
by MrWriterWriter

First published

A day in the life of Octavia and Vinyl Scratch

Octavia Melody and Vinyl Scratch have known each other for years; from co-workers, to rivals, to friends, then lovers. Of course they still have the occasion disagreements and mishaps that accompany any couples' lives from day to day.

But they wouldn't have it any other way.

This is one of those days.

Contains: Futa-Tavi and Horny Vinyl.


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'Kiss me in the clover..' Octavia yawned and flicked off the alarm on the radio by her bed. A quick look at the built-in clock made her groan. "Seven AM. Why did I set it so early...?" She asked herself, sitting up to stretch. A glance out the window showed the sun was already over the horizon, light pouring into the bedroom. "Well, so much for going back to sleep." Another yawn, and she looked over at the blanket-covered lump on the other half of the bed.

Poking out was a familiar blue mane; the mane of her fellow musician and girlfriend, DJ-Pon3. Better known by her real name, Vinyl Scratch. The mare in question was still sound asleep, punctuated by light mumbles. Octavia reached over to wake her up, but stopped. "Nah, neither of us have anything we need to do today." She grinned "Plus, this means I get the bathroom all to myself."

Going as slowly as she could to avoid rousing her, Octavia climbed out of bed and tiptoed to her destination, closing the door softly behind her. Inside, she exhaled in relief and started up the shower. As soon as she adjusted it to her liking, Octavia stripped off the bra and panties she on before stepping in.

Inside, however, it was hard not to blush when she saw her reflection in the full length mirror Vinyl had insisted on putting up for one of her more...erotic enjoyments. Granted, it'd been there for nearly a year, but given her rather...uncommon anatomy, it was hard for her not to react that way at first. After a moment, the brief shyness faded and she shook her head. "I'll never figure out how she talked me into letting her install this."

As the water gradually soaked her down, she grabbed the soap and lathered up. During that, she couldn't help but admire her figure a bit in the mirror. Thankfully, Vinyl had the foresight to have it treated to be fogproof.

Now, Octavia wasn't what most would consider vain, but she had to admit that she was, as Vinyl put it more than once, a 'hottie'. Her gaze glided over her reflection; a six-foot-two body that had gotten her the affectionate nickname "Towering Tavi' in school, large greyish-mulberry eyes, the dark grey mane that draped down her lower back, along with her goldish grey coat that she made a point to take care of. Somewhat slender shoulders that she was now going over with a sudsy washcloth. She giggled a bit as she remembered the times Vinyl would leave lipstick marks on them from her kisses.

'Of course, I did the same to her.' she thought, moving the cloth down over her breasts, a pair of 39DD breasts she was proud up, since she felt they worked nicely with her frame. Both were pleasantly rounded globes, firm with just enough give to let her - or Vinyl's - fingers sink in slightly, topped with dark grey, almost black, bit-sized nipples. Yet another location her girlfriend enjoyed leaving lipstick on. Both nubs were already hard. A soft moan escaped her lips as she gave one a pinch, pretending it was Vinyl's doing.

"Whoo...ok, e-enough of that, Tavi." She lightly scolded herself."Or you'll be here all day." She resumed her trek of washing, hands gliding over the toned, flat stomach she'd earned from a steady workout schedule. And as Vinyl had unfortunately discovered, was a rather ticklish location. She paused when her fingers reached her waist, feeling a sensation that she was all too familiar with, and looked down at her reflection. Down there rested the reason she considered herself having an 'uncommon anatomy':

Jutting out from between her legs was a nine-inch-long, and fairly girthy, erection. The rod of greyish-pink flesh bounced slightly when she simply sighed, the mushroom-like head glistening slightly from the soapy water trickling onto it and over her scrotum. "Celestia...you're hard already?" She asked in faux exasperation.

Now, one could be forgiven for thinking Vinyl was uncomfortable with her girlfriend having that particular addition; given that on discovering it for herself, she jumped back like it was an angry cat. Even Octavia had expected her to bolt like the majority of her previous girlfriends. Sometimes she wondered if that was part of the reason she was more attracted to mares than stallions. Unfortunately, other mares didn't react too well to its existence, some making excuses not to continue dating while others outright walked away or pretended they'd never even met her.

Which would explain Octavia's surprise when Vinyl, instead of running, or making up a reason to leave, simply grinned and asked if it was real, promptly giving her her first ever handjob when she said yes. The wub-loving pony literally purred when she climaxed afterwards. Needless to say, Vinyl ensured the carnal aspect of their relationship was kept satisfied. She bit her lip gently as her hand gently ran over the firm organ, giving it a modest scrub.

Had she been paying a bit more attention, though, she probably would have noticed the shower door open and company join her. She quickly found out she wasn't alone when a familiar hand reached around to playfully grab her balls.

"Ya know, Tavi, if you wanted Junior washed, you just had to ask." The husky voice of Vinyl Scratch piped up over her shoulder, followed by another hand catching one of her nipples between its fingers.

"I...mm....I thought I'd let...haa..I'd let you sleep in." Octavia moaned at the attention being payed to two of the most sensitive parts of her body.

"Aw, that's sweet, Tav, but I saw you head into the bathroom." Vinyl grinned, earning a light buck of her lover's hips as she massaged the weight pouch. "Was thinking about letting you come out first, but the idea of you, wet, naked, and with a raging boner was too good to pass up!"

"C-come on Vinyl..." Octavia whined a little, trying to ignore the twitch in her penis as Vinyl continued to fondle her. "I'm...I'm almost done!"

"Aw, but I just got in here." Vinyl let go and stepped around so she was in Octavia's view. Again, one would be forgiven for thinking that, due to their size difference, Octavia would be the dominant in this relationship. At a modest five-seven, Vinyl was just tall enough to peek over her girlfriend's shoulder. Her frame was a bit more slender than Octavia's as well, though she was still generously curved, with 33 C-cup breasts, topped with bright pink nipples slightly smaller than her own, a flat stomach and nicely flared hips.

And as far as Octavia was concerned, Vinyl had the most magnificent ass she'd ever seen, or touched. Of course, unlike her, Vinyl had a marehood; the plump, almost mouthwatering mound of flesh that rested between her thighs, with a small line of visible pink with her netherlips met.

She also know exactly how to hold, stroke, tease, and touch Octavia in ways that turned her mind to pudding and send her sexual appetite into overdrive. Plus, Vinyl was shameless. If it was just them, she refused to wear a shred of clothing, not to mention the experimentation she managed to get her to do.

Her cheeks, and loins, still burned a little when she remembered Vinyl talking her into having sex in front of everyone on the turntable at her last concert. Granted, the applause afterwards was surprisingly appreciated, but still...

"Tell ya what; wash me...." She gently stroked the head of Octavia's penis. "And I'll finish washing you. What do you say?" Vinyl smiled in that infuriatingly adorable way that she liked to call her 'dick-sucking smile'...

And it worked on Octavia. Every. Time.

Proping herself against the wall, Octavia sighed in a mix of mild resignation and satisfaction as Vinyl's hands ran over her thighs and rear. Though she wouldn't admit it out loud, while she had hoped to have the shower to herself for once, she never got tired of her girlfriend's touch. Though, when Vinyl wanted to touch could be a little troublesome at times.

Luckily for them both, this was not one of those times.

Octavia inhaled sharply at the feel of Vinyl's hand wrapping around her erection, her palm gliding up and down the shaft. "Wow, kinda pent up, aren't ya, babe?"

"N-no! Of c-course not!" Her voice cracked into a squeak as Vinyl straddled it, her cerise eyes glinting mischievously.

"Oh? It's been a couple days since we had any fun." She slowly ground her sex along the length, purring a little in the process.

"That...mmff...that was when you talked me into pleasuring you in front of your whole audience at your recent concert!" Octavia tried to protest, but the feel of Vinyl's pussy on her dick was swiftly eroding her will.

Vinyl just grinned, "Didn't hear you complain, especially after the-mmm-the 'encore' you gave. I couldn't sit comfortably till last night."

"Th-that's what you get for bouncing that pert little bottom..." She punctuated it by getting a handful of the unicorn's ass, '...in my face while I was still in the mood." This time it was Octavia's turn to smirk at Vinyl's blush.

A victory that was short-lived, however, as the smirk returned to her girlfriend face. "Well, if that's all it takes to get you in the mood..." She deftly stepped away from the taller mare and stepped over to the opposite wall of the shower, propping a knee up on the ledge for bottles. She then rested her arm against the tile wall and looked back over her shoulder, biting her lip cutely and a 'come hither' in her eyes. "Then here I am, baby." She whispered, lifting her hips back to present herself .

A dull whine of lust escaped Octavia's lips, idly stroking her now throbbing cock...because she knew that Vinyl Scratch had -once again - won this sexual tussle of theirs. She couldn't help but smile a little, even though she had yet to come out of top in that regard, part of her still counted it as a victory of sorts. 'After all, I'm the only pony around who knows...' She stepped up behind the eagerly waiting unicorn, and sheathed herself in one smooth stroke, earning a gasp of delight from Vinyl, '...that Vinyl Scratch, MY Vinyl Scratch is a screamer.' With that, she began pumping into the unicorn with a steady rhythm they both loved.

"Nnmm..." Vinyl let out a breathy moan at the pulsating thrusts, combined with the feel of her girlfriend gently nibbling along her neck and shoulder. "Tavi...." She purred as she felt a hand grasp her breast, palming the nipple and using it to pull her against Octavia's chest, the larger mare's chest pressing against her back. Needless to say, the unicorn was in heaven. "H-harder, please..."

Eager to oblige, Octavia slowed her thrusts slightly and added more force to make up for the loss of speed. Soon, the sound of smacking flesh and various noises of pleasure mixed in with the shower.

"Guh..! Mpf! Oh yeah...!" Vinyl squealed in ecstasy at the feel of Octavia's cock almost slam into her sex, her lovers hip collide against her ass with a meaty impact each time.

"V-Vinyl...! I'm going to...." Octavia gritted her teeth, the abrupt tightening sensation in her groin telling her she was near.

"Fill me up, baby!" Vinyl cried out, "Gimmie all of....IIIITTT!!" Vinyl threw her head back in a shriek of passion, her own orgasm catching her by surprise, coupled with the feel of something warm and thick splash against her inner wall.

Octavia squeaked and grunted as she bucked her hips against her, her own body tensing slightly at the feel of her load spilling into her lover. With one last thrust, she let out a shuddering exhale, feeling the remaining bit of her essence empty into her.

The two stood there for what seemed like forever, letting their orgasms wash over them; Vinyl resting against Octavia, and Octavia holding Vinyl close, her other arm around her waist.

"H-heh...I'm never gonna get tired of that." Vinyl whispered, tilting her head back to kiss her girlfriend.

The remainder of the couple's shower lasted a bit longer than they expected since they had to wash up a second time after their intimacy, but they were soon out and in the kitchen to start their day. True to form, Vinyl was starkers while Octavia opted for something slightly more modest in the form of panties (pairs she had to have custom made).

"Aw, c'mon, 'Tavi." Vinyl whined a little from her seat. "I can cook just as well as you can. You know that!"

"I know, Vinyl." Octavia replied as she prepared pancakes. "But I am not really in the mood for a soysauce and pimento omelette."

"Oh, you know those were good."

"Yes, but the after effects were...well, less than pleasant."

Vinyl started to make a rebuttal, but paused. "Okay, you got a point there. Next time I'll leave out the tabasco." She watched Octavia prep a stack each. "So, we got the whole day to ourselves, no concerts, no rehearsals, nada. What do you feel up to?"

"To be honest, I'm not sure. Maybe talk a walk through the park this afternoon, visit that ice cream parlor you love so much?"

"The one with the spoons made out of chocolate biscotti!? Count me in!" The DJ 'squeed' in response. "But first..." Her gaze drifted to the pancakes that had been place in front of her.


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The remainder of the morning was used somewhat constructively...provided you call relaxing accompanied by judicious amounts of cuddling and kissing 'constructive'.

"Well, that explains why I never bother with daytime TV." Vinyl sighed, flipping through the channels a third time. "Nothing but infomercials and lame soap operas."

"Actually, Heartsbuck Hill used to ok, at least until they tried to give Blink and Candy Caps evil twins." Octavia grimaced. "Ruined almost half a dozen perfectly meshed stories for that."

The pair finally settled on what seemed to be the least mindnumbing channel for that time of day; foal's programming. Vinyl chuckled. "Wow, I used to watch Horseshoe Head and Friends back when I was a filly."

"Likewise. Sadly, he has NOT aged well." Octavia glanced at the clock. "One already...come on, Vinyl, why don't we go ahead and get some fresh air? Besides, they have rain scheduled for later and you want that ice cream before that happens, don't you?"

Vinyl looked at her...then promptly vanished in a flash of magenta light. A few seconds later, Octavia could hear her digging through one of the dresser drawers in their bedroom.

"I'll take that as a yes."

By the time they were outside, the formerly sunny sky was already being dotted by pegasi with grey clouds show signs of the impending downpour for later.

"Aw crap...don't look like we're gonna get to spend too much time out here." Vinyl muttered, giving the group of cloud pushers the stink eye through her glasses.

"At least it won't be for a few more hours. Why don't we go ahead and hit the Ice cream shop first?" Octavia replied, checking her watch. "My sweet tooth could use a little pacification."

By then, Vinyl was already half a dozen steps ahead of her. "Last one there pays for it!"

"You're broke, aren't you?"

"Pretty much!"

Octavia sighed and shook her head. "At least she's honest."

"....well, my mother still hasn't forgiven you for warping her good pie pan."

"Come on, Tavi, I didn't even know soy sauce could even do that to ceramic!"

Given that the shop in question was a good fifteen minute walk from their home, the two drifted into one of their more reliable ways to pass time, idle chatter.

"Still don't know why you won't touch booze."

"You remember the last time I tried what YOU laughingly called a 'cocktail'."

"Aw, but you're so cute as a horny drunk!"

"I woke up with lipstick marks and hearts drawn on my penis, Vinyl...in permanent marker!"

Which mean the two easily, and often, slipped from one subject to the next.

"Wish my strings would get in."

"And I keep telling ya, Tav. just get an electric cello. easier to carry and they look kickass!"

"And I keep tellingyou, Vinyl, that I have no desire to have one that resembles a throwing star."


Unfortunately, this tended to leave anyone in earshot a little confused...

"It's not funny, Vinyl Scratch!"

*snort* "Yes it is! You got so flustered at her it was kind of adorable."

"Until she tried to take liberties and put a hand on my hip. I was about to slap her when you grabbed me by the crotch and growled 'mine!' at her."

"Just protecting turf that I'm the only one allowed to touch."

"Didn't know if I should have been shocked or aroused."

And slightly turned on from time to time. Luckily they reached the shop fairly quickly.

"Ah, the Ice Age Creamery, morning sweet thing." Vinyl grinned as she eyed the flavor specials listed in the front window. "They got creme brulee swirl again! Yes!" She squealed.

"Hm, blood orange chocolate chunk...mine!" Octavia grinned, quickly following her girlfriend inside.

Given it was still somewhat early in the day, the shop was empty inside except for the clerk, who was cleaning the counter when he saw them. "W-wha...what'll it...*gulp* what'll it be, l-ladies?" He asked, his face almost firehouse red. Since it was relatively warm out, the two had dressed light; Octavia was in shorts and a crop top t-shirt, while Vinyl had opted for a halter top and miniskirt.

Vinyl was the first to make her order. "Let me have some of that maple glaze too." She added, bending over to get a better look through the display window. The poor clerk hyperventilated a little when he got a look at the cleavage of the unicorn mare's ample 33 C-cup bust that was on display.

"Do you have any of the lem~" Octavia started placing her's when she glanced down at her girlfriend, her voice stopping dead at what she saw. The hem of Vily's skirt had ridden up when she'd bent over, giving Octavia an impressive view of what was underneath, complete with a lack of panties. "V-Vinyl...!" She squeaked, earning a look back.

"Something wrong, babe?" Vinyl asked, giving her ass a wiggle when she saw Octavia was staring at it.

"Ah..."Octavia blushed a bit at the sight, before quickly turning her attention back to the clerk. "Oh, uh, d-do you have any of those lemon sprinkles?"

"Letmegocheck!" He replied, both of them noticing the tent he was already sporting in his pants as he scurried off.

"Vinyl! Why are you going commando!?" Octavia squeaked, trying to fight off her own boner.

"What? You know I don't even own any panties."

"I thought we agreed I'd lend you some when you decided to wear skirts!" Octavia whined, taking a risk and adjusting herself.

"Yeah, but it's too hot to wear any right now." Vinyl gave her 'puppy dog eyes'. "You don't want my little kitty to chafe, do you?" She chuckled at the look she was given.


"C'mon, Tavi." Her voice shifted to a purring tone, pressing her rear against Octavia's crotch. "Stop being so tense," She said, grinding against her and getting a groan in return."You're making things hard on yourself all the time." Licking her lips as she felt the growing erection prodding her rear, she continued. "All that stress isn't healthy. Think how much..." A hard thrust back against her was rewarded with Octavia grabbing her hips. "Easier things'd be on you if you just. Cut. Loose."

A growl of lust escaped the normally composed earth pony's lips and she nearly responded with a thrust of her own before the squeak of a door opening snapped her out of it. Octavia's face went cherry when she realized what she was about to do and nearly teleported to a corner table with an embarrassed squeak. Luckily for her, the large table cloth hid her unplanned arousal.

Vinyl's shoulders shook a little as she tried to keep from giggling when the clerk came back. She quickly gave Octavia's order - after heading over to borrow the money from her - and quickly returned with two triple-scoop waffle bowls. Of course, it didn't help the blushing cellist when instead of beside her, Vinyl sat right in her lap.

Octavia nearly drew blood biting her lip at the feel of her girlfriend's naked backside planting itself firmly on her dick. "Vinyl....you really suck sometimes!" She managed to rasp out over the DJ wriggling her hips some to get comfortable.

"Can't deny that it's true, babe." Vinyl grinned, enjoying her ice cream. "That and you really do need to let go more often. Getting worked up like that never helped anyone. Besides..." She smirked and ground her ass back onto Octavia's already throbbing cock. "...Don't tell me the idea of being watched again doesn't turn you on. That was the most relaxed I've seen you in a while"

Octavia scrunched up her nose in response in an attempt to ignore her while forcing her attention to her own ice cream, cheeks blazing.

"I mean, seriously, you have gotta want to just scream sometimes, except not in the way we both like it." Vinyl glanced at her

Octavia just continued eating.

"Sometimes you need to just meet the source of it 'head'on." She punctuated that with a light bounce. "Just drop things and go with the wubs." She was almost done with her own when she saw how stubborn her girlfriend was being. "'Tavi, you may be acting like you aren't listening, but I can still feel you react." She ground against her. "You and I both know you fake disinterest as well as you fake an orgasm."

Octavia let out the beginning of a moan before steeling herself and resuming eating, the look on her face plainly saying 'You aren't going to get me this time, Vinyl Scratch.'

Vinyl snorted a little. "I can feel you went commando as well, Octavia Melody. That's what you get for wearing yoga shorts without panties."

The blush spread across her face, along with a slight whimper, but that was it.

"You really want me to resort to drastic measures, Tav?"

Silence reigned.

Vinyl rolled her eyes a bit and finished off her ice cream. "I'll be back in a sec, need to hit the bathroom." She climbed off her lap and made a beeline for the mare's room.

Of course, had Octavia - or the clerk, if he hadn't put all his focus back into cleaning the counter after seeing a hot girl wiggle into another hot girl's lap - been a hair more observant, they would have seen a brief flash of magenta light through the tablecloth. She was about to start crunching on the waffle bowl when she felt something running up her thigh. She looked down in time to see a familiar hand reach her crotch and begin stroking it. "Wh...V-Vinyl!?" She gasped when the hand squeezed her through her shorts, another quickly joining in.

"Some...something wrong?" The clerk asked, looking up for a moment.

"Ah....b-brain freeze!" She blurted out, getting a sympathetic wince before he returned to his cleaning. "Vinyl...s-sto..." A low whine of pleasure escaped her lips as one hand started to slowly stroke the fully erect tent in her shorts whole the other kneaded and fondled her scrotum, giving it a playful tug on occasion. She squeaked and bucked her hips slightly as her girlfriend continued to grope her from under the table. "I..I'm already pent...!" Her voice hitched from the hand stroking her giving her penis a firm squeeze.

"Then I know just how to....let off some of that tension." Vinyl's voice whispered, the glow of her magic picking up the cloth as well as enveloping Octavia's shorts. Before she could react, the cloth went up and her shorts dissappeared, exposing her to anyone who might peek over the table.

Octavia forced down the shriek that she almost let out and started to try and cover herself when she saw a grinning Vinyl slip up, kneeling between her legs. Like Octavia, she was half naked as well, her top bunched up around her waist and giving the cellist the perfect view of her breasts as they rested on her thighs. "May not be 'ice' but I'm still hungry for more cream." She purred, licking her lips and eyeing Octavia's cock eagerly.

"Vi..." She bit her lip. She didn't know why, but it always turned her on when Vinyl looked at her junk like that. 'What if we get caught!?' the more rational part of her mind protested, though it was barely heard as Vinyl continued to pump her shaft, alternating light kisses to the head and her balls, along with a couple teasing licks.

'...who cares? Kind of a turn on when you think about it!' another part suddenly piped up. It was her voice, but the tone was like Vinyl's.

'Are you insane!? We can NOT be doing this! This is completely irresponsible of Vinyl!' the rational part retorted.

'That's rich, coming from you!' the relaxed side shot back. 'You weren't complaining when you were fucking Vinyl's brains out on her turntables. Where was all this when you winked at the crowed when you both came?'

'I-I...well....' the rational part faltered, "But...'

'Riiight, look, you know as well as I do that there's nothing wrong with being adventurous. It's just you and her, until you two decide you wanna try a threesome, at least.

'W-w...' the sigh of defeat was almost palpable. 'Even if we go along with this, she's blowing us right in public!'

Where do you think part of the thrill comes from? No one's getting hurt, provided you don't nut in her eye...and besides, you need an outlet.'

"Babe?" Vinyl's voice grabbed her attention, seeing how tense she looked. "You ok? Look, if it's making you uncomfortable I can stop..." She halted when Octavia suddenly fisted her hair.

"Don't you dare!" She purred, leaning towards her a bit. "You got me all worked up now, don't you dare back out now."

"Wouldn't dream of it." Vinyl replied, making sure she was watching as she promptly wedged Octavia's cock between her breasts, cooing when it twitched in her valley.

"Ahh...Vinyl..."Octavia panted, watching her wrap her lips around the head, suckling eagerly. "Mff...nn!" Her hips bucked slightly when she felt Vinyl's tongue lathe over the tip, followed by her breasts gliding up and down her shaft with each suck. "Ha-harder..." she gasped, giving her lover's hair a light tug that spurred her on.

Vinyl let out a cute squee and increased the suction, squeezing her breasts against the shaft for more friction.

Octavia leaned back against the seat, slipping her free hand up under her shirt to play with one of her own tits and feeling her orgasm rapidly nearing. "Vi...I..I'm about to..." She almost pulled something fighting back the cry when the pressure in her loins reached its limit and she blew her load into Vinyl's mouth. She squealed slightly as she thrusted into the unicorn's mouth, the sounds mixing with Vinyl's eager, and slightly noisy, gulping.

A few weaker thrusts, feeling herself empty out, and Octavia slumped back, her body shaking slightly from the climax. She heard Vinyl gulp noisily a couple more times before she licked the head clean, sending another pleasurable spasm through her. "To hell with ice cream." She purred, standing up to kiss Octavia. "I want some more of that for my next dessert!"

"Give me a little while and I'll be more than happy to oblige." She replied, giving Vinyl's breast a squeeze.


The lovers looked in time to see the clerk standing there, looking at them with wide eyes and a blazing red face.

Octavia just smirk and cupped Vinyl's breasts." Mine." That was all it took before the poor stallion fainted.

"Damn, 'Tavi. What made you do this one-eighty? Not that I'm complaining..."

"I did a little thinking, and you're right; I do need to just let go more often. Besides..." She purred, reaching down to grab Vinyl's ass, "....I've had a couple rather....interesting dreams since the concert. If you're a good girl, maybe we can test them out."

Before Vinyl could reply - outside of a VERY eager grin - the rapid, and heavy, patter of rain reached them and they both peeked out the window to see...well, they could barely see anything from the heavy rain. Even the buildings across the street were hidden from view.

"What!?" Vinyl yelped as they put their clothes back on, "This wasn't supposed to happen till later!"

"It would appear either the work order was fouled up, or someone misread things." Octavia sighed. "Either way, I'm afraid we're stuck here until it lightens up enough to actually see."

"So what do we do till then?"

"A-as tempting as your...suggestion is, Vinyl." Octavia looked down to see the unicorn's hand playfully massaging her crotch. "I need a while to refuel, so to speak. Perhaps the clerk has some reading material we can borrow." They both glanced where he was still laying. "Provided we can wake him..."


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"Ugh, I didn't think a pony could get this soaked!" Octavia groused as she and Vinyl finally managed to get home. The heavier portion of the rain ended up lasting far longer than was really planned. By the time it'd let up enough for a being to actually see more than a couple feet, the sun had already set.

Needless to say, their plans for a day out were brought to a unfortunate end.

Vinyl turned the lights on, shivering a bit. "I'll say! Did the rain have to be so damn cold too!?"

"Come on, let's get out of these clothes and try to dry off some before we both risk getting a cold." Octavia had already pulled her top off and flung it into the hamper, her shorts following soon after.

Vinyl quickly followed suit. A couple of minutes later and the pair were on the couch, wrapped up in towels. "Yetch, it's gonna be like this into tomorrow afternoon."

"Which shoots any chance of trying again for a nice day out to pieces." Octavia sulked a little, before muttering something under her breath.

"What was that?" Vinyl looked at her, drying her mane off.

"It..it's nothing."

"Nice try, Octavia." She replied, leaning in. "My hearing's just as good as yours, and I heard you say something."

Octavia contemplated bluffing, but knew her girlfriend wouldn't buy it . "I...I said I'd had something special planned for later, but..."

"Oh?" Vinyl perk up, her curiosity obviously roused. "C'mon, 'Tavi, tell me. Just 'cause we got rained out today doesn't mean we can't try it later on. What'd ya have planned?"

"Well...." She rubbed her arm nervously. "It..it's something I've never done before...and I was hoping you'd be agreeable to it."

"Oh. Hmm..." Vinyl pursed her lips, hazard a guess. "Oh, did you wanna do it in public? 'Cause, technically we already did.."

"N-no. Not that. Vinyl."

"Ooh, is it anal?" The DJ blushed and slipped a hand up under Octavia's towel. "I mean, you're pretty hung, but I'm game!"

"ahh...um..t-tempting...Faust, is it tempting..." Octavia moaned slightly as Vinyl had a handful of her before regaining her senses. "Later...DEFINITELY later, but that's not it."

"No? Huh..." Vinyl thought. "A threesome? I mean Lyra Heartstrings and BonBon might be up for that. Heh, those two can get pretty freaky." She saw Octavia slowly shake her head, blushing brightly. "Wait, are you finally up for trying out those handcuffs I got!?"

"Again...possibly later, Vinyl. No, um...here. It might be best if I show you." With that, she go up and headed to the bedroom.

Huh, wonder what it is. Must be something kinky if she's gotta bring gear out. Vinyl though, getting comfortable again once Octavia returned. When she came back, however, Vinyl noticed she had something behind her back. She was also trying hard to hide the anxiousness that had popped up from somewhere.

""Vinyl...we've been together for a while."

"A little over two years so far."

"Yeah...and I know we've had an issue or two over that time...like when we first moved in together."

"Oh man, that was a fiasco. We almost got into a wrestling match over how to divvy up the recording room. Heh, not one of my better moments."

"True..me neither. But, in all honesty, I really wouldn't trade it for anything...and...I'm hoping our tine together will continue well into the future. I guess to put it in less...well, less flowery terms..." Octavia took out the object behind her back; a small black box.

"T-tavi...what's that...?"

"V-Vinyl Scratch..." She opened it, revealing a diamond engagement ring. "Will you marry me?"

Vinyl's eyes widened and her breath hitched at the sight of the ring, her eyes welling up slightly. "You...you're serious...?" Before Octavia would respond, she was almost bowled off the couch from Vinyl tackling her with a world-class glop, squealing 'YES!' as they fell into a heap. Her lips meeting Octavia's in a passionate kiss quickly followed. "You have NO idea how long I've been waiting for this!" She sniffled a little, kissing her again, not noticing or caring that their towels had come loose.

"Heh, spent the last couple of months trying to get the nerve to do it." Octavia replied. Her hands running on Vinyl's now bare rear.

"Well, in that case." Vinyl purred, reaching down to take hold of her lover. "I think you deserve a reward for the surprise." She leaned down and whispered. "I still have a cherry you haven't popped yet."

She blinked before it dawned on her, a rather goofy grin appearing on her face as Vinyl gently pushed her into a sitting position before crawling into her lap. Octavia bit her lip as she watched Vinyl lower herself down until her tight pucker was just on the tip of her erection.

"Remember, I'm still a virgin back there, so...be gentle?" She asked, looking at Octavia cutely. A gesture that made her squeak when she felt it prod her. "Eager huh? So am I." She slowly began to lower herself, Octavia grabbing her hips to help steady things. "I love you." She whispered, squeaking as she felt it start pushing in.

"I love you, too, Baby." Octavia responded, her breath shuddering before finally gaining access, the head of her cock enter Vinyl's anus with a soft 'pop' accompanied by a near cry from the unicorn.

"F-fuck! That's tight!" She squeaked, wide-eyed and panting. "I LOVE it!"

"I'll second that!" Octavia gasped, fighting the urge to hilt herself. "Celestia's quim, your ass feel magnificent!"

"Heh...the...mmm..the benefits of doing squats." Gritting her teeth slightly to keep from clamping down on her girlfriend's erection, she gradually lowered down, her breathing punctuated with, gasps, squeals, and grunts before finally resting back in Octavia's lap. "Whoa..."

"Are you ok?"

"Heh, never better!" She replied, looking back at her with a smile. "Just gimmie a sec to get used to it. Almost came from that!"

They both took a moment to catch their breath from the initial entry. After a moment, Octavia slipped her arms around Vinyl, cupping her breasts. "Ready?"

"Heh, do me!" She moaned as her lover started up a slow, steady, but gentle rhythm. At least, until she was ready for more.

"With...aahh...with pleasure!" Octavia grunted, happily pumping into her.

As their moans and cries of pleasure carried on into the late hours, the both knew that they'd be sharing moments like this and much more, for good or bad, for the rest of their lives.