My Little Ashikabi: The Chōwa Plan Saga

by Sage the Ero Harem Kami

First published

An American delinquent goes to Japan to escape his asshole family and to start a new life. He hoped for a normal quiet life with just him and his pet badger but that all changed when a hot pink-skin amazon girl fell out of the sky right on top of him

"I don't give a damn what you or any of you bastards have to say!! You have belittled me, bullied me, neglected me, and made me feel like a complete waste of space!! You want me to become something great? I'm already great at something, beating the shit out of bastards like you!!!!"

Those were the last words that Marcel 'MK' Konton said to his parents and siblings after a very violent farewell. Now with the help of his very supportive grandparents, Marcel finds himself, his pet badger Amai, and what little possessions he has left on a first class trip to Japan. There he'll live at their old summer compound and start a new life without his parents breathing down his neck. Should be simple right? Wrong, it's not that simple and his life is about to get more complicated.

On the day he gets to Japan and is walking around the city a pink skinned amazon girl with massive knockers falls from the sky and lands on top of him. She introduces herself as Chōwa #88 Pinkie Pie and according to what she says, Pinkie and the rest of her kind are aliens from another world and are participants in a game called the Chōwa plan and that Marcel is her Ashikabi. Needless to say, Marcel is pissed off but not at Pinkie but at the assholes that created the Chōwa Plan, to begin with. Right then and there Marcel vows to Pinkie that he'll shut down the plan and kick the bastards responsible, even if it cost him his life.

After all, in order to have true Harmony, you first have to bring some Chaos to the mix.

Extra tags: Dark, Martial Arts, Super Powers, Ecchi

OC X Large Harem

MLP X Sekirei crossover fic, hope you all like!:pinkiehappy:

Disclaimer: I don't own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic or Sekirei

Mature content warning: A shit ton of fanservice, explicit sexual content, lots of violence, major swearing so no filters here, maybe a few racist remarks here and there, slight gore, some 4th wall breaking here and there, and one lucky bastard.

Chapter 1: Normal Arrivals and Strange Encounters

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Chapter 1: Normal Arrivals and Strange Encounters

3rd POV - Airliner in route to Japan

[Play Music below to set the theme]

"Attention all passengers this is your Captain speaking. We are now ten minutes away from our final approach to Tokyo Japan. Please make sure your personal items are secure and fasten your seat belts as we will be landing shortly. Thank you for flying Red Sun Airlines and we hope to see you flying with us again."

As the intercom turned off the flight attendance girls started moving through the second class part of the plane to make sure the passengers were properly secure in their seats. Once done, they moved onto the first class passengers to do the same thing. One attendant went to the very front of the seats to wake up a certain important passenger pre-orders of his grandparents. He seemed to be asleep if the large blue blanket covering his entire person was anything to go by so she lightly shook him earning a low groan in the prosses.

"Excuse me Konton-Sama," The attendant, an Asain woman in her late thirties, said with a soft voice. "But we will be landing soon and I was told by your grandparents to wake you up before we landed so you could wake up properly."

The blanket shifted around a bit before a young man of American descendant poked his head out from under the warm confines of the blanket with a yawn. He appeared to be a 20-year-old African American that had short curly black hair, milk chocolate brown skin, and dark brown eyes. This was Marcel Konton, the now sole heir to the Konton clan fortune and a battle-loving delinquent. Due to personal reasons, Marcel has left his home from the United States and is now on his way to his grandparents old compound to live his life his way. Lucky for him his grandparents were very supportive of him and have arranged for him to be the new owner of their old summer compound in Tokyo.

"Thank you for letting me know Miss Trinity," Marcel said while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"You're most welcome Konton-Sama," Trinity said with a smile. 'Would you require anything else before we land?"

"Does getting your number count as requiring anything?" Marcel asks with a smirk.

"Now now Konton-Sama I don't think your grandparents would approve of you trying to court a woman that's almost twice your age," Trinity said with a giggle and slight blush on her cheeks.

Marcel snorted at that.

"Please, my grandparents would be thrilled that I'm taking interest in a woman despite the age difference," Marcel said. "They're very understanding and accepting so as long we're both happy they won't care."

"Well, you have some very good grandparents Konton-Sama now if you no longer require anything, I will continue my rounds," With that Trinity gave a short bow and walked off.

Marcel smiled at but then gave a deep sigh as he stared out the window. He could see the large island of Japan come into view and it kept getting closer as the plane hummed on.

"So that's gonna be my new home huh?" Marcel mutters to himself. "Well, it's gonna be shit loads better than back in the states I know that much."

It was then that the blanket in his lap started to move and shift gaining his attention. He lifts it up and a female American Badger with a pink bandanna around her neck is seen shaking itself while giving a yawn. Marcel smiles and rubs the sow's back earning him a pleased growl from her.

"Hey Amai, did you sleep okay?" Marcel asked his furry companion.

Amai answers him by climbing up his chest and licking his face causing the boy to laugh.

"I take that as it was good wasn't it?" A nod was his answer. "Great and good news girl we're about to land in Tokyo soon girl and our new lives will begin."

Amai gave a bark of agreement and Marcel strapped his seatbelt and waited for the plane to land.

[Stop Music]

Three hours later - Streets of Tokyo

[Play Music below for exploring the city]

Once the plane landed, Marcel had to go through the whole legal process of getting a citizenship for Japan and all that jazz but after many hours it was done and he can now legally own the compound. We can now find the young man and his badger walking too their new home as they want to get familiar with the town they will be calling home for the foreseeable future. Speaking of the duo we can see our protagonist walking down the street now and now that he isn't sitting down and being covered by a blanket anymore we can see what he looks like better.

He stands at 4'4ft with a muscular-lean body and 6-pack abs that's perfect for almost all forms of combat. His attire is a green camo muscle shirt with kanji for Chaos in gold on the front, black cargo pants with a white training belt around the waist, and gray and white Converse sneakers on his feet. He also wears a blue jean jacket with a tribal badger in black markings and the kanji for Badger Lover under it, a royal blue cap rests atop his head with the kanji for Delinquent in white on the front, and on his hands are storm gray fingerless sparring gloves with the initials MK on the back of both hands in bright green. To finish off his outfit he has a pair of gray and black wireless headphones that can double as speakers hanging around his neck and a pair of green sports sunglasses covering his eyes. Amai can also be seen hanging off of his left shoulder looking very content just hanging onto her two-legged friend's shoulder.

The two are currently walking around while looking for a restaurant to get some food while also getting some well-needed exercises from the long flight trip. I should also mention the Marcel has a red and black pack on his back and a large matching duffle bag being carried in his left hand. In his right hand, he has his smartphone out while following the GPS to an all you can eat buffet that has both American and Asian food. The best part is they allow pets of almost any size as long as they don't make a mess.

"Okay we should be getting closer to the restaurant Amai," Marcel said to his badger. "Then it's triple bacon cheeseburgers for the both of us."

Amai started to drool at the thought of that. She has loved triple bacon cheeseburgers ever since Marcel shared some with her a few years ago. Besides sleeping, eating one of mankind's greatest culinary delight is her favorite pass time. Marcel noticed her expression and couldn't help but chuckle to himself as he remembered the look on the badger's face when she first tried one of his favorite foods. He laughed so hard he almost passed out but it would have been worth it, he even managed to get a picture of Amai's expression and has it saved as the screensaver of his phone.

"In other news, Minaka Hiroto the founder and CEO of MBI has just announced that the multi-billion dollar company has just bought out 80% of the capitals stocks."

Marcel looks up to a jumbo screen to see a reporter talking to the bizarre looking man known a Minaka Hiroto. Minaka is a slender, bespectacled man with tall and spiky white hair. He is entirely wrapped in the color white as he's wearing a pure white suit with a white shirt underneath, a pair of white pants, gloves and robe. Marcel couldn't help but frown as the man in white started to go on and give a speech about the new age of gods or some shit.

'Okay seriously, what does this psycho looking mother fucker hope to gain from buying up the capital?' Marcel pondered in his head. 'They're already the richest company in the world for pharmaceutical, economic, technological and medical network controlling the world in every field and have access to possibly the most advanced technology mankind has ever. Hell, last time I checked they're so filthy rich they have their own private army. So the question remains, what the hell does Mid Bio-Informatics hope to accomplish by buying out Tokyo?'


Marcel snaps out of his mental debate when he hears a growl in his ear. He turns to his left to see Amai giving him a look of annoyance which is basically badger for "I'm hungry, give me food you two-legged bastard." The human could only sweatdrop and chuckle sheepishly at the look the sow is giving him.

"Sorry, Amai I guess I spaced out a bit," Marcel apologized while petting the badger's head. "Let's go and get us something to eat okay? Then afterward we can go check out our new home."

Amai gave a bark of agreement and they continued on their way. To save time, Marcel took a turn into an alley because according to his phone's GPS they'd be at the restaurant in a matter of minutes. Now you might be thinking when is the shit ton of fanservice you promised gonna show up? Well, loyal reader, you know the old saying all good things come to those who wait, mother fucker.


Marcel's head snapped up just in time to see a large figure fall from the sky.....

"OH SHI-!!"


.....and slam right on top of him. But before he lost consciousness he was able to get one last thought in.

'Whatever hit me smells like a freaking cake factory.'

[Stop Music]

Unknown Location

[Play Music below]

There is a place where no human has ever gone before and they probably never will. Sure they have gone to the moon and a bit beyond explored the deepest ocean floors and have even ventured under the planet's crust. But to get to this place you have to have access to a certain energy that has thought to only be in fairytales, magic, and I'm not talking about that smoke and mirrors parlor crap I'm talking real fireball conjuring demon summoning type of magic. But even then your gonna need magic that's above god level if you're gonna be able to open a doorway to one of these planes of existence.

Anyway, the entirety of this plane, like pretty much all others, is completely barren of anything and everything for there is no color, no life, no nothing for this place nothing but an empty wasteland of blackness. You can't even tell what's up, down, left, right, forward, backward, and sideways. You get the idea basically any place like these are normally empty of everything and everyone.

Except for this particular plane for there is actually something and someone here.

The something happens to be a massive tree that looks like is made entirely out of crystal. It shone like a beacon in the dark barren plane with a multitude of bright colors from the base of its roots to the tips of its branches. Speaking of which, spread out in the center of the branches hanging from a different limb seems to be six large gem-like buds, like that of a sakura flower that has yet to bloom. Each bud looked pretty much the same except for their colors. The first bud was red, the second was orange, the third was green, the fourth was violet, the fifth was baby blue, and the sixth was purple. At that moment the baby blue bud started to flash on and off brightly while vibrating slightly which cause the tree to also flash as if beckoning someone over to it.


The sound of high heels suddenly began to echo throughout the plane and they seem to be getting closer to the flashing crystal tree. It wasn't long before a figure stepped out off the shadows to reveal themselves as a woman but one could tell right away that this woman was not human at all but had human-like characteristics.

The woman was tall like impossibly tall standing at a solid 12ft in height with the body of a goddess having large M-Cup boobs that are both firm and perky but still soft to the touch, very wide baby making hips with an equally large wide plushie ass, and long smooth yet thick toned legs. Her attire is a short bright rainbow toga that did nothing to hide her drop dead gorgeous body and silver colored high heels that show off her human-feet. Her face was soft and angelic with arctic blue eyes that bring out her long luscious dark red hair that reaches past her ass. Now the none human characteristics were easy to spot as she had a long unicorn-like horn poking out from her head, a long fluffy tail that is the same color as her hair can be seen gliding lightly behind her, and a pair of large angelic wings can be seen folded comfortably on her back. Her ears are the strangest thing as they seem to be a pair of furry pony ears that are the same color as her skin making the towering woman look cute.

"What has got you so worked up this time old friend?" The woman asked the tree in a motherly voice as she stops in front of the tree.

She notices the baby blue gem bud flashing brightly making her put her hand over her mouth with a surprised gasp.

"Oh my, so it seems Laughter may have found her Ashikabi," The woman said. "But it doesn't seem she has emerged with them yet as the bud has not either shone brighter than the sun nor has it bloomed. But to do the last one would mean the Ashikabi needs to be incredibly powerful."

The woman crossed her arms under her massive milk jugs while having a thoughtful expression on her beautiful face.

"This can go either very good or very bad but this all depends on who the Ashikabi that Laughter has found," The woman said out loud. "We may need to observe them and hope that once they get stronger they'll help us old friend."

As if answering her, the crystal tree started to glow brightly before a large throne perfect for someone her size made of the same crystals of the tree conjured into existence in front of the tree with two large fluffy pillows in the seat. Then a crystal ball the size of a large beach ball rose out from the ground and seemed to hover in place in front of the throne. The woman smiled widely as she knew what the tree wanted.

"I see," She said with a knowing look. "Very well my old friend we shall do it your way and observe this Ashikabi for ourselves. Hopefully, we will be able to learn where their morals stand and what kind of person they are."

The woman walked over to the new thrown and sat down, causing her massive melons to jiggle wildly as she had no bra under her toga. She wiggled her large ass around to get comfortable and as she crossed her left leg over her right leg you could briefly see under her short toga that she wore no panties as well. She then turned her attention over to the crystal ball as it started to show the alley in Tokyo that Marcel went through earlier.

"Let us see what you have in store for us My Little Ashikabi."

[Stop Music]

Random ass Alley in Tokyo - 3rd POV

[Play Music below and repeat the song if it ends before you're done]

Marcel groaned as he started to come around to the land of the waking. He didn't know what hit him but it was hard and it was heavy. The young American was surprised that he wasn't dead after that hit but when you train with someone as crazy as his grandfather for almost all your life you gotta learn to recover quickly otherwise you're dead. Although Marcel was pretty sure no one smells like a fucking cake factory when they hit you.

'Goddamnit, it feels like I got hit by an eighteen wheeler full of pastries or some stupid shit.'

As he sat up and rubbed his head Marcel heard a loud exaggerated gasp come from above him. He looks up and his entire vision is filled with a pair of large baby blue eyes that are filled with excitement and curiosity.

"WHOAH!!" Marcel shouts and jumps back in surprise as he grabbed his rapidly beating heart.

The owner of the eyes gave a very girlie giggle at my expression making him a little ticked.

"What the hell is your problem woman!?!?" Marcel shouts but then groan as he grabs his head. He's still a little disorientated so he can't see her clearly but what he can tell is that she has pink hair.

"Sorry about that I was just checking to make sure you were okay," The girl said in a childish peppy voice. "You are okay aren't you? I mean I did hit you pretty hard and I'm surprised you didn't go splat on the floor!!"

"Trust me when I say I'm okay," Marcel reassured the woman as he stood up and dusted himself off. "It's not the first time I've been knocked on my back like this and it probably won't be the last."

"Wow for a little guy you're made out of some pretty sturdy stuff huh?" The woman asked innocently.

Now if there is anything that can trigger Marcel is people making fun of his height. He doesn't hate it per say but it gets annoying pretty quick when people always think he's a damn pre-teen and even if they know he's an adult they like to tease him about it which pisses him off. The only person that could get away with any comment about his height is his grandmother, and unfortunately for this girl in front of him, she isn't his grandmother.

"Okay listen here lady I don't appreciate people who aren't my grandmother making comments about my height so would you ju-URK!!"

Whatever Marcel was about to say died in his throat as he lifted his head up to look at the woman. His jaw dropped towards the ground and his eyes widen so comically wide that they can be seen from behind his sunglasses. The reason for his expression was because he was finally able to get a good look at the woman that fell on top of him and she was definitely not human.

"Wh-What the hell are you supposed to be!?!?" Marcel shouted out in shock. "Cause you are definitely not human!!

"Well, of course, I'm not human you silly filly!! I'm Chōwa #88 Pinkie Pie and it's super great to meet you!!"

The now named Pinkie Pie was indeed not human by any means. She stood at 6'10, had bubblegum pink skin, wide baby blue eyes, a mop of poofy curly hair that looks like a darker shade of pink than her skin, furry pony-like ears the same color as her skin, and a long poofy tail that's the same color as her hair. Her body was very pudgy but she some pretty toned muscles on her arms and legs. Her boobs are a double G-Cup and she has wide child bearings hips along with a fat jiggly ass that would ripple like water if you slap it. Finally, her attire consisted of an open dark pink jacket over a yellow v-cut shirt that showed off a lot of cleavages, baby blue jean short shorts, thigh-high socks with baby blue and yellow stripes, and hot pink and white high top sneakers.

'Holy shit bro!! How the hell can a woman that's so freakishly tall look cute and sexy at the same damn time?' Marcel thought to himself with an atomic blush on his face.

It was then he remembered what this Pinkie Pie girl said a moment ago.

"Wait, Chōwa #88?"

The girl nodded her head so fast Marcel was worried she was gonna get whiplash.

"Yepperoni! And I want you to be my Ashikabi!" Pinkie exclaimed while jumping in place making her funbags bounce wildly. "So will you become my Ashikabi? Will ya will ya will ya will ya will ya?!"

As the alien female asked our protagonist the same question over again while jumping in place making her fat boobs bounce while giving a cute happy looking puppy dog face, Marcel could only say the most intelligent thing he could think of at the moment.

"Uh...... say what now?"

Meanwhile, Amai was looking back and forth between her human friend and the tall pink girl in confusion. But then her stomach growled causing her to whine and weep crocodile tears as she was really wanting those triple decker bacon cheeseburgers right about now as she was so hungry. The poor badger just wanted to get moving already and wished something would happen to get them moving.

A wise man once said be careful what you wish for because they will sometimes come true but not in the way you would expect it.

[Stop Music]

[Play Music Below]


The human, the Amazon, and the badger snapped their head further down the alleyway when they heard that scream.

"What the flying hell was that?!?!" Marcel exclaimed with Amai whining in worry. Or was it hunger? Maybe both... bah it doesn't matter.

"That sounded like another Chōwa," Pinkie said while making Marcel confused.

"Wait how do you know?" But he wouldn't be answered as Pinkie started to run in the direction of the screaming making the human curse. "Shit, come on Amai we gotta go after her!!"

Amai gave a few barks and whines of confusion as her human grabbed his duffel bag and phone. That's badger for, "are you sure this is a good idea? We hardly know who or what this woman is."

"I know that girl but I still have a lot of questions to ask her," Marcel explained while Amai climbed onto his shoulder. "Besides, I was going the same way she was going as it's against my code to not help someone in distress."

With that said, Marcel dashed down the alley to catch up to Pinkie Pie so he can help her in any way he can. As he ran he had one single thought run through his mind.

'Guess grandpa and grandma were right, in order for someone of our clan to have any type of peace for themselves or others you're gonna have to bring some chaos,' He couldn't stop the smirk that came to his face even if he wanted to. 'To bad for the poor bastard or bastards that made that person scream, chaos is literally in my name.'


Next time on My Little Ashikabi: The Chōwa Plan -

"The game is setting Takami dear, a new age of the gods is about to begin!!"

"Hey fellas, I'm gonna give you one chance and one chance only to back off the pretty lady."

"Fuck you, nigga! Why don't you and your kind stop stealing our women and go back to Africa and sleep with the lions or some shit?!"

".......... grit your teeth you racist bastard because you Yakuza wannabe looking mother fuckers are about to lose em."

"Oh my goodness, Pinkie Pie is that you dear?"

"Yeah, it's me. What are you doing out by yourself Reversalis?"

Chapter 2: Random Rescues and Bizarre Exsplanations

Chapter 2: Random Rescues and Bizarre Explanations

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Chapter 2: Random Rescues and Bizarre Explanations

MBI HQ Teito Tower - 3rd POV

[Play Music Below to set the mood]

In the center of Tokyo, there stands a clock tower that looks similar to London's Big Ben but is on a smaller scale. This is Teito Tower, it doubles as MBI's center of command and the home of its CEO, Minaka Hiroto. Speaking of which, we find the mad scientist looking down over the city with a crazy gin while his cape fluttered in the breeze. If it wasn't for the fact he was a psychotic mother fucker then Minaka might have looked badass.

"The game is setting Takami dear, a new age of the gods is about to begin!!" Minaka exclaimed dramatically while spreading his arms out wide.

Before he could start that insane laugh of his, he was punched in the back of the head which caused him to fall off the edge but was able to quickly grab onto it before he fell to his death. The one that hit him was a woman of Japanese descent named Sahashi Takami, MBI's head researcher and the person in charge of Chōwa plan. Takami is a slender pale-skinned woman standing at 5'3 with grey hair (once black) and grey eyes. Her attire is a white dress shirt with a black tie, black slacks with a matching belt and shoes, and a white lab coat over her dress shirt. She is looking down at Minaka while giving him a glare.

"What the hell have I told you about calling me that Minaka?" Takami said with annoyance.

Minaka grunted as he climbs back up while rubbing the comical bump on his head.

"Must you always be so violent Takami-chan?" Minaka whined childishly. "I probably would have died if I hadn't have grabbed the ledge."

"That was the point you crazy idiot," Takami said bluntly with a poker face.


"What did you call me here for Minaka?" Takami asked her boss while crossing her arms over her C-Cup breasts.

"I called you here to ask you if most of the Chōwa have been released and the percentage of the ones that have emerged?" Minaka asked.

"Yes, most of the Chōwa have all been released and about 36% have emerged already," Takami answered while looking at a tablet.

"Excellent!" Minaka exclaimed then turned to look back down on the city with an insane grin. "Keep me posted on any new Ashikabi that end up joining the game if you would Takami-chan."

"Fine whatever can I go now?" Takami annoyed.

"Yes you may leave now Takami-chan," Minaka said with a wave of his hand.

"Good," Takami then gained an evil smirk. "And one more thing."





With that, the gray-haired woman stalked off leaving Minaka on the floor holding his head in pain while crying crocodile tears.

'What did I do to deserve such treatment?' The Game Master wailed in his head.

The author of this story could only facepalm while giving Minaka the "really nigga" look for asking that stupid ass question.

[Stop Music]

Meanwhile back in the alleyways

[Play Music]

We now turn our attention back over to our hero Marcel who is running in the alleyway that Pinkie Pie went down towards the loud scream. According to her, it was another Chōwa how she knows, well it's Pinkie Pie we've all learned not to question her methods and Marcel knows that for some reason he shouldn't question her now and just go with it.

At least, for now, that is.

Anyway, the trio is seen running down the alley towards the scream as fast as they can, well Pinkie and Marcel were doing the running while Amai was holding onto her human's shoulder for dear life. Marcel was right behind Pinkie which gave him a perfect view of her amazing ass as he watched it jiggle and bounce as she ran. He knew he shouldn't be doing this as someone was in trouble but he couldn't help it, she has an amazing ass that you just wanna love and care for tenderly like you would love puppies and kittens.

'Damn her ass is cute as well as it is sexy,' Marcel thought with a blush.

Suddenly Pinkie stopped running and Marcel smacked face first into her lower back. Dazed for a minute, he shakes himself and looks up at Pinkie who is smirking down at him which makes his blush harder and sweat a bit.

'Shit! Does she know I was staring at her ass?'

"I know my ass is nice and all but do you think we can focus on saving my fellow Chōwa first," Pinkie started and leaned down to whisper in his ear. "Then if you do a good job I might give you a nice reward." The pink woman said seductively while licking his ear making him shudder in pleasure.

Marcel's imagination was going past light speed as he thought of the many ways that Pinkie would reward him but it all came to the pink-skinned amazon in nothing but the shortest of aprons while he's licking whipped cream out of her-

"Please let me go!"

The pair stopped their banter almost instantly and look down an alley that leads to a dead end and what they saw made Pinkie gasp in shock and fear while it made Marcel's eyes narrow in anger and his blood to boil in rage. Amai could be seen baring her teeth at the situation as well, her hunger forgotten at the moment.

[Stop Music]

[Play Music]

The trio sees a group of three boys that seem to be around Marcel's age but are all dressed in matching black jackets with flaming skulls on the back that showed they were some sort of local street gang. They were surrounding a woman that has her back against the wall and is on her ass from what they can tell. Marcel can't tell if she's a Chōwa or not but by the desperation of her voice, she does not want to be here.

"No way bitch, you think you can come through our turf and not pay the toll then think again!" Thug 1 said with a smirk.

"What the hell are you anyway some kind of cosplayer?" Thug 2 asked.

"Naw man she's got to be some kind of exotic whore or something," Thug 3 said while leering lecherously at her body. "Do you see the size of those tits?! There's no way they're real! She must be some sort of bimbo sex doll or something."

"Well if she's a sex doll I guess you can pay our toll with your body them," Thug 1 said with a smirk. "Be a good girl and don't resist and we can make you feel good too baby."

"No! I'll only give my virginity to my special Ashikabi!!" The woman screamed.

"You hear that guys this bimbo is a total virgin our day just got better!" Thug 3 whooted.

"She could be lying to us you dumbass," Thug 2 said with a sigh.

"Doesn't matter if she's a virgin or not I'm sure this sex doll will be as tight as one," Thug 1 said while he and his buddies started to advance on the woman.

"Help!! Please someone, anyone, help me!"

They would have advanced further had a voice not stopped the punks dead in their tracks.

"I suggest you assholes stop and back the fuck off the pretty lady if you know what's good for you."

The three punks turn around to see Marcel, Pinkie, and Amai standing behind them and they did not look happy. Marcel had his arms crossed while glaring at them with total anger and disgust. Pinkie was seen behind him with her arms crossed as well with her eyes narrowed while she's smiling and I don't mean a happy smile, I mean a smile that promises a shit ton of pain. Finally, Amai is seen standing on her hind legs in front of Marcel while her front paws are crossed over her chest and is snarling lightly showing her sharp teeth.

"Who the hell are you supposed to be, midget?" Thug 3 asked with a glare.

Amai started to snarl and growl loudly while bearing her teeth making the thugs sweat lightly and Marcel to look down at the sow and smirk lightly. She doesn't seem to take kindly to a bunch of punks making fun of her human right in front of her. That and these idiots are the cause of her missing out on eating triple-decker bacon cheeseburgers right now so that also fuels the fire of anger in her. Marcel then turns his attention back to the thugs who are looking at him and his posse cautiously.

"Hey fellas, I'm gonna give you one chance and one chance only to back off the pretty lady," Marcel said not knowing he was making the Chōwa in destress blush. "Otherwise you're gonna have to deal with a very angry and hungry badger in front of me, a hot pink skinned Amazon behind me, and then there's me. So what's it gonna be boys?"

To get their point across, Marcel and Pinkie both cracked their knuckles loudly while Amai did motions while copying them and snapping at the thugs making them flinch. Thug 1 and 2 look at each other and it looked as if they were gonna actually do it as one broad isn't worth getting their teeth kicked in.

Their words, not mine or Marcel's guys.

Unfortunately for them Thug 3 is not only the so-called muscle of the trio he's also a complete idiot.

"Fuck you, nigga! Why don't you and your kind stop stealing our women and go back to Africa and sleep with the lions or some shit?!"

[Stop Music]

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" Marcel asked with a blank look on his face.

What Thug 3 said finally caught up to him and his eyes widen in realization and fear while his friends just looked at him like he just puked up golden eggs while simultaneously shitting out pearls.

"Oh shit."

Two loud cracks could be heard as they saw Marcel cracking his knuckles loudly with his head down and the brim of his hat shadowing his eyes.

"Pinkie Pie," Marcel said in blank voice devoided of all emotion.

"Yeeeeeees?~" Pinkie answered with a smile.

"Could you be a dear and watch Amai and my bags for a moment while I teach these punks a lesson on manners?" He asked while turning his hat around backward like Ash Ketchum does when he's about to catch a Pokemon. Except these fools are about to catch these hands.

"Okie Dokie Lokie!!" Pinkie saluted with a giggle while scooping up the surprised sow and his bags while backing up a bit. "Ready when you are Marcel!!"

Marcel then lifts his head up to stare at the thugs straight in the eye. They all shiver as he is still giving them the blankest of the blank stares that Saitama from One Punch Man would be proud of him and they can see the raging anger in his blank eyes.

It was a few agonizing seconds, which felt like hours to the thugs before Marcel finally spoke again.".......... grit your teeth you racist bastard because you Yakuza wannabe looking mother fuckers are about to lose em."

Let the beat down begin.

[Play Music for the beat down]

Like a bullet out the chamber, Marcel exploded into action to put the hurt on the thugs. First, he went after Thug 3 and buried a killer right hook into his stomach.


With him folding in on himself, Marcel sweeps the punk feet out from under him and then donkey kicks the bastard before he hits the ground sending him into a wall dazed and imprinted into it comically getting a laugh out of Pinkie. With him out of the way, Marcel turns his eyes on the other two who got their courage back and pulled out weapons. Thug 1 pulled out a switchblade and Thug 2 pulled out the steel pipe from his back.

"You're dead midget!!" Thug 1 said angerly.

"Yeah, no one messes with our gang and gets away with it!" Thug 2 shouted while hit the ground with his pipe making sparks fly.

Marcel raises an eyebrow slightly before he got into a loose boxing stance while making the come-hither motion with his left hand. The punks took the bait and charged him at once hoping to overwhelm him with numbers. Thug 2 went in low trying to hit Marcel in the legs with his pipe while Thug 1 tried to stab him in the shoulder. Marcel saw their tactic coming a mile away and decided to put his tactic into action.

When Thug 2 came for a swing, Marcel kicked the pipe right into his face hard making Thug 2 to back off while screaming in pain and Thug 1 to look at his friend in shock. Bad idea as Marcel grabbed his right wrist which had the blade and with a swift twist.....



....Marcel broke his wrist making Thug 1 drop the switchblade and drop to his knees while cradling his broken wrist. He looks up at the blank-faced Konton heir with a heated glare of hatred.

"You son of a bitch!! I'm gonna fucking ki-"


He didn't get to finish as Marcel kneed him in the face sending him on his back knocked out cold with his temple bleeding.

"Yeah no, I don't wanna hear that shit bro," Marcel said shaking his head.

His left arm suddenly shot up to catch a metal pipe before it hit him in the side of his head. He turns his head to see Thug 2 with a bruised face and shocked face that he was able to catch his sneak attack literally.

"How di-"

He didn't get to finish or get an answer as Marcel gave him sick right hook directly into the face and he crumbled to the ground in a heap.

"I'm just that good that's how," Marcel answered but all he got in response was a low moan of pain.

[Stop Music]

"Wowie Zowie Marcel you sure know how to fight, they didn't even touch you!" Pinkie exclaimed walking over to him.

"Naturally Pinkie Pie," Marcel said flipping his hat back into place. "I've been getting into street fights all my life so I know almost every tactic a common thug like these clowns would use against me. Plus if somehow my normal street fighting style would fail against my opponents then I could always fall back on my family's fighting style."

"Really what is it called?" Pinkie asked curiously.

"I'll tell you later," Marcel grabs his bags and badger from the pink Amazon while he pulls out his phone. "First go check on the woman while I call the cops okay?"

"Okie Dokie Lokie!" Pinkie saluted playfully while bouncing over to the girl making her large assets bounce and jiggle erotically.

Marcel couldn't help but stare at her with a blush but then a thought hit him.

'Are all Chōwa as well endowed as Pinkie or is that just her?'

Shrugging he dials the number for the local police and waits for them to pick up.

Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie was helping her fellow Chōwa to her feet who was still a bit shaken but was able to recognize the pink skinned woman and gasped in surprise.

"Oh my goodness, Pinkie Pie is that you dear?"

"Yeah, it's me," Pinke confirmed. "What are you doing out by yourself Reversalis?"

The Chōwa called Reversalis is the very definition of MILF Goddess. She stands at a towering 8'4, has grayish-black skin, dark green eyes with vertical dragon-like pupils, long teal colored hair and tail in a fluffy curly style, fluffy pony ears that are the same color as her skin, and a jagged horn is seen from her head and a large pair of teal butterfly wings with sky blue hearts are seen on her back. Her body is more bottom heavy and is a little more on the chubby side like Pinkie Pie is but more so as she doesn't look like a fighter. Her boobs are a triple H-Cup, wide hips that where made to make babies and a large fat ass, her hips and ass were about four times bigger than Pinkie's. Finally, her attire is a hot pink long sleeved skin-tight sweater dress that goes past her butt showing off her gorgeous legs with a boob window in the shape of a heart, purple high heel platform shoes, and a pair of circular glasses rest on her face.

"Well I was out because I wanted to see if I would have any luck in finding my Ashikabi today," Reversalis explained while pushing her glasses up. "It was then as I was walking past an alleyway entrance that those thugs grabbed me and tried to grope me. I was able to run for a while but as I was, I started to react and I felt my Ashikabi was close by and I was so overjoyed that I accidentally took a wrong turn and ran into a dead end. Those thugs caught up to me and, well, you know the rest." Reversalis finished explaining with an embarrassed blush on her cheeks.

"Don't worry Reversy everything turned out okay in the end since Marcel and I were around to help!" Pinkie said while hugging the mature woman.

"Thank you for your sweet words Pinkie," Reversalis said with a smile while returning the hug. She then turns her gaze to Marcel who looks like he's just finished talking on the phone and is petting his badger. "Pinkie dear, is that human your Ashikabi by any chance?"

"Hmm?" Pinkie asked then looked at Marcel and lit up in realization. "OH! Yeah, I think he is but I haven't sealed the deal yet. Why do you ask?"

"I think," Reversalis gained a bright blush as she stared at Marcel. "I think he was the one I was reacting too."

*Loud Gasp* "REALLY!?!? That's great, then we can have the same Ashikabi together!!" Pinkie exclaimed jumping for joy.

Marcel then took that moment to come back over to girls but raised an eyebrow in confusion at Pinkie's celebration.

"What's got you so excited Pinkie Pie?" Marcel asked.

He yells when Pinkie scoops him up and hugs him in between her valley of flesh known as her boobs.

"Reversalis is reacting to you just like me and now you're gonna be our Ashikabi and we'll live happily together forever and ever!" Pinkie exclaimed while swinging the human around and around.

"Whoa whoa whoa!! Back up a minute!!" Marcel finally breaks free of her iron grip hug and looks back at her with a confused and slightly annoyed look. "You still need to answer my questions. What is an Ashikabi? What is a Chōwa? Are you all really aliens from another world? What does reacting mean? Are th-MMMF!!"

Before he could rant anymore, Marcel was pulled into a tight yet tender hug from the woman he just saved, Reversalis he believes her name is. His face was directly in her massive boobs but he wasn't thinking about that as he was calming down almost instantly from the hug the mature woman was giving him. She hummed a slightly making him sigh as he relaxed in her embrace while closing his eyes while subconsciously wrapping his arms around her. Reversalis giggled at his calm state while Pinke watched with a smile with Amai in her arms looking curiously at the pair.

"Do you feel better now sweetie?" Reversalis asked the short human.

"Yeah, I'm okay, Reversalis right?" Marcel got a hum as his answer. "I'm sorry for freaking out like that I'm just so damned confused and I haven't gotten a clear answer from anyone yet so it's kinda frustrating."

"I can understand dear and I'm sorry for that," Reversalis said while rubbing his head soothingly. "But if you want me too I'll give you all the answers you want as a thank you for saving me. And Pinkie Pie will help me as well won't you dear?"

"Yepperoni Reversy!!" Pinkie exclaimed with a salute while sticking her tongue out.

"Thanks, girls I appreciate it," Marcel said with a smile.

It was at that moment a loud gurgling sound reverted throughout the alleyway making Marcel and Reversalis jump. They turn to look at Pinkie who pointed at Amai who was crying crocodile tears and whining pitifully. Marcel sweatdropped as he realized he needs to get his badger some food and fast before she starts to try playing dead to try and get food........again.

"Maybe it would be best if we go and get something to eat and then we can go back to my place and talk in private," Marcel said as Reversalis set him down while taking the sow from Pinkie and holding her close. "I don't think Amai can go on anymore, hell I don't think I can either I'm hungry too and I'm sure you ladies are as well."

"Now that you mentioned it I haven't eaten anything in three days," Pinkie said thoughtfully but then bent over in pain as her stomach gave an angry growl. "Yeah, it's definitely been three days."

Marcel could only shake his head as he grabbed his bags. "Well come on Pinkie I'll get you something to eat and since we're going to a Buffet you can eat all you want."

"YAY!" Pinkie cheered doing a complete 180 of her mood making Marcel chuckle and Reversalis giggle.

"Well come on ladies lets go," Marcel said and started to walk out the alley with the two women behind him, leaving the three thugs on the ground beaten and unconscious.

"Hope your pockets are pretty deep with cash Marcey because we're gonna eat a whooooooole lot of food," Pinkie giggled deviously.

"Uh Pinkie it's a buffet you can eat as much as you want," Marcel said with a confused look on his face. "Besides how much could you girls possibly eat?"

Reversalis giggled before she answered him. "Oh, you're about to find out how much more a Chōwa can eat compared to a human dear."

Marcel has a gut feeling he's gonna be in for a rude awakening from this discovery.

Unknown Location

[Play Music Below]

Meanwhile back in the dimensional plane, the red-headed woman sat back in her throne-like chair with a sigh of relief, her Chōwa were safe and it was all thanks to the young human Marcel Konton. She was impressed with his fight against the thugs and the same could be said for her friend who was glowing and flashing none stop since the fight began.

"That was quite intense wasn't it my friend?" The woman said to the crystal tree behind her.

The tree responded to her question with a series of flashes.

"Agreed it was not what I was expecting either but I won't lie and say that the human child was quite impressive," The woman said.

Another series of flashes.

"What do you mean he's not a child?" The woman asked in confusion.

Another flash.

"WHAT?!" She shouted in shock. "What do you mean he's 20? He looks like he could be at least 14."

Five flashes.

"Your right I forgot that humans age and grow completely different than us," The woman said calming down. "Still it's funny he's that short and is older than he appears. Also kinda cute."

Another flash.

"Yes, Reversalis is gonna be in for a surprise when she finds out this short human child is actually a short human young adult," the woman giggles.

With that said she returns her attention to the crystal ball to see Marcel, Amai, Pinkie, and Reversalis walking down urban area street with the latter three patting their bellies in content while Marcel is just staring at the alien woman with shock on his face. Or he could be staring at their asses, she couldn't really tell.

"What's that look for my little human?" The woman asked with an amused impish grin already knowing the answer.

[Stop Music]

Back with Marcel and Crew - Toyko's Northern Section

[Play Music]

The group had just left from the buffet restaurant about an hour ago and it was quite a spectacle. For one, people couldn't help but stare and gawk at the two Amazon woman that was following the shorter human when they walked down the street. Men couldn't help but drool at the sight of the busty aliens and women glared in envy at their bodies while crying inwardly at it not being fair they don't have bodies like them. Marcel literally had to beat the shit out of some guys that were trying to get to close to them and were making Reversalis uncomfortable. Hell, even a few women came up to him calling him a sick pervert or a pimp and tried to get the girls to leave him which made Marcel beat the shit out of them as well when they started to get grabby with the girls. Marcel told the girls that he doesn't care if you're a man or a woman, if you mess with his friends or piss him off enough you're getting your ass kicked plain and simple which caused Pinkie and Reversalis to smother him with a group hug and his head in between their massive boobs.

After that crap in the streets, the group finally made it to the buffet restaurant much to Amai's relief and were able to get something to eat and in a more private table. Since her asses were so big Reversalis had to use three chairs and Pinkie had to use two chairs instead of one each otherwise they wouldn't be comfortable but that's not even the most surprising thing that happened. No, what was surprising was the amount of food the girls got!! Each of them got so much food for themselves it looked like you could feed a small herd of Elephants and they were able to eat all of it like it was a normal serving for a human. Amai didn't seem to care as she was to busy eating her triple-decker bacon cheeseburgers with gusto.

After they all had their fill, and Marcel leaving a big ass tip for the ones that have to clean up their plates, the group are now going to Marcel's new home with very full bellies. While Marcel can only stare at the two women with shock and could only as one thing.

"How in the seven firey pits of hell were you two able to eat all that food?!?!" Marcel yelled out stupified.

"Well Chōwa have bigger stomachs than humans do dear so we do need to eat a lot to be fully satisfied," Reversalis said.

"I can believe that but you two ate so much food that you could rival Son Goku and Monkey D Luffy's appetite!" Marcel said shaking his head.

"Who?" Pinkie asks in confusion.

"They're both fictional characters from very popular anime shows," Marcel explains. "I'll show you both later on but for now let's get home so we can talk. You two still owe me some explanations," Marcel reminds them.

"Okie Dokie Lokie!" Pinkie said with a salute and the rest of the trip was continued in silence.

[Stop Music]

[Play Music]

After about an hour of walking the group comes across a large gated stone structure with a wooden door. The door has Konton Clan written in bold black ink kanji with two stone badger statues standing on their hind legs holding what look like battle axes in their paws. Marcel then goes up to the intercom and punches in a few buttons and soon a loud thunk is heard and the doors start to slowly open. When they are open all the way Pinkie and Reversalis gasp in shock at what they see. The inside was wide and spaces with many acres of land filled with Sakura, Deku, and Banzai trees, a large compound house on top of a large hill with stone stairs leading up to it, and what looks like to be a bamboo forest behind it.

"Oh my goodness," Reversalis whispers in shock.

"Whoooooooooooooa," Pinkie said with a dropped jaw.

Even Marcel was surprised at what he saw and he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Good grief and this is supposed to be their summer home," Marcel then turns his attention to the girls. "Well come on ladies lets get up to the compound."

Marcel starts to walk off and the girls snap out of their stoppers and quickly follow the human, as they went through the gates started to close with a loud creak before firmly closing with a loud thunk. The group didn't seem to care as they started to climb the stone steps that lead to the summer compound and Marcel's new home. Once at the top, the group was able to get a better look at it and see that it was a large traditional looking three-story building with a large banzai tree in the middle of the courtyard with many different types of flowers surrounding it. Marcel leads the girls inside into the large spacious living room complete with a large couch, reclining chairs, a coffee table and a large flat screen tv above the fireplace. Marcel had the girls remove their shoes like he did before he turned to address them.

"Make yourself comfy girls, I'm gonna go put my bags down in my room and then we can get started."

The girl's nod and they go over to the couch to sit down while Marcel goes upstairs to his room to put his bags down. A few minutes later he comes back down and takes a seat in the recliner with Amai jumping up into his lap and lays down while she relaxes as her human is scratching behind her ears. Marcel smiles and looks to his two Alien Amazonian guests.

"I think we should reintroduce ourselves again, my name is Marcel Konton and this cute furry thing on my lap is Amai," Marcel said rubbing the sow's back making her growl in approval. "May I please know your names again ladies?"

"Sure thing! My name is Chōwa #88 Pinkamena Diane Pie or you can just call me Pinkie Pie, it's super duper nice to meet you, Marcy!!" Pinkie exclaimed will bouncing in her seat like a child on a sugar high. Reversalis and even Marcel couldn't help but laugh at her childlike behavior.

"It's nice to officially meet you Pinkie Pie," Marcel chuckled, he then turned his gaze over to the busty mature woman. "And you, what's your name milady?"

"My name is Chōwa #69 Reversalis, it's nice to meet you Marcel dear," Reversalis said with a sweet motherly smile that made Marcel's heart flutter a bit.

"Okay I'll ask the obvious questions," Marcel said with seriousness making the girls look at him seriously as well. "What exactly are Chōwa and how did you all get here on earth?"

"The Chōwa are beings that are far superior to humans in every possible way," Reversalis started. "Each Chōwa has their own speacil abilties from super speed, super strength, flight, intense durability, high magical powers, elemental manipulation, and many more. How we got here to Earth is complicated because only Chōwa#'s 1-5 were awake when our ship crashed landed here and even they don't know all the answers anyone wants."

"Weeeeeeell there is one Chōwa that would know all our answers Reversalis," Pinkie butted in.

"Who would that be?" Marcel asked intrigued.

"Chōwa# 0 Mother Goddess Faust," Pinkie answered with a smile. "She's the oldest and most powerful of the Chōwa and even if all of us attacked her together she would be able to beat us effortlessly with a lazy wave of her hand while she's drinking tea. At least, that's what our legends tell us about her say."

"Damn she sounds OP as fuck," Marcel said with wide eyes, he then got a thoughtful look on his face. "hey, you girls keep saying numbers in front of your name, how many of you Chōwa are there anyways?"

"Oh let's see, not counting Faust there are officially about 108 of us according to Minaka," Reversalis said.

"Minaka? As in Minaka Hiroto the chairman and founder of MBI?" Seeing them nod in confirmation, Marcel scratches his head in confusion. "Why would he know about how many of your kind are?"

"Oh that's because about 20 years ago he and a scary lady called Takami found the ship that brought us to Earth and used our ships advanced technology build his company to the worlds most powerful private owned company," Reversalis said simply.

"NANI?!" Marcel shouted out with wide eyes. "Are you telling me the only reason that guy and his company have tech decades ahead of our time is that he used the tech found on your ship?"

"Pretty much yeah and he didn't even ask us if he could use it the big greedy meanie," Pinkie pouted crossing her arms.

Marcel had to lean back in his chair to calm himself down after that bombshell dropped on his head. He couldn't believe that the worlds most powerful company only got to its position with stolen alien technology. Although with all that he's seen today he can believe it.

"Marcel, are you okay dear?" Reversalis asked with concern.

*sigh* "Yeah I'm okay Reversalis just trying to process all of what you too told me," Marcel said sitting back up. "But Jesus Christ that's something I don't think I would have ever heard in a million years."

"Yeah it's pretty trippy," Pinkie agreed.

"So wait, is Minaka buying up Tokyo so he can keep you and rest of the girls safe from any outside forces that would want to do something irresponsible to you all?" Marcel asked, thinking Minaka might be trying to protect to Chōwa with his company.

[Stop Music]

[Play Music]

Pinkie and Reversalis looked at each other with nervousness and fear which Marcel quickly to notice on as they fidgeted in their seats.

"Well, the answer is a mix of both," Reversalis said making Marcel look confused. "Yes, he is using his company to buy up Tokyo to keep us safe from any outside forces and keep them out but..."

"But what?" Marcel asked, not sure if he'd like the answer.

"He's buying up Tokyo to keep us in the city while we compete in a gladiator-style tournament against our fellow Chōwa," Pinkie finished, almost making Marcel fall out of his chair in shock. "And the worst part is we have to keep fighting until there is only one of us left standing, then the victor can go where ever they want but the losers well..." She couldn't finish as she started to cry quietly while Reversalis quickly pulled her into a hug trying to soothe her with soft words. Marcel noticed that Pinkie's hair and tail natural curliness went straight as a board, showing just how upset this made her feel.

Amai looked at the two sobbing Chōwa with sadness in her eyes and Marcel could only sit there with his head down and his hat brim shadowing his eyes. Many emotions raged through his mind from shock to sadness, disgust, and horror at what Minaka is forcing these girls to do to their own people. But there was one emotion that triumphed over them all.

Rage, pure primal murder happy rage was building up inside of him. How dare that bastard just think he could toy with the lives of living breathing beings?! That son of a bitch! Marcel doesn't care if they weren't sentient, no one should force a living being to do something so sick and twisted such as this.

'Minaka Hiroto you have just made my permanent shit list you sick psychotic mother fucker,' Marcel thought while trembling in anger with gritted teeth and clenched fist he almost bleeds. 'Mark my words Hiroto, I will not only stop your sick game I will expose you for what you truly are to the public ruining your image and company forever. Then and only then will I either break your body fully crippling you for life or I'll kill you, whichever comes first.'

Marcel starts to calm himself with deep steady breaths and looks up at the girls with a fiery determination in his eyes. He moves Amai off him and walks right up to the girls getting their attention and gets down on one knee while grabbing their hands making them gasps and blush brightly. They thought he was about to propose to them but what he says next pale in comparison to a marriage proposal.

"Pinkie Pie and Reversalis," he started with a clear strong voice. "I Marcel Konton, heir to the Konton Clan fortune, vow to you on my honor that I will stop this sick game and free you and your fellow Chōwa from this psychopath's iron grip even if it kills me."

Marcel looked up into the girl's eyes with a serious and determined look on his face.

"So help me God I will make this vow become a reality, one way or another."

Pinkie and Reversalis could only stare at Marcel speechless for a few seconds before they grab him and pull him into a hug, knocking his hat off, right between their massive boobs while crying tears of joy and newfound hope. Someone was really going to help them put a stop to this plan and save their people.

"Thank you so much, Marcel, I knew you were perfect to be my Ashikabi," Pinkie said nuzzling the top of his head.

"You still haven't told me what an Ashikabi is," Marcel muffled out.

"Later deary, right now let's enjoy each others company and not worry about things right now," Reversalis said as they sat down while still hugging the shorter human to them.

"I can agree to that," Marcel smiled, snuggling into the girls embrace with Amai hoping back into his lap.

And just like that did the human, the Chōwa's, and the badger stay like that enjoying each others company and for a few hours did they feel at peace and the world was right.

[End Music]

Unknown Location

[Play Music]

Back in the dimensional plane, we find the redheaded woman sniffing and sobbing tears of joy. This human child, no, this human man is just the one she was hoping for to save her Chōwa soo they can be free and live happily.

"I was wrong to doubt you, my old friend," The woman said wiping her eyes. "He's the one we've been waiting for over 20 years now. Now all he has to do his complete the contract with them and we will be able to talk to him and help him within his dreams."

The tree glowed brightly a few times making the woman sigh and cross her arms under her massive knockers.

"I know we must be patient and let it happen naturally but I grow more and more anxious as the days go on my friend," The woman spoke solemnly. "I wish to have a connection with Chōwa again and let them know I everything will be alright, let them know there is still hope, and let them know I didn't abandon them for the past 20 years to a fate worse than death in the hands of a madman."

The tree was silent for a couple of minutes as it gave the woman a minute. It then started to shine and flash more slowly making the woman start to smile a bit.

"You're right I can't change what happened in the past, all I can do is focus on the now and hope for a better future," The woman spoke before looking at the tree with a coy smile. "I'd probably be lost without you, wouldn't I my friend?"

The tree flashed a few times, making the woman bark out a laugh and send a mock glare at it.

"I would not have been going mad, you take that back right now!" She yelled in mock anger while trying hard not to laugh again.

The tree seemed to laugh if the multiple flashing and glowing rapidly was any indication making the woman join in on the laughter too. She calms down and looks at the crystal ball showing Marcel, Pinkie, Reversalis, and Amai curled up together with content smiles on their faces. She couldn't but smile softly at the sight as it warmed her heart.

"Rest well my little human for your true trials will begin soon," The woman said.

It's gonna happen sooner than you think lady.

[Stop Music]

MBI HQ Teito Tower lower levels - 3rd POV

[Play Music]

Under MBI's clocktower HQ, there is an assortment of underground levels that have very high-security cell rooms. In one particular cell, a figure is seen hiding in a very dark corner is mumbling to themselves with an occasional twitch here and there.

'I can't be with an Ashikabi they said, I'm too unstable they said, I can't be awakened they said. Well, that's just tooooooo bad for them because I don't care. I will find my Ashikabi, I will be awakened and we'll be happy together forever and ever and ever and ever until death do us paaaaaart~'

Feminine giggles could be heard in the corner proving the figure was female. She lifted her head up and one could see the wide Cheshire cat grin and wide brilliant emerald green eyes with strong amaranth pupils looking very demented and crazed.

'Soon my true love, soon we'll be together and prove that even a crazy woman like me can be loved.'

Crazed giggling was the only thing that could be heard all throughout the level, unnerving anyone that was foolish to walk down it.


Next time on My Little Ashikabi: The Chōwa Plan -

"How the hell did she escape us?! Nevermind, track her down and contain her before she hurts someone or worse and do it quickly and quietly!"

"Why do I get the feeling that something crazy is gonna happen today?"

"I'm coming for you my Ashikabi~"

"It's a pleasure to finally talk to you and see you Marcel Konton!"

"Minaka Hiroto you can kiss my black ass because I'm not following your shitty rules nor will I play your sick game."

Chapter 3: Crazy Love and Chaos Declaration