Luna Returns to "Another Intersex Equestria World"

by Saatchi

First published

After many centuries alone, trapped on the moon thanks to a rash decision by her sister, Princess Luna returns to Canterlot. Her Lunar stint doing nothing to supress her lusty desires. Desires that have had quite the effect on her physical form.

This story is a sequel to
Last Time on "Another Futa Equestria World"
and prequel to
Another Futa Equestria World

Trapped in a Lunar purgatory for well over a few centuries, the Princess of the Night returns to Canterlot a changed mare. Under cover of darkness, devoid of a fanfare, she makes her glorious return. Her sister remains completely oblivious to her arrival, though Luna wishes to change that. She's back for revenge against the Solar Princess for facilitating her banishment, but time has been most unkind to poor Luna.

Her body has been transformed into a grotesque show of decadent lust. Her mind swims with wants and desires. Celestia's very image burned into the centre of it all, distorted through the years, but still there. The object of her desire, her affection, her lust Oh yes, for Celestia this night is going to last forever.

Story contains:
- Intersex
- Moderate hyper
- Size difference
- Cum inflation
- Anal penetration
- Blowjobs
- Vaginal penetration
- Big balls
- Scents
- Unrealistic penetration
- Stomach bulging
- Overall height growth (Minimal)
- Cock and ball growth (Minimal)
- Thicc-ening (Minimal)

The Stars Will Aid In Her Release

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Princess Celestia reclined in her throne as the day wound down to a close. She'd had a productive day of meetings with various clients from all over Equestria. Of course there'd been no actual discussions of politics at these meetings, despite repeated attempts to do so. From the very moment the delegates had entered the throne room, they'd been under the impression that they were to debate a coming together of their nations. A binding of the Hypogryphs, Gryphons and the Ponies, but when they laid eyes on Celestia sat before them, heaving sack and swollen shaft out in the open, the true realisation dawned on them. There was going to be a binding of the three races, there was no doubt about that. In a scene that Celestia would certainly conjure up time and time again, the delegates had retraced their steps, only to find the exit blocked by sheepish looking guards. Then came the heavy thudding of Celestia's shaft as it thumped to the floor as the Princess stood up and made her way over to the small group. The gentle 'shffing' of her feet and sack as they dragged across the carpetted floor, growing louder and louder as the twelve foot tall Princess got closer and closer.

The rest of that delightful scene was something for the Princess alone to ruminate upon in private. Her throne gave a little whine as she reclined and looked up towards the night sky. Who knew Queen Hippogryphs made such great cushions? Celestia was going to see if the Gryphons fared any better under her plush cheeks at some point. For now, as she gazed up at the sky, reclining lower in her throne, she was feeling rather melancholy. It had now been several hundred years since the first Day of Thanks and the moment that Luna had become a permanent fixture on the surface of the moon. For the first few nights, Celestia had held out a little hope that her sister would soon return and together the pair could embrace each other, in more ways than one. Celestia now saw just what it was that Luna had been trying to do on that faithful night. Now that the solar mare had experienced this sexual enlightenment for herself, she regretting her actions deeply. Many times she woke up at night, desperate for release but unable to provide it for herself. Her shaft was too big for her hands to properly service. She needed multiple mouths, hands, even feet to get herself off, something her sister would willingly provide.

Time and time again, she tried to bring Luna back, using whatever spells she could think of. By now, she'd exhausted so many grimoires that she'd sent her guards to the other regions to bring back whatever tomes on magic they could find. Whether they were bought from dealers or requested from libraries, Celestia didn't care, she wanted Luna back and would stop at nothing to make it so. Recently, one of her guards had come back with a rumour they'd heard among some of the other ponies in Equestria. The guard in question heard it as a story on the outer limits of Equestria, being told to children to scare them into acting as the parents wanted. On subsequent visits, the guard had heard the story closer and closer to Canterlot, while it was a little different from location to location, the premise was still the same. That Princess Luna would return from her banishment a changed pony. Taking on a new form under the guise of the ominous Nightmare Moon, wreaking revenge on Equestria. Ultimately culminating in a meeting between Celestia and Nightmare/Luna. The stories end there, but it didn't take a genius or an immortal princess to understand that one of them would come out of the meeting worse than the other. Celestia sighed, before rising to her feet and peeling the hippogryph off her plush rear. Leaving the Queen in the soft embrace of her throne seat, she stepped down towards the door to the throne room. Her footsteps were quieter now, barely audible over the 'shffing' of her shaft and balls. She spared another glance upwards at the sillhouette of Luna's face emblazoned upon the moon's surface; then opened the door and headed back to her room.

In the streets of Canterlot, an eerie mist rolled in along the cobbled streets, enveloping a hooded mare as she travelled alone. Fleur de Lis was her name and she was no stranger to wearing the hood and cloak as she walked the streets. Her career was just starting out, a promising model and actress but already she was attracting the attention of fans that were a little stalkerish in nature. So here she was, dressed up like the grim avatar of pony death, skulking through the shadows to avoid unwanted attention. Still, she'd be home soon, safe and sound and away from the dangers of a life of fame. At least she would be once the mist ceased it's relentless march across the path before her. Though now that she actually inspected the mist, there was something off about it. The mist didn't contrast with the darkness of the night, it wasn't that typical white that one could see rolling in from afar. Instead this mist was dark and not even the magical illumination of the lights were enough to pierce it. Fleur hurried her pace, something about the mist was unsettling as though it were hiding something. As her feet tapped against the cobbles, she heard a voice drifting through the darkness, forcing her to a stop.


A shudder of fear ran down her spine as the disembodied voice seemed to grow louder in the darkness. That mist began to swirl on its own without any extra help, dragging its way forwards towards a space just ahead of Fleur. The white unicorn remained frozen to the spot, her eyes focused on the mist as it began to build and shape itself into a figure. Turquoise eyes pierced the mist, beaming through the darkness and focused squarely on Fleur de Lis. Long, slender wings unfurled from inside the mist, spanning to both sides of the street. Slowly the mist began to dissipate and the creature inside began to reveal itself. Fleur gasped as she saw the curvaceous form begin to rise into the air. Those eyes moving higher but remaining fixated on Fleur's position. With a flick of her wings, the dark Titan of the night dispelled the rest of the mist and rose to her full height. Towering over Fleur at an almighty 16ft tall, the creature from the mist flashed Fleur a wicked smile.

The smaller unicorn willed her feet to move as she stared down the arrival's body, her eyes widening as she happened across its many features. From her huge and heaving breasts, punctuated with dark, midnight blue, nipples. To the bodacious curves that shaped her thighs and hips, giving her slender frame a motherly taste to it despite her devilish entrance. But the crown jewel of her appearance was what was between her legs. Two pendulous balls, hanging down all the way to her shins, rumbling and roiling with a potent masculine seed. However, even more impressive than her balls, was the mammoth shaft of meat flopped lazily upon them. An incredible tube of masuclinity, as wide as Fleur's head and hanging mere millimetres from the ground.

"Tia...." muttered the voice, crouching down to Fleur's level for a better view of the cowering unicorn.

Fleur felt the grip of magic around her hood as this monstrous alicorn lifted it up to get a better look at her face. The alicorn's warm and stale breath pouring over her face, causing her to wrinkle her snout in disgust. Just who was this beast of a creature? Why did it want Celestia? And perhaps most importantly, why was it bothering to spend so much time scoping simple unicorns like Fleur out? The answer to the first question punched its way into Fleur's brain like the musky scent of the creature's balls. As the towering beast crouched down, Fleur was given a glance at her flanks which displayed a familiar sight. With just enough light from the street lamps either side of the street, Fleur saw a patch of black adorned with a crescent moon. The cutie mark of Princess Luna, co-ruler of Equestria and sister to Princess Celestia, which meant that this hulking, titan of a beast, was actually the Lunar Princess herself. Now it made sense why they were looking for Celestia, Luna clearly had some unfinished business to attend to. Fleur gulped. Unless, had Luna forgotten and she was planning on taking her revenge out on somepony similar. Someone like...

"You'" grunted the bestial Luna, grabbing Fleur by the neck and rearing back up to her full height.

Fleur struggled against Luna's grip, those meaty fingers tightening around her throat as the princess got a better look at her captive. The hooded robe fell away with a little coercion from Luna's magic, leaving Fleur's supermodel body on show in public. A wicked smile spread across Luna's lips as her eyes drank in that luscious, slender, frame. Those full breasts and perky, pink nipples, coupled with her flat and toned stomach and practically virginal curves. Such a form was begging to be curved out of shape by Luna's massive cock and bloated into a disgusting cumball for the rest of the public to find come the morning. The Princess of the Night held Fleur against her chest, pinning her between those swollen orbs, keeping her in place as her rod swung up between the terrified unicorn's legs.

The heat alone was enough to get Fleur squirming again, but this time it wasn't in a ditch attempt to scurry away. From the moment the shaft had swung up, bringing with it a burning scent of pheremones, Fleur found herself wanting to help the Princess. Or so she thought at least. Deep down below the musky layers Luna's pheremones had covered her mind in, there lay that flight response. Desperately trying to get Fleur to use her movements to scramble away, to flee this gargantuan sex pest and rush off to safety, if safety could even be found. But it was buried even deeper into her subconscious as Luna rumbled above her.

The Princess grew tired of waiting, the struggling of Fleur not being enough to keep her entertained any longer. With a soft bob of her shaft, Luna expertly spread Fleur's legs, revealing her dripping nethers. Luna's face broke out into a smile. Now this was what she expected of her subjects, no matter how defiant they appeared they still couldn't hide the delight she brought. Her sister would be no different. That positively plump cow, would be sitting atop her throne no longer. Luna would bend her over it and instead send a message that the entire kingdom would understand. The Solar Empire would soon come to a close and the Lunar Republic would take its place. For now, she had to get her full strength and this little cocksleeve would help her with. She took a deep breath, inhaling the salty fuck fumes of her own cock musk. Such a delightfully pungent odour, even if she think so herself. Her smile widened further as she brought the tip of her cock close to the other mare's dripping lips. A low rumble travelled out of her throat as she savoured the cooling drips against her flared head.

Fleur bucked her legs, scraping her hooves against the sides of Luna's monstrous shaft, but it was no use. Each bob and bounce of her nethers against the Princess's pony prick only served to waft its scent into her nostrils. She gagged reflexively as the foul smell permeated deep into her senses, washing over them and laying itself over them thickly. She swore she could taste Luna's cock on her tongue, despite it being nowhere near her mouth. She whimpered softly as the head seemed to throb and swell larger, parting her nethers before retreating just as quickly. She hated to admit it to herself, but the heady musk around the pair was beginning to mess with her mind. She could feel the tendrils of Luna's demand worming their way through her brain, poking and prodding at her dominant processes and turning them off. Reducing her to nothing more than a sleeve for her cock, a mindless slut to be bred again and again until Luna was completely satisfied. She fought back as best she could, but it was a losing battle. The warmer her nethers became, the bigger Luna's cock seemed to be, the more she fell deeper into a lusty haze.

The Princess's smile only widened as she drove Fleur down onto her shaft. Fleur's legs immediately spread out wider than looked remotely possible for a pony of her matchstick frame. Only a few inches had been thrust into the her model cocksleeve and Luna didn't wait around before introducing her to more. Luna managed to introduce a full foot of cock before Fleur wailed like a banshee. Luna's hand shot up to cover Fleur's face, squeezing it tightly to muffle her cries.

"You will be quiet!" Luna hissed, shoving the remaining five inches into Fleur to properly bulge her belly.

Luna's palm became moist as tears streamed down Fleur's face, the unicorn blubbering from the agony she endured. The Princess squeezed her head harder, beginning to buck her hips back and forth slowly, easing herself into the carnal delights. She'd spent so long without an orgasm, left in a constant state of denial, that she needed to show restraint. To act with the passion that she wanted, would only bring a sudden end to the fun. Such an orgasm would be saved for Celestia, that prudish bitch; Luna would leave her bloated and begging for more. Once she'd properly filled her current sleeve of course. On her next thrust forwards, Luna paused, gripping her cockbulge and rapidly jerking it through Fleur's flesh.

Fleur whimpered through gritted teeth as her skin felt like it was going to tear apart, moulding perfectly to the outline of the cock. She gasped in tandem with the Princess as a separate bulge appeared in Fleur's stomach. Bending her arm inwards she reached across and prodded the bulge, feeling it slosh and spread out under her fingers. The bulge quickly grew, spurting up in size as Luna resumed her thrusting. Fleur's hands falling back to her sides, her head lolling back on her shoulders, mouth agape. She could hardly keep herself conscious, let alone fathom just how it was possible for Luna to fill her so much with a cock and some pre. Her mind now reeling from the effects of Luna's hold on her. The scent of her shaft, coupled with the natural perfume of her hand, doubling the speed at which Luna took control of Fleur. The unicorn went limp in Luna's grip as those sensual tendrils on her mind poked something important.

With Fleur's body now relaxed, Luna readjusted her grip. Instead of holding her face and chest, she took hold of her hips and sped up her pace. Fleur offered bubbling gurgles as the Princess fucked her silly, the secondary bulge in her stomach beginning to pull the skin as taut as Luna's cock did. Things were rapidly approaching a climax and the Lunar Princess was doing her best to keep herself restrained; failing somewhat miserably. Her balls lifted up, pulling tight to her body as she gave a final thrust forward. Her shaft exploded inside of Fleur, her stomach ballooning up to a few feet shy of the Princess herself. As the second spurt rocked Fleur's stomach, sloshing and mixing with the previous load, Fleur sluggishly squirted her way off the end of Luna's cock. Falling to the floor and being buried underneath her grotesquely swollen stomach, while a third salvo of royal spunk splattered over her.

Partway through her orgasm, Luna gripped the base of her shaft with both hands. A quick surge of magic placed a seal of magic around her cock and balls, preventing her from spilling any further seed on her cocksleeve. Her body rumbled and protested the seal. She thrust forwards methodically as she dry orgasmed, her balls emptying and refilling themselves, her bones aching to swell larger as per her usual orgasmic gifts. She stepped forward and let her cock fall on Fleur's stomach, causing a splash of her seed to be forcibly ejected onto her dark toes. The Princess looked down with a scowl before slapping the belly, delighting as it wobbled and sloshed around before her.

"Ordinarily you, as my cocksleeve, would receive the brunt of my load," smirked Luna, turning her head towards Canterlot Castle. "But my dear sister, the mighty Celestia, deserves the rest. Though I can think of another use for you, sleeve..."

Celestia awoke to a loud bang coming from somewhere in the castle. She sat bolt upright in bed, her shaft tenting the sheets of the bed, thanks to her pleasant dreams. Her mind immediately went to an attack on the castle, she could hear the guards rushing down the corridors to the source of the noise. Royal protocol dictated that the Princess was to wait in her room for her escort to arrive, who would then lead her to safety. Celestia scoffed at the idea as she rose from her bed, dressing in her bathrobes, forgoing the opportunity to relieve herself of her morning wood. She opened her bedroom door and stepped out into the surprisingly quiet space. Soft moans echoed towards her from both ends of the corridor, making it rather moot for her to choose a path. Still, she wandered off towards the front door of the castle, tugging her dressing gown tighter around her body.

As she wandered the castle, the moans grew steadily louder underscored with a maniacal laughter. Celestia didn't recognise the laughter, but she was certain the moans were coming from her guards. Were they injured? Had something breached the castle and was actually attacking her guards in a bid to get at her? It seemed plausible and yet there was something about the events that didn't sit right with the Solar Princess. Equestria didn't have any enemies, or rather her envoys had never suggested that it had enemies. Her suspicions then fell onto the relevant parties of her previous tryst with the other species leaders. She had sworn them to secrecy, lest the information get out and a diplomatic incident occur. But did that include an attack on Equestria? She'd only used them as a seat cushion for a little while! Hardly worth all this!

As she wandered further, she saw the faintest edges of something white and spherical in her path. A familiar smell emanating from the spherical object, which as she drew closer, she realised was not an object at all. It was a pony. A formerly pretty, white, model of a unicorn, moaning and groaning as her belly sloshed about. The scent grew stronger as Celestia sidled up against the wall to see around the blockage. She wrinkled her nose as she sampled the more intense smell, to the point where she could taste it on her tongue. It was completely new in terms of taste, but as far as smelling it went, something about it made her heart skip a beat. A wave of delight washing over her body, an almost childlike innocence that she hadn't felt for centuries. She wracked her mind for the last time, fiighting through the wafting arousal to keep her mind on track. The last time she recalled it was...
`"Hello, sister," came a disembodied voice. "My, my, my, the years have been good to you have they not? The last time we spoke you were so svelte and slim, why I'd dare to say I was curvier of us back then."

Celestia shimmied back to the other side of the unicron blockage, looking around for her sister. "Is this your doing? This poor unicorn, filled to bursting point and left here like some grotesque ornament?"

"Oh, Sister! I had no idea you were still such a prude. Have you not embraced our changes? I've had centuries alone enjoy my transformation, well, I did have one faithful companion."

Celestia felt a shiver travel up her spine as a dark mist began to roll in around the swollen Fleur. "A-and just who would that be?"

Laughter echoed down the hallway, leading the Princess to spin around on, expecting to see Luna there, waiting for her. "You, dear sister. All those years I was locked away in the moon, forced to live my life unable to experience relief. You were the double-edged sword that had me counting down the days until I would be released from that forsaken prison."

Celestia turned back towards the bloated Fleur, where the mist was beginning to form into the towering form of her sister. "There would have been no need for such lechery if you had showed some restraint on the night of your banishment. I told you no, repeatedly and you ignored me, I was left with no other choice."

"Oh is that how you rationalise it?" asked the mist, as it began to fill out the impressive curves of the Lunar Princess. "I suppose that's how you thought of the Day of Thanks, isn't it? That it was a necessity, something that had to be done. Rather than it's true purpose, which was to put our subjects in their rightful place."

Celestia opened her mouth to speak, but her jaw simply dropped lower as finally the new form of Luna was revealed to her. At 16ft tall she towered over Celestia by four whole feet, her head bowed slightly to allow her to stand. Her breasts billowed down to her stomach, punctuated with thick, midnight blue, nipples. Her hips and rear were wide, practically filling the corridor as well as Fleur herself did. But the crowning glory of Luna's new form was the long tube of flesh that hung down to her ankles, wider than one of her legs, coupled with the twin, wrecking balls that hung behind it. Feet upon feet of cock and ball flesh that twitched with an eagerness that would make anyone nervous, let alone Princess Celestia.

"Well, well, well, is the great Princess Celestia finally speechless? What's the matter, sister? Cock got your tongue?"

"N-no, I-"

"No? Well we can fix that," Luna reached down and swiped at Celestia, but the Solar Princess was a little quicker to react.

Celestia teleported herself a few feet back and turned her back on her sister, fleeing for the safety of somewhere else in the castle. As she fled down the corridors that she had previously opted not to, she noticed her guards littered the corridor. Their bellies bloated and their eyes glazed over, it was obvious that Luna had filled more than just Fleur before presenting herself to Celestia. The scent of Luna's dominance hung in the air, making her way seem hazy and unsure. The faster Celestia ran, the more she breathed it in, the greater of an effect it had on her. Her shaft twitched and bounced against her thighs, swelling harder and longer. She cursed the idea that she found Luna attractive, this wasn't how sisters were supposed to act! Her shaft grew to its full length quickly, her own arousal mixing with the other heady aroma in the air. She could feel her own desire to fuck and breed beginning to rise, the groans from the swollen guards doing nothing to help her calm down. If she could just reach the throne room, where her attendants would be dutifully waiting, she could work herself back to a calmed state. She rounded a final corner and came upon the doors to her throne room. With a quick shove, she thrust open the door to the throne room. Her face fell once again as she found the room and one of its thrones occupied, not just with her attendants, but the same pony she'd tried to outrun.

"Ah, nice of you to arrive, sister,"Luna began, her hands rubbing across the length of her shaft as it was buried deep in the throat of Celestia's attendant. Two other attendants flanked Luna, each one magically forced to press their faces into her balls, listening to the roiling, churning, seed from within. "How many cock sleeves have you had since you banished me, sister? Ten? A hundred? Dare I say even a thousand? Or did you simply grant your original sleeves longevity?"

"That is hardly any of your business, sister. My attendants-"

Luna reached forward and gripped the head of her cock sleeve, shoving them to her crotch as she began to pant quickly. She grunted through gritted teeth, moaning softly as she carefully poured a measured amount of her load down her sleeve's throat. Once they'd received their gift, she cast them aside and stood up from her throne, dragging her ball attendants down with her for a few steps before she slid by her. Her horn began to glow with its telltalle blue aura, but the effects of it were yet to be felt. Her shafted bobbed ahead of her, shoving itself between Celestia's pillowy mounds. The smaller sister moaned at the feeling of such scalding warmth, losing her composure for a few moments.

But a few moments was all that Luna needed. With a wicked smirk, her magical aura became visible around Celestia's jaw, holding it open. "I've waited so long for you this, sister. My balls have churned up a load fitting of your stature, and I assure you, I've been careful not to waste it on lesser sleeves."

Celestia gurgled a reply, but Luna wasn't in the mood to continue the conversation. With another twitch of her shaft, it bounced up from Celestia's breasts and came to rest against her lower jaw. Celestia's head pulled forwards thanks to the sheer weight of cock. Her eyes went wide as she saw just how big it was up close. The slit alone was like a gaping maw, ready to swallow her up. Its breath billowing over Celestia's head, travelling down her throat and saturating her senses. There were no doubts in the Princesses head now, the scent she'd smelt earlier belonged to Luna. It was a wonder that she'd ever doubted it in the first place, there was only ever one creature in Equestria capable of filling up mares and stallions like she could. At least not until Cadance came into her powers a little better. Celestia struggled as best she could, but Luna's magical grip held the princess tight. The ebony cockhead pushed against her lips. spreading her jaw further than she thought possible, filling her up so tightly.

Luna rumbled above, her eyes closed in blissful delight as she thrust herself into the moist tunnel of Celestia's mouth. "Oh, sister, you have no idea how good it feels to finally sample your throat! Tighter than I could have ever imagined and you've taken no less than the tip!"

Celestia's breathing grew short and panicked as she came across the first problem of taking a cock as large as Luna's. The head filled up her mouth so vastly that her main airway was blocked. She couldn't breathe, her nostrils flaring as they drank in the vital air she needed, only to gag when Luna's scent came with it. With each retch, her throat muscles contracted and relaxed, allowing Luna to press her shaft in further. A viscious cycle endured as the more Celestia took, the more she gagged, which allowed her to take even more of her sister's shaft. The heat in her throat was quickly becoming painful, already dry from her sister's musk, it was now being rubbed up and down. Luna seemed to be enjoying it through, as each thrust in and out elicited a louder groan from the taller princess.

Tears formed in Celestia's eyes as Luna choked her with almost a foot of cock. Her throat bulged out obscenely, giving her the look of something akin to a frog. She was barely halfway down Luna's cock, and the princess seemed intent on forcing her to take more. As it approached the base of her neck, Luna seemed to struggle. Celestia's throat had narrowed somewhat and the frisky princess was proving to be far too big to continue. Luna snorted, letting loose a primal grunt as she reared back. Celestia took in as much of a breath as she could, before Luna slammed her cock back down her throat. Those tears in her eyes streamed down Celestia's face as the head of Luna's cock bulldozed its way down to her stomach. Celestia felt her organs shift to accomodate the mammoth meat, her body screaming in agony, leaving her wondering if she'd survive the event. Her lips pressed up against Luna's crotch, just like the attendant before her.

"Mmph! You truly are a sleeve without compare, sister. That slut from the street, your guards and attendants, none of them hold a candle to you!" She thrust into Celestia again, her balls smashing against the bulge of her shaft inside her sister's body. "Prepare yourself, sister. I expected to last a little longer, but then I couldn't have anticipated just how tight you'd be!"

Celestia wanted to protest. She wanted to tell her sister that this was completely out of order. That she needed to show restraint against the lecherous feelings that had built up over a thousand years. But she couldn't focus on anything outside the warm, gooey, pre-cum that was drooling it's way into her stomach. Her hands traced Luna's shaft down her body, from her throat between her breasts and over her slowly swelling stomach. She couldn't admit it openly, but a part of her felt good about what was happening. It was constantly overshadowed by her need to remain prim and proper in the face of such overwhelming intensity, of course. But the more Luna continued to assaile Celestia, the more she felt those states of mind begin to shift. By the time her belly had the look of an early pregnancy, her mind was focused on helping Luna. It hadn't taken much for Celestia to change her mind so quickly. With the heady amounts of pre-cum pouring down Celestia's throat, it had only been a matter of time before her brain became overwhelmed. She simply wanted to help her sister get what she wanted, at least then Luna might return to her former self. Her eyes went wide as Celestia felt Luna's shaft begin to thicken up even further. The time of the flood was fast approaching.

"How many mares and stallions have you sired, sister?" Luna asked rhetorically , grunting as her balls pulled tight to her shaft. Finally, the moment she'd long waited for was at hand. "Not that it matters. This load has been -hah- brewed over centuries! There's enough -ffff- seed here to sire thousands of foals! Prepare yourself!"

Celestia's expression only went wider as Luna fired the first salvo down her throat, the lunar princess howling in delight. Celestia's belly quickly bloated up to its maximum capacity, hanging over her knees and touching the floor. That was only the first load though, as Luna rapidly fired off a second and third wad of cum down Celestia's throat. That tube of a cock making good on Luna's promise of a load to sire thousands. Celestia already looked like she was pregnant with triplets and a fourth or fifth was on the way. Her belly gurgled and protested the swelling, rapidly spreading across the floor and encroaching upon Luna's own toes. Cum began to bubble up around her lips, drooling down her cheeks and jaw, pooling into her cleavage. Celestia found herself playing with the pool of cum, smothering it across her breasts, though for what reason she wasn't sure. Her brain had experienced sensory overload from the pleasured pain of her stomach sloshing and groaning below her. She still wanted to help Luna, but for the moment she was on autopilot, acting in any way that delighted Luna.

Luna looked down to see Celestia fondling herself and a half-smile spread across her face. This was going better than she could have ever dreamed it would. Her sister, the one responsible for her thousand years of torment, was one her knees and choking down a potent mix of cock and cum. Glorious. The size of Celestia's belly was something of a highlight as well. Luna had to step over it and straddle Celestia's face to continue with her deluge, gripping hold of her sister's shoulders to fire off the final few wads of cum. Celestia protested, or moaned in delight, it was hard to tell with her lips wrapped around her shaft and her belly gave a final surge before everything fell silent. Luna's gasps of delight and the rumbling of Celestia's belly were the only noises echoing around the throne room. The former took careful steps backwards as she pulled her monster meat out from her sister's throat. She gasped sharply as her body reacted to her cumshot, finally able to follow its post-orgasm protocols. As her shaft was pulled out from Celestia's throat, it thickened up gaining a few extra inches in circumference and length. Her body grew taller too, gaining an extra foot of height, her hips, rear and breasts filling on a few extra pounds of flesh to ensure she retained her voluptuous curves. Her balls even refilled beyond their normal capacity, growing in size to accomodate it.

"Oh sister, you have no idea how long I've dreamed of this moment. To see you swallow my length, gorging yourself on my seed, becoming the little slut I always knew you to be! It's-"

Luna was interrupted for a moment while Celestia struggled to her feet, trying and failing to lift her belly off the ground. Still on autopilot, her body tried its best to drain some of the excess cum away, to allow for her regular thoughts to return to her. Slowly, painfully, she turned around and leaned forwards, putting pressure on her stomach and forcing its contents back up her throat. She retched as cum bubbled up from her throat and drained out down her chin and onto the floor. It wasn't the most elegant of solutions, but it was the only way she could get some semblence of normalcy again.

"How dare you!" Luna boomed from behind Celestia. "I give you this precious gift, my glorious seed, and you dare waste it? Oh no, I've waited for to long for you to show such disrespect!" Luna magically took hold of Celestia's jaw and clamped it shut. "Seems like you're still in need of a little gift appreciation, sister."

Luna lifted her shaft up and brought it down on Celestia's back with a heavy slap. The smaller princess groaned, her cheeks bulging as seed rushed up to escape and was promptly denied an exit. Luna's cock grew longer, lifting and bouncing as it reached its fully erect state, leaving it half as long as Celestia's back. The nocturnal princess stepped back, pushing her cock aside for the moment as she tried to work out just which hole she wanted to use. She was delighted to see her sister's pussy dripping like it was replicating a monsoon. However, she'd already sired Fleur with children for years to come, so her attention was immediately turned northward, towards her plush rear. If ever there was a place that would teach Celestia a lesson, it would be her ass. Luna positioned her cock head against the pink star of Celestia's anus and gave a few testing thrusts. Her head slapped against the rear entrance Celestia groaned a response, a mix between reluctance and acceptance. Not that Luna was looking for any of her input.

On the next thrust, Luna pushed her way inside Celestia's compact passage. There was no easing her way in this time, she knew Celestia was capable of taking her entire length after all. She kept stepping forwards until her hips slapped against Celestia's rear. At which point her sister whinnied, Luna's cock visibly protruding from the walls of her already bulging belly. With her refractory period all but eliminated by her growth spurt, Luna wasted no time in getting to work. The taller sister was relentless in her anal assault, pounding her way deep into Celestia's guts. Her cock squelched and slurped on its entrance and exit as the mixture of spit and semen worked in aid of lubrication. No doubt Celestia would have thanked her for it, given just how much her tailhole was being stretched. The feel of her own seed pressing against her shaft from all angles, spreading its warmth across her length, enveloping her in yet another layer of tightness. Luna regretted that their second tryst of the night was due to come to a much more sudden close, but the thought of seeing her sister bloated up even further spurred her on.

As her thrusts quickly turned to a blur, her balls pulling tight to her shaft once more, she unloaded the second of her loads into her sister. To her surprise, although her spurts didn't have an immediate effect on the roundness of her sister's stomach, she did soon begin to bloat up. Soon enough, Celestia's legs were lifted off the floor, properly impaling her on Luna's cock, while still swelling higher. Luna grew an extra foot taller once more, her shaft gaining a few extra inches and her balls refilling once more, but none of that matched her swelling sister. Higher and higher Celestia did balloon until even Luna's cock fell free from her rear, the final spurts landing across Celestia's back and splattering Luna's head.

The Princess of the Night allowed her tongue to loll out and her composure to loosen up as she gazed upon the drooling form of her sister. Celestia had taken on a somewhat planetary size in the throne room. Her belly gurlged and groaned, her stomach bloated beyond any previous mare or stallion. Luna felt proud with her efforts, a revenge acted out at long last. Though, as she gazed up at her sister, she noticed the cum slowly beginning to drool down from her ass, trailing over her cock and balls, mixing with her own salty seed. Come the morning, she would no doubt have regained some of her senses and movement faculties. Luna couldn't have that, not a chance. Celestia was to stay this way until her subjects saw her in the morning. She wanted them to ask questions, to see that the same pony that had filled them up so much, was just a horny for a filling herself. She wanted Celestia to gurgle and beg for more cock, only to be dissatisfied because nobody could measure up to Luna herself. Then, once her arousal and need had peaked and that she'd experienced the same need that Luna had, she'd make a comeback. Not just to share the throne of Equestria with her sister, but to take what she'd just claimned as hers.

Her sister.

True to her word, Luna did return to the throne of Equestria and together with her sister, the pair resumed their roles. There were obvious changes though. Both Celestia and Luna were a little more sexually open, though Celestia did try to keep up appearances where they mattered. Luna however, didn't care at all. She could obviously be seen with a cock sleeve on her member, whether it be made from fabric or from one of the castle attendents. And several of their meetings with diplomats often started with Luna being present but soon excusing herself, only to return later out of breath and visibly flustered. Thanks to Celestia's expert skills though, there were never any diplomatic incidents as a result. The biggest change from Luna's return were the new titles that Luna and Celestia agreed to use for each other. Signalling a traditional relationship between the two and one that told Equestria that they had slept with each other at least once, even if the consent was dubious at best. They rotated the use of 'husband' and 'wife' between them, meant to signal who was the more dominant of the two at any given time. But for the most part, Celestia wore the title of husband and Luna the title of wife. Though Luna enjoyed showing her sister time and time again why it was she that should have been wearing the metaphorical trousers in the family. Something she seemed to be doing long before the actual official day for the title switching was to occur. Celestia didn't mind though, she was just delighted to have her sister, and now wife, returned to her. Even if she was a much more lust-addled creature than she had been before the banishment.

As the years wore on, the pair continued to host Days of Thanks, the numbers of participants growing severely once Luna made her debut. Soon enough the Princesses were debating plans to build a chamber underneath Canterlot Castle, forming a secret sex dungeon. The plan was ultimately rejected as there were fears it wouldn't be ready for the next Day of Thanks. As a result, the Princesses used the Royal Chambers to host their debauched antics and the land of Equestria enjoyed a population boom. That in turn fueled the development and expansion of places outside of Canterlot, turning places like Fillydelphia and Manehatten into the bustling metropolises that ponies had come to know them as. Things were going swimmingly, ponies accepted that the Princesses were somewhat sex-crazed and prosperity reigned. Then a strange series of events led to one Starlight Glimmer, along with her mortal enemy, stumbling upon this version of Equestria...