
by FourShadow

First published

Adagio's sick, and who else will come to help? Trixie of course!

Adagio, much to her luck, gets a cold and is unfortunately stuck in bed. At least Trixie's here to provide company!

4th Entry of the Friendly Dagi/Dork Trixie series.


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The morning sun shined its glare into Adagio Dazzle's bedroom. As the glare entered, it hit Adagio's face, enticing her eyes to slowly open up. She smiled as she saw it rise, just the sign that said it was going to be a gorgeous day.

She yawned, sitting up in her bed and stretched her arms.

"Good morning, Canterlot," Adagio said, smiling all the while. "Today is definitely--"

She stopped midway in her speech, coughing. She put her hand at here throat, feeling a sudden itch. Seconds later, she started coughing some more. And worse, she let out a loud sneeze. Feeling her nose tickle again, she grabbed the tissue box from her nightstand, grabbing a tissue just in time to catch another.

What was causing this? Walking over to one of her drawers, she opened it up and pulled out a small thermometer designed for her ear. After it beeped, she pulled it out and checked the number, her eyes widened.

"Oh no..." she wheezed.

As much as Adagio wished she didn't want to, she had no choice. She had to stay in bed, and avoid getting her sisters and the rest of her classmates at school sick. Aria and Sonata were informed of her sickness, and they just left her alone so she could just get back to bed to try and rest.

Adagio closed the blinds, and she curled up in her bed. She tried to throw all of her blankets on top of her to keep her shivering body nice and warm, but even then she had some problems. Lots of sneezing, coughing to add to the mix, and she felt like she would fall down if she even stood up and got out of bed.

Suddenly, her attention was quickly diverted to her door, with an audible knock.

"Adagio? Its me, Trixie!"

Adagio moaned. "No... Trixie..."

"Adagio, your sisters told me you had to stay in bed. Are you sick?"

Adagio sneezed and coughed, answering Trixie's reply.

"Never mind then."

"Trixie, please, I don't want you to be sick!" Adagio cried.

"But I can't just let you sit here, being miserable! Can't I come in?"

"I-I don't know..." Adagio coughed.

"Come on, please?" Trixie begged.

Adagio sighed, followed by another cough. "O-Okay..."

Trixie opened up the door, seeing the mess on Adagio's bedroom floor. A few bits of clothes scattered about, like she just threw them all out of her closets and dresser drawers. And when she stumbled to her bed, she could see Adagio all wrapped up under the blankets, trying to stay as warm as possible.

"Hey Dagi," Trixie cooed.

Adagio's eyes slowly leered up, looking at Trixie and she weakly smiled. "H-Hey, Trixie..."

Trixie frowned, hearing her sore voice. Her hand reached the top of her head, feeling the hotness.

"Oh, Dagi... you're burning up," Trixie said. "Did you check your temperature?"

"Y-Yeah..." Dagi coughed. "103... not good!"

Adagio sneezed again, thankfully grabbing a tissue just in time.

"Trixie, please, I know you just want to take care of me but, please, just go back to school or home or... what time is it?"

"Its after school hours," Trixie replied. "And I know you don't want me sick, but I don't want to just leave you here sick and miserable. I wanna make you feel better. Besides, I could give you company."

Adagio saw no chance of arguing against Trixie. Plus, on the other hand, part of her felt appreciative that Trixie wanted to come and make her feel better.

"I guess I would--" Adagio sneezed, "like that."

Trixie patted her head, smiling at her.

"Want me to get you anything?"

Adagio shivered, "I can't think of anything..."

Trixie tapped her chin, and snapped her fingers. "How about I make you some hot soup and ramen?"

Adagio thought for a second, and then smiled with a small nod. "I-I would like some."

Trixie grinned. "Let me go warm it up, and I'll bring it up to you."

Trixie was about to get up, but stopped.

"Actually... before I do," Trixie dug into her bookbag. She pulled out a small stuffed animal from her bag, offeirng it to Adagio. A teddy bear with a little bowtie.

"Aww, who's this little guy?"

"This is Mr. Magic-Bear. He uh... my mom gave him to me when I got sick, and I always held him whenever I was sick. Helps if you've got something to snuggle," Trixie smiled, patting her shoulder.

Adagio graciously accepted the teddy bear, holding it close to herself. Trixie then got up out of the room to go warm up her ramen and soup. As she went downstairs, Adagio attempted to pull herself up for when Trixie would come back with her soup. She sneezed again, sniffling and rubbing at her nose.

A few minutes went by, and Trixie came back up, holding a bowl of hot soup with ramen inside. Adagio smiled, seeing the hot food in front of her. As Adagio sat in the chair next to her, she gave her the bowl. Adagio blew on the soup, and took a sip.

"Mmm... that's good," Adagio whispered.

Trixie giggled. "I'm glad."

As Adagio sipped on her soup, Trixie sat up straight in her chair, giving her her undivided attention.

"So, please," Adagio asked with a hoarse voice, "H-How was your day?"

Trixie tiled her head side to side, thinking about it. "Well, it wasn't really anything special. Everyone's okay, so... oh, before I forget," Trixie dug into her bag again, "Our friends made you a Get Well card, they heard you were sick."

"Aww... how sweet," Adagio cooed, accepting the card.

Trixie smiled.

"Please, tell them I said thank you."

"I will."

Adagio sipped some more of her soup, enjoying the hot food.

"Anyways, is there anything in class I may have missed?" Adagio asked.

"Not really, no. We're just starting a new unit in History, that's the only thing going on," Trixie replied. "Geometry's still the same, and we're still reading 'Leonidas' in English."

Adagio slowly nodded, understanding the matter at hand.

"But if you don't mind, alright if I ask you something?"


"Have you ever been sick before?" Trixie asked, curiously.

"Well, yes," Adagio nodded.

"Was there anyone to take care of you when you were?"

Adagio didn't say another word after that question. And instead just stared down at her ramen, eating another piece.

"Adagio? Did no one take care of you?"

Adagio sighed. No escaping now. Looking up, she shook her head, sadly.

"Aww, Dagi..." Trixie purred, stroking her cheek. "No one?"

Adagio shook her head again. "I was always taking care of my sisters, and when I did get sick, I was just trying to take care of myself. I didn't want my sisters to suffer so... I never asked them for help."

Trixie frowned even more. "Dagi, its okay to ask for help."

"I know, but... I don't know," Adagio admitted, "Forgive me, but I guess I'm a little stubborn. I guess I feel if anyone sees me like this, then... they'll think I'm weak."

Trixie shook her head this time. "You're not weak, Adagio. You're a strong girl, and you know it. Being sick doesn't make you weak. Well, sort of, but you understand what I mean, right? You're just like everyone else."

Adagio's lips curled, thinking and giving some thought.

"Its okay to ask for help, okay?" Trixie smiled, stroking her cheek.

Adagio blushed at Trixie's touch, and leaned into her hand with an adorable grin, purring like a kitten. Trixie giggled hearing her cat mimicking.

"I see someone still has her seductive button on," Trixie giggled.

Adagio smirked some more, coughing quietly. "S-Still got it..."

Trixie stroked her cheek again and patted her forehead.

"So, um... want me to turn the TV on for you, or..."

Adagio smiled. "I would like that."

Trixie smiled back and grabbed the TV remote, turning on the television.

"--As we left the Clam Flow that day..."

After a few hours or so, Trixie checked the time on her phone, realizing how late it was becoming.

"Oh, I need to go home," Trixie said, putting her phone away.

"Aww... I liked having you here," Adagio whimpered like a lost puppy.

"Adagio, I'll come over again tomorrow, okay? I'm not just gonna leave you," Trixie smiled.

Adagio frowned, knowing that Trixie would have to leave. But still though, the thought of her being able to come over again was reassuring.


"I promise," Trixie nodded with another smile.

Adagio smiled back and Trixie patted her head.

"You should get some sleep though. You need your rest," Trixie instructed.

Adagio sighed. "Okay... mind tucking me in?" she asked with a sly wink.

Trixie giggled and she went to grab the covers, pulling them over to keep Adagio's slender body nice and warm. Once she was snuggled in tight, Trixie sat by her bed, looking over to Adagio's cute face. She stroked her cheek some more, getting that adorable purring sound from her again. So cute!

"I'll come over again tomorrow to see how you're doing," Trixie said, "Get some rest."

Adagio yawned. "Okay..."

Trixie blew her a kiss, and she got up on her feet, grabbing her belongings.

"Wait," Adagio said, stopping her.

"Yes Adagio?"

Adagio looked up to her adorkable girlfriend, giving a tender smile under her red nose and watery eyes.

"Thank you. I really appreciated you being here."

Trixie couldn't help but smile once again.

"Your welcome, Adagio. You would do the same for me, right?"

"Mmmhmm. Though I would have done it a bit differently..."

"How so?"

Adagio coughed. "Maybe dressing as a nurse for you," Adagio gave a seductive wink, making her face go red.

"W-Well then, um... maybe when that time comes you, uh... I'm gonna go now."

Adagio chuckled, seeing her red face.

"Goodnight, Trixie."

"Goodnight Adagio. Hope you feel better," Trixie said, before leaving the room and closing the door. As the door closed, so did all of the light, making the room dark again.

Adagio let out a big yawn and sighed, and she curled up under the sheets to get warmer still. And so with the room quiet, she slowly drifted into the dreamland. Dreaming for the day she would get better, and she would kiss that adorable geek once again...