The Romance Chronicles

by SpyroForLife

First published

A collection of one-shots in which various members of Ponyville, and beyond, find love.

A collection of one-shots about how various members of Ponyville, and beyond, find love. From the return of old friends, to spicy nights, to long-lasting friendships growing into romance, these are their stories. Rating for each one-shot will vary so please read the warnings on each chapter.

This takes place in the same universe as Like Fireworks in the Sky but LFitS is not required reading.

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Gliding Into Love

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Rainbow Dash slid into her landing in Our Town, and checked her back to make sure her ski gear was still with her. It was, so she headed through town. She greeted the other ponies as she passed, and soon saw a mare with a blue coat, and eagerly trotted to meet her.

“Hey Night Glider!” she called.

“Rainbow Dash!” the other shouted back, meeting her halfway in a hug.

“How’ve you been?” Rainbow asked her, stepping back.

“Pretty good,” Night replied. “Well other than breaking up with Party Favor, but…”

“Oh no, you did? How come?”

“He’s sweet and all but I don’t know, we just weren’t clicking. But we’re still friends.”

“Darn. Well, I’m glad you ended it on good terms.” Rainbow patted her shoulder.

Night checked out her gear and said, “Skiing with Double Diamond?”

“Yeah! Have you seen him?” Rainbow looked around.

Night thought about it and shrugged. “I haven’t seen him today. He might still be asleep.”

“What? But it’s eight AM! We should be heading to the mountains by now! Ugh, he always forgets our dates!” Rainbow scowled and dumped her stuff on the ground, zipping up to the window of Double Diamond’s house. “Hey Double D! Wake up!”

The stallion flailed out of bed, hitting the floor with a grunt. He rubbed his eyes and looked up, squinting at the sunlight coming in. “Huh… oh… Dashie!”

“We’re still skiing, right?” she asked.

“Oh, right! I’m so sorry, my alarm clock must not have gone off.” He clambered to his hooves and picked up his clock, shaking it. “Heh, busted old thing…”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Okay, well, I’m gonna be outside.”

“I’ll be right there, babe!”

Rainbow sighed and flew back down, going to talk to Night. “We arranged this last week. I reminded him of it in a letter yesterday. Broken alarm clock, my tail feathers…”

Night rested a wing over her. “Stuff happens, I’m sure he didn’t mean to forget. Diamond’s a good guy.”

“I know. Just…” Rainbow sighed. “He kinda irritates me sometimes. He’s forgetful, and can be kinda arrogant, plus he has this habit of just talking and talking without letting me reply...”

“You’ll get through it. Maybe just talk to him about it, let him know how it makes you feel when he forgets about dates.”

“Ugh, talking about emotions? Come on.”

Night laughed. “I know, it’s painful. But that’s what couples have to do.”

Rainbow kicked at the ground, and pulled on her ski goggles before strapping the skis onto her back.

It took a few minutes, but finally Diamond came outside with his gear. “Okay, sorry again! Why don’t we get going?”

“Sounds good.” Rainbow nodded to her friend. “See ya when we get back.”

“See you.” Night waved as they headed out.

“It’s a bit warm still,” Diamond said as they walked. “But the very tops of the mountains have snow and there’s a great skiing spot. And just wait until a few months from now, we can ski for miles without stopping!”

“Sounds great,” Rainbow replied. After a few minutes of walking, she said, “So, can we talk about something?”

“Sure, what’s up?”

“Well, I was thinking. You know we go on dates a lot and well… a lot of the time, you seem to show up late, or forget. I just…” Rainbow took a deep breath, and said, “I just want you to pay a little more attention, okay? And be on time. Please?”

“It’s not that big a deal, right?” he replied. “I mean I always do make time for you. It just slips my mind sometimes.”

She sighed. “I wouldn’t care if it was sometimes. But it seems to be every date! It makes me think you don’t care enough to at least show up at the agreed time, ya know?”

“Well, I do care,” Diamond declared. “And I’ll start writing myself notes, okay? I won’t be late to a date again, alright babe?”

“Alright.” She gave him a brief hug with her wing.

They made the long trek up the mountain, passing onto snow. It was light and powdery. Diamond gave it a small kick.

“This’ll do for now but winter is gonna be awesome.” He started trotting, and Rainbow took to the air, flying over him.

It still took about thirty more minutes, but finally they were at a suitable spot and stopped, setting their skis down and pulling on their goggles. Rainbow pulled on a coat for warmth, but it probably won’t be needed once she gets to the bottom of the slope. Diamond didn’t even bother with a coat, but she’s noticed he had fairly long fur. Plus he was used to the cold.

They carefully stepped into their ski shoes and tightened them around their hooves, making sure their skis were firmly attached as well. They leaned down to help each other with their checks, then turned to face the slope.

“Looks kinda steep,” Rainbow commented as she looked down.

“Not a problem for the Dash, is it?” Diamond asked.

She smirked. “Of course not! Ready? One, two, three!” They stepped forward and slid down.

It was slow at first, but then they picked up speed. Rainbow hooted as wind rushed through her mane, this almost felt like flying and she loved it. But it was dangerous flying, low to the ground, which made it a challenge.

She lowered her body and shifted weight forward, going faster. Diamond did the same, and they began weaving between trees.

“There’s a pretty sick jump up here, let’s see who goes further!” Diamond called, angling toward a snow-covered hill that was just low enough to be jumped. Rainbow made sure she was right next to him, so they both hit it at the same time. They flew into the air, and Rainbow waited until they were angling back down and Diamond’s eyes were focused forward, before ever so slightly extending her wings. She fanned out her primaries just enough to generate lift, carrying her further and making her land ahead of Diamond.

“No fair!” he called.

“Use it if you got it!” she yelled back. “See you at the bottom!” She powered forward.

After a few minutes of fast racing, the slope evened out, and she could see the snow starting to end, making way for grass.

She turned her skis and slowed down, before finally coming to a stop, laughing. “Whoo!”

Diamond was a few seconds behind her, sliding in and spraying snow over her. She coughed and pulled a hoof out of its shoe to wipe her face off. She lifted her goggles.

“Wow, that was fun,” she said.

“Yeah, guess so,” Diamond said, pulling his hooves free of his own skis.

Rainbow tilted her head at his neutral tone. “You alright?”

“Yeah, fine,” he said shortly.

She hesitated, then said, “You wanna go back up for another race?”

“Depends. Are you going to use your wings again?”

Was he upset about that? “Hey, I didn’t really think about, I just… I’m a pegasus, I was flying through the air, opening my wings is natural. I closed them when I realized!”

Diamond sighed and messed with his mane, brushing it down. “Well, from how you bragged about it, I thought you did it on purpose.”

She rubbed her leg, then said, “Does it really matter? We’re just skiing for fun, who cares if I use my wings to get a little distance? It’s no different from you earth ponies using your powerful legs to get a little more running speed than the rest of us.”

“I guess. Okay, we can go back up for another race.”

“Want me to fly us? Then we can drop down, extreme skiing style!”

He seemed to perk up at that. “Sure!”

“Go ahead and get your skis back on.” Rainbow pulled her goggles back down and stepped into her ski shoes, tightening them. Once Diamond was ready, she flew over him and lifted him, carrying him up the mountain with her. It was difficult, but she’s trained with the Wonderbolts to be able to lift full grown ponies in case of emergencies. She could certainly carry Diamond up a mountain.

Once they were back at the top, she held him below her, letting him get ready. Once he nodded, she dropped him. She moved over and closed her wings, dropping after him.

Hitting the ground was a jolt, but the snow and the slope softened it. They glided down next to each other, each trying to go as fast as possible. They dodged trees and flew over bumps, before approaching the large jump from before. This time when they went over, Rainbow kept her wings firmly against her sides. Diamond landed just ahead of her, but she didn’t mind. He was far more experienced. She just focused on moving fast.

They were neck in neck as they approached the end, and Rainbow moved her legs slightly, helping to drive the snow behind her.

They chose a rock for the end point, and slid past it too close to tell who won.

Rainbow turned her skis and stopped, and Diamond did the same, tossing his head to get his mane out of his face.

“Well, that was close,” he said. “I think I won that one.”

“No way, we were nose and nose,” Rainbow replied.

“Heh, well, I think I got just slightly ahead of you toward the end.”

“Maybe you did, guess we’ll never know, since nopony was watching.” Rainbow unlatched her hooves. “Another?”

“Eh, I think I’m done for today,” Diamond replied. “The slopes just aren’t this fun during this time of the year.”

“Oh, alright. Then what do you want to do? The day’s still young.”

“To be honest… I want a warm bath and a nap.”

“But you were just sleeping!”

Diamond shrugged and tossed his stuff over his back, starting to walk. Rainbow huffed and followed him down. She was in a moody silence for most of the walk, and Diamond started to look guilty once they were almost back.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “It’s just… I haven’t really been in a relationship before and I’ve never really had someone to pay this much attention to, it just… takes some getting used to is all. I spent so long only worrying about myself. But I’ll do better.”

“It’s okay,” she replied. “I can tell you’re trying.”

“I’ll make it up to you, alright? What can I do to make you feel better?”

“Let’s set up another date. And all I really want you to do is show up on time.”

“Absolutely. When and where?”

Rainbow thought about it, then said, “How about I come over tomorrow for lunch, at about noon, and we can go to Sugar Belle’s bakery?”

“Perfect. I’ll be here,” Diamond vowed.

“Okay. See you tomorrow, then.” Rainbow leaned in to kiss his cheek, and he nuzzled her back. Then she watched him go inside, before going to Night’s house.

“You’re back early,” Night commented.

“Yeah, we only went down the slope a couple times,” Rainbow replied. “Not enough snow to get very far.”

“Ah. Well, did you have fun at least?”

“Sure, it was fun. Until Double Diamond got mad at me for using my wings to get some distance on a jump.”

“He got mad at you?”

“Well, I guess he wasn’t too mad, but he seemed annoyed. We went down the slope again after that, but then he wanted to just come back and go back to sleep!”

“That’s pretty lazy of him.” Night laid back more comfortably on her couch. “So are you heading back to Ponyville?”

“I just barely got here. I’d hate to have to leave so soon.”

“Then hang around! I was gonna go on a flight, wanna come? We can race, and don’t worry, I don’t care if you use your wings.” Night gave her wings a flutter.

Rainbow grinned and opened her own wings. “You’re on!”

They probably spent nearly an hour racing each other around. First to one landmark, then another. Over the town, around the town. To the mountains and back. But finally they slowed, and found a cloud to sprawl onto.

“You’re so fast,” Night said, groaning as she stretched her wings.

“Years of practice.” Rainbow watched as her wings shook slightly. “That looks painful, are you sore?”

“A little.”

“Want a massage? The Wonderbolts taught me a great one for sore wing muscles.”

“Sure.” Night moved to lay more on her stomach, and Rainbow stood over her.

“Lay your wings down flat. Alright, now hold still.” Rainbow rubbed her front hooves together. And then began stamping them into Night’s back.

“Ow, you call that a massage?” Night demanded, starting to get up.

“No, hold on, just relax! I promise, it’s good!”

Night sighed and laid back down, gritting her teeth as Rainbow’s powerful hooves crashed into her back. But after a few moments the rhythm became soothing, and she realized the tension was leaving her flight muscles. She smiled a bit, letting herself relax. “Mm, okay, that is pretty good.”

“Told ya! First time I got this done, it was from Spitfire herself! Heh, I was sore for ages but man was I loose.”

“No kidding.” Night rested her chin on her forelegs, sighing. Rainbow soon slowed her pounding, instead just rubbing her hooves into the other’s back. She went up and down a wing, then switched to the other one. A few more minutes and she was done, helping her friend up. Night gave a few stretches, hopped up and down, and nodded. “I feel good, thanks!”

“No problem. Wanna head back?”

“Sure.” Night lifted off the cloud, following her. “Do you think I’ll ever be able to do a sonic rainboom like you?”

“Heh, maybe one day. Maybe I could teach you.”

“That’d be awesome!”

They discussed the intricacies of performing a sonic rainboom as they flew back to Our Town, and Rainbow thought to herself that she was glad she had such a great flying buddy.

Rainbow was in a good mood as she trotted up to the door of Sugar Belle’s bakery. It was a nice day and she was looking forward to seeing Double Diamond again. The smell of fresh pie wafted out the open windows, and though she didn’t personally eat pie, she could still appreciate the fruity scents. There were some very delicious-looking cupcakes for sale though. She went inside, looking around. The shop was busy with ponies buying treats for lunch, and she waved to them, before approaching the counter.

“Hey, Sugar Belle,” Rainbow said.

“Oh, hi Rainbow Dash!” Sugar said, smiling as she cut a piece of blueberry pie out for someone. “How are you?”

“I’m great, and you?”

“I’m good! How’s it been in Ponyville?”

“Oh, same ol’ same ol’.” Rainbow looked around. “Have you seen Double Diamond?”

“I saw him buying flowers earlier- oop.” She quickly covered her mouth and blushed. “Heh, guess I probably spoiled a surprise.”

“Oh, flowers? Hah, wonder who those could be for.” Rainbow grinned and brushed her hoof through her mane. “I’m just gonna take a seat and wait for him.”

“Sounds good.” Sugar handed over the pie to her customer and took the bits he offered.

Rainbow sat down at an open table, looking out the window. It was only a few minutes later when she saw Diamond trotting over, a bouquet of flowers in his mouth. He came inside, found Rainbow, and hastily approached her.

“Wow, you’re on time for once,” Rainbow commented.

Diamond offered her the flowers, and she took them. He sat down, blushing. “H-heh, yeah. I made sure my alarm was set. Sorry about, you know, yesterday.”

“It’s alright.” Rainbow sniffed the flowers. There were mostly peach-colored roses, but mixed among them were valerians. She casually took some bites out of them. “Mm, these are good.”

“I was hoping you’d like them. So, um, what do you want to eat?”

Rainbow looked down at the menu. “Ah, well… I don’t really eat pie, but maybe we could get some cupcakes?”

“Cupcakes are good.”

They discussed what they wanted for a while before Sugar Belle came over. They placed an order for a half dozen vanilla cupcakes with various flavors of frosting, and once she walked away, they looked at each other.

“So, do anything fun lately?” Diamond asked.

“Well, after we went skiing, I went flying with Night Glider,” Rainbow said.

“Ah. Sounds like fun.”

“It was, we did so much racing! I won, but she’s getting really good.”

“Yeah, she loves flying almost as much as you do.” Diamond messed with the silverware. “I got this new book that just came out, it’s an autobiography by Powder Snow! He’s one of the top skiers in Equestria and he goes all over the world looking for the sickest slopes! Did you know that twenty years ago he set the record for the fastest time down Mt. Saddlehorn, without dying in the process?”

“Wow!” Rainbow had no idea where Mt. Saddlehorn was. “That’s impressive, how fast was he?”

“Heh, it took him over two hours to get down, but the peak is well over three miles high! It’s located across the Celestial Sea to the east. Hikers need literal days to travel all the way up there and many have died in the process. Not only did Powder hike all the way up there with his skis, he then went all the way back down on skis! And he didn’t stop for breaks, no, he just went straight back down! Honestly the book tells you the entire story and it’s so intense!” Diamond gave a little bounce. “I wanna do that one day!”

Rainbow blinked. “You… want to ski down a three mile high mountain?”

“Yeah! We don’t have any mountains like that around here, it’d be so awesome!”

“How many ponies have tried to beat his record?”

“Oh, so many. And not just ponies. Griffins have tried to beat it, and even some zebras, but it’s never been done. Heh.” Diamond rubbed his hoof against his chest. “But I feel good about my chances.”

“But what if you get hurt?”

“Please, I’m a skier. It’s an occupational hazard.”

Rainbow swallowed. She supposed she couldn’t say much. She was a daredevil herself, but that mountain sounded serious. It was one thing to take risks that could injure you, but risks that could kill you? “And um… how’s the mortality rate?”

“It’s not so bad these days, they usually keep a team of pegasi with medical training around to save people who get hurt.” Diamond started stacking packets of butter into a pile. “I’m not too worried.” He ran a fork sideways down the pile as if skiing.

“Ah. Well, good luck. When do you plan on going on that trip?”

“I don’t know. It’s mostly on my bucket list.” Diamond looked over. “Oh good, our food’s here.”

Sugar Belle placed a tray of cupcakes down between them, and set down two plates, along with glasses of milk. They thanked her, and she nodded before returning to the counter.

Diamond continued to talk about his planned trip to Mt. Saddlehorn, and Rainbow just smiled and agreed that it sounded fun. However, it soon became apparent that all he wanted to talk about was Powder’s book. Rainbow was totally lost when he started using ski lingo.

“These cupcakes are good, aren’t they?” she asked, trying to change the subject.

“Oh, they’re great!” Diamond had already finished two, unfortunately talking with his mouth full the whole time. “Sugar Belle is so good at baking, it sucks that Starlight Glimmer made her hide it for so long! But we get to enjoy it now.” He started on the third cupcake. “Anyway! On his way to the third camp, Powder got bad frostbite! He was probably minutes from losing his front left hoof, but luckily-”

Rainbow sighed. She liked Diamond, she really did, but he wasn’t that great at conversation. He’d let her talk for a bit, but then just jump right back into talking about whatever he wanted to talk about without waiting for her input. It was really starting to grate on her nerves.

She finished her share of the cupcakes, and then munched on the rest of her flowers, waiting for a lull in Diamond’s rambling. It took actual minutes, before he finally paused to drink some milk.

“Well, I’m glad you enjoyed the book!” Rainbow said. “But I don’t know too much about skiing, so maybe we could talk about something else? At least until, ya know, I can learn more about that stuff.”

“Do you want to read it too? I’m sure you’ll find his story very inspirational!”

“Oh, that’s okay, I’ll pick it up some other time. But really, you gotta hear about this blunder at training the other day! Haha, so there I was with Fleetfoot in the locker room…” Rainbow got through the story without him interrupting, and he burst out laughing at the end. She grinned, hoping he would want to talk about her training now, to take an interest in her life…

“That reminds me of when Powder crashed into his friend Blue Slope at one of his practice sessions!”

Rainbow rested her head against her hoof. “Ah. Of course, not surprising that he crashed too. Lots of sporty ponies do that at some point.”

“Heh, yeah, but this one was really bad, he broke his leg. But you know, that kind of thing can happen when the snow starts to melt and turn to slush, you really need to stay in control and don’t look away from where you’re going for even a moment! Like one time when I-”

Rainbow was at the end of her rope. She groaned and stood. “I’m sorry, I just don’t think this is working out.”

“Wh-what?” He blinked, staring at her.

“I’m sorry. You’re a really great guy, but I just… I don’t think I can be around a pony who barely lets me talk,” Rainbow said.

He looked hurt. “I’m sorry, I just… have so many stories to tell, I just want you to be entertained by them like I was…”

She sighed, and walked over to hug him. “I know. And they’re good stories, I just… I think you deserve someone who likes hearing you talk. Because unfortunately… I also like to talk. A lot.”

Diamond frowned. “Oh. Yeah, I… guess I can get pretty talkative. But I can work on it! Please, if you want to talk, go ahead!”

Rainbow thought about it. Then she said, “I don’t really have anything to talk about, actually. I think I’m gonna go. But…” She hugged him tighter. “We can still be friends, right?”

“Of… of course.” He wrapped a foreleg around her, nuzzling against her cheek. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be what you wanted.”

“It’s okay. I enjoyed hanging out with you anyway. And maybe when winter comes, we can still go skiing together?”

He smiled, leaning back. “I’d like that.”

Rainbow nodded. “Ya know, if you want a pony who’d be happy to just listen to you and see you smile… Party Favor is single and he loves hearing about other ponies' interests.”

Diamond blinked, then blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. “O-oh, yeah… maybe…”

Rainbow walked over to the counter to pay, and gave Diamond a final wave goodbye before walking out. The second she was out of his view, tears brimmed in her eyes and she groaned, galloping toward Night Glider’s house.

“You broke up with Double Diamond?” Night asked as Rainbow collapsed on her couch. “But you got along so well!”

“Yeah, we did, but I don’t know, it just didn’t feel right.” Rainbow buried her face into a pillow. “He talks so much and I’m happy he has such a passion for things but he barely lets me talk and it finally got too annoying!”

“Mm. I guess I can understand that.” Night walked over to rub her withers. “I’m sorry. But things just kinda happen that way sometimes. You get along with someone, but when it comes to always being around them, you realize they kinda bug you. There’s nothing wrong with that. He can get super talkative. I know how much you like talking about yourself though.”

“Does that make me a bad pony?” Rainbow asked, abruptly rolling onto her back to look up at her friend. “Breaking up with him over him not letting me talk? Am I being selfish?”

Night frowned when tears rolled down Rainbow’s cheeks, and gently wiped them off. “No, of course not. Well, maybe a little. But I think everypony’s a little bit selfish. You like getting attention. You just need somepony who understands that.”

“I guess so.” Rainbow exhaled slowly, and smiled as Night caressed her face. “I’m glad you let me babble on.”

“I like hearing your voice.” Night smiled back at her, and Rainbow found her cheeks feeling a little warm. But before she could think about it too much, Night dropped her hoof and turned away. “How about I get us some ice cream? I wanna hear that story about you and Fleetfoot again.”

Rainbow laughed and sat up. “Sounds perfect.”

Night went to the kitchen to get the ice cream, and Rainbow watched her go, reflecting on their friendship. Maybe she and Double Diamond didn’t really work out… but perhaps there was somepony else in Our Town she was interested in.

When Night came back out with the tubs of ice cream, Rainbow accepted the neapolitan one from her. Night sat next to her with her tub of mint, and they ate together in peaceful silence for a while. Then Rainbow started telling her the story again, pleased with how she laughed, enjoying the way her nose scrunched up and how her mane moved when she tossed her head back.

When she finished the story, Night set her ice cream down. “Honestly, you guys are hilarious! Who knew the Wonderbolts could be so silly when nopony’s around.”

“I know, right? Haha, they’re all such geeks.” Rainbow kicked her back hooves a bit as she laughed too, leaning against the other. Night leaned back against her, and Rainbow sighed with content, letting a wing stretch out and slide behind Night’s back.

After a moment, Night did the same, and Rainbow blushed as her feathers brushed along her back.

“So, um… would you consider… dating anypony else?” Rainbow asked her. “You know, after Party Favor?”

“Sure, if I met the right pony.”

“Ah. What would you look for?”

“Mm… somepony brave, and daring… with a bold personality, who likes to have fun…” Night Glider shifted, sprawling out across Rainbow’s lap and looking up at her. “Party Favor was great but I think I want somepony I can fly with.”

Rainbow’s heart beat faster. “Oh, really? Well, I’m sure you can find a stallion like that.”

Night chuckled. “It doesn’t have to be a stallion.”

Was this really happening? Was Night into her? Rainbow swallowed as she looked into her friend’s bright cerulean eyes. “Heh, oh, well that makes things easier. There are definitely mares like that.”

“Is that so? Think you could name some for me?”

“Ah, well…” Rainbow rubbed the back of her head. She noticed the other blushing slightly. “There’s Spitfire, Surprise, uh…” Night’s eyes never left hers. “And m-me, I suppose.”

“Hmm. Yep, you’re definitely all those things.” Night stretched and let out a soft hum, and Rainbow set her ice cream aside, before brushing a hoof along the other’s mane.

“Hey, Night?” Rainbow asked.


“Would you, um…” Rainbow took a breath. It was strange feeling so nervous, but she knew Night Glider wouldn’t mind her asking this. If she was reading the other’s body language right, she was practically begging her to ask it. “Would you like to go out with me?”

Night smiled widely, and twisted around to sit up, nuzzling her. “I’d love to.”

Rainbow sighed with relief. Then she leaned in, nuzzling her back, before leaning her down and kissing her cheek. “Great. I mean… yeah, great! Okay then!”

“I’ve admired you since we first met,” Night admitted. “But I was always happy just being your friend. I wanted to be there for you, to help you like you’ve helped us. But wow, going out with you! I’m so excited!”

“Heh, I doubt things will change that much. I still want to hang out, and race together, and do tricks.” Rainbow rubbed their foreheads together affectionately.

Night laughed. “Of course. And you need to teach me how to do a sonic rainboom.”

“Of course!”

“But for now… why don’t we just hang out and finish this ice cream? And I’ll tell you some of the dirty little secrets I learned about Double Diamond while we were all under Starlight’s influence.”

“Oh man, yes!” Rainbow grabbed for her ice cream, and Night got comfortable snuggled against her.

“Alright, so we all know he was Starlight’s most loyal lackey, but what you don’t know is just how much he helped her even in private…”

As Rainbow got comfortable, she decided that this was one pony she didn’t mind listening to for hours.

Rarity's a Furry

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Rarity was gently placing a hat on a mannequin’s head when she heard the ding of bell over the front door.

“I’ll be right with you!” she called, using her magic to straighten out a feather on the hat. She brushed off the rest of the outfit while she was at it.

“No hurry,” a familiar voice replied.

Rarity turned, ears lifting. Was that who she thought it was? She trotted back out into the showroom, and saw a tall cat-like creature with amber fur and beautiful emerald eyes.

“Capper!” she exclaimed, giving a small skip as she approached him.

“Good afternoon,” he said, giving a little bow. Then he took her hoof, shaking it. “How are you?”

“I’m wonderful, darling, how about you?” she answered.

“I’m doing great. Well, except for one little problem…” Capper showed her his sleeve. “This button you sewed for me so long ago has begun to fall off! I’ve tried fixing it, but I guess my paws just aren’t quite clever enough to thread a needle.”

“Oh, my.” She looked it over, then waved him over to a table. “I should be able to get this fixed up in a jiffy.”

He held out his arm while she sewed the button back into place. It took less than a minute, and Capper admired it.

“You work fast,” he said.

“Years of practice.” Rarity put her needle and thread away.

“So what do I owe you?” Capper asked.

“Oh, I never charge friends for small touch ups like that,” she replied.

“That’s very generous of you.”

“Hm, well…” Rarity trotted over to a mannequin, adjusting its dress. “I am the element of generosity.”

“Ah, right. You certainly embody the spirit of it, and I admire that. Well, if you won’t let me pay for fixing the button…” Capper considered a coat that was hanging on a rack. “Perhaps I could pay you for some new threads?”

She turned. “Oh, would you like to browse my selection?”

“I would love to.” Capper checked out the clothes, but soon stopped, rubbing his chin. “Of course, this is all made for quadrupeds. Pony folk. None of it will fit me.”

Rarity’s eyes lit up. “I could design you an outfit! It’ll be so much fun working with your body type, you’re so tall, and different from a pony!” She grabbed a measuring tape. “Would you like me to make you some clothes?”

Capper smiled. “That would be lovely. Please, take all the measurements you need.” He pulled his coat off. “You’re free to study me.”

Rarity paused as she looked him over, then she blushed and started taking her measurements. Shoulder width, the span of his arms, around his waist and chest.

“I’ll really only need some more coats like this one,” Capper said, gesturing to the maroon coat. “As you’ve probably noticed, I don’t really do pants or shirts.”

“No, but perhaps you should let me make you a tuxedo! You’d look so fetching in a tailcoat, wearing shiny black loafers, a tie…” Rarity sighed as she pictured it.

“I don’t really like formal clothing,” Capper replied.

“What if you get invited to a ceremony? Don’t you want to look your best?”

“Heh, Rarity… you’d be lucky to get me into a suit at my own wedding.”

Rarity took the final measurement and wrote everything down in a notebook. Then she looked back at him. “Are you ever going to marry?”

“I don’t know. I’d have to meet someone real special to even consider it. But they best be someone who can handle me marrying them in my signature coat.” Capper pulled it back on.

Rarity giggled. “It is very nice. Perhaps it is wedding appropriate. It’d be unique, at least. Well, what do you want me to make for you? Styles, colors? Any adornments? I have all sorts of coats for you to pick from, I can recreate any of them to your liking.”

“Hm, let me see.” Capper began picking out coats, and Rarity made notes as he told her what styles he liked, along with his favorite colors. He liked them slimming, with plenty of pockets. He liked lots of buckles and buttons. Along with maroon, he was a fan of indigo and dark grey, along with gold and silver accents.

Rarity had plenty of ideas.

Once they were done looking at the clothes, Rarity invited him over to her work area, saying she wanted to get started on the patterns. Once she had patterns for a cat, she could get started on his coats.

He was very patient throughout, posing as she needed. She began to chat with him about Klugetown to take up the time.

“It’s been wonderful ever since Tempest and Discord’s work,” Capper said. “We’ve built a new airship dock and encouraged more trading with other cities, and there’s now a very productive quarry. We export diamonds now.”

“Oh wonderful!” Rarity set aside a pattern and started on the next. “Diamonds are a bit plain compared to other gems, but they still have a charm to them and they look wonderful with certain fashions.”

“They aren’t just clear diamonds,” Capper said. “They come in all colors.”

“Ooh.” Rarity smiled at that. “I might have to look at them. I’m always on the hunt for new accessories for my designs.”

“They would certainly bring an exotic air to your dresses,” Capper said. “Rarity, seller of dresses with the finest Abyssinian jewels. They’d sell like hotcakes.”

Rarity waved a hoof, laughing. “I don’t know about that.”

“Please, you own what, three different boutiques? Ponies love your fashions, and they’ll love these diamonds too. I invite you to visit some time and see them.”

“I might just have to do that.” Rarity changed the subject, telling him about she’s been up to at the school, and he was glad to talk about it.

He was so charming throughout the conversation, complimenting her on her wit, telling her that she was a fine teacher. She was soon quite red in the cheeks, and went to stand behind him as she worked, not wanting him to see her blushing.

Once the patterns were set, she went over to the cabinets, checking out the fabric. “So, I think I’m going to start with a lovely indigo peacoat. These are double-breasted, very nice… I think it looks better buttoned but you can of course leave it open.” She pulled the necessary fabric down.

“It sounds perfect. And you know, even in the desert, sometimes the nights get cold, so I’ll definitely button it sometimes.”

Rarity got to work. “This will take a while, you should go spend some time in town,” she suggested.

“But I enjoy your company,” Capper replied.

Rarity stared down at her scissors as she cut out the pieces of fabric she needed. “And I enjoy yours, but I really work better in silence. Sorry, but conversation is distracting.”

“I completely understand. Then can I at least watch? I want to see how the magic happens.”

“Most of it’s boring,” Rarity pointed out.

“That’s fine, I’m easily entertained.”

“Alright, you can stay and watch.”

Capper settled into a chair nearby, watching as she cut fabric, shaped it, sewed it together. She worked with a smile, seeming to take great pride in everything she did, and Capper wasn’t bored at all.

Occasionally she asked for his opinion, and each time he said it was coming along perfectly. She worked carefully yet quickly, and he could see in the movements of her hooves that she was experienced. Her magic was steady and precise.

It was only a few hours later when the peacoat was finished, and Capper took off his maroon coat to carefully slide on the new one. It was snug and soft, and he let out a sigh as he turned about, admiring himself in the mirror she brought over.

“It’s gorgeous,” he said.

“Thank you. I think I did rather well, considering I’ve never had a cat for a customer before. And your next orders can only get better.”

Capper took the peacoat off, and Rarity checked the time. “Oh my goodness, it’s getting late. I don’t think I’ll have time to finish the next two today. I need to have dinner and go to bed.”

“Ah, I don’t want to rush genius,” Capper said. “We should definitely stop for the day, I can pick up the rest later.”

“We should.” Rarity saw him start for the door, and realized she didn’t want him to go quite yet. She hastily said, “Would you like to join me for dinner? I was thinking of going out somewhere.”

“Hm, going out to dinner with Rarity,” Capper said, thinking it over. Then he agreed, “Absolutely.”

“There’s a place in Ponyville that sells the absolute best hayburgers,” Rarity said.

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go.” Capper put on his old coat and followed her out. He quickly found out just how social the ponies were with each other. Most of them greeted Rarity by name as she passed them, and gave confused but friendly waves to him as well.

The restaurant they went to was crowded but there was still seating available. They were led to a table and provided menus.

Capper and Rarity thanked the server, and once she left, began consulting the menus.

Capper rested his head on his hand as he examined the options. It all involved hay, grass, vegetables… the occasional fruit dish. He turned to the drinks.

When the server returned, he ordered a glass of milk while Rarity got tea.

Capper waited until the server was gone again before asking, “So, is there anything on this menu with meat in it?”

“Of course not, we’re vegetarian,” Rarity replied.

Capper nodded. “Right. Should have known.”

She thought about it for a moment, then her eyes widened in realization. “Oh, you’re a cat. You eat meat.”

“Yes, but it’s no big deal, I can eat vegetarian food every so often.” Capper looked back at the menu. “I guess I’ll have this baked macaroni and cheese. Heh, at least y’all aren’t vegan.” He looked up as their drinks were set down. “Oh, thank you.” The server smiled and went over to check another table.

“Some ponies are, but I could never do it,” Rarity admitted. “I love cake too much. Yes, I know you can use soy milk and so on, but it just doesn’t have the same richness to me. It’s not like the cows mind selling their milk to us.”

Capper picked up his glass. “Yeah, I’m glad for that.” He took a drink.

“What kind of meats do you eat?” Rarity asked curiously.

“Chicken, fish, turkey,” Capper replied. “Bugs if I can get them. You know those really big grubs? They may taste weird but they’re very nutritious.”

“Bugs, huh? Bleh.” Rarity shuddered. “I don’t think I could stomach those.”

“Probably not. Really, I’d recommend starting with saltwater fish. They’re a bit salty which you ponies like, and they’re so soft and can be flavored any way you like. Of course the meat has its own flavor but if that part is hard to get past, a little pepper or a dash of lemon will go a long way toward making it palatable for a pony.”

Rarity tilted her head. “Oh, sounds delicious. Do you do a lot of cooking?”

“Ma’am, I am probably the best cook in Klugetown,” Capper boasted.

She giggled. “A gentleman and a cook. Tempest had told me you cooked for her while she was there and she always said how good the food was. Of course, she’s a strange one and actually would eat meat.”

“Yeah, she’s got an iron stomach. But I still made her pony food, too much meat really isn’t good for you guys.”

“I’d imagine not.”

When it came time to order their food, Capper got the baked mac n cheese and Rarity got a hayburger and fries.

“It’s funny to think of such a fancy pony enjoying such a common meal,” Capper said.

“Oh, well, to be honest…” Rarity casually prodded her tea around, watching the liquid swirl. “Fancy meals aren’t actually that good most of the time. They’re pretty but completely unsatisfying. I prefer food that will actually fill me up. And Ponyville food, while not served on pretty ceramic and decorated with sauces, is delicious.”

“I’m glad your priorities are straight.” Capper looked out the window, watching ponies go about their day, before looking at Rarity. The sunlight through the window was catching on her mane just right, making it gleam. The blues and purples were beautiful, and he just admired it.

Rarity didn’t notice for a bit, looking through the dessert menu. Then she looked up to ask if Capper would want cake, and realized he was watching her. His eyes went to hers, and when he chuckled, her face heated up.

“You have a beautiful mane,” he said.

Rarity started messing with it. “Oh, I’m sure there are prettier manes out there.”

“Maybe, but I’ve never seen them.” He reached across the table to gently brush his paw along it. “I love how it shimmers in the light.”

Rarity grew noticeably pink, and grabbed for her tea, downing it.

Capper pulled his paw away. “You’re cute when you blush.”

She nearly choked. What was it about this cat that got her so flustered? She managed to swallow and sat back, idly messing with the menu. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He kept watching her, apparently content to just be in her presence without needing to speak.

Rarity began to wonder if Capper was interested in her. Well, of course he was, but could it possibly be a romantic interest? He was flirting with her, but maybe that was just his personality? But if he was into her, did that make this a date? How could she check?

“You look like you have a lot on your mind,” Capper said.

“Heh, just thinking about how I’m going to design the rest of your coats,” she replied.

“I’m sure they’ll be amazing, just like the first. All your clothes look good. I still have that cape and top hat you gave me at Songbird Serenade’s concert. I tend to keep them put away at home so they don’t get covered in sand, but I’m definitely waiting for a chance to wear them again.”

“Perhaps you can come to the next Grand Galloping Gala?” Rarity suggested. “I always get a ticket from Celestia, you can be my plus one!”

“Your plus one, huh?” He scratched his chin. “I would, but oh, surely you have a special somepony that you’d rather take?”

She blushed. “I’m single.”

“No, impossible,” he replied, incredulous. “You? But I don’t understand, how is such a beautiful mare single?”

“I suppose I just haven’t been lucky. I certainly have stallions vying for my attention, but when I get to know them, they’re usually stuck-up, proud… annoying.” She sighed. “They know they’re handsome and just see me as a pretty face, and think that’s all a relationship needs.”

“Oh, that’s awful. Well, I suppose it’s better to be single than with someone who only likes you because you’re hot. Because what’s gonna happen when you get older and inevitably less pretty? They might just leave you.”

“Right.” Rarity sighed. “I just want a nice guy who likes me for me. Of course it’s good if he thinks I’m pretty too but I want us to actually like each other. If we can talk about our interests and bond over things like fashion, or art, or…”

“Or cooking?” Capper suggested.

She stared, then said, “Yeah, like cooking.” He was definitely into her.

Their food arrived then, and Capper rubbed his paws together. “This looks delicious.” He picked up a fork and dug in.

Rarity picked up her burger and took a bite. They ate quietly for a while, but soon slowed down and resumed conversation.

“I would love to attend the Grand Galloping Gala with you,” Capper said.

“Wonderful! It’s not for a few months, but once I get my ticket, I’ll let you know. We could coordinate our outfits! I think we’d both look good in scarlet.”

“Scarlet, hm? That’ll look striking paired with your purple mane.”

“I certainly hope so. It’ll be a bold choice but I can make it work.” Rarity finished her burger and picked at her fries.

Meanwhile, Capper set aside his empty plate. “I know you can. I doubt you’ve ever made a bad fashion choice.”

“Oh trust me, I have,” she assured him. “I just don’t usually show the mistakes to the public.”

“Heh, makes sense. Mind if I have a fry?”

Rarity pushed the plate over. “Help yourself, I’m full.”

“The food here is pretty good,” Capper said as he popped a fry into his mouth. “But, I think I could make better.”

“Do you?” Rarity got out her coin purse, counting out bits.

“I can pay my share,” Capper said, but she shook her head.

“You just placed a decent-sized order at my shop, I can cover your meal,” she replied. “I insist.”

“Alright then.” He let her pay for both of them. After a moment, he said, “I would like to cook for you sometime then. As thanks for what you’ve done for me.”

She nodded, getting up. “Sounds good.” She began to feel bold, and decided to see if he really was attracted to her like she suspected he was. “Perhaps you could cook me breakfast tomorrow morning?” she said with a wink.

Capper’s ears perked up, his whiskers twitching. She made sure he understood with a sly smile. His expression relaxed, and he said, “I would love to make you breakfast.”

“Do you have a hotel room? If not, you can stay with me tonight,” Rarity said, leading the way out. Capper followed, subtly tracing a claw down her back, and she shivered. Once they were back inside Carousel Boutique, Rarity put up the closed sign and locked the door. Then she turned to Capper. “Why don’t I show you where you’ll be staying?”

“Please.” He followed her upstairs.

They entered the bedroom, leaving the lights off. Rarity climbed onto the bed, and patted the covers. Capper hopped up with her, and she moved close to him, resting her forelegs around his neck.

“You’re even more beautiful up close,” he said, tilting his head and leaning in. Rarity’s heart raced, and she met him, pressing their lips together.

She’s been kissed before, but this was passionate and electric. He was firm, but respectful, and she sighed blissfully as she kissed him.

He had very soft fur, she noticed now as she ran a hoof against his cheek. It was so much thicker than a pony’s too.

They separated for breath, and Rarity nearly gasped. Her blood was racing, and she stared into Capper’s bright eyes. He looked right back, petting her mane.

“Your eyes glitter like diamonds,” he whispered.

She threw herself onto him, and he laughed as he fell back, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her again. She tugged his coat down from his shoulders, and he let go of her just long enough to take it off completely and toss it aside. Then he was pulling her against his chest.

Rarity has had her fair share of intimate encounters, but this felt different. It was like her first time all over again, exciting and nerve-wracking.

One of Capper’s paws slid down behind her thigh, rubbing it and easing her over to straddle him. He was so warm, and she moaned when he ran his paw back over her flank, playing with her tail.

He lifted his head a bit, kissing along her cheek. “So how far are we taking this?” he breathed into her ear.

“As far as you want,” she replied, shaking a little with anticipation.

He licked his lips, and ducked his head down under her chin, suckling on her throat. She groaned, hips rocking to rub herself against his stomach. She never knew bites could be so arousing.

Capper slipped his paw around to her front, exploring down between her hind legs. “Is this okay?” he asked when she flinched.

“F-fine,” she assured him. “I was just a little surprised.” She rested her legs apart for him.

He carefully felt along her folds, spreading them apart. She began breathing more deeply, eyes falling shut.

“There you go,” Capper said soothingly. “Does that feel good?”

“Mm, yes…” Rarity shuddered with pleasure as he felt over her clit, rubbing his thumb around it. “Ohh, your paw feels… so much better than a hoof…”

“I’d imagine so,” he replied. “Can I go inside?”

“Of course.”

He did so, fingers slipping inside and stroking until she relaxed. He slowly worked them in and out, going deeper with each motion and massaging her.

“A-ah, Capper!” Rarity moaned, leaning in to kiss him.

“Mm, Rarity,” he whispered back, his already low voice dropping lower.

“Please, call me Miss Rarity… or even Mistress Rarity,” she pleaded.

He smiled. “My pleasure, Mistress Rarity.”

She shuddered, and he eased her over onto her back, laying along her as he gave long, soft strokes inside her. His thumb brushed ever so slightly against her clit as he worked, and she was soon clenching her thighs against his paw.

“You’re such a gentlecolt,” she said dreamily. Then her eyes opened and she said, “Oh, apologies, you’re not a colt, but…”

“I’m a gentleman,” he purred.

“Mm, yes…” She eased his face back toward hers, kissing him again.

Capper shifted to straddle one of her legs while he pleasured her, rubbing himself slightly against her soft fur.

Rarity noticed after a few moments, and said, “Darling, are you wanting to move on?”

“Heh, I would like to, Mistress,” he replied. His tone was so warm and dulcet that she groaned just hearing it.

“Then let’s.” She gave his lower back a tug, and he climbed more properly over her. She briefly rubbed her chin, glancing down. “So um, are you… like a housecat?” She hoped he didn’t get offended.

To her relief, he just chuckled. “While I may resemble your Equestrian housecats, the toms of my species do not have barbs. Thankfully.”

“Oh, thank goodness. I was a little worried.”

“Heh, I wouldn’t blame you. No, I am perfectly smooth, and I hope I’m to your liking.”

“I’m sure you will be,” she said.

Capper reached down to hold her hips, lining himself up as he looked down at her. “The view from here is beautiful, Miss Rarity.”

She blushed. “And the view from here is rather handsome.”

He pressed inside, and she moaned, head falling back and eyes shutting. Capper lifted a paw, leaning over her and bracing on the bed. Her body hugged him perfectly, warm and soft as silk, and his hips trembled with arousal.

Once he was in, Rarity wrapped her hind legs around him, and her front hooves came up to hold his shoulders, as she bit her lip and sighed out.

“Doing alright?” he asked.

“Of course,” she breathed. “You feel… quite different from a stallion, but… good, so good…”

“I’m glad. You feel good too.” He couldn’t help but think how much taller than her he was, but no matter. He was still able to reach her lips if he bent down a bit.

After giving her a moment to adjust, he eased into a rhythm. She took it easily, and began tugging on him, encouraging him to go faster. He gladly did so.

Rarity was delightfully vocal, letting out little gasps and whimpers, kissing him more passionately if something felt especially good. Capper adored it. He loved when a partner was bold about what they wanted in bed.

Their lips hardly separated, and Capper began feeling along her sides, before finally settling on holding her thighs, giving her some support so she could roll her hips to meet him.

It was Rarity’s unreserved personality that encouraged Capper to also let himself make noise, and he moaned for her, whispering her name, and sometimes just purring as her hooves kneaded against his shoulders.

She ended up pulling him down, wrapping her forelegs around his neck to feel him closer, and his heart thudded. She wanted to be physically close to him in every way, not just sexually. He wasn’t sure he’s ever been so strongly desired, but it definitely added to his enthusiasm.

“Mm, need anything, Mistress?” he murmured in her ear.

Her back legs gave a small twitch, her hips thrusting hard against him. “Just for you to keep going, darling… aah, but could you make it just a little harder?”

“Harder, hm? You got it. Let me know if it’s too much.” He moved more firmly, making the bed creak slightly, but was rewarded with an ecstatic cry of his name. He kept going at that intensity, and she kissed him hard. Capper groaned with pleasure, as the feeling shot up his spine like electricity. He wasn’t going to last much longer.

Rarity was close as well, bucking to meet his thrusts, wanting to feel him deep inside her. She’s been needing this, and he was attentive and focused on giving her what she wanted. It got her so hot to have someone who wanted her to feel good too, instead of just doing it for themselves. She pressed herself just a little closer to him, arching her back, beginning to pant with effort.

As she felt his body start to tense, a question occurred to her. “Mm, Capper, dear?”

“Hm?” His ears flicked toward her, and his voice was hoarse when he spoke. “What is it?”

“I was just wondering… ah… can your people… have children with ponies?”

It took Capper a few moments to process the question. Then he said, “No, love. We can only get other cats pregnant. A pony is just far too distant from us.”

“Mm, okay, just wanted to make sure… in that case, ah, you don’t have to pull out.”

“Why, Miss Rarity, that’s so dirty.”

She giggled. “I know, I can be quite a naughty pony.”

“I may have to punish you sometime then.”

She shivered. “Ohh, please do.”

Capper licked his lips. Gorgeous and kinky? He could get down with that. He kissed her, and let his claws slip out, raking up her thighs. Not hard enough to tear out fur, but just hard enough to scratch, and she moaned. He lifted a paw, giving her a little slap.

“You naughty mare,” he said.

“Ooh, that’s right, teach me a lesson!”

Capper smirked, and wrapped both arms around her, pulling her lower body firmly against his as he moved more roughly in and out of her. She scrambled to hold onto his neck, her stomach muscles tensing, and then she was finishing. She practically whinnied as her body clenched around Capper’s length, and he let out a soft mewl as he was pushed over the edge by the wave of pleasure.

He came with a few strong thrusts, and slowed, letting her body milk him for a few more seconds before finally stopping.

They panted together, and Capper nuzzled Rarity’s nose, opening his eyes and waiting for her to do the same. It took a bit, but finally those beautiful blue eyes opened, blinking before focusing on him.

“Ohh, darling,” she said sweetly, reaching up to gently run her hoof behind his ear.

He smiled and slid out of her, letting her rest back down. He laid next to her. “Heh, how was that?”

Her chest was heaving, fur coated in sweat and face flushed. “Delightful!” she exclaimed. She struggled over onto her stomach, and cuddled up with him. “You were so passionate, it was very… hm.”

“Sexy?” Capper suggested.

“I was going to say sensual but yes, it was sexy.”

He laughed and rested his arms around her, kissing her cheeks. “I aim to please, Miss Rarity. And if you’re ever feeling lonely, well… I’m at your service.”

She slid her head up under his chin. “So kind of you to offer. My, we certainly worked up a sweat.”

“That we did. Would you like me to draw you a warm bath?”

“Only if there’s bubbles.”

“Of course.” Capper stood, holding out a paw to help her down from the bed.

“And wine,” she added. “I have some in the kitchen.”

“Hah, very well. Anything else?”

She stretched up to kiss him. “And you, of course.”

He bowed. “Of course. Then let’s get to it.” He got the bath running and poured in soap, watching it bubble up. Then he headed downstairs and to the kitchen to grab the wine. It was a sweet strawberry wine. He picked out two glasses and took them upstairs.

The tub wasn’t even halfway full, but they climbed in anyway, settling back and setting the wine on the nearby shelf Rarity had installed for exactly this.

Capper first poured a cup for her, and she took it with her magic, taking a sip. He poured his own glass and then sank into the water with a sigh.

“This is nice,” he said, drinking some wine. The glass was fairly small for him, meant for ponies to use. But he didn’t mind, they had a whole bottle nearby.

“Very,” she replied, lowering the cup and smiling at him.

Capper examined her mane, how it was frazzled from being rubbed against the bed. The water was starting to reach the bottom of it, straightening it out. He thought it looked cute that way.

“It’s funny, seeing a cat in the bath,” Rarity commented.

“I like baths,” Capper replied. “I don’t like rain, but baths are fine. They’re relaxing. I only have a shower at home, so this is nice.”

“Oh, I see. I don’t care much for showers either. I like to get all relaxed and pamper myself.” She daintily took another drink of wine.

“Heh, I can see that.” Capper finished his drink, and set it aside. He took some time to rinse out his fur, washing his face off, but was soon done. He instead watched Rarity, who had put her drink down and was casually filing one of her hooves.

“So, got any other stories about the school?” Capper asked to make conversation.

“Oh, do I ever! It's been delightful, the students are so eager to learn and we seem to learn plenty from them as well.” She set the file down. “Gallus the griffin struggles a bit with generosity but he’s learning more every day. Oh but Sandbar, one of our pony students, is so good at it! He’s such a kind young colt.”

“That’s good to hear.” Capper yawned, fairly worn out. He laid back against the side of the tub, submerging as much of himself as he could. The bubbles rose up around his face.

“I’m gonna turn off the water,” Rarity said.

“Sounds good.”

She used her magic to turn it off, and laid back too. She drank the rest of her wine, then put it down and dunked her head back underwater. Capper watched as she came back up, her mane hanging around her head. Suds stuck to her fur, and he smiled, sitting up.

“Here, let me get that.” He carefully wiped it away from her eyes, and brushed her mane out of her face. She nuzzled his wrist, before kissing it. “You’re so sweet.”

“Thank you, but so are you,” she replied.

“I try.” Capper lifted one of her hooves, kissing the back of it. She blushed.

They only spent a few more minutes in the tub before deciding to get out. They drained it, rinsed the soap from themselves, and climbed out. Capper collected the wine bottle and glasses while Rarity retrieved two towels.

They dried off, and Capper returned the wine to the kitchen and cleaned the glasses. But finally he was returning to the bedroom, climbing under the covers with Rarity.

She snuggled up with him, and he stroked her back as he closed his eyes.

“Goodnight,” she said.

“Goodnight,” he replied, hoping it wouldn’t be the last time they said it to each other.

But judging by the way her hoof rubbed against his side, holding him close, it wouldn’t be.

Hard Apple Cider

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It had been a long day getting apples down from the trees before winter, but Applejack was pleased with today’s work. She thanked Big Mac for his help, setting the last basket in his cart. He headed for the barn, and she started to follow, only for Applebloom to run up with an envelope in her mouth.

“Sis!” she called, muffled. “You gof a le’er!”

“A letter? For me?” Applejack turned and accepted it, reading the return address. She immediately brightened at the sight of colorful musical notes around a familiar name. “It’s from Rara!”

“Coloratura?” Applebloom asked excitedly. “What’s she been up to?”

“I don’t know, she hasn’t written in a while. But I’ll read this once we get back inside.” Applejack carried the envelope carefully in her mouth as they returned home.

Once inside, Applejack sat on the couch, near where Granny Smith was quietly rocking on her chair as she flipped through a photo album.

“Whatcha got there, sugarcube?” she asked.

“I got a letter from my friend Rara,” Applejack replied, opening the envelope.

“Ooh, I always like hearing from her. What’s it say?”

Applejack waited until Applebloom was sitting next to her and Big Mac was stretching out on the rug, then unfolded the letter and read it out loud.

“Dear AJ, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’m afraid I’ve fallen on hard times and haven’t gotten a chance to write.”

“Hard times?” Applebloom interrupted. “Oh no, is she okay?”

“I’m tryin’ to find out,” Applejack replied with a smile. She resumed reading, “Many of my more recent songs have been flops. I’ve been doing my best to go on without Svengallop’s guidance, but despite his horrible behavior, he was an excellent manager and I’m having trouble managing myself. I’m afraid my music career may be coming to an end.”

“Oh no!” Applebloom exclaimed. “Her songs aren’t flops, I mean…” She thought about the most recent ones, and said, “Sure, Who I Am was kinda weak, and I didn’t care for Crystalline though the lyrics were good, and… oh no, her songs really haven’t been that great lately… but I love her older work!”

Applejack continued, “I don’t want to become one of those washed up singers who keep trying even though I’ve clearly lost the spark. I enjoy singing, and I always will, but I believe my time writing new songs is coming to an end. I’m just not as popular as I once was. I’ll leave the industry gracefully, and I’ll always be grateful to my fans for everything they’ve done for me. But enough of the sad news! I’ve been helping out at different camps as a counselor, I love helping the young fillies and colts and coming up with fun activities for them. It reminds me of when we were young and going to Camp Friendship together. I might do the job full time after this, it’s very rewarding. I hope things have been going well for you in Ponyville. How’s the harvest? It’s getting chilly out here, it’ll be winter in no time. Maybe I’ll come by to visit, I’ll probably need to buy a smaller house anyway. Hope to hear back soon! Sincerely, Rara.” Applejack turned the letter, but that was it.

“She’s quitting singing?” Applebloom asked.

“I guess so,” Applejack replied. “That’s sad to hear, but at least she seems happy as a camp counselor.”

“That sounds like a very rewardin’ job,” Granny commented. “Takin’ the youngins out on hikes, goin’ swimmin’... bein’ out in the fresh air!”

“That’s right, Granny,” Applejack replied. She looked at her siblings. “It sounds lovely.”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac agreed.

“I’m gonna write back before supper,” Applejack said, getting up.

“Alright,” Granny replied, getting up too. “Applebloom, could you be a dear and help me dice some potatos for soup?”

“Sure, Granny.” Applebloom went into the kitchen with her.

Applejack went to her room, laying out a piece of paper and picking up a pencil. She thought over her response, and then began to write.

Dear Rara,

It’s good hearing from you again. I’m sorry to hear you’ve fallen on hard times. I’m always here if you need to talk.

You should come to Ponyville if you’re looking for a new place to live. We have lovely houses for sale, heck I’d be more than happy to let you stay with me while you’re figuring things out. As long as you’re willing to learn to apple buck, haha.

Work as a camp counselor sounds fun and I’m glad it makes you happy. I wish Ponyville had a good camp, but Camp Friendship closed down a few years ago. Now we have to send our fillies and colts further away for that. Maybe somepony will step up and bring Camp Friendship back. Though Applebloom and her friends made their own camp, Cutie Mark Day Camp, in the same location so it’s nice visiting there.

The harvest has been going well, but winter will be starting soon so there’s plenty more to do. We’re going to grow onions and garlic this winter, just a little something to keep the bits coming while our trees hibernate. We’ve been plowing the fields to get ready.

I hope things get better. Write again soon.

Sincerely, AJ

She signed the letter and drew a few apples, then folded it and set it aside. She could hear Granny calling for her to come to supper, so she’d have to wait until later to mail it. She hurried downstairs.

The next day, Applejack went to the post office to send off the letter to Rara. She wanted to make sure it got sent quickly, as the mail ponies sometimes forgot to come all the way out to the farm. Then she returned to her work, but all throughout the next few days, she thought about her friend and hoped she was doing okay.

Slowly winter set in, snow beginning to fall. All the apple trees were barren, their produce carefully picked and taken in. Applejack was able to sell many of the fresh apples, and made others into apple butter. Yet more were used to make juice and various treats, which the citizens of Ponyville were happy to buy.

With that taken care of, her family moved along to farming crops that could survive the winter and taking care of their animals. It was a few weeks before she heard back from Coloratura.

This time, she had gone to the mailbox, and was glad to see the familiarly-decorated envelope along with the rest of the mail. She went inside, passing everything out to the recipients before sitting and opening the letter.

Dear AJ,

It’s good to hear from you too. I’m glad the harvest has gone well. It’s really cool to hear that Applebloom and her friends have their own camp, they’re really growing up aren’t they?

I think I’m officially done producing music. I’ve already said my goodbyes to the friends I’ve made in the industry, and no doubt the news will take it and run with it, but that’s fine. I enjoyed it while it lasted. If it’s not too much trouble, could I take you up on that offer to move in with you? I promise to help out anywhere I can and I’m totally up for learning to apple buck. After so long touring big cities, I’d like a little town like Ponyville to settle down in. Especially since my best friend is there.

Things have been pretty hectic with me getting ready to move out of my apartment, so I gotta end here, sorry for such a short letter. But I hope we can catch up again soon!

Sincerely, Rara

The letter was stamped with a pink hoofprint.

“What’s it say?” Applebloom asked.

“Here.” Applejack gave her the letter, and summed it up for Granny Smith and Big Mac.

“She wants to move in and work, eh?” Granny asked, squinting suspiciously.

“She’s a hard worker, Granny,” Applejack replied. “I think she could really help us out around here. Plus, I just want to make sure she’s taken care of. She’s one of my best friends after all.”

After a few moments, Granny smiled. “Well any friend of yours is family to me! She’s welcome to stay here as long as she needs. As long as she helps out.”

“Of course.”

Applejack sent a letter officially inviting Rara into the Apple family, and Rara’s reply came within days, happily agreeing. She said she should be there soon and couldn’t wait to see them.

Applebloom was beside herself with excitement.

“Countess Coloratura, THE Countess Coloratura, is gonna live with us!” she shouted as she bounced around the room.

“That she is,” Applejack chuckled as she made the bed in the guest room. “But I think she might be tired of being Countess Coloratura. You can just call her Rara, alright?”

“Heh, right. I’m just so excited! I wonder if she’ll want to come help at Cutie Mark Day Camp? She could help ponies find a talent for singing!” Applebloom twirled around and sang a high note that made Applejack wince, before saying, “I love musical cutie marks!”

“They look nice, don’t they?” Applejack finished fixing the bed and cleaned off one of the nightstands, making sure the lamp had a working bulb in it. “I’m sure she’d love to help. You can ask her when she gets here.”

“When’s she gonna get here?” Applebloom asked, running over to look out the window. “Is she gonna be here today? Tomorrow? When?”

“Calm down, sugarcube. She’s moving all the way from Manehattan. She might be here today, or it could take longer. She still has to sell some of her old household goods that we don’t have room for here.”

“Aw, that’s so sad, couldn’t she put them in storage?”

“She said she doesn’t mind, it wasn’t anything she was that attached to. Mostly furniture that we already have here.”

“Ohh, okay.” Applebloom kept staring out the window. “Oh, is that her? Wait, no, that’s a rabbit. OH I THINK I SEE HER- wait nevermind, another rabbit.”

“Well, if you do see her, feel free to give me a holler.” Applejack finished cleaning and headed for the door. She was almost out when she heard Applebloom suddenly call for her.

“Wait, she’s here!”

Thinking her little sister was joking, Applejack just rolled her eyes and took another few steps.

“No, seriously, it’s her!” Applebloom pushed the window open. “RARA!”

That was enough to make Applejack turn around, trotting back over to the window. “Wait, seriously?”

Sure enough, there was the mare with the beautiful indigo mane and soft aquamarine coat, pulling a fairly large cart behind her as she approached the farm.

“Rara!” Applejack yelled too, waving. Rara paused, then recognized her and waved back, before walking faster. Applejack turned around. “Come on, let’s help her with her things.”

Applebloom nodded, and the two hurried outside.

They met Rara as she was just passing through the gate.

“AJ, it’s so good to see you!” Rara exclaimed, throwing her forelegs around Applejack’s neck in a hug.

Applejack hugged her tightly. “Good to see you too! Wow, look at you, your mane’s longer.”

“Heh, yeah, I’m thinking of getting it cut,” Rara laughed, giving the curls a few bounces.

“I think it looks great as it is. Oh here, that must be heavy.” Applejack gestured to the cart, and Rara nodded, letting her undo the harness and pull it off. Applejack pulled it onto herself, and started pulling the cart. “Applebloom, get her saddlebags.”

“Got it!” Applebloom carefully took them off Rara’s back and draped them over her own, then led the way back to the house.

“So, how was the trip?” Applejack asked.

“Exhausting,” Rara replied. “I was able to take a train most of the way, though of course had to get one with storage space for my cart. But you know, the train made a lot of stops, so I spent lots of time on it with barely anything to do. Then I got to Ponyville and had to walk from the station all the way over here. But it’s no big deal. I liked the exercise.”

“Well I’m glad ya made it. And if you like exercise, you’ll be getting plenty here,” Applejack replied.

“Heh, I’m sure I will.”

“It had to stink pulling that big ol’ cart through the snow,” Applebloom commented.

“It wasn’t so bad, the roads are mostly clear,” Rara replied. “But the cold didn’t help much.”

“You aren’t wearing anythin’ warm,” Applejack noticed. “Did you pack any coats? It gets mighty chilly around here.”

“I have warm clothes, don’t worry,” Rara assured her. “I just didn’t want them to get wrinkled under the harness.”

“Heh, wrinkled under the harness, you sound like Rarity.”

Rara blushed. “Yeah, I guess it is kinda silly.”

“Maybe a little, but I like that about you. Come on, let’s hurry on in out of this cold. Granny Smith is baking pie today!” Applejack started trotting, and Rara and Applebloom sped up to follow her. They dropped off the cart near the door, as it was covered and would be okay in the weather for now. They went ahead and grabbed a few things out of it, then went inside.

Rara sighed with relief at the warmth, and greeted Granny Smith and Big Mac. They welcomed her to their home, telling her to make herself comfortable.

“I will, thank you so much,” she said.

“No problem, dearie,” Granny replied, giving her a gentle pat. “Now go ahead and take yer stuff upstairs. Applejack will show you where you’ll be staying.”

“Alright, thanks.” Rara followed her friend upstairs. She was very impressed by the guest room, and complimented Applejack on how good it looked.

“Ah shucks, I’m sure this is nothing compared to your apartment in Manehattan,” Applejack replied, helping her unpack.

“The apartment was nice, but it had a rather boring view, and the inside was decorated like most other apartments in the area. But this is beautiful and unique.” Rara gestured around. “I love the paintings of the countryside, I love the quilted bedspread, I love how it smells like apples in here! Oh, and most of all…” She went to look out the window. “I love the view of the orchard.”

Applejack walked up next to her, smiling at her happiness. She gently bumped her shoulder against her. “You think it looks nice now, wait until spring. The apples will start blooming again and the entire field will smell like this. It’s the most beautiful sight you ever seen.”

“I can’t wait to see it. But first, we gotta get through the winter, huh?”

“Sugarcube, I’m sure it’ll pass in no time! Now come on, I wanna treat you to some delicious Apple home cooking!”

Rara eagerly followed her out.

Rara quickly got settled in at Sweet Apple Acres. She moved all her stuff into the guest room and got it decorated, and spent an enjoyable evening going through photos from her time as a pop singer, as well as showing off various posters for her concerts. Applebloom went through her CD collection, finding that she owned several copies of every album she’s released. Better than that, Rara even let her have a copy of each album she didn’t already own.

“Wow, thanks!” Applebloom hugged her, then gathered up the albums and rushed back to her room with them.

“I just love seeing fillies smile,” Rara sighed. “Kinda makes me wish I had one of my own.”

“Well, maybe you will one day,” Applejack replied, looking with amusement at a photo of Rara volunteering at a camp. She was covered in mud and grinning. “You’ll be a great mother.”

“Aw, thank you. But of course, that’s one day. First I need to meet somepony I like enough to have foals with.”

“How many would you want?”

“Mm… I think I’d want one, but if after a few years I’m financially secure, I wouldn’t mind having another. I might adopt too. Who knows.” Rara gathered her CDs back up and put them away.

“Well, take your time. Having foals is a big responsibility. Definitely not something to rush into.”

“How about you?” Rara asked. “Are you looking to settle down and have a foal or two?”

“Me? Heh, heck no. Not any time soon. It’s trouble enough looking after Applebloom. Maybe once she’s older and can take care of herself, I’ll think about getting with a special somepony. Until then, it’s not really on my mind.”

“That’s totally understandable.”

“Come on, I wanna show you how to check the crops for disease.” Applejack gestured for her to follow her out. As they walked downstairs, she said, “I wouldn’t mind having a foal though. I’d really like to have a daughter. But again, won’t be for a while.”

“Oh, definitely.”

“Big Mac’s already talkin’ bout kids with his girlfriend Sugar Belle… but heh, I told him he needs to get hitched before he talks like that.”

Rara giggled. “Big Mac will be a wonderful father.”

“Yeah, he will be. Honestly, I can’t wait to see our family grow. I just want him to be responsible about it.”

Once they were outside, Applejack took Rara over to the field where they were growing onions. She coached her through examining the plants, picking out the ones that were struggling, showing her how she could help them. A few had to be pulled out and disposed of, but most of them were thriving. Rara learned fast, and soon was being led over to the garlic and shown the intricacies of raising it. The crops were mostly self-sufficient, but they definitely benefited from a little Earth pony magic.

There were several fields for them to go through, and once they were done with that, Applejack led her through feeding the pigs and cleaning their pen.

“And one of these mornings I’m gonna get you up real early and show you how to collect eggs,” Applejack said, gesturing to the chicken coop.

Rara wiped some dirt off her leg, and gave the coop a quizzical look. “Oh, that should be easy.”

“Heh. You’d be surprised. The hens will get up in the morning and come outside to eat. And while they’re distracted by the feed, you gotta get in there and snatch up their eggs before they notice. They’re not fertilized or anythin’, but the hens can get broody sometimes. And trust me, you don’t want a broody hen attacking ya.”

Rara thought about those talons and beaks and shuddered. “Definitely not.”

As the days passed it grew colder, the pegasi brought in snow clouds more and more often, and Ponyville was blanketed in snow. Rara worked diligently on the farm nonetheless, and though it was hard work, she was often alongside Applejack and was content with it. It was satisfying seeing plants grow under her care, and nothing quite beat the satisfaction of cleaning the barn or cooking a delicious meal with her own hooves. It made the time pass quickly, and before she knew it, Hearth’s Warming Eve had arrived.

Applejack invited her to a huge celebration Pinkie Pie was throwing, and they spent hours telling stories of Wendigos, treaties between different pony races, and of course the tale of Snowfall Frost. They also exchanged presents, some of which were opened early at the insistence of the givers, while others were to be opened the next morning. Rara was pleasantly surprised by how many gifts she got, and thanked everypony profusely for making her feel so welcome.

Ponyville was glad to have her, and she spent some time getting to know the musicians of the town, sharing stories with them, and they sympathized with her struggles.

“Yes, it can be so hard keeping your fanbase engaged,” Octavia said as she rested by the fireplace, a glass of wine in hoof. “My quartet is invited to a number of functions, but we don’t release very many original pieces.”

“As if you need to,” Vinyl Scratch said, walking up next to her. “Everypony just wants to hear your swanky old classical music.”

“Yes, well, as popular as we are in that regard, we serve a niche audience. I’d like to branch out a bit.”

“I’m telling you, we gotta make more dubstep cello pieces!”

“I do like dubstep,” Rara mused.

“See?” Vinyl said triumphantly. She offered Octavia a bottle. “Hey, want some vodka in that?”

“Absolutely not,” Octavia replied immediately, covering her glass.

“You’re no fun.”

“I have a nice little following,” Lyra commented. “But I mostly just do small shows here and there. I play the lyre for fun, not for profit.”

“That’s very admirable,” Rara said.

“How are y’all doing over here?” Applejack asked, joining them by the fire.

“Great,” Rara replied. “There’s so many great musicians here.”

“Yep, Ponyville is home to some very talented ponies. Don’t mind me, I just need to warm up a bit.” Applejack scooted closer to the fireplace and sat down, holding her front hooves out to it.

Feeling a little emboldened by the wine she’s been sipping, Rara moved to sit next to Applejack, leaning against her. She felt her hide twitch, and quickly explained, “I’m just helping you warm up.”

Applejack relaxed, and leaned back against her. “Well ain’t you a dear.”

Rara hid her smile in her glass as she took another drink. She gazed into the fire, glad to be spending winter with such an amazing pony.

The rest of winter passed fairly quickly. Rara spent a good bit of it getting to know the other residents of Ponyville, and talked to the mayor about starting Camp Friendship back up. Mayor Mare was more than happy to let her, saying that she has missed having the camp around. After that, Rara talked with the Cutie Mark Crusaders about taking over the campground from them, and they gave it up, but with the stipulation that they be allowed to work there too and lead cutie mark-finding activities. Rara agreed to it, which made them very happy.

Winter Wrap-Up came and went, and Rara was a huge help in getting crops planted. Though ever since Twilight first started organizing it, the event has gone off without a hitch. With the arrival of spring, Rara began her camp. It was a big hit, with most of Ponyville’s young fillies and colts eager to attend. They went hiking, rowboating, did arts and crafts, and held various competitions. With the help of the CMC, a few blank flanks even earned their cutie marks, and Rara always congratulated them.

Between working at Sweet Apple Acres and running Camp Friendship, Rara was quite busy. She was regularly coming to dinner exhausted, but she assured Applejack that she’s never been happier.

“I’m looking into getting a house in town,” she said one night. “I’ve been living here a bit too long, haha.”

“We don’t mind having you here,” Applejack replied. “I’ve enjoyed your company. It’s nice having another mare my age to talk to. Applebloom is great but she’s my lil sister, ya know? And Big Mac, well… he’s not much for talkin’. I’m glad you’re here and you don’t need to move out if you don’t want to.”

“Well…” Rara hesitated, then said, “I really like being around you too. If it’s no trouble, I’d like to stay here a bit longer then.”

“Of course! You’re absolutely welcome to! Besides…” Applejack bumped their hips together. “Apple cider season is about to begin and you absolutely do not want to miss that. Makin’ cider is barrels of fun!”

“Oh wow, I definitely can’t miss that. I love apple cider.”

“You and the rest of Ponyville. It’s one of our most profitable seasons. Along with zap apple season of course. You’ll love that too.”

“Heh, I’m sure I will.”

“Well, I’m gonna hit the hay. See you in the morning.”

“Alright. Goodnight.” Rara watched her leave, then went to climb into bed, sighing as she stretched. Then she reached over to the nightstand to pick up the framed photo of herself and Applejack as fillies, performing at the old Camp Friendship many years ago. She smiled, gently tracing a hoof against the picture, before setting it aside and snuggling under the covers.

Sure enough, apple cider season soon arrived and Rara was drawn into helping prepare barrels and barrels of the delicious drink. It was hard work, but greatly rewarding, as she helped sell it to the many ponies of Ponyville and beyond who queued for hours just to get at one mug of the stuff. She chuckled as Rainbow Dash approached the counter with a clear bounce in her step, eagerly buying two mugs and stepping aside to drain them.

“I take it she’s a big fan,” Rara said, with a nod at the pegasus.

Applejack laughed. “Oh, absolutely.”

But eventually they ran out for the day, and had to turn away those still waiting. But they promised they’d have more for them tomorrow. They were disappointed, but left anyway.

The Apple family returned to the farm and got to work making more batches. They stored the barrels in the barn, and once they were done, most of the family went back inside. But Applejack invited Rara to stay at the barn with her, saying she had a surprise for her.

“Everypony loves our apple cider, but there’s a particular variant we like to save for the family,” Applejack said, leading Rara further back. She pulled out a barrel that looked older than the others. “This has been fermenting since last season. What do ya say we have a couple mugs of hard apple cider?”

“Hard apple cider?” Rara’s ears perked. She didn’t drink much alcohol, but it was fun to indulge in every once in a while. Especially when you had a friend to get buzzed right alongside you. “Sure!”

Applejack filled a couple mugs and passed one to Rara. Rara took a curious sip. It had all the delicious, fresh tang of apple cider… along with the distinct taste of alcohol. She took a bigger gulp.

“Wow, this is delicious.”

“Thank ya. I’m considering selling this too but Granny doesn’t think it’d be appropriate. Ah well, more for us.” Applejack lifted her mug. “To a great cider season!”

Rara bumped her mug against the other, and they both drank together. They hung out in the barn, talking about ideas for the camp and telling stories. When their mugs ran dry, they would refill them and keep on hanging out. After a few rounds, they were growing tipsy, and Rara found herself much more interested in just leaning against her friend and playing with her mane.

“Have I ever told you how much I love your mane?” Rara asked, giggling slightly. “It’s all soft and poofy…” She stroked it. “Like the softest straw in the world… Ahahaha....” She rolled slightly onto her back, holding the mug with one hoof while the other kept batting at Applejack. Applejack snorted and laid down with her, blushing.

“Rara, yer drunk,” Applejack said.

“I’m not drunk, I’m just a little tipsy!” Rara attempted to drink more and spilled it on her face. “Oh, oops.”

“Heh, here sugarcube.” Applejack used her wrist to wipe the cider off, and refilled the mug for her.

“Thanks darling.” Rara moved onto her stomach and snuggled against her. “You’re such a good friend.”

“I do my best.” Applejack finished off her mug, and considered whether or not she wanted more. Then she just set it aside for now and decided to make sure her friend was alright.

“Like how many other ponies would let me live with them for months? Share their meals with me, and let me… let me do all that totally rent free!” Rara took a swig and swung a foreleg around Applejack’s neck, leaning more heavily on her.

“Well it’s not entirely rent free, you pay us back by helping out on the farm,” Applejack replied. “But I could never turn away a friend in need. Even if something were to happen and you couldn’t work, you could still live with us.”

“You’re so sweet. As sweet as apples.” Rara paused to shake her head, finally noticing how dizzy she was. Everything felt light and peaceful. She gazed at Applejack, focusing on her eyes. Her beautiful, caring green eyes.

“Are you always this affectionate when you drink?” Applejack asked, leaning in to gaze back at her. Rara finally noticed she was blushing.

“I think so. I don’t know, I don’t drink like this often. But it does get me really relaxed. And giggly. Everything is funny, haha. Like your… like your hat. A pony that always wears a hat. I love it!”

Applejack smirked, taking her hat off and placing it on Rara’s head. “And now you’re a pony wearing a hat.”

“Oh!” Rara went cross-eyed trying to look up at it. She sat up, putting her mug down and adjusting the hat. Then she looked back at Applejack and posed. “How do I look?”

Applejack stared at her silently for a moment. Then she smiled and said, “Like a million bits. As usual.”

Rara blinked. Then her face heated up. “O-oh. Thanks.”

Applejack went to refill her mug, taking a drink before saying, “You’re beautiful no matter what you wear.”

Rara looked down into her own mug, giving it a small stir. Then she looked back up. “Thank you. That means a lot to me.”

“I’m sure you hear it all the time.”

“I do, but… you’re the element of honesty. I know you truly mean it, and that means so much more to me. Especially since you’re my friend, and not some stranger yelling at me from a crowd.”

“Oh, makes sense.” Applejack returned to Rara, sitting in front of her and gently lifting her chin. “You’re more than beautiful though. You’re kind, and talented, and so, so committed to making other ponies happy. You have a strong work ethic and I’m glad to have met you. Never stop thinking of yourself as amazing.”

Rara’s face flushed darker. “AJ, you… you really mean it?”

“I do. And on top of all that, you are so strong and I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”

Rara’s eyes widened. Next thing Applejack knew, the other was kissing her mouth and pretty much jumping onto her, and she fell onto her back under her weight, staring at her in surprise. Rara pulled her muzzle back, panting and looking just as surprised. “S-sorry, I don’t know what came over me…”

Applejack swallowed. “You don’t need to apologize.” She reached up to stroke the back of Rara’s head, running her hoof through her mane. Then she drew her down and kissed her. Rara was startled, but quickly gave in and kissed back.

The tingles that filled their bodies were far more than could be blamed on the alcohol. They leaned apart to catch their breath, smiling at each other and nuzzling.

“You’re so pretty,” Rara whispered, thoughts in a daze.

“And yer as pretty as an apple blossom,” Applejack replied, snickering at how bemused the other looked. She could tell the other was glancing at her lips, and said, “Do ya wanna kiss me again?”

Rara stifled a giggle. “Y-yeah.”

“Then come get some.”

Rara pounced back onto her, and as their lips joined again, Applejack found herself completely content with this.

Big Mac was the one who found them in the morning, asleep in a pile of hay and snoozing comfortable against each other, their empty mugs of cider scattered next to them.

He woke them up with a few gentle nudges, and when they saw him, they immediately blushed and scrambled to their hooves.

“Well now, that’s what I call a roll in the hay,” Mac commented.

“Mac!” Applejack thumped his shoulder, and he chuckled.

Rara hastily brushed straw out of her mane, giving an awkward smile as she gathered the mugs up. “W-we didn’t do anything, we just… just had some hard apple cider and uh…”

“Fell asleep!” Applejack said quickly. “That’s it, we just. We just uh, slept.”

“I’m not one to judge.” Mac winked at them. “Come on you two, we’ve got apple cider to sell.”

“Is uh, Applebloom and Granny Smith already awake?” Applejack asked.


“Oh dear Celestia. Okay, quickly Rara, help me load up this cart.” They rushed to get the barrels loaded, and Big Mac began pulling them out toward the road. Rara and Applejack trotted behind him.

“Here’s your hat back,” Rara said quietly, putting the hat back on Applejack’s head.

“Oh, thanks.” Applejack blushed lightly and looked away.

After a few moments, Rara whispered, “I really enjoyed last night. You think, um…” Applejack glanced back at her, looking almost bashful, which gave Rara a little more confidence. “Maybe we could… go out?”

They walked in silence for a few moments. Then Applejack replied, “I’d like that.”

Rara smiled and moved to walk closer to her, leaning ever so slightly against her. And when Applejack leaned back, she knew everything was going to be okay.

Love is, Like, Magical

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“You really had quite the adventure out there,” Fluttershy said as Discord poured her some more tea.

“Oh, most certainly,” he replied, handing her the cup and leaning over to refill Tempest's too. “It was so much fun!”

“I'm glad you had a good time,” Fluttershy said, taking a sip. She smiled at how Discord leaned back and casually rested an arm around Tempest. “And I'm so happy for you two. You're an adorable couple. A little unorthodox I'll admit, but adorable.”

“Thank you, I do my best.” Discord batted his eyelashes, and Tempest laughed.

“Are you feeling better?” Fluttershy asked, nodding toward the bandages around Tempest's middle.

“Oh yeah, I'm doing well,” Tempest said. “The doctor said I should be able to take these off in a few weeks, and after that I'm going to go to the Royal Guard Academy. Celestia sent me an application packet that has her endorsement and everything, so... yeah.”

“Wow, you're going to join the royal guard?” Fluttershy asked. “That's really exciting, good for you! Twilight's told me a little about the sorts of things her brother had to do in the guard. It sounds really stressful but rewarding.”

“Yeah, I've been reading up on it.” Tempest set her cup down. “There's the enlisted side and the officer side. I'm going to be an officer, hence going through the Academy. Apparently we focus a lot more on leadership and education than true combat training, but we still get pretty brutal physical training because you never know when we might need it. We still need to be in shape. But I'm up for the challenge.”

“Oh, certainly. Well, good luck.”


“But enough about us,” Discord said. “What have you been up to for the past several months?”

“Not much out of the usual. I've been looking after the animals and teaching at Twilight's school, and that's about it. Though I've also been sending letters back and forth with my friend Tree Hugger.”

“Ah, yes, Tree Hugger.” Discord chuckled. “How's she doing?”

“She's doing great. Though apparently the Equestrian Society for the Preservation of Rare Creatures keeps her traveling a lot. But she loves hearing from me and she tells me about everything she's doing, and it's great! She's helped raise phoenixes, and she liberated a puppy mill that was breeding three-headed dogs in horrible conditions, and right now she's apparently working on a big sanctuary project for the protection of timber wolves!”

“Aren't timber wolves really aggressive and dangerous though?” Tempest asked.

“They are rather territorial,” Fluttershy admitted. “But with the proper love and care, they can be wonderful companions. At any rate, they are wild animals and they deserve a space where they can roam and just be themselves without having to worry about anypony hurting them. Which is why Tree is making sure they get that space.”

“I'm sure you have plenty of advice on how to build a sanctuary,” Discord said.

“Mhm!” Fluttershy nodded enthusiastically. “In fact, she's going to be visiting Ponyville in a few days to come look at the sanctuary I built!”

“Oh, that's wonderful!” Discord reached across the table to shake her hoof. “Congrats! I'm sure you'll have a lot to teach her!”

“I sure hope so. She already knows a lot about taking care of rare creatures though, she might actually end up teaching me a thing or two.”

“Well, I hope the visit goes well,” Tempest said. “If you guys need anything, feel free to ask.”

“Thanks, I certainly will.”

After a few more minutes of conversation, Fluttershy decided it was time to head home. She said goodbye to the couple, and Discord opened a portal so she could get back to her house. She waved and stepped through. Once back home, she greeted the various animals who lived in her yard, then went inside. Where Angel was waiting impatiently, stamping his foot as he held his empty food bowl.

“I fed you just before I left,” Fluttershy sighed. But she went to the fridge, getting a carrot and handing it to him. “Here, you can snack on this.”

He took it in his mouth and hopped away. Fluttershy returned her attention to the contents of her fridge, taking inventory of her food. She wanted to make sure she had enough to make some decent meals for Tree Hugger while she's visiting.

“Let's see, I think this should be good, but oh... I wanted to make a cake for her and I don't have a decent substitute for eggs.” Fluttershy frowned and closed the fridge. Tree Hugger was a strict vegan, and while she wasn't pushy about it, Fluttershy wanted to respect her diet and not feed her any animal products. She decided to head to Twilight's castle to visit the library so she could find some new recipes.

The castle was quiet as she passed through the beautiful crystal halls. She wondered what Twilight was up to, before pushing open the doors to the library. A familiar purple face peeked around a chair. Oh, of course she was here.

“Hey, Fluttershy!” Twilight called.

“Hey, Twilight.” Fluttershy looked around at all the shelves, unsure of where to begin.

“Looking for another animal care guide?” Twilight asked, getting up. “They're right over here, though you've probably checked out enough of them to know that, haha.”

“No, I don't need a care guide this time,” Fluttershy replied. “I was looking for a cookbook. My friend Tree Hugger is visiting in a few days, and she's a vegan, so I want to make sure I have plenty of delicious things to make her that don't involve eggs and such.”

“Ohh, gotcha! Hm, cookbooks, let me see...” Twilight spread her wings and flew up to one of the higher shelves, browsing through. She flitted around a bit, and apologized, “Sorry, I don't use a lot of cookbooks myself, I just sorta grew up helping my mom cook so I tend to make things I'm used to.”

“That's perfectly understandable,” Fluttershy said. She walked over to the desk Twilight had sat at, glancing curiously at the book she was reading. Then she realized it wasn't a normal book, but rather the magical journal she used to communicate with that separate dimension inhabited by strange two-legged creatures Twilight called humans. “Were you talking to Sunset Shimmer?”

“Yeah, I was.” Twilight picked out a couple books.

“Is everything okay over there?”

“Oh yeah, things are great. We're just chatting. It's getting close to time for her to graduate from that human high school and she was just asking me for advice. I've spent a lot of time there but things work so differently in their world, but I'm doing my best to help her.” Twilight flew down and set the books out. “Okay, this one is full of vegan dessert recipes, and this one is entrees. I'm sure you'll find plenty to make.”

Fluttershy flipped through the dessert book. “These look delicious. Thank you.” She picked them up and slid them into her saddlebags.

“No problem.” Twilight sank back into her chair, picking up a quill. “Hm, Sunset's inviting me to her graduation ceremony. I kinda want to go, but it might be a little weird to have two Twilights there.”

“Have you spent much time around the human Twilight?” Fluttershy asked.

“No, not really. I ran into her once and it was really weird. I mean, I wouldn't mind going back and talking to her, I just haven't really had an opportunity.”

“Oh. Well, I think you should go to the ceremony. I'm sure Sunset would like having another friend there.”

Twilight smiled and started to write. “Okay, maybe I will go. It'll be nice to see what my human friends are up to.”

They said goodbye and Fluttershy headed out. A quick trip to the market to pick up some groceries, and then she could head home and start working on dinner for all her animals. She was so excited for Tree Hugger's visit.

When the day arrived, Fluttershy went to the train station to wait for her friend. She knew she would be arriving from the north, but found herself looking both ways anyway, and fidgeting each time a train stopped and exchanged passengers. But finally the one she was expecting arrived, and Tree Hugger stepped out, pulling a small cart behind her with her luggage.

“Tree Hugger!” Fluttershy bounced over to greet her, pulling her into a hug. She hugged back.

“Fluttershy, so good to see you! Oh it's so rad that you took your time to come meet me here.”

“It was no problem.” Fluttershy began leading her through town. “How was the trip?”

“It was totally mellow, traveling by train is so peaceful.” Tree Hugger waved at a few ponies as she passed them, then looked back at Fluttershy. “I spent most of the trip meditating and clearing out my chakras.”

“That must have been nice.”

“It was, you should try it sometime.”

“You'll have to show me.”

“No problem, I can totally teach you the art of meditation!”

“Great. Alright, let's drop your stuff off at my place and then I can show you the sanctuary.”

“I'm totally pumped to see it.”

They headed to Fluttershy's cottage, and Tree Hugger took her stuff to the guest bedroom. She didn't bother organizing anything, just taking the cart off and pushing it to the side of the room before eagerly asking to go see the sanctuary. Fluttershy agreed and led the way.

The walk didn't take long, and soon they were heading up a hill, Fluttershy explaining the events that led to the sanctuary's creation. “I'm very proud of how this turned out,” she concluded. “I hope it inspires you.” They reached the top of the hill, and could now see the sprawling animal sanctuary down below.

“Man, it's beautiful,” Tree Hugger commented. She closed her eyes for a moment, ears perked as she just listened to the sounds of nature. “There's so much nature energy here, it's like, totally groovy.”

Fluttershy smiled and led her toward it. “Come on, take a closer look.”

They explored the area. They checked on the birds in the trees, the critters in the grass and underground, and visited the creatures who swam in the water. Tree Hugger actually removed her bandanna and jumped into the water, going down to gently pet various fish, and then seeming to inspect the ground. Then she swam back up.

“Do you need a towel?” Fluttershy asked as she shook herself off and wringed water out of her mane.

“Nah, I'll let the sunshine dry me off, as is the natural way.” Tree Hugger accepted her bandanna back. “I don't mean to impose, but there's a lot of gunk building up at the bottom of the pond and not enough bottom feeders to properly filter it out.”

“Oh, I see,” Fluttershy said. “Is that a problem?”

“The water is still very healthy, it'll just be a little more pleasant to live in if some of that gook at the bottom were taken care of. I'd recommend adding some plecostomus, also known as the suckermouth catfish. Do you know of them?”

“Oh yes, they're very helpful, and so mild-mannered. How many should I get?”

“Hmm...” Tree Hugger regarded the pond. “They can grow fairly large if given the room... I'd say five will be more than enough.”

“Five plecos, got it.” Fluttershy made a mental note to get that squared away.

They continued walking around. Tree Hugger made more comments, such as recommending they plant more bee-friendly flowers, and grow a patch of clovers for bunnies to snack on. But overall, she was very pleased with the sanctuary.

“I've got so many rad ideas for the timber wolves,” Tree Hugger said. “Thank you so much for the tour.”

“It was no problem, I'm happy to help,” Fluttershy replied. “And thank you for the notes, I can't wait to make the sanctuary even nicer for the critters.”

“Your passion for helping animals is so inspiring,” Tree Hugger said. “It's, like, one of the things that first drew me to you. I love your kind aura.”

Fluttershy blushed. “Thank you. I do my best.”

“Well, I think I've seen all I need to.”

“Would you like to go back to my house for lunch?”

“Totally. Then we can talk about my ideas for my sanctuary project.”

They returned to Fluttershy's cottage. They prepared lunch together, as Tree Hugger didn't want to make Fluttershy do all the work herself. They made salads that they also shared with Angel, and many of the other animals. Then they went to the living room to eat.

“Mm, this spinach is so crisp,” Tree Hugger said.

“Yes, I just bought it. Fresh veggies are the best.”

“They sure are. And mm, I love the crunch to these carrots.”

Once lunch was finished, they cleaned the dishes, which Tree Hugger also insisted on helping with. Then Fluttershy made tea and they sat down to talk. Their discussion about the timber wolf sanctuary went on for hours. Tree Hugger wrote tons of notes down in a notebook and they consulted books on the species as they worked. But finally they were satisfied with their progress and stopped to make dinner. Fluttershy prepared a vegan casserole, and Tree Hugger made a side of lightly-salted potato wedges. They poured glasses of apple juice and sat down at the kitchen table to eat.

“You're a great cook,” Tree Hugger said as she dug into the casserole.

“Heh, well, when one has to feed themselves and a bunch of pets for years, you tend to get good at cooking,” Fluttershy replied. But she was pleased by the praise.

They lightly discussed local news, and engaged in some gossip.

“So Rainbow Dash has settled down with this wonderful and energetic pegasus named Night Glider,” Fluttershy said. “They're really cute together and Night might even move in with her and start working for the Cloudsdale weather team. She's a talented flier.”

“It's always so nice to hear that somepony has found a devoted lover,” Tree Hugger said. “Love is a powerful magic and it makes the world a better place.”

“Mhm!” Fluttershy finished her food and sighed with satisfaction.

“How are your other friends doing?” Tree Hugger asked.

“Very well. I feel like everypony is leading happy lives and so many of my friends are finding special someponies. I'm happy for all of them. Like Tempest Shadow actually getting with Discord. Discord! He always made fun of romance, said it was silly, but now I see him hugging Tempest, or keeping a hand on her while they're walking just because he wants to touch her, he adores her! I'm so glad they met.”

“Discord is a very interesting creature,” Tree Hugger mused. “I've never met another draconequus. I know there are more, but they're very secretive. I'd love to meet more, they're like, the rarest creature of all.”

“Yeah, Discord said even he has rarely talked to others of his kind. He doesn't mind, though.”

Tree Hugger nodded. Then she said, “So, Rarity. Is she really dating an Abyssinian?”

“Yes, she is,” Fluttershy confirmed. “They went out to dinner one day after he visited to buy some coats, they decided to hook up, and now... Yeah. They're together. His name is Capper and he's so charming, I don't blame Rarity for falling for him.”

“Interspecies romance is like, so groovy,” Tree Hugger sighed. “It brings the world closer together. All people deserve love. Rarity's like, breaking down barriers. It's awesome.”

Fluttershy giggled. “It is. They certainly make heads turn, but they're happy together and that's what matters. Capper might even move here!”

“That'll be rad.”

Fluttershy took a sip of juice. “And real recently, Applejack got with her childhood friend Coloratura... though she goes by Rara. They're cute together.”

“Nice. Everypony's finding their special someponies, huh?”

“Guess so.”

“Then how about you?”

“Me?” Fluttershy asked, surprised.

“Sure. Got your eye on anypony?”

Fluttershy blushed. “Oh, no, not really. I mean, it might be nice to get a partner, but it's not a priority. I'd mostly just want companionship, and an extra set of hooves to help me with the animals.”

“Mm, I see. So they'd need to be good with animals.”

“Absolutely. That's a requirement.”

“I totally understand. Mare or stallion? Or either? ...Or other?”

Fluttershy blinked. Then she said, “I've never really thought about gender. It's not that important to me. So... I guess I could fall for anypony. It's their personality that counts.”

“Hey, that's cool. I'm open to anypony as well. Gender is just, like, a construct, man.”

Fluttershy laughed. “I guess so.”

“Well, I wish you luck if you ever do look for a partner.”

“Thank you.”

They talked for a few more minutes, then cleared the table. After feeding the animals dinner, they retired to the living room to relax.

“So, how do you feel about weed?” Tree Hugger asked.

Fluttershy looked up from the book she had started browsing. “Weed? Like... weeds in a garden?”

“Haha, no. I mean marijuana, dude.”

“Oh!” She closed the book. “Well, it certainly has benefits in pain relief and for easing anxiety and depression. Plus, if ponies just want to smoke it for fun, well... that's their choice. It's perfectly acceptable, just like alcohol and tobacco. In moderation of course and as long as you aren't doing it near ponies that are uncomfortable with it.”

“Cool. So, mind if I smoke?”

Fluttershy tilted her head. “Right now?”

“I like taking a few hits after dinner, it really mellows me out and helps me get to sleep. I can go outside though.”

“Well...” Fluttershy considered, then said, “You should go out anyway so none of my pets are bothered. But I'll come with you so we can keep talking.”

“Sweet. Would you like to try it?”

“Me? Smoke weed? Heh, no thank you.”

“That's cool man, I respect that. Let me get my stuff and we can go outside.”

Tree Hugger went to the guest room to grab what she needed, then came back. She and Fluttershy headed out to a bench on the lawn and sat down.

With Fluttershy watching curiously, Tree Hugger opened her bag of weed and took some out, proceeding to carefully roll it up like a cigar. She smoothed out the wrapping the best she could, and picked up her lighter. She lit up, and took a long drag, holding it for a moment before exhaling.

Fluttershy's nose wrinkled. “Ugh. Sorry, it just smells really...” She cast around for a word that wasn't insulting.

But Tree Hugger just laughed. “Bad, I know. But once you get used to it, it's not so bad. Smell lingers though, you'd definitely want to brush your teeth... actually, it'd probably be best to take an entire shower.”

“I see.”

Tree Hugger took a few more puffs, then said, “You sure you don't want to try it? Just one breath?”

Fluttershy hesitated. She's always been curious. And she has taken care of today's chores... but what if the drug had a bad effect on her? You never knew! “How likely is it to... you know... negatively affect me?”

Tree Hugger gave her a blank stare. Then she said, “Very unlikely. Obviously it can be overdone but just one hit won't hurt you. But you don't need to do it if you don't want to.”

“No, I'll try it,” Fluttershy said. “I wanna know what it's like.”

“Alright, that's my girl! Okay, now just take it easy.” Tree Hugger passed her the joint. “Don't breathe in too fast. Just put this end to your lips and let the smoke into your mouth. Don't inhale quite yet, just kinda draw it into your mouth.”

Fluttershy did as directed, and her ears flicked in surprise. She had been expecting a bad taste, but it really wasn't so bad. It tasted “green” like many leafy plants, but her main impression was just that she had a mouthful of warm air.

“Now you can pull the joint away and actually inhale so it goes down into your lungs,” Tree Hugger said.

Fluttershy took a breath. The smoke traveled down, and she coughed a bit at the tingling sensation, but it wasn't so bad.

Tree Hugger began to take the joint away. “See? What do you think? Oh, and make sure you exhale, you really don't need to leave the smoke in there that long.”

Fluttershy let her have the joint, exhaling and watching smoke curl out of her nose. “That was... interesting. How long until it starts working?”

“Depends but this strain is pretty good, I'd give it hm... maybe five minutes? Of course you might need to take more hits, just to make sure it absorbs properly.” Tree Hugger put the joint to her own lips, and Fluttershy watched the smooth way she inhaled, before passing it back over.

Fluttershy accepted it and took another drag. She held her breath for a few more seconds, before slowly letting it back out. “This is... weirdly relaxing.” She returned the joint.

“Well you are using deep breathing techniques,” Tree Hugger explained. “This sort of breathing works wonders for bringing calmness. If you ever wish to meditate, you'll breathe much like this.”

“Ohh, okay.”

“Man, thanks for being so open-minded,” Tree Hugger said. “I don't meet many ponies that are up for smoking with me. But it's so nice to just chill with a friend and share a joint. But this isn't the only way to experience weed. We could also use a pipe, or a bong... in fact bongs are a bit more pleasant. And then there are edibles, I know a great recipe for weed brownies, and they're vegan!”

“Sounds great, maybe we could give them a try,” Fluttershy replied. “So you can cook this into food?”

“Totally. That's where it can get dangerous though, since you can't fully taste it so you gotta make sure you don't overdo it. Haha, I have a friend who ate some of my brownies, she got through one and waited and said nothing was happening, so she went for a second. I told her to stop then but she insisted that it wasn't working and ate a third...” Tree Hugger shook her head. “I'm pretty sure she heard colors after that one. Poor gal. She got through it but man that was a crazy high.”

“Oh dear. Well, I'll be very careful if we ever eat those.”

“Rad, dude.” Tree Hugger slumped back against the bench, lazily giving the joint over to Fluttershy, who took a hit. She was kinda starting to enjoy this. The minutes passed as they shared the joint, and once it ran out, Tree Hugger asked if she should prepare another one.

“If ya want,” Fluttershy replied. She was feeling very drowsy at this point, her mood quite elevated. The setting Sun seemed absolutely beautiful and everything around her was just fantastic.

“Oh man, Fluttershy, you look like you're feeling it,” Tree Hugger said as she rolled another joint.

Fluttershy let out some very enthusiastic giggles. “Heh, I'm definitely feeling something. I feel all... light and happy. Things seem kinda... brighter? Hehe, it's weird.”

“Right on! But oh man, I think I'm gonna fall off this bench. Wanna move into the grass?”


They moved to stretch out on the grass, laying next to each other as the temperature dropped, sharing warmth. They shared one more joint, and Fluttershy was understanding now why ponies liked doing this. She felt totally blissed out. She kept shifting, trying to find a more comfortable way to lay, before eventually just kinda rolling and laying on her back, head against Tree Hugger's side.

“Doing okay, Flutters?” Tree Hugger asked.

“Heh, I'm great! You're so comfy!”

Tree Hugger nuzzled the top of her head. “You're adorable. I guess you have a really happy high. That's great though.”

“Aren't you happy?”

“Oh, I'm very happy. I'm also a little more used to this. But this is your first time using weed so it's more intense for you.”

“Ohh, okay. Well this is fun!”


They stayed outside for nearly an hour, just chatting as they relaxed in their highs, telling jokes and trading stories, though Fluttershy found it a bit difficult to recall exact details. Oh well. She gazed up into the night sky, watching the stars twinkle.

“Have you ever like, noticed how pretty the night sky is?” Fluttershy asked. “The way all the stars shine and the colors go from that dark blue to... a darker blue? And how the Moon shines silver over there?” She gestured. “It's so nice.”

“The night is beautiful,” Tree Hugger replied.

“Mhm, Luna does such a good job with it.” Fluttershy yawned, eyes drifting shut. “It's a shame ponies have to sleep through it...”

“We don't have to. I stay up through the night all the time.”

“Don't you get tired?”

“Sure, but I just sleep later. I love watching the stars.”

“Mm. So pretty.” Fluttershy rolled, laying on her front again and leaning against her friend. “But I'm so tired...”

“Yeah, that tends to happen when you smoke at night. How are you feeling otherwise, though?”

“Good. Really good.”

“That's good to hear.” Tree Hugger leaned back against her, one hoof gently patting Fluttershy's foreleg. “Do you wanna go back inside?”


“Alright, up you go.” Tree Hugger helped her stand, and she gathered her stuff before heading back inside. Fluttershy felt wobbly, everything spinning around her. Everything was both familiar yet foreign. Her body was so numb she found herself checking her legs a few times just to make sure they were actually moving. Next thing she knew they were in the house, and she must have mumbled something about wanting to sleep, because then she was being helped into bed.

“Thank you,” she said as Tree Hugger pulled the covers over her.

“No problem. Man, you're so baked,” Tree Hugger chuckled. She patted her head. “I hope you had a good time though. Thanks again for smoking with me, I had fun. See you in the morning.”

“Alright, see you.” Fluttershy watched her leave the room, then laid her head down, yawning and closing her eyes. She passed out in minutes.

When morning came, Fluttershy woke up feeling sluggish. She groaned and rubbed at her eyes, before climbing out of bed. She really would have liked to keep sleeping, but the animals would be needing their breakfast, plus she was fairly hungry herself.

She stepped into the bathroom and flicked on the light, then squinted as her eyes adjusted. She fumbled for a brush and began brushing her mane. She looked at herself in the mirror, noting that she even looked tired. But at least her eyes weren't red, she had been wondering about that. They might have been before, but it must have worn off while she was sleeping.

She thought back to last night. Trying weed had been an exhilarating experience. She kinda wanted to do it again, but told herself not to get too crazy about it. She didn't have an addictive personality but she didn't want to get hooked on it anyway. She might indulge in it occasionally, but not every night as Tree Hugger claimed to.

She finished brushing her mane and tended to her tail, then went downstairs to get breakfast. She found Tree Hugger already sitting at the table, eating cereal and reading a newspaper.

“Heyy, Fluttershy,” she greeted. “How'd you sleep?”

“Like a foal,” Fluttershy replied. “How about you?”

“Same. Wow man, you were really high last night. Do you feel okay now?”

“I'm fine. Just kinda tired. And hungry.” Fluttershy opened the fridge and grabbed a grapefruit. She put it on a plate and brought a spoon and knife over to the table, cutting the grapefruit in half.

“That's normal. Well alright! Congrats on a fun first time.” Tree Hugger patted her back, then kept reading the paper. “Ooh the Ponyville grocery store is going to be starting up an organic foods section. Great!”

“Aren't um, most foods organic?” Fluttershy asked.

Tree Hugger gazed at her for a moment. Then she said, “Oh yeah, I guess so. But still, it'll be nice to have healthier options! I just hope they don't make them too expensive.”

After breakfast, they went to feed the animals, and decided to make the improvements to the sanctuary. It went well, and soon they were at their last task. Planting flowers that bees loved.

“They're going to love these daisies,” Tree Hugger said as she placed the roots of the flowers gently in the ground and buried them.

“They sure are,” Fluttershy replied, as she worked to plant marigolds. “I really love marigolds myself, they're so gorgeous.”

They weren't even done planting when bees came to check out the field.

“Hello, little friends,” Fluttershy said gently to them. “We're just making things a little nicer for you. I hope you love these new flowers.”

Several of the bees alighted on her snout and head, buzzing quietly before taking off and going to land on the flowers.

“Man, you're like, an actual nature goddess,” Tree Hugger commented. She reached for a few of the bees, but they just avoided her hoof and went to check out the flowers.

“Oh, I don't know about that,” Fluttershy said, standing up and brushing dirt off herself.

“You've got bees landing on you and birds and other animals talk to you. You're totally one with nature, dude. It's so rad.” Tree Hugger finished her job and stood too. “Your crown chakra is like, wide open.”

“I'm not sure what that means, but thank you.” Fluttershy took a few steps, then paused when she saw a scaly tail. “Oh, I almost stepped on a snake!”

“Ooh, what kind?”

“Oh, it's a...” Fluttershy trailed off, cautiously stepping forward to look more closely. But the snake that turned its head around to look at her was one she's never seen before. It had glossy scales and bright eyes. “I'm... not sure, actually.”

“Really? Huh, let me look.” Tree Hugger walked up, and Fluttershy gently picked up the snake and let it curl around her foreleg. Tree Hugger examined it. “Oh! This is a rare species! They're called solar snakes!”

“Solar snakes?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

“Yeah! They're a very unique species. Most snakes eat meat, but these survive entirely on sunlight. Their scales are like miniature solar panels that convert light into energy. They're endangered and totally docile.” Tree Hugger petted the snake on Fluttershy's foreleg.

“Oh, that's so cool. I've never met one of them before though, I'm not really sure how to take care of them.”

“Well, you likely won't need to do much. They only need water and sunlight so I wouldn't worry about them too much.”

“Okay. So then...” Fluttershy stopped when she realized the snake was trying to talk to her. She moved it around so she could see its face, and she realized now it was a male, hissing desperately at her. “Oh? What's going on?” She listened, instinctively able to understand him as she could all animals, then gasped. “Your mate's been injured? Where is she, maybe we can help.”

The snake uncurled from her foreleg and dropped down to the ground, taking off through the grass. He was fast, and Fluttershy and Tree Hugger had to canter to keep up with him. But finally he slowed, and darted into a hole that had been dug out under a tree.

Fluttershy knelt to look into it, and the snake poked his head back out, tongue flicking. He had more information for her, and she nodded, before gasping softly. “Broken ribs? She fell out of the tree trying to avoid a bird? Oh, poor dear. If it's okay, maybe we can bring her back to my house so we can fix her up.”

The snake nodded and went back into the burrow. A few moments passed, and then he came out, another snake next to him. She had the same glossy scales, though while his were blue, hers were more green in color. Fluttershy could see a clear bumpiness to her side in one spot.

“Hello there,” she said softly to her. “I'm Fluttershy. I heard you were hurt, but it's okay. I can help you.” She offered a hoof, and the snake gingerly climbed onto it. She lifted her and spread her wings out, setting her gently on her back. She waited so the snake could get comfortable, then looked at the male. “Would you like to come with us?”

He nodded, and climbed up Fluttershy's body, wrapping around her neck and watching his mate. They headed back to the cottage.

“Solar snakes have nearly the same anatomy as other snakes, but due to their ability to synthesize energy from light, they don't have a stomach or the normal kind of digestive system,” Tree Hugger said. “They have expanded lungs though and a larger heart to meet oxygen demand. So their rib cages are shaped ever so slightly different.”

“Wow, you really know a lot about these guys,” Fluttershy said.

“I've rehabilitated a few of them. They're really cool.”

“Do you think you could stay a little longer to help me with Ms. Snake? I want to make sure I give her exactly the right treatment.”

Tree Hugger agreed. “Sure, that'll be rad. I'll take any excuse to spend more time with you.”

Fluttershy smiled at her, and she smiled back.

Once they got back to the house, Tree Hugger advised Fluttershy on what sort of bed to put together for the snake. They set it up on the windowsill so she could still absorb sunlight, and used soft grass for bedding, along with a few pillows toward one side in case she wanted something even softer. Then they let her get comfortable, Tree Hugger watching her while Fluttershy went to get some medicine.

She returned and petted Ms. Snake's head. “So, for broken ribs, there really isn't much you'll need to do. They'll heal on their own in a few weeks, so I'll just need you to relax and try not to move too much. I would compress them, but then you could possibly get pneumonia and we certainly don't want that. But what I am going to do is feel your ribs to make sure they haven't moved too much. I wanna make sure the broken bones haven't pierced your lungs or anything, alright?”

The snake understood, and laid still while Fluttershy carefully felt her side. The bones were delicate, but luckily none of the bones had completely broken, they just seemed fractured. Some of them were out of place, but they weren't stabbing into any organs. She carefully pressed them back into place, whispering soothingly to the snake when she hissed. “I know it hurts, I'm so sorry. But it'll feel better soon. And I have a painkiller...” She trailed off, then looked at Tree Hugger. “Oh. How would you administer painkillers to a solar snake? You said they don't have a digestive system, so would a pill work?”

“No, it wouldn't,” Tree Hugger replied. “Solar snakes have mouths and noses they breathe through, but unlike other creatures, they only have a trachea leading down into their lungs. There's no esophagus. Letting them ingest something will only lead to them choking.”

“Oh dear. So then, is there a way to give them painkillers?”

Tree Hugger considered, then said, “You'd have to get the medicine directly into her bloodstream with a needle. I know how to prepare a liquid painkiller that'll work wonders, but I'll need to go shopping.”

“Alright.” Fluttershy looked back at the snakes. The male had climbed into the bed to lay next to his mate, who rested her head against him. “I'm sorry, we'll need a little time to prepare a proper medicine for you. Will you be okay if we step out for an hour or so?”

The male said yes, and that he appreciated what they've done so far.

“It's no problem. Just make sure she rests, and those broken ribs will be healed before you know it.” Fluttershy went to grab her saddlebags, and she and Tree Hugger headed into town.

“If they're living in the sanctuary, there's probably more solar snakes,” Tree Hugger commented. “We should check on them and make sure they're comfortable.”

“Of course. Thank you so much for agreeing to stay, you'll be a big help. Now, what do we need to make that medicine?”

“The Ponyville drugstore should have everything we need, so here's how you'd want to prepare it...”

The medicine they made for the solar snake ended up being a big help. She was apprehensive of the needle at first, but understood that it would make her feel better. And after the first dose, she was perfectly fine with getting more. It only took seconds for it to take effect, and her body relaxed, eyes taking on a distant stare. If snakes had eyelids, she would definitely be closing hers.

“There. We'll administer this daily, and let us know if the level of pain changes,” Fluttershy said.

The male snake agreed, and left the bed so he could do some sunbathing, confident that his partner was in good hooves.

It took weeks for the female snake to heal. Fluttershy checked up on her daily, helped her move to get into the best position to sunbathe if needed, and checked her pain level before administering medicine. It was strange watching after a snake that didn't need food, but Tree Hugger assured her that absolutely no food was necessary, just sunlight and water. As it turned out, while solid food was dangerous, they could ingest water. According to Tree Hugger, they had a filtering organ before the trachea got to the lungs, and this would pull all the water away and into the bloodstream.

“Their anatomy is like, totally fascinating,” Tree Hugger concluded.

“It really seems like it. Is there a book I could read about solar snakes?”

“Sure, maybe Twilight's library has one.”

They ended up finding a few books on the creatures, and Fluttershy spent many an evening reading through them. And she also spent many evenings outside with Tree Hugger, meditating with her, learning to open her chakras, and having long conversations into the night. And sometimes they just sprawled out on a picnic blanket and had a light dinner and snacks while smoking. Fluttershy greatly enjoyed how relaxed it made her, everything becoming bright and wonderful, and her conversations with Tree Hugger were often downright hilarious.

“Man, I'm telling you, everything around us is like, alive,” Tree Hugger said, while Fluttershy sprawled against her as usual, fighting to keep herself from dozing off. “The grass, the trees, the air... it's like, totally groovy.”

“Mm, yeah... have you ever noticed, like... the clouds?” Fluttershy asked. Her friend hummed, and Fluttershy continued, “They just. They just float up there. Totally free, I bet it's nice. Sometimes I wish I could just. Just float around, ya know?”

“Oh totally,” Tree Hugger agreed. “Could you pass me those kale chips?”

Fluttershy pulled over the bag of chips and Tree Hugger crammed several into her mouth, munching on them.

“And have you ever noticed how all the energy in the world is like, connected?” Fluttershy went on.


“It feels like if I close my eyes and focus, I can see how everything around me connects.”

“Yeah dude, close your eyes and let your third eye open.”

In an amusing turn of events, Discord actually found them during one such picnic. He usually showed up to Fluttershy's house randomly, and had been expecting her to be inside as usual, but instead found her high out on the lawn, laying against Tree Hugger and giggling about something.

“What in the name of Celestia is going on here?” Discord asked.

“Oh, Discord!” Fluttershy called, lifting a hoof to wave at him. “Hi! I didn't know you were coming!”

“I would assume not, I don't tend to announce myself. What are you doing?”

“We're just having a picnic, doing a little smoking, that's all,” Fluttershy replied.

“Smoking? Since when do you... is that weed?”

“Yeah dude, you want some?” Tree Hugger asked. “It'll totally free your mind.”

Discord sighed. Rubbed his face. Then he sat down and held out his hand. “Yeah, pass me a joint.”

“Discord, you smoke?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

“Not usually but you're my friend and if you're doing it, I'll do it. Might be fun. I apologize but it takes a lot to get me high, so basically... I'm keeping this.”

Tree Hugger shrugged. “That's fine, I can share with Fluttershy.”

“You're just full of surprises,” Discord said to Fluttershy as he took a hit. “Never expected to see you smoking weed.”

“Is that a problem?” she asked.

“No, not at all. You can put anything you want in your body, it's no one's concern but your own. I just didn't expect you to be into this, you always avoided cigarettes and I rarely even see you touch alcohol.”

“I don't usually do such things, but this is just... I don't know. It just mellows me out, ya know?”

“Heh, you're already mellow. But okay. It is pretty fun to do from time to time, isn't it?” Discord looked at Tree Hugger. “Though I'm sure you're to blame for getting her into this.”

“Yeah dude, I asked if she wanted to try it and she said yes. Flutters is pretty cool! It's so rad having another smoking buddy.”

“Well as long as you don't turn her into a full blown stoner. She can't be high all the time, she's got lots of animals that depend on her.” Discord took a long drag from his joint. “Damn, this is quality stuff.”

“Grew it myself,” Tree Hugger said. “Isn't it magical?”

“Very. I'm impressed.” Discord grinned at her. “I think we can get along.”

“Man, remember when you like, were gonna toss me into that other dimension?” Tree Hugger asked. “That was so not cool. But I'm glad we're cool now.”

“Me too.”

“You were so mean that day,” Fluttershy said. “I don't like that I yelled at you but you were just awful.”

“I know, and I'm sorry about my behavior,” Discord replied. “I guess I just couldn't stand the thought that I might be losing you. Guess it didn't occur to me that you can have multiple friends, heh. Ugh that was a mess.”

“It's okay. Everything is good now.” Fluttershy passed her joint over to Tree Hugger, and then closed her eyes and slumped against her.

“Fluttershy?” Discord asked, concerned.

“I'm awake,” Fluttershy slurred.

“Oh dude, you're so cute,” Tree Hugger said, resting a foreleg over her.

“Heheh, no you,” Fluttershy replied. She lifted her head and pressed her nose against Tree Hugger's. “Boop.”

“Heh.” Tree Hugger pressed back. “Boop.”

Discord blinked, then decided to just keep smoking.

“I really appreciate all the help you've given me since getting here,” Fluttershy said.

“It's no problem, dude, I'm happy to help. And thank you for all the help you've given me. The, uh... the timber wolf sanctuary is gonna be totally awesome. You're gonna visit, right?”

“Totally! I wouldn't miss it for the world.”


Fluttershy gazed at her for a few moments, then said, “I um... I've really liked just being around you too. You're so nice, and well...” She blushed.

“Aw, are you getting sappy on me?” Tree Hugger teased.

“Maybe a little. I just feel... like being honest right now.”

“Then hey, be honest.”

Discord started to get a weird feeling about this. He took a long drag to finish off his joint, then tossed it into his mouth and swallowed it, before watching the two closely.

“Honestly...” Fluttershy hesitated, then said, “I really like you. Do you think, um... we could go out?”

Discord stared, and Tree Hugger looked surprised. Then she regained her composure and smiled, stroking Fluttershy's mane. “If you want. I really like you too.”

Fluttershy beamed, and wrapped her into a hug, nuzzling her cheek. Tree Hugger nuzzled back, and they soon just flopped over into a giggling pile, holding each other and exchanging nuzzles and little licks.

Discord rubbed the back of his neck, then said, “Well girls, it's been fun but I really need to be getting home, I uh... believe I left the washing machine running.”

It took a moment to register, then Fluttershy said, “Wait, but-”

“See ya, and thanks for the smoke!” Discord snapped his fingers and disappeared.

Fluttershy cocked her head, and Tree Hugger said, “Man, we need to invite him again, I wanna see him baked out of his mind.”

“I don't know, that might be kinda dangerous,” Fluttershy replied.

“Maybe but imagine how fun he'd be too.”

“Hm... true...”

“Well, anyway...” Tree Hugger pressed their foreheads together. “I'd totally love to go out with you, but my job keeps me traveling a lot. I don't know how often I'd be able to visit.”

“Oh, that's okay. I'm totally fine with a long distance relationship. Just as long as we can keep in touch, and visit each other sometimes, I'll be perfectly happy. It'll be nice just knowing there's somepony out there who loves me, and is thinking about me, and will help me whenever I need it.”

“Righteous. I'm all for it. And one day, who knows...” Tree Hugger reached to rub her hoof gently behind Fluttershy's ear, making her giggle. “I might finally be able to settle down, and when I do... Ponyville seems like a nice place to live.”

Fluttershy brightened. “That would be wonderful.”

“Yeah man. It's like I always said, make love, not war.”

“The world would be beautiful if everypony followed that.”

“Totally. Well, it's getting late. Wanna head back inside?”


They cleaned everything up and headed inside, and put away the uneaten food. They checked on the solar snakes, who were dozing peacefully. Then they went upstairs to bed. Only this time, Fluttershy asked if Tree Hugger wanted to join her. The other considered, then smiled and agreed, following her into her room.

On a whim, Fluttershy locked the door. Just in case. Then she went to join her new mare friend in bed, letting her wrap her in a warm embrace. This was perfect.

Element of Empathy

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The buzzing of the journal made Twilight stop what she was doing and go to pick it up. She opened it to the last page she had written on, and saw several new lines of text. She slid into a chair to read.

Dear Princess Twilight,

How are you? I hope things are well in Equestria.

I’m writing because I’m not sure who else to talk to. Things have become very lonely for me. My friends here are all heading off to college or jobs and they don’t have much time to hang out anymore. We’re all still great friends, and I can call them whenever I want, but I’m not sure what I want to do now. I’ve graduated from high school, I could go to college, but it just… doesn’t feel right.

I guess I just want advice. What should I do with my life now? I’m used to the human world but I grew up in Equestria and all the careers I’d ever considered require me to be in Equestria. I’m just feeling lost. I’ll be happy for any advice on this.

Your faithful student,

Sunset Shimmer

Twilight frowned. Sunset has been struggling with this for a while. But she would do her best to help her. She picked up a quill and wrote a response.

Dear Sunset,

I’m doing well. A lot has been happening here lately, many of my friends have been moving on with their lives too. Some of them are even dating- Rarity is even talking marriage! But nonetheless, our friendship remains strong and we always make time for each other.

Reach out to your friends. Tell them how you’re feeling. I’m sure they’ll be happy to give you advice too. As for what you should do, really the sky’s the limit. That world may not have magic-based careers, but it has so many possibilities that Equestria doesn’t. You could work with airplanes. Computers. Programming. Or you could do something with your amazing singing.

Twilight paused for a few moments as she considered something, then decided to suggest it.

Or, if you really feel as if Equestria is your true home, you could come back. You were Celestia’s student. You’re a very talented unicorn and I’m sure I could find a place for you. If that’s what you want. Otherwise, think about what you have a passion for. What do you like doing? Then get a degree related to that or find a job that will let you do it.

I wish you luck, and feel free to write if you have any concerns.

Your friend,

Twilight Sparkle

She set her quill down and left the book open, sure that Sunset would have more to say. In the meantime, she continued reviewing the disciplinary report that had been forwarded to her by Starlight Glimmer. It was a complicated case and she wanted Twilight’s opinion.

“Ugh, always so sad when ponies try to solve things with violence,” she said sadly. It had been two stallions who got into a physical brawl during an argument, and through eyewitness accounts she had an idea of what exactly happened, but she was still unsure how to proceed.

She reviewed the notes. They started out arguing after their last class but were still in the school. From their own confessions, and corroborated by witnesses, one of the stallions had accused the other of having a bad attitude and not belonging in a school for friendship. He had cited the stallion’s ‘bad temper’ and ‘cruel sense of humor.’

The other stallion had responded hotly, giving credence to the accusations, and then they had started bickering. Insults were exchanged, and finally the bad tempered stallion had turned and kicked the other one. It had just turned into a scuffle past that point, until Starlight, hearing the screams and whinnies, had run out of her office and yanked them apart with magic.

“Oh, Sage Brush, why’d you have to prove him right?” Twilight sighed. She read over the injuries both sustained. Sage Brush, the larger of the two and also an earth pony, was the least injured. He mostly had bruises, though there were a few cuts to his chest and neck from his opponent’s hooves, and he had a fractured sternum.

Meanwhile, the smaller pegasus, Gust Rider, had received more serious wounds. Several deep cuts, some broken ribs, a torn ear, and even a few cracked teeth. Luckily, medical unicorns had been able to repair his teeth and he was currently recovering in the hospital, making good progress last Twilight heard.

Sage would be receiving a much sterner reprimand, but Gust wasn’t forgiven either, as he had intentionally provoked him.

Twilight groaned. She wanted to expel Sage, but Starlight was certain that with counseling, he could be an excellent student. Meanwhile, Gust has stated that if Sage remained, he wanted to have his schedule rearranged so they weren’t in any classes together. That was understandable, but should she let them solve this with avoidance, or should she try to get them to make amends?

The journal buzzed. Twilight put the report aside and read Sunset’s response.

Dear Twilight,

Thank you for the quick response. I’m glad things are going well in Equestria.

My friends here understand my concerns. They’ve given me a lot of great suggestions as to what I should do from here on out, but while a few careers sound interesting, I’ve found myself missing Equestria and the opportunities it provides. And that’s why I think I’m going to come back. I’ve made great progress toward understanding how magic works in this world, but I miss my pony body. I miss being able to just open doors and move objects with my thoughts. I miss seeing other ponies, and I especially miss you.

In fact, writing this out pretty much just convinced me. I’m moving back to Equestria. I’ve been staying with this world’s Twilight while figuring things out, but I haven’t really been able to keep up with rent with my dumb temporary retail job. Plus she wants to invite Timber Spruce to live with her, and… yeah. Things are getting kinda serious between them. :/

So I’m coming to Equestria. Can I stay with you while I get things figured out?



Twilight chuckled, wondering what the meaning of that meh emoticon was. Did Sunset not approve of the human Twilight’s boyfriend? She’ll have to ask her. But she was much more excited about Sunset coming back to live in Equestria. She eagerly wrote her response, completely neglecting to use proper introductions.

Of course you can stay here, the castle’s got plenty of room! Starlight lives here too, I’m sure she’ll love having you around. In fact, I’d like to take you as my apprentice. I think we have a lot to teach each other. Either way, feel free to move in. I can’t wait to see you again.

The response came in moments.

Awesome! I’m already packed, I’ll see you soon!

Twilight hopped up, practically prancing as she ran to the portal room. She waited in front of it, and before long it swirled into life, and an orange mare with a fiery mane stepped through.

She was standing on her back legs, and she wobbled for a moment before looking at Twilight and grinning sheepishly, going back down on all fours.

“This feels weird after all that time on Earth,” Sunset said. She took a few unsteady steps, then figured out how to walk again and trotted forward to greet Twilight, hugging her.

“It’s so good to see you!” Twilight wrapped her wings around her to pull her closer, then let her go so she could grab her bags.

“Same to you! Man, I’ve missed this place.” Sunset turned to her bags, then hesitated, pawing at the handles with her hooves. Then her eyes brightened, and her horn lit up, using magic to lift them. “Sweet! I’ve missed having telekinesis.”

“I bet you have. That’s the first thing I find myself missing when on Earth.” Twilight held out a hoof, giving it a shake. “Though the hands kinda make up for it.”

“Hands are pretty great. There’s so many useful gestures you can make with them.” Sunset looked at her own hoof and sighed. “I’m gonna miss flipping people off.”


“Uh… nothing. So, where am I staying?”

Twilight led her from the room. “There’s a section of the castle filled with living areas, and I’ll be giving you a room down there. You can have the one next to Starlight if you want, though there’s plenty of other free ones.”

“Is she quiet? I can’t sleep very well with noise,” Sunset said apologetically.

“Well, she does have a thing for rock music… but she goes to bed at a reasonable time. Plus these walls block a lot of noise.” Twilight tapped on the crystal.

“Alright. Yeah, I’ll take the room next to her.”

“Right this way then.”

They headed through the castle, and out of the corner of her eye, Twilight saw Sunset start twirling her bags, looking very amused.

They entered a hallway with multiple doors along both sides. Twilight went up to one of them and knocked. After a few moments, it opened, and Starlight poked her head out. “Hey, Twilight. What’s up?”

“You have a new neighbor,” Twilight said, moving aside so she could see Sunset.

Starlight squealed. “Sunset!” She leaped toward her and pulled her into a hug.

“Starlight! It’s so good to see you, how have you been?”

“I’ve been great! I’m the school’s guidance counselor and let me tell you, it’s an interesting job.”

“Ooh, that’s so cool.” Sunset showed her her bags. “Well, I’ve been struggling to find my place in the human world since my friends all graduated and moved on with their lives, so… I decided to come home.”

“Well, I’m glad to see you, and I hope you’re able to find your place in Equestria. You’re a very talented magic user, I’m sure Twilight will find work for you.”

Sunset smiled and nodded.

“Yes, I was actually considering her as a teacher,” Twilight said.

Sunset gasped. “Me? A teacher?”

“Sure. You’re very good at understanding people and guiding them. You’ve done so much to help both me, and the people of that other dimension. You have a lot to teach others.”

“Wow. I’m flattered, but… oh goodness, what would I teach?” Sunset looked at Twilight. “You and your friends specifically teach about your elements. I don’t have an element.”

“Actually, you do.” Twilight pointed to Sunset’s neck, and she felt it, realizing that the necklace she had received from the magical crystal was still there. Only it was no longer a round pendant hanging from a chain. She took it off and levitated it in front of her to look at, and stared.

It was now a gold neckband matching the other elements of harmony, with a crimson gemstone shaped like a sun set in it.

“It… looks like my cutie mark,” Sunset said.

“Indeed. You represent a seventh element, one that much like magic, only presents itself when the others come together. My friends and I never unlocked it, but when you joined me and our human friends in defeating the Dazzlings, it revealed itself. Sunset Shimmer…” Twilight took the necklace and gently fit it back around Sunset’s neck. “You are the element of empathy.”

“Whoa.” Sunset touched the gem. “I knew I had unlocked some part of the elements, but I thought the magic was just being shared with me, I never thought… I mean, actually being a bearer? Wow!”

“It’s a great honor. And I think you could teach our students a lot about the importance of having empathy for others. It works closely with kindness of course, but there’s a bit of a difference between being kind, and truly understanding how your friends feel, putting yourself in their shoes and seeing things from their perspective. It’s a great skill to have.”

Sunset nodded in agreement. “Well… if you think I’d be a good teacher, I’m willing to give it a try.”

“Thank you. And I’m sure my friends will be glad to help you.”

“I’m looking forward to meeting them. After so much time with their human counterparts, it’ll be nice to meet their pony selves. Weird, but nice.”

Twilight giggled. “Oh yeah. Well, let’s get you settled in.”

They said bye to Starlight, and went to Sunset’s new room. She looked around it with appreciation, then set her bags down. She opened one and pulled out some sheets and a comforter, and swiftly swapped out the bed covers.

“Sorry, but… I gotta have my flame bed,” Sunset said, folding the original sheets.

Twilight chuckled. “Understandable. I’ll take those then.” She took the sheets, and teleported them away, putting them in storage. “I’m going to let you get things organized. Need anything from me?”

“No thanks, I’m okay. Thank you so much for letting me stay.”

“No problem. I’ll be in the library if you need me. Starlight can show you where it is.” Twilight left, and Sunset got to unpacking.

She levitated her books out of their suitcase, and saw that the room already had a decent-sized, though empty, set of bookshelves. She moved all the books onto it.

Her magical journal, she set carefully on the nightstand next to her bed. She may want to reread it.

She hung framed pictures of her and her friends, and finally took out an item she hadn’t fully thought about… her laptop.

“Oh.” She pulled out the charge cable and frowned. Equestria had electricity. Equestria did not have wall outlets. It was all coming back to her. “Right. Magically-carried wireless electricity. Devices that need electricity have enchanted capacitors that can draw the power from the air. Dang it.”

She would need to finagle with this. She paid good money for this laptop, she was not getting rid of it. It’s been a while since she’s lived in Equestria, she’ll need to research the current technological level and then find a way to get her laptop on the grid.

...Though there was no Internet. Great. Maybe she could work with Twilight on that… she could introduce all sorts of advancements to Equestria.

She set the laptop aside. She’ll deal with that later. Right now her bookshelf was looking very bare and she needed to fix that.

She went next door and found Starlight’s door left open. She leaned in. “Hey, Starlight?”

Starlight was lounging on the bed with headphones on as she read a book. She lowered it, pulling one of the muffs away from her ear. “Yeah?”

“How do I get to the library?”

“Oh, that’s easy.” Starlight paused her music and rested the headphones around her neck, getting up. “I’ll show you the way.”

“Thank you.” Sunset followed her through the castle, doing her best to memorize the path. “So, you’re good with magic, right?”

Starlight smiled. “I like to think so.”

“Heh. Yeah, Twilight’s told me a lot about your talents. So I might have a challenge for you. Do you think you could help me rig up my laptop from the human world to run on Equestrian electricity?”

“Oh. Well I’m not too versed on using magic to power machinery but I can certainly try to help. Might need to do some research. Just one question.”


“What’s a laptop?”

Sunset sighed. “Oh. Uh, it’s a portable computer. Oh wait, Equestria doesn’t have computers yet. Hm, how should I explain… it’s a device with a screen and keyboard, that allows you to perform a number of tasks. You use the keyboard to type if needed, and there’s either a mouse or trackpad you can use to point to various icons on the screen and click them. And you can do… basically anything with a computer. Mathematical calculations, write reports, organize data, make slideshow presentations, play games, read the news, there’s this whole Internet thing that’s super cool… oh man, Equestria’s missing out.”

“Right, right, the Internet. Twilight was geeking out about all that stuff to me a while back, it seems really complicated. Useful, but complicated. I can try to help you with your device, but no promises.”

“I’ll appreciate any help you can give me.”

Starlight gestured to some large, open crystal doors. “Library is right in here, door is pretty much always open.”

Sunset stared in awe at all the books. The room was immense and nearly every wall was covered in books and scrolls. She trotted in, and Starlight went over to talk to Twilight while Sunset browsed.

“Looking for anything in particular?” Twilight called to her.

“No thanks, just gonna grab whatever looks good!” Sunset read the titles, pulling out everything she was interested in. Then she read their summaries as she ran over to another section.

“Heh, no wonder you’re friends,” Starlight said.

“Yeah… so, this disciplinary report, I think I know what we should do.”

“Oh, okay.”

They discussed it, and Sunset grabbed a few more books out. Then she held them all out in front of herself, and realized she was holding about a dozen. Using magic again felt so natural, and she juggled the books, before stacking them and turning to look at Twilight.

“Is there a limit to how many I can take at once?” she asked.

“Well, with most ponies I set a limit of five books at a time,” Twilight said. “But my friends can take as many as they want. I trust you.” She went ahead and grabbed a cart, pushing it toward Sunset.

Sunset smiled gratefully and began stacking the books onto it.

“Plus she knows where you live so she can hunt you down and get them back,” Starlight added.

Twilight nudged her.

“Got it,” Sunset said humorously. “So, where’s the spellbooks? I’m seriously out of practice with magic.”

Twilight’s eyes lit up, and she bounded out of her chair. “Let me show you! What kind of magic do you want to work with? Charms? Illusion? How about summoning things? Destroying things? Divination is super challenging but I bet you could learn it too!”

“Thanks for the help, but I think I can finish up this report on my own,” Starlight called, and left with her papers.

Twilight waved to acknowledge her, and waited eagerly for Sunset’s reply.

“I like all sorts of types of magic,” Sunset replied. “Though I was pretty fond of destructive spells when I was younger… but these days I’m more interested in enchanting creatures and things, improving my range for teleportation, maybe even getting the self control to levitate myself.”

“Starlight can definitely help with self-levitation. But since you’re out of practice, I’m going to recommend some exercise books for strengthening and refining your magic. It helps you with focus, and to divide your magic between various tasks. Then we can work on the more complicated things like long distance teleportation.” Twilight pulled a few books down and set them on the cart. She tapped one. “This is more geared toward children but you can never go wrong with reviewing the basics. If you have a solid foundation, you can build on it.”

They discussed books as Twilight picked them out. Sunset was interested in all of them, and once the cart was full, she thanked her for the suggestions.

“No problem, I hope it helps,” Twilight said.

Sunset got behind the cart and grabbed the handles with her magic. “Yeah, you aren’t going to see me for a while.”

Twilight laughed. “Well hey, take some time to get reacclimated to your pony body. Practice your magic again. You were Princess Celestia’s star pupil once, you can easily get back to that point.”

Sunset nodded, and began pushing the cart. “You’re the best. See ya.”

“Bye.” Twilight watched her go, then went to pick out a book of her own. She hummed thoughtfully as she flipped through advanced lessons she’s completed with Starlight. She was looking forward to seeing what Sunset was capable of.

Sunset spent days in her room reading, only leaving to grab food and go to the bathroom. Though she also made a quick trip to Canterlot to visit Celestia, getting all her research notes from her from when she was her student.

Celestia welcomed her back and wished her luck in her studies. And Sunset proceeded to hole up in her room again, laying out a fresh notebook and filling it with new notes and observations. Everything was coming back to her. She practiced various spells and had no problem with them. She did experiments, and dabbled in potion making. Though after a miscalculation in the amount of fire drake saliva, her room was filled with noxious gas and she flung the window open, throwing her upper half out of it as she retched and gasped for fresh air.

The gas billowed out, and she saw Starlight, who was sitting in the grass below reading, double over and look up. “Ugh, what is that?” she demanded.

Sunset cast her an apologetic look. “Don’t worry, it’s not poisonous, it just smells really bad! I was practicing my potion making but I’m still pretty bad at it. This was supposed to be a fire protection potion, but well… too much fire drake saliva. And I’m pretty sure I needed one more dragon scale but those are so hard to come by, Spike was only willing to let me pluck so many off him.”

Starlight shook her head. “Well, be careful. And here.” Her horn lit up, and suddenly all the gas vanished.

Sunset looked around. “Whoa. Where did you send it?”

“Surface of the Sun.” Sunset stared, and Starlight said, “What? It’s the perfect trash receptacle, it’s so hot it destroys everything.”

“Huh. I should try that. Okay, thanks!” Sunset went back into her room and frowned at the damaged cauldron. She put out the fire and emptied it out, and then just pulled over a trash bag and threw everything into it. Nope, no more potion making for her.

She went back to her spellwork. She also read history, catching up on what she’s missed. She read about how the elements of harmony were recently returned to their source, a magical tree known as the Tree of Harmony. Which had been born of magic from the Pillars of Equestria thousands of years ago.

“Whoa.” She pulled her element over, gazing at it. “Do you belong on that tree, then?” She looked at her reflection in the shiny gemstone, and decided to go talk to Twilight.

She found her in her bedroom, and she smiled warmly at her when she walked in. “Haven’t seen you in a while.”

“Haha, yeah, I’ve been doing a lot of studying. So, I was wondering…” Sunset showed her the element. “You and your friends returned your elements to the Tree of Harmony, didn’t you?”

“Yes, we did. The tree was suffering, and we returned the elements to revitalize it. And now its magic is able to spread across all of Equestria.”

“So you can’t use them as weapons anymore?”

“Oh, we can still use their magic. We represent them, their magic is bound to us. We don’t need the physical gemstones to use their power.”

“Really? Whoa.” Sunset looked at her element. “So then… do you think I should take mine to the tree? If it’s really bound to me, I don’t need to keep it with me. I’m sure it’ll be safer on the tree than sitting around in the castle.”

Twilight thought about it, then said, “It will definitely benefit Equestria to have it linked back to the tree. I don’t remember seeing a spot for it, but we can go take a look if you want.”

“Yes, I would love to see it, even if it isn’t able to take the element.”

Twilight nodded. “Then I know just the… creature who can get us there immediately. Let’s see if he’s in a good mood.” She moved to the center of the room, and called, “Discord! Discord, can you hear me?”

Sunset cocked her head, eyes narrowing in confusion. Then she yelped when something flashed right in front of her, flailing backward.

Discord stood tall, spreading his arms dramatically. “My ears are burning,” he said, flicking his ears up and down. They were indeed on fire. He laughed and patted them out. “What is it, Twilight?”

Twilight said, “Thanks for coming. First of all, have you met Sunset Shimmer?”

“I can’t say I have, is she related to Starlight Glimmer?” Discord asked.

“Uh… no.”

Discord raised a brow. “Really? Odd. Well anyway!” He held out his lion paw to Sunset, who was still breathing hard. “Nice to meet you, I’m Discord!”

“Discord. Right.” Sunset swallowed, and took his paw. “Twilight’s told me all about you.”

“Has she?” Discord batted his eyelashes at Twilight. “All good things, I hope?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “The good, and the bad.”

“And the ugly I’m sure.” Discord sighed, putting his hands on his hips. “Well, Sunset, Twilight’s told me about you too. Celestia’s old star pupil, who had radical ambitions to become a powerful magic user and be granted alicorn magic, and become a princess unlike any Equestria has ever seen.” He knelt, playfully tapping Sunset’s nose. “And then Tia said no and you got butthurt and ran away to the human world to plot your revenge and years later you stole Twilight’s element and became a raging she-demon and then got wrecked by the very elements of harmony you were trying to control.”

Sunset stared. Then she groaned. “Uh. Yeah, that’s. Basically it.”

“I’m a huge fan of your work.” Discord grinned at her surprise. “I can appreciate a good villain! Your magic is impressive too, I can just see the power radiating off of you. So, you’re on the good side now, just like me. Still got plans to become a princess?”

“Heh, well…” Sunset rubbed her foreleg awkwardly, glancing at Twilight. “I’ll admit, it would be… really cool to become an alicorn, but I understand that it’s not up to me. If Princess Celestia sees me as worthy, she’ll make it happen. Otherwise, I’m content to be a unicorn.”

“You know Tia isn’t the only one that can make alicorns, right?”

Sunset blinked. “Really?”

“Really really. Any alicorn can grant the power to another alicorn. Now, they can’t do it often. They gotta save up power for it and then transfer it over to cause the transformation. But it’s certainly possibly for anypony to do. Luna could do it. Or Cadance. Even Twilight. But you know, it’s generally good form to get Celestia’s approval.”

Sunset turned to Twilight and smiled. Twilight just shook her head. “Well, that’s very interesting but I don’t even know how to create an alicorn. There are no books on the topic, from what I know it’s a very closely guarded magic passed straight from alicorn to alicorn. I could ask Celestia about it but… being an alicorn has to be earned. Sunset, if I feel like you truly deserve it, I can grant it. But you aren’t ready for it now.”

“I understand. So, Discord.” Sunset looked at the draconequus. “Apparently you can take us directly to the Tree of Harmony?”

“Ooh, are we going on a field trip?” he asked.

“Suppose so.” Sunset showed him her necklace. “I’m the bearer of the element of empathy. I want to return it to the tree to be with its counterparts.”

“Hm, I see. Alright then. Off we go.” Discord set his hands on their withers, teleporting them. It happened so fast Sunset almost felt dizzy. One moment she was looking at the inside of a bedroom, the next she was in a cool cave and looking at a huge, crystalline tree.

“Whoa. It’s beautiful,” Sunset said, walking up to it. She saw the elements all resting in orbs on the branches, each one a different shape and color. Five of them were on the branches, and the sixth, the element of magic, was in the center. Lines of magic linked them all together. Just as Twilight said, there didn’t seem to be a seventh spot for her element.

“Well…” Twilight approached the tree. “It’s worth looking anyway. Come a little closer, and pull the gem out and hold it near the tree.”

Sunset tugged the gem out of its band and walked forward, holding it out. Discord followed curiously behind them.

As Sunset got closer, the other elements seemed to glow more brightly. She found her gaze being drawn toward the center of the tree, where the element of magic was outlined. As she watched, the tree shone, and slowly grew taller, its center widening slightly. Her eyes widened as below the sparkle shape, a new shape formed in the trunk, and within that shape, the outline of a sun. It was similar to the sun that was already present, but while that one was shaped like Celestia’s cutie mark, this new one looked just like hers. Like the element of empathy.

Sunset looked at Twilight, who seemed just as surprised. Then her expression turned gleeful, and she said, “Put the element there. Let’s see what happens.”

“Ah, magic,” Discord said. “Do the thing, see what happens. I love it.”

Sunset briefly hugged her element to her heart, then set it gently in its spot on the tree. Crimson magic flowed from it, linking to the magenta element of magic. The colors swirled together, and then the crimson stretched out to all the branches, joining with the other elements. Sunset felt a strange wave of energy overtake her, and she gasped. Twilight jolted too, and Discord straightened, shoulders tensing for a moment.

“Whoa,” Sunset said.

“Damn,” Discord commented. “Did you two feel that too?”

“I did.” Twilight stared at the tree, as its form finished shifting to accommodate the new element and its glow faded. “That was. Very interesting.”

“I’m not sure if I liked or disliked that feeling,” Sunset said.

“It wasn’t a good or bad thing. It was just a surge of neutral magic. Magic with endless potential.” Twilight touched the element. “It was good that you brought it to the tree. Ponies all across Equestria will feel this magic. But… the element didn’t originate here.”

“It didn’t? So where did it come from?”

“I don’t know.” Twilight frowned. “Each of these elements originated from one of the Pillars of Equestria. Their names may have changed, but their meanings have stayed the same. Honesty, from Rockhoof’s strength. Laughter, from Somnambula’s hope. Generosity, from Mistmane’s beauty. Kindness, from Mage Meadowbrook’s healing. Loyalty, from Flash Magnus’s bravery. And finally, Magic, derived from Starswirl the Bearded’s sorcery.” She turned to look at Sunset and Discord. “Those six provided the magic that became these elements. But there wasn’t a seventh member who contributed some form of empathy. At least… not that I know of. I know Stygian was with them, but… I don’t think he provided anything. And Ponhenge, where the Pillars’s artifacts were used, didn’t have a seventh spot. Hm, this definitely calls for study. Maybe Starswirl would know something…”

“Good job, Sunset,” Discord said. “Now she’ll be obsessed with yet another research project for the next several weeks.”

Twilight chuckled. “Well, I probably won’t obsess over it too much. But I’m definitely very curious. I might do some reading. And interviews with the Pillars. And take measurements from the tree…”

Discord shook his head. “Well, are we done here?”

Twilight had already poofed up a notebook and a tape measure, and was making notes about the tree. “Mm, you can take Sunset back, I’ll come back once I’m done here.”

“Oh boy. Alright, come on.” Discord held out his hand and Sunset took it, and they teleported back.

“That’s really cool, how fast you can teleport,” Sunset said. “Just touch someone and wow, off you go.”

“Oh I don’t actually need to touch you to teleport you. I just tend to do it so you have some warning. People get very upset when I just suddenly teleport them. I don’t need you running into a wall and hurting yourself.”

“Oh. Well thanks.” Sunset looked at her empty necklace. “So my element’s helping protect Equestria and Twilight is obsessed with figuring out where it came from. Guess I’ll just go back to my reading.”

“Have fun. And make sure Twilight eats, she tends to forget when she starts a new project. See ya around, Sunbutt the Second!” Discord poofed away.

Sunset blinked, looked at her flank, and sighed. What a weird creature. But she kinda liked him. She went back to her room.

Twilight, despite her claims, did end up getting obsessed with finding the origin of the seventh element. The Pillars had no ideas. Stygian assured her that he didn’t contribute magic to the Tree of Harmony’s seed. Celestia and Luna were intrigued but said the tree only had the six elements when they visited it all those years ago.

Sunset walked in while Twilight was buried in yet another book.

“You know, the elements of harmony seem to exist in both worlds,” she said. “While all of Equestria’s stayed here, me and my human friends found magical crystals in our world that seemed to have all their properties. That’s where my element came from. I’m sure bringing any of those here would transform them to look like your elements.”

Twilight stared at her, then grabbed a quill and started writing. “Of course! But then, if you brought the human version of that element over here, does that mean that our world still has one? And if so, that still leaves the question of who made it! And of course, where the human variants of the elements came from.”

“Well, magic has been flowing across the portal into the human world for years now, causing all sorts of interesting effects. It could be that our crystals were just normal rocks, but somehow they absorbed Equestrian magic from each element, since the elements are linked to your human counterparts too now. And by fate, we all managed to find them.” Sunset saw Twilight nodding in agreement to that idea, continuing to write. “But as for where the heck empathy came from, and if it’s an element here, I just don’t know.”

“Well hey, you gave me some interesting things to work with. It could just be that upon entering the human world, for some reason the harmony magic needed to split off into empathy. Perhaps it was important for there to be a specific element for it there. Hm.” Twilight looked up. “By chance, did you ever meet the human world’s Sunset?”

Sunset shook her head. “No, never. And I definitely looked. My intentions… weren’t the best when I first got there, so it’s good I didn’t find my counterpart. But once I opened myself up to friendship, I wanted to find her and get to know her. But I never could. She never attended Canterlot High or Crystal Prep. I’m a few years older than you so I figured maybe she was in college? Looked, but still couldn’t find her.” Sunset shrugged. “Oh well.”

“Hm. Well, if we ever find her, and also find Equestria’s element of empathy, maybe we could bring it to her.”

Sunset laughed. “Yeah, that’d be good.”

“Thanks for your help. I really do like the theory that the magic simply manifested differently upon reaching the human world and created seven elements there, while our world only needed the six. Might be why the magic felt so weird when we connected it to the tree. It wasn’t intended for Equestria, but was accepted nonetheless since it still derives from the same magic.”

“Could be.” Sunset looked over her notes. “I’m sure a couple of clever mares like us will figure it out eventually.”

Twilight smiled. “I’m sure we will.”

Sunset looked back toward the door and pulled in the cart. “By the way, I finished all these.”

“Oh, nice!” Twilight started returning them to their spots. “What’d you think?”

“I learned a lot. But the magic came so easily to me, just like old times. Though I’m still bad at making potions. Heh. But I think I’m ready to get back to advanced magic like I was learning with Celestia.”

“Are you sure? Remember what happened last time you got to that level?”

“I know,” Sunset said hastily. “But I’ve changed. I was selfish and greedy back then. But I’ve realized how wrong I was. I want to be a skilled magic user, not to rule Equestria, but to serve it. I want my talents to better society. I want to be able to pass on what I know to the next generations. I want to be able to experiment and maybe even create new magic like you did. I just… want to learn all I can. And I want you to help me.”

Twilight stared at her. Then she smiled and hugged her. “Well, you are my student, aren’t you? I’ll teach you all I know.” She brought over a new set of books. “I know you’ll do good things.”

“Yes, I promise. I’ll never let the darkness tempt me again.”

“I’m glad to hear that. So, here’s what I’ve got for you.” Twilight laid the books out and showed them to her. “This is Mastery of the Arcane. It’s a very thorough guide to various schools of magic that will allow you to obtain proficiency in all of them, as long as you have the skill and desire for it. I think you have what it takes. And here… I got with Celestia and got copies of the books you studied the most with her. And a few she tried to keep you from. She thinks you’re ready for them now.” She pointed out a few of them. “Such as this one on interdimensional travel. It goes into depth on devices like the mirror portal, and other artifacts and magic I’m sure you’ll find very interesting.” She pointed out Crossing Over.

“Whoa.” Sunset reverently touched the book. “Thank you so much for getting these for me.”

“No problem. And every single one of these will be yours to keep.”


“Yep. That bookshelf of yours needed some decoration.” Twilight winked at her, and she laughed. “But the knowledge in these books is not for everypony. Guard them closely. Don’t let just anypony go about reading them. Starlight can browse through them. We can trust her, and our other friends. But strangers… I wouldn’t risk it.”

“Got it.”

Twilight opened one of the books. “Now, I was wondering. You told me that you gained an ability to hear thoughts and see memories when you touched people. Can you still do that?”

“Hm, you know I haven’t checked since being back. I’ve gotten pretty good at turning it off and on. But let me see.” Sunset reached out her hoof. “Give me your arm. Er, foreleg.”

Twilight lifted it, and Sunset touched her hoof to it, focusing. Clear as day, she heard Twilight’s voice echo in her head, If this works we’ll have so much to learn from each other.

Sunset lowered her hoof. “We definitely have a lot to learn from each other.”

Twilight grinned. “So you can still do it!”

“Guess I can. Wow. I only heard your thoughts but if I really focused I’m sure I could see your memories.”

“Hm… oh, I’ve got one.” Twilight took Sunset’s hoof. “What can you see?”

Sunset’s eyes glazed over as she looked deeper into Twilight’s mind. She saw… herself. Only, her human form. She realized she was looking through Twilight’s eyes, seeing herself silhouetted against the light from an open fridge.

“We really are lucky you’re here,” she said. Wow, was that how she sounded to others? Then she proceeded to turn to the fridge, finding nothing but whipped cream.

Sunset smiled and broke away from the memory. “It was when we were discussing the counterspell for the Dazzlings, at Pinkie’s house.”

“Yes. I really appreciated your support. I had no idea what I was doing, but you believed in me, and I’m glad you did. And with your help, we were able to stop the sirens from brainwashing the entire school into being their slaves.” Twilight wrapped her foreleg around Sunset’s, her expression gentle as she gazed at her. “Thank you. You’re such a good person.”

Sunset blinked, face growing hot. And with their skin contact, she faintly heard, I wish I could tell her how beautiful she is.

Sunset jerked her foreleg away, definitely blushing now, and Twilight’s eyes widened.

“Oh. Oh, did you hear…?” Sunset nodded, and Twilight groaned and covered her face. “I’m sorry, it just kinda… I mean, thoughts just kinda do what they want, just all over the place, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, you just…”

Sunset touched her cheek and she stilled, staring at her. Sunset slowly stroked her fur, and said, “I think you’re beautiful too. Your mane just glows with all the colors of dusk and your eyes are the most gorgeous I’ve ever seen.”

Twilight blushed. “Oh? Oh, um… thank you. You… have pretty eyes too. I love green.”

“Really? How cute… I’ve always loved purple.” Sunset was amused by how red Twilight’s cheeks got. “Hey, you wanna hear a secret?”

Twilight’s ears perked. “What’s that?”

“You wanna know why I was kinda irritated about the human Twilight getting with Timber Spruce?”

“Um… I don’t know, why?”

“Because you look just like her. And it was as if I was seeing you with someone else. And it made me jealous. I know it’s irrational, she’s different from you, but I have quite the imagination. I’m happy for her of course. But maybe… you and I…” Sunset trailed off, growing nervous. “I mean, I know you’re a princess, you’re probably too good for someone like me, but well… I have a crush on you. I have since the battle of the bands.” She turned away, sitting down and dropping her head. “Ugh. Why did I tell you all that?”

Twilight walked over to her, petting between her withers. She sighed, relaxing and looking over as Twilight sat next to her. “It’s okay. I’m glad you were honest with me. And your feelings are valid. The heart wants what it wants. And, well… I really like you too. I really admire how much you’ve bettered yourself, how you always strive to learn and improve, and you’re so, so compassionate. I guess I tried not to dwell on it, but well… I may have just the smallest crush on you too. And I’m certainly not ‘too good’ for somepony like you. We’re friends. I’m not better than you.”

Sunset smiled, and leaned slightly against her. “That means a lot to me. Thank you. So… a crush on me, huh?”

“Heh… yeah.”

“And I have a crush on you. So… I think this works out.”

“Oh. Oh, guess so.” Twilight seemed flustered.

Sunset found it endearing, and kissed the corner of her mouth. Twilight jumped, and Sunset said, “You’re cute when you’re speechless.”

Twilight settled, and nuzzled her. “You’re too sweet.”

“Mm, don’t tell anyone.” Sunset leaned into Twilight’s wing as she wrapped it around her. “I gotta maintain my bad girl persona.”

“Hah! Okay, bad girl.” Twilight snuggled with her, and Sunset felt so warm and safe with that large wing around her, Twilight’s hide against hers.

“Speaking of being a bad girl... I should probably buy myself a leather jacket for here, I gave away all my human clothes…”

“Uh, Sunset?”


“Equestria doesn’t have leather clothes. At least, not like the leather on Earth. Cows are sentient here.”

“Oh! Oh God, I am so sorry, I forgot.”

“Heh, it’s okay. We do have cork leather though, made from cork tree bark. The texture is pretty similar and with dyes you can have a black one just like that nice jacket you had on Earth.”

“Oh, good. Okay then. Let’s do that.”

“Wanna go shopping? You need to get some fresh air anyway.”

“Heh…” Sunset stood, extending a hoof to help Twilight up. “Sure. Let’s go shopping.”