Twisting Her View

by Michael Hudson

First published

Derpy has always been able to tell when a new ghost friend comes to Ponyville to say hi, but today the ghost wants to say more than that.

Derpy has a lot of unseen friends, even to herself! Supposedly she should be able to see them, but she doesn't mind not being able to. Not when she likes their visits, their chats, and being able to talk to them. After all, they're her friends. She'd do anything for them.

And one spirit is now going to test that, whether she likes it or not.

Art is 174447 on Derpibooru by buryooooo

Commissioned by Anonymous

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A New Visitor

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Derpy stretched herself out as she walked into her bedroom. Over her body was only a slip of fabric. It was her favorite nighty, and to her, it was her seance robe. The thing she wore for her nightly visitors. Or, at least, usually. After all, there wasn’t always some supernatural being passing by, just usually. And she liked to be comfy when she met them!

So, she wore a piece of loose, blue fabric, kept on her by two small straps hung on her shoulders. Of course, she mused to herself, what she wore probably didn’t matter in general, but that was part of why she wore what she did. She didn’t want to just be naked for her friends, but she knew they likely couldn’t even see her.

After all, she assumed she was just a beacon for ghosts and the like. That’s what it had always felt like, and supposedly her eyes had something to do with it. In theory, she should have been able to even see the spirits. She kind of preferred she didn’t though, since supposedly they showed up as they were when they died, and with some of the ways she had heard her visitors say they had gone… Well, she didn’t want to see that.

No, she was just excited to see who might come tonight, and so stepped forward into her room. Or, she should have, and frowned as she tried to move.

And then she felt the largest shiver of her life. It wasn’t… Fun. It wasn’t exciting. This one felt like it slammed into her spine and froze her entire nervous system. She twitched as she tried to respond to it, but nothing came, even as the feeling of eyes being on her grew stronger and stronger. She opened her mouth, trying to say something, but nothing came.

In fact, for a moment, as the space in front of her darkened, she couldn’t even breathe. Something was stopping her, sucking the very air out of her lungs as what felt like claws dug into her shoulders. For a moment, she jumped from the pain as they dug in too much, ripping at her back, before they became softer, and the being drifted away briefly, allowing her to breathe, even though she could do nothing else.

And then, with cuts on her shoulders to go with it, it tore the straps on her shoulders off. She was shocked at the action, and her mind panicked to figure out why it would do such a thing. Or, more accurately, to come up with another reason why it might. Why it wouldn’t want her naked form before it. But… but these spectar’s couldn’t actually see her, right? They didn’t have any eyes, just like they shouldn’t have hands…

The claws were less forceful then she expected, but that made it worse. It shouldn’t have. Derpy knew that getting rend apart was the worst possible outcome, but this thing… She could see her skin indenting. Her large breasts breing pressed against by each finger, before they pierced deeper. Not physically. No, physically they began to make small circles, making sure that she couldn’t just tell herself her breasts were supposed to be malformed like this, but instead that something was continuing to do this. That it wanted her body.

And, more horrifying, her soul. Or so she assumed as its claws hooked into her spirit. She could feel its power pouring into her, and she shook from the… The fullness of it. At how it seeped inside her body, and even made her chest darken where it touched it. And, as pockets of her breasts turned almost black, the claw’s palms pressed in, widening the circles and squishing her breasts against her. Crushed her lungs under its force, and she found it all the harder to breathe once more as tears began to silently fall down her face.

‘At least… At least I have my panties on still. It can’t rape me. It can only touch me. It can-’

‘Foolish mare.’

She found herself beginning to be picked up by her breasts, and pulled through the air by the hooks inside of her before she was slammed onto her bed. Her breath shook out of her, and it was only made worse as the spirit re-asserted itself in another wave of energy that left her unable to move. Even twitching was now impossible. She could only look to the side of the wall. Staring at a small spot on the wall as she felt everything.

As she felt tentacles writhe over her legs. They coiled around her ankles tightly, as if they were trying to stop her from moving, but she was going nowhere. Not with the tears on her face. That didn’t stop them from pulling her legs apart though. To leave her open to him, even as her body began to involuntarily shake.

The spirit sank its claws deeper into her chest as it forced her to stop the shakes. Forced her body to its whim. Or… More than it already was. ‘Just end. Just end already.’

‘Give up. You have been chosen for my recreation.’

The tentacles moved up, and her heart stopped as two of them grabbed ahold of her underwear. She wanted to say no. Say something. Do something. Even if it wasn’t overwhelming her with its force though, she doubted she could. Not with how dead she was beginning to feel inside. How empty with every moment passing under its claws.

With one pull, the panties were torn, ripped cleanly through, and leaving nothing to shield herself from the being. To make sure it didn’t do what she so feared.

But it did. It shoved something directly inside of her, and, like with the claws, it pierced more than just her body. She didn’t make a noise though, even as its grip on her body relaxed. Even as it came inside of her, she did nothing. Even when it began again, and again, and again, she merely laid there, the will to fight it having left long ago.

She wasn’t certain how long it was there for. How many times it came, or what exactly it had done to her. She’d just turned off at some point, and now stared into nothing as the first rays of morning came, and she finally felt like she was alone.

Or, as alone as she could, knowing that at any moment, another spirit could come in, and she’d be just as weak as with this one.