Rainbow Dash gets Cuckquean

by Claws And Hooves

First published

Rainbow Dash broke a wonderbolt's rule and now has to watch as all the wonderbolts rut Spike

Rainbow Dash has a kinky idea for some fun with her husband Spike, she going to rut him in the mare wondbolt's shower. Or at least that what her plan was until they were caught and now thanks to an old rule Rainbow Dash has to watch as every single wonderbolt on the team but her rut her dragon.

Edited by ShadowSpider

(Warning: Cuckquean, chastity, impregnation, gay sex, as well as some light mind control and tentacle sex in the B plot. Also one Rule 63 character in the form of Eris )

(The names of the wonderbolts are as followed and they are all Canon: Spitfire, Fleetfoot, Soarin, Blaze, Hind Winds, Silver Zoom, Thunderlane, Sun Chaser, Wave Chill, Super Stream, Wind Walker, Surprise, Misty Fly, Lighting Streak, and of course Rainbow Dash but she isn't getting any in this one)

Getting Dirty

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A powerful roar shook the very earth as a giant amethyst and emerald dragon threatened Wonderbolt headquarters.

Rainbow Dash struggled with all her might, trapped in the claws of the gigantic beast. As she did the wonderbolts took to the sky to save their pegasister in arms. The brave stallions and mares, the best fourteen flyers in all of Equestria, formed three squadrons and attacked the rampaging monster.

The first squadron was led by Spitfire who tried to take the drake head on as she charged forward with her squad. While she wasn’t as fast as Dash she was still the second fastest pegasi on the squad. Her efforts were in vain as the beast with one flap of its wings created a might gale to blow the wonderbolts out of the skies!

As Spitfire’s group fell Soarin led the next squadron from behind to catch the dragon off guard. However just as they neared the beast it raised it’s tail directly into their path. Causing them all to crash into its armored scales.

The last team, and the only hope for Rainbow Dash now; flew high into the sky. Hoping to catch the mountain of scales and muscle by surprise by drive bombing its head. They flew up until their bodies were silhouetted by the sun and then dive bomb down as fast as possible. Their five bodies began to create cone of air around them as they all approached mach one. None of them could actually break the sound barrier like Rainbow Dash could. But five beings going near mach one was enough to take out nearly any creature.

But just as they neared their target the living volcano saw them as they descend toward him and unleashed a thick blast of black smoke. If the force wasn't enough to knock the pegasi out of the sky, the smog in their lungs did the trick. The last wonderbolt squadron fell from the sky.

The wonderbolts pulled themselves to their hooves and they looked upon the giant in front of them. The towering beast’s form blocked out the sun as he stood with a smirk that showed off his long deadly fangs and unleash a mighty laugh like that of thunder. Shaking the very earth beneath his clawed feet.

"Game, set, and match! Did you all really think you could beat a dragon in direct combat?" The beast crackled.

"Alright, alright, you won big guy, now put me down Spike." Rainbow Dash said to her giant husband who obeyed and gently placed his smol wife down with the rest of her teammates.

"You know captain I bet we could have won if you let me join the attack run." Rainbow said to Spitfire who was brushing off her uniform.

Spitfire gave the mare a stern glare. "There is no way I'm letting a pregnant mare take part in combat training. Tartarus, if it wasn't for the fact it is your husband you talked us into training with I wouldn't have even let you be the victim.” She then turned to the other pegasus. “Alright team, that..that was terrible! Easily our worst run yet!"

"What about that time he sneeze us out the air?" Soarin asked.

"That was at least the grossest. I think I still have mucus in my mane." Silver Zoom added.

"Like it was my fault that somepony flew up my nose. I mean what kind of manic even thinks its a good idea to get that close to a dragon snout?" Spike answered back in his booming voice.

Most of the wonderbolts turned to look at Thunderlane whose uniform was still moist.

"I was going for his eyes!" He said defensively.

"I still don't understand how anypony is support to beat a dragon this way? Even during that conflict between the yaks and dragons all we could do was out fly the dragons and have them fly into each other, and that was with both Princess Twilight and her apprentice using their spells as a distraction and the yaks shooting their catapult. And we still got our plots hoofed to us." Sun Chaser said.

"At least you didn't have to fight him when he did that greed thing, that was painful and embarrassing. I mean who loses to an overgrown kid?" Blaze said.

"Yeah, sorry about that one, I really didn't know how to control this whole growth thing back then." Spike said as rubbed the back of his neck.

Spitfire sighed. “Look it's been seventeen runs now and we haven't made any progress so why don't we just call it a day now and hit the showers."

"I am all for that!" Silver Zoom said.

"You hear that flying volcano! You are done embarrassing my team for today and can turn back now!" Rainbow Dash shouted at her large foal daddy.

"Um, is there something I change and get dressed behind?" Spike asked.

"You are literally the biggest thing here, what could you possibly change behind?" Wave Chill asked.

"Besides you are already naked so it isn't like you’ve got anything to hide." Super Stream added.

"I don't know about that, he could pull out those twins I keep hearing about. Not that I would complain, I would love to do me some mountain climbing." Fleetfoot said with a smile and a wink.

"Yeah, and what exactly do you plan on doing with a dick bigger this your whole damn body? Crawl into his pee hole for nap? Maybe let him rain gold or cream on us all?" Blaze asked with roll of her eyes.

"Ooo kinky, sounds like fun." Fleetfoot said with a smile.

"Was that what you meant by hitting the shower!? Because I would rather let Fleetfoot use that strap-on she calls the cunt breaker on me again then that!" Wind Walker shouted.

"Nopony’s getting pissed or creamed on!" Spitfire shouted.

"No yet you mean." Fleetfoot said with a smirk

"Just for the record dragon pee is blue so it wouldn't be a golden shower technically." Spike said which caused everypony nearby to turn and look up at him.

"I don't think the color is the issue here." Misty Fly said.

It was in this awkwardness that Spike decided he better go ahead and get back to his normal size. Spike grunted as his body slowly shrunk down to it’s normal size. It was always an odd experience to feel one’s body expand or tighten at such a rapid pace. He then ran over to where he set his clothes while trying to cover himself with his wings and quickly got dressed. "Those books Cadence give me really knew their stuff." Spike thought as he recalled how he learned to control his size shifting and how to cast spells.

"Look at that ass, how in Gaia did you score yourself a stratodon Crash?" High Winds said, never taking her eyes off of Spike.

"Envious, Ms. Dragon Fetish? Well what can I say, I'm just that awesome." Rainbow Dash said; beaming with pride.

"Well dragons love gold. So I guess that means there really is golden plot at the end of this Rainbow." Fleetfoot said as she gave a slap to Rainbow's backside. "Now the only question is what it tastes like?"

"Keep wondering you blue prev. This is one rainbow you aren't going to ride." Rainbow Dash said.

"Hey, you're the only wonderbot I haven't taken out for a spin so you can't blame me for wanting to taste the rainbow. Especially now that you're about to be a total MILF." Fleetfoot said with a smile.

"Fleetfoot this is why nopony wants to go drinking with you. They are all worried that one sip of a beer with you and they will wake up in your bed with a sore ass." Blaze said.

"Nopony complained before." laugh Fleetfoot.

"Fleetfoot, High Winds stop creeping on Crash's colt toy and get your asses to the showers. And that goes for you too purple!" Spitfire shouted.

Spike knew she was talking to him as he was the only purple creature there, and with that shower command of hers he turned to look over to his chromatic wife. She gave him a wink, letting him know they were still going to go ahead with their plan.

"Yes ma'am." He said as he and the wonderbolts headed to the showers.

Meanwhile at the Friendship Castle

"It is so good we could all get together for tea." Fluttershy said as she drank the jasmine tea Eris had brought over. As they and Fluttershy's herd sisters enjoyed their time together.

"Well this is surprisingly helping me relax after finding out all our mothers are pregnant, and there is a chance that Spike is the sire." Twilight said as she took a bite of a cucumber sandwich.

"I think you're worrying about nothing. You know how those brothel work. Our mothers were under spells to prevent them from getting knocked up in there, and even if it was Spike who did some how do it then it would be the brothel fault not our Spike." Trixie said.

"She has a point, and besides it isn't like any of our moms are complaining about this. Mine is hoping it will be a colt this time." Pinkie added.

"You know if you’re ready to forget about that, how about we do something naughty?" Eris said with a lusty smile.

"Oh my, what are planning this time?" Fluttershy said while blushing, knowing full well what Eris normally does at their tea parties

"I happen to have here a little video of my last game night with the guys,” Eris said as she poof in a video. “And they really got into each other if you know what I mean?"

"You mean you have a video of Spikey-Wikey destroying Big Mac big ass?" Rarity said a smile lit up across her face.

"Wait, what makes ya think that Big Mac was the bottom?” asked Applejack. “He could have been the top."

And as soon as she said that Rarity, Fluttershy, Twilight, Pinkie, and Trixie broke out laughing.

"Wait, have you all slept him?" Eris asked in surprise.

"Darling I met Applejack when I and Big Mac dated, in fact we were each other’s firsts." Rarity answer

"I dated him for a while when I first moved to Ponyville. He was so quiet. It was easy to be around him." Fluttershy explained.

"We never dated but we have done it a few times during heat season. Mrs. Cake has this game where we try to see how many stallions we can each get starting with the chosen studs and Big Mac is always one of them." Pinkie said

"I also had him a few times during heat." Twilight said.

"During that whole alicorn amulet incident I took him to my bed a few times." Trixie said.

"Well I know Rainbow Dash’s first time was with Spike so she couldn't have done Big Mac. But what about you two?" Eris asked looking at both Starlight and Applejack.

"No." answered Starlight.

"Do you even need to ask?" Applejack said. Clearly a little annoyed.

"So that a yes?" Eris ask

"WHAT?! NO, TARTARUS NO! I know ponies keep making those kind of jokes about us, but I ain't never done anything like that with my kin!" Applejack angrily shouted.

"Calm down Applejack. It isn't a big deal. Just remember the rule. It is only incest if you make a foal from it. Besides even if a foal comes from it we have enough chromosomes that first generation incest isn't a real problem for us as it would be for say a hominid." Eris said, which quickly reminded everypony about what time Eris was raised in and how much she missed while she was stoned in the non-Tree Hugger approved way.

"What’s a hominid?" Twilight asked, breaking the awkward silent Eris caused.

"Eris...that ain't a rule anymore. That ain't anything anymore." Applejack said.

In The Shower

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"So how are things going with your earth colt play toy?" Fleetfoot said as she pulled up her pants.

"Great,” replied Blaze as she slipped on a t-shirt. “In fact I get the feeling Feather Bangs is getting ready to pop the question, and while I can't say what the other mares will decide I'm not saying no."

"Get out! Really?" Misty Fly said.

"It seems like everypony is finding somepony now. Hey, Crash, I don't suppose your stud has any scaly friends who are into fur as much as him?" Hind Winds asked as she turned toward the still nude Rainbow Dash.

"What is it with you and dragons? I mean how did you even get this fetish? Did you have a pet iguana and did some experimenting with it?" Super Steam asked.

Hind Winds shrugged. "I find them exotic."

"What's wrong with liking dragons?" Rainbow Dash asked, glaring daggers at Super Steam.

"Nothing,” Super Stream answered while putting his hands up defensively. “It's just not something most ponies are into, and she’s really into. She even said she keeps some kind of text book about dragons called the Draconomicon as masturbation aid."

"Hey! Those photos and illustrations are sexy! Speaking of which Crash since your hubby is on good terms with the Dragon Queen do you think he could get her to help make updated version of the Draconomicon? Maybe one with anatomy details?" High Winds asked hopefully.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Knowing Twilight she’s probably asking Ember for help in that already, but not for the reasons you want."

"So how come you still haven't taken a shower yet Crash? Is your stud into sweat or something?" Fleetfoot asked.

"I was just waiting for you to leave so I don't have to worry about you groping me." Rainbow Dash answered.

"See, I told you if you kept doing that you would scare ponies off." Blaze said.

"Hey, what can I say. I like helping others get clean almost as much as I love helping them get dirty." Fleetfoot said with a smile.

"How about we just leave so Crash can shower in peace?" High Winds said as she tried to push the other wonderbolts out.

"Trying to score points in the hope she may let you borrow Purple Volcano some time?" Super Stream said as they left the shower.

"That or get her to tell me how I can get my own." High Winds answered as she left the showers with the other. Leaving the nude Rainbow Dash all alone.

Rainbow Dash quickly looked around to make sure she really was alone then starting clicking her her hooves on the tile floor. In a flash of green fire Spike appeared in the mare’s locker rooms.

"I never knew teleporting yourself was so much fun. No wonder Twilight uses it so much." Spike said.

"Whatever, just hurry up and get undressed. I don't think anypony will be back in here but I want to hurry and get you in the shower in case they do." Rainbow Dash said, clearly a little nervous.

"Having second thoughts about your plan?" Spike asked.

"No its just...is this too kinky for you?" Rainbow Dash said while blushing

Spike knew what Rainbow Dash was really getting at. Out of all his wives she was the only one who was still a virgin when she first slept with Spike. It also turned out that she, for lack of a better word, was the least kinky of the them all. Light spanking, bathing with Spike, and having her hooves played with was as close as she got to kinky. And while none of this bothered Spike it did bother the highly competitive Rainbow Dash who felt she had something to prove to her fellow heard mates. Which is how she came up with the idea of this shower romp in the first place.

Spike also knew that she really wanted him to help her with her nerves when it came to being kinky and he knew the best way to do it. "Rainbow on the day of our wedding rehearsal Luna bought a pair of panties. Not to wear, since they were far too small for that, no she bought them for her own kink."

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "What did she do with them?"

"She used them to masturbate by shoving them up her pussy until she cum them out and then push them up her ass. After that she took them out, peed on them, and then made me eat them. Celestia then came in and had me fill a pitcher with semen so she could prank some guards by telling them it was a protein drink. Which she found even funnier when all the guards actually liked it." Spike explained, and waited for what he knew would happen.

Rainbow Dash was at first stunned by this but she quickly got over it. "Well they think that’s kinky lets see what they think of us secretly rutting in the wonderbolt showers!"

Spike grinned. He knew her competitive nature would get the best of her and he quickly got undressed. Placing his clothes in Rainbow's locker he then followed her into the shower; ready for a good time.

Rainbow Dash turned the water on and Spike picked up his small foal mama. "Getting dirty while getting clean, always a fun contradiction." He said right before bringing her up for a deep passion kiss as the water fell over them.


"What the Tartarus?!" Spike and Rainbow yelled in unison as they broke their kiss and look to the source of the sound. Only to see Spitfire standing at the entrance to the shower holding an air horn and the other mare wonderbolts behind her.

"Well, well. well, looks like Crash and Purple Volcano were getting down and dirty here at HQ. And you know what that means fillies." Spitfire said with a devilish smile. The other mares just laughed, the kind of laugh one makes when they are about to do something naughty.

"Spitfire?! H-How did you know what we were up to?!" Rainbow Dash said as her blue face started to turn red.

"You think we didn't notice how you two acted when I said we were hitting the showers?" Spitfire said.

"Oh come on! Can't you let me just have this? You already cut back on my flying practice and have me more or less just doing desk work now." Rainbow Dash said.

"Sorry Mrs. Preggo but rules are rules and tradition is tradition." Spitfire said still grinning.

"Besides do you really think we would pass up a chance like this?" Hind Winds said smiling.

"And I already got our punishment toys out." Fleetfoot said while showing that she was holding a mare chastity belt.

"Rainbow, what is going on here?" Spike asked, clearly confused at what the wonderbolts were getting at.

"Crash didn't warn you? Oh this is going to be fun." Misty Fly said.

"If a wonderbolt is caught rutting somepony on HQ grounds then they have to watch as the whole team take turns rutting whoever they were trying to rut." Rainbow Dash explained while looking worried.

Spike’s eyes went wide as he looked over to the eight mares. By their hungry looks it was clear they weren't going to let him get out of this.

Meanwhile a timberwolf was humping a hippie mare, but Tree Hugger fun time has nothing to do with the story so we'll check on what is happening at the friendship castle.

Eris and the seven mares were watching the events of her last O&O night on a movie screen she poof up. Well Eris and six mares were watching at least. Applejack, who failed to get out before the movie started had her hat over her closed eyes and her hands over her ears while saying to herself, "I'm not here right night, I can't see or hear anything." Over and over.
On the screen the strong and mighty unicorn knight Sir McBiggun was passionately making out with the powerful dragon wizard Garbunkle. They ended their kiss and stared into each others eyes, eyes that were clear to all that seeing them showed that the two where under some from of spell.

Garbunkle turned McBiggun around and bent him over a tree stump as he undid McBiggun's pants. Exposing McBiggun's muscular backside as well as showing off that his name wasn't just for show as his large fully erect lower horn was freed. Garbunkle bought his hand to his maw as he used his long forked tongue to lick all four of his digits, while his left hand pull up his ropes to free his dragon staff’s. Each dwarfing McBiggun impressing claymore.

Garbunkle bought his hand to McBiggun’s temple of doom and entered its great hall; earning sounds of pleasure from knightly unicorn. After making sure the dungeon was ready to be plundered Garbunkle readied his twin dragons to take the booty. With one mighty thrust the +2 swords were buried deep within the dungeon, becoming its master.

While this was going on the third member of the party, the ranger Captain Wuzz could do nothing but cry silently at her bewitched allies. Unable to call out for the help she so desperately needed at this very moment. For she was trapped in the tentacles of the caster of the spell that her friends were under, the evil and powerful Squizard.

The foul cephalopod had the draconic equine’s arms wrapped together with one of its slimy tentacles. Each of the heroine’s legs was being held far apart by the tentacles of the slimy beast, as another tentacle held her tail out of the way. Allowing the fiend to freely violate the chimeric creature. Two of the arcana caster’s filthy tentacles was pushing deep into her anus while another two were making their way into her womb. To keep the pony dragon silent another tentacle was forced into her mouth. Forcing her to perform fellatio on the boneless limb. The last tentacle was squeezing Eris mighty penis while also slowly making its way into her urethra.

Tears rolled freely down the hybrid of equus and draco cheeks as all she could do was watch as Garbunkle used McBiggun as his mount while the wizard kraken used her as nothing more than a plaything.

"Like sister like brother by the looks of it." Twilight said with a smile as Spike slapped Big Mac across his ass.

"Eris this is very good. Did you plan all of this?" Rarity asked while watching her husband pound the ass of her first coltfriend.

"No. I just got really lucky with a random encounter and made the most of it. It was a good session with the only down sound being that I smelled like calamari for a whole day after." Eris said, clearly pleased with her film.

"Can I get a copy of this?" Pinkie asked as she watched Spike grab Big Mac legs and lift them over his head and pick Big Mac up so he could go even deeper into the stallion anus.

"I don't see why not, I already give some copies to Sunbutt, Woona, Candy Ass, and your sisters." Eris answered as she watched Spike paint the insides of Big Mac while while the Squizard filled her up with its ink.

"What?" Pinkie said.

At the Rock Farm

Limestone sat in stunned silence as she watched her drake friend rut her sister’s colt friend up his apple ass while the hermaphroditic goddess of chaos was violated by a tentacle monster dressed up as a wizard. All of this seem to awaken deep desires the grey pony never knew she had.

Limestone turned to see if she could ask her mute sister if this was having the same effect on her only to find that Marble couldn't answer as she had one hand deep in her vagina and the other one playing with her ponut.

Washing Up

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"There we go, all nice and locked down." Fleetfoot said as she locked the last hoofcuff on Rainbow Dash, then stood up to get a good look at her work.

The nude Rainbow was setting on the end of one the mare locker room benches. Each of her hooves cuffed to one of the bench legs and her hands cuffed behind her back. She was also wearing a ball gag and a one size fits all chastity belt that had a weak vibe in it. One just strong enough to get her going but not strong enough get her off. Needless to say she wasn't happy, and to make it worse her husband was cuffed to the bench right in front of her. Close enough she could almost touch his twice penises.

Spike was on his back on the bench, with his claws, feet, and tail cuffed to the bench's leg. However unlike Rainbow Dash he didn't have a ball gag or a chastity belt. Something made clear by the fact that his twins were standing proud thanks to High Winds showing how if you simply rube a dragon's crotch enough their fun parts would come out on their own. Something Rainbow Dash didn't know and filed away for later use.

Fleetfoot smiled at Rainbow and licked her lips. "You know Crash I wanted to have you like this for awhile now. Minus the belt that is, but I guess I just have to settle with rutting you husbo in front of you."

"Well you are going to have to wait till after me!” High Winds proclaimed as she started to take off her cloths. “I have waited decades to rut a dragon and there is no way I'm not going first!"

Spike looked at High Winds, she was a white pegasus with green eyes and a mane that was a mix of dark blue and light blue. Like all the wonderbolts she had athletic build with a small bust size, barely a c-cup. Like all pegasi she was also a and a bit on the short side. Of course, Rainbow Dash was shorter than her and had a smaller bust, but his little pony was shorter than any of the other wonderbolts and had the smallest bust size of all them. Spike even thought that some of the athletic stallions on the team had a bigger bust size this his small mare.

"He has two, so how do we do this? Two at a time or one using both?" Misty Fly asked.

"I'm taking both at once after I get a taste of that tongue!" High Winds said as she let her panties drop to the floor.

"Well that settles that. cause I'm not putting a dick in my kitty after its been up your plot hole." Spitfire said right when High Winds latched onto Spike's face. Forcing her tongue into Spike's mouth as far as it could before licking every fang of his it could.

Spike was taken aback at this as felt her tongue work over all three rows of his teeth. He had no idea what to make of this as none of the mares he ever kissed did anything like this before. High Winds broke the kiss while holding his tongue in her mouth as she pull away. She then grabbed the long organ before letting go and slowly licking down the underside of his tongue before doing the same to its front.

"Damn! Somepony’s thirsty!" Super Stream said as she watched High Winds lick the fork of Spike's tongue.

"What can I say, I’ve wanted to do this for awhile." High Winds said as let Spike’s tongue go. Only to move her body forward and sit right on his face. "Now taste me, and make sure you get both holes." High Winds purred.

Spike obeyed and work his tongue deep into her flight cave. Licking every inch and even using his fork to play with her clitoris and urethra.

"Doesn't that look hot. Well Crash I may not be able to use what made your foal just yet, but that doesn't mean I can't have my own fun with your scaly toy." Fleetfoot smiled as she took off her own clothes, then reach for something in her sport bag.

"Found it! Now Crash lets see how well your scaly booty can hoof the CUNTBREAKER!!" Fleetfoot shouted as she pulled out an extra large silver color double ended strap-on. The part that when into the wearer was a normal somewhat small dildo, while the other end was not only larger, but seemed to be in segments. With each segment cover in six small blue balls.

"You were just carrying that thing around with you?" Super Stream asked.

Fleetfoot shrugged. "Hey you never know when fun times will break out and a hole needs to be broken." she said as she put on the strap-on. She then turned to Rainbow Dash. "Just to warn you Crash. I'm fully convinced that Clipper wasn't gay until I used this monster on him."

"Even if that was true, which it isn't, why would you bag about it? Isn't that like boosting how you gelded a stallion." Blaze said as she rolled her eyes.

"HEY! That was an accident and I haven't played around with bands sense then! Besides he was a bottom with a micropenis and a cuckold and chastity fetish. So it isn't like he got a lot of use out of those parts anyway." Fleetfoot defensively said.

Spike was extremely happy that his seven testicles were internal and that dragons could regenerate body parts when he heard that.

It was then that Hind Winds removed herself from Spike’s face, "Time for me to take those double dragons!"

"And while you're doing that I'll go for the dragon booty." Fleetfoot added as she stroked her fake penis.

"Why do so many mares want to put things up my ass?! Spike thought as High Winds brought her face to his crotch.

High Winds placed her nose right in front of Spike’s dick and inhaled deeply. Relishing in Spike’s musky scent."Mmm. What a lovely musk." It was different from a normal pony. Pegasus tended to give off a scent like mist or an ocean breeze, or occasionally pine. But Spike gave off a rugged scent of spice, a true dragonly scent that made her moist. She gave a long lick from the base of Spike’s rod up to the tip in full view of Rainbow Dash. Who if the noises she made behind the ball gag was anything to go by wasn't really enjoying how High Winds was using her husband.

"Now lets ride this dragon!" High Winds shouted as she stood up and positioned herself over Spike’s crotch, making sure she was perfectly aligned before she slammed herself down onto his twins hard. Taking them in both her holes in one go.

"OH YEEESSS!!" High Winds screamed. Maybe it was simply the ecstasy of finally getting to fulfill her fetish, but in that moment High Winds felt more full than she ever had been with a stallion.

"Well while you're getting a taste of the meat I think I'll get a taste of the chocolate." Fleetfoot said as kneel down and stuck her tongue right up Spike's ass. Licking as deep as she could, only stopping to nibble a bit on Spike's ring.

After getting used to the double dragons High Winds finally started to move. Raising herself up before slamming herself down and beginning to bounce herself up and down. She would pull herself until only the tips was inside her, before slamming herself down as fast as possible and impaling herself on his twin sticks. Somehow timing herself with his piston like movement.

"Well sense you both got that end covered I'll take the front,” said Spitfire. “Alright Volcano I want twenty laps on the double!" The now nude Spitfire ordered as she took her place over Spike's face.

Upon noticing that Spitfire was the tallest of all the mare wonderbolts, and bustiest with a full c-cup, Spike took a look around the room and noticed that all the mares have taken off their clothes. Of course he only got a quick view as his eyes were soon covered by a pair of furry cheeks.

Spike obeyed Spitfire’s orders and starting his twenty laps in her birth canal. As his tongue was entering Spitfire he noticed that Fleetfoot's tongue was exiting him.

"Now that I got you loosened up its time for you to find out why I call this the cuntbreaker!” said Fleetfoot then glanced over to Rainbow Dash. “I hope you're watching Crash cause I'm going to break your colt toy!" Fleetfoot said as she slammed the the strap-on right up Spike's ass in full view of Rainbow Dash in one go.

Why is it always the ass?! At least the royal sisters got me used to this kind of treatment." Spike thought as he continued to lick Spitfire's holes while High Winds kept up her work on his cocks.

"Now let's turn on the first setting." Fleetfoot said as she reached for switch on the side of the strap-on.

Spike felt a strange feeling coming from his ass as soon as the switch was flipped. He could feel the round blue balls on the strap-on spinning and vibrating. With each ball spinning in a clockwise and counter-clockwise pattern.

"Moving up to two!" Fleetfoot sang out.

Spike’s eyes went wide. Now not only were the blue balls still spinning and vibrating but so was each segment! From the tip down to the base in a clockwise and counter-clockwise pattern!

"Now for the grand finale before I start pounding!" Fleetfoot shouted out as switched to the vibrators highest setting. And as soon as she did Spike felt an electric shock travel up his body from his ass! The strap-on was now shocking his insides while still spinning and vibrating.

"WHY THE RUT WOULD ANY CREATURE MAKE THIS?!" Spike thought as he felt this new feeling of pain and pleasure from his ass. Which was only increasing now that Fleetfoot was wildly and violently humping him!

"KEEP IT UP FILLY! When ever you pump into him his tongue goes up even farrer into me!" Spitfire said more then happy with what was happening.

"OH YEEESSS!" High winds shouted as she still kept slamming down on his shafts.

All the while Rainbow Dash could do nothing but watch as not to far from her Fleetfoot was roughly pegging her husband while Spitfire rode his face and High Winds lived out her dreams of rutting a dragon. While all around her the other wonderbolts pleasuring themselves.

While Spike was probably holding out better than any creature could in his place he found he was at his limit when with one final slam down of High Wind’s body Spike’s body shook with a powerful orgasm as thick hot dragon seed shot deep inside her!

"OH RUT YYYEEESSS!!!" High Wind screamed out at the top of her lungs. More than loud enough to get Spitfire and Fleetfoot to stop their actions as they watched her."

"That pant was pant the best orgasm I ever had in my life!" High Winds was able to get out after her body stop shaking.

"In that case why don't you move so I can get a ride!” said Spitfire as she removed herself from Spike’s face, which was now covered in her juices. “Hey Fleetfoot do you want this spot?"

Fleetfoot shook her head. "Naw, I'm good. I think I'll stay right here till after everypony else had their turn," she said with a sinister smile as her cuntbreaker was still going off in Spike's ass.

"Wait shouldn't we give him a rest? After that I don't think he will ready for another round anyti-SWEET CELESTIA'S ASS HE IS STILL HARD?!" Blaze shouted in surprise as the now jelly-legged High Winds was just barely able to unmounted Spike. Showing that his draconic prides was still ready to go.

"Holy horse apples! And here I thought all that talk from Crash was just her telling more stories." Misty Fly said.

"Okay, I think now I see why Crash and High Winds are into dragons." Super Stream said.

Meanwhile Treehugger was thanking her timberwolf friend for a nice rut, but again this has nothing to do with anything so back at the friendship castle.

"You know I have been wondering something. Spike's dam was a pony but he still hatched from an egg. So does that mean we are all going to lay eggs?" Trixie asked her herd mates and Eris.

"Didn't Sunny checks explain how pregnancy works when the sire is a royal dragon?" Eris asked, clearly a little confused that Trixie didn't know the answer to her own question.

Rarity shook her head. "No, she just explain the whole if it is male then dragon if female then pony thing to us darling."

Eris sighed. "Should have figured that bright bottom would leave you all alone to find out from yourselves. Lucky for you all I'm here and I'm the leading expert on all things royal dragons!" Eris said she poofup a blackboard covered in nonsense drawings labeled the anti-life equation.

"You're an expert on royal dragons? Sense when?" Twilight asked

"Sense always! This may surprise you but I'm from Dream Valley and was in fact still a teenager when the royal dragons were still living there. In fact my father and most of my brothers were royal dragons." Eris explained as she spun the blackboard to show a stick figure drawing of herself and dragons.

"Your father was a royal dragon? But how? You told me you're half-dragon half-alicorn and Princess Celestia said that royal dragons can't make half dragons." Fluttershy said, clearly confused to learn this of her chaotic friend.

"You can blame my bitch of a mother for that but now back to answering dear Trixie’s little question. You see Trixie when a pony is pregnant with only a male royal dragon then thanks to dragon they will lay an egg after one month’s time which will then take another month to hatch. And before you ask no you won't need fire to hatch it, unlike normal dragon eggs royal dragon eggs don't need a constant exposure to their element in order to hatch." Eris explained as she flipped the blackboard over again to show some moving stick figures.

"But it's been over a month now since we were all knocked-up. So does that mean none of us are having any sons?" Applejack ask.

"Well Celestia is going to be disappointed in that." Starlight added.

"I wasn’t finished just yet, you see this only happens when you are carrying just royal dragons. However if said foal is a filly, or if there is more than one child and one is a filly then your will carry them all the full twelve months. Of course your dragon sons will still come out as egg but the extra time will ensure they hatch in just a few minutes instead of a month later. It also makes the shell much softer since it doesn’t need to survive outside long." Eris explain.

"So that means either we are having only fillies or Cadence was right when she said we needed to expect at least twins from her spell." Twilight just realized.

"Probably more than that. Royal dragons are already more fertile than most males and adding fertility boosters sharply increases that by a lot more then it would any other male. But hey, at least thanks to their magic you will all have a lot easier time carrying them then with a normal pregnancy," Eris said as showed a drawing of mare with a belly bigger than body.

Lather Up

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"Well Purple Volcano I hope you're ready for me!" Spitfire said as she positioned herself over Spike twin dragons, allowing Fleetfoot a perfect view of her ass.

"Now that is a pretty sight,”Fleetfoot purred out. “Almost as pretty as it is great tasting."

"Sorry, but my ass isn't on your menu today. Now excuse me but I'm about to get myself a cream pie." Spitfire said.

"Well if you two have got that end covered I think I'll try out that tongue." Misty Fly said as she walked over to the part of the bench where Spike's head was.

Spike took a look over at Misty Fly, she was a yellow mare with green eyes and a mane with two different shades of light blue. She also was on the smaller end of a B-cup in the burst area, and like all the wonderbolts she had a large athletic ass which Spike got a perfect view of when she sat down on his face.

"Alright Volcano, You better not disappoint. Otherwise you will be on Fleetfoot duty for a week!" Spitfire said as she slammed herself down on his draconic phalluses.

"Don't tempt me, this ass is amazing. I can see why the princesses have made him their plaything." Fleetfoot said as she once again begin to hump away. Her electric dildo shocking away at Spike's anus.

Surprisingly Spitfire wasn't going at it as hard as High Winds had. She didn't bring herself up as far High Winds did nor did she bring herself back down as hard as either. Going at it a slower rate as well, to Spike's surprise.

To bad Fleetfoot on the other hoof was still drilling into Spike just as hard as she did when High Winds was riding him. While they were doing that Spike also had to deal with Misty Fly grinding into his face as his tongue did its best to explore both her foal factory and her back end.

"Damn! Those wiggling spines are amazing!" Spitfire shouted. Maybe it was that Spike had gotten her closer with his tongue then she thought, maybe it was she couldn't hoof the combined movement of the wiggling spines and pistoning of Spike's twin dicks, or maybe it was Spike's shared orgasm ability and the fact he was getting hammer at both ends. Whatever the reason Spitfire soon found a powerful orgasm making its way up her body as her holes were filled with Spike's spicy dragon cream.

"Looks like somepony was on a hair trigger." Super Stream said as she watched Spitfire wings go up while her body shake.

"Hey, pant this stallion pant does amazing work! Lets see how pant you are after one of his tongue baths." Spitfire said as start to unmounted Spike.

"She’s right you know, this drake tongue alone is enough to make him a prize. Frankly I'm surprised he only has eight wives with both his tongue and those twins of his." Misty Fly Said as she began to get off Spike's face and take her own place on his crotch.

"I guess I'll have to just test it out myself then." Super Stream said as walked over to the very wet face of Spike.

Spike looked up at her and noticed she looked enough like High Winds to be her twin sister. In fact the only difference between her and High Winds was that her mane was just one shade of blue while High Winds was two. Now that he thought about it, they both also looked like mare versions of Soarin.

"Are you and High Winds related?" Spike asked.

"We're twins actually and before you ask yes, Soarin is our younger brother. Also I know people always find it odd to hear that there are siblings in the wonderbolts but it isn't that strange. Sun Chaser and Lightning Streak are twins too and Spitfire and Blaze are cousins." Super Stream answered while taking the time to point at Blaze and Spitfire who were now besides Spike's small waifu.

Spike never noticed it before but the two did look a lot a like. Of course Blaze was a little shorter and was a burst size smaller. She also had only one color of orange in her mane and purple eyes.

"Wait if you're High Winds twin does that mean-"

"No, I don't have the same dragon fetish as her, and I really don't know where she picked that up. Of course seeing that Crash’s stories are true I can't blame her for it. Now answer me this, how much do I taste like my twin?" Super Stream said as she sat on Spike’s face.

Spike lapped at Super Stream’s pussy as he mentally compared her nectar to her sisters. "What do you know she does taste like her sister," he thought to himself.

As he tasted Stream, Misty Fly was busy inserting Spike's spiny twins into herself. Unlike High Winds or Spitfire she preferred inserting them slowly. Feeling them brunch slowly against her walls as she inserted inch after inch.

"As much as I love the view do you mind hurrying it up? I want to get back to pounding Rainbow Crash's scaly booty in front of her." Fleetfoot said as she quickly glanced to see that Rainbow Dash was still unhappily glaring at her as she had her cuntbreaker deep within Spike.

"When it's your turn up here you can go as fast as you like, but it’s my turn now and I'll enjoy our little toy here the way I want." Misty Fly said as finally hilted Spike inside her. Once she did she brought one hand to her clitoris and began to rub herself as she lay down slightly on top of Spike.

"Oh yeah, that’s the good stuff." She said as she was now almost touching Super Stream inner thighs.

"Well if that’s how you're going to do this I'm going to really get to work on breaking this ass!" Fleetfoot said as she pounding as hard she could at Spike's ass.

"Are you just going to Oh! lay there?" Super Stream asked as Spike’s tongue twisted deep within her, touching parts of her she didn't even know could be touched with a tongue.

"Yes, oooh I'm more then happy letting his wiggling spines and pistoning dicks do the work while I just lay here and push my button over and over. Besides with Fleetfoot humping a way his whole body shakes so nicely." Misty Fly said as she continued rubbing her love bean.

"I have to say I'm enjoying pounding away at this dragon butt! It feels so great knowing I can get as rough as I want with this rear! And to top if off Crash here has to stare at my butt as I break her husband's!" Fleetfoot said as she continued to violently hump away at Spike's plot hole with her spinning electric strap-on. The violent pounding caused Spike to moan deep within Super Stream. Weather it was a moan of pleasure or pain was up to debate.

"I have to make damn sure that the alicorn sisters never learn something like this exists! It is bad enough I have to deal with them eating and fisting my ass. I don't need them to learn there are electric toys!" Spike thought as his tongue explored deep within Super Stream’s ass. Getting a good taste of her anus as his tongue worked over even inch it could.

"I swear I'm going to find someway to get you back for this Fleetfoot! Hmmm, I wonder how Limestone will react when she hears about this?" Rainbow Dash thought as the vibe in her chastity belt kept buzzing. The constant vibration was maddening. Strong enough to leave on the edge but not strong enough to set her off. And the restraints kept her from being able to push it any deeper. All the while being forced to watch as her teammates got to play with her husband while she couldn't.

"Oooh! I think I'm close now, I think going to-Oooooh, yeeessss!!!"" Misty Fly moaned out as her body was rocked by an orgasm. As her orgasm hit Spike’s powerful dragon seed filled her to the point that some started overflowing and leaking out of her pussy.

"Looks like it is my turn on the shafts next,” declared Super Stream as she got up. “So who wants the face?"

Meanwhile Treehugger was hugging a tree. Wait, no, never mind she is humping it. So lets check in at the Friendship Castle

"Lets see carry the two, divine by five." Twilight said as she wrote out some equations on Eris blackboard, trying to figure out how many foals and whelps she and the others should expect.

"I just thought of something,” said Fluttershy. “Celestia, Luna, the kirins, and all the other mares we know that Spike impregnated were all under the same fertility boosting spell as us. Except for Limestone. Which means they will also have a lot of kids."

"Sigh Yes they will be lucky mares." Eris said sadly

"What’s the matter sugarcube?" Applejack ask as saw the draconequue start to look a little down.

"Oh it is nothing.' Eris said

"Now darling it is clearly not nothing and we are all friends here so why don't you tell us what is bothering you?" Rarity asked

"Is all this talk about our future foals reminding you of your, um issue?" Fluttershy asked, knowing about Eris little problem.

"Issue? What Issue?" Starlight asked

"I..I don't know if a mix up creature like me is capable of having foals thanks to my unique genesis." Eris sadly answered.

"Eris I'm sorry I had no idea you had that issue." Starlight said

"Is that why you haven't made a move on Spike? Because you’re worry he may not want you because of your issue?" Pinkie Pie said, clearly sad to see her mix up chaos god friend sad.

"Yes, that is mostly it." Eris answered.

"Eris you don't have to worry about that. I'm sure if you asked Spike you will find he doesn't care about that at all." Fluttershy trying to comfort her large friend.

"Besides if you want you could probably have a few of our foals. Cause it sounds like we are going to have more than enough to share." Trixie said.

Rinse Off

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"I'll take it!" Surprise yelled as she bounced over to Spike's face as Super Stream got off of them and made her way over to Spike’s shafts.

Spike turned to look at Surprise, she was a white pegasus with a blond mane and tail and the same purple eye color as his little Rainbow Dash. She didn't really look any different in terms of body shape from any of the other wonderbolts but for some reason she always reminded him of Pinkie Pie. He didn't really know why himself, maybe it was just because she had that same high pitched excited tone to her voice.

"So are you ready for a Surprise?” Surprise ask with a giggle before sitting down on Spike face.

"Okay let's do this big colt!" Super Stream shouted as she started to slowly, very slowly lower herself onto Spike's dragon makers. Only to stop half way, making it very clear to Spike that she wasn't used to this at all.

"Wow! These are bigger than I thought." Super Stream Said as she tried to get used to Spike's size.

"Oh come on and hurry up! Even Crash can take these rutters and she is the definition of smol." Fleetfoot said, clearly wanting to get back to wrecking Spike's backside.

"Give me a moment okay! It isn't like I'm used to taking something so big in one hole much less both!" Super Stream said, still only with barely half of Spike's meat inside of her.

Fleetfoot just rolled her eyes and gave Super Stream's plot a hard pinch. Causing Super Stream to let out a squeal of surprise before she lost her hoofing and fell down all the way onto Spike's duel dragons. Which in turn caused her to let out a new sound that was half squeal half scream.

"There we go. Now see, it wasn't that hard to take something so hard." Fleetfoot said as she started to hump Spike yet again.

"Unonommcelts." Super Stream babbled out as she sat on Spike's dicks, not moving as Spike’s piston movement begin.

"This is a surprise, she does taste like one of the pies! Spike thought as he worked his tongue deep into the blond mare riding his face. In fact he was really going hard on her at mostly because Super Stream was to dick punch drunk to do anything but sit there and take his twins and he really needed to do something to take his mind off the pain coming from Fleetfoot violently rutting his ass with electric shocks.

"OH YEAH! TAKE IT BITCH DRAGON!" Fleetfoot shouted as she mercilessly pounded away at Spike's anus. Spike tried to get his spines and piston movement to work faster on Super Stream in order to finish off Slip Stream since Fleetfoot did stop in between wonderbolts. Especially since Fleetfoot seemed more rough during this rutting.

All the while Rainbow Dash watch the spectacle in front of her, not happy with how things were going. After all her planning to rut her dragon in the shower and show she could be as kinky as her herd sisters now she was stuck watching as everypony else got to play with her Spike but her. Then again she did get some joy in learning that Super Stream had trouble hoofing Spike's size. Even during her first time she was able to hoof it better than Super Stream. Of course she only had one of his dicks in her at that time and he went slowly with her.

It may have taken a little longer than some of the others but soon Super Stream was at her limit. Her body shook and her wings stiffened upwards as Spike filled her belly with his royal seed. And fill he did, her belly visibly becoming bigger as some his drake jelly started to leak around the edges of her foal factory, and then she collapsed on top of Spike.

"Well it looks like it’s your turn Surprise,” said Fleetfoot. “Hey Super Stream you can get off now in the other way... Super Stream?" Fleetfoot top her humping and looked down at Super Stream who was was now unconscious.

"Looks like she couldn't hoof it." Spitfire said.

"She could never hoof the big ones." High Winds added.

"Here let get her off him." Blaze said as she and Spitfire walked over to Spike. They got on either side and lifted Super Stream off him and carried her to another branch as Surprise got off of Spike’s face and positioned herself to take his double dragons.

"I hope you can take it better than Super Stream did." Fleetfoot said

"Well I can't do worst." Surprise answered back.

"I guess it’s my turn on your face." Sun Chaser said as got near Spike's head.

Spike turned his dripping wet face to look at his newest rider. Sun Chaser were the second smallest of the wonderbolts in both height and bust size. She had a light blue coat and a curly orange and yellow mane. Her rear however was just the same as the others, as Spike noticed when her cheeks covered his eyes.

"Now that he has his new mask lets get bouncing!' Surprise said as in one movement she fully impaled herself on Spike's spiny friends. Only to quickly pull herself back up and push herself back down in a speedy bouncing like movement over and over.

"She really reminds of Pinkie now!" Spike thought as his tongue made its way up Sun Chaser’s sun tunnel.

"Wow, that is a surprise." Fleetfoot said as she watched Surprise bounce up and down on the spiny draconic shafts. Something that Spike was really grateful for as she was so busy watching Surprise she wasn't humping his now very sore ass at the moment.

"What can I say? My parents knew what they were doing when they named me!" Surprise answered back, not once stopping or slowing down her bouncing.

"And I thought only Pinkie could move like that when she was being double stuff." Rainbow Dash thought as she, and for that matter all the wonderbolt mares, watched Surprise bounce up down Spike's penises.

Surprise was able to go all out on Spike for awhile but then one final bounce she fully sheath Spike and her body seem to vibrate as her orgasm hit her as Spike flooded her insides with his foal making royal jam, copyright by Queen Majesty of Dream Valley.

"Well looks like your inters now matches your outers so I guess it’s my turn now." Sun Chaser said she hopped off of Spike’s face.

"Okie dokie loki!' Surprise said as she literally jumped off of Spike's lap and landed beside him. Which of course caused some of the royal batter inside her to drip out.

"That was impressive!" Blaze said as she made her way to Spike's face and Sun Chaser made her way to Spike’s mare blasters.

"I thought only Pinkie said that, why is she so much like her?"Spike though as Blaze got ready to ride his face.

"Cheer up Spike. After Sun Chaser here is filled with your goo you only have me and Fleetfoot to go." Blaze said as she slowly covered Spike face with her furry cheeks and lips.

"Take a good lick. She tastes like orange juice." Fleetfoot said

"She does taste like orange juice!" Spike thought as he work in Blaze.

"And don't push me down on these like you did with Super Stream." Sun Chaser said as she lined up Spike's phalluses with her holes.

Sun Chaser slowly pushed herself down on the spiny dicks, taking every inch without stopping till she was at his base. She then started to slowly bring herself back up, never letting the tips out of her pussy before she made her way back down again. As she was going about her almost painfully (for Spike) slow movements Fleetfoot was pounding the now red and sore ass of Spike while Blaze grinded herself on Spike face. Almost as if she was sandpapering him with her furry rear.

"Damn it! Why is this making me so horny?!” thought Rainbow. “Is it that damn weak vibe?! RUT! I never needed to get off so badly before." Rainbow Dash tried to speak up as she watched the mares enjoy themselves with her dragon. Of course with the ball gag it just came out as random sounds. Forcing to just glare in mostly silence at the three mares who were rutting her draconic husband.

Sun Chaser continued her slow and steady working of Spike's cockatrices until she finally lowered herself once more to the base and stopped as a strong feeling of pleasure shot up her body. Followed by a load of as well as draconic seed shooting up her love cave.

"Now that was a nice ride. If you ever want to add another pegasus to your herd make sure to give me a call." Sun Chaser said as unmounted Spike.

"HEY! I called dibs on that role when Crash said she was getting married!" High Winds angry shouted.

"And I now know why! I'm never going to question your dragon fetish again!" Super Stream said as she sat up on the bench she was laying on.

"Hey Fleetfoot now that it is my round I think we should share this flight." Blaze said as she got off Spike's face in a different way then what she was before.

"What the matter? Don't think you're mare enough to hoof this amount of cock?" Fleetfoot asked with a grin.

"Don't you remember what Crash said about seven shots? I thought you wanted to feel that knot and he already rutted six mares meaning he has only one shot lifted." Blaze explain

"Well I haven't had a good knotting sense that diamond dog gang bang." Fleetfoot said as she unstraped herself from her strap-on, which she lift in Spike's ass and still running. "So which dick do you want?"

"I'm not taking the bottom one, it's been up everypony bottom." Blaze answer

"I'll take it then. Just give me a moment to clean it." Fleetfoot said as she deep throated Spike bottom dick in one movement. She then started moving her head up and down so fast that the only way to describe what she was doing would be to say she was face rutting herself with dick!

Spitfire let out a low whistle. “It's amazing what you can do without a gag reflex." she said as she and the other mare wonderbolts watched Fleetfoot's face rutting.

"Oh by Luna's full moon. I thought only Pinkie Pie could do something like that!" Spike said as his eyes begin to cross, then Fleetfoot suddenly stopped.

"No you don't. We can't have you going off just yet. After all it is time for you to rut me after all the rutting I have been doing to you!" Fleetfoot answer with a smile

"Don't you want to get one of his tongue bathes?" Blaze said as she watched Fleetfoot position herself over Spike's bottom cock.

"Nah. I'm more then wet enough already. Besides after all the damage I did to his ass I wouldn't be surprised if he bit mine. Now hurry up and let’s rut these dicks!" Fleetfoot said

Blaze took position over Spike’s top dick as she faced backwards so that she was facing Fleetfoot. This came as no surprise to their team mates as while it was widely known that Fleetfoot would sleep with everything that moved, and some things that didn't, it was also widely known that her and Blaze were best friends willing to share or help one another out in bed.

In unison the two of them sheathed themselves onto Spike's lower spikes, fully impaling themselves on him. They then warped their arms around one another and bought themselves in for a deep passionate kiss as they rode the dragon. They broke their hug without breaking their kiss as they each took one hand to the others love switch and another to one the other nipples. There begin to both rub and pinch each others sensitive nubs while moaning and kissing as they bounced up and down on Spike’s penis’s in a synchronized motion.

The others in the room watched as the two mares teased and played with one another while they rode the tied down dragon. Spike could feel his eyes going cross. Thanks to Fleetfoot deep throat he was already close but thanks to his linked orgasm ability he couldn't get off until both of the mares on him were ready to get off as well.

"So this is what it’s like on the other end of this." Spike said as felt for the first time what it is like to need to cum but not be able to because of his ability. His toes, fingers, and even the tip of his tail all started to curl as he felt his need of release building.

They two mares broke their kissing as they began licking each other necks while moaning. Their wings started to rise and stiffen, showing much to Spike relief that they were getting close. Like dams bursting open their release hit them and Spike as he flooded both of their tunnels of love with his thick dragon liquid right as his knots when off. Locking both mares in place as his seed bathed their eggs.

"Oh Celestia that is a great knot! I never had one with spines on it before!" Fleetfoot shouted out as she felt herself being locked onto the dragon.

"Can't say I know much about knots but this does feel good." Blaze said as she basked in the afterglow

"Well Volcano looks like you did good,” said Spitfire as she smiled at the exhausted dragon. “I think you earned yourself a rest before you move on to the next part." She then walked over to Spike and undid his claw cuffs.

"Next part?" Spike asked.

"Don't you remember? I said you had to rut all the other wonderbolts in front of Crash here." Spitfire said with a smile.

Spike look around the room and saw that indeed he had rutted all of the mares. Made obvious by his seed still dripping from all them. So he wasn't too sure what she meant until like falling anvil it hit him. That was when the doors to mare's locker room opened and the figurative anvil dropped on his head as the four muscular stallions of the team walked in.

Meanwhile it seems that Tree Hugger was finally coming down from her high....and now she is eating a mushroom while eyeing a sexy bush. Well back to the castle.

"Eris darling you must at least try with Spikey-Wikey." Rarity said

"Yeah, even if ya can't have younglin's of ya own that doesn't mean ya can't at least try to find some creature." Applejack said

"Besides if you think about it he is just as much your concubine as he is the alicorn sisters. So it is his job to pleasure you no matter what." Starlight added.

"You know you fillies are right, I'm going to try with Spike! Ohh I wonder if I can get him to call me onee-chan like in one of Fluttershy's manga!" Eris said she proofed a school filly outfit onto herself.

"Wait, why would he call you onee-chan?" questioned Fluttershy.

Drying Off

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Rainbow Dash could only blush deeply at what see was seeing. For Spike was now anally rutting both Soarin and Thunderlane.

As soon as Spike's knots went down and Fleetfoot and Blaze got off he him the first thing he did was remove the cuntbreaker from his ass. The second thing he was use his claws to break the cuffs that locked his tail and feet to the bench. He then walked over to the stallions who by wonderbolt rules he had to rut, grabbed Soarin and Thunderlane by the shoulders, spun them around, then stuck his fingers up their butts to make them nice and loose.

When they were loose enough Spike made Thunderlane bend over a bench and then placed Soarin on his back face up. Then Spike started to slam his dragon swords deep into their asses and started to rutted them senseless.

Needless to say this came as a shock to the wonderbolt mares who were now watching this unfolded. An enjoyable shock, but still a shock nonetheless. After all they just had Spike cuffed to a bench as they had their way with him like he was nothing but their toy and now he was dominating two of the stallions on their team like a beast.

Of course Rainbow Dash wasn't that surprised. Sure it was easy for mares to get what they wanted out of Spike thanks to Celestia secretly manipulating him his whole life in order to turn him into her ideal male concubine. But part of said manipulation meant Spike was fiercely territorial when it came to his herd, and in the event another male tried to enter he would prove to them he was the alpha male of the pack

Spike hammered away at the backsides of the wonderbolt stallions, not letting up in the slightest. All the while the muscular bodies of the two wonderbolts grinding against each other as the dragon took them. Unable to speak in anything other then primal moans as their whole team watched them being ravaged by the stratodon. Soon the grunts the stallions were making were beginning to get heavier, until they started to turn into screams of pleasure as they shot off ropes of seamen as the drake proved his dominance by filling them with his far stronger and thicker seed.

When he was done the apex predator laid his newest victims on the branch and then turned to face his remaining prey, Lightning Streak and Silver Zoom. In a flash the beast was on them, and much like Soarin and Thunderlane Lightning; Streak found himself on Silver Zoom with Spike’s digits lodged deep within both their anuses. Getting them ready for the pounding that was to come.

It was an event they didn't have to wait long for soon Spike was impaling them with his powerful duel dragon spears. Reshaping their insides to fulfill his wants and desires. All the while the mares watched him turn their teammates into his pleasure holes.

Soon the difference in stamina between a pegasus and a dragon became quite clear as the two stallions breaths started to get heavy, warning of what was to come. And cum they did, as with one final mighty push the two stallions found themselves releasing ropes after rope of their pleasure even as they were marked by the powerful draconic seed now filling them. When they were finished Prince Spike put them on the bench as he stood proud of his victory. For he had not only inseminated all of the mare wonderbolts but had domination the stallions as well.

"Wow! Now that was a show!" Fleetfoot said with a smile

"Well Rainbow Crash, its look like you're free to go. Also good work getting yourself a prize like that," Spitfire said as she undid the cuffs on Rainbow Dash.

As soon as her hands were unlocked Rainbow took the ball gag out of her mouth as fast as she could, "Rutting damn it! Was all that really necessary!" She shouted as she forced off the chastity belt that had been bothering her this whole time.

"Hey you know rules. We did the same to Blaze when she brought Feather Bangs. Which I may remind you that you decided not to join us in banging him." Super Stream said.

"Of course this was a bit more fun sense we didn't have to worry about getting knocked up with your dragon." Misty Fly added

"What now? You went that far with because you didn't think I could knock you up? You know I have impregnated all my wives right? And alicorns sisters, and a bunch of other mares as well right?" Spike stated with his arms crossed as he raised an eyebrow at the mares.

"Ya with magic. A dragon can't impregnated a mare without magic." Blaze added

"Yes they can." Spike deadpan answered.

"What?" Blaze asked with wide eyes.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Dragons can crossbreed with anything without needing magic. Everypony knows that."

"Hold up. Didn't you only get pregnant because of a spell you had cast on you in the first place?" Fleetfoot asked.

Rainbow Dash face palmed as she groaned. "Ugh, I told you guys this already. We thought the spell was pregnancy prevention spell but in reality it was a fertility boosting spell. As in a spell that only increases your odds of getting pregnant. Not one that makes it possible for you to crossbreed with." Rainbow explained.

The wonderbolts suddenly became very silent.

"And I’ve gotten at least one mare pregnant that I know for sure wasn't under any kind of spell or magical effect." Spike added.

All the wonderbolts mares looked down at their still dipping and well used full pusses.

"Well it looks like I won't be the only pony on maternity leave soon." Rainbow Dash said with a laugh.