Maileheri Mirwa ar Undómë-Aranelirya

by Melesse Lindenya

First published

Rarity and Twilight engage in Quenya BDSM play.

When Princess Twilight misses a lesson on Deertongue from her tutor, Lady Rarity of the Deerfolk finds a way to make up for lost time.

Contains: Quenya, mild D/s, Quenya, bondage, Quenya, impact play, Quenya, tease and denial, and also Quenya.

Puhtië Marta Mí Parmassë

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"Elen síla lúmenn’ omentielvo, Undómë-Aranel."

Twilight politely nodded at the purple-maned doe as she approached her and her guards. "Elen síla lúmenn’ omentielvo, Mírëheri Mirwa."

"How was your meeting with the Council today, Princess?" Mirwa asked, switching to Equuish.

"It went well," Twilight replied in the same language. "I can't thank you enough for the lessons in Aldalambë. Being able to understand your tongue has been a great boon to me."

"It was my pleasure, Princess." Mirwa bowed respectfully. "I daresay we shall soon have you speaking as well as Naira-Aranel and Rána-Aranel."

"Maybe one day," Twilight said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get some sleep. Should I come over to your workshop tomorrow for more lessons?"

"I shall await your arrival with bated breath. My copy of I Luhtaina Parmosambë stands ready for your perusal. Mára este, Undómë-Aranel."

"Harya mára lóme, Mírëheri Mirwa."

Mirwa walked past Twilight, and the pony princess let her eyes linger on the doe's delicate flanks and cute little tail for a few seconds before continuing on her way towards her bedroom. "Please ensure that I am not disturbed throughout the night," she commanded to her guards before stepping inside and leaving them at the door.

Once inside, she quickly divested herself of her regalia, letting out a sigh of relief as her crown, shoes, and peytral clattered to the floor. She floated them over towards the stand next to her bed and took a few minutes to freshen up.

Then, she closed her eyes and focused on the magic flowing through her soul, collecting it and pushing it into her horn. A complex spell formed at its tip, and as she wove in the final threads of arcane energy, she willed the world to bend to her desires.

There was a slight popping sound as her sight was consumed by light for a split second. When she could see again, she found herself standing in the center of a similar but smaller and much less ornate bedroom.

"Alatulya, aranelinya." Twilight turned around to see Mirwa standing next to her vanity, a sultry smile playing at her lips.

"Rarity!" Twilight strode forward and embraced the petite doe, letting her delicate scent fill her senses as she wrapped her hooves around her soft fur. "I've missed you so much today!"

"Lúmë anda avánië. Oh, how I've longed to hear you say my name in your tongue once again." Mirwa – Rarity – whispered into Twilight's mane as they hugged.

"Ugh, today's meeting took way too long." Twilight pouted as she pulled away from her lover. "Olórin-Aran and Princess Celestia spent the whole time talking about wood tariffs. We all knew how the negotiations would turn out, but they still spent hours negotiating. And all I could think about the whole time was how I was missing out on my time with you."

"I too have mourned the loss of our time together." Rarity raised a cloven hoof towards Twilight's face, gently stroking her cheeks. "It was as if Naira-Aranel herself had doused the sun when you were not here. But now we can have the night to ourselves, ece ment?"

"Yeah, I told my guards not to come into my room, so I won't need to go back until morning." Twilight leaned into Rarity's touch, losing herself in her gentle caress.

"Yé mána!" Rarity leaned in to press a fierce kiss against Twilight's lips. "Sina lómë nauva anda."

Twilight shivered at Rarity's words. "I wish I didn't have to leave next week."

"Horyatye horyië, aranelinya. You would not be the Princess I adored if you did not put your people before you. And I suppose I could find a reason to visit Canterlot soon. Áva soryat, envéluvanque wet."

"I'll save a room in the palace for you," Twilight promised. "Melinyet, Rarity."

"Melinyet yando, Twilight. And we still have the week to share in our love." Fire burned in her ice-blue eyes as Rarity walked towards her bed. "Á tule asenye. Á vestanquë húmie lúmi pá caima sinasse.

Twilight followed behind Rarity, her eyes drawn to the sway of the doe's flanks as she deliberately rocked them from side to side while walking.

"Á capet i caima, aranelinya." Twilight did as told, climbing up onto the soft velvet sheets covering the bed. She let out a soft yelp as Rarity patted her cutie mark with a hoof. "Man merit, nwalca hya milya?"

Twilight's cheeks reddened. "Nwalca," she whimpered as Rarity drew slow circles against her flank.

"Uin hlarë ta, aranelinya." Rarity pressed harder as she spoke, eliciting a small gasp from Twilight.

"Nwalca!" Twilight's face felt like a furnace as she shouted the word.

"Sië nauvas." Rarity gave her rump a gentle swat before walking away. "Nanwenuvan rato."

Twilight watched as her lover stepped into closet on the other side of her bedroom. She took the lull in the action as a chance to reflect on how lucky she was that she'd run into Mirwa on her first day visiting Aldandor, the nation of the deerkin.

The young craftsdoe had apparently found Equestria's newest princess adorably delightful, and after a number of "chance" encounters, had offered to tutor her in Aldalambë, the Deertongue, between bouts of relentlessly teasing her. They'd spent at least an hour each day since then, and some of it was even spent studying.

Twilight wasn't sure when exactly she'd fallen for Rarity (which was the nickname that Mirwa preferred Twilight use in private), but it was no surprise that she had. The Lady of Jewels had proven to be in possession of a rapier wit that paired well with her elegant beauty, in addition to a kind and generous heart that humbled Twilight. Despite being a princess, she felt honored that Rarity had chosen her to share her heart with her.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the reappearance of the love of her life. Twilight's jaw dropped as she watched her lithe form saunter towards Twilight, her slim legs wrapped in shiny black alufurië socks that rode up to her belly and contrasted nicely with her white coat. Hovering in the air around her were a series of whips, bindings, and other toys that made Twilight close her legs instinctively even as she felt herself moisten at the erotic sight.

"Ma nán írima?" Twilight could only nod dumbly in response to Rarity's question. "Very good answer, Twilight. Now then, since you missed out on our lessons today, shall we, how do you say, make up for lost time? You have been speaking far too much Equuish since you appeared in my bedroom. From now on, you shall only speak the Deertongue."

Rarity strode imperiously over to Twilight, a riding crop floating beside her. "If I hear a word of Equuish from you, I shall have to punish you. Do you understand, Twilight?" The crop gently pressed against her belly, a soft yet ominous caress eliciting a gasp from Twilight.

"I u-understand, m-ma'am." If she'd been in her right mind, she'd have remembered to give her response in Aldalambë, but the sight of Rarity in that delectable outfit and the silken touch of the crop had robbed her of much of her mental faculties, and she ended up replying in the language that Rarity had been using.

Rarity tsked, and a moment later Twilight yelped as the crop struck her squarely on her cutie mark, sending a shock of pleasure and pain flooding through her body. "What did I just say, Twilight?"

"Ánillo avatyare!" Twilight cried out. "Uanenyalën ata!"

"Much better." Rarity smiled. "One of the true tests of skill in tongues is being able to speak it while… distracted." A smooth black-clad hoof raised Twilight's chin, forcing her to look into Rarity's smouldering gaze. "And I intend to distract you all night long."

Twilight shivered. "Nán manwa, Mírëheri Mirwa."

"Umin 'Mírëheri' mí caimasan." Rarity let her hoof trail down Twilight's body. "Á estatyen 'Maileheri,' ve Melessë-Aranelitya."

Twilight nodded shakily. "Sá, Maileheri."

"Mára." Rarity leaned in for another kiss, her tongue pushing into Twilight's mouth and forcing her submission. "Á nyaretyen tyávenya," she commanded as she pulled away, shifting herself until she was straddling Twilight's barrel.

"Nát ve lís lambenyassë, Mailerheri," Twilight replied.

"Ma merit enta?"

"Merinyes." Twilight's lips parted as Rarity leaned in once again, but this time, as their lips pressed together, she slid a slim hoof up her thigh, softly stroking her core and making Twilight moan into her mouth.

Rarity lifted her head to look at her slick legging. "Cendan i nás néna i lúmen," she said, smiling. Her tongue flicked out, lapping at her hoof. "Tyávë i arya, ve miruvórë."

Twilight groaned at the sight. "Áva nwalyatyen ar áni puhta!"

"Apa telyan tyálië tyé, aranelinya." A length of silk floated over towards the bed, encased in a light blue glow. "Á nutenquet sinen lá lertatye usi."

Twilight felt the soft fabric wrap around all four of her legs each pulling in a different direction. Soon enough, she found herself spread-eagled on the bed, her forelegs hanging slightly in the air and her back legs spread apart to reveal her aroused marehood.

"Vanya." Rarity hummed appreciatively as she stood above Twilight, her eyes roving across her body and making her feel more vulnerable than she ever had before. "Sí lertanque yeset párië. Minya, á lirityen lindé vanessëonya."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Anwavë?" she asked, deadpan.

Rarity's expression hardened. "Ma veryat avaquet nin?" A dangerous edge entered her voice as she brandished the crop in her magic.

"Lá! Lá, Maileheri!" Twilight quickly replied, the words coming out in a panicked torrent. "Hendutya tintina alcarinquavë lá Vilya!"

"Mára." Rarity leaned down nuzzled Twilight's neck, peppering it with kisses as she ran a hoof along her side. "Áva nuhtat," she whispered into Twilight's coat.

"Peutya ve losille anvanima." Twilight shiver with excitement as she felt herself moisten further under Rarity's tender ministrations.

"Nás naitie." The kisses were travelling down her chest and onto her belly now, little ticklish pecks that were far more erotic than they had any right to be. An alufurië-clad hoof rubbed against the inside of her thighs, making Twilight squirm as fire built up in her core. "Amba laitalë."

"Findessëtya lutta ve celussë saminda." The aching of her loins cried out to be assuaged, but Rarity just kept teasing the flesh around her nethers with her hoof.

Rarity smiled as her muzzle hovered over the junction of Twilight's legs. "Nat saila, aranelinya." Her hooves spread Twilight's thighs even farther apart, until Twilight could feel the cool night air on her most sensitive parts. "Á quetë ambë ar camuva anná."

The warm brush of Rarity's breath as she spoke while hovering inches away from her marehood was driving Twilight to madness, and she barely managed to gasp out the next sentence. "L-Levitye lenen l-luhtië, ve a-alquanen!"

Rarity, who had been leaning closer and closer towards Twilight's flower, suddenly pulled away. "Lá 'alquanen,' aranelinya." Her austere statement was accompanied by her removing her hooves from Twilight's thighs as well, leaving her aching and needy for the touch of her lover. "Nás 'alqua' eressë."

"Arcanyet avatyartye nillo, Maileheri!" Twilight squirmed as her loins pulsed with desire, begging to be touched again.

A thoughtful look crossed Rarity's features. "Ecë nin carë sa..." Twilight shivered as Rarity's lips curved upwards in a cruel smirk. "...Apa paimetanyet." Something hard and cold pressed against Twilight's flank, and she tensed as the riding crop traced a smooth line towards her belly.

"Quain teccor faryuva," Rarity said as she lifted the crop into the air. "Á notë ta."

There was a sharp "crack" in the air, and a split-second later Twilight registered a sharp pain on her inner thigh. She cried out even as the pleasure burning within her core grew at the blow.

"Á notë ta!" Rarity repeated as she brandished the crop in her magic.


Rarity nodded in approval. "Mára." She struck again, this time on Twilight's other thigh.

"Atta!" Her legs twitched as her body cried out for more. Another blow. "Neldë!"

As Twilight braced herself for the next strike, Rarity instead rubbed the tip of the crop against her folds, eliciting a lewd moan from the alicorn. "Á, nát mixa." she licked the slick tip of the crop, and the sight of her flicking her delicate tongue against the shiny alufurië nearly drove Twilight over the edge. "Ma nát mailëa paimenentya, aranelinya únaityaleva?"

Twilight whimpered. "Ná, Maileheri."

"Ve hravan." The crop gently caressed Twilight's face as Rarity purred out her next demand. "Á maquetetyen pityavë an amba."

"Maurën nwalcametya," Twilight breathed as she looked up with pleading, tear-filled eyes at Rarity. "Á paimetalyen, Maileheri."

The crop whistled through the air before granting Twilight's wish, leaving a streak of fire just inches from her now-dripping marehood. Twilight cried out in ecstatic agony, uncaring as to who heard her.

"A uat nuhta notië."

"Canta!" Another blow, this one even closer to her folds than the last. "Lempë!" Pain and pleasure beyond measure once again. "E-Enquë." Twilight's voice faltered as she struggled to keep count in her head amidst the heady cocktail of emotions swirling inside her.

More pressure against her core as Rarity once again pressed the crop between her legs, teasing her open so that she could rub against her inner walls. Twilight writhed under the sweet torment, her prior pain already forgotten.

Just as she was about to lose herself in sheer bliss, the pressure faded and another blow struck her her right thigh. "Otso!" Twilight gasped out the word in surprise as she saw Rarity smirking at her with her cute cervine features.

The next strike landed square on her nethers, and Twilight screamed as her nerves felt like they had all caught fire, unable to distinguish between pleasure and pain.

"Á notë!" Rarity shouted as she gazed imperiously at Twilight.

"T-Toldo!" Twilight barely had the presence of mind to respond, the knowledge that she had to obey Rarity giving her clarity.

"Nánquë har i metta." Another assault on her marehood punctuated the words, and drew a mixture between a scream and a moan from the bound mare as she thrashed against her bonds.

"N-N-Nertë!" Twilight's mind was all but lost to sensation, but she held onto the count in her head, unwilling to fail this test.

The final stroke against her core seemed to reach all the way inside her, pulling out every bit of sensation she was capable of. Twilight's cries lasted for an eternity before she finally settled down, the last number coming out barely above a whisper. "Quëan."

Through a veil of tears, Twilight saw Rarity floated the crop away, and a moment later her black-clad hoof was rubbing soft circles around her marehood.

"Olë mára, aranelinya-runando," Rarity murmured as she leaned over to press a gentle kiss against Twilight's lips. Twilight eagerly met the doe's muzzle, allowing her to invade her with her tongue.

Rarity's hoof began teasing her folds apart as she alternated between exploring her inner walls and brushing against the nub at the tip of her marehood.

"Lavuvanyet mána..." Rarity rubbed harder against Twilight's clit, bringing her to the very edge of orgasm as she writhed and panted at the ministrations. "...Apa aháryiën telmapuhtainanya."

Twilight nearly cried as Rarity suddenly leapt off of her. Her hips bucked desperately against the cool night air, trying to elicit some relief from the agony of being left to hover just over the edge of release. "Maileheri, haryan maurë appatalyen!"

"Míruvórë allissë írë anenwina." Rarity shifted herself until she was facing away from Twilight, her rump hovering over the alicorn's face. "A núret Maileheritya, aranelinya-mól."

Twilight took a moment to appreciate the glorious sight of Rarity's delicate, glistening flower, taking a deep breath infused with the woodland musk of her cervine lover. Then, she dove in, lapping and licking at the supple folds before her and enjoying the texture of Rarity's nether lips against her tongue during the profane kisses she was giving them.

All the while, her own sex cried out for attention as they burned with denied lust, a state not helped by Rarity's cute little moans and gasps. "Turit lambatya ve hyandatur turë macil, aranelinya."

Twilight pulled back slightly from the swirling motions she was making around Rarity's inner folds. "Nán manwa mahta alassetyen," she said with a smirk before gently biting down on the pearl nestled within her privates.

"T-Tá nai Tulkas manya m-maptaletya, ohtatyaro." Rarity let out a cry of pure pleasure as Twilight returned her attention to Rarity's slit, sticking her tongue deep inside her passage and tracing patterns upon patterns within. "Á carë ancarë! Amalimbë!"

Twilight did as instructed, forcing her tongue in and out of her lover's core. Soon, she was rewarded with a scream of ecstasy as Rarity cried out, "áva pusta!" A moment later, Twilight's senses were flooded by a wave of liquid arousal as Rarity's thighs twitched and her mound pulsed with her release.

Twilight dutifully lapped up Rarity's essence, the experience of having Rarity orgasm with her doehood pressed against Twilight's muzzle sharply reminder her of the unsated desire in her own loins as Twilight's own legs began to twitch in sympathetic response.

Finally, Rarity came down from her peak, her lithe, white-furred body collapsing onto Twilight's spread-eagled one for a few seconds before she regained her composure and turned around to face Twilight, her expression the perfect picture of a doe in complete control. Only a reddish tint on her cheeks and a slight heaviness of breath betrayed her earlier release.

"Acáriet mai, aranelinya." Rarity gave Twilight a passionate kiss, her muzzle locking in on hers for a few seconds before she began to slide down her body, licking and nipping at her neck, then her barrel, then lower down to her back legs. "Antuvanyet mánanyan."

"Hantanyet, Maileheri." Twilight squirmed as Rarity blew a breath of warm air over her nethers and made her drip with need. A relieved moan issued forth from her lips as Rarity finally gave her marehood a long, hard lick, flicking her tongue against her little pearl and sending a shock of pleasure coursing up her spine.

"Á lirityen, aranelinya." Another lick, and a louder moan from Twilight as her hips twitched with ecstasy. "Merin hlarë lindalë yérelyo."

When Rarity finally pressed her tongue against the inner folds of Twilight's passage, she screamed out her lust to the room, uncaring as to whether she was overheard. Rarity pressed the attack, alternating between probing thrusts of her tongue and playful nips at the center of her desire.

"A, a, á!" Twilight let out a strangled cry as she felt herself approaching the edge once again. "Telmapuhtainanya túla!"

"Áni cenetyen!" Twilight's head tilted downwards as Rarity's brilliant blue gaze locked with her own even as her her muzzle hovered just over Twilight's marehood. "Merin cenë hendutya yá yamit alassenen."

Rarity's tongue swirled within her inner channel as one hoof rubbed against the nub at the base of her sex, and Twilight's hips bucked forward as the tension that had been coiled up so tightly within her snapped, sending wave after wave of release that clouded her mind. Pleasure suffused her entire body as she kept her eyes on Rarity, and the sheer delight in the doe's eyes at bringing her over the edge only further enhanced the pleasure she felt.

For an endless eternity they lost themselves in each other, a celebration of love and lust that Twilight knew she would remember forever.

All too soon, the moment ended, and the last of the aftershocks faded out, leaving Twilight feeling tired and sated. She let her head rest back onto the pillow, her breathing as shallow as her partner's.

She felt the bonds holding her limbs apart loosen, just in time for her wrap them around a pouncing Rarity who had leapt into her embrace. "Handetya Aldalambëo ná malda," Rarity said, panting softly.

"Apárien i aryallo, Maileheri." Twilight smiled as she patted her doefriend's head.

Rarity yawned in reply. "Parië ná telyaina, aranelinya. Á queten i merin."

Twilight leaned down to press a soft kiss against her nose. "I love you, Rarity, with all my heart."

"Melinyet yando, Undómë Tintina." Rarity nuzzled Twilight back. "Fëanya liltuva lenyanen oialë."

With a contented sigh, the two lovers drifted off to sleep as the stars above Aldandor shone bright in the night skies.