Twilight's Royal Abby

by LewdChapter

First published

Twilight adopts a pet filly

Abigail is a poor little orphan with no family, until she's adopted by none other than Princess Twilight Sparkle. Things must finally be looking up for her, right?


WARNING: This story contains foalcon, futa, abuse, mindbreak, molestation, rape, filly abuse, impregnation, throatfucking, and self-harm

A (late) birthday gift for my good friend and all-around great guy, Hoovier

Twilight's Royal Abby

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Abigail slowly, uneasily trotted through the corridor of the Friendship Castle. She was nervous, as one might expect. A summons from Princess Twilight Sparkle was something of a big deal. She had no clue what to expect. She wasn’t anypony special. Abigail was just a lonely, orphaned little girl. She had never personally met Twilight, save for one instance when she came to the orphanage to read to the foals. But that was different. That was before Twilight was a princess. Now, things were much, much different.

Now, she was alone, marching her way to the throne. She was beyond nervous, for she wasn’t summoned to the Map Room, where the majority of royal business was handled. No, Abigail was summoned to the Throne Room proper, a room most ponies didn’t even know existed. This was where the most serious of business was conducted. Royal decrees, sentencing of national criminals, and, if things ever got really bad, declarations of war. Although rumor has it that this was also where Princess Twilight selected and initiated her personal students, like Starlight Glimmer. Abigail didn’t think any of those things could apply to her. How could they? She was just a small unicorn filly, her magic as perfectly average as her intellect. She was no prodigy, nor was she a criminal deserving of banishment. So what did the princess want with her?

Abigail didn’t have to wonder for much longer, for she soon came across the big, tall, imposing crystal doors that led to the throne of Princess Twilight Sparkle. Abigail’s instructions made it clear that she shouldn’t dawdle, but she couldn’t help but hesitate as her hoof approached the door. Whatever happened on the other side, Abigail was certain that it would change her life forever.

“Anxiety is to be expected, but try not to keep me waiting much longer.”

Abigail’s blood froze in her veins. She looked around, trying to find the source of the voice, but Twilight was nowhere to be seen. Abigail couldn’t imagine the magic of the castle that allowed Twilight to know she was there, but it frightened her. Could the princess see everypony in the castle? If that was the case, then perhaps she could see all of Ponyville. She might have seen the time Abigail had stolen a cookie before supper. Abigail wasn’t sure if that was a crime deserving of banishment, but anything was possible at this point.

Abigail nervously pushed open the doors and made her way down the long chamber, her eyes locked on the throne before her. Princess Twilight looked quite at home on her throne, the walls on either side painted with beautiful, intricate murals depicting the princess and her friends on their various adventures. Each scene showed the princess standing tall over her past adversaries, the beautiful alicorn all but radiating beauty, grace, and power off of the paint on the walls. Abigail broke her gaze on the princess, taking a minute to admire the intricate detail of the murals.

“What do you think?” Abigail suddenly snapped to attention, realizing that she had managed to find herself just at the princess’ hooves. “Very nice paintings, don’t you agree?”

“Y-yes, your majesty,” said Abigail nervously, bowing deeply to the princess. “They’re very pretty.”

“Not as pretty as you, my dear,” said Twilight, smiling down at the filly. Abigail could feel Twilight’s eyes scanning her, as if she was appraising a fine piece of art. Abigail blushed brighter the longer Twilight stared, until her powder blue body was almost glowing red from embarrassment.

“T-thank you, Princess,” stammered Abigail. She said nothing for a bit, waiting for Twilight to continue. Instead, the princess just kept looking Abigail up and down, her small smirk becoming more of a grin with each passing second. “Er… May I ask why you’ve called me here, your highness?”

“Yes, of course. How old are you, Abigail?” The filly felt a chill at hearing her own name come from Princess Twilight’s mouth, but she tried not to let on how much it threw her off.

“Six y-years old, princess. My birthday was just last Tuesday.” Twilight giggled slightly, which made Abigail a tiny bit nervous. The princess stood up from her throne, licking her lips while she did so.

“Six years old. That’s a good age. I was only six when Celestia selected me to be her student,” said Twilight. Each step she took towards Abigail made the filly feel smaller, more insignificant. “So I’ve decided to select a six-year-old of my own.”

“Oh, princess, I’m sorry, but I’m no magic student. I’m just a little filly. I don’t even have my Cutie Mark yet…”

“Abby, Abby, Abby. You misunderstand. I’m not recruiting you to be my magic student.” Twilight grinned wider than she had so far. “I’m adopting you.”

Abigail’s eyes went wide. Her heart pounded like a drum in her chest, her little mind struggling to put everything together. It was too good to be true. Obviously, Abigail dreamed of being adopted some day, but she never even imagined that she’d be chosen by a princess, of all ponies. She felt her eyes well up with tears, joyful tears that soon broke free and ran down her cheeks.

“R-really?” Abigail stammered, unable to believe it. “You w-wanna adopt me?”

“Yes, Abby. I want to adopt you.” Twilight wiped the tears from Abigail’s face with her wing, as if to remind the filly that she had just been adopted by an alicorn. Royalty. A goddess. “Not only do I want to adopt you, but I already have. I’ve handled all of the paperwork already. Starting today, you live here with me.”

“T-thank you! Thank you so much, princess!” Abigail didn’t know what to do. She bowed again, deeper than before, her joyous tears dripping from her face and hitting the cold, crystal floor with a faint pitter-patter. “I… I don’t know what to say! C-can I call you Mother?”

“Oh, no, not mother, please,” chuckled Twilight. "I think ‘Mistress Twilight’ has a much better ring.”


Before Abigail could ask any further questions, there was a flash of purple light, then a tugging at her head and a sudden tightness around her neck. Abigail looked up, gazing into a mirror that Twilight had conjured in front of her. Abigail’s white mane had fixed itself into cute little pigtails, and suddenly had faint purple streaks going through it. Around her neck was a black leather dog collar, with the six-pointed star of Twilight’s Cutie Mark dangling from the center on a little steel loop. Abigail tilted her head in sheer confusion, looking over to her new “mother” for some sort of explanation. What she saw was intensely disturbing.

Twilight was smiling manically, licking her lips almost compulsively. There was a hunger in her eyes, staring at Abigail like a predator would a fresh slab of meat. She let out a small giggle, spreading her legs slightly so that Abigail could better see the thick, meaty, drooling purple cock she now sported.

“I’m not adopting you as a daughter, Abby,” said Twilight with a smirk. “I’m adopting you as a pet! How does that sound?”

“P-pet? Princess, I’m not a pet,” said Abigail. “I’m a pony, not a dog.”

“Aww, Abby. I’m sorry to break it to you, but that’s the wrong answer.” Twilight lit up her horn, then fired a thin beam of light at Abigail, sending a wave of pain rushing through the filly’s little body. She squealed as electric agony coursed through her, locking up her legs and dropping her to the ground a writhing, trembling pile of agony. It felt like her body was on fire, her blood boiling in her veins.

“Since I have you like this, let’s talk about rules,” said Twilight, her voice raised slightly to be heard over Abigail’s screams. “Rule 1: I am your owner, your master, and your god. You will refer to me as such, and you will obey me absolutely and without hesitation. Rule 2: you are less than a pony. You are whatever I say you are, and I say you are my property. Is that understood, Abby?”

“Y-yes!” gasped Abigail. The pain was melting her mind, making it impossible for her to even consider disagreeing. “I’m sorry!”

“Good. You should be.” The light of Twilight’s horn faded and, just as quickly as it started, the pain was gone. Abigail lay on her side, gasping for breath and trembling as she recovered from the sudden torture. She broke down and cried, though her tears were anything but joyous in this case. “Stand up, Abby.” Abigail struggled to do as she was told, but her fear of what Twilight would do to her overwrote her exhaustion and agony. “Good girl. Now turn around.”

Abigail nervously turned around, her legs still shaking from the pain. Her entire life was being thrown onto its head. She had no clue what to make of it. Why was Twilight doing this? Did Abigail do something to deserve this? She couldn’t even think straight at the moment.

“Rule 3: when your mistress goes past, your tail goes up,” said Twilight. “Understood, Abby?”

“Y-yes…” said Abigail. Twilight frowned, then fired another beam of magic at Abigail; the beam connected, ripping another agonized screech from the filly.

“Your tail isn’t up. This is very simple, Abby.” Twilight rolled her eyes in disappointment as the filly buckled yet again. Without stopping her torture beam, Twilight yanked Abigail back to her hooves with a deft tug of her telekinetic magic and forced her to remain upright. Even just the feeling of standing upright was torture, the sensation of the ground against her hooves agony. Her legs felt like they were breaking under her own meager weight. “You disobey, you get punished.”

“Please! Please make it stop!” Abigail was going to die. She just knew it. This would be the end of her. She was going to be killed by one of the most beloved figures in all of Equestria, and she didn’t even know why.

“I’ll stop when you raise that tail. And that’s assuming I don’t decide to punish you further for your tone,” said Twilight. “You don’t make requests of me. You do as you’re told. Flag for your mistress.”

Abigail didn’t have much choice. Even though it was embarrassing, and even though it hurt more than anything she ever experienced before, Abigail slowly worked her dock up to flag her tail up. Twilight smirked at the underaged filly’s pussy, admiring it for a bit before ending her spell. She still held Abigail upright, even as she rubbed the filly’s lower lips with her hoof.

“How does that feel, sweetie?” asked Twilight with an evil smirk.

“It… It feels good, Mistress,” wheezed Abigail, trying to suppress a wince of pain. This was a blatant lie, one that Twilight saw through easily. Even though she was no longer actively torturing the filly, the residual magic was sure to leave her feeling sore, make every gentle touch feel like agony.

“Good. You’re going to be feeling this a lot, and it’s good that you enjoy it.” Twilight kept rubbing her new pet’s tiny, tender, aching cunt, taking great pleasure in the visible discomfort the filly was in.

“W-why…?” sobbed Abigail. “Why me?”

“Because you’re a pointless, useless waste of space. Your own parents didn’t even want you. That’s why they left you in an orphanage, for any old foalophile to adopt. You’re worthless. Not even the ponies who brought you into this world wanted you. Nopony would want you except for me.”

Now it was Twilight’s turn to lie. She knew that Abigail’s parents didn’t willingly give their child up, rather, they tragically lost their lives in a house fire with Abigail herself, miraculously, emerging unscathed. But Abigail didn’t know that. She had no idea who her parents were, but she couldn’t imagine why Twilight would lie to her. Her tears renewed themselves, this time from pain as emotional as well as physical.

“Oh, don’t cry, Abby. It’s okay!” said Twilight. She finally stopped molesting the poor filly, instead wrapping her wing around her in a warm embrace. “You don’t need them. You don’t need anypony but me. I’ll take good care of you.”

Abigail heavily doubted that. If this meeting was anything to go by, Twilight would be taking very poor care of her. But, at that moment, Abigail didn’t care. She was in too much pain. She didn’t want to think about anything. She just wanted to lay down and cry.

“Now, the next few weeks… They’re going to be hard.” Twilight continued her motherly tone, her wholesome aura betrayed by the twitching of her cock and the way she occasionally licked the tears from Abigail’s face. “We’re going to have to break you in. Get you ready for your new life. But I promise you, it will get much better. Are you ready, Abby? Are you ready to start your new life?”

The truth was, no. Abigail was in no way prepared for any of this. Even if she meant what she said, she couldn’t possible be ready. She had no idea what Twilight had in store for her, couldn’t even guess it in her wildest dreams. But, as far as she knew, Twilight was right. Nopony wanted her. Nopony loved her. Nopony but her Mistress.

“Yes, Mistress,” sobbed Abigail. “I’m r-ready.”

“Good, good,” said Twilight, all but quivering in anticipation. “Let’s get you a room.”

One Month Later…

Abigail lay on her side, her stomach letting out a pang from hunger. She couldn’t recall the last time she’d eaten. The days blended together when she had no view of the outside world. Since she was taken in by her Mistress, Abigail had been contained to her small room in the basement. The walls were concrete, with no windows or even a door. Twilight used her magic to create an entryway that she always removed upon her exit.

Almost as bad as her hunger was the silence. The dark. The isolation. Abigail was all alone in the world. The silence was maddening. All Abigail wanted was somepony to talk to, somepony to acknowledge her existence. She craved a friend almost as much as she craved food. Abigail had no concept of time, no idea how long it’d been since she last saw the light of the sun, or if she’d ever see it again. The poor filly had long since run out of tears. The inability to cry, to properly feel sorrow for her current predicament, left Abigail feeling much like her little cell: cold, dark, and empty.

Abigail perked up slightly as she heard the familiar tinkling of magic on the other side of the wall. The concrete melted away into an archway just barely large enough to allow Twilight and the tray she was carrying to enter. As soon as Twilight entered, Abigail slowly, shakily, pushed herself upright and turned, flagging her tail upright. She could only hope that she was continuing to please her mistress. Last time she had taken too long to raise her tail and assume the position, Twilight had doubled the time between feedings, and Abigail wasn’t sure if she could take that now.

“Good girl.” Abigail relaxed slightly. Whenever Twilight called her that, it meant she was in a good mood. That normally boded well for Abigail. “How are you today, Abby?”

“H-hungry, Mistress,” said Abigail. Her stomach let out an audible, bestial growl to prove her point. “P-please, Mistress… I’m so hungry…”

“Well, today’s your lucky day, pet. I brought you your favorite!” said Twilight. There was a clattering behind Abigail, which said to her that Twilight dropped the tray to the ground. Even still, she didn’t move, not until she felt Twilight’s tongue slide up her pussy. That was normally when she was allowed to lower her tail and turn to lay eyes on her new owner and, more importantly, her meal.

A tray of bread and cheese, simple enough. This was about the same as Twilight normally provided her. The trouble was, it was currently sitting in a pool of thick, sticky cum. This was, unfortunately, fairly common as well. Abigail normally had to pick out bits of food that managed to stay clean, though this was sometimes nearly impossible. No matter how careful she was, she always managed to get a bit in her mouth, which was just awful. It was never enough to amount to much more than a snack, and that wasn’t even mentioning what she was given to drink. Twilight was kind enough to at least supply the filly with water, though it was humiliatingly served in a scarlet doggy bowl, and it was undoubtedly spiked with the precum that dripped from Twilight’s eager cock on the way to Abigail’s room.

“Thank you, Mistress,” said Abigail quietly. She closed her eyes and pressed her hooves together in preparation to say grace as she had been taught. “Mistress is good, Mistress is great. Let me thank her for our food. By her hoof, I am fed. Thank you for our daily bread. Amen.”

“Good girl. You remembered to pray to me,” said Twilight with a smirk. She watched as Abigail sadly levitated a hunk of bread from the plate, using her weak, unstable magic to attempt to pick apart the bits that were too well soaked with cum. “And your levitation is quite good, considering your age and health. Have you been practicing?”

“Yes, Mistress. I used my magic to play with my friend Rudi the Rat.” Abigail’s voice was low and sad, as if she might begin crying soon. She looked over to the corner, where a small mass sat in the shadows, unmoving. “He’s dead now…”

“Aww, you poor thing. You seem lonely.” Twilight sat down in front of Abigail, casually using her magic to stroke her cock as she watched the filly eat. She did this often, and the wet schlick of her maremeat never failed to make Abigail uncomfortable. “You sound like you could use some friends. Would you like to leave this room, Abby? Go outside? My best friend is a dragon, he’s about your age. Well, sort of. Dragons age a bit odd, truthfully, but I’m sure you two would make very good friends.”

“I… I would like to meet him, Mistress,” said Abigail.

“What about something else to eat? I was thinking of ordering a pizza, how does that sound to you? I like mine with extra cheese.” Twilight could tell that Abigail was in torment, just thinking about something as nice as a slice of pizza. “Would you like that, Abby?”

“Yes, Mistress. I’d like that a lot. Please. I can’t eat this food, Mistress Twilight.” Abigail dropped her hunk of bread back to the plate of cum, shuddering in disgust. “It tastes bad, and it makes my tummy feel funny.”

“Hm… I suppose I could let you out of here, if you’re a good filly.” Twilight tapped her chin in thought. “Are you a good filly, Abby?”

“Yes! I am a good filly! I do what you tell me all the time.” Abigail wasn’t sure if Twilight was even really considering letting her go, but it was worth a shot. Anything was better than sitting in a dark, quiet box, all alone save for a dead rat. “I always raise my tail when you come in, and I pray to you before every meal and before I go to bed every night. I even pray to you when I wake up!”

“That does sound like a good filly,” mused Twilight. “But… A good filly doesn’t let food go to waste. I’ve been gracious enough to give you this wonderful meal. I even made sure to give you some of your Mistress’ special sauce, and you don’t even taste it! Sounds like an ungrateful filly to me.”

“N-no. Please. I can’t, Mistress, it makes me feel sick. Please don’t make me,” begged Abigail. She inched a bit closer to Twilight, and the predatory grin she got made her regret this choice. “I’ll do anything, just please don’t make me eat this anymore.”

“Hm… I don’t know, Abby. I don’t know if you’re truly appreciative of the meals I prepare for you. If you could somehow prove that you appreciate the effort I put into making your food, then I suppose I can take you out of here. How does that sound?”

“Yes, Mistress. I’ll prove it.” Abigail didn’t speak with any enthusiasm, and her actions reflected this. She slipped over to her tray and brought her face down to her “meal”. The smell of Twilight’s seed made just this simple task difficult, and the next step was a thousand times more difficult. She meekly stuck out her tongue, and, after a moment of mental preparation, started lapping up the cum from the plate. Just as she feared, the thick, slimy liquid was as repulsive, the taste not helped by the cool temperature of it.

“Hm… Good filly,” said Twilight. “But that’s not quite what I meant.”

Abigail felt Twilight’s magic surround her body, lifting her up into the air. Abigail stood still as Twilight brought her closer to her, eventually setting her down on the floor before her. Abigail shrunk down slightly, her form almost dwarfed by the size and heft of Twilight’s cock.


“You already let that get cold, so now I’m going to give you a fresh serving,” said Twilight. She released the magic that was holding her dick up, letting its weight carry it down to slap Abigail in the face. “Straight from the tap. Go on, now. You want to prove that you’re a good girl? Here’s your chance.”

“I… I don’t understand,” said Abigail. She tried to use her magic to move Twilight’s cock from her face, but she couldn’t even lift it with her magic as weak and frail as it was. “What do I…”

“Oh, you cute little thing. Never seen a cock up close before, have you?” snickered Twilight. She grabbed her length in her hoof and poked Abigail’s nose with the tip of her cock. “Boop. Now open your mouth, Abby.” Abigail was, understandably, nervous, and a bit reluctant to do as she was told. She opened her mouth meekly, which wasn’t quite enough for Twilight. She pinched Abigail’s nose with her magic, then firmly yanked up, pulling her mouth open as wide as it would go.

Twilight slowly eased her cock into Abigail’s mouth, moving slowly to avoid hurting the filly. It was, in the simplest terms, too big. Twilight’s girth squeezed past Abigail’s lips, filling the filly’s mouth with the intense, powerful taste of cock. It was too much for the filly to take at first, her mind overloaded by just how strong Twilight’s flesh tasted.

“Mmmm, perfect,” said Twilight. She relished the fear and confusion in Abigail’s eyes, the struggle and panic as the filly tried to close her mouth to no avail. Twilight was certain that, if she was even a centimeter thicker, she’d pop the poor girl’s jaw right out of place. If she wasn’t careful, she’d break her new toy before the fun could properly begin.

Twilight hit the back of Abigail’s throat sooner than she would have liked, and it took all of her willpower to refrain from thrusting her fat cock down the filly’s throat in one go. Instead, she slowly retreated from Abigail’s mouth, noting that she hadn’t even gotten in halfway yet. Twilight grinned at this realization, mentally marking that as her goal for the session.

Abigail, being the 6-year-old she was, had no idea what she was doing, so she just sat there and let Twilight do what she wanted. Twilight carefully pumped her hips, sliding her cock back into Abigail’s mouth, a bit deeper this time. Abigail coughed and sputtered a bit, her body convulsing around Twilight’s and sending arcs of pleasure through the alicorn.

“Come on, Abby. Put some effort into it,” said Twilight. “Suck on it, like it’s a popsicle. It’s not that hard. Work that tongue around!”

Considering the sheer size of Twilight’s dick, it was miraculous that Abigail could even feel her tongue, nevermind move it. Even still, she tried her hardest to swirl her tongue around Twilight’s length. She slurped sloppily, drool dripping from the corners of her mouth. Abigail squeezed her eyes shut, trying her hardest to get through this. It was a messy endeavor, one that Abigail abhorred with every fiber of her being. She just wanted it to end. She could feel her stomach turn as Twilight pumped her mouth full of dick, drooling precum into the filly’s waiting belly.

“That’s more like it, sweetie,” hummed Twilight. “Come on, you’re almost done. Just a little bit longer and we can go upstairs. Maybe even go outside, have some fun in the park. And all you have to do is finish up your meal.”

Abigail didn’t like the way Twilight spoke to her. Her voice sort of slithered up her spine, making her skin tingle. Abigail opened her eyes and locked gazes with her owner, the hunger and desire in the alicorn’s eyes making the filly tremble in fear. Abigail began to cry yet again, not for the last time. The filly wasn’t entirely sure what was happening, but she knew one thing for sure, just from the devious, evil look in the princess’ eyes.

Twilight Sparkle was an absolute monster.

Twilight placed her hoof on the back of Abigail’s head, bringing the filly in even closer. Twilight groaned as she slid her medial ring past the filly’s lips, pushing the tip of her cock into Abigail’s tight, wet, unwilling throat, finally choking the filly. The princess let out a groan, her cock swelling in Abigail’s throat. Thick ropes of hot cum shot down Abigail’s throat, filling her belly with her Mistress’ “special sauce”. Twilight pulled her cock back, depositing a fat gob of salty, bitter cum directly onto Abigail’s tongue, then pulled herself completely free. She still had a bit more to go, and she used her magic to stroke her dick and deposit the last few ropes of her cum onto Abigail’s face. The filly recoiled in disgust, the hot, thick, sticky goo dripping from her brow down her face and threatening to glomp down into her eyes. She let her mouth hang open a bit, no doubt to get rid of the seed Twilight placed there, only for her muzzle to be grabbed in Twilight’s magical aura and clamped shut.

“If you let a single drop out of that mouth, I swear to you, you’ll never leave this room,” said Twilight. Abigail froze in fear, Twilight’s sudden aggression terrifying. There was a fire in the princess’ eyes that she didn’t have before, a seriousness that showed that she meant business. “Don’t swallow it. Don’t spit it out. Hold it in your mouth. Swish it around. I want the taste of my cum to be burned into your brain. This is what you live for now. All you should care about is that taste. Understood?”

“Y-yesh, Mishtresh…” said Abigail, slowly to avoid letting the cum in her mouth drip from her mouth when she spoke.

“Good girl. I’ll be back in a few. Not a drop is to leave that mouth. I’ll know if you spat or swallowed even a little bit. And, if you do, you’ll never see the outside again,” said Twilight. Abigail nodded, her tears running a path down her grimy, dirty, cum-stained cheeks. “I just gave you a full belly of the only thing you need to care about. What do you say, Abby?”

“T-thank you, Mishtresh…” said Abigail. Twilight grinned, using her magic to gently pat her pet on the head.

“Good girl. Now just be patient. I’ll be back soon. Keep that cum in your mouth, sweetie. See you soon.”

Twilight kissed Abigail on the cheek before using her magic to create an exit in the wall. She winked at the crying, cum-covered filly before trotting out of the room, leaving Abigail a trembling, terrified mess.

One Year Later

“Abby! Abby, come here, girl!”

“Yes, Mistress!” Abigail shut her spellbook and stood up, carrying it with the twinkling blue aura of her levitation spell. The heavy steel chains around her hooves clanked as she moved, announcing her movement to all in the castle. She left her little doggy bed next to Twilight’s own beautiful four-poster bed and made her way to the throne room. She wished Twilight would let her sleep in the bed with her, but she was insistent; a pet like Abigail didn’t belong in their master’s bed.

Abigail still couldn’t believe her life had gone the way it had. First a lonely orphan, then an unwilling captive, and now… Now, Abigail was pretty happy with things. Twilight could be a kind mistress when she wanted to be. Sure, she made Abigail wear chains and a collar, and she made her sleep in a dog bed, and she still molested the filly quite often. Abigail’s new life was one of humiliation, servitude, and abuse.

But it was also a life of love, of companionship, of knowledge. Even though Twilight had assured Abigail that her purpose in life was to please her Mistress and nothing more, the princess had noticed the filly’s potential for greatness in the field of magic. So, over the course of the last year, Twilight had been grooming Abigail into both a proper pet and a competent mage.

Abigail loved magic. It was difficult, and her mistress sometimes punished her if she didn’t solve a problem quickly enough (on really bad occasions, even using the Bad Filly spell), but the payoff was more than worth it. Few things filled her with a greater sense of accomplishment than when she finally cast a complicated spell. Abigail lived for those moments, when all of her studying and casting and recasting finally came to a head. The pride she felt when her mistress petted her, called her a good girl for her tricks, was euphoric.

Abigail trotted throughout the castle, her chains clanking loudly as she made her way to the throne room. She hoped her Mistress wasn’t too busy today. It had been some time since their last magic session together. Abby knew that Twilight was a very busy, powerful, and important mare, but she selfishly wished that Twilight had fewer responsibilities so she was more available to play.

“Mistress Twilight, I’m here!” said Abigail as she entered the throne room. Twilight sat on her crystal throne, looking over a length of parchment and using her magic to stroke her cock. Abigail moved forward unperturbed, stopping at her Mistress’ hooves and turning to flag her tail straight up. Twilight glanced up from her work, licking her lips at the sight of her filly’s plot.

“Good girl. Come here, honey. Sit on your Mistress’ lap,” said Twilight. Abigail happily bounded forward and clambered up onto Twilight’s lap, straddling the princess’ cock. As Abigail got older, she became more and more accustomed to the feeling of Twilight’s cock against her underaged pussy and, while it was still a bit jarring when Twilight decided to randomly get a taste of Abby’s foal bits, the filly was starting to get used to that as well, perhaps even enjoy it.

“Are you busy, Mistress Twilight?” asked Abigail. “I wanted to show you my progress on the transmogrification spell I’ve been learning.”

“In a bit. Right now, I’m looking over a spell of my own,” said Twilight. She idly used her magic to tease Abigail’s clit, causing the filly to uncomfortably fidget and grind her pussy against Twilight’s thick, hard cock. “How does that feel, Abby?”

“It feels good, Mistress!” This wasn’t as much of a lie as it used to be. While Abigail was still too young and underdeveloped to properly react to this level of stimulation, it didn’t hurt as much as it once did. Twilight still hadn’t penetrated her with her cock, instead opting to use just her tongue and occasionally her hoof, so the filly was slowly being prepared for her more intense activities.

“That’s good, girl. Have you read the chapters I told you to?”

“Yes, Mistress. Those spells are too easy,” said Abigail. The spells in question were simple alteration charms, the sort of spell that older mares sometimes used to get rid of the grey in their manes. Abigail had learned them all easily, and now hungered for more. “I can turn things all sorts of colors now!”

“Good girl.” Twilight petted Abby, feeling the filly practically glow with pride. “You remind me a bit of me when I was your age.”

“Thank you, Mistress! I wanna be just like you when I grow up!”

“Oh? Is that so?” Abby was so excited that she didn’t notice just how the aura of the situation had changed. Twilight’s tone had shifted ever so slightly, her smile dropping a bit. “What do you mean by that, Abigail?”

“Well, you’re so smart, and powerful, and pretty!” Abby continued on unperturbed, oblivious to the shifting mood of her Mistress. “I want to be like that.”

“Heh. And you think you can manage that, huh?” asked Twilight with a dark chuckle.

“Well, I am your daughter after all,” said Abby, looking back to grin at her Mistress. Twilight matched her grin, charging up her horn with magic. “I can do anything if I put my mind to it. Right, mamma?”

Abby let out a twisting, bone-chilling screech as her every molecule screamed in anguish. Twilight shoved the filly to the ground, smashing her face against the hard, crystal floor. Abby chipped a tooth on impact, and blood soon filled her mouth, but that pain was just a drop in the ocean of agony that she felt from Twilight’s spell. The air in her lungs felt like fire, every shallow breath setting her entire chest alight with pure, unadulterated pain. Twilight stood up from her throne, increasing the intensity of her spell as she neared her pet.

Bad filly,” snarled Twilight. “Let me make something perfectly clear. You are not my daughter. You’re a pet I picked out to serve and pleasure me. I taught you magic because it entertained me to do so. Not because it’s your right to learn magic. You’ll learn the spells I want you to learn, when I want you to learn them. Understood?”

“Yes! Yes, Mistress!” cried Abby. Twilight canceled her spell, but that didn’t stop the pain that was racking Abigail’s little body. The princess looked down at her toy, crying in anguish, with a sneer of disdain. The poor girl was in agony, in too much pain to properly think. She had clearly learned her lesson.

Yet Twilight punished her further by delivering swift, harsh kicks to the fallen filly. The Bad Filly spell enhanced and magnified pain, so even the lightest touch hurt like some of the worst pain imaginable. Twilight grabbed Abby in her magic and raised her to stand on her hind legs. Twilight kicked the filly between the legs, sending railroad spikes of pain up her cunt and through her core. The pain was too much for Abby. It felt like she was being folded in a hydraulic press, her stomach turning itself inside out until she couldn’t hold it back any longer; She heaved, her stomach constricting and forcing a torrent of sick and bile out of her throat. Twilight had to take a step back to avoid dirtying her hooves.

“You complete and utter waste of fucking space.” Twilight released her grip on Abby, dropping the filly into her own vomit. The smell, the sensation, it was so horrific that it earned a second wave of puke from Abby, who continued heaving onto the ground. “Making a mess in my home…”

“M-mistress…” coughed Abby. “Please… I’m sorry…”

“Clean it up, since you’re so damn sorry,” said Twilight. Abby nodded, and lit up her horn in an attempt to teleport her mess elsewhere. Twilight quickly intercepted, grabbing Abby’s head in her magic and slamming it against the ground. “No magic. You don’t deserve magic, you worthless filly.”

Abby looked up to her Mistress with pleading in her eyes, and she received nothing but the most genuine of disdain. That glare from Twilight, that disgusted, irate, despising gaze, it slashed at Abby’s very being. With a heavy heart, Abigail stuck out her tongue and slowly began lapping at her own sick. It was horrific, but she knew that it’s what she deserved for disrespecting her Mistress. She hated the act, but hated herself even more.

“Shameful. You call yourself a pony, you call yourself my daughter! And yet, here you are, licking up your own vomit like a dog,” spat Twilight. She watched Abby’s attempts to clean up her mess for a moment before intervening, grabbing the filly around the throat in her magic. “I think you need to be broken in a bit more.”

“No!” Abby’s eyes went wide, her body quaking in fear. “Please! Please, Mistress, don’t send me back there! I’m sorry, Mistress, I’m so sorry!”

“No. You’re not sorry. Not yet.”

Abby felt Twilight’s magic teleport her away, and she felt herself hit the ground, but, strangely, she couldn’t see. A length of black cloth was tied around her eyes, blinding her from the already pitch-black of the room. She was teleported the way she was laying before, prone on her belly, but a few tugs of magic quickly yanked her upright. Her legs were spread wide, with steel spreader bars manifesting from nowhere to keep her legs apart. A steel ring clamped itself around Abby’s horn, the metal painfully constricting around the sensitive nub of a unicorn’s horn. A magic suppression ring, by Abby’s best guess. Finally, a short length of chain appeared, latching onto her collar with one end and a steel loop in the wall with the other.

“Mistress? Mistress!” Abby screamed for her mistress, her pleas heard only by herself. Panic clawed at her chest. Not here. Not again. She had barely made it out the first time, and that was before she had offended her mistress. There was no telling how long she’d be stuck here for now, and it was already driving her mad. “Mistress! Please! I’m sorry! Please, please, please let me go! Mistress!”

Abigail screamed and screamed, then screamed some more, to no effect. Twilight didn’t teleport in to accept her apology. No one was there to save Abigail, to return her to her mistress. Abby was all alone in the dark, with nothing to do but scream for help that would never arrive.

Four Months Later

“Please, Mistress Twilight, please save me.”

Nothing. Not a peep. Not a tinkle of magic, not the sound of hoof on the ground. Abigail couldn’t even hear her own words. At some point, she was sure she must have gone deaf. She knew that it was her own fault. She deserved this for her disrespect, all of this and even more.

“I’m sorry, Mistress. Please forgive me.”

Her stomach clawed at itself, begging for food, but Abigail ignored it. She refused to dip her head down to even check for food. As far as Abigail was concerned, she didn’t deserve to eat. Maybe if she punished herself more, her Mistress would return for her.

“I love you, Mistress Twilight.”

Abigail was all alone. Abandoned by her goddess, and she had nopony to blame but herself. She had done this to herself. Abigail didn’t deserve Twilight’s mercy or forgiveness. She deserved only scorn and punishment for her transgressions. Abby only wished that her Mistress would show herself to punish her properly.

The last four months were impossibly difficult for Abigail. She couldn’t see, couldn’t hear. Going blind and deaf was nothing compared to the loneliness. Abby wished for company, for her Mistress to touch her in any way. Even knowing when Twilight was around would be enough, but Abby had no clue when her Mistress showed up, if she did at all. For all Abigail knew, Twilight was simply teleporting food and water through the wall, using her superior alicorn magic to keep Abby alive and clean. Such a kind, merciful Mistress. And Abby had squandered her favor by being greedy and disrespectful.

“What a sorry excuse for a pet…” sighed Abigail. “Worthless. Stupid. Good for nothing.”

The words cut through the silence, ringing suddenly in Abby’s ears. She froze, unsure of what to make of it. Could it be that her prayers were being answered? Abigail’s breathing picked up, fear and hope mingling into a pool of emotion that threatened to overwhelm the little filly.

“Mistress? Is that you?” Abby struggled in her bindings for the first time since her original imprisonment. “Please, Mistress Twilight, please let me redeem myself.”

Abigail collapsed suddenly, her chains and restraints vanishing in a flash of magic. She could see again, the blindfold disappearing as well. There was a note laying before Abigail, illuminated by the faint orange light of a dying torch on the wall. Abigail scurried to the note, grabbing it up as if it was the key to her salvation.

“Your magic has made you arrogant and disobedient.” Every word that Abby read was painful, Twilight’s disappointment and distaste slashing at Abigail’s very heart. “You claim to be a good pet. You claim to want to please me. Yet, still, you disrespect and insult me by implying that you could ever be my equal when your place is beneath my hooves as my servant. I hear your screams, your pleas for forgiveness, but it is not enough that you just say that you say it. You must prove your desire to be forgiven.”

Abigail felt her heart drop as she read the final line of the note. The words were simple, but almost impossible to comprehend just what it is that Twilight was asking of her.

“Your magic breeds arrogance. If you truly hope to be forgiven, then you must give up the one thing you love more than me.”

Abigail sat in shock for a moment, staring at the note as if expecting its words to change. She knew what Twilight wanted her to do. She knew that it was the only way to escape this small, dark box, but she still hesitated. It wasn’t just the pain that caused Abby to stall, though that wasn’t something she was looking forward to. Twilight was asking Abby to surrender a large portion of what made her who she was. Abigail wasn’t sure if she was ready to give that up just yet. But she had to. That was her only option. Twilight would never forgive her otherwise. Abby couldn’t stay in this dungeon anymore. She’d go mad.

Assuming she hadn’t already.

Abby stood up slowly, trying to get herself into the required headspace. This was insane. She couldn’t possibly do it. Yet she already committed to the deed. If this is what it took to curry favor with her Mistress, then she had no choice. She stared at the wall just ahead, taking in deep, shaky breaths. Abby tilted her head down, pointing her horn straight forward. Then, with tears welling in her eyes, she ran as fast as she could manage.

The impact knocked Abigail silly, the pain causing her head to swim before she fell back onto her side. Her horn hurt the worst, the sensitive nub aching from the contact with the wall. Abigail shook her head and stood up again. Dawdling would only make things worse, so she hurried to action, taking another run at the wall. She smashed into the cold concrete wall, again and again. Standing became more and more difficult after each run, but Abby kept at it. Her eyes crossed slightly as she stood up, barely able to stand up straight. Her vision blurred, and she was certain that she could seriously hurt herself. Abigail didn’t care. If she couldn’t even break off her own horn properly to please her Mistress, she didn’t deserve to live. She shook off the cobwebs, then ran one last time, faster than ever before. She focused all of her anger, took all of her self-loathing and regret, and used it to push herself harder, faster, and, before she knew it…


Abby screamed as she felt her horn crack. The bone jutted inwardly from the impact, jamming the nub into her skull and creating a large, winding crack that snaked its way up the length of her horn. She trembled as tears ran down her cheeks and blood down her head, dripping from the crack in her skull. Abigail took in a deep breath, trying to acclimate to the pain. The easy part was over now. Now, she had to deal with something truly unpleasant.

“Okay, okay,” panted Abby. “One… Two… Three!”

Abigail thought she knew pain. She thought she understood agony from Twilight’s spells. But nothing Abigail had experienced could even compare to what she felt when she tried to force magic through her cracked, bound horn. It felt like her brain was struck by lightning, like every neuron was aflame. Abigail screamed her throat raw, her screeches swelling in time with her magic. In her weakened state, it took close to forty seconds to charge up enough magic. Forty seconds of constant, unsurmountable, inescapable agony. Forty seconds of laying on Death’s door, part of her mind begging for the Reaper’s embrace if for nothing else than to just escape the endless, unimaginable pain.

Abigail surged her magic outward, the directionless mass of pure energy manifesting itself in a formless wave of blue light. Her horn shattered into countless shards, sending fragments of bone clattering around the room. Abigail collapsed, twitching as her internal magic surged through her body and the ruined conduit that was her horn.

“P-p-please… Forgive me…” she breathed. “Forgive me, Mistress…”

From the corner of the room, Twilight grinned at Abby’s forlorn form. The filly had, understandably, passed out from all of the pain. The princess removed her invisibility charm and slowly levitated Abby from the ground, gently lowering her onto her back for transport. She was impressed with Abby’s dedication. Cracking the horn would’ve been enough to prevent herself from casting, but she went above and beyond by obliterating it entirely. Now, there was more horn jammed into Abby’s head than that stuck out. There was no fixing that. Now, she was without anything to distract Abby from her servitude. Now, she was broken, unable to cast, or even think properly due to the inevitable pain that would plague her for the rest of her life.

Now, Abigail was the perfect pet.

Three Years Later

“Abby! Come here, girl! It’s time!”

Abby hurried to her hooves, scampering out of bed and bounding out of her room. Her chains clanked as she hurried as quickly as she could to the beckon of her Mistress. Her head hurt a lot, but that was okay. Nothing she wasn’t used to. Besides, her pain didn’t matter. She was just a pet. What mattered was her Mistress.

Abby found her Mistress in the throne room, as usual. Twilight was waiting for her, standing before her throne with a devious grin and a raging hard-on between her legs. Abby bounded forward, skidding to a stop before her Mistress. She turned and bowed, raising her tail proudly.

“Abby is here, Mistress!” Abby panted, tired from running in her heavy chains. That was fine, though. It didn’t matter if Abby was exhausted or not. Her Mistress shouldn’t be left waiting. “What can Abby do for you, Mistress Twilight?”

“Do you know what today is, Abby?” asked Twilight.

“No, Mistress. Abby doesn’t remember.” Abby didn’t remember much of anything these days. Ever since her Breaking, as Twilight called it, Abby had felt her mind leave her bit by bit. She had already mostly forgotten how to read and write, but that was more than alright. Pets didn’t need to read. Pets just needed to serve.

“Oh, of course. Well, let me tell you, my dear. Today is your birthday.” Abby sprung up, clapping her hooves giddily and twirling around on the spot.

“Yay! Abby’s birthday!” The poor filly was so far removed from herself that she didn’t even know what exactly that meant for her. “How old is Abby today?”

“You are ten years old today, Abby,” said Twilight. She closed the distance between her pet and, just as she had been taught, Abby turned and flagged again to offer her foal bits to her Mistress. “Do you know what that means, Abby?”

“No, Mistress.” Abby prepared herself for the feeling of her Mistress’ divine tongue against her unworthy flesh, but it never came. Abby got frightened at that prospect. Even when her Mistress was upset with her for being such a useless, bumbling idiot, she never resisted the urge to molest her. Abby didn’t know what she could have done to displease her Mistress, but she was willing to do anything at all to rectify that.

“It means you’re finally old enough to earn your Cutie Mark. Amongst… Other things,” said Twilight. Abby perked up slightly, but remained in position. Abby had always wanted a Cutie Mark. Some time ago, she thought she might earn it in the field of magic, but now she knew better. Now, she knew better. She knew that she wasn’t meant for such things.

“A-abby can get Cutie Mark?” Abby’s fried, damaged brain struggled with the concept that she could be anything more than a servant to her goddess. “How…?”

Abby felt a large weight deposit itself onto her, almost causing her to collapse. Abby looked back, smiling widely when she realized that it was her Mistress mounting her. Twilight nibbled on Abby’s ear, sending chills throughout the filly’s body, subtle pleasure to cut through her constant agony. Twilight gripped her cock, too big for a mare twice Abby’s size, and pressed it against Abby’s virgin pussy. Just the feel of her Mistress’ thick cockhead pushing against the tight lips of Abby’s cunt sent a torrent of pain and pleasure through the filly’s body.

“Are you ready, Abby?” Twilight’s whisper made the hair on the back of Abby’s neck stand on end. “Are you ready for you to make you mine, inside and out?”

“Yes, Mistress! Abby is ready!” Abby nodded wildly, her little tongue hanging out of her mouth like a dog. “Abby is ready for you, Mistress!”

Twilight held Abby still, grabbing her flanks in her hooves and using them to pull the filly closer. Her cock slowly pushed into Abby’s pussy, her cockhead popping into her pussy after a hard thrust. Abby let out a squeal as Twilight took her virginity, the princess wasting no time in fucking her pet silly. Twilight thrust her hips savagely, her too-big cock ruining the filly’s tiny hole. Abby didn’t know what this was supposed to feel like, and the constant pain she felt on a daily basis numbed her brain to the concept of pleasure anyway, so she didn’t think it was strange that her Mistress’ cock in her pussy hurt so bad. She dripped from between her legs, slicking Twilight’s cock with both her blood and the fluids of her confused arousal.

“How does that feel, Abby?” huffed Twilight, bucking her hips savagely into the filly, slapping her hips against Abby’s tiny flank with enough force to hurt a full-grown mare, nevermind a child. Twilight knew that even if she was being slow and gentle, there was no way for Abby to feel any sort of genuine pleasure from the act, and that wasn’t even considering the agony that wracked her body from the damage to her horn.

“Feels good, Mistress!” This wasn’t altogether a lie. Abby, with her fried, mangled, tortured brain, didn’t really understand the difference between pain and pleasure. It all swirled together until she couldn’t understand feeling one without feeling the other. “Is Abby doing good, Mistress?”

“Oh, Abby, you’re doing fantastic!” Twilight punctuated her sentence with an especially deep, hard, unforgiving thrust. She could feel the tip of her cock slamming against Abby’s cervix, and, were it not for the spells she herself put on Abby’s insides, she’d be worried about hurting the poor girl. Luckily, she didn’t have to worry about such things, and so she picked up speed, ramming her cock deeper and deeper into Abby.

Twilight placed a hoof on Abby’s head and shoved her down, slamming her head against the cold crystal floor. Abby let out a moan from the impact, her mouth gaped and drooling onto the floor. Her face was screwed up in agony, her eyes crossing and her head swimming, yet still she moaned and begged for more.

“Fuck Abby harder, Mistress,” moaned Abby. “More! Harder! Please, Mistress!”

“Oh, Abby… You’re such a good pet,” said Twilight, picking up the pace. “Such a tight, brain-dead, painslut pet. You’re making your Mistress very happy, Abby.” Abby let out a shaky moan, and Twilight felt her pussy clench and tighten around her cock. “That’s adorable. You came, didn’t you?”

“Yess, Mistress! Abby came!” Abby wasn’t entirely sure if that’s what happened, having nothing to compare it to, but she didn’t much care at that moment. It felt good, cutting through the pain like a knife. More importantly, Mistress Twilight seemed to like it, so Abby tried to make it happen again. She lifted her head up and slammed it against the ground again, just as hard (if not harder) than how Twilight had done to her. While that didn’t make her cum, it did cause her entire body to tense up, making her foal pussy even tighter for Twilight.

“Oh, sweet fucking Celestia,” groaned Twilight. “Four years. Four years of patience, of slowly tearing your mind apart, and it was all worth it!”

“Abby! Loves! Mistress! Twilight!” Abby followed every word with a firm smash of her head against the floor, eventually breaking through the skin of her forehead and causing a thin trickle of blood down her face. Whatever remained of Abby’s brain bounced around her skull, knocking her silly so that she could barely feel anything from the neck down over the constant, numbing pain.

“Do you know what’s going to happen?” panted Twilight. She grabbed Abby by the pigtails with her magic, yanking on her hair. “Do you know what’s going to happen when I flood your foal hole with my cum?”

“No, Mistress! Abby’s too dumb.” As if to prove this fact, Abby let a large drop of drool from her mouth, falling down onto her chest. “Abby doesn’t know anything, Mistress!”

“You see, Abby, your Mistress is going to put a foal in your belly. You’re going to carry a filly!” Twilight tugged harder on Abby’s mane, noting that, despite her dumb, dazed grin, the filly had begun to cry from the pain. Or perhaps, somewhere in the ruins of her mind, she understood what that meant, both for her and her filly. “Would you like that, Abby? Would you like a filly in you?”

“Yes, Mistress.” Abby seemed a bit confused by her own words for a second, as if she couldn’t believe what she was agreeing to. She shook her head firmly, and, just like that, whatever new spark of life and sense in her head was gone. “Yes, Mistress! Put your fillies in Abby’s belly!”

Twilight let out a deep groan, hilting herself entirely in Abby as she came. Her cock swelled, stretching out the poor filly even more as thick rope after thick rope of cum filled her little womb. The hot, sticky liquid filled her, and Abby convulsed as another pained orgasm shook her tiny body. She collapsed, sliding off of Twilight’s cock with a lewd, wet pop!

Bright light surrounded Abby, consuming her in a blinding white glow. The light soon faded, leaving Abby where she lay, twitching from a mixture of pain and post-orgasmic bliss in a puddle of sticky cum. Nothing about her had changed, save for the image on her flanks; a six-point star, much like her Mistress’ (albeit noticeably smaller). What really set the two apart was that Abby’s star was made from the steel chains of her servitude. It was a horrible Cutie Mark, signifying a destiny that amounts to no more than enslavement, use, abuse, and rape. Now there was no escaping it. All Abby was was a pet, a foal factory to pump out children at Twilight’s behest. Children who would undoubtedly follow the same cycle of abuse, until they, like Abby, grew old enough to bear children themselves. Twilight had already taken Abby’s freedom. She had taken Abby’s magic. She took Abby’s passion. And now, with this wretched, deplorable Cutie Mark, Twilight had taken Abby’s future.

Abby looked at the mark that now stained her flank, the image that marked her as nothing more than a slave for a sick mare’s amusement, and grinned a wide, delirious grin. Finally, she had found her place. Finally, she knew her true purpose. She was a pet, a loyal servant to her Goddess, the mother of her child. Abby gave everything she had to her Mistress, and now she had nothing.

And Abigail couldn’t be happier.