"Staying out of trouble" ~ A helpful guide by Twilight Sparkle

by Farenth Vega

First published

"Bad slave", "Good Slave", "Pony wears the collar". You've had it about up to here with Anon's crap today and you're about to let him know it!

"So you've been enslaved? Afraid your life is over? Fearful just to wake up another day? Waiting on the beatings to begin and just don't know what to do? Well you're in luck! Once upon a time I was just like you. A strict master and strong head had me in trouble left and right! Sore flanks and hungry nights plagued my life! But you don't have to go through that! With this quick, all inclusive, every single detail ever guide you too can learn how to stay out of trouble!" ~ Twilight Sparkle

It's been years since the aliens first stepped through the portals. The researcher in you found them so fascinating that even you, like so many others, were willing to ignore the warning signs. We should have seen it coming. We should have protected ourselves. Now ponykind sits at the heels of our owners, our masters, our overlords day by day. Some suffer in the fields, some toil away in the factories, some simply stay in homes and watch over the young ones. You're one of the lucky ones. Anon's reasonable if a bit firm. Sure he expects you to keep up with the laundry, the cooking, and the cleaning, but he doesn't beat you, he doesn't rape you. You can keep up with that and settle for the comfy life of a house pony, right?

This is a second person green written for /mlp/'s 'slave pony general' thread. Despite what the name may have you thinking the general and story are more about exploring the horrible implications of chattel slavery and how, with a little understanding, most humans would rather help an innocent pony rather than hurt them. 'Staying out of trouble' aims to explore such a society via a slightly sassy pony's perspective.

Story is currently complete just not on fimfic! Everything is available via pastebin if you don't mind the greentext format and some rather unedited early chapters (https://ponepaste.org/1626). I do hope to update this version in time, but it's not a priority.

Act 1: Chapter 1

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Act 1: Maybe just a little trouble.

The sounds of yelling across the street drags you from your wonderous dreams.

The distinctly unharmonious noise are an all too common second alarm clock for you. They serves as a stark reminder that your life's here on earth now instead of equestria.

Untangling a mass of purple mane, limbs, and sheets you fall onto the floor with a loud thud. At least you didn't drag the laptop down with you this time. You've never been a morning pony, and today's worse than usual. You must have fallen back asleep after master woke you up this morning.

Hopefully you didn't sleep in too much this time. Master's generous but firm when he wants to be.

Having finally extracted yourself from the sheets you put forehooves forward and rump up in the air for some much needed morning stretches. You aren't sure if that's supposed to pop like that, but it feels better either way.

Shaking your head in a last ditch effort to get yourself motivated you glance over at the clock: 11:23

Not good.

You gracelessly stumble to the kitchen to see if he left you a note. First grabbing a bowl of cereal in your restricted magic, then plopping your plushy plot down in the chair you find said note.

More of a list actually.

It used to be notes but lately he seems to have picked up on your completely reasonable love of lists.

You glance over the list as you shove deliciously sugary cereal in your muzzle. Anyone who says cinnamon toast crunch isn't the best is categorically wrong and you're willing to prove it.

Shoot, it's pretty long, looks like he wants all the laundry done as well as groceries picked up and an early dinner.

By the time you finish stuffing your face with pure sugar it's almost noon. A quick shower and brush through your mane and tail costs you even more time. A not so quick stop by your laptop to check your favorite sites didn't help either.

You were up all night last night surfing the web, which is likely why you overslept. You feel a bit bad wasting even more time, but that still doesn't stop you.

You look up and swear. All this time wasted telling people on the internet how wrong they were and it's almost 2.

Your bad habits had gotten you in trouble before and you don't want them to again.

Galloping to the front door you adjust your tracking collar and scan yourself out causing the door to unlock. The security/pony tracking system was somewhat expensive but had by now become fairly mainstream. Probably because it let humans could indulge their laziness to the max.

You're out of breath by the time you get to the market only to kick yourself when you find you've forgotten the grocery list! You've never been the most athletic, so the gallop back home then back to the market takes a while, gotta hurry!

Grabbing everything on the list you scan your collar for the purchase authorization to be billed to anon.

Trotting home as quickly as you could with the groceries in tow you panic a little seeing the time: 4:34!

Anon hates Tuesdays more than most, something about lots of meetings. You know he'll want a good dinner, but your time is limited.

Hastily getting to work you settle on an eggplant parmesan, a favorite of his and yours plus it's somewhat fast. Or it would be fast if you didn't hate this oven! It takes so long to warm up, and the minutes are ticking by!

Your ear cocks to the side when you hear the door unlock.

Trotting to get a better view of the front door you try to put on a perky tone. "Welcome home anon! Dinner's almost ready!"

Hopefully your enthusiasm will convince him you didn't waste most your day lounging around like a chump.

"Yeah, smells great Twi, something cheesy?

"Eggplant parmesan just a few more minutes."

17 minutes later and it still doesn't look done to you. No panicking, it's fine, everything is fine.

Anon's tired voice floats over the top of his chair in the living room. "Is it almost done? I'm starved, you know i don't have time for a good lunch on Tuesdays..."

"O-of course master, just a few minutes!"

Anon's a nice guy, but he gets grumpy when he's tired or hungry. You will the oven to cook faster by trotting back and forth in front of it. 12 minutes later dinner is finally served, but by this point anon's looking pretty upset.

"I-I'm sorry master it's just the oven took so long to warm up, we should really get someone to look at that."

Anon sighs and runs his hands through his hair before looking at you with no small amount of exasperation. "Twilight i know the oven isn't great, but I think we both know this is a time management issue more than anything else."

You do your best to look confused and perfectly innocent! Cute face Twilight! Cute face!

"Don't give me that look you know I can see when you check out of the house, right?"

You keep up the cute face. He can't resist it... right?

"W-well of course. I was just a bit delayed is all, but look it all worked out in the end right? hahaha..."

"That depends. Did you do the laundry?"

Your patented cute face audibly cracks as the realization you hadn't slams into you like a freight train. Fuck fuck fuck, you're fucked! If you've picked up anything from earth and the internet specifically it was the language, and right now it seemed appropriate.

"I umm well you see, about that..."

Anon sighs again. "Twilight, I told you in the note I wanted my red button up especially for my date tonight!"

Abort abort! Cute face has failed, abort!

"I ummm, I..."

With a blinding flash of magic you vanish. Even with the horn ring you can still use teleportation over short distances.


Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck! Do you want beatings? Because this is how you get beatings! You hold your breath as you hide in the hall closet. Usually you go for your room so he'll check there first.

"Twilight! You get back here right now!"

You'll do no such thing. He stomps off to your room as you suspected. You're left to try and not give yourself away with your panicking. Oh gods this is stupid thought! It's only a matter of time til he finds you! The rational part of your mind knows this, but no way in tartarus you're giving yourself away! A moment not being punished is a moment well spent!

"Twilight I am not in the mood. You come out here right now before I get your remote!"

He wouldn't shock, you would he? He's almost never used it, but he does sound really upset.

"I'm going to count to five Twilight!"

He's bluffing.


He'll never do it.


You're his favorite pony, he's even told you that!


Then again that's never stopped him from disciplining you before...


Your hoof goes to your flanks remembering the last time just a few weeks ago...



It wasn't a bad shock really, no doubt the lowest setting, but it surprised you nonetheless. Even worse It gave away your position!

"Come here young lady!"

"No no! Anon wait, I'm sorry please!"

Picking you up bodily, Anon pulls you from the closet and tucks you under his arms in one fell swoop.

"You know better than to run away from me filly!"

He carries you under his arm like a football back to your room.

"I can see that you didn't even leave the house till 2. Did you even get up before noon? I woke you up you know."

"Please anon I fell back asleep! I went as fast as I could!"

"Were you up all night surfing the internet again? We talked about this, and don't you try to lie to me I can check your history even if you deleted it."

Could he? You thought it was gone if you deleted it. It might be a bluff but you aren't sure.

Not that late... sir..."

"Give me a time filly..."

"3... ish..."

Walking into your room, he pulls out the wooden chair from your desk and sits down. In one fluid motion he drops you on his lap facing him. You try to avert your eyes, but he grabs your chin and makes you face him.

"I don't mind you staying up late but if it interferes with your work it has to stop. We talked about this already."

You just nod. This was far from the first time you'd been scolded for this.

"I would have just taken away your laptop again..."

Oh gods the horror, no!

"But if you're going to run from me like a brat, you're gonna get treated like one again."

You gulp. That's what you were afraid of. Since anon had owned you he had not been afraid of the more... physical... methods of disciplining.

"Do you have anything to say in your defense?"

Putting on your most pathetic face, you let your ears droop and slowly shake your head.

"I'm sorry anon it's all my fault..."

"Yeah, you're gonna be sorry."

You gasp as he grabs you around the sides and spins you around to position you over his lap. Pushing your body forward a little he gets your plot high in the air! Only your forelegs reach the ground! The humiliating position brings back too many painful memories, your composure crumbles.

"No no, please master please! I'm sorry I'll learn!"

"Oh you'll learn I know that!"

You squeal as your tail is yanked out of the way by masters left hand! You've barely a moment to think about what's soon to happen before the other hand smashes into your upturned cheeks!


"You're going to learn a lesson tonight Twilight I'll see to that!"

You try to squirm as his heavy human hands smack your bottom over and over. The heat is building fast and know he's just getting started!

"You are going to go to bed on time!"

The spanking has you pounding your fore hooves on the floor and futilely flailing your rear ones.

"You are going to do your chores!"

Your hiney's burning and you're sure already a good red at this point!

"I'm sorry I'm sorrryyy!"

"You are not going to run from me!"

"I'll never do it again i swearrr!"

"You're damn right you won't!"

His hand speeds up and gives you a furious burst of slaps right to the lower cheeks. The tears obscure your vision as you flail and moan in agony. He doesn't miss a beat as he continues tanning you red raw. Finally the firm spanks slow down until master hand rests heavily on your burning backside.

"Please master please..."

"I'm sorry twilight but running away from me tonight was unacceptable. Then you made it worse by refusing to come out until I shocked you. I didn't know if you'd try to run away or what."

You just nod your head as your bottom pulsates in pain.

"This has to be one you'll remember girl, so hang on we're not done yet."

Your eyes snap open as you feel something wooden rub against your purple and red backside! Craning your head you gasp as you see master patting your seat with your heavy wooden mane brush!

"No master, sweet Celestia no! Not the brush I'll do anything! Not the brush!!!"

"Celestia isn't here today twilight it's just me, and you will learn your lesson from this brush do you understand?"

Not waiting for an answer the brush rises high in the air. He can't! He just can't! To your horror it comes slamming down into your abused backside! Half the neighborhood probably heard you over the next few minutes. Sure you had had the brush before as a filly from both your mother and Princess Celestia, but anon was either stronger than both or just more willing to fry your naughty caboose.


It felt like the brutal blistering would go on forever! Your world is consumed by the blazing inferno in your bratty beaten butt as anon goes on and on!


"I've heard it all before Twilight! Your not getting out of this!"


You are absolutely sure your flanks are a blazing red that will last for days at this point. Chores are going to be awful if you have to get out of the house with this on display! You can see the awful little human children laughing at you now! 'Look mommy they spanked the pony!'. A particularly hard flurry of swats shatters your imagination as anon goes in for the finale.


After what felt like hours, but in reality was barely a few minutes, the discipline slows down and mercifully stops. Your fevered kicking dies down with the brushing until you collapsed over anon's lap. You don't even mind when you feel his large hands rub your sorry flank in soothing circles.

"I'm sorry Twilight but enough is enough. I hope I don't have to do that again but I needed you to learn this lesson."

His other hand goes to scratch you behind the ears. You whimper an affirmative.

"I want you in bed right now. In the morning all will be forgiven but no computer tonight. just you catching up on your sleep so you can get the laundry done early tomorrow do you understand?"


"Yes master... I understand..."

"Good girl."

Lifting you up off his lap anon deposits you on the bed. You curl up on your stomach, you suspect you'll be sleeping this way for a couple nights at least. Moving your computer to the desk anon, ruffles your hair, and kisses you on the top of the head.

"Good night girl, I'm sorry it came to this."

"G-good night sir..."

Sleep comes quickly.

Act 1: Chapter 2

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The next morning is almost as bad as the night before.

You swear your backside's actively on fire, and a quick check in the mirror confirms it. It could easily be mistaken for big mac's backside if the red wasn't so inconsistent from anon's rapid fire brushing...

You swear to celestia if anon makes you go out today you're gonna stab him with your horn.

The simple act of walking reminds you of last night's little adventure. You know what? Standing for breakfast suits you just fine this today. Anon's note reminds you to do the laundry as if your cheeks aren't reminder enough. At least the day is young. It's rare you go to bed at a reasonable hour so an early morning is almost a nice change of pace. Almost.


It hardly takes a whole day to do a few loads of laundry, things could be worse.

After throwing a load in the washing machine you head to the couch for some TV time. Well, that's the plan, but walking by the fridge gives you a better idea . Soon you and your new best friend 'Mr. Icepack' recline on the couch together. It still burns like tartarus, but after a few merciful minutes you're nice and numb to the world.

An hour and one load of laundry later you hear keys rustling in the door!

Your head swivels to follow your ears in a panic! It's too early for anon to be home isn't it? You don't even have time to come up with a plan before door opens to admit the neighbor, Ms. Angie.

She smothers a giggle when she sees you and your icy best friend together on the couch.

"I guess anon wasn't exaggerating about the discipline bit huh?"

You mumble something indistinct as you blush and look back at the TV. Denial will only encourage somehuman like Angie so you won't give it to her.

"He ask you to come check up on me? I'm getting the chores done, everything's fine."

"Oh no, he did ask me to check on you but specifically to check on YOU."

She gestures to your ice covered tush.

Ms. Angie's a veterinarian, anon must have figured he might have overdone it when he beat you into next week last night. Not that you disagree. That was the by far the hardest and meanest beating you'd endured in your entire life. That's the one hoof at least, on the other you aren't sure you want Ms. angie poking around back there. While it was nice having a neighbor with some medical knowledge for the occasional sprain she's more used to horses and other non-sapient animals, not ponies. As such her bedside manner is... bad. Oh and her tools are horse sized.

"Oh no, really it's nothing that bad I promise. I mean, thanks for stopping by and all..."

"Nonsense precious, it's my responsibility make sure your ok. Be a good girl and come here."

She waves you to follow her but you hesitate.

"Ms. angie really please you don't have too."

"Ahh do I see that stubbornness Anon told me about? Is that how you ended up like this in the first place?"

Once again a human reaches down and picks you up like a house cat. The indignity of being toted around against your will is starting to get to you but you're squirming accomplishes nothing.

"Now stop that, I'm just trying to help. You know I don't think this whole pony slavery thing is quite right. The least I can do is watch out for the ones near me."

"Ugh, please put me down. I appreciate the thought, but i can walk on my own..."

She simply shrugs and puts you down on the kitchen table on all fours. You try to turn and face her, but find yourself instead rotated to point your tail end her way. You only blush a little.

"I know you can, but this is just easier."

She lifts your tail out of the way like it's no big deal, and puts a hand on an abused cheek!

If you were blushing before your face is as red as your bottom now!

"What are you doing?!?"

"Just checking the damage honey, he did a real number on you it looks like."

She pulls out a bottle of lotion and squirts some into her hands.

"Here this will help a little."

It feels so good you actually forget to be embarrassed... for about two seconds. You try not to think about what kind of view she must have back there, but at least she's a she.

Your silence gives way to a by a gasp when she grabs a cheek and spreads it!

You flail backwards to try and smack her hand away!

"What the hell!"

If she's offended by your reaction she doesn't show it.

"Twilight does anon abuse you."

"I... What?"

Pushing your hoof away she repeats herself.

"You may belong to him, but you have rights Twilight. Does anon abuse you? down here?"

This is getting way to weird!

"What? No, of course not, anon is very... nice."

Nice. Your owner.

Not only does it feel weird calling someone that owns you nice, but he also just spanked you into a bawling mess. There's time to sort out that crisis of faith later, but he sure doesn't do the kind of stuff she's suggesting.

"Are you just saying that to protect him Twilight? I'm a doctor you can tell me anything."

Technically that's true, but you don't think doctor patient confidentiality applies here. Besides she - OH SWEET CELESTIA WHAT IS SHE DOING?!?!

You whimper and squirm as angie grabs both cheeks and SPREAD YOU WIDE!

"Just relax, I'm looking for signs of trauma."

Relaxing is the very opposite of what you do! She even moves her fingers and widens you more!


Any attempt to teleport sputters as angie continues to poke around where she really doesn't belong!

"Be a big mare about this Twilight. This is just a standard check."

Standard to a horse maybe, but you were not used to being invaded without warning! Angie's firm and experience grip leaves you helpless to escape. The more you try the more she scoffs.

"Do I need to get my tools?"

Oh gods! Her horse sizes tools! They'll tear you apart! You stop actively resisting the bizarre inspection, but no one said you can't whimper.

The next few moment pass agonizingly slowly as she pokes and prods to her heart's content.

FINALLY she releases your quivering backside and gives you a quick pat on the seat.

To your further embarrassment your legs give our as soon as she lets go, causing you to collapse on the table.

"Good girl. I guess you were telling the truth, I'd have hated having to report anon if not."

Wrapping your tail tightly around you, you turn around both to face her and protect your sensitive bits.

You'll give that bitch a piece of your - oh! A sugar cube! The treat entrances you: so cubical, so pure, so sugary.

You gobble it up without even thinking. The traumatic doctor's visit is suddenly far from your mind.

"Glad to see your not too mad at me huh?"

She ruffles your mane with her free hand, annnddddddd you feel a bit manipulated.

"Now just stay off that seat of yours for a few days and you'll be fine. Oh and keep using the ice."

She opens the door and then looks back at you.

"And of course behave!"

Give you a seemingly friendly smile she leaves and closes the door behind her.

You're gonna get a new lock put on that door.

Freaky vets...

Act 1: Chapter 3

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You text anon that he's an asshole. He'll probably be confused, but you're mad at him right now so buck it. Even if he did have good intentions, sending angie to check on you it's still somehow his fault.

Logging into his desktop you decide to take your revenge in the form of his MMR. Your awful laptop gets half the fps his jacked up desktop does, but that doesn't stop you from enjoying a game of human trolling Dota whenever you can.

You make sure to queue for ranked and first pick jungle legion commander like a true asshole. Today everyone will feel your wrath no matter how much they cry! After all, on the internet nobody knows your a pony, so you can harvest sweet human anguish in peace.

Anon texts you back sometime in the middle of the but you make a point to ignore him.

You'll do the stupid laundry, but besides that you're slacking off today.

Usually you'd try to be at least a little productive, there's always an errand or two that needs done sooner or later, but with your flank still burning red anon can shove it if he wants anything else done.

It briefly occurs to you how rebellious that line of thought is. Just a few years ago you spent all your time cowering and hiding in fear of a good ole master x slave beating. Not that Anon every did that, but your last owner was a real piece of work. A drunk and a loser who only got a pony to have something to take his anger out on. It had barely taken him two weeks to you to the hospital after one too many kicks to the stomach, so you'd been taken away from him. Slave or not pony abuse laws did exist. He'd been hit with hefty fine and barred from owning one again for a long time.

Somehow you win your game, mostly because you're pretty sure the enemy carry had downs.

Maybe you should have techies to really piss people off, but thinking on that jackass took the fire out of you.

Sure anon isn't afraid to take a brush to your backside, but that's the worse he's ever done.

Maybe it's the Stockholm syndrome talking, but you could do a lot worse than him.

Hissing at the soreness you hop out of his seat, grab your ice pack and magically reapply it to your tush as you go to check the laundry. It only takes a few minutes to fold it and put it away like he likes, he really doesn't have that much clothing. Heck he's bought you almost as much as he has and you barely wear clothes beyond the occasional hoodie.

Finally looking down at your hoof mounted phone you pull up his text.


Good Jokes mate real funny see u at FUCK YOUJ!

After a few minutes trying to find a way to express your displeasure at being molested by angie you give up. It's not like he asked her to assault your poor flanks. At least you assume... Doesn't seem like something he'd do... Angie is probably just really really dumb.

Trying to be diplomatic with your owner and disciplinarian seemed like a good idea so you delete the scathing text you were writing.

"Forget it what do you want for dinner?"

>"Why don't you go pick us up a pizza?"

Your horn glows as your blood pressure starts to rise! Is he messing with you on purpose or is he dumb too!? He has to know your butt is bright red from the over the knee hiding he personally gave you last night!

Stay calm Twilight, be a good respectful little slave and don't bite his dumb stupid human head off like he deserves.


See? Your such a good girl.

"I would strongly prefer not to be seen in public like... this..."

"Like what?"

Alright, good girl time is over! You're gonna go sharpen your horn for when he gets home.

"I swear to celestia anon if you make me go out in public with a red flank i will literally stab you!"

"Hahaha down girl, just order in I don't care. Or you know, wear some clothes?

Crap, Why didn't you think of that? Whatever, clothes are dumb anyway.

Not willing to let him know how foolish you felt you simply sent him a picture of your horn stabbing a tiny little anon voodoo doll you made out of illusion magic.

"Is this like a dick pic for unicorns?"

Your not gonna answer that.

If the phone wasn't attached to your fetlock you'd have thrown it across the room but it doesn't come off without the right tools.

In the end you order pizza exclusively with the toppings you like, pineapple and canadian bacon mmmmmmmm. You'd been introduced to the latter at a party anon had taken you to once and loved it even if it was meat.

In a move of unprecedented civility and grace you don't eat all the pizza before he gets home, instead limiting yourself to slowly nibbling on your second piece until he opens the door.

"Hey hey hey! What did i say about eating on the couch?"

"You know I'm the one that cleans the couch right?"

You still hop down and sulk towards the kitchen table. You'd chosen the couch because it's softer than the hard wooden kitchen seats. No way you're gonna sit on these unforgiving things. After putting his stuff up anon joins you in the kitchen and plops down in a chair before giving you a strange look. The wheels in his little monkey head turn until a look of realization crosses his features.

He motions you closer before putting a hand on your croup and turning your backside towards him.

He's not as dumb as Angie so you just keep eating your pizza.

Patting and rubbing your back he speaks.

"Sorry girl I didn't mean to be so hard on you last night."

You look over your shoulder and give him a doubting look.

"You seemed pretty fired up about spanking me into next week at the time..."

He digs his fingers into your coat to give your back a satisfying scratch that 100% does not make you purr.

"Yeah I was pretty mad, may have overdone it, that's why I sent Angie to check on you."

You must have had a traumatized face at the mention of the great creepy one.

"That bad?"

You try to decide how much detail you want to go into about her 'exam' but decide against it.

"Just... please don't leave me alone with her again..."

Your voice is a smaller and more vulnerable than you intended and it seems to hit anon hard. Scooping you up into a hug in his lap almost makes you drop your precious pizza. The hug isn't unwelcome though... Angie probably emotionally scarred you, so maybe you needed a good hug. You allow yourself a small nicker and lean your head back to nuzzle him.

"I'm sorry I know I messed up yesterday..."

He brings one arm around to mess up your mane.

"Yeah but i think you learned so let's forget about it."

Dropping you back to all fours he motions to the living room.

"And i guess you're allowed to use the couch today. Just, you know, don't get used to it."

He winks and you smile.

From your spot on the couch it's easy to carry on a conversation about his day, and the news, and this and that, the usual really. After dinner he goes to watch the TV and you go to your room to play on your laptop.

It's a few hours later you hear him walk past your room on his way to his.

"Damn it Twilight, did you play on my account!"

Shit you forgot!

"You know better Twi come here!"

Poof, in a flash of magic you're gone.

"Jungle legion?!?! Not in my house! Come here!."

Galloping to the far end of the house you can't help but giggle a little.

You know he's not really mad, but it's the small victories that count!

Act 1: Chapter 4

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Eventually Anon catches his little runaway purple fugitive on the run, aka you.

In the end your punishment is a long and merciless tickling. Truly a cruel and unusual punishment but one hundred times better any brush based alternatives. Finally the not so brutal discipline ends and you find yourself sent to bed early once again.

Well, 'midnight early' is a lot better than the '9pm early' Anon forced on you last night after turning your rear into an active war zone.

Sadly you soon find your good luck is not to last. You find your improved attitude rained on the next day when it ends up Anon really does have a few things he needs you to go into town for...

Checking your rear in your bedroom mirror you blush at the darker purple marks still visible on your fuzzy hide.

If it was up to you you'd spend the day recovering until all evidence faded, but Anon's not sending you out just to mess with you. He does need those errands run.

Turning to your closet you nose around for something to wear to cover your shame. Picking out a simple light turquoise sundress Anon bought you a while back you slip it on.

While there is a pony fashion industry on Earth even after several years of your race being enslaved the selection is pretty limited. Limited and seems to cater to certain... functions. Of course, pony maid outfits were literally the first things they made. That's not to say you didn't like the dress thought. It's simple, light, and comfy, but it's a bit small if your goal is to to actually cover your cheeks instead of accentuate them...

You spin around you check yourself in the mirror. Well... As long as you don't bend over, or have somepony rolling around on the ground behind you you should be fine. 'Should be' doesn't stop you from blushing at the idea of getting caught though. You'll just have to get everything done, and get as home as soon as possible.

You scan your collar to unlock the front door and you squint as the light of day beats down on you. At least you're making better time than the other day, anything to keep your tail out of THAT kind of trouble again.

Turning to trot towards the store you notice your neighbor Diamond Dust working in the front yard. 'Dusty' as he prefered to be called is a unicorn stallion who worked with rare jewels back in Equestria. Nowadays he watches the neighbor kids and does a seemingly unending amount of yard/house work, you swear he's always working on that lawn.

Seeing you trot by he stops and gives you a little wave.

"Wow it must be later than I thought."

He pretends to check the watch he doesn't have as you roll your eyes.

"Yeah yeah yeah. It's early, I'm up, I get it I get it..."

"Don't think I've ever seen you outside the house before noon Mrs. Sparkle. He must have really be cracking the whip!"

You just barely avoid tripping and falling flat on your face! He's just joking Twilight! There's no way he knows you're secretly smoldering under your dress.

"Yeah strict slave owner Anon. you know him..."

So strict that you fallen asleep curled up against his side last night instead paying attention to the movie he'd put on. It's not your fault that he knows one hand between your shoulder blades and the other rubbing up and down your neck turn you into a puddle of pony.

Trotting around his mower Dusty walks closer to you and gives you a somewhat unexpected nuzzle to break your train of thought!

"Sorry you're just too fun mess with. Speaking of which when's our next 'playdate' anyway?"

He gives you a cheesy eyebrow wiggle that somehow still manages to make you laugh. While you wouldn't call Dusty a coltfriend you do have something of a relationship. Being the only two ponies in the neighborhood your owners had figured you two should be the best of friends. Well, that sounds a lot less awkward than your first meeting actually was.

You first met Dusty when his owners literally asked to borrow you as a reward for their stallion's 'good behavior'.

Yes, borrow you... As a reward... You were a treat...

Anon had stupidly said yes because, to be honestly, Anon isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, and didn't really seem to understand the implications of what he was being asked.

Que you being delivered to Dusty just a few minutes later for the most awkward introduction ever.

"Hey Dusty buddy we got a little marefriend for all your hard work! You two have fun now!"

Like wtf are you supposed to say after that kind of introduction?

"Uhhhhhhh, hi...?"


Just because the two of you bucked like rabbits a few hours later doesn't make it any better. It was still hella weird. You felt a little guilty about that at first, but seeing as he was the first stallion you'd been alone with in literally years, ya know, stuff happens.

"We just saw each other last week, but you know better than to ask me. The Johnson's pay Anon in casserole I guess it's up to her."

At first Anon didn't understand why Mrs. Johnson returned with a warm casserole and a nice thank you for just letting your hang out. Once he got a good look at your messy mane and coat that he figured out what the neighbor's actually wanted to rent you out for.

It was actually kinda funny watching him slowly realize he maybe or may not have just prostituted you without even realizing it.

Lucky for him you were far from mad. Dusty was actually a really nice guy who'd have been perfectly content just talking, plus the casserole was really good and meant you didn't have to cook for a couple nights. Or maybe you always eat it when you're starving from your 'activities'.

Dusty bumps your flanks with his to shake you out of your memories.

"Well maybe once I finish putting together the kids new trampolene I'll have earned another reward huh?"

You blush a little at the mention of being his designated rewards program and a lot at the chaste kiss he plants on your cheek!

"And I say you're worth every bite of casserole the Mrs. spends on you!"

You push him away with a smile.

"I'll have you know not a commodity, AND you can't do that in public or you'll blow old Mrs. Dupre's mind!"

He gives you a wink and flicks his tail at you before resting his forehooves on the back of the lawnmower again.

"Haha sorry sorry. Oh and by the way I wanted to warn you about something. You heard the Clarks got a pony right? I overheard the Mrs. talking to them about ponies last night. She may have mentioned what a great umm motivator time with you was so you know you might want to talk to Anon about that."

Great, one stallion is one thing but now you're the whole neighborhood's rewards program. That's might be a little more than you're comfortable with...

"Ugh, great. I've got to go but thanks for the heads up."

He waves as you trot off with your head definitely NOT swimming with the idea of another big hulking muscular renting you to - OK NO MORE OF THAT RIGHT NOW!

Feeling a breeze where there shouldn't be one makes you snap your tail back down between your legs! While technically designed for a pony the dress for some stupid reason had no tail hole. By design or not that emans a high tail results in a distinct loss of umm coverage...

Thankfully Dusty still doesn't know about Anon's more 'physical' discipline methods, and you sure didn't want him finding out in broad daylight like this! Time to canter around the corner and hope Dusty didn't see that!

You drag your skirt down with a pinch of magic and quickly towards the store. Really any direction away from both that breeze and Dusty would do.

Some hard cantering let's you cover a generous amount of ground, but quickly necessitates you stop for a breather. You opt to stop by the park, NOT because because you're out of breath from cantering just a quarter of a mile due to the fact you're an overweight nerd, and, as a matter of fact, any arguments to the contrary will be dismissed with prejudice!

You land your perfectly average BMI flanks on the park bench you put your head down for a moment's break. Operation catch breath is going great for all of 10 seconds until an ear piercing squeal behind you shatters any sense of relaxation.


>Oh wow that thing is already right in your face! Dear gods children are fast! Sweet celestia what does it want?


"I umm well I kind of need to go actually..."

Make it go away! It's sorta cute, but the energy it's giving off is worse than pinkie pie ever was.

"Of course you can sweetie."

The mother motions for you to come down off the bench and gestures towards her daughter.

"Well come on give her a ride."

Wow, nah, that's cool, don't ask or anything, you're totally free for having your time wasted by your sugar fueled spawn...

"Ma'am I'm really sorry, but I'm on a bit of a tight schedule today..."

Huffing to herself the woman walks right up to you and grabs your left ear! Ow Ow Ow WTF!

"Yeah so busy you were sleeping on the park bench? You need to learn to respect your betters little lady! now get down here before I find your owner and get you into even more trouble!"

Needless to say pony ears are sensitive and you are easily dragged off the bench gasping and squealing!

"Ow Ow ow! Please Mrs don't do that, please stop!"

Holding your ear low to the ground in an almost bowing gesture she turns back to the little girl.

"There you go sweetie climb on, Miss Purple is going to give you a ride."

With a squeal of delight the little girl gracelessly climbs onto your back kicking the fire out of your damaged flanks a few times in the process. You let out a pathetic whimper of distress as her mom continues to pin your head to the floor while the girl grabs a handful of mane and painfully yanks.

"Now come on let's make a few circles around the lake. Doesn't that sound fun lacy?"


Oh my god why is it kicking??? At least the kid's small, but it really likes to yank your hair and yell right into your ear!

A good half an hour later your sides are sore from all the kicking and your spirits aren't doing much better.

The bitchy lady doesn't even acknowledge your existence as you cart her little hell spawn around and semi silently endure all the yanking kicking and bouncing involved.

Finally your lead back towards their car and the girl at least gives you a pat on the neck and a "Thank you Miss purple" for your efforts.

Yeah, no one even asked your name...

The lady simply tells you that maybe next time you'll not slack off in the park and that ponies like you should be kept on a tighter leash instead of roaming all over town like you own the place with free range collars.

Cool story, she can bite you. Can you get away with poking a hole in her tires without her noticing?

In the end you resist the urge to make everything worse and trot out of the park as quickly as possible. At this point you just want to get home, away from people and back to your computer.

On the internet no one you have 4 legs and getting called a name just means you're a normal part of the crowd and not the one they can legally pick on.

Also no kids, kids suck.

The actual errands to smoothly enough. You even grab an extra bottle of wine so you can treat yourself later. One bottle for cooking and one bottle for Twilight's troubles/drunken adventures on the internet.

It's not like Anon ever reads the bills he gets from the stores anyway. Great for you though, else he'd know you sometimes always spent a few extra bucks on somet little treats for yourself. Ok it's most the time actually and that could be a whole can of worms you'd rather not address.

Scanning your collar at the self pony checkout you munch on some nerds as you trot home carrying everything in your magic.

You sometimes get concerned looks when humans see you carrying stuff with levitation magic. Combine that with the fact you tended to put off shopping trips for as long as possible, and therefore end up carrying a ton at once...

The whole unaccompanied ponies thing was pretty controversial. Half like the convenience of getting everything done for them by the time they got home while the other half seems convinced you'll steal children and eat them or something the minute you're out of your master's sight.

The looks you get aren't totally unjustified though. While your ring is set no lower than the legal limit, your greater skill and control than most ponies allows you to pull off a lot more than what most humans are used to seeing.

You've scared a human or two once and twice and mmmmmmmay have been taken down to the pound once by a cop who thought you'd broken your ring and were planning to kill everyone with some of those bananas you were taking home.

Yeah, the pound, not the jail. Humans are dumb.

Anon had to come save you from a slightly too amorous dog that really really liked you so that was great too

Today though you get off with just a few concerned looks that you disarm with a smile and bowed head.

You've actually picked up extra today since Anon's parents were coming to visit in a few days, and he wanted you to make something nice.

Mr. and Mrs. GrAnon are some of your favorite humans in the world.

Instead of being awkward about their son owning a slave, which may or may not say something about them, they'd immediately treated you like the long lost grandchild they had never had.

Anon's only in his mid 20s, but they must have gotten tired of waiting since Mrs. GrAnon dotes on you every chance she gets when visiting. You're talking the whole shabang: bringing you presents, trying to slip you money for no good reason, even braiding your mane and tail when you should have been taking care of them. Mr. GrAnon isn't much different "Come sit in my lap little filly and let me tell you a tale of years gone by." GrAnon you aren't even 50 you aren't a wise old man yet

It face ponies are so small no doubt helps them justify treating you like a little kid. You aren't complaining, it's was nice to be the pampered one for once.

To that end you're ready to prepare a small feast when they got here.

Strolling back into the neighborhood you're silently thankful Dusty isn't in his front yard again. Not that you're avoiding him, but it's less risky to just talk later.

Getting everything put away back in the kitchen you rip off your dress, throw it across the room and collapse onto the couch.

From your spot on the couch you can spy your backside in the mirror. By your estimate by the time Mr and Mrs Granon arrive all evidence of their son's harsh spanking should be gone.

You are not really sure what they'd say if they found out their son was horribly abusing their favorite grandfilly. Your real grandparents could always tell when you'd been in trouble and took steps to comfort you as a little filly, but you are not sure how far the pony/grandchild illusion can really go.

Content to worry about it all later you curl up in a circle and bury your muzzle in your side for a quick nap.

Anon would be home soon enough, maybe he'd know something about this new stallion in the neighborhood and could confirm he was a book loving beast of a creature with big broad shoulders a big barrel chest and a huge long mmmmmmmmm...

Twisting your neck around a bit more you put your muzzle somewhere else...

Buck that's the ticket...

Plenty of time for some self motivated, totally not naughty, fun while you've still got the house to yourself...

And that's how you got sprayed with the bad bad pony febreze bottle when anon got home and found a mess on the couch.

Act 1: Chapter 5

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In the end you have to go take a shower because asshole Anon sprayed you with the bad pony febreze bottle. That stuff really doesn't come out of coats if you let it dry.

Hypocritical human's got some nerves though. It's not like you've never caught him looking at girls on the computer before.

You step out of the shower and magic most of the water out of your coat.

"You know you're dripping all over the floor right?"

You light up your horn while shooting him an unamused look. A concentrated, millisecond long, thousand degree burst of heat instantly vaporizes any liquid on the floor, good thing the floor's tile. The micro star vanishes as quickly as it appeared, but not without causing Anon to gulp nervously.

You'd never actually hurt your only source of internet, but a little fear can lead to respect, right?

Opting to play nice, you sit your wet tush on the floor instead of on the couch. You did just get in trouble for the couch after all. No need to push your 'not least favorite' human without a good reason. For a reminder of what that could mean you need only look in the mirror...

Sitting in his chair and not the couch He doesn't even use the couch so why does he care?! Ahh! Anon turns on the TV to the news. Politics suck, someone shot someone, humans are dumb blah blah blah.

Where's a divine diarchy when you need one? These fools just yell at each other then someone gets shot half the time.

Unwrapping the towel from your mane you set to drying it off just a bit more when the doorbell rings.

"Huh wonder who that is?"

Dragging himself out of his chair Anon opens the door to reveal another male human with a large earth pony at his side. New neighbors?

"Hey man you Anon? Names Rod and this is my roommate Rocky we just moved here a few days ago."

Roommate? that's kinda weird.

"Oh uh yeah, that's me. I thought I heard someone was moving into the corner house. Nice to meet you both."

"Yeah sure dude, you too, but hey look we were talking to the uhh Johnson's the other day and they mentioned you had a cutie over here my buddy might like to meet."

Leaning around Anon the visitor spies you from you mid mane dry on the couch. You subconsciously pull the towel off your head and give him an awkward uncertain wave.

Dude's grin looks kinda creepy to be honest...

"Oh yeah, doesn't she look fun rocky?"

He gives the pony a conspiratorial elbow as the two share a chuckle.

Ok, creepy factor just went up again.

Moving over a bit to interpose himself between the three of you Anon speaks up.

"Uh yeah, that's Twilight. Sure she'd love to met you both, you want to come in for a second?"

"Oh sure, let's hash out the details while we let these two get to know each other a bit better my man!"

Clasping a hand on Anon's shoulder Rod begins to follow him back over the living room.

You turn your head to try and listen to what details he's talking about, but jump when the earth pony walks right into your field of view instead.

"Hey hey hey, don't worry about them sweetheart I'm sure they'll figure something out. Let's just focus on us for now ok?"

Oh god he thinks he's some kind of smooth talker.

"Umm sure... Like he said I'm Twilight..."

"Nah don't worry about names I just want to know what all you do. I didn't think the suburbs would have any pretty little working mares so I'm sure as shit glad to see you."

What the fuck.

"Wait, do you - "

"Price isn't much of an issue, never had trouble finding work, but most business mares in the city complained I was a bit too rough. What the limits? Do backdoor? S&M? I hope you're tough because - "

Okkkkkkk this guy's crazy! You quickly find yourself backing further and further from the aggressive and suddenly far too large stallion until your rump bumps into the corner.

"I-I think you might have the wrong impression."

"We heard about you from that Dusty fellow, so I know you're in the business. How about this, I promise to be gentle for the test run and then next time we can do things my way?"

Holy shit holy shit holy shit! You're out of room to back away and he just keeps getting closer!

"How 'bout we go to a backroom unless you like a bit of an audience."

He leans in and gives your neck a little nip! Whimpering pathetically you push against his ever encroaching chest! There's got to be something you can do! Don't panic! Think! You look around frantically only to regret when your eyes sweep across just how 'ready' he really is!

"No no no, this is wrong please back up..."

"Come on don't play shy now. Just some oral? $100?"

A hoof wraps around the back of your head and starts to pull you forward! You desperately trying to fire up your horn, but the terror ruins your concentration again and again!


Getting closer and closer to THAT you close your eyes and focus on your magic one more time. This can't be happening! There's no way you'll let this happen!

Finally finding your center you slam every scrap of power you have into your horn at once!

You swear to celestia you'll incinerate this fucker! The arcane energies swirl around your horn and the idiot doesn't even seem to notice! You're a split second from putting a celestia sized hole in the asshole's face when your concentration shatters again as a pair of hands grab you around your sides!

You eep and kick frantically as you're hoisted into the air and into Anon's surprisingly comforting arms.

"Woah! You got to back off there buddy!"

Upset at someone stealing his prize the stallion turns to aggressively face Anon.

"What's the deal?! I just wanted to sample the merchandise!?"

"Look, I don't know what the Johnson's told you but that isn't what we do here."

Rod chimes in from across the room as he casually strolls in late.

"Anon Anon Anon, it's all good! Rocky's just a little eager that's all. We were on the road for weeks, he's all pent up, you get that. We heard from the Johnson's that that Dusty fellow of theirs has a good time seeing your little thing, so my buddy just wants his turn too. Is that too much to ask?"

For a horrifying second Anon is far far too silent. Is he actually considering this?? This is way different than you spending some time with a stallion you actually get along with!!! This guy's a freak!

Feeling your trembling in his arms tells him all he needs to know.

"Sorry guys, but I really don't think she's comfortable with this."

Even with your head buried in the crook of anon's neck you manage to nod a little.

Rod isn't convinced though.

"Comfortable? She a free pony or what? Rocky makes good spending cash. You want that or not? Just name a price, she's your after all."

"I like money as much as the next guy, but I think you guys should leave. We can't help you."

Throwing his hands up in defeat Rod meanders towards the door.

"Alright man, your pony your call. You change your mind just give us a ring though."

Anon keeps quiet as he closes and locks the crazies out of your house. Silently walking back to the living room he falls back into his chair with you clinging to his chest like a baby koala. He even picks up the drying towel you were using and covers you with it.

The dark is nice as you recover from adrenaline and mana overload at the same time.

"You ok?"

You slowly shake your head.

"Did he hurt you?"

Again you shake your head.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have left you alone with that guy. I figured another pony would be safe but..."

"I-it's fine..."

"Look, you never said otherwise, but I always never asked. Are you ok with the whole Dusty thing? To be honest I didn't even know what I'd agreed to at first..."

You snort.

"I know, but it worked out. Dusty's very nice and, well, gentle... At first we just talked, but then..." Whew, those are details you don't need to go into, " He's a good pony, I don't mind."

"As long as you're ok with it. I'll talk to the Johnsons about what they tell people too."

You exhale your tension as fear gives way to exhaustion. You squirm a little in Anon's grasp as the sand mare's grasp start to claim you.

"Thanks Anon..."

He's maybe be a slaving dirtbag, but you could do worse.

Act 1: Chapter 6

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You cracking open an eye as you wake up for the 4th time today. Always one to roll over for a bit more sleep you squirm around for a bit before finally accepting that you've slept all you can. Gotta admit you feel surprisingly well rested.

>Head still fuzzy from sleep you try to recall why you feel so rested. Did you go to bed early? Who are you kidding you never go to bed early.

What had happened yesterday then?

Febreze... Couch... door...?

Ugh right, new neighbors. AKA nut job 1 & 2. It's a real shame Anon kept you from blowing that stallion's head off, but human society seems to frown on any kind of pony violence, even if it's pony on pony.

Your spine cracks as you do your morning stretch and pop your neck a few times.

Magical violence reallllly sets humans off. You'd heard horror stories of unicorns losing their horns over even a small bits of magic being used in a fight. The thought alone makes you shudder and shake your head, giving your horn a quick charge just to reassure yourself it's still there..

In the early days humans had no idea what to do with captured unicorns. It took years before they were able to to copy existing magical suppression ring designs, but once they understood the concept they understood it well.

Since you were captured years later than the general pony population due to the whole 'powerful enough to teleport miles' thing, you avoided the more barbaric early magical suppression solutions.

Sure they'd slapped you with a monster of a full horn cone not your fault that guy flies so easily at the training center, but it only took you a few months to convince Anon what a wonderfully obedient and helpful pony you could be.

Also he got tired of helping you with everything because you're beyond useless with your hooves. How do earth ponies do this shit?!

It was clear when you arrived that your main purpose was help around the house, but even that was a challenge to you without your horn.

Swirling a little mana around your horn you do a quick blink to the kitchen.

Fortunately it's been years now and Anon keeps your suppressor ring set to the bare minimum legal value. Your understanding of the finer points of magic lets you perform most any spell even with what humans consider 'safe' access to it. The results are far more limited than usual, for example: a few dozen foot range on your teleport, but better than nothing at all.

There'd be no more magical research or giant monsters battling for you though.

Whatever. As long as you could use your telekinesis to manipulate the entire keyboard at once, and give yourself a huge advantage over the fat fingered monkeys, you're fine.

Speaking of fine, gods above you love cinnamon toast crunch. There's enough sugar in this junk to scare pinkie pie! There's also no one around to judge you as you literally jam your whole muzzle in the bowl and destroy the sugary bowl.

Did you even eat last night?

No, those jackasses came over before dinner and after assaulting you with his meat sausage you'd fallen asleep in anon's arms.

Ugh, you feel asleep in his arms. That's slightly embarrassing, let's just suppress all of those memories now for now.

There's no note from Anon, and nothing that you know of that needs to be done today, so as far as you're concerned that's permission to waste your whole day online. Crawling back into bed, because why not, you drag your laptop over to you for a day of not being worth all that money anon payed for you.

Ha! watch now as your multi thousand dollar investment tells people how wrong they are and browses the slave sites for stallions.

What? You can look you just can't bid. Which is a shame because that one's really cute and 25% off, must be stubborn or something, who knows.

After a while browsing your own kind like a cold unfeeling monster you go to check the news instead. Blah blah blah some business man got caught doing something dumb, some oddly specific questions on askreddit, dumb celebrity garbage.


'Famous designer outed as pony'

This is above average dumb celebrity garbage.

Something something something, ah here's the good stuff 'Insider tip from anonymous industry employee insists the pony clothes designer line "diamonds in the rough" is not only exclusively designed by a pony but actually run and owned by said freed unicorn mare.

Huh, free ponies technically exist, but are pretty rare. At least as far as you're aware.

Scrolling down the page you keep reading.

You know it's silly to let yourself get worked up. Just because the name involves diamonds and it's a fashion company doesn't really mean anything. Blah blah blah, most the article talks how a pony can even legally run a company and how the fashion industry would respond.

You're about to close the tab when you see the picture at the very bottom. OH SHIT!

You literally throw the computer across the room in your excitement!

Fuck! No no, it's ok you just barely manage to catch it in your magic!

The picture is long range and looks like it's through a window, but it clearly shows a mare at a table discussing some drawings with a few humans.

You'd recognize that mane and tail anywhere!

It should be no surprise that she'd find some way to work the system to her advantage, but it's still good to see Rarity alive and well! Alive, well, and by the sound of it thriving. You're aren't really into fashion, but you're pretty sure that's a big clothesline.

So what now? These pictures were taken half way across the country and you've got no means of getting in contact. You have a hoof phone, but just calling up the company and asking to talk to the mystery mare they're denying the existence of seems like a slim chance at best .

A letter? No, what is this the middle ages?

Maybe you could act like an interested investor, no one can really tell if your pony or human on the phone.

Whatever it takes you have to find a way. You'd been searching for any sign of your friends for so long you can't pass this up now!

Time for a plan!

Act 1: Chapter 7

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So far the plan's working out about as poorly as expected. Calling their regional office and asking for 'Rarity' gets you a whole lot of nothing.

"A Miss Rarity? Do you have a last name?"

"Yes Bell, Rarity Bell."

"Hmm, no I'm sorry. I don't see anyone by that name in the directory."

Yeah ok, sure she doesn't. Either Rarity changed her name, or she doesn't take calls from random strangers.

How do you run a company without taking calls though? Does her secretary screen every single caller? Maybe her second in command just pretends to be CEO most the time.

You start to write an Email but it makes less sense the more you type. 'Please forward this email to the mystery pony way at the top just because I asked nicely'. You almost delete the draft but why not send it anyway? Can't hurt.

May as well try the phone a few more times, but you soon give up on that too.

If the company publicly denies her existence then any publically accessible means of contact probably isn't going to work. So what else is there?

The picture was taken in New York at one of the company's main offices. Unfortunately you and anon live all the way down in Georgia so that's not exactly a quick trip. Plus even if you went there in person they still probably don't let strangers off the street see somepony they're trying to hide.

If push came to shove though you're pretty sure you could teleport past security, but that's a whole new can of worms.

Also you have to somehow get to New York for any of this to matter.

Oh Anonnnnnnnnnnnn!

After he's gets home and has a nice dinner you approach the buttered up human with your laptop in tow.

"Soooo this is going to sound crazy but remember my friends I told you about? Welllllll this is one of them."

Giving the article a quick once over he nods.

"Runs a company? That sounds pretty crazy, gonna give her a call?"

"Well... I've tried. I've tried everything, but the company wants to keep her a secret, soI can't just call up there and say 'oh hi im Rarity's friend let me talk to her'..."

"Yeah I guess that makes sense. Maybe you should just send her an email or something."

"I tried that too trust me. The bottom line is I'm not gonna get through to her like this... We have to go to New York." Cue nervously tapping your forehooves together.

He looks up from his tablet, "We what?"

"Please please please! We have to go there, I can sneak in and find her and everything will be great!"

He pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs, "Ok, first of all you are not sneaking into a random business because your friend might work there. You'll get arrested, or fined, or even shot."

"Annnnonnn please! You know how much my friends mean to me!"

"Twilight listen to yourself. I have work, I can't just run off to New York whenever I want. I don't even have the vacation days left."

"We can go on the weekend! Please anon I just need one day!"

"Twilight drop it! We are not flying across the country for the slim chance you can chat with one of your friends, that's crazy!"

"Ugh you stupid humans just don't get it do you?! Ponies need friendship it's a part of us! Please I'll do anything, I just need to see her!"

You back away slightly as he throws down the tablet and leans towards you menacing!

"No you're the one that doesn't get it Twilight! Do you know how much the flight would cost alone? Much less room and board for two in one of the most expensive cities in the country? I already said no, and I don't need this attitude from you filly!"

"I'm not a filly and I don't need you talking down to me like I am! This is the one thing I've ever asked of you, and you can't even do this for me?!"

"The one thing?! Who do you think pays for your food? Your internet? Your computer? Even that expensive tracking system so you can leave the house??? I'd say you have it pretty sweet here as it ism, but if you want to disagree I can give you something to complain about!

Oo ow! Anon grabs the scruff of your neck and pulls you over to his bed!

"No! Quit it!"

"You know what happens when you get lippy with me you little brat!"

Your righteous anger is quick replaced by a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach when you realize you've pushed him too far! Dragging your hooves doesn't help as anon mare handles you his side and sits down on the edge of the bed!

"Ok ok I take it back! I take it back! I'm sorry!"

"You're only sorry because you're about to get taught a lesson!"

You desperately squirm and kick as he drags you over his lap! Grabbing your tail in one hand Anon pins you down over his lap with a firm grip on your back.

It doesn't matter how you thrash you can't escape, "Please please please not again! You just did this not again!"

"Yeah I did and I'm not gonna pretend I'm not a little disappointed."

"I'll be good, sweet celestia I'll be good!"

Yanking your tail to pull your bottom even higher Anon pats you seat a few times in anticipation.

"You will be after I'm done that's for sure."


"Ahh!" Your master wastes no time raising his hand and bringing it back down across your flank, "No no no!"

"Yes yes yes, Twilight! You did this to yourself!"

You can't believe this is happening again so soon! You just want your friends!!!

"Ow ow owwwwww!"

"You will not talk back to me like that!"


"Yes master!"

"You will not talk about humans like that in general!"



"If you don't appreciate all I do for you them maybe I need to do this more often!"

"NO NO NO PLEASE YOU DON'T, I SWEAR!" The heavy beating don't let up as you kick your rear hooves helplessly! You just finally recovered from your last week and now you're probably already back to a bright red flank!

The lesson mercifully stops after just a few more firm smacks so he can pick something up off the floor. Blinking away the tears and look back over your shoulder to see Anon already tapping the flip flop lightly on your roasted rump!

"Master please no!"

"Quiet you, you're gonna get this until I'm sure you've learned."

It's not the hairbrush but it still stings!


You close your mouth to muffle your squeals but you know you can only stay quiet for so long!


You can't do it! He said be quiet but you can't!!! Your bottom feels like an active volcano as you burst into loud bawling once again.


"I THWACK said THWACK be THWACK quiet!"


Hands suddenly wrap your midsection, lift you up off his lap, then place you down on fours.

"If you can't follow simple instruction like that then maybe you can follow these. Fetch your hairbrush right now!"

Alert Alert! Worse case scenario!

"No Anon, please I can't! I can't take that right now! I'll never be sassy again just please not the brush!"

"If you don't get the brush in the next 30 seconds we're going to have a repeat of this tomorrow!"

Your eyes shrink to pinpricks as you dash out of the room. Stumbling into your room on unsteady legs you look around for the instrument of your demise desperately.

Shitm where did you even leave the damn thing!

"15 Seconds!"

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! There it is! Grabbing the evil device in your magic you run back to Anon's lap and crawl back over in a desperate bid for mercy!

Lifting your tail to your back again he pats your seat a few times to get you ready.

"See you can follow directions, you just need motivation!"

You barely have time to gulp in fear before the 'motivation' lands!

"AHHHHHHH NO NO NO NO NO!!!!" The brush lands against your cutie mark twice as fast as the flip flop was! You instantly find yourself kicking like your life depends on it, your flanks burning like Celestia's sun and there's nothing you can do!


"You'll get mercy when you've learned!" He punctuates each word with a brutal blow from the brush!

You're sure your cheeks are bruised now as the pain only gets worse and worse!


Something pathetic in your voice compels him to finally stop and check your rump and face. Seemingly satisfied with your blisters and tear stained face a mere three more hard swats land and the rapid fire flank flattening finally stops.

You desperately gasp for breath as you look down at the puddle of tears on the floor beneath you.

Gods you're so pathetic. Is this really what the great Twilight Sparkle has been reduced to?

"Now you're going to get up, you're going to give me your laptop, and you're going to go to your room for the rest of the night. Do I make myself clear?"

There's no point trying to speak. You nod through the hiccups and sad whimpering. Your body slumps as nothing but dead weight across his lap. When you don't make an effort to get up he picks you up by the scruff of your neck once again and carries you to your room like a foal.

Struggling to stand on shaky legs you float the laptop over to him before he has to ask for it.

"You MAY get this back tomorrow. IF your attitude changes."

"Y-yes sir..."

Closing the door behind him you look around you in dismay. A quick check in the mirror confirms you're backside to be covered in bruises. No doubt a result of another lesson compounded on top of your last one.

Having seen enough of just how far you've fallen you crawl into bed and curl up into a pitiful purple ball of pony.

Human's just don't understand, you'll go crazy without your friends.

You may have said a few thing you regret, but you stand by your reason for saying them.

Rarity where are you?

Act 1: Chapter 8

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Fucking anon... You wince as you trot to the kitchen the next morning. Everything hurts including walking the fine act of walking.

Maybe you got a little upset and said some dumb stuff, but seriously what was his problem? He's never been afraid to lay down the law before, but last night was a major overreaction.

You grumble as you grab the note off the kitchen table.

Something about him being out of town for the next couple days for work. Thank Celestia, you certainly don't feel like talking to him after that shit he just pulled.

If he's out of town does that mean your laptop's free game? So much for grounding you you suppose. Just gotta find where he hid the damn thing and you're back in business. Is that gonna get you in even more trouble though? You'd rather tread carefully for a bit, but his note fails to mention it, and he did said you might get it back today.

Buck it, You might as well.

With nothing on your plate today but some laundry you go and fetch the laptop to do some surfing. Naturally you bring it to the couch because screw his rules while he's gone. A voice in the back of your head says to behave after last night, but you take those damning feelings and shove them down into a deep dark corner of your psyche.

You may be his to do what he likes with, but you aren't that broken... yet...

Sure, you do the chores, and cook the food like a good little horse maid, but at least you've still got your dignity. The rumors always speak of poor mares who get dragged to bed to be degraded by their dirty apes.

You'd been afraid you'd share the same fate when he first picked you up. Lots of horror stories got spread through quiet whispers when there's nothing to do but wait around to be purchased. It's not even like you're some scared virgin or anything, but if you'd ended up with some asshole who shoved his thing in your mouth every night there'd have been nothing you could do if he turned horn ring turned to a proper setting.

You shiver at the idea. You had plenty of nightmare filled nights imagining such fate before you finally ended up going home with somehuman.

On the drive to Anon's house you tried to make your peace with it. The other mares said you got lucky your first owner only beat you, that you probably wouldn't be so lucky again. They weren't trying to scare you but they did. That first drive back to Anon's took forever as you imagined the possibilities. Would he lay down the law first? Would he hit like your last owner, or just bend you over the table for a 'breaking in'...?

Word was that's what a lot of owners did first, 'broke in' their mares the first night...

It was almost anticlimactic when he'd just shown you your room and given you time to get settled in. You were confused at first, but when he didn't come back you discounted the idea of a trick, and took what pleasure you could in your first real bed in ages.

Maybe you just got really lucky? Maybe all the stories were just big exaggerations?

It was a few weeks before you found out Anon's one downside, the one you were currently recovering from. At first you thought he was joking but sisters above he wasn't. What are you some little filly?

He'd quickly shown you who was boss and who made the rules though. Between more of THAT and falling in line with his rather lax rules the choice was easy. Still made you feel like his little bitch though when you though about how far you'd fallen.

From Twilight Sparkle savior of the land to Twilight Sparkle good obedient errand mare.

Fuck, now you've depressed yourself over it. It's easy to not think about when you spend all your time shit posting or yelling at a game. but when you get retrospective things fall apart.

Must. Not. Spiral... maybe you could call dusty? You've got the whole place to yourself and if his owners would let him he's always a great listener. A great listener and great at... other things too.

Your face flushes at the idea What would your mother think? and you look down at your hoof phone to call his house.

Mrs. Johnson's actually pretty cool. She usually comes to pick you up for your 'play dates' and if he's not totally ready the two of you often chat with her or do thing around her house. You hesitate to say she respects you It was her idea to basically whore you out, but she's at least kind and understanding.

In the way one's understanding to a pet, but you take what you can get.


"Hi Mrs. Johnson, it's Twilight."

"Oh hey sweetie, so good to hear from you! You aren't calling about Dusty are you?"

"Well... Uh yeah, I kinda just wanted to see if he was busy today..." You felt like a foal asking your friend's mom if they're free to play.

"Ohhhhhhh is someone missing her boyfriend?" She says in a teasing voice!

"I... wha? H-he's... He's not my boyfriend!" why are you blushing she can't even see you?!

"Oh right, of course he's not.", And you were just saying how she disrespects you! "It has been a while though. I tell you what, I'll drop him off in about an hour how about that?"

You're mad at her teasing but that's not gonna make you say no. "T-thanks that'd be great..."

"Well you get all pretty for him and I'll have him over soon enough! I'm sure he'll be happy to see you!"

You just sputter as you try and come up with a sassy retort. Whys she gotta make it awkward? Lucky for her she hangs up before you can think of anything leaving you staring at the phone with a bright blush across your muzzle.

She reminds you of a nosy aunt or something.

She's right that about one thing at least, you might as well get cleaned up. You probably smelled like sweat and tears from last night and you wanted to be at least somewhat presentable.

You're of course ready by the time the doorbell rang an hour later.

Mrs. Johnson holds Dusty on a leash on the other side of the peephole. She lives like 3 houses down, does she need a leash? Like really?

"Awww don't you look cute?"

This is how I always look...

"Now you two play nice! I'll be back to pick him up at 7 ok?"

"Yes ma'am, thank you."

She gives your mane a tousle and leaves with a slightly too cheery smile on her face.

"Sorry you know how she is." He laughs and nuzzles you on the way in.

"Could be worse. You would not believe my last few days."

Guiding you to the living room you begin to regale him with your last few days of meeting creeps, finding your friend and having Anon blow up on you for practically nothing. Ok, not nothing but still!

Dusty's always been a good listener and today's no different. He asks questions, expresses sympathy, and never made you feel silly or ashamed about your issues.

Speaking of ashamed though when you'd told him about last night he poked his head around back and lifted the skirt of your sundress with his nose. It's not his first time seeing the results of Anon's anger but it's still embarrassing.

"Shit Twi I'm so sorry it looks like he was really over the line this time."

Hanging your head you quietly agree. "Yeah he was crazy, and then today I got to thinking about it all and it got me all depressed, and then I just wanted a hug and... I'm sorry I shouldn't be dumping all of this on you, it's not fair."

He probably came over here thinking he'd relieve some stress. not get buried under your emotional baggage. He pulls his head back and gives you firm nuzzle that makes you whimper and lean into it.

"It's fine we all need someone to lean on right?"

"Yeah, thanks... Thanks for being there..."

Giving you a quick peck on the cheek he laughs. "That's what I'm here for!"

He guides you to sit down on the floor with him but you motion for the couch instead.

"Anon's gone for a few days. What he doesn't know won't hurt him."

He laughs. "If that's what you want little miss rebel."

The two of you end up cuddling on the couch and watching TV for another hour or so before things progressed. Being with a stallion while you have a sore rump Isn't ideal, but as long as he didn't pound like a horny colt it's still perfectly good stress relief for the both of you.

30 minutes later you let out a happy groan.

Your voice is muffled by the couch as dusty maintains his perch on top of you pushing you half way into the plushy cushion. "You know... I actually just got in trouble for making a mess on the couch the other day..."

Dusty let's out a hearty laugh that resonates all the way through you. "I'm sure it's nothing we can't get cleaned up. Or you know just flip the cushion."

Feeling his voice along your spine makes you a happy pony pancake and you just hum in agreement. Pillow talk passes the time quickly until there's little time left before he has to go.

Shaking him off you're sure to brush your mane and clean up before Mrs. Johnson shows up, no need to give the nosey human more ammunition.

She's of course soooo glad to hear you both enjoyed yourself, and on the bright side she gives you some leftovers from their dinner the night before.

Well, it was nice til she said it was for your 'services' and gave you a wink and a giggle. Is making everything weird just a human thing?

Food's food though and oh wow this has a lot of meat in it... well, whatever.

You throw it in the fridge for now and then wrap up the laundry. Chores almost done already and Anon wasn't home til tomorrow afternoon. All you'd have to do tomorrow is pick up some dinner and hope he's in a better mode when he gets home.

Gotta stay optimistic, today was a good day so tomorrow will be too.

Maybe you'll figure out someway to contact Rarity tomorrow without setting Anon off.


Act 1: Chapter 9

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Good news is picking up dinner went off without being marginalized or picked on. Sadly that counts as a good day in your book at this point.

Bad news is Anon's car is already in the driveway. What the heck, it's like 4 why is he already home? He better not give you crap about dinner not being ready when it's this early...

You're just gonna walk in there, ignore the elephant in the room, and pretend you two didn't end on a horrible note last time.

Just completely normal.

Not nervous at all, no sir.

Wait, shit! You forgot to put your laptop back in his 'hiding place' that you totally don't know about and took it from! Oh crap oh crap oh crap, he's gonna know you took it without permission!

You just got in trouble and now he's going to find you pulled some dumb shit again already! Ohhhh why do you do this to yourself???

No this isn't the time to panic! just gotta relax!

It's alright. It's ok. Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out.

You approach the front door and hesitate. You don't want to get in trouble again, you're so tired of being in trouble...

"Oh you don't say darling? Well that is quite understandable..."

Hold on, is someone else in there? Instead of opening the door you press your ear against it and listen.

"If you know what I mean."

"Oh, I most certainly do darling! I have a hard enough time keeping my own in line from time to time!" That voice! Throwing the door open your eyes quickly confirm your suspicions!

The white mare gasps and nearly jumps clean out of her her seat!

"Gracious Twilight you scared me half to deatHHHH!" You cut her off with an overly enthusiastic flying tackle!

"It's you, it's really you! I thought I'd never see you again! I tried to contact you, but everyone I called said they didn't know what I was talking about! I sent an email but I didn't think that would work, and then Anon said we couldn't go to New York, and I just missed you so so so much, and I just didn't know what to do and..." Your ramblings are cut short by a delicate white hoof covering your mouth.

Pushing herself back up into a sitting position she gives you a warm smile before removing the hoof from your lips.

"Darling I'm absolutely ecstatic to see me, but one thing at a time hmm?"

She's here, she's actually here! There's so much to tell her, so much to talk about. Has she seen the other? Was it true she's free? Has she been safe? How did she get here? The more you look at her, the more the memories come flooding back, the more you realize how much you missed her and the happier it makes you that she's here.

Naturally you decide the best course of action is to throw yourself into her chest, wrap your forelegs around her and start crying.

"Aww, there there darling. It's alright, everything going to be alright. I'm here." The one hoof hug and mane petting you received only drove home the point that your friend really is here.

"It's ok, It's ok. Shhh, just relax dear..."

After allow yourself a few quiet moments before pulling yourself together and extract yourself from her grasp. As much as you'd like to hold on forever you still have so many questions to ask!

"Im sorry, I just never thought I'd see any of you ever again then here all the sudden here you are!"

"Oh that's quite alright, I know this must be as big a shock for you as it is for me."

Rubbing the tears out of your eyes you notice Anon disappeared from his chair. Maybe he wanted to give you two a few minutes alone? That's kinda nice of him.

"Did I hear you mention New York though? It's for the best you didn't go there. Our head office may be there but I usually work out of Atlanta. I was merely up there for the day when somehuman snapped that photo." Atlanta! That's only some 45 minutes away!

"Oh my gosh you're so close! What happened though? How did Anon find you?"

"Well, I was just having lunch with my assistant and saw this human giving me the strangest look. I told him it was bad manners to stare, but when he said I looked like someone his pony was looking for I was a bit intrigued. Then of course he was kind enough to give me your name and well, here I am!" She gave you a confident wink and a smile that you returned!

So Anon was at least paying attention to you the other night even if things went majorly south. You suppose you'll have to at least begrudgingly thank him later. Despite him being a total jackass yesterday he still did you a favor even casually approaching her.

"But enough about me. Tell me about Anon dear, how does he treat you?"

Someone actually caring enough to ask about how you're being treated brings a warmth to your heart you didn't realize was missing.

"He's... well, he's ok. He gives me a good bit of freedom, but he can be pretty firm at times..."

"Hmm, yes I understand. Sadly maintaining a strict and orderly home is usually what's best for some ponies. So glad to hear he lets you out and about often though. I swear some owners barley let their little ponies do anything, I mean what's even the point then? how can they be productive?"

The warmth in your heart flickers.That... was a little weird, but you choose to not worry about it.

]"Uhhh yeah, he got me a tracking collar, so I run all the errands and do the housework."

"Oh delightful, may I see? Ah, the 3500 model. Real time tracking but it's only so accurate, I suppose in a small town like this it gets the job done though right? I keep the 5k model on all my fillies personally. Let's me make sure they aren't wandering too far off course."


"Your... fillies?"

"Oh of course darling! I'm sure you remember Coco Pommel from Manehattan? She was my first acquisition but far from the last. A quick 'laying down of the law' so to say and she's been a perfect dear!"

Wtf is this?!

"I'm sorry by acquisition you mean like purchase right? As in ownership?"
"Yes yes of course, that is the way of things. I would think you'd know that by now. I suppose Anon is your first master then?" She giggles and pokes you in the collar.

Rarity was never the element of kindness, but she was always very socially graceful and considerate. For her to just casual reference your bondage sets of a dozen alarm bells in your head.

"I umm yes, after they got you girls I was on the run for a few years..."

"Ha! Good on you for giving them a good chase darling, but I suppose nopony can run forever. Did you put up a good fight? I yet to see your paperwork but I imagine with a run like that you've got a poor obedience score at the very least. Though I suppose your magical prowess would bump your value back up a bit..."

The hair on the back of your neck stands on end as Rarity rubs her chin and evaluates you with a critical eye! This isn't right! Something isn't right!

"You've been keeping fit though, yes? And your ring is set very low so he must trust you, how wonderful. Would you mind?"

Gesturing to the floor in the middle of the room Rarity herds you up off the couch and onto your hooves.

"Perfect, now say 'ah'."

The pit in your stomach gets worse and worse as your instincts scream that something's very wrong!

She checks your teeth and mane for a few minutes then to your shock lights her horn and teleports the sundress right off you! Circling around like a hungry shark she finds your reason for having the dress and titters. "My my I see someone has been quite naughty recently. "

"Rarity! W-what are you doing?"

"Oh it's quite alright dear, no need to be modest. How can I make anon a fair offer without first inspecting the goods, hmm?"

Offer... Goods?????

"Rarity, I..."

"Shush darling please, I really must focus."

The hundred things you want to say suddenly don't matter when she grabs your tail in a mote of her magic!


"Just a quick peak I promise. Oh my, is this Anon's work too?"

A quick counterspells breaks her grasp and lets you clamp your tail down protectively! "W-what? No! Anon's never..." How can she even tell you were with Dusty yesterday?!

"Twilight you can tell me, really. A little trauma might help me get a better deal, you understand."

Holy fuck this isn't the Rarity you know! She's worried about getting a deal!? Really?!

"It really wasn't him. T-there's this neighbor..."

"A neighbor? Oh my, how juicy! Does Anon know? It doesn't really matter who's doing it specifically since most mares are a bit small for a full grown man. If we can prove any abuse then - "

You back away and try to make yourself smaller the more the alien mare approaches you. "No. It's not a human, it's a stallion. He's my... he's my friend." Right?
"Ah a coltfriend! Never mind then i shan't pry then."

"Not exactly my coltfriend..." You mumble.

He really isn't though, Dusty's just... a friend. Maybe your only friend at this point...

The more you think about that the more it depresses you. some element of friendship you are with your friendships dwindled to a single carnal relationship with a colt.

"Be that as it may, it can't be used as a bargaining chip either way. Let's see now: good overall health, magical prowess, average physical fitness and condition..." She continues mumbling to herself as she appraises you like a piece of meat...

You've been through a lot over the years, but you aren't sure you've ever felt as objectified and betrayed as you do this moment...

"I'm thinking we start negotiations at... $750? I'm simply startings things low you understand. It's no insult to your value I assure you."

You don't return the nuzzle before she trots off towards the kitchen to find Anon. D-did that really just happen? You can only stand there in shock and try to shake yourself out of your stupor.

She is just looking to free you right?

She didn't exactly say it exactly, but she couldn't really be thinking of owning one of her best friends could she? Of course not! B-but if she owns several other ponies already...

Violently shaking your head you tell yourself you just have to believe in the Rarity you know. Maybe it's all some sort of plan? What better way for the element of generosity to shine than by buying and freeing every pony she can?

Then again she told you she uses tracking collars on her 'fillies' too...

So lost in thought, you're surprised at how soon Rarity returns with Anon in tow.

She gives you a small shake of her head as she crosses the room. "Negotiations seem to have have broken down darling. He must quite like you!" She winks and giggles. "Worry not though as I'll be back with an offer your wonderful Mr Anonymous won't be able to refuse! Tragically I'll need more time to prepare a more proper offer and works calls so I must be off for now! I do so appreciate your time though dear Anon. I hope you won't mind if I stop by again soon?"

"Anytime you want, a friend of Twilight is a friend of mine."

"Splendid! I'll be in touch then! Au revoir!" The creature cleverly disguised as Rarity because what else could it be?! gave you a warm smile and closed the door behind her.

Anon has to literally poke you to break bring you back to reality. "You ok Twi?"

"I... Sorry yeah I-I'm ok..."

He doesn't look convinced when you finally meet his eyes. "I thought you'd be happy."

"So did I... I... I'm sorry just... please excuse me."

Teleportation to your room your take a few deep breaths to try and calm yourself down. You'll need all your focus for what you're about to try and pull off if you're going to do it with so little magic.

Once you feel ready you light up your horn and reach deep deep deep into the aether for the dimensional pocket you'd made all those years ago. It's hard with so little magic, but desperation fuels the spell until a small object falls out of the void and onto the floor in front of you.

For a full minute you dare not open your eyes and as soon as you do you wish you hadn't.

On the floor lies the element of generosity.

Cracked right down the middle...

Act 2: Chapter 1

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Act 2: Rarity's house of horrors.

You only hyperventilate for 20 minutes before relaxing to the point you only pace the room in a mild panic.


Ok ok, it's going to be ok. You look back at the element again.

Yep, it's still broken straight down the bucking center.

Without access to any of your old equipment, books, or advanced magics it's basically impossible to diagnose it's exact magical condition, but you can definitely tell the damage is far more than superficial. The mana flow, the pulse if you will, of the element is all wrong. It's not gone, but somehow instead twisted in on itself backwards, upside down, and inside out.

Problem is, that all this really tells you is it's wrong.

Back in equestria you'd have had data point to compare to, equipment to measure with, ect. But you aren't in equestria, you're in your room at Anon's house with absolutely nothing to help you at all.

Shame you don't have the power to pull the other elements out right now to at least make a point of comparison. Then again, that might just panic you even further if you find generosity isn't the only one with... 'issues'.

Would even magic be intact? So far your best friend is a colt you trade yourself to for a quick meal...

Ok none of this doomsaying, let's just take a step back.

You'd talked to Rarity. At first she had seemed normal, but things got weirder and weirder as the conversation went on. You know she's a free mare from the lack of any collar, and by her own admission you know she owns at least few other mares. You do not know why she owns them, what she does with them, how she treats them, or anything like that. Maybe she'd just been so eager to get you under her protective wing that she'd forgotten to fill you in on the plan. Maybe...

You sigh.

You want to believe that, but if it were the case the element probably wouldn't be a beacon of disharmony laying on your floor and giving you the chills. The things she'd said about discipline being for the best and watching her mares closely just added to the evidence piling up against her.

A knock on the door makes you jump in surprise!

"Twilight are you ok? You were acting kinda weird, did stuff not go well with your friend?" Of course he'd check on you, he probably thought you'd lost it.

Scooping the element up off the floor you hide it under your mattress for now. You lack the power to put it back in your pocket dimension at the moment, and to be honest you didn't know how Anon would react to the fact you kept a bunch of priceless magical artifacts from him.

You drag your hooves to the door and let him in.

"Hi. It was just... not what I expected..."

"Do you want to talk about it? You seemed really upset." Anon sits down on your bed and gestures for you to sit front of him. Maybe ear scratches will help a bit...

You've told him about friends, but kept the more fantastical details about your past to yourself. Even if the elements didn't exactly worked out when the humans invaded, they're still precious magical artifacts. The upside to this is no one knew exactly how important you girls are. That fact alone is probably the only reason you ended up with an average joe type instead of being dissected by the government.

"She's just changed I guess..."

Anon just gives you 'go on' motion with his hand.

"I don't know. She used to be so kind and generous, but she was just treating me like her next piece of property to buy. And then she was telling me about all the others mares she owns, and and how discipline is good for a slave, and she wasn't treating me like me, and she just wasn't Rarity and and and!"

Scooping you up in his arms anon sits back on the bed and holds you against his chest while you break down. "Woah woah shhh, it's ok. Maybe she changed a little, but maybe it's not as bad as you think. Look, I chatted with her a lot before you got here and she doesn't seem that bad."

Doesn't sound bad to someone who's morals let him own a living sapient creature...

"But... she's a pony and she's my friend how can she own anypony? How could she own me? it's just not like her."

"I'm sure she just wants to protect you Twilight. As soon as she found out you were here she immediately wanted to buy you off me. To be honest, I thought you'd be mad at me for turning her down. Especially after uh, the other day." Is that... remorse?

"I... I just don't know... The other day I might have been, but now I don't even know what she wants me for."

"Look she gave me her number. Why don't you just calm down a little and call her later to clear everything up ok?"

She gave number to him but not you...? Did she not want to upset Anon by giving it to you without permission, or was that just how her mind works now? Let Twilight's OWNER decide things for her...

Your collar feels heavier than usual as you nod your head in agreement.

"Good, and uh look, about the other day..."

Still held up against his chest you look down at the cutie mark he starts to rub them with a free hand. Back when he'd first got here that kind of physical contact would have you shaking like a leaf, but you guess you can get used to anything. That and it feels pretty good when he's not about to well you know... smack your rump into next week...

"Wow, you're still sore... I know I don't say this often but, I'm sorry. I went overboard. You were upset and were only a little out of line with your backtalk. You didn't deserve such a hard lesson." Talk about an understatement. Then again in your 3 years with him he'd never said he was sorry before. He'd tried to make things up to you by being nicer or buying you stuff, but never actually said the word sorry.

Burying your head deeper in his chest you purr a little as his other hand reaches up to scratch you under the chin.

Curse him and his cheating way of cheering you up!

"I'd had a really shitty day at work and then played a few frustrating games. I was mad and when you come to me with some attitude it just set me off. You needed to learn, but I went too far. I was hoping finding your friend was a stroke of good luck and you'd feel better, but now even that hasn't gone like I wanted..."

His fingers really dig into your backside as he massages it. You purr even louder. You hate to admit it but fingers really are something else! If any other pony ever saw you like this you'd have to remove their memories though.

"So, can you forgive me?"

You mull it over for a moment. He was an ass, but if he's actually going to actually apologize then... "Forgiven..." That earns you a few more minutes in hand paradise before he scoops you up and places you beside him on the bed. You may have groaned a little when he stopped.

The scratches somehow managed to melt your brain into forgetting your trouble for the duration. Even with them over you have to admit you feel a bit less stressed about the situation. You'll never admit it, but this is the best part about living with Anon. He may be essentially treating you like a giant purple cat, but when you and him are watching tv and he just runs his hands up and down your coat it's impossible to feel bad.

Normally that didn't involve a sore seat massage, but it wasn't totally unwelcome. Anyone else attempts that and you'll kick them in the face though. Cough cough Mrs. Angie cough. Anon's been back there enough that it's no big deal anymore though.

Repeating what you'd just thought in your head again your face blushes as red as said rump.

Wow let's never even think that again!

"Come on. Let's go eat and I'll give you Rarity's number to call whenever you're ready."

"Aye aye cap'n!" Newly energized, you hop up and take the lead out the door.

Walking a bit too slowly in front of him gets you a light pat to speed you towards the kitchen faster. Not nearly enough to hurt, especially after the massage, but enough to make you instinctively trot faster. The playful favor is returned with a swift tail whip as you easily outpace him with your superior number of limbs Quadruped master race.

Things aren't great, the broken element can't be removed from your mind so easily, but maybe for just a little things can be ok.

Act 2: Chapter 2

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An hour or so later your curled up on the couch watching TV with him. Guess the 'no ponies on the couch' rule doesn't exist when he wants somepony to give back scratches to.
Jokes on him you use the couch every time he leaves the house anyway. it's not like he can tell, despite purring like a cat sometimes you don't shed like one. You remember reading somewhere that cats don't naturally purr, it was all just to trick humans into giving them attention. Works for them and works for you, humans really are too easy.

You'd be a bit more self conscious about the whole thing, but you gave up on the whole 'dignity' thing after being manipulated back into a good mood via something as simple scratches.

He scratches under your chin and receives a hand nuzzle for his efforts. "You sure are affectionate tonight."

Ok if even he's noticed then you're letting yourself over do it. You freeze mid nuzzle, blink, and you sit back up straight so you can awkwardly cough into a hoof. "Yeah well today didn't really go as I planned but you checked up on me... and you did say you were sorry about everything... That's a first you know."

"What's a first?"

"You saying it, that you were sorry. You've never apologized to me before."

He gives you a kinda weird look. "I've never said sorry to you before? Ever?"

Hmm gotta play this carefully, you don't want to insult him somehow. "Well no, not that I recall. It's no big deal it just... It kinda me feel I don't know valued or something..."

The more you say the sillier it feels, you turn your head so you don't have to look him in the eye.

"Hey look at me. Do you think I don't value you?"

You turn to look in his direction but keep your eyes and ears low and submissive. "No, of course not it's just... I don't know, you can be so strict and in the end I'm just a... you know..."

The weight of the collar and Rarity's cold attitude echo in your mind.

"I'm strict because, if you remember, our first few months together were not so great."

Ok so you still had a little fire in you back then, who can blame you?

"But I didn't just get you because you were cheap. Ok to be totally honest you really were a really good deal, but that's not the point." Eloquent. Good to know you were a bargain bin steal, the value of your life dreams and ambitions reduced to a 50% off sticker.

"The point is I do value you. You're a great little worker when you set your mind to it and you've made my life a lot easier!"

You know his intentions are noble, but in the end what he's saying is slowly breaking your heart even more. He doesn't like you as a pony, or an individual, he likes you as a slave.

"T-that's very kind thank you master." The response comes across as automated as you retreat further into yourself.

"Woah wait I'm sorry. What did I say wrong?" He puts a hand under your chin and turns your face towards his.

Gone is the happy tail wagging catpony he had a few minutes ago and he can tell.

What do you even say? He's your 'owner' for celestia's sake there's no way he'd ever understand. To him ponies are probably just useful pets to train up and make his life easier. The funny thing is you don't even consider him a bad person. He'd never seriously injured you, he fed you, hell gave you luxuries some ponies would kill for. He'd invested thousands in your room, entertainment and collar. Even bought you pony only foods you enjoyed.

But he still enslaved you. No matter how sugar coated it is he owns your life destiny and fate. There's no malice in his eyes though. ignorance maybe? naivete. Can he be taught anything else? Can any human?

You knew humans used to enslave each other but now it was considered abhorrent. How many generations did it take for that sentiment to grow though? Can you teach an old dog new tricks, or is it too ingrained in the current cultural mindset? Nature vs nurture they say but you never really cared for the soft sciences.

He looks so sincere right now though...

You suppose it never hurts to try.

"I... Well you..."

"Come on you can tell me."

Nevermind this is dangerous, this is very dangerous. What you say right now could redefine your entire relationship with Anon forever, for better or for worse. The easy thing to do is play it safe, tell him everything's fine and he's great. Keep wasting your time surfing the web, watching TV, doing the chores, and being a quiet happy little slave.

A slave with no future, no hope, and no life worth living.

Buck it.

"You value me as a slave and not as a pony Anon. Before coming to earth I had hopes, dreams, ambitions, friends, a life! Then I'm being hunted like an animal, drugged, conditioned, shoved into a cage, sold for next to nothing! Do you know how many nights I cried myself to sleep? How much I miss my family and friends? I like you, you're good to me, but I'm still just your little slave running errands her whole life! What kind of future do I have? Am I just an animal to you? Your pet? Do I get my own family? Friends? Choices? Please Anon if this is it then I... I just don't know! What's the point!?"

Whew that was a mouthful! You take a few deep breaths because, well you need them, and to help calm your nerves.

H-he's just staring at you.

Shit he even stopped scratching your back. Did you go too far? Is it no longer your place to question your status in the world? An outburst like that would earn some slaves a beating you know for sure. You'd had your own share when you'd first been captured... P-please not again...

When he speaks it's not in anger, it's more... Shock?

"I, wow... I, ok... I didn't know you felt that way..."

Your ears flatten against your head and you look away. You and your big mouth, you had a good thing going and now you've ruined it by being an ingrate! Don't cry don't cry don't cry!

"Hey it's ok don't look away." You keep your eyes low but turn back towards him.

It takes every fiber of your being to not prostrate yourself and beg for forgiveness. Gods above just how much you've changed. You told yourself you wouldn't let the conditioning at the training camp get to you, but right now to grovel more than anything in the world.

Your heart beats slow and loud in your ears as the inner turmoil churns away.

"Ok I'm not really sure what to say... Maybe I... I dunno maybe I didn't think this whole thing through. You're not just a pet or an animal to me you're... well... you. And, ok, I don't really know what that means, man I suck at this. I'm sorry. Just like what do YOU want then? What can i do?"

Moment of truth filly. Ask for an allowance raise or shoot for the moon.

"I want to be free..."

There you said it.

He just stares at you for until you break eye contact. Most of your mind is screaming at you to beg for forgiveness, to tell him that he's the best thing that's ever happened to you and that you love being his. But there's a proud unicorn in there somewhere still surrounded by her friends and family that tells you otherwise.

That things CAN be better.

"I... See... I'm sorry Twi I just... need some time to think about all this is that ok? I think I'm gonna turn in why don't you turn off the TV when you're done?"

Well all in all could have gone better, could have gone worse. You give him a firm nod and levitate over the remote.

"Yes sir, sleep well."

"Yeah you too."

He looks uncertain as he gets up and leaves for his bedroom.

Maybe, just maybe, things can change.

Act 2: Chapter 3

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The night's restless, the pit of worry in your stomach just doesn't go away.

He didn't said no, and he really did seem to really listen, but you have no idea what he'll decide. The bottom line is you laid your cards on the table and at this point there's no going back. Up until this point you'd never really expressed genuine unhappiness. Sure you'd complained about this or that, and been mad for a few petty things, but this is different. You basically told him you reject everything about your current life.

He made it cushy for you, and you'd told him it wasn't good enough, that you had to be free.

Realizing how far you'd gone makes you shiver a little. A less kinda master would simply beat you back into submission, hell you could even see him spanking you for this any other day. He still feels bad about the other day though so that buys you some leeway.

Maybe that discipline had been a blessing in disguise. Sure it was awful when it happened, but if it made him more sympathetic to your cause than some good could come of it.

You mull over the situation until you eventually fall into a well deserved sleep.

Having gone to sleep at a somewhat early hour you don't mind the gentle shaking that wakes you up the next morning.

Someone may or may not have said something, you didn't pay attention to as you uncurl and give a big yawn. After some more morning stretches, a few more yawns, and bumps into the walls, boom, you're in the kitchen.

You grab a bowl, sit down, and start eating before you finally notice something across the table from you. Your brain sputters pathetically for a few more minutes as it tries to wake up and identify the creature sitting across from you. "Don't you have work?"

"Actually awake now? I'm going in late today because I wanted to talk to you first."

Huh, he never misses work. He must feel this conversation's really important, but you aren't sure if that makes you feel better or worse.

"Alright so. I thought about what you said and I wanted to be sure I knew what I was talking about before I told you anything."

You just nod, so far so neutral?

"You probably don't really remember this, but have you ever heard of the pony safety act?"

You shake your head. You were in a pretty bad place when you first arrived so watching the news wasn't on your to do list.

"Yeah I kinda thought so, it passed just a few months after you got here. It's like... Well, ok let's start with your friend Rarity. You know free ponies are really really rare right? Like she's the first i've ever even actually met. Do you know why?"

"I just thought not many humans wanted to free them. It's a big financial loss at the very least..."

"Well yes and no, it's a little more complicated. Rarity isn't free. In fact there's actually no legal way to free a pony."

What? You're pretty sure you'd have noticed a collar and most ponies don't get free rein to own other ponies...? "I don't understand?"

"I looked her case up. Rarity is owned by Rarity. Her previous owner was a smart businessman who also used to own her company. When he got brain cancer he wanted her to take over since most of it is her work. Ponies can't own anything, but for some dumb legal reason being a registered slave owner meant she could. A bit of legal trickery later and she now owns herself with all the privileges that grants. He wasn't the first use that loophole, but that was part of the pony safety act, all those tricks are gone. They claim a lot of sketchy things were going on with laundering money in ponies names, but the bottom line is you just can't do it anymore."

Wow so that's it huh? You feel stupid for never looking into it before, why else would free ponies be so insanely rare?

"I know that's not what you wanted to hear... And I get that you're not happy here..."

Uh oh, gotta head this off. He thinks you're unhappy, then that makes him unhappy, then who needs a pony that isn't improving their life? Back to the auction for little Mrs Purple and next time you might not get so lucky.

"No no Anon! It's not... It's not like that. I meant what I said, you're really good to me. A gilded cage is still a cage and all, but you've been nothing but accommodating. I'm sorry, I guess I'm just a little ungrateful sometimes."

Damage control filly! You've got a long standing tradition of not having things shoved inside of you by sadistic owners, and if you wanted to keep that up staying with Anon is your best bet! If he's right then it sounds like you're a songbird for life so you may as well pick the comfy cage.

Ponyfeathers, he doesn't look convinced...

"I don't want you to have to pretend to be happy Twilight, but I do think you have it better here than you sometimes realize. That said Rarity contacted me this morning and asked to rent you for a few days. She said something about needing to test a unicorn product line that you'd be perfect for. I think it's real work, but maybe that would be good for you. I know she's your friend, but she seems to run a tight ship, and it might show you how other ponies live. However, I'll let you decide if you want to do it.

Huh, you usually don't get asked your input on, well anything actually.

The idea of spending time with Rarity would have sounded great just a few days ago but now you have mixed feelings about it. There's no way you're going to address her situation by ignoring it, might as well face it head on.

"Yes sir, maybe a little perspective could be a good. I'd like to take up her offer if it's ok with you."

"I'll give her a call. You know she's a pretty tough business mare, drives a hard bargain when it comes to price. She barely wants to pay at all to borrow you and her offer yesterday was crazy low."

"Yeah she had a lot of business experience even back back..."

"I can tell. I could barely talked her up to a few grand yesterday, but you're worth a lot more than even that to me."

Weird compliment is weird.

"You were a deal when i got you because of your behavior rating, but you're such a good girl now aren't you!"

Que the mane ruffling and blushing.

"Hey cut it out!" You bat his hand away with a flurry of hooves and share a good natured laugh.

"But really, why don't you spend some time with her then when you come back we can see how you feel about things here. If you still aren't happy we can talk about selling to Rarity if she's willing to offer a reasonable price. Ok?"

You give him a nod and he gets up from his seat while looking his phone for the time.

"I've gotta get to work. I'll call her on the way she might even pick you up today I'm not sure, I'll text you when I find out."

"Sounds good, have a good day at work."

A casual wave and he's out the door. No point pretending you aren't let down by the whole 'freedom not even being possible' thing, but you can't let it break you down right now.

The most important thing at this moment is mentally preparing for Rarity. Last time you'd kinda shut down when she started to treat you... less than ideally... Hopefully it was just the shock of a friend being that way with you, you'd had worse at the auction house, but you can't let it happen again. If you're going to find out what's going on with her, and hopefully help, you need to be alert, attentive, and on the ball.

You continue to mentally psych yourself up as you hop in the shower. Best to be ready just in case she does want to come by soon. This ends up being a good call since mid shower you get a text from Anon informing you she's already on her way to pick you up.

Now that you think about it how does she even travel? Ponies can't drive, even free ones. You find out soon enough when a hoof knocks on the door.

"Yoo hoo Twilight!"

No question who that is then. One deep breath later later you unlock and swing the door open to see your smiling friend.

"Oh Twilight I'm so glad Anon took me up on my offer! We got to spend so little time together yesterday!" Pulling you into a crushing hug you can't help but smile and return the favor.

"It's good to see you too Rarity. You sure got here fast."

"Ahh that will be master or mistress to you for the next few days sweetheart!"

Her voice is still sing song, her smile bright, and the nose boop she gives you playful but 'mistress' shows no sign shes joking.

"I... Do I really?"

"Well of course darling. I thought anon the more strict type based on the state of that backside of yours, but he must be somewhat lax if that's not second nature to you by now." She runs you up and down with a critical eye, clearly eager to hear how you respond.

You aren't sure if Anon set any rules or limits with her so it's probably best to play it safe.

"Yes umm mistress I just thought... well you know..."

"Oh I'm sorry! Don't think we aren't still the best of friends, but circumstances do change and I can't have you being a bad example in front of my other fillies. You understand?"

You give her a nod simply so you don't have to say mistress again.

"Wonderful now let's go! You have your collar yes? Perfect, now in you go."

You find yourself herded out the door and towards a rather nice car parked in the street. Pushing you towards the back seat Rarity opens the door with her magic and helps you climb in.

Why the back and not the passenger seat?

Hoping in the front Rarity fiddles with computer for a few moments before the car starts up and begins to drive itself. Makes sense you suppose, how else would she get around? Her legs wouldn't even reach the pedals.

"There we go, we're on our way. Now darling did Anon give you the details? No? Well that's not a problem I simply need a rather powerful unicorn to test some of our more advanced 'Magical Management' devices on. The company owns quite a few of course but none up to your caliber!"

"So I just flood them with magic?"

"More or less. Our technicians can fill you in on the details tomorrow, today we'll just get you home and settled in. And besides we have so much to catch up on!"

You smile as encouragingly as you can.

"Now we spoke briefly of your 'status' shall we say yesterday but I took the liberty of pulling up your paperwork earlier today. Let's see, ah yes here it is, they only gave you a 46% for magical prowess. I assume you were holding back on them?"

"I thought if they thought I was just an average unicorn I'd be a bit safer."

"I daresay you might have been right. I imagine if they'd know the truth one of the labs would have picked you up for a test subject."

The idea of being experimented on makes you visibly shudder.

"Oh no no darling it's not that bad. Nothing like what you may have imagined at least. They aren't allowed to do anything that dangerous or invasive anymore there are ethical standards in place."

'Anymore' implying at one point they could. You'd heard all kinds of horror stories of horns dissected, brain probing, and uhh other types of probing less related to magic...

"Well either way you needn't worry about that here, what we need you to do should be quite simple. I should warn you though we'll have to do a physical first to be sure you're fit for the tests. You don't have any recent vet visits on file and insurance can be so demanding."

Seeing vets was generally against your 'Not having things stuffed into the purple pony' policy, but you didn't see much choice here. Hopefully a large company's medical professionals would have a better bedside manner than what you'd received in the past.

"Once that's taken care of I'll give you the grand tour then we'll get you setup with a bunk mate. I believe you'll be sharing a room with Azalea, she's a lovely little pegasus mare, one of my own. you two will get along wonderfully I promise."

The drive goes by faster than expected. Before you know it the car pulls up in front of a towering glass building. Stationed in the middle of downtown the building must be at least 50 stories tall and proudly proclaims on the front to be 'Diamond In the Rough inc'. You knew it was a clothes line from the article, but given the size of the building, and how Rarity wanted you here to test horn suppressors it must also be much much more.

"Wow Rarity this looks really impressive."

"Well thank you Twilight, but I feel I must remind you of the rules. Since it was just us in the car I didn't mind, but from now on you really must address me properly."

"Oh, right. It's very impressive... mistress."

"There's a good girl! Now let's get going. We have much to do and they'll will be waiting to see you upstairs."

She squishes your face with her hooves when she proclaims what a 'good girl' you are. Why does everyone feel the need to talk down to you?

Following her inside the building's pretty impressive: fountains, a sculpture, TV's everywhere, a dozen elevators and soooo much open space. Trotting directly to an elevator you and Rarity ride about halfway up the building to the 24th floor. So far the style of the building seems surprisingly high tech everything, sleek, modern ,and curvy. The floor you get off on pushes the sleek all the way to steril. Must be the medical wing.

The receptionist hops to her feet as soon as she sees the two of you. "Miss Rarity, the doctor is expecting you, please wait in room 2 for just a moment."

Rarity offers a quick thanks as you follow. "I can tell you're a bit confused darling."

"No no... Well this is a much bigger operation than I expected.

"Oh yes, the New York location may be our headquarters, but this is where we house all our ponies as well as run R&D so it's quite the facility. You'll find the company owns several dozen ponies that are housed on the lower floors and help out with everything from fashion, to taste testing, to arcanotech accessories. You'll be upstairs with me and my personal fillies though. Not to say the rest of the dorms are unsatisfactory, but you'll just love my loft."

If she was going to say more she's interrupted by a knock on the door that quickly swings open. A rather young human female walks and shakes Rarity's hoof.

"Miss Rarity, perfect timing. So this is our temp?"

"Yes this is my dear friend Twilight Sparkle. We just need to get her cleared for R&D so she can run a few tests for us."

"Alright we can do that. Miss Twilight if you wouldn't mind stepping over here onto the scale."

Wow when's the last time someone called you miss? You can't tell if she's just a nice person or if she's pouring on the charm because the boss is here. A quick weight and height measurement later and she's got her hands around your stomach picking you up and onto the examination table.

Kicking your hooves a little you frown, so much for dignity. Sure this thing's human height. but why does everyone pick you up without asking? You can jump!

To be fair she's actually pretty nice though. Actually telling you what she's going to do before just grabbing you? amazing!

"Now take a deep breath. Ok and again. Alright and once more, great. So first we'll get your blood pressure then I'll have you stand back up for me and turn around, ok?"

Oh fuck. The blood pressure is no big deal, but your legs betray your nervousness with a little shaking as you turn around. Thankfully the evidence of you and Anon's 'disagreement' has finally faded, but when you hear the snap of plastic gloves behind you your heart jumps into your throat anyway!

"Ok and tail up please."

Oh shit not this again! You can't help but clamp it down and look to Rarity for support.

"Twilight I know this isn't your first doctor's visit ever. Don't be difficult for the doctor."

You can't help but whimper and wiggle as the doctor grabs your tail and starts to pull it up and out of the way. "Wait! Rarity please do you have to watch?!?"


"Mistress I mean mistress!"

With an exasperated sigh Rarity lights her horn and rolls over a small mobile divider from the corner. "Better?"

You open your mouth to answer only to find all thoughts put on hold as the doctor starts breaking rule number one: No stuffing things in the unicorn! There's no way you can't whine and squirm in a vain attempt to escape her firm grasp on your tail!

"Wait! No stop please!"

"Miss Sparkle please, I can't do my job if you don't hold still." Buck her job, buck earth, buck medical science, oh celestia quit touching that! Get it out get it out!

"Twilight really! Don't be a foal about this!"

You'll do no such thing until she gets away from there! Or at least that's the plan until until you feel Rarity's magic envelop you and forcefully pin you to the table! Using your magic on another unicorn is taboo enough, but to do it so they can be violated?!! Don't cry Twilight, at least be somewhat dignified about this...

You totally manage to only cry a little and only once the spectrum came out because you 'weren't cooperating'. Well buck her! Of course I'm not cooperating hands don't belong there!

"Alright everything looks fine Miss Rarity. She isn't spayed but she's not going to be full time right?"

Luna tits, spayed!?!?!

"Oh yes that's not a problem she'll only be with us for a few days"

They fuckin spay ponies here?!?!? That's disgusting! The doctor finally decides she's had enough fun molesting you and let's go of your tail. Rarity still has you pinned to the table though, talk about excessive.

"I'll file the clean bill of health with our insurance but if we decide to take her on full time she'll have to come back for that."

Holy fuck ok plans over you want to go house to Anon now. If living here is gonna cost you your ovaries then anon was right the grass isn't greener! The doctor leaves the room and Rarity turns on you in a heartbeat.

"What! Was! That!?!?" What the fuck! Why is she yelling at you!?

"You really embarrassed me Twilight it was just an exam!"

"I... I'm sorry I just don't like humans touching me there!"

"You must have been the luckiest slave in the world until this point then, but you will not embarrass me like that again! Do you understand!" The venom in her voice is terrifying, but if she thinks you're just going to lay down and let any human play with your bits she's got another thing coming.

"Maybe I am lucky, but Anon didn't send me here to get molested! And what the fuck Rarity! Spaying!???"

"You do not take the tone with me little filly! Do you think like it? I do what I have to do keep these ponies safe and sometimes those things aren't pretty! But you know what? Every pony here is safe, well fed, alive and not savaged on a nightly basis! I think that's pretty generous!"

No wonder generosity is shot if her definition it is anything short of slave rape!

She sighs and runs a hoof through her mane before releasing you from her magical grasp. "I'm sorry maybe this is all just too much for you at once darling. Let's just get you to your room for now and we'll talk about it in the morning ok?"

You just nod, you don't trust yourself to not lash out and you sure as hell aren't calling her mistress right now.

To your mild surprise you two take the elevator all the way to the top. Whoa! Now this is a penthouse if you've ever seen one! Art everywhere, huge windows overlooking the city, amazing furniture! Sheesh, she lives here?? Walking towards the back Rarity opens the 3rd door in an identical row.

"Twilight this is Azalea. I'm sure you two will get along great."

You don't even notice the other pony in the room until she waves a hoof at you as a small hello. She's lying on her back on the bed with her head hanging off the side making her wave a little loopy.

She doesn't say anything though, she just gives you two a curious upside down stare and waits on Rarity to say something.

"Wonderful I'm sure the two of you will get along swimmingly. You'll have to excuse me. Twilight I'll pick you up here in the morning."

Shutting the door and trotting down the hall you just stare after her for a few moments. Not off to the best start... Maybe this Azalea mare you could tell you more. Turning back around she's, well, still upside down.

"So what? You a new filly?"

"Just a temporary thing..."

"Good. Word of advice. Don't cross mistress."

Act 2: Chapter 4

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Okkkkay, 'Don't cross mistress', that's not dramatic in the least.

"I wasn't really planning on crossing her... Is it really that bad here?"

Rolling upright, the mare scratches her chin with a spare hoof. "I guess it depends. Mistress isn't outright cruel or sadistic like a lot of humans. But the trouble for most starts when they expect her to be a pony first and a master second."

That's pretty in line with your experience so far. You'd expected your friend, and that wasn't totally gone. But what you'd found was much much more.

Does she feel she has to earn her place among the humans by displaying a firm hoof? Is this simply what she experienced herself in the past so she's emulating it? From what you knew of her last master he seemed kind. Must be since he freed her at the end; but for all you knew she had others masters before him that were different.

"I'll try to remember that. We already had a slight uh disagreement..."

That gets Azalea's ears perked. "Oh crap, I hope it wasn't bad!"

"I'm just not so good with doctors..."

"Wait she went with you for your exam?"

Oh yeah that's probably not the norm for a random new hire. No real way to explaining that away without just telling her your past relationship with Rarity. What would it really hurt anyway? "Yeah I actually know her from back in equestria. We were pretty close."

No need to make it a big deal, don't want to paint a target on your back.

"Oh. Maybe she'll cut you some slack then? You said you were just here temporarily right?"

"Yeah she said something about some high end horn ring testing?" he wince and ears flattening she gives you is far from encouraging. "Oh gosh don't do that? Is it bad?"

Shit now you're worried! She can't make you do something that could hurt you right. Technically you aren't hers to put at risk.

"Well I'm no unicorn, but they say it's beyond exhausting. They keep going through powerful ones because it wears them out sooner or later..." Ok a little ominous, but you've got a lot of magic. Trying to push a lesser unicorns to their limit for too long will definitely do that. Not to brag, but it's probably something you don't have to worry about with your mana reserves.

"I see. I think it's just a day or two though so I should be fine." You hope.

"Oh for that little yeah. That's really really short for a rental though."

"She's trying to buy, but he said no. I think it's just a babysteps kind of thing. Speaking of which what about the whole 'don't stay here' thing?"

"What they didn't mention it at your medical check up? Unless you've had it done already."

Oh. That. You must have suppressed that. It's got that whole 'being too horrible too imagine' thing going on for it. "I was kinda hoping I'd imagined that..."

"No it's way way too real. Everypony that works here has it. It's supposed to make us more manageable; less hormones or something and no down time for estrus. But in the end it's just the icing on the cake, taking away any chance for future happiness..."

Buck how could anyone do that? Because it wasn't enough to take your present freedom, we have to take your future freedoms as well. You're sure there some rationale about your future belonging to your owner too but that's bullshit.

"I... I'm really sorry to hear that. I can't even imagine."

"Thanks but I never wanted foals anyway, it hits some a lot worse. Life here isn't bad if you stay in line, but for most, your future is a horrible price to pay."

Well shit now you're even more depressed just imagining the anguish that must have caused. Rarity had insisted she didn't want to do it, that it was the price of keeping them 'safe'. You knew there were places worse than this a pony could end up in. Some places work ponies in insanely dangerous or cruel conditions, by comparison the actual work here isn't awful. It just comes with that one small price.

A beep on Azalea's hoof phone interrupts the conversation. "Sorry duty calls. I hate to leave you when you're just getting settled in, but what can I do."

Trotting over to you she throws a hoof over your shoulder, and starts pointing around the room. "Bathroom's there. Kitchen's there, help yourself. TV there, plenty of channels. And your bed there."

Simple enough. The room is basically a mini condo with fairly nice furnishings. It's got nothing on Rarity's immaculate interior decorating in her place, but it's nice nonetheless.

You offer Azalea your thanks and she flies out the door. Literally. Some owners are strict on pegasus, but you guess the high end collar she wore makes it ok.

You poke around the room for a bit checking everything out. You know what? That bed looks great actually. Further testing proves you to be correct. Despite the crazy early hour you find yourself unable to get up out of the soft comforter.

Still a little tired from the fight you put up at the check up, and a little sore, you soon pass out into a graceful pile of limbs.



Holy shit turn that off. Commence wild limb waving around.exe. After a minute you remember you don't have an alarm that isn't named Anon, and that this alarm is across the room at another ponies bed.

She finally turns it off and rolls out of her bed towards the bathroom, one shower later and she's poking you. Why does everyone feel the need to poke you to wake you up? Can't they use words or something?

"mup emup, i'm up..."

"Sorry, but mistress usually gets an early start so you'll want to get ready." Hearing ponies call Rarity 'mistress' is hella weird, but she's right. You manage to drag yourself to the shower after only a few more minutes procrastinating.

When you return you find Azalea is gone and Rarity sitting on the couch in her place.

"I see your sleeping habits haven't changed much over the years. I'm glad Azalea got you moving I half expected to have to come in here and shake you awake myself."

You pop your neck and yawn, "I'm sorry, we aren't late are we?"

"Oh no no, I came to wake you up so we're actually early. Come along, we have time for an extra long breakfast now."

The two of you head out the door and back into Rarity's ridiculously luxurious loft. The expensive looking decor extends to the dining area she leads you to. Already covering the glass table is a wide selection of food ranging from fruits, to pastries, to various type of strudels.

Compared to your usual bowl of cereal it looks absolutely amazing! Floating an apple strudel that looks straight out of Sweet Apple Acres over you, open your muzzle wide for a much needed bite, only to catch Rarity watching you with a raised eyebrow.

It's a trap! She doesn't say anything, but you can tell she's judging your manners.

"Uhhh, may I?" She's still looking at you... "Mistress?"

She smiles and lightly pinches your cheek. "There's a good girl! You may!"

Always with the patronizing. Do you have a 'treat me like a foal' sign on your back somewhere? Whatever, foods good so you choose to not let it bother you. You've only manage to stuff one and a half apple based confectioneries in your muzzle what you didn't have dinner last night before a middle aged earth pony mare appears from the kitchen.

Holy crap is that pancakes?!?! Your eyes shine enough to make Rarity snicker. "I remembered how much you love pancakes, so I had Cherry Sweets whip you up a few."

The mare slides the plate off her back and in front of you with practised ease. "Ohhh thank you both!"

You're starving so you're sure no one judges you as you cram your face like crazy. You heard Rarity thank the mare as well but otherwise she silent as you inhaled the food. How long had it been since you'd had a good pancake? You're way too lazy to cook them yourselves so basically forever.

Leaning back in your seat after you'd finish you notice Rarity trying to hide her smirk behind a half eaten peach. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, Cherry really is a marvelous cook."

"I haven't had pancakes that good since, well since spike..." Great there goes the good mood, hers too by the look of it.

"Yes I figured as much... The truth is I wanted to make yesterday up to you. I have high expectations, but it's not fair for me to push those on you so soon."

Which means it's just a matter of time until it is fair.

"I usually don't get involved with new hires, so I suppose I forgot how jarring things can be for the untrained."

untrained... That along gave you the shivers.

"But no harm was done. You passed your exam so we can get you started today as planned. I do apologize for yelling at you though."

"I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to be difficult I just really don't like humans touching me like that."

"You really are a lucky filly Twilight. Many mares never got much of a choice in that matter."

"I guess I have been... But um just one question. Spaying?"

She visibly winces and looks the other way. "Yes I was afraid you'd pick up on that. The insurance insists on it. It's cost saving in the long run when you run the numbers vs the price of prenatal care combined with other contraceptive methods; and it has the added benefit of making the workforce more manageable. It's not... It's not pretty though."

"Rarity that's still monstrous, come on! You can't just let them take away ponies future joy!"

Her head snaps back towards you in an instant and you can tell she's not happy with the backtalk. "You think I don't know that? I'd love an alternative, but a more expensive insurance plan reduce the number of ponies I could keep here by a severe amount! You don't even know how bad it is out there in the seeder areas Twilight! Ever seen a breeder's facilities? Or worse yet a filly brothel? We try to pick up ponies that have already had it done as a cost saving measure on paper, but the reality is I am trying to protect them Twilight!"

Every voice in your head says to back away and bow your head but you have to remain strong this time!

"But but what about those who haven't had it done already? I can't even imagine how it must feel?"

"Oh you can't imagine?! I've worked here from the ground up Twilight! I wasn't always in charge, I started as a seamstress and let me promise you the policy hasn't changed since then!"

Policy hasn't changed? Oh no.

"Rarity did... did they...?"

She'd turned away from you to pace around the room during her speech but now her eyes snap back to yours.

She's crying.

"Yes Twilight I understand their pain very well! Do you want to see the scars? They're hard to see but they are there I assure you!"

What can you do?

What can you do but hug your crying friend.

Act 2: Chapter 5

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You squeeze your friend as hard as you can. It takes a moment but she wraps her forehooves around you and return the favor, burying her chin in the crook of your neck.

"I'm so sorry Rarity. I didn't know."

"*Sniff* It's alright. I made peace with it long ago, this just brought up some old memories." She gently pushes you away and wipes an eye with her hoof.

"This isn't a world a foal should be brought into Twilight. If you'd just seen the things I've seen you would understand. Having a foal should be a wonderful experience full of happiness and joy, not terror as it's torn from your hooves. They deserve to grow up happy and free, not slaving away by day and brainwashed by night."

"But still it's wrong to decide that for ponies! What about when slavery ends? This isn't something you can undo!"

Sighing Rarity turns to look out the window at the city below. "This isn't ending darling. As much as we might want it to, this is here to stay. You would know better than me how little is left of the Equestria we knew."

She's right about that. You'd run for years before they'd caught you. You'd seen the ruins that remain, and it's not much to go back to.

"Even if that's true, just because things can't go back doesn't mean things can't get better..."

She turns to brush your cheek with a hoof and a sad smile. "You're an optimist Twilight, but sometimes you need to be a realist as well. I don't doubt sometime in the future this might all be an ugly blotch on history, but not in our lifetime. The few humans who care about our rights don't even bother fighting for freedom yet. Right now they push for laws to ensure more human treatment, babysteps as it were."

She's right about that too and even those groups are small and insignificant.

"You just need to find someplace safe darling. Come be mine. If we can convince Anon to give you up you'll be part of my personal stock. I've bought all my personal mares from the company so it was too late for them; but there no reason for you to be fixed if you come straight to me. I can protect you."

You want to say yes. You really really want to be part of Rarity's 'stock' and that gave you a lot of conflicting feelings. If what she's saying is true you wouldn't even have to face your newly found fear. You'd never thought about foals in a place like this, but you don't want the opportunity taken from you either.

Would Anon give you up though? He'd said you could discuss it if you were still unhappy, but only if Rarity offered a reasonable price.

Price, if she wanted you so bad now then why had she tried so little the first time? You don't consider yourself prideful but it kinda hurt a little remembering how little she'd been willing to offer. Was that why it had upset you so much? Because it seemed she didn't care? Like she didn't value you.

"I... I'm not sure. It would never be like old times would it?"

"No, no it wouldn't. I'm a different mare than the one you knew Twilight; changes both physical and mental mean things will never be quite the same."

That's true actually. The lack of the estrogen she used to possess could have considerable consequences to her personality. Biology isn't exactly your chosen field, but you think that might also explain her lack of empathy and intense mood swings.

"I do want to help you, but you're correct, I'd have expectations as well."

Oh boy here it comes.

"We're still friends darling I promise you that, but if I come into possession of you it's not going to be like Ponyville. We can still have fun when appropriate, but I will expect obedience from you. Probably more than Anon ever demanded. No backtalk, no dilly dallying, no disrespect and no 'Rarity'. It really will have to be mistress." Leaning into a nuzzle she breathes the last part quietly.

"But i'll still love you like always." She pulls back with a genuine smile. "I really have missed you, but I want the choice to be yours. Think about it."

That's a lot to think about...

"Now if you'll excuse me, my makeup is a mess! Ugh, I have a meeting in 30 minutes, and I'm back to square one! Azalea will be about to escort you to the labs. I'll check in on you soon, I'm confident it's nothing you can't handle! Ta ta for now!"

You watch as your friend canters in a panic searching for someone named 'Lilly' to help her with her makeup disaster.

She's still there. When you'd seen the element you were convinced that the the mare you knew was gone; but you were wrong. She's still there, battered bruised and changed but she's still Rarity. Damaged and twisted like her element, but maybe just in need of a helping hoof. You still didn't agree with her on a few matters, and her new strict and explosive personality scared you a little, but that was no reason to give up.

A true true friend helps a friend in need after all.

With the big mare gone you take a moment to poke around the penthouse. The views from all the gigantic windows are amazing, you can only imagine waking up to the city stretched out beneath you every morning!

It actually reminds you of the royal palace, but that's something you don't need to think about right now.

Turning another corner brings you snout to snout with Azalea. The two of you exchange the usual greetings and soon enough your riding the elevators back down to the labs. You're much less nervous about the about work now than you were last night. Rarity knows your magic better than most, so you're sure she wouldn't put you up to anything you couldn't handle.

"So how was breakfast with the big boss?" Sounds like Azalea's curious.

"It was good, that cherry mare is a great cook."

"Her food's great, but the rumor is you made mistress cry!"
Did Cherry hear and tell the others? You're pretty sure Rarity wouldn't appreciate knowing rumors were spread behind her back, but should you tell her? She's just so *shudder* strict.

Either way you aren't sure how much the other mares know of Rarity's past and you don't plan on telling them without her permission.

"It was just some personal stuff. Nothing important."

The other mare doesn't want to take 'no' for an answer. "Aw come on we never get gossip about mistress. I can't remember ever seeing her cry!"

"I'm sorry, I really don't think it's my place to talk about."

"Fine but the rumors are gonna spread. There's finally someone that can get through her rocky exterior."

The elevator dings for your floor and Azalea escorts you down a few halls to a lab.

Oh sweet celestia what a lab it is! Look at all that equipment! Earth and equestrian tech litter the lab in abundance, it's beautiful! Your enthusiasm is sadly short lived as the researchers are eager to start.

All in all it goes even better than you'd expected.

They took off your normal horn ring first, anon must have transferred control from his phone to Rarity's at some point. After that it was a simple matter of putting on a ring and being told to try and break it. You were nervous at first, but after destroying the 4th one in a row feel quite a bit more confident. Some of the researchers start to give you a strange look so that's gratifying too.

You wonder if they're worried about containment should you go on a magical rampage. You wonder if you should. Lucky for them fighting and running lost their spark for you years ago so you play nice.

Before you know it you're already done for the day. With the last test complete you trot past the blast proof glass to find not Azalea waiting for you but Rarity. "I told you you would knock their socks off dear. They'll have enough data to analyze for some time. What do you say to some dinner?"

Magic does work up an appetite.

Riding back up, Rarity gives you a lopsided smile. "I apologize in advance. I wish we could go somewhere nice, but I've found most places are a bit pony averse. Not to worry though Cherry is sure to whip us up something tasty."

Well She not wrong about that! The daffodil soup is amazing! It reminded you of happier simpler times.

"Rarity there is no way any human restaurant has food like that."

"Well I'm quite glad you enjoyed it. Speaking of humans though, have you given any more thought to what we discussed this morning?"

"Uhh, a little."

She giggles a little. "You know I have to give you back soon darling. As much as I'd love to keep you forever, if you want this then you need to decide ."

"I know I know. Can I just sleep on it?"

"Of course, I still have you till the day after tomorrow even though you actually finished all the testing today. Everyone was most impressed by the way."

That makes you smile! Compliments were hard to come by nowadays!

"I tell you what, why don't we just hang out tonight? just the two of us, we can watch a movie."

You giggle, "I did kind of want to see that giant TV in action."

"Wonderful I'll even let you pick it, come along."

You ended up watching some sci fi movie called 'Arrival'. It's kinda funny that the movie's about how humans would peacefully interact with aliens when when reality turned out so much different. Then again in the movie they were the weaker species...

Nevertheless it's a good movie, you found yourself imagining how you'd have reacted in the same situation. Rarity seems... less into sci-fi. She spent half the movie asking you questions because she'd zone out, but you didn't mind. It felt like old times, snuggled up against your friend just hanging out.

By the time the movie ends though your eyelids are heavy. Work must have taken more out of you than you realized.

"Uh oh, is my little pony sleepy?"

"No no, I'm up I'm up..."

Poking your downed head with her muzzle, she challenges the truth of the statement. "Yes clearly you're wide awake, come here."

She picks you up in her magic. Why does everyone always insist on picking you up? You're too tired to protest though, you instead curl in on yourself and close your tired eyes.

"Did you have a good day Twilight?"


"What about Azalea, was she nice to you?"

"mhmmm. asked about this morning... me and you..." So sleepy...

"Oh gossiping about my little breakdown this morning hmm?"


"I see..."

Holy crap the bed is soft! The size alone tell you this this isn't the same one you spent last night in. A weight beside you gives you hint of just who's it might be.

Wrapping her forehooves around you Rarity pulls her little spoon closer.Back when you girls had sleepovers rarity somehow always ended up being the big spoon to your little. The few extra inches she has on you on you result in a good comfy fit you have to admit.

ZZZ ponies shouldn't be made out of bananas ZZZ Discord will never fit into that dress ZZZ


Ugh. awake. no. why. The warm forelegs are gone, why are the warm forelegs gone?

"Going to do it again, hmmm?!" Is someone yelling?

"If you girls want to spread rumors then I'll give you something to gossip about!"

"Mistress I'm sorry, please!"

You're in Rarity's room but she's not! There's yelling coming from the other side of the building where Azalea and the other mares rooms are.

Crap crap crap is this your fault? You'd told her about what Azalea said in your sleep deprived state! The more you listen the more your heart sinks!


You know the sound of something meeting pony flesh all too well! It's not frenzied or insanely loud like your lessons tend to be, but it doesn't sound fun either.

"You're lucky! I'm in! a good! mood!"

"Ow ow ow, I'm sorry mistress I'm sorry!"

I-is everyone going hate you now? No one likes a rat.

"As you should be! Off to bed with you, now! I expect everypony to remember this lesson! Do you all hear?! No spying, no gossiping and no lollygagging!"


"Yes mistress!"

No wonder Rarity was glad to hear how Anon handled you. She's the exact same way! You aren't exactly sure you'd call what you're heard a true beating, you're pretty sure you've had worse, but you still feel awful!

You didn't want to get anyone in trouble! Now you're the favorite and the tattletale!

Your ear twitches as hoof steps approach the bedroom.

"Bunch of immature little fillies..."

Was she trying to hide their discipline from you? She did wait until you went to bed. You'd rather not test your luck, so you do your best to pretend to be asleep as she slips back into the room.

You try to act casual as she once again claims you as her little spoon. You just barely hear her whisper to herself as she tucks your head beneath her chin. "At least someone's still asleep..."

Yeah asleep, totally. Don't panic don't panic; just relax and pretend be asleep.

If you aren't will you be in trouble too? No, that's silly, but any feelings of from safety from earlier are now replaced with ones of fear. She'd just beat a pony with these hooves and now they are wrapped around you in a tight embrace. Just what would it take to set her off to turn those hooves on you? Just how safe were you? She'd promised to protect you but does that include from her self? It's a long uneasy night.

Act 2: Chapter 6

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Noises are bad, somepony make the noises go away.

"wilight... wake up twilight..."

You try to bury your head under the pillows Like you always do when Anon wakes you up, but forehooves around your stomach prevent you from escaping. The grip tightens as the fuzzy creature behind you pulls you even closer into it's diabolical grasp.

Your ear twitches as your captor whispers right into it. "It's time to get uppppp."

No! Time for more sleeps, evil sing song voices can go away.

Apparently unsatisfied with your response your tormentor grasps the tip of your ear in her teeth and pulls lightly. The shock of being chewed on sends bolts down your spine and confused feelings through your sleep addled mind.

"Quit it, go away..."You suppresses a moan as the vicious chewing only gets worse. You aren't a chew toy! Squirming does little to save you from your tormentor's grasp though. The pathetic struggles are ultimately in vain as your more awake bedmate giggles and continues her ear based assault.

Finally opening your eyes you turn to face her as best you can.

The white mare with a mouth full of purple ear just gives you a quick smile before letting go. "Now that's the heavy sleeper I remember. Always so stubborn." Learning down Rarity subjects you to aggressive early morning nuzzles! The monster!

"I'm up, I'm up."

"I know how you are now, but the minute I leave you alone you'll be right back to sleep."

That is 100% not true...

"Besides one does not tell their mistress to go away you naughty little thing." She punctuates her statement with a giggle and a squeeze.

Were you more awake or her tone more serious, the statement might have scared you a little, but right now it was just playful banter.

"Fine, Go away mistress."

"Hmm maybe someone needs an early morning lesson?" You hear her horn light up and suck in a sharp breath as something floats right into your field of vision.

Holy crap that's a huge hairbrush!

You whimper and try to squirm away from it. It's immediately gives you flashbacks of screaming over Anon's knee with your flank on fire!

Sensing the distress it's causing you Rarity quickly floats it away. "Oh my, I'm sorry darling I just meant to poke fun. Shh it's ok, you're safe, you aren't in trouble."

Despite the assurances you pulled yourself into the smallest ball of purple pony you could. Rarity gives chase though and wraps her hooves even further around you, shielding you from the world in a shell of white and purple.

"You've been a good girl darling, it's ok."

It takes a several minutes of quiet assurances from your big spoon before you can finally relax.

"I'm sorry, it's just that Anon has a brush pretty close to that one."

"That's good sweetie, that's good that he trains you well."

You don't feel safe arguing with her so you just nod a little.

"A healthy fear of discipline keeps many a mare out of trouble. Some more than others though." She sort of chuckles at the statement, is she talking about her other mares?

"Is... Is that what happened last night?"

"Oh. I was hoping you wouldn't have to hear that."

Pulling her right forehoof out of her death grip around you, she places it on your side and begins to brush your fur up and down. It's pretty nice. "Yes a few of the girls got in trouble last night I will admit. I promise I was not too harsh with them, but a quick lesson sets them straight in no time."

"Does that happen a lot?"

"I'm not sure I would say a lot, but it's not exactly rare. A lot of the time just the sight of the brush is enough to make them think twice." Her hoof absentmindedly drifts down your side to your cutie mark as she continue the light massage.

"But if that doesn't work then a quick pop pop pop and they remember!"

Each pop is emphasized by a light pat to your cutie mark that makes you blush like a school filly!


A tut tut issues from behind as you hear her magic bring the back of the brush rest on your flank!

"Mistress! I meant mistress!"

She gives you one single harmless swat before floating it away. "You're lucky we're friends darling. Now come along it's time to get ready!"

You find yourself frozen in place for a minute as your mind focuses on the spot where the brush just landed. She spanked you! Rarity disciplined you and you aren't even hers yet!

"Up up let's go Twilight." Hearing her horn light again you quickly evacuate the bed before you find out if she was going to lift you with her magic or the brush!

"There's my girl! Here, the bathroom is this way, I think you'll love it."

Ok, she was right about you loving it, but to be fair the bathroom is bigger than your entire room at Anon's house. The more you looked around the more it remains you of the royal bathhouses in canterlot and those were built for alicorns!

"I think this is the biggest bathroom I've seen in my life..."

"I knew you'd be impressed. I had the entire thing rebuilt when I moved in. A guest bedroom is a small price to pay for your own built in spa!"

You can't argue with that.

"Well come on hop in. Lilly already drew the bath for us. It's just the right temperature, I promise."

Get in!? We don't need a bath scene Rarity we're both ponies!

"Us?" You try and fail to keep the nervousness out of your voice.

"We've been to the spa together before Twilight. I know it's been a while but don't be modest." Grabbing you lightly by the ear with her magic she softly pulls you with her as she trots to the side of the swimming pool sized tub. Not enough to hurt, but enough to get you moving.

"Well, can you get in by yourself?" She giggles at your blush. No way out of this it seems. may as well mare up and hop in at this point. Following close behind you, Rarity goes over to the side to scrutinize her selection of products. "Have you been taking care of your mane? Anon doesn't seem the type to spend much on shampoos."

"He just has some human stuff, it's ok."

"Oh no no that just wouldn't do. Come here, I know just what you need!"

You back away from the determined gleam in her eyes as she approaches you with 3 different bottles in tow. "I can wash my own mane..."

"Perhaps you can, but not today!"

With her wading towards you faster and faster you soon run out of tub to escape too! "Wait, hold on!"

Your cries for mercy are ignored as she once again grabs you with her magic taboo! and turns you around.

"Ra-Mistress please I'm not a filly!"

"You're my filly as long as your mane is in such dire straits Twilight."

With no real choice you eventually resign yourself to the washing. The ear pulling wasn't painful, but it was clear she planned on having her way. May as well behave and make it easier on yourself. Besides it was kind of nice to have someone take care of you for once.

"I'm sending you home with some of my products. You've already got split ends and those cheap human shampoos are only going to make it worse."

"Yes ma'am..." Aggressive washing is aggressive! Your head bounces all over the place as she really digs her hooves into your mane.

"Oh don't be so drab, I know this feels fantastic."

Ok it does feel nice, but you aren't going to admit that to her or yourself. You're also fairly sure this counts as gentling. Like you need MORE psychological conditioning messing with your head right now!

Instead of giving her the satisfaction of telling her it's nice, you just sit like a statue while she has her fun.

"No comment? Have it your way, but Just for that I'm now doing your coat as well."

Ugh, you groan and hang your head until she pulls it back up to rinse out the 3rd application of product out of your mane. "Just think, if you're a good girl you get this kind of brushing instead of the 'other' kind."

The kind that involves a sore seat, yeah yeah you get it...

"Tail darling."

She tabs your underwater rump to get you to raise it. No no no no no. "Please, I can do the tail myself..."

"Don't be silly just get it up here." Wrapping her the base of your tail in her magic she starts to pull! The sensation of having your tail pulled is like nothing else and instantly your whole rear shoots out of the water! Pushing you forward off the side of the tub, she soon has you bending over the edge with your tail end completely out of the water.

"Rarity this is embarrassing!"

"Hmm, the price of disobedient I suppose."

Is she smirking back there?! You turn your head back to plead with your eyes, but she doesn't even spare you glance. Instead her eyes focusing on lathering up your tail with the soapy shampoo.

"I envy you Twilight."


"You've never had anyone do this have you? My first owner loved to bathe me, it's some kind of an obsessions for some of them"

Wow, that sounds awkward.

"It was as pleasant as you can imagine. Those little monkey hands touching me all over..." You can feel the shiver through her hooves. "I hope my hooves are a bit kinder, this isn't our first time at least."

That does help that communal bathing was fairly common back in equestria. While not a big deal for unicorns, the less magically inclined races had no real way of scrubbing their backs. As a result bathing with family or friends was a common activity. Rarity's scrubbed you plenty of times in the past, but this time it was still somehow different. The power dynamic of the situation is always in the back of your mind, plus the way she so easily marehandled you with her magic when you resisted.

"There, back in the water now."

She doesn't have to tell you twice. A less awkward posture is welcome as you climbed back into the tub.

Catching the look you're shooting her she offers you an apologetic smile. "I hope this isn't too unpleasant for you. I don't get an opportunity to be hooves on with any pony anymore. I fear it would frighten the girls and I don't want to put them through what I've been through."

Expressing concern for her properties feelings? That's a first. No way you're gonna say that though.

"It's fine, it's just been a long time." Sure it was a bit awkward, but you know she's not gonna molest or abuse you, it's still Rarity.

"Oh this is why I want you darling! I can be so me around you!" She squishing your face with her hooves and rubs noses with you!

You can't help but notice yesterday her justifications were all about keeping you safe, but now they're suddenly about you making her feel comfortable. Of course no one else wants to snuggle or bathe with her when she's so strict with them. If you lived here would that strictness ever turn on you? So far she'd been gentle even when upset with you. This morning's single smack makes you kinda question that sense of safety though.

Turning you back around Rarity begins to lather up your back with her various coat shampoos.

Ok, you admit this feels great at this point, but more importantly you can tell it's doing wonders for her. Up until now she'd always seemed to serious. Sure she'd give you a smile when you caught her eye, but most the time it was the visage of someone planning, calculating, never relaxed. Now she's genuinely smiling, even humming as she picks up a foreleg to wash it.

This is what she needs. A friend to let her be herself instead of another slave to break beneath her hoof.

Could that be you though? Your strength of will wasn't what it used to be. If she starts to pressure you to behave some specific way you'll probably crumble. If she starts to discipline you'd absolutely break and fall in line just like you did with Anon.

Your kick around the possibilities until jarred back to reality by a knock at the door.

"Come in Lilly."

A young unicorn mare trots in with a load of fresh towels in her magic.

"Here are the towels you asked for mistress. Do you want to start on your makeup now?" Her magic looks a bit weak. It seems she's so focused on keeping the towels under control she didn't notice where the two of you were at.

"Well it might be a bit soon for that dear."

"What? Why? what are - oh!" She looks up and finally notices what's going on.

"Lilly this is Twilight, I don't believe the two of you have met."

She's kind enough to NOT stop bathing you as she introduces you. Yeah it's not awkward at all as she turns you around again and begins to lather up your chest right in front of the new mare! Ponies usually help each other with backs, not everything else...

Lilly clearly finds it as awkward as you based on her blush.

Oh gods her hoof just keeps going lower and lower as she reaches into the water to scrub your underbelly. If she keeps going down you're going to have a real problem on your hooves here!

Your discomfort is so easy to read she giggles. "Good fillies get to do this themselves you know."

Wow thanks for being patronizing in front of someone, that's just great!

"Alright I'm sorry. Just please let me do it..." You practically whimper the last part, but it seems to do the trick.

"I'll let you off the hook this time, but only because I think you've learned a lesson in cooperation." You sure have. A mane washing is pleasant compared to where her hooves were slowly moving towards.

She floats her products over to you as she herself climbs out of the tub.

"Getting out already?" You ask.

"Hmm? Oh yes I bathed last night." So she only got in to play with you, lovely. "I do need to do my makeup though. Lilly? Let's get started shall we?"

Sinking further into the water you're finally able to relax now that you're alone.

"You can soak for a minute Twilight but breakfast is soon."

Whatever. You sink your head beneath the water for a moment of solitary peace and silence. What a weird start to the day.

Act 2: Chapter 7

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You're re eventually fished out of the bathtub by Rarity when you failed to get out yourself. Why aren't you just stay here the rest of the day? You're a merpony now, go away.

The bubbly water offers great visual cover but she finally managed to snag you around the stomach with her magic.

"I am the sea! Put me back!", You're good though; you even let her dry you with a towel since Lilly already left.

"One would think you haven't had a proper bath in ages little fish." She teases

"Anon's bath is way smaller than yours. I can't exactly swim in it like that."

"I did told you you'd love my bathroom!" Her sing song voice is totally bragging, but technically she's right .

"I never said I wouldn'tttttt" Tail clamp! She doesn't need to dry there!

"I swear you can be such a filly. Ah well, dry enough."

Her lack of concern for personal space is getting to be an issue. Then again she also lacks concern for your personal freedom and a bunch of other rights. Maybe you have to pick and choose your battles here. You take the towel in your magic and dry your own backside thank you very much while she starts to brush your mane.

"Now the reason I wanted to borrow you for 2 days was because that's how long these tests usually take. However, you finished everything rather ahead of schedule by destroying most of our prototypes. You might need to hold back a little next time, but either way everyone down in R&D was very impressed. Even if I can't acquire, hopefully we can still get you back over here on a regular basis to help us again."

It WAS fun flexing your magical muscles again.

"That said you are going to help me convince Anon yes?"

Crap. Your life with Anon might be boring but he's nowhere near as 'intense' as your time with RArity has already been. You aren't entirely sure she's in her right state of mind at this point, and that's assuming she doesn't crack down even harder on your 'training' when the leash is actually in her hooves.

Visiting when you can and hopefully being a positive influence in her life? Sure, absolutely.

Being owned by her?

You're fairly sure the only thing that saved you from a beating that first day in the medical wing was the fact you weren't technically aren't hers to punish. Yet.

"I'll have to have a long chat with him." Deflecting? Ha, no of course you aren't deflecting!

"But you do want to come and be mine do you not?" The question's a little aggressive. Did you already offended her by not jumping at the opportunity?

"I-I'd really have to talk about it with Anon first. He's not so bad..." Please don't pressure you.

She sighs and takes a seat at her vanity where she can look down on you. "I'm glad he's good to you Twilight, but you absolutely need to be careful. He's a man, what if he gets lonely one night, hmm?"

Holy shit why does everyone think Anon is 5 minutes from creampieing you?!?

"Oh it starts out innocent enough. Just some cuddling, he promises no funny business of course. Then a quick blowjob right? it's not big deal. Next thing you know he's not asking he's telling and believe me darling he's the only one having a good time."

"Rarity he's not like that!"

"I'd love to believe you darling, but I thought the same thing about Danny... It gets easier for them after the first time. Before you know it he's coming to your room every night for his little 'pony ride'."

"T-That's horrible Rarity. I'm so sorry, but I don't think Anon will-"

She suddenly slams a hoof down on the vanity and leans toward you aggressively! "You don't think? You hope? Twilight I love you, but you're being unbelievably naive right now! I know how humans are! You've been lucky so far, but sooner or later THIS WILL HAPPEN! If not by Anon then a neighbor, or his friend, or your next owner! I've been there, my girls have been there, all mares will be there if the humans have anything to say about it!"

Holy buck this came out of nowhere! Mood swings due to imbalanced hormones? Past trauma?

"I don't understand why you're fighting me on this!?!" She hops off the chair and starts to quickly circle you, you would back away but she's so fast you can only spin your head to keep an eye on her!

"Rarity please calm down!"

"Still Rarity is it?!" She sighs and rubs the bridge of her nose with a hoof.

"I mean mis-"

"Shush! I've been very patient with you Twilight. I've tried using the carrot these past few days, but maybe your the type that only respond to the stick! You won't be the first stubborn mare I've handled!" Stopping in front of you she float the brush between the two of your threateningly!

Now's the time for panic! Back away! Back away! "Stop please! We can talk about this!"

"About what?! What else can I offer you Twilight?? I've been very kind, the only thing Anon gives you that I haven't is this! Maybe this is exactly what I need to get through to you! "

"No, hold on! Wait!" Your loud protest do nothing to stop the aggressive marehandling you receive from her magic! Picking you up in her magic, she turns you around and throws you over the edge of the bathtub you back into!

No no no! You desperately try to wiggle out of her grasp! A position like this has never ended well for you in the past!

"There no shame in needing a firm hoof Twilight! I don't want to do this, but if you won't listen to reason then this is for your own good!"

"Stop it! Let me go!"

You try to swing a forehoof at her only to be rewarded with her magic grabbing that limb too and pinning it behind your back. She even pushes your front half further over the edge of the tub raising your flanks high into the air!

Shit shit shit no! She's raising the brush!

"You do not! Tell me! What! To! Do!" to your horror punctuates every word with a heavy SMACK across your exposed flanks!

It burns sweet celestia it burns! The heavy hairbrush in her magic is even worse than you'd imagined! "Ow ow ow! Stop it! You can't! You can't do this!

"I can" SMACK! "and I will" WHACK! "because you'll be mine soon enough!" CRACK CRACK CRACK! "I'll make your anon an offer he can't refuse!"

Ow ow ow! Make it stop! She can't do this, you aren't hers!

"You'll be mine, and we will do whatever it takes for you to LEARN! YOUR! PLACE!" Ow ow ow! That's going to leave a mark!

"Stoppp! Pleaseee!" You kick your hooves and struggle desperately as she pours on the pain!

The seconds turn into minutes as she turns your purple plot redder and redder with no sign of stopping! You can't take this! It hurts To much! not just your flanks but your heart as one of your best friend abuses you!

"Please mistress! Please please please!"

Huffing from exertion Rarity finally slows down your rapid fire tail tanning. "Oh now it's mistress? I suppose that means you can learn! I hate that I had to do this Twilight, but I will do whatever it takes to protect you. Even if that means protecting you from yourself."

Your brain and your backside both tell you to submit. To just say yes ma'am, tell her you were sorry, and that you'll do whatever she says. But you know that's not what she needs. The last thing she needs is another submissive yes mare. What she needs a friend to stand up to her.

Easier said than done with the pain your currently in, but here goes nothing. "Anyone will do what you say if you abuse them enough, but that doesn't make you right!"

A growling Rarity raises the brush back to your hot seat and pats a cheek! "I admire your will Twilight, I really do, but this simply isn't a fight you can win!"

"Just listen OWWW to yourself! I'm worried about youuuuu! Ohhhh!"

"You'd be wise to worry less about me and more about yourself!" She doesn't lose a beat as she flattens your cheeks again and again, the burning sensation now upgraded into a raging fire in your cheeks!

"Look at yourselffFFFF! OWWWW! Look what you're doing!"

"I'm helping you!"

"You're beating me!!" To your immense relief the new wave of pain stops immediately. That seemed to have really got her attention! No backing off your offensive now now! gotta strike while the iron's hot! "The Rarity I know wouldn't beat her friends into submission!"

For the first time you see uncertainty in her eyes. "Y-you made me do this. If you were just a good girl..."

Oh Celestia it feels so good to catch your breath! Your backside is throbbing like there's no tomorrow, and the bottom of the tub has a few tears in it, but your voice only shakes a little as you confront her. "Why do you want to buy me?"

"T-to protect you... from those monstrous humans." You can feel her conflicted eyes still glued to your rump.

"To protect me?! And this is any better?! Look at what you did!"

Your tail fell when as relaxed from her magical grip, but you rise it yourself to force her to confront her actions.

"It might not be rape, but if this is what I'm afraid of every time I open my mouth what kind of life is that?"

"You're a smart mare... you'll learn..."

"I don't want to learn to be your slave Rarity I want to be me!"

That snaps her out of her daze! She looks past your backside and into your eyes with a fiery look of her own! "Well you don't get what you want Twilight! What if something happens to me and you're sold off again? A real master would eat you alive! This backtalk would end is much much worse than a little spanked flank!"

"P-please Rarity I'm sorry your experience was horrible but mine doesn't have to be! This isn't the generous mare I knew!"

"You're right, it isn't! You know what happened to that mare? While you were out playing in the woods she was being used and bred like an animal! The only generosity in this world is to do everything in my power to make sure that doesn't happen to others too!"

Without warning she yanks your tail up and smashes the brush into your relaxed rear end! Your lack of preparation shows as you squeal like a filly! "NO NO NO STOPPPP!"


You can feel the bruises forming as she punishes you even harder than ever! It seems like there's no getting through to her and your plushy pony posterior CAN NOT take more of this!

Pouring everything you have into your horn you desperately scrap together the mana to to reach into your pocket dimension. The element's your last hope! A task hard enough with just your ring feels impossible while also suffering Rarity's thrashing at the same time! You have to do this though! For her, for you!

Where finesse and concentration fail you raw power will have to do!

Your horn bursts into brilliant light as the molten slag formally known as your horn ring drips to the bottom of the tub. It's a sloppy magic but the element of generosity explodes into being and lands right on your croup.

"Wha-What is this?"

Oh sweet glorious Celestia she stopped! You collapse over the side of the tub in magical, physical, and emotional exhaustion.

"It's your..." Oh gods, got to catch your breath, "it's your element."

"I-I don't understand. Why is it broken?"

"Because, this isn't generosity!" You wince and pray that's not too far, but what else can you say?

Just please let it be over! You promised yourself you'd be strong, but in reality you're at your limit! Any more 'quality time' with the back of her brush and you'd break down into a pathetic pleading broken mess!

She's quiet but you dare not look back. If more is coming you don't want to know ahead of time.

"Please, I'm just worried about you. Please no more..." You close your eyes and try to suppress your fear. The silence though... It keeps making you expect the worse.

What if it didn't work? what if she's just going to beat you more? You can't take anymore you just can't! You'll break completely and be just another trophy mare for her collection! But more blows don't come, instead you feel her lift away in her magic.

"I did this?" Her voice is soft, the fiery anger that tore you up now gone. Is there hope?

"I don't really know when it happened. I only checked it after you came over to Anon's house the other day..."

"Lost faith in me so soon?"

Your ears droop, she sounds so sad. "I'm sorry, you were just so... Not what I expected."

She pats you haunches twice as if to signal something. "You can get down darling, no more."

It's as if Celestia herself had parted the heavens to assure you everything would be fine!

With immense relief you climb down off the side of the tub. Your everything is sore, not only from the discipline but the painful position it was done in. Even just trying to sit down on the hard tile floor proves to be a mistake. You whimper as your flanks protest and instead opt to lay down on your stomach.

You're busy inspecting the damage in the mirror behind when you hear something placed on the floor in front of you.

Her brush.

Just the sight of it makes you whimper and splay back your ears in submission.

"The way I see it we're at an impasse Twilight. I see now why you had your concerns, and I'm willing to listen. Let's just talk, yes?"

"I-I'd like that." You can't take your eyes off the brush though, did she put it there as a threat? A reminder? It's not floating menacingly anymore, but it still clearly has a meaning sitting between the two of you.

"Now the element, what does this mean? Is it ruined?"

"It isn't destroyed. The magic's still there and it's still connected to you it's just... wrong... damaged..."

"And you think that's because I'm wrong?"

Fuck fuck fuck! Back it up slowly. She's going to explode, she's going to start all over again!

A hoof interrupts your constant vigil of the brush and picks your chin up to look her in the eye.

"It's ok. You aren't going to be get in trouble, you've had enough. You can tell me the truth I promise."

You gulp, here goes nothing. "I-I think all you've gone through has changed you, hurt you. A-and it hurt the element too."

Floating the element between the two of you she stares at it sadly. "I guess that's hard to argue with. Even I know I'm not the same mare I was 6 years ago. Am I right to assume you have a suggestion?"

"You just need a friend Rarity! You've been alone for so long here at the top that you forgot what it means to be a pony!"

The alabaster mare sighs and runs a hoof through her mane, "You just don't get it Twilight, I don't get to be a pony. Ponies go back to their cages and I have a responsibility to my mares to protect them."

"But Rarity you're spaying them! You're beating them!"

You said you've be strong but the sudden outburst terrifies you! You throw your hooves over your head and wait for the beating to begin again!

But it doesn't. The moments pass as you tremble and cower, but the only thing that comes is her now small voice. "I'm sorry."

You dare to peek up at her. She's wiping her own eyes and looking away from you. "I heard you out now will you hear me?"


"I don't like being the bad guy. I don't like being the bully. But as I said, I also can't guarantee I'll always be in charge around here. I escaped that life due to some silly lawyer's tricks. I fear all it would take is another trick to put me right back. So I try to prepare every mare I own for the future. They learn respect and obedience to make their lives easier. Yes, they lose their right to foals to keep them from the breeders. Do you know where my little filly is Twilight? They took her from me when she was less than a year old, I don't even know if she's alive. No mare should have to live through that and none of mine will."

You can at least appreciate where she's coming from even if you don't accept the result. Celestia always told you that understanding was the first step to peace.

"I'm sorry about your filly and I understand your motivations, but I can't agree with your conclusions."

"A compromise then?" She turns back towards you and lays down on the floor just like you, eye to eye.

"You don't agree with my methods, I get that. I don't agree with your willfulness, but I also don't want to lose you from my life. Anon seems to really like you, I'm sure you could convince him to keep you from me permanently, but neither of us really want that. So how about this, temporary immunity. Once or twice a week we can have a 100% totally honest heart to heart. You can share your concerns complaints and arguments about anything and everything I've done without fear of discipline. I'llargue my side, but you'll be completely safe."

Sounds conditional, but what you wanted nevertheless, kinda how compromises work really.

"And in return?"

"The rest of the time you listen to me. You listen to me, you be a good girl and you submit to discipline if you act out."

You whimper and break eye contact, she talks about it so casually!

"No no, look at me." You let her place a hoof under your chin again and guide your eyes back to her own.

"I know you don't like the idea. I don't like the idea of letting you argue with me freely either. I think it undermines my efforts, but this is how a good compromises work, neither side is perfectly happy. I promise I'll take your concerns seriously when it's your turn, but I also promise to do what I've done tonight when it's mine. Do you understand?"

You nod.


It's a little strange hugging someone who was very recently so mad at you, but it feels good anyway.

"Now, I've already had my turn tonight so tell me honestly. Do you want to come be mine, or do you wish to stay with Anon?"

Any other time, or with any other master, you'd be scanning her eyes for signs of deceit. A tip that this was just fishing for another excuse to get on to you. But not right now. Right now she's genuine.

"I want to spend more time with you, I really do. I want to try to change your mind on a few things but being owned by you? Honestly, no. Not yet, I just don't feel ready. Maybe I can talk Anon into letting me visit often. You said they appreciated my work downstairs I'd love to come help anytime you need."

She looks a little sad but nods her head in agreement.

"Yes yes I'm sure Anon and I could come up with a more permanent agreement, perhaps a few days a week or so."

Reaching up she suddenly boops your nose! "You know you really are going to break the bank like this darling. I always hated renting, it just feels like throwing money away when you could be buying."

"But I'm worth it right?"

"You certainly are."