Do you believe in magic?

by Borealium

First published

After an impressive magic show, Trixie visits Jack Pot's wagon. One thing leads to another...

Trixie witnesses perhaps the best magic show she's even seen; maybe even better than her own! And it was given by a stallion she can't help but find very attractive. Their relationship quickly burgeons. There's something about Jack Pot that Trixie doesn't know, however, and perhaps, thinks Jack Pot, should never know...

Cover art by ambris.

Trixie x Jack Pot
Father/daughter incest (both initially unaware)
Titfuck, blowjob & cunnilingus, penetrative sex in several positions, cumming inside, sex while pregnant, light cumflation

This story was a commission. Details on my profile.

In a young girl's heart...

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Spectacle’s half-closed eyes managed to lock onto Jack Pot’s as she smiled lazily. They’d both had more than their fair share of alcohol tonight. She was still dimly aware of the loud bursts of excited or amused conversation from ponies in the bar, but most of her partially-compromised faculties were focused on the hunk in front of her.

“I… fuh. I’m very happy to have you today, mister uh, Pot, right? Heh. Been great getting’ to know ya. I’d love to get to know you eeeeeeeeeven more. If you *hic* catch my meaning. And in case you didn’t I want you to fuck me.”

She tried to look as sexually appetising as a rather drunk mare could. Jack Pot, similarly inebriated, didn’t take much convincing. They both had feelings for each other long before the first drink was poured, but the alcohol had greased the wheels and sped things along more quickly to a lewd conclusion.

“Oh, that sounds like… fun! Let’s, yeah, go…”

He flicked a bit at the barman, tipping him for the many drinks he’d poured them this evening, and wrapped an arm around Spectacle’s shoulder, leading her out of the loud, stuffy bar. Once outside, Spectacle pushed him against a wall, and pushed her lips against his. Despite the alcohol clouding their minds, they could still appreciate a great kiss.

It wasn’t a long walk to Spectacle’s apartment. Once the door was closed, they quickly stripped, stealing kisses from one another all the while. Spectacle fell back on to the big, soft couch and Jack Pot laid on top of her. The sex was wonderful; the sensations powerful, the atmosphere intimate and playful. Jack, deep inside her, climaxed. It felt incredible, and after a long day before this he could only collapse beside her. They both quickly fell into a deep sleep in each other’s arms.

Jack Pot awoke to tweeting birds. His head was hurting. He became aware of the pretty mare in his arms. Over the next few minutes he pieced together most of the previous night’s events. Crap. When she woke up how the hell would he explain all this to her? He couldn’t remember much… he felt flustered. He had to leave before she woke up and think things over. He cleaned her up as best he could without waking her and crept away.

Half an hour later, Spectacle’s eyes flickered open. There was an unbearable *pounding* in her head. What the hell happened last night? Oh, she was naked. She concluded that she must have gotten drunk and masturbated, alone, again.

“I really need to get a boyfriend.”

The stallion she had slept with, who had given her a foal, was completely absent from her memory. The signs of pregnancy that followed a few months later would come as quite a shock.

Standing in front of the full-length mirror, Trixie completed her showy get-up by plopping her colourful hat on top of her head. She nodded approvingly, giving a wry smile. She looked great, and her act was great. She’d be drawing a huge crowd in no time. Her slot in the monthly Ponyville town show was only half an hour away. She’d knock the ponies dead with all sorts of impossible tricks and magical feats. She reckoned she was the only reason most of the crowd decided to come to the show. Although, she had to admit, in the last half an hour the crowd outside had been really enjoying whatever was on-stage. Barely a minute had passed without an “ooh” or an “aah”.

Trixie, curious and a little jealous, stepped out of her wagon and walked round to the side of the stage, peeping round at whoever was on it.

A stallion with a coat the same colour as hers was holding out an apple pie. Next to him was Soarin’, one of the wonderbolts. His eyes were fixed on a glowing apple pie in the magician’s hand.

“...because as we all know, the proof is in the pudding!”

In a puff of smoke, the pie vanished. When the cloud of green smoke disappeared, the magician pulled a playing card out of the now-empty pie dish.

“Is this your card?”

Soarin’s jaw dropped.

“Oh my gosh, it is! You’re amazing!”

The crowd went wild. Again. Trixie glowered… again.

“Who does this guy think he is, lapping up Trixie’s audience’s adoration?”

But as the set went on, her anger turned into admiration. She learned his name was Jack Pot, and the assistant helping him to perform these astounding feats of magic was Big Bucks. Between them, they were putting on quite possibly the best show she’d ever seen. Half an hour later, their hour-long slot was nearly over, but they clearly had plenty of material left. Trixie gave a thumbs-up to the stage manager for them to carry on into her slot: she wanted to see as much as she could, to soak it all in. This Jack Pot fellow clearly knew his stuff and she was keen to learn from him. She simply had to talk to him once his set was over.

“Thank you ladies and gentlecolts, you’ve been a wonderful audience!”

The two of them bowed several times to rapturous applause and, almost reluctantly, trotted off backstage. Now was her chance. She made a beeline for the wagon she’d just seen Jack Pot clamber into. She knocked on the door.

“Come in!”

She swung it open and stepped inside. He was facing away from her, taking off his fancy costume.

“Hey there, mister. I don’t give out praise all that often but, uh, that was a great set. I thought I knew my way around magic but that was something else.”

He turned, smiling, and took in his visitor. What a cutie! Smooth, blue coat (a remarkably similar shade of blue to his own, he noted), sparkling violet eyes and a svelte figure. Something of a bombshell! She, in turn, was pleased with what she saw. Up close, it was almost like seeing him for the first time. Light gray locks of hair framed his handsome face. He was well-built; not overly buff, but toned. He was pretty hot.

“Well thank you kindly, miss. Something about your getup tells me you’re into the magic biz too.”

She hadn’t performed today but was still in her costume, hat and all. She took her hat off and shook out her hair, noticing the way his eyes lit up.

“Oh, yes. And I’m pretty damn good, even if I say so myself.”

He chuckled, scooping polish onto a brush and shining the heel of his fancy leather shoes.

“I don’t doubt it, miss. You like the show?”

She sat on the stool beside him, eyes wide.

“It was awesome. I let you take up my slot so I could see more. You’re damn lucky, you know. Definitely not the sorta thing I’d normally do.”

He grinned, feeling very flattered.

"Well, I sure appreciate that. And I hope you found it rewarding! Even the best of us magicians can learn new things. You're never too old to learn."

Trixie smiled, nodding.

"Smart and handsome. Oh, that kinda... slipped out."

Jack Pot laughed aloud.

"Appreciate it. You're pretty cute. You can call me Jack, by the way. Nice to meet you, Trixie."

Trixie blushed, fiddling with Jack Pot's wand she'd picked up from the dresser. It was clear to Trixie that he was several years older than her, perhaps more, but that certainly wasn’t off-putting in this case.

"You too. So, um, yeah. Great show. I love magic shows, have done since I was a little filly. Magic in general is an amazing thing, but magic shows and illusions and tricks and all that kinda stuff are so fun and interesting and the only way in my opinion to demonstrate to anypony why magic is great. And I'm rambling, aren't I?"

Jack, amused, sat on the second stool beside her.

"I'm not complaining. Your enthusiasm is infectious; nothing wrong with having a passion. And honestly, I share your passion for magic. It is great."

"Uhuh! My parents were never that big on it. My mom was very supportive but she wasn't a magician or anything like that."

Jack picked up her hat which she had laid down on the dresser.

"She made that for me."

"She did a damn good job. And she brought a beautiful mare into the world."

He looked into her eyes and smiled again. Celestia, what a great smile.

"Heh. Yeah. Funny, that. She was pleased when she had me. She never knew who my father was. All she knows is she was wooed by a handsome stallion that she never saw again. I don't recall her being devastated or anything but... it was hard for a while. But when she had me, her first foal, she wasn't too upset long after that. Makes me seriously consider having foals of my own some day."

Her cheeks took on a strong pink tinge and it seemed to Jack as though she wanted to make eye contact with him but couldn't quite manage. He just saw her downward-looking face light up in an almost-automatic smile as if her thoughts were being laid bare in her expression beyond her control.

Jack laid a hand on her thigh, leaning in to her.

"I know what you mean, Trixie. It's something I've thought about every once in a while. If not that, at least finding a pretty mare to call my own. Sure gets lonely on the road sometimes. Big Bucks is a cool guy and all, but I don't have that special somepony in my life. I'm starting to think, well, hope... that I may do one of these days."

Trixie at last managed to lift her head and, still blushing, look him in the eye.

"Yeah. I know what you mean, too."

Jack wrapped a hand around her shoulder and began to pull her in. Truth be told, she leaned in to him without needing much encouragement. She was just as eager as he was. Trixie’s flowery perfume mixed with the mellow fruitiness of Jack’s cologne and filled their nostrils. With that heady, dreamy scent feeding their desires, their lips met.

Jack was pleasantly surprised by how soft and pliable Trixie’s plump lips were; kissing her felt like touching lips with a goddess, almost. In turn, Jack’s large, firm lips felt enjoyably commanding against Trixie’s own. He could smell her, she could smell him, and they both enjoyed each other’s scent very much indeed - having their eyes closed only heightened their other senses. The softness of the lips, the tenderness of the skin beneath their fingers. And all the while their lips were locked in a deep kiss, little grunts and moans of pleasure and approval escaping from Jack and Trixie respectively.

This had all happened rather quickly but it felt so right to both of them. The room, the outside world: everything just melted away until all there seemed to be in the whole universe was the two of them and their passion for each other. Trixie began to keel over and dragged Jack with her. They gradually discarded their clothes, trying as hard as they could to maintain the kiss as clothes were tossed this way and that. They collapsed onto the carpet, gently swaying and rolling as their hands explored each other’s bodies, Trixie’s over Jack’s broad back and Jack’s around her rolling hips.

The warmth of their skin was so pleasant to the touch. Trixie smiled, eyes half-closed in satisfaction as she felt Jack’s burgeoning erection press firmly against her thighs. He wanted her and she, in turn, wanted him. The heat in her loins alone would have told her that.

“Jack, take me. I need you so bad. Take me now, please…”

Jack cut her off with another kiss, holding her cheeks as they melted into each other. He drew back.

“Soon, Trixie. I should let you know that I can easily go several times in a row. I know lots of stallions can but I’d like to take the edge off this burning desire so I can enjoy the main event at a sensible pace, if you know what I mean. If you’re cool with it I’d love to start with these.”

He raised up, knees either side of her waist, and laid a hand on each of her bare breasts. They were a great size; not too big and not too small, a perfect handful - and he was filling his hands with them now. Trixie bit her lip, sighing as his palms rubbed against her erect nipples.

“Mmm, yess…”

She put her hands on his buttocks and pulled, encouraging him to shimmy forward which he happily did. His rock-hard length slid easily into her cleavage, precum lubricating the valley of soft flesh. He groaned as with the first thrust the sides of his penis were caressed by her velvety-soft chest. She giggled, pushing her boobs together with her hands and applying more pressure to the sides of his dick, the flesh beginning to wrap around towards the top as well. Sandwiched between those perfect breasts, all Jack could do was moan in pleasure.

“Oh, Celestia that feels so good… yeah…”

He began to thrust his hips, softly at first but firmer and more quickly all the while. Trixie began applying extra pressure with her hands each time he pushed forward, adding to the already mind-numbing enjoyment Jack was experiencing. Those wonderfully soft breasts pressing against the sensitive flesh of his shaft was orgasmic. At the apex of each thrust a little spurt of pre would ooze forth, breaking off and landing on Trixie’s upper chest. Within a few minutes Trixie had a little puddle of pre rolling down her chest back towards the thrusting dick between her boobs.

Jack’s moans were becoming more frequent, more guttural. He leaned forward, holding on to her waist with his strong hands and pushing more of his weight into each thrust. Trixie’s legs were rubbing against each other, he nether regions becoming moist and lubricated with the excitement of this incredibly lewd act. They were both almost chilly when they first stripped but were now pleasantly warm from the vigorous physical activity they were both intimately involved in.

“Fuck, Trixie… your tits feel so… unhhn… good…”

He closed his eyes tight, concentrating on the concentrated pleasure being delivered unto his sexual organs. With each thrust his balls rubbed against Trixie’s midriff. She could feel it and it drove her wild. She pushed a little harder still with her hands.

“Heh, mhh. Glad to hear it… ohhh yes…”

He was getting fairly close. From the noises he was making and the eagerness of his thrusting Trixie was soon in the know. He wasn’t going to stop until he came.

“T-trixie, ah… getting c-close. Can I, ungh, cum on your face…?”

Trixie’s cheeks blushed. They were already fairly rosy from the excitement of their coupling. A facial, how exciting! The thought turned her on even more.

“Yes, Jack. Fuck, yes. Cover my tits and my face with your load… mm…”

That was all the encouragement Jack needed. He gave a few more hard thrusts until orgasm washed over him. The first thick spurt splattered against Trixie’s jaw, and they both cried out. They had indeed warmed up, but his cum was still much warmer than them. It felt like hot water being splashed against her, it was fantastic. The thick wad crashed against her neck and spilled down either side, pooling in the carpet. Jack lifted himself back and up, taking his spurting cock in his hand, his other hand still on her waist. He aimed it at her tits in time for the second spurt. He felt the hard, blissful contraction in his groin as his dick forced out another equally large rope of cum. It splattered noisily against her tits, covering her blue coat in opaque white spunk.

“F-fugh, fughn… yeahh...”

Another spurt, and another, and another. Her petite breasts were almost fully coated and he was still going. He pulled his spasming dick upward to point it at her grinning face. The next spurt exploded forth, splashing against her mouth and cheeks. She closed her eyes, giggling, revelling in how lewd this all was.

“Mm, mmm, yesss…”

She was cut off by the next spurt spilling into her open mouth. It was hot, sticky and tangy, and she played with it with her tongue. The last big spurt splashed against her nose and between her eyes, causing her to blink reflexively. With a satisfied groan, Jack’s dick flagged, the last dregs of that huge load spilling against her stomach.

“Jeez. Wow. That was great. You’re great, you know that?”

Trixie laughed, wiping his load off of her face. She didn’t hesitate in licking her fingers clean of his load, giving him a sexy playful look as she did so. He could only groan again.

“Fuck. I am so ready for round 2.”

Trixie laughed.

“I should hope so! I think you’ve got a lot more to give if that load was any indication. I know I definitely want more, either way…”

He climbed off of her, and she encouraged him to lay down with a push against his chest. Slowly, sumptuously, she crawled over him, assuming a kneeling position over his torso but facing away. She began to lean forward until she was lying against him, face hovering over his crotch. This left her vagina, glistening and hungry, hovering a few centimetres above his head. It was time to repay the favour!

Trixie, eager as ever (particularly as she was yet to cum and, by this point, was rather pent up) stuffed his half-hard dick into her mouth. That was enough to get Jack back up to full mast in no time. She rocked her head back and forth, pleasuring his length with her mouth. Her hands wrapped around the lower half, rotating in opposite directions and giving Jack an incredibly pleasurable blowjob. He groaned in pleasure as, despite his recent orgasm, the pleasure levels he was experiencing were essentially back up to where they’d previously been.

Relaxing her hips, Trixie had brought her crotch down into Jack’s face. She sighed amusedly as she felt her labia mash against his lower face. Jack breathed in her delightful smell, feeling the soft flesh of her buttocks in his hands. Then, he plunged his tongue in.

“Ah! Ahhn…”

Trixie’s oral efforts were briefly interrupted as she faltered from that first contact. Jack’s tongue was quite long and able to penetrate her vagina quite deeply - and it did. It tunneled its way into her, its warm, wet surface eliciting remarkable sensations within her. He snaked a hand into the gap between them both, and began to apply pressure in firm circles with his forefinger against her engorged and exposed clitoris.


Trixie, her mouth full of penis, could only moan her approval as her most sensitive spot was treated to skillfully applied stimulation. The combined assault of tongue and finger was rapidly bringing her towards climax. Jack, too, was slowly crumbling under Trixie’s onslaught. His cock, well and truly rock hard now, was weeping pre as Trixie jerked, sucked and licked it with great eagerness. They were both getting off from each other’s enjoyment as much as their own, and that was going to bring on a very strong climax very soon.


Trixie moaned onto Jack’s dick as her hips quivered. He felt her tunnel tighten slightly around his tongue, still lodged several inches inside her. She let loose a high-pitched moan as she came powerfully, the supply of her sexual juices ramping up as she powered through a climax that dominated her mind and body. Jack’s tongue was coated with hot, sweet juices as her vagina spasmed before him. This only turned him on even more, and pushed him, at last, over the edge once more.

“Fuck, cummingnnn…”

Trixie moaned her approval as she felt the shaft in her grip fatten as if trying to break free, but she held firm as the first thick rope of hot jizz spurted against the roof of her mouth, then another, and another. This load was very nearly as large as the first, and her mouth was soon half-filled with ejaculate. Jack grunted and groaned with each pulse of his dick as his balls eagerly dumped their load into the cute mare’s mouth. Fuck, it felt so good. It was as if his dick really did not want to stop cumming, so wonderful was the situation it had found itself in. But unfortunately, the supply from his balls was finite and with a last enthusiastic spurt it was all over.

Trixie, tired but very happy, span round and flopped herself down beside him. She laid a hand across his chest, drawing herself in close and warming herself with the copious heat his body had worked up. He turned to her, smiling unabashedly, and kissed her on the lips.

“That was so, so good, Jack. So good. Wow.”

“Glad you enjoyed it as much as I did. Damn.”

They lay there, Jack with an arm wrapped protectively around her shoulder and Trixie snuggled up against his broad chest, basking in the afterglow and each other’s near-palpable delight.

“You know what, Trixie?”

He ran his hand up her chest, between her breasts, until it was resting on her face. She smiled, her face nearly glowing.

“I still haven’t fucked you yet. Properly.”

“Ughnnn yes… no, no you haven’t. I think you need to. I, uh, need you to… I think.”

Jack laughed, the chuckle turning into a moan as he felt his cock fatten from Trixie’s ministrations. She had her hand around it again - the eager girl - and was bringing him up to full mast again. Knowing how much she wanted it (the fact that he really, really wanted it could be taken for granted) turned his horniness dial up to 11. And that was enough, despite busting two loads in the last half an hour, to get him back up for one last proper round of penetrative sex. The thought of stuffing his dick into that tight, wet, plush snatch set his mind racing. He didn’t want to fuck her, he needed to.

With that realisation firmly wedged into his mind, He pushed himself up and rolled himself towards her, smothering her with a powerful kiss. She reciprocated as he positioned himself on top of her, revelling in the hefty weight of the big stallion pinning her down. Fuck. He in turn was getting off on having her right where he wanted her, underneath him, with his weight bearing down on her. They were both deeply enraptured.

“Gonna fuck you, Trixie. Gods, I need to. I need to be inside you.”

Taking his erect shaft in his hand, he lined it up with her pussy and probed it with his pre-seeping tip.

“Nnghhfuck yes, I need you inside meeefuuuucccckkk!”

With a slow-motion piston of his hips, he entered her. The first in-and-out motion was painstakingly slow, his cock practically scraping against her vaginal walls in the most agonisingly pleasurable way. They both groaned, Jack’s low and penetrating, Trixie’s high and passionate. They had no choice but to groan again as Jack pushed a little harder and a little faster. He maintained this speed for a minute or two, something of a prelude to the crescendo. It was achingly enjoyable. His urge to speed up became overwhelming, however, and he once again pushed harder and faster. And harder. And faster. And harder. And faster.

“Ngh! Ngh! Ngh! Ohhhh yeaahhrgh…”

With every sharp thrust, a shrill little squeal tumbled from Trixie’s slack mouth. And with every advance of his powerful hips, a gruff grunt plumed from between Jack’s firmly gritted teeth. Her pussy felt so good. His dick felt so good. Seeing her face screwed up in bliss only made it feel better. Her genitals almost seemed to respond to her state of mind, throbbing and squeezing and contracting and undulating as her brain became more and more addled, more and more high on bliss. Before long she was moaning like a whore, begging for Jack’s cock to split her in two. The fully lucid, prim and proper Trixie would never have considered stooping to such levels of depravity, but here and now, she wanted nothing more.

Jack, too, was practically a slave to his desires. He was very happy indeed at the moment. The pistoning of his penis, not dissimilar to a mighty steam train, was barreling full-tilt into her love tunnel. This tunnel was a tight fit, though, and that only increased his pleasure as well as hers. He wasn’t sure he could even stop thrusting at this point; he was on autopilot, slamming this tight hole for all he was worth and then some. But he felt his balls begin to tighten and the pressure at the tip of his dick begin to increase. He didn’t want to cum yet, not when his dick felt this good. Slowly, slowly, with a concerted effort, he managed to slow down the thrusts.

“Huhhnn, guh-nna cummm…”

Those last few deep, powerful, slooow thrusts were enough to shove Trixie over the edge and into a delightfully fulfilling climax. Jack very nearly bust his nut as her tightening vagina tried to clamp down on his cock and, in his mind, deliberately pull him back in. That was close. Fuck, it felt great though. He must have dumped a quarter of a cup of pre into her innards during that intense mating session.

“Roll over, honey. Time for another position, I think. On your knees. You might want to hold onto the bed.”

She loyally obliged. She laid her hands on top of the mattress in front of her, her toned, curved butt presented to him front and centre. Her dripping pussy peeking out between the underside of her cheeks was enough to keep him fully hard as he moved forward, put one hand on the soft curve of her hip and with the other once again lined himself up, took his length in his hand and slid it in with great deliberation. Trixie sighed in joy. Not having that dick inside her for half a minute or so was like being separated from a lover for a lifetime. But now they were whole again, they were one again. And nothing felt better. Until he started thrusting.

A new position, a new angle, a different and wonderful sensation for the two of them. Damn.

“Oh yes… fuuuck…”

Trixie was enjoying herself. Jack felt so big inside her, his dick felt so deep inside of her. Each thrust was its own isolated and fully appreciable experience.

Jack was enjoying the great view. The swell of Trixie’s booty, the muscles flexing and writhing in her toned back, the bob of her head each time he pushed into her. After a few minutes she laid her head against the mattress in front of her, on its side. The look on her half-visible face was revealed to Jack in that instant and it made his dick throb. Her mouth agape, eyebrows raised, eyes barely open, cries of joy and unfiltered lust taking flight from her parted lips in a near-unbroken symphony of sexuality.

He took a firmer grip on her hips. He began to make firmer thrusts with his own hips. She nearly screamed.

“Yes… take me, Trixie… take all of me-ungh.”

He was giving all of himself and she was taking it. Like a coiled spring, her body was pushed forward by each thrust and eagerly sprang back again as Jack retreated. Every now and again they came out of sync, and Trixie’s hips bounced back as Jack’s sprang forward, creating an incredibly powerful collision. When they realised this, they began to do it deliberately. Jack took his hands off her hips and waited for her to push back. When she did, he pushed forward as hard as he could and they both nearly screamed. He was fairly sure he’d never had his dick so deep into a mare before, and she was fairly sure she’d never been so deeply penetrated either. It felt impossibly good. Jack’s dick throbbed and bucked and shivered as it fought to manage the surplus of pleasure it was being fed. He was getting close again. The walls of Trixie’s pussy were working overdrive to not only take all this dick but send the thesis-long pattern of signals and messages to the pleasure interpreters in her brain. She had no choice but to cum.

“Oh shit, oh shit, shit shit shiiiit...!”

Trixie’s pussy effectively grabbed Jack’s cock as she tightened up in orgasm. He had to fight for his life not to dump his load inside her. But he just about managed it. He thought to himself how enormous his load would be after all this teasing and edging and the smorgasboard of stimulation. He slowed down to a stop again, grunted, and pulled out. Trixie groaned into the bedsheets.


By this point, Jack Pot was aching to cum again. In fact his balls were beginning to quite literally ache from all the near-orgasms and other sexual escapades they’d been through. Trixie sucking on them between position swaps had not helped either. This third position would have to be the last, he felt. He had enough energy and stamina for one final monumental effort, one big conclusive orgasm, then likely a long sleep with Trixie in his arms.

“C’mon baby. One last round. Let’s make it a real good one.”

Trixie nuzzled up to him and sultrily muttered into his ear.

“Oh yes. And Jack? I’d like it very much if you came inside me…”

That did it. His hard, leaking cock throbbed. He half-embraced and half-tackled his eager, hungering partner. Hungry for him, hungry for his dick, hungry for his load. He was equally ravenously hungry for her body, to take it and use it and dump his load inside her. His brain had decided long before he consciously did that he would have an insatiable need to fuck her until he came again.

“I would be all too happy to, believe me. This…”

He laid a hand on her flat, toned stomach, gripping the minimal layer of fat.

“Is going to be nice and round when I’m finished with you.”

Trixie would have fainted if she was a little more tired and a little less drunk on sexual desire. Instead, she groaned into his lips as they kissed, greedily mashing their lips and rolling their tongues. Jack pulled back, consoling her with a hand on her cheek, then assumed a kneeling position in front of her.

“Roll on your side.”

She did so. He took one of her calves and lifted her leg up, opening up the space between her legs and revealing her soaking pussy. He pushed the leg away from him, scooting in between the space, and when he was between her legs up to her groin he slid his penis inside her and pulled her leg back towards himself, holding it up. He was now in between her legs, her body rotated 90 degrees to his own allowing them to once more stimulate their erogenous zones in a new and refreshing way. His first thrust was again fantastic. His dick was pushing against the side of Trixie’s vaginal wall, rubbing against it with each push, eliciting new sensations for each of the conjoined lovers.

“Oh fuck yes, fuck me, fuck me hard yesss….”

Jack Pot was all too happy to fulfill her request. He gave his hips a mighty pump, stuffing her full of cock meat. She cried out unashamedly as she was given enough dick to fill her up tight. Then Jack pulled his hips back and slammed home again. He picked up the pace and got into a rhythm, pounding her pussy mercilessly and drawing yelp after groan after cry from her slack jaw. It felt so good that she didn’t really have a choice; she was going to make a lot of noise whether she wanted to or not. Her lewd noises and sounds of sexual fulfillment only spurred Jack on, in turn making her cry out louder and longer which fed back into him and encouraged him to fuck her even harder.

And he did, practically as hard as his muscles would allow. Trixie, quite remarkably, seemed to be able to take his furiously strong thrusts time and time again. After a while she was demanding them, in fact, and would not settle for any less than the hardest Celestia-damned thrust he could give her. She was insatiable!

“Yes, yes, yusss...ffffuck yeah, ohhh fuck yeeeeeees!”

Jack Pot was giving it his all. It was hard work but listening to her piercing cries of lewd pleasure were compensation, not to mention how awesome it felt to pretzel slam-fuck her hungry vagina. He was getting close again. This time, though, he was going to let it all out. He was going to give her womb every single millilitre of spunk his balls had brewed up just for it. And there were going to be many millilitres.

“Ghnf, hngh… this is iiit, T-trixie. Getting close, so so cloooose… nnn… gonna cum inside you, Trixie. Gonna cum inside you so fucking hard…. unfgh...”

Trixie wasn’t in a good position to aid his thrusts but she did what she could, shoving her hips forward and out towards his pumping dick. She was getting penetrated so deeply, so quickly, for so long, that she was beginning to see stars. She was, in basic terms, losing her mind in the most wonderful way. But she was still lucid enough to demand Jack’s load be dumped inside her right now.

“Fffucking give it to me, stud, give it to meee!”

And he did. The string finally snapped.
His body got to work quickly. It didn’t have a whole lot to do seeing how close he was to cumming. Very quickly, a fresh rope of hot, thick jizz was supplied to his throbbing dick to be pumped directly into Trixie’s waiting womb. It exited the tip of his dick in one long, wide spurt, and burrowed deep down into her insides, flooding her womb in a white tsunami.

“Fugh, fgh, ghhhh…!”

His body quivered, his toes curled, his hot breath steamed from his mouth as the next rope of spunk eagerly followed the first, coating her cervix and making her stomach rise. Then another, then several more.

“Aaaaaaaah, ahh!”

Trixie came again, clamping down on his cock and squeezing out another fat wad of jizz. They were locked in place, their bodies taking over to ensure insemination and impregnation. That really wouldn’t have been necessary as the sheer abundance of thick, creamy jism would have forced its way through regardless and impregnated Trixie many times over.

She continued to cum, and still her stomach rose, sloshing with his seed like a rapidly filling water balloon. At last, after a good thirty seconds of releasing ejaculate, his balls ran dry and the flow stopped. He pulled out and collapsed next to Trixie, sliding his leg out from between hers. He managed a horse laugh at the remarkable scene that had just unfolded and put his arm around her shoulders, which were still rising and falling from her fast breathing. She laughed breathily too; they were both pretty high on the strong waves of afterglow running rampant in their systems.

“That was pretty great, huh?”

Trixie giggled and sighed contentedly.

“Yeah. You could say that.”

She could feel the dregs of his huge load seeping from her aching pussy, gathering between her legs. Jack’s penis, and indeed his libido, seemed finally satiated. He was soft and he was going to be staying that way for a little while yet. That was fine with him after what he’d just been through.

“Wanna come back to my wagon, Jack? My show’s been moved back to tomorrow and it would be great to have your company. I’m sure I’d have a good night’s sleep with you next to me.”

He laughed and kissed her forehead.

“Sure. Let’s clean up and head over.”

Within half an hour, they were tidied up and had sat themselves down in Trixie’s wagon. She offered him tea which he gladly accepted; it was only late evening and he didn’t want to fall asleep when he could be chatting with his new lover. He took in his surroundings while she was at the other end boiling the water. The interior was cute: colourful, tidy, well-organised. He spied a picture frame on top of a chest of drawers. He picked it up and held it close. It showed a medium-brown mare with a very pretty face and pale gold hair. She looked familiar.

He recalled what Trixie had told her not long after they first met.

Wooed by a handsome stallion that she never saw again...

Had he? Yes, he had. He’d had sex with his daughter. Several times. That was terrible, awful, he should feel so ashamed.

So why was his dick getting so hard? It seemed his body had already made its mind up, as well as certain rather dominant parts of his brain. He’d gone this far, and quite frankly, he didn’t want to turn back now. Maybe it was best if she didn’t know, though. Not today, anyway.

He had been staring at the picture for some time, thinking. Trixie had noticed.

“You okay, Jack? What you got there?”

He snapped out of it and looked up.

“Your mother, I assume? She has some of your features.”

Trixie walked over and he handed the picture to her.

“Yep! You seemed pretty interested in her.”

“Oh, she just looks familiar, that’s all. I think I shared a drink with her in a bar a few years ago. Never caught her name.”

“Spectacle. Really? I think she would have liked you.”

Jack Pot gave a little nod.

“Would have been a lucky guy if it worked out. But hey, even luckier now I guess!”

He gave her a wink. She put the picture back down, blushing and smiling.

“Hey, me too. And, uh, things escalated pretty quickly back there but I’d… like to consider that a first date?”

Jack couldn’t help but laugh. He stood up and hugged her, giving her a peck on the cheek.

“Sure thing. I’m looking forward to many more dates.”

Trixie moaned into his mouth as they kissed.

Trixie moaned happily as she bounced on top of Jack’s hard dick. It still felt as good as the first time - that is, fantastic. She was now into the seventh month of her pregnancy and her large, round belly lazily flopped up and down as she sprang up and pushed down onto Jack. The belly wasn’t much of an obstacle to her insatiable libido, In fact, it was an extra bit of weight to bear down on that dick with and allow it to push even deeper into her.

“Nnngh yes, yes…”

She leaned forward, arms around the sides of his upper chest, positioning herself for deeper and fuller thrusts. The light caught on the golden hoop around her ring finger, she watched it twinkle as she rubbed herself against her fiance. Jack Pot had proposed to her earlier than afternoon; she had some idea of his intentions but the moment was still a pleasant surprise. She happily accepted. That evening, they decided to consummate the engagement and a few hours later, coated in sweat, they were still going.

“You feel so good, honey... so g-good… ngh…”

Just being around each other and in close proximity for a few minutes was often enough to get their juices flowing. Jack realised as her pregnancy developed that Trixie’s big, round belly only turned him on even more. When it was swaying up and down, side to side, during long periods of sexual intercourse? Even more.

She continued to slam her hips down on his dick repeatedly, her pace and resolve not faltering even after several minutes of hard fucking. It felt way too good to slow down, let alone stop.

“Getting close, babe, oh fuck, so close… need to cum so bad…”

Trixie bent her neck forward, kissing him with unabashed hunger as she continued to pump her hips up and down, up and down, and his hands made their way onto her bouncing butt. She’d gained a few pounds during the course of the pregnancy, her curves bearing the brunt of the extra heft. Her breasts had gained a cup size, and her hips, thighs and butt had all thickened nicely. All in all, a great fuck had been made even more great, which Jack found hard to believe at first.

“I know, love, I know you want to cum, you need to cum. And you’re g-guh, gonna do it inside me, okay? You’re gonnuhhhh, blow that load inside my fucking pussy, ngh!”

Her lewd encouragements, sexual cries, grunts and groans, combined with feeling the juicy flesh of her bountiful butt cheeks in his hands were all coming together to supplement the exquisite feeling of his cock buried deep inside her delicious pussy. It felt so, so good to fuck her. Too good to keep the load in his bubbling balls inside for another minute.

“Cuh, fuck, cumming! Nggghfuckkk!”

His balls tensed, his cock throbbed, and a might rope of spunk blasted inside and through her cervix, filling her up and adding to already-swollen belly. The next rope was so eager that its start was almost indiscernible from the end of the first. Its effect was the same though, squirting deep inside her and flushing her pussy with thick jizz.

He dumped load after load into her hungry vagina until he had no more left to give. The monumental physical effort of what Trixie had just managed finally caught up with her and she fell forward, her belly coming to rest against Jack’s and his dick still firmly wedged inside her.

“Fantastic… as always. You’re something special, Trixie.”

“You’re not so bad yourself, hot stuff.”

She gazed, smiling, at the ring on her finger, and reflected happily on the fact that she had many years with Jack Pot ahead of her.