Spikes First Playboy Magazine

by Spikemaster105

First published

Spike is a Twelve year old boy who one day his big brother and father realised he's old enough to have a Playboy Magazine, but when his friends visit's he decides to show them the Magazine.

Spike is a Twelve year old boy who one day his big brother and father realised he's old enough to have a Playboy Magazine, then his friends visit's as he decides to show them the Magazine.

Warning: this one shot story has Preteen that are going through puberty and looking at a Playboy Magazine, there is no sex in this story


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It was a Saturday and with a Twelve year old Spike in his room sitting on his bed while getting talked to by his smirking big brother and father.

"Son....me and your brother been doing some thinking and we think your old enough to own a 'Special' Magazine", the man said smirking as his eldest son nodded in agreement.

"What kind of Special Magazine dad", the boy asked out of curiosity, then saw him pull a rolled up Magazine out of his back pocket and unrolled it.

"This kind of Special Magazine Spike...behold, every teenage boy's prized treasure", the boy named Shining Armor said smirking as he grabbed the Magazine from his dad.

Shining gave him the Magazine, then the boys eyes widen in shock and with a red face when he saw what kind it was.

The Magazine had a half naked woman on the cover that was just in her panties and giving the camara bedroom eyes with the word Playboy on it.

Spike couldn't take his eye's off the woman's boobs, then his father and big brother snickered when he opened it and started turning from page to page.

"It's all yours son...and please for our sakes...do not, I repeat do NOT let your sister see it, especially your mother", his father told him as the boy nodded closing it with a smile.

Night Light and Shining Armor exited the bedroom while Spike decided to check the Magazine out, he opened it up and saw all kind of women as some were in very revealing outfits and some weren't.

"Damn....some of these women have big boobs and some don't", he said to himself grinning as he was looking at how they were posing.

He saw how some of the women were laying down with smirks and how some were grabbing their breasts to make them look bigger.

He even saw how some were laying down on their backs naked with bedroom eye's with their woman hood exposed and their legs opened.

The boy suddenly felt himself getting a stiff below the waist from looking at the Magazine, he put it down and looked down and saw what that he got hard.

"Shit", he said to himself panicking as he started fixing his shorts before his dad or Shining walks in and sees that he's hard.

Later that day, Spike his dad and brother was eating lunch and the adult and teen was getting ready to leave to pick up Velvet and Twilight Sparkle.

After awhile, they heard the door bell ring and Night Light got up and answered it to see two smiling boys around Spikes age, these were Rumble and Tender Taps.

"Hey Mr Light, is Spike home", Rumble asked smiling as he nodded and let them in, they walked towards the kitchen and saw that their friend had finished eating.

"Hey Rumble and Tender", the boy said putting his dish away with a smile as his father and brother was getting ready to leave.

"Hey son, me and your brother are gonna go pick up your mother and sister, were be back in a couple of hour's before it gets dark ok", Night Light told his son smiling as he walked out the door.

"Your gonna be ok by yourself Spike", Shining asked just incase as the boy suddenly got an idea and nodded.

"I'll be ok by myself Shining", he told his brother as the teen nodded and walked out the house also following his dad to the car.

Spike turned to his friends saying with a grin, "since it's just us, you wanna see something cool", he asked his friends as they smirked with interest and nodded.

Then Spike told them to follow him upstairs to his room as they did, when they entered his room with him the boy took the Playboy Magazine out from under his matress.

Rumble and Tender eyes widen in shock when they saw it, "dude, is that a Playboy Magazine", the athletic boy asked in shock as Spike nodded smirking.

"My dad and big brother gave me it, and it's all mine", he said as his friends suddenly grinned and sat on the bed.

"Open it, we wanna see", Rumble said grinning as Spike nodded and sat down between them and opened the Magazine up.

"My god, some of these women have boobs of different sizes", Tender said grinning as he was looking at one woman who had bedroom eyes and grabbing her nipples.

Rumble didn't say anything as he was busy looking at one woman with her legs opened with bedroom eyes and her pussy exposed.

Spike turned the page and they saw another woman that was naked on all fours while looking back at the camara with bedroom eyes and smirking.

Then they saw another woman in a thong but was bra less, she was kissing another woman who was also in a thong and had no bra.

The three boys felt themselves getting stiff below the waist the more they looked at the Magazine, then when Rumble got up the boys gave him disgust looks.

"Dude, your hard", Spike said disgustingly as the athletic boy looked down and saw what was poking through his shorts.

He covered himself embarrassed that he was hard in front of his friends, "damn it, this was the second time this happened", he said to himself as he started adjusting his shorts.

Spike and Tender became confused and as the boy asked, "when was your first time getting hard", then Rumble sat down on the bed again.

"You don't wanna know", the athletic boy told him looking away.

"Plus your dad and big brother would bury me alive if they find out I had a wet dream about your big sister tutoring me and removing a peace of her clothing everytime I got a math question right", he thought to himself grinning as he remembers that dream.

Then all three boys turn their attention back to the Playboy Magazine as Spike turned the page, "damn, the boobs on this one", Tender said grinning as the boy turned the Magazine side ways.

Hour's later when the sun was setting, a car pulled up to the house and Shining Night Light Velvet and Twilight got out of it with smiles while talking.

"It was nice visiting Grandma again", Twilight told them smiling as she adjusted her glasses.

"Thanks for picking us up Night Light", Velvet told her husband smiling as she gave him a kiss causing him to smile.

"Your welcome Velvet", he said smiling, then they unlocked the door and entered the house.

"Spike, we're home", Twilight called with a smile, but they didn't hear him respond or start walking down the stairs as the family became confused yet concerned.

"Spike...you home", Velvet called up the stairs, but got no answer back and was now worried that something bad happened to her little boy.

They started walking upstairs as they were hoping nothing bad happened to Spike, when they were close to his room they could hear talking from Spike Rumble and Tender Taps.

"Now this woman, she has a nice pair of tits", they heard Rumble say as they hear the two boys agreed.

Their eyes widen in shock but Night Light and Shining eyes widen in fear and slowly backed away knowing what his son and his friends are looking at.

Velvet and Twilight walked in the room and saw the three boys looking a Playboy Magazine with a couple of them on the side, they glared asking, "what are you boys looking at".

They heard her and started to panic as they drop the Magazine in fear, "mom Twi...uh....w-when did you get home", Spike asked in fear that he might get in trouble.

Velvet and Twilight looked down at the Magazines and gasped, then glared at the three boys, "why are earth are you three looking at Playboy Magazines", the woman asked with stern glares, especially towards her son.

"Who gave you these Magazine's Spike", Twilight asked her little brother in a stern voice as he glared at her.

"Hey, only one of them is mine", he told her before covering his mouth in shock, the three boys know they are in trouble anyways so they sighed in defeat.

"It was dad and Shining that gave me the Magazine...as for the rest of them, I found them in Shining's room underneath his bed in a box", Spike told them as Velvet's and Twilight's eye's twitched and widen.

With Night Light and Shining about to open the front door, "NIGHT LIGHT AND SHINING..YOU GAVE MY LITTLE BOY A PLAYBOY MAGAZINE", the heard their wife and mother yell.

"Go go go", Night Light said scared as he and his son ran out the house and he quickly took the keys out, they quickly jumped in the car and quickly drove away.

"Are we gonna die dad", Shining asked in fear knowing he's gonna get in serious trouble by his mother and sister for giving his little brother a Playboy Magazine.

"We are not gonna die son...how do you feel about staying with grandma for a couple of days", Night Light asked as the teen nodded knowing they will be safe there.

With Spike and his friends, they were looking down cause they know they are in serious trouble, Twilight was giving them stern glares as her mother went downstairs to look for her soon to be dead big brother and father.

"You three shouldn't be looking at those kind of Magazines, your too young for that", the book worm told them with a stern glare, then Rumble smirked as he thought of a way to get out of trouble.

"Hey Twilight...how about you don't let my mom know about this, and I'll take a beautiful girl like you out on a date, what do you say", the athletic boy said smirking getting close to her.

Spike Tender and a grossed out Twilight turned to him, "five things...ew...no...I'm still letting your mother know...I'm Fourteen and your Twelve...and never in a million year's", she told him grossed out.

His face fell in shock as Spike and Tender laughed their ass's off on the bed that their friend got rejected, the athletic boy grumbled and sat down on the bed.

A seathing Velvet walked back in the room, "your coward of a father and brother took off...Spike, your grounded for a month....Rumble and Tender Taps...I'm taking you home and letting your mother's know about this", she told them with stern looks as the two boys stopped laughing.

"Yes mom Mrs Velvet", they said in union Rumble and Tender Taps walked out the room so the woman can walk them home.

"Meh, it was worth getting caught", Spike said to himself smirking as Twilight and Velvet who heard that got a cruel idea and evily grinned.

"Twilight...can you put those Magazines through the shredder...and put them back in the box and back underneath your brothers bed", Velvet told her daughter as she nodded in understanding.

Then she grabbed the pile of Magazines that was in her little brothers room and walked downstairs to the living room, she saw the paper shredder and put them through it one by one.

"Your gonna be in for one heck of a surprise when you come back BBBFF", she said to herself with a cruel smirk looking at the shredded Playboy Magazines.