Rainbow Dash's 10/10 Top Tier Cock

by dracedomino

First published

Rainbow Dash isn't just the most awesome girl at CHS - she's got a dick that nobody can resist! Literally! Just a little peek is all it takes for the top athlete of CHS to score!

Rainbow Dash has it all. Great hair, amazing athletic skills, musical talent, a group of wonderful friends...and what's easily the best dick in the state. Maybe the country. Maybe even the world. Maybe even the universe.

Well...at any rate, it's a really nice dick. It's so nice that when she flashes it, whoever sees it just knows that they've gotta, gotta, gotta have it! It doesn't matter if they like Rainbow Dash or not, that hog is just too tempting to pass up getting a ride on!

Set before the events of the first Equestria Girls movie, our story begins with Rainbow Dash having enough of a certain bacon-haired former pony's bullshit. Sunset Shimmer is one cocky bitch, but all it'll take is one glimpse of blue-dicked perfection to teach her some manners!

Tags: Futa/Female, Non/Dubcon, Compulsion, Oral, Vaginal, Anal, Incest, Cumplay, Comedy, Romance...Multi-Chapter with more coming. This is gonna be a LONG story that touches on all kinds of bases.

Showing in the Shower (Sunset Shimmer)

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Rainbow Dash’s 10/10 Top Tier Cock
-by Drace Domino

At Canterlot High, Sunset Shimmer was the real girl in charge. Everyone knew it; she was popular and beautiful and had a tendency to simply walk over anyone that was stupid enough to get in her way. The boys all wanted to date her and the girls were all either afraid of her or just as interested as the boys were. She had a cruel charm about her that was enough to win over her classmates, either through simple adoration or outright fear. Nobody wanted to cross her, and everybody wanted to be within the sheltered harbor of her good graces.

Sunset Shimmer didn’t have a good side, but it didn’t matter - her bad side was enough to make everyone acknowledge her as the queen of class. She was at the very top of the illustrious high school hierarchy, and there was nothing that could possibly bring her to her knees.

Or at least...that’s what she thought.

It was the end of the school day, and Sunset Shimmer had lingered behind after gym class to take a long, relaxing shower in the locker room. She still hadn’t entirely given up on her plan to simply sneak into Principal Celestia’s office and re-steal the crown that rightfully belonged to her, and sticking around after hours seemed like the best way to scope things out and wait for an opportunity. Besides, it was nice to spend some time to herself in the large, empty locker room - taking time to shower her sweeping, soft hair, lathering lotion and moisturizer on her amber-toned body, and letting her muscles relax and unwind. It was still a little tricky balancing on her hind legs all the time, after all!

When Sunset Shimmer finally stepped out of the shower with one towel wrapped around her hair and another around her naked body, she saw that someone else had decided to linger behind in the locker room after hours. Sitting on a small bench beside a row of lockers was none other than Rainbow Dash; the smirking, blue-skinned bitch that she was. Dressed in tight fitting track shorts and a muscle shirt, it was clear she had just gotten done with a workout, and when Sunset came around the corner Rainbow Dash looked up from her sneakers to take in the sight of Canterlot High’s resident princess.

“...Rainbow Dash.” Sunset Shimmer spoke in a manner that was practically professional, and she lifted her nose in judgemental indignation as she padded barefoot across the tile. It was clear from her tone and her body language that she wasn’t thrilled that someone else was there, but couldn’t be bothered to get wrapped up in conversation with the other girl for now. If she waited too long, she might miss her opportunity to sneak into Celestia’s office and get her hands on that damned crown! She walked right by Rainbow Dash and straight to her locker, bringing her hands up and twisting the dial as she hummed quietly to herself.

Rainbow Dash, having just slipped out of her sneakers and now leaning back atop the bench, took the time to glance over the other girl. A lazy smile was spread on Dash’s face as she started at Sunset’s bare heels, slowly working up her smooth, toned legs to where the towel started to wrap around her. She couldn’t see anything of Sunset’s rear, but the girl’s bare back was still quite the sight. The athlete simply stretched back, took a deep and satisfied breath, and moved a hand down to her lap to adjust a growing bulge that was pushing against her skin tight track shorts. A bulge that, unlike normal class hours, she was making absolutely no attempt to hide.

“Sunset...Shimmer.” Rainbow Dash’s voice chirped up softly, teasingly, and she drew in a breath so deep and loud that Sunset could definitely hear it. Afterwards, she smacked her lips together in pointed fashion, and drummed her fingers on the sides of the bench. Anything to make just a little bit more noise - anything to keep making Sunset Shimmer twitch as her back was turned. The only thing better than giving a cocky bitch like Sunset a hard time was watching her desperately try to pretend that every inch of her wasn’t annoyed.

The amber-skinned villainess rummaged through her locker, grabbing her clothes to change into and pulling them swiftly against her chest. When she spun around on her bare feet she found Rainbow Dash had already stood up, and she was facing her at a close distance. With one hand on her hips and the other lifting up her muscle shirt, Rainbow Dash made perfect eye contact with Sunset as she slowly pulled her shirt up and over her head. As she tossed it aside to reveal a flat, bare chest with smooth breasts and large, dark nipples, Dash merely smirked and bit down on her bottom lip. It wasn’t at all an uncommon sight - Rainbow Dash had a tendency to parade around the locker room without a shirt on. She was proud of her tomboy figure, and it was well known that she liked showing the other girls her tits...or lack thereof. Sunset Shimmer merely rolled her eyes, and clutched her clothes a little tighter to her body.

“Will you get out of my way, please,” Sunset Shimmer glared, and gave a tiny huff of indignant, barely restrained irritation. “It’s already late, and I need to-”

“Need to what?” Rainbow Dash interrupted her swiftly, and continued to keep that lazy, snarky smile spread across her features. She scratched idly at her flat and toned belly and even moved a hand up to brush one of her own breasts; fingers smoothing across the blue skin and the darker shaded nipple, leaving it a bit stiffer for the attention. “Need to make Rarity cry again? Need to threaten Fluttershy that you’ll tell Principal Celestia about Angel? Need to call Pinkie Pie names because you can’t imagine anyone being happy?”

Just like that, the atmosphere in the room went from awkward to aggressive. Sunset Shimmer’s eyes widened as Rainbow Dash recounted a laundry list of her past crimes, things that she had done in random passing and hadn’t given much thought to. She behaved in a predictably cruel fashion to almost everyone - how was she supposed to think that her mistreatment of those three was somehow above and beyond the norm! Nobody had ever confronted her quite like this, and she took a step back nervously. She wasn’t quite sure what Rainbow Dash was planning, but that wasn’t enough to take the edge off her attitude.

“Oh, give me a break,” Sunset Shimmer scowled, and lifted her nose in haughty fashion to Rainbow Dash’s complaints. “I’ve seen Rarity burst into tears because she had a single thread out of place. And Fluttershy really shouldn’t have animals at school. And Pinkie...well…” The cocky young woman matched her gaze to Rainbow Dash’s, and was unable to resist her basic, devious nature. “Well, Pinkie Pie is just an idiot.”

Rainbow Dash scowled a little deeper, her arm bracing against the lockers as she kept her eyes on Sunset Shimmer. The amber-skinned bully of Canterlot High had a few things coming to her, and if Dash wasn’t so nice she likely would’ve decked her by now. Even a single one of her friends being sad was enough to make her want to rush to their defense, but all three? Sunset Shimmer was spreading meanness and tears through Canterlot High, and a friend could only see someone like Fluttershy cry so many times.

“Leave them alone, Sunset Shimmer,” Rainbow Dash finally spoke up again, her voice sounding bold, protective, and even a bit noble. It sounded a little out of place on the girl that was famous for her ego and boasting, but if there was one thing Rainbow Dash was above all others, it was loyal. “In fact? Maybe you can just stop being a bitch to everyone for a while. Let people get to know you. You might even make a friend.”

With that, Dash gave Sunset Shimmer a chance to think over her words, and in the meantime took the time to give the other girl’s body yet another once-over. Sunset Shimmer was naked save for the towels around her body and hair, and though not much of her was revealed those bare shoulders and slight hint of cleavage were enough for the athlete to enjoy. She smiled slowly as she took in the sight, one eye arching as she appraised the bitchy thing in front of her. It was too damned bad that Sunset Shimmer was such a miserable witch - she could be hot if it wasn’t for the fact she was always yelling at people. Like now.

“Just...just what do you think you’re looking at, you pig?!” Sunset Shimmer finally snapped at Rainbow Dash, glaring fiercely at her. There was only so long she could tolerate being ogled like that! She clutched her extra clothes to her chest a little tighter, until her eyes naturally travelled to Rainbow Dash’s lap. When she saw the bulge at the front of her track shorts she was taken aback, her eyes going wide and a sudden gasp forming at the edge of her lips. “You’ve got to be kidding me! You’re just going to stand there pointing at me with that?!”

“Hmm? Oh, this?” Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but chuckle, and glance down at her throbbing bulge. She moved a hand down to pat it once more; smoothing her fingers up and down the thing through the fabric of her shorts, sighing contently at the touch. Seeing Sunset Shimmer wearing nothing but a towel had done wonders for her cock, but the amber-skinned witch had no idea just what a sight of it would do for her. Canterlot High’s best athlete had still been wondering whether or not to show her, knowing full-well that once she did...things tended to get out of hand pretty fast.

Poor Sunset Shimmer. She wouldn’t have a chance to resist...but then, she didn’t really deserve one. Rainbow Dash gave a small shrug, and with Sunset Shimmer’s irate nature firmly in mind hooked her thumbs to the waistband of her track shorts and pushed them down. As she did so and a heavy flopping noise filled the air between them, the school’s star athlete couldn’t help but chuckle as she offered the unruly bitch a few casual words laced with her own wicked intent.

“Sorry, Sunset. It points at what it wants.”

She stood there with her shorts hitched in between her thighs and her cock completely exposed - and Sunset Shimmer, with eyes wide, mouth agape, and breath caught in her throat, could only stare. The clothes she had been clutching to her chest soon dropped down to the floor below, and within the first few seconds Sunset Shimmer moved to join them. In a fluid, smooth motion she dropped down to her knees, her eyes still utterly transfixed on the massive blue member before her. It was, beyond a measure of a doubt, the most perfect, attention-demanding cock she had ever seen.

Deep within the reasonable part of Sunset Shimmer, she wondered if there was some form of Equestrian magic at work. Nearly a foot long and beautifully thick, accompanied by a heavy sack underneath that was smooth and flawless. Rainbow Dash’s blue cock was capped with a tip just a few shades darker than the rest of her flesh, and clinging to the tip was a perfectly formed bead of precum - like the sweetest cherry on the tastiest treat in the world. The devious Sunset Shimmer couldn’t truly tell whether it was the work of magic or just flawless biology, but Rainbow Dash had such a glorious cock that it became the sole focus of her desire. The only thing in the moment she craved. The single most desirable thing within her world.

The crown she had stolen from Equestria could be sitting on top of Rainbow Dash’s cock, and Sunset Shimmer would merely throw it away so she could properly suck that borderline divine cock. The only thing in all her experiences that she had ever seen that came close to it in phallic glory was Princess Celestia’s horn back home, but then...she had never wanted to shove Celestia’s horn down her throat before.

“This...this is...it’s so…”

“Yeah, I’ve got a pretty great dick.” Rainbow Dash shrugged casually, as if it was no big deal. As if it wasn’t a cock so perfect that it had instantly brought the school’s biggest bitch to her knees in the preamble of service. The athlete merely gave a tiny chuckle as she slapped her palm around the midpoint of it, swinging it back and forth and giving herself a few soft pumps. Sunset Shimmer’s eyes followed the tip like a cat chasing a toy, her lips parting and her tongue moving softly over her lips, as if imagining what that meaty treat tasted like. Dash merely gave a cocky grin, and made sure she got a good look from every angle. Unlike Sunset Shimmer, it didn’t have a bad side. “I know I’m pretty awesome. Maybe the most awesome, and I got a cock to match! Seems like any time anyone sees it, well...they just can’t help themselves. So you wanna put it in your mouth yet? Be nice to shut you up for a little bit.”

Sunset Shimmer gave a nervous swallow, and one of her hands moved up with trembling fingers to grip the edge of the towel wrapped around her hair. She slowly pulled it free and let the thing fall to the floor of the locker room beside her, and underneath her red and yellow hair was a tangled, wet mess that hung wildly down the sides of her cheeks. As the smell of her freshly-shampooed hair drifted up to Dash’s senses that impressive blue cock gave a noticeable twitch, and the athlete squeezed her length at the very base to give herself a bit more pleasure. Merely being under the attention of Sunset Shimmer seemed to make her a bit larger, and it was quite willing to wait for Sunset to collect her thoughts before responding. There was no rush - and clearly, Dash could stay hard and patient for as long as the other girl needed.

“...my...mouth…?” Sunset Shimmer finally found the strength to speak, even though she couldn’t find it to turn her gaze away from Dash’s cock to look at her face. Instead she continued to stare, wide-eyed, her lips faintly parting and her breathing going stilted and weak. Her resolve was fading, her resilience was breaking, and she was finding herself completely unable to resist. Just like Rainbow Dash expected; for whatever reason, nobody ever said no to her offer to let them have fun with her cock. It was simply too tempting to ever pass up, too glorious to miss a chance to enjoy. ...even if deep down, the girl drifting closer to it hated every last part of the cocky athlete offering it.

Sunset Shimmer was in such a position now, her hand once more reaching out and this time clinging at the bundled towel against her chest. Another smooth pull forward and it came free just like the other, and underneath her amber skin was revealed in all its naked glory. Full breasts, lovely hips, and a tiny patch of flame-red hair just above her slit. The little nest of red fuzz was wet from her shower a few minutes ago, but just underneath it her folds were soaked for an entirely different reason. As she stripped and exposed herself before Rainbow Dash the other girl gave a cocky laugh, and she stood with a wider gait as her back pressed against the lockers. It was well past easy to see where this was going.

“Go ahead and suck it, Sunset,” she continued to encourage her, waving the thing back and forth like a hypnotist’s watch. Sure enough, the other girl’s eyes followed it as it swayed, staring into the tip glistening with that delicious dot of precum. Ever-eager to push the bratty princess of Canterlot High into pleasing her, Rainbow Dash wasn’t above letting her voice slip out in a soothingly friendly fashion - even if underneath the surface Sunset’s distaste for her was mutual. “It’ll be awesome. Doesn’t it look good? Doesn’t it look tasty? And if you blow me, I just might take you into the shower and let you feel it in your pus-”

She didn’t get to finish that thought as Sunset Shimmer’s defenses broke, and she darted forward to do exactly as she was encouraged. Her stomach twisted into knots at the conflict, butterflies of arousal battling hornets of resentment for Rainbow Dash and ultimately coming out victorious. Her desire to suck that plump and perfect dick was far, far greater than her dislike of Rainbow Dash in that moment. Besides, she didn’t have to be her friend to give her a blowjob! She could blow her...as an enemy!

“Fuck, that’s a good girl,” Rainbow Dash cooed as she leaned back, gazing down at the slutty girl on her knees below her. Sunset Shimmer hadn’t hesitated; she had already pushed Dash’s hand away so she could hold that magnificent member, and her head was turned to layer kiss after kiss after kiss up and down the shaft. Her free hand cradled the girl’s heavy sack and she did all she could to experience the weight and feel of Dash’s length, from brushing her cheeks back and forth over the shaft to nuzzling her nose where her cock met her balls, to even willingly slapping herself with that meaty length. She had an enthusiasm for cocksucking that Rainbow Dash hadn’t seen since the time she showed her prick to Vice Principal Luna, and they had only just begun. Rainbow Dash’s arms folded across her flat chest and she gazed down into the ashamed eyes of her enemy, gleefully smirking as Sunset kissed, licked, and nuzzled her cock to greater levels of stiff arousal. “See, Sunset? You’re not such a bitch after all, at least when you’ve got a dick on your face.”

“F...Fuck you, Rainbow Dash,” Sunset Shimmer hissed from the back of her throat, even though before long those words would get stuffed right back down her mouth on the tip of Dash’s flawless dick. The resentment that burned in her eyes was a constant, and it was clear that neither the throbbing prick or the soaked pussy between them would change that. Even as she drug her tongue across Dash’s balls in a wide, wet lick that left the girl trembling, she glared up at her with anger and indignation framed by wet, tangled hair. “You’re lucky that you...that you…”

“That I have a nice cozy spot to stuff my dick. Ahhh~” the other girl gave a satisfied sigh as she pulled her hips back and gently thrust them forward, just enough to push the first few inches into Sunset Shimmer’s constantly bitching mouth. Goosebumps rose on Dash’s arms as she felt the girl’s tongue whip back and forth underneath the tip, slathering her in spit and collecting the sweet flavor of her glistening precum. Dash didn’t quite know what was better - feeling Sunset’s inviting mouth wrapped around her with plenty more inches to go, or simply the sweet silence of not having to listen to her arrogant boasting. There was only room at Canterlot High for one dominant egomaniac! “That’s just what I expect from the pretty pretty princess of the Fall Formal…”

Sunset Shimmer’s mouth had never watered quite like this! With every lick she gave Rainbow Dash’s cock she could feel her body coil in pleasure, so much so that she didn’t even mind when the brat above her threw taunts her way. She plunged herself down to take more of Rainbow Dash’s cock but could only manage a little less than half of it before she realized the rest would need to go down her throat, and she paused there with her hands on Dash’s hips and her eyes flickering up towards the face of the cocky girl looming over her. The flavor of that perfect cock rested on her tongue as lines of drool escaped both corners of Sunset’s mouth, falling down to splash against her amber breasts and glisten over her nipples. She could tell by Dash’s smirk that the athlete was fully expecting her to fail at handling every inch of it - and she knew that if she took anything less than the entire cock into her mouth Rainbow Dash would never let her hear the end of it.

And Sunset Shimmer certainly couldn’t have that hanging over her head. She’d show this obnoxious braggart that even though her cock was flawless, it wasn’t too much for her! With a look of resolved determination crossing her features Sunset Shimmer flattened her tongue, sticking it out from underneath Dash’s cock and cradling that meaty blue length atop it. As she started to push her head forward she did her best to keep her tongue balancing the girl’s prick, helping to steady it as it began to slither down her tender, virgin throat. She didn’t get very far until she realized that this might indeed be too big of a task for her to comfortably handle, but at that point she was already committed - and Rainbow Dash spoke up to make sure of it.

“Really think you can deepthroat me?” she inquired in her predictably arrogant fashion, and simply waved a hand dismissively through the air. “If Vice Principal Luna couldn’t, you don’t have a chance.” She paused for just a few brief seconds, before adding in a mocking tone: “When it comes to sucking dick, you’re only second best. Maybe third.”

The fire and passion that burned in Sunset Shimmer’s eyes was a combination of the two most intense parts of her psyche in that moment - an urge to be the absolute best at anything she did, and a surprising craving for Dash’s dick that she had only just discovered. With those two driving forces pushing her Sunset Shimmer lunged forward, her hands tightening to Dash’s hips and her fingers bending inward to the point her nails dug into the girl’s flesh, leaving sharp imprints as she struggled to claim all of her inches. The sting of Sunset’s nails into her skin was worth it in return for the pleasure her throat brought, and even Rainbow Dash let out an impressed moan as she saw the girl’s lips move past the halfway point, and then the three-quarters point, and so very, very close to the base.

“Fuck, that’s it...that’s it...almost there…” Rainbow Dash trembled, her knees going weak as her cock occupied the girl’s throat. She had it shoved so far down that Sunset’s throat had a noticeable bulge; not too much unlike the one Dash had worn on her track shorts a few moments ago. Sunset’s lips were a mere half-inch away from Dash’s lap and the devious young woman pushed herself as much as she could manage, clutching to Dash harder and harder, straining, wincing, shoving...every muscle in her body tight, and tiny tears of strain forming at the corners of her eyes. And all the while, Dash’s voice hissed out encouragement; not for Sunset to better herself, but to enjoy every last bit of her cock within some irritable bitch’s face. “Little bit more, Slutset Shimmer...show me what a good cocksucker you are!”

Ultimately, and much to the manipulative bitch’s frustration, Sunset Shimmer fell just short of the mark. Even with Rainbow Dash yelling support for her efforts, her lips came just shy of the athlete’s lap. She couldn’t find the space in her throat to go any further, and the strain of trying had simply become too great. With a grunt of frustration she pulled her face away from Rainbow Dash’s cock and fell into an immediate coughing fit, her head bobbing down as she winced from the soreness in her throat. She wasn’t sure what stung the most - that she had failed to take down every inch, or the knowledge that Rainbow Dash was still standing over her with a cock soaked in spit and the smug smile of a bitch that knew she had beaten her. Thankfully, Rainbow Dash was fairly merciful as Sunset recovered, and she moved a hand forward to pat the girl in condescending fashion on her wet-haired head.

“Not your fault. It’s a hell of a dick.” With that, Rainbow Dash merely waited until Sunset caught her breath; or at least sounded like she did. Once the girl had stopped coughing Rainbow Dash sunk her fingers deep into Sunset’s moist hair, and her other hand joined in as she took a firm grip on both sides. She didn’t even give Sunset the chance to wipe the ropes of spit away from her lips before she introduced her cock to the girl’s mouth once more, shoving herself past those pretty lips and onto a raw and tingling tongue. “But I’ve got stuff to do tonight, and I can’t spend all night waiting for you to figure out how to get a girl off!”

From there, Sunset Shimmer’s fascination and lust for Rainbow Dash’s cock was merely academic, because the athlete was fucking her face no matter what she had to say about it. A long, lewd groan rolled through Sunset’s throat as Dash started to pull and push at her head, forcing her to suck her length with wet and wild strikes as her hair whipped around her face. Dash met the motions of her hands with thrusts of her hips, and though her cock never went quite as deep as Sunset had forced herself previously, there were certainly moments in which the top few inches of her dick found themselves occupying the girl’s throat. Back and forth she rushed and all the while Sunset’s head was firmly controlled by the fingers in her hair, keeping her steady and making those threads of spit not only bounce with every motion but find themselves joined by even more of a wet mess. Sunset Shimmer was a drooling and slutty display as she was facefucked by the cocky athlete, but the way her eyes were rolling back in her head - to say nothing of the grip she still held on Dash’s waist - was a perfect indicator of her delight.

This glorious cock wasn’t just great to observe or fondle, it was an outright delight to feel pushing over her tongue and down her throat in such a series of sharp, quick strikes. Her tongue quivered gleefully as she felt flavor rush through her senses, and heat build inside of Sunset Shimmer that burned away any trace of resentment she had for Rainbow Dash in the moment. When she stared up at her now through bleary vision and a few intersecting locks of red and yellow hair, she didn’t see the obnoxious braggart that was friends with all those other idiots - she saw a generous blue-skinned beauty feeding her the most delicious treat imaginable one inch at a time.

Sunset Shimmer soon let her hands drop from Rainbow Dash’s hips, moving instead now to her own naked body. First she slapped her palms across her bare tits and collected all the spit that had collected there, rubbing the nectar over each perfect orb and pushing her nipples into her own moist grip. She made a lewd display of letting her body shimmer underneath a coat of it, and those soaked fingers soon travelled down as she moved both hands to her pussy. The forefinger from each was guided to the entrance of her slit and she pushed them inside in perfect tandem, just as she guided both thumbs to press against her sensitive hood and rub back and forth across that sweet flesh sitting underneath the patch of red fur. She rocked her hips just like Rainbow Dash did her own, and there were times that the wicked young woman couldn’t determine which was sloppier and more soaked; her own mouth drooling and slurping and spitting, or her drenched folds that felt as if they were wrung of juice with every press of her fingers.

And from above her Rainbow Dash merely smiled, tightened her grasp at the sides of Sunset’s head, and fucked all the harder.

She rarely pulled her cock out of the girl’s mouth, and when she did it was either to slap that glorious length across her amber cheeks or force Sunset to drag her soaked lips and messy face across her heavy, sensitive balls. Every action she took came from a place of profound desire to see Sunset in such a submissive position - to see blushing underneath a second skin of spit and precum and to feel her tender whimpers against a soaked sack. For every other girl Sunset bullied, for every time she made Rarity or Fluttershy cry, Rainbow Dash would claim at least a dozen thrusts into that moist and inviting mouth. If she could hold out that long, of course.

“Fuck, I’m close…” Rainbow Dash hissed as she picked up the pace, slamming her hips back so hard that her ass crashed to the lockers behind her before rushing forward just as hard. It sent a loud clatter into the otherwise silent locker room, even noisier than Sunset Shimmer’s gagging and lewd, moist slurping. “Here it comes, Slutset! You bossy little cocksucking bitch! Finally found something you’re good foooooor~”

With those dismissive and crass words filling the air, Rainbow Dash was able to remind Sunset of her feelings for the blue-skinned beauty. It was just enough to let that spite drift back into her throat, only to be suddenly drowned by a wave of cum that was ejected straight into her mouth. Sunset barely had the time to rationalize what she was doing for a girl she hated so much by the time that warmth was filling her face; making her cheeks puff out to a comical degree and swirling down her throat in a suffocating wave. The young woman coughed and sputtered but the dominant Rainbow Dash wasn’t willing to let her up, locking her hands into her hair and making her drink down as much as she could. It spurted from the corners of her mouth as they stretched around Dash’s cock, splashed to her already spit-covered tits and smooth belly, and with nowhere else to go rushed down her throat amidst a series of small, staggered swallows.

By the very end of it Sunset Shimmer’s belly was warm with the creamy nectar she had just been forced to gulp down en masse, and when Rainbow Dash pulled her prick from the girl’s mouth she once more fell to her palms and coughed in a desperate bid for breath. This time it wasn’t just spit hanging from her lips or her tits; thin bridges of cum connected her body to the tile of the locker room floor, waving and shuddering with every ragged breath and forced cough rushing through her. She sniffled, she sputtered, and she even had tears in her eyes by the time she looked back up at Rainbow Dash - but Canterlot High’s top all star wasn’t worried. Instead, she was leaning against the lockers again in her fully bare state, her soaked cock still sticking straight out in all of its unbelievable beauty. She didn’t ask if Sunset was okay - or even whether she wanted to keep going.

She wasn’t terribly concerned about the former, and she already knew the answer to the latter.

“Get your ass into the shower, you’re a fucking mess.” Rainbow Dash beamed, every ounce of her oozing the sort of cruel authority that Sunset Shimmer herself embodied in her most wicked moments. She grinned all the wider when a particularly naughty thought occurred to her, and she licked her lips in pointed fashion. “Crawl there on your hands and knees, and I just might follow you inside and give your pussy a try.”

Sunset Shimmer merely stared, cum dripping from her cheeks and her tender heart racing rapidly. She wasn’t sure which was more powerful within her - her outright disgust at Rainbow Dash and her cocky attitude, or the compulsion she had to do exactly what the girl said in the hopes of earning more of her cock. Ultimately, it only took one glance at Rainbow Dash’s dick for one side to win out.

Without a word - but with an intensely resentful glare - Sunset Shimmer padded forward on her hands and knees, waddling her way back towards the showers. Rainbow Dash merely smirked as she watched the bossy bitch make her way towards the tile, lingering behind just a moment. After Sunset Shimmer rounded the corner out of sight to wait for her proper dicking, Dash knelt down to the girl’s pile of clothes and gave a wide, mischievous smile.

“...something to remember the fun we’re about to have today,” she whispered idly, just as she scooped Sunset Shimmer’s phone out of her jeans pocket, and silently turned on the selfie camera.


When Sunset Shimmer would turn her phone on later, she’d find that her home screen had been replaced with a picture of Rainbow Dash’s recently sucked cock - dripping with Sunset’s spit and marked with lines of Dash’s cum; just as beautiful and flawless as Sunset’s mouth would’ve remembered it. It was a little treat for the girl to enjoy later; at least in Rainbow Dash’s mind, and the notion of Sunset sitting at home desperately masturbating while looking at her phone’s new home screen was enough to make her rock hard and hungry again. By the time she padded back to the showers to claim the rest of her prize her glorious dick was sticking straight out from her lap, the absolute pinnacle of cock perfection.

Her dick, however, wasn’t the only thing that had time to recover. Once she had crawled on hands and knees to the shower and spent some time underneath the hot spray of refreshing water, Sunset Shimmer’s old venom had returned to her tongue. Her hair was soaked to her scalp and shoulders and her face was clear of Dash’s cum, and her eyes burned fiercely when she turned to glare at the cocky girl that made her way around the corner. She stood naked and glistening in the shower, and pointed firmly to a spot beside her as she let her voice bark through the locker room in demanding fashion.

“Get your ass over here and let’s finish this already,” she ordered in pure princess mode, her eyes narrow and her muscles tight. She still wanted to know what that amazing dick felt like inside of her, of course, but she wasn’t going to crawl around on hands and knees anymore! After all, she was Sunset Shimmer! Student to Princess Celestia! Future Fall Formal princess! Maybe even - if all went according to her plan - ruler of the whole damned school! She had better get used to bossing around Rainbow Dash, since once she was calling the shots the school’s star athlete’s biggest job would be letting her enjoy that dick any time she wanted! “I’ll let you fuck me just this once, but if you don’t make me cum...ohh, you’ll regret it, Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow Dash was predictably amused by it all, and her cocky smile said as much. With her arms folded across her chest and her beautiful dick swaying with every step, Rainbow Dash padded barefoot towards Sunset Shimmer across the tile of the shower. She moved slowly and with the great authority her flawless pecker granted her, her eyes slowly moving up and down the amber-skinned girl’s lovely figure. Ohh, she’d be a fun one to squeeze inside. She couldn’t wait to see how she squirmed! Rainbow Dash leaned into her power move by stepping underneath the spray of the shower to the point that she forced Sunset Shimmer out of it, her cock nudging the girl to the point that she had to back-pedal over the tile. When Sunset Shimmer’s back pressed against the shower’s wall and her cheeks were flushed with slightly shameful color, Rainbow Dash spoke in a simple tone that was just barely audible over the spray of the shower - and yet carried more weight than any words Sunset had ever heard.

“Turn around. Bend over, Slutset.” Even though her tone was casual, the authority behind them could easily rival Princess Celestia in her most royal moments. Sunset Shimmer was about to refuse out of her pure indignation, but one glance down to Rainbow Dash’s lap was enough to make her swallow her pride yet again. Somehow, that beautiful blue dick was even more tempting when it was underneath the spray of the shower...and she couldn’t help herself as she did exactly as she was told. The young woman spun on her heels and pressed her palms to the shower’s wall, biting down on her bottom lip as she bent from the waist to stick her ass out. Her full breasts hung and swayed as she took in several deep and nervous breaths, and her feet slid on the tile until she was sure she was spread enough to take every inch of Dash’s cock. At least, what she hoped was enough. With her voice trembling in her throat Sunset Shimmer offered one last bit of resistance to Rainbow Dash; ensuring that even though she was letting this happen, she didn’t think any differently about the other girl for a second.

“Just hurry up,” she hissed, doing an absolutely horrible job of masking how intensely aroused she was and how desperately she wanted that cock inside of her. Her voice could quiver with all the bile and nastiness she could muster, but there was now hiding the blushing look of shameful excitement across her amber features. “I don’t think I can stomach being near you that much longer.”

Rainbow Dash’s cocky smirk continued as one hand slapped to her cock and the other stretched forward, moving straight to the other girl’s soaked hair. She lined herself up with the tip of her member right against those folds, and already she could hear Sunset moaning in anticipation, her head bucking forward and her palms sliding across the wet tile wall. Sunset could bitch and complain all she wanted - but her body was way too easy to read. Thankfully, her generally miserable attitude would only make it all the more rewarding to wrap her around every inch of her endlessly magnificent dick.

“I want you to know something before I fuck you, Slutset,” Rainbow Dash relied once more on her new nickname for the girl, and as the shower rained down on them she leaned forward as much as she could without inadvertently stuffing her pussy. Her own flat breasts pressed to Sunset’s shoulders, and her mouth moved to the edge of her ear as she gave a tiny, teasing whisper. A whisper that she knew would only make this moment all the more intense for Sunset...even if it didn’t make her particularly happy. “The night of the Fall Formal? I’m gonna show you my cock again.”

With that promise, she pushed her hips forward. There was no gentleness to her motion; no affection or tenderness. This wasn’t like when she had given Fluttershy a night of beautifully soft lovemaking, or even when she stuffed her Vice Principal in the backseat of her car. Sunset Shimmer didn’t get any sweet treatment...she just got fucked, and she’d have to be happy with that. And thankfully...it seemed like she was. As Rainbow Dash pushed forward and let every glorious inch of her cock shove into Sunset’s pussy in one swift strike, the girl’s voice filled the shower and locker room at such an octave that they were damned lucky it was after hours. Without any trace of restraint within her Sunset Shimmer moaned like a bitch in heat, and her legs spread even wider to accommodate that massive member as it dove into her. Four inches, six, eight...Rainbow Dash kept pushing and pushing, filling Sunset up as she wrenched the girl’s hair at the back of her scalp and kept her in that firm submissive position. Once her hand was free of her shaft she slid it underneath Sunset to grope one of her tits, and her voice called out once more just before she gave the final nudge forward.

“Let’s see if your pussy can do what your mouth couldn’t!” After saying it, Rainbow Dash didn’t give Sunset any warning before lunging the rest of the way. Every last glorious inch of perfection was shoved inside of Sunset’s slippery and soaked pussy, and Rainbow Dash’s hips crashed against the girl’s rump in fully announced conquest. It was impossibly tight and amazingly warm and wet, and no sooner did Dash lodge her dick inside of Sunset than the bitchy brat of a girl start to tremble and spasm. Her voice lifted into even higher tones amidst her moans and screams and Rainbow Dash could actively feel her shaking, her slit vibrating across that massive member that was so kind as to probe her depths.

“Hot damn, you’re cumming already?!” Dash’s voice sounded almost as if she was in disbelief, and she shook her head with an impressed smile on her face. As she kept herself hilted in the violently orgasming Sunset, Dash stretched a hand down to scoop one of the girl’s legs underneath her knee, lifting it and spreading her all the wider. Sunset was forced to balance on a single leg with a rapidly quivering knee, but in that moment of bliss she couldn’t help but think the mere girth of Dash’s cock would help keep her aloft. She was rapidly starting to think there was nothing it couldn’t do. As Rainbow Dash started to buck her hips backward and prepare for the true moment of intense fucking, yet again she could hardly resist taunting her new shower time friend. It was, after all, so rewarding to see that angry scowl puckering her face. “And here I thought a frosty bitch like you could only get off by bullying people!”

From there, Rainbow Dash began to fuck desperately into the writhing mass of amber flesh wrapped around her cock. The sharp and hungry cries of Sunset only grew louder and louder in intensity, just as the blush moving over her face was marked with shame, embarrassment, and a lust that she couldn’t possibly fathom. Why did she find Dash’s cock so irresistible? Why did getting stuffed with it make her feel like she was right back in the Canterlot throne room basking in royalty? Why was it so ludicrously fucking good that she was able to look past her immeasurable dislike for Rainbow “Cocky Unapologetic Cunt” Dash?!

Sunset Shimmer didn’t have the answers. All she had was screams of delight that rose above the roar of the shower and filled the locker room beyond. Other than that, she was little more than a trembling, wet, amber fuckdoll - stewing with all her native nastiness and resentment, but temporarily putting it aside as she was overcome with pleasure. Her pussy wrapped taut around Rainbow Dash’s cock and she even rocked back to meet the athlete’s thrusts, taking every massive, thick inch to depths she barely knew she even had. When Rainbow Dash’s demanding hand left her tightly pulled hair and scooped up her other knee she didn’t even resist, and soon she was pressing her palms tight to the slippery tile, keeping herself balanced as best she could as Dash drilled her harder and harder without any signs of stopping.

With a quick shove Dash pushed forward towards the wall, and soon Sunset Shimmer’s full, curvy breasts were pressed hard to the chilled tile amidst the soaked embrace of the shower. Her stomach soon followed suit as Dash balanced Sunset firmly atop her cock, holding the girl’s knees out wide as she trapped her between tile and toned blue flesh. The position left Sunset Shimmer helpless to resist - as if doing so had even once entered her mind - but more importantly as Rainbow Dash’s flat breasts wedged to Sunset’s back, she could properly whisper to her again as she filled the girl’s trembling cunt with perfect, plump cock.

“How many times you cum so far, Slutset?” she asked with a giggle in her throat, one that very quickly turned into a deeply lusty, hungry growl. “Three? Four? Glad your pussy likes me so much. I like it, too. At least...more than I like you.”

“F...Fuck...fuck you…” Sunset Shimmer whispered through clenched teeth in response, glancing back at Rainbow Dash as best she was able. At that point her cheek was wedged to the slippery tile and her breasts were pressed flat against it; sending shockwaves through her from the comparatively cold porcelain. She didn’t answer Rainbow Dash’s question because she honestly couldn’t - she didn’t know how many had rushed through her so far. If she was being perfectly honest it still felt like one beautifully endless climax that kept echoing across her body, but she’d be damned if she told Dash as much. “Don’t know...how much more I...I can take…” she paused, swallowed, and shuddered in a quick amendment. “Of you! Don’t know how...how much I can take of you, bitch!”

An inelegant save, but Rainbow Dash didn’t need to call her out on it. Instead, she merely smirked, and started to thrust herself the rest of the way home, ready to finally unload her cock inside this bitchy girl and head home. She squeezed herself harder against Sunset to keep the girl trapped between flesh and tile, and her hips lashed back and forth with every bit of force she could muster. The squeaking erupting from Sunset’s throat was only barely absorbed by the roar of the shower, and the hot water continued to batter down against them as Dash drew closer and closer to her peak - and Sunset kept enjoying hers with seemingly no end.

Sunset Shimmer wasn’t planning on stealing the Fall Formal crown anymore. There was no time now to do it, and she was sure she’d be too fucking sore to even attempt it after all this. Besides, all she could think of when it came to the Fall Formal now was Dash’s promise to give her more cock, to feed her more of this flawless member. All of a sudden, Sunset Shimmer had something else to look forward to on that fated day...the royal crown that she had stolen from Equestria, and the magnificent dick that she coveted just as much. A big evening for sure, so she’d have to make sure her dress was as beautiful as could be. ...and maybe more than just a little slutty.

Rainbow Dash thrust herself forward as far as she could go, her cock surging within Sunset Shimmer and unleashing a massive torrent of cream. She pressed the girl so hard against the tiled wall that Sunset had the air knocked out of her, and it made the whole experience all the more thrilling. Her head was spinning as she felt a rush of warmth roll over her that not even the shower’s heat could compete with, and she could feel Dash’s length pulsing, throbbing, and twitching as she unleashed her load. The entire time Sunset felt her orgasm rush over her body in perfect tandem with Dash’s own, and her forehead pressed to the cold shower wall as she shuddered. She was loathe to admit it, but she had never felt anything quite so glorious as that moment of being filled with Dash’s spunk. She detested the other girl, but...she knew how to fuck. With a cock like that, it was no wonder.

When Rainbow Dash finished filling Sunset up with cum she softened her grip on the other girl’s knees, and even gently let them lower until she was standing up on her feet once more. Even still, she kept her body close and her cock still inside, letting Sunset come down from the peak in her extremely sensitive state. As they stood there together with Sunset half-blocked of the shower’s spray by Dash’s taller figure, the devious young woman gave a soft huffing noise and folded her arms across her chest. She was feeling a fair bit more level-headed now, though the cum that oozed out of her pussy and across her trembling thighs still made it a little difficult to stop her heart from racing.

“That...now that that’s over with, I demand that you keep this between us,” Sunset growled with narrow eyes, not even waiting for Dash to pull out to turn back into the same bitch that had earned a glimpse of the girl’s irresistible dick. Her cheeks were marked with shame and embarrassment, and no doubt the knowledge that she had been Dash’s eagerly willing slutpuppy in the shower would remove a lot of her clout with the other students. “I see no reason anyone needs to know, especially your obnoxious friends.”

“Heh...you’re almost cute when you try to boss me around,” Dash beamed, and yanked her prick out with a pop loud enough for Sunset to hear over the noise of the shower. As the cum instantly started to rush down the girl’s thighs in an even more copious state and Sunset could already feel a desire to slither to her knees and play with her leaking pussy, Rainbow Dash leaned in from behind and gave a sudden, lewd lick to the side of the girl’s throat. Utterly delighting in how Sunset winced at the affection, Dash’s voice chirped up with the same mocking tone she had relied on thus far to make her rival squirm. “Don’t worry, Slutset. I won’t tell anyone about how much you love my cock. I just hope you can go without another fuck until the Fall Formal.”

And with that, Rainbow Dash moved a hand out and gave Sunset Shimmer’s ass a sudden, sharp slap before turning away and moving away from the shower. She had given Sunset a creamy load of cum to enjoy and plenty to think about - especially her promise that Sunset would get a chance to wrap around her perfect dick once more. As Sunset struggled to stay standing and struggled even harder to make sense of the intense hatefuck she had just taken part in, Rainbow Dash called for her attention once more from the doorway leading back into the locker room.

“Hey Sunset!” She grinned ear-to-ear, and held a hand up to her cheek with her thumb and pinky extended. “Call me sometime!”

It didn’t matter if she did or not, and Rainbow Dash knew as much. The second Sunset Shimmer turned on her phone she’d see a beautiful blue dick post-sloppy blowjob staring at her from her home screen. Something to remind her of the shameful but thrilling fuck she had enjoyed with Rainbow Dash, owner of the best cock she would ever encounter in her entire life.

Not even a miserable bitch like Sunset Shimmer could be upset about that.

End of Chapter One.

Friends With Beach Benefits (Rarity)

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Rainbow Dash’s 10/10 Top Tier Cock
Chapter Two: Friends With Beach Benefits
-by Drace Domino

“Oh, it really is such a shame that none of the others were able to join us today,” Rarity pouted softly, her wide sun hat casting a shadow across half of her pale, pretty face. Her eyes were completely obscured by ornate sunglasses, but it didn’t hinder the charming smile she offered to Rainbow Dash. “And after I went to such trouble to get us a secluded spot to sunbathe, too! It’s not exactly easy to reserve a spot at the beach, you know. Why, I had to make the most charming little evening dress for one of the lifeguards in order for her to help. It was the cutest thing with pink sequins dancing down a taupe hand-stitched embroidery with a floral design along the slits rising up the thig-”

Rainbow Dash just stared unblinking as Rarity rambled on, and kept the pace with her friend as the two girls walked along the beach. Rarity’s bribe to the lifeguard had certainly paid off; there was a beautiful stretch of sand for them to relax and enjoy some privacy, with a beautiful view and a perfect spot to stretch out and catch some rays. It would’ve been a wonderful way for a group of friends to spend a lazy Saturday by playing in the water and spending quality time together, but unfortunately one by one the girls had other issues come up.

First, it was Pinkie Pie remembering that Ms. Cheerilee had a birthday coming up - and she just had to spend all day Saturday making her the best teacher triple cherry apple cake ever. Fluttershy got roped into working with the school charity drive and had been far too timid to say no, just like always. The last of their friends, Rarity’s tomboy girlfriend Applejack, had to help back at the farm in order to fill a large apple order that just had to be done by the weekend. An order that was entirely the fault of Pinkie Pie’s baking plans.

That left just Rainbow Dash and Rarity to enjoy that secluded spot of the beach all by themselves - and Dash was already feeling a little guilty about where her eyes had been straying.

“--and then of course, darling, I went with a sleeveless design. I had thought about adding slight shoulder cuffs because as a lifeguard she had a bit of muscle, but I thought ‘Oh Rarity, don’t be silly! You’re designing an evening dress, not a football ensemble!’” she paused long enough to flash Rainbow Dash the same beautiful smile cloaked in the shadow of her wide sun hat. “Can you imagine? Cuffs?! Needless to say, I was dreadfully tired when I had the idea. I think it was the evening Applejack and I had that little tussle over her insistence on wearing-” a full shudder came to the fashionista “-a denim skirt.”

“That’s...that’s definitely something that happened.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes as she kept padding forward, her hands tucked into the pockets of her swimming trunks and her bare feet crossing the sand. She stopped when they reached the designated clearing, and she gave a slow whistle as she cast her eyes across the lake beyond them. “Whew, I can’t even see the other side. This really is a great spot, Rarity.”

“Oh, I know, darling! It’s simply...magnifique!” Rarity didn’t hesitate to unfurl the beach towel she had bought, letting it stretch out across the sand to make a place for her to rest. The beautiful young woman padded barefoot atop it and soon lowered herself down to a relaxed position; plucking her large sun hat off the top of her head and setting it aside. By the time she laid completely flat Rainbow Dash was given a long look at Rarity in full beach relaxation mode - and it was a hell of a sight for her to take in.

The porcelain-skinned beauty was always enough to make Rainbow Dash stiff underneath her shorts, but Rarity day to day couldn’t possibly compare to Rarity in a bikini. The silky purple fabric perfectly matched the tint of her hair, and naturally Rarity had chosen a string variety that made her all the more elegant and sexy. Each full white breast was only barely contained within a cup of her top while the piece covering her nethers was noticeably tight - and Rainbow Dash’s eyes lingered for a moment on what was a clear camel toe that highlighted the curve of her slit. Rarity remained completely oblivious to her friend’s gawking for the moment, her eyes closed behind her sunglasses and her hands folded neatly underneath the back of her head. It wasn’t until she noticed Rainbow Dash’s refusal to join her that she finally opened up a single eye, gazing up at Dash’s silhouette against the bright sun and drifting clouds.

“Dashie, darling,” she cooed in relaxed fashion. “I simply must insist that you throw your towel down and join me for a bit of sunbath--oh, did you forget yours?!”

“Uh...y-yeah, Rarity, I forgot.” Rainbow Dash nodded swiftly and honestly. She had already expected the time at the beach would be a good chance to gaze lustfully at her friends, but when Rarity had called to tell her it would be just the two of them...well, she had forgotten her towel, her beach ball, her cooler full of sodas, and just about everything but her enormous erection. Gawking slack-jawed at Rarity all day had more or less been her plan, and it seemed like the fashionable young woman was going to make it all the easier to do.

“Well, we can’t have that! Come, darling, there’s plenty of room on mine.” There really wasn’t, as Rarity scooted to the side in order to make some room for her friend. It would involve both girls resting at the very edge of the towel, and even then they’d be slightly overlapping and touching - and Rarity might even be laying against her. Even as Rainbow Dash’s throat tightened and the bulge at the front of her shorts started to inflate all the further, Rarity remained completely oblivious. She was, after all, so used to seeing Rainbow Dash trot about with an almost constant erection at Canterlot High, it had practically become a part of her style. Dash dick chic, as it were. The fact that Rarity was ignorant of Dash’s growing focus was evidenced no more clearly, however, in what she said next as a hand stretched down to her purse to begin pulling out a palm-sized blue bottle. “But if I’m going to be so nice as to share with you, then I’m going to make you put my sunscreen on! Consider it rent, darling!”

Rainbow Dash wasn’t the type to get intimidated, but a frightened squeak escaped the back of her throat as she reached out for the bottle and slowly moved down to her knees.


This...was...torture. Probably the nicest anyone had ever been tortured, granted, but still Rainbow Dash could feel every part of her body screaming as her well-lotioned hands passed over Rarity’s shoulders. The beautiful young lady was laying on her stomach with her arms tucked underneath her head, showing off what felt like miles of gorgeous white flesh in desperate need of sunscreen. The only things obscuring her from behind were the thin spaghetti string of her bikini top and the back of her bottoms, the latter of which clung to her well-shaped ass so tight that it left little to the imagination. Rainbow Dash could even keep taking as many long and lingering looks at her friend’s camel toe that she wanted, and she could’ve sworn that at least once or twice Rarity repositioned herself in a fashion to better show it off.

And then...there was the voice.

“Oh, darling, that simply feels divine~” Rarity’s voice was smooth and delicate as she adored the attention, rolling her shoulders back into Rainbow Dash’s grip as she was slathered. Even if she was being as innocent as could be, her voice sounded so orgasmic over getting a bit of sunscreen it was hard for Rainbow Dash to keep her erection in check. It was straining, aching against the front of her swimming trunks, and with every word from Rarity’s flawless pale lips it felt like it grew in intensity. “Make sure you get my sides too, dear. Oh, and my legs! I’m sure you can imagine thanks to my lovely skin tone that sunburns are...a brutal problem for me. Be thorough, darling, thorough!”

One of Rainbow Dash’s eyes twitched as she worked, squirting another handful of sunscreen into an open palm and pressing her hands flat to Rarity’s back. Underneath her touch the fashionista was a squirming mess of warm delight, as silky smooth as anything could be and utterly responsive to Dash’s touch. The way she trembled under firm blue fingers made Dash wonder just how she would respond to other stimuli, and by the time she had covered Rarity’s back and moved down to her legs she found herself being just as she requested - thorough.

Thoroughly jealous that Applejack got to have sex with this beautiful creature.

“Uh...so your fight with AJ?” Rainbow Dash finally asked, just as she pressed two palms down against the back of one of Rarity’s thighs. The soft flesh underneath her palms quivered, and Dash had to pull herself back from simply giving Rarity’s nearby camel toe a little fondle. For now, she was content to keep working as honestly as she could - while prodding her friend about her recent argument with her girlfriend. “Is everything okay now? No hard feelings?”

“Ugh. That girl sometimes,” Rarity scoffed, her eyes closed and her cheek quite merrily resting on one of her arms. As Dash continued slathering sunscreen down her smooth and elegant leg, Rarity simply rambled with irritation hitting her voice. “Just once I ask her to dress nicely for a date, and she shows up looking like the prize pie-eater at a county fair. I swear, is it so much to ask that a young lady dress in silk or lace for a change? You would think she’d understand the appeal after some of the things I wear for her in the bedroom.”

Again, Rainbow Dash’s eye twitched, and she found her hands fighting the urge to get way more intimate with Rarity than they already were. Her palms were visibly shaking when she moved to sunscreen the other leg, deep down wishing that this wasn’t the last part of her friend that needed coated. Hell, she could rub lotion on her most beautiful friend all day long - especially with the way Rarity was talking.

“Oh! Uh...lace. Right.” Dash coughed, and took a deep breath. She was almost afraid to ask because she knew it would only torment her more, but...she was a bit of a glutton for this sort of punishment. “Lot of...sexy lingerie? Naughty outfits?”

“Oh, well of course, darling,” Rarity continued on, as oblivious as ever. It was almost charming that she was so ignorant about what she was doing to Rainbow Dash - with no idea that the other girl’s tented swimming trunks were actively casting a shadow across her face. “Mesh thigh-highs, a Nappa leather corset, and of course - a cute little choker with an apple motif. And that’s not even getting into the miniskirt nurse’s outfit I wore when she sprained her ankle kicking a tree. Where in the heavens did she ever get the idea she could knock apples out of the branches like that, anyway?!”

Thigh-highs. A corset. A freaking nurse’s outfit. Each image filled Rainbow Dash’s mind, and with each one her resolve faded a little bit more. The star athlete of Canterlot High was known for her loyalty; her love of her friends was the only thing more important to her than winning the big game and being the school’s top dog. She generally used her certain magnetism to the benefit of her friends - like getting that horrible bitch Sunset Shimmer to leave them alone, or giving Fluttershy a sweet romantic evening within which she could lose her virginity in bliss.

This was the first time that Rainbow Dash felt the impulse to reveal her irresistible shaft for her own selfish reasons - and her guilt was very, very quickly giving way to her lust. All she really needed was Rarity opening her pretty little mouth one more time and saying something else to accidentally tease her, which naturally was just a mere few seconds away.

“Thank you for putting my sunscreen on, dear,” Rarity cooed, pushing her palms to the ground and slowly working her way up. “Now lay on your back, and I’ll do you.”

She would indeed.

Rainbow Dash did exactly as Rarity asked, taking the fashionista’s place on the towel and laying flat on her back for proper sunscreen application. As she laid flat she made sure there was a slight adjustment to her outfit, tucking her swimming trunks up a little further while nudging her length to rest flat against one of her thighs. The end result was that by the time Dash was laying flat on her back gazing up at her friend, the very tip of her cock was exposed, sticking out from just underneath the hem of her swimming trunks.

She had no idea if just the mere sight of a part of her cock would have the same effect it usually did, but she was hoping. The blue-skinned brat laid with her hands tucked behind her head and her breathing halted and hoped - just waiting for Rarity to finish spreading sunscreen on her palms and look down to see what was waiting for her. The elegant young woman was resting on her knees wearing a beautiful glaze that only made her shimmer a little more than usual, garbed only in her purple bikini and deeply tinted sunglasses. When she finally looked to where Rainbow Dash laid her sunglasses immediately slipped down to the tip of her nose in utter shock, and her mouth popped open with a tiny gasp and a short, slightly cut whimper escaping from the back of her throat.

Obviously, she saw it. And obviously, she liked what she saw.

“...R...Rainbow Dash!” she cried out, dropping the bottle of sunscreen to the sand and working a little closer on her knees. From over the rim of her sunglasses she continued to gaze at what waited for her attention, her eyes utterly transfixed and her mouth still hanging agape. She invited herself to reach out to the front of Rainbow Dash’s swimming trunks, grasping the fabric covering her offending thigh. For a moment Dash was worried she was going to pull it down to cover her exposed cocktip, but instead, she only pulled it higher to leave another two, three, four inches free. “This...this is…”

“Oh, sorry, Rarity.” Rainbow Dash shrugged, but made absolutely no attempt to cover herself. After all, if Rarity was the one that really got things rolling, she didn’t have to feel bad about fucking Applejack’s girlfriend! “I guess I popped out. Uh...I can tuck it back in if you wan-”

“Don’t you dare!” Rarity’s voice roared over their private spot on the beach, sounding overdramatic and wildly passionate. Her eyes went all the wider at the mere notion Dash would hide her length, and to ensure that it didn’t happen she swiftly hitched her hands against the waistband of the girl’s trunks, yanking them forcefully down to well past Dash’s knees. She was aggressive in her desires - something that deep down, Rainbow Dash sort of expected. Rarity was nothing if not demanding. One Dash’s cock was left fully exposed, however, the fashionista was left in a moment of stunned silence.

Rainbow Dash simply laid back with her cock sticking straight up, nearly the entire massive foot of it jutting up into the air. Thick, long, casting a shadow across one of her thighs, the absolute picture of cock perfection. Rarity gazed at it as if it was some precious gemstone, but in reality it was far more valuable. She dealt with diamonds and rubies and sapphires all the time, but a cock this endlessly flawless? A cock so devoid of blemish? A cock that - from her own estimation, was quite possibly the most perfect thing on the planet?

Her girlfriend didn’t even have a penis!

“It...it is…” Rarity’s voice quivered from the back of her throat as she moved a hand out and allowed her smooth, gentle touch to wrap around the shaft at the midway point. Naturally, Dash’s responsive length pulsed within her grip, and Rarity gave a sudden gasp and giggle at the contact. A red blush began to tint the fashionista’s cheeks, and she finally finished her thought with a voice that sounded reverent and gentle. As an admirer of beauty, Rainbow Dash’s perfect cock was particularly enchanting to her. “It’s...the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, darling. Splendid...magnificent...lovely…”

“You can ride it if you want,” came the other girl’s lazy response, putting as much of the responsibility on Rarity as possible. She knew well enough that her cock couldn’t be resisted - not by Vice Principal Luna’s authority, not by Sunset Shimmer’s irritating bitchiness, and not even by Rarity’s dedication to her girlfriend. Especially when Rainbow Dash arched an eye, offered her friend a coy smile, and helped to assuage any lingering guilt. “I promise...Applejack will never find out.”

It wasn’t entirely clear by the look in Rarity’s eyes if she even remembered who Applejack was in that moment - but it didn’t matter. What was a little beachside fuck between friends? It would’ve been irresponsible of her as an admirer of glorious perfection to ignore such an invitation, and as such Rarity’s free hand moved to the string of her bikini bottom. She pulled it swiftly and spread her legs to allow it to drop, though it took a small shake of her hips even after the strings were released. Apparently, the glistening of her thoroughly soaked pussy was enough to keep it stuck there for a few seconds. Soon, however, her shaved, ivory slit was fully exposed to Rainbow Dash, and the athlete’s cock pulsed in Rarity’s palm to show her approval. Without a word and with the same stunned look on her face Rarity began to drift forward, lifting one leg and preparing to mount that glorious member - stopping only when Rainbow Dash held out a hand and called for her friend’s attention.

“Ah ah ah!” She smirked, her eyes flashing with a bit of mischief. She finally bobbed her head in the direction of Rarity’s breasts, covered as they were. “The top, too. I’ve always, always, always wanted to see your tits, Rarity.”

The erection she had that sunny afternoon wasn’t the first time Rainbow Dash’s cock had gotten stiff by thinking of Rarity’s breasts - and it was high time she finally saw what all the fuss was about up close. Rarity’s blush deepened across her cheeks as she gave her friend a nod, and just before her hand moved to the string of her bikini she pushed her sunglasses back into place, making them hide the slight shame in her eyes.

“Of course, darling, anything for this coc--I mean, anything for you!” While Rainbow Dash smirked like the cocky bitch she was, Rarity did exactly as instructed. Before long the girl’s full bikini was resting in the sand and her breasts were fully exposed - full, lovely, with large, stiff nipples that were just a few shades darker than her skin tone. To properly show them off she shook her chest from side to side, letting them bounce for Rainbow Dash’s amusement. “May I...go for that ride now, darling?”

Rainbow Dash could’ve made the fashionista do anything in that moment in order to earn her cock. She could’ve made Rarity roll around in the mud and wear a straw hat and overalls if she wanted - such was the intense, irresistible desire of Rainbow Dash’s perfect prick. But since Rarity was such a good friend, there was no reason to make her beg. Rainbow Dash merely nodded, folded her hands behind her head once more, and prepared to sink balls-deep into her most beautiful friend.

Rarity was bubbling over with excitement as she moved to straddle Rainbow Dash’s lap, holding the girl’s length with one hand while the other moved out to brace against Dash’s shoulder. The dark tinted sunglasses couldn’t hide the fact that Rarity was eager and joyful even though she was cheating on her girlfriend; the girl’s blush and her delighted smile were easy giveaways. Soon she was rocking her hips back and forth and allowing her ivory folds to brush across Dash’s tip, collecting some of the glistening precum while smearing her own juicy slit to her head. Rainbow Dash took in a deep breath and sighed contently while she watched, gently nibbling on her bottom lip as Rarity prepared to take the plunge. If she thought too long or hard about this she likely would’ve felt bad for exposing herself to Rarity knowing full well that no woman could resist her, so in order to distract herself she focused on the sight of Rarity’s naked form. Those fantastic tits, her slender belly, that glistening pussy that was so hungry to gobble up the inches of her cock...Rainbow Dash gave a groan of delight just from looking at her, and finally spoke just as Rarity started to slide down.

“I’ve jerked off thinking about you plenty of times, Rar,” she beamed, and watched Rarity’s cheeks erupt into an even brighter blush at hearing the news. “But this is way more awesome than I imagined!”

Speechless and trembling, Rarity just stared at Rainbow Dash as she glided down atop her cock. That enormous, flawless member spread the elegant young lady’s folds with ease, sinking deep within the remarkably moist, inviting valley. Rarity was indeed soaked just as any girl that saw Dash’s cock, and the grip of her warm entrance was beautifully tight and firm. Rainbow Dash had already decided to let Rarity control the pace of the moment - this wasn’t like with Fluttershy when she needed to take the lead and keep things slow and gentle, or with Sunset where her goal was to make the bitch feel like the used cunt she was. Rarity was confident enough to take everything she wanted while making sure they both had a good time, and Dash was looking forward to just leaning back and watching her work. It’d be damn hard to think of a prettier girl to have stretched around her dick, after all.

Soon Rarity brought herself fully down atop Rainbow Dash, but it was with a small amount of effort. Dash was simply too long and too thick for any woman to take with a semblance of ease, and Rarity was no different. Several times throughout her descent she paused and gave a shuddering gasp, sometimes squeezing her hands so hard against her friend’s shoulders that her polished nails left tiny imprints in her flesh. With a bit of hard work and determination Rarity found herself taking Rainbow Dash to the hilt, however, and once she was there her eyes trained against Dash’s own and she gave a smile laced with both arousal and shame in a delicious blend.

“...please...Rainbow Dash…” she begged, even as her tender, warm walls squeezed that magnificent blue dick in a hungry grip. “...don’t tell Applejack…”

“I promised she’d never find out, didn’t I?” Rainbow Dash asked with a smile, and stretched her arms out to reach for her friend. To meet Rarity’s emotional needs she pulled her friend close with one arm while her free hand drifted up, caressing Rarity’s cheek and pulling her close so their faces neared. Her lips brushed up and down Rarity’s own as she whispered, her motions gentle to a certain degree. She didn’t handle her as delicately as Fluttershy, but after all...Rarity was a friend. When she wanted to facefuck and really pound a bitch’s pussy, she could always track down Sunset again. “Go ahead and ride, Rar. Let’s just have some fun, okay?”

Rarity smiled in comfort and nodded to Rainbow Dash, her hands tightening further atop her friend’s shoulders. It was Rarity that first dared a kiss between them, dipping her head low and pressing her mouth to Rainbow Dash’s with a sweet gesture. Her kiss was predictably feminine and she was more than happy to let Rainbow Dash do most of the work, allowing the athlete to wrestle her tongue to the roof of her mouth as their bodies started to rock together. Underneath the warm rays of the sun Rarity was slowly beginning to ride her dear friend, slipping up and down across her length and leaving Rainbow Dash’s shaft utterly covered in her glistening arousal. For the moment it was slow and sweet as the two friends kissed, and Rainbow Dash let it continue at that pace - at least until Rarity started to show signs of craving more.

Rarity’s steady thrusts as she began to bounce up and down on Rainbow Dash’s cock started slowly, but had a growing momentum. Her beautiful porcelain rump wasn’t shy about pressing down hard against Dash’s lap, ensuring that she took every inch of that enormous length deep inside of her. As the seconds passed those bounces grew harder and harder, and their lips finally peeled apart so the elegant young woman could release an aroused moan against the side of Dash’s throat. With her sunglasses once more slipping down to the edge of her nose Rarity’s head bucked forward, a tremble running through her and her pussy spasming around Dash’s length, quivering and shivering as she offered a sudden cry.

A tiny orgasm for Rarity - one of many that were to come. At that point Rainbow Dash finally let her hands slither forward to cling to either side of Rarity’s round ass, squeezing the sides and helping to control the pace. She never went harder or faster than Rarity was comfortable with, but it was clear the delicate young woman needed a bit of help to keep things up. Understandable; girls almost always went weak-kneed and tender-hearted when they were filled with almost a foot of blue dick.

With Rainbow Dash’s help Rarity started to ride harder, and she buried her face against her friend’s throat so she could gasp and cry out in utter delight. Her breathing remained warm and intense on Dash’s throat and her full breasts squeezed against Dash’s comparatively flat chest, letting her feel just how intoxicatingly squishy and soft they were. Faster and faster the two rushed together with Rarity’s body increasingly going weaker the more she was struck by tiny orgasms, and with Dash continuing to pick up more and more of the slack.

“...d...darling...divine...lovely...magnifique…” It was hard to tell if Rarity was saying anything in particular, or if each thrust simply humped another word of quiet delight from her pretty, pale lips. Dash didn’t care either way; she simply wore the same wide, toothy grin as she enjoyed the savory bliss of Rarity’s moist grip wrapped so fiercely tight around her cock. She was nearing a peak of her own as she laid underneath a blanket of ivory flesh, moving her hips faster and faster from the towel and arching her back to feel as if she was working a way just a little deeper into Rarity’s valley. She was close, desperately so, and when her time to climax drew near she finally lowered her head to whisper against Rarity’s ear in hot, hungry desire.

“Here it comes, Rar…” she warned her friend, but neither Rarity nor Rainbow Dash seemed particularly concerned about separating. Rarity was simply a groaning mess of soaked pleasure at that point, and Rainbow Dash had turned control of her body over to her cock, doing whatever it desired with the beauty queen riding her. A teasing thought slipped through Dash’s mind a split second as she was pushed over the edge of release, and with a wicked smile playing on her lips she hissed out anew to her friend. “Let’s hope Applejack can taste this tonight…!”

It would be almost three hours later that Rarity would get to see Applejack after the latter girl’s work shift was done, and indeed - Applejack would comment on how Rarity had a particularly sweet taste to her that night. Hearing the cowgirl’s words would immediately put Rarity back in the moment that she rode Rainbow Dash to a throbbing climax, to the point when she felt the girl’s cum erupt from her fantastic cock to flood the depths of her womanly walls. Warmth rushed through Rarity and she screamed in orgasmic bliss as her own body found its peak, trembling and quivering as her eyes shut tight behind her sunglasses and her shameful blush overtook her. Sure, she was cheating on Applejack...but in return, Applejack would have more fun eating her out than ever in a few hours. While the cum that Rainbow Dash filled her with would be long gone by then, the taste would remain. The taste of the finest, thickest, most glorious cock at Canterlot High.

Rarity continued to lay atop Rainbow Dash even after their shared climaxes, and Dash had absolutely no problem staying hard enough to keep herself wedged within Rarity’s depths. Cum oozed out of the young woman’s slit to begin dancing down the sides of Dash’s cock, slathering along that lovely blue meat before outlining the sides of her balls. With a sweet and joyful smile on her face Rarity soon found the strength to lift her head up from Dash’s shoulder, and she blushed brightly as she gave her friend a tiny whisper.

“This was...this was marvellous, darling, but not something we should make a habit of,” she murmured, though despite her words she gave Dash’s length a long, savory squeeze with her nethers. Enough to push another few drops out from her folds to dance down Dash’s length. “I would be dreadfully upset if she found out…”

“Me too, Rar. It’s our little secret.” Rainbow Dash smiled in return, and to help drive home that fact slowly moved her arms up and about Rarity’s waist, giving her a squeeze that was as friendly as one could manage while being balls-deep with a foot long cock. She even kissed the side of Rarity’s head, a tender gesture she normally would’ve reserved for Fluttershy. (Or, to mock her, Sunset Shimmer.) Either way, by the time the athlete rested back on the towel and gazed up at the sun, Rainbow Dash was smiling with a look of contentment on her face and her dick still pulsing within her most beautiful friend. “So...uh...you liked my dick, huh?”

“Oh, Rainbow Dash, it’s incredible!” came the other girl’s response, and Rarity lifted her hand to touch her lips in gasping delight. “I can only imagine how lucky you must be to have something like that! Perhaps I could make a few outfits for it? I believe a mesh sleeve would be rather fetching - or perhaps an embroidered silk ribbon to wrap around the base? Are you at all opposed to tassles on the droopy bits? Oh, I know! I can work with Pinkie Pie to develop an edible pastiche! How lovely would that be, a sweet undergarment that makes your beautiful accessory all the more glorious, and gives whoever servicing you a treat?” She punctuated the last word in cute fashion, scrunching up her nose and giggling in delight. It was clear that Rarity was enjoying brainstorming, and Rainbow Dash didn’t have the heart to tell her that it wasn’t a good idea.

One second she’d be showing off her dick to have it sized for edible outfits...and the next, Rarity and Pinkie Pie would be fighting over who got to suck it first. Not a bad outcome by any stretch of the imagination, but she had to at least try to be responsible with this cock! She had to try to resist abusing the power of her glorious dick!

“Maybe we could even bring Coco Pommel in on it, just for a second fashion opinion?”

Try. She only had to try.

End of Chapter Two.

Apple Juice (Applejack)

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Rainbow Dash’s 10/10 Top Tier Cock
Chapter Three: Apple Juice
-by Drace Domino

“Ha! I win again, Rainbow Dash!” Applejack’s smile was relentlessly smug, and she added insult to injury by leaning across the couch to get right in Rainbow Dash’s face. As the TV showed the words “Player 2 LOSES!” in vibrant colors Rainbow Dash was left stewing and listening to the taunts of her friend. “I’ve never even played this before today. Guess I must either have beginner’s luck, or you’re not as good as you were sayin’!”

“I’m always as good as I say. I’m the best.” Rainbow Dash’s attitude about the game was basically the same as her outlook on everything, that there was no area she didn’t excel at when she put her efforts into it. Still, she squared her controller in her lap as she settled down deeper into the couch, her nose scrunching up and a focused look moving into her eyes. “I’m just going easy on you, AJ. Don’t want you to get discouraged like Pinkie did.”

Pinkie Pie didn’t actually get discouraged so much as she got bored of beating Rainbow Dash at Super Pony Prance Brawl Ultimate almost one hundred times in a row.

“Heh, whatever you say, Rainbow Dash,” came the other girl’s response. Despite the fact that Rainbow Dash was clearly ready for another round, the cowgirl wasn’t so sure. She reclined into the couch cushions and even tossed her controller aside, a more serious expression crossing her face as she regarded her friend. “Think we can stop for now, though? I’m not really feelin’ this.”

“What?! You’re going to quit without giving me a chance to beat y-” Dash’s eyes went wide, she glanced briefly to the TV, and then swiftly tossed her controller aside as well. No sense in risking another losing streak, this time to a girl that didn’t even play video games unless someone forced the controller into her hands. “I mean, that’s a good idea. If you’re not having fun we should definitely stop. Wanna play basketball? Maybe soccer? Oh! Let’s race! It’s been a while since we raced, I promise I won’t leave you in the dust too bad this time!”

The longer Rainbow Dash listed her competitive suggestions, the more clear it became even to her that Applejack wasn’t biting like usual. Typically she was the only one of her friends that really dove into matching her strength to Rainbow Dash’s, the sole girl she could butt heads with to see who came out on top. When it looked like Applejack was a bit down in the dumps the loyal parts of Rainbow Dash kicked in, and soon she moved a hand out to hold her friend by the shoulder. Her voice was cautious, even a bit concerned, and she slid a little closer to Applejack on the couch.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” she finally pressed, her brow knitting curiously and her hand squeezing a bit harder. “It isn’t like you to look so, uh…” How would Applejack put it? “You look like a groundhog without any ground...to...hog. Or something.” It was enough to earn her a small smile in response, and a softened gaze from her rustic best friend.

“...shucks, Rainbow Dash, is it that obvious?” Applejack asked, mere seconds before a hard, heavy sigh rose from her chest. She slumped back into the couch, her shoulder falling from Dash’s grip as she did so. When she spoke it was a mixed bag for Rainbow; both adding a sudden clarity to the moment and instantly making her feel just the slightest twinge of guilt. “It’s just...Rarity.”

“Oh! Oh? Rarity? Ohhh.” Rainbow Dash bit her lips together and fidgeted, tucking one leg under her lap and turning to face her friend on the couch. It had only been a week since she had fucked the fashionista behind Applejack’s back, something that both of them had promised to never share with anyone else. Suddenly, she felt a tension move into the moment that hadn’t been there before.

“She’s just been actin’ so darn weird these past few days.” Applejack scowled, and folded her arms across her chest. The girl looked downright cute as she sat there pouting; dressed in a pair of thick jeans, a button-up farmgirl shirt, and her hair pulled into a simple ponytail. It was as dressed-up as Applejack got when her stylish girlfriend wasn’t directly pulling the strings. “I keep tellin’ her that if something is bothering her she should tell me. Honesty’s always the best policy, after all! Ain’t nothin’ she could tell me that our relationship couldn’t handle!”

Rainbow Dash understood the sentiment, though it was safe to assume that when she said it, Applejack didn’t have a clue as to just why Rarity was acting weird. It probably wasn’t an easy thing to admit to your girlfriend that you found her best friend’s cock so fucking irresistible that you ended up riding it beachside. Rainbow Dash made herself a little more comfortable as she regarded her friend, and her mind started to spin with ways she could help. After all, she loved helping her friends! It was the loyal thing to do.

“Maybe she’s got a lot on her mind,” Rainbow Dash offered, and pressed her knuckles lightly into Applejack’s shoulder for a little shove. “You know Rarity, someone might have told her that her dress was last season and it ruined her entire week. Remember when she had to go home early because she got a run in her nylons and cried so hard she hyperventilated?”

It was enough to make both girls smirk, and in the case of Applejack give a loud chuckle with a sweet, sentimental look crossing her features.

“...she sure is a handful sometimes,” the cowgirl offered wistfully, looking as charmed with thoughts of her flawlessly beautiful girlfriend as ever. The two were polar opposites, but damned if the rustic blonde didn’t have a mighty strong affection for her debutante darling. “I’m worried, Rainbow Dash. Ain’t like Rarity to keep something inside that’s botherin’ her. What if...what if it’s somethin’ big?”

It was something big. It was something big, blue, and so fucking beautiful that it bordered on a blessed relic of the gods. It also happened to be tucked within the confines of Rainbow Dash’s athletic shorts, and was starting to make its presence known. The young woman fidgeted a bit as she addressed her friend’s concerns, squeezing her thighs together as much as possible as she did her best to work out the problem. She hadn’t ruled out using her cock as the solution, of course, but it was still too early for her to decide this was a problem that she could fuck her way out of.

“I wouldn’t worry about it, AJ.” Rainbow Dash smiled, and let her hand drop down to Applejack’s knee. She gave her friend a light squeeze through the denim, and slid her thumb back and forth in a compassionate fashion. They were a huggy group, and this sort of affection to console a friend was certainly nothing out of the ordinary. “Rarity’s probably just planning what she’ll wear on your wedding day ten years from now. It’s probably not easy to design a dress for getting married in a barn, after all!” A light and playful tease and one that made Applejack smirk, though the cowgirl arched a brow as she regarded her athletic friend. She let a hand slink forward to give Rainbow Dash a sharp poke in her slim belly, and offered her own thoughts in a coy and playful fashion.

“Sounds like someone’s just jealous,” she remarked. “Don’t worry, Rainbow Dash, maybe you’ll meet a nice girl at our weddin’.”

Rainbow Dash merely blinked, tilted her head, and made a swift decision right then and there. This was absolutely a problem that she could fuck her way out of. To be honest, she wasn’t sure why she even debated the issue internally when she always came to the exact same conclusion. Sunset Shimmer acting like a sadistic bitch? Fuck her into behaving. Ms. Cheerilee won’t let her play soccer because of her bad grades? Fuck her into complying. Rarity and Applejack having problems stemming from Rarity’s infidelity? There wouldn’t be anything for either side to feel bad about if they both got fucked by Rainbow Dash.

“Applejack, I can get any girl I want. Any girl,” the blue-skinned girl boasted proudly as she leaned back and lifted her head in arrogant, cocky fashion. “You might not know this about me, but I have a peni-”

“Yeah yeah yeah, we all know.” Applejack folded her arms across her chest, glaring at her friend. “We’ve all known since that day we went swimming at the pool and you saw Fluttershy gettin’ out of the water. We love an’ accept you no matter what you got between your legs, Rainbow Dash, but just ‘cause you’re sportin’ somethin’ extra doesn’t make you no irresistible cassernover.” Rainbow Dash blinked in surprise, and the memories of that day by the pool flooded back to her. It was a hell of a long time ago, and she could still remember just how Fluttershy looked glistening in water as she slipped out of the pool. The more she thought about it, the less surprised she was that her friends all knew she had a dick; she could barely walk home that night, it had been so hard.

But there was still plenty Applejack didn’t know about the thing between Rainbow Dash’s legs.

“Maybe I’m not an irresistible cas-a-nova,” she let the word drag from her tongue to correct Applejack’s rustic butchering. “But my dick sure is. Y’know, craziest thing, AJ. Any time a girl sees it, it’s like they just can’t help themselves. They get one glance and just throw themselves at me!”

“Oh, you sure do think a lot of yourself, Rainbow Dash,” Applejack huffed, a look of irritation crossing her face. If Rainbow Dash’s goal was to distract Applejack from thoughts of Rarity it was certainly working, but it only served to make her irritated with her friend’s ego. “You’ve got a lot of good qualities, but modesty sure ain’t one of them. Ain’t no one’s got a magic pecker that women can’t resist. We ain’t mares out lookin’ for stallions in the pasture, you know.”

“No, seriously!” Rainbow Dash lifted a hand, eagerly counting down names. She was certainly revealing more information than she ever should have, but this was Applejack, after all! If she couldn’t trust Applejack, who else was there? “Sunset? One look, bam, she’s sucking my dick. Octavia? One look, bam, she’s playing the piano while I’m fucking her. You know that bitchy little brat, Diamond Tiara? One day, I ran into her Mom at the grocery store. One look and a ride back to their house later and, bam, she’s riding me in Diamond’s bed and she made me cookies afterwards!”

“Rainbow Dash, this is all just a bunch of yarn spinnin’!” came the sharp response from the cowgirl. “I might’ve gotten kicked in the head by a mule but it sure as sugar wasn’t yesterday, y’know! I don’t believe for one hot cider second that you got some kind of...of...of…”

A long pause filled the air as Rainbow Dash tugged down the front of her athletic shorts, letting her dick flop free in all of its stiff, undeniable glory. Applejack trailed off from her thoughts as she simply stared ahead at the mighty blue member revealed before her, and her mouth hung open as her large, bewildered eyes traced up and down. From the sheathed tip all the way to the pair of smooth balls just underneath, every inch of it something so perfect, so flawless, so well-designed by nature that it took her breath away. Applejack stared for a few long seconds before finally speaking up again, and when she did her hand was already in motion.

“...so...so this is it, huh?” Oh, how her tune had changed! From flatly denying the existence of a penis with such borderline magical properties as instantaneously inspired desire to drifting towards it with a hand, a hungry look rising in her eyes. As she neared the form of that mighty length she even licked her lips in anticipation, and Rainbow Dash could hear her give an audible, hungry sigh from deep within her throat. “It’s...it’s pretty nice...I s’pose.”

“You can help yourself,” Rainbow Dash offered in her endless benevolence and generosity. “I don’t mind at all.”

“Well, uh...well, I suppose it’d be rude if I...turned down your hospitality…” Applejack’s throat tightened as her eyes went wide, and she felt herself completely unable to resist. The call of Rainbow Dash’s cock was every bit as impossible to stand against as the blue-skinned girl claimed, and just a sight of that flawless phallus was enough to break even the resolve of someone as stoic as Applejack. The cowgirl’s hand was nowhere near as smooth and silky as the grip of her delicate girlfriend was last week, but it was no less doting as she scooped her fingers underneath Rainbow Dash’s shaft and hefted the weight within her grip. A slow squeeze came as she tested the size of it, and then a gentle pump from the tip all the way down to the base. As Dash’s cockhead was left exposed the deeper blue flesh started to shimmer with a dot of clear but rich precum seeping from the tip, a sure sign that she was enjoying the affections of her honest and reliable friend.

“Here we go, AJ,” Rainbow Dash beamed, and slid her hands out to gently take her friend’s cheeks within her palms. She moved Applejack’s head slowly forward, guiding her with ease as the other girl remained effectively enthralled. With Dash’s help Applejack soon found her face pressed flush against that big blue dick, her lips against the spot where Dash’s cock met her balls and that glorious shaft blocking half of her vision. As she felt the cowgirl’s breath tease across her sack Rainbow Dash shuddered in delight, and gave her friend a small nod to encourage her forward. “Don’t know if these will compare to apples, but I’ll bet you’ll love the taste anyway.”

She did indeed know how they’d compare to apples - she just didn’t want to offend one of her best friend’s core beliefs at such a delicate moment.

Applejack wasn’t a girl that most would have assumed had a talent for sucking balls, but she proved it to Rainbow Dash in the following minutes. With one of her hands wrapped gently around the base of Dash’s shaft Applejack followed the natural progression of where her friend had guided her face, parting her lips and sticking out her tongue to begin the slow, wet worship of her friend’s undercarriage. As that wet pink muscle passed back and forth across a pair of perfect blue balls, Rainbow Dash merely stretched out and spread her thighs a little wider, taking a long, deep breath of satisfaction. The entire time that Applejack worked Dash gazed down at her friend fondly, usually only able to see one of her eyes because the other was blocked by the sight of her perfect dick.

Dash couldn’t blame Applejack for her sudden fascination. She couldn’t blame any of the girls she had exposed herself to. After all, if she wasn’t that glorious cock’s exclusive owner, she might have been just as enthralled by it! With a smile Dash reached down to thread her fingers into the back of Applejack’s hair, scooping her hand around her ponytail and holding it loosely by the base. She didn’t bother to control her friend’s actions just yet; Applejack was doing fine on her own.

The couch creaked underneath their movements, with Applejack bracing her knees against the far end and dropping her face even further forward. It was difficult for the cowgirl to keep her balance, considering she was using one hand to slowly jerk Rainbow Dash off while the other was constantly gravitating towards her own thighs. She was utterly soaked underneath the denim even from just a few brief moments of sucking, her nethers easily as moist as the beautiful blue sack she had been smoothing her tongue across. Wet noises filled the air between them as she kept working and finally she felt so weak that she had no other option but to use her free hand to hold herself up, her senses practically bubbling over with pleasure and making every muscle twitching and weak.

“D...Dash...this…” It was hard to hear Applejack’s voice through the mess of slurps and licks, not to mention the desperate, gasping breaths that Rainbow Dash felt rush across her sack. “We shouldn’t...I can’t...this ain’t…”

“Shh, it’s okay, Applejack.” Rainbow Dash beamed, and gently caressed her friend’s hair in a smooth, fluid gesture. After wrapping her hand around Applejack’s at the base of her cock, she lifted it up just enough to swing back down a few times, lightly slapping the cowgirl’s face and smearing spit and precum across her features. It was a fine payback for how thoroughly she had beaten Dash during their video game session, but at least the gesture came with more of those supportive, soft words. “Just trust me. If you think you feel good now, just wait until we’re done…”

Applejack surely had some guilt swelling within her, no doubt struggling with some of the memories of Rarity and their bumpy past week together. She had gone from concern over her girlfriend’s well-being to sucking on her best friend’s balls in record time, and there were no signs that she was about to stop. If anything her motions were getting wetter and even more intense, with the cowgirl laying her tongue flat against the spot between Dash’s sack and rear, and slurping up in long, wet lines that made the blue-skinned girl spasm. When she released Rainbow Dash’s cock from her grip it wasn’t because she didn’t desire to keep holding it - she just knew she couldn’t keep herself up using just one hand anymore. If she was going to be braced on her hands and knees, the poor cowgirl didn’t have the power to do it with anything less considering how gloriously aroused she felt.

“Mmm...shhllp...maybe, maybe better...than apples…” Applejack would deny ever having said that, but the announcement was enough to make Dash’s cock spasm in glee. She finally tightened her hand around Applejack’s ponytail and pulled her up from her work, leaving her balls coated in spit and her prick twitching back and forth in arousal. As Dash pulled Applejack’s face forward she wisely decided not to call out the cowgirl’s apple blasphemy - if there was anything that could break the enchanting spell that was her dick’s addictive perfection, that would be the thing that did it. And she had been craving this moment for a long, long time...too long to risk wasting it with a little apple tease.

“Ready to get fucked, AJ?” Rainbow Dash asked, bringing her friend’s face near her own. Applejack’s cheeks and lips were glistening with spit, a thick clear layer that sat overtop an intense blush. Applejack’s eyes were wide and her throat was tight as she heard her friend’s question, and before she even thought of Rarity her head was nodding up and down. After all, honesty was her deal, not loyalty. Rainbow Dash giggled with excitement as she released her grasp on the cowgirl’s hair, and started to rise up from the couch. “Just stay right there, AJ! You’re already in the perfect position!”

Good thing, too, since Applejack wasn’t entirely sure she could move from her current spot. She remained on her hands and knees there on the couch as Rainbow Dash slipped behind her, darting to the other side and kneeling squarely behind her friend’s rear. Her hands lowered to Applejack’s hips where she grasped the girl’s belt and yanked it open, making short work of her jeans all the way down to her knees. As soon as she left Applejack’s nethers exposed Rainbow Dash was happy to surprise her with a sudden lick - shoving her head down and forward, nestling her nose against Applejack’s pussy, and offering a short, sloppy kiss to her clit.

Applejack tensed up in delight, but it was Rainbow Dash that was really left breathless. She’d enjoyed plenty of pussies in her day, but…

“Wow, Applejack! You’re...you’re soaked!” CHS’s star athlete was outright shocked; who knew that Applejack was so naturally, well, juicy? The girl’s pussy was glistening like it had just been slathered in lube, her thighs were noticeably moist, and when Rainbow Dash glanced down at the panties tented between Applejack’s knees, she could see that they were remarkably damp. Rainbow Dash getting girls wet was a law of nature, but this was something else entirely. “Just...just wow!”

Her words were spoken in fascination and even admiration, yet it was enough for Applejack to look over her shoulder with a big blush across her cheeks. It was clearly something she was a little self-conscious of, and the amazingly-cocked Dash felt a bit guilty about bringing it up. At the very least, more guilty than she did about fucking Applejack behind Rarity’s back.

“D...Don’t make fun,” Applejack murmured in her sweet Southern drawl, and bit gently down across her lower lip. She fidgeted from side to side, and her voice slipped out in a bashful tone almost more fitting of Fluttershy. “I just...I just always been...like this.”

“AJ, are you kidding?! I think it’s great!” Rainbow Dash giggled in delight, and suddenly latched atop her friend from above. She pressed her own flat chest to Applejack’s back as she embraced her hard and heavy from behind, squeezing her close and pressing a few hot, hurried kisses to the back of the girl’s neck. The entire time her throbbing length was sandwiched between them, and just underneath it Applejack’s already-soaked pussy pulsed in hot, hungry pleasure. As Dash embraced her dear friend her voice finally chirped up once more, just as she released her grasp and hopped back into place. “You’ve got an amazing pussy, AJ. Let’s see what it can do!”

It went without saying that Applejack’s pussy was the wettest Rainbow Dash had ever slid into. There was barely any resistance or tension at all as she pushed her flawless blue dick inside, and Applejack readily pressed her face to the couch cushion as she gave herself over to her best friend. Dash held her breath as she pushed herself inside solely so she could listen to the wet noise of her impact - and it didn’t disappoint. A long, loud slurping noise filled the air between them as Rainbow Dash pressed her prick into Applejack’s depths, and the entire time both girls were left shivering in pleasure. Applejack’s hands were locked around the edge of the couch as she tried her best to brace herself while Dash had taken hold of her ponytail once more, this time gripping it a fair bit harder and keeping the cowgirl properly in place. Once she was pushed all the way inside of Applejack’s sopping slit Dash finally gave a groan of pleasure that was appreciative beyond almost any pussy she had ever enjoyed.

“...w...wow...so awesome…” The blue-skinned girl twitched in pleasure, and her mouth hung open with a wide, horny smile on her face. Wet, warm, tight, and belonging to a tomboy that Rainbow Dash had always felt in competition with. It could’ve quite possibly been the perfect pussy...at least so far. There were plenty of other girls at Canterlot High she hadn’t gotten to fuck yet! “...Applejack...I can’t believe you’ve been holding out on me!”

It was perhaps not intuitive to Applejack that she should have informed her best friend that she had a particularly wet and juicy pussy, but the cat was certainly out of the bag now. As Rainbow Dash started to thrust back and forth those wet noises continued and even rose in volume and sloppy moist delight, soaked and slippery and unmistakably intense. Applejack’s panties were still getting wet even though they rested six inches below the contact taking place, for with every press of Dash’s hips more of Applejack’s glaze fell down from above. The cowgirl braced herself and shut her eyes while her entire body tensed in pleasure, and though she was still struggling with the knowledge that she was cheating on Rarity she couldn’t deny just how wonderful this felt.

The two girls went at it with reckless desire, and Rainbow Dash gleefully thrust her unprotected shaft harder and harder into Applejack’s depths. Usually she liked a bit of dirty talk when it came to fucking one of her friends, but in this case...Applejack’s pussy was doing plenty of talking. The “shlrup, shlurp, shlurp” sound that filled the room was music to Dash’s ears, and she soon found herself playing games with the fact that Applejack’s pussy was soaked to the point of audible moisture. She tried to see if going faster would generate more notes or going slower would drag the sound out, all while grasping Applejack’s ponytail and keeping her friend right where she needed to be.

Unfortunately, the Rainbooms wouldn’t be adding a new pussy-based instrument to the set list anytime soon. Not because it was devoid of musical value, of course, but because Rainbow Dash wasn’t sure how long she could last. The faster and faster she went the more the girl’s heart started to race, and she could feel goosebumps rush across her flesh as her spine tingled in delight. Applejack wasn’t faring all that much better from the sounds of it, though the cowgirl’s desperately low and horny moans were rapidly raising to a higher pitch. It was clear that Applejack was going to be the one to climax first, and Dash was quick to capitalize on that. She pressed herself flat to her friend once more, tugged harder on her ponytail, and reached a hand around to fondle one of Applejack’s tits through the fabric of her shirt.

“C’mon, AJ, squirt for me!” She gave her friend a joyful order. “I know you can do it! A pussy like yours?! C’mon AJ, let’s make a mess!”

Rainbow Dash, in retrospect, would’ve realized that she didn’t know the trouble she was asking for. In the hours she’d spend later in the laundry room trying to clean the scent off of the couch cushions before her parents came home, she’d have plenty of time to think about the ramifications of telling a woman like Applejack to squirt as much as she desired. As that thrilling blue dick lodged deeper and deeper Applejack took her friend up on the invitation, and as her voice filled the room in a throaty cry she erupted in pleasure in a fashion Rainbow Dash had never witnessed before. A spray, a squirt, violent trembling from the waist down, the fierce grip of a cowgirl’s calloused hands against the edge of a couch. Applejack wasn’t just the wettest fuck Rainbow Dash ever had - she came like a fucking freight train. Her muscles went so tight that Rainbow Dash wouldn’t of been able to pull out even with Applejack’s soaked state, and that fierce grip was enough to draw her into the fun with her own intense, writhing climax.

Needless to say, the two girls made a hell of a mess. Between Rainbow Dash’s impressive cock flooding Applejack’s pussy with cum and the cowgirl squirting like a ripe piece of fruit, there was barely a bit of fabric between them that wasn’t left moist and damp. It wasn’t until ten minutes later that they both had reclaimed their spots on the couch with their pants pulled back up, laying back and staring up at the ceiling in a thoroughly soaked state. The couch cushions. Applejack’s jeans. Rainbow Dash’s athletic shorts. The carpet. Dash’s hair - somehow or another.

“...so...awesooooome…” Rainbow Dash twitched, practically melting into the couch as she took a deep, hungry breath of the scent of horny lust that still hung in the air. She had a hell of a lot of work to do before her parents came home. “Next time...let’s fuck in the shower, though.”

“There ain’t...there ain’t gonna be no next time, Rainbow Dash!” Applejack would’ve been standing and wagging her finger at her friend, but she was just too damned tired. She was too tired to even look to face Dash, knowing that it would only make the guilt inside of her even worse. “I...I just done cheated on Rarity! I gotta tell her right away and hope she forgives me!”

Rainbow Dash slowly looked over to her friend, and gently arched an eye. It made sense that Applejack wouldn’t even consider an option close to silence - her literal first instinct after cumming was to come clean. Bitch loved honesty as much as she loved apples.

“I’m sure it’ll be fine, Applejack,” Rainbow Dash offered, and moved a hand out to pat her friend on the shoulder. “Just...just tell her the truth, I’m sure she’ll understand.”

Rainbow Dash was frankly shocked that saying so wasn’t enough for Applejack to put two and two together and figure out that Rarity was the one riding her flawless dick last week. But then...Applejack was a sweet, simple type. Honest. Genuine. Kind.

...with a pussy like a fucking moat.

End of Chapter Three.

Classy Cocksucker (Octavia)

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Rainbow Dash’s 10/10 Top Tier Cock
Chapter Four: Classy Cocksucker
-by Drace Domino

The sound of the music room door opening was followed almost immediately by a labored groan. Standing in the doorway was none other than Octavia, looking as refined and cultured as ever, carrying her violin case in one hand and a book with sheet music in the other. The groan she offered was just about the most unmelodic thing about her, and the reason she offered it was staring back at her from deeper inside the room.

“...I thought you had gone home for the day.” The dark-haired girl glared at the cocky, blue-skinned brat sitting back in a chair and plucking away at the strings of an electric guitar. Rainbow Dash didn’t seem to be doing anything in particular other than leaning back and tuning her instrument, and yet Octavia was instantly put on edge by her presence. “Will you be here long? I was hoping to practice for my recital.”

“Go ahead and practice, Octavia! I won’t get in your way.” Rainbow Dash gave the girl a lazy smile as she leaned back in her seat, teasing again at the strings of her guitar. Aside from the two of them the music room at CHS was completely empty; something that only made the situation a bit more tense for Octavia. Rainbow Dash certainly didn’t seem to mind it, though, and let her voice drift forward in a casual tone to help put her concerns to ease. “I don’t really need the practice, after all. I’m already pretty awesome. Did you hear that the Rainbooms have a gig booked for the school dance?!”

“...I suppose childish ‘popular’ music has its place among the public.” Octavia scowled, and gently closed the door as she stepped inside. As she moved to her preferred spot in the room - what she had decided was the perfect spot for acoustics - she gave the other girl a passing glance with even a slight lift of her nose. It wasn’t that she thought she was better than Rainbow Dash, but...she was certainly more serious than her when it came to music. “If the Rainbooms’ melodies happen to encourage other students to try their hand at the art, then all the better. I never would have suspected Trixie for a budding musician, but her desire to compete with you certainly pushed her into it.”

“Yeah, we’re pretty inspiring.” Rainbow Dash chuckled in response, glossing over the fact that the only reason Trixie had ever laid hands on a guitar was in the hopes of shoving her great and powerful talent down Rainbow Dash’s throat. Not that it had turned out that way. “When’s your recital, ‘Tavia? Want me to come and watch it like I did last ti-”

“Absolutely not!” Octavia suddenly snapped in response, spinning on a heel and glaring daggers at Rainbow Dash. The mere memory forced her to tighten her grasp around her violin case and her sheet music, not to mention forced a heavy blush across her classy, gray features. “If you think I’d be so crazy to let you in the front door after what you pulled last ti--” She took a deep and steady breath, trying to collect her nerves and keep her patience. Ultimately, it was a failed attempt. “--do you have any idea how close we came to getting caught?! What it would have meant for my future career if we did?! I can’t believe I went along with it! I can’t believe you just...just...took it out like that!”

“Heh, yeah, it was pretty great.” Rainbow Dash beamed from ear to ear, and slapped a hand casually against the frame of her guitar. Even now she was wearing her tightest athletic shorts and sporting the outline of an impressive cock that Octavia had already become familiar with in the past. This was no dressing room at the town’s community center like the last time, and there wasn’t a crowd of people outside waiting for the prodigy violin expert to finish getting fucked so she could begin her recital, but Octavia looked just as good. Slim and cute in that prissy way of hers; wrapped in what had to be the lamest purple and white dress at CHS yet somehow looking good in it. There was no doubt that she was the classiest and most cultured girl in school, but Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but think about a few months ago when Octavia was anything but. “It all turned out just fine. Personally? I think it relaxed you. Loosened you up a bit! Maybe even put a little ‘awesome’ in your performance!”

“If by ‘awesome’ you mean the fact that I could feel your cum leaking into my panties the entire time I pla--” Octavia tensed up and clenched her teeth, brow furrowed in irritation. She should’ve known the kind of smirk that was going to earn from Rainbow Dash, and sure enough the other girl didn’t disappoint. “Nevermind. I performed well that evening because I practice three hours every night, one hour in the morning, and one hour after class. It was not because you just happened to push some of your...goo inside of me.”

“Maybe it was a little bit of both.” Rainbow Dash grinned and hopped up to her feet, setting her guitar aside as she approached. She could already tell that Octavia wanted to be left alone, but that had never really mattered much to her. In the eyes of Rainbow Dash, this whole damned school could do with a little lightening up. More Pinkie Pies and fewer Maud Pies. Octavia wasn’t the biggest stick in the mud at CHS, but she was close. And she was definitely the prettiest...at least in that particular moment. Rainbow Dash stepped up to stand beside the girl’s chair, and her hands dropped down to reach for the sheet music. It might as well have been Greek to a self-taught talent like Rainbow Dash, yet she still flipped through it as if she understood every note. “Yeah, yeah. That’s good. This’ll put your skills to the test for sure. Who are you trying to impress, ‘Tavia? You know the grand symphony isn’t coming to a small town like this. Gotta admire the effort, though!”

“...those are my warm-up sheets,” came the other girl’s response, and she moved a hand up to snatch the notes from the other girl’s hands. She gave Rainbow Dash a flat look that made it clear she wasn’t buying her nonsense, that if there was one thing Octavia could call bluffs on it was faked musical knowledge. Rainbow Dash might have had plenty of raw talent, but she lacked the discipline, the studious nature, the focused precision of the immensely skilled young woman. Octavia kept her violin in its case for the moment, arching a brow as she gazed towards the other woman and patiently tapped her foot to wait for her to leave. “May I begin my practice now? Your other friends aren’t hiding somewhere, are they? The last time Pinkie ‘surprised’ me I was cleaning cupcake icing off of my cello all night.”

“And the last time I surprised you, you were cleaning icing out of your panties all ni-” Rainbow Dash didn’t finish her thought, instead merely tilting her head as she looked to the other girl. “Hey ‘Tavia, what’s wrong? You got a headache or something?”

Because quite obviously, that could be the only reason the girl was pinching the bridge of her nose and pressing her face into her palm.

“...yes, Rainbow Dash. I have a headache.” Her voice was only barely restraining the irritation that was bubbling over to the surface. The frustration. The annoyance. Rainbow Dash was a fine young woman but an acquired taste, and absolutely not a girl that was perfectly fine tossed into any moment of one’s life. Two days before one of the biggest recitals of her life occupying the only room with decent acoustics for a country mile was certainly not the time or the place for her antics. Octavia finally looked up from her palm to the cocky young woman, and spoke out in a blunt fashion that even left Rainbow Dash surprised. “Lock the door and get your shorts off, but I expect you to leave when we’re finished.”

Rainbow Dash had to admit she was surprised, but not terribly so. Octavia was a girl with focus and drive, and she didn’t like playing around with nonsense like flirting. If their evening was going to end with her becoming a wet and happy mess, she’d obviously just like to get that part over and done with so she could focus on everything else. Rainbow Dash made her way to the door to lock it just as she was told, though while she was over there she lingered for a bit, looking back at the other girl with a slightly concerned expression. Slightly.

“You’re sure?” she asked, and stuffed her hands into her pockets as she began walking back. “I mean, I ain’t trying to pressure you or anything. If I wanted to do that, I’d just show you my dick and then we’d go from there once you decide you gotta have it.”

...it was how they first ended up having sex, after all. Despite the slight awkwardness of the offer, Octavia seemed resolute. She had already tucked her sheet music back into the folder and set her violin case down on the floor, just as she stood up and straightened her hands down the front of her dress. Once Rainbow Dash locked the door Octavia began to move down to her knees, giving Dash the perfect spot to walk up towards and offer her lap.

“You’re clearly bored and looking to have someone give you a good time,” Octavia began simply, and gently huffed as if she was being terribly put out by that fact. “And I will admit, with the stress of practicing for my recital I am a...bit tense. I would probably enjoy a chance to let my hair down a bit, and this is a much more appropriate location than last time.” A high school music room was hardly the most fitting spot for a horny tryst, but...at least there was no audience a few doors down this time around.

“Heh! Sounds great! Who says nerds like you don’t know how to have fun?!” Rainbow Dash grinned as she moved right into position before Octavia, her thumbs hitching against the waistband of her shorts. As she began to tug them down the other girl gave an exasperated sigh, rolling her eyes as she offered a labored response to the cocky young woman.

“You did. It was the title of your research project last month. You even mentioned me by name...in...the ti...tle…” her words drew softer and more awestruck as the seconds passed, for Rainbow Dash’s amazing cock was exposed before her. As soon as the shorts were pulled away any touch of hesitation within Octavia was immediately stripped away, and her eyes went wide as she took in that glorious image before her. Beautiful, bold, and blue...just as she remembered it from a few months ago. She was every bit as hungry for it as she was that first time she laid eyes to it, and Octavia’s hands swiftly darted forward to embrace what was effectively an old, close friend. With one hand scooping underneath Dash’s balls and the other guiding the girl’s shaft, Octavia pressed her face down against Rainbow Dash’s lap and fawned over it fondly, turning her head from side to side and letting every inch of it brush across her soft gray cheeks. “Oh my...I forgot just how lovely it is. How...how such a brute like you can have something so...flawless…”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” Rainbow Dash smiled, a toothy grin plastered across her face. “It sure missed you, ‘Tavia. You have any idea how many times in music class where I sit back watching you play the clarinet, wishing it was my cock?”

The clarinet. The oboe. The flute. There were plenty of phallic instruments that Dash had watched Octavia put her skilled lips to. Finally getting her cock sucked in the music room by the school’s best musician was the culmination of a long-fostered desire. The perfect girl in the perfect place. It was just like when she railed Photo Finish in the darkroom!

The praise Rainbow Dash offered to Octavia fell on deaf ears - not because the musician wasn’t willing to listen, but because she was completely enthralled by the sight of Rainbow Dash’s length. She was still squeezing it against one of her cheeks and feeling the rhythm of the other girl’s heartbeat through that meaty pole pressed against her, savoring the metronome-like pulse. Her eyes closed and she could practically picture a melody to go along with the other girl’s throbbing, a ballad for the best, most glorious dick at CHS. When her attention finally returned Octavia didn’t even bother trying to talk to Rainbow Dash, it had never seemed particularly necessary or worth the effort in the past. Especially when that plump blue member was so much more rewarding for the efforts of her mouth. Wordlessly Octavia pressed her lips to Rainbow Dash’s tip and slowly started to slip her mouth down those azure inches, her tongue going flat and sliding underneath the girl’s tip. As she worked her way down Octavia’s charming eyes gazed up at Dash from below, the perfect image of a cultured girl eagerly going to town on a classless cock.

Rainbow Dash merely beamed, and threaded her fingers into Octavia’s hair to help the girl out. The musician had asked for this moment, and the sight of Dash’s dick had locked in the decision beyond all questioning. Clearly Octavia had her own plans and desires for what to do with it, and so Dash was willing to let her control the pace for now. She didn’t push at Octavia’s head or pull at her hair while the other girl worked her way down her cock, slurping and sucking all the while as her fingers cradled the heavy balls underneath. She was fawning over them softly, carefully, using the precise fingering one would expect of a concert performer like her.

“That’s it, ‘Tavia...fuck, you’re so pretty with my dick going down your throat,” Dash hissed as she pushed her hips forward, squeezing another few inches forward. She could tell that she managed to push into the barrier she had just mentioned, both from the sudden way Octavia’s eyes widened and by the enhanced compression against the tip of her cock. Octavia’s tongue had long since stopped being able to reach that sensitive tip, but now it stuck out from where it was positioned at Dash’s midpoint, wiggling forward in an attempt to get a tiny taste of her balls. All the while her eyes stared up at Dash with a firmly enchanted gaze - the same look of abject, undeniable pleasure that all the girls lucky enough to suck off CHS’ star athlete wore. Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Applejack, Vice Principal Luna...it didn’t much matter. If it had a pussy and was under the same roof, it just loved the taste of Rainbow Dash’s dick!

“Deeper. C’mon, ‘Tavia, I know you can do deeper.” Dash grinned, finally seizing control by slipping her hands to the back of the other girl’s head. She held her firmly in place as her hips shoved ahead, and she forced her dick another two inches down into Octavia’s mouth. The girl was truly deepthroating her now, complete with a tiny bulge at the front of her throat. Good thing she wasn’t a singer, otherwise the sore throat would certainly made her recital go a little less than perfect in two days! Rainbow Dash kept pushing ahead and Octavia just kept handling it, managing to fit all of the other girl down her throat until at long last Dash hit the base. Her blue balls pressed to Octavia’s chin, her muscles tightened and quivered in pleasure, and Rainbow Dash was left gasping and staggered, her prick pulsing against warm, wet walls from seemingly all angles.

“F...Fuck...don’t know how...how you can handle it…” Rainbow Dash shuddered, arguably having a harder time keeping her cool during the deepthroating session as the girl putting her mouth on the line. “You still okay down there? Let me know when you need to come up for air!”

What she reserved in response was a simple gesture, and perhaps a bit more casual that what one would expect from a refined young lady like Octavia. A simple thumbs up - she was quite content to kneel there on the floor with Dash’s cock shoved down her throat, feeling it pulse against her walls and letting the thick, heavy taste saturate every inch of her mouth. Just as she did with the skillful fingers that even now still teased Dash’s balls, Octavia relied on her skill as a musician. Controlled breathing. Patience as she waited for the opportunity to claim another gasp. Focus. A natural durability of the throat and vocal chords. Octavia’s prodigious talents didn’t merely extend to playing the violin, after all! Rainbow Dash’s glorious cock was just yet another instrument that the girl could master with a bit of practice. Hell, she had only sucked on it twice in her life so far, and she was already one of the best.

When Octavia moved, it wasn’t to escape or pull her head away. Rainbow Dash had long since stopped holding her head, and she was afforded free range should she need to accommodate for comfort. Instead, she rolled her head from side to side, pressed her nose against Rainbow Dash’s lap, curved her tongue as much as she was able...anything to keep that prick down her throat pulsing and trembling. There was a strain to be sure; even with her skills she was feeling that enormous cock bulge her throat and put pressure on her muscles, but she didn’t choke. She didn’t gag. Her eyes didn’t even water. She kept playing Dash’s instrument with expert grace and true class, all while massaging her balls and staring up at her with rich, beautiful purple eyes.

“D-Damn, Octavia, I...hnnnn, I can’t...can’t hold on, I--” Rainbow Dash sounded almost worried in that moment, pleasure erupting through her body and goosebumps forming on her arms. Her eyes went all the wider as she started to surge with pleasure, and she suddenly did something she never thought she’d do - be the first one to pull her cock out of a girl’s throat. She couldn’t help it! Octavia was clearly determined to take every last drop straight down her gullet, but in a moment of brief clarity Rainbow Dash was a bit concerned she might hurt her. Taking her massive cock straight down into her tender throat was one thing, but the inevitable torrent of cream that was rushing forward? It’d be a little harder for Octavia to manage it, no matter how enthralled she was by that top tier dick.

Besides, as Rainbow Dash pulled her rod free from Octavia’s throat she ended up landing the squirting tip of her dick someplace a bit more accommodating - her mouth. The first shot of hot cum came just as Rainbow Dash’s tip found Octavia’s tongue again, firmly planted within the girl’s mouth. Octavia herself let her hands lunge forward to lock around the rest of Dash’s spit-soaked length, squeezing and tugging and making sure she didn’t get any further. The athlete might have stolen that glorious blue dick away from the depths of her throat, but she sure wouldn’t rob the musician of that gooey, delicious treat to gobble down after!

Rainbow Dash twitched and moaned as Octavia absolutely drained her cock, sucking, squeezing, pumping, and letting her tongue dash back and forth over that spasming tip. As the torrents of cream rushed forward Octavia swallowed them all in patient measure, once more relying on talents she had learned as a musician. Her lips and tongue were busy but her throat gulped down load after load without halt or pause, and she savored the warm, soothing nectar that coated the inside of her throat the entire way down. Despite her arrogant style and her cocky attitude Rainbow Dash looked every bit the one on the defensive in that moment, riddled with goosebumps, trembling with butterflies in her stomach, and left with a cock that had just gotten one of the best sucks it ever felt.

And most impressive of all, Octavia did it all without spilling a drop. There was no cum oozing from the corners of her lips, no long threads that hung from Dash’s shaft. Hell, her cheeks didn’t even have any spit on them! Cultured, classy, and precise. Octavia was a skilled and tidy suck, that much was certain. And yet...Rainbow Dash found herself wondering...just where was the fun in that?

“That...that was a hell of a clean blowjob, ‘Tavia.” Rainbow Dash smiled, genuinely impressed at the other girl’s ability to deepthroat her so effectively and so neatly. She was still twitching in aftershocks of pleasure, and Octavia’s tongue was still cradling her tip on her tongue to keep that oozing goo on track down her throat. Rainbow Dash’s smile intensified all the further as she quirked a slender brow, and let one of her hands tease playful fingers down the side of Octavia’s long, dark hair. “There’s only...one problem.”

Octavia, still with her mouth completely occupied, didn’t take Dash out of her mouth to respond. She only raised an eyebrow in an inquisitive fashion, gazing at her friend curiously. The smirk Rainbow Dash wore was enormous, far too large to suggest she was planning anything other than a deviously naughty moment of lust.

“I’d really, really like to fuck you,” she admitted, and even gave a tiny shrug as if her hands were tied on the matter. “But you just look so neat and lean. So classy! I’d be afraid if we had sex, I’d ruin how tidy you look. I mean...I just couldn’t bend a girl as pretty as you over and fuck her. I’d get you all sweaty and dirty! If only you were...messier. Then I wouldn’t feel bad about it!”

Octavia read the girl’s meaning quite clearly, and in an hour or so she’d most likely grumble at Rainbow Dash about what a mess she’d soon end up as. For now, however, the path ahead was clear. If she wanted Rainbow Dash’s cock inside of her, which she absolutely did, she had to ruin all the hard work she had put forth in sucking her down without a misplaced drop. There was no point in being neat and tidy when your partner was a thick-cocked soccer player that didn’t know the meaning of the word “fancy.”

With little other choice, and with a growing heat and wetness between her thighs, Octavia pulled Rainbow Dash’s tip from her flawless, smooth lips. Even now, Octavia was the picture of beauty without a hair out of place, looking as refined as ever. No one would possibly be able to glance at her and guess that she was nursing a belly full of a copious amount of cum, or that her kiss would taste exactly like the biggest dick at CHS. Conversely, Rainbow Dash’s member was a mess. Spit-soaked, glistening in her own cum, still wet from the depths of Octavia’s throat and oozing a bit of white from the tip.

“...for heaven’s sakes, you’re such a brute,” Octavia grumbled, but followed her words by doing exactly what was required of her. If only messy girls got fucked, then she could certainly learn to be one of them. Her eyes closed as she pressed her face forward, forcing it against Dash’s cock and using it as a wet magic marker across her flesh. A gasp came from both girls as Octavia affectionately smeared Dash’s length across her cheeks, eyes, and forehead - from the slippery shaft that was coated in her own dense spit to the tip that squeezed out a few wet lines to run across her face in long, sweeping strokes.

The entire time, Rainbow Dash just leaned back delighting in it. There was a deep and visceral joy that came with seeing a girl, especially a fancypants like Octavia, make an absolute mess of herself with a soaked, slippery cock. The joy was magnified all the more with the knowledge that she doing it specifically so she could earn the right to get fucked. By the time Octavia was finished her face looked anything but classy, but she still looked as pretty as they came. Glistening gray skin, a heavy blush, and ribbons of wetness that attached her lips and cheeks to that throbbing member. When she was finished, Octavia opened one eye - since the other was too wet to allow it - and she spoke in a poised tone that absolutely betrayed the way she looked.

“Is this enough?” she huffed, and squeezed Rainbow Dash’s length again. “Surely I’m enough of a mess by now!”

If it had been Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash would have made her open up and spit in her mouth once or twice for good measure. Buuuuut...she liked Octavia. And that was just a bit of overkill reserved for the baddest bitches that deserved that kind of treatment. And Octavia, especially after that display, deserved one hell of an orgasm.

“...you’re going to have so much cum in your panties during the walk home.” Rainbow Dash giggled wildly, and suddenly moved to sweep up her messy deepthroat pal.


Mere moments later, the music room was filled with the sound of Octavia’s voice. The girl wasn’t traditionally known for being a singer, but there was nothing a good, hard fuck from Rainbow Dash couldn’t milk from a girl. As Octavia’s voice rose and fell with every heavy push forward, Rainbow Dash beamed wide, slamming her hips back and forth with every bit of weight she could manage.

She was fucking the girl while they both stood up, Octavia bracing her hands on a music sheet stand while Rainbow Dash held up one of her legs by the thigh. She had stripped the musician down in record time, leaving her wearing nothing but the knee high white socks she always wore and the mess of spit and cum she had smeared across her own face. Every push forward from Dash made the music stand squeak almost as loud as Octavia herself, and the star athlete grinned as she pressed against the other woman as much as she was able, nipping at the back of her ear in hungry, excited fashion.

“Hope this’ll help you with your recital stress, ‘Tavia!” She beamed, and the room was filled with a series of wet, hot noises as she rapidly plunged her cock in and out of the musician’s slit. “When you’re done, we should do this again! Or maybe I can just come by and we can have some fun before you go on stage!”

It was, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the last thing Octavia would have asked for a half hour ago. Now her tune was completely changed, and her voice filled the music room with a pleading, desperate noise.

“Oh, yes, please!” she practically sang, gazing back at Rainbow Dash and reaching a hand for the girl’s head. She managed to pull her in for a few hot, hungry kisses - spreading the nectar that glazed her own cheeks to Dash’s as she did so. She screamed in sudden bliss as Dash’s cock plunged particularly deep within her, and her begging cry followed right against the other girl’s mouth. “My...my recital is at three! If you stop by at two, you...you can fuck me silly while everyone is being seated!”

“I’ll be there at one!” Dash responded, tightened her hand against the underside of Octavia’s thigh, and began to pick up the pace. Faster and faster she slammed forward, inspired by the knowledge that she’d get to fuck this incredibly classy girl in just a few days time. The last time she banged Octavia backstage had been an unexpected delight and a bit of a rush job, but in a few days she was going to get the chance to take her time with it! Octavia would either be the most relaxed she’s ever been and give the recital of her life...or be too sore, tired, and filled with cum to drag herself on stage.

Either way, it’d be a hell of a concert for Rainbow Dash!

It didn’t take much longer of thinking about that moment, combined with the tight grip of the musician’s pussy for Dash to finally hit her peak. She joined Octavia in a joyful cry as the two girls climaxed together, and that thick, blue pole began to spasm and twitch against the tight wrap of Octavia’s hole. Her cum rushed forward once more and this time it was far from the tidy affair of the deepthroat - creampieing Octavia was a wet, messy, and sloppy affair that both women absolutely relished. It dripped to the carpet, slipped down the thigh of the leg she was standing on, and when Dash pulled her cock out Octavia had to slip a hand underneath her pussy to avoid making too much of a mess in the school music room.

By the time they were finished both girls were marked with sweat, though Rainbow Dash definitely looked cleaner. She was slipping into her athletic shorts once more, tucking her cock back down the front and pondering if she could squeeze in a visit with Sunset Shimmer before she made her way home. As she did so, she cast a gaze over to Octavia, who stood shirtless and slipping her panties up along her legs.

“...how’s it feel?” Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but ask her in teasing fashion, licking her lips and watching as the girl’s dark purple underwear almost instantly went wet from the white runoff within. “Relaxing?”

“...squishy,” Octavia murmured with a blush on her cheeks, but nodded all the same. She was busy slipping into her skirt and shirt once more by the time she finally added a second thought to her comment, idly nibbling on her bottom lip as she did so. “But yes. Relaxing. I will...make arrangements for you to be let backstage during the recital.”

“Great!” Rainbow Dash hopped over, and gave the girl a kiss on her sloppy, messy cheek. What were a few spit and cum threads between friends? Dash was almost ready to bounce away and get Sunset Shimmer to suck the fancy taste off her dick, until another thought popped into her mind. Suddenly she looked a bit concerned, and scrunched up her nose as she gazed back at Octavia. “...I don’t have to stay for the actual recital, do I?”

Only one of the girls in the room had any class, and it sure wasn’t the one sporting ten blue inches.

End of Chapter Four.

Fritters (Rarity & Applejack & Dash)

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Rainbow Dash’s 10/10 Top Tier Cock
Chapter Five: Fritters
-by Drace Domino

“I swear, Applejack, I’ll never understand how you get so dusty over the course of a day.” As Rarity fussed, she was using a tiny brush to sweep the flecks of dirt from her girlfriend’s shoulders. The two girls were walking each other home after school, and as Rarity kept pace behind Applejack she seemed obsessed with ensuring that the cowgirl looked her very best. “What do you do, darling, roll around on the ground all through your last three classes?”

“Bulk Biceps bet me I couldn’t throw a football all the way across the field. Heh, I sure showed him!” After a brief moment of beaming and boasting, she offered a tiny chuckle and tugged at her collar. “Of course, then it bounced all the way into the parking lot, and I had to go crawling around looking for it. But I suppose I also could’ve gotten dirty when I was wrestlin’ with Big Mac when we were waitin’ for Biology to start. Ha! Should’ve seen it, sugarcube, I knocked the ‘yup’ right out of him!” From behind, Rarity merely gave a flat look, reached around to the front of her girlfriend’s cowboy hat, and pulled it gently down before her eyes.

“You’re such a beautiful young woman, Applejack. Why you insist on ‘muddying up’ such pretty features and such lovely hair is beyond me.” The fashionista offered a tiny and overdramatic sigh, stepping around her girlfriend to bring herself back into Applejack’s line of fire. Even though it was just a regular school day Rarity was dressed for success - a fashionable pant suit that showed just enough calf to be teasing, complete with a chic scarf that had gotten no less than seven compliments before lunch. The cutting edge of fashion, even if hardly anyone at CHS appreciated it. “Look at me, for example, darling. You don’t really think I’d be caught dead doing anything that would dare ruin this ensemble, do you?!”

“Well, no...but…” Applejack tugged her hat back into position, and lazily tucked her hands into the pockets of her scuffed jeans. She darted her head forward to press a tiny kiss to her girlfriend’s ivory cheek, and followed it with a quick nudge of her nose in playful fashion. “That’s just one of the reasons I love ya so much, sugarcube. Would ya really want me to be anythin’ other than your...what did you call me again?”

“...my rustic rose blooming in a gingham button-down. I suppose I see your point.” With that, Rarity let the issue drop quite readily, and she threaded an arm around one of Applejack’s as the two started to walk once more. She didn’t even mind that walking in step with Applejack might get her a little bit dusty or dirty - after all, she didn’t have any homework that night, so there was plenty of time to launder her clothes properly as soon as they got home! Also, she loved her girlfriend more than she cared about smudging her outfit, of course. “I’m so happy we were able to get over that...unpleasantness with Rainbow Dash. You’re truly not upset, my sweet Southern suitor?”

“I ain’t known for lyin’, sugarcube.” The reminder came with a short wink, and a tiny nudge from Applejack’s elbow. She let a hearty chuckle as she stretched her free hand out to take Rarity’s own, fingers sliding within her grasp and giving it a supportive, loving squeeze. “We both lost our heads a bit, and we both came clean right away. Besides, can’t blame ya for bein’ curious. She has some equipment that I sure know neither of us have.”

“She certainly does,” Rarity murmured, just as she bit down at the edge of her bottom lip. Both girls wore a small blush for a fraction of a second - each one remembering that Rainbow Dash’s cock had been something glorious almost beyond measure. The compulsion to fondle and kiss it hadn’t overtaken them at all since their respective time with their shared friend, but by the same token...neither girl had seen it since, just the outside of Dash’s cock through the fabric of her athletic shorts. Dash was never shy about showing off her bulge, and while it was certainly enough to remind both girls of the fun they had had with her, over the last two weeks they had been able to keep themselves in check and resist the temptation. Rarity squeezed Applejack a little closer as she continued along the path, offering a peaceful and merry sigh as she did so. “Well...if nothing else, I suppose it’s all behind us now. We can move on without having to worry about it popping up between us ever again. I’m sure we got it out of our system!”

“That’s right, sugarcube!” Applejack beamed, and gave her girlfriend a big, joyful thumbs up. “From now on, the only thing that goes in my barn is that fancy thing you wear when you ask me to call you Mrs. Rarity Marshmallow Fluff!”

“And the only thing allowed in my boutique are your strong yet gentle fingers!” Rarity giggled, blushing at the scandalous conversation. “Oh, darling, even thinking about it is enough to inflame my passions! We have enough time for a rendezvous before you have to be off to work, don’t we?” Applejack pondered it for a moment as she glanced down at her watch, her shoulders rising and falling as she offered a tiny sigh. It was clear from the look on her face that they didn’t have nearly enough time for the sort of fashion show Rarity was hoping for, and the sophisticated young woman was quick to press her fingers to Applejack’s lips and speak in a sweet and forgiving tone. “Say no more, my Southern comfort! I’ll only be all the more sensitive and eager for your touch when I find it!”

“You’re the absolute best, sugarcube.” Applejack gave her girlfriend a kind smile complete with a shy blush, and pressed her head forward to peck the other girl’s cheek with another kiss. “C’mon, I ain’t got time to make my lil’ runway rutabaga scream, but if we get you home quick enough I sure would love one a’ them kisses that lasts until my knees go week.”

Rarity merely giggled in delight as she nodded, and together the two girls started to head back to the sidewalk with renewed speed in their step. They were both feeling good about things - about their place together, about their relationship, and about the fact that once Applejack dropped off her girlfriend, she’d lay a kiss on her that usually came with just a bit of heavy petting. There wasn’t anything that could get between these two!

“Hey AJ! Hey Rarity!” The sound of Rainbow Dash’s voice calling from the road was enough to make both girls flinch. Neither one of them were particularly mad at their friend for what had happened, but things were still just a little bit awkward...mostly because once the news was out, Rainbow Dash was her typical egotistical self when it came to that subject. As the girl drove her car up to the side of the road beside the two, she hung an arm out the window and waved for them to hop in. “Good news! Free ride to anyone that already took one! Better jump in before Diamond Tiara’s mom takes your spot!”

Rarity and Applejack merely glanced at each other and exchanged an exasperated sigh.


“I don’t see why I have to sit in the middle,” Rarity whined, doing her best to stay balanced. The front seat of Rainbow Dash’s car was the only option, considering the back was cluttered with two different guitars, countless empty energy drink bottles, and panties that were likely from a half dozen different girls. Rarity was doing her best to ride the hump in the middle, her legs crossing over Applejack’s lap as she fidgeted in an attempt to get steady. “Tell me one good reason!”

“Because you’re the lightest and the prettiest, sugarcube,” Applejack responded in simple fashion, knowing her girlfriend all too well. Like flipping a light, Rarity instantly stopped whining, and she gave a tiny nod in confirmation.

“Yes, I suppose that’s accurate.” She tapped her chin, and did her best to lean more towards Applejack’s side of the car. Rainbow Dash already had the vehicle in motion towards Rarity’s house, and the girls were hoping that the lift would earn them a minute or two of extra heavy petting once Dash dropped them off. “Thank you for the ride, Rainbow Dash, but you simply must clean out your car. Is...is this bra from a girl in our class?” She hooked a finger against a lacy strap from a garment in the back, and gently lifted it in admiration. “My my my, such fashion! Fleur-de-lis lace! So very mature. And a D-cup, to boot!”

“That...doesn’t sound like any of the girls in our school,” Applejack observed, her nose scrunching up a bit at the thought. “CHS ain’t exactly a busty bunch.”

“Oh, that’s probably Vice Principal Luna’s,” Rainbow Dash glanced over her shoulder, and shrugged. “Or maybe Trixie’s - she likes to stuff it, but you can tell after a grab or two. I can’t really remember, it’s from a while ago.”

“...you certainly do, uh, get around,” Applejack observed with a thoughtful expression on her face, glancing at the bra before pushing a hand to Rarity’s wrist and encouraging her to put it down. Knowing her girlfriend, Rarity was just a few seconds away from holding it up to her chest to size up how she’d look in it. “Just how many girls at CHS have you had sex with, Rainbow Dash? Uh...present company excluded, of course.”

“Heck, AJ, I don’t know.” Rainbow Dash merely smiled with pure egotistical glee, stretching back in the front seat as if she was the coolest girl in town. One arm dangling from the window, the other leading her hand to wrap around the steering wheel, a noticeable bulge tenting the front of her shorts. She afforded a glance to the pair once they were at a stop light, flashing a wide smile and savoring the chance to boast. “How many apples do you eat in a week? Rarity, how many dresses do you make? It’s...y’know...it’s just what I do! Be awesome and give girls amazing sex! Fluttershy takes care of animals, Pinkie Pie plans parties. This is my thing.”

“Your ‘thing’ is having countless instances of meaningless sex with whoever you like?” Rarity pursed her lips in thought, before giving a tiny, rolling shrug. “I suppose I can’t fault you for sincerity, Rainbow Dash. But certainly, darling, you must want something more!”

“What, like two girls at the same time?” Rainbow Dash suddenly asked, her eyes opening wide and her rump scooting back and forth in the seat. “That’s what you’re offering, Rarity?! Because yes, definitely, my answer is yes, let’s do it! Your parents and Sweetie Belle aren’t home, are they?! It’s okay if your mom is!”

“Wha...I...you…” Rarity had no response, just a twitch of one eye and a staggered gasp from the back of her throat. Applejack, on the other hand, rolled her eyes and tugged Rarity close as she addressed her friend.

“What she means, Rainbow Dash, is something more than sex.” The cowgirl scowled a bit. “A real connection with someone. A girlfriend. Someone you can have all the cute snugglin’ moments with on top of all the dirty stuff.”

“...eh. I’d rather have two girls suck my dick at the same time.” Rainbow Dash merely shrugged, instantly dismissed her friend’s words, and kept them en route to Rarity’s.

The drive didn’t take too long. Rainbow Dash was naturally a swift but surprisingly safe driver, which was a bit impressive considering she was doing it while impaired with a massive member throbbing at the front of her shorts. As she pulled into the driveway of Rarity’s house she flashed one last smile to the pair and arched a brow in coy fashion, beaming as she did so. A good idea was always worth a second pass!

“So...whaddya say?” she asked, and gestured to the lovely home before them. “The two of you, me, we make a little awesome sandwich? You know I’ve got enough for both of you. Rarity, wouldn’t my cum look fashionable on Applejack’s face?”

“Rainbow Dash, you’re simply appalling sometimes!” came the fashionista’s response, and she snatched up her purse while lifting her head in a haughty fashion. As Applejack began to open the passenger side door Rarity leaned further over towards her girlfriend, prepared to follow her right out. “The nerve you have, to try and offer us something so tawdry after picking us up in your - quite frankly - filthy car!”

“I gotta agree with Rarity on this one, Rainbow Dash,” Applejack joined in harmony with her girlfriend, scowling at Dash with a disapproving look. “I get wantin’ to have fun, but sometimes you just don’t know when to quit. I was gonna ask if you’d drive me to the farm, but right now? I ain’t even wanna be anywhere near you.”

“Aww, c’mon! It’ll be fun!” Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but laugh through her protests, since she already knew where this argument would end. As the two girls stepped out of her car and prepared to slam the door behind them, Dash called out with a sudden shift in her voice, sounding apologetic and eager. “Wait, wait, I’m sorry! C’mon, at least look back so I can apologize!”

As Rarity and Applejack did as their friend requested, ready to receive an apology for her inappropriate behavior, they both went wide-eyed and their mouths went agape. There it was, pulled free of Rainbow Dash’s athletic shorts and now sitting right there in the center of her lap. Inches upon inches of beauty and flawless perfection - blue and glorious, the best cock that either of them would ever know. Rainbow Dash had pulled it out in that split second it took for the girls to turn around, and now that she sat in the driver’s seat leaning towards them to show it off, she knew that she had won.

“So...” Rainbow Dash arched a brow and took a deep breath, licking her lips with a coy, mischievous look on her face. “Living room?”

“...living room, darling.”

“...gosh darn it, okay.”


Just a few minutes ago, Applejack and Rarity were of the same mind in that they wanted nothing to do with Rainbow Dash’s offer of a threesome. Now, as clearer heads had prevailed with the help of a tantalizing glimpse at Rainbow Dash’s cock, they were more than happy to be there making it happen. As Rainbow Dash settled into the center of the couch in the middle of Rarity’s living room, she threaded the fingers of both hands into the hair of her friends. One hand slid through Applejack’s coarse locks and the other into Rarity’s fine purple curls, taking a gentle fistful of each and helping guide the girls along. With both Rarity and Applejack on their knees in front of the couch and their heads in Rainbow Dash’s lap, the three girls had wound up exactly in the same position Dash was hoping for when she saw them walking home that afternoon.

“Y’know, Dash, this don’t make it right for you to just go showin’ yourself off whenever you like.” Applejack’s words lost a bit of meaning behind them, considering she was palming Dash’s sack and a line of spit connected her lower lip to the blue dick underneath her. She even gravitated towards Rainbow Dash’s cock as she admonished her, as if the idea of not laying her lips against that flawless member was simply unacceptable. “It ain’t ladylike. It’s plum rude is what it is! And you’re lucky that...that...mmm…”

As Applejack let her head dip down so she could press her lips flush to Dash’s cock with a wiggling tongue to join them, Rarity took over giving Rainbow Dash a hard time. Just like Applejack, her lips and cheeks were marked with spit, though where Applejack was fondling Dash’s length Rarity was already hitching down her pants suit, stripping to the lacy undergarments she wore underneath.

“Applejack is right, darling, you could use more than a few lessons in etiquette.” Rarity lifted her nose in faux-offense, though the wet mark of arousal at the front of panties suggested she was nowhere near as offended as she was aroused. “Don’t think for a second that this conversation is over just because Applejack and I are willing to indulge you for a little while. You can’t just show off your...particularly splendid member and just expect that everything will go your way all the time!”

“It’s working all right so far!” Rainbow Dash gave a lazy shrug, her hand leaving Rarity’s hair so she could gently scratch at her belly. Of the three girls Rainbow Dash was the only one that had stripped down to nearly nothing, by that point only wearing her socks and sneakers and her athletic shorts around her ankles. Rarity and Applejack were left moistening their undergarments and feeling itchy in their shirts, though Rainbow Dash felt entirely comfortable just lounging about nude in a house that wasn’t her own. “I’m passing all my classes, I get laid all the time, and two of my best friends in the whole world are in a good enough relationship that they can have fun with me without being jealous!”

She had a point. When Rarity and Applejack had confessed to each other what they did over the past two weeks, there was never a moment of anger or jealousy. There was no worrying that they’d lose their respective girlfriends, no concern that Rainbow Dash was swooping in to steal one of them. And even now, with the taste of Dash’s cock on both of their lips, they moved forward without any negativity between them. Far from it! Both Rarity and Applejack were rather excited to share the moment with each other, something that the cowgirl couldn’t help but let bubble over in her always-honest fashion.

“Heh...y’know, Rarity, I’m lookin’ forward to seeing this inside of you.” She pulled her mouth away from Dash’s cock, her hand wrapping around the base and gently wiggling it from side to side. Rainbow Dash trembled in pleasure and leaned back within the couch, watching as her thick, blue cocktip swayed from Applejack’s gestures. “I mean...it’s just ‘bout the nicest rod I ever did see, and you’re as pretty as the sunrise on the first day of apple season. Watching you wrapped around it, well, I…” She took a deep breath, and openly shuddered at the thought. Pure arousal ran through her at the mental image, and she couldn’t stop herself from leaning in close and giving Rarity a kiss - with Rainbow Dash’s cockhead trapped between their lips. It was long and lingering with plenty of swiping and sparring of tongues, and when Applejack pulled her head back she found herself gazing into a blushing Rarity’s delicate features.

“Oh, Applejack, that’s such a sweet thing of you to say, my love!” She practically melted at her rustic girlfriend’s words, before cupping a hand around the edge of her mouth and offering something as a scandalous whisper. Not that it mattered - she still spoke loud enough for Rainbow Dash to hear, and the cocky brat grinned all the wider at her words. “If I’m being perfectly honest, darling, I’ve had a...bit of a fantasy since my first time with Rainbow Dash. If she were to release her copious load inside of you, I bet I could quite simply spend hours cleaning up the mess! Oh, I bet it’ll be so delicious! A wonderful creamy treat served upon my favorite platter!”

“Hey now, don’t I get a say in this?” Rainbow Dash finally spoke up with a smirk. “I am the one with the cock, after all.”

“Missy, I’d say you’re makin’ out like a bandit, so stuff the sass in a sack and let us have our fun!” Applejack responded sharply, though with quite the playful tone. As she held Rainbow Dash’s cock at the base Rarity moved to take it into her mouth, spreading those delicate lips over the tip and smoothing her way down. As she moved her mouth to press her lips to Applejack’s fist Rarity’s tongue went flat against the shaft, sweeping from side to side to keep Rainbow Dash twitching in pleasure all the way. Once Rarity was taking her friend’s length and fondling her blue sack with her delicate fingers Applejack finally slid up from her knees, watching the sight unfold with a tremendous blush over her cheeks. This certainly wasn’t the way she expected the afternoon to go...and Granny sure would be upset that she missed work, but there was no going back now. As she rose to her feet Applejack hitched her hands to the edge of her belt and began to snap open her jeans, studying what laid before her with absolute fascination and desire.

Her girlfriend Rarity, the apple of her eye, on her hands and knees wearing only her lacy panties and the top half of her pant suit. Her best friend Rainbow Dash, steadily feeding Rarity her glorious cock while she wore the most cocky smirk imaginable across her face. It was a sight that should’ve bothered Applejack, but she knew deep down that even if she wasn’t there...this was fine. She wanted both these girls to always have plenty of fun, and it looked like it was something they could all provide to one another.

Still, it was a right sneaky move on Dash’s part, showing them such an irresistible package!

“Hope you were serious about wantin’ to clean me up after she’s done, Rarity, ‘cause I’m plannin’ on milkin’ her like there’s no tomorrow.” Applejack smirked, kicking free of her jeans and slipping out of her button-down shirt. She tossed it all aside and stepped towards Rainbow Dash completely naked, the first time she had been in that state in Rarity’s living room since a month or so ago.

...Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom had caught her and Rarity. It was awkward. And that was how the girls found out their big sisters were dating!

Thankfully, the girls were off seeing a movie that afternoon, and when Applejack straddled Rainbow Dash’s lap she knew they wouldn’t be interrupted this time. As she braced her knees on either side of Dash’s rump and pushed her hands to the girl’s shoulders, Rarity was already at work, rubbing one hand over her girlfriend’s ass while the other moved Dash’s cock into position. She slid it back and forth over the other girl’s moistened folds just enough to make Applejack gasp in a sudden wave of pleasure, and then with a mischievous giggle finally pushed it into the proper spot before pushing gently at her girlfriend’s rump. The slow penetration of Applejack came at a perfect vantage point for Rarity, and the fashionista was able to enjoy every last moment of it. The sound of Dash spreading her girlfriend’s slippery folds, the aroma of Applejack as she was stretched around that cock, and the goosebumps that appeared on Dash’s thighs as pleasure crept over her.

“Oh, my my my, that was simply delightful!” Rarity giggled once Applejack was finally mounting Rainbow Dash as far as she could manage, resting in the athlete’s lap and trembling in excitement. Dash was already helping herself to a few grabby handfuls of Applejack’s breasts, squeezing each one of them in term and even leaning in to tease a stiffened nipple with her teeth. Dash would’ve been content for Rarity to just sit there watching as she fucked the cowgirl and nibbled her nipples, but leave it to Rarity to always go the extra mile! “Prepare yourself, Rainbow Dash! You can’t hide every bit of your gorgeous package inside my girlfriend! I see a few charming little fellows that would enjoy a long makeout session with Mrs. Rarity Marshmallow Fluff!”

“Marshmallow Flu--”

“Just...just let her lick your acorns, sugarcube,” Applejack cut off Rainbow Dash’s inevitable question, and even gave her friend’s rainbow-maned head a gentle pat. Once everything was in place and Rarity had slipped her head low enough to make good on her promise, Applejack pressed her bust to Dash’s own and even let her head drift close. A tiny blush was still riding the cowgirl’s features as she started to rock back and forth on her friend’s lap, but as the steady push of Dash’s length into her entrance continued she soon found the courage to press a hungry kiss to the other woman’s lips. Before long, Rainbow Dash was pinned to the back of the couch by Applejack’s steady motions, and once she was able to lean back and process all the truly wonderful things happening to her body she was quite possibly the happiest she had ever been.

Applejack’s slit was making good on the cowgirl’s promise to milk her fiercely and intensely, the walls tightening around Dash’s length and giving her a good squeeze with every rock of her hips. The fact that nobody at school was tougher than Applejack certainly helped; she had the muscle tone to squeeze Dash like nobody else, even if her grip on the athlete’s shoulders was a little rough. Still, Dash was more than happy to let her squeeze as hard as she liked with her hands so long as the pussy was still the other part of the equation! As Applejack took every inch of her cock down to the base with each and every thrust, Rarity was clearly intent on working her magic with her mouth. Each one of Rainbow Dash’s balls was treated to the fine and detailed attentions of the sophisticated young woman, and Rarity made it a point to ensure that both halves of her friend’s sack were given lavish attention with no pause. Delicate fingertips brushed back and forth, her tongue wove circles around the presented package, and when she laid a kiss against the blue flesh she made sure to make an accentuated smooching noise - just so Applejack knew what she was kissing.

Rainbow Dash trembled with pleasure, filling the pussy of one of her best friends while the other outright worshipped her sack with those soft, delicate lips. CHS’ star athlete had goosebumps riding her arms as she let her fingers work at Applejack’s nipples, giving them a rewarding twist every time the cowgirl crashed down into her lap with force and passion. When their lips parted Rainbow Dash wore an enormous smirk from ear to ear - the same sort that Applejack would have normally seen as a sign that she was up to no good, but in the heat of the moment only drank in her friend’s trademark arrogance. There was something charming about a girl so damned sure of herself, the same way it was possible for a cock to be so flawless she just had to drop to her knees and tend to it.

“R...Rainbow Dash, you’re…” Applejack had difficulty catching her breath between words, thanks in part to the effort she was putting forth with every bounce in her friend’s lap, and partly because the joy that rushed through her body was almost too much to bear. She braced her hands against Dash’s shoulders and gripped her tightly as she picked up the pace, slamming herself up and down and letting her rump bounce against the very top of Rarity’s hair with every push. “You’re gonna...learn one day...ya can’t just do anythin’ ya want!”

Bold words for a woman whose girlfriend was sucking Dash’s balls in that moment, especially considering that fact only made Applejack all the hotter. Rainbow Dash giggled at her friend’s statement and let her palms travel from Applejack’s tits to her waist, holding her steady as she started to thrust her hips back up to meet her friend. She was close now, but didn’t want to let the cowgirl know - a nice, thick creampie was the perfect surprise for the tomboy riding her.

“I dunno, AJ, maybe not anything I want, but…” She shrugged her shoulders and flipped her rainbow hair, offering a wide, toothy smile that made her look like a pure, unadulterated brat. “But it sure seems like I can do anyone!” With that, Rainbow Dash pushed forward with one final lunge, and with her cock shoved deep into Applejack’s pussy finally unleashed her torrent. Applejack stopped bouncing as soon as she felt the first streak rush within her, and the cowgirl’s would-be response broke into a quivering moan once she felt the warmth. It rushed to her walls, sending creamy sensations through her entire body, and through it all Applejack could hear that Rarity was picking up the pace with her own duties. Slurping, licking, kissing...the fashionista had her head tilted as she pressed her mouth full and flush against Rainbow Dash’s sack, tongue battering back and forth at the spot where her cock met her balls, painting that particularly hard-pulsing spot with spit.

When Rainbow Dash finally finished, she left the panting Applejack with an intense creampie, and not even Applejack’s strength could keep her looking stoic after it. She had half-collapsed against Rainbow Dash as she struggled to catch her breath, and when she turned away from Dash’s smirking face to look over her shoulder, she saw Rarity naked save for the spit covering her cheeks and a dazzling smile that was fit for the runway.

“Oh, that was simply marvellous!” the girl exclaimed, clapping her hands together for emphasis. Afterwards she tapped Applejack gently on the rump, licking her lips as she did so. “But...uhm...excuse me darling, you seem to be gripping onto Dashie a bit too tightly. I haven’t seen a drop down here!”

“Heh. Guess you just don’t wanna give it up, huh, AJ?” Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but tease her friend and give her a tiny nudge with the tip of her nose. It didn’t surprise Dash that none of her cum had leaked out just yet - the grip the cowgirl had around her member was still enough to squeeze enormous pleasure from her. Once Applejack realized she was being greedy, however, the blushing tomboy chuckled and started to push away from Dash’s chest.

“S-Sorry, Rarity, ain’t hospitable of me to hog it all in your own home.” With a bit of effort the girl managed to roll from Dash’s lap and flop right beside her on the couch, her pussy freeing itself of that glorious cock and leaving itself exposed. Applejack sat back with her knees bent and her legs lifted, doing her best to hold her lap in such a position so that gravity wouldn’t steal Rarity’s treat. With her pussy exposed and quite clearly ready to overflow with Rainbow Dash’s cum, Applejack gestured to herself with her blush intensifying. “H-Here ya go, sugarcube...apple fritters don’t usually come with this much icing, but I bet you’ll like the treat.”

“Oh, Applejack, it looks delicious, darling!” Rarity’s eyes were practically sparkling, and as she moved herself into position she gave her lips one more greedy lick. She couldn’t wait to dive in and enjoy the treat that had been made for her at great effort, but before she did the young lady looked to Rainbow Dash and flicked her wrist towards the cocky athlete. “All right, Rainbow Dash, I’ll need you to fuck me while I dine. I trust that you’re still able to, dear?”

Rainbow Dash gave Rarity a slightly incredulous look, and merely pointed at her cock - still rock hard, still sticking up from her lap like a lighthouse, and still utterly glorious.

“I take that as a yes, darling.” The fashionista nodded, and then clapped her hands together in a dainty yet commanding style. “Hop to it, Rainbow Dash! If this is what you wanted, dear, we’re going to make you work for it!”

“...that is completely fair.” Rainbow Dash shrugged. How could she possibly argue? If she was going to wedge herself in with two of her best friends and have a spontaneous threesome with them, the least she could do was answer every request they made and ensure everyone finished happy!

Before laying her cock into Rarity, Rainbow Dash pulled the beautiful, ivory-skinned woman off of the floor and onto the couch. By that point Applejack had shifted so that she pressed her back against the armrest of one end, and with Rarity positioned perfectly in the middle Rainbow Dash braced a knee on the other while the other foot stood firm on the floor. It was the perfect point for leverage as she took Rarity’s waist, her throbbing blue dick lining up to the girl’s glistening folds. As she prepared to stretch Rarity around every inch of her cock, the fashionista took hold of Applejack’s thighs, drawing her face close so she could look up across her friend’s fit body. The treat Applejack had waiting for her was still warm and tasty, and Rarity could only barely wait long enough to speak to her beloved before sampling it.

“You know, Applejack dear, we should really try to spice things up like this more often,” Rarity cooed, her thumbs pressing to the sides of her lover’s pussy and pressing inward, just enough so that a steady line of cream started to slither out. “I have to imagine what Pinkie Pie might add to our bedroom antics, if we were to swap out Rainbow Dash for someone a bit more...cultured.”

“Well, that’s pretty rude!” Rainbow Dash chirped up from behind, and tightened her grasp all the harder around Rarity’s waist. By that point the tip of her cock was squeezing against the other girl’s folds - letting Rarity ride it so close that her puffy white lips were straddling it. She even gave Rarity a short, soft spank to remind the other girl where she was, and the position Rarity found herself in. “I’m right here, ya know!”

“Well then, darling, I suggest you prove it.” Rarity quirked a brow and wiggled her hips from side to side, letting her round, white rump dance back and forth before Dash’s eyes. She looked over her shoulder and flipped her hair in an elegant fashion, just as she gave Rainbow Dash a teasing wink. It was all in good fun, after all, and if Rainbow Dash was going to coax them into this sort of naughty delight, then she’d simply have to endure a bit of playful teasing. “What are you waiting for, dear, an invitation? Applejack, please invite Rainbow Dash to fuck me. She’s taking dreadfully long to get the job done!”

“Uh, Rainbow Dash? Rarity and I sure would appreciate it if you’d, uh, if you’d fuck he-”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I heard her!” The blue-skinned girl gave an elaborate sigh, and shoved her hips forward to lunge her length into Rarity’s pale folds. When she squeezed her cock into the fashionista’s slit Rarity used that momentum to bury her face to Applejack’s own cum-filled pussy, and soon she was finally enjoying the treat she had been craving so desperately. Her tongue curled within the other girl’s entrance and she started to suckle free the creamy white snack that Dash had filled her with - the same sort that she’d be getting for herself so very soon. Rarity’s light and playful teasing of Rainbow Dash had paid off, and the star athlete of CHS was fucking as if she had something to prove. Her hands locked tight and her hips slamming rapidly back and forth, she wasn’t giving Rarity any of the time to get used to her girth the way she did Applejack. That thick blue cock plunged the depths of the other girl’s delicate hole all the way down to the hilt, and each time she pushed forward her hanging blue sack - still slick with Rarity’s spit - slapped against the other girl’s hood.

Rarity was far too busy to talk, but the noises she did make made it absolutely clear that she was enjoying that moment like no other. It was a combination of screaming, giggling, and gushing in overwhelming pleasure - a noise she hadn’t made since a fashion magazine cited her by name as a hot up-and-comer. All that wild and frantic noise making naturally sent shivers and vibrations into Applejack’s slit, and soon the cowgirl’s eyes had closed as she rolled her head back, joining in the chorus of pleasure with her own deeper-voiced sounds.

Rainbow Dash looked ahead at the sight she had a direct hand in making, and she couldn’t have been more proud. She got plenty of action; sure, but scoring two of her best friends at the same time was something impressive even for her! It opened up a hell of a world of possibilities for her, though she was trying to keep her wits about her and not lose sight of the moment. She could always daydream about Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie making a cock sandwich with their pussies later, for now, this was Rarity and Applejack’s moment! Rainbow Dash’s smile grew as she continued to jam her hips forward, crashing against Rarity’s lap with every thrust and helping her to service her cowgirl lover. In a particularly bold move Rainbow Dash shoved her fingers to the back of Rarity’s hair, pushing her face even harder against Applejack’s pussy and wiggling it from side to side to ensure cum was smeared all over her cheeks.

“Eat up quicker, Rarity! Won’t be long before she’s doing the same for you!” Rainbow Dash gave a dominant grin as she continued, relishing every last moment with her friends. There were few girls she admired and adored as much as Rarity and Applejack, and sharing such an intimate and wet moment with them would be something she could cherish for a while. The fact that they were two of the tightest, best pussies she had ever felt certainly helped, too! Rarity’s giggling and moaning only intensified as Rainbow Dash pushed her head forward, and from the sounds of Applejack’s own voice it seemed like her efforts worked. Rarity’s tongue was curling quicker and even more hungry than before, and they could hear the fashionista audibly swallow mouthfuls of cum several times while she was fucked.

Applejack had long since accepted the fact that Granny, Apple Bloom, and Big Mac would need to handle work themselves that night, but as she laid back watching Dash fuck her girlfriend she wasn’t even entirely sure she’d be going home before dark. Rainbow Dash wasn’t the sort to get tired easily, and the look on her face showed that she was having way too much fun to give up anytime soon. With a hungry whimper rising from her throat the cowgirl found herself getting more into the moment, and she tightened her thighs to the sides of Rarity’s cheeks as she finally spoke up to join in on the fun.

“That’s right, sugarcube,” she groaned, gazing down into Rarity’s blushing features. “I’m gonna slurp you up like a possum in a cider jug! And then, you an’ me are gonna see if we can wear out Rainbow Dash between us both! I know we can do it together, show her she ain’t the cock of the walk like she thinks!”

Rainbow Dash was indeed cock of the walk, and all three girls knew it, but they’d still have a fun time trying anyway.

When Rainbow Dash finally hit her orgasm, she offered Rarity treatment no different than that which she gave Applejack. A sudden push all the way to the hilt and a warm, heavy creampie that didn’t have a chance to escape until she was ready. Rarity fell into a fit of spasming pleasure as she was filled, her moans only subsiding so she could pull two cum-covered fingers from Applejack’s pussy and clean them off in a hungry fashion. As that mighty blue member pulsed and throbbed against her walls Rarity found her voice near the very end, with Rainbow Dash’s last few drops squeezing into her slit and all three girls already wondering just what would be next.

“Oh...A-Applejack, darling…” Rarity’s head was spinning and her heart was racing, cheeks covered with cum that was almost hard for the cowgirl to see considering it matched her skin tone. “I think I have an ‘apple fritter’ for you, too!”

“My absolute favorite, sugarcube.” Applejack beamed, and gently started to pull her girlfriend back up into her arms. Rainbow Dash merely smiled, watched her dick pop from Rarity’s cum-filled pussy, and leaned back to watch the show go further. They weren’t even close to done yet.


It was almost three hours later that Rainbow Dash was driving home - a fair bit more tired than she was when she arrived. Applejack had made the decision to sleep over at Rarity’s for the night, though it was a decision fueled in part by the fact that the cowgirl could hardly stop twitching in aftershocks of joy and bliss. Rainbow Dash, with her cum-soaked cock stuffed down the front of her athletic shorts, was contently driving along with a smile on her face and the scent of sex coating every last inch of her. Her clothes, her hair, her skin...all she had to do was take a deep breath and be reminded of Applejack and Rarity’s pussies both overflowing with her cum, both girls constantly moaning for more.

It was all in good fun. She might have played a dirty trick by showing them her cock knowing full well what it would lead to, but everyone had a hell of a time and the girls were closer than ever by the time Rainbow Dash left. It’d be hard for them to be jealous of one another after they enjoyed swapping so many big mouthfuls of cum back and forth! As she drove home Rainbow Dash felt good about her involvement and the pleasure she brought her friends, though as she kept moving forward on the street someone else managed to catch her eye.

Another girl from school, walking along the side of the road looking a bit upset. Sniffling. Tears. Why, she looked like someone just broke up with her! The poor thing looked heartbroken!

And it was nothing that Rainbow Dash couldn’t fix. As the car pulled up alongside her, Rainbow Dash rolled down the window and turned her attention to the little slip of a thing that was still sniffling and sad. Once the girl recognized Rainbow Dash she offered a tiny, polite smile and a small wave, though the twitching of her nose was enough to suggest that she could pick up the smell of hardcore fucking that clung to the athlete’s body. Either way, as Rainbow Dash spoke she tilted her head curiously.

“Hey. Need a lift?”

She could definitely give her a lift home from whatever bad date she had been on. And with a bit of luck and a peek at her flawless cock, she could lift her spirits, too.

End of Chapter 5.

Big Dick Therapy (Coco Pommel & Dash)

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Rainbow Dash’s 10/10 Top Tier Cock
Chapter Six: Big Dick Therapy
-by Drace Domino

“Warm enough for you? I can turn the heat up if you want.”

“No, that’s...that’s okay. Thank you for giving me a ride.” Coco Pommel squirmed in her seat, and did her best to hide the fact that she had been openly crying. She wasn’t the sort of girl that was good at hiding her emotions, however, as evidenced by the two long lines of mascara that were running down her cheeks. Usually, Rainbow Dash only saw that kind of makeup smear after she had finished pulling her cock out of a girl’s throat. “My house isn’t too far, I already walked most of the way.”

“Mind if I ask what happened?” Rainbow Dash lifted a brow as she glanced over, gazing up and down the other girl’s figure. Despite her tears Coco Pommel was dressed as pretty as could be, complete with soft blue leggings that went just above her knees, a frilly eggshell skirt that blended into a pastel vest, and a bright pink ribbon set against her sea-green hair. Dash had to admit that she didn’t know the girl well, but always found her adorable. Even sexy, in a very soft-around-the-edges way. “You look awfully upset.”

“My...my girlfriend broke up with me,” Coco sniffled in response, and slipped a hand into a bejeweled purse hanging from her shoulder by a spaghetti strap. She rummaged around until she found a compact and pulled the car’s visor down to access the mirror - only to be struck by an avalanche of fast food receipts, half-finished homework papers, and a few empty condom wrappers. She went wide-eyed from the sudden flurry of garbage that now sat in her lap, in particular a condom that was still fresh in the wrapper and sitting perfectly atop her open compact. With the color draining from her cheeks and the absolute revelation that her day couldn’t get any worse, Coco Pommel merely gave a deep sigh and slumped her shoulders. “My heart is in shambles. My world filled with rain. All the colors are dull and gray!”

“...oh boy,” Rainbow Dash murmured, and nibbled on her bottom lip. What little she knew about Coco included the fact that she was friends with Rarity, and if there was one thing that was completely undeniable it was that Rarity was a drama queen to the extreme. If it was a character trait that Coco picked up from her, they were looking at some serious waterworks in the car. To help cut those tears off at the pass Rainbow Dash stretched out a hand, plucking the still-wrapped condom from the compact and flicking it to the backseat with all the other garbage. She really needed to clean it out -- she’d stopped even pretending to use condoms months ago! “I don’t know what happened, Coco, but you’re great. You’re, like, the prettiest girl in school.”

Not...technically accurate, but she needed the boost. Comforting distraught lovers was hardly Rainbow Dash’s forte, and it showed. As Coco Pommel did her best to tidy up her cheeks and shove Dash’s garbage off of her lap, the blue-skinned girl kept them on track towards the other girl’s house. She was sure she could make her feel better by the time they arrived, one way or another!

“And you’re really cute, and cute people are always popular,” Dash continued, oblivious to the fact that the last things Coco felt that evening were pretty and cute. “And, uh...you know a lot about, uh...fashion! Yeah! You’re right up there with Rarity as one of the fashion queens of CHS!”

The last thing she expected to hear upon that praise was the girl’s sudden outburst of tears, but it was exactly what she received. Coco Pommel gave a desperate wail upon the mention of the word fashion, closing her compact as tears almost immediately smeared her mascara once more. She was just like Rarity. Crying was an all-or-nothing deal - she either bawled every tear in her body out, or she carried herself with poised dignity. This was clearly the former.

“She said I care too much about fa-fa-faaaaashion!” Coco sobbed, throwing her face into her palms and desperately whimpering once more. “She was so blunt! So heartless! Just because I don’t have the same fondness for rocks that she does! Who likes rocks, anyway?! They’re just rocks! They’re not...they’re not stylish! But noooo, I just had to surprise her by painting Boulder! I thought he looked cute! I should have known better than to try and bring some color to her drab life, I’m...I’m so st-st-stuuuuupid!”

More tears. More wailing. More noise that made Rainbow Dash cringe, not just because of the volume, but because she legitimately felt for the girl. High school dating was hard, and not everyone had the best cock in the world tucked into their pants. And unlike someone like that cocky bitch Sunset Shimmer, it was hard to really take much joy in seeing someone as sweet and soft as Coco sad. At the next intersection Rainbow Dash pulled the car into a parking lot, making a turn towards a familiar destination. As they headed down the street Coco Pommel looked up from her hands with tears still coating her cheeks, sniffling as she did so.

“W...Where are we going?” she asked, somber and quiet. “You missed my turn.”

“Small detour before I drop you off, Coco.” Rainbow Dash flashed the girl a smile, and even gave her a vibrant thumbs-up. “You’re upset, and you need something to cheer you up right away! I’m taking you to Sugarcube Corner!”

“S...Sugarcube Corner?” came the sniffling response, complete with a trembling lower lip. “Her...her sister works ther-”

“I’m taking you to the movies!”

“That was where we had our first dat-”

“I’m taking you to sit quietly and eat pieces of plain sliced bread while we stare at the side of a building!”

“That was her favorite ga-a-a-aaaaaaame!”

“Oh for Pete’s sake!” Rainbow Dash grunted, one hand stuffing down the front of her shorts. “Coco, just look at this!”

The car made a sudden swerve into the nearest parking lot, and Coco Pommel was feeling better already.


Rainbow Dash barely had the time to bring the car to a stop before her groans filled the air. Coco Pommel wasn’t just an emotional wreck after her break-up, she was downright hungry for blue dick the second her eyes fell upon it. No sooner had Dash takeen her cock out as a method of making the girl feel better than Coco Pommel was pushing her head into the other girl’s lap, scooping her hands against it and rubbing her face back and forth across that throbbing blue shaft. Once Dash pulled the car to a shady spot alongside a building she finally had the chance to relax, letting the seat lean back and even pushing the steering wheel up to make a little bit more room. Her car was an absolute mess, but there was just enough room for Rainbow Dash to have some fun with whatever lucky girl laid eyes on her prick.

“It’s...it’s so beautiful...so stylish...it’s lacking any visual flaw of any kind!” Coco Pommel exclaimed in delight, and cradled Dash’s sack in a delicate hand. She started to kiss her up and down with soft and tender pecks, starting near the tip of Rainbow Dash’s cock and travelling all the way down across each one of her balls. As Dash gave a groan of pleasure she allowed her fingers to slip into Coco’s hair, taking hold gently but mostly leaving the girl’s actions up to her. “I simply have to show my appreciation for something so splendid! It...it just makes everything bad go away when I look at how glorious it is!”

“Yeah, I get that a lot.” Rainbow Dash shrugged with a grin, and stretched back with a joyful sigh. It had been a damn good day for CHS’ top athlete and best cock holder - she had just finished having fun with Applejack and Rarity and even before their taste had been wiped from her length she had a whole new girl sucking it clean. Coco Pommel was delicately exploring that impressive length for now but Dash could already tell she was getting nastier by the second - those tender and tiny kisses were getting a bit more tongue every time they landed, and soon she was starting feel full-blown licks pass over her blue flesh. When she opened an eye to gaze down at her lap she found Coco Pommel staring right back at her, but with her mouth pressed at the spot where Dash’s shaft met her sack, suckling at that particularly sensitive spot. The rainbow-haired girl could only grin all the wider. “You just have all the fun you want, Coco Pommel! Why would you wanna waste your time talking about rocks when you can have something...rock hard?”

Unfortunately, Coco Pommel was far too entranced by the taste of the other girl’s dick to respond to her natural, hilarious wit. Too bad.

As Rainbow Dash leaned back and continued to allow Coco Pommel’s exploration, she finally did a little of her own. She slipped her hand from the girl’s hair and let it slowly move down along her back, travelling all the way to the edges of her short, cute skirt. A few gentle brushes of the girl’s thighs encouraged Coco Pommel to kneel in a slightly wider stance, and soon Dash found her fingers pressing against the other girl’s folds through the thin fabric of her panties. It was immensely warm and already moist to the touch, and Coco Pommel made the sweetest whimper as Dash probed her. Her lips peeled from that thick blue length with ribbons of spit still tethering her tongue to it, and when she finally looked back up along the other girl’s body she wore an intense, almost shameful blush.

“You...you won’t tell anyone about this, will you?” Coco Pommel asked sweetly, even cutely. Her large, expressive eyes offered a series of adorable blinks and her lower lip trembled slightly. It was a hard face to deny, especially when it was clearly so willing to wrap itself around Rainbow Dash’s cock. “Please? I...I don’t want anyone at school to think I’m...I’m a slut…”

“You’re not a slut, Coco.” Rainbow Dash’s free hand moved out to pet her new friend’s hair, just before cupping her cheek. While she offered comforting words she also guided Coco right back to her cock, and with Dash’s gentle prodding the girl slowly pushed her mouth over that thick blue tip and started to glide down atop it. “You just...need a friend. And I won’t tell anyone at all about the fun we’re having. It’ll be our little secret.”

There were plenty of women at CHS that could consider Rainbow Dash their little secret. It was no inch off Dash’s cock if they didn’t want their lustier moments exposed, and Dash had to admit she found it a little exciting. Watching Octavia talk to Sunset Shimmer was always a particular thrill, especially when Dash walked by and she could tell both girls were looking at her. Neither of them would ever tell the other about all the things they had done with CHS’ coolest girl, and yet they couldn’t possibly avoid thinking about the memories of being on their hands and knees as she pumped ounces of awesome into them. Coco Pommel would be yet another secret keeper at CHS, and it made Dash giggle to herself. She didn’t know if there was a record for most girls fucked and sworn to secrecy, but she was absolutely sure she’d win it!

Rainbow Dash took the time to slip her fingers underneath Coco’s panties, and as soon as she did she could feel the girl’s glistening excitement across the tips. With a growing smile she eased her center two fingers against the entrance, testing the waters to see just how tight this cute little thing was. As she pushed forward Coco gave a sudden gasp but only shoved herself back against Dash’s touch, a wide blush lining her cheeks as she dealt with the exciting embarrassment of the moment. By the time Rainbow Dash’s fingers were inside up to the second knuckle, Coco had looked up at her with an adorable, yet increasingly slutty glow.

“Bet you’re excited to get all of this inside of you.” Rainbow Dash smirked, her free hand dropping to the base of her shaft. She idly swung it back and forth and even gently slapped Coco’s cheeks with it, not in a dismissive fashion, but just to remind the girl of its presence. Coco soon stopped the swinging of that member by pushing her cheek to it and holding it there, embracing the other girl’s rod and cuddling with it as she gazed back at her. Coco Pommel was still clearly conflicted and thrown into a losing battle against her greater desires, and Rainbow Dash could practically see the resistance melt from her eyes the longer she fondled and caressed that flawless cock.

“I’m...I’m not sure I’ve ever been this excited,” she whispered in response, a mere second before she was overtaken by another sharp gasp. Rainbow Dash’s fingers weren’t finished inside of her, and the more those slender digits wiggled the more Coco felt her body tighten and pulse with pleasure. Her walls were squeezing Rainbow Dash’s fingers as much as she was able, and to give herself a bit of courage she turned to that perfect prick and gave it a long, slow lick. Once the flavor was settling on her tongue Coco looked right back to Dash, and with a hint of bravery in her voice finally spoke up again. “Can...Can I get on your lap? Will you put it inside of me, please?”

There was always a certain charm for Rainbow Dash in seeing how the various girls reacted to her cock. Girls like Sunset Shimmer were nothing but sharp edges, practically demanding to be fucked so they could have some semblance of control even as they were left wet and helpless. Other girls like Applejack and Rarity handled it more as a casual bond between friends, and just naturally assumed as soon as they saw it that it’d be going inside of them. Coco Pommel was asking, practically begging to be tenderly fucked, and Dash had to admit it was more than just a little endearing. It was too bad for Coco’s old girlfriend - she had no idea the sort of cute, hot young thing she had sent away.

“Yeah, hop on up.” Rainbow Dash beamed, and scooched back in the seat. She wedged her rump as far back as she could manage to ensure that Coco had enough room, and when the girl started to crawl over she slid her hands underneath the edge of her skirt. “Hold on. Let’s get these out of the way…”

Coco was left blushing as she nodded, allowing Rainbow Dash to hook fingers into her panties and gently pull them down her adorable little legs. Past the blue stockings and past the cute platform heels, only for Dash to see that Coco opted for a pair of pastel pink panties that perfectly matched her feminine qualities. The athlete quirked a brow as she gazed at the undergarment and twirled it on a finger, giving Coco a devious look as her voice filled the car once more.

“These are cute!” she offered. “I need to start sneaking more glances up your skirt the next time we’ve got class together. Wear something really sexy for me when we’re in Home Ec on Thursday!”

She was half-joking, but when Coco Pommel blushed and nodded it was all Rainbow Dash needed to know that she had made yet another constant friend. Just like Octavia and the grumpy Sunset Shimmer, a buddy she could flash her dick to whenever she wanted to have someone wrapped around it. With a grin Dash tossed the panties back into the black hole of her car’s backseat, and finally moved to help Coco down atop her cock. The girl’s stocking-clad knees wedged to the sides of Dash’s lap and the girl’s perfect cock disappeared underneath the hem of Coco’s skirt, slowly rising up to meet that tiny, moist slit hiding underneath. Fucking in a car usually lent itself better to having sex with clothes on, though Dash had to admit...she hadn’t banged any girl wearing an outfit quite as nice as Coco’s in her front seat before.

“That’s it...take it slow. We’ve got plenty of time, and you’ve got plenty of cock to take.” Rainbow Dash delighted in watching Coco Pommel descend upon her lap, and the warmth of the girl’s tiny pussy squeezing around her tip was a perfect match for the joy that came with seeing her face. Coco Pommel was innocent and tender to an extreme, and there she was with dick-flavored spit on her lips and a heavy blush that ran all across her cheeks. When the first inch pushed inside both of them gasped for different reasons - Dash for the glorious promise of a tight teenage pussy to enjoy, and Coco for the realization that Rainbow Dash was even bigger than she looked. As the girl continued to slowly slide down Rainbow Dash leaned back and offered another content sigh, hands moving to Coco’s waist as she helped to pull her into her lap. “Almost there. I bet you’re about halfway.”

She wasn’t. She was barely a quarter of the way. But it wasn’t like Coco was going to stop and check.

“It’s...it’s so big, Rainbow Dash, it’s…” Coco trembled, and at a point still far shy of the halfway mark suddenly tensed up and offered a sharp cry. One of her hands was braced on Dash’s shoulder while the other pressed flat against the window, and the car filled with a squeak of strain as she struggled to catch herself. This was big for her. It was big for anyone; but for Coco it was an impressive testament to the girl’s excitement that she was even trying. “...oh my goodness...so much…”

“Almost there,” Rainbow Dash lied, and pushed at the girl’s hips a little further. As more cock wedged inside Coco once more quivered, but once she indeed did reach the halfway point things started to get a bit easier. The hardest part was over, and now all she had to do was feel what it was like to be packed with dick up to the base of Rainbow Dash’s cock, filled and stretched deep within her to a point she had never played with before. Her old girlfriend had a fondness for toys, but...nothing quite this big! Soon, Coco Pommel’s cute, bare rump landed in Rainbow Dash’s lap and the athlete slipped her hands around her, squeezing each cheek with equal appreciation. With Coco’s skirt hiding just what was going on underneath, Rainbow Dash wiggled her hips from side to side and allowed Coco to feel the full weight of her cock against her walls. When Coco’s whimpering finally subsided Rainbow Dash quirked a brow and smiled, finally whispering to her new friend once she was properly settled. “Congratulations, Coco. You just took the biggest, most awesome dick at school!”

It was an impressive feat, after all! And it was clear to Rainbow Dash that her plan had worked - of the many expressions crossing Coco’s face in that moment, none of them seemed to indicate that she was dwelling on her failed relationship. She wasn’t thinking about her ex-girlfriend at all as she rode on that big blue cock, and her sweet little face didn’t have any room for tears, not when her mouth was open in a wide, gasping moan and her eyes had rolled back in her head. She latched her hands to Rainbow Dash’s shoulders and squeezed the other girl with all her might, whimpering and whining and after a few long moments finally starting to rock her hips forward.

Rainbow Dash was in no rush, and she was more than happy to give Coco all the time she needed. She just kept her hands pressed to the girl’s rump to help her when she started to ride, giving her tiny lifts and then easing her right back down to the base with every bounce. Despite her reputation for a cocky and cock-flashy lover, CHS’ star athlete knew enough to be gentle with the delicate ones. Besides...after Rarity and Applejack had done so much to drain her dick in the past two hours, something slow and sweet was just what she needed. A nice cooldown from the fun of fucking the fashionista and the cowgirl into a state of lust-addled stupor.

She was already thinking to herself that she needed to work “cooldown fucks” into her rotation. It was just like a soccer game -- better stretch before and after or you’ll cramp up!

Before long, Coco Pommel was moving faster, her body finally acclimating to the massive member stretching her pussy. As she swung back and forth she left Rainbow Dash’s cock covered in her glistening nectar, and each time she crashed back into her lap she offered the other girl an intense squeeze around every inch of her rod. It wasn’t long before Coco Pommel pressed her chest against Dash’s own and buried her head against the other girl’s shoulder, squeezing against her as her lower half continued to ride. Rainbow Dash didn’t need to encourage her to go any faster since it seemed like Coco’s own body was sending that message, and so long as Dash’s hands remained at her rump it only seemed like she’d go faster and faster.

Nestled up against Rainbow Dash, Coco could breathe in a smell that she couldn’t quite place, yet knew that it made her all the more excited. The scent of Rarity’s perfume was certainly present, but it was laced with quite a few other aromas that Coco didn’t recognize. She could only imagine just what Rainbow Dash was doing to have such a scent rubbed across her, and even if her brain didn’t quite know what it was, her body certainly did. Her pussy tightened around that throbbing member as she bounced all the more readily atop it, and she took in an even deeper breath. With that aroma soaking into her senses the girl found the strength to slam her hips down even faster than before, despite the strain that Rainbow Dash’s impressive length put upon her.

As the car windows started to fog and the vehicle bounced up and down, it was clear that Dash was indeed helping Coco Pommel forget all about her nasty breakup. It’d probably return to her later that evening but sometimes a small break from the sadness was a welcome distraction. Dash was happy to provide it to someone as cute as Coco, even if she was absolutely sure she’d be exhausted all day tomorrow. Even for CHS’ top cock, this day had been one hell of a marathon. With a soft grunt Rainbow Dash bumped her forehead against Coco’s own and slid her hands away from the girl’s rump, moving them up to her waist where she started to nudge her in the opposite direction. Her voice was low and eager, urging Coco Pommel to pull off a slightly tricky but intensely rewarding trick.

“Spin around, Coco. But don’t get up.” Dash grinned, ready to help her with every motion along the way. “See if you can stay on my dick the entire time.”

Coco Pommel was clearly nervous at the idea, but she had already gone this far. With a timid nod the girl started to do exactly as Rainbow Dash suggested, and she lifted one of her legs up from the knee to begin sweeping around to face the opposite direction. It was a good thing Rainbow Dash was there to help her, one hand holding her waist to keep her balanced and the other scooping underneath her knee, helping to stretch her leg to the side in order to complete the twist. Coco’s lewd groan of pleasure filled the car as she spun around on Dash’s cock, and her hole flexed and spasmed at the rotation going on inside. Halfway through the turn she had to pause long enough to catch her breath, but once she put herself back in motion she finished the entire spin until she was mounting Rainbow Dash in the other direction. With her back falling to Dash’s chest and her hands gripping the steering wheel, the girl gave a triumphant laugh and looked back over her shoulder.

“H-How was that?” She smiled eagerly, those pretty eyes shining with excitement. “Did I do okay?”

“You did great, Coco!” Rainbow Dash was quick with the praise, knowing full-well the girl was in a spot where she needed to hear it. To further reward her she gave Coco a kiss on the back of the neck, and slid one hand around her front to settle her fingers at the girl’s hood. The other arm wrapped all the way around Coco’s waist, and Dash collected the rest of her energy for a hard final push. “Now just hang on and let me do the rest!”

Coco nodded and did exactly as she was told - going white-knuckled around the steering wheel as she braced herself for Rainbow Dash’s furious passions. It was a good thing she did, since the thrusts that started to lunge into her from below were nearly enough to send her spinning from Dash’s lap. Again and again CHS’ star athlete pounded into Coco Pommel from her seat, and the sound of wet, deep contact filled the vehicle along with Coco’s sudden cries of joy. The girl went cross-eyed as Rainbow Dash pounded away, and to make things all the more special she was rapidly twitching her fingers across Coco’s hood, sending even more sparks of joy through the girl’s sensitive, tender folds.

Coco Pommel’s beautiful voice spoke only in screams of glee throughout it all, and it was clear she was getting out a bit of cathartic stress over her breakup. The windows fogged all the further, the car bounced harder and heavier, and the little fashionista even accidentally pounded the horn a few times, ensuring that everyone knew that something very intense was going on inside. The harder Rainbow Dash slammed herself forward the closer and closer Coco Pommel came to her orgasm, and when it finally rocked through her the girl’s voice filled the car with an echoing, shrill noise of delight.

She didn’t scream so much as squealed very, very loudly. So loud that Dash found herself cringing from the calamity even as her own cock started to spasm, and she began to pump her cream into the tight, warm pussy of the rebounding beauty. When she sensed that Coco Pommel’s twitching and spasming would send her flying right off her lap Rainbow Dash shoved the girl down as hard as she could and kept her there the entire time; wrapping her arms around her waist and leaning back as she kept filling her up. Load after load of cum rushed into Coco’s tiny slit, and the sweet young thing was a shivering mess by the time it was all over. Goosebumps riddled her slender body, her stylish clothes were wrinkled and bathed in the scent of sex, and her soft hair had gone frizzy and wild from the force of the fuck.

“W...Whew...that...that was…” She didn’t really have a word for it, and instead moved a hand down to the mess leaking from her slit. Rainbow Dash’s cock was still wedged firmly inside, and she had already started to leak with her cream gently coating the outside of that impressive rod. As she collected some of Dash’s cum over her fingertips, Coco drew them up towards her mouth and gave a soft, experimental lick. As soon as the flavor hit her tongue her eyes practically shined with joy, and Dash could feel that tight little entrance squeeze around her all the harder. “...delicious! Rainbow Dash, do you know how good this tastes?!”

“Heh, so I’ve been told.” The other girl shrugged nonchalantly, and pecked Coco Pommel’s cheek once more. She rocked her hips from side to side to let more of her cum ooze out of the girl’s slit and down over her sensitive rod, and offered her another hug from behind before she continued. “Feeling better, Coco? Not sad anymore, right?”

“Well...a little, I suppose.” The fashionista shrugged a bit, and lowered her gaze to her lap. Fucking Rainbow Dash was certainly fun, but as surprised as the blue-skinned girl would be to hear it, sex with her didn’t immediately solve every problem. Coco’s shoulders rose and fell as she gave a tiny pout, and let her hands drop down to her stocking-clad thighs, straightening them out in idle fashion as she spoke. “I really loved her. I just...I’m scared to be alone now. She was such a good fashion model, she could just sit perfectly still for hours!”

“Well...maybe I can have a word with her,” Rainbow Dash offered, her voice sounding concerned and thoughtful. “Maybe I can talk some sense into her?”

Rainbow Dash gave a confident smile and kissed the back of Coco’s head once more, acknowledging the girl’s tiny nod and nervous, hopeful glance. Perhaps it was possible for Rainbow Dash to bring these two shattered lovers back into one another’s arms?

Or at the very least, it’d give her an excuse to really, really get her rocks off.

End of Chapter 6.

Pony in the Lion's Den (Dash & Princess Twi)

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Rainbow Dash’s 10/10 Top Tier Cock
Chapter Seven: Pony in the Lion’s Den
-by Drace Domino

The big day was finally here! The Fall Formal was in just a few hours, and finally the girls would see if their attempt to push their new friend Twilight Sparkle to the height of CHS popularity had paid off. According to Twilight there was a lot on the line, and even if the other girls didn’t entirely understand it all, their new guest had been nothing but kind to them. Everyone wanted to help Twilight succeed and see Sunset Shimmer put in her place. Rainbow Dash in particular wasn’t quite as invested in the second part - she had seen Sunset Shimmer in plenty of awkward positions so far, so it wouldn’t be anything new to her.

“Ugh, this is taking forever!” the girl groaned as she slouched back in her chair in the dress store, watching as the other girls all shopped around for something perfect. Rarity had tailored what she could, but as the fashionista said, it was always worth taking the time for some last minute accessorizing. As Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy all headed deeper into the store so they could continue their shopping spree, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash lingered behind near the dressing rooms -- Rainbow Dash out of sheer boredom and mental exhaustion, Twilight Sparkle out of a growing insecurity that was marking the girl’s face as she stood in front of the mirror.

“I just...I don’t know about this!” It wasn’t clear if she was talking to Rainbow Dash or simply herself, since she really seemed like she talked to herself an awful lot. Still, Dash tilted her head and gazed over at the girl, watching as she fidgeted with two dresses, shifting them back and forth in front of her body. “This one is functionally simple but not particularly eye catching. This one is nice, but...argh! I don’t know if I can operate it! Where do these go?! Rainbow Dash, tell me!”

Rainbow Dash was fully expecting to see the girl turn towards her with some ludicrously complicated dress straight out of olden times, something that had a metal undercarriage that needed a three-foot spread in any direction for someone to get through a door. What Twilight Sparkle actually held, however, was a slimming deep blue dress with a pair of spaghetti straps to hold it in place, the latter of which she was holding up in confusion.

“Uh...they’re straps.” Rainbow Dash blinked, half-unsure if the girl was joking or not. Or heck, she had been so freaking bored for the past two hours, she could’ve easily fallen asleep and been dreaming the surreal conversation. “Those go over your shoulders. Like...obviously, Twilight.”

“Riiiiight, right, I see. Ha! Silly me!” Twilight Sparkle turned back to study the dress once more, holding it up against her slender figure yet again. Rainbow Dash kept a pair of lazy eyes on the girl as swung her hips from side to side, casually tracking the movements of the girl’s rump as she did so. Their guest from magical horse land sure was cute, even if she was a bit of an egghead. Or a major egghead. “Heh, I’m sorry. We don’t usually wear things like this back where I come from. Our shoulders aren’t even like yours. You see, we’re-”

“-ponies. I know, Twilight,” the other girl responded, and idly moved a hand across her belly to give it a tiny scratch. Perhaps it was the dress store environment surrounding her at every angle, but she couldn’t have been more bored with the story about a magical princess that used to be a pony visiting the human world to recover an artifact of great power. As Rainbow Dash fought off a yawn she gestured to the dress, half-heartedly wiggling a finger in its direction as she spoke. “That’d look good on you, Twilight. Cute.”

“You really think so?” Twilight Sparkle asked, scrunching up her nose and rubbing her chin. “I mean, it was definitely flattering on the mannequin, but...do you really think I have human proportions that can pull it off?”

“I don’t know, what am I, Rarity?” Rainbow Dash audibly groaned, and let her head flop back to the chair. She stared up at the ceiling and moaned once more, an exasperated noise escaping from deep within her chest. “You’re hot, the dress is nice, should work fine. I just want to gooooooo, I have stuff to do before the Fall Formal!”

So many things to do. So many filthy, filthy things to do.

“Well, I don’t want to hold us up, and Rarity said they’d only be a minute.” Twilight Sparkle nodded in return, and nibbled her bottom lip as she gave one last lingering glance at the dress. She compared it once more to her own cute figure and spun in place to watch the fabric dance around her, before giving a final nod. “All right, this works! I...need to try it on first, though. Rainbow Dash, would you mind helping me? Show me how the straps work?”

“Twilight, for crying out loud, they just go over your shou-” Rainbow Dash cut herself off and her eyes snapped open wide, realizing just what she was about to complain about. Like a shot the girl was on her feet and standing at attention right outside the dressing room, holding open the curtain for Twilight and waiting for her to step inside. Watching Twilight Sparkle change clothes wasn’t something to moan and whine about! “I mean, I’d be happy to, Twilight! If I’m right, you’re going to look awesome!”

Twilight Sparkle giggled in her naive and innocent fashion as she held the dress a little closer and padded right past Rainbow Dash into the dressing room. As soon as she did so Rainbow Dash swiftly followed suit, stepping inside and closing the curtain behind them. The only noise that followed them was Rainbow Dash’s voice in a curious question, one that existed in the space between nervously worried and mildly intrigued.

“Hey, you don’t have, like, horse boobs, do you?”

As it turned out Twilight Sparkle did not, in fact, have horse boobs. At least while she was in the human world. What she had were a quite cute pair of human boobs, a lovely modest bust that had been hiding underneath her baggy shirts since she arrived in the new world. As she started to awkwardly undress with fumbling hands that weren’t used to not being hooves, it really gave Rainbow Dash a good idea of just what sort of struggles her new friend faced with her new body. Twilight Sparkle lacked upright stability and wove back and forth as she lifted up her arms, especially in the few seconds that she was pulling her shirt up and over her head. To help keep her in place Rainbow Dash put her hands on the girl’s waist from behind, pressing fingers into that bare purple flesh as she stared ahead.

This time, CHS’s star athlete was trying to be on her best behavior. Really, she was! Twilight Sparkle clearly had a lot of “used to be a horse” drama going on in her life, and the last thing she needed was to find herself always thinking about dick. Besides, it would probably be rough on her to go back to Equestria knowing that none of the ponies there could possibly rival what she found in the human world. They were probably all hung like horses, but Rainbow Dash...well...she was what horses talked about when they bragged about cock size.

So it was out of concern for Twilight Sparkle that Rainbow Dash had been behaving herself. Besides...she was saving her load for the Fall Formal itself. She wasn’t sure just who was going to get fucked that evening, but with all those girls in pretty dresses someone was bound to get blue-dicked down. She had solid motivation to keep herself fresh and fully loaded for the formal.

And that wasn’t even getting into the fact that the dress shop was packed wall-to-wall with hot teenage girls getting some last minute shopping done. If a cock of Rainbow Dash’s quality was spotted out in the open, those horny honies would tear her apart.

But even trying her best to keep herself in check, Rainbow Dash was quickly realizing that Twilight Sparkle wasn’t going to make it easy for her. As soon as they stepped into the dressing room she could smell the visiting princess’s perfume - borrowed from Rarity because “if you’re from a magical kingdom you should smell like it, darling.” Unfortunately, the perfume was enough to remind Rainbow Dash of the times she fucked the flawless fashionista...and when she fucked her and her girlfriend at the same time.

But that was only the beginning of poor Rainbow Dash’s battle against her own desire. The fact that Twilight Sparkle apparently didn’t wear a bra certainly wasn’t helping! Rainbow Dash noticed it at first when she was holding the girl’s waist to keep her steady, first by noticing that the girl’s purple back was entirely bare, and then up to the mirror where her tits were reflected in the mirror free for her to see. Twilight Sparkle didn’t seem to be making any attempt whatsoever to cover them even when she noticed Rainbow Dash staring, watching the mirror with enormous eyes and a tiny, helpless twitch to her lips.

“Hmm? Is something wrong?” Twilight Sparkle turned around within Rainbow Dash’s grip, which only ensured that she was pointing those magical purple mounds straight at the other girl. She hitched her hands to the edge of her skirt and started to shimmy right out of it, seemingly completely unaware that the other girl was staring at her. “I know you’re bored, I’m sorry. You remind me so much of the Rainbow Dash I know back home. Do you like adventure books, too? What about pie? Pinkie Pie tells me that Rainbow Dash just loves pie! Weird, since I don’t think I’ve ever seen her eat on-”

“Why aren’t you wearing a bra, Twilight?!” Rainbow Dash suddenly snapped, and her face scrunched up in exasperation. In order to continue her valiant efforts at being good Rainbow Dash lifted her head so Twilight’s tits were out of her line of sight, so she didn’t see the confused look that the other girl gave her. All she heard was a single word from Twilight Sparkle spoken in absolute befuddlement, murmured softly within the tight confines of the dressing room.


“Oh jeez,” Rainbow Dash murmured, and gave a nervous swallow. This was all fun and games when she thought she’d just be stealing a few happy glances at the visiting pony princess in her underwear - who wouldn’t want that? It was hot enough to get her excited and ready to plow her choice of hottie at the Fall Formal, but not enough that it would drive her to the point where she’d need immediate satisfaction. Realizing that ponies weren’t exactly “in the know” when it came to underclothes, however, brought a sudden thought to Dash’s mind. “So...does that mean you’re also not wearing…”

Sure enough, as she gazed down at the other girl, Twilight Sparkle was standing there completely naked save for her socks. She was completely unashamed and natural in that state, staring with a tilted head and a still-confused look on her face. For the life of her, she couldn’t quite figure out just what was causing Rainbow Dash’s bizarre behavior, at least until she stepped back to give the other girl a long once-over.

The educated and clever visiting princess was certainly out of her element in those new world, but she was a smart girl. And when she took a half-step back and looked at Rainbow Dash objectively, it finally came to her why the other girl was behaving in such a strange state. Her revelation, however, could have done with a bit more grace.

“Hey, you have one, too!” She pointed squarely down at Rainbow Dash’s lap to where a noticeable, enormous erection was pushing against the fabric of the girl’s athletic shorts. The fact that Dash tended to wear tight track clothes usually served her well in letting other girls get a hefty glance at her bulge, but in that moment all it did was reveal something she was trying to keep hidden. It certainly didn’t help that Twilight Sparkle was pointing straight at it while standing there completely naked - and if Rainbow Dash was being totally honest, her desire to be good could have done without the poke Twilight gave her, too. “You really are just like Rainbow Dash back home! Wow, the similarities between our two words really is fascinating! Did Principal Celestia send her sister to the moon here, too?!”

“Huh? The moo--Celestia? What?” It took Dash a moment to shake her head of her own confusion, so she could focus on the immediately relevant question. “The pony me has one, too?!”

“Oh, sure! We don’t usually wear clothes like humans do, at least not every day,” Twilight smiled, and her continued casual contentedness with her own nudity was testament to that fact. Standing there completely naked was entirely natural to her, and it didn’t even dawn on her that Rainbow Dash’s erection was likely tied to that fact. “It’s not like she’s really able to hide it. One time, she was flying so low that it accidentally slapped me in the face!” A mirthful chuckle escaped from her, complete with a steady bounce of her breasts. “I hope you’re more careful with yours!”

Rainbow Dash had never met her pony counterpart, but she was almost certain that she was not, in fact, more careful with her cock. It was never more apparent than in that moment when she desperately wanted to take out her rod and introduce Twilight Sparkle to the human version, even though she was trying with increasingly dwindling intensity to be good. Still...she couldn’t help but to be curious, even though she knew the more questions she asked the deeper down this rabbit hole she’d fall, and the longer she’d be within inches of a naked transmogrified pony princess.

“So...is hers like mine?” Rainbow Dash finally asked, unable to contain her curiosity. She was smart enough to know she had one hell of an irresistible dick, and if she was as nerdy as Twilight she probably would’ve called it her magic wand. “As soon as someone sees it, they just can’t help themselves?”

“Can’t help themselves?” Twilight’s response was equally curious, and she rubbed her chin in idle thought. With one hand at her waist the girl looked right back down to Rainbow Dash’s bulge, seemingly unaware at the compelling package that laid beneath her shorts. “You mean, like...can’t get out of the way fast enough? She does tend to slap ponies with it by accident an awful lot.”

“No, no, I mean...uh…” Rainbow Dash bit her bottom lip, and tucked her hands into the pockets of her track shorts. Within the pockets she was making fierce fists and fighting the urge to just shove them down and give Twilight a firsthand example of what she meant, yet she still managed to maintain for long enough to press her question. It would’ve been nice to know that the pony version of her was a stud on the same level, and getting plenty of pony pussy whenever she wanted it. “When a girl pony sees it, do they just drop down and start sucking it? Like they get one glance and know they have to have it?”

“What?!” The other girl’s response rung with shock, and Twilight’s face twisted to match it. “Of course not! Rainbow Dash doesn’t wear pants, how would she get anything done if other ponies were harassing her all the time? Does...does that...happen to you?”

“Uh...yeah,” Dash admitted, and rocked back and forth on her heels. Her bulge had only continued to make its presence known as they had the awkward conversation, and Twilight’s exposed body wasn’t helping. Dash found her eyes constantly drawn to the visitor’s perky purple breasts and the smooth slit between her thighs, and at least half of her brain was focused on imagining what it would feel like to have her wrapped around her prick. “It’s...pretty great, I gotta admit.”

“Fascinating!” Twilight Sparkle was definitely an odd one, and her curiosity extended far past the point of common decency. Before Rainbow Dash could react the visiting pony princess pressed her hands atop Dash’s wrists, and with a quick shove pushed down upon her hands stuffed within her pockets. The action was just enough to give Dash’s cock the freedom it needed to make a break for it, and that purple member flopped forward standing at full, fierce attention. Twilight Sparkle was seemingly oblivious in the face of her natural curiosity, and she was gazing up at Rainbow Dash’s face as she advanced. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to see for myself! Natural attraction of that caliber seems unusual in your kind, and it might possibly be a glimmer of Equestrian magic in your wooooooohooooooohoooooo wow that’s...that’s really...something…”

As Twilight Sparkle looked at the perfect blue dick laid out before her, her eyes went wide as saucers and she naturally moved to her knees. From outside the dressing room anyone could tell that there was something illicit going on behind the curtain as the sight of a purple-skinned girl’s knees dropping down before a pair of track shoes could clearly be seen. Thankfully, with the Fall Formal happening that very evening most of the guests were too busy to notice, and it was only a few seconds later that Twilight Sparkle’s mouth was too full to make any noise. With a content smile the pony princess slipped her mouth around Rainbow Dash’s tip and started to glide the inches into her mouth, resting her tongue underneath it and slowly sweeping it back and forth.

“Aw hell...I tried.” Rainbow Dash gave a sigh, and rolled her shoulders as she made herself comfortable. The dressing room had a small bench for visitors to sit on and the young woman simply crashed down atop it, all the while slipping a hand to the back of Twilight’s head to ensure her cock didn’t stray very far. As Twilight scurried on her knees to keep close to the point of that beautiful blue member she gave a noise of abject delight, and her eyes were absolutely shining in excitement. Beyond the taste of Dash’s dick and the immediate attraction and arousal she felt, there was a part of Twilight Sparkle that was merely relishing in learning new things. Education was fun!

“...I’m really glad you didn’t have horse boobs,” Rainbow Dash murmured, and gave a shuddering sigh as she watched the inches of her cock slide down into Twilight Sparkle’s mouth. The young woman was massaging her sack with both hands and taking her dick down to the midway point, leaving it slathered in spit and keeping it constantly teased with her tongue. Like so many other young women that Dash showed her dick to Twilight Sparkle was inexperienced, but there was something about the sight of a flawless blue rod that drove her to learn all she could as quickly as she could. As the blowjob continued Rainbow Dash finally laced her hands into Twilight’s dark purple locks, grunting a little as she did so. “Look, Twilight, this is pretty awesome, but remember you gotta go to the Fall Formal and win tonight. So...we can’t take too long.”

“How long does it usually take?” Twilight asked, popping her lips from Dash’s cock and tilting her head. As she did so threads of spit dangled from her chin all the way to the floor below - more for anyone peeking underneath the curtain to see. “This...this is amazing! I didn’t have any intention of doing this until I saw it, and now...now it’s all I want! I want to do things with it that I don’t even understand!”

“Yeah, told ya it was nice.” Rainbow shrugged, and guided Twilight’s mouth back to her cock. The visiting princess eagerly started to slurp her down, and in between her gasps of pleasure Rainbow Dash found the strength to keep talking, her voice a hushed whisper just in case someone came knocking. The last thing she needed was for someone else to catch a glimpse and then she’d have two horny girls on her hands - and there was barely enough time to properly work one of them over before the formal! “Look, just...just keep doing this for a little longer, and then I’ll give you a quickie, and then after the formal we can do it some more.”

“Promise?!” Twilight’s eyes were shining, her hand locked around the base of the girl’s cock. She couldn’t even offer Dash more than a word or two at a time before turning to lick the girl’s blue member in between, always keeping that taste on her tongue. “There’s so many questions I have! So many things to discover! Also, and this is secondary to my intellectual concerns, but my new human genitals are…” She blushed, and gazed down at her lap. “...extremely warm. And wet. And I’m guessing that it more or less works the same for you guys as it does for ponies!”

“Only one way to find out,” Rainbow Dash offered with a shrug, and gently began to pull at the girl’s hair. “C’mon up, Twilight. Let’s get some cock inside of ya.”

Normally, CHS’s star athlete enjoyed a nice, sloppy, doting blowjob before she pumped her dick into a new lover. It made her feel like a bit of a badass, having a hot teenager worshipping her cock with licks and kisses just because it looked so damn tempting. With Twilight Sparkle, however, Dash was realizing that the same rules didn’t quite apply. Sure, Twilight was enamoured with her cock and wanted as much of it as she could get, but this particular transmogrified pony princess was a bit too chatty and nerdy. This egghead was liable to ask her questions throughout the entire thing, and to get a proper blowjob from someone so curious would take more time than they had. And so, it was with equal parts arousal and regret that Rainbow Dash leaned upon her promise of giving Twilight Sparkle a quickie. She deserved more...and she’d get it eventually, but for now?

Well, frankly they just needed to finish up before Pinkie shoved her head into the curtain looking for them and Rainbow Dash had to spend the next hour cleaning cupcake icing off of her jock.

As Twilight Sparkle stood, Rainbow Dash moved to meet her. She reached a hand down to scoop up one of Twilight’s legs and slowly lift it up, holding it there as she stood to sandwich the princess in between herself and the wall of the dressing room. Once Twilight’s back was properly wedged and her weight was supported Rainbow Dash repeated the process with Twilight’s other leg, and soon the girl was lifted in the air and held there purely by the pressure of Dash’s body trapping her to the wall. The visiting princess wrapped her arms around Dash’s shoulders and blushed heavily as she felt that throbbing member poke at her, and when it finally started to prod with intend to drive deep inside Twilight couldn’t help but let her voice ramble on.

“When we get together after the Fall Formal, I’ll have a whole bunch of notes for us to go over!” She nodded eagerly, and one of her eyes noticeably twitched as Dash eased the first inch inside of her. Hopefully, getting stuffed with cock would keep the princess from asking all of those questions now - between the ticking clock and the fact that they were still in a public place, even a stud like Dash was starting to feel the pressure. “I’d like to know about positions and mating rituals and how many other girls you’ve done this with, as well as if there’s any noticeable variance when you show it to girls of different ages, builds, or what constellations they were born under! Furthermore, I’d like to explore if humans can do something we ponies like to call ‘shanking the flank,’ in which the stallion lines up his mem---” She twitched once more, both eyes shot open wide before rolling back in her head, and she practically melted against Rainbow Dash as she continued. “...and I suspect the best thing to do for now is to hold my questions and enjoy the experience.”

“Please.” Rainbow Dash smirked, and gently swung her hips from side to side. She had hilted inside of Twilight Sparkle while she was rambling, and now she could enjoy that warm, wet grip around every last inch of her member. “And, uh...try not to make too much noise, okay? This is a dress store the night of Fall Formal. It’s kind of a lion’s den for me right now.”

A lion’s den filled with horny, horny, horny lions eager to wrap their muzzles around flawless blue dick. If Rainbow Dash didn’t play her cards right, she might never escape!

With Rainbow Dash’s warning in mind, Twilight Sparkle gave a nod and dropped her head against the other girl’s shoulder, pressing her mouth flat to Dash’s skin in the hopes that it would keep her as quiet as possible. It was a trying task to pull off, for as the cocky young woman started to rock back and forth pleasure rolled through Twilight in a fashion that she didn’t expect. Her new human body was responsive in ways she couldn’t have possibly imagined, and her eyes shut tight as she swallowed what would have been a particularly loud, high-pitched whine. As Dash’s hips rolled back and forth Twilight Sparkle slowly wrapped her legs around her, hooking her ankles behind the other girl’s back and squeezing as fiercely as she could manage. It was going to be difficult to hang on to her new friend version of an old friend, but she’d do her best!

From outside, the noise of the store continued and provided a small level of cover for the gasps and whimpers that came from the dressing room. They could hear random customers as well as the voices of their own friends - most notably Pinkie Pie who didn’t seem to have any concept of volume control. Thanks to Pinkie it was easy for the girls to figure out just how much time they had left, and it helped keep Dash moving as she continued to pound forward.

“Hehehe, you look so cute in that Fluttershy! Ahhhh, we’re almost done! I can’t wait to go dancing!” Pinkie Pie’s voice rose higher than the rest, a clear indicator that Twilight and Rainbow Dash didn’t have that much time. Before long the girls would be returning to the dressing room area to pick them up, and fucking the new horse girl in the back would be a tricky thing for Dash to explain. The rainbow-haired young woman took a deep breath as she picked up the pace, and before long ramming herself against Twilight while her back was pressed to the wall proved to be too noisy an affair. Hangers were rattling on the walls next to them, the mirror was shaking and making scratching noises, and then there was the steady sound of Twilight’s ass slapping against the back wall.

With no other recourse, Rainbow Dash jerked Twilight harder into her arms and took a step back, keeping the girl latched onto her as she gave her the final flurry of thrusts. With nothing more than Dash’s own strength and the girth of her cock keeping Twilight up, the last long moment of lust between the girls was particularly intense and difficult for Twilight to handle without crying out. Her hands went tight around Dash’s shoulders and her fingernails sunk into her flesh, and the pony princess buried her face against Dash’s hair as she unleashed a litany of increasingly excited whimpers. She was rapidly approaching her peak just like Rainbow Dash was, but in the distant both girls could hear that their saucy fun was about to come screeching to a halt.

“Oh, finally we found a shade that suits you, Applejack.” Rarity was a close second to Pinkie in terms of volume, naturally turning to the overdramatic for almost all things. “Let’s go get Twilight and Rainbow, hmm? We have just enough time to get a manicure before the formal!”

With the clock ticking, Rainbow Dash fired a few more sudden thrusts up against the pony princess, and when their orgasms began both girls went rigid and stiff while they rode their pleasure out in silence. Twilight went cross-eyed as she felt that enormous member pulse against her walls and fire shot after shot of cum deep within her purple slit, and Rainbow Dash was left with teeth clenched and sweat lining her figure as the other girl spasmed around her. Their bodies were left wet and sticky by the time it was over, and from below the edge of the curtain anyone could see a pair of blue legs with track shorts around the ankles and a few long lines of slowly dripping cum pooling on the carpet below. In the aftermath, Twilight pushed against Rainbow Dash’s shoulders and levelled her gaze at her friend, blushing fiercely while she was still sensitive and raw and stuffed with the other girl’s cock.

“Rainbow Daaaaaaaaaash! Magical purple used-to-be-a-pony girl! Where aaaaaaaaaare you?!” Pinkie Pie’s voice filled the air with bright enthusiasm and excitement, and Twilight and Rainbow looked at each other with wide eyes and tense breath caught in their throats. Twilight Sparkle rose a finger to her lips to silently give Dash the instructions to be quiet, but ultimately...it was far, far too late. When it came to popping her poofy pink head into places unexpectedly at the most awkward moments, Pinkie Pie was like a shark smelling blood in the water.

“Oh hi girls!” Her cheerful voice chimed up, and both Twilight and Rainbow gazed down to the ground to where Pinkie was gazing up at them. The girl had stuffed her head underneath the edge of the curtain, and was now waving eagerly at her friends. “Almost done?! Rarity wants to get manicures!”

“Uh...y-yeah. Almost done.” Twilight Sparkle blushed, and squeezed herself a little closer to Dash. The other girl swallowed a nervous gulp and bucked her hips a little harder to Twilight’s own, driving her cock deeper into the purple girl’s slit. If she hid her prick inside of Twilight, then Pinkie couldn’t see it to be enamoured! Thankfully, it seemed to work, as Pinkie gave an eager thumbs up and disappeared back behind the curtain.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash shared a relieved sigh and a tiny smile, until Pinkie’s voice chimed up once more and they both gazed at each other with a flat, humorless expression.

“They’re almost done, girls!” The party planner’s voice chimed out over the entire store. “Fluttershy, you owe me ten cupcakes! I knew she’d bang the pony girl before she went back home!”

End of Chapter 7.

Helping Twilight Win the Crown (Sunset Shimmer)

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Rainbow Dash’s 10/10 Top Tier Cock
Chapter Eight: Helping Twilight Win the Crown
-by Drace Domino

The time had finally come for Sunset Shimmer to make her move. With the Fall Formal upon them, she knew that this would be her only opportunity to make a grab for the crown that was clearly rightfully hers. The visiting Princess Twilight Sparkle had certainly complicated things - the meddling little brat was almost sure to win the title of Fall Formal Princess, plucked right from the hands of Celestia’s former student. It didn’t matter. There was no real need for her to win the crown in any sort of silly competition, not when she could simply rip it off the girl’s head and take it for herself.

The only trick would be making sure she got to her before the little brat made it back to Equestria.

Sunset Shimmer walked through the empty halls of CHS, eyes downcast and listening to the distant, dulled noise of the Fall Formal’s music. Through the muffled yet heavy beats she could hear the other students having the time of their lives, and she was glad for it - this would be their last day as students, after all. Come morning, they would be her army that she would use to take Equestria and force Princess Celestia to bow to her will. Nobody could stop her. With a slowly growing grin Sunset Shimmer tightened her fingers around the handle of her sledgehammer, and she paused as she came around the corner to meet a large window facing the school’s courtyard. The statue that served as the gate to Equestria stood there vulnerable and unguarded, and it would be the key to winning the day.

Princess Twilight would win the crown...but she certainly wouldn’t keep it if it meant never seeing her friends again. Sunset Shimmer was about to bluff the most powerful object in the world right into her hands, and she was going to do it with a sledgehammer, the help of two profoundly stupid idiots, and the love a princess had for her foolish friends.

“Nobody...is going...to stop me,” Sunset Shimmer whispered to herself, hand resting against the window and butterflies of excited rage bounding within her belly. Her adrenaline came to a sudden and screeching halt when a new voice entered the hall, and it surprised her so much that her sledgehammer fell from her grasp.

“Hi, Sunset!” Rainbow Dash beamed as she rounded the corner, and only narrowly stepped back to avoid the falling hammer. The young woman was dressed in her pretty Fall Formal outfit: a thin-strapped top that matched her hair in rainbow stripes, and a cute blue skirt that rose to just above her knees. It was hardly the style the tomboy would have picked for herself, but she pulled it off like nobody else could. As Dash stepped over the sledgehammer and approached the growling Sunset, she turned to the window and gazed outside in curious fashion. “Whatcha lookin’ at? And why do you have a sledgehammer?”

“I...was…” With a sinister look in her eyes, Sunset Shimmer was forced to think fast. The appearance of Rainbow Dash could be devastating for her plans - her knees were still a little scuffed from the last time she was on them thanks to CHS’s cocky star athlete. Finally her sinister gaze melted away into one of faux-shame, and she idly kicked at the handle of her sledgehammer as she spoke. “You...you got me, Rainbow Dash. I was going to smash Twilight’s car windows.”

“Oh Sunset.” The other girl folded her arms across her chest and shook her head from side to side. “That’s just silly. You know Twilight doesn’t have a car, she came from the same place you did!” With that, the young woman knelt down to pick up the sledgehammer, hefting its weight into her grasp and arching an eye at the other girl.

It was obvious that Sunset Shimmer was up to no good - and not the no good that she had been so readily eager to admit to. Still, Rainbow Dash smiled at the girl as she held the hammer’s handle out to her, offering her the weapon back without a second thought.

“Here you go, Sunset.” Her smile was sweet and pleasant, even friendly -- stark contrast to the past interactions between the two of them. “You can have this back. Just no mischief, okay? This is Twilight’s big night, after all. She’s going to beat you fair and square.”

“Uh...I...y-yes.” The other girl was obviously confused, though her hand reached out towards the hammer with a bit of trepidation. When Rainbow Dash didn’t pull it away at the last second Sunset Shimmer slowly took a step back, speaking in a voice that only thinly veiled the dark intent still brewing inside of her. “I’m...going to return this to the shop class. Thank you for helping me...see the...light.”

“Anytime, Sunset! Make sure to join us at the dance when you’re done!” Rainbow Dash was a smiling and charming bit of obliviousness in that moment, even going so far as to wave to Sunset Shimmer as the girl started to turn around and head back down the hall. Just when Sunset Shimmer was back on track with her sledgehammer in hand and a wicked smile on her face, Rainbow Dash called out to her one more time in a cheerful voice. “Hey Sunset! One more thing!”

Even as Sunset Shimmer turned around to look at the other girl, she knew it was a mistake. Sure enough, as she spun on a heel to answer Dash’s query in an attempt to not arouse suspicion, she came face to face with the only thing that could truly stop her. Sunset Shimmer’s sledgehammer dropped to the ground with a heavy thud, and Rainbow Dash’s was resting in her hand, her skirt pulled up to leave it exposed.

“...I hate you so fucking much,” Sunset Shimmer hissed out in a fury, but all the same found herself on the same scuffed knees in front of the same big blue cock, immediately ready to quench the thirst that formed within her the second she saw it. Rainbow Dash merely beamed from ear to ear, and found herself utterly unable to extend any sympathy towards the sinister visitor from Equestria.

She didn’t know exactly what sort of trouble Sunset was going to cause, but Dash knew that sucking a big, perfect dick would be just the thing to keep her out of it.


“We knew something was up whenever you didn’t even show up at the formal.” Rainbow Dash smiled, one hand deep within the red and yellow locks of Sunset’s hair. She had moved to press her back to the window and even hitched her rump up against the ledge, allowing her to sit comfortably with her enormous cock hanging forward. As the inches of her shaft slowly disappeared past Sunset Shimmer’s lips, Dash merely gave a prideful look and flashed the other woman an obnoxious large grin. “The other girls were worried you’d try something crazy and stupid, so I told them I’d take care of it. Looks like you’re gonna miss whatever evil plan you had! Look on the bright side, my dick is a way better thing to wear on your head than some stupid crown. See?”

With that, Dash pulled her prick right out of Sunset Shimmer’s mouth and suddenly flopped it forward, letting it slap down atop the other woman’s head. Sunset merely grumbled and clenched her fists in anger, but the heat building within her was already making it difficult to figure out precisely what was making her so mad. She was certainly upset that Rainbow Dash had spun in at the last moment to ruin her evil plan, but she was even more angry that the girl had pulled her dick away. With a furious glare, Sunset jerked her head to the slide and slapped her hands across the other woman’s cock, squeezing it at the base and guiding it once more towards her lips. With her cheeks blushing vibrantly and her eyes filled with resentful venom, she pushed the tip of that big blue cock into her mouth and slowly began to slide it back within.

Sucking cock while glaring daggers - that tended to be ninety percent of her interactions with Rainbow Dash. While her lips spread around that throbbing member her hands did their part to show it the proper attention, giving it the love and respect that Sunset would never feel for the woman it was attached to. One hand cupped Rainbow Dash’s balls to give them a gentle massage, while the other tightened around her base as much as she was able; even stretching her fingers out as far as she could manage wasn’t quite enough to wrap around the entire width. Still, it was enough for her to press her lips to the edge of her fingers and jerk the other girl in perfect tandem with her mouth, letting her fingers go slippery from spit and that tasty tip push all the deeper down her throat.

It should have been enough for Rainbow Dash to know she had helped her friends and gotten Sunset Shimmer onto her knees yet again...but it wasn’t. There was just something about the bratty amber-skinned girl that made Dash want to put her in her place, even more than she already had. After all, if the sledgehammer was any indication Sunset Shimmer was planning to do something truly bad in her pursuit of the crown, and no matter what that something bad was it deserved an appropriately dismissive punishment. Unfortunately for Sunset Shimmer, her greatest torture in that moment came in the form of Rainbow Dash’s greatest strength: trash talk.

And the longer Dash talked, the more furious that Sunset Shimmer looked. Furious...and horny.

“Hey Sunset, maybe if you did this on stage you could still win Fall Formal Princess!”

“Yo Sunset, did you not dress up for Fall Formal because you knew you’d be right here sucking my cock? Be honest.”

“Hurry up, Sunset, I promised Twilight I’d play with her after the dance, and she’s way better than you are. Hey! That’s two things you took second place in tonight!”

The longer Rainbow Dash talked the deeper Sunset Shimmer’s blush intensified, and the hotter the girl got underneath her skirt. Her panties were damp and the butterflies in her belly had transitioned from righteous and villainous fury to something far more lusty and intense - something that was driving her to keep worshipping every last inch of Rainbow Dash’s cock. She was doing a fine job by herself, slurping up and down the shaft and massaging the balls with her smooth fingers, but that night Rainbow Dash clearly felt like punishing her. Under normal circumstances, Dash would’ve been mostly happy to let Sunset Shimmer go down on her, give her a quick fuck and then send her on her way with a slap on the ass and a bitchy comment. But that evening, Rainbow Dash’s loyalty to her friends was flaring. Sunset Shimmer was going to try to hurt Twilight Sparkle one way or another...and that meant Sunset Shimmer got the rough treatment.

“Sunset?” Rainbow Dash’s voice slipped out once more after a long line of dismissive trash talk. This time her voice sounded almost sweet and tender, almost as if she would give the other woman a bit of a break. Instead, her smile only grew as her fingers tightened within Sunset’s hair, and her voice continued from that point with a much more dominant and even devious tone. “This isn’t what you wanted tonight, but it’s exactly what you needed.”

With that, Rainbow Dash thrust her hips forward as she hopped from the window ledge, bouncing to her feet to help increase the impact. Her cock shoved down deep into Sunset’s throat and the troublemaker went cross-eyed from the thrust, her throat bulging slightly as Dash’s balls slapped against her chin. With nowhere else to rest her hands Sunset held onto Dash’s hips through the fabric of her skirt, and she gazed up at the other girl with weak yet lusty eyes as Dash started to facefuck her with a series of hard, sudden thrusts. It was clear that CHS’s star athlete was either trying to make a point, or simply using Sunset’s behavior that night as an excuse to enjoy her in a particularly rough fashion. Both were true enough, as it turned out, and she was succeeding on each front. As Dash thrust back and forth and plunged her cock into the depths of Sunset’s throat, long ribbons of spit danced from the corners of Sunset’s lips, swinging back and forth until they slapped to the leather of her jacket or Dash’s knees. The longer the hard facefucking continued, the more she drooled around that flawless blue length, her throat strained and her knees pressing harder against the unforgiving tile of the CHS hallway.

When Sunset needed to take a breath, Dash allowed her to - but only with the caveat that while she gasped and gulped down air, that meaty length spent that time cockslapping her. The spit smeared back and forth over Sunset’s cheeks and coated her quivering lips, making sure she was a perfect, slutty-looking mess before Dash rammed her cock right back inside. With a wild grin and a flash of pleasure in Dash’s eyes she offered her voice up yet again - this time with an edge that she knew would cut Sunset Shimmer right to the core.

“By the way, Sunset. I bet my dick tastes great right now.” She smirked, and licked her lips in pointed fashion. Sunset Shimmer had barely had the chance to process the flavor, so focused as she was on worshipping the impressive length and admiring its beauty just before the depraved facefuck. But as Dash spoke she couldn’t help but press her tongue harder against it to take a long and deep lick, and accompanying it was a fierce breath to collect an aroma that clung to it. There was definitely something different, a taste that hadn’t been present during the previous instances in which she’d found herself kneeling before the other girl. Rainbow Dash’s smile grew as she prepared to reveal her secret to a slightly different-flavored dick.

She popped her prick out of the other girl’s lips and dropped down to one knee, and even in doing so Sunset found herself compelled to tend to that glorious dick. It never even came close to the tile of the floor as Dash knelt; Sunset’s hands flew forward to catch the base in one grip and her sack in the other, fondling and stroking her out of pure impulse and reflex even as Dash gazed at her eye-to-eye. The blue-skinned student dropped a hand onto Sunset’s shoulder and gave her a little squeeze, gazing into the half-glazed and horny eyes of the other girl and appreciating what an angry, spit-covered mess she looked like.

She was about to look a whole lot angrier.

“I fucked Twilight Sparkle about an hour earlier.” Rainbow Dash beamed, and offered Sunset Shimmer the smuggest look she could possibly muster. “How’s her pussy taste?”

If there was a limit to the power of Rainbow Dash’s cock, it would be tested in that very moment. Was there a plateau to the anger Sunset Shimmer could feel roll through her that would snap her out of her desire to please that gloriously perfect dick? Her eyes were livid, her lips drawn thin in a fierce scowl, and her arms trembled in an intense fury upon realizing just what that taste was. She had been cleaning Princess Twilight Sparkle off of Dash’s cock this entire time, and only now that the taste had saturated her tongue did this arrogant bitch finally reveal as much. Sunset Shimmer was flat-out boiling in rage, yet when Rainbow Dash stood right back up that perfect dick immediately fell into her line of fire yet again.

And once it did, every ounce of anger seemed to immediately shift into excitement. Sunset Shimmer’s face pressed forward and she buried her nose against Dash’s lap, her mouth positioned in such a way that she could stick out her tongue and take big, long, laps of Dash’s sack. As she slathered the other girl’s balls in warm spit her hands hitched to her thighs and dug in with her nails, and that gentle pinching was the most fury she could possibly show in that moment. As her tongue swept back and forth and Dash’s sack churned with pleasure underneath her affections, however, the vengeful redhead whispered in a voice that rang with hostile and wicked intent.

“...you’ve only managed to trap me here even longer, Rainbow Dash…” she growled, just as she took another wet, hungry slurp of Dash’s balls. “You’ve just ensured I’ll be here to get my revenge on all of you!”

Big, villainous speeches didn’t really carry much weight when they were half-muffled by spit and the weight of someone else’s balls. Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but openly giggle and reach down to pat Sunset’s head, beaming as she did so.

“I’m glad to hear you’re staying, Sunset,” she offered, in a voice that was surprisingly genuine and honest. “You’re way too much fun to mess with!”


Rainbow Dash had gotten away with a great many things that night - foiling Sunset Shimmer’s plan, talking trash to a girl that was clearly not used to hearing it, mocking her over the taste of Twilight Sparkle clinging to her cock...but if there was one thing Dash knew she couldn’t get away with, it was denying Sunset the real prize of the evening. When she reached down to grasp Sunset’s arms and drag the girl up to her feet, Sunset immediately looked a little disappointed. Her face and the edges of her jacket were still dripping from spit and Dash’s cock was still throbbing, stiff, and yet-unmilked. Why would she have been pulled from her scuffed knees before the job was done?

“You’re...you’re not seriously going to leave me hanging, are you?!” Sunset Shimmer’s voice sounded almost panicked, her eyes wide and clearly frightened at the concept. She was more invested in getting Dash’s dick that evening than she ever had been in the crown, and the mere thought she’d go to bed horny that night shook her to her core. Thankfully, it was a grim fate that not even Rainbow Dash’s desire to tease the girl would tolerate. As soon as Sunset voiced the question Dash shook her head to assuage her fears, and she began to move further down the hall with one hand on Sunset’s arm.

“Of course not!” Dash promised her, beaming as she picked up the pace. Sunset Shimmer was dragged along with her as they rushed deeper into the school, heading closer and closer to the source of the noise. “You think I got you that pissed off just so I could not fuck you? Are you crazy?!”

“Then, then what are--”

“Oh, I just want to be closer to the party.” Dash beamed, stopping when they were little more than thirty feet from the edge of the gym. It was a precarious position for the two - Dash’s cock was still hanging exposed and Sunset Shimmer’s face had a clear “recently been sucking dick” quality to it, and yet they could hear other students around the corner taking a break from the gym. The music was still thumping loud and now Sunset could hear the noise of practically every student in the school, chatting and dancing and having the time of their life. Rainbow Dash tightened her grip on Sunset’s arm and pulled the girl hard to the side as she spoke out again. “Here! This is perfect!”

In the hall leading towards the gym there was a tiny alcove filled with vending machines, and it was in between the soda and snack machines that Rainbow Dash yanked her cock-hungry frenemy. Without giving Sunset a choice in the matter she slipped behind her and slid her hands underneath Sunset’s skirt, grasping her panties and pulling them down to the midpoint of her knees. With another rough shove Sunset Shimmer found herself doubled over and leaning her hands against the soda machine, just as she shoved her rump out to offer herself up to Dash’s still-soaked and still-hard cock.

From would-be usurper of Equestria to horny teenager getting fucked between the soda and snack machines, such was Sunset Shimmer’s fate that evening. And as Rainbow Dash lined her cock up against a pussy that was achingly warm and hungry to get fucked, the amber-skinned beauty almost didn’t mind. Almost.

“Sunset, a little bit of advice?” Rainbow Dash finally asked, just as she began to squeeze her cock inside that warm, wet slit. By the time she had the tip firmly pushed within she reached out a hand to stroke her fingers down the back of the other girl’s hair in a fashion that was half-friendly and half-dismissive, in the same casually rough style in which she’d been enjoying her. “You’d have a lot more fun at school if you just chillaxed. Something to think about.”

It was indeed something for Sunset to think about, but unfortunately “think” wasn’t something she could do once Rainbow Dash started to fuck her. The blue-skinned all-star grasped Sunset’s hips and reared back to the point that her rump hit the vending machine behind her, just before thrusting herself down to the hilt with a hard, fierce strike. Sunset’s eyes crossed and she gave a sharp gasp as her pussy was claimed, fingers sliding against the machine bracing her. Her boots squeaked on the tile as her legs spread as much as they were able, although the panties between her knees limited her range. She’d only be able to open her thighs so far, ensuring that the grip she offered to Rainbow Dash that night would be particularly tight and inviting.

Rainbow Dash beamed as she plowed ahead, fucking Sunset hard, fast, and perfectly consistent with the rough way she had been handling her so far. She slid her palm into the back of the girl’s hair and pulled fiercely upon it, wrenching Sunset’s head back so quick that the ribbons of spit dangling from her chin lashed against the vending machine before her. Her other hand dropped forward to grab Sunset’s shirt and yank it up to the edge of her throat, leaving the girl’s bra-clad breasts flop out and swing back and forth as she was steadily and hungrily fucked.

For Sunset Shimmer, the pleasure that ran through her was enough to make her practically forget all about the Fall Formal. She had that moment to forget about her failure at Princess Celestia’s hooves, her quest to retrieve the princess’ crown, and her eventual failure at the sight of Rainbow Dash’s prick. She even forgot about Twilight Sparkle in that instant, even though the taste of the girl’s pussy still rested on her tongue. Sunset Shimmer was able to forget all of that as Dash fucked her hard and fast, her breasts half-exposed, her hair pulled, and her scuffed knees quivering as she struggled to hold herself up. That glorious dick was lunging into her with a reckless passion that had Sunset firmly entranced, and the amber-skinned girl couldn’t wait to drop right back down to her knees after Rainbow Dash finished fucking her so she could clean every inch up with her mouth, all while fingering her newly cum-filled pussy.

She forgot about every failure she had made in the past two weeks...until the music in the gymnasium stopped and was replaced by the sound of a feminine voice over the speakers.

“All right, students, it’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for!” Principal Celestia’s voice alone was enough to snap Sunset Shimmer back to reality, so very much like the tone of her old teacher. Even though Sunset’s body still rolled with pleasure and her pussy still tightened around Dash’s cock, there was a small sinking feeling growing in the pit of her stomach as Celestia continued. “It’s time to announce this year’s Fall Formal Princess and award her with this lovely crown!”

The audience in the gym went wild with excitement, and from behind her Sunset Shimmer could hear Rainbow Dash chuckle. The cocky athlete started to fuck her all the harder in that moment, lifting her skirt up over her ass and giving her a few short slaps, and her other hand tightening her grasp on Sunset’s hair. She didn’t whisper anything to her for fear of ruining the fun of the announcement, though the slick, wet noise of her cock plunging deep into Sunset’s pussy was nearly enough to drown out the sound of Celestia’s voice.

“This year we had a particularly close competition between our newest student, and a girl you’ve all welcomed to CHS over the past year. I’m really touched by how you’ve all come to accept Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle.” Principal Celestia’s voice sounded more like the royal sister’s than ever to Sunset, that blend of sweet condescension mixed with pretty platitudes. She didn’t need her teacher’s acceptance! She didn’t need anybody or anything! “You’ve all really shown the CHS spirit by treating them like part of the family, and I couldn’t be more proud of you. Give yourselves a round of applause!”

The gym went wild with cheers and applause, from the sound of a Pinkie Pie party cannon going off to a boisterous and enthusiastic “YEAAAAH” that rose above the rest. Through it all Dash continued to fuck, drawing herself closer and closer to the point of competition. Her cock wasn’t just perfect looking, it had perfect timing, too! And Sunset was about to find that out.

“That said, there can be only one Fall Formal Princess, and this year it’s none other than…” There was a small pause, as Celestia was no doubt fumbling with the envelope. As if there was any doubt who won; even Sunset Shimmer knew the score. Somehow, that made it sting even more when Celestia’s voice confirmed it. “Twilight Sparkle! Congratulations, Princess Twilight!”

The crowd erupted yet again, and Sunset Shimmer was assaulted with more than she could possibly process. Her failure spoken aloud in the voice of her old teacher, the uproarious applause that celebrated her fall from power, the knowledge that she had been bested...and as she realized in a sudden shock, the feel of Rainbow Dash’s cock absolutely flooding her pussy with cum. The cocky brat had pushed herself down to the hilt in the other cocky brat, and her prick was throbbing as it unleashed an outright torrent into Sunset’s slit. The redhead fell into a sudden scream of pleasure that was thankfully absorbed by cheers for Twilight’s victory, and Sunset’s eyes rolled into her head as she had an intense, fierce, violent orgasm.

Her hands scrambled on the vending machine trying to find a place to hold onto, her knees buckled and quivered and ached, the panties tented between her knees caught the runoff of Rainbow Dash’s cum from her slit, and her own body spasmed in waves of pleasure that she could never possibly have attained on her own. Rainbow Dash released the girl’s hair just so she could sweep an arm underneath her and keep her steady - it wouldn’t do to let the slut drop down to the ground while she was still squeezing her cock so well!

And as Sunset Shimmer gazed over her shoulder to see the cocky face of her conqueror, she did exactly what she had desired to. She slipped slowly down to her knees, tucked a hand between her thighs to sink her fingers into an overflowing, cum-filled pussy, and wrapped her mouth around Rainbow Dash’s cock once more. She murmured in half-frustration and half-arousal as she worked that soaked, blue length, drinking down greedy mouthfuls of a flavor that could only be described as a blend between her own and Twilight Sparkle’s. And as if Twilight wasn’t already entirely too present in her mind, Principal Celestia had clearly handed over the mic.

“Thank you, Principal Celestia. And thank you, everyone.” Princess Twilight’s voice flowed from the gym, carrying to the cocksucker wedged between the vending machines. “I could never tell you how much this means to me, but I can at least tell you one thing: that friendship is the most powerful thing in the world. I never would have won if it wasn’t for the friendship you all showed me, and I probably wouldn’t be standing here if it wasn’t for the friendship of these wonderful girls.”

“We love you Twilight, glad you can stand up after that plowing you g--” Pinkie Pie’s voice was swiftly muffled.

“--ah, that...that plowing you did on Applejack’s farm, darling! Such a hard working young woman!” Rarity with the save.

As Twilight’s speech continued, she made one thing perfectly clear: she never would have beaten Sunset Shimmer without her friends. In particular, the friend that was standing there in front of the villain with her cock getting tended to and an enormously wide smile on her face. Rainbow Dash gestured to the gym with a thumb as she gazed down at Sunset Shimmer, and gently pulled her dick from the other girl’s mouth to begin tucking it back underneath her skirt.

“I have to go and congratulate her, Sunset. And afterwards, I promise I’ll make her clean you off my cock.” A small concession, but one that brought the redhead a bit of devious delight. “But I want you to do something for me, too.”

“W...Why would I do anything for you?!” Sunset Shimmer scowled, and drug the sleeve of her leather jacket across her mouth in a failing attempt to clean it. Even as she resisted Dash’s words, her free hand was still between her thighs, fingering a copious creampie that never seemed to run out of cum to drip to the tile below. “After what you cost me? After how you talked to me?!”

“Fair enough.” Rainbow Dash shrugged, and smoothed her hands down the front of her skirt. She was still sporting a bulge, but the gym was dark. Nobody would notice until she grinded against them - which she would absolutely do to every hot student and teacher that got in her way. “But just think about what Twilight said. She never would’ve gotten what she wanted without friends. Maybe you should try it.” A casual shrug came next, followed by a short wave. “Catch ya later, Sunset. Next time, I’m taking that ass!”

As Rainbow Dash made her way around the corner and into the dance, Sunset Shimmer was left kneeling there a total mess. Rainbow Dash had given her plenty of things that evening, ranging from a few wet cockslaps to a hefty creampie to the most intense orgasm of her life.

But perhaps...she also gave her a second chance.

“...I really hate that bitch.”

Or perhaps not.

End of Chapter 8.

A Blowjob from Nobody

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Rainbow Dash’s 10/10 Top Tier Cock
Chapter Nine: A Blowjob from Nobody
-by Drace Domino

Some days it was harder to get off than others. Rainbow Dash was having a particularly frustrating day, and it had all started with sleeping in late. Ironically, she had been having a pretty happy dream about easing her cock into Sunset Shimmer’s mouth, only to wake up and realize that there was no time to put her dick into anyone’s mouth at all. Even after running full tilt to school she was almost a full half hour late, and it had set a miserable precedent for the rest of the day. There was a school assembly that ate up the after-lunch recess period, and any time she thought she’d have a few minutes to sneak in a quick blowjob no girls were around anywhere to be seen! With a member that had been throbbing within her shorts all damn day, Rainbow Dash was practically limping towards the last few classes. Why did all these teenage girls have to be so hot?! Why did Pinkie Pie have to bounce so much? Why did Ms. Harshwhinny look so sexy in that “please step on me” way?!

This school was filled with hotties, and usually...that was a good thing. But that particular day with her cock throbbing and her balls even more blue than usual, Rainbow Dash could think of no greater torture than turning the corner and seeing yet another cute girl that she couldn’t ram her dick into right then and there. It all came to a head near the end of her next to last period; a study hall that gave her a bit of extra free time before her next class. Usually, it was the perfect time to sneak out early, find Trixie at her usual lurking spot near the vending machine, and give her something far tastier than a pack of peanut butter crackers.

But of course, since this was the worst day in history, Trixie was out sick.

“Oh, come on!” Rainbow Dash fumed as she padded through the halls, her backpack slung over one shoulder and her cock visibly bulging those tight track shorts. Since she had snuck out of study hall early there was nobody yet in the halls, though she kept desperately hoping to see someone come around the corner and into her line of sight. Fluttershy on her way to the restroom? Principal Celestia heading to the office to make the afternoon announcements? It didn’t matter to Rainbow Dash - whoever it was would get a flash of her irresistible cock and spend the rest of the period gulping down her much-overdue cum. She knew it wasn’t necessarily right to just go around flashing her member knowing full well what happened when she did, but...a girl needed to get off! This was agony!

“Grr...fine! Desperate times, desperate measures.” Rainbow Dash hissed between clenched teeth as she spun on a heel, making her way down the unoccupied hall and moving towards a door at the far end. What would Daring Do have done in that exact same situation, with her cock too hard to adventure? She’d take matters into her own hands and pound out a quickie in the yearbook room, of course! Nobody was ever there; after all. The room was always a ghost town.

Rainbow Dash didn’t even bother to sneak towards the yearbook room - if anything, she made as much noise as she could manage by scuffing her sneakers on the floor and dragging her backpack behind her. When she darted her head from side to side it wasn’t to make sure that she wasn’t being spotted so much as it was one last check for someone else in the hallway - constantly hoping for a glimpse of some hot CHS lady to be coming her way. When she came up empty, the young woman gave a desperate sigh as she pressed a hand against the door to the yearbook room and slowly pushed it open.

“Hello? Anyone here?” With a curious brow lifted, Dash poked her head inside and gave a quick precursory glance around. Sure enough, the yearbook room was deserted like always, even though someone had apparently left the lights on. So wasteful! With a tiny snicker rising from deep in her throat, Rainbow Dash slinked all the way inside and let the door drift closed behind her, taking the time to lock it and shut the blinds behind her. “Heh, didn’t think so. Plenty of time to pound one off before the last class.”

With that, Rainbow Dash shrugged off her backpack and made her way to a stool beside the counter positioned in the center of the room. Strewn all about there were photos for consideration in the yearbook, and with a growing smile she took the time to trail her fingers across the pile looking for something to accompany her fun. She might not have been able to manage wrapping one of these girls around her cock this afternoon, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t use them as spank fodder!

“Let’s see…” Dash murmured, flopping onto the stool as she flipped through the pile of photos. “Rarity at the junior fashion show...eh, too fancy. Pinkie Pie that time she had to dress up as a nurse for the school play? Eh, don’t think I’d be able to stop thinking about all the bad doctor jokes she was making. Ohh, here we go!” With a triumphant smile, Rainbow Dash flipped a photo out of the pile and beamed. “Ditzy Doo at the field trip to the beach. This’ll be perfect.

Sure enough, it was one of the sexiest in the pile. Ditzy was a bit of an oddball, but it was hard to argue about what she looked like in a swimsuit. The girl’s rump was surprisingly round and humpable, while her breasts were frankly too nice to be covered up by any layer of clothing. In the picture in question she was failing to catch a beach ball, and it highlighted everything perfectly. The upswing of her glorious gray tits, the bouncy shape of her rump, all of it contained in a bathing suit that matched the soft yellow of her hair. As Dash settled herself within the stool she held the photo out in front of her, and casually stuffed a hand down the front of her athletic shorts to get herself rolling.

“Fuck...can’t believe how hard it’s been all day,” the girl grumbled, and ushered a sigh of relief from her lips as she wrapped her fingers around the shaft. With her hand still tucked under the waistband of her shorts she was able to give herself some high-tension fondling, exploiting the fact that her package was stuffed so tight to tease herself slowly up and down. Affection that would have been torturous to receive in the middle of class was now little more than a happy promise of the pleasure to come, and Rainbow Dash let her voice fill the room in a low, yet still audible moan. All the while her eyes continued to draw over Ditzy Doo’s surprisingly hot body, and she couldn’t help but whisper to herself while her hand kept toying. “...gotta get around to fucking her sometime. I need to slap my dick in between those tits…”

Rainbow Dash was in her glory there in the yearbook room; seemingly alone and savoring the privacy. In the long run, maybe it was a good thing that she didn’t manage to find a friend to fuck that morning. Sometimes, a girl just needed to spend some quality time with herself! With a smile that kept spreading on her face Rainbow Dash was steadily rocking her hips up and down atop the stool, grinding her throbbing member into her grasping palm and getting more and more excited. Before long, she knew that her package would refuse to be contained within those tight athletic shorts and it was finally time to release it. A bit of a bummer - usually, she only liked to whip her dick out at school if there was someone nearby to take one look at it and instantly drop down to start servicing it. Oh well. She’d just have to ambush Sunset Shimmer on her way to school early tomorrow!

Rainbow Dash’s eyes kept tracing Ditzy Doo’s photo as she popped her fingers underneath that mighty member and casually flopped it out. Since she was all by herself, there was no ceremony to the motion, no delay or hesitation as she waited for a response. She simply unfurled the most perfect dick in the school and casually began stroking it once more, shifting back and forth in her seat to accommodate her sack. And just when she was starting to wonder what - if anything - she would use for lube that private afternoon alone, there was a sudden cacophony of noise from the corner of the room.

Rainbow Dash’s head lifted up just quickly enough to see a green blur kicking up to her feet and dashing over to the stool without a second’s notice. As she rushed towards Rainbow Dash she knocked over a few chairs and sent yearbook photos flying through the air, and when she reached her destination she slid onto her jeans-covered knees with expert precision. Before Rainbow Dash even had a good look at the girl’s face it was coming into intimate contact with her cock, two sets of pale green fingers wrapping around the shaft while a matching face was nuzzling it affectionately. It was quite possibly the most surprising blowjob that Rainbow Dash ever had - except for maybe the first time she revealed herself to another woman.

“W-Woah! Where did you come from?!” Rainbow Dash wasn’t complaining, but she did gaze down at the kneeling girl with wide, surprised eyes. She was already wrapping her mouth around the tip of that perfect blue dick, swirling her tongue in wet, hungry circles and pushing her lips towards the halfway point. As she gazed up at Rainbow Dash with large, expressive eyes and plain, pale features framed by forest green hair, the next question to leave CHS’s star athlete was obvious. “And...uh...who the heck are you?”

The girl’s expression went from outright infatuation to one of mild annoyance, and she pulled her mouth free of Rainbow Dash’s length. She left the girl’s cockhead coated in spit and her hand continued to gently pump back and forth, though she offered her a sharp glare and spoke in a voice that Rainbow Dash was positive she had never heard before, despite the claims it was making.

“Really?” she asked, irritation lining every syllable. “I’m Wallflower Blush.”


“Wallflower Blush? I sit right beside you in social studies?”

“Doesn’t ring a bell,” Rainbow Dash murmured, and gave a sheepish shrug. The look of annoyance on the girl’s face intensified, but before expressing her anger once more she took another lick of Rainbow Dash’s cock, from the base of her sack all the way up to the tip.

“We’ve gone to school together for years!” she blurted out at last, and then let an intensely frustrated noise escape the back of her throat. “Hmph, fine! Whatever! Nobody ever notices me, I guess. But I’m still going to have fun with this, whether or not you know who I am.”

“Oh, uh...by all means!” Rainbow Dash shrugged again, and stretched her thighs a little wider. She even gave the girl a pair of thumbs up as she flashed her brightest, most charming smile. “Knock yourself out, uh...Wally...Bash?”

Wallflower Blush merely sighed.


Even though Rainbow Dash was having trouble remembering the girl’s name, she was pretty certain she’d remember the blowjob. Probably. She did get her cock sucked by a lot of girls, after all. With a grunt of pleasure the young woman pressed her back against the side of the counter, bracing her arms on the edge as she allowed Wallflower Blush to work. It was clear that the girl was completely inexperienced, but that wasn’t anything new for the girls that went down on that glorious blue member - Rainbow Dash was something of a virgin killer in that respect, and something she took quite a bit of pride in.

The only downside was that these poor girls were going to be let down by literally every other dick they ever encountered in their life...but that was hardly her concern!

“That’s it. Doing good, uh...youuuuu cutie.” The blue-skinned girl coughed sheepishly, while her mind spun trying to think of her new friend’s name. Oh well. Probably didn’t matter. What did matter was the fact that the green-haired girl was taking that big blue cock all the way down her throat, and it was pretty damn impressive coming from a girl that was so unassuming and openly timid. Wallflower Blush was managing to deepthroat her with a great amount of skill and control, pushing her head slowly down until her nose nestled at Dash’s lap and her tongue was able to lash forward and swipe back and forth over her balls. An impressive display for a first timer! “Heh, damn, girl! Keep sucking dick like that, and people will sure remember you!”

Wallflower Blush merely rolled her eyes even as her throat was bulging with dick, but she kept going regardless. As she kept slurping up and down on Dash’s length she lowered a hand down to the front of her jeans, slowly unsnapping the top button and lowering the zipper to reveal a pair of panties that were already damp at the front. As she tucked her fingers underneath the edge of her underwear and allowed her fingers to seek out her slit, the slowly building pleasure encouraged her to suck Rainbow Dash a little more intensely. Her deepthroating continued, but went a little faster as she allowed two fingers to glide inside up to the second knuckle, hooking them within her moistened folds and bucking her hips into the affection. While her other hand held Dash’s cock at the base she bobbed her head up and down with increasing speed, the forest-green hair whipping about her features and her eyes gazing right up at the other girl. Soft, wet noises that sounded nearly like a gag came each time she took Dash down to the hilt, but she didn’t relent and didn’t pause. Rainbow Dash was starting to believe that this little deepthroating wonder was one of CHS’s best kept secrets.

“F...Fuck...this is just what I needed...uh...babe,” Rainbow whimpered, and her hands tightened against the edge of the counter. The picture of Ditzy Doo was all but forgotten; who needed a bikini-clad doofus when she had an eager, hungry young woman on her knees right there? Wallflower Blush wasn’t going to win any awards for the most dazzling girl in school - especially when someone like Rarity was in the same grade - but she was making a strong case for never judging a book by its cover. Except for Dash’s cock, of course. That was a book that read exactly as advertised: flawless, delicious, and ready to unleash a torrent of cum. “Keep...keep going, I’m almost...almost...nnn! It’s gonna be a big one, get ready…!”

She was hardly in the business of letting girls know that she was about to cum. Usually, it was more fun to let it be a surprise, especially when dealing with a bratty bitch like Sunset Shimmer whom Rainbow Dash delighted in watching cough and gag on it. But Wallflower was a different creature altogether, a bit softer and more delicate, even with how hard she was taking her dick. She was a girl that didn’t get nearly the attention she deserved, and Rainbow Dash just couldn’t bring herself to cum down her throat without any warning. Not when she was sure she was packing the sort of load rolling through her right now.

It was the sort of payload of cum that Rainbow Dash would have relished watching Trixie or Sunset sputter over as they tried to swallow it all down. Heck, she even would have loved to watch it suddenly splatter over Rarity’s face and watch her stylish friend scramble in an attempt to protect her hair. For Wallflower Blush, however, Dash was content to overtake the girl’s hand at the base of her cock so she could help control the flow, careful not to give her too much in one sudden strike. When she started to cum the promise of her massive payload was fulfilled, though as soon as she felt the first few pumps rush through her member she made it a point to pull her prick from Wallflower’s mouth.

The forgettable young woman took a full mouthful with even those quick pumps, her cheeks puffing out and cum smearing across her lips as Dash’s prick was plucked free of them. Dash was scooting back and forth on the stool and trembling violently within her climax, her eyes closing tightly as she hissed sharply between her teeth. She had done her part to help stop Wallflower from choking down what felt like an immeasurable amount of cum, but after pulling it from the girl’s lips she didn’t seem to have any control at all. Her cock throbbed and twitched and kept unleashing a torrent of cream that had been rolling within her since first thing that morning - since she was awoken from a happy dream of facefucking that cocky bitch Sunset Shimmer.

The end result, as Rainbow Dash finally opened her eyes and gazed down at Wallflower Blush, was that...well...it was a good thing people didn’t seem to notice her very much. The girl’s thick green sweatshirt was painted with streaks of white cum, and even her jeans had taken a few blasts in rich creamy threads. The enormous payload that Dash had been building up was now slathered over the other young woman’s outfit, and Rainbow Dash knew that the only reason Wallflower wasn’t furious right now was because her hand was still stuffed down the front of her panties.

Quickly, the swift blue-skinned beauty was eager to move things forward, lest Wallflower’s common sense catch up with her enough to realize her clothes were a mess.

“Hope you liked the taste, ‘cause this big blue beauty’s going inside of you right now.” Rainbow Dash beamed, wagging her cock from side to side and grinning at the sight of Wallflower’s eyes tracking its movements. She was swallowing down the mouthfuls of cum she had been given and squirming back and forth, grinding her hips forward so that her fingers could slip all the deeper into her pussy. Practically enchanted by that glorious dick, it seemed like Rainbow Dash was going to get away with making a cum-covered mess of her. “Stand up and get those jeans off, babe. Maybe I didn’t notice you in social studies, but right now? You’ve got my total, undivided attention.”

Rainbow Dash’s ploy worked. Before she even had a chance to realize the fact that her sweatshirt was streaked with cum, Wallflower Blush was on her feet and stripping out of it. She pulled the garment up and over her head before swiftly tossing it aside, and just as quickly hitched her hands to the edge of her jeans to start wiggling free. Before long she was standing in front of Rainbow Dash wearing only her bra and moistened panties, and Dash slipped a hand around her length to give it a few casual, eager strokes. Even though she had just released what felt like an endless torrent of cum on the shy young woman, she was more than ready to go again, and it seemed like the yearbook room was the perfect place for some privacy.

With her usual cocky smile playing on her lips, Dash pulled Wallflower close and helped the girl to gently mount her lap as she sat on the stool. It stood just high enough that Wallflower had to stand on her toes in order to stay balanced, but in doing so she was able to grind her panty-clad pussy up and down across the other woman’s throbbing, still-slickened member. A gasp rose from the back of her throat as she gazed down to see Dash’s cock sandwiched between her pussy and Dash’s lap, not only from the alluring sight of that delicious member, but from the realization of just how deep it was going to go within her. Once she was sure that Wallflower Blush was steady on her lap, she reached her hands around the girl’s back, fumbling with her bra and unsnapping it after a bit of work.

“Let’s see what you’ve got here…” Dash purred, that look of pure confidence continuing to rest on her face while she worked. As the bra came free and Wallflower’s generous breasts were left revealed, Rainbow Dash had to admit - she wasn’t expecting tits so nice. Maybe more people would notice Wallflower if she didn’t hide those pretty green mounds inside of a thick sweatshirt all the time! Not that she wanted more people to notice her, of course; the longer she stayed in Wallflower’s presence, the more she was enjoying the girl being her dirty little secret. With her hands sliding up around Wallflower’s chest and groping each full breast within a palm, the cocky girl rocked her hips up from the stool and worked to grind against the other’s lap. “Move your hips, push all your weight down on top of me. Feels good, huh?”

“It...it does, yeah…” Wallflower murmured, a blush rising to her cheeks. With her breasts fondled within Dash’s grip, she braced her hands on the athlete’s shoulders as she did exactly as she was told. While balancing on the toes of her sneakers she kept rolling her hips back and forth, putting pressure on that impressive cock and keeping it firmly pressed in between their bodies. It was an immeasurably exciting bit of fun for a young woman that hadn’t gotten to play in this manner before, and even though she was shy and inexperienced the sight of Dash’s cock could do wonders for one’s confidence. Before long she even reached a hand down to grip her panties where it covered her, ready to pull them aside as she looked up with a nervous twinge in her eyes. “...c...can I?”

“You can do whatever you want, so long as you stay in my lap.” Rainbow Dash beamed, and genuinely considered herself charming, even romantic, for saying so. Her hands slid from Wallflower’s breasts to her waist, keeping her steady as Wallflower began to pull her panties slowly aside. There was a fleeting moment in which her pale green pussy laid flat atop Dash’s length, the edges kissing the sides and her steady grind slathering that throbbing member in her nectar. It was a short lived tease. No sooner did either girl shudder from that intimate contact than Wallflower stood up just a little higher, and Dash’s cock naturally took that opportunity to flop back up and press a hard, pulsing cockhead to her tiny, tight entrance. Wallflower gasped audibly and tightened her hands around Dash’s shirt collar as she felt the pinch of penetration, and as she slowly slid into the other girl’s lap a long, lewd moan escaped the back of her throat and filled the yearbook room around them.

“Ohhhh, that’s...that’s so...ohh…” Wallflower’s eyes rolled back in her head as she eased herself back down, taking all of Rainbow Dash’s inches into her tight, wet entrance. As she settled once more into her lap Dash tightened her grasp around her, and even slid her hands around her back to squeeze her into a hug. Wallflower Blush looked like she needed it, after all, and she certainly didn’t want the little thing to slip off her lap now. Once her naked chest was squeezed to Dash’s body and she felt those strong arms lock around her, Wallflower was content to bury her face in the other girl’s rainbow hair, taking a deep breath as she started to roll her hips once more. “Thank...thank you...for noticing me…”

Granted, Rainbow Dash really only noticed her because she had slid into a deepthroat, but it seemed tacky to point that out. Besides, the shy green-skinned girl was rather charming, and she was giving that big blue dick the sort of intense squeeze that it deserved. Rainbow Dash chuckled as she tightened her embrace and moved her hips to work with Wallflower’s own, her rump rising up from the stool as she gave her a few thrusts to ensure the girl felt every last inch of her. Once they found a rhythm and it seemed like Wallflower Blush was steady on her lap, Dash finally spoke up, her voice a fair bit sweeter than it was when she was dealing with Sunset or Trixie or any of her other more hostile partners.

“I could stop by this time more often to notice you some more.” She smiled, just as she hilted herself inside of Wallflower and took the time to savor her entire embrace. Pulsing, tight walls, a lovely warmth, and the heat of Wallflower’s breath at her throat. The girl audibly gasped at the promise she’d come by more often, and Dash knew that it was a vow that meant a lot to her. Still, CHS’s star athlete had an ego that needed to be sated by hearing the words. “Would you like that? Want me to come by and fuck you more often?”

Wallflower’s hips were moving faster now, inspired by the promise of more attention, more affection, and more blue cock. As she rolled back and forth the wet sound of their pleasure filled the immediate area around them, and as the seconds passed Wallflower was breathing heavier and hotter as a thin glaze of sweat marked her forehead. Yet another virgin offering herself up to CHS’s absolute best cock, and yet another horny teenager that was already fantasizing about the next time she’d get a visit from her. Rainbow Dash was beaming brightly long before Wallflower even said a single word - it was damn good being the coolest girl in school.

“Please...please stop by...fuck me...show me things…” Wallflower was bouncing quicker now, her breasts held in place only by the weight of Dash’s own chest against her. The stool squeaked underneath them each time she rode, as did her sneakers against the hard tile of the yearbook room floor. That lovely green rump landed in Dash’s lap with an increasing pace and intensity, and Rainbow was left surprised at just how little effort she needed to put out - Wallflower was seemingly more than happy to fuck herself on that enormous rod, riding it out towards an inevitable intense climax. “I’m always here! Nobody ever pays attention, but...but maybe if you fuck me more…”

It was hard to imagine just what was going through the girl’s mind, whether she thought that fucking Rainbow Dash would give her the confidence for a more sparkling personality, or simply because she thought that taking enough of the girl’s loads would infuse her with a fragment of her awesomeness. Either way, she wasn’t able to finish that thought as her orgasm suddenly rocked through her with a wild shockwave she hadn’t expected. She buried her face against Rainbow Dash’s hair as she offered a sharp and sudden whine, and in the same moment her nethers tightened and started to spasm around that throbbing, ramming unit within her. As every muscle in Wallflower’s body went rigid she was no longer able to keep herself up on her toes, and as she crashed into Dash’s lap it was only by the merit of the athlete’s strength that she didn’t tumble right off.

Rainbow Dash twitched and shivered as she held onto the spasming girl wrapped so tightly around her cock, and with one last push forward she found her second orgasm deep in the girl’s depths. As she gave Wallflower Blush her first proper creampie Dash made sure to lock her arms all the tighter around the shy young thing, giving her a chance to recover, to experience the warmth flooding her, and to catch her breath. It was the sort of concession that Rainbow Dash didn’t offer to many of her playmates - if this had been Sunset Shimmer, she would’ve pushed the bitch off her lap and told her to clean her cock off by now.

There was fun to be had in both experiences. As Wallflower continued to tremble in her arms, Rainbow Dash made sure to unleash every last drop of cum into her pussy, staying quiet and keeping that embrace firm and reliable. After a while, the only thing she could hear was the gentle gasping of Wallflower catching her breath and the steady drip, drip, drip of cum falling from where they were joined down to the tile below. It was at that point that Rainbow Dash finally slid her hands underneath Wallflower’s rear, squeezing firmly as she started to whisper.

“Hey, think you can stand up?” she murmured, and even helped her do so. As Wallflower pushed with weak knees and twitching thighs, Dash pressed her hands to her waist and kept her steady until she was sure she’d stay standing. As her cock left the girl’s slit with a wet pop Wallflower practically squirted out the overflow of cum right onto Dash’s thigh, something else that would have otherwise been on Sunset Shimmer cleanup duty. Considering the fact that Wallflower Blush looked like she just got hit by a truck carrying sexual relief, a tissue would do in a pinch. As the girl zombie-walked back to her jeans and discarded sweatshirt, Dash leaned back on the counter and gave her new friend an approving smile. “You did awesome, Wallflower Blush.”

When Wallflower spun on a heel and gave a sudden look to Rainbow Dash with wide, open eyes, the girl almost thought she had said something wrong. As she was sheepishly tucking her cock back into her shorts, however, Wallflower folded her hands together in blissful fashion and spoke in a truly delighted tone.

“You...you remember my name!” A small gesture, but one that meant the world to her.

Wallflower Blush wasn’t noticed by many students, but one thing was certain: after that day, Rainbow Dash would find the sweet but eager yearbook room hottie completely unforgettable.

End of Chapter 9.

After Hours (Cheerliee)

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Rainbow Dash’s 10/10 Top Tier Cock
Chapter Ten: After Hours
-by Drace Domino

Rainbow Dash sighed as she gazed out the nearby window, watching her friends all walking home from school together. It must have been nice not having a big book report to finish at the last minute. Granted, the only reason Rainbow Dash’s report wasn’t done was because she had spent the entire past week fucking young women after class instead of studying, but that was days ago! Now, she had to suffer the repercussions of her actions, and that meant being stuck in the stuffy school library while all the other girls got to enjoy the pleasant evening. Rainbow Dash continued watching the girls until they fell out of her line of sight from the window, and then finally she turned back to the series of open books in front of her. Studying and research were never her strong suits, and she was bracing herself for one long, frustrating evening.

Good thing the library was usually open late.

“Rainbow Dash, if you need anything just let me know.” The voice that slipped from behind her was a pleasant and mature one, the tone of the school librarian Ms. Cheerilee. Always pleasant and always smiling, she was well-liked by the students and the faculty and hardly anyone had anything bad to say about her. As she stepped behind Rainbow Dash and dropped a gentle hand on the girl’s shoulder, Dash drew in the sweet scent of her perfume - flirty, yet still mature. Ms. Cheerilee might’ve been the youngest of the teachers on staff, but she was still a teacher. “I’ll be in the back sorting out the returned books from this week. We’ll be closing up in two hours, so you have plenty of time to do everything you need.”

“Thanks, Ms. Cheerilee.” Rainbow Dash gave a tiny nod, and even offered a small smile to the teacher as she started to walk past. As Ms. Cheerilee headed towards the back of the library Rainbow Dash naturally watched her go - admiring the curves of a woman that was better sculpted than most of the teenagers she spent time with. Ms. Cheerilee had a nicely rounded rear and surprisingly full breasts, the latter of which were always contained in a white button-up shirt that seemed only barely interested in keeping them in check. One of the reasons Ms. Cheerilee was so popular was because her bright and sunny nature was typically joined by a bounce of her absolutely perfect breasts, and such a quality was naturally something Rainbow Dash took notice of. As Ms. Cheerilee kept moving Rainbow Dash just kept gazing, her chin resting on her palm and a soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Her eyes were focused on the shape of that perfectly round rear, drifting from side to side in a gentle sway that Ms. Cheerilee didn’t even realize she was doing.

She was adorable innocence - not the slightly sassy maturity of Principal Celestia or the moody temperment of Vice Principal Luna. Ms. Cheerilee was about as wholesome as apple pie, and Rainbow Dash already had plans to fuck her that very night.

Well hell, she wasn’t staying after school just to finish her book report! That didn’t sound like Rainbow Dash at all!

With a grin, Rainbow Dash turned back to her studies when Ms. Cheerilee finally rounded the corner into her back office. The fact that Dash still needed to finish her homework wasn’t up for debate - despite her lazy attitude, she was a girl that fully understood that poor grades would mean sitting on the bench for the soccer team. And the track team. And the swimming team. Simply put, if Rainbow Dash flunked out of a class, it would be the end of the CHS athletic program as they knew it.

So to that end, the cocky young woman took her work seriously that night, and for nearly two hours she did exactly as she was supposed to. Her nose deep in her books, she constantly took notes and worked on tidying up her report.

“...wish I was friends with more eggheads,” she murmured to herself while she worked, quietly lamenting the fact that between Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy none of them were particularly gifted in a scholarly fashion. The smartest girl she knew was Sunset Shimmer, and...well...Sunset was great for an angry blowjob now and again, but it’d be a cold day in Hell before Rainbow Dash asked her for help on her homework. She could only imagine the smugness.

And so, the young woman continued along to the best of her ability, and in truth did as good a job as one could expect from a girl that spent the majority of her time either playing sports or jamming her dick into various teenagers. By the very end of it she was mentally exhausted, sporting a sore rump from sitting in the uncomfortable library chair, and most notably...rock hard beneath her shorts.

It had been a long day. Another day spent without a good opportunity to coax someone into going down on her. Not even Wallflower Blush was around for a quickie - or at least, she didn’t seem to be. It was always a little hard to tell, but Rainbow Dash did a short lap around the yearbook room with her dick out fishing for her and didn’t hear a peep. On top of yet another day of sexual frustration Ms. Cheerilee was the type of woman that was hard to dispel from one’s thoughts, especially when she was already in the back room in a private spot where they could have some fun. Ms. Cheerilee was back there practically waiting for Rainbow Dash to come and fuck her...she just didn’t know it yet.

With a soft smile, Dash stood from her chair and closed the last of her books, content in a job well done. After casually tucking them all away into her bag and taking a small sip of water, the young woman gave herself one quick once-over to make sure she was in fine condition. Using a tiny hand mirror gifted to her by Rarity because “a lady should always look her best,” the rainbow-maned young woman teased her hair into the usual style, popped the collar of her jacket, and slipped a hand between her thighs to properly position herself. She was bulging noticeably, but what else was new?

And after that brief moment of primping, Rainbow Dash tossed her mirror back in her book bag and started to make a beeline for the back room - it was time for her to see if Ms. Cheerilee was as wholesome as she seemed.

She was betting the answer would be a resounding no, at least once the older woman caught a glimpse of what was hiding beneath her shorts.


“Rainbow Dash! Finish everything you needed to do?” Ms. Cheerilee was as bright and sunny as ever, beaming from ear to ear as the young woman stepped into her office. The adorable teacher had a bit of a mess on her hands - stacks of books that needed to be organized and a general state of chaos that permeated her entire room. It was the sort of mess that would’ve given a more meticulous woman a migraine, especially to see it as a librarian’s center of operations. “That’s good, I was about to close up for the night.”

“Yeah, all done, Ms. Cheerilee.” Rainbow Dash beamed, and casually closed the door behind her. It was a slow and subtle gesture, one that she hoped the older woman didn’t notice right away. As she let the door drift closed, her hand just as deftly slinked to the lock, twisting it into place and ensuring they’d have themselves some privacy. The students had already gone home but there were no doubt faculty members lurking in the halls, and Ms. Cheerilee deserved her undivided attention. She knew what a cock hog Vice Principal Luna could be when she had it in her sights, and didn’t want to risk her scaring off the intensely lovable, pink-haired librarian. “Before I go, there’s something I’d like to show you. Got a minute?”

Or a few hours, as would soon prove to be the case.

“I’ve always got time for one of the students!” The perfect answer from a perfect older woman, complete with a bounce to her breasts as she stood up straight once more. Ms. Cheerilee moved to stand just in front of her desk and she leaned back against it casually, her full rump pressing against the edge and melding around the sides. With her hands at her sides holding onto the edge of her desk, the woman looked like she was straight from the cover of a student/teacher porno - although this time, Rainbow Dash was living it instead of downloading it from the link Pinkie Pie sent her. “What do you want to show me? Ohh, is it a present for your favorite librarian?! You know, I’m a little offended that your friend Applejack never brought me an apple! She gives them to everyone else!”

“Heh, it’s not an apple, but I can have a word with AJ.” Rainbow Dash grinned, almost unable to contain her enthusiasm for the older woman. Ms. Cheerilee was a bit of a long-desired acquisition for the cocky student, a woman that she had found endearing and charming and sexy for quite some time, yet never had the opportunity to make a move on. It was the perfect reward to give herself for finishing up her book report, finally sinking into a pleasure that had been such a desperately long time coming. “But I bet what I want to show you will make you a whole lot happier…”

With that, the star athlete of CHS dipped one hand below the waistband of her shorts, and Ms. Cheerilee’s face went through the usual stages. Outright shock that this blue-skinned braggart was about to flash her, then intense fascination as her eyes took in the flawless inches and the perfectly sculpted tip, then the look of oh-so-brief conflict in which her base desires fought against every responsible thought she ever had. It was a swift medley that was over far too fast, and Ms. Cheerilee went from shock to surprise to conflict in what felt like record time. In a mere few seconds, she had finally found herself at the fourth and final stage of what happened every time Rainbow Dash flashed her dick: acceptance that it was the best cock she had ever seen, and an insatiable desire to do anything to please it.

Once that look of hunger crossed Ms. Cheerilee’s face, Rainbow Dash expected that everything else would follow the same pattern it usually did. A woman dropping to her knees and fawning over that member, whether she was doing so with a look of mild guilt like Rarity and Applejack, a look of indignant anger like Sunset Shimmer, or one of sophisticated arrogance like Octavia. She was accustomed to a doting blowjob to start things off, but Ms. Cheerilee was just full of surprises. Instead of dropping immediately to her knees and wrapping her lips around that member, it seemed like the enticing sight of Rainbow Dash’s dick brought out something in Ms. Cheerilee that the young woman had not expected.

“Bring it over here, and let’s see how it fits.” The teacher smiled sweetly, and with ease and comfort hopped up onto the edge of the desk. She was spreading her legs and lifting her skirt as her eyes danced across Dash’s length, and giving a gentle nibble to her bottom lip. As her green flower-print skirt came up above her thighs she revealed that underneath was a pair of plain cotton panties - panties she was already hooking fingers against to pull aside and reveal her lovely pink slit. Ms. Cheerilee didn’t mess around, already eager to invite Rainbow Dash straight into her most intimate spot. “I’m ready for you, Rainbow Dash...don’t make a lady wait.”

It wasn’t very often that Rainbow Dash was left particularly surprised in the moments after she flashed her dick, but Ms. Cheerilee’s reaction was a real treat. With a broad smile stretching from ear to ear, the cocky young woman sauntered forward, and as she did so she kicked her shorts entirely off and began the process of yanking off her shirt. By the time she arrived at the edge of the desk she was standing there in nothing but her socks and sneakers, and when she came before Cheerilee her member flopped down to rub its underside back and forth across the older woman’s folds. She was already warm and glistening and Ms. Cheerilee was bucking her hips forward, rubbing back against the teenager’s cock as the two gazed at each other with a passion already growing between them.

“Damn, Ms. Cheerilee…” Rainbow Dash chuckled, wiggling her hips from side to side as her cock continued grinding against the other woman’s folds. “You really just can’t wait to get fucked, can you?”

The mature woman merely smiled, and was already in the process of unbuttoning her tight-fitting white blouse. As the buttons came free one by one more and more of her impressive cleavage was revealed, until finally the shirt opened to show that boring white bra, containing glorious breasts that were anything but boring. As the deep pink color of Cheerilee’s flesh dipped behind the white fabric there was a clear overhang at the edge - her tits had a muffin top against the edge of the garment, and Dash had to take time to appreciate it. Once Cheerilee’s shirt was open Rainbow Dash let her hands stretch forward to explore, teasing her fingers across the curvy, soft flesh and only grinning wider throughout the experience. She’d been wanting to get her hands on those big, beautiful breasts for months...and now they were finally within her grasp.

“What are you waiting for?” Ms. Cheerilee murmured, even going so far as to lower her hand to Dash’s length and grip it between her fingers. She was rolling her hips forward as she pressed down upon that wonderful shaft, further coating Dash’s length with her nectar and coaxing the younger woman to slip inside of her. She even pulled close to whisper at the edge of the student’s ear, complete with a tiny lick to her earlobe. “...fuck me, young lady. Ram that cock inside of me and make me your slut…”

“...fuck’s sakes, Ms. Cheerilee.” Rainbow Dash merely blinked, her eyes wide and a blush racing across her cheeks. Who knew the sweet school librarian was such a damn cougar?! Unable to resist such a thrilling invitation, Rainbow Dash backed her hips up and pressed her tip to the older woman’s folds, lining herself up for a deep, intense insertion. As soon as she did so Ms. Cheerilee’s legs spread so she could reach them around the younger woman’s waist, moving them until she could cross her heels behind Dash’s back and help her to thrust inside. As Ms. Cheerilee’s pussy began gobbling up the inches of her student’s cock both women were left gasping from delight, the elder of the two moving her hands forward to firmly grasp the other’s shoulders. It was a moment of slow penetration - for once, Rainbow Dash wasn’t of a mind to thrust inside particularly quickly. Ms. Cheerilee was worth savoring and taking her time with, and sure enough by the time her cock was hilted inside the older woman she was happy she had been patient.

With her length lodged deep inside and Ms. Cheerilee’s legs wrapped fiercely around her waist, Rainbow Dash finally gazed at the older woman with her cocky and confident smile firmly in place. Her hands lowered from her teacher’s tits down to the curve of her ample rump, and as her fingers sunk in against the warm, soft flesh she bucked her hips forward just to make sure she was as deep as she could manage. Judging by the gasp that broke from Ms. Cheerilee’s throat, she certainly seemed to be.

“You’re...you’re so big, Rainbow Dash…” Ms. Cheerilee cooed, and buried her face against the young woman’s throat. She was kissing, suckling, nibbling at the teenager’s flesh as her hands slid down Dash’s back, letting her nails tease over the flesh and draw thin white lines which soon faded. Her hips rolled from side to side and she squeezed her walls around that throbbing member, the woman still only barely able to cope with the profound bliss of being penetrated by such a flawless member. “Mmm...you’re the first student I’ve ever fucked. Looks like I was waiting for the best…”

“Just promise me one thing, Ms. Cheerilee,” Rainbow Dash whispered, still with her hands locked firmly on the older woman’s rump. She was doing her best to resist moving, keeping herself delightfully on edge with that wet, warm slit wrapped about her shaft. “Just one thing before I give you what you want.”

“Oh?” the older woman murmured, and gazed up from Dash’s throat. “Let me guess. Not to tell anyone that you had sex with the school librarian?” Rainbow Dash audibly laughed at that, and shook her head wildly back and forth so quickly that the rainbow locks slapped back and forth over Ms. Cheerilee’s cheeks.

“Hell no!” She grinned, and gave Cheerilee another short, intense thrust. “Hell, you could get on the school intercom and tell everyone during the morning announcements for all I care. You just have to promise to give me a titjob once we’re done!”

Ms. Cheerilee gave a delightful laugh in response to the young woman’s words, and she eagerly nodded before returning to kiss and nibble at Dash’s throat. She likely wouldn’t be announcing to the school that she fucked a student anytime soon, but she could certainly oblige once their first round of fun was over. After all, she had endured years of students gazing longingly at her breasts, it was only fitting that one of them finally got a chance to enjoy them! With Rainbow Dash’s condition silently accepted the young woman finally started to give Ms. Cheerilee what she had been craving, pulling her hips back and giving her a series of wet, deep thrusts that left her nethers filled with inches upon inches of glorious blue cock. She moved slowly at first, but it was purely so she could savor every last second of the glorious moment that she got to fuck the school’s most choice cougar. The sound of her cock pressing deep into that wet pussy, the tiny gasps of Cheerilee against her throat, the smell of that sweet yet mature perfume...everything about the moment was exactly what Rainbow Dash had wished for...and then some.

The fact that Ms. Cheerilee was turning out to be a dirty girl was an unexpected yet very welcome twist.

“Nnnn, fuck me...fuck me harder...harder…” Ms. Cheerilee hissed, and Rainbow Dash was left gasping as the older woman’s nails pressed deeper into her back. The mature woman’s thighs were surprisingly strong, and even CHS’s top tier athlete wouldn’t have been able to break free of them even if she wanted to. As it was, Ms. Cheerilee helped Dash to fuck harder, deeper, thrust down to the base with every push and leave her balls slapping against her curvy rump. “Yessss...jam that beautiful cock of yours all the way in...how’s it feel to fuck a teacher? How’s it feel to make a slut out of an older woman?”

Rainbow Dash didn’t have the heart to tell Ms. Cheerilee that she wasn’t the first member of the faculty she had plowed - why spoil the illusion? Besides, if it got more filthy talk like that from the otherwise sweet and wholesome school librarian, Rainbow Dash would’ve let her believe anything she wanted.

“Feels great, Ms. Cheerilee!” Rainbow Dash beamed, and started to pick up the pace. Her hips were rolling forward faster and faster now, and the sound of her length plunging deep into the older woman was getting louder with every strike. She released one hand’s grip on Cheerilee’s ass so she could slide her fingers up along her back through the fabric of her outfit, all the way into that lush pink hair. With a grin Dash pushed Cheerilee’s face right back into place against her throat, and with the teacher’s breath across her flesh spoke up once more in an increasingly heated voice. “Now just hang on tight, ‘cause if you’re going to be that dirty I’m not holding anything back!”

Ms. Cheerilee was all too happy to hear it, and the next noise she made was a desperate moan pressed flush to Rainbow Dash’s throat. Her hands tightened and her nails dug in even more against the teenager’s blue flesh, ensuring that Dash would be going home that night with a few scratches to remind her of the fun she had with the librarian. Similarly, Cheerilee’s legs tightened to the point that it was almost difficult for Dash to keep thrusting - that gorgeous, mature creature wanted to keep her as deep inside as possible, and if it wasn’t for the fact that Dash was a top tier athlete she wouldn’t have been able to keep rolling back. Through it all, Rainbow Dash relished the grip of her teacher around her throbbing cock, and kept herself as close as possible so she could keep drawing in deep, sweet breaths of her perfume.

The desk underneath them shook with every thrust forward, and each time she drove down to the hilt Ms. Cheerilee made another loud squeak of joy. Those squeaks often blended into horny moans pouring from her lips, and as she rubbed her ample breasts back and forth over Rainbow Dash’s comparatively small chest, Ms. Cheerilee’s voice continued to goad her on. The older woman was a lusty thing indeed, and though Rainbow Dash didn’t know if it was all because of the sight of her flawless dick or not, she wasn’t about to stop to question it.

“Yes yes yes yes...fuck fuck...harder, harder...mmm!” Ms. Cheerilee was more animated than most of Rainbow Dash’s lovers - a writhing, excited woman who wasn’t afraid of being loud and nasty. A stark contrast to someone like Applejack, who had a tendency to keep things modest and quiet even if she was at the height of pleasure. “Ohh, pound my pussy! All the way in! Don’t pull it out! Fuck your teacher, Rainbow Dash! Fuck your slutty teacher and fill her up with cum!”

Such a wholesome teacher indeed. The hungry begging that poured from her lips was enough to encourage Dash to do exactly as she was told, slamming her hips forward and even standing on her toes as she did so, trying to boost forward to get a bit more leverage. She continued cradling Cheerilee’s head to her neck with one hand while grasping a fistful of pink rump in the other, though she was going rapidly white-knuckled from the intensity of the squeeze. Rainbow Dash knew her moment was rapidly approaching, and she had every intention of giving Ms. Cheerilee what she had begged for. A nice, overflowing creampie from a student to a teacher...much better than just giving her an apple!

“I’m...I’m close…” Rainbow Dash whimpered, and pushed herself down deep before firing away with a few short thrusts. Her sack continued clapping against Cheerilee’s rump, and there was a familiar tingling sensation rushing through her base. “Ohh, Ms. Cheerilee, I’m...I’m gonna...gonna…”

“Fill me up! Fill your dirty slut teacher! Mmm…!” Ms. Cheerilee suddenly brought her head forward and let go of Dash’s back, seizing hold of her rainbow mane of hair with both hands and yanking her into a deep and depraved kiss. Her tongue wrestled greedily with her student’s as she locked her legs as tightly as she was able, ensuring that there was no escape for Rainbow Dash and that she would get the creamy prize she was craving so much. Sure enough, as their kiss began Rainbow Dash gave a gentle whimper, and her climax brought forth a torrent of cum that was easily enough to cascade into Cheerilee’s release as well.

Together, the two women were practically frozen as they kissed, Dash’s throbbing length unleashing her load while Ms. Cheerilee’s pussy shivered in pleasure. The only movement that came from the older woman was the erratic spasming of one of her legs, so violent and hard that one of her heels fell from her foot thanks to the wild twitching. Rainbow Dash was utterly painting within her, coating her walls with a warm and delightful white and giving her a taste of a lewd delight she hadn’t ever experienced before. A student’s passion, a creampie from a girl barely more than half her age.

When their shared orgasms finished, Rainbow Dash pulled her lips from Ms. Cheerilee’s but made damn sure to remain inside of her. Partly, she simply didn’t want to leave the older woman’s pussy...but more importantly, she wasn’t entirely sure that she’d be able to stay standing if it wasn’t for Ms. Cheerilee’s legs still wrapped around her waist. For the moment she continued leaning against her, licking her lips and taking a few deep breaths. The scent of Cheerilee’s perfume was still hanging in the air and was free to be enjoyed, though now it was laced with the saturated smell of their sex - of the sweat that clung to their figures and the juice that Ms. Cheerilee had smeared across her student’s lap. Both were left breathing heavily, both were left momentarily silent, and both were quite happy to sit in that aftermath with the teenager’s cock resting within her teacher, every now and again giving another tiny spasm and spurt of cum.

“That...that was...awesome!” Rainbow Dash was the first to catch her breath, and her enthusiastic cry was marked with an enormous smile. She pressed her head forward to give Ms. Cheerilee another intense kiss, her tongue wrangling the older woman’s for a few joyful seconds before she started to pull back. As Ms. Cheerilee’s legs started to unwrap from around her waist Rainbow Dash was already moving her hands to her shoulders, pushing her back to lay flat on the desk as she did so. “Alright! Ready for the next part?!”

Ms. Cheerilee was slightly confused at first, but once she managed to collect her thoughts through the post-orgasmic haze she let loose with a delightful laugh. With a smile she began to lean back in accordance with Rainbow Dash’s wishes, though she paused long enough to reach behind herself and work at the fastener of her bra. Once it became undone she finally allowed her breasts to fall free out into the open air, and she cradled each perfect mound in a palm as she wiggled her brow to her student in suggestive fashion. Knowing full well that she had promised her teenaged student a titjob, Ms. Cheerilee happily laid back atop her desk and waited for the girl to come and collect her prize.

“I hope you’ll be ready to fuck me again afterwards,” she purred, and watched as Rainbow Dash crawled up to join her on the desk. Soon CHS’s star athlete was crawling up, slipping a leg around her stomach so she could line herself up into position. Soon, Rainbow Dash’s sack was pressed against the older woman’s chest, and that throbbing, slick shaft flopped right in between those pink, perfect tits. Ms. Cheerilee did the hard work of pushing her breasts together on either side of Rainbow Dash’s cock, and as she did so she made it a point to lick her lips in a teasing fashion and give the younger woman an aroused look. “You’d better not think you can get away with showing me a cock this nice and not letting me have it all night long…”

“All night?” Rainbow Dash blinked and tilted her head, though she paused as she felt the sides of Ms. Cheerilee’s warm, inviting breasts close around the sides of her dick. She shuddered in pleasure and gulped down a deep breath, bracing herself on her teacher’s shoulders as she did so. “You...uh...you mean that?”

“All night,” Ms. Cheerilee reiterated, and lifted a brow as she started to roll her breasts back and forth. Rainbow Dash was left shuddering in pleasure, not just from the bliss of having her tits trapped between squishy perfection but for the promise of what was to come. “I live alone, after all. No reason you can’t spend the night...show me everything this big, delicious cock of yours can do…”

Rainbow Dash had hit the jackpot, and she knew it. Most of her encounters, even the ones with other members of the faculty, had a tendency to be over in a short evening. But Ms. Cheerilee was something special. Something particularly horny. With a big, joyful smile Rainbow Dash started to enthusiastically nod, and soon her hips were rocking back and forth as she fucked firmly in between those perfect pink tits. Things were looking up for CHS’s star athlete that night - she’d call her parents to tell them she was staying at a friend’s house, spend the whole night fucking her surprisingly slutty teacher, and in the morning put the finishing touches on her book report.

Things had a tendency to go Rainbow Dash’s way, but this was above and beyond.

“Ms. Cheerilee, you got yourself a date!” Rainbow Dash grinned, and gazed down at the charming face of the adorable school librarian. It had taken the young woman a lot longer than she would have liked to spend an evening with Ms. Cheerilee, but one thing was absolutely certain - it was well worth the wait.

End of Chapter 10.

Pie Delivery (Pinkie & Dash)

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Rainbow Dash’s 10/10 Top Tier Cock
Chapter Eleven: Pie Delivery
-by Drace Domino

Nothing like a lazy Sunday afternoon to wind down from a wild Saturday. Rainbow Dash was enjoying one such day as she reclined on the living room couch, her feet up on the coffee table and her arms stretched out wide. She had been spending the past hour or so drifting in and out of sleep while she watched a soccer game on TV - it was hard to stay interested when she was a better athlete than any of the “professionals” on the field. With her legs crossed, head rolled back, and entire body basking in a beam of sunlight coming from a nearby open window, it was just what Rainbow Dash needed to chillax.

Banging hot young women all the time was tiring work, after all! As Rainbow Dash gave a sleepy yawn and slid a hand down to rub absently at her belly, she even humored the notion of stepping outside to see if she could find any action. There was plenty of pussy to be had for a girl with an irresistible cock like hers - all she had to do was get off her lazy ass and get it. As she gazed across the living room to the front door, a tiny grunt escaped the back of her throat. She’d have to put on shoes...find her keys...see if there were any hotties nearby...take them someplace private...it was a whole thing. And at the moment, it seemed like far too much work for Rainbow Dash to exert on a Sunday afternoon.

“Ah well.” She shrugged, and gazed back at the TV as she stifled another short yawn. “Guess I don’t need to have my cock sucked every day.” She’d have two girls go down on her tomorrow to make up for it! Ohh, maybe even at the same time! A blowjob sandwich would absolutely negate the cosmic imbalance of a day where Rainbow Dash’s dick was left perpetually dry and unkissed. Still...she had to admit. A bit of afternoon delight would be nice. If only there was some way she could have cunt delivered to he-

The knock that came at the door was loud and startling, so much so that Rainbow Dash jerked upright with her heart leaping into her chest. Who the hell could that be? She didn’t actually expect that she was lucky enough to be the recipient of some sort of cosmic pussy delivery - though if anyone was that lucky, it would’ve definitely been her. With a sigh Rainbow Dash rose up to her feet and padded slowly over to the door, her shoulders slouched and her rainbow locks dangling half across her face. She had been so damned lazy that morning she hadn’t even bothered to comb her hair.

When Rainbow Dash opened the door, she was treated to the pure shot of adrenaline and caffeine that was Pinkie Pie. The girl stood in the doorway with a bright and cheerful smile on her face, and as soon as she laid her eyes upon Rainbow Dash she greeted her with the traditional tackle hug. As Rainbow Dash staggered back, suddenly holding her perkiest friend, Pinkie Pie looked up at her with a giggle rising from the back of her throat.

“Hi, Rainbow Dash!” She beamed, and lunged ahead to give her another hug. “You don’t have to worry about a thing, here I am!”

“Here you--worry about--what?!” Rainbow Dash blinked, and slowly managed to pry herself away from the other girl. She stepped back and leaned against the wall, casting the girl a cautious gaze. Pinkie was always the sort that ramped things up to eleven, even a casual greeting on a lazy Sunday. It wasn’t exactly an uncommon occurrence to not know what Pinkie was talking about - the girl’s mind always seemed to work in a dozen directions at once and she never seemed particularly interested in letting other people keep up. Rainbow Dash had made the decision long ago that it was okay to be about eighty percent confused whenever Pinkie Pie was around, since trying for anything deeper usually led to a headache.

“I’m here for that thing you wanted to show me, silly!” Pinkie invited herself inside, hopping forward and into the living room. The girl was dressed in cute fashion - a pair of shorts that were way shorterer than Principal Celestia would have allowed at school, and a belly tee that left her pink midriff completely exposed. Once she was inside she flopped right down on the center of the couch where Rainbow Dash had been chillaxing. “Well? Let’s see it! I can’t wait to find out what it is!”

“Pinkie...what…” Rainbow Dash took a deep breath, and after closing the front door slowly followed her bouncy friend. It didn’t completely go over Rainbow Dash’s head that just as she had sat lamenting the fact that there was no pussy delivery service, one practically fell into her lap dressed in an adorable, flirty outfit...but where Pinkie Pie was involved, Rainbow Dash had come to expect the horny rug pulled out from underneath her at a moment’s notice. Pinkie had never seen her cock, but that was usually because she was too distracted. Cake, balloons, one time a really cute dog outside the window - Rainbow Dash’s cock had never failed to entice a woman’s affections, but the critical failure was that someone had to see it. Getting Pinkie to look in any one direction was like trying to make a cat dance. “What the heck are you talking about? What do I want to show you?”

“I don’t know, showy showgirl! But show it to me already!” Pinkie spun around on the couch, lifting her legs to drape over the back while her head dangled from the edge. With her large poof of pink hair drooping to the ground and her midriff pulling up even further to show a bit of pink underboob, she looked as obviously sexy as ever - pure Pinkie Pie. “I was sitting at home helping Maud count her rocks when my Pinkie sense went a-tinglin’! Two butt shakes, a nose wiggle, and goosebumps on my left leg! That meant Rainbow Dash had something to show me! So let’s see, let’s see, let’s see!”

Rainbow Dash merely stared, wide-eyed, at the marvel that was Pinkie Pie. They all had their talents. Rainbow Dash was a top-tier athlete, an avatar of awesomeness, and had a magical dick that couldn’t be denied. Rarity was a world-class fashion expert. Applejack could pull off wearing a cowboy hat in high school. Yet of all of their clique, Pinkie Pie’s abilities were the most...nebulous. Difficult to predict. Chaotic. And yet that afternoon, Rainbow Dash was letting herself believe that finally, Pinkie’s wild nature had led her to finally take a glance.

“Uh...y-yeah, sure, Pinkie Pie! I have something to show you! Just...just sit tight a second!” Rainbow Dash nodded eagerly, and quickly turned to the rest of the room. “I just...just gotta get everything ready first!”

Rainbow Dash was practically giggling, excitement bubbling over from within her. Was this really happening? Was she finally going to get to fuck Pinkie Pie? She had to make sure to remove any sources of distraction - peel away anything that might first peel Pinkie’s eyes from her dick! The candy bar she was saving for after her nap - gone! The stack of comic books she read that morning - gone! Rainbow Dash snatched all of them up and threw them into the next room, and even dipped a hand into her pocket to pull out her cell phone.

“Having a girl over. Need a few hours!” She sent the text to her parents in the hopes they got it in time and knew to give them some space - usually they were all too eager to oblige when she had company. Sure enough, mere seconds after Dash sent her text she received another in reply, complete with a dozen smile, heart, and eggplant emojis.

“Go get her, tiger!” She could tell that part was sent by her dad. “We’re so proud of how popular you are with the ladies, sweetie!” And from her mom. Such supportive parents. Rainbow Dash had just begun to send them a thank you in response when she heard Pinkie Pie’s voice from the other room, curious and thoughtful and ever-so-innocent.

“Ooooo, did your neighbors get a new dog?!”

In a rushed panic, Rainbow Dash tossed her phone aside and darted into the room, interposing herself between Pinkie Pie and the window. Swiftly she shut the blinds and spun around on a heel, and as she did so a hand stuffed down into her shorts to grasp at her bulging member. This time, there’d be no escape for Pinkie Pie’s eyes! This time, the girl would see that glorious cock for the delightful treat it was! This time, Pinkie Pie would finally be hers for an afternoon! Rainbow Dash’s cock flopped out, pouring from her shorts while draped firmly in her hand.

“Hey Pinkie, take a look at this!” she called out as she exposed herself, preparing for the feel of Pinkie’s smile wrapped around her dick and the sight of those perky pink breasts bouncing up and down while she was ridden. “Pretty awesome, huh?!”

And instead of receiving the immediate blowjob she expected, Rainbow Dash simply stood in front of the window with her dick out...while Pinkie Pie was playing with the nearby lamp, making abnormally complex shadow puppets.

“You leave me no choice, sister!” Pinkie spoke in a royal tone to compliment the alicorn shadow puppet one hand was making on the wall. “I have no choice but to use the Elements of Harmony to banish you...to the mooooooooon!”

“Nooooooooooooo~” Pinkie’s other shadow puppet alicorn writhed about, up until the point that Pinkie closed a fist to make a - yet again flawless - shadow puppet of the moon. Once she did so she gave a chipper giggle. “Not the inciting incident of my character arrrrrrrc~”

Rainbow Dash merely stood, arms hanging at her sides, expression flat, dick hanging out from the front of her shorts. Pinkie Pie was completely distracted by her shadow puppet theater, up until the point that her blue friend finally blurted out in a sharp, firm voice.

“Hey! Pinkie!” The girl stomped one foot, and pointed at her lap. If this didn’t work, nothing would. “Eclair!”

“Eclair, where?!” Pinkie Pie’s head snapped from side to side, desperately looking for the promised treat. “I left mine at home because I thought Maud would be lonely, so I could really use on-ohhhhhhhhh…”

Finally. When Pinkie Pie’s eclair search turned up something even more delicious, the girl’s eyes went enormous and glassy, her lips forming to a tiny circle as she gave a staggered, adoring gasp. She was enamoured from the first glance just like all the other girls were, it had just taken her awhile to actually notice it. But finally Rainbow Dash was standing with her flawless cock exposed perfectly within Pinkie Pie’s field of vision, and finally she was going to get to sink her rod inside of her.

Seducing Pinkie Pie wasn’t exactly a “lazy Sunday” activity, but at least she never had to put on her shoes or leave the house.

“I know, right? Pretty rad.” Rainbow Dash beamed as she slipped her fingers around the base of her cock, swinging it idly from side to side. Pinkie Pie’s eyes traced it like a cat chasing a dot of light, and her mouth opened up in awe and amazement. A mouth that soon closed again - around the end of an eclair. As the girl chewed and stared Rainbow Dash gave a frustrated grunt, and pointed to the tiny pastry. “But--what--you--you said you left yours at home!”

“I did!” Pinkie suddenly responded, and took another bite of her eclair. “This is Maud’s! She didn’t want hers, so she said I could have it!”

There was a good chance that one day, Pinkie Pie was going to drive the rest of her friends insane. But not before Rainbow Dash finally got to know what it felt like to wrap the sugar-coated girl around her cock. With a grunt Rainbow Dash moved upon her, and this time it was her turn to deliver a tackle hug. She pushed a giggling Pinkie Pie flat to the couch and pinned her underneath her athletic frame, pausing only long enough for Pinkie Pie to gulp down her last bite of eclair. Didn’t want to make a mess, after all. Her Mom was pretty damn chill about her fucking other girls from school in the living room, and she didn’t want to abuse that privilege by making a big mess for her to clean up.

“So is that what you wanted to show me?!” Pinkie Pie giggled, wrapping her arms around Rainbow Dash’s shoulders. “Your 10/10 Top Tier Cock?!”

“That’s it,” Dash responded with a grin, and slid a hand forward to press her fingers against her friend’s mound through the fabric of her high-rising shorts. Pinkie was already warm and damp to the touch, and as Dash pushed forward the adorable little thing unleashed a full-body tremor of delight. Pinkie Pie was finally pinned underneath her right where Rainbow Dash wanted her, and CHS’s star athlete couldn’t wait to act on this conquest in the making. With a smile Dash slid her mouth forward and started to press a few kisses across her friend’s throat, savoring the feel of her writhing underneath her, along with those sweet, staggered gasps. “You’re so hot, Pinkie. I’ve wanted to fuck you for so long…”

“You should’ve said something, silly!” Pinkie Pie beamed, and bucked her hips forward to grind against Dash’s fingers. “Now I can throw out my Rainbow Dash body pillow!”

Dash didn’t even have the opportunity to process that level of craziness before Pinkie Pie pulled her in for a kiss, and in pure Pinkie Pie fashion it was everything the young woman personified: energy, frantic delight, and sweetness. Literally on the last front - she tasted like eclair. As Rainbow Dash bucked her hips forward to give Pinkie a slow grind she started to wiggle free of her shorts, scooting them down past her tight blue rump to allow her member to slowly flop forward the rest of the way. Once it did, Pinkie Pie eagerly reached down to caress it, smoothing her fingers up and down and pressing it flat to her belly as if judging just how deep it was going to go inside of her. She wasn’t at all disappointed, and when their kiss broke the girl gave a wild giggle as she started to scoot out of her own shorts as well.

“Wowee zowee, Dash! It’s gonna go so far inside!” The energetic young woman was almost dangerous as she kicked out of her shorts, flailing and swinging as she attempted to discard them. Rainbow Dash even had to duck one of Pinkie’s feet as it went swinging overhead, just as the girl finally tossed them aside. Her panties went right along with her shorts, and underneath there was a nicely smooth, shaven pussy ready for attention. Rainbow Dash bit her bottom lip in hunger as she gazed down at the folds of her most enthusiastic friend, and didn’t hesitate to slide a finger down to test the waters. Warm, wet, soft to the touch...and enough to bring Pinkie Pie to the sound of an excited gasp. “Ohh! Can we do it in my butt after? And then my mouth? And then my butt again, then my pussy twice, and then a few more mouths?! Ahh! I’m so excited, there’s so much for us to do!”

Rainbow Dash had been hoping for a lazy Sunday, but even with pussy literally arriving on her doorstep, she wouldn’t be chillaxing much. Sure, it was convenient that Pinkie Pie showed up and offered herself up after seeing that big, beautiful dick...but Rainbow Dash could already tell she was going to be damned tired at school on Monday morning. Worth it!

With a grin the girl pushed her hips forward, guiding her throbbing blue length deep into Pinkie Pie’s inviting, warm pussy. The grip around her was absolutely perfect and CHS’s best athlete kept moving forward, always keeping an eye on Pinkie Pie’s face to judge how well her friend was handling it. She had a pretty girthy dick; after all, and Pinkie Pie wasn’t the biggest and sturdiest of girls like Applejack was. Or at least...not the biggest. She was probably plenty sturdy, Rainbow Dash seemed to remember seeing her fall off of a ladder and actually bounce once.

“Just tell me if it gets too hard,” Rainbow Dash murmured, her cock half inside her friend. She wiggled her hips from side to side so Pinkie Pie could feel it press against her walls, just before slipping another inch inside. Normally she wouldn’t worry like this, but it was hard to look at Pinkie Pie and not feel a certain desire to protect the little bundle of innocence and sugar. “I can go as slow as you want, just say s-”

“Rainbow Dash, just bang me already!” Pinkie Pie barked out a giggling demand, and then clung to her friend’s shoulders. Her smile was spread from ear to ear, and her legs snaked around the other girl to hook her ankles behind her back. “Give me all ya got, Dashie!”

It was a hard request to refuse, and Rainbow Dash nodded with a wide smile spreading across her face. Pinkie Pie was right - she didn’t need to be careful, and she didn’t need to go slow. If there was anyone that she could treat like a durable little fuckbunny in the bedroom, it was Pinkie Pie. ...And Principal Luna, but that was more because she really liked making the fussy older woman her slut.

From that point on, Rainbow Dash didn’t hold anything back. She stuffed a hand into Pinkie Pie’s poof of bright, soft hair and her other hand yanked the girl’s shirt up the rest of the way, exposing those lovely large breasts for her attention. While she groped and fondled her friend her hips held absolutely nothing back, jamming forward as hard as they could muster before pulling back to nearly the point of allowing her tip to pop free of the other girl’s pussy. Each time she threatened to leave, she simply forced herself back in all the way once more, slamming Pinkie down to the hilt and making the energetic young woman giggle, gasp, and shake from delight.

Sex with Pinkie Pie was going to be gloriously rough, Rainbow Dash could already tell. The blush that crossed Pinkie’s face, as well as how she was gripping so tightly to Dash’s shoulders, was a clear sign to the young woman that her silly friend could handle everything she could possibly offer. And just like any challenge, Rainbow Dash was going to give one hundred and ten percent. The couch creaked and ached as she started ramming forward faster and faster, filling the room with the sound of their bodies slapping together just underneath the noise of Pinkie’s gasps. Pinkie Pie’s pussy was every bit as inviting a Rainbow Dash would’ve hoped, and with the announcement that she could go as hard as she liked Dash was ready to have herself a blast. With a few more rough strikes of her hips that kept Pinkie’s tits bouncing, the young woman finally tightened her grasp on Pinkie’s hair and started to move her into a different position.

“Roll over.” It was hardly a request, and as Dash demanded it of her friend she scooped a hand underneath Pinkie’s ass to assist. She flipped the smaller girl over while her cock was still deep inside, and it gave them both the lewd delight of feeling those tight, wet walls grind around Dash’s dick in a slow rotation. Soon Pinkie Pie was braced on her knees on the couch with her hands pressed to the back, and Dash stood right in front of her ready to pound her friend like she had always wanted. After a quick spank across that adorable pink ass, Rainbow Dash leaned in close, and gave Pinkie a firm buck from her hips to let the girl know...this wasn’t going to be gentle. “Remember when you helped out the cheerleaders during my last soccer game? I wanted to take you behind the bleachers and fuck you just like this.”

With that, Rainbow Dash started to pound her friend so hard that not even Pinkie’s stubborn spirit was able to keep her chatting. The poofy-haired party girl broke into a loud and joyful moan as Rainbow Dash started to fuck her as fiercely as she could, one hand gripping those pink locks firmly and the other continuing to crash down on Pinkie’s rump in a series of short, hard slaps. Each time she clapped her hand to her friend’s butt Pinkie’s grip went even tighter, and it only made Dash marvel at the potential. Pinkie Pie was lightspeed hot and clearly down to have plenty of fun - and that meant there were all sorts of possibilities.

Hell, she even had three sisters that were every bit the perfect ten that she was - even if it was in very different ways.

Pinkie Pie was gripping the back of the couch and letting her joyful voice fill the living room, calling out in merry bursts of pleasure as Rainbow Dash gave her the fucking of her life. Every push forward lunged that enormous member into depths Pinkie didn’t even know she had, and the wet, slick sound of her folds being so deeply claimed was a noise that she wouldn’t forget anytime soon. This was so much better than an extra eclair! Not that she couldn’t go for one of those, too!

Rainbow Dash was doing something she didn’t do often when she fucked her favorite girls - breaking a sweat. A line of it collected at her brow and it only continued to build the harder she went, and that in and of itself was a sign that Pinkie Pie was something pretty special. With Wallflower, she could easily lean back and let her go to town without much effort. With Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash practically got off just from knowing how much the bitch hated her. But Pinkie...she was so worth the effort, and Dash was already planning a trip to the fridge after this to grab some sports drink. She was going to need every drop if she was going to give Pinkie the fucking she had wanted.

Pussy, ass, mouth, ass, pussy, pussy, mouth mouth mouth.

Dash wasn’t much of a student, but she could remember things when it really mattered. With her heart pounding and her blood pumping, Rainbow Dash could tell that Pinkie Pie was nearing her climax - the girl wasn’t moaning anymore so much as she was giggle-squeaking. With one last yank of Pinkie’s hair she pushed the girl’s face down to the couch and held her there, bracing one of her own feet on the edge to gain a bit more leverage. It let her lash forward all the harder for the final few strokes, her sack slapping against Pinkie’s moistened hood and her cock probing as deep as she had ever gone into any girl. And Pinkie, through it all, loved every last second of it.

Rainbow Dash wasn’t...entirely sure where all the confetti came from when Pinkie Pie had her orgasm, whether the girl had tucked a party cannon between her breasts or in her hair, but either way, when the moment came there was a shower of brightly colored paper dancing down atop them complete with a cheerful squeaking noise. Pinkie Pie had gone cross-eyed with her tongue hanging from her mouth as it all happened, and her pussy went wild with gripping and squeezing Dash’s cock in the throes of her climax. It was easily enough to push Dash the rest of the way, and when she unloaded her seed she slapped both hands to Pinkie’s rump, holding on tight as she squeezed out every drop.

The confetti was still falling as she started to squirt, unleashing torrent after torrent of white within the girl’s pink, warm walls. Cumming inside of Pinkie Pie was just another dream that Rainbow Dash was glad to finally see come to reality, and it was everything she had ever hoped for. Hell, she had even figured there’d somehow be confetti. When she was finally done she left Pinkie Pie absolutely overflowing with her cream, and when she pulled her dick out she let her eyes dash down to the tiny, tight pucker that was still waiting for her.

“Guh...gaaaaa...sooooo good…” Pinkie Pie twitched, braced on her knees and dripping onto the couch cushion below. Turned out, they managed to make a mess even though Dash tried to avoid it, but at least her mom was pretty used to cleaning her daughter’s cum stains out of the upholstery by now. Pinkie Pie brought forward a trembling hand and pointed at her own rump, murmuring as she did so even though she lacked the energy to stand. “Here now please thank you.”

“Heh...just sit tight, Pinkie,” Rainbow Dash smiled, and gave her friend a little slap on the butt. “I’ll come back and pound your ass all you want, but I need to go get a drink and a snack-”

“Snack? I love snacks!” just like that, Pinkie Pie had erupted from her stunned state to bounce into a sitting position. Even her hair poofed right back into place after being bent against the couch, and she seemed quite happy to keep leaking Dash’s cum onto the fabric. The girl slinked out of the rest of her shirt as she hopped up to her feet, and grasped Dash’s wrist as she started to move to the kitchen. Dash should’ve known better - as soon as she said the word “snack,” things were already in process that she couldn’t hope to avoid. Not that she’d want to. “C’mon, Rainbow Dash! I can take it while I bake it!”


Fucking Pinkie Pie in the ass while she made cupcakes was a surreal experience, but one that perfectly summed up spending time with the cheerful young woman. Pinkie was completely focused on the task at hand from the waist up - mixing a bowl of batter with a serious look on her face, and from the waist down she was all for the pleasure of Rainbow Dash. Standing there wearing nothing more than Dash’s mom’s apron, bent forward with her tight pink rump being claimed in firm, hard strikes.

“This is one of the weirdest things I’ve ever done,” Rainbow Dash murmured, but she wasn’t really complaining. Pinkie Pie’s ass was as wonderfully tight as things got, even more fun to claim than her pussy. And even though the baking hadn’t even begun yet, the kitchen was already smelling sweet. “Uh, do you need anything else, Pinkie?”

“Cinnamon!” came the cheerful reply, and Pinkie Pie pointed to the far wall where the spice rack laid. Rainbow Dash gave a grunt and picked the girl up around the waist, carrying her over all while continuing to plunge her cock into Pinkie’s depths. The entire time the party girl held the mixing bowl to her chest with one arm and stirred it with the other hand, only pausing for when she was close enough to the spice rack to retrieve the cinnamon. A quick dash in the bowl and she gave a firm nod, suggesting to her friend that she was ready to return to the counter. “Good job, Rainbow Dash! Feels like you’re really givin’ it to me back there!”

“...you’re so fuckin’ cool, Pinkie.” It was the only response that Rainbow Dash could possibly offer, because it was entirely, one hundred percent accurate. Pinkie Pie could do it all. Drop by when she sensed that Dash needed to get laid, offer herself up for some remarkably rough sex, and even bake snacks afterwards while getting plowed in the backside. There weren’t many of Dash’s friends that could provide so much fun in so many different ways!

It didn’t take long for Rainbow Dash to unload for the second time, now within the tight grip of Pinkie’s ass. She shook with delight and her member unloaded heavy squirts of cum, flooding the little entrance that continued to squeeze her in fierce waves. Pinkie was clearly enjoying it as well, considering the fact that it was the first time since she started baking that her attention seemed to pause. She put the bowl down, gave a satisfied smile, and then gazed over her shoulder with shining eyes and boundless enthusiasm.

“Rainbow Dash, wanna have a sleepover at my place next week?!” she asked, perhaps a bit abruptly considering her ass had just taken a big, heaping creampie. She gave a big giggle, and wiggled her rump from side to side. “My parents are out of town, it’s just me and my sisters! And I’m sure they’ll leave us alone, we can play all night!”

Rainbow Dash just swallowed. The mere thought of being in the Pie household all weekend with the four sisters and no parents was enough to make her immediately rock hard all over again, especially with the grip of Pinkie’s ass still squeezing her. It was perhaps the easiest question she had ever been asked in her entire life, and Rainbow Dash responded without a trace of hesitation.

“Yes, Pinkie,” she spoke clearly and simply. “Yes, I do want to fuck you and your sisters all weekend.”

“Well, that’s not exactly what I asked, but…” Pinkie Pie shrugged, and smudged a dot of cupcake batter on Rainbow Dash’s nose. “Hey! I never turn down a party!”

Pinkie Pie was the best friend ever.

End of Chapter 11.

The Ol' Cuck and Fuck (Lyra & Bon Bon)

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Rainbow Dash’s 10/10 Top Tier Cock
Chapter Twelve: The Ol’ Cuck and Fuck
-by Drace Domino

“Lyra! Lyra Heartstriiiiiings!” Bon Bon could be heard well before she was seen, her voice carrying through the apartment long before she burst through the front door. By the time it swung open and the frantic-looking young woman emerged, Lyra looked up from her homework and gave her partner a confused blink.

“Y...Yes?” she asked quizzically, and took a moment to study the manic state in which her girlfriend was presenting herself. Bon Bon looked like she had just run a marathon - shoulders heaving back and forth, deep breaths rolling through her, and a light sheen of sweat glazing her forehead. The poor thing looked exhausted, but it wasn’t too strange a reaction from her. Bon Bon had a tendency to blow things out of proportion. “Honey? Are you okay?”

Before she said anything further, Bon Bon darted across the apartment’s dining room and moved upon her girlfriend. She pushed her hands to the sides of Lyra’s cheeks and pressed a firm, hungry kiss to her lips, weaving their tongues together greedily as she collected a big, satisfying mouthful of her partner’s flavor. In the aftermath of the kiss Bon Bon pulled away to see Lyra smiling blissfully, clearly floating on air thanks to the profound affection she had for her lover.

“Mmm…” Lyra made a content noise, a tiny blush crossing her light green features. “You just couldn’t wait to rush home to kiss me, baby?”

“No! I mean yes! I mean...don’t kiss Rainbow Dash!” Bon Bon stammered in rapid order, a brow lifting as a suspicious look crossed her face. “She’s not here already is she? I ran as fast as I could, but I know she’s pretty quick. The cheerleaders were leaving practice, though, so I figured that would slow her down a bit.”

“Rainbow Dash? Bon Bon, baby, what are you talking about?” Poor Lyra was more confused than ever, and her nose scrunched up as she tried to make sense of her girlfriend’s rambling. “Why would she be here? Why would I want to kiss her? I only want to make out with you, snuggle bunny!”

“Yeah yeah yeah, listen!” Bon Bon suddenly flopped down in the chair beside her girlfriend, and draped an arm around her shoulders. Confident that Rainbow Dash wasn’t somewhere waiting in the wings, she took the time to explain the situation with a smile that grew on her face the longer she spoke. “I was talking to Dash, telling her about our new living situation. I thought it was pretty cool that we moved in together even before we graduated.”

“Right? It is cool!” Lyra beamed, and moved a hand up to ruffle her lover’s navy and pink hair. “I get to wake up every morning beside my delicious little Bon Bon snack!”

“And I love being that snack!” Bon Bon countered, nodding eagerly. “Well, you know how Rainbow Dash is. She started bragging about how if she wanted, she could have any girl she wanted, and how just ‘cause we were living together that didn’t mean she couldn’t have you, too.”

“Ugh, what a jerk,” the other girl scoffed, and turned her attention back to her homework. Even the thought of Rainbow Dash bragging that she could “have” her was enough to take the perky flirtiness right out of her. She snatched up her pencil and went back to work, grumbling as she did so. “Well, don’t you worry about that, baby, ‘cause Rainbow Dash is the last person I’d want to have sex with.”

“Yeah, I know, which is why I’m doing something about it!” Bon Bon replied, proud as ever. She even puffed her chest out and took on a bold look. “I’m just so sick of her acting like she’s God’s gift to the school. And I’m sure most of those stories about her are totally made up. She needs to be put in her place, so I...kind of made a bet with her. About you.”

Lyra, with an uneasy feeling slowly growing in the pit of her stomach, set her pencil down and started to lift her head. The clever young woman took in the face of her rapidly grinning girlfriend - a wide, almost sheepish smile that made it quite clear she was about to tell Lyra something she wasn’t going to like. Girlfriends!

“Sweetie Drops.” The real name only ever came out of the sheath when Lyra wanted her girlfriend to know she was on the cusp of being quite upset. “What did you do?”

“I bet Rainbow Dash that she couldn’t convince you to fuck her!” came the sudden reply, and Bon Bon gave a big smile in the hopes her lover wouldn’t be too upset. “I told her that she could try to hit on you for a half hour, and if you didn’t give in...then she’d lose the bet. And when she loses it, she has to dress up like a maid and follow us around school for a whole day! Frilly lace and everything!”

“...that’s oddly specific,” Lyra murmured, and quirked a brow. “Baby, I would dress up like a maid for you any time you ask, if that’s what you’re after--”

“No, no, no! This is about putting Rainbow Dash in her place! About telling her that she can’t just gawk at all the girls and act like she could have anyone she wants!” Bon Bon gave a sudden pout, and folded her arms across her chest. She looked determined, obstinate, and unreasonably irritated by Rainbow Dash’s...Rainbow Dash-ness. “Maybe having her follow us around in a fancy outfit all day will teach her some humility! Some shame!”

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure Rainbow Dash is immune to that.” Lyra rolled her shoulders, and took a deep breath that soon evolved into a shuddering sigh. “I think if you win the bet, all we’ll hear is about how she’s ‘the most awesome maid ever’ and how she ‘makes things twenty percent cleaner.’”

“Ha, yeah, she really is a braggy bit--” Bon Bon paused mid-sentence, and arched a brow to her girlfriend. “What do you mean ‘if’ I win?”

It was clear that Lyra was merely teasing her girlfriend, and she leaned up to press a tender kiss on her forehead to reassure her. The bet might be ridiculous, but all she had to do was not have sex with Rainbow Dash for a full half hour, and they’d win. That sounded about as easy as it got - Lyra was plenty of half hours old, and she hadn’t even thought about having sex with Rainbow Dash once.

“Sweetie, of course you’ll win. Even if it’s a ridiculous bet,” Lyra chuckled, and turned back to her homework one more time. As she turned her attention to the same problem she had been trying to solve, Bon Bon leaned in to press a warm kiss to her cheek and give her a big, snuggling hug.

“Mmm, thanks, Heartstrings!” she half-swooned, half-giggled. “Because if you did, I told Rainbow Dash I’d let her fuck me in the ass! Crazy, huh?”

Lyra merely gave her girlfriend a deadpan look, and drummed her fingers on the table.

“This is worse than the time you bet Ditzy Doo she couldn’t fit her whole hand in her mouth and made her dress up like a maid.”

It was possible that Bon Bon had a betting problem. A very bizarre, very specific betting problem.


Sure enough, it wasn’t long after Bon Bon went home that Rainbow Dash finally showed up. It left Lyra giggling to see Bon Bon scurry down the fire escape so Dash didn’t know that she ran ahead to let her know about the bet, and the lovely young lady merely rolled her eyes at the ridiculous nature of it all. Betting with Rainbow Dash over something so silly should’ve really offended her, but...it was hard for Lyra to be mad at Bon Bon. The two girls had been close ever since they were little, and now that they were living together as partners it was everything she had ever wanted. Besides...to think that Rainbow Dash could possibly charm her in a half hour to the point that she’d be ready to have sex with her was completely ludicrous.

When the knock on the door came and Lyra opened up to see Rainbow Dash, the visiting braggart wasn’t even subtle about it. Predictable.

“Hi, Lyra! Wanna have sex?!” Rainbow beamed, inviting herself in by nudging past the other girl. She made her way over to where Lyra had been desperately attempting to finish up her homework, looming over it and giving a tiny grunt as she flipped the book closed. “Ugh, I don’t even wanna think about school right now! Mind if I move this stuff so we have somewhere to do it?”

Lyra - wide eyed and mouth agape - was somehow shocked that Rainbow Dash had found a way to be an even bigger bragging bitch than first thought. As Dash hopped up on the edge of the table she shifted back and forth, rubbing her rump across the surface and unsubtly adjusting the noticeable bulge between her thighs. The outline against her shorts was so defined that Lyra could see the shape of the girl’s balls through the fabric, resting on the same spot where she had been trying to finish her studies.

“R-Rainbow Dash, what’s gotten into you?!” Even as shocked as she was, Lyra was careful not to give up the fact that her girlfriend had already clued her in on what was going on. That they were cheating the system - even if they didn’t need to. “I’m living with Bon Bon! We’re engaged to be engaged to be engaged! Why do you think you could just barge in here, slap your balls on the table, and expect that I’d want to have sex with you?!”

“Aww, don’t be like that, Lyra!” Rainbow Dash smiled, and stretched her hands behind her to lean back against them. Her legs idly kicked from side to side and she spread her thighs a little further, allowing her sack to rest even more contentedly on the table. “Look, I know how it is. You’re a cute girl, but never really the eye catching center of attention. Bon Bon’s great and all, but you never really had a chance to fuck someone that’s pure one hundred percent awesome. That’s why I’m here! To give you that opportunity.” She moved a hand down and patted the spot on the table beside her. “So hop on up, and let’s see about getting eight inches of coolness into you!”

Lyra’s eye twitched. She wouldn’t have had sex with Rainbow Dash even if the girl had approached her as the most charming woman on the planet, but this?! She had ramped up all of her most obnoxious tendencies, and was smearing her nuts back and forth over the table where she and Bon Bon ate dinner! Lyra stomped her foot in irritation and pulled open the door - holding it out wide enough for Rainbow Dash to fit her enormous ego through. She pointed with the other hand and didn’t flinch from her position, letting the cocky bitch know that her attitude wasn’t going to fly in their apartment.

“Rainbow Dash, get out this instant!” she demanded, her nose scrunching up into an angry yet adorable expression. “I’m never going to have sex with you, do you hear me?! And if you ever talk to me like this again, I’m going to, to, to--” as a heavy flopping noise came from the kitchen table, Lyra’s eyes went wider and her voice changed drastically in tone. “--to worship every inch of that beautiful dick!” With that, she slammed the door shut once more and rushed over to where Dash had let her prick flop out.

In truth, Rainbow Dash felt a little bad about how easily she had won the bet. She could’ve had a chance at seducing Lyra the old fashioned way within the span of a half hour, but it was more fun to be as obnoxious a bitch as possible and then expose her mind-boggling member for a quick and easy fix. No athlete liked to have an asterisk by any of their victories, but if it meant having Lyra go down on her after a long day, she was willing to take it. Besides, Bon Bon was being a real bitch and a half that day...and Dash was looking forward to seeing the look on her face when she realized she lost.

“So you don’t want me to leave, then?” Rainbow Dash smirked as Lyra dropped down to her knees in front of the table, pressing her hands to the sides of that throbbing blue cock and guiding it towards her face. Lyra was moving her head back and forth to draw across her cheeks and lips with the tip of Dash’s member, letting the precum glide across her and give her tiny kisses with that throbbing, soft head. The pretty young thing had a more delicate touch than most of Rainbow Dash’s partners - even more so than Rarity or Coco, at least in those early moments. Lyra was teasing the tips of her fingers underneath Rainbow Dash’s sack while her other hand pinched the base of her shaft between her thumb and forefinger, manipulating it softly back and forth while giving tiny, feather-soft kisses to the sides of it. When she heard Dash’s voice ask her that simple question Lyra looked up at her with large and worried eyes - a stark contrast to the angry glare she was giving mere seconds ago.

“No, no no no!” She rapidly shook her head from side to side, and even nervously nibbled her lower lip. “Don’t! Stay and do whatever you want, Rainbow Dash! You won the bet! I’ll do whatever you want if you stay here and let me play with this!”

And just that easily, Lyra sold out her own girlfriend’s ass. It was incredible what a little flash of the best cock at CHS could do! Rainbow Dash merely smirked and stretched out a little more, finally lowering a hand to Lyra’s hair to guide her mouth to the tip. When she pushed her hips forward the other girl’s lips gently parted, and soon she introduced her to the taste of her miraculous member. The gentle weaving of Lyra’s tongue underneath her throbbing member was enough to give Rainbow Dash goosebumps upon goosebumps, and she took a deep, hungry breath as she watched her inches slowly vanish past Lyra’s excited smile.

“That’s it...heh...better get it nice and wet for when I shove it in your girlfriend’s ass.” The knowledge that he had won the bet so easily made her all the harder. Lyra had revealed quite easily that she knew all about it beforehand, but obviously it didn’t matter. How could Rainbow Dash be upset that Bon Bon had tried to cheat by alerting her girlfriend ahead of time, when there was never any chance that she could’ve won, anyway? Lyra couldn’t possibly turn away from a treat so tempting, and Rainbow Dash knew it.

And once Bon Bon caught a glimpse of her cock, she’d be all too eager to carry out her part of the bet, too.

Rainbow Dash gave a soft shove back, and her cock flopped out of Lyra’s mouth while glistening in her spit. Before the girl could reclaim the tip with her lips Rainbow Dash guided her a little lower, encouraging Lyra to spend some quality time with those delicious blue balls underneath. Thankfully, as enamoured as Lyra was with that glorious length she didn’t even hesitate for a second, smearing her lips back and forth and letting her tongue lash out in long, wet licks. There was a soft and content murmuring noise coming from Rainbow Dash’s lap, a sound just like Pinkie Pie when she was happily slurping on an ice cream cone. ...or Dash’s balls, for that matter. They were just too tempting a treat for any girl to resist making as much wet, happy noise as they could while servicing them!

Lyra was a happy little ballsucker that evening, and Rainbow Dash was all too happy to let her keep working. Her member pulsed and throbbed as she bopped it up and down on Lyra’s head, and the young woman gave a joyful groan as she scooted her rump from side to side across the table, ensuring that her sack would swing and force Lyra to chase after it. It was immense fun for the cocky star athlete of CHS, and it didn’t take long for Rainbow Dash to get even more comfortable. She pushed Lyra’s homework straight off the table and started to pull her shirt up, leaving her small bust exposed as she idly scratched at her flat, toned belly. All that remained was for her to hitch the rest of her shorts down, and as they fell to the floor she was left sitting naked with sneakers atop the kitchen table.

Certainly not how Bon Bon had expected the bet to go. Once Rainbow Dash was bare and comfortable she moved her fingers into Lyra’s hair, guiding her up and away from her sack and helping to bring the girl to her feet. She teased her other hand’s fingers underneath Lyra’s chin and gave her a charming smile - or at least, one that was dripping in every last bit of ego and confidence running through Rainbow Dash in that moment.

“Ready to get fucked now, Lyra?” Dash purred, knowing full well the answer. Lyra’s hands were already at the waistband of her shorts, and she was rapidly squeezing out of them as she gave a series of eager nods. Rainbow Dash’s smirk grew all the wider, and as soon as they were down enough for her to do so, slid a hand forward to press a few fingers against the moist slit left exposed. Lyra’s breath caught in her throat and she gave a sudden and sharp cry, and while she stood there trembling Rainbow Dash pressed a little harder and whispered anew in a hungry, and most certainly teasing, voice. “Get up on my lap, but face the door. Wanna make sure Bon Bon has a good look at you when she comes home.”

If Lyra felt guilty about what she was doing, it was an inconsequential emotion compared to how desperately she needed to fuck the other girl in that moment. Her gentle nodding went far more rapid now, and as soon as her shorts were at her ankles she quickly repeated the process with her shirt. Soon she stood naked in the kitchen of her apartment, moving to crawl up onto the table so she could mount someone that wasn’t her girlfriend. With a bit of assistance from Rainbow Dash Lyra managed to flop into the girl’s lap, stretching her knees out to the sides of Dash’s thighs and lowering herself down to rest atop that cock. For the moment, Lyra pushed Dash’s length flat against her thighs and merely straddled it, her pussy cresting around the sides and giving it a tiny glisten of her nectar. From that position, with her face turned towards the front door and her pussy so wonderfully close to being claimed, Lyra let her voice quiver out in a tiny and almost apologetic tone.

“You promise Bon Bon will have fun with us, too?” she asked, proving that even within the midst of her infidelity, she was a loving girlfriend and yet concerned about her partner. Rainbow Dash smiled wide, eased her hands to Lyra’s hips, and even leaned forward to press a tiny kiss at the top of the girl’s spine. Lyra was as cute as they came, and it was charming to hear her talk about her girlfriend so fondly. It was almost enough to make Rainbow Dash feel bad about the whole situation...but not quite. It was hard to feel bad about anything with Lyra’s pussy keeping the top of her cock warm and wet.

“Trust me, Lyra. She won’t be able to resist joining in.” Rainbow Dash grinned, and nudged Lyra’s rear up just enough for her cock to lift, and the throbbing tip to squeeze against the tight seam of her entrance. When she next spoke Rainbow Dash made sure her mouth was at the edge of Lyra’s ear, giving her a throaty whisper just as she began to shove the girl down atop her cock. “Besides...she lost the bet. I’m fucking your girlfriend in the ass tonight.”

Lyra moaned, depraved yet delighted, as Rainbow Dash guided her into her lap. The inches of that glorious blue dick slowly disappeared into Lyra’s mint green pussy, and when she was finally settled the young lady rolled her hips back and forth as she attempted to adjust to the weight of it. Rainbow Dash’s prick was always a chore for most girls to fit and Lyra was no exception, so the cocky brat let her take a moment to get used to just how much it stretched her, just how intensely it filled her walls and pushed to her deepest points. With her hands soon moving to wrap firmly around Lyra’s waist Rainbow Dash finally started to rock up from the table, thrusting within her and encouraging her to begin riding.

“Better hurry up, Lyra.” Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but to tease her even further. “If Bon Bon runs in and sees us, she might take all of my cock for herself!”

“Nnnnoooo…” Lyra whimpered, her head bobbing forward and her voice sounding genuinely concerned that would happen. She stretched her hands out to grasp the edge of the kitchen table, and with every ounce of strength within her continued to ride Rainbow Dash’s cock. Each pull of her hips forward brought the tip of that blue length to the very entrance of her pussy, nearly so much that she flopped out, and then she crashed back down at full speed. It made for a series of slow but hard and deep thrusts, each one accented with a slapping noise of flesh on flesh that filled the room around them. Lyra shuddered several times throughout - most notably when Rainbow Dash hilted inside of her. The girl was tight and not particularly deep before things got rather narrow - and Dash could tell that each push to the hilt left her staggered. Still, Lyra was whimpering for it. Still, Lyra was begging for it. “Please...please keep fucking me, Rainbow Dash...it’s so good...so good…”

Rainbow Dash grinned from ear to ear, rather happy at how things had unfolded. She knew upon making the bet with Bon Bon that the evening would end with her getting to fuck at least one of them - and Lyra was already proving to be quite the treat indeed. As the girl kept riding Rainbow Dash was content to mostly lean back and let her do the work, saving her energy for when they eventually and inevitably had company. Sure enough, it was well within a few minutes that she could hear footsteps from down the apartment’s hallway. Bon Bon was coming home...and she was in for a surprise.

To make sure that Lyra was facing the door as it opened, Rainbow Dash put a hand to her hair and pulled, keeping her face level so she could greet her girlfriend when she arrived. The doorknob was twisting and the sound of a key working inside of it could be heard, just barely over the sound of the wet, steady pleasure between the two girls inside. Just as the door began to creak open Rainbow Dash leaned forward, pressing her mouth to Lyra’s ear and giving her an ordered whisper.

“Big smile. Wave. Welcome your girlfriend home, Lyra!” After all, she wanted to make Bon Bon feel welcome in her own home! Lyra did exactly as Rainbow Dash ordered, and Bon Bon responded in beautiful fashion. As the door swung open and the girl took in the first glimpse of her girlfriend riding Rainbow Dash’s cock, Lyra waved with both hands while giving her a warm and loving greeting. All smiles. All cheer. Rainbow Dash’s entire cock stuffed inside of her.

“Hi, baby!” Lyra beamed, and seemingly didn’t even notice Bon Bon’s immediately horrified expression. “Sorry, guess you lost the bet! But it’s okay, we’re going to have so much fun together!”

Rainbow Dash knew, deep down, there were a few ways she could play it. With her cock currently stuffed balls-deep in Lyra, Bon Bon couldn’t see it to know just what a really, really, really good dick it was. Without that critical knowledge, Rainbow Dash knew...there’d be some hurt feelings. Some tears. Some understandable - perhaps even justified - heartache. And while CHS’s best girl was definitely a bit of a bitch, she wasn’t anywhere near a monster. And there was one simple thing Rainbow Dash could do to help soften the blow for poor Bon Bon.

Before a single tear was able to form in Bon Bon’s eyes, before she was even able to work past the shock of her girlfriend fucking someone else to process the grief, Rainbow Dash let her cock flop out of Lyra’s pussy for just a second. While the sweet young thing whimpered and grinded back and forth across her lap, Dash pushed her throbbing length forward and swung it back and forth. She made it seem like it was all part of the game - just a bit of playful cockslapping across Lyra’s hood, but her true purpose was for Bon Bon’s benefit. As the girl took in the sight of that throbbing blue dick, glistening in the nectar of her sweet girlfriend, Bon Bon’s impending grief was immediately replaced by something more powerful. Something that burned within her even hotter than any tears could.

“L...Lyra…” Bon Bon choked out, watching as Dash guided her dick right back inside of the other girl. Lyra was riding her again now that the glimpse of Dash’s cock had done its job, and Bon Bon’s voice trembled with words that she likely would’ve never said five seconds ago. “I’m...so...happy for you! It’s so huge! How does it feel inside?! You look so beautiful riding it!”

“C’mere, baby!” Lyra called out to her girlfriend, stretching her arms out and inviting her over. She even began to ride Rainbow Dash a little faster, her walls tightening around the throbbing shaft as she did so. She was certainly close, and seeing her girlfriend have such an approving reaction was pushing her quickly near the edge. “Give your little Heartstrings a big kiss!”

Bon Bon raced right over, stripping as best she could as she did so. She bounced out of her jeans and peeled her shirt away, finally getting down to her bra and panties by the time she fell into Lyra’s arms. She hugged her girlfriend tight around the waist and didn’t hesitate to press their lips together, one girl standing near the edge of the table and the other riding a cocky brat’s perfect cock in increasingly fast motions. From below, Rainbow Dash just watched the happy union, and began to quicken her own thrusts. Bon Bon and Lyra were taking this well - and that meant they were engaged to be engaged to be engaged in being her dirty little sluts all night long.

For once, Rainbow Dash was considerate enough to keep her mouth shut. She let Lyra and Bon Bon have that moment of sweet, even tender romance as they kissed each other. She simply laid back and watched as they threaded their fingers through each other’s hair, as Lyra worked at the back clasp of Bon Bon’s bra, as their tongues wove back and forth in a sometimes wet and messy kiss. And of course, as Lyra’s climax finally overtook her and she began to spasm in violent, intense fashion. The cute young thing clung to her girlfriend all the harder as her walls tightened around Dash’s length, and Rainbow took it as a sign that she could finally unleash her own torrent as well. With a few last hard, rough thrusts that left her hilting inside of the other girl Rainbow Dash’s cock finally began to drop its payload, and warm, sticky cream began to rush deep into the girl’s pussy.

The entire time, Lyra and Bon Bon made out. If anything, Lyra getting pumped with cum during the fun made it all the more intense, and it was clear even to a jerk like Rainbow Dash how much the two girls loved each other. It was sweet - almost as sweet as the knowledge that she was going to spend the next ten hours or so indiscriminately wrapping their various holes around her dick. She beamed all the wider as her cock finished up with its first round of spasms, and when the kiss between the two girls finally ended she allowed her voice to fill the room once more.

“Glad you’re here, Bon Bon,” she remarked, and slid her hands underneath Lyra’s knees. She pushed the girl’s legs forward so she wasn’t kneeling anymore - instead, her legs were stretching out wide to both sides, and her rump was beginning to roll into Rainbow Dash’s lap. As she spoke, that big blue cock flopped out of Lyra’s pussy with a wet slurping noise, and the overflowing creampie she had given Lyra was falling before Bon Bon’s line of sight. “I’m going to fuck your ass next, but before I do...I think your little Heartstrings needs to get cleaned up.”

There was no hesitation in Bon Bon’s movements. Without a word she dropped to her knees and braced her hands against the edge of the table, and she moved her head forward to bury her mouth against the happily offered creampie. Kneeling there in only her panties, Bon Bon was all too happy to press her mouth against her girlfriend’s pussy and slowly, messily scoop mouthfuls of cum out with a curled tongue. Each slow swipe sent another burst of flavor into her, and she took greedy gulp after greedy gulp, her eyes rolling back in her head as she experienced a pleasure almost as profound as Lyra’s own. The mint green girl was left a moaning mess as she guided her hands down to Bon Bon’s hair, bracing her fingers within the locks as she rolled her hips slowly forward, smearing her slit back and forth over that eagerly licking mouth.

This probably happened nightly in their apartment - minus the cum, of course - and Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous. It was a pain in the ass to work around the parents and siblings of some of her playmates, not to mention the teachers at CHS. She was never particularly afraid of getting into any real trouble with any of them, but considering her cock was the Ark of the Covenant of horniness...she sometimes had to be careful. The idea of having her own place to invite girls over for a bit of flash and fuck was a desirable one.

Not that she was giving it much thought right then and there - not when there was such a great show to watch. Rainbow Dash beamed as Bon Bon so hungrily slurped the cum from her girlfriend’s pussy, even going to the point of licking Lyra’s thighs to clean up a few random last squirts that marked them. Once every drop was slurped away Bon Bon turned her attention to the source, inviting herself to slip her hands underneath Dash’s cock and guide it towards her lips. With closed eyes and a warm mouth she took the head atop her tongue and started to suckle at it, doing her best to clean up any last remnants or even coax another squirt from Dash’s tip. It definitely served to keep her rock hard as Rainbow Dash looked towards Lyra, moving her hands up to massaging the girl’s mint green tits as she whispered in a slightly teasing fashion.

“Ready to watch me fuck her ass?” she asked with a grin, and wiggled her brow in dashing fashion. “You’re going to be a good girlfriend and eat her out while I do, right?”

“Mmhmm, you bet!” Lyra giggled, and started to move from Dash’s lap. Soon she was standing right beside the kneeling Bon Bon, and she guided a hand into her girlfriend’s hair. As Bon Bon looked up with a heavy blush and a stunned look in her eyes, Lyra pointed to a door down the hall and spoke up in a cute, excited voice. “C’mon, baby! Let’s get to the bedroom and get you ready!”

Bon Bon didn’t look entirely ready to leave Rainbow Dash’s cock, but the knowledge that it would soon lead to her getting it inside of her certainly helped. The two girlfriends started to pad their way to the bedroom as Dash was left bringing herself to her feet, stretching out and taking a deep, excited breath. This was going to be damned fun. Two girls ready to fawn over the best cock at CHS, and they had all night to enjoy it. Even if she should’ve felt guilty for how she orchestrated this evening, she didn’t. It was hard to feel anything but excitement at the knowledge that Bon Bon and Lyra were going to be worshipping her cock until morning.

Between these two and Rarity and Applejack, she wished that more of her friends would start dating.


Moments later, Rainbow Dash sat back watching as Lyra took the time to prepare her girlfriend. Bon Bon was on her hands and knees on the bed, her rump sticking out as Lyra was tending to her. The mint green girl had already coated both of her hands as well as Bon Bon’s ass with a healthy dose of lube, and now she was reaching around her so that one hand teased the girl’s pussy while the other had two fingers hooked inside of her ass. Bon Bon was a moaning little mess of delight, and the entire time she was looking over her shoulder to stare at Rainbow Dash’s cock.

“It’s...it’s so big…” she marvelled, and gave a nervous swallow. “Make sure I’m ready for it, Lyra…” She was counting on her girlfriend in that moment, counting on Lyra’s fingers to smear enough lube within her, counting on the girl to make sure she wasn’t going into this unprepared. Backdoor fun was something that had been a part of their bedroom since they got an apartment together, but Rainbow Dash was bigger than any toy in their nightstand. She was as nervous as she was excited, and both of those reactions intensified the more than Lyra teased her.

“I think she’s all ready, Rainbow Dash,” Lyra finally spoke, and popped her fingers from her girlfriend’s ass. She pressed them against both sides and did her best to spread it, inviting the other girl over to fuck that tight, tender hole. “Want to fuck my girlfriend like this?” It took Rainbow Dash a moment to think it over, before she quickly shook her head and gestured for Bon Bon to come closer.

“Nah. I got an even better idea.” It’d take a bit of doing, but once Bon Bon was close she would help move her into position. Legs spread and lifted, Dash’s arms looped behind her knees and her hands pressed behind her head, both girls facing the same direction as Bon Bon was pushed into her lap. A full-nelson assfuck for the girl that lost the bet, right there in front of her girlfriend. Bon Bon was moaning and whimpering before Dash’s cock had even lined up against her, pushed as she was into a position that was intensely uncomfortable but just perfect for a dominant bitch like Rainbow Dash to make her feel like a little fuckdoll. As she held Bon Bon in that firm headlock Rainbow Dash gestured to her lap, and spoke to Lyra with a smile on her lips. “Help her out, Lyra. Guide my cock into her ass.”

“Hehe, right away!” The other girl was all too eager to help. She bounced over to do exactly as she was told, though before she did there were a few small detours. A kiss to Bon Bon’s lips, another kiss to Rainbow Dash’s cock, and then a slow sweep of her hands down the girl’s shaft to make sure she was soaked and lubricated. Dash could feel the lube dripping from her length down to her sack by the time Lyra grasped her and pointed her to the tight pucker of Bon Bon’s ass, and once it was finally in position Rainbow Dash started to let the girl sink down atop her.

It was slow at first, and Rainbow Dash’s triceps tensed as she pulled tighter at the position of bending Bon Bon practically in half. Her teeth clenched and her breath caught in her throat as she pushed herself fully inside of the young woman, letting her cock sink inch by inch into that tight, warm hole. Soon, Bon Bon was perfectly seated atop her cock, and both girls took the time to pause and savor it. Rainbow Dash, with a wide grin and pleasure wrapped around every inch, and Bon Bon with a few tiny whimpers, a heavy blush, and a helpless wiggle of her feet. Only the girl’s arms were left free and she used them to push against the sides of Rainbow Dash’s thighs, helping to keep her balanced as she looked down between her breasts to see where Dash’s cock was gliding inside of her.

“It’s...it’s so deep…” she groaned, and squeezed at Dash’s cock with muscles she didn’t even know she had. She and Lyra would need to update their toy collection after this, since nothing else would ever really compare. “L-Lyra...her dick’s so...so deep inside me…”

“Rainbow Dash, I know the bet was just to fuck Bon Bon’s ass,” Lyra finally chimed up, moving to kneel before the two. She tilted her head and gave the star athlete a small smile, a hopeful look on her face. “...but once you’re done, would you mind fucking her pussy, too?” Touching! True love right there.

“Heh...trust me, Lyra, by the time I’m done you’ll both know what it’s like in every hole you’ve got.” Rainbow Dash’s smirk was enormous, and with that tender encouragement from Bon Bon’s girlfriend she began to rail that tight little ass with every ounce of strength. Bon Bon almost instantly started wailing in a voice that began in discomfort but soon gave way to pleasure, and it was shown to Lyra by the way that Bon Bon’s eyes rolled back in her head and the widening smile that was left wide and slightly drooling. Lyra giggled in delight as she moved to carry out her part, laying flat on her belly across the bed and moving her head to situate between Bon Bon’s thighs. It was a little tricky considering how quickly Dash was fucking her in the early moments, but soon Dash held Bon Bon steady while she let her lap do most of the work. It afforded a certain level of stability to the fucked girl so that Lyra could keep her mouth at that wonderfully moist slit, teasing her tongue back and forth and drawing in long swallows of her flavor.

Bon Bon was in paradise, even though she had lost the bet. The well-lubed rod of Rainbow Dash was plunging deeper into her than any toy ever had, and Lyra was downright ravenous in her attention to her pussy. It didn’t take long before the mint green girl eased two fingers into her girlfriend’s slit, and it only gave her more to tighten her holes around as she rode. In that prone position she was utterly helpless to the passions of the two women - used like a wonderful little fuckdoll by Rainbow Dash while Lyra treated herself to a delicious teenaged feast. She couldn’t do anything other than hold onto Dash’s thighs for dear life while her legs dangled helplessly, knees lifted almost to the sides of her head.

Throughout the apartment, Bon Bon was moaning in such a state that they were sure to get complaints from the neighbors in the morning. Her desperate cries of delight filled the room from wall to wall, and though she couldn’t manage to form any certain words it was clear that she was relishing it all. She had begun that day openly resenting the fact that Rainbow Dash acted like she was God’s gift to women, but as the sun went down outside she was all too happy to be one of the girls that fed into that myth. Rainbow Dash was pounding her harder than Lyra ever had, and while Bon Bon’s girlfriend tended to her pussy there were rapid waves of pleasure and heat that battered against her.

Bon Bon’s orgasms came frequent and frantic while Dash fucked her, and it was clear to all parties involved that she was spasming in climax. Twitching thighs, wiggling toes, a staggered quake in her moans and screams...not to mention the way her pussy clenched at Lyra’s fingers or how her ass locked tighter around Dash’s cock. She was a shrieking, cumming mess right in front of her girlfriend’s eyes, and it only made Lyra smile all the wider with her lips braced around the girl’s hood.

“Heh...hope you’re hungry for some cum, too, Lyra!” Rainbow Dash finally beamed, and bounced Bon Bon even harder into her lap. The girl’s breasts were swinging wildly and her hair danced back and forth, just as Rainbow Dash continued driving her enormous member down to the hilt. Each push was with every bit of strength she could muster, and each thrust made sure that there was nowhere else inside of Bon Bon for her cock to reach. “I’m about to pump a whole new creampie into her ass for you to gulp down!”

“Mmm, I can’t wait!” Lyra giggled, and pulled up to her knees. She let her fingers press against Bon Bon’s pussy, sweeping back and forth and keeping those moistened folds teased and excited. As she did so, she drew in close to her panting and moaning lover, nudging their foreheads together and giving her an excited whisper. “I love you so much, baby...and I promise, I’m gonna swallow every last drop that Rainbow Dash puts inside of you!”

With that, Lyra squeezed her lips against Bon Bon’s desperately gaping mouth, and soon the two were once more sharing a wet and hungry kiss. This time it was Bon Bon that was filled up throughout their smooch, with Rainbow Dash straining herself to dump every last drop of cum into that tight, warm pucker. It was an even tighter grip than Lyra’s pussy, and when Rainbow Dash hit her peak she rocked and quaked with orgasmic delight as she rammed her tip as far into Bon Bon as she could manage. Her muscles tensed and her triceps locked into position as she held the girl in the full-nelson pose, keeping Bon Bon perfectly framed atop her cock as she unleashed rope after rope of cream. Bon Bon was little more than a twitching mess throughout her kiss with Lyra, her heart rapidly racing as warmth was rushed into her by the squirt.

When Rainbow Dash finally finished, she laid back against the bed and let loose with a content sigh, finally releasing Bon Bon from her grasp. The twitching girl collapsed first into Lyra’s arms, and then as Dash’s cock popped out of her rear soon found herself laying on her side on the bed. Lyra was quick to tend to her, hands moving across Bon Bon’s tender body as she slinked down into position, moving her mouth against that tight little hole that was already leaking from an overflowing creampie. She eased a finger inside Bon Bon’s rear to help the nectar to flow, and once it did she began sweeping her tongue wildly back and forth, slurping up every last drop of cum that Rainbow Dash had pumped inside of her.

Rainbow Dash merely laid back watching, her enormous smile plastered on her face as she took the sight in. It was downright romantic to see the two girls so close and connected, so eager to drink cum from the other’s holes and so happy to enjoy a nice, big blue dick. Dash stretched out and made herself comfortable, parking her exhausted rear right in between their pillows and settling in. She wasn’t planning on leaving until morning, not when there were six holes in front of her that she still needed to explore to the point of getting bored.

She’d send a text to her mom and dad to let them know she wasn’t coming home that night - she was sure they’d understand. The typical “Go get ‘em, Dash!” would be the response from the proudest parents of all time.

When Lyra was finally finished cleaning the cum from Bon Bon’s ass, both girls turned their attention to Rainbow Dash once more. They advanced upon her and were soon laying flat on the bed side by side, resting on their bellies while their heads were braced before the other girl’s lap. Lyra was working the shaft of Dash’s privates while Bon Bon was tending to the balls, each girl licking, slurping, and fondly caressing as they gazed up at the other girl. They didn’t even have to be encouraged to do it - the mere sight of Dash’s cock standing upright and unattended had just seemed unnatural.

“You two sure do make a pretty couple.” Rainbow Dash smiled, and stretched her hands down to caress the hair of both girls. Lyra and Bon Bon truly were a charming pair, even when they weren’t sharing her cock. The fact that they were so determined to work together to please her only made them all the cuter. “You just keep going, and I’ll think about what I’m going to fuck next.”

Lyra and Bon Bon giggled amongst themselves, and even started to kiss each other with Rainbow Dash’s cocktip pressed between their lips. The two girls were a perfect team, almost perfectly in synch as they tended to her. And as Rainbow Dash leaned back to enjoy it, a part of her found herself...wanting. Just a bit.

They had their own place. They got along great. They even gave each other cute pet names. And judging from the fact that they were both shamelessly sucking the same cock together, it was clear that being in a relationship didn’t diminish their ability to have fun with other people...even if they were only doing it because Dash’s cock was literally impossible to resist.

Still, Dash found herself wondering, and even moved to grasp at the nearby picture frame on the nightstand. A framed photo of Lyra and Bon Bon at the movies together, a selfie with their cheeks pressed together and looking happy and adorable. And in that moment, Rainbow Dash realized just what she had to do.

“...oh gosh, think I’m already gonna cum again!” She blinked, gazing down to find the two girlfriends battering their tongues against her tip. “...but in the morning, I gotta find myself a girlfriend!”

The End.

Four Types of Pie (Pie Sisters)

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Rainbow Dash’s 10/10 Top Tier Cock
Chapter Thirteen: Four Types of Pie
-by Drace Domino

Truth be told, Rainbow Dash didn’t really like pie. She had never said as much to her friend, since Pinkie would’ve been devastated by the news, and for as long as she had known Pinkie she had managed to dodge or escape the various pies she made for her throughout any given year. The birthday pies, the friendship pies, the opposite day pies with the crust on top, the pies to celebrate the first time they got the same score on a test because Dash cheated off her...Pinkie made a lot of pies. A pie for every occasion, and Rainbow Dash had avoided them all. Pies just weren’t for her.

Pie sisters, on the other hand, were something Rainbow Dash had wanted to sink into for a while. It was amazing how two bland and boring parents could consistently churn out smokin’ hottie after smokin’ hottie, each one in a different Pie flavor. From Pinkie Pie’s boundless enthusiasm to Maud Pie’s restrained and composed demeanor, from Marble Pie’s Fluttershy-lite vibe to Limestone Pie’s sour and grumbly tone...Rainbow Dash had enjoyed impure thoughts about every last one of them at some point or another. It was likely that most of the students at CHS had, they were an objectively hot family.

And this weekend, Rainbow Dash was going to fuck all of them. Many, many times.

“This is going to be the best...weekend...ever!” Rainbow Dash was starting to sound like a Pie herself, practically hopping her way into the living room with Pinkie Pie close at hand. The Pie household was a conservative affair fitting the parents of the family; drab gray colors were used for curtains and carpet, and every family photo was of a stone-faced group of stoic faces...and Pinkie Pie. As Dash stepped deeper into the house and twisted on a heel to flop down onto the couch, she let her eyes dash across Pinkie with a smile building even wider across her face. “Thanks for inviting me over, Pinkie. We’re gonna have a ton of fun!”

“I know! It’s gonna be...so awesome!” Pinkie Pie purposely borrowed her friend’s tone and puffed cheeks upon saying it, and hopped down right on the couch beside her. As Rainbow Dash invited herself to thread an arm around Pinkie’s shoulders the excited young human gave out a giggle, and moved a hand down to grope at the package tucked against Dash’s jeans. “We’ll spend all weekend in my parents room, they won’t be back until Monday! And I already told the girls I was having you over, and they all promised that they wouldn’t bother us one bit!” She gave a tremendously joyous giggle. “Isn’t it great?! We won’t even see them all weekend, it’ll just be you and me and this big fun guy! Have you thought of a name for it?! Because I have! Do you wanna hear them? Bernard, Bigsby, Horace, Rainbow Dash Jr., the Honorable Judge Ladypleaser…”

As Pinkie Pie rambled about the names she had crafted for Rainbow Dash’s cock, CHS’s star athlete sat there with wide eyes that only moved with a slight twitch. She was focused not on Pinkie’s dick names - although Fierce Cobra was pretty good - but instead on the revelation that the Pie sisters would be leaving them alone all weekend. She’d be trapped in the bedroom with Pinkie Pie, which was certainly a fun enough thing in and of itself...but Rainbow Dash wanted more! She needed more! She hadn’t cum at all in the past two days knowing that she’d need every drop of Fierce Cobra venom to satisfy four hungry Pie sisters! And if she didn’t see the girls all weekend, that meant they wouldn’t see her...or that delicious, irresistible package that was throbbing against Pinkie’s greedy groping.

“--the School Bus, Cockswaggle McDicklesberg, Countess Cumtessa, annnd Scootaloo,” Pinkie Pie finished her list and gazed up at her friend with a huge smile, even as her fingers continued to knead against the member awaiting further attention. “What do you think? Wanna see me kiss Scootal--nope, never mind that one, it’s too creepy! How about we just call it Rarity instead?”

“Wellll Pinkie, I’ll have to think about that.” If Rainbow Dash was being honest, she had barely heard a word the other girl said after the revelation that the other sisters wouldn’t be joining them. She fidgeted underneath Pinkie’s grasp, and nibbled her bottom lip as she quirked a brow to her friend. “So...the other girls are all going to be in the house, right? Just not knocking on our door?”

“Oh, not for long!” Pinkie giggled, and licked her lips with a growing smile. “I think they’re going camping at the quarry! Once they get home today they’ll probably just grab their things and leave, and we’ll have the place all to ourselves!”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes lit up, and her smile returned. That was all she needed - a chance. A window, from which she could let others look at her dick. Soon she was moving back against Pinkie in a return of the girl’s affections, moving a hand across her bare knee and creeping her fingers under Pinkie’s skirt. As she let her touch tease across the sensitive pink flesh the other girl giggled and groaned, and even spread her legs a little to invite Rainbow Dash to play with her further. It was a nice change of pace for Rainbow Dash - she wasn’t used to a girl giving herself up quite so happily and willingly. Without even a single glimpse of her prick Pinkie was eagerly encouraging Rainbow Dash’s fingers to stroke across her slit, and maybe even finger her a bit on the couch where her parents did puzzles together.

“Mmm...dippin’ your fingers into the pie, hmmmmm?” Pinkie giggled and her nose twitched, leaning forward with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “If there’s one thing I know about Rainbow Dash, it’s how much she loves pie! Maybe a little bit, but we have to be careful...the girls might be home any minute!”

“That’s great.” CHS’s cocky star athlete and chief pussy pleaser smiled, and let her back flop against the couch once more. With a fluid motion her hands dropped to her jeans and she swiftly unzipped, pulling herself out before Pinkie Pie could even think to resist. That big blue member stood straight up, inspired by Pinkie’s fondling and thoughts of fucking all the Pie girls, and Rainbow Dash’s voice slipped out to give Pinkie some playful instruction as the girl became immediately entranced. “Sounds like just enough time for a blowjob, Pinkie!”

“Ohh...I missed you, Horace!” Pinkie Pie’s draw towards the exposed dick was immediate, and by the time she leaned forward to take it into her hands for a cuddle and a kiss, she was already won over. The first of the four Pie girls was licking and teasing her member right there in the center of the couch, and before long the others would walk through the door and pass by. And once they saw that beautiful cock covered in their sister’s spit…

Rainbow Dash dismissed any feelings of guilt with a tiny shrug. It was hard to feel particularly bad about what she was doing when Pinkie Pie was so good at cock snuggles. She was eager to see what the rest of them were good at...and to claim the CHS dream of fucking them all at the same time. The party animal, the ice queen, the bully, and the pseudo-shy.

Best. Weekend. Ever.


Rainbow Dash’s plan worked like a charm. It wasn’t long after Pinkie Pie’s eager licking and slurping began that Rainbow Dash could hear the back door opening, followed by the slightly muffled voices of a few familiar feminine sources. If Pinkie Pie heard them as well, she certainly didn’t show it, and just kept dragging her tongue back and forth across every inch of Rainbow Dash’s flawless prick. The hard part was keeping herself from cumming while she waited for the Pie sisters to get home - Pinkie was every bit the skilled cocksucker that one might imagine given her party-ready personality.

“...and so I told ‘im to get outta my way, or I was gonna pound his face in!”

“I know. I was there.”


The other three Pie sisters made their way into the living room at the same time, and when they did the first thing that served as a feast for their eyes was their joyous sister worshipping the biggest, most beautiful cock they had ever seen. Not that they had seen many...or any, but that was hardly the point. As Limestone, Marble, and Maud all stared at the scene before them, it was Maud that was the first to speak. Unlike her sisters, her eyes weren’t bulging and her mouth wasn’t hanging agape, but it was nonetheless apparent that she shared a similar - if guarded - enthusiasm.

“That’s a really nice penis,” Maud observed in her deadpan and analytical fashion. She gave a slow blink while the other two continued to stare, stunned by the flawless glory that was Rainbow Dash’s beautiful rod. “I’m going to put my mouth on it, too.”

“Wowee zowee, I’ve never heard her so excited!” Pinkie Pie pulled her lips away from Dash’s shaft just long enough to exclaim as much, and a happy giggle rose from her throat. She cupped a hand and gestured for Maud to head on over to join, seamlessly and smoothly inviting her own sister to help her share a dick. “C’mon over, Maud! Just promise me you won’t get too excited and wreck the place!”

“I promise nothing. I am a fountain of arousal.” Maud’s voice continued as she knelt down before the couch, mere inches away from Rainbow Dash’s shaft. Her gaze was sexy and piercing even under normal circumstances, but when she looked up at Rainbow Dash that sunny afternoon it was enough for the girl to feel goosebumps racing across her flesh. “I’m so wet right now. I’ve never wanted anything like I want your penis.”

“Well, Pinkie offered to share!” Rainbow Dash smiled, just before looking up to the other two. Marble Pie only had one eye visible with the other covered by a long sweep of her hair, and Limestone’s cheeks had turned a deeper tint of gray. It was hard to tell if she was angry or shocked or a combination of both, and that suited Dash quite nicely. As Maud leaned forward to start slurping at Dash’s balls, CHS’s star athlete patted the spots beside her on the couch and beamed from ear to ear. “C’mon over, girls! It’s a treat for the whole Pie family!”

“...okay...thank...thank you...I...eeeep!” Marble Pie’s response was predictable. How could any girl be even more shy than Fluttershy? Than Wallflower Blush? CHS might’ve had a self-esteem epidemic on its hands, but in Marble’s case Rainbow Dash was willing to bet that a few runs with the best cock in town would have her feeling better in no time. She was the next Pie sister to dash close and join her on the couch, and to Marble’s credit she didn’t recoil or flinch when the girl wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She blushed so hard that Dash could practically feel the heat from her cheeks, but that was to be expected! Soon she was kneeling down, and as Pinkie worked the shaft and Maud worked the balls, Marble let her sensitive little tongue stick out to start flicking back and forth across the tip.

Three done, and one stubborn girl left to go. Rainbow Dash’s cock was rock hard and thrilled at the attention, and her body language was as cocky and arrogant as it got. Stretched out wide in the center of the couch, she had one arm looped around Marble’s waist while the other’s hand was in Pinkie’s hair, knowing full well that her glorious, throbbing member was right there in Limestone’s line of fire. She could see the conflict in her eyes, see the battles being waged within her. Limestone Pie resisted more than most...her stubborn nature likely blended with the fact that she was witnessing her sisters debase themselves in a three-girl blowjob.

But Limestone Pie had a reputation for being a bitch, and those were typically Rainbow Dash’s favorite types of girls to fuck. The Pie collection wouldn’t be complete without the salty soon-to-be slut begging for a taste of her dick.

“Hey, Limestone.” Rainbow Dash offered a lazy smile with a quirked brow, and a gentle tilt of her head. She shoved her lap forward to show that her cock was covered in a slathering nectar of the other girls’ spit, and that there was just barely room for one more mouth. “You going to help Maud suck my balls, or what?”

“Grr...you...you’re a…” Limestone was stumbling for threats, and when she stepped forward it was hard and rough. She was still fighting herself as she made her way closer and closer, but not only was Dash’s cock genuinely impossible to resist, the other Pie girls were doing their best to bring her into the fun.

“I don’t actually need your help. I can handle them both,” Maud’s deadpan voice responded, though she slid over to the side to make room, just in case. “But you would probably enjoy it. This is the most fun I have ever had.”

“...it’s good.” Marble’s ringing endorsement was barely more than a whisper, but by now Limestone knew well how to read her. It was the equivalent of screaming from the rooftops for the cute and shy young woman.

“C’mon, Limestone, don’t be a grumpy rumpy!” Pinkie Pie’s voice was the loudest endorsement, and she suddenly moved her hands to the sides of her sister’s cheeks. She pushed them all together with Rainbow Dash’s cock pressed into the middle of the fray, making a smooth shot of her own face, then Dash’s dick, Marble, and then Maud. “See how happy we all are?! See all these big smiles?!”

The only actual smiles were on Pinkie and Dash’s faces, although the latter was far closer to a painfully smug smirk. Still, the joy that rested on their faces was a perfect match for the tricky-to-read yet no less important signals of pleasure on Maud and Marble’s faces. Limestone couldn’t possibly deny it - her sisters had been sucking cock for all of two minutes, and it was already the happiest they had ever been.

And she wanted it.

“Ahhhh, gravel, fine. I’m comin’.” With that, Limestone closed the rest of the distance and dropped down to her knees right beside Maud. Though still the most resistant of the sisters it was clear that her eyes were absolutely transfixed, studying the inches of Dash’s cock and regarding it for the masterpiece that it was. Even glistening and wet from the spit of her three sisters it was far too tempting for even the most stubborn girl to resist, and Limestone finally pushed her head forward and allowed her tongue to roll from her lips. She cradled one of Dash’s balls against that moist muscle while Maud continued to work on the other, and Pinkie and Marble continued servicing their own respective pieces. It didn’t take more than a lick or two for Limestone to fully get on board with the intense and taboo delight she was enjoying, and soon Rainbow Dash could savor and appreciate the hat trick she had managed to pull off.

Her member was as hard as it had ever been, and standing up with a state of such intense delight that her heart was racing and sweat lined her brow. She could feel four sources of breath against her lap, four wonderful wet tongues tracing her inches, and four sets of lips kissing and fawning over her most sensitive parts. This was a true triumph for Rainbow Dash to be certain, and if it wouldn’t have risked ruining the fun she would’ve screamed from the rooftops in victory and celebration. And the best part was that this was just the beginning - she had the whole long, wet weekend to enjoy each of the Pie girls in their respective holes.

“That’s it, girls...you’re really good at this!” Rainbow Dash’s smile grew as she rocked her hips, soon finding that she didn’t even need to guide their heads with her hands. Instead, she simply stretched her arms across the back of the couch and relaxed, allowing the four to tend to her. Feeling like nothing less than a king, Rainbow Dash’s joyful sigh ran from deep within her chest and she openly pondered all the possibilities ahead of her. Nothing would be forbidden to her, she knew that much, and with the sight of her flawless cock front and center she could coax these hotties into just about anything she wanted. “I think after you all share a taste of my cum, we should hit up your parents’ bedroom! I want to line all of you up shoulder to shoulder and squeeze into each and every one of your pussies. And then maybe afterwards we can take a shower together! It’ll be a tight fit, but you girls won’t mind, right?”

“Mmm! Whatever you wanna do, Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie Pie looked up with a smile and several threads of spit connecting her lips not only to Dash’s cock, but to Marble’s timid smile as well. She had been the most slurp-happy of an admittedly hungry bunch, and as she sat there some of it even dripped down to smear over Limestone’s forehead. “I thought this was gonna be just you and me all weekend, but this is even better! I get my sex with Rainbow Dash time, and my best sisters ever hangout time!”

“Pinkie seemed sad that she had to pick between us this weekend,” Maud’s voice chimed in, and she offered a patient and flat look towards Rainbow Dash. If she hadn’t spent the past few minutes sucking on one of the girl’s balls, it would be easy to think she was bored...even if nothing could be further from the truth. “I’m glad we can get fucked together. I’m looking forward to my sister sucking your cum out of my pussy.” A slow, almost mechanical blink. “I am a very nasty girl like that.”

Rainbow Dash was impressed, and her smile grew as her excitement began to bubble over all the more. This was truly the most “too good to be true” scenario she had ever encountered, even with all the fun she had already enjoyed with her cock. Plowing Sunset Shimmer at the Fall Formal, fucking Ms. Cheerilee, using Bon Bon and Lyra as her personal sluts...nothing could compare to this. These Pie girls were going to be the height of sexual conquest for Rainbow Dash’s high school career - at least until she found a way to add even more girls to the mix.

“All right, girls...I’m almost there.” Rainbow Dash beamed, unable to contain herself for much longer. The orgasm that had been building up within her for the past few days was about to be unleashed, and she knew that her payload would be enormous and generous. Her hips were rocking and twitching and the tip of her cock was spasming - the only question remained was where she wanted to squirt. It would be a waste to simply fire it all up in the air and let it fall wherever, especially when she had so many possible targets. Did she cum on Maud’s stone-faced expression? In Pinkie’s overwhelming poof of hair? Across Marble’s blushing cheeks? When Rainbow Dash finally decided her smile turned teasing, and she pointed down to the Pie sister sucking on half her balls.

“Limestone. Open up,” Rainbow Dash demanded, and slid a hand down to grab her spit-covered cock at the base. “You’re about to get a treat!”

“Ohhh, lucky Limestone!” Pinkie Pie was giggling and dropping down to the floor to help even before Limestone could reply, bouncing behind her sister and wrapping hands around her. Maud was quick to join in - the nasty girl she was - and she even moved to make the scene all the more enticing for Rainbow Dash. She dropped a hand to Limestone’s shirt at the very bottom and swiftly pulled it up, bracing the garment above her sister’s breasts contained in a simple black bra. Limestone had pretty impressive tits for the tomboy that she was, and now Pinkie and Maud were pressing them together to enhance her cleavage as she was pushed into position.

“H-Hey! What’re ya doin’? You girls are just throwin’ me under the bus like this?!” Limestone’s persistently grumpy attitude only made Rainbow Dash pump her cock all the harder, her smile intensifying as her orgasm built. The gray face of the grumbling Pie sister finally pulled itself ahead of her tip, and she even opened up her mouth to receive it. While she prepared herself both Maud and Pinkie held her in place, squishing her breasts together and giving each other coy looks in their own style. Even Limestone had finally accepted it, no doubt thanks in part to her sisters’ motions. “Ahhhh, fine. Just make it quick! I feel silly like this!”

Three sisters were accounted for to receive that enormous payload of cum, and only one remained uninvolved. That just wouldn’t do! Rainbow Dash turned to Marble Pie and slid a hand up the girl’s back, letting her fingers dash into her surprisingly soft hair and taking a gentle hold. Before she pushed Marble’s head down she was kind enough to lift a brow and offer her a sweet look, and even whispered to her in a voice that was just barely loud enough for her to hear.

“Wanna watch me cum on your sister?” Rainbow Dash asked, her free hand jerking faster and faster and moving so very close to release. “I’ve got the best seat in the house for you.”

“Uh...mmhmm!” Marble bit her lips together and gave a sharp nod. Shy, but eager...which was something Rainbow Dash was prepared to see a lot of from her in the next few days. CHS’s star athlete leaned forward to press a kiss to Marble’s cheek before suddenly pushing her head down, laying Marble’s cheek flat against her lap right above her cock. The action brought Marble’s mouth to the top edge of her base and gave the girl a clear sight of her grumpy sister with mouth open and hungry, flanked on both sides by the other two. It really was the best place to watch what was about to happen, and Marble’s cheeks went deeply tinted upon realizing it.

From there, Rainbow Dash finally began to unload. With her rump lifting off the couch and her thighs twitching and spasming, she gave herself one last pump of her cock before removing her hand and letting the torrent be unleashed. Thick ropes of her cream spewed forward in heavy coils of white, splattering across Limestone’s face from brow to chin. It was Marble Pie that kept that member steady in the heat of the moment, one hand sliding up to cradle Dash’s sack and hold her stable, and thanks to her quick response Dash’s cock didn’t fly back and forth and waste half her load. As the rainbow-haired hottie groaned in glorious pleasure her cum landed square against Limestone’s stretched tongue and painted her lips, and a coy swing of Marble’s hand even gave Pinkie and Maud a squirt to enjoy.

It was, as Rainbow Dash had expected, an enormous load. It was the kind of climax that would’ve floored her if she wasn’t already sitting down, and one of the most intense that she could remember. Fucking Sunset Shimmer at the Fall Formal was the only thing that could’ve compared, but then, that was a special case considering how much she deeply enjoyed putting that smug and cocky bitch in her place. When she finally finished Limestone was a shivering mess of cum that covered her cheeks and filled her mouth, so much so that the girl’s lower lip had to stretch and curl to stop it from overflowing. Even then, it was drooling from the corners in a pair of long threads, which made it all the better that she had two sisters on hand to help.

“Yaaaaay cum party!” Pinkie Pie’s enthusiasm was infectious as she dropped her head down to help Limestone out, catching one thread on her tongue and slurping it right up to the girl’s cheek. Maud mirrored the process on the side, and soon the two girls were half kissing and half cleaning their sister’s open, cum-filled mouth. As Limestone knelt trembling and tender, aroused and weak, Rainbow Dash merely gave Marble a nudge on the shoulder and gestured towards her squirt target.

“Hey. Don’t be shy, they’re your sisters. Go join ‘em.” Rainbow Dash offered her voice to Marble in a supportive and fond fashion, and sure enough the girl’s only eye that was visible past her hair lit up as she nodded. Marble wasn’t loud or bombastic by any means, but her smiles were bright and her eye expressive, and it was easy to tell how excited she was at the prospect of what was in store for the sisters next. She slipped off the couch and joined Pinkie, Maud, and Limestone on the floor, eagerly moving to add her lips to the growing four-way kiss between them.

And Rainbow Dash, as egotistical and cocky and understandably sure of herself as she ever was, gave a wide stretch and a satisfied smack of her lips. As she watched the Pie sisters begin to swap her cum and allow their tongues to grind back and forth across one another’s, she couldn’t help but feel immensely proud of herself. In truth, this was probably one of the most fucked up things the egomaniac with a magic cock had ever done...but there wasn’t a trace of guilt inside of her. The Pie girls were having fun and she had just pumped out one hell of an overdue payload of cum. This whole weekend was going to be a pleasure parade the likes of which none of them had ever seen.

“Don’t be afraid to smear it around.” Rainbow Dash giggled, and her prick stiffened up a little more. “Plenty more where that came from...and we’ve got all the time in the world.”


Rainbow Dash could’ve quite happily sat there and watched the four Pie sisters swap her cum all day long, but her dick was far too demanding for it to go on much longer than just a few minutes. Soon the girls were up in the bedroom of the Pie parents, and stretched out across the bland and boring sheets were all four girls on their hands and knees, stripped down completely bare. In a perfect line Marble, Limestone, Pinkie, and Maud all knelt shoulder-to-shoulder, each one with their pussies and asses exposed and each one fidgeting in growing excitement. Rainbow Dash’s eyes trailed across the offering before her as she kicked completely free of the last of her clothing, and stretched out a hand to caress what felt like miles of soft, inviting flesh.

It was pure bliss to watch the girls respond with sensitive gasps as Rainbow Dash let her fingers dance over them - all except for Maud, of course, who maintained her stoic disposition. It was a little tricky for Rainbow Dash to even decide which one she wanted to fuck first, though it only led to a wonderful idea. Lining up first behind Marble, she braced her hands to the back of the girl’s shoulders and eased herself forward, pushing in with a long, slow thrust that sent the girl to nibble at her bottom lip and tighten her hands against the sheets.

“Yay, Marble! You’re doing great!” Pinkie Pie was one full sister away, yet was still confident that she was doing a wonderful job. Maud and Limestone similarly gave their sister a supportive glance, but they didn’t have a chance to respond before Dash pulled her hips back once more, letting her cock pop out of Marble’s pussy with an audible, wet noise. As Marble looked back over her shoulder with a trembling and whimpering expression, Dash gave her a wink and slithered over to the right.

“Don’t worry, Marble, I’m going to give all of you as much cock as you can possibly handle,” she promised, and even stroked and squeezed Marble’s gray rump in supportive fashion. For now, though, she was sliding the tip of her cock against Limestone’s pussy and beginning to inch forward to slowly spear her as well. “But first, I wanna know what each of you feel like! I want a full Pie sample platter!”

“Ya don’t think you’re bein’ greedy?!” Limestone chimed in, though even amidst her complaints she was pushing right back against Rainbow Dash’s lap, helping those inches to spread her. She was fiercely tight, even more so than Marble, and Dash could only assume it was because her entire body was a tense, grumpy muscle. “Ya oughta be on your hands and knees thankin’ us for lettin’ you do this!”

“We’ll all be on our knees plenty by the time the weekend’s over.” Rainbow Dash grinned, and her member throbbed against tight, resistant walls. She could almost feel her prick pulse every time Limestone opened her mouth to complain, absolutely cherishing every chance to wrap a snarky bitch around her cock. “But if you keep talking back, I’m going to make you watch while I fuck allllll your sisters before you!”

Another pull back and another wet noise filled the room as her cock popped free, shifting over towards Pinkie Pie. The enthusiastic young woman more or less giggled nonstop the entire time Rainbow Dash stuffed her dick inside of her, wiggling her hips back and forth and trying to squeeze out a few extra thrusts by shoving her rear against her friend’s lap. When Dash’s blue member slipped out Pinkie unleashed a trembling “awwwwwww” complete with a pouty look over her shoulder, but Rainbow Dash wasn’t swayed by her gentle begging. Not when the final prize was yet to be stuffed - not when Maud Pie waited there, braced on her hands and knees, offering up her holes with an icy gaze on her face.

“Maud, I’ve wanted to fuck you for so long…” Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but admit it openly in front of the other three girls. Her grin intensified and she slipped a hand to her waist, holding her steady as she pressed that wet blue tip to her entrance. At that point Dash’s cock was thoroughly coated in the nectar of the other three girls, and in pushing it forward she would slather Maud’s slit with the glisten of her sisters. Though even with that thought in mind, one memory in particular screamed even louder in Rainbow Dash’s head. A smile spread across her features as she began pushing herself inside, and her voice slipped out in a dominant, almost taunting tone. “I gave Coco the dick she needed after you broke up with her. And now I finally get to fuck you as raw as I fucked her.”

The tiny lift to Maud’s brow showed that Dash’s revelation was news to her. It was a small lift, of course, as was the tiny edge to Maud’s voice as she spoke.

“I didn’t know you fucked my ex,” she spoke simply, and slowly blinked. “That’s interesting.”

“We didn’t even know you had an ex!” Pinkie exclaimed, and the shared looks of shock on Limestone and Marble matched her own. Maud just gave a shrug, and as she turned her head forward once more her pussy tightened against Dash’s cock. It was hardly the time to talk about Maud’s ex or how heartbroken she had left the fashionable little thing, not when there was a flawless cock to be enjoyed and four wet pussies that needed fucking. The idea of Coco was soon swept away as Rainbow Dash grasped Maud’s hips and started to slam herself forward, giving it to her more than she had the others. Maud Pie’s pie was nearly as tight as Limestone’s, and the control the girl had over it was...impressive. With a stoic look on her face and no clear signs of reaction over her entire body, she exhibited impressive muscular control as her nethers squeezed, teased, and gripped Dash’s cock with perfect precision.

Four different sisters, four different styles. Dash giggled like Pinkie Pie when she looked to the left to see the other three all braced there watching with hunger in their eyes, swaying their hips and hoping it would be their turn next. From Marble’s blushing sweetness to Limestone’s scowling pout, all the way to the fact that Pinkie was throwing puppy dog eyes at her friend in a desperate attempt to claim the spot. Rainbow Dash’s member throbbed all the harder within Maud’s slit, and she looked at each and every one in turn with a cocky smile fitting of her current position.

She had every right to indulge and think the most of herself in that moment - this was a hallmark accomplishment if there ever was one.

“All right girls, here’s the game!” Rainbow Dash’s smile intensified, and she picked up the pace fucking Maud. Her hips lunged forward with wet, hard strikes again and again and again, and although Maud remained silent and stoic her pussy was giving her the gripping of her life. “I’m going to cum in Maud’s pussy, and the one that sucks the most cum out of her gets the next ride!”

“She’s our friggin' sister!” Limestone blurted out, though her point was slightly undermined by her immediate follow-up. “Grr, you just wait! Stay outta my way, Pinkie and Marble!”

“I am very excited about this idea,” Maud offered simply, head bobbing back and forth and naked breasts swaying with every further thrust. “I’ll be the judge of who gets the most. That’s the only fair way to decide.”

With three sisters all eager and hungry to slurp up the mess and win a prize, Rainbow Dash gave Maud Pie everything she had. Each muscle went tight and hard as she clapped forward again and again, until finally she hit a thundering peak that sent her spasming and crying out in wild delight. Her cock plunged deep into Maud’s soaked slit and unleashed yet another copious torrent of cum, enough that Rainbow Dash immediately knew that her previous climax hadn’t yet spent the reserves she had been saving. The load she pumped into Maud’s pussy was immense, throbbing hard against those quivering walls as Dash shuddered and twitched. It was one of the rare moments in which Rainbow Dash squirted a pussy with cum that she wasn’t the one with clear composure - as Dash was overwhelmed and gasping in the aftermath of this glee, Maud simply raised a brow, tightened her walls, and spoke in her typical style.

“You’re putting a lot of cum inside of me,” she observed thoughtfully. “My sisters have their work cut out for them.”

When Rainbow Dash finally pulled back and let her cock pop free with a sloppy, wet noise she gazed down to see that Maud’s gray slit was already drooling. Her thighs were wet, her hole was leaking a steady trail of white, and already the other girls were scrambling to compete.

“They do indeed, Maud.” Rainbow Dash beamed as the girl was tossed to her back by a swarm of other Pies, each of which was trying to push her head down between Maud’s thighs for the chance to drink up as much cum as they could. “They do indeed.”


The weekend was every bit as long and delightful as Rainbow Dash had hoped. For the next two days she only wore clothes long enough to open the door for the pizza delivery guy, but once it was paid for they came right off so she could get back to the fun. The Pie household was covered in the scent of lust and sticky glee as Rainbow Dash became the king of the castle, letting the four sisters worship her cock at every last opportunity. The only breaks they took were the moments when they were all too tired to continue, set in the form of long naps on their parents’ bed or curled up together on the couch watching movies with a blanket positioned perfectly atop Dash’s lap. After all, just one glance and they’d be back at it again.

And in the past two days Rainbow Dash had fulfilled damn near every fantasy she ever had about Pinkie Pie and her sisters, so much so that she had to think of new ones just to make them happen. Sandwiching her dick in between Pinkie and Maud’s pussies? Done. Fucking Limestone in the ass while she ate Marble out? Done four separate times. Ramming Maud while she read her poetry? It didn’t make it any more compelling, but at least it gave her something fun to do while she listened!

Rainbow Dash enjoyed every hole on every sister, and the lusty cravings that filled the girls upon the mere sight of her cock spread like wildfire over them all. Early on Saturday morning she woke up to Pinkie and Marble sucking her cock, and on Sunday she woke up with Limestone’s pussy grinding back and forth across her mouth. When she went to bed or simply took a small nap in between sessions, it was with layers upon layers of Pie girls piled atop her and cuddled in close. Whether it was the expressionless face of Maud or the grumpy sneer of Limestone, Rainbow Dash was sure to have one of them pressed to her chest and breathing heavy by the time they started to drift off to sleep.

“Ohh! Whatcha dooooin’?!” Pinkie Pie chirped up on Sunday evening, bouncing onto her knees on the bed and leaning against Rainbow Dash. The weekend king of the Pie house was sitting on the bed in her boxers and nothing else, her cell phone in hand and a smile on her face. When the naked Pinkie squeezed against her Rainbow Dash tilted her head back to steal a kiss, and with the sweet flavor still playing on her lips finally responded.

“Just texting my folks.” She shrugged casually, and held the phone up to show the other girl. “Letting them know I’ll be home before midnight.”

Sure enough, that announcement was typed at the bottom of a text chain that included some rather encouraging words from her parents. The one that most notably caught Pinkie’s eye was a text filled with smile and eggplant emojis, and simply read “We’re so proud of you, sweetie! I bet those girls all love it when you give it to them! -Mom”

“Heeeey! We do! We do love it when you give it to us!” Pinkie giggled, and made a sudden snatch for Dash’s phone. As the other girl laughed Pinkie quickly tapped away, her arms wrapping over Dash’s shoulder so she could do so. She even spoke as she typed, dictating to her own fingers. “Hi Mrs. Dash, this is Pinkie Pie! Your daughter’s dick is super duper yummy! My big sister Maud said it was the most fun she ever had, and she’s the biggest party animal I know!” Once she finished texting she dropped the phone back into Dash’s hands, and kissed the back of her head with a loud smooch. It was a playful and sweet moment between friends...that just happened to contain a moment in which one texted the other’s mother about how well her daughter was fucking her sisters. Friendship was confusing sometimes.

“Where are the others, Pinkie?” Dash finally asked, setting her phone on the nightstand and turning to gaze behind her. She spun around in her seat and slipped her hands to her friend’s bare waist, pulling her down into her lap. Smoothly and naturally Pinkie found a spot straddling Dash, and with her bare slit pressed to the other girl’s boxers she gave a gentle but playful grind. Before Pinkie answered, she threaded her arms around Dash’s shoulders and leaned forward to get another kiss - this one deeper, more intimate, and with quite a bit of tongue moving back and forth against Dash’s own.

Rainbow Dash groaned sweetly throughout the kiss, and her hands slid down Pinkie’s bare back all the way to her rump, squeezing two tight fistfuls and pushing the girl down a little firmer against her. With the same motion she rolled forward to grind against the other girl’s lap, and her cock throbbed and threatened to pop free of her boxers. She was eager to get the next round of fun started since she’d have to go home before too long, but when Pinkie Pie finally answered she was getting the impression that things might not go exactly as she had planned.

“They’re getting a little surprise ready for you!” Pinkie giggled, and moved a hand up to squeeze Dash’s nose. “It was the least we could do after you had so much fun with us all weekend! You showed us so much! I never would’ve licked Marble’s rump before you came around and filled it with cum, and now it’s something I can’t wait to do again! And Limestone’s really come out of her shell! She’s a big ray of sunshine now!”

Dash...wasn’t sure how much she believed that part. If anything, Limestone only seemed to get grumpier with each fuck. It was part of her charm.

“Uh...heh, glad to help, Pinkie.” Rainbow Dash smiled, and once more groped at her friend’s ass. She didn’t get to squeeze it much, however, because Pinkie Pie was soon slipping out of her hands, moving up to her feet with a playful look on her face. “H-Hey, where…”

“It’s a surprise! Just one sec!” Pinkie Pie gave her friend a tiny wink before darting with remarkable speed straight out of her parent’s bedroom. In true Pinkie Pie fashion Dash was only left waiting for one single second before she heard the girl’s voice suddenly call out, ringing from the hall with an overjoyed tone. “Alright, ladies, let’s show her what we got!”

As the Pie sisters piled into the bedroom one by one, Rainbow Dash’s eyes got progressively larger and larger, and the bulge in her shorts got bigger and bigger. This...was maybe the best day of her entire life.

Every last Pie sister - including Pinkie, who must’ve changed at her usual lightspeed pace - was dressed in a cheerleader uniform. They were custom made, styled like the CHS uniforms but with a vivid rainbow stripe down the center and Rainbow Dash’s name across the chest and along the side of the skirt. Cheer shoes, socks, skirts, and even rainbow pom poms were part of the uniform...though it was a safe bet that panties weren’t.

“Dash, Dash, she’s our girl! She’s the best fuck in the woooooorld!” Pinkie Pie giggled and openly cartwheeled before the other three, confirming mid-arc that panties were indeed not part of the uniform. As she did so the other three Pie girls, looking understandably out of place in such enthusiastic outfits, stared ahead at Rainbow Dash with their typical dispositions. Marble gazed ahead shyly, fidgeting with her pom poms. Limestone looked like she was more likely to smack Dash with hers rather than shake them in celebration of her. And Maud, stone faced as ever, gave hers a single shake before speaking in her deadpan voice.

“Hooray,” she cheered.

Rainbow Dash had no idea where the girls got their her-themed cheerleader uniforms, but she didn’t particularly care. It was hard to care about anything other than the sight of their legs disappearing into those skirts, and the knowledge that all four of them were there to give her a proper last bang before she had to go home. Instead of sitting there and making them perform an elaborate cheer routine that Pinkie Pie no doubt scripted, Rainbow Dash was all too eager to cut right to the chase by slipping a hand into her boxers and letting her dick flop out.

“Don’t anyone get out of their outfit.” Dash grinned, watching as the girls all started to instantly flock towards that magically attractive member. “I wanna fuck the Rainbow Dash fan club in their uniforms.”


Cheerleading Pie sluts. Was there anything else quite so wonderful in the world? If there was, Rainbow Dash couldn’t imagine what it could be. As Pinkie, Marble, Maud, and Limestone swarmed her cock and began to worship it in hungry fashion Rainbow Dash gave a groan of absolute pleasure. She collapsed back on the bed and stretched a hand out to fumble for her phone, quickly tapping away at it as she felt four tongues moving in perfect tandem up and down her cock.

“Mom, Mom!!!!111lk1wds” she typed, erratically. “MOM LOOK WHAT THEY’RE DRES HVHDFSBHSDH” Too excited to type, too excited to think, Rainbow Dash simply spun her phone to the side and took a quick picture, sending it along before tossing the phone across the room. Even with the pride her parents took in her many sexual conquests, Rainbow Dash had never been so bold as to send a pic before. Now it was there in the text, four cheerleading sisters sucking her dick in outfits designed to glorify her. Rainbow Dash led one hell of a life.

From there, Dash threw herself into the moment and enjoyed the company of every last sister. She pulled them up from her cock one by one to spend long and hungry moments kissing them, teasing their tongues greedily back and forth before sending them back down to help their sisters. By that point her cock was coated in the blended spit of the four and each time Dash grabbed a new sister to kiss she could pick up the flavor on her lips, which only made her pulse and throb all the more readily. Why, it had been almost twelve hours since she had herself a nice fourway blowjob! It was a part of a shower that left her feeling more dirty than when they started.

The cheerleading Pies soon laid Rainbow Dash flat, and with Pinkie Pie leading the charge they all began to pile atop her. Rainbow Dash gave a small gasp as she felt Pinkie mount her stomach and slowly rub that glistening pussy against her toned belly, only to be joined by Limestone in front of her and Maud behind her. As Maud slapped a hand to Dash’s cock and eased herself down upon that rod Rainbow Dash unleashed a thrilling moan, though it was muffled as the final Pie sister, Marble, moved to complete the chain by straddling her mouth. Dash’s tongue eagerly went for it, peppering back and forth across those glistening and shy folds, and as she did so her smile was absolutely impossible to ignore. Grinning from ear to ear, CHS’s star athlete served as a toy for all four sisters to ride at the same time, and she couldn’t have been any happier.

Maud claimed that glorious blue cock first, though all of them were moving their hips in hungry fashion across Dash’s body. Limestone’s hands kneaded Dash’s breasts while Pinkie’s pussy raced back and forth over her belly button, and Marble had become bold in shifting her hips forward just enough to let Dash steal a lick or two of her ass. Though Rainbow Dash couldn’t see from her position, blocked by Marble’s pussy and skirt, the fact that she couldn’t hear anything other than moans assured her that up above the sisters were making out.

There was literally no other way, save for eating a cupcake, that Pinkie could’ve kept her mouth shut for that long.

In reality, she was eating a cupcake...but that didn’t mean she wasn’t making out with Maud, too! With her head tilted back she pressed her maw to her sister’s in between bites of a frosted treat she pulled from her hair, only to give a quick swallow and kiss her once more. Limestone spent her time focusing on Marble, kissing back and forth her sister’s throat while one hand slid up to tease fingers in her mouth, giving her something to suck on until Dash’s cock was an option once more. Her other hand lowered further still, sneaking under the cheerleading skirt and spreading her folds, giving Rainbow Dash a chance to lick deeper, longer, and wetter.

Dash’s final few hours as the king of the Pie house continued like that in full depravity. With four sisters that had long since given up any notion that lust between them was taboo, Rainbow Dash utterly delighted in sinking her cock into each and every one of them as they screamed and begged for more. The four-girl lineup rotated until each one of them had their turn on Dash’s cock, and throughout the course of it Rainbow Dash had somehow wound up the stickiest of them all. Four girls that had dragged their creampies against her, over her belly, across her breasts, past her cheeks...only to leave her a cum-coated mess of her own making. By the time the final girl up to bat received her load Dash was tired and a bit spent, but she was absolutely confident that the Pie girls would have something wonderful in mind for the next stage.

She wasn’t wrong. As Pinkie popped Dash’s cock out of her the other girls all dismounted, and Pinkie alone lingered above Dash’s belly as she squeezed her nethers and dug two fingers into her hole. She giggled wildly as she ushered that squirt free of her pussy and onto Rainbow Dash’s smooth blue flesh, pausing only as she flopped back onto her rump and gazed at the mess they had collectively made. Rainbow Dash was looking cream-coated and sticky, and across the sea of Pie faces she could see only one thing they all shared in common - hunger.

“...eat up, girls.” Rainbow Dash beamed, and gestured to her naked chest and belly. It was all the invitation they needed, and soon Rainbow was left twitching and spasming under the hungry mouths of her cheerleading squad, licking up every last drop of cum their glistening, squirt-filled pussies had squeezed out across her.

This was even better than the time Rainbow Dash fucked the actual cheerleading squad at school. They even had better uniforms.

Ultimately, all good things had to come to an end, and such was the case with Rainbow Dash’s weekend surrounded by the sexiest quartet of sisters she knew. After fucking each of the cheerleading sluts one after the other after the other after the other, she soon realized that her deadline was rapidly approaching. Granted, her parents certainly would’ve understood if she told them she wanted a few more hours with her own personal cocksucking squad, but she had worked hard to earn their trust and wasn’t about to take advantage of it.

She had pretty cool parents, and didn’t want to risk rocking the boat.

The final load of the weekend was reserved for Pinkie Pie, though the sweet little thing was only barely awake to enjoy it. Practically all fucked out from the fun they had, Pinkie Pie merely quivered and cooed as Dash thrust her load into her and let the girl’s thighs drop down to the mattress. There Pinkie Pie joined Marble and Limestone, all curled up in sticky cheerleading outfits with smiles on their sleeping faces. Rainbow beamed, sat back on her haunches, and gave a proud grin at the mess she made.

“You girls are awesome.” Rainbow Dash smiled, keeping her voice low as she addressed the only remaining sister, Maud. The stoic girl sat near the head of the bed, keeping Marble’s head in her lap and combing her fingers through her sister’s sticky hair. She was affectionate, in her own way, Dash had learned that much in great detail that weekend. “Where did you get these costumes, anyway? Did Rarity make them?”

“I called my ex Friday night,” Maud responded, straight-faced and toneless. “We bonded over how good your penis is. I asked her to make these outfits for us.”

“Coco, huh?” Rainbow Dash lifted a brow, and chuckled. She’d have to keep the knowledge of what went down here a secret - if Rarity knew she had been one-upped in such a dramatic fashion, it’d be an all-out style war at CHS. “Well, tell her I said thanks. And thank you too, Maud.”

“You’re welcome. Though really I should be the one thanking you,” Maud continued, just as her fingers kept passing over Marble’s hair. “We enjoyed talking about your penis so much that we got back together. I am extraordinarily happy. My heart is bursting with love.”

“...kay.” Rainbow Dash beamed, stretched out a hand, and patted Maud on her bare knee. “See ya, Maud!”

It was exactly what Rainbow Dash needed to hear as she made her way out of the Pie house and back to the streets to head home. She had dropped in on a quartet of sisters, exposed her cock knowing they’d be powerless to stop their attraction, and had spent the weekend having her way with four helpless, horny babes. The fact that Maud and Coco bonded anew over the experience was a fine outcome.

Rainbow Dash was making the world a better place. Girls were getting back together, cool cheerleading costumes were being made, and Pinkie Pie had started licking her sister’s ass.

Rainbow Dash and her irresistible dick were clearly a force of good in the world, but what she didn’t know was that several blocks away, a threat was headed towards CHS. Not everyone in the world would use the ability to control minds with Equestrian Magic as responsibly as Rainbow Dash...and some people had much darker plans than getting blowjobs from teenage sluts.

The Dazzlings were coming to Canterlot High.

End of Chapter 13.

The Siren Resistance Alliance (Sonata Dusk)

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Rainbow Dash’s 10/10 Top Tier Cock
Chapter Fourteen: The Siren Resistance Alliance
-by Drace Domino

“Ohhhh, they’re that kind of off!” Pinkie Pie blurted out as the girls all sat at the cafeteria table, staring ahead as the three new girls finished their song. The entire school being swept up in song wasn’t all that strange - it seemed to happen at least every month or so - but something about the melody that these strange new students unleashed was enough to make the five of them wary. Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie all exchanged glances in the aftermath, each of them unable to ignore the fact that the song the cafeteria had just been led in was rather...adversarial for CHS’s typical routine.

A battle of the bands? An outright competition instead of something fun and enjoyable by all? As the mysterious new girls went through their hauntingly beautiful song it seemed to encourage the students to confront one another, swear that they’d beat their friends in the contest, even glare at each other with a sentiment that was hardly fitting of the values of friendship and kindness that the school was based on.

Still, it was catchy.

“Well, they’re strange, but…” Rainbow Dash was already leaning back in her chair, stroking her chin with a smug look on her face. Her eyes were tracing up and down the figures of the new trio, particularly the redhead in the purple tights that served as their ringleader. “They’re pretty hot! Don’t you thi-gah!”

She wasn’t able to finish her thought before a firm hand snaked around her wrist and pulled her right away from the table. She was dragged with stumbling feet across the back of the cafeteria to the rear exit, and it wasn’t until the door slammed closed that her friends finally looked at each other with a look of confusion shared across their faces.

“Was that Sunset Shimmer?” Rarity blinked, and nibbled on her bottom lip. “That’s all we need right now, more trouble.”

“Oh, don’t worry, Rarity! Rainbow Dash has her wrapped around her little finger!” Pinkie Pie giggled, and blurted out with her typical enthusiasm. “Or, y’know, wrapped around her big, fat, coc--”

Fluttershy’s subsequent spit take stretched all the way to Trixie’s seat one table over.


“What do you want, Sunset Shimmer?” Rainbow Dash finally shrugged the other girl’s hand away from her wrist, her eyes narrowing in irate fashion. “I don’t have time to fuck you right now. Those girls in there are trou-”

“Trouble. Those girls are trouble,” Sunset hissed, and gestured for Rainbow Dash to follow her. She led her nemesis down the hall to where they were sure to remain unheard, though her voice stayed low just to be certain. “Did you see what happened in there? They turned everyone against each other while barely even trying. There’s something at work, I just don’t know what just yet.” Rainbow Dash simply rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest. With a lazy lean against the wall the other girl gave Sunset a suspicious look, her brow gently lifting as she thought it over. It was true that of everyone else in the cafeteria only Sunset remained unaffected by the new girls just as her friends did, though it was hard to believe the troublemaker was looking to help anyone.

“And you want to take whatever evil plan they have and use it for yourself?” Rainbow finally smirked. “This is just like Daring Do and the Panther’s Gauntlet. The bad guy pretends to care about the village of Poca Sato until he can take the gauntlet for himse-”

“Rainbow Dash, will just shut the hell up for a minute?!” Sunset Shimmer stamped her foot, and one eye twitched in intense frustration. She even reached her hands out to clutch at the other girl’s shoulders, giving her a little shake to fix her attention. “Do I care if they turn everyone at school against each other? No, not particularly, but there’s still Equestrian magic here...and I’m not going to let them just take it for themselves! So you and I are going to stop them.”

“Us?” Rainbow Dash shrugged her shoulders back and forth, dismissing Sunset’s hands and rolling her eyes. “Sunset, even if I wanted to work with you - which I don’t - why would you even ask me?”

“Because of your cock,” Sunset Shimmer murmured, and gazed down at Dash’s lap. Thankfully, it wasn’t currently hanging out, otherwise their conversation would be short lived. “I have a plan, but I’ll need your magic cock for it.”

“What? Magic dick?!” The blush that crossed Rainbow Dash’s cheeks was immediate and enormous, and she tugged at her collar as she took a half step back. “Whaaaaat? Sunset Shimmer, you’re...you’re crazy! I don’t have a magic dick! That’s...that’s just silly!” Sunset’s irritation was nearly bubbling over, and she took the time to pinch the bridge of her nose and take a long, deep breath. There was only so much time to convince Rainbow Dash to assist her, and the girl’s dense belligerence was a luxury they couldn’t afford.

“It’s magic. I’m probably the only one in this damned dimension that can tell, but it is,” Sunset hissed, and prodded Rainbow Dash’s chest with a finger. “It clearly has some form of mind altering magic, otherwise why else would I want to put it in my mouth every time I see it?”

“Because you think I’m just soooo fucking ho-”

“I do not think you’re hot, you insufferable pain in the ass!” Sunset’s voice rose up a bit higher than intended, and her fists clenched into tightened balls as she spoke. It took her a solid few seconds to calm herself - nobody could get under her skin quite like the cocky athlete. “Rainbow Dash. It’s Equestrian magic...and it wasn’t too different from their power, only instead of making people fight, it makes them...uh…”

“Hee,” Rainbow Dash grinned, and rocked back and forth on her heels. “Say it, Sunset. I wanna hear you say it.”

“...it makes them...want to be your slut,” Sunset Shimmer murmured, the blush on her face clear evidence that she herself had been on the receiving end of that compulsion many times over. Once she pushed on past her brief moment of shame - as well as Dash’s smug smirk - Sunset finally reached a hand out to hold the other girl’s shoulder, and give her a slightly more serious look. “Listen...if these girls really are planning something dangerous, then you want to protect your friends, don’t you? You want to protect the school?”

The look on Rainbow Dash’s face was enough to tell Sunset that she was clearly considering it, though her mistrust for the fire-haired girl was well deserved. There wasn’t anything Sunset Shimmer could say that would earn Dash’s trust as an ally in her plan, though there was one last thing she could offer to seal the deal with a certainty.

“...with my plan, you’ll get to fuck all of them,” Sunset Shimmer blurted out, her eyes flat and her voice deadpan.

“Sold!” Rainbow Dash grinned, and suddenly pulled an arm around Sunset’s shoulders, bringing her in close. “Let’s go save the school, Slutset!”

“...I hate you so much.”


Divide and conquer. It was the only way for a plucky thick-cocked hero and her sinister sidekick to tackle the sort of villains they were up against. The so-called Dazzlings were a threat to be reckoned with, and since they still didn’t know the extent of their powers it was dangerous for them to confront the trio head on. With an uneasy alliance formed between the crown-stealing former horse and an egomaniac whose cock made everyone love her as much as she loved herself, the two chose their target and put Sunset’s plan into action.

The easiest access point for information was obvious: Sonata Dusk. Of the three Dazzlings she was clearly the most distracted, the most oblivious, and even the friendliest. She was usually lagging behind the other two as looked around with a curious expression on her face, and neither Aria or Adagio seemed to be particularly concerned when she managed to separate from them. It was an easy task for Sunset Shimmer to slide behind the slender girl and slip a hand to her elbow, smiling warmly yet exceptionally falsely.

“Hi, Sonata~” she cooed, using a voice that she hadn’t had to muster since her early days at CHS. Since Twilight won the Fall Formal her popularity stock had dropped considerably, as the other students had - in not so many terms - gotten wise to her manipulative behavior. But Sonata was new...and she was clearly easy to fool. “I was wondering if I could talk to you for a few minutes? You’re just...you’re so cool, and I have something really neat to show you.”

“Oh yeah? I am cool!” Sonata preened, smiling wide and lifting her head. Just because she was on the friendlier side of the Dazzlings didn’t mean she wasn’t sporting the same ego. “What do you want to show me? I’ll get Adagio and we’ll all look together!”

“No!” Sunset snapped, her hand tightening on the girl’s arm as she did so. A brief cough came afterwards, and she gestured to where the other two Dazzlings were still several feet ahead of them. “Uh...no. I mean...there’s only enough snacks for just you. And it’s something you’ll absolutely want to have a snack during.”

Or stuff something in her mouth - same difference.

“Ooooo, I like snacks!” Sonata giggled, and practically screeched to a halt. She lifted her head long enough to make sure the other Dazzlings were fine moving on without her, at which point Sunset tugged at her arm and began leading her down a mostly empty hallway. The former pony’s attitude shifted almost immediately, her expression growing stern and serious and her movements fast and intense. Sonata didn’t seem to notice, tapping her chin as they stumbled along. “What sort of snacks?! I like sweet stuff, and salty stuff, and sweet and salty stuff, but I really like stuff that’s sweet and salty and spicy all at the same time!”

“Yeah, well, you’re in luck.” And with that, Sunset Shimmer flung open the door leading towards the broom closet while taking great care in not looking inside. She used one arm to cover her eyes with the sleeve of her leather jacket while the other shoved Sonata inside. Once the girl was in, Sunset peeked over her arm to ensure that nobody saw them enter, and backed in before covering her eyes once more. “Here’s your snack, you annoying bitch.”

“Wha...what...what’s...ooooo…” Sunset couldn’t see the girl as she oozed delight, but the sound of her voice assured her that the trap was already working. Rainbow Dash was leaning at the back wall of the broom closet, her athletic shorts hitched at the center of her thighs and her impressive cock simply hanging free. Dash’s arms were braced against a shelf as she quirked a brow in lazy fashion, smirking from ear to ear as Sonata instantly began to lower herself to her knees. “That...that looks so tasssssty…”

“Eh, nuh uh.” Rainbow Dash smirked, and twirled a finger in a small circle. “Turn around, Sonata. I’m starting off with your pussy.”

There was no attempt at subtlety within the broom closet, no effort to even veil what they were doing. Sonata hardly seemed the sort to recognize the fact that she found herself immediately compelled by Equestrian magic, since the urge to turn around and offer her slit was likely as spontaneous and smooth as any of her impulses. Sure enough, she was already gliding out of her tights and spinning around on a heel, giggling as he did so. She didn’t even question why Sunset Shimmer was still holding her arm over her eyes, so lost in the anticipation of what she was about to receive.

Once her tights were clumped around her calves, Rainbow Dash finally advanced. She let her dick flop atop the Dazzling’s rear as one hand lowered, slipping her fingers across the slit and gauging her excitement. Already soaked - already prime to be fucked. There was no denying the effect her glorious dick had on a woman, and it was nice to use her powers for good for a change. With one hand at her base Rainbow Dash guided her cock to the front of Sonata’s pussy, and as she pushed the first few inches inside a hungry, low voice escaped from them both. A pair of moans were soon followed by Rainbow Dash’s half-grunted whisper, directed not to the slut she was ramming but the other girl in the room.

“It’s in,” Rainbow Dash spoke, playing it off that she was merely bragging - and not simply telling her coconspirator that there was no longer a dangerously tempting cock visible. “Her pussy’s super tight...gobbling up every last inch.”

“Hehehe, it’s nice!” Sonata beamed, smiling and looking back at Rainbow Dash. Her hands were braced atop her knees as she wiggled her hips from side to side, helping to let Dash explore the sides of her tight, warm walls. “Adagio would be pretty upset with me if she knew I was letting someone else put something in me, but...wow! You’ve got a really nice donger on you, uh...girl!”

The fact that she didn’t know either of their names only made the plan all the easier to execute. Sonata Dusk didn’t get to look back at Dash for much longer, since as soon as she spoke Sunset Shimmer closed a hand around the base of her ponytail and jerked her head forward. With her free palm moving to hold Sonata’s chin, she forced the Dazzling’s eyes to her own and gave her a stern, irate look.

“All right, slut,” she began, doing her best to play the sudden role of the bad cop. “Time to start talking.”

“Talk? About what? About how good this dick is?!” Sonata Dusk giggled, and bumped her rear back into Dash’s lap once more. Every inch of that perfect blue cock was lodged within her wonderfully wet grasp, and even Rainbow Dash had to gasp and shudder as her hands closed about the girl’s waist. She could definitely get behind Sunset’s plan if it meant doing the same thing to the other two Dazzlings as well! “It’s so good, I don’t ever wanna give it up! Don’t go getting any ideas, you...uh...bacon haired girl!”

“I don’t care about her dick,” Sunset lied, and tightened her grasp on that ponytail. She was sneering now, baring her teeth and narrowing her gaze to show just how serious she was. Things were going to go very badly for Sonata if she didn’t play along - and if she wasn’t careful, she just might find herself horny with nothing to enjoy. “Tell me who you and the Dazzlings really are. Tell me why you have Equestrian magic, why you want a battle of the bands, what you did to everyone in the cafeteria.” Her hand tightened against the ponytail. “And tell me now...before I get angry.”

“Pfft! Why would I tell you anything?!” Sonata giggled, grasped her knees a little tighter, and started to bounce back more eagerly in the other’s lap. She was taking Rainbow Dash down to the hilt, shuddering in delight from the weight of the impact, and repeating the process. She was leaving Dash’s cock glistening and warm and trembling in pleasure, and the fact that Sunset was right there only made her all the harder.

“Won’t tell us anything, huh?” Sunset Shimmer pursed her lips, released Sonata’s ponytail, and gave a tiny shrug. “All right, Rainbow Dash, you heard her.”

“...do I have to?” Rainbow Dash asked, grunting and continuing to give Sonata a few fierce thrusts. When the other girl simply glared at her, Rainbow Dash sighed and pulled her cock free, letting it pop from the other girl’s nethers with a loud, wet noise. She made sure to let it drop and hide behind Sonata’s legs so Sunset didn’t see it, and her grip on the Dazzling’s waist went tighter when she started to squirm.

“What?! Where’s the donger? Give it baaaaack~” She tried her best to wrestle her hips free of Dash’s grip, though she didn’t make it far. Soon her hair was once more clenched by Sunset’s fist and her head was yanked forward to look at her, and the ice cold former pony showed the side of her that Rainbow Dash’s friends had come to know - a bitch that delighted being in charge.

“Start talking...and Rainbow Dash starts fucking,” she explained simply, and offered a tiny growl from the back of her throat. “And if you don’t, we’re just going to leave you here tied up and with nothing to stuff in your cunt. Understand?”

Sonata Dusk looked back and forth between the girls, her brow knitting and a distressed look crossing her features. It was clear that she was weighing the offer, trying to decide whether revealing secrets was really worth it in order to earn more of Rainbow Dash’s dick. Her thighs were glistening, her knees were weak, and her body was already making the decision for her. Finally she gave a grunt and a nod, snapping her hair away from Sunset’s grasp and flaring her nostrils in resistant, indignant fashion.

“Oh fine, whatever!” She chuckled, and rolled her eyes as she let her hands grasp her knees once more. “It’s not like a couple of humans like you could ever stop us anyway. Not with the plan Adagio’s got in mind!”

Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer exchanged glances with a mutually concerned look, and when the would-be Fall Formal princess snapped her fingers, Rainbow Dash returned to her work. She lined her prick up against Sonata’s pussy and started to fuck her once more, this time with a slower pace just to let her know that it could always be taken away. Once Sonata was purring in delight Sunset Shimmer took the reins of the interrogation once more, folding her arms across her chest and levelling a dagger-like gaze at their target.

“Humans. So you’re not?” She drummed her fingers on her arm. “Tell me everything, Sonata...and if I’m satisfied with your answers, you’ll walk out of here more satisfied than you deserve to be.”

“Hmph. Well, me and the girls are Sirens…”

With the proper motivation, Sonata Dusk was all too ready to reveal the secrets of their plan. Underneath Sunset Shimmer’s stern interrogation, she told the pair everything. Of their ability to cause disharmony and strife through their songs, of the way they fed on those negative emotions through their amulets, and of the plan to absorb the magical energy latent within every student at CHS. The leyline of Equestrian magic that seemed to sit underneath the school was consistent with Sunset Shimmer’s own theories, but never did she suspect that she would encounter Sirens from the history books in the Canterlot library. ...the real Canterlot’s, not the school’s. Through all of her confessions Sonata Dusk wore a smug look on her face, clearly lulling herself into a false sense of security. After all, they were just a pair of humans that she was using for sex and pleasure! Who cared if they knew the plan or not?

Through it all, Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer communicated well without saying much to one another. Dash kept a hard grip on Sonata Dusk as she hammered away with her cock, plunging deep to reward her when she revealed important information and slowing down to nearly a stop when she hesitated. Though CHS’s top athlete was a slacker and a pervert, there was nothing she took as seriously as the safety and well-being of her friends. It was one thing to flash them her magical dick and force them into sex...it was something altogether different to make them fight each other!

“I think I have everything I need.” Sunset Shimmer nodded, and leaned back against the door of the broom closet. She gestured idly behind her as she looked at Dash, and spoke in a simple and matter-of-fact fashion to keep things brief and quick. “Finish up inside of her. We’re ditching the rest of class, we need to talk about this.”

“You got it, Slutset!” Rainbow Dash smirked, and for the first time was the one to grasp Sonata’s ponytail. She wrenched it back and pulled the smiling girl’s face up, hissing through her teeth in hungry, even angry fashion. “You ready for some cum, bitch? I’d really like to leave you hanging for wanting to hurt my friends, but...you’re lucky this cunt of yours is too tight not to enjoy!”

Sonata Dusk didn’t seem to be listening - instead focusing on her own spasming, trembling climaxes that kept seemed to be running through her. Her knees were wobbly and it was only thanks to Dash’s grip that she didn’t topple over, a grip that tightened more on her waist and hair as Dash rammed her cock ahead again and again in a quickening fashion. When Sonata’s mouth opened and she began to give the beginning of a loud moan, Sunset Shimmer swiftly stepped forward and slapped her hand against the girl’s mouth, muffling her for the duration of her intense peak.

Rainbow Dash loved every second of it. Being used as a weapon of interrogation...watching Sunset Shimmer turn her innate bitchiness on someone that deserved it...having her hold another girl’s mouth closed while that big, beautiful blue dick pumped her full of cum?! CHS’s star athlete was beaming at Sunset Shimmer with a smile that stretched from ear to ear, and when she finally found her peak she slammed down into Sonata’s depths and opened the floodgates of cum. Her member throbbed, pulsed, twitched against the other girl’s tight grip, squirting rope after rope of sticky cream straight within that trembling entrance. By the time Sonata’s whimpering died down Sunset Shimmer released her grip on the girl’s mouth - and with a careful bit of sleight of hand lifted the amulet from around her throat and tucked it into her pocket.

Sonata Dusk was clearly too distracted to notice.

“Let’s go,” Sunset finally said, turning around for her own safety as Rainbow Dash pulled free. It also let her hide her blush - and the mild excitement that had built up within her over the past few minutes. The sound of Dash’s cock popping from Sonata’s pussy was delicious enough, but the splattering of cum to the tile floor below was enough to make Sunset dig her teeth against her lower lip in a slow, tense grind. “...leave her where she drops.”

“Heh. Thanks for the info, Sonata.” Rainbow Dash beamed as she tucked her dick back down the front of her shorts, and following Sunset’s recommendation simply let Sonata finally flop to the ground below. The Siren was giving a few happy cooing noises as her body was still left spasming and twitching, and she would’ve been almost cute if she wasn’t an evil monster that was part of a trio of raging cunts. All that really mattered in the moment was that she was fucked into a state of blissful complacency, perhaps even to the point that she wouldn’t realize all the information she had so blissfully given up. Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer soon slipped out of the broom closet and closed the door behind them, and as soon as they did Sunset pulled a set of keys from her pocket and turned around to begin locking the door.

“I lifted these from the janitor. Figured they’d come in handy,” the fire-haired girl murmured, and once the door was secured gestured for the nearest exit. As they made their escape towards the parking lot Rainbow Dash was continuing to smirk - and in a fashion that was slightly different than her usual post-pussy smug delight. As they rounded towards Sunset Shimmer’s car and the girl waited for Sunset to unlock the door, she drummed her fingers on the roof and wiggled her brow at her rival with a tiny chuckle rising from her throat.

“Good job interrogating her, Sunset. I’m surprised, I always thought your mouth was just good for stuffing my cock into.” Once both girls were seated inside Sunset Shimmer cast her a sharp glare, but it didn’t stop Dash’s teasing in the slightest. “Do you want to know how her pussy compared to yours? I’d say it was tighter...wetter...probably about twenty percent cooler than yours.” After a small pause, she tapped her chin and made a correction. “In radicalness, not temperature. Hers was way warmer, but that’s probably because she doesn’t have a heart made of ice.”

“...I hate you so much,” Sunset murmured, but still put the car into gear and began to drive. There was planning to do, and with the Sirens still a present threat at Canterlot High, it wasn’t safe to discuss things there. With just the two of them, caution was key.

Or at least, that was the official excuse. In reality, she just didn’t want to be seen with Rainbow Dash any more than she already had been. She’d be miserable indeed if people thought they were becoming friends.


It was along a secluded spot on a side road that the two girls both sat on the hood of Sunset’s car, overlooking from above CHS in all its peaceful glory. Sunset was studying the amulet they had taken from Sonata while Rainbow Dash chewed on a blade of grass, doing her best to look bold and heroic and already pondering her victory speech for when they saved the school.

“Do you think it’d be cooler if I said ‘You’ll be singing a different tune when I’M done with you?’” she asked, and pursed her lips as she watched the blade of grass bob back and forth under her nose. “Or should I just play it cool like ‘Consider yourself...dazzled?’”

“Rainbow Dash, I genuinely don’t fucking care what you say to them after we’re done.” The former pony’s shoulders bristled in irritation, and her nostrils flared as her frustration built. She rose the amulet and twisted it from side to side, showing Dash the almost unsettling beauty of it. “I can’t do anything with this...only Sirens can use it, most likely.”

“Well, that’s good.” Dash smirked, and elbowed Sunset in the ribs. “Takes away some of the temptation from a particular nasty bitch that I know.”

“Right, because I’m the one that uses Equestrian magic to make girls do things they don’t want to,” came the sharp and immediate reply, and by the scrunched look on Dash’s face it was clear Sunset had made her point. The more learned of the two continued slipping her fingers around the amulet before finally sighing, shrugging her shoulders, and murmuring in a frustrated tone. “...no choice. We need to contact your friend Princess Twilight.”

“Twilight?” Rainbow Dash leaned forward to gaze at the amulet, and as she did so her blade of grass - completely by accident, of course - poked and tickled at Sunset’s cheek. “Thought the portal was closed forever. No more Twilight pussy for me, and no more hay and oats for you.”

“The portal is closed, yes, but I might have a way to contact her.” Sunset’s fingers closed around the amulet once more as she responded, and tucked it back into the pocket of her leather jacket. She hopped to her feet and gave a tiny bob of her head, gesturing to the car once more. “I’ll work on getting ahold of her. In the meantime, I want you to focus on getting the amulets away from the other two. They’ll probably be on their guard after realizing Sonata’s is missing, especially if she figures out we took it.”

“Don’t worry, Sunset, I’ve got just the person in mind to help!” Rainbow Dash beamed, though she didn’t follow Sunset’s request to get back in the car. “I have a friend that’s pretty good at blending in...I’m sure I could convince her to help.”

“Can you trust her?”

“More than I can trust you.”

“....point,” Sunset conceded, before fishing her keys out once more and moving towards the car. “Come on. We’ll put the amulet somewhere safe and then head back to class - you’d better at least warn your friends, but don’t get them too involved. They could hurt our plan, Pinkie Pie isn’t exactly subtle.”

“Heh, yeah, she’s a wild one.” Rainbow Dash beamed, and once Sunset Shimmer’s back was turned she gave a stretch and a long, low yawn. As she leaned back a little further on Sunset’s car hood, she spoke up again with a thoughtful, seemingly concerned voice. “Oh, Sunset, one more thing I meant to show you.”

“What’s that?” Sunset should’ve known better as she turned around, only for her eyes to fall on Dash’s cock. That big, blue member was hanging straight out of the front of Rainbow Dash’s shorts, and looked absolutely flawless in the sunlight. So flawless, of course, that Sunset Shimmer was already backtracking towards it, and by primal instinct was reaching out a hand to bring that meaty member into her palm. Despite her actions - and despite everything she was about to do - her expression towards Rainbow Dash was ice cold and venomous, and there was a heated growl in the back of her throat. “...I hate you so mu-”

“I know, Slutset.” Rainbow Dash smirked, and threaded her hands to the back of Sunset’s hair, guiding her mouth down towards her lap. “Now get to it, I want you to clean the taste of Siren off me.”

Rainbow Dash had no idea just how her unlikely alliance with Sunset Shimmer was going to end, but as the bitch’s lips pressed around the tip of her cock one thing was sure - she was going to enjoy every minute of it, one way or another.

End of Chapter 14.

Two Out of Three (Aria Blaze)

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Rainbow Dash’s 10/10 Top Tier Cock
Chapter Fifteen: Two Out of Three
-by Drace Domino

“Whatever, Adagio, she probably just got lost somewhere.” Aria Blaze rolled her eyes, and continued walking alongside the leader of the Dazzlings. Unlike Adagio, Aria wasn’t particularly concerned about where Sonata went - she was never exactly the most reliable of the trio. “Maybe you should just check the vending machines. Remember when she got her hand stuck in one?”

“I need you to take this more seriously, Aria.” Adagio’s voice was sharp and low, practically hissed from behind her teeth. The pretty but wicked thing flashed a pleasant smile to a passing student before snatching Aria’s arm and yanking her around the corner. Once there she tightened her grip to the point that Aria flinched from discomfort, and Adagio’s voice slithered forward with an irate venom. “If someone finds out what we’re planning, everything we’ve worked for is at risk! And I won’t let you two idiots ruin this for me, not when I’ve worked so hard! We’re so close!”

Aria’s nose scrunched up and she gave a dismissive roll of her eyes, but Adagio’s tightening grasp on her arm was enough to convince her to take things seriously. And she had to admit...Adagio had a point. This was the closest they had been to the taste of Equestrian magic in far too long, and they were feeling more and more like their old Siren selves with every passing minute. To have that chance ruined because Sonata couldn’t keep her taco hole shut would’ve been a shame. Finally Aria gave a tiny nod as she yanked her arm free, and with her free hand gestured to the hall leading behind her.

“All right, Adagio, you win,” she murmured, though she still sounded less than enthused. “You search that way, and I’ll take the rest. But don’t grab me like that ever again, rude.” With a soft lift of her head and a tiny scoffing noise Aria began to walk, moving past the leader of the Dazzlings after she had made her case. The fact that Adagio didn’t stop her was enough to let her know the other girl had agreed to her terms - yet another step in the constant struggle between the two. In truth? Aria hated Adagio as much as she loved her. Most days were spent in a flux between admiring everything their leader did for them and being absolutely sure that she could do a better job...but what could be done? Adagio was the oldest, and it hardly seemed like a shift in leadership would instantly solve all of their problems.

For example, Sonata Dusk would still be an idiot.

Aria didn’t make it far within the halls of CHS before she had her first lead. She had only barely begun her search before she saw someone pop right up beside her, flashing her a bright and friendly smile that Aria was too cocky to see as anything but genuine. Sunset Shimmer chimed up in a cheerful voice, holding her books to her chest and looking as innocent as could be.

“Hi, Aria! Enjoying CHS?” She smiled, and even nudged the other girl’s hips with her own in a playful fashion. “I’m surprised to see you separated from Adagio and Sonata, I was starting to think the three of you were joined at the hip!”

Aria’s purple features twisted briefly towards a look of indignation - who was this human non-magical whelp to approach her like this?! Still, the girl kept her irritation in check by drawing in a deep breath and speaking in a slow and steady fashion, picking her words carefully so she didn’t let slip what she truly thought of Sunset and everything else at the school.

“We’re...very close,” she began, and tightened her hands into tiny fists within her pockets. “If you’ll excuse me, I really need to-”

“I just saw Sonata up on the soccer field.” Sunset’s lie came swift and sudden, delivered so expertly that Aria didn’t feel a twinge of suspicion. If these three witches were really planning to seize control of CHS through manipulation and deceit, they’d have to endure the focus of the reigning master bitch on campus. “She was eating a hot dog and chasing butterflies.”

“...that does sound like her,” Aria murmured to herself, and didn’t hesitate for a second. With Sunset’s lie in place Aria was quick to move past the other girl, pushing beyond her and not even bothering to thank her for the information. As she trotted off down the hall in the direction of the soccer field, Sunset merely grinned and let her shoulder press against the wall. She reclined as she watched Aria speed off towards her destination, that pretty skirt of hers flowing behind her and her pigtails bouncing to show how quick she was moving. The Siren thought she was racing towards her wayward friend, but in reality Sonata was still tucked in a broom closet on the second floor of the school. All Aria would find up on the soccer field was, naturally, a soccer player.

A soccer player that had a big surprise for her that couldn’t possibly be resisted.


It had been a pretty big day for Rainbow Dash! After hearing the song of the Sirens during lunch her day had been filled with teenage pussy, and while her grades might’ve suffered because of all the classes she was skipping, it was all for the good of the school. Mostly. After pounding Sonata’s pussy into an explosive release right after lunch to giving Sunset Shimmer an impromptu fuck during their planning session after, Rainbow Dash now waited alongside the storage shed right beside the soccer field. She was casually playing with a ball - keeping it up in the air with a series of knee thrusts to keep herself in practice. She’d been doing a lot of fucking and not a lot of playing these past few weeks, so it was important to take every second she could to keep her skills sharp! With each bounce of her knees she could feel her mighty member flop around within her shorts, grinding against the fabric and reminding her of the workout it had already received.

It had been a great day for Rainbow Dash’s magically irresistible dick, and it was about to get even better. A lone girl started to make her way across the soccer field, looking irate and grumpy. Aria Blaze. Her little fists were tightened into balls and her eyes were locked on Rainbow Dash in irritation, as CHS’s star athlete was hardly the girl she had expected to find up on the field in the late afternoon. As soon as Rainbow Dash saw the girl making her way over she spoke up - not so loud that Aria could possibly hear her, but loud enough that her words reached another party lurking nearby.

“Here she comes. Remember not to look at my dick, you’ll get plenty later.” Rainbow Dash’s voice quickly shifted as soon as Aria Blaze got within earshot, and she bounced the soccer ball up into her hands to catch it and hold it still. “Hi there, Aria! What can I do for ya?”

“Where’s Sonata Dusk?” Aria’s voice was sharp and harsh, getting right to the point. She advanced on Rainbow Dash across a seemingly empty soccer field, only pausing when she was within two feet of the other girl. “I heard she was here. Tell me which way she went this instant.” No patience. No tact. If Adagio wasn’t such a colossal bitch Aria would’ve easily been the most unpleasant of the Dazzlings, but...that only made it all the more fun for Rainbow Dash. She smiled from ear to ear, and quickly remembered the words of Sunset Shimmer. Their plan was going perfectly so far, but Sunset had advised her to play it cool.

“Don’t just flash her your cock,” Sunset Shimmer had advised Dash on the drive back, while squirming with her own pussy flooded with cum. “She might figure out what’s going on if you do. Try to seduce her. Make it seem natural.”

Rainbow Dash, after tossing her soccer ball to the side, prepared to make her big seductive speech.

“Don’t know where Sonata is, but wanna see my dick?” Tug, flop, cock. Rainbow Dash’s attempt at seduction was as half-assed as it could get, but damned if it wasn’t effective! As she pushed her athletic shorts down below her sack, her entire length fumbled forward and stiffened to full attention. Every glorious inch, every bit of tantalizing blue flesh, every absolutely irresistible bit of it. As Rainbow Dash exposed her azure shaft she could clearly see that Aria’s eyes went wide and her mouth agape - the typical response that she was accustomed to. “It’s pretty great, huh? How about we hop into the storage shed and I give you a quick fuck?”

“I...can always look for that idiot Sonata afterwards,” Aria Blaze reasoned to herself, and it took every last bit of strength within her to resist dropping to her knees right there on the grass. If it wasn’t for the fact that Rainbow Dash already had the storage shed open she might’ve done just that, but soon she was following right behind Rainbow Dash as the two slipped inside. She didn’t even notice that a third party crept in behind them - silently and swiftly without any bit of attention paid.

As soon as they were inside, Rainbow Dash wasted no time in bringing Aria down to her knees. With a tiny nudge she pushed the Dazzling down, and with her back turned towards the door flopped her cock forward to present it to the girl’s mouth. The smug look pressed on Rainbow Dash’s face was enough to remind Aria of the leader of the Dazzlings, but not so much to give her the notion that anything was out of the ordinary - this cock was just too good to pass up a chance with, and Rainbow Dash deserved to be proud of it!

“Nice dick...whatever your name is,” Aria finally murmured, and scooped her hands underneath Dash’s shaft to lift it up. She genuinely had no clue just who this blue bitch was, but there was no reason she couldn’t stop to indulge herself before resuming her search. Maybe a quick fuck would be just the thing to calm her down and make her approach the search in a calm and collected fashion. As she hefted the blue weight within her palms and pushed her head forward to start servicing it, she found nothing at all to be strange about this sudden turn of events. Just like Sonata Dusk before her and a dozen or so girls before that, Aria Blaze was an immediate and willing servant to Rainbow Dash’s perfect cock.

The rainbow-haired young woman gave a satisfied sigh as she pushed her hips forward, and her hands dropped down to grasp at the two stalks of Aria’s pigtails. It had been a while since the cocky brat of a girl had felt the kind of venom for one of her “friends” that she did in that moment. She had gone a little easy on Sonata Dusk just because the girl was cute and ditzy, but Aria? Aria was a stone cold bitch rivalled only by the poofy-haired cunt that she followed, and Rainbow Dash was eager to put her right in her place. This was going to be almost as much fun as making Sunset Shimmer squirm around her dick.

Rainbow Dash didn’t let Aria ease into things - not by a long shot. With her hands locked on the girl’s pigtails Dash simply shoved her hips forward and forced her cock straight down into Aria’s mouth, past her tongue and into her throat with a heavy, rough push. As the purple-skinned bitch gagged and sputtered around the length Dash swung her hips from side to side, ensuring that Aria could feel it grind against the sides of her throat and absolutely saturate her in the flavor. At that point it likely had a taste of both Sonata and Sunset Shimmer’s pussies, and Rainbow Dash was pretty proud of herself for fucking her co-conspirator just a little bit ago - it was a clever way to cover her tracks, since she could only assume Aria would know what her ditzy friend’s pussy tasted like.

“That’s it...all the way down, bitch.” Rainbow Dash beamed, and wrapped her fists within the pigtails to pull all the harder. It was impressive how well Aria took her meat without coughing or choking, but that only encouraged her to keep it up with her rougher and more fierce motions. A few times she bucked her hips forward in rapid succession until she squeaked a gagging noise from the back of Aria’s throat, and only then did she pull back to slap her weighty, spit-coated member across the girl’s face. In the aftermath of the intense deepthroat Aria Blaze was left gasping and grunting, and two things were quite clearly spread across her face: her disdain for Rainbow Dash and her attitude, and her desire for more. Rainbow Dash couldn’t help to tease her further along by releasing the pigtails and propping her hands on her hips, letting her dick swing back and forth as an offered treat that Aria would have to debase herself to earn. “If you want me to fuck you, you’d better start sucking on my balls.”

“...fine.” Aria’s voice was little more than an irate grunt, but she worked to fulfill Rainbow Dash’s request regardless. She slapped a hand around the base of Dash’s cock and lifted it up so she could get to work, stretching out her tongue and slathering it back and forth across the other girl’s sack. While she fulfilled the demand made of her Rainbow Dash merely stood with a satisfied and smug look on her face and her arms folding behind her back, grinning wider and wider with every passing second.

“What did you call yourselves again? The Dazzlings?” she asked rhetorically, tapping her chin in thought. “Maybe you should name yourselves something more fitting, like the Three Preppy Cocksucking Bitches?”

Aria’s irate gaze intensified, but she didn’t stop. Not for a second. She kept sucking on Rainbow Dash’s balls with a look of spiteful indignation, but so long as her mouth kept working CHS’s smuggest brat couldn’t care less how she looked at her. The sound of wet slurping and whispered grumbling came from below Dash’s lap, only broken up by the eventual sound of the storage shed’s door opening. There was a bit of sunlight passing in as a new figure entered, only to quickly fade once more as the door closed and a new voice filled the room.

“Well? How’s it going?” Sunset Shimmer asked, while keeping her face pointed towards the wall. Upon her arrival Rainbow Dash gave a chuckle, lowered her hands to Aria’s pigtails, and once more lined her meat up with the girl’s mouth. A sudden shove forward and every last inch of her was stuffed down the Dazzling’s throat, and Dash locked her hands tight within the girl’s hair to ensure it stayed that way for the moment.

“See for yourself.” She grinned, and glanced over her shoulder to Sunset. “It’s okay.”

Sunset Shimmer had no real reason to trust that Rainbow Dash wasn’t angling for two girls to suck her dick in the storage shed, but the illusion of their unity was important. By the time this stage of their plan was over it’d be undeniable to the Dazzlings that there were students standing against their evil plan, and it was important they knew that the resistance they’d meet would be fierce. Moving into position behind Rainbow Dash, Sunset Shimmer allowed her eyes to cast down over the girl’s shoulder, trusting that Dash wasn’t tricking her into another unexpected bit of contact.

Thankfully, the magic of Dash’s cock didn’t seem to trigger when it was obscured - and that included when it was covered up by the throat of a purple-skinned slut. Sunset Shimmer gazed down at the cocksucking Aria Blaze with her own look of smug superiority, tilting her head to the side and even lowering a hand to pinch a few strands of the girl’s bangs. She tucked them behind her ear in dainty fashion, openly ignored the look of pure spiteful anger in Aria’s eyes, and spoke in a voice that sounded as if she couldn’t be any more bored by what she was seeing.

“Why don’t you stop messing around and fuck her already?” Sunset finally asked, and spun on a heel once more. She very pointedly moved to face the wall once more, giving Rainbow Dash the opportunity she’d need. “You didn’t wait this long to get inside Sonata.”

“Hey, I’ve had a long day. You’ve got to give a girl a chance to get it up in between whores.” Rainbow Dash’s voice was every bit as cocky as Sunset’s, and with the revelation in the air that she had fucked Sonata she finally looked down to Aria once more. Her length popped free of Aria’s mouth and she slapped the girl across the cheek with it - so fast and so hard that it pushed aside Aria’s inevitable questions and let Dash keep the lead. “Yeah, Aria, I fucked the cutest member of your little trio today. Maybe I’ll tell you where she’s at...but first, I want to know how your pussy compares.”

Aria Blaze’s eyes were narrow and calculating, and much unlike her usual self she didn’t speak up as she was taunted. There was a simple card table that had been set up beforehand in the storage shed, and Rainbow Dash now slapped a hand to the top of it to instruct the girl just where to go. Still silent, Aria slipped onto the table and rested on her back, waiting for the gloriously-endowed Rainbow Dash to come and claim her. It wasn’t until Rainbow Dash stepped forward, slipped a hand underneath her skirt to pull her panties down her thighs and lined her dick up against that purple pussy did Aria finally speak - and when she did, her voice was accusatory and cold.

“Your dick is Equestrian magic,” she observed, just as Rainbow Dash scooped hands around her thighs and yanked her ass to the edge of the card table. Aria tensed up as she felt the weight of Dash’s cock slip inside of her, but as soon as that throbbing member was lodged deep within her warm, wet folds she found the strength to speak again. Nearly fully dressed with spit on her cheeks and panties dangling from an ankle, Aria Blaze glared at Rainbow Dash with the look of a rival that realized she fell into a trap. “That’s why I sucked you off. That’s why I’m here. That’s why I’m letting you do this to me.”

“And that’s why your pussy is happy to meet me.” Rainbow Dash grinned, and started to fuck the other girl with with a slow and steady pace. She kept herself positioned so that Aria’s skirt was constantly covering her lap - making sure that even when she pulled back, the garment was draped above her length and kept it completely hidden. The magic was already filling Aria Blaze and it’d keep her in check for some time, but she still couldn’t risk letting others in the room steal the slightest glance. Rainbow Dash smirked from ear to ear as she leaned forward to gaze down into Aria’s eyes, wearing the look of a girl that wasn’t just smugly satisfied with the grip of her pussy, but just as happy that she was doing her part to fight evil. “Did you really think you three bitches would be able to do whatever you want around here? Hey Sunset! C’mon and gloat with me!”

Sunset Shimmer rolled her eyes, though she had to admit it felt good to let a smile tug at the corner of her own lips upon hearing the invitation. Before she moved to join Rainbow Dash she looked towards a corner of the room, and she held up a single finger to a figure still waiting in the wings. Once she had given her signal she moved to join Rainbow Dash, and after ensuring that she wasn’t in danger of spotting the girl’s magical dick she invited herself to pull as close as possible.

It was a little bold of Sunset Shimmer to stand pressed against her co-conspirator, but it was still a welcome bit of contact as she wrapped one of her arms around Dash’s waist and hung on her like a girlfriend. Her other hand stretched out to help Dash hold one of Aria’s thighs, fingers sinking in against the soft and tender flesh underneath the fabric of her skirt. Sunset Shimmer stood side-by-side with a girl she hated gazing down at one she despised even more, and for the first time in weeks she allowed a look of confidence and cruelty cross over her face. It felt good to be the bad bitch again. Not that she had ever stopped, but...having someone to gloat over was a real treat.

“This school doesn’t belong to you whores.” Sunset Shimmer smirked, and her arm around Dash’s waist pushed her forward a little harder, encouraging the girl to plow Aria deeper and quicker. Rainbow Dash was eager to oblige, and soon she was plunging that big, blue cock gloriously far within the scowling Dazzling. “You’re nothing but a bunch of amateur Everfree Forest outcasts, as far as I’m concerned.”

“Yeah!” Rainbow Dash chimed in, and suddenly thrust herself forward down to the hilt. While forcing Aria to feel that throbbing blue dick down to the base, she flashed an enormous grin and delivered the catchphrase she was so enormously proud of. “Consider yourself...dazzled!”

“...for fuck’s sakes,” Sunset Shimmer murmured to herself and pinched the bridge of her nose. Despite Dash’s irritating personality, she couldn’t have been any happier with how it was going. She even continued hanging on the other girl’s waist while Rainbow Dash kept fucking their rival, smirking the entire time and delighting in that moment of dominance. Aria Blaze was clearly a scheming sort and it was clear to Sunset that she was already making plans - but she was too many steps behind and outnumbered three to one. This afternoon wasn’t going to end in her favor.

“Almost ready to cum,” Rainbow Dash finally announced, and quirked a brow as she did so. She looked to the fire-haired young woman hanging on her arm, and gave her a suave and playful look as she did so. “Wanna make out while I do? Considering you’re hangin’ on me like my best bitch and all.”

Sunset Shimmer blinked in surprise at that, and while her immediate response would’ve been to slap Rainbow Dash across her smug face, there was something inside of her that gave her pause. She glanced to where the cocky brat was leaning in hoping for a kiss, then down to the skirt that covered where that cock was rapidly, fiercely plunging into a soaked pussy, and then to the angry face of the girl they had worked together to conquer. An Equestrian creature intent on horning in on her territory - a beast of magic and evil that she now stood dominant over.

That part did it for her in a big, big way. The arm she had wrapped around Rainbow Dash’s waist slipped all the way up until her palm found the back of the girl’s head, and there she allowed her fingers to sink into the multi-colored locks for a loose grip. Sunset’s leather jacket pressed tight against Dash’s chest as she gave one more glance towards Aria, and with a dominant grin offered her cruel voice as a consolation prize.

“Next time, stay the fuck away from CHS.” With that, Sunset Shimmer turned towards Rainbow Dash and yanked the girl’s head towards her own, pressing their lips together and forcing her tongue against the other girl’s. Kissing the bratty bitch was nothing new - Rainbow Dash had been wrapping Sunset Shimmer around her dick for months, after all. But this one was a little different, this one was given freely without the impetus of Equestrian magic controlling her actions. It was hard for Sunset to say the kiss was purely for Rainbow Dash - seeing a bitch like Aria squirm was enough to get her particularly worked up, but if nothing else it was a sign of comradery and cooperation. Together, they had bested two of the three Dazzlings in a single afternoon...and it was clear they worked well together.

For Rainbow Dash, the meaning didn’t go any deeper than the warm tongue of a smoking hot bitch in her mouth at the same time that she flooded another one with cum. She held Sunset Shimmer a little tighter as she shoved her hips forward one last time, and her cock began to erupt in spurts and squirts of cream straight into Aria Blaze’s cunt. Even Aria, as angry and incensed and revenge-focused as she was in that moment, gave in to a sudden and sharp cry - her hands raising above her head and her body spasming in a few waves of pleasure. Dash’s cum ran deep and creamy within her, filling her with a sticky warmth that coated her thighs and dripped down to her skirt, leaving firm proof of the slutty desire that had overtaken her.

Rainbow Dash broke the kiss with Sunset as her orgasm started to dwindle, and as soon as their lips started to part, Sunset swiftly snapped it free the rest of the way. She spun on a heel and released her grip on Dash, blushing as she turned to the door and kept her gaze focused. There was almost an awkward exchange between the two before Aria finally let her voice heard - and it was clear she was unleashing it for the purpose of glorious revenge.

“Ahhh ahhhhhh...ahh AHHHHhhhaaaaeeeeooo~” The Siren laid flat on her back, thighs lifted and wrapped around Dash’s waist, pussy still drawn tight around that enormous cock, and singing. Her eyes narrowed and a cruel smile spread across her lips as she sang, already planning on bringing a slow revenge to the pair that caused her such humiliation. “Youuuuu’re underrrrrrr my speaaaaeeeaaallll…!”

What she didn’t expect was to see Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer both openly cringe at the sound of her voice.

“Yeesh!” Rainbow Dash winced, and slipped a hand underneath Aria’s skirt to pull her cock free and tuck it safely back within her shorts. “More like Sir-wrong, huh Sunset?”

“Is...is that supposed to enchant us?” Sunset Shimmer asked, only barely able to contain her giggle. “Maybe you should change your name to...uh...to…”

“BEARia!” Rainbow Dash chimed in. “You know, ‘cause she sounds like a bear giving birth!” She lifted a hand up and over her shoulder, to which Sunset Shimmer found herself delivering a sudden high-five. The two girls loomed over her completely unfazed by Aria’s tune, and the purple-skinned Siren’s eyes widened as he realized it. Her look of villainous plotting was replaced by one of sudden shock and worry, her eyes darting down to her throat where she noticed something very, very precious was missing.

“My...my amulet?! Where’s my amulet?! Which two of you whores took it, I--” When she tried to swing her arms back down from her previous orgasmic position she found they, too, had been assaulted without her knowledge. A pair of handcuffs now locked her wrists around a shelf built into the wall of the storage shed, keeping her firmly in place. “What’s this?! How did you do this?! I demand to know what’s going o--mpphhh!”

She was silenced as Sunset Shimmer stuffed her own panties into her mouth, balling them up neatly and wedging them onto Aria’s tongue. In the conclusion of their victory Sunset lifted a hand to tap Aria’s nose with a finger, and even gave the girl a tiny wink as she stood straight once more.

“You should pay more attention, Bearia.” She beamed. “Never know who’s watching you get fucked like a dirty slut.”

“Seeya! Enjoy the creampie!” Rainbow Dash chimed in as she moved to the door, opening it up and giving one last glance back to the Dazzling. Aria was handcuffed, laid flat to a card table, and her pussy was still left exposed underneath her skirt - now with a pool of cum settling between her thighs. “Don’t worry, we’ll make sure someone finds you once we take care of the top bitch!”

And with that, the door slammed shut, leaving the second Dazzling in the dark.


Just outside the storage shed, three girls stood proud of the work they had done. Sunset Shimmer’s normally scowling facade was replaced with a look of contentment, and her arms were folded across her chest as she enjoyed the moment of celebration. Rainbow Dash was beaming from ear to ear - though it was likely she wasn’t thrilled so much by defeating Aria, but by the fact that she wrapped three hot girls around her dick that day, and it wasn’t even three in the afternoon yet. And the third member of their group - the unsung hero of the day, held out her hand and dropped Aria’s amulet into Dash’s hand.

“Here you go. Did I do good?” Wallflower Blush’s sweet voice pressed curiously. The response she received was Dash clapping both hands to the girl’s shoulders, pulling her close, and giving her a big kiss on the forehead. It was enough to leave Wallflower staggering back a step, blushing vibrantly in the aftermath. “I...I guess I did!”

“You did awesome, Wallflower.” Rainbow Dash beamed, and tossed the amulet over towards Sunset. Her attention turned quickly back to her incognito friend, and she looped an arm through Wallflower’s own. Holding the shy little thing close, Rainbow Dash finally looked back to Sunset - and she couldn’t help but give her an unexpectedly pleasant smile. “I’m gonna go, uh...thank Wallflower for her help. Do you…” There was a light pause to Rainbow Dash’s voice, as if she was pondering the question in that split second. “...do you wanna join us, Sunset?”

Sunset Shimmer’s hand had already closed around the second amulet, and as she tucked it into her pocket Dash’s question hit her with a surprise. She quirked a brow and even briefly considered the offer - if nothing else, it was nice to be asked instead of being forced into it by Equestrian magic. Ultimately, though, she shook her head and patted the pocket that now held two of the amulets.

“I need to contact Princess Twilight. It’ll be an...uncomfortable conversation, I’m sure.” She shrugged. “But I’m not comfortable with us going after Adagio without more knowledge. She’s going to be a lot harder than those two D-listers.”

“If you say so!” Rainbow Dash beamed, and shot Sunset a wink. As she and Wallflower turned to make their way to the yearbook room - and to give Rainbow Dash her fourth impromptu fuck of the day - CHS’s best cock owner gave a glance over her shoulder and spoke up once more. “You’re not so bad, Sunset. I mean...you’re a total bitch, but you’re my kinda bitch.”

Sunset Shimmer didn’t respond, though she did watch the two girls move across the soccer field and back to the school. Finally, the fire-haired young woman tucked her hands into her pockets, gazed once more back towards the storage shed, and smirked.

The door opened briefly-

“Ha ha, fuck you, bitch!”

-and then slammed shut once more.

End of Chapter 15.

Checkmating the Queen (Adagio Dazzle)

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Rainbow Dash’s 10/10 Top Tier Cock
Chapter Sixteen: Checkmating the Queen
-by Drace Domino

School had finally ended on one of the most tiring days of Rainbow Dash’s life. Not that she had done a single ounce of school work since lunch, but that still didn’t mean she wasn’t getting a little tuckered out. From Sonata to Sunset to Aria to Wallflower...it was a lot even for Rainbow Dash to stick her cock in, and now that school was over and the halls had gone dark it felt like the perfect time for a nap. As she padded along behind Sunset Shimmer with her hands stuffed in her pockets, the young woman kept gazing around corners in the hall looking for a nice spot to curl up for a doze.

“C’mon, Sunset, she’s probably not even here anymore,” Rainbow Dash murmured, and had to openly fight the urge to dip into Ms. Cheerilee’s office to nap on the desk that she knew for a fact was rather comfortable. “Adagio’s a bitch. She probably turned tail and ran as soon as she figured out something was going on.”

“No. Not with Equestrian magic at stake.” Sunset’s voice sounded confident, speaking from the perspective of one that knew just how tempting it could be. She shot a glance behind her to her two unlikely allies - Rainbow Dash and the timid Wallflower Blush lurking a few more steps behind. “Look, Sonata and Aria are still trapped, and that means Adagio hasn’t found them yet. But she’s the most dangerous of them all, so we need to be careful. If any one of us fall under her spell…”

“You and Rainbow Dash don’t have to worry about that, right?” Wallflower chirped up, hoping to help even though she was deeply, deeply in over her head. “I...might have overheard you talking about it. I overhear a lot. Nobody ever seems to notice when I’m listening.” She bit her lips together, and withdrew even deeper into her shell underneath Sunset and Rainbow Dash’s gaze. “...thank you for letting me be a part of this.”

While Rainbow Dash merely reached up a hand and ruffled her shy friend’s hair, Sunset wasn’t quite so willing to be calm. She moved forward to grasp an arm from each of them, pulling the two close as she spoke in a whispered and hurried voice. If nothing else, it drove home just what a dangerous thing they were facing - how deeply concerned they should all be now that they had drawn first blood by stealing two amulets and incapacitating and fucking two Sirens.

“We were immune when the Sirens tried to charm the entire school at the same time,” she spoke not so much for Wallflower’s benefit, but for Rainbow Dash’s. If there was one person that they couldn’t afford falling under their spell, it was the girl with the magic cock. “Not only that, Aria seemed to think she could use a different melody to take us. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that if she got the drop on us, she could take us just as easily. She’s got to be their leader for a reason.”

“Oh,” Rainbow Dash and Wallflower Blush murmured in unison. Sunset’s attempts to drive home the severity of their situation worked, neither of the girls looked particularly enthused at that point. Maybe stopping for a quickie in the yearbook room wasn’t a good idea? ...not that either had any regrets, of course.

“Wallflower, you still have the extra amulets?” When the timid young thing nodded, Sunset turned towards Rainbow Dash and did her best to flash a confident smile. “I managed to get a message through to Princess Twilight while you two were fucking. It was...awkward, but I made sure she knew just what was at stake. She taught me how to destroy the amulets, but we need all three together to do it.”

“So you got through to her?” Rainbow Dash wiggled her brows, and drew a wide smile from ear to ear across her features. “Did you...did you give her my message?” Sunset Shimmer gave an enormous, labored sigh in response, but nodded nonetheless. She paused long enough to pull her magical journal from her pack, opened it up, and spoke in a voice that was clearly an attempt to mock the Princess of Friendship’s own.

“Tell Rainbow Dash I just can’t wait to visit her again and suck her dick for hours and hours! Even thinking about how big and beautiful it is makes me want to clop!”

“What’s clop?” Wallflower chimed in, though her response came not from either of the others. A sinister and feminine tone emerged from around the corner, and in between each word there was a soft and slowly building hum. A hum that carried with it great, great danger.

“Clopping is exactly what you’re doing if you think you can get in my way!” Sure enough, Adagio rounded the corner with arms stretched out to her sides, amulet surging with power, and eyes flaring green and menacing. Framed by her enormous poof of orange hair, her features were sinister and wicked and even the faint melody she hummed was enough to freeze Sunset and Rainbow Dash in place. Apparently, she’d found the two thieves that had been assaulting her girls. “So I’m to believe you have a means of communicating with Equestria? My, my, my...I can’t wait to figure out how to use it to return home!”

“S...Sunset…” Rainbow Dash bit down on her bottom lip, frozen in place. As Adagio’s amulet continued to glow and the evil girl’s humming started to build to a series of la’s and ooh’s, it became ever harder for her to fight the urge to drift to sleep, to give up her will. “Is...is that what...it feels like when I…”

“N...No…” Sunset Shimmer desperately ached to raise her hands to her ears to hold them closed, hoping to silence the spell of Equestrian mind-bending. Rainbow Dash’s fragment of magic made her vulnerable, but for the pony-born girl it was even more intense. She could feel herself slipping into Adagio’s building song, but in the few seconds before it became too intense, she looked to Dash and tried to give her a small smile. “Yours...is...a lot more fun.”

“Ahhh...ahhhhhh...la laaaaaa la laaaaaa…” Adagio’s melody continued, louder and louder as she filled the halls with her menacing voice. The amulet around her throat glowed all the brighter, and she could tell - she nearly had the girls in her grasp. They’d pay for crossing the Sirens. They’d pay for stealing their amulets. They’d pay for going after her sist--

Wham! Plop. Just as the song was about to overtake Sunset and Rainbow, a heavy thud filled the air and Adagio’s eyes crossed. The poofy-haired Siren dropped first to her knees and then into a crumpled heap on the floor, revealing behind her a trembling Wallflower holding her history book. She looked as shocked as anyone else about what she’d just done, her eyes wide and her fingers trembling around the edges of her impromptu weapon. As Rainbow and Sunset shook out the cobwebs that rapidly began to fall away, she looked to the pair and offered a tiny, shy smile.

“Nobody...ever seems to notice when I’m listening.” She unleashed her own heroic catchphrase, much to Rainbow Dash’s delight.

“Wallflower! You were so wildly and amazingly awesome!” The enthusiastic young woman gave a happy laugh, hopping over Adagio’s prone form and scooping Wallflower up in her arms. The book fell to the floor as Dash pinned her to the lockers and gave her a big, jubilant kiss on the lips - one that seemed to be picking up in intensity as Wallflower hitched a thigh against Rainbow’s waist and started to rock against her. A fighter and a lover, that one. Who knew?

“Will you two stop fucking for one minute and help me?!” Their sudden moment of passion was diminished by Sunset’s voice, and they gazed down to see the girl struggling with Adagio’s amulet. The thing was coming away from her throat just fine, but it was blocked by the Siren’s greatest defense of all - a wall of massive orange hair that defied all logic and reason. Even when Rainbow Dash and Wallflower separated to help her, getting Adagio’s amulet off was a rough affair. That orange poof was more than a match for six hands trying to push it down so they could remove it, and it wasn’t long after they began that Adagio started to stir.

“She’s waking up!” Wallflower pointed out, to which Sunset hissed a swear under her breath before darting her eyes around the hall. They were low on time, and low on options. She quickly pointed towards the nearest classroom - Ms. Harshwhinny’s. Like most of the teachers, she should’ve been home by now, or at the very least at the bar.

Ms. Harshwhinny had a problem.

“In there! No time to fuck around, we need to show her your dick and improvise!”

“Y’know, this is just like a dream I had on-”

“Rainbow Dash, shut your mouth and help me drag this unconscious bitch so you can brainwash her into sucking your cock!”



They needed to act fast. Adagio Dazzle was already stirring, and it was unlikely they’d get lucky a second time. As Wallflower held the door open Sunset and Rainbow dragged the Siren through, and once they had done so Sunset advised their timid helper to stand outside the door keeping watch. By that point Adagio was already making noise as she started to rouse, and since the transition from moaning to humming could come without warning, Rainbow Dash was forced to act fast. As soon as Adagio was inside she stuffed a hand down her pants and unveiled her cock, letting it flop forward and dangle right in front of Adagio’s face. The first thing she’d see upon opening her eyes was that big blue member, and once she laid eyes on it...the battle was won.

“Rainbow Dash, I’m going to contact Princess Twili--” Sunset Shimmer was similarly moving quickly, spinning on the heels of her boots as she locked the door behind her and turned to face the other girl. When she did; however, her voice stopped within her throat. They were hurrying too quickly and not being careful, and it should’ve come as no surprise to Sunset that when she turned her eyes fell on an exposed, perfect, magical dick. “--son of a bitch, this is the second time today!

“Uh...sorry, Sunset.” For the first time in her life, Rainbow Dash hadn’t actually meant to ensnare Sunset Shimmer with the enchantment of her cock. She stood with a hand on the back of her head and a sheepish look on her face, her member hanging idly in front of Adagio’s face. The Dazzling had been propped up with her back against Ms. Harshwhinny’s desk, but unfortunately that massive wall of poofy orange hair didn’t hide a glance from the former pony. Even as Sunset Shimmer was grumbling and pulling off her leather jacket, Rainbow Dash gave her an apologetic look and bit at her bottom lip. “I figured you wanted it out right away, and...uh…”

“It’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine! Fine! I’m fucking used to it by now!” Sunset Shimmer’s cheeks had flushed, as she peeled off her skirt. It was genuinely difficult not to drop immediately to her feet and wrap her mouth around Dash’s cock, but mind enchantment was a tricky thing. She was stripping down for the purposes of getting fucked, and for the moment that seemed to appease the mind-influencing effect long enough to keep her at something of a distance. Soon her bra and panties joined the heap of her skirt and jacket, and she began to walk forward in her flame-stitched cowgirl boots. She was clearly advancing on Rainbow Dash to fuck, but still had enough wits about her to realize what was at stake. “Can you wake her up so she sees the fucking thing before you have it stuffed into me, please?!”

“Oh? Oh! Uh, yeah!” Rainbow Dash suddenly turned towards Adagio Dazzle, held her cock by the base, and gave it a sudden swing. Slap, slap, slap, she beat her length lightly against the Siren’s cheeks, continuing to thwap her with her cock until Adagio’s eyes finally opened. Her expression was one that Rainbow Dash was familiar with - indignant anger weaving into confusion, into more anger, and then into a state of furious, self-righteous arousal. “Aww, reminds me of the first time I showed it to you, Slutset! Nostalgic.”

“What...what’s the meaning of this?!” Adagio barked, though as she sat against the desk her hands were already moving forward. She was helping herself to fondle Rainbow Dash’s cock with a grip that was surprisingly soft, smoothing her fingers back and forth across the shaft with one hand while the other cupped Dash’s heavy balls. She clearly had no mental desire to do so and yet found herself compelled nonetheless - and she was understandably furious for the intrusion. “Equestrian magic! Ohh, you miserable little twerps, once I get a hold of this power, I…”

“You’ve got a hold of it already, whore,” Sunset Shimmer finally spoke up, getting down on her knees. Her tongue passed hungrily over her lips as she crawled towards the pair, moving one hand to hold Rainbow Dash’s ass and the other sliding up into Adagio’s wall of hair. She didn’t go for the amulet - at least not yet - but soon she held a tight fistful of the bitch’s poof and began shoving her forward. “But I think you’d look better with a mouthful of it, too!”

“Good one, Slutset!” Rainbow Dash flashed her coconspirator a thumbs-up, and grinned as she felt the warm, wet embrace of Adagio’s mouth start to overlap her. She was easily the sexiest of the Sirens and the bitchiest to boot - two very, very good reasons that Rainbow Dash had been aching to facefuck her. Having Sunset Shimmer there pushing her forward was a real treat, even if she couldn’t help but to give her friend a little bit of a hard time. “But...sure would be nice if I had someone else sucking my balls.”

Sunset Shimmer’s expression was flat and impatient, and she soon rolled her eyes in the aftermath. This fucking girl and her irresistible, magic dick. She was such a colossal brat. Not that it stopped Sunset from moving in to oblige, of course, though she did so on her own terms...at least as much as she was able. She’d gladly worship Rainbow Dash’s sack with every swipe of her tongue, but while she did she’d make damn sure she kept her face in a position that she could see the anger and shame in Adagio’s eyes while she continued to taunt her.

“Not so - slrrrrp - dangerous now, are you?” Sunset Shimmer chuckled, ribbons of spit already connecting her lips to Rainbow Dash’s sack. As she saw the inches of Dash’s glorious blue cock press deeper and deeper past Adagio’s lips, Sunset felt nothing but an excited thrill rush through her. She knew how it felt to be forced against her will to suck on Dash’s cock, to debase herself for the pleasure of this arrogant blowhard. Just like with Aria Blaze, the slightly-sadistic Sunset took profound joy in watching an even worse person than her be forced into the situation. “Big powerful Siren queen...but you’re just - slllllrrrp - horny cocksucker like the others.”

Thankfully, Adagio Dazzle’s mouth was a bit too full to point out that Sunset Shimmer was little more than a ballsucker at that moment. She simply narrowed her eyes and gave the girl a hateful glare, with lines of spit running down from the corners of her lips and her tongue pressed flat thanks to Rainbow Dash’s enormous cock. It was enough to make Sunset beam all the more, and she even moved her hands out to Adagio’s body to grope at her. As fully entranced as the Siren was, she didn’t even attempt to resist as Sunset allowed her hands to travel across the Dazzling’s thighs and underneath her skirt, moving a pair of fingers forward so she could press at her nethers with a probing, teasing touch.

“She’s wet. Ohh, is she ever wet.” Sunset Shimmer beamed, gazing up at her co-conspirator with her cheeks nearly completely glazed in spit at that moment. It was almost hard to imagine that she was under the spell of Dash’s cock as well, for she had thrown herself into it with such enthusiasm that it was easy to imagine her being just as wicked if Dash’s cock was even so much as an 8/10. High tier, but not top tier. As Adagio trembled in frustration and anger Sunset pushed the issue further, and squeezed her fingers against the Dazzling’s camel toe through the fabric of her tights. “How do you want to fuck her, Dash? Because me? I want to punish her for trying to hurt our school.”

Our. The word dripped naturally from Sunset Shimmer’s tongue, and she didn’t even notice it...even if Rainbow Dash did. She gazed down to see two of the hottest girls in class worshipping her cock, and she was given a few precious seconds to decide how to proceed. Adagio would be enthralled and hungry to service her until she hit an orgasm or two, and with Wallflower outside standing guard Dash couldn’t help but feel a bit...mischievous. What was the rush at this point? They had Adagio cornered, might as well have some fun with her.

“I want to fuck you, first,” Rainbow Dash finally announced, and moved a hand down into Sunset Shimmer’s fiery hair. She pulled at the threads and began lifting her scheming friend up, just as she pulled away and allowed her cock to flop out of Adagio’s mouth. As Sunset gazed with a look of curiosity but eager consent, Dash pulled her in between herself and where Adagio sat and slid her hands up against the back of Sunset’s thighs. “Feet on Ms. Harshwhinny’s desk, Sunset. Adagio Dazzle is going to eat you out while I fuck your ass...and then she’s going to drink up the cum. Isn’t that right, Adagio?”

Adagio Dazzle, wearing a look that could only be described as unimaginable, seething, murderous anger, was nonetheless left tense and trembling. She clenched her teeth, one of her eyes twitched rapidly in a fury, and she gave a single, sharp nod before hissing.

“...fine. It’s not like I can say no, is it?”

Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer gave the same enormous, wicked grin, each gazing down at Adagio Dazzle with a look of superiority plastered across their smug faces. The two of them were having quite a bit of fun working together, and it showed. With a bit of teamwork Sunset Shimmer’s legs rose up, and she pressed the heels of her boots against the edge of the desk - with Adagio’s massive orange poof in between. She gave Adagio Dazzle a full look at her pussy which was just as soaked as the Siren’s, perhaps even more so considering just what she was about to do. With the scent of Sunset’s arousal on her nose and the magical compulsion still guiding her, Adagio’s hands moved up to assist...even though she deeply resented them both.

“You’re going to pay for this. Ohh, you’re going to pay.” Adagio continued to grumble under her breath even as she held Rainbow Dash’s spit-soaked member, pushing it forward to line it up against the opening to Sunset’s ass. At least knowing the amber-skinned girl would feel the pinch of this massive cock in her backside would give her a bit of revenge, however little. Adagio continued to grumble and mutter to herself as Rainbow Dash started to squeeze inside, and she was forced to watch at point blank as that throbbing tip began to spread that tight rear entrance, working slowly within her inch by inch. She was just about to raise her head to continue her irate complaining before Sunset Shimmer beat her to the punch, putting her hands to the back of Adagio’s head and suddenly pulling it forward.

“Enough out of you.” She grinned, and didn’t hesitate to force Adagio’s mouth squarely against her soaked, sensitive pussy. A groan of pleasure escaped the back of Sunset’s throat and she rocked all the harder atop Dash’s cock, her boots keeping her locked to the edge of the desk while CHS’s top athlete kept her balanced. With Dash’s hands underneath her thighs and Adagio’s head in between them, Sunset Shimmer was quite comfortable indeed. The girl laughed in teasing fashion as she felt Adagio’s tongue working back and forth across her folds, moving despite every angry instinct within the Siren. “That’s it...eat my pussy, bitch. Maybe if you’re lucky, Dash will give you a fuck before we take down your whole operation. Isn’t that right, baby?”

“...baby?” Rainbow arched a brow, just as she squeezed her cock halfway into Sunset’s rear. The grip was just as glorious and tight as ever, and the domination over Adagio was really working for her. Still, she couldn’t help but grin as she squeezed her hands against Sunset’s thighs. “Getting soft on me, Slutset?”

“What? What...whatever, you obnoxious fucking prick!” Sunset quickly dismissed the thought, and bucked her hips forward to Adagio’s face. “Just do your fucking job, and we can get this over with!”

Rainbow Dash was grinning, but she didn’t push the matter any as she started to work. While she steadily rammed her cock into Sunset Shimmer’s ass she looked over her rival’s shoulder down to Adagio below - the Siren was still fully dressed, but she had already lifted her skirt and pulled down her tights to just under her rear, leaving exposed a pretty little pussy that needed attention. Adagio hated them both beyond all measure, and yet there she was fingering her soaked slit while she let her tongue pass back and forth across Sunset’s pussy, drawing in her taste with every single breath. It was a testament to the power of Rainbow Dash’s cock and the Equestrian magic infused inside of it, with that glorious thing hanging between her legs it was hard to imagine what Dash couldn’t accomplish. It was a good thing she was using her powers for good! ...mostly.

“Mmm...that’s it...you’re nowhere near as annoying when you have something to shut you up,” Sunset Shimmer was deeply and intimately enjoying her time on top, swinging her hips back and forth as she was serviced from both ends. She didn’t hesitate to take Dash’s cock all the way down to the base within her ass, just so long as she had Adagio’s wiggling tongue to keep her slit properly pleased. After all the times Rainbow Dash had stripped away her free will and ruined her plans, it was nice to be on the other side of the power trip for a change. Even though she knew she was technically under the spell of Dash’s cock just the same as Adagio, it was quite, quite clear that there was a pecking order in Ms. Harshwhinny’s room and the Siren was at the very bottom. “Fuck, that’s good...get in there, Princess Twilight...suck my cunt, you miserable bitch…”

“Princess Twili-” Dash’s question was cut off as Sunset Shimmer hissed, her eyes closed and her muscles tight.

“Shhhh! Don’t ruin this for me!” It was clear that Sunset Shimmer had some issues to work through, but this wasn’t the time to discuss them. Dash merely grinned, started to fuck her rival all the harder, and let Sunset Shimmer imagine whoever the hell she wanted between her thighs in that moment. She pushed her hands closer together to help Sunset trap Adagio’s head between her legs and picked up the pace when she assumed Sunset was nearing her peak, something rather easy to guess at considering how loud and aggressive she was being. Rainbow Dash had to admit...she liked seeing Sunset Shimmer submissive on her knees worshipping blue dick with resentment in her eyes, but this? This was pretty great, too.

When Sunset finally came, she grasped two tight fistfuls of orange hair and forced Adagio to lick all across her, physically moving the Siren’s head back and forth to ensure she got plenty of wet, hot tastes of flavor. Rainbow Dash had timed her own climax perfectly to coincide, and soon the two girls were shivering against each other as Dash started to unload into Sunset’s ass. Adagio could even feel that delicious cream rushing forward thanks to the hand she had lifted to massage Dash’s sack, for even though she despised everything about that moment she craved, needed, yearned for a touch of that cock.

“Hahh...hahh...that...I needed that.” Sunset Shimmer beamed, a few hairs hanging idly before her brow and a sweat-licked, fatigued look on her face. She spread her feet a little further apart against the edge of the desk, however, and bucked her hips forward a bit more as she looked at the Siren between her thighs. “She really filled me up, Adagio. I can feel it in there...nice and warm. You want a taste, don’t you?”

Both Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash gazed down at the Siren with their best smug smiles, and Adagio looked back up with Sunset’s juice on her face and a furious burn in her eyes. When she spoke it was little more than a venomous hiss, and her fists trembled from rage despite what she said.

“...yes,” she spat out, her cheeks flushed and her entire body a coiled mess of pleasure and seething hatred. “Yes. I do.”

“Rainbow Dash?” Sunset asked, and glanced over her shoulder to the other girl still holding her up. “Let’s give this bitch her consolation prize.”

Rainbow Dash’s smile was enormous as she popped her cock free of Sunset’s ass, letting it dangle as she made way for Adagio’s mouth. While the Siren darted her head forward and pressed her tongue full and flush to Sunset Shimmer’s tight rear pucker, the former pony pulled one hand behind her, letting fingers dive into Rainbow Dash’s hair and pulling her head forward. Two smug smiles met as Sunset offered a kiss to the other girl with a fair bit of passion - a wiggling tongue, a hungry whimper pushed against Dash’s mouth, and a few heated giggles as she squirmed from the feel of Adagio’s mouth. She could feel Dash’s payload of cream slipping from her rear and the Siren was eager to claim it, slurping back and forth and gobbling up every drop even though her mind and body were at a constant, angry war.

It was a solid few moments before she finished, and Sunset Shimmer finally pulled her legs away from the desk so she could stand once more. Her knees were wobbly and trembling, and she needed to brace a hand on Dash’s shoulder as the two finally gazed back down at Adagio and the mess she made. With her skirt pulled up and her tights pulled down, her pussy was left exposed and tender and desperate for attention - and her scowling, angry face was smeared with spit and cum. As she looked up at the two that had so thoroughly dominated her she found her eyes once more drawn towards Dash’s cock, and when she spoke again it was no surprise that she carried threats on her tongue.

“Just fuck me already, so I can get back to destroying you and your miserable, horrible little school!” She waved her fists, glaring at Rainbow Dash. “You’ve made me wait long enough! I...I need that monstrous thing inside of me already!”

“Sunset?” Rainbow Dash arched a brow and looked over to her rival, one hand moving to squeeze Sunset’s recently fucked and well-licked ass. “Should we give her what she wants?”

“Sure.” Sunset grinned in response, with an arm wrapped around Dash’s waist in turn. She hung on her like a true partner in crime, eager to see what Dash and her miracle dick could accomplish with this evil bitch. When an idea rose to her she leaned forward and cupped a hand to Dash’s ear, whispering to her as the other girl’s smile grew and grew. It was enough to tell Adagio they were conspiring even further against her, but what could she do? She needed that dick...and she could barely think straight until she got it.

“Sunset, that’s a fantastic idea.” Rainbow Dash nodded, and stepped forward to hop up on the desk. “Adagio, you’re lucky we’re in a good mood...time for you to get the fucking you need.”

And the fucking that would strip the final amulet away from the Sirens’ possession.


Rainbow Dash couldn’t see a single fucking thing. How could she, when there was so much orange hair in her face? It was an unfortunate side effect of their plan, but to do her job she didn’t really need to see anything anyway. All she had to do was sit there, hold Adagio Dazzle tight, and drill her with that big, blue, beautiful dick. Sunset Shimmer would do the rest, and the Siren would be helpless to stop it.

Adagio was in Dash’s lap wearing only her shirt and boots, her tights and skirt long discarded. She was so hungry for cock that she didn’t even resist as Rainbow Dash pulled her legs up and stretched them out, looping her forearms under her knees and then sticking her hands back into the sea of orange hair. As the full nelson position came to fruition Adagio Dazzle was surprisingly left helpless, feeling bent forward in half and with very, very little range for her arms to move. At the time she didn’t even think about it, but before long she’d be quite upset that she didn’t have the range of motion to stop anything coming at her.

“Sunset?” Rainbow Dash’s voice was half-muffled by hair. “Wanna guide me in?”

“Sure,” Sunset Shimmer responded, and padded over to where Dash held the Siren in her prone position. Sunset was dressed once more in her skirt and jacket, and when she advanced upon Adagio and Dash her eyes trained against the other evil woman’s own. With some temporary immunity from Dash’s cock riding through her thanks to her thundering post-orgasmic state, she had no problem at all slapping her hand around that member as she drew forward. For the moment she merely slapped that meaty blue cock against Adagio’s soaked folds, but in the same motion she leaned in close, drawing her face near the Siren’s and whispering in a low, threatening, and evil tone of her own.

“I heard you cunts were sent here by Starswirl the Bearded.” She smirked, just as her hand dipped forward and she began guiding Rainbow Dash inside of her. “Guess I’m even better than him, since I didn’t even need my unicorn magic to beat you.”

She might have been downplaying the role that Rainbow Dash and her magical mind-controlling dick had in the affair, but still.

Adagio Dazzle glared daggers at Sunset Shimmer up until the point Rainbow Dash sunk inside of her, at which point she was far too distracted and delighted to stew in her anger any further. Her eyes closed and she roared with pleasure as Dash began to fuck up into her, holding her tight within that restrictive embrace and clapping Adagio’s rump against her lap. There was no slow penetration and no precursor - the only foreplay that Adagio Dazzle deserved was sucking the cum out of Sunset Shimmer’s ass. Dash pounded up into the girl with hard and reckless abandon, shuddering in bliss as she felt the Siren’s warm, wet cunt ensnare her in a glorious grip. It was a good thing that Sunset Shimmer got to her first, because if Adagio Dazzle had approached her and offered her a pussy this good from the beginning? She might’ve been inclined to switch sides.

As Adagio Dazzle rode, Rainbow Dash remained tense and trembling underneath that wall of orange hair. In a way she was glad for it, it afforded her a rare chance to wear a look on her face that wasn’t confident and calm. It let her indulge in goofy grins and blissful faces of sweet delight, her tongue hanging from her lips and her eyes rolling back in a way that just didn’t suit CHS’s best cock owner under normal circumstances. It was kind of nice to not have to look cool while wrapping some evil bitch around her dick for a change!

And as Adagio Dazzle continued to bounce, her arms and legs prone and her eyes shut tight, Sunset Shimmer finally went to work. She wore a blissful smile as she opened Ms. Harshwhinny’s top drawer, pushed aside the hip flask, and grasped a pair of scissors. Idly strutting right back into position, it was a completely effortless chore for her to slip a finger underneath the string that held Adagio’s amulet in place, lift it up slightly, and...snip!

“Y...yes...it’s so good...so good…I fucking hate you but it’s so good…” Adagio Dazzle was in a world of her own, riding Rainbow Dash’s dick with heavy thrusts, her boots dangling in the air and her pussy warm and juicy around that throbbing cock. She didn’t even notice as Sunset Shimmer began to stroll back towards the entrance, opened the door slightly, and handed off the amulet to the lookout lurking on the other end. And just as easy as that, all three amulets had been claimed and the threat to CHS had been stymied. For now.

Sunset Shimmer just leaned back against the door after handing off the amulet, folding her arms across her chest and watching Rainbow Dash work. She had to admit, the cocky bitch knew how to fuck...she could testify to that with both her pussy and her ass all within the stretch of the same afternoon. It was hard not to feel a little jealous of Adagio Dazzle right then and there, she had been in the Rainbow Dash full nelson grip before and it was one hell of a ride. The helplessness, the spinning in her head, the slap of flesh as her ass crashed back into Dash’s lap...Sunset Shimmer had to squeeze her thighs together in order to quell any building arousal, and just to be safe she pulled her gaze up away from where her cock was sinking into the Siren, looking back at Adagio’s face.

Still unaware. Still ignorant that she had been played. The leader of the Sirens had been bested with ease. Her cheeks were blushing and she was getting closer and closer to her peak, and Rainbow Dash would soon follow. Sunset Shimmer had already been quite the cruel bitch to Adagio in the past half hour, but she couldn’t help but let another thought slip from her tongue - another tease to drive their victory home in full fashion.

“Hey Dash!” Sunset called out, cupping a hand around her mouth. “I’ll give you a blowjob on the way home if you don’t cum inside of her! Bitch shouldn’t be rewarded for trying to take over the school.”

The looking of burning hatred in Adagio’s eyes had never been hotter...at least until she realized that her amulet was missing. It was a harsh orgasm for Adagio in that moment, her body spasming and writhing with the greatest visceral pleasure she had ever enjoyed and at the same time her mind and emotions flaring with panic and rage. Rainbow Dash took Sunset up on the offer to deny Adagio the creampie she craved, letting her dick flop out at the last minute and spew line after line of cum across the classroom. A wide arc of cum flew through the air and splattered across the first student’s desk - Ditzy Doo would probably be wondering why it was sticky the next morning.

Adagio was a shivering and convulsing mess, her thighs spasming and her muscles fighting against the full nelson position Dash held her in. She growled and roared and tried to form coherent words but she was far too angry even for that, devolving into something like a spitting, furious beast even as she still trembled with aftershocks. At that point in the day, tying up bitchy Sirens was old hat, and Sunset Shimmer turned her back while Rainbow Dash worked quickly, tossing Adagio from her lap, tucking her cock back in, and then grabbing the girl’s tights.

“F...Fuck you! Fuck you both! Give me my amulet back! I’ll destroy you!” Adagio roared, eyes wide and panic rushing across her face, tears lining her cheeks as she was bound. Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash used her pussy-dampened tights to tie up her wrists and wrap the slack around a leg of Ms. Harshwhinny’s desk, enough to keep her trapped in her position. As the two “heroes” stood over Adagio her tears continued, though it was clear they were fueled by white hot rage just as much as sorrow. “You...you’re not going to win! You’ll never beat us! I’ll get you both for this, I swear! You’ve no idea who you’ve crossed today!”

“Sure we do.” Sunset Shimmer beamed, dangled Adagio’s panties from a finger, and then stuffed them into her big, orange poof of hair. “You’re the girl that sucked cum out of my ass today.”

“I wanna say...Adoogia?” Rainbow Dash tapped her chin, pondering. Before long the two girls wrapped their arms around each other and made their way to the exit, soon to be joined by Wallflower whom Dash pulled into the three-way march. Sunset Shimmer was the one to kick the door closed behind her, but not before giving one last, wicked glance back at the crying, enraged, defeated Siren. She mouthed two simple words that carried no sound, but nonetheless burned inside of Adagio with a spiteful venom.


End of Chapter 16.

Triple Threat (The Dazzlings)

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Rainbow Dash’s 10/10 Top Tier Cock
Chapter Seventeen: Triple Threat
-Drace Domino

The Dazzlings were on the warpath. It was the very next day after Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer had worked together to steal all three of their amulets, and they went to school the next day knowing that they’d find conflict. Sure enough, as the two girls went through their classes it was clear that the Dazzlings had managed to get free - and they clearly understood what had happened and what was at stake. As the new girls in school the three Dazzlings had been put into the mix of class schedules, and at any one point during the day Rainbow Dash or Sunset Shimmer could merely look across the room to see one of the three girls pointing at them and slowly dragging a finger across her throat.

They wanted revenge. Desperately so. Without their powers it was going to be a difficult thing to achieve, but it was a foregone conclusion that by the time class ended that Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer would fully land within their line of fire. They couldn’t do anything while class was in session, so for now...it was all about waiting. Waiting for the moment the final bell rang and the students piled out into the halls, rushing to their bus and eager to go home for the weekend. Waiting for the moment that they could corner one of the two girls and push them into a moment of visceral, violent revenge.

And the Dazzlings weren’t shy about who their target was.

“...see you after class,” Adagio murmured in a low voice as she passed by Sunset Shimmer, purposely letting her hip check the other girl into one of the lockers. When she glanced over her shoulder to see Sunset catching herself Adagio merely smirked, and allowed a wickedly threatening smile to draw over her lips. “You’d better have the amulets when we see you. If not...I can’t say what might happen.”

Sunset Shimmer merely glared and stayed resistant, but it was still obvious that she was the focus. The weak link for the trio to guide their vision towards, the vulnerable one that could be pressed for information. It didn’t help that even though she was getting along with Rainbow Dash that the rest of the girls didn’t like her - there was no safe haven for her to hide in, and she had been subjected to countless angry glares, threatening whispers, and bitchy shoves throughout the day. From the first bell to the last, Sunset Shimmer knew she was in danger...and that was why she was running at full tilt through the halls after school, clutching her bookbag in one hand and always keeping an eye over her shoulder.

“Come out, come out~” With most of the students piled outside to get to their bus, Adagio’s voice carried through the empty halls with a sweet and taunting melody. She couldn’t charm people with her voice anymore, but she could certainly bring someone to their knees from fear if she wanted! As she continued to call out the three Dazzlings were all moving in a unit, tracking the sound of heavy boots slamming against the tile. “You know what we want, you miserable little bitch...I promise if you give us the amulets, we won’t pummel you much.”

“Whaaaat?!” Aria’s voice chased Adagio’s own, and she pounded a fist into her open palm. “Speak for yourself, Adagio. I’m going to make that bacon-headed bitch cry like she never knew possible! It’ll be like the real shit we did before we left Equestria!”

“Let’s not punch her in the face though, okay?” Sonata chimed in, the sweetest flavor of evil in the trio. “I mean, she is awful pretty! And I kinda thought maybe she’d be fun to keep around. Y’know, like a pet! Ohhh, Adagio, can we keep her?!”

“Quiet, you two!” Adagio hissed suddenly, raising a hand and narrowing her gaze. She let her eyes dart from side to side as they rounded the corner, the last place they heard the sound of Sunset’s stomping boots. Of the doors laying before them she could see one of them was just finally closing - leading straight into the art room. Big, open, and no exit to be found. Adagio grinned wide and menacing as she gestured for the two to follow, and once more the Dazzlings moved like a flock of wicked birds towards their prey. They didn’t have a trace of magic to their name without their amulets, but that hardly meant that the three girls together were altogether harmless. “In here. This’ll be quick.”

As the door to the art room slammed open from a swift kick, Sunset Shimmer was looking as if she was stricken with panic. Her eyes were wide, her face was a mask of fear, and she stumbled past the desks and chairs in an attempt to put distance between herself and the trio of girls slowly approaching. The Dazzlings were moving in a predatory fashion with Adagio in the lead, and as they closed on their target the leader’s voice dripped forward with hostile, devious venom.

“Aww, all alone?” she asked in teasing fashion, pausing just long enough to reach out and grab a wooden easel leaning against the wall. She folded it swiftly and held it like a baseball bat, beaming as she pressed forward. Aria and Sonata followed suit in grabbing weapons of their own - Aria claiming a heavy ceramic bowl from the nearby still life project, and Sonata grabbing the apples from it.

It was impossible to tell just what she intended to do with them.

“N-No! Get back, all three of you!” Sunset Shimmer’s voice continued to rise in panic, and the former pony made a show of dashing over the desks and working her way towards the back of the room. The art room had a table large enough to accommodate eight students for larger group projects, and right beside it was a tall sculpture covered in a thick blanket to protect it overnight. As Sunset neared closer and closer to the table, she let the panic rise in her voice all the higher. “I didn’t want to do it! You...you saw what her dick did! I couldn’t stop myself!”

“Save it.” Adagio smirked, and allowed her easel bat to drag across the ground with a loud scraping noise. Aria prepared her ceramic bowl for proper head-smashing, and Sonata held her apples like a pair of grenades. “Give us the amulets, otherwise they’re going to need to carry you home.”

“I don’t have them! I swear!” Sunset shook her head rapidly. “There’s...there’s this girl! Wallflower Blush, she has them! I gave them all to her for safekeeping!”

“I don’t remember any third girl.” Aria scowled, and suddenly whipped the ceramic bowl towards Sunset Shimmer. As Sunset dodged the thing went crashing to the floor below in a loud shatter, but it served to prove just how serious they were. “You’re making it up! Give us back our amulets now!

“Yeah! You bully!” Sonata Dusk was perhaps a bit confused on the true morality between their groups, but she was passionate nonetheless. As the three Dazzlings made their approach she reared back with one of her apples and threw it with all her might, spinning the fruit straight towards where Sunset had dipped close to the blanket-clad statue. In that moment Sunset reached behind that figure and gripped the blanket firmly with both hands, suddenly pulling it away in a fluid and fast motion.

The apple continued to spin towards its destination - until it landed neatly in the firm grasp of a strong blue hand. As the blanket fell to the ground and the apple was brought between a set of widely grinning teeth, the three Dazzlings dropped their arms to their sides and allowed their mouths to suddenly hang open. Once again, they had been beaten.

“Hey, bitches.” Rainbow Dash was nude, as any true classical sculpture was. She took another bite of the apple before tossing it casually behind her, only for Sunset to catch it and take a small chomp of her own. The two girls stood facing the Dazzlings with a shared look of dominant delight, with Rainbow Dash’s cock in full view of all three of the Sirens. “My pal Sunset here tells me you’ve been running your mouths to her all day. Maybe you forgot what those cockholes of yours are for?”

“N...No! No no no no!” Adagio Dazzle was furious - her cheeks vibrantly blushing as she stomped her foot up and down. Her tantrum ran counterpoint to the fact that she was already in the process of reaching her hands to her shirt, pulling it free so vividly and fiercely that the buttons snapped off. Aria and Sonata were in the exact same boat, already stripping even though they clearly weren’t happy about it. “I hate you! I hate you both so much!”

“Way to go, Adagio!” Aria hissed, tossing her shirt aside and revealing those perky purple tits of hers. “You walked us right into this. It’s all your fault! I should be in charge from now on, I wouldn’t lead us right onto her dick.” She was conveniently ignoring the fact that she had already fallen into the exact same trap.

“It’s not all bad, I guess!” Sonata was wiggling her hips back and forth, shimmying out of her skirt as she tilted her head, looking at Dash’s cock. “I mean, it is a really nice dick. And it’s fun to have inside!”

“Shut up, Sonata,” the other two Sirens growled, and continued to strip. While they did so Rainbow Dash glanced briefly over her shoulder, looking towards Sunset Shimmer who was making a conscious effort to keep her head lifted and her eyes towards the ceiling. She elbowed the other girl and gave her a confident smile, bobbing her head towards the door.

“Leave these cunts to me, Sunset.” She beamed. “Meet up with Wallflower and make the exchange. She should be dropping by soon, right?”

“I really wish we could’ve done it together before these three idiots chased me down,” Sunset murmured, and cautioned a glance at the trio of Sirens. They were already advancing, though this time it wasn’t to cause harm but to suck cock. On their knees they approached, their eyes filled with the mix of venom and lust that Sunset herself knew quite well. “Not only do I not get to watch you humiliate these cunts, but now I get to have the most awkward meeting ever with Princess Perfect Purple Bitch.”

“Tell her I said hi.” Rainbow Dash grinned, slipped a hand down, and gave Sunset’s ass a swift smack. Her big blue dick was already within the grasp of the three Sirens, and they were pushing and nudging against one another in a competition to see who could suck that flawless cock first. “And tell her that now that she figured out a way to come back, I expect to fuck her again soon!”

Sunset Shimmer rolled her eyes and grumbled, but did as she was asked. The girl made her way back towards the art room door while keeping her eyes far from Rainbow Dash, unwilling to risk her gaze catching that irresistible dick. When she finally stopped at the door she let a hand rest on it, pausing just long enough to speak up loud enough for the Dazzlings to hear.

“Hey, Adagio? Aria, Sonata?” Sunset didn’t look back, but she knew she at least had their partial attention. Enough to twist the knife. “Just so you know? While you three are here getting used like the worthless sluts you are...your amulets are getting destroyed.”

With that, Sunset Shimmer pushed her way out the door. It left Rainbow Dash alone with her magnificent cock spread across the attention of three very angry girls, each of whom had tears in her eyes from the blend of frustration, fury, and even fear of what a power-less life would be like. As Rainbow Dash looked down at them, she didn’t feel a single trace of sympathy for the pathetic looks on their faces - after all, they had brought this upon themselves.

“Guess your amulets are gonna have something in common with your pussies.”


All in a row, the Dazzlings knelt before Rainbow Dash with their mouths lowered to her cock. They were mostly naked save for a few pairs of boots and panties that dangled from their ankles, and Adagio Dazzle’s tights were still tented between her thighs. The girls glared up at Rainbow Dash with looks of pure seething anger on their faces, even Sonata who offered a frustrated, pouty glare that still seemed to contain the furious wrath of a Siren bested. There were scowls, blushes, and even a tear or two...but Rainbow Dash didn’t mind at all. She simply stood straight with her arms crossed over her chest, letting the three girls work their tongues back and forth across a dick they had no power to possibly resist.

In fact...the Sirens didn’t have any power anymore, period. And from the looks on their face, they knew it. They knew their possible conquest of Canterlot High was over, and they knew their amulets would soon be destroyed. There’d be no more magic for these bitches to suck up and misuse, and no more people that they’d bring harm and discord to. All because of Sunset Shimmer, Wallflower Blush, and the girl that was enjoying the true luxury of her reward right there in the art room. Naturally, Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but gloat.

“You know, it was so easy to beat you three.” She beamed, and swung her hips from side to side to make her cock wobble. It slapped against Aria and Sonata’s lips while teasing away from Adagio’s mouth, and the Sirens all chased it with the desire to reclaim it with their lips. Soon it was a few inches deep into Adagio’s mouth with the other two kissing the sides, weaving their tongues back and forth as they all continued to glare and listen to Dash’s cocky bragging. “I’m just lucky you’re all hot. I mean...it would’ve been way harder if we had to beat you without me fucking you like a bunch of dumb sluts. But as it turns out, you’re all fuckable enough! Funny how things work out, huh?”

“...we...will get...our reven-”

“Easy, Adagio, don’t let it fall out of your mouth too much!” Rainbow Dash silenced the seething Siren by pushing her hips forward, letting that big blue member trap her tongue against the floor of her mouth and inch deeper towards her throat. She slid her hands out to claim two tight fistfuls of the orange poof of Adagio’s hair, and she bucked forward with one sharp shove, lunging nearly to the hilt. Aria and Sonata were running out of cock to suck and so naturally they travelled to Rainbow Dash’s balls, sticking out their tongues and slathering them in spit as their ringleader was forced to deepthroat their enemy. Rainbow Dash giggled, and savored the tense vibration of an angry throat wedged around her cock - even if the bitch it was connected to hated her, that only made it all the more fun to facefuck her. “You know, it goes without saying that you cunts aren’t welcome at Canterlot High anymore. And if you show your faces around here after I’m done...we’ll figure out a way to punish you. But maybe sometime you can drop me a line if you want some more choice dick. I can’t promise I’d be interested, because I’m getting a little bored with you, but...we’ll see.”

She tightened her hands within Adagio’s hair and forced the deepthroat a little further, to the point that she could hear the ringleader of the Sirens gagging on her cock. Threads of spit escaped the corners of her lips and dripped down to Sonata and Aria’s cheeks, making them wince and cringe as they were coated. Rainbow Dash smiled from ear to ear as she pressed her taunt even further, taking quite simply endless joy in making these bitches angrier and angrier.

“...maybe if you beg,” she mused regarding their future meeting, and swung her hips from side to side to make Adagio gag harder and to keep the other two’s mouths working more carefully. “Ha! Maybe I’ll make you sing a little song about how much you love my dick. You whores like to sing, right?”

From the absolute hatred shining in Adagio’s eyes, Rainbow Dash knew she had made an enemy for life. The other two Sirens weren’t at all far off - glaring through the tears and the frustration even though they were trailing their tongues across blue balls as if it was the sweetest treat ever offered to them. There was a lot of venom and anger in the room, and it needed just a touch of positivity. Or at the very least, a bit of eagerness spread across the three whores’ faces. And Rainbow Dash knew just how to throw it out there.

“So!” She smirked as she pulled at Adagio’s hair, finally removing her cock from the sheath of the girl’s mouth with a loud, wet noise. Adagio was still gasping and rubbing her throat from the sore aftermath when Rainbow Dash spoke again, and as soon as she did all three Sirens went livid with motion and response. “Which one of you deserves to get fucked first?”

Just as Rainbow Dash expected, the bitches turned on each other in a heartbeat. The allure of that flawless blue cock was simply stronger than the bond between them, and they instantly began to push and shove at each other while competing for Rainbow Dash’s glorious dick.

“Get away from it, you two idiots! I deserve to have it first!” Adagio pressed both palms against the other two’s heads, trying to shove them back in separate directions while bringing herself up from her knees. Aria was already pulling at her large poof of hair with both tightly clenched fists, and Sonata was trying to shove her away by pushing at her belly. While they all grunted and struggled Adagio’s voice was particularly piercing in that demanding, bitchy way only she could muster. “You two are lucky if I let you have any! You’re always just feeding off my scraps!”

“You led us into this mess, Adagio!” Aria barked angrily, and slipped a hand around Dash’s cock. She split her time between dipping the tip of Dash’s head into her mouth and gazing back over her shoulder, bristling in anger at the other two. “If it wasn’t for you, I’d be feasting right now! The least you can do is let me have this!”

“I do more work around here than either of you!” Sonata cried out in a completely baseless claim, but the fact that she was cute, fit, and easily the least bitchy of the three still made a compelling argument. She pressed a hand flat against Adagio’s face and tried shoving her away, scrunching up the ringleader’s nose in the process. “And you two never let me have any fun!”

Rainbow Dash’s smile was enormous as she watched, her eyes tracing the nearly naked figures of the three girls while they wrestled among one another. It was quite an enjoyable sight to behold, and she could’ve easily gotten off just watching the trio tear themselves apart in desperate competition for a ride on her dick. Still...it wouldn’t be as fun as sinking her cock into one of them directly, and if she didn’t make a choice soon the chances of one of them bruising her flawless dick while wrestling for it went up exponentially. Before her cock became collateral damage Rainbow Dash finally made her decision, and slipped her hand down into Aria’s hair to begin pulling her forward.

“Aria, you’re first,” she congratulated the purple-skinned girl, much to the angry glares of the other two. As she brought the struggling girl up to her feet Rainbow Dash was swift and decisive, forcing Aria into a position without even bothering for her to get steady. Soon the Siren was bent forward with her tits and belly pressed against the large table in the back of the art room, and Rainbow Dash was standing beside her and allowing her cock to swipe back and forth across her firm, taut rump. Dash was all ready to line herself up to fuck the bitch before Adagio’s voice chimed up from the side, hanging on the same demanding tone as ever.

“But...but who’s going to be second?” She seemed to be willing to let Rainbow Dash call the shots, whether through the influence of that magical cock or merely knowing that she had no true say in the matter. Rainbow Dash merely blurted out a sudden and sharp laugh at her question, and gestured to the blue girl kneeling behind her.

“Sonata, obviously.” Dash smiled as she pushed her hips forward, squeezing the first two inches into the very wet, very happy cunt of Aria Blaze. “You were always going to be last, Adagio. You think I can resist making a cunt like you sit around craving my dick?”

With those relentlessly cruel words Rainbow Dash smiled to herself and turned her attention to the matter of fucking Aria. Each shove forward landed her lap against the girl’s purple rump with a sound of flesh slapping against flesh, and each movement ensured that every inch of her dick was going down all the way to the hilt. There was no point in teasing her or moving in half-measures - not when she had three Sirens to fuck and all evening to do it. As Rainbow Dash fucked forward in hard and swift strikes from the very beginning Aria’s voice rose in a delightful pitch to celebrate it, and Dash made sure to take a fistful of Aria’s hair and turn her face towards the other Dazzlings - they needed to see the fun they were missing out on.

“Y-Yes! Yes, it’s so good! I hate you so much, but your cock is so...so good!” Aria’s bitchy voice betrayed the fury inside of her, it must’ve been hard to keep her venom brewing right at the surface when every inch of her was marked with goosebumps and sweat. She slammed her hands to the table and braced herself as Rainbow Dash pumped into her again and again, and she even took a cue from the magnificently-cocked student in giving the other girls a hard time. If there was one thing that both Aria and Rainbow Dash could agree on, it was that Adagio Dazzle was best left stewing and angry and frustrated. “Oh! A-Adagio, too bad for you! I bet it’ll never be as good as it is right now! Sonata and I are going to wear it out so you don’t get any!”

Unlikely...but that didn’t stop the nagging fear in the back of Adagio’s mind that it just might happen. The leader of the Dazzlings was blushing fiercely and angrily, finally realizing that it wasn’t just one enemy she was up against, but three. Aria and Sonata would absolutely do everything they could to take all of that glorious cock for themselves! They liked seeing her suffer! They liked seeing her left wanting! Adagio’s heart sank even as it rapidly beat with excitement and fury, and her hands tightened into tiny fists as certain revelations came to her.

Rainbow Dash was going to draw this out for an eternity, and she’d be lucky if she got any cock at all. If she wanted her fair turn, if she wanted to get the dick that was rightfully hers, she would need to suck up to this infuriating blue bitch. She would need to debase herself and show that she could play by her rules. It filled her with a seething fury, but then...there was no other way. She simply needed that cock, and she’d do anything to get it.

“...I’ll show you how much better I am than them,” Adagio hissed, and suddenly pushed past Sonata on her way to Rainbow Dash. She dropped herself to a kneeling position just behind where Rainbow Dash stood, her hands dropping down to the sides of Dash’s rear and her fingers sinking firmly against the flesh. A shudder ran through Adagio that brought forth memories from just the past day - the moment that Sunset Shimmer had been flooded with cum and she was forced to slurp it from the amber-skinned bitch’s ass. Now, she had to be proactive if she wanted to earn Rainbow Dash’s cock...and she vowed to do just that with one more angry, hostile murmur. “I’ll have you begging for my pussy by the end of this.”

With that, much to Rainbow Dash’s surprise and deep, deep delight, Adagio Dazzle pushed her head forward so she could begin eating her ass. That wet, warm tongue circled back and forth across the tight pucker of Dash’s rear, and she even stretched a hand forward to gently cup Dash’s sack, massaging it gingerly even as the girl continued to fuck. Before long Rainbow Dash found herself in a rhythm - the wildly warm, wet grip of Aria’s pussy when she was forced forward, and the inviting attention of Adagio’s tongue on her ass when she pulled back. For a girl that got off on power trips over mean cunts, Rainbow Dash couldn’t be happier, and she wasn’t about to tell Adagio to stop. In fact, with one hand in Aria’s hair and the other squeezing the girl’s ass, Rainbow Dash glanced over to Sonata and offered her a little shrug.

“Well, she’s ahead now.” Dash beamed, seeing no harm whatsoever in stoking the fires between these three wicked women. “What can you do that’ll top this?”

Sonata Dusk pouted, her arms folding underneath her modest bust as she looked at the other three. Aria was no help at all, far too selfishly losing herself in how good it felt to have Rainbow Dash’s cock slamming in and out of her. She was screaming in bliss, her eyes were rolled back in her head, and she even had a tiny puddle of drool just underneath her mouth on the table. She was too far gone to even bother asking for help. Adagio Dazzle was holding Dash’s cheeks apart with her hands to let her work all the harder, and she was obviously doing a great job. The licking, the kissing, the tiny murmurs of pleasure...all while kneeling there naked save for her tights tented between her thighs. Sonata Dusk gazed at the whole scene and pondered on just how to move ahead of Adagio...how a girl like her could ever beat their leader.

Finally, Sonata Dusk drew a sudden smile across her face, and looked towards Rainbow Dash with a spark in her eyes. Clearly, she had just the answer.

“That’s right, Adagio, you dumb slut!” Sonata blurted out, her voice so surprisingly mean that it caused even Aria’s attention to dance to her. The blue-skinned Siren was already positioning herself behind Adagio, sinking her hands into that poof of hair and pressing her head forward, making her mouth smear all the harder and wetter into Dash’s ass. “Hope you like eating her ass, because clearly you’re too much of a fuckup to have any magic for dinner!”

Rainbow Dash glanced over her shoulder, looked to where Sonata Dusk was grinding her former leader’s face back and forth, and gave an approving nod. She even lifted a hand from Aria’s ass to give her a thumbs-up.

“Not bad,” she offered. “Not bad at all. Keep it up.”


Of the three Sirens, Sonata Dusk had always been the “least” evil. Not that it was saying much considering how bad the girls were, but there was still a clear difference between Sonata’s easily-distracted joy and Adagio’s deeply scheming wickedness. The Sirens had been beaten, that much was abundantly clear. The amulets were getting destroyed, they’d never know the taste of magic again, and going back to wreak their revenge on Equestria was never going to happen. It was a moment where a smart girl would do her most to make the best of a bad situation. Aria and Adagio had never actually expected Sonata to be the smart one between the three of them.

“That’s it! You let her wrap you around that dick, you mean bitch!” Sonata had already bounced from Adagio to Aria, crawling up onto the table to hold her friend’s face in her hands. Even as Aria was fucked silly by Rainbow Dash Sonata was there to rub it in all the further - even literally, as she spread her thighs, grabbed Aria’s hair, and forced the girl’s face against her own wet, blue pussy. A giggle rose from her throat as she found her bitchy companion open to the idea of servicing her, and as soon as Aria’s tongue began Sonata’s voice rose in an even more demanding fashion. “Ohh, you even like the taste of pussy, too? Who’s the one that’s only likeable when she keeps her mouth shut now, Aria?! Huh?!”

The sudden dominant trend in Sonata Dusk was working for Rainbow Dash - gloriously so. Her cock was practically aching against the walls of Aria’s pussy, and she could feel her sack tremble and pulse in Adagio’s surprisingly gentle grip. It was a great delight for Dash to see Sonata Dusk working out some of her frustrations on the other two, hardly what Dash had expected to happen, but then...sometimes, a girl could only be pushed too far before she started grinding her pussy into her sister’s face.

“Every day is Taco Tuesday from now on for you, Aria!” Sonata practically roared, both fists in the other Siren’s hair as she swung Aria’s face from side to side, slathering her pussy back and forth over the other girl’s tongue. “You look like such a whore right now, I bet I don’t even need a magical dick to make you bend over and get to work!”

“Girls, I’m pretty sure Sonata is my favorite right now,” Rainbow Dash announced, and bucked her hips back to grind her ass a little harder to Adagio’s face. “Sorry, Adagio. You’re still dead last. You’re just...too much of a miserable bitch.”

“She’s bossy, too!” Sonata chimed up, by that point with her legs crossed behind Aria’s head to hold the girl’s face down between her thighs. “And she makes us split the same amount of magic she takes for herself! And she’s greedy, and she snores, and I just know she stole my candy bar the other day even though she said she didn’t, and...and…ohh, she’s just such a jerk!”

Jerk or not, Adagio knew how to eat an ass, and Rainbow Dash was thankful for it. It didn’t take much longer before the beautifully-cocked brat found herself rushing closer and closer to a climax, and she started to pick up the pace. Her hips slammed forward with every ounce of strength she had while she kept spearing Aria around her dick, and a deep breath rose from Dash’s chest as she neared her peak. There was no point in drawing it out waiting for Aria to hit her own - by the sounds of the girl’s muffled whimpers against her sister’s pussy, she had been spasming in steady releases again and again that kept rolling through her. With one last thrust Rainbow Dash shoved her cock deep inside of Aria and gave her a sudden burst of cum - her cockhead spasming as she unleashed a torrent of white within the bitch’s folds. Warmth and pleasure rushed across Dash’s body but she pulled out near the very end of her climax, standing suddenly to the side and dipping a hand just underneath the tip of her cock. One last spurt of cum landed squarely in her hand, and while Aria closed her trembling thighs and continued murmuring into Sonata’s pussy, Rainbow Dash finally turned towards Adagio.

The leader of the Sirens was still furious - though by that point, it was hard to tell if her anger was directed at Rainbow Dash or Sonata Dusk, or a delirious blend of both. She knelt there blushing and furious, her cheeks smeared with spit, her full breasts exposed with stiff and excited nipples, and her exposed pussy glistening in a desperate need. Rainbow Dash took a moment to savor just how...shamelessly pathetic she looked before finally holding forward her cum-marked palm, that outstretched hand holding a single streak of white cream in the center.

“I make smug bitches like you eat out of the palm of my hand all the time,” Rainbow Dash announced, extending her reach towards Adagio. “And right now? You’re going to prove it. Aren’t you, Adagio?”

The look on Adagio Dazzle’s face was intense. Hatred, fury, frustration...blending into jealousy, sadness, and defeat. She had pegged Canterlot High as a place where she and the other Sirens would be able to take anything they wanted without risk - a place where they could reclaim their full power while staying safe and secure, as if they were nestled in a booth at a diner. She had led them into losing everything. The amulets were gone, Aria and Sonata would likely no longer follow her lead ever again, and her hopes of conquering Equestria one day had been squashed. And all she had in recompense, all she had to repay her for her tremendous losses, was an outstretched blue hand holding a single squirt of cum. Not even a full load. Just a taste of the nectar that had bested her.

Adagio Dazzle brought herself forward to drag her tongue across Rainbow Dash’s palm, but there were tears on her cheeks as she did so. She was twitching from any one of the dozens of aching emotions running through her, she sniffled and fought the urge to sob, and she knew full well that in that moment she was admitting her defeat. Still...if she didn’t? She wouldn’t have gotten to taste Dash’s cum at all, and under the effect of that magically irresistible cock, that was far, far more valuable to her. From the tip of Dash’s fingers all the way to the heel of her palm she cleaned the girl’s hand of cum, just before tightening her lips and swallowing. As it eased down her throat Adagio continued to glare with venom in her eyes, and Rainbow Dash stood up with a cocky smile - her dick still hanging forward and her arms folding across her chest in confident, dominant pride.

“Sonata?” Rainbow Dash finally asked, and gazed over to where the blue-skinned Siren was still grinding her hips against Aria’s mouth. Once she had her attention, Rainbow Dash’s smiled from ear to ear as she offered her a bit of an olive branch. “Has Adagio ever eaten you out?”

Granted, it was an olive branch meant to be used to beat the other Sirens with, but still.


“Hee, this is so much fun!” Sonata giggled, just as she swivelled back and forth on Rainbow Dash’s cock, her ass tightly wrapped around it in a firm, warm grip. “Don’t get me wrong, losing our amulets is a tragedy the likes of which I might never fully emotionally recover from, but for now...whee!”

“Whee indeed.” Rainbow Dash grinned, settling back against the table. She spread her thighs further apart and in doing so took Sonata’s with her, and she eased the Siren back to lean against her chest while they sat. She showed off just how soaked Sonata’s pussy was, as well as giving Aria and Adagio a nice, wide look at just how tightly Sonata’s ass was clinging to the weight of her throbbing, massive cock. “Well? Get to it, cunts. You’ve got plenty between both of our thighs to put those bitch mouths of yours to work.”

“Yeah! Get fucking moving!” Sonata giggled, and pointed squarely at the furious Adagio’s face. “You better think about every mean thing you ever did to me while you’re eating me out, Adagio!”

“If she did that, we’d be here all month,” Aria chimed up, but dipped forward to do her part. Since Adagio was clearly meant to focus on Sonata’s pussy and not even be treated to a taste of blue dick, Aria was eager to tend to Dash’s balls. She slid a hand underneath them while scooping them towards her lips, sticking her tongue out and giving them a few swipes, drawing in the taste with a look of satisfaction on her face. “You’re really a bitch, Adagio. You should try working on that.”

“Stop...fucking...taking...her...side!” Adagio was so tense and angry she could barely think straight, and yet she was bringing herself forward to do as she was told. Just like Aria, she laid flat on the table and dipped her head between the thighs of the other girls, though her mouth was drawing closer and closer to Sonata’s soaked slit. With just a few more precious words left before she’d find her mouth pressed against that blue pussy, Adagio gestured to Rainbow Dash and hissed from the back of her throat. “She ruined us! It’s her fault our amulets are being shattered! Her! It’s all her!”

“That doesn’t mean you’re not also a bitch, Adagio,” Aria lifted her tongue up from Dash’s sack to speak in a near-deadpan tone, and then quickly went back to work. Sonata was quick to join in on the debate, her hands moving into the orange wall of hair and guiding Adagio down the rest of the way to her pussy.

“What Aria said!” she chimed up, and gave a little shrug. She had been steadily bouncing up and down on Dash’s cock with small motions for the time being - enough to keep the girl hard and stiff in her ass, but not so much as to bounce away from Adagio’s mouth. Sonata offered her former leader one last half-smile, just before pushing her face down the rest of the way. “Besides, she’s been a jerk to us for two days. You’ve been mean for centuries!”

With that, Adagio’s mouth was forced firmly against Sonata’s pussy and the leader of the Dazzlings had no recourse but to get to work. Her tongue pressed heavily against the other girl’s moist slit, and she swiped forward in a long lick that ended with her lips closing around Sonata’s hood for a slow, greedy suckle. Her eyes continued to burn even as she gazed up past Sonata’s naked form, looking first to the smiling face of her once-loyal sister and then at the enormous grin on Rainbow Dash’s face, who simply couldn’t have been any more pleased at how firmly she had dominated the trio. There was no question in Adagio’s mind just how thoroughly she had been bested, and the fact that Sonata was now rising to the top of their group was a sign of just how viciously Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer had shattered their delicate balance of power. Things wouldn’t be the same for the Dazzlings from that moment on, and it went far beyond merely failing at their goal or losing their amulets.

Rainbow Dash continued to buck her hips forward, grinding her cock deep into the warm, tight entrance of Sonata Dusk’s ass. She only slowed when she wanted to savor the feeling of Aria’s tongue on her balls or she found Adagio particularly pretty face-down in muff and wanted to enjoy the sight of her writhing in anger and lust. At one point Rainbow Dash even stretched a hand out and shoved it to the back of Adagio’s head, forcing her face down as hard as she could manage while giving Sonata as many hard and heavy thrusts as possible. It left spastic sounds filling the room - Sonata’s sharp and jubilant cries and the gurgling, muffled whimpers of Adagio as she was smothered against the other Siren’s pussy.

“All three of you bitches are going to be sore in the morning, I can promise you that.” Rainbow Dash grinned, just as she pounded forward into Sonata’s ass so hard that she heard a sharp yelp. She couldn’t let her get too comfortable - just because Dash liked her more than the other two, that didn’t mean she was anywhere near off the hook! “Such a bunch of dumb whores. You could’ve stuck around CHS and behaved, and we could’ve had this sort of fun all the time! But noooooo, you have to try hurting the school, hurting my friends, hurting…” Her nostrils flared briefly, and she gave Sonata another hard pump from behind. “...hurting Sunset!”

There was a moment of loyal anger that rose through Rainbow Dash in that moment, and she cast her eyes towards the ground to where the Dazzlings’ discarded weapons laid. The broken ceramic bowl, the folded easel, the...apple. These wicked bitches were going to actively beat Sunset Shimmer for information, and as Rainbow Dash dwelled on it she soured quite a bit. Her smug and cocky smile turned to a look of distaste, and she took a deep, sharp breath as she started to pick up the pace.

“...just don’t ever fucking show your faces here again, I mean it,” Rainbow Dash finally hissed. It was all fun and games when she was waving her magical dick around and making the trio fight for it, but seeing the discarded weapons was enough to remind her of just what had all been at stake. Sunset Shimmer could’ve gotten hurt. For that matter, so could Wallflower Blush if they had ever figured out her role in it. Rainbow Dash’s muscles tightened, and she pounded herself closer and closer towards orgasm...though this time, she wasn’t feeling quite as playful and teasing. She was fucking out of anger now, and her interest in whether or not the Dazzlings had any amount of fun was rapidly dwindling. Even Sonata. She could’ve bruised Sunset’s pretty face with one of those fucking apples, and that would’ve been a crime.

“G...Gaaa…!” Sonata Dusk tensed up, her hands still firmly braced behind Adagio’s head as she found her climax - or rather, was fucked into one. Rainbow Dash’s hips were thrashing harder and harder forward, and it was so fast and intense that Sonata Dusk’s body was left spasming in rapid fashion. The fierce clench that she locked around Rainbow Dash’s cock was swiftly proven enough to bring the other girl to her own release, and it wasn’t long after that Dash pushed herself down to the hilt, shoved her hands to Sonata’s lap to ensure it was as deep as possible, and unloaded torrent after torrent of cum into the Siren’s ass.

Loads of cream were unleashed and Sonata squirmed as she moaned, finally giving a tiny whimper as she started to roll off to the side. Rainbow Dash, still with the image of the weapons in the corner of her eye, didn’t let her take the trip gently. She bucked her hips and sent Sonata flopping to the table, and didn’t even bother to glance back at the girl before she shoved her fists into Adagio’s hair and guided her mouth straight to her cock. Glistening, soaked in cum, and straight from Sonata’s ass.

“What, wait, let me catch my brea-mmmphh…!” Adagio’s eyes crossed as she was forced to deepthroat Rainbow Dash, with two tight fistfuls wrapped within that mess of orange hair. The magic of Dash’s cock ensured that even in those moments of greater ferocity the pleasure that ran through Adagio’s body played a counterpoint, and though she was screaming into the deepthroat a shockwave of bliss quivered across her. When she managed to come back to her senses Adagio gave a gargled groan, her throat bulging from Dash’s cock and her eyes finally rolling forward to cast the same angry glare at Rainbow Dash. Although this time...Dash glared back, and it was enough to make Adagio’s brows lift in surprise. “...mmph.”

Swiftly, Rainbow Dash pulled Adagio’s face from her lap, and she swung her cock fiercely back and forth to let it slap both of her cheeks in swift order. Another few seconds of deepthroating, and then back for another few cockslaps. Back and forth, back and forth, Rainbow Dash repeated the process all while Adagio was left gasping and groaning, a mixture of shame and lust running through her with every breath she managed in between her throat being used. By that point both Aria and Sonata were laying on their sides watching, wide-eyed, seeing the face of their leader get progressively more soaked in her own spit, the cockslaps bringing forth a heavy blush across her humiliated features.

Neither one of them spoke up, but Sonata tapped Aria’s shoulder and pointed to guide her eyes - just to make sure she’d notice that Adagio had one hand stuffed between her thighs in desperate, mastubatory glee. She was humiliated and defeated and a gurgling mess of deepthroating Siren bitch, but she was also fingering herself in a ferocious attempt to quell the burning heat casting through her.

“You know? I’m not going to stay here fucking you three all night,” Rainbow Dash finally admitted, just as she drew herself up to her knees. She pulled her cock away from Adagio’s mouth once more, leaving her gasping and drooling and even coughing from the strain of what she had just endured. She was laying square on the table with her hand still between her thighs, whimpering as she gazed up to study Rainbow Dash. The blue-skinned star of CHS was kneeling with one hand clenched in Adagio’s hair, the other holding her cock steady as the Siren’s breath made ribbons of spit dangle back and forth underneath it. “You cunts aren’t worth it. You get one more, Adagio, and that’s it.”

She snorted, and gazed from one Siren to the other, and then to the last.

“You three bitches didn’t just lose your amulets, you lost your privileges to my dick.”

It was strange to imagine that fact stung more to the three Sirens than their failure, and yet there it was. All of their eyes went wide as Rainbow Dash made her announcement, and moved to brace herself behind Adagio to fuck her for the final time. In truth, she’d miss fucking theses sluts...she’d only gotten to enjoy them a few times, but every last one was a knockout, and all of their holes were top choice fun to flood with cum. But...she had to stick to her guns, or bad girls would never learn!

Rainbow Dash liked her villainous vixens arrogant and manipulative at best - not outright evil. And while the Dazzlings were fun to fuck for what they were, they were nowhere on Sunset Shimmer’s level.

Rainbow Dash was wordless as she slapped her hands to Adagio’s waist and slammed forward, lunging her cock into the leader of the Dazzlings for the final time. She pounded hard and fast and left Adagio howling, her cheek pressed flat to the table and her arms limp at her sides. Both Aria and Sonata watched from the sidelines, each with her own respective creampie - Sonata’s leaking from her ass and Aria’s still tightly nestled within her nethers. The two gazed in silence and even held each other’s hand while they watched their leader be fucked in a state of outright depravity, and Adagio’s voice rose heavy and hard into the air with every last thrust she received.

It wasn’t that Rainbow Dash wasn’t having fun, but this…? This was punishment, justice, and keeping the bitches occupied rolled all into one. By now she was sure there was some weird rainbow orbital laser obliterating the amulets one dimension over, and it was up to her to make sure that the Dazzlings knew their defeat was final. And it wouldn’t be much of a defeat if they were allowed to enjoy her glorious cock all night long. They didn’t deserve that.

With a few more sharp thrusts Rainbow Dash felt herself coming to yet another orgasm, and though it was a far cry from how many she had expected to enjoy there in the art room that evening, she was content with it being her last for the day. She lunged forward and gave Adagio a creampie just as she had dolled out to the other two, all while the spit-faced Siren moaned, gazed over her shoulder, and was still left wrestling with the horrible weight of her punishment. She and the others absolutely despised Rainbow Dash, but knowing that this was their last romp with that glorious cock? It would be hard for them to endure. Another stone stacked with the loss of their amulets and the sudden shift in power between them - by the end of that day, the Dazzlings weren’t just defeated, their entire threat had been dissolved.

With a soft pull and a wet pop, Rainbow Dash’s cock left Adagio’s pussy. The Siren’s slit almost instantly began to leak a line of cream from below, and Adagio slid a hand across her nethers to press her palm flat, hoping to hold as much of it inside as she could manage. By the time she and the others straightened themselves out on the table and looked to Rainbow Dash, CHS’s top girl was already slipping back into the clothes she had discarded before hiding - pulling up a pair of jeans to her waist and tucking her well-used but still hard dick down the front.

“So I won’t see any of you three cunts ever again.” Rainbow Dash’s words were harsh and a bit cold, and she glared at the trio with a slow glance. “Understood?”

Sonata and Aria both nodded meekly, each one looking as if they had quite a bit of thinking to do. Adagio was the only one that resisted, bringing herself up to her knees and trying to reclaim her breath. Her cheeks were still burning from the cockslapping deepthroat treatment, her breasts were heaving and coated in spit, and the palm pressed between her thighs over her pussy had cum squeezing from between her fingers. She alone knelt there and had the strength to speak to Rainbow Dash - and though there was no trace of an apology in her voice, she was clearly unhappy with the casual throwaway they were receiving.

“...how...how will you stop us if we stay?” she asked, and her eyes darted once to Dash’s lap. To that big, threatening bulge at the front of her jeans. “If...if we want more of you, we’ll just force you to show us that thing.”

Rainbow Dash merely arched a brow. She took a look over her shoulder just as the art room door started to open and Sunset Shimmer made her way inside. Upon seeing her co-conspirator Dash chuckled, and gestured towards the three girls she had brought to their knees on the table.

“Hey Sunset, good timing.” Rainbow Dash smiled. “Why don’t you tell these bitches what you wanted to do with them today?”

“Hmm?” Sunset Shimmer lifted a brow. It only took her a few seconds to take stock of the situation - of a dominant and triumphant Dash standing with her jeans on, and three broken Sirens, the leader of which looked like a true mess. Finally, Sunset snapped her fingers, and chuckled. “Oh! You mean show them your cock, then tie them up and leave without fucking them so the Equestrian impulse magic completely emotionally and mentally breaks them?”

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata all went wide-eyed at the thought. That was why it was a boon for Rainbow Dash to keep an evil girl on her side, someone to come up with the really wicked scheming ideas when they were needed. The three Dazzlings were struck with a shocking fear at the thought of that horny nightmare, and each of them curled against one another, with Aria and Sonata cowering halfway behind Adagio. Of the three of them, it was their devious leader that spoke first, hanging her head and murmuring in defeat, the ribbons of spit swinging from the corners of her lips with every whimpered word.

“...we won’t come back,” Adagio finally whispered, just as the other two nodded their heads in agreement. “You win.”

The Dazzlings had officially been defeated.

The End.

Rainbow Dash's 10/10 Top Tier Girlfriend (Sunset Shimmer)

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Rainbow Dash’s 10/10 Top Tier Cock
Chapter Eighteen: Rainbow Dash’s 10/10 Top Tier Girlfriend
-by Drace Domino

The (somewhat) good guys had won. With the Dazzlings stripped of their power and their amulets destroyed, the three bitches had scurried away from Canterlot High before the student body could discover just what they had been planning. Whether or not they’d return to cause more trouble one day nobody could really tell, but for the time being things were finally getting back to normal. The Battle of the Bands had returned to its original friendly format as the Musical Showcase, students had finally quit fighting in the halls, and even Principals Celestia and Luna had returned to normal. And all of CHS owed it to a trio of unlikely heroes - one of which had a bad reputation, one of which had no reputation, and one that ninety percent of the female population had been magically coerced into fucking at some point.

They were definitely an unlikely trio, but they had won, and that was what was important.

“Hey.” Sunset Shimmer opened the door to her apartment, a loft on the outskirts of the city. She had called Rainbow Dash over to talk a bit about what they had accomplished, not to mention the future of the peace they had established. As the cocky rainbow-haired girl stood in the doorway with her hands in her pockets, Sunset bobbed her head to invite her inside. “No Wallflower? Or is she just behind you or something?”

“Nah, I wanted to come over myself.” Rainbow Dash smiled, stepping forward and closing the door behind her. Sunset Shimmer’s apartment was pretty spacious, and while she had likely used unscrupulous means to get it, it must’ve been convenient not having parents around to worry about. A large living area was overlooked by a loft where her bed and clothes dressers stood, and if anything it seemed a little too big for just one girl. But then...Sunset seemed to be the sort to take all she could get even if it didn’t do her any good. “Nice place. It’s really just you?”

“It’s not exactly an Equestrian refugee flophouse,” Sunset Shimmer scoffed, and continued moving through her home. As she pointed throughout the room to the various areas and told Dash what they were, CHS’s top athlete could only watch the other girl move. Sunset was looking good, packed into a pair of tight fitting jeans and a cute pink tee that was tucked into the waistband of her pants. A simple outfit, but one that accented curves that Dash already knew to be pretty enjoyable. The urge to pull her cock out and invite herself into Sunset was already rising, despite the other girl’s hospitality. “Fridge is over there, help yourself. Bathroom that way. TV, obviously. Stay away from the bookcase, it’s where I keep some of the stuff I stole from Princess Celestia. Hard to tell how some of it will react to the magic inside of you.”

“Understood. I think the last thing I want to deal with right now is more magic.” Rainbow Dash chuckled, and invited herself to crash down on Sunset’s couch. She practically sunk into the cushion and gave a joyful sigh, letting her eyes trail back towards her hostess with an appreciative smile. Packed into her yoga pants her cock was already making a visible outline against the fabric, but if she really wanted to pick things up all she had to do was unleash it. The temptation was there as Sunset grabbed herself a soda, and yet every time Rainbow Dash pondered it her hand hesitated. “So...is there anything else we need to talk about? Dazzlings are gone, right? And we don’t have to worry about them causing trouble anymore?”

“Not unless they somehow find more Equestrian magic, but I think that’s unlikely,” Sunset offered in response as she sat on the other edge of the couch, tucking one leg under her lap as she did so. With her soda can cradled in one hand she took another small sip, and let the flavor rest on her tongue as she gazed at her often-times rival. She looked thoughtful, but peaceful. A stark contrast to how almost all of their interactions had gone in the past. “What I’m more worried about is that there could be other dangers from Equestrian magic coming to CHS. The Dazzlings can’t be unique - and since our school seems to be a lightning rod for this kind of thing, I think it stands to reason that we need to be aware of it.”

“Psssh, don’t worry about that, Sunset!” Rainbow Dash turned a bit to face her friend, sitting cross-legged and draping her hands on her knees. That enormous cock was still sculpting her yoga pants, and though she could see Sunset take a brief glance it led to no snarky comments. “Me and my friends can handle anything that comes around!”

“You and your friends are completely untested,” Sunset Shimmer offered in quick response, and pointed a finger squarely at the other woman’s nose. Her voice was swift and stern, speaking as a girl that had seen quite a bit more than Rainbow Dash. “Mind controlling dicks and enchantment spells are on the low end of Equestrian magic. There’s a lot of dangerous things over there, and it’s a threat we need to take seriously. And so...to that end…” Sunset paused, and took a deep breath. It was difficult for her to admit as much, but the words nonetheless fell from her lips as she met Rainbow Dash’s gaze. “We make a good team. I think that it’s in the best interest of our school that we put our differences aside from now on. You don’t mess with me, and...and I don’t mess with you.”

It was a difficult concession to make - after all, she still owed Rainbow Dash for ruining her chance to get her hands on the crown. But she was willing to put that grudge aside if it meant keeping the peace at CHS, and helping to protect it from future threats. The fact that Sunset Shimmer was behaving in such a responsible fashion clearly wasn’t lost on Rainbow Dash, who let a slow smile spread across her features as she gave a tiny, thoughtful nod.

“I think that’s a good idea, Sunset.” She nodded, and adjusted herself in her seat. “We really did teach those Siren bitches to stay out of our backyard, and I had fun doing it! I mean...obviously I had fun, I got to fuck sooooo many hot girls in just a few days!” She even rubbed her hands together gleefully, looking something like a scheming supervillain in her own right. “But a truce sounds good. I promise...and gosh, I can’t believe I’m saying this...but I promise not to show you my dick anymore.”

“Really, now?” Sunset’s brow lifted in clear surprise, a bit disarmed by the statement. “Frankly, I’m a little surprised you haven’t whipped it out already.”

“Oh, I was gonna.” It was hard to fault her for her honesty, even if it made her look worse. “But you’re right. If we’re going to protect the school, we need to make peace. And honestly...I think we’re kind of almost sort of friends by now. And I don’t really want to make a friend do something against her will.”

“...I see,” Sunset Shimmer responded quietly, and took another sip of her soda. There was a moment between the two girls that was downright awkward, a silence that was born from the fact that so much of their past interactions had been magically coerced sex in a less-than-friendly fashion. Finally, Rainbow Dash moved a hand out and wrapped her fingers around one of Sunset’s ankles, giving her a little squeeze through the fabric of her jeans.

“Uh...unless, of course, y’know…” It was a predictable response, and one that made Sunset smirk a little upon hearing. “...you want me to show it to you. We are pretty awesome at fucking, after all.”

Sunset Shimmer paused as she pondered the question, and finally finished her soda with one last gulp. She didn’t respond to Rainbow Dash directly, but instead finally rose to her feet, pulling her ankle free of the girl’s grasp. Afterwards, she stretched her hand out to offer it to the other girl, gesturing once more with her head for Dash to follow.

“Come with me.” She gave the pleasant-sounding order, but raised a finger in pointed, warning fashion. “But don’t take it out. At least, not yet. I want to try something.”

Ultimately, it could’ve been a trap, and Rainbow Dash knew it. Sunset Shimmer had masterminded neutralizing the Dazzlings, and it was possible that she had a similar plan in mind for her coconspirator. Still, Rainbow Dash wanted to be the trusting sort, and it was undeniable that a bond between the two of them had been formed in the past few days. She let her hand slide into Sunset Shimmer’s as she pulled herself to her feet, and soon the two girls were moving through the loft once more.

Sunset Shimmer led them up the short stairs to the balcony overlooking her living room, where a comfortable and lavish bed was neatly made and her dresser and nightstand were perfectly tidy. She was a bit of a neat freak save for one thing that was out of place - a long, red strip of silk that was resting on the bed. Wordlessly, Sunset Shimmer picked up the piece of silk and lifted it to her own face, slowly working it across her eyes and binding it behind her head in a tight, difficult-to-remove knot. The entire time Rainbow Dash was quiet and thoughtful, watching up until the point that Sunset Shimmer turned around to show that she had been perfectly blindfolded, left completely in the dark and unable to see certain mind-influencing visuals.

“You’ve never had sex with anyone that wasn’t under the influence of what your magic dick could do to them, have you?” Sunset asked simply, and slowly folded her arms across her chest. She let herself sit down to the edge of the bed, inviting her former rival to join her “I think you deserve to. And...I’d like to know if you’re really that good when magic isn’t muddling my brain.”

“Really?” Rainbow Dash had to admit, she was impressed. Impressed, curious, maybe even a bit touched. Since Sunset Shimmer couldn’t see it, there was no shame in the blush that ran across Dash’s features, and she moved to kneel down by the edge of the bed. Her hands sought out Sunset’s own and she folded them into the girl’s lap, squeezing them lightly as she spoke. “You’re sure about this?”

“Like you said...we make a good team.” Sunset looked to the source of Dash’s voice, though was unable to see anything more than a round, vague shadow. She pulled her hands free of the other girl’s grip and slid them up Dash’s body, across her chest and shoulders and finally to her cheeks. It was with an almost sweet voice that she spoke - or at least, one that was far, far sweeter than she had ever used in reference to Rainbow Dash in the past. “Well? After all you’ve done, you’re not going to make me beg, are you? Kiiiiind of going out on a limb here, Rainbow Dash. Feeling a little exposed. Silly. I swear, if you leave me hanging like this, I--”

Leaving her hanging clearly wasn’t in Rainbow Dash’s plan. The athlete suddenly pushed forward, moving to advance upon the bed as she pressed her mouth against Sunset’s own in a sudden and immediately intense kiss. There wasn’t a second of wasted time before Dash’s tongue pushed forward and penetrated the mouth of the other girl in hungry fashion, and the rest of her body followed suit with a similar level of passion. She pushed Sunset Shimmer flat to the bed and moved to immediately straddle her, hands locking around Sunset’s wrists to push them flat against the mattress. With her rainbow hair hanging down to tease the other girl’s cheeks Dash pushed the kiss forward and refused to let up, and all the while her throbbing cock was pressed through the tight grip of her yoga pants to Sunset Shimmer’s belly below.

Moaning and whimpering was quick to ensue. Sunset Shimmer’s blindfold remained steadfast even though Dash’s cock had yet to be unleashed, and she was eager to experience what it would be like with her former rival without Equestrian magic muddling the waters. As she rocked her hips forward to grind back against the other girl Sunset Shimmer managed to break the kiss for a split second - long enough to let her voice squeeze out in a faint and delicate whisper, one that spoke not only of a hungry urgency, but of an affection that she had never imagined feeling for the other woman.

“Roll over,” she begged with a playful tone, and did her best to push against the grip Dash had on her wrists. “You don’t get to have girls ride you very often, I bet.”

That much was true. Rainbow Dash had a tendency to follow a pattern when she unveiled her cock, and it usually involved her doing most of the work as she stuffed herself into some hot young woman that was magically enchanted to crave her. Dash’s blush was allowed to run rampant as she flopped onto her back on Sunset’s enormous bed, and she moved her hands forward to help the other girl get ready. There was hungry kissing that followed as they worked at each other’s clothes - Sunset groping that enormous cock through the yoga pants and Rainbow slipping her fingers between Sunset’s thighs, grinding them against her jeans. It was clear to both girls that this was already something wildly different than any of their past interactions, and they were diving deep into new territory. In all her sexual conquests the notion of a girl being wet before seeing her cock was new to Rainbow Dash, and for Sunset Shimmer it was her first chance to enjoy true foreplay before magic seeped into her senses.

Before long, Rainbow Dash’s yoga pants were peeled away by Sunset’s firm grip on the waistband, yanking them down well past the girl’s knees to the point that Dash could kick them free. A similar fate soon befell Sunset’s jeans as Rainbow Dash undid the belt and pulled them down - taking a moment for herself to enjoy just how cute Sunset Shimmer’s fire-red panties were as they clung to her dampened folds. Moments of sweet appreciation like that were completely new to her, as was the slow burn of the fun they were about to have. Sunset Shimmer grabbed Dash’s hand and slid it up underneath her shirt, encouraging the girl to caress and fondle the bare amber flesh underneath, and while she did so she slowly swung a leg over Dash’s lap to move herself into position.

“You’re really fucking hot, you know, you hardly need magic to get girls to want this thing,” Sunset Shimmer admitted, by that point wearing just her panties and a shirt that Dash was pulling steadily up her figure. She slipped her hands through the sleeves to make it easy for Dash to pull it away, and allowed her fingers to drop down to fondle that throbbing blue cock that was left exposed. Her touch was soft and sweet, and eventually she pushed it flat to Dash’s belly so she could buck her hips forward - sliding back and forth across it through the fabric of her panties, making the cocky bitch tremble and gasp underneath her weight. “If you hadn’t stopped by plans during the Fall Formal? I might’ve even kept you as a pet.”

“I think you’d probably find me to be a hard pet to control, Sunset.” Rainbow Dash’s response was quick, and came just as she finally finished pulling the other girl’s shirt away. She tossed it swiftly to the side, and then stripped free of her own to join Sunset in near-nakedness. Afterwards she pulled the other girl close against her, hands moving around Sunset’s back so she could begin playing with the hook of her bra. All while she whispered in a teasing voice that was far, far more playful than the mockery they had once exchanged. “But then...I think you like that. You’d be bored without someone to push you. Good thing you’ve got me as a friend, huh?”

“...maybe,” Sunset Shimmer whispered, and unlike Rainbow Dash she had no ability to hide her blush. Soon her bra came free and those full amber breasts were exposed to Dash’s grip, just as their lips moved to tease over each other’s again. With a few strips of fiery hair hanging from her forehead and teasing Rainbow Dash’s cheeks, Sunset Shimmer took a slow and steady breath and offered a whisper to the other girl. Quiet, hushed, and one she most likely would’ve denied with every last breath if Rainbow Dash ever told anyone...but one that nonetheless made the other girl quiver in excitement. “Maybe I really do like you more than I let on.”

From there, the fun between the two pushed forward. Their lips met once more as Dash wrapped her arms fiercely tight around Sunset Shimmer, squeezing her close and allowing their tongues to tangle together passionatel. In the same moment Sunset Shimmer slipped her hands down to the waistband of her panties, and she swiftly pulled them away without disturbing their affection. Soon, Rainbow Dash could feel every inch of her glorious cock slowly rubbed up and down by the outside folds of Sunset Shimmer’s warm, wet entrance, leaving a glistening trail across her length and reminding the pair of the chemistry they had. Rainbow Dash’s hands slid down to take hold of the other girl’s waist as she broke the kiss and gave Sunset a whisper - the former pony had made a small confession of affection, and it was only right that Rainbow Dash did the same.

“Never had sex with a girl that didn’t see my dick first,” she whispered, and guided her tip up against Sunset’s entrance. As the amber skinned girl began to slowly slide down Dash gave a sudden whimper, and murmured the rest of her thought against the corner of Sunset’s lips amidst a growing, hungry kiss. “Glad it’s with you. Glad we’re cool, Sunset.”

Not ‘Slutset’ that time. Sure, the name would most likely find its way to Rainbow Dash’s lips again at some point, but it hardly fit the passion between them in that moment. As Sunset Shimmer slid slowly down across the other girl’s member they both quivered in pleasure, and Sunset held her hands to Dash’s cheeks so she could always keep her within the range of a passionate kiss. Before long she had hilted the cocky brat and was steadily rocking back and forth, and as they enjoyed each other in a whole new way Sunset Shimmer practically melted atop her. She threaded her arms around Dash’s shoulders and hugged her nice and close, her mouth moving to press kiss after kiss against the other girl’s throat and her voice flowing forward with a certain weakness that Rainbow Dash had never heard from her before.

“...so good...I love how you hit every spot just right…” Sunset groaned, quivering and writhing and continuing to rock back and forth. She nibbled at Dash’s shoulder, dragged her tongue across the girl’s throat, and offered an aroused eruption of breath to the edge of her former rival’s ear. “Fuck...you’re just as good without the magic, Dash…”

“Lean up.” Rainbow Dash beamed in response, and nudged Sunset Shimmer to straighten up away from her chest. She even helped to balance the other girl, taking hold of her shoulders and helping her to rise. “I want to watch you ride, Sunset. Let me see how much fun you’re having.”

Sunset Shimmer was smirking as she moved to oblige the request, clearly content to hear that her new lover enjoyed watching her work. She stretched out just as Dash requested, straightening her back and shoving her chest forward so Dash could watch her breasts swing with every motion. With Dash’s hands at her hips Sunset started to move in earnest, bouncing with well-practiced motions and pulling herself half-off of Dash’s length with every rise forward. Each time she slammed back down both girls felt shockwaves of pleasure rush over them, and the room filled with the sound of flesh slapping to flesh at a steady pace.

For Rainbow Dash, it was truly a unique experience. Hell, the sheer number of times she had fucked on an actual bed and not in some random closet at CHS was pretty limited, but everything else about the moment was almost overwhelming. The fact that this was her first time with someone that truly wanted to fuck her without stealing a glimpse of her dick - the fact that the warm wetness of Sunset’s pussy was born not from magic but from actual attraction. Sure, Rainbow Dash knew plenty of girls that had seen her dick and had so much fun that they didn’t seem to mind or even notice the compulsion - Wallflower Blush chief among them, but this? Dash could already tell this was something altogether different.

“Fuck...you really are a hot bitch.” Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but grin, sliding her thumbs down Sunset’s waist and grinding her hips forward to meet the other girl’s thrusts. Her eyes traced those full and curvy breasts as they swung, nibbling her bottom lip and trying to decide whether to tease Sunset with her mouth or simply lay back and keep watching. Ultimately she opted for being selfish, unwilling to steal from herself the sight of that cocky cunt from Equestria riding her with something akin to affection. As Dash hooked her fingers forward and dragged her nails down the outside of Sunset’s thighs, the amber-skinned girl groaned and bucked her hips a little harder, just as Dash gave a wide smile. “Hope this doesn’t mean you’re going soft on me. I like my Sunset Shimmer dirty.”

“And I like my Rainbow Dash when she shuts up and fucks me,” Sunset was quick to tease back, her hands moving to Rainbow Dash’s own. She pulled them slowly up across her body and encouraged the other girl to squeeze her tits, moving them squarely over each and pressing Dash’s hands against the soft, full flesh. A lopsided and playful smile spread across Sunset’s face as she leaned forward, and showed Sunset that she was indeed still dirty by quickening her pace. “Better hurry it up, bitch. Quicker you cum, the quicker you can cum again.

Rainbow Dash’s grin was enormous, and she did exactly as Sunset asked. For a few heated moments she picked up the pace as much as she was able, locking her palms around the other girl’s waist and helping her to ride harder and faster than before. Nothing more was said between them for a few sweet moments, though Rainbow Dash was as happy as ever that Sunset had a blindfold on - it hid the fact that she was practically glowing from the attention. Her hands toyed with Sunset’s breasts and her member practically ached with pleasure as she kept rushing forward, slamming her hips up harder and harder until she felt joy begin to overwhelm her. She was cumming soon, and she took a deep breath before hissing through her teeth, groaning as her body began to give way.

“S...Sunset, I’m--whaaa?!”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes went wide, and she gave a noise of half-frustration as Sunset Shimmer took her voice as a cue to suddenly pull away. With a wide grin and a fluid motion Sunset bucked her hips up high enough that Dash’s cock flopped free - soaked in her juices and landing neatly in her hand. Wordlessly, Sunset pumped her former rival’s cock the last few strokes she needed to get to her point of release, and as Rainbow Dash laid frozen in orgasmic pleasure she unleashed squirt after squirt after squirt across her own flat, toned belly. A few dots of cum hit her breasts, one even launched so far as to hit her chin. She was practically painted in her own spunk, which naturally confused her considering there was already a perfectly appropriate place to put all that cum.

“W...Why did...wha-”

Sunset Shimmer’s response was, perhaps, the only good reason to steal away the creampie from her friend. She pulled Rainbow Dash’s hand to the back of her hair, forced her to take a fistful of the fiery locks, and gazed down at her with a smug but sensual smile on her face.

“You want dirty?” she asked, and slowly licked her lips. “Show me where the cum is...and I’ll clean up every drop.”

Rainbow Dash merely blinked, wide-eyed, and offered what amounted to little more than a happy squeak.



It was surprising that Sunset Shimmer could somehow manage to be even more of a dirty, hot slut when she wasn’t under the compulsion of Dash’s magical dick. With Rainbow guiding her head, Sunset licked every last bit of cum away from that flat blue belly, moving up to Dash’s breasts and finally to the spot that hit her chin. It naturally led into a kiss that was filled with a tremendous amount of passion, with Sunset Shimmer oozing into the other girl’s arms and drawing her naked frame to lay atop Dash’s own. With the taste of Rainbow Dash’s cum squishing between their tongues and a heat for each other that they were still exploring, it was quite clear that this was just the beginning of their evening at Sunset Shimmer’s place.

For the next two hours, Sunset’s blindfold remained in place as she and Rainbow Dash explored each other. From Rainbow Dash burying her face between Sunset’s thighs - servicing a woman in a way that was so uncommon for her - to Sunset Shimmer coaxing the other girl into her ass amidst talk of the fun they had with Adagio. Each time they finished it only took the girls a few minutes before they were ready for more, minutes that were most typically filled with them kissing desperately or with Dash fingering the hole that she had most recently pumped with cum.

There was something there, and both of the girls could feel it. Together they had conquered the Dazzlings, and had managed to turn their contrary relationship into one of coordination and a shared interest in putting bitches in their places. The natural attraction led to fact that the pair had remarkable chemistry in bed, likely born half from the fact that for the last few months Rainbow Dash had forced Sunset Shimmer to fuck her without her consent again, and again, and again.

But that...seemed like it was over now, at least in the broad strokes. Right after what was easily Rainbow Dash’s seventh climax, she slipped off of Sunset Shimmer and collapsed flat onto her back. Breathing heavily and marked with sweat within her rainbow hair, she slid one arm around her former rival and allowed the other to reach out and cover her lap. Before long, Sunset Shimmer’s blindfold was pulling free from her face and she blinked rapidly from the freedom, just before slipping her arms around Dash’s waist and pulling herself close.

“That...hot damn, Sunset, you’re…” Rainbow Dash grinned, and dropped her head to kiss the other girl on the forehead. There was no point in hiding it after what they went through, she liked her. And it was clear she liked her in a way that wasn’t purely about forcing her to suck dick. “You’re something else. That was...whew.”

Hard to say whether it was the best sex she had ever had. She did, after all, just singularly gang rape the Dazzlings, and that was pretty fucking sweet. But the past two hours would’ve certainly made the top three.

“You’re going to take me out on a date this weekend,” Sunset Shimmer murmured, and tucked her head against Dash’s chest. She was affectionate in a way that Rainbow Dash didn’t even think possible, one leg slipping over to intertwine with Dash’s and a hand dipping below the covers to caress the girl’s belly. Almost sweet, for a girl that had been begging for cum in her ass no more than twenty minutes ago. “Someplace fancy. Maybe that friend Rarity of yours can give you something nice to wear.”

“Oh yeah? A date, huh?” Rainbow Dash grinned, and allowed her fingers to move forward to tease into Sunset’s hair. “So...like a girlfriend kinda thing? Is that where this is going?”

“...” Sunset Shimmer didn’t respond immediately, though Rainbow Dash could feel her tighten up against her. Despite the passion the two had thrown at each other that night, there were still certain hurdles. It was still tricky for Sunset Shimmer to drop her demanding persona, just as it was for Rainbow Dash to offer more sincerity than her usual casual smugness. Sunset finally tightened her arms around the other girl, and tucked her head into the crook of Dash’s neck. If this was going to happen, one of them needed to take the proper steps. “Just so you know? I don’t care if you fuck other girls. It’s enough for me that I know I’m still the best piece of ass you’ll ever have.”

It was the only concession that Rainbow Dash needed, solving the only problem that could have possibly stopped her from saying yes. With a steady smile spreading on her face Rainbow Dash rolled the other girl slowly over, pressing Sunset’s shoulders to the mattress as she loomed over her with a coy, playful look. A soft bump of their foreheads came next, and Rainbow Dash pressed a brief kiss to the corner of her former rival’s lips.

“Then a date it is.” She smirked, and looked casually around the balcony. “Guess I’m gonna see a lot more of this place in the future.”

“...I guess so.” Sunset Shimmer offered a noncommittal shrug, linked her arms around Dash’s shoulders, and pulled her in for another kiss. It had been a few minutes, after all. “Give me back the blindfold. I want one more round.”

Or rather, the first round with her first real girlfriend.

End of Chapter 18.

Pony Princess Pussy Peeping (Twilight/Dash)

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Rainbow Dash’s 10/10 Top Tier Cock
Chapter Nineteen: Pony Princess Pussy Peeping
-by Drace Domino

Sunset Shimmer sunk her teeth into another chocolate chip cookie, and slowly chewed as she glared across the kitchen table. With the sweet crumbs and the plump chunks of chocolate grinding between her teeth, the slightly reformed bad girl focused on the flavor while her eyes were locked in an intense, narrow glare. It was a damn good thing the cookies were among the best she had ever eaten, or she just might have gotten up and walked out already.

“So the amulets are really all gone?” Rainbow Dash’s voice filled the kitchen, and she addressed the cute, purple-skinned young woman beside her. Princess Twilight Sparkle had come from Equestria to celebrate their recent victory over the Dazzlings, and even though she was getting serious dagger looks from Sunset Shimmer, it still made her happy to be around Dash again. The two girls sat side by side on their end of the table, and even though Sunset couldn’t quite see it she was sure that the princess had her hand underneath the edge of the table fondling that bulge in Dash’s shorts. The business talk was just a precursor. “Great job, Twilight! I knew we made the right decision calling you.”

“Well, I’m certainly glad you did!” Princess Twilight was just as insufferable to Sunset Shimmer as ever - her sweet goody-two-hooves act and her seemingly-innocent facade being a constant source of irritation. She was a little surprised that Twilight didn’t just wear her stupid crown as a way to rub the events of the Fall Formal in her nose, one last reminder of her failure. While Twilight spoke, Sunset reached her hand out for one more cookie, and then made a slow, methodical dunking motion in her glass of milk as she listened. “Princess Celestia told me all about the Dazzlings, and the evil things they were capable of. I can only imagine the trouble they’d have caused if they were allowed to run rampant.”

With that, Twilight Sparkle suddenly turned to gaze across the table, and she stretched forward with her free hand. She had the unmitigated gall to let her fingers drop across the top of Sunset Shimmer’s knuckles, holding her fingers in place while her other hand was still just underneath the edge of the table. One hand on Dash’s cock and one hand on her girlfriend, Twilight Sparkle offered a warm and friendly smile that was so damned innocent Sunset had no other recourse but to be infuriated by it.

“Sunset, I’m really proud of you. So is Princess Celestia.” The latter statement was enough to sting Sunset in a very personal way, and she tightened her throat to swallow another bite of cookie, partly in the hopes that she could hold her tongue. “You put the greater good above what you want, and it’s a real sign of growth. I think, maybe one day, you’ll learn the power of friendshi-oww!” Just as quickly as she had offered it, Twilight Sparkle pulled her hand back after Sunset gave her a sharp pinch, complete with a smirk.

“Heh! She’s not that nice, Twilight,” Rainbow Dash spoke up with a smile, and settled comfortably into her chair. By that point she had even stretched an arm around Twilight’s shoulders, inviting her a little bit closer and no doubt bringing her near for an even more intimate under-the-table handjob. Even while she was fondled by the delicate hand of their visiting friend, Dash found her eyes drawn towards the other girl watching them. That sneering, grumpy, sadistic little ball of fire that she had grown affectionate for. “She’s not nice at all, in fact. But she is mine.”

Sunset Shimmer, despite herself, felt a blush move across her amber features. She even nearly stopped stuffing her face with cookies long enough to think about what to say in response, but before the words left her lips another voice filled the room around them. Someone that hadn’t done much talking the entire time Dash and Twilight discussed the defeat of the Dazzlings, but someone that had nonetheless been watching in rapt attention the entire time.

“Ohh, that was so exciting, Dashie!” Windy Whistles giggled from her spot at one side of the table, folding her hands together and practically bouncing up and down in her chair. The sweet older woman was nothing but supportive of her daughter, even when it came to her profound sexual conquests in defense of her school. “I always knew you’d do something amazing! Do you girls want to go upstairs and celebrate? I can make you a pie while you do! What kind do you like, Twilight, sweetie? Apple?” she leaned in, cupping a hand to the side of her mouth. “She has a friend that really likes apple.”

“Oh...uh, that sounds lovely, Mrs. Dash!” Twilight beamed, gazing into the sweet older woman’s face even as she fondled her daughter mere feet away. It was a slightly strange family to be sure. “Thank you for having me over. And for these delicious cookies!” As she reached for one more, the plate was pulled from her reach by the amber-skinned girl in the leather jacket across the table. Sunset Shimmer made pointed eye contact with the visiting princess as she pulled the plate over to her side, plucked the last cookie from the center, and opened her mouth wide to messily jam the entire thing inside. With nothing more than a glare she chewed in large, crunchy bites, but her power move was slightly diminished by the fact that Windy Whistles was an unending font of proud affection for her daughter.

“All right, Twilight, sweetie! Treat my girl right!” Windy stood up from the table and beamed, stepping around to their side and bending from the waist. She pinched Twilight’s cheeks and even gave her hair a little tousle, and as she did so she just managed to catch sight of Twilight massaging her daughter’s cock through the fabric of her athletic shorts. And, like any good mother, Windy only smiled wider. “Getting an early start, hmm? Oh, I bet you two are going to have so much fun! I better make two pies, and maybe a few fritters! I’m going to have some hungry girls to feed soon!”

Windy Whistles trotted off after that, humming to herself and heading deeper into the kitchen to start her work. The most supportive mom in town began to innocently bake tasty treats for her horny daughter and her pair of friends, simply happy that Dash was getting to keep her cock warm inside two such cute young things. While she worked, Dash finally looked to Sunset and gestured towards the living room, and beyond that, the stairs leading to her bed.

“Well, Sunset?” she asked, still with an arm draped around Twilight’s shoulders and still with her cock pulsing against the girl’s delicate purple grip. “You coming? I don’t know about the magic of friendship, buuuut I can probably show you what Twilight’s face looks like when I jam my dick in her ass.”

“Rainbow Dash!” Windy spun around from the waist, pointing to her daughter and giving her a sharp, corrective scowl. “Language!”

“Sorry, Mom,” came the tiny, sheepish response, followed by a correction. “--when I shove my donger in her butt. You in?”

It was a question that Sunset Shimmer had to give some thought to. The young woman leaned back to do just that, one hand raising to idly stroke her chin and the other resting on the table, a single finger stretched towards the plate where the cookies once laid. She was rolling a crumb back and forth underneath her touch, all the while allowing her eyes to train on Twilight Sparkle, that sweet, pretty princess that had caused her so much annoyance. Finally, she pressed her finger flat to the plate - crushing the crumb and letting Rainbow Dash and Twilight know where she stood.

“I’ll pass.” She gave a little scoff. “No offense, Twilight, but you know how Dash’s power works. I can’t promise I wouldn’t lock you in the closet or stuff you under the bed so I can get to it first.” A slow, malicious little smile drew across her lips, just for the fun of it. “I didn’t do that with the Dazzlings, but...I at least liked them a little.”

Despite her teasing tone and her outright rude and mean words, neither Twilight Sparkle nor Rainbow Dash seemed particularly concerned. Twilight was just happy that she was about to cash in the erection she had been fondling through Dash’s shorts for the past half hour, and the fact that Sunset was a squirming little bitch that afternoon really worked for Dash herself. Really, really worked for her. When she stood up from the table her hardness was forming an impressive tent in her shorts, so much so that Sunset’s eyes widened at the enormous erection so nearly exposed. Without another word, the two girls started to walk past the table and towards the living room, though on the way Rainbow Dash stopped long enough to bend from the waist. As Sunset Shimmer afforded the girl access to one of her cheeks, Rainbow Dash pressed a warm and tender kiss there, and even let her nose nudge her girlfriend’s ear in a little sign of affection.

She might have been heading upstairs to dump a few loads into a girl Sunset Shimmer hated, but...they still had one hell of a lot of fire between them, and there was nothing awkward about it to them. Falling for someone thanks in part to the shared adventure of ruining a magical coven’s evil plans through the power of hypnotic cock really tended to change some early relationship parameters. Before long the girls were heading upstairs, and Sunset Shimmer sat alone at the table with an empty plate of cookies, the nearby sounds of Windy Whistles humming, and...a plan.

With a tiny smile, Sunset Shimmer slipped her hand into her pocket and began to pull out her cell phone.

“Mrs. Dash?” she asked, with all the respect and honor one owed a lover’s parent. “Is it okay if I masturbate in the living room?”

“Of course, sweetie!” Windy didn’t even hesitate, and gave a tremendous, wide smile. Mother of the fucking year. “Just don’t do it too much, you don’t want to be worn out for your sleepover with my Dashie tonight!”


Rainbow Dash didn’t waste any time once she had Twilight Sparkle in her bedroom - it had been far, far too long since she had enjoyed her friend’s presence, and she just couldn’t wait any longer to sink her cock inside of her. The fact that Twilight had been so aggressively pawing at her cock all throughout the first part of her visit certainly didn’t help, and it only served to stoke Rainbow Dash’s passions all the hotter. As soon as the door behind them closed Rainbow Dash spun on a heel and tackled Twilight against it, letting the girl’s back hit the door with a thud as she leaned in for an intense, sudden kiss.

Twilight Sparkle, already stricken with trembling convulses and excited shivers, smoothly accepted Rainbow Dash’s attention and gleefully let the girl claim her mouth. Her lips pressed tightly against Dash’s own and she offered her tongue up to her hostess’ pleasures, only to find it wrestled to the floor of her mouth and then grappled greedily with. Twilight Sparkle was far from experienced, yet she still had the good sense to loop her arms around Dash’s shoulders and slowly lift a leg, her pleated skirt pulling higher across her thighs as she braced one against Dash’s waist to press her heel to the back of one of Dash’s calves. It was a delicate and feminine position that she hung onto Rainbow Dash with, and she shivered with abject joy as the other girl rolled her hips forward to grind against her, letting Twilight know just how urgently her cock desired that purple pussy once more.

Even though Rainbow Dash’s girlfriend was just downstairs, CHS’s best cock didn’t have any issue pulling this former-pony to her room for a bit of hot, wet, messy fun. If anyone understood it was obviously Sunset Shimmer, who had so gleefully assisted her in ruining the plans of the Dazzlings and participating along the way. Sunset Shimmer was damn near the perfect girlfriend - she didn’t ask for boring cuddling, she didn’t ever want to do stupid girly stuff, and she didn’t mind how many pussies Rainbow Dash jammed her dick in. On top of all that, she was intensely hot and still every bit the bitch she always had been...and that made her all the sexier. At least half of the throbbing erection Rainbow Dash was grinding against Twilight’s panties that afternoon was for Sunset Shimmer - built up thanks to the bliss of making her sit there and watch while Twilight so merrily fondled her.

Sunset was going to get it hard and slow that night...but first, Princess Twilight Sparkle would have her turn. With a hungry grunt Rainbow Dash finally withdrew from the kiss, dragging her tongue across her lips and gesturing towards the bed. As Twilight Sparkle regained her feet underneath her the young woman trotted towards the edge as silently commanded, her pleated skirt dancing around her thighs as she did so. When she turned to look at Rainbow Dash for further commands, CHS’s star athlete already had her thumbs hooked against the edge of her waistband, preparing herself to yank it away.

“Hands and knees, Twilight.” Rainbow Dash smirked, nibbling on her bottom lip. “Butt up in the air. Let me see your flank, pony.”

Twilight Sparkle’s blush instantly raced over her cheeks, yet she did exactly as told. Still fully dressed, the sweet young woman turned to draw herself to her hands and knees, pausing only long enough to bump her skirt up around her waist and show off the pretty off-purple panties stretched across her rump. Tight-fitting and damp at the crotch, as panties tended to be when Rainbow Dash set her sights on a friend. Twilight Sparkle scooped Rainbow Dash’s nearby pillow up into her arms to settle atop it, and once she was comfortable she swung her hips from side to side to show off her panty-clad rear. Teasing, playful, and doing her best to entice.

“That’s nice. That’s perfect.” Rainbow’s voice slipped forward in a dominant tone, and she took her time approaching. From the heels of Twilight’s dress shoes, up along her kneehigh socks, across her panties, and past her prissy schoolgirl shirt she admired the girl, all the way to the dark purple hair with softer violet stripes. She brought herself near with her bulge feeling as tight as ever, and her hands dropping to two different spots. One slid around to cup fingers underneath Twilight’s chin, slipping her thumb past the former pony’s lips and giving her something to desperately nibble and suck upon. The other slid over Twilight’s panties, across her rump, finally to the spot between her thighs where she pressed in with a firm, intimate touch purely to make her squirm. As soon as Twilight did just that, Rainbow Dash’s smile intensified. “You know, the night of the Fall Formal you were sucking Sunset’s pussy taste off my cock. Let’s switch it up today, and see how wet you can get my dick.”

Twilight Sparkle merely whimpered and suckled on Dash’s thumb, offering no resistance as the other girl began to slide down her panties in preparation of claiming her. The two were putting on quite the show...though in that moment, neither one of them actually knew anyone was watching.

The thing about bad girls was that they didn’t stop being bad just because they were getting steady dick.


Sunset Shimmer’s smile was plastered from ear to ear as she gazed down at the images on her phone. With a flick of her thumb she danced from angle to angle, at one point watching Twilight Sparkle’s face as Rainbow Dash slid inside of her and the next getting a wide-angle view to see her girlfriend plowing into that pretty little princess. A thin wire led to a pair of earbuds to feed her the noises of pleasure between the two, and as Sunset balanced the phone in one hand her other had slinked down the front of her jeans and past the waistband of her panties. As she watched with a look of pure satisfaction, the amber-skinned girl squeezed her center two fingers against her entrance and whispered in a playful tone to herself.

“That’s it, baby…” she purred, and dragged her tongue slowly across her lips. “I’ll lick every drop off her, but you better make that little bitch howl…”

The academic part of Sunset Shimmer was pleased - it seemed that Rainbow Dash’s magically enchanting cock didn’t carry its power across a video stream. That was good news on several fronts, not the least of which being the fact that Sunset could enjoy the hidden cameras she had placed in her girlfriend’s bedroom. Even if Rainbow Dash didn’t know about them, Sunset had placed enough to ensure she’d get one hell of a show from the setup. So far, everything was going exactly as Sunset had planned. The sweeping shots of Twilight Sparkle getting fucked from behind, the high fidelity audio that picked up the quaking of the bed and even the sound of the princess’s pussy getting fucked in wet delight, and of course the shots of her girlfriend with a smug smile on her face. Every part of it was perfect, and Sunset groaned as she rolled her hips forward to slip her fingers deeper inside of her.

Right there in Rainbow Dash’s living room, Sunset spread her thighs and tugged her jeans a few inches down to give her a little more room to work. Her eyes were absolutely transfixed on the images fed to her phone, and she kept swiping across every camera to enjoy each angle in perfect balance. Rainbow Dash was really giving it to the little bitch, and Sunset Shimmer had already proven that there were few things she loved more than watching her girl ravenously fuck someone she didn’t like. Partly, the thrill came from a visceral point of pleasure - Twilight and the Dazzlings were all hot, and watching them get fucked was enjoyable on the most basic of pornographic levels. But beyond that, what really got Sunset off was the knowledge that they were all temporary lovers to the gloriously-cocked Rainbow Dash. Visiting ponies and malicious sirens. None of them were allowed to enjoy Rainbow Dash as frequently as she was, and so sharing the blue-skinned hottie was tantamount to teasing them with the most addictive drug one could find.

She was sure that at some point after their defeat, at least one or two of the Dazzlings fingered their little siren cunts while thinking about how well they had been used. And she was sure that when Princess Twilight Sparkle returned to her castle - Sunset grunted. She still couldn’t believe that prissy bitch had her own castle. But when she returned, there was still one thing she wouldn’t have, and it was better than the biggest castle in Equestria. She didn’t have Rainbow Dash’s cock on demand. That particular treasure belonged to Celestia’s slightly sadistic former student.

The louder that Twilight Sparkle howled while she was fucked, the more frantically Sunset Shimmer’s fingers worked against her pussy. She was getting audio on two fronts now - straight from the microphone feed, and from high above her in Dash’s room itself. The sound of a princess’s pussy being claimed was filling the halls of the Dash’s house, and Sunset’s own joyful whimpers were starting to join the harmony. She was grinding her digits, rocking back and forth quicker and quicker, all as a few beads of sweat formed on her brow and the sounds of desperate glee built within her throat. She was close, so very close as she watched Twilight Sparkle get plowed, and Rainbow Dash was doing everything she hoped she would.

Slap! As Dash’s hand came down on Twilight’s ass, it was harder to know who moaned more - the princess, or the girl spying on them. Another short series of spanks on Twilight’s flank coerced Sunset to squeeze a third finger into her pussy, and when Dash groped at Twilight’s hair with one hand to push her face to the mattress and fuck forward with even more power, poor Sunset could barely handle it. She found her body shifting on the couch, rising to her knees and lifting her ass in the air, assuming the same position Twilight was in. With her chin on the arm rest, she carried out a delicate balancing act, holding the phone in front of her with one hand while the other held three fingers straight ahead so she could slam her pussy against them.

She was close, so desperately close, a blush rolling over her cheeks and a hungry whimper constantly churning. She didn’t stop even when Mrs. Dash came around the corner carrying a tray with a few pieces of fresh fruit and a big glass of lemonade, which she set on the coffee table before heading back to the kitchen. (But not without a motherly pat on Sunset’s head!) There was no reason for Sunset Shimmer to stop her masturbating even in the presence of the older woman, because if there was one thing they could both agree on, it was that Rainbow Dash deserved all the attention she got.

It wasn’t until Sunset’s peak was rolling through her that she finally realized she had been rude, and grunted out a few words to chase the older woman after her impromptu visit.

“T...Thanks, Mrs. Dassssh!”

It wasn’t long after that Sunset Shimmer gave in to the convulsing climaxes that followed, but she didn’t want to be rude to what was objectively the coolest mom on the planet.


“Whew! That was an awesome load, Twilight! You really drained me.” Rainbow Dash giggled as she leaned back, oblivious to the cameras but still somehow being endlessly photogenic. As she rested on her knees her cock popped free of Twilight’s pussy, and the girl’s purple slit was already leaking a long trail of white cum down between her thighs. Twilight Sparkle was still shivering and twitching, something that was absolutely made worse as Rainbow Dash stretched a hand forward and teased her nails across the back of one of the girl’s legs. After Twilight spasmed, Dash merely grinned and drew forward, scooping her arms under Twilight’s body and gently flopping her over. “I’m ready for more, if you are!”

They had literally just finished, but Rainbow Dash wasn’t exaggerating. Still rock hard and pulsing with pleasure, still able to unleash all the torrents of cum she needed, Rainbow Dash was absolutely shameless in how she flopped her friend onto her back, scooped hands underneath her thighs to lift up her legs, and began to guide her cock forward. She let it rub back and forth across Twilight’s hood for a few seconds as she gauged the other girl’s interest - and even though Twilight Sparkle was smiling and nodding and eager for more, she held off on pushing forward until the princess caught her breath.

“I’m so...I’m so full,” she finally managed, blushing as she squeezed her thighs together to slowly rub them back and forth, feeling that warm, wet creampie churn within her. It was enough to make her shudder and give Dash an approving nod, indicating that she was ready whenever. What she received for her agreement wasn’t a cock in the pussy, however, so much as it was a slow pinch at the entrance of her ass. Her eyes went briefly wide before a shockwave of delight rushed through her, and she eased against Dash’s cock even while her slit continued to leak a creamy, white mess down to the sheets below. “S...Slowly…?”

“Slowly.” Rainbow Dash nodded with a smile, and didn’t deviate from the word throughout. She eased herself against Twilight, hung the girl’s knees over her shoulders, and even dropped her hands down to begin unbuttoning the girl’s schoolgirl shirt. As the buttons came free and she exposed those inches of purple flesh, Rainbow Dash continued to roll with her hips, squeezing another inch nto Twilight Sparkle’s ass. Always constantly aware of her friend’s face, always keeping her comfort and excitement in mind. If she wanted to pound a girl’s ass to the point she broke, she could always visit Trixie or one of the Dazzlings. Twilight deserved sweeter attention. “I’m so glad you came to visit, Twilight. You’ll say hi to the other girls before going back, yeah? I’d feel bad if you just came out here to fuck me.”

She wouldn’t, really, but it seemed like the friendly thing to say.

“For sure,” Twilight Sparkle responded sweetly, and with her breasts and belly now fully exposed let her hands rest on Dash’s shoulders. The other girl was moving in a steady rhythm now, claiming her tender little formerly-pony ass in slow and gentle presses. Rainbow Dash was undeniably going deep, but she pulled back every time when it seemed like she was causing Twilight the slightest hint of discomfort. She was taking her time, getting Twilight used to receiving it in her flank, knowing that it would only lead to them having even more fun once she could handle it. As the two rocked back and forth slowly and steadily, Twilight Sparkle found a thought coming to mind. She was nervous about bringing it up, but with a tiny murmur she couldn’t resist. “But...Rainbow Dash? Are you sure you can...that you can...how do I put this…”

“Sunset?” Dash asked, a brow arched and her cock hilting itself inside of Twilight’s ass. There it rested for a long moment as she pawed her hands across Twilight’s chest, squeezing her breasts, teasing nipples with her thumbs, and dragging her fingernails across the girl’s belly until she squirmed. Only then did she pick up the pace once more, fucking Twilight’s ass at the old speed. “That what you’re getting at?”

“...yes.” Twilight’s blush was enormous when she spoke, and it was clear she felt guilt for even bringing it up. “Don’t get me wrong, I believe everypony can change, it’s just that...that she seems so...mean. Are you sure she’s not using you?”

Rainbow Dash’s response came as a bit of a surprise to Twilight, but it was hard for her to react to it considering the girl was picking up her pace. The thrusts into Twilight’s rump were harder now, and to make it all the more intense she brought one hand down to slide two fingers into Twilight’s pussy, spinning about within that rich, warm cream and giving her a playful stir.

“She’s absolutely using me.” Rainbow beamed. “And I’m using her. And we’re using other people. And it’s all good because we’re crazy about each other.”

“...oh.” Twilight blinked, and tilted her head. She winced a bit as Dash plunged her cock particularly deep, but maintained her composure and even thrust back against the other girl’s motions. “I...don’t understand.”

“C’mon, Twilight, you’re egghead smart, surely you can get it!” Rainbow Dash laughed, and even leaned forward to kiss Twilight’s forehead to show her affection. “Sunset and I are both kinda fucked up, but we’re fucked up in that way that we really work. My parents like her, we have awesome sex, and...heh, she does the cutest little nose scrunch when we pass someone in the hall she hates, and you can just tell...she wishes she could open up a magic portal and suck them into a void. It’s just so adorable how angry my baby gets!”

Princess Twilight Sparkle, with fingers in her cream-filled slit and a cock hilt-deep in her ass, merely blinked with wide, surprised eyes. She wouldn’t say that she understood it, but...Rainbow Dash seemed happy, and that was what mattered!

“You really care about her, huh?”

“Of course I do!” The response was instant and without any hesitation. “Now c’mon, Twilight, shake those little pony tits for me! Just ‘cause I’m crazy about my girl doesn’t mean I can’t be fond of yours!”


The downstairs living room was quiet at that point, and even though it carried the scent of Sunset Shimmer’s climax, the girl herself wasn’t in motion anymore. Her jeans were resting on the floor around her ankles, she sat in wet panties on the couch, and one hand was balancing her phone while the other was holding her glass of lemonade in nectar-glazed fingers. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were wide, and her throat was tight.

Rainbow Dash was pounding Twilight Sparkle’s ass - and it was clear from the camera feed that Twilight was at least a little scared. That alone should’ve been enough for Sunset Shimmer to squirt all the way to Equestria and back, and yet the words exchanged between the two gave her pause. A pause she didn’t break until Mrs. Dash popped her head around the corner, a brow arched and her voice curious.

“Sunset, dear? Sweetie, is everything okay?” The wholesome, supportive mother knit her brow. “The couch stopped squeaking, are you all right?”

“M...Mrs. Dash?” Sunset Shimmer looked up only once the older woman approached. As Windy Whistles stood nearby, Sunset delicately placed her lemonade on the coffee table. Still moving as if she was in a stupor, she didn’t bounce into activity until she hugged Windy around the waist, unleashing an unexpected voice of emotion. “I like your daughter soooooo much!”

Sunset Shimmer wasn’t a girl that considered herself allowed to show emotion very often, especially not attachment and romantic pleasure. But Mrs. Dash was a cool mom, and sure enough, she gave Sunset a pat on the head through the outburst.

“I know, dear. And she likes you, too!” Mrs. Dash smiled, until she spotted the phone. “Oh! My sweetie’s really giving it to Twilight’s back door, isn’t she? I’m so proud!”

Coolest. Mom. Ever.

End of Chapter 19.

All the Way to the Friendship Games

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Rainbow Dash’s 10/10 Top Tier Cock
Chapter Twenty: All the Way to the Friendship Games
-by Drace Domino

Friendship Games? For Sunset Shimmer, they were more like the Diligence Games. If the Dazzlings had taught her one thing, it was that Equestrian magic was alive and well, even in this world of humans. And if there were still flickers of magic, that meant there would be threats. She was smart enough to know that the Dazzlings had targeted Canterlot High for a reason, and that the portal leading to Equestria would be an enviable target for any potential threats that set their sights on the school.

And this day...there were a lot of potential threats around. Sunset Shimmer watched them throughout the entire opening ceremonies, the little welcoming party that Pinkie Pie had prepared for the rival school. Sunset didn’t need to be a people person to tell that Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna were on edge around the head of Crystal Prep - a cold, miserable bitch of a woman that seemed to lord over her students with a refined authority that bordered on cruel. And as for the students themselves? Sunset didn’t trust a single damn one of them.

She might’ve been dating Rainbow Dash, she might’ve even given up her attempts to seize the magic in Canterlot High for herself, but this school was still hers. The only place she felt like she belonged. Her home. And she wasn’t about to let any prissy little private school bitches ruin it. The young woman worked her way around the outskirts of the crowd while the party went on, studying the Crystal Prep girls with a critical eye and taking mental notes about their behavior. The blue-haired one struck her as a carbon copy of Rainbow Dash, but she was absolutely confident that her girlfriend could best her in any competition they found themselves in. The one with glasses and pigtails seemed like a real bitch, but since she was only being rude to Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo she couldn’t have cared less. The one with headphones seemed a bit too oblivious to be any real threat, and although Sunset Shimmer was sure she saw another one - particularly nerdy and reserved - she couldn’t find the wallflower amidst the crowd a second time.

Maybe just her imagination? Maybe these visitors simply had her nerves on edge. Sunset Shimmer grumbled to herself as she stuffed her hands into the pockets of her leather jacket, and her eyes scanned the crowd, this time in search of her...friends. Or at least, the closest thing she had. Soon she caught sight of Rainbow Dash and her pals hanging out near the punch table, and she started to make a quick beeline for the group. Dating Rainbow Dash, their self-appointed band leader and easily the coolest of the group, had afforded Sunset Shimmer a bit of social capital with the girls.

They tolerated her. They were even nice to her, sometimes, when she was nice back. It was a learning process, but one she was making a genuine effort at improving upon. The only one of the girls that wasn’t with the group was Fluttershy, and Sunset noticed her at the far end of the snack table, looking around with a cautious expression on her face. With deft little hands that made the sweet young woman look far more crafty than she was, Fluttershy plucked some of the baby carrots from one of the food trays and rolled them into the top of her purse. Rustling could almost instantly be seen from within, a surefire sign that she was sneaking one of her animals around with her again. As Sunset spotted the pink-haired young woman, she paused in her steps, narrowed her eyes, and gave things a bit of thought.

Fluttershy was...kind. Trusting. Sweet. She was a good person to practice learning to be friendly with, and it was with that mindset that Sunset adjusted her course and started heading towards Fluttershy directly. As she walked she whispered lightly to herself, drumming her fingers nervously against the front of her skirt and trying to remind herself of the things she had watched on any one of countless “making friends the easy way” videos online.

“Eye contact...smile...ask about her,” Sunset whispered, and drew a deep breath to help calm her rapidly heightening nerves. “Is she having fun? Is she excited for the Friendship Games? Where does she get her clothes?”

Sunset’s boots continued to gently pad forward in a steady course towards Fluttershy, but before she made contact another girl slipped into the picture. It was one of the Crystal Prep girls, one of the ones she had quickly dismissed as not being a threat. Pale yellow skin much the same as Fluttershy’s own, a long ponytail of vibrant pink and baby blue, and large, admittedly-cute freckles that dotted her cheeks. She was feminine and pretty, and like all of the girls that were visiting wore the same Crystal Prep schoolgirl uniform. The pleated skirt, the socks, the little vest that made them look like an army of accountants. The uniforms alone made Sunset Shimmer dislike them...she had always struggled with authority in all its forms. As Sunset continued to approach, however, she found a whole different reason to dislike this one.

“Oh! Uh...h-hello.” Fluttershy smiled sweetly at the Crystal Prep student, balancing a plate on one hand as she grabbed a few celery sticks with the other. “Welcome to Canterlot High. My name’s Fluttershy, and it’s so very nice to meet you!”

“I’m Sour Sweet. It’s so very, very wonderful to meet you, too!” For the first few seconds, things were going perfect. Sour Sweet’s voice was chipper and delightful, her words were kind, and she kept a respectable distance away from Fluttershy. Seemingly out of nowhere, that instantly changed as her eyes narrowed, she loomed forward, and pointed squarely at Fluttershy’s nose. Her voice went dark and menacing, even threatening, and the words rumbled from her with a tremor that was enough to leave Fluttershy shaking. “It’ll be wonderful to beat you Wondercolt losers into the dirt, too!”

Fluttershy was confused, to say the least. Confused, scared, and just a little bit hurt by the harshness of the other girl’s words. Seeking some sort of return to civility the timid young woman scooted back a step, though still tried to press the issue of friendship as she gestured towards the table.

“W-Well, uh...uh...l-look at all this lovely food we prepared for you!”

“Oh, I know! Isn’t it great? These are just so cute!” Sour Sweet snatched up one of the cupcakes Pinkie Pie had provided - bright, sugary, and with a big smile made of candy pieces sitting in the icing. As soon as she plucked the cupcake up she let it dangle icing-side down from her fingers, and let it drop to the table with a wet plop. Once more her tone turned nasty, and she sneered at the already-trembling young woman with wicked delight. “They’re just like all of you. Soft, squishy, and with big, dumb smiles on your goofy faces!”

It was perhaps not the harshest words ever spoken on school grounds - Sunset Shimmer could quite clearly remember Rainbow Dash saying some enormously more fucked up things to her when she was in a position of dominance, but Fluttershy was delicate. She was kind, sweet, and would never speak to someone the way that Sour Sweet was treating her. It wasn’t a surprise that tears swelled in her eyes and she quickly set down her plate, dashing past Sour Sweet and heading to the girl’s room to hide. In the aftermath of her egress, Sour Sweet merely laughed, pinched a piece of celery from Fluttershy’s plate, and popped it into her mouth as she walked off.

The entire time, Sunset Shimmer stood by - too far away to intervene in the moment, but close enough to see what had happened. Right then and there, Sunset Shimmer was glad she wasn’t a pony anymore, glad that she had fists to clench instead of hooves. With sharp, intensely narrow eyes she watched Sour Sweet go to rejoin the rest of those miserable cunts, and she drew in long, deep breaths that made her quake with seething rage.

She wanted revenge on this girl. Revenge for making Fluttershy cry. Revenge for having the gall to step into her school and mistreat her sort-of friend. Sunset Shimmer’s furious scowl soon twisted into a smile, however, as she turned her head to the side and caught sight of her original target in the gym.

Making Fluttershy cry was a crime punishable by a good, hard assfucking on the end of an irresistable but massive dick. Good thing Sunset knew just where to find one.


“Calm down, Sunset Shimmer, sheesh…” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, doing her best to keep pace with her girlfriend. Sunset had merely rolled up to the group, grasped Rainbow Dash by the wrist, and pulled her away without a second of explanation. It left Dash a little confused, but she went along with it. Usually, when her girl was being bossy, it just meant she was horny. “All right, all right. Where you wanna go? My car? Sneak into Celestia’s office? We could probably hide behind the bleachers if we’re sneaky about i--”

Rainbow Dash’s voice was cut off as Sunset screeched to a halt, put her hands on her girlfriend’s cheeks, and twisted her head to look in the direction of Sour Sweet. She pointed to the ponytailed bitch in the distance, and while making sure Rainbow Dash was studying her target, finally revealed the girl’s crimes.

“Her name’s Sour Sweet,” she explained, whispering in Rainbow Dash’s ear like a shoulder devil. “She made Fluttershy cry.”

It was all she needed to say. Rainbow Dash simply nodded, twitched her nose from side to side, and offered her lover a sideways glance. She said nothing, but her agreement to whatever wicked plan Sunset had in mind was clear. Fucking with Fluttershy was something that couldn’t be tolerated - even she didn’t fuck with Fluttershy, and she had the sort of magical cock that would’ve made it easy to do so. As soon as her consent was locked in, Sunset Shimmer took her lover by the arm and pulled her off to the side, whispering in a low voice as she did so. A hand rummaged into her pocket and she pulled her phone free, flipping through an app or two before finding the same program that let her spy on the girl before.

“You were right about one thing, Dash, you’ll be going to Celestia’s office,” she murmured, and clicked her tongue gently while she worked. “She’ll be busy entertaining that ice queen from Crystal Prep, and back when Twilight first came here, I had the place bugged so I could keep tabs on the crown. How about you take her there and give her a nice pounding? I’ll make sure to keep it all recorded, just in case.”

“You have cameras in Celestia’s office?” Rainbow Dash smirked, a playful look in her eyes. It would’ve been quite appropriate to be taken aback by Sunset Shimmer’s illicit network, but...what could she say? She was a young woman, Sunset was her first girlfriend, and she was smitten. She even reached a hand up to tweak Sunset’s nose as she spoke. “You are so cool. Creepy and bitchy and bossy, but...fuck. I’m crazy about you.”

“S...Shu...Shut up,” Sunset stammered, and redoubled her efforts to focus past the enormous blush that rose upon her cheeks. She tapped a few more controls on her phone’s app, and finally brought to life the cameras in the principal’s office. “Looks like they still work. Good to know, I haven’t used them for a while.”

“Huh.” Rainbow leaned in, sharing the screen with her girlfriend. “Hey, you ever catch Celestia doing anything weird while she’s by herself? Don’t even try to tell me you didn’t spy on her sometimes just for fun.”

“Nothing too weird.” Sunset shrugged, and gave her girlfriend a quizzical look. “One day she locked the door and spent, like, the entire day playing 90s music and smoking weed, but...give the woman a break, look at the things that happen at this fucking school.”



“Oh, sure! I’d just love to help you get something from your principal’s office!” Sour Sweet sure sounded nice enough, until… “Why would I want to hang out with my friends when I can do your grunt work? Is everyone at CHS this lazy?”

Sunset Shimmer rolled her eyes, but continued to lead Sour Sweet down the hall. This was...far from her best plan. She had simply rolled up to the Crystal Prep girl, pulled her aside under the pretense of asking her assistance, and barely said a word the entire time they walked towards Principal Celestia’s office. When they finally neared it, Sunset Shimmer simply swung the door open with one hand, shoved the girl inside with the other, and then slammed the door again - but not before cupping a hand over her mouth and calling out to the bitch first.

“Have fun, you bitchy twat!” And with that, Sunset twirled on a heel, let her back rest against the closed door so she could keep watch, and plucked her phone from her pocket. A smile grew across her lips as she watched the fun unfold, though just for her own enjoyment she turned the volume down from the camera feed. It’d be more fun to listen to it through the door - every muffled whimper of hot justice getting pumped into Sour Sweet’s sour sweet.

The Crystal Prep girl was still stumbling to her feet, only barely catching herself against Principal Celestia’s desk. She had noticed another girl was inside the room but hadn’t gotten much of a look at her at first, already worried that this was meant to be some kind of brutal ambush. Were the girls of CHS really so primitive that they’d beat up someone smarter and better than them?! Was this really that kind of school?! And here, Cinch had told them that Canterlot High was nothing but a bunch of pushovers.

“Hey. Like what you see?” The cocky voice that filled the room came from the only other girl around, the one that had been lingering just inside the entrance, keeping out of sight so Sunset Shimmer didn’t accidentally see her. When Sour Sweet spun her eyes went wide and her jaw instantly dropped - the standard reaction of a cocky bitch upon seeing all of those inches of azure magnificence. Rainbow Dash was leaning against the wall wearing nothing more than her T-shirt and sneakers, her arms folded across her chest and her cock left standing exposed and erect. From the base to the tip the thing was a glorious and irresistable rod, and even though this was the first time the two girls had met, she already knew just where it’d end up. “I’ve heard you’ve got a real mouth on you. Maybe you should get on your knees and show me.”

“That...dick...is amazing!” Sour Sweet’s eyes lit up, before suddenly flattening into a glare once more. “Guess you dumb CHS girls have to do something right.” Despite her attitude, everything from that moment proceeded exactly as planned. Sour Sweet didn’t just crawl to her knees, she dropped almost instantly, and then waddled closer to Rainbow Dash while her hands feverishly pulled at her school uniform. By the time she made her way to the girl leaning against the wall, Sour Sweet’s vest and shirt were discarded and laying haphazardly around the room, and she wore little more than her skirt and socks while she brought herself before Rainbow Dash. Her response was just like all the others, and Rainbow Dash’s ego was left wildly raging as she stretched back, yawned, and idly scratched her belly as Sour Sweet got to work.

“So, I’m supposed to tell you something.” Rainbow beamed, and brought her phone close so she could scan through her texts. Sunset Shimmer was better at being wicked and mean than she was - it was one of the reasons they made such a good team. Together, the two of them could bring all sorts of lusty justice to everyone that dared cause disharmony at CHS. Dash briefly coughed before reading the text aloud, even as Sour Sweet’s head dropped down to begin licking her balls. “‘Next time, be nicer to people. Otherwise, every one of your bitch friends will see you getting assfucked like the stupid whore you are.’” Rainbow Dash lowered the note, and gave a sheepish smile as she rubbed the back of her head. “Uh...my girlfriend’s words. Not mine. I don’t usually talk like that.”

There was a lot there for Sour Sweet to unpack, and she did it with a look of growing confusion, bewilderment, and an arousal that was blended with a building indignation. She still couldn’t bring herself to understand why she thought it was so important to suck on Rainbow Dash’s balls even while she was actively doing it, her tongue sweeping back and forth and getting them soaked and glistening. She didn’t know why she desired to usher the girl’s cock over her tongue and down her throat, and yet she did just that, pushing her face to the point that her nose bumped against Dash’s lap and she gently gagged upon the massive girth. And she certainly didn’t know why Dash’s words got her all the more hot and bothered even though every last one of them was either a threat or an insult.

She knew now that she was being recorded. She knew now that all she’d get after that sloppy, deep blowjob was a cock jammed right in her ass. And most importantly to the girl listening on the other side of the door, she knew why. This was half-punishment for what she had done and half-insurance that she wouldn’t make Fluttershy cry ever again. As soon as she dwelled on that fact, Sunset Shimmer quickly let her fingers fly across her phone, rapidly sending another text. Dash was bulging the bitch’s throat by the time she received it, and when she opened it up her expression softened and her brow bent inward, looking sweet and content.

“Aww.” She beamed, before turning her attention down towards Sour Sweet. “And when we’re done here, you’re going to find Fluttershy and apologize to her.” As she conveyed the extra message, Sour Sweet merely gave an irate nod, which was a bit difficult to do considering the weight stuffed down her throat. Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but smile as she tucked her phone back into her pocket, and she even gave a look towards one of the cameras she knew was trained upon her. With a playful, flirty, even affectionate gesture she made a little heart with her fingers and held it over her own, just before pointing to the camera and blowing a tiny kiss. Sunset Shimmer was concerned about Fluttershy, and that deserved a little recognition.

Granted, the sight of Rainbow Dash making such a fond gesture towards her through the camera was almost enough to make Sunset Shimmer drop her phone entirely, but she fumbled it back into her hands and held it tight as she kept watching. There was still plenty of work for Sour Sweet to do, after all. The Crystal Prep girl finally pulled her mouth off of Dash’s cock, and the magical influence that rolled through her drew the girl into grasping that impressive unit at the base and swinging it from side to side, willingly cockslapping herself and smearing the spit across her cheeks. Ribbons of saliva connected her lips to Dash’s shaft and balls alike, and as she gasped and groaned the best girl of CHS could feel her heated breath teasing down her length, making her shiver and pulse with delight.

“I just love sucking your dick! It tastes so good…!” Sour Sweet chirped up, sounding harmonious and happy, just before her tone shifted once more. “It’s almost enough to make me forget you’re fucking blackmailing me like the jerk you are.”

“Ha! Yeah, it’s a pretty good dick, all right.” Rainbow Dash, in typical fashion, glazed over the negative to focus on the compliment to her cock. Finally she clicked her tongue and gestured towards Principal Celestia’s desk, beaming as she did so. “All right, Sour Sweet, up on the desk and push that ass out for me. Let me see if it’s okay if you play with your pussy while I fuck you.” No sooner did she say that than a beep came from her phone, and Dash simply shook her head. “It is not.”

With restrictions in place and her consent stripped clear away, Sour Sweet begrudgingly made her way over to Celestia’s desk. It was thankfully free of most of the usual clutter, and she was able to brace herself on her hands and knees with her rump shoving backward, lowered at what she estimated to be Dash’s level. Glaring over her shoulder, the conflict in her eyes was clear - the look of a girl that despised the one she was offering herself to, and yet couldn’t bring herself to resist. Adagio, Sonata, Aria, Sunset...there were so, so many bitches that had given Rainbow Dash that spiteful look, and so many of them deserved it. Rainbow Dash didn’t feel a trace of guilt as she strolled on up, lifted the girl’s skirt to reveal her soft pink panties, and gave them a firm yank so they bridged between her thighs. It left that pale yellow ass exposed, at which point Rainbow Dash merely leaned in, cupped a hand around the edge of her mouth, and offered Sour Sweet a tiny whisper.

“Between you and me?” she murmured, and squeezed the tip of her glistening blue cock against the tight pucker of Sour Sweet’s rump. “You won’t even need to rub your pussy. Sunset used to cum while I assfucked her all the time.”

“Oh, how wonderful for you! You two must be so happy!” Sour Sweet’s sugary voice was strained a bit as the first few inches started to squeeze inside. She gripped at the edge of Celestia’s desk and one of her eyes twitched, struggling as her tiny, virginal hole was slowly claimed. “I’m going to enjoy shutting you two down during the Friendship Games, you bitch!”

The very first day - hell, the very first hour of the Friendship Games - and Rainbow Dash was already pumping her cock into the tight, trembling little ass of one of the Crystal Prep girls. In truth, she had known that it was probably going to happen at some point, but she never imagined it would be so quick! Dating Sunset Shimmer was really paying off, and in so many more ways than Rainbow Dash would’ve ever imagined. The cocky young woman flashed a smile and a thumbs-up to one of the cameras as she started to pump, slowly building faster and faster, jamming her dick deep into Sour Sweet’s depths once she was sure the girl could handle it. It took a moment or two for the girl’s arousal to really take hold, but once it did her ass was more accomodating and she even started to rock against the penetrating unit.

Sure, her glare shot daggers towards Rainbow Dash and she clenched her teeth in outrage the entire time, but there was no denying how excited she was. Her pussy was wet, sweat formed at the edge of her brow, and her pleated schoolgirl skirt danced with every motion of her hips. She was a well-threaded little bitch right from the very beginning, and Rainbow Dash delighted in giving her what she deserved. CHS’s star athlete even shoved her hand forward to grasp Sour Sweet’s ponytail by the base, wrapping the hair around her fist before forcing the girl’s face forward, making her look at the wall of Celestia’s diplomas and framed photos as she was drilled. A little bit of school pride - show off the accomplishments of their awesome principal while she assfucked the bitchy little brat.

“...that’s my girl,” Sunset Shimmer whispered, and drew a deep breath while she watched. The sight of Rainbow Dash plowing ahead into that fuckable cunt’s rump was enough to send her own body into quivering moments of pleasure, yet she resisted the urge to stuff a hand down her skirt and play with herself. She’d get hers later after school, when she and Rainbow Dash would pull over along the side of the road and she’d ride that cocky blue bitch like a stallion. Sunset’s heart was racing as she watched her girlfriend fuck harder and harder, as she heard Sour Sweet moaning and whimpering from beyond the door, and more emotions flooded through Sunset Shimmer than she could possibly process. This was justice for Fluttershy. This was joy for Rainbow Dash. This was...well...Sunset Shimmer wasn’t entirely sure what she got out of it, yet the satisfaction was intense. She was hardly the most altruistic of girls, but if being a good friend meant organizing ambushes like this? Maybe she was a better person than she thought. “Make that little whore scream, baby…”

Maybe only slightly better.

Sunset Shimmer kept watching and nibbling on her bottom lip until she heard a sound coming from around the corner, and she very nearly knocked on the door to alert Dash that they had an interloper. Half-worried that it was Principal Celestia coming to return to her office, she was soon given a moment of calm catharsis upon hearing the sound of barely-muted music from a pair of headphones. Vinyl Scratch, looking suspicious in her own right, had slipped into the hall and paused as soon as she saw Sunset Shimmer.

“Uh...hello,” Sunset murmured. The sound of frantic passion coming from the other room continued, though she doubted Vinyl could hear it with all the noise coming from her headphones. “Do...you need to...get into Celestia’s office?”

Vinyl simply nodded, smiled, and held up a brown paper bag. She pointed to the bag, and then to the office, and then wiggled her fingers to suggest Sunset get out of the way. The entire time her head continued to bob with the music going on behind her headphones, looking as chill and relaxed as ever.

“Oh. Uh...I can put it inside when I’m...uh...done,” Sunset stammered, arching a brow and giving the girl a curious look. “Done...standing outside. Doing nothing.”

There was a moment where Vinyl Scratch looked dubious, and she moved a hand up to pull one of her headphones slightly askew. As soon as she did so she could hear a poorly-timed cry from behind the door, Sour Sweet’s voice in full swing.

“God, your cock feels so fucking good! Fuck my ass, fuck my ass! Also, fuck you, ass! Fuck you!”

Vinyl Scratch blinked behind her tinted lenses, slipped her headphone back into place, and simply handed Sunset Shimmer the paper bag. Afterwards she flashed the other girl a thumbs-up with both hands, and started to scoot her way right outside the door once more.

Unable to resist, as Sunset Shimmer listened to the fucking from behind her, she peeked inside of the bag that Vinyl Scratch was dropping off.

“...that’s fair,” Sunset murmured, and closed the bag of weed. “Hell, I’ve been spying on her for months, who the fuck am I to judge?”


Within the office itself, Sour Sweet was quaking. Her eyes had rolled back in her head, her knuckles had gone white as she grasped the edge of the desk, and her thighs quivered again and again as she shook with a spasming, shattering climax. Rainbow Dash was right - she didn’t need to touch her pussy once for the assfuck to drive her towards release. Pretty impressive, considering it was her first time taking any cock at all. There was something about the way the cocky CHS girl’s cock lunged so deep and wild within her that it pushed her easily to the breaking point, and the tremors that ran through her simply couldn’t be resisted. At a certain point Rainbow Dash even released her ponytail and she simply yanked it around her own face, stuffing her mouth with half of it and biting down as she came again and again in rapid, wicked succession.

Rainbow Dash was lucky enough to enjoy every second of it, and when her moment came she didn’t hesitate to lunge deep into Sour Sweet’s ass. She unleashed squirt after squirt of cum into the bitch’s hole, pumping a rich and heavy load deep within her and groaning the entire time. Were all Crystal Prep bitches this tight? She hoped so, considering how cute some of them were. As Rainbow Dash unloaded into Sour Sweet’s ass she stretched a hand forward and trailed her fingers down the back of the girl’s hair, even pulling her ponytail free of her mouth.

“Heh. Told you that you wouldn’t need to touch your pussy.” Dash beamed, and nudged her hips forward to give her one last push. “Okay, Sour Sweet, you know the drill. Get dressed and go apologize to Fluttershy, otherwise…”

“Otherwise, you’ll tell all my friends about all the fun we had,” Sour Sweet grumbled. She still sounded more chipper than the words really merited, but that only lasted until she shot a glance behind her with a sharp glare. “Blackmailing bitches. I hope she chokes on your dick.”

“She does!” Rainbow Dash beamed, and eagerly grinned. “Daily!”

It was hardly what Sour Sweet meant, but...damned if it wasn’t the truth.


It was just ten minutes later, and Principal Celestia’s office was vacant once more. The clothing had been picked up, the brown paper bag had been stuffed into Celestia’s bottom drawer, and all three girls had returned to the gym as if nothing had happened. Sour Sweet offered a bitter apology to Fluttershy while Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer watched from a distance, the latter of which had a warm feeling running through her that she couldn’t quite properly place. She simply chalked it up to still being aroused by watching her girlfriend rail a bitch.

Though while the Friendship Games meet and greet continued, another figure tiptoed her way to the door of CHS’s principal. Sneaking, prowling, looking ever-vigilant to make sure nobody was following her, a nerdy-looking young woman tiptoed into the office. She held in one hand a purple compact that was left open, though she wasn’t the type to wear makeup. Instead, the compact held flickering lights that only started to dance more wildly as she advanced further into the room.

“...there’s something here, I just know it,” Twilight Sparkle whispered to herself, and adjusted her glasses with her free hand. A small sniff of the air made her nose scrunch up, and her lips draw thin. “Something smells. Maybe some kind of residue? Hmm…”

She knew she shouldn’t have been spying where she didn’t belong. She shouldn’t be violating the privacy of the school principal - by all accounts, she seemed so nice! But every bit of research over the past few months had led Twilight Sparkle to that moment, and the Friendship Games gave her the only opportunity she’d have to prove her hypotheses. There was something strange going on at Canterlot High, she just knew it. What she found that afternoon, what made the lights in her compact go wild, was a creamy, white goop that she found at the edge of Celestia’s desk.

It dripped in slow threads over the edge, landing with a patter to the carpet below. The naive little thing could’ve never guessed just what it actually was, not without study, at least! With a trembling hand she brought a test tube out of her backpack, and slowly moved forward to collect some of the sloppy, wet goo.

“...I’m onto something big,” Twilight Sparkle whispered, eyes narrowing behind her glasses. “I can feel it.”

End of Chapter 20.

ACADECA Blues (Sugarcoat)

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Rainbow Dash’s 10/10 Top Tier Cock
Chapter Twenty-One: ACADECA Blues
-by Drace Domino

The friendship games were officially underway, and thus far things weren’t looking great for Canterlot High. They had managed to hold their own to some extent, but were still behind. It was to be expected - having Ditzy Doo participate in the science portion of the Academic Decathlon was a decision that, frankly, could have ended with part of the school on fire. There was no doubt that Canterlot High students were more about enthusiasm and teamwork than they were sheer ability, but that wasn’t to say that they didn’t have ringers. Pinkie Pie annihilated the competition when it came to baking, and Rainbow Dash was smugly looking forward to wiping the floor with whatever poor bitches were thrown against her in the physical portion of the Friendship Games. They had a shot at winning this thing, but hopes for Rainbow and her friends were dashed - or at the very least, diminished - when they saw Crystal Prep’s offering for the mathematics portion of the ACADECA.

“C’mon, Sunset! You can do it! You’re the smartest girl I know!” Rainbow Dash was cupping her hands to the sides of her mouth, enthusiastically cheering her girlfriend on. Even with Sunset’s less than stellar reputation, the other students had joined in. Rainbow Dash’s friends and the other members of the Canterlot High team were throwing their voices behind her, knowing that Sunset would need all the help she could get. “C’mon, babe! You’re too awesome to let her beat you!”

Sunset Shimmer was meant to be their ace in the hole. The smartest girl they had. The brainy, yet still somehow cool and sexy geek that would knock Crystal Prep’s socks off. None of them had imagined, however, just who she’d be up against.

“Gosh…” Fluttershy murmured, watching from the sidelines and whimpering. She stood amidst her friends while they all watched the stage, studying the two girls feverishly working on the blackboard. “She...she really looks like...like…”

“Princess Twilight.” Rarity finished her thought, and clicked her tongue in a dissatisfied tone. “That Crystal Prep uniform certainly isn’t very flattering though, is it? The poor thing doesn’t have a fraction of the style our dear pony friend has.”

“I dunno, Rarity…” Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but murmur, squeezing her thighs together as she did so. “I...think the look really works for her.”

“Well, obviously you think that, silly!” Pinkie Pie giggled. “You’re wearing teeeeeeny tiny little shorts, it’s not exactly a secret, hehehe!”

“Hnnnf.” Rainbow Dash merely grunted at her friend’s teasing, and in order to hide the obviously simply picked Fluttershy up by the shoulders, moved her right in front of her, and used her as a shield from other’s eyes. Not too close, though, as she imagined it wouldn’t take much grinding against Fluttershy from behind before she went off in her pants. Ha! As if Rainbow Dash would ever go off early.

The girls watched the rest of the ACADECA with interest, until that stern, stone cold bitch of a Crystal Prep principal looked at her grade book, checked it against Sunset Shimmer’s work, and spoke in a bold voice with only barely hidden joy.


“Aww, son of a cupcake!” Pinkie Pie stomped her foot, before shouting towards the stage. “HI OTHER TWILIGHT, I LIKE YOUR LITTLE HAIR CLIP THINGIE!”

At least it couldn’t be said that Canterlot High students weren’t friendly.


It was that friendliness - sort of - that inspired Rainbow Dash to stroll up to the student that had won the ACADECA for Crystal Prep after the fact. She could tell by the way that Sunset Shimmer stormed off in a huff after losing that her girlfriend didn’t want to be bothered. She was a complicated, mean-spirited little ball of frustration sometimes, and Rainbow Dash had learned well how to handle her grumpy moods. She’d give her a few minutes to cool off, then take her by the wrist and pull her someplace private. A bit of handholding, maybe a little flash of the ol’ magical dick, and Sunset Shimmer would be A-OK in time for the physical portion of the Friendship Games.

For now, she’d just let her roam around the halls ranting like a madwoman. It was the best thing for everyone.

As a bonus, it let Rainbow Dash advance upon the new Twilight Sparkle. She had been sporting an impressive erection within her shorts ever since she saw her take the stage in that sweet little school uniform. She wasn’t lying to Rarity when she said it had suited her, Princess Twilight was already an egghead to the highest degree, and leaning into the look was a perfect fit. The pleated schoolgirl skirt, the glasses, the way she was always looking around like a nervous little mouse…

Rainbow Dash very much wanted to wrap her around her cock.

“Hey there, Twilight!” Rainbow Dash beamed as she dropped into place beside the young woman, flashing her most charming smile. She invited herself to drop an arm around Twilight’s shoulders from the very beginning, and even though the girl instantly tensed with her eyes going large behind the glasses, it didn’t give Dash a second’s pause. “Congratulations on winning! You...heh...you really pissed Sunset off, that’s for sure!”

“What?! I didn’t mean to! I...who’s Sunset again?! Was it that angry girl in the leather jacket?” It didn’t take long for Rainbow Dash to realize that this Twilight was like the one she knew, only with her most socially awkward tendencies turned up to maximum. She pushed her glasses forward with one hand while the other clutches a tiny blue compact, holding it close to her chest as she tried to peel away from Dash’s grip. “Listen...uh...I have a lot of work to do. Homework! I need to do homework. And if you could just let me do that, I--”

Both Twilight and Rainbow alike were left surprised as the girl’s compact flipped open, spinning in her purple fingers and pointing towards Dash’s crotch. There was a wisp of blue and purple energy that escaped from the open makeup tray, rolling and twisting through the air and leading straight to the other girl’s cock behind the fabric of her shorts. Rainbow Dash was a fast girl, but...she didn’t move fast enough for whatever it was that Twilight did to her. As soon as that wispy tendril of energy touched her cock, the blue-skinned star was left quaking and trembling, and an unseen force completely took control of her lower half.

Rainbow Dash was left speechless, the color draining from her face as she suddenly removed her arm from around Twilight’s shoulders and braced herself against the nearest desk. Her eye twitched and she clenched her teeth as her cock began to steadily throb, and she could feel her shorts slowly fill with a heavy, sticky payload of cum. Her member pulsed and her balls quivered as her tip spurted again and again within her clothes, all because of whatever that mousey little nerd’s compact did to her. By the time Rainbow Dash was able to twist her head to look in Twilight’s direction, she found that the girl had taken full advantage of her distraction - already halfway out the door and into the hall, running away after her assault.

“F...Fuck...what did...what did she…” For the first time in Rainbow Dash’s life, the ultra-confident school star was left off her guard. She felt weak, exposed, violated...and even though she had just been magically forced into an intense climax, the fact that her cock was now sitting soft and flaccid in a pantsload of cum was enough to make her worry. Thankfully, the other students of both schools still looked mostly distracted with each other, and nobody had seen her moment of weakness. It afforded Rainbow Dash the time to dwell on what happened, and to do her best to work things out.

She should’ve went to grab Sunset, to see if she could figure out what happened, but she knew that her girlfriend was likely in no mood to help. As Rainbow Dash started to dwell with the worry that her cock had somehow been damaged by whatever Twilight Sparkle did, she focused on the only thing she could think of in the moment - trying to get herself back up. Her head tilted up to the group of students and she scanned the crowd, looking towards all the girls she had claimed in the past and remembering how much fun they were.

Rarity. Applejack. Bon Bon. Lyra. Ms. Cheerilee. Everyone else. There were two types of girls at Canterlot High - girls Rainbow Dash had wrapped around her magical cock, and the ones that were still waiting for their turn. That thought alone was enough for Rainbow’s member to twitch within the sticky mess of cum within her shorts, and as she looked the girls up and down her member began to pulse with excitement again. From Rarity’s wonderfully long, smooth legs to Ms. Cheerilee’s impressive tits, to the fact that Applejack had a hard working farmgirl ass. She collected each of those naughty little memories until she was still again within her shorts, and the fact that she had managed it without laying a finger on herself was a good sign she was on the right track.

“Alright. Time for a real systems check,” Rainbow Dash hissed to herself, scanning the crowd once more for a target. She needed a girl to flash her dick to, she needed to make sure that whatever Twilight Sparkle did hadn’t ruined the natural enticing element of her cock. She needed to know that if a girl still saw her impressive prick that she’d be immediately enchanted into servicing it - not just for her own good, but for CHS’! Her cock was a force of peace and righteousness at her school, after all!

Thankfully, the scan for a test subject didn’t take long. She wasn’t about to risk flashing a non-magical dick at one of her own classmates, and that narrowed the crowd to half as she looked over the Crystal Prep girls. Plenty of miserable bitches had a good, hard fucking coming, but one in particular caught her attention. Purple skin. Glasses. The silver and white pigtails didn’t match Twilight Sparkle, but...she was close enough. If the Crystal Prep Twilight was too dangerous to advance on, she’d flash her dick to her understudy.

“Hey, I need you to come with me for a sec!” As Rainbow Dash latched a hand around Sugarcoat’s wrist and yanked her away from her friends, the bespectacled young woman gave a surprised squeak. It was hard to be blunt and rude when she had no idea just what the fuck was going on.


“You’re really rude,” Sugarcoat blurted out a moment later, as Rainbow Dash continued to drag her by the wrist towards Principal Celestia’s office. It just happened to be the most convenient place! Sugarcoat’s expression was flat and her tone was deadpan, even as her slender figure stumbled along behind the other girl. “And what’s with your hair? It’s too many colors. I hate it.”

“Will you just shut up and follow me?” Rainbow Dash snapped, glancing over her shoulder. “Principal Celestia wants us...to...uh...get some chairs. That’s right. Chairs. We need more chairs.” From Sugarcoat’s expression, she clearly wasn’t buying it.

“Do you think every Crystal Prep girl is a slut?” she asked with a brow arched, just as Rainbow Dash pushed open Celestia’s door and walked in once more. As it slammed shut behind them, the purple-skinned young woman folded her arms across her chest, and rolled her eyes. “Sour Sweet told us you two had sex. Too bad for you, I’m not the whore she i-”

Rainbow Dash wasn’t in the mood. Not in the mood to play with these Crystal Prep bitches, not in the mood to deal with their bitchy attitudes, and not in the mood to waste time worrying over whether or not one of them fucked her over for good. Sugarcoat was mid-sentence by the time Dash spun around, yanked down her shorts, and revealed the length of her still-cum covered member. It flopped forward stiff and erect and slippery from her cream, and when Sugarcoat saw it her eyes grew and a blush started to sweep across her cheeks.

“...that’s a really big cock and I want to put it inside of me.” Sugarcoat’s voice was still devoid of enthusiasm, but she didn’t really seem like the type. The important thing to Rainbow Dash was that she was already advancing, licking her lips and making as if she was about to drop to her knees. “I think you’re a jerk with bad hair, but I think your dick is really cool.”

“Easy there, Sugarcunt,” Rainbow Dash blurted out, and stopped to claim Sugarcoat by one of her pigtails. She halted the girl from dropping to her knees, and started to walk behind Celestia’s desk, moving to her teacher’s large, leather-bound office chair. “I’m gonna sit down, and you’re gonna ride me. I don’t have the time to dick around with you giving me a blowjob.”

“You’d probably be a better fuck if you were nicer to people,” came the deadpan response. “But whatever. Sit down and I’ll do anything you want.”

It was exactly what Rainbow Dash needed to hear, and Sugarcoat was going to give her the performance she required. It was an immediate relief to know that Sugarcoat was willing to fuck just upon seeing her cock, but Rainbow Dash still needed to make sure that enthusiasm was at its peak. There was no time before the physical events of the Friendship Games to make Sugarcoat suck her off for a half hour, and so the next best thing was making the bitch ride her cowgirl. With a heavy grunt Rainbow Dash flopped down in Celestia’s chair and got herself comfortable, her cock sticking straight up from her lap and glistening with the cum that she had already unleashed. Sugarcoat was busy stripping out of her panties, slipping underneath her skirt to peel them away from her ankles.

“I’ll be taking those,” Rainbow Dash nabbed the garment, balled them up, and stuffed them into her shirt pocket. “And you’re not going to be getting them back.”

A panty tax for the scare that Twilight Sparkle gave her. The idea of one of the Shadowbolts roaming around without panties with her pussy filled to the brim with cum was an exciting one, and it only made Dash’s cock twitch a bit harder in anticipation. Sugarcoat didn’t resist as her panties were claimed as a tribute, and indeed even moved to do exactly as Rainbow Dash had ordered. Once she was without her panties she slithered up onto the chair and braced her knees against the sides of Dash’s waist, lifting up her skirt so the other girl could see her pale, purple pussy in all of its smooth glory. She was blushing, nibbling on her bottom lip, and would’ve looked almost cute were it not for the fact that she still had the voice of a jaded middle-aged harpy doling out angry statements from a street corner.

“My pussy’s already really wet, so you don’t need to finger me,” even her statements that would’ve otherwise conveyed lewd intent sounded sharp and blunt, delivered without any trace of affection. “Let’s just do this so I can get back to the people I actually like. Kind of.”

“For a Shadowbolt, you’re all right,” Rainbow Dash had to admit, and slipped her hands around Sugarcoat’s waist. With a gentle nudge she pushed the girl down atop her rod, leading with the tip that slowly began to spread the girl’s folds. Principal Celestia’s chair squeaked underneath their weight as Rainbow Dash stretched out, and she gave a grunt as her member started to slip deeper inside of the newest purple slut to cross her attention. She didn’t have anything against Sugarcoat - at least not like she did Sour Sweet, but considering the circumstances, she wasn’t about to pass up a chance to make sure the equipment was still in working order. She could always worry about Twilight Sparkle later, and even press her girlfriend for questions. For now, she’d just enjoy her second orgasm in a few minutes. Maybe a third, if there was time for it.

Sugarcoat slithered down into her lap with a blush that travelled wide across her cheeks, making her look almost shy and timid despite her abrasive personality. Soon she was settled firmly atop the other girl and Rainbow’s cock had penetrated her down to the hilt, or at least as far as was possible on Principal Celestia’s chair. She braced her hands to Dash’s shoulders and took a slow, deep breath to prepare herself, taking those precious few seconds that every girl that lost her virginity to Rainbow Dash needed. As she paused, Dash simply swung her hips gently from side to side so she could feel her member hitting the walls of Sugarcoat’s entrance, delighting in the look of that bitchy, bespectacled face as she was forced to squirm.

Sugarcoat hadn’t wronged her, but...she was still probably a bitch. So there was no reason Rainbow Dash couldn’t enjoy treating her a bit like a slut.

“Show me these,” CHS’ star athlete finally spoke up, her hands moving from Sugarcoat’s waist to the bottom edge of her shirt. She yanked it up and pressed her fingers flat to the girl’s purple flesh, ensuring that she’d catch her bra underneath as she travelled and lift everything up above her tits. Sugarcoat just gasped and remained perfectly positioned as she was forced to show herself, and she even pulled a hand away from Dash’s shoulder, pressing her fingers to her clothes to help keep them up. Her breasts weren’t big enough to hold everything without the assistance, but they were still nice enough for Dash to slip her hands underneath both purple orbs and give them a firm, hungry squeeze. Her thumbs slid forward to tease a pair of intensely stiffening nipples, and she took the time to not only appreciate them but the bare, slender belly that stopped just above the hem of her pleated skirt. With Sugarcoat mounting her and exposing herself, Dash was firmly in the realm of feeling endlessly confident, and her smile drew wide as she spoke up again. “Not bad...lot of you Crystal Prep sluts have nice tits. Hey, you’re an honest bitch, yeah?”

“I don’t see any point in lying to someone too dumb to understand the trut-”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Dash chuckled, and silenced Sugarcoat by giving a tiny thrust from below, driving her prick a little deeper. Still riding the high of dominating a purple slut that reminded her so much of Twilight, she was already making plans to fuck all of the Shadowbolts. The only thing she hadn’t decided yet was what positions she’d like to take them in. “Which one of your bitch friends has the nicest tits, huh? I mean...like I said, yours are okay, but I’m sure they’re not the best.”

“Indigo Zap has a really big chest,” Sugarcoat adjusted her glasses with the same hand holding up her shirt. There was no need to pry the truth from this one with threatening to deny her sex, she was as upfront as they came. Probably would’ve gotten along good with Applejack. “In gym class I’ve seen her wearing a sports bra that only barely keeps her in check. I don’t know how she runs so fast with them.”

“Heh, I’m sure she doesn’t run that fast,” came the teasing reply, and Dash released the girl’s tits so she could grip her waist again. It was time to give Sugarcoat the reward she had earned, and she began to do so by offering her a steady pace of thrusts from underneath her. The wheels squeaked, Sugarcoat started to whimper, and Dash leaned in close with a confident, cocky smile spread from ear to ear. “When I get around to Indigo Zap I’ll make sure to slap my cock between her tits. Thanks for the tip, Sugarcoat!”

There was a lot going on in poor Rainbow Dash’s mind that afternoon. She had already been pushed to the limit by these Shadowcolt bitches, and she was starting to share Sunset Shimmer’s negative attitude towards anything and anyone that might threaten the school. When Rainbow Dash first woke up that morning she thought Sunset was nuts for treating Crystal Prep as anything more than the catty bitches that could beat them, but...she was starting to see it her girlfriend’s way. One of them pushed Fluttershy into tears. One of them did something to her dick. The rest? She was sure the rest were just as bad, and it was for that reason that Rainbow Dash was feeling a bit nastier than normal. Nasty enough to lean in close, press her mouth to Sugarcoat’s ear, and whisper to the girl as she continued to pump deep and hard into her pussy.

“I’m going to fuck all of your friends, Sugarcoat,” Rainbow Dash promised, and she could feel the other girl’s slit tighten upon her shaft at the announcement. Her hands steadily dipped even lower, sliding underneath Sugarcoat’s skirt and taking two fierce, tight handfuls of her ass. As she continued to whisper she gave Sugarcoat thrust after thrust, marking each promise with a deeper pump into the girl’s soaked, trembling slit. “I’m going to fuck Indigo Zap. I’m going to fuck Lemon Zest. And I’m going to…” Thrust. “Fuck,” Thrust. “Twilight,” Thrust. “Sparkle.”

Rainbow Dash’s words weren’t rushed or eager, and she didn’t exclaim them above a whisper. They were delivered with a methodical tone that almost didn’t fit Rainbow Dash, and was almost certainly a glimmer of her girlfriend’s personality showing up within her. Fucking one of the Shadowbolts while bragging about how she’d fuck all the others? Shamelessly showing her dominance without any trace of doubt? That was Sunset Shimmer all over, and in the moment it clearly worked wonders. Sugarcoat was sopping wet and each push into her cunt made her grunt and whimper all the harder, soon to the point that she could no longer spare the hand to hold her shirt up. She braced her palms hard against Dash’s shoulders and bucked back against the other woman with every bit of strength she could manage, lunging her hips down to ensure that Dash fucked her as firmly and as deeply as she could manage. It was slow. It was rough. It was intense.

Rainbow Dash would leave Principal Celestia’s office for the second time that day knowing two things: that her cock was still in fine working order after Twilight’s inadvertent assault, and that her real goal during the Friendship Games was to make every last one of these stuck-up preppy cunts her bitch.

“I’m...I’m really enjoying this, even though I still don’t like you!” Sugarcoat’s hair was starting to fall from her pigtails, giving her a more frantic look than earlier. Her glasses were askew and a line of sweat was forming at her brow, and yet she continued to slam against Rainbow Dash with heavy thrusts to match those of the Canterlot High girl. She only pulled her rear back as far as Dash’s hands would allow before slamming right back down, lunging against her until that throbbing cock crashed against her walls and made her squeak and squirm again. Soon she had her hands both desperately gripping Dash’s shirt collar, fingers deeply entwined in the fabric, clinging to her as she whimpered. “You...are...really...good...at...this!”

Rainbow Dash didn’t need to gloat anymore, and so she simply wore her smuggest look while Sugarcoat did the rest of the job for her. She leaned back and decided to take it easy the rest of the way, after all, she’d have to save her energy to turn the rest of the Crystal Prep girls into her sluts before the day was done. By that point, Sugarcoat’s thrusts were more than enough, and the wheels of Celestia’s chair kept squeaking as she slammed down harder and harder, her thighs locked against Dash’s waist and her pleated skirt flopping atop her rear. For a first timer in a side room in a strange new school, Sugarcoat put out as blunt and unsubtle as she spoke.

When Sugarcoat came, it was her choice to drive down against Rainbow Dash as hard as she could manage, locking her knees tightly against the sides of Dash’s thighs and clinging even tighter to her clothes. The pigtailed purple bitch even buried her face to Dash’s chest, who was only left smirking as the young woman’s spasming, throbbing climax was enough to push her over the edge as well. It was a nice and relaxing peak considering all the stress Rainbow Dash had already been through that afternoon, a feeling of comfort and pleasure that seeped into her while her cock twitched and started to squirt. She could tell from the warmth that began to flood Sugarcoat’s pussy that Twilight Sparkle and her evil compact didn’t do any permanent damage - she was giving this girl a hefty payload, pumping squirt after squirt deep into her pussy. It was glistening down the sides of her shaft, across her naturally blue balls and then down to Celestia’s leather chair...which Rainbow Dash most certainly wouldn’t care to wipe up when they were finished.

“Y...You’re...you’re a real jerk,” Sugarcoat finally managed to murmur, lifting her head and narrowing her eyes behind her lenses. She was still perfectly positioned atop Rainbow Dash’s lap as she lowered her shirt properly and started to tuck it back in against the waistband of her skirt, swivelling back and forth and only managing to squeeze more cum from her entrance. “I don’t like you. At all.”

“Yeah, well, ask me if I care,” Rainbow Dash beamed, and quirked a brow. “When I’m done fucking all of your friends, do you want me to tell you which one was the best?”

Sugarcoat huffed, glared, and then slapped her hand onto Celestia’s desk to pull over a piece of paper and pen.

“I’ll give you my E-mail.”


“Where the hell have you been?!” Sunset Shimmer didn’t seem to be in any better of a mood. As she latched onto her girlfriend’s elbow with a firm grip, she began swiftly pulling her to the sidelines of a crowded hall. The students were taking one last break before the physical portion of the Friendship Games, and the halls of CHS were still mixed with its own students and the visiting brats. “I’ve been looking all over for you. Did you see who I was up against?! That...that was another Twilight!”

“Yeah, I know,” Rainbow Dash murmured, and gave a shifty look around as the two girls slid deeper to the sides. Always looking around to make sure no more Crystal Prep girls were nearby to overhear, she cupped a hand around her mouth and whispered to her lover in a slightly worried voice. “Sunset, I tried to say hi to her after the matc-”

“You tried to fuck her.”

“Well, obviously,” Dash rolled her eyes. “But when I went near her, that compact of hers? It...it did something to me. Something to...to my…”

“Is your cock okay?!” Sunset Shimmer’s words were only barely restrained, loud enough that a pair of nearby students jerked their heads up in surprise. Sunset Shimmer offered a sheepish, obviously fake smile to Ditzy Doo and Octavia, patting Dash on the shoulder as she tried to explain her outburst. “Uh...I...accidentally bumped her with my knee. She’s fine, she’s fine.”

“Hey Octavia~” Dash purred. “You’re looking go--”

“Dash! Eyes on me! Focus!” Sunset Shimmer snapped her fingers in her girlfriend’s face, drawing her attention. “Listen, if this world’s Twilight Sparkle has something that can affect your cock, then that means Equestria magic.”

“So what do we do?” came the curious response as Dash leaned against the wall. She offered one last cool girl nod in Octavia’s direction, and watched the musician’s ass swing like a perfectly timed metronome as she walked past. “I mean, I already fucked two of them. Definitely gonna fuck the rest.”

“Two? Who was the--how is that--”

“Sunset, you’re the smart one. I’m counting on you to tell me how to best use my cock for good.”

“Hnnnng! Fine!” Sunset spun on a heel, and flopped her back against the wall. Her arms folded across her chest and she gave an angry scowl, eyes once more scanning the room. Twilight Sparkle was in the crowd for sure, always lurking and looking their direction. The sneaky little thing was up to something, and it was up to her to find out what. “I’ll get eyes on her and tail her. See if I can’t try to figure out what her deal is.”

“And what should I do?” Rainbow asked, and quirked a brow as she looked a short-haired cutie in a Crystal Prep skirt a few feet away. “Just hang out and look awesome until you tell me to fuck someone, I guess? Oh! Speaking of, I got you a present!”

With that, Rainbow Dash plucked a pair of panties from her shirt pocket, the same ones she had stolen from Sugarcoat. While doing her best to be subtle about them by keeping them bunched up in a wad, she teased them in front of Sunset’s nose before tucking them into a pocket on her leather jacket. Sunset, despite the severity of their situation, couldn’t help but give a wicked smirk.

“Whose are they?” she hissed in devious glee, looking across the sea of Crystal Prep sluts and trying to guess which one wasn’t wearing panties. “Which one of these rude little cunts did you fuck?”

“See if you can guess, babe.” Rainbow Dash’s smile was enormous as she slid an arm around Sunset’s shoulders and pulled her close. In a few minutes, they’d begin their respective tasks - Sunset to tail Twilight Sparkle, and Dash to lead CHS to physical dominance. But until then, they could be two girlfriends having a bit of naughty fun, and enjoy each other’s worse, most devious features as they looked out over the sea of potential Crystal Prep sluts.

When their relationship began, they were one bad girl and one good girl. As they continued to influence each other, things were starting to more or less meet in a happy middle.

End of Chapter 21.