Equestria's Elite Warrior

by XXXScale

First published

[Displaced] The prince of all saiyans is sent to Equestria to do what they do best, to conquer all.

[Crossover, Dragon Ball Z.]

Once a normal human now a saiyan prince in the land of ponies. He must make his mark on the world by doing what saiyans do best.

Prologue: Saiyan Prince

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San Diego 2:00 PM Sunday afternoon

"A convention?" I asked.

"Yeah it's the annual San Diego where a bunch of people come around and dress up in costumes and have a good time." Carlos answered.

"I don't know Carlos, you know i got work and that i need to finish this sassy by Friday or the Mr. Know it all well get up all in my shit." I said while looking at my T.V.

"Come on Leon, its going to be fun and we'll be in awesome costumes from different shows and I know you want to do it too." Carlos said with a smirk knowing that with that i was in.

I thought about it and it did sound kind of fun. I sighed and said " Fine Carlos, I'll go and dress up and hangout with all of you." I told him with a small shy smile.

"Yes! I knew I was going to get you to join us, so the convention is on Tuesday, we all will meet up here and go to the convention." He told me his plan as I was walking in the kitchen to get a beer.

"Okay whatever." I said while drinking my beer that i grabbed from the fridge.

"Hey, isn't your birthday day on Tuesday as well?" Carlos asked curiously while he rubbed his chin.

"Yeah it is and don't worry you don't have to get me anything, I also told my family that I don't really like making a big deal about it." I told him as I finished the beer and threw it to the trash can making it in as i smirked.

"Are you sure? I mean, i can get you something if you want me to. I mean it." He said with a concerned tone in his voice while he looked at me.

"I'm sure really, I'll be okay." I told him in a reassuring tone as he nodded.

"Ok if you say so, so what are you going to wear as a costume?" He asked curiously while he went threw my fridge.

"I'm gonna think about it and you'll see on the day we go to the convention." I told him while I sat back on the couch watching "My Little Pony: Friendship is magic".

"Okay, well its getting real boring so I'll be up in my room." He said while walking to his room.

"Whatever." I said while looking at the television.

When I heard his door close, I pulled out my phone and went threw different kinds of customs while the show went on. Then i stopped as i smiled and nodded while looking at the custom I'll be wearing to the convention.


It was Tuesday and we were heading to the convention while riding in my car which was a 1999 black impala. I was looking at my friends who were in customs as well . Zack one of my friends was dressed as Tony Tony Chopper from One Piece, Carla who dressed up as the Excced from Fairy Tail Carla, who would have guessed? Mark who was GrimmJow from Bleach, Ben and Lucy a couple who dressed of as Naruto and Hinata, and Carlos was dressed up as Yusuke from the Yu Yu Hakusho. I was dressed up as the prince of all Saiyans Vegeta, but i was wearing the clothing/Armor that Vegeta had when he first came to Earth.

We arrived at the convention and we enjoyed it pretty well, there were many costumes and they all were really good, some even commented on our costumes and we thanked them for their compliments and took a few photo's with them. We walked around for a while till we decided to split up. I went my own way while everyone else was taking their own directions, I was walking for a while looking at a bunch of different things. As I was walking, I heard someone from the back of the of the room.

"Oh look at what we got here boys" a deep voice said.

I look over at the voice and saw two guys who were taller then me at least a few inches, were circled around a little girl.

"Hey little girl you look a little lost, is there any anything we could do to help you." One of the guys said dressed up as shepherd from MW2.

"N-No I'm alright, I don't need any help." She said as she tried to walk away but was cut of by the other guy who was dressed up as Makarov from MW3.

"Oh come on little cutie, let us help you." He said as the two were getting closer to her making her close her eyes.

I kept seeing this and I was getting angry. So i walked up to them making a fist at there actions.

"Hey leave the little girl alone!" I said in a demanding tone while a few people who were standing by watched.

The two turned around and looked to see who it was while both just glared at me while the little girl opened her eyes.

"Oh look here, we got ourselves a hero here, why don't you go away and leave us to our business?" He as his friend chuckled at that and turned around.

"I'll deal with this quick." After he said that he walked towards me and now he was 3 feet from me. He pulled back his fist and was about to attack me.

When his fist was about to hit me I caught his fist and squeezed really hard and he was trying to get away but I wasn't letting go, after I caught his fist I pulled him past me and hit him on his back knocking him to the wall as he went face first into the wall knocking him out.

While the guy lied on the floor unconscious, his friend look worried but changed to anger and the guy came towards me. He tried to hit me in the stomach but I dodged that attack and did a roadhouse kick hitting him on the side of his gut then upper cutted him knocking him out.

After everything was over security came over and I explained everything to them. Security then took them out of the convention and now I was alone with the little girl looking seeing what I will do next. Then i turned around and began to walk away but the little girl stopped me.

"WAIT! Can... Can you help me?" She asked while she looked down.

"But I thought you didn't need help." i said looking over my shoulder at her.

She shook her head "I didn't want their help, but I can see you're a good person so could you help me?"

I sighed and nodded. "Okay, I'll help you. Now, tell what you need help with." I said turning to her.

She nodded "You see, I came here with my dad and brother, I was looking at a couple of booths and got distracted." She explaining to me while i nodded.

"Okay what does your father and brother look like do they have costumes that we could find them in?" I asked looking around.

"Only my dad he's dressed up as Goku" She told me while i nodded and looked away while crossing my arms and said under my breath "No wonder you got left behind."

"What was that?" the little girl asked while i looked around Ignoring her question.

"Ok lets get going and find them." I said and then i took her hand we started to walk away.

After we found her father and brother he explained what happened to them, they were both sad and anger about what happened but got over it as they were glad that there daughter/sister was back safe. They said goodbye to me and the girl came up to me and hugged and thanked me for what I did. She waved back at me and ran back to her family. I was about to walk away when a voice from a nearby booth spoke to me.

"That was quite a thing you did my boy. Not everyday you see a person with so much selfness and courage to do that for a complete stranger." The voice spoke up.

I looked over at the voice where it came from, a booth with a bunch of stuff from different shows and the one behind the booth was a man dressed up as the merchant from Resident Evil and all I could see of his face was his eyes, those blue eyes.

"Tch, I'll do whatever i feel like doing." I said while crossing my arms looking at him. "Plus there power levels were more low then Yamcha."

"You are also a prick as well that's a nice quality to have. Now is there anything you want from my stand I have a wide assortment of things." He said while guiding his arm over his table.

I took a look at his table and I saw a few of things that caught my eye. The set of Dragon Balls, a Saiyan monkey tail, Vegeta'a scouter, the Z-sword, Natsu scarf, Naruto's headband, a book of all of Goku's and Vegeta's attacks and other stuff and a random Devil Fruit.

"Hey, how much for those items?" I asked while pointing to what I'm talking about gaining the merchant's attention

He brought them in front of me as i looked at them seeing that they were all fine item's.

"Well I have found everything that I want. I would like have all of these items." I said while pointing to the items that interested me.

He nodded and collected the items while collecting them, I saw something behind him that was pretty interesting. It was a thick book that said "All Anime Ever" So i asked the Merchant about the book.

"What's with the book?" I asked him.

He looked behind him and nodded and collected the book and told me. "Well it's basically all Anime good or bad that was ever made was put in this book and all it's information."

I nodded while i rubbed mychin. "I'll take it and ever other book like this that you have." I told him as he nodded.

"You know, your the first person who ever bought this books." he said placing five books on the table. One of Anime, Comics, Video Games, Movie's and Shows.

"The total of this items together is $5000." He stated.

I reached into my pocket and took out five-thousand dollars. I brought that money because I thought that I would buy something and by the looks of it I'm glad i brought it.

I gave him the money and got all of the items. I took off my backpack that i brought with me and put the bags in it, I put the Z-sword on my belt and put Natsu's scarf around my neck.

"Thank you for the items sir." I said with a smile.

"You're quite welcome my boy. Also for being such a great person I'll like to give you something as a gift." he said as he reached down and grabbed a small chest and placed it in front of me.

"I...can't take this free, here let me pay for it." I told him as i pulled out my wallet and pulled out the last of my money which was about $2000.

"Think of it as a gift as well." i said with smile as i placed the chest in my black leather backpack.

The merchant nodded as he took of money and rubbed his eyes while he gave me a warm smile.

"Thank you, Now enjoy your journey." He said while waving his hand.

I was curious on what he meant by that.' What does he mean by that?' I just shrugged my shoulders my shoulders and walked away. As I took one step my eyes became heavy and it began to become dark around me. I then fell into the darkness.

Equestria three years later at the edge of the Everfree forest

The sky of Equestria was dark, thunder and lighting can be heard and seen from the sky on the edge of the Everfree forest. Ponies, zebras, griffins, minotaurs, dragons, deers, horses and diamond dogs stood side by side for the first time. No species were belittling another, nor threatening each other. All of them were united, brothers and sisters in arms on this dark cold day. All readied with armor, weapons, or magic. They were prepared for the battle ahand.

An army of 500,802 stood united against a common enemy. In the front of the amrys stood the eight leaders with brave expressions on there faces each thinking if they would make it threw this battle.

"If we stand together right now, we can beat the enemy at comes." King Iron Bull said out loudly as he held his two sided battle axe blade tightly.

"We agree King Bull, but we can't hope to save all our men and woman's life's today." Chief Sharpbone said as he held both swords in his claws while he looked at the Bull.

King Bull was about to say something but was silence by a hum.

At the opposite end of the field, stood a 5'5 tall hairless monkey looking creature that scared half the army in front of him. He had long spikey hair and a object that was on his left side on his ear that had a red lense in front of his eye and a monkeys tail around his waist.

"Well well, looks like a bunch of animals came to die." he said as Luna stepped forward holding her spear with both hands tightly.

"It shall be thu who well be slain!" the luner princess yelled at him.

"Do you really think that you can kill Prince Vegeta?!" Vegeta yelled as he smirked. "Come on Moon-butt show me your true power." Vegeta said as another tall figure walked behind Vegeta.

"Vegeta! I'm hungry can we fight and go eat something?" a tall 6. 10 tall bold hairless ape said while he had similar armor as Vegeta and tail.

"Shut up Nappa, can't you see I'm trying to make Luna angry." Vegeta said looking at his fellow Saiyan then back at the army in front of him.

"But your right Nappa, let's do this and go eat." Vegeta said with a smirk. Then i looked at the leaders and blinked a few times. "I still can't believe it...me Leon as prince Vegeta ready to battle cartoon characters to the death, this is the life." he thought as he held back his hands as he putting his hands on the opponent side of each other.

"Get Ready for Oblivion!" yelled Vegeta as purple energy started to form in his hands. The Anthro leader's saw this and quickly called for shield spells and the strongest shields up front.

Vegeta then gave off a battle cry as he thrusted his arms forward. "GALICK GUN!!!!" he yelled as a huge purple beam of energy went straight for the army.

"The Battle had begun." The Sun goddesses said under her breath as she held her warhammer close.