five years

by InklingBear

First published

After five years, Moondancer sets out to unleash her aggression out on Twilight and her Canterlot friends over not showing up to her get together party.

After five long empty years, Moondancer sets out to unleash her years of aggression out on Twilight and her Canterlot friends over not showing up to her get together party. This is heavily based off of a living nightmare of a song I've collaborated on titled "YANDANCER", and to this day I've still not been able to live it down.


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~ Five Years ~

If Moondancer's intelligent little memory was correct, it was approximately five years ever since Twilight Sparkle and Spike the dragon left her alone without saying goodbye before the two of them moved away to Ponyville together.

Five. Long. Empty. Years.

She was clearly afraid to socialize with anypony down in Canterlot, much like Twilight was when they were young little fillies back in Magic Kindergarten. She would rather stay completely isolated from the rest of the Equestrian world reading books, studying books, with no given intent. Just the good ol' piece and quiet is all she ever wanted to do whatever satisfied her adorkable needs alone.

It really was a very sad and gloomful half decade for her, not willing to go out into the world and make some friends. Nopony seemed to pay her any mind, or even think to stop by and ask her about her day or anything similar to that, just rather not waste time and minded their own business and let her perform her own tasks that suited her desires. All she really wanted, was to try to come out of her shell and be surrounded by the ones who care about her deeply, especially Twilight since they share similar personalities together, but it would all go downhill from there. It didn't work out for her the one time she tried doing so but clearly, a piece of the party was missing before it could truly change her life.

Inside her poorly lit interior of her house, the slightly hostile, but poorly groomed unicorn herself was sitting there in her chair, reading about some more science material on her desk that she could use to help her in the near future. But then, after a couple more minutes studying more of the subject, there was a soft knock on her door. Seconds passed as Moondancer sat there, looking directly at her worn out wood door before the knocking came back, only it was slightly louder than last time.

She got up from her chair, walking over to her front door. She heard unintelligible chatter coming from the other side of the door as she approached closer to the door before a piece of the door was punched out on the inside, startling her as she walked a few steps back. As she got close to the door, she opened it up with her telekinesis, revealing that there was Twilight, Spike, Minuette, Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts with smiles all around, along with a convenient little present with something nice hidden inside the wrapped box without the very former's knowledge.

"Moondancer! It's been so long since we've seen each other!" Twilight exclaimed.

As they all greeted the isolated unicorn with positive attitudes, without knowing something was coming to them, Moondancer casted a brand new spell that she has never used before on the quintet. They all started feeling rather weak and tired, before they all fell down on the concrete ground one by one.

"What... are... you..."

The four ponies including the baby dragon were all passed out now, not moving a single muscle as Moondancer looked both ways, checking to make sure nopony was around to see her incident before using her telekinesis to drag each of the unicorns in one by one inside her dark home, including her present.

10 minutes later

It was gloomy outside now, thunder clapping with heavy amounts of rain came crashing down onto Canterlot. The spell has worn off on the four ponies and the baby dragon now, as they all woke up simultaneously to find themselves all tied up together with a strong resisting rope, duct tape applied across their mouths, except for Twilight where she's currently hung upside down on one of Moondancer's walls with a blindfold secured tightly around her sights right in front of the four soon to be victims. They all mumbled to each other, extremely confused as they were trying to piece together whatever was going on now, before the isolated unicorn herself walked in right between the two parties, now becoming just a dark and insane one as she levitated a titanium bat by her side. The three Canterlot unicorns looked at her in understandable confusion before Moondancer began to unleash a little tirade on her former friends she once had.

"Now. I'll assume you have absolutely no idea what the hell is going on here, but soon enough, you will."

Twilight made a potential attempt to question her, in hopes to solving the predicament they are currently in. "Moondancer? What has gotten into you? Why are you doing this?"

The isolated unicorn's fury builded up as she answers her back. "Why? I'll gladly tell you exactly why I'm doing this."

She paused for a brief moment as she cleared her throat before she continued her monologue as Twilight's Canterlot victims grow more anxious and terrified by the second.

"It's been five years, Twilight. Five. Fucking. Years. And now, let me tell you all something that I have been meaning to get out of my system since the day you decided to fucking abandon me, Twilight. That party I threw back then, was an attempt for me to come out of my zone and finally manage to make some friends. That was only the first time I put myself out there and then you didn't even bother to show yourself. We were supposed to be BEST friends, but no, you decided to leave town without even thinking to say goodbye or nothing! Don't you know how humiliating that is? Throwing a little get together party and making some friends and not lending me a GOOD reason why you couldn't make it? I mean, who the fuck does that?!"

"But we were there, Moondancer..." Minuette retaliated.

"...In spirit!" Twinkleshine added.

Moondancer turned back to the trio of ponies. "That may be true, but when was the last time we've actually sparked a simple damn conversation with each other?"

The three ponies and Spike sat there quietly, unable to whip up a good answer in time to give to the broken unicorn.

"Exactly!" She continued. "Up until now, we haven't spoken a single word to each other in how many years? FIVE. And the worst part? You three managed to convince me that I had good value, that ponies might like to befriend me for who I truly am inside! And not only that, I ended up cutting off ties with everypony around me because of this, and ever since then I learned that having friends could be a bad thing, First they'll tell you that we're gonna be the greatest friends in the history of Equestria, and then once that potential opportunity comes, they'll somehow end in utter betrayal that can never be resolved!"

She started to see the color red as she walked back over to an anxious and scared Twilight Sparkle, her heart racing before Moondancer's insanity would soon get the better of her, influencing the lonely unicorn to lash out at her one last time as she got herself into position to do some harm, shedding unremorseful tears in the process.

"...because YOU. DIDN'T. FUCKING. SHOW. UP!"

Those six words alone hit everypony home where it hurts. She swung her bat with great force, making direct, painful contact with the purple horse's cranium as it shattered into a couple of pieces upon impact, fragments of her innocent skull puncturing her intelligent brain. Twilight barely had any time to think before another blow came to her head again, this time shattering her alicorn horn, greatly affecting her royal duties as being the role of a princess in Equestria.

She couldn't do anything from that point onwards as she felt that she has been demoted down to just a pegasus now, blood slowly started gushing out of her wounds as it would soon make contact on the rusty wood floor, slowly gathering the fateful feeling that she was fading away from the classified one horse town as she lost more of her metallic red blood.

Her Canterlot friends along with the baby dragon sat there helplessly as they all observed Moondancer unleashing her pent up, tranquil aggression on the Princess of Friendship in traumatizing horror before they all cried out to stop the shocking violence.

"Moondancer, stop!" The trio of Canterlot unicorns loudly muffled, attempting to use their magic to aid Twilight to no avail, only to find out their magic was useless now as Moondancer somehow managed to find a way to disable their telekinesis.

"Twiliiiiiiight!" Spike cried out.

After delivering a couple sharp blows to the purple horse's poor intelligent head, she turned around to the three ponies and the dragon, her face and shirt covered in drips of the princess's blood as the three unicorns would start to shake in fear now, horrified at her actions before they all thought to themselves wondering what she's gonna do next.

Spike was really crying now, shedding a stream of tears as he was absolutely mortified with the aftermath of Moondancer's brutality on the horse that raised and cared for him since birth. Twilight laid there extremely motionless, still hanging upside down as her head was still bleeding from the blows to her head, actually managing to hear what was going on with her friends as they were about to fall victim to the same beatdown that she tearfully gave her.

"You three bastards looked me dead in my eyes...and you all fucking lied to me...every. single. one of you..." She levitated her bloody bat up high with no given qualms, swinging it across each and everypony including the innocent little dragon as they muffledly screamed in terror, making direct contact with their faces and craniums as they would soon start to fracture badly and painfully like Twilight Sparkle's.

Their faces got more defaced with each tortorous blow, their injuries blackening as each painful second that passes as Moondancer delivers her worst upon her victims, who were her former friends back then while Twilight's mouth was agape, gasping in shock as she heard the impact of the isolated unicorn's bat was loud and clear to her equine earlobes before her leg was free of the noose now, dropping her down on the wood floor below, head first as her own blood splattered out around a couple of square inches right in front of her.

Their faces were gravely wounded now as the four all fell back, motionlessly bleeding all over the wood floors. They were all dead within several seconds after the brutal beatdown.

Moondancer was feeling slightly better after unloading five long years worth of anger out on the party before she walked back over to Twilight, noticing that she's still alive after suddenly twitching a muscle in her hind leg. She was ready to get this entire ordeal over with, preparing to unleash the remaining aggression she had in her system out on Twilight's helpless body. She took a deep breath, before levitating her bat again up high.

"Looks like I'm gonna have to end a bitch, right here." she said, in a rather sinister tone. "If I can't have you as a fucking friend...nopony will!"

As she was about to lay the steel weapon into her face, Twilight struggles to extend one of her hooves, as she soon made contact with Moondancer's chest to where her beating heart is, causing the aggressive unicorn to pause her senseless brutality to give the poor purple alicorn a chance to reason with her.

"Moondancer..." she quietly said, slipping away with each word that read her lips as her voice sounded more subtle. "Please, I'm sorry... for what I've done..., I didn't mean to skip out on your party... but I still find myself at fault... for not knowing how much that party meant for you..., for that... you have every right to lash out at me... but don't let somepony's mistake... stop you... from... making... friends..."

That important life aesop hit her dead in her head as she stared down at the brutally beaten horse for seconds, for what seemed like minutes before the Princess of Friendship finally slipped away for good, her hoof started slowly sliding off of her sweater, making contact with the pool of blood on the floor. A long moment of absolute silence filled the red interior of her room as she laid there on the floor, her eyes rather fixated on Moondancer's regretful facial expression before she passed away seconds after she involuntarily bled out. Moondancer tried to respond to her about what she had said to her, but it was unfortunately too late.

"T...Twilight..?" She softly said.

Nopony in the room responded to her. She started to shed more tears again, influencing her to stop levitating the messy bat, making hard impact of the red floor as pools of blood splashed out more, painting the wood floors with more of the Princess' metallic red liquid.

She continued to stare deep down at her lifeless and bloody corpse as she turned away from her deceased soon to be friend in despair, her ears flopped as to what a horrible and traumatizing mistake she has committed.

" wait... It can't be..." She felt like she could never live this action down, her body trembling in morbid fear as she walked over to the present the four unicorns and the dragon brought over to the house. Out of shear curiosity, she used her telekinesis to open up the container.

Inside was framed photograph of Moondancer's Canterlot friends along with Twilight eating muffins together, having a good, quality time with Spike the baby dragon crudely photoshopped on one side of the frame. The second she laid eyes upon the picture of the five ponies together is what hit her home. Her eyes quickly widened, irises shrunken as she felt completely destroyed now that she has killed her former Canterlot friends, even including Twilight Sparkle and Spike.

"What... in Equestria... have I done..."

Her eyes streamed down saltwater tears, throwing her head down again in despair and shame as she was quick to realize that she was truly removed from what she has left now. No friends, no family members, all gone. There was nothing left in her traumatic and depressing life now, nothing except for her books she intends to study with.

"Why... did I... have to do that..." she softly said. "Just... why..."

She was completely alone now. She proceeded to lay all the way down on her floorboards, curling up into a ball before she started bawling out hysterically, all while she twitched around. She was at it for minutes before she got a hold of herself to pause her waterworks to speak to herself again. "I'll never forgive myself for this. Never..."

The gloomy weather stopped now as it was shifting over to night now, darkening the interior of Moondancer's house before the room was filled up completely in pitch black.

~ End... ~