Pent Up

by Dashie1791

First published

You decide whether or not to have sex with a handsome looking stallion.

It's hard being sexually pent up. Especially when you are a human in Manehattan on a week long business trip. But after spending the week by yourself, you really are not having any luck with any of the mares around town.

The only company you can find yourself tonight is a stallion who is fairly good looking and is actually great company and very friendly. But when he makes you an offer to release some of your pent up stress, you can't decide either to take him up on his offer or not.

Contains human male x stallion gay sex.

Should you or shouldn't you?

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Ever since your arrival in Equestria, from the first day on you have not had any trouble getting yourself laid. Whether it be with ponies, griffons, changelings, hippogriffs, yaks, and even dragons. And all of them were hot, sexy and extremely fun in the sack.

You could never figure out to why they were so interested in you in the first place. Was it cause you were exotic? The way you dressed? The way you styled your hair and the cologne you wore? Nah....It had to be all of the above. But aside from you being exotic, rather dapper looking and always getting your dick sucked you proved to be a very successful businessman. Somehow you got hired by a small real estate company based in Canterlot and pretty soon you were the top selling salesman of the company. Something that you had never thought you would be good at!

It had been more than eleven months and finally you were going on a business trip. To Manehatten! A city that would no doubt make you a very healthy profit, and would probably be swimming with hot babes just ready to have your dick between their legs!

*One Week Later*

What the fuck? You have been working non stop in this Celestia forsaken city selling the name of the real estate company you worked for to ponies that would like the chance to move out of the busy life of the city and start fresh somewhere quieter and you have still not gotten yourself laid! You have not gone this long during your time in this colorful world where you did not have your dick in some hot creatures mouth! Must be a dry spell or something? Or do females in this city not wanting to fuck?

Either or it was the night of your last day in Manehatten before you were to catch the train back to Canterlot tomorrow afternoon. Was going to take the morning train,but since it's your last night here, you are going to get fucking wasted and hopefully find some hot mare or something to drain your balls that desperately needed emptying.

As you sat at the counter of the fancy looking bar, you could see lot's of hot mares walking around the place, with some of the skimpiest and hottest looking clothing you could see. But the shitty part of it was, they were all with a stallion! FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!

You spend at least fifteen minutes talking with some of these mares with hopes of trying to get in their pants, but as usual in this fucking city no luck! You then slouch back over to the bar and order yourself a tall vodka on the rocks to drown the pain of being rejected by every hot creature that you have met in this fucking city.

As you finish your third drink, you can feel the booze slightly working in your favor and giving you a very nice warm and comforting feeling. But just as you order your fourth drink, a lonesome stallion who appears to be around your age takes a seat next to you. He has a light gray coat with a medium blue colored mane and tail and is wearing a hoodie and track pants.

"Hey, is this seat taken?" He asks you. You can't help but notice that this particular stallion is not only appearing to be very friendly, but is also not bad looking either. Whoa....Is that the booze talking or is that really what you think?

"Sure, by all means." You reply. The stallion smiles and then takes a seat next to you. And as soon as he does that, he extends his hand towards you.

"Hi, I'm Star Seeker but my friends call me Star." Friendly though ain't he? At least he's not a complete douchebag like most of the stallions you have met here in this city. You then tell him your name and shake his hand which he replies by gripping your hand not too tight, and not too lightly but just firm enough to notice. You might of possibly found yourself a new friend maybe.

After sitting with Star for about an hour, you both have a decent conversation with each other and soon you're both laughing and having a fun time. Then you ask him what he does in the city for work. "Oh I work in a fancy gym that is made for all creatures of Equestria. It pays good and you get to see lot's of good looking tail!" You don't know why, but from him saying that you imagine seeing lot's of sexy mares wearing nothing but their short shorts and tank tops and other slightly revealing clothing. And in doing so has made you extremely horny! You don't even realize the hard on that you got forming in your pants, but Star sure does and as soon as you realize this you snap back to reality. You then slightly panic and immediately cover your crotch area with your hands, this swift movement has Star laughing.

"Well, looks like somepony's got themselves some serious wood! I guess me talking about all the creatures in the gym got you worked up huh?" He asked with eyes slightly lidded. You were put off at first by this stallion asking such a question as this. What business was it of his? But he was rather friendly and what he said did get you worked up. You then clear your throat and reply.

"Sorry about that. I have been in Manehatten for a week on a business trip and I have been dying to get laid with some sexy mare or other creature of some kind, but I've had no luck at all. I guess I am just all pent up with lot's of sexual frustration." Why are you telling this stallion your sexual problems? You've only known him for a hour! But for some reason, you feel like you can tell Star anything.

You look away feeling ashamed and slightly embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say all that. Please don't be mad at me!"

You await the possible beat down that Star could give you for being a fucking idiot, but for some reason he isn't mad. He just shows you a kind smile and gently pats your back.

"It's okay dude, its perfectly fine. I can understand you being all sexually pent up and frustrated. Every male goes through that!" His words couldn't of been more right. This stallion definitely knew his stuff and he also seemed to be just fine with you sitting next to him with a semi hard on. You then turn back towards the bar and begin to finish your fourth drink. As you finish it, Star then whispers to you.

"Just curious, but have you ever thought about releasing your pent up frustration with a stallion?"

You blink for a second as the question buries itself deep in your mind. Did he just ask you what you think he asked? Fuck! You must be totally hammered.... But for some reason, you feel completely fine. But Star asking you about fucking a stallion is definitely coming out as a bit shocking to you. You then reply back after taking a couple gulps.

"Oh......I'm actually not gay. I like female creatures and female human's back where I'm from. But I'm definitely not gay!" Star looks to you as you give him your reply. To which he responds back with another friendly comforting tone.

"Its fine man, I get where you are coming from. I was just curious is all".

You then swallow as you reply once again. "Star, are" Wow! Way to get to the bottom of it.....Fucking idiot.

But Star who still has a kind smile on his face just blushes slightly and shakes his head. "No man, I actually prefer mares. I have always loved mares and respect them. But to be honest I am actually Bi sexual, as much as I love mares I don't mind spending time with other stallions".

You understand where Star is coming from. Back where you are from, you had a couple friends that were both into guys and girls. It was just who they where.... You on the other hand had always liked girls, but the thought of spending time with a guy just never appealed to you. But somehow this friendly kind and surprisingly handsome stallion was someone that could possibly help you relive some serious pent up sexual stress.

Star then spoke again. "Look, I understand that you totally have a thing for mares and other female creatures here in Equestria. But you see, I too am also in the same boat. You do seem like a nice guy, and you are quite handsome yourself. I could help you relieve your stress if you want?" He asked with a comforting tone of voice. Seriously, how does he maintain such a comforting tone? "It's totally up to you though! I'm not going to pressure you into doing something you're not comfortable with."

His words stick to your conscious like glue. He did make a good point, he did offer to help you and he did say that he would be fine if you said no. Just then, he finishes his drink and then pats you on the back again slightly.

"I'm just going to use the washroom. Just give it some thought and let me know what you think and what you decide." And with that Star walked away into the crowd of ponies and headed for the bathroom.

You watch as Star walked away and disappeared. You then began to think to yourself about the offer that he had given you. The plus was that you could finally relieve some stress, but the downside was that he was a stallion! It just didnt seem right to you. You just don't think that you're ready to have sex with a stallion yet. But then as you continue to think about your situation, a gorgeous and busty mare in a blue dress sits next to you and orders a glass of red wine.

You are stunned as this mare is an absolute eleven! And best thing is she is all alone! This could be your chance!!!! Just as she gets her drink you then begin to make your move. But just as you are about to talk to her, another mare comes out of nowhere and soon has her in a mouth to mouth confrontation. They're kissing! Shes a LESBIAN???? YOU GOTTA BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!

You feel like you just watched the school yard bully destroy your favourite toy as his friends hold you back and make you watch. You suddenly feel crushed and feel like someone is doing this just to torture you and piss you off! Can this night get any worse? But just as soon as you turn away, a thought comes into your brain. The thought is what if you did spend the night with Star and actually do have sex with him? You then start to envision him coming up to you, with a cock so meaty and so perfect looking that you just cannot stop thinking about it. You then start to envision him stroking your big hard cock and you doing the exact same thing. And then you start to take his length into your mouth and begin to suck him off as he strokes you off. Fuck.....this is getting you totally aroused. But somehow it just feels right?

You then start to think about what else you could do to him when you catch a glimpse of him walking through the crowd of ponies as he heads towards you. He's going to ask you the big question. What do you say? What do you do? Then you look back at the two mares and see that they are still making out. Then you have your answer! You get up from your seat and start to walk over towards Star. As you approach him, he gives you a kind smile once again. That's just so invigorating and yet so......perfect! You then advance forward and plant your lips onto his with severe gusto.

Fuck it! If those mares can do it, so can you! Star is surprised by your actions but then he leans into your kiss and starts to follow your lead. Soon both of your tongues are intertwining with each other, and this action which would feel wrong back in your world feels amazing here in this world. You then break off from the kiss, both you and him are panting heavily and have strings of saliva coming from both your mouths, a blush forming on his face and most likely on yours. You look down and see that he has quite the bulge forming in his pants and you also have the same.

Then you move forward till your face is next to his ear. "Let's get out of here!"

You make it to your hotel room as quick as you can. You fumble to get your key into the cardlock as you continue to make out with Star. Just making out with this stallion is starting to become a need. No a drug! You need his lips against yours and he is craving for yours. But you also know that he is craving something more than this kiss. He is craving your cock and surprisingly so are you.

Finally you get the key into the cardlock and you then manage to open the door. You both then slip inside and slam the door behind you. By now you are already starting to remove your pants from your body, and you can see that he is already doing the same. After a few grunts you finally remove your boxers and now your totally naked and diamond hard length is now completely visible to your partner for the night.

Star also has removed his boxers and you get a glimpse of his stallionhood. It seems to bob and throb with his heartbeat, the length of his is just a tad bigger than yours and so much more foreign. A flat head compared to your rounded mushroom head, the girth of his meat is so much thicker than yours and you can also see how the shape of it is so much different than yours. In that instant, you weren't thinking about anything except for his cock. You wanted it. Badly!

You then move forward and then wrap your hand around his length and begin to stroke it carefully and gently up and down. Star pants slightly to your touch but then he proceeds to grab hold of your cock and stroke you at a similar pace. The feeling of your hand on his cock feels so much different than yours, in fact it feels somewhat more better than playing with your own cock. And the feeling of having another stallion playing with your length somewhat doesn't feel that much different than a mare stroking it. But tonight it feels even better than before.

As you both stroke each other, you then return each other by kissing once again. This time very passionately. You moan into Stars mouth as he does the same as you both continue to feel each others lengths. Just then as you break the kiss, you stare into each others eyes which feels almost like an eternity. His beautiful green orbs of what look like the ocean! He then speaks to you as his stroking begins to get faster. "Since this is your first time, I promise I'll take it easy on you. So how about we just suck each others cocks and then call it a night?"

You understand where he's coming from, but for some reason you don't think that is enough. You then start to stroke him even faster as you then kiss him on the lips. "I'm fine with going further than that!" Star smiles and then kisses you back as he then releases his grip of your cock as you do the same. He then turns around and bends over and presents his puckered asshole to you.

You can see that his hole is not that much different from a mares tailhole, but right now it looks so beautiful it's just begging to have your length prod it and penetrate it. Star then licks his fingers on his right hand and begins to finger his awaiting hole as you then grab a small bottle of lubricant that you brought with you that's in your night table. You then lather your cock with the slick thick and slimy liquid as you stroke your cock till it's nice and hard again. You then take your hand and then moving Star's tail aside some more begin to stretch out his asshole some more with your lubed hand.

Star moans slightly as you take three fingers and insert them into his ass and very gently begin to move them back and forward. This makes Star slightly buck as you continue to prod him with your fingers, and then finally he looks back to you with lidded eyes and a bright blush on his face. "Fuck me. Please take your cock and stick it in my ass and fuck me..."

You nod as you then take your cock that has lots of lube on it and then start to press the tip against his tailhole. After a couple prods you then proceed to insert into the stallions asshole that was surprisingly tight and very warm. You gasp as you slowly then start to sink deeper and deeper into your stallion friends ass and can't help but feel all so warm and tingly inside. And you even realize that his ass is not that much different than a mares asshole, but as you begin to thrust into it even more it starts to feel even better.

"Oh fuck!" You say in a gasp as you begin to move your hips forward and backward in a piston like motion. The view of your cock inserting in and out of Star's ass was definitely a sight to behold and it just made you want to fuck him even more. Star was now grunting and moaning to your movements and by the looks of it was now even more turned on.

"Harder. Please fuck me harder!" He gasped. You could only nod in agreement as you then start thrusting your hips into him even harder until the room began to echo with the sounds of grunting, loud moaning and the sounds of your balls slapping against Star's ass as you banged him ballsdeep. As you fucked him you then wanted to see him look into your eyes. You then removed your cock and spun him around until his face was now against yours. You then locked lips with him once more as you then reinserted into his awaiting hole.

"Ahhh" you hissed as you drove yourself deeper into him. In this position it just felt so much better, and the feeling of his warm tight asshole hugging around your cock as you continued to thrust into him was enough to send you through the roof! Then as you released from the kiss, you then moved slightly downwards and began to lick at his length. Star began to moan some more as you began to lick the tip of his cock as you continued fucking him. Then after a few minutes you then slowly started to move your mouth downwards and soon had his tip in your mouth and began to get a taste of his pre cum.

The taste was not gross, but it was definitely different that's for sure. You then started to take more of him into your mouth as you again began going ballsdeep inside your stallion. Star was gasping louder than ever as you took almost all of his length into your mouth and started to suck him off. For some reason this sensation of having a stallions rock hard cock inside your mouth felt absolutely amazing. Just the feeling of having his length rub against the insides of your mouth and on your tongue was eye opening. And the taste was even better than you thought it would be.

By now as you have half of Star's cock inside your mouth and you going ballsdeep inside his hungry and tight tailhole, a warm feeling starts to take over inside and you can feel it inside your very depths. You are getting ready to blow!

"Ungh I'm going to cum soon!" You manage to say as you then start to slow down your thrusts. Star nods in approval and then grabs hold of your hips and holds you closer to him.

"Ahhhh inside! I want to feel your hot cum fill me up!" He said in a lustful tone. This was enough to drive you over the edge as you then released inside his warm tight asshole and emptied your aching balls. Rope after rope of your hot sticky cum filled his ass as far as you could go as you grunted loudly and moaned passionately as you finally managed to release your sexual pent up stress and energy. After you finished your temporary high from fucking your stallion friends anus, you release from him where a distinct squelch could be heard as your length left his warm depths. Even though you emptied all that you had inside your balls, you still had the burning desire to want to keep going.

"That- that was ama-amazing!" You manage to say as you lay down beside Star. He is panting slightly as another blush appears on his face. It is clear to you that he enjoyed the feeling of your cock fucking him! Then he leans over and kisses you again which you are happy to oblige. After a few minutes he then sits up and then starts to move towards you and begins to lean overtop of you, with his rock hard cock hanging in front of him begging for release. You know what is coming next, but somehow you feel that you are up to the challenge. You then begin to spread your legs and then hand over the bottle of lube to Star.

"Here Star. Use this to lube your cock up and then put it in my ass! But please be gentle!" Star sees that you are slightly nervous which you are and then kisses your forehead.

"I promise I'll be gentle. I'll take care of you. Don't worry..." You smile as you then feel Star inserting two of his fingers inside your ass. You can see that he has lubed up his cock and is stroking it with his other hand. You can feel your asshole being stretched slightly as he prepares to insert his length into you. Now it seems that the waiting is becoming to unbearable. You need his cock inside you. Now!!!

"I'm ready." You manage to muster out as you can feel your heart in your chest beating a mile a minute. Star then obliges as he then begins to prod your anus with his thick , meaty and beautiful stallion cock. You can feel the head push up against you and then you grunt as Star gives one final push and now inserts his length into your ass. This is it! Time to see what getting fucked in the ass feels like. Especially by a stallion!

You let out a grunt as Star begins to insert more of his length into you inch by inch. He is the exact same length as you, but it's the girth where he's got you beat. You feel his lubed up stallionhood pressing into your lubed up hole even more now as he slowly rocks his hips and begins to fuck you.

"Uhh are you ahhh doing okay?" He managed to ask you as you begin to moan louder from him thrusting into you. Even though you never thought in a million years that you would ever have sex with a dude, especially a male talking anthropomorphic stallion you were actually enjoying yourself, and loved the feeling of being filled by his cock. At least he was making sure that you were doing okay. Then you decided to perk his spirits up even more.

"More! Fuck me harder Star! I want you to go deeper and fuck me even harder!" You pant to which Star smiles deeply to. He then jolts his hips forward and shoves the last few inches of his cock into your ass until he is now ballsdeep inside of you. Holy shit! You were not expecting him to just thrust that quickly but somehow it didn't hurt, it just felt even better as he then pistoned into your ass even harder and even faster.

"Ahhh fuck your ass feels so fucking good around my cock!" Star moaned loudly as he thrusts harder into you. By now you are on cloud nine and feel incredibly aroused. You then begin to stroke your cock as he drives his length as deep as he could inside your asshole until he couldn't go anymore. You stroke yourself even harder as you lay on the bed, but then you felt Star wrap his mouth around your cock as he continued to plow you. You're not going to lie, but you loved the feeling of Star's mouth around your length. Somehow it just felt so much more smooth and silky like that of a mare or another female creature.

As you moan some more, Star released your cock from his maw and grunted loudly. "Uhhh I'm going to cum!"

You then point to your face as you stare at him. "Cum in my mouth. I want to taste your cum!" You say loudly. Star then nodded as he then pulls out of your ass with a loud *pop* and then leans over your face while stroking his cock. You open your mouth as Star grunts loudly once more and releases his pent up load into your awaiting mouth. The feeling of his hot sticky cum fill your mouth and roll over your tongue towards your throat was definitely something you never thought you'd ever do. But the taste and the flavor of his spunk was definitely something that you surprisingly enjoyed.

"Uhh uhh uhh" Star moaned as he drained himself. Finally after he had finished you then breathe in and swallow every drop of cum that he gave you. You gag at first but manage to keep it all down as it was very thick but very smooth and had somewhat of a creamy texture. As you finally got it all down, you then feel yourself getting ready to release another orgasm. While he came in your mouth, you continued jerking yourself off.

"Ready to taste mine now Star?" You ask to which he simply nods and then positions himself over your once again hard cock. You gasp as you then release another shot of cum that you didnt know you had into Star's awaiting maw and completely coated the inside of his mouth with your thick essence. Star hummed as he then slurped and swallowed the load that you had given him and then licked his lips.

"That was amazing! You tasted so good inside my mouth!"

You chuckle and nod in reply. "Yeah you were really good too." Star just blushed and then smiled deeply at your compliment. You smile back and then lock lips with him once more and meshed your tongues together to taste each of your flavors. As you make out with this kind hearted and handsome stallion that not only helped you relive your pent up stress but you as well, you couldn't feel any happier than you were at this particular moment.

Then after you two broke from the kiss, Star looked into your eyes and grinned wide from ear to ear. "Any chance you might want to go for round two?"

You look at him and smiled deeply yourself and chuckle. "Hell yeah!"

*The next afternoon*

You walk to the train station in downtown Manehattan with your new friend Star Seeker by your side. You two had spent the most exciting night that you have ever experienced in your life, it was something that you never imagined you would ever do but somehow deep down you are glad that you did. You and Star had a nice peaceful sleep together last night and the two of you seemed to have bonded quite well as you two woke up in the morning and spent the early part of the day hanging out together.

But sadly it was time for you to go back to Canterlot to your home and your job and get back to the swing of things. But deep down you kinda didn't want to leave Star behind.

"I promise to look you up when I come to Canterlot." Star says to you which you reply back with a tight hug and a peck on the lips.

"You bet Star. You bet!"

The sound of the whistle pierces the afternoon sky as the conductor makes his final call for passengers to climb aboard. You wave at your new friend to which he obliges with a friendly wave of his own as you make your way to the passenger car. But something is stopping you from getting on the car. Something is preventing you from leaving this instant.

You then quickly turn around and run back towards Star who is surprised that you are running towards him. He opens his arms as you plant your lips against his and the both of you make out once again.

You learned a lot about yourself during this trip. You learned that as much as you love females of any kind, you also love a certain stallion that you have befriended and now seem to want to spend lots of time with. The two of you walk shoulder to shoulder and hand in hand as you make your way together towards downtown, your ticket to ride the train floating away in the breeze as the train announces it's departure from the city.

Canterlot can wait! You are going to spend some time with your friend.

No! Your Coltfriend!!!!

The End