
by StarkyShy

First published

After putting Celestia in her place, Chrysalis thinks of no better way to ensure her absolute conquest of Equestria by making Luna subservient as well.

This story contains foot fetish stuff, tickle torture, non-consensual voyeurism, a fair bit of forced, unknowing princest, sexual harassment and sexual assault.

Done as another anonymous commission.

While Queen Chrysalis had been breaking in her new thronepiece, Princess Luna spent her time in the Canterlot dungeons. Now it's her turn to play with the new Queen of Equestria. Whether Luna wants to or not.

Poor Luna

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It had been days, or more likely, weeks that Princess Luna had spent locked in one of the Canterlot prison cells. She didn’t bother keeping track of exactly how many days, and making tally marks on the wall was too cliche. Taken in her sleep instead of going out fighting...she couldn’t stop kicking herself for getting abducted so easily.

When she first woke up, she was already locked up, stripped down to her teal underwear. She tried for days to find a way to get out, but the changeling slime that coated her horn prevented her from doing anything with her magic.

Eventually, the extra weight on her head started to feel like nothing. And that was what concerned Princess Luna the most. She did not want to get complacent, the moment she accepted this as her new life was the moment she lost completely.

She worried about the state of Equestria constantly. She was certain that her sister was still fighting, wherever she was, moving the sun and the moon in her absence, though she could never know for sure, a window in an underground castle dungeon would serve very little purpose other than mockery. At the moment, all she could do was hope that the best possible scenario was happening.

The changeling drones had periodically sent down food for her to eat. It was always the same, a sloppy glob of substance in a bowl, possibly oatmeal. At first, she refused to eat any of it. For all she knew, it was drugged to force her into submission, or laced with poison, or some sort of magic-siphoning gruel. But as the days passed, her body started get emaciated. If the food itself did not kill her, the lack of food definitely would. Eventually, she couldn’t fight her hunger anymore, and she greedily devoured the entire bowl the next time it came around. It was flavorless, but it was filling. Subsequent meals were eaten with slightly more table manner, albeit begrudgingly. The food did not seem to alter her mental or physical state, though with how long she had been kept prisoner, her mental and physical state had already been altered quite a bit.

Princess Luna wondered why she was being kept prisoner for so long. If the changelings wanted to kill her, they would’ve already. Was it as a hostage, and they would have to negotiate for her freedom? Maybe they were waiting to use her as a public display of power, and to eliminate all remaining hope in Equestria, they would show her off in one of the most populated areas, and-

Luna quickly punched the wall, the pain rushing into her fist distracting her long enough to make her lose her train of thought. She needed to stop thinking of the worst. She needed to have faith that something good was coming to her...eventually.

Two of the changelings approached her cell. But instead of carrying her meal, one of them was carrying a keychain, twirling it around their finger.

Luna’s mind started racing. She hadn’t seen any of the changeling passing by carrying keys of any kind. If that was the case, then she had a chance. If she was quick, then she could take out both of them at once if they got close enough. Then she could, at the very least, leave the cell. It’d be tricky to escape without using her magic, and she had no idea how many guards there were...

Before she could think of more hypotheticals, the changelings’ horns started glowing, and her wrists were forced behind her. The two changeling guards grabbed her by the arms, dragging her along to wherever their destination was.

As the changelings dragged her through the castle. Luna had the luxury of seeing what the changelings had done to the place. The once beautiful foliage and flowers lining the pillars of the once-regal halls had long since withered away due to neglect. The beautiful tapestry had been torn to shreds. She didn’t know if it was destroyed a battle, or if they were ripped apart in an act of spite. The stained-glass windows shattered, colorful shards of glass carelessly scattered across the floor. The worst thing she saw was the discarded equipment of the royal guard. Everywhere she looked, a pair of abandoned shoulder guards, a spear snapped in half, a dented chest plate, a pierced helmet in the corner. She hoped that a miracle happened there...but probably not. She didn’t see any massive splatters of blood, but it was hard to tell with all the changeling slime that now lined the floor, wall, and ceiling.

Luna was so occupied with grimacing over the aftermath, she was not paying attention to where she was being taken. Next thing she knew, she was shoved into one of the bedrooms. It was such a mess that she couldn’t tell exactly which one. One of the guest rooms, perhaps? She hoped it wasn’t hers.

The changelings pushed Luna up against the wall, spreading her arms out to her sides, before sticking her wrists to the wall with more changeling slime. Curiously, her ankles were duct-taped to the wall instead of attached with slime.

“The queen will be with you shortly,” one of them hissed, before both of them left the room.

Luna was once again trapped in a room in Canterlot Castle. The scenery had changed, and she was granted even less freedom. She pulled at the slime, but this kind was even stickier than the one on her horn. She was stuck on the wall in nothing but her underwear, alone once again.

The queen...Luna didn’t need to think long to know what that meant. As much as she wanted to have her big confrontation with her, she couldn’t do a thing. Her situation started to get more hopeless by the moment.

A few minutes passed in silence, until Luna heard a muffled voice behind the door.

“Wait here. I shall call you in when you are needed.”

Queen Chrysalis, in all her vile glory, entered the room, striking a pose to present herself to her prisoner. “Ah, Princess Luna, it’s wonderful to see you. So sorry that it’s taken so long for me to entertain you, but I had a few things I had to prepare first,” she said with a sneer.

Luna turned her head away, she was outraged to see Chrysalis, but she was helpless to do anything about it. She refused to say anything to her, even if she was stuck, she refused to play whatever game she was playing.

Chrysalis put her hand underneath Luna’s chin, forcing her head to face Chrysalis. “Now, now, don’t look like that. I took so much time because I wanted to make things perfect. I went out of the way to pick my best dress to see you!”

Luna growled. It was hard to ignore Chrysalis’s outfit. It was a red-violet dress with golden accents. The same one her sister wore on the night that they were attacked. The implications made by her wearing that dress didn’t give Luna hopes that her sister was alright.

“It’s quite lovely, isn’t it? Suits the new Queen of Equestria just right,” Chrysalis said, turning around, showing herself off to Luna. “Though I do feel a little guilty, I show up for a date, and I’m completely underdressed! You won’t mind if I fix that, do you? Of course you don’t.”

Chrysalis cackled, placing her hands on Luna’s bra. Rather than undo the clasp, she tore it off before Luna could even protest. Chrysalis did the same to her panties, leaving what was left of her clothes nothing but rags on the floor.

“There we go, much better, wouldn’t you say?” she said, running her hands across Luna’s now naked body, going from her breasts to her hips. “Such a sensual form, I bet so many ponies have wet dreams about your body.”

“Don’t you dare touch me!” Chrysalis’s hands were frigid. Their very touch gave her the kind of shivers that the sudden naked exposure never could.

“Why are you getting so upset? I only speak the truth,” Chrysalis said, her hands gently squeezing Luna’s breasts, before sliding down her body again. “Such a lovely figure, so well-kept after so many years…” She kept close to the princess, her hot breath hitting her with every word she spoke.

Luna growled, her body trying to fight against Chrysalis’s groping. “Aaahn! You’re going to be stopped! Y-You’re not going to get away with-”

“Yes, yes, I’ve heard all of it before from your guards, your sister, blah blah blah.” Chrysalis said, cutting her threat short. “I do want to see you smile more, but you’re absolutely adorable when you’re pouting.” She grabbed onto Luna’s cheeks, playing with her face between her fingers.

Luna’s head tried to turn away, but Chrysalis’s grip kept her looking right at the changeling queen.

Chrysalis cackled as she squished Luna’s cheeks, making her lips puff up by pushing them together.

“Stop it! Get your hands off me!” Luna tried to say as Chrysalis played with her face. She knew she couldn’t do much in her situation, but that did not mean she had to take any of Chrysalis’s assault.

“As you wish,” Chrysalis chuckled, taking her hands off Luna’s cheeks. She leaned even closer until her face filled up Luna’s view. Her eyes half-lidded as she just stood there, gazing at her.

Luna didn’t have much room to move her head, but when Chrysalis got closer, her head pressed against the wall. She turned her head to the right in an attempt to get further away, but as she did, Chrysalis had leaned forward, her lips making contact with her cheek.

“Hmhmhm, seems like I missed. Better even things out, though,” Chrysalis said with a sly shrug, holding Luna by the chin, turning her head the other way to plant a kiss on the opposite cheek.

Luna was dumbstruck, unsure if she should be flustered or furious. Either way, her cheeks started to burn red when her mind finally managed to process that Chrysalis was kissing her. Chrysalis kept turning her head from side to side, giving kisses to her cheeks, before finally forcing her to face forward for a kiss on the lips. Luna tried to pull away from the kiss, but Chrysalis’s forceful grip on her made sure that the kiss went uninterrupted. The audacity of Chrysalis’s actions made her eye twitch.

“You’re adorable when you’re flustered like that. If ponies knew that’s how you reacted when you get kissed, I don’t think anypony would be able to stay away.” Chrysalis teased, stealing another kiss from Luna’s lips.

Luna looked at Chrysalis with confusion and disgust. She had no idea what Chrysalis was planning. The kissing, the flirting, it felt like she was just toying with her. Yet, for some reason, what Chrysalis was saying felt...sincere.

Chrysalis went back to toying with Luna’s breasts, cupping them in her hands. She gave them a few squeezes, running her thumbs over her nipples, noticing they were getting stiffer with each pass. “Mmm, not as big as Celestia, but I think you’d agree that size doesn’t matter, hm?”

“Shut up! T-That’s not true!” Luna yelled, the comparison to her sister making her cheeks start to flush red.

“Oh, but it and your sister are a lot alike, physically. Though with some obvious differences.” Chrysalis crouched down, her hands grabbing onto Luna’s hips, before reaching around to squeeze her butt. “Hm, obviously smaller than Celestia’s, though not necessarily a bad thing, your body is a bit...” She gave a few quick slaps to her rear. “...Squishier, I’d say.”

“Shut up, shut up! Get your fucking hands off me, you bitch!”

“My my, you’re got quite the mouth on you,” Chrysalis chuckled, “Being feisty could also be seen as an attractive quality.” Chrysalis leaned forward, giving Luna’s crotch a quick lick with the flick of her forked tongue. “Hm...I think a certain naughty princess is getting wet…”

Luna hated how her body betrayed her, but her body couldn’t deny that Chrysalis’s touch started to turn her on. “What...what do you want with me?”

“Alright, I’ll cut to the chase. Equestria is mine now. I just need your complete and utter submission to seal the deal. If you give in now, I’ll make sure the rest of your life as my servant will be pleasant.” Chrysalis lifted up Luna’s chin. “And if you don’t...well...then I don’t think you’re going to enjoy what I have planned if you say no.”

No matter how hopeless her situation was, Luna was sure that she could endure anything Chrysalis could possibly do to her. Or at the very least, hold out until rescue came. “I will never submit to you.”

“...I’ll take that as a challenge,” Chrysalis smirked. She began tracing her index finger around Luna’s navel. “Now, what to do with you first?” she mused to herself.

Luna sucked in her belly, steeling herself for the torture Chrysalis was about to inflict.

“Hm, no, I’ll save that for later. I have a much better idea,” Chrysalis said, her grin getting wider. She started pacing the floor, looking down, pushing away piles of gowns and dresses with her feet. “Now, where did I put it?”

Luna stared at Chrysalis in confusion. As she pushed aside more dresses, a terrible revelation hit her. Not only was the dress the changeling queen wearing her sister’s, but upon closer inspection, all the dresses were. They hadn’t brought her to some random guest room in the castle. This was Celestia’s room.

“Ah, that’s where it is!” Chrysalis exclaimed, picking up a ball gag from a pile of gala dresses “I think there’s somepony you’d like to see, and I’d hate for you to say the wrong thing and ruin it all, so we’ll just keep you quiet until the time’s right.”

Before she could question what she was talking about, Chrysalis shoved the ball gag into Luna’s mouth, wrapping it around her head before she could spit it out.

Luna let out a muffled cry. The ball gag was clearly recently used, but that was the least of her worries at the moment.

“I had a feeling that you wouldn’t surrender so easily. But that’s perfectly fine, perhaps my special guest can help me make a convincing argument.” Chrysalis frolicked over to the door, opening it wide. “It’s time for you to come in, my precious darling!” She called out. “Just follow the sound of my voice.”

Chrysalis’s surprise made her entrance into her own room. Celestia, stripped naked and blindfolded, slowly and cautiously walked forward, making sure not to bump into anything. She eventually found her way in front of Chrysalis, nodding obediently. “Yes, my queen?”

Celestia was the first and last person Luna wanted to see go through that door. Luna’s mind immediately went into denial mode upon seeing her sister. That can’t possibly be her. She’s just disguising one of her changelings to look like her. It was all a trick to get her to surrender. There was no possible way that was her sister.

“Ah, I see that look you’ve got. The panic in your eyes says everything. I know what you’re thinking: ‘That can’t possibly be her, she’s just disguising one of her changelings to look like her!’” She said in a mocking tone of voice. “Yes, I suppose denial would be the naturally predictable train of thought you’d take. But I assure you, that is Celestia: Former Princess of Equestria.”

Luna started screaming through the gag. She refused to accept any part of this reality. Though her cursing and protests were muffled, her seething rage was obvious.

“Well, I assume you’d like to see some proof. Fortunately, I know the perfect way to dispel all that doubt you’ve got.” Chrysalis slid back over to Celestia, who had been standing in place the entire time. “Oh darling, I have something to ask of you,” she said, standing behind Celestia, wrapping her arms around her.

“Yes, my queen?” Celestia replied with an eager smile.

“I do so tire of this moonlit night. Make it daytime again, so that I may bask in the sun’s glow,” Chrysalis commanded, giving Celestia’s naked breasts a squeeze.

“Yes, anything for you, my queen,” she said with a giggle.

“That’s what I like to hear.” Chrysalis sneered, nudging her towards the window. Once Celestia was far enough that Luna would not be in her peripheral vision, Chrysalis removed the blindfold.

Celestia blinked slowly, letting her eyes adjust. Her focus was fixed, facing forward.

Luna’s eyes twitched in horror once she saw Celestia’s horn glow yellow, and with it, the moon outside. As the moon set past the horizon, Luna felt her chest tighten up. She wanted to scream through the gag, but was left in a stunned silence. The sun started to rise, bringing a bright light into the room. Luna wanted to look away and deny the entire spectacle, but she could not force herself to pull her gaze away from what was now undeniably her sister.

“Perfect. You’ve done a fine job raising the sun, pet,” Chrysalis said, grinning maliciously in Luna’s direction as she pampered Celestia by rubbing her shoulders.

“Thank you, my queen.”

“I think that you deserve a reward for your obedience,” Chrysalis said, putting the blindfold back on Celestia. “Come,” she ordered, tugging Celestia by the wrist.

Chrysalis sat down at the edge of the bed, making sure to position herself to give Luna a good view. “Now kneel.”

Celestia did as she was ordered to, lowering herself to her knees as she awaited further instructions.

Chrysalis looked at Lune once more, before lifting her right leg up. “I think you deserve something special, so I’ll let you indulge in your favorite treat today.” She extended her foot forward, tapping Celestia’s nose with her toes.

With one quick sniff, Celestia instantly recognized what was in front of her, and what her reward was. “Ah! T-thank you, my queen!” she said with glee, grabbing onto Chrysalis’s ankle. She started to rub her cheek against her sole, letting out little grunts of happiness.

“My, you’re eager, aren’t you? Well, I guess it can’t be helped, I know how much you love them,” Chrysalis chuckled, her toes curling and uncurling.

“Oh...oh yes, my queen. Your feet are so wonderfully soft!” Celestia gushed. She leaned in forward, her lips about to meet her big toe, before she hesitated, her ears folding back. “I-Is it alright if I kiss them, my queen?”

“Of course you may,” Chrysalis grinned, looking over to Luna. “But first, tell me more about how much you love my feet, how much you love worshipping them, and me. Oh, and make sure to be loud and clear when you do. If you do a good job, I’ll let you have fun with both of my feet.”

Celestia let out a small gasp. “Oh, your feet are simply amazing, my queen! They’re so soft and smooth. I’m honored that you let me take care of your feet!”

“Mmm, go on…” Chrysalis goaded, impatiently tapping her fingers against the bed.

“Your soles are perfect, there’s never a rough spot when you let me worship them, I love when you rub them against my body, when you tickle my belly with your toes, when I get to kiss all over your soles…”

Luna felt sick to her stomach. Hearing her sister say all those things with such sincerity made her feel desolate. What did Chrysalis do to her to make Celestia change so much? She cried out in muffled anguish, trying even harder to break free off the wall.

“Hm, I suppose that’ll do for now. Here.” Chrysalis offered up her other foot to Celestia. “If you satisfy me as well while you play, I’ll have another reward for you shortly after.”

“T-Thank you, my queen!” Celestia reached around a bit to grab onto Chrysalis’s ankles. Though she was blindfolded, she had no problem planting a kiss on each of her toes.

Chrysalis’s toes twitched a bit with each kiss. “Hm, not bad, but we both know you can show me feet more love than that,” she teased.

Celestia nodded, before she focused her attention on Chrysalis’s left foot. Her tongue started at the heel, before she took one long lick all the way up the arch on the way to her toes, where her tongue quickly started to dart between the toes. Celestia’s muzzle pressed underneath Chrysalis’s toes, indulging in the scent before continuing to lick between her toes.

Chrysalis was impressed with how precise Celestia was while blindfolded, but considering how many times she let her worship her feet, it was not all that surprising how familiar she was with them.

Luna finally managed to tear her eyes away. Her head hung low in despair. She couldn’t bear to watch anymore.

Chrysalis noticed that Luna was no longer watching. Since flaunting her power was simply no fun without an audience, she snapped her fingers.

On command, two changeling drones entered the room. Chrysalis silently pointed towards the dejected Luna.

The two flew over to Luna, lifting up her chin. “The queen wants you to watch. If you don’t, then we get to play with you instead,” one of them said.

“And we’ve always wanted to see what sex with a princess would be like…” the other chuckled, licking their lips with their forked tongue.

Luna growled, as painful as it was watching her sister like this, letting those two changelings have their way with her was definitely the worst of her two options. She kept her head lifted up, forcing herself to watch.

Celestia remained completely oblivious to what was going on in her room, only focused on Chrysalis’s feet. Her tongue rolled across Chrysalis’s toes, occasionally stopping at the big toes to give them a quick kiss. Her breath started to get heavier, and her knees began to quiver.

Now that she knew that Luna was watching, Chrysalis reveled in having Celestia worship her feet. She let out a satisfied hum, wiggling her toes against Celestia’s tongue. “Mmm, yes. That’s more like it. But don’t stop just yet, I know you want more…”

Celestia stuck Chrysalis’s big toes in her mouth, lightly sucking on them. She started to sweat, her own feet started to curl up. Being so close and intimate with Chrysalis’s feet started to make her feel light-headed, and she wasn’t sure if she could hold it in any longer.

Chrysalis scoffed. “Is that all the love you care to give to my feet? Come, I know you can do better than that…”

Celestia, ever obedient, started to pick up the pace, alternating quick licks between each foot. She started to drool from the corners of her lips. As her tongue went up her sole, she let out a loud, shuddering moan without thinking.

“Hm? What was that moan I heard?” Chrysalis raised a curious eyebrow. “Turned on by my feet again, Celestia? Are you dripping wet right now?”

Celestia hesitated for a moment, before nodding. “Y-Yes, I am, my queen.”

Chrysalis threw her head back with a wild cackle, her laughter echoing throughout the castle halls. After she had time to compose herself, she stroked Celestia’s cheeks with her wet soles. “Of course you are, who could blame you? Do you know what I plan to do about your little problem this time?”

“N-No, I don’t, my queen…”

“Well, how does sex sound? Right here, right now?”

“H-huh? T-truly, you mean that, my queen?” Celestia stammered, unable to hide the growing smile on her face.

“Well, since you’ve been quite the obedient servant, and you always do a wonderful job worshipping my feet, I think you deserve a proper reward. Now stand up, I’ll show you a truly unforgettable experience,” she said, flashing a grin in Luna’s direction.

“Aaah! T-thank you, my queen!” Celestia cheered, immediately getting on her feet.

“Now, now, let’s not get too excited before the real fun starts…” Chrysalis chuckled, guiding Celestia onto the bed.

“I-I’m ready, my queen,” Celestia said, rubbing her thighs together.

“I know you are, but we’re going to take it slow at first, I want everyone to savor every single moment of this...” Chrysalis said, crawling towards her.

Chrysalis put her hands on Celestia’s cheeks, leaning her head forward so that their horns would rub together. “I hope you’re ready,” she teased, bringing her closer for a kiss, making sure that at the angle Luna was watching at, she would see that their lips were clearly locked. As they kissed, Chrysalis leaned forward, pushing her body so that eventually, she was laying on top of Celestia.

After she broke the kiss, Chrysalis traced her index finger down Celestia’s chest. “You’re very needy, aren’t you, Celestia?”

“I-I am, my queen,” Celestia shuddered.

“How needy are you?” Chrysalis teased, her index fingers toying with Celestia’s nipples.

“H-Haaanh! P-Please! I want to cum so badly, my queen!”

“Heh heh heh, you’re so naughty today, aren’t you? You’ve been so obedient, and you need that sweet release, don’t you?”

Celestia nodded frantically. “Y-Yes! Yes, my queen! Oh, please make me cum!”

“Very well, if you’re good, I may let you have more in the future…” Chrysalis spread Celestia’s legs apart, exposing her dripping pussy. Chrysalis lowered her muzzle to get in close. Just to tease her, she softly blew against her needy sex, and chuckled when Celestia let out a little whine in response.

But she had done enough teasing, and it was time to get to the main course. To start, Chrysalis gave Celestia’s pussy a slow lick from the bottom all the way to the top, ending with a quick flick of her tongue.

Celestia gripped onto the bedsheet, trying to keep her knees from buckling inward. Her arms started shaking as Chrysalis’s tongue lapped at her nethers.

Chrysalis’s tongue traced around Celestia’s lips, making a few counterclockwise circles before it finally penetrated through. Chrysalis delighted in lapping at the pink walls, the pointed parts of her forked tongue teasing her inner lip.

Celestia bucked her hips, her lust for Chrysalis clear as she cried out her name several times in a row once her tongue made its way inside, along with a few appropriate swears.

Though she was preoccupied with eating out Celestia, Chrysalis wanted to derive some personal sexual pleasure at the same time, plus she needed something to do with her hands. With her left hand on Celestia’s hips to keep her from getting too wild, her right hand got to work. She inserted her index and middle fingers into her slit, rubbing herself to get wet as preparation for later. Though she definitely didn’t neglect Celestia in the meantime, her tongue toying with Celestia’s clit.

Celestia was ready to burst at any moment. Even though she had been begging for it, Celestia held her orgasm back, just so that she could receive more pleasure from her queen. She had no idea when she would get this opportunity again, and wanted to savor every moment of it.

Chrysalis started paying special attention to Celestia’s clit now that she heard Celestia approaching her orgasm. She wrapped her lips around that tender mound and began sucking on it.

Celestia’s moans started to increase exponentially in volume, her hips thrusting against Chrysalis’s lips, her leg even kicking up in the air as the pleasure started to overwhelm her senses.

Just before Celestia’s moans got too loud, Chrysalis immediately stopped, she sat straight back up, licking all the juices from her lips. “I can feel it, you’re so close, aren’t you?”

Celestia was left gasping on the bed. She wanted to ask why she stopped, she wanted to beg to be given release like she was promised, but knowing that she would most definitely be punished for complaining, she remained silent, but hurt.

“Now now, you’ll get your orgasm very soon. Just let me get mine in, too…” Chrysalis reassured, turning Celestia over onto her side. Lifting up Celestia’s right leg, she slid herself forward until both their nethers made contact. “Are you ready?”

“Y-YES! F-FUCK ME, MY QUEEN!” Celestia begged, her tongue rolling out of her mouth as she panted with lust.

With a confident grin, she started grinding her body against Celestia’s, their vulvas rubbing together with each thrust. “Ooh, such a heavenly body, I could get used to this…” She said, her voice not even wavering despite the pleasure.

Celestia, however, was a lot less calm, swearing and moaning as she felt Chrysalis rub her marehood against hers. Celestia’s wings were fully outstretched, crying out in pleasure as she began to thrust along.

Luna forced herself to watch every horrid moment, knowing that if she looked away she would be molested. But the sight of her sister enjoying sex with Chrysalis made her nauseous. She cried out for help, but her muffled shouts couldn’t match the volume of her sister’s lust-filled moans.

Celestia couldn’t hold out any longer. She began pounding on the pillows with her fists, her wings flapping and twitching as she finally orgasmed, leaving her bedsheets an absolute mess, crying out Chrysalis’s name in the process.

Chrysalis could feel herself edging towards her own climax, losing a bit of her composure as a sultry moan left her lips. She felt tingles go down her spine as she finally found the sweet spot. With Celestia’s assistance, the stimulation finally allowed her to reach orgasm, her shoulders tensing up as she let out a satisfying “Oh yesssss…”

As they both basked in the afterglow, Chrysalis gently set Celestia’s body down, crawling forward to check on Celestia. “Well? Was that everything you hoped for, sweetie?”

“A-aaah…y-yes, I...I love you, my queen.” Celestia said between gasps, drooling on her pillows.

Chrysalis gave her another kiss on the lips. “I love you too. I’ll need you later, but you deserve some rest. Just relax, I’ll call you when I need you.”

“T-thank you, my queen…” Celestia said, rolling onto her back, laying still on the bed. With the blindfold still on, it was hard to tell whether she was trying to sleep.

Now with Celestia taken care of, Chrysalis went back to Luna. The drones stepped aside to let their queen address her personally.

“There, see that?” Chrysalis motioned to the exhausted Celestia. “That could’ve been you if you decided to be obedient.”

Luna started sobbing. She knew that she couldn’t submit to Chrysalis, but being forced to bear witness to all that happening to her sister was just too much to handle at the moment.

“Now now, there’s no need to cry,” Chrysalis said, gently wiping the tears from her eyes. “If you just served your new queen like a good girl, you’d never cry again. I’d give you so much, just like your sister…”

Luna forced the tears to stop. She knew that she couldn’t show weakness in front of her again. Any sort of vulnerability she showed, she knew Chrysalis would quickly exploit. Even though she had no plan, she needed to stay strong.

“Ah! So you are able to stop crying. That’s good. But I can see there’s still fire in your eyes,” Chrysalis said, lifting up Luna’s chin. “You’re still planning on being defiant, hm? I suppose I have no other choice but to convince you to see things my way...”

Chrysalis slipped her fingers into Luna’s exposed armpits. “Your sister absolutely loves when I do this to her, I assume that you’re no different? I bet you looove when I do this to you...”

Luna’s eyes widened. Chrysalis’s fingers had barely made contact before she started to panic. Once they started tickling, a distressed scream came out, muffled from the gag, Luna’s arms desperately trying to close in response.

“Ooh, you’re quite ticklish, aren’t you? Perfect. You’re going to make this a lot of fun then…” Chrysalis chuckled, her fingers wiggling against the hollows of her armpits.

Luna’s body jolted, unable to defend herself from Chrysalis’s fingers. Her arms tried to move in any sort of direction, but the slime kept her in place. Through her gag, more distressed laughter and cries came out.

“Aw, not having fun, are you, Luna? You don’t like it when I tickle your poor, adorable body?” Chrysalis quickly moved her hands down, now tapping against her ribcage. Her fingers counting each rib on the way down, making sure to give each one a quick tickle before moving on to the next.

“That’s fine. I could make it so that you’ll love it.” Chrysalis’s voice became soothing and calm, a sharp contrast from the harsh teasing tone she had only six seconds ago. “It doesn’t have to be so bad for you. You could live your life happily if you just listen to me…”

Luna’s cries became an angered scream, repeatedly reminding herself that Chrysalis was trying to deceive her, no matter what tricks were being pulled, she needed to stay strong.

“Perhaps I’ll work my way down, save your feet for last. Wouldn’t it be delightful if your feet were the most ticklish? Though if I find a particularly sensitive area somewhere else, I may just stay there a bit longer…” she teased, moving onto her sides, either using her fingers to dig into her sides all at once, or wiggling them up and down from her hips to the bottom of her ribs.

Luna shook her head through the tickling, both of those options sounded equally awful. She suddenly figured out the reason why her ankles were stuck to the wall with duct-tape instead of the slime.

Chrysalis moved inwards, spidering against Luna’s defenseless tummy. Her two index fingers began circling closer to her belly button. Once they got close enough, Chrysalis looked up, just to see the look of panic on Luna’s face.

Luna could feel the fingers get closer to her navel. The anticipation was starting to chip away at her sanity, and judging by the way Chrysalis grinned at her, she knew that, too.

Just before the fingers made their way into Luna’s belly button, Chrysalis suddenly pressed her lips against Luna’s belly and blew a raspberry, her hands going back to squeezing her sides.

The sudden change in tactics made Luna scream. Chrysalis and her drones could hear the high-pitched squeal, followed by the frenzied laughter that followed. Though it seemed the gag left Chrysalis disappointed.

“Mmm, I would love to hear that laugh of yours, but I know that the moment I take out that gag you’ll just start screaming for your sister to save you. Well, even though she won’t respond to you, go ahead and try it, but I will warn you in advance…” Chrysalis motioned towards her two drones, “If you do try calling out for Celestia, know that I’ll be giving these two permission to do whatever they want to you.”

Luna gulped. It was already torture with Chrysalis tickling her out of her mind, was it worth it to risk the wrath of two more ticklers? Luna had to believe that Celestia wasn’t completely broken, and that if she called out to her, she might snap out of it.

“Well, the choice is yours,” Chrysalis said, popping the ball gag out of her mouth, letting it hang around her neck like a collar.

Luna groaned, the taste of the gag still in her mouth. She started breathing through her mouth, trying to get some much-needed oxygen after all the tickling.

“Now then, where were we?” Chrysalis mused, before wiggling her fingers in Luna’s armpits once more.

“EEEEEHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Luna’s laughter finally came out, unrestrained of the gag. She wanted to call out to Celestia, but if she was lucky, she would hear the voice of her laughter and recognize it as her sister’s.

“Oh, silly me, I nearly forgot to check those lovely breasts of yours, let me fix that right away,” Chrysalis said, bringing her hands back up, her fingers spidering across Luna’s breasts.

Luna let out a piercing squeal, her entire body trembling. “GAHAHAHAH! NOHOHOHO! HEHEHEHELP! S-S-SIHIHIHISTER!” she cried out, thrashing her head back and forth.

Chrysalis shook her head. “Tsk tsk tsk. Even when I warned you, you do exactly what I expected.” Chrysalis looked towards the drones, “Well? Time for you two to play.”

With eager grins, the two changelings got to work. One of them went straight for Luna’s breasts, fingers dancing underneath. The other started squeezing Luna’s flank, tracing around the black splotches of her cutie mark.


“So that’s what your laughter sounds like, hm? It’s not as elegant as your sisters, but it is cuter. I suppose that suits you perfectly,” Chrysalis mused, deciding to join in on the fun. Her fingers going back to her belly, her index finger finally dipping into her navel.

“AAAAAAHAHA! HEHEHEHEHELP! CELESTIAAAAHAHAHA!” Luna laughed in one more desperate plea for help.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. “Well, since you’re so insistent, I guess I can call her over for you. Oh, Celestia?”

Celestia’s ears perked up. She quickly leapt off the bed and stumbled over towards Chrysalis. “Yes, my queen?”

“One of my subjects is being unruly. Would you be a dear and assist me in keeping them in line?”

“Of course, my queen. I would be happy to help.”

“Perfect…” Chrysalis ripped off the duct tape on Luna’s right ankle, lifting it up and offering it to Celestia. “Right in front of you is the subject’s foot. Grab onto it and deliver the proper punishment.”


Celestia’s ears flickered upon hearing Luna’s name. She pouted briefly before nodding, grabbing onto her ankle. “Understood.”


Celestia ignored Luna’s cries, holding Luna’s foot still with one hand, the other hand started out at Luna’s heel, walking her fingers up to her toes, trying to get a feel for the foot in front of her. Once she got familiar enough, she started scribbling her fingers down the arch.

Chrysalis took hold of Luna’s other foot, wrapping her arm around her ankle to playfully nibble on her toes.

The two changelings toyed with Luna’s more private area, one of them continuing to wiggle their fingers against her breasts, the other skittering their fingers against her inner thighs.

Luna cackled helplessly, trying to kick her feet away from the grip of Celestia and Chrysalis, her vision blurred by her own tears as her body trembled. “AAAAIIEHEHEHEHE! NOHOHOHO STAHAHAHAHAP! NO MORE NO MORE NO MOHOHOHOHORE! HAHAHAHAHAHEHEHEHELP!”

No matter how many times Luna cried out Celestia’s name, all she got in response was a curious ear flick in response. Celestia continued tickling her foot, while Chrysalis and the changelings swapped positions, but there was always one tickler at her sensitive breasts. After an hour, Chrysalis finally ordered her drones and Celestia to stop.

“Well, I have other matters to attend to at the moment, but rest assured, I’ll be back for you. And I’ll make sure your sister doesn’t miss out on the fun either.” Chrysalis said, exiting the room with Celestia and the drones.

For the next few weeks, Chrysalis visited Luna routinely in her effort to break her. Meals were routinely force fed to her by the drones, who often gave her breasts a few quick tickles or gropes before they went back to work.

When Chrysalis visited, she would often tickle all over her body, but give special attention to her breasts, whispering sweet nothings in her ear while using her skilled fingers to test her sanity. Other times, she would force Luna to worship her feet, licking across her soles until her tongue was numb. Chrysalis would play with Celestia when giving Luna a break, ranging from playful tickling to loud and sweaty sex, and she’d make Luna watch all of it. Celestia would always be blindfolded, no matter how many times she made sure she was heard, she was never seen.

Some days, Chrysalis and Celestia didn’t even show up, she just sent in two or five or twenty of her changeling drones to use her however they pleased. Most of them just opted to tickle her, but there were always some that had more devious intents.

One day, Chrysalis walked into the room with just Celestia, still wearing her blindfold.

“You’re in luck, I’ve decided to give you an easy day,” Chrysalis said.

Luna blinked, usually an easy day meant more forced foot licking.

Chrysalis leaned over to Celestia. “Oh Celestia, how would you feel about having your feet worshipped today?”

Luna’s body tensed up.

“Oh, that’d be lovely, my queen!”

“Well, I think I found someone who’d love to tend to your needs. Think of them as your own personal pet, just like how you’re mine.”

“W-wow, thank you, my queen!”

“The pleasure’s all mine, now, just lie down and put your feet up, I know that she’s just so eager to get to work…”

Celestia did as she was told, lying down on her back, lifting her legs up, eagerly wiggling her toes in anticipation.

Chrysalis guided Celestia’s feet over towards Luna’s face, leaning over to whisper in her ear. “I hope I don’t have to remind you what disobedience gets you. And besides, you don’t want to let your sister down, do you?”

Luna winced as she was faced with two equally unappealing options yet again. With a sharp exhale, she closed her eyes and stuck her tongue out, taking one slow, long lick up her sole.

“Oooh!” Celestia jolted, her foot flinching slightly.

Luna let out a low groan, the tip of her tongue flicking against Celestia’s arch.

“Heeheehee! T-thahahat tickles!” Celestia giggled, her foot nearly kicking forward.

Luna sloppily licked up and down Celestia’s foot, wanting to get the entire thing over with as soon as possible. Yet she could not deny that was much more preferable to being tickled.

“Mmhmmhm! I-it tihihihihickles, b-but it feeheeheels nice!” Celestia giggled, pushing her feet closer towards Luna’s face.

Luna opened her eyes, recoiling at seeing Celestia’s feet get even closer. Celestia had been barefoot every single time she saw her, and yet, upon observation, her feet were so smooth, so clean, they were almost...pleasant to lick. She gave both her soles some gentle licks.

Celestia shuddered, “ queen, s-she’s fantastic! W-where did you find her?”

“Oh, just nearby. I think she knows you better than you think…” Chrysalis chuckled.

A thousand years on the moon was nothing compared to the constant physical and mental torment that was being inflicted on Luna day after day. She wanted to believe that there was still hope, that Equestria still belonged to the ponies, but she had completely run out of options. Yet, licking Celestia’s feet, hearing how happy she was, it almost felt relaxing, in a way. Luna began to lose herself, pampering her sister’s feet with her tongue, using her moans as feedback on where to lick.

Chrysalis finally pushed Celestia’s feet out of Luna’s face after enough pampering. “Well? Did you enjoy that, Celestia?“

“I loved it, my queen!” Celestia giggled, wiggling her big toes back and forth.

Chrysalis turned to Luna, lifting her chin up. “And what about you? Did you enjoy that, Luna?”

“I...I loved it, my queen…” Luna muttered.

“Hm? What did you just say?”

“I...loved it, m-my queen.” Luna stammered, starting to drool.

“Hahaha!” Chrysalis laughed triumphantly. “Well, I thought you’d last a bit longer, but I’m glad to see you know your place now.”

“Y-Yes, my queen...I’m s-sorry, please forgive me...”

“Well, how about I make it up to you? I bet now you’re dying to get intimate with your queen, aren’t you?”

“I am...m-my queen…” Luna meekly nodded.

“Heh, let’s see how you compare with your sister, then…” Chrysalis freed Luna from her slimy bonds, picking her up and carrying her onto the bed. “Are you ready, my new pet?”

“Yes, m-my queen…” Luna nodded, her legs starting to spread apart.

“Now, before we start...Oh, Celestia?”

“Yes, my queen?”

“Remove your blindfold.”

Celestia nodded, taking off her blindfold. When she saw Chrysalis with her sister, her facial expression didn’t change, but her eyes shifted away from the two for a brief moment.

“I want you to watch as we have sex. It’s only fair to her, after all,” Chrysalis ordered.

“O-Of course, my queen,” Celestia nodded, keeping her eyes on Chrysalis and Luna.

“Now then, how to make you cum…” Chrysalis said to herself, eventually deciding to grope Luna’s breasts, her thumbs rubbing Luna’s stiff nipples.

Luna trembled when she felt Chrysalis start toying, “A-Aaah! M-My queen, m-my tits are so s-sensitiiiive!”

“I know.” Chrysalis stated, giving them some more squeezes. “...but they’re also so adorable.”

Luna let out a squeak every time Chrysalis squeezed. She gripped onto the bed, hoping that her queen would give her some direct service.

As Celestia watched, she suddenly felt uneasy. She wasn’t horrified that Chrysalis was having sex with her sister, but there was something inside telling her that something else wasn’t right. Jealousy, perhaps? Celestia started to remember how many times Luna had called out for her help as she tickled her, how many times she heard Luna’s name, all of which she ignored under the orders of Queen Chrysalis. She felt a twinge of regret, thinking that she really could have helped her back then. There was a brief moment where she wanted to fight back, and regain what was rightfully hers, but she suppressed those thoughts; she would remain loyal to her queen.

Chrysalis decided not to waste any more time, and went straight down, her tongue flicking against Luna’s clit.

Luna let out a wavy moan, “AaaAAAaaaAAAH! I-I’m g-gonnaaa-!”

Chrysalis chuckled, “Going to cum already? Before I even get to the real fun?” Her index finger gently pressed against Luna’s clit, rubbing it in clockwise circles.

Luna let out a whine. She was desperate to cum, but she didn’t want to disappoint her queen by doing it too early. She tried to endure as best she could, but she was already at the edge.

Chrysalis pressed her muzzle against Luna’s pussy, greedily lapping away at the inner walls, her hands pressed down on Luna’s thighs to prevent any sort of involuntary thrusting from getting in her way.

With an immodest groan of pleasure, Luna’s toes curled, unable to hold back against Chrysalis’s nimble tongue. Her orgasm soaked Chrysalis’s face with her juices.

“Well, I didn’t get the time to properly do all I wanted to do, but I think we can work on your endurance next time…” Chrysalis said, slightly disappointed as she wiped Luna’s juices off her lips.

“ fantastic...t-thank you, my queen…” Luna said, slightly delirious from the orgasm.

Chrysalis looked over to Celestia, who started fidgeting nervously. “Oh Celestia, I haven’t forgotten about you, come here, you deserve something nice as well.”

Celestia slowly walked towards her sister and her queen, trying to shake out all of her doubts.

“Both of you, to the end of the bed.” Chrysalis ordered.

Both sisters did as they were told, awaiting their next instructions.

Chrysalis extended her legs out, presenting her feet to the two sisters. “There you go. I expect both of you to give my feet some proper loving, understood?”

“Yes, my queen,” both of them said in unison.

Celestia started at Chrysalis’s arch, her tongue going up and down a foot she’s become very familiar with.

Luna pressed her lips against Chrysalis’s sole, before peppering the rest of her foot with quick kisses.

Chrysalis laid back, with two princesses literally at her feet, she wanted to milk her victory as long as she could before getting back to work.

Celestia brought Chrysalis’s foot to her nose for a brief moment, just to get a quick sniff, before giving her foot more slow licks all the way up to the ball of her foot.

Luna stuck Chrysalis’s toes in her mouth, sucking on them, hoping that she could please her queen by pampering her toes.

Chrysalis sighed in satisfaction, wiggling her big toes as she felt her subjects’ tongues against her feet, letting out small moans whenever one of them hit a sweet spot.

It’s good to be queen.