Everything She Wants

by dracedomino

First published

Principal Celestia has it all - a good job, a happy home, and a hot submissive sister she knocked up herself. Oh, and don't forget the teenage sluts that worship her!

This is a side story set in the Everyone's Best Friend is Twilight Sparkle universe. Check it out, especially if you like Futaquestria Girls!

After the events of the main story, Principal Celestia is enjoying a quiet day at home with her pregnant, submissive sister. While enjoying a casual evening with Luna servicing her cock, Celestia gets the occasional text message from her favorite teenage slut, Fluttershy. Simply put, the principal has plenty of ladies reporting to her, and she just loves the attention.

Tags: Incest, Futanari, Pregnancy, D/s, Aftercare, Naughty Texts

Everything She Wants

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Everything She Wants
Everyone’s Best Friend is Twilight Sparkle Side Story 04
-by Drace Domino

Was there any better way to relax on a Sunday afternoon than a warm cup of tea, a good book, and a sister’s mouth wrapped around your cock? Celestia didn’t know of any, that was for sure. As the principal of Canterlot High sipped some of the New York apple spice tea she had received as a gift for Teacher Appreciation Day, she let the flavor rest on her tongue for a few sweet seconds before swallowing it down in a smooth, relaxed gulp. Another sip, another flip of a page of her current mystery novel, and another satisfied sigh as she felt the inches of her cock slide down Luna’s throat. She only interrupted the gentle peace of the afternoon to speak up with a concerned warning - a tone that was as genuine and sweet as it was sultry and dominant.

“Make sure not to push yourself too hard, Luna.” Principal Celestia cooed, having no need to look up from her book. She could tell by the warm, wet enclave her cock had found itself inside that Luna was doing her job. “Wouldn’t want you upsetting the baby, after all.”

Naturally, she didn’t receive a response from her sister’s lips, but she did feel the hands pressing to the inside of her thighs tighten just a little. Though Luna would never admit it, there was a part of her that relished being fussed and fawned over thanks to her pregnancy. A different part than what made her the willing submissive slut of her own sister, but there were times when the two wove together seamlessly. As Luna knelt on the floor of their back porch, face buried in her sister’s lap and her pregnant stomach supported by a comfortable pillow on the ground, she merely gazed up at her sister in glowing adoration.

The two were quite a sight - thankfully, a sight that the tall fence surrounding their backyard kept from otherwise prying eyes. Principal Celestia sat in her comfortable porch chair rather casually and nearly fully dressed, wearing a simple CHS T-shirt and a pair of jeans with the fly fully undone. It was her sister that was making the spectacle of herself; pregnant with her belly and breasts exposed, her nipples connected via a pair of clamps and a silver chain, her arms and legs encased in tight leather up to the elbows and thighs. She even wore a leather choker around her neck, but it was far looser than usual - Celestia refused to tighten it out of concern for her sister’s impending child. For their impending child.

Once Celestia set the tea down on the nearby patio table she allowed her fingers to dance to the side, moving to drop into Luna’s dark hair where she gave her sister an affectionate pet. She didn’t bother to take a fistful of the other woman’s hair to control her motions simply because she didn’t need to - by that point in their relationship, Luna had learned exactly how her older sister liked to have her cock sucked. Long, deep strokes that left Luna’s nose buried in Celestia’s lap, and the occasional messy flicking of her tongue across her hanging undercarriage. Hands weren’t allowed; of course, except to keep Luna balanced or to hold her pregnant belly in place. Luna kept working up and down across her sister’s shaft with utter dedication and diligence, moving her mouth back and forth with a steady pace and keeping her tongue in a constant state of motion. When she let the other woman’s pearl-pink cocktip leave her mouth it was only so she could bury her face against Celestia’s sack, slurping and licking and making sure she made enough noise in doing so that it could be heard over the distant sound of street traffic. She was a good cocksucker of a sister, that much was sure, and if anything her pregnancy had made her all the more ravenous. Apparently what they said was true; women truly did get hornier when they were in their third trimester. The plug stuffed in her ass and the rabbit vibrator buzzing within her pussy probably helped her along to that end, and they certainly made sure that just underneath Luna laid a few wet marks on the patio floor.

It wasn’t until a similar buzz came from Celestia’s phone that her peaceful evening had a small interruption, though it was one she gleefully welcomed. With a tiny smile the mature woman held her phone so she could read the incoming text message and view the attached photo. Her smile was sultry and dominant as she took it all in, and chuckled softly while her free hand continued to fondly pet against Luna’s soft hair.

“Another text from Fluttershy, Luna.” Celestia purred, just as her cock throbbed against her sister’s tongue. Luna had begun to suck down the shaft once more, slowly taking all the inches down her throat so she could feel Celestia’s girth stretching at her narrow, wet entrance. “Looks like she’s really starting to enjoy herself on her field trip. Care to see?”

Luna didn’t peel her mouth away from Celestia’s lap, though her eyes did look up so she could look at the latest text. The image that she was treated to was a photo taken in a dark room; clearly set in a seedy place with pornographic images all over the walls. The picture’s focus was taken from Fluttershy’s perspective, and clearly showed her fucking a slender, blue-skinned girl from behind with her cock lodged deep in the girl’s ass. Trixie Lulamoon, as Luna immediately recognized her, had her face pressed to the nearby wall and her hand wrapped around a cock sticking out of a hole right beside her face. Luna whimpered at the sight, and rolled her tongue fondly underneath her sister’s shaft as if to confirm her approval.

“Such a lovely day they’re having.” Celestia murmured, and idly tapped her fingers across her phone to prepare a response. “Let’s see, I should send her something...responsible. I am her principal, after all.” There was a brief moment as she pondered just what to tell her student that had drug another one to a glory hole. What was the dutiful thing any proper educator would tell her? With a smile, Celestia found her inspiration and began to text back. “Don’t leave until she sucks six cocks.”

The afternoon had been going on like that, with Celestia casually offering advice to her prized student in the midst of her field trip. “Field trip” might have been a bit of an exaggeration; of course, when all Fluttershy was really doing was taking the ultimately submissive Trixie on a slutty tour of the town. The fact that she was frequently reported in with her own mistress Celestia; however, gave it a certain level of validity. Even if she wasn’t earning any progress towards her grades, Fluttershy was earning valuable praise from the only source that mattered: her mistress.

Once the message was sent Celestia set her phone back down, and focused on the more important task of filling her pregnant sister’s mouth. Her hands moved down along the sides of Luna’s head until they met her shoulders, where her fingers teased across the exposed flesh and reminded Luna of the gentle affection she had for her. Watching those dark lips wrap around her throbbing shaft was easily the greatest pleasure of Celestia’s life, and though she dominated both Luna and little Fluttershy she still had a kind concern for them both. For Fluttershy, she showed that concern by making sure the teenager got her own chance to spread her wings and dominate another girl. For Luna, her concern was shown by how much she fawned over her sister’s pregnant belly.

“I’d better hurry up and cum, I suppose.” Celestia murmured, though it was hardly going to be difficult to get to that point. “You’ve already been on your knees for a while, wouldn’t want you to strain yourself.”

If Luna could speak, she would’ve claimed that she was fine. That she could’ve braced herself there all day long if she needed, so long as she had that pillow holding up her pregnant stomach. But what good was a sister that didn’t show concern for her expecting family member? Besides, there was plenty of fun the two could have with Luna off her knees and laying down somewhere more comfortable. The younger of the two sisters moaned as Celestia pushed her hips forward, making sure that Luna’s throat was stretched around every inch of her. She finally pushed her hands to the back of Luna’s head to hold her face down within her lap, keeping her down so hard that Luna’s nose poked against her flesh. With a deep and guttural sigh Celestia savored that warm, wet prison for her cock, and when her orgasm finally rushed across her the mature woman’s voice flowed past her lips in a beautiful harmony.

Nobody could see past the fence surrounding their backyard, but if they could they would’ve witnessed an older sister filling a younger one’s mouth with a copious load of cum. Celestia’s cock pulsed heavy and hot as she filled Luna’s throat with her cream, and it wasn’t long after that Luna’s cheeks puffed out from the sticky white that she was offered. It was a slow and measured orgasm - Celestia had mastered her cock by that point to ensure as much - and as she steadily drained her rod in Luna’s mouth she felt a joyful warmth rush completely over her. Sure, it was fun to fuck Fluttershy, Trixie, or any of the sluts that were brought to her...but there was nowhere quite so magical as one of her little sister’s warm, wet holes.

Luna swallowed throughout; doing her best to manage the payload by tightening her throat and gulping down mouthful after mouthful. When Celestia was finally finished she slowly pulled herself up off her sister’s lap, and gave a gasping breath as she tried to steady herself. By the time she was able to balance herself on her knees once more Celestia had risen from her seat and knelt down to help her sister up, cradling one hand under that large, stretched belly and moving to other to fondly twist the plug in Luna’s ass. Motivation of a twisted, twisting fashion.

“Let’s go inside, Luna.” Celestia purred to her sister pet as she helped her up to her feet, and stood right alongside her. Once they were both balanced she kissed Luna fondly on the cheek, and then once more at the edge of the girl’s throat as she swallowed one last mouthful of cum. “Wouldn’t want anyone to hear the rest of the noises you’ll be making today.”

And with that, Celestia interlocked her fingers with her sister’s and headed inside for more fun. She left her book and her tea behind, but made sure to collect her phone as she left - she was sure that Fluttershy would be sending her plenty more pictures as the day continued.


Celestia’s jeans soon hung on the doorknob of the bedroom she shared with her little sister. From there to the bed there was a trail of Celestia’s clothing as she had peeled it away one by one; from a pair of panties to a casual T-shirt to a lacy bra that was left unattended. By the time she made her way to the bed she was wearing nothing more than a pair of socks and Luna’s spit all over her cock. Now, comfortably seated at the head of the bed and reclining against the headboard, she once more sunk one hand into Luna’s hair while the other cradled her cell phone. Luna; laying on her side with her hands both resting on her older sister’s thighs, was right back to where she had been previously - worshipping Celestia’s cock with kisses, licks, and tender swipes of her tongue.

“Such a good girl.” Celestia purred, moving her fingers down the back of Luna’s hair in a casual, gentle stroke. Good girls received pets, and Luna had been well behaved the whole day so far. After a few strokes across Luna’s hair Celestia let her fingers start to wander; moving over swollen, dark breasts and finally down to a bloated belly. She gave her sister’s pregnant bulge a gentle caress that was maternal and loving, and pulled her hips back so as to steal her cocktip from Luna’s lips and give her a chance to respond. “How are you doing, Luna? Do you need a break?”

“I...I’m fine…” Luna looked up, her face smeared with spit, sweat, and the remnants of sticky white cum that still clung to her lips. As threads of saliva connected her gasping lips to Celestia’s cock, it was clear that she was fiercely determined to keep going. “Sister...you don’t need to baby me so much! I can do everything for you that I used to!”

“You do plenty for me already.” Celestia purred, and once more let her fingers caress the other woman’s smooth, stretched stomach. She could pet Luna’s pregnant belly all day, it was a true pleasure that never got old. “Don’t trick yourself into thinking I’m going soft on you, Luna. Once you give birth…?” She giggled a bit, and turned the cell phone forward so Luna could see. “I’m going to do this to you.”

That promise was enough to send Luna’s pussy tightening on the rabbit vibrator nestled inside of her, and even to make her rear lock against the plug stuffed within her ass. It was yet another one of Fluttershy’s text messages, and if Celestia truly was going to make her little sister do the same thing as what it outlined...well...it was clear having a child together wasn’t going to hinder their relationship in the slightest.

Once more, Trixie was the centerpiece of the image. Blindfolded and tied with her hands locked behind her back, and the words “Cum Dump Slut” written across her chest in a dark blue lipstick. Clearly taking those words with the intention they were written with, it looked as if several men had already cum all over Trixie’s body. White clung to her breasts, her cheeks, even drooled from her spread pussy, though that tender valley was half-obscured by the unmistakable sight of Fluttershy’s massive, light yellow cock. Trixie herself was being made to hold her mouth open wide, cradling a pool of cum that she wasn’t yet allowed to swallow. After letting Luna view that picture for a few seconds Celestia pulled the phone back to herself, chuckling as she did so.

“S...Sister…” Luna whimpered, her holes once more tightening on their respective toys. “You’d...you’d let other people use me like that…?” She wasn’t entirely sure just how she felt about it. Celestia had always jealously guarded her little sister, especially now that she was pregnant, but there was still an undeniable thrill to the idea. Celestia merely smiled as she continued flipping through the phone, purring as she did so.

“Not with random men, no.” She offered simply, and with a gentle hand ushered Luna to start sucking her cock once more. The dark-skinned beauty did as she was told, and soon let the inches disappear past her lips onto her warm, inviting tongue. All while she listened to her older sister’s plans, of course. “But I think Fluttershy’s friends would love to have the chance to enjoy you. Maybe we could have them all over for a party one day...after you and Twilight have your babies, of course.” She smirked, and gave a quick grunt of pleasure as Luna hilted her shaft with her throat. “...I can see it getting a little rough.”

While Celestia enjoyed the deepthroated blowjob and planned of a party in the distant future, she continued flipping through more updates of Fluttershy’s day. Apparently, the little budding dominatrix had been busy all morning, and there were plenty of pictures for her to savor and enjoy. While Luna continued to suck her sister with absolute dedication her cock throbbed all the harder and heavier thanks to those lovely pictures sent to her with frequent regularity.

A shot of Trixie being forced to lift her skirt at the movie theater; exposing her shaved pussy to a random stranger. Another of the blue-skinned submissive sucking Fluttershy’s cock in the car, complete with forcing her to hold her hands up in a double peace-signs gesture to show how much she loved it. One was taken in the fast food joint they stopped at before the movie - Trixie, in the children’s playground area, riding a toy while she was on a bouncy horse. Good thing it was just the two of them!

“Heh...Fluttershy’s turned into such a wicked little slut.” Celestia purred; perhaps hypocritically considering she had knocked up her own little sister. Even now she was pulling Luna’s hair up to lead Luna to her knees; no longer content with merely Luna’s mouth wrapped around her cock. As she pulled Luna to rest back against her own ample chest and sit on her lap as if she were a dining room chair, Celestia couldn’t help but giggle fondly at the progress of her protege. “If I’m not careful, she just might try to top me. Look - she’s already got one on the way, too~”

With that, she stretched out the phone to show Luna a bit of surprising news: Trixie, with a shameful look on her face and cum in her hair, holding a positive pregnancy test. Luna could barely let it settle in before Celestia scooped her sister up, forcing Luna to press her feet flat to the mattress and bend her knees. In a fluid motion Celestia eased her sister down into her lap and smoothly pressed her cock to the entrance of Luna’s pussy, pushing inside inch by glorious inch and groaning as she descended. Her hands soon moved to rest on Luna’s waist and she leaned her head forward to kiss up and down over the back of the other girl’s shoulders; making absolutely sure that while she was fascinated by Fluttershy’s growth, that Luna was always her perfect, pregnant little sister.

“So tight…” Celestia purred as she rocked her hips from below, pushing her throbbing length deeper into Luna’s wet, warm entrance. She couldn’t help giving Luna a little bite to her shoulder, just enough to leave tiny, playful imprints on her dark flesh. “I just love filling you up, Sister…” She let the last word resonate in their bedroom for the sheer thrill of it - no matter how much the two had sex, the carnal delight of their incestous bliss was enough to send them both into shockwaves of pleasure.

Celestia continued to steadily fuck into her sister from below, her cock squeezing deep in the other woman’s slit and penetrating her down to the core. While she did so; however, she pushed her phone into Luna’s hands so the other woman could continue to look at all of Fluttershy’s various conquests of the day. As Luna split her attention between looking at the photos and balancing herself on Celestia’s cock, the older of the two sisters let her hands move up and around so she could caress Luna’s pregnant tummy with both appreciative hands.

“F...Fluttershy’s certainly...come a long way.” Luna had to admit with a blush, only half of which was thanks to the pleasure being drilled into her tight, wet hole. A new picture was before her of both of Fluttershy’s slutty pets; Trixie and Tree Hugger. The two of them were kissing amidst an overflowing mouthful of cum, and once more Fluttershy’s yellow cock drifted in the frame oozing from the tip. Another few photos seemed to suggest they were at Tree Hugger’s yoga studio, and Luna was treated to sights of Fluttershy fucking both girls in a variety of positions, as well as seeing Trixie forced to suck the cum out of Tree Hugger’s shaved pussy. Celestia would always hold the leash leading to Fluttershy’s collar, but it definitely seemed like those straps branched out significantly from there. Luna let the phone drop to the bed as she leaned back into Celestia’s arms, moving her hands out to help her older sister in caressing her belly. As her lap rose and fell to keep spreading her nethers across Celestia’s cock, she finally spoke up to the other woman in a thoughtful voice. “What about you, Mistress? Do you want any more pets?”

It was a tough question to answer, considering the circumstances. Celestia had her hands full of pregnant belly, and her cock was just about as happy as it could possibly get. Before she answered she let her hands drift over so they could hitch underneath Luna’s thighs, helping to lift the pregnant woman’s legs and fuck her all the deeper. Soon Luna was bouncing in her lap more eagerly and heavily than before, and the sound of Celestia’s prick probing her deep and hard filled the room around them. After giving Luna a few particularly hard thrusts Celestia slowed the pace, and spent some time kissing over her sister’s dark-skinned shoulders before speaking up once more.

“Sometimes I think about it.” She murmured with a gently lifted brow, and shuddering in a building pleasure. She was already close to her second peak of the day, and there was little she loved more than to hear Luna’s joyful cries as she flooded her with cum. It wasn’t something to rush. “I think about...what it’d be like if I made Cheerilee come over so she could watch me fuck you raw. Or if I went to that cunt Cinch’s house, pushed down the door, and made her worship every-” Thrust. “-last-” Thrust. “-inch of me.” The sounds flowing from Luna were enough to tell Celestia that her sister wasn’t jealous about the notion, at least not so much as she was aroused by the thought. Still, Celestia purred against her sister’s throat as she picked the pace up again, pushing herself closer and closer to that rapidly approaching climax.

“But for now? You and Fluttershy are all I can handle…” To be accurate, Fluttershy had a tendency to come with...attachments, sluts that she brought for Celestia to fuck. Welcome, if temporary additions to the bedroom. As Celestia’s orgasm finally crashed against her and she felt her cock begin to spasm, she spread her hands wide over Luna’s pregnant belly and pulled her sister deeper into her arms. “You’ve got my full attention, Sister!”

Luna moaned; her own hips starting to buck and twitch as she felt Celestia’s load begin to fill her. The plug that was still deep in her ass was clenched even further as she was flooded with cum, and every squirt that Celestia unloaded into her slit was another bit of proof to their sordid relationship. Luna’s own orgasm came fiercely and intense as she rode her sister’s erection, and by the time she calmed down and settled her pussy was practically overflowing with cum. She was little more than a twitching mess by the time Celestia kissed the back of her head and ushered her comfortably to the bed; laying her flat on her back as her hands moved out.

A soft brush over a pregnant, sweat-glistening belly, followed by a tender kiss. As Luna laid catching her breath and drifting closer to sleep, Celestia let her fingers reach for the two most fascinating places in the bedroom - Luna’s cum-filled pussy, and Fluttershy’s cell phone. As she let her pearl-pink digits tease her pregnant sister’s slit she looked once more through the pictures her student had sent her, and gave a soft laugh as one more crossed her vision.

“All I can handle indeed…” Principal Celestia purred as she looked at the phone’s screen, where Trixie and Tree Hugger were holding up a sign that said “Wish you were here, Principal Celestia” as they scissored with Fluttershy’s cock in between their pussies. Celestia merely grinned, looked once more at her beloved sister, and bent down to press a kiss onto her forehead.

She’d stay there and watch over Luna; of course, and couldn’t leave the house while she was so far along in her pregnancy. That said, there was nothing preventing her from having some company over.

“Stop what you’re doing and bring the sluts to me.” Celestia typed to her student, her authority easily translating to her text. “I’ll show them a cock worth worshipping.”

From there, Celestia tossed the phone aside, leaned back in her bed, and smiled contently. Her fingers dropped to Luna’s hair where she gently resumed petting her little sister, and she patiently waited for Fluttershy to follow through on her order and arrive with Trixie and Tree Hugger.

Having a family had always been Celestia’s dream...but having a bunch of teenage sluts servicing her was the sweetest icing on the cake.

The End.