50 Shades Of Red

by ScarlettBlade

First published

Wuten and Scarlett are left alone to finish an audio book of a story. One thing leads to another and the two ponies find themselves in an interesting situation.

Wuten and Scarlett are left alone to finish an audio book of a story. One thing leads to another and the two ponies find themselves in an interesting situation.

Contains Futa | Lots of liquids | Asphyxiation | Memes

Audio Reading Ft. Wuten & Luna Farrowe

Still A Decent Love Story

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50 Shades of Red

It was incredibly late in the Canterlot studio booth. Two narrators sat side by side, reading aloud to create an audiobook. Each word of the story felt like an added weight to their backs, as they powered through the rest of the long recording so they could escape the monotony of work. Their producer had left hours ago, reluctantly entrusting the pair to finish the project without her supervision.

To make matters worse, despite the time of night, the cool night air hadn’t managed to penetrate the booth; the two narrators, Scarlett and Wuten, were left sweating in their own self-made steam bath. The steam didn’t even come because of the story they were reading; rather, it was some upcoming author’s first take on a sex scene that turned out clumsy and poorly written. It was like a minefield of descriptors and prepositional phrases that required a careful dance to even sound coherent. The story’s other heinous crime, was that it was completely bland and unoriginal; plot points that the two had obviously read time and time again, just with different names and faces.

Their frustration only increased as the narration dragged on. The author seemed insistent that every moment of this fictional couple’s first time was documented in thorough detail. If the scene were real, Scarlett was sure it would have lasted only a minute or two. Three if they were adventurous. In audio format, however, it was another fifteen grueling minutes before the couple predictably climaxed at the same time, screaming each other’s names in breathless fashion. This only came after what felt like an exhausting classroom field trip museum tour through different sex poses, as the author tried to find their footing on this mountain of useless words.

“I love you so much,” Wuten read aloud as the fictional couple cuddled together before falling asleep.

“Love you too,” the words came out like a high school science project; rushed, exhausted, and barely passable.

“Ugh, come on, the audience isn’t going to believe it with that weak attempt at a closer.” Wuten groaned, the annoyance apparent in his baritone voice; they’d been at it for hours now, and either the heat of the room, or the quality of the story itself, was putting him a bit more on edge than usual.

Scarlett looked over to Wuten, stared right into his eyes, and with as much lust and passion as she could muster, repeated the line, “I love you too.”

Wuten looked somewhat shocked at first, initially believing those words were for him, before his mind snapped back to reality. “Much better. Welp, story’s finally done; what a drag that was…”

Scarlett let her head droop before leaning forward and laying on the desk. From under her mess of hair came a muffled voice. “Can we be done yet? I’m soooo tired.”

Wuten looked sympathetically down at his partner who was face down on the desk looking almost lifeless. Even her trademark bright blue scarf that matched her eyes seemed dull and lifeless hanging limply around her neck. “Mmmm, not quite; gotta record the moaning and other foley before we can call it good.”

A groan came from Scarlett, not unlike Wuten made when they were told how long the story would take to record.

“Heheh… That wasn’t exactly a moan, Scarlett,” Wuten chuckled, before flashing a mischievous grin. “Here, let me show you~”

Scarlett lifted her face off the desk finally, like a dead mare rising from the grave only to give Wuten a look of questioning. Wuten turned to face the mic and produced a decent sexual moan.

For a guy.

Scarlett wouldn’t tell him that though, and knew she could do better. “What was that weak shit? My moans are ten times better than yours.” Scarlett turned to face the mic, blushing slightly at the sudden lewdness of what she had just said. Nonetheless, her mind tried to think of something that would make her moan like a mare in proper heat. Her mind immediately spat out an image of the stallion sitting right next to her dicking her down hard on the ground. Out came a moan so real that even Scarlett herself was shocked.

Wuten was lucky his coat was a crimson red color, because the blush that formed on his cheeks from the sound escaping Scarlett’s lips betrayed the poor Italian stallion. He’d never have admitted it, but a third head joined the table from the little performance; unknown to Scarlett, who herself had grown slightly wet around her thighs. The pair sat there awkwardly for what felt like an eternity, but was in reality only a few seconds. Wuten’s alpha kicked back into his head; he wouldn’t take a loss that easy. He turned to the mic again and started moaning but something happened halfway through his attempt that turned his moan into a fit of laughter. In his focused state, Scarlett had gone for the cheap shot; not the crotch, mind you, but instead Wuten’s sides, where he was incredibly ticklish. “No! My... sides~!” Wuten shouted as he attempted to fight back as best he could, swinging his hooves in the general direction trying to block the incoming tickle assault. He only found success when he pushed Scarlett slightly to send her chair off balance.

In a totally calculated attempt to stop herself from falling over, Scarlett flailed her hooves. She managed just barely to fall back on all the stool’s feet before sending a shove in Wuten’s direction. Wuten weighed a bit more than Scarlett though, and so the shove barely lifted his stool. Scarlett knew she’d fucked up, and that playful, and almost predatory look in Wuten’s emerald green eyes answered all her questions about what was coming next.

“You’ve violated my sides, and sent them into orbit… now, pay the court a fine, or serve your sentence!” Wuten’s voice shifted, to one much more authoritative and direct. Scarlett just sat there, silent.

“THEN PAY WITH YOUR BLOOD!” Wuten leaned forward and pushed Scarlett back hard, this time leaving no chance to recover. At the apex of the stool’s dance before death, time froze for Scarlett as she realized there was no escape from her rendezvous with the booth floor. So instead, she would make sure Wuten would go down in flames with her. She aimed her flailing at Wuten’s still outstretched hooves and found purchase. Down she went, along with Wuten, a loud thud ringing out before being muffled by the soundproofing of the room.

Scarlett landed on her back, with Wuten landing directly over top, hooves placed on each side of her shoulders, looking down into her eyes. The room’s high-quality sound design muffled all outside noise, and allowed the two to hear each other’s heartbeats this close. They stayed in that position for a few seconds before a wicked idea dashed across Scarlett’s features. “What do you say to a wager. You and I obviously know where this is going. So, whoever climaxes first, loses for best moans.”

Wuten continued to stand over Scarlett, looking at her as if seriously thinking over his answer, when a prodding from below signaled that the animalistic part of his mind had already decided what the response was. Wuten looked down between Scarlett’s legs and saw a mixed bag of genitals. Scarlett had both a sheath and a vagina, along with an impossibly tiny plot hole. His vision flicked back up to Scarlett who now had a deep blush spreading across her muzzle. Her adorably small face was framed with the mess of hair that spilled across the floor. Wuten only had one response: “Isn’t that pretty gay though? You have a dick.”

Scarlett lost some of her excitement at Wuten’s concern, letting out a soft, frustrated sigh. “Ugh, it’s just a small femdick, it doesn’t bite. Plus, if you’re really that concerned about it, then I have two words that can solve all your issues.” Scarlett waited a few seconds to scan Wuten’s expressions for any sign of hesitation. Sadly, there was some small bit of him still restraining. “Fine,” Scarlett groaned; at least she always had her ultimate fall back weapon in times like this. “No homo.”

It was a simple phrase that sent a message that could shake the foundations of the goddess Celestia herself. And that last bit of restraint finally clocked out for the day. He leaned in and locked muzzles with Scarlett, the two sharing their frustrations from work in a passionate kiss. As they mashed muzzles, Scarlett felt something making itself known down south. Before she could react, Wuten was already pressing his flare against her entrance, ready to go. His length was rapidly expanding and served only to excite the pink mare even more. They finally broke the kiss, a strand of saliva making a tightrope between the two. Wuten gave a chuckle before leaning forward and parting through her folds.

Scarlett’s blush burned two-fold and a soft moan escaped her lips at the feeling of penetration. It was smooth and effortless thanks to their earlier back and forth. Her weird anatomy gave the pink mare an advantage, as she was tighter than most mares due to the space required for her femdick. Wuten was left with an incredible feeling as Scarlett’s softest insides firmly snuggled his meat pole. With the sudden spike in pleasure, a small femdick made itself known and slid out of its sheath to resting comfortably against Scarlett’s barrel.It wasn’t anywhere near the size of Wuten’s member, but began incessantly leaking lustful liquid.

Wuten continued to press forward, Scarlett’s walls hugging his shaft tightly as he explored further into her depths. The femdick that leaked pre didn’t bother him anymore; there was no homo in this situation. As Wuten hilted, the extra pleasure of him bumping against a wall deep inside of Scarlett let loose a moan and a thicker blob of pre, along with her already soaked mare hood. The amount of liquids leaking from Scarlett blew Wuten’s mind; no mare he’d been with had been this wet before. Then again, he didn’t really know if Scarlett was a mare. Nonetheless, the stallion began moving in and out of Scarlett like a piston, like a swinging hammer, like a lot of things that moved in and out quickly. Even the softest moan was captured throughout the soundproof room due to all the high-quality foam. Wuten continued jack hammering inside of Scarlett, only to realize his mistake. He was so enraptured that he forgot this was a competition.

And he was losing quickly.

In an attempt to get Scarlett to climax first, he decided to switch up positions. In one swift move, Wuten’s member left Scarlett’s hole empty and winking. Then, he flipped her around; Scarlett let out a yelp as she was surprised by the sudden amount of force the stallion above her was using. Her body was then flipped so her face was pressed into the carpet and her plot was high in the air, presenting for Wuten.

A moment later, she felt that heavy weight descend onto her back and the burning heat emanating from both Wuten and his member. Sweat and drool dripped from above and landed all over her as Scarlett saw only red dominating her vision. She could hear his pants of exertion, but more importantly his heartbeat beating so fiercely that it pierced the air. Scarlett was ready for the dicking of her life and she was leaking profusely at the idea of being pounded and bred like the mare-thing she was.

Except she wasn’t ready for what happened.

Something pressed against her hole, except it wasn’t her vagina this time. A flash of panic crossed her mind as she processed which hole Wuten was poised behind. Before she could voice any complaint, however, Wuten began pushing his shaft against her anus. It made no effort to budge. Wuten pushed harder, and the only reaction was Scarlett beginning to slide across the carpeted floor. The rugburn wasn’t anywhere near the forefront of Scarlett’s mind, though in the moment it didn’t exactly feel bad.

Her head contacted against the soft foam wall shortly after. The texture of the sound insulating foam pressing into Scarlett’s face reminded her of when the college hoofball team all ganged up on her, using their cleats that were still dirty from practice. Now with proper leverage, Wuten began pushing harder and harder.

“Stopstopstopstopstop. That’s not the right hooooole!” Her voice was ragged and filled with a fear that ignited something in Wuten. She was flapping her wings as if trying to liftoff and escape, so he pushed down harder and was rewarded with a very interesting scream or squeak from Scarlett as his tip finally began parting her anus. Every muscle inside Scarlett was clenched beyond anything she thought possible.

She was completely paralyzed in the moment. Her eyes were massive saucers, with tiny pinpricks for irises. Her mind was drawing a complete blank now, unable to even begin trying to think of anything.

More groans and grunts came from above as Wuten was persistent with his pushing. He was very slowly making way into a place so foreign and tight that it sent shooting stars across his vision.

His progress stopped, however, as he reached his thicker medial ring. Scarlett was half thankful for the pause, and half fearful of another intense feeling she was likely about to receive; there was no way she wasn’t bleeding inside from all the inevitable tearing. The only reason it wasn’t showing was because of the airtight lock she and Wuten had formed.

Scarlett’s vision began to waver as she realized she had been holding her breath for some time; her brain function luckily finally kicked in long enough to remember to breathe out and back in. The rush of air flowing back into her lungs gave her some vague sense of relief in this situation. Wuten noticed this, and took advantage of the timing; Scarlett exhalations would have relaxed her anus just enough for Wuten to give the last push he could. Scarlett was completely caught off guard as she was painfully shoved farther into the foam walls and Wuten’s member went the last impossible way inside of her.

A very high-pitched screech was all that came out as a response, the two were finally fully intertwined in a vice grip. The full contact sent a stream of liquid down Scarlett’s legs and a large burst of futa pre battered floor below. Scarlett’s wings were now painfully erect.

There was a silent communication to take a short break to catch their breaths from the intense sensations they were feeling. Scarlett’s breathing was ragged and irregular, as if her brain didn’t have enough power to process the massive slab of meat in her ass and how to breathe properly at the same time.

“Mother Celestia, you’re insanely tight. I don’t even know if I can thrust at all.” Wuten put this theory to the test by shifting his hips like he did when inside of her foal tunnel. Instead of his member gliding inside of her smoothly like before, the entirety of Scarlett’s core was tugged along showing no signs of movement. “Gah, fuck me, I’m about to blow any moment too.” Wuten could only hope Scarlett was close; he didn’t even know how a futa’s orgasm worked since she was already leaking copious amounts of liquids.

That last line caught Scarlett’s attention. Even if this was one of the most painful experiences in her life, she was at least going to come out on top as the victor. She gave a short, stifled chuckle, if you could call it that, as her face was firmly squished against the foam and she was still struggling to catch her breath. “That means I’ve got this in the bag then, haha… I’m not quite there yet~” she taunted, fighting through the pain to get a rise out of the stallion above her.

There was no way Wuten would let himself lose, but he could feel his explosion already making its way up his shaft. Luckily for him, it was coming far slower than usual due to the intense compression it was under. He would have to rename himself to diamond dick after this event. He frantically searched for some answer to his plea before he lost completely, eyes darting around the immediate area.

Then, he stopped. He saw something, and took a complete shot in the dark.

He pressed himself down onto Scarlett’s back, suddenly causing the wind to leave her lungs. He reached with his magic and put the end of her scarf into his mouth. Then, with one final grunt before his release, he yanked as hard as he could back and gave in.

To say the least, Scarlett was not expecting any of this. His weight had crushed the oxygen inside of her. Her head was then yanked back and the scarf around her throat tightened beyond belief. “Oh fuck,” was all she managed with her last gasping breath. The asphyxiation, sudden cutoff of oxygen, and burning heat entering her ass gave no quarter as the sensations overwhelmed her, and caused her to be rushed to her climax almost instantly.

Femcum came gushing from her small chub as well as her vagina. Scarlett looked down between her thighs to see she was painting her barrel and Wuten’s hind legs simultaneously with her essence only to catch a few strands across her muzzle and eye. Meanwhile, Wuten’s cock pumped sticky waves of cum inside of her. With nowhere to go, it distended her stomach and pushed her futacock’s aim against the walls and floor of the studio. Wuten’s spurts were long and slow as the cum struggled to make it through his shaft, causing him no small amount of pleasure.

Scarlett’s vision was going dark around the edges by the time Wuten finally finished. She was clawing at her neck with her hooves and flailing her wings trying to catch her breath, fearing she’d pass out. Wuten finally let go and Scarlett’s body limply fell to the ground as she took huge gulps of air.

The two remained locked together, finally able to breathe after the intense session they’d just shared. Wuten collapsed backwards off Scarlett, but didn’t go far as his dick was still rock hard and wedged firmly inside her plot hole. Scarlett’s limp body had no reaction; she was splayed on the floor completely almost completely unmoving.

“Holy shit… You’re still so tight that I literally can’t pull out.” Wuten was worried the emergency crew would have to come pry them free with the jaws of life. “Hey, Scarlett? ...You still in there, buddy?” he asked after a few moments of no response, save for the sound of their heavy breaths.

“One... Minute... I can barely breathe... Let alone relax...” Scarlett was finally given enough oxygen to function somewhat fully, and began relaxing as best she could. She was still slightly worried as her wings and hooves were not at all responding to her movements. But after a few seconds of effort, she was rewarded with a couple of twitches and small movements. She must have been straining her muscles so hard that they had given up for the rest of the night. “Jeez, you fucked me so hard that it looks like I literally can’t move. Looks like another night on the floor, except usually it’s the sweet kiss of alcohol that fucks me.”

It was another few minutes before Wuten’s erection could finally slide out of Scarlett’s anus. As he did, a torrent of fluids spilled from her depths and puddled on the floor. Some of it white, some of it red. Wuten tried to get back up, but his hooves wobbled before also giving out under him, a solid thud briefly sounding in the room as his back hit the floor. “Looks like I’m in the same boat.”

Wuten heard no response for a few seconds and looked over to find Scarlett completely unmoving. His mind flashed with panic for a second. She looked dead, her tongue hung out of her mouth, eyes only partway closed, and her barrel wasn’t moving either. Wuten thought about their producer walking in, seeing that Wuten committed murder by sex purely because he didn’t want to lose a bet. A bet, which, they’d probably tied, all things considered.

Then, there was a soft snore, and Scarlett’s barrel rose and fell. Her mind must have shut down and sent her to sleep. The last thought on Wuten’s mind before sleep took him too was that he was glad he hadn’t dicked Scarlett to death.

Scarlett’s eyes slowly opened, and her vision was welcomed by the familiar dark setting of the studio room. Except this time, she was outside the booth on the couch behind where the producer sat. Scarlett continued her scan of the familiar room to find Wuten pasta the fuck out on the other side of the couch. Her vision adjusted and she finally noticed her producer sitting in the chair, working on what was most likely the audio play they worked on last ni…

The events of last night came flooding back and her cheeks immediately burned red knowing that somepony had found them and moved them to where they were now. She swallowed a lump in her throat that turned to out to be audible than she had thought. Her producer swiveled in the chair to look right at her with a deadpan expression.

“Well. Well. Well. Look who’s awake.” Scarlett still sizzled in her embarrassment before her producer continued.

“I was worried about what happened after I left you two alone to finish the audio book. It looks like everything was in good hooves though. The lines turned out great!” Her expression slowly morphed from one of genuine care that eased Scarlett to a sly smile that worried the pink mare. “Especially the ending bit with all the moaning.”

At those words, Scarlett’s face seemed to challenge the surface of the sun and she felt some arousal making itself known when thinking about the events of the night before. She wanted to get up and flee the room but every part of her ached beyond belief.

“It sounded so real, almost like you two...” she leaned forward, “actually had sex.”

Now her producer sat there silently demanding an explanation or any response whatsoever. Scarlett still sat there burning alive in her own embarrassment and arousal of being caught. A lone bead of sweat dripped down her forehead as she finally formulated her clever reply to salvage this situation. “We were just into the story I guess.”

“Oh, that’s weird, because in the recordings that are being cut out I remember you two mentioning how much of a drag the story is.” She glanced over at Wuten who was sleeping still. “And to be honest, it was.” Scarlett finally started relaxing, seeing the expression on her producer’s face change to one of sympathy.

That didn’t last.

“There are a few more unanswered questions though.” She returned her look to Scarlett’s, whose eyes wanted to be anywhere but looking at her producer. “When I found you guys, you were all splayed out on the ground, and there was a massive head shaped indentation on the foam wall.” She eyed Scarlett waiting for her response.

Scarlett considered her words carefully, her producer didn’t seem entirely mad, more so curious about what happened. “I fell asleep on the stool and fell off.” Not even Scarlett herself was convinced of that response.

Her producer raised an eyebrow, tapping her hooves together. “Very interesting how you fell asleep on a stool. Managed to fall down and move a full ponies distance to the wall.”

Scarlett thought of something quick. “I must have rolled in my sleep.”

A deep sigh came from her producer before she continued. “As interesting as it is that you did that, I have a more pressing matter I’m curious about. When I stumbled in, the room reeked of sex and the carpet on a part of the floor was completely soaked and super sticky.”

Whatever confidence Scarlett had in her answers instantly vaporized and her blush returned two-fold. She began murmuring a response but was cut off.

“On top of that, you were also completely soaked and sticky.” She moved a step closer to Scarlett. “The wall where the indentation was also soaked with the same liquid.” Another step. “And most interesting of all, there was a massive puddle of liquid under your plot hole that took a very long time to remove.” Scarlett just sat there through the increasingly embarrassing grilling session she was receiving. Her ears were splayed back and she was cowering under her superior.

“I’ll ask again, what exactly happened.”

There was a long pause as Scarlett’s brain formulated and put together all these mismatched puzzle pieces she had constructed to fit her narrative and save her ass. The only piece she could find that would finish this puzzle of lies was incredibly embarrassing. She would just have to go for broke.

“I had a wet dream.”

Her producer just stood there. She wasn’t mad at Scarlett or Wuten. She’d had to spend the first few hours at work cleaning up after the two shagged it hard in the booth only to get to work only to have to listen to just what the hell happened in perfect audio detail after she left. She did enjoy the reaction she was getting out of grilling Scarlett though.

She was mostly mad she hadn’t stuck around to get in on the action. But it was clear Scarlett wasn’t going to hoof over any saucy details she really wanted to know. Her hard-questioning expression melted into a professional deadpan as she decided to grill Wuten about it when he woke up.

She looked back at Scarlett. “Whatever, forget I asked then.”

She turned her gaze to the still snoozing Wuten. “I’ll just have to grill him harder.”