The Clearing

by Jackelope

First published

Thorax and Ember, lovers in secret, go the a nearby forest near the latter's lair for some intimate alone time. Little do they know, Thorax isn't the only bug in that forest, for a recently disposed queen watches from the shadows...

Ember loves Thorax. Thorax loves Ember. One late afternoon the couple took a break from matters of state and thinly hiding their affection for each in public, finding refuge in a forest's clearing. Passion and lust are high, as is their love. And it is unfortunate, that in this world, there are certain parasites that feed upon it. And the misfortune is ever higher, that such a parasite seeks revenge...

Fetishes: Chapter 1: Forced voyeurism, rape, pheromones (dependent mind control), big bug benis, big bug balls, cunnilingus, cock worship, large insertion, light cum inflation, deepthroat, male sub.
Chapter (good): Rape, triple penetration, big insertion, cum inflation, mind break, justice! (Dragon justice. Jurisdiction and all that.)
Chapter (neutral): Light femdom, husband and wife (does that count?!?)
Chapter (bad): Cuckquean and degradation

Probably, I'd say, my darkest work. The multiple 'endings' were a realisation of something I always do when I write. Basically, 'how do I want this to end.' And, in this scenario, I decided to have my cake and eat it too! :twilightsmile: Now, I realise not everyone will like this. I also realise this may make you leave a dislike just because it's filled with content you don't like. I'm fine with that. But if you leave a dislike because the quality of writing is bad, or there are flaws you simply cannot live with, please let me know! I'd like to know my flaws and mistakes so they won't happen again, thank you. :rainbowkiss: And please, if you liked it, leave a like! It's always appreciated. Ciao!


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The forest floor was an unbroken carpet of auburn and yellow. The fallen leaves largely undisturbed and brittle; the tree tops looking like amber jewels from afar. Few things ever ventured into the wood that surrounded the immense and ever billowing volcano of the dragon’s island. Scant things lived within it as well. The odd couple of insects and the occasional courageous little bird who wandered too far off its regular migratory trail. It was of such little note in fact, it didn’t even possess a name. Dragons didn’t need fuel for fires, nor did they need wooden houses or furniture, common sense would dictate why. And it is for those reasons that the forest remained untouched, unnamed and largely unnoticed…

Making it the perfect place for a soiree.

From the forest’s edge, it was entirely possible to hear a lover’s tune. A far off pair of giggles, each possessing a dainty pitch, joyous and carefree. Following the border of the wood, a keen eye would be able to make out a trail of mulched leaves, the untidy path was wormed sporadically between the large oak trees.

It was a chase!

At the end of the trail, hooves continued to trample down upon the ground with gusto; kicking up some of the mulch behind them. Shimmers of sunlight came through the tree tops, illuminating the way forward as well as revealing to the runner his target. His mark jumped from tree to tree; occasionally using her wings to carry herself across the larger gaps. The speed at which she did this made her look like a blue streak of light, as her scales shimmered from the sparse sunlight which bounced off her majestic form.

“Come on slowpoke, we’re almost there!” she taunted with a coy grin, the she-dragon throwing back a provocative eye – coloured like rubies, even in the low light - resuming her leaps and pounces; her tail flicking with beckon.

“Do I sound out of breath to you, Ember?” he called back, laughing. The two had been running for a good thirty minutes now, the princess leading her lover to a special and isolated spot within the expansive wood.

Their love was an affair, a secret between states... or so they believed. There was some flimsy justification for the secrecy. Something involving geopolitics, and the worry over what a changeling-dragon alliance would bring to the world. There was also shoddily concocted fear that the members of their respective species would dislike their monarch seeking love outside of their own kind. However, both knew, deep down, that it was all dung. In truth, they found enjoyment in believing that their love – if made public – would be considered taboo and scandalous. The secrecy added an air of excitement to the whole thing, even if it was the worst kept secret of both kingdoms. But love wouldn’t be love if both parties were thinking rationally would it? And besides. It was fun.

Ember made a final leap, leaving claw marks on the brown bark, landing on her feet in the middle of a large clearing. She turned to her lover with closed eyes and open arms, her lips curled into a proud smile. “Well, what d’ya think my changeling princ- hurk!”

Her 'prince,' who was in reality a king, pounced on her, sending her rolling to the ground; the changeling assuming a position atop her, looking down into her rubies with his amethysts. “Caught you,” he stated quietly but no less triumphantly. He then his eyes cast around in a cursory survey, smirking, looking back at the dragon. “It’s pretty,” he remarked, grinning. “And dare I say: romantic?”

“Shut up,” she replied with a pout; her blue cheeks adopting a deep shade of red as she threw her arms around the changeling’s neck, bringing him closer to her body. As she did, her eyes widened in shock, before her lips cracked into a smile. “Wow, you’re certainly eager today, aren’t ya?”

“You bet,” he confirmed, purring. He planted kisses right after on her neck, earning giggles from the princess. Thorax’s member was rigid, almost painfully so. He didn’t want to worry her, but his head couldn’t focus on anything else but the risque. About fifteen minutes after pursuing her, he felt his abdomen tighten as his cock was forced free of its sheathe. Forced. He might have loved the sight of Ember’s subdued voluptuousness, but he wasn’t a hair trigger. Without any stimuli his member began to bounce against the underside of his stomach, flicking pre against his belly and the forest’s floor. He tried to focus on the chase, physically feeling his green stones swell and churn with seed that begged to get out. Even atop his love, his sage sceptre continued to twitch and throb, pulsating with ‘need’ more so than ‘want.’

“Oh, you feel bigger today,” Ember moaned, feeling Thorax lightly push his hips against her, gliding his slick cock across her belly. “You’re not cheating are you?” she asked coyly, her reciprocating his grinding by pushing her stomach against his fat member, savouring the sound of his moan.

“All natural!” he replied honestly, smiling back at her. Normally, he'd take offence at such an accusation, but he was a tad preoccupied with certain other feel something as minute as 'offence.'

“Well, if that’s going in me, I’m gonna need to be nice and wet,” she purred. She parted her legs invitingly, her index finger scratching his chin.

Thorax smiled, but inside her felt his heart punching against his ribs, his gut tied into knots – impatient and horny. “Have I ever skipped foreplay? It’s the best part,” he said to her. Whilst he knew it to be the truth, for some reason, it felt like a lie. At that moment, at least. To distract himself from this, he leant forwards a little hastily, mashing his lips with hers; forcing his long forked tongue past her lips and into her maw – both moaning as their tongues fought with each other.

Ember was a little confused by Thorax’s eagerness. He was capable of being passionate, true, but this felt… different. More… carnal? She never saw this side to him before. He was usually chaste, more of a romantic than a, well, not-romantic. Ember liked that side of him, although, in the moment, she liked this side of him. Perhaps in moderation than all the time. As to why he was acting in such a way: perhaps he was just experimenting? Her mind continued to think like this all throughout their kiss, trying to temper his wrestling tongue with her own more agile tongue wiggling, although it didn’t relax his movements any.

Eventually Ember pushed him away, waggling her eyebrows, her fingers clasped on either side of his jaw. “As much I love making out with you, Thorax, I’m beginning to get a little impatient myself,” she told him. “I want you inside of me, my prince,” she cooed, “but I can’t take your monster inside of me yet.”

Thorax felt his dick throb at her mention of ‘monster.’ He was like any other male in the regard he liked his member receiving praise. With a grin, he nodded. “Right away,” he acquiescence, smiling, before descending down her, planting wet kisses down Ember's cyan underbelly.

Eventually, his hooves were pressed against the insides of her thigh, his breaths glancing off the tight blue crease between her legs. Unless you knew it was there, Ember’s pussy was difficult to see. Although, at that moment, Ember didn't exactly make it difficult. Thorax felt his semen churners twitch as her scent waft into his nose. Trailing down from her labia, the spot between the bottom of her slit and her cute blue star, was a glistening of the dragon’s feminine nectar. Ember squirmed under his hoofs, his breaths made her tingle oh so pleasantly; her feminine crease squeezing around a length she longed for.

Thorax brought a hoof to one of her lips, half-spreading the glistening pink gorge apart, revealing to Thorax Ember’s priceless treasure. Unlike ponies, Ember’s vagina didn’t possess a winking clit or full control over every muscle inside her honeypot. It was foreign, exotic, and he liked it. Not because it was ‘different,’ but because it was Ember’s. Simple as. His second hoof joined the other in spreading her, Ember releasing a cute squeal at having herself so bared before her lover. Thorax could see her canal trying to bring something in to fill it. Maybe the changeling wasn’t so alone in feeling a primal compulsion to breed. Although, the use of that term, ‘breed,’ made the changeling raise a brow, although he was quick to dismiss it. A thought conjured of the moment, nothing more.

Leaning forwards, Thorax’s tongue peeked out from his lips. His forked muscle flicked against the she-dragon’s button, earning an immediate mewl from her; thighs quivering. A second lick earned a spasm from her cunt, her toes curling. The bundle of nerves sent miniature shock waves throughout her. Ember already found her breathing heavy. She knew it had been a while since they last were intimate but she didn’t think she was this pent up. His tongue was like a pleasurable whip, striking her just right against her nub. She shook, her back arching as his tongue went to explore her depths. It was long and very flexible. It wiggled within her pink trench, scraping against every inch of her silken soft walls; her nectar being lapped up by the eager bug. Thorax was prepared to go even further. His hooves pushed under her backside, trying to force his long tongue to go even deeper within her. He felt his tongue smash against a barrier inside – her cervix – and tried to cover every inch of her wet love tunnel. However, he felt Ember clench around him, and immediately, the she-dragon used her foot to push his head away from her.

“I need you inside of me,” she panted, her chest rising and falling rapidly. She was right at the edge of climax, ecstasy a hair’s width away, and she needed to be tipped over the edge by having him plunge deep into her. “Now!” she commanded, her voice carrying the full weight of her royal authority.

Thorax felt as though he lost the capabilities to speak. He may have made a witty remark in compliance, or even a grunt, but he eagerly climbed up his lover with a ravenous grin. His cock meat trembled with need, every vein protruding, looking like a spider’s web all up his length, pumping and throbbing with warm blue blood. Precum pooled at the base of Ember’s tail, and by the time Thorax reached Ember’s lips, the broad tip of his cock was pressing against her needy hole, his whole body quivering with longing. “It’s going in,” he informed, forcing the words out his throat; his breath shaking.

His mind became more cloudy…

“My, my, that was certainly erotic,” a voice remarked suddenly from the edge of the clearing, the cadence like pure velvet to Thorax’s ears. “Is it like this every time, or did you just want to put on a show just for me?”

The couple scrambled away from each other, cheeks red as they locked their eyes onto the voyeur. Both Thorax and Ember continued to ‘leak,’ Thorax’s cock continuing to throb and pulse with his heartbeat. Ember snarled, staring piping hot daggers at the foe before them, while Thorax’s expression remained… aroused? He tried to scowl, but found he was incapable of doing so, his legs continuing to shake as he locked eyes with the mare that stood before them.

Before them, standing confidently and with a malicious grin of ill intent, was none other than the former queen of the changelings. Although, to herself, 'former' doesn't even enter the equation. Even in the daylight of dusk, her eyes shone and glimmered like precious emeralds. Her carapace was a deep dark ebony; her body looked like a shapely slab of onyx, her head absent of its little black crown. Thorax, for some reason, felt himself acknowledging how good she looked. Not out loud of course, but internally. Years of wandering the world without a kingdom left her no worse for wear since the last time he looked his eyes upon her. There was something new in his mind when he looked upon her, something that prompted his cheeks to remain red and blushing, and make his dick long to be inside of her. Not out of love, or affection, but something… compulsive, instinctual.

“Miss me?” she asked sardonically, fluttering her eyes flirtatiously at Thorax, before flashing the she-dragon a taunting smile. “He’s big isn’t he? I bet you've squirmed around my king’s cock many a night, have you not?”

Your king?” she spat back at the former monarch, squinting. She didn’t know why Chrysalis was speaking like that. “If you’ve come here to fight, we won’t surrender so easily. Thorax and I-”

“I can’t wait to feel him inside of me, this heat of mine can't be satiated by anything else,” Chrysalis said with ardent desire, walking towards the two of them. At this, Ember assumed an offensive position, taking a defiant step forwards and bearing her claws at the changeling. “He bet he feels delightfully filling.”

“Why are you ignoring me!” Ember barked at her, brows furrowed in worry. As she spoke she looked to Thorax, whose eyes looked heavy, glassy, his legs beginning to buckle beneath him. “Thorax?” she said quietly, frowning. Suddenly, his hind legs gave out, and he fell onto his stomach. “Thora-!”

Ember was silenced by a blow to her side as she reached out for her lover - bolt of painful magic - which sent her vaulting to the ground, gripping her side. “It’s because you’re not worth regarding,” Chrysalis informed coldly, coming to a stop before the fallen ‘ling. “This is my king you’ve got in your wretched little claws, do you know that?”

“Ember...” Thorax groaned from the ground. His nostrils flared, picking up something, something that made his balls ache. He could feel them, twitching, flexing, convulsing. It was so frustrating! They needed to be emptied, unloaded into a ripe womb, to breed, to fuck. His cock rumbled, pre continued to leak from his crown, begging for stimuli, begging for a hole to empty into. “What’s… what’s happening to me?” he struggled to speak, casting a glance to Chrysalis. His eyes lingered on her flanks. Her tail twitched and flicked, and Thorax now knew the source of what made his nose inhale deeply. He saw her plump ebony lips, and the exposed green flesh within, her cunt button winking with fervent arousal. The insides of her legs were plastered with Faust knows how much juice plastered between her thighs. “Y-you’re...”

“You’re my king,” Chrysalis stated directly, smiling at the prone ‘ling. The ebony queen threw a taunting smile to Ember, who began climbing back to her feet. “Do you know the purpose of a king in the hive? Any hive?” she asked, although it came off more rhetorical than a genuine question. When she finished, her horn became covered in a dark green shimmering hue; the ground between Ember’s feet tore apart as growths erupted from it. Glowing green vines that erupted forth, wrapping around her ankles and wrists, yanking her down to the ground and onto her knees. The she-dragon tried to pull at them, defiant, staring bloody daggers at Chrysalis, who could only cackle in retort. Chrysalis then looked down with faux affection at the cloudy-eyed Thorax. “Their purpose, their sole purpose… is to breed,” he trilled, the word fluttering into Thorax’s ear; which prompted him to moan and quiver.

“W-what?” Ember said, meekly; her struggling against her bindings stopped, looking between Thorax and Chrysalis with worry in her eyes. “What are you gonna do with him!”

“What all kings and queens do,” she replied with a mocking shrug, before nudging the changeling onto his back. She took gauge of Ember’s expression. She could feel her pain. She could sense Ember’s jealousy, even if it was a flicker. The dragon monarch’s mind was well aware that Thorax was no longer his self, but Chrysalis suddenly had an idea. A fun little game with only one player… well, technically two, although the other wasn’t aware they were playing it. She looked then to the other participant – Thorax – his cock standing pointed fully up, twitching, pre cum trickling down the shaft like a lewd fountain. It was big, that was objective true. Chrysalis had seen so many cocks in her long life that she could no longer react naturally to even the most gifted of stallions… although, nothing stopped her from merely acting, but the sight of it did make her cold heart hasten somewhat, and she desired to be the best at the game she just concocted.

“Wow… it’s massive,” she marvelled quietly, although loud enough to be heard by Ember. She trailed around the floored changeling, her sharp irises locked onto the bopping length, her words eliciting a bead of pre from the tip. “It’s so big. You carry this between your legs, my king?” she purred. She wanted to emphasise possession. He was no longer Ember’s, and Chrysalis wanted her to know that. Chrysalis stopped circling him soon after, stopping between his hind legs. She then looked over her shoulder, her horn lighting up, turning Thorax until he was sideways, giving Ember more than ample view of her coltfriend. “Look at how hard he is. He could prop up a building with this column between his legs! How often do you revere it? Kiss it? Touch it, just to feel its majesty?” she asked, falling to her stomach between Thorax’s rear legs, her eyes locking onto the green pillar.

Ember still wore a defiant face, although now tears began welling in her eyes. She looked to the floored prince, whose breathing was heavy. She watched as his dick twitched, gasping. “Thorax! Thorax! Snap out of it!” she yelled, trying to beckon him out of the pheromone induced stupor. Although, he didn’t appear to register her… or didn’t want to… no! He wasn't himself. Surely. She threw her eyes to Chrysalis. “Please! Please let him go!” she pleaded. She saw visible hunger in Chrysalis’ eye, her own breathing came out as shivers, panic rising within her. “Don’t touch him. I beg you!”

Chrysalis glanced to Ember with a smile, locking eyes with her. Then, ever so slowly, she lowered down; her mouth disappearing between Thorax’s legs. Next, Ember saw Thorax thrust into nothing; flinging his sticky pre onto his own chest as Chrysalis took one of his swollen testicles into her mouth. Chrysalis moaned, even though she felt no inherent pleasure from it, just the small modicum of sadism she felt towards the she-dragon looking upon them. Her nose became filled with his musk as she suckled on one of Thorax’s stones, her tongue lathered over the rough dark green skin, giving the testicle a bath in her mouth.

“No!” Ember cried out, yanking at her bindings, trying to reach out for Thorax.

Chrysalis popped the nut from her mouth, spittle bridged between her lips and the wet flesh, breathless. “So full and heavy. I can only imagine how potent you must be...” she mused. She was conscious not to look at Ember. She wanted the dragon to feel secondary, unimportant to the situation. It was truly malicious. There was something she wanted to make the dragon feel, something malevolent and cruel, something that could only be fostered in the most sickening of situations. “I can’t wait to feel you within me, my king,” she cooed.

“Stop! Chrysalis, please!” Ember continued to plead, although it was on deaf ears unfortunately.

Chrysalis popped the second untouched stone into her gullet, making sure to give out a particularly loud moan when the musky flesh touched against her tongue. Her tongue roughly polished it, her teeth lightly grinding the skin between them. She knew every trick to collect as much pleasure out a stallion as she could, but she also knew how to fan it, to make a stallion croak out a cry of bliss. With a precise slash of her forked tongue over the width of his fat nut she made Thorax’s body convulse, a suppressed groan escaping his mouth. She smiled with triumph, pulling her lips away with an audible pop. She felt a twisted glee at seeing his table leg of a cock throb and twitch with need, a desire to be touched, licked and sucked on like a foal’s dummy. She didn’t look to Ember. She heard her sobbing. She was tempted to glance at her. It would have been a sight to remember, the monarch of all dragon kind rendered to tears as her love – her one true love – writhed in pleasure under another mare’s tongue.

“You look about ready to blow, my king,” she intoned, inching forwards like a worm until Thorax’s girth rested across the length of her face. She could physically feel the blood coursing up and down it, and every time it swelled as a dollop of viscous pre was squeezed out the flat unflared tip. If she had a guilty pleasure, it was this aspect of pony anatomy. She admired how warm and thick their cocks were. Thorax wasn’t a true changeling any more in her eyes, and she’d certainly miss the feeling of eggs being pumped into belly, but a fat dick and a womb full of cum was just as satisfying… but that’d come later. “So fat and thick. This is worthy of worship,” she continued her faux praise, inching up his long cock with her tongue; inhaling his scent deeply and loudly. It was all for show of course, but her cheesy dialogue helped coax out more pangs of hatred and jealousy from Ember. Was that… envy? She couldn’t be sure, not yet…

She’d have to keep at it.

When she finally reached the peak of Thorax’s stallionhood, her tongue circled the head. She made the mistake of parting her lips, as Thorax seized the opportunity immediately. He thrust against her, smacking the roof of her mouth. Internally, she rolled her eyes, annoyed at his impatience, if not a little happy that his attempt to coax more pleasure was only a tincture of things to come. However, she had a show to put on. She gave an exaggerated moan, her entire body trembling with pseudo ecstasy, her tongue immediately set on spit bathing the crown with her tongue. She knew the precise movements, where to whip her long slithery muscle against ridge of his meat. She did, after all, have ten lifetimes worth of experience in such things. Meanwhile, her lips formed seal around the tip; her jaw parting wide to accommodate, the skin surprisingly soft, if not rough, although she felt the mass under it was assuredly rock-hard.

The dark monarch’s lips were soft, and Thorax writhed as pleasure tingled down his length and all throughout him. His mind was empty, apart from bliss, her tongue traced under the flare and then over it, sliding over every little bump with a calculated slowness; the deliberate movements left his hips doing little thrusts, aching for sexual vindication. In his mind there was the after thought of something, something important, but he couldn’t reach out and grab it. He couldn’t remember what he was trying to lock his eyes onto, or what he wanted to call out. A reassurance? Someone’s name? He didn’t know. He did, however, find his eyes lock with a green pair. He didn’t know what emotion to feel toward the owner of those eyes, just that in the moment, he felt good, and wanted to bathe in it.

Chrysalis wished she could look at Ember now. She could feel everything that an expression or body language would tell her, but there was something sickeningly sweet about looking upon someone’s face as you proved you were way better than they could ever be. Slowly, she began swallowing half-inches of Thorax’s fifth leg. She wanted Ember to see as she take in every inch, but he also wanted to make sure Thorax felt them too. Her tongue traced every vein on the underside, pressing against his urethra, just in time to feel it swell against her forked muscle; pre cum hitting the back of her throat. It was tart, salty. There’d be no way any sane mare would find it ‘delicious’ but she swallowed it down with a visible gusto, eating a further two inches of his cock – about halfway now – and doubted that even Ember could take so much without tears coming down her cheeks. But the monarch was nowhere near complete yet. She held it for a moment, just to give the blue dragon watching a glimmer of hope that she couldn’t be surpassed in this regard, but little did she know…

“Ah!” Thorax cried, utterly in a state of rapture.

The rest of Thorax’s member disappeared down Chrysalis’ throat. Her cheeks bulged out, and there was a visible distension in her throat. Deepthroating even the fattest cocks was foal’s play to any changeling. They lacked a lot of things, such as gag reflex, lungs – thanks to haemoglobin and the holes at the bottom of her legs – as well as an intestinal tract. Ember, meanwhile, watched in morbid fascination as the entire length of Thorax’s masculinity throbbed in the ebony changeling’s throat. It was an obscene sight, almost fictitious, she could barely believe that her eyes were upon it. She wanted to look away. She desperately she wanted to tear her eyes from the sight, but she simply could not. She tried to close her legs together, to deny to herself that her cunt continued to trickle occasional with her wanting nectar. She arrived to the brink of climax before, and whilst initially she banished the thought, angry and filled with hatred, it managed to force itself back into her mind. Just as it did, she felt tears fall down her cheeks, ashamed. “Thorax...” she whimpered, knowing it was futile, “please...”

Chrysalis smirked. It did betray her intentions, but she doubted Ember had heard her over Thorax’s moaning. She had managed to turn her throat into a perfect fuckhole, a cock washer of sorts, with Thorax instinctively pushing his sheath against her nostrils as he tried to go deeper into her gullet; unaware that he was pumping pre directly into her belly. In one swift move, Chrysalis rose her head with a grossly erotic sound, a loud slurp all the way to the tip-top of his mountain of a member. His meat was sticky and wet with spit, glistening in the few rays of sunlight, throbbing and convulsing in ecstasy. Thorax released something akin to a shriek, a high-pitched wail that combined surprise and pleasure. Each time his appendage disappeared down her gullet and ended near her stomach, he experienced a surge of pleasure, each one mounting; becoming greater than the last. He felt close, so close, yet…

Chrysalis’ jagged black horn lit up green, an aura washing over Thorax’s balls; her magic applying a light pressure right where they met the shaft. She blocked the flow of jizz. She then went on a torturous crusade. She swallowed the entire shaft in one gulp, and then retreated her head back to the tip, before taking the entire girth again. It was cruel. Thorax’s pained groaning was like music to her ears, and she hummed happily along to them, consuming his lust as big fat droplets of sticky pre. She fucked Thorax with her mouth, pistoning it in and out of her like a well lubricated machine, wet slick sounds filling the clearing. Thorax felt as though he was in agony, as though he was hanging onto the edge of falling into orgasm, and yet cruelly he was pulled and preventing from falling into his long-wanted demise. Not forgetting her show, Chrysalis moaned along with Thorax, allowing the cock to pop free from her mouth intermittently between throat just so she could flower it with false kisses of adoration.

The monarch eventually stopped. She savoured the sight of his engorged cock. The fact his balls had literally increased in size in her magic’s grasp, over flowing with a fervid need to breed, was only an added bonus. “Now, I’m gonna let go of your painfully full sack, my king. Are you going to cum?” she asked innocently, and was met with squirms and cooing. She didn’t expect any sort of genuine answer of course. The poor thing was barely capable of thinking, less so talking by this point. He was basically a grub now, the mental state of her brood prior to their… metamorphosis. But Ember didn’t know that. Chrysalis grinned, the magic fading from her horn as the sack fell heavy to the ground. The sack convulsed, visibly pulsating with seed, wanting to unload a tidal wave of spunk into something, anything. She then cast a curious emerald eye to his pole, wondering if the changeling possessed the fortitude to not climax; watching it twitch, rumble and spasm. Every suitable word to describe the way his meaty mast showed its need. She placed a hoof along the length, feeling the mighty meat throb under her stroking touch.

No cum...

“Good colt...” she cooed quietly - genuinely impressed - rising from the ground. As she did, her ears pricked with the sound of something dripping. She felt a malicious grin appear on her face. Ember was quite literally soaking wet by now! Dripping secretions from her cunt. She was triumphant, she was victorious…



Well, it had been a long time. And she was in the midst of her breeding cycle. Who could blame her for a soaking snatch? Although, she didn’t need to confirm with sight that Ember was a geyser of juices between her legs, the air was rank with her smell by now. Chrysalis knew that Ember hadn’t yet accepted it, embraced the idea that she was inferior to the queen in every way. But now Chrysalis had a way of settling it in the way only her kind could…

She took slow and deliberate steps around the prone ‘ling. When he tried to rise up Chrysalis pushed against his chest, forcing his back to the mud with thud, giving him a lustful smile. She then stepped over him, some of her precious cunt honey falling onto his belly. Her horn lit up again, brushing some strands of her mane behind her right ear, giving the she-dragon full view of her profile. She wanted Ember to see everything of what came next.

She lowered herself down, her lips were aligned with his, their eyes locked. Chrysalis saw nothing in them. They were blank, devoid of any worthwhile emotion, although slightly squinted; filled with lust. Chrysalis wore a half-smile, hoping Ember would perceive something out of paranoia in their stare. Soon after, their lips met. Chrysalis closed her eyes, moaning, her tongue beginning to passionately fight with Thorax’s – whose reciprocated on pure instinct rather than actual desire, although if things went her way...

Next, Chrysalis’ horn illuminated green, this time encasing the turgid pole that had smacked against her plot in an ethereal glow. As she made out with Thorax, she actually felt anticipation for what came next, her marehood flaming with lust. She angled the cock so that it prod against her plump slit, the inner green walls exposed. She lightly pushed it against her hole, her labia squashing under the dick. It was all for show, but she wanted the inevitability of her sexual conquest be truly embedded into the head of Ember. His balls were now hers, as was his tongue and lips, as well as his thick, meaty sceptre. And with her next act, she soon hoped to own his entire body.

“Ha~” Chrysalis gasped when she felt the wide tip penetrate her, breaking from the kiss to do so. The spit glazed girth spread her canal wide, her labia hugging around the intrusion snugly, her cunt button winking out from her folds. This was her first genuine expression of pleasure thus far, and she needed more of it. She pushed her hips against it, her tight slit devouring a quarter of the length in one go; the ebony changeling’s tongue lolling from her mouth as an excess of juices dribbled down Thorax’s appendage like condensation down a glass of ice tea. She shoved more of into her, and each time she did she was surprised at how much left there was. When she passed over the plump medial ring, she knew she was close to the shaft’s end. Shame. She watched each little spasm on Thorax’s face, each tell of his pleasure, the muscles moving to the twitches inside of her pussy. Smiling, she brought her plot down to his hips with a forceful smack, the rest of his turgid dick filling her completely; the tip of his foal-maker pushing directly into her womb, unhindered by a cervix.

She didn’t need to get used to it inside of her, but she did want to savour it nonetheless. She doubted that - unless things went her way completely - she'd get to feel this full again. She remained still, lightly gyrating her hips from side to side, feeling it push and pull against her walls; prodding the walls of her womb. Thorax whimpered like a needy dog, his head thrown back as he shifted beneath her, completely at the mercy of Chrysalis… and she wasn’t feeling particularly merciful toward the usurper. With a smug grin, she began to fuck him… without making a single move.

Thorax released a wheezing scream. He felt like his cock was being milked, soft wet walls squeezing from hilt all the way to where his cock entered her womb. His girth felt as though it was experiencing a licking by a million tiny tongues, all simultaneously. It was enough to make his eyes roll into the back of his head. It wasn’t like being deepthroated, which was a myriad blends of ecstasy that came in the form of miniature explosions each time her muzzle connected with the hilt. But this? This was a constant stream, as if he had been lobbed into the deep end of a bottomless pool of pleasure. It was indescribable, unmatched by anything in memory. He tried to thrust into it, but a combination of being semi-paralysed by his sheer euphoria combined with Chrysalis applying ample pleasure to keep him still, meant that he immobile beneath her. What’s more, there was something about what she did, something that kept him at the cusp, unable to go further, to finally get that satisfaction he so dearly needed.

Although, Thorax wasn’t alone in feeling good. Each ‘tongue’ as it felt to him was a stimulated nerve ending the ebony monarch. The sensation would be stronger if his member was plunging in and out of her birthing hole. But she desired something far greater than bliss. What she desired at that moment was a few more seconds of torture, a few more seconds of savouring the sight of him squirm beneath her like the pathetic worm he was. The changeling who made her lose everything. But she could not imagine a greater revenge than making him hers again, to steal his love from another with nothing more than the virtues of her finely controlled cunt. She leaned down to kiss him again, her hoof reaching out and wrapping around one of his antlers, forcing him deeper into it. He moaned into the kiss, as did she. It was a hateful tongue wrestle, motivating by pure spite.

Chrysalis finally decided to offer a teeny bit of mercy to Thorax, as well as satisfy her own urges. She raised her hips, a few inches of dick finally exposed to the air again; glazed with Chrysalis’ feminine secretions alongside. She slid a few more inches out of her green bug pussy, groaning as more of his length scraped pleasurably down her walls, dragging delightfully over every inch of her sensitive flesh. She allowed herself to hit her pleasure’s zenith, and slammed her ass down; re-hilting all of Thorax within her soaking, spasming twat. The two changelings moaned into the air, and Ember was filled with dread.

Chrysalis, professional she was at carnal debauchery, adopted a rhythm near immediately, building up to a tactful speed with very little actual building up to it. She figured they had both waited enough by now and just needed to get on with it. Her velvet walls clamped around his stallionhood every time it punctured deep within her, relenting on the vice-like tightness when it slid out of her the few inches she dared let free. The impact of her warm flower smashing down at Thorax’s base sent pleasurable ripples from her sex outward; her marehood's clit winking.

Chrysalis no longer tried to stave off Thorax’s climax. It pumped in and out of her snatch, the colossal member was worked like a piece of machinery, mashing into the changeling’s tight lubricated fuckhole. She wanted to feel it swell within her, to stretch her even further apart to the brink of tearing, to completely and utterly overfill her with fat cock and cum… admittedly, she got a little too into the act. It was less about revenge and more about finally quenching the heat between her legs. She rose from the prince’s chest until she was able bouncing up and down his engorged pole, gyrating her hips in circles as she rode him with abandon; her forehooves pressing into Thorax’s thighs to balance her as her clit winked, her lust freely on display for anyone to look upon now.

He was close now, but not close enough for Chrysalis. She needed his ecstasy to go beyond its peak to truly get what she wanted, for him to know that only she was capable of making him feel like this. As unlikely as it was in his current state she wanted him to call out her name when he came to, it’d be the cheery atop her sundae, but the lingering thought in his mind after, just knowing that Ember could not possibly bring him to the same level of ecstasy as she could. It would torture them both for the rest of their days. Other possibilities entered her mind, all created by the high she was experiencing. The idea of making little Thorax, usurper and king, nothing more than her personal breeding stick. The thought made her tremble around his cock. Ember, she couldn’t forget about her. She imagined turning the princess into nothing more than a sycophant for their juices, using her love for Thorax as a catalyst to turn her into something base and pathetic.


It was too sweet now. The former queen, as she smacked down the pole felt a rush, felt a surge of satisfaction alongside her mounting bliss that could only be described as a revenge-fuelled-high. She felt Thorax swell within her. Her horn exploded into a green light, surrounding Thorax’s fat stones in a massaging green light. She was close but he was closer. She put considerable force in slamming down now, barely allowing an inch of him out of her. She didn’t want to feel empty for so much as a second.

She looked to Ember. Her eyes were puffy and red and her arousal hung on the air like smoke – heavy and dense. Yet, much to Chrysalis’ glee, she felt hollowness from the she-dragon; like an empty womb, ready to be sowed with whatever she desired, be it good or bad, or even something in-between. “Your little ‘prince,’ Ember, will long for no cunt other than my own, you know that? I can do things for him you wouldn’t believe!” she taunted, deriding her, flashing a malevolent grin.

Thorax was felt his orbs churn, and his shaft tense, growing thicker with blood. He heard the words, latching onto some. When Chrysalis brought her hips down in one final mighty slam, his hips arched upwards to meet her. His large green stones tensed, his abdomen tightened, and his seed loaded into his dick like shot in a flintlock. He erupted the entire contents of his sack into Chrysalis’ womb. He had so much to unload that his urethral passage was forced to expand just to accommodate the sheer amount that gushed up it. He felt Chrysalis clamp around his cock, throwing her head back as she released a mute scream. He watched as her belly distended somewhat as her womb became so overfull that he felt his own cum gush out and pour over his waist and hind legs. And finally, his mouth opened, and let out a singular cry…

A single word.

Justice and Debauchery (Good End)

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“Ember!” he exclaimed, full of bliss as he hilted within somepony who assuredly wasn’t the she-dragon.

“Yes, yes, ye- wait, what?” Chrysalis stopped herself from throwing her head back in ecstasy to stare large, confused irises at the changeling unloading inside of her. “You were supposed to say my name, mine!” she barked at him, her brows furrowed, squirming uncomfortably around the dick that still remained within her.

Thorax was out of breath, but there was life back in his eyes now. There’d be sweat doing down the side of his head if he possessed any sweat glands. “There is only one girl for me, only one name I’ll scream out when I cum, you grub!” he spat at her with a grin. “You think just because you stank of pheromones that I’d turn over and do tricks for you like a puppy? I wouldn’t screw you even if you offered up to me on a platter.”

“You insolent little bi-”


A small stone was pelted through the air all of a sudden, striking Chrysalis right in the cheek. Thorax cringed with pleasure when the ebony bug slid off his cock onto the ground beside him, unconscious. Thorax threw his eyes to Ember, her versatile tail by her shoulder, a fatigued smile on her face. “Ember! Are you okay?” the changeling exclaimed, audibly concerned for his love. He turned into his side, trying to climb onto his hooves.

The vines around the she-dragon’s limbs dried and turned to hollow husks. Ember yanked herself free of the bindings, falling onto her hands and knees with a fire in her eye. She crawled forwards, slowly rising to her feet and stumbling towards her love. Without uttering a word more, when she reached the still clambering bug, she threw herself at him, mashing her lips with his and sending him back to the ground whilst they shared a kiss prone. She could taste the disgraced queen upon them, but she simply wouldn’t stop kissing until the taste was removed from his lips. The king’s tongue weakly fought back with her own, and happy tears fell down her cheeks. She broke it after a full minute, pressing her forehead against his.

It was over.

“Are you okay?” Ember asked him, tenderly.

“I asked first,” Thorax countered, releasing a quiet smirk.

“I’m fine, I’m fine,” she repeated, reassuring him. “I’m just glad your okay.”

Thorax pulled away, his breaths shaking, close to sobbing. “I swear, Ember. She got into my head, I couldn’t-”

“Shh, shh,” she hushed, wrapping a hand around the back of his head, bringing him into the nape of her neck in embrace. “It’s okay, Thorax. I know, I know. You must’ve fought against her every step of the way, with you saying my name and all at the end there.”

“I thought of you every single second,” he told her, honest; his weak limbs trying to wrap tightly around her back. However, the tender moment was ruined by a thought that wormed its way into his head. He cracked open an eye and reluctantly broke free of the hug. “What about her…?”

Ember leered at the snoozing changeling queen. Thorax’s seed still came out of her exerted twat in a trickle. Ember was disgusted. “Lock her up. Someplace deep and dark. Although… I guess that’d be her preferred environment,” she ruminated with liberal amounts of venom.

Thorax furrowed his brows at the sight of her distressed features. “She’ll get justice for what she’s done, Ember,” he vowed, his featured steeling with certainty.

“What would you do with her?” Ember asked, still eyeing Chrysalis with ire.

“There’d be a trial. She’d get locked up for a few years – it’s what my hive would want. But knowing Twilight Sparkle, she’d probably want me to offhoof her to be ‘reformed,’ or something,” he shrugged, looking at the knocked-out queen with furrowed brows. “Although, I admit, after what she did...”

There was a slight curve to Ember’s lips. “We could punish her under the law of my land. Uh… dragon law,” she said sweetly, brushing her hand down his cheek.

Thorax tilted his head. It sounded made up, created on the spot. “’Dragon law?’ I didn’t know such a thing existed,” he remarked, sceptical.

“It totally does!” she reaffirmed, struggling to hold back giggles. “It basically works like ‘an eye for an eye,’ although, it’s more ‘an arm for an eye.’”

“Wait, wait. So, under this law ‘justice’ is just doing the same crime back to the criminal, just… worse?” he said, trying to process it out loud.

“Yeah! It’s great. Real justice. Not just, I dunno, locking someone away where they’re warm, fed and bathed. This is how it should be done,” Ember said, a fire in her eye. Whilst ‘dragon law’ was certainly pure fabrication, Ember stood behind her words, motived either by a genuine need to impart justice upon the former queen, or satisfy her personal revenge.

“I don’t know...” Thorax replied, unsure. “I hate her. I can’t lie about that. Everything she’s done to me, and my brothers and sisters… it’s unspeakable. But… I won’t be like her. I won’t commit rape,” Thorax said, resolute.

Ember’s face softened, and she gave Thorax a warm smile. She leaned forwards, planting a kiss upon his lips before pulling him into a hug, resting her chin on his shoulder. “Who said it was you who had to do it?” she cooed.


Chrysalis opened her eyes. She felt groggy, and warm. She felt like she experiencing a bad hangover, and so she was thankful for the lack of bright light in this rudimentary prison. Well, she assumed it was a prison. She couldn’t even imagine a possibility in which Thorax and Ember would let her go free, so she was merely practising her common sense. She tried to stand, but found her limbs chained into the rock she was splayed out on. Rolling her eyes, she tried her magic. Of course, her jagged dagger of a horn gave out only a few measly sparks. An inhibitor. As expected.

“She’s awake...” she heard a masculine voice growl behind her, and some acknowledging grunts.

“Finally! All this waitin’ made me soft!” another complained.

“Don’t know why we couldn’t do it to her asleep. Faust knows how long it took our queen to pick out us three,” the third, and final, voice added. “I was startin’ to get impatient.”

Chrysalis heard movement, heavy lumbering steps. She looked over her shoulder and snarled at the three dragons. They were large, battle-hardened it. Chrysalis, at first, believed she was soon to be at the receiving end of a beating, or perhaps a rough interrogation, Ember seemed likely to sanction such a thing, but then… she saw their expressions. They leered at her, carnal intent plastered obviously on their expressions. She didn’t even need to read their emotions to know what their coming intent was. She yanked at the taut chains, finding that they gave little to no form of movement. It was done out of instinct more than logic. It was inevitable, she knew that, so did they. That’s why they walked with slow, deliberate movements, making the ebony ‘ling feel like prey in the sight of truly fearsome predators.

“I’ve never fucked a changeling b’fore,” the second dragon remarked, taking position behind her. His large red hands dragged over the disgraced queen’s chitin. Chrysalis noted that they were surprisingly cold, however it was a thought born out desperation to think anything – anything – that wasn’t the act about to forcibly performed upon her.

“I ‘eard she’s royalty,” the third dragon added. He was yellow scaled, and took a spot in front of her, squatting so that he was eye level. Chrysalis avoided his gaze by closing her eyelids shut; pursing her lips closed. She’d fight them for every second she could.

“Yeah, a royal cum dump!” the first dragon, whose voice was booming, commented crassly. “We’re lucky we’ve got ‘er first.”

“Shame. She’s gonna be pretty loose for the everyone else,” the third dragon said.

“Can’t loosen a mouth, can ya?” the first dragon retorted. “I ‘eard changelings are built for sex. You can fit anythin’ in anywhere if you force ‘ard enough.”

“No wonder Lord Ember’s traipsing about with that king of theirs,” the third dragon postulated, smirking. “Wonder ‘ow ‘e is in bed.”

At this the two other dragons sighed with annoyance.

“We get it Freddie, you’re a fan of cocks as well as she-holes. You don’t ‘av ta bring it up every conversion,” the second dragon griped.

Chrysalis furrowed her brows at their bickering. But she saw an opportunity to keep their conversation going. “Thorax is real loud once you get him going. Perhaps your queen just likes her ego being stroked.”

At this, the trio laughed, as did Chrysalis. Perfect. Now, if she could continue to get into their good books she might be able to manipulate them into letting her go-


“Ouch! Hey, why did you do th-”


Again, the large hand of the dragon behind her struck with her right haunch, making the soft chitinous surface wobble; turning a light shade of blue. “No talkin’! Prisoners and cock-whores don’t ‘ave the privileged,” he admonished.

“And you’re one in the same,” the dragon in front of her – Freddie – informed, giving her a lecherous smile.

“Lord Ember might’ve gagged ya,” the first dragon said, who Chrysalis now knew was large and orange. “But that’d deprive us of an extra ‘ole,” he continued, stepping forwards. Chrysalis furrowed her brows, watching the dragon cross his arms, her eyes falling to the spot between his legs. She watched as, slowly, a sharp tip emerged out the slit on his loins; her jaw gradually falling as more inches become exposed.“And believe us. We dragons, we need every hole we can get.”

“Ah!” Chrysalis yelped, mostly out of surprise, but pleasure too. She didn’t understand. She felt the dragon behind her slide the full length of his middle finger into her slit, the digit wiggled within her and she looked over her shoulder, just in time to see the red-scaled lecher slide it into his mouth.

“Hmm...” he hummed, delighted, the finger leaving his mouth with a pop. “Say what you want about them Zebras. They sure can make potions for every occasion.”

“W-what? What did you do to me?” Chrysalis stuttered, panic in her voice.

“Oh, ya know, gave ya something to make you more… reciprocal,” Freddie said, grinning knowingly. “Ya know. Just like Thorax, apparently,” he said, smirking. “You’re a real piece of work, you know that?”

“But don’t worry,” the first dragon assured mockingly, taking a step towards her. When Chrysalis looked at him, she felt a mixture of things. Shock, reluctant, fear… and want. Dangling between his legs were two fat, massive and engorged tapered lengths. Both throbbed, twitched with excess blood. “The effects aren’t permanent… not unless you give in...” he trailed off, ominously.

“G-give in?” she stuttered, feeling within her core genuine fear.

“Yeah, you can keep a clear ‘ead, can’t ya?” Freddie asked, smiling with wide eyes. “I mean, it’ll be harder considering what Lord Ember made us drink.

“Tasted like vanilla,” the first dragon commented quietly.

“A-and what does your potion do?” Chrysalis asked, her voice a squeak.

“Oh, you know, nothing special,” he began casually. “Some stamina.”

“Extra potency,” the second dragon added.

“Yeah, so much potency, you could even say… it’s addicting...” the first dragon finished, his twin members continuing to twitch and bob, precum leaking from each tip. He then looked to Freddie, rolling his eyes. “Stop gawkin.’”

“Can’t help it,” Freddie replied, standing up suddenly. Chrysalis was on the receiving end of a twin cock uppercut, smacking her upside the jaw.


“Sorry, not sorry,” Freddie said, smirking. Right in front of her, Chrysalis stared in marvel of his twin shafts. They weren’t as obese as the first dragon’s, long and thin, differing with a more conventional shape. They were cylindrical but ridged all down the urethra with pointed tips. “Like what you see? You’re already drooling!” It was true. Chrysalis looked away in shame, licking the saliva off her lips. “Ya know, now that I think about it. This isn’t fair in the slightest.”

“Well, she asked for it,” the first dragon said, chuckling.

“Yeah,” the dragon behind her spoke up. She looked back in time to him stand. He landed both of his cocks on her haunches, on adjacent sides of her tail. He lightly moved his hips back and forth, smearing precum over her chitin. The lengths were tapered like the first dragon’s, although not as long, they were certainly thicker. Every vein was pushed to the surface of the flesh, numerous looking like a spider’s web, each one visibly pulsating with blood. “You deserve every inch of our Lord’s justice.”

“Please, don’t- hurk!” Chrysalis was silenced by one of Freddie’s cocks being shoved down her throat. All of its inches were shoved into her gullet without a single care. She felt it stretch her throat, throbbing in a display of sickening carnality. She felt every single drop of pre that leaked down her throat. She knew they were supposed to taste salty, bitter. But they were sweet, like candy or juice. She tried to pull away but one of the dragon’s hands gripped around her horn, forcing her to take the entire length. “Mmmph!”

“Aw, now this is what I’m talking about! Ember said we could go as hard as we wanted. She’s stretchy, yet tight!” he exclaimed joyously, his tongue lolled from his maw. Chrysalis saw his other hand working his other shaft, milking out more droplets of the tasty pre.

“Well I wasn’t going to go soft on her,” the dragon behind her said. It was mad, inconceivable, but the mere feeling of the warm secretions on her chitin made her feel warm and horny. She felt her cunt squeeze and tighten around something that simply wasn’t there. The more she tried to blot this out, ignore the sensation, the more her body went on autopilot, acting on her natural urges. Her tongue began to circle the intrusion, passing over the urethra just to lap up the sticky fluid before it had time to go down into her belly.

Freddie moaned, his shaft twitching in her throat. Chrysalis felt her eyes widen as it swelled. Soon after, he smashed the extra inch of his exposed meat down her throat, and she felt a warm gush of liquid down her throat. Her own body quivered with forced pleasure, her eyes clenching closed as she tried to block it out. After a full ten seconds of a seed torrent down her throat, he yanked it out of her, remnants drooling down onto the floor.

Chrysalis, despite how foggy minded she was, found herself smiling wryly. “That was quick,” she mocked, trying to ignore how pleasantly filling his seed was.

Freddie glanced to the first dragon, who grinned knowingly; all the while his other hand continued to slowly pump up and down his meat, the tip drooled out viscous white cum. “Well, stamina wasn’t correct. Think of it more as… endurance? Replenishment, even.”

As if to prove his statement true, Chrysalis watched his softened members hardened, thickening harder and stronger than before; their combined musk making Chrysalis’ mind foggier than it was. With every ounce of her will she pursed her lips, keeping her trap shut tight. She wasn’t able to tear her eyes off the dragon’s length…

“Ah!” she squealed loudly in surprise, her mouth opening wide. She suddenly felt one of two lengths grinding against her haunches shoved forcefully into her unready plot-hole. Her sphincter clenched around the length, trying to force it out of her, instead only eliciting a moan from the cock’s owner. Freddie took the opportunity to shove the tip of his spitless length into her gob, muffling her squeal.

"You weren’t wrong, Fred,” the dragon behind her concurred with a groan. “She’s like a vice!” he exclaimed, slowly shoving more inches of himself into her. Chrysalis clenched her eyes shut, if only to step them rolling into the back of her head. Freddie continued to thrust in and out of her, the second shaft sliding up and down her cheek, covering it in a mixture of slobber and cum. It felt like the member in her rectum would continue forever, and it was only when she felt the slap of his hips against her bottom that she felt relief it didn’t continue. She already felt dreadfully full, even if her mind was filled with unwanted thoughts of sexual gluttony – aching for more inches, aching to be spread even further apart. “Wow, she can take it like any other dragon. That bodes well for you, Burk!”

“Yeah,” the first dragon – now named, Burk – concurred. “Don’t forget her cunt,” he reminded crassly. “Stretch her out nice and good. I don’t want it feel like I’m putting my sausage in a vice. And unlike Freddie here, I prefer using all the tools at my disposal.”

“Shut up,” Freddie barked with a grin, still continuing to gyrate in and out of Chrysalis’ maw. “I just believe in moderation. I’m a gentledragon...” he ended in mutter. Chrysalis felt one of his pre cum covered fingers wiggle its way into her mouth beside his stilled cock, tugging at her cheek like a fish hook. “But I suppose chivalry should be reserved for actual ladies...” the comment prompted Chrysalis’ eyes to open wide again, just in time to see Freddie smear the tip of his second member against her lips.

“Mmmph!” she grunted in protest.

“What’s that?” Freddie asked.


“You don’t want two dicks stuffed in your mouth?”

“Uhumph!” she shook her head, the cock in her throat poking into adjacent sides of her throat.

“Oh, when you put it like that...” he retreated his hips for a moment, although Chrysalis wasn’t a moron and knew it to be mock consideration. A couple inches out with one he immediately forced the rest of it – along with his other cock – down her throat. Chrysalis’ eyes watered as her mouth was considerably more stuffed; both of her cheeks were rounded as the two cylinders stretched out her mouth; her teeth grinding into the flesh of his twin dicks. Not that he cared. Chrysalis felt her throat become tight as the dragon’s sceptres but her over capacity. Without her magic she couldn’t shape shift to better accommodate, although she suspected he preferred it this way. “Oof, that’s it,” he cooed, his cocks rumbling in her throat.

“It isn’t over yet, queeny,” the dragon behind her taunted. She felt her abdomen tighten as the tip of a second member prod against her slit. She didn’t squirm or try to fight it, just brace herself for ‘justice.’ When it had entered her, she didn’t feel pain, she hated – oh, how she hated – that all she could feel was ecstasy. She could feel the two members touching, each twitching against one another through her walls. Neither were buried completely to the hilt yet she felt so rapturously full. Her eyes moistened with tears. Not out of pain, no, as the dragons watching her believed. But a mixture dawning and joy.

She was already succumbing.

When the twin dicks that stuffed her holes began to ram her, lancing deeply into her cavities, she couldn’t help but moan. Her limbs shook as if electricity ran throughout her. The spasm which accompanied her movements could only be construed as one thing: orgasm. Her puffy black star and cunt clenched around the initially unwanted intruders, now trying to keep them within her as their owner plunged deeply into her moist caverns. The duo that filled out her mouth however, were at the receiving end of a tongue lashing. Her forked muscle circled around each tip, occasionally squeezing it between them. She couldn’t seal her lips to suckle, but she was content to just allow them deep into her throat, pumping more of that tasty nectar into her stomach as Freddie pounded her face to the hilt of each rod. She was disappointed at his lack of sack, as she would’ve enjoyed the feeling of such potent jewels smacking into her chin. She didn’t even pretend now she wasn’t enjoying this.

The dragon behind her grunted, yanking at her tail, sliding her closer to him as he hilted inside of her. She gasped around the cocks in her maw as she felt herself fill with viscous dragon cum. Her womb and belly filled fully, expanding like a balloon as a torrent of baby batter was unleashed inside her. The two cocks acted like corks, plugging her holes and preventing semen from escaping her. A cry of bliss was trapped within her throat by the intrusions that blocked it, pulsating and twitching; her vocal cords sending pleasurable vibrations up the ridged meat. Soon after Freddie yanked at her horn, pulling her towards his dick’s bases and he groaned. Chrysalis soon felt a double-barrel explosion in her throat of warm jizz flowing down into her stomach. At both sides she was clogged, and inside from head to plot she was absolutely stuffed with cum. Some seed was forced out her nostrils, her eyes bulging out her head.

Finally, both dragons pulled out with contended sighs after a full minute of bathing in their afterglows, the pressure on each of her holes finally being relieved. She felt the cum dribble down the corner of her lip, whilst it gushed out both her rear holes; splattering the inside of her thighs and leaving an impressively sized pool of cum on the ground below. Chrysalis had no need to, but she panted, as did the dragons to her front and her rear. She felt Freddie run his fingers through her mane, and she looked up to him and saw him grinning back, his twin erection already pressing against her lips. On her plot, she similarly felt some fingers coil around her dock, and tips of his dragonhoods readying to fill her again.

“I think it’s ‘bout time I got a turn in,” Burk interceded, stepping towards them. Chrysalis glanced at him, seeing his beyond-impressive girths continuing to throb and flex with longing.

“Aw, c’mon, Freddie’s gone twice already!” the dragon holding onto her tail complained.

“That didn’t count!” Freddie countered nonsensically.

“How did that not count?!” he exclaimed in disbelief.

“Shut it,” Burk barked, before looking at Chrysalis, grinning. “Look at her,” he directed, lightly swaying his hips from side to side. Chrysalis’ piqued irises followed them, her bughood winking its clit in longing, enthralled. “She’s already nothing more than a trio of wet holes. We don’t have to pass her to the others… yet,” he finished with a low laugh, trailing around her back.

“Fine,” the dragon behind her relented, letting go of her tail. “But if she’s as loose as a stretched rubber band I am not going to be happy!”

“You could always try me,” Freddie offered, leering at him, puckering his lips.


“Outta the way,” Burk said, shoving the dragon off to the side; dropping each of his lengths upon her back. She felt his fingers reach forwards, exploring her abused and sticky holes, the mere act causing his duo of sexes to spurt out a cherry-sized glob of pre. “Ready queenie?” Burk asked rhetorically, pulling his hips back, then aligning each of his fucksticks with each of her holes.

As the question was asked, Freddie leaned his rock-hard members forwards, straining her jaw once more. As as he did, a singular thought entered her mind, a mixture of defiance and acceptance, her mouth lewdly contorted into a smile around Freddie’s junk.

‘Bring it on.’

Servitude and Carnality (Bad End)

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“Chrysalis!” Thorax called her name out with unrestrained passion; his heart hammered against his ribs as his body fell limp under the weight of Chrysalis atop him. He felt… warm, contended… good. His mind was just a whole slue of basic thoughts and coherencies now. He saw the face before him, and judged simply, that he liked it. He felt an instinct to lean forwards and kiss her, it felt just right. He felt a hoof brush against his cheek, and he perceived it as affectionate, however, as he went in to connect their lips for an electrifying kiss, she pulled away for some reason; which made him whimper.

He now belonged to the queen...

Chrysalis slew the cock from her cum painted walls with sloppy pop, standing over Thorax. She raised one of her hind legs, looking under herself to watch the excess of seed trickle down from her used hole. She observed with a grin as it pooled over his belly and softening cock, which was now coated with cum and her secretions. She was satisfied to have her heat quenched, but perhaps she was a little too good with riding him. She looked down at him, seeing in his eyes nothing but affection, something forcibly drilled into his mind. She couldn’t access his thoughts but the king – or should she say, former king – was now hers to do with whatever she wanted. Although, she felt like she was forgetting something…

“What did you do to him?” she heard Ember sniffle, earning the queen’s eye. “Thorax… Thorax?” she sobbed, looking at her love with moistened eyes, trying to coax him into looking at her.

Chrysalis felt love radiate from the dragon, it was a limitless pool. And considering her lifespan, Chrysalis saw an opportunity…

“He’s still the same old, Thorax,” she lied, smiling. “He’s just found someone who can satisfy him much better than you ever could,” she intoned, ensuring the words pierced the she-dragons’ heart. “He still loves you… maybe...” she shrugged, smirking. With that, her horn flashed, and the bindings that bound Ember lost their glow, immediately shrivelling to mulch. The she-dragon fell to her hands and knees, her puffy red eyes still locked onto her love, her everything. “Why don’t you come here...” she beckoned, “come see.”

Ember, with her joints sore, simply crawled towards the aftermath of the carnality she bared witness to, the forced infidelity that made her loins burn. She was hoping Thorax would spare her a glance, anything to acknowledge that she was there. When Ember, pathetically, reached him, she tried cupping his cheek; trying to bring his eyes to look into hers. But when his head was turned, his tried to remain locked on the mare above him. “Thorax… Thorax...” she tried coaxing, her tone gentle. “I love you, remember? We… we were going to tell everyone about us a week from now. Don’t you remember? I… I didn’t say anything, but I also saw the ring. You were hiding it back at your hive, remember? In the broach I gave you. Do you remember, Thorax?” she continued to probe, forcing a smile, even as tears began to fall from her already taxed eyes. She shot them at Chrysalis, her hands still cupping each of her love’s cheeks. “What did you do, what did you do!?”

Chrysalis arched a brow, as if her fury was spontaneous and unwarranted. “I’ve worshipped and praised him, catered to his every desire far more than you have. And I did so in much less time. Perhaps if you had adopted the same amount of enthusiasm...”

“But… but I love him,” Ember muttered, defeated.

“You are beneath him,” Chrysalis replied, her voice firm. “Beneath me. But you might be able to earn his attention again, be the sole receiver of his love. It’s easy. Your love need simply be stronger than mine,” he smiled as she lied,

“But it is!” she retorted, letting go of her love’s face.

Chrysalis smirked. “Prove it.”

Ember furrowed her brows. “How? What can I do? I’ll do anything!” she gushed, looking to the ebony ‘ling with desperation in her eye.

“Well, much like I, you have to prove you love every single part of him. Including everything he produces, such as his scent, to even his seed...” she trailed off, suppressing the urge to quiver with sheer delight. “Eat it.”

“W-what?” Ember stuttered.

Chrysalis enjoyed seeing such a once proud and mighty exemplar of her kind reduced to this. On her knees, clarifying what base act she asked her to perform. She looked at Ember firmly, almost dominating. “His cum. Lap it up like a dog. Off anything and everything. That’ll prove your devotion to him.”

Ember’s exhale came out shakily, visibly unsure. Chrysalis knew she didn’t need to further encourage. She could feel the she-dragon growing to accept it within her, humiliation concocted wonderfully with lust. Wordlessly, the she-dragon gave a final affectionate look to Thorax, before crawling to his cock. She craned her neck forwards, her tongue tentatively coming out her mouth. The sound of Thorax exhaling when the versatile muscle pressed against the flesh of his member encouraged Ember to draw her tongue up its length, licking up the drying warm mess on his rod and stomach. However, this simply wouldn’t do.

“No, no, not from there,” she scolded, shaking her head. “You have to be indiscriminate, sweet...” she trailed off. Ember clearly knew what she was implying by this.

Nodding, submissively, the she-dragon manoeuvred around the pair until she was behind the ebony queen. Chrysalis didn’t need to look back. She simply threw her sights to Thorax, taking in the sight of a ruined stallion. She almost gasped when she felt Ember’s scaly hand press on either side of her flanks, and she almost let out a moan when she felt that tongue of hers begin to timidly lap at her leaking pussy. Chrysalis smiled. Not only due to the pleasure she was receiving – even if Ember’s tongue was unskilled in the act – but also because she came to realise one undeniable fact of the matter…

She won.

Slap Slap Slap

That sound had become as natural to Ember as breathing now. She didn’t know how much time had passed since that afternoon in the forest.

Slap Slap Slap

She did need only look down to see Chrysalis’ swollen belly. She recalled that the ebony queen being confused by this, and then angry… but things soon went back to normal after that. Although, Chrysalis was conscious now of using her ass to satisfy her and Thorax’s lust. For the foal’s sake.

Slap Slap Slap

The chamber reeked of sex. It had become an irremovable stain on the air now, she couldn’t escape it no matter how hard she tried… not that she wanted to anymore.

Slap Slap Slap

She knew its source. Between her legs, her blue flower was like a waterfall of her nectar. Her own secretions had been stained to the inside of her thighs for months now. Her queen wouldn’t allow her to bathe for long periods. It was a privilege. But, her own, unworthy cunt, wasn’t the lone source of the stench.

Slap Slap Slap

Directly above her head, she watched as her love’s cock pounded into her queen’s rectum, his balls smacking against her leaking twat, which winked with longing. His balls were covered with sweat and spittle. She provided the latter. She had to prepare his cum churners every day for a more worthy hole. Even Chrysalis’ tight puffy black star was more worthy than the she-dragon’s wet ripe cunt.

Slap Slap Slap

Thorax at least acknowledged her now. She held on to that hope. She was making progress. When droplets of pre or her queen’s precious honey dropped down onto her face she made sure it landed in her gullet. She quivered whenever they would land on her buds. Tartness and saltiness was perceived as sweet and ambrosial. She felt privileged to swallow down such treats. She couldn’t wait until her love finished, just so she could lap up as much she could. Over the past months she noted the gradual increase in size of her lover’s stones… although, stones was an unfitting term now. They were more like boulders, about large as small watermelons, perfectly suited to sowing the wombs of many fertile mares without stopping. Although rather selfishly the contents belonged only to Chrysalis… and Ember, of course.

Ember watched, entranced as she always was. Seeing Thorax’s big green cock plunge into Chrysalis enviably tight holes most of the time was enough to make her cum. It was the only way she could now, seeing ass the was forbidding to administer pleasure to herself unless instructed by Chrysalis. Placing her pleasure above Thorax’s showed that her devotion to him was flimsy. She couldn’t allow that. She instead lived vicariously though the queen. Her moans were unceasing whilst they fucked, a passionate song that was also a duet. Thorax, he grunted with every filling of Chrysalis, masculine and raw. It was all she heard from him these days. She couldn’t remember the last time he spoke a word, aside from the occasional groan of ‘Chrysalis’ whenever he climaxed. Ember longed for the day she could feel him inside of her pussy again, but at that moment she longed just to feel his pole down her throat, or his lips upon hers. Anything! But she wasn’t worthy yet…

She closed her eyes as a sudden squirt of marecum landed on her face, accompanied by a gasping moan from Chrysalis, yet Thorax continued to pump into her asshole. As Chrysalis tightened her sphincter around his shaft, Ember watched as the sack for the two churners flexed, having to do so multiple times just to empty out their generous contents. Ember watched as the clenching hole failed to remain tight around Thorax’s pulsating shaft, which enlarged with a swell of blood and cum. Thorax released a shaking groan, his haunches flexed prostate squeezed out every drop of cum into its designated hole. She counted the pulses. It was around fifteen that time. Five short of a new record but still nothing to scoff at. After they both reached their climax Thorax slipped out of the hole. Cum gushed out of the queen’s abused backdoor, splashing out over Ember’s face, coating her in it. She could barely crack open an eye in time to see Thorax’s shaft pump with blood, becoming engorged and stiff once more. He aligned it with Chrysalis’ gaping hole and shoved it back in, earning a gasp from both of them. Ember smiled, licking cum off her lips, trying to scrape it into her hands; not allowing any drop to go to waste – she’d lick it off the floor if she had to…

She couldn’t wait for the next load.

Future and Matrimony (Neutral)

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“Cumming!” Thorax cried out, his voice a hoarse gasp, piddly and pathetic. He didn’t want to admit it, but the orgasm he was experiencing was unlike anything he ever felt before. His hips trembled, sowing his seed as deep within the hole as possible, not of his own volition. His expression contorted into a grimace, and he slammed his eyes shut. His mind cleared, coinciding with his orgasm, not wanting to look at Chrysalis’ face out of shame. His body felt weak, fatigued, and try as he might he wasn’t unable to lift up his hooves to push the ebony queen off of his spent member. He felt her spasm around his length, half-milking, half-climaxing, ensuring she took every single drop.

“Mmm...” Chrysalis hummed, delighted, her moist canal stopping its clenches. Thorax felt her breath against his lips, and he summoned all his strength just to turn away, his nostrils exhaling quivered breaths. “Was it not good for you…?” she mocked, smirking. At that, Thorax felt his penis shimmy from side to side, his softening cock receiving a few pangs of terrible pleasure; his face cringing. “Don’t worry, you don’t need to say anything. I know the answer...” she cooed, stroking the underside of his chin. Her touch made him feel unclean, gross and dirty. Her hoof left his chitin with a flick, as if nicking him with the point of a knife. “I’m going to miss feeling this full. Will you miss me, I wonder?” she asked, and he felt her slide of his member, his body squirming at the unwanted pleasantness of the sensation.

He heard the sounds of leaves crunching, at which he reluctantly opened an eye. He looked at her as she trod away, his excess semen trickling from canal. She made sure he saw it, flicking her tail. She rolled her hips with an exaggerated sway as she walked, and before Thorax could avert his eyes she shot a look back to him over her shoulder; wearing a large sadistic grin. The look was piercing, her emerald daggers were emblazoned into his mind. It was taunting, a look that served as an abominable memento that he couldn’t rid of. It glued to him his shame, the exigent rapture she made him feel, as well as the shame that came with merely acknowledging that fact. He closed his eyes again, if only to hide the fact he felt tears start to well within them, his sobs quiet and muted as he pressed his head into the mud.

He didn’t know how much time had passed, but he soon felt a cold hand on his cheek. He tried to retreat from it, refusing to look upon its owner. How could he? He soon felt his head being coddled, laying upon a soft scaled thigh, his jaw being rubbed soothingly.

Thorax soon felt the dam crumble however, forcing open his eyes to look at his love’s fatigued face, the whites of her eyes pink. He sniffled, his expression contorting into a frown as he tried to hold back his tears. He wanted to appear strong, but how could he? “I’m sorry, Ember,” he sobbed, failing to catch the crack in his throat, his voice crumbling. “It wasn’t me, it wasn’t me-”

“I know, I know,” Ember interrupted his sob, hugging him against her chest as Thorax reciprocated, hiding his crying eyes by pressing his forehead against her scales. “It’s okay now. I’m here, I’m here...” she repeated in coo, her tone soft and comforting.

They remained in that clearing for hours, embraced...

One and a half years later

Thorax remembered how everyone’s eyes had rolled when the pair revealed the full extent of their relationship, and how he heard a few heckles of ‘finally’ from somewhere at the back of the crowd he had gathered. Both he and Ember shared confused looks but they were happy that their relationship was now known at least. Half a year later, after the reveal, from the edge of Canterlot under a particularly bright night - courtesy of Luna - Thorax presented to Ember a large beautiful sapphire ring, encrusted within an exquisite platinum band. It was truly a sight to behold. No jewel of its calibre had ever existed before, requiring loyal confidants to travel to each corner of the world to find a gem worthy of gracing Ember's hand. He then hired the most talented smith currently living to fashion it. The act of creating the engagement ring took a sizeable chunk out of his coffers. But the value of the jewel represented the mere beginning of the stretch into infinity of Thorax's love... of course, it was promptly consumed by Ember when he presented such a delectable looking gem before her. She at least quivered with delight at its taste, barely even hearing his question. But Thorax couldn’t even hold onto chagrin for long. After all, it was immediately replaced with the sweetest and most powerful flavour of joy any stallion could experience…

That of a stallion knowing he was going to marry the love of his life.

The wedding required a great deal of planning, something Ember was, understandably, not the most adept at. It was then, both resolutely, they offhanded the duty to someone extremely qualified. Thorax remembered when he arrived at the crystal tree with Ember – who he had to rein in from eating its walls – and the twinkle in Twilight’s eyes when he approached her… and asked for Spike. Oddly, she wasn't to be found after that. The stocky little dragonling fainted when asked to plan one of the world’s largest weddings. It included guests from four separate kingdoms, a buffet table the size of the train track from Canterlot to Fillydelphia as well as having Princess Cadance – a full time mother and queen – to officiate the ceremony. All of this was on top of his obligation as ‘best man,’ which in itself had a whole sleuth of other duties. Thorax and Ember supposed the joyous shock of being given such a prestigious responsibility was what effectively rendered him unconscious immediately after their meeting. There was simply no other explanation...

As expected, the wedding went off without a hitch. It was a beautiful ceremony, so important that Ember even deigned to wear a dress! Even if by the time she had reached her husband-to-be it had plenty of holes and burn marks on it, all the result of her impatience undoubtedly. Rarity was not at all happy about that, as Thorax came to learn after having his ear chewed off by her for a full half hour. Under audiences composed of dragons, changelings and ponies, and in the crystal empire – the disputed centre of the world and homeland of love – the bride and groom silently vowed eternal love to one another with a kiss under the warm light of dusk. After a lengthy reception that went well into the night, laughter and joy almost overpowering the changeling, soon Thorax found himself… well, where all newly married couples find themselves the first night of their marriage...

“Finally! I've got you all to myself,” Ember spoke between kisses, pushing Thorax backwards with every single one. “Which idiot invented the rule that the groom can’t see the bride before the wedding?”

“We didn’t have to do that,” Thorax said, continuing to meet her lips as he removed pieces of his suit.

“I wanted to do it right,” Ember replied, her finger hooking around the neck of his tie, cutting it off with the end of her claw. Thorax didn’t mind, manoeuvring out of his blazer, trying not to disconnect his lips from hers. “It had to be perfect,” she said, almost breathless.

“And it was,” Thorax concluded with an assuring smile, feeling his haunches pushed against the foot of his soon-to-be marital bed.

The changeling removed the last piece of his apparel – a silken shirt – which was tossed haphazardly onto the bedroom floor. The duo clambered onto the bed, and Thorax suddenly felt himself pushed onto his back; head on the pillow and feeling very exposed as his wife straddled his belly. He watched her pull her wedding gown over her head, tossing it to the side as it was just some rag. He saw her hand go to the cute frilly garter around her thigh, and he found his head shaking, her brow raising with a smile; her hand leaving it be around her leg. Thorax felt enchanted by the sight of her. Her beauty was only exacerbated by the soft glow of the moonlight, which bathed over her from the balcony window. Her red irises contrasted wonderfully with the white light, the pair of which looked down on Thorax with a mixture of love and lust. Thorax tried to raise himself up toward her to meet her kiss halfway, but found her hand pushing him forcefully back down, his eyes widening in surprise as her smile turned coy.

“You’re lucky I was able to keep my hands off you during the reception, husband,” she purred, stopping just an inch before their lips could meet. “So be a good boy for the next, I dunno… hour?”

Thorax gulped. “H-hour?” he stuttered in disbelief.

Ember grinned, before connecting their lips, trading spit with her husband and duelling their tongues. Thorax moaned into her mouth. The longer the kiss went on the more her felt himself grow stiff, steadily becoming harder and harder. Ember obviously seemed to know about this, as whilst her hands were on either side of Thorax’s face, her tail circled around the half-hard member, stroking it slowly up and down to coax it further to life. To Thorax’s surprise she would break the kiss with his lips just to leave a sloppy peck on his cheek or neck, nuzzling against him whilst he moaned, the tail lightly pumping his length with surprising finesse. She was apparently so intimate with his length by now that she knew just where to squeeze, to drag over slowly, to wring out the most pleasure out of him. She was pressing down so tightly on him that he was unable to thrust against her pumping, not that he tried, necessarily. She was in control and he acknowledged that. This might have been their day, but this was her night.

Gradually, Thorax felt her hands travel down his neck, his shoulders and then his sides. He felt each of her fingers tracing down him, sending shivers throughout him. Her hands paused on his haunches. Thorax felt apprehensive. The last time they did anything involving his plot, he walked with a limp for a week. But then her hands coiled around his hind legs, lifting them from the bed, just in time for her to break the kiss and for her tail to unwrap from around his shaft; which now drooled clear sticky pre from the crown. She raised his legs up – along with his haunches - before placing her hands at the bottom of his hooves until he had been transformed into some sort of clandestine throne. And, with his cock and balls in the way, it definitely would have made for a very uncomfortable one. This was certainly new, but he wasn’t unfamiliar with the Amarezon position, becoming acquainted with it rather recently via some of Rarity's rather perculiar mare's magazines. Although, he supposed, it wasn’t very much up to him how he got fucked on this particular night. He’d rather not come between a horny dragon and her immediate means of satisfaction… not that he was complaining.

With his hooves in the air, Ember sent a hand behind her back, her fingers soon sinking into the soft thick flesh of Thorax’s appendage, squeezing it until she felt the raw hard masculinity under her fingertips. Thorax gasped. He always enjoyed her hands. They were very precise in how they squeezed and stroked him. The tip of his sceptre was pressed against her back, the spot between her wings, and for a few moments Ember’s claws lightly stroked up and down Thorax’s meat. He looked to her expression, seeing her smile in delight at his pleasured expressions, as well as his reddened cheeks. He felt his gut tighten as his anticipation grew. She was slow with her motions, her thumb pressing into the plump ring that covered the circumference of his dick, knowing it would make his fat stick beat in her hand. Thorax never saw her eyes leave his, even whilst her hand began lathering the tip of his cock with its own sticky secretions, of which he leaked an abundance.

After his member felt wet and warm with pre, he watched with a held breath as Ember gripped just under the stallionhood and angled the sizeable length against her sex. He watched, impatient as she prodded his tool against her folds, pushing against her moistening labia, yet now allowing it to enter within her much sought canal; the snug tightness with Thorax’s member longed for. Thorax released something akin to a groan, or a surprised gasp each time she applied a slight more pressure to her loins, pushing her hips with gradually greater force until finally – with which both Thorax and Ember gasped – that she pushed down with just the right about of pressure to send the bread head of Thorax’s pride into her soaking slit. Thorax saw, as well as felt, her quiver; the vibrations travelling pleasantly down his girth.

To his added surprise once the tip was in she didn’t relent to accommodate herself to it. Instead, she kept sliding more and more of his length into her trench, her forked tongue lolling out her mouth in an expression of abject pleasure, however she came to an abrupt stop when his broad crown hit a blockage, a barrier, which made her wince visibly. It was about three quarters of his cock, just barely enveloping the plump medial ring which made him bit his lower lip in bliss. Whilst she held a momentary expression of disappointment she soon wore that grin again, gyrating her hips. Her movements were tortuous, putting him in a position of getting pleasure, but just not enough of it. It left him trying to pull out of her so he could thrust whatever inches escaped within her. But she was having none of that, the position facilitated total control over his rod, and she visibly took pleasure in that; her pussy clenching and squeezing around him, which wasn't doing Thorax any favours.

After what felt like an eternity – which was only half a minute in reality – Ember began to raise her hips. Every inch that his cock scraped along her soft walls was every second Thorax felt dipped in ecstasy, his smile goofy and his look dreamy. Ember was visibly careful to not let his sex fall out of hers, being generous with the amount left within her before thrusting her hips downwards again, taking as much of his length as she could manage with a grunt. Thorax knew he was big for her, but he was still impressed every time by her tenacity. Her pussy struggled to take him, and he filled her so completely that she felt ever-tight, like he was making love with a virgin each time they joined at the hip.

Since Ember was leading she was quick to adopt a rhythm to rock her hips to. Her excess nectar came out as droplets landing on Thorax’s belly each time she did her downward thrusts. Thorax was moaned and grunted each time he filled her to capacity. Feeling her walls clamp around him made his legs quiver, his hips trying to give a futile thrust into her twat each time his member left her. It must have hurt to turn his dick into a cervix puncher, but either Ember didn’t care or it still felt good for her regardless, the she-dragon’s tongue fell from her maw as her head was thrown back in bliss.

“F-fuck!” Ember exclaimed crassly, and loudly, surprising Thorax. “I’ve been waiting for this all week!” her lust was vocalised loudly, her breathing heavy.

“I-I can tell,” Thorax muttered, smiling with rosy cheeks.

Steadily, Thorax felt her pace quicken, coinciding with his mounting pleasure. If he had to guess from her clenches and strained breaths, she was as close as he was. His surprise was only heightened by the speed at which she quickened her pace to, a lighting speed that had Thorax overwhelmed. The sound of their fucking was loud – not just their moaning – but the sound of wet impacts too. He felt greater and greater force against her cervix, almost as if… surely not…?

“Ah!” the sound came from both their throats as Thorax was hilted completely within her. Thorax saw a pained look on her face, but her quivering loins was unmistakable show of her pleasure. They were completely as one now, and Thorax could feel the tip of sceptre pushing against the walls of her womb. The act seemed to have taken a lot out of Ember, who was now still panting and still. She was clearly still trying to get used to the new measure of fullness within her, quite literally overcapacity. She moved her hips, and Thorax felt snug within her, although he doubted he could get used to it. Ember slowly began to rise again, gasping when the broad tip was prevented from leaving her womb.

“T-Thorax?” Ember probed. Her utterance of his name was quivered, a trace of worry in her voice, but it was overshadowed by the dripping lust on her tone. “W-why are you s-stuck?” she inquired.

“I-I’m close,” Thorax inhaled through his teeth. His member was swollen beyond the norm, the head of his stallionhood flared, preventing him from leaving.

“M-me too,” Ember said. Thorax could tell. They were both at the edge of plunging into orgasm, as her velvety pink walls clenched and tightened, her body anticipating climax.

“W-want to wait, or-”

Thorax should of expected it, but he didn’t. In attempting to pull out Ember had a couple inches spare, but that was all she needed. In one final and mighty slam, the end of Thorax’s appendage collided with the wall of her womb, and they both threw their heads back as they shared in the rapturous orgasm. Thorax’s length and crown jewels clenched and twitched as he utterly filled her baby maker with his potent seed. She quivered around him, her canal struggling to tighten around Thorax’s swollen and throbbing meat; her walls struggling to keep contained all of his viscous white batter. It gushed out of her, covering Thorax’s sheath and belly.

Thorax felt contented, but his fatigued expression was suddenly turned into one of alert as his newly wedded wife fell off his softened cock and directly onto his chest. For a moment he kept his hooves apart, worried that merely touching her would do more wrong. However, his frown turned into a slight smile at the sight of her face. Her eyes were closed, and her mouth wide open, drooling into his chitin.

He embraced her, giving softly, smirking. “An hour, eh?”

“Blarg,” she replied incoherently. Thorax presumed it was some sort of witticism, or clever remark, rather than acknowledge it was most likely just a countering ‘shut it.’

Thorax gave an out a slight smirk, resting his head back on the pillow. The room smelt of sex and he himself felt sticky… but clean up would come in the morning. For the time being, he held his wife close, his eyes fluttering shut, the perfect end to a perfect night…

“Honey?” he heard Ember’s voice, but there was something… off, about it.

“Yea-” his voice was caught in his throat. He looked down upon her. Her cheek was pressed into his chest. It was a simple thing. Something one might do when being held in the arms – or hooves – of their lover. Except, Ember’s eyes weren’t her eyes. They weren’t those beautiful rubies. Those deep crimson hues he had grown familiar to, that usually had a tenacious glint within them, always full of love for him…

They were emerald...

“Huh!” Thorax gasped, waking with a start, his eyes scattered to no particular point around the room, his limbs quivered with fear; his heart pounding against his ribcage. He looked down to Ember who continued to sleep, gently rising and falling with her breaths. His grip around her tightened somewhat, as if she was a lifeline; confirming that he was no longer in a dream. However, this had the effect of stirring her awake. When her eyes opened, she looked up at Thorax…


The she-dragon’s expression, while at first groggy and passive, immediately became one of worry. Her brows furrowed, her hand reaching out for him, stroking his cheek. “...Again?” she muttered, knowingly.

Thorax looked away in shame, moving his cheek out of her consoling palm, closing his eyes. “Sorry for waking you. Go back to sleep,” he told her, loosening his hug around her.

“It’s been two years, Thorax. If the nightmares aren’t stopping-”

“It’s not just the nightmares. Even when I’m awake, I get paranoid. I think I see her when she’s not there. I see her in strangers on the street, in friends… in my nightmares, I even see her in you...” he trailed off, trying to force a smile, which only came off as sad. He gave her a squeeze, his curved lip wavering. “But not when I’m awake. You’re the only one who I can never see her in. Your love is real. You keep balance in my life.”

Ember leaned forwards, her eyes threatening to let out tears as she planted a kiss at the end of his muzzle. “I love you, Thorax. I always will,” she told him affectionately. He already knew this of course, he could sense how deep and everlasting her love and devotion was, but hearing her say it out loud always brought a calmness to him that nothing else could afford him. Her eyes were still saddened, even if she attempted to inject mirth into them. “She can’t get to you here. Not anywhere. What happened then will not happen again,” she vowed sternly, a firmness in her jaw.

Thorax tried to smile, but couldn’t, a sniffle escaping from him. “You don’t know what it’s like,” he said, his voice lacking strength. “I’m scared of her getting to me again, it’s just…” he trailed, seemingly unable to finish his line of thought.

“What?” Ember probed. “You can tell me.”

“I can’t get her out of my head,” he admitted, his lips pursed in frown, trying to hold in a sob. “She got into my head in that clearing. She did more than rape my body, she raped my mind, Ember. I know why I see her in every pair of eyes, why she’s in my dreams, why no matter how much I hated that day and how I wished I never lived it… I can’t get out of my head how good it felt,” he revealed, tears staring to fall down his cheeks, his wife’s stoic expression not helping in quelling his waterworks. “It’s like I’m sharing my head with two minds, Ember. What she wanted me to be is trying to destroy what I am. I keep fighting those thoughts, but... but I'm scared, Ember, I’m scared that there will come a day when I’m too weak to fight back. This was her revenge. This is what she wanted. She can’t take back all she’s lost, but she can guarantee I spent the rest of my life paying for it...”

Ember tightened her lips, sniffling. She didn’t let out any tears though, even if her eyes did moisten. She was stronger than he was. He always knew that. She wiped away the tears on both cheeks with both her thumbs. She held his face focusing his eyes into hers. “I will give you strength, Thorax. We’re one now. We have been even before we became husband and wife. I am here. You are mine, and I am yours,” she consoled, locking lips with him, the changeling reciprocated.

When the kiss was broke, Ember pressed her forehead against his. Thorax liked feeling her against him this way. It was as though it reminded that part of him, that part which he tried desperately to quell, that it was outnumbered two-to-one. It gave him strength. It fostered and rekindled within him hope. Chrysalis could take away his dignity, his sleep and his feeling of safety. But she could never take away Ember’s love for him, and the devotion they had for one another. And in the end, for the king…

That was all that mattered.