Royal Guard Academy

by SpyroForLife

First published

Tempest Shadow spends ten weeks learning that Royal Guard training, while effective, isn't quite what she expected.

When Tempest Shadow agreed to join the Royal Guard at Princess Celestia's recommendation, she was expecting ten weeks of epic combat training, marching around with a noble group of ponies in gleaming gold armor, saluting famous generals, and generally having the best time of her life. Instead she finds out what military training really involves: endless in-processing, chores, multiple screw-ups after another, yelling, crying, and the inevitable drama that happens when multiple ponies with different viewpoints are forced to live in one room with no way away from each other. Well. Alright then, she's still going to try and have the best time of her life.

Like Fireworks in the Sky isn't required reading, but it will generally help set things up for this one. This features lots and lots of OCs as Tempest's fellow trainees. Many names and designs were just made up on the spot, so any resemblance to other characters original or canon is completely coincidental.

I also have a Discord! Rather quiet right now but feel free to join if you wanna talk fics or just ponies in general! Ask me for the link if you want in, I had to remove it because of too many spam bots.

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1. Submitting the Application

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The day has finally arrived. Tempest’s doctor gave her the usual check-up, and cleared her to return to her normal physical activities. She was advised to be careful of course, but her ribs were fully healed and the gash from the Roc’s talon was a mere scar now.

She pranced as she left the office, and opened the portal to Chaosville with a particularly showy toss of her head. She trotted into her house and called, “Discord!”

Discord slid down the banister from upstairs. “Hey! How was the doctor’s visit?”

“Great! He said I’m pretty much healed and I can go back to life as normal.”

“I’m glad to hear it!”

“Which means…” Tempest went to the kitchen counter, rummaging through the stack of important papers she kept on it, before finally pulling out an envelope. The wax seal on the back was broken, but bore the signature crest of Celestia herself. “I can finally join the Royal Guard.”

“Ooh, excellent!” Discord joined her as she took the envelope over to the dining room table and sat down.

Tempest tugged the papers out and unfolded them. She had to go through registration like every other applicant to the guard, but Celestia had sent her a condensed version of the registration paperwork that basically carried the endorsement of the princesses. This guaranteed entry, the paperwork was literally just for informational purposes.

Retrieving a pen, Tempest started filling it out. It was simple at first. Name, birthday, place of birth. She was honest in giving her original name of Fizzlepop Berrytwist, but the form also had a section for preferred names, where she wrote Tempest Shadow.

It asked for addresses of her current and previous homes, and she hesitated.

“Just give them my address, and before that Twilight’s castle for that brief few weeks you were there,” Discord suggested. “Before that, where you lived as a filly. But I doubt they’re going to look too much into this.”

Tempest nodded and kept writing.

She pondered over questions about medical conditions. Family history and her own injuries and illnesses. She took a breath, and again chose to be honest. They weren’t going to reject her.

There were a few pages of information on what she would have to expect, and she was asked to sign her acknowledgment of everything. By signing, she accepted all the terms and couldn’t sue them for trauma or injury.

“Well I’m not expecting boot camp to be rainbows and sunshine,” Tempest said as she signed off on that. “If I get messed up, oh well, I chose to be there.”

“Ten weeks,” Discord read from the paper. “So ten weeks of basic training, after which you will be assigned to a position. You’ll be allowed to apply for positions while in training but there’s no guarantee you’ll get what you want. Hm.”

“Yeah but Celestia is gonna keep a close eye on my progress and get me where she wants me,” Tempest replied. She flipped the page, which asked her to choose her first enlistment term. She could go for a quick three years… or sign up for five which offered quicker promotion opportunities. After each, she would have the choice to stay in or leave. She wanted to serve in the guard for a very long time. She checked off five years and added yet another signature.

“If I understand how it works, I’m specifically going to the Royal Guard Academy in Canterlot for officer training,” Tempest said. “Enlisted go through a different course. After that, I’ll be sent to a school for my particular job. Then I’ll finally get to start working.”

“So this will take months,” Discord said.


“Will I be able to see you?”

“Not during basic. During tech school, maybe.”

“Well, I’m going to miss you, but I support you in this.” Discord set his hand over her hoof. She smiled and nuzzled him.

“Thank you.” Tempest finished the registration and folded it back up. She took out a new envelope and addressed it to the recruitment board back in Canterlot, and went to get a stamp.

Though Discord was an accepted citizen of Ponyville, ponies didn’t often come into his personal dimension. Mostly because they didn’t know how but also because it still worried them. So Tempest elected to go back into Ponyville to take the letter straight to the post office.

“These are very important papers,” she said to the mare working the counter.

“Don’t worry ma’am, we’ll get them to Canterlot safely!” the energetic pegasus replied, taking the envelope and handing it off to another worker.

Tempest nodded. “Thank you.” She headed out. She returned to her house, where she climbed onto the couch and stretched out.

Discord soon joined her, lounging over her and yawning.

“We should get a house in Canterlot once I’m a guard,” Tempest said.

“Oh?” Discord asked curiously.

“Yeah. It’ll just be more convenient to have a house in the city. I want my coworkers to be able to find me quickly if they have to during off hours. Chaosville is nice but unless you know that it exists and can use a portal spell to get to it, you won’t be able to get in.”

Discord thought about it, then said, “I suppose you’re right. We should get a house. Plus it’ll be easier for our friends to get to if we want to spend time with them, and we’ll probably get our mail on time, and there’s the whole local community…”

Tempest snuggled with him. “Exactly. We can decorate it to be just like this one… on the inside, anyway.”

“Yeah! Okay dear, if you want to buy a house after your training, I would love to.”

“Cool. And… another thing, then.” Tempest gently pawed at his hand with her hoof until he grasped it. “Once I’m in and things are all settled… would you like to get married then?”

Discord’s ears perked up. “Oh, you want to get married so soon?”

“Well, sure. We’ve already agreed we want to get married, so why put it off? And if I’m married I’ll get additional income. It would help us out a lot, and you can get benefits from it too!”

Discord raised a brow. “Like what?”

“It’s easier to get into college,” Tempest said. “And if you wanna go to one of those really fancy ones that cost money, the guard will pay for it.”

“I don’t need higher education, I’m already a genius.”

“Free healthcare?”

“Healthcare is already free.”

“I mean like, really specialized stuff, like say you need long term-”

Discord pointed at his face. “I’m not a pony and they won’t be able to help me.”

“Right. Hm.” Tempest thought about it. “Access to the Canterlot military complex with its tax free grocery store?”

“Now you have my interest.” Discord gave her a kiss to the cheek. “But the benefits don’t matter to me, I’m just happy being with you. Like we’ve discussed before, if you want to get married I’m all for it.”

“Are you sure? It really is a dumb pony thing,” she said teasingly.

Discord chuckled. “It may be odd for me but I know how much it means to you and I can appreciate the significance. I’ve seen the benefits of being married. So yes, I’ll marry you.”

She hugged him, kissing him on the lips. He kissed her back, sliding his tail around her lower half to hold her closer.

“I’ve been to weddings but never thought I’d have my own,” Discord commented.

“I guess there’s a first time for everything,” Tempest replied. She rested her head under his chin.

“Suppose so. Hm... Should it be a huge wedding with all our friends or something small?”

“Ugh, definitely something small. Do you think Applejack will let us get married in her orchard?”

“I don’t see why not, but… why there?”

Tempest shrugged. “It’s pretty out there and it’s easy to get to, but we probably won’t have to risk anyone else wandering in because it’s on Applejack’s land.”

“True. Sure, it sounds lovely. We can ask her about it.”

“Yeah. We can invite Grubber, and probably Curly and Dusty, Capper…”

Discord nodded. “Absolutely. Then Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity… hm, Starlight and Trixie…”

“Sounds good to me,” Tempest said, but Discord was still going.

“Spike of course, and Big Mac… might as well have the other Apples attend since it’s their farm… oh we should invite Thorax, I kinda took a liking to him after our adventure together.”

“Okay, that’ll probably be enough people,” Tempest said hastily.

“Heh, alright.” Discord playfully kissed each of her ears. “We should probably start writing things down. Start figuring out our catering, what we’re going to wear, the music…”

“Can I just show up naked?”

“If you want.”

Tempest laughed and got up, grabbing a notebook so she could write some things down. Discord came over to rest his head on her shoulder.

“Music…” Tempest shrugged. “I’ll ask Octavia to play for us for the wedding march and whatnot, but after that we can just have a radio playing for the reception.”

“Can Fluttershy be our Maid of Honor?” Discord asked.

“Sure. Quick question though. What does the Maid of Honor do?”

Discord opened his mouth, then paused. “I’m… actually not sure. I just know that’s a thing.”

“I’m pretty sure the mare is supposed to pick the Maid of Honor and the stallion picks the Best Man.”

“Gender roles are stupid. Anyway I still designate Fluttershy, you pick Best Man.”

“Hah, okay. Um…” Tempest considered, then said, “Grubber.”


While Tempest was writing, Discord summoned a book on weddings and began reading.

“Oh, I see,” he said. “So Maid of Honor is supposed to help the bride with anything she needs before the wedding. Well, good for you, Fluttershy is a dear.”

“Oh, good. And the Best Man’s job?”

Discord flipped the page. “Once upon a time he existed to help cart the bride off to the wedding if her father was unwilling. Or duel to protect the groom’s honor. Now he serves a similar role in helping the groom with whatever he needs.”

“Heh. Yeah, you can have Grubber help you.”


They weren’t too serious in their discussion yet. They knew it would be quite some time before they actually got married since they would be waiting until after all her training. But it was still nice to talk about it and get some details down.

They soon stopped to make lunch, and Discord offered to prepare a casserole. Tempest agreed and helped him cook. He occasionally used magic to create food, but he’s taken a liking to cooking the normal way. Especially when it was with Tempest.

They decided to make some rolls too, and got flour all over each other in the process. Discord tried to clean himself off with a wet rag, which only made it worse. Finally he gave up and tossed the rag back into the sink.

“You’re so cute,” Tempest said.

“No I’m not,” Discord said automatically.

The rolls were put in the oven, and they went to the bathroom to properly clean off. Tempest took a bit longer, scrubbing her mane clean and then finding that some of the flour was stuck to her eyelashes. She scowled and tried to wipe it off without getting it right back into her eye. She failed.

“You really shouldn’t play with your food,” Discord admonished her.

“Oh, is that so?” She blinked a few times, then turned on the faucet and stuck her face under it.

“Yeah! Then we get situations like this. You silly pony.”

She pulled her head back. “It’s not my fault I’m dating an unpredictable draconequus who was never taught not to throw food around.”

“Pft. You started it.”

“Wow, okay. I didn’t but whatever.” Tempest managed to get the flour off and turned off the faucet. She walked back to the kitchen.

“You’re so cute.”

“Zip it.” She checked on the food, then sat back at the table, sighing. “I can’t wait until I leave for training. I’ve been needing something to do.”

“I know you’ll do great. You’re going to become the best commander Equestria’s ever had.”

Tempest gave him a grateful smile. “Thank you. I sure hope so.”

“And I know so. You’ve got a big heart and lots of strength. Celestia herself saw your potential. You’ll do well.”

Feeling confident, Tempest declared, “I think I'll do more than well. I'm going to do awesome!”

Discord tapped her nose. “That's my mare.”

2. Calming a Tempest

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Weeks passed. Tempest slowly got back to exercising, wanting to be ready for training. She looked up what the regiment was like in the Academy. Studied Equestrian military structure. She imagined what it would be like, meeting those other noble ponies who got accepted, going through intense training... maybe even meeting high-ranking ponies and making good impressions that will benefit her later!

And she continued discussing marriage plans with Discord, and chatting about which of their friends might be getting married soon as well.

“Seriously, I’m expecting Rarity to get engaged to Capper any day now,” Tempest said. “Those two are all over each other.”

“Oh, they’ll probably have the fanciest wedding,” Discord said. “We’ll have to wear really formal clothes. Ugh.”

“But they’re our friends, and I’ll be happy to,” Tempest replied.

“Oh sure. But just. Bleh.” Discord turned a page of the newspaper, and tore out one of the comic strips. Then proceeded to eat it. “Hm.” He offered a second comic to Tempest. “Does this taste funny to you?”

She snorted. “I’m not gonna eat that.”

“Suit yourself.” Discord tossed it into his mouth.

The doorbell rang. Tempest got up to check it, and was met with a stallion in royal guard armor. “Good morning, ma’am,” he said.

“Good morning,” she replied.

“I’m Captain Pierce, and I’m here to tell you that your application to the Canterlot Royal Guard Academy has been accepted.” He levitated a manila envelope to her, which she took. “You’ll find everything you need to know in here, including your report date. As a pony with Princess Celestia’s endorsement, we expect big things from you. See you soon.”

“Thank you, sir,” Tempest said, shaking his hoof. She tried to offer him a bit for his trouble of coming to Chaosville, but he turned it down and said goodbye, leaving through a portal.

Tempest brought the envelope inside and sat on the couch, opening it.

“So you got in?” Discord asked.


“Atta girl! Let’s see what we got here.”

Tempest slid all the papers out and laid them out on the coffee table. She picked up the first, which was her contract. It went over all the terms she had agreed to and listed the dates for her first service term. She would be expected to report to training in exactly two weeks.

She picked up the second paper, which gave details about her report date and time, along with the location. The Academy was located on a military base in Canterlot. Presenting this paper along with her contract will get her in.

Discord picked up a list. “Oh, here’s what you’ll need to bring with you. Well, there’s items you need, and items you can bring. Hmm.”

Tempest leaned over to read it. Required items included toiletries such as body wash, shampoo, toothpaste, and so on. As well as three plain brown towels and washcloths. It also listed allowed mane accessories, and ordered to leave all jewelry behind with the exception of wedding rings and necklaces.

“No rings, no earrings, nothing,” Tempest said. “No makeup. Makes sense. We’re going to be training, we don’t need to worry about that stuff.”

“You apparently will get an opportunity to buy things at a store on base,” Discord said. “But you’re recommended to get as many items as you can ahead of time. Notebooks, writing utensils, a planner, envelopes and stamps for writing letters. Hm, apparently you can bring needed prescription medication but no over the counter stuff. Not even pain relief like aspirin, or muscle cream.”

“Well that’ll suck, but oh well.” Tempest set the list down. “I’ll get all these things together then. I’m allowed to bring one single set of saddlebags with items. No more. Hm.”

“You probably won’t have a lot of room to store things in the barracks. Or dorms, or whatever they call them.”

“Officer trainees apparently get slightly nicer dorms than the enlisted, but it doesn’t really matter. We’ll need to clean them every day, make our beds a certain way, clean the bathrooms… it’ll be an adventure.”

“Will you all sleep in one big room together?”

“From my understanding, yeah. It depends on what particular flight I’m put in, but generally they have all the beds lined up in a room and that’s where you sleep. Lockers are behind the beds. There’s a separate room for gathering for briefings. And maybe a utility room for washing stuff and storing cleaning supplies.”

“Gotcha. You’ve done a lot of research into this, haven’t you?”

“I wanna know what I’m getting into.”

“Totally understandable.”

Tempest curiously looked over a separate form. It asked for information on friends and family, and she realized she could use this to get people in to her graduation. She could invite up to ten people, and the paperwork will be processed while she’s in training and the invitations mailed out a few weeks before the end. This form will need to be turned in on her first day at the Academy, or she risked not having any guests. She got a pen and started filling it out.

She decided to put Discord on it, along with Grubber, and then eight more friends. It was hard to decide, but finally she got it finished and set it down in the pile that would be going with her to Canterlot.

“Anything else you need to do before you leave?” Discord asked.

“No, I think that’s it. I’ll get all this stuff together, pack my bags, and when the day comes… I’ll head to Canterlot. I’ll be assigned a flight once I arrive, and then I’m trapped for ten weeks.”

“You’ll do great. I’m going to miss you, though.”

“And I’ll miss you. Which just means we should spend as much time together as we can before I leave.”

“Absolutely. So, want to go shopping? Might as well buy all the stuff you need and get it packed.”

“Good idea. Let’s go.” Tempest grabbed her bags and her pouch of bits, and teleported with Discord to Ponyville.

They spent some time gathering everything she needed, and once they had everything, they stopped by Twilight’s castle to exchange some books. Tempest got a new one about leadership skills, and read it with interest as they walked out.

“It’ll be weird learning how to command the Equestrian way rather than the Storm King’s way,” Tempest commented.

“Oh, I bet. But I know you’re up for the challenge. You’ll learn how it’s done and you’ll be great at it,” Discord said.

They sat together in the park, Tempest leaning against Discord as she settled into her book. Discord was content to just pet her shoulder and read along with her.

They talked about the book, debating its philosophies, discussing what they would do in the various situations it described. It was interesting hearing each other’s perspectives, and they both had something new to think about once they finished arguing.

They decided to finish the book at home and headed back to Chaosville. And once Tempest had laid against Discord, his long body wrapped around her as she reclined on their massive bed, she pulled the book back out to keep reading. Discord somewhat talked about it with her, but he tended to spend his evenings daydreaming, and often drifted off into lucid dreams where he was utterly in control and could wreak havoc he could no longer get away with in real life. She would know; he’s invited her along to his dreamscape on multiple occasions. It was always super fun.

Tempest stayed up until she finished the book, and then set it aside and snuggled up to her partner. Her shifting was enough to rouse him from his dreams, and he turned his head around to look at her. She lazily kissed him, and he chuckled before responding.

“Suppose you want to go to sleep now, hm?” he asked.

“A little, but I’m not quite tired enough,” she replied. She gazed at him, then said, “So um. I was wondering…”


“We’ve been together a while, and I’m really comfortable with you… I was wondering if maybe, you’d like to get intimate with me?”

Discord tilted his head. “I’d say us snuggling up to sleep like this is intimate, my dear.”

“Oh, well yeah, but I mean… more intimate.”

“More intimate,” Discord stated. He rubbed his chin. Tempest waited, just looking him in the eyes and willing him to understand without her having to spell it out. But when he just looked gently bemused, she sighed.

She sat up and drew his face in close, stroking along his snout with a hoof. “Can we sleep together?”

“We do sleep together.”

Her ears laid back. Was he messing with her or was he really not picking up on the implications? He was going to make her say it, wasn’t he? Fine. “No, I mean… can we have sex?”

Discord’s eyes widened and he abruptly sat up. “Oh. Oh, okay, so that is what you’re getting at. I see.”

“Is something wrong?”

“Not at all, I’ve just never been propositioned like that before. Oh, goodness.” Discord seemed flattered.

“Really?” Tempest teased. “Handsome guy like you has never been invited into anyone’s bed?”

“Nope. Ah, well… ages ago I remember some creep of a pony hitting on me, but they didn’t seem all there. I mean I was full blown evil back then, their infatuation just disgusted me. But anyway. You’re the first to truly desire me like this, to actually want me because you love me.”

“Oh. Well, yeah.” She ran her hoof through his soft chest fur. “I’ve been thinking about sleeping with you for awhile but haven’t been sure how to bring it up. Plus I wanted to make sure I was done healing before doing something so strenuous. But well, no better time than now, right? Of course, if you want to do it. You can say no.”

He smiled. “Well, who am I to deny my beautiful marefriend? If you want to, I’m all for it.”

“Great! Okay, wow, um…” Tempest wasn’t actually sure how to get started. “Now, I’ve never actually done this before, but… let’s just go with our instincts.”

“Sounds good.” Discord laid down, inviting her into his arms. She kissed him, and he stroked her back as he responded, feeling all the way down to her hips and then back up.

Tempest blushed, and shifted in closer. She raised a leg, getting him to roll slightly on top of her, and kissed him deeper. It was deeply satisfying having his warmth against her, his weight just enough to pin her to the bed but not enough to be uncomfortable.

Discord’s claws slid to her sides, digging in slightly, and she shivered. He paused, looking at her.

Tempest opened her eyes, panting as she met his. “It feels good when you scratch me like that.”

His eyes widened slightly, his pupils dilating. His face was red, and it was such an attractive look on him. “It doesn’t hurt?” he asked curiously.

“Nope. Well, a little, but it’s a good kinda pain. Trust me, I’ll let you know if something really hurts, but for now, keep going.”

He got back to it, and she rested her forelegs around his neck, holding on as he kissed her passionately. Her back arched, and she felt his tail thump against the bed. She crossed her ankles over his body, and thought about just how large he was compared to her. This was going to be interesting.

Discord felt over her thighs, palms rubbing up and down them, and heat flowed down her body. He then gripped under her knees and separated her hind legs, moving back and looking down.

Tempest took the break to try and catch her breath, but she soon became much more interested in what he was doing.

“You’re definitely frustrated,” he commented, looking her up and down.

Tempest licked her lips, and agreed. “Yeah, I’ve um. Wanted this for a while.”

“Clearly. Wow, look at you. All relaxed and ready for me.” Discord’s gaze traveled lower, and he said in a smooth voice, “Let me get you a little more ready.”

“Hm? What do…” She trailed off when he lowered his head, and next thing she knew his snout was between her back legs, and he was nuzzling against sensitive skin and making her cry out.

“Easy,” he whispered, pausing to make sure she was okay.

“I’m good,” she said, heart beating hard. “I just… wasn’t expecting that.”

“Mm, you should know to always expect the unexpected with me,” he replied. He kissed the inside of her thigh, then the other one. Then he was kissing along her folds, making her shudder as he breathed hot air against her. His lips were very gentle as he worked, and her hooves went to his head, holding him in place.

“Discord,” she sighed, rocking slightly against him. He hummed, sending pleasure racing up her spine. His long tongue snaked out, licking her curiously. Her thighs clenched, but she soon relaxed them, wanting him to do it again. And he delivered, lapping at her skin, occasionally suckling over her clit and making her writhe.

His tail lashed with excitement, and she saw his body squirm, his fingers twitching. Inhaling, she could smell his arousal.

“You taste so good,” he murmured against her. “I’ve really been missing out.”

Her face heated up. “You feel amazing. Please, keep going.”

“Certainly. I can keep pleasuring you like this… or would you like to take things further?”

Tempest considered, looking him over. He’s gotten her very hot, and she definitely wanted to feel him inside her. But was she ready to take that step? She met his eyes, and was astounded by how aroused he looked. She’s never seen him like this before, but she liked it. He was utterly focused on her, wanting to touch and please her, and she wanted to do the same for him. She decided to move on. “Yeah, I’d love to go all the way with you.”

He purred, getting comfortable between her legs. He was so tall that once his hips were against hers, it put his head far above her. She laid back against the pillows, admiring the view. Luckily he was flexible, and he was able to bow his back and bring his upper body down so his elbows were on either side of her. A similar trick with his neck and then his lips were hovering against hers.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said, and she bit her lip when he grinded slightly against her. She wasn’t sure what to expect, he wasn’t exactly a stallion, his genitals could be anything.

“Thank you,” she replied. “And you look very handsome.” She curiously slid her hoof between them, wanting to know what he was like. He lifted his stomach, letting her check. She touched him, and her breath caught.

“Easy, it won’t bite,” Discord chuckled.

“I just… wasn’t sure what to expect,” she admitted. She felt along his shaft, finding that the skin was very soft. He seemed to be shaped like a stallion. “Knowing you, there could have been a tentacle down here or something.”

He raised a brow. “Do you want me to have a tentacle? I can look however you want.”

“No, this is fine,” she said hastily. After a moment, she said, “We’ll save the tentacle for next time.”

He laughed. “Of course.” He rubbed against her hoof. “Mm, that’s nice… that’s very nice, I’ve never been touched this way by someone else… oh, that’s good.”

“I’m glad it feels good.” Tempest could tell he was getting hard, and after feeling along him a few times, she determined he was nearly two feet long. Impressive compared to the average stallion, but considering how much larger he was, it made sense. Luckily she was a larger mare so she should have no problem taking him.

“You have such gentle hooves. But I think you have other plans for me.” He slid from her grip and rubbed between her legs. She moaned, realizing how slick she had gotten.

“Y-yeah, I would like to move on,” she said. She held onto his arms as he shifted his position, pressing his tip against her. “I’m ready when you are.”

“Mm, you’ve been ready. Then here we go.” He kissed her, sliding inside. She lifted her back, moaning and squeezing her eyes shut. He felt so good, his length thick inside her, and he was so warm.

“Discord,” she exhaled, moving her hooves up to hold his neck instead.

“Oh, Tempest,” he whispered back. “You feel amazing. Doing okay?”

“Mm, great… please, move.”

“Of course.” He started moving, sliding in and out, and she cried out with pleasure as she was repeatedly filled. She had no shame, vocalizing loudly for him, and knew it was exciting him.

In response, he was loud too, groaning and praising her, and his claws were soon biting into her sides again. She trembled, overwhelmed with bliss, and wrapped her back legs around him, bucking to meet his thrusts.

Discord growled low in his throat, and kissed her deep. It was a possessive, fiery sort of kiss, one that sent ecstasy rolling through her. She responded eagerly, feeling her muscles start to tense, her body already approaching its climax. She just had one small concern that she hoped he could address.

“Mm, babe?” she whispered against his lips.

“Hm?” His voice was husky when he replied. “What do you need, love?”

“I… ah, oh that’s good… I don’t need something exactly, just…” She caught her breath, then said, “Can draconequus get ponies pregnant?”

Discord’s pace slowed slightly as he thought about it. Then he said, “I’ve never heard of such a thing. It’s rare enough for two draconequus to reproduce. But I’ve never seen or heard of us creating a hybrid.”

“Mm, alright then.”

“Why do you ask?”

“Oh…” She reached up to play with one of his ears. “Just deciding whether or not I want you to come inside me.”

He moved harder, making her jerk. “And? What would you like me to do?”

“Ahh… I want you to come inside me, please…”

“Such a dirty mare.” He kissed her, then lifted his head to nip her ear. “Very well.”

She couldn’t hold back anymore. His thrusts were so on point, filling her and hitting right where she needed him, and his strong hands were holding her and his dulcet voice was in her ear and she was just so turned on. The pleasure built to a peak, and he didn’t slow, just steadily driving into her, and it pushed her over the edge.

“Discord!” she keened as she finished, back lifting and heels digging against him. Her body squeezed around him, and she heard him whimper, pace faltering. Then he was finishing too, and she gasped as hot cum coated her insides. It felt like there was so much, and she moaned, rubbing herself against him to prolong the sensation as much as possible. The waves of pleasure went on for several seconds, and she tossed her head back, letting herself succumb to them, her mind going blissfully blank. But finally the convulsions stopped, and she flopped back, dropping her legs.

He slid out, and she sighed at how messy she felt. But she felt good too.

“Wow,” she said dreamily.

“Heh, wow indeed,” he replied, curling up next to her. “Now I see why you pony folk like sex so much.”

“Mm.” She rolled and pressed her head up under his chin. “That was great.”

“It was. You really seemed into it.”

“I was, you felt so good. Damn, I should have asked you for this sooner.”

“You should have, I would have gladly indulged. And now I’ll gladly do it again and again. You’ve really opened my eyes to the possibilities.”

“I’m glad. But you know then, I’m gonna be all over you.”

“And I will happily allow you. I truly felt closer to you doing this, and I’d like to continue doing it. I feel like it really strengthened our bond.”

Tempest nodded in agreement. “Yeah. And to think, I was almost considering saving this for our honeymoon.”


“Well, yeah. When we get married, customarily we’d go on a vacation together. And a lot of couples like to really go at it that first night as spouses.”

“Oh, I see. Well then. That just means on our honeymoon, we need to get really kinky with it.”

Tempest smirked. “Now you’re speaking my language.”

Discord kissed her, and she kissed him back. But they were both tired, and ended up saying goodnight, drifting off to sleep together.

3. Checking In

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Before long, it was time for Tempest to go to Canterlot. The day before though, Discord got with Pinkie to throw her a big going away party. Which most of Ponyville seemed to show up to.

“Wow, guys, you didn’t have to do all this for me,” she said with amazement as Pinkie brought her a cake.

“No, but we wanted to,” Pinkie said gleefully. “We’re all gonna miss you so much, but we know you’ll do great in guard training!”

“You’re going to do great work,” Twilight said. “Being a royal guard will really suit you. You have so much experience as a commander, I’m sure you’ll fit right in.”

“I hope so,” Tempest replied. “But it’ll take some adjustment. I mean, Equestria doesn’t exactly approve of someone beating their inferiors over the head if they do something wrong.”

There were some nervous chuckles and agreements.

“Honestly, military training is tough,” Rainbow said. “I mean the Wonderbolts was hard enough, but the Royal Guard is on a whole nother level. It’s gonna be tough, but I know you got what it takes.”

“Definitely. I’m looking forward to the challenge.” Tempest took a bite of cake, and the others got food too, enjoying the party. Tempest talked to her friends, saying bye to them, and listening to their advice. She said she would be writing to Discord and they could get her address from him to write her back, and she would really like to hear from them while she’s in training. She also made Pinkie promise not to send her any snacks. They would likely go right in the garbage.

Pinkie was disappointed, but agreed not to send her food.

The party was fun, and Tempest really let herself relax, knowing it would be her last day to for quite some time. She had some drinks, played games, and tried all the various unhealthy desserts Pinkie had made. And when the party wrapped up, she agreed to get pictures with her friends, so they had something to remember her by. But finally they cleaned up the party and everyone headed home, so Tempest and Discord did the same.

“Man, Pinkie’s too sweet,” Tempest said as she slumped onto the couch.

“Well yeah, have you seen how she eats sweets? Her blood glucose level is so high you could use her blood as syrup on pancakes!”

Tempest lifted a brow at Discord. “That’s. Quite a colorful description.”

“And yet it’s not even an exaggeration. But anyway, Pinkie is a dear. She just loves making everypony happy, and she’ll make any occasion into a reason to celebrate. I’ve always admired her for that.”

Tempest nodded. Then she looked across the room, at where her bags were packed and ready for tomorrow. “So, tomorrow afternoon I’m leaving.”


She hugged him. “I’m going to miss you.”

“And I’ll miss you. But just focus on the training, try to have fun, and I’m sure it’ll be over before you know it.”

“Yeah.” She rested her chin on him as she gazed into space. Then she said, “I wonder what my fellow trainees will be like. What their goals will be, and if we’ll get along. I hear mares tend to start out cooperative but get catty toward the end.”

“Is that so? Mm, well, hopefully your group doesn’t fall victim to such pettiness. Whatever the others are like though, focus on doing what you have to do, and be the best there. You’re at an advantage. You’ve commanded before. You’re physically fit and an excellent fighter. Show them how it’s done.”

“Heh, right. I’ll do my best.”

Discord nodded and stood, holding out his hand. “Well, now I would like to give you my going away present. Let’s go to the bedroom.”

Her curiosity piqued, Tempest took his hand and followed him. “I’m definitely going to miss sleeping with you.”

“Same. So let’s make the most of it now.” Discord helped her up into bed, and laid down with her, pulling her on top of him. “Tonight is entirely for you. Have your way with me.”

Tempest blinked, then blushed and gently stroked his chest. “You’ve got it, big guy.”

The next day, Tempest slept in. She wanted to just enjoy her bed for as long as possible, knowing this was probably the last peaceful sleep she’d be getting for a while. She stayed wrapped up with Discord, just holding him close and soaking in his warmth. She’ll miss these lazy mornings with him.

But finally she was too awake to keep laying there, and she got up. She made breakfast, and read a book as she ate. Discord joined her with a collection of fruits, which he proceeded to take the peels off of. And then ate the peels.

Tempest pushed her bowl aside and checked the clock. She wouldn’t be leaving until the afternoon, but she had a feeling the time would arrive before she knew it.

“Think we should go ahead and go to Canterlot?” she asked. “Just so we’ll be in the area?”

“If you want. We could waste some time at the theater too.”

“Good point. Alright, yeah, let’s go.” Tempest made sure she had everything packed, and set her saddlebags onto her back. Then she and Discord headed to Canterlot.

They appeared on a crowded sidewalk, startling the ponies walking by. Tempest hastily apologized, while Discord just laughed. They headed through the city, checking out window displays, occasionally going into stores to browse. Tempest couldn’t buy anything, but Discord found a few things he wanted, stowing each away in hammerspace. Tempest needed to learn that trick because that was useful.

They went to watch a play at the local theater, which took up a good couple hours of their time. Once it was done, they had two hours until Tempest would have to leave. And she wanted to get there early.

They slowly headed for the military base, which wasn’t too far from the castle. It had high walls, and a gate guarded by a unicorn, who carried a spear at his side.

“Good afternoon,” Tempest said, pulling out her paperwork. “I’m reporting to the Royal Guard Academy.”

He scanned the page and nodded, stepping aside. “Go ahead, ma’am. You’ll want to head to the administrative building for in-processing.” He pointed down a nearby road. “Just follow this road, turn left at the second intersection. You’ll see a sign for the campus and all the buildings over there are labeled. The administrative building will be one of the first ones you see. You’ll go in, and follow all given instructions.”

“Thank you. Well, see ya, Discord.” Tempest turned to give him a hug.

“See you at graduation.” He hugged her back, then looked at the guard. “I take it I can’t walk in with her?”

“You can go in with her, but she needs to accompany you everywhere. Which she won’t be able to do once she checks in at the Academy.”

“Ah. Alright then, some other time.” Discord kissed Tempest’s forehead. “Knock them dead, love.”

“I’ll do my best.” She waved to him, and walked through the gate. She glanced back, where Discord was watching her go. He gestured for her to get a move on, and made a heart with his thumbs and index fingers. She turned forward and kept going. The next time she looked over her shoulder, he was gone. She sighed and kept walking. No turning back.

She passed various guards who were going about their days, chatting while on break or hurriedly making their way to appointments. They didn’t really pay attention to her, but she had the feeling they were told not to interact with newcomers.

She found the campus, which had several buildings. Looking around, she saw what looked like dorm buildings, a gym, and the administrative building. There was also a huge running track toward the side, which was currently being used. Trainees ran around it, many being chased by instructors, who were identifiable by blue bands around their necks. At least they weren’t running in armor. That would suck. She went to the admin building.

A sign directed new trainees into one of the doors, and she approached it, pushing it open. As soon as she was inside, she was flanked by two unicorns, both wearing full guard armor and adorned with those blue bands that marked them as instructors.

“Done sightseeing?” one barked at her, making her flinch. “Get moving, over to the table, go!”

She took a breath and composed herself, walking down the hall toward the indicated table. The two hounded her the whole way.

The second yelled, “Come on, pick up your hooves, you’re wasting our time! You think we want to be touring your lazy flank around? Hurry up, get over there!”

It was all part of the game, Tempest thought to herself. They were trying to stress her out. Make her snap. But she’s endured far worse. She kept her expression blank as she stopped at the table. There was a smiling pegasus here, who seemed unconcerned with the yelling stallions.

“Do you have your contract and report notice?” she asked.

“Yes, ma’am,” Tempest said, opening one of her bags and taking the papers out. The pegasus checked them, and the unicorns trotted off to harass the next pony walking in. Tempest allowed herself a smile when she heard the poor trainee yelp, resulting in harsher shouting.

The pegasus pulled over a sheet of names, checking one off. Then she turned it around. “Sign by your name.”

Tempest signed it. She was given her contract back, but the other paper was kept.

“Please take your bags and go down to that room,” the pegasus said.

Tempest moved along, and glanced back when the next trainee stepped up to the table. She had tears in her eyes. Yeesh, she was in for a rough time.

The next room had a line, and she saw that newcomers were stepping up to a tool that measured their hoof sizes. She realized it was to get them fitted for their uniforms, which included hoof covers. Knowing one’s size will be pertinent.

There was no talking. Everyone waited quietly for their turn, eyes straight ahead to avoid the stares of the roving instructors.

Each pony, once they were told their size, was given a small bag of items and sent to another room. Tempest saw that most of the trainees were unicorns, though there were some pegasi and earth ponies as well.

When her turn came up, a uniformed mare told her to put her front left hoof against the tool. Tempest did as told, and the measurements of each of her hooves were written down. She was handed the paper and told to grab a bag and go to the next room and sit down.

Tempest did as told, sliding the paper into a saddlebag and going to pick up one of the mesh bags. She was curious about its contents, but didn’t look quite yet, just going to the next room. It was full of ponies silently sitting on chairs, some seeming nervous and others carefully neutral.

Tempest took an empty chair and looked around. There was only one instructor overlooking them, but he wasn’t paying too much attention. She looked at her bag and opened it. She found a raincoat, so big that she assumed it was a one size fits all kind of thing. There was also a flashlight, and a sort of thick woven belt. As she pulled it out further, she realized it had two pouches on it. One contained a canteen, and the other was empty and just big enough for an average-sized book and maybe some additional items like pens.

Its use became obvious when she then found a book. It was paperback and titled Royal Guard Academy Study Guide.

Tempest recognized this. Many of the stories she read from training referred to this as the RGASG. A bit of a mouthful, but apparently you get used to it.

She slid it back into the bag. She found a lock and two keys, along with two chains of different lengths. She assumed they would be for her locker once she gets to the dorm.

There was a tiny notepad, but she figured everyone would be expected to get a bigger one, this was just to use while first settling in.

And finally, there was a bottle of hoof sanitizer, which she found amusing. Were there problems with hygiene here? She zipped the bag back up and set it on her lap, looking forward. Nothing to do now but wait she supposed.

As the minutes passed, more and more ponies came in to sit down. She watched them all, trying to guess at who she might be training alongside.

It was soon far past the final report time. Tempest began to wish she had a watch. There wasn’t a clock in here, she only had a vague idea of the time. But it was definitely past when everyone should have arrived. And they were still trickling in, looking quite harried.

There were probably about eighty when they stopped coming in, and a couple instructors walked in, slamming the door shut. Those that were dozing off jumped to attention.

“Get comfortable, you’ll be here for about thirty more minutes while we finish your paperwork,” one of the instructors said. She was a tall bronze-coated mare with a short black mane, and the ranks gleaming from her shoulder pads marked her as a major. “After that, you will be divided out into your flights. Each flight will have twenty ponies in it. And there you will stay for the next ten weeks, so you better learn to get along. Though if you screw up, we won’t hesitate to send you to a new flight who’s weeks behind in training. So pay attention, work hard, and don’t be an idiot! Understood?”

“Yes, ma’am!” everyone called back.

“Good. Now I know you’ve all been sitting here for a while, so, we have box dinners. Everypony will come up here, get one, and eat.” She watched as everyone shuffled nervously, and firmly said, “And I don’t care if you don’t feel hungry. You won’t be getting another meal until breakfast, so get up here and eat.”

Everyone listened, filing by the table at the front to grab a box dinner. Tempest was amused by how many ponies already looked anxious or regretful. This was barely the beginning.

She picked up a box and went back to her seat, opening it to see what she was up against. It was a very plain meal. A sandwich of some sort, an apple, and a carton of orange juice. Along with a bag of plain salted chips.

She unwrapped the sandwich and lifted the bread to examine it. Cheese and spinach on wheat bread. Okay, edible enough. She opened the packet of mustard and spread it on, then took a bite. As she ate, she watched the others. They were eating pretty slowly. Many seemed nauseous.

“If you don’t want your chips, bring them back up to this box,” one of the instructors ordered, tapping the box.

Many recruits took him up on that. Tempest snorted. No way was she wasting food. She finished the sandwich and opened the chips, eating all of them. Then she worked on the apple in between sips of juice.

She finished off everything, and stood, going to throw her trash away. Then she calmly returned to her seat, and watched as someone got chewed out for apparently making a funny face.

Tempest saw the unicorn mare next to her looking especially sick. She glanced up toward the front, then turned to her and leaned in, whispering, “You okay?”

The mare shot her an uncomfortable look. “I feel like I’m gonna puke.”

“Here, eat the chips. They’re dry, it might help with the nausea.”

She nodded, groaning as she crunched on a few of them. Then she put them down, wrapping a foreleg around her stomach.

“I think I need to go to the bathroom… but I don’t want to ask,” she muttered.

Tempest touched her shoulder. “Well, I’m fine with asking. Come on.” She stood, and the mare nervously followed her to the front, throwing her stuff away. Tempest looked at one of the instructors, saying, “Sir, is there a restroom nearby?”

“Of course there is,” he snapped.

“May we use it?”

“Is it an emergency?”

Tempest heard the mare gag, and said, “It’s about to be.”

The stallion’s face changed immediately. In a low whisper, he said, “Take her out of this door, turn right and you’ll see the restroom signs.” In a louder voice, he said, “Make it quick.”

They hurried out, and Tempest heard him address the rest of the room about where the bathrooms were if they needed them.

Tempest pushed the door open and let the other in first, and she immediately ran to a stall and collapsed over a toilet, throwing up.

Tempest walked up behind her, rubbing her back. She saw that she had a long, straight mane that was all around her face, and reached out to hold it back.

“Th-thanks… ugh…” The mare threw up again, and sobbed, “I’m sorry, I have a sensitive stomach, I don’t know why I thought I could do this.”

“Hey, it’s okay,” Tempest said gently. “You’ll get used to it. Was the food bad, or…?”

“No, it was fine, I just don’t handle stress well. I joined hoping I could learn, but look at me. A few minutes getting yelled at and I became an utter wreck.”

“It’s alright. Just relax. Think of what makes you happy. Your parents?”

“Don’t have any,” she said bluntly. “I was raised by my grandparents. And then they died, and I had to do something to make a living. So I turned to the Royal Guard.”

Tempest was taken aback. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. I never knew my parents, they died when I was too young to remember. They were always really into exploring, and… apparently contracted some deadly disease while out on one of their trips. Luckily they had left me with my dad’s parents. But they both died from it. So I stayed with my grandparents. Until they passed away of natural causes.”

“I’m so sorry you had to go through that.”

“It’s life.” The mare leaned back from the toilet, wiping her mouth off and flushing it. “I gotta look after myself now. I know I can do it. I just gotta be brave. But I’m so afraid of those instructors.”

“You know… bravery isn’t really about not being afraid,” Tempest said. “Bravery is about knowing you’re scared, but being willing to face your fears anyway. I think you have what it takes.”

The other smiled, wiping her eyes off. “Thank you.”

“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.” Tempest helped her over to the sink, watching her as she cleaned off her mouth and gargled water.

Once she spit it out, she dried herself off and held out a hoof to Tempest. “I’m Zinnia. You can just call me Zin if you want.”

Tempest took it, giving it a shake as she really took in the other’s appearance. She had a hot pink coat and a deep red mane, with a cutie mark of red zinnias. Her eyes, however, were green. Her name was fitting. “I’m Tempest Shadow. But you can just call me Tempest.”

Zinnia gasped. “I thought you looked familiar! You’re the one that invaded Canterlot a few years ago!”

“Heh, yeah… but I’ve turned over a new leaf and now I’m trying to do good for Equestria. That’s why I joined the guard.”

“Oh, wow. Okay. I see your horn got fixed, I noticed it was broken before…”

“Yep, Discord fixed it for me.”

“Oh, that was nice of him. Well, we should probably get back out there before they come looking for us.”

“Right.” Tempest went back out with her. They quietly slipped into the waiting room and went back to their seats. None of their stuff had been messed with, luckily.

“Thank you,” Zinnia said under her breath.

“No problem.”

They spent several more minutes waiting, before finally someone came in with a packet of papers. He handed them to the short-haired mare who had addressed everyone earlier. She announced, “Okay, listen up! I’m about to assign you to your flights. When I say your name, you will stand and follow your instructor. Take all your stuff with you. First up, Major Charge’s flight, which will be stallions.” She read out the names.

One by one the stallions stood, going to line up at the door, in front of a gruff-looking earth pony instructor.

Once the list was done, Major Charge barked, “That everypony? Okay then. Come on, follow me!” He took off running, and the recruits hastily followed.

The mare looked back at her list. “Next, Captain Iron Sight’s flight. This will be mares.” She read it, and Tempest waited for her name, but wasn’t included in that one. Nor was Zinnia. That group was ushered out.

One more group of stallions was called out. And finally, the last flight, another consisting of mares.

“Finally, my flight,” the Major said with a smirk. She tossed her head back. “I’m Major Eagle Eye. And let me tell you, nothing gets by me. My flight is as follows.” She read out the names of everyone left in the room. Tempest stood, and checked on Zinnia. Her knees were wobbly but she was standing.

Tempest found her instructor’s name interesting. Usually bird-related names were given to pegasi. But she was smart enough to know not to pry.

“Ma’am, that’s an interesting name for a unicorn,” someone said.

Tempest sighed. Damn it.

Eagle Eye whipped around, marching up to the unfortunate recruit. “Oh, is it now? My name is interesting? You think I came here for you to think I’m interesting?”

“N-no, ma’am, I just-”

“You just nothing, feather brain!” Eagle Eye got up in her face. “But since you asked, you want to know why I was named Eagle Eye?”


“Be quiet and stop whimpering! My mother is a unicorn and my father is a pegasus, and Mom is one of the best royal guards Equestria has ever seen! But she was expecting me to be born a pegasus like Dad and already had Eagle Eye picked out! So despite me being a unicorn, it stuck! But it turned out to fit once they found out how great of a shot I am and how sharp my vision is! Which perfectly suits a life in the guard! So, anything else you find interesting about me?!”

“No, ma’am!” the recruit replied.

“Good! Now, we’re wasting time, get moving!” Eagle Eye turned and sprinted out the door. Everyone grabbed their stuff and ran after her. She didn’t slow, leading them to one of the other buildings, and Tempest glanced back, seeing a few ponies struggling to keep up. The pegasi chose to fly, but even then it was difficult.

Eagle tossed open the door and led them in. “Come on, up the stairs, we’re gonna be up on the fourth floor!”

The stairs rumbled with hoof beats as they ran up to the top floor, and soon they were being corralled into a dorm room, Eagle yelling at them to go find a locker and stand in front of it. As Tempest trotted over to one, she saw a few other instructors come in and start shouting too, practically chasing the stragglers. This was going to be a long night.

4. First Night

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Once everyone was standing in front of a locker, they were ordered to take off their bags and lay them on their beds, dumping everything out.

Tempest did so without hesitation, though was careful not to drop anything over the edge. A few others didn’t think about it, and she heard a few items clatter around the room, resulting, of course, in yelling from the instructors. She didn’t bother looking, just going back to her place in front of the locker and standing still. Glancing aside, she realized Zinnia had taken the spot to her left. She was nervously digging a hoof against the floor.

Tempest cleared her throat, and when Zinnia looked at her, she nodded to her leg. Zinnia swallowed and stopped fidgeting.

“Now then, we’re going to come around and see what you’ve all brought,” Eagle Eye said, walking down the aisle in the center of the room. “You all knew what you were and were not allowed to bring. Right now will be your opportunity to give up contraband. If I catch you with it later, there will be hell to pay.”

The instructors split up and headed down the rows of beds, going through belongings. Tempest waited patiently, and she was approached by Eagle. Eagle briefly met her eyes, then looked at the bed. She flipped idly through the notebook, and shifted things around to make sure nothing had been hidden. She paused to look at the one photo Tempest had brought, which was of herself and Discord, lounging against a tree as they shared ice cream. It always made Tempest feel better, and she wanted to be able to look back on it.

Eagle grunted and put the photo down, walking by to go through Zinnia’s stuff. Tempest relaxed, and turned an ear to listen as someone got reamed for bringing a hoof file. It was ridiculous, but nonetheless that item wasn’t allowed. Learning to follow stupid rules was all part of the training, she supposed.

Once everyone’s stuff had been examined and inappropriate items thrown away, they were told to turn to their lockers and open the drawer at the bottom. They did so, and were ordered to put all their personal belongings in there.

They put things away quickly, leaving only their mesh bags still full, and were ordered to put their saddlebags on top of their lockers so they were out of the way.

“That is your security drawer,” Eagle announced. “It will remain locked at all times. You will only unlock it to take stuff in and out, but if you’re not doing that, it better be locked. I’ll be checking. If you forget to lock it, don’t be surprised if you come back and all your stuff is scattered all over the floor. Now, you all received a lock, two keys, and two chains. Get those out now.”

Everyone hurried to do so.

“You’ll find a long chain and a shorter chain. Attach one key to the short chain, and the other to the longer one. Then connect the short chain around the long one. Hurry up!”

Tempest used her magic, swiftly linking the keys and chains together as told.

“Once you’ve done that, put the keys around your neck,” Eagle said. “You will keep those on you at all times.”

Tempest slid the chain on. She watched as other ponies did the same, then checked on Zinnia, who was still fumbling with the chains.

“I can’t get it to latch,” she cried desperately. Every time she tried to latch it shut, her magic slipped and she nearly dropped it.

Tempest glanced at the instructors, but they were busy yelling at someone else who was having trouble, so she hurried over to Zinnia. Her magic took over, deftly sliding the latch together on both chains. She gave them some tugs to make sure they held, then put the larger chain around Zinnia’s neck and went back to her spot.

“Thank you,” Zinnia said.

“Mhm.” Tempest really hoped she got a hold of her nerves.

Once everyone had successfully arranged their keys, they were told to lock their security drawers shut. They did so, and were then directed back to their mesh bags.

The other instructors headed out at that point, leaving only Eagle. She said, “You were all given a web belt. Take it out now. Check that it has a canteen and an empty pouch.”

They all checked and affirmed that they had those items.

“Good, now put it on. You’re going to get real used to that belt. You’re going to wear it everywhere. It marks you as trainees. This belt is your responsibility. If I can’t trust you to keep track of it, how can I trust you to defend Equestria?”

Everyone pulled the belts on, adjusting them so the canteen was on one side and the pouch was on the other.

“Everypony got a good fit? Good because adjusting those is a bitch. Now! Take out your Royal Guard Academy Study Guide! This is the RGASG! Every lesson you learn here is in that book. I expect you to study it on your free time. If we’re waiting in formation for several minutes, read. If you’re just dicking around the dorms one night, I’d rather you read! You will be tested on everything in there in the ninth week, so you better pay attention. Now, put that handy dandy guide in your pouch. There it will stay, unless of course you’re studying or have it out in class.” Eagle watched them put the book away. “That raincoat can be taken out and put in your locker. Leave it rolled, just open the larger doors and stick it in there. It doesn’t get hung, just lay it down.”

They all stored their raincoats.

“If there’s a chance of rain, I’ll tell you all to bring that with you. Okay, moving on, everypony got hoof sanitizer, right? Take it out and hold it up.”

They held up their bottles.

“Nice. Use that often, I don't want you getting each other sick. But for now, you can put it in the bag with your RGASG. And make sure the lid is tight, we don’t need you soaking your book in sanitizer. We won’t issue you a new one.”

Eagle paced as everyone put the bottles away, and stopped at a random bed to pick up a flashlight. “Finally, these flashlights. I try to avoid it but nonetheless we may sometimes find ourselves marching in the dark. In which case, you will use flashlights. We want to make sure everypony else on base knows you’re there. But when you’re not out in the dark, these will go in your locker. See that little top shelf? You will put it up there, sideways so you can see the length of the flashlight. Beam end toward the left.” She waited as flashlights were put away, then galloped for someone across the room, yelling, “I said beam end toward the left! Is that the end the beam comes out of?! What’s your name?!”

The trainee, who was an earth pony, said, “L-lemon Breeze, ma’am.”

“Lemon Breeze, well I love lemons, it’s too bad your attitude’s as sour as they are! Get that flashlight oriented correctly!”

“Yes ma’am!” Lemon quickly turned it around.

“There, see, was it so hard to follow directions?” Eagle went back to the center aisle. “Okay, everything should be put away now. Put those mesh bags away next to your raincoats.” She waited a few moments. “Great, now follow me to the dayroom!”

She jogged from the room, the others following. Tempest thought to herself that this wasn’t so bad so far. She didn’t know why the others were so anxious. Were they just not used to being talked to in such a stern way? Then again, she thought with a small sigh, probably not. Many of them looked young, probably barely into adulthood. Probably never heard a raised voice in their lives. Ponies lead such pampered lives.

The dayroom was a decent-sized room, with windows looking out and couches and chairs along the walls. Tempest got the feeling they wouldn’t be allowed to sit in them.

Her guess was confirmed when Eagle said, “None of you touch the furniture. You haven’t earned the privilege of being comfortable yet. Now, sit down. That’s right, on the floor.” Her horn lit up, and she brought over a stack of cards and several pens. She began passing them out. “You each get one postcard. You will address it to whoever is the most important pony in your life. Your parents, your auntie, I don’t care. But you will be sending this to them so they’ll know where to send letters. Once you’ve written their address, look at me so I’ll know you’re ready to hear our address.”

For a few moments there was only the sound of pens scratching on paper. Tempest addressed her postcard to Discord. Then she saw Zinnia staring blankly at hers, before hesitantly lifting a hoof.

“What?” Eagle snapped at her.

Zinnia winced, but said, “Ma’am-”

“Stand up when you’re talking to me! At attention!”

Zinnia stood.

“You call that at attention? No! Okay everypony, we have an example of what not to do right here! See how her front hooves are splayed apart? Wrong! Your front hooves will be pressed together, centered under your body. Back hooves a foot apart.” Eagle waited while Zinnia adjusted. “There you go. Now, head up, chest out. Ears perked. Look at that. See, trainees? Look how professional she looks, how regal her bearing is. Now, when addressing me or any of the instructors, you will be at attention. And you will lead with a reporting statement. Which will be sir or ma’am, followed by ‘Trainee Your Name reports as ordered.’ Once I acknowledge you, you will begin your next sentence with sir or ma’am as appropriate, and then say your piece. Let’s try it, Trainee…?”

Zinnia took a breath, and said, “Ma’am, Trainee Zinnia reports as ordered.”

“Very good. What is it?”

“Ma’am, who should I send my postcard to if I don’t have any family left?”

There were sympathetic gasps from the others, and Eagle blinked. Then she said, “No one? No grandparents?”

“Ma’am, my parents both died when I was a foal and all my grandparents have passed away too. I don’t have any extended family that I know of.”

Eagle’s hard expression softened for a moment. “Well ma’am, you have a new family now. All your fellow trainees, and soon, the rest of the Royal Guard. But for now, perhaps one of your buddies will give you their address and their families can write to you.”

Tempest stood up, making sure she was at attention. “Ma’am, Trainee Tempest Shadow reports as ordered.”


“Zinnia can send her postcard to my partner. I’m sure he’ll be happy to chat with her and send her encouraging letters.”

Eagle nodded. “Sounds good. Trainee Tempest, give Trainee Zinnia your address. You can both sit down.”

Tempest sat down with Zinnia, and slid her postcard over so Zinnia could copy it.

“You’ve been so kind to me, thank you,” Zinnia said.

“No problem. I know how much a little kindness can mean to someone. I want to see you get through this and come out stronger. And don’t worry, Discord is a great guy and I’m sure his letters will be very entertaining.”

Zinnia finished writing. Then she looked toward the front, where Eagle was waiting.

“Everypony done? Okay, pay attention, because this is your address for the next ten weeks.” She took out a marker and started writing on the board, narrating as she went. “The first line will say Trainee, then your full name. Second line. Royal Guard Academy, Bldg. 3, Dorm 4A2. We’re by the alpha stairwell, on the fourth floor. In dorm 2. 4A1 is your brother flight consisting of stallions, right next door. Next line, Celestial Guard Base, Canterlot. And that’s it. If your loved ones use that address, the mail will get to us. And I’ll pass mail out every evening. You were all also given small notepads. Write that down in those too so I won't have to remind you.”

Everyone carefully wrote down the address on both the postcards and in their notepads. Tempest got hers written fairly quickly, and added to the card, Missing you already. She drew a heart. She glanced up, then quickly wrote, There’s a young unicorn here who has no family left. She’ll be sending you her address too. Please write to her, it would mean so much to her.

“Postcards done?” Eagle asked. “Pass them forward. Feel free to keep the pens. Put them in your bag with the study guide.”

All the cards were passed to the front and Eagle collected them.

“There, that went fairly painlessly, didn’t it? So, this is the dayroom. It’s where I’ll have you all gather if I have an announcement or just want to talk. You can also use it to do push-ups and so on if you want. I’d recommend exercising even outside of our normal PT time. You’ll need all the exercise you can get. When we’re in here, I like to have what I call Guard Time. It’s when I metaphorically take off my rank, and we can be a little more relaxed and talk about whatever is on your minds. You can ask questions about training, and ask for advice. Sometimes other instructors will be in here and they can chat with you too. I might have stories, or news. It all just depends. Work hard, behave, and Guard Time can be quite relaxing. Screw around all day, and I’ll instead be putting you on your faces in here. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, ma’am!” everyone called.

“Good. Now then, lights out is at 2200 every night, no exceptions. If you don’t have a watch, I’d recommend getting one tomorrow when we go to the store. We will have a very busy next few days getting you all settled in here, and then the real fun will start. Now, get back to your lockers. Now!”

They all practically galloped out, and lined up in front of their lockers.

Eagle walked through the room. “Now this is called the bay. If I say to go back to the bay, this is what I mean. Take a good, long look at your area. The wall locker, the bed, the chair. Get familiar with it. This is your home for the next ten weeks. You will keep it clean, you will keep it organized. Your beds will be made every morning, and will not be touched until you go to bed at night. I don’t care if it’s 2100 and all your details are done, you will not sleep until lights out. I’ll show you how beds are expected to be made tomorrow morning. Now, take your web belts off, and link them around the left bedpost closest to the lockers.”

The room was filled with clicking as the belts were hung from the bedposts.

“When sleeping, your web belt will be left there. When you get up, you immediately put it on. And you better not walk out of this dorm without it.” Eagle paced, making sure all the belts were hung. Then she checked her watch. “Ten minutes until lights out. The dorm guards are responsible for turning off the lights. We’ll begin dorm guard duty in a few days, but I suppose I can explain it now. At all times, there will be two ponies assigned to guard duty. You will work two hour shifts. The only time there won’t be guards is if the entire flight is out at a mandatory appointment or at PT. Otherwise, there’ll be guards. You will stand watch at the door. If somepony knocks, you decide if they get to come in or not. Be vigilant! Various instructors and even higher ranking members of command will test you. They’ll bang on the door, threaten you, demand to be let in. You will not let them unless they identify themselves with a military ID card. And then you will check their name against the authorized entry list that will be posted by the door. If they’re on it, they can come in. If not? You do not open that door.”

“Yes, ma’am,” they replied.

“You will also do inspections while on duty. You’ll walk through the bay, making sure everypony’s security drawer is locked. If you find one that isn’t, lock it for them, but also make a note to give to me. You’ll check the latrines every ten minutes. Might seem excessive, but I’m going to get very real here for a moment.” Eagle’s gaze hardened. “The stress of training will occasionally push a pony into becoming suicidal. You need to make sure nopony’s hiding out in a stall killing themselves.”

A tense silence filled the room.

Eagle let that sink in, then said, “So patrols are very important. The next few nights, your dorm guards will be ponies from a flight down the hall that’s graduating next week. They know all the ropes, they’ll keep you safe. And they’ll teach you more about what to do once it’s time for you all to take over.” Eagle checked her watch again. “Taps will play soon, then lights out. You’ll be woken up in the morning by reveille. And I’ll tell you what to do then. For now, goodnight. Sleep well, you’ll need it.” She waited, then said, “Don’t I get a goodnight?”

She got a chorus of, “Goodnight, ma’am!”

“And to you as well!” she said gleefully. “See you in the morning!” She walked out, and they heard the door close. Everyone stood awkwardly, until they heard the soft bugle notes of taps playing throughout the base. Once it ended, they climbed into bed.

Tempest looked toward the hallway, where a mare in a full royal guard uniform walked in and turned the lights off. She looked around, then went back out. She could hear her talking quietly to someone. Most likely her partner.

Tempest sank further under the covers, shifting around to get comfortable. They were fairly plain, not near as warm as the ones she had at home, but they were decent. She slept on worse when she served the Storm King. She yawned, already drifting off. But she listened to the others, hearing soft crying from a few, as well as whispered conversations. She looked over at Zinnia, and said, “Hey.”

Zinnia looked at her. “Hm?”

“First day done,” Tempest said. “Good job.”

“Oh, thank you. Let’s hope I get through the rest of them.”

“You will. It’ll be over before you know it.”

One of the senior trainees poked her head in. “Hey, no talking. Go to sleep.”

The conversations stopped. Tempest closed her eyes. Eagle was right, she would need her rest for tomorrow. Tuning out the noises from the others, she drifted off to sleep.

5. Breakfast

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Tempest actually slept quite peacefully. She didn’t wake up once throughout the night. The only thing that roused her was loud bugle notes playing through the dorm.

She scrambled up, and saw the others getting up too. A few got caught in their blankets and had to untangle themselves. Tempest grabbed her web belt and snapped it on, and checked her neck to make sure her keys were still there.

The lights came on, and Eagle Eye swept in. “Get up get up get up! Big day ahead of us, let’s move it, get out of bed! The quicker we get up, the quicker we can go to breakfast! Now, let me show you all how we make beds around here!” She went to a random bed and threw the pillow aside, before ripping all the covers off except for the fitted sheet. She smoothed out the sheet, making sure it was still tucked around the mattress properly. Then she picked up the second sheet. “So you lay this one out like this. Shorter edge toward the pillow. And you’ll line it up about three inches from the edge of the mattress.” She slid it into place. “I’d recommend doing this with a buddy. Also, buy a clipboard, that’ll make tucking it in much easier.” Once she got equal amounts of sheet hanging over either side, she went to the end of the bed and lifted the mattress, folding all the excess sheet at the end and sliding it underneath. She set the mattress down. “You will make hospital corners! 45 degree angles always!” She tucked the sheet in on one side, folding it a particular way so that there was a 45 degree crease at the corner. She did the same on the other side, then retrieved the thicker blanket and the pillow. “You then put the pillow down like this, and cover it with the blanket.” She laid the blanket down so it covered the entire bed, and tucked it in the same way as the sheet. “There. Congrats, Trainee, you get to help somepony else,” she said to the mare who had slept in that bed. “Now, make your beds! Hurry up, I’m hungry!”

Tempest got to it, using her magic to speed things along. She had to take a few moments to figure out the hospital corners, then she got it and tucked the covers in properly. She checked the creases, and nodded in satisfaction, before going over to Zinnia.

“Here, you take that side and I’ll take this one,” Tempest said. Zinnia nodded, and they stretched the sheet across the bed and tucked it in. Tempest coached her through the hospital corners, and stepped back to let her finish up.

“I see a lot of trainees helping each other,” Eagle said. “That’s good, you’re already figuring it out. You can always rely on each other. You’re all family now, help each other! Things go a lot more smoothly when we all work together!”

Tempest smiled at Zinnia. “See, she may be loud, but she really just wants us to improve ourselves. You don’t have to be afraid of her.”

“Right. Of course.” Zinnia stepped back from her bed once she was done. Eagle walked around to look at everyone’s work. When she found an unsatisfactory bed, she told its owner to make it again. By only the third poorly made bed, she got frustrated.

“This is literally the easiest thing you’ll have to do!” She yanked all the covers off and onto the floor. “Do it again!” She kept checking beds. “I’ll be forgiving for a few days. But if we’re a week in and I find a terribly made bed, don’t be surprised if you come back and your mattress is flipped.” She passed Tempest with a noncommittal, “Good.” Zinnia got, “Very good.”

Once all the beds were checked and the offending ones fixed to Eagle’s liking, she told them to line up in the hall and get ready to go out. They listened, and Eagle walked down the line, checking everyone’s waists for their belts.

“Good, you all got your belts. Now, fill your canteens. There’s a few faucets in the wall, just push the canteen under it and it’ll dispense water. There’s also a more traditional fountain at the end of the hall.”

Eagle waited while they filled their canteens.

“Staying hydrated will be vital,” she said. “It will get hot, especially once you’re issued your uniforms. We’ll be marching and exercising out under the hot Sun. I don’t need any of you passing out from heat exhaustion. I expect you to be sipping water throughout the day. If you have to go to the latrine constantly, you’re doing it right. Three-quarters to a full canteen an hour should be good. Everypony good to go? Right then. Follow me.”

She led them out. She walked fast, though took it a little more slowly going down the stairs. As they were heading down, their brother flight came out too, and there was a bit of confusion as the two groups mingled together.

Brother flight’s instructor, Major Charge, shouted, “Zipper! It’s not brain surgery!”

They hastily started taking turns entering the stairwell, but there was still a lot of bumping and awkward apologies.

Tempest paused once she got to the door, let a stallion by, then went. Once they were outside, they split into two groups. Tempest joined her flight, as they gathered up in front of the building.

“What is this?” Eagle sneered as she walked in front of them. “What are you, a gaggle of first graders? Get formed up! Four columns, five rows!”

They scrambled to do as told, the stallions doing the same under their instructor’s watchful eye.

“I’ll be teaching you how to march, but let’s start with some simple terminology.” She gestured to one of the columns. “This is an element. There are four elements in a formation. The formation can really get as long as needed, but it should always be four across. The ponies at the front are the element leaders. I’ll be assigning permanent ones, but until then, it’s whoever happens to be in the front. The elements are ordered from right to left. That’ll be your right, not mine. And the names are very complicated, are you ready?” She began pointing at each element. “First, second, third, fourth. Got it?”

“Yes, ma’am!”

“Great! And you know who the most important pony is in the formation?” Eagle walked over to the pony at the front right of the formation, clapping her shoulder. “This mare right here!”

The mare, a somewhat small pegasus, stood at attention. “Ma’am?”

“Whoever I decide is the best at marching will get the coveted first element leader position. Because this spot? This is the pony the entire rest of the formation positions themselves against to march.” The mare swallowed, and Eagle said, “What’s your name?”

“Ma’am, Trainee Blue Horizon reports as ordered.”

“Blue Horizon! Can you handle the responsibility of being the temporary element leader?”

“Yes, ma’am!”

“Hah! I’m sure you’d try, but unfortunately you probably won’t get to do it. Because I gotta get you all sized up.” Eagle moved to stand in front of them. “Flight! Tench hut!”

They all jerked to attention.

“Cover!” she ordered. Then she explained, “That means you adjust your position until your head is directly behind the head of the pony in front of you, and you’re also in line with the pony to your right.”

They moved to line up.

“There, you almost look like an organized flight. Now this part is a little tricky but if you do it right it’s super efficient. I’m going to say tall or tap. When I do, you will check if the pony in front of you is shorter. If she is, lightly tap her back. You will then take a short step forward and to the right, then forward and to the left to take her spot. Meanwhile, if you’ve been tapped, you step backward to the left, then backward to the right to move into the spot left behind. Get it? You’re just switching places without running into each other. Now. If you’re taller than the pony in front of you, tall or tap.”

Tempest quickly realized she was probably the tallest out of all of them. Alright then. She tapped the pony in front of her and moved forward as told. Luckily, the other had listened and didn’t run into her. Tempest tapped the next pony. This switch was a little more clumsy, and the other stepped on her hoof. She grunted but didn’t say anything, just moving into place. She was in the second element, and ended up making her way all the way to the front. Blue had moved back, as expected.

Eagle inspected the formation, then said, “Now, right… face!”

They all turned right.

“I’ll teach you how to do that properly later. Tall or tap.”

Tempest waited, but sure enough, no one touched her. She heard some shifting behind her though.

“Left face!”

They turned left to face the original direction.

“Tall or tap.”

A few more switches, but they were basically sorted.

“There we go. Look at that, so fancy!” Eagle turned and pointed at a nearby building. “See that building over there? That’s the chow hall. We’re going to march over there and join those other flights who are forming up for breakfast. Now, when I say forward harch, you’re going to step off with your front right hoof. Attempt to stay in step with each other. I’m sure you can manage that.” She moved to stand toward the right of the formation.

Tempest knew this was going to be a disaster.

“Forward… harch!”

They all took a simultaneous step. Things were good for about two seconds. Then Tempest was being stumbled into, she tried to walk faster, and she saw the mare to her right panic and try to match her pace.

“Flight, halt!”

They stopped.

Eagle stomped over in front of them. “Okay, geniuses. Watch me. This is how you march.” She turned so they could see her from the side, gave herself the command, and moved. Her steps were steady, hooves moving with calm intent, each hoof moving forward by about two feet. She kept her head up high, eyes straight ahead as she walked. Then she gave a graceful spin and walked in the opposite direction, now to a cadence. “Left, left, left right left. Referring to your front hooves. See? Now let’s try this again. Element leaders, watch the pony to your right out of the corners of your eyes. First element leader, march as if none of the others exist. Listen only to me. They base their positions on you.”

She ordered them to march again. Tempest watched the mare to her right, and walked in step with her. Glancing to the left, she saw the other two element leaders were in line with her. She looked forward.

“There you go! You still look like a hot mess but at least you’re not running into each other. We’ll work on your marching. I’ll get you so good at it the other flights will be jealous. Get in step, left, left, left right left! In step, that means you hot pink!”

Well, she was probably yelling at Zinnia. Tempest didn’t focus on it.

They walked up to the chow hall and were told to stop, lined up with other flights. They all had armor on, and Tempest realized the new trainees would really stick out.

Only four flights, composed of the newcomers, wore nothing.

“Heh, got a naked flight?” one of the instructors asked Eagle.

“Yeah, but they’re scheduled to pick up their uniforms after lunch.”


Eagle addressed the trainees. “Parade rest.” They shifted to a more relaxed stance. “We have a very particular protocol for entering the chow hall, which means it takes a while to actually get in there. So who wants the opportunity to go in first?”

Tempest knew better than to show interest, but apparently some of the others lifted their hooves or at least visibly perked, because Eagle swept toward them.

“I see we have some brave volunteers! Congratulations Trainee Zinnia, you’re our first chow runner! And let me see… what’s your name?”

Tempest heard a mare a couple rows back say, “Ma’am, Trainee Ocean Flow reports as ordered.”

“Ocean Flow, eh? You born on the beach?”

“No ma’am, but my parents both love sailing and I grew up in a small seaside town, I think I may have been named after this sea pony they met, this was before they came out of hiding, but-”

“Okay I get it. And you decided to join the royal guard?”

“Yes ma’am, I actually don’t like boats much.”

“Haha! I like the honesty! You’re going to be chow runner number two! Okay, Ocean and Zinnia, step over here so I can tell you what you’re doing.”

Tempest glanced over to watch, as did most of the others. Ocean Flow was a blue earth pony with a wavy teal mane and matching eyes. Her cutie mark was a rolling wave. If she didn’t like boats, what was the cutie mark for? She may need to ask.

Eagle talked to the two quietly though, and they began to look nervous. Then she said to the flight, “Wait here.” She glanced over at Major Charge as he approached her with two stallions from his flight.

“Ready?” he asked.

“Ready,” she replied. “Come on, you four.” They led them inside.

The flight waited, wondering what was happening. Tempest took out her canteen and took a swig. The water didn’t taste that great, and it was warm, but she supposed she could get used to it. She seemed to make the others relax, because she saw other trainees taking out their own canteens for a drink. She put hers away and decided to get out her study guide, curiously skimming through it. It covered a variety of topics. History, customs and courtesies, spear fighting techniques, first aid, rank structure. It discussed leadership tactics. It even had a section on writing out official paperwork of varying types. She flipped back to the first aid section, and found it full of useful information for treating wounds and illnesses.

Also featuring graphic pictures.

Tempest smiled a little. She was familiar with most of this, but it would be good to refine her techniques.

Other flights entered and left during their wait, moving very efficiently. About five minutes passed, then their instructors were coming back out, without the four trainees. Eagle came to talk to her flight while Charge addressed his.

“In a few moments, Zinnia and Ocean will step outside,” she said. “One of them will announce, ‘Flight 25, prepare to enter the chow hall.’ At that point, the first element will go to attention. One of the chow runners will open the door, and the other will say, ‘First element, you may now enter the chow hall.’ The first element will walk in. Easy. Once they’re in, wait a couple seconds, then the second element will be called. You will go to attention and march in. And so on. The last pony in each element will remain to hold the door for the next element. I’d say you can’t mess this up but I’ve been surprised before.” Eagle turned to look toward the door.

Sure enough, Zinnia and Ocean soon stepped out. Tempest frowned. Was Zinnia crying? She stayed near the door, and Ocean called out, “Flight 25, prepare to enter the chow hall!” The first element went to attention like they were told. “First element, you may now enter the chow hall!”

Zinnia opened the door, and the first element filed in. The last mare in the line hesitated for a moment, then moved and took the door. Zinnia and Ocean went inside, taking her by surprise. She looked with confusion back toward the flight.

Eagle shouted, “Well?!”

“Uh.” The mare took a breath, then called, “Second element, you may now enter the chow hall!”

Eagle made a satisfied noise. Tempest marched forward. She gave the mare a reassuring smile as she passed her. Mind games. It was all mind games. Trying to get everyone off their guard. But it wouldn’t be too hard to get through this.

Tempest found that there was a line inside the door, going to a table where a nice-looking mare was sitting. She wasn’t wearing armor, instead clothed in a simple shirt and wearing a mane net. Judging by the stains on her shirt, she was a kitchen worker.

“Hi, good morning,” she said to them. “Please come up here and print and sign your name, then get in line. And no talking in line or at the tables please, you don’t want to get yelled at.” In response to a questioning look she got, she amended, “I mean, you can of course talk to pick out what food you want. But otherwise, be quiet. They just love to rip into naked flights.”

They filed through quietly. Tempest wrote her name on the paper, figuring it was a way to track who went to each of the meals. Then she went into the serving line, grabbing a tray and silverware. She saw that everyone was facing toward the servers and side-stepping, which was odd, but alright.

She looked at the choices, and saw some sort of veggie omelet. “I’ll take an omelet, please,” she said.

It was scooped onto a plate and passed to the next worker.

Tempest looked further down the line. She wasn’t interested in a lot of the hot foods. There were pancakes, but she wasn’t in the mood for those. Though… “Oh, is that vegetarian bacon? I’ll take some of that.”

They threw about three strips on.

“Okay that’ll be good, thank you,” Tempest said, accepting the plate and putting it on the tray. Stepping further, she found there were a few choices of fruit. She put some grapes and pineapple chunks in a bowl and moved along, not wanting to linger too long. She could hear instructors hounding the line, yelling at them to move along, wanting to get their own trainees through. Tempest ignored them, inspecting a metal box with two drawers in it. Pulling open the top, she found biscuits. She closed it and checked the bottom. Cornbread. Hm, maybe tomorrow.

She kept going. There was an empty bar that she assumed would be stocked with something later. Salad maybe? Then there was actually cereal and milk dispensers. That almost made her laugh. A few trainees were getting cereal, so she paused.

Eagle was behind her in a second. “Go around! If you aren’t getting cereal, go around!”

Tempest lifted her tray and hurried around them.

“At least two glasses of water! You can get additional drinks but I better see you with at least two glasses of water! Stay hydrated!”

That was reasonable. She poured two glasses of water. She considered the other options. Apple juice and orange juice. But she didn’t think she was thirsty enough for that. She picked up her tray.

“Go that way, follow the others,” Eagle ordered.

Tempest followed the trainee in front of her. They went down a row of tables, and stopped at the table right after the most recently filled one.

Another instructor called, “Put your trays down. Web belts off and draped around the chair. Then you stand there until all the seats are taken, then you can sit. And when the first pony gets up, you all better be getting up soon. Move it!”

Tempest put her tray down and slung her belt around a chair. She waited until there was a pony at each of the chairs, and they sat. She wasted no time, digging into her omelet. It was decent, but she’s had better. Scooping the last of it into her mouth, she grabbed the bacon and bit into it. It wasn’t as crunchy as she liked, but whatever.

Once she got through it, she downed one of her glasses of water. Then she attacked the fruit. Finishing it in moments, she drained the next glass of water. She put her glass down, and looked at the others. They were still eating, and cast her nervous looks. Her back was to the instructors that were roving around, so she muttered under her breath, “I’m not getting up yet. I got you.”

They thankfully went back to eating, and she wasted time cleaning up crumbs. But the first table of Flight 25 trainees were already being coerced into getting up. Tempest elected to wait until the table right ahead of hers was leaving.

The others finished their meals and drank their water. One had gotten apple juice and was drinking that.

But it was probably only a minute before the table next to them was getting up, and Tempest knew she couldn’t give her own any more time. She stood, pulling her web belt back on, and picked up her tray. She followed the others, and they went around to a window where other trainees were waiting to take everything. Excess food was dumped into a garbage can, and the dishes were passed over. Looking through the window, Tempest saw the others working to clean everything off and stack it, ready to be used again.

Tempest followed her fellow trainees as they lined up near the exit.

“Anypony need to use the latrine?” Eagle asked, gesturing to a couple doors. “If you need to, go quickly. Otherwise, go outside, you’re just taking up space.”

Tempest was fine, so she headed out, following the others as they went to form up near their building. They waited around, a few of the braver mares chatting quietly.

Seeing Zinnia, Tempest said, “Hey, you alright?”

“Hm? Oh, yeah.”

“What’d you have to do in there?”

“Oh, well…” Zinnia let out a stressed laugh. “Turns out being a chow runner is actually one of the worst jobs in boot camp. You have to go up to the table where the TIs sit, that’s training instructors, and you basically tell them your flight is outside ready to come in. They’ll then tell you when to bring them in.”

“Sounds simple.”

“You’d think. But. You’re standing there in front of all these captains and majors, and they’re just staring you down, ready to mess you up if you make the smallest mistake. I stuttered. They yelled at me for it and made me keep trying until I said everything perfectly.”

“Wow. What’d Ocean do?”

“She stood there. Apparently we’ll be taking turns. We just gotta get used to going everywhere in pairs I guess. Accountability, you shouldn’t go off alone. But yeah. Heh, I kinda teared up. They attacked me for that too.”

“Man. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. It’ll toughen me up. And hey, guess what? There’s actually a small carousel display case thing near their table with muffins and stuff in it! The closest we’ll get to dessert here! And anypony can take from it, but they need to be prepared to get harassed by TIs if they do.”

“Hm, noted.”

Zinnia glanced toward the chow hall, checking that Eagle hadn’t come out. Then she said, “I learned another secret from the other chow runners. You know how they rush you through eating? Well, they can’t actually make you stop eating. They have to let you finish. They can scream all they want but they can’t physically pull you from the chair.”

Tempest smiled. “Very interesting.”

“Mhm. So yeah, fun fact. Now uh, I’m gonna stop talking.” Zinnia nodded her head toward some later week flights nearby, whose TIs were looking their way.

Tempest nodded in agreement and looked forward. Well, breakfast was done. She wondered how the rest of the day would go.

6. Appointments

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It wasn’t long before everyone from Flight 25 was back outside. And unfortunately, a few of them were still chatting when Eagle came to meet them.

“What, having a nice conversation there?” she demanded. They fell silent. “No, don’t let me stop you. It must have been very important.”

No one spoke.

“That’s what I thought. Hmph, I think I know who I’ll be picking for latrine crew later. Ugh, why are you all in a gaggle? Come on, get formed up. I’m going to teach you some of the basics of marching, some facing movements, and then we’re going for a little walk over to the finance building so we can get your pay set up. Which I’m sure you’ll all agree is very important! Now move your rumps. I’m gonna have to tall or tap you all again.”

Tempest just went ahead to the front of the second element, knowing she was the tallest in her column. They were organized, and then put at rest. Eagle showed them some movements, doing each multiple times so they could see how it was done. Then she had them spend a few minutes practicing. First at a standstill, and then while marching. Tempest found it fun. There was something enjoyable about smoothly pivoting to turn herself sharply to the right or left.

“I guess that’ll do for now. It’s a short trip anyway.” Eagle began marching them. “How about a little marching jodie to help you stay in step? I sing one line, you repeat it, I sing the next, you repeat that! Ready? Everywhere we go!”

There were hesitant replies from the trainees, who were unsure if she was serious about singing. “Everywhere we go.”

“What was that? Come on, I can’t hear you! We’ll try again! Everywhere we go!”

Louder, they called, “Everywhere we go!”

“Ponies wanna know!”

“Ponies wanna know!”

“Who we are!”

“Who we are!”

“So we tell them!”

“So we tell them!”

Eagle sang proudly, “We’re the Royal Guard!”

“We’re the Royal Guard!”

“The powerhouse Royal Guard!”

“The powerhouse Royal Guard!”

“We’re the Royal Guard!”

“We’re the Royal Guard!”

“The badass Royal Guard!”

“The badass Royal Guard!” they shouted back.

“Haha, isn’t that great? And look at you all, actually in step!”

Tempest found that the singing was very useful for keeping to a beat. She hoped they did it more.

“Let’s sing it again and then we should be there.”

They went through the tune again, and by the time it was done, they were being told to halt outside the finance office. They had made a few turns along the way, which they had stumbled through, but Eagle said they would work on it.

“So you’ll be going in, doing some paperwork, and they’ll get you on the payroll. They will also be issuing you each one hundred bits. But don’t get excited, it’s not for spending on cookies and earrings. It will be for buying necessities at the shop throughout your training. Hygiene stuff, watches, those clipboards I mentioned, envelopes and stamps. Things you need. If you want something, buy it with your own bits. Got it?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Alright. In we go. Just like the chow hall, one element at a time. Get in there, we have a lot to do today.”

They headed in. The paperwork was pretty boring, but the employees in the finance office were enlisted guard members and much more polite than the TIs. They worked fairly quickly though, obviously understanding how busy their schedule was.

When Tempest received her pouch of bits, she thanked them and slid it into her study guide bag, and moved along. She was given a final check to make sure her information was good, and then she was waved along. She followed the line back outside.

They spent about twenty minutes waiting for everyone to finish up. There were a few issues with some ponies, such as those who had bank accounts and wanted to file that information away. But finally they were all done.

“About time,” Eagle said. “Next, we’re going to the ID card office, then we’re getting your life insurance sorted out. Off we go.”

They spent the next few hours on in-processing. They all received ID cards with their photos on them. They filed their life insurance, designating who would get paid in the event of their death, as well as who the remains go to. That was a little depressing, but necessary. Equestria was at peace right now but anything could happen.

They were given holders for their cards that they could wear around their necks, and they all put them on along with their keys.

They took a break for lunch. It went a little more smoothly, but some of them still got chewed out for talking or for walking with food in their mouths. After lunch was a trip to finally pick up their armor.

“Now as trainees, your armor will have no rank,” Eagle said as they waited outside the building. “You haven’t earned it. Upon graduation, depending on your contract, you will be allowed to get your rank attached. Some of you will be lieutenants, but a lucky few I’m sure will start off as captains. I hope you all remember your hoof sizes. Let’s go.”

They went in. This building seemed to employ only civilians, who were polite but also efficient. They guided them through a large room, having them pick up blanket-like clothing that would be worn under their armor, then had them go into a smaller room to get the armor itself.

Here, several mares examined them, taking measurements before going to get the right armor pieces. They were also each given a duffel bag to store the extra armor in, as they were all being issued four sets.

The armor was fairly simple, consisting of a gold piece that covered their chest and back, with a blue star in the front. Ponies with wings got pieces with openings toward the sides they could fit their wings through.

They were directed to put one on and put the rest in their bags. They did so, and as each finished they were told to go back into the main room.

Tempest found the armor to be more comfortable than she expected. It was a little heavier than the armor she used when she served the Storm King, but she didn’t mind.

Tossing her duffel bag onto her back, she went to the main room. Here, they were all being given helmets. Each received two. The mare that Tempest approached had to try a few different sizes, commenting, “Oh dear, you’re quite a bit larger than most. Not that it’s a bad thing, you’re very imposing!”

“Thanks,” Tempest replied, then winced at the next helmet that was pulled onto her. It was quickly removed.

“Oh sorry, I grabbed one of the ones without a hole for your horn. Here, try this.”

The new one was slid on, and Tempest lowered her head to press her horn through the opening. This helmet fit well, and she nodded in approval. She didn’t like how it somewhat limited her vision, but she supposed she could deal with it.

“Perfect. Here’s your extra.” The mare passed it over, and Tempest put it in her bag. “The crest is a default blue right now, but once you graduate you can take it in to any clothing issue store and they can swap it out for one that matches your mane.”

“Sounds good.” Tempest had been wondering about that.

“Now if you could go over to pick up your shoes.”

“Got it.” She walked to the next part of the building, where rows and rows of boxes covered the wall. She told the employee there her hoof size, and she went to grab a box.

“Here, try these. They should be snug but not painful.”

Tempest sat down toward the side, where the others were trying on their own shoes. She slid on the shiny gold shoes, fitting them carefully around her hooves. She took a moment to really reflect on this. Here she was, donning Royal Guard armor. This was really happening. It was pretty exciting.

She got all four shoes on and stood, taking some curious steps. They fit. She looked herself over, and nodded in approval. She found an employee and gave her the empty box. “They fit.”

“Ooh, first try, am I great or what?” The box was put in a pile, and a second was opened. “Here’s your spares, don’t lose them.”

Tempest took them and stored them away.

“And you’re all done! You’ll come back in the fifth week to get fitted for your formal clothes, but for now, you’re good to go. Join your flight outside.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Tempest checked that her bag was latched shut and secure on her back, then trotted outside. She fell into place in the formation, where the others were admiring themselves.

Zinnia seemed in awe at her own armor. “Wow, I can’t believe I’m actually here,” she said.

“Heh, believe it,” Tempest replied. “You look great.”

“Thank you. But let me tell you, it was a nightmare getting my mane under this helmet. I might go get it cut a bit shorter.”

“Might be good.” Tempest didn’t say anything else, not wanting to get in trouble.

Eagle came out with the last gaggle of trainees. She went to stand in front of the formation, looking them all over. “Look at you all. How’s that armor feel? Does it feel good? Starting to feel proud to be in training to become a royal guard?”

“Yes, ma’am,” several of them replied.

“Well you all certainly seem to be in good spirits. Let’s see how long that lasts, because next up is your medical appointment.”

That immediately dampened the mood.

“Right then, off we go.” They were given the forward command, and started for one of the other buildings across the campus. They sang another song as they went, this one about a brave royal guard who left home to serve Equestria and ended up dying in combat. It was depressing, which made it almost funny that they were singing it in such a hyper tone.

“I love that one,” Eagle said. Of course she did.

When they were taken into the clinic, they were joined by brother flight, who filed in behind them, also wearing armor. They were split up to sit on two sides of a large room, setting their duffel bags in front of them.

“You’ll probably be here for an hour or so,” Eagle said. “So I’m heading back to the dorm, I’ll be back to get you later. Behave, listen to the doctors, and mind your manners. That goes for you too, stallions.” She walked toward the door, nodding to a mare in scrubs. “They’re all yours, Sergeant.”

“Thank you, ma’am. Alright, listen up, trainees!” She walked to the front of the room, levitating a clipboard. “I’m Dr. Glow. Today you will all go through some mandatory medical procedures. We need to make sure you’re healthy, fit, and ready to fight. Many of you were required to submit reports from your doctors with your applications, but some got in on recommendations and skipped that step, and some of you may have gotten your doctors to lie. So we’re going to make sure you’re all good to go. You will have blood drawn to test for different diseases, and then you will receive immunizations. Exciting, right? Well, let’s not waste any time, we need to get through forty of you.” Dr. Glow looked toward a row of chairs where other physicians were waiting. “We’re going to call you up by name. When it’s your turn, go to an open chair and do what the doctor says. Got it?”

“Yes, ma’am,” they replied.

“Oh, and go ahead and take off your helmets and armor. You can leave the shoes on if you want. Just remember where you were sitting.”

There was metallic rustling as armor was pulled off and set down. Tempest looked around, carefully noting where she was.

It was only a couple minutes until they were being called to the chairs. Their names seemed to go in alphabetical order, so Tempest let herself relax. She watched as ponies went to sit, and had their blood drawn into several tubes.

Afterward, the spot was bandaged and they were sent along to another room. The room must not have been very big, because the line soon started stretching out into the main room. But it soon started moving, and ponies were walking out wincing, with a clear limp in one of their back legs. Tempest found that intriguing.

Then her name was called, and she went over to an available chair and sank into it.

“Good afternoon ma’am, doing alright?” the doctor asked.

“Could be worse,” Tempest replied.

He laughed. “Been hearing that all day. You allergic to iodine?”

“Not as far as I know.”

He rubbed a wipe against her foreleg, and had her rest it against the armrest. Then he pulled a band around her upper leg and tightened it. He felt along her coat, then pressed his wrist to a certain spot and waited. Then he nodded. “There we go. Just making sure I know where the vein is. Alright, you may feel a slight pinch.” He slid the needle in.

Tempest looked away, not reacting to the sharp sting. She’s felt worse. She waited as he drew the blood into tubes, glancing down to watch once the pain faded. Once the doctor had all he needed, he pulled the needle out and pressed a piece of cotton to the injection site, directing Tempest to hold it there. She did while he cleaned up, labeling all the tubes carefully and bundling them. They were set in a holder, and he took hold of the cotton, taping it down and then wrapping a thicker bandage around it.

“Bigger bandage can come off in an hour, smaller in four,” he said. “Now go ahead and get in line over there.”

“Yes, sir.” She got up and went over to the line. That wasn’t so bad. She watched the ponies coming out of the next room. Judging from the way they rubbed their shoulders once they sat down, they had gotten shots. Oh, that’ll be fun.

They steadily filed into the room. And once Tempest was in, she saw exactly what was happening. First a particularly large needle was stuck right in each pony’s flank. And then, a few steps later, a doctor approached them from each side, giving simultaneous injections, slapping band-aids on, and sending them out. Well then.

To quote a particular princess, looks like the fun has been doubled.

7. Fun at Medical

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Tempest walked forward slowly, following the others through the room. Then it came her turn for the first shot, and she was stopped.

“This is a general antibiotic. You’re not allergic to penicillin, are you?” the doctor asked as she prepped a needle.

“I don’t think so.”

“Alright. Just a warning, this will likely be sore for a few days. If you experience any burning or oozing from the injection site, or you have serious side effects like throwing up or passing out, tell your TI so they can send you back to us.”


“Great, now lean your weight onto your back left hoof.”

Tempest did so. And without warning, she was stuck in the right flank. She winced despite herself; that hurt so much more than a normal shot. The injection took several seconds too. Then the needle was pulled out and the spot covered with a band-aid, and she was sent forward. A few more steps, and as expected, she had two doctors at her sides with yet more needles. She stood still, and they swiftly stuck them into her shoulders. These ones were much less painful, in fact she was so focused on the pain in her flank that she barely noticed the current shots were already done. Then they told her to go back out and sit down, and she hurried to do so.

She took a moment to massage her flank, groaning. Then she found her way to her armor and sat behind it, exhaling. Well, at least that was over with. They were advised to lean their weight onto their flanks and rock from side to side to help disperse the medicine. Tempest did so gladly. It felt there was a glob of peanut butter in her rump and she did not like it.

Once everyone had gotten their shots, they came back and sat down. Dr. Glow returned to the front of the room. “There, wasn’t so bad, right? But like we told you, if you get any serious side effects, come back. This was all meant to try and prevent you from getting sick while you’re here. But you’ll likely get minor colds anyway. It always seems to happen. We’re bringing in ponies from all across Equestria and making them live together, and walk all day a foot away from each other. You’re gonna be sharing germs. Lovely, right? If you come down with a serious cold or fever, ask to go to sick call. Otherwise, you’ll just have to let any discomfort pass. Now, I have something for you.” She lifted a box and started going down the rows, passing out small bottles. “These are multivitamins. Not gummy, sorry. But just take one of these in the morning with some water. It’ll help. I know how fast they make you eat, I want to make sure you’re getting all your nutrients. Calcium deficiencies are especially common.”

They all stored the vitamins away. Dr. Glow set down the empty box. “Well, that’s it. We’ll let your instructors know they can come get you. For now, you can go ahead and put your armor back on, then sit and read your study guides. Helmets can be left off, just be ready to put them on once your TI comes back. And finally, latrines are back there. Mares to the left, stallions to the right. Any questions?”

“No, ma’am,” they all replied.

“Alright. Give a holler at us if you need anything.” She walked away, going to help organize things and prepare paperwork.

Tempest pulled her armor on, then opened her study guide and started reading anything that looked interesting.

“Pst,” one of the doctors said, making them glance over. In a whisper, yet also loud enough to be heard by all, he said, “Y’all can talk if you want, just be very quiet about it, and make sure you stop if your TIs walk in.”

They happily agreed, and many ponies began discussing how the day’s been going. Others still chose to read.

Tempest was tapped, and she glanced back, realizing that Zinnia had been behind her.

“Hey, we just keep sitting next to each other, huh?” Zinnia laughed.

Tempest smiled and set her book down. “Hah, looks like it. How are you doing?”

“Good. Today’s been hectic, huh?”

“Oh yeah. I was expecting it, but wow. Ah well. You know I was expecting the TIs to be a lot meaner.”

“Yeah, I mean it sucks when they’re actually in your face yelling but when they’re not it doesn’t seem that serious. It’s kinda funny hearing others get chewed out actually.”

“Seriously. If they yell at me though I might not be able to keep a straight face. I’ve been through a lot of horrible things, this is nothing.”

“Yeah… I’ve heard about your adventures. You’ve been all over. And you were a commander for so long already. I bet this is nothing to you.”

“It’s really not. Though the structure is still weird. The Storm King didn’t care about marching and getting shots. We just attacked people and conquered cities. This is still pretty different.”

“I get ya. Well, good luck, I know you’ll make it through.”

“Thank you. You will too.”

Zinnia smiled, and went back to reading. Tempest did too. A few minutes passed quietly, and then Zinnia spoke again.

“How did your blood draw go? They had trouble finding my vein and had to move the needle a bit while it was already in, it sucked.”

“Ouch. It went fine. He stuck it in pretty easily, it didn’t hurt that bad.”

“That’s good. Bleh, that penicillin shot though.”

“Oh I know, that was so bad.”

“I wonder what else we’ll do today.”

“I don’t know. They might have yet another appointment to drag us to. I don’t think it’ll be quite time for dinner yet.”

“Mm, true. Ah well, guess we’ll see. Hey, have you seen this chapter on first aid? These pictures are so gross.”

Tempest looked and saw that she was on one depicting some sort of deep chest wound. “Yeah that’s pretty gross, but it’s much worse to see in real life. Especially when they have a hole in their gut and intestines are spilling out.”

“Um. Not inflicted by you, I hope?”

Tempest leveled her with a serious gaze. “I’ve done some fucked up things in my past, let’s just leave it at that.”

“Oh. Um. Wow.”

Tempest looked back at her book, figuring Zinnia wouldn’t want to talk to her anymore after that. Yet she did.

“Well hey, you’ve changed. You might have done bad things but I believe anypony can become better and you did. You can make up for your past. I’m sure you did what you had to. The Storm King was cruel.”

“Yeah,” Tempest admitted. “Deep down I knew what I was doing was wrong. But I had convinced myself everyone deserved it. I’m still trying to make up for what I’ve done. I’m going to help ponies now.”

“That’s really all you can do. And hey, Princess Twilight herself has vouched for you. And if she says you’re working on improving yourself, I’m gonna believe her.”

“Thank you.”


It was several minutes until the TIs walked in. Everyone put away their books and began getting their stuff together.

“So they’re all done?” Eagle asked.

“Yes, they’re ready to go,” Dr. Glow replied.

“Super. Okay trainees, get your helmets on, bags on, and get on up.”

“Same to you, Flight 26,” Charge barked.

They stood, and were led outside and arranged into formation.

“We’ve got some time before dinner so we’re going to show you around campus, make sure you know where everything is,” Eagle said. “So pay attention. So this was part of the clinic, but if you have an appointment later on you’ll go around to the main entrance on the other side.”

She began marching them around the area, pointing out different buildings. Finance, clothing issue, gym, shop, chapel, career processing, and… bowling alley.

They paused there, and a few of them glanced quizzically at Eagle.

“It’s a staple of military bases,” Eagle replied. “Just like the golf course toward the back for the retired old geezers. Anyway, you might just get to go there if you behave enough to get base liberty. But don’t hold your breath.” She moved along.

They were shown the way back toward the main base, including where the guards assigned here could access the Canterlot castle, but were told they likely won’t need to head out there often.

Then they were being taken to a large open field with rows of bleachers to one side. The road went in a loop around it, and there were also various statues around the outside.

“This is the parade grounds,” Eagle explained. “When you graduate you will have a ceremony here. You will march through this field, and past those bleachers where your families will sit, and they can see what you’ve accomplished since getting here. Ending with you all lining up and being officially sworn in. Sound exciting?”

“Yes, ma’am,” they replied.

“Good. You’ll be seeing a lot of this place, I like to play like it’s real, so your parade practice will be here. You’ll need to get used to marching on grass anyway.” She led them to another area to the side, where Tempest remembered seeing ponies running yesterday. “This is where we’ll normally do PT. But note over there, more stands. This is the location of the retreat ceremony, where the Equestrian flag will be lowered and folded while our commander gives a speech on its importance. We’ll do all sorts of rehearsals for that as well. Graduation is an exciting time, but you’re nowhere near it yet.” She checked the time. “Alright, tour’s over. Let’s go get dinner then we’re going back to the dorm.”

They headed to the chow hall. Zinnia and Ocean trotted in while the others waited, Eagle sauntering in after them.

Other flights came and went while they waited, until finally it was their turn. Going in went smoothly enough. There was pasta and mashed potatoes, and steamed vegetables. The salad bar was well stocked just like it was for lunch. Tempest got pasta and potatoes, passed up the vegetables, and made a small salad instead. She grabbed her water and continued on. She noted the cereal dispensers were still available. Apparently that was just an all day thing. She wondered about the frozen yogurt machine she had seen toward the end of the line. Surely they wouldn’t be allowed to get that, right? But… then why was it there? Temptation? Curious.

They were allowed a little more time than usual to eat dinner. But it was still fairly rushed. Once they left, they were taken back to the dorm and told to go to the bay. Here, they were led through removing their uniform items from their duffel bags and storing them a very specific way in their lockers.

This took a while, as Eagle was very picky about everyone’s lockers, inspecting each of them and deciding if it was good or needed to be redone.

“I said space each set six inches apart, that’s five,” she said bluntly to Tempest. “Fix it.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Tempest silently added a ruler to the list of things she needed to buy. She adjusted her stuff while Eagle watched.

“There, much better.” She moved along, looking into Zinnia’s locker, and Zinnia tensed in preparation. Then Eagle said, “On point,” and kept going. Zinnia relaxed.

Only after things were to her exact specifications did she move on. “Next! We’re going to be folding and storing our duffel bags. You may use them again throughout the next few weeks but for now we’re putting them away. So, follow these steps carefully.”

She coached them through laying the bags out flat on the ground, folding them all the same way, until finally they were left with neat squares. At least, some of them managed to get neat squares. Others did a messier job.

Tempest prodded at the edges of hers, seeing how much material stuck out rather than being aligned.

“I can already tell some of you messed up and you better be able to tell too,” Eagle announced. “If it’s bad, unfold it. I’ll explain one more time. The directions can be found in your study guide after that.”

Tempest flung her bag back open, flattening it out.

Zinnia walked over and sat down at the other end of it. Tempest looked over and saw that her bag was perfect. She looked back at her, and Zinnia smiled and placed her hooves on one end.

“Try using your hooves instead of magic, it’s easier to feel that you’re doing it right.”

Tempest released the fabric with her magic, instead using her hooves. As Eagle went through the steps, Zinnia helped stretch out the bag and fold it, carefully aligning the edges after each fold. Tempest paid close attention, and by the time they got to the last fold, she was looking at an even square.

Zinnia lifted her hooves. “There you go.” She walked back to her bed.

Tempest gave her a grateful smile. She was never really one for doing precision work like this. If she had to fold something she just tossed it over a few times and called it a day.

Eagle told them all to hold out their bags. She did, and she walked down the center, inspecting them all. A few, she told their owners to fold again, and recommended they get a competent buddy to help them. She passed Tempest and Zinnia with no comments. No news was good news, apparently.

“If I approved your work, take the bag to your locker and set it on the bottom shelf, toward the back. Centered.”

They put the bags away.

“Everypony else, fix your sloppy attempts. The rest of us will wait until you figure it out.”

Eagle went to the front of the room and sat, looking at her watch. The few ponies who hadn’t folded their bag properly hurried to fix them.

Zinnia went to help one of them, prompting a few others to do the same.

Tempest looked at Eagle, who seemed to approve of this. The bags were given another examination once finished.

“There, much better, see what you can accomplish with help? Put them away, we’ve wasted enough time on this. There’s so much to do before lights out.”

Eagle waited, then said, “Right. So, every evening after dinner, we’ll be cleaning the dorm. You are encouraged to do this as quickly as possible, because the faster you do it, the faster you can have free time to write letters and relax. I’ll fit in Guard Time sometime before or after dinner too depending on when that gets done. But we can’t get to cleaning quite yet. Because you’ve all been walking around in armor and you stink. So. Showers!”

There wasn’t a reaction at first, everyone needing a moment to take that in.

“Did I stutter? Get your tails in the showers!”

They started to move, but she got in the doorway to the hall, shouting, “No, what are you doing?! You going to shower in full armor? Take all that off, set it on the floor in front of your lockers, you imbeciles!”

They scrambled to pull everything off, but before they could leave, she again stopped them.

“Um, body wash?” she demanded. “Shampoo? Mane brushes, hoof picks? I said you stink, don’t just drench yourselves in water! And take off those ID badge holders and leave them in your security drawers! Keys will stay on! And bring your towels, I don’t want you dripping water all over my nice floor! Move!”

They grabbed everything they needed and ran for the latrine. Tempest improvised, choosing not to take the entire bottles with her and instead squeezing out some soap onto her back and mane, planning to lather it up once in the shower.

“Hey, see what Trainee Tempest did?” Eagle called to those still in the room. “She went ahead and put the body wash on herself so she won’t have to worry about the bottles! You could learn a thing or two from her!”

Tempest grabbed her mane brush in her mouth, locked up her ID card holder, and sprinted past. Eagle slapped her backside as she passed. “I’m keeping my eye on you, high flyer!”

Tempest felt weirdly flattered. She went into the latrine and over into the shower area. It was larger than she expected, with easily enough shower heads for the full flight. She hung her towel, hoping she would be able to find it later, but then again she supposed it didn’t matter yet. They all had similar, new brown towels.

She went to an open spot and tossed her brush onto the shelf, then turned on the water. The knob had a hot setting, and she turned to it, but the water still came out freezing cold. She jumped under it anyway and rubbed shampoo through her mane, then stepped out to lather up the soap on her body. She let it soak for a few moments, then dove into the spray again and washed off. She checked herself over for suds, then turned off the water, which was just getting warm. Grabbing her brush, she went and got her towel, drying off as she crossed to a mirror.

She thought to herself that maybe she should finally get her mane cut, maybe even restyled. Oh well, it was shorter than what some of the others had to deal with.

She brushed it, and turned to brush her tail. With that done, she went back to her bed and opened her security drawer, putting away the brush and retrieving her ID. Her towel was draped on the rail at the end of the bed per Eagle’s orders.

“Once you’ve taken your last shower of the day, you can leave your armor off,” Eagle said. “Do you all see that hook on the left of your lockers? Take a hanger, and hang your armor off that. Shoes will be aligned on the left of your bed. Helmet will be placed on the right bedpost closest to the lockers.”

They did as told, and Eagle repeated the instructions as more ponies came back from their showers.

“You’ll be polishing the metal later, once we go to the store tomorrow and buy some supplies,” Eagle said. “But for now, don’t worry about it.”

They waited until everyone was done showering, and then Eagle went to the center of the room.

“Okay trainees, here’s where the fun really begins. It’s time for you all to be assigned a detail! Good luck, because unless you royally screw up, you’ll have your job until you graduate.”

8. Details

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Tempest figured nothing could get worse than chow runner at this point. So if she heard something simple, she might just volunteer for it before something odd comes up.

“Alright trainees, now I want you to be honest with me,” Eagle said, lifting a clipboard and setting a pen to it. “These questions will help me determine what job you’re best suited for. So tell me, did any of you like to play soldier as a filly? It’s alright, no judgment right now.”

They hesitated, then a few mares raised their hooves. Tempest shrugged and did too.

Eagle looked around, then said, “Great! So!” She pointed at that small pegasus who had been at the front of the first element that morning. “You will be the first spear monitor! And you!” She pointed at a beige unicorn with a short russet mane and tail. “You will be her buddy, spear monitor two! Oho, that’s a big job. What’s your names?”

“Ma’am, Trainee Blue Horizon reports as ordered,” Blue replied.

“Ma’am, Trainee Dream Walker reports as ordered.”

Eagle Eye wrote their names down, then said, “Dream Walker? How’d you get that name?”

“Ma’am, my parents just thought it… felt right. Like many parents do when they first see their foal.”

“I see. What’s your special talent?”

Dream looked at her cutie mark for a moment, which looked like a sort of thought bubble surrounded by little stars. Then she said, “Ma’am, my control over magic is fairly weak for a unicorn but I’ve found I can have completely lucid dreams at will and can even cross into the dreams of other ponies, where I can help ease their troubles.”

That got impressed noises from the others, but Eagle looked skeptical. “Really? So… you have the same magical power as Princess Luna?”

“No, ma’am, it’s not quite the same. Princess Luna can completely control a pony’s dreams, shifting things around, bringing multiple dreamscapes together if needed. All I can do is walk around in a pony’s existing dream and watch, and talk to them if they’re willing to listen. They have to do all the dream control themselves.”

“I see. Has Luna met you?”

Dream blushed. “Yes, ma’am, she has. She noticed my talent very quickly and has helped guide me in applying my talent effectively. I sometimes see her in person too, she likes checking up on me. She saw how much I want to protect others, and she recommended I join the Guard.”

“That’s a cute story, Trainee Dream. But don’t think having Luna’s favor gets you any favor from me. You gotta prove yourself. So you are a spear monitor!” Eagle gestured for them to approach her. They did, and she explained, “This job’s very important. You will maintain accountability over the flight’s assigned weapons.”

That got some interested looks.

“Got your attention, didn’t I? But don’t get too excited. You’re all getting issued training spears. Not sharp, made of rubber instead of metal, but the same shape and weight of a real one. And you can still hurt somepony if you stab them hard enough. Each spear will be inscribed with a serial number. You will each be expected to keep track of your specific spear. No trading them. And the spear monitors? Every day, usually some time after breakfast, you will go to every locker and make sure everypony has their spear. Then you will report to the office downstairs and tell them that all spears are accounted for. They’ll say thanks, and you’ll mosey your happy asses back up here. It’s so simple a foal could do it. In fact we’ll all be going down to the armory to grab our spears tomorrow and then you can really start learning your job. That won’t be your only detail though. You’re still getting something to do in the evenings. Go back to your beds.”

The two went back to their spots.

Eagle consulted her list. “Anypony a neat freak? Gotta have things in order?”

A few hooves went up, including Zinnia’s.

“That’ll come in handy for this next detail. Trainee Zinnia, bed aligner! You, Goldilocks, what’s your name?”

An earth pony with quite bright gold curls said, “Ma’am, Trainee Aurum Zen reports as ordered.”

“Trainee Aurum, bed aligner! Hey fluffy feathers over there, name?”

A pegasus with notably fluffy feathers seemed taken aback at being picked, but she said, “Ma’am, Trainee Cumulus reports as ordered.”

“Cumulus, nice! I love clouds! Bed aligner! Okay hooves down, our lucky few have been chosen.” Eagle spent a few moments writing, then said, “Okay, bed aligners! You get to keep this dorm in order. You will make sure all these beds stay perfectly lined up with each other. All the way down each side, and across the aisle from each other. It should look like a perfect grid from above. And believe me, I will be climbing these lockers to check.”

The trainees glanced unsurely at each other.

Eagle happily moved on. “Next. Who likes laying on a nice, warm couch?”

That got quite a few hooves.

“Who doesn’t? Trainee Ocean, dayroom crew! Trainee Nightshade, yeah I know your name already, made sure I remembered you after you gave me that stinkeye in the chow hall earlier! Dayroom crew!”

“Yes, ma’am,” the two replied.

Nightshade was a unicorn with a nearly black coat and a straight, shiny purple mane. She had a poisonous-looking purple flower for a cutie mark. Tempest remembered hearing her voice as they went through the chow hall for lunch earlier. She had been trying to talk to the pony next to her, who luckily had ignored her. Eagle had yelled at her, and she had apparently given her a dirty look. Oh boy. Every group had at least one, huh?

Eagle asked, “Who lived in a house with stairs as a filly?” She looked around as nearly half the room raised their hooves. “Stairs are good exercise huh? Trainee Lemon Breeze, stairwell crew! And… hm.” She looked closely at a unicorn with a gray coat, orange mane, and accordion cutie mark. “Who’re you?”

“Ma’am, Trainee Reed Concord reports as ordered,” she replied in a mellow voice.

“That so? What’s your schtick? I see that accordion on your flank, you a musician?”

“Ma’am, I’ve had accordion lessons and I’m very good at playing it, and I enjoy it, but I don’t like being in front of crowds so my career never took off. So I figured, I’ll join the Royal Guard.”

“That’s wild. I’m gonna get you over that stage fright and you might just be able to join the Royal Guard Band. So. Stairwell crew!”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Stairwell crew’s easy, you go out and tidy up our corner of the building and all the stairs down to the third floor landing. Clean the rails, clean the steps. Try not to get trampled. Nice and quiet though.”

Eagle read down her list, tapping her pen against her chin. “Hm… oh, dorm guard monitor… that’s basically just one pony who arranges the schedule for dorm guard duty. Probably the most hated job. As in, everypony else will hate you. Because you won’t be able to please them all. Expect to hear a lot of complaints. You’re gonna stick some pony in the midnight to two AM shift and have to hear, ‘But Traineeee Snuffyyy, I need my beauty sleeep!’ And you’ll have to look them in the eye and say, ‘And I need a million bits’ and tell them we can't all get what we want. Fun fun.” She looked around. “So who wants to be utterly despised… by the way, this isn’t a solo job, you’ll do this along with another detail, so don’t think you’re safe if you’ve already gotten something. Let me look at my trainee roster.” Eagle flipped to another page, scanning names. “I’ve read the application packages from every single one of you, basically tried to familiarize myself with you… but it’s much better to see you all in person. But I think I know the pony for the job. Somepony who apparently played hall monitor at a big school in Fillydelphia. Where’s Trainee Calli Graphi?”

A unicorn with a silver coat and well-styled light blue mane stood. Tempest thought she looked quite similar to Rarity, down to having very thick eyelashes. But her eyes were silver like her coat and her snout was sharp, fitting her haughty expression. “Ma’am, Trainee Calli Graphi reports as ordered.”

Eagle looked her over. “Ah yes. Such a pretty face. A face that’ll be easy to hate. Dorm guard monitor!”

“Yes, ma’am,” she replied with a smile.

“And stop smirking! Military bearing!” Eagle scoffed and wrote her name as Calli sat. “Element leaders and dorm chief, I’ll pick those in a few days once I have time to observe all of you and determine who are the best leaders. Mm mm… you know what, I’m going to even out the numbers for the bed aligners, let me see.” She pointed to a small crimson earth pony that was so quiet Tempest hasn’t really noticed her. “Who are you?”

“My name is-” she started, but was interrupted.

“Ma’am, Trainee what?” Eagle demanded.

“Oh.” The mare went to attention. “Ma’am, Trainee Ruby Luster reports as ordered.”

“Ruby Luster. What did you do before joining the Royal Guard? I see you have a pretty necklace for a cutie mark.”

“Yes, ma’am. My mothers are both jewelers and I took on the trade, and I’m pretty good at it, but it just never felt right for me. I wanted to do something new. So I applied to be an officer of the Royal Guard. But I’ll probably still make and sell jewelry in my free time for extra bits.”

“It’s nice to get a little extra income, hm? I bet you need real steady hooves to make jewelry. So. Bed aligner.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Next up, ooh, goodie, hallway crew. You’ll clean up the hallway going to the dayroom and latrine and past my office. I’ll need two of you. You’ll make sure the rugs in the hallway are clean, disinfect the water fountains, and you trainees are bad about leaning on the walls when lining up so hallway crew gets to clean off those scuffs and sweat stains. Where are my spear monitors, put your hooves back up.” They did, and she said, “Blue Horizon, hallway crew. Dream Walker, put your hoof down, I’ll give you something else.” She looked around, and located an earth pony with a warm brown coat and even darker brown mane. “You, the one who looks like you’re covered in mud, what’s your name?”

“Ma’am, Trainee Mudslide reports as ordered,” the mare replied in a bold voice.

“Mudslide, eh? That makes me want rum and cream. Congratulations, hallway crew!”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Eagle hummed as she read what she had so far. “Let’s see. Right, the all important utility room crew. I’ve had that room closed, but I’ll show y’all in a bit. It has a small washer and dryer for washing your armor undershirts, and it’s where all the cleaning supplies, extra coat hangers, toilet paper, and so on is stored. But we go through that stuff fast. So I need two utility crew members to run the washer and dryer, give out supplies, and go down to the office to grab anything we run out of. You’ll refill the cleaning solutions down there too. It’ll probably take up most of your time during details but if you finish and need something else to do, just help out wherever. So who likes the idea of running up and down the stairs constantly?”

No one volunteered.

“If you don’t volunteer I’m picking at random.” Eagle waited a few seconds, then said, “Fine, I’ll pick.” She pointed at two pegasi who looked rather similar and had taken beds next to each other, who had matching forest green coats and swept back, light blonde manes with lime streaks. “Ohh no. Oh no, you’re those twins, aren’t you?”

“Yes, ma’am,” they said in unison.

“Ugh I better not catch you standing next to each other at the end of the hallway! I’m giving you utility crew! I considered separating you but somehow I feel like I’ll regret it. What are your names?”

The first said, “Ma’am, Trainee Pine Glider reports as ordered.”

The other said, “Ma’am, Trainee Spruce Drifter reports as ordered.”

“Oh great. Your parents had no creativity, huh? I’m going to assume they weren’t expecting twins.”

“No, ma’am,” Pine replied.

“Hm. So how am I supposed to tell you apart? Oh wait, get up, let me see your cutie marks. Twin cutie marks are nigh impossible-”

Eagle stopped when they turned to show her their thighs. Pine had a cutie mark of an ascending swirl over a pine tree. Spruce’s was nearly the same except her swirl veered sideways and the tree was slightly taller.

“What. The piss.” Eagle shook her head. “That ain’t right. What’re your talents?”

“Ma’am, we’re experts at tandem flying together,” Pine said. “We used to put on shows all the time.”

“Why didn’t you join the Wonderbolts?”

Spruce answered that one, “We considered it ma’am, but our tricks are showy, not fast. We could never keep up with the Wonderbolts. But we’ve always admired the royal guards, so decided to go for it.”

“Okay then. Is there any other way I can tell you apart?”

Pine and Spruce looked at each other. Pine rubbed her chin. “I think she’s taller.”

“No way, we’re the same height on all our paperwork. Oh, I know!” Spruce pointed to a little scar over Pine’s left eye. “She has a scar here and I don’t!”

“Oh yeah, from when we were fillies and we tried to do an advanced spinning technique and you kicked me in the face accidentally!” They started laughing.

Eagle groaned. “Right. Trainee Pine, you have an eye scar and the little swirly on your cutie mark goes up. And Trainee Spruce, you have no scar and your swirly goes sideways. I’ll manage. Have fun as utility crew.” She wrote their names down and shuddered.

Tempest chuckled. Those twins seemed like an interesting pair. She couldn’t wait to get to know them.

“Moving on,” Eagle said. “Trash crew! Alright, so! This will be two ponies. You’ll take the trash out from my office and the latrine. All the way out and to the dumpster outside. But before you actually go out, you’ll replace the trash bags. Utility crew will keep those stocked. After dropping off the trash, you’ll also go to the patio outside the dorm building and join other trash crews in tidying up the area. There’ll be plenty to do, and once you’re done you’ll report back up and help out wherever you’re needed. Who haven’t I picked on yet… Raise your hooves if I haven’t given you a detail, not counting monitors.”

Eight hooves went up, including Tempest’s.

Eagle looked at all of them, lingering on her for a moment, but then passing as she picked out a unicorn and a pegasus. “Alright, you two haven’t really acknowledged each other yet. Make nice with each other. Give me your names.”

“Ma’am, Trainee Flitter Bug reports as ordered,” the indigo pegasus with a smattering of white spots across her said. Her cutie mark depicted ladybugs with spread wings.

“Ma’am, Trainee Blizzard Blast reports as ordered,” the snow white unicorn said next. The fur around her hooves was especially feathery and she was well-built, probably the next tallest besides Tempest. Her mane was slicked back and gleamed silver.

“Blizzard Blast!” Eagle exclaimed. “That sounds powerful. I see you have icicles for a cutie mark. What’s up with that?”

Blizzard stood. “Ma’am, my specialty is ice magic and I like manifesting snow and building sculptures with it. I come from up north, near Vanhoover. Lots of ponies do things with snow there. I didn’t really want to do what everypony else was doing. So I decided to head south and join the Royal Guard. I actually prefer the weather here.”

“Is that so? Well then. Welcome aboard. You can sit.”

Blizzard sat and Eagle wrote her name along with Flitter’s.

Eagle smiled as she consulted her list. “Well now. If my math is correct, and it usually is, that leaves six of you without a main detail. Which is exactly how many I like to have assigned to the most important detail of all. You ready? Latrine crew!”

Tempest sighed under her breath. Oh well. It’s not like she was a stranger to cleaning bathrooms. The Storm King didn’t make her a commander immediately, she had to work her way up. And his soldiers were disgusting.

“That’s right, trainees. A coveted position. Now I need to see six hooves raised.”

Tempest lifted hers, as did the five others. She noted that Calli was making a face as she put hers up.

Eagle noted them all. “Calli and Dream, I already know your names… let me get you.” She went through them one by one. A unicorn named Fizzy Pop which Tempest found great because that was close to her own birth name. Also, wow there were a lot of unicorns in the flight. But she supposed that made sense, the Royal Guard has always been disproportionately made of Canterlot natives since the Guard had such a presence here, and Canterlot was mostly inhabited by unicorns.

Then there was Storm Gale the pegasus. Spunky, dark gray, a mane of red and lighter gray, with a tornado for a cutie mark. Would probably be great friends with Rainbow Dash, based on what Tempest has seen of her so far.

Another unicorn, aquamarine with a comforting lavender and pink mane, yet her cutie mark was a fencing sword with a ribbon twirling around it. Her name was Sword Dancer.

“Sword Dancer,” Eagle stated. “Explain.”

“Ma’am, I was a fencing champion in school and took private lessons too,” she replied. “But I never fought to harm. I fought for exercise, for companionship, for the simple joy of a hard won fight. I’ve always cared about my opponents and been happy if they beat me, because that meant I had more to learn.”

“So how do you feel about the possibility of having to hurt others?” Eagle asked. “This isn’t a fun competition. As a royal guard, you will be tasked to help defend Equestria wherever you’re needed. Your location may be attacked by other creatures or even angry ponies who will be ready to kill you. Will you kill them first?”

Sword set her expression. “Ma’am, I will never harm the innocent. But yes, I am willing to fight for Equestria. I am willing to defend myself and especially others. And if that means I have to kill, I will do so without hesitation.”

A few of the other trainees whistled.

“I think I love you,” Storm said.

Eagle grinned. “I like what you got, Trainee Sword. Let’s hope you mean it. But for now all I need you to kill is filth. Well then, that just leaves one more. A pony I’ve been just dying to talk to.” Her fierce eyes met Tempest’s, who finally realized they were a striking red that seemed able to stare into her mind. “Tempest Shadow, ex-commander of the Storm King’s army.”

9. The Drama Begins

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Tempest had no idea what Eagle was planning. But she stood, meeting her eyes just as strongly, asking, “Yes, ma’am?”

Eagle walked toward her, circling her slowly as she spoke. Sizing her up. “I was very interested in your application. A mare more than a decade the senior of most of my trainees? Who has already served in a prominent command position over hundreds of troops? Who singlehoofedly incapacitated three alicorn princesses and captured a fourth? Who possesses powerful magic and has the endorsement of Princess Celestia herself? Who likely fears no creature from this world or beyond? Who I haven’t seen fazed by a single thing any TI has done since you got here? What in Equestria could I possibly have left to teach you?” She stopped in front of her, standing on the tips of her hooves to look into Tempest’s eyes, demanding an answer.

Tempest looked back calmly. “Well ma’am, the marching and singing is new to me.”

The others laughed, before a fast glare from Eagle stopped them. She looked back at Tempest. “You’re fearless. What can I possibly do to keep you in line?”

“You don’t need to keep me in line. I’ll keep me in line. I want this. I want to serve Equestria as a royal guard and I will work hard to make it through the academy.”

Eagle seemed torn between looking impressed and irritated. “Is this how you’re going to speak to me the whole time you’re here? Without reporting statements, without even a ma’am?”

“Sorry, ma’am. I just don’t like to mince words. I say what I feel. I will admit to needing to learn Equestrian military courtesies.”

“You sure do. But I admire that you don’t waste time and you say what you mean. I think I can accept the way you talk to me, but only once you’ve earned it. Prove you deserve for me to see you as an equal. Because until you put on some kind of rank, I’m a major, and you’re at the bottom of the totem pole. Less than even a butter bar lieutenant. And always always use reporting statements outside this dorm room and with the other instructors. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Tempest replied.

“Good. I get the feeling you’re going to be one of the most interesting officers I’ve ever trained. So then, you’re going to be part of latrine crew. But we can’t let your years of commanding experience go to waste. Oh no. I need to put you in a position where you can flex some power over the others. So.” Eagle smirked. “Trainee Tempest Shadow, you will not just be latrine crew, you will be latrine queen!”

This time when the rest of the mares laughed, Eagle didn’t stop them. She waited for them to quiet down, then explained the role to Tempest.

“The latrine queen tells everypony else on latrine crew what to do. You can give them all a permanent job, or switch things up from day to day. You’ll make sure they all do their job well. And you get to give yourself whatever task you like best, how about that. There will be plenty to do. Mirrors polished, sinks and toilets cleaned, hair pulled out of the shower drains, all sorts of fun! You up for it?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Great! Don’t let the power go to your head. Go ahead and relax, I gotta talk to all of you now.”

Tempest sat, and Eagle began pacing down the center of the bay as she further explained all the different details. She listened closely to all the tasks of latrine crew in particular. Apparently it tended to take a little longer than the rest. And in fact, while the entire flight worked together in the evenings to clean the bay, latrine crew was typically sent in to get started early and their bed areas were covered by the others.

“But today will be an exception,” Eagle said. “Today you will all do it, because you all should know how it’s done. Hm, this first one will be fun, because I bet none of you brought lint rollers.”

They glanced at each other, a few lost ponies murmuring, “Lint rollers…?”

A single mare, Mudslide, silently opened her security drawer and took out a lint roller.

Eagle laughed. “I’ll be damned. Good on you, Trainee Mudslide. Got any parents in the service?”

“Yes, ma’am, both my parents are,” she replied.

“Oh yes, I bet they taught you all the tips and tricks. I’ll be watching you. Well then the rest of you are screwed until tomorrow. I’ll take utility crew down to grab rags and you can use those for now. But basically we’ll be dusting everything. The floor around and under your beds, the wall lockers, yes even the top, the chairs. Now you see where a lint roller comes in handy? Oh, Mudslide seems to have something to say.”

Mudslide stood. “Ma’am, will we also be able to turn off the lights and use our flashlights to highlight the dust?”

Eagle strolled over to her and clapped her so hard on the shoulder they were surprised her knees didn’t buckle. “Trainee Mudslide, you fucking genius. We absolutely can do that. But save a little work for the other trainees, eh? We want them to find all the little tricks too.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Mudslide said with the barest hint of a smile.

Eagle walked back to the aisle. “But don’t try life hacking everything just yet. That’s how the kids say it, right? Life hacking? Anyway! We’ll do things by the books, and once you prove you can follow instructions, you can start improvising. Now, you all just hang tight for a bit. Wonder twins, get over here.”

“Yes, ma’am,” they said, hurrying over to her in perfect step with each other.

“Y’all freak me out. Follow me, we’re going on an adventure down to the supply room.” Eagle led them out, but paused at the door to the dorm room, shouting back, “Ruby, you’re my temporary chief! Don’t let any of these bozos leave!”

Ruby jumped, ears flattening when the others turned to look at her. “Y-yes, ma’am!” she yelled.

Eagle took the twins out and the door slammed and locked.

Ruby sighed. “Why me.”

“I know,” Calli scoffed. “You’re like, the smallest here, you couldn’t stop any of us.”

Ruby hunched down nervously. “Well, I um…”

Tempest went to stand next to her. “But I can.”

“Oh please, edgelord, don’t get a big head just because Celestia got you here,” Calli replied.

“Hey, the position of edgelord in this dorm belongs to me alone,” Nightshade said from her chair in the corner, where she was already lounging.

Calli rolled her eyes. “Whatever, Blightshade.”

Nightshade got to her hooves. “What did you just call me?”

“Girls, holy fuck!” Tempest shouted. They all froze. “We’ve literally been here a day, stop fighting! We’re going to be dealing with each other for ten straight weeks! I think we all can agree that we want it to be as painless as possible! So get your shit together, and stop the drama! We are not in high school!”

Calli stuck her nose up. “Hmph.” She went to sit down on her chair, crossing her forelegs.

“Thank you, Tempest,” Ruby said shyly.

“No problem. I’ve broken up a lot of spats over the years. Disagreements between troops only weakens us.”

“I don’t know man, disagreements might help us find a better solution or something?” Storm said from where she was laying on her back on her bed.

“Man get your ass off that bed,” Tempest said. “You heard Major Eagle, we only lay in bed when it’s lights out.”

Storm sighed but hopped up. “Sorry but that penicillin shot hurts.”

“Lay on the floor then.”

“Don’t mind if I do.”

Tempest continued, “But you’re right. We shouldn’t all agree all the time. We should be open to discussing things and finding the best course of action. But I don’t think we’ll get to do that much right now. We’re in training. We’ll just need to do what we’re told, and deal with stuff we don’t like.”

“There she goes, commanding again, Major Eagle should just go home and let you instruct us,” Calli muttered.

“Did you guys hear something?” Tempest asked. “Hm, must have been a draft, because if someone was talking I’m sure they would have enunciated.”

Calli got to her hooves, starting across the room. “Why you-” She immediately plowed into Blizzard’s chest. The big unicorn had swiftly gotten between her and Tempest.

Calli started to growl at her, but Blizzard’s horn lit up with a cold blue magic and the smaller unicorn was lifted off the ground. She struggled, her own horn sparking with white magic as she tried to cancel out the levitation, but she jerked as her magic was overpowered.

The temperature in the room dropped significantly, making many of the others shiver.

“You need to learn to control your temper,” Blizzard said sternly.

Calli struggled. “What is wrong with you? Put me down!”

“She acted in defense of Tempest,” Sword said. “Her actions are honorable. Apologize.”

“Ugh! Sorry!” Calli spat.

Blizzard suddenly dropped her, and she yelped as she fell onto her rump, making her penicillin injection site sear with pain.

“I’m not the one you should apologize to,” Blizzard said, stepping aside. “Apologize to Tempest.”

Tempest raised a brow as Calli stood and looked at her. “Sorry,” she said shortly.

“Apology accepted,” Tempest said with a shrug. “Though you should thank Blizzard. I would have wasted you. Which would have sucked for both of us because I’d probably get kicked out.”

“Ugh, so arrogant.”

“Right back at you.”

Calli walked away. Tempest let her go, whistling.

“Day 1, how exciting,” she commented. The others chuckled.

“This is fun, I’m having a fun time,” Fizzy remarked.

They heard the door unlock, and then Eagle was coming into the bay. They saw the twins continue walking, carrying stuff into what they assumed was the utility room.

Eagle started to speak, then looked around at all of them, Calli still sour-faced, Tempest standing tall, Blizzard protectively standing near her, and the other trainees generally looking tense.

Eagle laughed. “Oh I know those looks. You already argued with each other about something, didn’t you! And on the first real day! That might be a record. Aw, they grow up real fast.” Her expression changed from amused to stern in a second, head snapping toward Ruby. “Trainee Ruby. What happened while I was gone?”

Ruby stood at attention. “Ma’am, Trainee Ruby Luster reports as ordered. There was a small argument.” At scoffs from the others, she corrected, “Well ma’am, it escalated. After you left, Trainee Calli said that I was the smallest and couldn’t stop anypony from leaving. Tempest backed me up and said she could. Um, Calli called her an edgelord.”

Tempest’s mouth twitched, and when Eagle glanced at her, she nodded in confirmation.

“Go on, Ruby,” Eagle said.

“Yes, ma’am. Nightshade, I guess maybe trying to defuse things, said she’s the only edgelord in the dorm.”

The other trainees were trying not to laugh. Nightshade shrugged at Eagle’s exasperated look. “Sorry, ma’am. I thought some humor would lighten things but Calli seemed annoyed by it.”

“Well, yeah,” Calli scowled.

“Quiet Calli, I’ll hear your side in a moment,” Eagle ordered. “What else, Ruby? I doubt that was it.”

“No ma’am, there’s more. Calli called Nightshade ‘Blightshade’, and Nightshade got mad and got up, about to argue with her. Then Tempest stepped in and… well, she yelled. She was a bit profane, but she basically told us all to stop fighting, we’re going to be near each other for ten weeks so we shouldn’t make it harder, and to stop the drama because this isn’t high school.”

It was clear that it was only years of experience keeping Eagle’s military bearing in place.

“Oh Celestia,” she said. “Well? Did Tempest’s speech settle things?”

“Unfortunately, no.”

“Of course it didn’t.”

Ruby summarized the rest. Tempest explaining that disagreements weaken troops, and discussing with Storm that well, some disagreements can be good, but there was no place for it in training. Calli’s irritation with Tempest being so commanding, and Tempest subsequently telling her off. The fight that was stopped by Blizzard’s quick action.

Ruby hesitated then, and Eagle said, “What is it, what happened when Calli yelled at Blizzard?”

“I… ma’am, I don’t wanna get Blizzard in trouble, she really was just trying to protect Tempest, but she got a little… firm with Calli…”

“That’s noble but I’ll be the only decider of punishments here. Tell the truth.”

“Yes, ma’am. So…” Ruby sighed, then said, “Blizzard used her magic to pick Calli up, and told her she needed to control her temper. The air got really cold and Calli couldn’t get away from her, so she apologized, and Blizzard dropped her and told her to apologize to Tempest. Calli did. Tempest said that was good because she would have um… wasted her. Exact words.”

Tempest looked down, mildly embarrassed. She hadn’t exactly behaved well either.

“I see. Anything else?”

“Calli called her arrogant and walked away. Tempest said she was too. After that we were just kinda quiet until you came in.”

“I said this was a fun time,” Fizzy said unhelpfully.

Eagle was silent for a bit, just thinking that all over. Then she gave a pained groan. “This is why I go to therapy. Okay. Trainee Calli, get your asinine flank over here.”

Calli swallowed and walked over to her.

Eagle set a hoof on her shoulder. “Calli. What the hell.”

“I’m sorry, ma’am,” Calli replied. “I just thought Tempest was coming across as cocky so I wanted to knock her down a peg.”

“Would you say you have a temper? Be honest, integrity is important in the Guard.”

“Ma’am, I… have been told I have a bad temper. But I was hoping I could learn to handle it in the Guard.”

It took everything Tempest had not to respond to that. She’s probably grown up hearing it and dismissing it. She carried the attitude of the Canterlot elite. She had visible earring holes and the hint of old make-up on her eyelids. She had been perfectly smug earlier. She was just sucking up now to try not to get in trouble. Tempest seriously hoped Eagle wasn’t fooled.

Eagle sighed and dropped her hoof. “It’s your first day. You’re all frustrated and tensions are high with all these conflicting viewpoints. So you know what? I’m letting you off with a warning. But all of you better get the hell over yourselves! None of you are better than the others! You’re all equally foolish and incompetent as guards, as evidenced by your behavior here! Get on your faces!”

Yep, Tempest saw that coming. She dropped, the others hastily following.

“Push-up positions! Down, up! One! Down, up! Two! Hey, Calli, you’re to blame for this, move it! Down, up, three!”

Calli collapsed on the floor.

“Are you kidding me?” Eagle turned to Tempest and barked, “Keep leading the others while I deal with this.”

“Down, up!” Tempest took over. “Four!” Exercise as punishment. Some things were universal.

“Calli, do you want to be in the Royal Guard?” Eagle demanded.

“Yes, ma’am,” she gasped.

“Do you? Because you don’t look like you do! Royal guards don’t lay on the floor! Royal guards can do more than three damn push-ups! You better get your ass in the air! The longer you stay down there, the longer your fellow trainees have to suffer!”

“Down, up,” Tempest continued. The rest of them were at ten now and a few ponies were faltering too, but Eagle’s attention wasn’t on them. They were pretty much all looking at Calli.

Eagle looked around the room, and those who were resting hurriedly got back to it. “Come on mares, encourage your buddy!”

“Calli, come on!” they started yelling, interspersed with Tempest leading their pace.

Eagle got down right in front of Calli, throwing her helmet aside and staring at her. She pounded a front hoof against the floor. “I swear to Celestia, Calli I better see some effort!”

“I’m trying!” Calli cried, forelegs trembling as she tried to push her body up. Her back hooves scrambled as she tried not to use them to help her.

“Keep those back hooves planted! Flat on the floor, stretched back, one foot apart! You aren’t trying, you’re failing!”

Calli actually sobbed as she still couldn’t manage to do it. Her entire body was shaking with effort.

Tempest knew she shouldn’t be entertained, but she was. This was the best kind of karma. She could admit that she still had a sadistic streak.

“Everypony rest!” Eagle screamed. They all gladly fell to their stomachs, panting and wiping sweat from their foreheads.

Calli trembled as she laid on the floor, her mane in messy tangles around her face. Her cheeks were bright red with humiliation and there were tears in her eyes.

“This isn’t gym class,” Eagle hissed to her. “You can’t just do whatever and pass. You will get fit, and you will learn to behave appropriately in my dorm room. Do I make myself clear?”

“Y-yes, ma’am,” she replied, voice unsteady.

“Good. Now get up and go to the latrine, you look like you need to wash your face off.”

Calli nodded and sprinted out. They heard the door to the latrine slam, but not before they heard her let out a sob.

Eagle stood and pulled her helmet back on. “There’s always some overconfident pony thinking that just because they were popular in school, they can rule the dorm. Not on my watch. I stomp out that nonsense as soon as I see it.” She looked around as the others got up, panting and generally looking tired and annoyed. “You don’t look happy. But don’t blame me. You all know who was responsible.”

“I’m not blaming you, ma’am,” Ruby said meekly. A few others echoed the sentiment.

“Mm, okay. I really don’t like making you stink right after showering. Oh well. If you would come with me over to the utility room, we can get started on cleaning the bay, and then I’ll release you to your details.”

They got to cleaning in silence. After a few minutes, Calli came in and joined without a word. Tempest frowned as she looked her way. Maybe she was a jerk, but everyone deserved a chance to improve. She hoped Calli learned from this. She wanted to see her succeed too.

Tempest crawled under her bed to get after some dust bunnies. She couldn’t wait for bedtime.

10. Unexpected Acoustics

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Cleaning the floor took several minutes. But once they were done, Eagle looked around and said, “We'll do a better job once you get those lint rollers tomorrow. Now you need to get to your details. Wonder twins, help out wherever you're needed. Trash crew, there is no trash yet so go outside and find another TI and tell them you're part of trash crew, they'll teach you everything you need to know. And make sure you're wearing your IDs before you step out of this dorm! Go on, you two get moving.”

Flitter Bug and Blizzard Blast checked that they had their cards, and then trotted out.

“Bed aligners, stay here. Hallway crew, there should be spray bottles with an orange chemical in them, grab a couple of those and some rags and get to wiping down the walls and the floor. I'll check on you in a bit.” Eagle watched Blue and Mudslide hurry to do as told. “Utility crew, keep an eye on supplies in the utility room, if we run low on anything you know where to go to get more.”

“Yes, ma'am!”

“Dayroom crew, get to picking lint out of that furniture and make sure my whiteboard is clean and shiny!”

Ocean and Nightshade ran out.

“Stairwell crew! You will also grab some of those spray bottles, and go into the stairwell to clean like I explained earlier. Get to it and don't fall down the stairs!”

“Yes, ma'am!”

A few seconds later and the door was opening and then slamming shut.

“Latrine crew, get what you need and get in the latrine! Tempest, tell them what to do and keep an eye on them once you're in there! Move it!”

“Yes, ma'am!” Tempest jerked her head toward the hallway and hurried out, the other five in her group following her. As she stepped into the utility room, she heard Eagle address the bed aligners and begin showing them their job. Tempest levitated up some bottles. “Okay, this orange stuff is apparently heavy duty, good for cleaning the toilets and shower handles. Who wants to clean toilets?”

Understandably, no one stepped up.

“Okay then.” Tempest looked at the waiting mares, and said, “There's two rows of toilets in there, right? The front stalls and then you go around to those back stalls. I think there were about ten toilets in all, so... Okay, two of you will work to clean those.” She considered her options, then said, “Uh... sorry, Storm.”

“Hey, whatever man, it's gotta get done,” Storm replied, accepting a bottle from her.

“Sword, would you like to help her out?” Tempest asked.

“Sure, ma'am.” Sword took the other bottle.

“Great, thank you. And I'll probably be switching you guys around every week or so. Unless you get really good at what you're doing, in which case I might just leave you there. Depends on how I feel. Okay, I'll also need one of you to clean the mirrors with this blue chemical...” Tempest passed that one over to Dream Walker. “Here. Spray the mirrors, wipe them off with a rag, try not to leave lint. Think you can handle that?”

“Heh, I'll do my best.”

“You'll also use that to clean out the sinks. Oh, by the way guys, if I've given you a task, go ahead and start cleaning.”

Three of them filed out, taking a collection of rags with them.

Tempest examined the supplies, and said, “Ah, yes. Someone's gonna have to clean all those shiny metal stall doors. Now...” She lowered her voice as she picked up another blue bottle. “I know Major Eagle said to use this, but if you pour soap from the dispenser onto a paper towel and just use that, I won't say a word.” She winked, and gave the bottle to Fizzy Pop.

The mare's eyes widened. “Ooh. Got ya.” She smiled and pranced off.

That just left Tempest standing there with Calli. She gave her a smirk, and picked up an orange bottle and a few rags. “Well, guess that just leaves you with one particular job, since I'm going to be cleaning the shower handles and those shelves in there.”

“As long as I don't have to do something as disgusting as cleaning toilets, I'll take whatever you wanna give me,” Calli replied.

“I'm so glad. Because you have a vital job.” Tempest leaned down, and grabbed a pair of large tweezers off a shelf. “You get to pull strands of hair out of the shower drains and make sure the floor in there isn't all covered in fur! Here's a broom and dustpan too, enjoy!”

“Ugh, seriously?” Calli complained as she took the items.

Tempest raised a brow at her. “I mean, do you want to clean the toilets, because I'm sure Storm or Sword would be more than happy to trade.”

“Okay, fine, I'll do it.”

“Haha, thought so! Come on.” Tempest led the way. She pushed open the door to the latrine, and found the others well at work with their tasks. “Alright everyone, good job, let's get this done and then we can get back out of here and hopefully have a little bit of time to relax tonight.”

“First real night, though?” Storm asked, flapping her wings to hover just above the stall. “I don't think that's happening.”

“True but hey, let me dream.”

Dream stopped working, looking back at them. “Somepony say my name?”

“Sorry, I said dream, but not like, capital dream,” Tempest apologized.

“Dang it, I always do that.” Dream went back to shining her mirror.

Tempest chuckled and ushered Calli over toward the showers, and let the door to the latrine close. Once it was closed, she realized it was rather quiet in here. Eagle was out in the dorm yelling but this area was almost peaceful. Hm, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad detail. She headed into the showers and went to the first handle, diligently cleaning it. Things didn't look too bad yet. They just got here and no doubt the dorm had been thoroughly cleaned by the last flight before they left. But if they wanted to keep it looking this nice, they had to clean consistently, every day. They had no doubt Eagle would keep them on track with that.

They had been working for only about five minutes when Eagle came in. “And how's my latrine crew enjoying their job?”

“It's great, ma'am!” Storm called.

“Shut up, Trainee, no one likes a flank-kisser.” Eagle walked into the shower area, looking around. She stepped carefully around where Calli was picking at a drain, and said, “Tempest, how are they doing?”

Tempest turned to face her, going to attention. “Ma'am, Trainee Tempest-”

“Oh you don't need to go to attention, you're working. Just answer me.”

“Ma'am, everyone's doing the jobs I gave them and from what I've seen, they're doing well.”

“Of course you would think that.” Eagle reached up to run a hoof along one of the shelves, and lowered it to check. “You left lint up here, Dream needs to check the mirrors from all angles before moving to the next one to make sure she didn't miss any smudges, and Sword and Storm need to learn to actually clean UNDER the toilet lids, no matter how gross they may find it. And as for you, Calli.” Eagle turned to her, and she glanced up, her horn glowing as she held the tweezers. “It's hair, it's not going to hurt you. Wrench it out of there. I don't want my latrine getting flooded because of clogged drains. Now back to work, I'm running down to see how trash crew is doing.”

“Yes, ma'am!” the trainees in the latrine all called, causing an echo.

Eagle swept out. They heard her call a few more orders, and then she left the dorm entirely.

After a moment, Tempest said, “Whoa, did you guys hear the acoustics in here?”

“Whazzat?” Fizzy asked, poking her head around the corner to look at her.

“The acoustics. Listen.” Tempest took a breath, and sang, “Equestria, the land I love, a land of harmony! Our flag does wave, from high above, for ponykind to seeeee!” She held the note so it echoed around the room, and stopped there. “See? It echoes just enough to sound really cool.”

“Oh, wow!” Fizzy hopped into the shower room and belted out, “Hush now, quiet now, it's time to lay your sleepy head! Hush now, quiet now, it's time to go to bed!”

“Lullabies are supposed to be quiet,” Calli replied with a scowl.

“Pft, you guys are lame,” Storm said, flying smoothly into the room. “This is how a real cool pony does it.” She reared her head back. “The fire of friendship lives in our hearts! As long as it burns, we cannot drift apart! Though quarrels arise, their numbers are few! Laughter and singing will see us through...”

“Will see us throughh!” Fizzy joined in.

“Alright as much as I would love to sing the entire Equestrian anthem with y'all, we should probably stop before Major Eagle comes back and hears us,” Tempest said.

“Aww. Okay.” They got back to working.

“Finally,” Calli said.

Tempest moved along to the next shower head, and said, “Hey, Calli?”


“Is everything alright?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, Major Eagle kinda drew a lot of attention to you earlier while she was smoking us. I just... want to make sure you're okay. That had to be embarrassing.”

“I'm fine,” Calli replied, getting up and walking over to another drain. She leaned down to inspect it, didn't see anything stuck in it, and moved to the next.

“Okay. But if you ever need to talk, I'm here. I know we all deal with stress differently and I hold nothing against you for our argument earlier. We're all frustrated. Just... know that we're all a family now, we all gotta have each other's backs. Training will be so much better if we can help each other instead of fighting.”

Calli was quiet for a few moments as she dug the tweezers deep into one of the drains. Then she said, “I have a lot of ponies rooting for me to make it through and become one of Canterlot's best officers. I cannot fail.”

“Then stop making smart remarks and trying to annoy people. We need to get along. Leaders need to be able to understand their followers. You'll need to show that you care about them. That's how you get true respect. If your subordinates see that you care, they'll do anything to serve you. And leading through compassion is so much more effective than leading through fear.”

“I'll keep it in mind, Commander Hurricane.”

Tempest rolled her eyes, but kept a level voice when she replied, “Sounds good.” She wasn't going to push it. She could offer advice but in the end it was up to Calli to learn to be less abrasive and get along with the others. And Tempest was still giving her the benefit of the doubt, that maybe she was just so stressed she was lashing out at others. If in time it turned out that Calli really couldn't, or wouldn't, behave professionally, she could deal with the situation then.

Minutes passed in relative silence. A few of the others talked quietly, but every time they heard what they thought was a door opening, they would pause for a few moments and someone would go open the latrine door to see if Eagle had returned. Then they'd come back in and go back to talking.

But when Eagle finally did come back, she made it really obvious. By unlocking the dorm door, coming in, and then slamming it behind her. “I'm back! Did you miss me?” she called so loud that she could be heard even in the latrine.

Several trainees greeted her, and she said, “Ah, shut up.”

Anything else she said that point was inaudible.

Tempest did a walk around to see how everyone was doing. It looked pretty clean, and she figured that'll do for tonight and told them to start wrapping up. She hoped the other details were going well. She was going past the mirrors when Eagle came back in. “It's looking much better in here,” she said with approval, going up to a mirror and taking off her helmet, smoothing back her mane. “And you'll only get better at this in time. Now, bring all your rags over to the utility room. Wingus and Dingus will have a trash bag for you to toss them into so they can wash them.”

“Yes, ma'am.”

They filed out of the room, and joined the other trainees in putting things away. The pegasus twins were already at work organizing things in the utility room, and Pine held open a bag for all the rags to get tossed into.

“Is that all of them?” Eagle asked, looking around. “Okay, good. Go ahead and wash those.” Eagle lifted her foreleg. “Would you look at the time! We have exactly five minutes until lights out! Holy hell, trainees! Aren't you in luck? Now you mind yourselves, and Pine, forget about washing the rags, you can do that tomorrow. If you put them in the washer now you won't be awake to move them into the dryer. Although- actually, wait!” She turned to point a foreleg at an unfamiliar trainee, who went to attention. “You, you're from Dorm 3B2, right?”

“Yes, ma'am!” the earth pony replied.

“You and your pal are here for dorm guard duty, eh?”

“Yes, ma'am.”

“Good. If Pine Glider here tosses these rags into the washer, can I count on you to put them in the dryer once they're ready?”

“You can count on me!”

“That's what I like to hear.” Eagle stepped passed her, and patted her buddy on the shoulder. “Don't let her forget.”

“Of course not, ma'am.”

“Haha, I can always rely on you tenth weekers.” Eagle went to the door. “You know the drill, make sure they get to bed, yell at them if they talk, make sure their security drawers are locked and write up the ones who forget. I'll be back in the morning.” To her trainees, she called, “Congrats on a full day! And tomorrow will be even more fun! Goodnight, Flight 25!”

“Goodnight, ma'am!”

Eagle swept out.

Tempest stretched and went to her bed, smoothing out the covers and yawning. She was more than ready to lay down. But as she couldn't yet, she sat in her chair and took out her study guide, deciding to get an early start on the first chapter.

Lemon, meanwhile, went to talk to the dorm guards. “Hey, um... do you know what we'll be doing tomorrow?”

“From what we saw on the CQ schedule, you've got more in-processing appointments,” one of them replied. “CQ is charge of quarters, by the way. That's the office down at the bottom of every dorm building, it's where command is, and where the TIs go to get away from us for a bit and do administrative stuff. CQ also keeps schedules for every flight in our building. So yeah, you guys are gonna go to the armory tomorrow morning and bring your spears up here, take down the serial numbers, and store them. Then I think you have another medical appointment, but don't worry, it'll just be like an eye exam and dental thing. Um... I'm not sure what else.”

“Trip to the store,” her buddy replied.

“Oh yeah!”

“So yeah, she'll definitely tell you what you should buy, but go ahead and start thinking about it now. She'll probably run you through there pretty quickly. You might have figured it out by now, but get lint rollers. Lint rollers, clipboards, and rulers will save your life.”

Tempest made a note of that.

“Anyway, you should probably head back into the bay, lights out is in about-”

Music played from outside.


They waited for it to finish, and then everyone put away whatever they had out and went to get in bed.

“Goodnight, and I hope tomorrow goes well,” one of the guards said, and then flicked the lights off.

Tempest burrowed under the covers, stretching out and sighing. She turned her ears a few ways to listen to the others, but there was considerably less sniffling tonight. Good, they were already getting used to things. This really wasn't tough, it was just different. There was a lot of nonsense today, but they were new. They'll figure it out as time goes on, get into a rhythm, become friends, and the rest of training will be smooth sailing. She hoped.

11. The Second Day

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The next morning went a little more smoothly. This time, they weren’t nearly as surprised to be woken up by loud bugle notes and the yelling of their TI. They swiftly rolled out of bed and pulled on their belts, and at Eagle Eye’s command, started making their beds. Zinnia and Ocean were sent out to go ahead and secure them a time to go to breakfast, and their beds were left for the others to take care of.

Eagle paced, watching them work and barking directions to those that were struggling. They didn’t get the beds done as fast as she wanted, so they had to listen to her criticize them on that as they finished up and pulled their armor on.

She reminded them to make sure their canteens were full and that they took care of all their personal hygiene. She didn’t care how stressed they were, she didn’t want to catch any of them with rank breath or messy manes.

After a few minutes to use the latrine and finish getting ready, Eagle told them to grab their money and put it in their bags, because they would be going to the store later and she didn’t want anyone to have to go back to the dorm first.

A couple more minutes ticked by as everyone got organized and she looked them over, and then she was impatiently ushering them all downstairs.

They lined up in formation, not needing to be reminded anymore. Tempest ended up at the front of the third element this time. She wondered when permanent element leaders would be selected.

They only had to wait a few minutes before they were being called in to eat. There were scrambled eggs and soy patties, along with the pancakes that seemed to be an eternal breakfast choice. Tempest went for a plate of eggs and bypassed the rest for fresh fruit. Today’s cornbread had jalapenos in it. She paused, debating with herself, before moving along. Not quite yet. She poured a bowl of cereal, got her two glasses of water, and went to sit down.

Breakfast was as quick as it was yesterday. She had maybe five minutes of actual eating before she was having to get back up and move along. She hoped they would get more time to eat in later weeks. She was definitely used to quick meals, but she didn’t enjoy them.

After breakfast was the trip to the armory to be issued training spears, and they were shown how to hold them while standing, and then directed to slide them into a slot on the right side of their armor to actually carry them.

They took them upstairs to their dorm, where the spear monitors took down all the serial numbers. Then the spears were stored on a special holder on one of their locker doors, and they were hurried back down.

As the dorm guards had said, they were then taken to a couple more medical appointments to have their teeth and vision checked, and a couple ponies would apparently be getting glasses. Tempest, meanwhile, was told she might need some fillings. She sighed internally, but if it was required, she’ll do it. But none of that was being done today, and she was soon being moved along so the next trainee could be examined.

After that was the trip to the store. They were stopped outside so Eagle could explain what sorts of items they needed to buy, and she listed out several that they better not touch. Then she led them in, single file.

Tempest grabbed a shopping basket once she got to them, and browsed the shelves. Lint roller, clipboard, and ruler, as recommended. She had brought envelopes, but decided to toss more into her basket just in case. She grabbed a pack of black markers, which all of them had been told to get. She wasn’t sure for what yet.

She lingered in the medicine aisle, gazing longingly at various pain relief drugs, knowing she wouldn’t be able to touch them again for weeks. She kept walking.

She stopped by Zinnia, who was checking out the various tubs of armor polish.

“Which one did Major Eagle say we should get?” Zinnia asked.

Tempest scanned the selection, then pointed to a fairly plain tub of bronze metal, with a blue star on it. “Here, this brand.” She grabbed one and Zinnia took another. A few steps down were cleaning cloths, and they picked up those too.

A few aisles down they picked up cheap watches. They've noticed a distinct lack of clocks in the dorm and anywhere else, so if they wanted to know what time it was, watches were pertinent.

They checked each other’s baskets, and briefly discussed if they needed anything else. Then, seeing Eagle prowling nearby, decided they were good and went to check out.

The shop was like any other, which meant the lines for the registers had shelves of impulse items. Tempest was so tempted by the various chocolates, but she knew she couldn’t have them. She tore her gaze away and stepped forward. Once it was finally her turn to pay, she set everything on the counter and waited for it all to be scanned.

Everything was able to be fit in one bag, and the cashier said, “Seventy-one bits please.”

That was expected, these bits were entirely for necessary purchases like this. Tempest counted out the money and handed it over.

“Thank you, ma’am. Have a nice day.”

“Thanks.” She levitated the bag and headed back outside, joining the rest of the flight.

They milled around while waiting, not completely organized but also not really talking. Eagle was still inside but there were other instructors and trainees in the area who would catch them. Though they did briefly talk to discuss their new watches, helping each other program them to the correct times. But that only took a few minutes, and then they were quiet again.

Tempest heard someone marching a flight and curiously turned to watch.

It was a smaller group than hers, all stallions but moving with a confidence that spoke of weeks of training. And to their side was a yellow-orange pegasus with a red crest on his helmet.

“One, two, three, four,” he was calling to keep them in step, and he flashed a smile to the newer trainees waiting outside the shop, before beginning to sing, “When I was a little foal!”

“When I was a little foal!” his flight echoed.

“Papa took me for a stroll!”

“Papa took me for a stroll!”

“Said I don’t wanna hear a neigh!”

“Said I don’t wanna hear a neigh!”

“You’re gonna be a guard one day!”

“You’re gonna be a guard one day!”

The TI put an extra bit of pep in his step. “Sound off!”

“One, two!”

“Sound off!”

“Three, four!”

“Flight! Halt!”

They came to a perfect stop, their hooves all stomping down in unison.

The TI said, “At ease.” They relaxed, and he walked over to Tempest’s flight. “You’re the newest recruits, aren’t you?”

“Yes, sir,” they replied.

“Hah, you have that look to you. I’m Colonel Flash Magnus. I hope to see you all serving proudly in my guard one day.”

There were murmurs as they recognized the name of one of the Pillars of Equestria. Flash waited for them to settle, and said, “I’ll be seeing you. I expect you all to make it to graduation.” He went back to his flight, went to attention, and called them to attention too and started marching them. They followed him away.

“Flash Magnus!” Zinnia said excitedly. “I heard he was working here but wow!”

There were a few seconds of discussion, but they immediately fell silent when their brother flight’s TI came outside and shot a glare their way.

“Something interesting happen, trainees?” he demanded.

There was awkward shifting, but Tempest had no qualms about replying, “Sir, Trainee Tempest Shadow reports as ordered.”

“What is it, Trainee Tempest?”

“Sir, we were simply surprised by one of the other instructors who came by. Colonel Flash Magnus marched his flight past us and stopped to talk. We were just talking about it. I apologize.”

“Oh, Colonel Flash, eh? That’s exciting. He’s a good stallion. Devoted to his job, and with years of experience. But don’t let his smile fool you, he works his trainees until they collapse from exhaustion.” Charge looked toward the store as Eagle came out. “Alright then, carry on.” She cast him an interested look, and he explained, “Our flights got in a bit of a tizzy over seeing Flash Magnus.”

“Aw, isn’t that cute,” she said. She turned to her flight. “Hey, I don’t care if a general talked to you, you better get yourselves in order. Line up, I need to count you.” She looked down the rows, counting them, then said, “Alright that’s twenty. Let’s go, we’re gonna take everything back to the dorm, go to lunch, and then we’re going to have a fun afternoon together.”

They didn’t trust that one bit. They were sized up and marched back.

They were given about ten minutes to get all their new stuff put away and go to the latrine and do whatever else they needed to, then they were being taken to lunch.

Spaghetti, garlic bread, boiled potatoes. The usual salad and fruit. Cereal. Tempest was amused that some ponies got cereal even for lunch. She moved past that dispenser and got water, though also got a glass of orange juice.

Their flight wasn’t as rushed this time. Eagle spent a few minutes up at the table with the other instructors, yelling at chow runners while munching on an apple. The one currently in front of her apparently had a smudge on his armor and she was just not letting him live it down. The whole building could probably hear her.

“Seriously, are we raising foals here?” she shouted, gesturing to his front. “You spill a little bit of butter on yourself, trainee? Lean against something sticky? And worse, you’re apparently too incompetent to go through the basic effort of wiping it off? I should send you back to first week to learn proper polishing- no, actually, forget that! Should send you back to kindergarten because you apparently need to relearn how to be a big kid and clean up when you make a mess!”

Tempest’s shoulders shook as she struggled not to laugh. She was so glad her back was to that table.

“Ugh, your flight will be the third in, get out of my sight,” Eagle said. “And here, clean yourself up.”

Tempest glanced back in time to see her throw a wad of napkins at him, which he failed to catch and had to gather up off the ground. He trotted away, ears laying back with embarrassment.

She looked back at her tray, glad she didn’t have that job.

Once Eagle had her fun, she got up and told her trainees to hurry up and get outside so they can go back to the dorm.

A couple minutes later they were heading up the four flights of stairs and entering the dorm.

Eagle’s plans for them became apparent after that. She led them through taking their markers and labeled the insides of all their armor and shoes, so if there was a mix-up, they’ll be able to figure out what belonged to who.

Once everything including their currently worn armor was labeled, they moved along to taking out their spears, and Eagle had them all line up to the right of their beds, facing in toward the center. She stood at the end of the bay with a spear of her own.

“You’ll learn how to fight with these,” she said. “There are several lessons you’ll go through, but I like to give my trainees an early start. Now, this is how you hold it when standing at ease.” She stood in a relaxed pose, her front right hoof holding the spear ever so slightly angled forward. “When going to attention, for example you’re standing for the passing of a princess or higher ranking officer, you will move your left front hoof in, straighten your neck, and hold the spear straight up.” She snapped to attention, the spear’s tip aiming up. After holding the pose for a few seconds, she relaxed. “Now let’s see you all do it. Tench hut!”

They straightened. She walked down the aisle, going to adjust hooves, aiming the spears correctly. When she got to the end, she turned and said, “At ease.” The spears lowered. She inspected them again, having to push several up. “You’re only leaning it slightly forward when at ease, I don’t want to see you going limp-wristed. This isn’t a toy, it’s a weapon. Maintain positive control of your weapon at all times! If it’s not in your hoof, it better be on your locker, on a table with you next to it, or in a buddy’s hoof! If I find an unguarded spear, I will take it, I will find its owner, and you will have to explain to me why you failed to have the most basic accountability for your weapon!”

She looked around to make sure they got it, and they shouted, “Yes, ma’am!”

“Good! But one of you will forget, somepony always does. And we’re gonna have a fun day when that happens.” She had them go back and forth a few times from attention to rest, making sure they were all holding their spears properly. Then she showed them a few lunging movements, after ordering them not to copy her. They would only practice that outside and standing several feet away from each other.

She said she would also teach them to march while holding spears, but typically they would stow them at their sides while walking and only take them out if they were going to use them.

“Spear safety 101,” Eagle stated. “Never point your spear at anything you do not intend to damage, injure, or kill. If you are ever issued a real, metal-tipped spear, you will be in possession of an actual weapon. Something that can damage property and hurt ponies. If you point it at anything or anypony, you better be certain you will use it if necessary. If you won’t be in the right by stabbing somepony, you better not even put yourself in a situation where an ‘accidental’ stabbing could happen. Keep. Control. Of. Your. Weapon.” She paced in the aisle, looking at each of them one by one. “These spears are tipped with rubber, but I want you to treat them like they’re metal. You will not use them to push each other. You will not use them to prop open doors. You will not use them to try and swat flies or crush insects. And yes I’ve seen that kind of nonsense. Basically, no goofing around with your spears and the only time I ever want to see you hit each other with them is during combat training. Otherwise, keep them to yourselves!”

After a few more minutes learning what to expect from combat training, they were told to put their spears away and get lined up, because they were going to go outside and practice marching until dinner.

“After dinner will be Guard Time, then showers, then your details. And if our wonderful chow runners run fast enough, we might be able to have an early dinner which will give you some free time tonight. But don’t hold your breath.” Eagle took them downstairs.

True to her word, they were out there for hours. They didn’t march the entire time, typically they would watch her demonstrate something for a few minutes, then they would form up and practice it themselves for a while. They memorized all the commands. Learned how to smoothly turn left or right when told, one row at a time until all of them were going in the same direction again. They were taught how to spin around while marching and immediately go in the opposite direction. This one took a while to figure out, several of them stumbling into each other, and there was a lot of clanking of armor.

“Alright, slight update,” Eagle said as she had them stop for a brief break. “After dinner, you’ll learn how to polish your armor. Then you’ll put it away for the night, then we’ll do all that other stuff.”

They agreed, and were soon being told to start marching again. It was repetitive and dull, especially as Eagle didn’t do any singing with them, instead wanting them to focus on actually marching properly.

But she seemed satisfied by the time she finally let them stop, and snickered at how sweaty they were.

“Yeah, gets kinda hot, huh?” she asked. “Well be glad it’s not the middle of summer. Hey, chow runners, run ahead and get us a spot.”

They started to move, but she stopped them.

“No, wait, you just spent all this time learning to march, now you’ll do this properly. Stand next to each other. Zinnia, you’re taller, you’ll be on the right. Ocean, line up as if next to her in a formation. Good. Okay flight, pay attention.” Eagle made sure she had their attention, and said. “This is called a detail. If you don’t need to go somewhere with the whole flight, you can travel in details of two to four. Any larger is called an element and has to be marched as if it’s a flight. I’ll teach you how that’s done later. But details are easier. You size up, the tallest at the front right. This pony will call the commands. Oh yes, Zinnia, that means you. It’s very easy. Look, it’s practically a straight shot to the chow hall door from here, you can’t mess this up. You will do like I do and stand at attention, and say, ‘Detail, tench hut.’ Anypony else in your detail will go to attention too. Then you just say, ‘Forward, harch,’ and begin marching to the usual cadence. You don’t have to count the steps out loud the entire time but I’d recommend doing it occasionally to make sure nopony’s off. Upon arrival, as you’re lifting your left front hoof, you’ll say, ‘Detail, halt.’ Just like when I do it, you’ll be lifting your front left when halt is said. And then you’ll take that final step and come to a halt, front hooves together. So easy! Now go on.”

Zinnia took a breath, then ordered, “Detail, tench hut.” Ocean went to attention. A little more confidently, Zinnia gave the forward order, and they marched off.

Eagle watched them go, and said, “Alright, now for the rest of you. Fill in their spots and let’s go.”

12. Some Free Time

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Once dinner was done, Flight 25 went back to their dorm and got to polishing their armor. The polish smelled pretty bad, but it certainly did its job, making the metal very shiny. Eagle walked among them as they sat on their chairs or on the floor, giving them advice but generally leaving them to their work.

“Ma'am, Trainee Cumulus reports as ordered,” Cumulus called.

“Yes, Trainee Cumulus?” Eagle asked, walking over to her.

“How long have you been a TI, ma'am?” Cumulus asked curiously.

The others looked over with interest, and Eagle glanced around, before saying, “I've been doing this job for almost four years. In fact it's getting time for me to return to my normal job. You'll probably be my last flight.”

“Do you like it?” Flitter asked, and when Eagle gave her a sharp look, she added, “Ma'am?”

“There are pros and cons. I like knowing that I'm raising brilliant new guards that can fully devote themselves to Equestria. I meet very many interesting ponies in this line of work, and there are already accomplished captains that once trained under me. But the downside, of course...” She turned to yell at everyone, “Is having to deal with newbie stupidity! I could fill a book with the idiotic situations I've had to deal with here!”

A few trainees were too intimidated to keep talking to her, but Tempest had no such qualms. “Ma'am, Trainee Tempest Shadow reports as ordered.”

“What, Tempest?” Eagle asked her.

“Ma'am, what's the dumbest situation you've had to deal with?” Tempest wondered.

Eagle blinked, and the others suppressed giggles. Then Eagle said, “Oh, I'm sure I'll be telling you a lot of stories while you're here, but I suppose I could tell you one now. Two years ago, I was training a flight of stallions. Hey, keep polishing, I'm not giving you a break!” Once she was sure they were all still working, she continued her story. “I was training stallions. Now stallions are always annoying to train. They're away from home, away from their partners, and they're frustrated. And I, a healthy and strong mare, attract the attention of many of them. They often get distracted by me. Try to suck up to me. Now, most ponies realize that they can't pursue me, I'm their instructor, I'm much older and also spoken for. So they don't try. But there was one particular stallion that just didn't get the message.” She sighed as she began pacing the aisle.

“I won't say his name because he's still in service today, somehow. But let's just call him Clip Clop as a placeholder. Clip Clop was single when he came here, and he didn't want to be. I had to chew him out multiple times for trying to flirt with the mares in our sister flight. And once he figured out he wouldn't have enough alone time with them to get anywhere, he instead turned his attention to me. He tried to butter me up. Was extra polite when talking to me, and followed all of my orders perfectly. He would ask weird questions during Guard Time, about what I liked to do for fun, and what I looked for in a partner. I was upfront with him. Said I am already in a relationship and he should drop the subject. But he seemed to think I was just playing hard to get.” She sighed. “He got cocky in about the fourth week. Let his hormones do the thinking. He tried to corner me, telling me how beautiful I was and would I like to get with him after graduation?”

The trainees muttered under their breath, exchanging disgusted looks.

Eagle continued, “So I drove my front hoof into the back of his head and slammed him to the floor, where I made him do push-ups until he could barely breathe. Told him that I was his instructor, he could not talk that way to me, and I would never have any interest in dating him.” She received applause. She tilted her head back proudly, and said, “Besides, I don't think my wife would like that much.”

“Ma'am, you're married?” Storm asked.

“I sure am. To the most adorable unicorn I ever done met! But that's besides the point. Clip Clop finally figured it out after I beat him to within an inch of his life, and I drove home the point by sending him back two weeks in training. He ended up in a flight led by a grisly, heavy-set stallion that I guess he had no attraction to, because he shaped up and eventually graduated. He avoided looking at me after that.” Eagle went to the front of the room. “So! No flirting with me, got it?”

“Yes, ma'am!” they all called.

“Good. Now put that armor away, and that little story pretty much took up our Guard Time for today. So, showers! Then you will complete your details! Latrine crew will immediately start their job, and the rest of you will clean their areas for them before getting to your own details. Move it!”

They hurried to shower and get to work on their details. Like yesterday, Tempest went around the shower, polishing the handles and shelves, picking off hair and throwing out any pins or hair bands she happened to find. And Calli trudged through the room with her, cleaning the drains.

“I wonder what Major Eagle's wife is like,” Storm said.

“I bet she's sweet,” Sword said.

“Please, if she's married to Major Eagle she's probably just as rough as she is,” Fizzy replied.

“I don't know, opposites can attract,” Tempest said. “Besides, Major Eagle is only rough around us because that's how TIs are supposed to be. She's probably a totally different pony at home.”

“I just hope she stops yelling at us so much,” Calli said.

“Please, yelling's her job. But she'll probably stop once we stop giving her a reason to yell.”

“I heard they get a lot more chill in about the fifth week,” Dream commented. “Since trainees are usually pretty settled in by that point and have things figured out. She's never really gonna be our friend, but I'm sure she'll be more relaxed with us by then.”

The others agreed, and got back to work.

“Yo Dream, how much would I have to pay you to get you to snoop around in Major Eagle's dreams?” Storm asked.

Dream coughed nervously. “I don't think you could pay me enough. I already told her I can do that, if I show up she'll be suspicious that it's really me. Oh dang, I hope she doesn't just randomly dream of me, I don't want her questioning me over it.”

The door opened, and Eagle trotted in. “And let's see how things are going in here. Keep working, don't stop on my account.” She went around to examine their work, and then stepped into the shower area to talk to Tempest. “Have any of them given you trouble?”

“No, ma'am,” she replied.

“Good. But if you ever have problems with them, come straight to me. Keep at it, trainees! Once you're done you have the rest of the night to yourselves! I'm heading out, can I trust you all to not burn down the dorm?”

“Yes, ma'am!”

“That's what I like to hear. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, ma'am!”

Eagle left, and Tempest waited for a few moments until she heard the clicking of her hooves moving away. Then she said, “Well, you heard her. Hurry up and we can get some time to relax before bed.”

The others agreed to that, and worked faster. It was only about two minutes before most of them were claiming they were done, and Tempest went around to check their work. Everything was clean, and she gladly released them to put away their supplies and go back to the bay.

“If the others are still working though, you should help them,” she said. “They deserve some free time too.” She held the door open as they filed out.

Going into the bay, Tempest found that most of them were already done with their work. The bed aligners were still fiddling with the beds though, making sure they were straight, while the pegasi hovered over and called directions.

Zinnia trotted to the center of the room, and asked Cumulus to pick her up. Cumulus did so, and Zinnia's horn lit up. All the beds were surrounded with her aura, and they shifted.

“Whoa, they're all perfect,” Cumulus said. The other pegasi agreed, and Zinnia was set down.

“Heh, I tend to be pretty good at lining things up,” she explained.

The others on her crew came to thank her, and Tempest smiled, glad that she had found something she excelled at.

Ruby trotted through the room. “Okay, are we all back? Let's see, uh... Pine and Spruce, you guys here?”

“Here,” the twins replied from their chairs, raising their hooves.

Ruby nodded. “Okay, cool. Our stairway crew though, uh... Lemon and Reed, are you two here?”

She got confirmation from the two.

“Okay, that's everypony. We have about fifteen minutes, so... just relax and get ready for bed, I guess.”

Many trainees took to talking, while a few went to organize their lockers better, and yet others just sat down or stretched out on the floor.

“Whew, not such a bad day, huh?” Zinnia asked Tempest.

“It was pretty good,” Tempest replied. “Marching practice kinda sucked but only because it got boring.”

“Yeah. I wonder when we're gonna learn to do that dorm guard thing. And when we'll start working out like the other trainees.”

“Probably pretty soon.” Tempest got out a notebook, deciding to start writing a letter to Discord. She wasn't sure when she'll be able to send it, but might as well get started on it now. She kept talking to Zinnia, though. “From what I've read, the first couple days are for settling in, but then you start to get really busy. There'll be daily classes, marching lessons, PT, spear and combat training, and of course we'll work dorm guard duty when not out doing something.”

“Mm, loads of fun.” Zinnia browsed her study guide. “Looks like the very first lesson, assuming we go in the order of this book, is a general introduction to the Royal Guard. Learning about history, a few major battles, and then going into the modern set-up. Ranks and rules and all that.”

Tempest nodded. “Makes sense. Apparently the classes will be just like college. So ya know, at least that will be kinda relaxing. They don't tend to yell during those unless you're really screwing around.”

“Oh good, I always did like school.” Zinnia occupied herself with reading, and Tempest focused on her letter.


Missing me yet? I miss you. Training has been kinda hectic so far, but it's not that bad. Our TI, Major Eagle Eye, yells a lot, but I don't really find her that scary. But I've been through a lot worse so that's probably why. A lot of the other trainees are nervous about her. I'm sure they'll get over it though.

We've mostly just done in-processing and gone to some appointments. I'm sure by the time you get this we'll have moved on to other, more interesting stuff. But we have been assigned details, they're basically daily chores. I'm latrine queen, basically in charge of the latrine crew. Cleaning the bathroom. I work in the showers and just make sure the others are doing their jobs, cleaning the toilets and whatnot. Not very glamorous but someone's got to do it.

There was some drama yesterday, one of the other trainees got into an argument with me and we probably would have started fighting if not for this unicorn named Blizzard Blast. She stepped in and actually picked the other mare up with her magic, it was hilarious. Eagle smoked us afterward but hey, I'm glad Blizzard stepped in.

I'll write to you again once I can, for now I gotta go to sleep. Hope you're doing alright. Tell our friends that I'm doing good and missing them all. I love you.


Tempest Shadow

She folded the letter and stuck it in her security drawer, and checked the time. A couple minutes until bed. She yawned, then got down on the floor to do some push-ups. She didn't want to struggle once they started PT.

She did this until taps started, at which point she hopped up and stood at attention along with the others. When the music faded, she climbed into bed.

“Goodnight, trainees,” one of the tenth week dorm guards called to them. “By tomorrow, two of you should be doing this job.” She flicked the lights off.

That got some interested murmurs. But they were all tired from the long day, and quickly drifted off to sleep.

13. Lessons

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The next morning was similar to the previous two. The trainees were woken up by bugle notes, and climbed out of bed and immediately got to making their beds. Eagle was soon in the dorm with them, ordering them to hurry up. She criticized everyone with a badly-made bed and made them redo it, then she was yelling at them to get dressed, and don't forget their web belts! Make sure their canteens were full!

“Zinnia, Ocean, get downstairs and find out when we can go to breakfast,” Eagle barked at the chow runners.

“Yes, ma'am!” They finished getting ready and galloped out.

“Where are my spear monitors?” Eagle shouted.

Blue Horizon and Dream Walker trotted to stand in front of her. “Ma'am?”

“Make sure all those spears are accounted for and then report down to CQ like I explained yesterday.”

“Yes, ma'am.” They took out their lists and headed down the two sides of the bay, checking that each spear was on the right locker.

“Did anypony give you any trouble last night after I left?” Eagle asked Ruby.

“No, ma'am, they finished their details and were quiet up until bed,” Ruby replied.

“Good. You know, I've seen some real potential in you. Keep up the good work and I might just make you my dorm chief.” Eagle walked away, and Ruby stared after her, before blushing and going back to brushing her mane.

Tempest thought back to what she had learned about the position of dorm chief. They were pretty much the TI's second in command. When there were no instructors around, the dorm chief watched after the flight and made sure they behaved. Ruby may be small and kinda quiet, but she could have what it takes.

Once all the spears were accounted for and everyone had gotten dressed and taken care of their morning hygiene, they were rushed downstairs for breakfast. It was already time for them to go in, which they did quickly. Eagle kept them moving fast, and about twenty minutes later they were already going back outside.

“Alright, do I have everypony?” she asked as they lined up in formation. She counted, then nodded. “That's twenty. Okay! Here's the agenda for today. We're going to go to your first class. You will be there until lunch. After lunch, we're going to the dorm and I'm going to teach you about dorm guard duty. Then it'll be time for PT. All the flights do PT at 1400 every day except Sunday, which is your off day. Don't get too excited, by off day I simply mean you don't have to work out or go to classes. But I will still be around, at least until I know you can be left alone without getting into trouble. You'll still go to meals, do all your details, and have dorm guard duty. But anyway, PT is at 1400 sharp. We'll alternate between cardio and strength days. But you won't be joining the rest of the flights today. Oh no. Today will be your first fitness assessment. Don't worry too much about actually passing, though I would like it if you passed. But this will be for me to find out exactly where all of you are with your fitness. And you'll know what you need to focus on over the next ten weeks. There will be another full assessment in your third week. And again in the sixth. If you're not able to pass by the sixth week you're gonna be in hot water, and I'll likely assign you extra PT. Your final, real assessment will be in the ninth week. If you fail to pass by that point, it will delay your graduation. The Royal Guard has set specific fitness requirements and if you cannot meet those, you cannot move on. I don't think any of you want to spend any more time here than you have to. So take full advantage of all fitness training. Work hard. Help out your buddies when they struggle. Work out on your own time. Do whatever you have to in order to pass. Got it?”

“Yes, ma'am!”

“Great. After your assessment, I'll take you back to the dorm so you can shower. Then we will have Guard Time and I'll go over the results with all of you. I'm not expecting that to take long, so I'll have you get started on your details, which you'll do until dinner. After dinner you'll finish up your details. And then you'll have quite a bit of time until bed. I'd recommend writing letters to let your families know how you're doing. I can show you where the mailbox is tonight. Sound like a fun day?”

“Yes, ma'am!”

“Haha, no it doesn't. Now, let's go to class.” She got them organized and began marching them. “In a few days I'll also be deciding on our permanent element leaders. But until then, continue marching to the best of your ability, all of you.”

They were taken over to a small building that was apparently mostly classrooms. Eagle briefly pointed the way toward the latrines, then took them to one of the rooms. There were two doors leading into it, and they found that it was designed like a lecture hall, with each row of seats higher than the one in front of it.

As their flight went in, they saw Flight 26 going in through the other door.

They were directed to fill in the seats starting from the bottom, and did as told. Each flight only went halfway down the rows, so there was an even split between mares and stallions in each row.

Eagle and Charge watched them for a bit, and then Charge said, “We'll be back for you once class is over. Pay attention to the teacher, treat him like he's one of us. He may be a civilian now, but he was once a royal guard and he won't hesitate to smoke any of you.”

The instructors left, and the teacher climbed up behind the podium. He was an earth pony stallion, and while he wore no armor, he had the fierce eyes of a TI. “Good morning, I'm Power Blitz. I served in the Guard for twenty years. I was an instructor at this very academy for five of those years. While I am retired, I have decided to take time out of my day to pass on my wisdom to the young recruits. So you will behave in my class. You will be quiet while I'm talking. If you have a question, you will raise your hoof and wait to be called on. You will not talk to each other or pass notes. Every hour or so I will give you a short ten minute break to go to the latrine and relax, and you may talk then, quietly. Get too loud and that privilege will be revoked. Now then, open your study guides to the first chapter.”

They took out their books and opened them. Power turned on a slideshow, waited for the rustling of pages to stop, and said, “Chapter 1, Introduction to the Royal Guard. You are entering a time-honored corp of fearless, highly respected soldiers. And as officers, you will be looked to for guidance. You will be expected to make tough decisions. Your actions may mean the difference between life or death for those under you. But don't think being officers means you won't have to get your hooves dirty. You will be trained in combat. You will be trained in weapon use. Equestria is at peace now but you never know what may happen. We were woefully unprepared for the great Changeling attack that happened a few years back. Since then we have revised our training and guards, both enlisted and commissioned, have worked harder than ever to be prepared. You know, you really should be taking notes.”

Everyone hurried to get out notebooks and pens.

Power clicked to the next slide. “We will start with a brief history of the Royal Guard. You will receive more in depth history lessons in the next few days. But today will be an overview, and I will also explain our rank structure and some of the more important policies. You see, as guards you will be held to laws that civilians are not. There is a unified code of standards across the Royal Guard and the Wonderbolts, and a code that is specific to us. But military members are all expected to follow the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and Royal Guards specifically are held to what are known as Royal Guard Instructions, or RGIs. They cover everything from how you are expected to behave, what your responsibilities will be in various positions and careers, and even how to properly wear various uniform items. It is recommended to keep books of all the instructions once you are active duty, because you certainly won't be able to memorize them. But we'll discuss the most important ones today. So, our history! The Royal Guard is sworn to the princesses of Equestria. They are at the very top of our chain of command. Any of them can direct us. They can send us to war. They have full control of what we do. Usually they just stand back and let us lead ourselves, but if needed, they can take command. But the Royal Guard didn't always exist. It was founded shortly after the three pony races came together and formed Equestria.”

Sure enough, they were in that classroom until lunch. Power took a couple breaks so they could stretch and go to the latrine, and many trainees took to chatting with each other. Tempest watched closely as Calli got to talking to a stallion she was sitting next to. He seemed pretty confident, bragging about all the great things he was going to do once he was a captain. That's not what Tempest was really concerned about. She was more concerned about whether or not things were going to get unprofessional.

Tempest nudged Zinnia. “Hey, we can talk to brother flight, right?”

“They didn't say anything about it but I guess so. As long as there's no flirting or anything.”

Tempest watched as Calli felt the stallion's bicep and giggled. “Hm. Ah well.” She looked down at her notebook and wrote some notes.

“Hey, hooves to yourself!” Power yelled. Calli jerked away, and Tempest snorted.

They finished the first chapter just in time for the TIs to come get them. Power said he would see them tomorrow, and they packed up and stood, filing out of the room. They were taken to lunch, and then back to their dorms.

“Right, I'm gonna teach you about dorm guard duty,” Eagle said. “Trainee Calli Graphi, front and center!”

Calli trotted up to her and stood at attention. “Ma'am, Trainee Calli Graphi reports as ordered.”

“You've been assigned as my dorm guard monitor. You make the schedule for dorm guard duty, and you make sure the assigned trainees do their jobs properly. I am counting on you to put together a fair schedule. Don't give anypony special treatment. If any shifts get traded around, you need to know about it. Shifts are two hours long, and go even into the night. If the entire flight is going to a class or PT, there won't need to be guards, but our schedule is flexible. So every two hour period needs to have potential trainees assigned to it, got it?”

“Yes, ma'am.”

“Alright. We'll start tonight. The first shift will be 1800-2000. Then 2000-2200, and so on. Put together a chart and start figuring out who will work together. Remember, two ponies a shift. And mix it up, don't always put the same two together. Everypony has to be able to get along.” Eagle looked around at the others. “There will be dorm guards during meals, unless we're going somewhere afterward. Here's how that will work. Whoever is assigned to be a guard during a meal, will hurry up and go by themselves to the chow hall, while two other trainees volunteer to cover for them. The two who went to the chow hall will eat, and come back to perform their duty. The volunteers who covered for them will then get to go eat, also by themselves. Simple, right? I'd recommend volunteering for that if you can. Just two of you going to the chow hall means you get a little more time to eat without me breathing down your necks.”

They nodded in understanding.

“I think I explained dorm guard pretty well yesterday,” Eagle said. “When on duty, you will always be in your armor. Even at night when everypony else has taken theirs off. You will be in armor, and you will stay posted by the door with your spear. You will conduct a security drawer check every thirty minutes, and latrine checks every ten. When not doing a check, stay at the door. You may talk quietly, but if the others are asleep you better not keep them up. Now, did you all notice the intercom next to the door?”

“Yes, ma'am.”

“At the beginning of every shift, starting at 2200 and going until the 0400 shift, you will be called over the intercom. Somepony down at CQ, likely another TI, will ask you for accountability. Your job is to make sure everypony assigned to your dorm is here throughout the night. If somepony's missing, you better know exactly where they are. So they'll ask for accountability. All you have to do is say, 'Ma'am (or sir), Dormitory 4-Alpha-2 reports as ordered. Accountability is twenty trainees assigned, twenty trainees accounted for.' They will reply, 'Understood' and hang up. If they have anything else to tell you, they will. And that's it. They won't contact the dorm again until the next shift. Any questions so far?”

Ruby raised her hoof. “Ma'am, Trainee Ruby Luster reports as ordered.”

“Yes, Ruby?”

“Ma'am, what happens if somepony isn't accounted for? Worst case scenario, they snuck out or never returned from an appointment?”

“That's an excellent question Ruby, and I'm glad you brought it up. So, you did your headcount and somepony's missing. First, you need to talk among yourselves, make sure they aren't just at an appointment. Sometimes, rare but it does happen, you end up being out past lights out. Especially if doing kitchen duty, sometimes you don't get back for a while due to all the clean up and closing duties in the chow hall. So if something like that was going on, and you know where the pony is but they just aren't physically here, you can still say twenty are accounted for. But, if you come up short and you know that pony didn't have any appointments, that's a problem. And you need to be honest, and tell CQ, 'Twenty trainees assigned, nineteen accounted for.' Now they'll probably get angry, but they're used to trainees mistakenly reporting that when somepony is simply at an appointment. Keep calm, and when they ask for more information, tell them the name of the missing trainee and anything you know about where they could be. Tell them when you last saw them. And our command will take over and conduct a search.” Eagle gave them a sharp look. “Needless to say, if one of you really was trying to sneak out, there would be hell to pay. Depending on how you defend yourself, you could be sent back weeks in training, or even separated. So. Do not sneak around. The quickest way out of here is to graduate. Is that clear?”

“Yes, ma'am!”

“Good. Now, when somepony knocks on the door, your job is to decide if they have the authorization to come in. Your study guides will list out these procedures, but I'll tell you now. First, you will open the little flap on the door, and see who is out there. Then you will ask, 'Sir or ma'am, may I help you?' If they want in, you will ask to see their authority to enter. They will show you their ID card. ONLY allow them in if they show their military ID. There is no other form of identity that will let them in. Then you will see if their name is on the roster posted next to the door. You'll say that you are verifying their ID, and if they're on the list, say they are verified. Then check the area, while saying, 'Checking for officers.' This is to make sure there's no instructors or anyone higher ranking around. If none are seen, you will say, 'None seen.' Finally, you will tell the potential entrant to stand clear of the door, and let them in. Easy. Any questions?”

No one had any questions about that. It seemed pretty straightforward.

Eagle looked at her watch. “Hm, we have a bit of time before we need to head down to PT... I'd recommend you all hydrate and do some stretches. Use the latrine. Go ahead and hang up your armor, and leave your web belts on. I'll be in my office and will come get you once it's time to go to PT.” She walked out, and the trainees pulled off their helmets and armor, hanging it all up.

“This is gonna suck,” Zinnia whispered. “I did some running to get ready for this but I still suck at it.”

Tempest gave her a reassuring pat on the back. “Hey, I'm sure you'll do fine.”

14. The Fitness Assessment

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Finally, something exciting.

Tempest sprinted down the straightaway, enjoying the wind rushing through her mane. It's been so long since she's been able to run like this and she was loving it. She had already passed the first two components of the fitness assessment. Push-ups and sit-ups? Pft, those were absolutely nothing. And now she was running. Six laps, a mile and a half. She had to finish it in twelve minutes or less. No problem. She was already on her last lap and according to the big timer at the finish line, she was a little past eight minutes in.

Eagle stood at the finish line yelling to her trainees. “Come on, move it, you all have four minutes and some of you are only halfway done! MOVE YOUR RUMPS!” She looked at Tempest as she galloped down the track. “That's it, Tempest, almost there, come on!”

Tempest poured all her energy into it, practically flying over the track as she ran the last several meters as fast as she could. Then she was leaping past the finish line to a time of 8:34. She moved off the track while one of the other TIs recorded her time, and Eagle waved to her.

“There you go, Tempest,” Eagle said. “Walk around the inside of the track, catch your breath.”

Tempest nodded, breathing hard as she walked in the opposite direction of the runners, staying just off the track so she didn't get in their way. She called encouragement to other members of her flight. Most of them were still running, though a few were done. Nightshade was actually a few steps ahead of her, looking exhausted, but she still looked back and said, “Congrats.”

“Thanks,” Tempest replied. “You too, man you were booking it.”

“Thanks. I like running, there's something really freeing about just running as fast as you can and forgetting all else.”

Tempest nodded, speeding up a bit to walk next to her. “Yeah, it can be kinda fun once you get into it. Exhausting, though.”

“Mhm. But that just gives me a reason to pass out afterward so hey.”

“Can't argue that.”

They walked together, calling to their fellow trainees, telling them to finish strong. Tempest saw Zinnia trotting along, panting with her head down, and ran back onto the track.

“Which lap are you on?” Tempest asked urgently.

“This is... is the last one... I'm so tired...” Zinnia replied between gasps.

Tempest glanced at the clock. “Okay we're at ten minutes but you're almost done. Come on, you can do this! Keep up with me!” She ran faster.

Zinnia complained, but kept up with her. “Tempest, please, I can't-”

“Yes you can, you're already doing it! Just keep running! Almost to the end!”

“Ugh, I really have to pee, please can I slow down?”

“No, you can go when you finish, now hurry up!” Tempest sped up, and Zinnia groaned, but sprinted right next to her. And she kept on running until they were past the finish line.

“There you go, Zinnia!” Eagle shouted. “Thanks for helping her, Tempest!”

“Yes, ma'am,” Tempest replied proudly. She turned to Zinnia, who had stepped off the track and sank down onto her knees. “Alright, get up and walk with me.”

Zinnia winced, pressing her front hooves between her back legs. “I um. Don't think I should.”

Tempest took in her expression, and then her ears laid back. “Oh.” She turned to Eagle. “Ma'am, is there a restroom nearby?”

“Port-a-potties are over there,” Eagle replied, pointing. “But why-” She also saw the look on Zinnia's face, and immediately said, “Get her over there, now.”

“Yes, ma'am.” Tempest helped Zinnia up. “Come on, I'll help you.”

“Thanks,” Zinnia said anxiously. She and Tempest hurried across the track and over to one of the portable toilets. Tempest pulled the door open and let her in, and closed it. She heard a sigh of relief from inside. “Whew, a few more seconds and I might not have made it.”

“Heh, good thing you finished when you did,” Tempest replied.

“Yeah, that could have been really embarrassing.”

Tempest looked over at the track and lifted a brow. “Well. Consider yourself lucky, because a few others have had bathroom emergencies.”

“Oh, really? Ew...”

“Yeah... but it's not surprising, they're constantly making us drink water. And running, well... it kinda jostles your bladder, huh?”

Zinnia laughed. “Haha, yeah...” A few more moments, and then she came out. “Whew. Alright, let's go.”

They walked back over to the track and resumed walking with the others. A good portion of their flight now seemed to be done, but there were some stragglers.

“Come on Lemon, whoo!” Tempest shouted.

Zinnia joined in. “Cumulus, come on, move it! And keep your wings closed, you don't wanna be called out for cheating!”

“Go Blizzard, you got this!”

They saw Calli just starting her final lap.

Tempest ran to her. “Calli, come on, you have one minute! One minute to go a quarter mile! A well trained runner can actually do it in twenty seconds! You got this!”

“Ugh, shut up,” Calli growled.

“I don't wanna hear that, I want to see those hooves moving! Lift them higher!” Tempest ran next to her.

Calli looked annoyed, but nonetheless ran faster.

Tempest nodded in approval. “Got anyone special in your life, Calli?”

“Why?” Calli spat.

“Just answer the question.”

“Well, my mom... I'm doing this for my mom.”

“Okay! Now, imagine your mom's at the finish line! She's waiting for you, she misses you, she wants to give you a big hug!” Tempest saw Calli move faster, and decided to drive the point home. “And there's a vicious goblin next to her, wearing a bomb vest, hugging her. And only you know the code to defuse the bombs!”

“What the fuck!” Calli screamed.


Calli took off at a hard gallop, and Tempest chased her. They passed the finish line. They were past twelve minutes, but at least Calli wasn't the last from Flight 25.

“There you go, Calli,” Eagle said with approval. “Take a lap, walk it off.”

Panting, Calli started walking, though shot Tempest a dirty look.

“Hey, you finished,” Tempest said with a shrug, walking with her.

Zinnia trotted over to join them, saying to Calli, “That was some serious effort right at the end. Good job.”

“Mhm. Thanks.” Calli's legs were shaking, and she kept her head down.

Tempest scanned the track. Their brother flight seemed to be done. Just a few more mares were running around, along with some from that other new flight that came in with them, but she didn't know any of them. She yelled at them anyway, telling them to go faster, they could do it. She recognized Ruby, and called to her by name. “Ruby! Come onnn!”

Ruby met her eyes and nodded, speeding up.

Once they were all done, Eagle called them all together. “That's all of you. Alright, we've taken down all your scores, and will be tallying them up. For now, head back inside and shower. And don't forget your web belts!”

They went to where the belts were laying on the ground and pulled them on, then trudged single file back toward their dorm. They got to showering, cleaning themselves thoroughly, trying to get all the sweat off. They took enough time for the water to get warm, which was nice. But then the latrine door was slamming open and Eagle was marching in.

“Quit wasting water and hurry up!” she yelled. “Get out and come to the dayroom once you're dried off!”

They called an acknowledgment and hurried to finish washing off. Then they were drying off and brushing their manes before rushing to the dayroom.

Once they were all gathered, Eagle walked up to the board and slapped a paper onto it. “These are your scores for the three components, tallied up into a final score. If you're over 75, congrats, you can already pass the same test that the active duty has to take. If you're below that, you need to shape up. I'll let you all come up here to look at your score. Look at where you're weak. If you need help with cardio, get with those who have high scores for it. If you need help with strength, same thing.” Eagle looked at the paper. “Nine of you passed. The rest failed. If this had been a real assessment, you'd be in some serious trouble. But I've seen worse results from a first assessment.” She moved aside. “Come on, see where you're at.”

They got up and went to see their scores. Tempest saw that she passed with an 87. She saw a lot of ponies struggled with the run. She moved aside so the others could see the page, going to sit down. Eagle waited until they had all checked the scores, then said, “So, hopefully you all see what you need to work on. I expect you all to improve by our final assessment. Anypony got any questions?”

A few of them raised their hooves. Eagle looked around, then pointed at Ocean. “Yes, Ocean?”

Ocean stood. “Ma'am, Trainee Ocean Flow reports as ordered. Do you have any advice for getting better at sit-ups?”

“Yeah. Do more sit-ups. Also, planking. Basically, you need to work to improve your core strength. Anypony else?”

Aurum asked about improving push-ups. Eagle explained that since they wouldn't have access to weights until they can go to the gym later on, they should focus on just doing push-ups as often as possible, and showed them a few different techniques for making them more difficult, so that regular push-ups would be easier in comparison.

“And of course, to get better at running you just need to run,” Eagle concluded. “I'd recommend sprinting as often as you can to increase your speed. And when we do flight PT, you can work on your endurance. Run for as long as you can without slowing to a trot. Do that and you'll find that you're able to run longer and longer without slowing down.”

They discussed exercise tips for a while longer, and then Eagle told them to get started on their afternoon details. They did, working for about thirty minutes before she took them downstairs for dinner.

They were given around thirty minutes to eat, which they took full advantage of, scarfing down as much food and drink as possible. They all felt like they were starving after pushing themselves so hard during the fitness assessment.

Then they returned to the dorm to finish cleaning, and once they were done, Eagle gave them the rest of the night off. She explained where to find the mailbox downstairs, and said they would need to go with at least one buddy if they wanted to drop off letters. Then she checked in with Calli, who was working on the dorm guard schedule. The first two trainees were already assigned to the job. Pine Glider and Spruce Drifter would be working the 1800-2000 shift, and after them would be Sword Dancer and Lemon Breeze. Then Eagle left Ruby to watch after the flight and headed out.

Calli briefly called the flight together to explain who would be covering the rest of the shifts for the night, and Tempest sighed when she found out she'd be working from midnight until 2 AM. She'd barely get to sleep before being woken up again. But it had to be done by someone. Hopefully her partner, Dream, would be nice to talk to.

After that, they were left to their own devices. Tempest looked over her letter to Discord, and talked to Zinnia, who was writing her own letter. Once Zinnia was done, Tempest walked downstairs with her, and they dropped their letters off in the mailbox. They headed back up. There were other trainees around, also going down and up the stairwell to their own duties, and they exchanged short greetings when they passed each other. But finally they were back on the fourth floor and knocking on the door.

Pine slid the window open and gazed at them. “May I help you?”

“It's Tempest and Zinnia, we need to get back in,” Tempest said.

“May I see your authority to enter?”

Right. The entry procedures. Tempest and Zinnia held up their ID cards.

Pine looked at them closely, then looked over at the wall, where there was a roster of all the inhabitants of the dorm. “Checking, two Royal Guard access cards... Tempest Shadow and Zinnia. Verifying, two Royal Guard access cards... Tempest Shadow and Zinnia. Verified. Checking for officers.” She glanced around the hall, but saw no one. “None seen. Please stand clear of the door.” Tempest and Zinnia stepped back, and the door was opened.

“Nicely done,” Tempest said as they walked in.

“Thanks,” Pine replied. She hoof-bumped her sister, then closed the door and pushed the flap back into place over the window.

“So, what should we do now?” Zinnia asked as she followed Tempest to the bay.

Tempest considered, looking around at the others. Then she looked at her watch. “Well, we have quite a bit of time... why don't we all get to know each other?”