At Long Last

by dirty little secret

First published

Now that she's among ponies again, Tempest takes a short break to see about losing her virginity ... and she doesn't take 'no' for an answer.

Tempest Shadow has gained control over Canterlot and has sent her minions hunting after that last missing princess. Now, for the first time since she was a little filly, she finds herself among ponies again ... ponies who are her captives, subject to her every whim. And the sight of them is awakening urges that she buried long, long ago. Maybe she has time to finally indulge herself a little and see to losing her virginity.

Those well-muscled royal guards cowering in the cage over there? Yes ... yes, they’ll do nicely. And they’ll do it whether they want to or not, because Tempest is coming into heat again, and she’s not accustomed to taking ‘no’ as an answer.

Contains: loss of virginity, non-con, prisoner abuse, infidelity, MMFF, impregnation

At Long Last

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I ordered Grubber after the last remaining pony princess, and I didn't even bother to sneer at his supreme incompetence as he waddled away. At least he was intelligent enough to speak, which counted as an outstanding achievement among the Storm King's rank and file. Pathetic.

They were effective enough, in their brutish way ... but couldn't he have found an army with at least a bit more intelligence than the average pineapple? Even the officer-material 'geniuses' among them were of Grubber's ilk ... more of a conversation piece than a source of conversation.

And oh, how long had it been since I had so much as a decent conversation? Not since I left the Storm King's side, if 'Tempest, do this,' and, 'Tempest, do that,' could be thought of as a conversation. I could do with someone worth talking to, with— My tail twitched, and I felt a little ... dampness under my jumpsuit back there.


I paused, glanced around myself, sniffed the air. It was ... it was those guard stallions the Storm Creatures had caged up along the side of the room. Who cages captives in a throne room? Hadn't these idiots ever heard of dungeons?

But the better question was ... what was happening to me? Am I ... in heat?

Old, long-repressed foalhood memories came dimly filtering back, and with them came something else. Old, long-repressed feelings came as well – a fluttering of the heart, a tingling pull between the hips. But these feelings didn't come dimly back – they flooded in, sending a shiver down my spine and making my tail raise even higher.

I was ... among ponies again. For the first time since I left and swore off friendship, I was among ponies again. My own kind, just like me.

Well, far inferior to me, obviously – I'd just taken down three of their four princesses in a single afternoon – but these ponies were just like me, and in ways I wasn't sure if I would allow myself to appreciate.

Oh, my teenage years had been full of angst, of course, whose aren't? I still remember those sweaty southern nights in a rumpled bed as my body was first waking up to its full potential, two hundred miles from the nearest stallion ... and yet I could almost smell a faint hint of them on the wind, it had seemed. Of course, I overcame that, just as I overcome everything in my life. There were no ponies in the far south, and not a single creature in the Storm King's palace I could think about in such ways without vomiting. It turns out that if one waits long enough, those desires eventually fade.

Or at least they had faded ... until now. Slowly, I turned my head and glared at the mare and two stallions in that cage. “And just what are you three looking at?” I said with a practiced voice of cold steel. I winked inside my jumpsuit, making the clingy fabric rub against my clit in a way that nearly made me lose face in front of them, but I held my composure, gracing them with a distant, disapproving stare.

All three of them instantly glanced away. The stallions were both sitting with their forelegs very conveniently covering themselves ... as if they had something to hide.

The thought of what they might be concealing there made my pussy wink again, and this time a miniscule gasp escaped my throat. Am I really in heat? I must be...

It came rushing back to me, as bad as my teen years. Worse than my teen years. All those repressed desires held back for so long, now suddenly released...

Knowing Grubber – and I knew him far better than I'd like – it would take him ages to track down the last princess, even though she was clearly the weakest of the four. I did have time...

Oh, why not? It won't hurt to explore myself a little. After all, I'd always been curious. That talk my mother had given me oh so long ago had been more cautionary than descriptive, leaving my tortured teenage fantasies frustratingly vague. The Storm King's teasing, when he'd figured out about my virginity, had been utterly merciless. Even on the day he'd sent me off on this mission, he'd referred to me as 'the hornless virgin' to his assembled officers. Even that level of humor had been too high-brow for them to understand, but it still galled to feel their eyes on me as he said that.

So now I decided that I would like to know what all the fuss was about, and – oh look – here was the perfect opportunity, with absolutely no one stop me. I grinned at the three caged guards, indulging in a bit of a leer. Oh, they'd do. They'd do nicely indeed.

They shuffled closer together as I approached their cage, the two stallions protecting the mare between them, even though she actually looked to be the more formidable of the three. They'd already been stripped of their armor and weapons by the brutishly efficient Storm Creatures, which left them naked in a surprisingly appealing way. Most ponies went around naked all the time, but to see these guards uncovered...

By the time I'd reached the bars of their cage, the feisty-looking pale pink mare jumped up in front of the two stallions, scowling up at me. “Go away,” she growled. “What more can you take from us?”

“Actually...” I gave them a moment to savor their fate. “You'll be taking something from me.”

One of the stallions pulled on the mare's wings, urging her back, but she'd have none of it – she came up to the edge of the bars, right into my face. “Just take me me out of this cage, and I'll give you my hoof in your face, you smarmy little—”

“Guards,” I said, my voice flat and conversational.

Three of the Storm Creatures lumbered up behind me.

“Remove them from that cage. I wish to inspect the prisoners.”

With wordless grunts of acknowledgment, they opened the cage and grabbed the three ponies inside, one for each Storm Creature. They were horribly strong, those brutes, and easily overpowered the guardsponies, holding them out in front of me like a collection of dolls, and no amount of squirming could get the ponies free. One had to admire those Storm Creatures. Very useful things, and in this instance their idiocy would be an advantage. They would do absolutely anything I ordered, and they were much too dim-witted to think twice – or even once – about what was going on right in front of them.

They held the ponies up by their front hooves, leaving three multicolored pony bellies exposed to me. The mare's was closest, but I passed her by after just a glance. The Storm King's Palace had mirrors, after all – I already knew what mares look like.

The stallions, though... Now that was interesting. Both of them were pure white and practically identical. There they were, right there in front of me. Two sets of smooth, enticingly full balls hanging. Two soft-looking but thick sheathes. And just above them... Well, that was somewhat disappointing, actually. I'd always imagined that pony cocks would be rather more impressive than the sad, sagging, wrinkled things I saw gradually retreating back into their sheathes.

It almost put me off of the entire idea. I nearly ordered them thrown back in the cage.

But then the mare laughed at me. She laughed! “Looks like they don't want any,” she said, laughing yet again. “No more boners here!”

I seethed. My cheeks burned. At least the fire in my eyes was enough to silence the impudent mare's laughter.

Stomping my hoof down hard enough to crack the marble floor, I looked up into the frightened and embarrassed faces of the two stallions. But despite my demeanor, my voice was as smooth and even as the blade of a sword. “I order both of you to become erect immediately.” My mother had taught me about erections, at least, even if it had been just one item in a long list of things to avoid at all costs.

The stallions glanced at each other, then down at me. A few strange expressions of effort passed over their faces, but it wasn't matched with any results between their legs.

“It's no good,” one said as he gave up. “I can't just make it happen like that.”

The other one shook his head, blushing hard. “It's ... it just feels like a lot of pressure, you know?”

I stalked closer to the one who'd given up first, nearly right up against his vulnerable belly. “It is unwise to disobey me, prisoner.” I let a little uncontrolled magic flow into my stump of a horn; it crackled with energy waiting to be blasted out.

But seeing me down there apparently gave him an idea, because he said, “We, uh, just need a little help. I know I could definitely get it up if ... somepony sucked it a bit?” The insipid grin he gave me as his words hung in the air was the worst part. It was just as insulting and degrading as what he was suggesting.

Thankfully, though, that wouldn't be necessary.

“You,” I said, glancing over at the mare. “Suck these two stallions until they're properly erect.” The Storm Creature released her to do as she was told.

For a brief moment, her eyes flashed around the room. I could see plans firing back and forth through her: fly out through the window, rush over and kick me in the face, duck between the Storm Creatures and scurry for the door. One menacing grunt from the Storm Creature, though, and those plans faded.

With an audible gulp, she shuffled over to stand next to me, in front of the other stallion. She stared at his crotch – his balls, his sheath, the pinkish tip of his cock barely visible now. She stared for far too long.

Well,” I prompted.

“B-but I'm married,” she said eventually.

I rolled my eyes. Ponies could be so ... ugh. “As the new ruler of Equestria, I hereby annul your marriage. Now do as I told you.”

Annulled?” The mare's eyes seemed to fall into themselves. “But I love—”

“Do as I told you!” An arc of uncontrolled magic flashed across the remains of my horn. It reflected in her eyes.

She turned back toward the stallion in front of her, took a deep breath, then leaned forward and took a hesitant lick up his sheath.

“Don't worry, Sunrise,” the stallion said. “I know Lockheart – he won't blame you if he knows you were forced to do it.”

The mare paused, the tip of her tongue still on the tip of that stallion's barely-showing cock as she mulled the idea over. Then it clicked. In an instant, she went from hesitant little licks to all out slurping over his balls and sheath, rubbing her face into it as if she'd been wanting to do that for ages.

It raised my eyebrows. But more importantly, it raised something else: the stallion's mottled pink cock quickly began emerging, much to the apparent delight of the mare. I watched with interest as she raised her head a little to give him attention there as well, quickly taking the entirety of his half-hard cock into her mouth, swallowing it down, and bobbing her head there until it finally grew too thick and hard for her to keep in without choking.

And then my eyes finally saw a mostly-erect stallion cock for the very first time. It was ... it was even more impressive than I'd imagined, the meaty-looking shaft gently arcing up toward his belly as the mare went back to work, the bit of a flare at the flattened tip, the prominent veins along the base... Without realizing it, I licked my lips, in a fashion not unlike the mare I was watching.

The other stallion was watching her as well, and I noticed – with a little private smirk – that it was having a similar, though less pronounced, effect on him as well. His cock – a little bit lighter colored and with a more distinct rim around the tip – was already all the way out, and it bobbed in the air slightly as it slowly rose.

I reached up my hoof, then hesitated as I almost touched him. No, I chided myself, no hesitation. So I gently but resolutely touched his shaft.

He gasped and tried to jerk back, but the Storm Creature held him in place.

As I began rubbing up and down, though, he seemed to relax a little. It was warmer than I'd thought it would be, and softer ... though maybe that was only because he wasn't completely aroused yet. But the skin of his cock was so supple and delicate-feeling, despite the heavy warmth I could feel through it.

“Uh, Miss Tempest Storm?”

“Tempest Shadow,” I corrected him, glancing up with a look that would send dragons scurrying back into their caves ... but I didn't stop stroking his cock, and it didn't stop growing firmer under my touch.

“Right, um Tempest Shadow? I'm also married, so, um... Maybe you should find a different stallion to—”

I reached further down and pressed my hoof tightly against his balls. “I don't think that will be necessary ... as long as nothing happens to incapacitate your sex organs.”

He squeaked. “Uh... Okay.”

I smiled. Ponies were so easy to control. And perhaps a bit of my smile was due to the placement of my hoof. Relaxing the pressure, but not letting go, I rubbed him and caressed him there. His balls were firm and heavy. I wasn't sure what I had expected ... perhaps squishy or filled with liquid. But no, they actually felt quite nice. I could see why the mare next to me was spending so much time with her mouth on the other stallion's sack.

For a moment, I contemplated doing that myself. It would be ... interesting to feel those firm, warm bulges against my lips and slide my tongue across their smooth surfaces. But no. To degrade myself in front of them like that might diminish my authority.

Playing with his balls had brought his cock to full readiness; it grabbed my attention when it slapped against his belly, and I was glad to return the favor by grabbing it, too. My hoof slid up and down his shaft so much more easily now, now that it was so firm and stiff, the slight furrows along its length tightening whenever it bobbed upward again.

My tail was flipped almost entirely over my back now, and I could feel my pussy winking crazily against my silky jumpsuit, soaking it so much that I felt the damp patch spreading down between my thighs. I took a deep breath, which only drew in the stallion's scent and induced another fit of winking.

And the more I got, the more I wanted. Pushing the mare out of my way, I moved over in front of the other stallion and took the time to enjoy him as well. His cock was wet and slippery – thanks to the mare's tongue – but it wasn't any less warm. And the slick feeling was even more enjoyable to stroke a hoof up and down. A little white droplet formed at the very tip of his cock, and I had to quash a surprisingly strong urge to taste it.

My hooves weren't where I wanted to feel it, though, nor even my mouth. My pussy throbbed wetly beneath my jumpsuit, begging to be filled after all this time spent away from anything suitable.

I would have to get that jumpsuit off if I was going to take this any further, and oh, I wanted to take it so much further.

But why not give the two stallions just a little bit of a show first? It wouldn't hurt to ensure their full enthusiasm...

So I turned away from them and unfastened the hidden clasps along my armor. I could feel their eyes on me – all three ponies – as I let the strong alloy plates fall to the floor next to me, leaving me in just the skintight jumpsuit. When I glanced back, I saw that all of them had their eyes fixated on my black-clad ass, even though the two stallions would have had a perfect view of the mare under her raised tail. Strange ... did being covered in the soaked, clinging fabric actually make them more interested in my pussy, or was I simply that much more attractive than her? Perhaps the allure of the unknown and dangerous?

That line of thought could wait for another day to investigate. For now, there was something I wanted that I would need to get the jumpsuit off for. So I unzipped the tight suit with a practiced motion of my forehoof, sliding the tiny zipper all the way down to the middle of my belly. Shrugging it off was a bit awkward, necessitating a great deal of squirming and wiggling my hips back and forth ... but that only seemed to hold the attention of my audience even more. Even the Storm Creatures were watching – thankfully, though, they were too stolid to be interested in gossiping about this later.

The prize of it all, though, were the slight gasps I heard from behind me when the jumpsuit finally peeled away from under my tail and slipped down my legs. My pussy winked repeatedly in the cool air, dribbling a little onto the rumpled jumpsuit on the floor. It felt good to know that every eye was on that exact spot.

I turned back toward my captives. The mare was surreptitiously touching herself, as if I wouldn't notice ... and the two stallions looked like they'd very much like to do the same, if their front hooves weren't held rigidly in place by my Storm Creatures. Their cocks bobbed and trembled, straining as if they could pull themselves toward me by desire alone.

Which one should I pick first? I licked my lips slightly, deliberating over the decision. And from the pleading look on each of their faces, it was clear they guessed what I was pondering.

“You,” I said, pointing to the one the mare had been sucking. My mother had mentioned that it might hurt the first time, but I thought the mare's job of lubricating him might help with that. “You're first. Come over here.” At my word, the Storm Creature holding him let go and shoved him stumbling toward me. He barely stopped himself in time, ending up face to face with me.

I stared into his eyes, gauging his worth. He blushed and looked away.

Much of my silly teenage fantasies had involved muscular, aggressive stallions who would sweep me off my feet, turn me around, and take what they wanted – exactly what I wanted them to take. This stallion was muscular enough, but otherwise didn't fit that fantasy at all. Oh well. At least his cock was still hard, and he seemed ready. He would do for a start.

I turned around, my tail still raised high for him, and I spread my hind legs a little, helping to compensate for my superior height. The moment I went into that classic 'mount me now' pose, my pussy winked long and hard, adding its own voice to the body-language message.

And the stallion definitely seemed to get the message. He nuzzled up against my vulva for a moment, tickling me with his delicate nose and lips as he took in a deep whiff of my scent.

My heat was clouding my mind, I could tell. Even though my eyes and ears were working perfectly, my brain was refusing to process anything farther away than the nearest cock. Still, though, I managed to keep control of myself well enough to see to certain necessities... I looked back at him over my shoulder, just as he pressed his chest against my ass and began to rise up. “If you cum inside me, it will be the last thing you ever do.” My horn stump sparked.

He paused, backing away a few small steps. “Um...”

I rolled my eyes. “Mount me, now!” Another thought struck me through the haze of heat. “You, mare, keep the other one ready for me – don't let him cum. And when this one is ready, I expect you to keep his seed in your mouth – I won't have a mess in my new throne room. Then, once I—”

My stallion raised up and mounted me from behind, and suddenly there was no room in my head for anything but the feeling of strong hooves gripping my flanks, the feeling of a warm chest pushing my tail against my back, and the blunt tip of a thick cock kissing up against my winking pussy.

Some sort of gasp or squeal must have come out of my mouth, because the stallion hesitated, asking, “Are you sure about this? You're ready?”

“Do it.”

His tip pressed firmly forward, spreading my pussy lips apart. They slid out and around the thick head of his cock, and suddenly there was a warm cock between my slick inner walls, where nothing had ever been before.

Slowly, and with a caution I was grateful to have on my very first time, he pushed in deeper. I could feel every inch of him as his warm, thick cock gradually spread and stretched me in ways I'd so often imagined before ... but my imagination had been so lacking, so inadequate compared to the very real shaft sliding along the inside of my pussy. My mother had warned me that it would feel good, but this wasn't good, this was incredible!

His warmth filled me from the inside out, spreading through me like a hot red fog that grew thicker and thicker every time he nudged a little bit more of his cock into my pussy. His medial ring touched my pussy lips, and they winked desperately in anticipation as that began to enter me as well.

He was already so deep, and there was no pain – my mother was wrong. He was touching the core of me. I existed to be wrapped around his cock and filled with his seed. Already my instincts had taken over – I wouldn’t have the willpower now to give any orders against cumming inside; the only thing that kept me from remanding that order was that my voice was completely taken away, only capable of soft, purring moans.

The medial ring slid back and forth over my pussy lips for a few moments, making my legs tremble and my eyes drift closed ... only to have them pop wide open again as the stallion recklessly thrust the rest of his length into me. “Aah!” I cried out, my front hooves skidding slightly against the marble floor.

He froze. “Sorry... I ... I couldn't help myself. You're just so warm and tight...”

“Mmm...” I felt so full. It was so right – this was exactly what I had been missing all this time. Our bodies fit together perfectly: my ass pressed against his thighs and his tip swelling against the entrance of my womb. My pussy hugged him there, holding him in that perfect spot and instinctively trying to milk his seed with a rippling of internal muscles I didn't even know I had.

I glanced over my shoulder at him, giving him a lopsided and very satisfied grin, which he seemed to take as permission to begin thrusting gently inside me.

That was quite nearly enough to overwhelm every sense I had ... but I did manage to catch a glimpse of the mare and the other stallion. She was dutifully licking up and down his cock as he stared at me. I could tell his eyes were precisely focused on where his colleague’s cock slid back and forth into the slight gap between my hind legs. His cock throbbed in sympathy ... or maybe just because the mare was doing a decent job. I hoped she'd be careful to keep him ready without cumming, because I was definitely looking forward to that being inside me.

Of course, the cock already inside me was making every nerve of my body sing. The way every contour of his cock massaged against my needy inner walls, the way the veins on his base rippled back and forth over my winking pussy lips, the way his tip seemed to swell bigger and bigger. Wait... It didn't just seem to – it was swelling wider and wider. It had to be! The way it stretched me on the inside and rubbed so firmly on just the right spot flicked some kind of switch in my brain. I couldn't breathe except for little gasps. My inner walls squeezed down more desperately than ever, begging him to finish inside in a primordial language every creature could understand. Without bothering to ask my head for permission, my hips tilted up toward him just a little, positioning him perfectly inside of me and getting ready to be filled without spilling a single precious drop as my pussy tightened even more. I was ... I was—

“I'm close!” the stallion groaned through clenched teeth. “I'm gonna—” He yanked his cock out of me at the very last moment. It almost would have hurt if I wasn't in such a haze of pleasure, his huge flare dragging through the squeezing tunnel of my pussy on its way out.

The mare was next to us. I'd been too far gone to see her approach, but there she was, kneeling next to my side and using her hoof to guide the stallion's slickened cock to her mouth.

His flare was too wide for her to stretch her lips around, but she planted her mouth right against the broad flat surface of it, and just in time. He groaned, throwing his head back dramatically.

I watched over my shoulder, feeling only disappointment and bitter envy as I saw the powerful swelling throbs pulse through that cock. My pussy winked and drooled juices in protest. That should have been mine! Lust filled my widening eyes as I saw the mare's cheeks swell, even as she gulped down mouthful after mouthful, struggling to keep up. Little dribbles of white began to seep out from the corner of her mouth.

But the stallion soon expended himself, his cock's throbs becoming smaller and less frequent. The mare swallowed the last little bit, then licked her lips clean and swallowed again, looking up at him in an almost grateful way as his softening cock swung back away to dangle between his hind legs and mine. He slid off my back, his legs trembling, and soon collapsed down onto the floor, using my discarded jumpsuit as a pillow.

I was left in the most desperate need I'd ever felt. All my teenage angst, even everything I'd experienced today, seemed like a passing whim in comparison. I'd been so close to ... to something, and I needed it more urgently than I needed air to breathe.

Luckily for me, there was another stallion hanging in my Storm Creature's claws and staring at me, his cock ardently hard and seeming almost as desperate for me as I was for it.

Without even thinking about it, I was galloping toward him. In the brief moment before I crossed the short distance, the Storm Creature holding him wisely let go and ducked out of the way. The stallion himself had no time to react. I tackled him to the floor before his hind hooves even touched down, pinning him beneath me against the marble and sliding my body into place above his.

Not that he seemed to mind, actually. He looked up at me with his eyes glazed with greedy lust. I saw him glancing down at my teats as they slid up the length of his cock, as I struggled to get into just the right position that would allow the sweet penetration I craved.

When I'd finally slid my hips up his length far enough to place my frantically winking pussy lips against his tip, though, a poorly timed throb of his cock sent it bobbing up a little too high – it slid up between my ass cheeks and over my tail when I pushed myself down on him.

I'd expected to feel a wonderful cock inside me again, and being denied that nearly broke me. I raised myself a little and came down again, but too hastily, too desperately – it went too low, squeezing between my thighs and brushing against my teats again.

Letting out a pleading moan, I raised myself up a little again ... and felt a hoof on my flanks, guiding me. When I looked back, I saw the mare with one hoof on me and the other holding the stallion's cock in just the right place. “I can tell you need this,” she said. “Go for it.” And I did, because I was too far gone to be concerned with petty things like pride or self-sufficiency, no matter how much they had defined my life up until now. I pressed myself down again – his cock went exactly where I wanted it, the head of it plunging easily into my needy entrance as I winked and begged for exactly that.

Yes! That note of satisfaction rang through my entire body as my second-ever cock effortlessly slid into me, exactly where I needed it.

And now I was in control. I pressed myself down on him, all the way down, until I once again felt the warm tip of a stallion's cock against my womb. A little painfully, actually. I had to raise myself up just a hair to relieve the pinching pressure. Though it had been difficult to tell by looking, I could feel now that this one was just a bit more endowed than his colleague.

It took a few false starts before I truly mastered the technique, but before long, I was rocking back and forth, gyrating my hips over his as if I'd been doing this my whole life. It came quite naturally when it felt this good!

And oh did it feel good! Now, not only was his cock filling me and gliding against the inside of my pussy in exactly the right places, I could also control the exact rhythm of it. I always rocked forward quickly, pulling him out just enough to slowly slide back down, savoring every detail of his shaft as my pussy swallowed it yet again ... and again ... and again. I couldn’t get enough!

I was getting close to that something again ... and beginning to have an inkling of what it might be. The thick, syrupy heat of pleasure surged through my veins as I felt myself tightening around him, as I felt this stallion beginning to flare inside me as well.

“I... I'm getting close,” he said, his hooves still holding my hips tight against him.

No! It was too good! I wasn't going to let it slip away from me this time! “I need this!” I moaned deeply and urgently. “Don't stop!”

I was so close! I just needed a little extra, a little something more, and I'd be—

The stallion came. His hips pushed upward to meet against mine and keep him as deep as possible. His flare spread out even more, locking him in place as it stretched open the entrance of my womb, his cock pressed tightly against it. I felt the thick pulse of his cum traveling up through his length, and a moment later, there it was, gushing straight into my womb with an incredible spreading warmth.

That was it. I screamed up at the vaulted ceiling and shuddered, my pussy convulsing and my hips shaking madly back and forth. We stayed there for a long moment, both of us trembling in place as our bodies played out their intricate dance with each other deep inside me. I felt the flow of my own hot juices splattering out from my pussy lips, and mistakenly thinking that his cum was leaking out, I panicked for a moment. No! I couldn't waste a single drop! I needed this!

Acting instantly, I grabbed his shoulders and rolled, pulling him on top of me and lying down underneath him. Our hips were still locked together, my legs curling up and wrapping around his back.

He looked down at me, shocked beyond words, but his body knew what to do. With my pussy still rhythmically squeezing his shaft and milking him for all the cum he could give, his hips pressed in, pushing him all the way in. This time it didn't hurt at all. I just wanted more and more and more!

And he gave me more – he emptied those big, plump balls of his straight down into my greedy pussy. I could feel myself swelling slightly on the inside with the prodigious load of cum he was pumping into me, and I still craved more. I wanted him to fill my entire body, to leave me dripping from every hole, to leave me swimming in an ocean of his hot, satisfying cum.

Of course, that wasn't going to happen. Even the best stallions have their limits, and as ample and generous as his balls were, they could only pump so much before he ran dry.

Still, as he grunted out his last couple of weakening spurts, I felt full and complete inside in a way I never had before, in a way I'd always felt – but never known – that I so desperately needed. I could feel the creamy warmth of his cum spreading inside me as if it was flowing out through my whole body. It left a sultry glow that filled me like the liquid sunset filled the desert valley in the far-away palace I called home. And... And without knowing how I knew it, I could feel it deep inside me: I was pregnant. I was already pregnant.

Strangely, at least in the warm glow of that moment, with my prisoner's cock still deep inside me, being pregnant didn't seem like such a bad thing. It seemed ridiculous, now, to have warned the other stallion against cumming inside. Why wouldn't I want this? My only regret at that moment was having only one stallion's load sloshing inside my womb.

Slowly, the realization of what the stallion had just done cut through his fog of pleasure. I could see it in his eyes; I could feel it in the way his cock began to shrivel and retreat wetly out of me and back into his sheath. He pulled out of me, releasing a last few drops that dribbled across my pussy lips. With one last wink, my pussy opened up and swallowed the last drip from his cock whole.

“I'm ... I'm...” The stallion backed away from me slowly, looking as if he might dart for safety if I so much as blinked. “I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I'll, um... I'll—”

A Storm Creature grabbed him before he could escape. Slowly, and with what dignity I could muster, I rose back up and stood proudly in front of him. “Don't worry,” I told him. “It's fine. I wanted this.”

Do I really want this? I wasn't sure, but it wasn't the time for such intricate thoughts. That could wait until after the last princess was captured, the Storm King accepted his power, and my horn was restored.

A slight inkling came over me, a desire for a sort of 'dessert', perhaps ... probably triggered by the feeling of the stallion's last drips of cum cooling and rolling down my pussy lips. I glanced over at the mare and turned my ass toward her. “Clean this up, please.” The 'please' surprised me. It had come out so automatically ... but when was the last time I'd used that word? I couldn't remember.

She showed no hesitation in rushing over to me and dipping her head down underneath my tail. Her tongue was warm and soft as it caressed and explored the slightly protruding bulb of my pussy. She seemed to enjoy it even more when it winked and gave her brief opportunities to taste the now-creamy insides.

It was enjoyable, but the brief thought of getting my proper horn back had brought up thoughts of my mission again. This had been interesting – delightful, even – but I couldn't allow it to distract me from the reason I was here. Had Grubber and his division of Storm Creatures managed to capture the remaining princess yet?

Once I was satisfied with the cleanliness I felt – and with the extra tingles of pleasure I'd gotten – I stepped calmly away from the mare's tongue, returning to my jumpsuit and beginning to squeeze into it again.

“Um... Miss Tempest Storm?” the stallion who'd filled me said. The other one seemed to have fallen asleep. “Do you suppose that, maybe, you know because we had such a nice time together... Do you think maybe the three of us could go free?”

“You—” An impulse to say 'yes' and let them go free shot through me, startling me with the unexpected thought. But I quashed it before it could take hold. I didn't know where these ponies' loyalty lay, and this mission was already botched enough without letting my sentimentality take hold of me and releasing three possible troublemakers into Canterlot. I had to keep things under tight control here. “No. Certainly not. Guards, lock them back up.”

The three ponies shouted indignantly as the Storm Guards grabbed them – especially the stallion who'd been sleeping.

“But lock them up somewhere nice,” I said, fastening my armor back in place. I could afford that much sentimentality, at least. “One of the royal suites, perhaps.” I grinned as they were hauled away. It felt good to be able to simply take what I wanted. And perhaps I'd visit their luxurious prison cell again, once I'd gotten my horn back. Already, ideas were beginning to swirl in my head about the pets I might collect here once I was back to my full power. I could set aside a suite of well-appointed rooms with plenty of pillows and some nice candlelight to serve as my—

Just in time to interrupt, Grubber came running back... Alone.

I sighed. “Tell me you have the Princess.”

“Well, um...”