Changing For Peace

by TheVClaw

First published

Prince Kryostase of the Changeling Kingdom was hopeful he could hold negotiations on his own with Equestria's Princesses. However, he soon learns that in order to work with them, he has to undergo some rather unorthodox changes...

This story is commissioned by Kryostasis, and is a prequel to Losing the Shortest Match.

Before Equestria made amends with the Changeling Kingdom, it was up to Queen Chrysalis' son, Prince Kyrostase, to try and usher negotiations with the nation's Princesses. Due to his masculine appearance and desire to lead, he was hopeful he could cover for his Queen when it came to attending Equestria's Royal Summit without any help. Unfortunately, soon after arriving to Canterlot on his own, Kryo was horrified to discover he overlooked a very important requirement when it came to attending a sitdown with Royalty...

The Princesses can only sit down with a female.

Despite his standing as Chrysalis' son, Kryo was obviously unable to negotiate with them as himself. Not to mention, rising tensions between their nations meant that he likely couldn't get a fitting replacement soon enough. With time of the essence, and full gender-switching off the table for legal reasons, an unorthodox solution had to take place in order for their nations to try and find peace.

Fortunately, a loophole in Equestria's laws might give some form of solace. If the Prince was willing, he could be able to work with them without changing his gender. However, Kryo had to be brave enough to undergo some... alternative forms of magic, and become feminine enough to warrant their metting valid. But despite how important their negotiations were, could the Changeling handle the changes he would need to endure? And if he agreed, how would he end up feeling about them after the transformation is complete?

Note: This is a Mature-rated story that includes themes like Feminization, Bondage, Cock-Shrinking, Small Penis Humiliation, Diapering, Light Diaper Usage (Wetting), and Public Humiliation. Reader Discretion is advised.


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“Ummm… Is… Is something wrong, Your Highnesses?”

His muzzle wrinkled uncomfortably after trying to ask that question, realizing too late just how nervous and meager it came out. Of course, considering the absolutely massive size of the room he was in, it was likely that he wouldn’t have been able to sound confident without a megaphone. But alas, due to the situation he was in, the lone male could only gulp in worry while he sat by himself on one side of the grand mahogany table. On the other side of the table, with only a meticulously-arranged teaset laid out as a barrier, all four Princesses of Equestria were seated with varying looks of discomfort and disappointment on their faces.

He took a deep breath, and tried to breathe out silently without any shakiness from his wary state. Before he was sent out to Canterlot to act as an Ambassador for his Queen, he tried to mentally prepare himself for any and all hardships he may have to face for this moment. After all, given how tense relations have been between Equestria and the Changeling Kingdom, he knew that being the first Changeling to be allowed an official Royal Summit was beyond daunting. Nevertheless, despite all the precautions he made to keep himself presentable and polite -- even going as far as to freshen up his bright blue chitinesque mane to appear similar to Prince Shining Armor’s -- he was worried something was significantly awry as soon as he entered the private room and took his seat.

About half a minute of awkward silence loomed throughout the room before he asked that question earlier, hoping to inquire if he did something wrong; and even after another half-minute, the only thing he heard were the continuous ticks of the nearby Grandfather clock. Princess Celestia, who was seated directly across from him, was the first to look around and glance towards her fellow Princesses. On the Alicorn’s left, Princess Luna was sitting with an upset, and almost offended-looking stare pointed squarely on the Changeling. And to Celestia’s right, Princesses Cadance and Twilight Sparkle seemed to be more confused than anything else.

When Celestia turned her attention back to the Changeling across from them, she took a quick breath before asking politely, “So… Prince Kryostase, correct?”

The Changeling nodded in confirmation, but had to try his hardest not to wince from being addressed by that title. Even though he technically was a direct son of Queen Chrysalis, his race had a fairly different (and admittedly, rather complicated) means of Royal Lineage and Rulings. Kryostase may have been a Prince in legal terms, but he had little to no official standings in politics. In fact, the biggest reason he was assigned to be an Ambassador in place of Chrysalis was due to his appearance. Unlike most other Changelings who had thin and frail-looking builds, Prince Kryo had an impressive amount of muscle that developed well beneath his chitin; and combined with his electric blue mane and masculine facial features, his Queen decreed that he would be sent since he looked so “unthreatening”.

In other words, Kryostase was summoned since he looked closer to a stallion than most other Changelings. Unfortunately, that turned out to be a big issue in regards to his presence now.

“Well then…” Celestia didn’t look nearly as upset as her sister did, and tried to keep a more sympathetic expression on her face. Nevertheless, Kryo could still see the slight skew on her muzzle as she tried to explain kindly. “Kryostase, when… when we hold an Official Royal Summit, especially in regards to negotiations with foreign nations, we… We usually send a notice beforehoof in regards to proper protocol.”

Kryo’s brows narrowed slightly, but he tried not to appear too perplexed while he nodded his head. “Ummm… Yes, I… I actually received a copy of that notice last week.” He then lit up his horn, and pulled out a small parchment that was rolled up inside of his nearby satchel. As the document was unrolled and hovering in his pale blue aura, he began to scan through the text as he said insistently, “I mean… I could’ve sworn I read through the whole thing prior to leaving, so I’m not sure what the issue might…”

During his brief pause, the Changeling’s eyes widened enough for the Princesses to notice he may have made a mistake. Despite being careful enough to roll up his documentation, the parchment still had a few notable wrinkles and creases due to postage. Because of that, Kryo became absolutely mortified the instant he noticed an unread line that was hidden beneath a small crease in the paper. As he leaned in to read the important detail, Celestia cringed a little upon realizing why he was here instead of someone else.

‘In accordance with Equestrian Protocol, as noted in Amendment 5, Section 7 of International Accordances, all Ambassadors and/or Royalty assigned to negotiate in Royal Summits must be the same gender* as Equestrian Leaders in attendance.’
‘*The definition of Gender can be biological, or based on Gender Identity as revised under Amendment 32, Article 16 -- LGBT Accordances.’

Upon reading the entirety of that text, Kryostase looked undoubtedly embarrassed. Given how he was the only Ambassador in attendance for this much-needed treaty meeting, the fact that he overlooked such a huge detail was beyond worrying. Even though he wasn’t the only Changeling to not notice that detail, that doesn’t change the fact that he may have inadvertently ruined any chance of their nations uniting. His carbon-grey chitin turned a ghastly shade of pale, and his magic trembled a little as he held that damning proof of his mishap.

Princess Celestia lit up her horn as well, and pulled the parchment towards her to better examine the issue. Luna sighed sharply with a bitter roll of her eyes, clearly miffed that a male was in attendance. Cadance glanced over at Twilight silently, with both of them struggling not to wince in worry. However, it seemed that Celestia was the most sympathetic to Kryo’s mistake. “Well, umm… it seems that you may have looked past that rule by accident?”

With his nation’s future at stake, Kryostase gave an unbelievably strong nod of his head and blurted, “Y-Yes, Your Highness, I swear! I SWEAR, I… I would’ve never attended this Summit myself if I knew males weren’t allowed! I-I-I am so… so sorry for such a mistake!”

The Changeling made sure to pull himself back from his seat so he could bow his head shamefully. Celestia winced in pity as she heard how sincere his statement was, as did the two Princesses to her right. Meanwhile, Princess Luna exhaled in annoyance as she pinched the bridge of her snout with a hoof. “Well, this was a waste of time,” she said under her breath annoyedly.

Princess Cadance huffed as she turned her head away from her Aunt, and wrinkled her muzzle in thought. “Well… Given the circumstances, we can’t necessarily reschedule without risk of provoking an International Incident, can we?”

“B-But we can’t really do this Summit now either!” retorted Twilight while she sat at the furthest end of the row of Princesses. “I mean, if we were to break that protocol, it could make any negotiations null and void!”

Kryostase sunk his head lower while hunched across the table, looking like he wanted to disappear completely. Meanwhile, Cadance tapped the bottom of her chin with a hoof while humming in thought. “Hmmmmm… Well… Would a gender switching spell work, perhaps?”

The Changeling jolted up with a worried look on his face, as well as a comically high-pitched gasp. Fortunately for Kryo, Celestia quickly waved her hoof in dismissal while looking down at the parchment. “No, that wouldn’t be right. As far as I’m aware of, most gender-switching spells are permanent.”

Luna rolled her eyes while adding, “Aaaaaaand I’m fairly sure that forced gender-reassessment is still legally considered a War-Crime. We can’t turn the Prince into a female.”

Due to how dire the situation seemed, Kryo was seriously considering morphing into a fly so he could discreetly leave the castle unscathed. However, Celestia continued to look between him and the folded paper while biting the inside of her cheek. Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly, and another moment passed before the Prince noticed her brows raise in an instant. He wasn’t sure what may have spring unto her head, but he had to reel his head back a little when he saw how many times her eyes blinked in thought.

Celestia then lowered her brows slowly, and grew an… almost devilishly wide-looking smile on her face. With a flash of her horn, the Princess summoned a thick dome of her yellow-hued magic to encapsulate herself and the other Alicorns. Kryostase grew tremendously confused, but he didn’t say anything while sitting awkwardly across from the yellow-tinted sound-bubble. The thick wall of magic was too cloudy to really see the Princesses’ expressions inside, but he could tell by their body language that a fairly heated debate was occuring in the sound-proofed space. But after about a minute of muddled movement the Changeling could vaguely see through the wall of deafening silence, it seemed that Princess Celestia said something to settle down all three of the fellow Princesses.

After a couple more minutes, the dome was finally undone with another flash of Celestia’s horn. By that point, it seemed that all four of the Alicorns seemed less flustered about what to do with Kryo than earlier. Even Luna didn’t look angry anymore, which should’ve been a welcome change for the blushing Changeling. However, Kryostase couldn’t exactly say he was relieved when the four Princesses were all looking back at him with narrowed eyes…

… and suspiciously similar-looking smiles.

“... Prince Kryostase?” asked Celestia in a strangely sweeter tone than before, as well as a tilt of her head to the side. “Before we say anything, I just want you to know that we’ve all come to an agreement. It might not be the most conventional means of diplomatic discourse, but… I believe there may be a way to have you act as Ambassador for this meeting after all~”

“R-Really?!” blurted Kryo as he jolted up in his seat, clearly too surprised by that proclamation to realize how quickly he said that. “I… I mean, thank you! If... i-if there’s any way for me to do this Summit myself, th-then I’ll gladly oblige!”

That last remark made Celestia smile even wider, and she looked back at her fellow Alicorns as they tried not to blush too deeply. However, Kryo did notice that Princess Luna had to turn away for a second to conceal a brief snicker. Cadance and Twilight seemed to be more mature on their plan, but the two still looked rather blushed while staring between the Changeling and Celestia. Meanwhile, the white Alicorn herself kept her sights solely on Kryostase, almost as if she was studying his expression for any hint of insincerity in his claim.

“Well… if you want to ensure that our negotiations run smoothly,” she said in a calm, yet oddly peculiar-sounding tone, “then I have to inform you of some… alternative spells that would need to be implemented.”

Considering what was just mentioned earlier, Kryo’s head tilted in confusion while staring back at the smirking Princess. Unfortunately, due to how necessary this meeting was supposed to be, the Changeling had no choice but to ask cautiously, “Ummm… Wh… What spells do you mean?”

Celestia turned her attention towards Cadance, who took a deep breath in reluctance before she began to speak towards him. “Welllllll…

About ten minutes passed within the isolated room, with none of the Guards waiting outside realizing just what was occurring behind those locked doors. Within that time, Prince Kryostase was not only informed of the specific measures he had to take in order to continue the Summit, but also had the time needed to properly think over his decision on the matter. Despite how unorthodox and… admittedly insane the idea sounded overall, the Changeling knew he couldn’t exactly debate his own ramifications while his nation was on the line. Not to mention, the fact that they assured him the spells were temporary prompted him to see it as a reasonable compromise.

Of course, the instant Princess Luna brought out ropes to tie the Changeling to the table, it was hard for Kryo to not feel a little flustered.

“Alright, come on now,” cooed Celestia in a calm and kindly tone, almost as if she was hoping to ease the Prince by acting more maternal for the process. She even patted the top of the now bare table with her hoof, similar to how a Mother would coax a foal into bed for naptime. “I know it’s a big favor to ask of you, Prince Kryo. But I can assure you it’ll be for the greater good.”

He wasn’t sure if it was because of the truth in Celestia’s statement, or the reassuring voice she carried that made his heart race strangely fast, but the Changeling only needed to take one final breath before he complied with a nod. Kryo then pulled himself on top of the table, and tried to keep his head hunched down to hide his growing blush. Even though he knew things had to be altered in order for this meeting to legally commence, the Prince was absolutely certain the Princesses never hosted a Summit as unconventional as this. Nevertheless, he knew that there wasn’t much he could do as he rolled himself onto his back, and laid against the bare mahogany with a nervous shiver.

“It’s okay,” cooed Celestia as she leaned in to rub Kryo’s smooth, chitinous chest in further assurance. “I promise you that this spell will be temporary.”

The Changeling nodded in understanding again, but his blush deepened immensely as he cleared his throat and asked, “Uhhhhh… How… How long will it take before the spell can be reversed?”

Despite wanting to be comforting, Celestia couldn’t hide the small wince that wrinkled her muzzle. Twilight seemed wary from that question as well, mostly since she knew it wouldn’t be an instant reversal. After a couple seconds of awkward silence, Cadance was the first to sigh before answering Kryo. “Well… I believe it needs at least a week before it can be undone.”

Kryostase gasped and tried to pull himself up from the table by instinct. Fortunately, Luna reached down to press her hoof against his chest to keep him in place. “I know that seems like a long time,” she said in a firmer tone than her sister, “but a week will be nothing compared to the countless years of peace this could bring between our nations.”

It was beyond jarring to think this sort of spell would actually help implement diplomatic peace, but Kryo couldn’t deny that it certainly seemed that way. Even though he was still apprehensive about going through with it, he was sure Chrysalis would understand it was for the greater good. So after another breath, the Prince relaxed enough to rest back on the table. “Ummm… A-Alright, I… I understand…”

“Okay, great!~” chirped Twilight pre-emptively, before she bit her lip and blushed a little. Fortunately, she was able to keep herself from looking too pleased with Kryo’s answer before pulling out an item with her magic. “But before we start, we… kinda need your recorded consent for legal reasons.”

As soon as he saw the tape-recorder in Twilight’s lavender aura, the Changeling groaned in slight frustration. He may have understood why that would be important (especially if Changelings back home questioned him for what he did), he was already embarrassed enough as it was. But for the sake of his nation, the Prince closed his eyes with a huff before he replied. “Ughhh… Okay, I’ll do it.”

Twilight smiled thankfully, and floated over the little microphone that was connected to the device. As soon as she hit the ‘Record’ button, she and the other Princesses stood patiently while Kryo squirmed on the table. Luna used that time to use her own magic to tie Kryo’s limbs securely, leaving him spread-apart and unable to slip off or escape. Even though the process only took a few seconds, it gave Kryostase more than enough time to collect himself and speak solemnly.

“Ummm… I…” Kryo took another breath, and closed his eyes tightly before restarting his statement. “I… Prince Kryostase of the Changeling Kingdom… hereby allow the Princesses of Equestria to, errr… t-to…”

After a brief pause, the Changeling exhaled deeply so he could finish. “... to magically feminize me so I may be in attendance for this Royal Summit.”

“Excellent!~” That time, Twilight seemed much less embarrassed by her enjoyment after stopping the recording and floating the device aside. Meanwhile, it seemed that the bound Changeling was only growing more skittish by the second. But since the recording of his consent was in place, Kryo could only close his eyes as he allowed the magic to occur.

“Please try to relax,” said Celestia in a soothing coo while her horn lit up. “All this spell will do is make you feminine enough to partake in this meeting. You’ll still technically be a male.”

Despite that assuring statement, Luna had to keep from snickering while Kryo’s eyes were shut. Cadance and Twilight seemed equally as amused by Celestia’s remark, and looked at each other with blushed smirks. But with the masculine Changeling laying in wait on the table, and Celestia’s golden aura soon illuminating his whole body like he was ascending to the heavens, all four Princesses kept their focus on him as the spell began to take place.

Kryostase gasped sharply as he felt an unfamiliar tingling coursing through his body, and quickly overwhelming the nerves beneath his chitin like goosebumps. The sensation soon morphed into an intense numbing throughout his whole body, feeling disturbingly similar to when one of his hooves falls asleep when resting on it wrong. The coarse tingling made him groan hard through gritted fangs, and his limbs strained against Luna’s bondage while he remained glowing with Celestia’s magic. Unbenounced to him, all four of the Princesses could also see his member growing erect between his legs; even though that likely would’ve been extremely awkward if Kryo was able to realize it was happening, none of the Alicorns seemed to mind seeing that suitable, six-inch penis standing upright from the newfound spell’s effects.

Nnnnnnghhhh…” After Celestia’s magic lingered across his body for several seconds, her horn illuminated brighter to begin the feminization. Kryostase couldn’t feel much of his body’s changes due to the numbness, but he could still sense it as his limbs began to alter tremendously. His tones, muscular hind-legs started to diminish in thickness, and slowly reverted back to a slender size more expected of Changelings. However, it wasn’t long before the magic reverted the muscle mass even further, and shaped his chitin to become more curved and slender like a female’s anatomy.

His forelegs received the same treatment, as his biceps slowly dissipated to make his arms look skinny as a model’s around his increasingly glistening chitin. His torso began to alter in size and shape as well, as Celestia’s magic reverted his bulky shoulders to become more streamlined and petite. His toned pecs went away to morph into a more femininely curved chest, and his stomach shrunk to make his form nearly identical to most mares. While his muzzle hung open to groan from the confusing sensations coursing through his nerves, Kryo didn’t seem to feel his muzzle shrinking inward to give his face a less masculine appearance. Even his blue mane, which was already admittedly rather long when it was hanging over his neck, soon grew out longer to trail past his shoulders and carry a luscious shimmer.

By the time his body became more female than it was male, Kryostase’s strained groans changed into a higher-pitched, and almost aroused-sounding moan under his breath. Meanwhile, all four of the Alicorns staring down at him couldn’t help grinning as they watched the once masculine Changeling morph into a more… fitting subject. Even though none of them were wanting to say the term out-loud, it was obvious that Kryo was becoming quite ‘Sissified’ by Celestia’s procedure~

Aaaaahhhhhhh…~” By the time the Princess’ magic finally dissipated around his body, Kryo let out one last moan before slumping back and relaxing in his bondage. The Changeling needed a moment to collect himself, which gave Cadance just enough time to hover a large mirror above him on the table. By the time the “Prince” finally reopened his eyes, he gasped in absolute shock when he peered up to see the mare-like bug staring down at him.

Kryostase looked absolutely nothing like the built, masculine Changeling he once was; in fact, he almost looked like an identical sister to his former self. His cheeks burned a deep crimson that shone through his dark chitin, and his body squirmed against its restraints weakly as he saw just how slender and curvaceous he became. His eyes remained stunningly wide while staring up at his reflection in silence, unsure how to feel about his body being altered so greatly for the sake of this Summit. Part of him wanted to see such a drastic change as being absolutely ludicrous, or even downright sadistic of the still-grinning Princesses.

Unfortunately, any thoughts about the change being negative would’ve likely be seen as an obvious lie, since his unaltered cock was still rock-hard and throbbing above his new body.

“GNNGHHH!!” Kryo tried to reel back in embarrassment as soon as he realized he was fully erect before the Princesses, but Luna’s ropes kept him firmly in place. Meanwhile, his blush burned unbelievably hot as he heard the four Alicorns giggling in response to his jittery reaction. He wanted to roll away from the group, or at least cover up his crotch in modesty. Unfortunately, he knew that there was nothing that could be done now that he underwent the mandatory feminization for this meeting.

Not to mention, he was still aware that Celestia wasn’t finished just yet.

“Prince Kryostase?” Celestia asked as she leaned in to make sure he wouldn’t freak out. “Are you alright?”

Kryo didn’t respond too strongly upon hearing Celestia’s soothing voice, but he did nod his head while keeping his sights on his new physique. His expression was as blank as it was wide-eyed, but neither Celestia or her fellow Princesses could detect anything resembling regret on his face. Instead, the Changeling looked like he was… savoring such a profound change that was implemented on his body. As the seconds passed following Celestia’s question, the only reply Kryo made aside from his nod were a few blinks of his eyes.

Luna leaned in close to Cadance's ear and whispered with a devilish grin, “I think he likes it~”

Cadance couldn’t help giggling discreetly from the Princess’ remark, but Twilight tried to shush them in case Kryo overheard that. Fortunately, the Changeling’s stoically stunned state wasn’t altered in the slightest until Celestia tapped his shoulder. “Kryo? Kryo, are you… are you alright to continue?”

Kryostase seemed to be pulled from his stupor with that question, since his brows raised up in response to it. After a couple more blinks of his eyes, the now feminized Changeling glanced back to see Celestia’s warm and motherly smile. Even though he knew exactly what the Princess was referring to, Kryo couldn’t say he felt nearly as worried about the additional spell as he had before. Maybe that was because he was still reeling from the rest of his body being altered before that region. But despite what he may have thought about the full feminization procedure earlier, all that the Prince could do now was nod his head weakly and ask, “You… Y-You mean for my…”

His sights glanced down to his still-throbbing erection, which was still twitching readily as it towered over his altered physique. His face blushed deeply in realization of what the Princesses needed to do with it, but his expression didn’t show much hesitance about allowing it to happen. In fact, the other Princesses could see his cock pulsate especially hard when Celestia said with a nod of her head, “Yes, Kryo… That would need to be changed as well~”

Kryostase only needed a last-minute breath as he closed his eyes, and then exhaled to give an affirming nod. “O… Okay…”

“I think you’re right, Auntie~” whispered Cadance back to Luna, which elicited more audible giggles from both of them. Even Twilight couldn’t help snickering as she stared at that Changeling cock alongside her Princesses. Meanwhile, Princess Celestia carried a more mature-looking smile as she re-lit her horn, and focused her magic aura around Kryostase’s member.

Unlike before, Kryo didn’t try to close his eyes this time around. Instead, he looked straight-down at his cock as he viewed the alteration alongside the smirking Alicorns. The instant Celestia’s magic wrapped around his shaft, a stronger gasp escaped his muzzle that came out like an enamored mew. Meanwhile, the nerves along his hind-legs and waist all tingled tremendously upon feeling that strange and… surprisingly pleasurable aura taking effect.

Kryostase’s cock made several strong, and very noticeable throbs as it responded to the numbing effect of Celestia’s magic. As the Changeling’s cockhead swelled from each pulsation, the other three Princesses giggled audibly enough to make Kryo groan with a bit lip. Despite the slight uneasiness he felt from being seen in that sort of way, it didn’t stop his heart from racing as he saw his cock moving downward. With each randy twitch his member made, the Prince let out a brief, high-pitched groan as he saw his cockhead sinking lower. Slowly, but very surely, the poor Changeling could only watch as his penis began to shrink down beneath the six-inch mark.

Theeerrrrrrrrre we go~” said Celestia with a soft and sensual purr, while her eyes narrowed wickedly on Kryo’s depleting cock. “Just a few inches to go…”

Kryostase had no idea just how many inches the Princess was planning to shrink away from his manhood, but he could only watch in stunned silence while he was tied down on the table. Even with how antsy some of the other Princesses’ giggles were getting, the Changeling could barely even whimper to express how he felt in that moment. His cock continued to throb as it stood helplessly within Celestia’s aura, with each movement making his length deplete little by little back towards his waist. By the time his shrinking member was inching itself down to the four inch mark, Kryo was able to see his pulsating shaft was starting to diminish in thickness as well; like a slowly deflating balloon, that Changeling cock just grew smaller and smaller with each rapid breath he took.

He wasn’t sure if it was the shameful sight of watching such a thing up-close, or the laughter he was hearing from the Princesses who made him allow it to happen; but by the time his little cock was shrinking down to a measly three inches, his blushed muzzle opened up on its own to let out a faint and shaky moan. The Prince may have been doing this for the sake of this Summit, but he could honestly say he never felt so embarrassed in his life. But even with his body writhing against his restraints, he still felt rock-hard between his legs as a result of this kind of transformation. And with each pulsation he felt that robbed another couple centimeters from his length, Kryo couldn’t find it within him to act like he was against such a taboo feeling.

Because of that, Kryostase was starting to succumb to the debauchery he placed himself into by the time his puny cock reached the two inch mark. While Celestia kept her focus on finishing the shrinkage with a grin on her muzzle, her fellow Alicorns weren’t above speaking about the size rather openly in front of the poor Prince.

Daaaawwwww~” While Kryo continued to whimper between his weak moans, Princess Cadance leaned in to get a better look at the now miniscule penis the Changeling possessed. “Ohmigosh, it’s like a widdle mushroom~” she replied before reaching in and prodding it softly with her hoof. That added touch caused his cock to throb especially hard, and his moans to come out even louder.

“Be careful, it’s still sensitive,” warned Celestia with a quick glance back towards her niece. She then smirked playfully and said in a motherly tone, “We don’t want the little Prince to make a mess, do we?~”

Princess Luna openly scoffed before replying with a roll of her eyes, “I seriously doubt he’d make that much now.”

She pointed down towards Kryostase’s balls, which the Changeling could only see if he was looking up at that still-hovering mirror. Before the transformation, Kryo’s balls were fairly plump in size as they hung down a couple inches from his sheath. But as soon as Celestia’s magic began to take effect, those testicles retreated inward just as his now-tiny cock has been. And at the same time that member throbbed and pulsated into a petite-sized replica of what it once was, his balls did the same as they diminished in size and volume. By the time Kryo’s shrinkage began to slow down after getting under two inches, his balls had shrunken to the size of marbles within that measly little sack.

Following Luna’s claim, Twilight leaned in to interject, “Well, technically speaking, the prostate is a bigger factor in sperm volume than the testicles. But still...” Despite looking slightly guilty for enjoying the sight of a Changeling Prince being turned to a tiny-cocked femboy, the Alicorn kept a hoof over her blushed smile as she added, “Given how tiny it’s getting, I still wouldn’t be surprised if he could only get a drop or two~”

That caused another round of giggles from all the Princesses, including Celestia herself. While poor little Kryo squirmed helplessly in his bindings, and felt how hard his tiny cock was getting as it shrunk even smaller, he overheard Princess Cadance say snarkily, “Well, it is looking rather close to a clitoris right now~ Maybe he’ll just get wet.”

While Twilight and Luna cackled guiltily to such a mocking statement, Celestia was the first to settle the others down and say, “Alright, alright. I think that’s enough, girls…”

By that point, Kryostase’s cock was just under an inch and a half in length. Just beneath that puny little nub of a dicklet, his balls have now depleted to the size of a couple of beans while hugging the underside of his crotch tightly. The Changeling looked absolutely stunned by how measly his member had become, but still remain throbbing with an undying erection. He didn’t want to admit to himself that he liked how he looked, but it seemed as if he couldn’t say anything on the contrary either.

The Prince glance back up to that mirror, and got a full-body look at how he now looked with the aid of Celestia’s magic. With his body now looking as petite and slender as a female’s, his shrunken nub of a penis looked… oddly fitting in comparison to the rest of his body. He may have still technically been a male, but there was no doubt that he was feminine enough to be in this room with all the Princesses now. And despite how jarring it may have been to endure such a profound transformation, the Changeling could only blush as he stared up at his reflection with a bitten lip.

While Celestia’s horn was still lit, she bent down with a kind and nurturing smile before whispering sweetly, “Prince Kryo… would you like me to make it a little smaller?~”

Kryo took a deep breath without even realizing it, and quickly looked down to see how pathetically small his dick already looked. The idea of making it even tinier seemed downright unnecessary, but at that point he couldn’t deny how he was feeling in that moment. His heart was racing hard enough to feel like it could burst from his chest, and his legs were writhing hard around Luna’s ropes in anticipation…

After a final breath, Kryostase kept his eyes locked on his tiny dick while he nodded his head firmly. “Y… Y-Yes, please…”

Celestia smiled warmly in response, and her aura brightened up to shrink Kryo’s cock to its absolute smallest. The Changeling let out a deep, enamored moan as he watched his penis deplete even more, and finally sink under a single inch in length. With the tingling in his loins coursing through his entire body, the Prince felt no regrets as he saw his practically useless member get shrunken to the size of a piece of candy corn. And as for his balls, he couldn’t even see them from his angle or the reflection above. All he could see was that miniscule, barely legible penis of his standing as produly as it could among the vast space of his smooth waist.

“There we go~” cooed Celestia as she turned off her horn, and nuzzled Kryo’s side sweetly. While the Changeling blushed hard and struggled not to purr, he heard her say, “Now all we have to do is give you some protection, and we can commence the meeting.”

Mmmmnnnghhh…” The Prince needed a moment to come down from how blissful he felt from the Alicorn’s embrace, but he registered enough of her words to pause and blink repeatedly. “P… P-Protection?

“You know,” said Twilight as she tilted her head with an awkward-looking expression. “I believe I mentioned the spells’, errr… side-effects?”

Given all he had to process prior to his consensual agreement, Kryostase almost forgot that the shrinkage wasn’t the only measure that had to be taken. Of course, given how long he had to process the idea of having his penis shrunken, it was only natural he’d overlook the other big embarrassing detail. But alas, considering how he looked already, he doubted that final garment would make him feel any more embarrassed than he already did…

“Uhhh… R-Right,” he muttered as his blush remained heavy, and his smile remained quivering. Nevertheless, he still nodded in understanding by the time Luna lit up her horn, and pulled out the most unexpected item he would’ve seen in the private room…

A thick, poofy, bright-pink diaper.

Even when it was still folded as a neat-little rectangle, Kryo gulped upon seeing the cute little frills that went around the garment’s edges. And as soon as the Princess unfolded the diaper, which elicited an audible crinkling noise, the Changeling writhed in his restraints while biting his muzzle shut. Despite the obvious grin she had on her face, Luna tried to speak sympathetically upon noticing Kryo’s expression. “I know how this might look, but it’s purely because of the spell’s possible side-effects. We’ve learned from prior experiences that this level of transformation could leave… questionable bodily control for the duration of the spell’s effects.”

Kryo understood her point enough to nod his head, but his eyes couldn’t pull away from that infantile attire he was expected to wear for such an important meeting. Even though he was willing to comply, he still felt the need to speak up while Luna floated the diaper towards him. “S-So, umm… how do you all know the spell does that?”

Luna paused for a moment, as she and the other Alicorns all glanced towards Princess Cadance. The moment Kryo looked back at her as well, the Princess of Love blushed with a guilty smirk before shrugging her head. “What can I say?” she replied innocently enough. “I… may have had some experience applying the spell to someone special in private~”

She may have not clarified who she was referring to, but Kryo understood enough to nod without question. Even though he wouldn’t have expected to hear that, it certainly explained why Shining Armor was in full-body armor when he greeted him at the train station. But alas, that detail was confirming enough to make him know the diaper was likely necessary. Given how important this negotiation was, he’d rather be prepared in case he made a puddle in front of Equestrian Royalty.

At least, that was how he tried to justify his reasoning while his tiny cock remained fully-erect.

Kryo whimpered the tiniest bit as he felt Twilight’s magic lifting up his waist, but he didn’t try to resist as the back-end of the diaper was slid underneath him against the table. The instant he was lowered back down, his nerves tingled like crazy when he felt the soft, cushiony plastic that hugged his rear. He could feel Twilight’s magic pulling his stubby tail through the hole just below the waistband, ensuring that he’d have the garment in place without slippage. Even though it felt unbelievably weird to be diapered as an adult, the Changeling could barely keep from groaning in response to how comfortable it really felt. Not to mention, the sight of those pink frills that hugged along the elastic leg-bands left him blushing profusely by the time that diaper began to float over his crotch.

The thick plastic continued to crinkle as it bent and curved over his waistline, and caused his ears to twitch incessantly in response. His whole body quivered as he felt that soft, pillowy material pressing down against his still-sensitive nub. He tried his hardest not to moan from that sensation, just so the Princesses won’t think he enjoyed being diapered that much. But by the time Twilight had the diaper fully wrapped around his waist, he couldn’t deny how securing and comfortable the attire really felt.

His eyes glanced up to the mirror as he watched Twilight tape the sides of his diaper in place, which left the poofy garment tightly hugging his feminized body. If he was told an hour prior that he would’ve looked like this, he likely would’ve assumed they were insane. But now, with his body thoroughly altered and padded-up for the Princesses’ approval, Kryo wasn’t sure how to feel about it all. He knew that he could’ve been ashamed, or even upset that he had to undergo so much just to talk with them about politics. However, as he laid in silence while staring at his new body, and felt just how badly his tiny cock was throbbing while encased in the diaper’s secure cushioning, no negative opinions were able to manifest in his mind.

In fact, Kryostase couldn’t help but feel… nice.

Maybe… even cute~

He wasn’t sure if he wanted to admit anything too affirming to himself in that moment, but he didn’t try to resist when Luna undid the ropes that were wrapped around his limbs. He pulled himself up with a heavy blush on his face, but no evidence of regret in his meek-looking smile. As he glanced back towards the Princesses, Celestia was the first to smile at him warmly with a sense of maternal pride. As for the others, all of them seemed rather pleased and grateful that the Changeling was so complacent with their requests.

Aaaaawwwwww…~” Celestia went in with an enamored coo, and caught Kryo by surprise as he felt the Alicorn hug him affectionately. While the diapered Prince was cradled tightly against her chest, Celestia nuzzled him warmly while saying in a soft and thankful tone of voice, “Oh, Kryo… You have no idea how adorable you look right now~”

Even though that wasn’t what he expected her to say, Kryostase was able to accept that compliment as he closed his eyes and hugged her back. Meanwhile, the other three giggled softly before Princess Luna stated, “Well, I think it’s safe to say he’s feminine enough to commence the Summons now~”

“He certainly does,” replied Twilight with an equally satisfied smile on her muzzle. “And to think, he didn’t even object as strongly as we would’ve expected~”

Lune turned back to her and said with a devilishly cheeky smirk, “I think we all know why that is~”

Twilight didn’t say anything, but looked up at Luna with a more subtle grin to indicate she understood. Meanwhile, Cadance whispered with a shrug of her shoulders, “And honestly… maybe he won’t regret it at all. I mean, if he isn’t against the change now, who knows how he’ll feel about it by the time a week passes?~”

With that theory in mind, the three all looked back at Kryo with wide and expectant smiles on their faces. Fortunately, the Prince was still hugging Celestia, and likely didn’t overhear what they were saying. By the time the two finally pulled away from each other, Kryo couldn’t help smiling up at Celestia with a genuinely touched smile on his feminine face. “Y… Y-Your Highness, I… I can’t even begin to describe how--”


Kryostase may have technically been part insect, but his eyes still grew bug-eyed the instant he felt that unmistakable warmth radiating around his padded crotch. As for the Alicorns all around him, it was clear that every single one knew exactly what that hissing sound was. He only had his diaper on for less than a minute, but it proved to be a much-needed investment as the front of his pink garment began to swell outward. And beneath the bright pink plastic covering the front, a faint darkish hue started to spread between his legs to show how wet the material became.

Kryo looked absolutely mortified while standing in his wet diaper, and even more so when he realized he couldn’t stop it himself. His hind-legs buckled relentlessly, and he shuddered hard as he felt how powerfully his bladder was emptying into that stunningly warm diaper. His puny nub throbbed intensely from the added warmth and wetness, and made it unforgivably hard to maintain his composure for the duration of his wetting.

Fortunately, Celestia only looked down at him with a kind and supportive smirk as she said cheekily, “See? We told you it would be necessary~”

While she and other Princesses laughed to themselves in response to that statement, Kryostase lowered his head with a timid blush and tried to speak meekly. “C… C-Can we please do the Summons now?”

After the laughter settled down, Twilight was the first to nod her head and reply, “Oh, alright then~ Just get back on the table, and I’ll give you a changie-wangie~”

If Kryo’s cock wasn’t so tiny now, she probably would’ve seen it tent his diaper strongly from her little remark.

Two Days Later

Prince Kryostase flew on his own across the badlands that bordered his Hive, and didn’t have a care in the world as judged by his content smirk. Even though he had a tremendously heavy blush across his face, that was mostly due to the anticipation of how his fellow Changelings will react to seeing him. Not only was he still in his newly feminized and emasculated form, but he also had a fresh and poofy diaper wrapped securely around his waist. But alas, he also had his binder of negotiation statements, and a treaty resolve signed by all four Princesses as proof that his efforts weren’t for nothing.

Of course, by the time he hovered within sight of his fellow drones, he could practically feel their baffled stares and dropped jaws as a result of seeing his new appearance. He had to hang his head down as he flew towards the Hive’s main entrance, half expecting to hear an uproar of laughter the moment he landed on his petite hooves. Of course, given all he had to endure with the Alicorns in private, part of him was unsure whether or not he’d be against hearing a giggle here or there. While that idea made him cringe internally, it was hard to deny that he realized a lot about himself after all of his changes -- both physically and literally.

He doubted he’d never tell a soul the truth, but Kryo knew deep down that after everything was done, he kinda liked everything that occurred from the Princesses’ magic. In fact, after adjusting to his new physique and size (and even his foalish garments), a shameful side of him almost preferred how he felt nowadays. Even though he was expected to return to Canterlot with Chrysalis’ counter-negotiations at the end of the week, his mind was still reeling about whether or not to reverse the spells thrusted upon him. Or at least, maybe he’d need a little more time before coming to a decision just yet.

Yeah. That was the reasoning he wanted to give for wanting to stay like he is now~

Nevertheless, his lingering thoughts were temporarily muted the instant he landed in the ground, and stood face-to-face with his Hive-Mother. Queen Chrysalis, much like the drone guards standing beside her, looked absolutely perplexed by the sight of her son donning such a jarringly different look. Her green eyes blinked repeatedly, and her silence made Kryo cringe a little. He wanted to turn away from her, but he was sure the diaper’s crinkling would make the silence even worse.

“... P… Prince Kryo?”

After closing his eyes to wince uncomfortably, Kryostase took a breath before exhaling deeply, and looking up at her to nod his head. “Yeah, it… it’s me, Mother…”

Even with Chrysalis standing next to them, both guards bursted out laughing from seeing the femmy Prince and his diaper. Kryo pouted in discomfort, and could only imagine how they’d react if they saw his penis too. He hated to envision that reaction, but the distinct throbbing inside his padding made him think he’d still do so regardless. Fortunately, he was able to keep his sights on Chrysalis as she kept staring at him in stunned silence.

“I… I…”

After a long pause, Queen Chrysalis finally grew a wide and prideful smile as she lunged in, and hugged Kryostase by surprise. “I can’t believe it!~ Oh my gosh, I ALWAYS wanted a daughter!!~”