Somnium Shenanigans

by Some Leech

First published

Luna decides to pay Anon a visit. Of course, things quickly go awry...

Princess Luna, feeling a bit sorry for Anon and her plight, decides to visit the newly minted mare in her dreams. Sadly, her social call quickly goes off the rails, as the sassy and salacious green mare figures out that she can exert control over her dreams. One thing leads to another and, well, you can probably figure out what's gonna happen...

Kinks Include: Futa on Female, Transformations, Musk, Wanton Advances, Size Difference, Poor Life Choices, a Particularly Lusty Alicorn, Cumflation, Some Bondage (why not), and Ludicrous Amounts of Jizz

Art by Smoldix

Abrupt Alicorn Avarice

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Drunkenly trotting over to her bed, Anon struggled to hop up to the mattress. She’d had a rather interesting day, if not a tiring one. After attempting, and subsequently failing, to actually accomplish anything relatively important, she’d managed to bed a stallion and get tanked off of some hard cider she’d accidentally fermented. If it weren’t for the fact that she’d been creampied twice by an abhorrent pony, which may have led to her having gotten knocked up, she’d consider this one of her better days in Equestria. Well, better days as a cartoonish equine, anyways.

Upon waking, Anon had decided to seek out Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, to see exactly what she should be doing, now that she was a runtish pony. After going to the purple smarty-horse’s house, she’d quickly given up her search. Resigning herself to go home and flick the bean, she was approached by possibly the worst stallion in all of Equestria, Zephyr Breeze. One thing led to another and she’d given in to her seemingly unending penchant for pastel equine buggery. Luring the aquamarine stud back to her dingy apartment, she deployed every weapon in her quadrupedal arsenal to woo him. Sadly, her advances were for naught. In the end, Anon had to fuck herself on him before he finally got the hint, reluctantly mounting her before everything was said and done. Sure, he may have had a slight case of premature ejaculation, but that wasn’t the problem; the real issues were that Zephyr had declared his love for her, and that he may have pumped a bun in her oven.

Once she’d shooed the smitten stallion away, locking and bracing the door with a chair, just in case, Anon took a shower to clean up the majority of spunk coating her green fur. After washing up, and squeezing out a substantial amount of seed from her confines, she’d discovered a case of Sweet Apple Acres cider behind her couch. Apparently, she’d placed it there some time ago and had forgotten all about it. Once she finished fighting with her bottle opener, and nearly suffering a mental breakdown in the process, Anon popped open one of the spiced beverages. The time spent tucked behind her sofa had unintentionally fermented the beverage, something the little mare wasn’t sure was possible. There had been allusions to alcoholic drinks in the Ponyverse, but nothing had ever been officially confirmed or denied.

The first bottle from the case was wasted immediately. Anon, initially trying to hold the beverage in her hooves, accidentally dropped the glass, leaving it to spill over her carpet and eliciting an enraged shriek from the equine. Opening another bottle, the pint sized mare devised a rather cunning plan. Locking her lips around the mouth of the thing, she rolled onto her back, cradling the bottle in her hooves as she pounded the intoxicating contents like a freshman in college. Under normal circumstances, it would have taken substantially more to get her tanked. Unfortunately, circumstances were far from normal. Having been transformed into a tiny earth pony, and losing an untold amount of body mass, had left her tolerance painfully lacking. After her third cider, Anon was a mess.

The majority of her evening had been spent either eating, playing the joyboy she’d found in a dumpster, crying, getting herself off, or some hedonistic combination of the four. Finding herself staring at her hooves, pondering the meaning of cartoon horse related existence, Anon decided it was time to get some sleep. She’d even had the wherewithal to scribble a note for herself, for once she got up. A scrap piece of paper with the words, ‘clinic dumb whore,’ accompanied by, ‘find book horse,’ sat beside the mare’s alarm clock on her nightstand. Wrapping herself up like an equine burrito, the puny creature quickly drifted off to a deep slumber.


Anon rubbed his eyes and yawned. At some point, he must have dozed off while in his computer chair. Looking down at the warm glow of the monitor, the man began closing the various tabs on his browser. He’d always had a bad habit of opening multiple pages and then forgetting about them until his PC began to lag, weighed down the excessive processor demands. Wearily, he looked about his room, noting the excessive clutter and pile of dirty clothes sitting off to the side. He groaned, realizing he’d have to do laundry soon and swearing to himself, yet again, that he’d clean up in the morning.

A gentle knocking at Anon’s door, nearly caused the man to jump out of his chair. He lived alone in a studio apartment and people rarely, if ever, came to visit, especially at this time of night. Grabbing his phone, he looked through his recent call history, checking to see if he’d placed an order for takeout. Oddly enough, his cell seemed to be malfunctioning. All the text on the device had been replaced by some type of indecipherable hieroglyphics. He shrugged, turning back to his computer and hoping his visitor would leave; it was likely someone with the wrong address anyways.

The sound of a lock turning, sent Anon toppling out of his chair. Whoever the hell was out there, had a key and was coming in. The man watched, as the door to his apartment opened and a tall, midnight blue alicorn came trotting inside his abode. He could scarcely believe his eyes, it was Princess Luna. Dusting himself off, and scrambling for his best fedora, Anon got to his feet to greet his regal, albeit unexpected, guest.

“If I knew you were coming, I’d have gotten you a pineapple cake,” Anon chuckled, excitedly tipping his hat at the crowned equine.

“Anon, we must talk. Perhaps you should have a seat on the bed,” Luna sighed, grimacing as she navigated the refuse littering the floor.

Easing himself down onto his chair, Anon looked at the majestic Princess of the Night. He wasn’t sure what was wrong, or why she’d decided to pay him a visit, but here she was. Inexplicably, the regal equine had traversed dimensions, and leapt into the three dimensional universe, to speak with him. “So, have you finally decided to invite me to Equestria?” he asked, smiling over at the mare.

A somber look crossed Luna’s face, as she averted her gaze. “You’re already there Anon…” she whispered.

Reality, and the events of the past few weeks, came flooding back to the man; how he’d found himself in Equestria, his failed attempts to socialize, being turned into a stunted mare, all of it. His joy at facing the alicorn turned bitter, as she jumped to her hooves. The realization that she was in a dream, awakened the grounded parts of her brain and, in so doing, reverted Anon to her impudent pony form. Chuckling weakly to herself, she looked up at her guest.

“You know, you were supposed to be the nice one…” Anon muttered, shaking her head and turning away. She wasn’t sure if this was some sort of sick joke, but she sure as hell wasn’t pleased with the misdirection. Intended or not, the Princess had reminded her of Celestia’s transgression and how she was robbed of her human body, not to mention the loss of her manhood.

“You misunderstand, I simply thought it may be easier for us to converse while you were dreaming. I’ll have you know, I’m quite displeased with my sister’s bungled attempt to metamorphosize you into a pony,” Luna protested. Stamping a hoof in defiance, the vision of the former human’s past abode shattered, leaving them in a spectral realm of swirling blue and black energy. It was true; while she’d been hesitantly supportive of the idea to change Anon into a stallion, she was less than pleased with the blundered result.

“You didn’t stop her though, did you!” the green mare shot back, wheeling around to face the alicorn. Her frustration at the Princess was growing. Having been forced to face her newfound quadrupedal existence, reliving the catastrophic psychological and physiological alteration, brought back all the righteous indignation she’d felt immediately after the event.

“No, but I certainly didn’t intend for you to be transfigured into a filly sized mare!” Luna rebuked, her own temper beginning to flare. “Besides, you certainly don’t seem to mind your makeover, given the fact that you’ve thrust yourself upon two stallions in your short tenure as a pony!” she continued, boldly stepping forward.

“Hey, I can’t help how this body works! I just get all flustered and start leaking. Shit, you should know what it’s like,” Anon barked, scrunching her snout angrily up at the alicorn.

Luna cleared her throat, wafting her non-corporeal mane away from her face. “That’s besides the point. You should, like many of us, show some modicum of self restraint. Alternatively, you could simply indulge yourself within the dreamscape; barring any somnambular mishaps, it would be perfectly reasonable,” she insisted, trying not to picture the glimpses of Anon’s subconscious she’d see upon entering her thoughts. Apparently, the puny mare had quite a blossoming carnal appetite for studs. Frankly, she was a bit surprised at just how quickly the lime green pony had adapted to being female.

Anon, having mistaken the Princess’s words, accusatorily thrusting a hoof to Luna’s chest. “Listen, I’m not even that into Somnambula, so why in the hell would I go after her?!” she chided belligerently. The mental focus on the middle eastern themed pony affected their environment, shifting it from the nebulous nothingness which surrounded them to the interior of the Get On Inn, a popular hotel located in Somnambula, a village named after the ancient hero of Equestria.

While the alicorn was unimpressed with the display, having seen far more spectacular events in ponies’ dreams, Anon seemed quite enthused with the development. “I was referring to sleepwalking, not the pony. Regardless, if you continue to give in to your desires, you’ll surely acquire a rather unsavory reputation for yourself,” Luna explained. Watching the short earth pony marvel at her surroundings, it quickly dawned on the Princess that her words had fallen on deaf ears.

“Holy shit! I can control my dreams?!” Anon exclaimed, looking about in wonderment. Though her adventures in Equestria had been relegated to Ponyville, the surrounding area, and Canterlot, the inn was a picturesque representation from her memory of the show. Tables with candles littered the room, and decorative curtains hung from the rafters. The only thing missing from the area were other ponies.

“Ponies can, and occasionally do, will their dreams in certain directions. Some, like Twilight, use it as a tool to study or solve problems, while others merely entertain themselves,” the alicorn responded. Observing the now energetic mare galloping around the room, brought a smile to Luna’s face. She honestly did feel bad for Anon, and would like to help, but she wasn’t sure how. Any sort of magic to transform her back into a male human would be exceptionally difficult, likely requiring a great deal of calculation and precise sorcery to perform properly.

“So...I can make stuff too?” the tiny mare asked, thoughtfully rubbing her chin with a hoof.

“If you so choose,” Luna said with a shrug. “Just beware, we can lose ourselves to dreams if overtaken by emotion,” she tutted. Sure enough, Anon quickly closed her eyes, materializing a number of paltry items onto a nearby table. Snacks, a hat, and a few items she didn’t recognize clattered over the wooden surface of the furniture. Trotting over, the filly sized mare retrieved a bag of some type of chips, prising it open with her teeth before shoving her snout inside the container.

“Well,” Anon began, brightly colored orange cheese dust adorning her muzzle, “what about other ponies, can I do stuff to them?” Without waiting for a reply, she imagined an oversized sombrero. Amazingly, the silly hat appeared above the Princess before drifting down and settling upon her head, eclipsing her crown.

“Yes Anon, very amusing,” the alicorn giggled, lifting the brim of the unwieldy accoutrement and peering at the short earth pony.

“Huh...Zap!” the lime colored mare shouted, fixating on the diarch’s underbelly. One of the only advantages to being a vertically challenged mare, was that Anon often found herself able to gaze at the loins of others with ease. Luna was, and always had been, her favorite Princess. As such, she couldn’t resist messing with the regal mare. A thick, navy blue log of pony meat swung below the alicorn, willed into existence by none other than Anon. Astonished that her plan had worked, the filly sized equine loudly guffawed and began snorting.

Feeling an unexpected weight at her groin, Luna craned her neck down to look between her legs. Upon discovering the newly formed appendage, replete with a pair of hefty testacles, the alicorn scowled. Knowing how inappropriate Anon’s thoughts could be, she shouldn’t have been surprised, but finding herself equipped with a sizeable length of stallionhood was rather jarring. “I fail to find the humor in this,” she flatly stated, turning back to face the miniature mare.

“Oh come on, you gotta admit it’s pretty funny,” Anon responded, wiping a tear of mirth from her eye. Getting to her hooves, she trotted over to the larger pony. “And besides, it’s not like it’s permanent or anything. I just thought it would be kinda silly to see you with one, considering your sister robbed me of mine,” she continued. Wheeling around, the earth pony swept her tail to the side, shamelessly displaying her marehood, the dark flesh standing in stark contrast to her light green fur.

Luna rolled her eyes at the sight, groaning to herself in irritation. “Yes Anon, I’m well aware of what it looks like. For goodness sake, I have one myself,” she grumbled.

Had,” the mare corrected, “you had some female bits, but now you’ve got a twig and berries.” Strutting closer, Anon angled her head to admire the Princess’s package. “Well, it’s more like a small tree, but you get my point. I’d hate to see what that bad boy could do if you were around a mare in season,” she teased, flicking her tail towards the alicorn’s face. Endowing the alicorn with a formidable endowment, had been surprisingly easy, so inducing estrus in herself took virtually no effort at all.

“I hardly think…” Luna trailed off as the delicate scent hit her nostrils, sending a shiver down her spine. Her cock, hanging limply from her groin, twitched as her olfactory senses picked up the subtle pheromones filling the air. Although she was unaware of it, her swollen gonads had already begun dumping a generous amount of testosterone into her system, accomplishing one of their intended biological tasks.

“Hardly think?” Anon mirrored, cocking her head in mock consternation. Like a shark circling its prey, the pint sized pony trotted around the alicorn. “Is something wrong, Princess? You look a little distracted,” the not-filly murmured. Crossing in front of the newly minted dickmare, the tiny pony flipped her tail back and forth, exposing her glistening entrance with each tantalizing movement.

“I…I…” the Princess stammered, her eyes locking onto the slick marehood before her. The sudden addition of a male’s genitals, along with the accompanying hormonal surge and sinful young pony’s scent, sent Luna’s heart aflutter. Having spent a millennia on the moon, and never having been much of a socialite, she was woefully unprepared for such a conniving assault. “’re doing this on purpose!” she bleated, the sudden understanding jarring her from her trance. She couldn’t say if the ploy had been planned from the start, or if the sly mare had simply made it up on the fly.

Turning back around, Anon shrugged. “Well, I mean, yeah,” she flippantly admitted. Noting the sweat beading the Princess’s brow, and the increasing rigidity of the alicorn’s member, she chuckled. “Oh yeah, that reminds me. Luna, you’re a big fan of the moon right?” she innocently asked, looking up at the taller pony.

“Y...yes…” the alicorn hesitantly answered, sensing it was some sort of trick question.

“Good, because I’ve got a full one,” Anon cooed. Spinning around, and pressing her hind legs together, the little mare swung her tail up and over her back, presenting her slightly chubby rump in spectacular fashion.

“T...that’s…” the Princess sputtered, fidgeting uncomfortably in place, as she gazed upon the supple green derriere of the smaller mare. Feeling her dick slap against her belly, she squeaked in surprise, having been caught off guard by the wholly alien sensation. The sensitive head, bumping against her abdomen, sent a bolt of pleasure through her. She’d always been passively curious about what having a stallion’s equipment felt like, but she’d never indulged the notion; even though she could accomplish the task with ease, while traipsing around in the dream realm.

“You know that nobody would ever find out,” the puny mare goaded, looking over her shoulder at the alicorn. Much like her prior two sexual encounters, she hadn’t intended for her talk with Luna to take a debaucherous turn, but the situation was simply too good to pass up. She’d always had a soft spot for Luna, even when she was a human. The Princess was delightfully quirky and exceptionally attractive. Sure, she’d initially only ever thought about doing anything with the dark blue mare as a male, but, as her sex, and species for that matter, had been altered, so too had the possibilities for naughty escapades.

Seeing Anon’s plump tush, and hearing her honeyed words, Luna’s resolve began to crumble. Try as she might, she kept finding herself staring longingly at the marehood between the earth pony’s thighs. On top of that, her stallionhood was so hard it ached, almost as if the offending organ was demanding that she plunge it into the warm, moist confines of the seductress before her. As the Princess warred with her inner desires, Anon began to levitate from the floor. In awe, she watched as the mare hovered onto her back; thick black ropes appeared from the nothingness, binding the green pony’s limps and splaying her legs, leaving her suspended in a completely vulnerable state.

Oh no,” Anon taunted, a wicked grin on her face, “it looks like I won’t be able to put up much of a fight, should the Princess of the Night make a move on me!” She squirmed theatrically, struggling against her bonds, while breathing heavily. “I sure hope a big dicked alicorn doesn’t come and rut me like a naughty little mare in heat…” she whined. The move was a calculated one. Anon wasn’t sure if the Princess was into BDSM, but she figured it was worth a shot. Judging from the raging hard-on Luna had, it wouldn’t be long before the demigod cracked.

Luna wasn’t sure how Anon knew about her wanton lust for bondage, but the filly sized pony’s decision to hem herself up was the straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak. She’d always had a deeply seeded desire to have ponies strung up in compromising positions. Even from a relatively young age, she’d bribed guards to fetch material on the subject, often stashing the raunchy magazines and literature in hidden rooms located within the labyrinthine tunnel networks under their old castle. Stepping forward, the Princess’s regal dick began drooling a copious amount of pre-cum.

“I suppose I could indulge you…” Luna sighed, attempting to play coy. She couldn’t let Anon see her give in to her bestial urges; not only would it set a dangerous precedent, but she feared that she may gain a taste for such frivolities. With the runtish equine suspended at about shoulder level, the princess gradually trotted between the mare’s thighs. The heady scent of feminine musk was intoxicating, nearly making her lightheaded as she drew nearer. “ I simply mount you?” she asked, demurely looking up to the green pony’s face.

Mmmhmm,” Anon hummed, winking her snatch and allowing a glimmering drop of nectar to fall to the floor. She watched as Luna reared back and shuffled forward, resting her forelegs around her hips, as she hung from the cordage. No sooner had she sensed the sublime warmth of the Princess’s member graze against her entrance, than the alicorn’s hips lunged forward. In one fell movement, the blunt tip of the larger pony’s dick popped inside of her, causing her to squeal.

“I...I’m sorry! I don’t know what came over me!” Luna blurted, aghast at her own actions. She’d had no intention of thrusting into her partner so abruptly, her body had simply moved on its own! That being said, after the initial shock of finding herself partially inside of the impish equine began to fade, the sensation was heavenly. The closest thing she could remotely compare it to was like having a much, much larger clit. Looking down to check on Anon, she realized that her initial concerns had been unfounded. The tiny mare wore a blissful expression, utterly lacking any signs of distress or discomfort. Experimentally, the Princess ground forward, delving deeper into the small horse beneath her.

As immobile as she was, Anon simply squirmed in contentment. Luna was larger than Zephyr Breeze or Thunder Lane, bearing the length of the former with the girth of the latter. Rocking back with each thrust, she groaned, feeling the meaty dong plunging deeper and deeper with each plunge. “You don’t have Mmph be so gentle,” she breathed, hounding the regal pony to unleash her might. One of the best parts, and one she made sure to file away for later, was that her position allowed her to watch the face of her partner. If she’d allowed Luna to mount her from behind, she wouldn’t have been able to gaze upon the alicorn’s beautiful visage.

Anon’s words fell on deaf ears, for Luna was far too engrossed with her efforts to take notice. Having a dick was, to put it bluntly, amazing. Not only was she in complete control of the situation, but the feeling of her partner’s velvety interior was indescribable. Snorting, she began to pick up the pace. Each stroke sent her weighty nuts forward to slap the mare’s ass, the slight twinge upon impact only spurring her to continue.

Unlike Anon’s past two partner’s, Luna really seemed to be getting into the swing of things, no pun intended. The alicorn was bucking away like a horny teenager, losing herself to the moment as she plowed away. While it felt great, she only hoped the Princess wouldn’t blow her load too quickly. After all, Luna was one of her favorite ponies in all of Equestria, and she would really like the passionate encounter to last as long as possible. “Hey, there’s no rush. Just Unf take your time and enjoy Mmmmph!!!” she was cut off, as a ball gag appeared in her mouth.

“Silence!” Luna demanded, leering down at the precocious non-filly. “You wanted this, did you not? I’d only intended to offer you kind words, yet you felt it funny to furnish me with a stallion’s equipment to sate your own, debased desires. If you wanted to be bed by a Princess so badly, you’ll remain quiet and be plowed like the whore you’ve shown yourself to be!” she reprimanded, her words surprising even herself. She’d had just about enough of Anon’s tomfoolery, and it was time to teach the little mare a lesson. Of course, the alicorn’s mind was fogged by the hormones flooding her veins, sending her into a rut lust the likes of which Equestria hadn’t seen since Rockhoof hit puberty, but she wasn’t aware of it at the time. Her diatribe complete, Luna’s ferocity increased, thrusting harder and faster with each passing second.

Rivulets of saliva ran down Anon’s face, as she writhed under the unstoppable alicorn. Even if she’d wanted to get away, which she absolutely didn’t, she would’ve had one hell of a time slipping out of her bindings and off of the length of steel-like horse meat filling her cunt. Being strung up, her limbs held tight by their bonds, and fucked by a Princess was mind boggling. Her eyes began to flutter to the back of her head, and her thighs quivered uncontrollably, as she felt an orgasm rapidly approaching. Clenching her teeth on the rubberized sphere in her maw, she awaited the inevitable.

Fucking away with reckless abandon, Luna slowed as her partner began thrashing about, squealing around the gag in her mouth. Anon’s marehood convulsed around her shaft, as the smaller equine came, squirting ejaculatory fluids over her hind legs and coating her groin. Smirking down at the impish pony, her horn ignited. The Princess of the Night, in a devilish act, increased the size of her package to near nonsensical proportions. The growth, and resulting reaction from Anon, were immediate. Her dick, already rather imposing, jumped to twice its original size, distending her partner’s abdomen with it’s limb-like dimensions.

Hah,” Luna triumphantly exclaimed, looking down at the shocked mare under her, “the dicking has been doubled!” Were it not for the two being in the world of dreams, the titanic insertion would have done grievous bodily harm to Anon; fortunately, they were, and the only thing Luna’s partner felt was cataclysmic pleasure.

Eyes wide with amazement, Anon looked down at the mammoth cock lying just below the fur of her belly. She’d seen porn like this on earth; of course, it hadn’t been actual, real life pornography, but illustrated or animated acts involving a female fucking, or getting fucked by, something unimaginably huge. Sadly, she was only given a moment to marvel at the sight, before Luna began to move again. The sensation of her body warping and wrapping around the insanely large marecock stretching her sex, was, quite literally, insane. The sheer absurdity of the situation was pushing her mental faculties to their limit; add to that the incomprehensible pleasure she felt, and Anon was an abject mess. Nearly impossible to articulate, it was like her whole body felt like a pussy, an organ with which to give and receive pleasure. Now nothing more than a living fuck toy, Anon incoherently mewled under the Princess, filled with rapturous bliss as she was used by the rut-mad alicorn.

The exquisite tightness of Anon’s confines only prompted Luna to buck harder. Her cock, now wickedly constricted within the small mare, bludgeoned her partner’s womb like a siege weapon of old. Knowing she wasn’t doing any harm to the younger pony, she grunted and thrust away like a primal deity. She could feel the head of her prick beginning to swell, only adding to her frenzied motions. The pair of low hanging and weighty testes affixed to her crotch began to pull snugly to her body. So enrapt was the Princess in her bliss, that the calamitous ecstacy of her climax caught her totally off guard. Bellowing with the full might of a demigod, Luna came. Much like the tidal force of an eclipse, wave upon wave of seed went crashing into Anon’s insensate form. The mare’s svelte body ballooned outward, swelling ludicrously as hot jets of spunk erupted from her abused and stuffed entrance.

Being filled like a living condom immediately pushed Anon over the edge. Her mind, already struggling to comprehend the encounter, in which she found herself, fractured at the sheer overload of pleasure. The ropes, products of her imagination within the dreamscape, disappeared, as her faculties failed. Falling to the floor, yet still impaled upon the Princess’s magnificent marecock, she lay nearly comatose. Bolstered by the alicorn’s magic, Luna’s tool, and the ball-gag she’d generated, remained intact. Bloated beyond reasoning, Anon’s body coped with the situation the only way it knew how, by generating a series of increasingly smaller orgasms, much like ripples in a pond.

Luna’s chest heaved, and her length started to soften, as her climax began to subside. By all the olden gods, she’d never experienced anything of that magnitude, and that included the time she diddled herself for three months straight while on her lunar banishment. Looking down at the senseless earth pony below her, the Princess gasped. De-materializing her stallionhood, she watched as a tsunami of spunk gushed from Anon’s marehood. Dancing to the side, to avoid the bulk of the steaming fluid, the alicorn sidled over to her partner’s head.

“A...are you alright? I didn’t...I mean...surely,” Luna awkwardly stuttered, taken aback by her actions. Thankfully, the mare’s head jerkily turned in her direction, dispelling any notion of having inadvertently dispatched the earth pony.

“So, same time tomorrow?” Anon incoherently slurred, smiling drunkenly up at the alicorn.

“Truly, you are an incorrigible creature,” the Princess sighed, facehoofing as she stepped back. “I certainly hope you’re pleased with yourself, the shock-waves of such an event have likely given every pony within a few dozen miles nocturnal emissions,” she groaned, knowing she’d need to fabricate some excuse for such a mass wet dream, should the news begin to circulate.

“Oh yeah, Luna,” the runty green not-filly feebly called out, pawing at the taller pony’s leg.

“What?” Luna grunted, rolling her eyes in anticipation of whatever outlandish thing was about to come out of the young mare’s mouth.

“Am I knocked up?” Anon asked bluntly.

“E...excuse me?” the alicorn stammered, taken off guard by the question. Surely, Anon wasn’t dumb enough to think she could get impregnated while in a dream.

“Well, Zephyr kinda blew a load or two in me and I figure you’d know, since you’re all magical and stuff,” the puny pony wheezed, wobbling from side to side, as she attempted to right herself.

“Anon, I’m a Princess, not a doctor,” Luna grumbled, double facehoofing in gravity defying fashion. “I’d suggest you visit a medical facility to ascertain that,” she continued, unfurling her wings as she prepared to take flight.

“Yeah, I was gonna,” Anon grunted, finally managing to get to her hooves. Looking back, between her forelegs, she noted how extremely pregnant she appeared. Given how full of regal jizz she was, it was a wonder she could stand at all. As hot as it was, she really wasn’t too keen on prospect of carrying around a foal. She had places to see and ponies to do, so getting inseminated wasn’t on her to-do list.

As Luna began to fly away, she looked back at the obscenely full mare. “Anon,” she called back, “please consider reigning in your urges, for your own sake.” As she departed, the dreamscape began to fade, shimmering into a black nothingness with her departure.

“Wait!” the green mare shouted, her voice beginning to distort with the collapse of the fanciful reality, but it was too late. As the world disappeared, Anon tumbled through the void. She really did hope she’d be able to see Luna again. Not only was the Princess an absolute demon in the sack, but she seemed to have genuine concern for her well-being.


With a start, Anon awoke in her bed. Looking around, she took stock of her surroundings. She couldn’t remember what she’d dreamt of, but her sheets were soaked. Giving them a cursory sniff, the mare discovered that it wasn’t sweat. She must have had one hell of a kinky dream to cream herself that hard. To make matters worse, her head was pounding and the clock indicated she still had a few hours to go before dawn. Groaning, she rolled from the bed, gathering up the sullied linens to throw in the wash. Shambling through the dimly lit room, the mare eventually made it to the hamper. She knew she probably wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep, so she started a load of laundry and began tidying up the place. All the while, Anon had a nagging feeling that she’d forgotten something really awesome.


Luna sighed, as she opened her eyes and withdrew from the dream plane. Her confrontation with Anon hadn’t gone as expected in the least, but she shouldn’t have been surprised. Trotting over to a nearby table, arrayed with various beverages and snacks, the Princess poured herself a cup of coffee and fetched a donut. Levitating the ring-like pastry closer, she paused. Glancing down on the glazed, chocolate confection, she groaned. The sweet treat reminded her of the young green mare’s dark fleshed, inviting pucker. Flipping the donut back onto the tray, the alicorn opted for a blueberry one instead, preferring not to think about the raunchy pony’s nethers, or the fact that she’d given in to her own wanton cravings. Even though it had been a moment of weakness, she was ashamed at herself for succumbing.

Thankfully, Luna had had the forethought to erase any memory of the event from Anon’s memory, leaving the capricious mare unaware of the event. That being said, and though she’d never admit it, the Princess had thoroughly enjoyed herself. The encounter, unbeknownst to her, had sparked something inside of her.

With the night nearly at an end, the alicorn trotted out to the balcony to enjoy her refreshment. She couldn’t say what fate awaited Anon, or if the lewd little pony would ever truly integrate in their land in an acceptable manner, but she held on to hope. If nothing else, the curious little mare certainly made things interesting. Sipping her beverage, Luna awaited the impending day and wondered what new possibilities would come with it.