In Darkness there is Light and in Light there is Darkness

by The Dark Brony

First published

Two sibling separated by unfortunate circumstances, go to two separate worlds and live two completely different lives. Each wishing to reunited with the other at any cost ether if they have to burns the world, freeze it over or throw into darkness.

This is the story of a brother and sister separated by unfortunate situations that led to their separate demises, each paving a new path for themselves, be it with a new family or alone through his own pain.

My name is Sun Todoroki, I have seen horrors that most people could never imagine and it starts with Fire and Ice. The fire that cleanses all sin from evil but can still burn innocent souls lives asunder. Ice that freezes all of the innocent soul in eternal peace has now frozen sin's and pain to his skin and the scars that will never leave him. Throughout both of these everyone can live, find peace and survive through everything hell itself can send your way and from that become more than you ever could before. I, Sun Todoroki will have to overcome my past failures or fall to the Ripper and destroy everything in my way, both good and bad.

In the darkness, there was the light that was so pure of innocence that the darkness felt bad for it and caused the same darkness to now want to change its ways to become a father to this little light that has made it feel again and abandon its past sins. This darkness who became a demon who had eaten so much light that it had become sad and alone, but with the help of the light named Cathy one question remains will she help the demon known as Demiga return to the light or fall forever to the darkness?

This story is a Displaced story that is a crossover with different things including but not limited to. My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, My Hero Academia, Dragonball, Pokemon and many more.

We do not own any of the shows above or artwork included and all rights got to their corresponding owners, we don’t know them all.

This story is a collaboration between me and Demonlord18.

Chapter 1

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“My costume is all most perfect,” a young man no older than 19 thought to himself as he looked at the costume that was hung up on a coat hanger in an open cupboard sat in a hotel room in San Francisco nearby the golden gate bridge where he was staying in preparation to meet a group of friends the following morning at Comic Con.
The young man was around 5’9 in size and had short black hair along with greed-blue eyes, he was currently wearing a T-shirt that had the Attack on Titan survey corps logo on the back of it. He also had on a set on some blue tracksuit bottoms as he was lying on the bed in the room.

He then slowly sat up groaning in pain as he did “Ow. Damn bed. I swear today it’s just one thing after another with my life. First I lose that bet with Mack to make me go to the stupid convention but what’s worse is he’s making it that I have to go in that costume.”
He then walked over to the cabinet taking the costume out before putting on once again, giving himself one last check over as he stated, “Looks good, only way it could be better is if I had the scar on his face and had dyed my hair to match his corresponding colours.”

The man then sighed as he thought “I can’t believe he chose this con out of all of them this is the one where all of those people have been going missing without a trace.”

He then removed the costume before carefully hanging it back up in the cupboard before lying back on the bed before slowly falling into a deep sleep.

A few hours later the man jolted out of the bed as he heard the fire alarm going off around him as he quickly made his way to the door only to put his hand on the back of it to feel heat radiating through it and the smoke funneling through the bottom of the door slowly filling the room.

He then quickly made his way to a nearby window grabbing his phone and costume stuffing them into a bag as he went and attempted to open it only to find it wouldn’t budge as the Smoke began to get closer and closer to him.

The man then made his way back to the door opening it even with the obvious risks it bought as the handle burned the skin on his hand as he managed to open it only to find the smoke in the hall was even closer to the group than in his room as he inhaled a lot of it and it filled the room.

The man then made his way out the room running through the smoke regardless as he continued to inhale more of the poisonous gas before falling to the floor the smoke only barely above his body as he attempted to crawl as far as he could before he began to cough violently before his vision began to fade as he saw a strange figure ahead of him standing in the flames.

A bit later the man began to weakly wake back up his eyes slowly fluttering open his vision blurred, which after a few minutes slowly cleared as he looked around him to find he was in what was no more that a blank room.

The walls looked to be made of nothing but gray metal and the only light in the room was a single flickering light above the man’s head. He then tried to move only to find he was unable to move any part of his body before he looked to his arms to find them bound to a chair by strong leather shackles as he felt his legs bound in a similar fashion.

“Well I am scared,” the man admitted as he looked around in an attempt to find a way out of his chair testing how strong it really was before attempting to free himself but to no avail. It was then he turned his head to the side as he saw a knife on a small table to the right of him and tried to hop to it, only to find the chair was bolted to the floor and unable to move anywhere.

The man then slowly looked up before he heard footsteps approaching from nearby as he thought, “I hope to god that is someone to here to help me and not the killer/rapist.” The manthen decided to try his luck and shouted “Hey! Can you help me out of here or are you the killer!?”

Nothing seemed to happen for a few agonising minutes before before the door in front of him slowly opening revealing a figure that had red hair and white skin. He was wearing a bright blue cloak that covered his entire body, The cloak itself had gold thread sowed into it near his neck, along with that near the bottom of the cloak was a silver piece of metal that had a letter letter ‘D’ in what looked to be red metal.

“I see your finally awake, I hope you enjoyed your nap,” the figure said his voice sounding creepy and unnerving.

“Why yes you Dragon Ball wardrobe, so are you a killer, rapist or a stalker? If so I am not liking my odds” the responded in annoyance, only to stop as something struck his face as a loud stinging sensation was felt along his face.

“Listen here, and listen well. You are nothing to me, nothing more that a slave, and you will do as your told, unless you want to suffer the consequences,” the figure warned as the man saw blood on the figures hand.

“So rapist it is then,” the man joked all the while scared shirtless, as he received another slap to his face as he saw blood dripping down his face.

“You don’t seem to understand the gravity of your situation Slave. You belong to me now, and you will learn to follow my commands,” the figure admitted as the man felt something being placed on his head that dug into his scalp.

“Aaaaahhh” pain swept through him like a red hot poker was being pushed in and he could do nothing to stop it but he would not let has new “master” see he cried and weak.

“Are you getting the picture yet?” the figure asked.

“More often that you *huff* I like it kinky.”

The figure then looked to grin almost sadistically as he flicked a switch as the man felt electricity run through his body as he screamed out in agony as his whole body shook and writhed as the current ran through him.

“Ahh-hahahahah oh come on I know you can do better than that. Hahahah. I’ve had worse days then this” he lied as he tried to not think of the pain.

“Really?” the figure asked as he walked away leaving the electricity flowing through his body as a mask covered the left half of the man’s face along with his right eye.

As the pain begun to numb somewhat the electricity cut off as the man went limp in the chair, breathing hard as he tried to catch his breath.

“You ready for the next part?” The figure asked his voice sounding even scarier than before now he was blinded.

“Born ready bitch. Let’s have some fun with the my wantabe master” He replied hoping that sound brave as the chair he was on began tilt backwards.

“Ohh so no dinner before you ride me. Why are you laying me down anyway?” He asked shakily as he felt warmer now, almost like he had been thrown into hell and nothing could match it.

For a while the man heard nothing before he suddenly felt some scolding liquid being poured over the uncovered side of his face as the began to scream out in agony as the liquid burned his skin. “Continue acting like you are and it will only get worse for you.”

“Please it’s feels like you are trying to make me into Shoto Todoroki and don’t act like I’m stupid. You’re the guy who’s making people go missing and why didn’t that hurt as much as should?” the man respond as he found that the liquid hadn’t cooled and was still boiling hot.

“I think we’ll leaving you for a bit, maybe you’ll have learned your lesson by then” the figure responded as something closed over the front of the pool of liquid before the electricity began running through the man again causing the pain to increase tenfold and his body to never numb as he heard the door close.

“He didn’t deny it,” he thought before a image appeared continuously in his eyes, as he found himself in a new place surrounded by fire that he almost felt like it was burning his entire body as he saw three figures in front of him screaming in pain as there flesh began to burn off there figures only for it to loop each time they died.

“No, not them. Please not them again.” he saw the one thing that he loved. His mom, dad and his little sister. One of the few things that had ever managed to scare him or, hurt him.

Five hours passed with the pain the man felt never fading and the images never stopping as the man began to shake violently. It was then the images faded as he felt the liquid drain from his face and the continuous shocks cease.

“OK time to put this plan into action just hope it works or I am going to die trying” the man began with sitting up straight and wait like a loyal dog and hoped Demigra decided to buy it.

It was then the mask was removed from his face as he saw Demigra smirking down at him as he asked with a smirk, “So how are you feeling Slave?”

“I am fine my master what do you wish from me and I will make it so,” he said as if he could vanish into thin air through just the will of his master orders.

However as he looked at Demigra’s face he realised something was wrong as he heard Demigra asked in annoyance, “Do you think me that much of a fool?”

He tilted his head faking confusion as he asked “What is wrong my master? Have I displeased you in some way?” he knew that this was a long shot but he will stick to his guns. As he looked pleading at his ‘master’. “Have I anger you in some way?! If so I beg for your forgiveness”

“You really do think me a fool, I can see just what you are thinking, and the fact your lying, be honest with me and I may not make you suffer more than you currently have.”

“Whoa you are good but you can’t blame a man for trying. You’re not held up on your end. PlusI still don’t know your true name, and don’t tell me that you are Demigra, because those are just lies,” he said proud and true as he did the 7-1000 rules of pain.

Demigra then grabbed the man by his neck choking as he said, “listen here, I am for all intensive purposes the very demon you think I am, and you really should be careful with just how you speak to me.”

“Show me. *huff* Demigra in game can open *huge* wormholes to wherever he wants so I posted *huff*,that we have a bet you win I do what you want”.

Demigra just squeezed down harder preventing the man from breathing at all as he said, “do not test my patience boy, right now I could kill you without even a thought, and I don’t do bets with slaves. Keep testing my patience and I will not hesitate to kill you, do I make myself clear?”

“*huff* *huff*” he nods to the kidnapper as Demigra releases his grip on the man’s throat allowing him to breath.

“To claim to be a god is foolish. Showing you are a god show faith on your slave’s and they do the work harder than before,” a great man said that if you’re who you say you are ‘Then’ I will follow you to hell” he said with his big bet.

Demigra only sighed at this as he says, “it seems you do not yet understand your place just yet, I see that five hours wasn’t long enough for you to learn just what the punishment is for angering me.”

It was then the chair the man was strapped on began to move so he was upright as Demigra tied a second strap around his preventing him from moving it. He then placed both of his hands on the side of the man’s head as a shock of electricity pulsed through it before what looked to be a screen was placed directly in front of his face in such he way he could see nothing else.

“annnd back into hell I just hope that someone or something saves me before it’s too late,” he thought in fear

“And before youthink or even hope that someone will come and save you, this time your punishment will not as anywhere as quick as last time, I should warn you what you experienced before is nothing compared to what you will now suffer.” Demigra said before something was placed over his ears preventing him from hearing anything else in the room.

“7-1000=993, 7-993=986” he thought.

It was then the screen in front of him burst into life as the scene from before played again, but this time the man heard a young voice scream out to him “Sun help!” as he saw the same girl and before curled up on the ground in front of the screen, almost like the whole scene was being seen through his eyes.

“Cathy-no that’s not her Just keep going because I ‘AM’ going to make him work for it 7-986=979” he thought.

“Oh and before you think it’ll be this easy to just ignore it, I think i’ll tell you this. I can’t count how many times I hearing that little child scream that name over, and over and over again, pleading for you to save her. I remember when she finally gave in crawled to my feet and begged me to do with her as she wished.” the voice responded as Demira appeared in front of the girl now know as Cathy as he slowly rubbed the back of her head, before looking to the man as he added, “You know she’s my most loyal pet now. Always doing as I ask without question.”

As he stop his counting and started to pay attention to Demigra was angry at what he was seeing and hearing but one word was say “Photoshop” and “seeing is believing”

“Still don’t believe me I see,” Demigra mocked as he reached down Cathy’s back as she began to cry out tears in her eyes as she looked to Sun. “Maybe when you return to the real world I’ll let you see how far she’s come, I bet she’d love that.”

“Hearing a lot of talk but not of action Demi, that’s going to be your new pet name! Hahaha!”

It was then the flames that had surrounded him began to burn his skin as he Demigra picked Cathy up as the man saw she was unconscious before creating a wormhole in front of them before stating, “see you in a few years, I’ll look forward to it,” as he walked though taking Cathy with him before it closed behind him.

“well that’s not Cathy or she would have sent a message to me only I know so I still have hope and now I know that he is the killer hehehe. 979-7=972”

It was then flames began to lick at the mans arms before he saw his flesh began to burn and char slowly disintegrating in front of his eyes, until he was nothing but a skeleton but still feeling every moment of his torture before it reset.

Three days passed as the man was trapped constantly dying and being revived only to die again, each time watching Demigra take his sister having done more to her each time, and killing his mother and father in different ways.

“---=14, 7-14=7 7-7=0 and now I know this is fake if it’s changing every time from the top 1000-7=993” he thought.

Six days passed since the man had began his watching the torture unfold the very event now seeming to become the same and replacing the memories he once had, every day seeing the same event taking place. Always the one that caused him the most pain before the vision stopped and reset.

The man could now no longer recall what had happened before he was placed in the cynical cycle he had been placed into, losing count a long time ago, the time now feeling like years had passed.

“How long have I been here now I don’t really know but I know this ‘Demigra killed my family and now I will kill him’” he thought what most have be the 667 time Now.

It was then the flames surrounded him again surrounding his entire body just having his entire vision being only filled by them.

As the seventh day ended his mind finally began to break.

“Hehehehe look at all the Fire, it’s soo painful but no matter how much I plead it would not stop! Hahaha ohhh look it’s Cathy hehehe have to kill Demigra for that”

It was then the vision stopped as he looked around him to see him back in the room he had been in before his torture began as he saw Demigra remove the screen from his vision along with whatever had blocked his ability to hear. It was then Demigra placed a flame next the man’s head before he asked him, “how are you feeling slave, we’ve really been looking forward to seeing you.”

HAHAHA!HAHAHAHA!!! OH it is good to see you again! Now know this I will kill you hehe. Or so help god hehe and it’s going to be so much fun.” he said cackling like a madman.

It was then the man froze as he heard a familiar voice ask Demigra, “Master, what is wrong with that man?”

“Don’t worry Cathy, he’s just lost his mind,” Demigra replied.

“Hm like that’s Cathy I think I know my own sister. But good try.” he said as he looked at the ‘Cathy’ in front of him. It was then he saw that the girl was stood only to the height of Demigra’s hip, she had long red hair along with bright blue eyes but along with that she also wore a loose black t-shirt along with some tattered jeans that seemed ripped in many places.

“Cathy anything you want to say to him?” Demigra asked, as he rubbed the back of her neck.

“In the multi-universe everything is fake but real and the good is bad and bad is good” she said with a happy go lucky smile.

“Holy crap! You gotta be kidding me HOW did you do it Demigra” he hoped that this was fake and his mind was just trying to stop the pain, as he saw that Cathy had what looked to be a dog’s collar around her neck that looked to be connect to a leash Demigra was holding.

“Do you not remember when we last spoke,” Demigra added with a smirk as she dropped to her knees and sat in front of him obediently as he knelt down and rubbed the top of her head, “she really is a good girl, you know.”

“What are your orders my master?” Cathy asked with a joyfully tone.

“Nothing right now, why don’t you tell your brother how you feel being my pet?” Demigra responded grinning at the man.

“It has been the most joyfully of my life and the most beautiful and I would not give it up for the world and how you save me from those boring people that calls themselves my parents when I only need you, and the way you killed them was funny” Cathy said with pride and joy.

“No I Saw ‘him’ kill you a million times and how am I meant to believe you when for all I know that collar could be mind controlling you!” the man then calmed down breathing hard before adding, “there is no way in all the hells that I am going to forgive Demigra for his crimes.”

“No!!! That’s not true he is like a dad to me! You are just telling me lies! What gives you the right to tell me he is evil!” she then began to tear up before adding “and you are just trying to get rid of him because you are just crazy!!!” she cried out to her brother.

Demigra then looked down to Cathy who had began to grab ahold of his leg as she began to cry into his leg before Demigra picked her up and placing her head on his shoulder and rubbing her back before calmly told her, “don’t worry, I won’t let him threaten or hurt you anymore, if you want to leave just tell me.”

“90863 that’s how many times I plead it to stop and to let me go and I am still here. So yes please let me go. I know that can’t be my little sister.” he said with a flat tone one that spoke of pain and suffering.

“Oh yeah I can proof that I am your sister with this” she said through sobs and pulls up her shirt and show off her mark of a strangely shaped birthmark on her tummy in the shape of an snake that looks like it’s swing around her belly button.

“no it can’t be”-“no it’s not possible you can’t be her No you died he showed it me and he was the culprit” he pled that was not her.

“Wrong it was a man call Andrew and the master saved me when you weren’t there when I needed you!” Cathy then looked to Demigra before saying to him, “Please master can we leave so the bad man won’t say anymore mean things to you,” she the started to sob before saying please to him one more time.

Demigra then nodded his head to her as he kissed her on the forehead before adding, “of course, I can’t stand to see him hurt you any longer.”

“Thank you master” she said while looking brokenhearted and it broke the man’s heart even if this is just a trick to make him submitted to Demigra and his mission to do whatever that is “hmm” “cat what is his mission if you tell me that I apologize to you and him and join what ’you’ want me do as apologize.” he say with pleading eyes “if this question is answered then I might consider it” he thought.

Cathy then looked back to the man before she said, “he doesn’t have one, he only wished to help people, save them when they truly deserve it. He is nothing like the monster you make him out to be, and I’m happy to see him as my father!”

“Okay, I am sorry master and sister how can I serve you I have seen my error of my way let me serve you however I can?” The man responded dejectedly but as he was truly broken in mind and he knew it but simply couldn’t can’t fight his sister.

Demigra then looked to Cathy before gesturing to her to state her thoughts to the man.
he was a big meanie but he is sorry so I let him have a chance I think that what master would want” she thought and said “I think we should give him a chance master it’s is only fair please I miss my big brother,” she said hopefully.

Demigra then looked to Cathy before saying, “I’ll consider it, but for now he’ll need to stay here while we decide what he can do to prove his loyalty to us.”

“Thank you” both the man and Cathy replied at the same time which made them both giggle/chuckled at that. It was then the man looked at Cathy before he said “see you soon sister” as he watched them leave out the door as he finally got a chance to sleep in peace.

As the man woke up he found himself no longer restrained against the chair he was in as he found himself in what looked to be a large cage. He then slowly looked around to find that against a wall in the same cage as him was three other people.

The first was a teenage girl she had long black messy hair that looked like it hadn’t had any attention for months was resting over her two black coloured eyes. She was wearing a very tight top that barely left anything to the imagination along with a very short miniskirt.

The second was a young child who’s entire body looked to be covered in black feathers as the man realised he looked like he had a beak almost like he was bird. He was also wearing what looked like a cloak that obscured his features.

The last person caught the man off guard as he found that it was a young boy that almost looked completely like Shoto Todoroki, almost exactly like him apart from wearing a completely white costume that only revealed his face.

It was the that the man noticed that the two children’s eyes were full of tears along with what looked to be broken arms and legs.

“Holy crap those are awesomeness costume,s” the man said absent minded as all eyes fell on him even the kids stop crying to see a firmly and yet not at the same time and the man said “what’s crackin good lookin,” as the man put up two fingers guns.

The women then looked to the man before she said to him, “what the hell is wrong with you! You can’t act like this is fine!”

“Hey girly I have been through hell and back and went again for funny times and that’s not counting Cathy my Lil sis and or parents as slaves and I time every second by second and that’s not the worst--”

She interut him by saying “You think you’re the only one! That asshold has murdered, kidnapped and tortured us all, he’s broken every bone in there bodies multiple times, almost killed me even more and turned my best friends into in slaves, so don’t think you’ve had it worse than anyone else!”

“Hehehe oh girly you forgot something that he did to me. He made me fucking crazy and if I’ve done my maths correctly I have been here for about 50 years and seen my own family burnt alive, and then rape me for shit and giggles, and that was just day 7 and it gets much bader and that is not counting the sex back draw. I am not sure what is real and what not because you made be a construct made by my mind urging me to make for friends as part of a saviour instinct. So I might be in that VR simulation so if you can tell me what is real and what is not then I will apologize to all the women and men in this room so *clap* who wants the first go *puts hand on his ear* nooo hahahaha good” he said all this with a crazy smile and eyes then walks to the corner and starts giggle while saying “7-1000=993 7-993= 986 7-986= -” and he started to muter the rest.

It was then he felt ice surround his body leading from the boy that looked like Shoto before the women somehow formed a metal pole from her skin before hitting the man around the side of the head with it as she said to him, “Wake the hell up you idiot, you’ve been played by him, wherever he promised you will not happen.”

“Hahaha!! And how the hell do I know that ‘he’ didn’t send you to mess with me Hahaha, oh he hits way better then you and the ice pop over there is doing more pain and I am just feeling chilled so don’t act tough because you-”

“QUITE down in there or I will get Demigra newbie” said a filmed voice the man look to the cell door there was his sister and begin by saying “What’s up sister how are you doing has the deal been struck?”

“Annd? Who are you Newbie” she said which broken the man’s heart for like 60 seconds and reply with “ oh no-one just a your older brother but that is fine he made you forget me which means he’s broken his word.” he said with a shrug while everyone else look shocked at what he said.

“How can you be so calm about that!” the women asked.

“I’m used to it by now. 50 years remember? I just don’t care. All I care about now is killing the so called ‘master’ and my dead sister.”

“Yeah good luck with that one,” the women responded, “you’ll never get close enough to Demigra to even touch him and even if you did, you’d be dead before you can even use your powers.”

“Good then it’s a win win situation. Either I die or I kill him and ice pop can train me or I just look at him till I figure it out. Let’s see just how long till i figured It out shall we?” the man asked coldly before he then easily broke the ice with no trouble and sat in the corner looking straight at Shoto with that crazy smile that could put the Joker to shame.

“*sod*” the man snap at that sound and lost his smile for the first time in so long and saw his sister crying and he just raised an eyebrow and asked “What have you remembered me or something?”

Cathy look at her brother and see just how broken he had become before she ran away from him down the hall in an attempt to try and find her master. It was then that she bumped into someone as she fell to the ground before and she look up to see Demigra above her.

Demigra then looked down at Cathy to see tears in her eyes before he knelt down in front of her wrapping his arms around her as he asked her, “What wrong? Why are you upset?”

“My brother thinks you have erased my memories of him, but that’s not the worst of it he said that he is going to kill you for breaking your word to him and he said he was going to kill the fake sister and that’s me!” and then added while begging Demigra, “Please master *sob* please fix my brother he has gone too far into madness.” and she wait for master answer and pray that there was hope for her brother.

“You realise no matter what I do, even if I fix what I can of his broken mind, I could never see him as my son, as I see you as my daughter. You do understand this, even if I repair what I can, he will still remember what he saw and said. He will likely still wish to act upon those feeling and harm me,” Demigra responded as he wiped away the tears on Cathy’s face, “but if it will make you happy I will try and fix him the best I can.”

“Yes thank you master! I just want my brother back if you don’t see him as your son that’s fine but he only wants to kill you because he thinks you hurt me in some way. I think if we give him time he will see the truth and become your loyal servant like I did,” she said with hope and faith in her voice.

Demigra then looked to Cathy continuing to wipe her tears way before saying to her calmly, “Cathy, I never saw you as servant, from the day we met I have always wanted to keep you safe. I have always loved you and I always will.”

They then both walked back towards the cell as Demigra allowed Cathy to hold his hand as they went. Once they reached the cell her brother was in they looked inside to see just what Demigra could do.

It was then he looked inside to see the man holding the bird like child he had been sharing the cell with in one hand and his almost exact twin in the other while laughing at them saying “Hahaha! I have lost everything now. I have lost my mind! My home! And the last of my family so don’t play with me because I have nothing left to lose Hahaha!”

“How did he go this mad?” Demigra asked himself, “even if I wasn’t doing this for her, I could never have someone this insane serve me.

“He said that he doesn’t know what is real and what isn’t and that he may be still in that VR machine that you put him in,” Cathy responded sadly.

Demigra simply nodded back to her a kind smile on his face before walking towards the cage and tapping on the bars to get the attention of the occupants.

It was then the women and two children saw him as both children quickly pulled away from the man before proceeding to slowly back away into a corner as the women placed her body infront of both of the children both hiding and protecting them without a word.

The man the looked to where the other occupants of the cell been looking just before they had moved into the corner of the room in fear, as he saw Demigra and Cathy standing by the cell door the latter of the two hiding behind the firsts leg as his smile grew to impossible size as he said, “Well look at what the filth dragged in and what did I do to get such an unwelcome visit hmm?” he asked with sarcasm and questionly to has kidnapper.

“I think I should make you aware that you failed the test I set you to test your loyalty, I heard what you said about the two of us and honestly, I’m frankly disgusted with myself for the fact that I even gave you a chance,” Demigra admitted before adding, “but I can see you are unable to do anything in your current state, so I will tell you this only once stand against the wall facing away from us and don’t move unless I tell you otherwise.”

“And why should I listen to you who has done nothing but lie to me. First you tell me you killed my family with no saviors and then tortured me telling me that I am useless and then tell me that you kept my sister from me and made me think that my one hope of having a normal life with my last know family for a test you knew that I was going to fail so you can keep my sister on your leash and make me look like the bad guy so you can so call fix me I bet because that’s what you are an militate for your slaves, well best put up a fight because no matter what I win I die or I kill you!” with that said he took up boxer stance and waiting for a chance to get him.

“Firstly I never said there were no survivors from your family, secondly I never said you were useless, thirdly, I honestly thought you would trust her enough to know she wouldn’t forget you and lastly, I never saw her as a slave. Not even once,” Demigra responded, “so I’ll tell you one last time stand against the wall facing away from us and don’t move unless I tell you too otherwise this will end up being uncomfortable for you and I’d rather not upset my daughter if I can help it.”

The man looks at demigra and blinks three times and looks to the ground and back up to him and said “Yeah you did just after Yo..u...put...on..the...VR… god I fuck up” and he heard morgan freeman said just that saying “It was at this point he knew. He fucked up”

“Now, get against the damn wall!” Demigra ordered his voice sounding anger and commanding in tone.

The man just went to the wall and just started to Slam his head against the wall over and over again saying “stupid… stupid… stupid… why… am… so… stupid… just... ruined… my… only… chance… to… be… with… my sister… stupid… stupid…” it was then a hand was placed against his head preventing him from hitting his head against the wall again before he felt something jabbed into his neck before being removed.

The man looks back to see Demigra holding a empty syringe and asked “What did you put in me am I going on another LSD trip?” he asked before blacking out.

Demigra then quickly placed a hand in front of the man as he legs gave out before he whispered, “Don’t worry once you wake up everything will feel better.”

The man said in his sleep “I hope so, I can’t stand the pain anymore,” he responded with a smile.

“Good,” Demigra responded before throwing the man over his shoulders before walking out the door closing it behind him as he failed to notice a small shard of ice just preventing the door from closing as him and Cathy walked away.

Chapter 2

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“Ugh my head! why does it feel like everything ‘normal’? Like not as confused or chaotic. Hmm time to get up I suppose,” he thought while waking up groggily and everything was for the first time in a long time was clear and calm “what the fuck happened to me why am not full insane no more!!!”

“Welp there goes calm,enjoy your trip ’calm’ I don't think we willwon't need you for a while” said the guy who doesn't get paid enough ‘you don't pay me for this shit’ wlep back to it. the guy who had soo many mental problems he could have as many as the stars in the sky and his first question after so long was “de fuck! Where am! I last thing I remember was Demigra mentally fucking me over then he stab me and then...and then? holy fuck he did it he finally killed me. Am I am in hell...oh well same shit as always I jest.”

The man then looked around him to see he was in what looked to be a white padded room with one door with bars in the centre of it.

Nope just gone’er? I don't know let see what I am working with hate for you Demigra…*flashing of Demigra in pain* check, family memories *flashing old log cabin with his family all happy* check how bout...getting out * and his brain say fuck that shit i'm out* hmm rain check on that one.” he thought.

It was then he swore he heard what sounded like explosions ringing out outside the room he was in as he slowly made his way towards the door, upon reaching it he tried to look out the small window but found that he was unable to see very far in either direction as he head the sounds getting louder outside.

“Yo the living hell is going on!” the man shouted to the very loud noises only to get no response as more explosions were heard down the hall just out of his view.

“well boom to you” said a very sarcasm man and he just sat there in listings to the explosions and the quiet in his head “well this new it's quiet in here” he thought.

It was then the man saw what looked to be two bodies crash into the wall beside the room he was in both on the ground unconscious and seemingly covered in burns mainly to their faces.

The man rise an eyebrow and said “who the hell are they” now the man didn't know what was happening and that scare him shitless more then fire.

It was then a new voice said through the door, “Is there anyone in there, believe it or not there has been a breakin and now it’s time for a mass breakout.”

“Noooo just an empty room...obvious there is! can you me get out of this goddamn room please” the man said jokingly and want serious at the end to the unknown voice.

“Okay then empty room, I’ll just move on then,” the voice mocked.

“WHAT! No please get out I don't want to go crazy again! I was joking about the room being empty!” the man said pleadingly to the voice. There as no response as it seemed whoever voice had belonged to had gone.

“Noooo now that beautiful savior voice is gone, why god have for fuck me over again!” the man said to the sky in pain over the lost voice.

“Okay, whoever’s trapped in there do you have a name?” the voice asked from outside the room.

“Yes! beautiful savior voice! I am Sun Todoroki it is a pleasure to hear your voice like yours so what's your name” the man now know as sun replied.

“Let's get you out of there first, please get away from the door,” the voice responded.

“I am tied down in the middle of the room mate, and I can't move,” sun replied.

“Well, that makes this step easier than,” the voice replied as the door suddenly began to melt flames seeming to become visible as a hole formed in the door.

“Aaahhh!!! not fire!!! Not god dammit fire please no more fire you promised!! Aaahhh!” Sun began to hyperventilate and having a panic attack at the view of fire.

“Calm down, I’m almost in to you,” the voice said as the door began to swing open slightly.

“No more! No more! No more! Please do what you want! Just please just no more fire!” Sun eyes were pinpricks and his heart rate was at its max for a human.

It was then the door swung completely open as Sun saw a man standing in front of him that had a two toned black and red hair, the red being a central set of strands combed over his forehead and had blue eyes. The figure was wearing what looked to be a mainly red suit that had two black bands running down from his shoulders and arms, along with that he had what two black fingerless gloves that only revealed the tips of his fingers on his right had that were almost completely black, the bottom of his suit followed a similar look to that of his top except the majority of it was black while the bands running down the front of his legs were orange Along with this he seemed to have what looked to be a red metal mask covering his mouth that had red wires connecting to the back of his costume, along with this Sun could see that on the belt he had around his waist he looked to have a few bottles filled with clear liquids aking with a few bottles that were filled with what looked to be leaves and liquids of some kind.

“Please no no no please no more fire please no more please,” Sun kept repeating “no more fire please no more” as he was having his panic attack.

It was then the figure quickly ran behind him undoing his binds as he said, “easy there, I’m here to help you escape, but you need to calm down, my names Kai Firebrand, and I’m here to get you somewhere safe.”

Sun take deep breaths and ask in broken tone, “you promise with that savior then I can.” he responded half joking whilst still being half serious.

“I’ll need you to stay calm and not panic as I get you to safety, I won’t lie to you, it’s more dangerous out there and there is a lot of things that may scare you but I can handle it as long as you remain in control till we get you to the escape route,” Kai responded calmly

“I am only scared of fire mate keep me away as best as possible then I will be fine it's the one and only thing that scares me.”

“They should have sent Aqualad to help you then,” Kai muttered before adding, “as long as no enemies find us we should be okay then. Do you think you can walk?”

“I think so, I don't know how long I have been out for and I am pretty sure that I was insane not to long ago and it's only if I see the fire will I start to panic, you can thank Demigra for that” sun said fully calm again

“Okay,” Kai respond as he carefully helped Sun stand up placing Sun’s arm over his shoulder to support him, “if I tell you to close your eyes at all, do it okay.”

“I am not stupid enough to get us kill over my fear if I see something then I will tell you and close my eyes, I might have been crazy but even then I had a mind and don't ask how I have no idea how.” sun replied with coolly and tickled.

“Just do as I told you, if you freaked out at the flame I made alone, I dread to think how you’d react to the flames that have been raging in this place during our assault to get in,” Kai responded.

“You go 50 years of fire torture and if you don't get fear of it and remember everything to the second then come talk to me and don't expect everyone in here to have the same type of torture used on them he never did the same trick twice.” he respond with venom and pain for the time that sun has been here. Then he had to ask the question “by even chance have you see my sister Cathy?”

“I’m sorry, but I haven't came across anyone by that name, if we’re lucky one of the others may have. Where was she when you last saw her?” Kai asked as they made there way down the dark ruined hallways.

“She was on the right side of Demigra, she is his slave ‘daughter.’ I don't know how and I have no hope of her being herself nowadays and before you start it's not your fault and I need not for sorry,” he responded to Kai.

“I wasn’t going to claim that, but if it helps if she’s by the side of him and he says she’s his daughter like he claims, there's a high chance she remains unchanged from who she was before meeting him.”

“she said that her mom and dad were not her true parent's and see don't see her brother in me now after I told Demigra to go fuck himself for killing are parents so try not to give me bad hope unless you have a talent to see the future.”

“And your positive he killed them, you need to be sure about that before you make the accusation, and no my quirk simply allows me to absorb and control the form and movement of fire,” Kai admitted.

“Yes the cops said that they were killed and that was a joke, same on power but with ice as well.” he laughed at his own joke.

“Listen kid, I’ll tell you this right now. Give up on trying to kill Demigra, no matter how strong you get that monster is miles above what you can handle.”

“And what have I got to lose other then my sanity which I had lost now.” he said

It was then Sun was held against a nearby wall by Kai as she shouted, “wake you up damn fool, what you used to have may be gone, but stop thinking like your past is all you have to look at! Once you get out you have a clean slate to start from and a new life and path to forge your own way. So don’t you dare go around saying you have nothing because you have more than those that we can’t save to look forwards to!”

He then looked at Kai with a raised eyebrow and said “I only made the two friends and they are probably dead by now and what's to stop him from getting me again and not to mention that you saved the wrong person if you think I about to stop I never have never will so don't.”

Kai then glared at Sun before saying, “you have only been trapped here for a week you moron, and your in a place where there is no flow of time, in your old world no time has passed, your likely still where you were when he took you from there.”

“In a burning building? I hope not, and yeah I guess about the time chemby.”

“Oh you mean the Hyperbolic time Chamber from the Dragon Ball series, and no. We’re currently on a prison ship travelling through what we call the void. To any normal person escape is impossible but…” Kai then stopped as he heard something around a nearby corner before he quickly grabbed Sun as moved them around a corner a distance back.

Sun got up against the wall and whispered to Kai “see something?” as Sun then got ready cover his eyes just in case.

“Just stay quiet, and look,” Kai responded as the two poked their heads around the corner as they saw Demigra, an army of struggling people who were screaming out for help along with a strange yet familiar figure standing to the right of Demigra, smiling joyfully as she went.

“He won't change my sister you said. That's why I don't have hope it's a waste of time,” Sun whispered back to Kai.

It was then he heard Demigra say to the girl, “dammit these cells are already open this doesn’t bode well for our chances of collecting your brother safely.”

“I just have to keep hoping that we will find him but I am worried about him he never his a true grip on his heart he thinks that almost all emotion is a waste of time execs some so I can't help but worry.” the girl next to Demigra responded before looking around for him.

“Don’t worry, as the door to his room was one of the strogest free ones, he wouldn’t be able to get out without alerting the nearby guards,” Demigra responded nervously as he passed the corner the Kai and Sun were standing by holding their breath.

“Oh thank you for taking good care of my brother master I do not know ho-” Cathy start to say

“I told you i’m not your master, so please stop calling me that,” Demigra requested, “I don’t see you like these lot who tried to run, you are a daughter to me, and I want you to see me as your father, not a man who keeps you as a slave, I never altered your mind in any way.”

“oh sorry mas-Dadit's just so often I hear it just started to rub off me. But there must be a way to repay for your kindnes-” she said but got interrupted by a running prison and had to act quickly she summon some of Darkrai’s powers to make the person fall down next to the corner of the hallway.

It was the the Prisoner began to scream out for help as Cathy approached him before she grabbed ahold of his right leg as the prisoner tried to struggle as he screamed, “No! Let me go! Somebody please help I don’t want to be a slave! Please save me!” as Cathy started to drag them back towards the group.

However as she reached the corner Sun and Kai were by she stopped and began to look around feeling like she could sense something nearby as Sun and Kai held their breath but after a few seconds she started to walk back to the rest of the group as the prisoner continued screaming to no avail.

Once she reached Demigra’s side again he heard the prisoner began to break down in tears as Demigra said, “I see your new abilities are coming through well, do you think you could, make it so he won’t try to escape again?” Demigra asked Cathy as the man saw the looks of the other prisoner had gone blank there eyes seeming unfocused asif they were no longer in control of themselves.

“Hmmm I think you love spiders on your body won't you?” the person began to beg “Please no, anything but that!” the prisoner screamed as he tried to escape from Cathy’s grasp.

“You really think that my dad would let me do this if I could not hold my own or someone else in this case.” she giggled at that.

“Oh god, somebody save me please!” the prisoner shouted out in fear as he began to break down into tears before he began to rapidly scream out in terror, “Get them off! Get them off! Get them off!”

Sun had enough. “come on we have to go they will be mindless in a few minutes and they will come down here because my room is next and we can not run in this condition and you can't fight both of them,” Sun whispered to Kai.

“Finally you see sense,” Kai responded as they walked down the hall and out of sight of the group the prisoners screams still hearable even then, “as much a I want to help them, it’s already a lost cause, they’re too far gone to save and being your sister has the other one as easily as she did, there’s little we can do for him.”

A few more minutes passed as they got away from the Demigra and his force before Kia asked Sun “What did she mean that you can't feel your heart as well as others.”

Sun could only sigh as he responded by saying “my heart? Us humans say that word so lightly. As if it were something one can hold in the palm of one's hand. *pont at her chest and say* if I were to rip open your chest would I know what it was *pont to her head and say* if I were to rip open your skull would it be there and do I have one because everyone say I am without a heart and I ask them what is a heart and they say it can't be explained but that's impossible everything can be explained in one way or another,” Sun explained to Kai.

“Man you're a weird person to figure out,” Kai responded as they turned a corner and he stated, “We’re almost in the clear, just bit further.”

“You are a dumbass, You just jinx us or something,” Sun said.

“Trust me on this, we’ll be fine you’ll see,” as they turned another corner as Sun saw what looked to be a strange train in front of them.

“What's with the kingdom hearts train” sun asked

“Definitely the wrong franchise there,” Kai responded, “that is your escape route so going and get on it.”

“I meant with the no tracks why what's it from?” sun asked again

“Do you know about the Kamen Rider series?” Kai asked quickly turning around as he grabbed a sword that had been impaled into the ground at some point beside him.


“This has nothing to do with that, I just had an order to protect this hallway until we leave, now you get moving the others will get you ready to leave,” Kai responded placing the tip of the blade against the ground and just looked forwards.

“Okay see you later sweetheart. Great to hear your beautiful voice when I woke up from insanity till we meet again.” sun said his goodbye while walking past him and onto the train.

As soon as Sun boarded the train he looked around to see many people in worse states than him, some missing limbs other with broken bones and some even with what seemed to be freshly opened wounds.

“You better find a seat or get out the path because we have people in worse states than you,” a angry voice responded as Sun turned around to see a red demon like monster standing behind him with medical supplies in his arms.

“whatever dude just looking for a seat.”sun replied

“Well move faster your taking up space we desperately need,” the monster replied as he shoved his way past him delving the supplied to another person assisting someone whose arm was bleeding badly.

“hmm...umm...ah...there's one next to a window perfect,” Sun said happily as he quickly sat on it looking out the window at the area he had entered into looking over to where he had left Kai.

“I wonder what her ass is like I didn't get time to look at the time,” Sun through

It was then someone slapped the back of his head as another voice said, “Don’t go thinking about people that way, especially someone who saved your ass,” a similar gravely voice as before responded, “now do you need any medical attention or can I leave you be and help people who aren’t a pain in my ass as you were to the idiot with the supplies?”

He slowly looked up and say “first...ow! now I do...second I have been flirting with her and she didn't slap me so I think I am good...and three stay out of my head my mind my rules.” sun said annoyed with the person.

The person then looked to Sun before saying, “you realise, we’re only here to help and Kai most likely didn’t slap you because he was busy saving your ass,” the figure asked as he sat across from Sun.

“Not with a slap like what do you want and have you never heard ask and you shall get...hmmm and it's hard to feel for others when you can't grasp your own heart,” Sun asked.

“Well that's all well and good but maybe you should actually thank him after we escape, honestly he would just be grateful to get a thank you out of costume for once,” the figure admitted.

“Hey stop talking and get to work you slouch!” the first monster from before shouted in annoyance.

“Sorry about that I need the some to talk to so pissed off shottit-mac-gi” said Sun.

“Well, I don’t care this idiot has a job to do and should not be wasting time,” the first figure argued.

“You know Momo, you’re one to talk about wasting time, you barely ever do what your supposed to,” the second argued back.

“At least I know when to not flirt with people,” the first added.

“Right you just try to kill them everytime,” the second mocked.

“and unlike you he is doing his job you tell he to help the people who get on the train but he is going one up you by helping them mentel with concern and a helpful attitude unlike you who would cause their mental state to worsen with your shouting and lollygagging so I will say this go away you are not helping me.” sun said annoyed to the one standing up.

“Don’t worry sir, he’s always like this, we only keep him around because he can located certain monsters, he useless for every other matter,” the second one admitted to Sun with a smirk.

“You think i’m useless at least I don’t fight with a fishing rod, you ninja turtle reject,” the first argued.

“See what I mean, useless.”

“So he is the shit app on a GPS but more annoying and a lot of fish are poisoning and easy to make your off guard so what's your point” sun ask and then say “sun by the way”sun said offhandedly

“My names is Urataros, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, the idiots name is Momotaros.” the second monster responded, “shouldn’t you get back to your job anyway?”

“Dammit, I’ll get you back later for this!” Momotaros argued before running off.

“Finally he’s gone,” Urataros responded, “thank you for sticking up for me there.”

“No problem I just got out of that place and so did these so we don't need shouting and argue with each other and your tired so you was not be able to do your job so I sent him to do it for you.” sun replied

“Honestly I already finished this is his cabin to manage, mine was done and full so we had to close my doors, I was told to help him and you can see why. Anything you need to ask about so I don’t have to deal with him for a bit? I get the feeling the second I stand up he’ll start ordering me around.”

“Except that slap I am fine my was my mental then physic so he could have a fully working slave for him so no go help someone who needs it” sun said

It was then a voice was heard over the loudspeaker as Sun heard a voice say, “Everyone, we will be moving in around five minutes, make sure your ready for then as it may be a bumpy ride. Also Momo, don’t be a pain for everyone, we’re here to help not make them worse.”

“Shut up!” Momotaros shouted in annoyance even though it was unlikely the man on the loudspeaker could hear him.

“As always we thank you all for using our service on the Denliner and wish you all the safest journey we can offer at this time. Thank you for your patience.” the voice said before shutting off.

“just what they need a bumpy ride with injured” Sun through

“Trust me the boss wishes it could a smooth ride but he knows Demigra won’t let us escape easily when he realises were here,” Urataros admitted.

“Don't mean I can't be sorry for them. If I could.” sun said/through

There was then an explosion outside of the train as the intercom shouted out, “Cancel that, everyone strap in we're going now all staff get on board immediately!”

“He's probably looking for me” sun said.

It was then Kai got on the train just as the doors shut as he looked down to see Sun as he asked, “is this seat taken or can I join you?”

“Go ahead, free world and your train” sun said and though “maybe I can see his ass before I get slap again”

Urataros then began laugh before he said, “this isn’t his train,” as he moved across allowing Kai to sit down.

It was then Kai took his mask off as what looked like steam was released from the mask, as he took a breath before he said, “so how are you feeling now Sun? Also don’t look outside you won’t like what you see.”

“I am okay trying to see if you have a better ass then me and telling me not to do something is going to do it more.” sun replied

“Do I need to light a flame and scare you shitless or will a slap suffice?” Kai asked in annoyance.

“A slap well do I’ll go back insane if I see fire and try to kill someone,” Sun replied.

“Just behave, and try not to freak out,” Kai requested as he removed one of his gloves as Sun saw his had was comply black and charred almost like it had been very badly burnt.

“oy can i ask about the hand oh is it a short spot for him” sun through try to talk to his mind reader.

However he didn’t get a chance to reply as Kai said, “you're wondering about this right?” as he gestured to his burned hand.

“didn't want to intrude in your private life, after all your life your rules, unless you want to talk about it to the former insane” sun respond to Kai.

“It’s not a problem, my dad decided it would be funny to give me my quirk on my 19th birthday and on that day it activated and I found out that i’m not impervious to my own flames and completely burned my arm to the point it is now. It was after that I was found by the person who owns this train and Ura here did what he could to help me.”

“that's a nice story do that to all the former insane or just that luckily dude”

“You asked how I got it,” Kai responded.

“no I didn't, you did that all on your own I was just thinking it's all i do over then worrying my sister but that's it I don't ask personal question unless the person wants to talk about it and that's it me in a nutshell.” sun replied not really give a shit now because he is concerned about what his sister is doing “that asshole best not hurt her to get to me or I am going to kill him or die trying hehehe that's sounds fun dying and killing what will be 1st” Sun then shook his head to keep his mind focus as he finished his rants both in and out.

“Well I’ve got to get ready for when all hell breaks loose, I’ll see you both later back at base,” Urataros said as he stood up as Kai let him passed as he ran into the cabins in front of there's.

“See you when I see Urataros!! and give them hell! So with rainbows and kissed” Sun shouted after him as he looked out the window, “I wonder what Cathy doing and I hope she okay,” Sun thought.

P.O.V Cathy

“Where is he, he is hopeless without me and more emotionless. I just hope he doesn't put his mask on,” she said to herself while looking for him.

“What do you mean by his mask?” Demigra asked as they made there way down the halls.

“Oh dad. AND the mask I was talking about.. will that's difficult and easy to explain, do you want to know about that... it's not the greatest thing of his life,” she asked.

“Then if you wish we’ll wait till we locate him and then you can explain,” Demigra responded with a smile.

“Hmm… well you are going to find out sooner or later so I will tell you just don't bring it up to him. Well it started with he was born he had a mental illness in his brain that will not allow him to have the chemicals for emotion love, joy, sadness, sorrow he could not feel them as well as other people but when I came around he ‘pircked up’ as it were he started to feel joy for the first time and the my three year in kindergarten I was being hurt by some bully he was there to surprise me and saw what was happening next thing I know I see my brother holding the bully by the neck a kid no more than 6 holding something twice his side he felt rage for the first time that day the ‘mask’ as we call it is him acting like a flirt and a asshole to not show that he is slowly falling back down to emotionless. That's his story of the mask he has more secret but you have to ask him yourself.” she told Sun Story to demigra and hope he will be serviced him, yes she does see him as a father but it's still to new.

“I’ll avoid asking him anything that could cause his mental state to regress further, although that might explain why his mind descended into madness instead of simply weakening, seven days should have only made him more susceptible to other ideas.”

“Probably but he just thought you made him lose everything,” Cathy suggested.

“That's also a possibility,” Demigra responded as someone ran up to them, he was wearing what looked to be a strange green suit of armour that had what looked to be a green mask that looked to resemble some kind of bird.

“Sir, I think we know how they got in, it’s the Denliner, it’s on the ship,” the figure responded quickly.

Demigra fell silent before sighing as he said, “get ready to follow it if they try to escape, take a few others with you, do not let that carriage with her brother get away or be damaged, try to capture what you can if they get off the ship. Do you understand me Zeronos.”

“Completely sir, I will ensure that as many as the escaped prisoner are brought back if they get off the station,” Zeronos responded as he ran off gesturing to Demigra where the train was for him to located it.

“You really think that they have my brother already dad.” Cathy asked worriedly “please be safe I don't want to lose you again” Cathy thought.

“I hope they don’t but the fact is we have not seen hide on hair of him since the attack began and his room was empty, I’d rather think he’s alive and on that train, than the alternate result.”

“Which is?” Cathy asked now scared for Sun’s safety.

“Let's not even entertain the idea okay,” Demigra responded before quickly ordering everyone on the base to make there way towards the the location of the Denliner as both him and Cathy did the same.

As they both arrived near where the Denliner was hidden they looked down the hall to see a figure that made Demigra groan in annoyance, “of course he sent that pain in my side.”

“Who is he dad is it someone powerful like you” Cathy asked annoyed that they be stop on finding her brother

“Let me put it this way, that man could almost manage to kill me in a fair fight,” Demigra admitted, “unluckily for him, I don’t fight fair.”

“soo,want me to fight with you and have some daughter and father time” Cathy asked existed

“Cathy, you couldn’t even get close to him before he would harm you, and I’m not having that,” Demiga responded as he tapped his staff of the floor before screams were heard as they looked around the corner to see the figure get dragged through a wormhole on the wall next to him by Demigra as he tried to scream out for help but was muffled before falling unconscious.

It was then Cathy got a good look at the figure as he saw that he had purple skin and was wearing a long jacket that covered his body, the only other features that were able to be made out were to red eyes. “And luckily it seems he isn’t the one that's a threat to me. A mistake on their part,” Demira added

“awww OK, but what happened to him and who is this” Cathy asked worriedly for something to fight her dad one on one

“Simply, someone who shall be very useful to us now,” Demigra responded as he placed his hand on the figures head as the figures eyes opened wide before he tried to scream again but was unable to as he muttered, “please save me,” to nobody who could hear his plea before his eyes lost their colour and went hazy.

“Why does everyone looks like there out of an anime he looks like hit from dragon ball Super, I look like a Pokemon and brother looks like he is out of… ooh what's its my school of Hero' no… my hero world… no that's not it...oh my hero school that's it.” Cathy replied happy that she got it

“It’s because we are all Displaced,” the figure Demigra just captured replied blankly, “people taken from our homes and give a new life to live.”

“Are there more Displaced and who makes them they can't be made all by daddy no offence dad.” Cathy asked the Hit looker like.

“I wasn’t taken by him, the man who made me this, kidnapped me at a convention and turned me into this man, forced me to come here.”

“hey dad my brother was going to a con if my brother want before you got him who would of taken him and to were.” Cathy asked

“I’m afraid I wouldn’t have know who, I don’t go to those take people from their homes, I only save people whose life would end without my intervention, as for where he’d go likely to his own reality and I doubt we would have even known he was here,” Demigra admitted.

“The man… who took me, dressed in a long brown coat, I didn’t see his face… called himself… I… I can’t remember. He gave me my jacket then I woke up on that train being told we were saving people from a murderer… I can’t remember anything else, i’m sorry…” the man admitted shakily.

Cathy blink once then twice at the hit looker like and start to shirk and ask “by the chance did he look like a Resident 4 merchant” Cathy asked

“I… I don’t know,” the hit lookalike responded.

“Do you have a name?” Demigra asked the man.

“I… I can’t remember.”

“Till you decide on one, I’ll call you by what you are. Okay Hit?”

“Yes, that will do… Master,” the man now know as Hit responded as he fell back unconscious against the wall.

“awww I need a good laugh about sun” Cathy said offhandedly

“Why do you need a good laugh about your brother?” Demigra asked Cathy curiously.

“hahahah I was thinking about what me and my brother read once about Displaced and it goes like this a man/woman goes to a con as dressed but are missing something as what they like they meet a man selling the missing thing for there costume for my brother it would have be the scar he would buy it and *snot* sent to a *snot* my little pony..Hahaha just thinking about it is funny” Cathy laugh for a bit “shame we didn't get more from him” Cathy add

“It’s a shame he lost consciousness before we could ask about the train, but at least the paths clear and we have a new ally to work with,” Demigra responded.

“when will he *poke* wake up *poke poke*” she asked while poking him.

“Most likely in a few hours,” Demigra responded before adding, “Lets get that train before they leave.”

“Okay,” Cathy replied poking the unconscious Hit multiple times in quick succession “let's go to my brother” she said jumping up and running up her dad.

“Let's move then,” Demigra responded as they ran down the hall to where the train was as they both saw multiple people many of them Demigra noticed as the escaped prisoners entering the train.

Cathy saw something else she saw her brother and Cathy started to run to the train while knock out people on the way getting faster and faster, it was then what almost looked like flying birds made of fire struck the right side of Cathy’s face as she screamed out in pain as the flames burned her skin as Kai ran past her kicking her backwards grabbing one of the prisoners by the door getting on the train.

It was then a voice shouted out “Cancel that, everyone strap in we're going now all staff get on board immediately!” before the doors started to close before Cathy could reach the train.

“dammit don't worry I will find my brother and-” then saw something that is something she is scared of her had his ‘mask on’ and he didn't she her to busy talking to the one who stop her from getting to him.

It was then Demigra ran up to her as he said, “Cathy, are you okay?” as he saw the burn on her face.

“I am. We’re to late he has his mask on. And it's the worst I have seen.” Cathy said not caring about the burns “if he doesn't find his heart again then he is going to be worse than ulquiorra from bleach all..and that's terrifying to me.” Cathy add scared of her brother and what he can become without her.

Demigra then quickly pulled her close him placing her hand just over the burns on her face as he stated, “I’m more worried about you this second than him, are you okay, your not hurt after that man kicked you are you?”

“No I will be fine. I barely felt it so I will be ok, how will we find them again dad?” Cathy asked hopefully while hugging him and looking at him as the train left in front of them.

“We’ll find him, don’t worry we still have Zeronos to chase him down, for now he’ll handle this and get him back at best, and if not he’ll make sure we can track him to wherever they go.”

“Okay so we just sit and wait I guess. So what do we do to the remaining prisoners for trying to get out.” Cathy asked not liking the workload that this has caused.

“Well what do you think we should do to them as a punishment?” Demigra asked as many of the prisoners who had failed to get on the train tried to crawl away to safety in an attempt to hide.

“Well we could use some body parts, but they didn't really need them but we do need prisoners...hmmm...we could use them as breeding tools with some of the monsters and demons to build up the numbers,” she said which made the prisoners scared out of their minds for their future blood lines.

“Is that all you’d do? You seem to be a bit more merciful than normal? Are you sure your okay?” Demigra asked with a smirk knowing that his statement would scare the prisoners around him even more.

“Yeah I am being merciful, to start with, then when they let their guards down bam worse then they can even imagine we have all of no time here because no time moves so this going to be fun,” Cathy said with the most sweetest smile that they had seen and that's was only making it worse.

It was then Cathy looked around to see almost all of the prisoners that had been in the cells before the attack in the fetal position crying and plead, while a few of those that had be captured were dragged into the room and forced onto their knees to look at Cathy and Demigra in fear.

“And what would you about those who attacked us, and tried to help people escape?” Demigra asked Cathy with a smirk that made everyone's blood run cold, “maybe you want a few personal slaves for yourself?”

“They made me lose my brother, so there not going to even remember their own lives after I am done with them, and then I am going to force them to kill their own loved ones before I then make them my personal slaves,” Cathy replied with a crazed look in her eyes.

“Hmm, or we could bring there loved ones here and force them to watch us make them our personal slaves before making the serve us to replace those they took today.”

“That's works wonderfully! let's do it!” Cathy replied happily.

Demigra then walked over to all of the captured Displaced as he said, “any of them take your fancy as your first slave?”

“This one does” Cathy said looking at one of the prisoners that looked similar to Gotenks from the Dragnball series, “but I must ask is that a permanent fusion or are you one mind and just in the body because I don't train two at once,” she asked the kid with a look that could kill him if he did not answer truthfully.

The prisoner that looked like Gotenks then looked for the door they had been dragged through before suddenly flying towards it in a bid to escape from Demigra and Cathy, only to be backhanded by Demigra and held to the ground immobilized.

“Let us go!” the Gotenks lookalike shouted in anger as he tried to escape as Cathy walked over to them.

“Yeah we can have so much fun,” Cathy said with a smile.

“We will never listen to you!” he shouted back in anger as he spat at Cathy before Demigra forced then down harder now trapped under his weight unable to struggle anymore.

“Your no fun. I will have to fix that.”

“You won’t fix anything, because you won’t keep us here!” the Gotenks lookalike shouted in refusal.

“Maybe a demonstration is in order, don’t you think?” Demigra asked Cathy as he smiled sadistically at the Gotenks lookalike, as the Displaced froze in fear.

“Yeah, we can show you that hit guy we found, he like lasted one second against daddy” Cathy said happily

“I was more suggesting what you have instore for them if they disobey your orders anymore.”

“I know just saying if you can do that then I want them to think what I can do,” Cathy responded with a kind smile.

The displaced below then began to struggle with new vigor at the statement before screaming, “Let us go!” as a blue light appeared in their hands before fading as a loud snapping sound was heard followed by the Displaced screams of agony as their arm was broken.

“Daddy don't break my new toy. I wanted to do that,” Cathy said pouting.

“Sorry sweetie, just a show of force, telling them not to try again.”

“We… We won’t, please just let us go,” the displaced begged through the pain.

“I will forgive you if you let me use that machine that my brother used. If my brother want in insane in just 8 days and 12 hours. I want to know how long he will go, my brother always set the highest score so I want to know if it's the same with torture and pain.” Cathy asked hopefully.

“Hmm, you know I think I’ll let you do that,” Demigra responded with a smirk, “shall we take this one with us and begin our little experiment now?”

“Yes please,” Cathy replied happily with a spring in her step.

“No! No! Let us go!” the Displaced screamed out in fear as he was lifted out the crater he was in as he began to try to struggle before he fell unconscious as he was passed to Cathy.

“Bind and prevent the usage of powers for those who have them and take them all back to there cells, we will deal with them all later,” Demigra ordered as everyone began moving many of the prisoners screaming for help which would never come.

P.o.v Sun

Back in the Denliner Sun was sat across from Kai as he looked out the window at the endless void outside the train doors.

“Why didn't want me too look outside again?” Sun asked Kai without looking at him.

“You just wouldn’t have liked what you saw out there, you would have put yourself and everyone else in more danger or risked having a breakdown,” Kai lied but making it sound like it wasn’t.

“Hmmm. Okay so you will not tell me”

“Right now, I don’t know how much fire would mess with you, so no.”

“Tell your heart to calm down then it means your lying to me” sun said now looking at him with a borderline annoyed.

“I’m sorry but the truth of what was happening out there would break you I won’t risk your sanity.”

“You attack my sister didn't you, if that's the case don't worry I am not going to kill you for it, she just a faker not my real sister who died” Sun said with a emotionless face.

“Is that what you truly believe? That your own sister is dead?”

“Yes and if not then he has changed her so much I can't see her as my sister no more,” Sun replied.

“From what I saw before I wouldn’t believe that was the case, she seemed generally worried for you.”

“Probably just another mask like mine and stop talking about this or I will start to trying kill you.” he said and though “Not like it matters to you, you still have a heart.” his emotionless face still there.

“So you going to ask me anything thats won’t risk depressing you?” Kai asked.

“is your ass better than mine?” sun asked with a rise eyebrow.

“And can it not be a question that will make me slap you either,” Kai added.

“Then I have nothing to ask nor want something from that's everything I want to know,” Sun replied with a shrug.

“Man you are impossible to strike a normal conversation with,” Kai muttered to himself.

“Then go to someone else then and you and them can talk about rainbows and sunshine and whatever else you want with them,” Sun said annoyed and emotionless.

“Okay I need to ask why are you getting so much colder since we met back up it makes no-” he was then cut off from finishing as the whole carriage shook violently.

“You best go find out what that was I will wait here so we can finish are covering and how I am losing my heart.” sun said now looking back out of the window.

It was then the carrage shuck again as Sun saw what looked like a old steam engine beside them

“I am not shocked no more…” sun said annoyed and though “not like I can at this point and its getting worse” sun then add “please tell me your group have a power ranger train if not then we are going to be attack again” sun ask Kai annoyed

“Umm, I could honestly not tell you,” Kai responded nervously as the trained was rammed again.

“And what about now,” Sun replied more annoyed, “and why are you still here aren't you one of our hardest hitting fighters?” Sun asked Kai now so annoyed that you can see blood vessels in his forehead.

“You think I can do anything here, I can’t even breath in the Void never the mind fight a train!”

“Don't you have some megazord with the power of friendship or something, or a way of fighting that thing?” sun asked.

“I don’t own the train! I can’t help!” Kai argued once again.

“All passenger prepare for emergency escape protocol 3! Disconnecting carriages 6 through 20 momentarily!” a voice shouted through the loudspeaker.

“You know we are on 7th carriage right and if I end up on a… I don't know a pony world! I will personally hunt you down, skull fuck and finally find out who has the best ass!” Sun shouting at Kai.

It was then the carriage they were in began to once again shake violently before the whole carriage was surrounded in a bright light before the carriage disappeared.

Chapter 3

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“Ugh my head why does everything hurt so damn much, and were am I,” Sun asked but got no answer back. He then slowly looked up to see he was in what looked to be a hospital bed as she realised he was hooked up to a heart rate monitor. “Well at least I am not in that hell again,” Sun said annoyed with the pain in his back so he pops all of his body and laid back down for not knowing the side effects from that escaped pod thing and wait for a doctor to come and check Up on him.

“I see you’re finally awake,” a familiar voice responded as he turned to see Kai standing beside him in he was wear what looked to a simple orange t-shirt below a loosely fitting black jacket that completely covered his arms allowing people to see his charred black left hand. He wore black tracksuit bottoms that looked to have red and orange flames near the bottoms that traveled up the majority of his legs.

“Nope still in hell because I still don’t know if your butt is better than mine, so I must be sleeping and nice change of clothes there,” Sun said close his going back to sleep.

“Nope, the boss told me to get you once you were up, he said he wanted to talk with you.”

“Why should I care about ‘your boss’ and what does she/he wants?” Sun asked while cracking an eye open.

“Because he’s the one person who can both help you think straight again and if that doesn’t take your fancy give you powers for the possibility to get revenge on Demigra.”

“You know this is how I used to think before Demigra happened so I will just take that power thank you,” Sun said while getting out of bed and taking off all the wires on him.

“Okay, just don’t throw up on me again?” Kai responded.

“This is the first time I got up so how did I throw up on you?” Sun asked in confusion.

“Right after the carriage was teleported here you threw up over my suit, it’s currently having to be cleaned or I have to order a new one, took me ages to get the smell off of me.”

“Well sorry if I don’t take teleporting well for my first time and you are not the first person too tell me that and I still don’t know what’s so bad about it,” replied Sun emotionlessly as he got out of bed in nothing but boxers and the million dollar question “where are my clothes and where did all my scars go” sun replied while checking himself over and found all of his scars were gone except the scars he had received from Demigra.

“Well being that my boss came and visited you while you were unconscious he took a look over you for any injuries you had received, he saw every scar and removed them but whatever happened to your face just wouldn’t disappear whatever he used to make it isn’t normal.”

“Where… are… my… clothes and that’s does not shock me and I can live with them and next time ask if it’s okay because not all of these are from him they were before him,” Sun said annoyed and emotionless. “Did he check out the goods and does he have a better ass than me” ask with a rise eyebrow

“I am wishing he didn’t wait to get permission before trying to cure whatever was wrong with your head.”

“And like I said there is nothing wrong with my head well except for not feeling emotional seen I was born but that’s not really new now is it?” Sun replied really annoyed with how much of his privates is all but gone now.

“As for your clothes they were damaged beyond repair and were in all honestly unwearable, we’ve got some of the best seamstresses making you some more, but in the meantime I was asked to give you this,” Kai responded as he threw Sun what looked to be the costume he had for the con he was supposed to attend.

Sun just put them on and asked “and why this costume? Is it some joke that I look like him let’s dress him up as him kind of joke.”

“Frankly I couldn’t answer that, I don’t know where they got it, but he said you should have it.”

“If course you can’t tell me why would you,” Sun said getting more annoyed by the second.

“I can’t tell you what I don’t know. Get dressed I’ll wait for you in near the entrance,” Kai replied as he walked out the room closing the door behind him.

“Hmmm you do that I will be out in a second,” Sun said as Kai left and he got dressed with the taking what Kai said being he’d been discharged.

-5 minutes later-

“There everything’s on,” he said while exiting the room to meet Kai and they were off to see the boss he had mentioned.

“Heads up when you meet the boss, be warned he’s the idiot who brought the guy who became Demigra to the multiverse. Kicks himself for it aswell.”

“Oh good then he knows hjs ins and outs but why does he kicks himself for the actions of others he had no idea how he would become?”

“Well Demigra was his first Displaced, who he says knocked him out mid Displacement and gave him amnesia till his son was almost taken.”

“And you are telling me this why?”

“Because when he tries to apologise for what happened to you, he’ll say it was his fault, I don’t want you taking up his time when I can explain now.”

“Okay I will keep that in mind when I am talking to...what’s is his name?” Sun asked Kai just now how he never asked.

The guys name is Andrew he’s a Displacer, one of the people commonly referred to as Merchants.”

“Never mind I am going to kill him if it is the guy I am thinking of,” Sun said offhandedly

“What guy, what do you think he’s done?”

“If it is the guy I am thinking of then this is how it will down “hi boy want *I go yes please * ok well choice one of those *I choice something* ok have fun in fucking pony land” that’s the guy I think of from the comic con place.” Sun replied while anger in his voice but not on his face.

“I can assure you he is not the guy your thinking of. They are two separate entities.”

“Do you remember what I said on the I will follow it if I end up on a pony world.” Sun said to Kai looking dead at him and said “the skull fucking will come and I will know who has a better ass.” sun finished then asked “do you have a girlfriend?”

But they got to the boss door before more words could be said.

“Once we get inside, do something for me. Don’t be a dick.”

“No promise but I will try,” Sun replied as Kai reached forwards and opened the door.

Once they opened the door they both looked inside to see a large open room with a large rectangular table in the centre of with dark chairs. The walls looked like metal with the same color as the chairs “well he likes a theme” sun through and then they saw the man and he looks like just a normal human man, he had jet black hair and brown eyes, the rest of his body was barely visible under a blue cloak that rested on the bottom of his chair. “I am not shocked no more but more importantly I have a very important question and I am breaking that promise” sun through and said “hey you the big boss?” Sun ask “ if so I got a bone to pick with you,” Sun said darkly

“If this is about Demigra, I am deeply sorry for-”

“No I don’t give a shit about that did you take my maid heart”

“What the heck is your maid heart?”

“Did you see me naked?”

“Oh right,” Andrew replied with a roll of his eyes. “Is that really what’s bothering you?”

“*Gasp* how could you do such a thing now I will never get married,” Sun said with a hand on his forehead “no I don’t care really I just want one thing from you and that’s power to kill Demigra and my sister faker,” Sun requested as he went back to his emotionless face again while saying this.

“No,” Andrew simply replied.

“Then we have nothing to talk about bye,” Sun said as he turned and walked towards the door he had entered from.

“Let me finish before you jump to conclusions. If you want powers for that reason alone and from how your acting I will not give you them being you seem set to go on a suicide mission, nor will I simply allow you to go and murder a innocent without valid proof that they are indeed deserving of death.”

“*huff* fine I will wait for my sister but if you are not going to give me that I will find someone who will,” Sun said simply “and best at judge of character if that’s the reason why,” Sun added.

“You are referring to the young girl he calls his daughter correct?”

“That’s my sister and he won’t stop coming for me for that reason and I don’t think you lot can stop him for long,” sun replied more annoyed.

“You are mistaken, Demigra can never enter this realm. It is safeguarded against anything he tries, and has tried many times to reach me.”

“That’s what he said about you so don’t make me laugh nothing is perfect it will fail it’s just a matter of time” sun replied “and if I am immortal then I will push human limits or just do suicide just to spite you for trying to stop me put some more blood on those hands on yours,” Sun said while keeping an eye on both of Kai and Andrew ready for a fight.

Andrew then looked to Kai before sighing as he said, “can you, make him stop?”

Kai looked at Andrew sadly before he said, “I can but you owe me a free celular restructure on my arm after and some new clothes.”


“Okay then, Sorry Sun this is for your own good,” Kai responded as flames formed around Sun’s head.

Sun Jump the opposite of the room and being to sweat and said “I was wrong you two are worse than Demigra, no wonder you made him you are just like him!” Sun shouted.

It was then Andrew appeared behind Sun tapping him on the back of his head as his vision went hazy and he began to lose his balance and wobble around almost like he was drunk.

Sun tried to throw a punch and missed and said “yep just like him bet you are so proud,” before he lost control and blacked out.

“Kai, stop using your powers!” Andrew shouted back as the flames disappeared and Kai dropped to the ground holding his right arm in pain the skin burnt extremely badly before Andrew quickly placed his hand over it as it healed back over as it returned to normal.

“So… what are we going to do?”

“Well he’ll be out for a week, during that time. I’ll correct as much of the mental damage as I can and edit any memories that could force him to regress along with try and deal with the annoying weird side of his personality, all in all I’ll try to make it so he can live without being slapped or needing to be controlled, to keep his more dangerous plans out of mind and prevent him from going on that damn suicide mission.”

“You sure it’s for the best, I mean he didn’t exactly agree to it.”

“I’ll take full responsibility for whatever happens, I’ll take him back to the hospital after the treatment, you get some rest okay?”

“Okay, just tell me when he wakes back up okay?”

“You don’t need to worry about that, whenever he wakes up you’ll be one of the first people to know,” Andrew replied as Kai left the room as he looked at Sun’s unconscious form. “Now lets see just how far you’ve regressed since the first fire?”

Pov Cathy

Four days had passed since the events of the breakout and Cathy was standing in the room where they had kept Gotenks lookalike in the VR machine watching as tears ran down his eyes as she heard him say, “please, I… I submit Mistress… No more… just please no more.”

“So what are you going to do when I let you go huh?” Cathy asked the kid.

“Whatever you wish mistress, just please… no more, I’ll be a good boy, a nice pet! Whatever you wish, just let me free of this pain!”

“Ohh and so close to my brothers time of 8 days and 12 hours oh well, okay but you have to do something for me… I need you to protect me and my brother when we get him back. Okay,” requested Cathy.

“Anything mistress just no more pain.”

“That’s not what I asked for now was it. I might just force you to beat my brother.”

“No! Please Mistress! No more! I’ll be your bodyguard as you wish just please let us out!”

“That’s still not all I ask for.” Cathy come close and whispered in his ear “I said I need you to protect me and my brother when we get him back.

Tears were now streaming from the boys eyes as he said, “I… I swear to protect both you and your brother, till the day I die, I belong to you and you alone Mistress.”

“Good boy” she said while letting him out of the machine as he drop on the floor panting like a dog and Cathy just treated him like he was acting and patted him on the head like a dog.

“Th… thank you mistress,” the boy responded through his tears.

“Hey now. Let’s clean those tears” Cathy said while wiping away the tears and when she finish she had idea, “Let’s give you a new name for your new life let’s see… how about...Griffin, in welsh it means strong in faith like you have for me?”

“I… I… Like it mistress,” the boy now known as Griffin responded shakily.

“Good from now on you will know as Griffin.” Cathy replied happily grinning at Griffin

“Okay Mistress,” Griffin replied with no hesitation, “what are you first orders for me Mistress?”

“Well now I’m done with you, I need someone new. Maybe I could ask Dad for something or someone new. Let’s go find him!” Cathy suggested beaming with joy.

“Of course Misstress Cathy, any idea where he shall be at this time?”

“He is possible down the hall doing the same thing as me but with someone else.”

“Well, shall we find him for you mistress, we don’t want to keep him waiting or your next slave either?”

“Okay let’s go to him then.”

“Okay mistress, lets go,” Griffin responded as they left the room they were in.

Both of them then travelled down the hall in an attempt to find Demigra as Griffin asked, “Mistress do you have any idea who he’s working on at the moment?”

“There’s is that one guy he works with he looks like the hero killer from my Hero school, why do you ask?”

“Well depending on who it is, wouldn’t different methods of breaking them be more effective then other types, wouldn’t that help narrow down where he could be?”

“Not really we use the person’s greatest fear against them and you didn’t because me and daddy were confirming that the machine didn’t make my brother insane. Must of been the grief from losing me.”

“I guess that makes sense Mistress,” Griffon replied nervously thinking back to his fear that he had to live through.

“Yeah I guess. Anyway what’s got you so chatty?” Cathy asked with a smirk.

“I… Uh… It’s nothing that should worry you mistress.”

“Your a bad liar.”

“What troubles me now is of no concern to you Mistress, the life I had no longer matters and she’ll just have to survive without me. I belong to you and my only goal in life now is to keep you safe and happy.”

“Your troubles are a concern and we need to fix them. So tell me what troubles you?”

“Mistress, you shouldn’t need to deal with my problems… I simply miss my little sister, she expected me to return after the attack and be with her, and I can’t return to her as I have bigger priorities to attend to now.”

“We can let her joined us when we go for my brother.”

“No! Don’t hurt her! SHE… she wasn’t with them, nor will she be, we had our own world, before he took me and forced me here… I just want to go home,” Griffin responded crying again as his memories returned.

Cathy raised an eyebrow and said “we don’t torture all of the prisoners I am a prime example I was nothing but then dad found me and I have lived happily we only torture the ones who fight back like you did.”

“B… but I didn’t I just wanted to go home, I hoped to find a way off to get to him and you tortured me anyway, took me away from her forever.”

“You tried to shoot at me with a kai blast,” Cathy deadpanned at him.

“D..Did I Mistress, I don’t remember doing that, I’d never harm you.”

“Huh? My brother had the same problem I have to tell daddy about that,” she said offhandedly.

“Okay mistress, let find him,” Griffin responded his head still lowered eyes brimming with tears.

As he said this she heard Demigra talking to someone in a nearby room as she turned to corner to see Demigra talking to a strange man who had a red scarf around his neck with a white mask over his eyes. He hand bandages running up both his arms and was covered in a black suit apart from a sword on his back and multiple knives under his arms and on his shoulder.

“Hey daddy, hey hero killer what are you two up to?” Cathy said to the two men.

“He just returned from a mission and sadly hasn’t got any new information for us, he said he managed to reach the place where you brother should have been but he couldn’t find him. We believe he looked in the wrong place and will be heading out to look again soon. Anyway is something a matter, did you need me for something?”

“Yeah I have finished with this one and the machine doesn’t cause insanity, but does mess with their memories that they try to represent and the machine miscarry the past from present so Sun may have very well seen someone try to kill me but because of the machine he thinks you did it.”

“I see and what are you going to do with him, he is your first after all, does he have a name?”

“His name is Griffin and I don’t know just have him as a bodyguard for now you can never be to careful.”

“So he’s your bodyguard… I’m afraid he simply is too weak for me to allow him to defend you alone, I can barely sense a power level for him at all, it’s so low he might aswell be Yamcha.”

“I’m sorry to have failed you master, if you have any method for me to reach a level of power that will satisfy you, I will gladly do so to allow me to serve my mistress,” Griffon responded.

“I see you have him well trained at least it’s a start at least. I will put you through a rigorous training course it should improve your skills somewhat I suppose.”

“Can I train too so I can get better with my powers.” ask Cathy

“If you wish who am I to stop you, anyway, is there anything else you needed me for?”

“No I don’t but what about hero killer you want help me train me and Griffin.”

“I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I have to refuse, I have to get back on the hunt for some more useful slaves for your father, my powers make capturing those who have more power easier.”

“Awww okay. I understand. Till next your free then.”

“We shall see, Lady Cathy, Lord Demigra,” Stain responded as he bowed to them both before leaving the room.

“So Cathy has your new slave had any teething problems after you released him?”

“Nothing of note expect for his little sisterly love thing so I told him we can bring her back with us if we see her.”

Demigra looked lost in thought before he said, “Griffin, come here.”

Griffin then looked to Cathy nervously and still scared of Demigra after what he did to his arm, he couldn’t remember why he had done it, but he still remembered the pain from it.

“Go on he won’t kill after my hard work, so go on.” Cathy replied with confidence and reassure to Griffin.

Griffin then slowly walked to stand in front of Demira shaking in fear as he did, “w...what do you need master?”

Demigra at first didn’t respond before he asked him, “did you create anything to tie you to your world before you were brought here?”

“No… wait, maybe.” Griffin replied as he reached into his pocket producing what looked to be a piece of cloth with a strange symbol on it which he passed to Demigra hesitantly.

As soon as Demigra touched the cloth he smiled before he said to Cathy, “you said he told you had a little sister before being taken here correct?”

“Yep! That’s right! But I did say that if he doesn’t fight back we don’t touched him.”

“You clearly don’t know the way Dragonball Displaced work do you, they don’t stand down, and if any of them are Saiyans they will most likely try and fight. Did he say who his sister became?”

“No I didn’t ask at the time I was looking for you, and I only said that for a peace of mind,” Cathy said.

“My Sister, I think she became a fusion like me, my memories hazy though, it was Bul… something I can’t remember the last bit,” Griffin responded.

“Oh I know this my brother said ‘I love to use my big bang attack on her.’ it’s the one between Bulla and Pan and name was...Bul...pan…Bulpan yeah that’s was it.” Cathy said

“Bulpan… why the hell would she choose to keep a bazare name like that?” Demigra asked.

“She said she prefered the name than her old one, I thought it was a silly name but she wouldn’t listen.”

“What’s was her old name then?” Cathy asked curiously

“I think she used to be named, Betty… Now I remember why she changed it.”

“Probably for the best, with a name for a cow.” Cathy said.

“Please don’t remind me… god our parents were jerks.”

“Wait what was your name before.”

“Mine wasn’t bad at all, my dad was sexist, just kept calling her for simply being a woman.”

“Then he will be praying for all the gods too not meet me then. Sexist pig.” Cathy said darkly

“Anyway, I believe we could go to your old world and retrieve your sister, but considering the fact we don’t know her currently allegiance I can’t be sure how she’ll react, when we appear.”

“Hey daddy do you have that ability call dark seed from the game?” Cathy asked Demigra.

“You mean the Black Ki used to harvest energy from other? I think so.”

“Yeah can it still control people and stay doment?”

“I don’t doubt that, but I’ll need Towa’s assistance to do it effectively, we can organise a team to finish this without causing to much interference or risk harming Griffons sister.”

“Well why don’t we go back in time to Griffin’s sister and plant a dark seed and then have it bloom now to find and rescue my brother? Or is that not possible.” Cathy asked her dad.

“We are unable to go back, if Griffon see’s any of us in the past, it would cause a paradox, and as much as Towa loves them, it could alter the entire events that unfolded a few days ago at risk along with his life itself.”

“Can Towa not shoot it at her like she did in the cell games with Gohan?”

“Hmm, the idea is plausible, but if we do it that way we would be unable to recover him and would mean returning at a later date, besides she has managed to find a way to make the Ki work faster than ever before. She would be altered and unaware and if you wish and your Griffon agrees he could get her closer to your brother, thats if they are not yet aware of his capture.”

“It’s worth the try. What you say Griffin will you let’s do this?” Cathy asked Griffin.

“If it benefits you my Mistress, I will do anything… bit I fear I am not strong enough to help,” Griffon responded sadly at letting Cathy down.

“Let me help with that,” Demigra responded a white light shone from his hand as Griffons eyes widened before he began to look suddenly exhausted.

“Master what did you just do? I feel strange?”

“You wished to be stronger to help us and it would benefit Cathy so I unlocked your potential further, also improved your knowledge on your powers and gave you a few new moves to boot.”

“Can I have that so I can have a Mega evolve form with my Darkrai form.” Cathy asked Demigra curiously.

“You sure that’s all you want? I can try and do something with it, sure you don’t want someone of your own while I’m, at it?” Demigra added both with a smile and a chuckle.

“Me and my brother are the same as the Saiyans we like to get them without help expect when we need.”

“Hmm let me see what I can do,” Demigra responded as he pulled out a small stone that looked to have the Symbol for DNA on it. The stone itself looked black the light inside shifting in a red light.

Demigra then passed the gemstone to Cathy before he said, “will this be sufficient for your needs?”

“Ohh I feel great! How do I go Mega?” Cathy asked unsure of what to do.

“I cannot answer that, only you can find that out, maybe you should just focus and see what happens,” Demigra admitted as another flash of energy struck Griffon as he turned looking to Cathy obediently waiting to see what she would do.

“Well you feel stronger at least.” Cathy said trueful to Griffin before adding, “let’s see if I can go Mega.”

Cathy then closed her eyes and blocked out all of the sound around her. She then looked inside herself and all she saw was darkness all round then saw something bright drifting in front of her and want towards it and somehow seemed to feel her power become stronger and she open her eyes to see her new form.

“Yes I did it, this feels great and powerful. So now what?” Cathy asked.

“Right now you two need to get some rest, or you can practice with you new powers, it’s up to you but make sure your rested for tomorrow, you’ll need to be wide awake and ready first thing.”

“Okay daddy me and Griffin will go bed, come on I will shows you my room,” Cathy said.

Griffon then shakily got to his feet before bowing his head to Demigra before slowly walking towards Cathy almost seeming dazed, “Oh and Cathy, make sure not to stay in your Mega form when its not needed, it will really drain your stamina the longer you stay in it.”

“Okay daddy.,” she said while turning back to base form and started to walk down the hallway with Griffin shakily following her.

Chapter 4

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The next morning Demigra stood in centre of a large open area with Zeronos next to him waiting for everyone to arrive.

“I swear if Cathy and Griffon laid in it’ll be the death of me, and Towa better have remembered she told me she’d be here.” Demigra muttered to himself.

“Lord Demigra, they both know to meet you here and besides, Lady Towa can just teleport here if needed, she’ll arrive on time I assure you.” Zeroness responded.

“Hey daddy where here on time!” Cathy shout and ask “hey were is that old hag?”

“You know your sister doesn’t like being called that.” Demigra responded.

“Well she should listen to me and stop dressing like a stripper. With sooo much underboob she has.” Cathy deadpan.

“A stripper who last time you trained with, one shot you into unconsciousness may I add,” Demigra added.

“*huff* I was new with my powers and she didn’t hold back. Once I have training then It will be an different ending.”

“Need I remind you, that you also lost to master Genm and he held back by not transforming,” Zeronos replied from beside Demigra.

“Shut up!” Cathy said while beet Red “I bet my brother could beat her and him!” Cathy said beet red and pouting.

“Sure he could, and I bet he would knock me into the ground, But i’m just a stripper what would I know?” a voice responded from behind Cathy that made her freeze up in fear.

“Ohh I am dead.” Cathy muttered and said “oh hi sister who call you a stripper.” Cathy sweat drop at her own lying as she looked at the voice.

“You know, if you wasn’t my sister, you would already be dead right?” the figure replied as Cathy looked back to see that they had long white hair, light blue skin, and purple eyes, along with this on the left side of her hair was longer than the other and hung in front of her chest. She also had a golden infinity hair accessory that covered the back and both sides of her head. On her ears she wore a set gold earrings were simply a two spherical purple gemstones.

She was wearing a red and black skin tight bodysuit that had a v shaped hole around her stomach, and has slits on the bottom half, exposing the bottom of her breasts along with that she had on a white open leg cape that was jagged at the bottom and wore red and black high heeled boots. Along with this she also had a brown staff that had two golden points on each end resting against her back.

“Oh I know! But the sad thing is, I know my brother is going to try his hardest to fuck you. Till you can’t walk.”

If the party would have listen carefully they would have heard Sun screaming “fuck yeah! I would!” but no one did.

“Okay so I assume your project is not yet complete?” Demigra asked Towa.

“No, sadly Mira is still not strong enough to join us, until he is I shall not let my personal pet out of his metaphorical cage,” Towa responded casually.

“Just don’t go after an egg again sister don’t want him exzobing you.” Cathy said

“Oh please, I was a aware of that and our father has that annoying bird out of harm’s way in such a way he can’t be used to turn him against us, while still being, useful to him,” Towa admitted as Demigra smirked tapping his stomach.

“It was one of the most satisfying meals I had upon waking up. By the way how is that annoying Kai doing nowadays, I remember I left her to you to deal with after we captured her.”

“Oh that nightmare bitch? She’s stubborn alright twenty years in a VR Machine and still not broken, honestly I’m amazed at her resilience, I might need to turn the difficulty up again soon, I did her break down in tears a year ago though.”

“Ha 20 year’s suck it bro!” Cathy shouted at the sky.

“And what about those annoying pests of her that escaped?” Demigra asked.

“They still elude us, they keep using those damn scrolls to jump through time when we locate them, they should he captured soon once they run out.”

“Good. Those two majins and the other very minor inconvenience are really a pain, once we bring those to heel things will finally be almost finished with the annoying Time Patrollers,” Demigra stated.

“Anyway, is this all we’re bringing along?” Towa asked.

“I decided we didn’t need anymore people to handle this,” Demigra responded.

“So were or when are we going?” Cathy asked.

“Zeronos is the train ready?”

“Yes Lord Demigra, I was waiting on everyone to arrive before we begin.” Zeronos responded as the Zeroliner appeared in front of the group. “Please get on as soon as you are ready to depart,” he added as he walked onto the train.

“I feel like this is an RPG and I can go do side quests and the main quests won’t move at all… oh Towa please don’t fall in love with my brother. I am not dealing with that again,” Cathy requested.

Towa just glared at Cathy before walking onto the train without responding.

“Maybe you shouldn’t taunt her anymore,” Demigra suggested.

“I have yet to meet a woman to not fall for him yet.” Cathy deadpan at the sky.

“Well we can be sure, she will be the first then,” Demigra responded as Griffon remained quiet.

“I don’t know with she will but I can hope. I am going to fix another heart he has broken.” Cathy replied with no hope.

“Well we can all only hope because she’s likely castrate him.”

“Hehe, I like to see that.” Cathy said simply.

“Umm… mistress, can we please get on the train so we can get my sister back.” Griffon requested quietly.

“Hmmm of course. Let’s go! To get our brother and sister back!” she fish pump the air exactly.

“Thank you mistress,” Griffon responded still looking nervous.

“Well then shall we get on and start moving,” Demigra asked as he walked towards the train before entering it and sitting on a nearby seat.

Cathy sat next to a window by herself as Griffon asked her, “Mistress… do you mind if I sit with you… I’m kind of scared of everyone else.”

“Not at all and you will get used to them we not all that bad.” Cathy said

He then sat next to Cathy before whispering, “Even the stripper?”

“Yes even her. I just call her that because I know what my brother will do to her.” Cathy said giggle at the joke.

A red beam of energy then hit the two of their heads shocking them before Towa said form the other side of the carriage “That’s your last warning boy, do it again and you will not live to see your sister.”

Griffon then froze in fear before saying, “Sorry mistress Towa it won’t happen again.” He then looks to the ground visibly shaking in fear.

“Ow! Why did you do that I was getting him to relax and if you want me stop from calling you a stripper then stop dressing like one and don’t obey her you are not hers so just call her a…a.. Old...hag!ha!” Cathy shouted at Towa.

Towa then glared at Cathy before electrocuting her continuously for a minute, “you know maybe I’ll hurt your pet next time you call me a stripper or old hag? So unless you want to stake his life on that I’d not test me,” Towa responded getting out a book as she started reading it.

“Okay I won’t call a stripper or old hag you big-”

“That goes for any derogatory names as well,” Towa added cutting her off.

“You are no more fun. Fine I’ll stop as long as you don’t fall for my brother like the rest.” Cathy said while sashing

“From what I saw in your mind, I’ll castrate him before falling for that pervert.”

“I like to see that.” Cathy said while putting her head on her hands looking out the window. “but you will.”

It was then Cathy looked to the shaky teary eyed Griffon next to her who was visibly shaken as his body curled up into a ball on the chair with his head close to his chest.

Cathy put an arm around the boy and started to stroke his hair and start to humming a lullaby to calm him down and it looks like it is working “there there she is just stressed from work she not always like this..shh..shh.there there.” and just like that he was out like a light with smile on his face.

“Towa please don’t do that to him he is not a man just let save that for my brother.” she said not looking at and thought “after you fall in love with him.” and she had a small slime on her face.

Towa didn’t respond seemingly ignoring her.

One hour past since the rider began and Griffon’s head was now against Cathy’s shoulder still asleep as Demigra walked over to her as he said, “If I didn’t know better I’d say from this scene that he was your adopted son.”

“Hehehe, well if Towa didn’t scare him half to death I won’t be in this scenario and he probably thinks that now, oh well not really that bad. I know what Towa sees in Mira now.” Cathy said with a giggle.

“What, a slave to dispose of when he fails you? That all she see’s Mira as.”

“Hmm then the game is wrong because towa does cry for him when he is on the bickering near death.”

“Considering this isn’t that Towa, I can safely say she doesn’t think much of him till he proves to her he’s useful.”

“True but we looked to much like the game it is easy to get confused which is which.”

“I guess you’re right. So should I expect him to start calling you mom after he wakes up?” Demigra asked with a chuckle, “or do you want him as your little baby boy?”

“Probably not right away but soon he will and I won’t mind I like the thought of it.” Cathy giggle at the thought of being called mommy “I’m not getting soft, am I?”

“Well, I guess you’ll you will need to do something to prove your not, and besides what will you do with his sister, should I expect you to take her as well?”,

“I meant emotion and the same if she wants to call me mom then so be it I aint heartless like my brother can be,” Cathy replied with a shrug.

“You realise his sister will likely not want to be with you thinking you hurt her brother, I could, you know edit her thoughts to be more submissive to you? That way you could have her do as you want quickly and not harm her at all, you wouldn’t break your promise then.”

“You know I don’t like mind control but I might if she doesn’t want me to be next to him,” Cathy said with a shrug.

“Well, then how do you plan to handle her if she tries to harm us or tries to take him away from you?”

“I will let you know once I do, but I am up for ideas if you have some?” Cathy said.

Demigra seemed to smirk before he said, “I’m not the one who’s grown attached to their first venture, you’ll need to decide if you want to keep him and not let go or fight to keep him with you.”

“I will and hope for best outcome I can get,” Cathy replied looking up at the ceiling.

“We will be entering his old world soon, make sure he’s up for then, he’ll be the only one who knows where his sister is.”

“Will do. Thanks dad for the talk it’s helps clear my head.” Cathy said gratefully “hey lazy bones time to get up were about to enter your old world.” she said sweetly while shaking him a bit.

At first Griffin didn’t move still snoring before suddenly waking up as he said, “huh sorry did you say something mistress?”

“I said that it’s time to get up were about to enter your old world. So get ready we’re almost there.”

“Okay mistress… umm… why was I resting on your shoulder?”

“You fall asleep on me after Towa scared the living hell out of you. So I thought it would help you sleep if I leave you to it.” Cathy said “ did you have a good sleep?” Cathy asked with a rise eyebrow.

“Yes mo- Mistress, I am thankful for you letting me,” Griffon respond blushing at what he had almost said.

“You can call me mom if you want I won’t mind hell I meant just call you son just for that slip and your sister can also,” Cathy said sweetly and with a smile.

“No Mistress, I could never do that, master Demigra would never allow it, I am your slave, nothing more,” Griffin responded looking away still blushing.

Cathy then got frustrated with Griffins answer before a loud slapping noise was heard before she said, “now listen to me young boy you are not just a slave. We never make slaves unless we have to,” she then forced Griffin to look at her, “and what’s that old saying ‘blood is thicker than water’, so it’s fine calling me mom and we have a rule ‘in your words’ are slaves, are rules, as long as they don’t turn on us we can do what we like. You understand? It’s up to you will be to me,” Cathy told Griffin with no room for argument.

“S...So your saying I can choose what I am to you?” Griffin asked tears forming in his eyes again.

“Yep… either you be my son or be a security guard but never a slave you can choose which one with your sister because I don’t think she will agree with you other wise.”

However Cathy was caught off guard as Griffon said through tears as his mind snapped, “I don’t care what she thinks mommy, I just want to be with you, be your son forever.”

“Well… that escalated quickly. Ok then son just started to think on how to convince your sister and I must ask what would you do if she tries to take you away from me?” She asked with a quiet but quick choked slightly that Griffin didn’t seem to hear though his own tears.

“I wouldn’t let her mommy, I’d rather die than never see you again.”

“You don’t have to do that. Just wait till she asleep and then come back to me after all a mother doesn’t what to see her son dead now do we?” she said with a little chuckle.

“No, I’m sorry mommy, please forgive me.”

“Hey let’s dry those tears,” she said while drying the tears with her sleeve and said “and you don’t have to keep apologizing every single second. Just do one thing for me and get strong and protect me and my brother or your uncle now. That is all I ask for you,” she finished.

At that statement Demigra chuckled from the opposite side of the table as Griffin had not noticed him, “funny, it’s strange to think my youngest child is the first to give me a grandson.”

“Dad! We were having a moment there. *Huff stat to rub her tamales* are you still ok with this it was really your idea.” Cathy said with a deadpan at her dad with an rise eyebrow.

“As you said, ‘your slaves, your rules’” Demigra commented.

“Still. I am your daughter I thought you said something like only the best for my daughter’s.” Cathy said.

“That I did, and I think it’s for the best you make this choice yourself, better than him being a boyfriend,” Demigra chuckled as sunlight filled the carriage they were in.

“That’s true but he is not my type. But me and my brother have the same type and that’s something we can protect and snuggle with and Griffin to muscle for that and that’s why I love him as a son because I can trust him to protect himself and me.” Cathy said with a sweet smile with a dreamy looked thinking about something or someone.

“Okay, well then, make sure your ready both of you I have no idea what’s in store once we leave the train.”

“Shall me and Griffin go into the shadow Hall dad?” Cathy asked concern for her new son.

“There’s no need for you to use that, besides if his sister sees him we might be able to get closer,” Demigra responded while holding out a small syringe, “Griffon if your sister doesn’t comply and tries to harm you or Cathy inject her with this it should knock her out for at least a hour, ample time to get her moved and to get away, and don’t worry it won’t harm her at all.”

“Are you sure it’s fine to do that?” Griffon asked looking at Cathy.

“Don’t worry your... Grandad will not leave you or me astray believe him if he does lie to us it’s for a very good reason but he has not so far.” Cathy said rushingly and comfortably.

“And Cathy, if you can go with him and get close enough, this one will make her feel inclined to listen to first person she sees after she’s injected. If she locks eyes with you. It’s possible you can get her to help us find your brother without Towa’s involvement.” Demigra added passing her a second syringe.

“Got it. Nothing else I need to know?”

“Just, be careful, don’t let this search for your brother change you into someone your not.”

“Yes I know, I won’t. It would just take me away from my brother not to him if I do.” Cathy said with and a fist pumped to the air. “So let’s fucking do this!” said and though “good old jacksepticeye!”

The train then stopped before Demigra said, “i’ll be nearby incase something goes wrong, if I intervience I can not promise she’ll escape completely unharmed, do you both understand?”

“Yes Grandpar Demigra,” Griffon responded with a nod of his head.

“Of course I know what to and we will keep are guard up and be ready for everything.”
“Okay, you two go ahead, we’ll catch up,” Demigra responded as Cathy and Griffin made there way out the train.

“You sure this is a good idea Demigra?” Towa said standing up, she is ill prepared to fight someone from our series of events.”

“She’ll be fine if needed you can send him to aid them, I know you snuck him onboard before the train arrived.”

“As always you are one step ahead,” Towa responded with chuckle, “If I am needed just call, I’ll stay here and make some final adjustments just in case.”

“Okay, good luck,” Demira responded leaving the train as well.

“Where would she normally be in this place?” Cathy asked Griffin.

“If anywhere, there,” Griffin replied pointing to a large crystal castle in the distance.

“Why dose that looks so familiar?” Cathy asked herself.

“We were the protectors of the princess here, but she barely notices our presence, if she did leave it would not be noticed, and if we took her from her room in the castle, we would likely not be found out for at least a few hours.”

*Cathy start to itching the back of her head* “well… that’s going to bug me till I figure it out. Let’s go and keep an eye out. I don’t like not knowing something.” Cathy said while still itching.

“If you enter through the back door we should not be noticed as well,” Griffin added.

“Annnd you just jinx us. Let’s just go before you make it worse.” Cathy said annoyed that universe was challenging her now and start to walk to the very firmly castle and Cathy stopped herself from scratching and left that annoying itch for now and hoped she’d figured it out.

As the duo reached the back of the castle, they found that just like Griffin predicted there was nobody guarding it as they simply walked inside.

“It’s too quiet were is everyone and was there no one outside?” she asked Griffin.

“Because the princess is inept and does not understand that she can be attacked, she will likely be in the library with her head in her books.”

“Who is the Princess by the why you never said?” as the itching got worse.

“Oh right, her name is Twilight, the Princess of Friendship,” Griffin replied.

“Oh yeah! That’s would explain it….wait what?! Who did you just said?” Cathy pray oh she prayed that she heard wrong at what Griffin.

“Princess Twilight, the Princess of Friendship.”

Cathy just got the biggest grin and asked “and why didn’t you tell me? You were taking me too my favorite Show! Ohh how I love MLP. Made be I can take my brother here one day.” Cathy said daydreaming but staying award of her surrounding just in case someone or somepony try to jump them with a trap.

“Why do I get a feeling. You’ll want to take a pony from here as well, when get my sister back.” Griffin responded.

“I wonder if I could? Nopony likes Derpy doo bullying all the time by calling her ditzy doo so I might I am careful but after we get are family and we my come back for that lovebul pony.” Cathy said

“What would you do with her mum?”

“How do you mean?” Cathy asked

“Well if you took her with us, what would you have her do? Be a pet or something?”

“No not as pet. More my own child like you. And she can help get back your uncle.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea? She’s a bit… destructive.”

“Yes I know what it is like to have an older sibling and yes I do think it’s a good idea not only will you get your sister back I get a daughter.”

Sorry sweetie that pony is too destructive, she could destroy our home and put everyone in danger, your fine to bring back a pony with you as a souvenir but it would have to be someone who would not destroy the place on accident.” Demigra said through a mental link with the two.

But she so cute you can’t stay mad at her think about it weapons of cuteness.”

I may not be able to stay mad, but I can’t take the risk on that pony, i’m sorry. Almost anyone else is fine as long as they won’t risk killing anyone.”

Fine. Okay daddy will think up of a driffint pony.”

“Who would you pick Griffin?”

“I wouldn’t know mommy, but as long as both you granddad Demigra agree i’m fine with whoever it is.”

what about Fluttershy can I have a anthro of her!”

“If we find her and this world is like that then yes, you can have her,” Demigra responded calmly.

“yeeaaah!!! I get a fluttershy! I just need a lucario and my brother and new daughter life be complete!!”

“Finish your task and then we’ll see,” Demigra responded with a chuckle.

Okay bro’s going to be so jealous,” Cathy giggled.

“Mum focus,” Griffin replied nervously.

“I am focusing!! I am focusing on the future and the look on my brother when I rub everything in his face *her vision of her brother* “noo! Now you are a big sister and have everything!” her brother crying in a perfect way for her as she laughed into her back hand “oh oh yes little brother now you will look to me as awesome as I look at you when you was here” *end of vision*
“Oh it would be perfect.” she said slime sinisterly at the thought.

Focus Cathy,” Demigra said to her again.

Fine should I act on the pony that has been following us for 5 minutes now?” Cathy asked the two

Do you think we need to?” they both asked.

No it looks like it’s very confused by me if the notes are enthing to go by.”

Notes… it’s Twilight isn’t it?” Griffin asked.

“Yep Twilight has followed us for the past 5 minutes and I meant these notes,” she said holding 30 pieces of paper so Cathy stop and look at her and said something that would make her brother proud of her “hey sweetheart how did i attach your cuteness?” now the shock twilight.

It was then Twilight seemed to run away from them both before Griffin stated, “well, that’s out of character for her.”

“Probably calling the princesses.” Cathy said while starting to walk “have you talked about Ki and where you came from?” she asked knowing where this going.

“As in with Twilight, no she never asked me about my powers, honestly i’m surprised by the fact?”

Cathy facepalm at that and say “well if twilight is still lingering around then this how they do it the ki is the life force in all things and if a being tap into this the beings can get strong, faster and do what is ki attacks or just fly like a cute little bird it’s what a Saiyan uses to fight and transform into super saiyan.”

“Super Saiyan, oh right that thing I could never do,” Griffin admitted.

“Not that shocking you do not have the power just yet but you will in time just keep trying and you will get there my son.” Cathy confess and trying to cheer him up.

“Come on, If Twi’s here then we don’t have long to find my sister and get out,” Griffin admitted.

“Why we have not broken any laws.”

“Because if she finds her before us, we will lose the simple way of catching her off guard and it might be more difficult to get her and will make it harder for you to get who you wanted.”

“I am not trying a be villain my son, I want to try this peaceful and if it gets down to that then so be it I can’t help it” Cathy said looking around for the person in question.

“I never said you was, but I want to avoid anyone seeing me return, it may raise questions and if Applejack is around they’ll know we’re lying about why were here.”

“Why would I. I came here to get your sister to help me get my brother back and tell her about you being my new son? How is that liying?”

“I’m more worried about the were have I been in question, and also a few of us never got along.”

“Then I am going to tell them good news. No one messes with my son.” she said with fire in her eyes.

“Let’s just finish what we came here for,” Griffin replied as he placed his ear to a nearby door, “this is her room and I can hear two voices inside.”

Cathy knocked on the door and say “miss Bulpan I have your brother and I am here to talk and ask you somethings.”

There was then a commotion inside as they heard someone seem to quickly stand up and run to the door seeming to struggle to open it.

“You okay in there miss we can wait till you are ready to come out so please take your time we are not going till we talked,” Cathy said with practices and love.

The door then flew open as a tall women she had long green hair, blue eyes, and an orange bandana on her head and was wearing a gold choker and gold hoop earrings. She also wore a short red T-shirt, black fingerless gloves that went up to her shoulders, and a black mini skirt with a yellow belt buckle, with a gold chain on the right side, along with that she was wearing red thigh-high boots along with a strange bracelet on her left arm. The women instanding grabbed hold of Griffin crushing him in a hug as she said, “Gotenks! Where have you been I’ve missed you so much!”

“By the god’s you are tall and quick…*choking* sorry I let my guard down so you are miss Bulpan I’m here to talk about what has happened and hopefully a new begining with us” she holds her hand out to shake it.

Bulpan then looked to Cathy before she said, “who the hell are you? Are you the one that kidnapped my brother?”

“Yes I am one who kidnapped your brother then bring him here back to you Hmmm yep because all kidnappers do that.” she said with sarcasm.

“I’ll kill you for taking him from me!” Bulpan shouted as she jumped off Griffin grabbed Cathy by the throat squeezing down tightly.

“Hey *chock* I was *chock* joking *chock*.”

However Bulpan didn’t hear her as just squeezed down tighter before something pricked her neck before her grip loosened as she said, “who, what was,” however before she could finish she fell to the ground unconscious.

Griffon then ran over to Cathy before he said, “mum are you okay?”

“Yeah am fine. I am help me get her to the bed and get some chairs and something to drink.”

“Maybe we should get her in first, and maybe tie her down so she can’t try and kill you again,” Griffin suggested.

“I did say that first. And no that will make her kill me more. Just trust me on this I know why she did that so just do I as I say and hopefully it will workout.” Cathy said while picking bulpan up by her legs “you going to help me here?” Cathy asked deadpan

“Yeah sure,” Griffin replied as he helped carry his sister into the room only to find the second voice from inside the room was none other than Fluttershy, curled up into a ball under the bed where nobody knew.

“There we go, she will be comfy now and when she wakes up let me do the talking ok.” Cathy said sweetly “and when she opens her eyes then we talked and she will accept to become my daughter and we can all go home and be a happy family. Well if she let’s me adopt her. I am not going to force her but I do want you both to be happy,” Cathy said daydreaming and with so much hope and love for the two.

“oh my…I hope I am not going interfere with there happily life...and I hope Bulpan is OK.” Fluttershy thought to herself “maybe she is not that bad and give them a good home...I am going to miss them but they deserve a happy life but I know that they can’t get it here, not with everypony treat them like monsters. I wish I could go with them.” fluttershy through sadly, still under the bed watching what might happen and making sure that they are getting the best treatment possible.

It was then Griffin noticed her under the bed before slowly walking towards her.

“Don’t. Just leave her she will come out when ready and we can talk to her too.” Cathy said while checking over Bulpan “miss you can stay there all you want but if you want to talk you will have to come out. I don’t want to talk to a bed.” Cathy said with a sweet voice.

“OK… I… will… come… out.” she said shakily. As three minutes past before she came out, and said “hi am Fluttershy.” her voice was barely a whisper with how quiet it was.

“Well how miss Shy it is a pleasure to meet you,” Cathy said with a sweet smile sitting down on the bed and ask “if you don’t mind miss Shy why were you here with Bulpan. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”

Fluttershy was heavily thinking on if should tell her or not. But she has been nothing but kind so far “Bulpan was worried about her brother and so I came here to help her. We were talking about if Bulpan should go after him or not. But then you knocked on the door and you know the result of that.” Fluttershy replied being incredibly brave talking to this girl who she didn’t know of.

“Well I must thank you for that.” Cathy said with that sweet slime “but before we go farther I must tell you my name my name is Cathy and it is a pleasure to meet you.” Cathy said with a small bow and got back up and said “you can ask me everything you like while we waited for Bbulpan to wake up.” Cathy said while crossing her legs. “But before that. Griffin can you go get some chairs and drinks please.”

It was then Griffin stood up and simply walked out as Cathy had asked closing the door behind him.

Fluttershy was confused by this and was about ask but Cathy put her hand up and said “I think we both have questions so let’s play a game. You ask a question I will answer it but I can choose to skip a question if we need Griffin or Bulpan here to answer it okay?” Fluttershy nodded back as Cathy continued, “same rules to you when I asked a question you can start us off then.”

Fluttershy had to ask first “why did you call Gotenks Griffin just now?”

“I call Gotenks Griffin because we discuss it that his new life should get a new name I call him Griffin because in my world it means strong in faith so that’s is why.”

“But why-” Fluttershy started to say but stopped by Cathy said “ah ah” Cathy said with a wiggle of her finger “you are not playing by the rules it’s my turn.”

“So my question is did you hurt Griffin or Bulpan?” Cathy asked with a frown

“What!! No!! Why would you think that?” Fluttershy replied shocked by Cathy’s question.

“I will let that question slide. But as to why when Griffin and I was coming here he said how ponys treated him like a… I would say Monster,” Cathy said looking for the right words and staying true. “Your turn,” Cathy said offhandedly.

“Why are you here and what for?” Fluttershy asked.

“Next question. I would like them both here for that but I will said this my brother was kidnapped too so I want her help and to give them something I don’t think they had.” Cathy said getting back her smile and said “it’s still your turn because I didn’t answer your question.”

“Did you hurt Gotenks?” Fluttershy said with a frown

“Yes...only because I didn’t know him and I thought he was going to attack me and my dad.” Cathy said with cry a little “if what I know now then I might have done things differently but you can’t change the past.” Cathy said cry now and got a hug from Fluttershy, “thank you for that.”

“Okay no more crying it is my turn.” Cathy said calming herself down with fluttershy sitting next to her on the bed. “I am planning on taking both Griffin and Bulpan to my world and my question is do you know if someone would like to come with them and me?”

Fluttershy looked shocked at the question and said “I would like to come but I have my animals here to take care of.”

“You can bring them to. They will have to do a job though. But let’s continue we have probably have two questions before Griffin gets back. Its is your turn.”

“Are you going to hurt my friend’s?”

“Only if they attack me or Griffin and Bulpan or if they have hurt Griffin and Bulpan in the past. So my question...has...anyone...hurt...them.” Cathy said darkly

“N-n-not t-t-t-t-that I-I-I k-k-know of.” fluttershy said sacred but then saw a parent look in Cathy eyes said that no one will hurt them again and she knew that she would protect them with her life like a mother with her children.

“I don’t have anything else to ask. You can ask one more question,” but what was ask came out of nowhere “are you single?”

Cathy went bright red and said simply “yes. Why?” and Fluttershy just said subdivide “sorry but that was the last question,” Fluttershy said bright red too.

And then the door slammed open with Griffin walking back in with three chairs in one hand while carrying a tray that seemed to have a few different drinks on them, which he carefully placed down before looking toward both Cathy and Fluttershy, “sorry I took so long, kept getting those funny looks again from when I was last here.”

Cathy raised an eyebrow and asked “what funny looks? And where did you go to get them?” Cathy look at the drinks and ask “and what’s are these made of?”

“I kinda had a personal hideaway under the castle, I kept stuff there when I didn’t want to be found out, it also somehow had plumbing so… I put everything together there and borrowed a few chairs from the dining room.”

Cathy really annoyed by the pony’s now and said “well if this goes smoothly you and your sister will never have to worry about that.”

“What do you mean Cathy?” Fluttershy asked

“I will tell you when Bulpan is awake,” Cathy said while looking over Bulpan to make sure she still okay.

“How is she actually doing?” Griffin asked nervously.

“She’s okay she will wake up in a bit.” Cathy replied

It was them Bulpan’s eyes shot open as she suddenly began to strangle Cathy yet again as she shouted “I’ll kill you for taking him!”

It was then Griffin struck her on the side of her neck before her arms went limp and she fell sideway, dazed as she looked at Cathy and muttered, “he said you and your father kidnapped him, he said you were all evil, you turned my own brother into a monster like everyone calls us.”

“Well hello to you too,” Cathy said as Bulpan choked her, “and let me ask you something do you really think the bad guy admit to be the bad guy or make the good guys fight the other good guys?” Cathy said getting up off the floor.

“And Bulpan… she is very nice and you didn’t have all the facts,” Fluttershy said meekly.

“Like hell I don’t both her and her father assist in kidnapping and enslaving innocents and don’t care about the consequences to anyone else they ever cared about!” Bulpan shouted in anger.

“We only enslave the ones that attack us for no reason and let me ask was it the same guy that said that to you and if I was sooo evil then why are you not tied up or enslaved? Hmm or how about the fact you attack me twice and you attack first both times and I have yet to attack and why have I brought your brother here if I was so evil I would have left him back at HQ and kill him for attacking me but I have not. So who is the bad guy? Me or you?” Cathy said matter of factly.

Bulpan then looked away before saying, “you must be lying, they told me, you… wait, they played me for a fool!”

“What do you mean?” Griffin asked.

“I was told they had killed you during the attack, and that a person looking like her had done it.”

“See. Now how about you sit down and we can talk.” Cathy said with a small slime.

“ you want me to leave?” Fluttershy asked

“No this concerns you too. So please stay. But you have free will you can leave if you want.” Cathy said.

“I think I will stay for now.” fluttershy said meekly.

“I wouldn’t, I still don’t trust her,” Bulpan argued as she sat up slowly.

“Say the girl who got played by the so called good guys” Cathy said teasingly “plus I will leave after we had talked. And if you want I can let you tie me up so you can have a piece of mind.” Cathy said with a tiered look in her eyes like she about to fall asleep.

“Just, tell me what you want and then leave my brother here and get out of our lives.”

“Okay, Then but do you want the long or short version?” Cathy asked bulpan

“Whichever makes everything clear enough for you, so you have no worries when I refuse to do as you ask.”

“I want you to be my daughter.” Cathy said matter of factly. “Your brother has already said yes but if you said no then...I will leave here without you. But if you do agree then I will only ask one thing. All I ask for is for you to help get me my brother back from the guys who played you and protect us as a part of are your family. If you do this I will give you everything you want I can even get rid of your Saiyan rage. So you won’t go on a killing spree when and I do mean when a pony hurts your brother. So what do you say? Do you want a loving family and friends instead of this world? Who are nothing but racist” Cathy said with love and hope in her eyes looking straight at Bulpan with a sweet smile.

“That temper of hers has not got anything to do with her being part Saiyan, she’s always been like that,” Griffin said with a smirk.

“Uhh, yeah. Sorry bout that,” Bulpan replied rubbing the back of her head.

“No need to be sorry I am going to do the same thing to who took my brother, but I am going to kill them for it nothing will hurt my family nothing.” Cathy said with literal fire coming from her eyes.

“Why? Why do you want us out of anybody else?” Bulpan asked.

“Mostly I see myself in you and I just think its just right I feel my heart pumping in happiness at the thought of you two being in my family… you don’t have to answer now I will give you time but I can only wait one day… so what do you say,” Cathy said truthfully.

“We don’t have a day,” Bulpan responded as she clenched her fists.

“What do you mean?” Cathy asked

“You need to get my brother out of here, before Twilight finds him.”

“Why what happened if they decide to hurt-”

“Replace hurt with… kill and your on the right track, after we were attacked by two Saiyans a while back he caused a lot of damage to stop them, after the battle he disappeared along with the two Saiyans and they think he organised the attack. He has a death warrant on his head and if Twilight see’s him and gets the Princesses, I doubt I can stop them from doing it.”

“Well about that Twilight has already seen us.” Cathy said annoyed at her own mistake “and why not come with us?” Cathy asked

“Oh ah...about that Bulpan is under house arrest and if she leaves she will be hunted down for endangering the lives of the ponies in Ponyville and what happened with the Saiyans last time they were and see what they can do they are ready for her.”

“So bulpan you have no choice in the matters you are a part of my family.”

“And if I somehow escape they have this,” she added pulling up trousers leg to how to show a small band tied around it, “it’s a Solar charge made by Celestia, if I go to far away from someone who’s watching me, it will kill me on the spot. I literally can’t leave, even if I wanted to.”

“Towa can you remove the sun bomb?” Cathy throught.

Not before they realise what’s happening and blow it up, but I can tell the bomb is connected to the solar bitch herself, if she’s taken down it would deactivate and release her, we could reconnect it to her or someone she cares for so she would do as you ask?” Towa replied.

“Why is life so hard to me.” she thought to herself

It was then a voice was heard in the room Cathy and Griffon knew as Demigra said, “let them try and kill her, they will not get the chance.”

“Oh my...who is that?”

“And what gives him the right to stake my life on this?!”

“That would be your granddad sweetie and if sun bitch dies then so does the bomb,

“Besides I can so much worse than kill her,” Demigra added a chuckle being heard through the room.

“There’s a fate worse than death for her? I’d love to see that,” Bulpan responded.

“Me too for threatening my baby girl I will not accept she good as...what ever dads going to do to her let her come.” Cathy said with a crazy smile and death in her eyes. “Towa get this boom tie to me or Griffin and let’s kill this bitch!” Cathy through to Towa.

“Not happening, me and our father decided I’m taking Moony, and he’ll have a nice long ‘chat’ with the Solar bitch alone.”

“Okay I will wait here till my new daughter is safe.”

“No can do, we need you to occupy the Elements, if they get a shot on our father they will take him from us.”

“Hey Fluttershy you want to come with use? Your friend’s are going to try kill me and my family.”

“Okay… they are not my friend’s they know I see Bulpan as a sister but they are treating her like filth so I will come with you,” Fluttershy was confident about this.

“Really great! So do want to be my daughter?” Cathy asked

Fluttershy want deep red and said “no...I want to be there mommy too so I want to be your wife.” fluttershy said meekly.

Cathy got a nose bleed “ummm, okay why not.”

I can make her change her mind on that from here if you wish?” Demigra said to Cathy and Cathy alone.

“No thanks. I want to see where this goes… but what about body wise?” Cathy through to Demigra

“Once we get her back I can change that and make everyone think she was always like that, so don’t worry.”

“Thanks daddy your the best! And make it anthro with g-cup Breast please.” Cathy through to her daddy with a another nose bleed.

“You love making things more fun for me don’t you?” Demigra responded before adding, “and the two of them are inbound on carriages, with guards… just ask what Fluttershy stance is on the fates of her old friends, and if we can ‘have’ them.”

“Hey Fluttershy where do you stance with your old friends because we about to go to war with them?” Cathy asked.

“After what they did and what you have often will they do say blood is thicker than water. Kill them if you want they are nothing but monsters.”

“Even Rainbow?” Griffin asked.

Fluttershy then began to cry as she said, “Yes I can’t see her no more she has changed so much into a monster now that I can’t see her.” Fluttershy said through the tears.

“well I’m in love” Cathy through “she just needs the body.” Cathy add to that thought.

“When you find them, trap them in their own personal hells and don’t let them out of it, Towa will collect them after the battle for us to ‘deal with as we see fit,” Demigra responded with a dark chuckle.

“is Towa not going to use uncle mira in the train?” Cathy asked the two. “I can deal with the pony but you can never be to carefully.” Cathy add.

It’s highly possible, you just be ready, Fluttershy with still have to fake her friendship with the or they’ll catch on.”

“Fluttershy I need you to do something...I need you to keep fakeing that friendship with them’s only going to be abit longer a you can be free of them.”

“Okay… I will head there now.” she turned to leave but stop and face Cathy.

“Is there something wron-” she was interrupted by two lip’s meeting hers and she fall into it and fluttershy said quietly and quickly “I will see you in a bit my love.”

Cathy just stood there for a second and touch her lips and she said “yep..I am in love.”

maybe I will have to watch out for her crazy brother, or should we never have you meet him?

Fluttershy has a brother? If she doesn’t asked then don’t bring him or put him in the crossfire if he is like my. We only need one of him.”

Okay, I’ll be waiting for you outside, I’ll try not to kill them all,” Demigra said with a smirk, “Just get everyone ready and Towa will be on her way to help Bulpan.

“Okay everyone. Let’s go to the throne room and meet the Main 6.” Cathy said getting up and waking to the door and open it to hall and started to walk but stop and ask “which way is the throne room hehehe.” she laughed nervously.

“It’s this way,” Bulpan responded gesturing down the hall to a large crystal door.

“Should we knock?” Griffin asked with a smirk.

“Yes but only once” Cathy said then kick the door open to see the main 6 and Starlight and spike Cathy brother is once again proud of her sister “what’s up good lookings never thought the Elements of Harmony to be beautiful maid’s except Fluttershy she beautiful… where are my manners my name is Cathy and these two are my son and daughter Griffin and…*looks to bulpan* do you want to change your name or nah.”

“Maybe after this whole mess is behind me,” Bulpan whispered back.

Cathy continued “Bulpan and I am here to take them home so do you mind removing that sun bomb on her leg please,” Cathy said all this with a sweet smile and voice.

“I have no idea what you mean, there is no bomb, what would we have that for?” Twilight attempted to lie.

“One you are a bad liar...two I can see the spell Matrix and it’s a sun type so...don’t...,” Cathy said getting darker and darker with each word.

“Twilight wouldn’t lie about anything like that, and even if she did, we wouldn’t use something like that on anypony.”

“Oh is that right… so Applejack would she and if you lie then the elements won’t work after you do,” Cathy said with confidence,

“Twi your lying to us how could you do something so goddom evil!” Applejack said shocked and appalled.

“You know this had to be done, her brother assisted those Saiyans in slaughtering innocent ponies, and she was helping him! Honestly, she’s getting off easy with just that on her leg.” Twilight responded angrily glaring at Cathy, Griffin and Bulpan.

“I never killed anypony! I stopped those two Saiyans from killing ponies and you put a death sentence on my sister and a death warrant on my head!” Griffin shouted.

Applejack got annoyed now, “Twilight he is telling the truth and you just hurt a innocent lives and you didn’t get us nor got all the facts. Remove it Twilight and you might have friends after this,.” Applejack requested.

“Applejack you clearly don’t understand the threat those two pose to us all, their powers could single handedly end the existence of us all, this is needed to keep us safe.”

“Just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean we are evil! It doesn’t mean we’d harm anybody, you’re just angry because we wouldn’t teach you how to use it yourself!” Bulpan argued back.

“Is this true twilight and be very careful how you say this because I am not going to kill innocent lives for your drug for knowledge,” Applejack said with no room for arguing.

“I never… I never asked them about their powers, or asked them to tell me! They’re lying to turn you against me!”

“No twilight… you are lying to us and yourself don’t ever come near my home or family again” as Applejack just start to leave but stopped and turned to Cathy, Griffin and Bulpan and said “I am might sorry for her and what she did to your family. Do what you like with filth like her no one should never hurt your family,” and like that Applejack was gone.

“Hey dad! Leave applejack alone she an Ally but won’t fight and the elements are out of the game.” Cathy through to Demigra

Perfect, thats that issue out the picture, oh and prepare for Twilight to shit herself.” Demigra responded.

“I have my shadow hall ready and waiting.”

It was then shattering was heard above the group as they looked up to see someone falling through the crystal roof before a white Alicorn was seen bruised and battered on the table that had broken in half from the impact.”

oh...that’s what you meant...well shit.”

Twilight’s eyes widened in shock as she saw her mentor and teacher injured in front of her.

“What dafuck happened her that was not us.” Cathy said confessed and confusion.

Rainbow then seemed to float backwards slightly at the sight in front of her Twilight reached out to her mentor in fear as she began to shake in fear. “Who could do this to her?”

“How the hell should I know...this is your world not my.” Cathy said annoyed

It was then the mare opened her eyes weakly before she said, “Twilight run!” as Cathy saw the bomb on Bulpan’s leg open and fall to the ground.

“This can’t be happening, she can’t be out cold if she is that means,” Twilight said her eyes going wide in realisation as she looked at Bulpan.

“Shall we go my son and daughter… oh who wants to come too?” Cathy asked.

At first nobody answered just frozen in shock before what seemed to be a black aura surrounded Celestia’s body before it compacted into a small black orb that floated upwards through the damaged roof as they saw a hand holding the orb before it disappeared and Twilight dropped to her ground and began to cry.

Cathy started to make some shadow halls from their own Shadows to put them in their special hells “now my children the power is in your hands who gets what? Who gets to go to hell or who gets to go home you decide on it,” Cathy asked the two while tentacles wrapped around the ponies with only Fluttershy being free.

Rainbow then looked to Fluttershy as she shouted “Hey! Why are you free! Help us!”

Fluttershy looked at Rainbow and said “you all knew that I saw them as family! But you still treat them like filth and ever since we got those elements you all have become monster!” and went quite and said “plus I fell in love with Cathy.” and Cathy went bright red as a tornado

Rainbow then looked to Cathy in anger as she shouted “What did you do to her! Release her from whatever you did, or Celestia help me i’ll kill you myself!”

It was then Demigra chuckled from above as he said, “no use praying to someone who can’t reach you anymore,” as he landed next to Cathy holding the small black orb that everyone had seen Celestia change into before floating away.

“Rainbow meet my dad. He rules time it self and I have not touched fluttershy. She became this because you was not being loyal to hers believe.”

It was then Twilight seemed to chuckle weakly, “ruling time, what a joke.”

“Funny, I think the joke is you and your precious mentor, tell me. What were her last words to you before I took away her life?”

Twilight’s eyes widened before she said, “she’s alive and will take you down.”

“I suppose your right, she is alive but taking me down, I can’t see happening,” Demigra chuckled holding the orb in front of her eyes.

“No… no no no no No!!!” Twilight wailed in agony, “let her go!”

“Hmm… you know I think i’ll keep her,” Demigra responded walking out of her reach before opening his mouth placing the orb in front of it.

“No! You can’t! Please don’t!” Twilight screamed in fear.

Demigra simply smirked placing the orb into his mouth before letting it go, and swallowing it while Twilight helplessly watched as a bulge travelling down his neck in the process before the bulge disappears as it reached his stomach.

“No!!!!” Twilight screamed out in absolute horror before collapsing to the ground wailing with tears running down her face.

“Their hell’s are ready. Just waiting for my children to decide. Who goes to hell or not.” Cathy said

“I think Twilight is already,” Griffin pointed out with a chuckle at the broken mare.

“Yeah. But we can do so much worse to her and them so have you decided on who going to hell?” Cathy asked Griffin “oh dear god! I am Jigsaw from Saw, oh well I could be worse people.” Cathy added

Griffin and Bulpan then walked up to Twilight before Bulpan brought Twilight to kneel in front of them her willpower shattered before she nodded to Griffin before, Twilight looked to them as she said weakly, “this is madness.”

Bulpan then stood in front of the mare next to Griffin before they both said in unison “Madness?” they both then looked to Cathy with a smirk before looking back before adding, “This is Sparta!” as they both kicked Twilight into the portal behind her which caused Cathy to smile and she said “oh am so proud! And these are definitely my kids now no question!” Cathy said with a big proud smile and a tear in her eye and said “okay so who is next? My children the power is in your hands.”

“What did you do to Twilight!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she struggled trying to get free, “Bring her back!”

Pinkie Pie who had been unbelievably quite said “yeah why you being big meanies? And that goes to you too Demon and Brony! Why is this happening to us!?!

Demigra then looked to the group as he asked, “could I ‘deal’ with her?”

“Why?” Cathy asked before gasping and adding innocently “am I going to have a mommy?”

“Sorry sweetie not the plan,” Demigra replied internally to her without the others hearing, “tell me Pinkie do you want to be with your princess, she’s feeling ever so lonely by herself.”

“Oh okay!! No one should be sad!! Never ever!!” pinkie Pie said clueless “hey I am not without my clue kit.” and pulled a clue kit out of nowhere.

“Okay then,” Demigra replied as he opened his hand as a black aura surrounded Pinkie before she was shrunk down into a black orb just like Celestia was before it floated into Demigra’s hand.

“Don’t you dare harm her!” Rainbow Dash shouted in both anger and fear for Pinkie.

Demigra however simply ignored her as he opened his mouth before simply dropping the orb holding pinkie inside his mouth swallowing it as Dash’s eyes watch the bulge that was Pinkie’s form slowly move down Demigra throat before disappearing into his stomach. He then patted his belly before saying “well that was very sweet, such a nice dessert after the spicy main cause that was Celestia.”

“Spit her out! Spit her out now!” Rainbow shouted out in fear, “please you’ll kill her!”

“She has already been consumed and become one with daddy.” Cathy said matter of factly.

“The matter is, your friend is now with me eternally, she will live in eternal happiness and never know the feelings of pain and sorrow again,” Demigra added, “as she did when she became the orb she with constantly remain like that.”

“No! Please she said you can control time, revert it! Spare her! Please! I’ll do anything!” Rainbow begged which made Demigra turn away and smirk.

“No! Rainbow you all have become monster and you deserve what’s ever is coming to you for hurting my family!” fluttershy said

“No… Flutters please, we’re friends, you can’t do this to us,” Rainbow begged.

“My...friend...MY...FRIEND!!! Rainbow you out of all have turned into a monster the most for what you did to Gilda...we both know about Griffins and how they test new friends and loves one to see if they abandon them or not...and what did you do you made her cry for being your friend you deserve this the most because of you I have no more kindness left.” fluttershy said standing in front of her.

“Flutters, please, I-” Rainbow pleaded looking into her eyes.

Fluttershy kick her in the shadow Hall with no emotion and said “like I said I have no more kindness left for monsters” she said before the shadow close in on itself

Then she looked at Griffin and bulpan and said “I am sorry...if you was going to spare her I would not have be able to live with myself.”

“Don’t be, you were kinder than I would I been, I would have broken her wings first,” Griffin admitted.

“Well it is her hell and she can’t live without flying so she will loses her wings.” Cathy said matter of factly

Cathy looked at Rarity who had fainted when ‘sun bich’ fell through the ceiling. “Hey Bulpan have you decided on Rarity yet?”

Bulpan came over to Cathy and asked “is it possible to make her fall in love with Spike and bring her and him?”

As Spike heard it and became hopeful and his dreams came true when Cathy said “yep we can do everything we want-” Spike fished punch the air but his mind stop at “we can also make her anthro with D-Cup’s breasts and make Spike his own body that can help protect her and pleasure her like no one else.”

Spike then beamed happily seeming to have completely forgotten about Twilight as he asked Cathy “Umm miss Cathy can I be your son also? I see Griffin like a brother and you just gave me everything I have dream of and more.”

“No problem sweetie. You are now a part of the family!” Cathy replied without a second thought.

“And I thought I added was prone to adding anyone to my family,” Demigra joked.

“Well you can fix that with a wife… maybe she will be the supreme kai of time.” Cathy joke back to her father.

“Oh that mouthy pain in my side will never be my wife, I’d rather walk up to the man that made me this and have him end me than be with her.”

“ are you a tsundere?” Cathy said with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

“Would you marry the person who tried to have you killed?” Demigra asked.

“Yes!...I would find it ironic in a way constant fighting and then falling in love it sounds great don’t you think?” Cathy asked.

“Cathy, I can still ground you after this,” Demigra pointed out, looking at the last pony who’s fate had been left undecided, “and what about her?”

“Fine I will shut up about your love life…but this tuck all the cutemarks and then became friends so I won’t have a say in it...what about you too? Have you decided on her punishment or not?” Cathy asked

“Honestly she never harmed either of us,” Bulpan replied.

“What about you Spike what’s your thoughts on her?” Cathy asked

“She has done nothing to me so I can’t say.” spike said

“What about you dad you have any ideas?” Cathy asked Demigra.

“Honestly, I can’t comment, on her, she doesn’t have anything about her that interests me in the slightest.” Demigra admitted

hey Towa! You need help with work in the lab?” Cathy through to Towa

I guess she’d make a nice energy source for Mira to feed off in the early stages of his growth, apart from that she’d be no use to me?” Towa admitted, “and dad, moon bitch is yours, I had hoped her being from this world would have meant she had stronger Ki, but she’s just as useless as all the others.”

“others what others?…why haven’t you tell me that you be going to my favorite show in all time! *gasp* is there a Rick and Monty? Or a undertale world? Or a one punch man world out there?”

There are an infinite amount of realities, so most likely there would be one.” Towa commented.

“that’s it I am getting a sans from undertale! And meeting Rick from Rick and Monty! And getting a zanpakuto from Bleach!” Cathy keep listing off more and more

Towa what have you started?” Demigra groaned.

and I will get a Android 21 from dragon ball with the dragon balls.” Cathy finally finished list out stuff and snap to realize of one think and look to her daddy and asked “is there a female you out there?… people say you can’t love and others want to prove them wrong?” Cathy asked innocently and if people listen closely they could hear sun bust a gut over that but no one did.

Cathy focus on what were doing now,” Demigra responded.

“what were we doing before I got all my dreams come true?” Cathy asked

It was then Towa appeared behind the group dragging a squirming Princess Luna behind who’s legs and wings looked broken, “dad fancy a trade, this one for last pony standing?”

“God damn Towa didn’t know you was that kinky with moony.” Cathy said offhandedly

“I’ll let that one slide, anyway, do any of you want that mare?” Towa asked pointing to Starlight with a grin.

“Knock yourself out we don’t need her. She all yours if you stop threatening my new children!”

“Hmm… Deal as long as they don’t attempt to get me mad,” Towa responded placing a crippled Luna next to Demigra as she walked towards Starlight with a sadistic grin.

“No! Stay away from me! Don’t come any closer!” Starlight said channeling magic to her horn, only for Towa to tap it with her staff as it cracked causing Starlight to scream in pain.

Towa then grabbed the mare by her back hooves throwing her over her shoulder before stating, “come on pet, you’ve got an exciting but short future ahead of you.”

“No! Please somepony help me!! Please!!!” Starlight shouted hoping someone would come to help her.

“No shouting pet,” Towa added with smirk before adding, “I’ll see you all back on the train home, say goodbye to your old home pet.”

Starlight just abandoned all hope and said emotionless “good bye everything I know and loved.” and with that Towa and Starlight teleport away.

“There we go everything is done what was needed to be do you three want to see your new home?” Cathy asked Fluttershy, Spike and Bulpan.

“Oh… my… yes please I would love to see your room,” Fluttershy said lustfully to Cathy.

Griffin and Bulpan simply nodded to each other as they simply said, “where else would be going?”

“I don’t know probably your hammerspace or something like that,” Cathy said jokingly and added “back to the train! Next stop home!”

“Okay!” everyone replied gleefully apart from Demigra and Luna the latter who was crying on the ground.

It was then Bulpan ran up to the unconscious Rarity, placing her on her shoulders before the group began to leave

“I will meet you there I have something I must do.” Cathy said sweetly “and daddy where’s your sprint come on and cheer? Can I get a whoop whoop!! Today bin a good day”

“Cathy, you may have thought we were done, but you left one mare unaccounted for,” Demigra responded returning to the crying Alicorn at his side.

“I was going to leave her here to rise the sun and moon.”

“Cathy, there’s a reason a lot of places around Equestria are a mess, and most of the time it is thanks to their disregard for what they do with the Sun and Moon.”

“Not my world..not my problem,” Cathy replied.

“Really, we just crippled Luna, essentially killed Celestia, eliminated the Element bearers and left all of there guards in the hospital at best, this world may not be your problem, but it is mine now.”

“Then what do you need me to do then?”

“We need to make a decision for this world, do we leave it as it is, and let Equestria suffer, or do we stand up and add this world to our own ranks? We could use it too help create more food for everyone who needs it, or as a place to have a sanctuary for all of those who need to recover, or even a new place to put the prisoners before we recruit them to our cause.”

“ about we do a half and half a sanctuary on one half and a food maker on the other and people can help from the sanctuary to run it and if people want join us then we can build up are numbers?” Cathy asked her daddy at her idea.

Demigra smiled back before clicking his fingers as each banner in the room changed to a red background with a large stylized ‘D’ on them, “As a placeholder till I can get proper flag made to hang alongside Equestria’s.”

“Oh...who’s going to run it? I know Towa won’t so who will?” she asked offhandedly

“For the moment that will be left to be seen, but we let the planet repair itself naturally to recover what the princesses lack of judgement caused,” Demigra admitted as he saw the band that had been on Bulpan’s leg before he suddenly smirked and added, “Cathy, mind grabbing the device they used on your daughter?”

“Okay” Cathy said while picking it up “now what?” she asked

“Well, not i’m going to ensure our new pet will stay compliant,” Demigra stated as the suicide band was placed in his hand before it shone as it’s form changed to that of a dog’s collar which had the word, ‘Luna’ on the front of a tag, “Luna head up.”

Luna began to whimper but complied nonetheless as the bomb collar was placed around her neck before Demigra attached a leash to it as he simply healed Luna’s legs before stating, “now, I assume you know what the collar is for, and you will behave like a good girl for us won’t you pet?”

Luna then began to cry louder before saying, “yes master.”

“Good girl,” Demigra replied rubbing the top of her head like she was a dog demeaning the former Princess further than she already had been. “Now let’s take you to your new home pet.”

Luna then shakily stood up tears still falling from her eyes, “this is humiliating.”

“Oh don’t worry pet, as long as you behave you’ll be looked after properly,” Demigra added with a smile as before pulling on the leash as Luna began to walk like a dog being led by her owner.

“Plus I think it’s sexy, like a Gothic girl with a kink for pet play! Who knows you might become my mommy.” Cathy said offhandedly and truthful.

As they walked Luna just continued crying out in sorrow as her former ponies stared at her in disbelief as she was demeaned further by her state.

Chapter 5

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As the group arrived back at the train, they dragged a sobbing Luna onward as she tried to grab ahold of the ground screaming, “No! I don’t want to go!” before losing her grasp and being dragged inside, the door closing in her face. In turn locking her inside the carriage as she saw the world outside the door begin to move away.

Demigra then dragged the broken Princess to a nearby seat as he said to her, “Up here,” tapping the seat near to the window as she weakly climbed onto it, tears falling down her eyes.

It was then that Demigra sat next to her as he gestured for her to place her head on his leg and she complied, shaking in fear before she felt Demigra rub down her back as his hand was placed on her forehead and she stopped shaking and went still.

“Right, anyone got a name for our new pet? She’s not a princess anymore and I feel like a new name to live by will help her adjust to her new life.” Demigra stated as he saw Luna’s cutie mark begin to fade away.

“Oh I know! How about Nexus?” Cathy asked

“Why Nexus?” Demigra asked as he continued rubbing Luna’s back, her old cutie mark completely gone.

“Well we are going to help more worlds, we do have an order like a nexus, and Luna’s world was the first one we fixed. So really, we can show her off like a symbol of a great start, and she was our starting point.”

“I don’t think that name will work for a family pet, sweetie,” Demigra admitted as Luna’s eyes went hazy as she started panting like a dog.

“How about... Lemon? Yeah! how about Lemon? Because she was a Lemon to think she could take us on! How’s that for a name?” Cathy asked

“Can you not be horrible to her,” Demigra asked as they saw Luna’s ears lower to the side of her head.

“I am trying to come up with a name, but it is hard! You try then!” Cathy said pouting. “Takes me two weeks to come up with Griffin and I was never the best at naming something.” Cathy added.

“Hmm… what do you all think of the name Xena?” Bulpan suggested.

“Perfect! What do you think daddy?” Cathy asked.
“Lets see,” Demigra said with a smirk, “Xena, what do you think?” The pony that was Luna then suddenly looked up, her ears perking up as she began to wag her tail almost like she was indeed a dog. “I think she likes it.” Demigra admitted with a smirk as he saw Xena’s Cutie mark reform as a dog’s collar around the moon itself.

“But what are you going to do with her?” Cathy asked with concern “I mean looking after a pet takes a lot of work,” Cathy added with the biggest shit eating grin.

Demigra smirked as he tapped Xena’s head before speaking, “Why not ask her,”

“Mistress Cathy, what is wrong?” Xena responded, her head tilted to the side in confusion still retaining her new dog like personality.

Cathy just stopped and got to thinking, simply saying “Kinky”. Cathy replied to Xena looking at her as her ears drooped again.

Demigra then looked to Xena before saying, “Do you want to go to Cathy?” Xena jumped off the seat and sat on the ground next to her curled up, her chin on her arms looking up at her.

“Awww, well ain't you the most cutest little thing…yes you are! yes you are!” Cathy said while petting Xena with a big smile as an idea formed in her head. “I am soo getting that dog from Ben 10.” and Griffin and Bulpan facepalmed at that.

“You’ll need to take a few things off that list of yours then,” Demigra replied as Xena began to lick Cathy’s face.

“Aww I think she likes me...and do I have too? There is so much cool stuff out there and some can even surpass Gods ten times over before they even use 1% of their true power.” Cathy explained while pouting at him and petting Xena more. “Plus, if we had just some of that stuff you will never even have to worry about us. Towa can have a perfect Mira and you can have everything you want and more, we will never be attacked again and never lose family again,” Cathy added sadly.

“Cathy, even though having near unlimited power seems good, it’s not, power corrupts, changes you into someone you can barely recognise by those you love, it makes you turn against them and become what you hate the most,” Demigra stated almost sounding pained as he told her.

“‘You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain’ I would rather be a villain then see my family get hurt again. I am still too weak to help so you can't blame me for dreaming!”, Cathy exclaimed.

“Cathy, I’m not speaking from a random person's opinion. I’m speaking from my own memories,” Demigra stated.

“Yeah, I know.”

“No, no you don’t know in the slightest. I gained that much power once and I murdered everyone I swore to protect and almost let the grief cause me to simply end it, the only thing that pulled me back from the brink was one person.”

“Who?” Cathy asked

“I’m looking at her,” Demigra added looking at Cathy, “If I hadn’t met you when I did, we would have never met period, we would never have had the chance to as I wouldn’t be standing here, I cast off almost everything I gained to simply allow myself to be with you. In short. You saved me from my own suicide.”

Cathy simply said “Well crap. Now I feel worse.”

“Cathy, do you remember the day we first met?” Demigra asked.

“Only that you saved me from a burning building and me being scared of you and I quote “Oh dear God aliens are real and here to abduct me, why didn't I listen to my brother about how to greet an alien?!””, Cathy answered seemingly on point.

Demigra simply chuckled at her before saying, “I wish that was all that I saw before saving you, and I wish that was the first thing I heard you say.” He then looked back and added sadly, “Sweetie, I’ve been hiding something from you about that day, and I’m sorry I lied about one fact to you.”

“You wouldn't have been a good dad if you told me everything.”, Cathy replied.

“I need to tell you this before you go after… him, I won’t let you go after your brother without you being aware of the whole truth of that night,” Demigra stated.

“Like what?”, Cathy asked curiously.

Demigra then stood up walking over to her, “Are you sure you want to see this, it will hurt, knowing the truth will hurt you more than anything someone could do to you with a weapon.”

“Try me.”, Cathy said with resolve.

Demigra then looked at her, “Please stand next to me then,” he requested, holding his hand out to her as she took a step away from Xena.

“Okay then.” Cathy said getting up and standing next to her dad.

“Cathy, please don’t hate me for this,” Demigra responded as he placed his hand on her shoulder before Cathy’s vision went white.

As her vision cleared, Cathy looked around to find herself floating in the air with Demigra beside her, both standing in an empty white room. “Cathy, this is the last chance to turn back from this, are you positive you want to see what actually happened the night we met.”

“No! I am not turning back now. I want to know why my brother left me that night something was not right that night, I could feel it in the air and my brother knew it and was scared by it,” Cathy said coolly “And nothing scares him...well except for him.” Cathy added.

“Cathy-… Okay, just know whatever happens you can not change it, no matter what we see,” Demigra added.

“I know, just... let's get this over with so we can get back.” Cathy said coldly again.

“Okay,” Demigra responded as he took a breath before a small house came into view as they floated above it, “You remember this place correct?”

“Can't forget my home…nor family” Cathy responded.

“Okay, I wanted to be sure,” Demigra said as the two of them floated to the ground as they found a man completely covered in a black cloak, hiding his face kneeling near an open window seen to be pouring a clear liquid through it onto the ground inside the house, along with a long length of wire reaching to the ground inside the bush itself.

“So that's the guy who burned my home?” Cathy asked.

Demigra then walked over to the man as Cathy saw the man had white skin, black hair and brown eyes. They then looked down to see what looked like a timer that read one hour on the clock.

“Who is he? Why is he even doing this?” Cathy asked sadly and confused.

“Cathy, he is the man who made me into Demigra, he is the reason for this whole self contained war we fight in.”, Demigra answered grimly.

“What's his name?”

“His name... honestly from what I know he changes the end of his name often, but his first name is normally Andrew.”

“Well that's a lame name.” Cathy said jokingly

“Well it’s a lame name for the person that's caused us such misery.”

“Dad, why didn't you want to show me this?” Cathy gestured to the man.

“This bit isn’t the problem, its during the fire. I’m worried about what happened an hour before the fire started.”, Demigra replied.

“Why, what happened?” Cathy asked concern about this.

“Okay, let me show you,” Demigra responded as time moved forwards by 59 minutes before Demigra stated, “we are seconds away from the fire starting now, and time is frozen. You remember where you were when the fire started?”

“Some of us were in the living room watching TV… I don't remember what I was watching, just that I heard what sounded like an egg timer, then the fire started. After that, not much, then I met you.”, Cathy recited.

“The reason you don’t remember from this point till we met, is because…. I erased the memory of this event and remade it.”, Demigra said with a tinge of guilt.

“...” Cathy didn't respond to that but you could tell she was pissed as she stared angrily. “Show me everything. Now dad.”

The two of them were then teleported inside as Cathy saw herself sitting in front of a TV with her mother next to her. It was then the present day Cathy that heard the egg timer go off as the kitchen burst into flames followed by a scream of pain from the kitchen.

It was the younger Cathy and her mother who turned around as she shouted “Dad!” as his screams died down as the flames quickly reached the room they were in as her mother began to cough violently, trying to get the two of them out of the room as she collapsed. The younger Cathy falling to the ground as the flames began to burn and kill her mother in front of her eyes.

“Hahaha-Hahaha-HAHAHA, what is this feeling? I feel great!” It started small then grew big, Sun was laughing and having fun with the fire like a new toy.

The younger Cathy then weakly crawled towards the open door as Sun walked out of it, and as Cathy got to it, she suddenly felt Sun kick her in the ribs, knocking her back inside holding the door key in his hand placing it into the front door.

“What's the matter? Not having fun? Hahaha!” Sun started laughing again.

“Sun help!” Cathy shouted in fear as the fire began to approach her.

“Sun? Who the hell is that? I am Jack and you are in my way to freedom from that paizass,” Jack said sweetly to Cathy.

“Sun this isn’t funny, help me!” Cathy screamed as the flames got closer to her body.

“Sorry, Sun’s not home no more! He has lost his heart for good! Hahaha and now it's my turn...I...AM...JACK...THE...RIPPER,” It was then Jack walked back into the house kicking Cathy yet again as she curled up into a ball and began to cry to herself before Jack walked back outside as he began to close the door in front of his sister, “Bye, see you after playtime’s over.” He then closed the door as Cathy heard it lock with a click.

“NO! Sun come back! Please!” Cathy screamed begging for help that didn’t come as time froze again.

“Now do you understand why I erased this memory,” Demigra said sadly looking down.

“ just made it so I can't help Sun and “Jack”… if I knew this, I wasn't going to leave him and he would still be here. Take me back and don't talk to me for a while... I need to think.” Cathy responded.

“There’s one last thing you need to see,” Demigra said sadly.

“Just show me so I can get to helping my brother.”, Cathy replied coldly.

Time skipped forwards a few days before Cathy saw herself lying limply in Demigra’s arms in what became her room back home with Towa behind him, “Demigra, the girl’s dead, why should you even care, she’s nothing impressive, she has no power. No potential to help us. So just leave her to die and put this obsession behind you, and move on to killing all those who don’t follow you.”

“Towa…. Get the fuck out of here now before I kill you!” Demigra responded as he turned to Towa as hundreds of blades began to stand millimeters away from her body.

“This thing is making you go soft, you know if you don’t leave her, you will be killed by Andrew and his son. You’ve murdered that boy too many times for you to just stop.”, Towa argued.

“Towa, go to your room and stay there, you’re grounded till further notice. If I see you doing anything but lying on your bed, I will make you wish I killed you.”

Towa looked at Demigra in fear before saying, “Yes father, I understand. I’m sorry to have bothered you,” before she left the room.

Demigra then looked down to Cathy’s dead body, an emotion he never knew welling with in him. “Why… why do I feel like this... I don’t even know this child, so why do I even care about her?” Tears began to form in his eyes as they dripped onto Cathy’s dead body.

“Why do you care so much for me?” Cathy asked.

“Cathy, even then, I didn’t know, I only realised back before this, I had lost myself, this was the first time I even cried for one million years, and I didn’t know why. I only found out a few weeks later.”

It was then a white light shone from inside Demigra’s chest and a figure that looked like Celestia appeared in front of him as she said, “Look at this, the man who slaughtered millions of worlds, trillions of innocents is crying over some unimportant corpse, someone he doesn’t even know, it’s comical. You know, maybe you should just kill yourself. End the suffering for everyone and free all of us you ever devoured in your selfish quest for power.”

“Shut up!” Demigra shouted at ghostly figure.

“Maybe you should have just let her stay in stone and let me kill you all those billions of years ago, saved us all the trouble of even looking at your face.”, Celestia jeered.

“I told you to shut up!”, Demigra yelled.

“What’s the worst you can do to us, you already had us all watch you murder our loved ones, over, and over, and over again, what else can you do to us? You are a parasite Demigra, and you should just let yourself die.”, Celestia said once more.

“Leave me alone,” Demigra said holding Cathy’s body to his chest as he began to cry out in pain.

“We are all part of you, you should finally give up and let us have what we want. Your death! So just be a good useless father and kill yourself!”, Celestia requested.

“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” Demigra screamed in fear as his body shook.

He then felt a small shaky hand reach up touching his face, as it wiped the tears from his eyes before a weak voice called out, “Mr alien, could you keep it down? Some of us are trying to get some sleep and you are nice and warm.” Cathy then hugging Demigra torso.

Demigra’s eyes widened as he looked down to see what was Cathy’s dead body looking up at him as the voice said, “Impossible she was dead, you know she was! You couldn’t save this useless! Pathetic! Creature!”

“Heeey, stop being mean you meanie pants and let him be happy for once… now, I am going back to sleep on Mr. Alien… should have listened to my brother on how to greet an alien… oh well back to sleep,” the younger Cathy responded before she started snoring as a small bubble on her nose began rising and deflating with her breathing.

“The child knows nothing, just let herself and you go and die,” the ghostly figure said.

“No.”, Demigra said.

“What did you say to me?”, Celestia asked angrily.

“I said no, I don’t need power to be happy anymore,” Demigra responded as a large industrial press appeared in the corner of the room.

“What are you doing?!”, screamed Celestia.

“Shut up, the child's sleeping.”

“Why should you care, she is nothing!”, Celestia shouted.

Demigra then stopped glaring at the ghostly figure before placing his hand on his chest before a dark glow began to radiate from below his hand as multiple black shimmering orbs appeared inside the industrial press, “No, she is worth losing everything I have built just to save.”

“You wouldn’t dare! Without us you will never be able to get revenge against the man who murdered you, you don’t have the guts to do this,” the figure shouted.

“Don’t I?” Demigra asked before pressing a button on the press before cracking sounds were heard along with billions of screams as the orbs each shattered into a clear liquid which dripped out into a small bottle before Demigra added, “I don’t need you anymore, I have something far more important than my petty revenge. I have someone to protect.”

The figure then faded away, taunting as it did so. “You will never find happiness, a monster like you doesn’t deserve it.”

“Well, I aim to change that,” Demigra added before picking up the bottle placing a small plastic top on it before he said, “Little one, if you can hear me, drink this,” as he placed the bottle near her lips.

“Do you have something sweet to make the medicine go down~” She sung.

“Just this and a spoonful of sugar,” Demigra replied placing the bottle to her lips.

Cathy drunk the bottle with mock disgust. “Look at that, miss Mary Poppins was wrong… that did not help with the taste,” Cathy joked, still looking at Demigra.

Demigra simply smiled back to Cathy before asking her, “Do you have a name I can call you little one?”

“It's rude to ask for a name without giving one, but I am Cathy.”, answered Cathy.

“Well Cathy, I’m Demigra, and I would like to look after you if you’ll let me.”, Demigra offered.

“Okay you seem nice but you ain't Demigra, he is just a game character.”, Cathy said.

“That he is, but…. I guess I can’t say I’m who I was anymore, for all purposes, I am the Demon King from the game.”, Demigra replied.

Cathy looked at him and boopped Demigra and said “No you are not, ya been nothing but nice to me and the real one would have just left me to die, but you didn't so you are not him,” Cathy said sweetly and innocently.

Demigra then smiled back as he said, “I guess you're right little one, anyway, how are you feeling after your medicine?” Demigra asked placing her one his shoulder rubbing her back.

“I am fine, but have you seen my brother? I think he is very sick and something's happening to him.”, Cathy asked.

Demigra then looked to young Cathy as he said, “Do you trust me?”

“So far yeah, you haven’t done anything for me to not trust you” Cathy replied

“Okay, I need you to close your eyes for me, this may feel a little strange.”, Demigra said.

“Okay, just don't punch me,” she said that sound like a force of habit and closing her eyes.

“Wouldn't dream of it,” Demigra added before placing his hand on her forehead before slowly making her forget the events that had transpired in the fire adjusting them to make it so Sun was never seen by her during the fire, he then removed his hand before asking, “Are you okay Cathy, that didn’t hurt you did it?”

“No it didn't Demigra, but why did you save me?” Cathy asked.

“I couldn’t let a child as kind and beautiful as you die, I wish I had only got there sooner to save your family as well.”, Demigra said.

“That's fine it was not your fault… and you are far too old to be hitting on me,” Cathy said.

“I would never,” Demigra replied in shock at the statement, “Little one, what will you do now after your better?”

The younger Cathy simply shrugged to Demigra before she said “I guess serve you till I figure that out and find a way to get my brother back… maybe you could teach me ki?” Cathy asked hopefully.

“Maybe one day, but what would you even refer to me as if you served me?” Demigra asked as he rubbed Cathy’s back slowly.

“I will just call you Master until I come up with a name for you, never been good with giving people names, I swear I'm like Pinkie Pie in that regard?” Cathy replied.

“I see, well little one, get some sleep, I’ll take proper care of your starting tomorrow,” Demigra replied as he walked to a nearby bed and began to slowly lie down placing Cathy by his side. “Good night little one, sweet dreams.”

“Goodnight Mr. Alien, till tomorrow. Don't let the *yawn* bed bugs bite.” and just like that Cathy was out like a light with the bubble on her nose again.

Demigra then kissed Cathy on the forehead before slowly falling to sleep as he felt her head resting against his chest.

The present day Cathy then looked to Demigra as the memory faded before she said “Dear God… I weaponized cuteness! And you still haven't taught me ki and Pokemon moves don't count!” Cathy shouted.

“You never asked again,” Demigra pointed out.

“I forgot you said we could! and I was terrified of the “alien” because I thought it was a dream with how dumb it all was!” Cathy replied happily but then asked “Answer me this...have you used that multiple times on me or was that just the once?”

“I only changed your memories in that case, never again. I simply couldn’t help you back then, I’d just sacrificed all my powers and was unable to reopen any wormholes. I didn’t want to say no to you so…. I made you forget what happened that night, so you thought Sun was safe, to help you stay calm.”, Demigra answered.

“That's okay, and you were right. He looked fine when we had him… but for what you did I think I deserve something,” Cathy said truthfully.

“Oh god, what torture have you got for me.” Demigra said with smirk, “What are you thinking?”

“Well ,I do have a girlfriend and not a lot of let's say ‘tools’ if you understand my meaning and I want that dog from Ben 10! That's all… For now.” Cathy said with a smile

“You really aren’t milking me for all I’m worth, and what ‘tools’ are you thinking of?”, Demigra replied.

“A dick, 12 inch. I do want fluttershy to scream my name, so can you do that dad? and I already do, I do have these Darkrai powers and I said...that's...all if you insist I will like an Omnitrix from Ben 10.” Cathy said with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

“How about I give you a Riolu instead?” Demigra offered.

“Deal! That still includes the dog and dick!”

“You want two dogs?” Demigra said with a raised eyebrow.

“I do, like the family's and Xena will get lonely, so why not bring a guy dog home for her to ‘play’ with, so yeah I do.”, Cathy answered.

“You are so evil sometimes, you know that,” Demiga respond, “I’ll work on those things after we get home okay?”

“Ok I will, pleasure doing business with you and I hope for some more business soon.” Cathy replied happily and added “I wonder if Xena can get pregnant with different dog species? And maybe have me and Fluttershy watch. It would be a perfect turn on for us see her like that,” Cathy then began to lick her lips with that thought before adding, “and what should I get if I get a chance to get what I want...hmm?” Cathy wondered to herself.

“And back to the world of the living we go,” Demigra responded as the two traveled back into the real world.

The train ride home was uneventful, but during that time, everyone asked about what I had seen. Of which Cathy told them that she would talk about it a another time. Other than that, they only talked about plans on how they could get her brother back followed by what she was getting from Demigra.

It was then during this time she leaned closer to Fluttershy as she whispered in her ear to her “Expect a dick on me soon~.” before Fluttershy face turned bright red.

She then leaned in before whispering back, “I can't wait.”

Once Fluttershy had caImed back down, they also spoke about the dog she was going to get as she once again whispered to her about the idea of watching ‘the deed being done’ of which she loved the idea of.

It was soon after there conversation finished as they all arrived home before Cathy shouted out gleefully “Welcome home everyone!”

As the group began to make there way down the hall to look around Cathy and Fluttershy heard Towa shout to them as they turned around to four ponies being dragged out the second carriage by leashes each of them broken down in tears.

It was then Towa said to the two of them. “Hey, come to the lab, just so you know I can do some of those things you asked our father for.”

Fluttershy simply looked to Cathy as she asked her “What things is she referring to?”

Cathy simply explained to her what the term antho referred to and that if they ever wanted to have children that were biologically there own that they would have to do this. She also explained to Fluttershy that's she wanted Fluttershy to have her as a crossbreed between a human and a pony while giving her new abilities like that of everyone else in there family.

After a few seconds of thinking she agreed before Towa led her inside her lab along with the four crying ponies of which two were thrown into two separate cells together.

The process of changing Fluttershy’s form took no longer than half an hour before she shakily walked out the lab falling on her face in the process as Cathy saw that she was beautiful still with her pony body but more human looking standing on two legs at six feet and G-Cup breast and lovely flawless pink hair.

“If you still want your own abilities you’ll need to talk to Demigra so he can bless you with them,” Towa stated to them both.

“Okay it's my turn!” Cathy responded enthusiastically as Fluttershy walks to and gives her a hug and a kiss and said “I will wait here for you and then we can ‘test’ our new body parts,” Fluttershy said lustfully.

It was then Cathy got on the lab table herself of which she was made unconscious for no longer than ten minutes before she slowly woke up to Towa stating, “Now, you have both parts, I’ve made you into what most people refer to as a Futanari, you have both ‘tools’ as you would like to put it so don’t misuse them.”

“How the hell do I ‘misuse them’?” Cathy asked confessing.

“Don’t go around getting every female in the prison pregnant, and don’t get yourself pregnant. What did you think I meant?”, Towa said sarcastically.

“Ah! I would only get people pregnant if they wanted to or their ready for it. And I thought you were thinking something like rape or making myself a breeding tool or something.” Cathy replied

“I meant that too, our father would kill me if you did.” Towa added in annoyance.

“I might do some foreplay with that idea.” Cathy muttered.

“Don’t test me, I can have father bring you both back here and remove your changes, if you do. That's another thing I can do to punish you I guess.”, Towa responded.

“Great! Another thing you can threaten me with, shall I add that to the dick moves you done to me?” Cathy deadpanned.

“I could have given you a small stick instead of a big one, if you want some dick moves on my part.”, Towa snarked.

“Sorry, already on the list and you are at 671537451 at this moment.” Cathy replied with an annoyed look.

“Ohh… how many more for a free coffee?” Towa asked with a smirk.

“287, and you get one donut with it.” Cathy joked.

“I’ll make sure to remember that. Anyway, go test out your engagement gifts from me,” Towa responded with smile.

“And you do know I will get more wives? And then what are you going to do?” Cathy replied while walking out.

“We’ll see won’t we,” Towa responded as Cathy left hearing one of the caged ponies scream in terror as she left.

Once she got outside she looked to Fluttershy who look shocked for a moment and got a lustful look and asked Cathy, “So, are we going to your room now?”

Cathy simply smiled back before stating calmly to her soon to be wife, “Sure thing my Goddess. Let's go!” Cathy replied.

As they both reached the room Fluttershy looked around seeing a small single bed in the room as she stated with a smirk, “Don't you think this room is too small for a couple?”

“Yeah, dad didn't think I was going to get a girlfriend so soon, so we will have to make do with the one bed for now.” Cathy replied

It was then that Fluttershy simply smiled back before grabbing ahold of Cathy, pulling her into a kiss, which shocked Cathy as she noticed that Fluttershy was trying to be dominant. However, Cathy was more dominant than Fluttershy as she led her to her bed, not breaking the kiss as they went.

Once Fluttershy was on the bed, Cathy quickly got on top of her straight away, holding her down on the bed as she stared into her eyes before she slowly started to take her clothes off and Fluttershy watched, blushing as Cathy slowly did so, teasing her as she did.

Once Cathy was completely naked, she forced Fluttershy back onto the bed holding her down before she started to kiss her again, but this time slowly moving down her neck to her breasts before slowly starting to message them and kiss them before going back down further till she reached her pussy.

Cathy then began to smirk to herself before she started to slowly lick Fluttershy’s pussy and slowly started to tease her as her folds slowly began to become covered in her own juices. It was then Cathy found that that Fluttershy’s juices tasted almost like strawberry shortcake, “Fluttershy, you taste just like strawberry shortcake, it's delicious and you know what you taste like?”

Cathy then held herself against Fluttershy’s folds filling her own mouth with Fluttershy’s own juices before pulling her close again before pulling her into a kiss releasing it into Fluttershy’s own waiting mouth as she held her there, which caused Fluttershy to taste her own juices.

Cathy then held her like that for a few minutes before releasing her as Fluttershy began to moan in pleasure at her own taste. It was then that Fluttershy looked up at Cathy before she begged through her own moans of pleasure, “Please Cathy... stop teasing me and put it in!”

However Cathy didn't stop as she looked down to Fluttershy and said in slow controlling tone “I am sorry, did you just give me an order?...I don't think you know this but I am in control here.”

“Oh...sorry for my mistake my mistress,” Fluttershy said as she began to moan “Please bless me with your cock!” Fluttershy begged lustfully.

“Okay my pet I will bless you with my seed from my cock and make you mine,” Cathy said domainetly.

“Yes mistress please bless me with your seed!” Fluttershy begged Cathy, her mind lost in lust.

Cathy then slowly got her cock ready to enter Fluttershy pussy as she began to slowly rub it on Fluttershy’s folds covering it in her natural juices and in turn teasing Fluttershy more as she said, “ what does my pet want from me I can't tell maybe if she asks nicely I will give it her.”

“Please mistress. Please give me your cock and your seed make me not able to walk. Please mistress give me this please! Please let me bear your foals and colts!” Fluttershy pleaded.

“Okay my pet I will give you just what you want,” Cathy stated and with that she thrust into her to the base of her cock in one stroke and Fluttershy let out a loud scream of pleasure “Oh my mistress, I have never felt this good even with other males before this. I wish I could have given you my first time to feel this pleasure is mind breaking.”

“I am glad you are enjoying yourself but before I forget Towa said I would last three hours before cumming once so I hope you don't go unconscious on me halfway through or I'll have to punish you.” Cathy said without missing a beat still fucking Fluttershy senseless.

Fluttershy eyes widened at that and asked “Mistress *moan* you must *moan* be joking.”

“I don't joke about my skills.” Cathy said while smacking her ass getting a moan from her.

Three hours passed and Fluttershy had orgasmed 32 times while Cathy had yet to once leaving Fluttershy a twitching mess as she was almost fading in and out of reality from pleasure alone.

“Hey Fluttershy I am close to my first ogasim do you still want my baby's?” Cathy asked concern but getting a quick nod from fluttershy and she said through her moans, “Yes Cathy- I would love- to have our kids now.”

And with that Cathy filled Fluttershy to the brim and she looked 6 month pregnant with Cathy seed in her not letting a drop out for 2 minutes before she then pulled out of her and cuddled Fluttershy letting her catch her breath before saying “I am happy to have met you Fluttershy but you didn't say ‘mistress’ at the end… so we will go to my second orgasm before you can rest next time we have sex as punishment,” Cathy responded domainly and lustfully.

Fluttershy simply deliriously responded by saying, “Okay my mistress punish this bad bad girl and I am happy to have met you too,” Fluttershy said lovingly and then added “Mistress can we cuddle?” to which Cathy just nodded at that and they just did that as they cuddled and fell asleep.

The next morning Cathy woke up to to find a still swollen Fluttershy asleep on top of her with lustful eyes as Cathy said almost with a whisper into her ear, “Good morning my gorgeous girlfriend, are you still sore? Or ready to get some breakfast?”

“I am going to go get breakfast,” Fluttershy said as they both got out of bed and left the bedroom with Fluttershy on shaky legs, barely able to keep her balance.

“You sure you're okay with how I pounded you last night?” Cathy asked concerned.

“Yes I am fine, just still not use how to use this body” Fluttershy replied.

“Okay just tell me if it's getting too hard to walk I will carry you to the dining room,” Cathy said as they left for the dinner room.

It took the five minutes to reach the room and when they entered it all eyes in the room looked at them, some with red faces while others had large smiles on their faces.

Fluttershy asked “Why is everyone looking at us like they know something.”

“Tell me, how are our two Rabbits doing?” Towa asked with a smirk.

“Rabbits?” Cathy asked in confusion.

Then fluttershy had a look of some who figure out the million dollar question “...Cathy was your room soundproof?” Fluttershy looked at Cathy.

“No… I don't have… my… room… soundproof… well shit now everybody knows how great of a fucker I am.” Cathy said offhandedly.

“Our father got no sleep thanks to you two rabbits. He’s currently just got to sleep an hour ago and feels like death warmed up.” Towa added.

“I forgot about the noise but I can't help being a good fucker,” Cathy replied.

“Cathy please stop talking about our sex life please,” Fluttershy pleaded.

“Funny, I swear I heard your voice screaming for more from my lab, tell me, did you like the three hour loading time?” Towa asked with a smirk.

“... Yes I did, thank you for that by the way,” Fluttershy said meekly.

“You’re very welcome, I know I for one enjoyed hearing you, I walked past the cells and saw some of them having flashbacks to that threat of yours that you made during the breakout Cathy.”, Towa inquired.

“Who said I was joking?” Cathy asked with a smirk

“Who said I didn’t follow up on it last night, five women joined your little session but them with the demons below the castle, they brought them back to me this morning.”, Towa stated.

“...And? What happened to them?”, asked Cathy.

“Well they all looked pregnant with triplets, and with gleeful smiles on their faces, they were thanking me for giving them children, their all broken messes who crave sex now, walked them back through to see everyone else terrified as I asked who’s next?”, Towa answered.

“Oh? Just like Fluttershy will the crave sex now every second for me and only me...and what did you do?” Cathy asked sounding interested and Fluttershy nodded but no one noticed her relax.

“Well seven men called me a slut so I threw them down,” Towa admitted with a smirk.

“With what? Men or woman?” Cathy asked

“Some of the Female monsters that we’ve left alone without sex for a year, those men were screaming within seconds of me closing the door.”, Towa answered.

“Oh God! You are as bad as me when I told dad to get a male dog for Xena to have some ‘fun times’,” Cathy said while giggle.

“On regards to your dog, he’s currently in the kennels finishing up changing,” Demigra said as he walked into the room sounding extremely tired.

“Oh hey dad, guess you did hear us last night go at it… sorry for that… and I need my room soundproof for tonight or you are getting a round 2 but for 6 hours.” Cathy said with a sweet smile and a nervous chuckle.

“I heard, and I told you don’t get yourself or anyone else pregnant until after you're married,” Demigra responded as he sat down as Towa passed him a tablet which he swallowed as took his hand off his head. “Could someone get me some coffee, I feel like I’ll need it today?”

“No you didn't. You just said don't impregnate every female prison… well that's what you told Towa to tell me.” Cathy confess “And we never had ‘the talk’ anyway and we could have a shotgun wedding.” Cathy added.

Demigra then turned to Towa before she said, “If you were not my daughter.”

“I know. I know. I’d be dead where I stand so to say,” Towa replied, “But I assumed even for her that was common sense.”

“Ugh,” Demigra groaned as he reached to his head again as a large cup of coffee was placed next to him as he looked to see a large women who wore a apparel of a stereotypical maid, who looked to have horns on her head, she also had bright red eyes and long blond hair that was tied into two long pigtails, the other large thing everyone could make out was a long green reptilian tail that was visible from the bottom of her skirt. Demigra then looked back to the maid as he said, “Thanks Tohru, I really needed this.”

The maid then smiled to Demigra as she said, “I’m glad to be of service master Demigra, if there’s ever anything else you need shout for me.”

“Don’t worry, I will if anything comes up,” Demigra replied.

“Okay then master,” Tohru responded bowing her head to Demigra before walking off cheerfully.

“Who was that?” Griffin asked curiously.

“That's Tohru, one of my maids and one of my ten personal bodyguards,” Demigra responded.

“She’s a lovely woman once you get to know her,” Cathy said to Griffin.

“Just don’t eat her tail, that things got an extremely potent toxin it excretes that is lethal,” Demigra added.

“I would love to eat her in a another way if you get my meaning,” Cathy half joke and half telling the truth.

“Apart from the fact, she too KO’d you when you tried to last time, even quicker than me,” Towa pointed out with a smirk.

“Yeah and I bet I can KO her now with my tool now and maybe have Fluttershy help.”

“Your referring to the dragon who can cause armageddon on any planet she chooses, sorry but she would destroy you if she even used half her power.”, Towa said.

“So me and my brother will go out the same way? Getting killed for trying to get some sexy times.” Cathy said simply.

“Nah! I wouldn’t kill you my lady,” Tohru responded from behind her, “I’m pretty sure master Demigra would take my mind from me if I even considered the thought of harming any of you in this room… Well except maybe Mistress Towa.”

“Screw you too bitch.” Towa responded.

“If only you demons weren’t immune to my toxin I would honestly use it on you.” Tohru responded with a smile.

“See now you know why I like her so much.” Cathy said simply.

“Agreed.” Griffin respond as he saw Tohru giving Fluttershy a massage.

“ I like her,” Fluttershy said looking relaxed.

“So how was it last night for lady Fluttershy?” Tohru asked still massaging her shoulders..

“Ooh she was the best I had ever had and I don't think I would find someone else who could pleasure me like that.” Fluttershy said not realizing what she said.

Demigra then smirked as he said, “Tohru, stop messing with her.”

“Nooo, let her do this to me, this new body is so stressful to use,” Fluttershy whined.

“Okay, just don’t break her mind too much,” Demigra added.

“Of course, I wouldn’t dream of harming her, she’s not Twibitch,” Tohru responded with a bit of malice as the mere, mention of Twilights name.

“What did Twilight do to you?... If you don't mind me asking.” Fluttershy asked.

“Depends, would you like anything to do with your best friend who both betrayed and then tried to kill you, causing you to have to escape and almost die an extremely slow and painful death alone?”, Tohru answered with malice apparent in her voice.

“Normally I would have not have thought Twilight would do that but after putting a bomb on Bulpan, I don't know what to think of her.” Fluttershy said sadly

“Not all Twilights or her friends or even Princesses are kind and benevolent as they make out to be, as I said, I swore to protect mine and she tried to kill me in my sleep simply because Spike grew close to me, being I’m a dragon and all that.”, Tohru said.

“How do you mean as becoming closer as in sex?” Cathy asked

“He started seeing me as his mother, whenever Twilight would ignore him or simply leave without him knowing, he’d crawl up to me and let it all out, many times even falling asleep on me and calling me his mum as he drifted off.”, Tohru replied.

“Ah! Then I should tell you we brought back a Spike with Fluttershy and a Rarity with us so you can try again if you want,” Cathy said.

“Thanks for the offer, but I think it's for the best that I don’t, I am a Dragon who could potentially turn him into a monster, I can and have ended entire civilizations before.”, Tohru responded a bit glumly.

Cathy pointed to Towa “We have a mad scientist who has made a man that can destroy planets.” she then points to herself “I can make nightmares become so real that they can destroyed planets.” she points to her father “And God knows what he can do with a hand alone.” Cathy pointed out, “I think we can handle a another monster of power with us.” Cathy said with a smirk “Just give it a try at least you deserve to be happy after what you are doing for us, at least think about it.” Cathy said pleadingly.

“As much as I’d like to, in my bid to escape back then, my powers went haywire, I couldn’t trust myself around Spike after what happened, after I left Twilight in near death he hated me, I wouldn’t want to try again.”, Tohru answered.

“Well I won't force you on it… but I bet Towa can fix your powers if you want,” Cathy offered.

“Her powers weren’t the problem, it was the entire situation, she was in the position where whatever she did she would lose everything, and it only got worse when they-” Demigra then stopped.

“When they murdered my little sister in front of my eyes,” Tohru finished.

“Wooh now that's fucked up… do you wanna go get revenge for what happened?” Cathy asked

“I kinda destroyed the entire reality during escape,” Tohru admitted as she rubbed the back of her head.

“ you want us to go get the Dragon Ball's to bring back your son and powers?” Cathy

“Miss Cathy, I am content as I am, and they all deserve to rest peacefully my sister and Spike included.”, Tohru said with a tinge of sadness hidden in her eyes.

“Okay, just letting you know you have options and someone to talk to.” Cathy said.

“Yeah I know,” Tohru replied as she looked down to Fluttershy as she asked, “You still okay miss?”

“Yes, I am fine, just thinking about how much of a monster my friends were,” Fluttershy said sadly.

“Well don’t, those memories fade after a while, I stopped caring about my past almost a year after Master Demigra rescued and healed my injuries, he even offered me a new home to go to which I declined and requested for me to be his personal maid to thank him for his kindness.”, Tohru replied

“Okay I will try to not think about it… but I am glad you have a better life now.” Fluttershy responded.

“Anyway, if you ever need another massage, just ask for one, I’m glad to help any of Master Demigra’s family with anything they need.”, Tohru said cheerfully.

“You are part of the family you know with how much you help us both physically, mentally, and emotionally.” Cathy said happily.

“Thanks for saying that, but I’m just happy being the maid and one of Master Demigra’s bodyguards, I don’t need to be seen as family to you all.” Tohru replied with a smile.

“Tohru, you know you can stop hiding how you feel about being around us, I know for a fact you only try putting the detoxified bits of your tail in the food of those you deeply care for and see as family, like you put in everyone’s breakfast this morning correct.”, Cathy said.

Tohru simply rubbed the back of her head before seeming to chuckle as she looked away. “How did you guess?”

“It was not that hard to tell food and your tail a bright and it tastes like fruity punch and we all eat meat so that's how.” Cathy admitted before adding, “Can I have some more of your tail in my food please it's delicious.”

Tohru simply smiled back before she asked Cathy, “How would you like it and in what?”

“Hmm… in a cake and the flavour of cake with be cheesecake that I will taste both cake and your tail...I think I am getting an addiction for your tail.” Cathy said while rubbing the back of her head.

“Are you sure, I can honestly not imagine that working… but I’ll try for a dessert later,” Tohru replied.

“Well make what you want, just the tail the main flavor.” Cathy replied

“Yes Lady Cathy, I’ll make sure to sort something out.” Tohru replied before running out the dining room gleefully.

“Oh...remind me to ask her if having guy parts make her call me Lord or Lady or both now.” Cathy said offhandedly while eating her food again.

“I suppose we’ll need to find a new term for you.” Towa replied with a smirk.

“Heshe? Shemale? Or would I be called… what are they called fur?...furtes?...urm help me out what are they called?” Cathy asked struggling with the name.

“Futa’s I told you that yesterday,” Towa replied.

“Well I am sorry for not knowing Futanari because unlike you I don't have a photographic memory.” Cathy said while pouting.

“Well, do you want to correct her?” Demigra asked Cathy as he took a drink of his coffee.

“No just wondering what she will say or do and I might get lucky to get her to join me and Fluttershy… I wonder if she will be into it?” Cathy replied and asked herself.

“I kind of doubt she would, being she has her eyes on someone else already,” Towa admitted smiling across the table to Demigra.

“Dad please for the love of God and tell me you know what Towa is hinting at because I am not dealing with a dense character trope.” Cathy said not knowing what Towa was talking about.

“Oh I am well aware of what she’s insinuating and her feeling for me, you think I am unaware of the fact she always cares for me whenever something goes wrong and is constantly worried for my safety.”, Demigra responded casually.

“And? You done nothing because of what exactly? Well that I know of?” Cathy asked worriedly that she won't get a mother because her dad is a stick in the mud.

Towa just began laughing before she said, “You’ll need to wait and see, I can tell you you’ll be surprised when you find out.”

“Hmm… ok I will wait a see… oh here she comes now.” Cathy said hearing footsteps.

It was then Tohru walked back in carrying a large plate with her on her tail before placing a full english breakfast in front of her before she said, “I hope you enjoy it Lady Cathy.”

“Ooh can't wait to dig in.” Cathy said while getting food on her fork and looking at her dad and tohru looking for what Towa was talking about and eating her food.

“Demigra, I was wondering, how is your wife doing these days?” Tohru asked.

“Please! Dad has never had a girlfriend! And I am trying to get him to get girlfriend so I can finally have a mom!” Cathy explain annoyed and muttered “And I am putting so much hard work in getting him a girlfriend maybe I can get Tohru as my mother she is perfect for the job.” of which Tohru heard all of it.

Tohru then began laughing before she said, “Does she seriously not know about your wife, you’ve been married for years.”

“Was married, you know that Tohru, you were with me when she died,” Demigra said solemnly as he stood up before adding, “If you don’t mind, I’ll see you all later,” as he walked out the room his head down.

Cathy’s eyes twitched before she looked at Towa before saying alternating between hers and a mock version of Towas voice, “Hey Towa, has dad ever had a girlfriend?”

Cathy then switched to Towa’s voice saying back “No he has never had a girlfriend nor a wife”

Cathy then went back to her normal voice before asking Towa, “Do you remember when I asked that because I do it was 5 fucking years ago! Why doesn't everyone tell anything?”

“You asked if he ever had or to my knowledge was looking for one, the person in question was his wife before he became Demigra, she was killed by his Celestia and Luna a long time ago.”, Towa answered.

“So you twist my words to get what... a sick joke out of me.”, Cathy griped.

“I would never joke about my own mother’s death!” Towa added in anger.

“You could of told me! So I wasn't adding salt to a wound!” She then slammed her head on the table before adding “Now I feel like shit for hurting dad more than I was helping him,” now on the verge of tears.

“If it helps, his wife would have loved you more than anything, it was her death that almost sent him over the edge, we met only a week before and her death.”, Towa replied.

“Now that makes me feel worse! How could I make it up to him? And how much have I been hurting him for 5 years?”, Cathy asked.

“And don’t think that you hurt him, you never hurt him once with all your attempts to help him, he loved that you tried so hard to help him recover in many ways I never could.”, Towa answered.

Cathy then looked at Towa before saying to her, “Still, why didn't you tell me about that, I would have been more careful with action?”

It was then Cathy felt multiple bodys grab ahold of her in a hug as she turned to see both Griffin and Bulpan next to her as Bulpan said, “You know if he wasn’t grateful for everything, why would he go to such lengths to keep you happy and find your brother?”

“That's not point the point is everyone is keeping secrets from me like dad not telling me that my brother has a split personality and now I find out that dad had a wife! Seriously, what's next, I find out that Towa is actually my mother from my past? Or hell, I don't know that I'm part of a story made by two idiots who love anime and my little pony?”, Cathy exclaimed furiously.

“I highly doubt those last two.” Towa admitted.

“There’s likely multiple versions of us. I bet there is someone who would write this like a story.” Cathy explained with a deadpan look “As Rick would say, there are infinite worlds and infinite timeline's which cause infinite possibles.” Cathy add before slamming her head back down to the table.

“Apart from belching that was on point.” Towa admitted, as she saw something on the ground were Demigra had been sat as Towa picked up a small photo, “He still kept this?”

Cathy not looking up said with a belch in between words, “Thank you,” everyone then looked at her and asked in concern, “What you looking at?”

“Nothing,” Towa asked as she sighed looking at the photo in her hand, “Dad, why hold on to this memory of them all,” as she placed it in her pocket.

“Yeah with that look, nothing bothers you… I will just add that to the list.” Cathy said sounding depressed. “But if we find out you are my birth mother, I swear I am going to kill you for ever doubting me.” she add trying to brighten her own mood but it was not working.

“Look, he normally cheers up rather quickly from this, he’ll be in the throne room, go talk to him.” Tohru suggested.

“Okay I will go do that now.” Cathy proclaimed before pausing and asking, “Quick question, since when have we had a throne room?”

“A very long time ago, but it’s not been used since she died. He goes in there to be alone and think about things. It’s next to the library, she used to be quite a bookworm and had a lust for knowledge beyond that of Twilight.” Tohru admitted. “I remember the time he had to drag her out to do something.”

“Ah, author quick question where is it?”, asked Cathy as she broke the 4th wall.

A note fell next to Cathy that read, “Second floor library, three doors down second corridor once you enter the room, pull book under the title, ‘Battle Against A True Heroine’ to open the door.”

“Well shit. I was joking but I’ll just roll with it… but I want to know how many authors there are and what are your names?”, Cathy asked out the door and down the hall.

“You can call me Red or my username Demonlord18 and is or I like to call him bro or Blue and has username is The_Dark_Brony and there's just two of us.” another paper said which was in red and the last one was blue so this was red

“So I am guessing that you are Red?” Cathy asked hopefully that she was right.

“Yep that's me and you don't have to talk out loud, we can hear your thoughts… I didn't mean that to be creepy and sorry for what I am doing to Sun and Jack and you.” a another note appear and the last note he made burst into flames

“That's okay and I am not that creep out and I forgive you for what you did if you didn't then I wouldn't have met daddy and my son nor daughter nor Fluttershy so thank you for that but am I going to see Sun again?” Cathy through

“Yes you will see him again but just be careful, I don't know what will happen yet and neither does bro.” red write to Cathy

“How do you not know” Cathy asked through thinking

“We write what we see, at best we can give you and Sun tips and there's a limit to that and me and bro limits are we can talk to are ‘creation’ and we can give weapons to you but we can only do that when you or Sun are at the end of the line and you have no way out but even then we can you a dagger with a 20% instant death.” Red write and Cathy could feel the sadness.

“Hey don't worry… wait you created me Red?” Cathy asked worriedly.

“Yes I made you and Sun… but I don't believe that I think me and bro are universe mind Jumpers without realising it or we are part of something else story me and you.” Red wrote again.

Hmmm, could be or you feel bad for me not being real.” Cathy said with smirk before adding “What about Blue, how come he doesn't talk to me as much?”

“Me and him are from two different places and we are 6 hours behind each other or ahead, depends on how you look at it...and you would never believe me either way, I did create you after all.” Cathy could feel him laugh at that.

“ much longer till I get there?” Cathy asked concerned that she is lost.

“You just passed the door...and we are going to be quiet now so bye.” Red said when Cathy saw that he was right.

Right thanks! for the talk my creator and you too Blue.” Cathy open the door to the library.

The Library itself was simplistic lacking any flare to it’s design nothing seeming to stick out to Cathy as she looked across the multitude of bookshelves seeming unable to locate the book in question.

“Where is it where is it ah ha!” Cathy exclaimed finding the book blue told her about and when she pull the book the entire book shelf move to one side and there was a door behind the bookshelf and she want in, to find a long dark corridor, with a faint flickering light further down the corridor.

“Well this scary as all hell.” Cathy said as she walked down the hallway and she reached an archway as she saw Demigra simply kneeling in front of a statue that looked to have him with his arms around a woman, but as for any features or obvious indicators on just who it was modeled after had faded over time.

“Wooh she beautiful!” Cathy said trueful

Demigra then looked over his shoulder as he said, “Cathy, I see you finally found this old place, nobody but me’s been in here for around one-thousand years give or take.”

“I had help...I think I am related to pinky pie or a version of her.” Cathy explain “So this is your wife...she is beautiful, what was she like?” Cathy asked

“You know, It was so long since I lost her, I almost forgot what she was like back then. Almost let her final wish as she died in my arms finally happen. I almost finally got over my grief of losing her and let this statue of us be the last piece of her to remain in this reality. But for what she was like, a lot like you. Kind, warm hearted, calm, loving, amazing with other people... admittingly amazing in bed.” Demigra admitted chuckling at the last one.

“Haha yeah that's does sounds like me.”, Cathy remarked.

“But above all else, she was willing to die for her family to simply escape and live another day, even at the cost of her own life.”, Demigra stated glumly.

“Yeah that's me to the letter...hey dad, was I causing you pain? Making you remember I mean.” Cathy asked concerned.

“Honestly, nothing you could do apart from getting yourself killed could cause me pain. I honestly felt happy every time you tried to hook me up with someone new. It helped take my mind off what happened to her, and reminded me why I could never remarry while the statue stands and remains intact.”, Demigra answered.

“Then don't...I am not asking you to forget about her, just find someone who can make you happy...that's all I want. And now that I look at her, I bet she made the first move.”, Cathy said.

Demigra then smiled reaching back and placing his hands on Cathy’s shoulders before he said, “Cathy, the only reason I can’t move on. Is because she’s not dead.”

“...Please don't tell me”, Cathy replied.

“I won’t then,” Demigra responded.

“No I mean I know where this is going and now it's not my favorite TV show if Tia and Lulu made your wife stone.” Cathy explain with an annoyed look.

“Your adoptive mother is right in front of your eyes, she’s been right under your feet since we first met all those years ago, after she pushed me out the way of the Elements and took the blow instead, she’s turned to stone in my arms and Tohru made a portal and brought me, her and the statue here, where my biological daughter found out her mother was gone.”, Demigra stated.

“Well that's depressing...oh well, better get started.” Cathy said clapping her hand's while thinking plans on how to get her mother out the statue.

“Don’t bother, Celestia and Luna taunted me and told them to get her free, I need all 6 elements and their bearers to willingly use the Elements to free her.”

“Dad no offense, but you are a dumbass! We have one, we just need five more...don't worry mom I am not as dumb as your husband and will get you out!” Cathy said with a smirk “And if I have to spell it get her out dad, we need six willing elements, we have Fluttershy, we just need the other five and a set of elements and we can get her out! Easy as pie.” Cathy explain with happiness

“That's why it’s been an issue for me, I never wanted to reveal the fact she was like this to you and always tried to get the Elements to help me willingly, but the second they saw me, they thought I was a monster and attempted to stone me, I guess I simply lost hope of freeing her.”, Demigra said sadly.

“Then don't talk...let me do this. I can get the elements and finally have a mom. Plus, I could get them to fall for me to in the process.”, Cathy replied.

“So… you're wanting a harem now as well?”, Demigra asked.

“No offense to fluttershy and I do love her but with how things are going she won't satisfy me by herself.”, Cathy answered.

“Let me guess, Towa screwed you over.”, Demigra said.

“It takes me three hours to cum once and I don't want to lose that but I do want to cum more and I am sure that would kill Fluttershy mentally and physically.” Cathy explain

“I can see that happening.” Demigra chuckled before adding, “I’ll get Towa to reduce the time, she kinda gave you a double edged sword I guess.”

“Nah, I will keep it and get a harem going and Fluttershy already agreed.” Cathy said dreamly “Plus we are both ageless so if I don't get some more variety, I will get bored with her and I don't want that so as the saying goes “two birds one stone” and all that.”

“You know how hard it will be to find both another world with a willing Element of Harmony that would help us and them actually being in a state of which they will be able to leave willingly?”, Demigra asked.

“Dad, you are getting your wife back even if I have to do it myself, I will get willing elements and loves if I am lucky enough! Plus, I know how to get them to fall in love with me I just have to play my cards right. I can explain it to you if you want?” Cathy explain simply and happily “So get your lazy butt up and we can save my mom and brother and have the greatest family ever even if I have to do all the work! I won't stop not now! Not ever! Until I have do this!” Cathy exclaimed with fire in her eyes and a promise to the gods that she will do this even if she will break the timelines to do so and the gods believe her.

“You seem set on this,” Demigra remarked.

“You bet I am! Nothing will stop me now!”, Cathy said with determination.

“I see. Well is there anything you want to do before we try to save your brother?”, asked Demigra.

Cathy asked one simple thing “Is my dog ready? I would like to get to know him before we go get my brother.”

“Dog… don’t you mean dogs?” Demigra admitted with a smirk.

“Oh yeah, I would like to see if them two will get along maybe get a play session?” Cathy said excitedly.

“You realise I wasn’t referring to Xena for the second dog right?”, Demigra asked.

“Huh?...Wait did you get me two dogs yeah best dad ever! What did you get me?!” Cathy exclaimed.

“Don’t you remember what we agreed on, while we were on the train?”, Demigra asked.

“You mean the Riolu, but he's not a dog species, he is a Pokemon species.” Cathy said in confusion.

“...You remember what a Riolu looks like correct?”, Demigra inquired.

“Yeah like a blue fox on two legs.” Cathy said.

“I believe the term used when people described one as a small blue canine, which to my knowledge is dog.”, Demigra replied.

“Huh! Me and my brother always thought it was a big fox.” Cathy said

“To each their own I guess,” Demigra responded with a shrug of his shoulders.

“Maybe I should ask for a Renamon next? Then I would have the perfect team of pets.” Cathy muttered “Anyway let's go see my new pets and save my brother, and then we will save mom and then the multiverse!” Cathy exclaimed.

As Cathy left with her father and on the wayout she saw two stained glass lit up windows and the rest where dark and Cathy asked “What is with the windows?”

“These are essentially holding cells, the dark ones are empty and not in use while the ones that have light are in use. I only use these for when the creature inside is dangerous to everyone.”, Demigra stated.

“Like who? And can I see them?” Cathy asked

“Well why else would we be here if not for that reason alone?” Demigra admitted.

“So who or what are they and how did you get them in the cells if they are so dangerous?”, Cathy asked curiously.

“Well, I should explain, in the case for the second cell the creature in there is not dangerous but I was smart to keep it there. And as for how I got the first one in, I had him placed in before he began to change.”, Demigra replied.

“Change? You mean he or she became what they are now? Was it by choice or not?”, Cathy asked.

“It was one of the prisoners who tried to escape, they pleaded me not to give them to the demons or use then to harvest their organs. They said to do what I want as long as it wasn’t those two. So he willingly walked in here before I injected him to start modifying his DNA according to what we require, he’s currently muzzled and chained up in the centre of the room waiting with a blank mind.”, Demigra stated.

“So did you make my dogs out of prisoners?” Cathy asked.

“Just this one, the other was never human to begin with and before you enter that room, you will have not been born into any world.”, Demigra stated.

“Wait do you mean if I walk into that room, I will cease to exist?!” Cathy asked worriedly.

“No. I mean in the second room is a pokemon egg that will hold an unhatched Riolu, when you enter time to restart on the egg which I froze a few seconds from it hatching.”

“Oh don't scare me like that...wait won't it see me as it's mother then?”, Cathy asked.

“It will most likely imprint on you as it’s mother yes, so once you do it, congratulations you have your first child.”, Demigra responded.

“my father made me a mother with my first child...that sounds wrong so very wrong,” Cathy said in horror.

“You always find the most awkward way of seeing things,” Demigra sighed, “And no, think of the egg as a gift that in turn gives you a pet that sees you as it’s mother.” Demigra then got out a small Master Ball as he passed it to her.

“Okay that makes it better… and I blame my brother for that, with how much he gets laid and with his sex puns don't help me not think like that.” Cathy said offhandedly “Okay let's get my first pet and is that a master ball?” Cathy exclaimed and grab the ball and walk into the cell to see an egg about to hatch and she runs to it waiting for it to come out.

It was then the egg began to glow in a white light before the shell surrounding the egg broke in two as Cathy looked towards where the egg was to see a small, blue, canine like creature that was curled up in a ball that had both black legs and torso, a blue tail, and a yellow collar, along with this It had white rounded bumps on the backs of its forepaws along with a black mask over it’s two red eyes.

“Hello little guy or girl.” Cathy said calmly.

I am female.” a calm but intentional voice replied.

“Oh, I forgot Riolu can talk through telepathy so you want me to give you a name or do you want to come up with one?” Cathy asked innocently.

“I will let you decide mother.” , the voice said.

“Okay about...Karen?” Cathy asked

“I like it...but what is Spider-Man Homecoming and an A.I. have to do with my name.” Karen replied back.

“Oh that…well your voice reminds me of her from the film and she is helpful and very smart.” Cathy explained.

“Well thank you mother… so you going to use that ball or not” Karen replied.

“Oh yeah” Cathy said while putting the ball next to Karen and said “I am not going to force you to do something so choose where you stay at home and live or come with me though the multiverse.” Cathy told Karen

Karen thought about it and said “I would like to come with you.” she said as she put her paw to advice the ball and she was covered in Red light before being pulled into the ball as it shuck once before a click was heard before Cathy picked the ball up.

“Well shall we go to my over pet now?” Cathy asked her dad while looking for a place to put Karen's pokeball.

Demigra then passed Cathy a small sash as he said, “Here have this to put her ball on. That way you can keep both the ball with you and possibly up to five others if you choose to start your own pokemon team.”

Then Cathy said “Hey dad, I am a half Darkrai so can I be caught?” Cathy asked concerned.

“They kinda need me to release you to try.” Demigra stated holding up a master ball of his own, “And sorry I never told you about it.”

“I will just add it to the list...wait how come I don't feel caught or something?” Cathy asked confess.

“Simple, I’m not a asshole, we modified the ball to make it so it simply prevented people from catching you while letting you remain free.”

“Well thank you and you are not an asshole, just a dumbass.” Cathy replied “But enough of that let's go see my new pet.” Cathy add

“Yeah no worries,” Demigra responded as both of them exited the room and walked to the other across to the other one before Demigra stop her.

“Okay daddy, what do I need to know about this one?” Cathy asked struggling to keep the excitement in and running in.

“Okay, inside this room the prisoner should be docile, his mind pliable, you’ll just need to place your hand on it’s head and it should listen, just before you go in, have a name in mind for him, because for him to imprint on you, a name will need to be given for him to accept as his owner.”, Demigra stated.

“I'm am going call him Rex!” Cathy exclaimed with happiness

“Okay, when you enter, be careful and approach slowly, he’ll likely be extremely aggressive to begin with and try to attack you but he’s chained in place so as long as you remain calm everything will be fine.”, Demigra warned.

“Okay got it! Then let's fucking do this!” Cathy said with excitement

“Okay.” Demigra replied as they looked through the window as Cathy saw a creature that was a cross between dog and a dinosaur with some feline like features, the creature looked to have a blue colored body with black stripes covering its body.

The creature was muzzled with it’s four legs chained down as it thrashed around in it’s binds as it seemed to be trying to bite at the chains even with it’s mouth covered.

“He looks perfect...I love him thanks dad now I am going in and probably be stupid so-” Cathy started to said stop too put a shadow hall down “-best not be undermine him.” then Cathy open the door and walk in

When she closed the door and slowly but calmly walk to the K9 and stop a foot a way of him and said “Hello there I am here to set you free, but I need a partner do you want to come with me and become the perfect K9.”

The dog simply glared at Cathy before jerking forward attempting to strike her once again forgetting he was muzzled.

“Fine you won't listen to me lock up so-” she snapped her fingers and all the bindings came off as well as the muzzled “-will you listen now?” said asked with a calm tone and the shadow hall at the ready and her hand out too pet him and imprint on him.

However before her hand reached his head he lunged at her chest knocking the wind out of her before attempting to bite at her arm.

“So that's a no on being free and becoming the best? And I had a plan to set you up with a mate already.” Cathy said calmly “Plus you can just come with me and escape the moment I let my guard down or you kill me now and be killed with me...either way you're coming with me dead or alive… plus Demiga is outside and waiting.”

At the mere mention of Demigra’s name the dog quickly recoiled in fear backing away from Cathy and stopping next to the wall frozen in fear.

“Jeez what did dad do to you? Well if you work for me, you never have to be scared of him, he will never try to hurt you from fear of pissing me off.” Cathy said calmly

The dog simply remained in place as stood where it was, it’s head lowered slightly before slowly walking towards Cathy.

“Just an FYI, we will set you free if you don't hurt me or you don't want to come with me...I am not a monster I don't take away freedom away unless they hurt my family and friend and if you expect this deal you will be a part of the family.” Cathy said before putting her hand out again. “your choice, have a family or be alone, the choice is yours to make.” Cathy added.

The dog then stopped in front of Cathy before looking up to her pleadingly as he placed his own forehead in her on the palm of her hand before it’s eyes closed.

“I am glad you are a part of the family Rex.” Cathy petting him.

The dog now called Rex then slowly looked up to Cathy’s eyes before rubbing its body against her sides, as Cathy saw a light blue color on the base of the collar with blood Red Spikes and an small black hole that looks like were the omnitrix would go began to shift around Rex’s neck with a circular symbol with his name engraved on to it.

“Well Rex, my new family member, we should have you meet your sister.” Cathy said while grabbing the new ball on her waist. “Plus, your sister can tell me what you want to say to me so let's find out what you want in this.” Cathy said.

Rex simply tilted his head to the side slightly as he looked at the Pokeball in confusion.

“Here I will just show you...come on out Karen.” Cathy exclaimed while throwing the ball up into the air before Karen appeared in a white light.

“you called mother?” Karen asked

“yes I did meet your new brother! And he can't talk so I need you to translate for me.” Cathy explain the situation

“How long was I in my ball? For you to have a another kid and of different breed.” Karen asked shocked at her mom and wondering if her mom was a slut.

If only that was the case.” Rex responded.

“What do you mean?” Karen asked

If only she was my biological mother, and if only I was this… thing before this morning.” Rex responded, “Don’t tell her I said that.

“Okay I won't...but it is nice to meet you brother.” Karen said with happiness.

“Care to share? I feel left out here.” Cathy said annoyed

We are just introduce are self too exact other and I was wondering if you are a slut to have sex with both our partners but Rex does not know if it’s because you are a Darkrai you might have created us from your dreams.” Karen helf true half lie to her mom

“Well you are halfway there but you were found and Rex was Mewtwo if you like...and I am both male and female so I can't help but give in to that side but I have only one lover and I only have sex with people I trust and they want to join the family.” Cathy explain to the two.

So, does she want to explain what she means by me being made?” Rex asked.

Bro wants to know how he came to be.” Karen relaid

“under normal circumstances I would tell you the Bird and the bees...but you were made by having a prisoner to will go through a process of being turn into well you as long as we don't give you to the demons or take their organs from him… we still have no idea how he came up with that idea we have never done that.” Cathy explain and added “So what you think still want to be with me after knowing the truth?” Cathy asked

“For the moment I have no reason to not stay, but I want to know exactly why I was made into this, whatever I am.” Rex admitted.

Karen said exactly what Rex had said

“Well, you are from a TV show called Ben 10 and you are a K9 that can change his form with the help of the Omnitrix which we will give you in a bit… and why you were made into this, there are two reasons why the first is we need help getting my brother or your uncle back and we need all the help we can get, the second is my Dad is a dumbass, I asked could I have a well you and Karen and I thought he was going to get you the same way as Karen but like I said he is a dumbass and you just got the short straw and got made into this.” Cathy explained.

“So in short i’m a failed experiment, that he just couldn’t be bothered to clean up so sent to be another person's problem.” Rex respond as he dropped to the floor and his ears fell to the side of his head.

“Oh no one are perfect and I was going to get the finished one because he was making you for me and now you are a part of the family.” Cathy explain

Sure, I was a prisoner, and now your saying this wasn’t a punishment for something I did, you’ve taken my voice and made me mute.” Karen said for Rex

You wouldn't be a mute for long you can have the Omnitrix make a new voice for you and plus you said we could and you have a girlfriend now to or a fuck toy depends on your kink.” Cathy replied.

“What made you think, I would want someone for that, I don't use people like that?!” Rex responded in anger.

“First, she a pony and she used to be a princess and you don't have to use her. I was just letting you know that me and my girlfriend want to see her scream like the bitch she is and I have no idea what you like or dislike I only met you today.” Cathy explain simply

“I still don’t like the fact you insinuated… Wait how the hell did you get Royalty to become a loyal pet, what sort of mad people are you?”, Rex asked.

Karen once again translated for Rex.

Oh we are insane, I’m just more level headed than the rest and we got by beating her, well Towa did, she thought that she was going to be strong because she rises and lowers the moon.” Cathy explained.

“Towa? Is that the crazy stripper with a fetish for torture and bondage?” Rex asked his head moved to the side.

Karen once again translate for Rex. “That's her! And thank you, no one else has said that without me saying something about it, and I think she's into dead bodies too but I am not sure.” Cathy joke

“As in eating them? Or Necrophilia… I can sadly state the first is true.”, Rex said.

Karen once again translate for Rex almost looking sick. “I think both and she only eats them to help make Mira stronger.” Cathy said

“Why would ‘her’ eating a living creature and listening to them scream help this Mira person?!”, asked Rex.

Karen once again translate for Rex

“I think it's because she likes eat them to drain them of ki and the screams is a bonus for her then she kiss Mira to put ki into him and she gets off on it.” Cathy said while petting Karen.

“How the hell is someone like that allowed near people?!”, Rex asked again.

Karen once again translate for Rex

“Because she is the daughter of Demigra and so am I so we can do what we want as long as it doesn't get us killed.” Cathy explain and ask Karen “Are you doing okay? Am I putting a lot of strain on you?” Cathy asked concern.

“I am fine mother and no I can do this for days.” Karen replied.

“So… Need I ask what your next plan was? Or were you planning on keeping me locked up in here?”, asked Rex.

Karen once again translated for Rex

“Well I was going to show you your fuck toy and ask you again what do you want and if you want to leave, I will put you on a planet of your choice and let you keep the Omnitrix but it will have self destruct if you attack us.” Cathy explain with lustful eyes.

Rex stopped for a second before taking a breath before saying, “I… I’ll stay.”

Karen once again translated for Rex.

“Yeah, I get a new family member! Wait till you meet Xena you will love her!” Cathy exclaimed

“I’m sure I will.”, Rex said in a sarcastic tone.

Karen once again translated for Rex

“Then let's go see her then.” Cathy leaving the room.

She was then stopped by Demigra who told her, “Till we're sure he’s loyal enough to our family, he stays on a leash.” as he handed her one.

“Fine… sorry Rex, it will only be for a while… wait, what type of leash?” Cathy asked in concern.

“It’s just a normal dog leash, just the wire is strong enough so he can’t bite through it.”, Demigra stated.

“Oh thank God… so sorry about this Rex but can't argue with dad at the moment.” Cathy said with apologetic look however to her surprise he simply bared his neck allowing her to attach the leash.

“Okay, not going to question it.” Cathy said offhandedly while putting the leash on Rex as the group walked out towards where Xena was.

Chapter 6

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The group all sat around a large table as Demigra said to everyone, “So you understand what we all need to do, and know if you can’t reach Sun and pull him out with you, make sure to place the tracker on him so I can at least locate where they send him.”

“Yes I know,” Griffin responded.

“I’m not that dense,” Bulpan added.

“I hope that they have not done anything to hurt him physically or mentally,” Cathy said worriedly.

“We can’t be sure of that fact, but even I can’t see that coward trying to kill him. If he gets the powers relating to what he became, he would be a potent and effective weapon for him to use against us,” Towa admitted.

“You are not helping my nerves Towa!” Cathy exclaimed.

“I’m just being honest about the situation,” Towa argued back.

Demigra simply sighed as he said, “If things go seriously wrong and you feel like you may be captured, shout my name and I’ll activate the ki inside you to bring you back here. Even if we don’t get Sun, your safe return is paramount.”

“Yes, I know dad, I won’t let my emotions get the best of me,” Cathy said

“Cathy, you’re staying here, you know that. They know your face and that you are close to me, you go with them and both Griffin and Bulpan won’t get close.”

“Okay I will stay, but Griffin, Bulpan be safe please I can’t lose more family,” Cathy said worriedly.

“Don’t worry, they’ll be fine, besides you heard your father, if something goes wrong we can pull them back before anything take them away,” Towa admitted.

“Now I know what chi-chi feels like with Saiyans kids,” Cathy said jokingly and worryingly.

Be calm mother and have faith in your kid’s,” Karen said through telepathy

“Yes your right, I will calm down and trust them,” Cathy said calming down.

“At least we have an unlimited food supply, so there Saiyan appetite isn’t an issue,” Demigra added with a chuckle.

“Yeah, your right so I don’t have to worry about them starving.”

“The best place for you to get taken to their base would be to return to your old world, as you said Bulpan they gave you that switch to contact them if you wanted to join them.”

“Yeah, we’ll use that to get access then find whatever we can and do our best to recover your brother and at worst we’ll get information which is good as well,” Griffin admitted.

“And the most important thing is you stay careful and safe… oh god, I am a overprotective mother… well just stay safe and come home,” Cathy said like a worrying mother

“Relax we’ll be fine,” Bulpan said calmly.

“I have arranged for Zeronos to take you there, but after that everything’s in your hands, I can do no more than wishing you both the best of luck,” Demigra replied.

“Thank you, Granddad,” Bulpan and Griffin responded happily as they both stood up.

Cathy simply chuckled from that two response before she exclaimed with open arms, “Wait we just realized we never hug so before you go you two are getting a goodbye and good luck hug,” before Bulpan and Griffin then smiled at each other before walking up to Cathy both hugging her back.

“Okay you two go and bring back what you can,” Cathy said calmly while releasing the hug and walking back.

“You think we wouldn’t,” Bulpan replied with a smile before they both walked out the room leaving just Cathy, Mira and Demigra inside.

Cathy put her hands together in a prayer and said, “please be safe Sun, Bulpan and Griffin.”

“Hey kids … do you know how to greet a new pal turn around and shake my hand,” a bone-chilling voice said behind them next to the train.

Griffin turned around and shook the bring hand but when he did a whoop cushion could be heard.

“Ay the old whoop cushion in the hand trick never gets old no wonder San’s likes it so much,” the skeleton said.

“And you are?” Griffin responded.

“-a San’s displace, yes I am but thanks to my displacer I have 1000 HP but I still great at dodging.”

“Is that just questions you like dodging or can you tell us why your here?” Bulpan asked.

“I am here to help you find Sun of course.”

“Then who Displaced you? I can’t see it as being Demigra and if not why are you helping him. I thought everyone not here was against him?”

“Well kid the person who did this to me was a gaster, and like San’s I have a strong sense of justice and that Andrew is worst I just don’t know how to help well until you show up now I can help someone else.” San’s said

“No offence. But you think Demigra has a good sense of Justice?” Bulpan asked.

“It is better than Andrew. I would rather be a prisoner then a mindless puppet,” Sans said darkly with no eyes.

“You say that, but you’ll just teleport away, so what are you really here for apart to help us, it seems too much of a short-term goal than to let yourself get caught up here,” Bulpan pointed out.

“I know both Sun and his sister Cathy from before we became well us, I bet him something I don’t remember what but he lost and he had to dressed as Shoto Todoroki from my Hero Academy and then when I heard he was here I emptied want to him but Andrew wants something from him and that’s never good so I am tired of being a lazy bones and I want to help him for old times sake and to go with him to wherever he goes just like the old days.” San’s said emotionally.

“And if you can’t do that and something happens? What will you do then?”

“Then I truly have nothing to live for, he is the last thing I have now.” San’s said almost broke like

“What about his little sister?” Griffin pointed out.

“That girl never likes me, always saying I was a bad influence on him,” sans replied.

“Technically, both you and her are different people now,” Bulpan admitted as the Zeroliner appeared infront of them, “maybe it would be worth trying again.”

“I don’t hold high doubt she will ever like me and she even said she wish I was dead for ‘hurting her brother’, so no kid that not in the card’s for me.” San’s said depress “and who what’s that then?” San’s add and asked.

“That’s the train to where we’re going,” Bulpan replied walking onto the train.

“Mind if I tag along? Or I can just use a shortcut if you still don’t trust me.” San’s asked and explain

“Less us not trusting you and more being not sure how the others are reacting,” Griffin responded as he walked onto the train.

“Oh okay, I will make like a tree and leaf.” San’s said chucking

“As in getting on the train, or leaving?” Bulpan asked her hand on the side of the train itself as she looked back over her shoulder.

“Shortcut kid shortcut. And beyond that I don’t want to cause problems I want to stop them,” San’s said begun to leave.

“Fine, we’ll see you whenever we see you,” Bulpan replied as she walked onto the train as it left the station.

“You know, Sans… just who were you,” a voice responded behind him before he reached his shortcut and as a hand was placed on his shoulders.

“Oh hey, Cat long time no see,” San’s said while turning around to look at a familiar voice.

“Now what is a bag of bones want with my family and don’t call me that only two call me that and one is my brother and you are not him so I ask again who are you.” Cathy asked annoyed

“2+2=fish and fish=life,” San’s said with a chuckle

And simply from that statement, Cathy knew just who this was “is that you-” Cathy started to say only to be cut off by Sans.

“I don’t go by that name no more but yeah… just you still hate me huh?” San’s said sadly expecting the worst.

“No I don’t but why are you here...I know you see my brother as a brother but why are you here,” Cathy asked concern

“Just making sure I to keep a promise for your brother… I did keep an eye socket out for you… as I have been, forever now it seems, I keep an eye on your ‘dad’ to make sure he doesn’t hurt you,” San’s said

“Why though?” Cathy asked.

“Because I always saw you as a sister but you have never and now I am here to help your brother and that’s it for me,” San’s said sounding almost depressed.

“San’s I never wanted to make-” Cathy started to say only to be once again cut off by Sans.

“Don’t Cat. Just don’t,” San’s responded refusing to listen to her apoligies.

A second hand then was placed on his shoulder as Demigra’s voice said, “I ask that hear what she has to say and take it to heart instead of trying to push her away.”

San’s slap his hand away and said: “look thanks for looking after the kid.”

“If you don’t I will force you in place till you do, and I can have the patience to do this for weeks, but can you ignore her for that long?” Demigra added as he gripped San’s arm as the number 3 appeared above his head.

“What are you going to the same to me as you did to Sun to the point he goes crazy.”

“No… you will listen to what my daughter has to say and make a choice, whatever you choose I will not try to change it. But if you don’t listen,” Demigra gripped again as the number 7 appeared above San’s head “I’ll keep going till your life bar reaches 1”

“Then you will prove to me and Sun that you have not changed one bit.”

“It doesn’t matter what people think for that matter, as whatever I do to change nobody will ever believe I have. So why try and change when others don’t give you a chance.”

“And that’s where you’re wrong. I have watched you and I am giving you a chance to prove me and Sun wrong I would have not show my self here to Cat or you if I didn’t think you have changed so my question is are willing to kill a man who wants to die?”

“Depends. Do you have a bone to pick with me?” Demigra added.

“That depends on how long you are going to hold my arm,” Sans replied.

“As I said, till you listen to what Cathy has to say in full,” Demigra responded.

“Then kill me,” San’s said dead serious

Demigra ignored him as he said, “Cathy, he can’t not hear you and he won’t walk away, anyway we both know while in my grasp will comply with me if I wish it.”

San’s then summon a Gasterblaser point at his head and said “you sure about that?” the colour in his eyes gone again.

Demigra only sighed as the Gasterblaster suddenly fell to the ground as his eye returned to normal, “ I’ll give you a choice, I can keep all your power nullified or you can listen to her.”

“Ha killjoy… and nullified them I don’t have a lot to lose so go ahead.” San’s

“Cathy, speak your mind to him please, I have a feeling I know what your gonna ask him anyway,” Demigra replied as he forced San to follow him as they both sat on some seats. “I’d say get comfy, we may be here a while.”

“Whatever you say, pal…” Sans responded before taking a breath and reluctantly adding “go ahead kid but got to tell I have a thick skull.

“&@%!$@% I just… what the hell was that why can’t I say your old name?” Cathy asked

“Because I don’t want it no more... So I had it delete and don’t try and bring it back” Sans replied.

“I’d blame Monika,” Demigra responded.

“Yeah, she a lovely girl… well before she went and died on me,” sans said emotionlessly.

“Sans, what happened to you?” Cathy asked.

“None of your damn business… and can you just skip to the part where you ask me to be a part of your family or bodyguard so I can refuse.” sans said monotone

“I see you’ve been in this situation before,” Demigra replied to Sans.

“849473929484939 times now… I just don’t care… I am just trying something new and am getting tired of the same ending” sans replied

“Then what about you do something you never did before, say and help us, make her something more than seem to dislike the idea of being near.”

“...hmm oh I thought you said something new, not something I have already tried. So try again, its always good to talk to you and you making deals to me.” sans replied

“Then what would you suggest for something to change your own path?”

“And that’s 70 what do I win.” sans said sarcastically and added “the only thing you not said or done is this, give me a bottle full of DT that won’t kill me and give full control of the timeline and my omega form or just kill me and I will wait for the next reload so do we have a deal or are you going to make feel for your wife in stone because I heard that or Towa dark past? That got me to bed her or how about that mind control you did to me last time to make me Cathy’s loyal dog? Because I have done then all except for me.” San’s said annoyed

“How about me offering you to be my son? Is that a new one for you?”

“Nope 7 time like i said before now I want the bottle of determination and the full control of the timeline and my omega form and over AU forms then we have a deal and I will only follow Cathy orders that have not been inspired by you or Towa,” sans said dead serious and not moving on the deal that he made.

“Why my orders?” Cathy asked curiously.

“You are both smart and great in bed,” Sans stated lustfully and dead serious made Cathy’s face go bright red at that as Sans added, “so Demigra do we have a deal?”

“While I would consider the deal, I can not allow it all. I can, however, make you a promise that the more you do to help my daughter the more of your request I will fulfil. I can agree to start with that Bottle of Determination, and an omega form, along with you only following Cathy’s orders.” Demigra countered.

“Best I am going to get for now,” Sans responded with a sigh.

“Don’t think I won’t hold up the other parts, as and when we believe we can trust you completely and you earn them I will give you more abilities.”

It started as a small chunk but it slowly turned into a full laughter and San’s said “oh Demigra I have saw you kill Cathy and Towa and your wife and you have yet to fully made a deal which you have yet complete so now I want everything but all of it is in Cathy control with my ‘rewards’ for being a good dog and when she said I get then I will get then and no back talk from you and you can’t tell her I am not worthy for them but you are can and I got to admit you can make some good threats but I have done them all and become numb to them,” Sans argued back.

“You know… world 700 was it. When we met you tried to put a bone through my back correct,” Demigra replied.

“No that was 679, 700 was me trying to fuck Towa,” Sans stated before adding with a chuckle, “you are not that great at hiding your emotions from your eyes.”

“Tell me this then, back when I...” Demigra stopped looking visibly sick, “killed Cathy, what made me do so?”

“Hmm I don’t remember all I know is Sun made you after you actually became a god and had to “clean the world’s of its filth” and Cathy was the first to be clean by your words,” Sans stated.

“I can’t believe I would ever say she was that. Nevermind harm her.”

“Hmmm keep telling yourself that, so we have a deal.”

“You promise to keep her and her kids safe, then yes. We have a deal.”

“So far the only person to hurt her is you and that’s why I want this stuff and why I don’t trust you with my stuff but yeah she be safe I will use all my power to do so,” sans states and promise.

“Still don’t believe I hurt her,” Demigra stated before adding, “and the offer to be part of the family again still stands.”

“And I still count us as father and son so Cat says shit about us not being brother and sister.” San’s said while smirking at Cathy.

“If you still see me like that, then I hold no queries with handing you this,” Demigra stated as he returned San’s original powers and healed him of all damage he had sustained before passing him what looked to be a small red locket in the shape of a red heart.

“Sure thing Dad but you lost my trust and made me want to die so you can fix that once you realize I am still around and you made another promise you can’t but once I get my stuff and you don’t go crazy on me again then I will be fine.” San’s said before walking away.

“Mind telling what this other promise is,” Demigra added as he passed Sans the extra things he had agreed to.

“That you have separated me from my wife and then you killed her forever along with my children. I was going to have twins as well, but like always you broke your promise!” Sans shouted in anger.

“...Who was your wife my son?” Demigra asked placing his hand back on Sans head.

“Song. Her name was River Song she got displaced as her and kept the name… I didn’t care what her name it was just that we were both happy and protected you and the family after a while we got married and two kids on the way and you want god and kill her forever with my get your hand off me hypocrite your nothing but a dirty family killer,” Sans said with his blue eye flaming.

It was then Demigra took a breath before a portal opened in front of the two before Sans saw a familiar female figure fall to the ground breathing hard, “I wish you both a good future together again, and good luck to your children when they are welcomed into this world.”

“And how do I know that this is not another of your damn illusion from your godhood,” Sans said with blue tears going down his face.

“I brought her from seconds before she was killed, I’m trying to never become that monster again and I want to fix the mistakes I made before, if you don’t believe me then go to her, you have hours until Griffin and Bulpan will be ready to start there mission, spend time with her and you’ll learn the truth.”

“Thanks D. You know how to make me happy just don’t go breaking your deal again then I will start to trust you again,” sans said walking to his wife and saying with tears in his eyes, “Riv how it hanging.”

“Sans I thought I lost you,” River said hugging Sans and asked with a knowing look on her face, “why are crying sans… how long have I been dead?”

“For everyone else, you were never born, for me 35476890 restarts but in years 6292846493847930302 year 11 months 21 hours 32 minutes and 42 seconds… believe me, I counted… oh and FYI dad good again and got a new kid that’s keeping him in line so don’t try to kill him yet,” sans explained before adding, “sorry Riv I almost broke my promise a few times.” he then chuckled before saying, “Guess they are right. Like father like son.”

It was then Sans closed his yes before counting down from three before River slapped him before saying sweetly “sweety you know to never break a promise with me.”

“I didn’t think I was going to get you back so I didn’t see a life worth living. Plus losing you was my lowest that I have lost but you were not the only thing I have lost… Riv nothing we have done no longer exists anythingnot our home, not our friends, not our family nothing I had nothing… not even a photo I didn’t know what was real or what wasn’t hell I still think that I am in dad’s mind control to make me live my worst nightmare.”

It was then both Sans and River heard something strike the ground as they looked behind them to see Demigra lying on the floor unconscious.

“Dad! What’s wrong!” Cathy exclaimed running to her dad side.

“D talk to us man!” Sans said now next to him.

Demigra didn’t respond remaining silent his breathing slow and laboured.

“Cathy you go get Towa! I will use some healing magic...but it not great but it will buy you time now go!” sans said already started to heal D

It was then San’s suddenly heard Demigra begin to snore, somehow having fallen to sleep after he had gone to River.

“He is… just asleep?” Sans said in confusion and asked, “hey Cat has he been up for a long period of time and do you know the cause?”

Cathy went bright red as she said, “yeah me and Fluttershy keep him awake last night by accident.”

“How did you do that?” San’s asked more confused.

“Well me and Fluttershy got some new body parts. Fluttershy got a humanized pony form and I got a… dick,” Cathy explained meekly.

“...what?” Sans asked not sure if he had heard her right, “Okay I get you having fun with Fluttershy but how did you keep D awake?” sans asked.

“Well I found out that my room doesn’t have soundproof walls and it takes me three hours to cum once,” Cathy explained.

Sans brain said fuck that shit I am out River just asked, “how big?”

Cathy then looked to the side before quietly saying, “12 inches,” as River just whistled in response.

-Bulpan & Griffin POV-

Three hours had passed since they had left home on the train and both had reached their old world. Once Bulpan had sent the message where it was needed and simply waited on whatever method of transport would pick them up and take them where they needed to go.

“How long will they take?” Griffin asked.

“Like I know, they simply said they’d get to me if I agreed soon,” Bulpan admitted.

“You don’t know a lot do you kid” sans jokes apertures behind her and add “sorry I took so long D decided to drop dead on us and scared us to the bone… and did you know that Cathy had a 12-inch dick? Good god, that got my wife hot and bothered by that… well at least I can make one of every size and shape and how many if I wouldn’t have I would have been boned,” Sans said while drums sounded every time he made a pun.

“Umm… who’s your wife?” Griffin asked nervously, and slightly disturbed by Sans actions.

“Doctor River Song my beautiful wife and the is holding my kids, we are having twins don’t know the gender yet because well she was dead for a while but thanks to daddy D I have her and my unborn babies back,” Sans admitted joyfully.

“Not even going to ask how you got kids on the way,” Bulpan responded as they saw the Denliner come into view above them.

“Well when a daddy and mommy love each other very much we do some call the Bird and the bees,” Sans said with a shit eating grin.

“You knew what we meant,” Bulpan added as the Denliner stopped in front of the three of them.

“Timelord energy is like monster energy and we mix them together and wa-la we have two kids on the way,” Sans explain gracefully as he showed off.

It was then Momotaros poked his head out of one of the cabin doors before he said, “you made the request to come and join us then get on.”

It was then Sans snapped his fingers before he reappeared on a seat behind Momotaros before saying with a chuckle,“ I am on.”

“I hate those damn skeletons,” Momotaros muttered under his breath before he added, “Get on we’re leaving this place behind! If your not on when we move you don’t get a second chance!” and with that, he walked away from the door as both Bulpan and Griffin walked on, before the door closed behind them and the train left.

One hour passed and the group reached what looked to be a wide-open town that seemed to be full of life and activity as a voice on the loudspeaker said, “all passengers we will soon be arriving at sanctuary, please do not leave any personal effects on the train as Momotaros will take them and keep them.”

“Shut up!” the group heard Momotaros shout before near them as the loudspeaker cut off as they heard the person who had been talking laugh.

“Well isn’t that welcoming and why don’t you shut the fuck up! I don’t need you to make me feel annoyed with how you did nothing but bitch and whine for the 6000th times!” Sans screamed at Momotaros.

“Are they always like this,” Bulpan asked Griffin.

“Sadly this was the case before when I was last on this thing,” Griffin responded as he stood up and stated, “let’s get out and get started.”

“You can’t bitch about him unlike me I have to because of those fucking restart it’s why I ask D for… god I can’t believe I forgot,” Sans said looking through his pocket.

“Whatever you forgot. Make sure you don’t leave it if you need it,” Griffin replied.

Sans pulled out a syringe that contained a red liquid before a white heart-shaped object appeared from Sans’s chest but it was almost broken cracking all over its form. Sans then took the syringe and jabbed it into the heart-shaped object and it instantly fixed itself as the cracks disappeared, however, the image had changed as it now had a second smaller red heart inside the white image before it faded back into Sans’s body.

“Need we ask why you needed to do that?” Bulpan asked.

“If a monster gets too depressed and wishes for death, then the soul will give them just that. But with DT or determination, a monster can feel depressed all he wants, without dying and become more powerful and that’s just one way of getting stronger. If I absorb 7 human soul I could become godlike,” sans explained.

“And you allow yourself to get like that why?” Griffin asked as Bulpan too stood up.

“Yes, if it means I don’t lose you both, my sister’s, my dad or my wife and unborn children again, I would do so gladly. I have lost so much, you will never understand because you don’t have to repeat things and you can’t stop it because you are weak. And don’t you dare tell me that understand me because only me, Sun and River know that pain that lost,” Sans stated coldly without showing any emotions once again.

“No offence to you, but maybe you should stop being depressed so it won’t be an issue any longer and you won’t need to worry,” Bulpan suggested.

“Oh is it that easy! Well thanks now I know and knowing is half the battle,” Sans stated sarcastically and continued to say, “do you know how many times I hear you say that 384759 and still counting… just don’t worry about me, I’ve heard everything you have and will say, but after a while, you just become numb to it all.”

“Man you’re depressing me as well,” Bulpan replied before she stated, “let’s just get this sorted.”

“How about this you watch Griffin die over and over and over and over again then talk to me about not being depressed,” Sans stated before he saying, “God knows I do miss Monika. She could always make me laugh.”

“You can ask our Grandfather if he could bring her to you?” Griffin suggested.

“He fell asleep before I could ask and who did you think brought back my wife and unborn kids?” Sans stated.

“Divine intervention?” Bulpan stated as the two of them left the train before asking him, “So… who is Monika?”

“Yep. D brought them back from before he killed them. As for Monika; depends on what you want to know? Do you want to know about her displaced character or her in as a person?” Sans asked Bulpan.

“I mean who she was to you?”

“A sister, a mother, she was a shoulder to cry on. Along with that other then River she was the only one to remember what had happened and knew what it was like to have this curse,” Sans said once again sounding depressed clearly longing to have her back.

“Let’s just find and save Sun and get out of here,” Griffin responded calmly.

“Yeah let’s,” Sans said hopefully.

“Being you seem to have done this before, why don’t you tell us where to begin,” Griffin suggested.

“We already check most of the place expect Andrew’s Tower,” Sans stated as he calmly looked around them.

“And what will we do? Just walk up to him and be welcomed in?”

He did last time… because you know, he doesn’t know you work for D,” Sans pointed out, “That is unless he has a time traveller that remembers the past resets in which case he does.”

“Has that occurred before? Have you met anyone who could be here with that power?”

“Just me, Riv, Monika and a little bit from Sun. He gets these daja-vu things going on but only when a time traveller is near him,” Sans replied.

“Let’s hope that’s the case,” Griffin stated.

“I hope so too.” sans say hopefully

“Any idea who could be near him to cause us problems?”

“No one that bad if we don’t get caught. But there is this one guy name Kai he has a burnt arm and black and red armour and this one guy I heard of named Craig.”

“Okay then let’s get moving and simply hope for the best,” Griffin responded as the group made their way towards Andrews tower as San’s had called it.

“All we can do and keep an eye socket out,” Sans responded in agreement.

Once the group made it to the doors of the tower they found it open and unprotected, and the same as they looked inside.

Sans muttered to himself, “too good to be true,” before he said to the group as he looked everywhere as if he felt something was wrong and possibly different, “keep your guard up at all time.”

“Not going to comment,” Griffin responded, “where would you go?”

“His office or room, we should go to his office first and see if there’s a paper on where Sun is or going or if he is on this planet,” Sans suggested.

“And where is his office?” Bulpan asked nervously.

“Second from the top floor and his room is on the top floor,” sans told the group before they made their way there.

Once the group reached the room Sans had directed them to they heard two voices arguing inside.

“I take that as this is bad news?” Bulpan whispered to Sans.

“Not yet but stay on high alert.” sans whisper back

“Dad, they are going to come for him any day now, you must know this!” the first a young voice shouted.

“Demigra’s forces cannot reach here, and that boy Sun is suitably detained here while I finish the required adjustments if everything works well we should be able to control that alter ego of his and use it as our own personal weapon.”

“Your talking about using him as your slave! You’re becoming worse than him and you know this won’t help.”

“Craig! You know nothing! Once that boy’s memories have been adjusted he will not desire to look for that sister of his, he won’t even know who she is. He will hunt her and anyone we request down and bring anyone we need to our hands.”

“Your going mad, I can’t let you make him into a slave!”

“And what are you going to do, you forget I can end your world and force you to reset again, just like the last few times you defied me.”

The other voice went quiet for a few seconds before he said, “I understand father, I’ll leave you be,” before San’s saw a black portal as the figure walked into it.

“That doesn’t sound good,” Griffon responded.

“No it’s very good for us but we need to be careful,” Sans stated “if this Craig guy is being forced then we could get Intel on Andrew or his group in exchange big D can move Craig planet out of Andrew reach,” Sans reasoned with himself in his head and planed for the worst case scenario.

“We can’t go in for the information, what now?” Bulpan asked Sans.

“We should go to his room. He did not imply he is in there,” Sans stated backing up slowly to not make noise. It was then he looked down to see a small medallion in the shape of a sword resting on the ground next to with a small rolled up piece of paper tied around where the blade would be.

“Hmm… guess it’s my lucky day if I think this is what I think it is,” Sans thought as he picked it up, and heard nothing whatsoever before thinking “thank you beautiful,” grinning madly as the group started to head towards Andrew room while keeping an eye out on their surroundings.

“What’s so funny?” Bulpan asked as they both followed him.

“Not funny… just lucky. Very, very lucky, and just from one little talk and a keychain,” Sans replied happily like he won the lottery.

“Can’t see how a keychain can help us?” Griffin asked.

“I will teach you everything when we get… oh and your mother just reminded me that it’s about displacement,” Sans responded keeping quiet and watchfully watching their surroundings, a tip both Bulpan and Griffin seemed to have forgotten.

“So… where is this room we need to go to?” Griffin asked.

“I don’t think you understand it’s the Top floor.” sans explain

“You didn’t say it was,” Bulpan pointed out.

“I didn’t? Oh, I guess I was thinking of a different run sorry.”

“Okay then, and how many times as that thing you found appeared?” Griffin asked as he continued following Sans.

“In the tower? Never but we got the Tower’s plans,” Sans said struggling whilst trying to remember if the events that were unfolding had happened before.

“Any idea how they were on that, and for any matter who left them where we could get them?” Griffin asked.

“Oh no you die getting them, and Bulpan gets tortured for information about me but because she doesn’t know me, she gets raped and got turned into a sex slave,” Sans stated offhandedly.

“I have a feeling I don’t want to know who too,” Bulpan replied nervously.

“Actually you got off lightly for a sex slave. You got sold to this really nice guy called Kai paid 10 million for you and you even got married and had three kids one boy two girls and always got knocked out, by your words alone was, ‘his dick was so big and powerful he would knock me out with pleasure alone and I was the only one there to satisfy him even while knocked out.’ Well until you had sex with me and said no one could compare to me after your sex lust got the better of you,” Sans stated with a cocky grin.

He then looked to both of them before starting lustfully too Bulpan, “we can do that again if you want, just be warned my wife will join and she can knock you out without ‘tools’ and Griffin same invite to you.”

“I highly doubt… wait isn’t Kai the guy you said had a burnt arm?” Bulpan pointed out feeling disgusted.

“Yep and you said when he first slept with you that you could feel every scar tissue, and it only added to the pleasure… but like I said you said I was far better than everyone combined X10 over,” Sans stated as Bulpan started to believe he was lying to them.

“So… we should try to avoid him,” Griffin responded.

“Unless you want your sister never letting go of my cock again then yes we should avoid everyone so that doesn’t happen again,” Sans muttered before thinking to himself “she great in bed but she can become exactly needed.”

“Can we not talk about that anymore,” Bulpan replied as the group.

As the conversation died down they reached the room as Sans went to the door and opened it to look inside before taking a second before stating “no one’s here by the looks of it.”

“That’s good. Hopefully, we can find what we need and get moving,” Bulpan replied as the group began searching the room.

Sans looking around the room in confusion as he said to the group “it’s too small.”

“Less room to search I guess,” Griffin responded.

“No really it’s too small the outside wall are too long but the room is too small,” Sans responded while feeling the walls and looking behind the pictures that littered the walls of the room. After a few minutes, he looked under the table in the centre of the room and found a small button near one of the table legs and said “god I am a genius,” before he pressed the button, which opened a hidden doorway behind one of the bookshelves that moved sideways across the wall.

“Let’s just hope something useful is in here,” Griffin responded as the group walked into the enlargened area of the room.

When they got to the door there was a panel with a keypad on it that was keeping the second door at the back of the room locked as Sans stated “this is where I wish I had error sans powers,” while he walked up to the panel and began to try and hack it.

After a few tries, he managed to get the door to open before the group went inside the room but accidentally tripped an alarm before quickly ducking into the room and saying “fuck! I just need some more practice.”

It was that Sans looked around the room the group had entered as they saw a figure standing at the other side as he asked the figure infront of them, “who bought the Iron Man and Batman love child?”

The figure itself was covered in a black suit of armour and the only things that the group could make out about him was the blue lines shining through the darkness along with his red eyes and a red symbol on his chest in the shape of a bat.

It was then a Bulpan’s voice screamed out, “Hel-” but before she could finish she disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

“Well...shit! Well now I don’t have to be quiet now,” Sans admitted while summoning up a Gaster Blaster and made a sword out of bones and a Gaster Blaster making a laser sword that hovered above the ground.

“Sans? Are we in trouble?” Griffin asked terrified at his sister’s disappearance.

“Depends… can you survive being thrown into a supernova, can you defeat batman or have One punch man’s powers?” Sans asked.

“No, maybe and no in that order,” Griffin responded as they saw Bulpan held down on the ground in the hallway with a syringe in her neck that was filled with a black light.

“Hey, Bulpan… have fun with Kai or who else you end up with,” Sans shouted to her as Bulpan began to shake her head as she tried to scream for help only to find she couldn’t say anything as she was suddenly dragged away from there view. The last thing Griffin and Sans seeing of her being her eyes which was filled with tears, as he hands that had been gripping the doorframe lose hold and disappear from their sight.

“And there she goes… Griffin gets back to back and slowly make your way deeper into the room,” Sans ordered calmly before muttering under his breath “Cathy is going to kill me, and then my wife will… and probably D as well.”

Sans and Griffin then slowly walked back to back to the deeper part of the room, Sans facing the people infront of them in the doorway with Griffin facing the Batman lookalike in the room they were entering.
It was then as they both got further back the room as the people outside the main room now blocking their escape route before a flash of light surrounded the two of them as they disappeared from the room.

As the light faded they found themselves back at the base with Demigra unconscious on the floor again, and Towa almost unconscious as well, while Cathy was checking for injuries as she noticed Bulpan was not with them and knew what she saw on the screen that had been infront of them before Demigra collapsed had indeed happened.

It was then that she dropped onto her knees before breaking down and crying into her hands for a bit until she screamed at Sans, “why didn’t you save her?!”

“I tried 2387 times, and it ended the same way each time. Either we each die or we all get caught and tortured for that man sick enjoyment,” Sans stated before adding in a calmer tone trying to put a more positive spin on the situation, “but don’t worry Bulpan never gets hurt or killed because this guy named Kai always treats her like a wife and she will be his wife willingly and have 3 to 4 kids so don’t worry so much.”

River just looked at Sans as she thought “sweety what happened to you? You could break arms with words alone what have you got planned and have you thought this through?”

It was then that Cathy began to cry harder before being hugged by Griffin as Tohru looked over Demigra’s unconscious from before checking on his condition before stating “He’ll make it, but he may be unconscious for at least a week though.”

“At least D’s okay but what about Towa?” Sans asked in concern.

“He collapsed before he could muster enough Ki to grab you both, I funneled in mine as well to help him, it took more energy than we anticipated to do so,” Towa replied.

“So what, because you took so long to get us out we lost Bulpan!” Griffin shouted in anger.

“We had a small time discrepancy between what you saw and we did, when things went wrong on our end she had already been taken for you, there was nothing we could do,” Towa argued back.

“Don’t blame Towa kid, I am the one who tripped the alarm, it’s not her fault that Bulpan was taken,” Sans stated to Griffin.

“If they were quicker we may have had the time we needed before they took her away to escape and save her before she was dragged her off!” Griffin argued.

“Well if you tried to attack you would have died and I have seen all the possible outcomes, she will be fine. Plus I didn’t see you helping at all so before she was kidnapped. So before you start blaming others blame yourself for being too weak to do anything useful,” Sans argued pissed off with Griffin blaming Towa.

It was the Griffin clenched his fists before collapsing to his knees next to Cathy as he began to cry as well.

It was then Towa looked to Sans before she asked him, “why did you help me?”

“I still see you as my wife from a previous run and no one hurts my family,” Sans stated while helping her up.

“Pretty sure your current wife won’t be a fan of that though,” Towa stated before collapsing onto a chair behind her.

“Hey! River you mind me loving other people?!” Sans shouted to River who was trying to help Cathy.

“No I don’t mind. As long as they don’t hog you too themselves,” River shouted back with a chuckle.

“Hey, guess she doesn’t mind sharing if you don’t and you can become a part of our little family,” Sans states loveingly.

“Pretty sure that’s already the case from Demigra,” Towa replied before suddenly beginning to cough violently.

“Yes, we were… but I don’t see him as a dad yet… so you could become my girlfriend if you want but you don’t have to answer now,” sans stateed before he began to walk away from Towa towards River to help Cathy.

“I can’t believe you! You’re trying to get another wife right after you let my only remaining biological family member be taken away and brainwashed for all I know!” Griffin shouted in anger.

“Me and D check Bulpan mental state and other than a higher Lust level she never had her mind altered in any way.”

“That was in other timelines! They knew we were there and were prepared, how can you be sure they won’t do more to her now!”

“Fine, I will take you through a step by step guide on how your sister will-” sans started to explain.

“I don’t want to hear it!” Griffin cut him off before adding, “I honestly want nothing to with you!” before standing up and running off tears in his eyes.

“Always the dick Griffin. Always the dick…” Sans muttered to himself.

“Sans, will my daughter be safe?” Cathy asked worriedly but hopeful.

“Yes, me and Kai made a deal which if Bulpan ever got caught he will take care of her. And he should remember the promise, afterall I give him the power to remember the past resets that were caused by Andrew.”

“Did we learn anything from this messed up mission though, or find anything useful,?” Tohru asked as he rested Demigra in his seat.

Sans giggle like a madman and said “oh yeah I found something that can destroy that place without us fighting and I know were Sun is or going to be… but I will wait till D up and everyone is less emotional

A groan was then heard before Demigra said, “I’m here… bearly.”

“Glad to see your alive old man,” Towa responded.

“You to stripper,” Demigra replied as Towa growled at him before coughing violently once again, as Demigra chuckled weakly.

“Don’t D she might become my wife and I have found something great but I will wait for everything calm down.”

“Maybe for the best, but for now… I’m going to bed, I feel like I need it,” Demigra replied as he tried to stand on shaky legs before Tohru grabbed him.

“I’ll take him back, we’ll see you once he’s recovered,” Tohru replied as she supported Demigra on his way back to his room.

“You do that D and don’t bang Tohru.” It was then Demigra’s staff struck San’s legs knocking him to the ground before floating out the room after Demigra.

“You where supposed to knock Tohru off her feet not me!” Sans shouted to Demigra.

“Maybe you should stop San’s I don’t think my dad’s in the mood right now for your jokes,” Towa admitted.

“Oh, poor Tohru for D not being in the ‘mood’ then,” Sans joked.

“I just... I just have to pry for her that this Kai is a good husband then,” Cathy responded sadness clear in her voice

“Don’t worry about Bulpan I can still keep an eye open on her, but I can’t get her out.” Sans responded to Cathy as they all left the room.

Chapter 7

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Back at the top of Andrew's tower, Sun was chained down still unconscious after a week blissfully unaware of the attempt to free him only hours before.

It was here Andrew had his hands placed on the back of Sun's head, finishing the final adjustments to his memories as he slowly removed his hands with a sadistic smirk plastered over his face.

It was then he leaned down to Sun's ears before whispering kindly, “Sun, it’s time to wake up to your new life.”

“5 more minutes dad I don't want to go to school,” came a sleepy reply from Sun.

Andrew simply smirked as the first of his adjustments had clearly worked before he said, “Sun, if you don’t get up I’ll have to punish you some more, you don’t want me to repeat what happened last time do you?”

“Oh goody, more kinky stuff to do, can we have more pain this time,” came a demonic tone.

“I see your doing better Jack, you got more control over your host when I give the command yet?” Andrew asked

“No, we have to decide who is in control Sun's just letting me,” Jack replied.

“I see, we’ll need to make sure you can take control like we agreed when you hear me or Kai say to him, ‘let your fire cleanse their sins away’ remember you will need to go back to normal only when the one who called you tells you to let Sun back.”

“Now I have full control and if you said that from the start we won't have to have this conversation would we… But we now know that if someone doesn't release me then Sun can let me out, as long I won't harm future family or friends.” Jack voice replied and add “what do you want old man you won't want to piss me off for just calling for no reason?” Jack responded in annoyance.

“No, for once I need to ensure your both fully sorted so we can get you moved on to your new lives, also I had information that a certain old family member tried to get to you both, and I know only you remember her now.”

“Yeah about that I think he is going to remember,” Jack said offhandedly.

“That's unfortunate, but I guess I can’t completely erase her from his memories, but maybe you can make him never take her back, that would work as well I guess.”

“Oh no he has known about her for awhile now but we still think she a faker,” Jack said sweetly.

“Well it is the truth,” Andrew replied, “could you bring him back and let him talk to me, I need to finish sorting things out with him.”

“I am already here Jack got bored.” Sun replied before he added, “what do you want old man you want something?”

“Simply to check how your feeling, and to make sure that you understand that I forbid you from going after Demigra or that faker for the time being.”

“I really don't care if you forbid me but I am too weak to kill him yet and I am not stupid.”

“You were when we saved you from them, I’m making sure you understand. Now I need to tell you that you should now be calm and have some of your emotions back naturally, is that correct?”

“Yes I feel them but they feel like AI trying to understand emotion but they can't but they are there.”

“Yeah, your mind was a mess I had to fully adjust your biology and neural patterns to get them functioning even close to normal, it will feel strange for a while but will become normal in a few weeks.”

“At least I can remove them for a minute to be a perfect killing machine,” Sun said slightly happy by that fact.

“Yes, just be careful when you do my boy, don’t want you in jail,” Andrew added with a smile, “do you think you’re completely healed from your trauma.”

“Yeah, I think so… but I am going to be an anti-hero you know and I think me and Jack have found a way to be stronger with my ice and fire,” Sun said with a small smirk.

“That's good, so you're over your fear now I take it.”

“I am still jumpy if it used against me but that will pass,” Sun said with a confident smirk.

“and if not then it would be time to let Jack let’er rip on those fools,” Jack said happily

“Okay, luckily it seems everything finally good, I’m going in inject you with this and it should give you both your true quirk, I won’t lie, it may hurt,” Andrew stated holding syringe full of a misted white liquid.

good!” Jack and Sun said at the same time before Sun continued to say “nothing should come without pain like they say ‘no pain no gain’ and me and Jack agreed on that so we both going to get the full pain each,” Sun said with pride.

“Plus it would be dumb if it didn't being we have both fires that should burn us but doesn’t and ice so cold it would burn us but doesn't, so change us biologically should hurt and I am counting on it,” Jack said with a mad laugh.

Andrew didn’t reply to them as he injected the syringe into there neck as both “yes this is pain we almost forgot what it feels like,” Sun and Jack switching between each other.

The pain lasted for around twenty minutes before it faded as Andrew asked them, “you both okay?”

what that's it that's all the pain it does?” Jack and Sun said annoyed and disappointed with so little pain.

“No offence, but I rather not kill you both after trying to save you,” Andrew replied before adding, “I’m going to release your binds, once I do try to use your powers, but only to a small degree okay.”

“Hmmm okay… oh, that reminds us can you give us telekinesis to hold are ice and fire were thinking of making weapons out of them?” Jack asked

“I’m afraid as you are I can't augment your quirks further, once your bodies adapt I may be able to, but that's yet to be seen.”

“what about empty hand grips to put fire and ice in them to make them like in bleach so all we have to do is put them in.”

“Once your quirk has matured, I will consider your request, but you need to become adept with your powers first.”

“We will make them ourselves Sun just wait for now,” Jack said to Sun

“fine we will wait...unless we are can learn ki from Kai,” Sun said thoughtfully

“Okay,” Andrew replied undoing their binds before saying, “give your powers a shot, you may be unable to control them.”

And just like that Sun's arm's turn into Fire and Ice one on the left and one on the right like they were born to wield this power and only them.

“We feel like we mastered it already… is that weird because it feels like we’ve had them from birth,” Sun said.

“Not really, it’s been added directly to your genetics, technically to your bodies you have had it since you were born.”

“cool!” both Jack and Sun said at the same time. And just after that their power want through the roof the fire want Supernova and Ice want blue crystal.

It was then Andrew placed his hand on their heads once again before both powers faded as they dropped to the floor shaking as Andrew asked, “are you both okay?”

“like we having drugs withdrawal but with our power.” Sun summary

“For your safety, I’m putting a limiter on them, you’ll only have enough power to control one of them at once and only weakly until you gain more control,” Andrew stated as they felt a large portion of their powers fade away.

“So what is are limits and why is Jack not feeling the same,” Sun ask

“yeah I can still make my Fire Supernova but I can only make a Kamehameha knockoff with it,” Jack stated.

“Only in your mental states, once you take physical form, you will be affected by the limiter.”

“wooh Sun! Don't throw me in the driver seat!” Jack shouted at the sky.

“yep, I can make blue Ice all I want in the mindscape,” Sun said.

“Okay please try your powers again so we can set a suitable limit to start with.”

Sun try again but this time it only made some armour made from ice or fire and a few ice shards or fireballs I could try and throw.”

“Those seem suitable, to begin with,” Andrew replied with a smile, “when you are ready I can send you to your new home.”

“No time like the present let's do this,” Sun responded calmly.

Andrew then smiled as he passed them a large duffle bag as he said, “this has a few civilian clothes, some basic supplies and medical equipment along with your hero costume inside. These should last you till you can sort yourself out something more permanent.”

“what no privacy while I get changed?” Sun asked jokingly.

“If you wish to go in some normal clothes I can wait outside the room till your changed and ready to go on your way.”

Sun just put the bag over his shoulder as he said, “I was joking old man just send me like this.” going back to his emotionless tone.

“Okay, I’ll be in contact, when you arrive, try and locate Kai, you will be in his world and he can set you both on the right track,” Andrew stated before a black portal opened in front of Sun.

“Oh, we never asked where are we going?” Sun and Jack asked at the same time.

“As I said, the same place as Kai, as for where. It’s a surprise, can’t ruin everything.”

“If I see something like ponies then you will not have to worry about me going after D again because I am going to kill you,” Jack and Sun said switching but both emotionless

“I’d like to see you try,” Andrew replied with a smirk as the portal moved over them and closed behind them.

“HOW MUCH LONGER ARE WE GOING TO FALL FOR!!!!!!!” Sun screamed at the portal before he suddenly saw a faint light below him as he shouted, “fucking finally!” as he angled himself as too ensure that he landed feet facing the light and was ready to roll when he hit the ground to soften his landing.

As he got closer and closer took one last deep breath before he hits the ground and rolled over his shoulder before slowly looking around him to find that he was now standing on top of a roof and seemingly making it unscathed.

After a few moments of looking around at their surroundings Jack asked Sun, “why does it look like we're in New York City and why does it look off?”

“How should I know and we share the same mind and you can see what I see,” Sun responded.

It was then that Sun heard something land behind him as he looked behind him to see seven humanoid figures facing away from of them, clearly unaware of his presence.

As he slowly made his way over to them he heard the person he assumed to be leading them talking to the group as he heard what he assumed to be the end of a conversation as she said “Okay so we have received a tip-off about a supposed burglary that going to take place, supposedly they plan to rob the shop across the street and they are after a large ball filled with some kind of power supply.”

As Sun looked over to the group he slowly looked at the six figures he slowly realised just who they were as he said to Jack “Jack please help me kill that old man!”

Jack didn’t respond for a moment before he said “sorry I wasn't listening to you thinking on how to torture that old man… got anything for it.”

Sun stopped for only a few seconds thinking on what Jack had asked before responding, “what about skinning him alive and putting him in boiling water or oil?”

Both of them then seemed to chuckled maliciously at eachother for a moment at the idea as both seemed to reach an understanding and respect for each other.

After they had finished they both listened back to the group again as they heard the leader, who they knew to be The Masked Matter-Horn who was also known as the Cyclops rip off asked the rest of the group “so girls any questions?”

After a few seconds, one of the other members of the group's hand went up as she said “pick me, pick me, pick me,” over and over and over again.

After a few moments, The Masked Matter-Horn asked her with a shake of her head “yes what is it?”

“So we have a new partner on the team?” the Flash rip off who was also known as Fili-Second asked with a childlike curiosity.

This confused The Masked Matter-Horn as she asked Fili-Second, “no why do you ask?”

“I think she means me,” Sun interrupted before he said, “and who are the beautiful women in front of me because I think I am falling in love.”

It was then that the remaining members of the group turned around to look at him but unluckily for Sun they all had masks on so Sun couldn’t see if any of them were blushing.

“And who are you newbie?” the Thor rip off who was known as Zapp asked him curiously as she seemed to be gripping a lightning bolt shaped necklace in her hands.

“Ah yes where are my manners? My name is Sun and I am just looking in on a tip of one my informants said that a villain who supposedly has hair powers is looking for a jewel that can supposedly power her doomsday weapon, my fine ladies,” Sun said with a sweet voice and a small bow.

“Well we got it now, so move aside,” the wonder women rip off said also known as Mistress Mare-velous.

“Yep looks like the rumours are true, that all the Power Ponies do is stealing other people work and take all the credit. I put the word in, I did all the work and now here you are making my life more hell then it is.” Sun said annoyed while looking ahead to the shop as he continued to say, “no wonder every other hero hates you, and they call you the ‘the spotlight stealers’ but I was going to give you a chance but oh well, guess that's another day I will not be eating for day, because of you stealing my hard work. But go ahead you’ve done it plenty of times from us all the little rats like we are to you,” Sun finished acting like he was pissed and looked back at the ‘filth’ in his eyes.

“Wooh… your acting skills are amazing and how you know all that?” Jack asked in both amazement and curiosity.

Go to my memories and look under my little pony,” Sun responded.

After a few moments Jack responded to Sun his voice sounding almost downtrodden, “now I feel sorry for you and why did Cathy do that to you.”

Looks like I don't have to worry about you not knowing acting and it was her turn to pick what we watched and now I am thankful for it,” Sun said not convinced at all by Jack.

“Hey! We are not like that!” Zapp responded angrily.

“I am the fastest in the world and the most powerful thing there is the only thing we need is each other every else's is nothing.” Sun finished in a mocked version of Zapp’s voice.

“Can we just focus on what we're here to do?” Radiance asked.

“You mean what I came to do I am not having my work stole be you again.”

“No offence but who even are you? I’ve never heard of you as a hero, are you even legally allowed to be one?” Zapp asked.

“Never had to be legalized. Just got the bad guy or give them info and they pay me and I can eat and live another day.” Sun replied emotionlessly.

“Umm, I hate to tell you this darling, but you shouldn’t be doing hero work without a licence to do so,” Radiance replied.

“Oh, how thoughtless of me but this is something that you don't know they don't let you become a hero without a home and unthinkable has happened to me I am homeless.”

“You realise your wrong with that, a lot of heroes in training don’t have homes,” Mistress Mare-velous responded honestly.

“Okay, then why haven't I been warned by the agencies then?”

Zapp then looked to the others as he said, “I think we need to get Firebrand to look into this, if the agencies aren’t warning people that haven’t been trained that they can’t or are telling people they can’t train to be heroes without having a home, it could cause more issues.”

“What you want Jack?” Sun said over his shoulder “I didn't say everything.”

“Yes they might be playing us but they are fully trained and we are not so we can't kill them,” Sun responded taking a glance at them before adding with a glare, “yet.”

“Listen kid. If you really are a hero, killing isn’t something you even consider doing,” Zapp pointed out.

“Sorry which one you talking to? Because there is two of us and one kills and one doesn't,” Jack replied in his demonic voice laughing a little but shook his head.

“Sorry about him, I got him when a job went south and I got tortured for a while,” Sun stated as he scratched his head and muttered “why did you do that we're making good progress about you killing?” and his head snapped to the left “well I am sorry but I want to kill I need to kill. thanks to that weird guy covered in hands I can't help it just looking at them is making my blood boil and we are the perfect killing machine and he took your emotions so you have to fake every emotion.” Jack replied back and their convention didn't go unnoticed.

“Are you sure about the person who did that?” Radiance asked, “there is one person we know if but he’s a hero.”

“Yep but I don't think we are talking about the same person but if we are then me and Jack agreed on killing him and we never agree and for what he did to me he killing my family and touched me for 8 years,” Sun stated pissed off but also cold.

All of the ‘heroes’ that were assembled looked at eachother in confusion but decided not to push further for answers. It was then all 6 of them collapsed to the ground suddenly a thud coming from Zapp as she hit the ground, it was then what looked to be six white figures fall over there bodies with a seventh moving behind Sun.

“well the episode is starting,” Sun stated bluntly to Jack.

There were a few groans from the collapsed power ponies and they started to asked each other “you lot okay.” and get the replies of “yeah, fine and oh I am fine thank you.”

It was then Sun heard the younger boy say as he looked over the side of the building they were on, clearly unaware of what had just been happening. “Is this Maretropolis?”

The boy then turned back around as he heard on the Power Ponies ask him “an what the hay is that and who are we?”

The boy then quickly turned back to where the voice had come from as he suddenly began fanboying over the six people infront of him each time ringing off who they had become along with what powers they had.

“Oh my Celestia! Twilight you're the Masked Matter-Horn of the power ponies from my comic we must have got suck in by that vortex and got turned into the characters,” the fangirlly boy said.

“So you're saying we have those powers you mentioned?” The pony who had become Zapp asked.

“Yeah, you have the power of Zapp who can control lightning and fly super fast in the sky.” The young boy responded explaining her powers.

This once again continued for each pony until the boy had gone over each of them before Zapp asked him, “then what about you?”

“I don't know what do I look like,” the young boy responded.

“Your Humdrum,” Sun said in annoyance.

“Oh, so I am nothing more than comedy relief well tha…” The young boy began to say before pausing as he looked towards Sun before asking him “and who are you?”

“I am Sun but you can call me… hmm… what should my Hero name be… I know I will call myself Sun,” Sun stated as he punched his own hand lightly before continuing to say in a sarcastic tone, “because it's the only thing I remember.”

“Seriously. You could have any name for a hero and you chose that?” Zapp responded.

“Yes being homeless, having no school and to top it all off being touched for 8 years and making me forget everything except my family dying in front of me has nothing to do with that,” Sun said his voice holding a hint of malice in its tone.

“Wait no you're Icehot!” The young boy responded as Sun placed his hand over his own face and shook his head before the boy continued to say, “and you had worse life and got the power of fire and ice and you have a split personality name Jack the ripper.”

“Look here L, I don't go by that name people just called me that. But if you want you can just call me Flare Zero it's much better then Icehot,” Sun said while dragging his hand down his face.

“And how the fuck do you know me; and if you lie to me I will kill you,” Jack replied making Sun take up a fighting stance before Sun slap his own face.

“Could you not scare the beautiful women in front of me,” Sun asked Jack.

“Sorry I don't like people who don't introduce themselves when we have. We’ve been pleasant and they don't have basic manners!” Jack responded.

“That's true… hey, you going to introduce yourselves?” Sun asked the group.

“Pretty sure Spike did that already,” Zapp pointed out.

“I already know the Power Ponies but not the people who have taken their bodies and lives for a sick joke,” Sun replied in annoyance.

“Yes sorry about that we were shocked to see you. Well I am Masked Matter-Horn and my real name is Twilight, the one called Radiance is Rarity, Fili-Second is Pinkie Pie, Saddle Rager is Fluttershy, Zapp is known as Rainbow Dash and Mistress Mare-velous is Applejack. I Am pleased to meet you.” Twilight finished after introducing everyone.

It was then a loud explosion was heard beneath them as a figure that had dark purple skin along with long flowing green hair that looked to be shifting naturally. She was wearing a skin-tight purple costume with black and gold knee-high boots along with a similar style full arm gloves, as everyone heard an almost clown-like laugh.

Sun quickly jumped on the ledge of the building he was on and turned back facing the Power ponies before adding “sorry but I got some hunting to do and her name is Mane-iac and she a dead girl already,” before he fell back towards the floor as he used his ice to create a slide to get to the ground safely.

“Mane-iac~ Mane-iac~ come out come out its time to die~” Jack Sung in his demonic voice laughing at the look the goons give him of apologetical fear before one of the Mane-iac’s goons ran at him only to get an ice spike through his heart killing him instantly as Jack asked “hehehe who next?”

It was then Zapp felt down grabbing ahold of Sun as she stated, “You can't go around killing ponies, you are a hero, not a villain.”

“First there is a thing called an anti-hero second-” Sun arm erupted into Fire making Zapp get away from him and he said “if you do not agree with me then stay out of my way or you will end up like them they made their choice their deserve to die for hurting innocent and watch me kill them,” Sun responded while repeatedly stabbing a guy who tried to stab Zapp and Sun from behind.

Sun’s voice was then heard as he said “he just tried to kill you for trying to stop me you try to save them and they stay evil so they deserve this.” Sun said while walking to more goons looking for Mane-iac.

“You know this is a really hair-raising experience!” the Mane-iac shouted to them.

“She really is obnoxious,” Zapp admitted.

Then they heard a thud and when they looked at it saw Mistress Mare-velous tied to a lamppost and Sun said “okay two things one stop making hair puns come up with new material like of Mistress Mare-velous had a really lamp idea coming after me second how did you do that that rope follows all of your comment so that means you are into bondage but now is not the time and I will gladly help in ‘that’ regard.” Sun stated to everyone making them stop and listen.

It was then what seemed to be storm clouds appeared in sky before a tornado somehow formed which slowly began to move towards the building the others were on pulling them all inside as it hit the roof then the ground before the Mane-iac used her hair to lie back just laughing at the ponies who were unable to use their powers correctly.

“Mane-iac do you have an opening for a villain because being hero is getting hard and stupid,” Sun asked facepalming at the power pony's

However as Sun looked back he found that the Mane-iac had used her hair to begin to move as he heard her say, “Well this has been quite the mane raising experience, but I really must be going,” ignoring Sun completely as she began to use to Hair to move away while the young boy grabbed the orb.

The young boy then slowly tried to sneak away with the orb but tripped on his cape as he trod on it causing the orb to fall to the ground as the Mane-iac picked it up with her hair before taunting the boy as she said, “why thank you Humdrum,” before walking away laughing as she used her hair to climb a nearby building and escape.

Sun's eye twitches rapidly before he said coldly, “all that work for nothing. for Nothing… all because of you taking over the Power Ponies and not knowing how to use their powers did you even think of training with them before jumping in something with something you could not control?!” Sun screamed at the group before falling on the floor holding his stomach while it growled loudly.

However the ponies had not paid attention to him as all but Mistress Mare-velous had been sucked into the tornado which was continuously growing as the young boy that the Mane-iac had called ‘Humdrum’ shouted to the bound mare what to do with her powers, before she followed his instruction freeing herself and somehow using the rope to tie up the top of the tornado before it somehow stopped rotating and disappeared and Sun shouted “I call hacks!”

It was then the ponies all landed back on the ground before they began to point out there situation which in short was them pointing out they were in a comic book world, the fact that the place they were in was called Maretropolis and that to get home they needed to defeat the Mane-iac all of during the time they continuously ignored Suns existence.

Until Sun shot an Ice spike near them and said “have you listened to a word I had said at all?!” Sun screamed giving off killing intent.

It was then all of them looked to him before Zapp responded by asking him, “did you say something?”

“No, no. I am just saying that I know were mane-iac is going and I would teach you a little bit but since you don't want me to then I will go myself and do it,” Sun said offhandedly and annoyed

“No offence, but your not real, just a character in a comic book, why should we even bother listening,” Zapp responded as the group ran off Humdrum leading the way for them, and leaving Sun behind.

“I am not losing my energy by running full sprint and I know how to use my powers do you?” Sun replied in his mind knowing they won't listen and he started to walk the same way as them.

how the fuck did I get lost in this fucking place!? Where is everyone and where the fuck am I?!” Sun screamed in his head for the 1000 time now and the only response he got was “I don't fucking know and stop shouting in here I can't think when you do!”

It was then Sun heard mocking laughter followed by the sound of hairspray being released from a canister in the distance. Sun's only through was “found them” and walk to the sound and found the young boy in a post box crying slightly with a bucket stuck on his foot.

Sun then slowly walked towards the young boy before saying “Yo little guy,” as he paused for a second faking a gasp before continuing to say, “what happened to you did you not listening to me and now you're friends are trapped.”

“You know, I’m not stupid. You're not the same as the in the comic, are you? You're real.”

“We all are! You travelled through a comic, yes. But like walking into a mirror you go to a completely different world. A world quite similar to your own with just some minor differences. I bet you have a chaos god on your world, is it so far of a stretch that you could have travelled world's?” Sun explained sounding almost annoyed before he continued to say, “now I have to save your ass because your group didn't listen, to my warnings,” However just like before he suddenly fell to the ground with his hand over his stomach as it growling loudly.

“Well how do we save them… and honestly, call me Spike while me and my friends are in these bodies,” Spike requested, before adding, “also what's wrong with you, I’m assuming if your anything like the version of you from the comics your starving.”

“Yes, I am starving. I am by myself and have to defend myself from so many people have tried to kill me. I can't trust nobody else so I find wanted criminals, kill them and give the corpse the agents to get enough money to bearly eat!” Sun shouted at Spike before he continued to say, “but I am concerned about how I am portrayed in those comic books.”

Spike simply sighed before reaching into his belt as he said, “Even though I have no powers to speak of, Humdrum was always prepared for everything that could happen,” he then pulled out a small white pill before saying, “this should have enough to substitute for a days meal, here have it.”

“How do I know that's not poisoned?”

Spike could only sigh at Sun before he reached into the same part of his belt as where he pulled the first pill out of producing a second one as he said, “okay, I’ll have it then,” as he swallowed the pill and nothing happened to him.

“The poison could take hours to go into effect so when you go you can take the antidote for it and I’ll find out too late to stop it.” Sun deadpanned at him and got up before he said “and you can blow fire… you go get your friends when I confront the Mane-iac and her goons, and after that, you tell me what I am like in that comic book of yours. Hell, I will give you an autograph to take back if you can or if you don't like me in the comic so I can stay away from that person likes and dislikes.” Sun said while walking towards the door before he looked back at Spike and asked, “you ready? Because we're going to hell and I am the devil killing the sinner.

“Your starving, you idiot, I don’t see how you can do much in your state,” Spike argued.

“I am not an idiot for not trusting a guy I just met who might be a spy for the Mane-iac and plus I want to die most of the time, so I am more of a distraction. I have thought of every outcome and this is the best one in my eyes,” Sun replied and froze the door before he kicked it open before he walked into the warehouse that the Mane-iac had made her base in.

“Wait!” Spike shouted urgently, Only for Sun to ignore him and continue walking straight ahead, before Spike shouted, “We still have the element of surprise! If we can get in without alerting them we can possibly handle this without you murdering other ponies!”

“I am going to trip the alarm while you go get your friends undetected and I couldn't kill even if I want to I am getting too weak without having any food for so long. So do as I asked and follow my plan,” Sun explained for the second time as he was getting more annoyed by the minute.

“I guess,” Spike replied defeatedly before stating, “in your stories, I loved you, you were in polls one of the most popular characters but meeting you now… you're a jerk, nothing like your version of you I thought would exist.”

“I wasn't always like this H. I was just like you said but now I have nothing to live for and I have lost everything I hold close and am scared. I am scared if I don't keep everything away from me I will lose everything again,” Sun admitted sadly.

“Seriously, you’re supposed to be a hero, the hero who swore he’d stop ponies from becoming scared and you're terrified of something you could simply prevent by simply finding someone or something to fight for. What is it you want to protect, is there anything you care about enough t stake your own life on?” Spike asked.

“No, I lost everything. I used to fight for the sake of my sister.”

“Then fight to ensure nopony else has to suffer what you have ever again.”

“I am! These scum don't deserve to live and what always happens when I put criminals away! They always break out and hurt more people so this is what I am doing to make sure that what happened to me never happens again to anyone else!” Sun screamed at Spike before he added “so tell me. What do you want a world where innocents are dying because of people like the Mane-iac do you even know how many she’s killed because I do. Its 48659 and she has broken out hundreds of times. Not to mention the lives she destroyed, even when she doesn't kill her victims, she sometimes cripples them or simply just destroys everything they own. It’s because of people like her, families are on the streets and the hero community can't keep ‘wasting’ money. I don't know if your comic shows this but every day I wake up and I always cry for the lost, for the ones I could have not have saved. If it was not for your group I would have carved through all of those criminals earlier because the second I slow down people die. I have not slept soundly in years because of this fact. Besides it’s not like the prisons help anyway, the ones that do stay in prison, wait and be good so they can come out early and just what do they do?”

“Umm.. become upstanding members of society?” Spike responded hopefully.

“They blow up a hospital for children! So its either they die, or innocents die and I am not letting innocents die again. Not on my life. I am just one person against everyone, the people I trust try to kill me and the people who I fight trying to kill innocents. So H what should I do? Let innocents submit to pain and suffering or kill the enemy and no ensure no innocent get hurt or injured?” Sun asked before he continued to say in a more sombre tone, “H… no Spike this is not my original world, mine got destroyed, when I said I lost everything. I meant I had lost everything all because I let a villain live. He broke out and killed everyone because he did not want to live and he simply wanted me to kill him and I didn't. All I could do was stand there as the bomb was about to go off and I smile at everyone I was about to fail and say to them ‘don't worry I know we are going to be fine’ as they looked at me and didn't see any hope from them but blame me for not killing them in the first place and on that day I lost my smile.”

Spike then looked to Sun before saying, “I’m sorry, I had no idea. But I need to ask, why do you keep calling Humdrum H?

“You said you were smart. Let's see, Masked Matter-Horn is T and Humdrum is H and Fili-Second is I Saddle Rager is E1 Mistress Mare-velous is V and Radiance is E2 and and like you know and finally Zapp is Z, I call them this because they have been thievez with my hard work with the bad guys for weeks now! without knowing they never once asked who was giving the location of the guys because the police made you back down, they putting them means I eat less so have you figured it out why I hate them yet?” Sun replied getting more and more annoyed

“In other words, you’d be happier if we were dead,” Spike responded sadly.

“No they are good people just ignorant which was pissing me off and I would never wish death on good people no matter how fucked up they are or I get because they are doing the greater good,” Sun said patting Spike's head.

“Well, have you not considered the fact if you were licensed as a hero, they may have known who you were and above that others would help you so you wouldn’t starve. I know in your comic, Firebrand helped you until you got into the school.”

“I was being told that if I don't have a home then I can't and firebrand doesn't know me in this world or if he is even the same person as you know and I don't know if it's the exact same as my old world or the world in your comic,” Sun replied.

“Well you need to consider that you’ll never know unless you try.”

“Why do you think the power ponies found me if they need to see me before I know my limits Spike and I am realizing I am close to them… but I am concerned about something in your comic of this world was there an evil guy covered in hands?” Sun asked worriedly.

“If you mean who I think you do, the guy isn’t a villain, he’s a rescue hero working under Firebrands label, he uses his powers to cause rubble to decay and free people trapped in collapsed buildings or crashed vehicles.”

“Thank god… the reason I ask was he-”

“You made it up about him doing that to you correct,” Spike interjected.

“You are too smart for your own good, but no he was the one to caused my world to be destroyed but not what happened to me that was a different guy and I don't think I am the exact one you are reading about,” Sun replied.

“That's what I get for reading too many comics.”

“Do you want me to fuck with your mind now?” Sun said with a smirk.

“Maybe after we save the others, but I’ll ask again, do you trust me enough to try that pill I gave you, I need your help to save my friends so I only lose if I poison you.”

“Okay I will trust you on this after all that crush on Rarity is massive,” Sun said offhandedly while eating the pill Spike give him.

“Is it that obvious?” Spike asked with a groan of annoyance

“Spike I said her real name, not her Power Ponies counterparts name. Her name and no she is completely oblivious to that fact.”

“And yet you notice instantly. Is she really that oblivious to my feeling for her?”

“Yep! She doesn't even notice how you help her around her shop but if you want to get her to notice don't wait on her hand and hoof… how's Luna and Sun butt doing and you are still missing the point?” Sun replied

“Umm… what point?”

“That I know your rulers and the fact I know everything on your world.”

“Oh I noticed, but I already guessed you weren’t from here, nor originally a hero, so I honestly don’t really see the point in acknowledging it.”

Sun through his hands into the air and said “I give up! Never mind you and your sister still missing the obvious about the important things… but I will say this have you heard a guy called Discord if not find a way to stop Dragonfire mail pains trust me you will thank me,” Sun replied.

“Oh we know him, don’t worry about that,” Spike answered before adding, “we should save the others soon I guess.”

“Fine let's do this and go hide till you see an opening to get your friends,” Sun said depress that he can't mind fuck Spike and waiting to see what Spike will do.

“Okay, just don’t get us killed,” Spike requested.

“Pretty much unless your friends have suddenly mastered their powers for no reason whatsoever! Then I’ve got some hunting to do but I will let mane-iac live after are talk and give her another chance but if she hurts someone again then back to being merciless but I am killing the goons,” Sun replied.

“Fine, it's a compromise I guess.”

“Best your getting at the moment I still have Jack in me so I have to deal with him before I am back to how you remember me,” Sun said with a smirk and a thumbs up.

“Well, I think plenty of ponies will look forward to that,” Spike responded.

“I guess so. Well l better not to displease my fans, but I do ask that you be patient with me and I will never be 100% me again not after I’ve seen,” Sun said while grabbing his scared eye and finally reaching the end of the hallway, “parties started. Let's crash it.” Sun respond and kick the door open and said “I'm back bitches! Sorry thought you might go to a different warehouse,” Sun replied to the room full of goons.

It was then all the goons turned to look at Sun as many of them ran into a room deeper in the building as Spike climbed into a nearby ceiling vent using it to move around unseen.

“They did not fear us so they are setting a trap.” Jacks voice came out and Sun walk deeper into the warehouse as the goon tried to fight Sun back and prevent him from continuing deeper into the warehouse as Sun got into a fight stance and started to kill them all with all his strength back was no problem for him to do as he formed his ice spikes and shot a goon through the door with them,

Sun then walked through the door he had just knocked the henchmen through and said “hey boys how your health insurance-” before another henchman tried to kill him from behind as he added, “apparently it's great!” before he killed every other Henchman in the room before he reached the final door to Mane-iac main room and the back of the warehouse.

It was then Sun heard a single pained groan behind him as he looked behind him to see one of the goons trying to crawl away.

Sun walked up to the Henchman and crushed his leg and said next to his ear “tell everyone what happened because it's going to happen again and if I see you doing this again then you will meet these friends again in the dead plain,” Jack said in his demonic voice

“Please… don’t kill me,” the goon requested in fear.

“Don't worry I am not if you do as I just asked and spread the word. Commit any crime and the reaper of fire and frost will kill you,” Jack responded a sadistic grin plastered over his face.

The goon then rapidly nodded his head in agreement without a word as Sun saw a dark patch in his trousers where the pony had wet himself in fear as Sun smirked at the humiliated Henchman.

Sun want towards the door that was still open and walked in and found the Power Ponies and the Mane-Iac in the ‘doom room’ where the hero supposedly wouldn't win and most likely die. A fact that Sun would change.

Sun then took a few steps forward before shouting, “hey there plant hair! So I can't help but notice that you complete ignored me back in the street, so here I am to give you a chance to redeem yourself.” Jack said elegant Domenic voice present as he took Sun's place momentarily.

It was then Sun took control back as he looked up to see the 6 captured Power Ponies in a large cage as heard a timer go off before they were sprayed with what looked to be a giant can of hairspray with large hairdryer pointed at them.

“Oh it’s you, are you here to see the mane attraction?” the Mane-Iac asked Sun.

“First why,” Sun asked with a shake of his head as he pointed to the caged Power Ponies before adding, “second stop with the hair puns and come up with new material, I mean seriously it's not that hard I love puns don't get me wrong but sex jokes more funny for me but I know when to stop-”

It was then Sun saw Spike on one of the rafters standing next to a large box tied to a pulley as he quickly looked to Sun, nodding his head, as if he was waiting for a signal to do something.

“-plus I don't know why you have a hard time with those Power Ponies some must I already figured out who they are before meeting them and you can do it whenever you want to find out who they are and not to mention that I know all their strengths and weaknesses,” Sun then paused remembering his promise to Spike, “so this is something I never do I am not going to kill you and I know that this is going to be hard to believe but I will so let them go and surrender.”

Spike then smirked before pushing the box of the side of the rafter he was on as it pulled a large cover across multiple goons hoisting them into the air unable to do anything before Spike used a large rope to get towards another goon kicking him into the hairspray can as it tumbled to the floor releasing the hairspray inside it and somehow paralyzing the goons on the ground.

“Well that happened,” both Sun and Jack thought.

“So what do say Mane-Iac do you want to let your goons live or die?” Sun asked while Mane-Iac began to turn to look at the noise but stop when Sun asked her that.

The Mane-iac then looked down to Sun before stating, “why should I care for those hairbrained fools, kill them all for what I care,” she responded as the climbed onto the massive Hairdryer aiming it towards the door where she saw Fluttershy.

However before she could do anything Sun quickly threw up a wall made from ice stopped her from her and said “wooh that must ‘split your ends’ and if you are going to hurt someone don't hurt the poor defenceless animals as well like how you killed that dog or the dossier of other animals!” Sun shouted purposely to anger Fluttershy.

It was then her muscles seemed to expand dramatically as her suit began to rip and tear along with her voice going deeper before the Mane-iac fired on her before the beam bounced back striking the Mane-iac knocking her off the machine before Fluttershy began to tear the machine apart lost in her own anger.

Note to self don't piss her off when she gets her body back,” Sun through worry for his man parts and thought “I am getting that kiss off her. Both me and sister always loved Fluttershy.” Sun thought determined before he realised that all the ponies had somehow mastered their powers and Sun said one thing that defines his feels “motherfucker!!!”

“Trust me I’m as surprised as you,” Spike responded as he stood next to Sun.

“But how?! And when did they?! Just how?!'s always like this for you isn't it?” Sun asked dreading the answer.

“Pretty much, and just like Humdrum, I'm sat on the sidelines watching it all unfold.”

“To be honest I would too if I didn't have my powers,” Sun replied as he raised an eyebrow.

“Very true,” Spike replied as both him and Sun looked to the corner to see the Mane-iac bound by her own hair as it had wrapped around her almost making a straight Jacket as she just laughed uncontrollably.

Sun just put froze her in ice just to be on the safe side before he said to Spike, “trust me on this it's not her those things are tingling and it tickles and now I can't look at one without giggling,” faking a giggle as finished as to prove a point.

“If you're sure, but with her stopped we’ll be out of these bodies soon, so. Thank you for helping us,” Spike said with his hand out to Sun.

“No problem it's what I do and I owe you for that information about me from those comics.” Sun admitted before looking over to Fluttershy as he continued to say, “I want to ask that hulk girl something so I’ll be right back.”

As soon as he had said that he began to walk towards Fluttershy before he asked her, “hey good looking mind if I steal a kiss before you go?” as he swore he could hear Spike facepalm behind him.

Fluttershy went deep red and said “ sure I.I.I don't mind,” as before she could react Sun leaned in and kissed deep and passionately before pulling away from.

Sun then slowly pulled back from her before saying with a kind smile, “thanks for that beautiful and I hope me and you can meet again but now I just hope Saddle Rager or the others don't remember this. Well maybe expect Humdrum. I don't want to explain that can of worms,” Sun replied still holding Saddle Rager close before he let go of her and continued to say “see ya girls have fun with discord and all them.”

It was then that he quickly turned around and began to walk away while waving to the girls as he got out of the warehouse and started to walk away

This continued for a few minutes until Jack said, “are we not going to talk about the person following us?”

Sun didn't respond just keep walking on to a nearby Junkyard which he found when he gotten lost finding the warehouse before walking in as he found an old rusted van that had an old mattress, resting against the side of the interior of the van.

Once he had placed the mattress flat on the floor inside the floor of the van he then looked back behind him as he calmly said, “another day and more death to come.”

He then lay down on the mattress as he faked himself being asleep as he waited for whoever had been following him to make their move, of which he waited for ten minutes with nothing happening. Before he sighed and quickly stepped outside the van.

He then took one last quick look around him finding nobody near him before he surrounded the van in ice almost like an igloo around it with a small doorway to get inside which had small jagged spikes made from the ice ensuring nobody could get in during the night without harming themselves in the process.

Once he was done he walked back into the van and lay down on the mattress before he thought to himself, “I guess we were getting rusty,” before he slowly drifted off to sleep for the night.