Sunny Flare's Exposure Incident at Camp Everfree

by Very Sleepy

First published

Sunny Flare and her friends find themselves without their clothes during one fateful night at Camp Everfree.

It seemed like just a boring, eventless trip to Camp Everfree for Sunny Flare and her friends. There was nothing magical about this place, despite the ravings all those Canterlot High students. That was... until a certain event took place involving a certain camp counselor getting involved in an incident that would change her life forever.

An Equestria Girls clopfic. Written in first person from Sunny Flare's perspective.
Contains: Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Masturbation, sleeping tomfoolery, and wholesomeness where there should surely be no wholesomeness

Editting and proofreading by: The Great Derpsby
Cover Art by: Kelsea-Chan

Diary Entry - My Trip to Camp Everfree

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Personally, I had never been one to imagine my school taking a trip to this “Camp Everfree” place. Maybe for those Canterlot High kids who I can see buying into this, but not us. Like seriously… what kind of camp can only afford two counselors?! And a ‘magical experience’ they said. Yeah right… But, whatever. Like most other things that go on in this school, we didn’t really have a choice in the matter.

Anyway, after we arrived at the place, I’d figured I’d try to make the most of a bad situation and see if I could sneak in a little bit of time hanging out with Royal Pin. I knew that handsome stud is into me seeing as I’ve caught him sneaking glances at me every now and then. But he’s never once asked me out. I figured he was too shy. I probably didn’t help we never really found all that much time to hang. Unlike CHS, our school doesn’t really foster a really social or welcoming environment for friendships between students. That was changing a bit now that we had Dean Cadance in charge, but still, there weren’t many actual couples in relationships at Crystal Prep.

But... there was something bigger that took place at this camp than me trying to flirt with my crush. Something involving our camp counselors. I could almost say it’s my fault I let it happen. I should have known something was up by the way Gloriosa Daisy was looking at me. Not in the way a normal camp counselor looks at their attendees. It was… almost seductive yet naughty, like she had taken one look at me and my body and was already planning something. She knew something about me that I didn’t know myself. Of course, I didn’t think that at the time and thought little of it until later that night. Like any other school day, we had waited for it all to be over. Me and the girls were chilling in Lemon Zest and Sugarcoat’s shared tent late at night, far past our regulated bedtimes, when we heard footsteps crunching through the dirt, approaching from outside.

It was Gloriosa who opened the flaps to catch us all up. The moment we saw her we had expected a quick scolding about how we should all be asleep, subsequently followed by a hard roll of the eyes from us as soon as her back was turned. But, to our surprise, the counselor was smiling at us. Not that same annoying and fake ‘positive attitude’ smile she wore for all her interactions with campers, but rather the same seductive one I saw before. ‘Bedroom Gloriosa’, I called it. She was holding a lantern, and quickly beckoned us to follow her. It was that smile of hers that piqued our curiosity, one that didn’t suggest that we were in trouble… Well, we were in trouble, just a different kind.

All five of us followed the strangely eager counselor out of the main camp, down the path, and actually off the beaten path through the trees. Something they told us students not to do… Well screw erosion. And thankfully, the moon was out in full force that night, so it wasn’t all that difficult to see the ground beneath us, even with Gloriosa’s latern.

Our eventually destination was none other than a small hot spring! We could even see the steam rising up from the water, in a small circular pool slightly larger than an actual jacuzzi. Gloriosa said she noticed we didn’t seem to be having all that much fun today, so she thought she’d bring us here, a secret spot kept in her family to make up for that. Saying that it would be our little secret.

Naturally, I actually thought a hot spring was pretty cool, except for one thing. None of us were in our swimsuits. Heck, I didn’t even bring mine to this place. Do you know how cold the water is in these mountain lakes? Not to mention Dean Cadance was being a total prude about enforcing her ‘one piece suits only’ rule. I’m surprised they still even make those things. It’s 2018, girls. Wear bikinis.

Anyway, I’m getting off topic. Gloriosa wasn’t in her swimwear either, but that didn’t seem to bother her at all. Apparently she was expecting us all to go in… completely nude. Not in our underwear, mind you, but our total birthday suits. Au naturel, as they say.

In hindsight, what happened next went by in a total blur. And I know now that there’s no way in hell that this was Gloriosa’s first time doing this with a group of students. She set down her lantern on a nearby rock and started undressing first, of course. She played it off like it was all natural and normal. I’m guessing it also rubbed off on Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap as they started to disrobe as well. Not quite as eager, still casting the rest of us hesitant glances as they pulled up their tops.

Gloriosa was down to her underwear, a lacy black matching set revealing just how in shape she kept herself in, when she turned her attention to us to coax us out of our clothes with her silver tongue. She waltzed behind Sour Sweet, saying things like how we were all girls here, there’s nothing to be ashamed off, and how nice it would feel once we got in. Gloriosa sincerely sold how confused she was as to why a girl as beautiful and radiant as Sour Sweet would feel nervous about showing off a little skin. Not being one accustomed to receiving such fine compliments, let alone ones directed towards her looks, Sour Sweet was taken completely off guard. She found herself blushing wildly, barely registering or resisting as Gloriosa eased her arms upwards along with her shirt. Gloriosa wasted no time seizing the moment, unclipping Sour Sweet’s bra next with a flick of her fingers and hastily pulling it from her arms as well. Now that someone’s tits were out, it served as a cue for Lemon Zest and Indigo to go all the way removing their own, followed by Gloriosa herself. Sour Sweet, now having fully processed she was topless then decided the best course of action now was to try and not act embarrassed. She rolled with it and nervously stripped off the rest of her clothes herself, promoting Gloriosa to move to Sugarcoat and help relieve her of her attire. I knew then we really going through this this, I knew I would be next after Gloriosa talked Sugarcoat out of her clothing, and I knew there would be no living it down if I was the only one who chickened out now. So even I stripped! Everything came off and fell to the rocks below as I disrobed. Gloriosa even shot me a proud look at my sudden turn around. Not a stitch was left as sure enough, all of us were left completely naked.

The hot springs itself were amazing, don’t get me wrong. It was exactly the right temperature, helping soothe my body as I slipped in. And yeah, maybe it was just me but it felt... better dipping in completely naked. Not just without a swimsuit clinging to my body. It felt almost liberating… empowering being naked and exposed with my friends like this. Perhaps Gloriosa knew this and that was why she didn’t tell us to bring our swimwear in the first place. At the time, I was still trying to convince myself that nothing was off. No red flags here. Just an awesome camp counselor being cool. The ambiance of the forest was perfect too. The crickets chirping, wind blowing through the forest trees, and the view of the lake. Not something you can experience in a lot of places around this world.

But as the five of us nude gals were relaxing in the water, I noticed Gloriosa hadn’t yet joined us. I looked to the side to see she was rather gathering up all of clothes and underwear, throwing them into a large sack she had brought with her and tying it closed. Everything except our shoes, that is. Apparently she said she did this to keep them all in one place so we wouldn’t lose them. Then she tossed the sack a good distance away, so we wouldn’t risk get them wet from the pool. I shrugged it off as nothing and went back to enjoying the springs. Not only was the water pleasantly warm, but it was also clear. I could see everything below the surface. Mainly, like me, how… cleanly shaven my classmates turned out to be down there. I tried not to stare, keeping my eyes closed and my head thrown back. And I really tried not to stare at Gloriosa’s glorious rack when those jiggling things finally decided to join us in the water. Even though she was equally nude as us, she looked different. She seemed… confident in herself and her beauty. Each second with her was like her body was posed for the front cover of a saucy magazine. I was actually finding myself to be slightly jealous of her, and not just because of her larger cup size this time. And, let me tell you, this woman knew how to relax. The way she looked as she pushed her chest out while flinging her head back, arms spread out to the side rest on the rocks, closing her eyes as she moaned to herself. This, of course, gave the rest of us time to exchange glances with each other… before stealing a longer glance at Gloriosa’s nude form. She had a body built for porn, as I like to say. But apparently, people don’t find the same amount of compliment that I do from that, so I refrained from saying anything.

I swear, we were in the water for a good half hour. Gloriosa finally managing to get us out of us shells as we started talking about school, our classes, hobbies, and of course, boys. My friends all knew I was into Royal Pin, so it was no big secret to them when it came around to my turn. None of us seeming to even notice we were all naked anymore as we chatted. And none of us cared how badly it would mess up our sleep schedule, this was the life!

That was, until, I overheard some rustling in the bushes nearby, followed by the inevitable feeling of us all being watched. The reality of my nakedness hit me like a thousand bricks. Of course, I didn’t see anything, none of my friends heard anything, and Gloriosa assured me it was either the wind or a wild animal. It wasn’t until, much later, when our counselor noticed our eyelids starting to become heavy did she say our time was up. Understanding, yet reluctant we crawled out of the spring, only to come to the startling conclusion it hadn’t been an animal or the wind.

Our clothes were gone! All of them! The sack was nowhere to be found! All we had left was our shoes.

I remember me, or all of us, wanting to scream, to panic. We couldn’t risk going back to camp, even if it was late at night! What if someone saw us! What if word got out! Camp Everfree would go under! Sure it was late at night and most people were likely asleep by now, but we knew there was a chance some students could be walking about to go to the bathroom or whatnot. Even the slightest chance of us being spotted shot down the entire idea. But Gloriosa, being the professional she was, didn’t seem panicked. In fact, she had thought up a plan, or how she put it “I got this”. Apparently there was a spare empty cabin we had passed on our way here that they kept by the outskirts of the camp and used for extra faculty members which our school didn’t have. In fact, it was the closest structure to us. We could safely sneak over there, no chance of being caught, and bunk there for the night while Gloriosa snuck over to her personal cabin and fetched us all a fresh set of spare clothes for the next morning!

It sounded as good of a plan as any. Not like any of us wanted to argue this late at night when we were so tired. We quietly snuck back through the woods, casting nervous glances in every which way. It seemed as though my friends would have preferred encountering a bear rather than their fellow students out here. Their beat red cheeks clued enough how embarrassed they all felt in the moment. They couldn’t decide whether to use their arms for walking or covering their privates. But strangely enough to me… I didn’t share their fear. I was worried I didn’t feel more worried, if that makes any sense. To me, sneaking through the woods without our clothes just felt exhilarating. Even slightly naughty and erotic... Like a little vixen had gone out for a little midnight bath. And only a woman as confident in her beauty like Gloriosa would do so while naked.

We arrived at the cabin, unseen, earning a sigh of thankful relief from all of my friends as each of our naked butts slipped inside. As predicted, it was devoid of other campers, having little more than six beds with six blankets. Not much to conceal our nudity, but we would take it.

Gloriosa could see we were all tuckered out from the ordeal, on the verge of collapsing. Ironically now we did wish we had gone to sleep at our scheduled bedtimes. We wished her good luck as she left to sneak back to her own cabin after she told us to get some sleep, which the other girls were happy to oblige in doing so. Each of them slipping off their shoes, hopping in their own bed, throwing the covers over themselves, and drifting off into dreamland within a minute.

Not me though, even as tired as I was, I couldn’t find sleep. It had been over an half an hour yet I kept thinking about our little trek through the forest with all of my assets exposed to the open world. This was easily the longest period in my life I had spent naked. What if anyone had seen me? What if Royal Pin had seen me!?! What would he have thought of me?

I didn’t even know I was playing with myself until I let out a gentle moan. Sure enough, my fingers were dancing away at my tender folds. I was drenched and unbearably horny. To the point I couldn’t even think straight. I needed to cum. I had to cum. Surely a tiny bit of masturbating wouldn’t be the craziest thing in my situation? Not like anything was going to wake up these girls after what we all just went through...

Just as my fingers started to dip ever further into my nethers, I heard footsteps outside. I knew it was Gloriosa Daisy, likely having been successful in her mission. She must have retrieved some spare clothing as promised and was on her way to deliver them to us. She pushed open the cabin door, taking a good long look at each of us to check if were were motionless. She even asked quietly if any of us were awake. Seeing as I currently had my fingers a few inches inside my honeypot, I pretended to be fast asleep. Eyes closed and unmoving. I wasn’t sure why Gloriosa had to check if we were asleep, she could just quietly leave our clothes on the floor and we would get to them in the morning.

That was, until, I heard additional sets of footsteps coming our way. Footsteps that sounded like they were trying to be sneaky…

Our cabin door was held open by Gloriosa as they all snuck inside quietly. My heart was racing, yet I dared not move or make a sound. I had no idea what was going on. It was all I could do to pretend to be asleep. I cracked my right eyelid open slightly, to a point I could see but hopefully looked like it was still closed.

There, in the center of the room was Timber Spruce along with some others! And, goddamn, next to them was a fully naked Gloriosa Daisy! She hadn’t even gotten dressed herself! She was giving that same naughty smile to the small audience before them as she planted a loving kiss on her brother’s cheek. Even to this day I wonder if there’s something going on between those two…

They were trying to be quiet, so I barely heard anything they whispered, but with the moonlight illuminating the room I could easily tell there were five of my fellow Crystal Prep students standing before the counselors! All of them guys!

They all nodded to Timber Spruce upon receiving some instructions before each turning to face a different bed. I hurriedly clamped my eye back shut and pretended to be asleep.

I heard a pair of footsteps approaching the bed, my bed, stopping right before me. There was ragged breathing, obviously someone very nervous yet trying to be silent. A small rush of chill air poured over my bare body as the blanket covering me was slowly, yet tantalizingly, peeled off!! My voyeur’s breathing rate increased tenfold, as did my own heartbeat as my completely naked form in all its glory was bared to him and the room! Even though he was supposed to be quiet I heard him whisper a quick swear to express his utter amazement. I risked cracking my eyes open again, knowing they were almost certainly distracted by my body at this point.

It was Royal Pin!! Out of all of the girls to pick from in our group, he wanted to see me! The first boy to see me naked was my highschool crush! He was even willing to stay up at this ungodly hour just to see me nude! My heart swelled with pride and joy, making it even harder to feign being asleep.

But there was something else, in his hand I noticed Royal was holding his smartphone. Aiming it directly at me! I quickly closed my eyes again. A small silent tap on the screen was all it took to capture my exposed beauty in a permanent form. I knew then there was no going back from here. A dozen more taps as Royal made sure to get everything. A few more of my tits from different angles, a few of my entire body, he was even so bold as to gently nudge my thighs apart and photograph my aching pussy from between my legs!

I, of course, eagerly let him. He took his time, but I waited until it seemed as though he was done before pulling my move. It was a heat of the moment thing, but I felt him and the air tense as I released a sudden cute yawn before rolling over onto my side in a, hopefully, more seductive sleeping pose. I heard Royal release a very relieved, and very happy sigh as his gaze settled up my bubbly butt. Sure enough, his phone was whipped up again as he resumed capturing everything I had to offer back there. A butt belonging to a naughty naked slut begging to be spanked. I smiled to myself from my new eye-hidden vantage point on my side. From there I could see the rest of the cabin. Sure enough, the other boys had all done the same. Indigo Zap, Lemon Zest, Sugar Coat, and Sour Sweet were all sleeping soundly. Their bare breasts swaying slightly with the gentle rising and falling of their chests, totally unaware their blankets had been pulled completely off them and their male classmates lording above them were capturing everything on camera like it was Christmas morning. Each of them sporting tents in their pants so hard that they could probably pierce through the rocks in the rock quarry.

At the front of the cabin, Timber was busy fetching the sack of our clothes he had stolen out from under us. Gloriosa was reaching inside and working to separate them all, before returning our clothes back to us at the foot of our beds. Well… all of our clothes except our panties, which she handed off. Seemed like the boys were keeping those as a memento for the event in their lives they would surely be remembering forever!

With that done, and the boys satisfied with their picture collection, they took one last look at us before gently easing the blankets back over our bodies. Even though she had her clothes back, Gloriosa seemed more than happy to remain naked, even smiled and posed for a few pictures herself when the boys aimed their phones at her without so much as a second thought or hint of shame. God, I remember wishing again that I had that kind of confidence.

Only then did they finally finish up and start sneaking out the way they had came in. No sooner did they leave did I hastily hurl those bedsheets off and to the ground. My body exposed once again to the moonlit night as my fingers hungrily dove into my cunt with lust-crazed speed as I masturbated like there would be no tomorrow! My other hand shot to my breast, fondling and groping it in a way I wished Royal had. Fuck, for all I cared Royal could have pounced on top of me and pointed his bare cock at any one of my holes. I would have let him in without so much as a struggle or moment of hesitation.

I remember, even through the midst of my own self-love, did I hear something else to the side. It was my tentmate, Sour Sweet, a particular mirror image of me at the moment. Having likewise thrown off her covers and was in the process of viciously playing with herself. Our eyes locked and in an instant as we both stopped dead in our tracks. Frozen in a mixture of fear and shame as we were both caught with our hands down our invisible pants.

But… that only lasted for a few tense moments as we both processed we were doing the same thing after having experienced the same thing. Slowly our fingers started to move again… rubbing circles around our clits while the other watched. Sour Sweet and I exchanged a naughty laugh and giggle between our moans knowing at this very moment the boys were likely exchanging the pics they took of us and were getting ready to beat their meat off to them back at camp. How many buckets of cum were about to be jerked off in our names over the coming days and weeks? I didn’t know, but I desperately wanted to help the number along.

I imagined what it would have been like if instead Royal Pin had pulled out his cock and jerked it off a mere inch away from me. With all of the others boys watching and recording it as he groaned and came, completely drenching my sleeping tits and face in his thick white cum. As if wordlessly telling all the other guys that I and I alone was marked as his property in a hot predatory display. If a few ropes of cum landed near my lips I would have ventured to lick it up, and moaned in appreciation. Then I could have slept easy with a wide grin on my face with his purest manly scent surrounding me. It got me so hot and bothered picturing him using my body in such a degrading way. Using the body I had worked so hard all my life to conceal from them, now just a toy to them they used to fist their own meats to. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn’t help but love the idea of it. I wanted to be seen like this, I wanted to help guys get off with smiling faces. I didn’t think that made me any less of a person. Quite the opposite really.

Sour Sweet and I were still locked in gazes, witnessing each other as we lustfully masturbated and brought our quivering nude forms to what was easily the best orgasms of our lives. I remember the feeling coursing through every inch of my body from my head to curled toes. My muscles tensing up as my vision blurred and my mind was wracked with an overload of pleasure. It was far too much for me to handle, and I passed out shortly after. A wide grin on my face knowing if anyone ventured to our little cabin they would see me in this disheveled state.

The sun was shining brightly in the sky the next morning when the girls all awoke and were rather overjoyed to find their clothes next to their bed. Gloriosa, now finally clothed herself, naturally took credit for finding the sack of our clothes but not the thief that eluded her with their panties. But it was good enough for them. They were just happy to be wearing something again. Sure enough, none of the others, barring Sour Sweet of course, seemed to have any knowledge of what took place last night. At least… I didn’t think they did. And if they didn’t, we certainly weren’t going to spoil it! Gloriosa made us promise not to tell anyone about anything that happened last night and we agreed. To the other girls, she was just a well meaning camp counselor trying to do something special and personal for them. The hot springs were still amazing, so no harm no foul, right?

As we ventured back to the main camp and resumed our normal camp life, I soon noticed I was getting a lot more subtle attention and grins from a few guys. It was almost certain my nudes had found their way to their phones. They had seen everything I had to offer and were showing their approval. I shot them all a seductive wink back as if to thank them for their compliments.

Every night since that fateful experience, including the ones at Camp Everfree, I’ve slept naked. Not so much as socks or panties. My tentmate Sour Sweet had the exact same idea, and made it no subtle secret she was playing with herself on top of her sheets thinking back to that wonderful night. We made sure to leave our tent flaps untied and slightly open while we slept in hopes some boys were brave enough to sneak inside for round two. If they ever did, they managed to do it without waking us. And I kinda found it hot not knowing.

I wasn’t aware of it at the time, but Gloriosa Daisy was pulling the same stunt with a different group of girls from our school each late night, leading them off in the direction of the hotsprings. A few minutes after, Timber Spruce would lead a different group of boys after them. So I figured it was almost certain Royal Pin and the others managed to spy and capture us disrobing and bathing without our clothes on. Props to those counselors for finding such an easy way to make lifelong memories for their campers.

Unfortunately, the rest of our time there went on like normal without any similar such events taking place. Well, as far as I could tell. Sadly, like all good things that came to an end, we had to depart and go back to school. It seemed as though Dean Cadance, clueless as ever, never discovered what the two counselors were doing with her students, thankfully, and now there were likely a few hundred different pictures of various Crystal Prep girls sleeping and naked circulating throughout the boys’ phones. I had to wonder now if Gloriosa pulled the same thing with those girls from CHS. But it was a few days after we went back to school, when all of us resumed our normal school schedule did something even more breathtaking actually happen.

Royal Pin asked me out!!!

I told him ‘yes’ before he could even finish talking. He seemed different from before. More confident, somehow working up the courage, and found that little extra push to ask me. Gee, I wonder how… Though, in fact, it seemed like love was really in the air. A lot of girls… the same ones that had went on that embarrassing hot spring trip, were madly gossiping over being asked out on dates for the first time ever.

Personally, I had hoped Royal Pin might try to blackmail me with those saucy pictures he took and make me do something truly naughty and degrading for him, but this was infinitely better! As of this writing, I’ve been on two wonderful dates with him. I can tell he’s a true gentlemen, but he’s eager to feast himself on the full thing when I’m awake rather than the taste I gave him at camp. Just wait until he sees what I have planned for him after our third date...

So thank you Camp Everfree! It truly was a magical experience after all! I’ve already made a strong recommendation to Dean Cadance of taking another trip next year. Hopefully my favorite counselors can think of a different ‘incident’ to involve us ladies in then. If not, maybe I could think up some ‘revenge’ to pull on Gloriosa...