Exchange Program

by AzureDreamer

First published

Loser stallion signs up for a cultural exchange program with Zebrica, gets more than he bargained for.

In an effort to deepen the bond of friendship between their nations, Equestria and Zebrica have initiated a unique cultural exchange program; ponies and zebras who sign up are paired with a member of the opposite species and gender in marriage. Meadow Sunlight signs up, of course. It's his only real chance at love or even a long-term relationship, and he's always had an unsubtle thing for zebras. It seems like the perfect plan.

He may come to find out he's bit off a bit more than he can chew, though.


Cover art by saliantsunbreeze

Commissioned by doomcup

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Meadow Sunlight had not expected to have to travel to Zebrica.

It made perfect sense, he supposed. It would be wildly unreasonable to expect every single zebra who signed up for the program to make the move to Equestria. And he didn't exactly have much in the way of ties to his homeland – he didn't have many friends and he didn't really get along with his family. Still, moving from Equestria to Zebrica was a Big Fucking Deal. It was all subsidized, thankfully, and the fact that it was a government program meant that he didn't need to worry about not having a passport because he had never expected to ever leave Ponyville, much less Equestria.

Still, that only applied to moving him. Moving his stuff was another matter entirely. He didn't have much of it, and his new zebra wife almost certainly had plenty of furniture, but damned if he was selling all of his figures and books and games. Unfortunately for him, shipping several boxes of figures and books and games was expensive, and he wasn't exactly swimming in bits. He could probably have afforded it, but that would mean ending up in a foreign country with no money and a dubious government-arranged marriage. If said dubious government-arranged marriage were to fall through, he would be absolutely royally fucked, and even if it didn't it would likely take time to find some kind of work in Zebrica and in the meantime he wanted to be able to contribute to the household somehow.

In the end he had made the executive decision to sell his games and figures and keep the books. They were, of the three, the thing he was least willing to part with. They were important, dammit. And moreover, he'd played the games to death and he figured that unpacking box after box filled with statues of big breasted scantily clad cartoon zebra mares was not the kind of first impression he wanted to cultivate with his new wife.

Celestia's beard, he had a wife now. That was going to take some getting used to. He'd been somewhat resigned to being a NEIGT for the rest of his life. And then one day he'd heard of the Equestria-Zebrican Marriage Exchange Program, something about strengthening the two nations' bond by having a bunch of ponies and zebras get married. And he'd seen a sudden abundance of formerly single local mares in loving relationships with big, strong zebra studs with noticeable bulges in their tight jeans. And, well, on a whim he'd signed up and now here he was in Zebrica about to meet the woman he was now married to. It was jarring, finding himself plucked from his comfortable routine and dumped into a foreign country with nothing more than some directions and a name; Mtini.

Zebrica was wildly different than what he'd expected. Certainly wildly removed from the picture his books painted. He had expected wide, untamed savannahs peppered with small semi-nomadic towns of straw huts and people wearing nothing more than red blankets and loincloths made of leaves. What he got instead was something that was remarkably indistinguishable from Equestria. Where in Equestria buildings would be made of brick and wood, here they were made of... brick and different, local wood. Farther out, towards the outskirts, he saw the occasional “straw hut” that seemed to be more reminiscent of the cottages on the edge of Ponyville than the rustic, archaic structures he had assumed everyone would live in. Everything seemed so... modern.

Especially the house that the directions led him to. Though, really, house wasn't quite the word he would use. Estate seemed more fitting. There was only one floor, but it was quite a large floor – one could easily fit several fairly large houses in the space the building took up. And it was tall, too. The doorway had to be at least nine, maybe ten feet, and the building was even bigger than that. Everything about the estate was gigantic.

Suddenly, Meadow Sunlight realized that no one had actually told him anything about who Mtini actually was or what she looked like or anything at all about her aside from her name.

Just as he began to process the exact ramifications of that realization the door swung violently open and a very large zebra woman strode out and picked him up by the front of his shirt.

“You are Meadow Sunlight, yes?” Her breath was hot, and it washed over him like a hurricane as she firmly spoke at him. Her voice was accented, but not heavily.

“Uh... Mtini?”

“I am her elder sister, Komamanga. And you are pathetic.” Meadow winced slightly under the larger woman's harsh judgement. She was not, though he was understandably reluctant to admit it, wrong, per se. But it still stung slightly to hear it spoken by someone who, apparently, was his sister in law. “Forgive me if I'm a bit reluctant to accept that this is our new prince.”

“I'm sorry, could you repeat that?”

“... Did they not tell you? Mtini and I are both princesses.”


Komamanga let out a low, frustrated hiss through clenched teeth. “I do not have the time to come up with terms simple enough for you to comprehend right now, so you will have to remain oblivious. Come, follow me.”

Meadow Sunlight would have happily followed had she bothered to let go of his shirt first. As it was, he found himself rather roughly dragged along beside the amazonian woman. Who, he realized now that he wasn't being held inches from her face, was not actually wearing any clothing. It was, he supposed, significantly closer to the picture painted in his fantasies. Her crimson fur glistened with a light sheen of sweat as thigh muscles as thick as he was rippled dangerously with every step. Her breasts were absolutely gigantic. He had never been very good with cup sizes – he'd not interacted with mares who weren't his mother in order to have any kind of frame of reference. But he got the impression that even if he did have a frame of reference it wouldn't do him much good as they seemed to be significantly bigger than any non-cartoon breasts he'd seen in his life. The angle wasn't great, but he supposed that was for the best. He felt weird enough knowing that he had gotten a vague glimpse of his sister-in-law naked. He really didn't want to have gotten a good look.

Of course, he didn't have much choice in the matter either way. Komamanaga was very, very thoroughly in control of the situation. She calmly and methodically dragged him through the manor on a beeline to a large bedroom. Everything about the house had been large, of course, but he'd not really gotten a good look at much aside from the door and the room he found himself in. Komamanga roughly tossed him onto the canopy bed in the centrepiece of the room, which was easily large enough for three Komamangas to sleep in it with room to spare. Which, now that he got a better look at her, was saying a lot – she had to be seven feet tall at the least. She towered, glaring down at him disapprovingly.

“This is the master bedroom. You will, unfortunately, be sharing it with my younger sister from today forward.” Her gaze was piercing, oozing with a palpable aura of mild disdain. “Your... belongings arrived earlier today.”

“Oh, uh, thanks,” he muttered awkwardly. He was having a very hard time not looking at Komamanga's naked body given the way she was practically presenting it to him. Full, firm breasts, the only part of her body with any sign of fat on it at all. Her muscles looked like she'd been chiseled out of a giant hunk of amethyst. Washboard abs, thick calves, thicker thighs, all rock hard and glistening with a sheen of sweat.

But the thing he was having the hardest time not looking at was her cock.

It was still comfortably nestled into her sheathe, but it didn't need to come out to play for Meadow Sunlight to be able to tell it was fucking massive. Including her balls, it had to be almost the size of his fucking head. Like everything else, it had a shimmering layer of moisture, and now that he'd had a moment to think he could smell it. The unmistakable sexual musk of a really fucking big cock with exactly nothing in between it and the warm evening air.

Meadow made a point of maintaining eye-contact.

“Before we begin, I want to ask you something important.” Komamanga strode over to the corner of the room, reached down into one of the cardboard boxes stacked in a neat little pile, and strode back holding one of his books. “Swiped by Stripes: I Was Kidnapped by Zebra Amazons.” She once again shot him a disdainful glare. “Fucking seriously?

“It's, um, a literary classic.”

“A literary classic with big fake zebra tits on the cover. I'm not sure what's more impressive; that this woman found a plastic surgeon in the middle of darkest Zebrica, or that the artist managed to make them so obviously fake.”

“It's, um, actually really good if you can get past...”

“The big fake zebra tits?”


“And they're all like this. Ugh.” Komamanga's gaze narrowed, and she carelessly tossed the book aside. Meadow Sunlight winced as it landed awkwardly on the floor, pages bent at uncomfortable angles. No book should ever be treated so poorly. “We're going to have to... get rid of them. All of them. Mtini will object to burning them, but I highly doubt that we will be able to find a secondhand book store willing to take them and I will not have this dreck under my roof.”

Meadow opened his mouth to loudly object, but was silenced with a violent glare from Komamanga. “Okay. Sorry, ma'am.”

“Unfortunately, you are in a position where it would be proper to just call me by name.” She sighed, pausing to bend down and pick up the book, placing it much more gently on a cabinet. “Now, on to business. Clothing, off. Now.”

Meadow Sunlight could feel his pupils shrinking to pinpricks. “What?!”

“You heard me,” she snapped, crossing her arms and looking away – given her crimson fur, Meadow couldn't tell if she was blushing or not, but given the pose it wouldn't be surprising. “It's not that I want to see you naked, of course. But you're not going to be sleeping with my baby sister unless you meet my standards. My very strict standards. Now hurry up so we can get this over with.”

Meadow stared in silent horror, jaw hanging loose. He attempted to speak, but the only thing that came out was a strangled gurgle. He attempted to move, but all of his muscles seemed to have completely seized up. He tried to do anything, but he couldn't because holy shit his sister in law just ordered him to strip naked. Twice, even! And yes, she had claimed it was purely non-sexual in nature, but that didn't change the fact that a seven foot tall amazonian zebra with tits the size of her head and a flaccid cock the size of his had just told him to get naked.

“Come on, we don't have all day.”

The terse order snapped Meadow out of his shocked reverie. Without any real conscious effort on his part, he obeyed Komamanga's command. He had elected to dress lightly, given the locale. A white tank top with “I heart Zebras” written on it in a big bubbly font that did a fairly decent job of making his somewhat dumpy physique a bit less obvious, a pair of loose fitting cargo shorts, and a pair of zebra-print boxers, which he removed in that order. He decidedly didn't live up to the standard set by Komamanga – beyond the fact that she had to be seven feet tall at the least, he was dumpy. He completely and utterly lacked her muscle definition. No washboard abs, just a mild pot belly. Where her powerful pecs further emphasized her enormous tits, his just kinda sagged. His arms were noodly and weak, his thighs were mildly flabby, and of course his cock was smaller.

Much like he'd not exactly interacted with any mares in a context where he would get any kind of idea of their relative bust sizes, he'd never interacted with other stallions in a context where he would get any idea of if his cock was relatively big or small. He'd seen porn, of course, so he knew the large end of the scale, but that was hardly a reasonable standard to hold himself to. Still, his only real experience of other ponies' cocks was exceedingly well hung stallions (and the occasional hermaphrodite) fucking eager zebra pussy. Even if they weren't a hugely distorted sample size, they were hardly going to pause to list out their exact cock size. He had no idea whether or not his own footlong member was big or small or average, though he had always had a sinking suspicion it was the middle option. Regardless, it was definitely smaller than Komamanga's. He didn't need to see her erect to know that much given the sheer size of her package while flaccid.

Though he could have done without her seeing him erect. “Ugh, really?”

“Sorry,” he muttered sheepishly.

Komamanga managed to maintain an impressively impassive expression as she looked over Meadow's naked form. Occasionally her gaze lingered on his member for a fraction of a second longer than everywhere else, just barely enough for him to notice the difference. “Acceptable,” she snapped.


“Well, obviously we're going to have to work on getting you into shape, but the frame is decent enough, and your... manhood is above average, for a pony.”

Meadow stared blankly at Komamanga. “It is?”

“I naturally did some research on the subject once we decided on signing up for the match program. The average stallion typically ranges from six to ten inches.” She nodded in the direction of his throbbing shaft. “You manage to barely excel in comparison. Of course, the average Zebra ranges from two and a half to three feet.” Her tone of voice indicated that she probably wasn't attempting to make him feel inadequate with that statement. It was just listing off facts. But still.

“Well, uh, neat. I guess. Are we done, then?”

“No,” Komamanga said tersely. “There's certain minimum standards of virility you're going to have to meet before I'm going to let you take my little sister's virginity. We're going to have to test your flexibility, stamina, output and potency, your skill at oral stimulation – for both cocks and cunts, of course – along with how much you can fit, both orally and anally. And of course, we'll need to make sure you're a decent kisser-”

“Koma! What the devil are you doing with my beloved husband?!”

Meadow only now noticed the grin that had been slowly spreading across Komamanga's face as she talked about her plans – because it turned into a horrified grimace so rapidly he could almost hear it breaking the sound barrier. “Ah, Mtini! I was just, um-”

“Just about to violate my husband, dearest sibling of mine.” The zebra, who was apparently his new wife, frowned an exaggerated frown, arms crossed and hoof tapping. She was shorter than Komamanga, but not by a particularly large margin – she was still a good few feet taller than him, though a specific number was beyond his abilities. That was about the extent of the similarities between the two sisters. Where Komamanga's mane and tail were straight and neat, Mtini's were frizzy and wild. Her breasts, while hardly small, were significantly less ample than her sibling's, and on the whole her figure was much more slender and feminine than Komamanga's. Or at least, her upper body was. None of the beef or the defined muscles, just supple curves. Her petite upper body curved inwards to form an almost impossibly scrawny waist before exploding outwards into what had to be the most ample hips that Meadow had ever seen in his life, save for maybe Komamanga's. But where Koma's hips and thighs and calves were beefy and muscular, Mtini's were just big. Thick and wide and meaty and soft, with none of the hard edges and bulging musculature of her sister. “Honestly, Koma, if you wanted a horse husband of your own, you should have signed up yourself instead of pressuring me to do so in your stead.”

“Mtini!” Koma snapped, her blushing now furious enough to be visible even through her crimson fur. “Don't tell him that!”

“Oh, was it supposed to be a secret?” Mtini replied with an almost cartoonishly exaggerated tone of innocence. “Well, then I guess you won't mind if I introduce myself to my new husband then?”

Koma scoffed dismissively, still visibly glowing with mild embarrassment. “Of course I don't mind. You can have the little troll of a man all to yourself.”

“You sound awfully insincere there, dear sister of mine,” Mtini practically purred. “Almost as if you would be interested in sharing.”

“No, thank you,” Koma obviously lied. “I'm perfectly fine with... Not.”

“Then you won't mind if I stake my claim right here and now, then?”


It took Meadow a moment to realize that his confused reaction had come out in tandem with Koma's. Mtini didn't bother to give any clarification to either, or really any time to think on it before striding over to the bed, gently but firmly pushing Meadow onto his back, and then turning around and sitting on his face before he had a chance to react. “Mph?!

“Hush, darling. There'll be time for talk later. For now, allow your beloved wife to service you~”

Meadow briefly panicked, flailing his arms as best as he was able to – Mtini's ample hips left him with very little wiggle room. Even less when she wiggled, wedging him deeper into the soft, dark cleavage of her ass. His senses were overwhelmed with a thick, rich, syrupy scent. Fruity and sweet with a subtle note of burnt caramel. “Shhh, don't struggle. Just relax and let Mtini sate your carnal desires.” He couldn't see what was going on, but he could feel soft, slender fingers gently wrapping themselves around his pulsing member. “Oooh, so big and manly. I bet you're gonna father lots and lots and lots of big, strong, healthy children once we actually get around to you impregnating me. Oh, but that can wait. Right now I've got a nice big new toy to play with and I wanna get my money's worth from it.” Meadow couldn't see, but he didn't need to to know she was grinning. He could hear it. Slowly, her grip tightened, and she gently pumped his member. “So big. And it's all mine. My property. Go on, darling. Cum for me~”

Meadow didn't exactly need to be told twice. He didn't need to be told once, really. He wasn't particularly used to getting any attention from the opposite sex at all, much less a mare sitting on his face and giving him a very enthusiastic handjob, so he could be forgiven for being a bit of a quick shot. He felt a tight, tingling sensation at the base of his cock that built and built and built until it burst forth with thick pulses of hot, white, cum. One, then two, then three and then four good sized bursts, far more than he ever typically managed on his own. But, again, he wasn't on his own this time. He might very well never be on his own again.

“Did he just cum already?” Meadow still couldn't see the two mares, but he could certainly hear the mild disdain oozing from Koma's tone of voice. “It hasn't even been a minute yet!”

“Yes, and so much, too! Clearly my husband is so virile that he can barely keep his seed contained!”

“Or he's such a pathetic virgin that just getting touched by a girl is enough to set him off,” Koma replied. Meadow couldn't see it, but he was certain that it was accompanied with a dramatic eye roll.

“Oh, is he now?” Mtini cooed. “Well, then, I suppose the erection you're sporting right now is a coincidence, then, and not the result of my husband's big fucking cock just oozing cum all over the place.”

“Mtini! He can't see that!”

“Oh, and he's still hard, too. I was worried we might have to resort to some, ah, pharmaceutical solutions to deal with that pesky little refractory period, but it looks like that might not be an issue.”

Meadow was very lacking in sexual experience – in fact, this was his first time. But he wasn't entirely virginal. He'd masturbated before. A lot, actually. And this wasn't particularly new to him. It had always taken him at least three or four climaxes before little Meadow decided they were done for the day. He'd never even heard the phrase “refractory period” before now. He would have said as much, were his mouth not still very much obstructed by Mtini's ass and his cock not still occupied by her nimble hands. She shifted slightly and he felt something hot and wet pressing firmly against his snout.

“Why don't we show my dear sister just how manly you really are, dear Husband of mine. Go on, cum some more for me. As much as you want.” This time, Meadow didn't comply. Pathetic he may have been, he certainly wasn't just going to blow his load immediately after having climaxed. Especially considering how much he'd climaxed. But he wasn't going to use that as an excuse to disappoint his wife. Barely putting any real thought into it, he grabbed as much of her giant butt as he was capable of and tentatively let his tongue out of his muzzle to greet her sopping cunny.

She tasted good. Sweet and fruity and slightly salty. He let instinct take over and his tongue began to lap at her fluids in earnest.

“O-oh!” Mtini perked up, and Meadow could feel her handjob's rhythm falter and stutter in time with his licking. “Oh, someone's – ahn – someone's more enthusiaaaaastic than I was expecting him to beeeeeeeee~” His cunnilingus was imprecise, but he made up for it in the sheer volume. He hadn't exactly demonstrated great sexual stamina this evening, but Mtini wasn't giving the best showing as well – it hardly took any effort to push her over the edge into her own orgasm.

The moisture turned into a torrent of hot, slightly sticky fluids, running over his muzzle and face and down his throat. He gagged slightly at the unexpected intrusion – not that it tasted bad, but he was already having trouble breathing without being caught off guard by a deluge of femcum. He coughed and gagged as some wormed its way down his windpipe.

Hooo. That... That was surprising! What do you say we pick the pace up a bit, husband?” Once again, Mtini didn't allow Meadow any time to provide input. She got off of his face, which was nice – he hefted himself into a sitting position and took the opportunity to take a deep breath of not-really-fresh-at-all air, not knowing what was going to come next. The room was hot and moist, the air heavy with the overwhelming musk of two very big and very horny zebras.

“Mtini! You promised we'd share!” Koma hissed through tightly clenched teeth. She had backed off slightly, supporting herself against a wall as she grasped at her now erect cock. It had to be at least twice as big as Meadow's, though again he was not good with exact sizes. All he knew was that it was very large, thicker than his arm and drooling unsettlingly.

“Yes, well, I suppose I did. Enough teasing then. You can borrow my husband's mouth.”

“Uh, do I get a say in this?”



Koma stumbled in his general direction, a sloppy grin spread awkwardly across her face. “Heh. Come on, let's demonstrate why Zebras are superior. Open wide, little man.”

Meadow made the executive decision not to attempt to resist, knowing full well that it would go poorly for him. He obeyed, opening his mouth as wide as it was physically capable of. He was almost certain it wouldn't be enough – Koma's penis was thick, like a two litre soda bottle jutting from her crotch. He'd never tried, of course, to deep throat a two litre soda bottle, but that didn't feel like the kind of thing you need practical experience to know you can't fucking do. Still, that didn't seem like it was going to stop Komamanga from trying. Meadow made a desperate attempt to stretch his mouth wider as she placed a hand on top of his head. He found his mind wandering back to Ponyville. To the sudden abundance of formerly single local mares in loving relationships with big, strong zebra studs with noticeable bulges in their tight jeans. And to the strange, bow-legged gait that all of those formerly single mares had adopted along with their new zebra stud husbands.

His train of thought didn't get much further than that before Koma plunged her cock into his waiting throat.

He was thoroughly surprised by just how much she managed to get into his mouth in the first thrust. Not all of it, but that more than none of the meaty pole made its way into his tight gullet was in and of itself miraculous. His flesh stretched unnaturally to make way for the sudden intruder as it slid its way further and further down with successive thrusts. The flavour very nearly overwhelmed his other senses. Sweet and tart and fruity with just a hint of saltiness from her sweat and bitterness from her pre. He had, of course, tasted his own cum in the past – his friends on the Ponynet assured him that no don't worry everyone does that at least once – and he was fairly certain that he didn't taste nearly as good.

Koma didn't give him the chance to savour it. She placed her other hand on his head, now that she didn't need to steady her cock, and pulled almost all the way out before thrusting right back in, deeper than before. In and out, in and out, a steady rhythm slowly but surely forming as she fucked his face.

“Fun fact!” Mtini said as she got off the bed. “You would be the second person she's ever had sex with.”

Koma's rhythm faltered. “Mtini!”

“Though, really, the first was me, so it doesn't really count.”


“Oh, don't worry too much, dear sister. He was bound to find out eventually. This way he at least learns on my terms. Now, scootch forward, I wanna take his cock.”

Koma blushed furiously, though Meadow couldn't really see it over the shelf of her tits. But she complied with her sister's command in the quiet, almost reflexive way that Meadow himself had complied to her order to open his mouth. She hefted herself up onto the bed, standing on her knees while continuing to relentlessly thrust into his mouth. In and out, in and out, faster and faster with more and more fluid spurting down his throat and out of the sides of his mouth as it proved too much for him to handle.

“Turn around,” Mtini ordered, and Koma nodded. She gave one last good, solid thrust, wedging her cock as far down as it was going. Satisfied that it was going to stay put, she lifted him up and rotated his body along with hers and then roughly dropped him onto the bed. He would have let out a soft gasp from the force of the impact – even if the bed was very soft, there had been quite a lot of force behind the throw – had his mouth not been otherwise occupied. His sense of helplessness was punctuated by another thrust that left his face covered by big sweaty zebra balls.

The position he found himself in was significantly less comfortable than the one he had been in. His head was forced back slightly by the shaft at an awkward angle, he was completely unused to having a two foot cock shoved down his throat to the hilt, and also Koma was very large and was directly on top of him. At least when Mtini (who was also very large) had sat on his face he had been able to breathe. He had no idea why he wasn't suffocated into unconsciousness, possibly some kind of zebra magic or something, but her cock was so big that he wouldn't be surprised if his mouth had formed an airtight seal around it. And even if by some miracle a little air managed to make it through, or he tried breathing through his nose, it wouldn't have made a difference because his throat was entirely filled with cock, no room for breathing.

He felt the bed shift around him as Mtini crawled her way onto it. His vision was almost as thoroughly blocked off as it had been when she had sat on his face, but he could feel her positioning herself over him, grabbing his own still-hard shaft. Steadying it, aiming it, the wet hot tightness as she lowered herself sown, down, down.

“Congratulations, husband! Not counting Koma, you have now officially taken my virginity~ And, I suppose, I have taken yours.”

It felt fantastic. Like nothing Meadow had ever experienced before. It put any and all of the sex toys he'd experimented with to shame, and his hands didn't even fucking register. She was so hot and tight, and her inner muscles moved. Like a thousand tiny little hands, massaging every single square inch of his cock at once. His body moved entirely on reflex, reaching up and grabbing her hips to steady himself while his hips instinctively bucked, thrusting into his wife's needy cunt.

“Ooooh, more unexpected enthusiasm. Good, good! Very good!” Meadow still couldn't see exactly what was going on above him – his eyes were too occupied with zebra testicle. He felt some tinge of regret at that, as he could almost but not quite picture what the twins were doing on top of him. He could certainly hear that they were up to something, but that lack of visual confirmation was mildly frustrating. He found himself deeply regretting his decision not to attempt to learn farsight magic because it felt creepy. In his own defence, he supposed, he'd never expected to be in this particular situation ever. Besides which, farsight was a complicated spell, the kind of thing they taught to advanced students at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. And he had never been the best at unicorn magic, let alone CSGU material.

“Oh fuck, I'm close,” Koma muttered through presumably gritted teeth.

“Only close? Usually you'd have cum by now, dear sister.”

Mnggg don't tease me in front of the horse, Mtini.”

“Oh, I'm not teasing you, just stating facts. Oh, but don't worry. I happen to be very acquainted with all your most sensitive spots. Let me just just-”

“Mtini, n-gnhaaaaannn~

Meadow really, really regretted not learning farsight magic. But he only had a few seconds to feel that regret as Koma rather abruptly came.

Meadow was, on an intellectual level, aware that zebras tended to be quite productive. He'd seen enough pornos in his days with zebra stallions, along with the occasional hermaphrodite, pumping mares full of quite a lot of cum. But seeing it happen was quite a ways removed from having it happen to himself. He could feel himself bloating as her cock pulsed with thick gouts of cum. And more of the stuff came oozing out of his nose and out the sides of his mouth as it proved too much for his tiny pony body to take. While his body had been stretchy enough to take Koma's cock, it turned out that it wasn't quite that stretchy. He wasn't entirely sure whether that was a good thing or not.

He also wasn't entirely sure how to feel about how good this felt. He had, he supposed, already been very much on the edge of orgasm. The uncomfortable position he'd found himself in had slowed things down, but Mtini taking his own member had sped them right back up. It only made sense that this would feel good by association, given the situation. “Mmm, speaking of close, how are you feeling, husband? You've got a nice, generous injection of protein to replenish what you spent earlier. Delicious and nutritious! Now, why don't we finish this. Go on, darling. Fuck me pregnant.”

Meadow had never really been one for dirty talk. He'd never seen the appeal before – he always prefered for people to just hurry up and get to the darn action already. But, well. In the heat of the moment, it turned out a little bit of dirty talk went a long way. Long enough to push him over that last hurdle and into his second climax.

Usually his orgasms got progressively less and less copious as his session went on before he decided he'd had enough. But this whole situation was very much not normal – if anything he came significantly more than he had the first time. Measurements somewhat understandably escaped him but it felt like gallons, even though it probably wasn't. However much it was, it was enough to push Mtini over the edge of her second orgasm. He could feel her inner muscles going wild around his cock, milking it for all it was worth. And, as it turned out, Mtini's orgasm was enough to push Koma over the edge again. He hadn't even noticed her finishing her first orgasm, and for all he knew she hadn't. All he knew was that another significant amount of cum was getting pumped into his gut.

This carried on for a while, longer than was really reasonable (he still wasn't entirely sure how he hadn't passed out from a lack of oxygen yet.) The two mares eventually went somewhat limp, slumping against each other, their weight keeping them upright – he still couldn't see to confirm this. But he didn't really need to see more than Koma's balls and taint to make that judgement considering they were still all he could see.

“That... wasn't terrible.”

“High praise from Koma, I'm sure~” Mtini added with, Meadow assumed, a wry grin. “You did very well, Husband. Signing up for the exchange program was the best idea Komamanga has ever had.”


“It's true, dear sister of mine. Oh!” There was an audible pause while Mtini presumably gestured. “I have an excellent idea, myself!”

“Dare I ask what it is?”

“Well, if one pony husband is such a good idea, why don't you also sign up for the exchange program. Then we can have two pony husbands!”


Immediately, a deep, nameless dread bubbled up deep inside Meadow Sunlight’s gut. Maybe it was insecurity, or jealousy, or maybe he was just selfishly wanting to keep these two admittedly beautiful mares to himself. Of course, intellectually he knew that he was barely capable of handling one of the sisters alone, let alone both of them. An extra pair of hooves would certainly help make the relationship a bit more... balanced. But, well, when has intellect ever been able to override an emotional gut response. And right now, Meadow’s emotional gut response was focusing very heavily on the many ways that a second stallion could go badly for him. He made some distressed gurgling noises and weakly slapped against Koma’s rock-hard thighs.

Somewhat unsurprisingly, his obvious (if non-verbal) objections to the decision were completely ignored. “Okay, you know what? Sure. Why not.”

“See, I told you it was an excellent idea. Now, then, I would say that's enough cooldown for now. What do you say to starting round two?”

“I thought you'd never ask.”

Meadow would have sighed were it not for Komamanga's cock still wedged in his throat. This was, he supposed, his life now.

It was going to be a very, very, very long day.