Nature's Tears

by Sympio

First published

Mane Six gets into a fight, and Fluttershy goes missing. They need to come together to save her, and beat the newest and hardest enemy they had to face yet.

The mane 6 gets into a fight. But then, Fluttershy goes missing. Where is she? What happened to her? What's wrong with Rainbow Dash? Will their friendship be strong enough to survive this mess? A new pony shows up and everything goes downhill. This would be the hardest enemy they had yet, especially since the elements of Harmony are no longer in harmony.

Only had 5 main characters, (with tags) but Pinkie Pie is in it as well.


1 - A Childish Pony

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It was a really hot day. It was 2 PM, and Fluttershy was feeding her dear bunny Angel. The birds were singing, and the flowers were blooming.

Fluttershy sighed after Angel rejected the carrot for the fifth time. ''How ironic. You're a bunny, but you don't like carrots. Please take five bites?'' She asked politely.

Angel shook his head violently. Fluttershy frowned. She walked back inside and took a candy out of the jar. She then walked back. ''You'll get this candy if you eat the carrot!''

Angel quickly snatched the candy out of 'Shy's hoove and eats it.

'Shy frowns. ''B-But it's for after!'' The pink-haired pony kind of shouted.

Angel stuck his tongue out and hopped away.

Fluttershy sighs and looks at the sky. It was a beautiful blue color, without clouds. She saw that Dash was removing the clouds from the sky. She suddenly glared at the blue pony and huffed, then went inside.

She was still mad at Dash. But everyone from the mane six hated each other. It was six weeks ago, when they got into a fight.

Twilight was annoyed by Pinkie's.... Personality. AJ then came to Pinkie's defence and said that Twilight was acting weird. Fluttershy wanted them to stop fighting, but everyone said she had to keep out of it. Even if she wanted to stop the fight, she was too shy. The yellow-colored pony was really hurt by that.

Then there was Rainbow. She said that everyone was acting weird, and then started talking about her own skills, saying how 'she could lead the team'. But everyone got annoyed by that.

Rarity said she was annoying, talking about herself like that. She called Dash a narcist. Fluttershy then backed away and ran. Ran as fast as she could to her house. She heard her ex-friends call her lame, that she'd ran away from the fight.

She didn't know why they were arguing, but that's how it all started.

She was really mad at her friends. She used to think of the fight when she always was going to sleep. She cried herself to sleep, wishing that she could prevent it from happening.

But she didn't think of all the hurtful things they'd say to her. Once she did that, she didn't think about it anymore.

She had made a new friend. Her name was Twinkleshine. She was very kind. She had pink hair in the same color as hers, but a beige skin. Her cutie mark are three blue stars.

She is really nice, but she lives all the way in Canterlot. Fluttershy barely sees her. But always when she goes to Canterlot, she makes sure to visit her friend.

It's been two days since she last saw Twinkleshine. She thought It'd be nice to visit her tomorrow again.

- Rainbow's POV -

The rainbow-haired pony wiped all the clouds from the sky, much to her satisfaction. ''How'd you like that, Spitfire?'' The pony shouted.

''Good work, for a beginner...'' Spitfire said, but whispered the last part, but just that loud that Dash still heard her.

''Tch. And how long are you planning on calling me a beginner? I've done this for like, what, 4 months now?!'' Dash shouted.

''Yeah, so what? Just to remember you, you did it for 2-and-a-half-months, but then there was something the mane six had to do! And now, six weeks ago, you came back all beaten up. Speaking about that, you'd tell the reason why later, yet you still didn't. And just so you know, we're doing this almost our whole lives!'' Spitfire spat back.

Dash rolled her eyes. ''Whatevs, do I get the day off now?'' Dash asked.

''You can go home, but then you have to start early this whole week!'' The pony said.

''Sure, it's not like I have anything to do tomorrow!'' Dash shouted, and left the pony by herself.

Rainbow flew over Ponyville. She was going to the Crystal Empire, she bought a house there. On her way there, she saw Pinkie Pie skipping on the street, Maud Pie next to her. Dash closed her eyes and slowly looked forward again.

''Stupid ponies...'' She muttered to herself.

''LOOK OUUUUT!!'' A voice yelled.

Dash had panick written all over her face. A pegasus was going to crash into her! She had no time to react, so she crashed into Dash, and they both fell.

''I'm sorry! I'm so clumsy!'' The pony said and closed her eyes while holding onto Rainbow.

''Let go of me! I can't fly like this! You can fly as well!'' Dash commented.

''Oh, right... Sorry, I kinda forgot...'' The pony said, and let go of Dash, who spread her wings. However, it looked like the pony forgot how to fly, and so she crashed onto the ground. Rainbow scratched her ear and went to check on the pony.

She landed on the ground and inspected the pony. She had a mint green skin, and salmon-colored hair, with a giant red bow in her hair. Her cutie mark was a blue rose, and her eyes were sea blue.

''Are you alright?'' Dash asked the pony, who frowned.

She burst out in tears. ''Noooo, it hurts!!'' She cried out, and showed her wing. It looked broken.

''We should get you to a hospital, that needs to be checked. Say, what's your name?'' Rainbow asked the child-like pony and helped her up.

''My name's Shell! And I don't want to go to a hospital, I don't like those... I don't need to go to a hospital anyway, I always wait until my wounds are healed. So, what's your name?''

''I'm Rainbow Dash! And, are you sure? Bones don't fix themself...'' Dash muttered.

''Yes I'm sure. Are you okay with me calling you Dashie?'' Shell asked happily.

''Y-'' Dash was about to answer, but just then he remembered Pinkie and AJ saying hateful things to her and beating her up.


Shell's eyes suddenly got smaller and she suddenly looked terrified. Dash was questioning herself why, but then she noticed herself. Her wings were out, as showing Shell she was very powerful. She was staring down at Shell.

Rainbow looked guilty, and helped Shell up. ''I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you..'' Rainbow said.

''I-It's fine, hey, where do you live? Here in Ponyville?'' Shell asked out of curiosity.

''No, in the Crystal Empire! Why'd you ask?'' Rainbow asked.

''Crystal Empire?! Wow! I live there as well! Shall we go together? And I just wanted to know, teehee. Anyway, wanna be friends?'' The salmon-haired pony asked.

''Yeah sure!'' Rainbow answered on both questions.

- The Next Morning -

Rainbow stood up at 6 AM, since she had to be early today. It was almost dawn, so she had to hurry up. It had to be sunny today in Ponyville, rainy in Apple Acress, and cloudy in Canterlot.

She stood up, made herself ready, ate some breakfast and headed out to the Wonderbolts.

She flew past Shell's house, and stopped. ''Maybe I should take her with me...'' Dash thought to herself for another two minutes before knocking on the door. It then creaked open.

''H-Hello? Anypony home?'' Dash asked, and peeked inside, only to be greeted by a white pony with black hair and gray eyes.

''Yeah, I'm home... What is it you need? And what is the reason you need to break into MY house?!'' The pony shouted.

''I-I'm sorry! Hey, is Shell home?'' Dash asked, changing the subject.

''Shell? No, she went to go to Ponyville, to go to the Sugarcube corner to get a cake or something, I didn't quite get it. Anyway, what is your business with my sister?'' The pony asked.

''You're her brother?! Ahum- I thought I'd ask her to come with me to the Wonderbolts, but guess not. See ya, uhmm...'' She said, hinting for him to say his name.

''It's Travis. Could you knock, next time please?'' The pony asked.

''I did, but the door just opened! Ugh, whatever! I can't be late today! See ya!'' Dash said, and didn't wait for a reply.

- Fluttershy -

It was another beautiful morning, only this time Fluttershy awakened because of a knocking on her door. ''Who could it be, around this time?'' Fluttershy questioned, as she got out of her bed and walked to the door.

She looked through the window of the door before unlocking it and opening the door, only to be greeted by her good friend.


Fluttershy yawned. ''Discord? What are you doing here, around this time?'' Fluttershy asked softly, careful not to wake any of her animals.

''Around this time? But it's already 6:02 AM! I thought this was the perfect time to come over, actually,'' Discord answered and just walked into the room.

''Yeah, every minute of the day is perfect for you. You're chaotic, after all...'' 'Shy muttered and closed the door.

''So, what brings you here?'' Fluttershy asked her friend.

''Well, Shutterfly, I came to ask if you wanted to hang out today?'' Discord asked.

''It's Fluttershy. And yes, of course! What did you have in mind?'' 'Shy asked, while walking to the kitchen.

''Maybe go to the Everfree Forest or something?'' The spirit of chaos suggested while shrugging.

''Yeah, a perfect idea. I'll go and make myself ready after I made breakfast, give me a second, alright?'' It was more of a statement then a question, so Discord decided not to answer it.

Discord walked over to a table in the far corner of Fluttershy's cottage and looked at a certain picture. It was the mane six, before they were fighting. They all looked really happy on the picture.

Twilight was smiling brightly with a book in her hoove that she wanted to hide, but failed. Applejack was grinning at the camera, while Rarity was leaning against the orange-colored pony. Then there were Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Dash hugged Fluttershy, while the pink-haired pony just blushed at the contact. And Pinkie Pie, had her eyes closed while hugging all of her friends at once.

Discord sighed, when he saw that the picture had a giant cross through it. Luckily, the picture was framed, so the cross was actually on the glass, not on the picture itself.

The spirit knew this picture meant a lot to Fluttershy, she just wouldn't admit it. 'Shy isn't lazy, so if she really hated the mane six, she'd get the picture out of the frame, then put a cross on it, and throw it into the trashcan. But she didn't do that.

''Still fighting with the mane six?'' Discord asked, and Fluttershy nodded sadly.

- Twilight -

''TWILIGHT! WAKE UP! I GOT A MESSAGE FROM PRINCESS LUNA!'' Spike yelled at her purple pony friend.

''Shut up, Spike... It's like, 4 in the morning uuuuughhh...'' Twilight said, and turned away from Spike, who rolled his eyes.

''You had a meeting today with the princesses, right?'' Spike said, coming up with a new plan to fully awake the friendship princess.

''Huh, I don't know.. Have I?'' Twilight asked and yawned.

''Yes you have, around... 9 AM. And guess how late it is? It's 8:58 AM. You only have 2 minutes before the meeting starts,'' Spike said while smirking.

Twilight shot up and hurried out of bed. ''OH NO OH NO OH NO! I'M GONNA BE LATE!'' Twilight yelled and tried to find her crown.

''SPIKE, PREPARE BREAKFAST!'' Twilight said, throwing away some books to find the crown. The books landed behind her, and Spike had to do his best to dodge all of the books.

''Twilight I-'' Spike began, but the princess cut him off.

''Just go and do it, NOW!'' The pony commanded, and Spike nodded while sneaking out of the room, for no reason.

''I was just kidding...'' Spike muttered, and started to chuckle. He then walked downstairs and prepared some breakfast, just taking his time. He then started to whistle.

Not even 10 seconds later, Twilight ran downstairs and ran into the kitchen, Spike never stopping with whistling.

''HURRY, SPIKE! I'M ALREADY A MINUTE LATE!'' Twilight said, and then snatched the bread off of the plate, shoving it into her mouth and running out of the door.

''Uh-oh. I'm so in trouble...'' Spike muttered and then laughed.


2 - Fluttershy's Wish

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In a way, Discord was happy that Fluttershy wasn't friends with the Mane six anymore. But it also saddened him. He didn't like to see his friend sad. She might not know it herself, but, Discord saw it in her eyes. She's hurting. Deep, deep inside. Only she didn't realize it, because she was with Discord all the time.

''So, Discord, what do you want to do, once we've reached the Everfree forest?'' Fluttershy asked kindly.

''Well, we could play hide 'n seek, or... Play tag! We could also study the plants or or-'' He said, but 'Shy cut him off.

''We could also go to the magic pond, remember? It's really beautiful, and also a bit mysterious...'' Fluttershy said and smiled.

''That could...'' Discord answered, agreeing with the pink-haired pony's idea.

- Twilight -

''Crap! I'm soooooo late!'' Twilight yelled, and she then saw a certain pony, just a little too late. She bumped into the pony with the salmon hair, who was holding a big cake.

''WAH!'' The pony shouted, and fell on the ground, the cake landing on top of her. She sat up, covered in the cake.

Twilight stood up. ''Sorry sorry sorry! I'm in a hurry!'' Twilight said quickly, and was about to leave, but the pony grabbed the princess' hoove.

''It's okay, princess. I'll just buy a new one. It was a present, for my brother. His birthday is in a week, you see,'' the pony said, and smiled at Twilight.

''Birthday?'' Twilight repeated.

''Yes! But, I'll need to go, there are still a lot of preparations, and since you were in a hurry too...'' She said in a mysterious tone before walking back to the Sugarcube Corner.

''No! No! No! Wait, I'll pay for the cake!'' Twilight said, slowly regretting her decision. She was still in a hurry, after all.

''Oh, really?! You're so kind! I'm Shell, pleasure to meet you!'' The mysterious tone got replaced by a cheery one, which Twilight reminded of Pinkie.

''Twiiiiilight!'' The purple pony heard.

It was her loyal dragon, Spike. He was running as fast as he could to the alicorn. Once he was right in front of the duo, he caught his breath before talking.

Twilight looked confused, and Shell just stared at him blankly.

''It was...'' Spike began, still trying to catch his breath.

Twilight shrugged and looked at Shell, who looked back at the princess as result.

''It was just a joke, Twilight!'' Spike said in one breath.

Twilight gasped and Shell looked confused. ''A joke?'' She repeated, sighing in relief.

''Yeah! To get you out of your bed!'' Spike continued.

''Uhm...'' Shell mumbled, feeling out of place.

''Sorry, sorry! Let's get you a new cake!'' Twilight yelled happily and stressed.

- Rainbow -

Rainbow arrived at Canterlot first, and remembered what Spitfire said what kind of weather they needed to have. She then got to work.

After a while, she was finally done. She then came across Soarin. ''Hey Soarin! What are you doing here?'' Dash asked her fellow Wonderbolt.

''Well, I needed to do the weather for Cloudsdale and Los Pegasus, but I'm already finished,'' He answered and shrugged.

''Oh, great! So, now that you're here, do you want to help me?'' Dash asked.

''Sure thing, are you in a hurry?'' He asked.

Dash knew that if she'd say no, he wouldn't help her. So she had to come up with something, and fast!

''Yes. I have an appointment with Zecora in the Everfree Forest in 20 minutes, and I still need to wipe all of the clouds from Ponyville!'' Rainbow said.

''20 Minutes?! I'll take it over here, you can rush to Ponyville. Goodluck, Dash,'' He said, and Rainbow flew off in high speed no one could match.

She was the fastest after all..

- Twilight -

''Hello! How can I help you?'' A sweet voice sounded.

''Mrs. Cupcake! How long has it been since I last was here?'' Twilight said, and ran towards her happily.

''Oh, Twilight, dear! Welcome to our shop! Is there something you want to buy here?'' The lady asked the princess.

''Yes. I actually ran into Shell, and the cake she just bought fell on the ground,'' Twilight said sadly.

''Oh. That's no problem, I'll bake and make a new cake! It costs 2 days, though,'' 'Cupcake said.

''That's okay, I'll wait that long! So, how much bits do I need to pay?'' Shell asked.

''None, since it was an accident. Please come back in 2 days, it'll be ready by then,'' Cupcake said and left.

''Alright, bye!'' Twilight said and left the shop.

''Thanks Twilight! I'll be off now!'' Shell said, and left in a hurry, getting a paper out of her bow.

Twilight looks at her confused. ''H-Huh? What's that paper? It looks like... Huh...'' Twilight said.

''Something wrong, Twilight?'' Spike asked.

''No, it's nothing,'' Twilight said with a fake smile.

- Fluttershy -

Once they were at the pond, Fluttershy sat down and played with the water for a bit. ''It's as beautiful as I can remember...'' She muttered to herself.

''I'll be right back, I gotta get us something to eat, I'm hungry!'' Discord said, and left Fluttershy alone for a while.

'Shy sighed. ''I wish...'' She started, the water starting to glow, but the pink-haired pony didn't notice.

''I wish the Mane Six could come together... Even if it was for just one more time...'' She said, looking at the sky.

Behind some trees, a pony was looking at her. She had a horn, and wings. An alicorn.

Little did she know, after the pony would interact with 'Shy, her wish would come true. This would be the cause of the friends to come together again...

3 - The Truth Hurts

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Fluttershy was sadly humming a melody she sang when she wanted Angel to sleep, but then a bit more depressive.

She looked at her reflection in the water. Thanks to the slow and tiny waves in the water, her expression from her reflection looked more sad than 'Shy's actual expression. Fluttershy sighed.

''I wish for us to come together once more. It doesn't matter how horrible I need to suffer, if I just... Could bring us all together for some reason... B-But I don't know how... And my wish is stupid... It'll never happen!'' She said to herself, ignoring the final fight and thinking about the memories they made together.

''Even if they called me stupid, or too shy...'' She said, some tears building up in the corner of her eyes.

''I know that deep inside...'' She continued, the tears rolling down her cheek.

''We still care about each other.... Right?'' She finished, questioning her statement, tears falling into the pond.

Then, a pony stepped from the shadows into the light, making soft noises. Fluttershy turned around, scared. Her eyes were wide, and she stood up.

''H-Hey! Chill out! I don't mean any harm! I'm here because I'm looking for Zecora, I heard she lives here. I'm looking for her...'' The pony said with a soft and sweet smile.

Fluttershy started to look at the body of the pony. Something felt off. ''Okay. But then why sneak up on me?'' Shy asked scared, yet felt really brave.

''I didn't!'' The pony snapped.

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow in suspicion. ''Then why snap at me?'' She asked suspicous, yet timid.

''Dunno,'' the pony said, and shrugged.

''So, Zecora?'' Fluttershy repeated, changing the subject.

''Yes,'' the pony simply answered.

''Follow me, I'll bring you I guess... Also...'' The pink-haired pony started.

This time, it was the pony's turn to raise an eyebrow, only this time in confusion. ''Did you hear my wish?'' She asked shyly.


Fluttershy frowned and looked at the ground. ''Oh...'' She simply answered, and turned around.

''Mind not telling anyone about it?'' Shy asked kindly, facing the pony.

''Sure thing, only if you lead me to Zecora though,'' the pony said.

Fluttershy nodded and lead the way to Zecora's house.

- Applejack -

''Granny, ah got some ol' apples. They look expired,'' Applejack said.

"Oh?" Granny said, looking at the apple.

''This is a rare poizonous appl', applejack! Wanna tell me to tell the story to ya?'' Granny asked.

''Sure, ah guess...'' Applejack answered, not really interested.

''Got this book righ' here! Gimme a second!'' Granny said, and ran off as fast as she was able to.

''Here!'' Granny said, pushing the book into Applejack's hooves, and then ran off, leaving a confused Applejack with the book about a mysterious apple she didn't really care about.

Applejack decided to go to a hill, with orange apple trees. It was a place where not really anypony came. She sat against a tree and started reading her book.

''Chapter 1...'' She said to herself, and read the first page of the book.

- Twilight -

Two hours later, Twilight got a message of Celestia, asking if Twilight could come to her ASAP. Twilight said goodbye to Spike and flew all the way to Canterlot.

When she arrived, she walked to the castle, and got welcomed by all of the guards.

''Welcome, princess Twilight.''

''Good evening, princess.''

And with every greeting, she greeted them back with a 'thanks' or 'you too!' She had to, being the princess of friendship and all...

''Hello, Twilight,'' Celestia said once the doors of the throne room opened, and revealed a small purple pony.

Luna and Cadance sat next to Celestia, letting Twilight know this was an important manner. ''Good evening, Twilight. It's good you could make it on such short notice,'' Cadance said.

''It's alright, my pleasure,'' Twilight said with a smile.

''You still didn't make up yet with your old friends Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie?'' Luna asked.

Twilight's smile faltered. ''No.. I didn't, why?'' She asked shyly.

''That's not good, especially in the situation we're in...'' Cadance said, earning sad nods from the other two main princesses.

''Huh?'' The princess of friendship asked.

''We have noticed a strange presence. It feels... Evil. And familiar... But I can't put my finger on it. We wanted you and the other holders of the elements of Harmony to keep an eye out and bring it here,'' Celestia stated.

''I see...'' Twilight answered sadly.

''I can try and make up with them but... I doubt they want to be friends after the whole... Incident,'' Twilight said.

Celestia glared at Twilight. ''I thought it was only a single argument? Are you hiding something from me?''

Twilight turned away from them. She stared at the ground for a minute, none of the princesses speaking. The three main princesses were looking at Twilight, who slowly started to frown, and trying to keep tears back.

''Well...'' She began, not trying to let her voice hint her hidden sadness.

She gulped before continuing, the princesses still listening.

''It wasn't only an argument, they started fighting... Applejack kicked Rainbow, who in result, punched Applejack. Fluttershy ran away, after she got insulted... Rarity and Pinkie Pie were arguing, but later got mixed into the fights...'' Twilight said, slowly recalling the day where they broke up as friends.

''...And I...'' Twilight continued, trying to hold back tears, though now it was harder then before, as the memory played like a movie in her head.

''I just stood there... I couldn't do anything, no matter how angry I was, they ignored me. I yelled at the top of my lungs, but they just... Didn't hear me. My voice didn't reach them, nor did my magic. I used my wings to make them pay attention to me, but even then...'' She said, gritting her teeth and closing her eyes, turning away from the princesses, her tears flowing freely down her cheeks.

''I was supposed to stop them... But... I couldn't... I cried, yet they still didn't even glance at me. I yelled, but they didn't hear me... I pleaded, but they just kept fighting, right in front of me... Using their magic to harm one another...'' She said, the tears dropping on the ground.

''I couldn't do anything!'' She shouted, shotting her head back at the princesses, the tears flew from her eyes.

Everyone was silent for a bit, and Twilight just cried. Luna, Celestia and Cadance took a moment to progress the new information. Twilight thought they were mad at her, for leaving this part out of her story she told them.

Until, Celestia walked to Twilight, and wrapped a wing around Twilight's trembling body. Twilight stopped crying, and looked at Celestia.

''It's okay, we'll fix this...'' Celestia started, and hugged Twilight.

Twilight hugged the princess back.

4 - The Plan Of Action

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Fluttershy leads the pony all the way to Zecora's house. Fluttershy still got the creeps from the pony, but didn't let them know. ''Here it is, see ya!'' The pony said anxiously and was about to leave, but the pony grabbed Fluttershy's hoove, causing the pegasus to turn around and face the pony.

They had dead eyes, and glared into Fluttershy's beautiful blue ones. ''Thank you,'' they said, and stared deep into 'Shy's eyes, who was slowly getting dizzy.

The pony smirked, and went inside after releasing her hoove.

Fluttershy ran back to the pond, and would wait for Discord to talk about what just happened with her beloved friend.

- Twilight -

''...Twilight, we'll fix it, together. You just need to get yourself together. You are the princess of Friendship. This has been going on for too long. We have to do something before your friendship is over forever,'' Celestia said, earning a nod in confirmation from Twilight.

''So, for now, you can take it easy. We'll later figure something out to get everyone together, alright?'' Luna said, joining the hug.

''Celestia? Luna?'' Cadance began, her eyes widening as she spoke.

''Yeah, we feel it as well...'' Luna said in an ever-so-serious tone.

''The evil is on the move...'' Cadance stated.

- Unknown -

''All is going well up until now...'' They said to theirself, seeing their list of items they needed for the plan.

''Tears of Nature'' they read out loud.

Then they grabbed a bottle with some rain they had caught this morning in Sweet Apple Acress.

''Check. Next item... Ah! Poison of a snake... He's getting it now for me if I'm correct...'' The pony said.

''The element of curiosity...'' They then mumbled, looking at theirself in the mirror.

''Check, cake filled with the element of magic sweat, hairs and feathers... If possible, blood,'' The pony then thought about going to Sugarcube corner, and to steal princess Twilight for those items, though that would be a hard job, so they shrugged it off.

''Blood of a pegasus, feathers and if possible, a part of the wing...'' They then read.

''This I didn't write down but... It has to be a special wing. Someone with the element of kindness, otherwise the spell wouldn't be so kind to hand their immense magic to me...'' They said to theirself.

''...Magic of a unicorn...'' They said to theirself.

''Could be easy, there are plenty of unicorns out there...'' The pony said, and read the last item.

''The poisonous, dangerous, rare and creepy apple of Curiosity... I'm going to get that one soon enough...'' The pony said.

At that moment, a male pony entered the base. ''I have the poison of a snake, from Zecora, just like you asked,'' He said.

The other pony nodded satisfied. ''How many time do we have left?'' They asked the male pony.

''Only 5 days left. So, I was going to say, that I have found the perfect pegasus for the wing. She has the element of kindness,'' he said.

''Good. Now, I've made a plan. Tomorrow, I'm going to Sugarcube corner to get the cake. You're going to Sweet Apple Acress to get my beloved apple. Then, with that apple, we're going to a certain unicorn to take their magic. Then, with that magic, we're going to capture that pony. Lastly, we're going to hide, until the blood moon arrives. Then, the element of Curiosity will make its comeback, and show the world they made a big mistake with sealing the seventh element of harmony away...''

''Great idea. Let's wait for now, then...''

- Rainbow Dash -

She was finally done with her job, and went to Ponyville. Just to go and see if Shell was still there. And she was. ''Hey Dash!'' Shell greeted happily.

''Hey Shell! I was wondering if you'd like to hang out tomorrow?'' Dash asked.

Shell thought for a minute. ''Sure thing! I don't see why not!'' She answered happily.

''Cool! So, what do you want to do now? I'm free and-- wait, if you have any other plans, I'm sorry for distracting you!'' Dash said.

Shell violently shook her head. ''No no no! Now is fine! I want you to tell me stories, if you don't mind...'' She said in a sad tone...

''Huh? Why are you sad suddenly?'' Rainbow asked her friend.

''W-Well, I don't think you'd like the question I'm going to ask... The kind of genre of stories I want to hear...'' Shell said.

''Nah! I like to tell any story! Do you want to hear my adventure, or a mystery I solved? Oh! Oh! Or maybe my romantic life, which I don't have! :D O-Or maybe do you want to hear about me working together with Daring Do-'' Rainbow got cut off.

''Mane six,'' Shell simply said in a cold tone, shadows covering her eyes.

Rainbow was puzzled and blinked. ''Mane... Six?'' She repeated questioningly.

''Y-Yes... I've heard you were the six elements of harmony, and that you've... You know... Beaten a lot of enemies... So, how'd you do it?'' Shell asked cautious.

''Well, that's easy. Back when we were friends, we used our ultimate spell, the spell of friendship! We beat our enemies with our friendship, only every single one of the mane six was required to be there. If there was only one element missing, the spell wouldn't work. But since there is peace now, there's no need for us to work together. Besides, it's not like it would work now, since we aren't friends anymore, and it requires a very strong friendship, easy!'' Rainbow said.

Shell smiled. ''Interesting.''

''So, tell me about your ex-friends powers...?'' Shell continued to ask.

''Huh? Why?'' Rainbow asked, suspicion rising.

''Because I would like to have the element of laughter, you know.. To make a new mane six... With new ponies because... I know that this peace won't last forever!'' Shell said with a smile.

''And you need to know their powers because...?'' Dash asked.

''So we can be just as strong as they were, by copying their every magic!'' Shell explained with determination in her eyes.

''Oh, I see! Well, to begin with...'' Rainbow started.

Time went past really quick, and Shell started copying Rainbow's words, so she wouldn't forget them. ''...Thanks Rainbow!'' Shell said after two hours of telling all about the ex-mane six and writing all of it down. She chuckled.

Rainbow flashed a smile. ''No prob!'' She answered.

''One last question...'' The salmon-haired pony started.

Rainbow nodded.

''What are their weaknesses?''

5 - Their Weaknesses

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Rainbow narrowed her eyes at Shell, while glaring at her. ''Why'd you wanna know that?'' She hissed.

Shell got send a shiver down her spine. ''So we can improve it, of course!'' Shell shouted.

''... Improve their weaknesses?''

''Yes! So we'll become unstoppable! And then, we won't call ourselves the mane six anymore, but the Surpreme team! The best of the best!'' Shell shouted, grinning.

Dash said nothing, and the silence drove Shell crazy. She thought Rainbow hated her now for asking.

''I'm sorry I shouldn't have-'' She got cut off by Rainbow.

''Pinkie's an extrovert. She gets energy from ponies around her, and loves to party. Any silence or sadness will make her weak. She is the element of LAUGHTER for a reason...'' Rainbow started, and Shell started making notes.

''Rarity... I don't know where to begin. She loves being in the spotlight, looking glamorous and that kind of stuff. She is very full of herself. Her weakness are things like sports, because she'll get dirty. She also hates things like trash and ugly things,'' Dash continued.

Shell again, wrote every single word down.

''Then we have Applejack. She can't sit still. And she doesn't like ponies that lie to her. She also wants to do everything by herself. And she also wants to please ponies too much. That's all I know about her,'' Dash said.

''Uhm, alright..?'' Shell said, questioning if this was actually a weakness. But she wrote it down anyway.

''Fluttershy. She's too shy, and people can abuse her, because she's TOO friendly... She won't come up for herself, and isn't really brave. She's scared easily, by frightening things like clowns and stuff, but she can handle any animal,'' Rainbow said, somewhere in her heart she hated to badmouth Fluttershy.

''Oh my, alright...'' Shell said mysteriously, and again, wrote it down.

''Then there's Twilight. She hates it if she doesn't have control over something, or doesn't know someone's next move. She also hates it if something's going on behind her back. She goes crazy about that, and everything needs to go according to plan, otherwise she'll lose it,'' Rainbow said.

Shell quickly wrote it all down, and then looked at the sun. ''Crap it's late, gotta go!'' She said, and flew away to her home.

Rainbow sighed. ''Guess she doesn't want to know my weaknesses,'' she said to herself, but then started thinking for 10 seconds.

She huffed and smirked. ''Then again, I have no weaknesses, because I'm awesome!'' She said to herself and started going back home.

- Fluttershy -

After a good three hours, Discord finally came back with some sandwiches. Fluttershy then told what happened, and Discord listened patiently to her.

''Huh, that's really weird. But maybe it was just your imagination?'' The spirit of chaos replied.

Fluttershy was silent for a moment, before nodding her head. ''Maybe you're right, now let's go and see your cooking skills!'' She said, and grabbed a sandwich, carefully taking a bite.

Discord looked at Fluttershy. His expression was blank, but 'Shy knew that if he was staring at her while she was eating, it was either because he was hungry, or he was waiting for her judgement. And seen the fact that there were plently more sandwiches, 'Shy knew that he was waiting for her to say it's either really bad, or good.

Maybe really good.

''Hmm, it's delicious!'' Fluttershy said happily, and swallowed the piece of bread, then taking another bite.

Discord sighed in relief. ''I'm glad,'' he said, and then took three sandwiches, putting them in his mouth all at the same time.

Without chewing, he swallowed them. Fluttershy frowned.

''You need to chew, Discord! It isn't good for your stomach if you swallow without chewing!'' She lectured.

Discord chuckled. ''I'll be careful next time,'' he said.

- Unknown -

''This is going to be perfect!'' The leader pony said, receiving some certain notes.

''Yeah, now even they can't stop us. Let's go and proceed with the plan tomorrow, first thing in the morning!'' The stallion replied.

The other pony shook their head violently. ''No way! I first want breakfast!'' They yelled.

Then, suddenly, their voice got down to a dangerous low tone. ''NOTHING is more important then breakfast...'' They hissed.

The stallion sweatdropped at his leader, but was scared anyway, so he took a couple of steps back. ''Okay okay, pretend I didn't say anything, okay?'' He said.

The leader nodded satisfied.

6 - Applejack, a Traitor?!

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The ponies got to their destinations the next morning pretty fast. The stallion asked Applejack for the apple, which she had.

''Be honest with me here, why do you need this apple? It's poisonous, ya know?'' Applejack asked.

The pony coughed and made up an excuse. ''I-It works as a medicine... Please give it to me?'' The stallion asked kindly.

Applejack narrowed her eyes at the pony. ''Well, no. I haven't read anything about an apple that works as a medicine. As for this apple,'' she said, throwing the apple in the trashcan.

''This one isn't edible, and is worthless, except for the pony with the seventh element, Curiosity. So unless you are that pony, which ah highly doubt, ah think you've mistaken it with a different apple,'' the bearer of the Honest element said, and left the pony.

The stallion rolled his eyes, and kept looking at Applejack until she disappeared from his vision. He then went to the trashcan and grabbed it. He cleaned it in a nearby river. But then, Applejack showed up. She had been spying on him, to see if he'd take the apple out of the trashcan despite what she said.

''What did ah tell ya?! It's poisonous!'' She yelled angrily, not wanting the blame of poisoning someone.

The stallion smirked. ''You're really dense, aren't you? I AM the holder of the seventh element of Curiosity. Now leave me alone at once,'' the pony commanded.

Applejack's eyes widened, and her jaw dropped for only a second. ''Y'all are?! B-But... I thought you died!'' Applejack exclaimed.

The pony's smirk widened. ''You know, I'm also an alicorn, I also am immortal..'' He said in a mysterious tone, flipping his mane.

Applejack progressed the new information before she could react. ''Then...'' She began, thinking about what she could say.

''Then give the apple back! You're going to steal somepony's magic with it! You can't do that!'' Applejack shouted, and she ran towards him.

''Watch me, lil' pony,'' he answered, and every time she attempted to kick him, he'd dodge her easily. Applejack grew angrier with him every second she saw him.

''What's the strongest unicorn you know of, by the way?'' The stallion asked, glaring at the farmer.

Applejack stiffened. It was like he had cast a spell on her... ''That would be Twilight, but since she's an alicorn, and a princess, and has high security, it's dangerous to go after her. Ah would go for an easier target, so I'd say...'' She spoke. Inside, she was shocked to hear those words coming from her mouth.

He DID put a spell on her!

''It's Rarity. She lives in Ponyville, but is most of the time in her boutique in Manehattan,'' Applejack said. The spell broke, and Applejack put her hooves in front of her mouth.

''Thank you for your cooperation, it's appreciated,'' the stallion said, and wanted to walk away, but got stopped by Applejack once again. She stood right in front of him, glaring at whoever the stallion was.

''You! Do you have a spell that make ponies speak the honest truth!?'' she asked.

The pony stood still for a moment. ''Yes I do, now I must go,'' he said, and left Applejack alone, who fell on her knees from exhaustion.

''Ah ruined it...'' She muttered to herself, gritting her teeth and closing her eyes in shame.

''Ah might not be her friend anymore, but ah don't want her to get hurt! Ah need Twilight... Dash... Pinkie... And Fluttershy...'' She muttered and she opened her eyes, determination and regret written all over her face.

The stallion smirked after he saw Applejack fall on the ground, but then he turned around, so he never saw AJ's determination. He then returned to base, waiting for his leader.

Not long after, the leader returned with the cake. ''It looks amazing... Absolutely delicious and great!'' The leader said, earning a nod from their loyal stallion servant.

''Now.. I've asked for a strong unicorn, turns out she is all the way in Manehattan. We gotta go there, to get our magic...'' The leader said.

The stallion nodded his head. ''I know, I've put a spell on a farmer that told me where she is. In a boutique, and there's only one I know of. So let's go,'' he said.

- Rarity -

Rarity was giving some final touches at her newest dress; the pegadress for success! It was a slogan Rainbow Dash created. Buuuut since she had lack of creativity of creating slogans, and since she was in a hurry, she decided to go with that.

She was ready to show her amazing dress. She then walked towards the front door of her boutique. Tomorrow was a big day for her. She turned the sign around, which had 'closed' written on it. She then hummed and took a last glance at her newest dress. She was about to clean her things up...

But then, the door opened.

7 - Goodbye, Rarity

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''Good day, sir and miss! How can I help you two?'' Rarity said with a sweet smile.

'Even though it is already after closing...' She said to herself.

''I am here for a certain unicorn, her name is Rarity, have you seen her?'' The mare asked the fashionista.

''Oh, that would be me! Do you need my advice? I have some pretty good looks I can give you, you know! Just follow me!'' Rarity said excitedly and grabbed the mare's hooves.

''NO!'' The mare yelled fiercely and pulled her hooves away from Rarity.

Rarity blinked in shock before regaining her posture. Never before, has a customer snapped at her like that. ''Oh, my apologies, I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions like that. So, how may I help?'' Rarity asked once again.

''Well, you can be of service to us if you hand us over your unicorn magic kindly, NOW...'' The mare commanded, and the stallion grabbed the apple out of his pocket, pointing it at Rarity.

''H-Hand over my magic?! You must be kidding! I don't know how, and even if I did, I wouldn't have handed it over!'' She said with determination.

''Good, then use the magic apple...'' The mare whispered to her servant, who did what was told. Rarity growled and kicked them both away from her.

The stallipn dropped the apple on the ground. Rarity scowled at it. ''This apple smells rotten! Disgusting!'' She said, and was about to stamp on it, but the stallion pushed her away from the apple.

''Don't you dare! After all the trouble I've been through to get it in the first place!'' He yelled at her.

Rarity's eyes widened. ''All the trouble to get such a disgusting apple?!'' She exclaimed.

''DO IT NOW!'' The mare yelled.

The stallion nodded his head, and pointed the apple once more at Rarity. This time, he put his horn against the apple, feeding it with his magic. The apple then made a magic chain to Rarity's horn, and all of her magic was getting sucked by the chain into the apple.

''Wh-What's happening?!'' Rarity yelled in shock, trying to turn her head away, but without success. The apple kept sucking her magic.

With every second, she started feeling weaker and weaker. Rarity was desperate. She felt all of her magic leaving her horn. She tried to resist, but that costed too much energy.

And then, she fell to the ground. Her magic wasn't there anymore, but they still kept taking something from her body.

Her energy.

Unicorns live on magic energy. And now that the magic is out of her body, she's still alive thanks to her energy. Normally, when your energy is drained, you go to bed and regain it. But now that the magic is gone... Once all of her energy is sucked out of her body, she'll die.

''No...'' Rarity said, and her breathing became hitched. Rarity has no energy left to talk, to move or to fight back. All she could do, was hold on to that little bit of energy she had left.

She gathered all little bits of energy she had left, and breathed in.


She cried out. She breathed out, all of the oxygen leaving her lungs. Rarity closed her eyes, ready to sleep forever.

And then, that tiny bit of energy, left her body. It got carried like a flower petal in the wind, into the apple.

And then, she didn't feel anything anymore.

Everything went black.

And she could feel her heart stop beating.

''We're done here. It took all of her magic. We can go and capture that pegasus now,'' the leader said, broke the chain, and walked outside of the boutique, on her way to Ponyville.

- Twilight -

''GAH!'' Twilight cried out in pain.

''Twilight?! What's wrong?!'' Spike said, and hurried over to his caretaker.

She said nothing. Spike looked at Twilight's crown. One of the points of Twilight's crown became gray.

(This was the original crown) ^

(And this was the crown after Rarity's magic was taken) ^

''Twilight... That's.... The point of Generosity...'' Spike muttered.

''I'm well aware... Something must've happened to Rarity... Oh no... What if it was the evil princess Celestia was talking about?!'' Twilight said, starting to panic.

''Calm down, Twilight. We'll go to Manehattan and find out right now!'' Spike decided.

''Crap...Without all five elements of Harmony, the sixth element is considered useless... All elements need each other. Let's go right now!'' Twilight said, flying all the way over to Manehattan, hoping to find Rarity save and sound.

Which wouldn't be the case.

- Fluttershy -

''Today's the day I'm going to bring Twinkleshine a visit!'' Fluttershy said happily to her bunny Angel.

''Be sure to take care of my pets for me, Discord!'' The pink-maned pony said to her best friend, who had promised to feed them.

''Sure thing, you have fun! Also, when are you coming back?'' Discord asked.

''Hmm, I won't stay in Canterlot too long. I think, two days maybe? Not longer, in any case. Goodbye now!'' Fluttershy said, grabbed her bag and left.

''So, I can fly my way over to Canterlot... But I can also take the train... Hmmm...'' Fluttershy thought out loud.

''Let's go there flying!'' She decided, and flew away from her house.

But little did she know, she wouldn't be gone for two days, but two....