A Spell of Gaining

by Archy

First published

Morbidly obese wizard Chit Chat has been tasked to come up with a food conjuring spell, he's now on the verge of success.

He was close, very close. Months of work and late nights spending his time at his work desk into the wee hours had been building up to this. Chit Chat could feel it, he was so close to getting the spell to work. Tonight was the night...

Story commission for bigandfluffy.tumblr.com Want your own story? Check out my journal for info.

Please note this story contains fats, weight gain, immobility and sex.

Cover art by Lupin Quill.

A Spell of Gaining

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“Just a little more…”

It was extremely late, Chit Chat had lost track of time again. But he didn’t mind, the work was more than enjoyable enough that he was happy to keep going into the wee hours. How many hours ago had Luna raised the moon? No matter, he was very close to accomplishing his goal.

Currently sat at a rather crowded and bloated looking desk, much like himself. Chit Chat was obese, there was no questions about that. He did enjoy his food, so much so that his body had grown to the size of a small cart over the years. The Unicorn carefully concentrated, the spell was getting close to complete and he could feel it getting closer and closer. He rubbed his horn, the poor thing was overworked but being within reaching distance he had to keep going. He shut his eyes and let the spell work for him.


Suddenly, the desk was just that little bit more crowded. Opening his eyes Chit Chat observed what his mind had been concentrating on, a rather plain and uninteresting cookie. It had a small sprinkling of chocolate chunks in the dough. He waited a few seconds, half expecting it to vanish again. But the cookie remained in place, it seemed to have materialised as expected.

Firstly, he leaned forward to sniff it, to make sure it smelled right. You never knew with new and unproven magical spells exactly what you were getting. The thing might look like a cookie but inside it might have egg yolk or some other foreign object lurking beneath the perfect exterior. A quick smell check confirmed it at least smelled like a cookie. That lovely scent of sugar, dough and chocolate was unmistakable.

Secondly he levitated it up, cracking it in two. It wasn’t full of green goo either. The innards looked as expected as well as he moved the thing towards his own doughy features, his eyes set in his fat face observing the cookie as closely as he could.

Finally test three, with a shrug he took a bite. The first few chews confirmed that it tasted good. Then a swallow. It went down with no problems. He finished up the other half, smiling as it disappeared into his maw. That was one cookie, more shouldn’t be a problem. Uncharacteristically for the obese wizard he had skipped lunch so this would more than make up for it…

A little more concentration was required but within a few seconds, the desk filled with cookies. The spell was solid. He had been working on it for weeks, or months. At this point he wasn’t quite sure anymore. The time had seemed to slip away so fast but now he could make it work. The cookies were delicious, within ten minutes Chit Chat had devoured them all, letting out a loud “Urrrrpppp!” as any satisfied and stuffed pony would. There was a smile on his chubby face the entire time he was eating and when he was finished too. He pushed back from the desk, his large frame wobbling with the movement and squeezing himself out the chair he had been sat in. He’d need a bigger one, again…

Leaving his workshop in the palace and heading home, he thought it best to get some rest. He could perfect and work on the spell more tomorrow. Or rather today, the sun was just starting to rise. Seemed he really had worked through the night and right up to the next morning as well. It was worth it though, Chit Chat had been dreaming of a food conjuring spell for as long as he could remember. It was one of the reasons he took up mastering conjuring. Work had pushed that dream aside but finally he had been able to get to it. The suggestion for a spell that could end hunger issues for ponies had gone down well with the Princesses. Waddling his way home he could already see other ponies starting to do their daily business and opening up shops. Himself? He just wanted a nap. He must have been overtired too, the obese Unicorn hardly remembered staggering in and flopping onto the bed. The next thing he heard was a rapping on his front door.

Tap tap tap!

Opening one eye to check the time he glanced at the small clock by his bedside. Two in the afternoon, or thereabouts. He wasn’t expecting a visit so he shut his eyes again, but the pony at the door was persistent.

Tap tap tap!

“Fine! I’m coming!” he grunted, hauling his massive frame out of bed. When he made it to the front door after some effort he looked through the peephole to see who was there. Swift Flash, he thought he had better open it.

Swift was a rather interesting character. A total chubby chaser, but he loved big stallions most of all. The orange Pegasus himself was the exactly opposite of that. An quick observation of his buff and almost perfectly sculpted body builder physique was all that was needed. Chit Chat had learned liking fatties was his guilty pleasure. He swaggered into the room, the stallion always had that cocky air about him. Despite that though he was extremely caring of his friends. Plus through a few late night meets Chit Chat discovered he loved feeding big ponies. He smiled at his friend.

“Look as buff as ever Swift.” he said with a grin.

“And you as fat as ever, putting on the pounds for Swifty?” he grinned back. “I tried calling last night but you weren’t home. Working late again?” he asked.

“Very, but it was worth it.” Chit Chat replied.

“Oh?” the Pegasus was intrigued. “What spell this time?”

The spell.”

Swift Flash’s eyes went wide. Anything to do with fats immediately brought his usual somewhat jock like nature crashing down. “Wait, the spell? The food conjuring one? You made it work?” he asked.

“I tried it last night, I managed to conjure some cookies. I was going to perfect it a little more today.” Chit Chat replied. “Wanna see?”

“Do I ever!” the Pegasus plonked himself down on a couch and stared as Chit Chat concentrated on the spell. It only took a few seconds but suddenly, out of thin air…


A small pile of cookies appeared, no table this time so the Unicorn had to grab them in levitation magic but there they were. With a confident grin Chat ate one, smiling at his friend as he did so.

“Want one? Trust me they’re fine.”

“No thanks man, I’m on a strict regimen at the moment but oh boy…” he trailed off, eyes transfixed on the floating cookies.

“Oh boy what?”

“You realise what this means?”

“Free food? I never have to grocery shopping again?” Chit Chat replied, slightly oblivious.

“C’mon man! Think bigger! Much bigger…” Swift said, getting up off the couch and sauntering his way over to Chit Chat, he gave a friendly little prod on Chat’s belly before leaning across his back. “You always wanted to be huge and sexy right? Well this means you can be as huge and sexy as you’ve always dreamed of. Immobility is just a few casts away…” the stallion said with a small giggle, watching as the penny dropped for Chat. “I can see you already like the idea, the lack of clothes and that thing starting to grow underneath you is all the confirmation I need.” the Pegasus continued, watching as his obese friend blushed somewhat.

“W-what, you think I can’t feel your excitement either behind me? I’ll uh, see what I can start to conjure.” Chat stuttered, Swift pushing himself off his friends back and making towards the door.

“Make sure it’s something packed with calories, a bit bigger than those dinky little cookies. I expect you nice and tubby for me fatso.” the Pegasus grinned, before leaving with the final sentence of “I’ll be back, trust me.” shutting the door behind him.

And so Chit Chat started to perfect the spell. It took a little time at first. Moving beyond the simple cookies was the first hurdle. In the first few days he managed to do other little treats. Candies, slices of cakes. Small things. He ate all the samples he managed to conjure of course, his body growing from the size of a small cart, to the size of a large one.

Soon though within a few weeks it was bigger items. Entire cakes were becoming easy, huge foods that were not only full of calories to fatten up with, but a joy to eat. He decided not to go back to his workshop and concentrate on perfecting it at home. Plus with the increasing size he was gaining, it meant getting back and forth dragging that huge belly bed and growing rump of his was quickly becoming a chore.

A side effect of the increased mass he was gaining was his body trying to get used to it. First came the belches, the bigger he got the more loud and rumbly they became. When he had gained enough size to start to cross into that territory of immobility, the pig of a wizard found that every stuffing session resulted in him releasing huge “URRRAAAAAPPPPSSSSS!” of delight once it had digested the food. Swift, who sometime stopped by the help him feed always blushed heavily when he did, he confessed he thought it was nothing but alluring and added to the pleasure of the huge size that Chat was continually adding to every day. The visits from Swift became more and more frequent. A few times Swift got a little overzealous with the feeding, pushing cakes in at a rate of urgency almost in his lust to see Chat get larger and larger. So large that a large cart was no longer sufficient to describe his heftiness. He was now starting to resemble an elephant rather than a pony.

Even though he now weighed thousands of pounds and hardly moved, his body was producing a whole heap of sweat. Another side effect of being so utterly huge. Again he was thankful Swift was there, who was more than happy to look after his friend and make sure he wasn’t sweating too much, and help clean a little if he did. Chat started to suspect it was a subtle way to get at his ever growing fat folds.

Months passed, and the weight kept piling on. Swift just encouraging him to gain more and more with every visit. Eventually Chit Chat took up most of the living room on the ground floor of his house, he thanked Celestia that Canterlot houses were built to a grand scale and could accommodate his growing mass. One day, during a feeding session as he was finishing off a large pile of conjured cakes Swift arrived. He was towing something behind him.

“What’s tha- BWAAAARRRPPPPP!” the Unicorn tried to say, unable to finish before he was cut off by his own body letting go of some gas.

“Well I figure since you’ve hit over five figures a while ago you might want to get out. It’s a cart, if we can heave you onto it you can at least get out. Besides I think you might enjoy some ponies staring at your mass.” the Pegasus said with a smile, parking it in a corner of the room. “I just hope it's sturdy enough for your huge bulk.”

“Very thoughtful - you might have to help me get on.” he said, watching as Swift made his way round to his rear, although he disappeared from sight rather quickly. Chat was so massive that trying to turn his head all his vision was filled with was his flabby neck after a point.

Behind him Swift was just staring at a flank of monstrous proportions. It was just so...big, huge, hefty. Like Chat but there was something about it that was just even more alluring than he had let on in the previous feeding sessions. He couldn’t help but give it a little prod with his hooves.

“H-hey! What are you doing back there?” came a reply as thousands and thousands of pounds jiggled hypnotically. He couldn’t help it, already he could feel his stallionhood growing between his legs. He had resisted up until now, but he couldn’t any longer. He decided at least to climb somewhat up the mountain of ass so he could give Chat something in return.

Chat himself could feel Swift making his way up his rear, eventually stopping near the peak and from behind he simply heard him ask. “Y-you okay with this? A l-little reward for feeding you these past months?”

The massive Unicorn blushed, replying “C-can’t believe you waited this long…”

“H-hey, I wanted to really make sure you were a good size. It was hard though, believe me.” the cocky nature of the Pegasus now totally gone as he lowered himself, letting his huge erect stallionhood sink between Chat’s doughy cheeks. It was heaven, plowing the biggest, squishiest and jiggliest rear he had ever had the pleasure of fucking. He spread his fore and rear legs wide to get a real sense of the size of the rear he was about to enjoy. Even if there was ten of him, there was no way he was reaching all the way around.

“Y-you can go deeper…” chat said, already panting and blushing from the arousal he was feeling. The feeding had been nice, but this sort of attention was much nicer. Swift obliged and sunk his cock deep into his rear. He started to thrust, nice and slow. This was something to be savoured.

“F-fuck Chat, c-can’t believe you’re such a huge, obese lardass. The biggest and best lardass in all of Canterlot…” he started to coo, the pleasurable thrusts of his cock making Chat’s rear bounce and jiggle. Every sense of Chit Chat was stimulated, apparently being bigger meant you felt even more enjoyment than you did in regular sex, or he was just incredibly aroused. His thoughts were starting to get lost in the moment.

“K-keep that up and I’m just gonna want to be even bigger... “ he cooed back, with what effort he could, pushing his cheeks together to grind back against Swift’s thrusts. The Pegasus was loving it, the Unicorn even more so.

“B-bet you’re the biggest pony in Equestria. So obese you can’t even walk. Your belly is a bed, your ass is a mountain. Your just buried in your own flab…” the Pegasus continued. He knew it was working, he heard Chat let out a small moan of pleasure. Swift started the thrust harder and deeper, Chat’s massive rear was just so fuckable. He knew he wouldn’t last long, the wait had made him so pent up…

“Biggest, b-best...fattest...f-fuuuccckkkkkk~” It was all too much for Swift, the size and jiggling rear of Chat was just driving him absolutely wild. He wanted to make it last longer but he couldn’t help filling that bloated ass with seed as he let himself release, flopping down onto Chat’s ass and just feeling his twitching cock push out months of stored cum. He panted and rested for a moment, before pulling himself up and out and onto his back, letting the huge jiggling rear of Chat come to a rest before sliding himself gently down that mountain of a rear.

When he got to the floor, he noticed a distinct pool of mess between Chat and the wizard himself still panting and blushing heavily. He grinned as he cleaned himself and Chat up.

“Guess you liked that too huh lardy?”

“L-loved it, keep feeding me and you can keep doing some of that when you like.” the obese blob of a wizard cooed back. “L-lotta sweat though, I think I need a bit of a clean…”

“With pleasure.” Swift replied, getting to work with a towel.

A few more days passed, Swift stopping by on every single one. The feeding and sex was becoming rather regular, Chat was enjoying it though. He kept conjuring food and Swift kept stuffing it in his maw. He could easily levitate it in himself but he liked the pampering he was getting, plus the extra bit of attention afterwards on his ever growing rump was lovely too.

Finally after one such session, Swift had a small suggestion.

“When was the last time you went out by the way?” he asked, mid flab fold clean.

“Well probably that night I showed you the spell, so a good number of months ago.”

“Doesn’t the palace care where you are? I thought you were supposed to be one of their prime wizards.” Swift asked.

“Well spells take months to perfect, they probably assumed I was working on it and left me alone in solitude.” Chat replied.

“Explains why I’m the only pony who has been by I guess. Hey, you got some magic left?”

“Well obviously, what makes you ask?” Chat asked, a bit of query in his voice. He wasn’t totally sure what Swift was getting at.

“Well if you can levitate yourself a little onto that cart, I think you need a visit back to the castle where your workshop is. At least let ponies know you’re okay. Plus I think a little parading around town wouldn’t hurt..” he said, teasing again.

“Sure, if you help.” Chat replied.

“Of course, you lift up - I’ll slide the cart under.” Swift replied, moving it as close as he could to Chit Chat.

The horn glowed, Swift could see Chat was straining. It was a big ask, even for those magically gifted. Lifting something heavy was one thing, but lifting yourself when you weighed thousands and thousands of pounds was another. He was struggling to lift his elephantine mass.

Chat was a great wizard though, one of the best. Slowly but surely he felt his massive heft begin to rise from the front. Swift eased the cart forward and underneath him as best he could. If took a little time and a lot of effort from Chat, but eventually he was on. With how big he had gotten, he hardly had any space in the very wide cart. Instantly he felt his massive stomach push up against the small sides that came up about a foot from the base. His rear filled out what little was left of the space. Swift let him rest for a moment to re-gather his strength.

“Try moving it.”


“Well how else do you think you’re going to get around on that thing?” he said with another trademark smile. “I can hardly push you can I? You’re gonna have to work a little magic to get the wheels to turn.”

Tentatively he pushed forward, actually it was rather easy. Squeezing out his front door the massive blob of a pony was outside in moments, with Swift following him. Already what ponies were out on the streets were staring. Swift laughed, giving a friendly prod with his hoof into Chat’s side.

“Told you they’d stare.”

“G-guess so. Just not used to so much attention.” Chat replied.

As the two of them began to travel towards the castle Chat could just feel more and more eyes on him. Everypony was observing his size, his huge girth. There were whispers. “H-how is he so large?” and “Did he eat an entire cake factory?”. It was just making the massive stallion blush more and more. As they travelled further into town a small crowd was forming around him. It actually was getting a little difficult for Chat to manoeuvre the cart around so many ponies. Eventually though with a small crowd around him, prodding, poking into his flab Swift called out.

“Excuse me! Extremely hefty wizard on Royal business! Make way!” he bellowed, the crowd parting to finally let them through.

“Thanks Swift, you always seem to know just what to do in these situations.” Chat said.

“Well let's get moving to the castle and then at least you’ll just have the attention of the Princesses” Swift said, starting to trot alongside the now rolling Chat.

“T-the Princesses! Oh gosh, I guess they’ll want to see me, ask about the progress on the spell…” he hadn’t thought of that for some reason. Usually he reported to some underling of theirs but a spell that could end hunger for all of Equestria? This was important. They’d want a direct report. He wondered how they’d take his size, perhaps he could use it as proof that the spell really worked…

Distracted in thought, Chat hadn’t noticed that him and Swift had come to a hill. Just before the castle, he could see looking up that Celestia was outside observing, stood on one of the many high balconies. It was at that moment he heard a shout from behind him.

“Chat! Steep hill!”

Trying to gallop to keep up but failing Swift had tried to warn his friend that he was now cruising down a hill out of control. He could only watch helplessly as Chat’s horn glowed as he tried to regain control of the out of control cart that was rocketing down the hill. He did, but just a little too late as the hill came to an end the immobile Unicorn felt his whole weight shift forward, pounds and pounds of flab crushing forward with force into the side of a wall of the castle at the bottom. There was a loud CRUNCH as the cart took some of the impact.

As the dust settled Swift finally caught up, slightly panicked. “H-hey! Chat? You okay?”

“...Fine!” came a reply. Swift breathed a sigh of relief.

“Were you even listening to me? I told you there was a hill!” he shouted back, trying to make his voice heard a little better.

“Sorry, when you mentioned the Princesses my mind started to wander, when I concentrated again I only heard you shout about the hill. Guess I came back too late.”

“Just a little, but you’re fine?” Swift asked.

“I think uh, the extra padding cushioned my impact. I feel fine. A little shaken but fine.” Chat replied. The cart seemed to be a little worse for wear, but in one piece beneath him. He could still magically push it along. “Let’s get to the palace, after this I want to get home and not leave again for a while.”

Once inside, and through the large halls, thankfully more than wide enough to accommodate a pony of Chat’s now massive size, he finally came to the main meeting room of the palace. Celestia and Luna sitting in their usual spot for visitors.

“Well, Chit Chat - I haven’t seen you for a while. I wondered what you had been up to. I see the food conjuring spell is clearly a success.” Celestia said with a smile.

“Ah yes, I am sorry your majesty. I got a little uh...carried away?” was all he could manage. The eyes of the princesses always felt harsh, but after a moment Celestia just broke into a large smile.

“I can see that.” she replied with a small giggle. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pony get so huge, I didn’t know we were capable of it. You’ve outdone yourself.” she said. Chit Chat blushed, Swift just smiled.

“Thank you your majesty. Is there anything else? Otherwise I would very much like to get home.” Chat replied.

“Well yes actually. I witnessed your little accident. I am most surprised you are unharmed. Your size helped I take it?” the Princess asked.


“Hmm, for one in my court with such esteemed standing we can’t have that happen again. I have an offer to make you.” Celestia said, getting up and making her way towards the wizard.

“I’m all ears.” he said.

“Teach the spell you have clearly mastered to other Unicorns here at the palace, and I’ll make sure all your needs are taken care of.” she said. Chit Chat’s ears pricked up, he was interested.

“How so?” was the next question.

“Well, clearly a pony of your heft needs looking after. I think your friend has helped but it is likely getting out of his hooves.” she said. “I’m thinking of a special job for you, beyond wizarding. A centrepiece for the ballroom. I think your massive size would not only heat the room but provide an interesting topical discussion point for guests. We could place buffet tables around you and you could conjure food in for guests at events held there. In return, you’ll be well looked after by palace staff and your friend can visit whenever he pleases. Plus, you’ll have much more room to grow. How does designated Palace Feeder as a job title sound to you, Chit Chat?” the Princess asked bluntly.

“Like a dream come true.” was the only reply.

“Perfect, then it is settled. Move yourself to the ballroom and then take the cart out from under you. It is your new permanent home. My staff will advise on how you should position yourself in the middle.” the Princess said, turning tail and making back for her throne. Gently Chit Chat reversed out the room, Swift by his side.

“...Wasn’t expecting that.” his Pegasus friend started to say. “I’d call that a promotion.” he said.

“One heck of a promotion.” Chat replied, already thinking of just how huge he could get with all that room to expand. “I hope you keep visiting, I’ll need some company if I’m to grow even more.” Chat said.

“Nothing could keep me away from that amazingly huge body of yours, you bet I’ll be back every day.” Swift said. “And perhaps for a bit more too, that rear of yours is just too good not to enjoy.” he said with wink, making Chat blush again.

The two made their way towards the ballroom. Chat knew it was massive, he was already dreaming of sizes in six, maybe even seven digit range. In months he’d be double, triple the size he was now. So big and utterly immobile that it seemed too good to be true. He planned to start eating straight away, through the night. He didn’t want to disappoint his gracious hosts. He’d make them proud and grow to sizes never seen. A belly the size of a mountain, an ass the size of a canyon, head lost in a sea of flab. Already he was lost in thought of just what sort of massive sizes he could attain...