The Excursion to the Spirit

by Mekanik

First published

Learning can get kind of boring. Why not learn on a journey... a journey into the mind.

Note: Contains use of psychedelics (drugs). Do not read if you're too cool for hallucinogenics or if you're a wannabe YOLO kid.

Twilight Sparkle tries to bring a distant object with a spell she learned, but doesn't get the target by a few... galaxies, if not multiverses, and brings back a strange looking wagon. Finding out who it belongs to, she learns that the owner of the strange wagon has strange technology, herbs, and chemicals she's interested, so are her friends, and said stranger takes them to the experience of their life. Earning the interest of many more.


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Chapter I

The party was over, people were leaving, and he was tired. He just wanted to go home, to get the leather jacket off and just sleep. It was like no other party, but still the same in a sense. The booze, the women, preps, LSD, Kush, it was all there. There wouldn't be any other reason to be elsewhere but that party for the Kush, just to get away from work, dealing with cars ready to die on their owners for not paying attention to the gauges. Wanting to forget the stress each customer puts on him for fixing something they didn't want besides the oil and spark plug change, some of them even told him if he could fix the spark plugs instead of buying new ones. Some people...

As he slowly approached his car, he giggled at the thought of the party and what a great time he had and reached for his key remote on his left jacket pocket, no wait, that pocket has the bag of weed. As he reached into the right pocket in his jacke... no that’s the pipe and lighter. Searching his right pocket in his pants he clicked the button of his car to unlock the doors and pressed another button in his remote to start the engine. Tossing his jacket in the back seat and removing his wallet from his back pants pocket and setting it on the passenger side. Setting the key to its rightful ignition position, he steps on the clutch and sets it to first and drives off.

He drove to his place with tranquility as it was one past midnight, still feeling a bit above from taking the bong. He decided to not drink because he thought it was something that was "overused" by society and made him lose his focus and balance, not to mention the state was planning on putting road blocks to catch anyone who ingested alcohol. And just to stay above (literally) the rest of his friends.

Driving on, he could see and perceive his surrounding, but felt his eyes heavy. As he was driving in the same two-lane road he was on, nothing but fields and center pivot irrigation systems passing by, he decided to take a nap or sleep the whole night until morning. He slowly stepped down from 110 MPH in the lonely road by shifting from 5th to neutral and lightly stepping on the brake.

Watching the needle moving down, he looked up at the reflection of a bright light coming down the road, "fucking street bikes with HID's" he said to himself. Still looking at the light and reacting, he quickly started down-shifting to slow down seeing as the light was getting brighter and going straight at him. It was too late, he turned his neck to the side to avoid being hit by the air-bag and the blinding light or possibly getting hit by a 450 lb. bike, he just saw light everywhere and felt a bad vibe in his mind, leaving him unconscious.


“Are you sure this will work?” Rarity said, wanting to know if Twilight’s Remote Object Teleportation spell will work.

“Of course Rarity, I’ve studied this spell for over a week now and I’m sure it’ll work out perfectly” Twilight Sparkle said as she walked out of her library with Rarity behind her. While Applejack was approaching the library to find out if her new spell will work or not, Twilight and Rarity came out into the dusk open.

“Are ya sure this spell of yours will work?” Said Applejack with a wary eye, ignoring the thought of something bad happening to her apple cart.

“Don’t worry AJ, I studied and researched this spell for a while and I’m sure it’ll work like I planned” Twilight said confidently, “Did you place the cart in its appropriate location?” she added.

“Like you told me, right outside the farmhouse” Applejack said. Rarity then walked to Applejack's side "After all, I need your cart to haul a few gems and diamonds tomorrow morning” she said.

“All I need to do is imagine your cart and where it’s placed to make it appear here” Twilight said while stepping away a few feet from the library. “Okay girls, I’m going to start the spell” she told her friends. She then started to focus on her new spell by imagining the location and spot where the cart is placed in said location and where she wanted to place it, in front of her library. Closing her eyes, her horn started to emit a clear magenta glow as a small bright dot appeared in front of her, expanding as she continued. The bright orb of light then got various times her size, blinding her friends, making them hide their eyes with a foreleg as a black object appeared and moved fast by them with a growling sound but seeming to die down as it slowed down for some reason. It then stopped and lifted the dust off the wheels, uncovering their eyes to what just materialized from Twilight’s spell; they turned to their left to see a black object with a pair of red lights on it.

They stared at it in awe. “That ain’t mah apple cart”, said Applejack with a look of confusion. The three of them made their way to the strange cart. As the dust settled, they were staring at what appeared to be the front of it, putting a hoof in front of their faces to cover their eyes from the pair of bright lamps.

“I’ve never seen anything like it; it seems like a carriage of some sort, but there’s no harness to pull it”, said Twilight in a somewhat low tone with wonder. Everything outside the strange contraption was all black, from the wheels to the windows.

Rarity walked to the side of the vehicle to examine it, “Although I must say, it looks rather luxurious. Perhaps we should try and open this door” Rarity said while pointing to the rear right door.

Twilight and Applejack walked to where Rarity was when Twilight stepped in to try and open the door with her magic, pulling on what resembled the door’s handle to no avail. “It’s locked” she said, “maybe we should look at it in the morning with the others, I’m sure there’s nopony in there and it’s getting late” Twilight added.

“Ah guess I should get back too” Applejack said while turning to leave.

“Well I could get a better look at it tomorrow morning, which means I need to go to Sweet Apple Acres to get the cart Applejack lent me.” Rarity said with a sigh, “Anyways, have a good night darling” she then turned around to leave.

Twilight turned towards her library door and pushed it open with her magic. Making her way to the stairs to reach her bedroom, preparing a new scroll and quill on the table of the middle floor of the library, she saw Spike right about to go to bed. “What was that sound? Did your spell work?” Spike said, waiting for an interesting response from the book mare. She then made her way to her bed and undid the covers to allow herself in; she turned to her left to turn off the lamp with her hoof and said to Spike. “Wait until tomorrow, I’m as interested as you are, Spike” she finally said, flicking off the switch of the light for the night.
Comments/critics always welcomed. It'll progress to what the description intends (the technology and drugs part). This is a different take on what would happen if a human presented hallucinogenics to ponies, some fics that include drugs that I've seen here take it as a joke and aren't that serious, and I want to write/see what each pony experiences with psychedelics. I'm not forcing anyone to try them if they don't want to (except these ponies, because they have no clue [hehehe]).


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Chapter II

Slowly buy gradually; he saw the sun bearing on his eyelids, prompting to lazily open them. He managed to stretch but hit his hands on the roof since he fell asleep upright and extended his arms by the sides of the head rest to complete his top stretch. Wondering how tired he must have been to not even adjust his seat back and down to a flat position, not even the back seats of his wagon to have a fully sized flat surface to sleep on.

As he realized how full his bladder was from the day prior, he pressed the unlock button to the doors, getting no response to the familiar unlocking mechanism. “Oh shit, battery’s dead”, he said to no one, and made his way to the ignition switch, “Good thing this is a manual”, he said in a low voice with no worry and resetting the key to the Off position, seeing as these types of cars are easy to get going again with just a push.

He then reached for the lock poking out a bit on the top of the door and manually lifted it up with his right hand and left hand on the handle to open the door. With his eyes the size of coin slots, he stepped out of his car and fully stretched one more time, curving his back and lying on the curvature of the car’s side. Satisfied with his stretch, he then unzipped his pants for his daily morning twinkle facing nowhere, completely unaware of where he actually was. Enjoying his business with a smile, he twitched from the last drops. With a sigh of relief, he packed his belonging and re-zipped his trousers up. He yawned and looked about his surrounding, noticing various old-styled houses close by. “Uh…”, he heard and looked to his left expecting someone to kick him out of the side of the road, all he saw was a small lavender horse and more behind its back of various colors.


Twilight Sparkle woke up early thanks to Spike’s curiosity about what will happen today, she didn’t blame him, she was just as curious as him. Getting out of bed and making her way to her mirror, she grabbed a comb with her magic and groomed her mane. She then heard a knock on her door, she then made her way downstairs to answer the door when Spike got to it first.

From the other side of the door was Rainbow Dash looking at the weird wagon, she then heard the door open and saw Spike with a smile. “Heya Spike, what is that thing?” she said while pointing to the strange cart.

Spike then walked out to have a look at it, he couldn’t understand its purpose, “whoa” he said. “I don’t know, Twilight was working on a new spell until I heard an angry noise, not sure if it was that thing.” He said confusedly, trying to think of other possibilities for what could have produced that noise, because carts and wagons don’t make loud noises.

Twilight then approached the door to see Rainbow Dash and Spike looking at the heavy looking contraption.

“Oh hey, Twi”, said Rainbow Dash, “what is this thing?” she added, hovering and flying on top of the wagon, examining it’s shiny black surface, wondering why they would paint it all black, even the wheels.

“I’m not sure, my Remote Object Teleportation spell didn’t pick up what I had in mind and brought back this thing” Twilight said, joining them in studying the vehicle.

Spike then made his way to what looked like the back of the wagon, looking up to see some letters and numbers. “Hey Twilight, look at this”. Twilight then made her way to where Spike was to look at a strange rectangle which Spike pointed to.

“What does it mean?” she said, getting a close look at it.

“You tell me.” Spike said with a shrug.

Rainbow Dash then flew above the wagon and said, “I’m gonna go tell the others, be right back”, with that, she flew into the direction of Fluttershy’s cottage.

Twilight then put her forelegs on the side of the cart to get a view inside from a window, but she couldn’t manage to see anything due to the windows being black.

After a few minutes from trying to find out its purpose, Rainbow Dash returned flying with Fluttershy on tow and the rest of her friends walking below. As they approached it, Fluttershy then said, “It looks kind of scary” hiding in her mane at the thought of who would paint a cart all black.

Rarity then made her way to the back of it, examining the logo above a rectangle with numbers and letters, “By the look of this emblem, it must resemble luxury.” She said, “Could this come from Canterlot?” she added, wanting to know to whom it belongs to.

Pinkie Pie then joined Rarity and made her way to one of the holes poking out the back. Leaning in to sniff it, her eyes closed with disgust, “Eww, it smells bad” she said.

Spike then came and inserted his right arm to one of the silver holes, trying to find what was in those holes. “There’s nothing in here.” He said, getting shocked looks from everypony. “What?” he said.

“Spike, your arm!” Twilight said, “It’s covered with black spots!”

“Gah! What is it?!” He quickly said, using his other hand to remove the weird buildup inside the hole. He managed to get it all off and with a sigh of relief he said “whew, never doing that again”.

All of their ears perked up at what they thought they heard a knock from inside the wagon. Watching and hearing in complete silence, they heard a voice from behind the front left door and made their way to it by just a few feet. Another voice was heard, a click, another, and the door opened, seeing as an arm pushed the door open, wondering what kind of creature was inside. Then a long leg came out and using the same arm that was used to open the door, it placed it to the side of the wagon and out rose a tall, slim creature. They stared at it with mouths ajar, thoughts raced through their minds trying to find out what kind of creature was this. Only few creatures use their back legs for walking. Seeing as it didn’t notice them, it started to what looked like stretching by lifting its arms and curving its spine, then it laid himself on the side of the wagon, taking the curvature of the cart. The ponies looked in astonishment at what might the creature do next.

Then it proceeded to do something by its waist and they heard the sound of a zipper, they were staring at [it]it, all their minds turned blank as Spike turned to cover his eyes. It then put it back inside and just stared off into the distance. Twilight tried to say something but couldn’t. “Uh…” her mouth slipped; having no idea why she just said that. It then turned to look at her direction; she tried to read its facial expression and knew it was that of confusion and some embarrassment.


He just hid his face inside his palms, “Ohhh my goodness” he said with a small chuckle, looking away from the ponies and try to think of something to say. Knowing fully who they were, he uncovered his face and turned to look at them, “Forgive me if you witnessed me doing… what I had to do” he said with a calm smile and the last part slowly. “Why am I here?” he said as he put his fingers on the bridge of his nose.

“Don’t worry, it was kind of…” Twilight Sparkle said with a confused look, trying as hard as possible to push that thought away. “I’m Twilight Sparkle, you’re in Ponyville, and you’re here because my Remote Object Teleportation spell didn’t go according to plan” she said.

“And these must be your friends…” he said with a chuckle, covering his face with a hand at the thought of them watching him do his business. “Again, forgive me”, he added.

“Oh no, it’s okay” “Don’t worry” “I won’t tell” was all he heard at the same time with weird looks on their faces, “it was…nice”, he thought the yellow one said it in a low voice, but just let it slip.

“So…” he said after a moment of silence, expecting to leave the weird thought behind. He then was quickly approached by the six of them, stumbling back inside his car, he was then flooded with questions.

“Where are you from?”

“What are you?”

“What kind of wagon is this?”

“Why is it all black?”

What bla bla bla?”

And so on.
The ship is turning.
Spike will not ingest anything, he's too young.

Getting Ready

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Chapter III

“One at a time”, he said, making them pause. To which Twilight responded first, “What are you?”

“Well, I’m a human, I come planet Earth” he said in his seat.

“My spell missed by a planet?!” Twilight said, putting a hoof to her mouth in astonishment.

“I guess, yeah”, he said with no surprise.

“So what is this thing? It looks kinda freaky…” Rainbow Dash was next to say pointing to the black carriage.

“This is my car, vehicle, automobile, whatever you please to name it. It’s made to move me around, other people, and things.” He said simply.

“But… why all black?” Fluttershy asked, still scared of both the car and the human.

He laughed lightly at that question, “because it looks cool, I like this style, and it’s meant to scare people”, he replied happily.

“Why would it need so many doors?” Rarity said, wondering why a cart would need so many doors. {Durr}

“Care to look inside?” He asked annoyed by the obvious question, to which they all said yes at the same time. He then reached to unlock the rear left door manually. “Please excuse me” he told them so he could get out once again, to which they reversed and he extended his left arm while facing them to open the door. “Please, step right in” he said like a gentleman.

They were all static at the look inside, no other interior from any cart looked so simple yet so elegant. He then got in again to unlock the other doors, opened them from the inside, and got out again. “Go ahead, just be careful” he prompted them to get in, knowing they can’t do much to a car with a dead battery.

Twilight then sat on the driver’s seat, putting her hooves on the steering wheel and trying to figure out what each button does and pressed them curiously, she looked at her side below to see more buttons and a knob with numbers sticking out while the others explored around the back, Rainbow Dash telling them how it smelled great inside and Rarity complimenting how well the material and stitches of the seats are built.

“I suppose this wheel is for driving, but why does it have so many buttons? How does it move around if there’s nopony pulling it?” Twilight asked while looking close to the instrument panel behind the steering wheel.
“Well each button has its purpose, the ones in the middle control from the music to the air conditioning and heater. It uses fuel as a combustible for an engine right here on the front that converts chemical energy into mechanical energy…” he explained while leaning on the door as Twilight tried to absorb with interest every detail of how this machine works.

Meanwhile on the back, Pinkie Pie sat on the far right seat and Rainbow Dash on the left, still looking around.

“Oh boy,” Said Rainbow Dash, “These seats smell great, the whole interior smells great!” she said while raising her forelegs happily.

Pinkie Pie then looked at her left to see a black jacket; she lifted it up, looking at it carefully, and started searching the pockets just out of curiosity. She then felt her hoof hit something soft, she prompted to pull it out and saw a bag full of a strange green plant. “Hey, I found something to eat,” she said, pulling it close to her muzzle to sniff the bag. “Yuck, this smells…!” she said grossed out, having second thoughts to smell the bag again. “This smells… it smells… great!” she said loudly, causing the stranger to look back to her; which they still haven’t learned his name yet.

“Hey! Don’t Eat That!” he said while putting an emphasis on each word, all the girls stopped what they were doing, from Rarity counting each stitch on the front right seat, Rainbow Dash hypnotized by the scent of the interior, and Fluttershy with Applejack looking at the carriage strangely; all eyes were fixed on him. “This isn’t for you… yet” he said while taking the bag away from Pinkie, thoughts circling his mind how she would react if she somehow ingested it.

“What kind of plant is that?” Twilight asked, looking at the human to which he was enveloped in his thoughts.

“Just… don’t open it” he said, letting go of his grip on the bag of Orange Kush.

Twilight held it with her magic, looking at it closely, so did her friends; she pulled it close to her nose to smell it. She winced, “Eww, what is this!” she said loudly while still in the driver’s seat. She sniffed again, “It smells… so good!”

He watched them with a smile as they passed on his bag of goodies, but still making sure they didn’t open it. “So, you liked it?” he asked them. They all responded in agreement. “Alright then, I guess I can show you girls some other things I have, even get my car running.”

Applejack then sat next to Rarity from her exploration around the car, mostly the wheels. Still looking around, she put her hoof on a button in front of her, not expecting it to be the glove box, and pressed it. Down came a compartment filled with things, Rarity then picked up what resembled a book with her magic, and opened it. Having no clue what it actually was, she asked, “Why would you carry an empty picture frame?”

He then made his way to the rear seats, “Hey Rainbow, let me seat in the middle, please” he told her, she then got off the car, making way for the human to get in. He sat in the middle and Rainbow Dash jumped back in again.

“Wait, how did you know my name?” she said confusedly, not remembering any introductions.

“I… guess because of your mane?” he lied, he knew exactly who they all were.

She looked up at her mane, “Oh, okay.”

Rarity held it open and magically handed it over to him. “It’s more than a picture frame, it’s a tablet.” He said, swiping his finger across the screen, causing it to wake from standby as it showed an image. “Ooooooo” was all he heard; even Fluttershy got in and sat beside Twilight. As they were staring at the screen from all directions, “It can play music” he showed them the player, searching for a not so loud but good song, and pressed play. “I can view movies, pictures, play games, write letters or work on documents…” he said while showing them everything it had to offer, from funny pictures to some painfully hilarious videos, they all laughed. The ponies felt comfortable around the human, seeing as he brought technology never known to ponykind, Equestria can learn a lot from him.

Almost an entire day passed while he showed not even half of his belongings, as most of them were curious in the car itself, he explained what most buttons do and their purpose. Finished with his teaching for the day, the girls got out of the car and turned to leave. He turned to look at Pinkie Pie, “Hey uhh… pink pony,” he tried to call her, not wanting to tell her name and have suspicion grow around him, “what’s your name?” he asked.

“Oh I’m Pinkie Pie” she said, running quickly to greet the human and extended her hoof towards him.

“Nice to meet you, Pinkie” he said, bending down a bit to accept her introduction. “Hey, could you do me a favor?” he spoke in a low voice.

“Sure, what can I do for you?” she asked as he got on his knee to talk to her on eye level.

He then got his bag of cannabis in front of her, “Could you bake some brownies with this?
Dis gon be gud.

Going Up

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Chapter IV

Day two came as he got up from the back of his wagon and knocked on Twilight’s door, waiting for someone to answer him.

Twilight then came to answer her door and saw the human outside holding his abdomen, “Oh, good mor-” she was cut short.

“Twilight, you have anything to eat, I’m starving!” he said quickly.

“Sure, come on in” she said as she moved to the side to let him in. “Uh, what exactly do you eat?”

“Just prepare whatever you want, please” he said while making his way to the small chair and table in the middle of the room.

The library was actually bigger than what he thought, he had ideas of its size, but this was the real deal. His hunger calmed down a bit as Twilight approached the table with a salad; he had no choice but to eat like a vegetarian as he imagined a tear running down his eye at the fact that he’s not having meat for a while.

“Thanks”, he said, munching down on his salad as he felt the eyes of Twilight fixed on him. “Need something?” he said while looking at his plate.

“What do you plan in doing while you’re here?” she asked while still looking at the human.

Finishing his salad, he looked at her, “You brought me here, I’m sure that makes me your responsibility” he said while he started to drink from a glass Twilight brought with the dish, “I’m in for whatever you want to do with me, just as I want from you” he said the last part as he got closer to Twilight.

“What exactly do you want?” she asked, also getting closer to him.

“You’re gonna have a great time at the Welcome Party Pinkie Pie is throwing me here later today” he said happily as he received an annoyed look from Twilight. “Oh don’t be like that; it’ll be just you, me, and your friends. You’re going to learn something extraordinary from this party, I guarantee it.

“What do you mean?” she looked at him quizzically, not knowing what he meant by that.

“You’ll see. Now, can you let me use your shower?” he said while getting up from the table.

“Of course, just go up the stairs and Spike will tell you where the bathroom is” she said as she also got up and make her way to a bookshelf.
“Alright, gonna go grab my things” he said while making his way to the door and opened it; he saw other ponies staring at his car. As he got closer, they all turned to look at him instead, they felt it all coming together to whom it belonged to. He saw fear in their eyes and thought the best approach was to kneel down to look at them at eye level. “What can I do for you guys” he said calmly, seeing as most of their tension released.

“Oh, i… is this yours?” said a particular earth pony with an orange mane while pointing to his car.

“Yes, it’s made for transportation.”

“But… how does it work?” another pony asked.

He just looked at them with an annoyed look, knowing it’ll take a while to explain them how it works. “I don’t have time right now, maybe some other time. Which way is it to Sugar Cube Corner?” he asked.

“It’s right passing town hall” said the orange-colored mane earth pony, pointing to the direction of the bakery.

“Alright, I’ll go there in a bit” he said as he got up and unlocked the back hatch door, getting his emergency clothes/hygiene bag (in case of drastic measures during parties) out, and closed it again. Turning around, he saw the same ponies that were around his car were now on the back, trying to get a good look inside. “Uh… see you guys around?” he said, “Maybe we can party sometime?” he added, they all looked and talked to each other, liking the idea that the strange creature just proposed. “Okay, if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask me” he finally said while turning to the library again.

Once inside, he made his way to the stairs. While on the second floor, Spike was dusting off a bookshelf when he saw the human arrive with a bag in his hands.

“Hey Spike, mind pointing me to the shower in this place?” he said while looking around.

“Go up those stairs and it’s the first door on the left” Spike said, returning to his dusting.

Meanwhile downstairs, Twilight was reading a book about bipedal creatures in Equestria and almost done in sending a letter to her mentor about the current event they’re having.

Dear Princess Celestia

Two nights ago, I was studying a new spell in which I can bring back distant objects by teleportation. While I set it to practice on the evening, my spell brought back a strange cart and accompanied by a tall creature that claims to be a human, such a race I have never heard of, and is of no hostility. In fact it carries technology never seen by Equestria. I hope to hear back from you, Princess. This creature is truly fascinating.

Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle

As a few minutes passed, the human came down from the stairs with clean clothes and humid hair, making his way to the other flight of stairs to the bottom floor of the library, keeping his head down from bumping into the ceiling. Once there, he saw Twilight talking to Spike by the table. “Going to Sugarcube Corner, be back in a bit” he said while going for the door.

They just stared at him leave, “he seems really friendly” said Spike.

“I know, pretty strange that he also speaks perfect Equestrian, it’s like he’s here from Equestria, but he’s from a different planet. I guess I’ll ask him later” she said with a sigh.

As he arrived at the bakery, some ponies gave him strange looks around town, but no fear of running away; he thought maybe the ponies he met earlier passed on the word of him being friendly.

“You’re here!” said Pinkie Pie enthusiastically from behind the counter.

“You’re gonna have a great time Pinkie, I mean it” he said while going around the counter to the kitchen, where Pinkie was preparing the batter for the brownies. “Alright, let’s add some of this” he said while opening the zip bag of Kush and added the correct portion. As time went on with their baking, they were finally done and made their way to Twilight’s library. When they got there, a thought came across his mind, “Hey Pinkie, you didn’t bring a-“ he stopped when he saw the pink pony with a cannon in front of her, and with the click of a button it exploded in streamers, confetti, and balloons; plates, a punch bowl, and cups which were physically impossible to fit in such a small cannon, but he knew far too well that the laws of physics and Pinkie don’t like each other.

Setting the still warm brownies on the middle table of the library, he heard a knock on the door as Spike went to answer it. With that, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash came in.

He thought about eating the brownies, but he won’t be able to fully help and control these ponies if they were to eat it too, so he just went for a cup and picked up some punch. He’ll just have to sit this one out.

“Okay girls,” he said, their attention focused on him, “if you’re all going to eat these delicious brownies me and Pinkie Pie baked, please tell me when you start laughing like a crazy person and feeling… euphoric. It’s completely normal and I’m right here if you have any questions”, they all just thought it like an introduction to his welcome party, not knowing that he was serious. While the others were already picking, Rainbow, Applejack, and Pinkie were eating big chunks; Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy were eating small pieces.

“Wow these taste great, what did you put in them?” said Rainbow Dash approaching the human.

“Remember my bag of plants? I added a few grams” he said while taking a sip of his cup of punch.

“Ah’ve never had anything this good from Pinkie’s parties before” Applejack said with a relaxed tone as she walked next to Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah, this is like,” Rainbow tried to think of the appropriate words to say, but all the human saw from both of them were smiles creeping up, “this is like” she stuttered, “oh my gosh” she said in glee.

Applejack was looking at Rainbow Dash, trying to figure out if she’s feeling the same, “Ah know, you feel that too, RD?” Applejack said while putting her hoof on the cyan pony’s shoulder.

“You guys!” said Pinkie Pie from behind their backs and threw her forelegs around their necks.

“Enjoy the party girls” said the human as he made his way to sit with the others.

A New Experience

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Chapter V

“Do you like the brownies?” he asked as he approached the table to where Rarity, Twilight, and Fluttershy were sitting, still taking small bites of their chocolate squares.

“I must say, they taste lovely” said Rarity while cleaning the side of her lip with a napkin from the chocolate.

“Yes, what did you say you put in these?” asked Twilight.

“Some of the plant you smelled yesterday” he said while looking over where Rainbow, Applejack, and Pinkie were just to make sure they don’t go out of their ways. “They’re gonna sleep like rocks any time soon.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked, not knowing what he meant.

“Watch this” he said while getting up and got his tablet out and woke it with a swipe of his finger across the screen, searching for the music player and made his way to the other three. “You wanna party?” they just stared at him with wonder as he set his tablet on the table with an Electro-House mix playing at full volume with a visualizer so they can look at it if they wish.

“Oh gosh, ah can feel every movement mah body makes” Applejack said with her eyes closed and nodding her head with the beat of the music. “Woooooooooo!” she added loudly while Pinkie Pie joined her in a slow trot with a match of the pumping music.

“Wow, this thing looks great!” Rainbow Dash said gleefully, staring closely onto the screen of the tablet, nodding with the beat, enjoying every second of the monochromatic display of exploding colors, matching that of the music.

Making his way to the other trio of ponies, he just saw the faces of astonishment and confusion, and just sat next to Twilight Sparkle.

“I’ve never seen them act this way. What’s happening to them?” Twilight asked.

“It’s the brownies, the plant I put in them is actually marijuana” he said normally, knowing he’ll have to lecture her on a topic he enjoyed to teach.

“Mareiwhat now?” Twilight asked confusedly.

“Marijuana, also known as Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or THC or just Cannabis, is a plant that gives a psychoactive and physiological effect when consumed; it’s also used for medicinal purposes to treat diseases and mental conditions. There are many kinds of marijuana plants, but this one in particular will relieve pain, stress, and insomnia; hallucinations, euphoria, losing track of time, and relaxed muscles are its effects, so with any other kind.” He explained while they stopped eating just to hear him.
“So this plant of yours will make me act like that?” Fluttershy asked worriedly while pointing her hoof to the three partying ponies.

“Well if you take small doses like you girls did, it’ll act like a mood enhancer, if that works it’ll probably make you eat more of the brownies, if not then you have a stronger tolerance towards cooked marijuana” he said, turning once again to look at the party-goers.


Applejack looked around, her vision started to switch between the 3rd dimension to a flat –looking 2D as she saw the human approach the table next to her and set his glowing picture frame on it as music poured out of it, filling her ears with such strange notes and heavy beats, a rhythm she had to follow. She couldn’t help but close her eyes and let her body loosen up, such movements of her entire body, from neck to hooves, had a rich, slow, warm feel to it. Now forcing to keep her eyelids closed, she felt as if the music started to escalate, and got up to stand on her hind legs, feeling temptatious as to what’s about to be heard, still dancing while hoof-pumping (fist-pumping for those who don’t know) to the beat with her right hoof.

“Woooooooooooo!” She screamed loudly with success as the high-pitched/high-excitement part of the song reached its climax, now jumping and pumping exaltedly, wishing this moment never ended.

“My gosh, ah can go on forever” she thought while still dancing to the progressive but never-ending music. Now dancing even harder with her eyes still closed as the song got better, and better, and better, she kept on going. After she became bored of dancing, she made her way to the punch bowl because her throat got dry.

After drinking a few cups of punch, she happily said “this tastes amazing!”, never experiencing such way of drinking, she could feel the liquid passing through her body, now taking the whole bowl and chugging it vigorously.

Almost finishing the bowl, she tried to snap out of it, getting a bit worried of what they might think of her acting like this and set the nearly empty bowl of punch on the table, quickly making her way towards the human. “Hey, is it normal for me t’ act like this?” she asked with a hint of panic.

“You must feel great right now” he said, gazing into her bloodshot eyes as she returned from looking at the distance, nothing in particular, to his eyes with an ever so growing smile and laughed hysterically.

“Applejack, are you okay?” Twilight asked, not knowing what was so funny.

Instead she just sat next to the sleeping Rainbow Dash, now completely tired from dancing and just laid next to her cyan friend, laughing herself to sleep.


Rainbow Dash was smiling for no reason whatsoever, but she smiled and giggled at her unknown happiness. She then made her way to the table where the human set his glowing thingy on the table, continuing towards the tablet. She stared blankly to what it produced, enveloped in such vibrant and exploding colors, matching that of the music, and sat mere inches in front of it. Now fully focused on the screen, she felt each explosion of color go through her body as a warm wave. As time went on, she kept on watching and ignoring the distractions around her, this was way more interesting. This device was just incredible, is was even more incredible what she was just watching and experiencing, something she has never felt in her entire live, no other moment comes close to this one.

As the music started to slow its beat and rhythm, she saw that the display of colors did. She relieved her muscles from the rush of excitement, her smile faded and her face turned to that of realization, she turned her neck to look at the rest of her friends sitting by a table talking to the human, “It all makes sense now…” she said, she didn’t know what made sense, it just did for some reason for her by what she just saw on the screen while the four of them turned to look at her.

“What makes sense?” Fluttershy asked, not knowing what she really meant.

She just spaced out for a bit, not fully processing what her yellow friend asked, and slowly turned to look at the direction of the human, with a slow but ever so growing smile on her face, “this. is. awesome!” she said gleefully, getting up and ran towards her human friend and opened her forelegs to hug him. “Hug me” she whispered with eyes closed and her chin resting on his shoulder.

He just looked at her friends, arm open from the embracing mare and by the looks on their faces, he could tell they were pretty confused, so he just smiled and hugged her back.

Now fully content with her hug, she didn’t feel like letting go, so she relaxed her muscles as her mind and body couldn’t take it anymore, still hugging him affectionately.

He felt as Rainbow Dash was now fully relaxed and looked at her friends, which were still confused as to what just happened and grabbed her with care to set her aside to rest peacefully.


“I told you” he said, smirking at Twilight.

“Why did they act like that, I’ve never seen Applejack dance so much” Twilight said. “What do you know about this kind of behavior?”
“It’s called a trip, Twilight, the chemicals released by the plant metabolized in her system, you tend to hallucinate and everything just seems funny and feels great for a reason. We can do experiments if you like” he told her.

She didn’t like the uninformative description he gave her, but agreed to what he said at the end. Her expression faded suddenly, “Have you seen Pinkie Pie?” she asked him, thinking where her pink friend wandered off to.

His face turned from relaxed to a worried one, “Oh no” he simply said, thinking what must of Pinkie done all this time while on her trip.

I’ll make the next chapter longer, I promise.