Submissive Conversion Treatment

by Kulpa

First published

Soarin and Thunderlane have been having relationship issues, but Soarin finds the perfect solution to those problems.

Soarin finds an Ad for Res-Toras 'Arcane Submissive Conversion Treatment'. The solution to him and Thunderlane's relationship problems. Once Thunderlane receives the treatment, they can both have a perfect and happy relationship together (Whether Thunderlane wants to or not.).

Kinks: Gay, Mind Control (through microchips), Mental Programming, Orgasm Denial, Blowjobs, Submissive Unwilling Slave, Anal, Rimming, Creampie (Potentially some I'm forgetting.)

Cover Art is a Cropped Image done by Dripponi and Noxyponi (1639590 on derpi)
Magazine Ad text was done by Ralek. It even has its own separate artwork. (1819884 on derpi)


Chapter 1

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Soarin sighed as he flipped through the pages of his 'Colt Lovers' magazine, his hoof slowly stroking his shaft, trying to find something to catch his eye as he attempted to rub one out in the Wonderbolts locker room bathroom. This was usually the only sexual release he would get each day.

The past couple days had been awful, him and his coltfriend, Thunderlane, had gotten into an intense argument. This time he felt like the damage was irreparable between the two, he hoped he was wrong, but the more he thought about it the more he realized just how truly incompatible the two of them were. The sex was nearly nonexistent between the two, neither of them enjoyed 'bottoming' and Thunderlane refused to perform any kind of oral. It was always Soarin who was on the giving end of some mouth-loving. Thunderlane always wanted to 'top' and the few times Soarin was able to convince him 'bottom', the passion and feeling were ruined by then.

Soarin resented Thunderlane for that. He wished he could just change Thunderlane into something 'perfect'

The more Soarin thought about it, he and Thunderlane were only together because the dating pool for Colt Cuddlers was just so scarce. Neither of them wanted to be alone, it seemed that they both were content with the fact that they just had no chemistry. It was a miserable relationship that had to change or end.

Soarin continued to flip each page of the magazine, it was the newest monthly edition and even though he used it as masturbation-fuel, he still liked to read the articles and ads as well. Sometimes they had funny stories or 'sex-tips' too. About halfway through the magazine, an ad caught his attention.

Arcane Submissive Conversion Treatment

The latest advancement in Res-Toras proprietary conversion therapy solutions has arrived. Introducing; The Arcane Submissive Conversion Treatment™.

Tired of being the one doing all the work? Needing to give, give, give, but never been the center of somepony's lust and desires? Wish you could just let it all go and give in to your innate emotions, letting your master use you as he wishes? Well, we have the solution.

Our one-hour conversion treatment will not only change your looks, but it'll also change your life. You'll be the center of attention at every party. Your flanks will be to die for, guaranteed. After our short, virtually painless* operation you'll finally be your true self.

Let's face it, domination was so yesterday. Submission is where it's at, and where it's at, is your local Res-Toras Therapy Center.

Current Therapy Center Locations:

“Holy shit,” he muttered softly.

Soarin was furiously stroking himself now, his breath becoming heavier, his cock throbbing from the constant pleasure his hoof provided. The ad itself was fucking hot. He imagined what it would be like to bring in Thunderlane for 'Treatment'. Obviously, he'd make sure to add all the 'bells and whistles' to make sure his coltfriend was the perfect submissive. If Thunderlane was under his control, then there would be no reason for them to break up, if anything this would instantly fix all the problems. Soarin would enjoy controlling Thunderlane and Thunderlane would have no choice but to enjoy being the subby-slave he was turned into.

Soarin grunted as he let loose a powerful load on to the wall of the bathroom stall, his mind in a nice little euphoria as he leaned back and caught his breath. He scooped up a large glob of cum off the wall with his hoof and brought it to his muzzle, giving it a tentative sniff before licking his hoof clean, relishing the taste of his own seed.

With a clearer mind and less pent-up sexual frustration, Soarin reread the ad, going over all the details. The price wasn't an issue, a Wonderbolt's salary was more than enough to cover the cost. The closest Therapy Center to Thunderlane was Ponyville where the two of them lived together. Getting him there would be difficult, but the ad even said retrieval was possible with an upfront deposit and consultation appointment. All in all, this wasn't a bad idea, Soarin didn't want to be broken up with and be alone again, this would solve that problem.

That settled it, after practice he would go down to the Center and have a consultation with their specialists and set up retrieval and treatment for that evening.

Soarin returned home to find Thunderlane lounging on the couch, a slight scowl on his face as he greeted Soarin with a nod. “Hey, we need to talk.”

Soarin had been mentally preparing for that sentence all day, but it did very little to help ease the butterflies in his stomach once he heard it. “Uh, yeah, sure. Just give me a minute to put my bag away. I'm going into the kitchen, did you want a drink or something?”

“Sure, grab me a cider while you're in there,” Thunderlane said, his expression softening a bit.

Soarin walked into the kitchen, set down his bag on a chair beside the dining table and grabbed two glasses from the cabinet. Walking over to the fridge he pulled out a bottle of cider and began pouring it into one of the empty glasses, he filled his glass with just plain tap water. Quickly he placed both glasses down on the counter and went back over to his bag where he pulled out a small vial of fine powder that he received from the Therapy Center consultant. It was a fast-acting sedative that would put any unsuspecting pony to sleep within five minutes from ingesting.

Soarin looked up at the kitchen clock on the wall, the time read 6:15 pm. The retrieval team would arrive sometime around 6:45 pm and take Thunderlane back for to the Center for a 7:00 pm appointment. He had some time to spare, but he'd rather not take a chance, one mistake could screw everything up. He poured the powder into Thunderlane's cider, it quickly dissolved, leaving no sign that anything had been added to the drink.

Soarin smiled and hummed pleasantly as he flopped on to the couch next to Thunderlane, passing him his cider as he took a sip from his water. “So.. what's up, what did you want to talk about?”

Thunderlane fidgeted in his seat, his eyes meeting Soarin's gaze then quickly glancing away, this was just as uneasy a topic to talk about for him, It's not often you break up with one of the few coltfriends you've had. Thunderlane took a big sip of cider, gulping it down before he tried to figure out how to start. He'd been thinking about how to start the conversation all day, but now that the moment was finally here he didn't know if he could go through with it. He looked away from Soarin and took another sip of his drink, there was about a minute of silence before he began to speak. “I....uh...well you know that, uh, we have been having some... issues-” Soarin yawned. “We've both been overlooking each other's faults for a while now.” Another yawn as Thunderlane's eyelids drooped slightly. “I think it's time that we both looked for somepony different... This just isn't working out.... and-” Thunderlane's eye's closed and he slumped forward in his seat, beginning to snore.

“Well, that's one way to avoid a break-up,” Soarin smirked and giggled.

Now all Soarin had to do was wait for the retrieval team to arrive. Soon he'd have his own perfect submissive coltfriend.

Thunderlane woke up feeling groggy, his head and body just felt heavy. He didn't remember going to sleep, the last thing he remembered was breaking up with Soarin. Things didn't make sense. He opened his eyes to be blinded by a bright light shining directly into his face, obscuring the room he was in. He tried to move but realized he was tightly restrained down to a gurney. No matter how hard he willed his muscles to move and break free of his restraints, they just didn't budge, the only movement he had was the ability to turn his neck from side to side. He looked around and from the little he could see, he believed he was in some sort of hospital or medical room of some sort. His heart began to race, his breathing sped up. “Hello! Help! Anypony! Please Help! Get me out of here please!” he screamed as loudly as he could. Tears welled up in his eyes as he continued to plea for help.

It felt like he screamed for over an hour, his throat becoming extremely sore and his hope had fallen, he became resigned to the fact that nopony was coming to help him. Just when all hope was lost, he heard the distinct sound of doors sliding open. He tried to turn his head in the direction of the sound, hoping to see who or what was there. He tried to scream his plea again, but it only came out as a ragged groan. “Please, who's there? Help me, please.”

The clacking of hooves on tile got louder and louder, the sound of magic levitation following close by. Slowly the pony arrived next to the gurney restraining Thunderlane and peered over into Thunderlane's field of vision blocking out the blinding light for a moment. Thunderlane could see a medical mask covering his muzzle and scrubs covering his barrel.

“Ah, Mr. Thunderlane! you're awake, sorry to keep you waiting so long. Treatment procedures of another patient took longer than expected. But now, we'll be getting ready to start your procedure!” The Doctor said as he walked over to the sink and started to wash his hooves.

“What do you mean, what procedure?” Thunderlane worriedly asked.

The doctor floated a clipboard up in front of him and quickly gave it a glance, a realization came across him and the telltale signs of a grin forming could be seen even with his medical mask on. “Oh! I see you're a non-consenting patient brought here by your coltfriend.” Excitement could be heard in the doctor's voice. “Well, tonight you're here to undergo a fun little procedure that will turn you into a submissive, twinky, cock-hungry stallion.” He looked back at the chart again, going over it in detail. “It says here, you'll be receiving the 'Platinum Elite' treatment package. That includes the 'Complete Control' neurochip, some select mental programming, a myriad of cosmetic changes, including the reinforced anal ring... All in all, we should be finished in about 2-3 hours, I'm positive your coltfriend will be ecstatic once he sees the 'new' you.”

Thunderlane was beside himself, he couldn't let this happen to him, he needed to escape, he couldn't live as a bottom. He tried to tug and thrash around on the gurney but the binds were still too tight, he wasn't going anywhere. “No, God!... No, God, Please, No, No, No, Noooooo! I'll do anything, just let me go please!”

“Now, Now, just calm down. There's nothing you can do now that you're here.” The doctor made his way toward Thunderlane. “I'm gonna give you some nitrous gas to calm you down. Just breath in deeply a couple times.” A clear gas mask floated over the top of Thunderlane's muzzle, he tried to shake it off to avail. The doctor turned the valve and a slow flow of nitrous oxide made its way into Thunderlane's airways, he had no choice but to breath it in. Thunderlane quickly became light-headed, happy and relaxed, a dopey grin turning up on his face. “There we go, we'll get started here in just a moment. How do you feel?”

“Gooood,” Thunderlane giggled.

Over the next couple hours, Thunderlane underwent his treatment. They started by putting a visor and headphones over Thunderlane's eyes and ears. The music he listened to was enchanted with a plethora of mental conditioning spells, ensuring a new submissive nature in the once stubborn stallion. The visor flashed images of submissive and 'bottom' stallions as well as some images of Soarin along with subliminal messages laced in too.

The next step was implanting the neuro-control chips, two chips were installed, one on the left and right side of the skull, they were programmed to only respond to Soarin's voice commands. Once that was complete they went to work on his genitals and anus, embedding nanites into his anal ring and rectum along with his cock and balls. The nanites would allow control over the stallion's arousal, sensitivity, and tightness. Additionally, they provided the added benefit of keeping his anus cleaned and properly lubricated for penetration at all times.

Lastly were some minor cosmetic changes that would fit perfectly with the new personality changes. Softening of his facial features to provide that younger twinkish look and adding a much needed extra padding to his butt, so he would be able to endure a rough pounding.

Once everything was completed, Thunderlane was put into recovery until Soarin arrived to take him home.

Soarin arrived in the lobby of the of the Therapy Center shortly after receiving word that Thunderlane's treatment was finished. Thunderlane followed the Doctor out into the lobby, his eyes meeting Soarin and instantly his heart was fluttering, his cock grew hard, slapping against his belly and oozing pre as he walked towards Soarin, tail flagging high and his wings pomf'd out in a prominent 'wing-boner'. The expert conditioning made the stallion's arousal instantaneous.

Soarin chuckled and marveled at what he saw, his former 'alpha' coltfriend turned into a completely submissive and slightly effeminate version of himself. He controlled his urge to become hard and mount his cute little coltfriend right there in the lobby.

Thunderlane walked up to Soarin with a smile, giving him a quick peck on the lips, giggling at the look on Soarin's face before whispering into his ear with a voice a couple octaves higher than before. “Let's hurry up and go home and have some fun sweetie, I want to make you feel good.”

The doctor cleared his throat, grabbing the attention of both Soarin and Thunderlane. “I hope everything is to your liking.” Making a gesture with his hoof toward Thunderlane. “The control chip only responds to your unique voice 'markers' and vocal patterns, the nanites are synced with the control chip as well, allowing you to control pretty much anything, such as arousal control, sensitivity control, orgasm control, et cetera. We even did as you asked and were able to section off Thunderlane's old personality, so you'll be able to bring him out anytime you wish with just a simple voice command. Other than that, I believe that is everything if you have any questions or concerns feel free to come back and ask anytime. It was a pleasure working on this little cutie.”

Soarin nodded then looked over at Thunderlane, “Thunderlane, arousal off.” Thunderlane's dick receded back into its sheath, tail drooping back down and wings tucking back down to his sides, a moan escaping from his muzzle. “Woah, that's cool. What's with the moan though?” Soarin grinned at overwhelming control he now had.

“Oh, we also conditioned him to feel extreme pleasure whenever he obeys a command from you. It makes them more amicable to obeying commands, but with the control chip it might be a bit redundant, but you paid for it,” The doctor said with a shrug.

“Seems like it could be some fun though. Thanks, Doc, appreciate the wonderful service. I think me and my adorable coltfriend will let you get back to work. Cmon Thunderlane honey, let's go home.”

Soarin dropped on to the couch once they arrived home, Thunderlane cuddled up next to him. Soarin quickly pushed him off the couch. “Nope, you go sit on the floor in front of me, It's time to set up some rules first.” Thunderlane whimpered, but did as he was told, another sense of pleasure washing over him. “Okay, first, whenever I give you a command, you will respond with 'Yes Master', understood?”

“Yes, Master.” Thunderlane nodded and moaned.

A conceited grin plastered itself on Soarin's face as he began to stroke himself on the couch while Thunderlane watched, mouth-watering, captivated by the awe-inspiring rod of flesh.“Good, boy. From now on this personality will be referred to as 'Thunderslut' or any other derogatory name I can come up with.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Now, Thunderslut, turn on arousal.” Thunderslut's cock sprung to life, blood flowing back into it immediately, pre slowly oozing out. “From now on you can no longer cum unless I give you permission. Any time you're going to cum you'll bark like a dog and suppress your orgasm.”

Thunderslut whimpered and squirmed even more, mouth drooling as he responded.“Ohhh, Yes, Master. Pleeease let me suck your cock.”

Soarin spread his hind legs wide as he reclined on the couch, “Aww, how can I deny your cute mouth when you beg like a good little cockslut. Come crawl over here and take care of me, cutie.”

Thunderslut was forced to slowly crawl over between Soarin's legs, his cock dragging against the floor, leaving a line of pre in his wake, Thunderlane started to lavish Soarin’s length and balls with his tongue, coating his length with plenty of saliva, Soarin took the opportunity to slap his dick lightly across Thunderslut’s face repeatedly. Little dollops of precum spattered on top of Thunderslut's muzzle, he tried his best to lick up and taste whatever he could. “Don't keep me waiting too long, slut, I want to feel your mouth wrapped around my cock.” Thunderslut obliged, making eye contact with Soarin and with one long lick from the base, across the medial ring, to the tip of Soarin's cock he opened his muzzle and plunged his mouth down on to as much as he could fit in his muzzle.

Soarin groaned and put a hoof on the back of Thunderslut's head, keeping his mouth locked pleasuring the cock his slut now worshiped. It wasn't long before Soarin began to control the pace of Thunderslut's head bobbing up and down his length. Unfortunately, Thunderslut could barely reach his medial ring before chocking and gagging all over his cock, tears dripping down the side of his face as he tried to force his throat to accept the delicious cock his master had. Soarin sighed and continued to let Thunderslut fuck his face in vain, knowing full well that he wouldn't become a master cocksucker overnight. Soarin propped up his legs on to Thunderslut's shoulders, using them as an ottoman to relax and smugly leer down at his submissive slut. “I guess I was wrong to think that they could turn you into a perfect cock-pleaser overnight.”

Those words stung Thunderslut deeply, he sniveled at his Master's remark and continued to do his best to please him. His own cock throbbed and drooled a large puddle of precum down on the floor beneath him. His balls were aching to cum already and he hadn't even been denied once yet.

Soarin pat his pet on the head softly and spoke. “There, there, sweetie, that just means you're going to get a lot of practice sucking my cock. Every. Single. Day.” Soarin laughed, enjoying the power he had over his coltfriend. For the next few minutes, Soarin continued to bask in the pleasure of the willing mouth wrapped around his cock. His cock was leaking so much that Thunderslut was swallowing it in large gulps, a tasty meal for his slave.

Not wanting to blow his load just yet, Soarin pushed Thunderslut's mouth off his cock, to his chagrin. Soarin stood and looked down at the mess made on the floor. “Clean that mess up and then present yourself to me, I'm finally gonna fill that cute little butt of yours up.”

Thunderslut shuddered as he spoke. “ruff, ruff, Hgn, Yes, Master.” The ache in his balls grew more unpleasant, he was visibly shaking now. This was only his first release denied, but it felt like the hundredth. He bent down and began to lick up the puddle of precum on the floor. It wasn't as delicious as his master's, but he had to admit that he enjoyed it almost as much. Once he finished cleaning the floor of every last drop, Thunderslut turned around and presented himself to Soarin, wiggling his butt back and forth enticingly. “Please fuck me, Master, fill my slutty little butt with cum,” Thunderslut squeaked out.

Soarin stood up form the couch his cock slapping loudly against his stomach, he peered down at the moist almost dripping anal ring of his slut and he couldn't help but lower himself so he could have himself a taste of the cute little ass before him. With both his forehooves he grabbed both cheeks and spread them apart and buried his muzzle into that ass, extending his tongue and slowly licking around the outer ring, a loud bark and moan came from his pet. An almost familiar taste was placed on the tip of his tongue as he started to rim and prod Thunderslut's butt even more. Another bark occurred when his tongue slipped in past the tightly clenching anal ring. That's when it hit him, they made his slut's ass taste like blueberries.

Soarin wasn't one to shy away from eating ass in the first place, but now it was downright pleasant. Along with the fact that he was torturing his coltfriend to such an extent made this one of his clear favorites.

After having his fill, Soarin backed away and looked at the shaking, moaning, delirious little slut. He could get used to this.

Thunderslut looked back with a hungry, lustful, pleading, 'on the verge of tears' expression. “P-p-p-p-please, can I cuuum?!?” The desperation in his voice was delectable.

Soarin laughed and shook his head as he mounted and leaned over Thunderslut to whisper in his ear condescendingly. “Oh sweetie, it's only been an hour. You're not going to cum for at least three months, unless I'm feeling really generous, and after everything, I went through while together with the 'old' you... I'm not feeling very generous.” Thunderslut whined. “Every chance I get to torture and tease that desperate little cock of yours, I'm going to savor. Feel free to keep begging though, I love to see you grovel... Now bend down and prepare for a pounding.”

Thunderslut did as he was told bending his front end down and raising his ass up higher. “Yes, Master.”

Soarin aligned the tip of his cock with the terrifically tight ponut and began to slowly ease into his slut's rear entrance, his girth stretching it wide from the beginning. Thunderslut moaned and began barking incessantly. Soarin could only laugh at that as he inched his way into the clenching depths of Thunderslut's rectum. Soarin reached his medial ring and stopped, enjoying the sensations of his cock being massaged. “Tighten your anal ring as tight as possible, sweetie and double your sensitivity.”

“Ruff! Ruff! Ruff! Ruff Yes, Ruff! Ruff! Ruff! Ruff! Ma- Ruff! Ruff! -ster! Ruff! Ruff!”

In an instant, the anal ring clamped down suffocatingly tight. Soarin grunted in mild discomfort for a moment before slowly and forcefully pushing his medial ring into Thunderslut. He knew that this would be painful for his pet, but he was willing to bet that the pain and frustration in his balls were overwhelming any other senses right now. With a final thrust, Soarin bottomed out completely inside the warm, wet walls of his coltfriend's ass. He moaned and ground himself up against him for a few moments before pulling out and meeting the clenching resistance of a cock-hungry ass. Once halfway out he thrust back in brutally, repeating this over and over with the only goal of unleashing his load deep inside. The only reaction he could get from his barking slut was a change in pitch everytime he would bottom out and grind inside.

Thunderslut's ass-cheeks were burning, his cheeks becoming red from the intense slapping Soarin's hips were doing against them. The feeling of being pounded by his master felt euphoric, he wanted to cum so badly so he could show just how much pleasure master was bringing to him, but without master's permission his balls continued to ache and his cock only leaked pre. He was finding it increasingly hard to stand and hold Soarin's weight draped on top of him as the thrusts became rougher and rougher, Soarin's sweat dripping down on his back, and that magnificent cock sawing in and out of his ass. He clenched down tightly trying to prolong the feeling of fullness, but Soarin was just too strong, able to drag his cock out each time with relative ease.

Feeling himself reaching his peak, Soarin gradually slowed his thrusts trying to delay his inevitable end and enjoy the milking his cock received as his stallionhood pulsed and throbbed faster within the velvety confines encasing his cock. “Here it comes, slut, get ready.”He thrust hard, feeling his balls clench and his cockhead flare, Soarin bottomed out and groaned loudly as he hit his climax.

An explosion of cum rushed deeply into Thunderslut's rectum, the warm sticky fluid quickly providing him with another heavenly feeling as Soarin's cum filled him to the brim. His ass making sure to milk every last drop from him.

It felt like Soarin's orgasm lasted forever, but eventually, it ended with Soarin's cock slowly growing limp and slipping from his slut's ass as he lay on top in post-coital bliss. A look of total contentment on his muzzle. He stayed like that for a few minutes before he finally took his weight off his poor abused buttslut. He looked at the thoroughly used anus watching as a slow trickle of his cum oozed out and dripped down on to the floor, mixing with the messy pool of pre that his slave had made for the second time.

“Clean that mess up,” Soarin said, gesturing to the mixture of cum and pre on the floor. “Then once you're finished you can meet me in the bedroom.

Thunderslut grinned and nodded happily, The feeling of masters cum sloshing around inside him as he clenched his asshole tightly to keep as much of it as he could was indescribable. “Ruff! Yes, Master!” He quickly began happily slurping and licking up the mixture of fuck juices on the floor, all the while wondering if Master had anything planned for when he joined him in the bedroom.

Chapter 2/Epilogue

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Even in the closest and most open relationships the sex often has lingering inhibition, holding back, or at the very least, some modified behavior to take their partner’s preferences into consideration. After that first night, Soarin displayed that same kind of restraint while fucking the now-enslaved Thunderlane as he had when they were a normal dating couple. After all, despite his glee, he still looked out and saw the face and body of his ex-coltfriend, and even knowing that Thunderlane was now his own personal property, it took some time for Soarin to loosen up.

Once Soarin started to loosen up, Thunderlane saw a whole new side of his ex-coltfriend, qualities he’d never known were there. Of course, he saw them as he looked out through the small windows of his eyes because he was trapped, captive in his own head, and Soarin slowly became used to the idea that when he fucked Thunderlane, he wasn’t having sex at all, but using a new fuck-toy to masturbate.

The moment that sunk in, Soarin really cut loose. He treated Thunderlane like a toy, something he used to get off.

Thunderlane was no longer allowed to sleep on the bed, instead, he was forced to sleep on the floor beside the bed. Every night Soarin would wake up Thunderslut by yanking his muzzle open and jamming his cock down his throat. Thunderslut would barely be able to breathe while his tongue, mouth, and throat went to work coaxing another big load of stallion spunk out of his master's cock.

Once he'd pumped his pet's 'late night snack' into his stomach Soarin would go back to bed without so much as a second glance at Thunderslut.

A few faint whimpers could be heard from Thunderslut as his own member throbbed in need of release, but once it was obvious that Soarin was fast asleep again, he would resign himself to curling up and getting what little sleep he could get before Soarin would wake up in the morning and torment him some more.

Mornings had become a depraved routine as well, waking up smothered by Soarin's flanks wrapped around his muzzle Thunderslut would happily extend his tongue out and begin to rim that delightful ponut. His tongue worked in circles around his master's puffy anal ring, eliciting groans from Soarin that were muffled by Soarin's hind legs being wrapped around his head tightly.

“That's it sweetie, eat my ass, you're going to be doing this every morning for the rest of your life,” Soarin taunted.

Thunderslut felt more pressure being put on his skull as Soarin let more of his weight down onto his pet's muzzle, Thunderslut took that as a signal to start probing his tongue inside Soarin's rectum. He wiggled his thick tongue inside Soarin, the taste overwhelming Thunderslut for a moment before the enslaved butt eating stallion carried on.

Soarin closed his eyes and shuddered, enjoying the sensations. He leaned forward with a sadistic smile and grabbed his slave's throbbing cock with one hoof. He gave it a firm squeeze, causing Thunderslut to moan directly into his asshole. He stroked his pet's stallionhood, knowing that each stroke brought his pet closer to another cruel and mercilessly denied orgasm.

“What's it been now...Almost 3 weeks without release? I'm sure you'd be begging and crying to let you cum if I'd let you.” Soarin said with a groan, Thunderslut's muffled bark caused vibrations to ripple across his sensitive prostate. “I've got a special surprise for you tonight too... I might even let the old you stay out and play!” Soarin's cock exploded, the combined pleasure from Thunderslut's rimming and the thought of his plans for the evening sending him over the edge. Five solid streaks of jizz flew through the air one after the other and landed on Thunderslut's stomach fur, causing it to become sticky and matted.

Soarin slowly stood up, legs wobbling slightly as he panted to catch his breath. He looked over at the clock, taking note of the time. “Oh no, it's getting late, no time for you to clean yourself up before work again. You're going to have to leave now, just so you won't be late... Oh don't forget the lunch I made for you, It's in the fridge.” Soarin laughed.

“Yes, Master,” Thunderslut replied.

Going to work used to be something Thunderlane actually enjoyed, but now it was just another layer of hell he was forced to live through. He went from obedient submissive pet-slut enduring the constant sexual torment Soarin put him through at home, to being forced to turn back into a shell of his former self and go to work. Each day trying hard to tell somepony that he needed help, that his coltfriend had him brainwashed and under his control.

Unfortunately for Thunderlane, Soarin had everything covered. With a few well-chosen orders, Soarin crafted Thunderlane a persona for work. Working-Thunderlane was cheerful, friendly, a hard worker, never spoke badly about anypony, and did his job well. And, of course, he never commented on his home life, he kept to himself, politely refusing any invites to social engagements from coworkers, and absolutely never mentioned anything about Soarin. Thunderlane had been closeted at work back before the brainwashing anyway, so it was easy enough just to continue with that.

No pony noticed any physical changes with Thunderlane either, A strong perception charm powered by the magical mind-controlling microchip inside him made it appear to anypony other than Soarin that Thunderlane looked the same as he always had. The dirty cum-stained matted fur and painful throbbing leaking erection of Thunderlane went unnoticed. It was why Soarin always happily used him as a cum-rag each morning.

Lunch hour would arrive, everypony would take a break from busting clouds and sorting out the weather for the day to grab something to eat. Thunderlane had begun to bring a thermos from home in for lunch every day. He'd sit down with some of his coworkers and watch them as they ate hayburgers and sandwiches. All the while he was forced to open his thermos and happily glug down a chilled thermos filled with his master's cum. It was the only thing he was allowed to 'eat' now, “A strict cum only diet.” as Soarin called it.

If he had any control over his body, Thunderlane would be retching and gagging from the taste, but Soarin had him programmed to love the taste. A warmth would wash over his body as the thick sticky liquid slowly rolled across his tongue, down his throat, and into his eagerly waiting stomach. The taste would linger in his mouth for the rest of the day.

“Hey, Thunderlane,” Cloud Chaser would say, in between bites of her lunch. “How's it going?”

It’s awful!“ Thunderlane would try to say, ”I’m living in a nightmare! My asshole ex-coltfriend had me brainwashed and now I do what he says, and he’s a nymphomaniac who just fucks me all day long, I haven't cum in three weeks and I've lost count of how many orgasms I've been denied. He took everything from me and makes me work to earn money just to torment me. Please, please help me!“

As he tried to mouth the words, of course, he’d instead smile. “God, I’m doing great,” his mouth would say, “I’ve been really feeling really awesome lately. I don’t even know what it is!”

“Well, whatever it is, if you find out, let me know.”

“Ha! I definitely will.”

And off he would trot, like a cheerful robot, back to doing his job.

Everyday work would end and he'd be ready to go, jumping up into the sky, and fly back home. No matter how many days passed, it never got easier, the sense of dread filling his mind as he landed gracefully in front of his home.

Now it was more like a prison.

Bondage had always intrigued Soarin, the aesthetic of it really made his cock throb. To see somepony struggle against their bonds and know that no matter how hard they tried to escape, they were at his mercy always made him shake with anticipation.

Before things changed, Thunderlane was completely opposed to any kind of fetish play in the bedroom whatsoever. Now, he had no choice.

Soarin was in the bedroom setting everything up when he heard the front door open and close. “Thunderlane, come up to the bedroom.”

“Yes, master,” came Thunderlane's reply.

Soarin watched as Thunderlane walked into the bedroom. “You may speak freely... but no yelling.”

Tears started to well up in Thunderlane's eye's a mix of anger, fear, and yearning for release buried his mind in emotion. “Please... Let me go, You've had your fun, I promise I won't tell anypony. Just let me have my life back.” The waterworks started to trickle down his cheeks, a hushed sob working its way out of his muzzle. “I don't want to be your slave, my dick hurts, and my balls ache so badly... I want to cum, I want to live a normal life again.” Thunderlane couldn't hold back the tears any longer, he cried and pleaded with Soarin.

Soarin walked up to Thunderlane and grabbed his face with one of his wings, Thunderlane tried to shy away, but Soarin turned his face so the two were making eye contact. “Aww sweetie, don't cry.” Thunderlane's tears and sobbing stopped. “You're stuck like this forever... Life is too perfect for me now... I fuck my little obedient cock slave every morning and night and still collect a nice chunk of bits from being a reserve Wonderbolt, and you make a fair share of bits working as a Weather Pony. Your money even paid for the fun night we're going to have, just look!” Soarin stepped to the side, allowing Thunderlane to see what his captor meant.

“No, no, no, no, no, please don't.” On the bed was a wide variety of toys and bondage gear. Butt plugs, vibrators, chastity cages, shackles, ropes, gags, and plenty of other things Thunderlane had no idea what they were but they looked intimidating nonetheless.

“Yup! Sometimes you spoil me,” Soarin laughed as he pat Thunderlane on the head. “I think tonight I'll let you stay out and play, give Thunderslut the night off... Celestia knows, he earned it. Hahaha”

Soarin walked over the to bed and picked up a butt plug, it's width clearly wider than Soarin's cock. “You see this one.” He clicked a button on the bottom of the base, causing the plug to vibrate wildly. “You'll be wearing this one to work every day. It should rest right up against your prostate, causing even more painful denied orgasms.” Soarin clicked the plug off and set it down, grabbing the chastity cage next. “This thing is kind of redundant since I already control your orgasms, but if you ever piss me off this thing can be hooked up to an elctro-stim meter...” Soarin picked up a small electronic box showing it Basically I can shock your dick, turn you into a pain-loving slut, or just torment you until I think you've learned your lesson. Just a helpful little reminder so you don't forget your place.”

Thunderlane started to shake, his pupils turning to pinpricks. “Please don't make me endure this... Just lock me back in my brain, please,” he pleaded.

“Hahaha oh no sweetie, If you're going to beg like this, I think I'll have more fun with you like this than with Thundeslut.” Soarin picked up a thick black leather collar and cinched it tightly around Thunderlane's neck. He cleared a space on the bed, moving everything out of the way, he gestured to the end of the bed. “Come over and lay down with your head hanging off the bed.”

Thunderlane tried his hardest to keep his body from moving, but in the end, he found himself unable to disobey Soarin's order. “Yes, master.” He laid down just as Soarin asked, his head hanging off the bed and facing the ceiling. He watched Soarin get to work,

“Open wide, sweetie.”

Thunderlane opened his muzzle and felt a ring gag placed inside, the strap was tightened around the back of his head, just tight enough to be uncomfortable as it dug into the back of his head. Drool started to leak out of his mouth, Soarin grabbed a few large straps and quickly had Thunderlane restrained down on the bed.

“Go on, try to break free.”

Thunderlane wriggled and squirmed as hard as he could, the straps clearly serving their intended purpose. He couldn't move an inch, Thunderlane wanted to scream...cry...escape... anything at this moment.

“Good,” Soarin bit his bottom lip. “You look so fucking hot tied down, unable to move, with a ring gag in your mouth, ready to throat my cock... Just a couple more things and you'll be perfect.” Soarin added a few more items to his bound little pegasus slave. Vibrators were attached to the head and shaft of Thunderlane's cock, turned on to their second highest setting. This caused pre to start leaking from his throbbing cock, the closest he ever got to release now.

“Perfect!” Soarin said as he straddled his pet's head, the tip of his cock poking through the ring gag. With a harsh thrust, he drove his cock deep down Thunderlane's spasming throat his ballsack slapping against the gagged pegasus's forehead.

“You've got a long weekend ahead of you, honey.”