Spike's Brood

by EqueTitan

First published

The Dragon population wiped out from an attack by deadly creatures and Spike (chosen by Dragon Lord Ember) is the one that can help save their species

Several years after a deadly threat known as the Viperichonyc a deadly enemy of Dragon kind lead by King Serpinataur who had planned to wipe out all of the Dragons and any other creatures that stood in his way. Thwarted by Spike who had drank a potion called Ryujin venom to become a full grown rare breed of Dragon known as a Stratadon to fend them off for good but at a price Spike was permanently changed and had to leave. Rarity who had missed him greatly wanted to tell him how she felt (with Starlight Glimmer and Trixie’s support of course) and goes to the Dragon lands to make the Biggest change of her life.

What are Stratadons and Viperichonyc

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What is a Stratadon?

Stratadons are a rare and powerful breed of Dragon. Just as the Alicorns are at the Apex of pony kind, the Stratadons are the Apex of Dragon kind. Dubbed, as the Kings of the Dragons Stratadons are the largest type of Dragons known in Equestria, even to the point of being worshiped as Gods in old societies even long before the Royal sisters were in power.

Physical Appearance/Sexual dimorphism
Stratadons are very large Dragons twice the size of the average full-grown Equestrian Dragons. The Males of the species have an extremely muscular build to them, Their Scales are a Dark Lavender color with Emerald Green Spines down from their heads to their back and tails, Large powerful fore arms with four sharp claws, powerful back legs, Long thick tails and four Massive Wings. The Males also have a set of tusks outside their slightly long snout like mouths, which have rows of sharp teeth inside.

The Females are vastly different in build. While very muscular in build (though not as much as the males) The Females store Fat in some areas on their bodies mainly around the tail, thighs, some fat around the stomach, and the Chest area giving them a “Buxom” and or “Curvy” appearance to them. The Females also have different color scales while the Males only have the one uniform color; the Females snouts are much shorter. Another trait among Female Stratadons is that 80% to 90% of them are born with no wings though hybrids (like Ember) have only one pair on rare occasions.

Like all dragons, Stratadons can emit a powerful blast of fire from their jaws. Other attributes that they have are heighten sinses of smell, and acute hearing. They are also physically strong with the ability to split a small mountain in half with their claws.

Much like Most Dragons Stratadons take a liking to eating Gems they are mainly omnivorous feeding on fish, plants, Hydras and Rocs and on some occasion’s ponies. Due to their ravenous appetites, most creatures tend to stay out of sight of them to avoid being the Stratadons next meal.

Social life/Sexual Reproduction
Despite their brutish size, power and appearance The Stratadons are very social Dragons. Much like the African Lion, male Stratadons tend to be surround themselves with a group of Females (Stratadon or otherwise). It has been rumored that the male Stratadons are the most “Endowed” of any Dragon or of any creature of Equestrian history all together. Males are rumored for also possessing two genitalia to ensure breeding. When getting ready to mate Females will usually lift their tails up slightly and will perform a wiggling motion with their hips to get the males aroused. Males can have up to three to four mates and females can lay over one hundred eggs at a time.

What are Viperichonyc?

Their names come from the words Viperidae (Viper family) and Onychonycteris (ancient species of bat). The Viperichonyc are the deadly enemy of all dragons. These monsters go out of their way to try killing Dragons and feed on their eggs.

Physical Appearance/Sexual dimorphism
The Viperichonyc have a serpentine body with large Bat like wings and legs. The Viperichonyc have Bat like facial features and ears. Their bodies covered in black matted fur, a tan scaly underbelly and have hook like claws on their wings and feet that can slice through dragon’s skin (though Stratadon scales are far tougher). The Viperichonyc also poses a pair of lethal fangs in their maws along with a row of hook like teeth. While the females large and deadly it's actually the male who is easliy twice the size and the most dominate of them all.

Viperichonyc use their serpentine bodies to constrict they're prey like the normal Python. They also don a pair of lethal fangs in their maws along that house an extremely potent venom that could make even the biggest prey woozy along with a row of hook like teeth. The Bat like wings around their arms and legs enable flight. At the ends of their limbs they have hook like talons which are used for cutting up prey, these talons can also cut through a dragon’s tough hide (though Stratadon scales are far tougher).


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Equestria was home to many of Mythical Creature. But the one prominent species that inhabits this magic land are the ponies be they Pegasi, Unicorn, Earth Pony or even the majestic Alicorn. But in Ponyville there was one inhabitant that was not a pony at all but a Dragon with Lavender scales that covered his body with bright green spines down his back, Spike was the Dragons name and he was given to the Alicorn Twilight Sparkle as a gift from her mentor Princess Celestia. Spike had been helpful to her as well as many others in Ponyville. But one day everything would have changed. A group of creatures called Viperichonyc lead by their alpha King Serpinataur had appeared and had attack the Dragon Lands and manage to make their way to Ponyville.

The Viperichonyc had even bested the Mane 6, Equestrias elite guard, even the princesses were no match for them. However Dragon Lord Ember had shared that the only thing that could defeat The Viperichonyc is a Stratadon and Spike was the last remaining one. Spike had felt overwhelmed by all of this at first but he wanted to do whatever he can to help his friends protect their homes. Ember with the help of Discord, The Princesses, Starlight Glimmer, and the Mane 6 then find a lost Dragon based elixir called Ryujin Venom which is used to help small Dragons get a huge boost in size. But it would come at a Price once Spike drinks the Ryujin Venom he will not be able to go back to normal for his transformation will be permanent one.

Twilight and the others didn't want him to do this. But Spike insisted. Spike had then down the elixir. Just as Spike had finished it, his Transformation had immediately began. He was growing taller and more muscular. The feel of his body growing more and more was an unbearable pain to him his bones and muscles had cracked and stretched. His wings had stretched outward increasing in length. Out from his back sprouted and extra pair of wings. Spike's back fins had become more prominent and blade like. Two tusks had then appeared at the side of his mouth, and his snout had become longer. His body had then proceed to grow larger and larger to accommodate an Adult Dragon physique, gaining muscle in the process. His once small flabby arms swelled into Large powerful fore arms with four sharp claws, along with a powerful back legs, and a long thick tail. Spike's neck had lengthen slightly and became more muscular, his small ear like fins were much larger and pronounced. And finally his once Light mulberry scales change into a dark Lavender color, and his Moderate harlequin spikes had turned emerald green.

The Growth had finally stopped, everyone could only look on in amazement at their friend as Spike was no longer the small pudgy cute little Dragon that was once Princess Twilight's assistant. He was now a full grown Dragon among Dragons. Spike was now a Stratadon.

Just as The Viperichonyc and King Serpinataur arrive Spike then roars a challenge to the oncoming horde. Spreading his four wings and standing up on his legs, Spike's body then emits a luminescent green glow around his body. As the Viperichonyc flock got closer, Spike then lets lose a powerful stream of fire which looked to be made up of magnesium. The blast had then taken out a good majority of the Viperichonyc while the others had proceed to try and bite and claw at Spike. But it was for not as Spike had manage to tear each one of them asunder with his claws and teeth, ripping them apart. Just as The Viperichonyc were all about to give up, Their king had stepped forward. King Serpinataur hissed at Spike while Spike had answered back with a loud devastating roar.

The two beast had then charged at each other. Both monstrous creatures proceeded to claw and bite at one another. the fight had continued on until finally Spike had then got in a well placed bite on King Serpinataur's neck. Spike's powerful jaws then crush the alpha Viperichonyc's throat killing him once and for all. Spike then kicked his opponents body to see if he'll get up again; but it remained lifeless. Spike had thrown his head back and roared in victory.

The battle was over and the threat was gone. But there no cheers nor celebrations as everypony knew that Spike couldn't be change back to his old self. Given his now tremendous size Spike knew that he had to leave Ponyville for good and with a sad heavy heart Spike then leaves his friends. As Spike bid them fair well Everypony even Discord (though he tried to hide it) was in tears. King Serpinataur and his Viperichonyc were gone but it was a hollow victory. As Spike left one Unicorn Mare looked on with tears in her eyes. "Goodbye Spikey" she said.