Lyra and Bonbon hunt for humans

by Darkdemonlucifer

First published

Lyra and Bonbon find a human who kidnaps and abuses them.

Lyra has always been obsessed with finding a human, but when she and her best friend finally find one, it ends worse then they ever could have expected.
Human on pony action
Pet Play
other abusive stuff

A commission for

Chapter 1

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Lyra and Bonbon, two of the best friends in the whole of pony history. Their friendship was enough to rival even that of Princess Twilight and her friends, and she was the Princess of friendship!

They did everything together. They ate together, they lived together, they explored together. Everything that could be done with two ponies they did as a pair. They even shared several rather weird hobbies, one of which was learning about mythical creatures.

Lyra had formed a strong obsession with finding one of these creatures. It was a weird bipedal creature with no fur apart from on the top of its head. These “Humans” Were only mentioned in a few very old books which claimed there used to be some of them in Equestria before they had all been wiped out by the ponies.

Bonbon had been worried that her friends obsession was a bit much, but they were best of friends, and so she allowed her her hobby, and even helped her out with the hunt for the strange creature even though she knew that there was no way they could be real.

She had never expected her mint green friend to find one, but through obsession and a huge amount of determination. Lyra had managed to find a creature that science and logic said should not have existed.

They had been in a deep dark forest at some unforgivable end of Equestria where nobody really bothered to venture. Bonbon was really hungry and honestly just wanted to go home, all this exploring was getting too much for her, and she was worried that her friend's obsession had gone too far and she was going to end up hurting herself if she kept on exploring strange ruins and places like this.

In the distance they had spotted a wooden hut with the orange light of several candles flickering away inside it. With the fact that it was getting dark and cold, the simple wooden hut looked far more welcoming then trying to return home.

Bonbon’s normally off-white coat was also soaked in mud, so she wanted to try and get a wash. She turned to Lyra and chuckled “Come on, lets try that hut, I bet they will be able to offer us some hospitality.”

She tore off towards the hut with a laugh, “anciently” kicking up clumps of mud at her friend. “Last one there’s a rotten egg!” She yelled, her friend laughing loudly behind her as she fought to catch up.

Bonbon of course reached the hut first, skidding to a stop outside the door and looking back to see Lyra as she almost smashed into her, not slowing down in the slightest. After a bit of laughing, Bonbon turned and politely knocked on the door.

For several moments it seemed like nobody was going to respond to their knocking, but just as they begin to consider turning back, the door suddenly swung open.

On the other side of the door was something that looked like a monster, and Bonbon barely managed to restrain her instincts to rear up and smash both her hooves straight into it.

She was glad she had done so however, because as she looked over the creature she realized that it was not a monster. The creature had legs made out of something black she soon deduced was only clothing, above this was a plain white shirt that had buttons built into it for some reason. Wrapped over this was what Bonbon assumed would be considered a blazer.

Nowhere on its body did this strange creature have a hint of hair, nowhere apart from at the very top of its head, where it had a short cut mane that looked like it would obstruct their view.

It took her several seconds to realize that she was looking at a human, and during that Time Lyra realized the same thing several times over. Before Bonbon could react, she had launched herself into the air with her hooves stretched out in front, smashing into the human and knocking him down.

Bonbon was so shocked that everything seemed to play out in slow motion, and she was forced to watch in stunned silence as her friend, who was squeaking with excitement as she tore through the air, sent both her and the human tumbling to the floor.

She gasped in shock and trotted into the house “I’m so sorry Sir!” Bonbon said as she attempted to pry Lyra away from him. It appeared that they were now bonded at the molecular level.

“My friend really likes humans you see! And she’s been looking for one for ages.”

Walking into his house without being invited was likely one of the most impolite things she had done outside of work. For a moment she was taken aback by how neat and tidy the inside was compared to the outside.

Then she realized that she still needed to get her friend away from the human. The man’s face had screwed up at this point, his brown eyes fixed on Lyra’s face as he let out a long, amused chuckle.

She quickly came to realize that the human did not seem to mind Lyra trying to fuse herself with him, and with how happy Lyra looked at the moment, it would be a crime to split the two of them apart.

“I don’t mind at all Dear! Its nice to have some visitors for once, it gets really boring out here on my own.” The human said as his hand reached out and begin to tussle at her mane.

Lyra nuzzled against his shirt and squeaked happily, leaning her head up as she beamed at him. The human smiled softly, then slowly tried to lift her off him “I need to stand up sweetie, I’ll make you both some hot chocolate if you let me stand up. You both look like you’ve been hell getting here.”

The mint coloured unicorn looked ready to explode with joy as he slowly stood back up to his full height, his limbs unfolding as he shrugged his shoulders rapidly to loosen them up.

He noticed that the mint coloured unicorn was starting to shiver softly, the excitement building within her getting ready to explode outwards. The human chuckled softly “I am sure you want to have a nice long talk with me. Let me make some hot chocolate and marshmallows, then we can talk all you want!”

As the human slowly stepped over to the kitchen counter set up against one wall of the hut, he waved his limb at the table “Pull up some cushions and sit yourselves down, I’ll work on making us those drinks.”

He threw a few logs into a wood burning oven, then stepped outside for a moment and came back with a bottle of fresh milk. It was questionable where he had gotten the milk from, but there were more pressing issues at the moment, like making sure that her friend did not explode.

The human poured the milk into a saucepan, then moved back to sit down at the table.
“OK. You can start with one question.”

Lyra begin to vibrate so intensely it seemed like she might explode out of reality if she did it any harder. “What’s it like to be a human?”
The human blinked, “… Well, it… It… Is humaney.”
Despite the made up word, Lyra nodded, soaking up the information like a sponge. “What’s your name?” She spat next, making the human laugh “I said one question, let me finish making the hot chocolate now.”

As he worked on mixing the chocolate powder into the milk, Bonbon found herself chuckling softly “Thank you so much for putting up with my friend. She’s just… really excited… And so am I… I did not expect humans to be real! I thought you were all mythical.”

The human smiled softly and looked down at himself, blinking in a confused fashion “No… I am pretty sure I am real.” He poured the hot chocolate into a set of cups and brought them over to the table, then moved over to the door and slid the bolt into place, locking it.

This of course put Bonbon on edge, but she did not question it, bringing the cup to her lips and sipping down the hot chocolate.
Lyra laughed softly to herself and downed half the drink in one motion, before turning to the human “What’s you name!”

He shook his head slightly “My name is John! What’re your names?”
“I’m Lyra! Nice to meet you John!” The mint green unicorn chirped.
“My name is Bonbon, it’s a pleasure. Can I ask why you’re locking the door?”

John’s face turned dark, he turned back to them and chuckled darkly “You see… I don’t want you two getting out.”

Suddenly, Bonbon felt sleepy. Drugs? She cursed and her combat training kicked in. She attempted to launch herself at the human, but both her legs had stopped functioning and she fell face first to the floor with a groan.

Her whole body was going numb and she could see darkness closing in from the edge of her vision. She slowly dragged her weak body towards him, attempting to at least take him out before she gave in.

With her job she should have seen this coming. With her job it should have been so obvious that this was going to happen. Trusting a creature like this had been foolish. But there was nothing she could do. The drug was very strong, almost like it had been made to bring down a pony.

She managed to drag herself another inch, and then her world went tumbling into darkness. Lyra looked down at her friend with a frown, having taken a much larger dose of the drug herself.

“Oh. That’s not good.” She said simply, then went tumbling off the stool and collapsed in a tangled heap of limbs on the floor.

Bonbon did not know when it was she ended up waking, but her mouth was dry and her head was sore in all the wrong places. She groaned softly and raised her head, the memories of what had happened flooding back into her and filling her with new strength.

She went taunt in an instant, each of her limbs trying to do its job to make her stand, and each of them failing because they had all been held down with thick metal chains that rattled loudly as she tugged on them. Of course, she was chained to a wall.

She could feel the cold stone digging into her back, and as she slowly looked around the room, she realized that this was a dungeon, which she did not need training to know was a bad thing.

It was dark, but as she looked around her eyes attempted to make the best use of what little light was in the room. She quickly spotted Lyra chained to the wall across from her, alert and surprisingly awake.
“Lyra! Lyra! Are you OK?” She asked loudly, but not quite loud enough to be considered yelling, as that might draw unwanted attention to them.

Lyra slowly raised her head, her eyes had red rings around them, making it look like she had not slept in weeks. It was not from lack of sleep however, and even now she was still sniffling softly.
“Why did the human hurt me Bonbon? I thought that humans were meant to be nice! But he drugged us.”

Bonbon hated seeing her friend like this, and in that moment she promised that she would do anything to stop that human, even if she had to kill him. Nobody hurt her friend like that.

Speaking of the human, John slowly strolled into the room, his hands planted deep in his pockets in an almost casual fashion as he looked over the two ponies chained to the wall. “I am so happy you two dropped By. It is soooo lonely out here on my own, and I had been looking to catch a pony for a while now, but you showed up to my door, practically gift wrapped yourselves for me… It’s a dream come true.”

Bonbon wanted to scream at him, tell him how exactly he felt, how she was going to kill him for hurting her friend. She said non of these things however, knowing that getting angry would only help to slow her down and prevent her from thinking straight.

She needed to stay calm. Lyra sniffled softly as she hung from the wall, looking towards the human with tears once again starting to form in her eyes. She shook her head to try her best to clear them away, then glared darkly at the human, the tension in the air so thick it could have given Celestia a run for her money.

“Why did you hurt me! I just wanted to be your friend!”

John turned to her slowly, brushing down his clothing casually with a hand. “I am still your friend, and I never meant to hurt you… I am just… really sad and I want a friend, but I did not know if you wanted to be my friend. I need a friend and you seem like a nice pony, so I brought you down here to ask if you were interested.”

Lyra was smart enough not to buy into the lie, looking him dead in the eye as a frown broke out across her face.”You know what I think? I think you are not a very nice person. I think you are lying to me to try and make what you did look OK, and I am not falling for it.”

To his credit, the human looked shocked at the remarks, and he looked sadly down to his hands, shaking as he…. The human broke down crying. His hands went up to his face and cupped his eyes as a bitter sob tore from his lips, tears beginning to cascade down his cheeks and roll through the gaps between his fingers.

Even Bonbon felt a twinge of pain spring up in her heart. She wanted to move over and hug him. Still, she said nothing. It was all an act, and she knew it. She knew that he was only putting it on, and that he was really not sad in the slightest about judging them.

“Don’t fall for it Lyra! He’s faking!” She yelled. But, Lyra had always been a sensitive soul and ignored her friends warning, softly shushing the human “Come on, let me down and we can cuddle and talk about this.”

A sniffle, the human raising a tear stained face to look at Lyra “R-really?”
The mint green unicorn nodded rapidly, and then the human let her down, even removing the magic binder from her horn as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to his chest, nuzzling into her neck as her hooves wrapped around him, one of them starting to pet at his back as she shushed him more.

As soon as his sobbing died down, he looked to Lyra and gave a weak smile. “I’ll be back in a moment to let your friend out…. But I just need to take a moment to go upstairs and clear my head… And… I’m scared she’s going to hurt me if I let her go.”

Lyra tossed a look back to her friend, who was currently attempting to break free of the chains, cursing the human in every way she could. The mint green unicorn could understand why the human felt threatened, and politely nodded. “Sure, I’ll come with you and we will give her a moment to calm down.”

As soon as they were back up the stairs, the human begin to brew a pot of tea, turning his back to her in a show of ultimate trust. He was still sniffling and sobbing, but for the most part it had slowed down. “I really did not want to hurt your friend… Do you think she will ever forgive me?”

“She has a very… Stressful job. I think that is all that is getting to her. I am sure she will realize you were only trying to make friends when you let her go.”

John kept brewing the tea, then poured it into two cups and brought it over. Lyra carefully took the cup, staring at the fluid within in a suspect fashion. “So what was all that stuff about wanting to catch a pair of ponies?” She asked simply, returning his trust when she took a slow sip of tea.

The human waved his right limb at her “Look at me, compared to you ponies I am a monster, I figured that non of you would ever want to be friends with me, so I… was going to drug two ponies and keep them here… I don’t want to be lonely.”

Suddenly, Lyra felt lust flare up inside her, and she sighed softly “That was not the right way to go about making friends… But I understand where you are coming from. I could not imagine being the only creature of my kind in the whole world.”

Another sip of tea. Her cunt was starting to get soaked now. Was she really thinking of doing… it with this thing? She had spent many lonely nights fantasising about doing so… But…

The human raised his head, still looking broken hearted. Lyra instantly knew that she was going to do something very stupid, and that she was helpless to stop herself from doing the very stupid thing she was about to do.

The mint green unicorn slowly dragged herself up onto the table, making the human look confused as she turned slowly so that her rear was facing him, then used a hoof to spread apart her rear cheeks and show off her dripping, needy snatch.

“I know something that will make you feel better, John.” She said in as seductive a tone as possible. It worked better then she had expected as his face flushed a deep shade of red and he almost fell backwards off his chair.

“A-are you sure?” He spat, fumbling over his words like each one was impossible to pick. Lyra simply tossed him a seductive look and spread her cheeks further apart with magic.
“John, I’m lying on the table presenting my needy, dripping snatch to you… Is that really a valid question at this point.”

The human seemed to quickly recover, shaking his head in an attempt to clear it as his hands moved down to his trousers and begin to fumble frantically with his belt, trying to remove it and tear his trousers down. Lyra found it so adorable to watch.

After several moments, he managed to undo the belt and tear his trousers down, tossing them away like they did not even matter to him any more, little more then an obstruction preventing him from getting the perfect pony pussy he wanted so bad.
His boxers soon joined his trousers on being tossed to the floor, his hard, throbbing length spilling free and twitching softly as it was exposed to the open air.

Lyra moved onto her belly, then flagged up her tail as high as it would go.
“Pick a hole~” She purred.

But, the human was not focusing on that any more. He had since moved over to the cooker and was heating up a metal rod over the cooker, the other hand rapidly rubbing his cock.

“What’s that?” Lyra asked, perplexed. Her brain was going slow because of all the hormones rushing through it and causing chaos.
“It’s a branding iron… You have to let me brand you if you really want my cock.”
Lyra’s thoughts came crashing to a stop, a branding iron wedged in the wheels of her train of thought sent it flying off the track and into a tree, where it exploded and killed everypony on bored.

“What? Why?” Her mouth flapped uselessly, trying to come up with a reason why she needed to have her flank branded.
“Because I am asking you to do it, and you love me… And because deep down, you know that the idea of being branded like the whore you are turns you on.”

Lyra tried to dig holes in his logic, but to her lust filled mind his logic seemed bomb proof, and she found herself mentally cursing his smarts. He slowly walked towards her, grinning like a fool and twirling the device in his hand, the other one making sure that his cock stayed hard.

As he reached her, the hand that had been stroking his cock moved up to her mouth, cupping over it and filling her nose with the scent of his musk. It even had some pre on it, and she found herself licking at it rapidly, not wanting the salty fluid to go to waste/

“Deep breath.” The human said, and she was more then happy to do so, inhaling a thick gulp of his musk.
With a grin, the human stabbed the red hot branding iron straight into her cutiemark.

Pain tore through her body. A scream tore from her lips, the train that had been derailed and crashed into a tree now had its remains pushed off a cliff into a volcano. Any hope she had of coming up with creative ways to describe pain were dashed, and all she could do was scream in a mix of agony and pleasure.

And then, just like that it was over. She was a panting, shivering wreck of a mare sprawled out across a table like some kind of needy slut. Sweat coated her body and pain was throbbing through her body.

She looked back to where the branding iron had been used, and saw that her cutiemark of a harp now had a large angry looking soon to be scar in the shape of… of a hand branded over it.

Lyra swore she felt her cunt squirt right then and there as she raised her head to John, giving an almost needy moan. John grinned at her eagerness, raising the branding iron for her to see “Ready for me to do the other side, slut?”

The mint green unicorn had never nodded faster in her life. This time when he came back with the branding iron, she happily presented her flank to him, wanting to feel that amazing sensation again.

And the human was more then happy to provide, stabbing it into her flank and making her howl, barely managing to hold herself still with how badly she wanted to frantically buck her hips and squirt her juices all over the table.

When it was finally over, she was coated in so much cooling sweat. Her mind felt tired, and her body felt weak. She wanted his cock so bad however, that non of that mattered.

The human moved up behind her, his twitching length prodding against her rear, slipping and rubbing over her newly formed burns. John was teasing her, and she knew it. Yet she did nothing to stop him, letting out a needy, whorish moan to show him how much she wanted his cock.

He moved his hands to grip her flank, and to her delight they matched up perfectly with her scars, sending pain flaring through her as he pressed his member to her snatch.

John did not bother with further teasing, he simply forced his hips forward and sank the whole of his huge length into her in one motion. Her cunt lit up with pleasure as her flank screamed out in pain, and all of this mixed together to make her moan like mad and press backwards against him to try and force even more of the length into her snatch.

She felt his hips as they bumped against her rear, and she swished her tail gently against his belly to get him back for teasing her. He responded by digging his fingers further into the burns on her flank, squeezing the soft flesh like it was putty as he begin to move his hips back and forth slowly.

His length slammed into her, making her cry out with joy, then it pulled back out and make her whimper with dismay. The room was filled the symphony of their moans as he really lay into her. He did not hold back in the slightest, and soon his length was hammering in and out of her cunt so fast that she could barely keep up.

Lyra realized that at the moment she looked like a total slut, and then a moment later she realized that she really did not care. She was a slut. She was John’s slut. John owned her and could do whatever her wanted to her body. She was nothing more then a toy to bring him the most basic of pleasures.

One of his hands gripped onto her mane, pulling her head back and forcing her to stare into his eyes as he pounded her. His eyes were filled with pleasure, and with each thrust he let out a soft grunt to show how much he was enjoying it.

She simply focused on squeezing her cunt as rapidly as she could around his length, milking and squeezing it, practically begging the human to blow his load deep inside her depths. His hand moved now, wrapping around her neck and suddenly pulling taunt.

It took her a moment to realize that she could not breathe. It did not worry her as much as it should have with the amount of lust currently tearing through her, but John was choking her, so he must have wanted her to struggle.

She was happy to do so, softly writhing beneath him as she let the panic flow through her like icy water injected straight into her veins. Her cunt convulsed wildly, no longer in nice controlled motions. It was around this point she realized that stars were dancing in front of her vision now, and that darkness was starting to creep in.

Lyra was passing out, and she loved it. Rather then struggling to get away, she forced herself back, beginning to force his length in and out of her as fast as she could, doing her best to help him get off before she succumbed to the lack of oxygen.

Her ears were filled with the side of her own heart beat, but she still heard John as he grunted loudly, pulling even tighter against her as a sudden warmth was blasted into her insides, filling her up.

It was at this point she decided to cum. She had not even noticed how close she had been with the fact she was being choked out, but as the human packed his seed into her, she had the most intense climax of her whole life.

By the time she came down, her ears were ringing like crazy, her body was sore all over, and she had warm cum dripping out of her cunt and onto the table. Her eyes snapped open and she sucked in deep gulps of air as she flopped about on the table, looking like a half drowned fish.

John was stood over her, his still hard cock presented to her like it was some form of treat, coated in a mix of his cum and her juices. To her, it was better then any treat, and she happily opened her mouth and took it inside.

The taste was salty, but not unpleasant in the slightest. Her tongue was soon dancing around it to lick every drop of the cum from it while John chuckled softly, his hands rubbing at her ears to show her how well she was pleasing him.

“You’ve been a very good mare Lyra, and I have another treat for you!” He exclaimed brightly.

She wanted that treat so badly. “Please give it to me!”
“Ah-ah, close your eyes first.”

She snapped them shut, and instantly felt one of his hands starting to stroke down her chest, making her groan happily. He scratched his way down her chest slowly, then his hand danced across her belly, making her squirm slightly. It felt so good!

A sudden agonizing pain tore through her cunt, and she almost opened her eyes without permission as she screamed softly, thrashing about and convulsing as every nerve in her body screamed out.

It might have been the worst pain of her life, but as quickly as it had arrived, it faded away again, leaving her as a wreck sprawled across the table.

“Open your eyes, my little pet pony.”

She did so, looking down towards where the pain had come from. Her clit now had a shiny bright red gemstone twinkling softly at her. He had put a piercing through her cunt.

Lyra chuckled happily and leaned up, wrapping her hooves around John’s neck with a chuckle. “Thank you… Master. I love you so much.”

His hands rubbed through her hair and tussled her mane softly, making her tail wagged happily.

John slowly clipped a black leather collar around her neck, then tussled her mane even more, before clipping a matching leash onto it.
“You’re going to make such a wonderful pet Lyra… What should we do now?”

Lyra blinked slowly, cum still slowly dripping out of her cunt and slowly making its way down the back of her legs where it dripped onto the ground… Lyra slowly thought for a few moments and then realized that her friend was still locked up in the basement.

Bonbon needed to learn to be a good pet too. This felt absolutely amazing and she wanted her friend to share in that feeling. John must have already known exactly what she wanted however, as he gave a low chuckle.

“What about your friend. I bet she is really stressed and worried about you. We should go and bring her some tea. You can show her that you are fine and I bet it will really cheer her up!”

She really liked the sound of that, happily nuzzling against his hand as he slowly stood up from his seat, tugging softly on the leash. “Come on pet, lets go and show your friend how much of a good girl you are.”

Bonbon was still slumped against the wall, her voice was hoarse and her throat was sore from all the screaming that she had been doing. Non of that mattered. She had failed her friend, and she had failed herself.

The hoofcuffs had left indents in her hoof from where she had tried to dig them free, and she was pretty sure she had chaffed at least a little of the fur off in her frantic attempts to break free.

All that struggling had gotten her nowhere however, and had only sapped every ounce of strength she had for fighting. She was a broken mare.

The door to the basement slowly swung open, and the silhouette of Lyra stepped into the door frame, slowly climbing down the stairs towards her with what appeared to be a pot of tea floating next to her.

She was so happy to see her friend that it took her several moments to question just what her friend was doing with a tea pot.

“Lyra! Thank Celestia. Get me down from here so that we can get out of this place.”

When she finally saw Lyra, she let out a gasp at the black collar she now wore.
“What the hell happened to you? Why are you wearing that collar?”
Lyra smiled sweetly at her “John and I talked things through and sorted everything out. Do you want some tea while we talk things through? I brewed it myself!”

The chains fell open and Bonbon tumbled to the floor in a most ungraceful fashion, Lyra helping her up with a hoof and floating her the tea. Bonbon looked up to her, then down at the tea.

Then she threw the teacup into the wall where it shattered dramatically and sent tea splashing to the floor.

Moments later she dived straight into Lyra and begin to beat her senseless.

Chapter 2

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After a brief fight in which Bonbon had of course won, Lyra was lying in a bruised and battered heap. Her best friend was staring hatefully down at her, a hoof pressed firmly into her throat. With one simple motion she could have ended Lyra right then and there.

She just had to do one little movement. She wanted to so badly. It would be easy, just let all that hate tear out of her and rip Lyra apart. Her eyes bruned down into those of her friend, filled with enough hate that it might have been enough to make Lyra’s head explode if her gaze had lingered any longer.

But as quickly as all that hate had arrived, it melted back out of her. Her friend had been drugged, manipulated. Non of this was her fault, and yet she had considered breaking her neck.

Her hooves slowly moved away, and the terrified look on her friends face slowly melted away. And then John smashed something into the back of her head, and her whole world went tumbling into a black void.

When consciousness found her, she was tied down to what appeared to be a chair. After several moments of trying her best to shake the grogyness from her mind, she realized that it was a chair. She was tied down to a chair at the table she had seen coming in.

Laid out before her was what could only be described as a feast, cakes, pastries, tea. It would have sent most ponies into a feed frenzy with that alone, but Bonbon was not easily fooled. She knew that all this food was drugged and she could not eat a single scrap of food, or a single drop of tea.

She raised her head, letting out a loud groan. Across from her, Lyra was sitting with a huge grin plastered across her face. Bonbon refused to look at her, refused to accept she was wearing a collar like some kind of animal, refused to accept that it was all her fault that this had happened.

John was grinning at her from off to the side, done up even neater then he had been when they met. She hated him more then words could accurately portray. She was still going to try however.
“When I get free of these binds I am going to slaughter you for everything you’ve done.” She spat in a voice full of enough venom to drop a large animal.

John just laughed. He laughed like her words held no weight to him, and in that moment she knew that she was going to make his last breathes painful ones.

“You hear that pet? I just want to have a tea party with her, and this is how she treats me… She is not a very nice pony, don’t you agree?”
Lyra gave a soft smile and shook her head “I think she is just grumpy because I was right and she was not… Come on Bonbon, you must be at least a little hungry, why won’t you eat?”

Bonbon turned to her friend in an instant. “I really am sorry that all of this has happened to you. This is all on me, and I accept responsabilty for it… But he’s using you Lyra! The food is drugged or something, can’t you see it in the way he’s treating you!”

Lyra just laughed softly, “See it in the way he treats me? What about in the way you’ve treated me. If we really look at it, he’s done nothing but be nice to me, and you’ve done nothing but be a massive cunt.”

She was taken aback by her friend’s harsh words, her tongue tangling over itself in a frantic attempt to put a sentence together. “Come on Lyra… Trust me, please!”

John laughed at their interaction, which was really annoying. Celestia she wanted to smash his head in so bad. It would be so easy too, she would just have to get out of these binds and he was as good as dead. The human gave a sigh, then looked to Lyra.

“I think your friend could use some tea to help her calm down, why don’t you pour her a cup, then make sure she drinks it.”

Lyra gave a nod, picking up to the teaot in her mouth and threateningly trotting towards Bonbon, who fixed her with a glare “Don’t do this. You must realize by now that it is drugged! How can you not see this?”

Lyra chuckled, pouring her a teacup of the warm fluid “I know it’s drugged. I also know that Master takes good care of me, and he will take good care of you too! You really should not have beaten me up like that.” She said, chuckling slowly as she slowly floated the cup towards Bonbon’s mouth. She struggled, thrashing about wildly while letting out a number of distressed noises that were all ignored.

She realized that if she tried to force the tea on her like this, it was just going to go to waste, so she moved up next to her friend and forced her mouth open with magic. Her hooves moved up and clamped roughly over her nose, and then she poured the tea straight into her mouth.

At this moment, Bonbon had two choices, drink the drugged tea and submit to her fate, or choke to death on it. The first option did seem very appealing, but she did not have much of a choice in the matter when her survival instincts kicked in and she was forced to choke down the tea.

She swore some of it came out her nose, and she spluttered, wretched and writhed in her binds, Lyra moving away from her to go and sit by her master. John once again gave that cruel chuckle Bonbon hated so much, tussling Lyra’s mane as a reward for a job well done “And now, we wait. We will leave her to suffer for being so mean to you.”

She was dragged down into the dungeon once again, chained up against the cold stone wall as arousel flared in her loins, heat filling her body. Suddenly she was thankful for the cold stone, which was the only comfort she had from the raging heat coming from within.

Bonbon assured herself that she was not going to break. She was going to take all the abuse, think of a way to get out of her, kill John and escape with her best friend. Her meals were brought in three times a day, delicious foods and pastries that Lyra would try to feed her. She could not eat them. To eat them was to face that intense lust that was tearing apart her mind again.

Water was ,much harder. Horses need a lot of water to function, and she knew that if she want more then two days without the vital fluid, she was at risk to all kinds of nasty things. She drank the bare minimum to keep herself alive, and even that sent her into an insane frenzy.

On the third day, after she had first drank water, she had thought it had been bad. Her snatch had drizzled down her thighs and then the juices had cooled, chilling her and making it even more difficult to sleep.

On the fourth day, she realized that her muscles were going to waste, and she already had sores on her hooves were the chains had rubbed away her fur. It was going to get very uncomftorable very fast.

It was at this point things went south. With her body weakening, she needed more water, and more water meant more of the drug.

With all her training against this kind of thing, she managed to last an impressive seven days. On the seventh she gave in and downed a whole bucket of water she knew as drugged. It was this that finally shattered her will. Her cunt had begin to drip so much that it coated the wall behind her and soaked her hooves, her cunt screaming out for cock.

After a few hours, the drugs took full effect and she begin to scream for cock too. Lyra came trotting into the dungeon and watched her as she writhed and thrashed about like a snake impaled on a stick.

Bonbon had fixed her broken eyes on her best friend, well aware that one of them was twitching. “P-please! I will be good! Just…. Fuck me… I need.. Make it stop...”

Her brain was not the best at putting words together right now, but Lyra seemed to understand, pulling out a key and unlocking her manicals. At this point her legs were very weak, and she was very tired. She fell to the floor and managed to land on her hooves for all of one second before they gave out beneath her and she collapsed in a tangle of limbs.

Lyra had trotted over to her, tutting softly as she helped the pony up. “Look at you, you’re a mess… Why do you do these things to yourself Bonbon? You could have just agreed straight away and we could have had so much fun serving master together.”

She turned to her friend, barely noticing the new studs in her ears or on her tongue. Right, it was her turn to say something. Put words together in an order to accurately portray to her friend just what it was she wanted. After several moments of putting the various words together perfectly, her mouth opened.

“Penis… Now?” She said, the words rolling off her tongue like they were alien, her hind legs shaking with need as she awaited the response from her friend.
Lyra simply smiled “Of course dear, you just need to ask master nicely and he might sort you out with a nice hard cock to sate your needs.”

She liked the sound of that, like… Really liked the sound of that. Smart words were not really flooding into her brain right now, but if she had to pick one, it would likely be ‘loved’. She loved the sound of getting a nice hard cock rammed into her cunt until she squealed and squirted everywhere.

As they slowly climbed up the stone steps into the main area of the house, Bonbon was amazed by how tidy everything was. It had been fairly tidy before of course, but this time it looked like someone had been over it with a microscope and made sure that they got every single atom of dirt up.

Bonbon had no doubt that her friend had been responsible for this, her friend was always and amazingly hard worker when she put her mind to anything. She had other things on her mind at the moment however, her eyes scanning around frantically until she spotted the human sat in an armchair set against one of the back walls of the wooden hut.

The movement she made towards him was not a trot, it was not much of a gallop either. She did not know exactly what it was, but she willed her body to head towards him, and then she was suddenly stood right in front of him, as if she had teleported the distance between them.

She was not going to question it however. She dived on him in an instant, and John cried out in shock as he suddenly got a lap full of pony that was attempting to hump his knee.

After realizing who it was and what they wanted however, a hearty laugh tore from his lips “Oh, hello Bonbon…. Did you want something?” He asked casually, a hand raking through her mane slowly.

“Penis! Give me cock in my cunt… Please.” She said, well, she hoped she said. It was what she had been intending to say, but all the words had kind of blended together into one really long word then coming out in a coherent sentence.

John looked down at her, and for a moment she was sure that he was going to give one of his signuture chuckles. Instead, he simply gave her a warm smile as his hand dragged through her mane, his other one reaching out to grab her hooves in turn, looking at the marks the manicles had made.

“Of course dear. I’d love nothing more then to break in my new mare, but first I need to tend to those wounds, in fact you could both use a bath!”

He stood up in an instant, his powerful hands placing her down on the ground as she let out a soft whine. The human strolled through the house and out into the back garden. Bonbon did not realize he had one, but amazingly it looked great, considering he was just one man living out in the middle of a swamp.

The human slowly looked around, then pulled out an old tin bathtub from under a plastic tarpulian. It might have been old, clearly out dated since most ponies now had indoor plumbing, but it was not rusty and did not show any signs of its age beyond the fact it was dated tech.

Lyra moved up next to Bonbon, and she looked towards her mint green friend, taking in the details of her horn binder, the collar and gag that she wore around her neck at all times in case of rough fucking. This was what a good pony looked like, this was what she needed to look like if she wanted to get all the love and penis possible.

She really hoped she did well enough to get branded just like Lyra, nothing would have made her happier. As she watched, the human came out of the house and emptied warm water into the bath one pail full at a time. After this was done, he moved over and tossed a few sprigs of lavender from his garden into it.

“OK girls, climb in!” He said cheerfully, holding up a bar of clearly home-made lavender soap. “

Lyra had never moved so fast in her life, and was in the bath before she even had chance to reach it, some of the water spilling over the sides as she climbed into the warm water.

Bonbon was not going to be shown up that easily, and she quickly scrambled into the water next to her, sighing happily as the warm water wrapped around her, warming her limbs and soothing her… nether regions.

She really wanted to move a hoof down and just rub her snatch until the heat was all gone. Of course, she was also aware that doing so would displease her master, and that was not something that she wanted to do.

The water stung slightly at the sores on her hooves, and she winced in pain. John noticed this and sighed, leaning down with the bar of soap and a sponge that he had gotten somewhere. The washing that he begin to give was the most amazing thing that Bonbon had ever felt, his gentle touch, the soothing scrubbing over her fur.

She could not have asked for it to be more perfect. And then as quickly as it had started it was over, and she was back to being needy. She waited paitently however, saying nothing as she watched John begin to clean Lyra.

The mint green unicorn was much more vocal in her noises of approval, practically moaning like a whore as the sponge scrubbed over every inch of her fur. Celestia damn it, Bonbon had been outdone again.

After their bath was over, Bonbon was very sad. The human emptied all the water out of the tub and dried them both with a towel. After this, he sat Bonbon down at the table and vanished outside, coming back a few minutes later with several plants that he begin to grind up and mix with the bandages.

The sickly green fabric did not look like it was going to do her any good, but upon wrapping it around her sores, she instantly started to feel some kind of healing effect. Along with this, he made sure that she ate properly, feeding her a bowl of pottage, which was a thick vegtable soup that tasted amazing.

After she was finally done with all of this, it was finally time for her to get her breeding. At least, she hoped that that was the case. She really did not want to be left like this, the hormones were tearing through her mind and making it so hard to focus on anything. She just wanted to have his cock buried in her cunt,

They moved back into the house and the human slowly removed his clothes, looking over his two pets with a soft smile before sitting down in his armchair, his erect member standing to attention as he waved the two mares forward with his free hand, rubbing over their ears and manes as he reached around, snapping Bonbon’s collar into place.

Bonbon had never been so happy in her whole life. The snap of the collar locking in place was the best sound she had ever heard, and her hooves lept down to grip at her collar.

It was a deep red in collar, matching with the black colouration of Lyra’s collar. Master was so smart to colour code things like that! She rubbed at the collar and then raised her head, giving her master a big smile to show how much she loved it.

John did not react, moving his hand down to stroke his cock as he waved it at them slowly. “So? Get to work.” He said with a chuckle. The two mares looked to each other, then back to the cock.

Then they both dived forward so quickly that they almost smacked their heads together. Lyra got there first and begin to lick up and down the shaft like it was some kind of candy cane, leaving Bonbon to tend to his balls.

She was not very happy about this, but she did not complain. If this pleased her master and got him to plough her, then so be it. She nuzzled and licked softly at his balls, then nuzzled into them softly, taking them in her mouth one at a time and gently suckling on them, driving groans of pleasure from the male.

If she had to describe how they tasted, it would likely be along the lines of “musky”, but she had not been asked to describe how they tasted. All she cared about was how horny sucking them was making her feel. She was pretty sure that her cunt was rather openly dripping on the floor, but that did not matter to her, all that mattered was the amazing cock in front of her.

John moved his powerful arms down, lifting her up slowly with his hands hooked just under her armpits. He was so strong, and her tail was soon wagging happily as she anticipated what was coming next. He smiled sweetly down at her, a slight smirk hidden behind it. “Are you ready dear?” He asked.

She had never nodded so fast in her life. The human gave a large smile and lifted her over his cock, which throbbed needfully as it rubbed against the entrance of her cunt. Lyra gave an annoyed whine as she realized what was about to happen. Bonbon simply squeaked happily to herself, grinning at him.

Then he dropped her, his cock blurring past her lips and making her scream out in pleasure as it rubbed over every inch of her insides, sending waves of unimaginable pleasure tearing through her.

Natrually, she did the only thing she was able to at this moment, which was howling in pleasure as she seemed to lose all control over her muscles, her limbs tensing up as her eyes rolled back, biting down on her own lip to try and prevent the screams from getting any louder then they already had.

John looked down at her and let out a soft chuckle, before his grip around her limbs tightened, the human beginning to raise her up and down on his cock like she was little more then a toy. Of course, Bonbon was not complaining. This is exactly what she had wanted, and now that it was finally here, it was better then she could have imagined.

Her hind legs kicked softly against empty air, and then she managed to hook them around his waist, lifting herself up and down rapidly as she cried out in pleasure, already lost in a whole ocean of it. As she was lifted to the tip of his cock, the waters were still, and then as he slammed her back down all the way to his base, a huge wave of pleasure tore into her, making her howl.

Throughout the howl thing, John stayed almost perfectly silent, the odd grunts of pleasure doing nothing to disaude him from his brutal thrusting. As he fucked the convulsing pony senseless, feeling her cunt clench perfectly around his shaft, as if moulded for it, he gave a nod to Lyra.

The mint green unicorn knew exactly what he wanted and trotted off without another word as he redoubled his efforts, fucking the poor pony even as she howled and convulsed, eyes rolling around and limbs keeping her held against him as she was hammered.

Bonbon’s first orgasm caught her totally off guard, she did not realize what was happening until the pleasure spiked and she screamed out, eyes going wide as her head flopped back. John merely let out a grunt, but to Bonbon, it was like an addict getting their first hit in an age. She wanted more. She wanted more!

She lifted her head up and pressed her hooves into his shoulders, pinning him against the armchair as she used her powerful limbs to drive herself up and down on his cock, which was soon blurring frantically in and out of her snatch. The poor human had not been expecting this, he had not expected her to recover so quickly from her climax and fuck him like this.

There was nothing he could do to stop it however, nothing he could do but get pinned against the back of the armchair and accept that she was going to ride him until she was sated.

Her hooves dug painfully into her shoulder blades, reminding him that ponies, even small ones, had an amazing strength to weight ratio. He gritted his teeth and tried not to cry out, but then she was twisting her hooves, making them dig right into the bone.

His eyes flew wide and a curse tore from his lips, and suddenly the pain had forced him over the edge. He had not been ready, he had been planning to hold off and tease her, but now John was not in control, and it was his turn to scream in pleasure.

The poor helpless human did an almost exact replica of what Bonbon had done, howling like a mare in heat as his eyes rolled back and his cock throbbed rapidly, then exploded inside of her, spraying thick ropes of seed that was not even fertile into her, filling up her womb as his seed frantically tried to knock her up.

Then he came down from his orgasm, almost as quickly as he had gone up. He fell limp against the chair, panting rapidly as Bonbon twisted her hooves more, sending agony tearing through him as she rode his limp cock, trying to get him hard again.

This time it was Bonbon who screamed out however, as Lyra had come back with the red hot branding iron and stabbed it straight into her cutiemark. She squealed and whinned, and then John used his powerful arms to grab her roughly, lifting her up once the branding was done and slamming her down against the dining table.

He took the branding iron from Lyra and roughly tabbed it into her other cutiemark, the sizzling of her flesh followed by her squeals of pain, her juices dribbling onto the table as the abuse served only to turn her on more.

The human let out a cruel chuckle as he pinned her against the table, passing the branding iron to Lyra, who floated it away with her magic.
“That was a very bad thing you did. I think I am going to have to teach you your place now, dear. Lyra, go get the bag of toys.”

Lyra moved off without another word, Bonbon’s new master reaching a pair of fingers down to slowly rub over the new burn marks on her flank, trailing them over the hand shaped pattern as he watched Bonbon squirm with pain.

Bonbon gave a light chuckle, a defiant smirk “If you did not like it, then why did you scream like a mare when I hurt you? I felt how much it turned you on~” She teased, earning an annoyed growl.

Lyra came back with a large black duffle bag and the human dug around in it for a second, pulling out a black leather and steel ring gag that he forced into Bonbon’s muzzle to silence her words.

“We’re going to have to work that defiance out of you.” He taunted, passing a huge strap-on to Lyra.

Bonbon gulped nervously.