing him to clear the many stairs with relative ease. His newfound height ensured he was able to jump over the tangle of kite flying supplies left in the hall, and his wings helped him clear the slippery steps of friendship castle.

All around him the soft, snow filled landscape lay still and quiet, with only the distant sound of a train to break the pristine silence. The dragon put his head down and turned towards town, putting everything he had into getting there as fast as possible.

With his longer gait he easily managed to clear the nearly foot high snow that had piled up since hearth's warming, his new bulk ensuring he was able to push through the snow drifts with ease. Leaping over the last pile of snow he slid across the icy ground of the road, skidding to a stop only after he nearly threw his presents.

Without hesitation he launched into a sprint, making a beeline for the train station and his goal of reaching Rarity in time to give her the present that would change her mind forever. Unknown to any of his friends, he had taken some lessons from the town jeweler and had hand crafted the most romantic gift he had ever made. A necklace of diamonds each carefully cut by his own claw were laid out starting with small at the edges, to larger in the middle, drawing the eye to the largest diamond Spike had ever dug up that lay in the centremost point of the necklace.

He just knew it would change Rarity’s mind and make her see him as the adult he was about to become. He was seventeen after all and his birthday was a month away, there was no possible reason for her to see him as a kid anymore!

Or at least that's what he thought anyway.

Sprinting past Sugarcube corner he slowed for a second, peeking through the window and finding Pinkie Pie manning the front counter as always. A grin crossed his face and he turned, continuing his breakneck pace towards the train station. This was perfect! He thought to himself. Sugarcube corner was open late during the holidays, closing at just about eight, giving him more than enough time to drop his present off at the train station before making it back and giving Pinkie Pie her belated hearth's warming gift.

Sprinting around a corner the dragon nearly lost his footing on the icy ground, sliding for several feet before catching himself and continuing his mad dash to the train station. He could see it at the end of the street, as well as a puff of white smoke coming from where he assumed the engine was. “Oh no.” He whispered.

He didn't have very much time left, and with that in mind he poured every last bit of speed he dared to bring to bear. Few ponies were out and about in such whether, allowing him free reign to run/slide through the streets without fear of running into anyone.

It didn't take long for the young drake to make it all the way to the train station and with no time left he opened his wings, trusting that the new additions to his anatomy would be useful for once, if only for a second. With a deep breath he jumped, pumping his wings and clearing the steps completely. With a surprising amount of speed under him, the drake landed on the sparsely populated station, dodging around the few ponies still lingering here and there.

“Out of the way!” He yelled, barely able to keep his momentum under control.

Ponies narrowly managed to move out of the way of the speeding dragon, yet he couldn't seem to find the one pony he was looking for. Getting his speed under control he skidded to stop, looking around nervously. “Where are you Rarity?” He muttered.

Around him, ponies milled about, most making their way into the open doors to the train while a few went this way and that, grabbing luggage or guiding passengers where they needed to go.

“One minute everypony!” A conductor yelled. “Everyone leaving for Canterlot please get on board!”

Spike nervously bit his lip, slipping through the crowd and desperately looking for the one pony he wanted to see more than any other. “Come on…”

“Be careful with that darling! It has my wardrobe in it.” A very distinct voice remarked.

“Rarity!” Spike hopped up onto his toes and looked over the crowd, catching a glimpse of an absolutely ridiculous hat atop a purple maned head. “Bingo!”

Not wasting any time, the dragon began running towards the target of his fascination, pushing the odd pony out of the way. Hopping over a pile of luggage, Spike careened around one final group of ponies before catching his first real glimpse of Rarity, who stood watching as a uniformed pony tried to push an enormous suitcase through the door.

The white unicorn hummed and hawed, looking over the stallion’s shoulder at her mother and Sweetie Belle who were both pulling on the other side. Spike wasted no time and ran up to the pony, tapping her on the shoulder.

“Hey Rarity.”

“One second.” Rarity muttered.

She bit her lip and lit her horn, using her magic to help the stallion and her family get her massive case inside. Thankfully with a little extra juice, the titanic suitcase managed to slip past the barrier, causing her family and the assistant to land in a heap on the other side. “Whew, there we are.” The unicorn announced before turning to Spike, her eyes widening. “Spike! How lovely to see you. Are you and Twilight going to Canterlot as well?”

“No, actually I was just hoping to-” he began, only to get cut off by a conductor walking up.

“We are leaving shortly ma’am please board the train.”

“Oh, absolutely.” Rarity remarked before walking inside and turning around. “I don't suppose you could hurry this up by chance?”

Spike gulped, holding out the present that he was ninety percent certain was actually for Rarity. “Here. It took a little longer than I’d planned, I hope you like it.”

Rarity blinked, grabbing the package in both hooves. “Oh really darling you shouldn't have.”

“It's nothing, I just-”

The sound of a whistle abscured whatever he was about to say, and he could hear the distant sound of the engine beginning to chug. “Open it!” He yelled excitedly.

Rarity nodded, making her way over to the nearest window and beginning to open the gift by first removing the ribbon carefully before sitting it aside. Spike sighed, running ah and down his face in irritation. Of course she wouldn't want to ruin the wrapping paper. “Just tear it open!”

“But you used such nice material, I couldn't do that!” Rarity retorted, having opened the window.

“Augh. Just hurry!” Spike shouted, walking down the station as the train began to move.

Rarity nodded, pulling off the paper quickly, well quickly for Rarity anyway, to Spike it felt like she was taking forever. By the time she had pulled off the last of the paper he was nearing the end of the station, and he nervously watched as Rarity began to open the box, her eyes going from shock and surprise to-

It was at this precise moment that he ran out of station and landed in a pile of snow and subsequently buried himself up to the neck. Thankfully he had the presence of mind to lift the last present over his head, saving it from it's snowy fate.

Reacting quickly he hopped out of the snow bank and glanced up, hoping to catch a glimpse of Rarity only to find that she was nowhere to be seen.

“Oh fiddlesticks.” He cursed.

“You alright down there Spike?” A kind voice asked.

Spike turned around, noticing that Derpy was looking down at him with a concerned expression. “Yeah.” He muttered, pulling himself from the snowbank. “Just fine.”

As he dusted himself off Derpy walked over to him, a smile on her face and a muffin in her hoof. “I know it's not what you wanted but would you like a muffin?”

Spike blinked, looking down to the offered muffin nervously. “Are you sure Derpy? I wouldn't want to take your muffin.”

The mare shrugged. “It's okay, I made extra.”

Spike smiled, his stomach rumbling the instant he noticed the muffin had blueberries in it. “Well I am kind of hungry.”

The mare pushed the muffin into his empty claw. “I hope it makes your day a little better.”

The dragon couldn't help but feel his smile grow a little wider and he reached out and pulled Derpy into a brief and somewhat awkward hug. “Thanks Derpy.”

Derpy grinned and patted Spike on the back. “Happy hearth's warming Spike.”

“Happy hearth's warming Derpy.” Spike said back, disengaging himself from the hug.

“Now if you will excuse me, I have one last stop before I get to go home and eat a pale of rubies.” Spike commented.

Derpy chuckled. “I don't know how many calories a ruby has but don't overdo it to much.”

Spike smiled. “I won't.”

Turning away, Spike gave his legs a shake, knocking off the last of the snow that still clung to his body. With a sigh on his lips he turned towards Sugar Cube Corner, hoping against hope that the surprise in Rarity’s eyes had been for the reason he wanted. Not because she got a tiny toy replica of Pinkie Pie’s party cannon capable of shooting hard candy.

As he trudged solemnly through the snow Spike couldn't help but wonder what he would even do if they got mixed up. Sure it might look a little weird if he opened by saying the gift Pinkie was getting might not be for her but it was the best way to handle things, right? As Spike mulled it over he couldn't help but feel more and more morose as time passed.

It was obvious Rarity still didn't like him in that way, and though he was certain his little plan to try again after all these years was indeed a good one, it wasn't a guarantee. He looked down at the gift in his hands and sighed again, wondering if maybe he should just put things in the hands of fate and let the chips fall where they may.

“Screw it.” He muttered to himself.

Looking up he noticed that he was mere feet from Sugar Cube corner and judging from the darkened interior he had gotten there just before close. Hoping up the steps, Spike cracked open the door and leaned inside. “Are you still open?” He asked.

“Yupperdoodle!” The familiar voice of Pinkie Pie announced. “For another five minutes at least.”

Spike sighed and walked inside, giving his feet a stomp on the provided mat. “Thank goodness.” He muttered.

Pinkie lifted an eyebrow, leaning on her broom. “What's up Spikey Wikey?”

Spike shrugged. “Not much, was just hoping to give you your gift before you closed.”

Pinkie Pie blinked, looking down at the box in Spike’s hand. “Are you sure? I mean it's not a big deal that I didn't get anything at the exchange but-”

“It matters to me.” Spike replied, pushing the box against Pinkie’s chest. “I wouldn't want to get something when you didn't.”

“Daww that's so sweet.” Pinkie Pie smiled faintly before suddenly standing bolt upright. “Wait right here!”

The pink pony turned into a pink blur and in a matter of seconds the floor was spotless along with pretty much every other surface Spike could see. A second later the cash register drawer was gone and a second after that the door was locked. Appearing in a small cloud of glitter, Pinkie Pie grabbed the box in both hooves. “There we go!”

Spike blinked, looking around at the now closed shop. “Wouldn't Mr and Mrs cake be mad?”

Pinkie Pie shrugged. “It's only a few minutes, plus they left me in charge when they went to visit family in Manehatten.” She winked. “Aaaand they don't need to know.”

Spike chuckled. “Don't worry, your secret is safe with me.”

Pinkie nodded, gripped the box and plunked down on her backside. “Nice wrapping paper.” Pinkie Pie remarked.


“Alright.” Pinkie Pie wiggled her butt, staring intently on the box. “Now let's see what we got here.”

With a single pull of her hoof the mare somehow managed to tear off every single scrap of paper including the bow before tossing it aside into a mysteriously convenient waste basket. “Oh I’m so excited.” Pinkie Pie remarked.

Spike stood nervously to the side, rubbing his hands together awkwardly. “Me too.”

PInkie Pie shot him a strange look before shrugging and looking down at the box and pulling open, her eyes going wide. “Wha…” The words died on her lips as her jaw hung open.

Spike stood on the tips of his toes, trying to peek into the box and see what had prompted such a response. Just as he was able to peek over the side a sudden explosion of motion knocked him off his feet, the party pony having picked him off the ground and starting to squeeze what felt like the life out of him.

“Oh Spike, yes!” She squeezed a little tighter. “A thousand times yes!”

The dragon squeaked weekly, barely able to even breathe. “To what?”

She pulled back, giving him a confused look. “To the note you left.”

Spike blinked, only now realizing that Pinkie had indeed gotten the wrong gift, which was now around her neck. “Oh that!” He slapped a hand against his forehead. “Sorry PInkie i totally forgot about the note I left in there.”

Pinkie’s smile wavered a moment. “Was this not meant for me?”

This was it, the moment of truth.

Though it had come sooner then Spike would have liked, it was here now, and he couldn't just leave this up to fate anymore. His first instinct was to ask why she thought that, but that might tip his hand too early.

But now that he thought about it, she seemed genuinely happy, and more then that she was willing to go out with him as the note had asked exactly that. “Nope!” He announced suddenly. “It was meant for you Pinkie pie.” Spike winced, rubbing the back of his neck. “I just didn't think you'd say yes is all. I’m so much younger then you.”

PInkie Pie shrugged nonchalantly. “It's not age that matters, but maturity. In that regard your older than I am.” She leaned in and elbowed the dragon in the shoulder, smirking. “Besides, age of consent is seventeen.”

Spike blushed hard, looking away from the smirking party pony. “Err yes, yes it is.” He muttered.

Pinkie Pie giggled and hopped back. “Now what are we doing for this date? The note didn't mention anything specific.”

“Wait.” Spike held up a hand. “Are you sure your okay with this? Your like eight years older than me.”

The party pony rolled her eyes. “I know Applejack and Rarity care about those things but it's like I said before, maturity is what I care about.”

“Rarity and Applejack care about that kind of thing?” He asked, a hint of defeat slipping into his voice.

“Oh yeah.” Pinkie Pie sighed. “Applejack is just a little old fashioned in that regard, something about it ‘not bein right to date a mare or stallion older or younger than two years from you’.” Pinkie Pie blew a raspberry in disgust. “Rarity is too worried about what people think. She even shut down this one stallion that was only three years younger then her and she liked him!”

Spike blinked, the last of his hope for Rarity flickering and dying. “I…” He blinked, looking up at PInkie’s smiling face. “I’m glad you don't feel the same way Pinkie.”

“Daww your such a cutie.” Pinkie giggled and pulled Spike into a sidelong hug, waving a foreleg in the direction of town. “Now what shall we do my good gentle drake?”

“I don't know…” He paused. “I didn't think I’d get this far.”

Pinkie Pie sighed and rolled her eyes, hopping over to the door. “Well come on then. We can wander around town until we find something suitably romantic.”

Spike nodded, finding himself smiling a little wider and following close behind his date. “Yeah, that sounds great.”

As the two creatures walked outside and began their trek down the mane thoroughfare, Spike found himself deep in thought after asking himself the question. Why? Why didn't he come clean? Sure he had always enjoyed Pinkie’s company, but he hadn't really thought of her like that. He looked up at the Pinkie pony as she pronked beside him, a wide smile on her face, the necklace bouncing on her neck.

Despite the thoughts and doubts whirling in his mind he couldn't help but smile a little wider, swept up in the joy that was Pinkie Pie. Maybe there was something there, something he hadn't really thought of before, plus she was sexy in her own, unique way.

Pinkie Pie smirked at him. “Checking out my butt?” She stuck out her tongue. “How rude.”

Spike chuckled. “Do you want me to walk in front?”

Pinkie Pie’s smile faltered for a moment. “On second thought you can check it out all you want.”

“Then how am I going to keep an eye out for romantic things to do?” He asked, feigning astonishment.

“Your right…” Pinkie Pie rubbed her chin. “Okay, you can check me out, but only with your right eye.”

Spike tried to force his eyes to look in different directions, only to end up making himself go cross eyed. “I don't think is going to work, I guess I’m just going to have to check you out some other time.”

PInkie Pie bumped her hip against his side. “Well I guess we are going to have to switch between the two then.”

They both shared a laugh, which slowly faded, being replaced by polite conversation which carried over to dessert at a small cafe at the edge of town. It was short, as the cafe itself wasn't open for much longer, but that didn't matter to the two creatures as they had much more planned for their date night. Eventually they ended up simply wandering around town looking at the hearth's warming lights. A few other families and couples were doing the same, all of which stopped to say hello to Pinkie and Spike. They seemed to pick up on things quickly though, and left the pair soon after, allowing them to continue their long debate on the value of tiger tiger vs fudge ice cream.

Eventually they managed to circle their way back to the centre of town, just in time for a crowd to gather around the large tree just outside City Hall. The tree itself was decked out in decorations from everyone in town, and covered in lights that lay dormant, waiting for a unicorn to give them a hint of magic.

“Oooh, I forgot about the tree lighting tonight.” Pinkie Pie remarked.

“Wanna go watch?” Spike offered.

“Yeah, but why don't we stand a little further back?” Pinkie Pie countered.

Spike lifted an eyebrow but ultimately said nothing. “Sure, but why?”

Pinkie Pie shook her head. “No reason. I just…” Her gaze lingered over the sight of all the happy couples holding hooves or standing next to one another near the tree. “Don't want to get distracted saying hello to everyone.”

The dragon shrugged. “Sounds good to me.”

Together the pair sat silently, watching as Mayor Mare delivered a speech they couldn't quite here from their current position. Just when the silence had grown to become oppressive, Pinkie Pie spoke in a strangely unsure tone of voice.

“Hey Spike.” She whispered.

Spike blinked, turning to his friend turned date. “Yeah?”

“What did you get Rarity for hearths warming?”

Spike blinked. “Uh, nothing.” He lied. “I missed her train.”

Pinkie Pie stared off into the distance for a few seconds before she suddenly smiled. “Hey Spike.”

“What's up?”

“I’m cold.”

Spike smirked, wrapping an arm around the pony and holding her tightly and pressing his chest against her side. “Better?”

Pinkie Pie nodded somberly, laying a head against his shoulder. “Yeah…”

Spike eyed her cautiously for a few seconds before shrugging off his worry and instead holding her close, ensuring she was comfortable. Together they watched Mayor Mare wrap up her speech and nod to Lyra, who lit her horn, and a second later, the entire tree.

A chorus of oohs and ahhs erupted from the crowd as the tree was finally lit. “Wow.” Spike muttered.

“This is nice.” Pinkie commented.

Spike nodded. “Quite.”

After a few moments of silence a few of the younger families that were no doubt cold by now, began to walk away from the tree, making their way back home. A smiling Derpy followed by a slightly tired but still happy Dinky walked over to the pair. “Hey Spike, Pinkie.” Derpy greeted.

Spike nodded. “Hey Derpy.”

“Have fun?” Pinkie asked, leaning down to Dinky’s height.

“Yeah that was so cool!” Dinky exclaimed happily.

“Yeah Lyra did a nice job for once.” Derpy snickered before jerking her head away from the pair. “Come on Dinky, let's leave these two love birds to their cuddling.”

Dinky giggled, following her mother close behind and waving at the pair. “See you later!”

Spike and Pinkie waved goodbye, though Spike’s hand remained in the air a moment longer as something clicked inside him. This felt, natural, very natural. He was enjoying himself quite a bit actually, even though they hadn't exactly done anything that he would usually describe as fun. He looked down at the pink pony and couldn't help but smile.

“Thanks Pinkie.” He muttered.

The party pony blinked, looking up at him. “For what?”

“For a great evening.” He announced, squeezing her a little tighter. “It's a shame it has to end.”

“It doesn't have to…” Pinkie Pie whispered, a blush crossing her cheeks.

“What do you mean?” Spike asked.

Pinkie Pie wiggled out of his hug. “Well it would be rude of me to make you walk all the way home, I bet your pretty cold by now huh?”

Spike was not cold, not by any stretch of the imagination, and though he was usually described as tactless, even he could tell what was going on here. “Some hot cocoa would be nice right about now. Plus Twilight Trixie and Starlight are having date night…”

Pinkie Pie giggled, and hopped away. “Then we better put on the cocoa and find some snacks!”

Spike picked up the pace, quickly catching up to the bouncing party pony. “You don't have to Pinkie. I could just go home, torture though it may be.”

“Let me guess, twister night?” Pinkie asked with a smirk.

Spike shuddered. “Twister night.”

Pinkie Pie giggled. “Don't worry Spikey Wikey. I will save you from the awkwardness that is Twilight and her herd.”

Spike gasped dramatically. “Oh thank you Pinkie Pie, however could I possibly repay you?”

Pinkie Pie giggled, stopping just outside Sugar Cube corner and flashing him a smirk. “Oh I think we’ll come up with something…” She winked, giving her tail a flick and causing Spike’s eyes to go wide.

“I err ah.” Spike muttered, weekly following Pinkie into the dark store.

Pinkie smirked and locked the door behind them. “Like what you see?” She asked.

Spike gulped and nodded, unable to muster the words necessary.

The pony giggled and hopped up the stairs. “Well we better not keep you waiting then huh? I bet your really thirsty for your cocoa.”

“You have no idea.” Spike remarked, following Pinkie up the stairs and into her room.

Pinkie Pie smirked and closed the door behind them. “We might just have to find a spot for you to sleep, wouldn't want you to have to go home and deal with that now would we?”

Spike chuckled, looking around Pinkie Pie’s surprisingly clean room. Everything was relatively organized and put away, a change that made Spike wary for some reason. When he looked back at the party pony he caught a glimpse of something in that joyful smile of hers, something that made him stop. “Are you alright Pinkie Pie?”

“Of course I am!” She announced a little too loudly.

Spike’s stare increased in intensity, making the pony squirm under his gaze. “Really?”

“I…” PInkie Pie gulped, gripping the necklace she wore. “I know you meant to give this to Rarity.”

Spike sighed. “Yeah…”

“And I know you don't actually like me and that this was all a big mistake and and-”

Spike pressed a clawed finger against Pinkie’s lips, silencing the teary eyed mare before she could continue. “It was not a mistake.” The dragon smiled. “If anything the only a mistake I made was that I didn't do this sooner.”

“What do you mean?” Pinkie Pie asked while wiping away her tears.

“I knew there was a chance I could get your gifts mixed up but I didn't want to risk messing up the wrapping paper.” Spike chuckled. “I could have just warned you it might be for Rarity. If anything this was my fault.” He smiled and shook his head. “But that doesn't matter anymore.”

PInkie Pie sniffed. “Does that mean that you…”

Spike nodded, hugging Pinkie tightly. “I don't think I really liked Rarity that way for awhile. I just kept thinking that now that I’m nearly an adult that she would have to return what I thought I felt.” He smiled faintly, brushing a hand across Pinkie’s face. “But after feeling what it's really like to well, like like someone I realize that was all nonsense. My feelings for her werent real and were just like, I don't know, momentum.”

The party pony’s smile slowly grew. “Are you saying what I think your saying?”

“I think so?” Spike winced, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m not very good at this whole dating thing but if you want we could maybe go out again sometime?”

Pinkie Pie once more leapt at the dragon, though this time he was ready, catching her in his arms and pulling her close. “Oh Spike do you really mean that?”

Spike grinned, nuzzling the pink pony. “If I could do it all over again the only thing I would change is I would have addressed the necklace to you.”

He didn't know what he was expecting to come of his cheesy little line, but one thing he had not been expecting was for Pinkie’s lips to meet his, and her forelegs to wrap around him, holding him close. Too shocked to do anything, Spike stood there, stunned, until a jab in his midsection brought him back to reality.

“You know usually you kiss back.” Pinkie Pie pointed out.

Spike chuckled, giving his head a shake. “Sorry Pinkie, let me fix that.”

The Night To Remember

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He leaned forward, pressing their lips together once more, and making Pinkie Pie gasp in surprise. Despite his naivety, Spike turned out to be a surprisingly good kisser, and Pinkie Pie made a note about teasing him on that fact later, maybe with a line about him reading instructions on how to kiss from a book. For now though, she had something much more pressing on her mind.

Pinkie Pie smirked, and caught Spike off guard when she grabbed him and fell to the side, directly into her bed, never letting his lips leave hers. He struggled briefly, confused by the sudden turn of events, only to find Pinkie press against him instantly, distracting him from his brief bout of panic. Together the pair rolled around on the blanket, kissing, touching and learning exactly what the other wanted and needed from a partner.

Pinkie Pie was energetic, like in every other aspect of her life and if she wasn't pushing Spike around the bed she was surprising him by going a little further, touching a little lower, kissing a little deeper. It took every bit of Spike’s concentration to not simply fall back and merely let Pinkie Pie take the proverbial wheel. His pride wouldn't let him become a back seat to his first real kiss and he did the few things he knew to do in this circumstance, learning quickly from the way Pinkie Pie reacted and doing more of that.

Several minutes later, after Spike was pretty sure they had done everything two creatures could do with their mouths without going too far, they stopped, with the dragon pulling back breathlessly. He caught a glimpse of the hungry look on Pinkie’s face, and judging from her expression she could sense just how hot and bothered he had become. She also seemed to enjoy this fact, as she ran a tongue along her lips, teasing the poor drake.

“S-stop.” He whispered breathlessly, placing a hand against Pinkie’s chest.

“What's wrong?” Pinkie asked hesitantly.

“Nothing. I just thought maybe we should stop. I mean we were getting pretty… You know.” Spike muttered.

Pinkie giggled. “Are you sure you want to stop, because I’m more than ready for a-” She leaned in close, whispering in the male’s ear. “-long, and hard night.”

“I-I.” Spike gulped, glancing at a rather hungry looking Pinkie Pie. “Do you have protection?”

Pinkie Pie reached over to her end table and swiftly grabbed nearly an entire mouthful condoms, holding them in her teeth before smirking at a rather surprised Spike. “Is this going to be enough?” She asked, dropping the condoms on the dragon’s chest.

“Pinkie there's like twelve condoms here.” Spike pointed out.

The party pony shrugged. “We do have all night you know.”

The dragon could already feel his cocks begin to grow hard at the mere thought. “That does sound nice and I do need a place to sleep.” He chuckled. “Or at least a place to stay.”

“That's the spirit.” Pinkie Pie giggled. “Now you just lay right there and let your girlfriend handle everything.”

“God that's so hot.” Spike remarked.

“Oh one last thing.” Pinkie Pie crawled back up his body and planted a long, passionate kiss on the lips. A minute later and Pinkie Pie pulled back, a thin line of spit connecting them briefly. “Happy hearth's warming Spike.”

“Happy hearth's warming to you too Pinkie Pie.” Spike whispered back, stealing one final kiss before Pinkie slipped down his chest, trailing kisses in her wake.

The party pony wasted no time getting to work, teasing Spike just enough that he got hard, but not enough to blue ball the poor drake. Getting a little lower, Pinkie was surprised to feel two things bump her chin. Recoiling slightly she gasped at the sight of the dragon’s twin pricks. “Oh my gosh it's true!”

Spike rolled his eyes. “Not all dragons have two cocks, but I ain't most dragons.”

“No you most certainly are not.” Pinkie Pie whispered huskily, planting a kiss on each of his dicks.

They were fairly large, roughly the size and length of a stallion cock, but without the usual flared head or medial ring. Pinkie Pie couldn't help but stare a moment, realizing that combined they were easily thicker then any stallion she had ever taken before. This was new territory for the party pony, one she was eager to explore to it's fullest, all while wondering if his output would be similarly doubled.

WIth a shrug, Pinkie dove down, licking up and down his lengths one by one, her hoof pumping the cock not in her mouth in order to keep it nice and hard before she returned to it a moment later. It didn't take long before she could hear Spike’s soft, half whispered moans, and judging from the fact that his cocks had just barely stopped growing, he was as hard as he was going to get. With her job done, Pinkie hesitated, only to shrug, knowing herself well enough to realize that she couldn't leave without getting a good taste of her new boyfriend.

Spike was similarly both surprised and impressed when he watched Pinkie Pie go down on him, swallowing both of his cocks in a single gulp only to keep going. Her mouth was tight, warm and seemed to have been designed to milk his cocks as within seconds of swallowing his pricks, his eyes had already rolled into the back of his head. The young drake had never felt this good in his entire life and he very nearly came right then and there, only for his pride getting the better of him, demanding that he give before he received.

Pinkie Pie went deep on the twin cocks, filling her mouth with their lengths, until she felt the heads poke against the back of her throat. She tried to push a little deeper but her mouth, for once, wasn't quite big enough. With a sigh she pulled back, running her tongue back and forth across his cocks before finally pulling back to the point that they audibly popped out of her mouth.

“Mmm we are going to have to do this more often.” Pinkie Pie remarked, wiping the spit from her lips. “I couldn't quite get deep enough.”

“Well don't push yourself.” Spike remarked. “I may not be the longest but I would hate for you to hurt yourself somehow.”

PInkie Pie shrugged. “Don't worry, I’m squishy. We just gotta get some practice in.” She smirked. “But that's for later, now we gotta move on to the real fun.”

“What is the… Oh.” Spike blushed hard as he watched Pinkie grab two of the condoms and tear off the packaging.

With deft hooves the mare swiftly placed the condoms over the top of each one of his twin heads. Now that they were in place, the pink pony smirked before wrapping her lips around the plastic ring and pushed down. Spike watched in stunned silence as Pinkie Pie applied the condom with her lips before turning to the other one and doing the same.

“Tada!” Pinkie announced.

Spike was tempted to clap. “That was surprisingly hot.”

The party pony blushed, batting her eyelashes at the drake. “Daw, aren't you a sweetheart. So, hot stuff, how do you want me?”

“I er..” The dragon scratched his head and looked down, trying to figure out how they were going to manage this. “Do you mind if I stood up?”

Pinkie Pie moved out of the way and gestured for him to do just that. “Be my guest.”

“Okay.” The dragon stood. “Now lay on your back.” Pinkie did as she was told, allowing Spike to move over her, his cocks aligning with her dripping pussy. “Ready?”

“I’ve been ready for the last half hour. Give it to me Spikey Wikey!” Pinkie Pie remarked happily.

Spike chuckled, shifting his hips forward. “Then I shant make you wait even a moment longer.”

The dragon thrusted forward, pushing one of his cocks against her folds and making the party pony sigh contently as she felt her pussy slowly being filled by the dragon’s hard prick. Next, he began to slowly see saw his cock in and out of her, working himself deeper and deeper with every thrust until finally he felt himself bottom out inside her.

“You know Spike, you could put the other in too if you want.” Pinkie Pie whispered while running a hoof down his cheek.

Spike blinked, looking down at the mare nervously. “Are you sure?”

Pinkie Pie snickered. “Trust me hot stuff, I can handle it.” She smirked, leaning closer. “Unless you don't think you can handle it…”

The dragon breathed hotly through his nose, his pride now on the line he felt compelled to rise to the challenge. “Oh I can handle it alright.”

“Then give it to me big boy.”

That was all he needed to here, and with that, the last of his resistance melted away, replaced by a burning need to absolutely fill this plush pink pony pussy to the absolute brim with dragon dick. He wasted absolutely no time, and with a single pull of his hips, dislodged his prick from Pinkie Pie’s cloying depths. With a slight shift, he felt his second head press against her lips, and with a hand to guide his cocks, he thrusted forward.

Pinkie Pie melted instantly, something about the way the two cock heads both hit different parts of her pussy making her writhe in pleasure. She didn't know how to describe it as anything other then simply amazing. She may have had other stallions, and mares in her time, but nothing close to how this felt, and that feeling of venturing into completely new territory was incredibly arousing. It almost felt as though she were a virgin all over again and she was bedding her very first stallion.

Looking up at the drake, she couldn't help but feel as though that was more true then she had first thought. She had been in committed relationships before, but something about the honesty to which Spike gave voice to his feelings made it seem as though this was the first real relationship she had ever had. With those feelings running in her head she hardly even noticed as the dragon thrusted forward, burying every inch of his twin pricks into her cavernous depths, filling her well beyond what she thought possible.

“You so tight.” Spike grunted, gripping the sheets in his clawed hands.

Pinkie Pie whimpered, feeling her pussy clamp down around his dual pricks, squeezing them for all her worth. “Just give it a second.”

Spike remained motionless until a few seconds later when the vice like grip seemed to lift from his cocks, replaced by an incredibly tight, yet far more enjoyable sensation. “Sweet Celestia.” Spike murmured, feeling the strength in his arms begin to fail him.

Pinkie Pie giggled, running a hoof down his side. “So are you ready to give it to me yet or do you need a little more encouragement?”

Spike lifted an eyebrow and remained motionless. “What kind of encouragement?”

The party pony wrapped her back legs around the dragon’s mid section, holding him close. “This kind of encouragement.”

The little dragon had been sure he was as hard as possible a second ago, now he was less sure, as his cock twitched and grew a little longer. He wasn't sure if it was his draconic physiology or something else, but either way he had gotten all the encouragement he needed.

He swiftly withdrew his hips only to slam them forward once more, softening his thrust at the last second. This turned out to be the wrong move and next time he tried this Pinkie pulled hard, not letting him slow his thrusts. Catching his partner’s intention, Spike didn't hold anything back, slamming himself into Pinkie’s pussy with reckless abandon.

Over and over he continued to go at it, growing more and more proficient as time went on. Pinkie Pie turned out to be a kind and gentle lover, guiding the young dragon with a subtle touch here and a whispered moan there. In mere minutes they were going at it with such skill and unity that you would have thought that they had been lovers for months instead of mere minutes.

As time passed they both seemed to open up as well, with Spike actually allowing himself to moan while Pinkie loosened her hold on the dragon, no longer worrying if he would stop suddenly. Together they found themselves moaning each other’s name at the same time, an act that nearly made them stop, a smile forming across both of their faces.

On and on this process continued until the two had grown so comfortable with one another that all of the awkwardness they had felt earlier had left entirely, leaving only two beings in the throes of unmitigated passion. Spike grunted, gripping the sheets a little tighter while trying to push off the distinct feeling of weakness beginning to seep up his legs. “I’m close.” He whispered.

Pinkie Pie nodded. “Me too hot stuff, give it to me!”

Spike grunted once more, regripping the bed a little tighter, uncaring to the fact that his claws had ripped through the sheets. He once more poured on the speed, slamming himself into his new lover with every last bit of strength he had left. With the end now fast approaching, Pinkie Pie became a roiling mass of twitches and shakes, the pony mere moments away from a massive orgasm.

Sure enough she didn't have to wait long and the instant she felt Spike’s hips stop and his body crash against hers and their lips coming together, she came.


She would have whimpered, moaned or screamed his name, but all that was stifled by the soft feeling of his lips against hers. Leaving her able to only whimper slightly, his long, thin tongue invading her mouth and dominating her flatter, shorter one. Spike simalarily moaned, surprised by just how good it felt to finally let go and simply allow himself to cum. Around his cocks he felt Pinkie Pie’s pussy spasm occasionally, wracked by what must have been a powerful orgasm.

Minutes later, when their pleasure began to ebb, and Spike’s cocks had begun to soften, he pulled back, reluctantly breaking the kiss. Pinkie Pie was on him in a second though, peppering his lips with a few more kisses before finally allowing him to slip back and pull out of the pink pony. They sighed in unison, sad to leave the comfortable sensations of pleasure behind and settling into the quiet, post coital bliss.

Spike gently tied off the condoms and placed them in a garbage next to the bed, but not before Pinkie Pie caught a glimpse of just how full they were. “Wow, you really put out. I mean I felt how much it was, but wow, that's a lot.”

Spike chuckled. “It's a dragon thing. Twilight tried to explain it once but basically it boils down to the fact that sometimes big dragons fuck little dragons.”

Pinkie Pie licked her lips, and welcomed the embrace of the young drake. “Well remind me to listen next time Twilight launches into another explanation of dragon anatomy.”

The dragon chuckled, pulling himself a little closer to the pony and slipping under the blankets with her, his arms around Pinkie’s waist. “Thanks for a wonderful evening Pinkie Pie.”

“It was my pleasure hot stuff.” Pinkie Pie placed a kiss on the dragon’s lips. “Let's do it again soon.”

“Hmmm.” Spike tapped his chin. “How does tomorrow morning sound?”

“I might be able to work into my schedule but only if I get to schedule the next date.” Pinkie replied.

Spike raised an eyebrow. “I guess that's fair.”

“Great!” Pinkie Pie grinned. “How does tomorrow night sound?”

Together the two shared a giggle. “I think that sounds wonderful.” Spike answered, sinking into his girlfriend’s plush embrace.