Main 6 KIDS

by mlpbestie

First published

The lives of the main 6 with their kids

Basically each family will have 3 parts before switching over to the next family. On holidays all the families will be together.
Fluttershy -Discord : Pandora
Rarity -Spike : Amethyst , Quartz
Big McIntosh - Sugar Belle : Apple Cobbler , Apple Crisp (twins)
Rainbow Dash-Soarin : Rain Cloud, Thunder Cloud (twins)
Twilight - Flash Sentry: Starry Sparkles
Pinkie- Cheese Sandwhich :Strawberry Swirl, Caramel Swirl

Cadence-Shining Armor : Flurry Heart (DUH)

Fluttercord : Part 1

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Fluttershy turned her body over one more time. She was so comfy and didn't want to get up but the sun was harsh on her face and Discord was waiting patiently for her. Slowly, she got out of bed and stretched her legs. Discord came over and gave her a kiss on the cheek .

"Dissy , I haven't washed my face yet ! " , Fluttershy giggled, pushing Discord away . "Is Dora up yet?"

Discord picked up his wife and put her on his back saying "Sorry ,Flutters I couldn't resist your cute face this morning. But no Pandora actually slept through the night, although we should hear screaming soon. " As if on cue ,crying could be heard down the hall. Fluttershy pulled on Discord's horns as if to say ONWARDS and he galloped pony style into the nursery.

The nursery was decorated like a forest. animal decals were pasted on the walls ,the wallpaper was blue with white puffy clouds and where most parents would put a crib ,they had a basket surrounded by butterfly pillows. Fluttershy grabbed a baby bottle and handed it to Discord so he could feed her. Pandora was the youngest of her friend's foals , being only 2 years old. Marriage between ponies and rare creatures had only become legal 5 years ago, so they got married and waited 3 years to start a family . Pandora was also a bit strange , swaddled she looked like a normal foal, magenta coat , green eyes and pale pink mane, but any other time ,you could tell she was different. She had paws, lion paws like her father that matched her coat. But they loved her all the same.

Once fed, Fluttershy went to go wash her face and freshen up while Discord took Pandora downstairs . Meanwhile Discord was struggling to get Pandora in her stroller .

"Oh, come on! You had two legs in and you pulled one out ! Ok , just click the buckle and- OW! FLUTTERSHYYY!"
Fluttershy rushed downstairs and put Dora in her stroller with ease, which baffled Discord . After everyone was ready they set off to Rarity's house.


They all stood outside of Rarity's boutique, waiting for her to open the door. Instead it was Rarity's teenage daughter ,Amethyst. Amethyst wasn't the stereotypical edgy teenager (more like high school fashionista) but she did get into trouble sometimes.

"Hi ,Amethyst is your mom home?" Fluttershy said trying to look into the house.

"Oh yeah, we were just having Ruby Pancakes, I'll get her" A few minutes later Amethyst went back inside and Rarity appeared in the doorway. She definitely changed when she had kids. Her voluminous curls were pulled into a loose side ponytail and she wore a dark blue tunic .
"Hello , darling , good morning Discord" she said cheerfully "Would you like some Ruby pancakes ? Before Quartz eats them all that is" she said giggling . Quartz is Rarity's 7 year old son, he's a bit of a bully to his sister but Spike doesn't see it.

"Um , no thank you we just came over so Pandora could play with the kids." she replied rubbing her daughter's mane.

Rarity waved at Dora and said "Oh I'm afraid little Panny can't play today the kids have school." Discord then realized that he had to work so he kissed his wife and teleported. Also Rarity is the only one who calls Pandora 'Panny' . It used to agitate the new parents but they got over it. And with that they set off on the quest for a new baby to play with.

Fluttercord :Part 2

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Fluttershy pushed Pandora along in her stroller. She decided to see if Starry Sparkles was home. Starry Sparkles was the adorable ,amazing ,golden foal of all the kids. According to Twilight , Starry had an A+ in daycare (how that's even possible Fluttershy didn't bother to ask) . As she entered the castle she saw Starry riding on her cousin's back as they were riding through the air. It was a good thing Flurry was here ,so that way if Starry got to too rough on Pandora Flurry could calm her down. Suddenly Flurry locked her wings over her cousin and did a nose dive . Fluttershy being the protector that she is jumped out and caught them.

"Flurry Heart! Never nose dive indoors you could hurt herself! And NEVER DO A FLYING TRICK WITH A FOAL! "Fluttershy yelled angrily.

"Sorry Ms.Fluttershy" Flurry apologized softly. Suddenly Cadence came from around the corner and yelled "BABY" while taking Pandora out of her stroller and giving her lots of kisses. They all went to the royal playroom.


All the ponies were in the royal playroom. Starry and Flurry were playing with blocks ,seeing who could build a better empire, Cadence was being fascinated by pop-up books and Pandora was playing with her mother.

"Pwetty mane mama" Pandora said literally pawing at her mother's hair. "I can build a better democracy than you can" Flurry Heart said stacking another block on her tower. "I'm going to make a corrupt dictatorship and start an Equestrian genocide! " Starry Sparkles replied knocking 3 blocks off of her tower. "You are the creepiest 5 year old ever" The 10 year old cousin said ,backing away.

Suddenly Twilight walked in and said " Cadence can I talk to you for a moment?". Cadence walked out of the room. Fluttershy wondered what they were talking about but didn't want to spoil the storyline.

A few hours later Flutters and her daughter went home. She was expecting to make dinner but there was a bowl of potato stew and a slice of cornbread on the table with a note.

Hey My little shy
I realized I was going to be home late
so I whipped this up real quick
hope you like it
-Daddy D
I took Dora upstairs and put her to bed so I could enjoy my meal. After cleaning up the dishes and taking a shower I crawled into bed once again. In the dead of night my loving husband slept next to me

And all was calm.

Fluttercord:Part 3

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Fluttershy was annoyed. No , she was mad Wait no! She was peeved. She had woken up to not only a little filly crying, somepony was banging on her door at 7am! Discord said that he would take care of the crying so Flutters trotted down the stairs to see who disturbing her sleep.
It was the apple twins , Apple Crisp and Apple Cobbler. They obviously didn't want to be there either so Fluttershy smiled. But she stopped smiling when she saw her. She got on Fluttershy's nerves. In case the readers haven't noticed she is Sugar Belle. Fluttershy didn't just dislike her to dislike her she had reasons. In her mind Sugar is clueless about parenting. She tried putting SUGAR in the twins' noses to stop them from sneezing! Even Pinkie isn't that crazy! In her mind, Sugar Belle is also plotting something, nopony knows if that one's true or not. But what's not in Fluttershy's mind is the amount of stress the twins go through, waking up at 7am to promote their mother's bakery.

"Hi, Mrs.Fluttershy , would ya like this flyer for our ma's bakery" Apple Crisp said politely. The Pegasus was about to take the flyer when Sugar Belle spoke.

"Why was your foal crying ,was she using her vicious little claws to tear up the carpet and got time out ? "Sugar Belle giggled.

The twins gasped in horror and ran off. Fluttershy got close to her enemy. "Listen sweetheart, I'm going to step out of my element for a second , then I'm going to slam this door in your face. Understood? Good. "DON"T YOU EVER INSULT MY CHILD AGAIN! If you do you're gonna regret it you Chrsyalis! " "Th-there are children around, that language!' "Your children ran off. They KNOW not to mess with Pandora." After that Fluttershy walked back inside and slammed the door. Discord was sitting on the couch with a camera.

"Have anything else you want to say dear" Discord asked pointing the camera at her. "Yes, =====================
The word repeated was deemed too vulgar for the internet.

Sparity:Part 1

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Rarity's family was gathered around the table eating Ruby Pancakes. Fluttershy and Pandora had just left and the family was getting ready for school.
"Ok Quartz, since you are the first one done you can go take a bath . Amethyst you're next" Rarity said warmly.

Quartz raced upstairs and took a quick bath before dashing out the door. Amethyst walked upstairs and galloped out the door wearing light blue shear dress.

Spike picked up the dishes saying "Hey Rares, I gotta go do some Dragonland stuff for a few hours if you don't mind"

"Oh it's ok darling I have to do some cleaning anyways. " Rarity said giving Spike a kiss on the lips. Spike left the house an hour later leaving the unicorn by herself. "Hmm ,should I clean the kitchen or the bathroom first?"

Suddenly the white unicorn smelled a horrible stench. She traced it back to the bathroom where she found an open 'Amore Mane' shampoo bottle ,the kind Amethyst uses. She couldn't dump the product out , so she tore the bottle apart and pooled it into the sink. Among the glorious white product were disgusting red streaks. It was blood, fake blood thank celestia but still blood. Rarity knew that Quartz did this. He'd been bullying Amethyst for the last few months , kicking , tail pulling things that looked like accidents, but this was too far.

Rarity, being the protective mother that she is galloped over to her son's class and pulled him out for the rest of the day .

"Why would you do that to your poor sister, Quartz?" Rarity asked.

"It's fun" Quartz shrugged.

Shocked the unicorn replied " Bullying, young colt is not fun.

The colt went to turn around,but Rarity grabbed him and put him in her 'inspiration room'

screams of emotional scarring could be heard

Sparity: part 2

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Rarity was strolling down the streets of Ponyville towards Sugar Cube Corner. Ponies stared in awe at the unicorn mother ,owner of a million bit company and a mom, WOW! As she walked inside the sugary pastry shop she greeted by Pound and Pumkin who were a bit older than Amethyst.

"Hello ,darlings I was here with your aunt and she made a batch of marshmallow cupcakes with blue and purple frosting. Are those ready yet?" Rarity said two the twins behind the counter. Just then , Strawberry Swirl ( who looks like an earth pony version of Fleur De Lis ) appeared with the cupcakes. Strawberry was definitely more interested in baking than her sister because her apron was dusted with flour. Rarity said a quick goodbye and headed to the Apple farm with her cupcakes.
she was going to knock on the door but she saw kids in the orchard so she went there. It was the A.C twins with Flurry. Rarity knew Flurry had a crush on one of the twins but she kept forgetting which one it was.

"Hi Mrs. Rarity ,if you're coming for the juice and cider it's not ready yet, Ma's still shaken up from her run in with Fluttershy.
Rarity sighed in disbelief " No offense to the rest of your family ,but your mother is a coward ,yes it's a death wish to mess with Shy's family but no pony is that scared of her that much" . "Flurry,can we talk for a moment" Rarity asked.

They walked over to another part of the orchard. ",I won't tell any pony about your crush". The alicorn blushed "Wh-,who told you about my crush? " "I overheard , but I won't tell who you like" Rarity replied. ",If I tell you which one I like you'll tell my parents and they'll be mad" Both ponies trotted off in different directions.